October 2, 2017 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 175
Airworthiness Directives; Siemens S.A.S. Smoke Detectors
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Siemens S.A.S. smoke detectors installed on various transport category airplanes. This AD requires inspection and replacement of the affected smoke detectors. This AD was prompted by a report that the affected smoke detectors failed an acceptance test. We are issuing this AD to correct the unsafe condition on these products.
Uranium From the Russian Federation: Continuation of Suspension of Antidumping Investigation
As a result of determinations by the Department of Commerce (Department) that termination of the Agreement Suspending the Antidumping Investigation on Uranium from the Russian Federation, as amended (the Agreement), and the suspended investigation on uranium from the Russian Federation (Russia) would likely lead to a continuation or recurrence of dumping, and by the International Trade Commission (ITC) that termination of the suspended investigation would likely lead to material injury to an industry in the United States, the Department is publishing this notice of continuation of the Agreement on uranium from Russia.
Fee for Using a Material Threat Medical Countermeasure Priority Review Voucher in Fiscal Year 2018
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) is announcing the fee rate for using a material threat medical countermeasure (MCM) priority review voucher for fiscal year (FY) 2018. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act), as amended by the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act), authorizes FDA to determine and collect material threat MCM priority review user fees for certain applications for review of human drug products when those applications use a material threat MCM priority review voucher. These vouchers are awarded to the sponsors of material threat MCM applications that meet all of the requirements of this program upon FDA approval of such applications. The amount of the fee for using a material threat MCM priority review voucher is determined each FY based on the difference between the average cost incurred by FDA in the review of a human drug application subject to priority review in the previous FY, and the average cost incurred in the review of an application that is not subject to priority review in the previous FY. This notice establishes the material threat MCM priority review fee rate for FY 2018 and outlines the payment procedures for such fees.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Residence and Source Rules Involving U.S. Possessions and Other Conforming Changes (T.D. 9248)
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The IRS is soliciting comments concerning information collection requirements related residence rulings involving U.S. possessions.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Compensatory Stock Options Under Section 482 (T.D. 9088)
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The IRS is soliciting comments concerning information collection requirements related to compensatory stock options under section 482.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Revenue Procedure 2003-84
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The IRS is soliciting comments concerning Revenue Procedure 2003-84, Optional election to make monthly 706(a) computations.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Form CT-1 and CT-1 X
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The IRS is soliciting comments concerning Form CT-1, Employer's Annual Railroad Retirement Tax Return and Form CT-1 X, Adjusted Employer's Annual Railroad Retirement Tax Return or Claim for Refund.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Forms 8027 and 8027-T
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The IRS is soliciting comments concerning the employer's annual information return of tip income and allocated tips and transmittal of employer's annual information return of tip income and allocated tips.
Proposed Collection: Comment Request for Regulation Project
The Internal Revenue Service, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The IRS is soliciting comments concerning dual consolidated loss regulations.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Form 8878-A
The Internal Revenue Service, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The IRS is soliciting comments concerning Form 8878-A, IRS e-file Electronic Funds Withdrawal Authorization for Form 7004.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Regulation Project
The Internal Revenue Service, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The IRS is soliciting comments concerning carryover of passive activity losses and credits and at-risk losses to bankruptcy estates of individuals.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Form 6765
The Internal Revenue Service, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The IRS is soliciting comments concerning Form 6765, Credit for Increasing Research Activities.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Annual Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) Program Assurances
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, ED is proposing an extension of an existing information collection.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Form 8904
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The IRS is soliciting comments concerning Form 8904, Credit for Oil and Gas Production From Marginal Wells.
Notice of Appointments of Individuals To Serve as Members of Performance Review Boards
The National Labor Relations Board is issuing this notice that the individuals whose names and position titles appear below have been appointed to serve as members of performance review boards in the National Labor Relations Board for the rating year beginning October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018.
Refuge-Specific Regulation; Public Use; Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) intends to initiate a rulemaking process that will consider changes to public use regulations that are applicable to Kenai National Wildlife Refuge and that were promulgated on May 5, 2016.
Casmalia Resources Superfund Site; Notice of Proposed CERCLA Administrative De Minimis Settlement
In accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, as amended (CERCLA) and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hereby providing notice of a proposed administrative de minimis settlement concerning the Casmalia Resources Superfund Site in Santa Barbara County, California (the Casmalia Resources Site). CERCLA provides EPA with the authority to enter into administrative de minimis settlements. This settlement is intended to resolve the liabilities of the 57 settling parties identified below for the Casmalia Resources Site. These parties have also elected to resolve their liability for response costs and potential natural resource damage claims by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). These 57 parties sent 6,517,494 lbs. of waste to the Casmalia Resources Site, which represents 0.00114 (0.114%) of the total Site waste of 5.6 billion pounds. This settlement requires these parties to pay $590,772 to EPA.
Texas; Amendment No. 9 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas (FEMA-4332-DR), dated August 25, 2017, and related determinations.
Office of Research and Development; Ambient Air Monitoring Reference and Equivalent Methods: Designation of One New Reference Method
Notice is hereby given that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has designated one new reference method for measuring concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) in ambient air.
Vermont; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Vermont (FEMA-4330-DR), dated August 16 2017, and related determinations.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Implementation of the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone; State Implementation Plan Requirements, EPA ICR No. 2347.03, OMB Control No. 2060-0695
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), this document announces that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is planning to submit a request to renew an existing approved Information Collection Request (ICR) 2347.02, ``Implementation of the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone,'' to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). This existing ICR is scheduled to expire on January 31, 2018. Before submitting the ICR renewal request to OMB for review and approval, the EPA is soliciting comments on specific aspects of the proposed information collection as described below.
Florida; Amendment No. 9 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Florida (FEMA-4337-DR), dated September 10, 2017, and related determinations.
Alabama; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration
This notice amends the notice of an emergency declaration for the State of Alabama (FEMA-3389-EM), dated September 11, 2017, and related determinations.
Fluoxastrobin; Pesticide Tolerances
This regulation establishes tolerances for residues of fluoxastrobin in or on multiple commodities which are identified and discussed later in this document. Arysta LifeScience North America, LLC requested these tolerances under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).
Hazardous Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is granting a petition submitted by Samsung Austin Semiconductor (Samsung) to exclude from hazardous waste control (or delist) a certain solid waste. This final rule responds to the petition submitted by Samsung to have the copper filter cake from the electroplating process excluded, or delisted from the definition of a hazardous waste. The Copper filter cake is listed as F006, wastewater treatment sludges from electroplating operations. The basis of the listing is cadmium, hexavalent chromium, nickel, and cyanide (complexed). After careful analysis and evaluation of comments submitted by the public, the EPA has concluded that the petitioned wastes are not hazardous waste when disposed of in Subtitle D landfills. This exclusion applies to the copper filter cake generated at Samsung Austin Semiconductor's Austin, Texas facility. Accordingly, this final rule excludes the petitioned waste from the requirements of hazardous waste regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) when disposed of in Subtitle D landfills, but imposes testing conditions to ensure that the future-generated wastes remain qualified for delisting.
Notice of Cancellation of Meeting of Marine Corps University Board of Visitors
This notice cancels the public meeting of the Marine Corps University Board of Visitors, due to lack of quorum.
Notice of Final NPDES General Permit; Final NPDES General Permit for New and Existing Sources and New Dischargers in the Offshore Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Category for the Western Portion of the Outer Continental Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico (GMG290000)
The Director of the Water Division, EPA Region 6 today provides notice that the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. GMG290000 for existing and new sources and new dischargers in the Offshore Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category, located in and discharging to the Outer Continental Shelf offshore of Louisiana and Texas was reissued on September 19, 2017, with an effective date of October 1, 2017. The discharge of produced water to that portion of the Outer Continental Shelf from Offshore Subcategory facilities located in the territorial seas of Louisiana and Texas is also authorized by this permit.
Notice of Intent To Grant an Exclusive License; Radco Industries, Inc.
The Department of the Navy hereby gives notice of its intent to grant to Radco Industries, Inc., 700 Kingsland Drive, Batavia, IL 60510, a revocable, nonassignable, exclusive license to practice the Government-Owned invention described in U.S. Patent number 8,865,636 entitled ``Paint Stripping Compositions'' inventors Han et al.
Availability of an Environmental Assessment for the Biological Control of Yellow Toadflax
We are advising the public that the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has prepared a draft environmental assessment relative to the control of yellow toadflax (Linaria vulgaris). The environmental assessment considers the effects of, and alternatives to, the field release of a stem gall weevil, Rhinusa pilosa, into the continental United States for use as a biological control agent to reduce the severity of yellow toadflax infestations. We are making the environmental assessment available to the public for review and comment.
Puerto Rico; Emergency and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of an emergency for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (FEMA-3391-EM), dated September 18, 2017, and related determinations.
Alabama; Emergency and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of an emergency for the State of Alabama (FEMA-3389-EM), dated September 11, 2017, and related determinations.
Notice of Public Availability of the Broadcasting Board of Governors FY-2015 Service Contract Analysis and FY-2016 Service Contract Inventory
In accordance with Section 743 of Division C of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010, the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) is publishing this notice to advise the public of the availability of its FY-2015 Service Contract Analysis and FY 2016 Service Contract Inventory. They are available on the BBG Web site, through the following link: https://www.bbg.gov/strategy-and- performance/research-reports/bbg-service-contract-inventory/. The service contract inventory provides information on service contract actions over $25,000 made in FY-2016. The information is organized by function to show how contracted resources are distributed throughout the Agency. The inventory has been developed in accordance with guidance on service contract inventories issued on November 5, 2010 and on December 19, 2011 by the Office of Management and Budget, Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP).
Notification of Regulatory Review
The U.S. Department of Transportation (Department or DOT) is reviewing its existing regulations and other agency actions to evaluate their continued necessity, determine whether they are crafted effectively to solve current problems, and evaluate whether they potentially burden the development or use of domestically produced energy resources. As part of these reviews, the Department invites the public to provide input on existing rules and other agency actions that are good candidates for repeal, replacement, suspension, or modification. The Department may also hold a public meeting to discuss and consider comments from members of the public.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Forms To Determine Compliance by Certain Landholders, 43 CFR Part 426
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), are proposing to renew an information collection.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; “Individual Landholder's and Farm Operator's Certification and Reporting Forms for Acreage Limitation, 43 CFR Part 426 and 43 CFR Part 428”
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), are proposing to renew an information collection.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Certification Summary Form and Reporting Summary Form for Acreage Limitation, 43 CFR Part 426 and 43 CFR Part 428
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), are proposing to renew an information collection.
Regulation Crowdfunding and Regulation A Relief and Assistance for Victims of Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, and Hurricane Maria
We are adopting interim final temporary rules for issuers subject to reporting obligations pursuant to Regulation Crowdfunding and Regulation A in order to address the needs of companies directly or indirectly affected by Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, or Hurricane Maria. The temporary rules extend the filing deadlines for specified reports and forms due pursuant to Regulation Crowdfunding and Regulation A for certain issuers.
Ex Parte Communications in Informal Rulemaking Proceedings
In this decision, the Surface Transportation Board (the Board) proposes to modify its regulations to permit, subject to disclosure requirements, ex parte communications in informal rulemaking proceedings. The Board also proposes other changes to its ex parte rules that would clarify and update when and how interested persons may communicate informally with the Board regarding pending proceedings other than rulemakings. The intent of the proposed regulations is to enhance the Board's ability to make informed decisions through increased stakeholder communications while ensuring that the Board's record-building process in rulemaking proceedings remains transparent and fair.
Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Group Charter Renewal
Following consultation with the General Services Administration, notice is hereby given that the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) is renewing the charter for the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Group. The purpose of the Adaptive Management Work Group is to provide advice and recommendations to the Secretary concerning the operation of Glen Canyon Dam and the exercise of other authorities pursuant to applicable Federal law.
National Sea Grant Advisory Board; Public Meeting of the National Sea Grant Advisory Board's Fall 2017 Meeting
This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda of a forthcoming meeting of the NSGAB. NSGAB members will discuss and provide advice on the National Sea Grant College Program (NSGCP) in the areas of program evaluation, strategic planning, education and extension, science and technology programs, and other matters as described in the agenda found on the NSGCP Web site at https:// seagrant.noaa.gov/WhoWeAre/Leadership/NationalSeaGrantAdvisor yBoard/ UpcomingAdvisoryBoardMeetings.aspx.
30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Request for Prepayment of Section 202 or 202/8 Direct Loan Project
HUD submitted the proposed information collection requirement described below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 30 days of public comment.
North Dakota; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of North Dakota (FEMA-4323-DR), dated July 12, 2017, and related determinations.
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