Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed Income Clearing Corporation; Notice of Filing of an Advance Notice To Implement a Change to the Methodology Used in the MBSD VaR Model, 95669-95676 [2016-31312]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 28, 2016 / Notices
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20549 on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of such
filing also will be available for
inspection and copying at the principal
office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change;
the Commission does not edit personal
identifying information from
submissions. You should submit only
information that you wish to make
available publicly. All submissions
should refer to File Number SR–
NASDAQ–2016–172, and should be
submitted on or before January 18, 2017.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016–31309 Filed 12–27–16; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–79643; File No. SR–FICC–
Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed
Income Clearing Corporation; Notice of
Filing of an Advance Notice To
Implement a Change to the
Methodology Used in the MBSD VaR
December 21, 2016.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Pursuant to Section 806(e)(1) of Title
VIII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Reform and Consumer Protection Act
entitled the Payment, Clearing, and
Settlement Supervision Act of 2010
(‘‘Clearing Supervision Act’’ or
‘‘Payment, Clearing and Settlement
Supervision Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b4(n)(1)(i) under the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 (‘‘Act’’),2 notice is hereby
given that on November 23, 2016, the
Fixed Income Clearing Corporation
(‘‘FICC’’) filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’)
the advance notice as described in Items
I, II and III below, which Items have
been prepared primarily by FICC
(‘‘Advance Notice’’).3 The Commission
is publishing this notice to solicit
12 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
U.S.C. 5465(e)(1).
2 17 CFR 240.19b–4(n)(1)(i).
3 FICC also filed a proposed rule change with the
Commission pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 19b–4
thereunder, seeking approval of changes to its rules
necessary to implement the proposal. 15 U.S.C.
78s(b)(1) and 17 CFR 240.19b–4. See File No. SR–
1 12
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comments on the Advance Notice from
interested persons.
I. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the
Terms of Substance of the Advance
The proposed change would change
the methodology that FICC uses in the
Mortgage-Backed Securities Division’s
(‘‘MBSD’’) value-at-risk (‘‘VaR’’) model
from one that employs a full revaluation
approach to one that would employ a
sensitivity approach, as described in
greater detail below.4
The proposed change would also
amend the MBSD Rules to (1) revise the
definition of VaR Charge to reference an
alternative volatility calculation
(referred to herein as the Margin Proxy
(as defined in Item II(B) below)), which
would be employed in the event that the
requisite data used to employ the
sensitivity approach is unavailable for
an extended period of time, (2) revise
the definition of VaR Charge to include
a minimum amount (the ‘‘VaR Floor’’)
that FICC would employ as an
alternative to the amount calculated by
the proposed VaR model for portfolios
where the VaR Floor would be greater
than the model-based charge amount,
(3) eliminate two components from the
Required Fund Deposit calculation that
would no longer be necessary following
implementation of the proposed VaR
model, and (4) change the margining
approach that FICC may employ for
certain securities with inadequate
historical pricing data from one that
calculates charges using a historic index
volatility model to one that would
employ a simple haircut method, as
described in greater detail below.
The proposed sensitivity approach
and Margin Proxy methodologies would
be reflected in the Methodology and
Model Operations Document—MBSD
Quantitative Risk Model (the ‘‘QRM
Methodology’’). FICC is requesting
confidential treatment of this document
and has filed it separately with the
Secretary of the Commission.5
II. Clearing Agency’s Statement of the
Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the
Advance Notice
In its filing with the Commission, the
clearing agency included statements
concerning the purpose of and basis for
the Advance Notice and discussed any
comments it received on the Advance
Notice. The text of these statements may
be examined at the places specified in
Item IV below. The clearing agency has
4 Capitalized terms used herein and not defined
shall have the meaning assigned to such terms in
the MBSD Clearing Rules (‘‘MBSD Rules’’) available
5 See 17 CFR 240.24b–2.
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prepared summaries, set forth in
sections A and B below, of the most
significant aspects of such statements.
(A) Clearing Agency’s Statement on
Comments on the Advance Notice
Received From Members, Participants or
Written comments relating to the
proposed change have not been solicited
or received. FICC will notify the
Commission of any written comments
received by FICC
(B) Advance Notice Filed Pursuant to
Section 806(e) of the Payment, Clearing
and Settlement Supervision Act
Description of the Change
FICC is proposing to change the
methodology that is currently used in
MBSD’s VaR model from one that
employs a full revaluation approach to
one that would employ a sensitivity
approach. In connection with this
change, FICC is also proposing to (1)
amend the definition of VaR Charge to
reference that an alternative volatility
calculation (referred to herein as the
Margin Proxy (as defined in section B
below)) would be employed in the event
that the requisite data used to employ
the sensitivity approach is unavailable
for an extended period of time, (2)
revise the definition of VaR Charge to
include a VaR Floor that FICC would
employ as an alternative to the amount
calculated by the proposed VaR model
for portfolios where the VaR Floor
would be greater than the model-based
charge amount, (3) eliminate two
components from the Required Fund
Deposit calculation that would no
longer be necessary following
implementation of the proposed VaR
model, and (4) change the margining
approach that FICC may employ for
certain securities with inadequate
historical pricing data from one that
calculates charges using a historic index
volatility model to one that would
employ a simple haircut method. These
changes are described in more detail
A. The Required Fund Deposit and
Clearing Fund Calculation Overview
A key tool that FICC uses to manage
market risk is the daily calculation and
collection of Required Fund Deposits
from Clearing Members. The Required
Fund Deposit serves as each Clearing
Member’s margin. The aggregate of all
Clearing Members’ Required Fund
Deposits constitutes the Clearing Fund
of MBSD, which FICC would access
should a defaulting Clearing Member’s
own Required Fund Deposit be
insufficient to satisfy losses to FICC
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 28, 2016 / Notices
caused by the liquidation of that
Clearing Member’s portfolio.
The objective of a Clearing Member’s
Required Fund Deposit is to mitigate
potential losses to FICC associated with
liquidation of such Member’s portfolio
in the event that FICC ceases to act for
such Member (hereinafter referred to as
a ‘‘default’’). Pursuant to the MBSD
Rules, each Clearing Member’s Required
Fund Deposit amount currently consists
of the following components: the VaR
Charge, the Coverage Charge, the
Deterministic Risk Component, the
margin requirement differential
(‘‘MRD’’) and, to the extent appropriate,
a special charge.6 Of these components,
the VaR Charge comprises the largest
portion of a Clearing Member’s Required
Fund Deposit amount.
The VaR Charge is calculated using a
risk-based margin methodology that is
intended to capture the market price
risk associated with the securities in a
Clearing Member’s portfolio. The
methodology uses historical market
moves to project the potential gains or
losses that could occur in connection
with the liquidation of a defaulting
Clearing Member’s portfolio. The
methodology assumes that a portfolio
would take three days to hedge or
liquidate in normal market conditions.
The projected liquidation gains or losses
are used to determine the amount of the
VaR Charge, which is calculated to
cover projected liquidation losses at a
99 percent confidence level.7
FICC employs daily backtesting to
determine the adequacy of each Clearing
Member’s Required Fund Deposit. The
backtesting compares the Required
Fund Deposit for each Clearing Member
with actual price changes in the
Clearing Member’s portfolio. The
portfolio values are calculated by using
the actual positions in such Member’s
portfolio on a given day and the
observed security price changes over the
following three days. These backtesting
results are reviewed as part of FICC’s
VaR model performance monitoring and
assessment of the adequacy of each
Clearing Member’s Required Fund
FICC currently calculates the VaR
Charge using a methodology referred to
as the ‘‘full revaluation’’ approach. The
full revaluation approach employs a
historical simulation method to fully
reprice each security in a Clearing
Member’s portfolio using valuation
algorithms with prevailing and
Rule 4 Section 2.
Investment Pool Clearing Members
are subject to a VaR Charge with a minimum
targeted confidence level assumption of 99.5
7 Unregistered
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historical market data. VaR provides an
estimate of the possible losses for a
given portfolio based on a given
confidence level over a particular time
horizon. The VaR Charge is calibrated at
a 99 percent confidence level based on
a 1-year look-back period assuming a
three-day liquidation/hedge period. If
FICC determines that a security’s price
history is incomplete and the market
price risk cannot be calculated by the
VaR model, then FICC applies an index
volatility model until such security’s
trading history and pricing reflects
market risk factors that can be
appropriately calibrated from the
security’s historical data.8
B. Proposed Change To Replace the
Methodology Used in the Existing VaR
Charge Calculation
During the volatile market period that
occurred during the second and third
quarters of 2013, FICC’s full revaluation
approach did not respond effectively to
the levels of market volatility at that
time, and the VaR Charge amounts that
were calculated using the profit and loss
scenarios generated by FICC’s full
revaluation model did not achieve a 99
percent confidence level. Thus, the VaR
Charge and the Required Fund Deposit
yielded backtesting deficiencies beyond
FICC’s risk tolerance, which prompted
FICC to employ a supplemental risk
charge to ensure that each Clearing
Member’s VaR Charge would achieve a
minimum 99 percent confidence level.
This supplemental charge, referred to as
the margin proxy (the ‘‘Margin Proxy’’),
ensured that each Clearing Member’s
VaR Charge was adequate and, at the
minimum, mirrored historical price
moves.9 Shortly thereafter, the annual
model validation exercise revealed that
FICC’s prepayment model,10 which is a
component of the full revaluation
approach, had failed to perform as
expected due to shifting market
Rule 4 Section 2(c).
Margin Proxy is currently employed to
provide supplemental coverage to the VaR Charge,
however, under this proposed change, the Margin
Proxy would only be employed as an alternative
volatility calculation in the event that the requisite
data used to employ the sensitivity approach is
unavailable for an extended period of time.
10 Cash flow uncertainty as a result of
unscheduled payments of principal (prepayments)
is a key investment characteristic of most mortgagebacked securities. The existing VaR model uses a
full revaluation approach that fully reprices each
instrument under each historically simulated
scenario. One component of this pricing model is
FICC’s prepayment model. This model was
implemented during the first quarter of 2013 and
it is described in AN–FICC–2012–09. Securities
Exchange Act Release No. 34–68498 (December 20,
2012) 77 FR 76311 (December 27, 2012) (AN–FICC–
9 The
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dynamics that were not accurately
captured by the model.
In connection with the above, FICC
performed a review of the existing
model deficiencies, examined the root
causes of such deficiencies and
considered options that would
remediate the observed model
weaknesses. As a result of this review,
FICC is proposing to change MBSD’s
methodology for calculating the VaR
Charge by: (1) Replacing the full
revaluation approach with the
sensitivity approach,11 (2) employing
the Margin Proxy as an alternative
volatility calculation in the event that
the requisite data used to employ the
sensitivity approach is unavailable for
an extended period of time and (3)
establishing a VaR Floor as the VaR
Charge to address a circumstance where
the proposed VaR model yields a VaR
Charge amount that is lower than 5 basis
points of the market value of a Clearing
Member’s gross unsettled positions.12
The current full revaluation method
uses valuation algorithms, one
component of which is FICC’s
prepayment model, to fully reprice each
security in a Clearing Member’s
portfolio over a range of historically
simulated scenarios. While there are
benefits to this method, some of its
deficiencies are that it requires
significant historical market data inputs,
calibration of various model parameters
and extensive quantitative support for
price simulations. FICC believes that the
proposed sensitivity approach would
address these deficiencies because it
would leverage external vendor
expertise in supplying the market risk
attributes, which would then be
incorporated by FICC into its model to
calculate the VaR Charge. FICC would
source security-level risk sensitivity
data and relevant historical risk factor
time series data from an external vendor
for all Eligible Securities.13 The
11 Two key choices in designing a VaR model are
(1) the approach used to generate simulation
scenarios (e.g., historical simulation or Monte
Carlo) and (2) the approach used to value the
portfolio change under the simulated scenarios
(e.g., full revaluation approach or sensitivity
12 Assuming the market value of gross unsettled
positions of $500,000,000, the VaR Floor
calculation would be .0005 multiplied by
$500,000,000 = $250,000. If the VaR model charge
is less than $250,000, then the VaR Floor
calculation of $250,000 would be set as the VaR
13 Specified pool trades are mapped to the
corresponding positions in to-be-announced
securities (‘‘TBAs’’). For options on TBAs, it should
be noted that FICC’s guarantee for options is limited
to the intrinsic value of option positions (that is,
when the underlying price of the TBA position is
above the call price, the option is considered in-themoney and FICC’s guarantee reflects this portion of
the option’s positive value) at the time of a Clearing
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 28, 2016 / Notices
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sensitivity data is generated by the
vendor based on its econometric, risk
and pricing models. Because the quality
of this data is an important component
of calculating the VaR Charge, FICC
would conduct independent data checks
to verify the accuracy and consistency
of the data feed received from the
vendor. With respect to the historical
risk factor time series data, FICC has
evaluated the historical price moves and
determined which risk factors primarily
explain those price changes, a practice
commonly referred to as risk attribution.
The following risk factors have been
incorporated into MBSD’s proposed VaR
methodology: key rate, convexity,
spread, volatility, mortgage basis and
FICC’s proposal to use third-party risk
factor data requires that FICC take steps
to mitigate potential model risk. FICC
has reviewed a description of the
vendor’s calculation methodology and
the manner in which the market data is
used to calibrate the vendor’s models.
FICC understands and is comfortable
with the vendor’s controls, governance
process and data quality standards.
Additionally, FICC would conduct an
independent review of the vendor’s
release of a new version of the model.
As described in the QRM Methodology,
to the extent that the vendor changes its
model and methodologies that produce
the risk factors and risk sensitivities, the
effect of these changes to FICC’s
proposed sensitivity approach would be
reviewed by FICC. Future changes to the
QRM Methodology would be subject to
a proposed rule change pursuant to the
Act Rule 19b–4 (‘‘Rule 19b–4’’).15
Modifications to the proposed VaR
model may be subject to a proposed rule
change pursuant to Rule 19b–4 16 and/
Member’s insolvency. As such, the value change of
an option position would be simulated as the
change in intrinsic values over the period of risk.
14 These risk factors are defined as follows:
• Key rate measures the sensitivity of a price
change to changes in interest rates;
• convexity measures the degree of curvature in
the price/yield relationship of key interest rates;
• spread is the yield spread that is added to a
benchmark yield curve to discount a TBA’s cash
flows to match its market price, which takes into
account a credit premium and the option-like
feature of mortgage-backed-securities due to
• volatility reflects the implied volatility
observed from the swaption market to estimate
fluctuations in interest rates, which impact the
prepayment assumptions;
• mortgage basis captures the basis risk between
the prevailing mortgage rate and a blended Treasury
rate, which impacts borrowers’ refinance incentives
and the model prepayment assumptions; and
• time risk factor accounts for the time value
change (or carry adjustment) over the assumed
liquidation period.
15 See 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
16 Id.
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or an advance notice filing pursuant to
the Clearing Supervision Act,17 and
Rule 19b–4(n)(1)(i) under the Act.18
Under the proposed approach, a
Clearing Member’s portfolio risk
sensitivities would be calculated by
FICC as the aggregate of the security
level risk sensitivities weighted by the
corresponding position market values.
The portfolio risk sensitivities and the
vendor supplied historical risk factor
time series data would then be used by
FICC’s risk model to calculate the VaR
Charge for each Clearing Member. More
specifically, FICC would look at the
historical changes of the chosen risk
factors during the look-back period in
order to generate risk scenarios to arrive
at the market value changes for a given
portfolio. A statistical probability
distribution would be formed from the
portfolio’s market value changes.
The proposed sensitivity approach
differs from the current full revaluation
method mainly in how the market value
changes are calculated. The full
revaluation method accounts for
changes in properties of mortgagebacked securities that change over time
by incorporating certain historical
data 19 to calibrate the model that
generates a simulated interest rate
curve. This data is used to create a
distribution of returns per TBA. The
proposed sensitivity approach, by
comparison, would simulate the market
value changes of a Clearing Member’s
portfolio under a given market scenario
as the sum of the portfolio risk factor
exposure multiplied by the
corresponding risk factor movements.
The sensitivity approach would
provide three key benefits. First, the
sensitivity approach incorporates both
historical data and current risk factor
sensitivities while the full revaluation
approach is calibrated with only
historical data. The proposed sensitivity
approach integrates both observed risk
factor changes and current market
conditions to more effectively respond
to current market price moves that may
not be reflected in the historical price
moves. This is evidenced in FICC’s
independent validation of the proposed
model and the backtesting results. The
risk factor data is sourced from an
industry-leading vendor risk model with
trading quality accuracy. As part of the
assessment of the proposed VaR model,
the independent validation of the
proposed model indicated that the
proposed sensitivity approach would
17 See
12 U.S.C. 5465(e)(1).
17 CFR 240.19b–4(n)(1)(i).
19 Such historical data may include TBA prices,
3-day movements of interest, option-adjusted
spreads, current interest term structure and
swaption volatilities.
18 See
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address deficiencies observed in the
existing model by leveraging external
vendor expertise, which FICC does not
need to develop in-house, in supplying
the market risk attributes that would
then be incorporated by FICC into its
model to calculate the VaR Charge. FICC
has also performed backtesting to
validate the performance of the
proposed model and determine the
impact on the VaR Charge. Based on
FICC’s review of the backtesting results
and the impact study, the sensitivity
approach provides better coverage on
volatile days and a material
improvement in margin coverage, while
not significantly increasing the overall
Clearing Fund. Results of the analysis
indicate that the proposed sensitivity
approach would be more responsive to
changing market dynamics and that it
would not negatively impact FICC or its
Clearing Members.
The second benefit of the proposed
sensitivity approach is that it would
provide more transparency to Clearing
Members. Since Clearing Members
typically use risk factor analysis for
their own risk and financial reporting
such Members would have comparable
data and analysis to assess the variation
in their VaR Charge based on changes in
the market value of their portfolios.
Thus, Clearing Members would be able
to simulate the VaR Charge to a closer
degree than under the existing VaR
The third benefit of the proposed
sensitivity approach is that it provides
FICC with the ability to increase the
look-back period used to generate the
risk scenarios from 1 year to 10 years
plus, to the extent applicable, an
additional stressed period.20 The
extended look-back period would be
used to ensure that the historical
simulation is inclusive of stressed
market periods.
FICC would have the ability to
include an additional period of
historically observed stressed market
conditions to a 10-year look-back period
if FICC observes that (1) the results of
the model performance monitoring are
not within FICC’s 99th percentile
confidence level or (2) the 10-year lookback period does not contain sufficient
20 Under the proposed model, the 10-year lookback period would include the 2008/2009 financial
crisis scenario. To the extent that an equally or
more stressed market period does not occur when
the 2008/2009 financial crisis period is phased out
from the 10-year look-back period (e.g., from
September 2018 onward), FICC would continue to
include the 2008/2009 financial crisis scenario in
its historical scenarios. However, if an equally or
more stressed market period emerges in the future,
FICC may choose not to augment its 10-year
historical scenarios with those from the 2008/2009
financial crisis.
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 28, 2016 / Notices
stressed market conditions. While FICC
could extend the 1-year look-back
period in the existing full revaluation
approach to a 10-year look-back period,
the performance of the model could
deteriorate if current market conditions
are materially different than indicated
in the historical data. Additionally,
since the full revaluation method
requires FICC to maintain in-house
complex pricing models and mortgage
prepayment models, enhancing these
models to extend the look-back period
to include 10-years of historical data
involves significant model
development. The sensitivity approach,
on the other hand, would incorporate a
longer look-back period of 10 years,
which would allow the proposed model
to capture periods of historical
On an annual basis, FICC would
assess whether an additional stressed
period should be included. This
assessment would include a review of
(1) the largest moves in the dominating
market risk factor of the proposed VaR
model, (2) the impact analyses resulting
from the removal and/or addition of a
stressed period and (3) the backtesting
results of the proposed look-back
period. As described in the QRM
Methodology, approval by FICC’s Model
Risk Governance Committee (‘‘MRGC’’)
and, to the extent necessary, the
Management Risk Committee (‘‘MRC’’)
would be required to determine when to
apply an additional period of stressed
market conditions to the look-back
period and the appropriate historical
stressed period to utilize if it is not
within the current 10-year period.
Finally, FICC does not believe that its
engagement of the vendor would
present a conflict of interest to FICC
because the vendor is not an existing
Clearing Member nor are any of the
vendor’s affiliates existing Clearing
Members. To the extent that the vendor
or any of its affiliates submit an
application to become a Clearing
Member, FICC will negotiate an
appropriate information barrier with the
applicant in an effort to prevent a
conflict of interest from arising. An
affiliate of the vendor currently provides
an existing service to FICC, however,
this arrangement does not present a
conflict of interest because the existing
agreement between FICC and the
vendor, and the existing agreement
between FICC and the vendor’s affiliate
each contain provisions which limit the
sharing of confidential information.
C. Proposed Change To Establish a VaR
FICC is proposing to amend the
definition of VaR Charge to include a
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VaR Floor. The VaR Floor would be
employed as an alternative to the
amount calculated by the proposed
model for portfolios where the VaR
Floor would be greater than the modelbased charge amount. FICC’s proposal to
establish a VaR Floor seeks to address
the risk that the proposed VaR model
may calculate too low a VaR Charge for
certain portfolios where the VaR model
applies substantial risk offsets among
long and short positions in different
classes of mortgage-backed securities
that have a high degree of historical
price correlation. Because this high
degree of historical price correlation
may not apply in future changing
market conditions,21 FICC believes that
it is prudent to apply a VaR Floor that
is based upon the market value of the
gross unsettled positions in the Clearing
Member’s portfolio in order to protect
FICC against such risk in the event that
FICC is required to liquidate a large
mortgage-backed securities portfolio in
stressed market conditions.
D. Vendor Data Disruption
As noted above, FICC intends to
source certain sensitivity data and risk
factor data from a vendor. FICC’s
Quantitative Risk Management, Vendor
Risk Management, and Information
Technology teams have conducted due
diligence of the vendor in order to
evaluate its control framework for
managing key risks. FICC’s due
diligence included an assessment of the
vendor’s technology risk, business
continuity, regulatory compliance, and
privacy controls. FICC has existing
policy and procedures for data
management that includes market data
and analytical data provided by
vendors. These policies and procedures
do not have to be amended in
connection with this proposed rules
change. FICC also has tools in place to
assess the quality of the data that it
receives from vendors.
Rule 1001(c)(1) of Regulation Systems
Compliance and Integrity (‘‘SCI’’)
requires FICC to establish, maintain,
and enforce reasonably designed written
policies and procedures that include the
criteria for identifying responsible SCI
personnel, the designation and
documentation of responsible SCI
personnel, and escalation procedures to
quickly inform responsible SCI
21 For example, and without limitation, certain
classes of mortgage-backed securities may have
highly correlated historical price returns despite
having different coupons. However, if future
mortgage market conditions were to generate
substantially greater prepayment activity for some
but not all such classes, these historical correlations
could break down, leading to model-generated
offsets that would not adequately capture a
portfolio’s risk.
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personnel of potential SCI events.22
Further, pursuant to Rule 1002 of
Regulation SCI, each responsible SCI
personnel is responsible for determining
when there is a reasonable basis to
conclude that a SCI event has occurred,
which will trigger certain obligations of
an SCI entity with respect to such SCI
events.23 FICC has existing policies and
procedures which reflect established
criteria that must be used by responsible
SCI personnel to determine whether a
disruption to, or significant downgrade
of, the normal operation of FICC’s risk
management system has occurred as
defined under Regulation SCI. These
policies and procedures do not have to
be amended in connection with this
proposed rule change. In the event that
the vendor fails to provide the requisite
sensitivity data and risk factor data, the
responsible SCI personnel would
determine whether a SCI event has
occurred and FICC would fulfill its
obligations with respect to the SCI
In connection with FICC’s proposal to
source data for the proposed sensitivity
approach, FICC is also proposing
procedures that would govern in the
event that the vendor fails to provide
sensitivity data and risk factor data. If
the vendor fails to provide any data or
a significant portion of the data timely,
FICC would use the most recently
available data on the first day that such
data disruption occurs. If it is
determined that the vendor will resume
providing data within five (5) business
days, management would determine
whether the VaR Charge should
continue to be calculated by using the
most recently available data along with
an extended look-back period or
whether the Margin Proxy should be
invoked, subject to the approval of
DTCC’s Group Chief Risk Officer or his/
her designee. If it is determined that the
data disruption will extend beyond five
(5) business days, the Margin Proxy
would be applied, subject to the
approval of the MRC followed by
notification to FICC’s Board Risk
The Margin Proxy would be
calculated as follows: (i) Risk factors
would be calculated using historical
market prices of benchmark TBA
securities and (ii) each Clearing
Member’s portfolio exposure would be
calculated on a net position across all
products and for each securitization
program (i.e., Federal National Mortgage
Association (‘‘Fannie Mae’’) and Federal
Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
(‘‘Freddie Mac’’) conventional 30-year
22 See
23 See
17 CFR 242.1001(c)(1).
17 CFR 242.1002.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 28, 2016 / Notices
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
mortgage-backed securities, Government
National Mortgage Association (‘‘Ginnie
Mae’’) 30-year mortgage-backed
securities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
conventional 15-year mortgage-backed
securities, and Ginnie Mae 15-year
mortgage-backed securities). The Margin
Proxy would be used to calculate the
VaR Charge by multiplying the risk
factor for the Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac conventional 30-year mortgagebacked securities (‘‘base risk factor’’),
which is the dominant and most liquid
portion of the products cleared by FICC,
by the absolute value of the Clearing
Member’s net position across all
products, plus the sum of each risk
factor spread to the base risk factor
multiplied by the absolute value of its
corresponding position.24
FICC would calculate the Margin
Proxy on a daily basis and the Margin
Proxy method would be subject to
monthly performance review by the
MRGC. FICC would monitor the
performance of the calculation on a
monthly basis to ensure that it could be
used in the circumstance described
above. Specifically, FICC would monitor
each Clearing Member’s Required Fund
Deposit and the aggregate Clearing Fund
requirements versus the requirements
calculated by Margin Proxy. FICC would
also backtest the Margin Proxy results
versus the three-day profit and loss
based on actual market price moves. If
FICC observes material differences
between the Margin Proxy calculations
and the aggregate Clearing Fund
requirement calculated using the
proposed VaR model, or if the Margin
Proxy’s backtesting results do not meet
FICC’s 99 percent confidence level,
management may recommend remedial
actions to the MRGC, and to the extent
necessary the MRC, such as increasing
24 To illustrate the Margin Proxy calculation,
consider an example where a Clearing Member has
a portfolio with a net long position across all
products of $2 billion, and the base risk factor is
0.015. Further assume the Clearing Member has a
net short position of $30 million in Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac conventional 15-year mortgage-backed
securities, and the corresponding risk factor spread
to the base risk factor is 0.006; a net short position
of $500 million in Ginnie Mae 30-year mortgagebacked securities, and the corresponding risk factor
spread is 0.005; and a net long position of $120
million in Ginnie Mae 15-year mortgage-backed
securities, and the corresponding risk factor spread
is 0.007. In order to generate the Margin Proxy
calculation, FICC would multiply the base risk
factor by the absolute value of the Clearing
Member’s net position across all products, plus the
sum of each risk factor spread of the subsequent
products multiplied by absolute value of the
position for the respective product (i.e., ([base risk
factor]*ABS[portfolio net position]) + ([CONV15
spread risk factor] * ABS[CONV15 net position]) +
([GNMA30 spread risk factor] * ABS[GNMA30 net
position]) + ([GNMA15 Spread Risk Factor] *
ABS[GNMA15 Net Position])). The resulting Margin
Proxy amount would be $33.52 million.
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the look-back period and/or applying an
appropriate historical stressed period to
the Margin Proxy calibration.
E. Proposed Change To Replace the
Historic Index Volatility Model With a
Haircut Method To Measure the Risk
Exposure of Securities That Lack
Historical Data
Occasionally, portfolios contain
classes of securities that reflect market
price changes not consistently related to
historical risk factors. The value of these
securities is often uncertain because the
securities’ market volume varies widely,
thus the price histories are limited.
Since the volume and price information
for such securities is not robust, a
historical simulation approach would
not generate VaR Charge amounts that
adequately reflect the risk profile of
such securities. Currently, MBSD Rule 4
provides that FICC may use a historic
index volatility model to calculate the
VaR component of the Required Fund
Deposit for these classes of securities.
FICC is proposing to amend Rule 4 to
replace the historic index volatility
model with a haircut method.
FICC believes that the haircut method
would better capture the risk profile of
these securities because the lack of
adequate historical data makes it
difficult to map such securities to a
historic index volatility model. FICC is
proposing to calculate the component of
the Required Fund Deposit applicable to
these securities by applying a fixed
haircut level to the gross market value
of the positions. FICC has selected an
initial haircut of 1 percent based on its
analysis of a five-year historical study of
three-day returns during a period that
such securities were traded. This
percentage would be reviewed annually
or more frequently if market conditions
warrant and updated, if necessary, to
ensure sufficient coverage.
Currently, the classes of securities
that lack adequate historical data
include balloon Fannie Mae 7-year
securities, balloon Freddie Mac 5-year
securities and balloon Freddie Mac 7year securities. FICC has no exposure to
these security classes as of the filing
date of this proposed change and has
had negligible exposure over the last
several years. However, prudent risk
management dictates that FICC maintain
appropriate rules to cover potential
future exposures.
F. Proposed Change To Eliminate the
Coverage Charge Component and the
Margin Requirement Differential
FICC is also proposing to eliminate
the Coverage Charge and MRD
components from MBSD’s Required
PO 00000
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Fund Deposit calculation. Both
components are based on historical
portfolio activity, which may not be
indicative of a Clearing Member’s
current risk profile, but were
determined by FICC to be appropriate to
address potential shortfalls in margin
charges under the existing VaR model.
As part of the development and
assessment of the sensitivity approach
for MBSD’s proposed VaR model, FICC
obtained an independent validation of
the proposed model by an external
party, backtested the model’s
performance and analyzed the impact of
the margin changes. Results of the
analysis indicated that the proposed
sensitivity approach would be more
responsive to changing market
dynamics and a Clearing Member’s
portfolio composition coverage than the
existing model. The model validation
and backtesting analysis also
demonstrated that the proposed
sensitivity model would provide
sufficient margin coverage on a
standalone basis. Because testing and
validation of MBSD’s proposed VaR
model show a material improvement in
margin coverage, FICC believes that the
Coverage Charge and MRD components
are no longer necessary.
G. Description of the Proposed Changes
to the Text of the MBSD Rules
The proposed changes to the MBSD
Rules are as follows:
• Delete the term ‘‘Coverage Charge’’
from Rule 1 because FICC is proposing
to eliminate this component from the
Clearing Fund calculation.
• Delete the references to the
Coverage Charge and the MRD in Rule
4 Section 2(c) because FICC is proposing
to eliminate these components from the
Clearing Fund calculation.
• Amend the term ‘‘VaR Charge’’ to
reflect that (x) an alternative volatility
calculation would be employed in the
event that the requisite data used to
employ the sensitivity approach is
unavailable for an extended period of
time and (y) the VaR Floor would be
utilized as the VaR Charge if the
proposed VaR methodology yields an
amount that is lower than 5 basis points
of the market value of a Clearing
Member’s gross unsettled positions.
• Replace the reference to the
‘‘historic index volatility model’’ with
‘‘haircut method’’ in Rule 4 Section 2 to
reflect the method that would be used
for classes of securities where the
volatility is less amendable to statistical
H. Description of the QRM Methodology
The QRM Methodology document
provides the methodology by which
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 28, 2016 / Notices
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
FICC would calculate the VaR Charge
with the proposed sensitivity approach
as well as other components of the
Required Fund Deposit calculation. The
document specifies (i) the model inputs,
parameters, assumptions and qualitative
adjustments, (ii) the calculation used to
generate Required Fund Deposit
amounts, (iii) additional calculations
used for benchmarking and monitoring
purposes, (iv) theoretical analysis, (v)
the process by which the VaR
methodology was developed as well as
its application and limitations, (vi)
internal business requirements
associated with the implementation and
ongoing monitoring of the VaR
methodology, (vii) the model change
management process and governance
framework (which includes the
escalation process for adding a stressed
period to the VaR calculation), and (viii)
the Margin Proxy calculation.
Anticipated Effect on and Management
of Risks
FICC believes that the proposed
change, which consists of proposals to
(1) implement the sensitivity approach
in order to correct the existing
deficiencies in the existing VaR
methodology, (2) establish the Margin
Proxy as a back-up to the sensitivity
approach, (3) establish a VaR Floor as
the minimum VaR Charge, (4) apply a
haircut to securities that have market
price changes that are not consistently
related to historical risk factors and (5)
remove the Coverage Charge component
and the MRD component from the
Required Fund Deposit calculation,
would enable FICC to better limit its
exposure to Clearing Members arising
out of the activity in their portfolios.
FICC’s proposal to change the existing
VaR methodology from one that
employs a full revaluation approach to
one that employs a sensitivity approach
would affect FICC’s management of risk
because it would help to address the
deficiencies observed in the current
model by leveraging external vendor
expertise in supplying the market risk
attributes that would then be
incorporated by FICC into its model to
calculate the VaR Charge. The proposed
methodology would enhance FICC’s risk
management capabilities because it
would enable sensitivity analysis of key
model parameters and assumptions. The
sensitivity approach would allow FICC
to attribute market price moves to
various risk factors (such as key rates,
option adjusted spread, and mortgage
basis) that would enable FICC to view
and respond more effectively to market
As noted above, the proposed
sensitivity approach would leverage
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external vendor expertise in supplying
the market risk attributes. FICC would
manage the risks associated with a
potential data disruption by using the
most recently available data on the first
day that a data disruption occurs. If it
is determined that the vendor will
resume providing data within five (5)
business days, management would
determine whether the VaR Charge
should continue to be calculated by
using the most recently available data
along with an extended look-back
period or whether the Margin Proxy
should be invoked subject to the
approval of DTCC’s Group Chief Risk
Officer or his/her designee. If it is
determined that the data disruption will
extend beyond five (5) business days,
the Margin Proxy would be applied,
subject to the approval of the MRC
followed by notification to FICC’s Board
Risk Committee.
FICC’s proposal to implement the
Margin Proxy as a back-up methodology
to the sensitivity approach would affect
FICC’s management of risk because the
Margin Proxy would help ensure that
FICC could continue to calculate each
Clearing Member’s VaR Charge in the
event that FICC experiences a data
disruption that is expected to last
beyond five (5) business days.
FICC’s proposal to implement the VaR
Floor would affect FICC’s management
of risk because it addresses the risk that
the proposed VaR model may calculate
too low a VaR Charge for certain
portfolios where the VaR model applies
substantial risk offsets among long and
short positions in different classes of
mortgage-backed securities that have a
high degree of historical price
correlation. Because this high degree of
historical price correlation may not
apply in future changing market
conditions, FICC would manage this
risk by applying a VaR Floor that would
be based upon the market value of the
gross unsettled positions in the Clearing
Member’s portfolio. This would protect
FICC in the event that it is required to
liquidate a large mortgage-backed
securities portfolio in stressed market
FICC’s proposal to implement a
simple haircut method for securities
with inadequate historical pricing data
would affect FICC’s management of risk
because the proposed change would
better capture the risk profile of these
securities thus helping to ensure that
sufficient margin would be calculated
for portfolios that contain these
securities. FICC would continue to
manage the market risk of clearing these
securities by conducting analysis on the
type of securities that cannot be
processed by the proposed VaR model
PO 00000
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and engaging in periodic reviews of the
haircut used for calculating margin for
these types of securities.
FICC’s proposal to remove the
Coverage Charge and MRD components
would affect FICC’s management of risk
because the proposed changes would
remove unnecessary components from
the Clearing Fund calculation. As
described above, both components are
based on historical portfolio activity,
which may not be indicative of a
Clearing Member’s current risk profile.
As part of FICC’s development of the
sensitivity VaR model, FICC pursued a
validation of the proposed model by an
external party, performed back testing to
validate model performance, and
conducted analysis to determine the
impact of the changes to the Clearing
Members. Results of the analysis
indicate that the proposed sensitivity
approach would be more responsive to
changing market dynamics and provide
better coverage than the existing model.
Given the improvement in model
coverage, FICC believes that the
Coverage Charge and MRD components
would no longer be necessary.
FICC has also managed the effect of
the overall proposal by conducting
extensive outreach with Clearing
Members regarding the proposed
changes, educating such Members on
reasons for these proposed changes, and
explaining the related risk management
improvements. FICC has invited all
Clearing Members to customer forums
in an effort to provide transparency
regarding the changes and the expected
macro impact across the membership,
and has provided each Clearing Member
with an individual impact study. In
addition, FICC’s Enterprise Risk
Management team and Relationship
Management team have been available
to answer all questions. Such
communication gives Clearing Members
the opportunity to manage any impact
to their own risk profile.
Consistency With the Clearing
Supervision Act
The proposed changes, which have
been described in detail above, consist
of proposals to (1) implement the
sensitivity approach in order to correct
the existing deficiencies in the existing
VaR methodology, (2) establish the
Margin Proxy as a back-up to the
sensitivity approach, (3) establish a VaR
Floor as the minimum VaR Charge, (4)
apply a haircut to securities that have
market price changes that are not
consistently related to historical risk
factors and (5) remove the Coverage
Charge component and the MRD
component from the Required Fund
Deposit calculation, would be consistent
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 28, 2016 / Notices
with Section 805(b) of the Clearing
Supervision Act.25 The objectives and
principles of Section 805(b) include,
among other things, the promotion of
robust risk management.26 FICC
believes the proposed changes would
promote this objective because they
would give MBSD the ability to better
cover its exposure to Clearing Members
arising out of the activity of such
Members’ portfolios.
FICC believes that the proposed
changes are also consistent with Rules
17Ad–22(b)(1) and (b)(2) under the
Act.27 Rule 17Ad–22(b)(1) requires a
registered clearing agency that performs
central counterparty services to
establish, implement, maintain and
enforce written policies and procedures
reasonably designed to measure its
credit exposures to its participants at
least once a day and limit its exposures
to potential losses from defaults by its
participants under normal market
conditions so that the operations of the
clearing agency would not be disrupted
and non-defaulting participants would
not be exposed to losses that they
cannot anticipate or control.28 Taken
together, the proposed changes
referenced in the previous paragraph
would continue FICC’s practice of
measuring its credit exposures at least
once a day and would collectively
enhance the risk-based margining
framework whose objective would be to
calculate each Clearing Member’s
Required Fund Deposit such that in the
event of a Clearing Member’s default, its
own Required Fund Deposit would be
sufficient to mitigate potential losses to
FICC associated with the liquidation of
such defaulted Clearing Member’s
Rule 17Ad–22(b)(2) under the Act
requires a registered clearing agency
that performs central counterparty
services to establish, implement,
maintain and enforce written policies
and procedures reasonably designed to
use margin requirements to limit its
credit exposures to participants under
normal market conditions and use riskbased models and parameters to set
margin requirements and review such
margin requirements and the related
risk-based models and parameters at
least monthly.29 The proposed changes
referenced above in the second
paragraph of this section would
collectively constitute a risk-based
model and parameters that would
establish margin requirements for
25 See
12 U.S.C. 5464(b).
26 Id.
27 See
17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(b)(1) and (b)(2).
17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(b)(1).
29 See 17 CFR 240.17Ad–22(b)(2).
28 See
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Clearing Members. This risk-based
model and parameters would use
margin requirements to limit FICC’s
credit exposure to its Clearing Members
by enabling FICC to identify the risk
posed by a Clearing Member’s unsettled
portfolio and to quickly adjust and
collect additional deposits as needed to
cover those risks. In order to mitigate
counterparty exposure to each Clearing
Member, under the proposed changes,
FICC would calculate the VaR of the
unsettled obligations of each Member to
a 99 percent confidence interval with a
three-day liquidation hedge/horizon, as
the basis for its Clearing Fund
requirement. Because the proposed
changes are designed to calculate each
Clearing Member’s Required Fund
Deposit at a 99 percent confidence level,
FICC believes each Clearing Member’s
Required Fund Deposit would cover its
own losses in the event that such
Member defaults under normal market
FICC believes that the proposed
changes are consistent with Rules
17Ad–22(e)(4) and (e)(6) of the Act,
which were recently adopted by the
Commission.30 Rule 17Ad–22(e)(4) will
require FICC to establish, implement,
maintain and enforce written policies
and procedures reasonably designed to
effectively identify, measure, monitor,
and manage its credit exposures to
participants and those exposures arising
from its payment, clearing, and
settlement processes.31 The proposed
changes referenced above in the second
paragraph of this section would enhance
FICC’s ability to identify, measure,
monitor and manage its credit exposures
to Clearing Members and those
exposures arising from its payment,
clearing, and settlement processes.
Therefore, FICC believes the proposed
changes are consistent with the
requirements of Rule 17Ad–22(e)(4),
promulgated under the Act, cited above.
Rule 17Ad–22(e)(6) will require FICC
to establish, implement, maintain and
enforce written policies and procedures
reasonably designed to cover its credit
exposures to its participants by
establishing a risk-based margin system
that is monitored by management on an
ongoing basis and regularly reviewed,
30 The Commission adopted amendments to Rule
17Ad–22, including the addition of new section
17Ad–22(e), on September 28, 2016. See Securities
Exchange Act Release No. 78961 (September 28,
2016), 81 FR 70786 (October 13, 2016) (S7–03–14).
The amendments to Rule 17ad–22 become effective
on December 12, 2016. Id. FICC is a ‘‘covered
clearing agency’’ as defined in Rule 17Ad–22(a)(5)
and must comply with new section (e) of Rule
17Ad–22 by April 11, 2017. Id.
31 See Exchange Act Release No. 78961
(September 28, 2016), 81 FR 70786 (October 13,
2016) (S7–03–14).
PO 00000
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tested, and verified.32 FICC’s proposal
to (1) implement the sensitivity
approach in order to correct the existing
deficiencies in the existing VaR
methodology, (2) establish the Margin
Proxy as a back-up to the sensitivity
approach, (3) establish a VaR Floor as
the minimum VaR Charge, and (4) apply
a haircut to securities that have market
price changes that are not consistently
related to historical risk factors would
help FICC to cover its credit exposures
to Clearing Members because these
proposed changes establish a risk-based
margin system that would be monitored
by FICC management on an ongoing
basis and regularly reviewed, tested,
and verified. Therefore, FICC believes
that the proposed changes are consistent
with the requirements of Rule 17Ad–
22(e)(6), promulgated under the Act,
cited above.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the Advance
Notice and Timing for Commission
The proposed change may be
implemented if the Commission does
not object to the proposed change
within 60 days of the later of (i) the date
that the proposed change was filed with
the Commission or (ii) the date that any
additional information requested by the
Commission is received. The clearing
agency shall not implement the
proposed change if the Commission has
any objection to the proposed change.
The Commission may extend the
period for review by an additional 60
days if the proposed change raises novel
or complex issues, subject to the
Commission providing the clearing
agency with prompt written notice of
the extension. A proposed change may
be implemented in less than 60 days
from the date the Advance Notice is
filed, or the date further information
requested by the Commission is
received, if the Commission notifies the
clearing agency in writing that it does
not object to the proposed change and
authorizes the clearing agency to
implement the proposed change on an
earlier date, subject to any conditions
imposed by the Commission.
The clearing agency shall post notice
on its Web site of proposed changes that
are implemented.
The proposal shall not take effect
until all regulatory actions required
with respect to the proposal are
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views and
arguments concerning the foregoing.
32 Id.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 28, 2016 / Notices
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
[Release No. 34–79639; File No. SR–NYSE–
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an email to rule-comments@ Please include File Number SR–
FICC–2016–801 on the subject line.
Self-Regulatory Organizations; New
York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of
Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of
a Proposed Rule Change To Adopt a
Trading License Fee for Calendar Year
December 21, 2016.
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20549–1090.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Paper Comments
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
notice is hereby given that on December
15, 2016, the New York Stock Exchange
LLC (‘‘NYSE’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with
the Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘SEC’’ or ‘‘Commission’’)
the proposed rule change as described
in Items I, II, and III, below, which Items
have been prepared by the Exchange.
The Commission is publishing this
notice to solicit comments on the
proposed rule change from interested
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–FICC–2016–801. This file
number should be included on the
subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
Internet Web site (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the Advance Notice that
are filed with the Commission, and all
written communications relating to the
Advance Notice between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for Web site viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20549 on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
filing also will be available for
inspection and copying at the principal
office of FICC and on FICC’s Web site
All comments received will be posted
without change; the Commission does
not edit personal identifying
information from submissions. You
should submit only information that
you wish to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–FICC–2016–801 and should
be submitted on or before January 12,
By the Commission.
Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016–31312 Filed 12–27–16; 8:45 am]
I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Terms of Substance of
the Proposed Rule Change
The Exchange proposes to adopt a
trading license fee for calendar year
2017. The Exchange proposes to make
the rule change operative on January 3,
2017. The proposed rule change is
available on the Exchange’s Web site at, at the principal office of
the Exchange, and at the Commission’s
Public Reference Room.
II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
In its filing with the Commission, the
Exchange included statements
concerning the purpose of and basis for
the proposed rule change and discussed
any comments it received on the
proposed rule change. The text of these
statements may be examined at the
places specified in Item IV below. The
Exchange has prepared summaries, set
forth in sections A, B, and C below, of
the most significant aspects of such
A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
1. Purpose
The Exchange proposes to amend its
Price List to adopt a trading license fee
1 15
2 17
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PO 00000
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
CFR 240.19b–4.
Frm 00122
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Sfmt 4703
for calendar year 2017. The Exchange
proposes to make the rule change
operative on January 3, 2017.
NYSE Rule 300(b) provides that, in
each annual offering, up to 1366 trading
licenses for the following calendar year
will be sold annually at a price per
trading license to be established each
year by the Exchange pursuant to a rule
filing submitted to the Securities and
Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’)
and that the price per trading license
will be published each year in the
Exchange’s price list.
The Exchange proposes to leave the
current trading license fee in place for
2017: $50,000 for the first license held
by a member organization and no charge
for additional licenses held by a
member organization. Such trading
license fees have been in place since
July 1, 2016.3 Fees will continue to be
prorated for any portion of the year that
a license may be outstanding. For a
trading license that is in place for 10
calendar days or less in a calendar
month, proration for that month will
continue to be at a flat rate of $100 per
day with no tier pricing involved. For a
trading license that is in place for 11
calendar days or more in a calendar
month, proration for that month will
continue to be computed based on the
number of days as applied to the
applicable annual fee for the license.
The proposed changes are not
otherwise intended to address any other
problem, and the Exchange is not aware
of any significant problem that the
affected market participants would have
in complying with the proposed
2. Statutory Basis
The Exchange believes that the
proposed rule change is consistent with
Section 6(b) of the Act,4 in general, and
Section 6(b)(4) of the Act,5 in particular,
in that it is designed to provide for the
equitable allocation of reasonable dues,
fees, and other charges among its
members and other persons using its
facilities. The Exchange believes that
the trading license fee is reasonable
because it maintains the existing fee
schedule, which has been in place since
July 1, 2016. The Exchange also believes
that the proposal to maintain the current
fee schedule is equitable and not
unfairly discriminatory because all
similarly situated member organizations
would continue to be subject to the
same trading license fee structure and
3 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 78233
(July 6, 2016), 81 FR 45190 (July 12, 2016) (SR–
4 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
5 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(4).
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 249 (Wednesday, December 28, 2016)]
[Pages 95669-95676]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-31312]
[Release No. 34-79643; File No. SR-FICC-2016-801]
Self-Regulatory Organizations; Fixed Income Clearing Corporation;
Notice of Filing of an Advance Notice To Implement a Change to the
Methodology Used in the MBSD VaR Model
December 21, 2016.
Pursuant to Section 806(e)(1) of Title VIII of the Dodd-Frank Wall
Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act entitled the Payment,
Clearing, and Settlement Supervision Act of 2010 (``Clearing
Supervision Act'' or ``Payment, Clearing and Settlement Supervision
Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4(n)(1)(i) under the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 (``Act''),\2\ notice is hereby given that on November 23, 2016,
the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (``FICC'') filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') the advance notice
as described in Items I, II and III below, which Items have been
prepared primarily by FICC (``Advance Notice'').\3\ The Commission is
publishing this notice to solicit comments on the Advance Notice from
interested persons.
\1\ 12 U.S.C. 5465(e)(1).
\2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4(n)(1)(i).
\3\ FICC also filed a proposed rule change with the Commission
pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
and Rule 19b-4 thereunder, seeking approval of changes to its rules
necessary to implement the proposal. 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1) and 17 CFR
240.19b-4. See File No. SR-FICC-2016-007.
I. Clearing Agency's Statement of the Terms of Substance of the Advance
The proposed change would change the methodology that FICC uses in
the Mortgage-Backed Securities Division's (``MBSD'') value-at-risk
(``VaR'') model from one that employs a full revaluation approach to
one that would employ a sensitivity approach, as described in greater
detail below.\4\
\4\ Capitalized terms used herein and not defined shall have the
meaning assigned to such terms in the MBSD Clearing Rules (``MBSD
Rules'') available at
The proposed change would also amend the MBSD Rules to (1) revise
the definition of VaR Charge to reference an alternative volatility
calculation (referred to herein as the Margin Proxy (as defined in Item
II(B) below)), which would be employed in the event that the requisite
data used to employ the sensitivity approach is unavailable for an
extended period of time, (2) revise the definition of VaR Charge to
include a minimum amount (the ``VaR Floor'') that FICC would employ as
an alternative to the amount calculated by the proposed VaR model for
portfolios where the VaR Floor would be greater than the model-based
charge amount, (3) eliminate two components from the Required Fund
Deposit calculation that would no longer be necessary following
implementation of the proposed VaR model, and (4) change the margining
approach that FICC may employ for certain securities with inadequate
historical pricing data from one that calculates charges using a
historic index volatility model to one that would employ a simple
haircut method, as described in greater detail below.
The proposed sensitivity approach and Margin Proxy methodologies
would be reflected in the Methodology and Model Operations Document--
MBSD Quantitative Risk Model (the ``QRM Methodology''). FICC is
requesting confidential treatment of this document and has filed it
separately with the Secretary of the Commission.\5\
\5\ See 17 CFR 240.24b-2.
II. Clearing Agency's Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis
for, the Advance Notice
In its filing with the Commission, the clearing agency included
statements concerning the purpose of and basis for the Advance Notice
and discussed any comments it received on the Advance Notice. The text
of these statements may be examined at the places specified in Item IV
below. The clearing agency has prepared summaries, set forth in
sections A and B below, of the most significant aspects of such
(A) Clearing Agency's Statement on Comments on the Advance Notice
Received From Members, Participants or Others
Written comments relating to the proposed change have not been
solicited or received. FICC will notify the Commission of any written
comments received by FICC
(B) Advance Notice Filed Pursuant to Section 806(e) of the Payment,
Clearing and Settlement Supervision Act
Description of the Change
FICC is proposing to change the methodology that is currently used
in MBSD's VaR model from one that employs a full revaluation approach
to one that would employ a sensitivity approach. In connection with
this change, FICC is also proposing to (1) amend the definition of VaR
Charge to reference that an alternative volatility calculation
(referred to herein as the Margin Proxy (as defined in section B
below)) would be employed in the event that the requisite data used to
employ the sensitivity approach is unavailable for an extended period
of time, (2) revise the definition of VaR Charge to include a VaR Floor
that FICC would employ as an alternative to the amount calculated by
the proposed VaR model for portfolios where the VaR Floor would be
greater than the model-based charge amount, (3) eliminate two
components from the Required Fund Deposit calculation that would no
longer be necessary following implementation of the proposed VaR model,
and (4) change the margining approach that FICC may employ for certain
securities with inadequate historical pricing data from one that
calculates charges using a historic index volatility model to one that
would employ a simple haircut method. These changes are described in
more detail below.
A. The Required Fund Deposit and Clearing Fund Calculation Overview
A key tool that FICC uses to manage market risk is the daily
calculation and collection of Required Fund Deposits from Clearing
Members. The Required Fund Deposit serves as each Clearing Member's
margin. The aggregate of all Clearing Members' Required Fund Deposits
constitutes the Clearing Fund of MBSD, which FICC would access should a
defaulting Clearing Member's own Required Fund Deposit be insufficient
to satisfy losses to FICC
[[Page 95670]]
caused by the liquidation of that Clearing Member's portfolio.
The objective of a Clearing Member's Required Fund Deposit is to
mitigate potential losses to FICC associated with liquidation of such
Member's portfolio in the event that FICC ceases to act for such Member
(hereinafter referred to as a ``default''). Pursuant to the MBSD Rules,
each Clearing Member's Required Fund Deposit amount currently consists
of the following components: the VaR Charge, the Coverage Charge, the
Deterministic Risk Component, the margin requirement differential
(``MRD'') and, to the extent appropriate, a special charge.\6\ Of these
components, the VaR Charge comprises the largest portion of a Clearing
Member's Required Fund Deposit amount.
\6\ MBSD Rule 4 Section 2.
The VaR Charge is calculated using a risk-based margin methodology
that is intended to capture the market price risk associated with the
securities in a Clearing Member's portfolio. The methodology uses
historical market moves to project the potential gains or losses that
could occur in connection with the liquidation of a defaulting Clearing
Member's portfolio. The methodology assumes that a portfolio would take
three days to hedge or liquidate in normal market conditions. The
projected liquidation gains or losses are used to determine the amount
of the VaR Charge, which is calculated to cover projected liquidation
losses at a 99 percent confidence level.\7\
\7\ Unregistered Investment Pool Clearing Members are subject to
a VaR Charge with a minimum targeted confidence level assumption of
99.5 percent.
FICC employs daily backtesting to determine the adequacy of each
Clearing Member's Required Fund Deposit. The backtesting compares the
Required Fund Deposit for each Clearing Member with actual price
changes in the Clearing Member's portfolio. The portfolio values are
calculated by using the actual positions in such Member's portfolio on
a given day and the observed security price changes over the following
three days. These backtesting results are reviewed as part of FICC's
VaR model performance monitoring and assessment of the adequacy of each
Clearing Member's Required Fund Deposit.
FICC currently calculates the VaR Charge using a methodology
referred to as the ``full revaluation'' approach. The full revaluation
approach employs a historical simulation method to fully reprice each
security in a Clearing Member's portfolio using valuation algorithms
with prevailing and historical market data. VaR provides an estimate of
the possible losses for a given portfolio based on a given confidence
level over a particular time horizon. The VaR Charge is calibrated at a
99 percent confidence level based on a 1-year look-back period assuming
a three-day liquidation/hedge period. If FICC determines that a
security's price history is incomplete and the market price risk cannot
be calculated by the VaR model, then FICC applies an index volatility
model until such security's trading history and pricing reflects market
risk factors that can be appropriately calibrated from the security's
historical data.\8\
\8\ MBSD Rule 4 Section 2(c).
B. Proposed Change To Replace the Methodology Used in the Existing VaR
Charge Calculation
During the volatile market period that occurred during the second
and third quarters of 2013, FICC's full revaluation approach did not
respond effectively to the levels of market volatility at that time,
and the VaR Charge amounts that were calculated using the profit and
loss scenarios generated by FICC's full revaluation model did not
achieve a 99 percent confidence level. Thus, the VaR Charge and the
Required Fund Deposit yielded backtesting deficiencies beyond FICC's
risk tolerance, which prompted FICC to employ a supplemental risk
charge to ensure that each Clearing Member's VaR Charge would achieve a
minimum 99 percent confidence level. This supplemental charge, referred
to as the margin proxy (the ``Margin Proxy''), ensured that each
Clearing Member's VaR Charge was adequate and, at the minimum, mirrored
historical price moves.\9\ Shortly thereafter, the annual model
validation exercise revealed that FICC's prepayment model,\10\ which is
a component of the full revaluation approach, had failed to perform as
expected due to shifting market dynamics that were not accurately
captured by the model.
\9\ The Margin Proxy is currently employed to provide
supplemental coverage to the VaR Charge, however, under this
proposed change, the Margin Proxy would only be employed as an
alternative volatility calculation in the event that the requisite
data used to employ the sensitivity approach is unavailable for an
extended period of time.
\10\ Cash flow uncertainty as a result of unscheduled payments
of principal (prepayments) is a key investment characteristic of
most mortgage-backed securities. The existing VaR model uses a full
revaluation approach that fully reprices each instrument under each
historically simulated scenario. One component of this pricing model
is FICC's prepayment model. This model was implemented during the
first quarter of 2013 and it is described in AN-FICC-2012-09.
Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34-68498 (December 20, 2012) 77
FR 76311 (December 27, 2012) (AN-FICC-2012-09).
In connection with the above, FICC performed a review of the
existing model deficiencies, examined the root causes of such
deficiencies and considered options that would remediate the observed
model weaknesses. As a result of this review, FICC is proposing to
change MBSD's methodology for calculating the VaR Charge by: (1)
Replacing the full revaluation approach with the sensitivity
approach,\11\ (2) employing the Margin Proxy as an alternative
volatility calculation in the event that the requisite data used to
employ the sensitivity approach is unavailable for an extended period
of time and (3) establishing a VaR Floor as the VaR Charge to address a
circumstance where the proposed VaR model yields a VaR Charge amount
that is lower than 5 basis points of the market value of a Clearing
Member's gross unsettled positions.\12\
\11\ Two key choices in designing a VaR model are (1) the
approach used to generate simulation scenarios (e.g., historical
simulation or Monte Carlo) and (2) the approach used to value the
portfolio change under the simulated scenarios (e.g., full
revaluation approach or sensitivity approach).
\12\ Assuming the market value of gross unsettled positions of
$500,000,000, the VaR Floor calculation would be .0005 multiplied by
$500,000,000 = $250,000. If the VaR model charge is less than
$250,000, then the VaR Floor calculation of $250,000 would be set as
the VaR Charge.
The current full revaluation method uses valuation algorithms, one
component of which is FICC's prepayment model, to fully reprice each
security in a Clearing Member's portfolio over a range of historically
simulated scenarios. While there are benefits to this method, some of
its deficiencies are that it requires significant historical market
data inputs, calibration of various model parameters and extensive
quantitative support for price simulations. FICC believes that the
proposed sensitivity approach would address these deficiencies because
it would leverage external vendor expertise in supplying the market
risk attributes, which would then be incorporated by FICC into its
model to calculate the VaR Charge. FICC would source security-level
risk sensitivity data and relevant historical risk factor time series
data from an external vendor for all Eligible Securities.\13\ The
[[Page 95671]]
sensitivity data is generated by the vendor based on its econometric,
risk and pricing models. Because the quality of this data is an
important component of calculating the VaR Charge, FICC would conduct
independent data checks to verify the accuracy and consistency of the
data feed received from the vendor. With respect to the historical risk
factor time series data, FICC has evaluated the historical price moves
and determined which risk factors primarily explain those price
changes, a practice commonly referred to as risk attribution. The
following risk factors have been incorporated into MBSD's proposed VaR
methodology: key rate, convexity, spread, volatility, mortgage basis
and time.\14\
\13\ Specified pool trades are mapped to the corresponding
positions in to-be-announced securities (``TBAs''). For options on
TBAs, it should be noted that FICC's guarantee for options is
limited to the intrinsic value of option positions (that is, when
the underlying price of the TBA position is above the call price,
the option is considered in-the-money and FICC's guarantee reflects
this portion of the option's positive value) at the time of a
Clearing Member's insolvency. As such, the value change of an option
position would be simulated as the change in intrinsic values over
the period of risk.
\14\ These risk factors are defined as follows:
Key rate measures the sensitivity of a price change to
changes in interest rates;
convexity measures the degree of curvature in the
price/yield relationship of key interest rates;
spread is the yield spread that is added to a benchmark
yield curve to discount a TBA's cash flows to match its market
price, which takes into account a credit premium and the option-like
feature of mortgage-backed-securities due to prepayment;
volatility reflects the implied volatility observed
from the swaption market to estimate fluctuations in interest rates,
which impact the prepayment assumptions;
mortgage basis captures the basis risk between the
prevailing mortgage rate and a blended Treasury rate, which impacts
borrowers' refinance incentives and the model prepayment
assumptions; and
time risk factor accounts for the time value change (or
carry adjustment) over the assumed liquidation period.
FICC's proposal to use third-party risk factor data requires that
FICC take steps to mitigate potential model risk. FICC has reviewed a
description of the vendor's calculation methodology and the manner in
which the market data is used to calibrate the vendor's models. FICC
understands and is comfortable with the vendor's controls, governance
process and data quality standards. Additionally, FICC would conduct an
independent review of the vendor's release of a new version of the
model. As described in the QRM Methodology, to the extent that the
vendor changes its model and methodologies that produce the risk
factors and risk sensitivities, the effect of these changes to FICC's
proposed sensitivity approach would be reviewed by FICC. Future changes
to the QRM Methodology would be subject to a proposed rule change
pursuant to the Act Rule 19b-4 (``Rule 19b-4'').\15\ Modifications to
the proposed VaR model may be subject to a proposed rule change
pursuant to Rule 19b-4 \16\ and/or an advance notice filing pursuant to
the Clearing Supervision Act,\17\ and Rule 19b-4(n)(1)(i) under the
\15\ See 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
\16\ Id.
\17\ See 12 U.S.C. 5465(e)(1).
\18\ See 17 CFR 240.19b-4(n)(1)(i).
Under the proposed approach, a Clearing Member's portfolio risk
sensitivities would be calculated by FICC as the aggregate of the
security level risk sensitivities weighted by the corresponding
position market values. The portfolio risk sensitivities and the vendor
supplied historical risk factor time series data would then be used by
FICC's risk model to calculate the VaR Charge for each Clearing Member.
More specifically, FICC would look at the historical changes of the
chosen risk factors during the look-back period in order to generate
risk scenarios to arrive at the market value changes for a given
portfolio. A statistical probability distribution would be formed from
the portfolio's market value changes.
The proposed sensitivity approach differs from the current full
revaluation method mainly in how the market value changes are
calculated. The full revaluation method accounts for changes in
properties of mortgage-backed securities that change over time by
incorporating certain historical data \19\ to calibrate the model that
generates a simulated interest rate curve. This data is used to create
a distribution of returns per TBA. The proposed sensitivity approach,
by comparison, would simulate the market value changes of a Clearing
Member's portfolio under a given market scenario as the sum of the
portfolio risk factor exposure multiplied by the corresponding risk
factor movements.
\19\ Such historical data may include TBA prices, 3-day
movements of interest, option-adjusted spreads, current interest
term structure and swaption volatilities.
The sensitivity approach would provide three key benefits. First,
the sensitivity approach incorporates both historical data and current
risk factor sensitivities while the full revaluation approach is
calibrated with only historical data. The proposed sensitivity approach
integrates both observed risk factor changes and current market
conditions to more effectively respond to current market price moves
that may not be reflected in the historical price moves. This is
evidenced in FICC's independent validation of the proposed model and
the backtesting results. The risk factor data is sourced from an
industry-leading vendor risk model with trading quality accuracy. As
part of the assessment of the proposed VaR model, the independent
validation of the proposed model indicated that the proposed
sensitivity approach would address deficiencies observed in the
existing model by leveraging external vendor expertise, which FICC does
not need to develop in-house, in supplying the market risk attributes
that would then be incorporated by FICC into its model to calculate the
VaR Charge. FICC has also performed backtesting to validate the
performance of the proposed model and determine the impact on the VaR
Charge. Based on FICC's review of the backtesting results and the
impact study, the sensitivity approach provides better coverage on
volatile days and a material improvement in margin coverage, while not
significantly increasing the overall Clearing Fund. Results of the
analysis indicate that the proposed sensitivity approach would be more
responsive to changing market dynamics and that it would not negatively
impact FICC or its Clearing Members.
The second benefit of the proposed sensitivity approach is that it
would provide more transparency to Clearing Members. Since Clearing
Members typically use risk factor analysis for their own risk and
financial reporting such Members would have comparable data and
analysis to assess the variation in their VaR Charge based on changes
in the market value of their portfolios. Thus, Clearing Members would
be able to simulate the VaR Charge to a closer degree than under the
existing VaR model.
The third benefit of the proposed sensitivity approach is that it
provides FICC with the ability to increase the look-back period used to
generate the risk scenarios from 1 year to 10 years plus, to the extent
applicable, an additional stressed period.\20\ The extended look-back
period would be used to ensure that the historical simulation is
inclusive of stressed market periods.
\20\ Under the proposed model, the 10-year look-back period
would include the 2008/2009 financial crisis scenario. To the extent
that an equally or more stressed market period does not occur when
the 2008/2009 financial crisis period is phased out from the 10-year
look-back period (e.g., from September 2018 onward), FICC would
continue to include the 2008/2009 financial crisis scenario in its
historical scenarios. However, if an equally or more stressed market
period emerges in the future, FICC may choose not to augment its 10-
year historical scenarios with those from the 2008/2009 financial
FICC would have the ability to include an additional period of
historically observed stressed market conditions to a 10-year look-back
period if FICC observes that (1) the results of the model performance
monitoring are not within FICC's 99th percentile confidence level or
(2) the 10-year look-back period does not contain sufficient
[[Page 95672]]
stressed market conditions. While FICC could extend the 1-year look-
back period in the existing full revaluation approach to a 10-year
look-back period, the performance of the model could deteriorate if
current market conditions are materially different than indicated in
the historical data. Additionally, since the full revaluation method
requires FICC to maintain in-house complex pricing models and mortgage
prepayment models, enhancing these models to extend the look-back
period to include 10-years of historical data involves significant
model development. The sensitivity approach, on the other hand, would
incorporate a longer look-back period of 10 years, which would allow
the proposed model to capture periods of historical volatility.
On an annual basis, FICC would assess whether an additional
stressed period should be included. This assessment would include a
review of (1) the largest moves in the dominating market risk factor of
the proposed VaR model, (2) the impact analyses resulting from the
removal and/or addition of a stressed period and (3) the backtesting
results of the proposed look-back period. As described in the QRM
Methodology, approval by FICC's Model Risk Governance Committee
(``MRGC'') and, to the extent necessary, the Management Risk Committee
(``MRC'') would be required to determine when to apply an additional
period of stressed market conditions to the look-back period and the
appropriate historical stressed period to utilize if it is not within
the current 10-year period.
Finally, FICC does not believe that its engagement of the vendor
would present a conflict of interest to FICC because the vendor is not
an existing Clearing Member nor are any of the vendor's affiliates
existing Clearing Members. To the extent that the vendor or any of its
affiliates submit an application to become a Clearing Member, FICC will
negotiate an appropriate information barrier with the applicant in an
effort to prevent a conflict of interest from arising. An affiliate of
the vendor currently provides an existing service to FICC, however,
this arrangement does not present a conflict of interest because the
existing agreement between FICC and the vendor, and the existing
agreement between FICC and the vendor's affiliate each contain
provisions which limit the sharing of confidential information.
C. Proposed Change To Establish a VaR Floor
FICC is proposing to amend the definition of VaR Charge to include
a VaR Floor. The VaR Floor would be employed as an alternative to the
amount calculated by the proposed model for portfolios where the VaR
Floor would be greater than the model-based charge amount. FICC's
proposal to establish a VaR Floor seeks to address the risk that the
proposed VaR model may calculate too low a VaR Charge for certain
portfolios where the VaR model applies substantial risk offsets among
long and short positions in different classes of mortgage-backed
securities that have a high degree of historical price correlation.
Because this high degree of historical price correlation may not apply
in future changing market conditions,\21\ FICC believes that it is
prudent to apply a VaR Floor that is based upon the market value of the
gross unsettled positions in the Clearing Member's portfolio in order
to protect FICC against such risk in the event that FICC is required to
liquidate a large mortgage-backed securities portfolio in stressed
market conditions.
\21\ For example, and without limitation, certain classes of
mortgage-backed securities may have highly correlated historical
price returns despite having different coupons. However, if future
mortgage market conditions were to generate substantially greater
prepayment activity for some but not all such classes, these
historical correlations could break down, leading to model-generated
offsets that would not adequately capture a portfolio's risk.
D. Vendor Data Disruption
As noted above, FICC intends to source certain sensitivity data and
risk factor data from a vendor. FICC's Quantitative Risk Management,
Vendor Risk Management, and Information Technology teams have conducted
due diligence of the vendor in order to evaluate its control framework
for managing key risks. FICC's due diligence included an assessment of
the vendor's technology risk, business continuity, regulatory
compliance, and privacy controls. FICC has existing policy and
procedures for data management that includes market data and analytical
data provided by vendors. These policies and procedures do not have to
be amended in connection with this proposed rules change. FICC also has
tools in place to assess the quality of the data that it receives from
Rule 1001(c)(1) of Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity
(``SCI'') requires FICC to establish, maintain, and enforce reasonably
designed written policies and procedures that include the criteria for
identifying responsible SCI personnel, the designation and
documentation of responsible SCI personnel, and escalation procedures
to quickly inform responsible SCI personnel of potential SCI
events.\22\ Further, pursuant to Rule 1002 of Regulation SCI, each
responsible SCI personnel is responsible for determining when there is
a reasonable basis to conclude that a SCI event has occurred, which
will trigger certain obligations of an SCI entity with respect to such
SCI events.\23\ FICC has existing policies and procedures which reflect
established criteria that must be used by responsible SCI personnel to
determine whether a disruption to, or significant downgrade of, the
normal operation of FICC's risk management system has occurred as
defined under Regulation SCI. These policies and procedures do not have
to be amended in connection with this proposed rule change. In the
event that the vendor fails to provide the requisite sensitivity data
and risk factor data, the responsible SCI personnel would determine
whether a SCI event has occurred and FICC would fulfill its obligations
with respect to the SCI event.
\22\ See 17 CFR 242.1001(c)(1).
\23\ See 17 CFR 242.1002.
In connection with FICC's proposal to source data for the proposed
sensitivity approach, FICC is also proposing procedures that would
govern in the event that the vendor fails to provide sensitivity data
and risk factor data. If the vendor fails to provide any data or a
significant portion of the data timely, FICC would use the most
recently available data on the first day that such data disruption
occurs. If it is determined that the vendor will resume providing data
within five (5) business days, management would determine whether the
VaR Charge should continue to be calculated by using the most recently
available data along with an extended look-back period or whether the
Margin Proxy should be invoked, subject to the approval of DTCC's Group
Chief Risk Officer or his/her designee. If it is determined that the
data disruption will extend beyond five (5) business days, the Margin
Proxy would be applied, subject to the approval of the MRC followed by
notification to FICC's Board Risk Committee.
The Margin Proxy would be calculated as follows: (i) Risk factors
would be calculated using historical market prices of benchmark TBA
securities and (ii) each Clearing Member's portfolio exposure would be
calculated on a net position across all products and for each
securitization program (i.e., Federal National Mortgage Association
(``Fannie Mae'') and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (``Freddie
Mac'') conventional 30-year
[[Page 95673]]
mortgage-backed securities, Government National Mortgage Association
(``Ginnie Mae'') 30-year mortgage-backed securities, Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac conventional 15-year mortgage-backed securities, and Ginnie
Mae 15-year mortgage-backed securities). The Margin Proxy would be used
to calculate the VaR Charge by multiplying the risk factor for the
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac conventional 30-year mortgage-backed
securities (``base risk factor''), which is the dominant and most
liquid portion of the products cleared by FICC, by the absolute value
of the Clearing Member's net position across all products, plus the sum
of each risk factor spread to the base risk factor multiplied by the
absolute value of its corresponding position.\24\
\24\ To illustrate the Margin Proxy calculation, consider an
example where a Clearing Member has a portfolio with a net long
position across all products of $2 billion, and the base risk factor
is 0.015. Further assume the Clearing Member has a net short
position of $30 million in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac conventional
15-year mortgage-backed securities, and the corresponding risk
factor spread to the base risk factor is 0.006; a net short position
of $500 million in Ginnie Mae 30-year mortgage-backed securities,
and the corresponding risk factor spread is 0.005; and a net long
position of $120 million in Ginnie Mae 15-year mortgage-backed
securities, and the corresponding risk factor spread is 0.007. In
order to generate the Margin Proxy calculation, FICC would multiply
the base risk factor by the absolute value of the Clearing Member's
net position across all products, plus the sum of each risk factor
spread of the subsequent products multiplied by absolute value of
the position for the respective product (i.e., ([base risk
factor]*ABS[portfolio net position]) + ([CONV15 spread risk factor]
* ABS[CONV15 net position]) + ([GNMA30 spread risk factor] *
ABS[GNMA30 net position]) + ([GNMA15 Spread Risk Factor] *
ABS[GNMA15 Net Position])). The resulting Margin Proxy amount would
be $33.52 million.
FICC would calculate the Margin Proxy on a daily basis and the
Margin Proxy method would be subject to monthly performance review by
the MRGC. FICC would monitor the performance of the calculation on a
monthly basis to ensure that it could be used in the circumstance
described above. Specifically, FICC would monitor each Clearing
Member's Required Fund Deposit and the aggregate Clearing Fund
requirements versus the requirements calculated by Margin Proxy. FICC
would also backtest the Margin Proxy results versus the three-day
profit and loss based on actual market price moves. If FICC observes
material differences between the Margin Proxy calculations and the
aggregate Clearing Fund requirement calculated using the proposed VaR
model, or if the Margin Proxy's backtesting results do not meet FICC's
99 percent confidence level, management may recommend remedial actions
to the MRGC, and to the extent necessary the MRC, such as increasing
the look-back period and/or applying an appropriate historical stressed
period to the Margin Proxy calibration.
E. Proposed Change To Replace the Historic Index Volatility Model With
a Haircut Method To Measure the Risk Exposure of Securities That Lack
Historical Data
Occasionally, portfolios contain classes of securities that reflect
market price changes not consistently related to historical risk
factors. The value of these securities is often uncertain because the
securities' market volume varies widely, thus the price histories are
limited. Since the volume and price information for such securities is
not robust, a historical simulation approach would not generate VaR
Charge amounts that adequately reflect the risk profile of such
securities. Currently, MBSD Rule 4 provides that FICC may use a
historic index volatility model to calculate the VaR component of the
Required Fund Deposit for these classes of securities. FICC is
proposing to amend Rule 4 to replace the historic index volatility
model with a haircut method.
FICC believes that the haircut method would better capture the risk
profile of these securities because the lack of adequate historical
data makes it difficult to map such securities to a historic index
volatility model. FICC is proposing to calculate the component of the
Required Fund Deposit applicable to these securities by applying a
fixed haircut level to the gross market value of the positions. FICC
has selected an initial haircut of 1 percent based on its analysis of a
five-year historical study of three-day returns during a period that
such securities were traded. This percentage would be reviewed annually
or more frequently if market conditions warrant and updated, if
necessary, to ensure sufficient coverage.
Currently, the classes of securities that lack adequate historical
data include balloon Fannie Mae 7-year securities, balloon Freddie Mac
5-year securities and balloon Freddie Mac 7-year securities. FICC has
no exposure to these security classes as of the filing date of this
proposed change and has had negligible exposure over the last several
years. However, prudent risk management dictates that FICC maintain
appropriate rules to cover potential future exposures.
F. Proposed Change To Eliminate the Coverage Charge Component and the
Margin Requirement Differential Component
FICC is also proposing to eliminate the Coverage Charge and MRD
components from MBSD's Required Fund Deposit calculation. Both
components are based on historical portfolio activity, which may not be
indicative of a Clearing Member's current risk profile, but were
determined by FICC to be appropriate to address potential shortfalls in
margin charges under the existing VaR model.
As part of the development and assessment of the sensitivity
approach for MBSD's proposed VaR model, FICC obtained an independent
validation of the proposed model by an external party, backtested the
model's performance and analyzed the impact of the margin changes.
Results of the analysis indicated that the proposed sensitivity
approach would be more responsive to changing market dynamics and a
Clearing Member's portfolio composition coverage than the existing
model. The model validation and backtesting analysis also demonstrated
that the proposed sensitivity model would provide sufficient margin
coverage on a standalone basis. Because testing and validation of
MBSD's proposed VaR model show a material improvement in margin
coverage, FICC believes that the Coverage Charge and MRD components are
no longer necessary.
G. Description of the Proposed Changes to the Text of the MBSD Rules
The proposed changes to the MBSD Rules are as follows:
Delete the term ``Coverage Charge'' from Rule 1 because
FICC is proposing to eliminate this component from the Clearing Fund
Delete the references to the Coverage Charge and the MRD
in Rule 4 Section 2(c) because FICC is proposing to eliminate these
components from the Clearing Fund calculation.
Amend the term ``VaR Charge'' to reflect that (x) an
alternative volatility calculation would be employed in the event that
the requisite data used to employ the sensitivity approach is
unavailable for an extended period of time and (y) the VaR Floor would
be utilized as the VaR Charge if the proposed VaR methodology yields an
amount that is lower than 5 basis points of the market value of a
Clearing Member's gross unsettled positions.
Replace the reference to the ``historic index volatility
model'' with ``haircut method'' in Rule 4 Section 2 to reflect the
method that would be used for classes of securities where the
volatility is less amendable to statistical analysis.
H. Description of the QRM Methodology
The QRM Methodology document provides the methodology by which
[[Page 95674]]
FICC would calculate the VaR Charge with the proposed sensitivity
approach as well as other components of the Required Fund Deposit
calculation. The document specifies (i) the model inputs, parameters,
assumptions and qualitative adjustments, (ii) the calculation used to
generate Required Fund Deposit amounts, (iii) additional calculations
used for benchmarking and monitoring purposes, (iv) theoretical
analysis, (v) the process by which the VaR methodology was developed as
well as its application and limitations, (vi) internal business
requirements associated with the implementation and ongoing monitoring
of the VaR methodology, (vii) the model change management process and
governance framework (which includes the escalation process for adding
a stressed period to the VaR calculation), and (viii) the Margin Proxy
Anticipated Effect on and Management of Risks
FICC believes that the proposed change, which consists of proposals
to (1) implement the sensitivity approach in order to correct the
existing deficiencies in the existing VaR methodology, (2) establish
the Margin Proxy as a back-up to the sensitivity approach, (3)
establish a VaR Floor as the minimum VaR Charge, (4) apply a haircut to
securities that have market price changes that are not consistently
related to historical risk factors and (5) remove the Coverage Charge
component and the MRD component from the Required Fund Deposit
calculation, would enable FICC to better limit its exposure to Clearing
Members arising out of the activity in their portfolios.
FICC's proposal to change the existing VaR methodology from one
that employs a full revaluation approach to one that employs a
sensitivity approach would affect FICC's management of risk because it
would help to address the deficiencies observed in the current model by
leveraging external vendor expertise in supplying the market risk
attributes that would then be incorporated by FICC into its model to
calculate the VaR Charge. The proposed methodology would enhance FICC's
risk management capabilities because it would enable sensitivity
analysis of key model parameters and assumptions. The sensitivity
approach would allow FICC to attribute market price moves to various
risk factors (such as key rates, option adjusted spread, and mortgage
basis) that would enable FICC to view and respond more effectively to
market volatility.
As noted above, the proposed sensitivity approach would leverage
external vendor expertise in supplying the market risk attributes. FICC
would manage the risks associated with a potential data disruption by
using the most recently available data on the first day that a data
disruption occurs. If it is determined that the vendor will resume
providing data within five (5) business days, management would
determine whether the VaR Charge should continue to be calculated by
using the most recently available data along with an extended look-back
period or whether the Margin Proxy should be invoked subject to the
approval of DTCC's Group Chief Risk Officer or his/her designee. If it
is determined that the data disruption will extend beyond five (5)
business days, the Margin Proxy would be applied, subject to the
approval of the MRC followed by notification to FICC's Board Risk
FICC's proposal to implement the Margin Proxy as a back-up
methodology to the sensitivity approach would affect FICC's management
of risk because the Margin Proxy would help ensure that FICC could
continue to calculate each Clearing Member's VaR Charge in the event
that FICC experiences a data disruption that is expected to last beyond
five (5) business days.
FICC's proposal to implement the VaR Floor would affect FICC's
management of risk because it addresses the risk that the proposed VaR
model may calculate too low a VaR Charge for certain portfolios where
the VaR model applies substantial risk offsets among long and short
positions in different classes of mortgage-backed securities that have
a high degree of historical price correlation. Because this high degree
of historical price correlation may not apply in future changing market
conditions, FICC would manage this risk by applying a VaR Floor that
would be based upon the market value of the gross unsettled positions
in the Clearing Member's portfolio. This would protect FICC in the
event that it is required to liquidate a large mortgage-backed
securities portfolio in stressed market conditions.
FICC's proposal to implement a simple haircut method for securities
with inadequate historical pricing data would affect FICC's management
of risk because the proposed change would better capture the risk
profile of these securities thus helping to ensure that sufficient
margin would be calculated for portfolios that contain these
securities. FICC would continue to manage the market risk of clearing
these securities by conducting analysis on the type of securities that
cannot be processed by the proposed VaR model and engaging in periodic
reviews of the haircut used for calculating margin for these types of
FICC's proposal to remove the Coverage Charge and MRD components
would affect FICC's management of risk because the proposed changes
would remove unnecessary components from the Clearing Fund calculation.
As described above, both components are based on historical portfolio
activity, which may not be indicative of a Clearing Member's current
risk profile. As part of FICC's development of the sensitivity VaR
model, FICC pursued a validation of the proposed model by an external
party, performed back testing to validate model performance, and
conducted analysis to determine the impact of the changes to the
Clearing Members. Results of the analysis indicate that the proposed
sensitivity approach would be more responsive to changing market
dynamics and provide better coverage than the existing model. Given the
improvement in model coverage, FICC believes that the Coverage Charge
and MRD components would no longer be necessary.
FICC has also managed the effect of the overall proposal by
conducting extensive outreach with Clearing Members regarding the
proposed changes, educating such Members on reasons for these proposed
changes, and explaining the related risk management improvements. FICC
has invited all Clearing Members to customer forums in an effort to
provide transparency regarding the changes and the expected macro
impact across the membership, and has provided each Clearing Member
with an individual impact study. In addition, FICC's Enterprise Risk
Management team and Relationship Management team have been available to
answer all questions. Such communication gives Clearing Members the
opportunity to manage any impact to their own risk profile.
Consistency With the Clearing Supervision Act
The proposed changes, which have been described in detail above,
consist of proposals to (1) implement the sensitivity approach in order
to correct the existing deficiencies in the existing VaR methodology,
(2) establish the Margin Proxy as a back-up to the sensitivity
approach, (3) establish a VaR Floor as the minimum VaR Charge, (4)
apply a haircut to securities that have market price changes that are
not consistently related to historical risk factors and (5) remove the
Coverage Charge component and the MRD component from the Required Fund
Deposit calculation, would be consistent
[[Page 95675]]
with Section 805(b) of the Clearing Supervision Act.\25\ The objectives
and principles of Section 805(b) include, among other things, the
promotion of robust risk management.\26\ FICC believes the proposed
changes would promote this objective because they would give MBSD the
ability to better cover its exposure to Clearing Members arising out of
the activity of such Members' portfolios.
\25\ See 12 U.S.C. 5464(b).
\26\ Id.
FICC believes that the proposed changes are also consistent with
Rules 17Ad-22(b)(1) and (b)(2) under the Act.\27\ Rule 17Ad-22(b)(1)
requires a registered clearing agency that performs central
counterparty services to establish, implement, maintain and enforce
written policies and procedures reasonably designed to measure its
credit exposures to its participants at least once a day and limit its
exposures to potential losses from defaults by its participants under
normal market conditions so that the operations of the clearing agency
would not be disrupted and non-defaulting participants would not be
exposed to losses that they cannot anticipate or control.\28\ Taken
together, the proposed changes referenced in the previous paragraph
would continue FICC's practice of measuring its credit exposures at
least once a day and would collectively enhance the risk-based
margining framework whose objective would be to calculate each Clearing
Member's Required Fund Deposit such that in the event of a Clearing
Member's default, its own Required Fund Deposit would be sufficient to
mitigate potential losses to FICC associated with the liquidation of
such defaulted Clearing Member's portfolio.
\27\ See 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(b)(1) and (b)(2).
\28\ See 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(b)(1).
Rule 17Ad-22(b)(2) under the Act requires a registered clearing
agency that performs central counterparty services to establish,
implement, maintain and enforce written policies and procedures
reasonably designed to use margin requirements to limit its credit
exposures to participants under normal market conditions and use risk-
based models and parameters to set margin requirements and review such
margin requirements and the related risk-based models and parameters at
least monthly.\29\ The proposed changes referenced above in the second
paragraph of this section would collectively constitute a risk-based
model and parameters that would establish margin requirements for
Clearing Members. This risk-based model and parameters would use margin
requirements to limit FICC's credit exposure to its Clearing Members by
enabling FICC to identify the risk posed by a Clearing Member's
unsettled portfolio and to quickly adjust and collect additional
deposits as needed to cover those risks. In order to mitigate
counterparty exposure to each Clearing Member, under the proposed
changes, FICC would calculate the VaR of the unsettled obligations of
each Member to a 99 percent confidence interval with a three-day
liquidation hedge/horizon, as the basis for its Clearing Fund
requirement. Because the proposed changes are designed to calculate
each Clearing Member's Required Fund Deposit at a 99 percent confidence
level, FICC believes each Clearing Member's Required Fund Deposit would
cover its own losses in the event that such Member defaults under
normal market conditions.
\29\ See 17 CFR 240.17Ad-22(b)(2).
FICC believes that the proposed changes are consistent with Rules
17Ad-22(e)(4) and (e)(6) of the Act, which were recently adopted by the
Commission.\30\ Rule 17Ad-22(e)(4) will require FICC to establish,
implement, maintain and enforce written policies and procedures
reasonably designed to effectively identify, measure, monitor, and
manage its credit exposures to participants and those exposures arising
from its payment, clearing, and settlement processes.\31\ The proposed
changes referenced above in the second paragraph of this section would
enhance FICC's ability to identify, measure, monitor and manage its
credit exposures to Clearing Members and those exposures arising from
its payment, clearing, and settlement processes. Therefore, FICC
believes the proposed changes are consistent with the requirements of
Rule 17Ad-22(e)(4), promulgated under the Act, cited above.
\30\ The Commission adopted amendments to Rule 17Ad-22,
including the addition of new section 17Ad-22(e), on September 28,
2016. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 78961 (September 28,
2016), 81 FR 70786 (October 13, 2016) (S7-03-14). The amendments to
Rule 17ad-22 become effective on December 12, 2016. Id. FICC is a
``covered clearing agency'' as defined in Rule 17Ad-22(a)(5) and
must comply with new section (e) of Rule 17Ad-22 by April 11, 2017.
\31\ See Exchange Act Release No. 78961 (September 28, 2016), 81
FR 70786 (October 13, 2016) (S7-03-14).
Rule 17Ad-22(e)(6) will require FICC to establish, implement,
maintain and enforce written policies and procedures reasonably
designed to cover its credit exposures to its participants by
establishing a risk-based margin system that is monitored by management
on an ongoing basis and regularly reviewed, tested, and verified.\32\
FICC's proposal to (1) implement the sensitivity approach in order to
correct the existing deficiencies in the existing VaR methodology, (2)
establish the Margin Proxy as a back-up to the sensitivity approach,
(3) establish a VaR Floor as the minimum VaR Charge, and (4) apply a
haircut to securities that have market price changes that are not
consistently related to historical risk factors would help FICC to
cover its credit exposures to Clearing Members because these proposed
changes establish a risk-based margin system that would be monitored by
FICC management on an ongoing basis and regularly reviewed, tested, and
verified. Therefore, FICC believes that the proposed changes are
consistent with the requirements of Rule 17Ad-22(e)(6), promulgated
under the Act, cited above.
\32\ Id.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the Advance Notice and Timing for
Commission Action
The proposed change may be implemented if the Commission does not
object to the proposed change within 60 days of the later of (i) the
date that the proposed change was filed with the Commission or (ii) the
date that any additional information requested by the Commission is
received. The clearing agency shall not implement the proposed change
if the Commission has any objection to the proposed change.
The Commission may extend the period for review by an additional 60
days if the proposed change raises novel or complex issues, subject to
the Commission providing the clearing agency with prompt written notice
of the extension. A proposed change may be implemented in less than 60
days from the date the Advance Notice is filed, or the date further
information requested by the Commission is received, if the Commission
notifies the clearing agency in writing that it does not object to the
proposed change and authorizes the clearing agency to implement the
proposed change on an earlier date, subject to any conditions imposed
by the Commission.
The clearing agency shall post notice on its Web site of proposed
changes that are implemented.
The proposal shall not take effect until all regulatory actions
required with respect to the proposal are completed.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views and
arguments concerning the foregoing.
[[Page 95676]]
Comments may be submitted by any of the following methods:
Electronic Comments
Use the Commission's Internet comment form (; or
Send an email to Please include
File Number SR-FICC-2016-801 on the subject line.
Paper Comments
Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE., Washington, DC 20549-1090.
All submissions should refer to File Number SR-FICC-2016-801. This file
number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help
the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently,
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on
the Commission's Internet Web site ( Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all
written statements with respect to the Advance Notice that are filed
with the Commission, and all written communications relating to the
Advance Notice between the Commission and any person, other than those
that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions
of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for Web site viewing and printing in
the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE., Washington,
DC 20549 on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and
3:00 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection
and copying at the principal office of FICC and on FICC's Web site
All comments received will be posted without change; the Commission
does not edit personal identifying information from submissions. You
should submit only information that you wish to make available
publicly. All submissions should refer to File Number SR-FICC-2016-801
and should be submitted on or before January 12, 2017.
By the Commission.
Eduardo A. Aleman,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016-31312 Filed 12-27-16; 8:45 am]