Ares Management LLC; Notice of Application, 12178-12184 [2016-05039]
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 45 / Tuesday, March 8, 2016 / Notices
At any time within 60 days of the
filing of such proposed rule change, the
Commission summarily may
temporarily suspend such rule change if
it appears to the Commission that such
action is necessary or appropriate in the
public interest, for the protection of
investors, or otherwise in furtherance of
the purposes of the Act. If the
Commission takes such action, the
Commission shall institute proceedings
under Section 19(b)(2)(B) 11 of the Act to
determine whether the proposed rule
change should be approved or
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an email to Please include File
Number SR–NYSE–2016–19 on the
subject line.
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20549–1090.
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NYSE–2016–19. This file
number should be included on the
subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
Internet Web site (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for Web site viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20549 on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
filing also will be available for
11 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(B).
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inspection and copying at the principal
office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change;
the Commission does not edit personal
identifying information from
submissions. You should submit only
information that you wish to make
available publicly. All submissions
should refer to File Number SR–NYSE–
2016–19 and should be submitted on or
before March 29, 2016.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Robert W. Errett,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016–05120 Filed 3–7–16; 8:45 am]
[Investment Company Act Release No.
32020; 813–00385]
Ares Management LLC; Notice of
March 2, 2016.
Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘Commission’’).
ACTION: Notice of application for an
order under sections 6(b) and 6(e) of the
Investment Company Act of 1940 (the
‘‘Act’’) granting an exemption from all
provisions of the Act and the rules and
regulations thereunder, except sections
9, 17, 30, and 36 through 53 of the Act,
and the rules and regulations
thereunder (the ‘‘Rules and
Regulations’’). With respect to sections
17(a), (d), (f), (g) and (j) and 30(a), (b),
(e), and (h) of the Act, and the Rules and
Regulations, and rule 38a–1 under the
Act, the exemption is limited as set
forth in the application.
hearing. Interested persons may request
a hearing by writing to the
Commission’s Secretary and serving
applicants with a copy of the request,
personally or by mail. Hearing requests
should be received by the Commission
by 5:30 p.m. on March 28, 2016, and
should be accompanied by proof of
service on applicants, in the form of an
affidavit or, for lawyers, a certificate of
service. Hearing requests should state
the nature of the writer’s interest, the
reason for the request, and the issues
contested. Persons who wish to be
notified of a hearing may request
notification by writing to the
Commission’s Secretary.
ADDRESSES: Secretary, U.S. Securities
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street
NE., Washington, DC 20549–1090;
Applicant: 2000 Avenue of the Stars,
12th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067.
James D. McGinnis, Attorney-Advisor,
at (202) 551–3025, or Sara Crovitz,
Assistant Chief Counsel, at (202) 551–
6720 (Division of Investment
Management, Chief Counsel’s Office).
following is a summary of the
application. The complete application
may be obtained via the Commission’s
Web site by searching for the file
number, or for an applicant using the
Company name box, at https:// or by
calling (202) 551–8090.
Applicant’s Representations
1. The Company is a Delaware limited
liability company, and together with its
‘‘affiliates,’’ as defined in rule 12b–2
under the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 (the ‘‘Exchange Act’’) (collectively,
‘‘Ares,’’ and each, an ‘‘Ares entity’’),
may organize certain partnerships,
limited liability companies, business
SUMMARY: Summary of Application:
trusts or other entities (each a
Applicants request an order to exempt
‘‘Partnership’’ and, collectively, the
certain limited partnerships and other
‘‘Partnerships’’) as ‘‘employees’
entities (‘‘Partnerships’’) formed for the
securities companies,’’ as defined in
benefit of eligible employees of Ares
section 2(a)(13) of the Act.
Management LLC (the ‘‘Company’’) and
2. A Partnership may be organized
its affiliates from certain provisions of
under the laws of the state of Delaware,
the Act. Each Partnership will be an
another state, or a jurisdiction outside
‘‘employees’ securities company’’
the United States. A Partnership may be
within the meaning of section 2(a)(13) of organized under the laws of a non-U.S.
the Act.
jurisdiction to address any tax, legal,
Applicant: The Company.
accounting and regulatory
considerations applicable to certain
DATES: Filing Dates: The application
Eligible Employees (as defined below)
was filed on May 11, 2015 and was
in other jurisdictions or the nature of
amended on October 29, 2015 and
the program. Interests in a Partnership
January 15, 2016.
Hearing or Notification of Hearing: An (‘‘Interests’’) may be issued in one or
more series, each of which corresponds
order granting the application will be
to particular Partnership investments
issued unless the Commission orders a
(each, a ‘‘Series’’). Each Series will be an
12 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
‘‘employees’ securities company’’
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 45 / Tuesday, March 8, 2016 / Notices
within the meaning of section 2(a)(13) of
the Act. Each Partnership will operate
as a closed-end management investment
company, and a particular Partnership
may operate as a ‘‘diversified’’ or ‘‘nondiversified’’ vehicle within the meaning
of the Act. The Partnerships are
intended to provide investment
opportunities for Eligible Employees
that are competitive with those at other
investment management and financial
services firms and to facilitate the
recruitment and retention of high
caliber professionals. Ares will control
each Partnership within the meaning of
section 2(a)(9) of the Act.
3. Each Partnership will have a
general partner, managing member or
other such similar entity (a ‘‘General
Partner’’). All investors in a Partnership
will be ‘‘Limited Partners.’’ The General
Partner will be responsible for the
overall management of each Partnership
and will have the authority to make all
decisions regarding the acquisition,
management and disposition of
Partnership investments. An Ares entity
will be a General Partner of each
Partnership. The General Partner may be
permitted to delegate certain of its
responsibilities regarding the
acquisition, management and
disposition of Partnership investments
to an Investment Adviser (as defined
below), provided that the ultimate
responsibility for, and control of, each
Partnership, remain with the General
4. The General Partner or another
Ares entity will serve as investment
adviser to a Partnership (the
‘‘Investment Adviser’’). The Investment
Adviser will be registered as an
investment adviser under the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the
‘‘Advisers Act’’), if required under
applicable law. Each Investment
Adviser shall comply with the standards
prescribed in Sections 9, 36 and 37 of
the Act. The Applicant represents and
concedes that each General Partner and
Investment Adviser managing a
Partnership is an ‘‘investment adviser’’
within the meaning of Sections 9 and 36
of the Act and is subject to those
sections. An Investment Adviser may be
paid a management fee, which will
generally be determined as a percentage
of the capital commitments or assets
under management (appreciated capital
commitments) of the Limited Partners.
A General Partner or Investment
Adviser may receive a performancebased fee (a ‘‘Carried Interest’’) based on
the net gains of the Partnership’s
investments in addition to any amount
allocable to the General Partner’s or
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Investment Adviser’s capital
5. If the General Partner determines
that a Partnership enter into any sideby-side investment with an unaffiliated
entity, the General Partner will be
permitted to engage as sub-investment
adviser the unaffiliated entity (an
‘‘Unaffiliated Subadviser’’), which will
be responsible for the management of
such side-by-side investment.
6. Interests in a Partnership will be
offered without registration in reliance
on section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act
of 1933 (the ‘‘Securities Act’’), or
Regulation D or Regulation S under the
Securities Act, and will be sold only to:
(i) Eligible Employees; (ii) at the request
of Eligible Employees and the discretion
of the General Partner, to Qualified
Participants (as defined below) of such
Eligible Employees; or (iii) to Ares
entities. Prior to offering Interests to an
Eligible Employee or an Eligible Family
Member (as defined below), a General
Partner must reasonably believe that the
Eligible Employee or Eligible Family
Member will be capable of
understanding and evaluating the merits
and risks of participating in a
Partnership and that each such
individual is able to bear the economic
risk of such participation and afford a
complete loss of his or her investments
in Partnerships. Investing in the
Partnerships will be voluntary on the
part of Eligible Employees and Qualified
7. To qualify as an ‘‘Eligible
Employee,’’ (a) an individual must (i) be
a current or former employee, officer or
director or current Consultant 2 of Ares
1 If a General Partner or Investment Adviser is
registered under the Advisers Act, the Carried
Interest payable to it by a Partnership will be
pursuant to an arrangement that complies with rule
205–3 under the Advisers Act. If the General
Partner or Investment Adviser is not required to
register under the Advisers Act, the Carried Interest
payable to it will comply with section 205(b)(3) of
the Advisers Act (with such Partnership treated as
though it were a business development company
solely for the purpose of that section).
2 A ‘‘Consultant’’ is a person or entity whom Ares
has engaged on retainer to provide services and
professional expertise on an ongoing basis as a
regular consultant or as a business or legal adviser
and who shares a community of interest with Ares
and its employees. In order to participate in a
Partnership, Consultants must be currently engaged
with Ares and will be required to be sophisticated
investors who qualify as accredited investors
(‘‘Accredited Investors’’) under Rule 501(a)(5) or
Rule 501(a)(6) of Regulation D under the Securities
Act (if a Consultant is an individual) or, if not an
individual, meet the standards of an ‘‘accredited
investor’’ under Rule 501(a) of Regulation D. If a
Consultant is an entity (such as, for example, a law
firm or consulting firm), and the Consultant
proposes to invest in the Partnership through a
partnership, corporation or other entity that is
controlled by the Consultant, the individual
participants in such partnership, corporation or
other entity will be limited to senior level
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and (ii) except for certain individuals
who meet the definition of
‘‘knowledgeable employee’’ in Rule 3c–
5(a)(4) under the 1940 Act as if the
Partnerships were ‘‘Covered
Companies’’ within the meaning of the
rule and a limited number of other
employees of Ares 3 (collectively, ‘‘NonAccredited Investors’’), meet the
standards of an ‘‘accredited investor’’
under Rule 501(a)(5) or (a)(6) of
Regulation D, or (b) an entity must (i) be
a current Consultant of Ares and (ii)
meet the standards of an ‘‘accredited
investor’’ under Rule 501(a) of
Regulation D. A Partnership may not
have more than 35 Non-Accredited
Investors. At the request of an Eligible
Employee and the discretion of the
General Partner, Interests may be
assigned by such Eligible Employee, or
sold directly by the Partnership, to a
Qualified Participant of an Eligible
Employee. In order to qualify as a
‘‘Qualified Participant,’’ an individual
or entity must (i) be an Eligible Family
Member or Eligible Investment Vehicle
(in each case as defined below),
respectively, of an Eligible Employee
and (ii) if purchasing an Interest from a
Partnership, except as discussed below,
come within one of the categories of an
‘‘accredited investor’’ under Rule 501(a)
of Regulation D. An ‘‘Eligible Family
Member’’ is a spouse, parent, child,
spouse of child, brother, sister or
employees, members or partners of the Consultant
who are responsible for the activities of the
Consultant and will be required to qualify as
Accredited Investors. In addition, such entities will
be limited to businesses controlled by individuals
who have levels of expertise and sophistication in
the area of investments in securities that are
comparable to other Eligible Employees who are
employees, officers or directors of Ares and who
have an interest in maintaining an ongoing
relationship with Ares. The individuals
participating through such entities will belong to
that class of persons who will have access to the
directors and officers of the General Partner and/or
the officers of Ares responsible for making
investments for the Partnerships similar to the
access afforded other Eligible Employees who are
employees, officers or directors of Ares.
3 Such employees must meet the sophistication
requirements set forth in Rule 506(b)(2)(ii) of
Regulation D under the Securities Act and may be
permitted to invest his or her own funds in the
Partnership if, at the time of the employee’s
investment in a Partnership, he or she (a) has a
graduate degree in business, law or accounting, (b)
has a minimum of five years of consulting,
investment banking or similar business experience,
and (c) has had reportable income from all sources
of at least $100,000 in each of the two most recent
years and a reasonable expectation of income from
all sources of at least $140,000 in each year in
which such person will be committed to make
investments in a Partnership. In addition, such an
employee will not be permitted to invest in any
year more than 10% of his or her income from all
sources for the immediately preceding year in the
aggregate in such Partnership and in all other
Partnerships in which he or she has previously
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 45 / Tuesday, March 8, 2016 / Notices
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
grandchild of an Eligible Employee,
including step and adoptive
relationships. An ‘‘Eligible Investment
Vehicle’’ is (a) a trust of which the
trustee, grantor and/or beneficiary is an
Eligible Employee, (b) a partnership,
corporation or other entity controlled by
an Eligible Employee,4 or (c) a trust or
other entity established solely for the
benefit of an Eligible Employee and/or
one or more Eligible Family Members of
an Eligible Employee.
8. An Eligible Employee or Eligible
Family Member may purchase an
Interest through an Eligible Investment
Vehicle only if either (i) the investment
vehicle is an accredited investor, as
defined in rule 501(a) of Regulation D
under the Securities Act or (ii) the
applicable Eligible Employee or Eligible
Family Member is a settlor 5 and
principal investment decision-maker
with respect to the investment vehicle.
Eligible Investment Vehicles that are not
accredited investors will be included in
accordance with Regulation D toward
the 35 Non-Accredited Investor limit
discussed above.
9. While the terms of a Partnership
will be determined by Ares in its
discretion, these terms will be fully
disclosed to each Eligible Employee
and, if a Qualified Participant of such
Eligible Employee is required to make
an investment decision with respect to
whether or not to participate in a
Partnership, to such Qualified
Participant, at the time such Eligible
Employee or Qualified Participant is
invited to participate in the Partnership.
A Partnership will send its Limited
Partners an annual financial statement
with respect to those Series in which
the Limited Partner had an Interest
within 120 days, or as soon as
practicable, after the end of the
Partnership’s fiscal year. The financial
statement will be audited 6 by
independent certified public
accountants, except in cases of
Partnerships formed to make a single
portfolio investment.7 In addition, as
4 The inclusion of partnerships, corporations, or
other entities controlled by an Eligible Employee in
the definition of ‘‘Eligible Investment Vehicle’’ is
intended to enable Eligible Employees to make
investments in the Partnerships through personal
investment vehicles for the purpose of personal and
family investment and estate planning objectives.
5 If such investment vehicle is an entity other
than a trust, the term ‘‘settlor’’ will be read to mean
a person who created such vehicle, alone or
together with other Eligible Employees and/or
Eligible Family Members, and contributed funds to
such vehicle.
6 ‘‘Audit’’ will have the meaning defined in rule
1–02(d) of Regulation S–X.
7 In such cases, the Partnership may send
unaudited financial statements, but each Limited
Partner will receive financial statements of the
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soon as practicable after the end of each
fiscal year of a Partnership, a report will
be sent to each Limited Partner setting
forth the information with respect such
Limited Partner’s share of income,
gains, losses, credits, and other items for
federal and state income tax purposes.
10. Interests in each Partnership will
be non-transferable except with the
prior written consent of the General
Partner, and, in any event, no person or
entity will be admitted into the
Partnership as a Limited Partner unless
such person is (i) an Eligible Employee,
(ii) a Qualified Participant or (iii) an
Ares entity. No sales load or similar fee
of any kind will be charged in
connection with the sale of Interests.
11. The Applicant states that a
General Partner may have the right to
repurchase or cancel the Interest of (i)
an Eligible Employee who ceases to be
an employee, officer, director or current
Consultant of any Ares entity for any
reason or (ii) any Qualified Participant
of any person described in clause (i).
Once a Consultant’s ongoing
relationship with an Ares entity is
terminated: (i) Such Consultant and its
Qualified Participants, if any, will not
be permitted to contribute any
additional capital to a Partnership; and
(ii) the existing Interests of such
Consultant and its Qualified
Participants, if any, as of the date of
such termination will (A) to the extent
the governing documents of a
Partnership provide for periodic
redemptions in the ordinary course, be
redeemed as of the next regularly
scheduled redemption date and (B) to
the extent the governing documents of
a Partnership do not provide for such
periodic redemptions (e.g., as a result of
the vehicle primarily investing in
illiquid investments), be retained. The
Partnership Agreement or private
placement memorandum for each
Partnership will describe, if applicable,
the amount that a Limited Partner
would receive upon repurchase,
cancellation or forfeiture of its Interest.
A Limited Partner would receive upon
repurchase, cancellation or forfeiture of
its Interest, at a minimum, the lesser of
(i) the amount actually paid by or
(subject to any vesting requirements) on
behalf of the Limited Partner to acquire
the Interest, plus interest, less any
distributions, and (ii) the fair market
value of the Interest determined at the
time of the repurchase or cancellation as
determined in good faith by the General
Partner. The amount to be received by
the Limited Partner will be subject to
any applicable vesting schedule or
single portfolio investment audited by such entity’s
independent accountants.
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forfeiture provisions and to the extent
there is an oversubscription for a
regularly scheduled redemption,
existing Interests of the Limited Partner
will be redeemed on a pro rata basis
with all other Limited Partners who
have made a request, in accordance with
the governing documents, to be
redeemed as of that redemption date
and any subsequent regularly scheduled
redemption date until all of such
Limited Partner’s existing Interests are
12. The Applicant states that the
Partnerships may invest either directly
or through investments in limited
partnerships and other investment pools
(including pools that are exempt from
registration in reliance on section 3(c)(1)
or 3(c)(7) of the Act) and investments in
registered investment companies.8
Investments may be made side by side
with Ares entities and through
investment pools (including
‘‘Aggregation Vehicles’’) 9 sponsored or
managed by an Ares entity or an
unaffiliated entity.
13. The Applicant states that a
Partnership may also co-invest in a
portfolio company with Ares or an
investment fund or separate account
organized primarily for the benefit of
investors who are not affiliated with
Ares over which an Ares entity or an
Unaffiliated Subadviser exercises
investment discretion (‘‘Third Party
Funds’’). The General Partner will not
delegate management and investment
discretion for the Partnership to an
Unaffiliated Subadviser or a sponsor of
a Third Party Fund. Side-by-side
investments held by a Third Party Fund,
or by an Ares entity in a transaction in
which the Ares investment was made
8 The Applicant is not requesting any exemption
from any provision of the Act or any rule
thereunder that may govern the eligibility of a
Partnership to invest in an entity relying on section
3(c)(1) or 3(c)(7) of the Act or any such entity’s
status under the Act.
9 An ‘‘Aggregation Vehicle’’ is an investment pool
sponsored or managed by an Ares entity that is
formed solely for the purpose of permitting a
Partnership and other Ares entities or Third Party
Funds to collectively invest in other entities. The
Applicant states that it may be more efficient for a
Partnership and other Ares entities and Third Party
Funds to invest in an entity together through an
Aggregation Vehicle rather than having each
investor separately acquire a direct interest in such
entity. An Aggregation Vehicle will not be used to
issue interests that discriminate against a
Partnership or provide preferential treatment to an
Ares entity or other Ares-related investors with
respect to a portfolio company investment. The
Applicant submits that because no investment
decisions are made at the Aggregation Vehicle level,
the fact that a person who participates in the
Partnership’s decision to acquire an interest in an
Aggregation Vehicle also serves as an officer,
director, general partner or investment adviser of
the Aggregation Vehicle would not create a conflict
of interest on the part of such person.
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 45 / Tuesday, March 8, 2016 / Notices
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
pursuant to a contractual obligation to a
Third Party Fund, will not be subject to
the restrictions contained in Condition
3 below. All other side-by-side
investments held by Ares entities will
be subject to the restrictions contained
in Condition 3.
14. A Partnership will not borrow
from any person if the borrowing would
cause any person not named in section
2(a)(13) of the Act to own securities of
the Partnership (other than short-term
paper). A Partnership will not make any
loans to the Company, its subsidiaries or
any entity that controls the Company.10
A Partnership will not borrow from any
person if the borrowing would cause the
Partnership not to be an ‘‘employees’
securities company’’ as defined in
Section 2(a)(13) of the Act. Any
indebtedness of a Partnership, other
than indebtedness incurred specifically
on behalf of a Limited Partner where the
Limited Partner has agreed to guarantee
the loan or to act as co-obligor of the
loan, will be the debt of the Partnership
and without recourse to the Limited
15. In compliance with section
12(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, a Partnership
will not purchase or otherwise acquire
any security issued by a registered
investment company if, immediately
after the acquisition, the Partnership
will own, in the aggregate, more than
3% of the outstanding voting stock of
the registered investment company.
Applicant’s Legal Analysis
1. Section 6(b) of the Act provides
that, upon application, the Commission
will exempt employees’ securities
companies from the provisions of the
Act to the extent that the exemption is
consistent with the protection of
investors. Section 6(b) provides that the
Commission will consider, in
determining the provisions of the Act
from which the company should be
exempt, the company’s form of
organization and capital structure, the
persons owning and controlling its
securities, the price of the company’s
securities and the amount of any sales
load, how the company’s funds are
invested, and the relationship between
the company and the issuers of the
securities in which it invests. Section
2(a)(13) defines an employees’ securities
company, in relevant part, as any
investment company all of whose
securities (other than short-term paper)
are beneficially owned (a) by current or
former employees, or persons on
10 A Partnership may, subject to the terms and
conditions set out herein, make investments in
issuers that are portfolio companies of funds
managed by Ares, and such investments may take
the form of loans.
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retainer, of one or more affiliated
employers, (b) by immediate family
members of such persons, or (c) by such
employer or employers together with
any of the persons in (a) or (b).
2. Section 7 of the Act generally
prohibits investment companies that are
not registered under section 8 of the Act
from selling or redeeming their
securities. Section 6(e) of the Act
provides that, in connection with any
order exempting an investment
company from any provision of section
7, certain provisions of the Act, as
specified by the Commission, will be
applicable to the company and other
persons dealing with the company as
though the company were registered
under the Act. The Applicant requests
an order under sections 6(b) and 6(e) of
the Act exempting the Partnerships from
all provisions of the Act, except sections
9, 17, 30, and 36 through 53 of the Act,
and the Rules and Regulations. With
respect to sections 17(a), (d), (f), (g), and
(j) and 30(a), (b), (e), and (h) of the Act,
and the Rules and Regulations, and rule
38a–1 under the Act, the exemption is
limited as set forth in the application.
3. Section 17(a) generally prohibits
any affiliated person of a registered
investment company, or any affiliated
person of an affiliated person, acting as
principal, from knowingly selling or
purchasing any security or other
property to or from the company. The
Applicant requests an exemption from
section 17(a) to the extent necessary to
permit an Ares entity or a Third Party
Fund (or any affiliated person of any
such Ares entity or Third Party Fund),
acting as principal, to purchase or sell
securities or other property to or from
any Partnership or any company
controlled by such Partnership. Any
such transaction to which any
Partnership is a party will be effected
only after a determination by the
General Partner that the requirements of
condition 1 below have been satisfied.
In addition, the Applicant, on behalf of
the Partnerships, represents that any
transactions otherwise subject to section
17(a) of the Act, for which exemptive
relief has not been requested, would
require approval of the Commission.
4. The Applicant submits that an
exemption from section 17(a) is
consistent with the purposes of the
Partnerships and the protection of
investors. The Applicant states that the
Limited Partners will be informed of the
possible extent of the Partnership’s
dealings with Ares and of the potential
conflicts of interest that may exist. The
Applicant also states that, as
professionals engaged in financial
services businesses, the Limited
Partners will be able to evaluate the
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risks associated with those dealings.
The Applicant asserts that the
community of interest among the
Limited Partners and Ares will serve to
reduce the risk of abuse. The Applicant
acknowledges that the requested relief
will not extend to any transactions
between a Partnership and an
Unaffiliated Subadviser or an affiliated
person of an Unaffiliated Subadviser, or
between a Partnership and any person
who is not an employee, officer or
director of Ares or is an entity outside
of Ares and is an affiliated person of the
Partnership as defined in section
2(a)(3)(E) of the Act (‘‘Advisory Person’’)
or any affiliated person of such a
5. Section 17(d) of the Act and rule
17d–1 under the Act prohibit any
affiliated person or principal
underwriter of a registered investment
company, or any affiliated person of
such person or principal underwriter,
acting as principal, from participating in
any joint arrangement with the company
unless authorized by the Commission.
The Applicant requests relief to permit
affiliated persons of the Partnerships, or
affiliated persons of any of such
persons, to participate in, or effect any
transaction in connection with, any
joint enterprise or other joint
arrangement or profit-sharing plan in
which a Partnership or a company
controlled by a Partnership is a
participant. The Applicant
acknowledges that the requested relief
will not extend to any transaction in
which an Unaffiliated Subadviser or an
Advisory Person, or an affiliated person
of either such person, has an interest,
except in connection with a Third Party
Fund sponsored by an Unaffiliated
6. The Applicant asserts that
compliance with section 17(d) would
cause the Partnership to forego
investment opportunities simply
because a Limited Partner, the General
Partner or any other affiliated person of
the Partnership (or any affiliate of the
affiliated person) made a similar
investment. The Applicant submits that
the types of investment opportunities
considered by a Partnership often
require each investor to make funds
available in an amount that may be
substantially greater than what a
Partnership may be able to make
available on its own. The Applicant
contends that, as a result, the only way
in which a Partnership may be able to
participate in these opportunities may
be to co-invest with other persons,
including its affiliates. The Applicant
asserts that the flexibility to structure
co-investments and joint investments
will not involve abuses of the type
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 45 / Tuesday, March 8, 2016 / Notices
section 17(d) and rule 17d–1 were
designed to prevent. In addition, the
Applicant represents that any
transactions otherwise subject to section
17(d) of the Act and rule 17d–1
thereunder, for which exemptive relief
has not been requested, would require
approval by the Commission.
7. Co-investments with Third Party
Funds, or by an Ares entity pursuant to
a contractual obligation to a Third Party
Fund, will not be subject to condition 3
below. The Applicant notes that it is
common for a Third Party Fund to
require that Ares invest its own capital
in Third Party Fund investments, and
that Ares investments be subject to
substantially the same terms as those
applicable to the Third Party Fund. The
Applicant believes it is important that
the interests of the Third Party Fund
take priority over the interests of the
Partnerships, and that the Third Party
Fund not be burdened or otherwise
affected by activities of the Partnerships.
In addition, the Applicant asserts that
the relationship of a Partnership to a
Third Party Fund is fundamentally
different from a Partnership’s
relationship to Ares. The Applicant
contends that the focus of, and the
rationale for, the protections contained
in the requested relief are to protect the
Partnerships from any overreaching by
Ares in the employer/employee context,
whereas the same concerns are not
present with respect to the Partnerships
vis-a-vis a Third Party Fund.
8. Section 17(e) of the Act and rule
17e–1 under the Act limit the
compensation an affiliated person may
receive when acting as agent or broker
for a registered investment company.
The Applicant requests an exemption
from section 17(e) to permit an Ares
entity (including the General Partner)
that acts as an agent or broker to receive
placement fees, advisory fees, or other
compensation from a Partnership in
connection with the purchase or sale by
the Partnership of securities, provided
that the fees or other compensation are
deemed ‘‘usual and customary.’’ The
Applicant states that for purposes of the
application, fees or other compensation
that are charged or received by an Ares
entity will be deemed ‘‘usual and
customary’’ only if (a) the Partnership is
purchasing or selling securities with
other unaffiliated third parties,
including Third Party Funds, (b) the
fees or other compensation being
charged to the Partnership (directly or
indirectly) are also being charged to the
unaffiliated third parties, including
Third Party Funds, and (c) the amount
of securities being purchased or sold by
the Partnership (directly or indirectly)
does not exceed 50% of the total
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amount of securities being purchased or
sold by the Partnership (directly or
indirectly) and the unaffiliated third
parties, including Third Party Funds.
The Applicant asserts that, because Ares
does not wish to appear to be favoring
the Partnerships, compliance with
section 17(e) would prevent a
Partnership from participating in
transactions where the Partnership is
being charged lower fees than
unaffiliated third parties. The Applicant
asserts that the fees or other
compensation paid by a Partnership to
an Ares entity will be the same as those
negotiated at arm’s length with
unaffiliated third parties.
9. Rule 17e–1(b) under the Act
requires that a majority of directors who
are not ‘‘interested persons’’ (as defined
in section 2(a)(19) of the Act) take
actions and make approvals regarding
commissions, fees, or other
remuneration. Rule 17e–1(c) under the
Act requires each investment company
relying on the rule to satisfy the fund
governance standards defined in rule
0–1(a)(7) under the Act (the ‘‘Fund
Governance Standards’’). The Applicant
requests an exemption from rule 17e–1
to the extent necessary to permit each
Partnership to comply with the rule
without having a majority of the
directors of the General Partner who are
not interested persons take actions and
make determinations as set forth in
paragraph (b) of the rule, and without
having to satisfy the standards set forth
in paragraph (c) of the rule. The
Applicant states that because all the
directors of the General Partner will be
affiliated persons, without the relief
requested, a Partnership could not
comply with rule 17e–1. The Applicant
states that each Partnership will comply
with rule 17e–1 by having a majority of
the directors of the General Partner take
actions and make approvals as set forth
in the rule. The Applicant states that
each Partnership will otherwise comply
with rule 17e–1.
10. Section 17(f) of the Act designates
the entities that may act as investment
company custodians, and rule 17f–1
under the Act imposes certain
requirements when the custodian is a
member of a national securities
exchange. The Applicant requests an
exemption from section 17(f) and
subsections (a), (b) (to the extent such
subsection refers to contractual
requirements), (c), and (d) of rule
17f–1 to permit an Ares entity to act as
custodian of Partnership assets without
a written contract. The Applicant also
requests an exemption from the rule
17f–1(b)(4) requirement that an
independent accountant periodically
verify the assets held by the custodian.
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The Applicant states that, because of the
community of interest between Ares and
the Partnerships and the existing
requirement for an independent audit,
compliance with this requirement
would be unnecessary. The Applicant
will comply with all other requirements
of rule 17f–1.
11. The Applicant also requests an
exemption from section 17 and rule
17f–2 to permit the following exceptions
from the requirements of rule 17f–2: (a)
A Partnership’s investments may be
kept in the locked files of the Ares, the
General Partner or the Investment
Adviser; (b) for purposes of paragraph
(d) of the rule, (i) employees of the
General Partner (or Ares) will be
deemed to be employees of the
Partnerships, (ii) officers or managers of
the General Partner of a Partnership (or
Ares) will be deemed to be officers of
the Partnership and (iii) the General
Partner of a Partnership or its board of
directors will be deemed to be the board
of directors of a Partnership and (c) in
place of the verification procedure
under paragraph (f) of the rule,
verification will be effected quarterly by
two employees, each of whom will have
sufficient knowledge, sophistication and
experience in business matters to
perform such examination. The
Applicant expects that, with respect to
certain Partnerships, some of their
investments may be evidenced only by
partnership agreements, participation
agreements or similar documents, rather
than by negotiable certificates that could
be misappropriated. The Applicant
asserts that for such a Partnership, these
instruments are most suitably kept in
the files of Ares, the General Partner, or
the Ares entity that serves as investment
adviser to the Partnership, where they
can be referred to as necessary. The
Applicant will comply with all other
provisions of rule 17f–2.
12. Section 17(g) of the Act and rule
17g–1 under the Act generally require
the bonding of officers and employees of
a registered investment company who
have access to its securities or funds.
Rule 17g–1 requires that a majority of
directors who are not interested persons
of a registered investment company take
certain actions and give certain
approvals relating to fidelity bonding.
The rule also requires that the board of
directors of an investment company
relying on the rule satisfy the Fund
Governance Standards. The Applicant
requests relief to permit the General
Partner’s board of directors, who may be
deemed interested persons, to take
actions and make determinations as set
forth in the rule. The Applicant states
that, because all directors or other
governing body of the General Partner
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 45 / Tuesday, March 8, 2016 / Notices
will be affiliated persons, a Partnership
could not comply with rule 17g–1
without the requested relief.
Specifically, each Partnership will
comply with rule 17g–1 by having a
majority of the General Partner’s
directors (or members of a comparable
body) take actions and make
determinations as set forth in rule
17g–1. The Applicant also requests an
exemption from the requirements of: (i)
Paragraph (g) of the rule relating to the
filing of copies of fidelity bonds and
related information with the
Commission and the provision of
notices to the board of directors; (ii)
paragraph (h) of the rule relating to the
appointment of a person to make the
filings and provide the notices required
by paragraph (g); and (iii) paragraph
(j)(3) of the rule relating to compliance
with the Fund Governance Standards.
The Applicant states that the fidelity
bond of each Partnership will cover
Ares employees who have access to the
securities and funds of the Partnership.
The Applicant states that the
Partnerships will comply with all other
requirements of rule 17g–1.
13. Section 17(j) of the Act and
paragraph (b) of rule 17j–1 under the
Act make it unlawful for certain
enumerated persons to engage in
fraudulent or deceptive practices in
connection with the purchase or sale of
a security held or to be acquired by a
registered investment company. Rule
17j–1 also requires that every registered
investment company adopt a written
code of ethics and that every access
person of a registered investment
company report personal securities
transactions. The Applicant requests an
exemption from section 17(j) and the
provisions of rule 17j–1, except for the
anti-fraud provisions of paragraph (b),
because they assert that these
requirements are unnecessarily
burdensome as applied to the
Partnerships. The relief requested will
only extend to Ares entities and is not
requested with respect to any
Unaffiliated Subadviser or Advisory
14. The Applicant requests an
exemption from the requirements in
sections 30(a), 30(b), and 30(e) of the
Act, and the rules under those sections,
that registered investment companies
prepare and file with the Commission
and mail to their shareholders certain
periodic reports and financial
statements. The Applicant contends that
the forms prescribed by the Commission
for periodic reports have little relevance
to the Partnerships and would entail
administrative and legal costs that
outweigh any benefit to the Limited
Partners. The Applicant requests
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exemptive relief to the extent necessary
to permit each Partnership to report
annually to its Limited Partners, as
described in the application. The
Applicant also requests an exemption
from section 30(h) of the Act to the
extent necessary to exempt the General
Partner of each Partnership, members of
the General Partner or any board of
managers or directors or committee of
Ares employees to whom the General
Partner may delegate its functions, and
any other persons who may be deemed
to be members of an advisory board of
a Partnership, from filing Forms 3, 4,
and 5 under section 16(a) of the
Exchange Act with respect to their
ownership of Interests in the
Partnership. The Applicant asserts that,
because there will be no trading market
and the transfers of Interests will be
severely restricted, these filings are
unnecessary for the protection of
investors and burdensome to those
required to make them.
15. Rule 38a–1 requires registered
investment companies to adopt,
implement and periodically review
written policies reasonable designed to
prevent violation of the federal
securities law and to appoint a chief
compliance officer. Each Partnership
will comply will rule 38a–1(a), (c) and
(d), except that (i) since the Partnership
does not have a board of directors, the
board of directors or other governing
body of the General Partner will fulfill
the responsibilities assigned to the
Partnership’s board of directors under
the rule, and (ii) since the board of
directors or other governing body of the
General Partner does not have any
disinterested members, (a) approval by
a majority of the disinterested board
members required by rule 38a–1 will
not be obtained, and (b) the Partnerships
will comply with the requirement in
rule 38a–1(a)(4)(iv) that the chief
compliance officer meet with the
independent directors by having the
chief compliance officer meet with the
board of directors of the General Partner
as constituted.
Applicant’s Conditions
The Applicant agrees that any order
granting the requested relief will be
subject to the following conditions:
1. Each proposed transaction
involving a Partnership otherwise
prohibited by section 17(a) or section
17(d) of the Act and rule 17d–1 under
the Act to which a Partnership is a party
(the ‘‘Section 17 Transactions’’) will be
effected only if the General Partner
determines that (i) the terms of the
Section 17 Transaction, including the
consideration to be paid or received, are
fair and reasonable to the Limited
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Partners of the Partnership and do not
involve overreaching of the Partnership
or its Limited Partners on the part of any
person concerned, and (ii) the Section
17 Transaction is consistent with the
interests of the Limited Partners, the
Partnership’s organizational documents
and the Partnership’s reports to its
Limited Partners.11
In addition, the General Partner of a
Partnership will record and preserve a
description of all Section 17
Transactions, the General Partner’s
findings, the information or materials
upon which the findings are based and
the basis for the findings. All such
records will be maintained for the life
of the Partnership and at least six years
thereafter and will be subject to
examination by the Commission and its
2. The General Partner of each
Partnership will adopt, and periodically
review and update, procedures designed
to ensure that reasonable inquiry is
made, prior to the consummation of any
Section 17 Transaction, with respect to
the possible involvement in the
transaction of any affiliated person or
promoter of or principal underwriter for
the Partnership or any affiliated person
of such person, promoter or principal
3. The General Partner of each
Partnership will not invest the funds of
the Partnership in any investment in
which an ‘‘Affiliated Co-Investor’’ (as
defined below) has acquired or proposes
to acquire the same class of securities of
the same issuer and where the
investment transaction involves a joint
enterprise or other joint arrangement
within the meaning of Rule 17d–1 in
which the Partnership and an Affiliated
Co-Investor are participants (each such
investment, a ‘‘Rule 17d–1
Investment’’), unless any such Affiliated
Co-Investor, prior to disposing of all or
part of its investment, (i) gives the
General Partner sufficient, but not less
than one day’s, notice of its intent to
dispose of its investment; and (ii)
refrains from disposing of its investment
unless the Partnership has the
opportunity to dispose of the
Partnership’s investment prior to or
concurrently with, on the same terms as,
and pro rata with the Affiliated Co11 If a Partnership invests through an Aggregation
Vehicle and such investment is a Section 17
Transaction, this condition will apply with respect
to both the investment in the Aggregation Vehicle
and any investment by the Aggregation Vehicle of
Partnership funds.
12 Each Partnership will preserve the accounts,
books and other documents required to be
maintained in an easily accessible place for the first
two years.
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 45 / Tuesday, March 8, 2016 / Notices
Investor.13 The term ‘‘Affiliated CoInvestor’’ with respect to any
Partnership means any person who is:
(i) An ‘‘affiliated person’’ (as such term
is defined in section 2(a)(3) of the Act)
of the Partnership (other than a Third
Party Fund); (ii) Ares; (iii) an officer or
director of Ares; (iv) an Eligible
Employee; or (v) an entity (other than a
Third Party Fund) in which an Ares
entity acts as a general partner or has a
similar capacity to control the sale or
other disposition of the entity’s
securities. The restrictions contained in
this condition, however, shall not be
deemed to limit or prevent the
disposition of an investment by an
Affiliated Co-Investor (i) to its direct or
indirect wholly-owned subsidiary, to
any company (a ‘‘Parent’’) of which the
Affiliated Co-Investor is a direct or
indirect wholly-owned subsidiary or to
a direct or indirect wholly-owned
subsidiary of its Parent, (ii) to
immediate family members of the
Affiliated Co-Investor or a trust or other
investment vehicle established for any
Affiliated Co-Investor or any such
immediate family member, or (iii) when
the investment is comprised of
securities that are (a) listed on a national
securities exchange registered under
section 6 of the Exchange Act, (b) NMS
stocks pursuant to section 11A(a)(2) of
the Exchange Act and rule 600(a) of
Regulation NMS thereunder, (c)
government securities as defined in
section 2(a)(16) of the Act or other
securities that meet the definition of
‘‘Eligible Security’’ in rule 2a–7 under
the Act, or (d) listed or traded on any
foreign securities exchange or board of
trade that satisfies regulatory
requirements under the law of the
jurisdiction in which such foreign
securities exchange or board of trade is
organized similar to those that apply to
a national securities exchange or a
national market system for securities.
4. Each Partnership and its General
Partner will maintain and preserve, for
the life of each Series of the Partnership
and at least six years thereafter, such
accounts, books and other documents
constituting the record forming the basis
for the audited financial statements that
are to be provided to the Limited
Partners in the Partnership, and each
annual report of the Partnership
required to be sent to the Limited
13 If a Partnership invests in a Rule 17d–1
Investment through an Aggregation Vehicle, the
requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) of this sentence
shall apply to both the Affiliated Co-Investor’s
disposition of such Rule 17d–1 Investment and, if
the Affiliated Co-Investor also holds a Rule 17d–1
Investment through such Aggregation Vehicle, its
disposition of all or part of its investment in the
Aggregation Vehicle.
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Partners, and agree that all such records
will be subject to examination by the
Commission and its staff.14
5. Within 120 days after the end of
each fiscal year of each Partnership, or
as soon as practicable thereafter, the
General Partner of each Partnership will
send to each Limited Partner having an
Interest in the Partnership at any time
during the fiscal year then ended,
Partnership financial statements audited
by the Partnership’s independent
accountants with respect to those Series
in which the Limited Partner had an
Interest, except under certain
circumstances in the case of a
Partnership formed to make a single
portfolio investment. In such cases, the
Partnership may send unaudited
financial statements, but each Limited
Partner will receive financial statements
of the single portfolio investment
audited by such entity’s independent
accountants. At the end of each fiscal
year, the General Partner will make or
cause to be made a valuation of all of
the assets of the Partnership as of such
fiscal year end in a manner consistent
with customary practice with respect to
the valuation of assets of the kind held
by the Partnership. In addition, within
120 days after the end of each fiscal year
of each Partnership (or as soon as
practicable thereafter), the General
Partner will send a report to each person
who was a Limited Partner at any time
during the fiscal year then ended,
setting forth such tax information as
shall be necessary for the preparation by
the Limited Partner of that partner’s
federal and state income tax returns and
a report of the investment activities of
the Partnership during that fiscal year.
6. If a Partnership makes purchases or
sales from or to an entity affiliated with
the Partnership by reason of an officer,
director or employee of an Ares entity
(i) serving as an officer, director, general
partner, manager or investment adviser
of the entity (other than an entity that
is an Aggregation Vehicle), or (ii) having
a 5% or more investment in the entity,
such individual will not participate in
the Partnership’s determination of
whether or not to effect the purchase or
For the Commission, by the Division of
Investment Management, under delegated
Robert W. Errett,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016–05039 Filed 3–7–16; 8:45 am]
14 Each Partnership will preserve the accounts,
books and other documents required to be
maintained in an easily accessible place for the first
two years.
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[Release No. 34–77282; File No. SR–BX–
Self-Regulatory Organizations;
NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc.; Notice of Filing
and Immediate Effectiveness of
Proposed Rule Change to Amend
Access Services Fees under Rule 7015
March 3, 2016.
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
notice is hereby given that on February
23, 2016, NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc.
(‘‘Exchange’’) 3 filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission (‘‘SEC’’ or
‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule
change as described in Items I, II, and
III below, which Items have been
prepared by the Exchange. The
Commission is publishing this notice to
solicit comments on the proposed rule
change from interested persons.
I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Terms of Substance of
the Proposed Rule Change
The Exchange proposes to amend the
Exchange’s Access Services fees under
Rule 7015 to: (i) Assess a $25/port/
month Disaster Recovery Port fee for
Disaster Recovery Ports used with FIX
Trading Ports, OUCH, RASH, and DROP
ports; and (ii) assess a $100/port/month
fee for Trading Ports used in Test Mode.
The text of the proposed rule change
is available on the Exchange’s Web site
at https://, at the
principal office of the Exchange, and at
the Commission’s Public Reference
II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
In its filing with the Commission, the
Exchange included statements
concerning the purpose of and basis for
the proposed rule change and discussed
any comments it received on the
proposed rule change. The text of these
statements may be examined at the
places specified in Item IV below. The
Exchange has prepared summaries, set
forth in sections A, B, and C below, of
1 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
CFR 240.19b–4.
3 In the filing, the Exchange states that it has
legally changed its name to NASDAQ BX, Inc. with
the state of Delaware, and that the Exchange is in
the process of both amending its Form 1 with the
Commission and changing its rules to reflect this
new name.
2 17
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 45 (Tuesday, March 8, 2016)]
[Pages 12178-12184]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2016-05039]
[Investment Company Act Release No. 32020; 813-00385]
Ares Management LLC; Notice of Application
March 2, 2016.
AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'').
ACTION: Notice of application for an order under sections 6(b) and 6(e)
of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the ``Act'') granting an
exemption from all provisions of the Act and the rules and regulations
thereunder, except sections 9, 17, 30, and 36 through 53 of the Act,
and the rules and regulations thereunder (the ``Rules and
Regulations''). With respect to sections 17(a), (d), (f), (g) and (j)
and 30(a), (b), (e), and (h) of the Act, and the Rules and Regulations,
and rule 38a-1 under the Act, the exemption is limited as set forth in
the application.
SUMMARY: Summary of Application: Applicants request an order to exempt
certain limited partnerships and other entities (``Partnerships'')
formed for the benefit of eligible employees of Ares Management LLC
(the ``Company'') and its affiliates from certain provisions of the
Act. Each Partnership will be an ``employees' securities company''
within the meaning of section 2(a)(13) of the Act.
Applicant: The Company.
DATES: Filing Dates: The application was filed on May 11, 2015 and was
amended on October 29, 2015 and January 15, 2016.
Hearing or Notification of Hearing: An order granting the
application will be issued unless the Commission orders a hearing.
Interested persons may request a hearing by writing to the Commission's
Secretary and serving applicants with a copy of the request, personally
or by mail. Hearing requests should be received by the Commission by
5:30 p.m. on March 28, 2016, and should be accompanied by proof of
service on applicants, in the form of an affidavit or, for lawyers, a
certificate of service. Hearing requests should state the nature of the
writer's interest, the reason for the request, and the issues
contested. Persons who wish to be notified of a hearing may request
notification by writing to the Commission's Secretary.
ADDRESSES: Secretary, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F
Street NE., Washington, DC 20549-1090; Applicant: 2000 Avenue of the
Stars, 12th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James D. McGinnis, Attorney-Advisor,
at (202) 551-3025, or Sara Crovitz, Assistant Chief Counsel, at (202)
551-6720 (Division of Investment Management, Chief Counsel's Office).
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following is a summary of the
application. The complete application may be obtained via the
Commission's Web site by searching for the file number, or for an
applicant using the Company name box, at or by calling (202) 551-8090.
Applicant's Representations
1. The Company is a Delaware limited liability company, and
together with its ``affiliates,'' as defined in rule 12b-2 under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the ``Exchange Act'') (collectively,
``Ares,'' and each, an ``Ares entity''), may organize certain
partnerships, limited liability companies, business trusts or other
entities (each a ``Partnership'' and, collectively, the
``Partnerships'') as ``employees' securities companies,'' as defined in
section 2(a)(13) of the Act.
2. A Partnership may be organized under the laws of the state of
Delaware, another state, or a jurisdiction outside the United States. A
Partnership may be organized under the laws of a non-U.S. jurisdiction
to address any tax, legal, accounting and regulatory considerations
applicable to certain Eligible Employees (as defined below) in other
jurisdictions or the nature of the program. Interests in a Partnership
(``Interests'') may be issued in one or more series, each of which
corresponds to particular Partnership investments (each, a ``Series'').
Each Series will be an ``employees' securities company''
[[Page 12179]]
within the meaning of section 2(a)(13) of the Act. Each Partnership
will operate as a closed-end management investment company, and a
particular Partnership may operate as a ``diversified'' or ``non-
diversified'' vehicle within the meaning of the Act. The Partnerships
are intended to provide investment opportunities for Eligible Employees
that are competitive with those at other investment management and
financial services firms and to facilitate the recruitment and
retention of high caliber professionals. Ares will control each
Partnership within the meaning of section 2(a)(9) of the Act.
3. Each Partnership will have a general partner, managing member or
other such similar entity (a ``General Partner''). All investors in a
Partnership will be ``Limited Partners.'' The General Partner will be
responsible for the overall management of each Partnership and will
have the authority to make all decisions regarding the acquisition,
management and disposition of Partnership investments. An Ares entity
will be a General Partner of each Partnership. The General Partner may
be permitted to delegate certain of its responsibilities regarding the
acquisition, management and disposition of Partnership investments to
an Investment Adviser (as defined below), provided that the ultimate
responsibility for, and control of, each Partnership, remain with the
General Partner.
4. The General Partner or another Ares entity will serve as
investment adviser to a Partnership (the ``Investment Adviser''). The
Investment Adviser will be registered as an investment adviser under
the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the ``Advisers Act''), if required
under applicable law. Each Investment Adviser shall comply with the
standards prescribed in Sections 9, 36 and 37 of the Act. The Applicant
represents and concedes that each General Partner and Investment
Adviser managing a Partnership is an ``investment adviser'' within the
meaning of Sections 9 and 36 of the Act and is subject to those
sections. An Investment Adviser may be paid a management fee, which
will generally be determined as a percentage of the capital commitments
or assets under management (appreciated capital commitments) of the
Limited Partners. A General Partner or Investment Adviser may receive a
performance-based fee (a ``Carried Interest'') based on the net gains
of the Partnership's investments in addition to any amount allocable to
the General Partner's or Investment Adviser's capital contribution.\1\
\1\ If a General Partner or Investment Adviser is registered
under the Advisers Act, the Carried Interest payable to it by a
Partnership will be pursuant to an arrangement that complies with
rule 205-3 under the Advisers Act. If the General Partner or
Investment Adviser is not required to register under the Advisers
Act, the Carried Interest payable to it will comply with section
205(b)(3) of the Advisers Act (with such Partnership treated as
though it were a business development company solely for the purpose
of that section).
5. If the General Partner determines that a Partnership enter into
any side-by-side investment with an unaffiliated entity, the General
Partner will be permitted to engage as sub-investment adviser the
unaffiliated entity (an ``Unaffiliated Subadviser''), which will be
responsible for the management of such side-by-side investment.
6. Interests in a Partnership will be offered without registration
in reliance on section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933 (the
``Securities Act''), or Regulation D or Regulation S under the
Securities Act, and will be sold only to: (i) Eligible Employees; (ii)
at the request of Eligible Employees and the discretion of the General
Partner, to Qualified Participants (as defined below) of such Eligible
Employees; or (iii) to Ares entities. Prior to offering Interests to an
Eligible Employee or an Eligible Family Member (as defined below), a
General Partner must reasonably believe that the Eligible Employee or
Eligible Family Member will be capable of understanding and evaluating
the merits and risks of participating in a Partnership and that each
such individual is able to bear the economic risk of such participation
and afford a complete loss of his or her investments in Partnerships.
Investing in the Partnerships will be voluntary on the part of Eligible
Employees and Qualified Participants.
7. To qualify as an ``Eligible Employee,'' (a) an individual must
(i) be a current or former employee, officer or director or current
Consultant \2\ of Ares and (ii) except for certain individuals who meet
the definition of ``knowledgeable employee'' in Rule 3c-5(a)(4) under
the 1940 Act as if the Partnerships were ``Covered Companies'' within
the meaning of the rule and a limited number of other employees of Ares
\3\ (collectively, ``Non-Accredited Investors''), meet the standards of
an ``accredited investor'' under Rule 501(a)(5) or (a)(6) of Regulation
D, or (b) an entity must (i) be a current Consultant of Ares and (ii)
meet the standards of an ``accredited investor'' under Rule 501(a) of
Regulation D. A Partnership may not have more than 35 Non-Accredited
Investors. At the request of an Eligible Employee and the discretion of
the General Partner, Interests may be assigned by such Eligible
Employee, or sold directly by the Partnership, to a Qualified
Participant of an Eligible Employee. In order to qualify as a
``Qualified Participant,'' an individual or entity must (i) be an
Eligible Family Member or Eligible Investment Vehicle (in each case as
defined below), respectively, of an Eligible Employee and (ii) if
purchasing an Interest from a Partnership, except as discussed below,
come within one of the categories of an ``accredited investor'' under
Rule 501(a) of Regulation D. An ``Eligible Family Member'' is a spouse,
parent, child, spouse of child, brother, sister or
[[Page 12180]]
grandchild of an Eligible Employee, including step and adoptive
relationships. An ``Eligible Investment Vehicle'' is (a) a trust of
which the trustee, grantor and/or beneficiary is an Eligible Employee,
(b) a partnership, corporation or other entity controlled by an
Eligible Employee,\4\ or (c) a trust or other entity established solely
for the benefit of an Eligible Employee and/or one or more Eligible
Family Members of an Eligible Employee.
\2\ A ``Consultant'' is a person or entity whom Ares has engaged
on retainer to provide services and professional expertise on an
ongoing basis as a regular consultant or as a business or legal
adviser and who shares a community of interest with Ares and its
employees. In order to participate in a Partnership, Consultants
must be currently engaged with Ares and will be required to be
sophisticated investors who qualify as accredited investors
(``Accredited Investors'') under Rule 501(a)(5) or Rule 501(a)(6) of
Regulation D under the Securities Act (if a Consultant is an
individual) or, if not an individual, meet the standards of an
``accredited investor'' under Rule 501(a) of Regulation D. If a
Consultant is an entity (such as, for example, a law firm or
consulting firm), and the Consultant proposes to invest in the
Partnership through a partnership, corporation or other entity that
is controlled by the Consultant, the individual participants in such
partnership, corporation or other entity will be limited to senior
level employees, members or partners of the Consultant who are
responsible for the activities of the Consultant and will be
required to qualify as Accredited Investors. In addition, such
entities will be limited to businesses controlled by individuals who
have levels of expertise and sophistication in the area of
investments in securities that are comparable to other Eligible
Employees who are employees, officers or directors of Ares and who
have an interest in maintaining an ongoing relationship with Ares.
The individuals participating through such entities will belong to
that class of persons who will have access to the directors and
officers of the General Partner and/or the officers of Ares
responsible for making investments for the Partnerships similar to
the access afforded other Eligible Employees who are employees,
officers or directors of Ares.
\3\ Such employees must meet the sophistication requirements set
forth in Rule 506(b)(2)(ii) of Regulation D under the Securities Act
and may be permitted to invest his or her own funds in the
Partnership if, at the time of the employee's investment in a
Partnership, he or she (a) has a graduate degree in business, law or
accounting, (b) has a minimum of five years of consulting,
investment banking or similar business experience, and (c) has had
reportable income from all sources of at least $100,000 in each of
the two most recent years and a reasonable expectation of income
from all sources of at least $140,000 in each year in which such
person will be committed to make investments in a Partnership. In
addition, such an employee will not be permitted to invest in any
year more than 10% of his or her income from all sources for the
immediately preceding year in the aggregate in such Partnership and
in all other Partnerships in which he or she has previously
\4\ The inclusion of partnerships, corporations, or other
entities controlled by an Eligible Employee in the definition of
``Eligible Investment Vehicle'' is intended to enable Eligible
Employees to make investments in the Partnerships through personal
investment vehicles for the purpose of personal and family
investment and estate planning objectives.
8. An Eligible Employee or Eligible Family Member may purchase an
Interest through an Eligible Investment Vehicle only if either (i) the
investment vehicle is an accredited investor, as defined in rule 501(a)
of Regulation D under the Securities Act or (ii) the applicable
Eligible Employee or Eligible Family Member is a settlor \5\ and
principal investment decision-maker with respect to the investment
vehicle. Eligible Investment Vehicles that are not accredited investors
will be included in accordance with Regulation D toward the 35 Non-
Accredited Investor limit discussed above.
\5\ If such investment vehicle is an entity other than a trust,
the term ``settlor'' will be read to mean a person who created such
vehicle, alone or together with other Eligible Employees and/or
Eligible Family Members, and contributed funds to such vehicle.
9. While the terms of a Partnership will be determined by Ares in
its discretion, these terms will be fully disclosed to each Eligible
Employee and, if a Qualified Participant of such Eligible Employee is
required to make an investment decision with respect to whether or not
to participate in a Partnership, to such Qualified Participant, at the
time such Eligible Employee or Qualified Participant is invited to
participate in the Partnership. A Partnership will send its Limited
Partners an annual financial statement with respect to those Series in
which the Limited Partner had an Interest within 120 days, or as soon
as practicable, after the end of the Partnership's fiscal year. The
financial statement will be audited \6\ by independent certified public
accountants, except in cases of Partnerships formed to make a single
portfolio investment.\7\ In addition, as soon as practicable after the
end of each fiscal year of a Partnership, a report will be sent to each
Limited Partner setting forth the information with respect such Limited
Partner's share of income, gains, losses, credits, and other items for
federal and state income tax purposes.
\6\ ``Audit'' will have the meaning defined in rule 1-02(d) of
Regulation S-X.
\7\ In such cases, the Partnership may send unaudited financial
statements, but each Limited Partner will receive financial
statements of the single portfolio investment audited by such
entity's independent accountants.
10. Interests in each Partnership will be non-transferable except
with the prior written consent of the General Partner, and, in any
event, no person or entity will be admitted into the Partnership as a
Limited Partner unless such person is (i) an Eligible Employee, (ii) a
Qualified Participant or (iii) an Ares entity. No sales load or similar
fee of any kind will be charged in connection with the sale of
11. The Applicant states that a General Partner may have the right
to repurchase or cancel the Interest of (i) an Eligible Employee who
ceases to be an employee, officer, director or current Consultant of
any Ares entity for any reason or (ii) any Qualified Participant of any
person described in clause (i). Once a Consultant's ongoing
relationship with an Ares entity is terminated: (i) Such Consultant and
its Qualified Participants, if any, will not be permitted to contribute
any additional capital to a Partnership; and (ii) the existing
Interests of such Consultant and its Qualified Participants, if any, as
of the date of such termination will (A) to the extent the governing
documents of a Partnership provide for periodic redemptions in the
ordinary course, be redeemed as of the next regularly scheduled
redemption date and (B) to the extent the governing documents of a
Partnership do not provide for such periodic redemptions (e.g., as a
result of the vehicle primarily investing in illiquid investments), be
retained. The Partnership Agreement or private placement memorandum for
each Partnership will describe, if applicable, the amount that a
Limited Partner would receive upon repurchase, cancellation or
forfeiture of its Interest. A Limited Partner would receive upon
repurchase, cancellation or forfeiture of its Interest, at a minimum,
the lesser of (i) the amount actually paid by or (subject to any
vesting requirements) on behalf of the Limited Partner to acquire the
Interest, plus interest, less any distributions, and (ii) the fair
market value of the Interest determined at the time of the repurchase
or cancellation as determined in good faith by the General Partner. The
amount to be received by the Limited Partner will be subject to any
applicable vesting schedule or forfeiture provisions and to the extent
there is an oversubscription for a regularly scheduled redemption,
existing Interests of the Limited Partner will be redeemed on a pro
rata basis with all other Limited Partners who have made a request, in
accordance with the governing documents, to be redeemed as of that
redemption date and any subsequent regularly scheduled redemption date
until all of such Limited Partner's existing Interests are redeemed.
12. The Applicant states that the Partnerships may invest either
directly or through investments in limited partnerships and other
investment pools (including pools that are exempt from registration in
reliance on section 3(c)(1) or 3(c)(7) of the Act) and investments in
registered investment companies.\8\ Investments may be made side by
side with Ares entities and through investment pools (including
``Aggregation Vehicles'') \9\ sponsored or managed by an Ares entity or
an unaffiliated entity.
\8\ The Applicant is not requesting any exemption from any
provision of the Act or any rule thereunder that may govern the
eligibility of a Partnership to invest in an entity relying on
section 3(c)(1) or 3(c)(7) of the Act or any such entity's status
under the Act.
\9\ An ``Aggregation Vehicle'' is an investment pool sponsored
or managed by an Ares entity that is formed solely for the purpose
of permitting a Partnership and other Ares entities or Third Party
Funds to collectively invest in other entities. The Applicant states
that it may be more efficient for a Partnership and other Ares
entities and Third Party Funds to invest in an entity together
through an Aggregation Vehicle rather than having each investor
separately acquire a direct interest in such entity. An Aggregation
Vehicle will not be used to issue interests that discriminate
against a Partnership or provide preferential treatment to an Ares
entity or other Ares-related investors with respect to a portfolio
company investment. The Applicant submits that because no investment
decisions are made at the Aggregation Vehicle level, the fact that a
person who participates in the Partnership's decision to acquire an
interest in an Aggregation Vehicle also serves as an officer,
director, general partner or investment adviser of the Aggregation
Vehicle would not create a conflict of interest on the part of such
13. The Applicant states that a Partnership may also co-invest in a
portfolio company with Ares or an investment fund or separate account
organized primarily for the benefit of investors who are not affiliated
with Ares over which an Ares entity or an Unaffiliated Subadviser
exercises investment discretion (``Third Party Funds''). The General
Partner will not delegate management and investment discretion for the
Partnership to an Unaffiliated Subadviser or a sponsor of a Third Party
Fund. Side-by-side investments held by a Third Party Fund, or by an
Ares entity in a transaction in which the Ares investment was made
[[Page 12181]]
pursuant to a contractual obligation to a Third Party Fund, will not be
subject to the restrictions contained in Condition 3 below. All other
side-by-side investments held by Ares entities will be subject to the
restrictions contained in Condition 3.
14. A Partnership will not borrow from any person if the borrowing
would cause any person not named in section 2(a)(13) of the Act to own
securities of the Partnership (other than short-term paper). A
Partnership will not make any loans to the Company, its subsidiaries or
any entity that controls the Company.\10\ A Partnership will not borrow
from any person if the borrowing would cause the Partnership not to be
an ``employees' securities company'' as defined in Section 2(a)(13) of
the Act. Any indebtedness of a Partnership, other than indebtedness
incurred specifically on behalf of a Limited Partner where the Limited
Partner has agreed to guarantee the loan or to act as co-obligor of the
loan, will be the debt of the Partnership and without recourse to the
Limited Partners.
\10\ A Partnership may, subject to the terms and conditions set
out herein, make investments in issuers that are portfolio companies
of funds managed by Ares, and such investments may take the form of
15. In compliance with section 12(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act, a
Partnership will not purchase or otherwise acquire any security issued
by a registered investment company if, immediately after the
acquisition, the Partnership will own, in the aggregate, more than 3%
of the outstanding voting stock of the registered investment company.
Applicant's Legal Analysis
1. Section 6(b) of the Act provides that, upon application, the
Commission will exempt employees' securities companies from the
provisions of the Act to the extent that the exemption is consistent
with the protection of investors. Section 6(b) provides that the
Commission will consider, in determining the provisions of the Act from
which the company should be exempt, the company's form of organization
and capital structure, the persons owning and controlling its
securities, the price of the company's securities and the amount of any
sales load, how the company's funds are invested, and the relationship
between the company and the issuers of the securities in which it
invests. Section 2(a)(13) defines an employees' securities company, in
relevant part, as any investment company all of whose securities (other
than short-term paper) are beneficially owned (a) by current or former
employees, or persons on retainer, of one or more affiliated employers,
(b) by immediate family members of such persons, or (c) by such
employer or employers together with any of the persons in (a) or (b).
2. Section 7 of the Act generally prohibits investment companies
that are not registered under section 8 of the Act from selling or
redeeming their securities. Section 6(e) of the Act provides that, in
connection with any order exempting an investment company from any
provision of section 7, certain provisions of the Act, as specified by
the Commission, will be applicable to the company and other persons
dealing with the company as though the company were registered under
the Act. The Applicant requests an order under sections 6(b) and 6(e)
of the Act exempting the Partnerships from all provisions of the Act,
except sections 9, 17, 30, and 36 through 53 of the Act, and the Rules
and Regulations. With respect to sections 17(a), (d), (f), (g), and (j)
and 30(a), (b), (e), and (h) of the Act, and the Rules and Regulations,
and rule 38a-1 under the Act, the exemption is limited as set forth in
the application.
3. Section 17(a) generally prohibits any affiliated person of a
registered investment company, or any affiliated person of an
affiliated person, acting as principal, from knowingly selling or
purchasing any security or other property to or from the company. The
Applicant requests an exemption from section 17(a) to the extent
necessary to permit an Ares entity or a Third Party Fund (or any
affiliated person of any such Ares entity or Third Party Fund), acting
as principal, to purchase or sell securities or other property to or
from any Partnership or any company controlled by such Partnership. Any
such transaction to which any Partnership is a party will be effected
only after a determination by the General Partner that the requirements
of condition 1 below have been satisfied. In addition, the Applicant,
on behalf of the Partnerships, represents that any transactions
otherwise subject to section 17(a) of the Act, for which exemptive
relief has not been requested, would require approval of the
4. The Applicant submits that an exemption from section 17(a) is
consistent with the purposes of the Partnerships and the protection of
investors. The Applicant states that the Limited Partners will be
informed of the possible extent of the Partnership's dealings with Ares
and of the potential conflicts of interest that may exist. The
Applicant also states that, as professionals engaged in financial
services businesses, the Limited Partners will be able to evaluate the
risks associated with those dealings. The Applicant asserts that the
community of interest among the Limited Partners and Ares will serve to
reduce the risk of abuse. The Applicant acknowledges that the requested
relief will not extend to any transactions between a Partnership and an
Unaffiliated Subadviser or an affiliated person of an Unaffiliated
Subadviser, or between a Partnership and any person who is not an
employee, officer or director of Ares or is an entity outside of Ares
and is an affiliated person of the Partnership as defined in section
2(a)(3)(E) of the Act (``Advisory Person'') or any affiliated person of
such a person.
5. Section 17(d) of the Act and rule 17d-1 under the Act prohibit
any affiliated person or principal underwriter of a registered
investment company, or any affiliated person of such person or
principal underwriter, acting as principal, from participating in any
joint arrangement with the company unless authorized by the Commission.
The Applicant requests relief to permit affiliated persons of the
Partnerships, or affiliated persons of any of such persons, to
participate in, or effect any transaction in connection with, any joint
enterprise or other joint arrangement or profit-sharing plan in which a
Partnership or a company controlled by a Partnership is a participant.
The Applicant acknowledges that the requested relief will not extend to
any transaction in which an Unaffiliated Subadviser or an Advisory
Person, or an affiliated person of either such person, has an interest,
except in connection with a Third Party Fund sponsored by an
Unaffiliated Subadviser.
6. The Applicant asserts that compliance with section 17(d) would
cause the Partnership to forego investment opportunities simply because
a Limited Partner, the General Partner or any other affiliated person
of the Partnership (or any affiliate of the affiliated person) made a
similar investment. The Applicant submits that the types of investment
opportunities considered by a Partnership often require each investor
to make funds available in an amount that may be substantially greater
than what a Partnership may be able to make available on its own. The
Applicant contends that, as a result, the only way in which a
Partnership may be able to participate in these opportunities may be to
co-invest with other persons, including its affiliates. The Applicant
asserts that the flexibility to structure co-investments and joint
investments will not involve abuses of the type
[[Page 12182]]
section 17(d) and rule 17d-1 were designed to prevent. In addition, the
Applicant represents that any transactions otherwise subject to section
17(d) of the Act and rule 17d-1 thereunder, for which exemptive relief
has not been requested, would require approval by the Commission.
7. Co-investments with Third Party Funds, or by an Ares entity
pursuant to a contractual obligation to a Third Party Fund, will not be
subject to condition 3 below. The Applicant notes that it is common for
a Third Party Fund to require that Ares invest its own capital in Third
Party Fund investments, and that Ares investments be subject to
substantially the same terms as those applicable to the Third Party
Fund. The Applicant believes it is important that the interests of the
Third Party Fund take priority over the interests of the Partnerships,
and that the Third Party Fund not be burdened or otherwise affected by
activities of the Partnerships. In addition, the Applicant asserts that
the relationship of a Partnership to a Third Party Fund is
fundamentally different from a Partnership's relationship to Ares. The
Applicant contends that the focus of, and the rationale for, the
protections contained in the requested relief are to protect the
Partnerships from any overreaching by Ares in the employer/employee
context, whereas the same concerns are not present with respect to the
Partnerships vis-[agrave]-vis a Third Party Fund.
8. Section 17(e) of the Act and rule 17e-1 under the Act limit the
compensation an affiliated person may receive when acting as agent or
broker for a registered investment company. The Applicant requests an
exemption from section 17(e) to permit an Ares entity (including the
General Partner) that acts as an agent or broker to receive placement
fees, advisory fees, or other compensation from a Partnership in
connection with the purchase or sale by the Partnership of securities,
provided that the fees or other compensation are deemed ``usual and
customary.'' The Applicant states that for purposes of the application,
fees or other compensation that are charged or received by an Ares
entity will be deemed ``usual and customary'' only if (a) the
Partnership is purchasing or selling securities with other unaffiliated
third parties, including Third Party Funds, (b) the fees or other
compensation being charged to the Partnership (directly or indirectly)
are also being charged to the unaffiliated third parties, including
Third Party Funds, and (c) the amount of securities being purchased or
sold by the Partnership (directly or indirectly) does not exceed 50% of
the total amount of securities being purchased or sold by the
Partnership (directly or indirectly) and the unaffiliated third
parties, including Third Party Funds. The Applicant asserts that,
because Ares does not wish to appear to be favoring the Partnerships,
compliance with section 17(e) would prevent a Partnership from
participating in transactions where the Partnership is being charged
lower fees than unaffiliated third parties. The Applicant asserts that
the fees or other compensation paid by a Partnership to an Ares entity
will be the same as those negotiated at arm's length with unaffiliated
third parties.
9. Rule 17e-1(b) under the Act requires that a majority of
directors who are not ``interested persons'' (as defined in section
2(a)(19) of the Act) take actions and make approvals regarding
commissions, fees, or other remuneration. Rule 17e-1(c) under the Act
requires each investment company relying on the rule to satisfy the
fund governance standards defined in rule 0-1(a)(7) under the Act (the
``Fund Governance Standards''). The Applicant requests an exemption
from rule 17e-1 to the extent necessary to permit each Partnership to
comply with the rule without having a majority of the directors of the
General Partner who are not interested persons take actions and make
determinations as set forth in paragraph (b) of the rule, and without
having to satisfy the standards set forth in paragraph (c) of the rule.
The Applicant states that because all the directors of the General
Partner will be affiliated persons, without the relief requested, a
Partnership could not comply with rule 17e-1. The Applicant states that
each Partnership will comply with rule 17e-1 by having a majority of
the directors of the General Partner take actions and make approvals as
set forth in the rule. The Applicant states that each Partnership will
otherwise comply with rule 17e-1.
10. Section 17(f) of the Act designates the entities that may act
as investment company custodians, and rule 17f-1 under the Act imposes
certain requirements when the custodian is a member of a national
securities exchange. The Applicant requests an exemption from section
17(f) and subsections (a), (b) (to the extent such subsection refers to
contractual requirements), (c), and (d) of rule 17f-1 to permit an Ares
entity to act as custodian of Partnership assets without a written
contract. The Applicant also requests an exemption from the rule 17f-
1(b)(4) requirement that an independent accountant periodically verify
the assets held by the custodian. The Applicant states that, because of
the community of interest between Ares and the Partnerships and the
existing requirement for an independent audit, compliance with this
requirement would be unnecessary. The Applicant will comply with all
other requirements of rule 17f-1.
11. The Applicant also requests an exemption from section 17 and
rule 17f-2 to permit the following exceptions from the requirements of
rule 17f-2: (a) A Partnership's investments may be kept in the locked
files of the Ares, the General Partner or the Investment Adviser; (b)
for purposes of paragraph (d) of the rule, (i) employees of the General
Partner (or Ares) will be deemed to be employees of the Partnerships,
(ii) officers or managers of the General Partner of a Partnership (or
Ares) will be deemed to be officers of the Partnership and (iii) the
General Partner of a Partnership or its board of directors will be
deemed to be the board of directors of a Partnership and (c) in place
of the verification procedure under paragraph (f) of the rule,
verification will be effected quarterly by two employees, each of whom
will have sufficient knowledge, sophistication and experience in
business matters to perform such examination. The Applicant expects
that, with respect to certain Partnerships, some of their investments
may be evidenced only by partnership agreements, participation
agreements or similar documents, rather than by negotiable certificates
that could be misappropriated. The Applicant asserts that for such a
Partnership, these instruments are most suitably kept in the files of
Ares, the General Partner, or the Ares entity that serves as investment
adviser to the Partnership, where they can be referred to as necessary.
The Applicant will comply with all other provisions of rule 17f-2.
12. Section 17(g) of the Act and rule 17g-1 under the Act generally
require the bonding of officers and employees of a registered
investment company who have access to its securities or funds. Rule
17g-1 requires that a majority of directors who are not interested
persons of a registered investment company take certain actions and
give certain approvals relating to fidelity bonding. The rule also
requires that the board of directors of an investment company relying
on the rule satisfy the Fund Governance Standards. The Applicant
requests relief to permit the General Partner's board of directors, who
may be deemed interested persons, to take actions and make
determinations as set forth in the rule. The Applicant states that,
because all directors or other governing body of the General Partner
[[Page 12183]]
will be affiliated persons, a Partnership could not comply with rule
17g-1 without the requested relief. Specifically, each Partnership will
comply with rule 17g-1 by having a majority of the General Partner's
directors (or members of a comparable body) take actions and make
determinations as set forth in rule 17g-1. The Applicant also requests
an exemption from the requirements of: (i) Paragraph (g) of the rule
relating to the filing of copies of fidelity bonds and related
information with the Commission and the provision of notices to the
board of directors; (ii) paragraph (h) of the rule relating to the
appointment of a person to make the filings and provide the notices
required by paragraph (g); and (iii) paragraph (j)(3) of the rule
relating to compliance with the Fund Governance Standards. The
Applicant states that the fidelity bond of each Partnership will cover
Ares employees who have access to the securities and funds of the
Partnership. The Applicant states that the Partnerships will comply
with all other requirements of rule 17g-1.
13. Section 17(j) of the Act and paragraph (b) of rule 17j-1 under
the Act make it unlawful for certain enumerated persons to engage in
fraudulent or deceptive practices in connection with the purchase or
sale of a security held or to be acquired by a registered investment
company. Rule 17j-1 also requires that every registered investment
company adopt a written code of ethics and that every access person of
a registered investment company report personal securities
transactions. The Applicant requests an exemption from section 17(j)
and the provisions of rule 17j-1, except for the anti-fraud provisions
of paragraph (b), because they assert that these requirements are
unnecessarily burdensome as applied to the Partnerships. The relief
requested will only extend to Ares entities and is not requested with
respect to any Unaffiliated Subadviser or Advisory Person.
14. The Applicant requests an exemption from the requirements in
sections 30(a), 30(b), and 30(e) of the Act, and the rules under those
sections, that registered investment companies prepare and file with
the Commission and mail to their shareholders certain periodic reports
and financial statements. The Applicant contends that the forms
prescribed by the Commission for periodic reports have little relevance
to the Partnerships and would entail administrative and legal costs
that outweigh any benefit to the Limited Partners. The Applicant
requests exemptive relief to the extent necessary to permit each
Partnership to report annually to its Limited Partners, as described in
the application. The Applicant also requests an exemption from section
30(h) of the Act to the extent necessary to exempt the General Partner
of each Partnership, members of the General Partner or any board of
managers or directors or committee of Ares employees to whom the
General Partner may delegate its functions, and any other persons who
may be deemed to be members of an advisory board of a Partnership, from
filing Forms 3, 4, and 5 under section 16(a) of the Exchange Act with
respect to their ownership of Interests in the Partnership. The
Applicant asserts that, because there will be no trading market and the
transfers of Interests will be severely restricted, these filings are
unnecessary for the protection of investors and burdensome to those
required to make them.
15. Rule 38a-1 requires registered investment companies to adopt,
implement and periodically review written policies reasonable designed
to prevent violation of the federal securities law and to appoint a
chief compliance officer. Each Partnership will comply will rule 38a-
1(a), (c) and (d), except that (i) since the Partnership does not have
a board of directors, the board of directors or other governing body of
the General Partner will fulfill the responsibilities assigned to the
Partnership's board of directors under the rule, and (ii) since the
board of directors or other governing body of the General Partner does
not have any disinterested members, (a) approval by a majority of the
disinterested board members required by rule 38a-1 will not be
obtained, and (b) the Partnerships will comply with the requirement in
rule 38a-1(a)(4)(iv) that the chief compliance officer meet with the
independent directors by having the chief compliance officer meet with
the board of directors of the General Partner as constituted.
Applicant's Conditions
The Applicant agrees that any order granting the requested relief
will be subject to the following conditions:
1. Each proposed transaction involving a Partnership otherwise
prohibited by section 17(a) or section 17(d) of the Act and rule 17d-1
under the Act to which a Partnership is a party (the ``Section 17
Transactions'') will be effected only if the General Partner determines
that (i) the terms of the Section 17 Transaction, including the
consideration to be paid or received, are fair and reasonable to the
Limited Partners of the Partnership and do not involve overreaching of
the Partnership or its Limited Partners on the part of any person
concerned, and (ii) the Section 17 Transaction is consistent with the
interests of the Limited Partners, the Partnership's organizational
documents and the Partnership's reports to its Limited Partners.\11\
\11\ If a Partnership invests through an Aggregation Vehicle and
such investment is a Section 17 Transaction, this condition will
apply with respect to both the investment in the Aggregation Vehicle
and any investment by the Aggregation Vehicle of Partnership funds.
In addition, the General Partner of a Partnership will record and
preserve a description of all Section 17 Transactions, the General
Partner's findings, the information or materials upon which the
findings are based and the basis for the findings. All such records
will be maintained for the life of the Partnership and at least six
years thereafter and will be subject to examination by the Commission
and its staff.\12\
\12\ Each Partnership will preserve the accounts, books and
other documents required to be maintained in an easily accessible
place for the first two years.
2. The General Partner of each Partnership will adopt, and
periodically review and update, procedures designed to ensure that
reasonable inquiry is made, prior to the consummation of any Section 17
Transaction, with respect to the possible involvement in the
transaction of any affiliated person or promoter of or principal
underwriter for the Partnership or any affiliated person of such
person, promoter or principal underwriter.
3. The General Partner of each Partnership will not invest the
funds of the Partnership in any investment in which an ``Affiliated Co-
Investor'' (as defined below) has acquired or proposes to acquire the
same class of securities of the same issuer and where the investment
transaction involves a joint enterprise or other joint arrangement
within the meaning of Rule 17d-1 in which the Partnership and an
Affiliated Co-Investor are participants (each such investment, a ``Rule
17d-1 Investment''), unless any such Affiliated Co-Investor, prior to
disposing of all or part of its investment, (i) gives the General
Partner sufficient, but not less than one day's, notice of its intent
to dispose of its investment; and (ii) refrains from disposing of its
investment unless the Partnership has the opportunity to dispose of the
Partnership's investment prior to or concurrently with, on the same
terms as, and pro rata with the Affiliated Co-
[[Page 12184]]
Investor.\13\ The term ``Affiliated Co-Investor'' with respect to any
Partnership means any person who is: (i) An ``affiliated person'' (as
such term is defined in section 2(a)(3) of the Act) of the Partnership
(other than a Third Party Fund); (ii) Ares; (iii) an officer or
director of Ares; (iv) an Eligible Employee; or (v) an entity (other
than a Third Party Fund) in which an Ares entity acts as a general
partner or has a similar capacity to control the sale or other
disposition of the entity's securities. The restrictions contained in
this condition, however, shall not be deemed to limit or prevent the
disposition of an investment by an Affiliated Co-Investor (i) to its
direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary, to any company (a
``Parent'') of which the Affiliated Co-Investor is a direct or indirect
wholly-owned subsidiary or to a direct or indirect wholly-owned
subsidiary of its Parent, (ii) to immediate family members of the
Affiliated Co-Investor or a trust or other investment vehicle
established for any Affiliated Co-Investor or any such immediate family
member, or (iii) when the investment is comprised of securities that
are (a) listed on a national securities exchange registered under
section 6 of the Exchange Act, (b) NMS stocks pursuant to section
11A(a)(2) of the Exchange Act and rule 600(a) of Regulation NMS
thereunder, (c) government securities as defined in section 2(a)(16) of
the Act or other securities that meet the definition of ``Eligible
Security'' in rule 2a-7 under the Act, or (d) listed or traded on any
foreign securities exchange or board of trade that satisfies regulatory
requirements under the law of the jurisdiction in which such foreign
securities exchange or board of trade is organized similar to those
that apply to a national securities exchange or a national market
system for securities.
\13\ If a Partnership invests in a Rule 17d-1 Investment through
an Aggregation Vehicle, the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) of
this sentence shall apply to both the Affiliated Co-Investor's
disposition of such Rule 17d-1 Investment and, if the Affiliated Co-
Investor also holds a Rule 17d-1 Investment through such Aggregation
Vehicle, its disposition of all or part of its investment in the
Aggregation Vehicle.
4. Each Partnership and its General Partner will maintain and
preserve, for the life of each Series of the Partnership and at least
six years thereafter, such accounts, books and other documents
constituting the record forming the basis for the audited financial
statements that are to be provided to the Limited Partners in the
Partnership, and each annual report of the Partnership required to be
sent to the Limited Partners, and agree that all such records will be
subject to examination by the Commission and its staff.\14\
\14\ Each Partnership will preserve the accounts, books and
other documents required to be maintained in an easily accessible
place for the first two years.
5. Within 120 days after the end of each fiscal year of each
Partnership, or as soon as practicable thereafter, the General Partner
of each Partnership will send to each Limited Partner having an
Interest in the Partnership at any time during the fiscal year then
ended, Partnership financial statements audited by the Partnership's
independent accountants with respect to those Series in which the
Limited Partner had an Interest, except under certain circumstances in
the case of a Partnership formed to make a single portfolio investment.
In such cases, the Partnership may send unaudited financial statements,
but each Limited Partner will receive financial statements of the
single portfolio investment audited by such entity's independent
accountants. At the end of each fiscal year, the General Partner will
make or cause to be made a valuation of all of the assets of the
Partnership as of such fiscal year end in a manner consistent with
customary practice with respect to the valuation of assets of the kind
held by the Partnership. In addition, within 120 days after the end of
each fiscal year of each Partnership (or as soon as practicable
thereafter), the General Partner will send a report to each person who
was a Limited Partner at any time during the fiscal year then ended,
setting forth such tax information as shall be necessary for the
preparation by the Limited Partner of that partner's federal and state
income tax returns and a report of the investment activities of the
Partnership during that fiscal year.
6. If a Partnership makes purchases or sales from or to an entity
affiliated with the Partnership by reason of an officer, director or
employee of an Ares entity (i) serving as an officer, director, general
partner, manager or investment adviser of the entity (other than an
entity that is an Aggregation Vehicle), or (ii) having a 5% or more
investment in the entity, such individual will not participate in the
Partnership's determination of whether or not to effect the purchase or
For the Commission, by the Division of Investment Management,
under delegated authority.
Robert W. Errett,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2016-05039 Filed 3-7-16; 8:45 am]