Comment Request for the Extension With No Revisions of the Information Collection for Petition and Investigative Data Collection Requirements for the Trade Act of 1974, as Amended (OMB Control Number 1205-0342), 78768-78769 [2015-31656]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 242 / Thursday, December 17, 2015 / Notices
burden or associated response time,
suggestions, or need a copy of the
proposed information collection
instrument with instructions or
additional information, please contact
please contact Alexia Cooper, Bureau of
Justice Statistics, 810 Seventh Street
NW., Washington, DC 20531 (email:; telephone:
202–307–0582). Written comments and/
or suggestions can also be directed to
the Office of Management and Budget,
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Attention Department of Justice
Desk Officer, Washington, DC 20503 or
sent to OIRA_submissions@
comments and suggestions from the
public and affected agencies concerning
the proposed collection of information
are encouraged. Your comments should
address one or more of the following
four points:
—Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the Bureau of Justice
Statistics, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
—Evaluate the accuracy of the agency’s
estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
—Evaluate whether and if so how the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected can be
enhanced; and
—Minimize the burden of the collection
of information on those who are to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms
of information technology, e.g.,
permitting electronic submission of
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Overview of This Information
(1) Type of Information Collection:
New collection.
(2) The Title of the Form/Collection:
Body Worn Camera Supplement
(BWCS) to the Law Enforcement
Management and Administrative
Statistics (LEMAS) Survey
(3) The agency form number, if any,
and the applicable component of the
Department sponsoring the collection:
No agency form number at this time.
The applicable component within the
Department of Justice is the Bureau of
Justice Statistics, in the Office of Justice
(4) Affected public who will be asked
or required to respond, as well as a brief
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abstract: Respondents will be general
purpose state and local law enforcement
agencies (LEAs), including police
departments, sheriff’s offices, and state
law enforcement agencies. Abstract:
Since 1987, BJS has collected
information about the personnel,
policies, and practices of law
enforcement agencies via the Law
Enforcement Management and
Administrative Statistics (LEMAS)
survey. This core survey, which has
been administered every 4 to 6 years,
has been used to produce nationally
representative estimates of the functions
and responsibilities of law enforcement
agencies and the staff serving in those
organizations. In addition to core
management and administrative
information, BJS will also begin using
the LEMAS platform for topical
supplemental surveys, fielded
periodically, to collect data on key
issues in contemporary policing. The
body worn camera supplement (BWC) is
the first of these topical supplements.
Specifically, the BWCS survey will
focus on LEAs use of body-worn media
and will ask agencies about their
experiences with body-worn cameras,
factors that influence the choice to
acquire the technology, and
considerations that guide policies for
the use of these technologies. This
survey will build on the existing
LEMAS program and provide key
information on an issue that is of
particular interest to the law
enforcement community and the
communities they serve.
(5) An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
respond: An agency-level survey will be
sent to approximately 5,063 LEA
respondents with the goal of obtaining
3,122 completed surveys. The expected
burden placed on these respondents is
about 23 minutes per respondent.
(6) An estimate of the total public
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: The total respondent burden
is approximately 1,884 burden hours.
If additional information is required
contact: Jerri Murray, Department
Clearance Officer, United States
Department of Justice, Justice
Management Division, Policy and
Planning Staff, Two Constitution
Square, 145 N Street NE., 3E.405B,
Washington, DC 20530.
Dated: December 14, 2015.
Jerri Murray,
Department Clearance Officer for PRA, U.S.
Department of Justice.
[FR Doc. 2015–31744 Filed 12–16–15; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00061
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Employment and Training
Comment Request for the Extension
With No Revisions of the Information
Collection for Petition and
Investigative Data Collection
Requirements for the Trade Act of
1974, as Amended (OMB Control
Number 1205–0342)
Employment and Training
Administration (ETA), Department of
ACTION: Notice.
The Department of Labor
(Department), as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, conducts a
preclearance consultation program to
provide the public and Federal agencies
with an opportunity to comment on
proposed and/or continuing collections
of information in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 [44
U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This program
helps ensure that requested data can be
provided in the desired format,
reporting burden (time and financial
resources) is minimized, collection
instruments are clearly understood, and
the impact of collection requirements on
respondents can be properly assessed.
Currently, the Employment and
Training Administration is soliciting
comments concerning the proposed
extension, with no revisions, of data
collections using the ETA 9042A,
Petition for Trade Adjustment
Assistance (1205–0342), its Spanish
translation ETA 9042a (1205–0342), and
its On-Line version ETA 9042A–1
(1205–0342); ETA 9043a, Business Data
Request—Article (1205–0342); ETA
9043b, Business Data Request—Service
(1205–0342); ETA 8562a, Business
Customer Survey (1205–0342); ETA
8562a, Business Customer Survey
(1205–0342); ETA 85622a–1, Business
Second Tier Customer Survey (1205–
0342); ETA–8562b, Business Bid Survey
(1205–0342); and ETA 9118, Business
Information Request (1205–0342). The
current expiration date is March 31,
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted to the office listed in the
addresses section below on or before
February 16, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
to Susan Worden, Office of Trade
Adjustment Assistance, Room N–5428,
Employment and Training
Administration, U.S. Department of
Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20210. Telephone
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 242 / Thursday, December 17, 2015 / Notices
number: 202–963–3560 (this is not a
toll-free number). Individuals with
hearing or speech impairments may
access the telephone number above via
TTY by calling the toll-free Federal
Information Relay Service at 1–877–
889–5627 (TTY/TDD). Fax: 202–693–
3584. Email: A
copy of the proposed information
collection request (ICR) can be obtained
by contacting the office listed above.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
I. Background
Section 221(a) of Title II, Chapter 2 of
the Trade Act of 1974, as amended by
the Trade Act of 2002, authorizes the
Secretary of Labor and the Governor of
each state to accept petitions for
certification of eligibility to apply for
adjustment assistance. The petitions
may be filed by a group of workers, their
certified or recognized union or duly
authorized representative, employers of
such workers, one-stop operators or onestop partners. ETA Form 9042A,
Petition for Trade Adjustment
Assistance and Alternative Trade
Adjustment Assistance, its Spanish
translation, ETA Form 9042A, Solicitud
De Asistencia Para Ajuste, and the OnLine Petiton for Trade Adjustment
Assistance, ETA Form 9042A–1,
establish a format that may be used for
filing such petitions.
Sections 222, 223 and 249 of the
Trade Act of 1974, as amended, require
the Secretary of Labor to issue a
determination for groups of workers as
to their eligibility to apply for Trade
Adjustment Assistance (TAA). After
reviewing all of the information
obtained for each petition for Trade
Adjustment Assistance filed with the
Department, a determination is issued
as to whether the statutory criteria for
certification are met. The information
collected in ETA Form 9043a, Business
Data Request—Article, ETA Form
9043b, Business Data Request—Service,
ETA Form 9118, Business Information
Request, ETA Form 8562a, Business
Customer Survey, ETA form 85622a-1,
Business Second Tier Customer Survey,
ETA form 8562b, Business Bid Survey,
will be used by the Secretary to
determine to what extent, if any,
increased imports or shifts in either
service or production have impacted the
petitioning worker group.
II. Review Focus
The Department is particularly
interested in comments which:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
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whether the information will have
practical utility;
• evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
• enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submissions
of responses.
III. Current Actions
Type of Review: Extension with no
Title: Investigative Data Collections
for the Trade Act of 1974, as amended.
OMB Number: 1205–0342.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Households, Businesses, State, Local or
Tribal Governments.
Form(s): ETA 9042A, Petition for
Trade Adjustment Assistance (1205–
0342), its Spanish translation ETA
9042a (1205–0342), and its On-Line
version ETA 9042A–1 (1205–0342); ETA
9043a, Business Data Request—Article
(1205–0342); ETA 9043b, Business Data
Request—Service (1205–0342); ETA
8562a, Business Customer Survey
(1205–0342); ETA 85622a–1, Business
Second Tier Customer Survey (1205–
0342); ETA–8562b, Business Bid Survey
(1205–0342); and ETA 9118, Business
Information Request (1205–0342).
Total Annual Respondents: 6,916.
Annual Frequency: Once.
Total Annual Responses: 85,675.
Average Time per Response: 2.22
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 18,642.
Total Annual Burden Cost for
Respondents: $0.
Comments submitted in response to
this comment request will be
summarized and/or included in the
request for OMB approval of the ICR;
they will also become a matter of public
Portia Wu,
Assistant Secretary for Employment and
Training, Labor.
[FR Doc. 2015–31656 Filed 12–16–15; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00062
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Employment and Training
Comment Request for Information
Collection for Occupational Code
Assignment (OMB 1205–0137),
Extension With Revisions
Employment and Training
Administration (ETA), Labor.
ACTION: Notice.
The Department of Labor
(Department), as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, conducts a
preclearance consultation program to
provide the public and Federal agencies
with an opportunity to comment on
proposed and/or continuing collections
of information in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 [44
U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This program
helps ensure that requested data can be
provided in the desired format,
reporting burden (time and financial
resources) is minimized, collection
instruments are clearly understood, and
the impact of collection requirements on
respondents can be properly assessed.
Currently, ETA is soliciting comments
concerning the collection of data using
the Occupational Code Assignment
Form (ETA 741), which expires on May
31, 2016. A copy of the proposed
information collection request (ICR) can
be obtained by contacting the office
listed below in the addressee section of
this notice or by accessing: https://
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted to the office listed in the
addresses section below, on or before
February 16, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
to Alexander Nallin, Office of Workforce
Investment, Employment and Training
Administration, Mail Stop C–4526,
Employment and Training
Administration, U.S. Department of
Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20210. Telephone
number: 202–693–3938. Individuals
with hearing or speech impairments
may access the telephone number above
via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal
Information Relay Service at 1–877–
889–5627 (TTY/TDD). Fax: 202–693–
3015. Email:
A copy of the proposed information
collection request (ICR) can be obtained
by contacting the office listed above.
I. Background
The Occupational Code Assignment
form (ETA 741) was developed as a
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 242 (Thursday, December 17, 2015)]
[Pages 78768-78769]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-31656]
Employment and Training Administration
Comment Request for the Extension With No Revisions of the
Information Collection for Petition and Investigative Data Collection
Requirements for the Trade Act of 1974, as Amended (OMB Control Number
AGENCY: Employment and Training Administration (ETA), Department of
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Department of Labor (Department), as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, conducts a
preclearance consultation program to provide the public and Federal
agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing
collections of information in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This program helps ensure that
requested data can be provided in the desired format, reporting burden
(time and financial resources) is minimized, collection instruments are
clearly understood, and the impact of collection requirements on
respondents can be properly assessed.
Currently, the Employment and Training Administration is soliciting
comments concerning the proposed extension, with no revisions, of data
collections using the ETA 9042A, Petition for Trade Adjustment
Assistance (1205-0342), its Spanish translation ETA 9042a (1205-0342),
and its On-Line version ETA 9042A-1 (1205-0342); ETA 9043a, Business
Data Request--Article (1205-0342); ETA 9043b, Business Data Request--
Service (1205-0342); ETA 8562a, Business Customer Survey (1205-0342);
ETA 8562a, Business Customer Survey (1205-0342); ETA 85622a-1, Business
Second Tier Customer Survey (1205-0342); ETA-8562b, Business Bid Survey
(1205-0342); and ETA 9118, Business Information Request (1205-0342).
The current expiration date is March 31, 2016.
DATES: Written comments must be submitted to the office listed in the
addresses section below on or before February 16, 2016.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments to Susan Worden, Office of Trade
Adjustment Assistance, Room N-5428, Employment and Training
Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20210. Telephone
[[Page 78769]]
number: 202-963-3560 (this is not a toll-free number). Individuals with
hearing or speech impairments may access the telephone number above via
TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Information Relay Service at 1-
877-889-5627 (TTY/TDD). Fax: 202-693-3584. Email:
A copy of the proposed information collection request (ICR) can be
obtained by contacting the office listed above.
I. Background
Section 221(a) of Title II, Chapter 2 of the Trade Act of 1974, as
amended by the Trade Act of 2002, authorizes the Secretary of Labor and
the Governor of each state to accept petitions for certification of
eligibility to apply for adjustment assistance. The petitions may be
filed by a group of workers, their certified or recognized union or
duly authorized representative, employers of such workers, one-stop
operators or one-stop partners. ETA Form 9042A, Petition for Trade
Adjustment Assistance and Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance, its
Spanish translation, ETA Form 9042A, Solicitud De Asistencia Para
Ajuste, and the On-Line Petiton for Trade Adjustment Assistance, ETA
Form 9042A-1, establish a format that may be used for filing such
Sections 222, 223 and 249 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended,
require the Secretary of Labor to issue a determination for groups of
workers as to their eligibility to apply for Trade Adjustment
Assistance (TAA). After reviewing all of the information obtained for
each petition for Trade Adjustment Assistance filed with the
Department, a determination is issued as to whether the statutory
criteria for certification are met. The information collected in ETA
Form 9043a, Business Data Request--Article, ETA Form 9043b, Business
Data Request--Service, ETA Form 9118, Business Information Request, ETA
Form 8562a, Business Customer Survey, ETA form 85622a-1, Business
Second Tier Customer Survey, ETA form 8562b, Business Bid Survey, will
be used by the Secretary to determine to what extent, if any, increased
imports or shifts in either service or production have impacted the
petitioning worker group.
II. Review Focus
The Department is particularly interested in comments which:
Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency,
including whether the information will have practical utility;
evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of information, including the
validity of the methodology and assumptions used;
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and
minimize the burden of the collection of information on
those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submissions of responses.
III. Current Actions
Type of Review: Extension with no revisions.
Title: Investigative Data Collections for the Trade Act of 1974, as
OMB Number: 1205-0342.
Affected Public: Individuals or Households, Businesses, State,
Local or Tribal Governments.
Form(s): ETA 9042A, Petition for Trade Adjustment Assistance (1205-
0342), its Spanish translation ETA 9042a (1205-0342), and its On-Line
version ETA 9042A-1 (1205-0342); ETA 9043a, Business Data Request--
Article (1205-0342); ETA 9043b, Business Data Request--Service (1205-
0342); ETA 8562a, Business Customer Survey (1205-0342); ETA 85622a-1,
Business Second Tier Customer Survey (1205-0342); ETA-8562b, Business
Bid Survey (1205-0342); and ETA 9118, Business Information Request
Total Annual Respondents: 6,916.
Annual Frequency: Once.
Total Annual Responses: 85,675.
Average Time per Response: 2.22 Hours.
Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 18,642.
Total Annual Burden Cost for Respondents: $0.
Comments submitted in response to this comment request will be
summarized and/or included in the request for OMB approval of the ICR;
they will also become a matter of public record.
Portia Wu,
Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training, Labor.
[FR Doc. 2015-31656 Filed 12-16-15; 8:45 am]