Self-Regulatory Organizations; ICE Clear Europe Limited; Order Approving Proposed Rule Change Relating to Finance Procedures To Add Clearstream Banking as a Triparty Collateral Service Provider, 50348-50349 [2015-20420]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 160 / Wednesday, August 19, 2015 / Notices
application. The complete application
may be obtained via the Commission’s
Web site by searching for the file
number, or an applicant using the
Company name box, at https:// or by
calling (202) 551–8090.
Summary of the Application
1. The Adviser will serve as the
investment adviser to the Funds
pursuant to an investment advisory
agreement with the Trust (the ‘‘Advisory
Agreement’’).1 The Adviser will provide
the Funds with continuous and
comprehensive investment management
services subject to the supervision of,
and policies established by, each Fund’s
board of trustees (‘‘Board’’). The
Advisory Agreement permits the
Adviser, subject to the approval of the
Board, to delegate to one or more
subadvisers (each, a ‘‘Subadviser’’ and
collectively, the ‘‘Subadvisers’’) the
responsibility to provide the day-to-day
portfolio investment management of
each Fund, subject to the supervision
and direction of the Adviser. The
primary responsibility for managing the
Funds will remain vested in the
Adviser. The Adviser will hire,
evaluate, allocate assets to and oversee
the Subadvisers, including determining
whether a Subadviser should be
terminated, at all times subject to the
authority of the Board.
2. Applicants request an exemption to
permit the Adviser, subject to Board
approval, to hire certain Subadvisers
pursuant to Subadvisory Agreements
and materially amend existing
Subadvisory Agreements without
obtaining the shareholder approval
required under section 15(a) of the Act
and rule 18f–2 under the Act.2
Applicants also seek an exemption from
the Disclosure Requirements to permit a
Fund to disclose (as both a dollar
amount and a percentage of the Fund’s
net assets): (a) The aggregate fees paid
to the Adviser and any Affiliated
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
1 Applicants
request relief with respect to any
future series of the Trust and other existing or
future registered open-end management company or
series thereof that: (a) Is advised by the Adviser,
including any entity controlling, controlled by or
under common control with the Adviser or its
successors (included in the term ‘‘Adviser’’); (b)
uses the manager of managers structure described
in the application; and (c) complies with the terms
and conditions of the application (any such series,
a ‘‘Fund’’ and collectively, the ‘‘Funds’’). For
purposes of the requested order, ‘‘successor’’ is
limited to an entity that results from a
reorganization into another jurisdiction or a change
in the type of business organization.
2 The requested relief will not extend to any
Subadviser that is an affiliated person, as defined
in section 2(a)(3) of the Act, of a Fund or the
Adviser, other than by reason of serving as a
subadviser to one or more of the Funds (‘‘Affiliated
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Subadviser; and (b) the aggregate fees
paid to Subadvisers other than
Affiliated Subadvisers (collectively,
‘‘Aggregate Fee Disclosure’’). For any
Fund that employs an Affiliated
Subadviser, the Fund will provide
separate disclosure of any fees paid to
the Affiliated Subadviser.
3. Applicants agree that any order
granting the requested relief will be
subject to the terms and conditions
stated in the Application. Such terms
and conditions provide for, among other
safeguards, appropriate disclosure to
Fund shareholders and notification
about subadvisory changes and
enhanced Board oversight to protect the
interests of the Funds’ shareholders.
4. Section 6(c) of the Act provides that
the Commission may exempt any
person, security, or transaction or any
class or classes of persons, securities, or
transactions from any provisions of the
Act, or any rule thereunder, if such
relief is necessary or appropriate in the
public interest and consistent with the
protection of investors and purposes
fairly intended by the policy and
provisions of the Act. Applicants
believe that the requested relief meets
this standard because, as further
explained in the Application, the
Advisory Agreements will remain
subject to shareholder approval, while
the role of the Subadvisers is
substantially similar to that of
individual portfolio managers, so that
requiring shareholder approval of
Subadvisory Agreements would impose
unnecessary delays and expenses on the
Funds. Applicants believe that the
requested relief from the Disclosure
Requirements meets this standard
because it will improve the Adviser’s
ability to negotiate fees paid to the
Subadvisers that are more advantageous
for the Funds.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Investment Management, under delegated
Brent J. Fields,
[FR Doc. 2015–20412 Filed 8–18–15; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
[Release No. 34–75692; File No. SR–ICEEU–
Self-Regulatory Organizations; ICE
Clear Europe Limited; Order Approving
Proposed Rule Change Relating to
Finance Procedures To Add
Clearstream Banking as a Triparty
Collateral Service Provider
August 13, 2015.
I. Introduction
On May 5, 2015, ICE Clear Europe
Limited (‘‘ICE Clear Europe’’) filed with
the Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘Commission’’) a
proposed rule change pursuant to
section 19(b)(1) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (‘‘Act’’),1 and
Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2 to amend its
Finance Procedures in order to facilitate
CDS Clearing Members’ use of
Clearstream Banking as a triparty
collateral service provider. The
proposed rule change was published for
comment in the Federal Register on
May 15, 2015.3 On June 29, 2015, the
Commission extended the time period
in which to either approve, disapprove,
or institute proceedings to determine
whether to disapprove the proposed
rule change to August 13, 2015.4 The
Commission did not receive comment
letters regarding the proposed change.
For the reasons discussed below, the
Commission is granting approval of the
proposed rule change.
II. Description of the Proposed Rule
ICE Clear Europe proposes to modify
the Finance Procedures to allow
Clearstream Banking to serve as a
triparty collateral service provider for
initial or original margin provided in
respect of all product categories,
including CDS Contracts. Clearstream
Banking currently serves as a triparty
collateral service provider solely for
original margin provided in respect of
F&O Contracts.
Specifically, paragraph 3.1 of the
Finance Procedures will be revised to
remove the existing restriction that
Clearstream Banking may only act as a
triparty collateral service provider with
respect to Original Margin in respect of
F&O Contracts. As a result of such
1 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
CFR 240.19b–4.
3 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34–74922
(May 11, 2015), 80 FR 28035 (May 15, 2015) (File
No. SR–ICEEU–2015–009).
4 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34–75320
(June 29, 2015), 80 FR 38488 (July 6, 2015) (File No.
2 17
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 160 / Wednesday, August 19, 2015 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
change, Clearstream Banking would be
permitted to act as a triparty collateral
service provider for initial or original
margin in respect of any product
category, including the CDS product
category. (The other currently
authorized triparty collateral service
provider, Euroclear Bank, is similarly
eligible to act as such for any product
category.) A correction would also be
made in paragraph 3.20 to provide that
the specified instruction deadlines
apply to triparty collateral arrangements
with both Euroclear Bank and
Clearstream Banking.
III. Discussion and Commission
Section 19(b)(2)(C) of the Act 5 directs
the Commission to approve a proposed
rule change of a self-regulatory
organization if the Commission finds
that such proposed rule change is
consistent with the requirements of the
Act and the rules and regulations
thereunder applicable to such selfregulatory organization. Section
17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act 6 requires, among
other things, that the rules of a clearing
agency are designed to promote the
prompt and accurate clearance and
settlement of securities transactions
and, to the extent applicable, derivative
agreements, contracts, and transactions
and assure the safeguarding of securities
and funds which are in the custody or
control of the clearing agency or for
which it is responsible.
The Commission finds that the
proposed rule change is consistent with
section 17A of the Act 7 and the rules
thereunder applicable to ICE Clear
Europe. The proposed rule change will
provide Clearing Members with the
option to use Clearstream Banking as a
triparty collateral service provider with
respect to initial and original margin for
the CDS (and FX) product categories.
According to ICE Clear Europe, the
proposed rule change does not
otherwise change the substantive terms
of the service. Based on ICE Clear
Europe’s representation regarding its
experience with Clearstream Banking as
triparty collateral service provider with
respect to original margin for the F&O
product category, the use of Clearstream
Banking can be appropriately extended
to other product categories. As such, the
Commission believes that the proposed
rule change would allow ICE Clear
Europe’s Clearing Members to use an
additional triparty collateral service
provider that offers appropriate
safeguarding of securities and funds
5 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(C).
U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).
7 15 U.S.C. 78q–1.
6 15
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while maintaining ICE Clear Europe’s
ability to access initial margin when
appropriate. The Commission therefore
finds that the proposed rule change is
designed to promote the prompt and
accurate clearance and settlement of
securities transactions and, to the extent
applicable, derivative agreements,
contracts, and transactions and to assure
the safeguarding of securities and funds
which are in the custody or control of
the clearing agency or for which it is
responsible, in accordance with section
17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act.8
IV. Conclusion
On the basis of the foregoing, the
Commission finds that the proposal is
consistent with the requirements of the
Act and in particular with the
requirements of section 17A of the Act 9
and the rules and regulations
It is therefore ordered, pursuant to
section 19(b)(2) of the Act,10 that the
proposed rule change (File No. SR–
ICEEU–2015–009) be, and hereby is,
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Brent J. Fields,
[FR Doc. 2015–20420 Filed 8–18–15; 8:45 am]
[Investment Company Act Release No.
31759; 812–14517]
ALPS ETMF Trust, et al.; Notice of
August 13, 2015.
Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘Commission’’).
ACTION: Notice of an application for an
order under section 6(c) of the
Investment Company Act of 1940
(‘‘Act’’) for an exemption from sections
2(a)(32), 5(a)(1), 22(d) and 22(e) of the
Act and rule 22c–1 under the Act, under
sections 6(c) and 17(b) of the Act for an
exemption from sections 17(a)(1) and
(a)(2) of the Act, and under section
12(d)(1)(J) of the Act for an exemption
from sections 12(d)(1)(A) and (B) of the
8 15
U.S.C. 78q–1(b)(3)(F).
U.S.C. 78q–1.
10 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
11 In approving the proposed rule change, the
Commission considered the proposal’s impact on
efficiency, competition and capital formation. 15
U.S.C. 78c(f).
12 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
9 15
PO 00000
Frm 00088
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ALPS ETMF Trust (the
‘‘Trust’’), ALPS Advisors, Inc. (the
‘‘Adviser’’) and ALPS Distributors, Inc.,
and ALPS Portfolio Solutions
Distributor, Inc. (each, a ‘‘Distributor’’).
SUMMARY: Applicants request an order
(‘‘Order’’) that permits: (a) Actively
managed series of certain open-end
management investment companies to
issue shares (‘‘Shares’’) redeemable in
large aggregations only (‘‘Creation
Units’’); (b) secondary market
transactions in Shares to occur at the
next-determined net asset value plus or
minus a market-determined premium or
discount that may vary during the
trading day; (c) certain series to pay
redemption proceeds, under certain
circumstances, more than seven days
from the tender of Shares for
redemption; (d) certain affiliated
persons of the series to deposit
securities into, and receive securities
from, the series in connection with the
purchase and redemption of Creation
Units; (e) certain registered management
investment companies and unit
investment trusts outside of the same
group of investment companies as the
series to acquire Shares; and (f) certain
series to create and redeem Shares in
kind in a master-feeder structure. The
Order would incorporate by reference
terms and conditions of a previous order
granting the same relief sought by
applicants, as that order may be
amended from time to time (‘‘Reference
FILING DATES: The application was filed
on July 21, 2015.
order granting the requested relief will
be issued unless the Commission orders
a hearing. Interested persons may
request a hearing by writing to the
Commission’s Secretary and serving
applicants with a copy of the request,
personally or by mail. Hearing requests
should be received by the Commission
by 5:30 p.m. on September 8, 2015, and
should be accompanied by proof of
service on applicants, in the form of an
affidavit or, for lawyers, a certificate of
service. Pursuant to rule 0–5 under the
Act, hearing requests should state the
nature of the writer’s interest, any facts
bearing upon the desirability of a
hearing on the matter, the reason for the
request, and the issues contested.
Persons who wish to be notified of a
hearing may request notification by
writing to the Commission’s Secretary.
ADDRESSES: The Commission: Brent J.
Fields, Secretary, U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE.,
1 Eaton Vance Management, et al., Investment
Company Act Rel. Nos. 31333 (Nov. 6, 2014)
(notice) and 31361 (Dec. 2, 2014) (order).
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 160 (Wednesday, August 19, 2015)]
[Pages 50348-50349]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-20420]
[Release No. 34-75692; File No. SR-ICEEU-2015-009]
Self-Regulatory Organizations; ICE Clear Europe Limited; Order
Approving Proposed Rule Change Relating to Finance Procedures To Add
Clearstream Banking as a Triparty Collateral Service Provider
August 13, 2015.
I. Introduction
On May 5, 2015, ICE Clear Europe Limited (``ICE Clear Europe'')
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') a
proposed rule change pursuant to section 19(b)(1) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ to
amend its Finance Procedures in order to facilitate CDS Clearing
Members' use of Clearstream Banking as a triparty collateral service
provider. The proposed rule change was published for comment in the
Federal Register on May 15, 2015.\3\ On June 29, 2015, the Commission
extended the time period in which to either approve, disapprove, or
institute proceedings to determine whether to disapprove the proposed
rule change to August 13, 2015.\4\ The Commission did not receive
comment letters regarding the proposed change. For the reasons
discussed below, the Commission is granting approval of the proposed
rule change.
\1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
\2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
\3\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34-74922 (May 11, 2015),
80 FR 28035 (May 15, 2015) (File No. SR-ICEEU-2015-009).
\4\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 34-75320 (June 29,
2015), 80 FR 38488 (July 6, 2015) (File No. SR-ICEEU-2015-009).
II. Description of the Proposed Rule Change
ICE Clear Europe proposes to modify the Finance Procedures to allow
Clearstream Banking to serve as a triparty collateral service provider
for initial or original margin provided in respect of all product
categories, including CDS Contracts. Clearstream Banking currently
serves as a triparty collateral service provider solely for original
margin provided in respect of F&O Contracts.
Specifically, paragraph 3.1 of the Finance Procedures will be
revised to remove the existing restriction that Clearstream Banking may
only act as a triparty collateral service provider with respect to
Original Margin in respect of F&O Contracts. As a result of such
[[Page 50349]]
change, Clearstream Banking would be permitted to act as a triparty
collateral service provider for initial or original margin in respect
of any product category, including the CDS product category. (The other
currently authorized triparty collateral service provider, Euroclear
Bank, is similarly eligible to act as such for any product category.) A
correction would also be made in paragraph 3.20 to provide that the
specified instruction deadlines apply to triparty collateral
arrangements with both Euroclear Bank and Clearstream Banking.
III. Discussion and Commission Findings
Section 19(b)(2)(C) of the Act \5\ directs the Commission to
approve a proposed rule change of a self-regulatory organization if the
Commission finds that such proposed rule change is consistent with the
requirements of the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder
applicable to such self-regulatory organization. Section 17A(b)(3)(F)
of the Act \6\ requires, among other things, that the rules of a
clearing agency are designed to promote the prompt and accurate
clearance and settlement of securities transactions and, to the extent
applicable, derivative agreements, contracts, and transactions and
assure the safeguarding of securities and funds which are in the
custody or control of the clearing agency or for which it is
\5\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(C).
\6\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).
The Commission finds that the proposed rule change is consistent
with section 17A of the Act \7\ and the rules thereunder applicable to
ICE Clear Europe. The proposed rule change will provide Clearing
Members with the option to use Clearstream Banking as a triparty
collateral service provider with respect to initial and original margin
for the CDS (and FX) product categories. According to ICE Clear Europe,
the proposed rule change does not otherwise change the substantive
terms of the service. Based on ICE Clear Europe's representation
regarding its experience with Clearstream Banking as triparty
collateral service provider with respect to original margin for the F&O
product category, the use of Clearstream Banking can be appropriately
extended to other product categories. As such, the Commission believes
that the proposed rule change would allow ICE Clear Europe's Clearing
Members to use an additional triparty collateral service provider that
offers appropriate safeguarding of securities and funds while
maintaining ICE Clear Europe's ability to access initial margin when
appropriate. The Commission therefore finds that the proposed rule
change is designed to promote the prompt and accurate clearance and
settlement of securities transactions and, to the extent applicable,
derivative agreements, contracts, and transactions and to assure the
safeguarding of securities and funds which are in the custody or
control of the clearing agency or for which it is responsible, in
accordance with section 17A(b)(3)(F) of the Act.\8\
\7\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1.
\8\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1(b)(3)(F).
IV. Conclusion
On the basis of the foregoing, the Commission finds that the
proposal is consistent with the requirements of the Act and in
particular with the requirements of section 17A of the Act \9\ and the
rules and regulations thereunder.
\9\ 15 U.S.C. 78q-1.
It is therefore ordered, pursuant to section 19(b)(2) of the
Act,\10\ that the proposed rule change (File No. SR-ICEEU-2015-009) be,
and hereby is, approved.\11\
\10\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
\11\ In approving the proposed rule change, the Commission
considered the proposal's impact on efficiency, competition and
capital formation. 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).
For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets,
pursuant to delegated authority.\12\
\12\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).
Brent J. Fields,
[FR Doc. 2015-20420 Filed 8-18-15; 8:45 am]