Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality Steel Plate Products From the Republic of Korea: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2013-2014, 22971-22973 [2015-09582]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 79 / Friday, April 24, 2015 / Notices
A–570–967 and C–570–968: Aluminum
Extrusions From the People’s Republic
of China
Requestor: Circle Glass Co.; Circle
Glass Co.’s screen and storm door grille,
consisting of an extruded aluminum
frame that has been permanently
combined with a non-extruded
aluminum mesh grille made of
aluminum wire, with extruded
aluminum mounting brackets riveted to
the frame (and screws), is outside the
scope of the orders on aluminum
extrusions from the PRC because it is a
fully assembled subassembly that is
completed at the time of entry and is
ready for immediate installation in a
larger system. Circle Glass Co.’s patio
door kits without the screen are within
the scope of the scope of the orders on
aluminum extrusions from the PRC
because Circle Glass Co.’s patio door
kits consist of an extruded aluminum
door frame, a plastic handle, a steel
latch, a strike, rivets, screws, and four
steel door roller/corner combination
units, but do not contain a screen. Thus,
they do not qualify for the finished
goods kit exclusion, which only applies
to kits containing, at the time of
importation, all the parts necessary to
construct a complete finished good;
December 5, 2014.
A–570–899: Artist Canvas From the
People’s Republic of China
Requestor: Alex Toys, Inc.; Alex Toys,
Inc.’s ‘‘Paint A Canvas’’/‘‘Color A
Canvas’’ preprinted, paint-it-yourself
artist canvases (whether or not imported
as part of kits) are outside the scope of
the order because the canvases are preprinted paint-it-yourself canvases with
copyrighted designs, that fall within the
exclusion for ‘‘paint-by-number’’ or
‘‘paint-it-yourself’’ artist canvases with a
copyrighted preprinted outline;
November 18, 2014.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
A–570–827: Certain Cased Pencils From
the People’s Republic of China
Requestor: West Texas Lighthouse for
the Blind; West Texas Lighthouse for
the Blind’s orange flexible pencils made
of polyvinyl chloride (‘‘PVC’’) with a
black carbon material writing core are
outside the scope of the order because
the outside sheath of the flexible pencils
is not rigid; October 27, 2014.
A–570–901: Certain Lined Paper
Products From the People’s Republic of
Requestor: Banker’s Pen (1991) Inc.
(‘‘Bankers Pen’’); Bankers Pen’s
notebook, style number ST4191, is
comprised of black polyurethane cover
and measures 8 inches by 11 inches.
The notebook meets the exclusion
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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criteria for case bound books and, thus
is outside the scope of the order;
December 11, 2014.
A–570–506: Porcelain-on-Steel Cooking
Ware From the People’s Republic of
Requestor: The Companion Group;
The Companion Group’s rectangular
and round drip pans are within the
scope of the antidumping duty Order
because the products: (1) Are
constructed of steel and are enameled or
glazed with vitreous glasses; (2) do not
have self-contained electric heating
elements; and (3) are used as cooking
ware; December 10, 2014.
A–570–894: Tissue Paper Products From
the People’s Republic of China
Requestor: Lamrite West Inc. dba
Darice Inc. (Darice); Darices’s DTP908
David Tutera Tissue Tassels and
POM100 Tissue Poms are within the
scope of the antidumping duty order
because the physical characteristics of
these (e.g., basis weight, width, shape,
color, and packaging) satisfy the
physical criteria of the merchandise
enumerated in the scope, and these
products do not meet the criteria of any
of the tissue paper products excluded
from the scope; October 20, 2014.
A–570–890: Wooden Bedroom From the
People’s Republic of China
Requestor: KidKraft, LP; Austin and
Raleigh model toy boxes are not covered
by the scope of the antidumping duty
order because the Austin model meets
the scope exclusion for toy boxes and
the Raleigh model has nearly all of the
physical characteristics of excluded toy
boxes and has characteristics consistent
with excluded benches/seating
furniture; November 21, 2014.
A–570–890: Wooden Bedroom From the
People’s Republic of China
Requestor: Maxim Company Taiwan,
Ltd.; construction vehicle toddler beds
resembling a toy front-end loader are
not covered by the scope of the
antidumping duty order because they
are designed to use a standard crib
mattress and they conform to ASTM F
1821–13; November 19, 2014.
A–583–843: Polyethylene Retail Carrier
Bags From Taiwan
Requestor: Polyethylene Retail Carrier
Bag Committee and its individual
members, Hilex Poly Co., LLC and
Superbag Corp.; Certain unfinished
polyethylene retail carrier bags from
Taiwan that appear ready to undergo the
final processing of cutting the
unfinished polyethylene retail carrier
PO 00000
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bag to length, sealing the bottoms, and
die-cutting the unfinished polyethylene
retail carrier bags to create the handles
of the finished polyethylene retail
carrier bags are circumventing the
antidumping duty order. The unfinished
polyethylene retail carrier bags subject
to this determination may or may not
have printing and may be of different
dimensions as long as they meet the
description of the scope of the order;
October 9, 2014.
Interested parties are invited to
comment on the completeness of this
list of completed scope and
anticircumvention inquiries. Any
comments should be submitted to the
Deputy Assistant Secretary for AD/CVD
Operations, Enforcement and
Compliance, International Trade
Administration, 14th Street and
Constitution Avenue NW., APO/Dockets
Unit, Room 1870, Washington, DC
This notice is published in
accordance with 19 CFR 351.225(o).
Dated: April 10, 2015.
Christian Marsh,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping
and Countervailing Duty Operations.
[FR Doc. 2015–09583 Filed 4–23–15; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality
Steel Plate Products From the
Republic of Korea: Final Results of
Antidumping Duty Administrative
Review; 2013–2014
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: On December 19, 2014, the
Department of Commerce (the
Department) published the preliminary
results of the administrative review of
the antidumping duty order on certain
cut-to-length carbon-quality steel plate
products (CTL plate) from the Republic
of Korea (Korea).1 For these final results,
we continue to find that subject
merchandise has been sold at less than
normal value.
DATES: Effective Date: April 24, 2015.
Yang Jin Chun, AD/CVD Operations,
Office I, Enforcement and Compliance,
1 See Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality Steel
Plate Products From the Republic of Korea:
Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review; 2013–2014, 79 FR 75791
(December 19, 2014) (Preliminary Results).
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 79 / Friday, April 24, 2015 / Notices
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th
Street and Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202)
On December 19, 2014, the
Department published the Preliminary
Results of the administrative review.
The period of review is February 1,
2013, through January 31, 2014. We
invited interested parties to comment on
the Preliminary Results and received
case and rebuttal briefs from interested
parties. The Department conducted this
administrative review in accordance
with section 751 of the Tariff Act of
1930, as amended (the Act).
Scope of the Order
The products covered by the
antidumping duty order are certain CTL
plate. Imports of CTL plate are currently
classified in the Harmonized Tariff
Schedule of the United States (HTSUS)
under subheadings 7208.40.30.30,
7208.40.30.60, 7208.51.00.30,
7208.51.00.45, 7208.51.00.60,
7208.52.00.00, 7208.53.00.00,
7208.90.00.00, 7210.70.30.00,
7210.90.90.00, 7211.13.00.00,
7211.14.00.30, 7211.14.00.45,
7211.90.00.00, 7212.40.10.00,
7212.40.50.00, 7212.50.00.00,
7225.40.30.50, 7225.40.70.00,
7225.50.60.00, 7225.99.00.90,
7226.91.50.00, 7226.91.70.00,
7226.91.80.00, and 7226.99.00.00. While
the HTSUS subheadings are provided
for convenience and customs purposes,
the written description is dispositive. A
full description of the scope of the order
is contained in the Issues and Decision
Analysis of Comments Received
The comments received in the case
and rebuttal briefs are addressed in the
Issues and Decision Memorandum. The
Issues and Decision Memorandum is a
public document and is on file
electronically via Enforcement and
Compliance’s Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Centralized
Electronic Service System (ACCESS).
Access to ACCESS is available to
registered users at https://
access.trade.gov and in the Central
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
2 See
the memorandum from Associate Deputy
Assistant Secretary Gary Taverman to Assistant
Secretary Paul Piquado entitled ‘‘Issues and
Decision Memorandum for the Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review of Certain Cut-to-Length
Carbon-Quality Steel Plate Products from the
Republic of Korea for the Period of Review February
1, 2013, through January 31, 2014’’ dated
concurrently with and hereby adopted by this
notice (Issues and Decision Memorandum).
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Records Unit, Room 7046 of the main
Department of Commerce building. In
addition, a complete version of the
Issues and Decision Memorandum can
be accessed directly on the Internet at
Changes Since the Preliminary Results
We made no changes from the
Preliminary Results.
Final Results of Review
For the final results of this review, we
determine that the following weightedaverage dumping margins exist for the
period February 1, 2013, through
January 31, 2014.
reviewable entries of subject
merchandise to the United States, we
will instruct CBP to liquidate any
applicable entries of subject
merchandise at the all-others rate.
For the companies not selected for
individual examination, Bookuk Steel
Co., Ltd., and SM Solution Co. Ltd., we
have based their weighted-average
dumping margins on the margin
established for Dongkuk Steel Mill Co.,
Ltd. We will instruct CBP to apply the
rates listed above to all entries of subject
merchandise produced and/or exported
by those firms.
We intend to issue liquidation
instructions to CBP 15 days after
publication of the final results of this
Cash Deposit Requirements
The following deposit requirements
will be effective upon publication of the
notice of final results of administrative
Bookuk Steel Co., Ltd. .........
0.56 review for all shipments of CTL plate
Dongkuk Steel Mill Co., Ltd.
0.56 from Korea entered, or withdrawn from
SM Solution Co. Ltd. ............
0.56 warehouse, for consumption on or after
the date of publication as provided by
Assessment Rates
section 751(a)(2) of the Act: (1) The cash
Pursuant to section 751(a)(2)(A) of the deposit rate for the companies listed
Act and 19 CFR 351.212(b), the
above will be equal to the weightedDepartment will determine, and U.S.
average dumping margins determined in
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
the final results of this administrative
shall assess, antidumping duties on all
review; (2) for merchandise exported by
appropriate entries of subject
manufacturers or exporters not covered
merchandise in accordance with the
in this review but covered in a prior
final results of this review. For Dongkuk segment of the proceeding, the cash
Steel Mill Co., Ltd., which we selected
deposit rate will continue to be the
for individual examination, we will
company-specific rate published for the
calculate an importer-specific
most recently completed segment of this
assessment rate on the basis of the ratio
proceeding in which that manufacturer
of the total amount of antidumping
or exporter participated; (3) if the
exporter is not a firm covered in this
duties calculated for the importer’s
review, a prior review, or the original
examined sales and the total entered
value of the sales in accordance with 19 investigation but the manufacturer is,
the cash deposit rate will be the rate
CFR 351.212(b)(1).3
For entries of subject merchandise
established for the most recently
during the period of review produced by completed segment of this proceeding
Dongkuk Steel Mill Co., Ltd., for which
for the manufacturer of the
it did not know its merchandise was
merchandise; (4) the cash deposit rate
destined for the United States, we will
for all other manufacturers or exporters
instruct CBP to liquidate unreviewed
will continue to be 0.98 percent,5 the
entries at the all-others rate if there is no all-others rate established in the lessrate for the intermediate company(ies)
than-fair-value investigation, adjusted
involved in the transaction.4
for the export-subsidy rate in the
Consistent with the May 2003
companion countervailing duty
Clarification, for Hyosung Corporation,
investigation. These cash deposit
Samsung C&T Corporation, and TCC
requirements, when imposed, shall
Steel Corporation, which had no
remain in effect until further notice.
3 In these final results, the Department applied
the assessment rate calculation method adopted in
Antidumping Proceedings: Calculation of the
Weighted-Average Dumping Margin and
Assessment Rate in Certain Antidumping Duty
Proceedings; Final Modification, 77 FR 8101
(February 14, 2012).
4 For a full discussion, see Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Proceedings: Assessment of
Antidumping Duties, 68 FR 23954 (May 6, 2003)
(May 2003 Clarification).
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Notification to Importers
This notice serves as a final reminder
to importers of their responsibility
under 19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a
5 See, e.g., Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality
Steel Plate Products From the Republic of Korea:
Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative
Review; 2012–2013, 79 FR 54264, 54265 (September
11, 2014).
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 79 / Friday, April 24, 2015 / Notices
certificate regarding the reimbursement
of antidumping duties prior to
liquidation of the relevant entries
during this review period. Failure to
comply with this requirement could
result in the Department’s presumption
that reimbursement of antidumping
duties occurred and the subsequent
assessment of doubled antidumping
Administrative Protective Orders
This notice also serves as a reminder
to parties subject to administrative
protective order (APO) of their
responsibility concerning the
disposition of proprietary information
disclosed under APO in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely
notification of the destruction of APO
materials or conversion to judicial
protective order is hereby requested.
Failure to comply with the regulations
and the terms of an APO is a
sanctionable violation.
We are issuing and publishing these
final results of administrative review in
accordance with sections 751(a)(1) and
777(i)(1) of the Act.
Dated: April 20, 2015.
Paul Piquado,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
Company Abbreviations
Other Abbreviations
Scope of the Order
Final Determination of No Reviewable
Changes Since the Preliminary Results
Discussion of the Issues
Differential Pricing
Major Input Adjustments
Minor Input
General and Administrative Expenses
Interest Expense
[FR Doc. 2015–09582 Filed 4–23–15; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
RIN 0648–XD891
Fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico;
Southeast Data, Assessment, and
Review (SEDAR); Public Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Notice of SEDAR 42 assessment
process webinars for Gulf of Mexico Red
The SEDAR 42 assessment of
Gulf of Mexico Red Grouper will consist
of a series of webinars. This notice is for
a webinar associated with the
Assessment portion of the SEDAR
DATES: The final assessment webinar for
SEDAR 42 will be held on Tuesday,
May 12, 2015, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
ADDRESSES: Meeting address: The
meeting will be held via webinar. The
webinar is open to the public. Those
interested in participating should
contact Julie A. Neer at SEDAR (see FOR
request an invitation providing webinar
access information. Please request
webinar invitations at least 24 hours in
advance of each webinar.
SEDAR address: 4055 Faber Place
Drive, Suite 201, N. Charleston, SC
A. Neer, SEDAR Coordinator; phone:
(843) 571–4366; email: julie.neer@
of Mexico, South Atlantic, and
Caribbean Fishery Management
Councils, in conjunction with NOAA
Fisheries and the Atlantic and Gulf
States Marine Fisheries Commissions,
have implemented the Southeast Data,
Assessment and Review (SEDAR)
process, a multi-step method for
determining the status of fish stocks in
the Southeast Region. SEDAR is a multistep process including: (1) Data
Workshop; and (2) a series of
assessment webinars; and (3) Review
Workshop. The product of the Data
Workshop is a report which compiles
and evaluates potential datasets and
recommends which datasets are
appropriate for assessment analyses.
The product of the Assessment Webinar
Process is a report which compiles and
evaluates potential datasets and
recommends which datasets are
appropriate for assessment analyses;
and describes the fisheries, evaluates
the status of the stock, estimates
biological benchmarks, projects future
population conditions, and recommends
research and monitoring needs. The
assessment is independently peer
reviewed at the Review Workshop. The
product of the Review Workshop is a
Summary documenting panel opinions
regarding the strengths and weaknesses
of the stock assessment and input data.
Participants for SEDAR Workshops are
appointed by the Gulf of Mexico, South
PO 00000
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Atlantic, and Caribbean Fishery
Management Councils and NOAA
Fisheries Southeast Regional Office,
Highly Migratory Species Management
Division, and Southeast Fisheries
Science Center. Participants include:
Data collectors and database managers;
stock assessment scientists, biologists,
and researchers; constituency
representatives including fishermen,
environmentalists, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs);
international experts; and staff of
Councils, Commissions, and state and
federal agencies.
The items of discussion in the
Assessment Process webinars are as
1. Using datasets and initial
assessment analysis recommended from
the Data Workshop, panelists will
employ assessment models to evaluate
stock status, estimate population
benchmarks and management criteria,
and project future conditions.
2. Panelists will recommend the most
appropriate methods and configurations
for determining stock status and
estimating population parameters.
Special Accommodations
The meeting is physically accessible
to people with disabilities. Requests for
sign language interpretation or other
auxiliary aids should be directed to the
Council office (see ADDRESSES) at least 5
business days prior to the meeting.
Note: The times and sequence specified in
this agenda are subject to change.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: April 21, 2015.
Tracey L. Thompson,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2015–09584 Filed 4–23–15; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XD852
Endangered and Threatened Species;
Take of Anadromous Fish
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; extension of public
comment period; request for comments.
On March 26, 2015, the
National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) announced the availability for
public review of a proposed evaluation
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 79 (Friday, April 24, 2015)]
[Pages 22971-22973]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2015-09582]
International Trade Administration
Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality Steel Plate Products From
the Republic of Korea: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative
Review; 2013-2014
AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: On December 19, 2014, the Department of Commerce (the
Department) published the preliminary results of the administrative
review of the antidumping duty order on certain cut-to-length carbon-
quality steel plate products (CTL plate) from the Republic of Korea
(Korea).\1\ For these final results, we continue to find that subject
merchandise has been sold at less than normal value.
\1\ See Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality Steel Plate
Products From the Republic of Korea: Preliminary Results of
Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2013-2014, 79 FR 75791
(December 19, 2014) (Preliminary Results).
DATES: Effective Date: April 24, 2015.
Office I, Enforcement and Compliance,
[[Page 22972]]
International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th
Street and Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone:
(202) 482-5760.
On December 19, 2014, the Department published the Preliminary
Results of the administrative review. The period of review is February
1, 2013, through January 31, 2014. We invited interested parties to
comment on the Preliminary Results and received case and rebuttal
briefs from interested parties. The Department conducted this
administrative review in accordance with section 751 of the Tariff Act
of 1930, as amended (the Act).
Scope of the Order
The products covered by the antidumping duty order are certain CTL
plate. Imports of CTL plate are currently classified in the Harmonized
Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) under subheadings
7208.40.30.30, 7208.40.30.60, 7208.51.00.30, 7208.51.00.45,
7208.51.00.60, 7208.52.00.00, 7208.53.00.00, 7208.90.00.00,
7210.70.30.00, 7210.90.90.00, 7211.13.00.00, 7211.14.00.30,
7211.14.00.45, 7211.90.00.00, 7212.40.10.00, 7212.40.50.00,
7212.50.00.00, 7225.40.30.50, 7225.40.70.00, 7225.50.60.00,
7225.99.00.90, 7226.91.50.00, 7226.91.70.00, 7226.91.80.00, and
7226.99.00.00. While the HTSUS subheadings are provided for convenience
and customs purposes, the written description is dispositive. A full
description of the scope of the order is contained in the Issues and
Decision Memorandum.\2\
\2\ See the memorandum from Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary
Gary Taverman to Assistant Secretary Paul Piquado entitled ``Issues
and Decision Memorandum for the Antidumping Duty Administrative
Review of Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality Steel Plate Products
from the Republic of Korea for the Period of Review February 1,
2013, through January 31, 2014'' dated concurrently with and hereby
adopted by this notice (Issues and Decision Memorandum).
Analysis of Comments Received
The comments received in the case and rebuttal briefs are addressed
in the Issues and Decision Memorandum. The Issues and Decision
Memorandum is a public document and is on file electronically via
Enforcement and Compliance's Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
Centralized Electronic Service System (ACCESS). Access to ACCESS is
available to registered users at https://access.trade.gov and in the
Central Records Unit, Room 7046 of the main Department of Commerce
building. In addition, a complete version of the Issues and Decision
Memorandum can be accessed directly on the Internet at https://enforcement.trade.gov/frn/.
Changes Since the Preliminary Results
We made no changes from the Preliminary Results.
Final Results of Review
For the final results of this review, we determine that the
following weighted-average dumping margins exist for the period
February 1, 2013, through January 31, 2014.
Manufacturer/ exporter dumping
Bookuk Steel Co., Ltd................................... 0.56
Dongkuk Steel Mill Co., Ltd............................. 0.56
SM Solution Co. Ltd..................................... 0.56
Assessment Rates
Pursuant to section 751(a)(2)(A) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.212(b),
the Department will determine, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) shall assess, antidumping duties on all appropriate entries of
subject merchandise in accordance with the final results of this
review. For Dongkuk Steel Mill Co., Ltd., which we selected for
individual examination, we will calculate an importer-specific
assessment rate on the basis of the ratio of the total amount of
antidumping duties calculated for the importer's examined sales and the
total entered value of the sales in accordance with 19 CFR
\3\ In these final results, the Department applied the
assessment rate calculation method adopted in Antidumping
Proceedings: Calculation of the Weighted-Average Dumping Margin and
Assessment Rate in Certain Antidumping Duty Proceedings; Final
Modification, 77 FR 8101 (February 14, 2012).
For entries of subject merchandise during the period of review
produced by Dongkuk Steel Mill Co., Ltd., for which it did not know its
merchandise was destined for the United States, we will instruct CBP to
liquidate unreviewed entries at the all-others rate if there is no rate
for the intermediate company(ies) involved in the transaction.\4\
\4\ For a full discussion, see Antidumping and Countervailing
Duty Proceedings: Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 68 FR 23954 (May
6, 2003) (May 2003 Clarification).
Consistent with the May 2003 Clarification, for Hyosung
Corporation, Samsung C&T Corporation, and TCC Steel Corporation, which
had no reviewable entries of subject merchandise to the United States,
we will instruct CBP to liquidate any applicable entries of subject
merchandise at the all-others rate.
For the companies not selected for individual examination, Bookuk
Steel Co., Ltd., and SM Solution Co. Ltd., we have based their
weighted-average dumping margins on the margin established for Dongkuk
Steel Mill Co., Ltd. We will instruct CBP to apply the rates listed
above to all entries of subject merchandise produced and/or exported by
those firms.
We intend to issue liquidation instructions to CBP 15 days after
publication of the final results of this review.
Cash Deposit Requirements
The following deposit requirements will be effective upon
publication of the notice of final results of administrative review for
all shipments of CTL plate from Korea entered, or withdrawn from
warehouse, for consumption on or after the date of publication as
provided by section 751(a)(2) of the Act: (1) The cash deposit rate for
the companies listed above will be equal to the weighted-average
dumping margins determined in the final results of this administrative
review; (2) for merchandise exported by manufacturers or exporters not
covered in this review but covered in a prior segment of the
proceeding, the cash deposit rate will continue to be the company-
specific rate published for the most recently completed segment of this
proceeding in which that manufacturer or exporter participated; (3) if
the exporter is not a firm covered in this review, a prior review, or
the original investigation but the manufacturer is, the cash deposit
rate will be the rate established for the most recently completed
segment of this proceeding for the manufacturer of the merchandise; (4)
the cash deposit rate for all other manufacturers or exporters will
continue to be 0.98 percent,\5\ the all-others rate established in the
less-than-fair-value investigation, adjusted for the export-subsidy
rate in the companion countervailing duty investigation. These cash
deposit requirements, when imposed, shall remain in effect until
further notice.
\5\ See, e.g., Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality Steel Plate
Products From the Republic of Korea: Final Results of Antidumping
Duty Administrative Review; 2012-2013, 79 FR 54264, 54265 (September
11, 2014).
Notification to Importers
This notice serves as a final reminder to importers of their
responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a
[[Page 22973]]
certificate regarding the reimbursement of antidumping duties prior to
liquidation of the relevant entries during this review period. Failure
to comply with this requirement could result in the Department's
presumption that reimbursement of antidumping duties occurred and the
subsequent assessment of doubled antidumping duties.
Administrative Protective Orders
This notice also serves as a reminder to parties subject to
administrative protective order (APO) of their responsibility
concerning the disposition of proprietary information disclosed under
APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely notification of the
destruction of APO materials or conversion to judicial protective order
is hereby requested. Failure to comply with the regulations and the
terms of an APO is a sanctionable violation.
We are issuing and publishing these final results of administrative
review in accordance with sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.
Dated: April 20, 2015.
Paul Piquado,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.
Company Abbreviations
Other Abbreviations
Scope of the Order
Final Determination of No Reviewable Entries
Changes Since the Preliminary Results
Discussion of the Issues
Differential Pricing
Major Input Adjustments
Minor Input
General and Administrative Expenses
Interest Expense
[FR Doc. 2015-09582 Filed 4-23-15; 8:45 am]