Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings and Ephemeral Recordings, 64669-64673 [2014-25971]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 211 / Friday, October 31, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
applicant must conduct the following
test sequence for a total time of not less
than 135 minutes:
(1) Ten minutes at Rated 10-minute
(2) Sixty-five minutes at rated
maximum continuous thrust,
(3) One minute at 50 percent of rated
takeoff thrust,
(4) Ten minutes at Rated 10-minute
(5) One minute at flight idle,
(6) Ten minutes at Rated 10-minute
(7) Five minutes at rated maximum
continuous thrust,
(8) One minute at 50 percent of rated
takeoff thrust,
(9) Five minutes at Rated 10-minute
(10) One minute at flight idle,
(11) Ten minutes at Rated 10-minute
(12) Five minutes at rated maximum
continuous thrust,
(13) One minute at 50 percent of rated
takeoff thrust,
(14) Nine minutes at Rated 10-minute
(15) One minute at flight idle
(b) The test sequence of § 33.87(a)(1)
through (a)(15) of these special
conditions must be run continuously. If
a stop occurs during these tests, the
interrupted sequence must be repeated
unless the applicant shows that the
severity of the test would not be
reduced if the current tests were
(c) Where the engine characteristics
are such that acceleration to the Rated
10-minute OEI TOTHAT results in a
transient overtemperature in excess of
the steady-state temperature limit
identified in § 33.7(a)(3) of these special
conditions, the transient gas
overtemperature must be applied to
each acceleration to the Rated 10minute OEI TOTHAT of the test
sequence in § 33.87(a) of these special
§ 33.93
Teardown inspection.
The applicant must perform the
teardown inspection required by
§ 33.93(a) after completing the
endurance test prescribed by § 33.87 of
these special conditions.
rmajette on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES
§ 33.201 Design and test requirements for
Early ETOPS eligibility.
In addition to the requirements of
§ 33.201(c)(1), the simulated ETOPS
mission cyclic endurance test must
include two cycles of 10 minute
duration, each at the Rated 10-minute
OEI TOTHAT; one before the last
diversion cycle and one at the end of the
ETOPS test.
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Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on
October 23, 2014.
Colleen M. D’Alessandro,
Assistant Manager, Engine and Propeller
Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.
I. Background
those recordings1. The Judges set rates
and terms for use of the rights during
the period 2006 through 2010,
publishing their Final Determination on
May 1, 2007. 72 FR 24084 (May 1, 2007)
(Web II).
Intercollegiate Broadcasting System,
Inc. (IBS) appealed the Judges’
determination to the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the DC Circuit. The DC
Circuit remanded the Judges’
determination of the minimum fee
established for noncommercial
webcasters, viz. $500 per year per
station or channel, citing insufficient
evidence in the record to substantiate
the $500 minimum fee. On May 18,
2010, after granting the parties leave to
engage in additional briefing and
discovery, the Judges held a further
hearing on remand. Following the
remand hearing, the Judges issued their
determination on September 17, 2010.
75 FR 56873 (Sept. 17, 2010).
IBS again appealed the Judges’
determination. During the pendency of
the Web II appeal, the Judges issued a
final determination regarding rates and
terms for the same licenses for the
period 2011 through 2015.2 (Web III).
IBS appealed the Judges’ Web III
determination challenging again the
$500 minimum fee and asserting that
appointment of the Judges violated the
Appointments Clause of the U.S.
Constitution. Given the overlap of issues
and the introduction of a constitutional
challenge, the DC Circuit stayed further
proceedings on appeal in Web II.
The DC Circuit decided Web III and
concluded that the Judges’
appointments were unconstitutional.
The DC Circuit struck portions of the
Copyright Act that it determined to be
unconstitutional and the Librarian of
Congress appointed a panel of Judges
consistent with the altered statute. The
DC Circuit remanded Web III for further
proceedings 3 by a constitutionally valid
panel of Judges. After the Web III
remand, on motion of the Web II parties,
the DC Circuit vacated and remanded
the Web II matter.4
The issue before the Judges is
determination of the validity and
The captioned matter began with a
notice in the Federal Register in
February 2005. In that notice, the
Copyright Royalty Judges (Judges)
commenced a rate-setting proceeding
and solicited Petitions to Participate.
See 70 FR 7970 (February 16, 2005). The
aim of the proceeding was to establish
royalty rates and terms, including the
establishment of minimum fees,
applicable to entities making ephemeral
recordings of copyrighted sound
recordings and digitally performing
1 Owners of rights in sound recordings are subject
to compulsory licenses under the Copyright Act.
See, e.g., 17 U.S.C. 112(e) (ephemeral recordings),
114 (d)(2), (3) (transmission). The Judges are tasked
to adjudicate, inter alia, disputes relating to
licensing fees. See, e.g., 17 U.S.C. 112(e)(3), (4),
114(f), 801, 803, 804.
2 See 76 FR 13026 (Mar. 9, 2011) (Web III).
3 Intercollegiate Broadcasting Sys., Inc. v.
Copyright Royalty Board, 684 F.3d 1332, 1342 (D.C.
Cir. 2012), cert. denied, 133 S. Ct. 2735 (2013).
4 Intercollegiate Broadcasting Sys., Inc. v.
Copyright Royalty Board, No. 10–1314 (D.C. Cir.
Sept. 30, 2013) (order granting joint motion for
vacatur and remand).
[FR Doc. 2014–25884 Filed 10–30–14; 8:45 am]
Copyright Royalty Board
37 CFR Part 380
[2005–1 CRB DTRA (Webcasting II)]
Digital Performance Right in Sound
Recordings and Ephemeral
Copyright Royalty Board,
Library of Congress.
ACTION: Final Determination after
Second Remand.
The Copyright Royalty Judges
are announcing their final
determination upholding the validity
and application of the $500 minimum
fee for noncommercial webcasters for
the licensing period 2006 through 2010.
The judges issued the determination in
response to a second order of remand by
the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit. Their
review of the evidence was de novo. The
judges issued their initial determination
in March 2014 and received no motions
for rehearing.
DATES: Effective date: October 31, 2014.
Applicability date: The fee applies to
the license period January 1, 2006,
through December 31, 2010.
ADDRESSES: The determination is also
published on the agency’s Web site at For related matters see
also the Federal eRulemaking Portal at
Richard Strasser, Senior Attorney, or
Kim Whittle, Attorney Advisor, (202)
707–7658 or
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 211 / Friday, October 31, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
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application of the $500 minimum fee for
noncommercial webcasters for the
period 2006 through 2010. The Judges,
after notice to the parties, concluded
that they should reach this
determination, to the extent a new
determination is required, under section
803(b)(5) (paper proceedings) after a de
novo review of the record.
For all of the reasons discussed
herein, the Judges determine that the
minimum fee for noncommercial
webcasters for the license term 2006
through 2010 shall be and remain $500
per station or channel, applicable to the
annual flat fee royalties payable for
usage of sound recordings for up to
159,140 Aggregate Tuning Hours (ATH)
per month. The Judges assert that the
question on remand is moot.
Nonetheless, the Judges detail in this
determination reasons sufficient to
uphold their decision on the merits, to
the extent required.
The Judges issued their Initial
Determination on Second Remand on
March 11, 2014. No party moved for
rehearing. Accordingly, the Judges now
issue their Final Determination in this
II. The Judges Conclude That the Issue
on Remand Is Subsumed by the
Affirmance of the Flat Royalty Rate of
IBS argues in this remand proceeding
that the Judges should eliminate, or
significantly reduce, the $500 minimum
fee for noncommercial webcasters that
the Judges adopted and the DC Circuit
remanded in the Web II Determination.
That minimum fee was in effect for the
period 2006 through 2010, and thus
expired more than three years ago. Any
change to the minimum fee at issue in
this remand proceeding would have no
prospective effect whatever on the rates
that noncommercial webcasters pay. If a
decision by the Judges in IBS’s favor at
this stage were to have any effect at all,
it would be by requiring a retrospective
adjustment of noncommercial
webcasters’ payment obligations (e.g., a
refund of minimum fees already paid).
Such a remedy would be warranted only
if a reduction in the minimum fee
would also result in a reduction of a
noncommercial webcaster’s total
payment obligation.
The minimum fee that a webcaster
pays is only one component of the
webcasters’ total payment obligation
under the section 114 and section 112(e)
statutory licenses. The Final
5 The Register of Copyrights completed her
review of this determination on October 20, 2014,
and stated that ‘‘[n]o correction or any further
actions will be taken by the Register on this
matter.’’ See 17 U.S.C. 802 (f)(1)(D).
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Determination established a rate
structure for noncommercial webcasters
that consisted of a flat annual fee of
$500 for the first 159,140 ATH of usage
per month, 37 CFR 380.3(a)(2)(i) (2008),
plus a per-performance rate equal to the
commercial rate for usage in excess of
159,140 ATH per month. 37 CFR
380.3(a)(2)(ii) (2008). In addition,
noncommercial webcasters were subject
to the contested $500 annual minimum
fee. The minimum fee was nonrefundable, but recoupable against the
$500 flat royalty fee. 37 CFR 380.3(b)
(2008); see also Final Determination, 72
FR at 24100.6
Because the $500 minimum fee was
recoupable, a noncommercial
webcaster’s single payment of $500
satisfied both the minimum fee and the
$500 flat rate for the first 159,140 ATH
of monthly usage. Nonetheless, the flat
rate and the minimum fee are separate
and distinct components of the rate
structure, codified in separate sections
of the Code of Federal Regulations.
In its decision of the appeal of the
Final Determination, the DC Circuit
‘‘vacate[d] the $500 minimum fee’’ for
both commercial 7 and noncommercial
webcasters and ‘‘remand[ed] that
portion of the determination to the
Copyright Royalty Judges for further
proceedings not inconsistent with this
opinion.’’ 574 F.3d at 772. ‘‘All other
portions of the determination [were]
affirmed.’’ Id.; accord id. at 753.
The plain language of the DC Circuit’s
remand order demonstrates that the
court affirmed the flat rate component of
the rate structure for noncommercial
webcasters. Even if the Judges were to
reduce the minimum fee retroactively,
noncommercial webcasters’ obligation
to pay a flat royalty rate of $500
annually would be unaffected.
Consequently, a decision in IBS’s favor
on the minimum fee issue would have
no effect on noncommercial webcasters’
total payment obligations. That is, given
that the $500 payment satisfied both the
minimum fee and the $500 flat rate for
the first 159,140 ATH of usage, IBS and
its constituents would realize no
benefit, even if the Judges were to
reduce the minimum fee, thereby
eliminating any actual issue for
adjudication. The Judges conclude,
therefore, that the instant matter has
been rendered moot and that IBS lacks
6 This minimum fee, codified in 37 CFR 380.3(b)
(2008), applies to both commercial and
noncommercial webcasters.
7 The commercial webcasters and SoundExchange
reached a settlement after the Final Determination
was remanded, which the Judges adopted, leaving
only the minimum fee for noncommercial
webcasters for the Judges to determine in this
remand proceeding. See 75 FR 6097 (Feb. 8, 2010).
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a ‘‘significant interest in the
proceedings’’ as required by section
803(b)(2)(C) of the Act.
III. Assuming the Issue on Remand
States an Issue for Adjudication, the
Judges’ Determination on Remand Is
Narrowed by the Directive From the
D.C. Circuit
A. The First Remand
In vacating and remanding the Judges’
original Web II Determination with
regard to the ‘‘Minimum Annual Fee’’ 8
for noncommercial webcasters subject to
the statutory license, the D.C. Circuit
Because there is no record evidence that
$500 represented SoundExchange’s
administrative cost per channel or station,
the Judges’ determination in this regard
cannot be sustained.
Intercollegiate Broadcast System, Inc.
v. Copyright Royalty Board, 574 F.3d
748, 767 (D.C. Cir. 2009) (emphasis
added). The basis for the Court’s
holding was that, in the absence of
sufficient evidence, ‘‘the $500 minimum
fee was arbitrary, capricious and not
supported by record evidence . . . .’’ Id.
at 772 (emphasis added).
Accordingly, the D.C. Circuit
‘‘remand[ed] the issue of the appropriate
minimum fee for noncommercials.’’ Id.
at 767. To allow for a cure of this defect
on remand, the D.C. Circuit instructed
the Judges to undertake ‘‘further
proceedings not inconsistent with this
opinion,’’ id., which required the Judges
to receive and consider new ‘‘record
evidence’’ of ‘‘SoundExchange’s
administrative cost per channel or
station.’’ Id. at 767 (emphasis added).
For the first remand, the Judges
permitted the Participants to submit
additional papers and to engage in
supplemental discovery. Thereafter, on
May 18, 2010, the Judges conducted the
remand hearing required by the D.C.
Circuit. To the extent this second
remand presents an issue for
adjudication, the current, reconstituted
panel of Judges has conducted a de novo
review of the evidence and transcripts
of the first remand and analyzed the
propriety of the annual $500 minimum
fee per station or channel.
B. The Participants’ Witnesses and
Relevant Evidence
In the first remand proceeding,
SoundExchange, as the collective
representing the licensors, presented the
written and oral testimony of W. Tucker
McCrady, a member of its Licensing
Committee, which, is directly
8 The rates and terms established by the Judges
‘‘shall include a minimum fee . . . .’’ 17 U.S.C.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 211 / Friday, October 31, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
responsible for negotiating and
approving any settlements related to
statutory licenses on behalf of
SoundExchange. McCrady WDT at 1.
Mr. McCrady is also associate counsel,
digital legal affairs, for Warner Music
Group (WMG). Id. SoundExchange also
presented the written and oral
testimony of Barrie Kessler, its chief
operating officer. SoundExchange also
introduced into evidence agreements it
reached pursuant to the Webcaster
Settlement Acts of 2008 and 2009, with
(i) College Broadcasters, Inc. (CBI) for
noncommercial educational webcasters;
(ii) National Association of Broadcasters
(NAB) for broadcasters who also
webcast performances of sound
recordings; (iii) Sirius XM Radio, Inc.
(Sirius XM) for webcasts of signals
provided by satellite services; and (iv)
DiMA for commercial webcasters. 5/18/
10 Tr. at 13 (McCrady).
IBS represents a membership of more
than 1,000 student-staffed stations and
webcasting operations affiliated with
domestic academic institutions, and
purports to be the largest such
organization in the United States.
Frederick J. Kass, Jr. (Pre-Remand) WDT
at ¶ 6. IBS presented its case principally
through the written and oral testimony
of Captain Kass, treasurer, director of
operations (chief operating officer), and
a director of IBS.9 In addition, IBS
presented the written testimony of John
E. Murphy, general manager of WHUS,
a university radio station at the
University of Connecticut, and
Benjamin Shaiken, at the time a student
at the University of Connecticut and
operations manager of WHUS.
C. The Minimum Fee Proposals of the
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1. The SoundExchange Proposal
SoundExchange proposed the same
dollar level for a minimum fee for
noncommercial webcasters, $500, as it
had proposed prior to the first remand.
Specifically, SoundExchange proposed:
Each Noncommercial Webcaster will pay
an annual, nonrefundable minimum fee of
$500 for each calendar year or part of a
calendar year of the license period during
which they are [sic] Licensees pursuant to
licenses under 17 U.S.C. 114. This annual
minimum fee is payable for each individual
channel and each individual station
maintained by Noncommercial Webcasters
and is also payable for each individual Side
Channel maintained by Broadcasters who are
Licensees. The minimum fee payable under
17 U.S.C. 112 is deemed to be included
9 Frederick Kass is also retired from the United
States Navy, having achieved the rank of Captain.
Kass (Pre-remand) WDT ¶ 1. Accordingly, the
Judges refer to him in this Determination as Captain
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within the minimum fee payable under 17
U.S.C. 114. Upon payment of the minimum
fee, the Licensee will receive a credit in the
amount of the minimum fee against any
additional royalty fees payable in the same
calendar year.
Proposed Rates and Terms of
SoundExchange, Inc. for the Remand
Proceeding Concerning the Minimum
Fee Payable by Noncommercial
Webcasters (Jan. 11, 2010).
Consistent with the Judges’ prior
ruling in Web II, SoundExchange’s
proposed minimum fee would be ‘‘fully
recoupable’’ against royalty fees owed
by noncommercial webcasters subject to
the statutory license. 5/18/10 Tr. at 14
2. The IBS Proposal
IBS proposed that certain smaller
noncommercial webcasters be exempt
from paying any minimum fee. 5/18/10
Tr. at 76, 83–85 (Kass); Kass
(Supplemental) WDT at 2 (For certain
smaller noncommercial webcasters,
‘‘[t]he imposition of a minimum fee
should be rejected by the Judges.’’) 10
More particularly, IBS proposed that an
exemption from the minimum fee be
provided to webcasters that met IBS’s
proposed (and unprecedented)
classification as either ‘‘Small
Noncommercial Webcasters,’’ defined
by IBS as those whose total
performances of digitally recorded
music is less than 15,914 ATH per
month, or ‘‘Very Small Noncommercial
Webcasters,’’ defined by IBS as those
whose total performances of digitally
recorded music is less than 6,365 ATH
per month. IBS’s Restated Rate Proposal
(June 1, 2010). IBS did not propose a
separate minimum fee for
noncommercial webcasters who
performed more than 15,914 ATH per
month, nor did IBS object to
SoundExchange’s proposed minimum
fee for noncommercial webcasters who
webcast more than 15,914 ATH per
In addition, IBS raised issues that
went beyond the scope of the remand
instructions of the D.C. Circuit.11
10 Because the D.C. Circuit remanded for a
determination of ‘‘the issue of the appropriate
minimum fee for noncommercials,’’ the Judges
construe the IBS proposal as a request for a
minimum of fee of zero. The Judges do not reach
the question whether a minimum fee of $0 could
ever satisfy the statutory mandate to ‘‘include a
minimum fee for each . . . type of service. . . .’’
17 U.S.C. 114(f)(2)(B).
11 Specifically—and separate and apart from the
minimum fee issue—IBS also requested for these
proposed new classes of noncommercial
webcasters: (1) A new flat royalty rate of $50 per
annum for the noncommercial webcasters IBS
classified as ‘‘Small’’; (2) a new flat royalty rate of
$20 per annum for the noncommercial webcasters
IBS classified as ‘‘Very Small’’; and (3) new terms
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D. The Participants’ Testimony and
1. SoundExchange’s Testimony and
SoundExchange—through Ms.
Kessler’s testimony—provided precisely
the type of evidence required by the
D.C. Circuit in its remand instructions.
That is, Ms. Kessler testified regarding
the costs incurred by SoundExchange to
administer the royalty payment and
distribution process under the statutory
license. As Ms. Kessler testified, broadly
speaking, ‘‘there is not necessarily much
difference between a noncommercial
service and a commercial service in
terms of the effort required for
[SoundExchange] to administer . . . use
of sound recordings.’’ Kessler Corrected
WDT at 3.
Ms. Kessler testified that 305
noncommercial webcasters paid the
minimum fee of $500 in 2009. Kessler
Corrected WDT at 3; 5/18/10 Tr. at 34
(Kessler).12 According to Ms. Kessler, by
making these payments, the
noncommercial webcasters
demonstrated that they were able and
willing to pay the minimum fee. 5/18/
10 Tr. at 33 (Kessler).
According to Ms. Kessler,
SoundExchange does not track the
administrative costs on a licensee,
station, or channel basis in the ordinary
course of business. 5/18/10 Tr. at 37
(Kessler). However, for this remand
proceeding, SoundExchange estimated
its administrative costs and found that
the average per channel or station cost
for webcasters for 2008 was $803. 5/18/
10 Tr. at 36 (Kessler); Kessler Corrected
WDT at 9–10. Further, Ms. Kessler
testified that this average cost exceeded
the average revenue derived by
SoundExchange from noncommercial
webcasters. 5/18/10 Tr. at 34 (Kessler).
Ms. Kessler testified that, for all
licensees, regardless of size or
classification, SoundExchange must
perform certain basic processes to
administer the collection and
distribution of royalty fees related to use
of sound recordings. She also testified
that that there was no positive
correlation between the volume of
sound recordings performed by a station
that would exempt both such proposed classes from
recordkeeping and reporting requirements. By
seeking different royalty rates and terms, IBS has
raised issues that go beyond the scope of the
remand instructions. Indeed, as the D.C. Circuit
made clear, except for the minimum fee issue, ‘‘[a]ll
other portions of the determination are affirmed.’’
574 F.3d at 772 (emphasis added).
12 The remaining 58 noncommercial webcasters
also were charged the $500 minimum fee, but they
recouped that minimum fee either because they
exceeded the ATH threshold cap or because they
streamed multiple channels or stations.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 211 / Friday, October 31, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
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or channel and the administrative work
required of SoundExchange, nor, as
noted supra, was there a greater amount
of time and effort expended to
administer the licensing process for
commercial webcasters compared to
noncommercial webcasters.13 In fact, as
Ms. Kessler testified, SoundExchange
‘‘at times has to devote more time to
working with a noncommercial service
than it would a commercial service,
because of the small and often
inexperienced staff and relative lack of
automation in the operations of many
noncommercial webcasters.’’ Kessler
Corrected WDT at 4.
Moreover, SoundExchange’s
additional documentary evidence
regarding the minimum fee contained in
other agreements was consistent with
the use of the $500 minimum fee in this
proceeding. All of the agreements filed
pursuant to the Webcaster Settlement
Acts of 2008 and 2009 and introduced
into evidence by SoundExchange
contained minimum fees similar to the
$500 per station or channel proposed by
SoundExchange. Of particular
importance, one of those agreements
was the agreement between
SoundExchange and noncommercial
educational webcasters (the CBI
Agreement) for the same type of services
as would be covered under the IBS
proposal. More specifically, the CBI
Agreement contains the identical
minimum fee of $500 per year per
station or channel. 5/18/10 Tr. at 14
Mr. McCrady testified that this
proposed $500 minimum fee
represented a substantial discount for
noncommercial webcasters.
Specifically, Mr. McCrady testified
that—with regard to Commercial
Webcasters—WMG required that its
negotiated voluntary licenses for its full
catalogue must generate payments
anticipated to be at least $25,000. 5/18/
10 Tr. at 25 (McCrady), and the lowest
commercial minimum fee is 20% of
revenue. 5/18/10 Tr. at 20 (McCrady).
On percentage terms, therefore, the $500
minimum fee would represent a
substantial discount because—accepting
arguendo IBS’s assertion that the
average annual operating budget of its
13 According to Ms. Kessler, although the
particular per channel or station costs deviate from
the average (by definition, the value of each item
within a heterogeneous set will deviate from the
set’s average value), those deviations are not a
function of the classification of the service as
commercial or noncommercial. Rather, those
deviations are a function of the amount of ‘‘time
and attention’’ required of SoundExchange to
administer the license, which itself is a function of
the quality of the data provided by the service
operating the channel or station. 5/18/10 Tr. at 37–
38 (Kessler).
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member stations is $9,000, see 5/18/10
Tr. at 20 (McCrady) and 5/18/10 Tr. at
71 (Kass)—that proposed $500
minimum fee would be less than 6% of
that amount.
2. IBS’s Testimony and Evidence
IBS’s primary contention to support a
zero minimum fee for ‘‘Small’’’’ and
‘‘Very Small’’ noncommercial
webcasters is essentially that those
entities are unable to afford the $500
minimum fee proposed by
SoundExchange. 5/18/10 Tr. at 103
(Kass). More specifically, Capt. Kass
testified that, according to a prior survey
by IBS of its member stations—a survey
undertaken ‘‘back aways’’ and not
proffered by IBS—the average annual
operating budget for those campus
stations was approximately $9,000 per
year. 5/18/10 Tr. at 71 (Kass); Kass (PreRemand) WDT at 9.
Messrs. Kass, Murphy, and Shaiken
all testified about certain distinctions
between college (and, to a lesser extent,
high school) radio stations and
commercial radio stations. Kass (PreRemand) WDT at ¶¶ 7–8; 10–13; 4/22/
10 Tr. at 761, 765(Kass); Murphy WDT
at ¶¶ 4–10; Shaiken WDT ¶¶ 5–9.14 The
gravamen of these asserted distinctions
was that smaller webcasters affiliated
with educational institutions have an
instructional need for sound recordings
that, according to IBS, must be
distinguished from the demand of other
webcasters, in a manner that would
preclude any minimum fee.
However, the evidence and testimony
introduced by IBS did not address the
issue of whether SoundExchange
incurred administrative costs in
connection with licensing of sound
recordings performed by academic
institutions, or the dollar value of such
administrative costs.
E. Analysis and Determination
The Judges concluded in the first
remand that SoundExchange’s $500
minimum fee proposal is clearly
appropriate and eminently reasonable.
The Judges in this remand reach the
same conclusion and find several bases
in the record for this conclusion.
First, IBS did not proffer any evidence
to contradict Ms. Kessler’s testimony.
Accordingly, the Judges find as a fact
that the cost to administer the statutory
license, including for the
noncommercial webcasters represented
by IBS, is $803 per year on average. It
is reasonable and appropriate for the
14 The written testimony of Messrs. Murphy and
Shaiken were introduced previously in Web III on
April 22, 2010, and were subsequently designated
as evidence by IBS and admitted in the first Web
II remand proceeding. 5/18/10 Tr. at 66–67.
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minimum fee at least to cover
SoundExchange’s administrative cost.
Moreover, as noted at the outset of this
Determination, the D.C. Circuit
expressly remanded the prior
Determination with a directive that the
Judges develop just such a record
regarding SoundExchange’s
administrative costs, in order to ground
a decision as to the minimum fee on
evidentiary bases.15
Second, the CBI Agreement admitted
into evidence is persuasive
corroborating evidence. The CBI
Agreement confirms that
SoundExchange’s proposal represents a
minimum fee that has actually been
negotiated in the marketplace between
a willing buyer and a willing seller. The
Judges further note that the negotiated
CBI Agreement employs the same
minimum fee per station or channel, up
to the 159,140 ATH threshold, without
the smaller sub-classifications proposed
by IBS.
Third, the undisputed fact that 305
noncommercial webcasters paid the
$500 minimum fee in 2009 is persuasive
evidence that this minimum fee has not
only been included in an agreement, but
has actually been paid in the
marketplace. Just as webcasting rates
(beyond a minimum fee) must represent
marketplace rates, so too should a
statutory minimum fee bear a
relationship to the minimum fees that
actually are paid for similar services.
In stark contrast, the testimony and
evidence proffered by IBS do not
present any countervailing
First, IBS proffered no record
evidence to support the contention that
the ‘‘Small’’ or ‘‘Very Small’’
noncommercial webcasters as defined
by IBS would be unable to pay a $500
minimum fee. Indeed, IBS did not offer
testimony from any entity that
demonstrably qualified as a ‘‘Small’’ or
‘‘Very Small’’ noncommercial
webcaster. Mere conclusory statements
that a $500 minimum payment would
be unaffordable for smaller
noncommercial webcasters do not serve
as probative evidence.
Second, the only testimony that
mentions any specifics about the
15 The Judges note that, as Mr. McCrady testified,
generally, minimum fees ‘‘are intended not only to
cover our costs of negotiating and administering the
license, but to assure that we will receive a
substantial guaranteed stream of revenue for making
available our large repertoire of sound recordings.’’
McCrady WDT at 5. Although in the present
proceeding the minimum fee has been based on the
administrative costs incurred by SoundExchange,
nothing set forth herein should be construed as
precluding a minimum fee from also serving to
guarantee a stream of revenue for licensees as
appropriate in the particular proceeding.
rmajette on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 211 / Friday, October 31, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
finances of smaller webcasters is the
reference by Capt. Kass to the survey
performed ‘‘back aways’’ that
supposedly showed that IBS members
had an average annual operating budget
of $9,000. Kass (Pre-Remand) WDT at ¶
9. IBS did not offer that purported
survey into evidence. Without
documentary evidence that would allow
the Judges to assess the validity of the
survey, the Judges cannot accept Capt.
Kass’s reference to that survey as
evidence. See 37 CFR 351.l0(e).
Moreover, assuming arguendo the
Judges could accept such a casual
reference as probative, the assertion
would not advance IBS’s case. On its
face, an assertion that the average
operating budget for IBS members is
$9,000 does not establish that its
members lack the capacity to make a
minimum payment of $500.
Third, the evidence strongly suggests
that the ATH cutoffs that IBS proposed
for ‘‘Small’’ and ‘‘Very Small’’
noncommercial webcasters are arbitrary.
It appears that, for these proposed
smaller categories, IBS chose ATH
levels that represent 10% and 4%,
respectively, of the ATH cutoff (159,400
ATH) for all noncommercial webcasters
contained in SoundExchange’s rate
proposal. IBS’s Restated Rate Proposal
(June 1, 2010). Nothing in the record
substantiates these ATH levels as
probative of the ability, vel non, of a
noncommercial webcaster to pay a $500
minimum fee.
Fourth, even if there were a sufficient
basis in the record to conclude that
‘‘Small’’ and/or ‘‘Very Small’’
noncommercial webcasters were unable
to pay a $500 minimum fee, that alone
would not demonstrate that a willing
seller in a hypothetical marketplace
would be prepared to offer a lower
minimum fee. That proposition is
particularly dubious in this proceeding
given the evidence in the record
(discussed supra) that SoundExchange’s
average annual administrative cost
exceeds $500 per station or channel.
Fifth, the particular economic
circumstances of the academic
webcasters represented by IBS are
germane only to the determination of
the statutory royalty rate that they are
required to pay—a royalty
determination previously rendered by
the Judges and affirmed by the D.C.
Circuit. Indeed, the prior Determination
by the Judges, affirmed by the D.C.
Circuit, acknowledged the
appropriateness of lower rates for
noncommercial webcasters compared to
the rates set for commercial webcasters.
The issue at hand on this remand is
different—whether there should be a
distinction regarding the minimum
VerDate Sep<11>2014
14:37 Oct 30, 2014
Jkt 235001
fee—not the royalty rate—among
different groups within the category of
noncommercial webcasters.16
Finally, the testimony of the IBS
witnesses regarding the nature of the
use of sound recordings 17 by academic
institutions is not pertinent to the
setting of the minimum fee based on
SoundExchange’s administrative costs.
That is, payment of a minimum fee of
zero, and indeed any minimum fee
significantly below SoundExchange’s
actual administrative costs, would
provide a webcaster with an unjustified
free ride 18 in terms of the cost of
administering the license, because
SoundExchange incurs that cost
regardless of the nature of the use of the
sound recording.19
16 The contrast between the economic value of a
sound recording and the economic value of
administrative services is instructive in this regard.
Administrative services, like any private services or
goods, are priced in a market at a level that permits
the seller to recover at least its average variable cost
of providing those services. By contrast, the
marginal cost of producing an additional copy of a
sound recording is essentially zero, so the
determination of the price for the sound recording,
on the supply side, is influenced by that economic
fact (and by the recurring sinking of long-term costs
to create the recording and the need to provide an
incentive for the creation of future sound
recordings). Noncommercial webcasters might have
been able to argue for a different or lower royalty
rate based on this economic argument, but the
Judges cannot apply this principle to the valuation
of a service, such as the provision of administrative
functions that, like all private goods or services, are
provided at a positive marginal cost.
17 Pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 114(f)(2)(B), the Judges
can identify and then account for those differences
in the ‘‘nature of the use of sound recordings’’ that
would support a different rate or term.
18 ‘‘Small’’ and ‘‘Very Small’’ noncommercial
webcasters would obtain a free ride under the IBS
proposal because they receive benefits from
SoundExchange’s administrative services. As
explained by Mr. McCrady, rather than having to
negotiate licenses with individual copyright owners
in a market without a statutory license,
noncommercial webcasters enjoy ‘‘one-stop
shopping’’ for rights to all recordings at a preestablished price. McCrady WDT at 11.
19 The Judges do not rely upon Mr. McCrady’s
testimony regarding the nature of the use of the
sound recordings by academic institutions. He
testified that the $500 minimum fee is appropriate
because it provides an important educational
message for students regarding the value of
recorded music and the need to pay for it. 5/18/10
Tr. at 23 (McCrady). Mr. McCrady did not purport
to be an educator, he did not claim any direct
knowledge of the scope or content of the
educational work undertaken by academic
institutions that authorize their students to play
sound recordings, and SoundExchange did not
proffer evidence to indicate that Mr. McCrady
possessed the competency to testify as to any
relationship between the educational mission of
these institutions and the establishment of a
minimum fee. Although such a ‘‘message’’ might
well be appropriate as part of an economics or
business school class or internship, that message
might not be part of the curriculum in a music or
communications class or internship. Further, a
student’s understanding of the economic issues
regarding the pricing of sound recordings cannot be
imparted in such an ad hoc manner.
PO 00000
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Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
IV. Conclusion
For the foregoing reasons, developed
from a de novo review of the record, the
Judges conclude that the $500 minimum
fee proposed by SoundExchange for all
noncommercial webcasters for the
license term 2006 through 2010 is
appropriate and consistent with the
relevant willing buyer/willing seller
statutory standard. The Judges hereby
expressly adopt the same minimum fee
as set forth in the Final Determination
published on May 1, 2007, and the
Order on Remand. See 37 CFR
380.3(b)(2). The Judges also conclude
that IBS failed to support the zero
minimum fee that it proposed for subcategories of noncommercial
webcasters, either with relevant
evidence or economic analysis
consistent with the applicable statutory
September 17, 2014.
So Ordered.
Suzanne M. Barnett,
Chief United States Copyright Royalty Judge.
David R. Strickler,
United States Copyright Royalty Judge.
Jesse M. Feder,
United States Copyright Royalty Judge.
Dated: October 22, 2014.
Suzanne M. Barnett,
Chief United States Copyright Royalty Judge.
Approved by:
James H. Billington,
Librarian of Congress.
[FR Doc. 2014–25971 Filed 10–30–14; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 180
[EPA–HQ–OPP–2014–0467; FRL–9917–03]
AAAPD and AAASD; Tolerance
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
This regulation establishes an
exemption from the requirement of a
tolerance for residues of a-alkyl
(minimum C6 linear, branched,
saturated and/or unsaturated)-whydroxypolyoxyethylene polymer with
or without polyoxypropylene, mixture
of di- and monohydrogen phosphate
esters and the corresponding
ammonium, calcium, magnesium,
monoethanolamine, potassium, sodium,
and zinc salts of the phosphate esters;
minimum oxyethylene content is 2
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 211 (Friday, October 31, 2014)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 64669-64673]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-25971]
Copyright Royalty Board
37 CFR Part 380
[2005-1 CRB DTRA (Webcasting II)]
Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings and Ephemeral
AGENCY: Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress.
ACTION: Final Determination after Second Remand.
SUMMARY: The Copyright Royalty Judges are announcing their final
determination upholding the validity and application of the $500
minimum fee for noncommercial webcasters for the licensing period 2006
through 2010. The judges issued the determination in response to a
second order of remand by the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit. Their review of the evidence was de novo.
The judges issued their initial determination in March 2014 and
received no motions for rehearing.
DATES: Effective date: October 31, 2014.
Applicability date: The fee applies to the license period January
1, 2006, through December 31, 2010.
ADDRESSES: The determination is also published on the agency's Web site
at For related matters see also the Federal
eRulemaking Portal at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard Strasser, Senior Attorney, or
Kim Whittle, Attorney Advisor, (202) 707-7658 or
I. Background
The captioned matter began with a notice in the Federal Register in
February 2005. In that notice, the Copyright Royalty Judges (Judges)
commenced a rate-setting proceeding and solicited Petitions to
Participate. See 70 FR 7970 (February 16, 2005). The aim of the
proceeding was to establish royalty rates and terms, including the
establishment of minimum fees, applicable to entities making ephemeral
recordings of copyrighted sound recordings and digitally performing
those recordings\1\. The Judges set rates and terms for use of the
rights during the period 2006 through 2010, publishing their Final
Determination on May 1, 2007. 72 FR 24084 (May 1, 2007) (Web II).
\1\ Owners of rights in sound recordings are subject to
compulsory licenses under the Copyright Act. See, e.g., 17 U.S.C.
112(e) (ephemeral recordings), 114 (d)(2), (3) (transmission). The
Judges are tasked to adjudicate, inter alia, disputes relating to
licensing fees. See, e.g., 17 U.S.C. 112(e)(3), (4), 114(f), 801,
803, 804.
Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, Inc. (IBS) appealed the
Judges' determination to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.
The DC Circuit remanded the Judges' determination of the minimum fee
established for noncommercial webcasters, viz. $500 per year per
station or channel, citing insufficient evidence in the record to
substantiate the $500 minimum fee. On May 18, 2010, after granting the
parties leave to engage in additional briefing and discovery, the
Judges held a further hearing on remand. Following the remand hearing,
the Judges issued their determination on September 17, 2010. 75 FR
56873 (Sept. 17, 2010).
IBS again appealed the Judges' determination. During the pendency
of the Web II appeal, the Judges issued a final determination regarding
rates and terms for the same licenses for the period 2011 through
2015.\2\ (Web III). IBS appealed the Judges' Web III determination
challenging again the $500 minimum fee and asserting that appointment
of the Judges violated the Appointments Clause of the U.S.
Constitution. Given the overlap of issues and the introduction of a
constitutional challenge, the DC Circuit stayed further proceedings on
appeal in Web II.
\2\ See 76 FR 13026 (Mar. 9, 2011) (Web III).
The DC Circuit decided Web III and concluded that the Judges'
appointments were unconstitutional. The DC Circuit struck portions of
the Copyright Act that it determined to be unconstitutional and the
Librarian of Congress appointed a panel of Judges consistent with the
altered statute. The DC Circuit remanded Web III for further
proceedings \3\ by a constitutionally valid panel of Judges. After the
Web III remand, on motion of the Web II parties, the DC Circuit vacated
and remanded the Web II matter.\4\
\3\ Intercollegiate Broadcasting Sys., Inc. v. Copyright Royalty
Board, 684 F.3d 1332, 1342 (D.C. Cir. 2012), cert. denied, 133 S.
Ct. 2735 (2013).
\4\ Intercollegiate Broadcasting Sys., Inc. v. Copyright Royalty
Board, No. 10-1314 (D.C. Cir. Sept. 30, 2013) (order granting joint
motion for vacatur and remand).
The issue before the Judges is determination of the validity and
[[Page 64670]]
application of the $500 minimum fee for noncommercial webcasters for
the period 2006 through 2010. The Judges, after notice to the parties,
concluded that they should reach this determination, to the extent a
new determination is required, under section 803(b)(5) (paper
proceedings) after a de novo review of the record.
For all of the reasons discussed herein, the Judges determine that
the minimum fee for noncommercial webcasters for the license term 2006
through 2010 shall be and remain $500 per station or channel,
applicable to the annual flat fee royalties payable for usage of sound
recordings for up to 159,140 Aggregate Tuning Hours (ATH) per month.
The Judges assert that the question on remand is moot. Nonetheless, the
Judges detail in this determination reasons sufficient to uphold their
decision on the merits, to the extent required.
The Judges issued their Initial Determination on Second Remand on
March 11, 2014. No party moved for rehearing. Accordingly, the Judges
now issue their Final Determination in this matter.\5\
\5\ The Register of Copyrights completed her review of this
determination on October 20, 2014, and stated that ``[n]o correction
or any further actions will be taken by the Register on this
matter.'' See 17 U.S.C. 802 (f)(1)(D).
II. The Judges Conclude That the Issue on Remand Is Subsumed by the
Affirmance of the Flat Royalty Rate of $500
IBS argues in this remand proceeding that the Judges should
eliminate, or significantly reduce, the $500 minimum fee for
noncommercial webcasters that the Judges adopted and the DC Circuit
remanded in the Web II Determination. That minimum fee was in effect
for the period 2006 through 2010, and thus expired more than three
years ago. Any change to the minimum fee at issue in this remand
proceeding would have no prospective effect whatever on the rates that
noncommercial webcasters pay. If a decision by the Judges in IBS's
favor at this stage were to have any effect at all, it would be by
requiring a retrospective adjustment of noncommercial webcasters'
payment obligations (e.g., a refund of minimum fees already paid). Such
a remedy would be warranted only if a reduction in the minimum fee
would also result in a reduction of a noncommercial webcaster's total
payment obligation.
The minimum fee that a webcaster pays is only one component of the
webcasters' total payment obligation under the section 114 and section
112(e) statutory licenses. The Final Determination established a rate
structure for noncommercial webcasters that consisted of a flat annual
fee of $500 for the first 159,140 ATH of usage per month, 37 CFR
380.3(a)(2)(i) (2008), plus a per-performance rate equal to the
commercial rate for usage in excess of 159,140 ATH per month. 37 CFR
380.3(a)(2)(ii) (2008). In addition, noncommercial webcasters were
subject to the contested $500 annual minimum fee. The minimum fee was
non-refundable, but recoupable against the $500 flat royalty fee. 37
CFR 380.3(b) (2008); see also Final Determination, 72 FR at 24100.\6\
\6\ This minimum fee, codified in 37 CFR 380.3(b) (2008),
applies to both commercial and noncommercial webcasters.
Because the $500 minimum fee was recoupable, a noncommercial
webcaster's single payment of $500 satisfied both the minimum fee and
the $500 flat rate for the first 159,140 ATH of monthly usage.
Nonetheless, the flat rate and the minimum fee are separate and
distinct components of the rate structure, codified in separate
sections of the Code of Federal Regulations.
In its decision of the appeal of the Final Determination, the DC
Circuit ``vacate[d] the $500 minimum fee'' for both commercial \7\ and
noncommercial webcasters and ``remand[ed] that portion of the
determination to the Copyright Royalty Judges for further proceedings
not inconsistent with this opinion.'' 574 F.3d at 772. ``All other
portions of the determination [were] affirmed.'' Id.; accord id. at
\7\ The commercial webcasters and SoundExchange reached a
settlement after the Final Determination was remanded, which the
Judges adopted, leaving only the minimum fee for noncommercial
webcasters for the Judges to determine in this remand proceeding.
See 75 FR 6097 (Feb. 8, 2010).
The plain language of the DC Circuit's remand order demonstrates
that the court affirmed the flat rate component of the rate structure
for noncommercial webcasters. Even if the Judges were to reduce the
minimum fee retroactively, noncommercial webcasters' obligation to pay
a flat royalty rate of $500 annually would be unaffected. Consequently,
a decision in IBS's favor on the minimum fee issue would have no effect
on noncommercial webcasters' total payment obligations. That is, given
that the $500 payment satisfied both the minimum fee and the $500 flat
rate for the first 159,140 ATH of usage, IBS and its constituents would
realize no benefit, even if the Judges were to reduce the minimum fee,
thereby eliminating any actual issue for adjudication. The Judges
conclude, therefore, that the instant matter has been rendered moot and
that IBS lacks a ``significant interest in the proceedings'' as
required by section 803(b)(2)(C) of the Act.
III. Assuming the Issue on Remand States an Issue for Adjudication, the
Judges' Determination on Remand Is Narrowed by the Directive From the
D.C. Circuit
A. The First Remand
In vacating and remanding the Judges' original Web II Determination
with regard to the ``Minimum Annual Fee'' \8\ for noncommercial
webcasters subject to the statutory license, the D.C. Circuit held:
\8\ The rates and terms established by the Judges ``shall
include a minimum fee . . . .'' 17 U.S.C. 114(f)(2)(B).
Because there is no record evidence that $500 represented
SoundExchange's administrative cost per channel or station, the
Judges' determination in this regard cannot be sustained.
Intercollegiate Broadcast System, Inc. v. Copyright Royalty Board,
574 F.3d 748, 767 (D.C. Cir. 2009) (emphasis added). The basis for the
Court's holding was that, in the absence of sufficient evidence, ``the
$500 minimum fee was arbitrary, capricious and not supported by record
evidence . . . .'' Id. at 772 (emphasis added).
Accordingly, the D.C. Circuit ``remand[ed] the issue of the
appropriate minimum fee for noncommercials.'' Id. at 767. To allow for
a cure of this defect on remand, the D.C. Circuit instructed the Judges
to undertake ``further proceedings not inconsistent with this
opinion,'' id., which required the Judges to receive and consider new
``record evidence'' of ``SoundExchange's administrative cost per
channel or station.'' Id. at 767 (emphasis added).
For the first remand, the Judges permitted the Participants to
submit additional papers and to engage in supplemental discovery.
Thereafter, on May 18, 2010, the Judges conducted the remand hearing
required by the D.C. Circuit. To the extent this second remand presents
an issue for adjudication, the current, reconstituted panel of Judges
has conducted a de novo review of the evidence and transcripts of the
first remand and analyzed the propriety of the annual $500 minimum fee
per station or channel.
B. The Participants' Witnesses and Relevant Evidence
In the first remand proceeding, SoundExchange, as the collective
representing the licensors, presented the written and oral testimony of
W. Tucker McCrady, a member of its Licensing Committee, which, is
[[Page 64671]]
responsible for negotiating and approving any settlements related to
statutory licenses on behalf of SoundExchange. McCrady WDT at 1. Mr.
McCrady is also associate counsel, digital legal affairs, for Warner
Music Group (WMG). Id. SoundExchange also presented the written and
oral testimony of Barrie Kessler, its chief operating officer.
SoundExchange also introduced into evidence agreements it reached
pursuant to the Webcaster Settlement Acts of 2008 and 2009, with (i)
College Broadcasters, Inc. (CBI) for noncommercial educational
webcasters; (ii) National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) for
broadcasters who also webcast performances of sound recordings; (iii)
Sirius XM Radio, Inc. (Sirius XM) for webcasts of signals provided by
satellite services; and (iv) DiMA for commercial webcasters. 5/18/10
Tr. at 13 (McCrady).
IBS represents a membership of more than 1,000 student-staffed
stations and webcasting operations affiliated with domestic academic
institutions, and purports to be the largest such organization in the
United States. Frederick J. Kass, Jr. (Pre-Remand) WDT at ] 6. IBS
presented its case principally through the written and oral testimony
of Captain Kass, treasurer, director of operations (chief operating
officer), and a director of IBS.\9\ In addition, IBS presented the
written testimony of John E. Murphy, general manager of WHUS, a
university radio station at the University of Connecticut, and Benjamin
Shaiken, at the time a student at the University of Connecticut and
operations manager of WHUS.
\9\ Frederick Kass is also retired from the United States Navy,
having achieved the rank of Captain. Kass (Pre-remand) WDT ] 1.
Accordingly, the Judges refer to him in this Determination as
Captain Kass.
C. The Minimum Fee Proposals of the Participants
1. The SoundExchange Proposal
SoundExchange proposed the same dollar level for a minimum fee for
noncommercial webcasters, $500, as it had proposed prior to the first
remand. Specifically, SoundExchange proposed:
Each Noncommercial Webcaster will pay an annual, nonrefundable
minimum fee of $500 for each calendar year or part of a calendar
year of the license period during which they are [sic] Licensees
pursuant to licenses under 17 U.S.C. 114. This annual minimum fee is
payable for each individual channel and each individual station
maintained by Noncommercial Webcasters and is also payable for each
individual Side Channel maintained by Broadcasters who are
Licensees. The minimum fee payable under 17 U.S.C. 112 is deemed to
be included within the minimum fee payable under 17 U.S.C. 114. Upon
payment of the minimum fee, the Licensee will receive a credit in
the amount of the minimum fee against any additional royalty fees
payable in the same calendar year.
Proposed Rates and Terms of SoundExchange, Inc. for the Remand
Proceeding Concerning the Minimum Fee Payable by Noncommercial
Webcasters (Jan. 11, 2010).
Consistent with the Judges' prior ruling in Web II, SoundExchange's
proposed minimum fee would be ``fully recoupable'' against royalty fees
owed by noncommercial webcasters subject to the statutory license. 5/
18/10 Tr. at 14 (McCrady).
2. The IBS Proposal
IBS proposed that certain smaller noncommercial webcasters be
exempt from paying any minimum fee. 5/18/10 Tr. at 76, 83-85 (Kass);
Kass (Supplemental) WDT at 2 (For certain smaller noncommercial
webcasters, ``[t]he imposition of a minimum fee should be rejected by
the Judges.'') \10\ More particularly, IBS proposed that an exemption
from the minimum fee be provided to webcasters that met IBS's proposed
(and unprecedented) classification as either ``Small Noncommercial
Webcasters,'' defined by IBS as those whose total performances of
digitally recorded music is less than 15,914 ATH per month, or ``Very
Small Noncommercial Webcasters,'' defined by IBS as those whose total
performances of digitally recorded music is less than 6,365 ATH per
month. IBS's Restated Rate Proposal (June 1, 2010). IBS did not propose
a separate minimum fee for noncommercial webcasters who performed more
than 15,914 ATH per month, nor did IBS object to SoundExchange's
proposed minimum fee for noncommercial webcasters who webcast more than
15,914 ATH per month.
\10\ Because the D.C. Circuit remanded for a determination of
``the issue of the appropriate minimum fee for noncommercials,'' the
Judges construe the IBS proposal as a request for a minimum of fee
of zero. The Judges do not reach the question whether a minimum fee
of $0 could ever satisfy the statutory mandate to ``include a
minimum fee for each . . . type of service. . . .'' 17 U.S.C.
In addition, IBS raised issues that went beyond the scope of the
remand instructions of the D.C. Circuit.\11\
\11\ Specifically--and separate and apart from the minimum fee
issue--IBS also requested for these proposed new classes of
noncommercial webcasters: (1) A new flat royalty rate of $50 per
annum for the noncommercial webcasters IBS classified as ``Small'';
(2) a new flat royalty rate of $20 per annum for the noncommercial
webcasters IBS classified as ``Very Small''; and (3) new terms that
would exempt both such proposed classes from recordkeeping and
reporting requirements. By seeking different royalty rates and
terms, IBS has raised issues that go beyond the scope of the remand
instructions. Indeed, as the D.C. Circuit made clear, except for the
minimum fee issue, ``[a]ll other portions of the determination are
affirmed.'' 574 F.3d at 772 (emphasis added).
D. The Participants' Testimony and Evidence
1. SoundExchange's Testimony and Evidence
SoundExchange--through Ms. Kessler's testimony--provided precisely
the type of evidence required by the D.C. Circuit in its remand
instructions. That is, Ms. Kessler testified regarding the costs
incurred by SoundExchange to administer the royalty payment and
distribution process under the statutory license. As Ms. Kessler
testified, broadly speaking, ``there is not necessarily much difference
between a noncommercial service and a commercial service in terms of
the effort required for [SoundExchange] to administer . . . use of
sound recordings.'' Kessler Corrected WDT at 3.
Ms. Kessler testified that 305 noncommercial webcasters paid the
minimum fee of $500 in 2009. Kessler Corrected WDT at 3; 5/18/10 Tr. at
34 (Kessler).\12\ According to Ms. Kessler, by making these payments,
the noncommercial webcasters demonstrated that they were able and
willing to pay the minimum fee. 5/18/10 Tr. at 33 (Kessler).
\12\ The remaining 58 noncommercial webcasters also were charged
the $500 minimum fee, but they recouped that minimum fee either
because they exceeded the ATH threshold cap or because they streamed
multiple channels or stations.
According to Ms. Kessler, SoundExchange does not track the
administrative costs on a licensee, station, or channel basis in the
ordinary course of business. 5/18/10 Tr. at 37 (Kessler). However, for
this remand proceeding, SoundExchange estimated its administrative
costs and found that the average per channel or station cost for
webcasters for 2008 was $803. 5/18/10 Tr. at 36 (Kessler); Kessler
Corrected WDT at 9-10. Further, Ms. Kessler testified that this average
cost exceeded the average revenue derived by SoundExchange from
noncommercial webcasters. 5/18/10 Tr. at 34 (Kessler).
Ms. Kessler testified that, for all licensees, regardless of size
or classification, SoundExchange must perform certain basic processes
to administer the collection and distribution of royalty fees related
to use of sound recordings. She also testified that that there was no
positive correlation between the volume of sound recordings performed
by a station
[[Page 64672]]
or channel and the administrative work required of SoundExchange, nor,
as noted supra, was there a greater amount of time and effort expended
to administer the licensing process for commercial webcasters compared
to noncommercial webcasters.\13\ In fact, as Ms. Kessler testified,
SoundExchange ``at times has to devote more time to working with a
noncommercial service than it would a commercial service, because of
the small and often inexperienced staff and relative lack of automation
in the operations of many noncommercial webcasters.'' Kessler Corrected
WDT at 4.
\13\ According to Ms. Kessler, although the particular per
channel or station costs deviate from the average (by definition,
the value of each item within a heterogeneous set will deviate from
the set's average value), those deviations are not a function of the
classification of the service as commercial or noncommercial.
Rather, those deviations are a function of the amount of ``time and
attention'' required of SoundExchange to administer the license,
which itself is a function of the quality of the data provided by
the service operating the channel or station. 5/18/10 Tr. at 37-38
Moreover, SoundExchange's additional documentary evidence regarding
the minimum fee contained in other agreements was consistent with the
use of the $500 minimum fee in this proceeding. All of the agreements
filed pursuant to the Webcaster Settlement Acts of 2008 and 2009 and
introduced into evidence by SoundExchange contained minimum fees
similar to the $500 per station or channel proposed by SoundExchange.
Of particular importance, one of those agreements was the agreement
between SoundExchange and noncommercial educational webcasters (the CBI
Agreement) for the same type of services as would be covered under the
IBS proposal. More specifically, the CBI Agreement contains the
identical minimum fee of $500 per year per station or channel. 5/18/10
Tr. at 14 (McCrady).
Mr. McCrady testified that this proposed $500 minimum fee
represented a substantial discount for noncommercial webcasters.
Specifically, Mr. McCrady testified that--with regard to Commercial
Webcasters--WMG required that its negotiated voluntary licenses for its
full catalogue must generate payments anticipated to be at least
$25,000. 5/18/10 Tr. at 25 (McCrady), and the lowest commercial minimum
fee is 20% of revenue. 5/18/10 Tr. at 20 (McCrady). On percentage
terms, therefore, the $500 minimum fee would represent a substantial
discount because--accepting arguendo IBS's assertion that the average
annual operating budget of its member stations is $9,000, see 5/18/10
Tr. at 20 (McCrady) and 5/18/10 Tr. at 71 (Kass)--that proposed $500
minimum fee would be less than 6% of that amount.
2. IBS's Testimony and Evidence
IBS's primary contention to support a zero minimum fee for
``Small'''' and ``Very Small'' noncommercial webcasters is essentially
that those entities are unable to afford the $500 minimum fee proposed
by SoundExchange. 5/18/10 Tr. at 103 (Kass). More specifically, Capt.
Kass testified that, according to a prior survey by IBS of its member
stations--a survey undertaken ``back aways'' and not proffered by IBS--
the average annual operating budget for those campus stations was
approximately $9,000 per year. 5/18/10 Tr. at 71 (Kass); Kass (Pre-
Remand) WDT at 9.
Messrs. Kass, Murphy, and Shaiken all testified about certain
distinctions between college (and, to a lesser extent, high school)
radio stations and commercial radio stations. Kass (Pre-Remand) WDT at
]] 7-8; 10-13; 4/22/10 Tr. at 761, 765(Kass); Murphy WDT at ]] 4-10;
Shaiken WDT ]] 5-9.\14\ The gravamen of these asserted distinctions was
that smaller webcasters affiliated with educational institutions have
an instructional need for sound recordings that, according to IBS, must
be distinguished from the demand of other webcasters, in a manner that
would preclude any minimum fee.
\14\ The written testimony of Messrs. Murphy and Shaiken were
introduced previously in Web III on April 22, 2010, and were
subsequently designated as evidence by IBS and admitted in the first
Web II remand proceeding. 5/18/10 Tr. at 66-67.
However, the evidence and testimony introduced by IBS did not
address the issue of whether SoundExchange incurred administrative
costs in connection with licensing of sound recordings performed by
academic institutions, or the dollar value of such administrative
E. Analysis and Determination
The Judges concluded in the first remand that SoundExchange's $500
minimum fee proposal is clearly appropriate and eminently reasonable.
The Judges in this remand reach the same conclusion and find several
bases in the record for this conclusion.
First, IBS did not proffer any evidence to contradict Ms. Kessler's
testimony. Accordingly, the Judges find as a fact that the cost to
administer the statutory license, including for the noncommercial
webcasters represented by IBS, is $803 per year on average. It is
reasonable and appropriate for the minimum fee at least to cover
SoundExchange's administrative cost. Moreover, as noted at the outset
of this Determination, the D.C. Circuit expressly remanded the prior
Determination with a directive that the Judges develop just such a
record regarding SoundExchange's administrative costs, in order to
ground a decision as to the minimum fee on evidentiary bases.\15\
\15\ The Judges note that, as Mr. McCrady testified, generally,
minimum fees ``are intended not only to cover our costs of
negotiating and administering the license, but to assure that we
will receive a substantial guaranteed stream of revenue for making
available our large repertoire of sound recordings.'' McCrady WDT at
5. Although in the present proceeding the minimum fee has been based
on the administrative costs incurred by SoundExchange, nothing set
forth herein should be construed as precluding a minimum fee from
also serving to guarantee a stream of revenue for licensees as
appropriate in the particular proceeding.
Second, the CBI Agreement admitted into evidence is persuasive
corroborating evidence. The CBI Agreement confirms that SoundExchange's
proposal represents a minimum fee that has actually been negotiated in
the marketplace between a willing buyer and a willing seller. The
Judges further note that the negotiated CBI Agreement employs the same
minimum fee per station or channel, up to the 159,140 ATH threshold,
without the smaller sub-classifications proposed by IBS.
Third, the undisputed fact that 305 noncommercial webcasters paid
the $500 minimum fee in 2009 is persuasive evidence that this minimum
fee has not only been included in an agreement, but has actually been
paid in the marketplace. Just as webcasting rates (beyond a minimum
fee) must represent marketplace rates, so too should a statutory
minimum fee bear a relationship to the minimum fees that actually are
paid for similar services.
In stark contrast, the testimony and evidence proffered by IBS do
not present any countervailing considerations.
First, IBS proffered no record evidence to support the contention
that the ``Small'' or ``Very Small'' noncommercial webcasters as
defined by IBS would be unable to pay a $500 minimum fee. Indeed, IBS
did not offer testimony from any entity that demonstrably qualified as
a ``Small'' or ``Very Small'' noncommercial webcaster. Mere conclusory
statements that a $500 minimum payment would be unaffordable for
smaller noncommercial webcasters do not serve as probative evidence.
Second, the only testimony that mentions any specifics about the
[[Page 64673]]
finances of smaller webcasters is the reference by Capt. Kass to the
survey performed ``back aways'' that supposedly showed that IBS members
had an average annual operating budget of $9,000. Kass (Pre-Remand) WDT
at ] 9. IBS did not offer that purported survey into evidence. Without
documentary evidence that would allow the Judges to assess the validity
of the survey, the Judges cannot accept Capt. Kass's reference to that
survey as evidence. See 37 CFR 351.l0(e). Moreover, assuming arguendo
the Judges could accept such a casual reference as probative, the
assertion would not advance IBS's case. On its face, an assertion that
the average operating budget for IBS members is $9,000 does not
establish that its members lack the capacity to make a minimum payment
of $500.
Third, the evidence strongly suggests that the ATH cutoffs that IBS
proposed for ``Small'' and ``Very Small'' noncommercial webcasters are
arbitrary. It appears that, for these proposed smaller categories, IBS
chose ATH levels that represent 10% and 4%, respectively, of the ATH
cutoff (159,400 ATH) for all noncommercial webcasters contained in
SoundExchange's rate proposal. IBS's Restated Rate Proposal (June 1,
2010). Nothing in the record substantiates these ATH levels as
probative of the ability, vel non, of a noncommercial webcaster to pay
a $500 minimum fee.
Fourth, even if there were a sufficient basis in the record to
conclude that ``Small'' and/or ``Very Small'' noncommercial webcasters
were unable to pay a $500 minimum fee, that alone would not demonstrate
that a willing seller in a hypothetical marketplace would be prepared
to offer a lower minimum fee. That proposition is particularly dubious
in this proceeding given the evidence in the record (discussed supra)
that SoundExchange's average annual administrative cost exceeds $500
per station or channel.
Fifth, the particular economic circumstances of the academic
webcasters represented by IBS are germane only to the determination of
the statutory royalty rate that they are required to pay--a royalty
determination previously rendered by the Judges and affirmed by the
D.C. Circuit. Indeed, the prior Determination by the Judges, affirmed
by the D.C. Circuit, acknowledged the appropriateness of lower rates
for noncommercial webcasters compared to the rates set for commercial
webcasters. The issue at hand on this remand is different--whether
there should be a distinction regarding the minimum fee--not the
royalty rate--among different groups within the category of
noncommercial webcasters.\16\
\16\ The contrast between the economic value of a sound
recording and the economic value of administrative services is
instructive in this regard. Administrative services, like any
private services or goods, are priced in a market at a level that
permits the seller to recover at least its average variable cost of
providing those services. By contrast, the marginal cost of
producing an additional copy of a sound recording is essentially
zero, so the determination of the price for the sound recording, on
the supply side, is influenced by that economic fact (and by the
recurring sinking of long-term costs to create the recording and the
need to provide an incentive for the creation of future sound
recordings). Noncommercial webcasters might have been able to argue
for a different or lower royalty rate based on this economic
argument, but the Judges cannot apply this principle to the
valuation of a service, such as the provision of administrative
functions that, like all private goods or services, are provided at
a positive marginal cost.
Finally, the testimony of the IBS witnesses regarding the nature of
the use of sound recordings \17\ by academic institutions is not
pertinent to the setting of the minimum fee based on SoundExchange's
administrative costs. That is, payment of a minimum fee of zero, and
indeed any minimum fee significantly below SoundExchange's actual
administrative costs, would provide a webcaster with an unjustified
free ride \18\ in terms of the cost of administering the license,
because SoundExchange incurs that cost regardless of the nature of the
use of the sound recording.\19\
\17\ Pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 114(f)(2)(B), the Judges can identify
and then account for those differences in the ``nature of the use of
sound recordings'' that would support a different rate or term.
\18\ ``Small'' and ``Very Small'' noncommercial webcasters would
obtain a free ride under the IBS proposal because they receive
benefits from SoundExchange's administrative services. As explained
by Mr. McCrady, rather than having to negotiate licenses with
individual copyright owners in a market without a statutory license,
noncommercial webcasters enjoy ``one-stop shopping'' for rights to
all recordings at a pre-established price. McCrady WDT at 11.
\19\ The Judges do not rely upon Mr. McCrady's testimony
regarding the nature of the use of the sound recordings by academic
institutions. He testified that the $500 minimum fee is appropriate
because it provides an important educational message for students
regarding the value of recorded music and the need to pay for it. 5/
18/10 Tr. at 23 (McCrady). Mr. McCrady did not purport to be an
educator, he did not claim any direct knowledge of the scope or
content of the educational work undertaken by academic institutions
that authorize their students to play sound recordings, and
SoundExchange did not proffer evidence to indicate that Mr. McCrady
possessed the competency to testify as to any relationship between
the educational mission of these institutions and the establishment
of a minimum fee. Although such a ``message'' might well be
appropriate as part of an economics or business school class or
internship, that message might not be part of the curriculum in a
music or communications class or internship. Further, a student's
understanding of the economic issues regarding the pricing of sound
recordings cannot be imparted in such an ad hoc manner.
IV. Conclusion
For the foregoing reasons, developed from a de novo review of the
record, the Judges conclude that the $500 minimum fee proposed by
SoundExchange for all noncommercial webcasters for the license term
2006 through 2010 is appropriate and consistent with the relevant
willing buyer/willing seller statutory standard. The Judges hereby
expressly adopt the same minimum fee as set forth in the Final
Determination published on May 1, 2007, and the Order on Remand. See 37
CFR 380.3(b)(2). The Judges also conclude that IBS failed to support
the zero minimum fee that it proposed for sub-categories of
noncommercial webcasters, either with relevant evidence or economic
analysis consistent with the applicable statutory standard.
September 17, 2014.
So Ordered.
Suzanne M. Barnett,
Chief United States Copyright Royalty Judge.
David R. Strickler,
United States Copyright Royalty Judge.
Jesse M. Feder,
United States Copyright Royalty Judge.
Dated: October 22, 2014.
Suzanne M. Barnett,
Chief United States Copyright Royalty Judge.
Approved by:
James H. Billington,
Librarian of Congress.
[FR Doc. 2014-25971 Filed 10-30-14; 8:45 am]