Cyber Security Business Development Mission to Poland and Romania; May 11-15, 2015, 58746-58749 [2014-23210]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 189 / Tuesday, September 30, 2014 / Notices
to be discussed. Oral presentations will
be limited to issues raised in the briefs.
If a request for a hearing is made, parties
will be notified of the time and date for
the hearing to be held at the U.S.
Department of Commerce, 14th Street
and Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20230.11
The Department intends to issue the
final results of this administrative
review, which will include the results of
our analysis of all issues raised in the
case briefs, within 120 days of
publication of these preliminary results
in the Federal Register, pursuant to
section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Assessment Rates
Upon issuance of the final results, the
Department will determine, and CBP
shall assess, antidumping duties on all
appropriate entries covered by this
review.12 The Department intends to
issue assessment instructions to CBP 15
days after the publication date of the
final results of this review.
For assessment purposes, the
Department applied the assessment rate
calculation method adopted in
Antidumping Proceedings: Calculation
of the Weighted-Average Dumping
Margin and Assessment Rate in Certain
Antidumping Proceedings: Final
Modification.13 For any individually
examined respondent whose weighted
average dumping margin is above de
minimis (i.e., 0.50 percent) in the final
results of this review, the Department
will calculate importer-specific
assessment rates on the basis of the ratio
of the total amount of dumping
calculated for the importer’s examined
sales to the total entered value of sales,
in accordance with 19 CFR
351.212(b)(1). Where an importer- (or
customer-) specific ad valorem rate is
greater than de minimis, the Department
will instruct CBP to collect the
appropriate duties at the time of
liquidation.14 Where either a
respondent’s weighted average dumping
margin is zero or de minimis, or an
importer- (or customer-) specific ad
valorem is zero or de minimis, the
Department will instruct CBP to
liquidate appropriate entries without
regard to antidumping duties.15 For the
respondents that were not selected for
individual examination in this
administrative review and that qualified
11 See
19 CFR 351.310(d).
19 CFR 351.212(b).
13 See Antidumping Proceedings: Calculation of
the Weighted-Average Dumping Margin and
Assessment Rate in Certain Antidumping
Proceedings: Final Modification, 77 FR 8101
(February 14, 2012).
14 See 19 CFR 351.212(b)(1).
15 See 19 CFR 351.106(c)(2).
12 See
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for a separate rate, the assessment rate
will be based on the average of the
mandatory respondents.16 We intend to
instruct CBP to liquidate entries
containing subject merchandise
exported by the PRC-wide entity at the
PRC-wide rate.
Pursuant to the Department’s practice,
for entries that were not reported in the
U.S. sales databases submitted by
companies individually examined
during the administrative review, the
Department will instruct CBP to
liquidate such entries at the PRC-wide
rate. Additionally, if the Department
determines that an exporter had no
shipments of the subject merchandise,
any suspended entries that entered
under that exporter’s case number (i.e.,
at that exporter’s rate) will be liquidated
at the PRC-wide rate.17
Cash Deposit Requirements
The following cash deposit
requirements will be effective upon
publication of the final results of this
review for shipments of the subject
merchandise from the PRC entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse, for
consumption on or after the publication
date, as provided by sections
751(a)(2)(C) of the Act: (1) For the
companies listed above that have a
separate rate, the cash deposit rate will
be that established in the final results of
this review (except, if the rate is zero or
de minimis, then zero cash deposit will
be required); (2) for previously
investigated or reviewed PRC and nonPRC exporters not listed above that
received a separate rate in a prior
segment of this proceeding, the cash
deposit rate will continue to be the
existing exporter-specific rate; (3) for all
PRC exporters of subject merchandise
that have not been found to be entitled
to a separate rate, the cash deposit rate
will be that for the PRC-wide entity; and
(4) for all non-PRC exporters of subject
merchandise which have not received
their own rate, the cash deposit rate will
be the rate applicable to the PRC
exporter that supplied that non-PRC
exporter. These deposit requirements,
when imposed, shall remain in effect
until further notice.
Notification to Importers
This notice also serves as a
preliminary reminder to importers of
their responsibility under 19 CFR
351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate
regarding the reimbursement of
antidumping duties prior to liquidation
16 See
Preliminary Decision Memorandum.
a full discussion of this practice, see NonMarket Economy Antidumping Proceedings:
Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 76 FR 65694
(October 24, 2011).
17 For
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of the relevant entries during the POR.
Failure to comply with this requirement
could result in the Department’s
presumption that reimbursement of
antidumping duties occurred and the
subsequent assessment of double
antidumping duties.
This preliminary determination is
issued and published in accordance
with sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of
the Act, and 19 CFR 351.221(b)(4).
Dated: September 18, 2014.
Ronald K. Lorentzen,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Enforcement
and Compliance.
List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary
Decision Memorandum
1. Case History
2. Scope of the Order
3. Preliminary Determination of No
4. Non-Market Economy Country Status
5. Separate Rates
6. PRC-Wide Entity
7. Facts Available
8. Surrogate Country
9. Date of Sale
10. Comparisons to Normal Value
11. Determination of Comparison Method
12. Results of Differential Pricing Analysis
13. U.S. Price
14. Normal Value
15. Factor Valuations
16. Currency Conversion
[FR Doc. 2014–23280 Filed 9–29–14; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Cyber Security Business Development
Mission to Poland and Romania; May
11–15, 2015
International Trade
Administration, Department of
ACTION: Notice.
Mission Description
The United States Department of
Commerce, International Trade
Administration (ITA), is organizing an
Executive-led Cyber Security Business
Development Mission to Poland and
Romania from May 11–15, 2015.
The purpose of the mission is to
introduce U.S. firms and trade
associations to Eastern and Central
Europe’s information and
communication technology (ICT)
security and critical infrastructure
protection markets and to assist U.S.
companies to find business partners and
export their products and services to the
region. The mission is intended to
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 189 / Tuesday, September 30, 2014 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
include representatives from U.S.
companies and U.S. trade associations
with members that provide cyber
security, critical infrastructure
protection, and emergency management
technology equipment and services. The
mission will visit Poland and Romania,
where U.S. firms will have access to
business development opportunities
across the Eastern and Central European
region. Participating firms will gain
market insights, make industry contacts,
solidify business strategies, and advance
specific projects, with the goal of
increasing U.S. exports of products and
services to Eastern and Central Europe.
The mission will include customized
one-on-one business appointments with
pre-screened potential buyers, agents,
distributors and joint venture partners;
meetings with state and local
government officials and industry
leaders; and networking events.
The mission also will include a
significant regional component to
expand the reach of the companies to at
least 10 other potential markets
(Bulgaria, Moldova, Hungary, Serbia,
Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia,
Montenegro, and Slovenia) in Central
and Eastern Europe. Foreign
Commercial Service (FCS) offices in
Europe work together to meet the needs
of U.S. companies and will recruit
government officials, potential buyers
and suppliers from surrounding
countries to come to Bucharest and
possibly Poland, to meet with
companies to discuss opportunities in
their markets. There will be a dedicated
day where companies will receive
presentations on opportunities in these
markets in the region by either FCS staff
or country experts and then meet with
companies one-on-one. The mission
will also organize optional virtual
introductions with companies or
government officials not able to come to
one of the two trade mission stops. This
innovative approach will provide
companies more value by bringing
opportunities to the companies without
having to travel to each market.
Commercial Setting
Cyber security ensures realization and
controlling of vital security properties of
an organization’s, as well as users’
intellectual, financial, and infrastructure
assets against relevant security risks in
the cyber environment. In addition,
critical physical infrastructure systems
(i.e., safety, security, electrical, water,
energy, and traffic management systems)
essentially interact with, and cannot be
separated from, the critical information
infrastructure. With the ascending
growth and sophistication of cyberattacks in recent years, strict compliance
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and unified security packages are in
demand to protect the critical data,
infrastructure, and safety of
governments, military, public utilities,
banking, financial services, ports,
hospitals, and other businesses. The
damaging effects of cyber-threats can be
felt on many levels from the business to
the individual and can spill over across
borders. Therefore, nations in Eastern
and Central Europe are currently
dedicating increasing resources at the
executive policy level, as well as at the
private sector level, in order to deal
with these complex cyber threats. These
resources have been well utilized as is
evident from the innovations and
demand for cyber defense equipment
and service technologies.
Recent events in the region have also
heightened the importance of improving
cyber security protection. Governments
have made cyber security a policy
priority, creating task forces and
engaging with the United States
government (USG) to improve their
defenses. The trade mission will not
only focus on the countries visited, but
will also use ITA’s Commercial Service
network to include opportunities for
matchmaking with companies and
governments from across the region in
the program.
In June 2013, the Polish government
adopted a Cyberspace Protection Policy
for the country. The Ministry of
Administration and Digitization is
responsible for Polish ICT policy,
including the implementation of an
information society agenda, and is also
in charge of all public ICT projects. The
prevailing trends for digitalization and
mobility further expose ICT users to a
range of security threats. As a result,
there are good opportunities for
suppliers of all ICT security related
solutions designed for customers
ranging from private users, small
businesses, through large sophisticated
corporate networks and top level critical
public infrastructure projects.
The demand for IT security products
and services has been growing
dynamically and continuously over the
last few years. In addition, highly
publicized news reports of attacks have
led to a rapidly growing awareness of
cyber security threats. In 2013, IT
security products and services grew
twice as fast as the market for IT
products and services in general. At the
end of 2013, the Polish market for IT
cyber security products reached USD
156 million. Security software
represented 59% of the market, while
41% fell on IT security appliances. The
market for IT security products is
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expected to grow at over 10% a year
over the next five-years.
There are good prospects for all kinds
of security software and security
appliances. Security audits and
outsourcing of managed security
services represent the highest potential
for IT security services. There are
business opportunities in all market
segments, but most investments in this
area are done in the
telecommunications, financial and
banking, as well as the public sectors.
This applies mostly to large projects
sponsored by large companies or
The Romanian market consists of
three key segments: Small to mediumsized enterprises (SME), corporations,
and the Romanian government,
including civil, security, military, and
critical national infrastructure (e.g.,
utilities and telecoms). Romania, with
an increasingly high interdependence of
cyber infrastructure and sectors such as
banking, transportation, energy and
national defense, is facing cyber threats
to critical infrastructure. The threats to
these parties can be combated using
hardware, software, services, or a
combination of the three. Software
solutions are a major portion of the
market, with anti-virus and other
security software programs being
deployed in businesses of all types and
sizes. The security services sector is
expected to outpace that of the software
market. Within the security hardware
sector, companies are demanding more
Unified Threat Management (UTM)
appliances as they adopt increasingly
integrated security solutions on a tighter
budget. As companies face more and
more security breaches, they are taking
more proactive measures to ensure
information technology (IT) security and
their assets. While opportunities exist to
supply organizations of all sizes, from
SMEs to large corporations, the most
substantial opportunities are to be found
in organizations for which IT security is
mission critical, e.g., major financial
institutions, utilities and especially
government departments (including
Government headquarters, Ministry of
Defense, Immigration and Border
Protection, Revenue and Customs, etc.).
Major Cyber security projects in
development in Romania include the
creation of a Cyber security Innovation
Center, with assistance from the U.S.
Trade and Development Agency, and a
Regional Cybercrime Training Center for
the Romanian Police.
Romania’s demand for cybersecurity
technology is included in its recently
legislated Cybersecurity Strategy and
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 189 / Tuesday, September 30, 2014 / Notices
the National Action Plan on
implementation of National
Cybersecurity System. By the end of
2014, Romania plans to adopt a
cybersecurity law, currently under
public consultation. The draft law
covers both Network and Information
Security (NIS) and cyber threats from a
national security perspective and was
approved by the Supreme Council for
National Defense at the end of 2013. The
Romanian National Computer
Emergency Response Team (CERT–RO),
which aligns directly with European
Union (EU) critical infrastructure
protection mandates, was established in
2011. CERT–RO is the incident response
body responsible for ‘‘preventing,
analyzing, identifying and reacting to
cybernetics incidents’’ and for
developing public policies to prevent
and counteract cyber-attacks.
The National Cybersecurity System
will represent a cooperation platform for
CERT schemes and will act to
consolidate the expertise for cyber
security risk management, stimulating
cooperation at different layers (militarycivil, public-private, governmentnongovernment). The Romanian legal/
institutional framework could later be
affected by the developments of the
Regulatory Framework at the European
The prospect for highly specialized
cybersecurity engineering services and
products presents multiple
opportunities for U.S. exports. The
cybersecurity systems already in place
in Romania are based on U.S.
technologies and the cyber security
training to date originate from the
United States. There is still a great need
to build capabilities to detect and
manage cyber security incidents, the
cyber security risk management process,
including consulting and technical
support at the strategic management
level. Once cyber security audits
became mandatory, there will also be a
need for training, tools, technology,
consulting services, etc.
Other Products and Services
The foregoing analysis of the cyber
security opportunities in Poland and
Romania is not intended to be
exhaustive, but illustrative of the many
opportunities available to U.S.
businesses. Applications from
companies selling products or services
within the scope of this mission, but not
specifically identified, will be
considered and evaluated by the U.S.
Department of Commerce. Companies
whose products or services do not fit the
scope of the mission may contact their
local U.S. Export Assistance Center
(USEAC) to learn about other business
development missions and services that
may provide more targeted export
opportunities. Companies may call 1–
800–872–8723, or go to https:// to obtain such
information. This information also may
be found on the Web site: https://
Mission Goals
The purpose of this trade mission is
to introduce U.S. firms to the rapidly
expanding market for cyber security
products and services in Eastern and
Central Europe. The mission will help
participating firms and trade
associations to gain market insights,
make industry contacts, solidify
business strategies, and advance specific
projects, with the goal of increasing U.S.
exports to Poland, Romania and the
Eastern and Central Europe region. By
participating in an official U.S. industry
delegation, rather than traveling to
Poland, Romania, and the rest of the
Eastern and Central Europe region on
their own, U.S. companies will enhance
their ability to secure meetings in those
countries and gain greater exposure to
the region.
Mission Scenario
The business development mission
will include one-on-one business
appointments with pre-screened
potential buyers, agents, distributors
and joint venture partners; meetings
with national and regional government
officials, chambers of commerce, and
business groups; and networking
receptions for companies and trade
associations representing companies
interested in expansion into the Eastern
and Central European markets. Meetings
will be offered with government
authorities that can address questions
about policies, tariff rates, incentives,
regulations, projects, etc.
May 10 .................................................
May 11 ................................................
May 12 ...............................................
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
May 13 ..........................................
May 14 ..............................................
May 15 ...................................................
May 16 ..............................................
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PO 00000
Trade Mission Participants Arrive in Bucharest.
Visit the city.
Mission Welcome, Week in Preview at Hotel.
Welcome and Country Briefing (Romania).
PM and President’s Office Meetings (Cyber Security Operational Committee).
Networking Lunch.
One-on-One business matchmaking appointments.
Networking Reception at Ambassador’s residence (TBC).
One-on-One business matchmaking appointments.
Networking Lunch.
Southeast Europe Regional Day—Country Presentations.
Southeast Europe one on one matchmaking (Bulgaria, Moldova, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia,
Macedonia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Slovenia).
Networking Lunch.
Virtual Introductions/Executive time.
Travel to Poland.
Welcome and Country Briefing (Poland).
Ministry of Administration and Digitalization Briefing and other GOP meetings.
Networking Lunch.
One-on-One business matchmaking appointments.
Reception at Ambassador’s residence (TBC).
One-on-One business matchmaking appointments.
Networking Lunch/Central Europe Regional Opportunities.
Central Europe—One-on-One business matchmaking appointments.
Trade Mission Participants Depart.
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 189 / Tuesday, September 30, 2014 / Notices
Participation Requirements
All parties interested in participating
in the trade mission must complete and
submit an application package for
consideration by the DOC. All
applicants will be evaluated, on a
rolling basis, on their ability to meet
certain conditions and best satisfy the
selection criteria as outlined below. A
minimum of 15 and maximum of 20
firms and/or trade associations will be
selected to participate in the mission
from the applicant pool.
Fees and Expenses
After a firm or trade association has
been selected to participate on the
mission, a payment to the Department of
Commerce in the form of a participation
fee is required. The participation fee for
the Business Development Mission will
be $2500.00 for small or medium-sized
enterprises (SME) 1; and $3650.00 for
large firms or trade associations. The fee
for each additional firm representative
(large firm or SME/trade organization) is
$750. Expenses for travel, lodging,
meals, and incidentals will be the
responsibility of each mission
participant. Interpreter and driver
services can be arranged for additional
cost. Delegation members will be able to
take advantage of U.S. Embassy rates for
hotel rooms.
The mission fee does not include any
personal travel expenses such as
lodging, most meals, local ground
transportation, and air transportation
from the U.S. to the mission sites,
between mission sites, and return to the
United States. Business visas may be
required. Government fees and
processing expenses to obtain such visas
are also not included in the mission
costs. However, the U.S. Department of
Commerce will provide instructions to
each participant on the procedures
required to obtain necessary business
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Conditions for Participation
An applicant must submit a
completed and signed mission
application and supplemental
application materials, including
adequate information on the company’s
products and/or services primary
1 An SME is defined as a firm with 500 or fewer
employees or that otherwise qualifies as a small
business under SBA regulations (see https://
sizestandardstopics/). Parent companies,
affiliates, and subsidiaries will be considered when
determining business size. The dual pricing reflects
the Commercial Service’s user fee schedule that
became effective May 1, 2008 (see https://
initiatives.html for additional information).
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market objectives, and goals for
participation. If the Department of
Commerce receives an incomplete
application, the Department may reject
the application, request additional
information, or take the lack of
information into account when
evaluating the applications.
Companies must provide certification
of products and/or services being
manufactured or produced in the United
States or if manufactured/produced
outside of the United States, the product
and/or service is marketed under the
name of a U.S. firm and have U.S.
content representing at least 51 percent
of the value of the finished good or
service. In the case of a trade association
or trade organization, the applicant
must certify that, for each company to
be represented by the trade association
or trade organization, the products and
services the represented company seeks
to export are either produced in the
United States or, if not, marketed under
the name of a U.S. firm and have at least
fifty-one percent U.S. content.
The following criteria will be
evaluated in selecting participants:
• Suitability of the company’s (or in
the case of a trade association/
organization, represented companies’)
products or services to the mission goals
and the markets to be visited as part of
this trade mission.
• Company’s (or in the case of a trade
association/organization, represented
companies’) potential for business in
each of the markets to be visited as part
of this trade mission.
• Consistency of the applicant’s (or in
the case of a trade association/
organization, represented companies’)
goals and objectives with the stated
scope of the mission.
Diversity of company size and
location may also be considered during
the review process.
Referrals from political organizations
and any documents containing
references to partisan political activities
(including political contributions) will
be removed from an applicant’s
submission and not considered during
the selection process.
Timeline for Recruitment and
Mission recruitment will be
conducted in an open and public
manner, including publication in the
Federal Register, posting on the
Commerce Department trade mission
calendar (
trademissions) and other Internet Web
sites, press releases to general and trade
media, direct mail, notices by industry
trade associations and other multiplier
groups, and publicity at industry
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meetings, symposia, conferences, and
trade shows. Recruitment for the
mission will begin immediately and
conclude no later than March 1, 2015.
The U.S. Department of Commerce will
review applications and make selection
decisions on a rolling basis beginning
October 15, 2014 until the maximum of
20 participants is selected. Applications
received after March 1, 2015, will be
considered only if space and scheduling
constraints permit.
Gemal Brangman, Project Officer, U.S.
Department of Commerce,
Washington, DC, Tel: 202–482–3773,
Fax: 202–482–9000,
Pompeya Lambrecht, Senior
International Trade Specialist, U.S.
Department of Commerce, Arlington,
VA, Tel: 703.756.1707,
Brenda VanHorn, Commercial Officer,
U.S. Department of Commerce,
Warsaw, Poland, Tel: (48) 22625 4374,
Elnora Moye,
Trade Program Assistant.
[FR Doc. 2014–23210 Filed 9–29–14; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Virtual Trade Mission to Canada’s
North, October 6–8, 2014; Cancellation
International Trade
Administration, Department of
ACTION: Notice; Cancellation.
The United States Department
of Commerce published a notice in the
Federal Register of March 20, 2014
regarding the Virtual Trade Mission to
Canada’s North, October 6–8, 2014. This
mission has been cancelled.
Cancellation Notice
As the organizers of the Aboriginal
Entrepreneurs Conference and Trade
Show 2014, a key part of the Virtual
Trade Mission to Canada’s North, have
canceled their event, the United States
Department of Commerce is cancelling
the Virtual Trade Mission to Canada’s
North, October 6–8, 2014 announced in
the Federal Register of March 20, 2014,
in 79 FR 15569.
Tracey Ford, Commercial Specialist,
U.S. Commercial Service, Ottawa,
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 189 (Tuesday, September 30, 2014)]
[Pages 58746-58749]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-23210]
International Trade Administration
Cyber Security Business Development Mission to Poland and
Romania; May 11-15, 2015
AGENCY: International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
Mission Description
The United States Department of Commerce, International Trade
Administration (ITA), is organizing an Executive-led Cyber Security
Business Development Mission to Poland and Romania from May 11-15,
The purpose of the mission is to introduce U.S. firms and trade
associations to Eastern and Central Europe's information and
communication technology (ICT) security and critical infrastructure
protection markets and to assist U.S. companies to find business
partners and export their products and services to the region. The
mission is intended to
[[Page 58747]]
include representatives from U.S. companies and U.S. trade associations
with members that provide cyber security, critical infrastructure
protection, and emergency management technology equipment and services.
The mission will visit Poland and Romania, where U.S. firms will have
access to business development opportunities across the Eastern and
Central European region. Participating firms will gain market insights,
make industry contacts, solidify business strategies, and advance
specific projects, with the goal of increasing U.S. exports of products
and services to Eastern and Central Europe. The mission will include
customized one-on-one business appointments with pre-screened potential
buyers, agents, distributors and joint venture partners; meetings with
state and local government officials and industry leaders; and
networking events.
The mission also will include a significant regional component to
expand the reach of the companies to at least 10 other potential
markets (Bulgaria, Moldova, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia,
Bosnia, Montenegro, and Slovenia) in Central and Eastern Europe.
Foreign Commercial Service (FCS) offices in Europe work together to
meet the needs of U.S. companies and will recruit government officials,
potential buyers and suppliers from surrounding countries to come to
Bucharest and possibly Poland, to meet with companies to discuss
opportunities in their markets. There will be a dedicated day where
companies will receive presentations on opportunities in these markets
in the region by either FCS staff or country experts and then meet with
companies one-on-one. The mission will also organize optional virtual
introductions with companies or government officials not able to come
to one of the two trade mission stops. This innovative approach will
provide companies more value by bringing opportunities to the companies
without having to travel to each market.
Commercial Setting
Cyber security ensures realization and controlling of vital
security properties of an organization's, as well as users'
intellectual, financial, and infrastructure assets against relevant
security risks in the cyber environment. In addition, critical physical
infrastructure systems (i.e., safety, security, electrical, water,
energy, and traffic management systems) essentially interact with, and
cannot be separated from, the critical information infrastructure. With
the ascending growth and sophistication of cyber-attacks in recent
years, strict compliance and unified security packages are in demand to
protect the critical data, infrastructure, and safety of governments,
military, public utilities, banking, financial services, ports,
hospitals, and other businesses. The damaging effects of cyber-threats
can be felt on many levels from the business to the individual and can
spill over across borders. Therefore, nations in Eastern and Central
Europe are currently dedicating increasing resources at the executive
policy level, as well as at the private sector level, in order to deal
with these complex cyber threats. These resources have been well
utilized as is evident from the innovations and demand for cyber
defense equipment and service technologies.
Recent events in the region have also heightened the importance of
improving cyber security protection. Governments have made cyber
security a policy priority, creating task forces and engaging with the
United States government (USG) to improve their defenses. The trade
mission will not only focus on the countries visited, but will also use
ITA's Commercial Service network to include opportunities for
matchmaking with companies and governments from across the region in
the program.
In June 2013, the Polish government adopted a Cyberspace Protection
Policy for the country. The Ministry of Administration and Digitization
is responsible for Polish ICT policy, including the implementation of
an information society agenda, and is also in charge of all public ICT
projects. The prevailing trends for digitalization and mobility further
expose ICT users to a range of security threats. As a result, there are
good opportunities for suppliers of all ICT security related solutions
designed for customers ranging from private users, small businesses,
through large sophisticated corporate networks and top level critical
public infrastructure projects.
The demand for IT security products and services has been growing
dynamically and continuously over the last few years. In addition,
highly publicized news reports of attacks have led to a rapidly growing
awareness of cyber security threats. In 2013, IT security products and
services grew twice as fast as the market for IT products and services
in general. At the end of 2013, the Polish market for IT cyber security
products reached USD 156 million. Security software represented 59% of
the market, while 41% fell on IT security appliances. The market for IT
security products is expected to grow at over 10% a year over the next
There are good prospects for all kinds of security software and
security appliances. Security audits and outsourcing of managed
security services represent the highest potential for IT security
services. There are business opportunities in all market segments, but
most investments in this area are done in the telecommunications,
financial and banking, as well as the public sectors. This applies
mostly to large projects sponsored by large companies or organizations.
The Romanian market consists of three key segments: Small to
medium-sized enterprises (SME), corporations, and the Romanian
government, including civil, security, military, and critical national
infrastructure (e.g., utilities and telecoms). Romania, with an
increasingly high interdependence of cyber infrastructure and sectors
such as banking, transportation, energy and national defense, is facing
cyber threats to critical infrastructure. The threats to these parties
can be combated using hardware, software, services, or a combination of
the three. Software solutions are a major portion of the market, with
anti-virus and other security software programs being deployed in
businesses of all types and sizes. The security services sector is
expected to outpace that of the software market. Within the security
hardware sector, companies are demanding more Unified Threat Management
(UTM) appliances as they adopt increasingly integrated security
solutions on a tighter budget. As companies face more and more security
breaches, they are taking more proactive measures to ensure information
technology (IT) security and their assets. While opportunities exist to
supply organizations of all sizes, from SMEs to large corporations, the
most substantial opportunities are to be found in organizations for
which IT security is mission critical, e.g., major financial
institutions, utilities and especially government departments
(including Government headquarters, Ministry of Defense, Immigration
and Border Protection, Revenue and Customs, etc.). Major Cyber security
projects in development in Romania include the creation of a Cyber
security Innovation Center, with assistance from the U.S. Trade and
Development Agency, and a Regional Cybercrime Training Center for the
Romanian Police.
Romania's demand for cybersecurity technology is included in its
recently legislated Cybersecurity Strategy and
[[Page 58748]]
the National Action Plan on implementation of National Cybersecurity
System. By the end of 2014, Romania plans to adopt a cybersecurity law,
currently under public consultation. The draft law covers both Network
and Information Security (NIS) and cyber threats from a national
security perspective and was approved by the Supreme Council for
National Defense at the end of 2013. The Romanian National Computer
Emergency Response Team (CERT-RO), which aligns directly with European
Union (EU) critical infrastructure protection mandates, was established
in 2011. CERT-RO is the incident response body responsible for
``preventing, analyzing, identifying and reacting to cybernetics
incidents'' and for developing public policies to prevent and
counteract cyber-attacks.
The National Cybersecurity System will represent a cooperation
platform for CERT schemes and will act to consolidate the expertise for
cyber security risk management, stimulating cooperation at different
layers (military-civil, public-private, government-nongovernment). The
Romanian legal/institutional framework could later be affected by the
developments of the Regulatory Framework at the European level.
The prospect for highly specialized cybersecurity engineering
services and products presents multiple opportunities for U.S. exports.
The cybersecurity systems already in place in Romania are based on U.S.
technologies and the cyber security training to date originate from the
United States. There is still a great need to build capabilities to
detect and manage cyber security incidents, the cyber security risk
management process, including consulting and technical support at the
strategic management level. Once cyber security audits became
mandatory, there will also be a need for training, tools, technology,
consulting services, etc.
Other Products and Services
The foregoing analysis of the cyber security opportunities in
Poland and Romania is not intended to be exhaustive, but illustrative
of the many opportunities available to U.S. businesses. Applications
from companies selling products or services within the scope of this
mission, but not specifically identified, will be considered and
evaluated by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Companies whose products
or services do not fit the scope of the mission may contact their local
U.S. Export Assistance Center (USEAC) to learn about other business
development missions and services that may provide more targeted export
opportunities. Companies may call 1-800-872-8723, or go to to obtain such information. This information also may
be found on the Web site:
Mission Goals
The purpose of this trade mission is to introduce U.S. firms to the
rapidly expanding market for cyber security products and services in
Eastern and Central Europe. The mission will help participating firms
and trade associations to gain market insights, make industry contacts,
solidify business strategies, and advance specific projects, with the
goal of increasing U.S. exports to Poland, Romania and the Eastern and
Central Europe region. By participating in an official U.S. industry
delegation, rather than traveling to Poland, Romania, and the rest of
the Eastern and Central Europe region on their own, U.S. companies will
enhance their ability to secure meetings in those countries and gain
greater exposure to the region.
Mission Scenario
The business development mission will include one-on-one business
appointments with pre-screened potential buyers, agents, distributors
and joint venture partners; meetings with national and regional
government officials, chambers of commerce, and business groups; and
networking receptions for companies and trade associations representing
companies interested in expansion into the Eastern and Central European
markets. Meetings will be offered with government authorities that can
address questions about policies, tariff rates, incentives,
regulations, projects, etc.
Proposed Timetable
Sunday May 10..................... Trade Mission Participants
Arrive in Bucharest.
Visit the city.
Mission Welcome, Week in
Preview at Hotel.
Monday May 11..................... Welcome and Country
Briefing (Romania).
PM and President's Office
Meetings (Cyber Security
Operational Committee).
Networking Lunch.
One-on-One business
matchmaking appointments.
Networking Reception at
Ambassador's residence (TBC).
Tuesday May 12.................... One-on-One business
matchmaking appointments.
Networking Lunch.
Southeast Europe Regional
Day--Country Presentations.
Wednesday May 13.................. Southeast Europe one on one
matchmaking (Bulgaria, Moldova,
Hungary, Serbia, Croatia,
Macedonia, Bosnia, Montenegro,
Networking Lunch.
Virtual Introductions/
Executive time.
Travel to Poland.
Thursday May 14................... Welcome and Country
Briefing (Poland).
Ministry of Administration
and Digitalization Briefing and
other GOP meetings.
Networking Lunch.
One-on-One business
matchmaking appointments.
Reception at Ambassador's
residence (TBC).
Friday May 15..................... One-on-One business
matchmaking appointments.
Networking Lunch/Central
Europe Regional Opportunities.
Central Europe--One-on-One
business matchmaking appointments.
Saturday May 16................... Trade Mission Participants
[[Page 58749]]
Participation Requirements
All parties interested in participating in the trade mission must
complete and submit an application package for consideration by the
DOC. All applicants will be evaluated, on a rolling basis, on their
ability to meet certain conditions and best satisfy the selection
criteria as outlined below. A minimum of 15 and maximum of 20 firms
and/or trade associations will be selected to participate in the
mission from the applicant pool.
Fees and Expenses
After a firm or trade association has been selected to participate
on the mission, a payment to the Department of Commerce in the form of
a participation fee is required. The participation fee for the Business
Development Mission will be $2500.00 for small or medium-sized
enterprises (SME) \1\; and $3650.00 for large firms or trade
associations. The fee for each additional firm representative (large
firm or SME/trade organization) is $750. Expenses for travel, lodging,
meals, and incidentals will be the responsibility of each mission
participant. Interpreter and driver services can be arranged for
additional cost. Delegation members will be able to take advantage of
U.S. Embassy rates for hotel rooms.
\1\ An SME is defined as a firm with 500 or fewer employees or
that otherwise qualifies as a small business under SBA regulations
(see Parent companies, affiliates, and
subsidiaries will be considered when determining business size. The
dual pricing reflects the Commercial Service's user fee schedule
that became effective May 1, 2008 (see for additional information).
The mission fee does not include any personal travel expenses such
as lodging, most meals, local ground transportation, and air
transportation from the U.S. to the mission sites, between mission
sites, and return to the United States. Business visas may be required.
Government fees and processing expenses to obtain such visas are also
not included in the mission costs. However, the U.S. Department of
Commerce will provide instructions to each participant on the
procedures required to obtain necessary business visas.
Conditions for Participation
An applicant must submit a completed and signed mission application
and supplemental application materials, including adequate information
on the company's products and/or services primary market objectives,
and goals for participation. If the Department of Commerce receives an
incomplete application, the Department may reject the application,
request additional information, or take the lack of information into
account when evaluating the applications.
Companies must provide certification of products and/or services
being manufactured or produced in the United States or if manufactured/
produced outside of the United States, the product and/or service is
marketed under the name of a U.S. firm and have U.S. content
representing at least 51 percent of the value of the finished good or
service. In the case of a trade association or trade organization, the
applicant must certify that, for each company to be represented by the
trade association or trade organization, the products and services the
represented company seeks to export are either produced in the United
States or, if not, marketed under the name of a U.S. firm and have at
least fifty-one percent U.S. content.
The following criteria will be evaluated in selecting participants:
Suitability of the company's (or in the case of a trade
association/organization, represented companies') products or services
to the mission goals and the markets to be visited as part of this
trade mission.
Company's (or in the case of a trade association/
organization, represented companies') potential for business in each of
the markets to be visited as part of this trade mission.
Consistency of the applicant's (or in the case of a trade
association/organization, represented companies') goals and objectives
with the stated scope of the mission.
Diversity of company size and location may also be considered
during the review process.
Referrals from political organizations and any documents containing
references to partisan political activities (including political
contributions) will be removed from an applicant's submission and not
considered during the selection process.
Timeline for Recruitment and Applications
Mission recruitment will be conducted in an open and public manner,
including publication in the Federal Register, posting on the Commerce
Department trade mission calendar ( and
other Internet Web sites, press releases to general and trade media,
direct mail, notices by industry trade associations and other
multiplier groups, and publicity at industry meetings, symposia,
conferences, and trade shows. Recruitment for the mission will begin
immediately and conclude no later than March 1, 2015. The U.S.
Department of Commerce will review applications and make selection
decisions on a rolling basis beginning October 15, 2014 until the
maximum of 20 participants is selected. Applications received after
March 1, 2015, will be considered only if space and scheduling
constraints permit.
Gemal Brangman, Project Officer, U.S. Department of Commerce,
Washington, DC, Tel: 202-482-3773, Fax: 202-482-9000,
Pompeya Lambrecht, Senior International Trade Specialist, U.S.
Department of Commerce, Arlington, VA, Tel: 703.756.1707,
Brenda VanHorn, Commercial Officer, U.S. Department of Commerce,
Warsaw, Poland, Tel: (48) 22625 4374,
Elnora Moye,
Trade Program Assistant.
[FR Doc. 2014-23210 Filed 9-29-14; 8:45 am]