Visual-Manual NHTSA Driver Distraction Guidelines for In-Vehicle Electronic Devices, 55530-55534 [2014-21991]
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tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 179 / Tuesday, September 16, 2014 / Notices
vest manufacturers consisted of phone
calls and emails to manufacturers and
suppliers, Internet searches and,
specifically, included an inquiry with
the largest on-line supplier of
motorcyclist riding gear in the United
States, which reported it was unaware
of such vests manufactured
domestically. NHTSA conducted similar
assessments and is not aware of any
such portable data projectors, wireless
remote control presenters, blank DVDs
or high-visibility motorcyclist vests
produced in the United States. Since
these items are unavailable from a
domestic manufacturer, the Buy
America waivers are appropriate.
NHTSA invites public comment on this
OHSP also seeks a waiver to purchase
twenty 2015 Suzuki TU250X
motorcycles for its motorcyclists
training program. The starting price for
a Suzuki TU250X is $4169. OHSP
wishes to use these motorcycles for its
motorcyclist training program because
they are designed specifically with
smaller engine displacement (250 CC),
less unladen weight, and smaller seat
height. Michigan is unable to identify
any training motorcycles that meet the
Buy America requirements. OHSP
researched motorcycle models made by
the two American motorcycle
manufacturers, Harley Davidson, Inc.
and Victory Motorcycles. Harley
Davidson plans to produce a 500 CC
motorcycle called the Street 500, with
an estimated MSRP between $6,700 and
$7500. Victory Motorcycles (including
Indian Motorcycles) produces much
heavier and larger engine displacement
than 500 CC, with the lowest MSRP of
$12,499. OHSP was unable to find a
motorcycle that meets the requirements
for training motorcycles that would
meet the Buy America requirements.
NHTSA is not aware of any training
motorcycles currently produced in the
United States, with Harley Davidson’s
Street set to start production sometime
this year. Since the Harley Davidson
Street has an estimated $6,700 to $7500
MSRP, it is more than 25 percent higher
than the cost of a Suzuki TU250X and,
since no other domestic manufacturer
produces a motorcycle engine
displacement of 500 CC or less, a Buy
America waiver is appropriate. NHTSA
invites public comment on this
Although OHSP seeks a waiver to
lease a Ricoh MP 5001 Aficio copy/
printer/fax machine for use by its staff,
NHTSA has determined this waiver is
inappropriate. OHSP provided no
evidence that similar items are not
produced domestically. OHSP merely
states that it cannot comply with the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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requirements of Buy America because
Michigan’s State approved contractor
does not offer any other brand for OHSP
to purchase and that the State is unable
to deviate from its existing contracts to
make provisions for Buy America. In
addition, it failed to provide any
showing that it made efforts to find an
American made machine that complies
with the Buy America requirements.
NHTSA has found no basis under Buy
America to grant a non-availability
waiver for leasing a Ricoh copy/printer/
fax machine. If the State of Michigan
requires OHSP to lease a Ricoh MP 5001
Aficio copy/printer/fax machine
pursuant to its State procurement
regulations, nothing in Buy America or
NHTSA’s grantee requirements
prohibits OHSP from using state funds
to acquire this item.
In light of the above discussion, and
pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 313(b)(2), NHTSA
finds that it is appropriate to grant a
waiver from the Buy America
requirements to OHSP in order to
purchase a Epson EX series projector
and a Kensington wireless remote
control presenter, DVDs, twenty highvisibility motorcyclist vests and twenty
Suzuki TU250X motorcycles. These
waivers apply to Michigan and all other
States seeking to use section 402 and
405 funds to purchase these items for
the purposes mentioned herein. These
waivers will continue through fiscal
year 2015 and will allow the purchase
of these items as required for Michigan’s
Highway Safety Office and its training
programs. Accordingly, this waiver will
expire at the conclusion of fiscal year
2015 (September 30, 2015). NHTSA also
determines that it is inappropriate to
grant a waiver from the Buy America
requirements to OHSP for the lease of a
Ricoh MP 5001 Aficio copy/printer/fax
machine. In accordance with the
provisions of Section 117 of the Safe,
Accountable, Flexible, Efficient
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy of
Users Technical Corrections Act of 2008
(Pub. L. 110–244, 122 Stat. 1572),
NHTSA is providing this notice as its
finding that a waiver of the Buy
America requirements is appropriate for
the portable data projector and wireless
remote control presenter, but not the
copy/printer/fax machine. Written
comments on this finding may be
submitted through any of the methods
discussed above.
Authority: 23 U.S.C. 313; Pub. L. 110–161.
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Issued in Washington, DC, on September 9,
2014 under authority delegated in 49 CFR
part 1.95.
O. Kevin Vincent,
Chief Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2014–21992 Filed 9–15–14; 8:45 am]
National Highway Traffic Safety
[Docket No. NHTSA- 2014–0088]
Visual-Manual NHTSA Driver
Distraction Guidelines for In-Vehicle
Electronic Devices
National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of Federal guidelines;
On April 26, 2013, NHTSA
released the Visual-Manual NHTSA
Driver Distraction Guidelines for InVehicle Electronic Devices (Phase 1
Guidelines) in an effort to promote
safety by discouraging the introduction
of excessively distracting devices in
vehicles. These Guidelines cover
original equipment (OE) in-vehicle (i.e.,
integrated) electronic devices that are
operated by the driver through visualmanual means (i.e., the driver looks at
a device, manipulates a device-related
control with his or her hand, and/or
watches for visual feedback from the
device). This document clarifies some
ambiguities that have been identified in
these Guidelines. For some of these
clarifications, revisions to the
Guidelines text are indicated. A revised
version of the Visual-Manual NHTSA
Driver Distraction Guidelines for InVehicle Electronic Devices (Phase 1
Guidelines), including these revisions,
will be posted on
in Docket NHTSA–2014–0088.
DATES: The corrections made in this
document are effective upon
technical issues, you may contact Dr. W.
Riley Garrott, Vehicle Research and Test
Center, phone: (937) 666–3312,
facsimile: (937) 666–3590. Dr. Garrott’s
mailing address is: National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration, Vehicle
Research and Test Center, P.O. Box B–
37, East Liberty, OH 43319.
2012, NHTSA released a ‘‘Blueprint for
Ending Distracted Driving,’’ (document
available at
summarizing steps that NHTSA intends
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 179 / Tuesday, September 16, 2014 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
to take to eliminate crashes attributable
to driver distraction. This document
was an update of the ‘‘Overview of the
National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration’s Driver Distraction
Program’’ that was released in April
One of the steps called for in both of
these documents is the development of
nonbinding, voluntary guidelines for
minimizing the distraction potential of
in-vehicle and portable devices. NHTSA
stated that these guidelines would be
developed in three phases. The first
phase covers visual-manual interfaces of
electronic devices installed in vehicles
as original equipment. The second
phase will cover visual-manual
interfaces of portable and aftermarket
devices. The third phase will expand
these guidelines to cover tasks
performed via auditory-vocal
The Phase 1 NHTSA Guidelines were
released for public comment in
February 2012. The final version of the
Phase 1 Distraction Guidelines was
published in April 2013.2
The Phase 1 Guidelines list certain
secondary tasks believed by the agency
to interfere inherently with a driver’s
ability to safely control the vehicle. The
NHTSA Guidelines recommend that invehicle devices be designed so that they
cannot be used by the driver to perform
these inherently distracting secondary
tasks while driving. For all other visualmanual secondary tasks, the NHTSA
Guidelines specify a test method for
measuring eye glance behavior during
those tasks. Eye glance metrics are
compared to acceptance criteria to
evaluate whether a task interferes too
much with driver attention, rendering it
unsuitable for a driver to perform while
driving. If a task does not meet the
acceptance criteria, the NHTSA
Guidelines recommend that the task be
made inaccessible for performance by
the driver while driving.
In addition, the NHTSA Guidelines
contain several recommendations to
limit and reduce the potential for
distraction associated with the use of
OE in-vehicle electronic devices.
Examples include a recommendation
that performance of visual-manual tasks
should not require the use of more than
one hand, a recommendation that each
device’s active display be located as
close as practicable to the driver’s
1 ‘‘Overview of the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration’s Driver Distraction
Program,’’ DOT HS 811 299, April 2010. Available
driving/pdf/811299.pdf. Also available at, Docket NHTSA_2010–0053,
Document Number 0001.
2 78 FR 24817 (Apr. 26, 2013).
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forward line of sight, and a
recommendation of a maximum
downward viewing angle to the
geometric center of each display.
The agency is making the following
clarifications and corrections to the
Phase 1 Guidelines and a revised
version of the Visual-Manual NHTSA
Driver Distraction Guidelines for InVehicle Electronic Devices (Phase 1
Guidelines), including these revisions,
will be posted on
in Docket NHTSA–2014–0088.
1. Clarification of Determination of
Downward Viewing Angle
In the April 2013 Final Guidelines
Notice, NHTSA committed to clarifying
the process of determining the
downward viewing angle. In particular,
the agency noted that several
commenters had requested notations
regarding the measurement of eye height
to ground in grid coordinates for 2D and
SAE curb ground line coordinates in 3D.
NHTSA interpreted those comments as
requesting figures similar to those found
in the Alliance of Automobile
Manufacturers’ distraction guidelines
(Alliance Guidelines).3 The figures in
the Alliance Guidelines are intended to
clarify coordinates and measurements
used when calculating a display’s
downward viewing angle, and the
agency indicated that it would add
similar figures to the Phase 1
Guidelines. Accordingly, the Phase 1
Guidelines are being amended to
reference an additional SAE standard in
Subsection III.B and the sections related
to downward viewing angle have been
revised and illustrative diagrams have
been added. Finally, a more detailed
explanation of the figures and
mathematical calculations of the angles
have been added in order to make the
figures easier to understand.
The original text of Subsection III.B
SAE Recommended Practice J941, ‘‘Motor
Vehicle Drivers’ Eye Locations.’’ Any of the
following versions of SAE J941 are
acceptable: SAE J941 (June 1992), SAE J941
(June 1997), SAE J941 (September 2002), SAE
J941 (October 2008), or SAE J941 (March
The text was revised to add the
following reference:
SAE Recommended Practice J670 JAN2008,
‘‘Vehicle Dynamics Terminology,’’ revised
January 2008.
3 Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, Driver
Focus-Telematics Working Group, Statement of
Principles, Criteria and Verification Procedures on
Driver Interactions with Advanced In-Vehicle
Information and Communication Systems (June 26,
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The original text of Subsections V.C.7
and V.C.8 read:
7. Determination of 2D Downward Viewing
Angle. Create a fore-and-aft plane (Plane FA)
through the nominal driver eye point. Define
Point B as the laterally projected (while
maintaining the same fore-and aft and
vertical coordinates) position of the
geometric center of the display of interest
onto Plane FA. Generate two lines in Plane
FA, Line 1 and Line 2. Line 1 is a horizontal
line (i.e., maintaining the same vertical
coordinate) going through the nominal driver
eye point. Line 2 goes through the nominal
driver eye point and Point B. The 2D
Downward Viewing Angle is the angle from
Line 1 to Line 2.
8. Determination of 3D Downward Viewing
Angle. Generate two lines, Line 3 and Line
4. Line 3 is a horizontal line (i.e., maintaining
the same vertical coordinate) going through
the nominal driver eye point and a point
vertically above, below, or at, the geometric
center of the display of interest. Line 4 goes
through the nominal driver eye point and the
geometric center of the display. The 3D
Downward Viewing Angle is the angle from
Line 3 to Line 4.
The revised text of Subsections V.C.7
and V.C.8 read as follows:
7. Determination of 2D Downward Viewing
a. Coordinate System.
The SAE J670 JAN2008 Vehicle Axis
System, denoted by (XV, YV, ZV) is used. SAE
J670 JAN2008 provides two choices for the
direction of the ZV axis, pointing upward (the
Z-Up orientation) or pointing downwards
(the Z-Down orientation). For this document,
the Z-Up orientation is chosen.
The SAE J670 JAN2008 Vehicle Axis
System (XV, YV, ZV) in the Z-Up orientation
is an axis system fixed in the reference frame
of the vehicle sprung mass such that the XV
axis is substantially horizontal, points
forward, and is parallel to the vehicle plane
of symmetry. The YV axis is perpendicular to
the vehicle plane of symmetry and points to
the left. The ZV axis is perpendicular to both
the XV and YV axes and points upward.
b. Create a fore-and-aft plane (Plane FA)
through the nominal driver eye point.
Determine the (XEP, YEP, ZEP) coordinates of
the nominal driver eye point. Plane FA is
parallel to both the XV and ZV axes and is
perpendicular to the YV axis. Since the
nominal driver eye point is generally not on
the vehicle plane of symmetry, Plane FA will
normally be offset, either to the left or to the
right, from the vehicle reference point shown
in Figure 1. All points in Plane FA will have
the same YV coordinate, YEP.
c. Define Point B. Point B is the laterally
projected position of the geometric center of
the display of interest onto Plane FA.
Determine the (XV, YV, ZV) coordinates of the
geometric center of the display of interest.
Then laterally project (i.e., while maintaining
the same XV and YV coordinates) the
geometric center of the display of interest
onto Plane FA. In other words, if the
geometric center of the display of interest has
coordinates of (XGC, YGC, ZGC), then the
coordinates of Point B will be (XGC, YEP,
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 179 / Tuesday, September 16, 2014 / Notices
and the coordinates of Point B will be (XGC,
YEP, ZGC). The 2D distance in Plane FA
between the nominal driver eye point and
Point B can be calculated by:
Where the above arcsine is calculated in
radians and converted to degrees by
multiplying by 57.5958 (additional digits
of accuracy acceptable if desired).
i. Supplemental Note. The 2D Downward
Viewing Angle could be negative (i.e., the
geometric center of the display of interest
could be above the nominal driver eye point).
Therefore, it is not necessarily a downward
viewing angle.
8. Determination of 3D Downward Viewing
Note: This section builds upon the
information contained in Subsection V.C.7,
‘‘Determination of 2D Downward Viewing
a. Generate two lines, Line 3 and Line 4.
Start by determining the (XV, YV, ZV)
coordinates of both the nominal driver eye
point and the geometric center of the display
of interest. Lines 3 and 4 are in a vertically-
oriented plane, Plane EP–GC, that contains
both the nominal driver eye point (at
coordinates (XEP, YEP, ZEP)), and the
geometric center of the display of interest (at
coordinates of (XGC, YGC, ZGC)).
b. Generate Line 3. Line 3 is a horizontal
line (i.e., maintaining the same vertical
coordinate), in Plane EP–GC, going through
the nominal driver eye point and a point
vertically above, below, or at (depending
upon the values of YEP and YGC) the
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Define the nominal driver eye point to be
at coordinates (XEP, YEP, ZEP). As previously
stated, the geometric center of the display of
interest has coordinates of (XGC, YGC, ZGC)
g. Determine the 2D Downward Viewing
Angle. The 2D Downward Viewing Angle is
the angle, measured in Plane FA, from Line
1 to Line 2. Figure 1 also shows the 2D
Downward Viewing Angle.
nominal driver eye point. Figure 1 shows
Plane FA. Line 1 is marked in Figure 1.
f. Generate Line 2. Line 2 is in Plane FA
and goes through the nominal driver eye
point and Point B. Figure 1 also shows Line
2 in Plane FA. Lines 1 and 2 will intersect
at the nominal driver eye point.
h. Equations for Calculating the 2D
Downward Viewing Angle. The 2D
Downward Viewing Angle can be calculated
using the equations that follow:
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
d. Generate two lines in Plane FA, Line 1
and Line 2 as described in paragraphs e. and
f., below.
e. Generate Line 1. Line 1 is a horizontal
line (i.e., maintaining the same vertical (ZV)
coordinate) in Plane FA going through the
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 179 / Tuesday, September 16, 2014 / Notices
e. Equations for Calculating the 3D
Downward Viewing Angle. The 3D
Downward Viewing Angle can be calculated
using the equations that follow:
Define the nominal driver eye point to be
at coordinates (XEP, YEP, ZEP). As previously
stated, the geometric center of the display of
interest has coordinates of (XGC, YGC, ZGC).
The 3D distance in Plane EP–GC between the
nominal driver eye point and geometric
center of the display of interest can be
calculated by:
Where the above arcsine is calculated in
radians and converted to degrees by
multiplying by 57.5958 (additional digits
of accuracy acceptable if desired).
f. Supplemental Note. The 3D Downward
Viewing Angle could be negative (i.e., the
geometric center of the display of interest
could be above the nominal driver eye point).
Therefore, it is not necessarily a downward
viewing angle.
acceptance test sessions involving
multiple testable tasks. Although the
Guidelines indicated that there is no
limit to the number of tasks an
individual test participant may be asked
to perform in one test session, the
agency feels that it is appropriate to
caution that including too many tasks in
a single session can overwhelm test
participants and lead to worse
performance by the participant, thereby
increasing the likelihood of a task not
meeting the acceptance criteria.
Accordingly, Subsection VI.E.12 is
being revised to incorporate a
cautionary statement to that effect.
NHTSA is also adding a similar
cautionary recommendation that the
instructions, practice, and testing for
each task should be completed before
beginning a new task in order to
minimize the likelihood of test
participant confusion.
The original text of Subsection
VI.E.12 reads:
2. Clarification on Ordering of Test
Trials When Multiple Tasks Are Tested
NHTSA is revising Subsection
VI.E.12, which discusses task
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12. Multiple Testable Task Testing. To
improve testing efficiency, multiple
(different) testable tasks may be performed
and intersects with Line 3 at the nominal
driver eye point. Figure 2 also illustrates Line
4 in Plane EP–GC.
c. Generate Line 4. Line 4 goes through the
nominal driver eye point and the geometric
center of the display. It is in Plane EP–GC
d. Determine the 3D Downward Viewing
Angle. The 3D Downward Viewing Angle is
the angle, measured in Plane EP–GC, from
Line 3 to Line 4. Figure 2 also shows the 3D
Downward Viewing Angle.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
geometric center of the display of interest.
Figure 2 illustrates Line 3 in Plane EP–GC.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 179 / Tuesday, September 16, 2014 / Notices
by the same test participant during one or
more drives. There is no limit to the number
of testable tasks that may be evaluated by a
test participant.
The revised text of Subsection VI.E.12
appends the following sentences to the
above section:
However, it should be noted that including
multiple tasks in a single session may lead
to performance degradation due to test
participant fatigue or confusion.
Additionally, to ensure that the testing of
each task reflects the demands of that task
alone, all instructions, practice and testing
for a single task should be completed before
beginning a new task.
3. Clarification of Maximum Allowable
Number of Eye Glances Longer Than 2.0
Subsequent to publication of the
Phase 1 NHTSA Driver Distraction
Guidelines, NHTSA became aware that
the language used in Subsection
VI.E.14.a, which describes the
maximum number of eye glances longer
than 2.0 seconds that may be observed
for a conforming task during the driving
simulator test procedure, was confusing
to some readers. To improve the
understandability of Subsection
VI.E.14.a, that section has been revised
as follows and an illustrative table has
been added. Similar clarifying edits
have also been made to Subsection
VI.E.14.b, which describes the criteria
for the mean duration of glances.
The original text of Subsection
VI.E.14.a and b. read:
14. Acceptance Criteria. A testable task
should be locked out from performance by
drivers while driving unless the following
three criteria are all met:
a. For at least 21 of the 24 test participants,
no more than 15 percent (rounded up) of the
total number of eye glances away from the
forward road scene have durations of greater
than 2.0 seconds while performing the
testable task one time.
b. For at least 21 of the 24 test participants,
the mean duration of all eye glances away
from the forward road scene is less than or
equal to 2.0 seconds while performing the
testable task one time.
The text of Subsections VI.E.14.a and
VI.E.14.b have been revised to read as
a. For at least 21 of the 24 test participants,
no more than 15 percent (rounded up to the
next whole number) of each participant’s
total number of eye glances away from the
forward road scene have durations of greater
than 2.0 seconds while performing the
testable task one time.
Number of eye glances away from the forward road scene made by an individual test
participant in performing a task
15% of the total number
of eye glances away from
the forward road scene
Maximum number of
allowable off-road eye
glances longer than 2.0
1 .............................................................................................................................................
2 .............................................................................................................................................
3 .............................................................................................................................................
4 .............................................................................................................................................
5 .............................................................................................................................................
6 .............................................................................................................................................
7 .............................................................................................................................................
8 .............................................................................................................................................
9 .............................................................................................................................................
10 ...........................................................................................................................................
11 ...........................................................................................................................................
12 ...........................................................................................................................................
13 ...........................................................................................................................................
14 through 20 ........................................................................................................................
* Note: See Section VI.E.14.b. If a testable task takes a test participant exactly one glance to perform, that glance must be no longer than 2.0
seconds in order to have a mean duration that does not exceed 2.0 seconds for all eye glances.
b. For at least 21 of the 24 test participants,
the mean duration of each participant’s eye
glances away from the forward road scene is
less than or equal to 2.0 seconds while
performing the testable task one time.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
4. Typographical Error
A typographical error was found in
Section VI.G.4.b of the Phase 1 NHTSA
Driver Distraction Guidelines. The
phrase ‘‘How to drive the occlusion
apparatus while not performing a
testable task,’’ should read ‘‘Become
familiar with the occlusion apparatus
operation while not performing a
testable task.’’ This change merely
corrects the Guidelines language
without substantively changing the
5. Inadvertent Omission
The agency inadvertently neglected to
include a recommendation regarding
multiple testable task testing in
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Subsection VI.G., which relates to the
occlusion test protocol. As discussed
above, a recommendation regarding
multiple task testing was included in
the section related to driving simulator
testing. In order to provide consistent
recommendations for both test
protocols, the agency has included a
recommendation similar to the revised
Subsection VI.E.12 in Subsection
VI.G.18 that reads as follows:
18. Multiple Testable Task Testing. To
improve testing efficiency, multiple
(different) testable tasks may be performed
by the same test participant during one or
more sessions. There is no limit to the
number of testable tasks that may be
evaluated by a test participant. However, it
should be noted that including multiple tasks
in a single session may lead to performance
degradation due to test participant fatigue or
confusion. Additionally, to ensure that the
testing of each task reflects the demands of
that task alone, all instructions, practice and
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testing for a single task should be completed
before beginning a new task.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September
10, 2014, under authority delegated by 49
CFR 1.95.
Nathaniel Beuse,
Associate Administrator for Vehicle Safety
[FR Doc. 2014–21991 Filed 9–15–14; 8:45 am]
Surface Transportation Board
[STB Docket No. EP 670 (Sub-No. 1)]
Notice of Rail Energy Transportation
Advisory Committee Meeting
Surface Transportation Board.
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 179 (Tuesday, September 16, 2014)]
[Pages 55530-55534]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-21991]
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
[Docket No. NHTSA- 2014-0088]
Visual-Manual NHTSA Driver Distraction Guidelines for In-Vehicle
Electronic Devices
AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of Federal guidelines; clarifications.
SUMMARY: On April 26, 2013, NHTSA released the Visual-Manual NHTSA
Driver Distraction Guidelines for In-Vehicle Electronic Devices (Phase
1 Guidelines) in an effort to promote safety by discouraging the
introduction of excessively distracting devices in vehicles. These
Guidelines cover original equipment (OE) in-vehicle (i.e., integrated)
electronic devices that are operated by the driver through visual-
manual means (i.e., the driver looks at a device, manipulates a device-
related control with his or her hand, and/or watches for visual
feedback from the device). This document clarifies some ambiguities
that have been identified in these Guidelines. For some of these
clarifications, revisions to the Guidelines text are indicated. A
revised version of the Visual-Manual NHTSA Driver Distraction
Guidelines for In-Vehicle Electronic Devices (Phase 1 Guidelines),
including these revisions, will be posted on in
Docket NHTSA-2014-0088.
DATES: The corrections made in this document are effective upon
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical issues, you may contact
Dr. W. Riley Garrott, Vehicle Research and Test Center, phone: (937)
666-3312, facsimile: (937) 666-3590. Dr. Garrott's mailing address is:
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Vehicle Research and
Test Center, P.O. Box B-37, East Liberty, OH 43319.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In June 2012, NHTSA released a ``Blueprint
for Ending Distracted Driving,'' (document available at summarizing steps that NHTSA intends
[[Page 55531]]
to take to eliminate crashes attributable to driver distraction. This
document was an update of the ``Overview of the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration's Driver Distraction Program'' that was
released in April 2010.\1\
\1\ ``Overview of the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration's Driver Distraction Program,'' DOT HS 811 299, April
2010. Available at
distracteddriving/pdf/811299.pdf. Also available at, Docket NHTSA2010-0053, Document Number
One of the steps called for in both of these documents is the
development of nonbinding, voluntary guidelines for minimizing the
distraction potential of in-vehicle and portable devices. NHTSA stated
that these guidelines would be developed in three phases. The first
phase covers visual-manual interfaces of electronic devices installed
in vehicles as original equipment. The second phase will cover visual-
manual interfaces of portable and aftermarket devices. The third phase
will expand these guidelines to cover tasks performed via auditory-
vocal interactions.
The Phase 1 NHTSA Guidelines were released for public comment in
February 2012. The final version of the Phase 1 Distraction Guidelines
was published in April 2013.\2\
\2\ 78 FR 24817 (Apr. 26, 2013).
The Phase 1 Guidelines list certain secondary tasks believed by the
agency to interfere inherently with a driver's ability to safely
control the vehicle. The NHTSA Guidelines recommend that in-vehicle
devices be designed so that they cannot be used by the driver to
perform these inherently distracting secondary tasks while driving. For
all other visual-manual secondary tasks, the NHTSA Guidelines specify a
test method for measuring eye glance behavior during those tasks. Eye
glance metrics are compared to acceptance criteria to evaluate whether
a task interferes too much with driver attention, rendering it
unsuitable for a driver to perform while driving. If a task does not
meet the acceptance criteria, the NHTSA Guidelines recommend that the
task be made inaccessible for performance by the driver while driving.
In addition, the NHTSA Guidelines contain several recommendations
to limit and reduce the potential for distraction associated with the
use of OE in-vehicle electronic devices. Examples include a
recommendation that performance of visual-manual tasks should not
require the use of more than one hand, a recommendation that each
device's active display be located as close as practicable to the
driver's forward line of sight, and a recommendation of a maximum
downward viewing angle to the geometric center of each display.
The agency is making the following clarifications and corrections
to the Phase 1 Guidelines and a revised version of the Visual-Manual
NHTSA Driver Distraction Guidelines for In-Vehicle Electronic Devices
(Phase 1 Guidelines), including these revisions, will be posted on in Docket NHTSA-2014-0088.
1. Clarification of Determination of Downward Viewing Angle
In the April 2013 Final Guidelines Notice, NHTSA committed to
clarifying the process of determining the downward viewing angle. In
particular, the agency noted that several commenters had requested
notations regarding the measurement of eye height to ground in grid
coordinates for 2D and SAE curb ground line coordinates in 3D. NHTSA
interpreted those comments as requesting figures similar to those found
in the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers' distraction guidelines
(Alliance Guidelines).\3\ The figures in the Alliance Guidelines are
intended to clarify coordinates and measurements used when calculating
a display's downward viewing angle, and the agency indicated that it
would add similar figures to the Phase 1 Guidelines. Accordingly, the
Phase 1 Guidelines are being amended to reference an additional SAE
standard in Subsection III.B and the sections related to downward
viewing angle have been revised and illustrative diagrams have been
added. Finally, a more detailed explanation of the figures and
mathematical calculations of the angles have been added in order to
make the figures easier to understand.
\3\ Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, Driver Focus-
Telematics Working Group, Statement of Principles, Criteria and
Verification Procedures on Driver Interactions with Advanced In-
Vehicle Information and Communication Systems (June 26, 2006).
The original text of Subsection III.B reads:
SAE Recommended Practice J941, ``Motor Vehicle Drivers' Eye
Locations.'' Any of the following versions of SAE J941 are
acceptable: SAE J941 (June 1992), SAE J941 (June 1997), SAE J941
(September 2002), SAE J941 (October 2008), or SAE J941 (March 2010).
The text was revised to add the following reference:
SAE Recommended Practice J670 JAN2008, ``Vehicle Dynamics
Terminology,'' revised January 2008.
The original text of Subsections V.C.7 and V.C.8 read:
7. Determination of 2D Downward Viewing Angle. Create a fore-
and-aft plane (Plane FA) through the nominal driver eye point.
Define Point B as the laterally projected (while maintaining the
same fore-and aft and vertical coordinates) position of the
geometric center of the display of interest onto Plane FA. Generate
two lines in Plane FA, Line 1 and Line 2. Line 1 is a horizontal
line (i.e., maintaining the same vertical coordinate) going through
the nominal driver eye point. Line 2 goes through the nominal driver
eye point and Point B. The 2D Downward Viewing Angle is the angle
from Line 1 to Line 2.
8. Determination of 3D Downward Viewing Angle. Generate two
lines, Line 3 and Line 4. Line 3 is a horizontal line (i.e.,
maintaining the same vertical coordinate) going through the nominal
driver eye point and a point vertically above, below, or at, the
geometric center of the display of interest. Line 4 goes through the
nominal driver eye point and the geometric center of the display.
The 3D Downward Viewing Angle is the angle from Line 3 to Line 4.
The revised text of Subsections V.C.7 and V.C.8 read as follows:
7. Determination of 2D Downward Viewing Angle.
a. Coordinate System.
The SAE J670 JAN2008 Vehicle Axis System, denoted by
(XV, YV, ZV) is used. SAE J670
JAN2008 provides two choices for the direction of the ZV
axis, pointing upward (the Z-Up orientation) or pointing downwards
(the Z-Down orientation). For this document, the Z-Up orientation is
The SAE J670 JAN2008 Vehicle Axis System (XV,
YV, ZV) in the Z-Up orientation is an axis
system fixed in the reference frame of the vehicle sprung mass such
that the XV axis is substantially horizontal, points
forward, and is parallel to the vehicle plane of symmetry. The
YV axis is perpendicular to the vehicle plane of symmetry
and points to the left. The ZV axis is perpendicular to
both the XV and YV axes and points upward.
b. Create a fore-and-aft plane (Plane FA) through the nominal
driver eye point. Determine the (XEP, YEP,
ZEP) coordinates of the nominal driver eye point. Plane
FA is parallel to both the XV and ZV axes and
is perpendicular to the YV axis. Since the nominal driver
eye point is generally not on the vehicle plane of symmetry, Plane
FA will normally be offset, either to the left or to the right, from
the vehicle reference point shown in Figure 1. All points in Plane
FA will have the same YV coordinate, YEP.
c. Define Point B. Point B is the laterally projected position
of the geometric center of the display of interest onto Plane FA.
Determine the (XV, YV, ZV)
coordinates of the geometric center of the display of interest. Then
laterally project (i.e., while maintaining the same XV
and YV coordinates) the geometric center of the display
of interest onto Plane FA. In other words, if the geometric center
of the display of interest has coordinates of (XGC,
YGC, ZGC), then the coordinates of Point B
will be (XGC, YEP, ZGC).
[[Page 55532]]
d. Generate two lines in Plane FA, Line 1 and Line 2 as
described in paragraphs e. and f., below.
e. Generate Line 1. Line 1 is a horizontal line (i.e.,
maintaining the same vertical (ZV) coordinate) in Plane
FA going through the nominal driver eye point. Figure 1 shows Plane
FA. Line 1 is marked in Figure 1.
f. Generate Line 2. Line 2 is in Plane FA and goes through the
nominal driver eye point and Point B. Figure 1 also shows Line 2 in
Plane FA. Lines 1 and 2 will intersect at the nominal driver eye
g. Determine the 2D Downward Viewing Angle. The 2D Downward
Viewing Angle is the angle, measured in Plane FA, from Line 1 to
Line 2. Figure 1 also shows the 2D Downward Viewing Angle.
h. Equations for Calculating the 2D Downward Viewing Angle. The
2D Downward Viewing Angle can be calculated using the equations that
Define the nominal driver eye point to be at coordinates
(XEP, YEP, ZEP). As previously
stated, the geometric center of the display of interest has
coordinates of (XGC, YGC, ZGC) and
the coordinates of Point B will be (XGC, YEP,
ZGC). The 2D distance in Plane FA between the nominal
driver eye point and Point B can be calculated by:
Where the above arcsine is calculated in radians and converted to
degrees by multiplying by 57.5958 (additional digits of accuracy
acceptable if desired).
i. Supplemental Note. The 2D Downward Viewing Angle could be
negative (i.e., the geometric center of the display of interest
could be above the nominal driver eye point). Therefore, it is not
necessarily a downward viewing angle.
8. Determination of 3D Downward Viewing Angle.
Note: This section builds upon the information contained in
Subsection V.C.7, ``Determination of 2D Downward Viewing Angle.''
a. Generate two lines, Line 3 and Line 4. Start by determining
the (XV, YV, ZV) coordinates of
both the nominal driver eye point and the geometric center of the
display of interest. Lines 3 and 4 are in a vertically-oriented
plane, Plane EP-GC, that contains both the nominal driver eye point
(at coordinates (XEP, YEP, ZEP)),
and the geometric center of the display of interest (at coordinates
of (XGC, YGC, ZGC)).
b. Generate Line 3. Line 3 is a horizontal line (i.e.,
maintaining the same vertical coordinate), in Plane EP-GC, going
through the nominal driver eye point and a point vertically above,
below, or at (depending upon the values of YEP and
YGC) the
[[Page 55533]]
geometric center of the display of interest. Figure 2 illustrates
Line 3 in Plane EP-GC.
c. Generate Line 4. Line 4 goes through the nominal driver eye
point and the geometric center of the display. It is in Plane EP-GC
and intersects with Line 3 at the nominal driver eye point. Figure 2
also illustrates Line 4 in Plane EP-GC.
d. Determine the 3D Downward Viewing Angle. The 3D Downward
Viewing Angle is the angle, measured in Plane EP-GC, from Line 3 to
Line 4. Figure 2 also shows the 3D Downward Viewing Angle.
e. Equations for Calculating the 3D Downward Viewing Angle. The
3D Downward Viewing Angle can be calculated using the equations that
Define the nominal driver eye point to be at coordinates
(XEP, YEP, ZEP). As previously
stated, the geometric center of the display of interest has
coordinates of (XGC, YGC, ZGC). The
3D distance in Plane EP-GC between the nominal driver eye point and
geometric center of the display of interest can be calculated by:
Where the above arcsine is calculated in radians and converted to
degrees by multiplying by 57.5958 (additional digits of accuracy
acceptable if desired).
f. Supplemental Note. The 3D Downward Viewing Angle could be
negative (i.e., the geometric center of the display of interest
could be above the nominal driver eye point). Therefore, it is not
necessarily a downward viewing angle.
2. Clarification on Ordering of Test Trials When Multiple Tasks Are
NHTSA is revising Subsection VI.E.12, which discusses task
acceptance test sessions involving multiple testable tasks. Although
the Guidelines indicated that there is no limit to the number of tasks
an individual test participant may be asked to perform in one test
session, the agency feels that it is appropriate to caution that
including too many tasks in a single session can overwhelm test
participants and lead to worse performance by the participant, thereby
increasing the likelihood of a task not meeting the acceptance
criteria. Accordingly, Subsection VI.E.12 is being revised to
incorporate a cautionary statement to that effect. NHTSA is also adding
a similar cautionary recommendation that the instructions, practice,
and testing for each task should be completed before beginning a new
task in order to minimize the likelihood of test participant confusion.
The original text of Subsection VI.E.12 reads:
12. Multiple Testable Task Testing. To improve testing
efficiency, multiple (different) testable tasks may be performed
[[Page 55534]]
by the same test participant during one or more drives. There is no
limit to the number of testable tasks that may be evaluated by a
test participant.
The revised text of Subsection VI.E.12 appends the following
sentences to the above section:
However, it should be noted that including multiple tasks in a
single session may lead to performance degradation due to test
participant fatigue or confusion. Additionally, to ensure that the
testing of each task reflects the demands of that task alone, all
instructions, practice and testing for a single task should be
completed before beginning a new task.
3. Clarification of Maximum Allowable Number of Eye Glances Longer Than
2.0 Seconds
Subsequent to publication of the Phase 1 NHTSA Driver Distraction
Guidelines, NHTSA became aware that the language used in Subsection
VI.E.14.a, which describes the maximum number of eye glances longer
than 2.0 seconds that may be observed for a conforming task during the
driving simulator test procedure, was confusing to some readers. To
improve the understandability of Subsection VI.E.14.a, that section has
been revised as follows and an illustrative table has been added.
Similar clarifying edits have also been made to Subsection VI.E.14.b,
which describes the criteria for the mean duration of glances.
The original text of Subsection VI.E.14.a and b. read:
14. Acceptance Criteria. A testable task should be locked out
from performance by drivers while driving unless the following three
criteria are all met:
a. For at least 21 of the 24 test participants, no more than 15
percent (rounded up) of the total number of eye glances away from
the forward road scene have durations of greater than 2.0 seconds
while performing the testable task one time.
b. For at least 21 of the 24 test participants, the mean
duration of all eye glances away from the forward road scene is less
than or equal to 2.0 seconds while performing the testable task one
The text of Subsections VI.E.14.a and VI.E.14.b have been revised
to read as follows:
a. For at least 21 of the 24 test participants, no more than 15
percent (rounded up to the next whole number) of each participant's
total number of eye glances away from the forward road scene have
durations of greater than 2.0 seconds while performing the testable
task one time.
Table 3--Maximum Allowable Number of Eye Glances Longer Than 2.0 Seconds
15% of the total number Maximum number of
Number of eye glances away from the forward road scene made by of eye glances away allowable off-road eye
an individual test participant in performing a task from the forward road glances longer than 2.0
scene seconds
1............................................................. 0.15 * 0
2............................................................. 0.30 1
3............................................................. 0.45 1
4............................................................. 0.60 1
5............................................................. 0.75 1
6............................................................. 0.90 1
7............................................................. 1.05 2
8............................................................. 1.20 2
9............................................................. 1.35 2
10............................................................ 1.50 2
11............................................................ 1.65 2
12............................................................ 1.80 2
13............................................................ 1.95 2
14 through 20................................................. >2.0 3
* Note: See Section VI.E.14.b. If a testable task takes a test participant exactly one glance to perform, that
glance must be no longer than 2.0 seconds in order to have a mean duration that does not exceed 2.0 seconds
for all eye glances.
b. For at least 21 of the 24 test participants, the mean
duration of each participant's eye glances away from the forward
road scene is less than or equal to 2.0 seconds while performing the
testable task one time.
4. Typographical Error
A typographical error was found in Section VI.G.4.b of the Phase 1
NHTSA Driver Distraction Guidelines. The phrase ``How to drive the
occlusion apparatus while not performing a testable task,'' should read
``Become familiar with the occlusion apparatus operation while not
performing a testable task.'' This change merely corrects the
Guidelines language without substantively changing the content.
5. Inadvertent Omission
The agency inadvertently neglected to include a recommendation
regarding multiple testable task testing in Subsection VI.G., which
relates to the occlusion test protocol. As discussed above, a
recommendation regarding multiple task testing was included in the
section related to driving simulator testing. In order to provide
consistent recommendations for both test protocols, the agency has
included a recommendation similar to the revised Subsection VI.E.12 in
Subsection VI.G.18 that reads as follows:
18. Multiple Testable Task Testing. To improve testing
efficiency, multiple (different) testable tasks may be performed by
the same test participant during one or more sessions. There is no
limit to the number of testable tasks that may be evaluated by a
test participant. However, it should be noted that including
multiple tasks in a single session may lead to performance
degradation due to test participant fatigue or confusion.
Additionally, to ensure that the testing of each task reflects the
demands of that task alone, all instructions, practice and testing
for a single task should be completed before beginning a new task.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September 10, 2014, under authority
delegated by 49 CFR 1.95.
Nathaniel Beuse,
Associate Administrator for Vehicle Safety Research.
[FR Doc. 2014-21991 Filed 9-15-14; 8:45 am]