Multilayered Wood Flooring From the People's Republic of China; Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty New Shipper Reviews; 2012-2013, 33723-33725 [2014-13766]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 113 / Thursday, June 12, 2014 / Notices
Dated: June 6, 2014.
Andrew McGilvray,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2014–13793 Filed 6–11–14; 8:45 am]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Notification of Proposed Production
Activity; Suzuki Manufacturing of
America Corporation, Subzone 26L
(All-Terrain Vehicles), Rome,
Jonesboro and Cartersville, Georgia
Georgia Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.,
grantee of FTZ 26, submitted a
notification of proposed production
activity to the FTZ Board on behalf of
Suzuki Manufacturing of America
Corporation (SMAC), operator of
Subzone 26L, at its facilities located in
Rome, Jonesboro and Cartersville,
Georgia. The notification conforming to
the requirements of the regulations of
the FTZ Board (15 CFR 400.22) was
received on May 21, 2014.
SMAC already has authority to
produce all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and
related components (carriers, footrests,
fuel tanks, grips/handle bars, frames,
rear box assemblies). The current
request would add certain foreign
components to the scope of authority.
Pursuant to 15 CFR 400.14(b), FTZ
activity would be limited to the specific
foreign-status components and specific
finished products described in the
submitted notification (as described
below) and subsequently authorized by
the FTZ Board.
Production under FTZ procedures
could exempt SMAC from customs duty
payments on the foreign status
components used in export production.
On its domestic sales, SMAC would be
able to choose the duty rate during
customs entry procedures that applies to
ATVs, carriers, footrests, fuel tanks,
grips/handle bars, frames, and rear box
assemblies (2.5%) for the foreign status
inputs noted below and in the existing
scope of authority. Customs duties also
could possibly be deferred or reduced
on foreign status production equipment.
The components and materials
sourced from abroad include: Plastic
resins; chip plates; rubber hoses with/
without fittings; rubber v-belts; tires and
tubes; steel tubing; runners/banners;
printed books/manuals/brochures; chain
cam/oil pump drives; fasteners, of steel
and aluminum; aluminum gaskets;
mountings and brackets; fenders; oil
strainers; crankshaft bearings and
assemblies; bearing housings; metal
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gaskets; stainless o-rings; batteries;
spark plugs; starter motors; capacitive
discharge ignition (CDI) units;
magnetos; compact disc sets; gaskets
(copper, paper); gear shift assemblies;
light bulbs; KD parts of ATVs; gear/fork
shafts; therma-coupler nozzles;
speedometers; and, battery plates (duty
rate ranges from free to 9.0%).
Public comment is invited from
interested parties. Submissions shall be
addressed to the FTZ Board’s Executive
Secretary at the address below. The
closing period for their receipt is July
22, 2014.
A copy of the notification will be
available for public inspection at the
Office of the Executive Secretary,
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, Room
21013, U.S. Department of Commerce,
1401 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20230–0002, and in the
‘‘Reading Room’’ section of the FTZ
Board’s Web site, which is accessible
For further information, contact Pierre
Duy at or (202)
Dated: June 6, 2014.
Andrew McGilvray,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2014–13785 Filed 6–11–14; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Multilayered Wood Flooring From the
People’s Republic of China;
Preliminary Results of Antidumping
Duty New Shipper Reviews; 2012–2013
Enforcement and Compliance,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
(‘‘the Department’’) is conducting a new
shipper review of the antidumping duty
order on multilayered wood flooring
(‘‘MLWF’’) from the People’s Republic
of China (‘‘PRC’’). The review covers
three exporters of subject merchandise,
Dalian Huade Wood Product Co., Ltd
(‘‘Huade’’), Linyi Bonn Flooring
Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (‘‘Bonn
Flooring’’), and Zhejiang Fuerjia
Wooden Co., Ltd. (‘‘Fuerjia’’). We
preliminarily find that Huade, Bonn
Flooring and Fuerjia have not made
sales of subject merchandise at less than
normal value. The period of review
(‘‘POR’’) for Bonn Flooring and Fuerija
is December 1, 2012 through May 31,
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2013. The POR for Huade is December
1, 2012, through June 30, 2013.1
DATES: Effective Date: June 12, 2014.
James Martinelli or Magd Zalok, AD/
CVD Operations, Office IV, Enforcement
and Compliance, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230;
telephone: (202) 482–2923 or (202) 482–
4162, respectively.
Scope of the Order
The merchandise covered by the order
includes MLWF, subject to certain
exceptions.2 The subject merchandise is
currently classifiable under Harmonized
Tariff Schedule of the United States
(‘‘HTSUS’’) subheadings: 4412.31.0520;
4412.31.0540; 4412.31.0560;
4412.31.2510; 4412.31.2520;
4412.31.4040; 4412.31.4050;
4412.31.4060; 4412.31.4070;
4412.31.4075; 4412.31.4080;
4412.31.5125; 4412.31.5135;
4412.31.5155; 4412.31.5165;
4412.31.6000; 4412.31.9100;
4412.32.0520; 4412.32.0540;
4412.32.0560; 4412.32.0565;
4412.32.0570; 4412.32.2510;
4412.32.2520; 4412.32.2525;
4412.32.2530; 4412.32.3125;
4412.32.3135; 4412.32.3155;
4412.32.3165; 4412.32.3175;
4412.32.3185; 4412.32.5600;
4412.39.1000; 4412.39.3000;
4412.39.4011; 4412.39.4012;
4412.39.4019; 4412.39.4031;
4412.39.4032; 4412.39.4039;
4412.39.4051; 4412.39.4052;
4412.39.4059; 4412.39.4061;
4412.39.4062; 4412.39.4069;
4412.39.5010; 4412.39.5030;
4412.39.5050; 4412.94.1030;
4412.94.1050; 4412.94.3105;
4412.94.3111; 4412.94.3121;
4412.94.3131; 4412.94.3141;
4412.94.3160; 4412.94.3171;
4412.94.4100; 4412.94.5100;
4412.94.6000; 4412.94.7000;
4412.94.8000; 4412.94.9000;
4412.94.9500; 4412.99.0600;
4412.99.1020; 4412.99.1030;
1 See Multilayered Wood Flooring from the
People’s Republic of China: Initiation of
Antidumping Duty New Shipper Reviews; 2012–
2013, 78 FR 46318 (July 31, 2013) (‘‘Initiation
Notice’’) for an explanation of the different PORs.
2 See Memorandum from Christian Marsh, Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Operations, to Paul Piquado,
Assistant Secretary for Import Administration
‘‘Decision Memorandum for Preliminary Results of
Antidumping Duty New Shipper Review:
Multilayered Wood Flooring from the People’s
Republic of China,’’ dated June 6, 2014
(‘‘Preliminary Decision Memorandum’’) for a full
description of the Scope of the Order.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 113 / Thursday, June 12, 2014 / Notices
4412.99.1040; 4412.99.3110;
4412.99.3120; 4412.99.3130;
4412.99.3140; 4412.99.3150;
4412.99.3160; 4412.99.3170;
4412.99.4100; 4412.99.5100;
4412.99.5105; 4412.99.5115;
4412.99.5710; 4412.99.6000;
4412.99.7000; 4412.99.8000;
4412.99.9000; 4412.99.9500;
4418.71.2000; 4418.71.9000;
4418.72.2000; 4418.72.9500; and
The HTSUS subheadings are provided
for convenience and customs purposes
only; the written description of the
scope of the order is dispositive.
Extension of Deadlines for Preliminary
As explained in the memorandum
from the Assistant Secretary for
Enforcement and Compliance, the
Department exercised its discretion to
toll deadlines for the duration of the
closure of the Federal Government from
October 1, through October 16, 2013.3
Therefore, all deadlines in this segment
of the proceeding have been extended
by 16 days. The revised deadline for the
preliminary results of this review was
February 6, 2014. Additionally, on
January 15, 2014, the Department
extended the time period for issuing the
preliminary results of this review by 90
days, until May 7, 2014.4 Finally, on
April 22, 2014, the Department
extended the time period for issuing the
preliminary results of this review by an
additional 30 days, until June 6, 2014.5
The Department is conducting this
review in accordance with sections
751(a)(1)(B) and 751(a)(2)(B) of the
Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (‘‘the
Act’’) and 19 CFR 351.214. The
Department calculated export prices in
accordance with section 772 of the Act.
Because the PRC is a nonmarket
economy (‘‘NME’’) within the meaning
of section 771(18) of the Act, the
Department calculated normal value in
accordance with section 773(c) of the
For a full description of the
methodology underlying our
conclusions, see the Preliminary
Decision Memorandum, dated
concurrently with these results and
hereby adopted by this notice. The
Preliminary Decision Memorandum is a
public document and is on file
electronically via Enforcement and
Compliance’s Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Centralized
Electronic Service System (‘‘IA
ACCESS’’). IA ACCESS is available to
registered users at https:// and in the Central
Records Unit, room 7046 of the main
Department of Commerce building. In
addition, a complete version of the
Preliminary Decision Memorandum can
be accessed directly on the Internet at The
signed Preliminary Decision
Memorandum and the electronic
versions of the Preliminary Decision
Memorandum are identical in content.
Preliminary Results of New Shipper
The Department preliminarily
determines that the following weightedaverage dumping margin exists:
dumping margin
Dalian Huade Wood Product Co., Ltd ..................................
Linyi Bonn Flooring Manufacturing Co., Ltd .........................
Zhejiang Fuerjia Wooden Co., Ltd ........................................
Dalian Huade Wood Product Co., Ltd .................................
Linyi Bonn Flooring Manufacturing Co., Ltd ........................
Zhejiang Fuerjia Wooden Co., Ltd .......................................
Assessment Rates
The Department intends to disclose
calculations performed for these
preliminary results to the parties within
five days of the date of publication of
this notice in accordance with 19 CFR
351.224(b). Interested parties may
submit case briefs no later than 30 days
after the date of publication of these
preliminary results of review.6 Rebuttals
to case briefs may be filed no later than
five days after the written comments are
filed.7 A table of contents, list of
authorities used, and an executive
summary of issues should accompany
any briefs submitted to the Department.
This summary should be limited to five
pages total, including footnotes.
Any interested party may request a
hearing within 30 days of publication of
this notice.8 Hearing requests should
contain the following information: (1)
The party’s name, address, and
telephone number; (2) the number of
participants; and (3) a list of the issues
to be discussed. Oral presentations will
be limited to issues raised in the briefs.
If a request for a hearing is made, parties
will be notified of the time and date for
the hearing to be held at the U.S.
Department of Commerce, 1401
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington,
DC 20230.9
The Department intends to issue the
final results of these new shipper
reviews, which will include the results
of its analysis of issues raised in any
such comments, within 90 days of
publication of these preliminary results,
pursuant to section 751(a)(3)(A) of the
3 See Memorandum for the Record from Paul
Piquado, Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
Compliance, ‘‘Deadlines Affected by the Shutdown
of the Federal Government’’ (October 18, 2013).
4 See Memorandum to Christian Marsh, Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Operations, regarding
‘‘Multilayered Wood Flooring from the People’s
Republic of China: Extension of Deadline for
Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty New
Shipper Review’’ (January 15, 2014).
5 See Memorandum to Christian Marsh, Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Operations, regarding
‘‘Multilayered Wood Flooring from the People’s
Republic of China: Extension of Deadline for
Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty New
Shipper Review’’ (April 22, 2014).
6 See 19 CFR 351.309(c); see also 19 CFR 351.303
(for general filing requirements).
7 See 19 CFR 351.309(d).
8 See 19 CFR 351.310(c).
9 See 19 CFR 351.310(d).
10 In these preliminary results, the Department
applied the assessment rate calculation method
adopted in Antidumping Proceedings: Calculation
of the Weighted-Average Dumping Margin and
Assessment Rate in Certain Antidumping
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Disclosure and Public Comment
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Upon issuing the final results of these
new shipper reviews, the Department
shall determine, and U.S. Customs and
Border Protection (‘‘CBP’’) shall assess,
antidumping duties on all appropriate
entries. The Department intends to issue
assessment instructions to CBP 15 days
after the date of publication of the final
results of this new shipper review. For
any individually examined respondents
whose weighted-average dumping
margin is above de minimis, we will
calculate importer-specific ad valorem
duty assessment rates based on the ratio
of the total amount of dumping
calculated for the importer’s examined
sales to the total entered value of those
same sales in accordance with 19 CFR
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 113 / Thursday, June 12, 2014 / Notices
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
We will instruct CBP to assess
antidumping duties on all appropriate
entries covered by these new shipper
reviews when the importer-specific
assessment rate calculated in the final
results of this review is above de
minimis. Where either the respondent’s
weighted-average dumping margin is
zero or de minimis, or an importerspecific assessment rate is zero or de
minimis, we will instruct CBP to
liquidate the appropriate entries
without regard to antidumping duties.
The Department announced a
refinement to its assessment practice in
NME cases. Pursuant to this refinement
in practice, for entries that were not
reported in the U.S. sales databases
submitted by Bonn Flooring, Fuerjia and
Huade for these new shipper reviews,
the Department will instruct CBP to
liquidate such entries at the PRC-wide
rate. In addition, if the Department
determines that the exporter under
review had no shipments of the subject
merchandise, any suspended entries
that entered under that exporter’s case
number (i.e., at that exporter’s rate) will
be liquidated at the PRC-wide rate.11
The final results of these new shipper
reviews shall be the basis for the
assessment of antidumping duties on
entries of merchandise covered by the
final results of these reviews and for
future deposits of estimated duties,
where applicable.
Cash Deposit Requirements
The following cash deposit
requirements will be effective upon
publication of the final results of these
new shipper reviews for shipments of
the subject merchandise from the PRC
entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,
for consumption on or after the
publication date, as provided by
sections 751(a)(2)(C) of the Act: (1) For
the companies listed above that have a
separate rate, the cash deposit rate will
be that rate established in the final
results of these new shipper reviews
(except, if the rate is zero or de minimis,
then a zero cash deposit will be
required); (2) for previously investigated
or reviewed PRC and non-PRC exporters
not listed above that received a separate
rate in a prior segment of this
proceeding, the cash deposit rate will
continue to be the existing producer/
exporter-specific combination rate; (3)
for all PRC exporters of subject
merchandise that have not been found
to be entitled to a separate rate, the cash
Proceedings: Final Modification, 77 FR 8101
(February 14, 2012).
11 For a full discussion of this practice, see NonMarket Economy Antidumping Proceedings:
Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 76 FR 65694
(October 24, 2011).
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deposit rate will be that for the PRCwide entity, or 58.84 percent; and (4) for
all non-PRC exporters of subject
merchandise which have not received
their own rate, the cash deposit rate will
be the rate applicable to the PRC
producer/exporter combination that
supplied that non-PRC exporter. These
deposit requirements, when imposed,
shall remain in effect until further
Notification to Importers
This notice also serves as a
preliminary reminder to importers of
their responsibility under 19 CFR
351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate
regarding the reimbursement of
antidumping duties prior to liquidation
of the relevant entries during this
review period. Failure to comply with
this requirement could result in the
Department’s presumption that
reimbursement of antidumping duties
occurred and the subsequent assessment
of double antidumping duties.
We are issuing and publishing these
results in accordance with sections
751(a)(2)(B) and 777(i)(1) of the Act and
19 CFR 351.214.
Dated: June 6, 2014.
Paul Piquado,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
Appendix I
List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary
Decision Memorandum
1. Summary
2. Background
3. Scope of the Order
4. Discussion of the Methodology
5. Bona Fide Sale Analysis
6. Non-Market Economy Country Status
7. Separate Rates
8. Separate Rates Recipients
9. Surrogate Country
10. Economic Comparability
11. Significant Producer of Comparable
12. Data Availability
13. Date of Sale
14. Fair Value Comparisons
15. Differential Pricing Analysis
16. Results of the Differential Pricing
17. U.S. Price
18. Value Added Tax
19. Normal Value
20. Factor Valuations
21. Currency Conversion
22. Section 777A(f) of the Act
[FR Doc. 2014–13766 Filed 6–11–14; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Proposed Information Collection;
Comment Request; Cooperative
Charting Programs
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration,
ACTION: Notice.
The Department of
Commerce, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to
take this opportunity to comment on
proposed and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted on or before August 11, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to Jennifer Jessup, Departmental
Paperwork Clearance Officer,
Department of Commerce, Room 6616,
14th and Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20230 (or via the
Internet at
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions should be
directed to Ken Forster, (301) 713–2717
x153 or
I. Abstract
This request is for revision and
extension of a current information
collection. The U.S. Power Squadrons
and the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
members report observations of changes
that require additions, corrections or
revisions to Nautical Charts using a Web
site to report the information. The
information provided is used by NOAA
National Ocean Service to maintain and
prepare new additions that are used
Nationwide by commercial and
recreational navigators.
Revision: Formerly a paper form was
used for U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
II. Method of Collection
Submissions are made via the
III. Data
OMB Control Number: 0648–0022.
Form Number: N/A.
Type of Review: Regular submission
(revision and extension of a current
information collection).
Affected Public: Individuals or
households; not-for-profit institutions.
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 113 (Thursday, June 12, 2014)]
[Pages 33723-33725]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-13766]
International Trade Administration
Multilayered Wood Flooring From the People's Republic of China;
Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty New Shipper Reviews; 2012-2013
AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (``the Department'') is conducting
a new shipper review of the antidumping duty order on multilayered wood
flooring (``MLWF'') from the People's Republic of China (``PRC''). The
review covers three exporters of subject merchandise, Dalian Huade Wood
Product Co., Ltd (``Huade''), Linyi Bonn Flooring Manufacturing Co.,
Ltd. (``Bonn Flooring''), and Zhejiang Fuerjia Wooden Co., Ltd.
(``Fuerjia''). We preliminarily find that Huade, Bonn Flooring and
Fuerjia have not made sales of subject merchandise at less than normal
value. The period of review (``POR'') for Bonn Flooring and Fuerija is
December 1, 2012 through May 31, 2013. The POR for Huade is December 1,
2012, through June 30, 2013.\1\
\1\ See Multilayered Wood Flooring from the People's Republic of
China: Initiation of Antidumping Duty New Shipper Reviews; 2012-
2013, 78 FR 46318 (July 31, 2013) (``Initiation Notice'') for an
explanation of the different PORs.
DATES: Effective Date: June 12, 2014.
Operations, Office IV, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-
2923 or (202) 482-4162, respectively.
Scope of the Order
The merchandise covered by the order includes MLWF, subject to
certain exceptions.\2\ The subject merchandise is currently
classifiable under Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States
(``HTSUS'') subheadings: 4412.31.0520; 4412.31.0540; 4412.31.0560;
4412.31.2510; 4412.31.2520; 4412.31.4040; 4412.31.4050; 4412.31.4060;
4412.31.4070; 4412.31.4075; 4412.31.4080; 4412.31.5125; 4412.31.5135;
4412.31.5155; 4412.31.5165; 4412.31.6000; 4412.31.9100; 4412.32.0520;
4412.32.0540; 4412.32.0560; 4412.32.0565; 4412.32.0570; 4412.32.2510;
4412.32.2520; 4412.32.2525; 4412.32.2530; 4412.32.3125; 4412.32.3135;
4412.32.3155; 4412.32.3165; 4412.32.3175; 4412.32.3185; 4412.32.5600;
4412.39.1000; 4412.39.3000; 4412.39.4011; 4412.39.4012; 4412.39.4019;
4412.39.4031; 4412.39.4032; 4412.39.4039; 4412.39.4051; 4412.39.4052;
4412.39.4059; 4412.39.4061; 4412.39.4062; 4412.39.4069; 4412.39.5010;
4412.39.5030; 4412.39.5050; 4412.94.1030; 4412.94.1050; 4412.94.3105;
4412.94.3111; 4412.94.3121; 4412.94.3131; 4412.94.3141; 4412.94.3160;
4412.94.3171; 4412.94.4100; 4412.94.5100; 4412.94.6000; 4412.94.7000;
4412.94.8000; 4412.94.9000; 4412.94.9500; 4412.99.0600; 4412.99.1020;
[[Page 33724]]
4412.99.1040; 4412.99.3110; 4412.99.3120; 4412.99.3130; 4412.99.3140;
4412.99.3150; 4412.99.3160; 4412.99.3170; 4412.99.4100; 4412.99.5100;
4412.99.5105; 4412.99.5115; 4412.99.5710; 4412.99.6000; 4412.99.7000;
4412.99.8000; 4412.99.9000; 4412.99.9500; 4418.71.2000; 4418.71.9000;
4418.72.2000; 4418.72.9500; and 9801.00.2500.
\2\ See Memorandum from Christian Marsh, Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations, to
Paul Piquado, Assistant Secretary for Import Administration
``Decision Memorandum for Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty
New Shipper Review: Multilayered Wood Flooring from the People's
Republic of China,'' dated June 6, 2014 (``Preliminary Decision
Memorandum'') for a full description of the Scope of the Order.
The HTSUS subheadings are provided for convenience and customs
purposes only; the written description of the scope of the order is
Extension of Deadlines for Preliminary Results
As explained in the memorandum from the Assistant Secretary for
Enforcement and Compliance, the Department exercised its discretion to
toll deadlines for the duration of the closure of the Federal
Government from October 1, through October 16, 2013.\3\ Therefore, all
deadlines in this segment of the proceeding have been extended by 16
days. The revised deadline for the preliminary results of this review
was February 6, 2014. Additionally, on January 15, 2014, the Department
extended the time period for issuing the preliminary results of this
review by 90 days, until May 7, 2014.\4\ Finally, on April 22, 2014,
the Department extended the time period for issuing the preliminary
results of this review by an additional 30 days, until June 6, 2014.\5\
\3\ See Memorandum for the Record from Paul Piquado, Assistant
Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance, ``Deadlines Affected by
the Shutdown of the Federal Government'' (October 18, 2013).
\4\ See Memorandum to Christian Marsh, Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations,
regarding ``Multilayered Wood Flooring from the People's Republic of
China: Extension of Deadline for Preliminary Results of Antidumping
Duty New Shipper Review'' (January 15, 2014).
\5\ See Memorandum to Christian Marsh, Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations,
regarding ``Multilayered Wood Flooring from the People's Republic of
China: Extension of Deadline for Preliminary Results of Antidumping
Duty New Shipper Review'' (April 22, 2014).
The Department is conducting this review in accordance with
sections 751(a)(1)(B) and 751(a)(2)(B) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended (``the Act'') and 19 CFR 351.214. The Department calculated
export prices in accordance with section 772 of the Act. Because the
PRC is a nonmarket economy (``NME'') within the meaning of section
771(18) of the Act, the Department calculated normal value in
accordance with section 773(c) of the Act.
For a full description of the methodology underlying our
conclusions, see the Preliminary Decision Memorandum, dated
concurrently with these results and hereby adopted by this notice. The
Preliminary Decision Memorandum is a public document and is on file
electronically via Enforcement and Compliance's Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Centralized Electronic Service System (``IA
ACCESS''). IA ACCESS is available to registered users at and in the Central Records Unit, room 7046 of the
main Department of Commerce building. In addition, a complete version
of the Preliminary Decision Memorandum can be accessed directly on the
Internet at The signed Preliminary
Decision Memorandum and the electronic versions of the Preliminary
Decision Memorandum are identical in content.
Preliminary Results of New Shipper Reviews
The Department preliminarily determines that the following
weighted-average dumping margin exists:
Exporter Producer dumping margin
Dalian Huade Wood Product Co., Dalian Huade Wood 0.00
Ltd. Product Co., Ltd.
Linyi Bonn Flooring Linyi Bonn 0.00
Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Flooring
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Fuerjia Wooden Co., Zhejiang Fuerjia 0.00
Ltd. Wooden Co., Ltd.
Disclosure and Public Comment
The Department intends to disclose calculations performed for these
preliminary results to the parties within five days of the date of
publication of this notice in accordance with 19 CFR 351.224(b).
Interested parties may submit case briefs no later than 30 days after
the date of publication of these preliminary results of review.\6\
Rebuttals to case briefs may be filed no later than five days after the
written comments are filed.\7\ A table of contents, list of authorities
used, and an executive summary of issues should accompany any briefs
submitted to the Department. This summary should be limited to five
pages total, including footnotes.
\6\ See 19 CFR 351.309(c); see also 19 CFR 351.303 (for general
filing requirements).
\7\ See 19 CFR 351.309(d).
Any interested party may request a hearing within 30 days of
publication of this notice.\8\ Hearing requests should contain the
following information: (1) The party's name, address, and telephone
number; (2) the number of participants; and (3) a list of the issues to
be discussed. Oral presentations will be limited to issues raised in
the briefs. If a request for a hearing is made, parties will be
notified of the time and date for the hearing to be held at the U.S.
Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC
\8\ See 19 CFR 351.310(c).
\9\ See 19 CFR 351.310(d).
The Department intends to issue the final results of these new
shipper reviews, which will include the results of its analysis of
issues raised in any such comments, within 90 days of publication of
these preliminary results, pursuant to section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act.
Assessment Rates
Upon issuing the final results of these new shipper reviews, the
Department shall determine, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(``CBP'') shall assess, antidumping duties on all appropriate entries.
The Department intends to issue assessment instructions to CBP 15 days
after the date of publication of the final results of this new shipper
review. For any individually examined respondents whose weighted-
average dumping margin is above de minimis, we will calculate importer-
specific ad valorem duty assessment rates based on the ratio of the
total amount of dumping calculated for the importer's examined sales to
the total entered value of those same sales in accordance with 19 CFR
\10\ In these preliminary results, the Department applied the
assessment rate calculation method adopted in Antidumping
Proceedings: Calculation of the Weighted-Average Dumping Margin and
Assessment Rate in Certain Antidumping Proceedings: Final
Modification, 77 FR 8101 (February 14, 2012).
[[Page 33725]]
We will instruct CBP to assess antidumping duties on all
appropriate entries covered by these new shipper reviews when the
importer-specific assessment rate calculated in the final results of
this review is above de minimis. Where either the respondent's
weighted-average dumping margin is zero or de minimis, or an importer-
specific assessment rate is zero or de minimis, we will instruct CBP to
liquidate the appropriate entries without regard to antidumping duties.
The Department announced a refinement to its assessment practice in NME
cases. Pursuant to this refinement in practice, for entries that were
not reported in the U.S. sales databases submitted by Bonn Flooring,
Fuerjia and Huade for these new shipper reviews, the Department will
instruct CBP to liquidate such entries at the PRC-wide rate. In
addition, if the Department determines that the exporter under review
had no shipments of the subject merchandise, any suspended entries that
entered under that exporter's case number (i.e., at that exporter's
rate) will be liquidated at the PRC-wide rate.\11\
\11\ For a full discussion of this practice, see Non-Market
Economy Antidumping Proceedings: Assessment of Antidumping Duties,
76 FR 65694 (October 24, 2011).
The final results of these new shipper reviews shall be the basis
for the assessment of antidumping duties on entries of merchandise
covered by the final results of these reviews and for future deposits
of estimated duties, where applicable.
Cash Deposit Requirements
The following cash deposit requirements will be effective upon
publication of the final results of these new shipper reviews for
shipments of the subject merchandise from the PRC entered, or withdrawn
from warehouse, for consumption on or after the publication date, as
provided by sections 751(a)(2)(C) of the Act: (1) For the companies
listed above that have a separate rate, the cash deposit rate will be
that rate established in the final results of these new shipper reviews
(except, if the rate is zero or de minimis, then a zero cash deposit
will be required); (2) for previously investigated or reviewed PRC and
non-PRC exporters not listed above that received a separate rate in a
prior segment of this proceeding, the cash deposit rate will continue
to be the existing producer/exporter-specific combination rate; (3) for
all PRC exporters of subject merchandise that have not been found to be
entitled to a separate rate, the cash deposit rate will be that for the
PRC-wide entity, or 58.84 percent; and (4) for all non-PRC exporters of
subject merchandise which have not received their own rate, the cash
deposit rate will be the rate applicable to the PRC producer/exporter
combination that supplied that non-PRC exporter. These deposit
requirements, when imposed, shall remain in effect until further
Notification to Importers
This notice also serves as a preliminary reminder to importers of
their responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate
regarding the reimbursement of antidumping duties prior to liquidation
of the relevant entries during this review period. Failure to comply
with this requirement could result in the Department's presumption that
reimbursement of antidumping duties occurred and the subsequent
assessment of double antidumping duties.
We are issuing and publishing these results in accordance with
sections 751(a)(2)(B) and 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.214.
Dated: June 6, 2014.
Paul Piquado,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance.
Appendix I
List of Topics Discussed in the Preliminary Decision Memorandum
1. Summary
2. Background
3. Scope of the Order
4. Discussion of the Methodology
5. Bona Fide Sale Analysis
6. Non-Market Economy Country Status
7. Separate Rates
8. Separate Rates Recipients
9. Surrogate Country
10. Economic Comparability
11. Significant Producer of Comparable Merchandise
12. Data Availability
13. Date of Sale
14. Fair Value Comparisons
15. Differential Pricing Analysis
16. Results of the Differential Pricing Analysis
17. U.S. Price
18. Value Added Tax
19. Normal Value
20. Factor Valuations
21. Currency Conversion
22. Section 777A(f) of the Act
[FR Doc. 2014-13766 Filed 6-11-14; 8:45 am]