Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Center for Florida; Availability of Funds, 11413-11417 [2014-04475]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 40 / Friday, February 28, 2014 / Notices
exported by SRF, entered, or withdrawn
from warehouse, for consumption on or
after the date of publication of the final
results of this review. We intend to
instruct CBP to continue to collect cash
deposits for non-reviewed companies at
the applicable company-specific
countervailing duty rate for the most
recent period or all-others rate
established in the investigation. These
deposit rates, when imposed, shall
remain in effect until further notice.
Administrative Protective Order
This notice also serves as a reminder
to parties subject to an administrative
protective order (APO) of their
responsibility concerning the return or
destruction of proprietary information
disclosed under APO in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3), which
continues to govern business
proprietary information in this segment
of proceeding. Timely written
notification of the return/destruction of
APO materials or conversion to judicial
protective order is hereby requested.
Failure to comply with the regulations
and terms of an APO is a violation
which is subject to sanction.
These final results are issued and
published in accordance with sections
751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.
Dated: February 21, 2014.
Paul Piquado,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
Comment: The Department Miscalculated
The Short-Term Benchmark Interest Rate.
[FR Doc. 2014–04436 Filed 2–27–14; 8:45 am]
National Institute of Standards and
[Docket Number: 140218152–4152–01]
RIN 0693–ZB07
Manufacturing Extension Partnership
(MEP) Center for Florida; Availability of
National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), United States
Department of Commerce (DoC).
ACTION: Notice of Funding Availability.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
NIST invites applications
from eligible applicants for funding one
(1) MEP center in the State of Florida.
The objective of the MEP center is to
provide manufacturing extension
services to primarily small- and
medium-sized manufacturers in the
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state of Florida. The MEP center will
become part of the MEP national system
of extension service providers, currently
comprised of more than 400 centers and
field offices located throughout the
United States and Puerto Rico.
DATES: Electronic applications must be
received no later than 11:59 p.m.
Eastern Time on May 14, 2014. Paper
applications must be received by NIST
by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on May 14,
2014. Applications received after the
respective deadline will not be reviewed
or considered. The earliest anticipated
start date for awards made under this
notice and the corresponding Federal
Funding Opportunity (FFO)
announcement is expected to be October
1, 2014.
ADDRESSES: For applicants without
Internet access, the standard application
package may be obtained by contacting
Diane Henderson, National Institute of
Standards and Technology,
Manufacturing Extension Partnership,
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 4800,
Gaithersburg, MD 20899–4800, phone
(301) 975–5105. Applicants with
Internet access should obtain the
standard application package by
downloading the application package
through Paper submissions
should be sent to: Diane Henderson,
National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Manufacturing Extension
Partnership, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop
4800, Gaithersburg, MD 20899–4800.
Electronic submissions should be
submitted to
Administrative, budget, cost-sharing,
and eligibility questions and other
programmatic questions should be
directed to Diane Henderson at Tel:
(301) 975–5105; Email:; Fax: (301)
963–6556. Grants Administration
questions should be addressed to: Jannet
Cancino, Grants and Agreements
Management Division, National Institute
of Standards and Technology, 100
Bureau Drive, Stop 1650, Gaithersburg,
MD 20899–1650; Tel: (301) 975–6544;
Email:; Fax:
(301) 926–6319. For assistance with
using contact Christopher
Hunton at Tel: (301) 975–5718; Email:; Fax: (301)
975–8884. All questions and responses
will be posted on the MEP Web site,
Electronic access: Applicants are
strongly encouraged to read the
corresponding Federal Funding
Opportunity (FFO) announcement
available at for
complete information about this
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program, including all program
requirements and instructions for
applying by paper or electronically. The
FFO may be found by searching under
the Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance Name and Number provided
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 278k, as
implemented in 15 CFR part 290.
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance Name and Number:
Manufacturing Extension Partnership—
Webinar Information Session: NIST
MEP will hold an information session
for organizations that are considering
applying to this opportunity. This
webinar will provide general
information regarding MEP and offer
general guidance on preparing
proposals. NIST/MEP staff will be
available on the webinar to answer
general questions. During the webinar,
proprietary technical discussions about
specific project ideas will not be
permitted. Also, NIST/MEP staff will
not critique or provide feedback on any
project ideas during the webinar or at
any time before submission of a
proposal to MEP. However, NIST/MEP
staff will provide information about the
MEP eligibility and cost-sharing
requirements, evaluation criteria and
selection factors, selection process, and
the general characteristics of a
competitive MEP proposal during this
webinar, and by phone and email. The
webinar will be held approximately 14
business days after posting of the FFO
and publication in the Federal Register.
The exact date and time of the webinar
will be posted on the MEP Web site at The webinar will be
recorded and a link to the recording will
be posted on the MEP Web site. In
addition, the webinar presentation will
be available after the webinar on the
MEP Web site. Organizations wishing to
participate in the webinar must sign up
by contacting Diane Henderson at
Program Description: NIST invites
applications from eligible applicants for
funding one (1) MEP center to provide
manufacturing extension services to
primarily small- and medium-sized
manufacturers in the state of Florida.
The MEP center will become part of the
MEP national system of extension
service providers, currently comprised
of more than 400 centers and field
offices located throughout the United
States and Puerto Rico.
The objective of an MEP center is to
provide manufacturing extension
services that enhance productivity,
innovative capacity, and technological
performance, and strengthen the global
competitiveness of primarily small- and
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 40 / Friday, February 28, 2014 / Notices
and will be considered as part of the
evaluation review under Section V.1(c)
of the FFO.
All non-Federal cost share
contributions require a letter of
commitment signed by an authorized
official from each source.
Any cost sharing must be in
accordance with the ‘‘cost sharing or
matching’’ provisions of 15 CFR Part 14,
Uniform Administrative Requirements
for Grants and Cooperative Agreements
with Institutions of Higher Education,
Hospitals, Other Non-Profit, and
Commercial Organizations or 15 CFR
part 24, Uniform Administrative
Requirements for Grants and
Cooperative Agreements to State and
Local Governments, as applicable.
As with the Federal share, any
proposed costs included as non-Federal
cost sharing must be an allowable/
eligible cost under this Program and the
following applicable Federal cost
principles: (1) Institutions of Higher
Education: 2 CFR part 220 (OMB
Circular A–21); (2) Nonprofit
Organizations: 2 CFR part 230 (OMB
Circular A–122); and (3) State, Local
and Indian Tribal Governments: 2 CFR
part 225 (OMB Circular A–87).
As with the Federal share, any
proposed non-Federal cost sharing will
be made a part of the cooperative
agreement award and will be subject to
audit if the project receives MEP
Eligibility: The eligibility
requirements given in this section will
be used for this competition only in lieu
of those published in the MEP
regulations found at 15 CFR part 290,
specifically 15 CFR § 290.5(a)(1). Each
Year of center
non-federal award recipient must be a U.S.-based
NIST share
nonprofit institution or organization.
1–3 ....................
1/2 For the purpose of this funding
4 ........................
3/5 opportunity, nonprofit organizations
5 and beyond ....
2/3 include universities and state and local
governments. An eligible organization
Non-Federal cost sharing is that
may work individually or include
portion of the project costs not borne by proposed subawards or contracts with
the Federal Government. The
others in a project application,
applicant’s share of the MEP center
effectively forming a team. Existing MEP
expenses may include cash, services,
awardees who meet the eligibility
and third party in-kind contributions, as criteria set forth in this section may
described at 15 CFR § 14.23 or § 24.24,
apply. However, as discussed in Section
as applicable, and the MEP program
III.3.b. of the FFO, NIST will generally
rule, 15 CFR § 290.4(c). No more than
not fund applications that propose an
50% of the applicant’s total non-Federal organizational or operational structure
cost share may be third party in-kind
that, in whole or in part, delegates or
contributions of part-time personnel,
transfers to another person, institution,
equipment, software, rental value of
or organization the applicant’s
centrally located space, and related
responsibility for core MEP management
contributions, per 15 CFR § 290.4(c)(5).
and oversight functions.
The source and detailed rationale of the
Application Requirements:
cost share, including cash, full- and
Applications must be submitted in
part-time personnel, and in-kind
accordance with the requirements set
donations, must be documented in the
forth in the corresponding FFO
budget submitted with the application
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
medium-sized U.S.-based
manufacturing firms in its service
region. Manufacturing extension
services are provided by utilizing the
most cost effective, local, leveraged
resources for those services through the
coordinated efforts of a regionally-based
MEP center and local technology
resources. The management and
operational structure of an MEP center
is not prescribed, but should be based
upon the characteristics of the
manufacturers in the region and locally
available resources with demonstrated
experience working with manufacturers.
It is not the intent of this program that
the centers perform research and
Information regarding MEP and these
centers is available at
Funding Availability: NIST
anticipates funding one (1) application
at the level of approximately $3,500,000
for an initial award for an MEP Center
in the state of Florida. The project
awarded under the FFO will have a
budget and performance period of one
(1) year. The award may be renewed on
an annual basis in accordance with 15
CFR § 290.4. NIST may provide annual
renewal funding at a higher or lower
level in the future based on availability
of funds.
Cost Share Requirements: NonFederal cost sharing of at least 50
percent of the total project costs is
required for the first year of operation.
Any renewal funding of an award will
require non-Federal cost sharing as
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Application/Review Information: The
evaluation criteria, selection factors, and
review and selection process provided
in this section will be used for this
competition only in lieu of those
provided in the MEP regulations found
at 15 CFR part 290, specifically 15 CFR
§§ 290.6 and 290.7.
The evaluation criteria that will be
used in evaluating applications and
assigned weights, with a maximum
score of 100, are listed below.
a. Project Narrative. (60 points; Subcriteria i–iii will be weighted equally)
The extent to which the applicant’s
proposal demonstrates how the
applicant will efficiently and effectively
establish an MEP center to provide
manufacturing extension services to
primarily small- and medium-sized
manufacturers in the state of Florida
will be evaluated. Reviewers will
consider the following topics when
evaluating the Project Narrative:
i. Market Understanding. Reviewers
will assess the strategy proposed for the
Center to define the target market,
understand the needs of manufacturers,
with an emphasis on the small- and
medium-sized manufacturers, and
determine appropriate services to meet
identified needs. The following subtopics will be evaluated:
(1) Geographic Scope and Targeting.
Reviewers will assess the extent to
which the applicant
• delineates target service regions and
• makes use of appropriate
quantitative and qualitative data sources
and market intelligence to support
proposed strategies and approaches to
defining and segmenting the market;
• aligns priority industries and
regions with other state and regional
priorities and investments.
(2) Needs Identification and Service
Offerings. Reviewers will assess the
extent to which the applicant’s
proposed Center
• serves the region’s manufacturing
base, industry types, and technology
• meets existing and emerging needs
of manufacturers in the service region;
• makes use of multiple sources of
qualitative and quantitative information
to determine manufacturers’ needs and
how to address them;
• makes use of resources, tools and
services appropriate for the targeted
small- and medium-sized manufacturers
to meet identified needs of the region;
• incorporates a range of
complementary service providers and
partners to deliver broad expertise and
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 40 / Friday, February 28, 2014 / Notices
maximum value to manufacturing
ii. Center Strategy. Reviewers will
assess the strategy proposed for the
Center to deliver services that meet
manufacturers’ needs and generate
impact. Reviewers will assess the extent
to which the proposed Center:
• Incorporates the market analysis
described in criterion (i) above to inform
strategies, products and services;
• defines a strategy for delivering
services that balances market
penetration with impact and revenue
generation, addressing the needs of
manufacturers, with an emphasis on the
small- and medium-sized
• defines a state or regional
ecosystem in which the Center will
operate, including universities,
community colleges, technology-based
economic developers, and others; and
• supports achievements of the MEP
mission and objectives while also
satisfying the interests of other
stakeholders, investors, and partners.
iii. Business Model. Reviewers will
assess the proposed business model of
the Center and its ability to execute the
strategy proposed in criterion (ii) based
on the market understanding described
in Section V.1.a.i. above. The following
sub-topics will be evaluated:
(1) Approach to the Market.
Reviewers will assess the extent to
which the proposed Center:
• Reaches area manufacturers;
• enables the use of delivery methods
(direct delivery, third party, account
management); and
• facilitates the engagement of
manufacturers’ leadership in strategic
discussions related to new technologies,
new products, and new markets.
(2) Products and Services. Reviewers
will assess the extent to which the
proposed Center:
• Engages expertise both from within
the Center and from other sub-recipients
and partners to make available a wide
range of experts and services to
• delivers services to small- and
medium-sized manufacturers to
encourage adoption of new
technologies, developing new products,
and selling products in new markets;
• balances delivering process
improvement services with services that
will transform and grow manufacturers;
• delivers advanced manufacturing
technology to small- and medium-sized
manufacturers and mechanisms for
accelerating the adoption of
technologies for both process
improvement and new product
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(3) Partnership Leverage and
Linkages. Reviewers will assess the
extent to which the proposed Center:
• Establishes a sustainable business
model, incorporating investment from
NIST, other public investors (federal,
state, and local), small- and mediumsized manufacturing clients, and other
sources; and
• makes use of effective resources or
partnerships with third parties such as
industry, universities, nonprofit
economic organizations, and state
governments likely to amplify the
Center’s capabilities for delivering
growth services.
b. Qualifications of the Applicant and
Program Management (20 points; Subcriteria i and ii will be weighted
equally). Reviewers will assess the
ability of the key personnel and the
management structure proposed to
deliver the program and services
envisioned for the Center. Reviewers
will consider the following topics when
evaluating the Qualifications of the
Applicant and Program Management
i. Key Personnel and Organizational
Structure. Reviewers will assess the
extent to which:
• Proposed key personnel have the
appropriate experience and education in
manufacturing, outreach and
partnership development to support
achievements of the MEP mission and
• proposed key personnel have the
appropriate experience and education to
plan, direct, monitor, organize and
control the monetary resources of the
proposed Center to achieve its business
objectives and maximize its value;
• the proposed management structure
(leadership and governance) is aligned
to support the execution of the strategy,
products and services;
• the proposed staffing plan flows
logically from the specified approach to
the market and products and service
• the organizational roles and
responsibilities of key personnel and
staff are clearly delineated;
• the proposed field staff structure
sufficiently supports the geographic
concentrations and industry targets for
the region; and
• a workable governance structure is
delineated, including an oversight
Board with a membership representing
small- and medium-sized manufacturers
in the region.
ii. Program Management. Reviewers
will assess the extent to which:
• The proposed methodology of
program management and internal
evaluation is likely to ensure effective
operations and oversight and meet
program and service delivery objectives;
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• the proposed evaluation plan is
aligned to support the execution of the
proposed Center’s strategy and business
model; and
• the proposed approach aligns
effectively with the proposed key
personnel, staff and organizational
c. Budget Narrative and Financial
Plan. (20 points; Sub-criteria i and ii
will be weighted equally) Reviewers will
assess the suitability and focus of the
applicant’s detailed one-year budget.
The application will be assessed in the
following areas:
i. Plans for Financial Cost Share.
Reviewers will assess the extent to
• The applicant’s funding
commitments for cost share are
identified and demonstrate stability and
duration; and
• the applicant clearly describes the
total level of cost share and detailed
rationale of the cost share, including
cash and in-kind, within the proposed
ii. Financial Viability. Reviewers will
assess the extent to which:
• The proposed projections for
income and expenditures are
appropriate for the scale of services that
are to be delivered by the proposed
Center and the service delivery model
• the proposal’s narrative of each of
the budgeted items explains the
rationale for each of the budgeted items,
including assumptions the applicant
used in budgeting for the Center;
• the overall financial plan is
sufficiently robust and diversified so as
to support the long term sustainability
of the Center; and
• the proposed financial plan is
aligned to support the execution of the
proposed Center’s strategy and business
Selection Factors. The Selecting
Official shall select applications for
award based upon the rank order of the
applications, and may select an
application out of rank based on one or
more of the following selection factors:
a. The availability of Federal funds.
b. Relevance of the proposed project
to MEP program goals and policy
c. Reviewers’ evaluations, including
technical comments.
d. The need to assure appropriate
distribution within Florida and the
surrounding region.
e. Whether the project duplicates
other projects funded by DoC or by
other Federal agencies.
Review and Selection Process:
(1) Initial Administrative Review of
Applications. An initial review of
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 40 / Friday, February 28, 2014 / Notices
timely received applications will be
conducted to determine eligibility,
completeness, and responsiveness to
this notice and the corresponding FFO
and the scope of the stated program
objectives. Applications determined to
be ineligible, incomplete, and/or nonresponsive may be eliminated from
further review. However, NIST, in its
sole discretion, may continue the review
process for an application that is
missing non-substantive information
that can easily be rectified or cured.
(2) Full Review of Eligible, Complete,
and Responsive Applications.
Applications that are determined to be
eligible, complete, and responsive will
proceed for full reviews in accordance
with the review and selection processes
(3) Evaluation and Review. Each
application will be reviewed by at least
three technically qualified reviewers,
who will evaluate each application
based on the evaluation criteria (see
Section V.1. of the FFO). Each reviewer
will assign each application a numeric
score for each application. If a nonFederal employee reviewer is used, the
reviewers may discuss the applications
with each other, but scores will be
determined on an individual basis, not
as a consensus. Reviewers will assign
each application a score, based on the
application’s responsiveness to the
criteria above, with a maximum score of
100. Applicants whose applications
receive an average score of 70 or higher
out of 100 will be deemed finalists.
Finalists may receive written followup questions in order for the reviewers
to gain a better understanding of the
applicant’s proposal. Once the
reviewers have completed their review
of the applicant’s responses, a
conference call or site visit may be
deemed necessary. If deemed necessary,
either all finalists will participate oneon-one with reviewers in a conference
call or all finalists will receive site visits
that will be conducted by the reviewers
referenced in the preceding paragraph.
Finalists will be reviewed and
evaluated, and reviewers may revise
their assigned numeric scores based on
the evaluation criteria (see Section V.1.
of the FFO) as a result of the conference
call or site visit.
(4) Ranking and Selection. Based on
the reviewers’ final numeric scores, a
rank order will be prepared and
provided to the Selecting Official for
further consideration. The Selecting
Official, who is the Director of the NIST
MEP Program, will then select funding
recipients based upon the rank order
and the selection factors (see Section
V.2. of the FFO).
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NIST reserves the right to negotiate
the budget costs with any applicant
selected to receive an award, which may
include requesting that the applicant
remove certain costs. Additionally,
NIST may request that the successful
applicant modify objectives or work
plans and provide supplemental
information required by the agency
prior to award. NIST also reserves the
right to reject an application where
information is uncovered that raises a
reasonable doubt as to the responsibility
of the applicant. NIST may select part,
some, all, or none of the applications.
The final approval of selected
applications and issuance of awards
will be by the NIST Grants Officer. The
award decisions of the NIST Grants
Officer are final.
Anticipated Announcement and
Award Date. Review, selection, and
award processing is expected to be
completed in September 2014. The
earliest anticipated start date for awards
made under this notice and the
corresponding FFO is expected to be
October 1, 2014.
Additional Information
a. Application Replacement Pages.
Applicants may not submit replacement
pages and/or missing documents once
an application has been submitted. Any
revisions must be made by submission
of a new application that must be
received by NIST by the submission
b. Notification to Unsuccessful
Applicants. Unsuccessful applicants
will be notified in writing.
c. Retention of Unsuccessful
Applications. For paper applications,
one (1) of each non-selected application
will be retained for three (3) years for
record keeping purposes and the other
two (2) copies will be destroyed. After
three (3) years, the remaining copy will
be destroyed. For electronic
applications, an electronic copy of each
non-selected application will be
retained for three (3) years for record
keeping purposes. After three (3) years,
it will be destroyed.
Administrative and National Policy
The Department of Commerce PreAward Notification Requirements: The
DoC Pre-Award Notification
Requirements for Grants and
Cooperative Agreements, which are
contained in the Federal Register notice
of December 17, 2012 (77 FR 74634), are
applicable to this notice and the
corresponding FFO and are available at
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Employer/Taxpayer Identification
Number (EIN/TIN), Dun and Bradstreet
Data Universal Numbering System
(DUNS), and System for Award
Management (SAM): All applicants for
Federal financial assistance are required
to obtain a universal identifier in the
form of DUNS number and maintain a
current registration in the Federal
government’s primary registrant
database, SAM. On the form SF–424
items 8.b. and 8.c., the applicant’s 9digit EIN/TIN and 9-digit DUNS number
must be consistent with the information
in SAM ( and the
Automated Standard Application for
Payment System (ASAP). For complex
organizations with multiple EINs/TINs
and DUNS numbers, the EIN/TIN and
DUNS numbers MUST be the numbers
for the applying organization.
Organizations that provide incorrect/
inconsistent EIN/TIN and DUNS
numbers may experience significant
delays in receiving funds if their
application is selected for funding.
Confirm that the EIN/TIN and DUNS
number are consistent with the
information on the SAM and ASAP.
Please note that a federal assistance
award cannot be issued if the designated
recipient’s registration in the System for
Award Management ( is not
current at the time of the award.
Per 2 CFR part 25, each applicant
1. Be registered in the Central
Contractor Registration (CCR) before
submitting an application, noting the
CCR now resides in SAM;
2. Maintain an active CCR
registration, noting the CCR now resides
in SAM, with current information at all
times during which it has an active
Federal award or an application under
consideration by an agency; and
3. Provide its DUNS number in each
application or application it submits to
the agency.
The applicant can obtain a DUNS
number from Dun and Bradstreet. A
DUNS number can be created within
one business day. The CCR or SAM
registration process may take five or
more business days to complete. If you
are currently registered with the CCR,
you may not need to make any changes.
However, please make certain that the
EIN/TIN associated with your DUNS
number is correct. Also note that you
will need to update your CCR
registration annually. This may take
three or more business days to
complete. Information about SAM is
available at See also 2
CFR part 25 and the Federal Register
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 40 / Friday, February 28, 2014 / Notices
notice published on September 14,
2010, at 75 FR 55671.
See also 2 CFR part 25 and the
Federal Register notice published on
September 14, 2010, at 75 FR 55671.
Paperwork Reduction Act: The
standard forms in the application kit
involve a collection of information
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act.
The use of Standard Forms 424, 424A,
424B, SF–LLL, and CD–346 have been
approved by OMB under the respective
Control Numbers 0348–0043, 0348–
0044, 0348–0040, 0348–0046, and 0605–
0001. MEP program-specific application
requirements have been approved by
OMB under Control Number 0693–0056.
Notwithstanding any other provision
of the law, no person is required to
respond to, nor shall any person be
subject to a penalty for failure to comply
with, a collection of information subject
to the requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act, unless that collection of
information displays a currently valid
OMB Control Number.
DoC Representation by Corporations
Regarding an Unpaid Delinquent Tax
Liability or a Felony Conviction Under
Any Federal Law. In accordance with
the Federal appropriations law expected
to be in effect at the time of project
funding, NIST anticipates that the
selected applicants will be provided a
form and asked to make a representation
regarding any unpaid delinquent tax
liability or felony conviction under any
Federal law.
Funding Availability and Limitation
of Liability: Funding for the program
listed in this notice and the
corresponding FFO is contingent upon
the availability of appropriations. In no
event will NIST or DoC be responsible
for application preparation costs if this
program fails to receive funding or is
cancelled because of agency priorities.
Publication of this notice and the
corresponding FFO does not oblige
NIST or DoC to award any specific
project or to obligate any available
Executive Order 12866: This funding
notice was determined to be not
significant for purposes of Executive
Order 12866.
Executive Order 13132 (Federalism):
It has been determined that this notice
does not contain policies with
federalism implications as that term is
defined in Executive Order 13132.
Executive Order 12372: Proposals
under this program are not subject to
Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Administrative Procedure Act/
Regulatory Flexibility Act: Notice and
comment are not required under the
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Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C.
553) or any other law, for matters
relating to public property, loans,
grants, benefits or contracts (5 U.S.C.
553 (a)). Moreover, because notice and
comment are not required under 5
U.S.C. 553, or any other law, for matters
relating to public property, loans,
grants, benefits or contracts (5 U.S.C.
553(a)), a Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis is not required and has not
been prepared for this notice, 5 U.S.C.
601 et seq.
Dated: February 24, 2014.
Phillip Singerman,
Associate Director for Innovation & Industry
[FR Doc. 2014–04475 Filed 2–27–14; 8:45 am]
National Institute of Standards and
Smart Grid Advisory Committee
National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Department of
ACTION: Notice of open meeting.
The Smart Grid Advisory
Committee (SGAC or Committee), will
meet in open session on Tuesday,
March 18, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. Eastern time and Wednesday,
March 19, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00
p.m. Eastern time. The primary
purposes of this meeting are to discuss
the updated NIST Framework and
Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability
Standards, updated Guidelines for
Smart Grid Cyber Security (NISTIR
7628), NIST Smart Grid Testbed
activities, and interactions between
Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Grid.
The agenda may change to
accommodate Committee business. The
final agenda will be posted on the Smart
Grid Web site at
The SGAC will meet on Tuesday,
March 18, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. Eastern time and Wednesday,
March 19, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00
p.m. Eastern time. The meeting will be
open to the public.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held in
the Portrait Room, Administration
Building, National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), 100 Bureau
Drive, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899.
Please note admittance instructions
section of this notice.
PO 00000
Frm 00028
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Cuong Nguyen, Smart Grid and CyberPhysical Systems Program Office,
National Institute of Standards and
Technology, 100 Bureau Drive, Mail
Stop 8200, Gaithersburg, MD 20899–
8200; telephone 301–975–2254, fax
301–948–5668; or via email at
Committee was established in
accordance with the Federal Advisory
Committee Act, as amended, 5 U.S.C.
App. The Committee is composed of
nine to fifteen members, appointed by
the Director of NIST, who were selected
on the basis of established records of
distinguished professional service in
their professional community and
knowledge of issues affecting Smart
Grid deployment and operations. The
Committee advises the Director of NIST
on carrying out duties authorized by
section 1305 of the Energy
Independence and Security Act of 2007
(Pub. L. 110–140). The Committee
provides input to NIST on Smart Grid
standards, priorities, and gaps, on the
overall direction, status, and health of
the Smart Grid implementation by the
Smart Grid industry, and on Smart Grid
Interoperability Panel activities,
including the direction of research and
standards activities. Background
information on the Committee is
available at
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory
Committee Act, as amended, 5 U.S.C.
App., notice is hereby given that the
Smart Grid Advisory Committee (SGAC
or Committee) will meet in open session
on Tuesday, March 18, 2014 from 8:30
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time and
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 from 8:30
a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Eastern time. The
meeting will be open to the public and
held in the Portrait Room, in the
Administration Building at NIST in
Gaithersburg, Maryland. The primary
purposes of this meeting are to discuss
the updated NIST Framework and
Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability
Standards, updated Guidelines for
Smart Grid Cyber Security (NISTIR
7628), NIST Smart Grid Testbed
activities, and interaction between
Cyber-Physical System and Smart Grid.
The agenda may change to
accommodate Committee business. The
final agenda will be posted on the Smart
Grid Web site at
Individuals and representatives of
organizations who would like to offer
comments and suggestions related to the
Committee’s affairs are invited to
request a place on the agenda by
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 40 (Friday, February 28, 2014)]
[Pages 11413-11417]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-04475]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
[Docket Number: 140218152-4152-01]
RIN 0693-ZB07
Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Center for Florida;
Availability of Funds
AGENCY: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), United
States Department of Commerce (DoC).
ACTION: Notice of Funding Availability.
SUMMARY: NIST invites applications from eligible applicants for funding
one (1) MEP center in the State of Florida. The objective of the MEP
center is to provide manufacturing extension services to primarily
small- and medium-sized manufacturers in the state of Florida. The MEP
center will become part of the MEP national system of extension service
providers, currently comprised of more than 400 centers and field
offices located throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.
DATES: Electronic applications must be received no later than 11:59
p.m. Eastern Time on May 14, 2014. Paper applications must be received
by NIST by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on May 14, 2014. Applications
received after the respective deadline will not be reviewed or
considered. The earliest anticipated start date for awards made under
this notice and the corresponding Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO)
announcement is expected to be October 1, 2014.
ADDRESSES: For applicants without Internet access, the standard
application package may be obtained by contacting Diane Henderson,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Manufacturing Extension
Partnership, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 4800, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-4800,
phone (301) 975-5105. Applicants with Internet access should obtain the
standard application package by downloading the application package
through Paper submissions should be sent to: Diane
Henderson, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Manufacturing Extension Partnership, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 4800,
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-4800. Electronic submissions should be submitted
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Administrative, budget, cost-sharing,
and eligibility questions and other programmatic questions should be
directed to Diane Henderson at Tel: (301) 975-5105; Email:; Fax: (301) 963-6556. Grants Administration
questions should be addressed to: Jannet Cancino, Grants and Agreements
Management Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 1650, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1650; Tel: (301)
975-6544; Email:; Fax: (301) 926-6319. For
assistance with using contact Christopher Hunton at Tel:
(301) 975-5718; Email:; Fax: (301) 975-
8884. All questions and responses will be posted on the MEP Web site,
Electronic access: Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the
corresponding Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) announcement available
at for complete information about this program,
including all program requirements and instructions for applying by
paper or electronically. The FFO may be found by searching under the
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Name and Number provided below.
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 278k, as implemented in 15 CFR part 290.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Name and Number:
Manufacturing Extension Partnership--11.611.
Webinar Information Session: NIST MEP will hold an information
session for organizations that are considering applying to this
opportunity. This webinar will provide general information regarding
MEP and offer general guidance on preparing proposals. NIST/MEP staff
will be available on the webinar to answer general questions. During
the webinar, proprietary technical discussions about specific project
ideas will not be permitted. Also, NIST/MEP staff will not critique or
provide feedback on any project ideas during the webinar or at any time
before submission of a proposal to MEP. However, NIST/MEP staff will
provide information about the MEP eligibility and cost-sharing
requirements, evaluation criteria and selection factors, selection
process, and the general characteristics of a competitive MEP proposal
during this webinar, and by phone and email. The webinar will be held
approximately 14 business days after posting of the FFO and publication
in the Federal Register. The exact date and time of the webinar will be
posted on the MEP Web site at The webinar will be
recorded and a link to the recording will be posted on the MEP Web
site. In addition, the webinar presentation will be available after the
webinar on the MEP Web site. Organizations wishing to participate in
the webinar must sign up by contacting Diane Henderson at
Program Description: NIST invites applications from eligible
applicants for funding one (1) MEP center to provide manufacturing
extension services to primarily small- and medium-sized manufacturers
in the state of Florida. The MEP center will become part of the MEP
national system of extension service providers, currently comprised of
more than 400 centers and field offices located throughout the United
States and Puerto Rico.
The objective of an MEP center is to provide manufacturing
extension services that enhance productivity, innovative capacity, and
technological performance, and strengthen the global competitiveness of
primarily small- and
[[Page 11414]]
medium-sized U.S.-based manufacturing firms in its service region.
Manufacturing extension services are provided by utilizing the most
cost effective, local, leveraged resources for those services through
the coordinated efforts of a regionally-based MEP center and local
technology resources. The management and operational structure of an
MEP center is not prescribed, but should be based upon the
characteristics of the manufacturers in the region and locally
available resources with demonstrated experience working with
It is not the intent of this program that the centers perform
research and development.
Information regarding MEP and these centers is available at
Funding Availability: NIST anticipates funding one (1) application
at the level of approximately $3,500,000 for an initial award for an
MEP Center in the state of Florida. The project awarded under the FFO
will have a budget and performance period of one (1) year. The award
may be renewed on an annual basis in accordance with 15 CFR Sec.
290.4. NIST may provide annual renewal funding at a higher or lower
level in the future based on availability of funds.
Cost Share Requirements: Non-Federal cost sharing of at least 50
percent of the total project costs is required for the first year of
operation. Any renewal funding of an award will require non-Federal
cost sharing as follows:
Minimum non-
Year of center operation Maximum federal
NIST share share
1-3........................................... 1/2 1/2
4............................................. 2/5 3/5
5 and beyond.................................. 1/3 2/3
Non-Federal cost sharing is that portion of the project costs not
borne by the Federal Government. The applicant's share of the MEP
center expenses may include cash, services, and third party in-kind
contributions, as described at 15 CFR Sec. 14.23 or Sec. 24.24, as
applicable, and the MEP program rule, 15 CFR Sec. 290.4(c). No more
than 50% of the applicant's total non-Federal cost share may be third
party in-kind contributions of part-time personnel, equipment,
software, rental value of centrally located space, and related
contributions, per 15 CFR Sec. 290.4(c)(5). The source and detailed
rationale of the cost share, including cash, full- and part-time
personnel, and in-kind donations, must be documented in the budget
submitted with the application and will be considered as part of the
evaluation review under Section V.1(c) of the FFO.
All non-Federal cost share contributions require a letter of
commitment signed by an authorized official from each source.
Any cost sharing must be in accordance with the ``cost sharing or
matching'' provisions of 15 CFR Part 14, Uniform Administrative
Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements with Institutions of
Higher Education, Hospitals, Other Non-Profit, and Commercial
Organizations or 15 CFR part 24, Uniform Administrative Requirements
for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments,
as applicable.
As with the Federal share, any proposed costs included as non-
Federal cost sharing must be an allowable/eligible cost under this
Program and the following applicable Federal cost principles: (1)
Institutions of Higher Education: 2 CFR part 220 (OMB Circular A-21);
(2) Nonprofit Organizations: 2 CFR part 230 (OMB Circular A-122); and
(3) State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments: 2 CFR part 225 (OMB
Circular A-87).
As with the Federal share, any proposed non-Federal cost sharing
will be made a part of the cooperative agreement award and will be
subject to audit if the project receives MEP funding.
Eligibility: The eligibility requirements given in this section
will be used for this competition only in lieu of those published in
the MEP regulations found at 15 CFR part 290, specifically 15 CFR Sec.
290.5(a)(1). Each award recipient must be a U.S.-based nonprofit
institution or organization. For the purpose of this funding
opportunity, nonprofit organizations include universities and state and
local governments. An eligible organization may work individually or
include proposed subawards or contracts with others in a project
application, effectively forming a team. Existing MEP awardees who meet
the eligibility criteria set forth in this section may apply. However,
as discussed in Section III.3.b. of the FFO, NIST will generally not
fund applications that propose an organizational or operational
structure that, in whole or in part, delegates or transfers to another
person, institution, or organization the applicant's responsibility for
core MEP management and oversight functions.
Application Requirements: Applications must be submitted in
accordance with the requirements set forth in the corresponding FFO
Application/Review Information: The evaluation criteria, selection
factors, and review and selection process provided in this section will
be used for this competition only in lieu of those provided in the MEP
regulations found at 15 CFR part 290, specifically 15 CFR Sec. Sec.
290.6 and 290.7.
The evaluation criteria that will be used in evaluating
applications and assigned weights, with a maximum score of 100, are
listed below.
a. Project Narrative. (60 points; Sub-criteria i-iii will be
weighted equally) The extent to which the applicant's proposal
demonstrates how the applicant will efficiently and effectively
establish an MEP center to provide manufacturing extension services to
primarily small- and medium-sized manufacturers in the state of Florida
will be evaluated. Reviewers will consider the following topics when
evaluating the Project Narrative:
i. Market Understanding. Reviewers will assess the strategy
proposed for the Center to define the target market, understand the
needs of manufacturers, with an emphasis on the small- and medium-sized
manufacturers, and determine appropriate services to meet identified
needs. The following sub-topics will be evaluated:
(1) Geographic Scope and Targeting. Reviewers will assess the
extent to which the applicant
delineates target service regions and manufacturers;
makes use of appropriate quantitative and qualitative data
sources and market intelligence to support proposed strategies and
approaches to defining and segmenting the market; and
aligns priority industries and regions with other state
and regional priorities and investments.
(2) Needs Identification and Service Offerings. Reviewers will
assess the extent to which the applicant's proposed Center
serves the region's manufacturing base, industry types,
and technology requirements;
meets existing and emerging needs of manufacturers in the
service region;
makes use of multiple sources of qualitative and
quantitative information to determine manufacturers' needs and how to
address them;
makes use of resources, tools and services appropriate for
the targeted small- and medium-sized manufacturers to meet identified
needs of the region; and
incorporates a range of complementary service providers
and partners to deliver broad expertise and
[[Page 11415]]
maximum value to manufacturing clients.
ii. Center Strategy. Reviewers will assess the strategy proposed
for the Center to deliver services that meet manufacturers' needs and
generate impact. Reviewers will assess the extent to which the proposed
Incorporates the market analysis described in criterion
(i) above to inform strategies, products and services;
defines a strategy for delivering services that balances
market penetration with impact and revenue generation, addressing the
needs of manufacturers, with an emphasis on the small- and medium-sized
defines a state or regional ecosystem in which the Center
will operate, including universities, community colleges, technology-
based economic developers, and others; and
supports achievements of the MEP mission and objectives
while also satisfying the interests of other stakeholders, investors,
and partners.
iii. Business Model. Reviewers will assess the proposed business
model of the Center and its ability to execute the strategy proposed in
criterion (ii) based on the market understanding described in Section
V.1.a.i. above. The following sub-topics will be evaluated:
(1) Approach to the Market. Reviewers will assess the extent to
which the proposed Center:
Reaches area manufacturers;
enables the use of delivery methods (direct delivery,
third party, account management); and
facilitates the engagement of manufacturers' leadership in
strategic discussions related to new technologies, new products, and
new markets.
(2) Products and Services. Reviewers will assess the extent to
which the proposed Center:
Engages expertise both from within the Center and from
other sub-recipients and partners to make available a wide range of
experts and services to manufacturers;
delivers services to small- and medium-sized manufacturers
to encourage adoption of new technologies, developing new products, and
selling products in new markets;
balances delivering process improvement services with
services that will transform and grow manufacturers; and
delivers advanced manufacturing technology to small- and
medium-sized manufacturers and mechanisms for accelerating the adoption
of technologies for both process improvement and new product adoption.
(3) Partnership Leverage and Linkages. Reviewers will assess the
extent to which the proposed Center:
Establishes a sustainable business model, incorporating
investment from NIST, other public investors (federal, state, and
local), small- and medium-sized manufacturing clients, and other
sources; and
makes use of effective resources or partnerships with
third parties such as industry, universities, nonprofit economic
organizations, and state governments likely to amplify the Center's
capabilities for delivering growth services.
b. Qualifications of the Applicant and Program Management (20
points; Sub-criteria i and ii will be weighted equally). Reviewers will
assess the ability of the key personnel and the management structure
proposed to deliver the program and services envisioned for the Center.
Reviewers will consider the following topics when evaluating the
Qualifications of the Applicant and Program Management
i. Key Personnel and Organizational Structure. Reviewers will
assess the extent to which:
Proposed key personnel have the appropriate experience and
education in manufacturing, outreach and partnership development to
support achievements of the MEP mission and objectives;
proposed key personnel have the appropriate experience and
education to plan, direct, monitor, organize and control the monetary
resources of the proposed Center to achieve its business objectives and
maximize its value;
the proposed management structure (leadership and
governance) is aligned to support the execution of the strategy,
products and services;
the proposed staffing plan flows logically from the
specified approach to the market and products and service offerings.
the organizational roles and responsibilities of key
personnel and staff are clearly delineated;
the proposed field staff structure sufficiently supports
the geographic concentrations and industry targets for the region; and
a workable governance structure is delineated, including
an oversight Board with a membership representing small- and medium-
sized manufacturers in the region.
ii. Program Management. Reviewers will assess the extent to which:
The proposed methodology of program management and
internal evaluation is likely to ensure effective operations and
oversight and meet program and service delivery objectives;
the proposed evaluation plan is aligned to support the
execution of the proposed Center's strategy and business model; and
the proposed approach aligns effectively with the proposed
key personnel, staff and organizational structure.
c. Budget Narrative and Financial Plan. (20 points; Sub-criteria i
and ii will be weighted equally) Reviewers will assess the suitability
and focus of the applicant's detailed one-year budget. The application
will be assessed in the following areas:
i. Plans for Financial Cost Share. Reviewers will assess the extent
to which:
The applicant's funding commitments for cost share are
identified and demonstrate stability and duration; and
the applicant clearly describes the total level of cost
share and detailed rationale of the cost share, including cash and in-
kind, within the proposed budget.
ii. Financial Viability. Reviewers will assess the extent to which:
The proposed projections for income and expenditures are
appropriate for the scale of services that are to be delivered by the
proposed Center and the service delivery model envisioned;
the proposal's narrative of each of the budgeted items
explains the rationale for each of the budgeted items, including
assumptions the applicant used in budgeting for the Center;
the overall financial plan is sufficiently robust and
diversified so as to support the long term sustainability of the
Center; and
the proposed financial plan is aligned to support the
execution of the proposed Center's strategy and business model.
Selection Factors. The Selecting Official shall select applications
for award based upon the rank order of the applications, and may select
an application out of rank based on one or more of the following
selection factors:
a. The availability of Federal funds.
b. Relevance of the proposed project to MEP program goals and
policy objectives.
c. Reviewers' evaluations, including technical comments.
d. The need to assure appropriate distribution within Florida and
the surrounding region.
e. Whether the project duplicates other projects funded by DoC or
by other Federal agencies.
Review and Selection Process:
(1) Initial Administrative Review of Applications. An initial
review of
[[Page 11416]]
timely received applications will be conducted to determine
eligibility, completeness, and responsiveness to this notice and the
corresponding FFO and the scope of the stated program objectives.
Applications determined to be ineligible, incomplete, and/or non-
responsive may be eliminated from further review. However, NIST, in its
sole discretion, may continue the review process for an application
that is missing non-substantive information that can easily be
rectified or cured.
(2) Full Review of Eligible, Complete, and Responsive Applications.
Applications that are determined to be eligible, complete, and
responsive will proceed for full reviews in accordance with the review
and selection processes below:
(3) Evaluation and Review. Each application will be reviewed by at
least three technically qualified reviewers, who will evaluate each
application based on the evaluation criteria (see Section V.1. of the
FFO). Each reviewer will assign each application a numeric score for
each application. If a non-Federal employee reviewer is used, the
reviewers may discuss the applications with each other, but scores will
be determined on an individual basis, not as a consensus. Reviewers
will assign each application a score, based on the application's
responsiveness to the criteria above, with a maximum score of 100.
Applicants whose applications receive an average score of 70 or higher
out of 100 will be deemed finalists.
Finalists may receive written follow-up questions in order for the
reviewers to gain a better understanding of the applicant's proposal.
Once the reviewers have completed their review of the applicant's
responses, a conference call or site visit may be deemed necessary. If
deemed necessary, either all finalists will participate one-on-one with
reviewers in a conference call or all finalists will receive site
visits that will be conducted by the reviewers referenced in the
preceding paragraph. Finalists will be reviewed and evaluated, and
reviewers may revise their assigned numeric scores based on the
evaluation criteria (see Section V.1. of the FFO) as a result of the
conference call or site visit.
(4) Ranking and Selection. Based on the reviewers' final numeric
scores, a rank order will be prepared and provided to the Selecting
Official for further consideration. The Selecting Official, who is the
Director of the NIST MEP Program, will then select funding recipients
based upon the rank order and the selection factors (see Section V.2.
of the FFO).
NIST reserves the right to negotiate the budget costs with any
applicant selected to receive an award, which may include requesting
that the applicant remove certain costs. Additionally, NIST may request
that the successful applicant modify objectives or work plans and
provide supplemental information required by the agency prior to award.
NIST also reserves the right to reject an application where information
is uncovered that raises a reasonable doubt as to the responsibility of
the applicant. NIST may select part, some, all, or none of the
applications. The final approval of selected applications and issuance
of awards will be by the NIST Grants Officer. The award decisions of
the NIST Grants Officer are final.
Anticipated Announcement and Award Date. Review, selection, and
award processing is expected to be completed in September 2014. The
earliest anticipated start date for awards made under this notice and
the corresponding FFO is expected to be October 1, 2014.
Additional Information
a. Application Replacement Pages. Applicants may not submit
replacement pages and/or missing documents once an application has been
submitted. Any revisions must be made by submission of a new
application that must be received by NIST by the submission deadline.
b. Notification to Unsuccessful Applicants. Unsuccessful applicants
will be notified in writing.
c. Retention of Unsuccessful Applications. For paper applications,
one (1) of each non-selected application will be retained for three (3)
years for record keeping purposes and the other two (2) copies will be
destroyed. After three (3) years, the remaining copy will be destroyed.
For electronic applications, an electronic copy of each non-selected
application will be retained for three (3) years for record keeping
purposes. After three (3) years, it will be destroyed.
Administrative and National Policy Requirements.
The Department of Commerce Pre-Award Notification Requirements: The
DoC Pre-Award Notification Requirements for Grants and Cooperative
Agreements, which are contained in the Federal Register notice of
December 17, 2012 (77 FR 74634), are applicable to this notice and the
corresponding FFO and are available at
Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN), Dun and
Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS), and System for Award
Management (SAM): All applicants for Federal financial assistance are
required to obtain a universal identifier in the form of DUNS number
and maintain a current registration in the Federal government's primary
registrant database, SAM. On the form SF-424 items 8.b. and 8.c., the
applicant's 9-digit EIN/TIN and 9-digit DUNS number must be consistent
with the information in SAM ( and the Automated
Standard Application for Payment System (ASAP). For complex
organizations with multiple EINs/TINs and DUNS numbers, the EIN/TIN and
DUNS numbers MUST be the numbers for the applying organization.
Organizations that provide incorrect/inconsistent EIN/TIN and DUNS
numbers may experience significant delays in receiving funds if their
application is selected for funding. Confirm that the EIN/TIN and DUNS
number are consistent with the information on the SAM and ASAP. Please
note that a federal assistance award cannot be issued if the designated
recipient's registration in the System for Award Management (
is not current at the time of the award.
Per 2 CFR part 25, each applicant must:
1. Be registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR)
before submitting an application, noting the CCR now resides in SAM;
2. Maintain an active CCR registration, noting the CCR now resides
in SAM, with current information at all times during which it has an
active Federal award or an application under consideration by an
agency; and
3. Provide its DUNS number in each application or application it
submits to the agency.
The applicant can obtain a DUNS number from Dun and Bradstreet. A
DUNS number can be created within one business day. The CCR or SAM
registration process may take five or more business days to complete.
If you are currently registered with the CCR, you may not need to make
any changes. However, please make certain that the EIN/TIN associated
with your DUNS number is correct. Also note that you will need to
update your CCR registration annually. This may take three or more
business days to complete. Information about SAM is available at See also 2 CFR part 25 and the Federal Register
[[Page 11417]]
notice published on September 14, 2010, at 75 FR 55671.
See also 2 CFR part 25 and the Federal Register notice published on
September 14, 2010, at 75 FR 55671.
Paperwork Reduction Act: The standard forms in the application kit
involve a collection of information subject to the Paperwork Reduction
Act. The use of Standard Forms 424, 424A, 424B, SF-LLL, and CD-346 have
been approved by OMB under the respective Control Numbers 0348-0043,
0348-0044, 0348-0040, 0348-0046, and 0605-0001. MEP program-specific
application requirements have been approved by OMB under Control Number
Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is
required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty
for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the
requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of
information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.
DoC Representation by Corporations Regarding an Unpaid Delinquent
Tax Liability or a Felony Conviction Under Any Federal Law. In
accordance with the Federal appropriations law expected to be in effect
at the time of project funding, NIST anticipates that the selected
applicants will be provided a form and asked to make a representation
regarding any unpaid delinquent tax liability or felony conviction
under any Federal law.
Funding Availability and Limitation of Liability: Funding for the
program listed in this notice and the corresponding FFO is contingent
upon the availability of appropriations. In no event will NIST or DoC
be responsible for application preparation costs if this program fails
to receive funding or is cancelled because of agency priorities.
Publication of this notice and the corresponding FFO does not oblige
NIST or DoC to award any specific project or to obligate any available
Executive Order 12866: This funding notice was determined to be not
significant for purposes of Executive Order 12866.
Executive Order 13132 (Federalism): It has been determined that
this notice does not contain policies with federalism implications as
that term is defined in Executive Order 13132.
Executive Order 12372: Proposals under this program are not subject
to Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Administrative Procedure Act/Regulatory Flexibility Act: Notice and
comment are not required under the Administrative Procedure Act (5
U.S.C. 553) or any other law, for matters relating to public property,
loans, grants, benefits or contracts (5 U.S.C. 553 (a)). Moreover,
because notice and comment are not required under 5 U.S.C. 553, or any
other law, for matters relating to public property, loans, grants,
benefits or contracts (5 U.S.C. 553(a)), a Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis is not required and has not been prepared for this notice, 5
U.S.C. 601 et seq.
Dated: February 24, 2014.
Phillip Singerman,
Associate Director for Innovation & Industry Services.
[FR Doc. 2014-04475 Filed 2-27-14; 8:45 am]