Black Lung Benefits Act: Standards for Chest Radiographs, 35575-35585 [2013-13971]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Proposed Rules
products of the same type design. This
proposed AD would require a one-time
inspection of the HP air bleed valve
operating mechanism and, depending
on findings, corrective action.
Costs of Compliance
We estimate that this proposed AD
affects 52 Tay turbofan engines installed
on airplanes of U.S. registry. We also
estimate that it would take about 10
hours per engine to comply with this
proposed AD. The average labor rate is
$85 per hour. Required parts cost about
$153 per product. Based on these
figures, we estimate the cost of the
proposed AD on U.S. operators to be
Authority for This Rulemaking
Title 49 of the United States Code
specifies the FAA’s authority to issue
rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I,
section 106, describes the authority of
the FAA Administrator. ‘‘Subtitle VII:
Aviation Programs,’’ describes in more
detail the scope of the Agency’s
We are issuing this rulemaking under
the authority described in ‘‘Subtitle VII,
Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701:
General requirements.’’ Under that
section, Congress charges the FAA with
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in
air commerce by prescribing regulations
for practices, methods, and procedures
the Administrator finds necessary for
safety in air commerce. This regulation
is within the scope of that authority
because it addresses an unsafe condition
that is likely to exist or develop on
products identified in this rulemaking
Regulatory Findings
We determined that this proposed AD
would not have federalism implications
under Executive Order 13132. This
proposed AD would not have a
substantial direct effect on the States, on
the relationship between the national
Government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
For the reasons discussed above, I
certify this proposed regulation:
(1) Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ under Executive Order 12866;
(2) Is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under
the DOT Regulatory Policies and
Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26,
(3) Will not affect intrastate aviation
in Alaska to the extent that it justifies
making a regulatory distinction, and
(4) Will not have a significant
economic impact, positive or negative,
on a substantial number of small entities
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under the criteria of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act.
We prepared a regulatory evaluation
of the estimated costs to comply with
this proposed AD and placed it in the
AD docket.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation
safety, Incorporation by reference,
The Proposed Amendment
Accordingly, under the authority
delegated to me by the Administrator,
the FAA proposes to amend 14 CFR part
39 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 39
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
§ 39.13
2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by adding
the following new airworthiness
directive (AD):
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG
Turbofan Engines (formerly Rolls-Royce
plc): Docket No. FAA–2013–0397;
Directorate Identifier 2013–NE–15–AD.
(a) Comments Due Date
We must receive comments by August 12,
3.E. of RRD Alert NMSB No. TAY–75–A1784,
dated February 14, 2013.
(f) Alternative Methods of Compliance
The Manager, Engine Certification Office,
may approve AMOCs for this AD. Use the
procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19 to make
your request.
(g) Related Information
(1) For more information about this AD,
contact Frederick Zink, Aerospace Engineer,
Engine Certification Office, FAA, Engine &
Propeller Directorate, 12 New England
Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803;
phone: 781–238–7779; fax: 781–238–7199;
(2) Refer to European Aviation Safety
Agency Airworthiness Directive 2013–0086,
dated April 9, 2013, and RRD Alert NMSB
No. TAY–75–A1784, dated February 14,
2013, for related information.
(3) For service information identified in
this AD, contact Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd
& Co KG, Eschenweg 11, Dahlewitz, 15827
Blankenfelde-Mahlow, Germany; phone: 49 0
33–7086–1944; fax: 49 0 33–7086–3276. You
may view this service information at the
FAA, Engine & Propeller Directorate, 12 New
England Executive Park, Burlington, MA. For
information on the availability of this
material at the FAA, call 781–238–7125.
Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, on
June 6, 2013.
Colleen M. D’Alessandro,
Assistant Manager, Engine & Propeller
Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2013–14034 Filed 6–12–13; 8:45 am]
(b) Affected ADs
(c) Applicability
This AD applies to all Rolls-Royce
Deutschland Ltd & Co KG (RRD) model Tay
650–15 turbofan engines.
(d) Reason
This AD was prompted by excessive
deterioration of the high-pressure (HP) air
bleed valve operating mechanism which
affects the aerodynamic flutter margin,
causing subsequent multiple fan blade
failure. We are issuing this AD to prevent
multiple fan blade failure, which could result
in uncontained engine failure and damage to
the airplane.
20 CFR Parts 718 and 725
(e) Actions and Compliance
Unless already done, do the following
(1) Within 1,500 flight cycles after the
effective date of this AD, perform a one-time
inspection of the HP air bleed valve operating
mechanism. Use paragraphs 3.D. and 3.E. of
RRD Alert Non-Modification Service Bulletin
(NMSB) No. TAY–75–A1784, dated February
14, 2013, to do your inspection.
(2) If the measured torque necessary to
open and close the HP air bleed valve is
higher than the torque values referenced in
paragraph 3.D.(1)(a) of RRD Alert NMSB No.
TAY–75–A1784, dated February 14, 2013,
then before next flight, accomplish paragraph
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Office of Workers’ Compensation
RIN 1240–AA07
Black Lung Benefits Act: Standards for
Chest Radiographs
Office of Workers’
Compensation Programs, Labor.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking;
request for comments.
SUMMARY: Physicians and adjudicators
use chest radiographs (X-rays) as a tool
in evaluating whether a coal miner
suffers from pneumoconiosis (black
lung disease). Accordingly, the
Department’s regulations implementing
the Black Lung Benefits Act allow the
submission of radiographs in
connection with benefit claims and set
out quality standards for their
performance. These standards are
currently limited to film radiographs. In
recent years, many medical facilities
have phased out film radiography in
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Proposed Rules
favor of digital radiography. This
proposed rule would update the existing
film-radiograph standards and provide
parallel standards for digital
radiographs. The proposed rule would
also update outdated terminology and
remove certain obsolete provisions.
DATES: Comments on this proposed rule
must be received by midnight Eastern
Standard Time on August 12, 2013.
ADDRESSES: You may submit written
comments, identified by RIN number
1240–AA07, by any of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions on the Web site for
submitting comments. To facilitate
receipt and processing of comments,
OWCP encourages interested parties to
submit their comments electronically.
• Fax: (202) 693–1395 (this is not a
toll-free number). Only comments of ten
or fewer pages, including a Fax cover
sheet and attachments, if any, will be
accepted by Fax.
• Regular Mail: Division of Coal Mine
Workers’ Compensation Programs,
Office of Workers’ Compensation
Programs, U.S. Department of Labor,
Room C–3520, 200 Constitution Avenue
NW., Washington, DC 20210. The
Department’s receipt of U.S. mail may
be significantly delayed due to security
procedures. You must take this into
consideration when preparing to meet
the deadline for submitting comments.
• Hand Delivery/Courier: Division of
Coal Mine Workers’ Compensation
Programs, Office of Workers’
Compensation Programs, U.S.
Department of Labor, Room C–3520, 200
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington,
DC 20210.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and the
Regulatory Information Number (RIN)
for this rulemaking. All comments
received will be posted without change
to, including
any personal information provided.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https://
Steven Breeskin, Director, Division of
Coal Mine Workers’ Compensation,
Office of Workers’ Compensation
Programs, U.S. Department of Labor,
200 Constitution Avenue NW., Suite N–
3464, Washington, DC 20210.
Telephone: (202) 693–0824 (this is not
a toll-free number). TTY/TDD callers
may dial toll-free 1–800–877–8339 for
further information.
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I. Proposed Rule Published
Concurrently With Companion Direct
Final Rule
In the Final Rules section of this
Federal Register edition, OWCP is
simultaneously publishing an identical
rule as a ‘‘direct final’’ rule. In direct
final rulemaking, an agency publishes a
direct final rule in the Federal Register
with a statement that the rule will go
into effect unless the agency receives
significant adverse comment within a
specified period. The agency
concurrently publishes an identical
proposed rule. If the agency receives no
significant adverse comment in
response to the direct final rule, the rule
goes into effect. If the agency receives
significant adverse comment, the agency
withdraws the direct final rule and
treats such comment as submissions on
the proposed rule. An agency typically
uses direct final rulemaking when it
anticipates the rule will be noncontroversial.
OWCP has determined that this rule,
which primarily adopts quality
standards for administering and
interpreting digital radiographs, is
suitable for direct final rulemaking. The
standards adopted by this rule are
largely based on those the Department
of Health and Human Services recently
promulgated for use in the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) Coal Workers’ Health
Surveillance Program (CWHSP) (the
NIOSH rules). Those standards were
subject to full notice-and-comment
rulemaking. The NIOSH proposal
informed the public that the standards
might also be used by the Department of
Labor in the Black Lung Benefits Act
(BLBA) context, and OWCP alerted the
BLBA employer and claimant
communities to the NIOSH proposed
rule. NIOSH addressed all significant
comments when it promulgated its final
rule. OWCP’s rule also does not impose
any new requirements on the parties in
BLBA claims; instead, it merely
provides the parties another option for
developing medical evidence in claim
proceedings. Thus, OWCP does not
expect to receive significant adverse
comment on this rule. Simultaneously
publishing a companion direct final rule
will expedite the rulemaking process to
give parties the option of using digital
radiographs as soon as possible.
By simultaneously publishing this
proposed rule, notice-and-comment
rulemaking will be expedited if OWCP
receives significant adverse comment
and withdraws the direct final rule. The
proposed and direct final rules are
substantively identical, and their
respective comment periods run
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concurrently. OWCP will treat
comments received on the proposed
rule as comments regarding the
companion direct final rule and vice
versa. Thus, if OWCP receives a
significant adverse comment on either
this proposed rule or the companion
direct final rule, OWCP will publish a
Federal Register notice withdrawing the
direct final rule and proceed with this
proposed rule.
For purposes of the direct final rule,
a significant adverse comment is one
that explains: (1) why the rule is
inappropriate, including challenges to
the rule’s underlying premise or
approach; or (2) why the direct final
rule will be ineffective or unacceptable
without a change. In determining
whether a significant adverse comment
necessitates withdrawal of the direct
final rule, OWCP will consider whether
the comment raises an issue serious
enough to warrant a substantive
response if it had been submitted in a
standard notice-and-comment process.
A comment recommending an addition
to the rule will not be considered
significant and adverse unless the
comment explains how the direct final
rule would be ineffective without the
OWCP requests comments on all
issues related to this rule, including
economic or other regulatory impacts of
this rule on the regulated community.
All interested parties should comment
at this time because OWCP will not
initiate an additional comment period
on this proposed rule even if it
withdraws the direct final rule.
II. Background of This Rulemaking
The BLBA, 30 U.S.C. 901–944,
provides for the payment of benefits to
coal miners and certain of their
dependent survivors on account of total
disability or death due to coal workers’
pneumoconiosis. 30 U.S.C. 901(a); Usery
v. Turner Elkhorn Mining Co., 428 U.S.
1, 5 (1976). Benefits are paid by either
an individual coal mine operator that
employed the coal miner (or its
insurance carrier), or the Black Lung
Disability Trust Fund. Director, OWCP
v. Bivens, 757 F.2d 781, 783 (6th Cir.
1985). The primary purpose of this
proposed rulemaking is to update the
quality standards applicable to chest
radiographs (X-rays) used in diagnosing
the existence of pneumoconiosis by
implementing new standards for digital
radiographs. The Department also
proposes updating certain terminology
and removing an obsolete provision as
explained in the section-by-section
analysis below.
From the black lung program’s
inception, physicians and adjudicators
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Proposed Rules
have used chest X-rays as one tool in
evaluating a miner’s health. Recognizing
their importance to claim adjudications,
Congress has granted the Secretary of
Labor explicit authority to, ‘‘by
regulation, establish specific
requirements for the techniques used to
take [chest X-rays]’’ to ensure adequate
and uniform X-ray quality. 30 U.S.C.
923(b). The BLBA also generally
authorizes the Secretary of Labor, in
consultation with NIOSH, to ‘‘establish
criteria for all appropriate medical
tests’’ administered in connection with
benefit claims. 30 U.S.C. 902(f)(1)(D).
Based on these directives, the
Department promulgated quality
standards for administering and
interpreting chest X-rays in 1980. See 45
FR 13678, 13680–81 (February 29,
1980). Codified at 20 CFR 718.102,
718.202, and Appendix A to Part 718,
these standards were drawn largely from
those adopted by NIOSH for what is
now known as the Coal Workers’ Health
Surveillance Program (CWHSP). The
CWHSP, mandated by the Coal Mine
Health and Safety Act, was developed to
detect coal workers’ pneumoconiosis
and prevent disease progression in
individual miners, while at the same
time providing information for
evaluation of temporal and geographic
trends in pneumoconiosis. 30 U.S.C.
843. To inform each miner of his or her
health status, the CWHSP requires that
underground coal mine operators offer
new workers a chest X-ray through an
approved facility as soon as possible
after employment starts, another one
three years later, and additional X-rays
at periodic intervals thereafter. CWHSP
chest X-rays must be administered and
read in accordance with NIOSH’s
specifications. 30 U.S.C. 843(a). NIOSH
set out these specifications—which
included standards for administering,
interpreting, classifying and submitting
chest radiographs—for film-based
radiography systems in regulations at 42
CFR part 37.
The Department modeled its 1980
BLBA chest X-ray quality standards on
NIOSH’s then-current regulations,
which HHS had published on August 1,
1978. 43 FR 33713 (August 1, 1978). In
consultation with NIOSH, the
Department adopted (with minor
revisions) those NIOSH rules that were
relevant to ensuring that quality X-ray
films would be submitted in BLBA
claims. See generally 45 FR 13680–81
(February 29, 1980). Although NIOSH
later revised two of the 42 CFR part 37
regulations the Department had
adopted, 52 FR 7866–01 (March 13,
1987), the Department did not make
similar changes to the BLBA quality
standards. Nor did the Department
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revise the technical requirements
(including those in Appendix A) when
it amended other facets of §§ 718.102
and 718.202 in 1983 and 2000. See 48
FR 24273–74 (May 31, 1983); 65 FR
79929, 79945–46 (December 20, 2000).
Thus, the Department’s current
technical quality standards for chest Xrays have not been changed since 1980.
In the past decade, digital radiography
systems have been rapidly replacing
traditional analog film-based systems.
Claimants, coal mine operators, and the
Department have been experiencing
increasing difficulty in obtaining film
chest X-rays—the only type the BLBA
quality standards address—for miners.
Interpretations of digital X-rays are
admissible as ‘‘other medical evidence’’
under the catch-all provision at 20 CFR
718.107, but only if the interpretation’s
proponent establishes to the
adjudicator’s satisfaction that digital Xrays are medically acceptable and
relevant to the claimant’s entitlement to
benefits. See generally Webber v.
Peabody Coal Co., 23 BLR 1–123 (2006)
(en banc); Harris v. Old Ben Coal Co.,
23 BLR 1–98 (2006) (en banc), aff’d on
recon., 24 BLR 1–13 (2007) (en banc).
This has led to mixed results from
adjudicators, with some admitting
digitally based interpretations and
others refusing to consider them or
affording them less weight based on the
technology employed.
Recognizing the overarching
technological shift from film to digital
radiography systems, NIOSH recently
promulgated new standards for
administering, interpreting, classifying
and submitting digital chest radiographs
for the CWHSP. 77 FR 56718–56735
(September 13, 2012) (final rule). See
also 77 FR 1360–1385 (January 9, 2012)
(proposed rule). NIOSH adopted these
rules only after fully investigating the
validity of using digital chest X-rays for
diagnosing pneumoconiosis and full
notice-and-comment proceedings that
allowed the public to participate. The
NIOSH rules also retained the standards
for film-based radiography systems with
minor terminology modifications.
This proposed rule retains the current
regulatory quality standards for filmbased chest X-rays (with the minor
modifications explained in the sectionby-section analysis below) and adds
parallel quality standards for digitally
acquired chest radiographs. As it did
when it first promulgated quality
standards for film-based chest X-rays,
the Department has derived its digitalradiography standards from those
adopted by NIOSH for the CWHSP. The
Department believes this is appropriate
because Congress designated NIOSH as
its statutory advisor for establishing
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standards for BLBA medical testing.
These standards will ensure that claim
adjudications continue to be based on
high-quality, uniform radiographs. By
adopting quality standards for digitally
acquired chest X-rays, the Department
intends that interpretations of film and
digital X-rays—so long as they are made
and interpreted in accordance with the
applicable quality standards—will be
put on equal footing both for admission
into evidence and for the weight
accorded them. The Department
believes that claimants, coal mine
operators, and the BLBA program itself
will benefit in a variety of ways from
these new rules. The additional benefits
are outlined in more detail below.
III. Statutory Authority
Section 426(a) of the BLBA, 30 U.S.C.
936(a), authorizes the Secretary of Labor
to prescribe all rules and regulations
necessary for the administration and
enforcement of the Act. The BLBA also
authorizes the Secretary of Labor, in
consultation with NIOSH, to ‘‘establish
criteria for all appropriate medical
tests’’ administered in connection with
a benefits claim, 30 U.S.C. 902(f)(1)(D),
and to ‘‘establish specific requirements
for the techniques used to take [X-rays]
of the chest’’ to ensure their quality. 30
U.S.C. 923(b).
IV. Section-by-Section Explanation
Updated Terminology
The Department proposes two
changes throughout the regulatory
sections and Appendix that this rule
revises. First, the Department has
replaced the outdated term
‘‘roentgenogram’’ with the term
‘‘radiograph,’’ which is currently used
in the medical community. See, e.g.,
§ 725.406(a).
Second, the Department has replaced
the term ‘‘shall.’’ Executive Order 13563
states that regulations must be
‘‘accessible, consistent, written in plain
language, and easy to understand.’’ 76
FR 3821 (January 21, 2011). See also
E.O. 12866, 58 FR 51735 (October 4,
1993) (‘‘Each agency shall draft its
regulations to be simple and easy to
understand, with the goal of minimizing
the potential for uncertainty and
litigation arising from such
uncertainty.’’). To that end, the
Department has replaced the imprecise
term ‘‘shall’’ in those sections and the
Appendix it is amending with ‘‘must’’
for obligations imposed and ‘‘must not’’
for prohibitions. See generally Federal
Plain Language Guidelines, https://
guidelines; Black’s Law Dictionary 1499
(9th ed. 2009) (‘‘shall’’ can be read
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Proposed Rules
either as permissive or mandatory).
These revisions required minor
additional language changes in
§ 718.202(a)(2), (b), and (c). No change
in meaning is intended.
20 CFR 718.5 Incorporations by
This proposed section is new. It is
added to comply with the Office of the
Federal Register’s rules on incorporation
by reference. If any material is
incorporated by reference in the final
rule, OWCP will ask the Director of the
Federal Register to approve the
Department’s incorporation of the
materials. This section also explains
how the public may obtain copies of the
incorporated materials.
20 CFR 718.102 Chest Radiographs (XRays)
The Department proposes
substantially revising § 718.102 to allow
parties the option of submitting X-rays
that are produced either by film or
digital radiography systems, and to
otherwise update the rule. Because
these changes would require
reorganization of the regulation, the
Department would publish the new
regulation in its entirety. The proposed
revisions to each subsection of the
regulation are described below.
Subsection (a) is retained and remains
substantively unchanged.
Subsection (b) is new. It specifically
allows for the submission of X-rays
produced by either film or digital
radiography systems as those systems
are defined in Appendix A. Current
subsection (b) has been amended and redesignated subsection (d).
Subsection (c) is new. In accordance
with the NIOSH standards, subsection
(c) bans the use of X-rays that have been
converted from film to digital, or viceversa. NIOSH found that these
approaches do not assure similar
performance to that obtained from film
under the existing standards. See 77 FR
1366 (January 9, 2012). Current
subsection (c) has been amended and redesignated subsection (e).
Subsection (d) establishes the
standards for classifying both film and
digital radiographs. The regulation
continues to direct that classifications
be made in accordance with the
International Labour Organization’s
(ILO) classification system. For film Xrays, subsection (d)(1) lists the 1980,
2000, and 2011 editions of the ILO
Guidelines. The Department has
included these three editions to clarify
that film X-rays acquired prior to the
issuance of this regulation and
interpreted under the earlier editions
continue to meet the quality standards.
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Radiographs acquired and interpreted
after implementation of this rule should
be classified in accordance with the
2011 Guidelines. For digitally acquired
X-rays, subsection (d)(2) requires
classification using the ILO’s 2011
Guidelines. The 2011 edition is the first
one in which the ILO authorized the use
of its classification system for digital
images and developed a set of standard
digital image files for use during
classification. A party who wishes to
introduce digital X-ray interpretations
that pre-date issuance of the ILO 2011
Guidelines may still do so under the 20
CFR 718.107 ‘‘other medical evidence’’
standard. Subsection (d)(3) retains the
provision that any X-ray classified as
category 0 does not constitute evidence
of clinical pneumoconiosis, whether
acquired by film or digital systems.
Finally, the Department has removed
references to various classification
systems published in 1958, 1968, and
1971 because they are obsolete.
Subsection (e) retains the current
requirement that X-ray reports must
include the name and qualifications of
the medical provider who took the Xray; the name and qualifications of the
physician who interpreted it, including
whether the physician is a Boardcertified or Board-eligible radiologist or
a Certified B Reader; the ILO
classification; and a compliance
statement. Definitions for Boardcertified radiologist, Board-eligible
radiologist, and Certified B Reader have
been moved to subsection (e)(2) from
their current location in 20 CFR
718.202(a)(1)(ii). The Department also
updated the Certified B Reader
definition by eliminating a reference to
the Appalachian Laboratory for
Occupational Safety and Health and
adding a provision that the physician’s
certification must be maintained
through the date he or she interprets the
Subsection (f) is largely new. It
describes the protocol for submitting
film and digital X-rays to OWCP. The
film protocol currently set forth under
subsection (d) remains unchanged. The
Department has added a protocol for
submitting digital X-rays that requires
parties to submit the data on DVD or
other media OWCP specifies in a format
that meets the standards set forth in
Appendix A, paragraph (d). These
standards preclude compression of the
data unless the compression is lossless.
See Appendix A, paragraph (d)(7)(v).
Subsection (g) allows an
interpretation of a chest X-ray to be
submitted even in the absence of the
underlying X-ray film or digital data file
where the miner is deceased and the
film or data upon which the report is
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based has been lost or destroyed. This
provision, currently set forth in
subsection (d), remains unchanged.
Subsection (h) provides a rebuttable
presumption that the technical
requirements found in Appendix A have
been met. This provision, currently set
forth in subsection (e), remains
unchanged except that the crossreference to 20 CFR 718.202 for the
definitions of Board-certified
radiologist, Board-eligible radiologist,
and Certified B Reader has been
20 CFR 718.202 Determining the
Existence of Pneumoconiosis
In addition to moving the definitions
for radiology qualifications to § 718.102
(see explanation at § 718.102), the
Department proposes revising this
regulation to eliminate outdated
material. The Department has deleted
subsections (a)(1)(i) and (ii), which
implement the BLBA’s X-ray rereading
prohibition that applies only to claims
filed before January 1, 1982. See 30
U.S.C. 923(b). Similarly, the Department
has eliminated the phrase ‘‘filed on or
after January 1, 1982’’ in the second
sentence of subsection (c), which
implements the BLBA’s limitations on
using lay evidence to prove
pneumoconiosis, and reordered that
provision for clarity. Few, if any, claims
filed prior to January 1, 1982 remain in
litigation. Thus, it is no longer necessary
to publish the criteria governing these
claims or to draw distinctions based on
that date. If any claim filed before
January 1, 1982 results in litigation after
the effective date of these regulations,
and the X-ray rereading prohibition or
the lay testimony provision is at issue,
the version of § 718.202(a)(1)(i), (a)(ii),
and (c) as reflected in the 2011 edition
of the Code of Federal Regulations will
continue to apply.
20 CFR 718.304 Irrebuttable
Presumption of Total Disability or Death
Due to Pneumoconiosis
The Department proposes revising
this rule to update the references to the
ILO classification system. Current
subsections (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) set
forth several outdated classification
systems that could be used to diagnose
complicated pneumoconiosis. The
Department has eliminated these
provisions and added a phrase to the
end of subsection (a) that crossreferences § 718.102(d): ‘‘in accordance
with the classification system
established in Guidelines for the Use of
the ILO International Classification of
Radiographs of Pneumoconioses
provided in § 718.102(d).’’ As explained
above, proposed § 718.102(d) sets out
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Proposed Rules
the ILO classification systems that must
be used when interpreting film and
digital chest X-rays. This revision
streamlines § 718.304 and makes it
consistent with § 718.102(d).
Appendix A to Part 718—Standards for
Administration and Interpretation of
Chest Radiographs (X-rays)
Proposed Appendix A retains the
current standards for acquiring chest Xrays using film-screen technology (with
minor modifications) and establishes
standards for acquiring and interpreting
chest X-rays using digital radiography
The Department’s proposal divides
Appendix A into four primary sections:
paragraph (a) provides definitions
applicable to either the film or digital
chest X-ray standards, or both;
paragraph (b) sets out general standards
applicable to both film and digital Xrays; paragraph (c) retains the standards
for film-based X-rays; and paragraph (d)
establishes the new standards for
acquiring and interpreting digital Xrays. The initial paragraph of the
Appendix, which describes the
background and purpose of the
standards, remains unchanged.
Paragraph (a)’s definitions are
adopted from the NIOSH rules and
inform the remaining Appendix
Paragraph (b) includes general
provisions that are applicable when
obtaining both film and digital chest
radiographs. Subparagraph (b)(1) is new
and requires that facilities performing
chest X-rays must continue to meet
applicable local, State, and Federal
licensing and certification requirements.
In order to minimize the miner’s risk
from radiation exposure, (b)(1) also
recommends that facilities conform to
recognized industry standards regarding
such exposure in the absence of other
governing regulations. Subparagraph
(b)(2) mirrors the NIOSH rules and
requires that radiographs be performed
by a qualified physician or radiologic
technologist. See 42 CFR 37.40(c). This
provision applies to both film and
digital radiographs. Although the
Department does not currently impose
this requirement on film-based X-rays,
doing so should not pose any problems
for the regulated community because it
comports with standard industry
practice and the term ‘‘radiologic
technologist’’ is broadly defined at
Appendix A, subparagraph (a)(4).
Finally, subparagraphs (b)(3) and (b)(4)
retain general rules for performing Xrays that currently appear in paragraphs
(2) and (10).
Paragraph (c) retains the existing
standards for chest X-rays obtained by
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film with a few minor changes. For the
sake of consistency with paragraph (d)
of the Appendix, the Department has
replaced the phrase ‘‘1/20 of a second’’
with 50 milliseconds, and the phrase
‘‘1/10 of a second’’ with ‘‘100
milliseconds’’ in current subparagraph
(8)(i) (now located at subparagraph
(c)(7)(i)). No change in meaning is
intended. The Department has also
amended the film speed requirements in
current subparagraph (8)(iii) (now
located at subparagraph (c)(7)(iii)) by
adopting the NIOSH rule. See 42 CFR
37.41(i)(3). This change clarifies that the
use of medium-speed film and
intensifying screens is recommended
but not required. Finally, the
Department has deleted the term
‘‘densitometric’’ in current paragraph
(12) (now located at subparagraph
(c)(10)) because it is unnecessary.
Paragraph (d) is new and constitutes
the bulk of the revisions to the
Appendix. It sets out quality standards
for acquiring chest radiographs using
digital radiography systems as well as
interpreting and transmitting them. As
explained above, the Department
adopted these provisions from the
NIOSH rules. NIOSH fully explained
these standards when it first proposed
them and when it promulgated the final
version. See 77 FR 56718–56735
(September 13, 2012) (final rule); 77 FR
1360–1385 (January 9, 2012) (proposed
rule). In adopting the rule, NIOSH
emphasized that the burden imposed by
the standards would be low because
they reflected standard industry practice
and technology (e.g., the DICOM
standards). 77 FR 56724 (September 13,
2012); 77 FR 1372 (January 9, 2012).
Moreover, many of the facilities that
participate in the CWHSP will also be
used to provide X-rays for BLBA claims
because they are located in coal mining
regions. These facilities already adhere
to the NIOSH criteria and will not have
to change their practices for the BLBA
program. Thus, for the reasons stated by
NIOSH, the Department believes that
adopting these standards will ensure the
quality of digital X-rays.
V. Administrative Law Considerations
A. Information Collection Requirements
(Subject to the Paperwork Reduction
This rulemaking would impose no
new collections of information.
B. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
(Regulatory Planning and Review)
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
direct agencies to assess all costs and
benefits of available regulatory
alternatives and, if regulation is
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necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety
effects, distributive impacts, and
equity). Executive Order 13563
emphasizes the importance of
quantifying both costs and benefits, of
reducing costs, of harmonizing rules,
and of promoting flexibility. The
Department has considered this
proposed rule with these principles in
mind and has concluded that the
regulated community will greatly
benefit from this regulation.
This rule’s greatest benefit is that it
will increase the amount of access the
Department and the parties to BLBA
claims have to radiographic technology.
From the Department’s view, this rule
will likely reduce delays in processing
miners’ benefits claims. The Department
must offer each miner who files a claim
an opportunity for a complete
pulmonary evaluation. 30 U.S.C. 923(b);
20 CFR 718.101(a), 725.406. One
component of that complete evaluation
is a chest X-ray. 20 CFR 725.406(a). In
recent years, many medical providers
otherwise qualified to perform these
evaluations have declined because they
do not have film-based radiography
systems available to them. This has led
to a shortage of examining physicians.
Because this rule will allow for routine
acceptance of digital radiographs, the
Department anticipates that it will be
able to increase the number of providers
available to conduct the initial complete
pulmonary evaluation and reduce some
delays in claim processing.
Claimants and coal mine operators
(and their insurers) will similarly
benefit. As the medical industry has
transitioned from film to digital
radiography systems over the past
several years, the private parties have
faced challenges in obtaining film-based
X-rays. Miners have often had to travel
long distances to obtain a film-based Xray because the digital radiography
services offered at a local clinic would
not suffice. Not surprisingly, black lung
claimants, coal-mine operators, and
their representatives have repeatedly
made informal requests for the
Department to promulgate quality
standards for digital X-rays.
This rule also will relieve parties of a
demanding evidentiary burden they face
when submitting interpretations based
on digital X-rays. Digital X-ray
interpretations are admissible in BLBA
claim proceedings, but only if the
interpretation’s proponent establishes to
the adjudicator’s satisfaction that digital
X-rays are medically acceptable and
relevant to the claimant’s entitlement to
benefits. See generally 20 CFR 718.107;
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Proposed Rules
Webber v. Peabody Coal Co., 23 BLR 1–
123 (2006) (en banc); Harris v. Old Ben
Coal Co., 23 BLR 1–98 (2006) (en banc),
aff’d on recon., 24 BLR 1–13 (2007) (en
banc). If the proponent fails to meet this
burden, the adjudicator does not have to
consider the evidence. This rule will
relieve all parties of this additional
proof burden, putting digital X-rays on
a similar footing to film X-rays. So long
as the regulatory quality standards are
met, a party need not prove medical
acceptability to have interpretations of
digital X-rays admitted and considered.
The Department has considered
whether the parties will realize any
monetary benefits or incur any
additional costs in light of this proposed
rule, and has concluded that it is a costneutral rule for several reasons. The rule
expands opportunities for claimants and
coal mine employers to obtain X-ray
evidence. But it does not require any
party to use digital X-ray systems. Thus,
even if obtaining digital X-rays proved
more costly, absorbing that cost is
optional. In addition, the Department
believes that medical facilities generally
do not have different fee structures for
film and digital radiographs. Instead,
standard medical coding systems (e.g.,
CPT codes) used to reimburse these
facilities and process payments for chest
X-rays use codes that do not reference
the type of technology used to perform
the X-rays. See, e.g., https://
PhysicianFeeSched/. Finally,
to the extent miners will be able to use
digital X-ray facilities closer to their
homes, their lower travel costs—which
in some instances are paid by the
Department or passed on to the coal
mine operator if the miner prevails on
his benefits claim, 20 CFR 725.406(e)—
will result in some minor savings.
Executive Order 13563 also instructs
agencies to review ‘‘rules that may be
outmoded, ineffective, insufficient, or
excessively burdensome, and to modify,
streamline, expand, or repeal them.’’ As
explained in the section-by-section
analysis above, this proposed rule
revises obsolete terms (e.g., replacing
‘‘roentgenogram’’ with ‘‘radiograph’’ or
‘‘X-ray’’) and removes outmoded
provisions (e.g., eliminating X-ray
rereading prohibition provisions).
Finally, because this is not a
‘‘significant’’ rule within the meaning of
Executive Order 12866, the Office of
Management and Budget has not
reviewed it prior to publication.
C. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995, 2 U.S.C. 1531 et
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seq., directs agencies to assess the
effects of Federal Regulatory Actions on
State, local, and tribal governments, and
the private sector, ‘‘other than to the
extent that such regulations incorporate
requirements specifically set forth in
law.’’ 2 U.S.C. 1531. For purposes of the
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, this
proposed rule does not include any
Federal mandate that may result in
increased expenditures by State, local,
tribal governments, or increased
expenditures by the private sector of
more than $100,000,000.
D. Regulatory Flexibility Act and
Executive Order 13272 (Proper
Consideration of Small Entities in
Agency Rulemaking)
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of
1980, as amended, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.
(RFA), requires agencies to evaluate the
potential impacts of their proposed and
final rules on small businesses, small
organizations, and small governmental
jurisdictions and to prepare an analysis
(called a ‘‘regulatory flexibility
analysis’’) describing those impacts. See
5 U.S.C. 601, 603–604. But if the rule is
not expected to ‘‘have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities[,]’’ the RFA
allows an agency to so certify in lieu of
preparing the analysis. See 5 U.S.C. 605.
The Department has determined that
a regulatory flexibility analysis under
the RFA is not required for this
rulemaking. While many coal mine
operators are small entities within the
meaning of the RFA, see 77 FR 19471–
72 (March 30, 2012), this rule, if
adopted, will not have a significant
economic impact on them for several
reasons. First, this rule does not require
operators to obtain digital radiographs.
By promulgating quality standards
specific to digital X-rays, the
Department is simply providing another
option to coal mine operators (and their
insurers) for developing medical
evidence in the BLBA claims process.
Operators will be free to continue to use
film-based technology. Second, even if
an operator chooses to obtain digital
radiographs, the Department believes
that the cost for obtaining a digital X-ray
will be comparable if not identical to a
film-X-ray’s cost. In considering this
issue, the Department reviewed the
medical reimbursement schedule
published by the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
The CMS schedule, which forms the
basis for many public and private
reimbursement schemes, does not
differentiate between film-based and
digitally acquired chest X-rays; instead,
the schedule lists reimbursement
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computation formulas for different types
of chest X-rays without reference to the
technology used to obtain them. See
Moreover, NIOSH anticipates that lower
costs for chest X-rays in general may
result from medical facilities switching
to digital radiography systems. See 77
FR 1372 (January 9, 2012). Third, this
rule is expected to benefit all coal mine
operators by increasing access to
medical facilities that exclusively use
digital radiography or are transitioning
to this technology.
Based on these facts, the Department
certifies that this rule will not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
Thus, a regulatory flexibility analysis is
not required. The Department invites
comments from members of the public
who believe the regulations will have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small coal mine
operators. The Department has provided
the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the
Small Business Administration with a
copy of this certification. See 5 U.S.C.
E. Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)
The Department has reviewed this
proposed rule in accordance with
Executive Order 13132 regarding
federalism, and has determined that it
does not have ‘‘federalism
implications.’’ E.O. 13132, 64 FR 43255
(Aug. 4, 1999). The proposed rule will
not ‘‘have substantial direct effects on
the States, on the relationship between
the national government and the States,
or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.’’ Id.
F. Executive Order 12988 (Civil Justice
This proposed rule meets the
applicable standards in Sections 3(a)
and 3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988,
Civil Justice Reform, to minimize
litigation, eliminate ambiguity, and
reduce burden.
List of Subjects in 20 CFR Parts 718 and
Black lung benefits, Claims, Coal
miners’ entitlement to benefits,
Incorporation by reference, Survivors’
entitlement to benefits, Total disability
due to pneumoconiosis, Workers’
compensation, X-rays.
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, the Department of Labor
proposes to amend 20 CFR parts 718
and 725 as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Proposed Rules
1. The authority citation for part 718
is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; Reorganization
Plan No. 6 of 1950, 15 FR 3174; 30 U.S.C. 901
et seq., 902(f), 934, 936; 33 U.S.C. 901 et seq.;
42 U.S.C. 405; Secretary’s Order 10–2009, 74
FR 58834.
2. Add § 718.5 to subpart A to read as
§ 718.5
Incorporations by reference.
(a) The materials listed in paragraphs
(b) through (f) of this section are
incorporated by reference in this part.
The Director of the Federal Register has
approved these incorporations by
reference under 5 U.S.C. 522(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in these
regulations, OWCP must publish notice
of change in the Federal Register. All
approved material is available from the
sources listed below. You may inspect
a copy of the approved material at the
Division of Coal Mine Workers’
Compensation, OWCP, U.S. Department
of Labor, Washington, DC. To arrange
for an inspection at OWCP, call 202–
693–0046. These materials are also
available for inspection at the National
Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). For information on the
availability of this material at NARA,
call 202–741–6030 or go to https://
(b) American Association of
Physicists in Medicine, Order
Department, Medical Physics
Publishing, 4513 Vernon Blvd.,
Madison, WI 53705, https://
(1) AAPM On-Line Report No. 03,
Assessment of Display Performance for
Medical Imaging Systems, April 2005,
IBR approved for Appendix A to part
718, paragraph (d).
(2) AAPM Report No. 93, Acceptance
Testing and Quality Control of
Photostimulable Storage Phosphor
Imaging Systems, October 2006, IBR
approved for Appendix A to part 718,
paragraph (d).
(c) American College of Radiology,
1891 Preston White Dr., Reston, VA
(1) ACR Practice Guideline for
Diagnostic Reference Levels in Medical
X-Ray Imaging, Revised 2008
(Resolution 3), IBR approved for
Appendix A to part 718, paragraph (d).
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(2) [Reserved]
(d) International Labour Office, CH–
1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland, https://
(1) Occupational Safety and Health
Series No. 22, Guidelines for the Use of
the ILO International Classification of
Radiographs of Pneumoconioses,
Revised edition 2011, IBR approved for
§ 718.102(d) and Appendix A to part
718, paragraph (d).
(2) Occupational Safety and Health
Series No. 22 (Rev. 2000), Guidelines for
the Use of the ILO International
Classification of Radiographs of
Pneumoconioses, Revised edition 2000,
IBR approved for § 718.102(d).
(3) Occupational Safety and Health
Series No. 22 (Rev. 80), Guidelines for
the Use of ILO International
Classification of Radiographs of
Pneumoconioses, Revised edition 1980,
IBR approved for § 718.102(d).
(e) National Council on Radiation
Protection and Measurements, NCRP
Publications, 7910 Woodmont Avenue,
Suite 400, Bethesda, MD 20814–3095,
Telephone (800) 229–2652, https://
(1) NCRP Report No. 102, Medical XRay, Electron Beam, and Gamma-Ray
Protection for Energies Up to 50 MeV
(Equipment Design, Performance, and
Use), issued June 30, 1989, IBR
approved for Appendix A to part 718,
paragraph (b).
(2) NCRP Report No. 105, Radiation
Protection for Medical and Allied
Health Personnel, issued October 30,
1989, IBR approved for Appendix A to
part 718, paragraph (b).
(3) NCRP Report No. 147, Structural
Shielding Design for Medical X-Ray
Imaging Facilities, revised March 18,
2005, IBR approved for Appendix A to
part 718, paragraph (b).
(f) National Electrical Manufacturers
Association, 1300 N. 17th Street,
Rosslyn, VA 22209, https://
(1) DICOM Standard PS 3.3–2011,
Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 3:
Information Object Definitions,
copyright 2011, IBR approved for
Appendix A to part 718, paragraph (d).
(2) DICOM Standard PS3.4–2011,
Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 4:
Service Class Specifications, copyright
2011, IBR approved for Appendix A to
part 718, paragraph (d).
(3) DICOM Standard PS 3.10–2011,
Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 10:
Media Storage and File Format for
Media Interchange, copyright 2011, IBR
approved for Appendix A to part 718,
paragraph (d).
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(4) DICOM Standard PS 3.11–2011,
Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 11:
Media Storage Application Profiles,
copyright 2011, IBR approved for
Appendix A to part 718, paragraph (d).
(5) DICOM Standard PS 3.12–2011,
Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 12:
Media Formats and Physical Media for
Media Interchange, copyright 2011, IBR
approved for Appendix A to part 718,
paragraph (d).
(6) DICOM Standard PS 3.14–2011,
Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 14:
Grayscale Standard Display Function,
copyright 2011, IBR approved for
Appendix A to part 718, paragraph (d).
(7) DICOM Standard PS 3.16–2011,
Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 16:
Content Mapping Resource, copyright
2011, IBR approved for Appendix A to
part 718, paragraph (d).
■ 3. Revise § 718.101(a) to read as
§ 718.101
(a) The Office of Workers’
Compensation Programs (hereinafter
OWCP or the Office) must develop the
medical evidence necessary to
determine each claimant’s entitlement
to benefits. Each miner who files a claim
for benefits under the Act must be
provided an opportunity to substantiate
his or her claim by means of a complete
pulmonary evaluation including, but
not limited to, a chest radiograph (Xray), physical examination, pulmonary
function tests, and a blood-gas study.
■ 4. Revise § 718.102 to read as follows:
§ 718.102
Chest radiographs (X-rays).
(a) A chest radiograph (X-ray) must be
of suitable quality for proper
classification of pneumoconiosis and
must conform to the standards for
administration and interpretation of
chest X-rays as described in Appendix
(b) Chest X-rays may be produced by
either film or digital radiography
systems as defined in Appendix A.
(c) The images described in
paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) will not be
considered of suitable quality for proper
classification of pneumoconiosis under
this section:
(1) Digital images derived from film
screen chest X-rays (e.g., by scanning or
digital photography); and
(2) Images that were acquired using
digital systems and then printed on
transparencies for back-lighted display
(e.g., using traditional view boxes).
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Proposed Rules
(d) Standards for classifying
(1) To establish the existence of
pneumoconiosis, a film chest X-ray
must be classified as Category 1, 2, 3, A,
B, or C, in accordance with the
International Labour Organization (ILO)
classification system established in one
of the following:
(i) Guidelines for the Use of the ILO
International Classification of
Radiographs of Pneumoconioses,
revised edition 2011 (incorporated by
reference, see § 718.5).
(ii) Guidelines for the Use of the ILO
International Classification of
Radiographs of Pneumoconioses,
revised edition 2000 (incorporated by
reference, see § 718.5).
(iii) Guidelines for the Use of ILO
International Classification of
Radiographs of Pneumoconioses,
revised edition 1980 (incorporated by
reference, see § 718.5).
(2) To establish the existence of
pneumoconiosis, a digital chest
radiograph must be classified as
Category 1, 2, 3, A, B, or C, in
accordance with the ILO classification
system established in Guidelines for the
Use of the ILO International
Classification of Radiographs of
Pneumoconioses, revised edition 2011.
(3) A chest radiograph classified
under any of the foregoing ILO
classification systems as Category 0,
including subcategories 0-, 0/0, or 0/1,
does not constitute evidence of
(e) An X-ray report must include the
(1) The name and qualifications of the
person who took the X-ray.
(2) The name and qualifications of the
physician who interpreted the X-ray.
The interpreting physician must
indicate whether he or she was a Boardcertified radiologist, a Board-eligible
radiologist, or a Certified B Reader as
defined below on the date the
interpretation was made.
(i) Board-certified radiologist means
that the physician is certified in
radiology or diagnostic radiology by the
American Board of Radiology, Inc., or
the American Osteopathic Association.
(ii) Board-eligible radiologist means
that the physician has successfully
completed a formal accredited residency
program in radiology or diagnostic
(iii) Certified B Reader means that the
physician has demonstrated ongoing
proficiency in evaluating chest
radiographs for radiographic quality and
in the use of the ILO classification for
interpreting chest radiographs for
pneumoconiosis and other diseases by
taking and passing a specially designed
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proficiency examination given on behalf
of or by the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH), and has maintained that
certification through the date the
interpretation is made. See 42 CFR
(3) A description and interpretation of
the findings in terms of the ILO
classification described in paragraph (d)
of this section.
(4) A statement that the X-ray was
interpreted in compliance with this
(f) Radiograph Submission. For film
X-rays, the original film on which the Xray report is based must be supplied to
OWCP. For digital X-rays, a copy of the
original digital object upon which the Xray report is based, formatted to meet
the standards for transmission of
diagnostic chest images set forth in
Appendix A, paragraph (d), must be
provided to OWCP on a DVD or other
media specified by OWCP. In cases
where the law prohibits the parties or a
physician from supplying the original
film or a copy of the digital image, the
report will be considered as evidence
only if the original film or digital image
is otherwise available to OWCP and the
other parties.
(g) Where the chest X-ray of a
deceased miner has been lost or
destroyed, or is otherwise unavailable, a
report of the chest X-ray submitted by
any party may be considered in
connection with the claim.
(h) Except as provided in this
paragraph, no chest X-ray may
constitute evidence of the presence or
absence of pneumoconiosis unless it is
conducted and reported in accordance
with the requirements of this section
and Appendix A. In the absence of
evidence to the contrary, compliance
with the requirements of Appendix A
must be presumed. In the case of a
deceased miner where the only
available X-ray does not substantially
comply with paragraphs (a) through (e)
of this section, the X-ray may form the
basis for a finding of the presence or
absence of pneumoconiosis if it is of
sufficient quality for determining
whether pneumoconiosis is present and
it was interpreted by a Board-certified
radiologist, Board-eligible radiologist, or
Certified B Reader.
■ 5. Revise § 718.202 to read as follows:
§ 718.202 Determining the existence of
(a) A finding of the existence of
pneumoconiosis may be made as
follows in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4):
(1) A chest X-ray conducted and
classified in accordance with § 718.102
may form the basis for a finding of the
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existence of pneumoconiosis. Except as
otherwise provided in this section,
where two or more X-ray reports are in
conflict, in evaluating such X-ray
reports consideration must be given to
the radiological qualifications of the
physicians interpreting such X-rays (see
§ 718.102(d)).
(2) A biopsy or autopsy conducted
and reported in compliance with
§ 718.106 may be the basis for a finding
of the existence of pneumoconiosis. A
finding in an autopsy or biopsy of
anthracotic pigmentation, however,
must not be considered sufficient, by
itself, to establish the existence of
pneumoconiosis. A report of autopsy
must be accepted unless there is
evidence that the report is not accurate
or that the claim has been fraudulently
(3) If the presumptions described in
§ 718.304, § 718.305, or § 718.306 are
applicable, it must be presumed that the
miner is or was suffering from
(4) A determination of the existence of
pneumoconiosis may also be made if a
physician, exercising sound medical
judgment, notwithstanding a negative Xray, finds that the miner suffers or
suffered from pneumoconiosis as
defined in § 718.201. Any such finding
must be based on objective medical
evidence such as blood-gas studies,
electrocardiograms, pulmonary function
studies, physical performance tests,
physical examination, and medical and
work histories. Such a finding must be
supported by a reasoned medical
(b) A claim for benefits must not be
denied solely on the basis of a negative
chest X-ray.
(c) A determination of the existence of
pneumoconiosis must not be made—
(1) Solely on the basis of a living
miner’s statements or testimony; or
(2) In a claim involving a deceased
miner, solely on the basis of the
affidavit(s) (or equivalent testimony) of
the claimant and/or his or her
dependents who would be eligible for
augmentation of the claimant’s benefits
if the claim were approved.
■ 6. Revise § 718.304 to read as follows:
§ 718.304 Irrebuttable presumption of total
disability or death due to pneumoconiosis.
There is an irrebuttable presumption
that a miner is totally disabled due to
pneumoconiosis, that a miner’s death
was due to pneumoconiosis or that a
miner was totally disabled due to
pneumoconiosis at the time of death, if
such miner is suffering or suffered from
a chronic dust disease of the lung
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Proposed Rules
(a) When diagnosed by chest X-ray
(see § 718.202 concerning the standards
for X-rays and the effect of
interpretations of X-rays by physicians)
yields one or more large opacities
(greater than one centimeter in
diameter) and would be classified in
Category A, B, or C in accordance with
the classification system established in
Guidelines for the Use of the ILO
International Classification of
Radiographs of Pneumoconioses as
provided in § 718.102(d); or
(b) When diagnosed by biopsy or
autopsy, yields massive lesions in the
lung; or
(c) When diagnosed by means other
than those specified in paragraphs (a)
and (b) of this section, would be a
condition which could reasonably be
expected to yield the results described
in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section
had diagnosis been made as therein
described: Provided, however, that any
diagnosis made under this paragraph
must accord with acceptable medical
■ 7. Revise Appendix A to Part 718 to
read as follows:
Appendix A to Part 718—Standards for
Administration and Interpretation of
Chest Radiographs (X-rays)
The following standards are established in
accordance with sections 402(f)(1)(D) and
413(b) of the Act. They were developed in
consultation with the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) of
the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in the Department of Health and
Human Services. These standards are
promulgated for the guidance of physicians
and medical technicians to ensure that
uniform procedures are used in
administering and interpreting X-rays and
that the best available medical evidence will
be submitted in connection with a claim for
black lung benefits. If it is established that
one or more standards have not been met, the
claims adjudicator may consider such fact in
determining the evidentiary weight to be
assigned to the physician’s report of an X-ray.
(a) Definitions
(1) Digital radiography systems, as used in
this context, include both digital radiography
(DR) and computed radiography (CR). Digital
radiography is the term used for digital X-ray
image acquisition systems in which the X-ray
signals received by the image detector are
converted nearly instantaneously to
electronic signals without moveable
cassettes. Computed radiography is the term
for digital X-ray image acquisition systems
that detect X-ray signals using a cassettebased photostimulable storage phosphor.
Subsequently, the cassette is processed using
a stimulating laser beam to convert the latent
radiographic image to electronic signals
which are then processed and stored so they
can be displayed.
(2) Qualified medical physicist means an
individual who is trained in evaluating the
performance of radiographic equipment
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including radiation controls and facility
quality assurance programs, and has the
relevant current certification by a competent
U.S. national board, or unrestricted license or
approval from a U.S. State or Territory.
(3) Radiographic technique chart means a
table that specifies the types of cassette,
intensifying screen, film or digital detector,
grid, filter, and lists X-ray machine settings
(timing, kVp, mA) that enables the
radiographer to select the correct settings
based on the body habitus or the thickness
of the chest tissue.
(4) Radiologic technologist means an
individual who has met the requirements for
privileges to perform general radiographic
procedures and for competence in using the
equipment and software employed by the
examining facility to obtain chest images as
specified by the State or Territory and
examining facility in which such services are
provided. Optimally, such an individual will
have completed a formal training program in
radiography leading to a certificate, an
associate’s degree, or a bachelor’s degree and
participated in the voluntary initial
certification and annual renewal of
registration for radiologic technologists
offered by the American Registry of
Radiologic Technologists.
(5) Soft copy means the image of a coal
miner’s chest radiograph acquired using a
digital radiography system, viewed at the full
resolution of the image acquisition system
using an electronic medical image display
(b) General provisions
(1) Facilities must maintain ongoing
licensure and certification under relevant
local, State, and Federal laws and regulations
for all digital equipment and related
processes covered by this Appendix.
Radiographic equipment, its use and the
facilities (including mobile facilities) in
which such equipment is used must conform
to applicable State or Territorial and Federal
regulations. Where no applicable regulations
exist regarding reducing the risk from
ionizing radiation exposure in the clinical
setting, radiographic equipment, its use and
the facilities (including mobile facilities) in
which such equipment is used should
conform to the recommendations in NCRP
Report No. 102, NCRP Report No. 105, and
NCRP Report No. 147 (incorporated by
reference, see § 718.5).
(2) Chest radiographs of miners must be
(i) By or under the supervision of a
physician who makes chest radiographs in
the normal course of practice and who has
demonstrated ability to make chest
radiographs of a quality to best ascertain the
presence of pneumoconiosis; or
(ii) By a radiologic technologist.
(3) Miners must be disrobed from the waist
up at the time the radiograph is given. The
facility must provide a dressing area and for
those miners who wish to use one, the
facility will provide a clean gown. Facilities
must be heated to a comfortable temperature.
(4) Before the miner is advised that the
examination is concluded, the radiograph
must be processed and inspected and
accepted for quality standards by the
physician, or if the physician is not available,
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acceptance may be made by the radiologic
technologist. In a case of a substandard
radiograph, another must be made
(c) Chest radiograph specifications—film.
(1) Every chest radiograph must be a single
posteroanterior projection at full inspiration
on a film being no less than 14 by 17 inch
film. Additional chest films or views must be
obtained if they are necessary for clarification
and classification. The film and cassette must
be capable of being positioned both vertically
and horizontally so that the chest radiograph
will include both apices and costophrenic
angles. If a miner is too large to permit the
above requirements, then a projection with
minimum loss of costophrenic angle must be
(2) Radiographs must be made with a
diagnostic X-ray machine having a rotating
anode tube with a maximum of a 2 mm
source (focal spot).
(3) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(4),
radiographs must be made with units having
generators that comply with the following:
(i) Generators of existing radiographic units
acquired by the examining facility prior to
July 27, 1973, must have a minimum rating
of 200 mA at 100 kVp;
(ii) Generators of units acquired
subsequent to that date must have a
minimum rating of 300 mA at 125 kVp. A
generator with a rating of 150 kVp is
(4) Radiographs made with batterypowered mobile or portable equipment must
be made with units having a minimum rating
of 100 mA at 110 kVp at 500 Hz, or 200 mA
at 110 kVp at 60 Hz.
(5) Capacitor discharge and field emission
units may be used.
(6) Radiographs must be given only with
equipment having a beam-limiting device
that does not cause large unexposed
boundaries. The use of such a device must
be discernible from an examination of the
(7) To ensure high quality chest
(i) The maximum exposure time must not
exceed 50 milliseconds except that with
single phase units with a rating less than 300
mA at 125 kVp and subjects with chests over
28 cm postero-anterior, the exposure may be
increased to not more than 100 milliseconds;
(ii) The source or focal spot to film
distance must be at least 6 feet.
(iii) Medium-speed film and mediumspeed intensifying screens are recommended.
However, any film-screen combination, the
rated ‘‘speed’’ of which is at least 100 and
does not exceed 300, which produces
radiographs with spatial resolution, contrast,
latitude and quantum mottle similar to those
of systems designated as ‘‘medium speed’’
may be employed;
(iv) Film-screen contact must be
maintained and verified at 6-month or
shorter intervals.
(v) Intensifying screens must be inspected
at least once a month and cleaned when
necessary by the method recommended by
the manufacturer;
(vi) All intensifying screens in a cassette
must be of the same type and made by the
same manufacturer;
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Proposed Rules
(vii) When using over 90 kV, a suitable grid
or other means of reducing scattered
radiation must be used;
(viii) The geometry of the radiographic
system must ensure that the central axis (ray)
of the primary beam is perpendicular to the
plane of the film surface and impinges on the
center of the film.
(8) Radiographic processing:
(i) Either automatic or manual film
processing is acceptable. A constant timetemperature technique must be meticulously
employed for manual processing.
(ii) If mineral or other impurities in the
processing water introduce difficulty in
obtaining a high-quality radiograph, a
suitable filter or purification system must be
(9) An electric power supply must be used
that complies with the voltage, current, and
regulation specified by the manufacturer of
the machine.
(10) A test object may be required on each
radiograph for an objective evaluation of film
quality at the discretion of the Department of
(11) Each radiograph made under this
Appendix must be permanently and legibly
marked with the name and address of the
facility at which it is made, the miner’s DOL
claim number, the date of the radiograph,
and left and right side of the film. No other
identifying markings may be recorded on the
(d) Chest radiograph specifications—digital
radiography systems
(1) Every digital chest radiograph must be
a single posteroanterior projection at full
inspiration on a digital detector with sensor
area being no less than 1505 square
centimeters with a minimum width of 35 cm.
The imaging plate must have a maximum
pixel pitch of 200 mm, with a minimum bit
depth of 10. Spatial resolution must be at
least 2.5 line pairs per millimeter. The
storage phosphor cassette or digital image
detector must be positioned either vertically
or horizontally so that the image includes the
apices and costophrenic angles of both right
and left lungs. If the detector cannot include
the apices and costophrenic angles of both
lungs as described, then the two side-by-side
images can be obtained that together include
the apices and costophrenic angles of both
right and left lungs.
(2) Radiographs must be made with a
diagnostic X-ray machine with a maximum
actual (not nominal) source (focal spot) of 2
mm, as measured in two orthogonal
(3) Radiographs must be made with units
having generators which have a minimum
rating of 300 mA at 125 kVp. Exposure
kilovoltage must be at least the minimum as
recommended by the manufacturer for chest
(4) An electric power supply must be used
that complies with the voltage, current, and
regulation specified by the manufacturer of
the machine. If the manufacturer or installer
of the radiographic equipment recommends
equipment for control of electrical power
fluctuations, such equipment must be used as
(5) Radiographs must be obtained only
with equipment having a beam-limiting
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device that does not cause large unexposed
boundaries. The beam limiting device must
provide rectangular collimation. Electronic
post-image acquisition ‘‘shutters’’ available
on some CR or DR systems that limit the size
of the final image and that simulate
collimator limits must not be used. The use
and effect of the beam limiting device must
be discernible on the resulting image.
(6) Radiographic technique charts must be
used that are developed specifically for the
X-ray system and detector combinations
used, indicating exposure parameters by
anatomic measurements.
(7) To ensure high quality chest
(i) The maximum exposure time must not
exceed 50 milliseconds except for subjects
with chests over 28 cm posteroanterior, for
whom the exposure time must not exceed
100 milliseconds.
(ii) The distance from source or focal spot
to detector must be at least 70 inches (or 180
centimeters if measured in centimeters).
(iii) The exposure setting for chest images
must be within the range of 100–300
equivalent exposure speeds and must comply
with ACR Practice Guidelines for Diagnostic
Reference Levels in Medical X-ray Imaging,
Section V—Diagnostic Reference Levels for
Imaging with Ionizing Radiation and Section
VII-Radiation Safety in Imaging (incorporated
by reference, see § 718.5). Radiation
exposures should be periodically measured
and patient radiation doses estimated by the
medical physicist to assure doses are as low
as reasonably achievable.
(iv) Digital radiography system
performance, including resolution,
modulation transfer function (MTF), image
signal-to-noise and detective quantum
efficiency must be evaluated and judged
acceptable by a qualified medical physicist
using the specifications in AAPM Report No.
93, pages 1–68 (incorporated by reference,
see § 718.5). Image management software and
settings for routine chest imaging must be
used, including routine amplification of
digital detector signal as well as standard
image post-processing functions. Image or
edge enhancement software functions must
not be employed unless they are integral to
the digital radiography system (not elective);
in such cases, only the minimum image
enhancement permitted by the system may
be employed.
(v)(A) The image object, transmission and
associated data storage, film format, and
transmissions of associated information must
conform to the following components of the
Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine (DICOM) standard (incorporated by
reference, see § 718.5):
(1) DICOM Standard PS 3.3–2011, Annex
A—Composite Information Object
Definitions, sections: Computed
Radiographic Image Information Object
Definition; Digital X-Ray Image Information
Object Definition; X-Ray Radiation Dose SR
Information Object Definition; and Grayscale
Softcopy Presentation State Information
Object Definition.
(2) DICOM Standard PS 3.4–2011: Annex
B—Storage Service Class; Annex N—
Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP
Classes; Annex O—Structured Reporting
Storage SOP Classes.
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(3) DICOM Standard PS 3.10–2011.
(4) DICOM Standard PS 3.11–2011.
(5) DICOM Standard PS 3.12–2011.
(6) DICOM Standard PS 13.14–2011.
(7) DICOM Standard PS 3.16–2011.
(B) Identification of each miner, chest
image, facility, date and time of the
examination must be encoded within the
image information object, according to
DICOM Standard PS 3.3–2011, Information
Object Definitions, for the DICOM ‘‘DX’’
object. If data compression is performed, it
must be lossless. Exposure parameters (kVp,
mA, time, beam filtration, scatter reduction,
radiation exposure) must be stored in the DX
information object.
(C) Exposure parameters as defined in the
DICOM Standard PS 3.16–2011 must
additionally be provided when such
parameters are available from the facility
digital image acquisition system or recorded
in a written report or electronic file and
transmitted to OWCP.
(8) A specific test object may be required
on each radiograph for an objective
evaluation of image quality at the Department
of Labor’s discretion.
(9) CR imaging plates must be inspected at
least once a month and cleaned when
necessary by the method recommended by
the manufacturer.
(10) A grid or air gap for reducing scattered
radiation must be used; grids must not be
used that cause Moire interference patterns
in either horizontal or vertical images.
(11) The geometry of the radiographic
system must ensure that the central axis (ray)
of the primary beam is perpendicular to the
plane of the CR imaging plate or DR detector
and is correctly aligned to the grid.
(12) Radiographs must not be made when
the environmental temperatures and
humidity in the facility are outside the
manufacturer’s recommended range of the CR
and DR equipment to be used.
(13) All interpreters, whenever classifying
digitally acquired chest radiographs, must
have immediately available for reference a
complete set of ILO standard digital chest
radiographic images provided for use with
the Guidelines for the Use of the ILO
International Classification of Radiographs of
Pneumoconioses (2011 Revision)
(incorporated by reference, see § 718.5).
Modification of the appearance of the
standard images using software tools is not
(14) Viewing systems should enable
readers to display the coal miner’s chest
image at the full resolution of the image
acquisition system, side-by-side with the
selected ILO standard images for comparison.
(i)(A) Image display devices must be flat
panel monitors displaying at least 3 MP at 10
bit depth. Image displays and associated
graphics cards must meet the calibration and
other specifications of the Digital Imaging
and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)
standard PS 3.14–2011 (incorporated by
reference, see § 718.5).
(B) Image displays and associated graphics
cards must not deviate by more than 10
percent from the grayscale standard display
function (GSDF) when assessed according to
the AAPM On-Line Report No. 03, pages 1–
146 (incorporated by reference, see § 718.5).
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 114 / Thursday, June 13, 2013 / Proposed Rules
(ii) Display system luminance (maximum
and ratio), relative noise, linearity,
modulation transfer function (MTF),
frequency, and glare should meet or exceed
recommendations listed in AAPM On-Line
Report No. 03, pages 1–146 (incorporated by
reference, see § 718.5). Viewing displays
must have a maximum luminance of at least
171 cd/m2, a ratio of maximum luminance to
minimum luminance of at least 250, and a
glare ratio greater than 400. The contribution
of ambient light reflected from the display
surface, after light sources have been
minimized, must be included in luminance
(iii) Displays must be situated so as to
minimize front surface glare. Readers must
minimize reflected light from ambient
sources during the performance of
(iv) Measurements of the width and length
of pleural shadows and the diameter of
opacities must be taken using calibrated
software measuring tools. If permitted by the
viewing software, a record must be made of
the presentation state(s), including any noise
reduction and edge enhancement or
restoration functions that were used in
performing the classification, including any
annotations and measurements.
(15) Quality control procedures for devices
used to display chest images for classification
must comply with the recommendations of
the American Association of Physicists in
Medicine AAPM On-Line Report No. 03,
pages 1–146 (incorporated by reference, see
§ 718.5). If automatic quality assurance
systems are used, visual inspection must be
performed using one or more test patterns
recommended by the medical physicist every
6 months, or more frequently, to check for
defects that automatic systems may not
(16) Classification of CR and DR digitallyacquired chest radiographs under this Part
must be performed based on the viewing
images displayed as soft copies using the
viewing workstations specified in this
section. Classification of radiographs must
not be based on the viewing of hard copy
printed transparencies of images that were
(17) The classification of chest radiographs
based on digitized copies of chest
radiographs that were originally acquired
using film-screen techniques is not
8. The authority citation for part 725
is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; Reorganization
Plan No. 6 of 1950, 15 FR 3174; 30 U.S.C. 901
et seq., 902(f), 921, 932, 936; 33 U.S.C. 901
et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 405; Secretary’s Order 10–
2009, 74 FR 58834.
9. In § 725.406, revise paragraphs (a),
(b), (c) and (e) to read as follows:
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§ 725.406
Medical examinations and tests.
(a) The Act requires the Department to
provide each miner who applies for
benefits with the opportunity to
undergo a complete pulmonary
evaluation at no expense to the miner.
A complete pulmonary evaluation
includes a report of physical
examination, a pulmonary function
study, a chest radiograph, and, unless
medically contraindicated, a blood gas
(b) As soon as possible after a miner
files an application for benefits, the
district director will provide the miner
with a list of medical facilities and
physicians in the state of the miner’s
residence and states contiguous to the
state of the miner’s residence that the
Office has authorized to perform
complete pulmonary evaluations. The
miner must select one of the facilities or
physicians on the list, provided that the
miner may not select any physician to
whom the miner or the miner’s spouse
is related to the fourth degree of
consanguinity, and the miner may not
select any physician who has examined
or provided medical treatment to the
miner within the twelve months
preceding the date of the miner’s
application. The district director will
make arrangements for the miner to be
given a complete pulmonary evaluation
by that facility or physician. The results
of the complete pulmonary evaluation
must not be counted as evidence
submitted by the miner under § 725.414.
(c) If any medical examination or test
conducted under paragraph (a) of this
section is not administered or reported
in substantial compliance with the
provisions of part 718 of this
subchapter, or does not provide
sufficient information to allow the
district director to decide whether the
miner is eligible for benefits, the district
director must schedule the miner for
further examination and testing. Where
the deficiencies in the report are the
result of a lack of effort on the part of
the miner, the miner will be afforded
one additional opportunity to produce a
satisfactory result. In order to determine
whether any medical examination or
test was administered and reported in
substantial compliance with the
provisions of part 718 of this
subchapter, the district director may
have any component of such
examination or test reviewed by a
physician selected by the district
(e) The cost of any medical
examination or test authorized under
this section, including the cost of travel
to and from the examination, must be
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paid by the fund. Reimbursement for
overnight accommodations must not be
authorized unless the district director
determines that an adequate testing
facility is unavailable within one day’s
round trip travel by automobile from the
miner’s residence. The fund must be
reimbursed for such payments by an
operator, if any, found liable for the
payment of benefits to the claimant. If
an operator fails to repay such expenses,
with interest, upon request of the Office,
the entire amount may be collected in
an action brought under section 424 of
the Act and § 725.603 of this part.
Signed at Washington, DC, this 3rd day of
June, 2013.
Gary A. Steinberg,
Acting Director, Office of Workers’
Compensation Programs.
[FR Doc. 2013–13971 Filed 6–12–13; 8:45 am]
Occupational Safety and Health
29 CFR Parts 1910 and 1926
[Docket No. OSHA–2013–0005]
RIN 1218–AC77
Updating OSHA Standards Based on
National Consensus Standards;
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), Department of
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking;
request for comments.
SUMMARY: The Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (‘‘OSHA’’ or ‘‘the
Agency’’) proposes to update its general
industry and construction signage
standards by adding references to the
latest versions of the American National
Standards Institute (‘‘ANSI’’) standards
on specifications for accident
prevention signs and tags, ANSI
Z535.1–2006(R2011), Z535.2–2011, and
Z535.5–2011. OSHA also is proposing to
retain the existing references to the
earlier ANSI standards, ANSI Z53.1–
1967, Z35.1–1968, and Z35.2–1968, in
its signage standards, thereby providing
employers an option to comply with the
updated or earlier standards. In
addition, OSHA is proposing to
incorporate by reference Part VI of the
Manual of Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (‘‘MUTCD’’), 1988 Edition,
Revision 3, into the incorporation-byreference section of the construction
standards, having inadvertently omitted
this edition of the MUTCD from this
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 114 (Thursday, June 13, 2013)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 35575-35585]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-13971]
Office of Workers' Compensation Programs
20 CFR Parts 718 and 725
RIN 1240-AA07
Black Lung Benefits Act: Standards for Chest Radiographs
AGENCY: Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Labor.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking; request for comments.
SUMMARY: Physicians and adjudicators use chest radiographs (X-rays) as
a tool in evaluating whether a coal miner suffers from pneumoconiosis
(black lung disease). Accordingly, the Department's regulations
implementing the Black Lung Benefits Act allow the submission of
radiographs in connection with benefit claims and set out quality
standards for their performance. These standards are currently limited
to film radiographs. In recent years, many medical facilities have
phased out film radiography in
[[Page 35576]]
favor of digital radiography. This proposed rule would update the
existing film-radiograph standards and provide parallel standards for
digital radiographs. The proposed rule would also update outdated
terminology and remove certain obsolete provisions.
DATES: Comments on this proposed rule must be received by midnight
Eastern Standard Time on August 12, 2013.
ADDRESSES: You may submit written comments, identified by RIN number
1240-AA07, by any of the following methods.
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions on the Web site for submitting comments. To
facilitate receipt and processing of comments, OWCP encourages
interested parties to submit their comments electronically.
Fax: (202) 693-1395 (this is not a toll-free number). Only
comments of ten or fewer pages, including a Fax cover sheet and
attachments, if any, will be accepted by Fax.
Regular Mail: Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation
Programs, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, U.S. Department of
Labor, Room C-3520, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210.
The Department's receipt of U.S. mail may be significantly delayed due
to security procedures. You must take this into consideration when
preparing to meet the deadline for submitting comments.
Hand Delivery/Courier: Division of Coal Mine Workers'
Compensation Programs, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, U.S.
Department of Labor, Room C-3520, 200 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20210.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and the Regulatory Information Number (RIN) for this rulemaking. All
comments received will be posted without change to, including any personal information provided.
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments received, go to
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steven Breeskin, Director, Division of
Coal Mine Workers' Compensation, Office of Workers' Compensation
Programs, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Suite
N-3464, Washington, DC 20210. Telephone: (202) 693-0824 (this is not a
toll-free number). TTY/TDD callers may dial toll-free 1-800-877-8339
for further information.
I. Proposed Rule Published Concurrently With Companion Direct Final
In the Final Rules section of this Federal Register edition, OWCP
is simultaneously publishing an identical rule as a ``direct final''
rule. In direct final rulemaking, an agency publishes a direct final
rule in the Federal Register with a statement that the rule will go
into effect unless the agency receives significant adverse comment
within a specified period. The agency concurrently publishes an
identical proposed rule. If the agency receives no significant adverse
comment in response to the direct final rule, the rule goes into
effect. If the agency receives significant adverse comment, the agency
withdraws the direct final rule and treats such comment as submissions
on the proposed rule. An agency typically uses direct final rulemaking
when it anticipates the rule will be non-controversial.
OWCP has determined that this rule, which primarily adopts quality
standards for administering and interpreting digital radiographs, is
suitable for direct final rulemaking. The standards adopted by this
rule are largely based on those the Department of Health and Human
Services recently promulgated for use in the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Coal Workers' Health
Surveillance Program (CWHSP) (the NIOSH rules). Those standards were
subject to full notice-and-comment rulemaking. The NIOSH proposal
informed the public that the standards might also be used by the
Department of Labor in the Black Lung Benefits Act (BLBA) context, and
OWCP alerted the BLBA employer and claimant communities to the NIOSH
proposed rule. NIOSH addressed all significant comments when it
promulgated its final rule. OWCP's rule also does not impose any new
requirements on the parties in BLBA claims; instead, it merely provides
the parties another option for developing medical evidence in claim
proceedings. Thus, OWCP does not expect to receive significant adverse
comment on this rule. Simultaneously publishing a companion direct
final rule will expedite the rulemaking process to give parties the
option of using digital radiographs as soon as possible.
By simultaneously publishing this proposed rule, notice-and-comment
rulemaking will be expedited if OWCP receives significant adverse
comment and withdraws the direct final rule. The proposed and direct
final rules are substantively identical, and their respective comment
periods run concurrently. OWCP will treat comments received on the
proposed rule as comments regarding the companion direct final rule and
vice versa. Thus, if OWCP receives a significant adverse comment on
either this proposed rule or the companion direct final rule, OWCP will
publish a Federal Register notice withdrawing the direct final rule and
proceed with this proposed rule.
For purposes of the direct final rule, a significant adverse
comment is one that explains: (1) why the rule is inappropriate,
including challenges to the rule's underlying premise or approach; or
(2) why the direct final rule will be ineffective or unacceptable
without a change. In determining whether a significant adverse comment
necessitates withdrawal of the direct final rule, OWCP will consider
whether the comment raises an issue serious enough to warrant a
substantive response if it had been submitted in a standard notice-and-
comment process. A comment recommending an addition to the rule will
not be considered significant and adverse unless the comment explains
how the direct final rule would be ineffective without the addition.
OWCP requests comments on all issues related to this rule,
including economic or other regulatory impacts of this rule on the
regulated community. All interested parties should comment at this time
because OWCP will not initiate an additional comment period on this
proposed rule even if it withdraws the direct final rule.
II. Background of This Rulemaking
The BLBA, 30 U.S.C. 901-944, provides for the payment of benefits
to coal miners and certain of their dependent survivors on account of
total disability or death due to coal workers' pneumoconiosis. 30
U.S.C. 901(a); Usery v. Turner Elkhorn Mining Co., 428 U.S. 1, 5
(1976). Benefits are paid by either an individual coal mine operator
that employed the coal miner (or its insurance carrier), or the Black
Lung Disability Trust Fund. Director, OWCP v. Bivens, 757 F.2d 781, 783
(6th Cir. 1985). The primary purpose of this proposed rulemaking is to
update the quality standards applicable to chest radiographs (X-rays)
used in diagnosing the existence of pneumoconiosis by implementing new
standards for digital radiographs. The Department also proposes
updating certain terminology and removing an obsolete provision as
explained in the section-by-section analysis below.
From the black lung program's inception, physicians and
[[Page 35577]]
have used chest X-rays as one tool in evaluating a miner's health.
Recognizing their importance to claim adjudications, Congress has
granted the Secretary of Labor explicit authority to, ``by regulation,
establish specific requirements for the techniques used to take [chest
X-rays]'' to ensure adequate and uniform X-ray quality. 30 U.S.C.
923(b). The BLBA also generally authorizes the Secretary of Labor, in
consultation with NIOSH, to ``establish criteria for all appropriate
medical tests'' administered in connection with benefit claims. 30
U.S.C. 902(f)(1)(D).
Based on these directives, the Department promulgated quality
standards for administering and interpreting chest X-rays in 1980. See
45 FR 13678, 13680-81 (February 29, 1980). Codified at 20 CFR 718.102,
718.202, and Appendix A to Part 718, these standards were drawn largely
from those adopted by NIOSH for what is now known as the Coal Workers'
Health Surveillance Program (CWHSP). The CWHSP, mandated by the Coal
Mine Health and Safety Act, was developed to detect coal workers'
pneumoconiosis and prevent disease progression in individual miners,
while at the same time providing information for evaluation of temporal
and geographic trends in pneumoconiosis. 30 U.S.C. 843. To inform each
miner of his or her health status, the CWHSP requires that underground
coal mine operators offer new workers a chest X-ray through an approved
facility as soon as possible after employment starts, another one three
years later, and additional X-rays at periodic intervals thereafter.
CWHSP chest X-rays must be administered and read in accordance with
NIOSH's specifications. 30 U.S.C. 843(a). NIOSH set out these
specifications--which included standards for administering,
interpreting, classifying and submitting chest radiographs--for film-
based radiography systems in regulations at 42 CFR part 37.
The Department modeled its 1980 BLBA chest X-ray quality standards
on NIOSH's then-current regulations, which HHS had published on August
1, 1978. 43 FR 33713 (August 1, 1978). In consultation with NIOSH, the
Department adopted (with minor revisions) those NIOSH rules that were
relevant to ensuring that quality X-ray films would be submitted in
BLBA claims. See generally 45 FR 13680-81 (February 29, 1980). Although
NIOSH later revised two of the 42 CFR part 37 regulations the
Department had adopted, 52 FR 7866-01 (March 13, 1987), the Department
did not make similar changes to the BLBA quality standards. Nor did the
Department revise the technical requirements (including those in
Appendix A) when it amended other facets of Sec. Sec. 718.102 and
718.202 in 1983 and 2000. See 48 FR 24273-74 (May 31, 1983); 65 FR
79929, 79945-46 (December 20, 2000). Thus, the Department's current
technical quality standards for chest X-rays have not been changed
since 1980.
In the past decade, digital radiography systems have been rapidly
replacing traditional analog film-based systems. Claimants, coal mine
operators, and the Department have been experiencing increasing
difficulty in obtaining film chest X-rays--the only type the BLBA
quality standards address--for miners. Interpretations of digital X-
rays are admissible as ``other medical evidence'' under the catch-all
provision at 20 CFR 718.107, but only if the interpretation's proponent
establishes to the adjudicator's satisfaction that digital X-rays are
medically acceptable and relevant to the claimant's entitlement to
benefits. See generally Webber v. Peabody Coal Co., 23 BLR 1-123 (2006)
(en banc); Harris v. Old Ben Coal Co., 23 BLR 1-98 (2006) (en banc),
aff'd on recon., 24 BLR 1-13 (2007) (en banc). This has led to mixed
results from adjudicators, with some admitting digitally based
interpretations and others refusing to consider them or affording them
less weight based on the technology employed.
Recognizing the overarching technological shift from film to
digital radiography systems, NIOSH recently promulgated new standards
for administering, interpreting, classifying and submitting digital
chest radiographs for the CWHSP. 77 FR 56718-56735 (September 13, 2012)
(final rule). See also 77 FR 1360-1385 (January 9, 2012) (proposed
rule). NIOSH adopted these rules only after fully investigating the
validity of using digital chest X-rays for diagnosing pneumoconiosis
and full notice-and-comment proceedings that allowed the public to
participate. The NIOSH rules also retained the standards for film-based
radiography systems with minor terminology modifications.
This proposed rule retains the current regulatory quality standards
for film-based chest X-rays (with the minor modifications explained in
the section-by-section analysis below) and adds parallel quality
standards for digitally acquired chest radiographs. As it did when it
first promulgated quality standards for film-based chest X-rays, the
Department has derived its digital-radiography standards from those
adopted by NIOSH for the CWHSP. The Department believes this is
appropriate because Congress designated NIOSH as its statutory advisor
for establishing standards for BLBA medical testing. These standards
will ensure that claim adjudications continue to be based on high-
quality, uniform radiographs. By adopting quality standards for
digitally acquired chest X-rays, the Department intends that
interpretations of film and digital X-rays--so long as they are made
and interpreted in accordance with the applicable quality standards--
will be put on equal footing both for admission into evidence and for
the weight accorded them. The Department believes that claimants, coal
mine operators, and the BLBA program itself will benefit in a variety
of ways from these new rules. The additional benefits are outlined in
more detail below.
III. Statutory Authority
Section 426(a) of the BLBA, 30 U.S.C. 936(a), authorizes the
Secretary of Labor to prescribe all rules and regulations necessary for
the administration and enforcement of the Act. The BLBA also authorizes
the Secretary of Labor, in consultation with NIOSH, to ``establish
criteria for all appropriate medical tests'' administered in connection
with a benefits claim, 30 U.S.C. 902(f)(1)(D), and to ``establish
specific requirements for the techniques used to take [X-rays] of the
chest'' to ensure their quality. 30 U.S.C. 923(b).
IV. Section-by-Section Explanation
Updated Terminology
The Department proposes two changes throughout the regulatory
sections and Appendix that this rule revises. First, the Department has
replaced the outdated term ``roentgenogram'' with the term
``radiograph,'' which is currently used in the medical community. See,
e.g., Sec. 725.406(a).
Second, the Department has replaced the term ``shall.'' Executive
Order 13563 states that regulations must be ``accessible, consistent,
written in plain language, and easy to understand.'' 76 FR 3821
(January 21, 2011). See also E.O. 12866, 58 FR 51735 (October 4, 1993)
(``Each agency shall draft its regulations to be simple and easy to
understand, with the goal of minimizing the potential for uncertainty
and litigation arising from such uncertainty.''). To that end, the
Department has replaced the imprecise term ``shall'' in those sections
and the Appendix it is amending with ``must'' for obligations imposed
and ``must not'' for prohibitions. See generally Federal Plain Language
Guidelines,; Black's Law
Dictionary 1499 (9th ed. 2009) (``shall'' can be read
[[Page 35578]]
either as permissive or mandatory). These revisions required minor
additional language changes in Sec. 718.202(a)(2), (b), and (c). No
change in meaning is intended.
20 CFR 718.5 Incorporations by Reference
This proposed section is new. It is added to comply with the Office
of the Federal Register's rules on incorporation by reference. If any
material is incorporated by reference in the final rule, OWCP will ask
the Director of the Federal Register to approve the Department's
incorporation of the materials. This section also explains how the
public may obtain copies of the incorporated materials.
20 CFR 718.102 Chest Radiographs (X-Rays)
The Department proposes substantially revising Sec. 718.102 to
allow parties the option of submitting X-rays that are produced either
by film or digital radiography systems, and to otherwise update the
rule. Because these changes would require reorganization of the
regulation, the Department would publish the new regulation in its
entirety. The proposed revisions to each subsection of the regulation
are described below.
Subsection (a) is retained and remains substantively unchanged.
Subsection (b) is new. It specifically allows for the submission of
X-rays produced by either film or digital radiography systems as those
systems are defined in Appendix A. Current subsection (b) has been
amended and re-designated subsection (d).
Subsection (c) is new. In accordance with the NIOSH standards,
subsection (c) bans the use of X-rays that have been converted from
film to digital, or vice-versa. NIOSH found that these approaches do
not assure similar performance to that obtained from film under the
existing standards. See 77 FR 1366 (January 9, 2012). Current
subsection (c) has been amended and re-designated subsection (e).
Subsection (d) establishes the standards for classifying both film
and digital radiographs. The regulation continues to direct that
classifications be made in accordance with the International Labour
Organization's (ILO) classification system. For film X-rays, subsection
(d)(1) lists the 1980, 2000, and 2011 editions of the ILO Guidelines.
The Department has included these three editions to clarify that film
X-rays acquired prior to the issuance of this regulation and
interpreted under the earlier editions continue to meet the quality
standards. Radiographs acquired and interpreted after implementation of
this rule should be classified in accordance with the 2011 Guidelines.
For digitally acquired X-rays, subsection (d)(2) requires
classification using the ILO's 2011 Guidelines. The 2011 edition is the
first one in which the ILO authorized the use of its classification
system for digital images and developed a set of standard digital image
files for use during classification. A party who wishes to introduce
digital X-ray interpretations that pre-date issuance of the ILO 2011
Guidelines may still do so under the 20 CFR 718.107 ``other medical
evidence'' standard. Subsection (d)(3) retains the provision that any
X-ray classified as category 0 does not constitute evidence of clinical
pneumoconiosis, whether acquired by film or digital systems. Finally,
the Department has removed references to various classification systems
published in 1958, 1968, and 1971 because they are obsolete.
Subsection (e) retains the current requirement that X-ray reports
must include the name and qualifications of the medical provider who
took the X-ray; the name and qualifications of the physician who
interpreted it, including whether the physician is a Board-certified or
Board-eligible radiologist or a Certified B Reader; the ILO
classification; and a compliance statement. Definitions for Board-
certified radiologist, Board-eligible radiologist, and Certified B
Reader have been moved to subsection (e)(2) from their current location
in 20 CFR 718.202(a)(1)(ii). The Department also updated the Certified
B Reader definition by eliminating a reference to the Appalachian
Laboratory for Occupational Safety and Health and adding a provision
that the physician's certification must be maintained through the date
he or she interprets the radiograph.
Subsection (f) is largely new. It describes the protocol for
submitting film and digital X-rays to OWCP. The film protocol currently
set forth under subsection (d) remains unchanged. The Department has
added a protocol for submitting digital X-rays that requires parties to
submit the data on DVD or other media OWCP specifies in a format that
meets the standards set forth in Appendix A, paragraph (d). These
standards preclude compression of the data unless the compression is
lossless. See Appendix A, paragraph (d)(7)(v).
Subsection (g) allows an interpretation of a chest X-ray to be
submitted even in the absence of the underlying X-ray film or digital
data file where the miner is deceased and the film or data upon which
the report is based has been lost or destroyed. This provision,
currently set forth in subsection (d), remains unchanged.
Subsection (h) provides a rebuttable presumption that the technical
requirements found in Appendix A have been met. This provision,
currently set forth in subsection (e), remains unchanged except that
the cross-reference to 20 CFR 718.202 for the definitions of Board-
certified radiologist, Board-eligible radiologist, and Certified B
Reader has been removed.
20 CFR 718.202 Determining the Existence of Pneumoconiosis
In addition to moving the definitions for radiology qualifications
to Sec. 718.102 (see explanation at Sec. 718.102), the Department
proposes revising this regulation to eliminate outdated material. The
Department has deleted subsections (a)(1)(i) and (ii), which implement
the BLBA's X-ray rereading prohibition that applies only to claims
filed before January 1, 1982. See 30 U.S.C. 923(b). Similarly, the
Department has eliminated the phrase ``filed on or after January 1,
1982'' in the second sentence of subsection (c), which implements the
BLBA's limitations on using lay evidence to prove pneumoconiosis, and
reordered that provision for clarity. Few, if any, claims filed prior
to January 1, 1982 remain in litigation. Thus, it is no longer
necessary to publish the criteria governing these claims or to draw
distinctions based on that date. If any claim filed before January 1,
1982 results in litigation after the effective date of these
regulations, and the X-ray rereading prohibition or the lay testimony
provision is at issue, the version of Sec. 718.202(a)(1)(i), (a)(ii),
and (c) as reflected in the 2011 edition of the Code of Federal
Regulations will continue to apply.
20 CFR 718.304 Irrebuttable Presumption of Total Disability or Death
Due to Pneumoconiosis
The Department proposes revising this rule to update the references
to the ILO classification system. Current subsections (a)(1), (a)(2),
and (a)(3) set forth several outdated classification systems that could
be used to diagnose complicated pneumoconiosis. The Department has
eliminated these provisions and added a phrase to the end of subsection
(a) that cross-references Sec. 718.102(d): ``in accordance with the
classification system established in Guidelines for the Use of the ILO
International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses provided
in Sec. 718.102(d).'' As explained above, proposed Sec. 718.102(d)
sets out
[[Page 35579]]
the ILO classification systems that must be used when interpreting film
and digital chest X-rays. This revision streamlines Sec. 718.304 and
makes it consistent with Sec. 718.102(d).
Appendix A to Part 718--Standards for Administration and Interpretation
of Chest Radiographs (X-rays)
Proposed Appendix A retains the current standards for acquiring
chest X-rays using film-screen technology (with minor modifications)
and establishes standards for acquiring and interpreting chest X-rays
using digital radiography systems.
The Department's proposal divides Appendix A into four primary
sections: paragraph (a) provides definitions applicable to either the
film or digital chest X-ray standards, or both; paragraph (b) sets out
general standards applicable to both film and digital X-rays; paragraph
(c) retains the standards for film-based X-rays; and paragraph (d)
establishes the new standards for acquiring and interpreting digital X-
rays. The initial paragraph of the Appendix, which describes the
background and purpose of the standards, remains unchanged.
Paragraph (a)'s definitions are adopted from the NIOSH rules and
inform the remaining Appendix provisions.
Paragraph (b) includes general provisions that are applicable when
obtaining both film and digital chest radiographs. Subparagraph (b)(1)
is new and requires that facilities performing chest X-rays must
continue to meet applicable local, State, and Federal licensing and
certification requirements. In order to minimize the miner's risk from
radiation exposure, (b)(1) also recommends that facilities conform to
recognized industry standards regarding such exposure in the absence of
other governing regulations. Subparagraph (b)(2) mirrors the NIOSH
rules and requires that radiographs be performed by a qualified
physician or radiologic technologist. See 42 CFR 37.40(c). This
provision applies to both film and digital radiographs. Although the
Department does not currently impose this requirement on film-based X-
rays, doing so should not pose any problems for the regulated community
because it comports with standard industry practice and the term
``radiologic technologist'' is broadly defined at Appendix A,
subparagraph (a)(4). Finally, subparagraphs (b)(3) and (b)(4) retain
general rules for performing X-rays that currently appear in paragraphs
(2) and (10).
Paragraph (c) retains the existing standards for chest X-rays
obtained by film with a few minor changes. For the sake of consistency
with paragraph (d) of the Appendix, the Department has replaced the
phrase ``1/20 of a second'' with 50 milliseconds, and the phrase ``1/10
of a second'' with ``100 milliseconds'' in current subparagraph (8)(i)
(now located at subparagraph (c)(7)(i)). No change in meaning is
intended. The Department has also amended the film speed requirements
in current subparagraph (8)(iii) (now located at subparagraph
(c)(7)(iii)) by adopting the NIOSH rule. See 42 CFR 37.41(i)(3). This
change clarifies that the use of medium-speed film and intensifying
screens is recommended but not required. Finally, the Department has
deleted the term ``densitometric'' in current paragraph (12) (now
located at subparagraph (c)(10)) because it is unnecessary.
Paragraph (d) is new and constitutes the bulk of the revisions to
the Appendix. It sets out quality standards for acquiring chest
radiographs using digital radiography systems as well as interpreting
and transmitting them. As explained above, the Department adopted these
provisions from the NIOSH rules. NIOSH fully explained these standards
when it first proposed them and when it promulgated the final version.
See 77 FR 56718-56735 (September 13, 2012) (final rule); 77 FR 1360-
1385 (January 9, 2012) (proposed rule). In adopting the rule, NIOSH
emphasized that the burden imposed by the standards would be low
because they reflected standard industry practice and technology (e.g.,
the DICOM standards). 77 FR 56724 (September 13, 2012); 77 FR 1372
(January 9, 2012). Moreover, many of the facilities that participate in
the CWHSP will also be used to provide X-rays for BLBA claims because
they are located in coal mining regions. These facilities already
adhere to the NIOSH criteria and will not have to change their
practices for the BLBA program. Thus, for the reasons stated by NIOSH,
the Department believes that adopting these standards will ensure the
quality of digital X-rays.
V. Administrative Law Considerations
A. Information Collection Requirements (Subject to the Paperwork
Reduction Act)
This rulemaking would impose no new collections of information.
B. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 (Regulatory Planning and Review)
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess all
costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public
health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). Executive
Order 13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and
benefits, of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of promoting
flexibility. The Department has considered this proposed rule with
these principles in mind and has concluded that the regulated community
will greatly benefit from this regulation.
This rule's greatest benefit is that it will increase the amount of
access the Department and the parties to BLBA claims have to
radiographic technology. From the Department's view, this rule will
likely reduce delays in processing miners' benefits claims. The
Department must offer each miner who files a claim an opportunity for a
complete pulmonary evaluation. 30 U.S.C. 923(b); 20 CFR 718.101(a),
725.406. One component of that complete evaluation is a chest X-ray. 20
CFR 725.406(a). In recent years, many medical providers otherwise
qualified to perform these evaluations have declined because they do
not have film-based radiography systems available to them. This has led
to a shortage of examining physicians. Because this rule will allow for
routine acceptance of digital radiographs, the Department anticipates
that it will be able to increase the number of providers available to
conduct the initial complete pulmonary evaluation and reduce some
delays in claim processing.
Claimants and coal mine operators (and their insurers) will
similarly benefit. As the medical industry has transitioned from film
to digital radiography systems over the past several years, the private
parties have faced challenges in obtaining film-based X-rays. Miners
have often had to travel long distances to obtain a film-based X-ray
because the digital radiography services offered at a local clinic
would not suffice. Not surprisingly, black lung claimants, coal-mine
operators, and their representatives have repeatedly made informal
requests for the Department to promulgate quality standards for digital
This rule also will relieve parties of a demanding evidentiary
burden they face when submitting interpretations based on digital X-
rays. Digital X-ray interpretations are admissible in BLBA claim
proceedings, but only if the interpretation's proponent establishes to
the adjudicator's satisfaction that digital X-rays are medically
acceptable and relevant to the claimant's entitlement to benefits. See
generally 20 CFR 718.107;
[[Page 35580]]
Webber v. Peabody Coal Co., 23 BLR 1-123 (2006) (en banc); Harris v.
Old Ben Coal Co., 23 BLR 1-98 (2006) (en banc), aff'd on recon., 24 BLR
1-13 (2007) (en banc). If the proponent fails to meet this burden, the
adjudicator does not have to consider the evidence. This rule will
relieve all parties of this additional proof burden, putting digital X-
rays on a similar footing to film X-rays. So long as the regulatory
quality standards are met, a party need not prove medical acceptability
to have interpretations of digital X-rays admitted and considered.
The Department has considered whether the parties will realize any
monetary benefits or incur any additional costs in light of this
proposed rule, and has concluded that it is a cost-neutral rule for
several reasons. The rule expands opportunities for claimants and coal
mine employers to obtain X-ray evidence. But it does not require any
party to use digital X-ray systems. Thus, even if obtaining digital X-
rays proved more costly, absorbing that cost is optional. In addition,
the Department believes that medical facilities generally do not have
different fee structures for film and digital radiographs. Instead,
standard medical coding systems (e.g., CPT codes) used to reimburse
these facilities and process payments for chest X-rays use codes that
do not reference the type of technology used to perform the X-rays.
See, e.g., Finally, to the extent miners
will be able to use digital X-ray facilities closer to their homes,
their lower travel costs--which in some instances are paid by the
Department or passed on to the coal mine operator if the miner prevails
on his benefits claim, 20 CFR 725.406(e)--will result in some minor
Executive Order 13563 also instructs agencies to review ``rules
that may be outmoded, ineffective, insufficient, or excessively
burdensome, and to modify, streamline, expand, or repeal them.'' As
explained in the section-by-section analysis above, this proposed rule
revises obsolete terms (e.g., replacing ``roentgenogram'' with
``radiograph'' or ``X-ray'') and removes outmoded provisions (e.g.,
eliminating X-ray rereading prohibition provisions).
Finally, because this is not a ``significant'' rule within the
meaning of Executive Order 12866, the Office of Management and Budget
has not reviewed it prior to publication.
C. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, 2 U.S.C. 1531
et seq., directs agencies to assess the effects of Federal Regulatory
Actions on State, local, and tribal governments, and the private
sector, ``other than to the extent that such regulations incorporate
requirements specifically set forth in law.'' 2 U.S.C. 1531. For
purposes of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, this proposed rule does
not include any Federal mandate that may result in increased
expenditures by State, local, tribal governments, or increased
expenditures by the private sector of more than $100,000,000.
D. Regulatory Flexibility Act and Executive Order 13272 (Proper
Consideration of Small Entities in Agency Rulemaking)
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended, 5 U.S.C. 601 et
seq. (RFA), requires agencies to evaluate the potential impacts of
their proposed and final rules on small businesses, small
organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions and to prepare an
analysis (called a ``regulatory flexibility analysis'') describing
those impacts. See 5 U.S.C. 601, 603-604. But if the rule is not
expected to ``have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities[,]'' the RFA allows an agency to so certify in
lieu of preparing the analysis. See 5 U.S.C. 605.
The Department has determined that a regulatory flexibility
analysis under the RFA is not required for this rulemaking. While many
coal mine operators are small entities within the meaning of the RFA,
see 77 FR 19471-72 (March 30, 2012), this rule, if adopted, will not
have a significant economic impact on them for several reasons. First,
this rule does not require operators to obtain digital radiographs. By
promulgating quality standards specific to digital X-rays, the
Department is simply providing another option to coal mine operators
(and their insurers) for developing medical evidence in the BLBA claims
process. Operators will be free to continue to use film-based
technology. Second, even if an operator chooses to obtain digital
radiographs, the Department believes that the cost for obtaining a
digital X-ray will be comparable if not identical to a film-X-ray's
cost. In considering this issue, the Department reviewed the medical
reimbursement schedule published by the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The
CMS schedule, which forms the basis for many public and private
reimbursement schemes, does not differentiate between film-based and
digitally acquired chest X-rays; instead, the schedule lists
reimbursement computation formulas for different types of chest X-rays
without reference to the technology used to obtain them. See Moreover, NIOSH anticipates that lower
costs for chest X-rays in general may result from medical facilities
switching to digital radiography systems. See 77 FR 1372 (January 9,
2012). Third, this rule is expected to benefit all coal mine operators
by increasing access to medical facilities that exclusively use digital
radiography or are transitioning to this technology.
Based on these facts, the Department certifies that this rule will
not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
entities. Thus, a regulatory flexibility analysis is not required. The
Department invites comments from members of the public who believe the
regulations will have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small coal mine operators. The Department has provided the
Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration with a
copy of this certification. See 5 U.S.C. 605.
E. Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)
The Department has reviewed this proposed rule in accordance with
Executive Order 13132 regarding federalism, and has determined that it
does not have ``federalism implications.'' E.O. 13132, 64 FR 43255
(Aug. 4, 1999). The proposed rule will not ``have substantial direct
effects on the States, on the relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various levels of government.'' Id.
F. Executive Order 12988 (Civil Justice Reform)
This proposed rule meets the applicable standards in Sections 3(a)
and 3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform, to minimize
litigation, eliminate ambiguity, and reduce burden.
List of Subjects in 20 CFR Parts 718 and 725
Black lung benefits, Claims, Coal miners' entitlement to benefits,
Incorporation by reference, Survivors' entitlement to benefits, Total
disability due to pneumoconiosis, Workers' compensation, X-rays.
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Department of Labor
proposes to amend 20 CFR parts 718 and 725 as follows:
[[Page 35581]]
1. The authority citation for part 718 is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1950, 15
FR 3174; 30 U.S.C. 901 et seq., 902(f), 934, 936; 33 U.S.C. 901 et
seq.; 42 U.S.C. 405; Secretary's Order 10-2009, 74 FR 58834.
2. Add Sec. 718.5 to subpart A to read as follows:
Sec. 718.5 Incorporations by reference.
(a) The materials listed in paragraphs (b) through (f) of this
section are incorporated by reference in this part. The Director of the
Federal Register has approved these incorporations by reference under 5
U.S.C. 522(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that
specified in these regulations, OWCP must publish notice of change in
the Federal Register. All approved material is available from the
sources listed below. You may inspect a copy of the approved material
at the Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation, OWCP, U.S.
Department of Labor, Washington, DC. To arrange for an inspection at
OWCP, call 202-693-0046. These materials are also available for
inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-
741-6030 or go to
(b) American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Order
Department, Medical Physics Publishing, 4513 Vernon Blvd., Madison, WI
(1) AAPM On-Line Report No. 03, Assessment of Display Performance
for Medical Imaging Systems, April 2005, IBR approved for Appendix A to
part 718, paragraph (d).
(2) AAPM Report No. 93, Acceptance Testing and Quality Control of
Photostimulable Storage Phosphor Imaging Systems, October 2006, IBR
approved for Appendix A to part 718, paragraph (d).
(c) American College of Radiology, 1891 Preston White Dr., Reston,
VA 20191,
(1) ACR Practice Guideline for Diagnostic Reference Levels in
Medical X-Ray Imaging, Revised 2008 (Resolution 3), IBR approved for
Appendix A to part 718, paragraph (d).
(2) [Reserved]
(d) International Labour Office, CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland,
(1) Occupational Safety and Health Series No. 22, Guidelines for
the Use of the ILO International Classification of Radiographs of
Pneumoconioses, Revised edition 2011, IBR approved for Sec. 718.102(d)
and Appendix A to part 718, paragraph (d).
(2) Occupational Safety and Health Series No. 22 (Rev. 2000),
Guidelines for the Use of the ILO International Classification of
Radiographs of Pneumoconioses, Revised edition 2000, IBR approved for
Sec. 718.102(d).
(3) Occupational Safety and Health Series No. 22 (Rev. 80),
Guidelines for the Use of ILO International Classification of
Radiographs of Pneumoconioses, Revised edition 1980, IBR approved for
Sec. 718.102(d).
(e) National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, NCRP
Publications, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 400, Bethesda, MD 20814-3095,
Telephone (800) 229-2652,
(1) NCRP Report No. 102, Medical X-Ray, Electron Beam, and Gamma-
Ray Protection for Energies Up to 50 MeV (Equipment Design,
Performance, and Use), issued June 30, 1989, IBR approved for Appendix
A to part 718, paragraph (b).
(2) NCRP Report No. 105, Radiation Protection for Medical and
Allied Health Personnel, issued October 30, 1989, IBR approved for
Appendix A to part 718, paragraph (b).
(3) NCRP Report No. 147, Structural Shielding Design for Medical X-
Ray Imaging Facilities, revised March 18, 2005, IBR approved for
Appendix A to part 718, paragraph (b).
(f) National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 N. 17th
Street, Rosslyn, VA 22209,
(1) DICOM Standard PS 3.3-2011, Digital Imaging and Communications
in Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 3: Information Object Definitions,
copyright 2011, IBR approved for Appendix A to part 718, paragraph (d).
(2) DICOM Standard PS3.4-2011, Digital Imaging and Communications
in Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 4: Service Class Specifications,
copyright 2011, IBR approved for Appendix A to part 718, paragraph (d).
(3) DICOM Standard PS 3.10-2011, Digital Imaging and Communications
in Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 10: Media Storage and File Format
for Media Interchange, copyright 2011, IBR approved for Appendix A to
part 718, paragraph (d).
(4) DICOM Standard PS 3.11-2011, Digital Imaging and Communications
in Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 11: Media Storage Application
Profiles, copyright 2011, IBR approved for Appendix A to part 718,
paragraph (d).
(5) DICOM Standard PS 3.12-2011, Digital Imaging and Communications
in Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 12: Media Formats and Physical Media
for Media Interchange, copyright 2011, IBR approved for Appendix A to
part 718, paragraph (d).
(6) DICOM Standard PS 3.14-2011, Digital Imaging and Communications
in Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 14: Grayscale Standard Display
Function, copyright 2011, IBR approved for Appendix A to part 718,
paragraph (d).
(7) DICOM Standard PS 3.16-2011, Digital Imaging and Communications
in Medicine (DICOM) standard, Part 16: Content Mapping Resource,
copyright 2011, IBR approved for Appendix A to part 718, paragraph (d).
3. Revise Sec. 718.101(a) to read as follows:
Sec. 718.101 General.
(a) The Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (hereinafter OWCP
or the Office) must develop the medical evidence necessary to determine
each claimant's entitlement to benefits. Each miner who files a claim
for benefits under the Act must be provided an opportunity to
substantiate his or her claim by means of a complete pulmonary
evaluation including, but not limited to, a chest radiograph (X-ray),
physical examination, pulmonary function tests, and a blood-gas study.
* * * * *
4. Revise Sec. 718.102 to read as follows:
Sec. 718.102 Chest radiographs (X-rays).
(a) A chest radiograph (X-ray) must be of suitable quality for
proper classification of pneumoconiosis and must conform to the
standards for administration and interpretation of chest X-rays as
described in Appendix A.
(b) Chest X-rays may be produced by either film or digital
radiography systems as defined in Appendix A.
(c) The images described in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) will not be
considered of suitable quality for proper classification of
pneumoconiosis under this section:
(1) Digital images derived from film screen chest X-rays (e.g., by
scanning or digital photography); and
(2) Images that were acquired using digital systems and then
printed on transparencies for back-lighted display (e.g., using
traditional view boxes).
[[Page 35582]]
(d) Standards for classifying radiographs:
(1) To establish the existence of pneumoconiosis, a film chest X-
ray must be classified as Category 1, 2, 3, A, B, or C, in accordance
with the International Labour Organization (ILO) classification system
established in one of the following:
(i) Guidelines for the Use of the ILO International Classification
of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses, revised edition 2011 (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 718.5).
(ii) Guidelines for the Use of the ILO International Classification
of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses, revised edition 2000 (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 718.5).
(iii) Guidelines for the Use of ILO International Classification of
Radiographs of Pneumoconioses, revised edition 1980 (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 718.5).
(2) To establish the existence of pneumoconiosis, a digital chest
radiograph must be classified as Category 1, 2, 3, A, B, or C, in
accordance with the ILO classification system established in Guidelines
for the Use of the ILO International Classification of Radiographs of
Pneumoconioses, revised edition 2011.
(3) A chest radiograph classified under any of the foregoing ILO
classification systems as Category 0, including subcategories 0-, 0/0,
or 0/1, does not constitute evidence of pneumoconiosis.
(e) An X-ray report must include the following:
(1) The name and qualifications of the person who took the X-ray.
(2) The name and qualifications of the physician who interpreted
the X-ray. The interpreting physician must indicate whether he or she
was a Board-certified radiologist, a Board-eligible radiologist, or a
Certified B Reader as defined below on the date the interpretation was
(i) Board-certified radiologist means that the physician is
certified in radiology or diagnostic radiology by the American Board of
Radiology, Inc., or the American Osteopathic Association.
(ii) Board-eligible radiologist means that the physician has
successfully completed a formal accredited residency program in
radiology or diagnostic radiology.
(iii) Certified B Reader means that the physician has demonstrated
ongoing proficiency in evaluating chest radiographs for radiographic
quality and in the use of the ILO classification for interpreting chest
radiographs for pneumoconiosis and other diseases by taking and passing
a specially designed proficiency examination given on behalf of or by
the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and
has maintained that certification through the date the interpretation
is made. See 42 CFR 37.52(b).
(3) A description and interpretation of the findings in terms of
the ILO classification described in paragraph (d) of this section.
(4) A statement that the X-ray was interpreted in compliance with
this section.
(f) Radiograph Submission. For film X-rays, the original film on
which the X-ray report is based must be supplied to OWCP. For digital
X-rays, a copy of the original digital object upon which the X-ray
report is based, formatted to meet the standards for transmission of
diagnostic chest images set forth in Appendix A, paragraph (d), must be
provided to OWCP on a DVD or other media specified by OWCP. In cases
where the law prohibits the parties or a physician from supplying the
original film or a copy of the digital image, the report will be
considered as evidence only if the original film or digital image is
otherwise available to OWCP and the other parties.
(g) Where the chest X-ray of a deceased miner has been lost or
destroyed, or is otherwise unavailable, a report of the chest X-ray
submitted by any party may be considered in connection with the claim.
(h) Except as provided in this paragraph, no chest X-ray may
constitute evidence of the presence or absence of pneumoconiosis unless
it is conducted and reported in accordance with the requirements of
this section and Appendix A. In the absence of evidence to the
contrary, compliance with the requirements of Appendix A must be
presumed. In the case of a deceased miner where the only available X-
ray does not substantially comply with paragraphs (a) through (e) of
this section, the X-ray may form the basis for a finding of the
presence or absence of pneumoconiosis if it is of sufficient quality
for determining whether pneumoconiosis is present and it was
interpreted by a Board-certified radiologist, Board-eligible
radiologist, or Certified B Reader.
5. Revise Sec. 718.202 to read as follows:
Sec. 718.202 Determining the existence of pneumoconiosis.
(a) A finding of the existence of pneumoconiosis may be made as
follows in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4):
(1) A chest X-ray conducted and classified in accordance with Sec.
718.102 may form the basis for a finding of the existence of
pneumoconiosis. Except as otherwise provided in this section, where two
or more X-ray reports are in conflict, in evaluating such X-ray reports
consideration must be given to the radiological qualifications of the
physicians interpreting such X-rays (see Sec. 718.102(d)).
(2) A biopsy or autopsy conducted and reported in compliance with
Sec. 718.106 may be the basis for a finding of the existence of
pneumoconiosis. A finding in an autopsy or biopsy of anthracotic
pigmentation, however, must not be considered sufficient, by itself, to
establish the existence of pneumoconiosis. A report of autopsy must be
accepted unless there is evidence that the report is not accurate or
that the claim has been fraudulently represented.
(3) If the presumptions described in Sec. 718.304, Sec. 718.305,
or Sec. 718.306 are applicable, it must be presumed that the miner is
or was suffering from pneumoconiosis.
(4) A determination of the existence of pneumoconiosis may also be
made if a physician, exercising sound medical judgment, notwithstanding
a negative X-ray, finds that the miner suffers or suffered from
pneumoconiosis as defined in Sec. 718.201. Any such finding must be
based on objective medical evidence such as blood-gas studies,
electrocardiograms, pulmonary function studies, physical performance
tests, physical examination, and medical and work histories. Such a
finding must be supported by a reasoned medical opinion.
(b) A claim for benefits must not be denied solely on the basis of
a negative chest X-ray.
(c) A determination of the existence of pneumoconiosis must not be
(1) Solely on the basis of a living miner's statements or
testimony; or
(2) In a claim involving a deceased miner, solely on the basis of
the affidavit(s) (or equivalent testimony) of the claimant and/or his
or her dependents who would be eligible for augmentation of the
claimant's benefits if the claim were approved.
6. Revise Sec. 718.304 to read as follows:
Sec. 718.304 Irrebuttable presumption of total disability or death
due to pneumoconiosis.
There is an irrebuttable presumption that a miner is totally
disabled due to pneumoconiosis, that a miner's death was due to
pneumoconiosis or that a miner was totally disabled due to
pneumoconiosis at the time of death, if such miner is suffering or
suffered from a chronic dust disease of the lung which:
[[Page 35583]]
(a) When diagnosed by chest X-ray (see Sec. 718.202 concerning the
standards for X-rays and the effect of interpretations of X-rays by
physicians) yields one or more large opacities (greater than one
centimeter in diameter) and would be classified in Category A, B, or C
in accordance with the classification system established in Guidelines
for the Use of the ILO International Classification of Radiographs of
Pneumoconioses as provided in Sec. 718.102(d); or
(b) When diagnosed by biopsy or autopsy, yields massive lesions in
the lung; or
(c) When diagnosed by means other than those specified in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, would be a condition which
could reasonably be expected to yield the results described in
paragraph (a) or (b) of this section had diagnosis been made as therein
described: Provided, however, that any diagnosis made under this
paragraph must accord with acceptable medical procedures.
7. Revise Appendix A to Part 718 to read as follows:
Appendix A to Part 718--Standards for Administration and Interpretation
of Chest Radiographs (X-rays)
The following standards are established in accordance with
sections 402(f)(1)(D) and 413(b) of the Act. They were developed in
consultation with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in
the Department of Health and Human Services. These standards are
promulgated for the guidance of physicians and medical technicians
to ensure that uniform procedures are used in administering and
interpreting X-rays and that the best available medical evidence
will be submitted in connection with a claim for black lung
benefits. If it is established that one or more standards have not
been met, the claims adjudicator may consider such fact in
determining the evidentiary weight to be assigned to the physician's
report of an X-ray.
(a) Definitions
(1) Digital radiography systems, as used in this context,
include both digital radiography (DR) and computed radiography (CR).
Digital radiography is the term used for digital X-ray image
acquisition systems in which the X-ray signals received by the image
detector are converted nearly instantaneously to electronic signals
without moveable cassettes. Computed radiography is the term for
digital X-ray image acquisition systems that detect X-ray signals
using a cassette-based photostimulable storage phosphor.
Subsequently, the cassette is processed using a stimulating laser
beam to convert the latent radiographic image to electronic signals
which are then processed and stored so they can be displayed.
(2) Qualified medical physicist means an individual who is
trained in evaluating the performance of radiographic equipment
including radiation controls and facility quality assurance
programs, and has the relevant current certification by a competent
U.S. national board, or unrestricted license or approval from a U.S.
State or Territory.
(3) Radiographic technique chart means a table that specifies
the types of cassette, intensifying screen, film or digital
detector, grid, filter, and lists X-ray machine settings (timing,
kVp, mA) that enables the radiographer to select the correct
settings based on the body habitus or the thickness of the chest
(4) Radiologic technologist means an individual who has met the
requirements for privileges to perform general radiographic
procedures and for competence in using the equipment and software
employed by the examining facility to obtain chest images as
specified by the State or Territory and examining facility in which
such services are provided. Optimally, such an individual will have
completed a formal training program in radiography leading to a
certificate, an associate's degree, or a bachelor's degree and
participated in the voluntary initial certification and annual
renewal of registration for radiologic technologists offered by the
American Registry of Radiologic Technologists.
(5) Soft copy means the image of a coal miner's chest radiograph
acquired using a digital radiography system, viewed at the full
resolution of the image acquisition system using an electronic
medical image display device.
(b) General provisions
(1) Facilities must maintain ongoing licensure and certification
under relevant local, State, and Federal laws and regulations for
all digital equipment and related processes covered by this
Appendix. Radiographic equipment, its use and the facilities
(including mobile facilities) in which such equipment is used must
conform to applicable State or Territorial and Federal regulations.
Where no applicable regulations exist regarding reducing the risk
from ionizing radiation exposure in the clinical setting,
radiographic equipment, its use and the facilities (including mobile
facilities) in which such equipment is used should conform to the
recommendations in NCRP Report No. 102, NCRP Report No. 105, and
NCRP Report No. 147 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 718.5).
(2) Chest radiographs of miners must be performed:
(i) By or under the supervision of a physician who makes chest
radiographs in the normal course of practice and who has
demonstrated ability to make chest radiographs of a quality to best
ascertain the presence of pneumoconiosis; or
(ii) By a radiologic technologist.
(3) Miners must be disrobed from the waist up at the time the
radiograph is given. The facility must provide a dressing area and
for those miners who wish to use one, the facility will provide a
clean gown. Facilities must be heated to a comfortable temperature.
(4) Before the miner is advised that the examination is
concluded, the radiograph must be processed and inspected and
accepted for quality standards by the physician, or if the physician
is not available, acceptance may be made by the radiologic
technologist. In a case of a substandard radiograph, another must be
made immediately.
(c) Chest radiograph specifications--film.
(1) Every chest radiograph must be a single posteroanterior
projection at full inspiration on a film being no less than 14 by 17
inch film. Additional chest films or views must be obtained if they
are necessary for clarification and classification. The film and
cassette must be capable of being positioned both vertically and
horizontally so that the chest radiograph will include both apices
and costophrenic angles. If a miner is too large to permit the above
requirements, then a projection with minimum loss of costophrenic
angle must be made.
(2) Radiographs must be made with a diagnostic X-ray machine
having a rotating anode tube with a maximum of a 2 mm source (focal
(3) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(4), radiographs must be
made with units having generators that comply with the following:
(i) Generators of existing radiographic units acquired by the
examining facility prior to July 27, 1973, must have a minimum
rating of 200 mA at 100 kVp;
(ii) Generators of units acquired subsequent to that date must
have a minimum rating of 300 mA at 125 kVp. A generator with a
rating of 150 kVp is recommended.
(4) Radiographs made with battery-powered mobile or portable
equipment must be made with units having a minimum rating of 100 mA
at 110 kVp at 500 Hz, or 200 mA at 110 kVp at 60 Hz.
(5) Capacitor discharge and field emission units may be used.
(6) Radiographs must be given only with equipment having a beam-
limiting device that does not cause large unexposed boundaries. The
use of such a device must be discernible from an examination of the
(7) To ensure high quality chest radiographs:
(i) The maximum exposure time must not exceed 50 milliseconds
except that with single phase units with a rating less than 300 mA
at 125 kVp and subjects with chests over 28 cm postero-anterior, the
exposure may be increased to not more than 100 milliseconds;
(ii) The source or focal spot to film distance must be at least
6 feet.
(iii) Medium-speed film and medium-speed intensifying screens
are recommended. However, any film-screen combination, the rated
``speed'' of which is at least 100 and does not exceed 300, which
produces radiographs with spatial resolution, contrast, latitude and
quantum mottle similar to those of systems designated as ``medium
speed'' may be employed;
(iv) Film-screen contact must be maintained and verified at 6-
month or shorter intervals.
(v) Intensifying screens must be inspected at least once a month
and cleaned when necessary by the method recommended by the
(vi) All intensifying screens in a cassette must be of the same
type and made by the same manufacturer;
[[Page 35584]]
(vii) When using over 90 kV, a suitable grid or other means of
reducing scattered radiation must be used;
(viii) The geometry of the radiographic system must ensure that
the central axis (ray) of the primary beam is perpendicular to the
plane of the film surface and impinges on the center of the film.
(8) Radiographic processing:
(i) Either automatic or manual film processing is acceptable. A
constant time-temperature technique must be meticulously employed
for manual processing.
(ii) If mineral or other impurities in the processing water
introduce difficulty in obtaining a high-quality radiograph, a
suitable filter or purification system must be used.
(9) An electric power supply must be used that complies with the
voltage, current, and regulation specified by the manufacturer of
the machine.
(10) A test object may be required on each radiograph for an
objective evaluation of film quality at the discretion of the
Department of Labor.
(11) Each radiograph made under this Appendix must be
permanently and legibly marked with the name and address of the
facility at which it is made, the miner's DOL claim number, the date
of the radiograph, and left and right side of the film. No other
identifying markings may be recorded on the radiograph.
(d) Chest radiograph specifications--digital radiography systems
(1) Every digital chest radiograph must be a single
posteroanterior projection at full inspiration on a digital detector
with sensor area being no less than 1505 square centimeters with a
minimum width of 35 cm. The imaging plate must have a maximum pixel
pitch of 200 [micro]m, with a minimum bit depth of 10. Spatial
resolution must be at least 2.5 line pairs per millimeter. The
storage phosphor cassette or digital image detector must be
positioned either vertically or horizontally so that the image
includes the apices and costophrenic angles of both right and left
lungs. If the detector cannot include the apices and costophrenic
angles of both lungs as described, then the two side-by-side images
can be obtained that together include the apices and costophrenic
angles of both right and left lungs.
(2) Radiographs must be made with a diagnostic X-ray machine
with a maximum actual (not nominal) source (focal spot) of 2 mm, as
measured in two orthogonal directions.
(3) Radiographs must be made with units having generators which
have a minimum rating of 300 mA at 125 kVp. Exposure kilovoltage
must be at least the minimum as recommended by the manufacturer for
chest radiography.
(4) An electric power supply must be used that complies with the
voltage, current, and regulation specified by the manufacturer of
the machine. If the manufacturer or installer of the radiographic
equipment recommends equipment for control of electrical power
fluctuations, such equipment must be used as recommended.
(5) Radiographs must be obtained only with equipment having a
beam-limiting device that does not cause large unexposed boundaries.
The beam limiting device must provide rectangular collimation.
Electronic post-image acquisition ``shutters'' available on some CR
or DR systems that limit the size of the final image and that
simulate collimator limits must not be used. The use and effect of
the beam limiting device must be discernible on the resulting image.
(6) Radiographic technique charts must be used that are
developed specifically for the X-ray system and detector
combinations used, indicating exposure parameters by anatomic
(7) To ensure high quality chest radiographs:
(i) The maximum exposure time must not exceed 50 milliseconds
except for subjects with chests over 28 cm posteroanterior, for whom
the exposure time must not exceed 100 milliseconds.
(ii) The distance from source or focal spot to detector must be
at least 70 inches (or 180 centimeters if measured in centimeters).
(iii) The exposure setting for chest images must be within the
range of 100-300 equivalent exposure speeds and must comply with ACR
Practice Guidelines for Diagnostic Reference Levels in Medical X-ray
Imaging, Section V--Diagnostic Reference Levels for Imaging with
Ionizing Radiation and Section VII-Radiation Safety in Imaging
(incorporated by reference, see Sec. 718.5). Radiation exposures
should be periodically measured and patient radiation doses
estimated by the medical physicist to assure doses are as low as
reasonably achievable.
(iv) Digital radiography system performance, including
resolution, modulation transfer function (MTF), image signal-to-
noise and detective quantum efficiency must be evaluated and judged
acceptable by a qualified medical physicist using the specifications
in AAPM Report No. 93, pages 1-68 (incorporated by reference, see
Sec. 718.5). Image management software and settings for routine
chest imaging must be used, including routine amplification of
digital detector signal as well as standard image post-processing
functions. Image or edge enhancement software functions must not be
employed unless they are integral to the digital radiography system
(not elective); in such cases, only the minimum image enhancement
permitted by the system may be employed.
(v)(A) The image object, transmission and associated data
storage, film format, and transmissions of associated information
must conform to the following components of the Digital Imaging and
Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 718.5):
(1) DICOM Standard PS 3.3-2011, Annex A--Composite Information
Object Definitions, sections: Computed Radiographic Image
Information Object Definition; Digital X-Ray Image Information
Object Definition; X-Ray Radiation Dose SR Information Object
Definition; and Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State Information
Object Definition.
(2) DICOM Standard PS 3.4-2011: Annex B--Storage Service Class;
Annex N--Softcopy Presentation State Storage SOP Classes; Annex O--
Structured Reporting Storage SOP Classes.
(3) DICOM Standard PS 3.10-2011.
(4) DICOM Standard PS 3.11-2011.
(5) DICOM Standard PS 3.12-2011.
(6) DICOM Standard PS 13.14-2011.
(7) DICOM Standard PS 3.16-2011.
(B) Identification of each miner, chest image, facility, date
and time of the examination must be encoded within the image
information object, according to DICOM Standard PS 3.3-2011,
Information Object Definitions, for the DICOM ``DX'' object. If data
compression is performed, it must be lossless. Exposure parameters
(kVp, mA, time, beam filtration, scatter reduction, radiation
exposure) must be stored in the DX information object.
(C) Exposure parameters as defined in the DICOM Standard PS
3.16-2011 must additionally be provided when such parameters are
available from the facility digital image acquisition system or
recorded in a written report or electronic file and transmitted to
(8) A specific test object may be required on each radiograph
for an objective evaluation of image quality at the Department of
Labor's discretion.
(9) CR imaging plates must be inspected at least once a month
and cleaned when necessary by the method recommended by the
(10) A grid or air gap for reducing scattered radiation must be
used; grids must not be used that cause Moir[eacute] interference
patterns in either horizontal or vertical images.
(11) The geometry of the radiographic system must ensure that
the central axis (ray) of the primary beam is perpendicular to the
plane of the CR imaging plate or DR detector and is correctly
aligned to the grid.
(12) Radiographs must not be made when the environmental
temperatures and humidity in the facility are outside the
manufacturer's recommended range of the CR and DR equipment to be
(13) All interpreters, whenever classifying digitally acquired
chest radiographs, must have immediately available for reference a
complete set of ILO standard digital chest radiographic images
provided for use with the Guidelines for the Use of the ILO
International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses (2011
Revision) (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 718.5). Modification
of the appearance of the standard images using software tools is not
(14) Viewing systems should enable readers to display the coal
miner's chest image at the full resolution of the image acquisition
system, side-by-side with the selected ILO standard images for
(i)(A) Image display devices must be flat panel monitors
displaying at least 3 MP at 10 bit depth. Image displays and
associated graphics cards must meet the calibration and other
specifications of the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
(DICOM) standard PS 3.14-2011 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.
(B) Image displays and associated graphics cards must not
deviate by more than 10 percent from the grayscale standard display
function (GSDF) when assessed according to the AAPM On-Line Report
No. 03, pages 1-146 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 718.5).
[[Page 35585]]
(ii) Display system luminance (maximum and ratio), relative
noise, linearity, modulation transfer function (MTF), frequency, and
glare should meet or exceed recommendations listed in AAPM On-Line
Report No. 03, pages 1-146 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.
718.5). Viewing displays must have a maximum luminance of at least
171 cd/m\2\, a ratio of maximum luminance to minimum luminance of at
least 250, and a glare ratio greater than 400. The contribution of
ambient light reflected from the display surface, after light
sources have been minimized, must be included in luminance
(iii) Displays must be situated so as to minimize front surface
glare. Readers must minimize reflected light from ambient sources
during the performance of classifications.
(iv) Measurements of the width and length of pleural shadows and
the diameter of opacities must be taken using calibrated software
measuring tools. If permitted by the viewing software, a record must
be made of the presentation state(s), including any noise reduction
and edge enhancement or restoration functions that were used in
performing the classification, including any annotations and
(15) Quality control procedures for devices used to display
chest images for classification must comply with the recommendations
of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine AAPM On-Line
Report No. 03, pages 1-146 (incorporated by reference, see Sec.
718.5). If automatic quality assurance systems are used, visual
inspection must be performed using one or more test patterns
recommended by the medical physicist every 6 months, or more
frequently, to check for defects that automatic systems may not
(16) Classification of CR and DR digitally-acquired chest
radiographs under this Part must be performed based on the viewing
images displayed as soft copies using the viewing workstations
specified in this section. Classification of radiographs must not be
based on the viewing of hard copy printed transparencies of images
that were digitally-acquired.
(17) The classification of chest radiographs based on digitized
copies of chest radiographs that were originally acquired using
film-screen techniques is not permissible.
8. The authority citation for part 725 is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1950, 15
FR 3174; 30 U.S.C. 901 et seq., 902(f), 921, 932, 936; 33 U.S.C. 901
et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 405; Secretary's Order 10-2009, 74 FR 58834.
9. In Sec. 725.406, revise paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (e) to read as
Sec. 725.406 Medical examinations and tests.
(a) The Act requires the Department to provide each miner who
applies for benefits with the opportunity to undergo a complete
pulmonary evaluation at no expense to the miner. A complete pulmonary
evaluation includes a report of physical examination, a pulmonary
function study, a chest radiograph, and, unless medically
contraindicated, a blood gas study.
(b) As soon as possible after a miner files an application for
benefits, the district director will provide the miner with a list of
medical facilities and physicians in the state of the miner's residence
and states contiguous to the state of the miner's residence that the
Office has authorized to perform complete pulmonary evaluations. The
miner must select one of the facilities or physicians on the list,
provided that the miner may not select any physician to whom the miner
or the miner's spouse is related to the fourth degree of consanguinity,
and the miner may not select any physician who has examined or provided
medical treatment to the miner within the twelve months preceding the
date of the miner's application. The district director will make
arrangements for the miner to be given a complete pulmonary evaluation
by that facility or physician. The results of the complete pulmonary
evaluation must not be counted as evidence submitted by the miner under
Sec. 725.414.
(c) If any medical examination or test conducted under paragraph
(a) of this section is not administered or reported in substantial
compliance with the provisions of part 718 of this subchapter, or does
not provide sufficient information to allow the district director to
decide whether the miner is eligible for benefits, the district
director must schedule the miner for further examination and testing.
Where the deficiencies in the report are the result of a lack of effort
on the part of the miner, the miner will be afforded one additional
opportunity to produce a satisfactory result. In order to determine
whether any medical examination or test was administered and reported
in substantial compliance with the provisions of part 718 of this
subchapter, the district director may have any component of such
examination or test reviewed by a physician selected by the district
* * * * *
(e) The cost of any medical examination or test authorized under
this section, including the cost of travel to and from the examination,
must be paid by the fund. Reimbursement for overnight accommodations
must not be authorized unless the district director determines that an
adequate testing facility is unavailable within one day's round trip
travel by automobile from the miner's residence. The fund must be
reimbursed for such payments by an operator, if any, found liable for
the payment of benefits to the claimant. If an operator fails to repay
such expenses, with interest, upon request of the Office, the entire
amount may be collected in an action brought under section 424 of the
Act and Sec. 725.603 of this part.
Signed at Washington, DC, this 3rd day of June, 2013.
Gary A. Steinberg,
Acting Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs.
[FR Doc. 2013-13971 Filed 6-12-13; 8:45 am]