Certain Electronic Devices, Including Wireless Communication Devices, Portable Music and Data Processing Devices, and Tablet Computers; Notice of the Commission's Final Determination Finding a Violation of Section 337; Issuance of a Limited Exclusion Order and a Cease and Desist Order; Termination of the Investigation, 34669-34671 [2013-13641]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 111 / Monday, June 10, 2013 / Notices
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS–R4–ES–2013–N117; 40120–1112–
Incidental Take Permit and
Environmental Assessment for Forest
Management Activities, Southern
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice.
Under the Endangered
Species Act (Act), we, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, announce the receipt
and availability of a proposed habitat
conservation plan (HCP) and
accompanying documents for proposed
forest management activities by Potlatch
Forest Holdings, Inc. (Applicant) that
would take the endangered redcockaded Woodpecker (Picoides
borealis) on the Applicant’s lands in
south Arkansas. We invite public
comments on these documents.
DATES: We must receive any written
comments at our Regional Office (see
ADDRESSES) on or before August 9, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Documents are available for
public inspection by appointment
during normal business hours at the
Fish and Wildlife Service’s Regional
Office, 1875 Century Boulevard, Suite
200, Atlanta, GA 30345; or the Arkansas
Ecological Services Field Office, 110
South Amity Road, Suite 300, Conway,
AR 72032.
David Dell, Regional HCP Coordinator,
(see ADDRESSES), telephone: 404–679–
7313; or Ms. Erin Leone, Field Office
Project Manager, at the Arkansas
Ecological Services Field Office (see
ADDRESSES), telephone: 501–513–4472.
announce the availability of the
proposed HCP, accompanying
incidental take permit (ITP) application,
and an environmental assessment (EA),
which analyze the take of the redcockaded woodpecker incidental to
activities conducted by the Applicant.
The Applicant requests a 30-year ITP
under section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Act (16
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), as amended. The
Applicant’s HCP describes the
mitigation and minimization measures
proposed to address the impacts to the
We specifically request information,
views, and opinions from the public via
this notice on our proposed Federal
action, including identification of any
other aspects of the human environment
not already identified in the EA
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pursuant to National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA) regulations in the
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 40
CFR 1506.6. Further, we specifically
solicit information regarding the
adequacy of the HCP per 50 CFR parts
13 and 17.
The EA assesses the likely
environmental impacts associated with
the implementation of the activities,
including the environmental
consequences of the no-action
alternative and the proposed action. The
proposed action alternative is issuance
of the ITP and implementation of the
HCP as submitted by the Applicant. The
HCP covers activities associated with
the translocation of the red-cockaded
woodpecker into a proposed
conservation area on the Applicant’s
lands in Calhoun County, Arkansas;
timber harvesting activities on Potlatch
lands in Arkansas; and provisioning and
maintenance activities associated with
red-cockaded woodpecker groups
within the conservation area.
Avoidance, minimization, and
mitigation measures include
consolidation of red-cockaded
woodpecker groups into the
conservation area, land management to
maintain habitat, and management of
additional red-cockaded woodpecker
groups that may be available to use for
mitigation by landowners besides the
Public Comments
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
If you wish to comment, you may
submit comments by any one of several
methods. Please reference TE85629A–0
in such comments. You may mail
comments to the Fish and Wildlife
Service’s Regional Office (see
ADDRESSES). You may also comment via
the internet to david_dell@fws.gov.
Please include your name and return
address in your internet message. If you
do not receive a confirmation from us
that we have received your internet
message, contact us directly at either
telephone number listed under FOR
Finally, you may hand-deliver
comments to either of our offices listed
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Covered Area
The HCP and ITP application covers
419,278 acres of timberland in south
Arkansas containing 21 red-cockaded
woodpecker groups, 17 potential
breeding groups and four single bird
groups. Six of these groups are currently
located outside the proposed
conservation area, which will
encompass 13,122 acres of timberland
and be the focus of red-cockaded
woodpecker conservation activities. The
red-cockaded woodpecker historically
ranged throughout south Arkansas, but
is now restricted to Felsenthal National
Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Ouachita
National Forest, Warren Prairie Natural
Area, one privately-owned conservation
area managed under a separate HCP
adjacent to Felsenthal NWR, Potlatch
lands, and up to eight isolated groups
on other private lands.
Next Steps
We will evaluate the ITP application,
including the HCP and any comments
we receive, to determine whether the
application meets the requirements of
section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Act. We will
also evaluate whether issuance of a
section 10(a)(1)(B) ITP complies with
section 7 of the Act by conducting an
intra-Service section 7 consultation. We
will use the results of this consultation,
in combination with the above findings,
in our final analysis to determine
whether or not to issue the ITP. If we
determine that the requirements are
met, we will issue the ITP for the
incidental take of red-cockaded
Authority: We provide this notice under
section 10 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)
and NEPA regulations (40 CFR 1506.6).
Dated: May 20, 2013.
Mike Oetker,
Acting Regional Director.
[FR Doc. 2013–13714 Filed 6–7–13; 8:45 am]
[Investigation No. 337–TA–794]
Certain Electronic Devices, Including
Wireless Communication Devices,
Portable Music and Data Processing
Devices, and Tablet Computers; Notice
of the Commission’s Final
Determination Finding a Violation of
Section 337; Issuance of a Limited
Exclusion Order and a Cease and
Desist Order; Termination of the
U.S. International Trade
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 111 / Monday, June 10, 2013 / Notices
Notice is hereby given that
the U.S. International Trade
Commission has found a violation of
section 337 in this investigation and has
issued a limited exclusion order
prohibiting respondent Apple Inc. of
Cupertino, California (‘‘Apple’’), from
importing wireless communication
devices, portable music and data
processing devices, and tablet
computers that infringe claims 75–76
and 82–84 of U.S. Patent No. 7,706,348
(‘‘the ’348 patent’’). The Commission
has also issued a cease and desist order
against Apple prohibiting the sale and
distribution within the United States of
articles that infringe claims 75–76 and
82–84 of the ’348 patent. The
Commission has found no violation
based on U.S. Patent Nos. 7,486,644
(‘‘the ’644 patent’’), 7,450,114 (‘‘the ’114
patent’’), and 6,771,980 (‘‘the ’980
patent’’). The Commission’s
determination is final, and the
investigation is terminated.
Clark S. Cheney, Office of the General
Counsel, U.S. International Trade
Commission, 500 E Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202)
205–2661. Copies of non-confidential
documents filed in connection with this
investigation are or will be available for
inspection during official business
hours (8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.) in the
Office of the Secretary, U.S.
International Trade Commission, 500 E
Street SW., Washington, DC 20436,
telephone (202) 205–2000. General
information concerning the Commission
may also be obtained by accessing its
Internet server (https://www.usitc.gov).
The public record for this investigation
may be viewed on the Commission’s
electronic docket (EDIS) at https://
edis.usitc.gov. Hearing-impaired
persons are advised that information on
this matter can be obtained by
contacting the Commission’s TDD
terminal on (202) 205–1810.
Commission instituted this investigation
on August 1, 2011, based on a complaint
filed by Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. of
Korea and Samsung
Telecommunications America, LLC of
Richardson, Texas (collectively,
‘‘Samsung’’). 76 FR 45860 (Aug. 1,
2011). The complaint alleges violations
of section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930,
as amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), in the
importation into the United States, the
sale for importation, and the sale within
the United States after importation of
certain electronic devices, including
wireless communication devices,
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portable music and data processing
devices, and tablet computers, by reason
of infringement of various U.S. patents.
The notice of investigation names Apple
as the only respondent. The patents
remaining in the investigation are the
’348, ’644, ’114, and ’980 patents. The
complaint also alleged infringement of
U.S. Patent No. 6,879,843, but the
investigation with respect to that patent
was previously terminated based on
withdrawn allegations.
On September 14, 2012, the presiding
administrative law judge (‘‘ALJ’’) issued
his final initial determination (‘‘ID’’)
finding no violation of section 337
based on the four patents remaining at
issue. The ALJ determined that the ’348,
’644, and ’980 patents are valid but not
infringed and that the ’114 patent is
both invalid and not infringed. The ALJ
further determined that the economic
prong of the domestic industry
requirement was satisfied with respect
to the remaining asserted patents, but
that the technical prong was not
satisfied for any of those patents.
On October 1, 2012, complainant
Samsung and the Commission
investigative attorney (‘‘IA’’) filed
petitions for review of the ID, while
Apple filed a contingent petition for
On November 19, 2012, the
Commission determined to review the
ID in its entirety. 77 FR 70464 (Nov. 26,
2012). The Commission issued a public
notice requesting written submissions
from the parties and the public on
various topics, many of which
concerned the Commission’s authority
to issue a remedy for the importation of
articles that infringe patents that the
patent owner has stated it will license
on fair, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory (‘‘FRAND’’) terms. Other
topics concerned patent issues specific
to this investigation. The Commission
received written submissions from
Samsung, Apple, and the IA addressing
all of the Commission’s questions. In
response to the FRAND-related topics
posed to the public, the Commission
received responses from the following:
Association for Competitive
Technology; Business Software
Alliance; Ericsson Inc.; GTW Associates;
Hewlett Packard Company; Innovation
Alliance; Intel Corporation; Motorola
Mobility LLC; Qualcomm Incorporated;
Research In Motion Corporation; and
Sprint Spectrum, L.P.
On March 13, 2013, the Commission
issued another public notice requesting
written submissions from the parties
and the public on various additional
topics, including some FRAND-related
topics. 78 FR 16865 (March 19, 2013).
The Commission received written
PO 00000
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submissions from Samsung, Apple, and
the IA addressing all of the
Commission’s questions. In response to
the FRAND-related topics posed to the
public, the Commission received
responses from the following:
Association for Competitive
Technology; Business Software
Alliance; Cisco Systems, Inc.; Hewlett
Packard Company; Innovation Alliance;
Micron Technology, Inc.; and Retail
Industry Leaders Association.
Having examined the record of this
investigation, including the ALJ’s final
ID and submissions from the parties and
from the public, the Commission has
determined that Samsung has proven a
violation of section 337 based on
articles that infringe claims 75–76 and
82–84 of the ’348 patent. The
Commission has determined to modify
the ALJ’s construction of certain terms
in the asserted claims of the ’348 patent,
including ‘‘controller,’’ ‘‘10 bit TFCI
information,’’ and ‘‘puncturing.’’ Under
the modified constructions, the
Commission has determined that
Samsung has proven that the accused
iPhone 4 (AT&T models); iPhone 3GS
(AT&T models); iPhone 3 (AT&T
models); iPad 3G (AT&T models); and
iPad 2 3G (AT&T models) infringe the
asserted claims of the ’348 patent. The
Commission has further determined that
the properly construed claims have not
been proven by Apple to be invalid and
that Samsung has proven that a
domestic industry exists in the United
States with respect to the ’348 patent.
The Commission has determined that
Apple failed to prove an affirmative
defense based on Samsung’s FRAND
The Commission has determined that
Samsung has not proven a violation
based on alleged infringement of the
’644, ’980, and ’114 patents. With some
modifications to the ALJ’s analysis, the
Commission has determined that the
asserted claims of the ’644 and ’980
patents are valid but not infringed and
that the asserted claims of the ’114
patent are not infringed and are invalid.
The Commission has further determined
that Samsung did not prove a domestic
industry exists in the United States
relating to articles protected by the ’644,
’980, and ’114 patents.
The Commission has determined that
the appropriate remedy is a limited
exclusion order and a cease and desist
order prohibiting Apple from importing
into the United States or selling or
distributing within the United States
wireless communication devices,
portable music and data processing
devices, and tablet computers that
infringe claims 75–76 and 82–84 of the
’348 patent. The Commission has
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 111 / Monday, June 10, 2013 / Notices
determined that the public interest
factors enumerated in section 337(d)(1)
and (f)(1) do not preclude issuance of
the limited exclusion order and cease
and desist order. The Commission has
determined that Samsung’s FRAND
declarations do not preclude that
Finally, the Commission has
determined that a bond in the amount
of zero percent of the entered value is
required to permit temporary
importation during the period of
Presidential review (19 U.S.C. 1337(j))
of wireless communication devices,
portable music and data processing
devices, and tablet computers that are
subject to the order. The Commission’s
order and opinion were delivered to the
President and to the United States Trade
Representative on the day of their
Commissioner Pinkert dissents on
public interest grounds from the
determination to issue an exclusion
order and cease and desist order.
The authority for the Commission’s
determination is contained in section
337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), and in Part
210 of the Commission’s Rules of
Practice and Procedure (19 CFR Part
Issued: June 4, 2013.
By order of the Commission.
Lisa R. Barton,
Acting Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2013–13641 Filed 6–7–13; 8:45 am]
Invitation for Membership on Advisory
Joint Board for the Enrollment
of Actuaries.
ACTION: Notice.
The Joint Board for the
Enrollment of Actuaries (Joint Board),
established under the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
(ERISA), is responsible for the
enrollment of individuals who wish to
perform actuarial services under ERISA.
The Joint Board has established the
Advisory Committee on Actuarial
Examinations (Advisory Committee) to
assist in its examination duties
mandated by ERISA. The current
Advisory Committee members’ terms
expire on August 31, 2013. This notice
describes the Advisory Committee and
invites applications from those
interested in serving on the Advisory
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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Committee for the September 1, 2013–
February 28, 2015, term.
Applications for membership on
the Advisory Committee must be
received by the Executive Director of the
Joint Board, by no later than July 31,
Mail or deliver applications
to: Patrick W. McDonough; Executive
Director, Joint Board for the Enrollment
of Actuaries; Return Preparer Office
SE:RPO; Internal Revenue Service; 1111
Constitution Avenue NW.; REFM, Park
4, Floor 4; Washington, DC 20224. Send
applications electronically to:
application requirements.
Patrick W. McDonough, Executive
Director, at (703) 414–2173.
1. Background
To qualify for enrollment to perform
actuarial services under ERISA, an
applicant must satisfy certain
experience and knowledge
requirements, which are set forth in the
Joint Board’s regulations. An applicant
may satisfy the knowledge requirement
by successful completion of Joint Board
examinations in basic actuarial
mathematics and methodology and in
actuarial mathematics and methodology
relating to pension plans qualifying
under ERISA.
The Joint Board, the Society of
Actuaries, and the American Society of
Pension Professionals & Actuaries
jointly offer examinations acceptable to
the Joint Board for enrollment purposes
and acceptable to the other two actuarial
organizations as part of their respective
examination programs
2. Scope of Advisory Committee Duties
The Advisory Committee plays an
integral role in the examination program
by assisting the Joint Board in offering
examinations that enable examination
candidates to demonstrate the
knowledge necessary to qualify for
enrollment. The Advisory Committee’s
duties, which are strictly advisory,
include (1) Recommending topics for
inclusion on the Joint Board
examinations, (2) reviewing and drafting
examination questions, (3)
recommending examinations, (4)
reviewing examination results and
recommending passing scores, and (5)
providing other recommendations and
advice relative to the examinations, as
requested by the Joint Board.
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3. Member Terms and Responsibilities
Generally, members are appointed for
a 2-year term. However, the upcoming
term will be 18 months in duration,
beginning on September 1, 2013, and
ending on February 28, 2015. Members
may seek reappointment for additional
consecutive terms.
Members are expected to attend
approximately 4 meetings each calendar
year and are reimbursed for travel
expenses in accordance with applicable
government regulations. In general,
members are expected to devote 125 to
175 hours, including meeting time, to
the work of the Advisory Committee
over the course of a year.
4. Member Selection
The Joint Board seeks to appoint an
Advisory Committee that is fairly
balanced in terms of points of view
represented and functions to be
performed. Every effort is made to
ensure that most points of view extant
in the enrolled actuary profession are
represented on the Advisory Committee.
To that end, the Joint Board seeks to
appoint several members from each of
the main practice areas of the enrolled
actuary profession, including small
employer plans, large employer plans,
and multiemployer plans. In addition,
to ensure diversity of points of view, the
Joint Board limits the number of
members affiliated with any one
actuarial organization or employed with
any one firm.
Membership normally will be limited
to actuaries currently enrolled by the
Joint Board. However, individuals
having academic or other special
qualifications of particular value for the
Advisory Committee’s work also will be
considered for membership. Federallyregistered lobbyists and individuals
affiliated with Joint Board enrollment
examination preparation courses are not
eligible to serve on the Advisory
5. Member Designation
It is expected that Advisory
Committee members will be appointed
as Special Government Employees
(SGEs). As such, members will be
subject to certain ethical standards
applicable to SGEs. Upon appointment,
each member will be required to
provide written confirmation that he/
she does not have a financial interest in
a Joint Board examination preparation
course. In addition, each member will
be required to attend annual ethics
6. Application Requirements
To receive consideration, an
individual interested in serving on the
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 111 (Monday, June 10, 2013)]
[Pages 34669-34671]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2013-13641]
[Investigation No. 337-TA-794]
Certain Electronic Devices, Including Wireless Communication
Devices, Portable Music and Data Processing Devices, and Tablet
Computers; Notice of the Commission's Final Determination Finding a
Violation of Section 337; Issuance of a Limited Exclusion Order and a
Cease and Desist Order; Termination of the Investigation
AGENCY: U.S. International Trade Commission.
[[Page 34670]]
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade
Commission has found a violation of section 337 in this investigation
and has issued a limited exclusion order prohibiting respondent Apple
Inc. of Cupertino, California (``Apple''), from importing wireless
communication devices, portable music and data processing devices, and
tablet computers that infringe claims 75-76 and 82-84 of U.S. Patent
No. 7,706,348 (``the '348 patent''). The Commission has also issued a
cease and desist order against Apple prohibiting the sale and
distribution within the United States of articles that infringe claims
75-76 and 82-84 of the '348 patent. The Commission has found no
violation based on U.S. Patent Nos. 7,486,644 (``the '644 patent''),
7,450,114 (``the '114 patent''), and 6,771,980 (``the '980 patent'').
The Commission's determination is final, and the investigation is
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Clark S. Cheney, Office of the General
Counsel, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202) 205-2661. Copies of non-
confidential documents filed in connection with this investigation are
or will be available for inspection during official business hours
(8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.) in the Office of the Secretary, U.S.
International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW., Washington, DC 20436,
telephone (202) 205-2000. General information concerning the Commission
may also be obtained by accessing its Internet server (https://www.usitc.gov). The public record for this investigation may be viewed
on the Commission's electronic docket (EDIS) at https://edis.usitc.gov.
Hearing-impaired persons are advised that information on this matter
can be obtained by contacting the Commission's TDD terminal on (202)
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission instituted this investigation
on August 1, 2011, based on a complaint filed by Samsung Electronics
Co., Ltd. of Korea and Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC of
Richardson, Texas (collectively, ``Samsung''). 76 FR 45860 (Aug. 1,
2011). The complaint alleges violations of section 337 of the Tariff
Act of 1930, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), in the importation into the
United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United
States after importation of certain electronic devices, including
wireless communication devices, portable music and data processing
devices, and tablet computers, by reason of infringement of various
U.S. patents. The notice of investigation names Apple as the only
respondent. The patents remaining in the investigation are the '348,
'644, '114, and '980 patents. The complaint also alleged infringement
of U.S. Patent No. 6,879,843, but the investigation with respect to
that patent was previously terminated based on withdrawn allegations.
On September 14, 2012, the presiding administrative law judge
(``ALJ'') issued his final initial determination (``ID'') finding no
violation of section 337 based on the four patents remaining at issue.
The ALJ determined that the '348, '644, and '980 patents are valid but
not infringed and that the '114 patent is both invalid and not
infringed. The ALJ further determined that the economic prong of the
domestic industry requirement was satisfied with respect to the
remaining asserted patents, but that the technical prong was not
satisfied for any of those patents.
On October 1, 2012, complainant Samsung and the Commission
investigative attorney (``IA'') filed petitions for review of the ID,
while Apple filed a contingent petition for review.
On November 19, 2012, the Commission determined to review the ID in
its entirety. 77 FR 70464 (Nov. 26, 2012). The Commission issued a
public notice requesting written submissions from the parties and the
public on various topics, many of which concerned the Commission's
authority to issue a remedy for the importation of articles that
infringe patents that the patent owner has stated it will license on
fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (``FRAND'') terms. Other
topics concerned patent issues specific to this investigation. The
Commission received written submissions from Samsung, Apple, and the IA
addressing all of the Commission's questions. In response to the FRAND-
related topics posed to the public, the Commission received responses
from the following: Association for Competitive Technology; Business
Software Alliance; Ericsson Inc.; GTW Associates; Hewlett Packard
Company; Innovation Alliance; Intel Corporation; Motorola Mobility LLC;
Qualcomm Incorporated; Research In Motion Corporation; and Sprint
Spectrum, L.P.
On March 13, 2013, the Commission issued another public notice
requesting written submissions from the parties and the public on
various additional topics, including some FRAND-related topics. 78 FR
16865 (March 19, 2013). The Commission received written submissions
from Samsung, Apple, and the IA addressing all of the Commission's
questions. In response to the FRAND-related topics posed to the public,
the Commission received responses from the following: Association for
Competitive Technology; Business Software Alliance; Cisco Systems,
Inc.; Hewlett Packard Company; Innovation Alliance; Micron Technology,
Inc.; and Retail Industry Leaders Association.
Having examined the record of this investigation, including the
ALJ's final ID and submissions from the parties and from the public,
the Commission has determined that Samsung has proven a violation of
section 337 based on articles that infringe claims 75-76 and 82-84 of
the '348 patent. The Commission has determined to modify the ALJ's
construction of certain terms in the asserted claims of the '348
patent, including ``controller,'' ``10 bit TFCI information,'' and
``puncturing.'' Under the modified constructions, the Commission has
determined that Samsung has proven that the accused iPhone 4 (AT&T
models); iPhone 3GS (AT&T models); iPhone 3 (AT&T models); iPad 3G
(AT&T models); and iPad 2 3G (AT&T models) infringe the asserted claims
of the '348 patent. The Commission has further determined that the
properly construed claims have not been proven by Apple to be invalid
and that Samsung has proven that a domestic industry exists in the
United States with respect to the '348 patent. The Commission has
determined that Apple failed to prove an affirmative defense based on
Samsung's FRAND declarations.
The Commission has determined that Samsung has not proven a
violation based on alleged infringement of the '644, '980, and '114
patents. With some modifications to the ALJ's analysis, the Commission
has determined that the asserted claims of the '644 and '980 patents
are valid but not infringed and that the asserted claims of the '114
patent are not infringed and are invalid. The Commission has further
determined that Samsung did not prove a domestic industry exists in the
United States relating to articles protected by the '644, '980, and
'114 patents.
The Commission has determined that the appropriate remedy is a
limited exclusion order and a cease and desist order prohibiting Apple
from importing into the United States or selling or distributing within
the United States wireless communication devices, portable music and
data processing devices, and tablet computers that infringe claims 75-
76 and 82-84 of the '348 patent. The Commission has
[[Page 34671]]
determined that the public interest factors enumerated in section
337(d)(1) and (f)(1) do not preclude issuance of the limited exclusion
order and cease and desist order. The Commission has determined that
Samsung's FRAND declarations do not preclude that remedy.
Finally, the Commission has determined that a bond in the amount of
zero percent of the entered value is required to permit temporary
importation during the period of Presidential review (19 U.S.C.
1337(j)) of wireless communication devices, portable music and data
processing devices, and tablet computers that are subject to the order.
The Commission's order and opinion were delivered to the President and
to the United States Trade Representative on the day of their issuance.
Commissioner Pinkert dissents on public interest grounds from the
determination to issue an exclusion order and cease and desist order.
The authority for the Commission's determination is contained in
section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), and
in Part 210 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR
Part 210).
Issued: June 4, 2013.
By order of the Commission.
Lisa R. Barton,
Acting Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2013-13641 Filed 6-7-13; 8:45 am]