Agreements in Force as of December 31, 2012 Between the American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States, 13906-13910 [2013-04515]
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Notices
NASA Case No.: GSC–16193–1: Fine
Control and Maintenance Algorithm for
Visible Nulling Coronagraphy.
Sumara M. Thompson-King,
Deputy General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2013–04802 Filed 2–28–13; 8:45 am]
[Notice 13–015]
Government-Owned Inventions,
Available for Licensing
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration.
ACTION: Notice of Availability of
Inventions for Licensing.
Patent applications on the
inventions listed below assigned to the
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, have been filed in the
United States Patent and Trademark
Office, and are available for licensing.
DATES: March 1, 2013.
Robert M. Padilla, Patent Counsel, Ames
Research Center, Code 202A–4, Moffett
Field, CA 94035–1000; telephone (650)
604–5104; fax (650) 604–2767.
NASA Case No.: ARC–16811–1:
Compliant Electrode and Composite
Material for Piezoelectric Wind and
Mechanical Energy Conversions;
NASA Case No.: ARC–16467–1:
System and Method for Outlier
Detection via Estimating Clusters.
Sumara M. Thompson-King,
Deputy General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2013–04801 Filed 2–28–13; 8:45 am]
[Notice 13–019]
Government-Owned Inventions,
Available for Licensing
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration.
ACTION: Notice of Availability of
Inventions for Licensing.
Patent applications on the
inventions listed below assigned to the
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, have been filed in the
United States Patent and Trademark
Office, and are available for licensing.
DATES: March 1, 2013.
Randy Heald, Patent Counsel, Kennedy
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[FR Doc. 2013–04804 Filed 2–28–13; 8:45 am]
Office of the Federal Register
Agreements in Force as of December
31, 2012 Between the American
Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative
Office in the United States
Office of the Federal Register,
ACTION: Notice of availability of
The American Institute in
Taiwan has concluded a number of
agreements with the Taipei Economic
and Cultural Representative Office in
the United States (formerly the
Coordination Council for North
American Affairs) in order to maintain
cultural, commercial and other
unofficial relations between the
American people and the people of
Taiwan. The Director of the Federal
Register is publishing the list of these
agreements on behalf of the American
Institute in Taiwan in the public
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Sumara M. Thompson-King,
Deputy General Counsel.
Space Center, Mail Code CC–A,
Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899;
telephone (321) 867–7214; fax (321)
NASA Case No.: KSC–13592: pHSensitive Microparticles with MatrixDispersed Active Agent;
NASA Case No.: KSC–13636:
Incorporation of Chemochromic
Pigment into a Variety of Articles as an
Indicator for the Presence of Hypergolic
NASA Case No.: KSC–13088–CON:
Chemochromic Detector for Sensing Gas
NASA Case No.: KSC–13088–CON:
Chemochromic Detector for Sensing Gas
Leakage and Process for Producing
NASA Case No.: KSC–13088–DIV:
Chemochromic Detector for Sensing Gas
Leakage and Process for Producing
commercial and other unofficial
relations between the American people
and the people of Taiwan are
maintained on a non-governmental basis
through the American Institute in
Taiwan (AIT), a private nonprofit
corporation created under the Taiwan
Relations Act (Pub. L. 96–8; 93 Stat. 14).
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The Coordination Council for North
American Affairs (CCNAA) was
established as the nongovernmental
Taiwan counterpart to AIT. On October
10, 1995, the CCNAA was renamed the
Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office in the United
States (TECRO).
Under section 12 of the Act,
agreements concluded between AIT and
TECRO (CCNAA) are transmitted to the
Congress, and according to sections 6
and 10(a) of the Act, such agreements
have full force and effect under the law
of the United States. The texts of the
agreements are available from the
American Institute in Taiwan, 1700
North Moore Street, Suite 1700,
Arlington, Virginia 22209. For further
information, please telephone (703)
525–8474, or fax (703) 841–1385.
Following is a list of agreements
between AIT and TECRO (CCNAA)
which were in force as of December 31,
For the American Institute in Taiwan.
Dated: February 19, 2013.
Barbara J. Schrage,
Managing Director For the Office of the
Federal Register.
Dated: February 25, 2013.
Charles Barth,
Agreements Between American
Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the
Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office in the United
States (TECRO) In Force as of December
31, 2012
Status of Tecro
The Exchange of Letters concerning
the change in the name of the
Coordination Council for North
American Affairs (CCNAA) to the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative
Office in the United States (TECRO).
Signed December 27, 1994 and January
3, 1995. Entered into force January 3,
1. Guidelines for a cooperative
program in the agriculture sciences.
Signed January 28, 1986. Entered into
force January 28, 1986.
2. Amendment amending the 1986
Guidelines for a Cooperative Program in
the Agricultural Sciences. Effected by
exchange of letters September 11, 1989.
Entered into force September 11, 1989.
3. Cooperative service agreement to
facilitate fruit and vegetable inspection
through their designated
representatives, the United States
Department of Agriculture Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
and the Taiwan Provincial Fruit
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Notices
Marketing Cooperative (TPFMC)
supervised by the Taiwan Council of
Agriculture (COA). Signed April 28,
1993. Entered into force April 28, 1993.
4. Memorandum of agreement
concerning sanitary/phytosanitary and
agricultural standards. Signed
November 4, 1993. Entered into force
November 4, 1993.
5. Agreement amending the
guidelines for the cooperative program
in agricultural sciences. Signed October
30, 2001. Entered into force October 30,
6. Memorandum of Understanding
Establishing Consultative Committee on
Agriculture Terms of Reference. Signed
July 10, 2007. Entered into force July 10,
7. Consultative Committee on
Agriculture Terms of Reference. Signed
July 10, 2007. Entered into force July 10,
8. Notification on Protocol of Bovine
Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)—
related measures for the importation of
beef and beef products for human
consumption from territory of the
authorities represented by AIT. Signed
October 22, 2009. Entered into force
October 22, 2009.
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1. Memorandum of agreement
concerning the arrangement for certain
aeronautical equipment and services
relating to civil aviation (NAT–I–845),
with annexes. Signed September 24 and
October 23, 1981. Entered into force
October 23, 1981.
2. Amendment amending the
memorandum of agreement concerning
aeronautical equipment and services of
September 24 and October 23, 1981.
Signed September 1 and 23, 1985.
Entered into force September 3, 1985.
3. Agreement amending the
memorandum of agreement of
September 24 and October 23, 1981,
concerning aeronautical equipment and
services. Signed September 23 and
October 17, 1991. Entered into force
October 17, 1991.
4. Air transport agreement, with
annexes. Signed at Washington March
18, 1998. Entered into force March 18,
5. Agreement for promotion of
aviation safety. Signed June 30, 2003.
Entered into force June 30, 2003.
6. Exchange of Letters concerning
removal from the agreement of
provisions relating to regulations of
computer reservation systems in Annex
III to the Air Transport Agreement
signed March 18, 1998. Signed
December 11, 2006 and January 2, 2007.
Entered into force January 2, 2007.
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7. Exchange of Letters on Principles
for Cooperation on Improving Travel
Security. Signed December 19, 2008.
Enter into force December 19, 2008.
8. Agreement for Cooperation in and
the promotion of Transportation of
Safety. Signed June 15, 2010 and June
22, 2010. Entered into force June 22,
9. Memorandum of Agreement NAT–
I–2305 between AIT and TECRO. Signed
May 16, 2012 and February 21, 2012.
Entered into force May 16, 2012.
1. Memorandum on cooperation in
forestry and natural resources
conservation. Signed May 23 and July 4,
1991. Entered into force July 4, 1991.
2. Memorandum on cooperation in
soil and water conservation under the
guidelines for a cooperative program in
the agricultural sciences. Signed at
Washington October 5, 1992. Entered
into force October 5, 1992.
3. Agreement on technical
cooperation in forest management and
nature conservation. Signed October 24,
2003 and February 27, 2004. Entered
into force February 27, 2004.
4. Memorandum of Understanding
Concerning Cooperation in Fisheries
and Aquaculture. Signed April 21, 2008.
Entered into force April 21, 2008
1. Agreement regarding passport
validity. Effected by exchange of letters
of August 26 and November 13, 1998.
Entered into force December 10, 1998.
Consumer Product Safety
1. Memorandum of Understanding for
cooperation associated with consumer
product safety matters. Signed April 29
and July 27, 2004. Entered into force
July 27, 2004.
1. Agreement for technical assistance
in customs operations and management,
with attachment. Signed May 14 and
June 4, 1991. Entered into force June 4,
2. Agreement on TECRO/AIT carnet
for the temporary admission of goods.
Signed June 25, 1996. Entered into force
June 25, 1996.
3. Agreement regarding mutual
assistance between their designated
representatives, the United States
Customs Administration and the
Taiwan Customs Administration.
Signed January 17, 2001. Entered into
force January 17, 2001.
Drug Enforcement
1. Memorandum of Understanding
Concerning the Sharing of Information
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in Relation to Preventing Combating
Breach of Customs and Controlled
Substances Laws. Signed February 10,
2009. Entered into force February 10,
Education and Culture
1. Agreement amending the agreement
for financing certain educational and
cultural exchange programs of April 23,
1964. Effected by exchange of letters at
Taipei April 14 and June 4, 1979.
Entered into force June 4, 1979.
2. Agreement concerning the Taipei
American School, with annex. Signed at
Taipei February 3, 1983. Entered into
force February 3, 1983.
3. Memorandum of Understanding on
Educational Cooperation. Signed at
Washington DC December 5, 2008.
Entered into force December 5, 2008.
4. Exchange of letters concerning the
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange
pursuant to the Agreement for financing
certain educational and cultural
exchange programs. Signed December 4,
2009 and April 15, 2010. Entered into
force April 15, 2010.
1. Agreement relating to the
establishment of a joint standing
committee on civil nuclear cooperation.
Signed at Taipei October 3, 1984.
Entered into force October 3, 1984.
2. Agreement amending and
extending the agreement of October 3,
1984, relating to the establishment of a
joint standing committee on civil
nuclear cooperation. Signed October 19,
1989. Entered into force October 19,
3. Agreement abandoning in place in
Taiwan the Argonaut Research Reactor
loaned to National Tsing Hua
University. Signed November 28, 1990.
4. Agreement Amending and
Extending the Agreement of October 3,
1984, as amended and extended,
relating to the establishment of a joint
standing committee on civil nuclear
cooperation. Signed October 3, 1994.
Entered into force October 3, 1994.
5. Agreement concerning safeguards
arrangements for nuclear materials
transferred from France to Taiwan.
Effected by exchange of letters February
12 and May 13, 1993. Entered into force
May 13, 1993.
6. Memorandum of Agreement for
release of an Energy and Power
Evaluation Program (ENPEP) computer
software package. Signed January 25
and February 27, 1995. Entered into
force February 27, 1995.
7. Agreement regarding terms and
conditions for the acceptance of foreign
research reactor spent nuclear fuel at the
Department of Energy’s Savannah River
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Notices
3. Agreement amending the 1984
guidelines for a cooperative program in
the biomedical sciences, with
attachment. Signed April 20, 1989.
Entered into force April 20, 1989.
4. Agreement amending the 1984
guidelines for a cooperative program in
the biomedical Sciences, as amended,
with attachment. Signed August 24,
1989. Entered into force August 24,
5. Guidelines for a cooperative
program in public health and preventive
medicine. Signed at Arlington and
Washington June 30 and July 19, 1994.
Entered into force July 19, 1994.
6. Agreement for technical
cooperation in vaccine and
immunization-related activities, with
implementing arrangement. Signed at
Washington October 6 and 7, 1994.
Entered into force October 7, 1994.
7. Agreement regarding the mutual
exchange of information on medical
devices, including quality systems
requirements inspectional information.
Effected by exchange of letters January
9, 1998. Entered into force January 9,
1. Agreement for technical
cooperation in the field of
environmental protection, with
implementing arrangement. Signed June
21, 1993. Entered into force June 21,
2. Agreement extending the agreement
of June 21, 1993 for technical
cooperation in the field of
environmental protection. Effected by
exchanges of letters June 30 and July 20
and 30, 1998. Entered into force July 30,
1998, effective June 21, 1998.
3. Agreement extending the agreement
for technical cooperation in the field of
environmental protection. Signed
September 23, 2003. Entered into force
September 23, 2003.
4. Extension of Agreement for the
Technical Cooperation in the Field of
Environmental Protection. Signed
September 29, 2008. Entered into force
September 29, 2008.
5. Letter of confirmation of
compatible Good Laboratory Practices
programs. Signed January 19, 2010 and
February 3, 2010. Entered into force
February 3, 2010.
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site. Signed December 28, 1998 and
February 25, 1999. Entered into force
February 25, 1999.
8. Agreement for technical
cooperation in clean coal and advanced
power systems technologies. Signed
October 31, 2003 and January 20, 2004.
Entered into force January 20, 2004.
9. Modification Number 1 to the
Agreement for the Shipment of Spent
Nuclear Fuel. Signed July 8, 2009.
Entered into force July 8, 2009.
10. Arrangement for the Exchange of
Technical Information and Cooperation
in Nuclear Regulatory and Safety
Matters. Signed January 4, 2011 and
January 4, 2011. Entered into force
January 04, 2011.
11. Statement of Intent regarding
Nuclear and Radiological Incident
Response and Emergency Management
Capabilities. Signed May 9, 2011 and
May 26, 2011. Entered into force May
26, 2011.
12. Joint Determination of
Safeguardability for Alteration in Form
or Content of Irradiated Fuel elements.
Signed June 20, 2011 and June 20, 2011.
Entered into force June 20, 2011.
Homeland Security
1. Declaration of Principles for
governing cooperation, on the basis of
reciprocity, including the posting of AIT
Representatives at the Port of
Kaohsiung, and the posting of TECRO
Representatives at certain U.S. seaports.
Signed August 18, 2004. Entered into
force August 18, 2004.
2. Memorandum of understanding
concerning cooperation to prevent the
illicit trafficking in nuclear and other
radioactive material. Signed May 25,
2006. Entered into force May 25, 2006.
3. Declaration of Principles for
governing cooperation, on the basis of
reciprocity, including the posting of AIT
Representatives at seaports in Taiwan.
Signed September 22, 2006. Entered
into force September 22, 2006.
4. Exchange of Letters to facilitate the
implementation of the MOU concerning
cooperation to prevent the illicit
trafficking in nuclear and other
radioactive material signed May 25,
2006. Signed April 30, 2007 and July 5,
2007. Entered into force July 5, 2007.
5. Port Air Quality Partnership
Declaration on the occasion of a Port Air
Quality Partnership Conference hosted
by their designated representatives, the
Port of Tacoma, Washington and the
Harbor Bureaus of Kaosiung, Taipei and
Keelung on November 18–20, 2008.
Signed November 20, 2008. Entered into
force November 20, 2008.
6. Agreement for Transfer of
Ownership. Signed September 30, 2009.
Entered into force September 30, 2009.
1. Guidelines for a cooperative
program in the biomedical sciences.
Signed May 21, 1984. Entered into force
May 21, 1984.
2. Guidelines for a cooperative
program in food hygiene. Signed
January 15 and 28, 1985. Entered into
force January 28, 1985.
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7. Joint Statement between AIT and
TECRO for Cooperation on Repatriation
of Persons Bearing Taiwan Passports.
Signed September 25, 2012. Entered
into force September 25, 2012.
8. Arrangement between AIT and
TECRO Regarding Mutual Recognition
of the Supply Chain Security Programs
of their Designated Representatives: U.S.
DHS Through U.S. Customs and Border
Protection and Directorate General of
Customs Taiwan Ministry of Finance.
Signed November 26, 2012. Entered into
force November 26, 2012.
Intellectual Property
1. Agreement concerning the
protection and enforcement of rights in
audiovisual works. Effected by exchange
of letters at Arlington and Washington
June 6 and 27, 1989. Entered into force
June 27, 1989.
2. Understanding concerning the
protection of intellectual property
rights. Signed at Washington June 5,
1992. Entered into force June 5, 1992.
3. Agreement for the protection of
copyrights, with appendix. Signed July
16, 1993. Entered into force July 16,
4. Memorandum of understanding
regarding the extension of priority filing
rights for patent and trademark
applications. Signed April 10, 1996.
Entered into force April 10, 1996.
Judicial Assistance
1. Memorandum of understanding on
cooperation in the field of criminal
investigations and prosecutions. Signed
at Taipei October 5, 1992. Entered into
force October 5, 1992.
2. Agreement on mutual legal
assistance in criminal matters. Signed
March 26, 2002. Entered into force
March 26, 2002.
1. Guidelines for a cooperative
program in labor affairs. Signed
December 6, 1991. Entered into force
December 6, 1991.
2. Agreement for a cooperative
program in Labor Mediation and
Alternative Dispute Resolution. Signed
June 23, 2010 and July 7, 2010. Entered
into force July 7, 2010.
1. Agreement concerning mapping,
charting, and geodesy cooperation.
Signed November 28, 1995. Entered into
force November 28, 1995.
2. Amendment one to the Agreement
concerning mapping, charting, and
geodesy cooperation. Signed December
1, 2009. Entered into force December 1,
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Notices
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1. Agreement concerning mutual
implementation of the 1974 Convention
for the safety of life at sea. Effected by
exchange of letters at Arlington and
Washington August 17 and September
7, 1982. Entered into force September 7,
2. Agreement concerning mutual
implementation of the 1969
international convention on tonnage
measurement. Effected by exchange of
letters at Arlington and Washington
May 13 and 26, 1983. Entered into force
May 26, 1983.
3. Agreement concerning mutual
implementation of the protocol of 1978
relating to the 1974 international
convention for the safety of life at sea.
Effected by exchange of letters at
Arlington and Washington January 22
and 31, 1985. Entered into force January
31, 1985.
4. Agreement concerning mutual
implementation of the protocol of 1978
relating to the international convention
for the prevention of pollution from
ships, 1973. Effected by exchange of
letters at Arlington and Washington
January 22 and 31, 1985. Entered into
force January 31, 1985.
5. Agreement concerning mutual
implementation of the 1966
international convention on load lines.
Effected by exchange of letters at
Arlington and Washington March 26
and April 10, 1985. Entered into force
April 10, 1985.
6. Agreement concerning the
operating environment for ocean
carriers. Effected by exchange of letters
at Washington and Arlington October 25
and 27, 1989. Entered into force October
27, 1989.
1. Agreement for foreign military sales
financing by the authorities on Taiwan.
Signed January 4 and July 12, 1999.
Entered into force July 12, 1999.
2. Letter of Agreement concerning
exchange of research and development
information. Signed August 4, 2004.
Entered into force August 4, 2004.
3. Master Information Exchange
Agreement Information Exchange
Annex AF–05–TW–9301 concerning
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Signed December 15, 2005. Entered into
force December 15, 2005.
4. Information and communication
technologies (ICT) forum terms of
reference. Signed October 31, 2007.
Entered into force October 31, 2007.
5. Memorandum of Agreement
Concerning Research, Development,
Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) Projects.
Signed May 14, 2008. Entered into force
May 14, 2008.
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6. Arrangement Concerning the
Exchange of Aeronautical Information.
Signed January 27, 2009. Entered into
force January 27, 2009.
7. Information Exchange Annex N–
11–TW–6551 Master Information
Exchange Letter of Agreement. Signed
May 25, 2011. Entered into force May
25, 2011.
8. Information Exchange Annex N–
12–TW–6550 Master Information
Exchange Letter of Agreement between
AIT and TECRO concerning
Meteorological and Oceanographic
Information and Techniques. Signed
January 31, 2012. Entered into force
January 31, 2012.
1. Agreement concerning
establishment of INTELPOST service.
Effected by exchange of letters at
Arlington and Washington April 19 and
November 26, 1990. Entered into force
November 26, 1990.
2. International business reply service
agreement, with detailed regulations.
Signed February 7, 1992. Entered into
force February 7, 1992.
3. Agreement on the application of an
EMS (express mail service) pay-forperformance plan. Signed March 5, 2004
and August 25, 2004. Entered into force
January 1, 2005.
Privileges and Immunities
1. Agreement on privileges,
exemptions and immunities, with
addendum. Signed at Washington
October 2. Entered into force October 2,
2. Agreement governing the use and
disposal of vehicles imported by the
American Institute in Taiwan and its
personnel. Signed at Taipei April 21,
1986. Entered into force April 21, 1986.
Scientific & Technical Cooperation
1. Agreement on scientific
cooperation. Effected by exchange of
letters at Arlington and Washington on
September 4, 1980. Entered into force
September 4, 1980.
2. Agreement concerning renewal and
extension of the 1980 agreement on
scientific cooperation. Signed March 10,
1987. Entered into force March 10, 1987.
3. Guidelines for a cooperative
program in atmospheric research.
Signed May 4, 1987. Entered into force
May 4, 1987.
4. Agreement for technical assistance
in dam design and construction, with
appendices. Signed August 24, 1987.
Entered into force August 24, 1987.
5. Agreement for a cooperative
program in the sale and exchange of
technical, scientific, and engineering
information. Signed November 17, 1987.
Entered into force November 17, 1987.
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6. Agreement extending the agreement
of November 17, 1987, for a cooperative
program in the sale and exchange of
technical, scientific and engineering
information. Signed August 8, 1990.
Entered into force August 8, 1990.
7. Cooperative program on Hualien
soil-structure interaction experiment.
Signed September 28, 1990. Entered
into force September 28, 1990.
8. Agreement for technical
cooperation in geodetic research and
use of advanced geodetic technology,
with implementing arrangement. Signed
January 11 and February 21, 1991.
Entered into force February 21, 1991.
9. Agreement amending and
extending the agreement of August 24,
1987, for technical assistance in dam
design and construction. *Name
changed to Agreement for Technical
Assistance in Areas of Water Resource
Development. Signed May 11 and June
9, 1992. Entered into force June 9, 1992.
10. Agreement for technical
cooperation in seismology and
earthquake monitoring systems
development, with implementing
arrangement. Signed July 22 and 24,
1992. Entered into force July 24, 1992.
11. Agreement amending the
Agreement of August 24, 1987 for
technical assistance in areas of water
resource development. Signed August
30 and September 3, 1996. Entered into
force September 3, 1996.
12. Agreement concerning joint
studies on reservoir sedimentation and
sluicing, including computer modeling.
Signed February 14 and March 8, 1996.
Entered into force March 8, 1996.
13. Guidelines for a cooperative
program in physical sciences. Signed
January 2 and 10, 1997. Entered into
force January 10, 1997.
14. Agreement for scientific and
technical cooperation in ocean climate
research. Signed February 18, 1997.
Entered into force February 18, 1997.
15. Agreement amending the
agreement of August 24, 1987 for
technical assistance in areas of water
resource development. Signed October
14, 1997. Entered into force October 14,
16. Agreement for technical
cooperation in scientific and weather
technology systems support. Signed
October 22 and November 5, 1997.
Entered into force November 5, 1997.
17. Agreement for technical
cooperation associated with
establishment of advanced operational
aviation weather systems. Signed
February 10 and 13, 1998. Entered into
force February 13, 1998.
18. Agreement for technical
cooperation associated with
development, launch and operation of a
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Notices
constellation observing system for
meteorology, ionosphere and climate.
Signed May 29 and June 30, 1999.
Entered into force June 30, 1999.
19. Agreement for technical
cooperation associated with
establishment of advanced data
assimilation and modeling systems.
Signed December 20, 2004 and January
12, 2005. Entered into force January 12,
20. Agreement for cooperation in the
micro pulse lidar network and the
aerosol robotic network. Signed July 13,
2007 and April 17, 2007. Entered into
force July 13, 2007.
21. Agreement for technical
cooperation in meteorology and forecast
systems development. Signed
September 5, 2007 and June 25, 2007.
Entered into force September 5, 2007.
22. Agreement for Cooperation in
Astronomy and Astrophysics Research.
Signed October 27, 2008. Entered into
force October 27, 2008.
23. Agreement for Technical
Cooperation associated with
Development, Launch and Operation of
a Constellation Observing System for
Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate
Follow-on Mission. Signed May 10,
2010 and May 27, 2010. Entered into
force May 27, 2010.
24. Agreement between AIT–TECRO
for Technical Cooperation in
Meteorology and Forecast Systems
Development. Signed March 6, 2012 and
December 1, 2011. Entered into force
March 6, 2012.
25. Amendment #6 to the Agreement
between AIT and TECRO for Technical
Assistance in Areas of Water Resource
Development. Signed May 7, 2012 and
February 9, 2012. Entered into force
May 7, 2012
26. Amendment #2 to Appendix #8 to
the Agreement between AIT and TECRO
for Technical Assistance in Areas of
Water Resource Development. Signed
May 29, 2012 and May 24, 2012.
Entered into force May 29, 2012.
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Security of Information
1. Protection of information
agreement. Signed September 15, 1981.
Entered into force September 15, 1981.
1. Agreement concerning the
reciprocal exemption from income tax
of income derived from the
international operation of ships and
aircraft. Effected by exchange of letters
at Taipei May 31, 1988. Entered into
force May 31, 1988.
2. Agreement for technical assistance
in tax administration, with appendices.
Signed August 1, 1989. Entered into
force August 1, 1989.
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1. Agreement concerning trade
matters, with annexes. Effected by
exchange of letters at Arlington and
Washington October 24, 1979. Entered
into force October 24, 1979; effective
January 1, 1980.
2. Agreement concerning trade
matters. Effected by exchange of letters
at Arlington and Washington December
31, 1981. Entered into force December
31, 1981.
3. Agreement concerning measures
that the CCNAA will undertake in
connection with implementation of the
GATT Customs Valuation Code.
Effected by exchange of letters at
Bethesda and Arlington August 22,
1986. Entered into force August 22,
4. Agreement concerning the export
performance requirement affecting
investment in the automotive sector.
Effected by exchange of letters at
Washington and Arlington October 9,
1986. Entered into force October 9,
5. Agreement concerning beer, wine
and cigarettes. Signed at Washington
December 12, 1986. Entered into force
December 12, 1986, effective January 1,
6. Agreement implementing the
agreement of December 12, 1986
concerning beer, wine and cigarettes.
Effected by exchange of letters at Taipei
April 29, 1987. Entered into force April
29, 1987, effective January 1, 1987.
7. Agreement concerning trade in
whole turkeys, turkey parts, processed
turkey products and whole ducks, with
memorandum of understanding.
Effected by exchange of letters at
Arlington and Washington March 16,
1989. Entered into force March 16, 1989.
8. Agreement concerning the
protection of trade in strategic
commodities and technical data, with
memorandum of understanding.
Effected by exchange of letters at
Arlington and Washington December 4,
1990 and April 8, 1991. Entered into
force April 8, 1991.
9. Administrative arrangement
concerning the textile visa system.
Effected by exchange of letters at
Arlington and Washington April 18 and
May 1, 1991. Entered into force May 1,
10. Agreement regarding new
requirements for health warning legends
on cigarettes sold in the territory
represented by CCNAA. Effected by
exchange of letters at Washington and
Arlington October 7 and 16, 1991.
Entered into force October 16, 1991.
11. Memorandum of understanding
concerning a new quota arrangement for
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cotton and man-made fiber trousers.
Signed at Washington December 18,
1992. Entered into force December 18,
12. Memorandum of understanding
on the exchange of information
concerning commodity futures and
options matters, with appendix. Signed
January 11, 1993. Entered into force
January 11, 1993.
13. Agreement concerning a
framework of principles and procedures
for consultations regarding trade and
investment, with annex. Signed at
Washington September 19, 1994.
Entered into force September 19, 1994.
14. Visa arrangement concerning
textiles and textile products. Effected by
exchange of letters of April 30 and
September 3 and 23 1997. Entered into
force September 23, 1997.
15. Agreement concerning trade in
cotton, wool, man-made fiber, silk blend
and other non-cotton vegetable fiber
textile products, with attachment.
Effected by exchange of letters
December 10, 1997. Entered into force
December 10, 1997, effective January 1,
16. Agreed minutes on government
procurement issues. Signed December
17, 1997. Entered into force December
17, 1997.
17. Understanding concerning
bilateral negotiations on the WTO
accession of the separate customs
territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen
and Matsu (Chinese Taipei) and the
United States. Signed February 20,
1998. Entered into force February 20,
18. Agreement on mutual recognition
for equipment subject to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
regulations. Signed March 16, 1999.
Entered into force March 16, 1999.
19. Agreement concerning the Asia
Pacific Economic Cooperation mutual
recognition arrangement for conformity
assessment of telecommunications
equipment (APEC Telecon MRA).
Signed March 16, 1999. Entered into
force March 16, 1999.
20. Memorandum of understanding
on the extension of trade in textile and
apparel products. Signed February 9,
2001. Entered into force February 9,
21. Joint Arrangement for Sharing of
Information Exchanged in Confidence.
Signed September 7, 2010. Entered into
force September 7, 2010.
[FR Doc. 2013–04515 Filed 2–28–13; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 41 (Friday, March 1, 2013)]
[Pages 13906-13910]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2013-04515]
Office of the Federal Register
Agreements in Force as of December 31, 2012 Between the American
Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative
Office in the United States
AGENCY: Office of the Federal Register, NARA.
ACTION: Notice of availability of agreements.
SUMMARY: The American Institute in Taiwan has concluded a number of
agreements with the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office
in the United States (formerly the Coordination Council for North
American Affairs) in order to maintain cultural, commercial and other
unofficial relations between the American people and the people of
Taiwan. The Director of the Federal Register is publishing the list of
these agreements on behalf of the American Institute in Taiwan in the
public interest.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Cultural, commercial and other unofficial
relations between the American people and the people of Taiwan are
maintained on a non-governmental basis through the American Institute
in Taiwan (AIT), a private nonprofit corporation created under the
Taiwan Relations Act (Pub. L. 96-8; 93 Stat. 14). The Coordination
Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA) was established as the
nongovernmental Taiwan counterpart to AIT. On October 10, 1995, the
CCNAA was renamed the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative
Office in the United States (TECRO).
Under section 12 of the Act, agreements concluded between AIT and
TECRO (CCNAA) are transmitted to the Congress, and according to
sections 6 and 10(a) of the Act, such agreements have full force and
effect under the law of the United States. The texts of the agreements
are available from the American Institute in Taiwan, 1700 North Moore
Street, Suite 1700, Arlington, Virginia 22209. For further information,
please telephone (703) 525-8474, or fax (703) 841-1385.
Following is a list of agreements between AIT and TECRO (CCNAA)
which were in force as of December 31, 2012.
For the American Institute in Taiwan.
Dated: February 19, 2013.
Barbara J. Schrage,
Managing Director For the Office of the Federal Register.
Dated: February 25, 2013.
Charles Barth,
Agreements Between American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States
(TECRO) In Force as of December 31, 2012
Status of Tecro
The Exchange of Letters concerning the change in the name of the
Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA) to the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States
(TECRO). Signed December 27, 1994 and January 3, 1995. Entered into
force January 3, 1995.
1. Guidelines for a cooperative program in the agriculture
sciences. Signed January 28, 1986. Entered into force January 28, 1986.
2. Amendment amending the 1986 Guidelines for a Cooperative Program
in the Agricultural Sciences. Effected by exchange of letters September
11, 1989. Entered into force September 11, 1989.
3. Cooperative service agreement to facilitate fruit and vegetable
inspection through their designated representatives, the United States
Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
(APHIS) and the Taiwan Provincial Fruit
[[Page 13907]]
Marketing Cooperative (TPFMC) supervised by the Taiwan Council of
Agriculture (COA). Signed April 28, 1993. Entered into force April 28,
4. Memorandum of agreement concerning sanitary/phytosanitary and
agricultural standards. Signed November 4, 1993. Entered into force
November 4, 1993.
5. Agreement amending the guidelines for the cooperative program in
agricultural sciences. Signed October 30, 2001. Entered into force
October 30, 2001.
6. Memorandum of Understanding Establishing Consultative Committee
on Agriculture Terms of Reference. Signed July 10, 2007. Entered into
force July 10, 2007.
7. Consultative Committee on Agriculture Terms of Reference. Signed
July 10, 2007. Entered into force July 10, 2007.
8. Notification on Protocol of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
(BSE)--related measures for the importation of beef and beef products
for human consumption from territory of the authorities represented by
AIT. Signed October 22, 2009. Entered into force October 22, 2009.
1. Memorandum of agreement concerning the arrangement for certain
aeronautical equipment and services relating to civil aviation (NAT-I-
845), with annexes. Signed September 24 and October 23, 1981. Entered
into force October 23, 1981.
2. Amendment amending the memorandum of agreement concerning
aeronautical equipment and services of September 24 and October 23,
1981. Signed September 1 and 23, 1985. Entered into force September 3,
3. Agreement amending the memorandum of agreement of September 24
and October 23, 1981, concerning aeronautical equipment and services.
Signed September 23 and October 17, 1991. Entered into force October
17, 1991.
4. Air transport agreement, with annexes. Signed at Washington
March 18, 1998. Entered into force March 18, 1998.
5. Agreement for promotion of aviation safety. Signed June 30,
2003. Entered into force June 30, 2003.
6. Exchange of Letters concerning removal from the agreement of
provisions relating to regulations of computer reservation systems in
Annex III to the Air Transport Agreement signed March 18, 1998. Signed
December 11, 2006 and January 2, 2007. Entered into force January 2,
7. Exchange of Letters on Principles for Cooperation on Improving
Travel Security. Signed December 19, 2008. Enter into force December
19, 2008.
8. Agreement for Cooperation in and the promotion of Transportation
of Safety. Signed June 15, 2010 and June 22, 2010. Entered into force
June 22, 2010.
9. Memorandum of Agreement NAT-I-2305 between AIT and TECRO. Signed
May 16, 2012 and February 21, 2012. Entered into force May 16, 2012.
1. Memorandum on cooperation in forestry and natural resources
conservation. Signed May 23 and July 4, 1991. Entered into force July
4, 1991.
2. Memorandum on cooperation in soil and water conservation under
the guidelines for a cooperative program in the agricultural sciences.
Signed at Washington October 5, 1992. Entered into force October 5,
3. Agreement on technical cooperation in forest management and
nature conservation. Signed October 24, 2003 and February 27, 2004.
Entered into force February 27, 2004.
4. Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Cooperation in Fisheries
and Aquaculture. Signed April 21, 2008. Entered into force April 21,
1. Agreement regarding passport validity. Effected by exchange of
letters of August 26 and November 13, 1998. Entered into force December
10, 1998.
Consumer Product Safety
1. Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation associated with
consumer product safety matters. Signed April 29 and July 27, 2004.
Entered into force July 27, 2004.
1. Agreement for technical assistance in customs operations and
management, with attachment. Signed May 14 and June 4, 1991. Entered
into force June 4, 1991.
2. Agreement on TECRO/AIT carnet for the temporary admission of
goods. Signed June 25, 1996. Entered into force June 25, 1996.
3. Agreement regarding mutual assistance between their designated
representatives, the United States Customs Administration and the
Taiwan Customs Administration. Signed January 17, 2001. Entered into
force January 17, 2001.
Drug Enforcement
1. Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Sharing of
Information in Relation to Preventing Combating Breach of Customs and
Controlled Substances Laws. Signed February 10, 2009. Entered into
force February 10, 2009.
Education and Culture
1. Agreement amending the agreement for financing certain
educational and cultural exchange programs of April 23, 1964. Effected
by exchange of letters at Taipei April 14 and June 4, 1979. Entered
into force June 4, 1979.
2. Agreement concerning the Taipei American School, with annex.
Signed at Taipei February 3, 1983. Entered into force February 3, 1983.
3. Memorandum of Understanding on Educational Cooperation. Signed
at Washington DC December 5, 2008. Entered into force December 5, 2008.
4. Exchange of letters concerning the Foundation for Scholarly
Exchange pursuant to the Agreement for financing certain educational
and cultural exchange programs. Signed December 4, 2009 and April 15,
2010. Entered into force April 15, 2010.
1. Agreement relating to the establishment of a joint standing
committee on civil nuclear cooperation. Signed at Taipei October 3,
1984. Entered into force October 3, 1984.
2. Agreement amending and extending the agreement of October 3,
1984, relating to the establishment of a joint standing committee on
civil nuclear cooperation. Signed October 19, 1989. Entered into force
October 19, 1989.
3. Agreement abandoning in place in Taiwan the Argonaut Research
Reactor loaned to National Tsing Hua University. Signed November 28,
4. Agreement Amending and Extending the Agreement of October 3,
1984, as amended and extended, relating to the establishment of a joint
standing committee on civil nuclear cooperation. Signed October 3,
1994. Entered into force October 3, 1994.
5. Agreement concerning safeguards arrangements for nuclear
materials transferred from France to Taiwan. Effected by exchange of
letters February 12 and May 13, 1993. Entered into force May 13, 1993.
6. Memorandum of Agreement for release of an Energy and Power
Evaluation Program (ENPEP) computer software package. Signed January 25
and February 27, 1995. Entered into force February 27, 1995.
7. Agreement regarding terms and conditions for the acceptance of
foreign research reactor spent nuclear fuel at the Department of
Energy's Savannah River
[[Page 13908]]
site. Signed December 28, 1998 and February 25, 1999. Entered into
force February 25, 1999.
8. Agreement for technical cooperation in clean coal and advanced
power systems technologies. Signed October 31, 2003 and January 20,
2004. Entered into force January 20, 2004.
9. Modification Number 1 to the Agreement for the Shipment of Spent
Nuclear Fuel. Signed July 8, 2009. Entered into force July 8, 2009.
10. Arrangement for the Exchange of Technical Information and
Cooperation in Nuclear Regulatory and Safety Matters. Signed January 4,
2011 and January 4, 2011. Entered into force January 04, 2011.
11. Statement of Intent regarding Nuclear and Radiological Incident
Response and Emergency Management Capabilities. Signed May 9, 2011 and
May 26, 2011. Entered into force May 26, 2011.
12. Joint Determination of Safeguardability for Alteration in Form
or Content of Irradiated Fuel elements. Signed June 20, 2011 and June
20, 2011. Entered into force June 20, 2011.
1. Agreement for technical cooperation in the field of
environmental protection, with implementing arrangement. Signed June
21, 1993. Entered into force June 21, 1993.
2. Agreement extending the agreement of June 21, 1993 for technical
cooperation in the field of environmental protection. Effected by
exchanges of letters June 30 and July 20 and 30, 1998. Entered into
force July 30, 1998, effective June 21, 1998.
3. Agreement extending the agreement for technical cooperation in
the field of environmental protection. Signed September 23, 2003.
Entered into force September 23, 2003.
4. Extension of Agreement for the Technical Cooperation in the
Field of Environmental Protection. Signed September 29, 2008. Entered
into force September 29, 2008.
5. Letter of confirmation of compatible Good Laboratory Practices
programs. Signed January 19, 2010 and February 3, 2010. Entered into
force February 3, 2010.
1. Guidelines for a cooperative program in the biomedical sciences.
Signed May 21, 1984. Entered into force May 21, 1984.
2. Guidelines for a cooperative program in food hygiene. Signed
January 15 and 28, 1985. Entered into force January 28, 1985.
3. Agreement amending the 1984 guidelines for a cooperative program
in the biomedical sciences, with attachment. Signed April 20, 1989.
Entered into force April 20, 1989.
4. Agreement amending the 1984 guidelines for a cooperative program
in the biomedical Sciences, as amended, with attachment. Signed August
24, 1989. Entered into force August 24, 1989.
5. Guidelines for a cooperative program in public health and
preventive medicine. Signed at Arlington and Washington June 30 and
July 19, 1994. Entered into force July 19, 1994.
6. Agreement for technical cooperation in vaccine and immunization-
related activities, with implementing arrangement. Signed at Washington
October 6 and 7, 1994. Entered into force October 7, 1994.
7. Agreement regarding the mutual exchange of information on
medical devices, including quality systems requirements inspectional
information. Effected by exchange of letters January 9, 1998. Entered
into force January 9, 1998.
Homeland Security
1. Declaration of Principles for governing cooperation, on the
basis of reciprocity, including the posting of AIT Representatives at
the Port of Kaohsiung, and the posting of TECRO Representatives at
certain U.S. seaports. Signed August 18, 2004. Entered into force
August 18, 2004.
2. Memorandum of understanding concerning cooperation to prevent
the illicit trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive material.
Signed May 25, 2006. Entered into force May 25, 2006.
3. Declaration of Principles for governing cooperation, on the
basis of reciprocity, including the posting of AIT Representatives at
seaports in Taiwan. Signed September 22, 2006. Entered into force
September 22, 2006.
4. Exchange of Letters to facilitate the implementation of the MOU
concerning cooperation to prevent the illicit trafficking in nuclear
and other radioactive material signed May 25, 2006. Signed April 30,
2007 and July 5, 2007. Entered into force July 5, 2007.
5. Port Air Quality Partnership Declaration on the occasion of a
Port Air Quality Partnership Conference hosted by their designated
representatives, the Port of Tacoma, Washington and the Harbor Bureaus
of Kaosiung, Taipei and Keelung on November 18-20, 2008. Signed
November 20, 2008. Entered into force November 20, 2008.
6. Agreement for Transfer of Ownership. Signed September 30, 2009.
Entered into force September 30, 2009.
7. Joint Statement between AIT and TECRO for Cooperation on
Repatriation of Persons Bearing Taiwan Passports. Signed September 25,
2012. Entered into force September 25, 2012.
8. Arrangement between AIT and TECRO Regarding Mutual Recognition
of the Supply Chain Security Programs of their Designated
Representatives: U.S. DHS Through U.S. Customs and Border Protection
and Directorate General of Customs Taiwan Ministry of Finance. Signed
November 26, 2012. Entered into force November 26, 2012.
Intellectual Property
1. Agreement concerning the protection and enforcement of rights in
audiovisual works. Effected by exchange of letters at Arlington and
Washington June 6 and 27, 1989. Entered into force June 27, 1989.
2. Understanding concerning the protection of intellectual property
rights. Signed at Washington June 5, 1992. Entered into force June 5,
3. Agreement for the protection of copyrights, with appendix.
Signed July 16, 1993. Entered into force July 16, 1993.
4. Memorandum of understanding regarding the extension of priority
filing rights for patent and trademark applications. Signed April 10,
1996. Entered into force April 10, 1996.
Judicial Assistance
1. Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of
criminal investigations and prosecutions. Signed at Taipei October 5,
1992. Entered into force October 5, 1992.
2. Agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. Signed
March 26, 2002. Entered into force March 26, 2002.
1. Guidelines for a cooperative program in labor affairs. Signed
December 6, 1991. Entered into force December 6, 1991.
2. Agreement for a cooperative program in Labor Mediation and
Alternative Dispute Resolution. Signed June 23, 2010 and July 7, 2010.
Entered into force July 7, 2010.
1. Agreement concerning mapping, charting, and geodesy cooperation.
Signed November 28, 1995. Entered into force November 28, 1995.
2. Amendment one to the Agreement concerning mapping, charting, and
geodesy cooperation. Signed December 1, 2009. Entered into force
December 1, 2009.
[[Page 13909]]
1. Agreement concerning mutual implementation of the 1974
Convention for the safety of life at sea. Effected by exchange of
letters at Arlington and Washington August 17 and September 7, 1982.
Entered into force September 7, 1982.
2. Agreement concerning mutual implementation of the 1969
international convention on tonnage measurement. Effected by exchange
of letters at Arlington and Washington May 13 and 26, 1983. Entered
into force May 26, 1983.
3. Agreement concerning mutual implementation of the protocol of
1978 relating to the 1974 international convention for the safety of
life at sea. Effected by exchange of letters at Arlington and
Washington January 22 and 31, 1985. Entered into force January 31,
4. Agreement concerning mutual implementation of the protocol of
1978 relating to the international convention for the prevention of
pollution from ships, 1973. Effected by exchange of letters at
Arlington and Washington January 22 and 31, 1985. Entered into force
January 31, 1985.
5. Agreement concerning mutual implementation of the 1966
international convention on load lines. Effected by exchange of letters
at Arlington and Washington March 26 and April 10, 1985. Entered into
force April 10, 1985.
6. Agreement concerning the operating environment for ocean
carriers. Effected by exchange of letters at Washington and Arlington
October 25 and 27, 1989. Entered into force October 27, 1989.
1. Agreement for foreign military sales financing by the
authorities on Taiwan. Signed January 4 and July 12, 1999. Entered into
force July 12, 1999.
2. Letter of Agreement concerning exchange of research and
development information. Signed August 4, 2004. Entered into force
August 4, 2004.
3. Master Information Exchange Agreement Information Exchange Annex
AF-05-TW-9301 concerning Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Signed
December 15, 2005. Entered into force December 15, 2005.
4. Information and communication technologies (ICT) forum terms of
reference. Signed October 31, 2007. Entered into force October 31,
5. Memorandum of Agreement Concerning Research, Development, Test
and Evaluation (RDT&E) Projects. Signed May 14, 2008. Entered into
force May 14, 2008.
6. Arrangement Concerning the Exchange of Aeronautical Information.
Signed January 27, 2009. Entered into force January 27, 2009.
7. Information Exchange Annex N-11-TW-6551 Master Information
Exchange Letter of Agreement. Signed May 25, 2011. Entered into force
May 25, 2011.
8. Information Exchange Annex N-12-TW-6550 Master Information
Exchange Letter of Agreement between AIT and TECRO concerning
Meteorological and Oceanographic Information and Techniques. Signed
January 31, 2012. Entered into force January 31, 2012.
1. Agreement concerning establishment of INTELPOST service.
Effected by exchange of letters at Arlington and Washington April 19
and November 26, 1990. Entered into force November 26, 1990.
2. International business reply service agreement, with detailed
regulations. Signed February 7, 1992. Entered into force February 7,
3. Agreement on the application of an EMS (express mail service)
pay-for-performance plan. Signed March 5, 2004 and August 25, 2004.
Entered into force January 1, 2005.
Privileges and Immunities
1. Agreement on privileges, exemptions and immunities, with
addendum. Signed at Washington October 2. Entered into force October 2,
2. Agreement governing the use and disposal of vehicles imported by
the American Institute in Taiwan and its personnel. Signed at Taipei
April 21, 1986. Entered into force April 21, 1986.
Scientific & Technical Cooperation
1. Agreement on scientific cooperation. Effected by exchange of
letters at Arlington and Washington on September 4, 1980. Entered into
force September 4, 1980.
2. Agreement concerning renewal and extension of the 1980 agreement
on scientific cooperation. Signed March 10, 1987. Entered into force
March 10, 1987.
3. Guidelines for a cooperative program in atmospheric research.
Signed May 4, 1987. Entered into force May 4, 1987.
4. Agreement for technical assistance in dam design and
construction, with appendices. Signed August 24, 1987. Entered into
force August 24, 1987.
5. Agreement for a cooperative program in the sale and exchange of
technical, scientific, and engineering information. Signed November 17,
1987. Entered into force November 17, 1987.
6. Agreement extending the agreement of November 17, 1987, for a
cooperative program in the sale and exchange of technical, scientific
and engineering information. Signed August 8, 1990. Entered into force
August 8, 1990.
7. Cooperative program on Hualien soil-structure interaction
experiment. Signed September 28, 1990. Entered into force September 28,
8. Agreement for technical cooperation in geodetic research and use
of advanced geodetic technology, with implementing arrangement. Signed
January 11 and February 21, 1991. Entered into force February 21, 1991.
9. Agreement amending and extending the agreement of August 24,
1987, for technical assistance in dam design and construction. *Name
changed to Agreement for Technical Assistance in Areas of Water
Resource Development. Signed May 11 and June 9, 1992. Entered into
force June 9, 1992.
10. Agreement for technical cooperation in seismology and
earthquake monitoring systems development, with implementing
arrangement. Signed July 22 and 24, 1992. Entered into force July 24,
11. Agreement amending the Agreement of August 24, 1987 for
technical assistance in areas of water resource development. Signed
August 30 and September 3, 1996. Entered into force September 3, 1996.
12. Agreement concerning joint studies on reservoir sedimentation
and sluicing, including computer modeling. Signed February 14 and March
8, 1996. Entered into force March 8, 1996.
13. Guidelines for a cooperative program in physical sciences.
Signed January 2 and 10, 1997. Entered into force January 10, 1997.
14. Agreement for scientific and technical cooperation in ocean
climate research. Signed February 18, 1997. Entered into force February
18, 1997.
15. Agreement amending the agreement of August 24, 1987 for
technical assistance in areas of water resource development. Signed
October 14, 1997. Entered into force October 14, 1997.
16. Agreement for technical cooperation in scientific and weather
technology systems support. Signed October 22 and November 5, 1997.
Entered into force November 5, 1997.
17. Agreement for technical cooperation associated with
establishment of advanced operational aviation weather systems. Signed
February 10 and 13, 1998. Entered into force February 13, 1998.
18. Agreement for technical cooperation associated with
development, launch and operation of a
[[Page 13910]]
constellation observing system for meteorology, ionosphere and climate.
Signed May 29 and June 30, 1999. Entered into force June 30, 1999.
19. Agreement for technical cooperation associated with
establishment of advanced data assimilation and modeling systems.
Signed December 20, 2004 and January 12, 2005. Entered into force
January 12, 2005.
20. Agreement for cooperation in the micro pulse lidar network and
the aerosol robotic network. Signed July 13, 2007 and April 17, 2007.
Entered into force July 13, 2007.
21. Agreement for technical cooperation in meteorology and forecast
systems development. Signed September 5, 2007 and June 25, 2007.
Entered into force September 5, 2007.
22. Agreement for Cooperation in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Research. Signed October 27, 2008. Entered into force October 27, 2008.
23. Agreement for Technical Cooperation associated with
Development, Launch and Operation of a Constellation Observing System
for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate Follow-on Mission. Signed May
10, 2010 and May 27, 2010. Entered into force May 27, 2010.
24. Agreement between AIT-TECRO for Technical Cooperation in
Meteorology and Forecast Systems Development. Signed March 6, 2012 and
December 1, 2011. Entered into force March 6, 2012.
25. Amendment 6 to the Agreement between AIT and TECRO for
Technical Assistance in Areas of Water Resource Development. Signed May
7, 2012 and February 9, 2012. Entered into force May 7, 2012
26. Amendment 2 to Appendix 8 to the Agreement
between AIT and TECRO for Technical Assistance in Areas of Water
Resource Development. Signed May 29, 2012 and May 24, 2012. Entered
into force May 29, 2012.
Security of Information
1. Protection of information agreement. Signed September 15, 1981.
Entered into force September 15, 1981.
1. Agreement concerning the reciprocal exemption from income tax of
income derived from the international operation of ships and aircraft.
Effected by exchange of letters at Taipei May 31, 1988. Entered into
force May 31, 1988.
2. Agreement for technical assistance in tax administration, with
appendices. Signed August 1, 1989. Entered into force August 1, 1989.
1. Agreement concerning trade matters, with annexes. Effected by
exchange of letters at Arlington and Washington October 24, 1979.
Entered into force October 24, 1979; effective January 1, 1980.
2. Agreement concerning trade matters. Effected by exchange of
letters at Arlington and Washington December 31, 1981. Entered into
force December 31, 1981.
3. Agreement concerning measures that the CCNAA will undertake in
connection with implementation of the GATT Customs Valuation Code.
Effected by exchange of letters at Bethesda and Arlington August 22,
1986. Entered into force August 22, 1986.
4. Agreement concerning the export performance requirement
affecting investment in the automotive sector. Effected by exchange of
letters at Washington and Arlington October 9, 1986. Entered into force
October 9, 1986.
5. Agreement concerning beer, wine and cigarettes. Signed at
Washington December 12, 1986. Entered into force December 12, 1986,
effective January 1, 1987.
6. Agreement implementing the agreement of December 12, 1986
concerning beer, wine and cigarettes. Effected by exchange of letters
at Taipei April 29, 1987. Entered into force April 29, 1987, effective
January 1, 1987.
7. Agreement concerning trade in whole turkeys, turkey parts,
processed turkey products and whole ducks, with memorandum of
understanding. Effected by exchange of letters at Arlington and
Washington March 16, 1989. Entered into force March 16, 1989.
8. Agreement concerning the protection of trade in strategic
commodities and technical data, with memorandum of understanding.
Effected by exchange of letters at Arlington and Washington December 4,
1990 and April 8, 1991. Entered into force April 8, 1991.
9. Administrative arrangement concerning the textile visa system.
Effected by exchange of letters at Arlington and Washington April 18
and May 1, 1991. Entered into force May 1, 1991.
10. Agreement regarding new requirements for health warning legends
on cigarettes sold in the territory represented by CCNAA. Effected by
exchange of letters at Washington and Arlington October 7 and 16, 1991.
Entered into force October 16, 1991.
11. Memorandum of understanding concerning a new quota arrangement
for cotton and man-made fiber trousers. Signed at Washington December
18, 1992. Entered into force December 18, 1992.
12. Memorandum of understanding on the exchange of information
concerning commodity futures and options matters, with appendix. Signed
January 11, 1993. Entered into force January 11, 1993.
13. Agreement concerning a framework of principles and procedures
for consultations regarding trade and investment, with annex. Signed at
Washington September 19, 1994. Entered into force September 19, 1994.
14. Visa arrangement concerning textiles and textile products.
Effected by exchange of letters of April 30 and September 3 and 23
1997. Entered into force September 23, 1997.
15. Agreement concerning trade in cotton, wool, man-made fiber,
silk blend and other non-cotton vegetable fiber textile products, with
attachment. Effected by exchange of letters December 10, 1997. Entered
into force December 10, 1997, effective January 1, 1998.
16. Agreed minutes on government procurement issues. Signed
December 17, 1997. Entered into force December 17, 1997.
17. Understanding concerning bilateral negotiations on the WTO
accession of the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen
and Matsu (Chinese Taipei) and the United States. Signed February 20,
1998. Entered into force February 20, 1998.
18. Agreement on mutual recognition for equipment subject to
electro-magnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations. Signed March 16,
1999. Entered into force March 16, 1999.
19. Agreement concerning the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
mutual recognition arrangement for conformity assessment of
telecommunications equipment (APEC Telecon MRA). Signed March 16, 1999.
Entered into force March 16, 1999.
20. Memorandum of understanding on the extension of trade in
textile and apparel products. Signed February 9, 2001. Entered into
force February 9, 2001.
21. Joint Arrangement for Sharing of Information Exchanged in
Confidence. Signed September 7, 2010. Entered into force September 7,
[FR Doc. 2013-04515 Filed 2-28-13; 8:45 am]