Certain Electric Fireplaces, Components Thereof, Manuals for Same, Certain Processes for Manufacturing or Relating to Same and Certain Products Containing Same; [Corrected] Determination To Review In Part ALJ Initial Determination; Request for Written Submissions, 58407-58409 [2012-23175]
Download as PDF
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 183 / Thursday, September 20, 2012 / Notices
accessing its Internet server (https://
www.usitc.gov). The public record for
this investigation may be viewed on the
Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS)
at https://edis.usitc.gov. Hearingimpaired persons are advised that
information on this matter can be
obtained by contacting the
Commission’s TDD terminal on (202)
337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 provides
that if the Commission finds a violation
it shall exclude the articles concerned
from the United States:
unless, after considering the effect of such
exclusion upon the public health and
welfare, competitive conditions in the United
States economy, the production of like or
directly competitive articles in the United
States, and United States consumers, it finds
that such articles should not be excluded
from entry.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
19 U.S.C. 1337(d)(1). A similar
provision applies to cease and desist
orders. 19 U.S.C. 1337(f)(1).
The Commission is interested in
further development of the record on
the public interest in these
investigations. Accordingly, members of
the public are invited to file
submissions of no more than five (5)
pages, inclusive of attachments,
concerning the public interest in light of
the administrative law judge’s
Recommended Determination on
Remedy and Bonding issued in this
investigation on September 7, 2012.
Comments should address whether
issuance of a general exclusion order (or
alternatively a limited exclusion order)
in this investigation would affect the
public health and welfare in the United
States, competitive conditions in the
United States economy, the production
of like or directly competitive articles in
the United States, or United States
In particular, the Commission is
interested in comments that:
(i) Explain how the articles potentially
subject to the recommended orders are used
in the United States;
(ii) Identify any public health, safety, or
welfare concerns in the United States relating
to the recommended orders;
(iii) Identify like or directly competitive
articles that complainant, its licensees, or
third parties make in the United States which
could replace the subject articles if they were
to be excluded;
(iv) Indicate whether complainant,
complainant’s licensees, and/or third party
suppliers have the capacity to replace the
volume of articles potentially subject to the
recommended exclusion order and/or a cease
and desist order within a commercially
reasonable time; and
(v) Explain how the general exclusion
order (or alternatively a limited exclusion
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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order) would impact consumers in the
United States.
Written submissions must be filed no
later than by close of business on
October 17, 2012.
Persons filing written submissions
must file the original document
electronically on or before the deadlines
stated above and submit 8 true paper
copies to the Office of the Secretary by
noon the next day pursuant to section
210.4(f) of the Commission’s Rules of
Practice and Procedure (19 CFR
210.4(f)). Submissions should refer to
the investigation number (‘‘Inv. No.
337–TA–804’’) in a prominent place on
the cover page and/or the first page. (See
Handbook for Electronic Filing
Procedures, https://www.usitc.gov/
Persons with questions regarding filing
should contact the Secretary (202–205–
Any person desiring to submit a
document to the Commission in
confidence must request confidential
treatment. All such requests should be
directed to the Secretary to the
Commission and must include a full
statement of the reasons why the
Commission should grant such
treatment. See 19 CFR 201.6. Documents
for which confidential treatment by the
Commission is properly sought will be
treated accordingly. A redacted nonconfidential version of the document
must also be filed simultaneously with
the any confidential filing. All nonconfidential written submissions will be
available for public inspection at the
Office of the Secretary and on EDIS.
This action is taken under the
authority of section 337 of the Tariff Act
of 1930, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1337),
and of sections 201.10 and 210.50 of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (19 CFR 201.10, 210.50).
[Investigation No. 337–TA–791/826]
By order of the Commission.
Issued: September 17, 2012.
Lisa R. Barton,
Acting Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2012–23216 Filed 9–19–12; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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Certain Electric Fireplaces,
Components Thereof, Manuals for
Same, Certain Processes for
Manufacturing or Relating to Same and
Certain Products Containing Same;
[Corrected] Determination To Review
In Part ALJ Initial Determination;
Request for Written Submissions
U.S. International Trade
ACTION: Notice.
Notice is hereby given that
the U.S. International Trade
Commission has determined to reviewin-part the final initial determination
(‘‘ID’’) (Order No. 20) of the presiding
administrative law judge (‘‘ALJ’’)
finding the remaining respondents,
Shenzhen Reliap Industrial Co.
(‘‘Reliap’’) and Yue Qiu Sheng (‘‘Yue’’),
both of Shenzhen, China, in default and
in violation of section 337. The
Commission has also determined to
review the ALJ’s Order No. 19 denying
respondents’ motion for summary
determination that complainants’ breach
of contract allegation is outside the
scope of the investigation. The
Commission is also requesting briefing
on the issue on review and on remedy,
the public interest, and bonding.
Clint Gerdine, Esq., Office of the
General Counsel, U.S. International
Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202)
708–2310. Copies of non-confidential
documents filed in connection with this
investigation are or will be available for
inspection during official business
hours (8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.) in the
Office of the Secretary, U.S.
International Trade Commission, 500 E
Street SW., Washington, DC 20436,
telephone (202) 205–2000. General
information concerning the Commission
may also be obtained by accessing its
Internet server at https://www.usitc.gov.
The public record for this investigation
may be viewed on the Commission’s
electronic docket (EDIS) at https://edis.
usitc.gov. Hearing-impaired persons are
advised that information on this matter
can be obtained by contacting the
Commission’s TDD terminal on (202)
Commission instituted Investigation No.
337–TA–791 (‘‘the 791 investigation’’)
on July 20, 2011, based on a complaint
filed by Twin-Star International, Inc. of
Delray Beach, Florida and TS
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 183 / Thursday, September 20, 2012 / Notices
Investment Holding Corp. of Miami,
Florida (collectively, ‘‘Twin-Star’’). 76
FR 43345–46 (July 20, 2011). The
Commission instituted Investigation No.
337–TA–826 on January 19, 2012 based
on another complaint filed by TwinStar, and consolidated it with the 791
investigation. 77 FR 2757–58 (Jan. 19,
2012). The complaints allege a violation
of section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930,
as amended, 19 U.S.C. 1337, in the
importation into the United States, the
sale for importation, and the sale within
the United States after importation of
certain electric fireplaces, components
thereof, manuals for same, certain
processes for manufacturing or relating
to same and certain products containing
same by reason of infringement of U.S.
Copyright Nos. TX0007350474;
TX0007350476; VA0001772660; and
VA0001772661; and by reason of
misappropriation of trade secrets,
breach of contract, and tortious
inference with contract, the threat or
effect of which is to destroy or
substantially injure an industry in the
United States.
The Commission’s notice of
investigation named Reliap, Yue, and
Whalen Furniture Manufacturing, Inc.
(‘‘Whalen’’) of San Diego, California as
respondents. On July 3, 2012, the
Commission issued notice of its
determination not to review the ALJ’s ID
terminating the investigation as to
Whalen based on a consent order and
settlement agreement.
On June 20, 2012, Twin-Star moved
for an ID finding the remaining
respondents, Reliap and Yue, in default
and in violation of section 337 pursuant
to Commission Rule 210.17, 19 CFR
210.17. The Commission investigative
attorney filed a response in support of
the motion.
On July 13, 2012, the ALJ granted
Twin-Star’s motion and issued the final
ID in this investigation finding the
remaining respondents in default and in
violation of section 337 pursuant to 19
CFR 210.17 because they did not
participate in the investigation
following withdrawal of their counsel
on March 12, 2012. The ID also
contained the ALJ’s recommended
determination on remedy. Specifically,
the ALJ recommended issuance of a
limited exclusion order with respect to
the defaulting respondents.
Also on July 13, 2012, the ALJ issued
Order No. 19, denying a motion filed by
Yue on December 11, 2011, for summary
determination that Twin-Star’s breach of
contract claim is outside the scope of
the investigation. On July 20, 2012, the
Commission investigative attorney
petitioned for review of Order No. 19
and the ALJ’s final ID. Twin-Star filed
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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a response in opposition on July 30,
Having examined the record of this
investigation, including the ALJ’s ID,
Order No. 19, and the parties’ briefing,
the Commission has determined to
review Order No. 19 and to review the
final ID in part to the extent that it finds
a violation of section 337 based on the
breach of contract allegations. The
Commission has determined not to
review the remainder of the ID.
On review, the parties, interested
government agencies, and any other
interested persons are requested to
submit briefing on the issue under
review and to address in particular the
(1) Please explain whether a breach of
contract claim can give rise to a
violation of 19 U.S.C. 1337(a)(1)(A), and
discuss any relevant statutory language,
legislative history, and legal precedent.
In connection with the final
disposition of this investigation, the
Commission may issue an order that
results in the exclusion of the subject
articles from entry into the United
States. See 19 U.S.C. 1337(d).
Accordingly, the Commission is
interested in receiving written
submissions that address the form of
remedy, if any, that should be ordered.
If a party seeks exclusion of an article
from entry into the United States for
purposes other than entry for
consumption, the party should so
indicate and provide information
establishing that activities involving
other types of entry either are adversely
affecting it or likely to do so. For
background, see Certain Devices for
Connecting Computers via Telephone
Lines, Inv. No. 337–TA–360, USITC
Pub. No. 2843, Comm’n Op. at 7–10
(December 1994) (Commission
When the Commission contemplates
some form of remedy, it must consider
the effects of that remedy upon the
public interest. The factors the
Commission will consider include the
effect that an exclusion order and/or
cease and desist orders would have on
(1) the public health and welfare, (2)
competitive conditions in the U.S.
economy, (3) U.S. production of articles
that are like or directly competitive with
those that are subject to investigation,
and (4) U.S. consumers. The
Commission is therefore interested in
receiving written submissions that
address the aforementioned public
interest factors in the context of this
When the Commission orders some
form of remedy, the U.S. Trade
Representative, as delegated by the
President, has 60 days to approve or
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
disapprove the Commission’s action.
See Presidential Memorandum of July
21, 2005, 70 FR 43251 (July 26, 2005).
During this period, the subject articles
would be entitled to enter the United
States under bond, in an amount
determined by the Commission and
prescribed by the Secretary of the
Treasury. The Commission is therefore
interested in receiving submissions
concerning the amount of the bond that
should be imposed if a remedy is
Written Submissions: The parties to
the investigation, interested government
agencies, and any other interested
persons are encouraged to file written
submissions on the issues of remedy,
the public interest, and bonding.
Complainant is requested to state the
issue under review and the dates that
the copyrights at issue expire and the
HTSUS numbers under which the
accused products are imported. The
written submissions must be filed no
later than close of business on October
12, 2012. Reply submissions must be
filed no later than the close of business
on November 9, 2012. No further
submissions on these issues will be
permitted unless otherwise ordered by
the Commission.
Persons filing written submissions
must file the original document
electronically on or before the deadlines
stated above and submit 8 true paper
copies to the Office of the Secretary by
noon the next day pursuant to
Commission rule 210.4(f), 19 CFR
210.4(f). Submissions should refer to the
investigation number (‘‘Inv. No. 337–
TA–791/826’’) in a prominent place on
the cover page and/or the first page. (See
Handbook for Electronic Filing
Procedures, https://www.usitc.gov/
Any person desiring to submit a
document (or portion thereof) to the
Commission in confidence must request
confidential treatment unless the
information has already been granted
such treatment during the proceedings.
All such requests should be directed to
the Secretary of the Commission and
must include a full statement of the
reasons why the Commission should
grant such treatment. See 19 CFR 210.6.
Documents for which confidential
treatment by the Commission is sought
will be treated accordingly. All
nonconfidential written submissions
will be available for public inspection at
the Office of the Secretary.
The authority for the Commission’s
determination is contained in section
337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), and in
sections 210.17, 42–43, 45–46 and 50 of
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 183 / Thursday, September 20, 2012 / Notices
the Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (19 CFR 210.17, 210.42–43,
210.45–46, and 210.50).
By order of the Commission.
Issued: September 14, 2012.
Lisa R. Barton,
Acting Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2012–23175 Filed 9–19–12; 8:45 am]
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Notice of Lodging Proposed Consent
In accordance with Departmental
Policy, 28 CFR 50.7, notice is hereby
given that a proposed Consent Decree in
Nu-West Mining, Inc. and Nu-West
Industries, Inc. v. United States, Civil
Action No. 90–431–E–BLW, was lodged
with the United States District Court for
the District of Idaho on September 7,
The proposed Consent Decree
concerns a complaint filed by Nu-West
Mining, Inc. and Nu-West Industries,
Inc. (collectively ‘‘Nu-West’’) against the
United States under Sections 107 and
113 of the Comprehensive
Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act
(‘‘CERCLA’’), 42 U.S.C. 9607 and 9613,
seeking to hold the United States liable
for past and future response costs
relating to the clean-up of
contamination at four phosphate mines
in Southeast Idaho. The United States
counterclaimed against Nu-West under
Sections 107 and 113 of CERCLA, 42
U.S.C. 9607 and 9613, seeking to hold
Nu-West liable for these response costs.
The proposed Consent Decree resolves
all asserted claims and counterclaims by
allocating response costs between NuWest and the United States.
The Department of Justice will accept
written comments relating to the
proposed Consent Decree for thirty (30)
days from the date of publication of this
Notice. Comments should be addressed
to the Assistant Attorney General,
Environment and Natural Resources
Division, and either emailed to
pubcomment-ees.enrd@usdoj.gov or
mailed to the United States Department
of Justice, P.O. Box 7611, Washington
DC 20044–7611. Please refer to Nu-West
Mining, Inc. and Nu-West Industries,
Inc. v. United States, DJ # 90–11–3–
The proposed Consent Decree may be
examined at the Clerk’s Office, United
States District Court for the District of
Idaho, 801 E. Sherman Street, Room
119, Pocatello, ID 83201. In addition,
the proposed Consent Decree may be
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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examined electronically at https://
Consent_Decrees.html. A copy of the
proposed Consent Decree may also be
obtained by mail from the Consent
Decree Library, United States
Department of Justice, P.O. Box 7611,
Washington, DC 20044–7611, or by
emailing or faxing a request to ‘‘Consent
Decree Copy’’
(eescdcopy.enrd@usdoj.gov), fax number
(202) 514–0097, phone confirmation
number (202) 514–5271. In requesting a
copy from the Consent Decree Library,
please enclose a check in the amount of
$6.75 (25 cents per page reproduction
cost) payable to the United States
Cherie L. Rogers,
Assistant Section Chief, Environmental
Defense Section, Environment & Natural
Resources Division.
[FR Doc. 2012–23168 Filed 9–19–12; 8:45 am]
Amended Notice of Lodging of
Consent Decree Under the
Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability
This Notice amends and replaces the
original notice published on September
6, 2012, 77 Fed. Reg. 54926–54927.
Notice is hereby given that on August
28, 2012, a proposed Consent Decree in
United States v. Cornell-Dubilier
Electronics, Inc., Civil Action No. 12–
cv–05407 JLL–MAH, was lodged with
the United States District Court for the
District of New Jersey.
The proposed Consent Decree
resolves the United States’ and the State
of New Jersey’s cost recovery and
natural resource damages claims against
Cornell-Dubilier Electronics, Inc.
(‘‘CDE’’) under Section 107(a) of the
Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability
Act (‘‘CERCLA’’), 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq.,
relating to the Cornell-Dubilier
Electronics, Inc. Superfund Site (‘‘Site’’)
located in South Plainfield, New Jersey.
EPA has performed cleanup work at the
Site using funds from the Superfund
and will continue to do so. The Consent
Decree includes covenants not to sue
under Sections 106 and 107 of CERCLA
and Section 7003 of the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act
(‘‘RCRA’’), 42 U.S.C. 6973.
In the proposed Consent Decree, CDE,
an ability to pay party, and the United
States and New Jersey agree to a
stipulated judgment amount, 80 percent
of the sum of the response cost and
PO 00000
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natural resource damage claims of the
United States and New Jersey, or
$367,453,449. CDE has agreed to pay, on
a sliding scale, between 75 to 100
percent of portions of its insurance
recoveries to the United States and New
Jersey. In addition to payment of the
potential recovery of insurance
proceeds, CDE will make payments over
three years totaling $1.11 million to the
United States and New Jersey. All of
these CDE payments will be divided
between EPA, New Jersey, and the
federal and state natural resource
trustees. CDE will also place, as
necessary, up to a total of $3.25 million
into an escrow account for use in its
state court insurance litigation relating
to coverage for the Site. Finally, the
Decree also resolves potential
contribution claims and the State’s cost
claims against the Department of
Defense and the General Services
Administration. The federal agencies
will pay $16,282,685 toward the United
States’ and the State’s total past and
estimated future response costs and
natural resource damages.
The Department of Justice will receive
for a period of thirty (30) days from the
date of this publication comments
relating to the Consent Decree.
Comments should be addressed to the
Assistant Attorney General,
Environment and Natural Resources
Division, and either emailed to
pubcomment-ees.enrd@usdoj.gov or
mailed to P.O. Box 7611, U.S.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC
20044–7611, and should refer to the
matter as United States v. CornellDubilier Electronics, Inc., D.J. Ref.
Number 90–11–2–08223/2. A person
may request an opportunity for a public
hearing in the affected area in
accordance with Section 7003 of RCRA,
42 U.S.C. 6973, regarding the Decree’s
Section 7003 covenant not (1) to sue or
(2) to order CDE to take actions as may
be necessary to address an imminent
and substantial endangerment or to
protect public health and the
During the public comment period,
the Consent Decree may be examined on
the following Department of Justice Web
site, https://www.usdoj.gov/enrd/
Consent_Decrees.html. A copy of the
Consent Decree may also be obtained by
mail from the Consent Decree Library,
P.O. Box 7611, U.S. Department of
Justice, Washington, DC 20044–7611 or
by faxing or emailing a request to
‘‘Consent Decree Copy’’
(EESCDCopy.ENRD@usdoj.gov), fax no.
(202) 514–0097, phone confirmation
number (202) 514–5271. If requesting by
mail from the Consent Decree Library a
copy of the proposed Consent Decree
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 183 (Thursday, September 20, 2012)]
[Pages 58407-58409]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2012-23175]
[Investigation No. 337-TA-791/826]
Certain Electric Fireplaces, Components Thereof, Manuals for
Same, Certain Processes for Manufacturing or Relating to Same and
Certain Products Containing Same; [Corrected] Determination To Review
In Part ALJ Initial Determination; Request for Written Submissions
AGENCY: U.S. International Trade Commission.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade
Commission has determined to review-in-part the final initial
determination (``ID'') (Order No. 20) of the presiding administrative
law judge (``ALJ'') finding the remaining respondents, Shenzhen Reliap
Industrial Co. (``Reliap'') and Yue Qiu Sheng (``Yue''), both of
Shenzhen, China, in default and in violation of section 337. The
Commission has also determined to review the ALJ's Order No. 19 denying
respondents' motion for summary determination that complainants' breach
of contract allegation is outside the scope of the investigation. The
Commission is also requesting briefing on the issue on review and on
remedy, the public interest, and bonding.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Clint Gerdine, Esq., Office of the
General Counsel, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202) 708-2310. Copies of non-
confidential documents filed in connection with this investigation are
or will be available for inspection during official business hours
(8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.) in the Office of the Secretary, U.S.
International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW., Washington, DC 20436,
telephone (202) 205-2000. General information concerning the Commission
may also be obtained by accessing its Internet server at https://www.usitc.gov. The public record for this investigation may be viewed
on the Commission's electronic docket (EDIS) at https://edis.usitc.gov.
Hearing-impaired persons are advised that information on this matter
can be obtained by contacting the Commission's TDD terminal on (202)
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission instituted Investigation No.
337-TA-791 (``the 791 investigation'') on July 20, 2011, based on a
complaint filed by Twin-Star International, Inc. of Delray Beach,
Florida and TS
[[Page 58408]]
Investment Holding Corp. of Miami, Florida (collectively, ``Twin-
Star''). 76 FR 43345-46 (July 20, 2011). The Commission instituted
Investigation No. 337-TA-826 on January 19, 2012 based on another
complaint filed by Twin-Star, and consolidated it with the 791
investigation. 77 FR 2757-58 (Jan. 19, 2012). The complaints allege a
violation of section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19
U.S.C. 1337, in the importation into the United States, the sale for
importation, and the sale within the United States after importation of
certain electric fireplaces, components thereof, manuals for same,
certain processes for manufacturing or relating to same and certain
products containing same by reason of infringement of U.S. Copyright
Nos. TX0007350474; TX0007350476; VA0001772660; and VA0001772661; and by
reason of misappropriation of trade secrets, breach of contract, and
tortious inference with contract, the threat or effect of which is to
destroy or substantially injure an industry in the United States.
The Commission's notice of investigation named Reliap, Yue, and
Whalen Furniture Manufacturing, Inc. (``Whalen'') of San Diego,
California as respondents. On July 3, 2012, the Commission issued
notice of its determination not to review the ALJ's ID terminating the
investigation as to Whalen based on a consent order and settlement
On June 20, 2012, Twin-Star moved for an ID finding the remaining
respondents, Reliap and Yue, in default and in violation of section 337
pursuant to Commission Rule 210.17, 19 CFR 210.17. The Commission
investigative attorney filed a response in support of the motion.
On July 13, 2012, the ALJ granted Twin-Star's motion and issued the
final ID in this investigation finding the remaining respondents in
default and in violation of section 337 pursuant to 19 CFR 210.17
because they did not participate in the investigation following
withdrawal of their counsel on March 12, 2012. The ID also contained
the ALJ's recommended determination on remedy. Specifically, the ALJ
recommended issuance of a limited exclusion order with respect to the
defaulting respondents.
Also on July 13, 2012, the ALJ issued Order No. 19, denying a
motion filed by Yue on December 11, 2011, for summary determination
that Twin-Star's breach of contract claim is outside the scope of the
investigation. On July 20, 2012, the Commission investigative attorney
petitioned for review of Order No. 19 and the ALJ's final ID. Twin-Star
filed a response in opposition on July 30, 2012.
Having examined the record of this investigation, including the
ALJ's ID, Order No. 19, and the parties' briefing, the Commission has
determined to review Order No. 19 and to review the final ID in part to
the extent that it finds a violation of section 337 based on the breach
of contract allegations. The Commission has determined not to review
the remainder of the ID.
On review, the parties, interested government agencies, and any
other interested persons are requested to submit briefing on the issue
under review and to address in particular the following:
(1) Please explain whether a breach of contract claim can give rise
to a violation of 19 U.S.C. 1337(a)(1)(A), and discuss any relevant
statutory language, legislative history, and legal precedent.
In connection with the final disposition of this investigation, the
Commission may issue an order that results in the exclusion of the
subject articles from entry into the United States. See 19 U.S.C.
1337(d). Accordingly, the Commission is interested in receiving written
submissions that address the form of remedy, if any, that should be
ordered. If a party seeks exclusion of an article from entry into the
United States for purposes other than entry for consumption, the party
should so indicate and provide information establishing that activities
involving other types of entry either are adversely affecting it or
likely to do so. For background, see Certain Devices for Connecting
Computers via Telephone Lines, Inv. No. 337-TA-360, USITC Pub. No.
2843, Comm'n Op. at 7-10 (December 1994) (Commission Opinion).
When the Commission contemplates some form of remedy, it must
consider the effects of that remedy upon the public interest. The
factors the Commission will consider include the effect that an
exclusion order and/or cease and desist orders would have on (1) the
public health and welfare, (2) competitive conditions in the U.S.
economy, (3) U.S. production of articles that are like or directly
competitive with those that are subject to investigation, and (4) U.S.
consumers. The Commission is therefore interested in receiving written
submissions that address the aforementioned public interest factors in
the context of this investigation.
When the Commission orders some form of remedy, the U.S. Trade
Representative, as delegated by the President, has 60 days to approve
or disapprove the Commission's action. See Presidential Memorandum of
July 21, 2005, 70 FR 43251 (July 26, 2005). During this period, the
subject articles would be entitled to enter the United States under
bond, in an amount determined by the Commission and prescribed by the
Secretary of the Treasury. The Commission is therefore interested in
receiving submissions concerning the amount of the bond that should be
imposed if a remedy is ordered.
Written Submissions: The parties to the investigation, interested
government agencies, and any other interested persons are encouraged to
file written submissions on the issues of remedy, the public interest,
and bonding. Complainant is requested to state the issue under review
and the dates that the copyrights at issue expire and the HTSUS numbers
under which the accused products are imported. The written submissions
must be filed no later than close of business on October 12, 2012.
Reply submissions must be filed no later than the close of business on
November 9, 2012. No further submissions on these issues will be
permitted unless otherwise ordered by the Commission.
Persons filing written submissions must file the original document
electronically on or before the deadlines stated above and submit 8
true paper copies to the Office of the Secretary by noon the next day
pursuant to Commission rule 210.4(f), 19 CFR 210.4(f). Submissions
should refer to the investigation number (``Inv. No. 337-TA-791/826'')
in a prominent place on the cover page and/or the first page. (See
Handbook for Electronic Filing Procedures, https://www.usitc.gov/secretary/fed_reg_notices/rules/handbook_on_electronic_filing.pdf).
Any person desiring to submit a document (or portion thereof) to
the Commission in confidence must request confidential treatment unless
the information has already been granted such treatment during the
proceedings. All such requests should be directed to the Secretary of
the Commission and must include a full statement of the reasons why the
Commission should grant such treatment. See 19 CFR 210.6. Documents for
which confidential treatment by the Commission is sought will be
treated accordingly. All nonconfidential written submissions will be
available for public inspection at the Office of the Secretary.
The authority for the Commission's determination is contained in
section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), and
in sections 210.17, 42-43, 45-46 and 50 of
[[Page 58409]]
the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR 210.17,
210.42-43, 210.45-46, and 210.50).
By order of the Commission.
Issued: September 14, 2012.
Lisa R. Barton,
Acting Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2012-23175 Filed 9-19-12; 8:45 am]