National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI), 49786-49788 [2012-20281]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2012 / Notices
Resources Management Plan would
reduce these potential impacts. On
March 9, 2012, the DoN initiated
consultation with the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service in accordance with
Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act
for the potential impacts to Federallylisted species present at NAWSCL
(specifically, desert tortoise, Mojave tui
chub, southwestern willow flycatcher,
least Bell’s vireo, and Inyo California
Impacts to cultural resources from the
proposed action would not be
significant and would be further
reduced by implementation of the
standard operating procedures for the
treatment of cultural resources
described in the Integrated Cultural
Resources Management Plan. In
accordance with Section 106 of the
National Historic Preservation Act, the
DoN initiated consultation with the
State Historic Preservation Officer for on
March 9, 2012. Native American access
to the Coso Hot Springs and Prayer Site
would continue to be conducted in
accordance with the existing
Memorandum of Agreement between
NAWSCL and Native American tribes.
The Draft EIS/LEIS was distributed to
Federal, state, and local agencies,
elected officials, and other interested
individuals and organizations. Copies of
the Draft EIS/LEIS are available for
public review at the following libraries:
1. Ridgecrest Public Library, 131 East
Las Flores Avenue, Ridgecrest,
California 93555.
2. Trona Branch Library, 82805 Mount
View, Trona, California 93562.
3. Lone Pine Branch Library, 127
Bush Street, Lone Pine, California
4. Barstow Branch Library, 304 East
Buena Vista Street, Barstow, California
5. Mojave Public Library, 16916–1/2
State Highway 14, Space D2, Mojave,
California 93501.
6. Lancaster Public Library, 601 West
Lancaster Boulevard, Lancaster,
California 93534.
The Draft EIS/LEIS is also available
for electronic viewing or download at
the project Web site at https:// A paper copy
of the Executive Summary or a single
compact disc of the Draft EIS/LEIS will
be made available upon written request.
Dated: August 14, 2012.
C.K. Chiappetta,
Lieutenant Commander, Office of the Judge
Advocate General, U.S. Navy, Federal
Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 2012–20279 Filed 8–16–12; 8:45 am]
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National Advisory Committee on
Institutional Quality and Integrity
National Advisory Committee
on Institutional Quality and Integrity,
Office of Postsecondary Education, U.S.
Department of Education.
ACTION: Announcement of an open
meeting of the National Advisory
Committee on Institutional Quality and
Integrity (NACIQI) and information
pertaining to members of the public
submitting third-party written and oral
U.S. Department of
Education, Office of Postsecondary
Education, 1990 K Street NW., Room
8072, Washington, DC 20006.
NACIQI’S Statutory Authority and
Function: The NACIQI is established
under Section 114 of the HEA of 1965,
as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1011c. The
NACIQI advises the Secretary of
Education about:
• The establishment and enforcement
of the criteria for recognition of
accrediting agencies or associations
under Subpart 2, Part H, Title IV, of the
HEA, as amended.
• The recognition of specific
accrediting agencies or associations or a
specific State approval agency.
• The preparation and publication of
the list of nationally recognized
accrediting agencies and associations.
• The eligibility and certification
process for institutions of higher
education under Title IV, of the HEA,
together with recommendations for
improvement in such process.
• The relationship between (1)
accreditation of institutions of higher
education and the certification and
eligibility of such institutions, and (2)
State licensing responsibilities with
respect to such institutions.
• Any other advisory function
relating to accreditation and
institutional eligibility that the
Secretary may prescribe.
SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the
agenda for the December 11–12, 2012,
meeting of the National Advisory
Committee on Institutional Quality and
Integrity (NACIQI); and provides
information to members of the public on
submitting written comments and on
requesting to make oral comments at the
meeting. The notice of this meeting is
required under Section 10(a)(2) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act
(FACA) and Section 114(d)(1)(B) of the
Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965, as
Meeting Date and Place: The NACIQI
meeting will be held on December 11–
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12, 2012, from approximately 8:00 a.m.
to approximately 5:30 p.m. at a location
to be determined in the Washington, DC
area. The exact location will be
published in the Federal Register and
on the Department’s Web site at http:
naciqi.html#meetings by November 2,
Meeting Agenda: The meeting will
include a review of accrediting and
State agencies seeking a renewal of
recognition and a policy discussion
session on NACIQI’s potential for
addressing HEA-related accreditation
issues and recommendations currently
being discussed within the higher
education community. Below is a list of
agencies, including their current and
requested scopes of recognition,
scheduled for review during the
December 11–12, 2012, meeting:
Petitions for Continued Recognition
Accrediting Agencies
1. Academy of Nutrition and
Dietetics, Accreditation Council for
Education in Nutrition and Dietetics
(ACEND) (Current and Requested Scope:
The accreditation and pre-accreditation,
within the United States, of Didactic
and Coordinated Programs in Dietetics
at both the undergraduate and graduate
level, post-baccalaureate Dietetic
Internships, and Dietetic Technician
Programs at the associate degree level,
and for its accreditation of such
programs offered via distance
2. American Physical Therapy
Association, Commission on
Accreditation in Physical Therapy
Education (CAPTE) (Current and
Requested Scope: The accreditation and
preaccreditation (‘‘Candidate for
Accreditation’’) in the United States of
physical therapist education programs
leading to the first professional degree at
the master’s or doctoral level and
physical therapist assistant education
programs at the associate degree level
and for its accreditation of such
programs offered via distance
3. American Veterinary Medical
Association, Council on Education
(AVMA–COE) (Current and Requested
Scope: The accreditation and
preaccreditation (‘‘Reasonable
Assurance’’) in the United States of
programs leading to professional
degrees (D.V.M. or D.M.D.) in veterinary
4. Liaison Committee on Medical
Education (LCME) (Current and
Requested Scope: The accreditation of
medical education programs within the
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2012 / Notices
United States leading to the M.D.
5. Middle States Commission on
Higher Education (MSCHE) (Current
Scope: The accreditation and
preaccreditation (‘‘Candidacy Status’’)
of institutions of higher education in
Delaware, the District of Columbia,
Maryland, New Jersey, New York,
Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and the U.S.
Virgin Islands, including distance
education programs offered at those
institutions.) REQUESTED SCOPE: The
accreditation and preaccreditation
(‘‘Candidacy Status’’) of institutions of
higher education in Delaware, the
District of Columbia, Maryland, New
Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto
Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands,
including distance education and
correspondence education offered at
those institutions.
6. New York State Board of Regents,
and the Commissioner of Education
(NYBRE) (Current and Requested Scope:
The accreditation of those degreegranting institutions of higher education
in New York, including distance
education offered by those institutions,
that designate the agency as their sole or
primary nationally recognized
accrediting agency for purposes of
establishing eligibility to participate in
HEA programs.)
7. Western Association of Schools and
Colleges, Accrediting Commission for
Senior Colleges and Universities
(WASCSR) (Current and Requested
Scope: The accreditation and
preaccreditation (‘‘Candidate for
Accreditation’’) of senior colleges and
universities in California, Hawaii, the
United States territories of Guam and
American Samoa, the Republic of Palau,
the Federated States of Micronesia, the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands and the Republic of the Marshall
Islands, including distance education
programs offered at those institutions.)
State Agencies Recognized for the
Approval of Nurse Education
1. Missouri State Board of Nursing
(MOSBN) (Current Scope: State agency
for the approval of nurse education in
the State of Missouri.)
Compliance Reports
1. Accrediting Bureau of Health
Education Schools (ABHES) (Current
Scope: The accreditation of private,
postsecondary institutions in the United
States offering predominantly allied
health education programs and the
programmatic accreditation of medical
assistant, medical laboratory technician
and surgical technology programs,
leading to a certificate, diploma,
Associate of Applied Science, Associate
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of Occupational Science, Academic
Associate degree, or Baccalaureate
degree, including those offered via
distance education.)
2. American Board of Funeral Service
Education (ABFSE) (Current Scope: The
accreditation of institutions and
programs within the United States
awarding diplomas, associate degrees
and bachelor’s degrees in funeral service
or mortuary science, including the
accreditation of distance learning
courses and programs offered by these
programs and institutions.)
3. Commission on Massage Therapy
Accreditation (COMTA) (Current Scope:
The accreditation of institutions and
programs in the United States that
award postsecondary certificates,
postsecondary diplomas, academic
Associate degrees and occupational
Associate degrees, in the practice of
massage therapy, bodywork, and
aesthetics/esthetics and skin care,
including components of programs
which are offered through distance
learning modalities.)
4. Distance Education and Training
Council (DETC) (Current Scope: The
accreditation of postsecondary
institutions in the United States that
offer degree programs primarily by
distance education up through
professional doctoral degree, and are
specifically certified by the agency as
accredited for Title IV purposes; and for
the accreditation of postsecondary
institutions in the United States not
participating in Title IV that offer
programs primarily by distance
education up through professional
doctoral degrees.)
5. Midwifery Education Accreditation
Council (MEAC) (Current Scope: The
accreditation and pre-accreditation
throughout the United States of directentry midwifery educational institutions
and programs conferring degrees and
certificates, including the accreditation
of such programs offered via distance
6. Montessori Accreditation Council
for Teacher Education (MACTE)
(Current Scope: The accreditation of
Montessori teacher education
institutions and programs throughout
the United States, including those
offered via distance education and
correspondence education.)
7. Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
(Current Scope: The accreditation and
pre-accreditation (‘‘Candidate for
Accreditation’’) of degree-granting
institutions of higher education in
Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan,
Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New
Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,
South Dakota, West Virginia, Wisconsin,
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and Wyoming, including tribal
institutions, and the accreditation of
programs offered via distance education
within these institutions. This
recognition extends to the Institutional
Actions Committee jointly with the
Board of Trustees of the Commission for
decisions on cases for continued
accreditation or reaffirmation and
continued candidacy. This recognition
also extends to the Review Committee of
the Accreditation Review Council,
jointly with the Board of Trustees of the
Commission, for decisions on cases for
continued accreditation or candidacy
and for initial candidacy or initial
accreditation when there is a consensus
decision by the Review Committee.
Submission of Written Comments:
Written comments must be received by
September 10, 2012, in the and
include the subject line ‘‘Written
Comments: re (agency name).’’ The
email must include the name, title,
affiliation, mailing address, email
address, telephone and facsimile
numbers and Web site (if any) of the
person/group making the comment.
Comments should be submitted as a
Microsoft Word document or in a
medium compatible with Microsoft
Word (not a PDF file) that is attached to
an electronic mail message (email) or
provided in the body of an email
message. Comments about an agency’s
compliance report must relate to the
issues raised and the criteria for
recognition cited in the Secretary’s letter
that requested the report. Comments
about the renewal of an agency’s
recognition must relate to its
compliance with the Criteria for the
Recognition of Accrediting Agencies or
the Criteria and Procedures for
Recognition of State Agencies for
Approval of Nurse Education, as
appropriate, which are available at
accred/. Third parties having
concerns about agencies regarding
matters outside the scope of the petition
should report those concerns to the
Department. Only material submitted by
the deadline to the email address listed
in this notice, and in accordance with
these instructions, become part of the
official record concerning agencies
scheduled for review and are considered
by the Department and the NACIQI in
their deliberations. Please do not send
material directly to the NACIQI
Submission of Requests To Make an
Oral Comment: There are two methods
the public may use to make a third-party
oral comment of three to five minutes
concerning one of the agencies
scheduled for review at the December
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 160 / Friday, August 17, 2012 / Notices
11–12, 2012 meeting. Oral comments
about agencies seeking renewal of
recognition must relate to the Criteria
for Recognition of Accrediting Agencies
or the Criteria and Procedures for
Recognition of State Agencies for
Approval of Nurse Education, as
appropriate, which are available at:
Method One: Submit a request by
email to the Please
do not send material directly to NACIQI
members. Requests must be received by
September 10, 2012, and include the
subject line ‘‘Oral Comment Request: re
(agency name).’’ The email must include
the name, title, affiliation, mailing
address, email address, telephone and
facsimile numbers and Web site (if any)
of the person/group requesting to speak.
All individuals or groups submitting an
advance request in accordance with this
notice will be afforded an opportunity
to speak for a minimum of three
minutes each. Each request must
concern the recognition of a single
agency tentatively scheduled in this
notice for review, be no more than one
page (maximum), and must include:
1. The name, title, affiliation, mailing
address, email address, telephone and
facsimile numbers, and Web site (if any)
of the person/group requesting to speak;
2. A brief summary of the principal
points to be made during the oral
Method Two: Register at the meeting
location on December 11 or December
12, 2012, to make an oral comment
during the NACIQI’s deliberations
concerning a particular agency
scheduled for review that day. The
requestor must provide his or her name,
title, affiliation, mailing address, email
address, telephone and facsimile
numbers, and Web site (if any). A total
of up to fifteen minutes during each
agency review will be allotted for
commenters who register on December
11 or December 12, 2012. Individuals or
groups will be selected on a first-come,
first-served basis. If selected, each
commenter may speak from three to five
minutes, depending on the number of
individuals or groups who signed up the
day of the meeting.
If a person or group requests, in
advance, to make comments they cannot
also register for an oral presentation
opportunity on December 11 or
December 12, 2012. The oral comments
made will become part of the official
record and will be considered by the
Department and NACIQI in their
deliberations. Individuals and groups
making oral presentations concerning
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scheduled agencies may not distribute
written materials at the meeting.
Access to Records of the Meeting: The
Department will post the official report
of the meeting on the NACIQI Web site
shortly after the meeting. Pursuant to
the FACA, the public may also inspect
the materials at 1990 K Street NW.,
Washington, DC, by emailing or by calling
(202) 219–7067 to schedule an
Reasonable Accommodations: The
meeting site is accessible to individuals
with disabilities. If you will need an
auxiliary aid or service to participate in
the meeting (e.g., interpreting service,
assistive listening device, or materials in
an alternate format), notify the contact
person listed in this notice at least two
weeks before the scheduled meeting
date. Although we will attempt to meet
a request received after that date, we
may not be able to make available the
requested auxiliary aid or service
because of insufficient time to arrange
Carol Griffiths, Executive Director,
NACIQI, U.S. Department of Education,
1990 K Street NW., Room 8073,
Washington, DC 20006–8129, telephone:
(202) 219–7035, fax: (202) 219–7005, or
Electronic Access to this Document:
The official version of this document is
the document published in the Federal
Register. Free Internet access to the
official edition of the Federal Register
and the Code of Federal Regulations is
available via the Federal Digital System
at: At this site you
can view this document, as well as all
other documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Adobe Portable Document
Format (PDF). To use PDF, you must
have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at the site.
You may also access documents of the
Department published in the Federal
Register by using the article search
feature at:
Specifically, through the advanced
search feature at this site, you can limit
your search to documents published by
the Department.
David A. Bergeron,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary
[FR Doc. 2012–20281 Filed 8–16–12; 8:45 am]
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National Committee on Foreign
Medical Education and Accreditation
Office of Postsecondary
Education, U.S. Department of
Education, National Committee on
Foreign Medical Education and
ACTION: The purpose of this notice is to
announce the upcoming meeting of the
National Committee on Foreign Medical
Education and Accreditation
(NCFMEA). Parts of this meeting will be
open to the public, and the public is
invited to attend those portions.
Meeting Date and Place: The public
meeting will be held on Tuesday,
October 30, 2012, from 8:30 a.m. until
approximately 5:00 p.m., at the U.S.
Department of Education, Eighth Floor
Conference Center, Office of
Postsecondary Education, 1990 K Street
NW., Washington, DC 20006.
Function: The NCFMEA was
established by the Secretary of
Education under Section 102 of the
Higher Education Act of 1965, as
amended. The NCFMEA’s
responsibilities are to:
• Upon request of a foreign country,
evaluate the standards of accreditation
applied to medical schools in that
country; and
• Determine the comparability of
those standards to standards for
accreditation applied to United States
medical schools.
Comparability of the applicable
accreditation standards is an eligibility
requirement for foreign medical schools
to participate in the William D. Ford
Federal Direct Student Loan Program,
20 U.S.C. 1087a et seq.
Meeting Agenda: The NCFMEA will
review the standards of accreditation
applied to medical schools by several
foreign countries to determine whether
those standards are comparable to the
standards of accreditation applied to
medical schools in the United States
and/or reports previously requested of
countries by the NCFMEA. Discussion
of the standards of accreditation will be
held in sessions open to the public.
Discussions resulting in specific
determinations of comparability are
closed to the public in order that each
country may be properly notified by the
Department of the Committee’s
The countries scheduled to be
discussed at the meeting include
Australia/New Zealand, Dominican
Republic, Ireland, Israel, Mexico,
Pakistan, Saba, Slovak Republic,
Taiwan, and the United Kingdom. The
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 160 (Friday, August 17, 2012)]
[Pages 49786-49788]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-20281]
National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and
Integrity (NACIQI)
AGENCY: National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and
Integrity, Office of Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of
ACTION: Announcement of an open meeting of the National Advisory
Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) and
information pertaining to members of the public submitting third-party
written and oral comments.
ADDRESSES: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary
Education, 1990 K Street NW., Room 8072, Washington, DC 20006.
NACIQI'S Statutory Authority and Function: The NACIQI is
established under Section 114 of the HEA of 1965, as amended, 20 U.S.C.
1011c. The NACIQI advises the Secretary of Education about:
The establishment and enforcement of the criteria for
recognition of accrediting agencies or associations under Subpart 2,
Part H, Title IV, of the HEA, as amended.
The recognition of specific accrediting agencies or
associations or a specific State approval agency.
The preparation and publication of the list of nationally
recognized accrediting agencies and associations.
The eligibility and certification process for institutions
of higher education under Title IV, of the HEA, together with
recommendations for improvement in such process.
The relationship between (1) accreditation of institutions
of higher education and the certification and eligibility of such
institutions, and (2) State licensing responsibilities with respect to
such institutions.
Any other advisory function relating to accreditation and
institutional eligibility that the Secretary may prescribe.
SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the agenda for the December 11-12,
2012, meeting of the National Advisory Committee on Institutional
Quality and Integrity (NACIQI); and provides information to members of
the public on submitting written comments and on requesting to make
oral comments at the meeting. The notice of this meeting is required
under Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) and
Section 114(d)(1)(B) of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965, as
Meeting Date and Place: The NACIQI meeting will be held on December
11-12, 2012, from approximately 8:00 a.m. to approximately 5:30 p.m. at
a location to be determined in the Washington, DC area. The exact
location will be published in the Federal Register and on the
Department's Web site at by November 2, 2012.
Meeting Agenda: The meeting will include a review of accrediting
and State agencies seeking a renewal of recognition and a policy
discussion session on NACIQI's potential for addressing HEA-related
accreditation issues and recommendations currently being discussed
within the higher education community. Below is a list of agencies,
including their current and requested scopes of recognition, scheduled
for review during the December 11-12, 2012, meeting:
Petitions for Continued Recognition
Accrediting Agencies
1. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Accreditation Council for
Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) (Current and Requested
Scope: The accreditation and pre-accreditation, within the United
States, of Didactic and Coordinated Programs in Dietetics at both the
undergraduate and graduate level, post-baccalaureate Dietetic
Internships, and Dietetic Technician Programs at the associate degree
level, and for its accreditation of such programs offered via distance
2. American Physical Therapy Association, Commission on
Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) (Current and
Requested Scope: The accreditation and preaccreditation (``Candidate
for Accreditation'') in the United States of physical therapist
education programs leading to the first professional degree at the
master's or doctoral level and physical therapist assistant education
programs at the associate degree level and for its accreditation of
such programs offered via distance education.)
3. American Veterinary Medical Association, Council on Education
(AVMA-COE) (Current and Requested Scope: The accreditation and
preaccreditation (``Reasonable Assurance'') in the United States of
programs leading to professional degrees (D.V.M. or D.M.D.) in
veterinary medicine.)
4. Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) (Current and
Requested Scope: The accreditation of medical education programs within
[[Page 49787]]
United States leading to the M.D. degree.)
5. Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) (Current
Scope: The accreditation and preaccreditation (``Candidacy Status'') of
institutions of higher education in Delaware, the District of Columbia,
Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and the U.S.
Virgin Islands, including distance education programs offered at those
institutions.) REQUESTED SCOPE: The accreditation and preaccreditation
(``Candidacy Status'') of institutions of higher education in Delaware,
the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania,
Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, including distance education
and correspondence education offered at those institutions.
6. New York State Board of Regents, and the Commissioner of
Education (NYBRE) (Current and Requested Scope: The accreditation of
those degree-granting institutions of higher education in New York,
including distance education offered by those institutions, that
designate the agency as their sole or primary nationally recognized
accrediting agency for purposes of establishing eligibility to
participate in HEA programs.)
7. Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Accrediting
Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities (WASCSR) (Current and
Requested Scope: The accreditation and preaccreditation (``Candidate
for Accreditation'') of senior colleges and universities in California,
Hawaii, the United States territories of Guam and American Samoa, the
Republic of Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Commonwealth
of the Northern Mariana Islands and the Republic of the Marshall
Islands, including distance education programs offered at those
State Agencies Recognized for the Approval of Nurse Education
1. Missouri State Board of Nursing (MOSBN) (Current Scope: State
agency for the approval of nurse education in the State of Missouri.)
Compliance Reports
1. Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) (Current
Scope: The accreditation of private, postsecondary institutions in the
United States offering predominantly allied health education programs
and the programmatic accreditation of medical assistant, medical
laboratory technician and surgical technology programs, leading to a
certificate, diploma, Associate of Applied Science, Associate of
Occupational Science, Academic Associate degree, or Baccalaureate
degree, including those offered via distance education.)
2. American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE) (Current
Scope: The accreditation of institutions and programs within the United
States awarding diplomas, associate degrees and bachelor's degrees in
funeral service or mortuary science, including the accreditation of
distance learning courses and programs offered by these programs and
3. Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) (Current
Scope: The accreditation of institutions and programs in the United
States that award postsecondary certificates, postsecondary diplomas,
academic Associate degrees and occupational Associate degrees, in the
practice of massage therapy, bodywork, and aesthetics/esthetics and
skin care, including components of programs which are offered through
distance learning modalities.)
4. Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) (Current Scope:
The accreditation of postsecondary institutions in the United States
that offer degree programs primarily by distance education up through
professional doctoral degree, and are specifically certified by the
agency as accredited for Title IV purposes; and for the accreditation
of postsecondary institutions in the United States not participating in
Title IV that offer programs primarily by distance education up through
professional doctoral degrees.)
5. Midwifery Education Accreditation Council (MEAC) (Current Scope:
The accreditation and pre-accreditation throughout the United States of
direct-entry midwifery educational institutions and programs conferring
degrees and certificates, including the accreditation of such programs
offered via distance education.)
6. Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE)
(Current Scope: The accreditation of Montessori teacher education
institutions and programs throughout the United States, including those
offered via distance education and correspondence education.)
7. Higher Learning Commission (HLC) (Current Scope: The
accreditation and pre-accreditation (``Candidate for Accreditation'')
of degree-granting institutions of higher education in Arizona,
Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan,
Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio,
Oklahoma, South Dakota, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming,
including tribal institutions, and the accreditation of programs
offered via distance education within these institutions. This
recognition extends to the Institutional Actions Committee jointly with
the Board of Trustees of the Commission for decisions on cases for
continued accreditation or reaffirmation and continued candidacy. This
recognition also extends to the Review Committee of the Accreditation
Review Council, jointly with the Board of Trustees of the Commission,
for decisions on cases for continued accreditation or candidacy and for
initial candidacy or initial accreditation when there is a consensus
decision by the Review Committee.
Submission of Written Comments: Written comments must be received
by September 10, 2012, in the and
include the subject line ``Written Comments: re (agency name).'' The
email must include the name, title, affiliation, mailing address, email
address, telephone and facsimile numbers and Web site (if any) of the
person/group making the comment. Comments should be submitted as a
Microsoft Word document or in a medium compatible with Microsoft Word
(not a PDF file) that is attached to an electronic mail message (email)
or provided in the body of an email message. Comments about an agency's
compliance report must relate to the issues raised and the criteria for
recognition cited in the Secretary's letter that requested the report.
Comments about the renewal of an agency's recognition must relate to
its compliance with the Criteria for the Recognition of Accrediting
Agencies or the Criteria and Procedures for Recognition of State
Agencies for Approval of Nurse Education, as appropriate, which are
available at Third
parties having concerns about agencies regarding matters outside the
scope of the petition should report those concerns to the Department.
Only material submitted by the deadline to the email address listed in
this notice, and in accordance with these instructions, become part of
the official record concerning agencies scheduled for review and are
considered by the Department and the NACIQI in their deliberations.
Please do not send material directly to the NACIQI members.
Submission of Requests To Make an Oral Comment: There are two
methods the public may use to make a third-party oral comment of three
to five minutes concerning one of the agencies scheduled for review at
the December
[[Page 49788]]
11-12, 2012 meeting. Oral comments about agencies seeking renewal of
recognition must relate to the Criteria for Recognition of Accrediting
Agencies or the Criteria and Procedures for Recognition of State
Agencies for Approval of Nurse Education, as appropriate, which are
available at:
Method One: Submit a request by email to the Please do not send material directly to
NACIQI members. Requests must be received by September 10, 2012, and
include the subject line ``Oral Comment Request: re (agency name).''
The email must include the name, title, affiliation, mailing address,
email address, telephone and facsimile numbers and Web site (if any) of
the person/group requesting to speak. All individuals or groups
submitting an advance request in accordance with this notice will be
afforded an opportunity to speak for a minimum of three minutes each.
Each request must concern the recognition of a single agency
tentatively scheduled in this notice for review, be no more than one
page (maximum), and must include:
1. The name, title, affiliation, mailing address, email address,
telephone and facsimile numbers, and Web site (if any) of the person/
group requesting to speak; and,
2. A brief summary of the principal points to be made during the
oral presentation.
Method Two: Register at the meeting location on December 11 or
December 12, 2012, to make an oral comment during the NACIQI's
deliberations concerning a particular agency scheduled for review that
day. The requestor must provide his or her name, title, affiliation,
mailing address, email address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and
Web site (if any). A total of up to fifteen minutes during each agency
review will be allotted for commenters who register on December 11 or
December 12, 2012. Individuals or groups will be selected on a first-
come, first-served basis. If selected, each commenter may speak from
three to five minutes, depending on the number of individuals or groups
who signed up the day of the meeting.
If a person or group requests, in advance, to make comments they
cannot also register for an oral presentation opportunity on December
11 or December 12, 2012. The oral comments made will become part of the
official record and will be considered by the Department and NACIQI in
their deliberations. Individuals and groups making oral presentations
concerning scheduled agencies may not distribute written materials at
the meeting.
Access to Records of the Meeting: The Department will post the
official report of the meeting on the NACIQI Web site shortly after the
meeting. Pursuant to the FACA, the public may also inspect the
materials at 1990 K Street NW., Washington, DC, by emailing or by calling (202) 219-7067 to schedule an
Reasonable Accommodations: The meeting site is accessible to
individuals with disabilities. If you will need an auxiliary aid or
service to participate in the meeting (e.g., interpreting service,
assistive listening device, or materials in an alternate format),
notify the contact person listed in this notice at least two weeks
before the scheduled meeting date. Although we will attempt to meet a
request received after that date, we may not be able to make available
the requested auxiliary aid or service because of insufficient time to
arrange it.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carol Griffiths, Executive Director,
NACIQI, U.S. Department of Education, 1990 K Street NW., Room 8073,
Washington, DC 20006-8129, telephone: (202) 219-7035, fax: (202) 219-
7005, or email:
Electronic Access to this Document: The official version of this
document is the document published in the Federal Register. Free
Internet access to the official edition of the Federal Register and the
Code of Federal Regulations is available via the Federal Digital System
at: At this site you can view this document, as well
as all other documents of this Department published in the Federal
Register, in text or Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). To use PDF,
you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free at the
You may also access documents of the Department published in the
Federal Register by using the article search feature at: Specifically, through the advanced search
feature at this site, you can limit your search to documents published
by the Department.
David A. Bergeron,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education.
[FR Doc. 2012-20281 Filed 8-16-12; 8:45 am]