Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request, 41432-41436 [2012-17084]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 135 / Friday, July 13, 2012 / Notices
Comments Due Date: Comments
regarding this information collection are
best assured of having their full effect if
received within 60-days of the date of
this publication.
Dated: June 28, 2012.
Laura Lee,
Project Clearance Liaison, Warren Grant
Magnuson Clinical Center, National Institutes
of Health.
[FR Doc. 2012–17120 Filed 7–12–12; 8:45 am]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
In compliance with Section
3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 concerning
opportunity for public comment on
proposed collections of information, the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA)
will publish periodic summaries of
proposed projects. To request more
information on the proposed projects or
to obtain a copy of the information
collection plans, call the SAMHSA
Reports Clearance Officer on (240) 276–
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collections of information
are necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection
of information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Project: Uniform Application for the
Mental Health Block Grant and
Substance Abuse Block Grant FY 2014–
2015 Application Guidance and
Instructions (OMB No. 0930–0168)–
The Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA) is requesting approval from
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for a revision of the 2014 and
2015 Mental Health Block Grant
(MHBG) and Substance Abuse Block
Grant (SABG) Guidance and
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Instructions into a uniform block grant
Currently, the SABG and the MHBG
differ on a number of their practices
(e.g., data collection at individual or
aggregate levels) and statutory
authorities (e.g., method of calculating
MOE, stakeholder input requirements
for planning, set asides for specific
populations or programs, etc.).
Historically, the Centers within
SAMHSA that administer these Block
Grants have had different approaches to
application requirements and reporting.
To compound this variation, states have
had different structures for accepting,
planning, and accounting for the Block
Grants and the Prevention Set Aside
within the SABG. As a result, how these
dollars are spent and what is known
about the services and clients that
receive these funds varies by Block
Grant and by state.
In addition, between 2013 and 2015,
32 million individuals who are
uninsured will have the opportunity to
enroll in Medicaid or private health
insurance. This expansion of health
insurance coverage will have a
significant impact on how State Mental
Health Authorities (SMHAs) and State
Substance Abuse Authorities (SSAs) use
their limited resources. Many
individuals served by these authorities
are funded through Federal Block Grant
funds. SAMHSA proposes that Block
Grant funds be directed toward four
purposes: (1) To fund priority treatment
and support services for individuals
without insurance or who cycle in and
out of health insurance coverage; (2) to
fund those priority treatment and
support services not covered by
Medicaid, Medicare or private insurance
offered through the exchanges and that
demonstrate success in improving
outcomes and/or supporting recovery;
(3) to fund universal, selective and
targeted prevention activities and
services; and (4) to collect performance
and outcome data to determine the
ongoing effectiveness of behavioral
health prevention, treatment and
recovery support services and to plan
the implementation of new services on
a nationwide basis.
States should begin planning now for
FY 2014 when more individuals are
insured. To ensure sufficient and
comprehensive preparation, SAMHSA
will use FY 2013 to continue to work
with states to plan for and transition the
Block Grants to these four purposes.
This transition includes fully exercising
SAMHSA’s existing authority regarding
States’ and Jurisdictions’ (subsequently
referred to as ‘‘states’’) use of Block
Grant funds, and a shift in SAMHSA
staff functions to support and provide
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technical assistance for states receiving
Block Grant funds as they move through
these changes.
The proposed MHBG and SABG build
on ongoing efforts to reform health care,
ensure parity and provide States and
Territories with new tools, new
flexibility, and state/territory-specific
plans for available resources to provide
their residents the health care benefits
they need. The planning section of the
Block Grant application provides a
process for states and Territories to
identify priorities for individuals who
need behavioral health services in their
jurisdictions, develop strategies to
address these needs, and decide how to
expend Block Grant Funds. In addition,
the Planning Section of the Block Grant
requests additional information from
states that could be used to assist them
in their reform efforts. The plan
submitted by each state and Territory
will provide information for SAMHSA
and other federal partners to use in
working with states and Territories to
improve their behavioral health systems
over the next two years as health care
and economic conditions evolve.
The 2014–2015 Block Grant
application provides states and
Territories the flexibility to submit one
rather than two separate Block Grant
applications if they choose. It also
allows states and Territories to develop
and submit a bi-annual rather than an
annual plan, recognizing that the
demographics and epidemiology do not
often change on an annual basis. These
options may decrease the number of
applications submitted from four in two
years to one.
Over the next several months,
SAMHSA will assist states and
Territories (individually and in smaller
groups) as they develop their Block
Grant applications. While there are
some specific statutory requirements
that SAMHSA will look for in each
submitted application, SAMHSA
intends to approach this process with
the goal of assisting states and
Territories in setting a clear direction for
system improvements over time, rather
than as a simple effort to seek
compliance with minimal requirements.
Consistent with previous
applications, the FY 2014–2015
application has sections that are
required and other sections where
additional information is requested, but
not required. The FY 2014–2015
application requires states to submit a
face sheet, a table of contents, a
behavioral health assessment and plan,
reports of expenditures and persons
served, executive summary, and funding
agreements, assurances, and
certifications. In addition, SAMHSA is
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 135 / Friday, July 13, 2012 / Notices
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
requesting information on key areas that
are critical to their success to address
health reform and parity. States will
continue to receive their annual grant
funding if they only chose to submit the
required section of their state plans or
choose to submit separate plans for the
MHBG or SABG. Therefore, as part of
this Block Grant planning process,
SAMHSA is asking states and
Territories to identify their technical
assistance needs to implement the
strategies they identify in their plans for
FY 2014 and 2015.
To facilitate an efficient application
process for states in FY 2014–2015,
SAMHSA convened an internal
workgroup to develop the application
for the Block Grant planning section. In
addition, SAMHSA consulted with
representatives from the State Mental
Health and State Substance Abuse
Authorities to receive input regarding
proposed changes to the Block Grant.
Comments were requested from federal
partners including HHS, OMB, ONDCP,
and ASFR. Other stakeholder groups
consulted with included NASADAD
and NASMHPD. Based on these
discussions with states, federal partners,
and stakeholder groups, SAMHSA is
proposing the following revisions to the
Block Grant application.
Changes to Assessment and Planning
SAMHSA has not made major
revisions to the 2014–2015 application.
The proposed revisions are based
primarily on previous instructions
provided in the 2012–2013 application
guidance. In building on the 2012–2013
guidance, SAMHSA proposed revisions
to expand the areas of focus
(environmental factors) for states to
describe their comprehensive plans to
provide treatment, services, and
supports for individuals with behavioral
health needs. These revisions will
enable SAMHSA to assess the extent to
which states plan for and implement
provisions of the Affordable Care Act
and determine whether Block Grants
funds are being directed toward the four
purposes of the grant.
The proposed revisions reflect
changes within the planning section of
the application. The most significant of
these changes relate to prevention,
particularly primary prevention; data
and quality; enrollment of individuals
and providers; and descriptions of good
and modern behavioral health services.
States are encouraged to address each of
the focus areas. SAMHSA has provided
a set of guiding questions to stimulate
and direct the dialogue that states may
engage in to determine the various
approaches used to develop their
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responses to each of the focus areas. The
proposed revisions are described below:
Areas of Focus/Environmental Factors
• Coverage for M/SUD Services—
Beginning in 2014, Block Grant dollars
should be used to pay for (1) people
who are uninsured, and (2) services that
are not covered by insurance and
Medicaid. Presumably, there will be
similar concerns at the state level that
state dollars are being used for people
and/or services not otherwise covered.
States (or the federal exchange) are
currently making plans to implement
the benchmark plan chosen for
Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) and their
expended Medicaid program. States
should begin to develop strategies that
will monitor the implementation of the
Act in their states. States should begin
to identify whether people have better
access to mental health and substance
use disorder services. In particular,
states will need to determine if QHPs
and Medicaid are offering mental and
substance abuse services and whether
services are offered consistent with
provisions of MHPAEA.
• Affordable Insurance Exchanges—
Affordable Insurance Exchanges
(Exchanges) will be responsible for
performing a variety of critical functions
to ensure access to much needed
behavioral health services. Outreach
and education regarding enrollment in
QHPs or expanded Medicaid will be
critical. SMHAs and SSAs should
understand their state’s new eligibility
determination and enrollment system.
They should also understand how
insurers (commercial, Medicaid and
Medicare plans) will be making
decisions regarding their provider
networks. States should consider
developing benchmarks regarding the
expected number of individuals in their
publicly funded behavioral health
system that should be insured by the
end of FY 2015. In addition, states
should set benchmarks for the number
of providers who will be participating in
insurers’ networks that are currently not
billing third party insurance.
• Program Integrity—The Act directs
the Secretary of HHS to define EHBs.
Non-grandfathered plans in the
individual and small group markets
both inside and outside the Exchanges,
Medicaid benchmark and benchmark
equivalent plans, and basic health
programs must cover these EHBs. The
selected benchmark plan would serve as
a reference plan, reflecting both the
scope of services and limits offered by
a ‘‘typical employer plan’’ in a state as
required by the Act.
At this point in time, many states will
know which mental health and
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substance abuse services are covered in
their benchmark plans offered by QHPs
and Medicaid programs. SMHA and
SSAs should be focused on two main
areas related to EHBs: monitoring what
is covered and aligning Block Grants
and state funds for what is not covered.
These include: (1) Ensuring that QHPs
and Medicaid programs are including
EHBs as per the state bench mark; (2)
Ensuring that individuals are aware of
the covered mental health and
substance abuse benefits; (3) Ensuring
that people will utilize the benefits
despite concerns that employers will
learn of mental health and substance
abuse diagnosis of their employees; and
(4) Monitoring utilization of behavioral
health benefits in light of utilization
review, medical necessity, etc.
SAMHSA expects states to implement
policies and procedures that are
designed to ensure that Block Grant
funds are used in accordance with the
four priority categories identified above.
Consequently, states may have to
reevaluate their current management
and oversight strategies to accommodate
the new priorities. They may also be
required to become more proactive in
ensuring that state-funded providers are
enrolled in the Medicaid program and
have the ability to determine if clients
are enrolled or eligible to enroll in
Medicaid. Additionally, compliance
review and audit protocols may need to
be revised to provide for increased tests
of client eligibility and enrollment.
• Use of Evidence in Purchasing
Decisions—SAMHSA is interested in
whether or how states are using
evidence in their purchasing decisions,
educating policymakers or supporting
providers to offer high quality services.
In addition, SAMHSA is interested in
additional information that is needed by
SMHAs and SSAs in their efforts to
continue to shape their and other
purchasers decisions regarding mental
health and substance abuse services.
• Quality—Up to 25 data elements,
including those in the table below will
be available through the Behavioral
Health Barometer which SAMHSA will
prepare annually to share with states for
purposes of informing the planning
process. Using this information, states
will select specific priority areas. States
will receive feedback on an annual basis
in terms of national, regional and state
performance and will be expected to
provide information on the additional
measures they have identified outside of
the core measures and state barometer.
Reports on progress will serve to
highlight the impact of the Block Grant
funded services and thus allow
SAMHSA to collaborate with the states
and other HHS Operating Divisions in
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 135 / Friday, July 13, 2012 / Notices
providing technical assistance to
improve behavioral health and related
Health ......................
Home .......................
Community ..............
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Purpose ...................
Substance abuse treatment
Youth and Adult Heavy Alcohol Use—
Past 30 Day.
Parental Disapproval Of Drug Use ......
Environmental Risk/Exposure to Prevention Messages And/or Friends.
Disapproval ..........................................
Pro-Social Connections—Community
Reduction/No Change In substance
use past 30 days.
Stability in Housing ..............................
Involvement in Self-Help ......................
• Trauma—In order to better meet the
needs of those they serve, states should
take an active approach to addressing
trauma. Trauma screening matched with
trauma-specific therapies such as
exposure therapy or trauma-focused
cognitive behavioral approaches should
be adopted to ensure that treatments
meet the needs of those being served.
States should also consider adopting a
trauma informed care approach
consistent with SAMHSA’s trauma
informed care definition and principles.
This means providing care based on an
understanding of the vulnerabilities or
triggers of trauma survivors that
traditional service delivery approaches
may exacerbate, so that these services
and programs can be more supportive
and avoid re-traumatization.
• Justice—The SABG and MHBG may
be especially valuable in supporting
care coordination to promote preadjudication and pre-sentencing
diversion, providing care during gaps in
enrollment after incarceration, and
supporting other efforts related to
enrollment. Communities across the
United States have instituted problemsolving courts, including those for
defendants with mental and substance
use disorders. These courts seek to
prevent incarceration and facilitate
community-based treatment for
offenders, while at the same time
protecting public safety. There are two
types of problem-solving courts related
to behavioral health: drug courts and
mental health courts. However, there are
a number of different types of problemsolving courts. In addition to drug
courts and mental health courts, some
jurisdictions, for example, operate
courts for DWI/DUI, veterans, family,
reentry, as well as courts such as
gambling, domestic violence, truancy,
etc. Specialized courts provide a forum
in which the adversarial process can be
relaxed and problem solving and
treatment processes can be emphasized.
States should place emphasis on
screening, assessment, and services
provided prior to adjudication and/or
sentencing to divert persons with
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Percent in TX employed, in school,
mental and/or substance use disorders
from correctional settings. Secondarily,
states should examine specific barriers
such as lack of identification needed for
enrollment, loss of eligibility resulting
from incarceration, and care
coordination for individuals with
chronic health conditions, housing
instability, and employment challenges.
Secure custody rates decline when
community agencies are present to
advocate for alternatives for detention.
• Parity Education—SAMHSA
encourages states to take proactive steps
to improve consumer knowledge about
parity. As one plan of action, states can
develop communication plans to
provide and address key issues.
SAMHSA is in a unique position to
provide content expertise to assist
states, and is asking for input from
states to address this position.
• Primary and Behavioral Health
Care Integration Activities—Numerous
provisions in the Afordable Health Care
Act and elsewhere improve the
coordination of care for patients through
the creation of health homes, where
teams of health professionals will be
rewarded to coordinate care for patients
with chronic conditions. States that had
approved Medicaid State Plan
Amendments (SPAs) received 90
percent Federal Medicaid Assistance
Percentage (FMAP) for health home
services for eight quarters. At this
critical point in time, some states are
ending their two years of enhanced
FMAP and rolling back to their regular
state FMAP for health home services. In
addition, many states may be a year into
the implementation of their dual eligible
demonstration projects.
• Health Disparities—In the Block
Grant application, states are asked to
define the populations they intend to
serve. Within these populations of focus
are subpopulations that may have
disparate access to, use of, or outcomes
from provided services. These
disparities may be the result of
differences in insurance coverage,
language, beliefs, norms, values, and/or
socioeconomic factors specific to that
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Level of Functioning.
Stability in Housing.
Improvement/Increase in quality/number of supportive relationships
among SMI population.
Clients w/SMI or SED who are employed, or in school.
subpopulation. For instance, Latino
adults with SMI may be at heightened
risk for metabolic disorder due to lack
of appropriate in-language primary care
services; Native American youth may
have an increased incidence of underage
binge drinking due to coping patterns
related to historical trauma within the
Native American community; and
African American women may be at
greater risk for contracting HIV/AIDS
due lack of access to education on risky
sexual behaviors in urban low-income
communities, etc. While these factors
might not be pervasive among the
general population served by the Block
Grant, they may be predominant among
subpopulations or groups vulnerable to
disparities. To address and ultimately
reduce disparities, it is important for
states to have a detailed understanding
of who is being served and not being
served within their communities,
including in what languages services are
provided, in order to implement
appropriate outreach and engagement
strategies for diverse populations. The
types of services provided, retention in
services and outcomes are critical
measures of quality and outcomes of
care for diverse groups. In order to
address the potentially disparate impact
for their Block Grant funded efforts,
states will be asked to address access,
use and outcomes for subpopulations,
which can be defined by the following
factors: race, ethnicity, language, gender
(including transgender), tribal
connection and sexual orientation (i.e.,
lesbian, gay, bisexual).
• Recovery—SAMHSA encourages
states to take proactive steps to
implement recovery support services.
SAMHSA is in a unique position to
provide content expertise to assist
states, and is asking for input from
states to address this position. SAMHSA
has launched Bringing Recovery
Supports to Scale Technical Assistance
Center Strategy (BRSS TACS). BRSS
TACS assists states and others to
promote adoption of recovery-oriented
supports, services, and systems for
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 135 / Friday, July 13, 2012 / Notices
people in recovery from substance use
and/or mental health disorders.
• Children and Adolescents
Behavioral Health Services—Since
1993, SAMHSA has funded the
Children’s Mental Health Initiative
(CMHI) to build the System of Care
approach in states and communities
around the country. This has been an
ongoing program with over 160 grants
awarded to states and communities.
Every state has received at least one
CMHI grant. In 2007, SAMHSA awarded
State Substance Abuse Coordinator
grants to 16 states to build a state
infrastructure for substance use
disorders. This work has continued with
a focus on financing and workforce
development to support a recoveryoriented system of care that incorporates
established evidenced-based treatment
for youth with substance use disorders.
SAMHSA expects that states will
build on this well-documented, effective
system of care approach to serving
children and youth with behavioral
health needs. Given the multi-system
involvement of these children and
youth, the system of care approach
provides the infrastructure to improve
care coordination and outcomes,
manage costs and better invest
resources. The array of services and
supports in the system of care approach
includes non-residential (e.g.,
wraparound service planning, intensive
care management, outpatient therapy,
intensive home-based services,
substance use disorder intensive out
patient services, continuing care, mobile
Application(s) for FY
Estimates of Annualized Hour Burden
The estimated annualized burden for
a uniform application is 37, 429 hours.
Burden estimates are broken out in the
crisis response, etc.), supportive
services (e.g., peer youth support, family
peer support, respite services, mental
health consultation, supported
education and employment, etc.), and
residential services (e.g., therapeutic
foster care, crisis stabilization services,
inpatient medical detoxification, etc.).
Although the statutory dates for
submitting the Block Grant application,
plan and annual report remain
unchanged, SAMHSA requests that the
MHBG and SABG applications be
submitted on the same date. In addition,
the dates for submitting the plans have
changed to better comport with most
states fiscal and planning years (July 1st
through June 30th of the following year).
Plan due
No *
No *
Planning period
following tables showing burden
separately for Year 1 and Year 2. Year
1 includes the estimates of burden for
the uniform application and annual
Reports due
reporting. Year 2 includes the estimates
of burden for the application update and
annual reporting. The reporting burden
remains constant for both years.
Number of
Application element
Application Burden:
Yr One Plan (separate submissions) ....................................................
Yr One Plan (combined submission ......................................................
Total burden
30 (CMHS) 30
30 .....................
Application Sub-total .......................................................................
Reporting Burden:
MHBG Report ........................................................................................
URS Tables ...........................................................................................
SAPTBG Report ....................................................................................
Table 5 ...................................................................................................
60 .....................
59 .....................
59 .....................
60 1 ...................
15 2 ...................
Reporting Subtotal ..........................................................................
60 .....................
Total .........................................................................................
119 ...................
1 Redlake
2 Only
Band of the Chippewa Indians from MN receives a grant.
15 States have a management information system to complete Table 5.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Application Burden:
Yr Two Plan ..............................................................................................
Application Sub-total .........................................................................
Reporting Burden:
MHBG Report ...........................................................................................
URS Tables ..............................................................................................
SAPTBG Report .......................................................................................
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Number of
Application element
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Total burden
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 135 / Friday, July 13, 2012 / Notices
Number of
Application element
Total burden
Table 5 ......................................................................................................
Reporting Subtotal .............................................................................
Total ...........................................................................................
The total annualized burden for the
application and reporting is 37,429
hours (49,639 + 25,219 = 74,858/2 years
= 37,429).
Link for the application:
Send written comments to Summer
King, SAMHSA Reports Clearance
Officer, Room 2–1057, One Choke
Cherry Road, Rockville, MD 20857 OR
email a copy to All
written comments should be received
within 60 days of the published date of
this notice.
Cathy Friedman,
Public Health Analyst.
[FR Doc. 2012–17084 Filed 7–12–12; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FR–5600–FA–08]
Announcement of Funding Awards;
Fair Housing Initiatives Program Fiscal
Year 2012
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal
Opportunity, HUD.
ACTION: Announcement of funding
In accordance with section
102(a)(4)(C) of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development
Reform Act of 1989, this announcement
notifies the public of funding decisions
made by the Department for funding
under the Notice of Funding
Availability (NOFA) for the Fair
Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) for
Fiscal Year (FY) 2012. This
announcement lists the names and
addresses of those award recipients
selected for funding based on the rating
and ranking of all applications and the
amount of the awards.
Myron Newry, Director, FHIP Division,
Office of Programs, Office of Fair
Housing and Equal Opportunity,
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 451 Seventh Street SW.,
Room 5230, Washington, DC 20410.
Telephone number 202–402–7095 (this
is not a toll-free number). Persons with
hearing or speech impairments may
access this number through TTY by
calling the toll-free Federal Relay
Service at 800–877–8339.
of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as
amended, 42 U.S.C. 3601–19 (the Fair
Housing Act) provides the Secretary of
Housing and Urban Development with
responsibility to accept and investigate
complaints alleging discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status or national
origin in the sale, rental, or financing of
most housing. In addition, the Fair
Housing Act directs the Secretary to
coordinate with State and local agencies
administering fair housing laws and to
cooperate with and render technical
assistance to public or private entities
carrying out programs to prevent and
eliminate discriminatory housing
Section 561 of the Housing and
Community Development Act of 1987,
42 U.S.C. 3616, established FHIP to
strengthen the Department’s
enforcement of the Fair Housing Act
and to further fair housing. This
program assists projects and activities
designed to enhance compliance with
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Applicant name
the Fair Housing Act and substantially
equivalent State and local fair housing
laws. Implementing regulations are
found at 24 CFR part 125.
The Department published its Fair
Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP)
NOFA on February 16, 2012 announcing
the availability of approximately
$42,500,000 out of the Department’s FY
2012 appropriation, to be utilized for
FHIP projects and activities. Funding
availability for discretionary grants
included: the Private Enforcement
Initiative (PEI) ($30,050,000), the
Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI)
($5,880,000), and the Fair Housing
Organizations Initiative (FHOI)
($5,250,000). This Notice announces
grant awards of approximately
For the FY 2012 NOFA, the
Department reviewed, evaluated and
scored the applications received based
on the criteria in the FY 2012 NOFA. As
a result, HUD has funded the
applications announced in Appendix A,
and in accordance with section
102(a)(4)(C) of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development
Reform Act of 1989 (103 Stat. 1987, 42
U.S.C. 3545), the Department is hereby
publishing details concerning the
recipients of funding awards in
Appendix A of this document.
The Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance Number for currently funded
Initiatives under the Fair Housing
Initiatives Program is 14.408.
Dated: July 6, 2012.
Bryan Greene,
General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fair
Housing and Equal Opportunity.
Appendix A—FY 2012 Fair Housing
Initiatives Program Awards
Award amt.
Education and Outreach/Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Component
Connecticut Fair Housing Center, Inc., 221 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06106 ............
Westchester Residential Opportunities, Inc., 470 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 410,
White Plains, NY 10605.
Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence, Inc., 11501 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami,
FL 33168.
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Erin Kemple, 860–247–4400 ...
Geoffrey Anderson, 914–428–
Keenya Robertson, 305–759–
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 135 (Friday, July 13, 2012)]
[Pages 41432-41436]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-17084]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
In compliance with Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 concerning opportunity for public comment on proposed
collections of information, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA) will publish periodic summaries of
proposed projects. To request more information on the proposed projects
or to obtain a copy of the information collection plans, call the
SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer on (240) 276-1243.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collections of
information are necessary for the proper performance of the functions
of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways
to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents,
including through the use of automated collection techniques or other
forms of information technology.
Project: Uniform Application for the Mental Health Block Grant and
Substance Abuse Block Grant FY 2014-2015 Application Guidance and
Instructions (OMB No. 0930-0168)-Revision
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA) is requesting approval from the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for a revision of the 2014 and 2015 Mental Health Block
Grant (MHBG) and Substance Abuse Block Grant (SABG) Guidance and
Instructions into a uniform block grant application.
Currently, the SABG and the MHBG differ on a number of their
practices (e.g., data collection at individual or aggregate levels) and
statutory authorities (e.g., method of calculating MOE, stakeholder
input requirements for planning, set asides for specific populations or
programs, etc.). Historically, the Centers within SAMHSA that
administer these Block Grants have had different approaches to
application requirements and reporting. To compound this variation,
states have had different structures for accepting, planning, and
accounting for the Block Grants and the Prevention Set Aside within the
SABG. As a result, how these dollars are spent and what is known about
the services and clients that receive these funds varies by Block Grant
and by state.
In addition, between 2013 and 2015, 32 million individuals who are
uninsured will have the opportunity to enroll in Medicaid or private
health insurance. This expansion of health insurance coverage will have
a significant impact on how State Mental Health Authorities (SMHAs) and
State Substance Abuse Authorities (SSAs) use their limited resources.
Many individuals served by these authorities are funded through Federal
Block Grant funds. SAMHSA proposes that Block Grant funds be directed
toward four purposes: (1) To fund priority treatment and support
services for individuals without insurance or who cycle in and out of
health insurance coverage; (2) to fund those priority treatment and
support services not covered by Medicaid, Medicare or private insurance
offered through the exchanges and that demonstrate success in improving
outcomes and/or supporting recovery; (3) to fund universal, selective
and targeted prevention activities and services; and (4) to collect
performance and outcome data to determine the ongoing effectiveness of
behavioral health prevention, treatment and recovery support services
and to plan the implementation of new services on a nationwide basis.
States should begin planning now for FY 2014 when more individuals
are insured. To ensure sufficient and comprehensive preparation, SAMHSA
will use FY 2013 to continue to work with states to plan for and
transition the Block Grants to these four purposes. This transition
includes fully exercising SAMHSA's existing authority regarding States'
and Jurisdictions' (subsequently referred to as ``states'') use of
Block Grant funds, and a shift in SAMHSA staff functions to support and
provide technical assistance for states receiving Block Grant funds as
they move through these changes.
The proposed MHBG and SABG build on ongoing efforts to reform
health care, ensure parity and provide States and Territories with new
tools, new flexibility, and state/territory-specific plans for
available resources to provide their residents the health care benefits
they need. The planning section of the Block Grant application provides
a process for states and Territories to identify priorities for
individuals who need behavioral health services in their jurisdictions,
develop strategies to address these needs, and decide how to expend
Block Grant Funds. In addition, the Planning Section of the Block Grant
requests additional information from states that could be used to
assist them in their reform efforts. The plan submitted by each state
and Territory will provide information for SAMHSA and other federal
partners to use in working with states and Territories to improve their
behavioral health systems over the next two years as health care and
economic conditions evolve.
The 2014-2015 Block Grant application provides states and
Territories the flexibility to submit one rather than two separate
Block Grant applications if they choose. It also allows states and
Territories to develop and submit a bi-annual rather than an annual
plan, recognizing that the demographics and epidemiology do not often
change on an annual basis. These options may decrease the number of
applications submitted from four in two years to one.
Over the next several months, SAMHSA will assist states and
Territories (individually and in smaller groups) as they develop their
Block Grant applications. While there are some specific statutory
requirements that SAMHSA will look for in each submitted application,
SAMHSA intends to approach this process with the goal of assisting
states and Territories in setting a clear direction for system
improvements over time, rather than as a simple effort to seek
compliance with minimal requirements.
Consistent with previous applications, the FY 2014-2015 application
has sections that are required and other sections where additional
information is requested, but not required. The FY 2014-2015
application requires states to submit a face sheet, a table of
contents, a behavioral health assessment and plan, reports of
expenditures and persons served, executive summary, and funding
agreements, assurances, and certifications. In addition, SAMHSA is
[[Page 41433]]
requesting information on key areas that are critical to their success
to address health reform and parity. States will continue to receive
their annual grant funding if they only chose to submit the required
section of their state plans or choose to submit separate plans for the
MHBG or SABG. Therefore, as part of this Block Grant planning process,
SAMHSA is asking states and Territories to identify their technical
assistance needs to implement the strategies they identify in their
plans for FY 2014 and 2015.
To facilitate an efficient application process for states in FY
2014-2015, SAMHSA convened an internal workgroup to develop the
application for the Block Grant planning section. In addition, SAMHSA
consulted with representatives from the State Mental Health and State
Substance Abuse Authorities to receive input regarding proposed changes
to the Block Grant. Comments were requested from federal partners
including HHS, OMB, ONDCP, and ASFR. Other stakeholder groups consulted
with included NASADAD and NASMHPD. Based on these discussions with
states, federal partners, and stakeholder groups, SAMHSA is proposing
the following revisions to the Block Grant application.
Changes to Assessment and Planning Activities
SAMHSA has not made major revisions to the 2014-2015 application.
The proposed revisions are based primarily on previous instructions
provided in the 2012-2013 application guidance. In building on the
2012-2013 guidance, SAMHSA proposed revisions to expand the areas of
focus (environmental factors) for states to describe their
comprehensive plans to provide treatment, services, and supports for
individuals with behavioral health needs. These revisions will enable
SAMHSA to assess the extent to which states plan for and implement
provisions of the Affordable Care Act and determine whether Block
Grants funds are being directed toward the four purposes of the grant.
The proposed revisions reflect changes within the planning section
of the application. The most significant of these changes relate to
prevention, particularly primary prevention; data and quality;
enrollment of individuals and providers; and descriptions of good and
modern behavioral health services. States are encouraged to address
each of the focus areas. SAMHSA has provided a set of guiding questions
to stimulate and direct the dialogue that states may engage in to
determine the various approaches used to develop their responses to
each of the focus areas. The proposed revisions are described below:
Areas of Focus/Environmental Factors
Coverage for M/SUD Services--Beginning in 2014, Block
Grant dollars should be used to pay for (1) people who are uninsured,
and (2) services that are not covered by insurance and Medicaid.
Presumably, there will be similar concerns at the state level that
state dollars are being used for people and/or services not otherwise
covered. States (or the federal exchange) are currently making plans to
implement the benchmark plan chosen for Qualified Health Plans (QHPs)
and their expended Medicaid program. States should begin to develop
strategies that will monitor the implementation of the Act in their
states. States should begin to identify whether people have better
access to mental health and substance use disorder services. In
particular, states will need to determine if QHPs and Medicaid are
offering mental and substance abuse services and whether services are
offered consistent with provisions of MHPAEA.
Affordable Insurance Exchanges--Affordable Insurance
Exchanges (Exchanges) will be responsible for performing a variety of
critical functions to ensure access to much needed behavioral health
services. Outreach and education regarding enrollment in QHPs or
expanded Medicaid will be critical. SMHAs and SSAs should understand
their state's new eligibility determination and enrollment system. They
should also understand how insurers (commercial, Medicaid and Medicare
plans) will be making decisions regarding their provider networks.
States should consider developing benchmarks regarding the expected
number of individuals in their publicly funded behavioral health system
that should be insured by the end of FY 2015. In addition, states
should set benchmarks for the number of providers who will be
participating in insurers' networks that are currently not billing
third party insurance.
Program Integrity--The Act directs the Secretary of HHS to
define EHBs. Non-grandfathered plans in the individual and small group
markets both inside and outside the Exchanges, Medicaid benchmark and
benchmark equivalent plans, and basic health programs must cover these
EHBs. The selected benchmark plan would serve as a reference plan,
reflecting both the scope of services and limits offered by a ``typical
employer plan'' in a state as required by the Act.
At this point in time, many states will know which mental health
and substance abuse services are covered in their benchmark plans
offered by QHPs and Medicaid programs. SMHA and SSAs should be focused
on two main areas related to EHBs: monitoring what is covered and
aligning Block Grants and state funds for what is not covered. These
include: (1) Ensuring that QHPs and Medicaid programs are including
EHBs as per the state bench mark; (2) Ensuring that individuals are
aware of the covered mental health and substance abuse benefits; (3)
Ensuring that people will utilize the benefits despite concerns that
employers will learn of mental health and substance abuse diagnosis of
their employees; and (4) Monitoring utilization of behavioral health
benefits in light of utilization review, medical necessity, etc.
SAMHSA expects states to implement policies and procedures that are
designed to ensure that Block Grant funds are used in accordance with
the four priority categories identified above. Consequently, states may
have to reevaluate their current management and oversight strategies to
accommodate the new priorities. They may also be required to become
more proactive in ensuring that state-funded providers are enrolled in
the Medicaid program and have the ability to determine if clients are
enrolled or eligible to enroll in Medicaid. Additionally, compliance
review and audit protocols may need to be revised to provide for
increased tests of client eligibility and enrollment.
Use of Evidence in Purchasing Decisions--SAMHSA is
interested in whether or how states are using evidence in their
purchasing decisions, educating policymakers or supporting providers to
offer high quality services. In addition, SAMHSA is interested in
additional information that is needed by SMHAs and SSAs in their
efforts to continue to shape their and other purchasers decisions
regarding mental health and substance abuse services.
Quality--Up to 25 data elements, including those in the
table below will be available through the Behavioral Health Barometer
which SAMHSA will prepare annually to share with states for purposes of
informing the planning process. Using this information, states will
select specific priority areas. States will receive feedback on an
annual basis in terms of national, regional and state performance and
will be expected to provide information on the additional measures they
have identified outside of the core measures and state barometer.
Reports on progress will serve to highlight the impact of the Block
Grant funded services and thus allow SAMHSA to collaborate with the
states and other HHS Operating Divisions in
[[Page 41434]]
providing technical assistance to improve behavioral health and related
Substance abuse
Prevention treatment Mental health services
Health........................... Youth and Adult Heavy Reduction/No Change In Level of Functioning.
Alcohol Use--Past 30 Day. substance use past 30
Home............................. Parental Disapproval Of Stability in Housing.... Stability in Housing.
Drug Use.
Community........................ Environmental Risk/ Involvement in Self-Help Improvement/Increase in
Exposure to Prevention quality/number of
Messages And/or Friends. supportive
Disapproval.............. relationships among SMI
Purpose.......................... Pro-Social Connections-- Percent in TX employed, Clients w/SMI or SED who
Community Connections. in school, etc.--TEDS. are employed, or in
Trauma--In order to better meet the needs of those they
serve, states should take an active approach to addressing trauma.
Trauma screening matched with trauma-specific therapies such as
exposure therapy or trauma-focused cognitive behavioral approaches
should be adopted to ensure that treatments meet the needs of those
being served. States should also consider adopting a trauma informed
care approach consistent with SAMHSA's trauma informed care definition
and principles. This means providing care based on an understanding of
the vulnerabilities or triggers of trauma survivors that traditional
service delivery approaches may exacerbate, so that these services and
programs can be more supportive and avoid re-traumatization.
Justice--The SABG and MHBG may be especially valuable in
supporting care coordination to promote pre-adjudication and pre-
sentencing diversion, providing care during gaps in enrollment after
incarceration, and supporting other efforts related to enrollment.
Communities across the United States have instituted problem-solving
courts, including those for defendants with mental and substance use
disorders. These courts seek to prevent incarceration and facilitate
community-based treatment for offenders, while at the same time
protecting public safety. There are two types of problem-solving courts
related to behavioral health: drug courts and mental health courts.
However, there are a number of different types of problem-solving
courts. In addition to drug courts and mental health courts, some
jurisdictions, for example, operate courts for DWI/DUI, veterans,
family, reentry, as well as courts such as gambling, domestic violence,
truancy, etc. Specialized courts provide a forum in which the
adversarial process can be relaxed and problem solving and treatment
processes can be emphasized. States should place emphasis on screening,
assessment, and services provided prior to adjudication and/or
sentencing to divert persons with mental and/or substance use disorders
from correctional settings. Secondarily, states should examine specific
barriers such as lack of identification needed for enrollment, loss of
eligibility resulting from incarceration, and care coordination for
individuals with chronic health conditions, housing instability, and
employment challenges. Secure custody rates decline when community
agencies are present to advocate for alternatives for detention.
Parity Education--SAMHSA encourages states to take
proactive steps to improve consumer knowledge about parity. As one plan
of action, states can develop communication plans to provide and
address key issues. SAMHSA is in a unique position to provide content
expertise to assist states, and is asking for input from states to
address this position.
Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration
Activities--Numerous provisions in the Afordable Health Care Act and
elsewhere improve the coordination of care for patients through the
creation of health homes, where teams of health professionals will be
rewarded to coordinate care for patients with chronic conditions.
States that had approved Medicaid State Plan Amendments (SPAs) received
90 percent Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (FMAP) for health
home services for eight quarters. At this critical point in time, some
states are ending their two years of enhanced FMAP and rolling back to
their regular state FMAP for health home services. In addition, many
states may be a year into the implementation of their dual eligible
demonstration projects.
Health Disparities--In the Block Grant application, states
are asked to define the populations they intend to serve. Within these
populations of focus are subpopulations that may have disparate access
to, use of, or outcomes from provided services. These disparities may
be the result of differences in insurance coverage, language, beliefs,
norms, values, and/or socioeconomic factors specific to that
subpopulation. For instance, Latino adults with SMI may be at
heightened risk for metabolic disorder due to lack of appropriate in-
language primary care services; Native American youth may have an
increased incidence of underage binge drinking due to coping patterns
related to historical trauma within the Native American community; and
African American women may be at greater risk for contracting HIV/AIDS
due lack of access to education on risky sexual behaviors in urban low-
income communities, etc. While these factors might not be pervasive
among the general population served by the Block Grant, they may be
predominant among subpopulations or groups vulnerable to disparities.
To address and ultimately reduce disparities, it is important for
states to have a detailed understanding of who is being served and not
being served within their communities, including in what languages
services are provided, in order to implement appropriate outreach and
engagement strategies for diverse populations. The types of services
provided, retention in services and outcomes are critical measures of
quality and outcomes of care for diverse groups. In order to address
the potentially disparate impact for their Block Grant funded efforts,
states will be asked to address access, use and outcomes for
subpopulations, which can be defined by the following factors: race,
ethnicity, language, gender (including transgender), tribal connection
and sexual orientation (i.e., lesbian, gay, bisexual).
Recovery--SAMHSA encourages states to take proactive steps
to implement recovery support services. SAMHSA is in a unique position
to provide content expertise to assist states, and is asking for input
from states to address this position. SAMHSA has launched Bringing
Recovery Supports to Scale Technical Assistance Center Strategy (BRSS
TACS). BRSS TACS assists states and others to promote adoption of
recovery-oriented supports, services, and systems for
[[Page 41435]]
people in recovery from substance use and/or mental health disorders.
Children and Adolescents Behavioral Health Services--Since
1993, SAMHSA has funded the Children's Mental Health Initiative (CMHI)
to build the System of Care approach in states and communities around
the country. This has been an ongoing program with over 160 grants
awarded to states and communities. Every state has received at least
one CMHI grant. In 2007, SAMHSA awarded State Substance Abuse
Coordinator grants to 16 states to build a state infrastructure for
substance use disorders. This work has continued with a focus on
financing and workforce development to support a recovery-oriented
system of care that incorporates established evidenced-based treatment
for youth with substance use disorders.
SAMHSA expects that states will build on this well-documented,
effective system of care approach to serving children and youth with
behavioral health needs. Given the multi-system involvement of these
children and youth, the system of care approach provides the
infrastructure to improve care coordination and outcomes, manage costs
and better invest resources. The array of services and supports in the
system of care approach includes non-residential (e.g., wraparound
service planning, intensive care management, outpatient therapy,
intensive home-based services, substance use disorder intensive out
patient services, continuing care, mobile crisis response, etc.),
supportive services (e.g., peer youth support, family peer support,
respite services, mental health consultation, supported education and
employment, etc.), and residential services (e.g., therapeutic foster
care, crisis stabilization services, inpatient medical detoxification,
Although the statutory dates for submitting the Block Grant
application, plan and annual report remain unchanged, SAMHSA requests
that the MHBG and SABG applications be submitted on the same date. In
addition, the dates for submitting the plans have changed to better
comport with most states fiscal and planning years (July 1st through
June 30th of the following year).
Application(s) for FY due Plan due Planning period Reports due
2014................................ 4/1/13 Yes.................... 7/1/13-6/30/15 12/1/13
2015................................ 4/1/14 No *................... ................. 12/1/14
2016................................ 4/1/15 Yes.................... 7/1/15-6/30/17 12/1/15
2017................................ 4/01/16 No *................... ................. 12/1/16
Estimates of Annualized Hour Burden
The estimated annualized burden for a uniform application is 37,
429 hours. Burden estimates are broken out in the following tables
showing burden separately for Year 1 and Year 2. Year 1 includes the
estimates of burden for the uniform application and annual reporting.
Year 2 includes the estimates of burden for the application update and
annual reporting. The reporting burden remains constant for both years.
Table 1--Estimates of Application and Reporting Burden for Year 1
Application element Number of respondents Responses/ response Total burden
respondents (hours)
Application Burden:
Yr One Plan (separate 30 (CMHS) 30 (SAPT) 1 282 16,920
Yr One Plan (combined 30......................... 1 282 8,460
Application Sub-total...... 60......................... .............. .............. 25,380
Reporting Burden:
MHBG Report.................... 59......................... 1 186 10,974
URS Tables..................... 59......................... 1 35 2,065
SAPTBG Report.................. 60 \1\..................... 1 186 11,160
Table 5........................ 15 \2\..................... 1 4 60
Reporting Subtotal......... 60......................... .............. .............. 24,259
Total.................. 119........................ .............. .............. 49,639
\1\ Redlake Band of the Chippewa Indians from MN receives a grant.
\2\ Only 15 States have a management information system to complete Table 5.
Table 2--Estimates of Application and Reporting Burden for Year 2
Application element Number of Responses/ response Total burden
respondents respondents (hours)
Application Burden:
Yr Two Plan................................. 24 1 40 960
Application Sub-total................... 24 .............. .............. 960
Reporting Burden:
MHBG Report................................. 59 1 186 10,974
URS Tables.................................. 59 1 35 2,065
SAPTBG Report............................... 60 1 186 11,160
[[Page 41436]]
Table 5..................................... 15 1 4 60
Reporting Subtotal...................... 60 .............. .............. 24,259
Total............................... 119 .............. .............. 25,219
The total annualized burden for the application and reporting is
37,429 hours (49,639 + 25,219 = 74,858/2 years = 37,429).
Link for the application:
Send written comments to Summer King, SAMHSA Reports Clearance
Officer, Room 2-1057, One Choke Cherry Road, Rockville, MD 20857 OR
email a copy to All written comments should
be received within 60 days of the published date of this notice.
Cathy Friedman,
Public Health Analyst.
[FR Doc. 2012-17084 Filed 7-12-12; 8:45 am]