Executive-Led Infrastructure Business Development Mission Statement November 11-17, 2012, Indonesia and Vietnam, 40326-40329 [2012-16728]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2012 / Notices
Dated: July 3, 2012.
Gwellnar Banks,
Management Analyst, Office of the Chief
Information Officer.
decision makers and prospective private
sector partners during customized, oneon-one meetings.
Top infrastructure sectors include:
• Energy
• Aviation
• Environmental Technology
• Architecture, Construction and
[FR Doc. 2012–16633 Filed 7–6–12; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Commercial Setting
Executive-Led Infrastructure Business
Development Mission Statement
November 11–17, 2012, Indonesia and
International Trade
Administration, Department of
ACTION: Notice.
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Mission Description
The United States Department of
Commerce, International Trade
Administration (ITA), U.S. and Foreign
Commercial Service (US&FCS) is
organizing an executive-led trade
mission to Indonesia and Vietnam. The
proposed trade mission, scheduled for
November 11–17, 2012, will visit two of
Southeast Asia’s most dynamic markets
and will help participants gain firsthand market knowledge and establish
business contacts with senior decision
Southeast Asia offers one of the
world’s largest and most dynamic
markets for American exporters. The 10
member states comprising the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN) represent a market of 609
million people that received over $76
billion of merchandise exports from the
United States in 2011. Collectively,
these member states have, a collective
GDP of nearly $2.2 trillion. ASEAN’s
total merchandise trade has
skyrocketed, rising from around $400
billion a year in 1993 to $2.0 trillion in
2010. This trade mission will also serve
as a follow-up to Secretary Locke’s June
2010 Clean Energy mission, which
included a stop in Indonesia.
The purpose of the mission is to
inform U.S. firms about opportunities in
Southeast Asia’s rapidly expanding
market and to position U.S. companies
to seize infrastructure-related export
opportunities in Southeast Asia. The
trade mission will be comprised of
representatives from U.S. companies
that provide state-of-the-art market
services and technology to sectors
critical to infrastructure development.
The mission will visit Hanoi, Ho Chi
Minh City (HCMC), and Jakarta. In each
city, participants will receive market
briefings and meet with key government
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Indonesia Market Information
Energy—Electrical Power Generation
and Transmission; Energy Management
Services and Products; and Energy
The electric power generation sector
in Indonesia has experienced a high
growth in demand averaging seven to
nine percent per annum during the last
five years. However, due to lack of
generating capacity, Indonesia still faces
a power shortage in many parts of the
country outside of Java and Bali. The
overall electrification rate in Indonesia
was 70.4% in 2011, one of the lowest
rates in the region, affecting an
estimated 80 million Indonesians.
As Indonesia develops, the
government-owned electricity company,
PLN, is under significant pressure to
build additional power generating
capacity and to upgrade the current
generation and transmission
infrastructure. Construction of power
plants, transmission and distribution
lines in Indonesia may offer significant
commercial opportunities for U.S.
companies that supply engineering
services and equipment such as
turbines, substations, transmission,
transformers and distribution
equipment. There are also growing
opportunities to upgrade
underperforming installations built in
the last decade.
Demand-side power management
concepts are just being introduced into
Indonesia. There are likely to be
growing opportunities for U.S. firms to
offer energy efficiency solutions to new
commercial facilities and retrofitting
opportunities to some older industrial
locations. Indonesia has one of the most
significant natural endowments of
biomass resources of any country in the
world. Current projects only tap 1% of
the available resource. Feed-in tariffs for
biomass, biogas, and waste-to-energy
encourage small-scale production and
create opportunities for U.S. companies
to invest or to offer a wide range of new
technologies. The Indonesian
government also promotes conversion of
biomass to biofuels, which may result in
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opportunities for innovative U.S.
Aviation—Airports, Ground Support
and Logistics
With a population of more than 240
million spread over 17,000 islands,
Indonesia presents an enormous
aviation opportunity and one of the
fastest-growing domestic air traffic
markets in the world. Nationally, the
number of airline passengers is
projected to reach 143 million in 2012
while passenger traffic at Jakarta’s
Sukarno Hatta increased from 43.8
million in 2009 to 58.9 million in 2011,
ranking as the 12th busiest airport
globally. The Directorate General of
Civil Aviation, Ministry of
Transportationannounced that it will
complete its National Airport Master
Plan in the second half of 2012 and that
master planning projects will move
ahead in the first half of 2013. Indonesia
currently has 25 airport projects
planned for upgrade and expansion by
2014 and two new green field airports
as well as expansions and upgrades of
another 45 smaller DGCA-run airports
over the next decade. Given the large
number of new aircraft coming into the
fleets of Lion Air and Garuda Indonesia,
and that major airports are already
operating far beyond capacity, airport
expansion is a top priority infrastructure
sector. The Ministry of Transportation
estimates project spending needs at $3.5
billion over 4 years. Buyers will include
the two SOE airport operators, Angkasa
Pura 1 and 2, DGCA for smaller airports,
and new joint venture companies
building new airport projects.
Significant opportunities exist along
all subsectors, especially in the areas of
airport planning and design, ground
support equipment and logistical
infrastructure. As a result of surging
demand created by an emerging middle
class and a large population, spread
over an archipelago the width of the
United States, Indonesia’s private
airlines are looking to compete in midmarkets, necessitating significant and
concurrent development of airport
infrastructure in many regions.
Specifically, there are pressing needs
for air traffic control systems, airport
ground support equipment, safety and
security equipment, IT infrastructure
and services, and engineering and
logistics surrounding the airport supply
chain. Indonesia is regarded by both
industry and the U.S. Government as a
market well-positioned to accept Next
Generation Air Transportation System
(NextGen) technologies, particularly
given the capacity enhancements
derived from NextGen that would
alleviate much the country’s air system
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2012 / Notices
constraints. Indonesia also plans to
establish its new SOE for flight
navigation services by the end of 2012.
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Environmental Technology—Water
Resource Management and Pollution
Control Equipment/Solid Waste
Treatment and Disposal Technologies
Indonesia faces a constant struggle to
provide adequate clean water and
sanitation for its rapidly growing
population. Similarly, demand for clean
water is steadily increasing due to
economic activity in urban and rural
areas, and the rapid growth of the
middle class. While access to clean
water will reach near 50% in 2012, it is
still far below Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) for clean-water access.
The Government of Indonesia (GOI)
faces many challenges in providing
clean-water supply such as scarcity of
raw water resources, water leakage
problems (average of 33% of nonrevenue water), and poor management
of water companies. U.S. firms have
significant opportunities to advise on
the process at multiple levels, and have
a good reputation for quality and
advanced technology in the field of
water and wastewater treatment.
Although the market is price sensitive,
U.S. products are strong competitors in
water filtration, water purification
equipment and control systems, water
treatment chemicals, positive
displacement pumps, valves and meters.
There are also growing opportunities in
wastewater treatment for industrial
facilities, especially for large-scale new
petrochemical and chemical facilities
and new power generation plants. There
are also significant specialized
opportunities in water treatment/waste
management for major mining projects.
In regard to solid waste, many areas
in Indonesia, especially the Special
Capital District of Jakarta are
increasingly facing issues in managing
solid waste as the urban population
continues to rise, and property
development and urbanization reach to
all corners of the archipelago. U.S. firms
have opportunities in introducing lowcost technology and solutions for waste
disposal, and Waste-to-Energy (WtE)
Architecture, Construction and
Engineering—Port Infrastructure and
Major Projects
Infrastructure development in
Indonesia is guided by the Master Plan
for the Acceleration and Expansion of
Indonesian Economic Development
(MP3EI), issued by the GOI in May
2011. A total of 367 infrastructure
projects with a projected value of an
estimated $440 billion (if actually
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constructed) are showcased in the
Master Plan, with the majority of these
projects in transport (i.e., toll roads,
airports, railway, and ports). The recent
approval of the land acquisition bill in
December 2011 is expected to speed up
the implementation of these projects,
especially roads, toll roads and
railways. The GOI-owned company
Pelindo 2 plans to begin the process for
bidding on a multi-billion dollar project
for Jakarta’s Kalibaru 2 13mn TEU
terminal project expansion. The GOI is
still targeting port development as a
priority, as five out of the country’s six
largest container ports are currently
over-congested and an estimated 15mn
TEUs of extra capacity are required by
2020. Currently, the GOI is seeking
assistance to rapidly construct three
new ports in Jakarta, Batam and Papua.
Opportunities exist for U.S. companies
with experience in port architecture,
construction and engineering, IT
systems as well as logistics and
container management.
Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi
Energy—Power Generation, Efficiency
Grid Transmission and Distribution
Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) forecasts
12% annual electricity demand growth
over the next 15 years. Significant
demand exists for design engineering
services; project management;
engineering, procurement, and
construction (EPC); and hardware for
power generation projects. Low
efficiency in energy transmission and
usage due to high wastage means great
opportunities for providers of grid
modernization technology. Mission
participants will also have the
opportunity attend a regional ASEAN
Smart Grid and Power Workshop in
Hanoi, organized by the U.S. Trade and
Development Agency.
Aviation—Airports, Ground Support
and Logistics
The Civil Aviation Authority of
Vietnam estimates that Vietnam would
require about $15 billion in investment
to achieve its development plan for the
aviation sector by 2020, of which $8
billion will be for aircraft fleet
expansion, $5 billion for constructing
and upgrading airports and $2 billion
for airport operation and air traffic
management. According to the
International Air Transport Association
(IATA), by 2014, Vietnam will become
the world’s third fastest-growing market
for international passengers and freight,
and the second-fastest in the number of
domestic passengers.
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At present, the government budget
can only meet about 20 percent of the
total investment required for airport
development. Raising sufficient funds
for this development is an immense
challenge for Vietnam now and in the
future. The plan for the period 2010–
2015 calls for investment of more than
US$1.3 billion in airport modernization
and expansion and rehabilitation in
order to accomplish an efficient network
of 20 airports in operation. In particular,
Long Thanh International Airport
(LTIA), which is planned to be
Vietnam’s largest international airport,
is scheduled to be constructed in 2015
and become operational by 2020. With
an estimated investment of more than
US$10 billion and covering more than
5,000ha, LTIA is expected to serve 100
million passengers and 5 million tons of
cargo per year at its full capacity.
Funding for the airport construction is
expected to come from Government
bonds, Official Development Assistance
(ODA) and private sources.
In keeping with Vietnam’s growing
aviation market and air system
modernization plans, vendors of
NextGen technologies and services can
offer the state-of-the-art solutions that
increase efficiency, improve safety, and
reduce overall costs.
Environmental Technology—Water
Resource Management and Pollution/
Disposal Technologies
The lack of clean water is one of
Vietnam’s most pressing environmental
concerns. At present, it is estimated that
only about 70 percent of the Vietnamese
population has access to potable water.
A high rate of water loss, 32 percent,
further aggravates the problem. In
addition to water supply, one of the
most pressing environmental concerns
is drainage and sewage. Due to rapid
and ongoing urbanization and
industrialization, improved municipal
and industrial wastewater treatment has
emerged as a critical need. Funding for
water supply and wastewater projects
comes from various sources within the
state budget, as well as ODA loans and
grants and from the World Bank and
Asian Development Bank (ADB).
In 2011, ADB has approved Multitranche Financing Facility (MFF) in
water supply and sanitation sector with
total amount of one billion USD within
the next ten years. This investment
program will help water supply
companies in Viet Nam to improve their
performance. It will support capital
investment in water companies and cofinance the National Nonrevenue Water
(NRW) Program. The program will
utilize an MFF to provide longer-term
support for institutional reform in the
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2012 / Notices
Viet Nam water sector until 2020. The
MFF will be used as seed money to
leverage parallel co-financing and,
importantly, gain access to commercial
finance and increased private sector
participation. Four pilot cities—Da
Nang, Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh City
(HCMC), and Hue—were identified for
project preparation in 2008. The first
periodic financing request (PFR) will
cover HCMC. Subsequent tranches will
finance part of the National NRW
Program and investment subprograms
consisting of water supply infrastructure
for provincial water companies,
duplicating the model established with
HCMC in PFR1. Several cities have
initiated discussions with the
government to finance future tranches
totaling over $300 million for water
production plants, transmission and
distribution networks.
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Architecture, Construction and
While Vietnam’s real estate market
has slowed in the last year, long-term
prospects for architecture, construction
and engineering services continue as
Vietnam develops its built environment
and invests in much-need infrastructure
throughout the country. Architecture
services, concept design, construction
management, project management, and
new building technologies represent the
best opportunities for U.S. firms.
Specific prospects include high-end
hotels and resorts, retail and mixed-use
projects, many of which are foreign
invested and require high-quality design
and construction. Awareness of
sustainable and ‘‘green’’ buildings is just
beginning to emerge, but is expected to
grow. Other prospects include:
landscape architecture, water features
and swimming pools, hotel and
restaurant interiors, town planning/
master planning, green design/building
materials (energy efficient, HVAC,
lighting and building controls), airport
design, healthcare design, and use of
high-end architectural interior products
and designs.
Mission Goals
The goal of the mission is to provide
U.S. participants with first-hand market
information, access to Indonesian and
Vietnamese government decision
makers and one-on-one meetings with
business contacts, including potential
agents, distributors, and partners, so
that they can position themselves to
enter the Vietnamese or Indonesian
market or expand their business
presence in Southeast Asia. Thus, the
mission seeks to:
• Improve U.S. companies’
understanding of commercial
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opportunities in Indonesia and
• Facilitate business meetings between
U.S. and host country businesses to
promote the development of U.S.
commercial opportunities in
Indonesia and Vietnam
• Introduce U.S. industry
representatives to the Southeast Asian
business community and government
• Provide policymakers with U.S.
industry feedback on the direction of
its commercial reforms
Mission Scenario
The business development mission
will take place in Indonesia and
Vietnam. Participants will meet with
leaders in the public and private sector,
learn about the market by participating
in Embassy briefings, and explore
additional opportunities at networking
receptions. Activities will include oneon-one meetings with pre-screened
business prospects
Proposed Timetable
Travel time—Hanoi (Nov 9 & 10)—
Travel Time—(approx 32 hours).
Day One—Hanoi (Sunday Nov 11)
Arrive Hanoi
Delegation welcome/embassy briefing
Day Two—Hanoi (Monday Nov 12)
Government meetings
Luncheon event
One-on-one business appointments
Prime Minister meeting
Ambassador reception
Day Three—Hanoi (Tuesday, Nov 13)
One-on-one business appointments
TDA Smart Grid Conference (if
applicable) (Smart grid companies
would not go to HCM)
Travel to HCMC—afternoon
Consulate briefing
Consulate reception
Day Four—HCMC (Wednesday, Nov 14)
One-on-one business appointments
Industry sector briefing
Travel to Singapore—overnight only
Day Five—Singapore–Jakarta
(Thursday, Nov 15)
Arrive in Jakarta—late morning
Embassy briefing
Government meetings
Ambassador reception
Day Six—Jakarta (Friday, Nov 16)
Breakfast event
One-on-one meetings
No-host conclusion dinner—mission
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Day Seven—Jakarta (Saturday, Nov 17)
Travel to U.S.
Participation Requirements
This business development mission is
designed for a maximum of 15 qualified
companies and can accommodate a
maximum of 25 participants from the
companies accepted. All parties
interested in participating in this
business development mission to
Indonesia and Vietnam, must submit a
completed application package for
consideration by the U.S. Department of
Commerce. All applicants will be
evaluated on their ability to meet certain
conditions and to best satisfy the
selection criteria as outlined below. U.S.
companies already doing business in the
target sectors as well as U.S. companies
seeking to enter this market for the first
time are encouraged to apply.
Fees and Expenses
After a company has been selected to
participate in the mission, a payment to
the U.S. Department of Commerce in the
form of a participation fee is required.
The participation fee is $6,208 for a
single participant for a small- or
medium-sized enterprise (SME) 1 and
$8,700 for a single participant for a large
firm. Participants per company will be
limited due to space constraints. The fee
for each additional participant is $1,000.
Applicants are encouraged to provide a
clear business purpose and clarification
of role of any additional participants
proposed to participate in the mission.
Interpretation services for official
activities are included in the fee.
Expenses for travel, lodging, meals, and
incidentals will be the responsibility of
each mission participant.
Conditions for Participation
• An applicant must submit a
completed and signed mission
application and supplemental
application materials, including
information on the company’s products
and/or services, primary market
objectives, and goals for participation. If
the U.S. Department of Commerce
receives an incomplete application, the
Department may reject the application,
request additional information, or take
the lack of information into account
when evaluating the application.
1 An SME is defined as a firm with 500 or fewer
employees or that otherwise qualifies as a small
business under SBA regulations. See https://www.
whatismallbusiness/. Parent companies,
affiliates, and subsidiaries will be considered when
determining business size. The dual pricing reflects
the Commercial Service’s user fee schedule that
became effective May 1, 2008. See https://www.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 131 / Monday, July 9, 2012 / Notices
• Each applicant must also certify
that the products and services it seeks
to export through the mission are either
produced in the United States, or, if not,
marketed under the name of a U.S. firm
and have at least fifty-one percent U.S.
Selection Criteria for Participation
Selection will be based on the
following criteria:
• Suitability of the company’s products
or services to the mission goals.
• Applicant’s potential for business in
Indonesia and Vietnam.
• Consistency of the applicant’s goals
and objectives with the stated scope
of the mission.
(Additional factors, such as diversity of
company, size, type and location, may
be considered during the selection
Referrals from political organizations
and any documents containing
references to partisan political activities
(including political contributions) will
be removed from an applicant’s
submission and will not be considered
during the selection process.
Timeframe for Recruitment and
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Disclaimer, Security, and
Business development mission
members participate in the mission and
undertake related travel at their own
risk and are advised to obtain insurance
accordingly. Any question regarding
insurance coverage must be resolved by
the participant. The U.S. Government
does not make any representations or
guarantees as to the safety or security of
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U.S. Commercial Service Domestic
Ms. Jessica Arnold, International
Trade Specialist, U.S. Commercial
Service, Washington, DC, Tel: 202–482–
2026, indoviet2012@trade.gov.
Contact CS Jakarta
Mr. Jesse Lapierre, Deputy Senior
Commercial Officer, Jakarta, U.S.
Commercial Center, Tel: 62–21 526–
2850, Jesse.lapierre@trade.gov.
Contact CS Hanoi
Ms. Sarah Kemp, Senior Commercial
Officer—Hanoi, U.S. Embassy Hanoi,
Tel: 84–4–3850–5000, Ext. 5070S,
Contact CS HCMC
Mr. Frank Joseph, Commercial
Officer—Ho Chi Minh City, Frank.
Elnora Moye,
Trade Program Assistant.
[FR Doc. 2012–16728 Filed 7–6–12; 8:45 am]
Mission recruitment will be
conducted in an open and public
manner, including posting on the U.S.
Department of Commerce trade missions
trademissions/—and other Internet Web
sites, publication in domestic trade
publications and association
newsletters, direct outreach to the
Department’s clients and distribution
lists, publication in the Federal
Register, and announcements at
industry meetings, symposia,
conferences, and trade shows.
Recruitment for the mission will
begin immediately and conclude no
later than August 31, 2012, by the close
of business. Applications received after
August 31, 2012, will be considered
only if space and scheduling constraints
permit. Applications will be vetted on a
rolling basis starting July 5, 2012.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
For More Information and an
Application Packet Contact
International Trade Administration
U.S. Renewable Energy Trade Mission
Philippines and Thailand, Manila,
Philippines and Bangkok, Thailand,
September 17–20, 2012
International Trade
Administration, Department of
ACTION: Notice.
Mission Description
The United States Department of
Commerce International Trade
Administration’s (ITA) U.S. and Foreign
Commercial Service (US&FCS), in
conjunction with USFCS staff in Manila
and USFCS staff in Bangkok is
organizing a Renewable Energy Trade
Mission to Manila, Philippines and
Bangkok, Thailand, September 17–20,
The Renewable Energy Trade Mission
will offer U.S. companies a timely and
cost-effective way to engage with key
stakeholders, government officials and
potential partners in an effort to enter
the promising Philippines and Thailand
markets. Target sectors for potential U.S.
exports include:
• Biomass/Waste-to-Energy/Biogas.
• Geothermal.
• Hydropower.
• Wind power.
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• Solar power.
Both Thailand and the Philippines
rank high on ITA’s Renewable Energy
Best Prospects Study which identifies
those markets with good potential for
U.S. exports of renewable energy goods
and services. By targeting these markets,
the Renewable Energy Trade Mission
will not only advance the President’s
National Export Initiative and his goal
of positioning the U.S. as the leading
exporter of renewable energy
technology, it will also support the ITA
Energy Team, and the Renewable
Energy and Energy Efficiency Export
Initiative’s (RE4I) goals by promoting
export opportunities for U.S. companies
active in the renewable sector. With a
focus on connecting U.S. companies
with key players and decision makers in
the Philippines and Thailand, this
mission will provide critical market
information and access to help
participants establish the necessary
public and private sector contacts to
thrive. The five-day mission will
include meetings with high-level
national government officials, one-onone meetings with potential partners
and industry leaders, briefings on the
Philippine and Thailand markets, site
visits, and additional meetings with
members of the Asia Development Bank.
The delegation will be comprised of at
least 10 U.S. firms and a maximum of
20, representing a cross-section of U.S.
industries that have developed products
and services for the renewable energy
Commercial Setting
As Thailand imports over half of its
energy supply, in order to reduce
reliance on foreign energy sources, the
Government of Thailand has set a
sustainable, renewable energy
development plan to increase
alternative energy consumption to 25%
by 2022. With abundant natural
resources, the Philippines also intends
to increase renewable energy (RE)
production through the National
Renewable Energy (RE) Program to
15,304 MW by the year 2030 from 5,438
MW in 2010. With each country looking
to reach its respective renewable energy
goals, U.S. suppliers and manufacturers
are in an excellent position to capitalize
on these growing markets.
Philippine Market Breakdown
With abundant renewable energy
resources, the Philippines is already
considered a world leader in renewable
energy. One third of its total electric
power needs are met through resources
such as solar, wind energy, hydro and
biomass resources. Total installed
capacity of the Philippines’ power
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 131 (Monday, July 9, 2012)]
[Pages 40326-40329]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2012-16728]
International Trade Administration
Executive-Led Infrastructure Business Development Mission
Statement November 11-17, 2012, Indonesia and Vietnam
AGENCY: International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
Mission Description
The United States Department of Commerce, International Trade
Administration (ITA), U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service (US&FCS) is
organizing an executive-led trade mission to Indonesia and Vietnam. The
proposed trade mission, scheduled for November 11-17, 2012, will visit
two of Southeast Asia's most dynamic markets and will help participants
gain first-hand market knowledge and establish business contacts with
senior decision makers.
Southeast Asia offers one of the world's largest and most dynamic
markets for American exporters. The 10 member states comprising the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) represent a market of
609 million people that received over $76 billion of merchandise
exports from the United States in 2011. Collectively, these member
states have, a collective GDP of nearly $2.2 trillion. ASEAN's total
merchandise trade has skyrocketed, rising from around $400 billion a
year in 1993 to $2.0 trillion in 2010. This trade mission will also
serve as a follow-up to Secretary Locke's June 2010 Clean Energy
mission, which included a stop in Indonesia.
The purpose of the mission is to inform U.S. firms about
opportunities in Southeast Asia's rapidly expanding market and to
position U.S. companies to seize infrastructure-related export
opportunities in Southeast Asia. The trade mission will be comprised of
representatives from U.S. companies that provide state-of-the-art
market services and technology to sectors critical to infrastructure
development. The mission will visit Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), and
Jakarta. In each city, participants will receive market briefings and
meet with key government decision makers and prospective private sector
partners during customized, one-on-one meetings.
Top infrastructure sectors include:
Environmental Technology
Architecture, Construction and Engineering
Commercial Setting
Indonesia Market Information
Energy--Electrical Power Generation and Transmission; Energy Management
Services and Products; and Energy Efficiency
The electric power generation sector in Indonesia has experienced a
high growth in demand averaging seven to nine percent per annum during
the last five years. However, due to lack of generating capacity,
Indonesia still faces a power shortage in many parts of the country
outside of Java and Bali. The overall electrification rate in Indonesia
was 70.4% in 2011, one of the lowest rates in the region, affecting an
estimated 80 million Indonesians.
As Indonesia develops, the government-owned electricity company,
PLN, is under significant pressure to build additional power generating
capacity and to upgrade the current generation and transmission
infrastructure. Construction of power plants, transmission and
distribution lines in Indonesia may offer significant commercial
opportunities for U.S. companies that supply engineering services and
equipment such as turbines, substations, transmission, transformers and
distribution equipment. There are also growing opportunities to upgrade
underperforming installations built in the last decade.
Demand-side power management concepts are just being introduced
into Indonesia. There are likely to be growing opportunities for U.S.
firms to offer energy efficiency solutions to new commercial facilities
and retrofitting opportunities to some older industrial locations.
Indonesia has one of the most significant natural endowments of biomass
resources of any country in the world. Current projects only tap 1% of
the available resource. Feed-in tariffs for biomass, biogas, and waste-
to-energy encourage small-scale production and create opportunities for
U.S. companies to invest or to offer a wide range of new technologies.
The Indonesian government also promotes conversion of biomass to
biofuels, which may result in opportunities for innovative U.S.
Aviation--Airports, Ground Support and Logistics
With a population of more than 240 million spread over 17,000
islands, Indonesia presents an enormous aviation opportunity and one of
the fastest-growing domestic air traffic markets in the world.
Nationally, the number of airline passengers is projected to reach 143
million in 2012 while passenger traffic at Jakarta's Sukarno Hatta
increased from 43.8 million in 2009 to 58.9 million in 2011, ranking as
the 12th busiest airport globally. The Directorate General of Civil
Aviation, Ministry of Transportationannounced that it will complete its
National Airport Master Plan in the second half of 2012 and that master
planning projects will move ahead in the first half of 2013. Indonesia
currently has 25 airport projects planned for upgrade and expansion by
2014 and two new green field airports as well as expansions and
upgrades of another 45 smaller DGCA-run airports over the next decade.
Given the large number of new aircraft coming into the fleets of Lion
Air and Garuda Indonesia, and that major airports are already operating
far beyond capacity, airport expansion is a top priority infrastructure
sector. The Ministry of Transportation estimates project spending needs
at $3.5 billion over 4 years. Buyers will include the two SOE airport
operators, Angkasa Pura 1 and 2, DGCA for smaller airports, and new
joint venture companies building new airport projects.
Significant opportunities exist along all subsectors, especially in
the areas of airport planning and design, ground support equipment and
logistical infrastructure. As a result of surging demand created by an
emerging middle class and a large population, spread over an
archipelago the width of the United States, Indonesia's private
airlines are looking to compete in mid-markets, necessitating
significant and concurrent development of airport infrastructure in
many regions.
Specifically, there are pressing needs for air traffic control
systems, airport ground support equipment, safety and security
equipment, IT infrastructure and services, and engineering and
logistics surrounding the airport supply chain. Indonesia is regarded
by both industry and the U.S. Government as a market well-positioned to
accept Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen)
technologies, particularly given the capacity enhancements derived from
NextGen that would alleviate much the country's air system
[[Page 40327]]
constraints. Indonesia also plans to establish its new SOE for flight
navigation services by the end of 2012.
Environmental Technology--Water Resource Management and Pollution
Control Equipment/Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal Technologies
Indonesia faces a constant struggle to provide adequate clean water
and sanitation for its rapidly growing population. Similarly, demand
for clean water is steadily increasing due to economic activity in
urban and rural areas, and the rapid growth of the middle class. While
access to clean water will reach near 50% in 2012, it is still far
below Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for clean-water access.
The Government of Indonesia (GOI) faces many challenges in
providing clean-water supply such as scarcity of raw water resources,
water leakage problems (average of 33% of non-revenue water), and poor
management of water companies. U.S. firms have significant
opportunities to advise on the process at multiple levels, and have a
good reputation for quality and advanced technology in the field of
water and wastewater treatment. Although the market is price sensitive,
U.S. products are strong competitors in water filtration, water
purification equipment and control systems, water treatment chemicals,
positive displacement pumps, valves and meters. There are also growing
opportunities in wastewater treatment for industrial facilities,
especially for large-scale new petrochemical and chemical facilities
and new power generation plants. There are also significant specialized
opportunities in water treatment/waste management for major mining
In regard to solid waste, many areas in Indonesia, especially the
Special Capital District of Jakarta are increasingly facing issues in
managing solid waste as the urban population continues to rise, and
property development and urbanization reach to all corners of the
archipelago. U.S. firms have opportunities in introducing low-cost
technology and solutions for waste disposal, and Waste-to-Energy (WtE)
Architecture, Construction and Engineering--Port Infrastructure and
Major Projects
Infrastructure development in Indonesia is guided by the Master
Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic
Development (MP3EI), issued by the GOI in May 2011. A total of 367
infrastructure projects with a projected value of an estimated $440
billion (if actually constructed) are showcased in the Master Plan,
with the majority of these projects in transport (i.e., toll roads,
airports, railway, and ports). The recent approval of the land
acquisition bill in December 2011 is expected to speed up the
implementation of these projects, especially roads, toll roads and
railways. The GOI-owned company Pelindo 2 plans to begin the process
for bidding on a multi-billion dollar project for Jakarta's Kalibaru 2
13mn TEU terminal project expansion. The GOI is still targeting port
development as a priority, as five out of the country's six largest
container ports are currently over-congested and an estimated 15mn TEUs
of extra capacity are required by 2020. Currently, the GOI is seeking
assistance to rapidly construct three new ports in Jakarta, Batam and
Papua. Opportunities exist for U.S. companies with experience in port
architecture, construction and engineering, IT systems as well as
logistics and container management.
Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi
Energy--Power Generation, Efficiency Grid Transmission and Distribution
Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) forecasts 12% annual electricity
demand growth over the next 15 years. Significant demand exists for
design engineering services; project management; engineering,
procurement, and construction (EPC); and hardware for power generation
projects. Low efficiency in energy transmission and usage due to high
wastage means great opportunities for providers of grid modernization
technology. Mission participants will also have the opportunity attend
a regional ASEAN Smart Grid and Power Workshop in Hanoi, organized by
the U.S. Trade and Development Agency.
Aviation--Airports, Ground Support and Logistics
The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam estimates that Vietnam
would require about $15 billion in investment to achieve its
development plan for the aviation sector by 2020, of which $8 billion
will be for aircraft fleet expansion, $5 billion for constructing and
upgrading airports and $2 billion for airport operation and air traffic
management. According to the International Air Transport Association
(IATA), by 2014, Vietnam will become the world's third fastest-growing
market for international passengers and freight, and the second-fastest
in the number of domestic passengers.
At present, the government budget can only meet about 20 percent of
the total investment required for airport development. Raising
sufficient funds for this development is an immense challenge for
Vietnam now and in the future. The plan for the period 2010-2015 calls
for investment of more than US$1.3 billion in airport modernization and
expansion and rehabilitation in order to accomplish an efficient
network of 20 airports in operation. In particular, Long Thanh
International Airport (LTIA), which is planned to be Vietnam's largest
international airport, is scheduled to be constructed in 2015 and
become operational by 2020. With an estimated investment of more than
US$10 billion and covering more than 5,000ha, LTIA is expected to serve
100 million passengers and 5 million tons of cargo per year at its full
capacity. Funding for the airport construction is expected to come from
Government bonds, Official Development Assistance (ODA) and private
In keeping with Vietnam's growing aviation market and air system
modernization plans, vendors of NextGen technologies and services can
offer the state-of-the-art solutions that increase efficiency, improve
safety, and reduce overall costs.
Environmental Technology--Water Resource Management and Pollution/
Disposal Technologies
The lack of clean water is one of Vietnam's most pressing
environmental concerns. At present, it is estimated that only about 70
percent of the Vietnamese population has access to potable water. A
high rate of water loss, 32 percent, further aggravates the problem. In
addition to water supply, one of the most pressing environmental
concerns is drainage and sewage. Due to rapid and ongoing urbanization
and industrialization, improved municipal and industrial wastewater
treatment has emerged as a critical need. Funding for water supply and
wastewater projects comes from various sources within the state budget,
as well as ODA loans and grants and from the World Bank and Asian
Development Bank (ADB).
In 2011, ADB has approved Multi-tranche Financing Facility (MFF) in
water supply and sanitation sector with total amount of one billion USD
within the next ten years. This investment program will help water
supply companies in Viet Nam to improve their performance. It will
support capital investment in water companies and co-finance the
National Nonrevenue Water (NRW) Program. The program will utilize an
MFF to provide longer-term support for institutional reform in the
[[Page 40328]]
Viet Nam water sector until 2020. The MFF will be used as seed money to
leverage parallel co-financing and, importantly, gain access to
commercial finance and increased private sector participation. Four
pilot cities--Da Nang, Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), and Hue--
were identified for project preparation in 2008. The first periodic
financing request (PFR) will cover HCMC. Subsequent tranches will
finance part of the National NRW Program and investment subprograms
consisting of water supply infrastructure for provincial water
companies, duplicating the model established with HCMC in PFR1. Several
cities have initiated discussions with the government to finance future
tranches totaling over $300 million for water production plants,
transmission and distribution networks.
Architecture, Construction and Engineering
While Vietnam's real estate market has slowed in the last year,
long-term prospects for architecture, construction and engineering
services continue as Vietnam develops its built environment and invests
in much-need infrastructure throughout the country. Architecture
services, concept design, construction management, project management,
and new building technologies represent the best opportunities for U.S.
firms. Specific prospects include high-end hotels and resorts, retail
and mixed-use projects, many of which are foreign invested and require
high-quality design and construction. Awareness of sustainable and
``green'' buildings is just beginning to emerge, but is expected to
grow. Other prospects include: landscape architecture, water features
and swimming pools, hotel and restaurant interiors, town planning/
master planning, green design/building materials (energy efficient,
HVAC, lighting and building controls), airport design, healthcare
design, and use of high-end architectural interior products and
Mission Goals
The goal of the mission is to provide U.S. participants with first-
hand market information, access to Indonesian and Vietnamese government
decision makers and one-on-one meetings with business contacts,
including potential agents, distributors, and partners, so that they
can position themselves to enter the Vietnamese or Indonesian market or
expand their business presence in Southeast Asia. Thus, the mission
seeks to:
Improve U.S. companies' understanding of commercial
opportunities in Indonesia and Vietnam
Facilitate business meetings between U.S. and host country
businesses to promote the development of U.S. commercial opportunities
in Indonesia and Vietnam
Introduce U.S. industry representatives to the Southeast Asian
business community and government leaders
Provide policymakers with U.S. industry feedback on the
direction of its commercial reforms
Mission Scenario
The business development mission will take place in Indonesia and
Vietnam. Participants will meet with leaders in the public and private
sector, learn about the market by participating in Embassy briefings,
and explore additional opportunities at networking receptions.
Activities will include one-on-one meetings with pre-screened business
Proposed Timetable
Travel time--Hanoi (Nov 9 & 10)--Travel Time--(approx 32 hours).
Day One--Hanoi (Sunday Nov 11)
Arrive Hanoi
Delegation welcome/embassy briefing
Day Two--Hanoi (Monday Nov 12)
Government meetings
Luncheon event
One-on-one business appointments
Prime Minister meeting
Ambassador reception
Day Three--Hanoi (Tuesday, Nov 13)
One-on-one business appointments
TDA Smart Grid Conference (if applicable) (Smart grid companies would
not go to HCM)
Travel to HCMC--afternoon
Consulate briefing
Consulate reception
Day Four--HCMC (Wednesday, Nov 14)
One-on-one business appointments
Industry sector briefing
Travel to Singapore--overnight only
Day Five--Singapore-Jakarta (Thursday, Nov 15)
Arrive in Jakarta--late morning
Embassy briefing
Government meetings
Ambassador reception
Day Six--Jakarta (Friday, Nov 16)
Breakfast event
One-on-one meetings
No-host conclusion dinner--mission completed
Day Seven--Jakarta (Saturday, Nov 17)
Travel to U.S.
Participation Requirements
This business development mission is designed for a maximum of 15
qualified companies and can accommodate a maximum of 25 participants
from the companies accepted. All parties interested in participating in
this business development mission to Indonesia and Vietnam, must submit
a completed application package for consideration by the U.S.
Department of Commerce. All applicants will be evaluated on their
ability to meet certain conditions and to best satisfy the selection
criteria as outlined below. U.S. companies already doing business in
the target sectors as well as U.S. companies seeking to enter this
market for the first time are encouraged to apply.
Fees and Expenses
After a company has been selected to participate in the mission, a
payment to the U.S. Department of Commerce in the form of a
participation fee is required. The participation fee is $6,208 for a
single participant for a small- or medium-sized enterprise (SME) \1\
and $8,700 for a single participant for a large firm. Participants per
company will be limited due to space constraints. The fee for each
additional participant is $1,000. Applicants are encouraged to provide
a clear business purpose and clarification of role of any additional
participants proposed to participate in the mission.
\1\ An SME is defined as a firm with 500 or fewer employees or
that otherwise qualifies as a small business under SBA regulations.
See https://www.sba.gov/contractingopportunities/owners/basics/whatismallbusiness/. Parent companies, affiliates, and
subsidiaries will be considered when determining business size. The
dual pricing reflects the Commercial Service's user fee schedule
that became effective May 1, 2008. See https://www.export.gov/newsletter/march2008/initiatives.html.
Interpretation services for official activities are included in the
fee. Expenses for travel, lodging, meals, and incidentals will be the
responsibility of each mission participant.
Conditions for Participation
An applicant must submit a completed and signed mission
application and supplemental application materials, including
information on the company's products and/or services, primary market
objectives, and goals for participation. If the U.S. Department of
Commerce receives an incomplete application, the Department may reject
the application, request additional information, or take the lack of
information into account when evaluating the application.
[[Page 40329]]
Each applicant must also certify that the products and
services it seeks to export through the mission are either produced in
the United States, or, if not, marketed under the name of a U.S. firm
and have at least fifty-one percent U.S. content.
Selection Criteria for Participation
Selection will be based on the following criteria:
Suitability of the company's products or services to the
mission goals.
Applicant's potential for business in Indonesia and Vietnam.
Consistency of the applicant's goals and objectives with the
stated scope of the mission.
(Additional factors, such as diversity of company, size, type and
location, may be considered during the selection process.)
Referrals from political organizations and any documents containing
references to partisan political activities (including political
contributions) will be removed from an applicant's submission and will
not be considered during the selection process.
Timeframe for Recruitment and Applications
Mission recruitment will be conducted in an open and public manner,
including posting on the U.S. Department of Commerce trade missions
calendar--https://export.gov/trademissions/--and other Internet Web
sites, publication in domestic trade publications and association
newsletters, direct outreach to the Department's clients and
distribution lists, publication in the Federal Register, and
announcements at industry meetings, symposia, conferences, and trade
Recruitment for the mission will begin immediately and conclude no
later than August 31, 2012, by the close of business. Applications
received after August 31, 2012, will be considered only if space and
scheduling constraints permit. Applications will be vetted on a rolling
basis starting July 5, 2012.
Disclaimer, Security, and Transportation
Business development mission members participate in the mission and
undertake related travel at their own risk and are advised to obtain
insurance accordingly. Any question regarding insurance coverage must
be resolved by the participant. The U.S. Government does not make any
representations or guarantees as to the safety or security of
For More Information and an Application Packet Contact
U.S. Commercial Service Domestic Contact
Ms. Jessica Arnold, International Trade Specialist, U.S. Commercial
Service, Washington, DC, Tel: 202-482-2026, indoviet2012@trade.gov.
Contact CS Jakarta
Mr. Jesse Lapierre, Deputy Senior Commercial Officer, Jakarta, U.S.
Commercial Center, Tel: 62-21 526-2850, Jesse.lapierre@trade.gov.
Contact CS Hanoi
Ms. Sarah Kemp, Senior Commercial Officer--Hanoi, U.S. Embassy
Hanoi, Tel: 84-4-3850-5000, Ext. 5070S, Sarah.Kemp@trade.gov.
Contact CS HCMC
Mr. Frank Joseph, Commercial Officer--Ho Chi Minh City,
Elnora Moye,
Trade Program Assistant.
[FR Doc. 2012-16728 Filed 7-6-12; 8:45 am]