Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement; Notice of Request for Public Comments on Submission #2011-03 (Dominican Republic), 36578-36579 [2012-14951]
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srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 118 / Tuesday, June 19, 2012 / Notices
law, no person shall generally be subject
to penalty for failing to comply with a
collection of information if the
collection of information does not
display a valid OMB Control Number.
See 5 CFR 1320.5(a) and 1320.6. The
DOL obtains OMB approval for this
information collection under OMB
Control Number 1205–0332. The current
OMB approval is scheduled to expire on
June 30, 2012; however, it should be
noted that existing information
collection requirements submitted to the
OMB receive a month-to-month
extension while they undergo review.
For additional information, see the
related notice published in the Federal
Register on January 23, 2012 (77 FR
Interested parties are encouraged to
send comments to the OMB, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs at
the address shown in the ADDRESSES
section within 30 days of publication of
this notice in the Federal Register. In
order to help ensure appropriate
consideration, comments should
mention OMB Control Number 1205–
0332. The OMB is particularly
interested in comments that:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
• Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
Agency: DOL–ETA.
Title of Collection: Tax Performance
OMB Control Number: 1205–0332.
Affected Public: State, Local, and
Tribal Governments.
Total Estimated Number of
Respondents: 52.
Total Estimated Number of
Responses: 52.
Total Estimated Annual Burden
Hours: 90,428.
Total Estimated Annual Other Costs
Burden: $0.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:39 Jun 18, 2012
Jkt 226001
Dated: June 14, 2012.
Michel Smyth,
Departmental Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2012–14894 Filed 6–18–12; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Dominican Republic—Central
America—United States Free Trade
Agreement; Notice of Request for
Public Comments on Submission
#2011–03 (Dominican Republic)
Bureau of International Labor
Affairs, U.S. Department of Labor.
ACTION: Request for comments from the
The Office of Trade and Labor
Affairs (OTLA) requests public
comments and specific information
related to Submission #2011–03, which
was accepted for review pursuant to
Article 16.4.3 of the Dominican
Republic—Central America—United
States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA–
DR). The submission alleges that the
Government of the Dominican Republic
(GODR) failed to fulfill its obligations
under Chapter 16 of the CAFTA–DR (the
Labor Chapter) through actions or lack
thereof that denied workers in the sugar
sector their rights under the laws of the
Dominican Republic relating to freedom
of association, the right to organize,
child labor, forced labor, the right to
bargain collectively, and acceptable
conditions of work. The submission is
posted on the ILAB Web site at https://
Written comments are due no
later than 5 p.m. July 2, 2012.
Submission of Comments: Submitters
of information are requested to provide
their submission to OTLA in English at
the email or physical address below by
5:00 p.m. on July 2, 2012. Information
may be submitted by any of the
following methods:
(1) By email to:
(2) Federal eRulemaking Portal: The portal
includes instructions for submitting
comments. Parties submitting responses
electronically are encouraged not to
submit paper copies.
(3) By facsimile (fax): Joshua Kagan,
OTLA, at 202–693–4851.
(4) Mail, Express Delivery, Hand
Delivery, and Messenger Service: Joshua
Kagan, U.S. Department of Labor,
OTLA, Bureau of International Labor
PO 00000
Frm 00102
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Affairs, 200 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Room S–5303, Washington, DC 20210.
Please contact Joshua Kagan, OTLA,
U.S. Department of Labor, 200
Constitution Avenue NW., Room S–
5303, Washington, DC 20210. Email: Telephone:
(202) 693–4882. (This is not a toll-free
16.4.3 of the Labor Chapter of the
CAFTA–DR provides for the receipt and
review of public communications
(‘‘submissions’’) regarding labor law
matters in Central America and the
Dominican Republic. A Federal Register
notice issued on December 21, 2006,
informed the public that the OTLA had
been designated as the office to serve as
the contact point for implementing the
CAFTA–DR’s labor provisions. The
same Federal Register notice informed
the public of the Procedural Guidelines
that OTLA would follow for the receipt
and review of public submissions (71
FR 76691 (2006)). These Procedural
Guidelines are available at https://
On February 22, 2012, Submission
#2011–03 was accepted for review
pursuant to Article 16.4.3 of the
CAFTA–DR, and a Federal Register
notice announcing this decision was
published on March 15, 2012 (77 FR
15397 (2012)). OTLA is now in the
process of conducting its review of the
submission to determine its findings on
the allegations in the submission. As
part of this review, OTLA has received
information from stakeholders, visited
the Dominican Republic, met with
organizations and individuals, and
conducted interviews with workers and
their representatives, management and
other sugar industry representatives,
and the government. In addition, OTLA,
via this notice, seeks information from
the general public relevant to the
submission as part of its review process.
Comments submitted should, to the
greatest extent possible:
1. Provide facts relating to the
enforcement of the GODR’s laws related
to freedom of association, the right to
organize, child labor, forced labor, the
right to bargain collectively, and
acceptable conditions of work in the
sugar sector;
2. Relate to events occurring after
March 1, 2007;
3. Include the source of the
information received, such as a legal
document, an interview, a report from
another organization, or if appropriate
to the facts at hand, personal
experience; as well as the title, name
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 118 / Tuesday, June 19, 2012 / Notices
and date of the source if possible (please
note the instructions regarding
information submitted in confidence
4. Comments containing allegations of
labor rights violations should specify:
(a) which Dominican labor law related
to freedom of association, the right to
organize, child labor, forced labor, the
right to bargain collectively, and
acceptable conditions of work is alleged
to have been violated; (b) the location
and time of the alleged violation; (c) the
number of workers affected; (d) the
specific action, or lack thereof, by the
GODR related to the allegation; and (e)
if applicable, when and how the GODR
was notified of the allegation.
In accordance with Section H of the
Procedural Guidelines, OTLA solicits
specific information relevant to the
review of Submission 2011–3 and the
GODR’s protection of the specified labor
rights covered by Article 16.8 of the
CAFTA–DR from the public in the form
of written document in Word or Power
Point in English. Comments submitted
to OTLA in response to this Notice will
be posted online and included in the
public file and thus will become
publicly accessible. As provided in
Section E of the Procedural Guidelines,
information submitted by a person or
another Party to the OTLA in
confidence shall be treated as exempt
from public inspection if the
information meets the requirements of 5
U.S.C. 552(b) or as otherwise permitted
by law. Each person or Party requesting
such treatment shall clearly mark
‘‘submitted in confidence’’ on each page
or portion of a page so submitted and
furnish an explanation as to the need for
exemption from public inspection. If the
material is not accepted in confidence,
it will be returned promptly to the
submitter with an explanation for the
action taken. OTLA will be sensitive to
the needs of an individual’s
confidentiality and will make every
effort to protect such individual’s
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Signed at Washington, DC, on June 12,
Carol Pier,
Acting Deputy Undersecretary for
International Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2012–14951 Filed 6–18–12; 8:45 am]
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:39 Jun 18, 2012
Jkt 226001
of the Act, 19 U.S.C. 2273, I make the
following certification:
Employment and Training
All workers of II–VI, Inc., Infrared OpticsSaxonburg Division, Saxonburg,
Pennsylvania (TA–W–81,071) who became
totally or partially separated from
employment on or after January 27, 2011,
through April 27, 2014, and all workers in
the group threatened with total or partial
separation from employment on April 27,
2012 through April 27, 2014, are eligible to
apply for adjustment assistance under
Chapter 2 of Title II of the Trade Act of 1974,
as amended; and all leased workers from
Adecco, Carol Harris, Unlimited Staffing, and
Staffmark, working on-site at II–VI, Inc.,
Infrared Optics-Saxonburg Division,
Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, (TA–W–81,071A)
who became totally or partially separated
from employment on or after February 13,
2010, through April 27, 2014, and all workers
in the group threatened with total or partial
separation from employment on April 27,
2012 through April 27, 2014, are eligible to
apply for adjustment assistance under
Chapter 2 of Title II of the Trade Act of 1974,
as amended.
[TA–W–81,071; TA–W–81,071A]
II–VI, Inc., Infrared Optics-Saxonburg
Division, Saxonburg, PA; Leased
Workers From Adecco, Carol Harris,
Unlimited Staffing, and Staffmark,
Working On-Site at II–VI, Inc., Infrared
Optics-Saxonburg Division,
Saxonburg, PA; Notice of Revised
Determination on Reconsideration
The initial investigation, initiated on
November 10, 2011, resulted in a
negative determination, issued on
February 8, 2012, that was based on the
findings that the subject firm did not
experience a decline in sales or
production nor did the subject firm shift
production to a foreign country during
the relevant period. The determination
was applicable to workers and former
workers of II–VI, Inc., Infrared OpticsSaxonburg Division, Saxonburg,
Pennsylvania. The Department’s Notice
of negative determination was
published in the Federal Register on
February 14, 2012 (77 FR 8281). The
workers’ firm is engaged in activities
related to the production of infrared and
CO2 laser optics and related materials.
The workers of II–VI, Inc., Infrared
Optics-Saxonburg Division, Saxonburg,
Pennsylvania, were previously certified
eligible to apply for TAA under TA–W–
64,895. The certification did not include
on-site leased workers from Adecco,
Carol Harris, Unlimited Staffing, and
To support the request for
reconsideration, the petitioner supplied
additional information regarding a shift
in production to a foreign country to
supplement that which was gathered
during the initial investigation.
Based on information provided during
the reconsideration investigation, the
Department determines that worker
separations at the subject firm are
related to a shift in the production of
like or directly competitive articles to a
foreign country.
After careful review of the additional
facts obtained on reconsideration, I
determine that workers of II–VI, Inc.,
Infrared Optics-Saxonburg Division,
Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, who were
engaged in employment related to
production of infrared and CO2 laser
optics and related materials, meet the
worker group certification criteria under
Section 222(a) of the Act, 19 U.S.C.
2272(a). In accordance with Section 223
PO 00000
Frm 00103
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Signed in Washington, DC, this 27th day of
April, 2012.
Del Min Amy Chen,
Certifying Officer, Office of Trade Adjustment
[FR Doc. 2012–14907 Filed 6–18–12; 8:45 am]
Occupational Safety and Health
[Docket No. OSHA–2012–0021]
Establishing Indicators to Determine
Whether State Plan Operations Are at
Least as Effective as Federal OSHA:
Stakeholder Meeting; Extension of
Comment Period
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), Labor.
ACTION: Notice; extension of comment
The Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) is
extending the comment period for its
notice to gather information and ideas
about establishing definitions and
measures to determine whether OSHAapproved State Plans for occupational
safety and health (State Plans) are at
least as effective as the Federal OSHA
program as required by the
Occupational Safety and Health Act of
DATES: Submit information or
comments, or a request to extend the
comment period, on or before July 6,
2012. All submissions must bear a
postmark or provide other evidence of
the submission date.
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 118 (Tuesday, June 19, 2012)]
[Pages 36578-36579]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-14951]
Office of the Secretary
Dominican Republic--Central America--United States Free Trade
Agreement; Notice of Request for Public Comments on Submission
2011-03 (Dominican Republic)
AGENCY: Bureau of International Labor Affairs, U.S. Department of
ACTION: Request for comments from the public.
SUMMARY: The Office of Trade and Labor Affairs (OTLA) requests public
comments and specific information related to Submission 2011-
03, which was accepted for review pursuant to Article 16.4.3 of the
Dominican Republic--Central America--United States Free Trade Agreement
(CAFTA-DR). The submission alleges that the Government of the Dominican
Republic (GODR) failed to fulfill its obligations under Chapter 16 of
the CAFTA-DR (the Labor Chapter) through actions or lack thereof that
denied workers in the sugar sector their rights under the laws of the
Dominican Republic relating to freedom of association, the right to
organize, child labor, forced labor, the right to bargain collectively,
and acceptable conditions of work. The submission is posted on the ILAB
Web site at
DATES: Written comments are due no later than 5 p.m. July 2, 2012.
Submission of Comments: Submitters of information are requested to
provide their submission to OTLA in English at the email or physical
address below by 5:00 p.m. on July 2, 2012. Information may be
submitted by any of the following methods:
(1) By email to:
(2) Federal eRulemaking Portal: The
portal includes instructions for submitting comments. Parties
submitting responses electronically are encouraged not to submit paper
(3) By facsimile (fax): Joshua Kagan, OTLA, at 202-693-4851.
(4) Mail, Express Delivery, Hand Delivery, and Messenger Service:
Joshua Kagan, U.S. Department of Labor, OTLA, Bureau of International
Labor Affairs, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Room S-5303, Washington, DC
U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Room S-5303,
Washington, DC 20210. Email: Telephone: (202)
693-4882. (This is not a toll-free number.)
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Article 16.4.3 of the Labor Chapter of the
CAFTA-DR provides for the receipt and review of public communications
(``submissions'') regarding labor law matters in Central America and
the Dominican Republic. A Federal Register notice issued on December
21, 2006, informed the public that the OTLA had been designated as the
office to serve as the contact point for implementing the CAFTA-DR's
labor provisions. The same Federal Register notice informed the public
of the Procedural Guidelines that OTLA would follow for the receipt and
review of public submissions (71 FR 76691 (2006)). These Procedural
Guidelines are available at
On February 22, 2012, Submission 2011-03 was accepted for
review pursuant to Article 16.4.3 of the CAFTA-DR, and a Federal
Register notice announcing this decision was published on March 15,
2012 (77 FR 15397 (2012)). OTLA is now in the process of conducting its
review of the submission to determine its findings on the allegations
in the submission. As part of this review, OTLA has received
information from stakeholders, visited the Dominican Republic, met with
organizations and individuals, and conducted interviews with workers
and their representatives, management and other sugar industry
representatives, and the government. In addition, OTLA, via this
notice, seeks information from the general public relevant to the
submission as part of its review process. Comments submitted should, to
the greatest extent possible:
1. Provide facts relating to the enforcement of the GODR's laws
related to freedom of association, the right to organize, child labor,
forced labor, the right to bargain collectively, and acceptable
conditions of work in the sugar sector;
2. Relate to events occurring after March 1, 2007;
3. Include the source of the information received, such as a legal
document, an interview, a report from another organization, or if
appropriate to the facts at hand, personal experience; as well as the
title, name
[[Page 36579]]
and date of the source if possible (please note the instructions
regarding information submitted in confidence below);
4. Comments containing allegations of labor rights violations
should specify: (a) which Dominican labor law related to freedom of
association, the right to organize, child labor, forced labor, the
right to bargain collectively, and acceptable conditions of work is
alleged to have been violated; (b) the location and time of the alleged
violation; (c) the number of workers affected; (d) the specific action,
or lack thereof, by the GODR related to the allegation; and (e) if
applicable, when and how the GODR was notified of the allegation.
In accordance with Section H of the Procedural Guidelines, OTLA
solicits specific information relevant to the review of Submission
2011-3 and the GODR's protection of the specified labor rights covered
by Article 16.8 of the CAFTA-DR from the public in the form of written
document in Word or Power Point in English. Comments submitted to OTLA
in response to this Notice will be posted online and included in the
public file and thus will become publicly accessible. As provided in
Section E of the Procedural Guidelines, information submitted by a
person or another Party to the OTLA in confidence shall be treated as
exempt from public inspection if the information meets the requirements
of 5 U.S.C. 552(b) or as otherwise permitted by law. Each person or
Party requesting such treatment shall clearly mark ``submitted in
confidence'' on each page or portion of a page so submitted and furnish
an explanation as to the need for exemption from public inspection. If
the material is not accepted in confidence, it will be returned
promptly to the submitter with an explanation for the action taken.
OTLA will be sensitive to the needs of an individual's confidentiality
and will make every effort to protect such individual's interests.
Signed at Washington, DC, on June 12, 2012.
Carol Pier,
Acting Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2012-14951 Filed 6-18-12; 8:45 am]