Non-Malleable Cast Iron Pipe Fittings From the People's Republic of China: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Changed Circumstances Review, and Revocation of Order, in Part, 31577-31578 [2012-12979]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 103 / Tuesday, May 29, 2012 / Notices
Diversity of company size, sector or
subsector, and location may also be
considered during the review process.
Referrals from political organizations
and any documents containing
references to partisan political activities
(including political contributions) will
be removed from an applicant’s
submission and not considered during
the selection process.
Timeframe for Recruitment and
Mission recruitment will be
conducted in an open and public
manner, including publication in the
Federal Register, posting on the
Commerce Department trade mission
tmcal.html—and other Internet web
sites, press releases to general and trade
media, direct mail, broadcast fax,
notices by industry trade associations
and other multiplier groups, and
publicity at industry meetings,
symposia, conferences, and trade shows.
Recruitment for the mission will
begin immediately, and conclude
October 5, 2012. The U.S. Department of
Commerce will review applications and
make selection decisions on a rolling
basis beginning August 6, 2012, until
the maximum of 20 participants is
selected. Applications received after
October 5, 2012, will be considered only
if space and scheduling constraints
Frank Spector, U.S. Commercial
Service, U.S. Department of Commerce,
Washington, DC 20230, Tel: 202–482–
2054, Fax: 202–482–9000,
Larry Farris, Senior Commercial
Officer, U.S. Consulate, Johannesburg,
South Africa, Tel: +55–11 290–3316,
Fax: +55–11 884–0538, Email:
Frank Spector,
Senior International Trade Specialist, Global
Trade Programs.
[FR Doc. 2012–12974 Filed 5–25–12; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Non-Malleable Cast Iron Pipe Fittings
From the People’s Republic of China:
Final Results of Antidumping Duty
Changed Circumstances Review, and
Revocation of Order, in Part
Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:12 May 25, 2012
Jkt 226001
DATES: Effective Date: April 1, 2011.
SUMMARY: On April 16, 2012, the
Department of Commerce (the
‘‘Department’’) published in the Federal
Register a notice of initiation and
preliminary results of the antidumping
duty (‘‘AD’’) changed circumstances
review with intent to revoke, in part, the
AD order on non-malleable cast iron
pipe fittings from the People’s Republic
of China (‘‘PRC’’).1 Given that Anvil
International and Ward Manufacturing
(‘‘Petitioners’’) 2 are no longer interested
in seeking antidumping relief from
imports of a particular brake fluid tube
connector (‘‘connector’’), we are
revoking this AD order, in part, with
regard to this particular connector.
Primor or Robert Bolling, Import
Administration, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230;
telephone (202) 482–4114 and (202)
482–3434, respectively.
On April 7, 2003, the Department
published an AD order on nonmalleable cast iron pipe fittings from the
PRC.3 On March 6, 2012, Ford Motor
Company (‘‘Ford’’) requested revocation
in part of the AD order pursuant to
sections 751(b)(1) and 782(h) of the
Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the
‘‘Act’’), with respect to Ford’s
connector. The domestic industry has
affirmatively expressed a lack of interest
in the continuation of the AD order with
respect to this product. On April 16,
2012, the Department published the
Initiation and Preliminary Results,
excluding the connector from the scope
of the AD order on non-malleable cast
iron pipe fittings from the PRC.
New Scope Language
The following connector is excluded:
A ‘‘joint block’’ for brake fluid tubes and
is made of non-malleable cast iron to
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
automotive standard J431. The tubes
have an inside diameter of 3.44
millimeters (0.1355 inches) and the
inside diameters of the fluid flow
channels of the connector are 3.2
millimeters (0.1260 inches) and 3.8
1 See Non-Malleable Cast Iron Pipe Fittings From
the People’s Republic of China: Initiation and
Preliminary Results of Changed Circumstances
Review, and Intent to Revoke Order in Part, 77 FR
22562 (April 16, 2012) (‘‘Initiation and Preliminary
2 Petitioners account for approximately 95
percent of the domestic production of the like
3 See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: NonMalleable Cast Iron Pipe Fittings From the People’s
Republic of China, 68 FR 16765 (April 7, 2003).
PO 00000
Frm 00014
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
millimeters (0.1496 inches). The end of
the tube is forced by pressure over the
end of a flared opening in the connector
also known as ‘‘flared joint.’’ The flared
joint, once made fast, permits brake
fluid to flow through channels that
never exceed 3.8 millimeters (0.1496
inches) in diameter.
Scope of the Amended Order
The products covered by the order are
finished and unfinished non-malleable
cast iron pipe fittings with an inside
diameter ranging from 1⁄4 inch to 6
inches, whether threaded or
unthreaded, regardless of industry or
proprietary specifications. The subject
fittings include elbows, ells, tees,
crosses, and reducers as well as flanged
fittings. These pipe fittings are also
known as ‘‘cast iron pipe fittings’’ or
‘‘gray iron pipe fittings.’’ These cast iron
pipe fittings are normally produced to
ASTM A–126 and ASME B.16.4
specifications and are threaded to
ASME B1.20.1 specifications. Most
building codes require that these
products are Underwriters Laboratories
(UL) certified. The scope does not
include cast iron soil pipe fittings or
grooved fittings or grooved couplings.
Fittings that are made out of ductile
iron that have the same physical
characteristics as the gray or cast iron
fittings subject to the scope above or
which have the same physical
characteristics and are produced to
ASME B.16.3, ASME B.16.4, or ASTM
A–395 specifications, threaded to ASME
B1.20.1 specifications and UL certified,
regardless of metallurgical differences
between gray and ductile iron, are also
included in the scope of the order.
These ductile fittings do not include
grooved fittings or grooved couplings.
Ductile cast iron fittings with
mechanical joint ends (MJ), or push on
ends (PO), or flanged ends and
produced to the American Water Works
Association (AWWA) specifications
AWWA C110 or AWWA C153 are not
included. Additionally, certain brake
fluid tube connectors are excluded from
the scope of this order.4
Imports of subject merchandise are
currently classifiable in the Harmonized
4 To be excluded, the connector must meet the
following description: The connector is a ‘‘joint
block’’ for brake fluid tubes and is made of nonmalleable cast iron to Society of Automotive
Engineers (SAE) automotive standard J431. The
tubes have an inside diameter of 3.44 millimeters
(0.1355 inches) and the inside diameters of the fluid
flow channels of the connector are 3.2 millimeters
(0.1260 inches) and 3.8 millimeters (0.1496 inches).
The end of the tube is forced by pressure over the
end of a flared opening in the connector also known
as ‘‘flared joint.’’ The flared joint, once made fast,
permits brake fluid to flow through channels that
never exceed 3.8 millimeters (0.1496 inches) in
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 103 / Tuesday, May 29, 2012 / Notices
Tariff Schedule of the United States
(HTSUS) under item numbers
7307.11.00.30, 7307.11.00.60,
7307.19.30.60, 7307.19.30.85. HTSUS
subheadings are provided for
convenience and customs purposes. The
written description of the scope of the
order is dispositive.5
Final Results of Review: Partial
Revocation of Antidumping Duty Order
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The affirmative statement of no
interest by Petitioners concerning
certain brake fluid connectors, as
described herein, constitutes changed
circumstances sufficient to warrant
revocation of this order in part. No party
commented on the Initiation and
Preliminary Results. Additionally, no
party contests that Petitioners’ statement
of no interest represents the views of
domestic producers accounting for
substantially all of the production of the
particular domestic like product (i.e.,
connector). Therefore, the Department is
partially revoking the order on nonmalleable cast iron pipe fittings from the
PRC with regard to a product which
meets the specifications detailed above,
in accordance with sections 751(b), (d)
and 782(h) of the Act and 19 CFR
351.216(d) and 351.222(g).
In this changed circumstances review,
we have determined to revoke the order
in part, retroactive to April 1, 2011, (the
date following the last day of the most
recently completed administrative
review) for unliquidated entries in light
of: (1) The submission by Petitioners; (2)
the fact that entries after this date are
not subject to a final determination by
the Department; and (3) we have
received no comments following our
preliminary results of April 16, 2012,
where we indicated that this changed
circumstances review will apply
retroactively. We hereby notify the
public of our revocation in part with
respect to a connector in the
antidumping duty order on nonmalleable cast iron pipe fittings from the
PRC retroactive to April 1, 2011.
5 On April 21, 2009, in consultation with the U.S.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the
Department added the following HTSUS
classification to the AD/CVD module for pipe
fittings: 7326.90.8588. See Memorandum from
Abdelali Elouaradia, Office Director, Import
Administration, Office 4 to Stephen Claeys, Deputy
Assistant Secretary, Import Administration
regarding the Final Scope Ruling on Black Cast Iron
Cast, Green Ductile Flange and Twin Tee,
antidumping duty order on non-malleable iron cast
pipe fittings from the PRC, dated September 19,
2008. See also Memorandum to the file from Karine
Gziryan, Financial Analyst, Office 4, regarding
Module Update adding HTSUS number for twin tin
fitting included in the scope of antidumping order
on non-malleable iron cast pipe fittings from the
PRC, dated April 22, 2009.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:12 May 25, 2012
Jkt 226001
We will instruct U.S. Customs and
Border Protection to liquidate without
regard to antidumping duties, as
applicable, and to refund any estimated
antidumping duties collected for all
unliquidated entries of a certain
connector, made on or after April 1,
2011, meeting the specifications
indicated above, in accordance with 19
CFR 351.222.
This notice serves as a reminder to
parties subject to administrative
protective orders (‘‘APOs’’) of their
responsibility concerning the
disposition of proprietary information
disclosed under APO in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.306. Timely written
notification of the return/destruction of
APO materials or conversion to judicial
protective order is hereby requested.
Failure to comply with the regulations
and terms of an APO is a sanctionable
This changed circumstances
administrative review, partial
revocation of the antidumping duty
order and notice are in accordance with
sections 751(b), (d) and 782(h) of the
Act and 19 CFR 351.216(e) and
Dated: May 21, 2012.
Paul Piquado,
Assistant Secretary for Import
[FR Doc. 2012–12979 Filed 5–25–12; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Stainless Steel Bar From Japan:
Initiation and Preliminary Results of
Antidumping Duty ChangedCircumstances Review, and Intent To
Revoke Order in Part
Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: On February 14, 2012, in
accordance with section 751(b) of the
Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act),
and section 351.216(b) of the
Department of Commerce’s (the
Department) regulations, Suruga USA
Corp. (Suruga), a U.S. importer of
subject merchandise, filed a request for
a changed-circumstances review of four
types of stainless steel bar (SSBar) 1 that
are subject to the antidumping duty
order on SSBar from Japan (the Order).
On May 7, 2012, Suruga submitted
revised product descriptions of SSBar
that it seeks to exclude from the Order.
PO 00000
Frm 00015
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
The revised submission covers three
products—one under Grade 304 and two
under Grade 440C.2 On May 11, 2012,
we received a submission from the
petitioners 3 expressing a lack of interest
in the products identified in Suruga’s
May 7, 2012 request and certifications
that they account for virtually all of the
domestic production of the particular
Therefore, in response to Suruga’s
request and based on the record
evidence, we are notifying the public of
our preliminary intent to revoke, in part,
the antidumping duty order on SSBar
from Japan with respect to the products
described below and are inviting
interested parties to comment on these
preliminary results.
DATES: Effective Date: May 29, 2012.
Jerrold Freeman or Minoo Hatten, AD/
CVD Operations, Office 1, Import
Administration, International Trade
Administration, Department of
Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230;
telephone: (202) 482–0180 or (202) 482–
1690, respectively.
The Department published the
antidumping duty order on SSBar on
February 21, 1995.5 On February 14,
2012, Suruga requested that the
Department conduct a changedcircumstances review of the Order and
exclude four particular types of stainless
SSBar from the scope of the Order.6
Because of certain concerns, the
Department asked Suruga to submit
revised product descriptions.
On May 7, 2012, Suruga submitted
revised product descriptions which
included one product under Grade 304
and two products under Grade 440C.7
Suruga stated that, although the form of
the descriptions was revised for ease of
2 See Suruga’s Letter to the Department, dated
May 7, 2012 at Attachment A.
3 The petitioners are Carpenter Technology
Corporation, Crucible Industries LLC, Electralloy, a
G.O. Carlson Inc. Co., North American Stainless,
Outokumpu Stainless Bar, Inc., Universal Stainless
& Alloy Products, Inc., and Valbruna Slater
Stainless, Inc.
4 Petitioner’s Letter to the Department, dated May
11, 2012, at 1. The petitioners used the term
‘‘virtually all’’ in their May 11, 2012, letter. For this
initiation and preliminary results of review, we are
interpreting the phrase, ‘‘virtually all,’’ as fulfilling
the ‘‘substantially all’’ threshold provided under
section 351.222(g)(1)(i) of our regulations.
5 See Notices of Antidumping Duty Orders:
Stainless Steel Bar from Brazil, India, and Japan,
60 FR 9661 (Feb. 21, 1995).
6 See generally Suruga’s Letter to the Department,
dated February 14, 2012.
7 See Suruga’s Letter to the Department, dated
May 7, 2012 at Attachment A.
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 103 (Tuesday, May 29, 2012)]
[Pages 31577-31578]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-12979]
International Trade Administration
Non-Malleable Cast Iron Pipe Fittings From the People's Republic
of China: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Changed Circumstances
Review, and Revocation of Order, in Part
AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
DATES: Effective Date: April 1, 2011.
SUMMARY: On April 16, 2012, the Department of Commerce (the
``Department'') published in the Federal Register a notice of
initiation and preliminary results of the antidumping duty (``AD'')
changed circumstances review with intent to revoke, in part, the AD
order on non-malleable cast iron pipe fittings from the People's
Republic of China (``PRC'').\1\ Given that Anvil International and Ward
Manufacturing (``Petitioners'') \2\ are no longer interested in seeking
antidumping relief from imports of a particular brake fluid tube
connector (``connector''), we are revoking this AD order, in part, with
regard to this particular connector.
\1\ See Non-Malleable Cast Iron Pipe Fittings From the People's
Republic of China: Initiation and Preliminary Results of Changed
Circumstances Review, and Intent to Revoke Order in Part, 77 FR
22562 (April 16, 2012) (``Initiation and Preliminary Results'').
\2\ Petitioners account for approximately 95 percent of the
domestic production of the like product.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Zev Primor or Robert Bolling, Import
Administration, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC
20230; telephone (202) 482-4114 and (202) 482-3434, respectively.
On April 7, 2003, the Department published an AD order on non-
malleable cast iron pipe fittings from the PRC.\3\ On March 6, 2012,
Ford Motor Company (``Ford'') requested revocation in part of the AD
order pursuant to sections 751(b)(1) and 782(h) of the Tariff Act of
1930, as amended (the ``Act''), with respect to Ford's connector. The
domestic industry has affirmatively expressed a lack of interest in the
continuation of the AD order with respect to this product. On April 16,
2012, the Department published the Initiation and Preliminary Results,
excluding the connector from the scope of the AD order on non-malleable
cast iron pipe fittings from the PRC.
\3\ See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: Non-Malleable Cast
Iron Pipe Fittings From the People's Republic of China, 68 FR 16765
(April 7, 2003).
New Scope Language
The following connector is excluded: A ``joint block'' for brake
fluid tubes and is made of non-malleable cast iron to Society of
Automotive Engineers (SAE) automotive standard J431. The tubes have an
inside diameter of 3.44 millimeters (0.1355 inches) and the inside
diameters of the fluid flow channels of the connector are 3.2
millimeters (0.1260 inches) and 3.8 millimeters (0.1496 inches). The
end of the tube is forced by pressure over the end of a flared opening
in the connector also known as ``flared joint.'' The flared joint, once
made fast, permits brake fluid to flow through channels that never
exceed 3.8 millimeters (0.1496 inches) in diameter.
Scope of the Amended Order
The products covered by the order are finished and unfinished non-
malleable cast iron pipe fittings with an inside diameter ranging from
\1/4\ inch to 6 inches, whether threaded or unthreaded, regardless of
industry or proprietary specifications. The subject fittings include
elbows, ells, tees, crosses, and reducers as well as flanged fittings.
These pipe fittings are also known as ``cast iron pipe fittings'' or
``gray iron pipe fittings.'' These cast iron pipe fittings are normally
produced to ASTM A-126 and ASME B.16.4 specifications and are threaded
to ASME B1.20.1 specifications. Most building codes require that these
products are Underwriters Laboratories (UL) certified. The scope does
not include cast iron soil pipe fittings or grooved fittings or grooved
Fittings that are made out of ductile iron that have the same
physical characteristics as the gray or cast iron fittings subject to
the scope above or which have the same physical characteristics and are
produced to ASME B.16.3, ASME B.16.4, or ASTM A-395 specifications,
threaded to ASME B1.20.1 specifications and UL certified, regardless of
metallurgical differences between gray and ductile iron, are also
included in the scope of the order. These ductile fittings do not
include grooved fittings or grooved couplings. Ductile cast iron
fittings with mechanical joint ends (MJ), or push on ends (PO), or
flanged ends and produced to the American Water Works Association
(AWWA) specifications AWWA C110 or AWWA C153 are not included.
Additionally, certain brake fluid tube connectors are excluded from the
scope of this order.\4\
\4\ To be excluded, the connector must meet the following
description: The connector is a ``joint block'' for brake fluid
tubes and is made of non-malleable cast iron to Society of
Automotive Engineers (SAE) automotive standard J431. The tubes have
an inside diameter of 3.44 millimeters (0.1355 inches) and the
inside diameters of the fluid flow channels of the connector are 3.2
millimeters (0.1260 inches) and 3.8 millimeters (0.1496 inches). The
end of the tube is forced by pressure over the end of a flared
opening in the connector also known as ``flared joint.'' The flared
joint, once made fast, permits brake fluid to flow through channels
that never exceed 3.8 millimeters (0.1496 inches) in diameter.
Imports of subject merchandise are currently classifiable in the
[[Page 31578]]
Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) under item numbers
7307.11.00.30, 7307.11.00.60, 7307.19.30.60, 7307.19.30.85. HTSUS
subheadings are provided for convenience and customs purposes. The
written description of the scope of the order is dispositive.\5\
\5\ On April 21, 2009, in consultation with the U.S. Customs and
Border Protection (CBP), the Department added the following HTSUS
classification to the AD/CVD module for pipe fittings: 7326.90.8588.
See Memorandum from Abdelali Elouaradia, Office Director, Import
Administration, Office 4 to Stephen Claeys, Deputy Assistant
Secretary, Import Administration regarding the Final Scope Ruling on
Black Cast Iron Cast, Green Ductile Flange and Twin Tee, antidumping
duty order on non-malleable iron cast pipe fittings from the PRC,
dated September 19, 2008. See also Memorandum to the file from
Karine Gziryan, Financial Analyst, Office 4, regarding Module Update
adding HTSUS number for twin tin fitting included in the scope of
antidumping order on non-malleable iron cast pipe fittings from the
PRC, dated April 22, 2009.
Final Results of Review: Partial Revocation of Antidumping Duty Order
The affirmative statement of no interest by Petitioners concerning
certain brake fluid connectors, as described herein, constitutes
changed circumstances sufficient to warrant revocation of this order in
part. No party commented on the Initiation and Preliminary Results.
Additionally, no party contests that Petitioners' statement of no
interest represents the views of domestic producers accounting for
substantially all of the production of the particular domestic like
product (i.e., connector). Therefore, the Department is partially
revoking the order on non-malleable cast iron pipe fittings from the
PRC with regard to a product which meets the specifications detailed
above, in accordance with sections 751(b), (d) and 782(h) of the Act
and 19 CFR 351.216(d) and 351.222(g).
In this changed circumstances review, we have determined to revoke
the order in part, retroactive to April 1, 2011, (the date following
the last day of the most recently completed administrative review) for
unliquidated entries in light of: (1) The submission by Petitioners;
(2) the fact that entries after this date are not subject to a final
determination by the Department; and (3) we have received no comments
following our preliminary results of April 16, 2012, where we indicated
that this changed circumstances review will apply retroactively. We
hereby notify the public of our revocation in part with respect to a
connector in the antidumping duty order on non-malleable cast iron pipe
fittings from the PRC retroactive to April 1, 2011.
We will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection to liquidate
without regard to antidumping duties, as applicable, and to refund any
estimated antidumping duties collected for all unliquidated entries of
a certain connector, made on or after April 1, 2011, meeting the
specifications indicated above, in accordance with 19 CFR 351.222.
This notice serves as a reminder to parties subject to
administrative protective orders (``APOs'') of their responsibility
concerning the disposition of proprietary information disclosed under
APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.306. Timely written notification of
the return/destruction of APO materials or conversion to judicial
protective order is hereby requested. Failure to comply with the
regulations and terms of an APO is a sanctionable violation.
This changed circumstances administrative review, partial
revocation of the antidumping duty order and notice are in accordance
with sections 751(b), (d) and 782(h) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.216(e)
and 351.222(g).
Dated: May 21, 2012.
Paul Piquado,
Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
[FR Doc. 2012-12979 Filed 5-25-12; 8:45 am]