Proposed Priority; Technical Assistance on State Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting-National IDEA Technical Assistance Center on Early Childhood Longitudinal Data Systems; CFDA Number 84.373Z, 26522-26531 [2012-10831]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2012 / Notices
both external and internal breakwater
structures were investigated to address
the navigational safety and surge-related
problems. However, concerns over
impacts to adjacent surf breaks and
biological resources were raised on
several occasions, resulting in multiple
delays in the planning process. Most
recently, USACE and DOBOR reinitiated the project in 2009, with a
focus on using stakeholder input and
updated technical information to better
define and inform the planning process.
Through this effort, the decision to
terminate the project was made based
on careful consideration of the high cost
associated with the proposed
improvements (particularly in light of
the current and foreseeable economic
conditions), the regulatory constraints
and mitigation requirements for
unavoidable impacts to coral reefs, and
community concerns regarding impacts
to surf sites and natural resources.
A variety of technical studies and
planning documents were produced in
support of the project, including
flushing studies, habitat surveys, and
wave response modeling. The public
may request copies of reports. The
public will be notified of the
termination of the project through a
public notice, as well as a press release
by the project sponsors. The press
release will be published on the project
Web site and posted at Maalaea Harbor.
Brenda S. Bowen,
Army Federal Register Liaison Officer.
Inland Waterways Users Board
Department of the Army, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice of open meeting.
In Accordance with 10(a)(2)
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(Pub. L. 92–463), announcement is
made of the forthcoming meeting.
Name of Committee: Inland
Waterways Users Board (Board).
Date: June 6, 2012.
Location: The OMNI William Penn
Hotel, 530 William Penn Place,
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 at 412–281–7100
or 1–800–843–6664 or
Time: Registration will begin at 8:30
a.m. and the meeting is scheduled to
adjourn at approximately 1:00 p.m.
Jkt 226001
Proposed Priority; Technical
Assistance on State Data Collection,
Analysis, and Reporting—National
IDEA Technical Assistance Center on
Early Childhood Longitudinal Data
Systems; CFDA Number 84.373Z
The Assistant Secretary for
Special Education and Rehabilitative
Services proposes a priority under the
Technical Assistance on State Data
Collection program. The Assistant
Secretary may use this priority for
competitions in fiscal year (FY) 2012
and later years. We take this action to
focus attention on an identified national
need to provide technical assistance
(TA) to States to improve their capacity
to meet the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA) data collection,
analysis, and reporting requirements.
We propose to assist States in
developing or enhancing statewide early
childhood longitudinal data systems, by
which we mean data systems that
include child-level data for infants,
toddlers, and young children with
disabilities (birth through age 5) served
through early childhood programs
under IDEA Part C and Part B preschool
programs. These statewide early
childhood longitudinal data systems
Department of the Army; Corps of
15:20 May 03, 2012
[FR Doc. 2012–10771 Filed 5–3–12; 8:45 am]
Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services, Department of
ACTION: Notice.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Brenda S. Bowen,
Army Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 2012–10793 Filed 5–3–12; 8:45 am]
Agenda: The Board will be provided
the status of funding for inland
navigation projects and studies and the
status of the Inland Waterways Trust
Fund, the funding status for Fiscal Year
(FY) 2012 and the FY 2013 budget, an
update of the Inland Marine
Transportation System (IMTS) Capital
Projects Business Model, presentation of
the IMTS Levels of Service Initiative, as
well as an update of Olmsted Locks and
Dam Project.
Mark R. Pointon, Headquarters, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, CECW–ID,
441 G Street NW., Washington, DC
20314–1000; Ph: 202–761–4691.
meeting is open to the public. Any
interested person may attend, appear
before, or file statements with the
committee at the time and in the
manner permitted by the committee.
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would be part of a coordinated early
learning data system, by which we mean
data systems that vertically and
horizontally link child, program, and
workforce data elements related to
children (birth through age 5). This TA
will build States’ capacity to report
high-quality data to meet IDEA
reporting requirements.
DATES: We must receive your comments
on or before July 18, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Address all comments about
this notice to Meredith Miceli, U.S.
Department of Education, 400 Maryland
Avenue SW., room 4069, Potomac
Center Plaza, Washington, DC 20202–
2600. If you prefer to send your
comments by email, use the following
You must include the term ‘‘Data
Collection Priority’’ in the subject line
of your electronic message.
Meredith Miceli. Telephone: (202) 245–
If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD) or a text
telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay
Service (FRS), toll free, at 1–800–877–
To Comment: We invite you to submit
comments regarding this notice. To
ensure that your comments have
maximum effect in developing the
notice of final priority, we urge you to
identify clearly the specific topic that
each comment addresses.
We invite you to assist us in
complying with the specific
requirements of Executive Orders 12866
and 13563 and their overall requirement
of reducing regulatory burden that
might result from this proposed priority.
Please let us know of any further ways
we could reduce potential costs or
increase potential benefits while
preserving the effective and efficient
administration of the program.
During and after the comment period,
you may inspect all public comments
about this notice in room 4069, 550 12th
Street SW., Potomac Center Plaza,
Washington, DC, between the hours of
8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Washington,
DC time, Monday through Friday of
each week except Federal holidays.
Assistance to Individuals With
Disabilities in Reviewing the
Rulemaking Record: On request we will
provide an appropriate accommodation
or auxiliary aid to an individual with a
disability who needs assistance to
review the comments or other
documents in the public rulemaking
record for this notice. If you want to
schedule an appointment for this type of
accommodation or auxiliary aid, please
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2012 / Notices
contact the person listed under FOR
Purpose of Program: The purpose of
the Technical Assistance on State Data
Collection program is to improve the
capacity of States to meet IDEA data
collection and reporting requirements.
Funding for the program is authorized
under section 611(c)(1) of IDEA, which
gives the Secretary the authority to
reserve funds appropriated under Part B
to provide TA activities authorized
under section 616(i). Section 616(i)
requires the Secretary to review the data
collection and analysis capacity of
States to ensure that data and
information determined necessary for
implementation of section 616 of IDEA
are collected, analyzed, and accurately
reported. It also requires the Secretary to
provide TA, where needed, to improve
the capacity of States to meet the data
collection requirements under IDEA.
Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1411(c),
1416(i), and 1418(c).
This notice contains one proposed
National IDEA Technical Assistance
Center on Early Childhood Longitudinal
Data Systems.
Background: States must provide an
assurance that they will meet the
Federal reporting requirements under
the IDEA Part C and Part B preschool
programs in order to receive these IDEA
grant funds. IDEA reporting
requirements include a State’s
submission of data as part of its State
Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual
Performance Report (APR) under section
616 of IDEA, as well as data required
under section 618 of IDEA.
In the APR, each State must report to
the Department on its progress in
meeting the measurable and rigorous
targets for each of the Part C indicators
and Part B indicators.1 Each State must
report to the public, by posting on the
State agency’s Web site, data on the
performance of each local program in
meeting the targets under each
indicator. In the APR, States must also
provide both quantitative data under
each of the indicators and qualitative
information, such as an explanation of
how the State’s data reflect progress or
lack of progress (i.e., ‘‘slippage’’) in
meeting the State’s targets under each
indicator, and an analysis of how the
State’s improvement activities 2 address
1 The following Web sites provide more
information on the 616 SPP/APR Indicators:
index.html and
2 States are required to describe the improvement
activities they implemented to improve
performance for each indicator, including activities,
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the factors that contributed to the State’s
progress or slippage in the data for each
indicator. In the SPP, a State identifies
and, where appropriate, revises its
improvement activities based on its
analysis of this qualitative and
quantitative information.
Additionally, under section 618 of
IDEA, States are required to annually
collect and report data on infants,
toddlers, and children with disabilities.
States provide data on the number of
eligible children served (‘‘child count’’),
educational environments, discipline,
dispute resolution, and personnel
employed to provide services for
children with disabilities, including
children from ages 3 through 5 receiving
services under IDEA Part B. States must
also collect and report child count,
exiting, dispute resolution, and service
settings data for infants and toddlers
receiving services under IDEA Part C.3
States, however, face significant
practical challenges in successfully
reporting to the Department and to the
public the high-quality data required
under the IDEA. The data States are
required to collect and report in their
IDEA Part B and Part C APRs include
preschool and early intervention data
that may be maintained by more than
one entity, and each program needs
information and data that are
maintained by another program.
For example, to obtain accurate early
childhood transition data to report
under SPP/APR Indicators C8 and B12,
which are included in Appendices A
and B to this notice, sharing information
between the IDEA Part C early
intervention program and the IDEA Part
B preschool program is required.
Additionally, in order to analyze and
report on the Part C child find 4 data
under SPP/APR Indicators C5 and C6,
which are included in Appendix B to
this notice, the State must cross-validate
its early intervention data with data
from specific primary referral sources
timelines, and resources, in the Annual
Performance Report under section 616 of IDEA.
Source: Part C State Performance Plan (SPP) and
Annual Performance Report (APR) Instruction
Sheet. Available from:
3 The following Web sites provide more
information on IDEA 618 data tables: www. and www.
4 For the purposes of this priority, ‘‘child find’’ is
defined as ‘‘all children with disabilities residing in
the State, including children with disabilities who
are homeless children or are wards of the State and
children with disabilities attending private schools,
regardless of the severity of their disabilities, and
who are in need of special education and related
services, are identified, located, and evaluated and
a practical method is developed and implemented
to determine which children with disabilities are
currently receiving needed special education and
related services’’ (20 U.S.C. 1412(a)(3)(A)).
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(e.g., the newborn hearing screening
programs, maternal and child health or
other programs that do not provide
IDEA services) that may not be part of
an IDEA early childhood data system.
Even in situations where States are
sharing data to meet IDEA reporting
requirements, there are concerns about
the quality of the data shared between
agencies. In addition, appropriately
sharing personally identifiable
information between and among the
various State agencies responsible for
managing the data systems, while still
ensuring compliance with the privacy
protections under the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) and IDEA Parts B and C, is a
challenge for many States (Keller-Allen,
States can address these challenges, in
part, by coordinating their data systems
to link and share certain child-level data
vertically (i.e., across different age
ranges) across programs serving
children with disabilities at different
age ranges over time (i.e., birth through
age 2, age 3 through 5/preschool, age 6
through 21/school age).
States can also improve their IDEA
data reporting by linking and sharing
data horizontally (sharing data across
programs for the same child) across
various early learning and development
programs 6 serving infants, toddlers, and
young children with disabilities at a
particular time (e.g., child care, home
visiting programs, Head Start, Early
Head Start, and publicly unded State
preschool programs and services).
Taking these steps can help States
improve the quality (i.e., reliability and
validity) of the qualitative and
5 Keller-Allen, C. (April 2009). Using unique
identifiers to promote data sharing between Part C
and Part B. Retrieved August 24, 2010 from: www.
6 For the purposes of this priority, ‘‘early learning
and development program’’ means ‘‘any (a) Statelicensed or State-regulated program or provider,
regardless of setting or funding source, that
provides early care and education for children from
birth to kindergarten entry, including, but not
limited to, any program operated by a child care
center or in a family child care home; (b) preschool
program funded by the Federal Government or State
or local educational agencies (including any IDEAfunded program); (c) Early Head Start and Head
Start program; and (d) a non-relative child care
provider who is not otherwise regulated by the
State and who regularly cares for two or more
unrelated children for a fee in a provider setting.
A State should include in this definition other
programs that may deliver early learning and
development services in a child’s home, such as the
Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home
Visiting; Early Head Start; and part C of IDEA.’’ 76
FR 53569 (August 26, 2011). Application for New
Awards: Race to the Top—Early Learning
Challenge. Available at:
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2012 / Notices
quantitative data they must report to
meet IDEA reporting requirements. In
developing such a data system, a State
must also meet critical data
management, governance, and
requirements to protect the
confidentiality of these infants, toddlers,
and young children with disabilities
and their families.
As previously noted, within a State,
data about children with disabilities
from birth through age 5 typically
originate from multiple sources and are
managed and stored within multiple
organizations with different operating
procedures. Therefore, in order to
coordinate and report high-quality data
to meet the IDEA reporting
requirements, a State must implement a
data governance plan. Many States,
however, may not have sufficiently
detailed governance plans for data on
infants, toddlers, and children with
Data governance provides a structure
for a diverse group with shared
responsibility for high-quality data to
establish and implement policies and
procedures to manage data and
information (Privacy Technical
Assistance Center, n.d.7) and evaluate
and address data quality issues (Cheong
& Chang, 2007; 8 Neely & Cook, 2011 9).
Examples of data quality issues related
to the data that are collected on children
with disabilities include timeliness of
data submissions to the Department,
accuracy of data elements being
reported, and completeness of data
submissions. Thus, a data governance
plan would provide an organizing
structure that would build shared
understanding among agencies that
collect such data about responsibilities,
policies, and procedures for data quality
management, and it would clarify
expectations for data and information
management including those for
personnel who collect, store, validate,
and use the data. Such a plan would
also allow the State to meet its
responsibilities to ensure that childlevel data are maintained securely and
that the State meets the confidentiality
requirements under IDEA and FERPA
and other applicable Federal, State, and
local confidentiality requirements (Haug
7 Privacy Technical Assistance Center. Data
Governance and Stewardship. Retrieved on April
17, 2012 from:
8 Cheoung, L.K. & Chang, V. (2007). The Need for
Data Governance: A Case Study. ACIS 2007
Proceedings. Paper 100.
9 Neely, M.P., Cook, J.S. (2011). Fifteen Years of
Data and Information Quality Literature:
Developing a Research Agenda for Accounting.
Journal of Information Systems, 25(1), pp. 79–108.
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& Arlbjorn, 2011; 10 Neely & Cook,
Under the priority we are proposing
in this notice, the grantee would be
required to assist States in meeting these
challenges, and specifically to provide
TA to States on the development and
enhancement of statewide early
childhood longitudinal data systems
that link child-level data for children
served under the IDEA that are collected
through those programs providing IDEA
services to those other programs that
provide early childhood education, care,
and health services to children served
under the IDEA. These statewide early
childhood longitudinal data systems
would be part of a State’s coordinated
early learning data system, by which we
mean a data system that vertically and
horizontally links child, program, and
workforce data related to children (birth
through age 5).
Thus, such a system should
horizontally link States’ early childhood
IDEA Part C and Part B preschool data
to other early learning data systems to
the extent that such systems collect data
that are similar to the quantitative and
qualitative information reported under
IDEA. For example, data on the settings
in which children receive services are
collected not only by the State programs
implementing IDEA, but also by child
care, home visiting programs, Head
Start, Early Head Start, and publicly
funded State preschool programs.
A coordinated early learning data
system should also vertically link a
State’s early childhood IDEA Part C and
Part B preschool data to other statewide
longitudinal data systems to the extent
that such systems collect data on the
quantitative and qualitative information
reported under IDEA. For example,
transition and child outcome
information are collected and analyzed
by State programs implementing the
IDEA but are also found in other data
systems of school-aged children, such as
pre-kindergarten (P)-grade 12 systems,
kindergarten (K)-grade 12 systems, Pgrade 20 systems, and K-grade 20
The Race to the Top—Early Learning
Challenge program 11 and the Statewide
Longitudinal Data System (SLDS)
program 12 identify the following as
essential data elements for a
10 Haug, A. & Arlbjorn, J.S. (2011). Barriers to
Master Data Quality. Journal of Enterprise
Information Management, 24(3), pp. 288–303.
11 For additional information on the Race to the
Top—Early Learning Challenge, please see: https://
12 For additional information on the SLDS
program, please see:
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coordinated early learning data
system: 13 14
1. A unique statewide child identifier
or another highly accurate, proven
method to link data on that child,
including Kindergarten Entry
Assessment 15 data, to and from the
Statewide Longitudinal Data System
and the coordinated early learning data
system (if applicable);
2. A unique statewide Early
Childhood Educator identifier;
3. A unique program site identifier;
4. Child and family demographic
5. Early Childhood Educator
demographic information, including
data on educational attainment and
State credential or licenses held, as well
as professional development
6. Program-level data on the
program’s structure, quality, child
suspension and expulsion rates, staff
retention, staff compensation, work
environment, and all applicable data
reported as part of the State’s Tiered
Quality Rating and Improvement
System; 16 and
13 U.S. Department of Education (2011). Race to
the Top—Early Learning Challenge Application for
Initial Funding. Retrieved March 13, 2012 from:
14 U.S. Department of Education (2011). Request
for Applications: Grants for Statewide, Longitudinal
Data Systems. Retrieved March 13, 2012 from:
15 For the purposes of this priority, ‘‘kindergarten
entry assessment’’ means ‘‘an assessment that: (a) Is
administered to children during the first few
months of their admission into kindergarten; (b)
covers all Essential Domains of School Readiness;
(c) is used in conformance with the
recommendations of the National Research Council
reports on early childhood; and (d) is valid and
reliable for its intended purposes and for the target
populations and aligned to the Early Learning and
Development Standards. Results of the assessment
should be used to inform efforts to close the school
readiness gap at kindergarten entry and to inform
instruction in the early elementary school grades.
This assessment should not be used to prevent
children’s entry into kindergarten’’ (U.S.
Department of Education, 2011, Race to the Top—
Early Learning Challenge Application for Initial
Funding, page 17).
16 For the purposes of this priority, ‘‘Tiered
Quality Rating and Improvement System’’ means
‘‘the system through which the State uses a set of
progressively higher Program Standards to evaluate
the quality of an Early Learning and Development
Program and to support program improvement. A
Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System
consists of four components: (a) Tiered Program
Standards with multiple rating categories that
clearly and meaningfully differentiate program
quality levels; (b) monitoring to evaluate program
quality based on the Program Standards; (c)
supports to help programs meet progressively
higher standards (e.g., through training, technical
assistance, financial support); and (d) program
quality ratings that are publically available; and
includes a process for validating the system’’ (U.S.
Department of Education, 2011, Race to the Top—
Early Learning Challenge Application for Initial
Funding, page 19).
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2012 / Notices
7. Child-level program participation
and attendance data.
Establishing coordinated early
learning data systems that have these
elements is important to improve the
quality of data because these systems
require States and other entities to
standardize data definitions and
submission procedures. Linking systems
also offers opportunities for States to
validate and analyze data across
programs to improve the quality of the
data States must report under the IDEA
to both the Department and the public.
For example, if Head Start data were
linked horizontally to data collected
under the Part B preschool program, a
State could validate the time the child
is spending in the regular early
childhood program for reporting on the
child’s educational environments and
Indicator B6, which is included in
Appendix A to this notice. A State
could also link its early intervention
data to its preschool data and its
preschool data to its K–12 data in order
to better interpret the State’s data on
preschool and early intervention
outcomes and transitions (i.e., IDEA
section 618 Exiting data, and Indicators
C3, C8, B7, and B12, which are included
in Appendices A and B to this notice).
If a State wanted to validate its data on
positive social-emotional skills reported
in Indicator C3, it might vertically link
its Early Intervention data to the State’s
Head Start data.
A statewide early childhood
longitudinal data system that links to a
statewide early childhood workforce
system, which includes data on IDEA
service providers’ qualifications, could
also allow States to improve the quality
of the personnel data they submit to
meet IDEA reporting requirements. By
linking data on children receiving
special education services in an IDEA
Part B, preschool program to data on
early childhood program providers and
those providers’ qualifications, a State
could validate its data on the
qualification status of special education
teachers, paraprofessionals, and related
services personnel who work with
young children with disabilities served
under IDEA.17
States recognize the need to improve
coordination in collecting, analyzing,
and reporting their early childhood
data. In their Federal fiscal year (FFY)
2009–10 APRs, a number of States
identified the importance of
horizontally and vertically linking or
sharing their early childhood data
17 States are required to report on the number of
special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and
related services personnel by qualification status in
the IDEA Personnel data collection.
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among various programs.18 19 The States
also identified as an improvement
activity for Indicators C3 (early
childhood outcome), C5 and C6 (child
count), and B12 (early childhood
transition), the importance of
developing and implementing methods
to share data across programs, such as
IDEA Part C and Part B preschool
programs, neonatal intensive care units,
Child Abuse and Prevention Treatment
Act programs, and Early Hearing
Detection and Intervention programs.
States also identified developing and
expanding comprehensive data systems
to capture, analyze, and report
performance data as an improvement
activity for Indicator C1 (timely service
provision), which is included in
Appendix B to this notice.
The Federal government has provided
support for States to develop and
implement data systems that coordinate
early learning and development data
through the Statewide Longitudinal
Data Systems program and the Race to
the Top—Early Learning Challenge
program. However, most statewide
longitudinal education data systems do
not yet include the data on infants,
toddlers, and children with disabilities
(birth through age 5) that are needed to
meet the IDEA reporting requirements.
For the reasons described, to support
States in the development and
enhancement of statewide early
childhood longitudinal data systems,
the Office of Special Education
Programs (OSEP) proposes a priority for
funding the National IDEA Technical
Assistance Center on Early Childhood
Longitudinal Data Systems. The center
would provide TA to States to help
them horizontally link data, including
child-level data, on the IDEA Part C and
Part B preschool programs with data
from other early learning and
development programs (e.g., child care,
home visiting programs, Head Start,
Early Head Start, and publicly-funded
State preschool programs and services)
and vertically link these data to other
statewide longitudinal education data
systems, including those funded under
the SLDS program grants (e.g., P–12
systems, K–12 systems, K–20 systems).
The TA would be focused on assisting
States to improve their capacity to
report high-quality data to meet their
IDEA reporting requirements through
the development or enhancement of a
statewide early childhood longitudinal
data system. The TA would include
18 2011 Part C Indicator Analysis Document.
(2011). Available at∼pdfs/partc/
19 2011 Part B Indicator Analysis Document.
(2011). Available at∼pdfs/sec619/
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helping States develop appropriate data
governance plans and ensure that the
entry, sharing, and reporting of
personally identifiable information into
the data systems complies with the
privacy protections under the applicable
IDEA Part B, IDEA Part C, and FERPA
requirements. Although this TA would
focus on the data used to meet IDEA
reporting requirements, we intend for
this early childhood data system to be
coordinated, and not conflict, with the
States’ ongoing work to build other
statewide longitudinal education data
systems, including those funded under
the SLDS program grants (e.g., P–12
systems, K–12 systems, and K–20
In addition, this TA center may, but
would not be required to, develop
software or implement data services
through advanced programing interfaces
(APIs) that permit data from disparate
statewide early childhood data systems,
statewide systems for school-aged
children (e.g., K–12 data systems, P–20
data systems), and any other early
learning data systems to be linked and
accessed from a single data dashboard.
Any software or other technology
developed through this grant would be
required to be made available as open
source and provided at no cost to States.
In order to ensure that software or other
technology developed through this grant
is versatile enough to be interoperable
with the different configurations of
statewide data systems related to IDEA
data collection and reporting
requirements in each State, the grantee
would be required to use the Common
Education Data Standards.20
Proposed Priority:
The purpose of this proposed priority
is to fund a cooperative agreement to
support the establishment and operation
of a National IDEA Technical Assistance
Center on Early Childhood Longitudinal
Data Systems (Center). This Center
would provide TA to States on the
development and enhancement of
statewide early childhood longitudinal
data systems to improve the States’
capacity to collect, analyze, and report
high-quality data required under
sections 616 and 618 of IDEA. This
Center must provide TA to States on
developing or enhancing statewide early
childhood longitudinal data systems
that horizontally link child-level data on
20 ‘‘The Common Education Data Standards is a
specified set of the most commonly used education
data elements to support the effective exchange of
data within and across States, as students transition
between educational sectors and levels, and for
federal reporting.’’ National Center for Education
Statistics. Common Education Data Standards.
Retrieved February 8, 2012 from:
programs/ceds/. For more information, see https://
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2012 / Notices
infants, toddlers, and young children
with disabilities (birth through age 5)
from one data system to child-level data
in other early learning data systems
(including those developed with
funding provided by the Department’s
Race to the Top—Early Learning
Challenge program), vertically link these
child-level data to statewide
longitudinal data systems for schoolaged children (including those
developed with funding provided by the
Department’s SLDS program), and meet
the data system capabilities and
elements described under paragraph (b)
in the Technical Assistance and
Dissemination Activities section of this
priority. These statewide early
childhood longitudinal data systems
should allow States to: (1) Accurately
and efficiently respond to IDEA-related
data submission requirements (e.g.,
IDEA sections 616 and 618
requirements); (2) continuously improve
processes for defining, acquiring, and
validating the data; and (3) comply with
applicable Federal, State, and local
privacy laws, including the
requirements of FERPA and privacy
requirements in IDEA. This TA must be
focused on building the State’s capacity
to report high-quality data to meet IDEA
reporting requirements and must be
conducted in coordination with other
statewide longitudinal data system work
being conducted in the State.
To be considered for funding under
this absolute priority, applicants must
meet the application requirements
contained in this priority. Any project
funded under this priority also must
meet the programmatic and
administrative requirements specified in
the priority.
Application Requirements. An
applicant must include in its
(a) A logic model that depicts, at a
minimum, the goals, activities, outputs,
and outcomes of the proposed project. A
logic model communicates how a
project will achieve its outcomes and
provides a framework for both the
formative and summative evaluations of
the project;
Note: The following Web sites provide
more information on logic models:
logicmodel_resource3c.html and
(b) A plan to implement the activities
described in the Project Activities
section of this priority;
(c) A plan, linked to the proposed
project’s logic model, for a formative
evaluation of the proposed project’s
activities. The plan must describe how
the formative evaluation will use clear
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performance objectives to ensure
continuous improvement in the
operation of the proposed project,
including objective measures of progress
in implementing the project and
ensuring the quality of products and
(d) A plan for recruiting and selecting
a minimum of 10 States to receive
intensive TA on developing or
enhancing their statewide early
childhood longitudinal data systems to
improve the States’ capacity to collect
and report high-quality data required
under sections 616 and 618 of IDEA.
This TA may include supporting each
State in developing a statewide early
childhood longitudinal data system that
links to other statewide data systems
(i.e., other statewide early learning data
systems and statewide longitudinal
education data systems) in order to
accurately and efficiently respond to all
of a State’s IDEA-related data
submission requirements for infants,
toddlers, and young children (birth
through age 5) with disabilities. The
intensive TA may also include
enhancing an existing statewide data
system (e.g., SLDS) by including the
child-level data on infants, toddlers, and
young children (birth through age 5)
with disabilities that are needed to meet
the IDEA reporting requirements. To
ensure that the Center provides TA to
support States in overcoming the
additional challenge of sharing early
childhood data between State agencies
(e.g., State Department of Health and
State Department of Education), when
selecting States for intensive TA, a
preference must be given to States that
have IDEA Part C lead agencies (LAs)
that are not the State educational agency
Note: The Center must obtain approval
from OSEP on the final selection of intensive
TA States.
(e) To prevent duplication of TA
efforts around early childhood data
systems, a plan for, and description of,
how the Center will collaborate with the
SLDS program (including SLDS TA
efforts 21), the Race to the Top—Early
Learning Challenge program, the
Common Education Data Standards
initiative, the Privacy Technical
Assistance Center,22 and, as
21 More information on the SLDS TA efforts is
available at
22 The Privacy Technical Assistance Center is one
component of the Department’s comprehensive
privacy initiatives. It offers technical assistance to
State education agencies, local education agencies,
and institutions of higher education related to the
Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality of student
records. For the Privacy Technical Assistance
Center Help Desk, email or call,
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appropriate, other Federal programs that
provide TA in the area of early
childhood data (e.g., Comprehensive
Centers program 23);
(f) A budget for a summative
evaluation to be conducted by an
independent third party;
(g) A budget for attendance at the
(1) A one and one-half day kick-off
meeting to be held in Washington, DC,
after receipt of the award, and an annual
planning meeting held in Washington,
DC, with the OSEP Project Officer and
other relevant staff during each
subsequent year of the project period.
Note: Within 30 days of the award a postaward teleconference must be held between
the OSEP Project Officer and grantee’s project
director or other authorized representative.
(2) A three-day Project Directors’
Conference in Washington, DC, during
each year of the project period.
(3) A two-day Leveraging Resources
Conference in Washington, DC, during
each year of the project period.
(4) Two two-day trips annually to
attend Department briefings,
Department-sponsored conferences, and
other meetings, as requested by OSEP;
(h) A line item in the proposed budget
for an annual set-aside of five percent of
the grant amount to support emerging
needs that are consistent with the
proposed project’s activities, as those
needs are identified in consultation
with OSEP.
Note: With approval from the OSEP Project
Officer, the Center must reallocate any
remaining funds from this annual set-aside
no later than the end of the third quarter of
each budget period.
Project Activities. To meet the
requirements of this priority, the Center,
at a minimum, must conduct the
following activities:
toll free, 855–249–3072. For more information, see
23 The Comprehensive Center program ‘‘supports
21 comprehensive centers to help increase state
capacity to assist districts and schools meet their
student achievement goals. The 16 regional centers
provide services primarily to State Education
Agencies (SEAs) to enable them to assist school
districts and schools, especially low performing
schools. At a minimum, each regional center
provides training and technical assistance in the
implementation and administration of programs
authorized under the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act (ESEA) and the use of research-based
information and strategies. The five content centers
focus on specific areas, with one center in each of
five areas: Assessment and accountability,
instruction, teacher quality, innovation and
improvement, and high schools. These centers
supply much of the research-based information and
products in the specific area that regional centers
use when working with SEAs.’’ U.S. Department of
Education. Comprehensive Centers Program.
Retrieved April 17, 2012 from:
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2012 / Notices
Knowledge Development Activities.
(a) Conduct a survey of all 56 Part C
LAs and 56 IDEA Part B preschool
programs administered by SEAs in the
first year to assess their capacity to
collect, analyze, and report high-quality
data required under sections 616 and
618 of IDEA and identify the policies
and practices that facilitate or hinder a
statewide early childhood longitudinal
data system to link to other early
learning data systems and the statewide
longitudinal educational data system for
school-aged children (e.g., SLDS).
Additionally, review State information
from sources such as SPPs and APRs to
assess State data system and data
quality needs for the 56 LAs that have
IDEA Part C programs and 56 SEAs that
have IDEA Part B preschool programs.
The Center must analyze the
information from the surveys, SPPs/
APRs, and other sources, as appropriate,
and prepare papers that summarize the
findings that can be disseminated
according to a dissemination plan
described in paragraph (f) of the
Technical Assistance and
Dissemination Activities section of this
priority. These findings must be used in
the selection of States for intensive TA.
(b) Using the findings from the survey
described in paragraph (a), identify a
minimum of four States to partner with
to develop a statewide early childhood
longitudinal data system framework (see
paragraph (c)). This framework will be
a TA resource for other States trying to
develop or enhance statewide early
childhood longitudinal data systems.
Each partnering State must have
commitments from its IDEA Part C early
intervention and Part B preschool
programs to participate in the activities
of the Center. Additionally, the
partnering States must be a combination
of States with Department of Education
LAs and non-Department of Education
LAs (e.g., State Departments of Health,
State Departments of Developmental
Services). Factors for consideration in
selecting these States could include the
demographic and geographic
characteristics of the State, the history
of data system development in the State,
and the collection and analysis of highquality data required under sections 616
and 618 of IDEA. There may be overlap
between these partnering States and
those States selected to receive intensive
TA. The Center must obtain approval
from OSEP on the final selection of
partnering States.
Note: To fulfill the requirements of
paragraph (b) of the Application
Requirements section of this priority,
applicants must describe the methods and
criteria they propose to use to recruit and
select the four partnering States.
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(c) Within the first year of the project
period, partner with the States
identified in paragraph (b) of this
section to develop, implement, and
evaluate a statewide early childhood
longitudinal data system framework for
IDEA Part C early intervention and Part
B preschool programs. In developing
this framework, the Center must work
with the partner States to identify,
describe, and document the components
and processes needed to develop or
enhance a statewide early childhood
longitudinal data system that provides
data necessary to accurately and
efficiently respond to reporting
requirements under sections 616 and
618 of IDEA and addresses the data
system requirements and capabilities
listed under paragraph (b) of the
Technical Assistance and
Dissemination Activities section of this
priority. Through this work, the Center
must develop guidance and exemplar
tools and processes that any State can
use to develop or enhance and
implement a statewide early childhood
longitudinal data system framework
within its unique setting.
(d) Develop documents and resources
on best practices and lessons learned
that can be used to improve States’
capacity to develop or enhance their
statewide early childhood longitudinal
data systems for the purposes of
collecting high-quality data required
under sections 616 and 618 of IDEA.
Technical Assistance and
Dissemination Activities.
(a) Provide intensive TA to a
minimum of 10 States to develop and
implement a project management and
data governance plan with the goal of a
fully implemented statewide early
childhood longitudinal data system, as
described in paragraph (b) of this
section. The intensive TA will be based
on the statewide early childhood
longitudinal data system framework
described in paragraph (b) of the
Knowledge Development Activities
section of this priority.
Note: To fulfill the requirements in
paragraph (a) in the Technical Assistance
and Dissemination Activities section of this
priority, applicants must describe the
methods and criteria they will use to recruit
and select States. The Center must obtain
approval from OSEP on the final selection of
intensive TA States.
(b) The statewide early childhood
longitudinal data system must meet the
following requirements:
(1) Have the following specific data
system capabilities:
(i) Enable the State staff to efficiently
respond to all IDEA-related data
submission requirements (e.g., sections
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616 and 618 data) with accurate and
valid IDEA data by—
(A) Improving the quality of IDEA
data related to child find, child count,
settings, and educational environments
data; and Indicators C2, C5, C6, and B6,
which are included in Appendices A
and B to this notice, by linking early
childhood IDEA Part C and Part B
preschool child-level data horizontally
to other statewide early learning data
systems when available (e.g., child care,
home visiting programs, Head Start,
Early Head Start, and publicly-funded
State preschool programs and services);
(B) Improving the quality of the IDEA
data related to early childhood and
preschool outcomes; and Indicators C3,
C8, B7, and B12 by linking early
childhood IDEA Part C and Part B
preschool child-level data vertically to
other statewide longitudinal education
data systems, including those funded
under the Department’s SLDS grants
(e.g., P–12 systems, K–12 systems, P–20
systems, and K–20 systems);
(C) Improving the quality of the IDEA
personnel data by linking child-level
early childhood IDEA Part C and Part B
preschool data with early intervention
and preschool service providers so that
an individual child may be matched
with the particular providers primarily
responsible for providing services to
that child; and
(D) Improving the quality of the data
about personnel providing services
under IDEA Part B by linking early
intervention and preschool service
providers with data on their
qualifications, certification, and
preparation programs, including the
institutions at which providers received
their training;
(ii) Enable the State to improve the
accuracy of the IDEA data through
validity and reliability checks (e.g., data
verification) and to provide access to the
information needed to analyze and
explain progress or slippage in the Parts
B and C indicators;
(iii) Enable the State to examine
progress in the implementation of IDEA
(e.g., improving transitions from Part C
to Part B IDEA services) and the
outcomes (e.g., social-emotional skills,
the use of appropriate behaviors to meet
needs, and the acquisition and use of
knowledge and skills) over time of
infants, toddlers, and young children
receiving services under IDEA and
ensure data are easily generated for
analysis and decision-making, including
timely reporting to various IDEA Part C
and preschool service providers across
the State on the progress of infants,
toddlers, and young children receiving
services under IDEA; and
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2012 / Notices
(iv) Ensure the quality (i.e., validity
and reliability) of all data.
(2) In order to improve the State’s
capacity to collect and analyze highquality data, have the following data
system elements:
(i) A unique statewide child identifier
accepted by, and aligned with, the
State’s P–20/P–12 unique identifier that
does not permit a child to be
individually identified by users of the
system (except as allowed by Federal
and State law).
(ii) An early intervention and
preschool service provider identifier
system with the ability to match early
intervention and preschool service
providers to children;
(iii) Child-level enrollment,
demographic, and program participation
(iv) Child-level data on the
identification of the child under IDEA
(including data on the timeliness of the
child’s evaluation and assessment) and
services identified as needed and
received, including timeliness of
services and service settings.
(v) Child and family outcome 24 data.
(vi) Child-level data about the points
at which children start and stop
receiving early intervention services or
preschool special education services
(including reasons for exiting).
(vii) Child-level data about the extent
to which children receive timely
transition planning to support their
movement to preschool and other
appropriate community services by their
third birthday.
(viii) A State data audit system to
assess data quality (i.e., reliability and
(3) Have a data system
interoperability plan that—
(i) Allows for linking the statewide
early childhood longitudinal data
systems to other statewide longitudinal
education data systems and other
statewide early learning data systems;
(ii) Complies with applicable Federal,
State, and local privacy laws, including
the requirements of FERPA and the
privacy requirements in IDEA.
(c) Develop and coordinate a national
TA network comprised of a cadre of
experts that the Center will use to
provide TA to States to assist them in
developing or enhancing statewide early
24 An outcome is formed by the impact that
services and supports have on the functioning of
children and families. Early Childhood Outcome
Center. Outcomes 101: ECO Q&A. Available at:∼eco/pages/
faqs_view_item.cfm?id=7. For further information
on early childhood child and family outcomes, see
the Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) Center Web
site (∼eco/index.cfm).
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childhood longitudinal data systems to
improve States’ capacity to collect and
report high-quality data required under
sections 616 and 618 of IDEA, which
may include the development of open
source data system software that
addresses the unique needs of each
State. General TA will be provided to all
States and intensive TA will be
provided to a minimum of 10 States.
(d) Provide a continuum of general
TA and dissemination activities (e.g.,
managing Web sites, listservs, and
communities of practice, and holding
conferences and training institutes) on
best practices that promote the efficient
collection of accurate and valid data
required under sections 616 and 618 of
IDEA to improve the educational results
and functional outcomes of all children
with disabilities.
(e) Maintain a Web site that meets
government or industry-recognized
standards for accessibility and that links
to the Web site operated by the
Technical Assistance Coordination
Center (TACC).25
(f) Prepare and disseminate reports,
documents, and other materials on
statewide early childhood longitudinal
data systems, and related topics as
requested by OSEP for specific
audiences including IDEA Part C LAs,
SEAs, policymakers, local educational
agencies, service providers, and
teachers. In consultation with the OSEP
Project Officer, make selected reports,
documents, and other materials
available for Part C LAs, SEAs,
policymakers, local educational
agencies, service providers, and teachers
in both English and Spanish.
(g) Develop materials and guidance
for States and provide targeted TA
related to the performance and
compliance indicator(s) on their APRs
and SPPs, as requested by OSEP.
Leadership and Coordination
(a) Establish and maintain an advisory
committee to review the activities and
outcomes of the Center and provide
programmatic support and advice
throughout the project period. At a
minimum, the advisory committee must
meet annually in Washington, DC, and
consist of representatives of IDEA Part
C LAs, representatives of SEAs,
individuals with disabilities, other TA
providers, parents of individuals with
disabilities, data system experts,
representatives of other early learning
and development programs,
representatives of other Federal offices
working to improve State data systems,
25 For more information regarding the TACC
products and services database, please see:
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and software developers with expertise
in statewide longitudinal data systems
and interoperability. The Center must
submit the names of proposed members
of the advisory committee to OSEP for
approval within eight weeks after
receipt of the award.
(b) Communicate and collaborate, on
an ongoing basis, with OSEP-funded
projects and other relevant Federalfunded projects, including the SLDS
program, SLDS TA efforts,26 the Race to
the Top—Early Learning Challenge
program, the Common Education Data
Standards initiative,27 the Privacy
Technical Assistance Center, and, as
appropriate, other Federal programs that
provide TA in the area of early
childhood data (e.g., Comprehensive
Centers program). This collaboration
could include the joint development of
products, the coordination of TA
services, and the planning and carrying
out of TA meetings and events.
(c) Participate in, organize, or
facilitate communities of practice if they
align with the needs of the project’s
target audience. Communities of
practice should align with the project’s
objectives to support discussions and
collaboration among key stakeholders.
The following Web site provides more
information on communities of practice:
(d) Prior to developing any new
product, submit a proposal for the
product to the TACC database for
approval from the OSEP Project Officer.
The development of new products
should be consistent with the product
definition and guidelines posted on the
TACC Web site (
(e) Contribute, on an ongoing basis,
updated information on the Center’s
approved and finalized products and
services to a database at the TACC.
(f) Coordinate with the National
Dissemination Center for Individuals
with Disabilities to develop an efficient
and high-quality dissemination strategy
that reaches broad audiences. The
Center must report to the OSEP Project
Officer the outcomes of these
coordination efforts.
(g) Maintain ongoing communication
with the OSEP Project Officer through
26 More information on the SLDS TA efforts is
available at
27 ‘‘The Common Education Data Standards is a
specified set of the most commonly used education
data elements to support the effective exchange of
data within and across States, as students transition
between educational sectors and levels, and for
federal reporting.’’ National Center for Education
Statistics. Common Education Data Standards.
Retrieved February 8, 2012 from: https://nces.ed.
gov/programs/ceds/. For more information, see
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2012 / Notices
monthly phone conversations and email
Fourth and Fifth Years of the Project:
In deciding whether to continue
funding the Center for the fourth and
fifth years, the Secretary will consider
the requirements of 34 CFR 75.253(a),
and in addition—
(a) The recommendation of a review
team consisting of experts selected by
the Secretary. This review will be
conducted during a one-day intensive
meeting in Washington, DC, that will be
held during the last half of the second
year of the project period. The Center
must budget for travel expenses
associated with this one-day intensive
(b) The timeliness and effectiveness
with which all requirements of the
negotiated cooperative agreement have
been or are being met by the Center; and
(c) The quality, relevance, and
usefulness of the Center’s activities and
products and the degree to which the
Center’s activities and products have
contributed to changed practice and
improved the States’ capacity to collect
and report high-quality data required
under sections 616 and 618 of IDEA by
developing and enhancing of statewide
early childhood longitudinal data
Types of Priorities:
When inviting applications for a
competition using one or more
priorities, we designate the type of each
priority as absolute, competitive
preference, or invitational through a
notice in the Federal Register. The
effect of each type of priority follows:
Absolute priority: Under an absolute
priority, we consider only applications
that meet the priority (34 CFR
Competitive preference priority:
Under a competitive preference priority,
we give competitive preference to an
application by (1) awarding additional
points, depending on the extent to
which the application meets the priority
(34 CFR 75.105(c)(2)(i)); or (2) selecting
an application that meets the priority
over an application of comparable merit
that does not meet the priority (34 CFR
Invitational priority: Under an
invitational priority, we are particularly
interested in applications that meet the
priority. However, we do not give an
application that meets the priority a
preference over other applications (34
CFR 75.105(c)(1)).
Final Priority:
We will announce the final priority in
a notice in the Federal Register. We will
determine the final priority after
considering responses to this notice and
other information available to the
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Department. This notice does not
preclude us from proposing additional
priorities subject to meeting applicable
rulemaking requirements.
Note: This notice does not solicit
applications. In any year in which we choose
to use this priority, we invite applications
through a notice in the Federal Register.
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563:
Under Executive Order 12866, the
Secretary must determine whether this
regulatory action is ‘‘significant’’ and,
therefore, subject to the requirements of
the Executive Order and subject to
review by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB). Section 3(f) of Executive
Order 12866 defines a ‘‘significant
regulatory action’’ as an action likely to
result in a rule that may—
(1) Have an annual effect on the
economy of $100 million or more, or
adversely affect a sector of the economy,
productivity, competition, jobs, the
environment, public health or safety, or
State, local or Tribal governments or
communities in a material way (also
referred to as an ‘‘economically
significant’’ rule);
(2) Create serious inconsistency or
otherwise interfere with an action taken
or planned by another agency;
(3) Materially alter the budgetary
impacts of entitlement grants, user fees,
or loan programs or the rights and
obligations of recipients thereof; or
(4) Raise novel legal or policy issues
arising out of legal mandates, the
President’s priorities, or the principles
stated in the Executive Order.
This proposed regulatory action is not
a significant regulatory action subject to
review by OMB under section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866.
We have also reviewed this proposed
regulatory action under Executive Order
13563, which supplements and
explicitly reaffirms the principles,
structures, and definitions governing
regulatory review established in
Executive Order 12866. To the extent
permitted by law, Executive Order
13563 requires that an agency—
(1) Propose or adopt regulations only
on a reasoned determination that their
benefits justify their costs (recognizing
that some benefits and costs are difficult
to quantify);
(2) Tailor its regulations to impose the
least burden on society, consistent with
obtaining regulatory objectives and
taking into account—among other things
and to the extent practicable—the costs
of cumulative regulations;
(3) In choosing among alternative
regulatory approaches, select those
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety,
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and other advantages; distributive
impacts; and equity);
(4) To the extent feasible, specify
performance objectives, rather than the
behavior or manner of compliance a
regulated entity must adopt; and
(5) Identify and assess available
alternatives to direct regulation,
including economic incentives—such as
user fees or marketable permits—to
encourage the desired behavior, or
provide information that enables the
public to make choices.
Executive Order 13563 also requires
an agency ‘‘to use the best available
techniques to quantify anticipated
present and future benefits and costs as
accurately as possible.’’ The Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs of
OMB has emphasized that these
techniques may include ‘‘identifying
changing future compliance costs that
might result from technological
innovation or anticipated behavioral
We are proposing this priority only on
a reasoned determination that its
benefits justify its costs. In choosing
among alternative regulatory
approaches, we selected those
approaches that maximize net benefits.
Based on the analysis that follows, the
Department believes that these
regulations are consistent with the
principles in Executive Order 13563.
We also have determined that this
regulatory action would not unduly
interfere with State, local, and Tribal
governments in the exercise of their
governmental functions.
In accordance with both Executive
Orders, the Department has assessed the
potential costs and benefits of this
regulatory action. The potential costs
associated with this regulatory action
are those resulting from statutory
requirements and those we have
determined as necessary for
administering the Department’s
programs and activities.
Intergovernmental Review: This
program is subject to Executive Order
12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR
part 79. One of the objectives of the
Executive order is to foster an
intergovernmental partnership and a
strengthened federalism. The Executive
Order relies on processes developed by
State and local governments for
coordination and review of proposed
Federal financial assistance.
This document provides early
notification of our specific plans and
actions for this program.
Accessible Format: Individuals with
disabilities can obtain this document in
an accessible format (e.g., braille, large
print, audiotape, or compact disc) on
request to the program contact person
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2012 / Notices
Electronic Access to This Document:
The official version of this document is
the document published in the Federal
Register. Free Internet access to the
official edition of the Federal Register
and the Code of Federal Regulations is
available via the Federal Digital System
at: At this site you
can view this document, as well as all
other documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Adobe Portable Document
Format (PDF). To use PDF you must
have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at the site.
You may also access documents of the
Department published in the Federal
Register by using the article search
feature at:
Specifically, through the advanced
search feature at this site, you can limit
your search to documents published by
the Department.
Dated: April 30, 2012.
Alexa Posny,
Assistant Secretary for Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services.
Appendix A—IDEA Part B SPP/APR
The Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA) reporting requirements
include a State’s submission of data as part
of its State Performance Plan (SPP) and
Annual Performance Report (APR) under
section 616 of IDEA. In the APR, each State
must report to the Department on its progress
in meeting the measurable and rigorous
targets for each of the following Part B
1. Percent of youth with individualized
education programs (IEPs) graduating from
high school with a regular diploma.
2. Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out
of high school.
3. Participation and performance of
children with IEPs on statewide assessments:
A. Percent of the districts with a disability
subgroup that meets the State’s minimum
‘‘n’’ size that meet the State’s adequate yearly
progress (AYP) targets for the disability
B. Participation rate for children with IEPs;
C. Proficiency rate for children with IEPs
against grade level, modified and alternate
academic achievement standards.
4. Rates of suspension and expulsion:
A. Percent of districts that have a
significant discrepancy in the rate of
suspensions and expulsions of greater than
10 days in a school year for children with
IEPs; and
B. Percent of districts that have: (a) A
significant discrepancy, by race or ethnicity,
in the rate of suspensions and expulsions of
greater than 10 days in a school year for
children with IEPs; and (b) policies,
procedures or practices that contribute to the
significant discrepancy and do not comply
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with requirements relating to the
development and implementation of IEPs,
the use of positive behavioral interventions
and supports, and procedural safeguards.
5. Percent of children with IEPs aged 6
through 21 served:
A. Inside the regular class 80 percent or
more of the day;
B. Inside the regular class less than 40
percent of the day; and
C. In separate schools, residential facilities,
or homebound/hospital placements.
6. Percent of children aged 3 through 5
with IEPs attending a:
A. Regular early childhood program and
receiving the majority of special education
and related services in the regular early
childhood program; and
B. Separate special education class,
separate school or residential facility.
7. Percent of preschool children aged 3
through 5 with IEPs who demonstrate
A. Positive social-emotional skills
(including social relationships);
B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and
skills (including early language/
communication and early literacy); and
C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet
their needs.
8. Percent of parents with a child receiving
special education services who report that
schools facilitated parent involvement as a
means of improving services and results for
children with disabilities.
9. Percent of districts with
disproportionate representation of racial and
ethnic groups in special education and
related services that is the result of
inappropriate identification.
10. Percent of districts with
disproportionate representation of racial and
ethnic groups in specific disability categories
that is the result of inappropriate
11. Percent of children who were evaluated
within 60 days of receiving parental consent
for initial evaluation or, if the State
establishes a timeframe within which the
evaluation must be conducted, within that
12. Percent of children referred by Part C
prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part
B, and who have an IEP developed and
implemented by their third birthdays.
13. Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and
above with an IEP that includes appropriate
measurable postsecondary goals that are
annually updated and based upon an age
appropriate transition assessment, transition
services, including courses of study, that will
reasonably enable the student to meet those
postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals
related to the student’s transition services
needs. There also must be evidence that the
student was invited to the IEP Team meeting
where transition services are to be discussed
and evidence that, if appropriate, a
representative of any participating agency
was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the
prior consent of the parent or student who
has reached the age of majority.
14. Percent of youth who are no longer in
secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the
time they left school, and were:
A. Enrolled in higher education within one
year of leaving high school.
PO 00000
Frm 00044
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
B. Enrolled in higher education or
competitively employed within one year of
leaving high school.
C. Enrolled in higher education or in some
other postsecondary education or training
program; or competitively employed or in
some other employment within one year of
leaving high school.
15. General supervision system (including
monitoring, complaints, hearings, etc.)
identifies and corrects noncompliance as
soon as possible but in no case later than one
year from identification.
16. Percent of signed written complaints
with reports issued that were resolved within
60-day timeline or a timeline extended for
exceptional circumstances with respect to a
particular complaint, or because the parent
(or individual or organization) and the public
agency agree to extend the time to engage in
mediation or other alternative means of
dispute resolution, if available in the State.
17. Percent of adjudicated due process
hearing requests that were adjudicated
within the 45-day timeline or a timeline that
is properly extended by the hearing officer at
the request of either party or in the case of
an expedited hearing, within the required
18. Percent of hearing requests that went to
resolution sessions that were resolved
through resolution session settlement
19. Percent of mediations held that
resulted in mediation agreements.
20. State reported data (618 and State
Performance Plan and Annual Performance
Report) are timely and accurate.
Appendix B—IDEA Part C SPP/APR
The Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA) reporting requirements
include a State’s submission of data as part
of its State Performance Plan (SPP) and
Annual Performance Report (APR) under
section 616 of IDEA. In the APR, each State
must report to the Department on its progress
in meeting the measurable and rigorous
targets for each of the following Part C
1. Percent of infants and toddlers with
individualized family service plans (IFSPs)
who receive the early intervention services
on their IFSPs in a timely manner.
2. Percent of infants and toddlers with
IFSPs who primarily receive early
intervention services in the home or
community-based settings.
3. Percent of infants and toddlers with
IFSPs who demonstrate improved:
A. Positive social-emotional skills
(including social relationships);
B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and
skills (including early language/
communication); and
C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet
their needs.
4. Percent of families participating in Part
C who report that early intervention services
have helped the family:
A. Know their rights;
B. Effectively communicate their children’s
needs; and
C. Help their children develop and learn.
5. Percent of infants and toddlers birth to
1 with IFSPs compared to national data.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 87 / Friday, May 4, 2012 / Notices
6. Percent of infants and toddlers birth to
3 with IFSPs compared to national data.
7. Percent of eligible infants and toddlers
with IFSPs for whom an initial evaluation
and initial assessment and an initial IFSP
meeting were conducted within Part C’s 45day timeline.
8. The percentage of toddlers with
disabilities exiting Part C with timely
transition planning for whom the Lead
Agency has:
A. Developed an IFSP with transition steps
and services at least 90 days, and at the
discretion of all parties, not more than nine
months, prior to the toddler’s third birthday;
B. Notified (consistent with any opt-out
policy adopted by the State) the SEA and the
LEA where the toddler resides at least 90
days prior to the toddler’s third birthday for
toddlers potentially eligible for Part B
preschool services; and
C. Conducted the transition conference
held with the approval of the family at least
90 days, and at the discretion of all parties,
not more than nine months, prior to the
toddler’s third birthday for toddlers
potentially eligible for Part B preschool
9. General supervision system (including
monitoring, complaints, hearings, etc.)
identifies and corrects noncompliance as
soon as possible but in no case later than one
year from identification.
10. Percent of signed written complaints
with reports issued that were resolved within
60-day timeline or a timeline extended for
exceptional circumstances with respect to a
particular complaint, or because the parent
(or individual or organization) and the public
agency agree to extend the time to engage in
mediation or other alternative means of
dispute resolution, if available in the State.
11. Percent of fully adjudicated due
process hearing requests that were fully
adjudicated within the applicable timeline or
a timeline that is properly extended by the
hearing officer at the request of either party.
12. Percent of hearing requests that went to
resolution sessions that were resolved
through resolution session settlement
agreements (applicable if Part B due process
procedures are adopted).
13. Percent of mediations held that
resulted in mediation agreements.
14. State reported data (618 and State
Performance Plan and Annual Performance
Report) are timely and accurate.
[FR Doc. 2012–10831 Filed 5–3–12; 8:45 am]
[Docket ID ED–2012–OESE–0009]
Request for Information To Gather
Technical Expertise Pertaining to the
Disaggregation of Asian and Native
Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
Student Data and the Use of Those
Data in Planning and Programmatic
Office of Elementary and
Secondary Education, Department of
VerDate Mar<15>2010
15:20 May 03, 2012
Jkt 226001
Request for Information.
The U.S. Department of
Education (the Department) is seeking to
gather and share information about
practices and policies regarding existing
education data systems that disaggregate
data on subgroups within the Asian and
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Island
(ANHPI) student population. The
Department anticipates making use of
this information to help State
educational agencies (SEAs), local
educational agencies (LEAs), schools,
and institutions of higher education
(IHEs) identify, share, and implement
promising practices and policies for
identifying and overcoming challenges
to gathering and disaggregating data on
subgroups within the ANHPI student
population. SEAs, LEAs, schools, and
IHEs might then use those data to
improve their ability to respond to the
unique needs and issues that might exist
for these subgroups.
The Department is issuing this request
for information (RFI) to collect
information about promising practices
and policies regarding existing
education data systems and models that
disaggregate data on subgroups within
the ANHPI student population. The
Department poses a series of questions
to which we invite interested members
of the public, including experts and data
collection practitioners, to respond. The
Department will publish a document
that contains a summary of the
recommendations that we will develop
using information obtained as a result of
the RFI and through other outreach
This RFI has no effect on the existing
Federal data collection and aggregate
reporting requirements for racial and
ethnic data by educational agencies and
institutions. The Department is not
considering modifying its racial and
ethnic data collection and reporting
requirements set forth in its 2007 Final
Guidance on Maintaining, Collecting,
and Reporting Racial and Ethnic Data to
the U.S. Department of Education (2007
Guidance), 72 FR 59266 (October 19,
DATES: Written submissions must be
received by the Department on or before
July 3, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments
through the Federal eRulemaking Portal
or via U.S. mail, commercial delivery, or
hand delivery. We will not accept
comments by fax or by email. To ensure
that we do not receive duplicate copies,
please submit your comments only one
time. In addition, please include the
Docket ID and the term ‘‘Data
PO 00000
Frm 00045
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Disaggregation Response’’ at the top of
your comments.
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to to submit your
comments electronically. Information
on using, including
instructions for accessing agency
documents, submitting comments, and
viewing the docket, is available on the
site under ‘‘How to Use This Site.’’
• U.S. Mail, Commercial Delivery, or
Hand Delivery: If you mail or deliver
your comments, address them to Donald
Yu, Attention: ANHPI Student Data
Disaggregation RFI, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW.,
room 7C157, Washington, DC 20202–
• Privacy Note: The Department’s
policy for comments received from
members of the public (including
comments submitted by mail,
commercial delivery, or hand delivery)
is to make these submissions available
for public viewing in their entirety on
the Federal eRulemaking Portal at Therefore,
commenters should be careful to
include in their comments only
information that they wish to make
publicly available on the Internet.
Given the subject matter, some
comments may include proprietary
information as it relates to confidential
commercial information. The Freedom
of Information Act defines ‘‘confidential
commercial information’’ as information
the disclosure of which could
reasonably be expected to cause
substantial competitive harm. You may
wish to request that we not disclose
what you regard as confidential
commercial information.
To assist us in making a
determination on your request, we
encourage you to identify any specific
information in your comments that you
consider confidential commercial
information. Please list the information
by page and paragraph numbers.
While this RFI is seeking to gather
information related to policies and
practices, you should still make certain
your comments do not include
disclosures of personally identifiable
information from students’ education
records in a manner that violates the
Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act of 1974 (FERPA).
Donald Yu, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW.,
Room 3W104, Washington, DC 20202–
6132 by phone at 202–205–4499.
If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD), call the
Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll free, at
1–(800) 877–8339.
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 87 (Friday, May 4, 2012)]
[Pages 26522-26531]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-10831]
Proposed Priority; Technical Assistance on State Data Collection,
Analysis, and Reporting--National IDEA Technical Assistance Center on
Early Childhood Longitudinal Data Systems; CFDA Number 84.373Z
AGENCY: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services,
Department of Education.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Assistant Secretary for Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services proposes a priority under the Technical
Assistance on State Data Collection program. The Assistant Secretary
may use this priority for competitions in fiscal year (FY) 2012 and
later years. We take this action to focus attention on an identified
national need to provide technical assistance (TA) to States to improve
their capacity to meet the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA) data collection, analysis, and reporting requirements.
We propose to assist States in developing or enhancing statewide
early childhood longitudinal data systems, by which we mean data
systems that include child-level data for infants, toddlers, and young
children with disabilities (birth through age 5) served through early
childhood programs under IDEA Part C and Part B preschool programs.
These statewide early childhood longitudinal data systems would be part
of a coordinated early learning data system, by which we mean data
systems that vertically and horizontally link child, program, and
workforce data elements related to children (birth through age 5). This
TA will build States' capacity to report high-quality data to meet IDEA
reporting requirements.
DATES: We must receive your comments on or before July 18, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Address all comments about this notice to Meredith Miceli,
U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW., room 4069,
Potomac Center Plaza, Washington, DC 20202-2600. If you prefer to send
your comments by email, use the following address:
You must include the term ``Data Collection Priority'' in the
subject line of your electronic message.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Meredith Miceli. Telephone: (202) 245-
If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or a text
telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll free, at 1-
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Invitation To Comment: We invite you to
submit comments regarding this notice. To ensure that your comments
have maximum effect in developing the notice of final priority, we urge
you to identify clearly the specific topic that each comment addresses.
We invite you to assist us in complying with the specific
requirements of Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 and their overall
requirement of reducing regulatory burden that might result from this
proposed priority. Please let us know of any further ways we could
reduce potential costs or increase potential benefits while preserving
the effective and efficient administration of the program.
During and after the comment period, you may inspect all public
comments about this notice in room 4069, 550 12th Street SW., Potomac
Center Plaza, Washington, DC, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00
p.m., Washington, DC time, Monday through Friday of each week except
Federal holidays.
Assistance to Individuals With Disabilities in Reviewing the
Rulemaking Record: On request we will provide an appropriate
accommodation or auxiliary aid to an individual with a disability who
needs assistance to review the comments or other documents in the
public rulemaking record for this notice. If you want to schedule an
appointment for this type of accommodation or auxiliary aid, please
[[Page 26523]]
contact the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
Purpose of Program: The purpose of the Technical Assistance on
State Data Collection program is to improve the capacity of States to
meet IDEA data collection and reporting requirements. Funding for the
program is authorized under section 611(c)(1) of IDEA, which gives the
Secretary the authority to reserve funds appropriated under Part B to
provide TA activities authorized under section 616(i). Section 616(i)
requires the Secretary to review the data collection and analysis
capacity of States to ensure that data and information determined
necessary for implementation of section 616 of IDEA are collected,
analyzed, and accurately reported. It also requires the Secretary to
provide TA, where needed, to improve the capacity of States to meet the
data collection requirements under IDEA.
Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1411(c), 1416(i), and 1418(c).
This notice contains one proposed priority.
National IDEA Technical Assistance Center on Early Childhood
Longitudinal Data Systems.
Background: States must provide an assurance that they will meet
the Federal reporting requirements under the IDEA Part C and Part B
preschool programs in order to receive these IDEA grant funds. IDEA
reporting requirements include a State's submission of data as part of
its State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR)
under section 616 of IDEA, as well as data required under section 618
of IDEA.
In the APR, each State must report to the Department on its
progress in meeting the measurable and rigorous targets for each of the
Part C indicators and Part B indicators.\1\ Each State must report to
the public, by posting on the State agency's Web site, data on the
performance of each local program in meeting the targets under each
indicator. In the APR, States must also provide both quantitative data
under each of the indicators and qualitative information, such as an
explanation of how the State's data reflect progress or lack of
progress (i.e., ``slippage'') in meeting the State's targets under each
indicator, and an analysis of how the State's improvement activities
\2\ address the factors that contributed to the State's progress or
slippage in the data for each indicator. In the SPP, a State identifies
and, where appropriate, revises its improvement activities based on its
analysis of this qualitative and quantitative information.
\1\ The following Web sites provide more information on the 616
SPP/APR Indicators: and
\2\ States are required to describe the improvement activities
they implemented to improve performance for each indicator,
including activities, timelines, and resources, in the Annual
Performance Report under section 616 of IDEA. Source: Part C State
Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR)
Instruction Sheet. Available from:
Additionally, under section 618 of IDEA, States are required to
annually collect and report data on infants, toddlers, and children
with disabilities. States provide data on the number of eligible
children served (``child count''), educational environments,
discipline, dispute resolution, and personnel employed to provide
services for children with disabilities, including children from ages 3
through 5 receiving services under IDEA Part B. States must also
collect and report child count, exiting, dispute resolution, and
service settings data for infants and toddlers receiving services under
IDEA Part C.\3\
\3\ The following Web sites provide more information on IDEA 618
data tables: and
States, however, face significant practical challenges in
successfully reporting to the Department and to the public the high-
quality data required under the IDEA. The data States are required to
collect and report in their IDEA Part B and Part C APRs include
preschool and early intervention data that may be maintained by more
than one entity, and each program needs information and data that are
maintained by another program.
For example, to obtain accurate early childhood transition data to
report under SPP/APR Indicators C8 and B12, which are included in
Appendices A and B to this notice, sharing information between the IDEA
Part C early intervention program and the IDEA Part B preschool program
is required. Additionally, in order to analyze and report on the Part C
child find \4\ data under SPP/APR Indicators C5 and C6, which are
included in Appendix B to this notice, the State must cross-validate
its early intervention data with data from specific primary referral
sources (e.g., the newborn hearing screening programs, maternal and
child health or other programs that do not provide IDEA services) that
may not be part of an IDEA early childhood data system. Even in
situations where States are sharing data to meet IDEA reporting
requirements, there are concerns about the quality of the data shared
between agencies. In addition, appropriately sharing personally
identifiable information between and among the various State agencies
responsible for managing the data systems, while still ensuring
compliance with the privacy protections under the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and IDEA Parts B and C, is a challenge
for many States (Keller-Allen, 2009).\5\
\4\ For the purposes of this priority, ``child find'' is defined
as ``all children with disabilities residing in the State, including
children with disabilities who are homeless children or are wards of
the State and children with disabilities attending private schools,
regardless of the severity of their disabilities, and who are in
need of special education and related services, are identified,
located, and evaluated and a practical method is developed and
implemented to determine which children with disabilities are
currently receiving needed special education and related services''
(20 U.S.C. 1412(a)(3)(A)).
\5\ Keller-Allen, C. (April 2009). Using unique identifiers to
promote data sharing between Part C and Part B. Retrieved August 24,
2010 from:
States can address these challenges, in part, by coordinating their
data systems to link and share certain child-level data vertically
(i.e., across different age ranges) across programs serving children
with disabilities at different age ranges over time (i.e., birth
through age 2, age 3 through 5/preschool, age 6 through 21/school age).
States can also improve their IDEA data reporting by linking and
sharing data horizontally (sharing data across programs for the same
child) across various early learning and development programs \6\
serving infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities at a
particular time (e.g., child care, home visiting programs, Head Start,
Early Head Start, and publicly unded State preschool programs and
services). Taking these steps can help States improve the quality
(i.e., reliability and validity) of the qualitative and
[[Page 26524]]
quantitative data they must report to meet IDEA reporting requirements.
In developing such a data system, a State must also meet critical data
management, governance, and requirements to protect the confidentiality
of these infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities and
their families.
\6\ For the purposes of this priority, ``early learning and
development program'' means ``any (a) State-licensed or State-
regulated program or provider, regardless of setting or funding
source, that provides early care and education for children from
birth to kindergarten entry, including, but not limited to, any
program operated by a child care center or in a family child care
home; (b) preschool program funded by the Federal Government or
State or local educational agencies (including any IDEA-funded
program); (c) Early Head Start and Head Start program; and (d) a
non-relative child care provider who is not otherwise regulated by
the State and who regularly cares for two or more unrelated children
for a fee in a provider setting. A State should include in this
definition other programs that may deliver early learning and
development services in a child's home, such as the Maternal, Infant
and Early Childhood Home Visiting; Early Head Start; and part C of
IDEA.'' 76 FR 53569 (August 26, 2011). Application for New Awards:
Race to the Top--Early Learning Challenge. Available at:
As previously noted, within a State, data about children with
disabilities from birth through age 5 typically originate from multiple
sources and are managed and stored within multiple organizations with
different operating procedures. Therefore, in order to coordinate and
report high-quality data to meet the IDEA reporting requirements, a
State must implement a data governance plan. Many States, however, may
not have sufficiently detailed governance plans for data on infants,
toddlers, and children with disabilities.
Data governance provides a structure for a diverse group with
shared responsibility for high-quality data to establish and implement
policies and procedures to manage data and information (Privacy
Technical Assistance Center, n.d.\7\) and evaluate and address data
quality issues (Cheong & Chang, 2007; \8\ Neely & Cook, 2011 \9\).
Examples of data quality issues related to the data that are collected
on children with disabilities include timeliness of data submissions to
the Department, accuracy of data elements being reported, and
completeness of data submissions. Thus, a data governance plan would
provide an organizing structure that would build shared understanding
among agencies that collect such data about responsibilities, policies,
and procedures for data quality management, and it would clarify
expectations for data and information management including those for
personnel who collect, store, validate, and use the data. Such a plan
would also allow the State to meet its responsibilities to ensure that
child-level data are maintained securely and that the State meets the
confidentiality requirements under IDEA and FERPA and other applicable
Federal, State, and local confidentiality requirements (Haug &
Arlbjorn, 2011; \10\ Neely & Cook, 2011).
\7\ Privacy Technical Assistance Center. Data Governance and
Stewardship. Retrieved on April 17, 2012 from:
\8\ Cheoung, L.K. & Chang, V. (2007). The Need for Data
Governance: A Case Study. ACIS 2007 Proceedings. Paper 100.
\9\ Neely, M.P., Cook, J.S. (2011). Fifteen Years of Data and
Information Quality Literature: Developing a Research Agenda for
Accounting. Journal of Information Systems, 25(1), pp. 79-108.
\10\ Haug, A. & Arlbjorn, J.S. (2011). Barriers to Master Data
Quality. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 24(3), pp.
Under the priority we are proposing in this notice, the grantee
would be required to assist States in meeting these challenges, and
specifically to provide TA to States on the development and enhancement
of statewide early childhood longitudinal data systems that link child-
level data for children served under the IDEA that are collected
through those programs providing IDEA services to those other programs
that provide early childhood education, care, and health services to
children served under the IDEA. These statewide early childhood
longitudinal data systems would be part of a State's coordinated early
learning data system, by which we mean a data system that vertically
and horizontally links child, program, and workforce data related to
children (birth through age 5).
Thus, such a system should horizontally link States' early
childhood IDEA Part C and Part B preschool data to other early learning
data systems to the extent that such systems collect data that are
similar to the quantitative and qualitative information reported under
IDEA. For example, data on the settings in which children receive
services are collected not only by the State programs implementing
IDEA, but also by child care, home visiting programs, Head Start, Early
Head Start, and publicly funded State preschool programs.
A coordinated early learning data system should also vertically
link a State's early childhood IDEA Part C and Part B preschool data to
other statewide longitudinal data systems to the extent that such
systems collect data on the quantitative and qualitative information
reported under IDEA. For example, transition and child outcome
information are collected and analyzed by State programs implementing
the IDEA but are also found in other data systems of school-aged
children, such as pre-kindergarten (P)-grade 12 systems, kindergarten
(K)-grade 12 systems, P-grade 20 systems, and K-grade 20 systems.
The Race to the Top--Early Learning Challenge program \11\ and the
Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) program \12\ identify the
following as essential data elements for a coordinated early learning
data system: 13 14
\11\ For additional information on the Race to the Top--Early
Learning Challenge, please see:
\12\ For additional information on the SLDS program, please see:
\13\ U.S. Department of Education (2011). Race to the Top--Early
Learning Challenge Application for Initial Funding. Retrieved March
13, 2012 from:
\14\ U.S. Department of Education (2011). Request for
Applications: Grants for Statewide, Longitudinal Data Systems.
Retrieved March 13, 2012 from:
1. A unique statewide child identifier or another highly accurate,
proven method to link data on that child, including Kindergarten Entry
Assessment \15\ data, to and from the Statewide Longitudinal Data
System and the coordinated early learning data system (if applicable);
\15\ For the purposes of this priority, ``kindergarten entry
assessment'' means ``an assessment that: (a) Is administered to
children during the first few months of their admission into
kindergarten; (b) covers all Essential Domains of School Readiness;
(c) is used in conformance with the recommendations of the National
Research Council reports on early childhood; and (d) is valid and
reliable for its intended purposes and for the target populations
and aligned to the Early Learning and Development Standards. Results
of the assessment should be used to inform efforts to close the
school readiness gap at kindergarten entry and to inform instruction
in the early elementary school grades. This assessment should not be
used to prevent children's entry into kindergarten'' (U.S.
Department of Education, 2011, Race to the Top--Early Learning
Challenge Application for Initial Funding, page 17).
2. A unique statewide Early Childhood Educator identifier;
3. A unique program site identifier;
4. Child and family demographic information;
5. Early Childhood Educator demographic information, including data
on educational attainment and State credential or licenses held, as
well as professional development information;
6. Program-level data on the program's structure, quality, child
suspension and expulsion rates, staff retention, staff compensation,
work environment, and all applicable data reported as part of the
State's Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System; \16\ and
\16\ For the purposes of this priority, ``Tiered Quality Rating
and Improvement System'' means ``the system through which the State
uses a set of progressively higher Program Standards to evaluate the
quality of an Early Learning and Development Program and to support
program improvement. A Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System
consists of four components: (a) Tiered Program Standards with
multiple rating categories that clearly and meaningfully
differentiate program quality levels; (b) monitoring to evaluate
program quality based on the Program Standards; (c) supports to help
programs meet progressively higher standards (e.g., through
training, technical assistance, financial support); and (d) program
quality ratings that are publically available; and includes a
process for validating the system'' (U.S. Department of Education,
2011, Race to the Top--Early Learning Challenge Application for
Initial Funding, page 19).
[[Page 26525]]
7. Child-level program participation and attendance data.
Establishing coordinated early learning data systems that have
these elements is important to improve the quality of data because
these systems require States and other entities to standardize data
definitions and submission procedures. Linking systems also offers
opportunities for States to validate and analyze data across programs
to improve the quality of the data States must report under the IDEA to
both the Department and the public.
For example, if Head Start data were linked horizontally to data
collected under the Part B preschool program, a State could validate
the time the child is spending in the regular early childhood program
for reporting on the child's educational environments and Indicator B6,
which is included in Appendix A to this notice. A State could also link
its early intervention data to its preschool data and its preschool
data to its K-12 data in order to better interpret the State's data on
preschool and early intervention outcomes and transitions (i.e., IDEA
section 618 Exiting data, and Indicators C3, C8, B7, and B12, which are
included in Appendices A and B to this notice). If a State wanted to
validate its data on positive social-emotional skills reported in
Indicator C3, it might vertically link its Early Intervention data to
the State's Head Start data.
A statewide early childhood longitudinal data system that links to
a statewide early childhood workforce system, which includes data on
IDEA service providers' qualifications, could also allow States to
improve the quality of the personnel data they submit to meet IDEA
reporting requirements. By linking data on children receiving special
education services in an IDEA Part B, preschool program to data on
early childhood program providers and those providers' qualifications,
a State could validate its data on the qualification status of special
education teachers, paraprofessionals, and related services personnel
who work with young children with disabilities served under IDEA.\17\
\17\ States are required to report on the number of special
education teachers, paraprofessionals, and related services
personnel by qualification status in the IDEA Personnel data
States recognize the need to improve coordination in collecting,
analyzing, and reporting their early childhood data. In their Federal
fiscal year (FFY) 2009-10 APRs, a number of States identified the
importance of horizontally and vertically linking or sharing their
early childhood data among various programs.18 19 The States
also identified as an improvement activity for Indicators C3 (early
childhood outcome), C5 and C6 (child count), and B12 (early childhood
transition), the importance of developing and implementing methods to
share data across programs, such as IDEA Part C and Part B preschool
programs, neonatal intensive care units, Child Abuse and Prevention
Treatment Act programs, and Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
programs. States also identified developing and expanding comprehensive
data systems to capture, analyze, and report performance data as an
improvement activity for Indicator C1 (timely service provision), which
is included in Appendix B to this notice.
\18\ 2011 Part C Indicator Analysis Document. (2011). Available
\19\ 2011 Part B Indicator Analysis Document. (2011). Available
The Federal government has provided support for States to develop
and implement data systems that coordinate early learning and
development data through the Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems
program and the Race to the Top--Early Learning Challenge program.
However, most statewide longitudinal education data systems do not yet
include the data on infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities
(birth through age 5) that are needed to meet the IDEA reporting
For the reasons described, to support States in the development and
enhancement of statewide early childhood longitudinal data systems, the
Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) proposes a priority for
funding the National IDEA Technical Assistance Center on Early
Childhood Longitudinal Data Systems. The center would provide TA to
States to help them horizontally link data, including child-level data,
on the IDEA Part C and Part B preschool programs with data from other
early learning and development programs (e.g., child care, home
visiting programs, Head Start, Early Head Start, and publicly-funded
State preschool programs and services) and vertically link these data
to other statewide longitudinal education data systems, including those
funded under the SLDS program grants (e.g., P-12 systems, K-12 systems,
K-20 systems).
The TA would be focused on assisting States to improve their
capacity to report high-quality data to meet their IDEA reporting
requirements through the development or enhancement of a statewide
early childhood longitudinal data system. The TA would include helping
States develop appropriate data governance plans and ensure that the
entry, sharing, and reporting of personally identifiable information
into the data systems complies with the privacy protections under the
applicable IDEA Part B, IDEA Part C, and FERPA requirements. Although
this TA would focus on the data used to meet IDEA reporting
requirements, we intend for this early childhood data system to be
coordinated, and not conflict, with the States' ongoing work to build
other statewide longitudinal education data systems, including those
funded under the SLDS program grants (e.g., P-12 systems, K-12 systems,
and K-20 systems).
In addition, this TA center may, but would not be required to,
develop software or implement data services through advanced programing
interfaces (APIs) that permit data from disparate statewide early
childhood data systems, statewide systems for school-aged children
(e.g., K-12 data systems, P-20 data systems), and any other early
learning data systems to be linked and accessed from a single data
dashboard. Any software or other technology developed through this
grant would be required to be made available as open source and
provided at no cost to States. In order to ensure that software or
other technology developed through this grant is versatile enough to be
interoperable with the different configurations of statewide data
systems related to IDEA data collection and reporting requirements in
each State, the grantee would be required to use the Common Education
Data Standards.\20\
\20\ ``The Common Education Data Standards is a specified set of
the most commonly used education data elements to support the
effective exchange of data within and across States, as students
transition between educational sectors and levels, and for federal
reporting.'' National Center for Education Statistics. Common
Education Data Standards. Retrieved February 8, 2012 from: For more information, see
Proposed Priority:
The purpose of this proposed priority is to fund a cooperative
agreement to support the establishment and operation of a National IDEA
Technical Assistance Center on Early Childhood Longitudinal Data
Systems (Center). This Center would provide TA to States on the
development and enhancement of statewide early childhood longitudinal
data systems to improve the States' capacity to collect, analyze, and
report high-quality data required under sections 616 and 618 of IDEA.
This Center must provide TA to States on developing or enhancing
statewide early childhood longitudinal data systems that horizontally
link child-level data on
[[Page 26526]]
infants, toddlers, and young children with disabilities (birth through
age 5) from one data system to child-level data in other early learning
data systems (including those developed with funding provided by the
Department's Race to the Top--Early Learning Challenge program),
vertically link these child-level data to statewide longitudinal data
systems for school-aged children (including those developed with
funding provided by the Department's SLDS program), and meet the data
system capabilities and elements described under paragraph (b) in the
Technical Assistance and Dissemination Activities section of this
priority. These statewide early childhood longitudinal data systems
should allow States to: (1) Accurately and efficiently respond to IDEA-
related data submission requirements (e.g., IDEA sections 616 and 618
requirements); (2) continuously improve processes for defining,
acquiring, and validating the data; and (3) comply with applicable
Federal, State, and local privacy laws, including the requirements of
FERPA and privacy requirements in IDEA. This TA must be focused on
building the State's capacity to report high-quality data to meet IDEA
reporting requirements and must be conducted in coordination with other
statewide longitudinal data system work being conducted in the State.
To be considered for funding under this absolute priority,
applicants must meet the application requirements contained in this
priority. Any project funded under this priority also must meet the
programmatic and administrative requirements specified in the priority.
Application Requirements. An applicant must include in its
(a) A logic model that depicts, at a minimum, the goals,
activities, outputs, and outcomes of the proposed project. A logic
model communicates how a project will achieve its outcomes and provides
a framework for both the formative and summative evaluations of the
Note: The following Web sites provide more information on logic
models: and
(b) A plan to implement the activities described in the Project
Activities section of this priority;
(c) A plan, linked to the proposed project's logic model, for a
formative evaluation of the proposed project's activities. The plan
must describe how the formative evaluation will use clear performance
objectives to ensure continuous improvement in the operation of the
proposed project, including objective measures of progress in
implementing the project and ensuring the quality of products and
(d) A plan for recruiting and selecting a minimum of 10 States to
receive intensive TA on developing or enhancing their statewide early
childhood longitudinal data systems to improve the States' capacity to
collect and report high-quality data required under sections 616 and
618 of IDEA. This TA may include supporting each State in developing a
statewide early childhood longitudinal data system that links to other
statewide data systems (i.e., other statewide early learning data
systems and statewide longitudinal education data systems) in order to
accurately and efficiently respond to all of a State's IDEA-related
data submission requirements for infants, toddlers, and young children
(birth through age 5) with disabilities. The intensive TA may also
include enhancing an existing statewide data system (e.g., SLDS) by
including the child-level data on infants, toddlers, and young children
(birth through age 5) with disabilities that are needed to meet the
IDEA reporting requirements. To ensure that the Center provides TA to
support States in overcoming the additional challenge of sharing early
childhood data between State agencies (e.g., State Department of Health
and State Department of Education), when selecting States for intensive
TA, a preference must be given to States that have IDEA Part C lead
agencies (LAs) that are not the State educational agency (SEA).
Note: The Center must obtain approval from OSEP on the final
selection of intensive TA States.
(e) To prevent duplication of TA efforts around early childhood
data systems, a plan for, and description of, how the Center will
collaborate with the SLDS program (including SLDS TA efforts \21\), the
Race to the Top--Early Learning Challenge program, the Common Education
Data Standards initiative, the Privacy Technical Assistance Center,\22\
and, as appropriate, other Federal programs that provide TA in the area
of early childhood data (e.g., Comprehensive Centers program \23\);
\21\ More information on the SLDS TA efforts is available at
\22\ The Privacy Technical Assistance Center is one component of
the Department's comprehensive privacy initiatives. It offers
technical assistance to State education agencies, local education
agencies, and institutions of higher education related to the
Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality of student records. For the
Privacy Technical Assistance Center Help Desk, email or call, toll free, 855-249-3072. For more
information, see
\23\ The Comprehensive Center program ``supports 21
comprehensive centers to help increase state capacity to assist
districts and schools meet their student achievement goals. The 16
regional centers provide services primarily to State Education
Agencies (SEAs) to enable them to assist school districts and
schools, especially low performing schools. At a minimum, each
regional center provides training and technical assistance in the
implementation and administration of programs authorized under the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the use of
research-based information and strategies. The five content centers
focus on specific areas, with one center in each of five areas:
Assessment and accountability, instruction, teacher quality,
innovation and improvement, and high schools. These centers supply
much of the research-based information and products in the specific
area that regional centers use when working with SEAs.'' U.S.
Department of Education. Comprehensive Centers Program. Retrieved
April 17, 2012 from:
(f) A budget for a summative evaluation to be conducted by an
independent third party;
(g) A budget for attendance at the following:
(1) A one and one-half day kick-off meeting to be held in
Washington, DC, after receipt of the award, and an annual planning
meeting held in Washington, DC, with the OSEP Project Officer and other
relevant staff during each subsequent year of the project period.
Note: Within 30 days of the award a post-award teleconference
must be held between the OSEP Project Officer and grantee's project
director or other authorized representative.
(2) A three-day Project Directors' Conference in Washington, DC,
during each year of the project period.
(3) A two-day Leveraging Resources Conference in Washington, DC,
during each year of the project period.
(4) Two two-day trips annually to attend Department briefings,
Department-sponsored conferences, and other meetings, as requested by
OSEP; and
(h) A line item in the proposed budget for an annual set-aside of
five percent of the grant amount to support emerging needs that are
consistent with the proposed project's activities, as those needs are
identified in consultation with OSEP.
Note: With approval from the OSEP Project Officer, the Center
must reallocate any remaining funds from this annual set-aside no
later than the end of the third quarter of each budget period.
Project Activities. To meet the requirements of this priority, the
Center, at a minimum, must conduct the following activities:
[[Page 26527]]
Knowledge Development Activities.
(a) Conduct a survey of all 56 Part C LAs and 56 IDEA Part B
preschool programs administered by SEAs in the first year to assess
their capacity to collect, analyze, and report high-quality data
required under sections 616 and 618 of IDEA and identify the policies
and practices that facilitate or hinder a statewide early childhood
longitudinal data system to link to other early learning data systems
and the statewide longitudinal educational data system for school-aged
children (e.g., SLDS). Additionally, review State information from
sources such as SPPs and APRs to assess State data system and data
quality needs for the 56 LAs that have IDEA Part C programs and 56 SEAs
that have IDEA Part B preschool programs. The Center must analyze the
information from the surveys, SPPs/APRs, and other sources, as
appropriate, and prepare papers that summarize the findings that can be
disseminated according to a dissemination plan described in paragraph
(f) of the Technical Assistance and Dissemination Activities section of
this priority. These findings must be used in the selection of States
for intensive TA.
(b) Using the findings from the survey described in paragraph (a),
identify a minimum of four States to partner with to develop a
statewide early childhood longitudinal data system framework (see
paragraph (c)). This framework will be a TA resource for other States
trying to develop or enhance statewide early childhood longitudinal
data systems. Each partnering State must have commitments from its IDEA
Part C early intervention and Part B preschool programs to participate
in the activities of the Center. Additionally, the partnering States
must be a combination of States with Department of Education LAs and
non-Department of Education LAs (e.g., State Departments of Health,
State Departments of Developmental Services). Factors for consideration
in selecting these States could include the demographic and geographic
characteristics of the State, the history of data system development in
the State, and the collection and analysis of high-quality data
required under sections 616 and 618 of IDEA. There may be overlap
between these partnering States and those States selected to receive
intensive TA. The Center must obtain approval from OSEP on the final
selection of partnering States.
Note: To fulfill the requirements of paragraph (b) of the
Application Requirements section of this priority, applicants must
describe the methods and criteria they propose to use to recruit and
select the four partnering States.
(c) Within the first year of the project period, partner with the
States identified in paragraph (b) of this section to develop,
implement, and evaluate a statewide early childhood longitudinal data
system framework for IDEA Part C early intervention and Part B
preschool programs. In developing this framework, the Center must work
with the partner States to identify, describe, and document the
components and processes needed to develop or enhance a statewide early
childhood longitudinal data system that provides data necessary to
accurately and efficiently respond to reporting requirements under
sections 616 and 618 of IDEA and addresses the data system requirements
and capabilities listed under paragraph (b) of the Technical Assistance
and Dissemination Activities section of this priority. Through this
work, the Center must develop guidance and exemplar tools and processes
that any State can use to develop or enhance and implement a statewide
early childhood longitudinal data system framework within its unique
(d) Develop documents and resources on best practices and lessons
learned that can be used to improve States' capacity to develop or
enhance their statewide early childhood longitudinal data systems for
the purposes of collecting high-quality data required under sections
616 and 618 of IDEA.
Technical Assistance and Dissemination Activities.
(a) Provide intensive TA to a minimum of 10 States to develop and
implement a project management and data governance plan with the goal
of a fully implemented statewide early childhood longitudinal data
system, as described in paragraph (b) of this section. The intensive TA
will be based on the statewide early childhood longitudinal data system
framework described in paragraph (b) of the Knowledge Development
Activities section of this priority.
Note: To fulfill the requirements in paragraph (a) in the
Technical Assistance and Dissemination Activities section of this
priority, applicants must describe the methods and criteria they
will use to recruit and select States. The Center must obtain
approval from OSEP on the final selection of intensive TA States.
(b) The statewide early childhood longitudinal data system must
meet the following requirements:
(1) Have the following specific data system capabilities:
(i) Enable the State staff to efficiently respond to all IDEA-
related data submission requirements (e.g., sections 616 and 618 data)
with accurate and valid IDEA data by--
(A) Improving the quality of IDEA data related to child find, child
count, settings, and educational environments data; and Indicators C2,
C5, C6, and B6, which are included in Appendices A and B to this
notice, by linking early childhood IDEA Part C and Part B preschool
child-level data horizontally to other statewide early learning data
systems when available (e.g., child care, home visiting programs, Head
Start, Early Head Start, and publicly-funded State preschool programs
and services);
(B) Improving the quality of the IDEA data related to early
childhood and preschool outcomes; and Indicators C3, C8, B7, and B12 by
linking early childhood IDEA Part C and Part B preschool child-level
data vertically to other statewide longitudinal education data systems,
including those funded under the Department's SLDS grants (e.g., P-12
systems, K-12 systems, P-20 systems, and K-20 systems);
(C) Improving the quality of the IDEA personnel data by linking
child-level early childhood IDEA Part C and Part B preschool data with
early intervention and preschool service providers so that an
individual child may be matched with the particular providers primarily
responsible for providing services to that child; and
(D) Improving the quality of the data about personnel providing
services under IDEA Part B by linking early intervention and preschool
service providers with data on their qualifications, certification, and
preparation programs, including the institutions at which providers
received their training;
(ii) Enable the State to improve the accuracy of the IDEA data
through validity and reliability checks (e.g., data verification) and
to provide access to the information needed to analyze and explain
progress or slippage in the Parts B and C indicators;
(iii) Enable the State to examine progress in the implementation of
IDEA (e.g., improving transitions from Part C to Part B IDEA services)
and the outcomes (e.g., social-emotional skills, the use of appropriate
behaviors to meet needs, and the acquisition and use of knowledge and
skills) over time of infants, toddlers, and young children receiving
services under IDEA and ensure data are easily generated for analysis
and decision-making, including timely reporting to various IDEA Part C
and preschool service providers across the State on the progress of
infants, toddlers, and young children receiving services under IDEA;
[[Page 26528]]
(iv) Ensure the quality (i.e., validity and reliability) of all
(2) In order to improve the State's capacity to collect and analyze
high-quality data, have the following data system elements:
(i) A unique statewide child identifier accepted by, and aligned
with, the State's P-20/P-12 unique identifier that does not permit a
child to be individually identified by users of the system (except as
allowed by Federal and State law).
(ii) An early intervention and preschool service provider
identifier system with the ability to match early intervention and
preschool service providers to children;
(iii) Child-level enrollment, demographic, and program
participation data.
(iv) Child-level data on the identification of the child under IDEA
(including data on the timeliness of the child's evaluation and
assessment) and services identified as needed and received, including
timeliness of services and service settings.
(v) Child and family outcome \24\ data.
\24\ An outcome is formed by the impact that services and
supports have on the functioning of children and families. Early
Childhood Outcome Center. Outcomes 101: ECO Q&A. Available at: For further
information on early childhood child and family outcomes, see the
Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) Center Web site (
(vi) Child-level data about the points at which children start and
stop receiving early intervention services or preschool special
education services (including reasons for exiting).
(vii) Child-level data about the extent to which children receive
timely transition planning to support their movement to preschool and
other appropriate community services by their third birthday.
(viii) A State data audit system to assess data quality (i.e.,
reliability and validity).
(3) Have a data system interoperability plan that--
(i) Allows for linking the statewide early childhood longitudinal
data systems to other statewide longitudinal education data systems and
other statewide early learning data systems; and
(ii) Complies with applicable Federal, State, and local privacy
laws, including the requirements of FERPA and the privacy requirements
in IDEA.
(c) Develop and coordinate a national TA network comprised of a
cadre of experts that the Center will use to provide TA to States to
assist them in developing or enhancing statewide early childhood
longitudinal data systems to improve States' capacity to collect and
report high-quality data required under sections 616 and 618 of IDEA,
which may include the development of open source data system software
that addresses the unique needs of each State. General TA will be
provided to all States and intensive TA will be provided to a minimum
of 10 States.
(d) Provide a continuum of general TA and dissemination activities
(e.g., managing Web sites, listservs, and communities of practice, and
holding conferences and training institutes) on best practices that
promote the efficient collection of accurate and valid data required
under sections 616 and 618 of IDEA to improve the educational results
and functional outcomes of all children with disabilities.
(e) Maintain a Web site that meets government or industry-
recognized standards for accessibility and that links to the Web site
operated by the Technical Assistance Coordination Center (TACC).\25\
\25\ For more information regarding the TACC products and
services database, please see:
(f) Prepare and disseminate reports, documents, and other materials
on statewide early childhood longitudinal data systems, and related
topics as requested by OSEP for specific audiences including IDEA Part
C LAs, SEAs, policymakers, local educational agencies, service
providers, and teachers. In consultation with the OSEP Project Officer,
make selected reports, documents, and other materials available for
Part C LAs, SEAs, policymakers, local educational agencies, service
providers, and teachers in both English and Spanish.
(g) Develop materials and guidance for States and provide targeted
TA related to the performance and compliance indicator(s) on their APRs
and SPPs, as requested by OSEP.
Leadership and Coordination Activities.
(a) Establish and maintain an advisory committee to review the
activities and outcomes of the Center and provide programmatic support
and advice throughout the project period. At a minimum, the advisory
committee must meet annually in Washington, DC, and consist of
representatives of IDEA Part C LAs, representatives of SEAs,
individuals with disabilities, other TA providers, parents of
individuals with disabilities, data system experts, representatives of
other early learning and development programs, representatives of other
Federal offices working to improve State data systems, and software
developers with expertise in statewide longitudinal data systems and
interoperability. The Center must submit the names of proposed members
of the advisory committee to OSEP for approval within eight weeks after
receipt of the award.
(b) Communicate and collaborate, on an ongoing basis, with OSEP-
funded projects and other relevant Federal-funded projects, including
the SLDS program, SLDS TA efforts,\26\ the Race to the Top--Early
Learning Challenge program, the Common Education Data Standards
initiative,\27\ the Privacy Technical Assistance Center, and, as
appropriate, other Federal programs that provide TA in the area of
early childhood data (e.g., Comprehensive Centers program). This
collaboration could include the joint development of products, the
coordination of TA services, and the planning and carrying out of TA
meetings and events.
\26\ More information on the SLDS TA efforts is available at
\27\ ``The Common Education Data Standards is a specified set of
the most commonly used education data elements to support the
effective exchange of data within and across States, as students
transition between educational sectors and levels, and for federal
reporting.'' National Center for Education Statistics. Common
Education Data Standards. Retrieved February 8, 2012 from: For more information, see
(c) Participate in, organize, or facilitate communities of practice
if they align with the needs of the project's target audience.
Communities of practice should align with the project's objectives to
support discussions and collaboration among key stakeholders. The
following Web site provides more information on communities of
(d) Prior to developing any new product, submit a proposal for the
product to the TACC database for approval from the OSEP Project
Officer. The development of new products should be consistent with the
product definition and guidelines posted on the TACC Web site
(e) Contribute, on an ongoing basis, updated information on the
Center's approved and finalized products and services to a database at
the TACC.
(f) Coordinate with the National Dissemination Center for
Individuals with Disabilities to develop an efficient and high-quality
dissemination strategy that reaches broad audiences. The Center must
report to the OSEP Project Officer the outcomes of these coordination
(g) Maintain ongoing communication with the OSEP Project Officer
[[Page 26529]]
monthly phone conversations and email communication.
Fourth and Fifth Years of the Project:
In deciding whether to continue funding the Center for the fourth
and fifth years, the Secretary will consider the requirements of 34 CFR
75.253(a), and in addition--
(a) The recommendation of a review team consisting of experts
selected by the Secretary. This review will be conducted during a one-
day intensive meeting in Washington, DC, that will be held during the
last half of the second year of the project period. The Center must
budget for travel expenses associated with this one-day intensive
(b) The timeliness and effectiveness with which all requirements of
the negotiated cooperative agreement have been or are being met by the
Center; and
(c) The quality, relevance, and usefulness of the Center's
activities and products and the degree to which the Center's activities
and products have contributed to changed practice and improved the
States' capacity to collect and report high-quality data required under
sections 616 and 618 of IDEA by developing and enhancing of statewide
early childhood longitudinal data systems.
Types of Priorities:
When inviting applications for a competition using one or more
priorities, we designate the type of each priority as absolute,
competitive preference, or invitational through a notice in the Federal
Register. The effect of each type of priority follows:
Absolute priority: Under an absolute priority, we consider only
applications that meet the priority (34 CFR 75.105(c)(3)).
Competitive preference priority: Under a competitive preference
priority, we give competitive preference to an application by (1)
awarding additional points, depending on the extent to which the
application meets the priority (34 CFR 75.105(c)(2)(i)); or (2)
selecting an application that meets the priority over an application of
comparable merit that does not meet the priority (34 CFR
Invitational priority: Under an invitational priority, we are
particularly interested in applications that meet the priority.
However, we do not give an application that meets the priority a
preference over other applications (34 CFR 75.105(c)(1)).
Final Priority:
We will announce the final priority in a notice in the Federal
Register. We will determine the final priority after considering
responses to this notice and other information available to the
Department. This notice does not preclude us from proposing additional
priorities subject to meeting applicable rulemaking requirements.
Note: This notice does not solicit applications. In any year in
which we choose to use this priority, we invite applications through
a notice in the Federal Register.
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563:
Under Executive Order 12866, the Secretary must determine whether
this regulatory action is ``significant'' and, therefore, subject to
the requirements of the Executive Order and subject to review by the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Section 3(f) of Executive Order
12866 defines a ``significant regulatory action'' as an action likely
to result in a rule that may--
(1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more,
or adversely affect a sector of the economy, productivity, competition,
jobs, the environment, public health or safety, or State, local or
Tribal governments or communities in a material way (also referred to
as an ``economically significant'' rule);
(2) Create serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an
action taken or planned by another agency;
(3) Materially alter the budgetary impacts of entitlement grants,
user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients
thereof; or
(4) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal
mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles stated in the
Executive Order.
This proposed regulatory action is not a significant regulatory
action subject to review by OMB under section 3(f) of Executive Order
We have also reviewed this proposed regulatory action under
Executive Order 13563, which supplements and explicitly reaffirms the
principles, structures, and definitions governing regulatory review
established in Executive Order 12866. To the extent permitted by law,
Executive Order 13563 requires that an agency--
(1) Propose or adopt regulations only on a reasoned determination
that their benefits justify their costs (recognizing that some benefits
and costs are difficult to quantify);
(2) Tailor its regulations to impose the least burden on society,
consistent with obtaining regulatory objectives and taking into
account--among other things and to the extent practicable--the costs of
cumulative regulations;
(3) In choosing among alternative regulatory approaches, select
those approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential
economic, environmental, public health and safety, and other
advantages; distributive impacts; and equity);
(4) To the extent feasible, specify performance objectives, rather
than the behavior or manner of compliance a regulated entity must
adopt; and
(5) Identify and assess available alternatives to direct
regulation, including economic incentives--such as user fees or
marketable permits--to encourage the desired behavior, or provide
information that enables the public to make choices.
Executive Order 13563 also requires an agency ``to use the best
available techniques to quantify anticipated present and future
benefits and costs as accurately as possible.'' The Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs of OMB has emphasized that these
techniques may include ``identifying changing future compliance costs
that might result from technological innovation or anticipated
behavioral changes.''
We are proposing this priority only on a reasoned determination
that its benefits justify its costs. In choosing among alternative
regulatory approaches, we selected those approaches that maximize net
benefits. Based on the analysis that follows, the Department believes
that these regulations are consistent with the principles in Executive
Order 13563.
We also have determined that this regulatory action would not
unduly interfere with State, local, and Tribal governments in the
exercise of their governmental functions.
In accordance with both Executive Orders, the Department has
assessed the potential costs and benefits of this regulatory action.
The potential costs associated with this regulatory action are those
resulting from statutory requirements and those we have determined as
necessary for administering the Department's programs and activities.
Intergovernmental Review: This program is subject to Executive
Order 12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR part 79. One of the
objectives of the Executive order is to foster an intergovernmental
partnership and a strengthened federalism. The Executive Order relies
on processes developed by State and local governments for coordination
and review of proposed Federal financial assistance.
This document provides early notification of our specific plans and
actions for this program.
Accessible Format: Individuals with disabilities can obtain this
document in an accessible format (e.g., braille, large print,
audiotape, or compact disc) on request to the program contact person
[[Page 26530]]
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document is the document published in the Federal Register. Free
Internet access to the official edition of the Federal Register and the
Code of Federal Regulations is available via the Federal Digital System
at: At this site you can view this document, as well
as all other documents of this Department published in the Federal
Register, in text or Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). To use PDF
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Dated: April 30, 2012.
Alexa Posny,
Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services.
Appendix A--IDEA Part B SPP/APR Indicators
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) reporting
requirements include a State's submission of data as part of its
State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR)
under section 616 of IDEA. In the APR, each State must report to the
Department on its progress in meeting the measurable and rigorous
targets for each of the following Part B indicators:
1. Percent of youth with individualized education programs
(IEPs) graduating from high school with a regular diploma.
2. Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school.
3. Participation and performance of children with IEPs on
statewide assessments:
A. Percent of the districts with a disability subgroup that
meets the State's minimum ``n'' size that meet the State's adequate
yearly progress (AYP) targets for the disability subgroup;
B. Participation rate for children with IEPs; and
C. Proficiency rate for children with IEPs against grade level,
modified and alternate academic achievement standards.
4. Rates of suspension and expulsion:
A. Percent of districts that have a significant discrepancy in
the rate of suspensions and expulsions of greater than 10 days in a
school year for children with IEPs; and
B. Percent of districts that have: (a) A significant
discrepancy, by race or ethnicity, in the rate of suspensions and
expulsions of greater than 10 days in a school year for children
with IEPs; and (b) policies, procedures or practices that contribute
to the significant discrepancy and do not comply with requirements
relating to the development and implementation of IEPs, the use of
positive behavioral interventions and supports, and procedural
5. Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21 served:
A. Inside the regular class 80 percent or more of the day;
B. Inside the regular class less than 40 percent of the day; and
C. In separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/
hospital placements.
6. Percent of children aged 3 through 5 with IEPs attending a:
A. Regular early childhood program and receiving the majority of
special education and related services in the regular early
childhood program; and
B. Separate special education class, separate school or
residential facility.
7. Percent of preschool children aged 3 through 5 with IEPs who
demonstrate improved:
A. Positive social-emotional skills (including social
B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early
language/communication and early literacy); and
C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.
8. Percent of parents with a child receiving special education
services who report that schools facilitated parent involvement as a
means of improving services and results for children with
9. Percent of districts with disproportionate representation of
racial and ethnic groups in special education and related services
that is the result of inappropriate identification.
10. Percent of districts with disproportionate representation of
racial and ethnic groups in specific disability categories that is
the result of inappropriate identification.
11. Percent of children who were evaluated within 60 days of
receiving parental consent for initial evaluation or, if the State
establishes a timeframe within which the evaluation must be
conducted, within that timeframe.
12. Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who
are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and
implemented by their third birthdays.
13. Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP
that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are
annually updated and based upon an age appropriate transition
assessment, transition services, including courses of study, that
will reasonably enable the student to meet those postsecondary
goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student's transition
services needs. There also must be evidence that the student was
invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be
discussed and evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any
participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the
prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of
14. Percent of youth who are no longer in secondary school, had
IEPs in effect at the time they left school, and were:
A. Enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high
B. Enrolled in higher education or competitively employed within
one year of leaving high school.
C. Enrolled in higher education or in some other postsecondary
education or training program; or competitively employed or in some
other employment within one year of leaving high school.
15. General supervision system (including monitoring,
complaints, hearings, etc.) identifies and corrects noncompliance as
soon as possible but in no case later than one year from
16. Percent of signed written complaints with reports issued
that were resolved within 60-day timeline or a timeline extended for
exceptional circumstances with respect to a particular complaint, or
because the parent (or individual or organization) and the public
agency agree to extend the time to engage in mediation or other
alternative means of dispute resolution, if available in the State.
17. Percent of adjudicated due process hearing requests that
were adjudicated within the 45-day timeline or a timeline that is
properly extended by the hearing officer at the request of either
party or in the case of an expedited hearing, within the required
18. Percent of hearing requests that went to resolution sessions
that were resolved through resolution session settlement agreements.
19. Percent of mediations held that resulted in mediation
20. State reported data (618 and State Performance Plan and
Annual Performance Report) are timely and accurate.
Appendix B--IDEA Part C SPP/APR Indicators
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) reporting
requirements include a State's submission of data as part of its
State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR)
under section 616 of IDEA. In the APR, each State must report to the
Department on its progress in meeting the measurable and rigorous
targets for each of the following Part C indicators:
1. Percent of infants and toddlers with individualized family
service plans (IFSPs) who receive the early intervention services on
their IFSPs in a timely manner.
2. Percent of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who primarily
receive early intervention services in the home or community-based
3. Percent of infants and toddlers with IFSPs who demonstrate
A. Positive social-emotional skills (including social
B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early
language/communication); and
C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.
4. Percent of families participating in Part C who report that
early intervention services have helped the family:
A. Know their rights;
B. Effectively communicate their children's needs; and
C. Help their children develop and learn.
5. Percent of infants and toddlers birth to 1 with IFSPs
compared to national data.
[[Page 26531]]
6. Percent of infants and toddlers birth to 3 with IFSPs
compared to national data.
7. Percent of eligible infants and toddlers with IFSPs for whom
an initial evaluation and initial assessment and an initial IFSP
meeting were conducted within Part C's 45-day timeline.
8. The percentage of toddlers with disabilities exiting Part C
with timely transition planning for whom the Lead Agency has:
A. Developed an IFSP with transition steps and services at least
90 days, and at the discretion of all parties, not more than nine
months, prior to the toddler's third birthday;
B. Notified (consistent with any opt-out policy adopted by the
State) the SEA and the LEA where the toddler resides at least 90
days prior to the toddler's third birthday for toddlers potentially
eligible for Part B preschool services; and
C. Conducted the transition conference held with the approval of
the family at least 90 days, and at the discretion of all parties,
not more than nine months, prior to the toddler's third birthday for
toddlers potentially eligible for Part B preschool services.
9. General supervision system (including monitoring, complaints,
hearings, etc.) identifies and corrects noncompliance as soon as
possible but in no case later than one year from identification.
10. Percent of signed written complaints with reports issued
that were resolved within 60-day timeline or a timeline extended for
exceptional circumstances with respect to a particular complaint, or
because the parent (or individual or organization) and the public
agency agree to extend the time to engage in mediation or other
alternative means of dispute resolution, if available in the State.
11. Percent of fully adjudicated due process hearing requests
that were fully adjudicated within the applicable timeline or a
timeline that is properly extended by the hearing officer at the
request of either party.
12. Percent of hearing requests that went to resolution sessions
that were resolved through resolution session settlement agreements
(applicable if Part B due process procedures are adopted).
13. Percent of mediations held that resulted in mediation
14. State reported data (618 and State Performance Plan and
Annual Performance Report) are timely and accurate.
[FR Doc. 2012-10831 Filed 5-3-12; 8:45 am]