Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000, as Amended, 13360-13366 [2012-5324]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 44 / Tuesday, March 6, 2012 / Notices
reduction in plants and a decrease in
covered workers, based on new data.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Title: Cadmium in General Industry
(29 CFR 1910.1027).
OMB Number: 1218–0185.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofits; Federal Government; State,
Local or Tribal Government.
Number of Respondents: 49,734.
Frequency of Response: On occasion;
Quarterly, Biennially; Semi-annually;
Total Responses: 236,177.
Average Time per Response: Varies
from 5 minutes (.08 hour) to maintain
records to 1.5 hours to complete a
medical examination.
Estimated Total Burden Hours:
Estimated Cost (Operation and
Maintenance): $4,799,475.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
IV. Public Participation—Submission of
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V. Authority and Signature
David Michaels, Ph.D., MPH,
Assistant Secretary of Labor for
Occupational Safety and Health,
directed the preparation of this notice.
The authority for this notice is the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3506 et seq.) and Secretary of
Labor’s Order No. 1–2012 (77 FR 3912).
Signed at Washington, DC, on March 1,
David Michaels,
Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational
Safety and Health.
[FR Doc. 2012–5415 Filed 3–5–12; 8:45 am]
Office of Workers’ Compensation
Energy Employees Occupational
Illness Compensation Program Act of
2000, as Amended
Office of Workers’
Compensation Programs, Labor.
ACTION: Notice of revision of listing of
covered Department of Energy facilities.
The Office of Workers’
Compensation Programs (OWCP) is
publishing a list of Department of
Energy (DOE) facilities covered under
the Energy Employees Occupational
Illness Compensation Program Act of
2000, as amended (EEOICPA). This
notice revises and republishes the
listing of DOE facilities that was last
published by OWCP on November 24,
2010 (75 FR 71737) to include
additional determinations made on this
subject through March 6, 2012.
Rachel P. Leiton, Director, Division of
Energy Employees Occupational Illness
Compensation, Office of Workers’
Compensation Programs, U.S.
Department of Labor, Room C–3321, 200
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington,
DC 20210. Telephone: 202–693–0081
(this is not a toll-free number).
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OWCP welcomes comments
regarding this list. Individuals who wish
to suggest changes to this list may
provide information to OWCP at the
following address: U.S. Department of
Labor, Office of Workers’ Compensation
Programs, Division of Energy Employees
Occupational Illness Compensation,
Room C–3321, 200 Constitution Avenue
NW., Washington, DC 20210. You may
also suggest changes to this list by email
at DEEOIC– You should
include ‘‘DOE facilities list’’ in the
subject line of any email containing
comments on this list.
I. Background
The Energy Employees Occupational
Illness Compensation Program Act of
2000, as amended (42 U.S.C. 7384 et
seq.), was originally enacted on October
30, 2000, and the primary responsibility
for administering EEOICPA was
assigned to the Department of Labor
(DOL) by Executive Order 13179 (65 FR
77487). In section 2(c)(vii) of that
Executive Order, DOE was directed to
publish a list in the Federal Register of
Atomic Weapons Employer (AWE)
facilities, DOE facilities, and facilities
owned and operated by a Beryllium
Vendor (as those terms are defined in
sections 7384l(5), 7384l(12) and
7384l(6) of EEOICPA, respectively).
Pursuant to this direction, DOE
published a list of these three types of
facilities covered under EEOICPA on
January 17, 2001 (66 FR 4003), and
subsequently revised and republished
the entire list on June 11, 2001 (66 FR
31218), December 27, 2002 (67 FR
79068), July 21, 2003 (68 FR 43095) and
August 23, 2004 (69 FR 51825). In
subsequent notices published on
November 30, 2005 (70 FR 71815), June
28, 2007 (72 FR 35448), April 9, 2009
(74 FR 16191), August 3, 2010 (75 FR
45608), May 26, 2011 (76 FR 30695) and
February 6, 2012 (77 FR 5781), DOE
further revised the August 23, 2004 list
by formally removing a total of fifteen
AWE facilities without republishing the
list in its entirety.
Following the amendments to
EEOICPA that were enacted as subtitle
E of Title XXXI of the Ronald W. Reagan
National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2005, Public Law 108–375,
118 Stat. 1811, 2178 (October 28, 2004),
OWCP promulgated final regulations
governing its expanded responsibilities
under EEOICPA on December 29, 2006
(71 FR 78520). One of those regulations,
20 CFR 30.5(x)(2), indicates that OWCP
has adopted the list of DOE facilities
that was published by DOE on August
23, 2004, and notes that OWCP ‘‘will
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 44 / Tuesday, March 6, 2012 / Notices
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
periodically update this list as it deems
appropriate in its sole discretion by
publishing a revised list of covered
[DOE] facilities in the Federal Register.’’
In making these updates, § 30.5(x)(1)
specifies that the Director of OWCP is
solely responsible for determining if a
particular work site under consideration
meets the statutory definition of a
Department of Energy facility. This sole
responsibility is derived from the grant
of primary authority to DOL to
administer the EEOICPA claims process
contained in section 2(a)(i) of Executive
Order 13179.
II. Purpose
Since OWCP last published a notice
listing all DOE facilities covered under
EEOICPA in the Federal Register on
November 24, 2010, the Director of
OWCP has made several determinations
regarding the status of work sites in
connection with claims filed under
EEOICPA. Those determinations are
briefly described in this Supplementary
Information and are memorialized in the
two updated lists of DOE facilities
published by OWCP today.
The Director has determined that the
Dayton Project (Units I and III in
Dayton, Ohio and Unit IV in Oakwood,
Ohio) meets the definition of a
Department of Energy facility for the
purposes of EEOICPA. Also, based on
remediation activities that occurred
pursuant to the Uranium Mill Tailings
Radiation Control Act of 1978, 42 U.S.C.
7901 et seq., the Director has
determined that the following work sites
meet the definition of a Department of
Energy facility during the periods that
such remediation activities took place:
the Uranium Mills in Monument Valley
and Tuba City, Arizona; the Climax
Uranium Mill in Grand Junction, the
New and Old Uranium Mills in Rifle,
the Uranium Mills in Gunnison,
Maybell and Naturita, and Uranium
Mills No. 1 (East) and No. 2 (West) in
Slick Rock, Colorado; the Uranium Mill
in Lowman, Idaho; the Uranium Mills in
Ambrosia Lake and Shiprock, New
Mexico; the Uranium Mill and Disposal
Cell in Lakeview, Oregon; Vitro
Manufacturing (Canonsburg) in
Canonsburg, Pennsylvania; the Uranium
Mill in Falls City, Texas; the Uranium
Mill in Mexican Hat, Utah; and the
Uranium Mills in Converse County
(Spook Site) and Riverton, Wyoming.
In addition, OWCP’s research has led
the Director to clarify or otherwise
modify the designation of three work
sites that were previously included in
OWCP’s published lists. The first site,
which was previously listed under Utah
as the Uranium Mill in Moab, now
appears as the Uranium Mill in Moab
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(Atlas Site) in this listing. The second
site, which was previously listed as the
Nevada Operations Office, now appears
as the Nevada Site Office. These two
clarifications do not have any effect on
the status of the two work sites in
question, and are only intended to more
precisely identify those facilities. The
third facility, the Weldon Spring Plant,
which is a facility with multiple
locations in Weldon Spring, Missouri,
has been divided into separate facilities
and now appears in the lists published
today as the following three facilities:
The Weldon Spring Plant; the Weldon
Spring Raffinate Pits; and the Weldon
Spring Quarry. By dividing this third
facility into three separate DOE
facilities, OWCP will be better able to
distinguish between the different
operational periods of these locations,
and will be able to more reliably obtain
employment verification from the many
different contractors that performed
work at each location.
By updating the two lists found
below, OWCP is presenting the public
with the most current listing of DOE
facilities in order to assist potential
claimants and their families. OWCP is
continuing its efforts in this area as it
adjudicates claims filed under
EEOICPA, and further revisions of these
lists should be expected. Although DOE
maintains a Web site (https://
advocacy/faclist/findfacility.cfm) that
provides information on AWE facilities,
Beryllium Vendor facilities and DOE
facilities to the public, the information
on that Web site regarding DOE facilities
should not be relied upon as it may not
be up to date, nor is it binding on
OWCP’s adjudication of claims filed
under EEOICPA. Instead, OWCP is
solely authorized to give the public
notice of the Director’s determinations
regarding DOE facilities.
III. Introduction to the Lists
The five complete lists previously
published by DOE included all three
types of work sites described in
Executive Order 13179, i.e., AWE
facilities, Beryllium Vendor facilities,
and DOE facilities. However, the lists
published on June 23, 2009, November
24, 2010 and again today by OWCP only
include work sites that meet the
definition of a Department of Energy
facility, because the authority to
designate both AWE facilities and
Beryllium Vendor facilities has been
granted to DOE. However, since some
work sites can meet the definition of
more than just one type of covered work
site during either the same or differing
time periods, simply presenting one list
of DOE facilities (without also
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differentiating among them in some
easily understood fashion) could lead
the reader to wrongly conclude that a
listed work site has always been a DOE
facility when, in fact, it only had that
status during a brief period. To lessen
the potential for this type of
misunderstanding, OWCP has decided
to continue its practice of presenting
two separate lists of DOE facilities.
The first list consists exclusively of
work sites that have only been DOE
facilities for purposes of coverage under
EEOICPA, and the second list consists
of work sites that have also been at least
one other type of covered work site in
addition to a DOE facility. To see what
other types of covered work sites the
DOE facilities appearing in the second
list are or have been, readers can refer
to the Federal Register notices
published by DOE on August 23, 2004
(69 FR 51825), November 30, 2005 (70
FR 71815), June 28, 2007 (72 FR 35448),
April 9, 2009 (74 FR 16191), August 3,
2010 (75 FR 45608), May 26, 2011 (76
FR 30695) and February 6, 2012 (77 FR
5781). Since covered time periods for a
particular DOE facility are statutorily
limited to periods during which
‘‘operations’’ are or were performed by
or on behalf of DOE (or its predecessor
agencies) at that DOE facility, and when
DOE (or its predecessor agencies) either
had a proprietary interest in the facility
or had entered into a particular type of
contract with an entity regarding the
facility, the lists below include date
ranges during which covered
employment at each work site could
have been performed. These date ranges,
however, do not reflect the exact day
and month that a work site either
acquired or lost its status as a DOE
facility, and are not considered binding
on OWCP in its adjudication of
individual claims under EEOICPA.
Rather, they are presented in this notice
for the sole purpose of informing the
public of the current results of OWCP’s
research into the operational histories of
these work sites, some of which extend
back to the establishment of the
Manhattan Engineer District of the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers on August 13,
1942. OWCP’s efforts in this area are
continuing, and it expects that the date
ranges included in this notice will
change with the publication of future
DOE facilities appearing on the lists
that have undergone environmental
remediation at the direction of or
directly by DOE are identified by the
following symbol—†—after the date
range during which such environmental
remediation occurred. During those
periods, only the work of employees of
DOE contractors who actually
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 44 / Tuesday, March 6, 2012 / Notices
performed the remediation is ‘‘covered
work’’ under EEOICPA.
List 1: Work Sites That Are/Were DOE
Facilities Exclusively
Facility name
Alaska DOE Facilities
Amchitka Island Nuclear Explosion Site ........................................................
Project Chariot Site ........................................................................................
Amchitka Island .................................
Cape Thompson ................................
1965–1973; 2001†.
1962; 1993†.
California DOE Facilities
Area IV of the Santa Susanna Field Laboratory ............................................
Ventura County ..................................
Los Angeles .......................................
1955–1988; 1988–
Present †.
1959–1995; 1998 †.
1958–1989; 1991–
Present †.
Canoga Complex ............................................................................................
De Soto Complex ...........................................................................................
Downey Facility ..............................................................................................
High Energy Rate Forging (HERF) Facility ....................................................
Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research, University of California
Laboratory of Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, University of California (Los Angeles).
Laboratory of Radiobiology and Environmental Health, University of California (San Francisco).
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ........................................................
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ......................................................
Sandia National Laboratories, Salton Sea Test Base ...................................
Sandia National Laboratories—Livermore .....................................................
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University ...............................
Los Angeles County ..........................
Los Angeles County ..........................
Los Angeles County ..........................
Oxnard ...............................................
Davis ..................................................
San Francisco ....................................
Berkeley .............................................
Livermore ...........................................
Imperial County .................................
Livermore ...........................................
Palo Alto ............................................
Colorado DOE Facilities
Grand Junction Operations Office ..................................................................
Project Rio Blanco Nuclear Explosion Site ....................................................
Project Rulison Nuclear Explosion Site ..........................................................
Rocky Flats Plant ...........................................................................................
Grand Junction ..................................
Rifle ....................................................
Grand Valley ......................................
Golden ...............................................
1969–1971; 1972–1978 †.
Florida DOE Facilities
Pinellas Plant ..................................................................................................
Clearwater .........................................
Hawaii DOE Facilities
Kauai Test Facility, U.S. Navy Pacific Missile Range ....................................
Kauai ..................................................
Idaho DOE Facilities
Argonne National Laboratory—West ..............................................................
Idaho National Laboratory ..............................................................................
Scoville ..............................................
Scoville ..............................................
Illinois DOE Facilities
Argonne National Laboratory—East ...............................................................
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory ..........................................................
Argonne .............................................
Batavia ...............................................
Indiana DOE Facilities
Dana Heavy Water Plant ................................................................................
Dana ..................................................
Iowa DOE Facilities
Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University ........................................................
Iowa Ordnance Plant (Line 1 and Associated Activities) ...............................
Ames ..................................................
Burlington ...........................................
Kentucky DOE Facilities
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Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant .................................................................
Paducah .............................................
1951–7/28/98; 7/29/98–
Present †.
Massachusetts DOE Facilities
Winchester Engineering and Analytical Center ..............................................
Winchester .........................................
Minnesota DOE Facilities
Elk River Reactor ...........................................................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 44 / Tuesday, March 6, 2012 / Notices
Facility name
Mississippi DOE Facilities
Salmon Nuclear Explosion Site ......................................................................
Hattiesburg ........................................
Missouri DOE Facilities
Kansas City Plant ...........................................................................................
Mallinckrodt Chemical Co., Destrehan Street Facility ....................................
St. Louis Airport Storage Site (SLAPS) .........................................................
Weldon Spring Plant .......................................................................................
Weldon Spring Quarry ....................................................................................
Weldon Spring Raffinate Pits .........................................................................
Kansas City .......................................
St. Louis .............................................
St. Louis .............................................
Weldon Spring ...................................
Weldon Spring ...................................
Weldon Spring ...................................
1942–1962; 1995 †.
1947–1973; 1984–1998.
1955–1966; 1985–2002 †.
1958–1966; 1967–2002 †.
1955–1966; 1966–2002 †.
Nebraska DOE Facilities
Hallam Sodium Graphite Reactor ..................................................................
Hallam ................................................
Nevada DOE Facilities
Nevada Site Office .........................................................................................
Nevada Test Site ............................................................................................
Project Faultless Nuclear Explosion Site .......................................................
Project Shoal Nuclear Explosion Site ............................................................
Tonopah Test Range ......................................................................................
Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project ...............................................
North Las Vegas ................................
Mercury ..............................................
Central Nevada Test Site ..................
Fallon .................................................
Tonopah .............................................
Yucca Mountain .................................
New Jersey DOE Facilities
Middlesex Sampling Plant ..............................................................................
New Brunswick Laboratory .............................................................................
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, James Forrestal Campus of Princeton University.
Middlesex ...........................................
New Brunswick ..................................
Princeton ............................................
1943–1967; 1980–1982 †.
New Mexico DOE Facilities
Albuquerque Operations Office ......................................................................
Chupadera Mesa ............................................................................................
Hangar 481, Kirtland AFB ..............................................................................
Kirtland Operations Office, Kirtland AFB ........................................................
Los Alamos Medical Center ...........................................................................
Los Alamos National Laboratory ....................................................................
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, Kirtland AFB .................................
Project Gasbuggy Nuclear Explosion Site .....................................................
Albuquerque ......................................
White Sands Missile Range ..............
Albuquerque ......................................
Albuquerque ......................................
Los Alamos ........................................
Los Alamos ........................................
Albuquerque ......................................
Farmington .........................................
Project Gnome Nuclear Explosion Site ..........................................................
Sandia National Laboratories .........................................................................
South Albuquerque Works .............................................................................
Trinity Nuclear Explosion Site, Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant .............................................................................
Carlsbad ............................................
Albuquerque ......................................
Albuquerque ......................................
White Sands Missile Range ..............
Carlsbad ............................................
1967–1973; 1978; 1992–
Present †.
1945; 1952 †; 1967 †.
New York DOE Facilities
Brookhaven National Laboratory ....................................................................
Electro Metallurgical Co. ................................................................................
Environmental Measurements Laboratory .....................................................
Lake Ontario Ordnance Works .......................................................................
Linde Ceramics Plant (Buildings 30, 31, 37 and 38 only) .............................
Upton .................................................
Niagara Falls .....................................
New York ...........................................
Niagara County ..................................
Tonawanda ........................................
Peek Street Facility (Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory) .................................
Sacandaga Facility .........................................................................................
SAM Laboratories, Columbia University ........................................................
Separations Process Research Unit (Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory) .......
University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project .............................................
Schenectady ......................................
Glenville .............................................
New York ...........................................
Schenectady ......................................
Rochester ..........................................
1942–1953; 1988–1992 †;
1996 †.
1950–1965; 2007–2011 †.
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Ohio DOE Facilities
Extrusion Plant (Reactive Metals Inc.) ...........................................................
Feed Materials Production Center (FMPC) ....................................................
Dayton Project (Units I, III and IV only) .........................................................
Mound Plant ...................................................................................................
Piqua Organic Moderated Reactor .................................................................
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant .............................................................
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Ashtabula ...........................................
Fernald ...............................................
Dayton and Oakwood ........................
Miamisburg ........................................
Piqua ..................................................
Piketon ...............................................
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1952–7/28/98; 7/29/98–
Present †.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 44 / Tuesday, March 6, 2012 / Notices
Facility name
Oregon DOE Facilities
Albany Metallurgical Research Center, U.S. Bureau of Mines ......................
Albany ................................................
1987–1993 †; 1995–
Pennsylvania DOE Facilities
Shippingport Atomic Power Plant ...................................................................
Shippingport .......................................
1984–1995 †.
Puerto Rico DOE Facilities
BONUS Reactor Plant ....................................................................................
Puerto Rico Nuclear Center ...........................................................................
Punta Higuera ....................................
Mayaguez ..........................................
1957–1976; 1987 †.
South Carolina DOE Facilities
Savannah River Site .......................................................................................
Aiken ..................................................
Tennessee DOE Facilities
Clarksville Modification Center, Ft. Campbell ................................................
Clinton Engineer Works (CEW) ......................................................................
Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K–25) ..................................................
Oak Ridge Hospital ........................................................................................
Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education ....................................................
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X–10) ..........................................................
Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) ....................................
S–50 Oak Ridge Thermal Diffusion Plant ......................................................
Y–12 Plant ......................................................................................................
Oak Ridge
Oak Ridge
Oak Ridge
Oak Ridge
Oak Ridge
Oak Ridge
Oak Ridge
Oak Ridge
San Antonio .......................................
Amarillo ..............................................
Texas DOE Facilities
Medina Modification Center ............................................................................
Pantex Plant ...................................................................................................
Virginia DOE Facilities
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility .............................................
Newport News ...................................
Washington DOE Facilities
Hanford Engineer Works ................................................................................
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ...........................................................
Richland .............................................
Richland .............................................
West Virginia DOE Facilities
Reduction Pilot Plant ......................................................................................
Huntington .........................................
1951–1963; 1978–1979.
Wisconsin DOE Facilities
LaCrosse Boiling Water Reactor ....................................................................
LaCrosse ...........................................
Territorial DOE Facilities
Pacific Proving Ground ...................................................................................
Bikini and Enewetak Atolls (now part
of the Republic of the Marshall Islands), Johnston Island and Christmas Island.
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List 2: Work Sites That Are/Were DOE
Facilities (for the Years Identified in the
Last Column Only) and Also Another
Type of EEOICPA-Covered Facility
Facility name
Globe .................................................
Monument Valley ...............................
Tuba City ...........................................
1989–1990†; 1992–1994 †
1985–1986†; 1988–1990 †
Arizona DOE Facilities
Ore Buying Station at Globe ..........................................................................
Uranium Mill in Monument Valley ..................................................................
Uranium Mill in Tuba City ...............................................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 44 / Tuesday, March 6, 2012 / Notices
Facility name
California DOE Facilities
General Atomics (Torrey Pines Mesa and Sorrento West) ...........................
General Electric Vallecitos .............................................................................
La Jolla ..............................................
Pleasanton .........................................
Colorado DOE Facilities
Climax Uranium Mill in Grand Junction ..........................................................
Green Sludge Plant in Uravan .......................................................................
New Uranium Mill in Rifle ...............................................................................
Old Uranium Mill in Rifle ................................................................................
Uranium Mill in Durango .................................................................................
Uranium Mill in Gunnison ...............................................................................
Uranium Mill in Maybell ..................................................................................
Uranium Mill in Naturita ..................................................................................
Uranium Mill No. 1 in Slick Rock (East) .........................................................
Uranium Mill No. 2 in Slick Rock (West) ........................................................
Grand Junction ..................................
Uravan ...............................................
Rifle ....................................................
Rifle ....................................................
Durango .............................................
Gunnison ...........................................
Maybell ..............................................
Naturita ..............................................
Slick Rock ..........................................
Slick Rock ..........................................
1988–1994 †.
1988–1989†; 1992–1996 †.
1988–1989 †; 1992–1996 †.
1948–1953; 1986–1991 †.
1991–1995 †.
1995–1998 †.
1994†; 1996–1998 †.
1995–1996 †.
1995–1996 †.
Connecticut DOE Facilities
Connecticut Aircraft Nuclear Engine Laboratory (CANEL) ............................
Seymour Specialty Wire .................................................................................
Middletown .........................................
Seymour ............................................
1992–1993 †.
Idaho DOE Facilities
Uranium Mill in Lowman .................................................................................
Lowman .............................................
1992†; 1994–Present †.
Illinois DOE Facilities
General Steel Industries (South Plant) ..........................................................
Metallurgical Laboratory, University of Chicago (Eckhart Hall, Jones Laboratory and Ryerson Hall only).
National Guard Armory (Washington Park Armory) .......................................
Granite City ........................................
Chicago ..............................................
1993 †.
1982–1984†; 1987 †.
Chicago ..............................................
1987 †.
Massachusetts DOE Facilities
Chapman Valve Manufacturing Co. ...............................................................
Hood Building .................................................................................................
Ventron Corporation .......................................................................................
Indian Orchard ...................................
Cambridge .........................................
Beverly ...............................................
1995 †.
1986; 1996–1997 †.
Michigan DOE Facilities
Bridgeport Brass Co. ......................................................................................
Adrian ................................................
1976 †; 1995 †.
Missouri DOE Facilities
Latty Avenue Properties .................................................................................
Hazelwood .........................................
1984–1986 †.
New Jersey DOE Facilities
Du Pont Deepwater Works .............................................................................
Kellex/Pierpont ................................................................................................
Middlesex Municipal Landfill ...........................................................................
Rare Earths/W.R. Grace ................................................................................
Deepwater .........................................
Jersey City .........................................
Middlesex ...........................................
Wayne ................................................
1996 †.
1979–1980 †.
1984 †; 1986 †.
1985–1987 †.
New Mexico DOE Facilities
Ore Buying Station at Grants .........................................................................
Ore Buying Station at Shiprock ......................................................................
Uranium Mill in Ambrosia Lake ......................................................................
Uranium Mill in Shiprock ................................................................................
Grants ................................................
Shiprock .............................................
Ambrosia Lake ...................................
Shiprock .............................................
1987–1989 †; 1992–1995 †.
1984–1986 †.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
New York DOE Facilities
Baker and Williams Warehouses (Pier 38) ....................................................
Colonie Interim Storage Site (National Lead Co.) .........................................
West Valley Demonstration Project ................................................................
New York ...........................................
Colonie ...............................................
West Valley ........................................
1991–1993 †.
1984–1998 †.
Ohio DOE Facilities
Alba Craft ........................................................................................................
Associated Aircraft Tool and Manufacturing Co. ...........................................
B & T Metals ...................................................................................................
Baker Brothers ................................................................................................
Battelle Laboratories—King Avenue ..............................................................
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Oxford ................................................
Fairfield ..............................................
Columbus ...........................................
Toledo ................................................
Columbus ...........................................
Sfmt 4703
1994–1995 †.
1994–1995 †.
1996 †.
1995 †.
1986–2000 †.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 44 / Tuesday, March 6, 2012 / Notices
Facility name
Battelle Laboratories—West Jefferson ...........................................................
Beryllium Production Plant (Brush Luckey Plant) ..........................................
Columbus ...........................................
Luckey ...............................................
General Electric Co. (Ohio) ............................................................................
Herring-Hall Marvin Safe Co. .........................................................................
Cincinnati/Evendale ...........................
Hamilton .............................................
1986–Present †.
1949–1961; 1992–
Present †.
1994–1995 †.
Oregon DOE Facilities
Uranium Mill and Disposal Cell in Lakeview ..................................................
Lakeview ............................................
1986–1989 †.
Pennsylvania DOE Facilities
Aliquippa Forge ..............................................................................................
C.H. Schnorr & Company ...............................................................................
Vitro Manufacturing (Canonsburg) .................................................................
Aliquippa ............................................
Springdale ..........................................
Canonsburg .......................................
1988 †; 1993–1994 †.
1994 †.
1983–1985 †; 1996 †.
South Dakota DOE Facilities
Ore Buying Station at Edgemont ...................................................................
Edgemont ..........................................
Texas DOE Facilities
Uranium Mill in Falls City ...............................................................................
Falls City ............................................
1992–1994 †.
Utah DOE Facilities
Ore Buying Station at Marysvale ...................................................................
Ore Buying Station at Moab ...........................................................................
Ore Buying Station at Monticello ....................................................................
Ore Buying Station at White Canyon .............................................................
Uranium Mill in Mexican Hat ..........................................................................
Uranium Mill in Moab (Atlas Site) ..................................................................
Uranium Mill in Monticello ..............................................................................
Marysvale ..........................................
Moab ..................................................
Monticello ...........................................
White Canyon ....................................
Mexican Hat .......................................
Moab ..................................................
Monticello ...........................................
1987 †; 1992–1995 †.
1948–1960; 1983–2000 †.
Wyoming DOE Facilities
Ore Buying Station at Crooks Gap ................................................................
Ore Buying Station at Riverton ......................................................................
Uranium Mill in Converse County ..................................................................
(Spook Site) ....................................................................................................
Uranium Mill in Riverton .................................................................................
Crooks Gap .......................................
Riverton .............................................
Converse County ...............................
1989 †.
Riverton .............................................
1988–1990 †.
† Denotes a period of environmental remediation.
Signed at Washington, DC, this 29th day of
February, 2012.
Gary A. Steinberg,
Acting Director, Office of Workers’
Compensation Programs.
[FR Doc. 2012–5324 Filed 3–5–12; 8:45 am]
Compliance Assistance Resources and
Points of Contact Available to Small
Office of Management and
Budget, Executive Office of the
ACTION: Notice.
pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Mar<15>2010
14:56 Mar 05, 2012
Jkt 226001
The Small
Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002
(Pub. L. 107–198) requires OMB to
‘‘publish in the Federal Register and
make available on the Internet (in
consultation with the Small Business
Administration) on an annual basis a
list of the compliance assistance
resources available to small businesses’’
(44 U.S.C. 3504(c)(6)). OMB has, with
In accordance with the Small
Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002
(44 U.S.C. 3520), the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) is
publishing a ‘‘list of the compliance
assistance resources available to small
businesses’’ and a list of the points of
contacts in agencies ‘‘to act as a liaison
between the agency and small business
concerns’’ with respect to the collection
of information and the control of
paperwork. This information is posted
on the following Web site: https://
Wendy Liberante, Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, at, or telephone:
(202) 395–3647. Inquiries may be
submitted by facsimile to (202) 395–
PO 00000
Frm 00110
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
the active assistance and support of the
Small Business Administration (SBA),
assembled a list of the compliance
assistance resources available to small
businesses. This list is available today
on the following Web site:
sbpra. There is also a link to this
information on the OMB Web site.
In addition, under another provision
of this Act, ‘‘each agency shall, with
respect to the collection of information
and the control of paperwork, establish
1 point of contact in the agency to act
as a liaison between the agency and
small business concerns’’ (44 U.S.C.
3506(i)(1)). These contacts are also
available at
OMB and SBA have chosen to
implement this statutory responsibility
by publishing agency compliance
contact information on the
Web site. The public is also able to find
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 44 (Tuesday, March 6, 2012)]
[Pages 13360-13366]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-5324]
Office of Workers' Compensation Programs
Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of
2000, as Amended
AGENCY: Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Labor.
ACTION: Notice of revision of listing of covered Department of Energy
SUMMARY: The Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) is
publishing a list of Department of Energy (DOE) facilities covered
under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program
Act of 2000, as amended (EEOICPA). This notice revises and republishes
the listing of DOE facilities that was last published by OWCP on
November 24, 2010 (75 FR 71737) to include additional determinations
made on this subject through March 6, 2012.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rachel P. Leiton, Director, Division
of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation, Office of
Workers' Compensation Programs, U.S. Department of Labor, Room C-3321,
200 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210. Telephone: 202-693-
0081 (this is not a toll-free number).
ADDRESSES: OWCP welcomes comments regarding this list. Individuals who
wish to suggest changes to this list may provide information to OWCP at
the following address: U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Workers'
Compensation Programs, Division of Energy Employees Occupational
Illness Compensation, Room C-3321, 200 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20210. You may also suggest changes to this list by
email at You should include ``DOE facilities
list'' in the subject line of any email containing comments on this
I. Background
The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act
of 2000, as amended (42 U.S.C. 7384 et seq.), was originally enacted on
October 30, 2000, and the primary responsibility for administering
EEOICPA was assigned to the Department of Labor (DOL) by Executive
Order 13179 (65 FR 77487). In section 2(c)(vii) of that Executive
Order, DOE was directed to publish a list in the Federal Register of
Atomic Weapons Employer (AWE) facilities, DOE facilities, and
facilities owned and operated by a Beryllium Vendor (as those terms are
defined in sections 7384l(5), 7384l(12) and 7384l(6) of EEOICPA,
respectively). Pursuant to this direction, DOE published a list of
these three types of facilities covered under EEOICPA on January 17,
2001 (66 FR 4003), and subsequently revised and republished the entire
list on June 11, 2001 (66 FR 31218), December 27, 2002 (67 FR 79068),
July 21, 2003 (68 FR 43095) and August 23, 2004 (69 FR 51825). In
subsequent notices published on November 30, 2005 (70 FR 71815), June
28, 2007 (72 FR 35448), April 9, 2009 (74 FR 16191), August 3, 2010 (75
FR 45608), May 26, 2011 (76 FR 30695) and February 6, 2012 (77 FR
5781), DOE further revised the August 23, 2004 list by formally
removing a total of fifteen AWE facilities without republishing the
list in its entirety.
Following the amendments to EEOICPA that were enacted as subtitle E
of Title XXXI of the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 2005, Public Law 108-375, 118 Stat. 1811, 2178
(October 28, 2004), OWCP promulgated final regulations governing its
expanded responsibilities under EEOICPA on December 29, 2006 (71 FR
78520). One of those regulations, 20 CFR 30.5(x)(2), indicates that
OWCP has adopted the list of DOE facilities that was published by DOE
on August 23, 2004, and notes that OWCP ``will
[[Page 13361]]
periodically update this list as it deems appropriate in its sole
discretion by publishing a revised list of covered [DOE] facilities in
the Federal Register.'' In making these updates, Sec. 30.5(x)(1)
specifies that the Director of OWCP is solely responsible for
determining if a particular work site under consideration meets the
statutory definition of a Department of Energy facility. This sole
responsibility is derived from the grant of primary authority to DOL to
administer the EEOICPA claims process contained in section 2(a)(i) of
Executive Order 13179.
II. Purpose
Since OWCP last published a notice listing all DOE facilities
covered under EEOICPA in the Federal Register on November 24, 2010, the
Director of OWCP has made several determinations regarding the status
of work sites in connection with claims filed under EEOICPA. Those
determinations are briefly described in this Supplementary Information
and are memorialized in the two updated lists of DOE facilities
published by OWCP today.
The Director has determined that the Dayton Project (Units I and
III in Dayton, Ohio and Unit IV in Oakwood, Ohio) meets the definition
of a Department of Energy facility for the purposes of EEOICPA. Also,
based on remediation activities that occurred pursuant to the Uranium
Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978, 42 U.S.C. 7901 et seq.,
the Director has determined that the following work sites meet the
definition of a Department of Energy facility during the periods that
such remediation activities took place: the Uranium Mills in Monument
Valley and Tuba City, Arizona; the Climax Uranium Mill in Grand
Junction, the New and Old Uranium Mills in Rifle, the Uranium Mills in
Gunnison, Maybell and Naturita, and Uranium Mills No. 1 (East) and No.
2 (West) in Slick Rock, Colorado; the Uranium Mill in Lowman, Idaho;
the Uranium Mills in Ambrosia Lake and Shiprock, New Mexico; the
Uranium Mill and Disposal Cell in Lakeview, Oregon; Vitro Manufacturing
(Canonsburg) in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania; the Uranium Mill in Falls
City, Texas; the Uranium Mill in Mexican Hat, Utah; and the Uranium
Mills in Converse County (Spook Site) and Riverton, Wyoming.
In addition, OWCP's research has led the Director to clarify or
otherwise modify the designation of three work sites that were
previously included in OWCP's published lists. The first site, which
was previously listed under Utah as the Uranium Mill in Moab, now
appears as the Uranium Mill in Moab (Atlas Site) in this listing. The
second site, which was previously listed as the Nevada Operations
Office, now appears as the Nevada Site Office. These two clarifications
do not have any effect on the status of the two work sites in question,
and are only intended to more precisely identify those facilities. The
third facility, the Weldon Spring Plant, which is a facility with
multiple locations in Weldon Spring, Missouri, has been divided into
separate facilities and now appears in the lists published today as the
following three facilities: The Weldon Spring Plant; the Weldon Spring
Raffinate Pits; and the Weldon Spring Quarry. By dividing this third
facility into three separate DOE facilities, OWCP will be better able
to distinguish between the different operational periods of these
locations, and will be able to more reliably obtain employment
verification from the many different contractors that performed work at
each location.
By updating the two lists found below, OWCP is presenting the
public with the most current listing of DOE facilities in order to
assist potential claimants and their families. OWCP is continuing its
efforts in this area as it adjudicates claims filed under EEOICPA, and
further revisions of these lists should be expected. Although DOE
maintains a Web site ( that provides information on AWE
facilities, Beryllium Vendor facilities and DOE facilities to the
public, the information on that Web site regarding DOE facilities
should not be relied upon as it may not be up to date, nor is it
binding on OWCP's adjudication of claims filed under EEOICPA. Instead,
OWCP is solely authorized to give the public notice of the Director's
determinations regarding DOE facilities.
III. Introduction to the Lists
The five complete lists previously published by DOE included all
three types of work sites described in Executive Order 13179, i.e., AWE
facilities, Beryllium Vendor facilities, and DOE facilities. However,
the lists published on June 23, 2009, November 24, 2010 and again today
by OWCP only include work sites that meet the definition of a
Department of Energy facility, because the authority to designate both
AWE facilities and Beryllium Vendor facilities has been granted to DOE.
However, since some work sites can meet the definition of more than
just one type of covered work site during either the same or differing
time periods, simply presenting one list of DOE facilities (without
also differentiating among them in some easily understood fashion)
could lead the reader to wrongly conclude that a listed work site has
always been a DOE facility when, in fact, it only had that status
during a brief period. To lessen the potential for this type of
misunderstanding, OWCP has decided to continue its practice of
presenting two separate lists of DOE facilities.
The first list consists exclusively of work sites that have only
been DOE facilities for purposes of coverage under EEOICPA, and the
second list consists of work sites that have also been at least one
other type of covered work site in addition to a DOE facility. To see
what other types of covered work sites the DOE facilities appearing in
the second list are or have been, readers can refer to the Federal
Register notices published by DOE on August 23, 2004 (69 FR 51825),
November 30, 2005 (70 FR 71815), June 28, 2007 (72 FR 35448), April 9,
2009 (74 FR 16191), August 3, 2010 (75 FR 45608), May 26, 2011 (76 FR
30695) and February 6, 2012 (77 FR 5781). Since covered time periods
for a particular DOE facility are statutorily limited to periods during
which ``operations'' are or were performed by or on behalf of DOE (or
its predecessor agencies) at that DOE facility, and when DOE (or its
predecessor agencies) either had a proprietary interest in the facility
or had entered into a particular type of contract with an entity
regarding the facility, the lists below include date ranges during
which covered employment at each work site could have been performed.
These date ranges, however, do not reflect the exact day and month that
a work site either acquired or lost its status as a DOE facility, and
are not considered binding on OWCP in its adjudication of individual
claims under EEOICPA. Rather, they are presented in this notice for the
sole purpose of informing the public of the current results of OWCP's
research into the operational histories of these work sites, some of
which extend back to the establishment of the Manhattan Engineer
District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on August 13, 1942. OWCP's
efforts in this area are continuing, and it expects that the date
ranges included in this notice will change with the publication of
future notices.
DOE facilities appearing on the lists that have undergone
environmental remediation at the direction of or directly by DOE are
identified by the following symbol--[dagger]--after the date range
during which such environmental remediation occurred. During those
periods, only the work of employees of DOE contractors who actually
[[Page 13362]]
performed the remediation is ``covered work'' under EEOICPA.
List 1: Work Sites That Are/Were DOE Facilities Exclusively
Facility name Location Dates
Alaska DOE Facilities
Amchitka Island Nuclear Explosion Site. Amchitka Island........... 1965-1973; 2001[dagger].
Project Chariot Site................... Cape Thompson............. 1962; 1993[dagger].
California DOE Facilities
Area IV of the Santa Susanna Field Ventura County............ 1955-1988; 1988-Present [dagger].
Canoga Complex......................... Los Angeles County........ 1955-1960.
De Soto Complex........................ Los Angeles County........ 1959-1995; 1998 [dagger].
Downey Facility........................ Los Angeles County........ 1948-1955.
High Energy Rate Forging (HERF) Oxnard.................... 1984-1997.
Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Davis..................... 1958-1989; 1991-Present [dagger].
Research, University of California
Laboratory of Biomedical and Los Angeles............... 1947-Present.
Environmental Sciences, University of
California (Los Angeles).
Laboratory of Radiobiology and San Francisco............. 1951-1999.
Environmental Health, University of
California (San Francisco).
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.. Berkeley.................. 1942-Present.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Livermore................. 1950-Present.
Sandia National Laboratories, Salton Imperial County........... 1946-1961.
Sea Test Base.
Sandia National Laboratories--Livermore Livermore................. 1956-Present.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Palo Alto................. 1962-Present.
Stanford University.
Colorado DOE Facilities
Grand Junction Operations Office....... Grand Junction............ 1943-Present.
Project Rio Blanco Nuclear Explosion Rifle..................... 1973-1976.
Project Rulison Nuclear Explosion Site. Grand Valley.............. 1969-1971; 1972-1978 [dagger].
Rocky Flats Plant...................... Golden.................... 1951-2006.
Florida DOE Facilities
Pinellas Plant......................... Clearwater................ 1957-1997.
Hawaii DOE Facilities
Kauai Test Facility, U.S. Navy Pacific Kauai..................... 1962-Present.
Missile Range.
Idaho DOE Facilities
Argonne National Laboratory--West...... Scoville.................. 1949-2005.
Idaho National Laboratory.............. Scoville.................. 1949-Present.
Illinois DOE Facilities
Argonne National Laboratory--East...... Argonne................... 1946-Present.
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.. Batavia................... 1972-Present.
Indiana DOE Facilities
Dana Heavy Water Plant................. Dana...................... 1943-1957.
Iowa DOE Facilities
Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University. Ames...................... 1942-Present.
Iowa Ordnance Plant (Line 1 and Burlington................ 1947-1974.
Associated Activities).
Kentucky DOE Facilities
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant........ Paducah................... 1951-7/28/98; 7/29/98-Present [dagger].
Massachusetts DOE Facilities
Winchester Engineering and Analytical Winchester................ 1952-1961.
Minnesota DOE Facilities
Elk River Reactor...................... Elk River................. 1962-1968.
[[Page 13363]]
Mississippi DOE Facilities
Salmon Nuclear Explosion Site.......... Hattiesburg............... 1964-1972.
Missouri DOE Facilities
Kansas City Plant...................... Kansas City............... 1949-Present.
Mallinckrodt Chemical Co., Destrehan St. Louis................. 1942-1962; 1995 [dagger].
Street Facility.
St. Louis Airport Storage Site (SLAPS). St. Louis................. 1947-1973; 1984-1998.
Weldon Spring Plant.................... Weldon Spring............. 1955-1966; 1985-2002 [dagger].
Weldon Spring Quarry................... Weldon Spring............. 1958-1966; 1967-2002 [dagger].
Weldon Spring Raffinate Pits........... Weldon Spring............. 1955-1966; 1966-2002 [dagger].
Nebraska DOE Facilities
Hallam Sodium Graphite Reactor......... Hallam.................... 1960-1971.
Nevada DOE Facilities
Nevada Site Office..................... North Las Vegas........... 1962-Present.
Nevada Test Site....................... Mercury................... 1951-Present.
Project Faultless Nuclear Explosion Central Nevada Test Site.. 1967-1974.
Project Shoal Nuclear Explosion Site... Fallon.................... 1962-1964.
Tonopah Test Range..................... Tonopah................... 1956-Present.
Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Yucca Mountain............ 1987-Present.
New Jersey DOE Facilities
Middlesex Sampling Plant............... Middlesex................. 1943-1967; 1980-1982 [dagger].
New Brunswick Laboratory............... New Brunswick............. 1948-1977.
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton................. 1951-Present.
James Forrestal Campus of Princeton
New Mexico DOE Facilities
Albuquerque Operations Office.......... Albuquerque............... 1942-Present.
Chupadera Mesa......................... White Sands Missile Range. 1945.
Hangar 481, Kirtland AFB............... Albuquerque............... 1989-1996.
Kirtland Operations Office, Kirtland Albuquerque............... 1964-Present.
Los Alamos Medical Center.............. Los Alamos................ 1952-1963.
Los Alamos National Laboratory......... Los Alamos................ 1942-Present.
Lovelace Respiratory Research Albuquerque............... 1960-Present.
Institute, Kirtland AFB.
Project Gasbuggy Nuclear Explosion Site Farmington................ 1967-1973; 1978; 1992-Present [dagger].
Project Gnome Nuclear Explosion Site... Carlsbad.................. 1960-1962.
Sandia National Laboratories........... Albuquerque............... 1945-Present.
South Albuquerque Works................ Albuquerque............... 1951-1967.
Trinity Nuclear Explosion Site, White Sands Missile Range. 1945; 1952 [dagger]; 1967 [dagger].
Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range.
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant............ Carlsbad.................. 1999-Present.
New York DOE Facilities
Brookhaven National Laboratory......... Upton..................... 1947-Present.
Electro Metallurgical Co............... Niagara Falls............. 1942-1953.
Environmental Measurements Laboratory.. New York.................. 1946-2003.
Lake Ontario Ordnance Works............ Niagara County............ 1944-1997.
Linde Ceramics Plant (Buildings 30, 31, Tonawanda................. 1942-1953; 1988-1992 [dagger]; 1996
37 and 38 only). [dagger].
Peek Street Facility (Knolls Atomic Schenectady............... 1947-1954.
Power Laboratory).
Sacandaga Facility..................... Glenville................. 1947-1953.
SAM Laboratories, Columbia University.. New York.................. 1942-1947.
Separations Process Research Unit Schenectady............... 1950-1965; 2007-2011 [dagger].
(Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory).
University of Rochester Atomic Energy Rochester................. 1943-1986.
Ohio DOE Facilities
Extrusion Plant (Reactive Metals Inc.). Ashtabula................. 1962-Present.
Feed Materials Production Center (FMPC) Fernald................... 1951-Present.
Dayton Project (Units I, III and IV Dayton and Oakwood........ 1943-1950.
Mound Plant............................ Miamisburg................ 1947-Present.
Piqua Organic Moderated Reactor........ Piqua..................... 1963-1969.
Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant..... Piketon................... 1952-7/28/98; 7/29/98-Present [dagger].
[[Page 13364]]
Oregon DOE Facilities
Albany Metallurgical Research Center, Albany.................... 1987-1993 [dagger]; 1995-Present.
U.S. Bureau of Mines.
Pennsylvania DOE Facilities
Shippingport Atomic Power Plant........ Shippingport.............. 1984-1995 [dagger].
Puerto Rico DOE Facilities
BONUS Reactor Plant.................... Punta Higuera............. 1964-1968.
Puerto Rico Nuclear Center............. Mayaguez.................. 1957-1976; 1987 [dagger].
South Carolina DOE Facilities
Savannah River Site.................... Aiken..................... 1950-Present.
Tennessee DOE Facilities
Clarksville Modification Center, Ft. Clarksville............... 1949-1967.
Clinton Engineer Works (CEW)........... Oak Ridge................. 1943-1949.
Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant (K- Oak Ridge................. 1943-Present.
Oak Ridge Hospital..................... Oak Ridge................. 1943-1959.
Oak Ridge Institute for Science Oak Ridge................. 1946-Present.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-10)... Oak Ridge................. 1943-Present.
Office of Scientific and Technical Oak Ridge................. 1957-Present.
Information (OSTI).
S-50 Oak Ridge Thermal Diffusion Plant. Oak Ridge................. 1944-1951.
Y-12 Plant............................. Oak Ridge................. 1942-Present.
Texas DOE Facilities
Medina Modification Center............. San Antonio............... 1958-1966.
Pantex Plant........................... Amarillo.................. 1951-Present.
Virginia DOE Facilities
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Newport News.............. 1994-Present.
Washington DOE Facilities
Hanford Engineer Works................. Richland.................. 1942-Present.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.. Richland.................. 1965-Present.
West Virginia DOE Facilities
Reduction Pilot Plant.................. Huntington................ 1951-1963; 1978-1979.
Wisconsin DOE Facilities
LaCrosse Boiling Water Reactor......... LaCrosse.................. 1967-1969.
Territorial DOE Facilities
Pacific Proving Ground................. Bikini and Enewetak Atolls 1946-1962.
(now part of the Republic
of the Marshall Islands),
Johnston Island and
Christmas Island.
List 2: Work Sites That Are/Were DOE Facilities (for the Years
Identified in the Last Column Only) and Also Another Type of EEOICPA-
Covered Facility
Facility name Location Dates
Arizona DOE Facilities
Ore Buying Station at Globe............ Globe..................... 1955-1957.
Uranium Mill in Monument Valley........ Monument Valley........... 1989-1990[dagger]; 1992-1994 [dagger]
Uranium Mill in Tuba City.............. Tuba City................. 1985-1986[dagger]; 1988-1990 [dagger]
[[Page 13365]]
California DOE Facilities
General Atomics (Torrey Pines Mesa and La Jolla.................. 1996-1999[dagger]
Sorrento West).
General Electric Vallecitos............ Pleasanton................ 1998-2010[dagger]
Colorado DOE Facilities
Climax Uranium Mill in Grand Junction.. Grand Junction............ 1988-1994 [dagger].
Green Sludge Plant in Uravan........... Uravan.................... 1943-1945.
New Uranium Mill in Rifle.............. Rifle..................... 1988-1989[dagger]; 1992-1996 [dagger].
Old Uranium Mill in Rifle.............. Rifle..................... 1988-1989 [dagger]; 1992-1996 [dagger].
Uranium Mill in Durango................ Durango................... 1948-1953; 1986-1991 [dagger].
Uranium Mill in Gunnison............... Gunnison.................. 1991-1995 [dagger].
Uranium Mill in Maybell................ Maybell................... 1995-1998 [dagger].
Uranium Mill in Naturita............... Naturita.................. 1994[dagger]; 1996-1998 [dagger].
Uranium Mill No. 1 in Slick Rock (East) Slick Rock................ 1995-1996 [dagger].
Uranium Mill No. 2 in Slick Rock (West) Slick Rock................ 1995-1996 [dagger].
Connecticut DOE Facilities
Connecticut Aircraft Nuclear Engine Middletown................ 1958-1966.
Laboratory (CANEL).
Seymour Specialty Wire................. Seymour................... 1992-1993 [dagger].
Idaho DOE Facilities
Uranium Mill in Lowman................. Lowman.................... 1992[dagger]; 1994-Present [dagger].
Illinois DOE Facilities
General Steel Industries (South Plant). Granite City.............. 1993 [dagger].
Metallurgical Laboratory, University of Chicago................... 1982-1984[dagger]; 1987 [dagger].
Chicago (Eckhart Hall, Jones
Laboratory and Ryerson Hall only).
National Guard Armory (Washington Park Chicago................... 1987 [dagger].
Massachusetts DOE Facilities
Chapman Valve Manufacturing Co......... Indian Orchard............ 1995 [dagger].
Hood Building.......................... Cambridge................. 1946-1963
Ventron Corporation.................... Beverly................... 1986; 1996-1997 [dagger].
Michigan DOE Facilities
Bridgeport Brass Co.................... Adrian.................... 1976 [dagger]; 1995 [dagger].
Missouri DOE Facilities
Latty Avenue Properties................ Hazelwood................. 1984-1986 [dagger].
New Jersey DOE Facilities
Du Pont Deepwater Works................ Deepwater................. 1996 [dagger].
Kellex/Pierpont........................ Jersey City............... 1979-1980 [dagger].
Middlesex Municipal Landfill........... Middlesex................. 1984 [dagger]; 1986 [dagger].
Rare Earths/W.R. Grace................. Wayne..................... 1985-1987 [dagger].
New Mexico DOE Facilities
Ore Buying Station at Grants........... Grants.................... 1956-1958.
Ore Buying Station at Shiprock......... Shiprock.................. 1952-1954.
Uranium Mill in Ambrosia Lake.......... Ambrosia Lake............. 1987-1989 [dagger]; 1992-1995 [dagger].
Uranium Mill in Shiprock............... Shiprock.................. 1984-1986 [dagger].
New York DOE Facilities
Baker and Williams Warehouses (Pier 38) New York.................. 1991-1993 [dagger].
Colonie Interim Storage Site (National Colonie................... 1984-1998 [dagger].
Lead Co.).
West Valley Demonstration Project...... West Valley............... 1980-Present.
Ohio DOE Facilities
Alba Craft............................. Oxford.................... 1994-1995 [dagger].
Associated Aircraft Tool and Fairfield................. 1994-1995 [dagger].
Manufacturing Co..
B & T Metals........................... Columbus.................. 1996 [dagger].
Baker Brothers......................... Toledo.................... 1995 [dagger].
Battelle Laboratories--King Avenue..... Columbus.................. 1986-2000 [dagger].
[[Page 13366]]
Battelle Laboratories--West Jefferson.. Columbus.................. 1986-Present [dagger].
Beryllium Production Plant (Brush Luckey.................... 1949-1961; 1992-Present [dagger].
Luckey Plant).
General Electric Co. (Ohio)............ Cincinnati/Evendale....... 1961-1970
Herring-Hall Marvin Safe Co............ Hamilton.................. 1994-1995 [dagger].
Oregon DOE Facilities
Uranium Mill and Disposal Cell in Lakeview.................. 1986-1989 [dagger].
Pennsylvania DOE Facilities
Aliquippa Forge........................ Aliquippa................. 1988 [dagger]; 1993-1994 [dagger].
C.H. Schnorr & Company................. Springdale................ 1994 [dagger].
Vitro Manufacturing (Canonsburg)....... Canonsburg................ 1983-1985 [dagger]; 1996 [dagger].
South Dakota DOE Facilities
Ore Buying Station at Edgemont......... Edgemont.................. 1952-1956.
Texas DOE Facilities
Uranium Mill in Falls City............. Falls City................ 1992-1994 [dagger].
Utah DOE Facilities
Ore Buying Station at Marysvale........ Marysvale................. 1950-1957.
Ore Buying Station at Moab............. Moab...................... 1954-1960.
Ore Buying Station at Monticello....... Monticello................ 1948-1962.
Ore Buying Station at White Canyon..... White Canyon.............. 1954-1957.
Uranium Mill in Mexican Hat............ Mexican Hat............... 1987 [dagger]; 1992-1995 [dagger].
Uranium Mill in Moab (Atlas Site)...... Moab...................... 2001-Present.
Uranium Mill in Monticello............. Monticello................ 1948-1960; 1983-2000 [dagger].
Wyoming DOE Facilities
Ore Buying Station at Crooks Gap....... Crooks Gap................ 1956-1957.
Ore Buying Station at Riverton......... Riverton.................. 1955-1957.
Uranium Mill in Converse County........ Converse County........... 1989 [dagger].
(Spook Site)...........................
Uranium Mill in Riverton............... Riverton.................. 1988-1990 [dagger].
[dagger] Denotes a period of environmental remediation.
Signed at Washington, DC, this 29th day of February, 2012.
Gary A. Steinberg,
Acting Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs.
[FR Doc. 2012-5324 Filed 3-5-12; 8:45 am]