Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor in the Production of Goods in Foreign Countries and Efforts by Certain Countries To Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor, 9267-9268 [2012-3592]
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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 32 / Thursday, February 16, 2012 / Notices
Foreign Claims Settlement
Sunshine Act Meeting
F.C.S.C. Meeting and Hearing Notice
No. 02–12
The Foreign Claims Settlement
Commission, pursuant to its regulations
(45 CFR part 503.25) and the
Government in the Sunshine Act (5
U.S.C. 552b), hereby gives notice in
regard to the scheduling of open
meetings as follows:
Thursday, February 23, 2012:
3:00 p.m.—Issuance of Proposed
Decisions in claims against Libya.
4:00 p.m.—Oral hearing on Objection to
Commission’s Proposed Decision in
Claim No. LIB–II–088.
Friday, February 24, 2012:
9:00 a.m.—Oral hearings on Objection to
Commission’s Proposed Decisions in
Claim No. LIB–I–051; 10:30 a.m.—
LIB–II–169; 12:00 NOON—LIB–II–
Status: Open.
All meetings are held at the Foreign
Claims Settlement Commission, 600 E
Street NW., Washington, DC. Requests
for information, or advance notices of
intention to observe an open meeting,
may be directed to: Judith H. Lock,
Executive Officer, Foreign Claims
Settlement Commission, 600 E Street
NW., Suite 6002, Washington, DC
20579. Telephone: (202) 616–6975.
Jaleh F. Barrett,
Chief Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2012–3843 Filed 2–14–12; 4:15 pm]
Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced
or Indentured Child Labor in the
Production of Goods in Foreign
Countries and Efforts by Certain
Countries To Eliminate the Worst
Forms of Child Labor
The Bureau of International
Labor Affairs, United States Department
of Labor.
ACTION: Notice: Request for information
and invitation to comment.
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
This notice is a request for
information and/or comment on reports
issued by the Bureau of International
Labor Affairs (ILAB) October 3, 2011,
regarding child labor and forced labor in
foreign countries. Relevant information
will be used by the Department of Labor
(DOL) in preparation of its ongoing
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reporting under Congressional mandates
and Presidential directive. In addition,
ILAB may use relevant information to
conduct assessments of each country’s
individual progress towards eliminating
the worst forms of child labor during the
current reporting period compared to
previous years.
DATES: Submitters of information are
requested to provide their submission to
the Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor
and Human Trafficking (OCFT) at the
email or physical address below by 5
p.m. March 9, 2012.
To Submit Information: Information
submitted to DOL should be submitted
directly to OCFT, Bureau of
International Labor Affairs, U.S.
Department of Labor at (202) 693–4843
(this is not a toll free number).
Comments, identified as ‘‘Docket No.
DOL–2011–0002,’’ may be submitted by
any of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
The portal includes instructions for
submitting comments. Parties
submitting responses electronically are
encouraged not to submit paper copies.
• Facsimile (fax): OCFT at 202–693–
• Mail, Express Delivery, Hand
Delivery, and Messenger Service (2
copies): Tina McCarter at U.S.
Department of Labor, OCFT, Bureau of
International Labor Affairs, 200
Constitution Avenue NW., Room S–
5317, Washington, DC 20210.
• Email: Email submissions should be
addressed to Tina McCarter at
McCarter (see contact information
I. Section 105(b)(1) of the Trafficking
Victims Protection Reauthorization Act
of 2005 (‘‘TVPRA of 2005’’), Public Law
109–164 (2006), directed the Secretary
of Labor, acting through ILAB, to
‘‘develop and make available to the
public a list of goods from countries that
the Bureau of International Labor Affairs
has reason to believe are produced by
forced labor or child labor in violation
of international standards’’ (TVPRA
Pursuant to this mandate, in
December 2007 DOL published in the
Federal Register a set of procedural
guidelines that ILAB follows in
developing the TVPRA List (72 FR
73374). The guidelines set forth the
criteria by which information is
evaluated; established procedures for
public submission of information to be
considered by ILAB; and identified the
process ILAB follows in maintaining
PO 00000
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and updating the List after its initial
ILAB released its first TVPRA List on
September 30, 2009, an update on
December 10, 2010 and another update
on October 3, 2011. This List is updated
periodically as additional countries and
territories are researched and new
information for countries and territories
already reviewed is evaluated. For a
copy of the 2011 TVPRA report,
Frequently Asked Questions, and other
materials relating to the TVPRA List, see
ILAB’s TVPRA Web page at: https://
II. Executive Order No. 13126 (E.O.
13126) declared that it was ‘‘the policy
of the United States Government * * *
that the executive agencies shall take
appropriate actions to enforce the laws
prohibiting the manufacture or
importation of goods, wares, articles,
and merchandise mined, produced, or
manufactured wholly or in part by
forced or indentured child labor.’’
Pursuant to E.O. 13126, and following
public notice and comment, the
Department of Labor published in the
January 18, 2001, Federal Register, a
final list of products (‘‘E.O. List’’),
identified by country of origin, that the
Department, in consultation and
cooperation with the Departments of
State (DOS) and Treasury [relevant
responsibilities now within the
Department of Homeland Security
(DHS)], had a reasonable basis to believe
might have been mined, produced or
manufactured with forced or indentured
child labor (66 FR 5353). In addition to
the List, the Department also published
on January 18, 2001, ‘‘Procedural
Guidelines for Maintenance of the List
of Products Requiring Federal
Contractor Certification as to Forced or
Indentured Child Labor,’’ which provide
for maintaining, reviewing, and, as
appropriate, revising the EO List (66 FR
Pursuant to Sections D through G of
the Procedural Guidelines, the EO List
may be updated through consideration
of submissions by individuals or
through OCFT’s own initiative.
DOL has officially revised the EO List
twice, on July 20, 2010 and May 31,
2011, each time after public notice and
comment as well as consultation with
DOS and DHS. In addition, DOL
published an initial determination on
October 4, 2011 proposing another
revision to the EO List and requesting
public comment (76 FR 61384).
The current EO List, Procedural
Guidelines, and related information can
be accessed on the Internet at https://
srobinson on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 32 / Thursday, February 16, 2012 / Notices
III. The Trade and Development Act
of 2000 (TDA), Public Law 106–200
(2002), established a new eligibility
criterion for receipt of trade benefits
under the Generalized System of
Preferences (GSP), Caribbean Basin
Trade and Partnership Act (CBTPA),
and Africa Growth and Opportunity Act
(AGOA). The TDA amends the GSP
reporting requirements of Section 504 of
the Trade Act of 1974, 19 U.S.C. 2464,
to require that the President’s annual
report on the status of internationally
recognized worker rights include
‘‘findings by the Secretary of Labor with
respect to the beneficiary country’s
implementation of its international
commitments to eliminate the worst
forms of child labor.’’ Title II of the TDA
and the TDA Conference Report, Joint
Explanatory Statement of the Committee
of Conference, 106th Cong.2d.Sess.
(2000), indicate that the same criterion
applies for the receipt of benefits under
CBTPA and AGOA, respectively.
In addition, the Andean Trade
Preference Act, as amended and
expanded by the Andean Trade
Promotion and Drug Eradication Act,
Public Law 107–210, Title XXXI (2002),
includes as a criterion for receiving
benefits ‘‘[w]hether the country has
implemented its commitments to
eliminate the worst forms of child labor
as defined in section 507(6) of the Trade
Act of 1974.’’ DOL fulfills these
reporting mandates through annual
publication of the U.S. Department of
Labor’s Findings on the Worst Forms of
Child Labor with respect to countries
eligible for the aforementioned
programs. The 2010 report and
additional background information are
available on the Internet at https://
Information Requested and Invitation
To Comment: Interested parties are
invited to comment and provide
information regarding DOL’s 2010 TDA
Report; the 2011 TVPRA list; and the
current E.O. 13126 List, all of which
may be found on the Internet at
research.htm or obtained from OCFT.
DOL requests comments or information
to update the findings and suggestions
for government action for countries
reviewed in the TDA report, as well as
to assess each country’s individual
progress towards eliminating the worst
forms of child labor during the current
reporting period compared to previous
years. In addition, DOL especially
appreciates information on the nature
and extent of child labor, forced labor,
and forced or indentured child labor in
the production of goods in foreign
countries as well as information on
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government, industry, or third-party
actions to address these issues for
countries reviewed for the E.O. and
TVPRA lists. Materials submitted
should be confined to the specific topics
of these reports. DOL will generally
consider sources with dates up to five
years old (i.e., data not older than
January 1, 2006). DOL appreciates the
extent to which submissions clearly
indicate the time period to which they
apply. In the interest of transparency,
classified information will not be
accepted. Where applicable, information
submitted should indicate its source or
sources, and copies of the source
material should be provided. If primary
sources are utilized, such as research
studies, interviews, direct observations,
or other sources of quantitative or
qualitative data, details on the research
or data-gathering methodology should
be provided. Please see the 2010 TDA
Report, TVPRA List, and E.O. List for a
complete explanation of relevant terms,
definitions, and reporting guidelines
employed by DOL, or refer to ILAB’s
previous Request for Information
published in the Federal Register on
April 25, 2011 (76 FR 22921).
This notice is a general solicitation of
comments from the public.
Signed at Washington, DC, this 9th day of
February 2012.
Sandra Polaski,
Deputy Undersecretary for International
Labor Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2012–3592 Filed 2–15–12; 8:45 am]
You may submit your
comments, identified by ‘‘docket
number’’ on the subject line, by any of
the following methods:
1. Electronic Mail: Include the docket
number of the petition in the subject
line of the message.
2. Facsimile: 202–693–9441.
3. Regular Mail: MSHA, Office of
Standards, Regulations, and Variances,
1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2350,
Arlington, Virginia 22209–3939,
Attention: Roslyn B. Fontaine, Acting
Director, Office of Standards,
Regulations, and Variances.
4. Hand-Delivery or Courier: MSHA,
Office of Standards, Regulations, and
Variances, 1100 Wilson Boulevard,
Room 2350, Arlington, Virginia 22209–
3939. Individuals who submit
comments by hand-delivery are required
to check in at the receptionist’s desk on
the 21st floor. Individuals may inspect
copies of the petitions and comments
during normal business hours at the
address listed above.
MSHA will consider only comments
postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service or
proof of delivery from another delivery
service such as UPS or Federal Express
on or before the deadline for comments.
Barbara Barron, Office of Standards,
Regulations, and Variances at 202–693–
9447 (Voice),
(E-mail), or 202–693–9441 (Facsimile).
[These are not toll-free numbers].
I. Background
Mine Safety and Health Administration
Petitions for Modification of
Application of Existing Mandatory
Safety Standards
Mine Safety and Health
Administration, Labor.
ACTION: Notice.
Section 101(c) of the Federal
Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 and
30 CFR Part 44 govern the application,
processing, and disposition of petitions
for modification. This notice is a
summary of petitions for modification
submitted to the Mine Safety and Health
Administration (MSHA) by the parties
listed below to modify the application
of existing mandatory safety standards
codified in Title 30 of the Code of
Federal Regulations.
DATES: All comments on the petitions
must be received by the Office of
Standards, Regulations, and Variances
on or before March 19, 2012.
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Section 101(c) of the Federal Mine
Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine
Act) allows the mine operator or
representative of miners to file a
petition to modify the application of any
mandatory safety standard to a coal or
other mine if the Secretary of Labor
determines that:
(1) An alternative method of
achieving the result of such standard
exists which will at all times guarantee
no less than the same measure of
protection afforded the miners of such
mine by such standard; or
(2) That the application of such
standard to such mine will result in a
diminution of safety to the miners in
such mine.
In addition, the regulations at 30 CFR
44.10 and 44.11 establish the
requirements and procedures for filing
petitions for modification.
II. Petitions for Modification
Docket Number: M–2011–044–C.
Petitioner: Bowie Resources, LLC,
P.O. Box 1488, Paonia, Colorado 81418.
[Federal Register Volume 77, Number 32 (Thursday, February 16, 2012)]
[Pages 9267-9268]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2012-3592]
Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Forced or Indentured Child Labor
in the Production of Goods in Foreign Countries and Efforts by Certain
Countries To Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor
AGENCY: The Bureau of International Labor Affairs, United States
Department of Labor.
ACTION: Notice: Request for information and invitation to comment.
SUMMARY: This notice is a request for information and/or comment on
reports issued by the Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB)
October 3, 2011, regarding child labor and forced labor in foreign
countries. Relevant information will be used by the Department of Labor
(DOL) in preparation of its ongoing reporting under Congressional
mandates and Presidential directive. In addition, ILAB may use relevant
information to conduct assessments of each country's individual
progress towards eliminating the worst forms of child labor during the
current reporting period compared to previous years.
DATES: Submitters of information are requested to provide their
submission to the Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human
Trafficking (OCFT) at the email or physical address below by 5 p.m.
March 9, 2012.
To Submit Information: Information submitted to DOL should be
submitted directly to OCFT, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, U.S.
Department of Labor at (202) 693-4843 (this is not a toll free number).
Comments, identified as ``Docket No. DOL-2011-0002,'' may be submitted
by any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
The portal includes instructions for submitting comments. Parties
submitting responses electronically are encouraged not to submit paper
Facsimile (fax): OCFT at 202-693-4830.
Mail, Express Delivery, Hand Delivery, and Messenger
Service (2 copies): Tina McCarter at U.S. Department of Labor, OCFT,
Bureau of International Labor Affairs, 200 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Room S-5317, Washington, DC 20210.
Email: Email submissions should be addressed to Tina
McCarter at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tina McCarter (see contact information
I. Section 105(b)(1) of the Trafficking Victims Protection
Reauthorization Act of 2005 (``TVPRA of 2005''), Public Law 109-164
(2006), directed the Secretary of Labor, acting through ILAB, to
``develop and make available to the public a list of goods from
countries that the Bureau of International Labor Affairs has reason to
believe are produced by forced labor or child labor in violation of
international standards'' (TVPRA List).
Pursuant to this mandate, in December 2007 DOL published in the
Federal Register a set of procedural guidelines that ILAB follows in
developing the TVPRA List (72 FR 73374). The guidelines set forth the
criteria by which information is evaluated; established procedures for
public submission of information to be considered by ILAB; and
identified the process ILAB follows in maintaining and updating the
List after its initial publication.
ILAB released its first TVPRA List on September 30, 2009, an update
on December 10, 2010 and another update on October 3, 2011. This List
is updated periodically as additional countries and territories are
researched and new information for countries and territories already
reviewed is evaluated. For a copy of the 2011 TVPRA report, Frequently
Asked Questions, and other materials relating to the TVPRA List, see
ILAB's TVPRA Web page at:
II. Executive Order No. 13126 (E.O. 13126) declared that it was
``the policy of the United States Government * * * that the executive
agencies shall take appropriate actions to enforce the laws prohibiting
the manufacture or importation of goods, wares, articles, and
merchandise mined, produced, or manufactured wholly or in part by
forced or indentured child labor.'' Pursuant to E.O. 13126, and
following public notice and comment, the Department of Labor published
in the January 18, 2001, Federal Register, a final list of products
(``E.O. List''), identified by country of origin, that the Department,
in consultation and cooperation with the Departments of State (DOS) and
Treasury [relevant responsibilities now within the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS)], had a reasonable basis to believe might have
been mined, produced or manufactured with forced or indentured child
labor (66 FR 5353). In addition to the List, the Department also
published on January 18, 2001, ``Procedural Guidelines for Maintenance
of the List of Products Requiring Federal Contractor Certification as
to Forced or Indentured Child Labor,'' which provide for maintaining,
reviewing, and, as appropriate, revising the EO List (66 FR 5351).
Pursuant to Sections D through G of the Procedural Guidelines, the
EO List may be updated through consideration of submissions by
individuals or through OCFT's own initiative.
DOL has officially revised the EO List twice, on July 20, 2010 and
May 31, 2011, each time after public notice and comment as well as
consultation with DOS and DHS. In addition, DOL published an initial
determination on October 4, 2011 proposing another revision to the EO
List and requesting public comment (76 FR 61384).
The current EO List, Procedural Guidelines, and related information
can be accessed on the Internet at
[[Page 9268]]
III. The Trade and Development Act of 2000 (TDA), Public Law 106-
200 (2002), established a new eligibility criterion for receipt of
trade benefits under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP),
Caribbean Basin Trade and Partnership Act (CBTPA), and Africa Growth
and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The TDA amends the GSP reporting
requirements of Section 504 of the Trade Act of 1974, 19 U.S.C. 2464,
to require that the President's annual report on the status of
internationally recognized worker rights include ``findings by the
Secretary of Labor with respect to the beneficiary country's
implementation of its international commitments to eliminate the worst
forms of child labor.'' Title II of the TDA and the TDA Conference
Report, Joint Explanatory Statement of the Committee of Conference,
106th Cong.2d.Sess. (2000), indicate that the same criterion applies
for the receipt of benefits under CBTPA and AGOA, respectively.
In addition, the Andean Trade Preference Act, as amended and
expanded by the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act, Public
Law 107-210, Title XXXI (2002), includes as a criterion for receiving
benefits ``[w]hether the country has implemented its commitments to
eliminate the worst forms of child labor as defined in section 507(6)
of the Trade Act of 1974.'' DOL fulfills these reporting mandates
through annual publication of the U.S. Department of Labor's Findings
on the Worst Forms of Child Labor with respect to countries eligible
for the aforementioned programs. The 2010 report and additional
background information are available on the Internet at
Information Requested and Invitation To Comment: Interested parties
are invited to comment and provide information regarding DOL's 2010 TDA
Report; the 2011 TVPRA list; and the current E.O. 13126 List, all of
which may be found on the Internet at or obtained from OCFT. DOL requests comments or
information to update the findings and suggestions for government
action for countries reviewed in the TDA report, as well as to assess
each country's individual progress towards eliminating the worst forms
of child labor during the current reporting period compared to previous
years. In addition, DOL especially appreciates information on the
nature and extent of child labor, forced labor, and forced or
indentured child labor in the production of goods in foreign countries
as well as information on government, industry, or third-party actions
to address these issues for countries reviewed for the E.O. and TVPRA
lists. Materials submitted should be confined to the specific topics of
these reports. DOL will generally consider sources with dates up to
five years old (i.e., data not older than January 1, 2006). DOL
appreciates the extent to which submissions clearly indicate the time
period to which they apply. In the interest of transparency, classified
information will not be accepted. Where applicable, information
submitted should indicate its source or sources, and copies of the
source material should be provided. If primary sources are utilized,
such as research studies, interviews, direct observations, or other
sources of quantitative or qualitative data, details on the research or
data-gathering methodology should be provided. Please see the 2010 TDA
Report, TVPRA List, and E.O. List for a complete explanation of
relevant terms, definitions, and reporting guidelines employed by DOL,
or refer to ILAB's previous Request for Information published in the
Federal Register on April 25, 2011 (76 FR 22921).
This notice is a general solicitation of comments from the public.
Signed at Washington, DC, this 9th day of February 2012.
Sandra Polaski,
Deputy Undersecretary for International Labor Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2012-3592 Filed 2-15-12; 8:45 am]