Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests, 72188-72189 [2011-30136]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 225 / Tuesday, November 22, 2011 / Notices
requirements and provide the requested
data in the desired format. The Director,
Information Collection Clearance
Division, Privacy, Information and
Records Management Services, Office of
Management, invites comments on the
proposed information collection
requests as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before January
23, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Comments regarding burden
and/or the collection activity
requirements should be electronically
mailed to or
mailed to U.S. Department of Education,
400 Maryland Avenue SW, LBJ,
Washington, DC 20202–4537. Please
note that written comments received in
response to this notice will be
considered public records.
3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35) requires that
Federal agencies provide interested
parties an early opportunity to comment
on information collection requests. The
Director, Information Collection
Clearance Division, Regulatory
Information Management Services,
Office of Management, publishes this
notice containing proposed information
collection requests at the beginning of
the Departmental review of the
information collection. The Department
of Education is especially interested in
public comment addressing the
following issues: (1) Is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the
Department; (2) will this information be
processed and used in a timely manner;
(3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
(4) how might the Department enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology.
Dated: November 17, 2011.
Darrin King,
Director, Information Collection Clearance
Division, Privacy, Information and Records
Management Services, Office of Management.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services
Type of Review: Revision.
Title of Collection: Annual Vocational
Rehabilitation Program/Cost Report.
OMB Control Number: 1820–0017.
Agency Form Number(s): RSA–2.
Frequency of Responses: Annually.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit; State, Local or Tribal
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:14 Nov 21, 2011
Jkt 226001
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 80.
Total Estimated Annual Burden
Hours: 320.
Abstract: The Rehabilitative Service
Administration (RSA)–2 collects
expenditure and service data from State
vocational rehabilitation agencies under
Title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
as amended in order for the RSA to
manage, administer, and evaluate
vocational rehabilitation programs.
Copies of the proposed information
collection request may be accessed from, by selecting the
‘‘Browse Pending Collections’’ link and
by clicking on link number 4753. When
you access the information collection,
click on ‘‘Download Attachments’’ to
view. Written requests for information
should be addressed to U.S. Department
of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue
SW., LBJ, Washington, DC 20202–4537.
Requests may also be electronically
mailed to or faxed
to (202) 401–0920. Please specify the
complete title of the information
collection and OMB Control Number
when making your request.
Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–
[FR Doc. 2011–30132 Filed 11–21–11; 8:45 am]
Notice of Proposed Information
Collection Requests
Department of Education.
ACTION: Comment Request.
The Department of Education
(the Department), in accordance with
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)),
provides the general public and Federal
agencies with an opportunity to
comment on proposed and continuing
collections of information. This helps
the Department assess the impact of its
information collection requirements and
minimize the reporting burden on the
public and helps the public understand
the Department’s information collection
requirements and provide the requested
data in the desired format. The Director,
Information Collection Clearance
Division, Privacy, Information and
Records Management Services, Office of
Management, Office of Management,
invites comments on the proposed
information collection requests as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995.
PO 00000
Frm 00030
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before January
23, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Comments regarding burden
and/or the collection activity
requirements should be electronically
mailed to or
mailed to U.S. Department of Education,
400 Maryland Avenue SW., LBJ,
Washington, DC 20202–4537. Please
note that written comments received in
response to this notice will be
considered public records.
3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires
that Federal agencies provide interested
parties an early opportunity to comment
on information collection requests. The
Director, Information Collection
Clearance Division, Regulatory
Information Management Services,
Office of Management, publishes this
notice containing proposed information
collection requests at the beginning of
the Departmental review of the
information collection. The Department
of Education is especially interested in
public comment addressing the
following issues: (1) Is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the
Department; (2) will this information be
processed and used in a timely manner;
(3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
(4) how might the Department enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology.
Dated: November 17, 2011.
Darrin King,
Director, Information Collection Clearance
Division, Privacy, Information and Records
Management Services, Office of Management.
Office of Elementary and Secondary
Type of Review: Extension.
Title of Collection: Impact Aid
Application for Section 8002
OMB Control Number: 1810–0036.
Agency Form Number(s): N/A.
Frequency of Responses: Annually.
Affected Public: State, Local or Tribal
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 250.
Total Estimated Annual Burden
Hours: 1,625.
Abstract: The U.S. Department of
Education (ED) is requesting approval
for the Application for Assistance under
Section 8002 of Title VIII of the
Elementary and Secondary Education
Act. This application is for a grant
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 225 / Tuesday, November 22, 2011 / Notices
program otherwise known as Impact
Aid Payments for Federal Property.
Local Educational Agencies that have
lost taxable property due to Federal
activities request financial assistance by
completing an annual application.
Regulations for Section 8002 of the
Impact Aid Program are found at 34 CFR
222, Subpart B. ED is requesting
renewal of its three-year clearance
under the same collection number.
Copies of the proposed information
collection request may be accessed from, by selecting the
‘‘Browse Pending Collections’’ link and
by clicking on link number 4726. When
you access the information collection,
click on ‘‘Download Attachments’’ to
view. Written requests for information
should be addressed to U.S. Department
of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue
SW., LBJ, Washington, DC 20202–4537.
Requests may also be electronically
mailed to or faxed
to (202) 401–0920. Please specify the
complete title of the information
collection and OMB Control Number
when making your request.
Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–
[FR Doc. 2011–30136 Filed 11–21–11; 8:45 am]
Notice of Proposed Information
Collection Requests
Department of Education.
Comment Request.
The Department of Education
(the Department), in accordance with
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)),
provides the general public and Federal
agencies with an opportunity to
comment on proposed and continuing
collections of information. This helps
the Department assess the impact of its
information collection requirements and
minimize the reporting burden on the
public and helps the public understand
the Department’s information collection
requirements and provide the requested
data in the desired format. The Director,
Information Collection Clearance
Division, Privacy, Information and
Records Management Services, Office of
Management, invites comments on the
proposed information collection
requests as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:14 Nov 21, 2011
Jkt 226001
Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before January
23, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Comments regarding burden
and/or the collection activity
requirements should be electronically
mailed to or
mailed to U.S. Department of Education,
400 Maryland Avenue SW., LBJ,
Washington, DC 20202–4537. Please
note that written comments received in
response to this notice will be
considered public records.
3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires
that Federal agencies provide interested
parties an early opportunity to comment
on information collection requests. The
Director, Information Collection
Clearance Division, Regulatory
Information Management Services,
Office of Management, publishes this
notice containing proposed information
collection requests at the beginning of
the Departmental review of the
information collection. The Department
of Education is especially interested in
public comment addressing the
following issues: (1) Is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the
Department; (2) will this information be
processed and used in a timely manner;
(3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
(4) how might the Department enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology.
Dated: November 17, 2011.
Darrin King,
Director, Information Collection Clearance
Division, Privacy, Information and Records
Management Services, Office of Management.
Federal Student Aid
Type of Review: Extension.
Title of Collection: Teacher Education
Assistance for College and Higher
Education Grant (TEACH) Eligibility
OMB Control Number: 1845–0084.
Agency Form Number(s): N/A.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 233,276.
Total Estimated Annual Burden
Hours: 32,739.
Abstract: The Teacher Education
Assistance for College and Higher
Education (TEACH) Grant program is a
non-need-based grant program that
provides up to $4,000 per year to
students who are enrolled in an eligible
program and who agree to teach in a
high-need field, at a low-income
elementary or secondary school for at
PO 00000
Frm 00031
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
least four years within eight years of
completing the program for which the
TEACH Grant was awarded. The
TEACH Grant program regulations are
required to ensure accountability of the
program participants, both institutions
and student recipients, for proper
program administration, to determine
eligibility to receive program benefits
and to prevent fraud and abuse of
program funds. The regulations include
both recordkeeping and reporting
requirements. The recordkeeping by the
school allows for review of compliance
with the regulations during on-site
institution reviews. The Department
uses the required reporting to allow for
close-out of institutions that are no
longer participating or who lose
eligibility to participate in the program.
Copies of the proposed information
collection request may be accessed from, by selecting the
‘‘Browse Pending Collections’’ link and
by clicking on link number 4752. When
you access the information collection,
click on ‘‘Download Attachments’’ to
view. Written requests for information
should be addressed to U.S. Department
of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue
SW., LBJ, Washington, DC 20202–4537.
Requests may also be electronically
mailed to or faxed
to (202) 401–0920. Please specify the
complete title of the information
collection and OMB Control Number
when making your request.
Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–
[FR Doc. 2011–30135 Filed 11–21–11; 8:45 am]
Notice of Submission for OMB Review
Department of Education.
Comment Request.
The Director, Information
Collection Clearance Division, Privacy,
Information and Records Management
Services, Office of Management, invites
comments on the submission for OMB
review as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13).
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before
December 22, 2011.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be addressed to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Attention: Education Desk Officer,
Office of Management and Budget, 725
17th Street, NW., Room 10222, New
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 225 (Tuesday, November 22, 2011)]
[Pages 72188-72189]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-30136]
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
AGENCY: Department of Education.
ACTION: Comment Request.
SUMMARY: The Department of Education (the Department), in accordance
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the general public and Federal agencies with
an opportunity to comment on proposed and continuing collections of
information. This helps the Department assess the impact of its
information collection requirements and minimize the reporting burden
on the public and helps the public understand the Department's
information collection requirements and provide the requested data in
the desired format. The Director, Information Collection Clearance
Division, Privacy, Information and Records Management Services, Office
of Management, Office of Management, invites comments on the proposed
information collection requests as required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments on or before
January 23, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Comments regarding burden and/or the collection activity
requirements should be electronically mailed to or
mailed to U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW., LBJ,
Washington, DC 20202-4537. Please note that written comments received
in response to this notice will be considered public records.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires that Federal agencies provide
interested parties an early opportunity to comment on information
collection requests. The Director, Information Collection Clearance
Division, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of
Management, publishes this notice containing proposed information
collection requests at the beginning of the Departmental review of the
information collection. The Department of Education is especially
interested in public comment addressing the following issues: (1) Is
this collection necessary to the proper functions of the Department;
(2) will this information be processed and used in a timely manner; (3)
is the estimate of burden accurate; (4) how might the Department
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (5) how might the Department minimize the burden of this
collection on the respondents, including through the use of information
Dated: November 17, 2011.
Darrin King,
Director, Information Collection Clearance Division, Privacy,
Information and Records Management Services, Office of Management.
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
Type of Review: Extension.
Title of Collection: Impact Aid Application for Section 8002
OMB Control Number: 1810-0036.
Agency Form Number(s): N/A.
Frequency of Responses: Annually.
Affected Public: State, Local or Tribal Government.
Total Estimated Number of Annual Responses: 250.
Total Estimated Annual Burden Hours: 1,625.
Abstract: The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is requesting
approval for the Application for Assistance under Section 8002 of Title
VIII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This application is
for a grant
[[Page 72189]]
program otherwise known as Impact Aid Payments for Federal Property.
Local Educational Agencies that have lost taxable property due to
Federal activities request financial assistance by completing an annual
application. Regulations for Section 8002 of the Impact Aid Program are
found at 34 CFR 222, Subpart B. ED is requesting renewal of its three-
year clearance under the same collection number.
Copies of the proposed information collection request may be
accessed from, by selecting the ``Browse Pending
Collections'' link and by clicking on link number 4726. When you access
the information collection, click on ``Download Attachments'' to view.
Written requests for information should be addressed to U.S. Department
of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW., LBJ, Washington, DC 20202-4537.
Requests may also be electronically mailed to or
faxed to (202) 401-0920. Please specify the complete title of the
information collection and OMB Control Number when making your request.
Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD)
may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-
[FR Doc. 2011-30136 Filed 11-21-11; 8:45 am]