2017-2025 Model Year Light-Duty Vehicle GHG Emissions and CAFE Standards: Supplemental Notice of Intent, 48758-48769 [2011-19905]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 153 / Tuesday, August 9, 2011 / Proposed Rules
recordkeeping requirements, Volatile
organic compounds.
Dated: July 29, 2011.
Susan Hedman,
Regional Administrator, Region 5.
[FR Doc. 2011–20205 Filed 8–8–11; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Parts 85, 86, and 600
National Highway Traffic Safety
49 CFR Parts 531 and 533
[EPA–HQ–OAR–2010–0799; FRL–9448–7;
RIN 2060–AQ54; RIN 2127–AK79
2017–2025 Model Year Light-Duty
Vehicle GHG Emissions and CAFE
Standards: Supplemental Notice of
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National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA), and
Environmental Protection Agency
ACTION: Supplemental Notice of Intent.
President Obama issued a
Presidential Memorandum on May 21,
2010, concerning the development of a
new generation of clean cars and trucks
through innovative technologies and
manufacturing. The President requested
that EPA and NHTSA, on behalf of the
Department of Transportation, develop,
through notice and comment
rulemaking, a coordinated National
Program under the Clean Air Act (CAA)
and the Energy Policy and Conservation
Act (EPCA), as amended by the Energy
Independence and Security Act (EISA),
to reduce fuel consumption by and
greenhouse gas emissions of light-duty
vehicles for model years 2017–2025.
This notice of intent generally
describes the joint proposal that the
EPA and NHTSA expect to issue to
establish the National Program for
model years 2017–2025. The agencies
are developing the proposal based on
extensive technical analyses, an
examination of the factors required
under the respective statutes and on
discussions with individual motor
vehicle manufacturers and other
stakeholders. The National Program
would apply to passenger cars, lightduty trucks, and medium-duty
passenger vehicles (light-duty vehicles)
built in those model years.
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The agencies currently expect to
issue a proposal for a coordinated
National Program for model year 2017–
2025 light-duty vehicles by
September 28, 2011, and a final rule by
July 31, 2012.
EPA: Christopher Lieske, Office of
Transportation and Air Quality,
Assessment and Standards Division,
Environmental Protection Agency, 2000
Traverwood Drive, Ann Arbor, MI
48105; telephone number: 734–214–
4584; fax number: 734–214–4816;
e-mail address:
lieske.christopher@epa.gov, or contact
the Assessment and Standards Division;
e-mail address: otaqpublicweb@epa.gov.
DOT/NHTSA: Rebecca Yoon, Office of
Chief Counsel, National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.
Telephone: (202) 366–2992.
NHTSA and EPA have established
dockets for the already issued notices
and upcoming rulemaking under Docket
ID numbers NHTSA–2010–0131 and
respectively. You may read the
materials placed in the dockets (e.g., the
TAR and the comments submitted in
response to the first NOI 1 by other
interested persons) at any time by going
to https://www.regulations.gov. Follow
the online instructions for accessing the
You may also read the materials at the
EPA Docket Center or NHTSA Docket
Management Facility at the following
locations: EPA: EPA Docket Center,
EPA/DC, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301
Constitution Ave., NW., Washington,
DC. The Public Reading Room is open
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding legal
holidays. The telephone number for the
Public Reading Room is (202) 566–1744.
NHTSA: Docket Management Facility,
M–30, U.S. Department of
Transportation, West Building, Ground
Floor, Rm. W12–140, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.
The Docket Management Facility is
open between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern
Time, Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays.
The dockets established by the
agencies will remain open for the
duration of the rulemaking.
1 75
PO 00000
FR 62739 (Oct. 13, 2010).
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I. Background and Introduction
Following the successful adoption of
a National Program for greenhouse gas
emissions (GHG) and fuel economy
standards for model years (MY) 2012–
2016 vehicles, the President issued a
Memorandum on May 21, 2010
requesting that the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and the
National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA), on behalf of
the Department of Transportation, work
together to develop a national program
for model years 2017–2025. Specifically,
he requested that the agencies develop
‘‘ * * * a coordinated national program
under the CAA [Clean Air Act] and the
EISA [Energy Independence and
Security Act of 2007] to improve fuel
efficiency and to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions of passenger cars and lightduty trucks of model years 2017–
2025.’’ 2 The President recognized our
country could take a leadership role in
addressing the global challenges of
improving energy security and reducing
greenhouse gas pollution, stating that
‘‘America has the opportunity to lead
the world in the development of a new
generation of clean cars and trucks
through innovative technologies and
manufacturing that will spur economic
growth and create high-quality domestic
jobs, enhance our energy security, and
improve our environment.’’
Since that time, the agencies have
worked with the state of California, as
requested by the President, to address
all elements requested in the May 21,
2010 memorandum. We completed an
initial assessment of the technologies,
strategies and underlying analyses that
would be considered in setting
standards for MYs 2017–2025 in
consultation with a wide range of
stakeholders.3 The Interim Technical
Assessment Report (TAR) and a Notice
of Intent (NOI) to conduct a joint
rulemaking were concluded on
September 30, 2010.4 Following the
opportunity for public comment on the
interim TAR and NOI, the agencies
developed and published a
Supplemental NOI (SNOI) 5 in
December 2010 highlighting many of the
key comments received in response to
the September NOI, and to the TAR. The
Supplemental NOI also discussed the
agencies’ plans for many of the key
technical analyses that have been and
2 The Presidential Memorandum is found at:
3 In addition, NHTSA will consider analyses it is
required to conduct under the National
Environmental Policy Act.
4 75 FR 62739, October 13, 2010.
5 75 FR 76337, December 8, 2010.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 153 / Tuesday, August 9, 2011 / Proposed Rules
will be undertaken in developing the
upcoming proposed rulemaking.
Since the publication of the SNOI in
December 2010, the agencies, working
with California, have been engaged in
discussions with individual auto
manufacturers, automotive suppliers,
states, environmental groups, and the
United Auto Workers, who all have
expressed support for a continuation of
the National Program. The agencies
have focused their discussions and
efforts on developing information that
will support the underlying technical
assessments that will inform the
proposed standards.
This joint Notice of Intent announces
plans by NHTSA and EPA to propose
strong and coordinated Federal
greenhouse gas and fuel economy
standards for passenger cars, light-duty
trucks, and medium-duty passenger
vehicles (hereafter light-duty vehicles),
referred to as the National Program.6
Both agencies seek to propose a
coordinated program that can achieve
important reductions of greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions from and fuel
consumption by the light-duty vehicle
part of the transportation sector, based
on technologies that will be
commercially available and that can be
incorporated at a reasonable cost.
Under the joint rulemaking, EPA will
propose GHG emissions standards
under the Clean Air Act (CAA), and
NHTSA will propose Corporate Average
Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards under
EPCA, as amended by the Energy
Independence and Security Act of 2007
(EISA). It is intended that this joint
rulemaking proposal will reflect a
carefully coordinated and harmonized
approach to implementing these two
statutes and will be in accordance with
all substantive and procedural
requirements imposed by law.7
The program the agencies intend to
propose holds out the promise of
development of a new generation of
clean cars and trucks through
innovative technologies and
manufacturing that will spur economic
growth and create high-quality domestic
jobs, enhance our energy security, and
improve our environment. Consistent
with Executive Order 13563, it is the
result of early consultation with all
stakeholders, employs flexible
regulatory approaches to reduce
burdens, maintains freedom of choice
6 NHTSA is delegated responsibility for
implementing the Energy Policy and Conservation
Act (EPCA) fuel economy requirements assigned to
the Secretary of Transportation. 49 CFR 1.50,
7 For NHTSA, this includes the requirements of
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
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for the public, and harmonizes federal
and state regulations.
The National Program would apply to
passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and
medium-duty passenger vehicles (lightduty vehicles) built in those model
years. Together, these vehicle categories,
which include passenger cars, sport
utility vehicles, minivans, and pickup
trucks, are responsible for
approximately 60 percent of all U.S.
transportation-related greenhouse gas
emissions and fuel consumption. If
ultimately adopted, these standards
would represent a harmonized and
consistent National Program pursuant to
the separate statutory frameworks under
which NHTSA and EPA operate. The
approach addressed in this Notice of
Intent, if ultimately adopted, is intended
to allow manufacturers to build a single
light-duty national fleet that would
satisfy all requirements under both
programs and would provide significant
reductions in both greenhouse gas
emissions and oil consumption.
EPA and NHTSA’s current estimate is
that the standards discussed in this
Notice of Intent would reduce
greenhouse gases by approximately 2
billion metric tons and would save
approximately 4 billion barrels of oil,
over the lifetime of the model year
2017–2025 vehicles.
Key elements of a harmonized and
coordinated National Program that the
agencies intend to propose are the level
and form of the standard, the available
flexibilities and compliance
mechanisms, and general
implementation elements. These
elements are outlined in the following
sections. The agencies will continue to
analyze all of the issues relevant to the
proposal, and will provide their
analyses for review and public comment
with the upcoming proposal. This will
include analyses on a variety of relevant
issues, such as the costs and benefits of
the proposal, as well as the effects that
the proposal would have on the
economy, manufacturers, and
consumers. The proposal that the
agencies intend to issue will discuss
both the analyses that will be completed
for the proposal as well as any plans for
conducting additional analyses.
II. Broad Program Overview
A. Level of the Standards
Consistent with the Presidential
Memorandum of May 21, 2010, EPA and
NHTSA intend to propose two separate
sets of standards for model years 2017
through 2025, each under their
respective statutory authorities. Both the
proposed CO2 and CAFE standards
would be footprint-based, similar to the
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standards currently in effect through
model year 2016, and would become
more stringent each model year from
2017 through 2025.
EPA currently intends to propose
standards that would be projected to
achieve, on an average industry fleet
wide basis, 163 grams/mile of CO2 in
model year 2025 (this would be
equivalent, on a mpg-equivalent basis,
to 54.5 mpg if all of the CO2 emissions
reductions were achieved with fuel
economy technology).8 For passenger
cars, the CO2 compliance values
associated with the footprint curves
would be reduced on average by 5
percent per year from the CO2-footprint
curves for the model year 2016
passenger car standard through model
year 2025. In recognition that full-size
pick-up trucks have unique challenges
compared to other light-duty trucks and
passenger cars, EPA intends to propose
a lower annual rate of improvement for
light-duty trucks in the early years of
the program. For light-duty trucks, the
proposed average annual rate of CO2
emissions reduction in model years
2017 through 2021 would be 3.5 percent
per year. EPA intends to change the
slopes of the CO2-footprint curves for
light-duty trucks from those in the
2012–2016 rule, in a manner that
effectively means that the annual rate of
improvement for smaller light-duty
trucks in model years 2017 through
2021 would be higher than 3.5 percent,
and the annual rate of improvement for
larger light-duty trucks over the same
time period would be lower than 3.5
percent. For model years 2022 through
2025, EPA expects to propose an
average annual rate of CO2 emissions
reduction for light-duty trucks of 5
percent per year.
NHTSA currently intends to propose
standards that would be projected to
require, on an average industry fleet
wide basis, 40.9 mpg in model year
2021, and 49.6 mpg in model year 2025.
For passenger cars, the annual increase
in stringency between model years 2017
to 2021 is expected to average 4.1
percent, and to average 4.3 percent
between model years 2017 and 2025.
Like EPA, in recognition of the utility
requirements of full-size pick-up trucks
and the unique challenges to improving
fuel economy compared to other lightduty trucks and passenger cars, NHTSA
intends to propose a lower annual rate
of improvement for light-duty trucks in
the early years of the program. For lightduty trucks, the proposed overall annual
8 Real-world CO is typically 25 percent higher
and real-world fuel economy is typically 20 percent
lower than the CO2 and CAFE values discussed
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 153 / Tuesday, August 9, 2011 / Proposed Rules
rate of fuel economy improvement in
model years 2017 through 2021 would
be 2.9 percent per year. NHTSA expects
to change the slopes of the fuel economy
footprint curves for light-duty trucks
from those in the 2012–2016 rule, which
would effectively make the annual rate
of improvement for smaller light-duty
trucks in model years 2017 through
2021 higher than 2.9 percent, and the
annual rate of improvement for larger
light-duty trucks over the same time
period lower than 2.9 percent. For
model years 2022 through 2025, NHTSA
expects to propose conditional
standards with an overall annual rate of
fuel economy improvement for lightduty trucks of 4.7 percent per year. For
the first time, NHTSA expects to
propose that manufacturers may include
air conditioning system efficiency
improvements as a means to comply
with fuel economy standards, and
NHTSA also expects to increase the
stringency of standards by the amount
industry is expected to improve air
conditioning system efficiency. NHTSA
notes that the intended proposed rates
of increase in stringency for CAFE
standards are lower than EPA’s
intended proposed rates of increase in
stringency for GHG standards. As in the
MY 2012–2016 rulemaking, this is for
purposes of harmonization and in
reflection of certain statutory constraints
in EPCA/EISA. For example, NHTSA’s
standards do not reflect the inclusion of
air conditioning system refrigerant and
leakage improvements.
The coefficients and industry-wide
curves that NHTSA and EPA intend to
propose are included as Appendix B.
The agencies believe that the
standards discussed above could be met
with improvements in conventional
gasoline and hybrid vehicle
technologies and an increased market
share of more advanced technologies
including electric vehicles and plug-in
hybrid electric vehicles.
B. Mid-Term Review
Given the long time frame at issue in
setting standards for MY2022–2025
light-duty vehicles, and given NHTSA’s
obligation to conduct a separate
rulemaking in order to establish final
standards for vehicles for those model
years, EPA and NHTSA intend to
propose a comprehensive mid-term
evaluation and agency decision-making
as described in Appendix A to this
Notice of Intent. Up to date information
will be developed and compiled for the
evaluation, through a collaborative,
robust and transparent process,
including public notice and comment.
The evaluation will be based on (1) A
holistic assessment of all of the factors
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considered by the agencies in setting
standards, including those set forth in
the rule and other relevant factors, and
(2) the expected impact of those factors
on the manufacturers’ ability to comply,
without placing decisive weight on any
particular factor or projection. The
comprehensive evaluation process will
lead to final agency action by both
Consistent with the Agencies’
commitment to maintaining a single
national framework for regulation of
vehicle emissions and fuel economy, the
Agencies fully expect to conduct the
mid-term evaluation in close
coordination with the California Air
Resources Board (CARB). Moreover, the
Agencies fully expect that any
adjustments to the standards will be
made with the participation of CARB
and in a manner that ensures continued
harmonization of state and Federal
vehicle standards.
C. Key Program Elements
EPA and NHTSA have more recently
sought extensive input from automobile
manufacturers regarding design
elements for the MY 2017–2025
National Program. In achieving the level
of standards described above for the
2017–2025 program, the agencies expect
automakers’ use of advanced
technologies to be an important element
of transforming the vehicle fleet. To
facilitate this transformation, the
agencies are considering a number of
incentive programs to encourage early
adoption and introduction into the
marketplace of advanced technologies
that represent ‘‘game changing’’
performance improvement, including
electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, and
hybrid electric large pickups. In
addition, the agencies recognize that, as
with the MY 2012–2016 program, there
are technologies with the potential to
achieve real-world CO2 and fuel
consumption reductions that are not
captured by the standard test
procedures. The agencies intend to
propose a program approach to further
encourage manufacturer investments in
these ‘‘off-cycle’’ technologies.
1. Off-Cycle Credits
As in the MY 2012–2016 program, the
objective of the off-cycle credits
program is to promote the early market
penetration of tailpipe CO2/fuel
consumption reducing technologies that
are not appropriately accounted for in
the current test procedure. Many
automakers indicated that they had a
strong interest in pursuing off-cycle
technologies, but the process outlined in
the 2012–2016 program should be
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refined and simplified so as to provide
more certainty as to the types of
technologies the agencies would
consider, and so the process could be
simplified. The agencies intend to
propose to expand and streamline the
2012–2016 off-cycle credit provisions,
including an approach by which the
agencies would provide credit for a
subset of beneficial off-cycle
technologies to encourage early
penetration of these technologies.
For the NPRM, EPA and NHTSA
intend to develop a minimum credit
value on a subset of technologies for
which we have sufficient data. We
expect this list to include at least six
defined technologies, if not more.9 The
total number of technologies will be
dependent on the available data. In
order to make use of the pre-defined
credit list of off-cycle technologies, a
manufacturer must utilize the
technology on a minimum percentage of
the company’s vehicles. EPA and
NHTSA will continue to assess the
appropriate level and will propose a
level in the NPRM. The specific
percentage values may vary by off-cycle
technology, and will consider the
applicability of the technology across
vehicle type. Under the planned
proposal, the total gram/mile credit
from the predefined list for any given
model year would not exceed a 10 gram/
mile 10 impact on the company’s
combined fleet average. This limit
would only apply to the total for
technologies where the company
chooses to use the agency provided
credit values. Automakers can apply for
additional credits beyond the minimum
credit value of listed technologies if
they have sufficient supporting data.
In addition, the agencies are planning
to propose that companies could also
apply for off-cycle credit for
technologies that are not on the predefined list, based on the submission of
sufficient supporting data. EPA and
NHTSA intend to propose a timeline for
the approval process, including a 60-day
NHTSA and EPA decision process from
the time a manufacturer submits a
complete application. EPA and NHTSA
also intend to propose a detailed,
common, step-by-step process,
including a specification of the data that
manufacturers must submit. For off9 Technologies may include active grill shutters,
electric heat pumps, high efficiency alternators,
high efficiency lights, start-stop, solar roof panels
for battery charging on EV, PHEV or HEV with at
least 100 watts, active transmission warm-up, and/
or engine heat recovery using thermo-electric for
100 watts, and the credit for individual
technologies could range from less than 1gm/mile
to approximately 5 gm/mile.
10 This corresponds to 0.001125 gallon/mile.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 153 / Tuesday, August 9, 2011 / Proposed Rules
cycle technologies that are both not
covered by the pre-approved off-cycle
credit list and that are not quantifiable
based on the 5-cycle test cycle option
provided in the 2012–2016 rulemaking,
EPA and NHTSA will retain the public
comment process described by EPA in
the MY 2012–2016 rule.
NHTSA and EPA also intend to
propose that once a technology has been
approved by the two agencies, either
from the pre-approved list or through
the approval process, that technology
and its assigned credit value is available
through MY 2025.
2. Incentives for Electric Vehicles, Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles, and Fuel
Cell Vehicles
To facilitate market penetration of the
most advanced vehicle technologies as
rapidly as possible, EPA intends to
propose an incentive multiplier for all
electric vehicles (EVs), plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles (PHEVs), and fuel cell
vehicles (FCVs) sold in MYs 2017
through 2021. This multiplier approach
means that each EV/PHEV/FCV would
count as more than one vehicle in the
manufacturer’s compliance calculation.
EPA intends to propose that EVs and
FCVs start with a multiplier value of 2.0
in MY 2017, phasing down to a value
of 1.5 in MY 2021. PHEVs would start
at a multiplier value of 1.6 in MY 2017
and phase down to a value of 1.3 in MY
2021.11 These multipliers would be
proposed for incorporation in EPA’s
GHG program.
NHTSA is precluded from offering
incentives for EVs, FCVs and PHEVs,
except as specified by EISA, and is not
intending to propose incentive
multipliers comparable to the EPA
incentive multipliers described above.
As an additional incentive for EVs,
PHEVs and FCVs, EPA intends to
propose allowing a value of 0 g/mile for
the tailpipe compliance value for EVs,
PHEVs (electricity usage) and FCVs for
MY 2017–2021, with no limit on the
quantity of vehicles eligible for 0 g/mi
tailpipe emissions accounting. For MY
2022–2025, 0 g/mi will only be allowed
up to a per-company cumulative sales
cap based on significant penetration of
these advanced vehicles in the
marketplace. EPA intends to propose an
appropriate cap in the NPRM.
3. Incentives for ‘‘Game Changing’’
Technologies Performance for Full-Size
Pickup Truck Including Hybridization
The agencies recognize that the
standards under consideration for MY
11 The multipliers for EV/FCV would be: 2017–
2019—2.0, 2020—1.75, 2021—1.5; for PHEV: 2017–
2019—1.6, 2020—1.45, 2021—1.3.
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2017–2025 will be most challenging to
large trucks, including full size pickup
trucks. The agencies’ goal is to
incentivize the penetration into the
marketplace of ‘‘game changing’’
technologies for these pickups,
including their hybridization. The
agencies intend to solicit information on
technologies that offer significant
increases in fuel efficiency and
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
We intend to propose a credit for
manufacturers that employ significant
quantities of hybridization on full size
pickup trucks, by including a pervehicle credit available for mild and
strong hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs).
This provides the opportunity to begin
to transform the most challenging
category of vehicles in terms of the
penetration of advanced technologies,
allowing additional opportunities to
successfully achieve the higher levels of
truck stringencies in MY 2022–2025.
The agencies intend that access to this
credit is conditioned on a minimum
penetration of the technology in a
manufacturer’s full size pickup truck
fleet, with defined criteria for a full size
pickup truck (e.g., minimum bed size
and minimum towing capability). The
agencies intend to propose that mild
HEV pickup trucks are eligible for a 10
g/mi 12 credit during 2017–2021 if the
technology is used on a minimum
percentage of a company’s full size
pickups, beginning with at least 30% of
a company’s full size pickup production
in 2017 and ramping up to at least 80%
in 2021. Strong HEV pickup trucks
would be eligible for a 20g/mi credit
during 2017–2025 if the technology is
used on at least 10% of the company’s
full size pickups. The agencies will
propose specific definitions of mild and
strong HEV pickup trucks, but expect to
include stop/start, regenerative braking,
minimum motor power, minimum
battery voltage value and minimum
energy storage capacity, or similar types
of objective metrics. The agencies
expect that a ‘‘mild’’ HEV will include
moderate hybridization and not just
start/stop, and that a ‘‘strong’’ HEV will
include launch assist.
The agencies also intend to propose a
performance based incentive credit for
full size pickup trucks which achieve a
significant reduction below the
applicable target. This credit could also
be on the order of 10–20 gm/mile
vehicle. The same vehicle would not
receive credit under both the HEV and
the performance based approaches.
12 0.001125
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4. Air Conditioning Credits
As with the MY2012–2016 program,
manufacturers will be able to earn
credits for improvements in air
conditioning (A/C) systems, both for
efficiency improvements (reduces
tailpipe CO2 and improves fuel
consumption) and for leakage or
alternative, lower GWP (global warming
potential) refrigerant use (reduces
hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) emissions).
EPA intends to propose that the
maximum A/C credit available for cars
is 18.8 grams/mile CO2 and for trucks is
24.4 grams/mile CO2. The test methods
used to calculate these credits will be
very similar to those of the MY2012–
2016 program.
For the first time, NHTSA expects to
propose that manufacturers may include
air conditioning system efficiency
improvements as a means to comply
with fuel economy standards. NHTSA
expects to not allow the use of A/C
system credits that affect leakage or
alternative, lower GWP refrigerant use,
because those changes do not affect fuel
efficiency. NHTSA also expects to
increase the stringency of standards by
the amount industry is expected to
improve air conditioning system
efficiency. NHTSA intends to propose
that the maximum A/C credit available
for cars is 0.000563 gallon/mile and for
trucks is 0.000810 gallon/mile. The test
methods used to calculate these credits
will be the same as EPA’s.
5. Treatment of Compressed Natural Gas
(CNG), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
(PHEVs), and Flexible Fuel Vehicles
EPA intends that CO2 credits for plugin hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and
bi-fuel compressed natural gas (CNG)
vehicles will be based on the
recognition that, once a consumer has
paid several thousand dollars to be able
to use a fuel that is considerably
cheaper than gasoline, it is very likely
that the consumer will seek to use the
cheaper fuel as much as possible.
Accordingly, for CO2 emissions
compliance, EPA expects to use the
Society of Automotive Engineers
‘‘utility factor’’ methodology (based on
vehicle range on the alternative fuel and
typical daily travel mileage) to
determine the assumed percentage of
operation on alternative fuel and
percentage of operation on CNG for both
PHEVs and bi-fuel CNG vehicles, along
with the CO2 emissions test values on
the alternative fuel and gasoline.
EPA does not expect to extend this
method to flexible fueled vehicles
(FFVs) using E–85 and gasoline, since
there is not a significant cost differential
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 153 / Tuesday, August 9, 2011 / Proposed Rules
between an FFV and conventional
gasoline vehicle and historically
consumers have only fueled these
vehicles with E85 a very small
percentage of the time. Therefore,
treatment of E85 FFVs will continue as
the MY2016 program, based on actual
usage of E85 which represents a realworld reduction attributed to alternative
In the NHTSA program for MYs 2017–
2019, NHTSA expects that the fuel
economy of dual fuel vehicles will be
determined in the same manner as
specified in the MY 2012–2016 rule,
and as defined by EISA. Beginning in
MY 2020, EISA does not specify how to
measure the fuel economy of dual fuel
vehicles, and it is expected NHTSA will
propose to use the EPA ‘‘utility factor’’
methodology for PHEV and CNG
vehicles to determine how to proportion
the fuel economy when operating on
gasoline or diesel fuel and the fuel
economy when operating on the
alternative fuel. For FFVs, NHTSA
expects to propose to use the same
methodology as EPA to determine how
to proportion the fuel economy, which
would be based on actual usage of E85.
NHTSA expects to continue to use
Petroleum Equivalency Factors and the
incentive multipliers that are used in
the MY 2012–2016 rule, however with
no cap on the amount of fuel economy
increase allowed.
6. Credit Banking and Trading
The agencies will propose to continue
the 5-year credit carry forward and 3year credit carry back provisions of the
MY2012–2016 program, with one key
exception under the EPA program. To
facilitate the transition to the
increasingly more stringent standards,
EPA intends to propose a one-time
credit carry forward beyond 5 years,
such that any credits generated from
MY2010 through 2016 will be able to be
used any time through MY 2021. This
provision would not apply to early
credits generated in MY 2009. NHTSA’s
program will continue the 5-year carryforward and 3-year carry-back as
required by statute.
As with the MY 2012–2016 program,
EPA intends to continue to allow
manufacturers to make unlimited
transfers between their car and light
truck fleets, and unlimited credit
trading between manufacturers. NHTSA
intends to continue to allow unlimited
credit trading between manufacturers,
and credit transferring up to the limits
allowed by statute, consistent with the
approach in the MY 2012–2016
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7. Exclusion of Emergency and Police
Under EPCA, manufacturers are
allowed to exclude emergency vehicles
from their CAFE fleet and all
manufacturers have historically done so.
In the MY 2012–2016 program, EPA’s
GHG program does apply to these
vehicles. However, after further
consideration of this issue, EPA intends
to propose that an exclusion is
appropriate because of the unique
features of vehicles designed
specifically for law enforcement
purposes, which have the effect of
raising their GHG emissions.
8. Small Businesses and Small Volume
As EPA did for the MY 2012–2016
program, EPA intends to propose to
continue to exclude small businesses
from the GHG standards, for any
company that meets the Small Business
Administration’s definition of a small
business. For vehicle manufacturers, the
definition of small business is any firm
with less than 1,000 employees. EPA
believes this exemption is appropriate
since these businesses make up less
than 0.1% of total U.S. vehicle sales,
and there is no significant impact on
emission reductions.
EPCA provides NHTSA with the
authority to exempt from the generally
applicable CAFE standards
manufacturers that produce fewer than
10,000 passenger cars worldwide in the
model year each of the two years prior
to the year in which they seek an
exemption.13 If NHTSA exempts a
manufacturer, it must establish an
alternate standard for that manufacturer
for that model year, at the level that the
agency decides is maximum feasible for
that manufacturer. The exemption and
alternative standard apply only if the
exempted manufacturer also produces
fewer than 10,000 passenger cars
worldwide in the year for which the
exemption was granted.
For small volume manufacturers,
which EPA defines as manufacturers
with U.S. annual sales of less than 5,000
vehicles, EPA intends to propose to
bring these manufacturers into the
program for the first time, and allow
them to petition for alternative
D. Conclusion
This document outlines the key
program elements of a National Program
that EPA and NHTSA plan to propose
for model year 2017–2025 light-duty
vehicles. The agencies’ efforts to
13 49 U.S.C. 32902(d). Implementing regulations
may be found in 49 CFR part 525.
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develop this program have been fully
consistent with the President’s May 21,
2010 Memorandum. The agencies have
coordinated extensively with California,
and held extensive discussions with
stakeholders to ensure our proposal is
based on the most robust technical
analysis possible. The agencies plan to
issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
by the end of September 2011.
Appendix A—Mid-Term Evaluation for
MY 2022–2025 LDV Rules
Given the long time frame at issue in
setting standards for MY2022–2025 lightduty vehicles, and given NHTSA’s obligation
to conduct a separate rulemaking in order to
establish final standards for vehicles for
those model years, EPA and NHTSA will
conduct a comprehensive mid-term
evaluation and agency decision-making as
described below. Up to date information will
be developed and compiled for the
evaluation, through a collaborative, robust
and transparent process, including public
notice and comment. The evaluation will be
based on (1) A holistic assessment of all of
the factors considered by the agencies in
setting standards, including those set forth in
the rule and other relevant factors, and (2)
the expected impact of those factors on the
manufacturers’ ability to comply, without
placing decisive weight on any particular
factor or projection. The comprehensive
evaluation process will lead to final agency
action by both agencies.
Consistent with the Agencies’ commitment
to maintaining a single national framework
for regulation of vehicle emissions and fuel
economy, the Agencies fully expect to
conduct the mid-term evaluation in close
coordination with the California Air
Resources Board (CARB). Moreover, the
Agencies fully expect that any adjustments to
the standards will be made with the
participation of CARB and in a manner that
ensures continued harmonization of state and
Federal vehicle standards.
∑ EPA will conduct a mid-term evaluation
of the later model year light-duty GHG
standards (MY2022–2025). The evaluation
will determine whether those standards are
appropriate under section 202(a) of the Act.
EPA will be legally bound to make a final
decision, by April 1, 2018, on whether the
MY 2022–2025 GHG standards are
appropriate under section 202(a), in light of
the record then before the agency. In the MY
2017–2025 rule EPA will adopt a regulation
requiring EPA to make such a determination
by that date.
∑ EPA, NHTSA and CARB will jointly
prepare a draft Technical Assessment Report
(TAR) to inform EPA’s determination on the
appropriateness of the GHG standards and to
inform NHTSA’s rulemaking for the CAFE
standards for MYs 2022–2025. The TAR will
examine the same issues and underlying
analyses and projections considered in the
original rulemaking, including technical and
other analyses and projections relevant to
each agency’s authority to set standards as
well as any relevant new issues that may
present themselves. There will be an
opportunity for public comment on the draft
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 153 / Tuesday, August 9, 2011 / Proposed Rules
TAR, and appropriate peer review will be
performed of underlying analyses in the
TAR. The assumptions and modeling
underlying the TAR will be available to the
public, to the extent consistent with law.
∑ EPA will also seek public comment on
whether the standards are appropriate under
section 202(a), e.g. comments to affirm or
change the GHG standards (either more or
less stringent). The agencies will carefully
consider comments and information received
and respond to comments in their respective
subsequent final actions.
∑ EPA and NHTSA will consult and
coordinate in developing EPA’s
determination on whether the MY 2022–2025
GHG standards are appropriate under section
202(a) and NHTSA’s NPRM.
∑ In making that determination, EPA will
evaluate and determine whether the
MY2022–2025 GHG standards are
appropriate under section 202(a) of the CAA
based on a comprehensive, integrated
assessment of all of the results of the review,
as well as any public comments received
during the evaluation, taken as a whole. The
decision making required of the
Administrator in making that determination
is intended to be as robust and
comprehensive as that in the original setting
of the MY2017–2025 standards.
∑ In making this determination, EPA will
consider information on a range of relevant
factors, including but not limited to those
listed in the draft rule and below:
1. Development of powertrain
improvements to gasoline and diesel
powered vehicles.
2. Impacts on employment, including the
auto sector.
3. Availability and implementation of
methods to reduce weight, including any
impacts on safety.
4. Actual and projected availability of
public and private charging infrastructure for
electric vehicles, and fueling infrastructure
for alternative fueled vehicles.
5. Costs, availability, and consumer
acceptance of technologies to ensure
compliance with the standards, such as
vehicle batteries and power electronics, mass
reduction, and anticipated trends in these
6. Payback periods for any incremental
vehicle costs associated with meeting the
7. Costs for gasoline, diesel fuel, and
alternative fuels.
8. Total light-duty vehicle sales and
projected fleet mix.
9. Market penetration across the fleet of
fuel efficient technologies.
10. Any other factors that may be deemed
relevant to the review.
fi If, based on the evaluation, EPA decides
that the GHG standards are appropriate under
section 202(a), then EPA will announce that
final decision and the basis for EPA’s
decision. The decision will be final agency
action which also will be subject to judicial
review on its merits. EPA will develop an
administrative record for that review that
will be no less robust than that developed for
the initial determination to establish the
standards. In the midterm evaluation, EPA
will develop a robust record for judicial
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review that is the same kind of record that
would be developed and before a court for
judicial review of the adoption of standards.
fi Where EPA decides that the standards
are not appropriate, EPA will initiate a
rulemaking to adopt standards that are
appropriate under section 202(a), which
could result in standards that are either less
or more stringent. In this rulemaking EPA
will evaluate a range of alternative standards
that are potentially effective and reasonably
feasible, and the Administrator will propose
the alternative that in her judgment is the
best choice for a standard that is appropriate
under section 202(a). In the 2017–2025
rulemaking EPA will formally adopt the
interpretation that the provisions of section
202(b)(1)(C) are not applicable to any
revisions of the greenhouse standards
adopted in this later rulemaking based on the
mid-term evaluation. If EPA initiates a
rulemaking, it will be a joint rulemaking with
NHTSA. Any final action taken by EPA at the
end of that rulemaking is also judicially
fi The MY 2022–2025 GHG standards will
remain in effect unless and until EPA
changes them by rulemaking.
fi NHTSA intends to issue conditional
standards for MYs 2022–2025 in the LDV
rulemaking being initiated this fall for MY
2017 and later model years. The CAFE
standards for MYs 2022–2025 will be
determined with finality in a subsequent, de
novo notice and comment rulemaking
conducted in full compliance with section
32902 of title 49, U.S.C. and other applicable
law. Accordingly, NHTSA’s development of
its proposal in that later rulemaking will
include the making of economic and
technology analyses and estimates that are
appropriate for those model years and based
on then-current information.
fi Any rulemaking conducted jointly by
the agencies or by NHTSA alone will be
timed to provide sufficient lead time for
industry to make whatever changes to their
products that the rulemaking analysis deems
feasible based on the new information
available. At the very latest, the three
agencies will complete the mid-term
evaluation process and subsequent
rulemaking on the standards that may occur
in sufficient time to promulgate final
standards for MYs 2022–2025 with at least 18
months lead time, but additional lead time
may be provided.
fi EPA understands that California
intends to propose a mid-term evaluation in
its program that is coordinated with EPA and
NHTSA and is based on a similar set of
factors as outlined in this Appendix A. The
rules submitted to EPA for a waiver under
the CAA will include such a mid-term
evaluation. EPA understands that California
intends to continue promoting harmonized
state and federal vehicle standards. EPA
further understands that California’s 2017–
2025 standards to be submitted to EPA for a
waiver under the Clean Air Act will deem
compliance with EPA greenhouse gas
emission standards, even if amended after
2012, as compliant with California’s.
Therefore, if EPA revises it standards in
response to the mid-term review, California
may need to amend one or more of its 2022–
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2025 MY standards and would submit such
amendments to EPA with a request for a
waiver, or for confirmation that said
amendments fall within the scope of an
existing waiver, as appropriate.
Consistent with the above, EPA intends to
propose regulations that state that no later
than April 1, 2018, the Administrator shall
determine whether the standards for
MY2022–25 are appropriate under section
202(a) of the Act, in light of the record then
before the Administrator. An opportunity for
public comment shall be provided before
making such determination. If she
determines they are not appropriate, she
shall initiate a rulemaking to revise the
standards, to be either more or less stringent
as appropriate.
In making the determination required by
the previous paragraph, the Administrator
shall consider the information available on
the factors relevant to setting greenhouse gas
standards under section 202(a) for these
model years, including but not limited to the
availability and effectiveness of technology,
and the appropriate lead time for
introduction of technology; the cost on the
producers or purchasers of new motor
vehicles or new motor vehicle engines; the
feasibility and practicability of the standards;
the impact of the standards on reduction of
emissions, oil conservation, energy security,
and fuel savings by consumers; the impact of
the standards on the automobile industry; the
impacts of the standards on safety; the
impact of the standards on the CAFE
standards and a national harmonized
program; and the impact of the standards on
other relevant factors.
The Administrator shall make the
determination required based upon a record
that includes a draft Technical Assessment
Report (TAR) addressing issues relevant to
the standard for MY2022–25, public
comment on the TAR, public comment on
whether the standards for MY2022–25 are
appropriate under section 202(a), and such
other materials the Administrator deems
No later than November 15, 2017, the
Administrator shall issue a draft TAR
addressing issues relevant to the standards
for MY2022–25.
The Administrator will set forth in detail
the bases for the determination required as
described above, including her assessment of
each of the factors listed above.
Appendix B
EPA Curve Coefficients
a = Minimum CO2 Target [g/mile]
b = Maximum CO2 Target [g/mile]
c = Slope [g/mile per square foot]
d = Intercept [g/mile]
e = Minimum CO2 Target [g/mile] for CO2
Target Ceiling Curve
f = Maximum CO2 Target [g/mile] for CO2
Target Ceiling Curve
g = Slope [g/mile per square foot] for CO2
Target Ceiling Curve
h = Intercept [g/mile] for CO2 Target Ceiling
Target = min(min (b,max(a, c *
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 153 / Tuesday, August 9, 2011 / Proposed Rules
a ...............................
b ...............................
c ................................
d ...............................
e ...............................
f ................................
g ...............................
h ...............................
a ...............................
b ...............................
c ................................
d ...............................
e ...............................
f ................................
g ...............................
h ...............................
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 153 / Tuesday, August 9, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Instructions for Calculating NHTSA CAFE
and EPA GHG Target Curves Using the
The target curve is calculated by:
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Step 1. Calculate targets using the a, b, c, and
d coefficients
Step 2. Calculate targets using the e, f, g and
h coefficients
Step 3. The curve is defined by the more
stringent value at each footprint calculated
from Step 1 and Step 2
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NHTSA CAFE Coefficients and Curves for
Cars and Trucks
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 153 / Tuesday, August 9, 2011 / Proposed Rules
Table A.1—CAFE Target Curve Coefficients
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 153 / Tuesday, August 9, 2011 / Proposed Rules
a .......
b .......
c .......
d .......
e .......
f ........
g .......
h .......
a .......
b .......
c .......
d .......
e .......
f ........
g .......
h .......
a = Fuel Economy Value for Lower Footprint Cutpoint [mpg].
b = Fuel Economy Value for Upper Footprint Cutpoint [mpg].
c = Slope [gallons per mile per square foot].
d = Intercept [gallons per mile].
e = Fuel Economy Value for Lower Footprint Cutpoint [mpg] for Floor Curve.
f = Fuel Economy Value for Upper Footprint Cutpoint [mpg] for Target Floor Curve.
g = Slope [gallons per mile per square foot] for Target Floor Curve.
h = Intercept [gallons per mile] for Target Floor Curve.
Dated: July 29, 2011
Ray LaHood,
Secretary, Department of Transportation.
Dated: July 29, 2011.
Lisa P. Jackson,
Administrator, Environmental Protection
[FR Doc. 2011–19905 Filed 8–8–11; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
45 CFR Part 170
RIN 0991–AB78
Metadata Standards To Support
Nationwide Electronic Health
Information Exchange
Office of the National
Coordinator for Health Information
Technology, Department of Health and
Human Services.
ACTION: Advance notice of proposed
Through this advance notice
of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM), the
Office of the National Coordination for
Health Information Technology (ONC) is
soliciting public comments on metadata
standards to support nationwide
electronic health information exchange.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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We are specifically interested in public
comments on the following categories of
metadata recommended by both the HIT
Policy Committee and HIT Standards
Committee: patient identity;
provenance; and privacy. We also
request public comments on any
additional metadata categories,
metadata elements, or metadata syntax
that should be considered. The
immediate scope of this ANPRM is the
association of metadata with summary
care records. More specifically, in the
scenario where a patient obtains a
summary care record from a health care
provider’s electronic health record
technology or requests for it to be
transmitted to their personal health
record. Public comment, however, is
also welcome on the use of metadata
relative to other electronic health
information contexts.
DATES: To be assured consideration,
written comments must be received at
one of the addresses provided below, no
later than 5 p.m. on September 23, 2011.
Similarly, electronic comments must be
received by Midnight Eastern Time on
September 23, 2011 as the Federal
Docket Management System will not
accept comments after this time.
ADDRESSES: Because of staff and
resource limitations, we cannot accept
comments by facsimile (FAX)
transmission. You may submit
comments, identified by RIN 0991–
AB78, by any of the following methods
PO 00000
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(please do not submit duplicate
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow
the instructions for submitting
comments. Attachments should be in
Microsoft Word or Excel, Adobe PDF;
however, we prefer Microsoft Word.
• Regular, Express, or Overnight Mail:
Department of Health and Human
Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health Information
Technology, Attention: Steven Posnack,
Hubert H. Humphrey Building, Suite
729D, 200 Independence Ave., SW.,
Washington, DC 20201. Please submit
one original and two copies.
• Hand Delivery or Courier: Office of
the National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology, Attention:
Steven Posnack, Hubert H. Humphrey
Building, Suite 729D, 200 Independence
Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20201.
Please submit one original and two
copies. (Because access to the interior of
the Hubert H. Humphrey Building is not
readily available to persons without
federal government identification,
commenters are encouraged to leave
their comments in the mail drop slots
located in the main lobby of the
Inspection of Public Comments: All
comments received before the close of
the comment period will be available for
public inspection, including any
personally identifiable or confidential
business information that is included in
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 153 (Tuesday, August 9, 2011)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 48758-48769]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2011-19905]
40 CFR Parts 85, 86, and 600
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
49 CFR Parts 531 and 533
[EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0799; FRL-9448-7; NHTSA-2010-0131]
RIN 2060-AQ54; RIN 2127-AK79
2017-2025 Model Year Light-Duty Vehicle GHG Emissions and CAFE
Standards: Supplemental Notice of Intent
AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Supplemental Notice of Intent.
SUMMARY: President Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum on May 21,
2010, concerning the development of a new generation of clean cars and
trucks through innovative technologies and manufacturing. The President
requested that EPA and NHTSA, on behalf of the Department of
Transportation, develop, through notice and comment rulemaking, a
coordinated National Program under the Clean Air Act (CAA) and the
Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA), as amended by the Energy
Independence and Security Act (EISA), to reduce fuel consumption by and
greenhouse gas emissions of light-duty vehicles for model years 2017-
This notice of intent generally describes the joint proposal that
the EPA and NHTSA expect to issue to establish the National Program for
model years 2017-2025. The agencies are developing the proposal based
on extensive technical analyses, an examination of the factors required
under the respective statutes and on discussions with individual motor
vehicle manufacturers and other stakeholders. The National Program
would apply to passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium-duty
passenger vehicles (light-duty vehicles) built in those model years.
DATES: The agencies currently expect to issue a proposal for a
coordinated National Program for model year 2017-2025 light-duty
vehicles by September 28, 2011, and a final rule by July 31, 2012.
Transportation and Air Quality, Assessment and Standards Division,
Environmental Protection Agency, 2000 Traverwood Drive, Ann Arbor, MI
48105; telephone number: 734-214-4584; fax number: 734-214-4816; e-mail
address: lieske.christopher@epa.gov, or contact the Assessment and
Standards Division; e-mail address: otaqpublicweb@epa.gov. DOT/NHTSA:
Rebecca Yoon, Office of Chief Counsel, National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.
Telephone: (202) 366-2992.
How can I get copies of this document and other related information?
NHTSA and EPA have established dockets for the already issued
notices and upcoming rulemaking under Docket ID numbers NHTSA-2010-0131
and EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0799, respectively. You may read the materials
placed in the dockets (e.g., the TAR and the comments submitted in
response to the first NOI \1\ by other interested persons) at any time
by going to https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions
for accessing the dockets.
\1\ 75 FR 62739 (Oct. 13, 2010).
You may also read the materials at the EPA Docket Center or NHTSA
Docket Management Facility at the following locations: EPA: EPA Docket
Center, EPA/DC, EPA West, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW.,
Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone
number for the Public Reading Room is (202) 566-1744. NHTSA: Docket
Management Facility, M-30, U.S. Department of Transportation, West
Building, Ground Floor, Rm. W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590. The Docket Management Facility is open between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, except Federal
The dockets established by the agencies will remain open for the
duration of the rulemaking.
I. Background and Introduction
Following the successful adoption of a National Program for
greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and fuel economy standards for model
years (MY) 2012-2016 vehicles, the President issued a Memorandum on May
21, 2010 requesting that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and
the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), on behalf
of the Department of Transportation, work together to develop a
national program for model years 2017-2025. Specifically, he requested
that the agencies develop `` * * * a coordinated national program under
the CAA [Clean Air Act] and the EISA [Energy Independence and Security
Act of 2007] to improve fuel efficiency and to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions of passenger cars and light-duty trucks of model years 2017-
2025.'' \2\ The President recognized our country could take a
leadership role in addressing the global challenges of improving energy
security and reducing greenhouse gas pollution, stating that ``America
has the opportunity to lead the world in the development of a new
generation of clean cars and trucks through innovative technologies and
manufacturing that will spur economic growth and create high-quality
domestic jobs, enhance our energy security, and improve our
\2\ The Presidential Memorandum is found at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/presidential-memorandum-regarding-fuel-efficiency-standards.
Since that time, the agencies have worked with the state of
California, as requested by the President, to address all elements
requested in the May 21, 2010 memorandum. We completed an initial
assessment of the technologies, strategies and underlying analyses that
would be considered in setting standards for MYs 2017-2025 in
consultation with a wide range of stakeholders.\3\ The Interim
Technical Assessment Report (TAR) and a Notice of Intent (NOI) to
conduct a joint rulemaking were concluded on September 30, 2010.\4\
Following the opportunity for public comment on the interim TAR and
NOI, the agencies developed and published a Supplemental NOI (SNOI) \5\
in December 2010 highlighting many of the key comments received in
response to the September NOI, and to the TAR. The Supplemental NOI
also discussed the agencies' plans for many of the key technical
analyses that have been and
[[Page 48759]]
will be undertaken in developing the upcoming proposed rulemaking.
\3\ In addition, NHTSA will consider analyses it is required to
conduct under the National Environmental Policy Act.
\4\ 75 FR 62739, October 13, 2010.
\5\ 75 FR 76337, December 8, 2010.
Since the publication of the SNOI in December 2010, the agencies,
working with California, have been engaged in discussions with
individual auto manufacturers, automotive suppliers, states,
environmental groups, and the United Auto Workers, who all have
expressed support for a continuation of the National Program. The
agencies have focused their discussions and efforts on developing
information that will support the underlying technical assessments that
will inform the proposed standards.
This joint Notice of Intent announces plans by NHTSA and EPA to
propose strong and coordinated Federal greenhouse gas and fuel economy
standards for passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium-duty
passenger vehicles (hereafter light-duty vehicles), referred to as the
National Program.\6\ Both agencies seek to propose a coordinated
program that can achieve important reductions of greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions from and fuel consumption by the light-duty vehicle part of
the transportation sector, based on technologies that will be
commercially available and that can be incorporated at a reasonable
\6\ NHTSA is delegated responsibility for implementing the
Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) fuel economy requirements
assigned to the Secretary of Transportation. 49 CFR 1.50,
Under the joint rulemaking, EPA will propose GHG emissions
standards under the Clean Air Act (CAA), and NHTSA will propose
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards under EPCA, as amended
by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA). It is
intended that this joint rulemaking proposal will reflect a carefully
coordinated and harmonized approach to implementing these two statutes
and will be in accordance with all substantive and procedural
requirements imposed by law.\7\
\7\ For NHTSA, this includes the requirements of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
The program the agencies intend to propose holds out the promise of
development of a new generation of clean cars and trucks through
innovative technologies and manufacturing that will spur economic
growth and create high-quality domestic jobs, enhance our energy
security, and improve our environment. Consistent with Executive Order
13563, it is the result of early consultation with all stakeholders,
employs flexible regulatory approaches to reduce burdens, maintains
freedom of choice for the public, and harmonizes federal and state
The National Program would apply to passenger cars, light-duty
trucks, and medium-duty passenger vehicles (light-duty vehicles) built
in those model years. Together, these vehicle categories, which include
passenger cars, sport utility vehicles, minivans, and pickup trucks,
are responsible for approximately 60 percent of all U.S.
transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption.
If ultimately adopted, these standards would represent a harmonized and
consistent National Program pursuant to the separate statutory
frameworks under which NHTSA and EPA operate. The approach addressed in
this Notice of Intent, if ultimately adopted, is intended to allow
manufacturers to build a single light-duty national fleet that would
satisfy all requirements under both programs and would provide
significant reductions in both greenhouse gas emissions and oil
EPA and NHTSA's current estimate is that the standards discussed in
this Notice of Intent would reduce greenhouse gases by approximately 2
billion metric tons and would save approximately 4 billion barrels of
oil, over the lifetime of the model year 2017-2025 vehicles.
Key elements of a harmonized and coordinated National Program that
the agencies intend to propose are the level and form of the standard,
the available flexibilities and compliance mechanisms, and general
implementation elements. These elements are outlined in the following
sections. The agencies will continue to analyze all of the issues
relevant to the proposal, and will provide their analyses for review
and public comment with the upcoming proposal. This will include
analyses on a variety of relevant issues, such as the costs and
benefits of the proposal, as well as the effects that the proposal
would have on the economy, manufacturers, and consumers. The proposal
that the agencies intend to issue will discuss both the analyses that
will be completed for the proposal as well as any plans for conducting
additional analyses.
II. Broad Program Overview
A. Level of the Standards
Consistent with the Presidential Memorandum of May 21, 2010, EPA
and NHTSA intend to propose two separate sets of standards for model
years 2017 through 2025, each under their respective statutory
authorities. Both the proposed CO2 and CAFE standards would
be footprint-based, similar to the standards currently in effect
through model year 2016, and would become more stringent each model
year from 2017 through 2025.
EPA currently intends to propose standards that would be projected
to achieve, on an average industry fleet wide basis, 163 grams/mile of
CO2 in model year 2025 (this would be equivalent, on a mpg-
equivalent basis, to 54.5 mpg if all of the CO2 emissions
reductions were achieved with fuel economy technology).\8\ For
passenger cars, the CO2 compliance values associated with
the footprint curves would be reduced on average by 5 percent per year
from the CO2-footprint curves for the model year 2016
passenger car standard through model year 2025. In recognition that
full-size pick-up trucks have unique challenges compared to other
light-duty trucks and passenger cars, EPA intends to propose a lower
annual rate of improvement for light-duty trucks in the early years of
the program. For light-duty trucks, the proposed average annual rate of
CO2 emissions reduction in model years 2017 through 2021
would be 3.5 percent per year. EPA intends to change the slopes of the
CO2-footprint curves for light-duty trucks from those in the
2012-2016 rule, in a manner that effectively means that the annual rate
of improvement for smaller light-duty trucks in model years 2017
through 2021 would be higher than 3.5 percent, and the annual rate of
improvement for larger light-duty trucks over the same time period
would be lower than 3.5 percent. For model years 2022 through 2025, EPA
expects to propose an average annual rate of CO2 emissions
reduction for light-duty trucks of 5 percent per year.
\8\ Real-world CO2 is typically 25 percent higher and
real-world fuel economy is typically 20 percent lower than the
CO2 and CAFE values discussed here.
NHTSA currently intends to propose standards that would be
projected to require, on an average industry fleet wide basis, 40.9 mpg
in model year 2021, and 49.6 mpg in model year 2025. For passenger
cars, the annual increase in stringency between model years 2017 to
2021 is expected to average 4.1 percent, and to average 4.3 percent
between model years 2017 and 2025. Like EPA, in recognition of the
utility requirements of full-size pick-up trucks and the unique
challenges to improving fuel economy compared to other light-duty
trucks and passenger cars, NHTSA intends to propose a lower annual rate
of improvement for light-duty trucks in the early years of the program.
For light-duty trucks, the proposed overall annual
[[Page 48760]]
rate of fuel economy improvement in model years 2017 through 2021 would
be 2.9 percent per year. NHTSA expects to change the slopes of the fuel
economy footprint curves for light-duty trucks from those in the 2012-
2016 rule, which would effectively make the annual rate of improvement
for smaller light-duty trucks in model years 2017 through 2021 higher
than 2.9 percent, and the annual rate of improvement for larger light-
duty trucks over the same time period lower than 2.9 percent. For model
years 2022 through 2025, NHTSA expects to propose conditional standards
with an overall annual rate of fuel economy improvement for light-duty
trucks of 4.7 percent per year. For the first time, NHTSA expects to
propose that manufacturers may include air conditioning system
efficiency improvements as a means to comply with fuel economy
standards, and NHTSA also expects to increase the stringency of
standards by the amount industry is expected to improve air
conditioning system efficiency. NHTSA notes that the intended proposed
rates of increase in stringency for CAFE standards are lower than EPA's
intended proposed rates of increase in stringency for GHG standards. As
in the MY 2012-2016 rulemaking, this is for purposes of harmonization
and in reflection of certain statutory constraints in EPCA/EISA. For
example, NHTSA's standards do not reflect the inclusion of air
conditioning system refrigerant and leakage improvements.
The coefficients and industry-wide curves that NHTSA and EPA intend
to propose are included as Appendix B.
The agencies believe that the standards discussed above could be
met with improvements in conventional gasoline and hybrid vehicle
technologies and an increased market share of more advanced
technologies including electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric
B. Mid-Term Review
Given the long time frame at issue in setting standards for MY2022-
2025 light-duty vehicles, and given NHTSA's obligation to conduct a
separate rulemaking in order to establish final standards for vehicles
for those model years, EPA and NHTSA intend to propose a comprehensive
mid-term evaluation and agency decision-making as described in Appendix
A to this Notice of Intent. Up to date information will be developed
and compiled for the evaluation, through a collaborative, robust and
transparent process, including public notice and comment. The
evaluation will be based on (1) A holistic assessment of all of the
factors considered by the agencies in setting standards, including
those set forth in the rule and other relevant factors, and (2) the
expected impact of those factors on the manufacturers' ability to
comply, without placing decisive weight on any particular factor or
projection. The comprehensive evaluation process will lead to final
agency action by both agencies.
Consistent with the Agencies' commitment to maintaining a single
national framework for regulation of vehicle emissions and fuel
economy, the Agencies fully expect to conduct the mid-term evaluation
in close coordination with the California Air Resources Board (CARB).
Moreover, the Agencies fully expect that any adjustments to the
standards will be made with the participation of CARB and in a manner
that ensures continued harmonization of state and Federal vehicle
C. Key Program Elements
EPA and NHTSA have more recently sought extensive input from
automobile manufacturers regarding design elements for the MY 2017-2025
National Program. In achieving the level of standards described above
for the 2017-2025 program, the agencies expect automakers' use of
advanced technologies to be an important element of transforming the
vehicle fleet. To facilitate this transformation, the agencies are
considering a number of incentive programs to encourage early adoption
and introduction into the marketplace of advanced technologies that
represent ``game changing'' performance improvement, including electric
vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, and
hybrid electric large pickups. In addition, the agencies recognize
that, as with the MY 2012-2016 program, there are technologies with the
potential to achieve real-world CO2 and fuel consumption reductions
that are not captured by the standard test procedures. The agencies
intend to propose a program approach to further encourage manufacturer
investments in these ``off-cycle'' technologies.
1. Off-Cycle Credits
As in the MY 2012-2016 program, the objective of the off-cycle
credits program is to promote the early market penetration of tailpipe
CO2/fuel consumption reducing technologies that are not
appropriately accounted for in the current test procedure. Many
automakers indicated that they had a strong interest in pursuing off-
cycle technologies, but the process outlined in the 2012-2016 program
should be refined and simplified so as to provide more certainty as to
the types of technologies the agencies would consider, and so the
process could be simplified. The agencies intend to propose to expand
and streamline the 2012-2016 off-cycle credit provisions, including an
approach by which the agencies would provide credit for a subset of
beneficial off-cycle technologies to encourage early penetration of
these technologies.
For the NPRM, EPA and NHTSA intend to develop a minimum credit
value on a subset of technologies for which we have sufficient data. We
expect this list to include at least six defined technologies, if not
more.\9\ The total number of technologies will be dependent on the
available data. In order to make use of the pre-defined credit list of
off-cycle technologies, a manufacturer must utilize the technology on a
minimum percentage of the company's vehicles. EPA and NHTSA will
continue to assess the appropriate level and will propose a level in
the NPRM. The specific percentage values may vary by off-cycle
technology, and will consider the applicability of the technology
across vehicle type. Under the planned proposal, the total gram/mile
credit from the predefined list for any given model year would not
exceed a 10 gram/mile \10\ impact on the company's combined fleet
average. This limit would only apply to the total for technologies
where the company chooses to use the agency provided credit values.
Automakers can apply for additional credits beyond the minimum credit
value of listed technologies if they have sufficient supporting data.
\9\ Technologies may include active grill shutters, electric
heat pumps, high efficiency alternators, high efficiency lights,
start-stop, solar roof panels for battery charging on EV, PHEV or
HEV with at least 100 watts, active transmission warm-up, and/or
engine heat recovery using thermo-electric for 100 watts, and the
credit for individual technologies could range from less than 1gm/
mile to approximately 5 gm/mile.
\10\ This corresponds to 0.001125 gallon/mile.
In addition, the agencies are planning to propose that companies
could also apply for off-cycle credit for technologies that are not on
the pre-defined list, based on the submission of sufficient supporting
data. EPA and NHTSA intend to propose a timeline for the approval
process, including a 60-day NHTSA and EPA decision process from the
time a manufacturer submits a complete application. EPA and NHTSA also
intend to propose a detailed, common, step-by-step process, including a
specification of the data that manufacturers must submit. For off-
[[Page 48761]]
cycle technologies that are both not covered by the pre-approved off-
cycle credit list and that are not quantifiable based on the 5-cycle
test cycle option provided in the 2012-2016 rulemaking, EPA and NHTSA
will retain the public comment process described by EPA in the MY 2012-
2016 rule.
NHTSA and EPA also intend to propose that once a technology has
been approved by the two agencies, either from the pre-approved list or
through the approval process, that technology and its assigned credit
value is available through MY 2025.
2. Incentives for Electric Vehicles, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles,
and Fuel Cell Vehicles
To facilitate market penetration of the most advanced vehicle
technologies as rapidly as possible, EPA intends to propose an
incentive multiplier for all electric vehicles (EVs), plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles (PHEVs), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) sold in MYs
2017 through 2021. This multiplier approach means that each EV/PHEV/FCV
would count as more than one vehicle in the manufacturer's compliance
calculation. EPA intends to propose that EVs and FCVs start with a
multiplier value of 2.0 in MY 2017, phasing down to a value of 1.5 in
MY 2021. PHEVs would start at a multiplier value of 1.6 in MY 2017 and
phase down to a value of 1.3 in MY 2021.\11\ These multipliers would be
proposed for incorporation in EPA's GHG program.
\11\ The multipliers for EV/FCV would be: 2017-2019--2.0, 2020--
1.75, 2021--1.5; for PHEV: 2017-2019--1.6, 2020--1.45, 2021--1.3.
NHTSA is precluded from offering incentives for EVs, FCVs and
PHEVs, except as specified by EISA, and is not intending to propose
incentive multipliers comparable to the EPA incentive multipliers
described above.
As an additional incentive for EVs, PHEVs and FCVs, EPA intends to
propose allowing a value of 0 g/mile for the tailpipe compliance value
for EVs, PHEVs (electricity usage) and FCVs for MY 2017-2021, with no
limit on the quantity of vehicles eligible for 0 g/mi tailpipe
emissions accounting. For MY 2022-2025, 0 g/mi will only be allowed up
to a per-company cumulative sales cap based on significant penetration
of these advanced vehicles in the marketplace. EPA intends to propose
an appropriate cap in the NPRM.
3. Incentives for ``Game Changing'' Technologies Performance for Full-
Size Pickup Truck Including Hybridization
The agencies recognize that the standards under consideration for
MY 2017-2025 will be most challenging to large trucks, including full
size pickup trucks. The agencies' goal is to incentivize the
penetration into the marketplace of ``game changing'' technologies for
these pickups, including their hybridization. The agencies intend to
solicit information on technologies that offer significant increases in
fuel efficiency and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. We intend to
propose a credit for manufacturers that employ significant quantities
of hybridization on full size pickup trucks, by including a per-vehicle
credit available for mild and strong hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs).
This provides the opportunity to begin to transform the most
challenging category of vehicles in terms of the penetration of
advanced technologies, allowing additional opportunities to
successfully achieve the higher levels of truck stringencies in MY
The agencies intend that access to this credit is conditioned on a
minimum penetration of the technology in a manufacturer's full size
pickup truck fleet, with defined criteria for a full size pickup truck
(e.g., minimum bed size and minimum towing capability). The agencies
intend to propose that mild HEV pickup trucks are eligible for a 10 g/
mi \12\ credit during 2017-2021 if the technology is used on a minimum
percentage of a company's full size pickups, beginning with at least
30% of a company's full size pickup production in 2017 and ramping up
to at least 80% in 2021. Strong HEV pickup trucks would be eligible for
a 20g/mi credit during 2017-2025 if the technology is used on at least
10% of the company's full size pickups. The agencies will propose
specific definitions of mild and strong HEV pickup trucks, but expect
to include stop/start, regenerative braking, minimum motor power,
minimum battery voltage value and minimum energy storage capacity, or
similar types of objective metrics. The agencies expect that a ``mild''
HEV will include moderate hybridization and not just start/stop, and
that a ``strong'' HEV will include launch assist.
\12\ 0.001125 gallon/mile.
The agencies also intend to propose a performance based incentive
credit for full size pickup trucks which achieve a significant
reduction below the applicable target. This credit could also be on the
order of 10-20 gm/mile vehicle. The same vehicle would not receive
credit under both the HEV and the performance based approaches.
4. Air Conditioning Credits
As with the MY2012-2016 program, manufacturers will be able to earn
credits for improvements in air conditioning (A/C) systems, both for
efficiency improvements (reduces tailpipe CO2 and improves
fuel consumption) and for leakage or alternative, lower GWP (global
warming potential) refrigerant use (reduces hydrofluorocarbon (HFC)
emissions). EPA intends to propose that the maximum A/C credit
available for cars is 18.8 grams/mile CO2 and for trucks is
24.4 grams/mile CO2. The test methods used to calculate
these credits will be very similar to those of the MY2012-2016 program.
For the first time, NHTSA expects to propose that manufacturers may
include air conditioning system efficiency improvements as a means to
comply with fuel economy standards. NHTSA expects to not allow the use
of A/C system credits that affect leakage or alternative, lower GWP
refrigerant use, because those changes do not affect fuel efficiency.
NHTSA also expects to increase the stringency of standards by the
amount industry is expected to improve air conditioning system
efficiency. NHTSA intends to propose that the maximum A/C credit
available for cars is 0.000563 gallon/mile and for trucks is 0.000810
gallon/mile. The test methods used to calculate these credits will be
the same as EPA's.
5. Treatment of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Plug-in Hybrid Electric
Vehicles (PHEVs), and Flexible Fuel Vehicles (FFVs)
EPA intends that CO2 credits for plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles (PHEVs) and bi-fuel compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles will
be based on the recognition that, once a consumer has paid several
thousand dollars to be able to use a fuel that is considerably cheaper
than gasoline, it is very likely that the consumer will seek to use the
cheaper fuel as much as possible. Accordingly, for CO2
emissions compliance, EPA expects to use the Society of Automotive
Engineers ``utility factor'' methodology (based on vehicle range on the
alternative fuel and typical daily travel mileage) to determine the
assumed percentage of operation on alternative fuel and percentage of
operation on CNG for both PHEVs and bi-fuel CNG vehicles, along with
the CO2 emissions test values on the alternative fuel and
EPA does not expect to extend this method to flexible fueled
vehicles (FFVs) using E-85 and gasoline, since there is not a
significant cost differential
[[Page 48762]]
between an FFV and conventional gasoline vehicle and historically
consumers have only fueled these vehicles with E85 a very small
percentage of the time. Therefore, treatment of E85 FFVs will continue
as the MY2016 program, based on actual usage of E85 which represents a
real-world reduction attributed to alternative fuels.
In the NHTSA program for MYs 2017-2019, NHTSA expects that the fuel
economy of dual fuel vehicles will be determined in the same manner as
specified in the MY 2012-2016 rule, and as defined by EISA. Beginning
in MY 2020, EISA does not specify how to measure the fuel economy of
dual fuel vehicles, and it is expected NHTSA will propose to use the
EPA ``utility factor'' methodology for PHEV and CNG vehicles to
determine how to proportion the fuel economy when operating on gasoline
or diesel fuel and the fuel economy when operating on the alternative
fuel. For FFVs, NHTSA expects to propose to use the same methodology as
EPA to determine how to proportion the fuel economy, which would be
based on actual usage of E85. NHTSA expects to continue to use
Petroleum Equivalency Factors and the incentive multipliers that are
used in the MY 2012-2016 rule, however with no cap on the amount of
fuel economy increase allowed.
6. Credit Banking and Trading
The agencies will propose to continue the 5-year credit carry
forward and 3-year credit carry back provisions of the MY2012-2016
program, with one key exception under the EPA program. To facilitate
the transition to the increasingly more stringent standards, EPA
intends to propose a one-time credit carry forward beyond 5 years, such
that any credits generated from MY2010 through 2016 will be able to be
used any time through MY 2021. This provision would not apply to early
credits generated in MY 2009. NHTSA's program will continue the 5-year
carry-forward and 3-year carry-back as required by statute.
As with the MY 2012-2016 program, EPA intends to continue to allow
manufacturers to make unlimited transfers between their car and light
truck fleets, and unlimited credit trading between manufacturers. NHTSA
intends to continue to allow unlimited credit trading between
manufacturers, and credit transferring up to the limits allowed by
statute, consistent with the approach in the MY 2012-2016 program.
7. Exclusion of Emergency and Police Vehicles
Under EPCA, manufacturers are allowed to exclude emergency vehicles
from their CAFE fleet and all manufacturers have historically done so.
In the MY 2012-2016 program, EPA's GHG program does apply to these
vehicles. However, after further consideration of this issue, EPA
intends to propose that an exclusion is appropriate because of the
unique features of vehicles designed specifically for law enforcement
purposes, which have the effect of raising their GHG emissions.
8. Small Businesses and Small Volume Manufacturers
As EPA did for the MY 2012-2016 program, EPA intends to propose to
continue to exclude small businesses from the GHG standards, for any
company that meets the Small Business Administration's definition of a
small business. For vehicle manufacturers, the definition of small
business is any firm with less than 1,000 employees. EPA believes this
exemption is appropriate since these businesses make up less than 0.1%
of total U.S. vehicle sales, and there is no significant impact on
emission reductions.
EPCA provides NHTSA with the authority to exempt from the generally
applicable CAFE standards manufacturers that produce fewer than 10,000
passenger cars worldwide in the model year each of the two years prior
to the year in which they seek an exemption.\13\ If NHTSA exempts a
manufacturer, it must establish an alternate standard for that
manufacturer for that model year, at the level that the agency decides
is maximum feasible for that manufacturer. The exemption and
alternative standard apply only if the exempted manufacturer also
produces fewer than 10,000 passenger cars worldwide in the year for
which the exemption was granted.
\13\ 49 U.S.C. 32902(d). Implementing regulations may be found
in 49 CFR part 525.
For small volume manufacturers, which EPA defines as manufacturers
with U.S. annual sales of less than 5,000 vehicles, EPA intends to
propose to bring these manufacturers into the program for the first
time, and allow them to petition for alternative standards.
D. Conclusion
This document outlines the key program elements of a National
Program that EPA and NHTSA plan to propose for model year 2017-2025
light-duty vehicles. The agencies' efforts to develop this program have
been fully consistent with the President's May 21, 2010 Memorandum. The
agencies have coordinated extensively with California, and held
extensive discussions with stakeholders to ensure our proposal is based
on the most robust technical analysis possible. The agencies plan to
issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking by the end of September 2011.
Appendix A--Mid-Term Evaluation for MY 2022-2025 LDV Rules
Given the long time frame at issue in setting standards for
MY2022-2025 light-duty vehicles, and given NHTSA's obligation to
conduct a separate rulemaking in order to establish final standards
for vehicles for those model years, EPA and NHTSA will conduct a
comprehensive mid-term evaluation and agency decision-making as
described below. Up to date information will be developed and
compiled for the evaluation, through a collaborative, robust and
transparent process, including public notice and comment. The
evaluation will be based on (1) A holistic assessment of all of the
factors considered by the agencies in setting standards, including
those set forth in the rule and other relevant factors, and (2) the
expected impact of those factors on the manufacturers' ability to
comply, without placing decisive weight on any particular factor or
projection. The comprehensive evaluation process will lead to final
agency action by both agencies.
Consistent with the Agencies' commitment to maintaining a single
national framework for regulation of vehicle emissions and fuel
economy, the Agencies fully expect to conduct the mid-term
evaluation in close coordination with the California Air Resources
Board (CARB). Moreover, the Agencies fully expect that any
adjustments to the standards will be made with the participation of
CARB and in a manner that ensures continued harmonization of state
and Federal vehicle standards.
EPA will conduct a mid-term evaluation of the later
model year light-duty GHG standards (MY2022-2025). The evaluation
will determine whether those standards are appropriate under section
202(a) of the Act. EPA will be legally bound to make a final
decision, by April 1, 2018, on whether the MY 2022-2025 GHG
standards are appropriate under section 202(a), in light of the
record then before the agency. In the MY 2017-2025 rule EPA will
adopt a regulation requiring EPA to make such a determination by
that date.
EPA, NHTSA and CARB will jointly prepare a draft
Technical Assessment Report (TAR) to inform EPA's determination on
the appropriateness of the GHG standards and to inform NHTSA's
rulemaking for the CAFE standards for MYs 2022-2025. The TAR will
examine the same issues and underlying analyses and projections
considered in the original rulemaking, including technical and other
analyses and projections relevant to each agency's authority to set
standards as well as any relevant new issues that may present
themselves. There will be an opportunity for public comment on the
[[Page 48763]]
TAR, and appropriate peer review will be performed of underlying
analyses in the TAR. The assumptions and modeling underlying the TAR
will be available to the public, to the extent consistent with law.
EPA will also seek public comment on whether the
standards are appropriate under section 202(a), e.g. comments to
affirm or change the GHG standards (either more or less stringent).
The agencies will carefully consider comments and information
received and respond to comments in their respective subsequent
final actions.
EPA and NHTSA will consult and coordinate in developing
EPA's determination on whether the MY 2022-2025 GHG standards are
appropriate under section 202(a) and NHTSA's NPRM.
In making that determination, EPA will evaluate and
determine whether the MY2022-2025 GHG standards are appropriate
under section 202(a) of the CAA based on a comprehensive, integrated
assessment of all of the results of the review, as well as any
public comments received during the evaluation, taken as a whole.
The decision making required of the Administrator in making that
determination is intended to be as robust and comprehensive as that
in the original setting of the MY2017-2025 standards.
In making this determination, EPA will consider
information on a range of relevant factors, including but not
limited to those listed in the draft rule and below:
1. Development of powertrain improvements to gasoline and diesel
powered vehicles.
2. Impacts on employment, including the auto sector.
3. Availability and implementation of methods to reduce weight,
including any impacts on safety.
4. Actual and projected availability of public and private
charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, and fueling
infrastructure for alternative fueled vehicles.
5. Costs, availability, and consumer acceptance of technologies
to ensure compliance with the standards, such as vehicle batteries
and power electronics, mass reduction, and anticipated trends in
these costs.
6. Payback periods for any incremental vehicle costs associated
with meeting the standards.
7. Costs for gasoline, diesel fuel, and alternative fuels.
8. Total light-duty vehicle sales and projected fleet mix.
9. Market penetration across the fleet of fuel efficient
10. Any other factors that may be deemed relevant to the review.
[dec222] If, based on the evaluation, EPA decides that the GHG
standards are appropriate under section 202(a), then EPA will
announce that final decision and the basis for EPA's decision. The
decision will be final agency action which also will be subject to
judicial review on its merits. EPA will develop an administrative
record for that review that will be no less robust than that
developed for the initial determination to establish the standards.
In the midterm evaluation, EPA will develop a robust record for
judicial review that is the same kind of record that would be
developed and before a court for judicial review of the adoption of
[dec222] Where EPA decides that the standards are not
appropriate, EPA will initiate a rulemaking to adopt standards that
are appropriate under section 202(a), which could result in
standards that are either less or more stringent. In this rulemaking
EPA will evaluate a range of alternative standards that are
potentially effective and reasonably feasible, and the Administrator
will propose the alternative that in her judgment is the best choice
for a standard that is appropriate under section 202(a). In the
2017-2025 rulemaking EPA will formally adopt the interpretation that
the provisions of section 202(b)(1)(C) are not applicable to any
revisions of the greenhouse standards adopted in this later
rulemaking based on the mid-term evaluation. If EPA initiates a
rulemaking, it will be a joint rulemaking with NHTSA. Any final
action taken by EPA at the end of that rulemaking is also judicially
[dec222] The MY 2022-2025 GHG standards will remain in effect
unless and until EPA changes them by rulemaking.
[dec222] NHTSA intends to issue conditional standards for MYs
2022-2025 in the LDV rulemaking being initiated this fall for MY
2017 and later model years. The CAFE standards for MYs 2022-2025
will be determined with finality in a subsequent, de novo notice and
comment rulemaking conducted in full compliance with section 32902
of title 49, U.S.C. and other applicable law. Accordingly, NHTSA's
development of its proposal in that later rulemaking will include
the making of economic and technology analyses and estimates that
are appropriate for those model years and based on then-current
[dec222] Any rulemaking conducted jointly by the agencies or by
NHTSA alone will be timed to provide sufficient lead time for
industry to make whatever changes to their products that the
rulemaking analysis deems feasible based on the new information
available. At the very latest, the three agencies will complete the
mid-term evaluation process and subsequent rulemaking on the
standards that may occur in sufficient time to promulgate final
standards for MYs 2022-2025 with at least 18 months lead time, but
additional lead time may be provided.
[dec222] EPA understands that California intends to propose a
mid-term evaluation in its program that is coordinated with EPA and
NHTSA and is based on a similar set of factors as outlined in this
Appendix A. The rules submitted to EPA for a waiver under the CAA
will include such a mid-term evaluation. EPA understands that
California intends to continue promoting harmonized state and
federal vehicle standards. EPA further understands that California's
2017-2025 standards to be submitted to EPA for a waiver under the
Clean Air Act will deem compliance with EPA greenhouse gas emission
standards, even if amended after 2012, as compliant with
California's. Therefore, if EPA revises it standards in response to
the mid-term review, California may need to amend one or more of its
2022-2025 MY standards and would submit such amendments to EPA with
a request for a waiver, or for confirmation that said amendments
fall within the scope of an existing waiver, as appropriate.
Consistent with the above, EPA intends to propose regulations
that state that no later than April 1, 2018, the Administrator shall
determine whether the standards for MY2022-25 are appropriate under
section 202(a) of the Act, in light of the record then before the
Administrator. An opportunity for public comment shall be provided
before making such determination. If she determines they are not
appropriate, she shall initiate a rulemaking to revise the
standards, to be either more or less stringent as appropriate.
In making the determination required by the previous paragraph,
the Administrator shall consider the information available on the
factors relevant to setting greenhouse gas standards under section
202(a) for these model years, including but not limited to the
availability and effectiveness of technology, and the appropriate
lead time for introduction of technology; the cost on the producers
or purchasers of new motor vehicles or new motor vehicle engines;
the feasibility and practicability of the standards; the impact of
the standards on reduction of emissions, oil conservation, energy
security, and fuel savings by consumers; the impact of the standards
on the automobile industry; the impacts of the standards on safety;
the impact of the standards on the CAFE standards and a national
harmonized program; and the impact of the standards on other
relevant factors.
The Administrator shall make the determination required based
upon a record that includes a draft Technical Assessment Report
(TAR) addressing issues relevant to the standard for MY2022-25,
public comment on the TAR, public comment on whether the standards
for MY2022-25 are appropriate under section 202(a), and such other
materials the Administrator deems appropriate.
No later than November 15, 2017, the Administrator shall issue a
draft TAR addressing issues relevant to the standards for MY2022-25.
The Administrator will set forth in detail the bases for the
determination required as described above, including her assessment
of each of the factors listed above.
Appendix B
EPA Curve Coefficients
a = Minimum CO2 Target [g/mile]
b = Maximum CO2 Target [g/mile]
c = Slope [g/mile per square foot]
d = Intercept [g/mile]
e = Minimum CO2 Target [g/mile] for CO2 Target
Ceiling Curve
f = Maximum CO2 Target [g/mile] for CO2 Target
Ceiling Curve
g = Slope [g/mile per square foot] for CO2 Target Ceiling
h = Intercept [g/mile] for CO2 Target Ceiling Curve
Target = min(min (b,max(a, c *
[[Page 48764]]
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
a......................................... 206.0 194.7 184.9 175.3 166.1 157.2 150.2 143.3 136.8 130.5
b......................................... 277.0 262.7 250.1 238.0 226.2 214.9 205.5 196.5 187.8 179.5
c......................................... 4.72 4.53 4.35 4.17 4.01 3.84 3.69 3.54 3.40 3.26
d......................................... 12.70 8.92 6.54 4.20 1.89 -0.38 -1.12 -1.83 -2.52 -3.17
e......................................... ......... 203.4 201.9 200.4 198.9 197.4 197.4 197.4 197.4 197.4
f......................................... ......... 274.4 277.0 278.5 280.0 281.5 283.0 283.0 283.0 283.0
g......................................... ......... 4.72 4.72 4.72 4.72 4.72 4.72 4.72 4.72 4.72
h......................................... ......... 10.10 8.60 7.10 5.60 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.10
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
a......................................... 247.0 238.1 226.8 219.5 211.9 195.4 185.7 176.4 167.6 159.1
b......................................... 348.0 347.2 341.7 338.6 336.7 334.8 320.8 305.6 291.0 277.1
c......................................... 4.04 4.87 4.76 4.68 4.57 4.28 4.09 3.91 3.74 3.58
d......................................... 81.10 38.28 31.62 27.69 24.64 19.80 17.85 15.98 14.21 12.51
e......................................... ......... 246.4 240.9 237.8 235.9 234.0 234.0 234.0 234.0 234.0
f......................................... ......... 347.4 341.9 338.8 336.9 335.0 335.0 335.0 335.0 335.0
g......................................... ......... 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04
h......................................... ......... 80.50 75.00 71.90 70.00 68.10 68.10 68.10 68.10 68.10
[[Page 48765]]
[[Page 48766]]
[[Page 48767]]
NHTSA CAFE Coefficients and Curves for Cars and Trucks
Instructions for Calculating NHTSA CAFE and EPA GHG Target Curves
Using the Coefficients
The target curve is calculated by:
Step 1. Calculate targets using the a, b, c, and d coefficients
Step 2. Calculate targets using the e, f, g and h coefficients
Step 3. The curve is defined by the more stringent value at each
footprint calculated from Step 1 and Step 2
[[Page 48768]]
Table A.1--CAFE Target Curve Coefficients
[[Page 48769]]
Passenger Cars
Model year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
a............................... 30.96 32.65 33.84 35.07 36.47 38.02 39.79 41.64 43.58 45.61
b............................... 41.09 43.61 45.21 46.87 48.74 50.83 53.21 55.71 58.32 61.07
c............................... 0.0005308 0.0005131 0.0004954 0.0004783 0.0004603 0.0004419 0.0004227 0.0004043 0.0003867 0.0003699
d............................... 0.002573 0.001896 0.001811 0.001729 0.001643 0.001555 0.001463 0.001375 0.001290 0.001210
e............................... .............. 31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51 31.51
f............................... .............. 42.06 42.06 42.06 42.06 42.06 42.06 42.06 42.06 42.06
g............................... .............. 0.0005308 0.0005308 0.0005308 0.0005308 0.0005308 0.0005308 0.0005308 0.0005308 0.0005308
h............................... .............. 0.002010 0.002010 0.002010 0.002010 0.002010 0.002010 0.002010 0.002010 0.002010
Model year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
a............................... 24.74 25.09 25.20 25.25 25.25 25.25 26.29 27.53 28.83 30.19
b............................... 34.42 36.26 37.36 38.16 39.11 41.80 43.79 45.89 48.09 50.39
c............................... 0.0004546 0.0005484 0.0005358 0.0005265 0.0005140 0.0004820 0.0004607 0.0004404 0.0004210 0.0004025
d............................... 0.010413 0.005097 0.004797 0.004623 0.004494 0.004164 0.003944 0.003735 0.003534 0.003343
e............................... .............. 25.09 25.20 25.25 25.25 25.25 25.25 25.25 25.25 25.25
f............................... .............. 35.10 35.31 35.41 35.41 35.41 35.41 35.41 35.41 35.41
g............................... .............. 0.0004546 0.0004546 0.0004546 0.0004546 0.0004546 0.0004546 0.0004546 0.0004546 0.0004546
h............................... .............. 0.009851 0.009682 0.009603 0.009603 0.009603 0.009603 0.009603 0.009603 0.009603
a = Fuel Economy Value for Lower Footprint Cutpoint [mpg].
b = Fuel Economy Value for Upper Footprint Cutpoint [mpg].
c = Slope [gallons per mile per square foot].
d = Intercept [gallons per mile].
e = Fuel Economy Value for Lower Footprint Cutpoint [mpg] for Floor Curve.
f = Fuel Economy Value for Upper Footprint Cutpoint [mpg] for Target Floor Curve.
g = Slope [gallons per mile per square foot] for Target Floor Curve.
h = Intercept [gallons per mile] for Target Floor Curve.
Dated: July 29, 2011
Ray LaHood,
Secretary, Department of Transportation.
Dated: July 29, 2011.
Lisa P. Jackson,
Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency.
[FR Doc. 2011-19905 Filed 8-8-11; 8:45 am]