Self-Regulatory Organizations; The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To Link Market Data Fees and Transaction Execution Fees, 4970-4978 [2011-1711]
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 18 / Thursday, January 27, 2011 / Notices
the requirement that ETP Holders
deliver a prospectus to investors
purchasing newly issued Shares prior to
or concurrently with the confirmation of
a transaction; and (f) trading
(5) For initial and/or continued
listing, the Fund will be in compliance
with Rule 10A–3 under the Act.
(6) The Fund may sell short only
equity securities traded in the U.S. on
registered exchanges.
(7) A minimum of 100,000 Shares will
be outstanding at the commencement of
trading on the Exchange.
This order is based on the Exchange’s
For the foregoing reasons, the
Commission finds that the proposed
rule change is consistent with Section
6(b)(5) of the Act 20 and the rules and
regulations thereunder applicable to a
national securities exchange.
IV. Conclusion
It is therefore ordered, pursuant to
Section 19(b)(2) of the Act,21 that the
proposed rule change (SR–NYSEArca–
2010–107), be, and it hereby is,
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Elizabeth M. Murphy,
[FR Doc. 2011–1710 Filed 1–26–11; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–63745; File No. SR–
Self-Regulatory Organizations; The
NASDAQ Stock Market LLC; Notice of
Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of
Proposed Rule Change To Link Market
Data Fees and Transaction Execution
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
January 20, 2011.
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the
‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
notice is hereby given that on January
10, 2011, The NASDAQ Stock Market
LLC (‘‘NASDAQ’’ or the ‘‘Exchange’’)
filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (the ‘‘Commission’’) the
proposed rule change as described in
Items I, II, and III below, which Items
have been prepared by the Exchange.
20 15
U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).
U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
22 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
21 15
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The Commission is publishing this
notice to solicit comments on the
proposed rule change from interested
I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Terms of Substance of
the Proposed Rule Change
NASDAQ proposes to reduce market
data fees and transaction execution fees
for retail investors. NASDAQ, like the
Commission, ‘‘is particularly focused on
the interests of long-term investors.’’ 3
Retail investors’ orders are often
executed away from well-regulated
public exchanges that offer pre-trade
transparency. The Commission has
noted that absent extraordinary
conditions such as those occurring on
May 6, 2010, retail orders are generally
executed by internalizers away from
exchanges and without pre-trade
transparency, exposure or order
interaction.4 In NASDAQ’s view, the
likelihood that retail investors’ orders
are executed away from exchanges is
impacted by disparities in regulation
between lit markets such as those
operated by exchanges 5 on one hand
and broker systems or dark markets
operated as Alternative Trading Systems
on the other. One such disparity
provides dark markets great flexibility to
price differentiate between subscribers,
while denying exchanges the same
flexibility to differentiate between
members. Furthermore, although
exchanges and dark markets compete for
the same order flow and for the same
transactions, exchanges must file
proposed fee schedules and changes,
while other markets have no such
burden. The result is that proposed rule
changes that impact NASDAQ’s ability
to compete for order flow, transactions,
and market data, such as the current
proposal, are subject to significant
scrutiny and potential delay while
similar conduct by other markets is
subject to no public filing requirement,
no regulatory delay, and for dark
markets is opaque to investors and
competitors alike.
3 See Exchange Act Release 61358, Concept
Release on Equity Market Structure (Jan. 14, 2010),
at p. 33.
4 See Findings Regarding The Market Events Of
May 6, 2010, Report Of The Staffs Of The CFTC
And SEC To The Joint Advisory Committee On
Emerging Regulatory Issues, September 30, 2010, at
p. 56. It is often contended that dark markets serve
the interests of large investors whose order sizes
give rise to the potential for adverse market
movements. Such potential does not exist in the
case of smaller retail orders.
5 Alternative Trading Systems that meet the five
percent display threshold under Regulation ATS
also qualify as lit markets with higher regulatory
requirements. NASDAQ is not aware that any ATS
is operating under these conditions today.
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This filing is an attempt by NASDAQ
to compete to attract retail investors’
orders and to improve the experience of
retail investors on NASDAQ’s public
market. NASDAQ is reducing fees for
members that serve retail investors.
Specifically, NASDAQ is reducing the
costs of executing trades and of
providing ‘‘depth of book’’ data products
for NASDAQ member firms that service
‘‘non-professional’’ users with which the
firm has a brokerage relationship. The
more NASDAQ data a firm provides to
retail investors, and the more that firm
trades on NASDAQ, the lower its fees
will be. This is an optional pricing
proposal designed to benefit nonprofessional investors by providing an
incentive for them to trade in the wellregulated, publicly-displayed market
that NASDAQ operates.
NASDAQ will implement the
proposed change on January 3, 2011.
The text of the proposed rule change is
available at https://, at
NASDAQ’s principal office, and at the
Commission’s Public Reference Room.
II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
In its filing with the Commission,
NASDAQ included statements
concerning the purpose of, and basis for,
the proposed rule change. The text of
these statements may be examined at
the places specified in Item III below,
and is set forth in Sections A, B, and C
below. NASDAQ has prepared
summaries, set forth in Sections A, B,
and C below, of the most significant
aspects of such statements.
A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and the
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
1. Purpose
This filing reduces prices for
NASDAQ market data and for trading on
NASDAQ. The proposed price reduction
is targeted at retaining the business of
members that represent retail investors
and that redistribute market data to
them in a non-professional capacity.
NASDAQ believes that this proposal
thereby promotes NASDAQ’s and the
Commission’s goal of better serving
long-term, retail investors and restoring
confidence in public capital markets.
The participation of these investors in
NASDAQ’s market benefits NASDAQ,
its listed companies, its market quality,
and the quality of its data products. The
proposal is also a competitive response
to other trading venues that have used
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 18 / Thursday, January 27, 2011 / Notices
price discounts to entice firms to shift
order flow and data consumption, and
that may continue to do so in the future.
In short, NASDAQ is attempting to
compete on price for the business of
customers that are highly valued to
NASDAQ and important to the health of
U.S. capital markets.
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Description of the Pricing Proposal
NASDAQ is proposing a discount for
its depth-of-book data products and an
enhanced liquidity provider rebate
based upon the extent to which a
NASDAQ member both consumes
NASDAQ market data and also
contributes to the quality of NASDAQ
data through liquidity provision. This
program focuses on non-professional
use of ‘‘NASDAQ Depth Data Product
Fees’’ which are the non-professional
fees for NQDS (Rule 7017), and
TotalView and OpenView (Rule 7023),
including fees for usage (Rule 7026) and
enterprise license fees. It also focuses on
average daily liquidity provision to the
NASDAQ Market Center as that activity
is measured today in NASDAQ Rule
7018. This pricing is completely
optional; no member is required to
participate or excluded from
The market data discount provided
through the proposal is for fees incurred
by NASDAQ members in providing
NASDAQ depth-of-book data to nonprofessional users. A member incurs
non-professional fees when it offers
depth-of-book data to natural persons
that are not acting in a capacity that
subjects them to financial industry
regulation (e.g., retail customers).6
NASDAQ seeks to encourage wide
distribution of market data to nonprofessional users, because it believes
that this will encourage more order flow
from investors whose trading volumes
are elastic and therefore influenced by
factors such as the availability of data.
NASDAQ also expects that some of the
benefit of the fee reductions offered
through the proposal will be passed on
to brokerage customers. For this reason,
6 NASDAQ Rule 7017(c) defines a nonprofessional as a natural person who is neither:
(1) Registered or qualified in any capacity with
the Commission, the Commodities Futures Trading
Commission, any State securities agency, any
securities exchange or association, or any
commodities or futures contract market or
(2) Engaged as an ‘‘investment adviser’’ as that
term is defined in Section 201(11) of the Investment
Advisors Act of 1940 (whether or not registered or
qualified under that Act); nor
(3) Employed by a bank or other organization
exempt from registration under Federal or State
securities laws to perform functions that would
require registration or qualification if such
functions were performed for an organization not so
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NASDAQ already provides a discounted
rate for non-professional data, whether
it is sold directly to a non-professional
user or distributed to the user through
a broker. NASDAQ believes that nonprofessional users that are able to make
use of depth data also have a degree of
knowledge about market structure that
would cause them to favor limit orders,
rather than market orders, when buying
and selling. Thus, through the proposal,
NASDAQ hopes to encourage a
‘‘virtuous circle’’ in which firms route
more liquidity-providing orders to
NASDAQ and consume and distribute
more data in order to receive the
discount, with increased data
distribution in turn encouraging still
more liquidity provision. NASDAQ also
hopes to encourage additional firms to
provide depth-of-book to their
The program has three tiers, each with
two requirements, one based on
liquidity provision and the other based
on data consumption. A member will
qualify as a ‘‘Tier 1 Firm’’ for purposes
of the discount during a particular
month if it (i) has an average daily
volume of 12 million or more shares of
liquidity provided through the
NASDAQ Market Center in all securities
during the month; and (ii) incurs
NASDAQ Depth Data Product Fees (as
defined above) during the month of
$150,000 or more (prior to applying the
discount provided by this proposal). A
member will qualify as a ‘‘Tier 2 Firm’’
for purposes of the discount during a
particular month if it (i) has an average
daily volume of 35 million or more
shares of liquidity provided through the
NASDAQ Market Center in all securities
during the month; and (ii) incurs
NASDAQ Depth Data Product Fees
during the month of $300,000 or more
(prior to applying the discount provided
by this proposal). A member will qualify
as a ‘‘Tier 3 Firm’’ for purposes of the
discount during a particular month if it
(i) has an average daily volume of 65
million or more shares of liquidity
provided through the NASDAQ Market
Center in all securities during the
month; and (ii) incurs NASDAQ Depth
Data Product Fees during the month of
$500,000 or more (prior to applying the
discount provided by this proposal).
Firms that qualify as Tier 1, Tier 2, or
Tier 3 Firms will receive discounted
market NASDAQ Depth Data Product
Fees and, in the case of Tier 1 Firms,
increased liquidity provider credits.
With respect to market data fees, Tier 1
Firms will receive a 15% discount on
non-professional fees for NASDAQ
Depth Data Products charged to them.
Tier 2 Firms will receive a 35%
discount on non-professional fees for
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NASDAQ Depth Data Products charged
to them. Tier 3 Firms will receive a 50%
discount on non-professional fees
charged to them.7 The discounted
NASDAQ Depth Data Product Fees are
tailored to benefit firms that provide a
high quantity of data to nonprofessional retail investors and that
also contribute significantly to the
quality of NASDAQ data.
With respect to liquidity provider
credits, Tier 1 Firms will qualify for a
credit of $0.0028 per share of displayed
liquidity provided and a $0.0015 per
share of non-displayed liquidity. These
rates are higher than the $0.0020 and
$0.0010 per share of displayed and nondisplayed liquidity provider credit
available to firms that provide the same
12 million shares of liquidity per day
without also consuming NASDAQ
Depth Data Products sufficient to
qualify for Tier 1 as defined here.8
These credits are not incrementally
higher than the credit currently
available to firms providing 35 and 65
million shares of liquidity daily. In
other words, the benefit available to Tier
2 and Tier 3 Firms under this program
is limited to the discount for NASDAQ
Depth Data Products described above.
The proposal is designed to recognize
the benefits to NASDAQ, its listed
companies, its market quality, and the
quality of its proprietary data products
that are provided by member firms that
both post retail liquidity on NASDAQ
and redistribute data to their customers.
The proposal is also a direct competitive
response to other trading venues that
have used price discounts to entice
firms to shift order flow and data
consumption, and that may continue to
do so in the future. Firms that are
eligible for the discount are key
contributors to market quality, by
providing liquidity to support rapid
execution of incoming orders with
minimal price impact. These firms are
able to shift their business immediately
to competing exchanges, which requires
NASDAQ to offer competitive responses
to keep the business of these valued
customers. NASDAQ currently
recognizes the value of liquidity
provision by offering liquidity provider
credits that rise with the volume of
7 Since the eligibility of a member for the
discount is determined on a month-by-month basis,
data fees that are paid on an annual basis, such as
the annual administrative fee for market data
distributors under Rule 7019(a), are not covered by
the definition of NASDAQ Depth Data Product
Fees, and are therefore not counted in determining
a firm’s status as a Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 Firm.
8 Tier 2 and Tier 3 Firms will receive the current
liquidity provider credit of $0.00295 per share of
displayed liquidity and $0.00015 per share of nondisplayed liquidity. There is no enhancement to
these liquidity provider credits at this time.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 18 / Thursday, January 27, 2011 / Notices
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liquidity provided. For companies listed
on NASDAQ, liquidity provision
dampens volatility by allowing higher
volumes to trade at a consistent price.
Single Platform, Joint Products
NASDAQ is offering a joint discount
on market information and executions
because, as described in greater detail in
the attached Statement of Ordover and
Bamberger (Exhibit 3), The NASDAQ
Market Center is a single trading
platform that unavoidably produces
joint products: execution services and
market data. Every execution of a trade
automatically produces market
information about that trade including
the price and quantity traded. Every
execution requires posted and taking
orders, which in turn produce market
data in the form of quotations, including
top-of-book and depth-of-book
quotations. Market information and
executions are inextricably linked; each
is both an input and a byproduct of the
other and neither can exist without the
The operation of The NASDAQ
Market Center and the production of
joint products (executions and market
information) require NASDAQ to incur
joint costs. NASDAQ’s costs to produce
market information and executions are
inseparable in that most of them are not
uniquely incurred on behalf of either of
the services provided by the exchange.
To operate its trading platform,
NASDAQ must incur high fixed costs
before accepting a single order,
executing a single trade, or producing a
single element of market information.
Each year, NASDAQ spends millions of
dollars on market infrastructure such as
servers, processors, line handlers,
software, and personnel; data intake,
processing and dissemination
equipment and networking hardware
and software; and regulatory and
surveillance systems of both a manual
and automated nature. NASDAQ incurs
these high costs to operate the platform
and to produce both executions and
market information. In other words,
without these costs, neither product is
produced, but with them, both products
are unavoidably produced.9
NASDAQ recaptures the cost of
operating its platform through the sale
of both executions and market
information. The total return that
NASDAQ or any trading platform earns
reflects the revenues it receives from the
sale of these joint products and other
services, net of the joint and other costs
9 This point was recognized over a century ago by
the British economist Alfred Marshall, who noted
the inextricability of producing wool and mutton
and the inextricable nature of the costs associated
with such production.
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(i.e., those limited costs that can be
directly attributed to one of the relevant
products) it incurs. Different platforms
choose different pricing strategies and
ways of recovering total costs. NASDAQ
pays rebates to attract orders, charges
relatively low prices for market
information and charges relatively high
prices for accessing posted liquidity.
Other platforms may choose a strategy
of paying lower liquidity rebates to
attract orders, setting relatively low
prices for accessing posted liquidity,
and setting relatively high prices for
market information. Still others may
provide most data free of charge and
rely exclusively on transaction fees to
recover their costs. Finally, some
platforms may incentivize use by
providing opportunities for equity
ownership, which may allow them to
charge lower direct fees for executions
and data.10 These strategies can vary
over time in response to changing
market and regulatory factors.11
The Commission has acknowledged
many times that trading platforms
compete fiercely for executions.
Platforms also compete for the sale of
market data. For example, in June 2008,
NASDAQ launched two proprietary
‘‘Last Sale’’ products. In each case, the
terms included subscription rates and
an ‘‘enterprise cap’’ rate designed for
Web portals. The enterprise cap rates for
the two products were $100,000 per
month and $50,000 per month for the
two products (i.e., a total of $150,000
per month for customers who purchased
both products). The majority of
NASDAQ’s sales were at the cap level.
In early 2009, we understand that BATS
offered an alternative product (BATS
PITCH data) as a zero-cost alternative to
the NASDAQ Last Sale products.12 Also
in early 2009, NYSE Arca announced
the launch of a competitive product
with an enterprise price of $30,000 per
month. In response, NASDAQ combined
its two Last Sale products into one in
April 2009, and reduced the enterprise
cap to $50,000 per month (i.e., a
reduction of $100,000 per month).
Given the joint nature of these
products and the competitive markets in
which they are offered, a bundled
discount that is linked to total spending
across the joint products is
economically sensible for a single
platform producing joint products.
Bundling recognizes the value of
liquidity provision and data distribution
in creating the conditions that further
encourage the creation of the trading
platform’s products. It also recognizes
the fact that customers are differentiated
on multiple dimensions in terms of their
willingness to pay for data and for
accessing liquidity. Platform pricing of
market data and executions enables
NASDAQ to design a plan that will
appeal to a broader group of potential
customers—in this case those serving
retail investors—and stimulate overall
sales of both data and trading. NASDAQ
expects that bundling will be more
appealing to its customers than offering
discounts based only on the volume of
one kind of activity or another, as it has
done in the past. By conditioning the
discount on two activities, NASDAQ
can achieve improved participation
from both retail brokers that distribute
data and their order-providing
customers, as compared to a
disaggregated pricing approach.13
Given the fierce competition between
platforms, as evidenced by rapid shifts
in order flow and price cutting behavior
10 See, e.g., Securities Exchange Act Release No.
62358 (June 22, 2010), 75 FR 37861 (June 30, 2010)
(SR–NSX–2010–06). It has also been reported that
NYSE Amex has offered equity incentives to active
members. While Nasdaq is aware of no Amex rule
filing with the Commission, Amex consistently
refers publicly to the ‘‘semi-mutualization.’’
program. See, e.g., NYSE Euronext Brings Partners
Into Options Market (Dow Jones Newswires,
September 9, 2009); Comments of Duncan
Neiderauer at NYSE Euronext Q3 2009 Earnings
Call (October 30, 2009).
11 Similarly, Marshall’s sheep farmer would be
expected to cover his costs of production through
the sale of both wool and mutton, and it would be
unreasonable for sweater-wearers to demand free
sweaters subsidized by consumers of mutton.
Moreover, in contrast to sheep farming,
consumption of each of NASDAQ’s main products
enables further production and consumption of the
other—more executions translate into more data,
and more data usage encourages more executions.
Accordingly, as discussed below, there is no basis
in the Act for requiring these inextricably linked
products to be priced in isolation from one another.
Such a result makes no more economic sense than
requiring the price of a live sheep to be divorced
from the price of wool and mutton.
12 Subsequently, BATS has begun to charge for
certain of its data products, signaling a shift in
strategy to recover a greater percentage of its costs
through data, rather than using data solely as a
means to draw (fee-liable) orders to its market.
13 Bundled pricing is also evident—indeed, it
arguably finds its most complete expression—in
exchange programs to offer equity ownership to
favored members. Equity allows its owner to
participate in the upside of all aspects of an
exchange’s operations, including executions, data,
and listings. Thus, equity shares offered in
exchange for liquidity provision offset the costs of
all exchange products that the favored member
consumes, effectively translating into an across-theboard discount and encouraging further
consumption that enhances the value of the equity.
Moreover, participation in such programs is
conditioned upon being a member that directs order
flow to the exchange in question, thereby excluding
non-members, such as non-broker data distributors,
as well as members that choose to direct order flow
elsewhere. Moreover, an equity distribution
program cannot be open-ended without diluting its
value to the first recipients. Accordingly, once the
equity distribution program is closed, incumbent
owners benefit on an ongoing basis and new
members are frozen out.
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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 18 / Thursday, January 27, 2011 / Notices
in markets for data, the competitive
concerns potentially implicated by
bundling are not present here.
Competitive concerns from a practice of
bundling discounts across a range of
products may potentially arise when
such bundling is used to foreclose entry
(expansion) of rival firms that may not
be able to offer an array of products as
broad as that offered by an incumbent.
In the instant case it is not likely that
the combined offer will induce rival
exchanges to exit (or become less
competitively potent due to a reduction
in volume), since many of NASDAQ’s
competitors command a comparably
strong measure of market share in the
relevant markets. Accordingly, their
product offerings can readily compete
with NASDAQ’s in terms of execution
functionality, depth of data, and price
(included, if they deem it appropriate,
bundled prices). It is also not likely that
the combined offer will have the effect
of creating significant barriers to entry
or expansion for new exchanges.
Current conditions of market
fragmentation underscore the absence of
barriers to entry in the market to attract
and execute order flow. Because
executions necessarily create data,
barriers to entry in that market are
correspondingly low.14
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Price Differentiation Is Consistent With
the Exchange Act
For many years, exchanges have
engaged in and the Commission has
accepted the practice of price
differentiation, both in the context of
market data as well as in the context of
executions. With respect to market data,
NASDAQ and NYSE in their capacities
as network processors and exchanges
have differentiated in pricing between
professional and non-professional
market data users often charging
professionals many times more than
non-professionals for using the same
data. For example, consolidated data for
NASDAQ stocks costs non-professional
investors just one dollar per month,
whereas professional investors pay
twenty dollars per month for the same
data. Also, NASDAQ currently charges
$15 per terminal for its TotalView
product to non-professionals, while
professional investors pay roughly five
times the non-professional rate. This
reflects the value of the service to
various constituencies (i.e., lower prices
are charged to consumers with more
elastic demand) and allows both types
of investors to contribute to the high
14 A further discussion of competitive conditions
in the market for exchange data is provided in
NASDAQ’s ‘‘Statement on Burden on Competition’’
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fixed costs of operating an exchange
platform.15 Thus, one of the two bases
for differentiation employed here—
reduced prices for non-professional data
usage—is completely consistent with
economic theory and past Commission
Similarly, the Commission has long
accepted price differentiation between
and among members of trading
platforms that provide and take
liquidity to execute trades. For example,
exchanges have offered and continue to
offer differential pricing based on
absolute volume, incremental volume,
order type, ticker symbol, routing
strategy, stock price, equity
ownership,16 and other characteristics.
Other platforms, including electronic
communications networks and other
forms of alternative trading systems
(‘‘ATSs’’), including dark pools,
differentiate on these dimensions and,
NASDAQ understands, other
dimensions that exchanges are
prohibited from using.17 The
differentiation that NASDAQ’s proposes
here—higher rebates for larger liquidity
providers—is entirely consistent with
past precedent and with the Act as
interpreted and applied by the
Thus, the Commission has accepted
in individual form the precise elements
of the price differentiation that
NASDAQ is proposing here in joint
form. As explained above and in Exhibit
3, this is especially appropriate where
the products subject to the joint
pricing—market data and executions—
are themselves joint products of a single
platform: Joint pricing will allow
exchanges to structure fees that
recognize the contribution of particular
classes of members to the creation of the
products and thereby broaden output
and reduce fees.
The Commission should also
recognize that trading platform
operations are characterized by high
15 As discussed in Exhibit 3, charging lower fees
to non-professional consumers increases overall
economic welfare by increasing output—in this
case, providing more data to more investors—and
avoids two equally undesirable alternatives: (i)
Requiring the firm to charge uniformly high prices
that constrict demand, or (ii) insisting on uniformly
low prices at marginal cost (in this case, zero or
close to zero) that do not allow the firm to cover
its fixed costs and thereby lead to bankruptcy.
16 An equity ownership program in which a
member receives equity in exchange for its initial
order flow commitment gives rise to differential
pricing in which two classes of participants that
thereafter engage in the same behavior are treated
differently on an ongoing basis: The equity owner
is rewarded for participation through the increased
value of its stock, and the non-owner is not.
17 For example, we understand that ATSs
routinely negotiate individualized pricing packages
with their subscribers, and deny access to
disfavored users.
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fixed costs and low marginal costs. This
cost structure is common in content and
content distribution industries such as
software, where developing new
software typically requires a large initial
investment (and continuing large
investments to ‘‘upgrade’’ the software),
but once the software is developed, the
incremental cost of providing that
software to an additional user is
typically small, or even zero (e.g., if the
software can be downloaded over the
Internet after being purchased).18 In
NASDAQ’s case, it is costly to build and
maintain a trading platform, but the
incremental cost of trading each
additional share on an existing platform,
or distributing an additional instance of
data, is very low. Market information
and executions are each produced
jointly (in the sense that the activities of
trading and placing orders are the
source of information that is distributed)
and are each subject to significant scale
That NASDAQ’s platform produces
market information and executions
jointly and in scale does not mean that
either of the joint products should be, or
even can be, offered at no charge or at
marginal cost. Marginal cost pricing is
not feasible when there are increasing
returns to scale because if all sales were
priced at marginal cost, NASDAQ
would be unable to defray its platform
costs of providing the joint products.
Moreover, to offer market data at no cost
would require NASDAQ to raise the cost
of providing execution services because
it would require execution services to
cover 100 percent of the recovery of the
joint and common costs of both
execution services and market data.
While this may be a viable choice for
some platforms, individual platform
operators can and do reasonably choose
other pricing models to allocate the
recovery of cost between the joint
products. At the same time, as discussed
below and in Exhibit 3, competition
between platforms clearly constrains the
ability of platform operators to price
execution services and market data
The Commission has previously
stated, in dicta, that ‘‘the Exchange Act
precludes exchanges from adopting
terms for data distribution that unfairly
discriminate by favoring participants in
18 See William J. Baumol and Daniel G. Swanson,
‘‘The New Economy and Ubiquitous Competitive
Price Discrimination: Identifying Defensible Criteria
of Market Power,’’ Antitrust Law Journal, Vol. 70,
No. 3, 2003.
19 This is not the case with Marshall’s sheep
farming. Sheep are likely produced with constant
or increasing marginal cost, and the pricing
complication is confined to the most efficient
recovery of the marginal cost of a sheep.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 18 / Thursday, January 27, 2011 / Notices
an exchange’s market or penalizing
participants in other markets.’’ 20 The
Commission provided no analysis in
support of this statement. NASDAQ
believes that consideration of the joint
nature of the products in question and
the Commission’s precedents will allow
a more developed analysis of conduct
that constitutes unfair discrimination
under the Act. As noted above, the
Commission has allowed exchanges to
price discriminate in a wide range of
respects, including, for example,
volume-based execution discounts that
directly favor participants in the
exchange’s market, discounts on uses of
particular order types or strategies that
favor participants with certain trading
models, and selective equity ownership
that provides effective discounts on all
of the exchange’s products, including
data, and that discriminates in favor of
active participants in the exchange’s
market during a set offering period.
Moreover, in light of the joint nature of
an exchange’s transaction and data
products, uniform fees—requiring
exchanges to charge the same fees to
data consumers that help to produce
data as it charges to those who do not—
could be said to discriminate against
participants by requiring them to pay
fees that are not allocated based on the
value of their participation in the
market. Thus, if it is fair to discount
execution fees to liquidity providers
because they add value to the market
place, it should also be considered fair
to discount data fees to liquidity
providers because they add value to
In addition, it is difficult to discern a
reasonable policy goal behind a strict
prohibition on data discounts that
consider transaction activity. As noted
above and in Exhibit 3, differences in
pricing may increase economic welfare
by allowing greater distribution than
would otherwise be the case, and also,
in this case, enhance the value of
NASDAQ’s joint product to the extent
that greater consumption of data
encourages further investor activity,
which in turn results in the production
of more data. Moreover, differentiating
pricing based on reasonable distinctions
among consumers cannot be considered
unfair under the Act, since the
Commission has approved numerous
instances of such distinctions. If the
Commission were to adopt such a
prohibition, therefore, it would seem to
be driven by a concern that exchanges
20 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 59039
(December 2, 2008), 73 FR 74770 (December 9,
2008) (SR–NYSEArca–2006–21), vacated by
NetCoalition v. SEC, No. 09–1042 (DC Cir. 2010).
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might use bundled data pricing in an
anticompetitive manner.21
This concern would be reasonable
only if the exchange actually enjoyed
substantial market power in the data
segment of the market and could use it
to attempt to reduce competition in the
transactions segment. Thus, if all market
participants needed data from a
particular exchange to operate, and the
exchange conditioned low data fees on
market participants directing order flow
to the exchange, the exchange might
attempt to use its control over data to
monopolize trading as well. These
conditions are not present here, nor is
it likely that they could ever arise in
these markets. First, an exchange that
attempted to restrict the provision of
data to disfavored recipients would be
restricting access to one of the key
mechanisms by which the exchange
attracts orders to its matching engine.
Moreover, as discussed in detail
throughout this filing, the market
participants with the most demand for
an exchange’s data are the ones that
actually trade on that exchange, but no
one is required to trade on any
particular exchange or to consume its
data. Indeed, no single exchange
controls proprietary data that is
indispensible to any particular market
participant. Therefore, an effort to use
pricing to ‘‘penalize’’ market participants
for sending orders to other venues
would likely succeed only in driving
more orders to those venues and cutting
demand for data as well. Finally,
because the marginal cost of selling data
to one more customer is zero or close to
zero, exchanges have every interest in
selling as much data as possible, in
order to ensure that they cover their
high fixed costs. As a result, exchanges
readily sell data to market participants
and also to non-market participants that
direct no order flow to the exchange at
all. Penalizing ‘‘disloyal’’ consumers of
data would do nothing more than
diminish the exchange’s revenue
21 Another possibility is that the Commission
might somehow conclude that transactions and data
must be priced in isolation of one another, despite
their wool/mutton nature, merely to ensure that
data consumers who do not use transaction services
pay the same fees as those who do. There is nothing
in the Act that speaks directly to maintaining a
dichotomy between products in establishing their
prices, and the Act clearly allows differential
pricing within a product category. Nor would it be
reasonable for the Commission to conclude that
fairness mandates that consumers with different
cost and benefit profiles nevertheless pay the same
fees. Thus, before the Commission concludes that
a particular price differential is ‘‘unfair,’’ it should
first conclude that the differential lacks a
reasonable basis in fact. NASDAQ respectfully
maintains that the Commission may not reach such
a conclusion in this instance.
PO 00000
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Under traditional antitrust analysis,
pricing systems under which the prices
for two products are ‘‘bundled’’ have
generally been found to be beneficial to
consumers, rather than anticompetitive.
A court will not uphold a challenge to
bundled pricing unless it is clear that a
party has market power in one product
and is using the bundled pricing to
extend its market power to another
product. ‘‘Buyers often find package
sales attractive; a seller’s decision to
offer such packages can merely be an
attempt to compete effectively—conduct
that is entirely consistent with the
Sherman Act.’’ Jefferson Parish Hosp.
Dist. No. 2 v. Hyde, 466 U.S. 2, 12
(1984). As noted in the recent report of
a bipartisan commission on antitrust
law,22 ‘‘[l]arge and small firms,
incumbents, and new entrants use
bundled discounts and rebates in a wide
variety of industries and market
circumstances. Because they involve
lower prices, bundled discounts and
bundled rebates typically benefit
consumers.’’ The report noted that
bundled discounts can be used
appropriately to reduce the seller’s
costs, to improve the quality of
products, to advertise the benefits of
related products, and to increase
demand for a product. If, as is the case
here, the markets for both bundled
products are competitive, bundled
pricing will not give rise to any
competitive concerns.
Nevertheless, since the Act clearly
bars discrimination that is unfair, it
would be reasonable for the
Commission to disapprove fees or other
conditions to access that appear to have
anticompetitive aims, such as rules that
selectively prohibit some parties from
having access to data. The Commission
should not, however, block efforts by
exchanges to reduce their prices merely
because they do not cut prices ‘‘across
the board.’’ As the Supreme Court has
recognized, ‘‘cutting prices in order to
increase business often is the very
essence of competition.’’ Matsushita
Elec. Indus. Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp.,
475 U.S. 574, 594 (1986). ‘‘Mistaken
inferences in cases’’ involving alleged
harm from low prices ‘‘are especially
costly, because they chill the very
conduct the antitrust laws are designed
to protect.’’ Matsushita, 475 U.S. at 594.
In this case, disapproval of NASDAQ’s
proposed fee reductions would leave the
fees for NASDAQ depth products
untouched: consumers that would have
paid lower fees under the proposal will
22 Report and Recommendations of the Antitrust
Modernization Commission (April 2007) (available
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 18 / Thursday, January 27, 2011 / Notices
continue to pay higher fees, and other
consumers will pay exactly what they
do now, and exactly what they would
have paid if the proposal had gone into
effect. It is difficult to see how the
interests of any parties, or of the
marketplace as a whole, would be
served by that outcome.
This filing reduces prices for
NASDAQ market data and for trading on
NASDAQ. It is designed to promote
NASDAQ’s and the Commission’s goal
of better serving retail investors whose
participation in NASDAQ’s market
benefits NASDAQ, its listed companies,
its market quality, and the quality of its
data products. It is also a competitive
response to other trading venues. In
short, NASDAQ is cutting prices for
customers that are highly valued to
NASDAQ and are important to the
health of U.S. capital market.
2. Statutory Basis
NASDAQ believes that the proposed
rule change is consistent with the
provisions of Section 6 of the Act.23 In
particular, NASDAQ believes that the
proposal is consistent with Section
6(b)(4) of the Act,24 in that it provides
an equitable allocation of reasonable
fees among users and recipients of the
data, Section 6(b)(5) of the Act,25 in that
it is not designed to permit unfair
discrimination between customers,
issuers, brokers, or dealers, Section
6(b)(8) of the Act,26 in that it does not
impose any burden on competition not
necessary or appropriate in the
furtherance of the purposes of the Act,
and Rule 603(a) of Regulation NMS,27 in
that it provides for distribution of
information with respect to quotations
for or transactions in an NMS stock on
terms that are fair and reasonable and
are not unreasonably discriminatory. In
adopting Regulation NMS, the
Commission granted self-regulatory
organizations and broker-dealers 28
increased authority and flexibility to
23 15
U.S.C. 78f.
U.S.C. 78f(b)(4).
25 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5),
26 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(8).
27 17 CFR 202.603(a).
28 It should be stressed that Rule 603, 17 CFR
202.603(a), both allows broker-dealers to distribute
their own data, singly or on an aggregated basis, and
generally subjects them to the same regulatory
standards as exchanges. Thus, any broker or dealer
that distributes information must do so on terms
that are not unreasonably discriminatory, and any
broker or dealer that distributes information for
which it is the exclusive source must do so on
terms that are fair and reasonable. As a result, to
the extent that the Commission establishes
procedures or legal standards applicable to
exchange data, it must apply the same procedures
and standards to broker-dealer data.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
24 15
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offer new and unique market data to the
public. It was believed that this
authority would expand the amount of
data available to consumers, and also
spur innovation and competition for the
provision of market data.
NASDAQ Depth Data Products are
precisely the sort of market data product
that the Commission envisioned when it
adopted Regulation NMS. The
Commission concluded that Regulation
NMS—by lessening regulation of the
market in proprietary data—would itself
further the Act’s goals of facilitating
efficiency and competition:
[E]fficiency is promoted when brokerdealers who do not need the data beyond the
prices, sizes, market center identifications of
the NBBO and consolidated last sale
information are not required to receive (and
pay for) such data. The Commission also
believes that efficiency is promoted when
broker-dealers may choose to receive (and
pay for) additional market data based on their
own internal analysis of the need for such
By removing unnecessary regulatory
restrictions on the ability of exchanges
to sell their own data, Regulation NMS
advanced the goals of the Act and the
principles reflected in its legislative
history. If the free market should
determine whether proprietary data is
sold to broker-dealers at all, it follows
that the price at which such data is sold
should be set by the market as well.
The recent decision of the United
States Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia Circuit in NetCoaliton [sic]
v. SEC, No. 09–1042 (DC Cir. 2010)
upheld the Commission’s reliance upon
competitive markets to set reasonable
and equitably allocated fees for market
data. ‘‘In fact, the legislative history
indicates that the Congress intended
that the market system ‘evolve through
the interplay of competitive forces as
unnecessary regulatory restrictions are
removed’ and that the SEC wield its
regulatory power ‘in those situations
where competition may not be
sufficient,’ such as in the creation of a
‘consolidated transactional reporting
system.’ NetCoaltion [sic], at 15 (quoting
H.R. Rep. No. 94–229, at 92 (1975), as
reprinted in 1975 U.S.C.C.A.N. 321,
323). The court agreed with the
Commission’s conclusion that ‘‘Congress
intended that ‘competitive forces should
dictate the services and practices that
constitute the U.S. national market
system for trading equity securities.’ ’’ 30
The Court in NetCoalition, while
upholding the Commission conclusion
that competitive forces may be relied
29 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 51808
(June 9, 2005), 70 FR 37496 (June 29, 2005).
30 NetCoaliton [sic] v. SEC, No. 09–1042 (DC Cir.
2010) at p. 16, [sic].
PO 00000
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upon to establish the fairness of prices,
nevertheless concluded that the record
in that case did not adequately support
the Commission’s conclusions as to the
competitive nature of the market for
NYSEArca’s data product at issue in
that case. For the reasons discussed in
this filing and in Exhibit 3, however,
NASDAQ believes that there is
substantial evidence of competition in
the marketplace for data that was not in
the record in the NetCoalition case, and
that the Commission is entitled to rely
upon such evidence in concluding that
the fees established in this filing are the
product of competition, and therefore in
accordance with the relevant statutory
standards.31 In addition, as discussed in
the ‘‘Purpose’’ section of the filing above,
NASDAQ believes that it is not
inequitable or unfairly discriminatory to
establish discounts for market data fees
that take account of a market
participant’s transaction volumes.
B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Burden on Competition
NASDAQ does not believe that the
proposed rule change will result in any
burden on competition. To the contrary,
NASDAQ’s proposed price reduction in
response to competitive pricing offers is
the essence of competition. As the
Supreme Court has recognized, ‘‘cutting
prices in order to increase business
often is the very essence of
competition.’’ Matsushita Elec. Indus.
Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 475 U.S. 574,
594 (1986). NASDAQ is acting procompetitively by offering more
attractive pricing, designed to attract
order flow and business away from
competing platforms:
When a firm * * * lowers prices but
maintains them above predatory levels, the
business lost by rivals cannot be viewed as
an ‘‘anticompetitive’’ consequence of the
claimed violation. A firm complaining about
the harm it suffers from nonpredatory price
competition ‘‘is really claiming that it [is]
unable to raise prices.’’ This is not antitrust
injury; indeed, ‘‘cutting prices in order to
increase business often is the very essence of
competition.’’ The antitrust laws were
31 It should also be noted that Section 916 of
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act of 2010 (‘‘Dodd-Frank Act’’) has
amended paragraph (A) of Section 19(b)(3) of the
Act, 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3) to make it clear that all
exchange fees, including fees for market data, may
be filed by exchanges on an immediately effective
basis. Although this change in the law does not
alter the Commission’s authority to evaluate and
ultimately disapprove exchange rules if it
concludes that they are not consistent with the Act,
it unambiguously reflects a conclusion that market
data fee changes do not require prior Commission
review before taking effect, and that a formal
proceeding with regard to a particular fee change
is required only if the Commission determines that
it is necessary or appropriate to suspend the fee and
institute such a proceeding.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 18 / Thursday, January 27, 2011 / Notices
enacted for ‘‘the protection of competition,
not competitors.’’
Atlantic Richfield Co. v. USA Petroleum
Co., 495 U.S. 328, 337–38 (1990)
(emphasis in original; citations omitted).
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Platform Competition Is Intense
As the Commission recently
recognized,32 the market for transaction
execution and routing services is highly
competitive, and the market for
proprietary data products is
complementary to it, since the ultimate
goal of such products is to attract further
order flow to an exchange. Order flow
is immediately transportable to other
venues in response to differences in cost
or value and in doing so directly impact
the quality and quantity of data at any
given platform.
With regard to the market for
executions, broker-dealers currently
have numerous alternative venues for
their order flow, including multiple
competing self-regulatory organization
(‘‘SRO’’) markets, as well as brokerdealers (‘‘BDs’’) and aggregators such as
the Direct Edge and LavaFlow electronic
communications networks (‘‘ECNs’’).
Each SRO market competes to produce
transaction reports via trade executions,
and FINRA-regulated Trade Reporting
Facilities (‘‘TRFs’’) compete to attract
internalized transaction reports. It is
common for BDs to further and exploit
this competition by sending their order
flow and transaction reports to multiple
markets, rather than providing them all
to a single market.
Public markets such as NASDAQ also
compete for order flow and executions
with dark pools and other ATSs that
provide similar services under a lighter
regulatory burden.33 One such disparity
that directly affects competition for
order flow, executions, and market data
is the greater flexibility of dark trading
systems and certain ATSs to
differentiate between their subscribers.
Another is the requirement imposed on
exchanges and not upon ATSs to file
proposed pricing schedules and
changes, thereby subjecting exchanges
prices to greater regulatory scrutiny,
intervention and delay. NASDAQ has
questioned and continues to question
whether such disparities remain
justified (assuming they once were
justified) in light of current competition
between exchanges and ATs and
32 Id.
33 See Letter dated April 30, 2010, from Joan
Conley, Senior vice President and Corporate
Secretary, The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC, to
Elizabeth Murphy, Secretary, Securities and
Exchange Commission (commenting on regulatory
disparities and arbitrage in response to Concept
Release on Market Structure).
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including increasingly high levels of
executions occurring in ATSs.
Competitive markets for order flow,
executions, and transaction reports
provide pricing discipline for the inputs
of proprietary data products. The large
number of SROs, TRFs, and ECNs that
currently produce proprietary data or
are currently capable of producing it
provides further pricing discipline for
proprietary data products. Each SRO,
TRF, ECN and BD is currently permitted
to produce proprietary data products,
and many currently do or have
announced plans to do so, including
and Direct Edge.
Any ECN or BD can combine with any
other ECN, broker-dealer, or multiple
ECNs or BDs to produce jointly
proprietary data products. Additionally,
non-BDs such as order routers like
LAVA, as well as market data vendors
can facilitate single or multiple brokerdealers’ production of proprietary data
products. The potential sources of
proprietary products are virtually
The fact that depth data from ECNs,
BDs, and vendors can by-pass SROs is
significant in two respects. First, nonSROs can compete directly with SROs
for the production and distribution of
proprietary data products, as
Archipelago, BATS, and DirectEdge did
prior to registering as SROs. Second,
because a single order or transaction
report can appear in an SRO proprietary
product, a non-SRO proprietary
product, or both, the data available in
proprietary products is exponentially
greater than the actual number of orders
and transaction reports that exist in the
marketplace writ large.
Market data vendors provide another
form of price discipline for proprietary
data products because they control the
primary means of access to end users.
Although their business models may
differ, vendors exercise pricing
discipline because they can simply
refuse to purchase any proprietary data
product that fails to provide sufficient
value. NASDAQ and other producers of
proprietary data products must
understand and respond to these
varying business models and pricing
disciplines in order to successfully
market proprietary data products.
In addition to the competition and
price discipline described above, the
market for proprietary data products is
also highly contestable because market
entry is rapid, inexpensive, and
profitable. The history of electronic
trading is replete with examples of
entrants that swiftly grew into some of
the largest electronic trading platforms
and proprietary data producers:
PO 00000
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Archipelago, Bloomberg Tradebook,
Island, RediBook, Attain, TracECN,
BATS Trading, and Direct Edge. Several
ECNs have existed profitably for many
years with a minimal share of trading,
including Bloomberg Tradebook and
Competition among platforms has
driven NASDAQ continually to improve
its platform data offerings and to cater
to customers’ data needs. For example,
NASDAQ has developed and
maintained multiple delivery
mechanisms (IP, multi-cast, and
compression) that enable customers to
receive data in the form and manner
they prefer and at the lowest cost to
them. NASDAQ offers front end
applications such as its ‘‘Bookviewer’’ to
help customers utilize data. NASDAQ
has created TotalView Aggregate to
complement TotalView ITCH and Level
2, because offering data in multiple
formatting allows NASDAQ to better fit
customer needs. NASDAQ offers data
via multiple extranet providers, thereby
helping to reduce network and total cost
for its data products. NASDAQ has
developed an online administrative
system to provide customers
transparency into their data feed
requests and streamline data usage
reporting. NASDAQ has also expanded
its Enterprise License options that
reduce the administrative burden and
costs to firms that purchase market data.
Despite these enhancements and a
dramatic increase in message traffic,
NASDAQ’s fees for depth-of-book data
have remained flat. In fact, as a percent
of total customer costs, NASDAQ data
fees have fallen relative to other data
usage costs—including bandwidth,
programming, and infrastructure—that
have risen. The same holds true for
execution services; despite numerous
enhancements to NASDAQ’s trading
platform, absolute and relative trading
costs have declined. Platform
competition has intensified as new
entrants have emerged, constraining
prices for both executions and for data.
The proposed rule change is a direct
response to this competition, and it is
motivated by the conclusion that Tier 1,
Tier 2 and Tier 3 Firms provide benefits
to NASDAQ and its customers across
business lines and therefore merit
pricing incentives to join or remain in
these tiers. It recognizes the concern
that the order flow and data product use
that such firms currently bring to
NASDAQ may migrate elsewhere if their
contributions are not appropriately
recognized. At the same time, if other
customers determine that their fees are
too high in comparison to those paid by
firms qualifying for the discount, they
will take their business to other venues.
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 18 / Thursday, January 27, 2011 / Notices
Thus, the proposal must strike a balance
between growing and retaining the
business of actual and potential Tier 1
and Tier 2 Firms and the business of
firms that lack the volume of business
to become eligible. In light of the highly
competitive nature of these markets,
NASDAQ’s revenues and market share
are likely to be diminished by the
proposal if it strikes this balance in the
wrong way.34
The NetCoalition Decision
The court in NetCoalition concluded
that the Commission had failed to
demonstrate that the market for market
data was competitive based on the
reasoning of the Commission’s
NetCoalition order because, in the
court’s view, the Commission had not
adequately demonstrated that
competition for order flow adequately
constrains the pricing of depth-of-book
data.35 However, the Netcoalition [sic]
court did cite favorably an economic
study by Ordover and Bamberger which
concluded that ‘‘[a]lthough an exchange
may price its trade execution fees higher
and its market data fees lower (or vice
versa), because of ‘‘platform’’
competition the exchange nonetheless
receives the same return from the two
‘‘joint products’’ in the aggregate.’’36
Accordingly, NASDAQ is submitting
along with this filing additional
comments from Ordover and Bamberger
expanding upon the impact of platform
competition on the pricing of joint
products, and in particular on the
application of that theory to NASDAQ’s
current proposal. Among the
conclusions that Ordover and
Bamberger reach are:
NASDAQ is subject to significant
competitive forces in setting the prices
and other terms of execution services
and proprietary data products.
Competition among trading platforms
can be expected to constrain the
aggregate return each platform earns
from the sale of the array of its products,
including the joint products at issue
here. In particular, cross-platform
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
34 The
Commission has recognized that an
exchange’s failure to strike this balance correctly
will only harm the exchange. ‘‘[M]any market
participants would be unlikely to purchase the
exchange’s data products if it sets fees that are
inequitable, unfair, unreasonable, or unreasonably
discriminatory…. For example, an exchange’s
attempt to impose unreasonably or unfairly
discriminatory fees on a certain category of
customers would likely be counter-productive for
the exchange because, in a competitive
environment, such customers generally would be
able to respond by using alternatives to the
exchanges data.’’ Id.
35 The NetCoalition court did not consider or
address the statutory amendments encompassed by
the Dodd-Frank Act in any way.
36 See NetCoalition at fn. 30.
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competition, and the adverse effects
from overpricing proprietary
information on the volume of trading on
the platform, constrain the pricing of
proprietary information.
Competitive forces constrain the
prices that platforms can charge for noncore market information. A trading
platform cannot generate market
information unless it receives trade
orders. For this reason, a platform can
be expected to use its market data
product as a tool for attracting liquidity
and trading to its exchange.
While, by definition, information that
is proprietary to an exchange cannot be
obtained elsewhere, this does not enable
the owner of such information to
exercise monopoly power over that
information vis-a-vis firms with the
need for such information. Even though
market information from one platform
may not be a perfect substitute for
market information from one or more
other platforms, the existence of
alternative sources of information can
be expected to constrain the prices
platforms charge for market data.
Besides the fact that similar
information can be obtained elsewhere,
the feasibility of supra-competitive
pricing is constrained by the traders’
ability to shift their trades elsewhere,
which lowers the activity on the
exchange and so in the long run reduces
the quality of the information generated
by the exchange.
NASDAQ’s Platform pricing can be
described as a type of ‘‘differential
pricing’’ and ‘‘bundling.’’ Differential
pricing in markets with high fixed costs
and low incremental costs is common,
efficient, and not anticompetitive.
‘‘Bundling’’ also is common and
generally procompetitive.
NASDAQ’s joint products are
produced under the conditions of high
fixed costs, which are also joint and
common to a range of products, and low
(or zero) marginal or incremental cost of
serving an additional customer. In
industries with these cost
characteristics, charging all customers
the same price is not economically
Additional evidence cited by NYSE
Arca in SR–NYSE Arca–2010–097
which was not before the NetCoalition
court also demonstrates that availability
of depth data attracts order flow and
that competition for order flow can
constrain the price of market data:
1. Terrence Hendershott & Charles M.
Jones, Island Goes Dark: Transparence,
Fragmentation, and Regulation, 18
Review of Financial Studies 743 (2005);
2. Charts and Tables referenced in
Exhibit 3B to that filing;
PO 00000
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3. PHB Hagler Bailly, Inc., ‘‘Issues
Surrounding Cost-Based Regulation of
Market Data Prices;’’ and
4. PHB Hagler Bailly, Inc., ‘‘The
Economic Perspective on Regulation of
Market Data.’’
NASDAQ also submits that in and of
itself, NASDAQ’s decision voluntarily
to cap fees on existing products is
evidence of market forces at work. The
instant proposal does just that, creating
an expanded enterprise license on two
product classes. Retail investors will be
the primary beneficiaries.
C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Comments on the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
Members, Participants, or Others
No written comments were either
solicited or received.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
The foregoing rule change has become
effective pursuant to Section
19(b)(3)(A)(ii) of the Act.37 At any time
within 60 days of the filing of the
proposed rule change, the Commission
summarily may temporarily suspend
such rule change if it appears to the
Commission that such action is
necessary or appropriate in the public
interest, for the protection of investors,
or otherwise in furtherance of the
purposes of the Act. If the Commission
takes such action, the Commission shall
institute proceedings to determine
whether the proposed rule should be
approved or disapproved.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an e-mail to Please include File
Number SR–NASDAQ–2011–010 on the
subject line.
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Elizabeth M. Murphy, Secretary,
Securities and Exchange Commission,
100 F Street, NE., Washington, DC
37 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(a)(ii).
Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 18 / Thursday, January 27, 2011 / Notices
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NASDAQ–2011–010. This
file number should be included on the
subject line if e-mail is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
Internet Web site (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission,38 all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for Web site viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, on official business
days between the hours of 10 a.m. and
3 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be
available for inspection and copying at
the principal office of the Exchange. All
comments received will be posted
without change; the Commission does
not edit personal identifying
information from submissions. You
should submit only information that
you wish to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NASDAQ–2011–010 and
should be submitted on or before
February 17, 2011.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Elizabeth M. Murphy,
[FR Doc. 2011–1711 Filed 1–26–11; 8:45 am]
[Public Notice:7308]
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Bureau of Educational and Cultural
Affairs (ECA) Request for Grant
Proposals: National Security Language
Initiative for Youth (NSLI–Y)
Announcement Type: New
Cooperative Agreement.
Funding Opportunity Number: ECA/
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance Number: 19.415.
38 The text of the proposed rule change is
available on the Commission’s Web site at
39 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:51 Jan 26, 2011
Jkt 223001
Key Dates
Application Deadline: March 24,
Executive Summary: The Office of
Citizen Exchanges of the Bureau of
Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)
announces an open competition for one
cooperative agreement for the National
Security Language Initiative for Youth
(NSLI–Y), which provides overseas
foreign language instruction for
American high school students and
those recently graduated. Public and
private non-profit organizations,
meeting the provisions described in
Internal Revenue Code section 26 U.S.C.
501(c)(3), may submit proposals to
cooperate with ECA in the overall
administration of NSLI–Y organizational
responsibilities and the implementation
of overseas language programs of two
different durations for approximately
610 total individual participant
scholarships according to the duration
and language distribution detailed in
the Project Objectives, Goals and
Implementation (POGI). NSLI–Y
programs funded by this award will take
place between June 2012 and June 2013.
NSLI–Y is an important component of a
multi-agency USG initiative to increase
American citizens’ ability to engage
with people throughout the world who
speak Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Indic
(Hindi), Korean, Persian (Tajiki or
Farsi), Russian and Turkish. Please
note: ECA reserves the right to add or
subtract languages and countries based
on the needs of the Department, security
considerations at the time of
implementation and the overall
objectives of the program. The Bureau
anticipates that the single award
recipient will manage the
comprehensive organizational and
administrative responsibilities of this
program as well as the identification of
qualified sub-award recipients known as
‘‘implementing organizations’’ to
implement the overseas language
programs. Under this award, the award
recipient may also serve as an
implementing organization.
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Overall grant making authority for
this program is contained in the Mutual
Educational and Cultural Exchange Act
of 1961, Public Law 87–256, as
amended, also known as the FulbrightHays Act. The purpose of the Act is ‘‘to
enable the Government of the United
States to increase mutual understanding
between the people of the United States
and the people of other countries* * *;
to strengthen the ties which unite us
with other nations by demonstrating the
PO 00000
Frm 00121
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
educational and cultural interests,
developments, and achievements of the
people of the United States and other
nations * * * and thus to assist in the
development of friendly, sympathetic
and peaceful relations between the
United States and the other countries of
the world.’’ The funding authority for
the program above is provided through
Purpose: ECA is supporting the
participation of American high school
students and those who have recently
graduated (who are U.S. citizens and
between the ages of 15 and 18 at the
start of the program), in intensive,
substantive overseas foreign language
study to dramatically increase the
number of Americans learning, speaking
and using critical need foreign
languages throughout their academic
and professional lives. For additional
information about NSLI–Y, please visit
It is anticipated that the total amount
of funding available to support the
overall administration and overseas
language program implementation in
the seven current NSLI–Y languages is
$9,000,000, pending the availability of
funds. This amount is intended to
support approximately 610
scholarships, including comprehensive
administrative and program costs.
Overseas language programs, in
countries where the seven NSLI–Y
languages are widely spoken, will
provide a minimum of two articulated
and integrated language learning
environments: (1) Structured classroom
target language instruction and (2) less
formal, interactive and/or applied
learning opportunities. These
opportunities are offered through a
comprehensive exchange experience
that primarily emphasizes language
Applicants may submit only one
proposal under this competition. If
multiple proposals are received from the
same applicant, all submissions will be
declared ineligible and receive no
further consideration in the review
ECA is seeking one organization that
will (1) administer and organize the
diverse and comprehensive NSLI–Y
overseas intensive language programs
and (2) engage additional sub-award
implementing organizations with
relevant expertise in one or more of the
target languages to implement the
overseas language programs for high
school students across the current seven
NSLI–Y languages. Organizations
applying for this award must
demonstrate their capacity for
[Federal Register Volume 76, Number 18 (Thursday, January 27, 2011)]
[Pages 4970-4978]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2011-1711]
[Release No. 34-63745; File No. SR-NASDAQ-2011-010]
Self-Regulatory Organizations; The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC;
Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change To
Link Market Data Fees and Transaction Execution Fees
January 20, 2011.
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(the ``Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given
that on January 10, 2011, The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC (``NASDAQ'' or
the ``Exchange'') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(the ``Commission'') the proposed rule change as described in Items I,
II, and III below, which Items have been prepared by the Exchange. The
Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments on the
proposed rule change from interested persons.
\1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
\2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance
of the Proposed Rule Change
NASDAQ proposes to reduce market data fees and transaction
execution fees for retail investors. NASDAQ, like the Commission, ``is
particularly focused on the interests of long-term investors.'' \3\
Retail investors' orders are often executed away from well-regulated
public exchanges that offer pre-trade transparency. The Commission has
noted that absent extraordinary conditions such as those occurring on
May 6, 2010, retail orders are generally executed by internalizers away
from exchanges and without pre-trade transparency, exposure or order
interaction.\4\ In NASDAQ's view, the likelihood that retail investors'
orders are executed away from exchanges is impacted by disparities in
regulation between lit markets such as those operated by exchanges \5\
on one hand and broker systems or dark markets operated as Alternative
Trading Systems on the other. One such disparity provides dark markets
great flexibility to price differentiate between subscribers, while
denying exchanges the same flexibility to differentiate between
members. Furthermore, although exchanges and dark markets compete for
the same order flow and for the same transactions, exchanges must file
proposed fee schedules and changes, while other markets have no such
burden. The result is that proposed rule changes that impact NASDAQ's
ability to compete for order flow, transactions, and market data, such
as the current proposal, are subject to significant scrutiny and
potential delay while similar conduct by other markets is subject to no
public filing requirement, no regulatory delay, and for dark markets is
opaque to investors and competitors alike.
\3\ See Exchange Act Release 61358, Concept Release on Equity
Market Structure (Jan. 14, 2010), at p. 33.
\4\ See Findings Regarding The Market Events Of May 6, 2010,
Report Of The Staffs Of The CFTC And SEC To The Joint Advisory
Committee On Emerging Regulatory Issues, September 30, 2010, at p.
56. It is often contended that dark markets serve the interests of
large investors whose order sizes give rise to the potential for
adverse market movements. Such potential does not exist in the case
of smaller retail orders.
\5\ Alternative Trading Systems that meet the five percent
display threshold under Regulation ATS also qualify as lit markets
with higher regulatory requirements. NASDAQ is not aware that any
ATS is operating under these conditions today.
This filing is an attempt by NASDAQ to compete to attract retail
investors' orders and to improve the experience of retail investors on
NASDAQ's public market. NASDAQ is reducing fees for members that serve
retail investors. Specifically, NASDAQ is reducing the costs of
executing trades and of providing ``depth of book'' data products for
NASDAQ member firms that service ``non-professional'' users with which
the firm has a brokerage relationship. The more NASDAQ data a firm
provides to retail investors, and the more that firm trades on NASDAQ,
the lower its fees will be. This is an optional pricing proposal
designed to benefit non-professional investors by providing an
incentive for them to trade in the well-regulated, publicly-displayed
market that NASDAQ operates.
NASDAQ will implement the proposed change on January 3, 2011. The
text of the proposed rule change is available at, at NASDAQ's principal office, and at the
Commission's Public Reference Room.
II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
In its filing with the Commission, NASDAQ included statements
concerning the purpose of, and basis for, the proposed rule change. The
text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in
Item III below, and is set forth in Sections A, B, and C below. NASDAQ
has prepared summaries, set forth in Sections A, B, and C below, of the
most significant aspects of such statements.
A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and the
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
1. Purpose
This filing reduces prices for NASDAQ market data and for trading
on NASDAQ. The proposed price reduction is targeted at retaining the
business of members that represent retail investors and that
redistribute market data to them in a non-professional capacity. NASDAQ
believes that this proposal thereby promotes NASDAQ's and the
Commission's goal of better serving long-term, retail investors and
restoring confidence in public capital markets. The participation of
these investors in NASDAQ's market benefits NASDAQ, its listed
companies, its market quality, and the quality of its data products.
The proposal is also a competitive response to other trading venues
that have used
[[Page 4971]]
price discounts to entice firms to shift order flow and data
consumption, and that may continue to do so in the future. In short,
NASDAQ is attempting to compete on price for the business of customers
that are highly valued to NASDAQ and important to the health of U.S.
capital markets.
Description of the Pricing Proposal
NASDAQ is proposing a discount for its depth-of-book data products
and an enhanced liquidity provider rebate based upon the extent to
which a NASDAQ member both consumes NASDAQ market data and also
contributes to the quality of NASDAQ data through liquidity provision.
This program focuses on non-professional use of ``NASDAQ Depth Data
Product Fees'' which are the non-professional fees for NQDS (Rule
7017), and TotalView and OpenView (Rule 7023), including fees for usage
(Rule 7026) and enterprise license fees. It also focuses on average
daily liquidity provision to the NASDAQ Market Center as that activity
is measured today in NASDAQ Rule 7018. This pricing is completely
optional; no member is required to participate or excluded from
The market data discount provided through the proposal is for fees
incurred by NASDAQ members in providing NASDAQ depth-of-book data to
non-professional users. A member incurs non-professional fees when it
offers depth-of-book data to natural persons that are not acting in a
capacity that subjects them to financial industry regulation (e.g.,
retail customers).\6\ NASDAQ seeks to encourage wide distribution of
market data to non-professional users, because it believes that this
will encourage more order flow from investors whose trading volumes are
elastic and therefore influenced by factors such as the availability of
data. NASDAQ also expects that some of the benefit of the fee
reductions offered through the proposal will be passed on to brokerage
customers. For this reason, NASDAQ already provides a discounted rate
for non-professional data, whether it is sold directly to a non-
professional user or distributed to the user through a broker. NASDAQ
believes that non-professional users that are able to make use of depth
data also have a degree of knowledge about market structure that would
cause them to favor limit orders, rather than market orders, when
buying and selling. Thus, through the proposal, NASDAQ hopes to
encourage a ``virtuous circle'' in which firms route more liquidity-
providing orders to NASDAQ and consume and distribute more data in
order to receive the discount, with increased data distribution in turn
encouraging still more liquidity provision. NASDAQ also hopes to
encourage additional firms to provide depth-of-book to their customers.
\6\ NASDAQ Rule 7017(c) defines a non-professional as a natural
person who is neither:
(1) Registered or qualified in any capacity with the Commission,
the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, any State securities
agency, any securities exchange or association, or any commodities
or futures contract market or association;
(2) Engaged as an ``investment adviser'' as that term is defined
in Section 201(11) of the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 (whether
or not registered or qualified under that Act); nor
(3) Employed by a bank or other organization exempt from
registration under Federal or State securities laws to perform
functions that would require registration or qualification if such
functions were performed for an organization not so exempt.
The program has three tiers, each with two requirements, one based
on liquidity provision and the other based on data consumption. A
member will qualify as a ``Tier 1 Firm'' for purposes of the discount
during a particular month if it (i) has an average daily volume of 12
million or more shares of liquidity provided through the NASDAQ Market
Center in all securities during the month; and (ii) incurs NASDAQ Depth
Data Product Fees (as defined above) during the month of $150,000 or
more (prior to applying the discount provided by this proposal). A
member will qualify as a ``Tier 2 Firm'' for purposes of the discount
during a particular month if it (i) has an average daily volume of 35
million or more shares of liquidity provided through the NASDAQ Market
Center in all securities during the month; and (ii) incurs NASDAQ Depth
Data Product Fees during the month of $300,000 or more (prior to
applying the discount provided by this proposal). A member will qualify
as a ``Tier 3 Firm'' for purposes of the discount during a particular
month if it (i) has an average daily volume of 65 million or more
shares of liquidity provided through the NASDAQ Market Center in all
securities during the month; and (ii) incurs NASDAQ Depth Data Product
Fees during the month of $500,000 or more (prior to applying the
discount provided by this proposal).
Firms that qualify as Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 Firms will receive
discounted market NASDAQ Depth Data Product Fees and, in the case of
Tier 1 Firms, increased liquidity provider credits. With respect to
market data fees, Tier 1 Firms will receive a 15% discount on non-
professional fees for NASDAQ Depth Data Products charged to them. Tier
2 Firms will receive a 35% discount on non-professional fees for NASDAQ
Depth Data Products charged to them. Tier 3 Firms will receive a 50%
discount on non-professional fees charged to them.\7\ The discounted
NASDAQ Depth Data Product Fees are tailored to benefit firms that
provide a high quantity of data to non-professional retail investors
and that also contribute significantly to the quality of NASDAQ data.
\7\ Since the eligibility of a member for the discount is
determined on a month-by-month basis, data fees that are paid on an
annual basis, such as the annual administrative fee for market data
distributors under Rule 7019(a), are not covered by the definition
of NASDAQ Depth Data Product Fees, and are therefore not counted in
determining a firm's status as a Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 Firm.
With respect to liquidity provider credits, Tier 1 Firms will
qualify for a credit of $0.0028 per share of displayed liquidity
provided and a $0.0015 per share of non-displayed liquidity. These
rates are higher than the $0.0020 and $0.0010 per share of displayed
and non-displayed liquidity provider credit available to firms that
provide the same 12 million shares of liquidity per day without also
consuming NASDAQ Depth Data Products sufficient to qualify for Tier 1
as defined here.\8\ These credits are not incrementally higher than the
credit currently available to firms providing 35 and 65 million shares
of liquidity daily. In other words, the benefit available to Tier 2 and
Tier 3 Firms under this program is limited to the discount for NASDAQ
Depth Data Products described above.
\8\ Tier 2 and Tier 3 Firms will receive the current liquidity
provider credit of $0.00295 per share of displayed liquidity and
$0.00015 per share of non-displayed liquidity. There is no
enhancement to these liquidity provider credits at this time.
The proposal is designed to recognize the benefits to NASDAQ, its
listed companies, its market quality, and the quality of its
proprietary data products that are provided by member firms that both
post retail liquidity on NASDAQ and redistribute data to their
customers. The proposal is also a direct competitive response to other
trading venues that have used price discounts to entice firms to shift
order flow and data consumption, and that may continue to do so in the
future. Firms that are eligible for the discount are key contributors
to market quality, by providing liquidity to support rapid execution of
incoming orders with minimal price impact. These firms are able to
shift their business immediately to competing exchanges, which requires
NASDAQ to offer competitive responses to keep the business of these
valued customers. NASDAQ currently recognizes the value of liquidity
provision by offering liquidity provider credits that rise with the
volume of
[[Page 4972]]
liquidity provided. For companies listed on NASDAQ, liquidity provision
dampens volatility by allowing higher volumes to trade at a consistent
Single Platform, Joint Products
NASDAQ is offering a joint discount on market information and
executions because, as described in greater detail in the attached
Statement of Ordover and Bamberger (Exhibit 3), The NASDAQ Market
Center is a single trading platform that unavoidably produces joint
products: execution services and market data. Every execution of a
trade automatically produces market information about that trade
including the price and quantity traded. Every execution requires
posted and taking orders, which in turn produce market data in the form
of quotations, including top-of-book and depth-of-book quotations.
Market information and executions are inextricably linked; each is both
an input and a byproduct of the other and neither can exist without the
The operation of The NASDAQ Market Center and the production of
joint products (executions and market information) require NASDAQ to
incur joint costs. NASDAQ's costs to produce market information and
executions are inseparable in that most of them are not uniquely
incurred on behalf of either of the services provided by the exchange.
To operate its trading platform, NASDAQ must incur high fixed costs
before accepting a single order, executing a single trade, or producing
a single element of market information. Each year, NASDAQ spends
millions of dollars on market infrastructure such as servers,
processors, line handlers, software, and personnel; data intake,
processing and dissemination equipment and networking hardware and
software; and regulatory and surveillance systems of both a manual and
automated nature. NASDAQ incurs these high costs to operate the
platform and to produce both executions and market information. In
other words, without these costs, neither product is produced, but with
them, both products are unavoidably produced.\9\
\9\ This point was recognized over a century ago by the British
economist Alfred Marshall, who noted the inextricability of
producing wool and mutton and the inextricable nature of the costs
associated with such production.
NASDAQ recaptures the cost of operating its platform through the
sale of both executions and market information. The total return that
NASDAQ or any trading platform earns reflects the revenues it receives
from the sale of these joint products and other services, net of the
joint and other costs (i.e., those limited costs that can be directly
attributed to one of the relevant products) it incurs. Different
platforms choose different pricing strategies and ways of recovering
total costs. NASDAQ pays rebates to attract orders, charges relatively
low prices for market information and charges relatively high prices
for accessing posted liquidity. Other platforms may choose a strategy
of paying lower liquidity rebates to attract orders, setting relatively
low prices for accessing posted liquidity, and setting relatively high
prices for market information. Still others may provide most data free
of charge and rely exclusively on transaction fees to recover their
costs. Finally, some platforms may incentivize use by providing
opportunities for equity ownership, which may allow them to charge
lower direct fees for executions and data.\10\ These strategies can
vary over time in response to changing market and regulatory
\10\ See, e.g., Securities Exchange Act Release No. 62358 (June
22, 2010), 75 FR 37861 (June 30, 2010) (SR-NSX-2010-06). It has also
been reported that NYSE Amex has offered equity incentives to active
members. While Nasdaq is aware of no Amex rule filing with the
Commission, Amex consistently refers publicly to the ``semi-
mutualization.'' program. See, e.g., NYSE Euronext Brings Partners
Into Options Market (Dow Jones Newswires, September 9, 2009);
Comments of Duncan Neiderauer at NYSE Euronext Q3 2009 Earnings Call
(October 30, 2009).
\11\ Similarly, Marshall's sheep farmer would be expected to
cover his costs of production through the sale of both wool and
mutton, and it would be unreasonable for sweater-wearers to demand
free sweaters subsidized by consumers of mutton. Moreover, in
contrast to sheep farming, consumption of each of NASDAQ's main
products enables further production and consumption of the other--
more executions translate into more data, and more data usage
encourages more executions. Accordingly, as discussed below, there
is no basis in the Act for requiring these inextricably linked
products to be priced in isolation from one another. Such a result
makes no more economic sense than requiring the price of a live
sheep to be divorced from the price of wool and mutton.
The Commission has acknowledged many times that trading platforms
compete fiercely for executions. Platforms also compete for the sale of
market data. For example, in June 2008, NASDAQ launched two proprietary
``Last Sale'' products. In each case, the terms included subscription
rates and an ``enterprise cap'' rate designed for Web portals. The
enterprise cap rates for the two products were $100,000 per month and
$50,000 per month for the two products (i.e., a total of $150,000 per
month for customers who purchased both products). The majority of
NASDAQ's sales were at the cap level. In early 2009, we understand that
BATS offered an alternative product (BATS PITCH data) as a zero-cost
alternative to the NASDAQ Last Sale products.\12\ Also in early 2009,
NYSE Arca announced the launch of a competitive product with an
enterprise price of $30,000 per month. In response, NASDAQ combined its
two Last Sale products into one in April 2009, and reduced the
enterprise cap to $50,000 per month (i.e., a reduction of $100,000 per
\12\ Subsequently, BATS has begun to charge for certain of its
data products, signaling a shift in strategy to recover a greater
percentage of its costs through data, rather than using data solely
as a means to draw (fee-liable) orders to its market.
Given the joint nature of these products and the competitive
markets in which they are offered, a bundled discount that is linked to
total spending across the joint products is economically sensible for a
single platform producing joint products. Bundling recognizes the value
of liquidity provision and data distribution in creating the conditions
that further encourage the creation of the trading platform's products.
It also recognizes the fact that customers are differentiated on
multiple dimensions in terms of their willingness to pay for data and
for accessing liquidity. Platform pricing of market data and executions
enables NASDAQ to design a plan that will appeal to a broader group of
potential customers--in this case those serving retail investors--and
stimulate overall sales of both data and trading. NASDAQ expects that
bundling will be more appealing to its customers than offering
discounts based only on the volume of one kind of activity or another,
as it has done in the past. By conditioning the discount on two
activities, NASDAQ can achieve improved participation from both retail
brokers that distribute data and their order-providing customers, as
compared to a disaggregated pricing approach.\13\
\13\ Bundled pricing is also evident--indeed, it arguably finds
its most complete expression--in exchange programs to offer equity
ownership to favored members. Equity allows its owner to participate
in the upside of all aspects of an exchange's operations, including
executions, data, and listings. Thus, equity shares offered in
exchange for liquidity provision offset the costs of all exchange
products that the favored member consumes, effectively translating
into an across-the-board discount and encouraging further
consumption that enhances the value of the equity. Moreover,
participation in such programs is conditioned upon being a member
that directs order flow to the exchange in question, thereby
excluding non-members, such as non-broker data distributors, as well
as members that choose to direct order flow elsewhere. Moreover, an
equity distribution program cannot be open-ended without diluting
its value to the first recipients. Accordingly, once the equity
distribution program is closed, incumbent owners benefit on an
ongoing basis and new members are frozen out.
Given the fierce competition between platforms, as evidenced by
rapid shifts in order flow and price cutting behavior
[[Page 4973]]
in markets for data, the competitive concerns potentially implicated by
bundling are not present here. Competitive concerns from a practice of
bundling discounts across a range of products may potentially arise
when such bundling is used to foreclose entry (expansion) of rival
firms that may not be able to offer an array of products as broad as
that offered by an incumbent. In the instant case it is not likely that
the combined offer will induce rival exchanges to exit (or become less
competitively potent due to a reduction in volume), since many of
NASDAQ's competitors command a comparably strong measure of market
share in the relevant markets. Accordingly, their product offerings can
readily compete with NASDAQ's in terms of execution functionality,
depth of data, and price (included, if they deem it appropriate,
bundled prices). It is also not likely that the combined offer will
have the effect of creating significant barriers to entry or expansion
for new exchanges. Current conditions of market fragmentation
underscore the absence of barriers to entry in the market to attract
and execute order flow. Because executions necessarily create data,
barriers to entry in that market are correspondingly low.\14\
\14\ A further discussion of competitive conditions in the
market for exchange data is provided in NASDAQ's ``Statement on
Burden on Competition'' below.
Price Differentiation Is Consistent With the Exchange Act
For many years, exchanges have engaged in and the Commission has
accepted the practice of price differentiation, both in the context of
market data as well as in the context of executions. With respect to
market data, NASDAQ and NYSE in their capacities as network processors
and exchanges have differentiated in pricing between professional and
non-professional market data users often charging professionals many
times more than non-professionals for using the same data. For example,
consolidated data for NASDAQ stocks costs non-professional investors
just one dollar per month, whereas professional investors pay twenty
dollars per month for the same data. Also, NASDAQ currently charges $15
per terminal for its TotalView product to non-professionals, while
professional investors pay roughly five times the non-professional
rate. This reflects the value of the service to various constituencies
(i.e., lower prices are charged to consumers with more elastic demand)
and allows both types of investors to contribute to the high fixed
costs of operating an exchange platform.\15\ Thus, one of the two bases
for differentiation employed here--reduced prices for non-professional
data usage--is completely consistent with economic theory and past
Commission precedent.
\15\ As discussed in Exhibit 3, charging lower fees to non-
professional consumers increases overall economic welfare by
increasing output--in this case, providing more data to more
investors--and avoids two equally undesirable alternatives: (i)
Requiring the firm to charge uniformly high prices that constrict
demand, or (ii) insisting on uniformly low prices at marginal cost
(in this case, zero or close to zero) that do not allow the firm to
cover its fixed costs and thereby lead to bankruptcy.
Similarly, the Commission has long accepted price differentiation
between and among members of trading platforms that provide and take
liquidity to execute trades. For example, exchanges have offered and
continue to offer differential pricing based on absolute volume,
incremental volume, order type, ticker symbol, routing strategy, stock
price, equity ownership,\16\ and other characteristics. Other
platforms, including electronic communications networks and other forms
of alternative trading systems (``ATSs''), including dark pools,
differentiate on these dimensions and, NASDAQ understands, other
dimensions that exchanges are prohibited from using.\17\ The
differentiation that NASDAQ's proposes here--higher rebates for larger
liquidity providers--is entirely consistent with past precedent and
with the Act as interpreted and applied by the Commission.
\16\ An equity ownership program in which a member receives
equity in exchange for its initial order flow commitment gives rise
to differential pricing in which two classes of participants that
thereafter engage in the same behavior are treated differently on an
ongoing basis: The equity owner is rewarded for participation
through the increased value of its stock, and the non-owner is not.
\17\ For example, we understand that ATSs routinely negotiate
individualized pricing packages with their subscribers, and deny
access to disfavored users.
Thus, the Commission has accepted in individual form the precise
elements of the price differentiation that NASDAQ is proposing here in
joint form. As explained above and in Exhibit 3, this is especially
appropriate where the products subject to the joint pricing--market
data and executions--are themselves joint products of a single
platform: Joint pricing will allow exchanges to structure fees that
recognize the contribution of particular classes of members to the
creation of the products and thereby broaden output and reduce fees.
The Commission should also recognize that trading platform
operations are characterized by high fixed costs and low marginal
costs. This cost structure is common in content and content
distribution industries such as software, where developing new software
typically requires a large initial investment (and continuing large
investments to ``upgrade'' the software), but once the software is
developed, the incremental cost of providing that software to an
additional user is typically small, or even zero (e.g., if the software
can be downloaded over the Internet after being purchased).\18\ In
NASDAQ's case, it is costly to build and maintain a trading platform,
but the incremental cost of trading each additional share on an
existing platform, or distributing an additional instance of data, is
very low. Market information and executions are each produced jointly
(in the sense that the activities of trading and placing orders are the
source of information that is distributed) and are each subject to
significant scale economies.\19\
\18\ See William J. Baumol and Daniel G. Swanson, ``The New
Economy and Ubiquitous Competitive Price Discrimination: Identifying
Defensible Criteria of Market Power,'' Antitrust Law Journal, Vol.
70, No. 3, 2003.
\19\ This is not the case with Marshall's sheep farming. Sheep
are likely produced with constant or increasing marginal cost, and
the pricing complication is confined to the most efficient recovery
of the marginal cost of a sheep.
That NASDAQ's platform produces market information and executions
jointly and in scale does not mean that either of the joint products
should be, or even can be, offered at no charge or at marginal cost.
Marginal cost pricing is not feasible when there are increasing returns
to scale because if all sales were priced at marginal cost, NASDAQ
would be unable to defray its platform costs of providing the joint
products. Moreover, to offer market data at no cost would require
NASDAQ to raise the cost of providing execution services because it
would require execution services to cover 100 percent of the recovery
of the joint and common costs of both execution services and market
data. While this may be a viable choice for some platforms, individual
platform operators can and do reasonably choose other pricing models to
allocate the recovery of cost between the joint products. At the same
time, as discussed below and in Exhibit 3, competition between
platforms clearly constrains the ability of platform operators to price
execution services and market data products.
The Commission has previously stated, in dicta, that ``the Exchange
Act precludes exchanges from adopting terms for data distribution that
unfairly discriminate by favoring participants in
[[Page 4974]]
an exchange's market or penalizing participants in other markets.''
\20\ The Commission provided no analysis in support of this statement.
NASDAQ believes that consideration of the joint nature of the products
in question and the Commission's precedents will allow a more developed
analysis of conduct that constitutes unfair discrimination under the
Act. As noted above, the Commission has allowed exchanges to price
discriminate in a wide range of respects, including, for example,
volume-based execution discounts that directly favor participants in
the exchange's market, discounts on uses of particular order types or
strategies that favor participants with certain trading models, and
selective equity ownership that provides effective discounts on all of
the exchange's products, including data, and that discriminates in
favor of active participants in the exchange's market during a set
offering period. Moreover, in light of the joint nature of an
exchange's transaction and data products, uniform fees--requiring
exchanges to charge the same fees to data consumers that help to
produce data as it charges to those who do not--could be said to
discriminate against participants by requiring them to pay fees that
are not allocated based on the value of their participation in the
market. Thus, if it is fair to discount execution fees to liquidity
providers because they add value to the market place, it should also be
considered fair to discount data fees to liquidity providers because
they add value to data.
\20\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 59039 (December 2,
2008), 73 FR 74770 (December 9, 2008) (SR-NYSEArca-2006-21), vacated
by NetCoalition v. SEC, No. 09-1042 (DC Cir. 2010).
In addition, it is difficult to discern a reasonable policy goal
behind a strict prohibition on data discounts that consider transaction
activity. As noted above and in Exhibit 3, differences in pricing may
increase economic welfare by allowing greater distribution than would
otherwise be the case, and also, in this case, enhance the value of
NASDAQ's joint product to the extent that greater consumption of data
encourages further investor activity, which in turn results in the
production of more data. Moreover, differentiating pricing based on
reasonable distinctions among consumers cannot be considered unfair
under the Act, since the Commission has approved numerous instances of
such distinctions. If the Commission were to adopt such a prohibition,
therefore, it would seem to be driven by a concern that exchanges might
use bundled data pricing in an anticompetitive manner.\21\
\21\ Another possibility is that the Commission might somehow
conclude that transactions and data must be priced in isolation of
one another, despite their wool/mutton nature, merely to ensure that
data consumers who do not use transaction services pay the same fees
as those who do. There is nothing in the Act that speaks directly to
maintaining a dichotomy between products in establishing their
prices, and the Act clearly allows differential pricing within a
product category. Nor would it be reasonable for the Commission to
conclude that fairness mandates that consumers with different cost
and benefit profiles nevertheless pay the same fees. Thus, before
the Commission concludes that a particular price differential is
``unfair,'' it should first conclude that the differential lacks a
reasonable basis in fact. NASDAQ respectfully maintains that the
Commission may not reach such a conclusion in this instance.
This concern would be reasonable only if the exchange actually
enjoyed substantial market power in the data segment of the market and
could use it to attempt to reduce competition in the transactions
segment. Thus, if all market participants needed data from a particular
exchange to operate, and the exchange conditioned low data fees on
market participants directing order flow to the exchange, the exchange
might attempt to use its control over data to monopolize trading as
well. These conditions are not present here, nor is it likely that they
could ever arise in these markets. First, an exchange that attempted to
restrict the provision of data to disfavored recipients would be
restricting access to one of the key mechanisms by which the exchange
attracts orders to its matching engine. Moreover, as discussed in
detail throughout this filing, the market participants with the most
demand for an exchange's data are the ones that actually trade on that
exchange, but no one is required to trade on any particular exchange or
to consume its data. Indeed, no single exchange controls proprietary
data that is indispensible to any particular market participant.
Therefore, an effort to use pricing to ``penalize'' market participants
for sending orders to other venues would likely succeed only in driving
more orders to those venues and cutting demand for data as well.
Finally, because the marginal cost of selling data to one more customer
is zero or close to zero, exchanges have every interest in selling as
much data as possible, in order to ensure that they cover their high
fixed costs. As a result, exchanges readily sell data to market
participants and also to non-market participants that direct no order
flow to the exchange at all. Penalizing ``disloyal'' consumers of data
would do nothing more than diminish the exchange's revenue
Under traditional antitrust analysis, pricing systems under which
the prices for two products are ``bundled'' have generally been found
to be beneficial to consumers, rather than anticompetitive. A court
will not uphold a challenge to bundled pricing unless it is clear that
a party has market power in one product and is using the bundled
pricing to extend its market power to another product. ``Buyers often
find package sales attractive; a seller's decision to offer such
packages can merely be an attempt to compete effectively--conduct that
is entirely consistent with the Sherman Act.'' Jefferson Parish Hosp.
Dist. No. 2 v. Hyde, 466 U.S. 2, 12 (1984). As noted in the recent
report of a bipartisan commission on antitrust law,\22\ ``[l]arge and
small firms, incumbents, and new entrants use bundled discounts and
rebates in a wide variety of industries and market circumstances.
Because they involve lower prices, bundled discounts and bundled
rebates typically benefit consumers.'' The report noted that bundled
discounts can be used appropriately to reduce the seller's costs, to
improve the quality of products, to advertise the benefits of related
products, and to increase demand for a product. If, as is the case
here, the markets for both bundled products are competitive, bundled
pricing will not give rise to any competitive concerns.
\22\ Report and Recommendations of the Antitrust Modernization
Commission (April 2007) (available at
Nevertheless, since the Act clearly bars discrimination that is
unfair, it would be reasonable for the Commission to disapprove fees or
other conditions to access that appear to have anticompetitive aims,
such as rules that selectively prohibit some parties from having access
to data. The Commission should not, however, block efforts by exchanges
to reduce their prices merely because they do not cut prices ``across
the board.'' As the Supreme Court has recognized, ``cutting prices in
order to increase business often is the very essence of competition.''
Matsushita Elec. Indus. Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 475 U.S. 574, 594
(1986). ``Mistaken inferences in cases'' involving alleged harm from
low prices ``are especially costly, because they chill the very conduct
the antitrust laws are designed to protect.'' Matsushita, 475 U.S. at
594. In this case, disapproval of NASDAQ's proposed fee reductions
would leave the fees for NASDAQ depth products untouched: consumers
that would have paid lower fees under the proposal will
[[Page 4975]]
continue to pay higher fees, and other consumers will pay exactly what
they do now, and exactly what they would have paid if the proposal had
gone into effect. It is difficult to see how the interests of any
parties, or of the marketplace as a whole, would be served by that
This filing reduces prices for NASDAQ market data and for trading
on NASDAQ. It is designed to promote NASDAQ's and the Commission's goal
of better serving retail investors whose participation in NASDAQ's
market benefits NASDAQ, its listed companies, its market quality, and
the quality of its data products. It is also a competitive response to
other trading venues. In short, NASDAQ is cutting prices for customers
that are highly valued to NASDAQ and are important to the health of
U.S. capital market.
2. Statutory Basis
NASDAQ believes that the proposed rule change is consistent with
the provisions of Section 6 of the Act.\23\ In particular, NASDAQ
believes that the proposal is consistent with Section 6(b)(4) of the
Act,\24\ in that it provides an equitable allocation of reasonable fees
among users and recipients of the data, Section 6(b)(5) of the Act,\25\
in that it is not designed to permit unfair discrimination between
customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers, Section 6(b)(8) of the
Act,\26\ in that it does not impose any burden on competition not
necessary or appropriate in the furtherance of the purposes of the Act,
and Rule 603(a) of Regulation NMS,\27\ in that it provides for
distribution of information with respect to quotations for or
transactions in an NMS stock on terms that are fair and reasonable and
are not unreasonably discriminatory. In adopting Regulation NMS, the
Commission granted self-regulatory organizations and broker-dealers
\28\ increased authority and flexibility to offer new and unique market
data to the public. It was believed that this authority would expand
the amount of data available to consumers, and also spur innovation and
competition for the provision of market data.
\23\ 15 U.S.C. 78f.
\24\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(4).
\25\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5),
\26\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(8).
\27\ 17 CFR 202.603(a).
\28\ It should be stressed that Rule 603, 17 CFR 202.603(a),
both allows broker-dealers to distribute their own data, singly or
on an aggregated basis, and generally subjects them to the same
regulatory standards as exchanges. Thus, any broker or dealer that
distributes information must do so on terms that are not
unreasonably discriminatory, and any broker or dealer that
distributes information for which it is the exclusive source must do
so on terms that are fair and reasonable. As a result, to the extent
that the Commission establishes procedures or legal standards
applicable to exchange data, it must apply the same procedures and
standards to broker-dealer data.
NASDAQ Depth Data Products are precisely the sort of market data
product that the Commission envisioned when it adopted Regulation NMS.
The Commission concluded that Regulation NMS--by lessening regulation
of the market in proprietary data--would itself further the Act's goals
of facilitating efficiency and competition:
[E]fficiency is promoted when broker-dealers who do not need the
data beyond the prices, sizes, market center identifications of the
NBBO and consolidated last sale information are not required to
receive (and pay for) such data. The Commission also believes that
efficiency is promoted when broker-dealers may choose to receive
(and pay for) additional market data based on their own internal
analysis of the need for such data.\29\
\29\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 51808 (June 9, 2005),
70 FR 37496 (June 29, 2005).
By removing unnecessary regulatory restrictions on the ability of
exchanges to sell their own data, Regulation NMS advanced the goals of
the Act and the principles reflected in its legislative history. If the
free market should determine whether proprietary data is sold to
broker-dealers at all, it follows that the price at which such data is
sold should be set by the market as well.
The recent decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit in NetCoaliton [sic] v. SEC, No. 09-1042
(DC Cir. 2010) upheld the Commission's reliance upon competitive
markets to set reasonable and equitably allocated fees for market data.
``In fact, the legislative history indicates that the Congress intended
that the market system `evolve through the interplay of competitive
forces as unnecessary regulatory restrictions are removed' and that the
SEC wield its regulatory power `in those situations where competition
may not be sufficient,' such as in the creation of a `consolidated
transactional reporting system.' NetCoaltion [sic], at 15 (quoting H.R.
Rep. No. 94-229, at 92 (1975), as reprinted in 1975 U.S.C.C.A.N. 321,
323). The court agreed with the Commission's conclusion that ``Congress
intended that `competitive forces should dictate the services and
practices that constitute the U.S. national market system for trading
equity securities.' '' \30\
\30\ NetCoaliton [sic] v. SEC, No. 09-1042 (DC Cir. 2010) at p.
16, [sic].
The Court in NetCoalition, while upholding the Commission
conclusion that competitive forces may be relied upon to establish the
fairness of prices, nevertheless concluded that the record in that case
did not adequately support the Commission's conclusions as to the
competitive nature of the market for NYSEArca's data product at issue
in that case. For the reasons discussed in this filing and in Exhibit
3, however, NASDAQ believes that there is substantial evidence of
competition in the marketplace for data that was not in the record in
the NetCoalition case, and that the Commission is entitled to rely upon
such evidence in concluding that the fees established in this filing
are the product of competition, and therefore in accordance with the
relevant statutory standards.\31\ In addition, as discussed in the
``Purpose'' section of the filing above, NASDAQ believes that it is not
inequitable or unfairly discriminatory to establish discounts for
market data fees that take account of a market participant's
transaction volumes.
\31\ It should also be noted that Section 916 of Dodd-Frank Wall
Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (``Dodd-Frank
Act'') has amended paragraph (A) of Section 19(b)(3) of the Act, 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(3) to make it clear that all exchange fees, including
fees for market data, may be filed by exchanges on an immediately
effective basis. Although this change in the law does not alter the
Commission's authority to evaluate and ultimately disapprove
exchange rules if it concludes that they are not consistent with the
Act, it unambiguously reflects a conclusion that market data fee
changes do not require prior Commission review before taking effect,
and that a formal proceeding with regard to a particular fee change
is required only if the Commission determines that it is necessary
or appropriate to suspend the fee and institute such a proceeding.
B. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition
NASDAQ does not believe that the proposed rule change will result
in any burden on competition. To the contrary, NASDAQ's proposed price
reduction in response to competitive pricing offers is the essence of
competition. As the Supreme Court has recognized, ``cutting prices in
order to increase business often is the very essence of competition.''
Matsushita Elec. Indus. Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 475 U.S. 574, 594
(1986). NASDAQ is acting pro-competitively by offering more attractive
pricing, designed to attract order flow and business away from
competing platforms:
When a firm * * * lowers prices but maintains them above
predatory levels, the business lost by rivals cannot be viewed as an
``anticompetitive'' consequence of the claimed violation. A firm
complaining about the harm it suffers from nonpredatory price
competition ``is really claiming that it [is] unable to raise
prices.'' This is not antitrust injury; indeed, ``cutting prices in
order to increase business often is the very essence of
competition.'' The antitrust laws were
[[Page 4976]]
enacted for ``the protection of competition, not competitors.''
Atlantic Richfield Co. v. USA Petroleum Co., 495 U.S. 328, 337-38
(1990) (emphasis in original; citations omitted).
Platform Competition Is Intense
As the Commission recently recognized,\32\ the market for
transaction execution and routing services is highly competitive, and
the market for proprietary data products is complementary to it, since
the ultimate goal of such products is to attract further order flow to
an exchange. Order flow is immediately transportable to other venues in
response to differences in cost or value and in doing so directly
impact the quality and quantity of data at any given platform.
\32\ Id.
With regard to the market for executions, broker-dealers currently
have numerous alternative venues for their order flow, including
multiple competing self-regulatory organization (``SRO'') markets, as
well as broker-dealers (``BDs'') and aggregators such as the Direct
Edge and LavaFlow electronic communications networks (``ECNs''). Each
SRO market competes to produce transaction reports via trade
executions, and FINRA-regulated Trade Reporting Facilities (``TRFs'')
compete to attract internalized transaction reports. It is common for
BDs to further and exploit this competition by sending their order flow
and transaction reports to multiple markets, rather than providing them
all to a single market.
Public markets such as NASDAQ also compete for order flow and
executions with dark pools and other ATSs that provide similar services
under a lighter regulatory burden.\33\ One such disparity that directly
affects competition for order flow, executions, and market data is the
greater flexibility of dark trading systems and certain ATSs to
differentiate between their subscribers. Another is the requirement
imposed on exchanges and not upon ATSs to file proposed pricing
schedules and changes, thereby subjecting exchanges prices to greater
regulatory scrutiny, intervention and delay. NASDAQ has questioned and
continues to question whether such disparities remain justified
(assuming they once were justified) in light of current competition
between exchanges and ATs and including increasingly high levels of
executions occurring in ATSs.
\33\ See Letter dated April 30, 2010, from Joan Conley, Senior
vice President and Corporate Secretary, The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC,
to Elizabeth Murphy, Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission
(commenting on regulatory disparities and arbitrage in response to
Concept Release on Market Structure).
Competitive markets for order flow, executions, and transaction
reports provide pricing discipline for the inputs of proprietary data
products. The large number of SROs, TRFs, and ECNs that currently
produce proprietary data or are currently capable of producing it
provides further pricing discipline for proprietary data products. Each
SRO, TRF, ECN and BD is currently permitted to produce proprietary data
products, and many currently do or have announced plans to do so,
including NASDAQ, NYSE, NYSEArca, BATS, and Direct Edge.
Any ECN or BD can combine with any other ECN, broker-dealer, or
multiple ECNs or BDs to produce jointly proprietary data products.
Additionally, non-BDs such as order routers like LAVA, as well as
market data vendors can facilitate single or multiple broker-dealers'
production of proprietary data products. The potential sources of
proprietary products are virtually limitless.
The fact that depth data from ECNs, BDs, and vendors can by-pass
SROs is significant in two respects. First, non-SROs can compete
directly with SROs for the production and distribution of proprietary
data products, as Archipelago, BATS, and DirectEdge did prior to
registering as SROs. Second, because a single order or transaction
report can appear in an SRO proprietary product, a non-SRO proprietary
product, or both, the data available in proprietary products is
exponentially greater than the actual number of orders and transaction
reports that exist in the marketplace writ large.
Market data vendors provide another form of price discipline for
proprietary data products because they control the primary means of
access to end users. Although their business models may differ, vendors
exercise pricing discipline because they can simply refuse to purchase
any proprietary data product that fails to provide sufficient value.
NASDAQ and other producers of proprietary data products must understand
and respond to these varying business models and pricing disciplines in
order to successfully market proprietary data products.
In addition to the competition and price discipline described
above, the market for proprietary data products is also highly
contestable because market entry is rapid, inexpensive, and profitable.
The history of electronic trading is replete with examples of entrants
that swiftly grew into some of the largest electronic trading platforms
and proprietary data producers: Archipelago, Bloomberg Tradebook,
Island, RediBook, Attain, TracECN, BATS Trading, and Direct Edge.
Several ECNs have existed profitably for many years with a minimal
share of trading, including Bloomberg Tradebook and LavaFlow.
Competition among platforms has driven NASDAQ continually to
improve its platform data offerings and to cater to customers' data
needs. For example, NASDAQ has developed and maintained multiple
delivery mechanisms (IP, multi-cast, and compression) that enable
customers to receive data in the form and manner they prefer and at the
lowest cost to them. NASDAQ offers front end applications such as its
``Bookviewer'' to help customers utilize data. NASDAQ has created
TotalView Aggregate to complement TotalView ITCH and Level 2, because
offering data in multiple formatting allows NASDAQ to better fit
customer needs. NASDAQ offers data via multiple extranet providers,
thereby helping to reduce network and total cost for its data products.
NASDAQ has developed an online administrative system to provide
customers transparency into their data feed requests and streamline
data usage reporting. NASDAQ has also expanded its Enterprise License
options that reduce the administrative burden and costs to firms that
purchase market data.
Despite these enhancements and a dramatic increase in message
traffic, NASDAQ's fees for depth-of-book data have remained flat. In
fact, as a percent of total customer costs, NASDAQ data fees have
fallen relative to other data usage costs--including bandwidth,
programming, and infrastructure--that have risen. The same holds true
for execution services; despite numerous enhancements to NASDAQ's
trading platform, absolute and relative trading costs have declined.
Platform competition has intensified as new entrants have emerged,
constraining prices for both executions and for data.
The proposed rule change is a direct response to this competition,
and it is motivated by the conclusion that Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3
Firms provide benefits to NASDAQ and its customers across business
lines and therefore merit pricing incentives to join or remain in these
tiers. It recognizes the concern that the order flow and data product
use that such firms currently bring to NASDAQ may migrate elsewhere if
their contributions are not appropriately recognized. At the same time,
if other customers determine that their fees are too high in comparison
to those paid by firms qualifying for the discount, they will take
their business to other venues.
[[Page 4977]]
Thus, the proposal must strike a balance between growing and retaining
the business of actual and potential Tier 1 and Tier 2 Firms and the
business of firms that lack the volume of business to become eligible.
In light of the highly competitive nature of these markets, NASDAQ's
revenues and market share are likely to be diminished by the proposal
if it strikes this balance in the wrong way.\34\
\34\ The Commission has recognized that an exchange's failure to
strike this balance correctly will only harm the exchange. ``[M]any
market participants would be unlikely to purchase the exchange's
data products if it sets fees that are inequitable, unfair,
unreasonable, or unreasonably discriminatory[hellip]. For example,
an exchange's attempt to impose unreasonably or unfairly
discriminatory fees on a certain category of customers would likely
be counter-productive for the exchange because, in a competitive
environment, such customers generally would be able to respond by
using alternatives to the exchanges data.'' Id.
The NetCoalition Decision
The court in NetCoalition concluded that the Commission had failed
to demonstrate that the market for market data was competitive based on
the reasoning of the Commission's NetCoalition order because, in the
court's view, the Commission had not adequately demonstrated that
competition for order flow adequately constrains the pricing of depth-
of-book data.\35\ However, the Netcoalition [sic] court did cite
favorably an economic study by Ordover and Bamberger which concluded
that ``[a]lthough an exchange may price its trade execution fees higher
and its market data fees lower (or vice versa), because of ``platform''
competition the exchange nonetheless receives the same return from the
two ``joint products'' in the aggregate.''\36\
\35\ The NetCoalition court did not consider or address the
statutory amendments encompassed by the Dodd-Frank Act in any way.
\36\ See NetCoalition at fn. 30.
Accordingly, NASDAQ is submitting along with this filing additional
comments from Ordover and Bamberger expanding upon the impact of
platform competition on the pricing of joint products, and in
particular on the application of that theory to NASDAQ's current
proposal. Among the conclusions that Ordover and Bamberger reach are:
NASDAQ is subject to significant competitive forces in setting the
prices and other terms of execution services and proprietary data
Competition among trading platforms can be expected to constrain
the aggregate return each platform earns from the sale of the array of
its products, including the joint products at issue here. In
particular, cross-platform competition, and the adverse effects from
overpricing proprietary information on the volume of trading on the
platform, constrain the pricing of proprietary information.
Competitive forces constrain the prices that platforms can charge
for non-core market information. A trading platform cannot generate
market information unless it receives trade orders. For this reason, a
platform can be expected to use its market data product as a tool for
attracting liquidity and trading to its exchange.
While, by definition, information that is proprietary to an
exchange cannot be obtained elsewhere, this does not enable the owner
of such information to exercise monopoly power over that information
vis-[agrave]-vis firms with the need for such information. Even though
market information from one platform may not be a perfect substitute
for market information from one or more other platforms, the existence
of alternative sources of information can be expected to constrain the
prices platforms charge for market data.
Besides the fact that similar information can be obtained
elsewhere, the feasibility of supra-competitive pricing is constrained
by the traders' ability to shift their trades elsewhere, which lowers
the activity on the exchange and so in the long run reduces the quality
of the information generated by the exchange.
NASDAQ's Platform pricing can be described as a type of
``differential pricing'' and ``bundling.'' Differential pricing in
markets with high fixed costs and low incremental costs is common,
efficient, and not anticompetitive. ``Bundling'' also is common and
generally procompetitive.
NASDAQ's joint products are produced under the conditions of high
fixed costs, which are also joint and common to a range of products,
and low (or zero) marginal or incremental cost of serving an additional
customer. In industries with these cost characteristics, charging all
customers the same price is not economically efficient.
Additional evidence cited by NYSE Arca in SR-NYSE Arca-2010-097
which was not before the NetCoalition court also demonstrates that
availability of depth data attracts order flow and that competition for
order flow can constrain the price of market data:
1. Terrence Hendershott & Charles M. Jones, Island Goes Dark:
Transparence, Fragmentation, and Regulation, 18 Review of Financial
Studies 743 (2005);
2. Charts and Tables referenced in Exhibit 3B to that filing;
3. PHB Hagler Bailly, Inc., ``Issues Surrounding Cost-Based
Regulation of Market Data Prices;'' and
4. PHB Hagler Bailly, Inc., ``The Economic Perspective on
Regulation of Market Data.''
NASDAQ also submits that in and of itself, NASDAQ's decision
voluntarily to cap fees on existing products is evidence of market
forces at work. The instant proposal does just that, creating an
expanded enterprise license on two product classes. Retail investors
will be the primary beneficiaries.
C. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the Proposed
Rule Change Received From Members, Participants, or Others
No written comments were either solicited or received.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
The foregoing rule change has become effective pursuant to Section
19(b)(3)(A)(ii) of the Act.\37\ At any time within 60 days of the
filing of the proposed rule change, the Commission summarily may
temporarily suspend such rule change if it appears to the Commission
that such action is necessary or appropriate in the public interest,
for the protection of investors, or otherwise in furtherance of the
purposes of the Act. If the Commission takes such action, the
Commission shall institute proceedings to determine whether the
proposed rule should be approved or disapproved.