Circular Welded Carbon Quality Steel Pipe From the People's Republic of China: Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 81968-81969 [2010-32862]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 29, 2010 / Notices
Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230;
telephone: (202) 482–5050 or (202) 482–
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Scope of the Order
The merchandise subject to this
antidumping duty order is porcelain-onsteel cooking ware from Taiwan that
does not have self-contained electric
heating elements. All of the foregoing
are constructed of steel and are
enameled or glazed with vitreous
glasses. Kitchenware and teakettles are
not subject to the order. The
merchandise is currently classifiable
under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule
of the United States (HTSUS) number
7323.94.00. HTSUS item numbers are
provided for convenience and customs
purposes. The written description of the
scope remains dispositive.
On December 2, 1986, the Department
published, in the Federal Register, the
antidumping duty order on POS cooking
ware from Taiwan. See Antidumping
Duty Order; Porcelain-on-Steel Cooking
Ware from Taiwan, 51 FR 43416
(December 2, 1986). In two subsequent
sunset reviews, based on affirmative
decisions by the Department and the
International Trade Commission, the
antidumping duty order on POS cooking
ware from Taiwan was continued. See
Continuation of Antidumping Duty
Orders: Porcelain-on-Steel Cooking
Ware From China, Mexico, and Taiwan,
65 FR 20136 (April 14, 2000); Porcelainon-Steel Cooking Ware from the
People’s Republic of China and Taiwan;
Continuation of Antidumping Duty
Orders, 70 FR 70581 (November 22,
On October 1, 2010, the Department
initiated the current sunset review of
the antidumping duty order on POS
cooking ware from Taiwan, pursuant to
section 751(c) of the Act. See Initiation
Notice. We received no response to the
notice of initiation from the domestic
industry by the applicable deadline. See
19 CFR 351.218(d)(1)(i). As a result, the
Department has determined that no
domestic interested party intends to
participate in the sunset review. See 19
CFR 351.218(d)(1)(iii)(B). On October
21, 2010, we notified the International
Trade Commission, in writing, that we
intend to revoke the antidumping duty
order on POS cooking ware from
Taiwan. See 19 CFR
Pursuant to section 751(c)(3)(A) of the
Act and 19 CFR 351.218(d)(1)(iii)(B)(3),
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if no domestic interested party files a
notice of intent to participate in the
sunset review, the Department shall,
within 90 days after the initiation of the
review, revoke the order. Because no
domestic interested party filed a timely
notice of intent to participate in this
sunset review, the Department finds that
no domestic interested party is
participating in this sunset review.
Therefore, we are revoking the
antidumping duty order on POS cooking
ware from Taiwan.
Effective Date of Revocation
The effective date of revocation is
November 22, 2010, the fifth
anniversary of the date of publication in
the Federal Register of the most recent
notice of continuation of the
antidumping duty order. See 19 CFR
351.222(i)(2)(i). Pursuant to sections
751(c)(3)(A) and 751(c)(6)(A)(iii) of the
Act and 19 CFR 351.222(i)(2)(i), the
Department intends to instruct U.S.
Customs and Border Protection to
terminate the suspension of liquidation
of the merchandise subject to this
antidumping duty order entered, or
withdrawn from warehouse, for
consumption, on or after November 22,
Entries of subject merchandise prior
to the effective date of revocation will
continue to be subject to suspension of
liquidation and antidumping duty
deposit requirements. The Department
will complete any pending
administrative reviews of the order and
will conduct administrative reviews of
subject merchandise entered prior to the
effective date of revocation in response
to appropriately filed requests for
This five-year (sunset) review and
notice are issued and published in
accordance with sections 751(c) and
777(i)(1) of the Act.
Dated: December 21, 2010.
Christian Marsh,
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Import
[FR Doc. 2010–32771 Filed 12–28–10; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Circular Welded Carbon Quality Steel
Pipe From the People’s Republic of
China: Rescission of Antidumping
Duty Administrative Review
Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
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On August 31, 2010, the U.S.
Department of Commerce (the
‘‘Department’’) published a notice of
initiation of an administrative review of
the antidumping duty order on circular
welded carbon quality steel pipe
(‘‘CWP’’) from the People’s Republic of
China (‘‘PRC’’). This administrative
review was initiated on 18 exporters of
CWP from the PRC. We are now
rescinding this administrative review in
DATES: Effective Date: December 29,
Thomas Martin, AD/CVD Operations,
Office 4, Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th
Street and Constitution Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202)
On July 1, 2010, the Department
published in the Federal Register the
notice of opportunity to request an
administrative review of the
antidumping duty order on CWP from
the PRC for the period July 1, 2009,
through June 30, 2010. See
Antidumping or Countervailing Duty
Order, Finding, or Suspended
Investigation; Opportunity To Request
Administrative Review, 75 FR 38074,
38075 (July 1, 2010). On August 2, 2010,
the Department received a timely
request from the Ad Hoc Coalition For
Fair Pipe Imports and its individual
members, Allied Tube & Conduit,
IPSCO Tubulars, Inc., Sharon Tube
Company, Western Tube & Conduit
Corporation, and Wheatland Tube
Company (collectively, ‘‘Petitioner’’),
that the Department conduct an
administrative review of the
antidumping duty order on CWP from
the PRC, covering 18 exporters of CWP
from the PRC. No other party requested
an administrative review of the
antidumping duty order on CWP from
the PRC. On August 31, 2010, the
Department published in the Federal
Register the notice of initiation of the
2009–2010 administrative review of
CWP from the PRC. See Initiation of
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
Administrative Reviews and Deferral of
Initiation of Administrative Review, 75
FR 53274, 53276 (August 31, 2010).
On September 16, 2010, the
Department issued a memorandum
providing an opportunity for interested
parties to comment on U.S. Customs
and Border Protection (‘‘CBP’’)
information to be used by the
Department in its respondent selection.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 29, 2010 / Notices
On October 27, 2010, Petitioner filed a
letter withdrawing its request for review
of the 18 exporters for which the
Department initiated this review.
Period of Review
The period of review (‘‘POR’’) is July
1, 2009, through June 30, 2010.
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Scope of the Order
The merchandise subject to the order
is certain welded carbon quality steel
pipes and tubes, of circular crosssection, and with an outside diameter of
0.372 inches (9.45 mm) or more, but not
more than 16 inches (406.4 mm),
whether or not stenciled, regardless of
wall thickness, surface finish (e.g.,
black, galvanized, or painted), end
finish (e.g., plain end, beveled end,
grooved, threaded, or threaded and
coupled), or industry specification (e.g.,
ASTM, proprietary, or other), generally
known as standard pipe and structural
pipe (they may also be referred to as
circular, structural, or mechanical
Specifically, the term ‘‘carbon quality’’
includes products in which (a) iron
predominates, by weight, over each of
the other contained elements; (b) the
carbon content is 2 percent or less, by
weight; and (c) none of the elements
listed below exceeds the quantity, by
weight, as indicated:
(i) 1.80 percent of manganese;
(ii) 2.25 percent of silicon;
(iii) 1.00 percent of copper;
(iv) 0.50 percent of aluminum;
(v) 1.25 percent of chromium;
(vi) 0.30 percent of cobalt;
(vii) 0.40 percent of lead;
(viii) 1.25 percent of nickel;
(ix) 0.30 percent of tungsten;
(x) 0.15 percent of molybdenum;
(xi) 0.10 percent of niobium;
(xii) 0.41 percent of titanium;
(xiii) 0.15 percent of vanadium; or
(xiv) 0.15 percent of zirconium.
Standard pipe is made primarily to
American Society for Testing and
Materials (‘‘ASTM’’) specifications, but
can be made to other specifications.
Standard pipe is made primarily to
ASTM specifications A–53, A–135, and
A–795. Structural pipe is made
primarily to ASTM specifications A–252
and A–500. Standard and structural
pipe may also be produced to
proprietary specifications rather than to
industry specifications. This is often the
case, for example, with fence tubing.
Pipe multiple-stenciled to a standard
and/or structural specification and to
any other specification, such as the
American Petroleum Institute (‘‘API’’)
API–5L specification, is also covered by
the scope of the order when it meets the
physical description set forth above and
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also has one or more of the following
characteristics: is 32 feet in length or
less; is less than 2.0 inches (50 mm) in
outside diameter; has a galvanized and/
or painted surface finish; or has a
threaded and/or coupled end finish.
(The term ‘‘painted’’ does not include
coatings to inhibit rust in transit, such
as varnish, but includes coatings such as
The scope of the order does not
include: (a) Pipe suitable for use in
boilers, superheaters, heat exchangers,
condensers, refining furnaces and
feedwater heaters, whether or not cold
drawn; (b) mechanical tubing, whether
or not cold-drawn; (c) finished electrical
conduit; (d) finished scaffolding; (e)
tube and pipe hollows for redrawing; (f)
oil country tubular goods produced to
API specifications; and (g) line pipe
produced to only API specifications.
The pipe products that are the subject
of the order are currently classifiable in
the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States (‘‘HTSUS’’) statistical
reporting numbers 7306.30.10.00,
7306.30.50.25, 7306.30.50.32,
7306.30.50.40, 7306.30.50.55,
7306.30.50.85, 7306.30.50.90,
7306.50.10.00, 7306.50.50.50,
7306.50.50.70, 7306.19.10.10,
7306.19.10.50, 7306.19.51.10, and
7306.19.51.50. However, the product
description, and not HTSUS
classification, is dispositive of whether
merchandise imported into the United
States falls within the scope of the
Rescission of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review
Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.213(d)(1), the
Secretary will rescind an administrative
review under this section, in whole or
in part, if a party that requested a review
withdraws the request within 90 days of
the date of publication of notice of
initiation of the requested review.
Because Petitioner withdrew its review
request for all 18 exporters within the
90-day deadline, and no other party
requested an administrative review of
the antidumping order on CWP from the
PRC, in accordance with 19 CFR
351.213(d)(1) the Department is
rescinding this administrative review in
Assessment Instructions
The Department will instruct CBP to
assess antidumping duties on all
appropriate entries. For exporters for
which this review is rescinded,
antidumping duties shall be assessed at
rates equal to the cash deposit of
estimated antidumping duties required
at the time of entry, or withdrawal from
warehouse, for consumption, in
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accordance with 19 CFR
351.212(c)(1)(i). The Department
intends to issue appropriate assessment
instructions directly to CBP 15 days
after publication of this notice.
Notification to Importers
This notice serves as a reminder to
importers of their responsibility under
19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate
regarding the reimbursement of
antidumping duties prior to liquidation
of the relevant entries during this
review period. Failure to comply with
this requirement could result in the
Secretary’s presumption that
reimbursement of antidumping duties
occurred and the subsequent assessment
of doubled antidumping duties.
Notification Regarding Administrative
Protective Orders
This notice serves as a reminder to
parties subject to administrative
protective order (‘‘APO’’) of their
responsibility concerning the
disposition of proprietary information
disclosed under APO in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely
written notification of the return or
destruction of APO materials or
conversion to judicial protective order is
hereby requested. Failure to comply
with the regulations and terms of an
APO is a sanctionable violation.
We are issuing and publishing this
notice in accordance with sections
751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Tariff Act
of 1930, as amended, and 19 CFR
Dated: December 22, 2010.
Christian Marsh,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping
and Countervailing Duty Operations.
[FR Doc. 2010–32862 Filed 12–28–10; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Certain Non-Frozen Apple Juice
Concentrate From the Peoples’
Republic of China: Rescission of
Antidumping Duty Administrative
Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce
DATES: Effective Date: December 29,
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
(‘‘Department’’) is rescinding the
administrative review of non-frozen
apple juice concentrate from the
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 249 (Wednesday, December 29, 2010)]
[Pages 81968-81969]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-32862]
International Trade Administration
Circular Welded Carbon Quality Steel Pipe From the People's
Republic of China: Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: On August 31, 2010, the U.S. Department of Commerce (the
``Department'') published a notice of initiation of an administrative
review of the antidumping duty order on circular welded carbon quality
steel pipe (``CWP'') from the People's Republic of China (``PRC'').
This administrative review was initiated on 18 exporters of CWP from
the PRC. We are now rescinding this administrative review in full.
DATES: Effective Date: December 29, 2010.
Office 4, Import Administration, International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-3936.
On July 1, 2010, the Department published in the Federal Register
the notice of opportunity to request an administrative review of the
antidumping duty order on CWP from the PRC for the period July 1, 2009,
through June 30, 2010. See Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Order,
Finding, or Suspended Investigation; Opportunity To Request
Administrative Review, 75 FR 38074, 38075 (July 1, 2010). On August 2,
2010, the Department received a timely request from the Ad Hoc
Coalition For Fair Pipe Imports and its individual members, Allied Tube
& Conduit, IPSCO Tubulars, Inc., Sharon Tube Company, Western Tube &
Conduit Corporation, and Wheatland Tube Company (collectively,
``Petitioner''), that the Department conduct an administrative review
of the antidumping duty order on CWP from the PRC, covering 18
exporters of CWP from the PRC. No other party requested an
administrative review of the antidumping duty order on CWP from the
PRC. On August 31, 2010, the Department published in the Federal
Register the notice of initiation of the 2009-2010 administrative
review of CWP from the PRC. See Initiation of Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews and Deferral of Initiation
of Administrative Review, 75 FR 53274, 53276 (August 31, 2010).
On September 16, 2010, the Department issued a memorandum providing
an opportunity for interested parties to comment on U.S. Customs and
Border Protection (``CBP'') information to be used by the Department in
its respondent selection.
[[Page 81969]]
On October 27, 2010, Petitioner filed a letter withdrawing its request
for review of the 18 exporters for which the Department initiated this
Period of Review
The period of review (``POR'') is July 1, 2009, through June 30,
Scope of the Order
The merchandise subject to the order is certain welded carbon
quality steel pipes and tubes, of circular cross-section, and with an
outside diameter of 0.372 inches (9.45 mm) or more, but not more than
16 inches (406.4 mm), whether or not stenciled, regardless of wall
thickness, surface finish (e.g., black, galvanized, or painted), end
finish (e.g., plain end, beveled end, grooved, threaded, or threaded
and coupled), or industry specification (e.g., ASTM, proprietary, or
other), generally known as standard pipe and structural pipe (they may
also be referred to as circular, structural, or mechanical tubing).
Specifically, the term ``carbon quality'' includes products in
which (a) iron predominates, by weight, over each of the other
contained elements; (b) the carbon content is 2 percent or less, by
weight; and (c) none of the elements listed below exceeds the quantity,
by weight, as indicated:
(i) 1.80 percent of manganese;
(ii) 2.25 percent of silicon;
(iii) 1.00 percent of copper;
(iv) 0.50 percent of aluminum;
(v) 1.25 percent of chromium;
(vi) 0.30 percent of cobalt;
(vii) 0.40 percent of lead;
(viii) 1.25 percent of nickel;
(ix) 0.30 percent of tungsten;
(x) 0.15 percent of molybdenum;
(xi) 0.10 percent of niobium;
(xii) 0.41 percent of titanium;
(xiii) 0.15 percent of vanadium; or
(xiv) 0.15 percent of zirconium.
Standard pipe is made primarily to American Society for Testing and
Materials (``ASTM'') specifications, but can be made to other
specifications. Standard pipe is made primarily to ASTM specifications
A-53, A-135, and A-795. Structural pipe is made primarily to ASTM
specifications A-252 and A-500. Standard and structural pipe may also
be produced to proprietary specifications rather than to industry
specifications. This is often the case, for example, with fence tubing.
Pipe multiple-stenciled to a standard and/or structural specification
and to any other specification, such as the American Petroleum
Institute (``API'') API-5L specification, is also covered by the scope
of the order when it meets the physical description set forth above and
also has one or more of the following characteristics: is 32 feet in
length or less; is less than 2.0 inches (50 mm) in outside diameter;
has a galvanized and/or painted surface finish; or has a threaded and/
or coupled end finish. (The term ``painted'' does not include coatings
to inhibit rust in transit, such as varnish, but includes coatings such
as polyester.)
The scope of the order does not include: (a) Pipe suitable for use
in boilers, superheaters, heat exchangers, condensers, refining
furnaces and feedwater heaters, whether or not cold drawn; (b)
mechanical tubing, whether or not cold-drawn; (c) finished electrical
conduit; (d) finished scaffolding; (e) tube and pipe hollows for
redrawing; (f) oil country tubular goods produced to API
specifications; and (g) line pipe produced to only API specifications.
The pipe products that are the subject of the order are currently
classifiable in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States
(``HTSUS'') statistical reporting numbers 7306.30.10.00, 7306.30.50.25,
7306.30.50.32, 7306.30.50.40, 7306.30.50.55, 7306.30.50.85,
7306.30.50.90, 7306.50.10.00, 7306.50.50.50, 7306.50.50.70,
7306.19.10.10, 7306.19.10.50, 7306.19.51.10, and 7306.19.51.50.
However, the product description, and not HTSUS classification, is
dispositive of whether merchandise imported into the United States
falls within the scope of the order.
Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.213(d)(1), the Secretary will rescind an
administrative review under this section, in whole or in part, if a
party that requested a review withdraws the request within 90 days of
the date of publication of notice of initiation of the requested
review. Because Petitioner withdrew its review request for all 18
exporters within the 90-day deadline, and no other party requested an
administrative review of the antidumping order on CWP from the PRC, in
accordance with 19 CFR 351.213(d)(1) the Department is rescinding this
administrative review in full.
Assessment Instructions
The Department will instruct CBP to assess antidumping duties on
all appropriate entries. For exporters for which this review is
rescinded, antidumping duties shall be assessed at rates equal to the
cash deposit of estimated antidumping duties required at the time of
entry, or withdrawal from warehouse, for consumption, in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.212(c)(1)(i). The Department intends to issue
appropriate assessment instructions directly to CBP 15 days after
publication of this notice.
Notification to Importers
This notice serves as a reminder to importers of their
responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate
regarding the reimbursement of antidumping duties prior to liquidation
of the relevant entries during this review period. Failure to comply
with this requirement could result in the Secretary's presumption that
reimbursement of antidumping duties occurred and the subsequent
assessment of doubled antidumping duties.
Notification Regarding Administrative Protective Orders
This notice serves as a reminder to parties subject to
administrative protective order (``APO'') of their responsibility
concerning the disposition of proprietary information disclosed under
APO in accordance with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely written
notification of the return or destruction of APO materials or
conversion to judicial protective order is hereby requested. Failure to
comply with the regulations and terms of an APO is a sanctionable
We are issuing and publishing this notice in accordance with
sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended,
and 19 CFR 351.213(d)(4).
Dated: December 22, 2010.
Christian Marsh,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
[FR Doc. 2010-32862 Filed 12-28-10; 8:45 am]