Changes to NARA Facilities' Hours of Operation, 54543-54546 [2010-22336]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 173 / Wednesday, September 8, 2010 / Proposed Rules
the proposal is to correct the associated
maps for this area. The correction
involves moving 1,000 acres of Forest
Plan Special Area to Backcountry/
Restoration to and occurs in T22N, R4E,
sections 10, 15, 22, 26–27, and 35, Boise
Dated: August 30, 2010.
Thomas L. Tidwell,
Chief, Forest Service.
[FR Doc. 2010–22151 Filed 9–7–10; 8:45 am]
36 CFR Part 1192
FR 43748 (July 26, 2010). The comment
period on the proposed rule ends on
November 23, 2010. The Access Board
will hold two public hearings on the
proposed rule during the comment
period. The dates and locations of the
public hearings are provided in this
notice. The public hearing locations are
accessible to individuals with
disabilities. Sign language interpreters
and real-time captioning will be
provided at the public hearings. For the
comfort of other participants, persons
attending the public hearings are
requested to refrain from using perfume,
cologne, and other fragrances. To preregister to testify, please contact Kathy
Johnson at (202) 272–0041 or
[Docket No. ATBCB 2010–0004]
David M. Capozzi,
Executive Director.
RIN 3014–AA38
[FR Doc. 2010–22248 Filed 9–7–10; 8:45 am]
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
Accessibility Guidelines for
Transportation Vehicles
Architectural and
Transportation Barriers Compliance
ACTION: Notice of public hearings.
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with PROPOSALS
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:36 Sep 07, 2010
Jkt 220001
36 CFR Parts 1253, 1254, and 1280
The Architectural and
Transportation Barriers Compliance
Board (Access Board) will hold two
public hearings on a proposed rule to
revise and update its accessibility
guidelines for buses, over-the-road
buses, and vans.
DATES: The first public hearing will be
held in Chicago, IL on Thursday,
September 30, 2010 from 9:30 a.m. to 12
p.m. (CST). The second public hearing
will be in Washington, DC on Monday,
November 8, 2010 from 9:30 a.m. to 12
p.m. (EST). To pre-register to testify,
please contact Kathy Johnson at (202)
272–0041 or
ADDRESSES: The first public hearing will
be held at the Courtyard Marriott
Magnificent Mile, 165 East Ontario
Street, Ontario Rooms B and C, Chicago,
IL 60611. The second public hearing
will be held at the Access Board
Conference Room, 1331 F Street, NW.,
Suite 800, Washington, DC 20004.
Pecht, Architectural and Transportation
Barriers Compliance Board, 1331 F
Street, NW., Suite 1000, Washington,
DC 20004. Telephone (202) 272–0021.
26, 2010, the Access Board published a
notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM)
in the Federal Register to revise and
update its accessibility guidelines for
buses, over-the-road buses, and vans. 75
RIN 3095–AB68
Changes to NARA Facilities’ Hours of
National Archives and Records
ACTION: Proposed rule.
The National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA) is
proposing to revise its regulations that
provide NARA facilities’ hours of
operation. The proposed regulations
will remove NARA facilities’ hours of
operation from the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) and establish
procedures that NARA offices must
follow when changing facilities’ hours
of operation. The proposed procedures
will provide the public with advance
notice of any proposed changes in hours
and will include justification for the
change in writing. Note that there are no
proposed changes to hours of operation
at any NARA facility at this time.
DATES: Comments on the proposed rule
must be received by November 8, 2010.
ADDRESSES: NARA invites interested
persons to submit comments on this
proposed rule. Comments may be
submitted by any of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax: Submit comments by facsimile
transmission to 301–837–0319.
PO 00000
Frm 00016
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
• Mail: Send comments to
Regulations Comments Desk (NPOL),
Room 4100, Policy and Planning Staff,
National Archives and Records
Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road,
College Park, MD 20740–6001.
• Hand Delivery or Courier: Deliver
comments to 8601 Adelphi Road,
College Park, MD.
Stuart Culy on (301) 837–0970 or Laura
McCarthy on (301) 837–3023.
facilities’ operating hours are currently
published in 36 CFR parts 1253, 1254
and 1280. Any proposed changes to
facility operating hours are made
through revisions to the CFR, which
include publishing the proposed
changes in the Federal Register for
public notice and comment. The
proposed revisions are open for
comment for 60 days and after the
comment period closes and resolution
of any comments received the proposed
changes are made final by publication of
the final rule in the Federal Register.
The hours of operation published in the
CFR are also available on https://, NARA’s official Web
site; by calling a dedicated telephone
number for each facility that provides
the public with the facilities’ operating
hours; and posted locally at each
Proposed Revisions to the Current
NARA is proposing to remove all
facilities’ hours of operation from our
regulations and instead direct
individuals to obtain that information
from, NARA’s
official Web site; dedicated telephone
numbers; and local postings. The
removal of the operating hours from the
CFR will enable individual facilities to
tailor their operating hours to their
customers’ needs in a more flexible and
timely manner. Individuals will
continue to be able to obtain hours of
operation information at a facility’s
physical location and via telephone,
including out-going voice messaging
Because the authority to change hours
will reside with each locality, we are
proposing to revise our regulations to
incorporate a process for changing hours
of operation that will provide the public
with advance notice of a change in
hours and will include justification for
the change in writing. The procedures
include posting the proposed changes at
the facility in a public area; on https://, NARA’s official Web
site; and on other online sites on which
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 173 / Wednesday, September 8, 2010 / Proposed Rules
the facility may have a specific
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with PROPOSALS
Comments and Suggestions From
NARA Staff and Public
NARA sought input regarding these
proposed changes from its staff. All five
staff members who offered input agreed
with the proposed changes. Multiple
staff suggested minor changes to the
text. One staff member was concerned
that NARA’s Web site would be the
public’s only method of determining a
facility’s hours of operation, but as
noted above, individuals also have the
option of calling a dedicated telephone
number for the hours of operation or see
the hours posted at the facility. Another
staff member gave suggestions for using
templates at all facilities so that
communicating proposed changes in
hours would be consistent nationwide.
Before preparing the proposed
revisions, we also sought suggestions
from the public on how to improve
communication with the public about
proposed changes to facility operating
hours. Two members of the public were
concerned that the public should be
informed in full why changes in hours
of operation were being made. One of
those same individuals and a third
member of the public suggested that
changes in hours of operation be
communicated through a variety of
outlets. We agree with these
suggestions, and we believe our
proposed notification method will
provide an explanation and offer the
public a method of commenting on the
proposed changes. These are the
objectives of this proposed rule, and are
addressed specifically therein. This
third individual also suggested that a
facility, once it has changed its hours,
be required to maintain those hours for
a minimum of six months. While a
specific timeframe is not included in
this proposal, we feel that the concern
is addressed in the proposed rule which
prevents arbitrary changes and requiring
evidence of a business need to change
the hours of operation.
This proposed rule is not a significant
regulatory action for the purposes of
Executive Order 12866 and has not been
reviewed by the Office of Management
and Budget. As required by the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, I certify that
this rule will not have a significant
impact on a substantial number of small
entities because it affects Federal
agencies and individual researchers.
This regulation does not have any
federalism implications.
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16:36 Sep 07, 2010
Jkt 220001
List of Subjects in 36 CFR Parts 1253,
1254 and 1280
Archives and records, Buildings and
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, NARA proposes to amend 36
CFR parts 1253, 1254 and 1280 to read
as follows:
1. Revise part 1253 to read as follows:
1253.1 National Archives Building.
1253.2 National Archives at College Park.
1253.3 Presidential Libraries.
1253.4 Washington National Records
1253.5 National Personnel Records Center.
1253.6 Records Centers.
1253.7 Regional Archives.
1253.8 Federal Register.
1253.9 Federal holidays.
1253.10 Notification process for changing
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2104(a).
§ 1253.1
National Archives Building.
The National Archives Building is
located at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20408. Hours for
the Research Center and the Central
Research Room are posted at https:// The exhibit areas’
hours of operation are also posted at Last admission
to the exhibit areas of the building will
be no later than 30 minutes before the
stated closing hour. The phone number
for the National Archives Building is
§ 1253.2
National Archives at College Park.
The National Archives at College Park
is located at 8601 Adelphi Road, College
Park, MD 20740–6001. Hours for the
Research Center are posted at https:// The phone number
for the Research Center is 800–234–
§ 1253.3
Presidential Libraries.
Hours for the Presidential libraries’
research rooms are posted at https:// The Presidential
library museums are open every day
except Thanksgiving, December 25, and
January 1 (with the exception of the
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library which
is only closed December 25). For more
specific information about museum
hours, please contact the libraries
directly or visit the NARA Web site at Contact
information for each library is as
(a) Herbert Hoover Library is located
at 210 Parkside Dr., West Branch, IA
(mailing address: PO Box 488, West
PO 00000
Frm 00017
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Branch, IA 52358–0488). The phone
number is 319–643–5301 and the fax
number is 319–643–6045. The e-mail
address is
(b) Franklin D. Roosevelt Library is
located at 4079 Albany Post Rd., Hyde
Park, NY 12538–1999. The phone
number is 800–FDR–VISIT or 845–486–
7770 and the fax number is 845–486–
1147. The e-mail address is
(c) Harry S. Truman Library is located
at 500 W. U.S. Hwy 24, Independence,
MO 64050–1798. The phone number is
800–833–1225 or 816–268–8200 and the
fax number is 816–268–8295. The
e-mail address is
(d) Dwight D. Eisenhower Library is
located at 200 SE. Fourth Street,
Abilene, KS 67410–2900. The phone
number is 877–RING–IKE or 785–263–
4751 and the fax number is 785–263–
6718. The e-mail address is
(e) John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library is
located at Columbia Point, Boston, MA
02125–3398. The phone number is 866–
JFK–1960 or 617–514–1600 and the fax
number is 617–514–1652. The e-mail
address is
(f) Lyndon Baines Johnson Library
and Museum is located at 2313 Red
River St., Austin, TX 78705–5702. The
phone number is 512–721–0200 and the
fax number is 512–721–0170. The
e-mail address is
(g) Richard Nixon Library, California
is located at 18001 Yorba Linda
Boulevard, Yorba Linda, CA 92886–
3903. The phone number is 714–983–
9120 and the fax number is 714–983–
9111. The e-mail address is Richard Nixon Library,
Maryland is located at 8601 Adelphi
Road, College Park, MD 20740–6001.
The phone number is 301–837–3290
and the fax number is 301–837–3202.
The e-mail address is
(h) Gerald R. Ford Library is located
at 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI
48109–2114. The phone number is 734–
205–0555 and the fax number is 734–
205–0571. The e-mail address is Gerald R. Ford
Museum is located at 303 Pearl St.,
Grand Rapids, MI 49504–5353. The
phone number is 616–254–0400 and the
fax number is 616–254–0386. The email address is
(i) Jimmy Carter Library is located at
441 Freedom Parkway, Atlanta, GA
30307–1498. The phone number is 404–
865–7100 and the fax number is 404–
865–7102. The e-mail address is
(j) Ronald Reagan Library is located at
40 Presidential Dr., Simi Valley, CA
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 173 / Wednesday, September 8, 2010 / Proposed Rules
93065–0699. The phone number is 800–
410–8354 or 805–577–4000 and the fax
number is 805–577–4074. The e-mail
address is
(k) George Bush Library is located at
1000 George Bush Drive West, College
Station, TX 77845. The phone number
is 979–691–4000 and the fax number is
979–691–4050. The e-mail address is
(l) William J. Clinton Library is
located at 1200 President Clinton
Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72201. The
phone number is 501–374–4242 and the
fax number is 501–244–2883. The
e-mail address is
§ 1253.4
Washington National Records
Washington National Records Center
is located at 4205 Suitland Road,
Suitland, MD (mailing address:
Washington National Records Center,
4205 Suitland Road, Suitland, MD
20746–8001). The hours are posted at The phone
number is 301–778–1600.
§ 1253.5
National Personnel Records
(a) Military Personnel Records.
NARA—National Personnel Records
Center—Military Personnel Records is
located at 9700 Page Ave., St. Louis, MO
63132–5100. The hours are posted at
(b) Civilian Personnel Records.
NARA—National Personnel Records
Center—Civilian Personnel Records is
located at 111 Winnebago St., St. Louis,
MO 63118–4199. The hours are posted
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with PROPOSALS
§ 1253.6
Records Centers.
Hours for records center research
rooms are posted at https://
Contact Information for Each Center
is as Follows:
(a) NARA—Northeast Region (Boston)
is located at the Frederick C. Murphy
Federal Center, 380 Trapelo Rd.,
Waltham, MA 02452–6399. The
telephone number is 781–663–0139.
(b) NARA—Northeast Region
(Pittsfield, MA) is located at 10 Conte
Drive, Pittsfield, MA 02101. The
telephone number is 413–236–3600.
(c) NARA—Mid Atlantic Region
(Northeast Philadelphia) is located at
14700 Townsend Rd., Philadelphia, PA
19154–1096. The telephone number is
(d) NARA—Southeast Region
(Atlanta) is located at 4712 Southpark
Blvd., Ellenwood, GA 30294. The
telephone number is 404–736–2820.
(e) NARA—Great Lakes Region
(Dayton) is located at 3150 Springboro
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Road, Dayton, OH, 45439. The
telephone number is 937–425–0600.
(f) NARA—Great Lakes Region
(Dayton-Miamisburg) is located at 8801
Kingsridge Drive, Dayton, OH 45458.
The telephone number is (937) 425–
(g) NARA—Great Lakes Region
(Chicago) is located at 7358 S. Pulaski
Rd., Chicago, IL 60629–5898. The
telephone number is 773–948–9000.
(h) NARA—Central Plains Region
(Lee’s Summit, MO) is located at 200
Space Center Drive, Lee’s Summit, MO
64064–1182. The telephone number is
(i) NARA—Central Plains Region
(Lenexa) is located at 17501 W. 98th
Street, Lenexa, KS 66219. The telephone
number is 913–563–7600.
(j) NARA—Southwest Region (Fort
Worth) is located at 1400 John Burgess
Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76140. The
telephone number is 817–551–2000.
(k) NARA—Rocky Mountain Region
(Denver) is located at Building 48,
Denver Federal Center, West 6th Ave.
and Kipling Street, Denver, CO (mailing
address: PO Box 25307, Denver, CO
80225–0307). The telephone number is
(l) NARA—Pacific Region (San
Francisco) is located at 1000
Commodore Dr., San Bruno, CA 94066–
2350. The telephone number is 650–
(m) NARA—Pacific Region (Riverside)
is located at 23123 Cajalco Road, Perris,
CA 92570–7298. The telephone number
is 951–956–2000.
(n) NARA—Pacific Alaska Region
(Seattle) is located at 6125 Sand Point
Way, NE., Seattle, WA 98115–7999. The
telephone number is 206–336–5115.
§ 1253.7
Regional Archives.
Hours for regional archives research
rooms, including extended hours for
microfilm research only, are posted at Contact
information for each regional archives
facility is as follows:
(a) The National Archives at Boston is
located in the Frederick C. Murphy
Federal Center, 380 Trapelo Rd.,
Waltham, MA 02452. The telephone
number is 781–663–0144 or Toll Free 1–
866–406–2379. The National Archives
at Boston, Pittsfield Annex is located at
10 Conte Drive, Pittsfield, MA 01201–
8230. The telephone number is 413–
(b) The National Archives at New
York City is located at 201 Varick St.,
New York, NY 10014–4811 (entrance is
on Houston Street, between Varick and
Hudson). The telephone number is 212–
401–1620 or Toll Free 1–866–840–1752.
(c) The National Archives at
Philadelphia is located at the Robert
PO 00000
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N.C. Nix Federal Building, 900 Market
St., Philadelphia, PA 19107–4292
(entrance is on Chestnut Street between
9th and 10th Streets). The telephone
number is 215–606–0100.
(d) The National Archives at Atlanta
is located at 5780 Jonesboro Road,
Morrow, GA 30260. The telephone
number is 770–968–2100.
(e) The National Archives at Chicago
is located at 7358 S. Pulaski Rd.,
Chicago, IL 60629–5898. The telephone
number is 773–948–9000.
(f) The National Archives at Kansas
City is located at 400 West Pershing
Road, Kansas City, MO 64108. The
telephone number is 816–268–8000.
(g) The National Archives at Fort
Worth is located at 501 West Felix St.,
Bldg. 1, Dock 1, Fort Worth, TX (Mailing
address: P.O. Box 6216, Fort Worth, TX
76115–0216). The telephone number is
(h) The National Archives at Denver:
The textual research room is located at
Building 48, Denver Federal Center,
West 6th Ave. and Kipling Street,
Denver, CO. The telephone number is
303–407–5740. The microfilm research
room is located at Building 46, Denver
Federal Center, West 6th Ave. and
Kipling Street, Denver, CO. (Mailing
address: PO Box 25307, Denver, CO
80225–0307). The telephone number is
(i) The National Archives at Riverside
is located at 23123 Cajalco Road, Perris,
CA 92570–7298. The telephone number
is 951–956–2000.
(j) The National Archives at San
Francisco is located at 1000 Commodore
Dr., San Bruno, CA 94066–2350. The
telephone number is 650–238–3501.
(k) The National Archives at Seattle is
located at 6125 Sand Point Way, NE.,
Seattle, WA 98115–7999. The telephone
number is 206–336–5115.
(l) The National Archives at
Anchorage is located at 654 West Third
Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501–2145.
The telephone number is 907–261–
(m) The National Archives at St.
Louis, the National Personnel Records
Center archival research room is located
at 9700 Page Ave., St. Louis, MO 63132–
5100. The telephone number is 314–
§ 1253.8
Federal Register.
The location and business hours of
the Office of the Federal Register are
posted at, and
codified in 1 CFR 2.3.
§ 1253.9
Federal holidays.
(a) NARA research rooms are closed
on all Federal holidays.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 173 / Wednesday, September 8, 2010 / Proposed Rules
(b) The exhibit areas in the National
Archives Building are closed on
Thanksgiving and December 25.
(c) The Presidential library museums
are open every day except
Thanksgiving, December 25, and
January 1 (with the exception of the
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library which
is only closed December 25).
§ 1253.10
in hours.
The exhibit areas’ hours of operation
are posted at
Last admission to the exhibit areas of
the building will be no later than 30
minutes before the stated closing hour.
The Archivist of the United States
reserves the authority to close the
exhibit areas to the public at any time
for special events or other purposes. The
building is closed on Thanksgiving and
December 25.
6. Revise § 1280.92 to read as follows:
Notification process for changes
(a) NARA will follow the procedure
outlined below when proposing to
change hours of operations for research
rooms, exhibit areas and museums,
except as noted in § 1253.10(d).
(b) Changing hours of operations for
research rooms, exhibit areas and
museums may not be arbitrary.
Proposed changes must be documented
by evidence of a business need to
change the hours of operation.
(c) The notification process must
proceed as follows:
(1) Post a notice on https://
(2) Post notices in areas visible to the
public in their research room, exhibit
areas or museum.
(3) Issue a press release, e-mail
notification, or other means normally
used by that unit to notify the public of
events at their location.
(4) These notices will provide written
determination justifying the change in
(d) In the event that emergency
changes to hours of operations for
research rooms, exhibit areas and
museums are necessary, including but
not limited to inclement weather, NARA
units will give as much advance notice
to the public as possible. Emergency
notification will be posted at https://
3. Amend § 1254.4 by revising
paragraph (b) to read as follows:
§ 1254.4 Where and when are documents
available to me for research?
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with PROPOSALS
(b) The locations of NARA’s research
rooms are shown in part 1253 of this
chapter. Hours for research rooms are
posted at
Contact our facilities directly for
information about their particular
holdings. A facility or unit director may
authorize that documents be made
available at times other than the times
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Jkt 220001
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2104(a).
5. Revise § 1280.62 to read as follows:
§ 1280.62 When are the exhibit areas in the
National Archives Building open?
§ 1280.92 When are the Presidential library
museums open to the public?
The Presidential library museums are
open every day except Thanksgiving,
December 25, and January 1 (with the
exception of the Lyndon Baines Johnson
Library which is only closed December
25). For more specific information about
museum hours, please contact the
libraries directly or visit the NARA Web
site at Hours
for the Presidential libraries’ research
rooms are also posted at https://
Dated: August 31, 2010.
David S. Ferriero,
Archivist of the United States.
[FR Doc. 2010–22336 Filed 9–7–10; 8:45 am]
[WT Docket No. 07–250; FCC 10–145]
Amendment of the Commission’s
Rules Governing Hearing AidCompatible Mobile Handsets
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2104(a).
4. The authority citation for part 1280
continues to read as follows:
47 CFR Part 20
2. The authority citation for part 1254
continues to read as follows:
Federal Communications
ACTION: Proposed rule.
In this document the
Commission seeks comment on
revisions to the Commission’s wireless
hearing aid compatibility rules. The
Commission initiates this proceeding to
ensure that consumers with hearing loss
are able to access wireless
communications services through a
wide selection of devices without
experiencing disabling interference or
other technical obstacles.
PO 00000
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Interested parties may file
comments on or before October 25,
2010, and reply comments on or before
November 22, 2010.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by WT Docket No. 07–250;
FCC 10–145, by any of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Federal Communications
Commission’s Web site: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: Filings can be sent by hand or
messenger delivery, by commercial
overnight courier, or by first-class or
overnight U.S. Postal Service mail
(although the Commission continues to
experience delays in receiving U.S.
Postal Service mail). All filings must be
addressed to the Commission’s
Secretary, Office of the Secretary,
Federal Communications Commission.
• People With Disabilities: Contact
the FCC to request reasonable
accommodations (accessible format
documents, sign language interpreters,
CART, etc.) by e-mail:
or phone: 202–418–0530 or TTY: 202–
For detailed instructions for
submitting comments and additional
information on the rulemaking process,
section of this document.
Borkowski, Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau, (202) 418–
0626, e-mail
summary of the Commission’s Further
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(FNPRM) in WT Docket No. 07–250;
FCC 10–145, adopted August 5, 2010,
and released on August 5, 2010. This
summary should be read with its
companion document, the Policy
Statement and Second Report and Order
summary published elsewhere in this
issue of the Federal Register. The full
text of the FNPRM is available for
public inspection and copying during
business hours in the FCC Reference
Information Center, Portals II, 445 12th
Street, SW., Room CY–A257,
Washington, DC 20554. It also may be
purchased from the Commission’s
duplicating contractor at Portals II, 445
12th Street SW., Room CY–B402,
Washington, DC 20554; the contractor’s
Web site,; or
by calling (800) 378–3160, facsimile
(202) 488–5563, or e-mail Copies of the
Further Notice also may be obtained via
the Commission’s Electronic Comment
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 173 (Wednesday, September 8, 2010)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 54543-54546]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-22336]
36 CFR Parts 1253, 1254, and 1280
RIN 3095-AB68
Changes to NARA Facilities' Hours of Operation
AGENCY: National Archives and Records Administration.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is
proposing to revise its regulations that provide NARA facilities' hours
of operation. The proposed regulations will remove NARA facilities'
hours of operation from the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and
establish procedures that NARA offices must follow when changing
facilities' hours of operation. The proposed procedures will provide
the public with advance notice of any proposed changes in hours and
will include justification for the change in writing. Note that there
are no proposed changes to hours of operation at any NARA facility at
this time.
DATES: Comments on the proposed rule must be received by November 8,
ADDRESSES: NARA invites interested persons to submit comments on this
proposed rule. Comments may be submitted by any of the following
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
Fax: Submit comments by facsimile transmission to 301-837-
Mail: Send comments to Regulations Comments Desk (NPOL),
Room 4100, Policy and Planning Staff, National Archives and Records
Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001.
Hand Delivery or Courier: Deliver comments to 8601 Adelphi
Road, College Park, MD.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stuart Culy on (301) 837-0970 or Laura
McCarthy on (301) 837-3023.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NARA facilities' operating hours are
currently published in 36 CFR parts 1253, 1254 and 1280. Any proposed
changes to facility operating hours are made through revisions to the
CFR, which include publishing the proposed changes in the Federal
Register for public notice and comment. The proposed revisions are open
for comment for 60 days and after the comment period closes and
resolution of any comments received the proposed changes are made final
by publication of the final rule in the Federal Register. The hours of
operation published in the CFR are also available on, NARA's official Web site; by calling a dedicated
telephone number for each facility that provides the public with the
facilities' operating hours; and posted locally at each facility.
Proposed Revisions to the Current Regulations
NARA is proposing to remove all facilities' hours of operation from
our regulations and instead direct individuals to obtain that
information from, NARA's official Web site;
dedicated telephone numbers; and local postings. The removal of the
operating hours from the CFR will enable individual facilities to
tailor their operating hours to their customers' needs in a more
flexible and timely manner. Individuals will continue to be able to
obtain hours of operation information at a facility's physical location
and via telephone, including out-going voice messaging systems.
Because the authority to change hours will reside with each
locality, we are proposing to revise our regulations to incorporate a
process for changing hours of operation that will provide the public
with advance notice of a change in hours and will include justification
for the change in writing. The procedures include posting the proposed
changes at the facility in a public area; on,
NARA's official Web site; and on other online sites on which
[[Page 54544]]
the facility may have a specific presence.
Comments and Suggestions From NARA Staff and Public
NARA sought input regarding these proposed changes from its staff.
All five staff members who offered input agreed with the proposed
changes. Multiple staff suggested minor changes to the text. One staff
member was concerned that NARA's Web site would be the public's only
method of determining a facility's hours of operation, but as noted
above, individuals also have the option of calling a dedicated
telephone number for the hours of operation or see the hours posted at
the facility. Another staff member gave suggestions for using templates
at all facilities so that communicating proposed changes in hours would
be consistent nationwide.
Before preparing the proposed revisions, we also sought suggestions
from the public on how to improve communication with the public about
proposed changes to facility operating hours. Two members of the public
were concerned that the public should be informed in full why changes
in hours of operation were being made. One of those same individuals
and a third member of the public suggested that changes in hours of
operation be communicated through a variety of outlets. We agree with
these suggestions, and we believe our proposed notification method will
provide an explanation and offer the public a method of commenting on
the proposed changes. These are the objectives of this proposed rule,
and are addressed specifically therein. This third individual also
suggested that a facility, once it has changed its hours, be required
to maintain those hours for a minimum of six months. While a specific
timeframe is not included in this proposal, we feel that the concern is
addressed in the proposed rule which prevents arbitrary changes and
requiring evidence of a business need to change the hours of operation.
This proposed rule is not a significant regulatory action for the
purposes of Executive Order 12866 and has not been reviewed by the
Office of Management and Budget. As required by the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, I certify that this rule will not have a significant
impact on a substantial number of small entities because it affects
Federal agencies and individual researchers. This regulation does not
have any federalism implications.
List of Subjects in 36 CFR Parts 1253, 1254 and 1280
Archives and records, Buildings and facilities.
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, NARA proposes to amend
36 CFR parts 1253, 1254 and 1280 to read as follows:
1. Revise part 1253 to read as follows:
1253.1 National Archives Building.
1253.2 National Archives at College Park.
1253.3 Presidential Libraries.
1253.4 Washington National Records Center.
1253.5 National Personnel Records Center.
1253.6 Records Centers.
1253.7 Regional Archives.
1253.8 Federal Register.
1253.9 Federal holidays.
1253.10 Notification process for changing hours.
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2104(a).
Sec. 1253.1 National Archives Building.
The National Archives Building is located at 700 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20408. Hours for the Research Center and
the Central Research Room are posted at The
exhibit areas' hours of operation are also posted at Last admission to the exhibit areas of the building
will be no later than 30 minutes before the stated closing hour. The
phone number for the National Archives Building is 202-357-5000.
Sec. 1253.2 National Archives at College Park.
The National Archives at College Park is located at 8601 Adelphi
Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001. Hours for the Research Center are
posted at The phone number for the Research
Center is 800-234-8861.
Sec. 1253.3 Presidential Libraries.
Hours for the Presidential libraries' research rooms are posted at The Presidential library museums are open
every day except Thanksgiving, December 25, and January 1 (with the
exception of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library which is only closed
December 25). For more specific information about museum hours, please
contact the libraries directly or visit the NARA Web site at Contact information for each library is as follows:
(a) Herbert Hoover Library is located at 210 Parkside Dr., West
Branch, IA (mailing address: PO Box 488, West Branch, IA 52358-0488).
The phone number is 319-643-5301 and the fax number is 319-643-6045.
The e-mail address is
(b) Franklin D. Roosevelt Library is located at 4079 Albany Post
Rd., Hyde Park, NY 12538-1999. The phone number is 800-FDR-VISIT or
845-486-7770 and the fax number is 845-486-1147. The e-mail address is
(c) Harry S. Truman Library is located at 500 W. U.S. Hwy 24,
Independence, MO 64050-1798. The phone number is 800-833-1225 or 816-
268-8200 and the fax number is 816-268-8295. The e-mail address is
(d) Dwight D. Eisenhower Library is located at 200 SE. Fourth
Street, Abilene, KS 67410-2900. The phone number is 877-RING-IKE or
785-263-4751 and the fax number is 785-263-6718. The e-mail address is
(e) John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library is located at Columbia Point,
Boston, MA 02125-3398. The phone number is 866-JFK-1960 or 617-514-1600
and the fax number is 617-514-1652. The e-mail address is
(f) Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum is located at 2313 Red
River St., Austin, TX 78705-5702. The phone number is 512-721-0200 and
the fax number is 512-721-0170. The e-mail address is
(g) Richard Nixon Library, California is located at 18001 Yorba
Linda Boulevard, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-3903. The phone number is 714-
983-9120 and the fax number is 714-983-9111. The e-mail address is Richard Nixon Library, Maryland is located at 8601
Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001. The phone number is 301-837-
3290 and the fax number is 301-837-3202. The e-mail address is
(h) Gerald R. Ford Library is located at 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann
Arbor, MI 48109-2114. The phone number is 734-205-0555 and the fax
number is 734-205-0571. The e-mail address is
Gerald R. Ford Museum is located at 303 Pearl St., Grand Rapids, MI
49504-5353. The phone number is 616-254-0400 and the fax number is 616-
254-0386. The e-mail address is
(i) Jimmy Carter Library is located at 441 Freedom Parkway,
Atlanta, GA 30307-1498. The phone number is 404-865-7100 and the fax
number is 404-865-7102. The e-mail address is
(j) Ronald Reagan Library is located at 40 Presidential Dr., Simi
Valley, CA
[[Page 54545]]
93065-0699. The phone number is 800-410-8354 or 805-577-4000 and the
fax number is 805-577-4074. The e-mail address is
(k) George Bush Library is located at 1000 George Bush Drive West,
College Station, TX 77845. The phone number is 979-691-4000 and the fax
number is 979-691-4050. The e-mail address is
(l) William J. Clinton Library is located at 1200 President Clinton
Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72201. The phone number is 501-374-4242 and the
fax number is 501-244-2883. The e-mail address is
Sec. 1253.4 Washington National Records Center.
Washington National Records Center is located at 4205 Suitland
Road, Suitland, MD (mailing address: Washington National Records
Center, 4205 Suitland Road, Suitland, MD 20746-8001). The hours are
posted at The phone number is 301-778-1600.
Sec. 1253.5 National Personnel Records Center.
(a) Military Personnel Records. NARA--National Personnel Records
Center--Military Personnel Records is located at 9700 Page Ave., St.
Louis, MO 63132-5100. The hours are posted at
(b) Civilian Personnel Records. NARA--National Personnel Records
Center--Civilian Personnel Records is located at 111 Winnebago St., St.
Louis, MO 63118-4199. The hours are posted at
Sec. 1253.6 Records Centers.
Hours for records center research rooms are posted at
Contact Information for Each Center is as Follows:
(a) NARA--Northeast Region (Boston) is located at the Frederick C.
Murphy Federal Center, 380 Trapelo Rd., Waltham, MA 02452-6399. The
telephone number is 781-663-0139.
(b) NARA--Northeast Region (Pittsfield, MA) is located at 10 Conte
Drive, Pittsfield, MA 02101. The telephone number is 413-236-3600.
(c) NARA--Mid Atlantic Region (Northeast Philadelphia) is located
at 14700 Townsend Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19154-1096. The telephone
number is 215-305-2000.
(d) NARA--Southeast Region (Atlanta) is located at 4712 Southpark
Blvd., Ellenwood, GA 30294. The telephone number is 404-736-2820.
(e) NARA--Great Lakes Region (Dayton) is located at 3150 Springboro
Road, Dayton, OH, 45439. The telephone number is 937-425-0600.
(f) NARA--Great Lakes Region (Dayton-Miamisburg) is located at 8801
Kingsridge Drive, Dayton, OH 45458. The telephone number is (937) 425-
(g) NARA--Great Lakes Region (Chicago) is located at 7358 S.
Pulaski Rd., Chicago, IL 60629-5898. The telephone number is 773-948-
(h) NARA--Central Plains Region (Lee's Summit, MO) is located at
200 Space Center Drive, Lee's Summit, MO 64064-1182. The telephone
number is 816-823-6272.
(i) NARA--Central Plains Region (Lenexa) is located at 17501 W.
98th Street, Lenexa, KS 66219. The telephone number is 913-563-7600.
(j) NARA--Southwest Region (Fort Worth) is located at 1400 John
Burgess Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76140. The telephone number is 817-
(k) NARA--Rocky Mountain Region (Denver) is located at Building 48,
Denver Federal Center, West 6th Ave. and Kipling Street, Denver, CO
(mailing address: PO Box 25307, Denver, CO 80225-0307). The telephone
number is 303-407-5700.
(l) NARA--Pacific Region (San Francisco) is located at 1000
Commodore Dr., San Bruno, CA 94066-2350. The telephone number is 650-
(m) NARA--Pacific Region (Riverside) is located at 23123 Cajalco
Road, Perris, CA 92570-7298. The telephone number is 951-956-2000.
(n) NARA--Pacific Alaska Region (Seattle) is located at 6125 Sand
Point Way, NE., Seattle, WA 98115-7999. The telephone number is 206-
Sec. 1253.7 Regional Archives.
Hours for regional archives research rooms, including extended
hours for microfilm research only, are posted at Contact information for each regional archives
facility is as follows:
(a) The National Archives at Boston is located in the Frederick C.
Murphy Federal Center, 380 Trapelo Rd., Waltham, MA 02452. The
telephone number is 781-663-0144 or Toll Free 1-866-406-2379. The
National Archives at Boston, Pittsfield Annex is located at 10 Conte
Drive, Pittsfield, MA 01201-8230. The telephone number is 413-236-3600.
(b) The National Archives at New York City is located at 201 Varick
St., New York, NY 10014-4811 (entrance is on Houston Street, between
Varick and Hudson). The telephone number is 212-401-1620 or Toll Free
(c) The National Archives at Philadelphia is located at the Robert
N.C. Nix Federal Building, 900 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19107-4292
(entrance is on Chestnut Street between 9th and 10th Streets). The
telephone number is 215-606-0100.
(d) The National Archives at Atlanta is located at 5780 Jonesboro
Road, Morrow, GA 30260. The telephone number is 770-968-2100.
(e) The National Archives at Chicago is located at 7358 S. Pulaski
Rd., Chicago, IL 60629-5898. The telephone number is 773-948-9000.
(f) The National Archives at Kansas City is located at 400 West
Pershing Road, Kansas City, MO 64108. The telephone number is 816-268-
(g) The National Archives at Fort Worth is located at 501 West
Felix St., Bldg. 1, Dock 1, Fort Worth, TX (Mailing address: P.O. Box
6216, Fort Worth, TX 76115-0216). The telephone number is 817-334-5525.
(h) The National Archives at Denver: The textual research room is
located at Building 48, Denver Federal Center, West 6th Ave. and
Kipling Street, Denver, CO. The telephone number is 303-407-5740. The
microfilm research room is located at Building 46, Denver Federal
Center, West 6th Ave. and Kipling Street, Denver, CO. (Mailing address:
PO Box 25307, Denver, CO 80225-0307). The telephone number is 303-407-
(i) The National Archives at Riverside is located at 23123 Cajalco
Road, Perris, CA 92570-7298. The telephone number is 951-956-2000.
(j) The National Archives at San Francisco is located at 1000
Commodore Dr., San Bruno, CA 94066-2350. The telephone number is 650-
(k) The National Archives at Seattle is located at 6125 Sand Point
Way, NE., Seattle, WA 98115-7999. The telephone number is 206-336-5115.
(l) The National Archives at Anchorage is located at 654 West Third
Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501-2145. The telephone number is 907-261-7820.
(m) The National Archives at St. Louis, the National Personnel
Records Center archival research room is located at 9700 Page Ave., St.
Louis, MO 63132-5100. The telephone number is 314-801-9195.
Sec. 1253.8 Federal Register.
The location and business hours of the Office of the Federal
Register are posted at, and codified in 1 CFR
Sec. 1253.9 Federal holidays.
(a) NARA research rooms are closed on all Federal holidays.
[[Page 54546]]
(b) The exhibit areas in the National Archives Building are closed
on Thanksgiving and December 25.
(c) The Presidential library museums are open every day except
Thanksgiving, December 25, and January 1 (with the exception of the
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library which is only closed December 25).
Sec. 1253.10 Notification process for changes in hours.
(a) NARA will follow the procedure outlined below when proposing to
change hours of operations for research rooms, exhibit areas and
museums, except as noted in Sec. 1253.10(d).
(b) Changing hours of operations for research rooms, exhibit areas
and museums may not be arbitrary. Proposed changes must be documented
by evidence of a business need to change the hours of operation.
(c) The notification process must proceed as follows:
(1) Post a notice on
(2) Post notices in areas visible to the public in their research
room, exhibit areas or museum.
(3) Issue a press release, e-mail notification, or other means
normally used by that unit to notify the public of events at their
(4) These notices will provide written determination justifying the
change in hours.
(d) In the event that emergency changes to hours of operations for
research rooms, exhibit areas and museums are necessary, including but
not limited to inclement weather, NARA units will give as much advance
notice to the public as possible. Emergency notification will be posted
2. The authority citation for part 1254 continues to read as
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2104(a).
3. Amend Sec. 1254.4 by revising paragraph (b) to read as follows:
Sec. 1254.4 Where and when are documents available to me for
* * * * *
(b) The locations of NARA's research rooms are shown in part 1253
of this chapter. Hours for research rooms are posted at Contact our facilities directly for information about
their particular holdings. A facility or unit director may authorize
that documents be made available at times other than the times
* * * * *
4. The authority citation for part 1280 continues to read as
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2104(a).
5. Revise Sec. 1280.62 to read as follows:
Sec. 1280.62 When are the exhibit areas in the National Archives
Building open?
The exhibit areas' hours of operation are posted at Last admission to the exhibit areas of the building
will be no later than 30 minutes before the stated closing hour. The
Archivist of the United States reserves the authority to close the
exhibit areas to the public at any time for special events or other
purposes. The building is closed on Thanksgiving and December 25.
6. Revise Sec. 1280.92 to read as follows:
Sec. 1280.92 When are the Presidential library museums open to the
The Presidential library museums are open every day except
Thanksgiving, December 25, and January 1 (with the exception of the
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library which is only closed December 25). For
more specific information about museum hours, please contact the
libraries directly or visit the NARA Web site at Hours for the Presidential libraries' research rooms
are also posted at
Dated: August 31, 2010.
David S. Ferriero,
Archivist of the United States.
[FR Doc. 2010-22336 Filed 9-7-10; 8:45 am]