Solicitation of Nominations for the United States Department of Labor's Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child Labor, 38835-38837 [2010-16219]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 128 / Tuesday, July 6, 2010 / Notices DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Drug Enforcement Administration [OMB Number 1117–0013] Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed collection; comments requested: Application for Permit to Import Controlled Substances for Domestic and/or Scientific Purposes pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 952; DEA Form 357 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with NOTICES_PART 1 ACTION: 60-Day Notice of Information Collection Under Review. The Department of Justice (DOJ), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The proposed information collection is published to obtain comments from the public and affected agencies. Comments are encouraged and will be accepted until September 7, 2010. This process is conducted in accordance with 5 CFR 1320.10. If you have comments, especially on the estimated public burden or associated response time, suggestions, or need a copy of the proposed information collection instrument with instructions or additional information, please contact Mark W. Caverly, Chief, Liaison and Policy Section, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration, 8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield, VA 22152. Written comments and suggestions from the public and affected agencies concerning the proposed collection of information are encouraged. Your comments should address one or more of the following four points: • Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; • Evaluate the accuracy of the agencies estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; • Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and • Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:52 Jul 02, 2010 Jkt 220001 e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses. Overview of information collection 1117–0013: (1) Type of Information Collection: Extension of a currently approved collection. (2) Title of the Form/Collection: Application for Permit to Import Controlled Substances for Domestic and/or Scientific Purposes pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 952 (DEA Form 357). (3) Agency form number, if any, and the applicable component of the Department of Justice sponsoring the collection: Form Number: DEA Form 357, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice. (4) Affected public who will be asked or required to respond, as well as a brief abstract: Primary: Business or other for-profit. Other: None. Abstract: 21 CFR 1312.11 requires any registrant who desires to import certain controlled substances into the United States to have an import permit. In order to obtain the permit, an application must be made to the Drug Enforcement Administration on DEA Form 357. (5) An estimate of the total number of respondents and the amount of time estimated for an average respondent to respond: It is estimated that 84 persons complete an estimated 873 DEA Form 357s at 15 minutes per form. (6) An estimate of the total public burden (in hours) associated with the collection: It is estimated that there are 218 annual burden hours associated with this collection. If additional information is required contact: Lynn Bryant, Department Clearance Officer, United States Department of Justice, Justice Management Division, Policy and Planning Staff, Two Constitution Square, 145 N Street, NE., Suite 2E–502, Washington, DC 20530. Dated; June 30, 2010. Lynn Bryant, Department Clearance Officer, PRA, United States Department of Justice. [FR Doc. 2010–16343 Filed 7–2–10; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4410–09–P DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Bureau of International Labor Affairs Solicitation of Nominations for the United States Department of Labor’s Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child Labor The United States Department of Labor’s Iqbal Masih Award for the PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 38835 Elimination of Child Labor presented by Secretary Hilda Solis, United States Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210: 1. Subject: The United States Department of Labor’s Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child Labor. 2. Purpose: To outline the eligibility criteria, the nomination process and the administrative procedures for the United States Department of Labor’s Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child Labor, and to solicit nominations for the United States Department of Labor’s Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child Labor. 3. Originator: Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking of the Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB/OCFT). 4. Background: The award is to recognize exceptional efforts to reduce the worst forms of child labor and is in response to Senate Committee direction (Significant Report 110–107 DM/ILAB), that the Secretary of Labor: Establish an annual non-monetary award recognizing the extraordinary efforts by an individual, company, organization or national government toward the reduction of the worst forms of child labor. The award shall be named, ‘‘the United States Department of Labor’s Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child Labor.’’ Iqbal Masih was a Pakistani carpet weaver sold into slavery at age four. He escaped from his servitude at age 12 and became an outspoken advocate against child slavery. He told the world of his plight when he received the Reebok Human Rights Award in 1994. He was tragically killed a year later at the age of 13 in his native Pakistan. In view of inspiring and motivating those who are working to eliminate the worst forms of child labor, the award’s two major goals are to: a. Honor and give public recognition to a recipient demonstrating extraordinary efforts to combat the worst forms of child labor internationally, and who shares qualities demonstrated by Iqbal Masih including leadership, courage, integrity, and a search to end the labor exploitation of children, and, b. Raise awareness about the worst forms of child labor internationally. 5. Eligibility and Selection Criteria: A. The nominees may include individuals, companies, organizations, or national governments and nominations may be submitted by other persons and entities with the knowledge and permission of the nominee. B. Nominees for the United States Department of Labor’s Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child E:\FR\FM\06JYN1.SGM 06JYN1 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with NOTICES_PART 1 38836 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 128 / Tuesday, July 6, 2010 / Notices Labor will be judged by the following selection criteria: 1. Implemented extraordinary efforts that contribute towards the reduction of the worst forms of child labor. 2. Generated positive international attention in support of efforts to reduce the worst forms of child labor. 3. Inspired others, including young persons, to become champions against the worst forms of child labor following the spirit and example of Iqbal Masih. 4. Fomented constructive change regarding the labor exploitation of children under great odds or at great personal cost. 6. Nomination Submission Requirements: A. Nominations must identify the proposed candidate and include a justification statement. B. The nomination packages should be limited to information relevant to the nominee. Nomination packages should be no longer than two (2) typed pages double-spaced. A page is 8.5 x 11 (on one side only) with one-inch margins (top, bottom, and sides). C. Nomination packages must include the following for consideration: 1. An executive summary about the nominee, which clearly identifies the specific attributes of the nominee relevant to the selection criteria as listed in Section 5(B). 2. A data summary on the nominee. See Section 6(D). D. A data summary on the nominee will include the following: 1. Name(s) of the individual, company, organization or national government being nominated. 2. Full street address, telephone number and e-mail address of nominee. 3. Name, title, street address, telephone number and e-mail address of the person or organization submitting the nomination. E. Timing and Acceptable Methods of Submission of Nominations: Nomination packages must be submitted to The United States Department of Labor’s Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child Labor, Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking, Room S–5317, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210 by August 31, 2010. Any application received after 4:45 p.m. EDT on August 31, 2010 will not be considered unless it was received before the award is made and: 1. It was sent by registered or certified mail no later than August 16, 2010. 2. It is determined by the Government that the late receipt was due solely to mishandling by the Government after receipt at the U.S. Department of Labor at the address indicated; or VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:52 Jul 02, 2010 Jkt 220001 3. It was sent by U.S. Postal Service Express Mail Next Day Service—Post Office to Addressee, not later than 5 p.m. EDT at the place of mailing, August 30, 2010. The only acceptable evidence to establish the date of mailing of a late application sent by registered or certified mail is the U.S. Postal Service postmark on the envelope or wrapper and on the original receipt from the U.S. Postal Service. If the postmark is not legible, an application received after the above closing time and date will be processed as if mailed late. ‘‘Postmark’’ means a printed, stamped, or otherwise placed impression (not a postage meter machine impression) that is readily identifiable without further action as having been applied and affixed by an employee of the U.S. Postal Service on the date of mailing. Therefore, applicants should request that the postal clerk place a legible hand cancellation ‘‘bull’s-eye’’ postmark on both the receipt and the envelope or wrapper. The only acceptable evidence to establish the time of receipt at the U.S. Department of Labor is the date/time stamp of the ILAB/OCFT on the application wrapper or other documentary evidence or receipt maintained by that office. Applications sent by other delivery services, such as Federal Express, UPS, e-mail (to, etc., will also be accepted; however, the applicant bears the responsibility of timely submission. Confirmation of receipt of your application can be made by contacting Eileen Muirragui, by e-mail, telephone (202) 693–4842, or OCFT telephone (202) 693–4843, prior to the closing deadline. 7. The Administrative Review Process: A. ILAB/OCFT will perform a preliminary administrative review to determine the sufficiency of all submitted application packages relative to the selection criteria listed in Section 5(B). B. ILAB/OCFT will conduct an initial substantive review of the nominations received and will identify a short list of candidates to be considered. C. A panel of Department of Labor representatives will perform a secondary review to make a determination of the semi-finalists. D. The Secretary of Labor will conduct the final review and selection. 8. Other Factors to be Considered During the Administrative Review Process: Receipt of this award will not preclude a nominee from being considered for the United States Department of Labor’s Iqbal Masih PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Award for the Elimination of Child Labor in subsequent years. Specific accomplishments that served as the basis of a prior award, however, may not be considered as the basis for a subsequent award application. 9. Procedures Following Selection: The awardee will be notified of selection via the contact person identified in the application package at least four weeks prior to the awards ceremony. Non-selected nominees will also be notified within 30 days of the selection of the awardee. 10. Location: The Department of Labor anticipates that the awards ceremony will be held in late 2010 or early 2011 at a location to be determined by the Secretary of Labor. Paperwork Reduction Act Notice (Pub. L. 104–13): Persons are not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. This collection of information is approved under OMB Number 1290–0007 (Expiration Date: 12/31/2012). The obligation to respond to this information collection is voluntary; however, only nominations that follow the nomination procedures outlined in this notice will receive consideration. The average time to respond to this information of collection is estimated to be 10 hours per response; including the time for reviewing instructions, researching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Submit comments regarding this estimate; including suggestions for reducing response time or for improving any aspect of this collection of information to the Departmental Clearance Officer, U.S. Department of Labor, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Room N–1301, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210 or e-mail to Please do not send completed nominations to this address. We are very interested in your thoughts and suggestions about your experience in preparing and filing this nomination packet for the United States Department of Labor’s Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child Labor. Your comments will be very useful to the ILAB/OCFT in making improvements in our solicitation for nominations for this award in subsequent years. All comments are strictly voluntary and strictly private. We would appreciate your taking a few minutes to tell us—for example, whether you thought the instructions were sufficiently clear; what you liked E:\FR\FM\06JYN1.SGM 06JYN1 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 128 / Tuesday, July 6, 2010 / Notices or disliked; what worked or didn’t work; whether it satisfied your need for information or if it didn’t, or anything else that you think is important for us to know. Your comments will be most helpful if you can be very specific in relating your experience. We value your comments, and would really like to hear from you. Please send any comments you have to Eileen Muirragui at or via mail to the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking, Room S–5317, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210. Signed at Washington, DC, this 29th day of June 2010. Sandra Polaski, Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs. [FR Doc. 2010–16219 Filed 7–2–10; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4510–28–P DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Occupational Safety and Health Administration Susan Harwood Training Grant Program, FY 2010 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with NOTICES_PART 1 AGENCY: Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Labor. ACTION: Notification of Funding Opportunity for Susan Harwood Training Grant Program, FY 2010. Funding Opportunity No.: SHTG–FY– 10–02 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No.: 17.502 SUMMARY: This notice announces grant availability of approximately $2.75 million for the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program for Targeted Topic training grants. The complete Harwood solicitation for grant applications (SGA) for Targeted Topic training grants is available at: Targeted Topic training grants will support the development of quality safety and health training materials and/ or the conduct of training for workers and/or employers at multiple worksites addressing one or more of the 30 occupational safety and health hazards OSHA has selected for this grant solicitation. The full list of selected training topics is listed in the solicitation for grant applications that is available on The Agency may award grants for some or all of the listed Targeted Topic training topics. Targeted Topic training grants will be awarded for a 12-month project performance period. The maximum funding that can be requested for the 12- VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:52 Jul 02, 2010 Jkt 220001 month project performance period is $250,000. DATES: Targeted Topic training grant applications must be received electronically by the system no later than 4:30 p.m., E.T. on Friday August 6, 2010, the application deadline date. ADDRESSES: The complete Susan Harwood Training Grant Program solicitation for grant applications for Targeted Topic training grants and all information needed to apply for this funding opportunity are available at: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Any questions regarding this solicitation for grant applications should be emailed to or directed to Kimberly Newell, Program Analyst, or Jim Barnes, Director, Office of Training and Educational Programs, at (847) 759– 7700. To obtain further information on the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program of the U.S. Department of Labor, visit the OSHA Web site at:, select ‘‘Training’’ under the Top Links section, and then select ‘‘Susan Harwood Training Grant Program’’. Please note that on the Harwood Web page, the ‘‘Applying for a Grant’’ section contains a PowerPoint program entitled ‘‘Helpful Tips for Improving Your Susan Harwood Grant Application.’’ Authority: The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, (29 U.S.C. 670), Pub. L. 111–117, and the 2010 Consolidated Appropriations Act. Signed at Washington, DC, this 28 day of June 2010. David Michaels, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health. [FR Doc. 2010–16398 Filed 7–2–10; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4510–26–P DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employee Benefits Security Administration ZRIN 1210 ZA07 [Application Number D–11270] Amendment to Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) 84–14 for Plan Asset Transactions Determined by Independent Qualified Professional Asset Managers AGENCY: Employee Benefits Security Administration. ACTION: Adoption of amendment to PTE 84–14. SUMMARY: This document amends PTE 84–14, a class exemption that permits PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 38837 various parties that are related to employee benefit plans to engage in transactions involving plan assets if, among other conditions, the assets are managed by ‘‘qualified professional asset managers’’ (QPAMs), which are independent of the parties in interest and which meet specified financial standards. Additional exemptive relief is provided for employers to furnish limited amounts of goods and services to a managed fund in the ordinary course of business. Limited relief is also provided for leases of office or commercial space between managed funds and QPAMs or contributing employers. Finally, relief is provided for transactions involving places of public accommodation owned by a managed fund. The amendment permits a QPAM to manage an investment fund containing the assets of the QPAM’s own plan or the plan of an affiliate. The amendment affects participants and beneficiaries of employee benefit plans, the sponsoring employers of such plans, and other persons engaging in the described transactions. DATES: The amendment is effective November 3, 2010. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christopher Motta, Office of Exemption Determinations, Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, Room N–5700, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210, (202) 693–8540 (this is not a toll-free number). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On August 23, 2005, a notice was published in the Federal Register (70 FR 49312) of the pendency before the Department of Labor (the Department) of a proposed amendment to PTE 84–14 (49 FR 9494, March 13, 1984, as corrected at 50 FR 41430, October 10, 1985, and amended at 70 FR 49305 (August 23, 2005)). PTE 84–14 provides an exemption from certain of the restrictions of section 406 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), and from certain of the taxes imposed by section 4975(a) and (b) of the Code, by reason of section 4975(c)(1) of the Code. The Department proposed the amendment on its own motion pursuant to section 408(a) of ERISA and section 4975(c)(2) of the Code, and in accordance with the procedures set forth in 29 CFR part 2570, subpart B (55 FR 32836, 32847, August 10, 1990).1 1 Section 102 of the Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1978, 5 U.S.C. App. 1 (1996), generally transferred the authority of the Secretary of Treasury to issue administrative exemptions under section 4975(c)(2) of the Code to the Secretary of Labor. For purposes of this exemption, references to specific provisions of Title I of the Act, unless E:\FR\FM\06JYN1.SGM Continued 06JYN1


[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 128 (Tuesday, July 6, 2010)]
[Pages 38835-38837]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-16219]



Bureau of International Labor Affairs

Solicitation of Nominations for the United States Department of 
Labor's Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child Labor

    The United States Department of Labor's Iqbal Masih Award for the 
Elimination of Child Labor presented by Secretary Hilda Solis, United 
States Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, 
DC 20210:
    1. Subject: The United States Department of Labor's Iqbal Masih 
Award for the Elimination of Child Labor.
    2. Purpose: To outline the eligibility criteria, the nomination 
process and the administrative procedures for the United States 
Department of Labor's Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child 
Labor, and to solicit nominations for the United States Department of 
Labor's Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child Labor.
    3. Originator: Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human 
Trafficking of the Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB/OCFT).
    4. Background: The award is to recognize exceptional efforts to 
reduce the worst forms of child labor and is in response to Senate 
Committee direction (Significant Report 110-107 DM/ILAB), that the 
Secretary of Labor:

    Establish an annual non-monetary award recognizing the 
extraordinary efforts by an individual, company, organization or 
national government toward the reduction of the worst forms of child 
labor. The award shall be named, ``the United States Department of 
Labor's Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child Labor.'' 
Iqbal Masih was a Pakistani carpet weaver sold into slavery at age 
four. He escaped from his servitude at age 12 and became an 
outspoken advocate against child slavery. He told the world of his 
plight when he received the Reebok Human Rights Award in 1994. He 
was tragically killed a year later at the age of 13 in his native 

    In view of inspiring and motivating those who are working to 
eliminate the worst forms of child labor, the award's two major goals 
are to:
    a. Honor and give public recognition to a recipient demonstrating 
extraordinary efforts to combat the worst forms of child labor 
internationally, and who shares qualities demonstrated by Iqbal Masih 
including leadership, courage, integrity, and a search to end the labor 
exploitation of children, and,
    b. Raise awareness about the worst forms of child labor 
    5. Eligibility and Selection Criteria:
    A. The nominees may include individuals, companies, organizations, 
or national governments and nominations may be submitted by other 
persons and entities with the knowledge and permission of the nominee.
    B. Nominees for the United States Department of Labor's Iqbal Masih 
Award for the Elimination of Child

[[Page 38836]]

Labor will be judged by the following selection criteria:
    1. Implemented extraordinary efforts that contribute towards the 
reduction of the worst forms of child labor.
    2. Generated positive international attention in support of efforts 
to reduce the worst forms of child labor.
    3. Inspired others, including young persons, to become champions 
against the worst forms of child labor following the spirit and example 
of Iqbal Masih.
    4. Fomented constructive change regarding the labor exploitation of 
children under great odds or at great personal cost.
    6. Nomination Submission Requirements:
    A. Nominations must identify the proposed candidate and include a 
justification statement.
    B. The nomination packages should be limited to information 
relevant to the nominee. Nomination packages should be no longer than 
two (2) typed pages double-spaced. A page is 8.5 x 11 (on one side 
only) with one-inch margins (top, bottom, and sides).
    C. Nomination packages must include the following for 
    1. An executive summary about the nominee, which clearly identifies 
the specific attributes of the nominee relevant to the selection 
criteria as listed in Section 5(B).
    2. A data summary on the nominee. See Section 6(D).
    D. A data summary on the nominee will include the following:
    1. Name(s) of the individual, company, organization or national 
government being nominated.
    2. Full street address, telephone number and e-mail address of 
    3. Name, title, street address, telephone number and e-mail address 
of the person or organization submitting the nomination.
    E. Timing and Acceptable Methods of Submission of Nominations:
    Nomination packages must be submitted to The United States 
Department of Labor's Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child 
Labor, Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking, Room 
S-5317, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210 by August 
31, 2010. Any application received after 4:45 p.m. EDT on August 31, 
2010 will not be considered unless it was received before the award is 
made and:
    1. It was sent by registered or certified mail no later than August 
16, 2010.
    2. It is determined by the Government that the late receipt was due 
solely to mishandling by the Government after receipt at the U.S. 
Department of Labor at the address indicated; or
    3. It was sent by U.S. Postal Service Express Mail Next Day 
Service--Post Office to Addressee, not later than 5 p.m. EDT at the 
place of mailing, August 30, 2010.
    The only acceptable evidence to establish the date of mailing of a 
late application sent by registered or certified mail is the U.S. 
Postal Service postmark on the envelope or wrapper and on the original 
receipt from the U.S. Postal Service. If the postmark is not legible, 
an application received after the above closing time and date will be 
processed as if mailed late. ``Postmark'' means a printed, stamped, or 
otherwise placed impression (not a postage meter machine impression) 
that is readily identifiable without further action as having been 
applied and affixed by an employee of the U.S. Postal Service on the 
date of mailing. Therefore, applicants should request that the postal 
clerk place a legible hand cancellation ``bull's-eye'' postmark on both 
the receipt and the envelope or wrapper.
    The only acceptable evidence to establish the time of receipt at 
the U.S. Department of Labor is the date/time stamp of the ILAB/OCFT on 
the application wrapper or other documentary evidence or receipt 
maintained by that office. Applications sent by other delivery 
services, such as Federal Express, UPS, e-mail (to, etc., will also be accepted; however, the 
applicant bears the responsibility of timely submission.
    Confirmation of receipt of your application can be made by 
contacting Eileen Muirragui, by e-mail, 
telephone (202) 693-4842, or OCFT telephone (202) 693-4843, prior to 
the closing deadline.
    7. The Administrative Review Process:
    A. ILAB/OCFT will perform a preliminary administrative review to 
determine the sufficiency of all submitted application packages 
relative to the selection criteria listed in Section 5(B).
    B. ILAB/OCFT will conduct an initial substantive review of the 
nominations received and will identify a short list of candidates to be 
    C. A panel of Department of Labor representatives will perform a 
secondary review to make a determination of the semi-finalists.
    D. The Secretary of Labor will conduct the final review and 
    8. Other Factors to be Considered During the Administrative Review 
Process: Receipt of this award will not preclude a nominee from being 
considered for the United States Department of Labor's Iqbal Masih 
Award for the Elimination of Child Labor in subsequent years. Specific 
accomplishments that served as the basis of a prior award, however, may 
not be considered as the basis for a subsequent award application.
    9. Procedures Following Selection: The awardee will be notified of 
selection via the contact person identified in the application package 
at least four weeks prior to the awards ceremony. Non-selected nominees 
will also be notified within 30 days of the selection of the awardee.
    10. Location: The Department of Labor anticipates that the awards 
ceremony will be held in late 2010 or early 2011 at a location to be 
determined by the Secretary of Labor.
    Paperwork Reduction Act Notice (Pub. L. 104-13): Persons are not 
required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. 
This collection of information is approved under OMB Number 1290-0007 
(Expiration Date: 12/31/2012). The obligation to respond to this 
information collection is voluntary; however, only nominations that 
follow the nomination procedures outlined in this notice will receive 
consideration. The average time to respond to this information of 
collection is estimated to be 10 hours per response; including the time 
for reviewing instructions, researching existing data sources, 
gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing 
the collection of information. Submit comments regarding this estimate; 
including suggestions for reducing response time or for improving any 
aspect of this collection of information to the Departmental Clearance 
Officer, U.S. Department of Labor, Office of the Chief Information 
Officer, Room N-1301, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 
20210 or e-mail to Please do not send 
completed nominations to this address.
    We are very interested in your thoughts and suggestions about your 
experience in preparing and filing this nomination packet for the 
United States Department of Labor's Iqbal Masih Award for the 
Elimination of Child Labor. Your comments will be very useful to the 
ILAB/OCFT in making improvements in our solicitation for nominations 
for this award in subsequent years. All comments are strictly voluntary 
and strictly private. We would appreciate your taking a few minutes to 
tell us--for example, whether you thought the instructions were 
sufficiently clear; what you liked

[[Page 38837]]

or disliked; what worked or didn't work; whether it satisfied your need 
for information or if it didn't, or anything else that you think is 
important for us to know. Your comments will be most helpful if you can 
be very specific in relating your experience.
    We value your comments, and would really like to hear from you. 
Please send any comments you have to Eileen Muirragui at or via mail to the U.S. Department of Labor, 
Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking, Room S-
5317, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210.

    Signed at Washington, DC, this 29th day of June 2010.
Sandra Polaski,
Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2010-16219 Filed 7-2-10; 8:45 am]
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