Availability of Information to the Public, 33509-33515 [2010-14127]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 113 / Monday, June 14, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
come within such a distance pursuant to
paragraph (c)(4) of this section or
permitted to come within such a
distance by the cognizant Captain of the
Port, his or her designated
representative, or the on-scene Official
(4) Vessels are permitted to transit
through the safety and security zone in
waterways that do not provide adequate
navigable waters greater than 100 yards
from the Tall Ships. Vessels transiting
such areas must operate at the minimum
speed necessary to maintain a safe
course while also maintaining the
greatest possible distance away from the
Tall Ships.
(d) Effective period. This rule is
effective from 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday,
June 23, 2010 through 12:01 a.m. on
Monday September 13, 2010.
(e) Navigation Rules. The Navigation
Rules must apply at all times within a
Tall Ships safety and security zone.
(f) When a Tall Ship approaches
within 25 yards of any vessel that is
moored or anchored, the stationary
vessel must stay moored or anchored
while it remains within the tall ship’s
safety and security zone unless ordered
by or given permission from the
cognizant Captain of the Port, his or her
designated representative, or the onscene official patrol to do otherwise.
Dated: May 21, 2010.
M.N. Parks,
Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander,
Ninth Coast Guard District.
[FR Doc. 2010–14146 Filed 6–11–10; 8:45 am]
34 CFR Part 5
RIN 1880–AA84
[Docket ID ED–2008–OM–0011]
Availability of Information to the Public
Office of Management,
Department of Education.
ACTION: Final regulations.
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SUMMARY: The Secretary amends the
regulations governing the Department’s
compliance with the Freedom of
Information Act, as amended (FOIA or
the Act) to reflect the changes in the
FOIA over recent years.
DATES: These regulations are effective
July 14, 2010.
Angela Arrington, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20202–5920.
Telephone: (202) 401–8365.
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If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD), call the
Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll free, at
Individuals with disabilities can
obtain this document in an accessible
format (e.g., braille, large print,
audiotape, or computer diskette) on
request to the contact person listed in
this section.
November 26, 2008, the Secretary
published a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) to amend the
Department’s FOIA regulations in 34
CFR part 5 in the Federal Register (73
FR 71986). In the summary to the
NPRM, on pages 71987 through 71993,
the Secretary discussed how the
proposed regulations would amend and
update the Department’s FOIA
regulations to implement changes made
to the FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552) in recent
years and articulate more clearly, to the
public, how the Department processes
FOIA requests for publicly available
After the public comment period
ended, there was further public
guidance regarding FOIA issued by the
White House and the Department of
Justice 1 that we took into account in
preparing these final regulations. Thus,
there is one substantive difference
between the regulations proposed in the
NPRM and these final regulations.
Specifically, proposed § 5.2 (General
policy), which stated the Department’s
general policy regarding the availability
of information under FOIA, has been
removed and proposed § 5.3
(Definitions) has been redesignated as
§ 5.2 (Definitions). Upon further internal
review after the publication of the
NPRM, and light of the public guidance
regarding FOIA, we determined that
proposed § 5.2 was unnecessary and
potentially confusing. Proposed § 5.2
did not add any requirements or
clarification to the Department’s FOIA
process. Rather, the remaining proposed
regulations, adopted as final through
these regulations, comprehensively
describe how the Department processes
FOIA requests.
Analysis of Comments and Changes
In response to the Secretary’s
invitation in the NPRM, the Department
received no comments on the proposed
1 The President’s January 21, 2009 memorandum
on FOIA may be found at https://
Freedom_of_Information_Act/. FOIA guidance
issued by the Department of Justice may be found
at https://www.justice.gov/oip/foiapost/
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Executive Order 12866
Under Executive Order 12866, the
Secretary must determine whether the
regulatory action is ‘‘significant’’ and
therefore subject to the requirements of
the Executive order and subject to
review by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB). Section 3(f) of Executive
Order 12866 defines a ‘‘significant
regulatory action’’ as an action likely to
result in a rule that may (1) Have an
annual effect on the economy of $100
million or more, or adversely affect a
sector of the economy, productivity,
competition, jobs, the environment,
public health or safety, or State, local or
tribal governments or communities in a
material way (also referred to as an
‘‘economically significant’’ rule); (2)
create serious inconsistency or
otherwise interfere with an action taken
or planned by another agency; (3)
materially alter the budgetary impacts of
entitlement grants, user fees, or loan
programs or the rights and obligations of
recipients thereof; or (4) raise novel
legal or policy issues arising out of legal
mandates, the President’s priorities, or
the principles set forth in the Executive
order. Pursuant to the terms of the
Executive order, it has been determined
that this regulatory action is not a
significant regulatory action subject to
OMB review under section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866.
We have also determined that this
regulatory action does not unduly
interfere with State, local, and tribal
governments in the exercise of their
governmental functions.
We summarized the potential costs
and benefits of these final regulations in
the NPRM at 73 FR 71993.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
These regulations do not contain any
information collection requirements.
Electronic Access to This Document
You can view this document, as well
as all other documents of this
Department published in the Federal
Register, in text or Adobe Portable
Document Format (PDF) on the Internet
at the following site: https://www.ed.gov/
news/fedregister. To use PDF you must
have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at this site.
Note: The official version of this document
is the document published in the Federal
Register. Free Internet access to the official
edition of the Federal Register and the Code
of Federal Regulations is available on GPO
Access at: https://www.gpoaccess.gov/nara/
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Number does not apply.)
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 113 / Monday, June 14, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
Dated: June 7, 2010.
Arne Duncan,
Secretary of Education.
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Secretary revises part 5 of
title 34 of the Code of Federal
Regulations as follows:
Subpart A—General Provisions
5.1 Purpose.
5.2 Definitions.
Subpart B—Records Available to the Public
5.10 Public reading room.
5.11 Business information.
5.12 Creation of records not required.
5.13 Preservation of records.
Subpart C—Procedures for Requesting
Access to Records and Disclosure of
5.20 Requirements for making FOIA
5.21 Procedure for processing FOIA
Subpart D—Fees
5.30 Fees generally.
5.31 Fee definitions.
5.32 Assessment of fees.
5.33 Requirements for waiver or reduction
of fees.
Subpart E—Administrative Review
5.40 Appeals of adverse determinations.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552.
Subpart A—General Provisions
§ 5.1
This part contains the regulations that
the United States Department of
Education follows in processing
requests for records under the Freedom
of Information Act, as amended, 5
U.S.C. 552. These regulations must be
read in conjunction with the FOIA,
including its exemptions to disclosure,
and, when appropriate, in conjunction
with the Privacy Act of 1974, as
amended, 5 U.S.C. 552a, and its
implementing regulations in 34 CFR
part 5b.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
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§ 5.2
As used in this part:
(a) Act or FOIA means the Freedom of
Information Act, as amended, 5 U.S.C.
(b) Department means the United
States Department of Education.
(c) Component means each separate
bureau, office, board, division,
commission, service, administration, or
other organizational entity of the
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(d) FOIA request means a written
request for agency records that
reasonably describes the agency records
sought, made by any person, including
a member of the public (U.S. or foreign
citizen/entity), partnership, corporation,
association, and foreign or domestic
governments (excluding Federal
(e)(1) Agency records are
documentary materials regardless of
physical form or characteristics that—
(i) Are either created or obtained by
the Department; and
(ii) Are under the Department’s
control at the time it receives a FOIA
(2) Agency records include—
(i) Records created, stored, and
retrievable in electronic format;
(ii) Records maintained for the
Department by a private entity under a
records management contract with the
Federal Government; and
(iii) Documentary materials preserved
by the Department as evidence of the
organization, functions, policies,
decisions, procedures, operations or
other activities of the Department or
because of the informational value of
data contained therein.
(3) Agency records do not include
tangible, evidentiary objects or
equipment; library or museum materials
made or acquired and preserved solely
for reference or exhibition purposes;
extra copies of documents preserved
only for convenience of reference;
stocks of publications; and personal
records created for the convenience of
an individual and not used to conduct
Department business or incorporated
into the Department’s record keeping
system or files.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Subpart B—Agency Records Available
to the Public
§ 5.10
Public reading room.
(a) General. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(2), the Department maintains a
public reading room containing agency
records that the FOIA requires to be
made regularly available for public
inspection and copying. Published
records of the Department, whether or
not available for purchase, are made
available for examination. The
Department’s public reading room is
located at the National Library of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
Plaza Level (Level B), Washington, DC
20202–0008. The hours of operation are
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through
Friday (except Federal holidays).
(b) Reading room records. Agency
records maintained in the public
reading room include final opinions and
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orders in adjudications, statements of
policy and interpretations adopted by
the Department and not published in
the Federal Register, administrative
staff manuals and instructions affecting
the public, and copies of all agency
records regardless of form or format
released to the public pursuant to a
FOIA request that the Department
determines are likely to be the subject
of future FOIA requests.
(c) Electronic access. The Department
makes reading room records created on
or after November 1, 1996, available
through its electronic reading room,
located on the Department’s FOIA Web
site at https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(2), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
§ 5.11
Business information.
(a) General. The Department discloses
business information it obtains from a
submitter under the Act in accordance
with this section.
(b) Definitions. For purposes of this
(1) Business information means
commercial or financial information
obtained by the Department from a
submitter that may be protected from
disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4)
(Exemption 4 of the Act).
(2) Submitter means any person or
entity (including corporations; State,
local, and tribal governments; and
foreign governments) from whom the
Department obtains business
(c) Designation of business
(1) A submitter must use good faith
efforts to designate, by appropriate
markings, either at the time of
submission or at a reasonable time
thereafter, any portion of its submission
that it considers to be business
information protected from disclosure
under Exemption 4 of the Act.
(2) A submitter’s designations are not
binding on the Department and will
expire 10 years after the date of the
submission unless the submitter
requests, and provides justification for,
a longer designation period.
(3) A blanket designation on each
page of a submission that all
information contained on the page is
protected from disclosure under
Exemption 4 presumptively will not be
considered a good faith effort.
(d) Notice to submitters. Except as
provided in paragraph (g) of this
section, the Department promptly
notifies a submitter whenever a FOIA
request or administrative appeal is made
under the Act seeking disclosure of the
information the submitter has
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 113 / Monday, June 14, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
designated in good faith as business
information protected from disclosure
under paragraph (c) of this section, or
the Department otherwise has reason to
believe that it may be required to
disclose information sought to be
designated by the submitter as business
information protected from disclosure
under Exemption 4 of the Act. This
notice includes either a description of
the business information requested or
copies of the requested agency records
or portions of agency records containing
the requested business information as
well as a time period, consistent with
§ 5.21(c), within which the submitter
can object to the disclosure pursuant to
paragraph (e) of this section.
(e) Opportunity to object to disclosure.
(1) If a submitter objects to disclosure,
it must submit to the Department a
detailed written statement specifying all
grounds under Exemption 4 of the Act
for denying access to the information, or
a portion of the information sought.
(2) A submitter’s failure to object to
the disclosure by the deadline
established by the Department in the
notice provided under paragraph (d) of
this section constitutes a waiver of the
submitter’s right to object to disclosure
under paragraph (e) of this section.
(3) A submitter’s response to a notice
from the Department under paragraph
(d) of this section may itself be subject
to disclosure under the Act.
(f) Notice of intent to disclose. The
Department considers a submitter’s
objections and submissions made in
support thereof in deciding whether to
disclose business information sought to
be protected by the submitter. Whenever
the Department decides to disclose
information over a submitter’s objection,
the Department gives the submitter
written notice, which includes:
(1) A statement of the reasons why the
submitter’s objections to disclosure
were not sustained.
(2) A description of the information to
be disclosed.
(3) A specified disclosure date that is
a reasonable time subsequent to the
(g) Exceptions to notice requirements.
The notice requirements of paragraph
(d) of this section do not apply if—
(1) The Department does not disclose
the business information of the
(2) The Department has previously
lawfully published the information;
(3) The information has been made
available to the public by the requester
or by third parties;
(4) Disclosure of the information is
required by statute (other than the Act)
or regulation issued in accordance with
the requirements of Executive Order
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12600 (52 FR 23781, 3 CFR, 1987
Comp., p. 235); or
(5) The designation made by the
submitter under paragraph (c) of this
section appears obviously frivolous,
except that, in such case, the
Department must provide the submitter
with written notice of any final
administrative disclosure determination
in accordance with paragraph (f) of this
(h) Notice of FOIA lawsuit. Whenever
a requester files a lawsuit seeking to
compel the disclosure of a submitter’s
business information, the Department
promptly notifies the submitter.
(i) Corresponding notice to requester.
The Department notifies the requester
whenever it notifies a submitter of its
opportunity to object to disclosure, of
the Department’s intent to disclose
requested information designated as
business information by the submitter,
or of the filing of a lawsuit.
(j) Notice of reverse FOIA lawsuit.
Whenever a submitter files a lawsuit
seeking to prevent the disclosure of the
submitter’s information, the Department
promptly notifies the requester, and
advises the requester that its request
will be held in abeyance until the
lawsuit initiated by the submitter is
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
§ 5.12 Creation of agency records not
In response to a FOIA request, the
Department produces only those agency
records that are not already publicly
available and that are in existence at the
time it receives a request. The
Department does not create new agency
records in response to a FOIA request
by, for example, extrapolating
information from existing agency
records, reformatting available
information, preparing new electronic
programs or databases, or creating data
through calculations of ratios,
proportions, percentages, trends,
frequency distributions, correlations, or
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
§ 5.13
Preservation of agency records.
The Department does not destroy
agency records that are the subject of a
pending FOIA request, appeal, or
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
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Subpart C—Procedures for Requesting
Access to Agency Records and
Disclosure of Agency Records
§ 5.20 Requirements for making FOIA
(a) Making a FOIA request. Any FOIA
request for an agency record must be in
writing (via paper, facsimile, or
electronic mail) and transmitted to the
Department as indicated on the
Department’s Web site. See https://
(b) Description of agency records
sought. A FOIA request must reasonably
describe the agency record sought, to
enable Department personnel to locate
the agency record or records with a
reasonable amount of effort. Whenever
possible, a FOIA request should
describe the type of agency record
requested, the subject matter of the
agency record, the date, if known, or
general time period when it was created,
and the person or office that created it.
Requesters who have detailed
information that would assist in
identifying and locating the agency
records sought are urged to provide this
information to the Department to
expedite the handling of a FOIA request.
(c) FOIA request deemed insufficient.
If the Department determines that a
FOIA request does not reasonably
describe the agency record or records
sought, the FOIA request will be
deemed insufficient under the Act. In
that case, the Department informs the
requester of the reason the FOIA request
is insufficient and, at the Department’s
option, either administratively closes
the FOIA request as insufficient without
determining whether to grant the FOIA
request or provides the requester an
opportunity to modify the FOIA request
to meet the requirements of this section.
(d) Verification of identity. In
compliance with the Privacy Act of
1974, as amended, 5 U.S.C. 552a, FOIA
requests for agency records pertaining to
the requester, a minor, or an individual
who is legally incompetent must
include verification of the requester’s
identity pursuant to 34 CFR 5b.5.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
§ 5.21 Procedures for processing FOIA
(a) Acknowledgements of FOIA
requests. The Department promptly
notifies the requester when it receives a
FOIA request.
(b) Consultation and referrals. When
the Department receives a FOIA request
for a record or records created by or
otherwise received from another agency
of the Federal Government, it either
responds to the FOIA request after
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 113 / Monday, June 14, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
consultation with the other agency, or
refers the FOIA request to the other
agency for processing. When the
Department refers a FOIA request to
another agency for processing, the
Department will so notify the requester.
(c) Decisions on FOIA requests. The
Department determines whether to
comply with a FOIA request within 20
working days after the appropriate
component of the Department first
receives the request. This time period
commences on the date that the request
is received by the appropriate
component of the Department, but
commences no later than 10 calendar
days after the request is received by the
component of the Department
designated pursuant to § 5.20(a) to
receive FOIA requests for agency
records. The Department’s failure to
comply with these time limits
constitutes exhaustion of the requester’s
administrative remedies for the
purposes of judicial action to compel
(d) Requests for additional
information. The Department may make
one request for additional information
from the requester and toll the 20-day
period while awaiting receipt of the
additional information.
(e) Extension of time period for
processing a FOIA request. The
Department may extend the time period
for processing a FOIA request only in
unusual circumstances, as described in
paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(3) of this
section, in which case the Department
notifies the requester of the extension in
writing. A notice of extension affords
the requester the opportunity either to
modify its FOIA request so that it may
be processed within the 20-day time
limit, or to arrange with the Department
an alternative time period within which
the FOIA request will be processed. For
the purposes of this section, unusual
circumstances include:
(1) The need to search for and collect
the requested agency records from field
facilities or other establishments that are
separate from the office processing the
(2) The need to search for, collect, and
review and process voluminous agency
records responsive to the FOIA request.
(3) The need to consult with another
agency or two or more agency
components having a substantial
interest in the determination on the
FOIA request.
(f) FOIA Public Liaison and FOIA
Requester Service Center. The
Department’s FOIA Public Liaison
assists in the resolution of disputes
between the requester and the
Department. The Department provides
information about the status of a FOIA
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request to the requester through the
Department’s FOIA Requester Service
Center. Contact information for the
Department’s FOIA Public Liaison and
FOIA Requester Service Center may be
found at https://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/
(g) Notification of determination.
Once the Department makes a
determination to grant a FOIA request in
whole or in part, it notifies the requester
in writing of its decision.
(h) Denials of FOIA requests.
(1) Only Departmental officers or
employees delegated the authority to
deny a FOIA request may deny a FOIA
request on behalf of the Department.
(2)(i) The Department notifies the
requester in writing of any decision to
deny a FOIA request in whole or in part.
Denials under this paragraph can
include the following: A determination
to deny access in whole or in part to any
agency record responsive to a request; a
determination that a requested agency
record does not exist or cannot be
located in the Department’s records; a
determination that a requested agency
record is not readily retrievable or
reproducible in the form or format
sought by the requester; a determination
that what has been requested is not a
record subject to the FOIA; a
determination on any disputed fee
matter, including a denial of a request
for a fee waiver; and a denial of a
request for expedited processing.
(ii) All determinations denying a
FOIA request in whole or in part are
signed by an officer or employee
designated under paragraph (h)(1) of
this section, and include:
(A) The name and title or position of
the denying officer or employee.
(B) A brief statement of the reason or
reasons for the denial, including any
exemptions applicable under the Act.
(C) An estimate of the volume of
agency records or information denied,
by number of pages or other reasonable
estimate (except where the volume of
agency records or information denied is
apparent from deletions made on agency
records disclosed in part, or providing
an estimate would harm an interest
protected by an applicable exemption
under the Act).
(D) Where an agency record has been
disclosed only in part, an indication of
the exemption under the Act justifying
the redaction in the agency record
(unless providing this information
would harm an interest protected by an
applicable exemption under the Act).
(E) A statement of appeal rights and
a list of requirements for filing an
appeal under § 5.40.
(i) Timing of responses to FOIA
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(1) Multitrack processing.
The Department may use two or more
processing tracks to distinguish between
simple and more complex FOIA
requests based on one or more of the
following: the time and work necessary
to process the FOIA request, the volume
of agency records responsive to the
FOIA request, and whether the FOIA
request qualifies for expedited
processing as described in paragraph
(i)(2) of this section.
(2) Expedited processing.
(i) The Department gives expedited
treatment to FOIA requests and appeals
whenever the Department determines
that a FOIA request involves one or
more of the following:
(A) A circumstance in which the lack
of expedited treatment could reasonably
be expected to pose an imminent threat
to the life or physical safety of an
(B) The urgent need of a person
primarily engaged in disseminating
information to inform the public about
an actual or alleged Federal Government
activity; or
(C) Other circumstances that the
Department determines demonstrate a
compelling need for expedited
(ii) A requester may ask for expedited
processing at the time of the initial
FOIA request or at any time thereafter.
(iii) A request for expedited
processing must contain a detailed
explanation of the basis for the request,
and must be accompanied by a
statement certifying the truth of the
circumstances alleged or other evidence
of the requester’s compelling need
acceptable to the Department.
(iv) The Department makes a
determination whether to grant or deny
a request for expedited processing
within 10 calendar days of its receipt by
the component of the Department
designated pursuant to § 5.20(a) to
receive FOIA requests for agency
records, and processes FOIA requests
accepted for expedited processing as
soon as practicable and on a priority
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Subpart D—Fees
§ 5.30
Fees generally.
The Department assesses fees for
processing FOIA requests in accordance
with § 5.32(a), except where fees are
limited under § 5.32(b) or where a
waiver or reduction of fees is granted
under § 5.33. Requesters must pay fees
by check or money order made payable
to the U.S. Department of Education,
and must include the FOIA request
number on the check or money order.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 113 / Monday, June 14, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
The Department retains full discretion
to limit or adjust fees.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(4)(A), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
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§ 5.31
Fee definitions.
(a) Commercial use request means a
request from or on behalf of a FOIA
requester seeking information for a use
or purpose that furthers the requester’s
commercial, trade, or profit interests,
which can include furthering those
interests through litigation. For the
purpose of assessing fees under the Act,
the Department determines, whenever
reasonably possible, the use to which a
requester will put the requested agency
(b) Direct costs mean those expenses
that an agency actually incurs in
searching for and duplicating (and, in
the case of commercial use FOIA
requests, reviewing) agency records to
respond to a FOIA request. Direct costs
include, for example, the pro rata salary
of the employee(s) performing the work
(i.e., basic rate of pay plus 16 percent)
and the cost of operating duplication
machinery. The Department’s other
overhead expenses are not included in
direct costs.
(c) Duplication means making a copy
of the agency record, or of the
information in it, as necessary to
respond to a FOIA request. Copies can
be made in several forms and formats,
including paper and electronic records.
The Department honors a requester’s
specified preference as to form or format
of disclosure, provided that the agency
record is readily reproducible with
reasonable effort in the requested form
or format.
(d) Educational institution means a
preschool, a public or private
elementary or secondary school, an
institution of undergraduate higher
education, an institution of graduate
higher education, an institution of
professional education, or an institution
of vocational education, that operates a
program of scholarly research. To
qualify as an educational institution
under this part, a requester must
demonstrate that an educational
institution authorized the request and
that the agency records are not sought
for individual or commercial use, but
are instead sought to further scholarly
research. A request for agency records
for the purpose of affecting a requester’s
application for, or prospect of obtaining,
new or additional grants, contracts, or
similar funding is presumptively a
commercial use request.
(e) Noncommercial scientific
institution means an institution that is
operated solely for the purpose of
conducting scientific research, the
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results of which are not intended to
promote any particular product or
industry. A noncommercial scientific
institution does not operate for a
‘‘commercial use’’, as the term is defined
in paragraph (a) of this section. To
qualify as a noncommercial scientific
institution under this part, a requester
must demonstrate that a noncommercial
scientific institution authorized the
request and that the agency records are
sought to further scientific research and
not for a commercial use. A request for
agency records for the purpose of
affecting a requester’s application for, or
prospect of obtaining, new or additional
grants, contracts, or similar funding is
presumptively a commercial use
(f) Representative of the news media,
or news media requester, means any
person or entity that gathers information
of potential interest to a segment of the
public, uses its editorial skills to turn
the raw materials into a distinct work,
and distributes that work to an
audience. For the purposes of this
section, the term ‘‘news’’ means
information about current events or
information that would be of current
interest to the public. Examples of news
media entities include television or
radio stations broadcasting to the public
at large and publishers of periodicals
that qualify as disseminators of news
and make their products available for
purchase by, subscription by, or free
distribution to the general public. To be
regarded as a representative of the news
media, a ‘‘freelance’’ journalist must
demonstrate a solid basis for expecting
publication, such as a publication
contract or a past publication record.
For inclusion in this category, a
requester must not be seeking the
requested agency records for a
commercial use.
(g) Review means the examination of
an agency record located in response to
a FOIA request to determine whether
any portion of the record is exempt from
disclosure under the Act. Reviewing the
record includes processing the agency
record for disclosure and making
redactions and other preparations for
disclosure. Review costs are recoverable
even if an agency record ultimately is
not disclosed. Review time includes
time spent considering any formal
objection to disclosure but does not
include time spent resolving general
legal or policy issues regarding the
application of exemptions under the
(h) Search means the process of
looking for and retrieving agency
records or information responsive to a
FOIA request. Searching includes pageby-page or line-by-line identification of
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information within agency records and
reasonable efforts to locate and retrieve
information from agency records
maintained in electronic form or format,
provided that such efforts do not
significantly interfere with the operation
of the Department’s automated
information systems.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(4)(A), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
§ 5.32
Assessment of fees.
(a) Fees. In responding to FOIA
requests, the Department charges the
following fees (in accordance with the
Office of Management and Budget’s
‘‘Uniform FOIA Fee Schedule and
Guidelines,’’ 52 FR 10012 (March 27,
1987)), unless it has granted a waiver or
reduction of fees under § 5.33 and
subject to the limitations set forth in
paragraph (b) of this section:
(1) Search. The Department charges
search fees, subject to the limitations of
paragraph (b) of this section. Search
time includes time spent searching,
regardless of whether the search results
in the location of responsive agency
records and, if so, whether such agency
records are released to the requester
under the Act. The requester will be
charged the direct costs, as defined in
§ 5.31(b), of the search. In the case of
computer searches for agency records,
the Department charges the requester for
the direct cost of conducting the search,
subject to the limitations set forth in
paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) Review. (i) The Department
charges fees for initial agency record
review at the same rate as for searches,
subject to the limitations set forth in
paragraph (b) of this section.
(ii) No fees are charged for review at
the administrative appeal level except
in connection with—
(A) The review of agency records
other than agency records identified as
responsive to the FOIA request in the
initial decision; and
(B) The Department’s decision
regarding whether to assert that an
exemption exists under the Act that was
not cited in the decision on the initial
FOIA request.
(iii) Review fees are not assessed for
FOIA requests other than those made for
a ‘‘commercial use,’’ as the term is
defined in § 5.31(a).
(3) Duplication. The Department
charges duplication fees at the rate of
$0.20 per page for paper photocopies of
agency records, $3.00 per CD for
documents recorded on CD, and at the
direct cost for duplication for electronic
copies and other forms of duplication,
subject to the limitations of paragraph
(b) of this section.
(b) Limitations on fees.
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 113 / Monday, June 14, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
(1) Fees are limited to charges for
document duplication when agency
records are not sought for commercial
use and the request is made by—
(i) An educational or noncommercial
scientific institution, whose purpose is
scholarly or scientific research; or
(ii) A representative of the news
(2) For FOIA requests other than
commercial use FOIA requests, the
Department provides the first 100 pages
of agency records released (or the cost
equivalent) and the first two hours of
search (or the cost equivalent) without
charge, pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
(3) Whenever the Department
calculates that the fees assessable for a
FOIA request under paragraph (a) of this
section total $25.00 or less, the
Department processes the FOIA request
without charge to the requester.
(c) Notice of anticipated fees in excess
of $25. When the Department estimates
or determines that the fees for
processing a FOIA request will total
more than $25 and the requester has not
stated a willingness to pay such fees, the
Department notifies the requester of the
anticipated amount of fees before
processing the FOIA request. If the
Department can readily anticipate fees
for processing only a portion of a
request, the Department advises the
requester that the anticipated fee is for
processing only a portion of the request.
When the Department has notified a
requester of anticipated fees greater than
$25, the Department does not further
process the request until the requester
agrees in writing to pay the anticipated
total fee.
(d) Charges for other services. When
the Department chooses as a matter of
administrative discretion to provide a
special service, such as certification of
agency records, it charges the requester
the direct cost of providing the service.
(e) Charging interest. The Department
charges interest on any unpaid bill
assessed at the rate provided in 31
U.S.C. 3717. In charging interest, the
Department follows the provisions of
the Debt Collection Act of 1982, as
amended (Pub. L. 97–365), and its
administrative procedures, including
the use of consumer reporting agencies,
collection agencies, and offset.
(f) Aggregating FOIA requests. When
the Department reasonably believes that
a requester, or a group of requesters
acting together, is attempting to divide
a FOIA request into a series of FOIA
requests for the purpose of avoiding or
reducing otherwise applicable fees, the
Department may aggregate such FOIA
requests for the purpose of assessing
fees. The Department does not aggregate
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multiple FOIA requests involving
unrelated matters.
(g) Advance payments.
(1) For FOIA requests other than those
described in paragraphs (g)(2) and (g)(3)
of this section, the Department does not
require the requester to pay fees in
(2) Where the Department estimates or
determines that fees for processing a
FOIA request will total more than $250,
it may require the requester to pay the
fees in advance, except where the
Department receives a satisfactory
assurance of full payment from a
requester with a history of prompt
payment of FOIA fees.
(3) The Department may require a
requester who has previously failed to
pay a properly assessed FOIA fee within
30 calendar days of the billing date to
pay in advance the full amount of
estimated or actual fees before it further
processes a new or pending FOIA
request from that requester.
(4) When the Department requires
advance payment of estimated or
assessed fees, it does not consider the
FOIA request received and does not
further process the FOIA request until
payment is received.
(h) Tolling. When necessary for the
Department to clarify issues regarding
fee assessment with the FOIA requester,
the time limit for responding to the
FOIA request is tolled until the
Department resolves such issues with
the requester.
(i) Other statutory requirements. The
fee schedule of this section does not
apply to fees charged under any statute
that specifically requires an agency to
set and collect fees for producing
particular types of agency records.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(4)(A), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
§ 5.33 Requirements for waiver or
reduction of fees.
(a) The Department processes a FOIA
request for agency records without
charge or at a charge less than that
established under § 5.32(a) when the
Department determines that—
(1) Disclosure of the requested
information is in the public interest
because it is likely to contribute
significantly to public understanding of
the operations or activities of the
government; and
(2) Disclosure of the information is
not primarily in the commercial interest
of the requester.
(b) To determine whether a FOIA
request is eligible for waiver or
reduction of fees pursuant to paragraph
(a)(1) of this section, the Department
considers the following factors:
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(1) Whether the subject of the request
specifically concerns identifiable
operations or activities of the
(2) Whether the disclosable portions
of the requested information will be
meaningfully informative in relation to
the subject matter of the request.
(3) The disclosure’s contribution to
public understanding of government
operations, i.e., the understanding of the
public at large, as opposed to an
individual or a narrow segment of
interested persons (including whether
the requester has expertise in the subject
area of the FOIA request as well as the
intention and demonstrated ability to
disseminate the information to the
(4) The significance of the disclosure’s
contribution to public understanding of
government operations or activities, i.e.,
the public’s understanding of the
subject matter existing prior to the
disclosure must be likely to be
enhanced significantly by the
(c) To determine whether a FOIA
request is eligible for waiver or
reduction of fees pursuant to paragraph
(a)(2) of this section, the Department
considers the following factors:
(1) The existence of the requester’s
commercial interest, i.e., whether the
requester has a commercial interest that
would be furthered by the requested
(2) If a commercial interest is
identified, whether the commercial
interest of the requester is sufficiently
large in comparison with the public
interest in disclosure, that disclosure is
primarily in the commercial interest of
the requester.
(d) When the fee waiver requirements
are met only with respect to a portion
of a FOIA request, the Department
waives or reduces fees only for that
portion of the request.
(e) A requester seeking a waiver or
reduction of fees must submit evidence
demonstrating that the FOIA request
meets all the criteria listed in
paragraphs (a) through (c) of this
(f) A requester must seek a fee waiver
for each FOIA request for which a
waiver is sought. The Department does
not grant standing fee waivers but
considers each fee waiver request
independently on its merits.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(4)(A), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Subpart E—Administrative Review
§ 5.40
Appeals of adverse determinations.
(a) In general. A requester may seek
an administrative review of an adverse
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 113 / Monday, June 14, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
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determination on the FOIA request
made by the requester by submitting an
appeal of the determination to the
Department. Adverse determinations
include denials of access to agency
records, in whole or in part; ‘‘no agency
records’’ responses; and adverse fee
decisions, including denials of requests
for fee waivers, and all aspects of fee
(b) Appeal requirements. A requester
must submit an appeal within 35
calendar days of the date on the adverse
determination letter issued by the
Department or, where the requester has
received no determination, at any time
after the due date for such
determination. An appeal must be in
writing and must include a detailed
statement of all legal and factual bases
for the appeal. The requester’s failure to
comply with time limits set forth in this
section constitutes exhaustion of the
requester’s administrative remedies for
the purposes of initiating judicial action
to compel disclosure.
(c) Determination on appeal. (1) The
Department makes a written
determination on an administrative
appeal within 20 working days after
receiving the appeal. The time limit may
be extended in accordance with
§ 5.21(c) through (e). The Department’s
failure to comply with time limits set
forth in this section constitutes
exhaustion of the requester’s
administrative remedies for the
purposes of initiating judicial action to
compel disclosure.
(2) The Department’s determination
on an appeal constitutes the
Department’s final action on the FOIA
request. Any Department determination
denying an appeal in whole or in part
includes the reasons for the denial,
including any exemptions asserted
under the Act, and notice of the
requester’s right to seek judicial review
of the determination in accordance with
5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4). Where the
Department makes a determination to
grant an appeal in whole or in part, it
processes the FOIA request subject to
the appeal in accordance with the
determination on appeal.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 5 U.S.C.
552(a)(6), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
[FR Doc. 2010–14127 Filed 6–11–10; 8:45 am]
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National Highway Traffic Safety
49 CFR Part 571
[Docket No. NHTSA–2010–0021]
RIN 2127–AK05
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Standards; Electric-Powered Vehicles;
Electrolyte Spillage and Electrical
Shock Protection
AGENCY: National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: In response to a petition for
rulemaking from the Alliance of
Automobile Manufacturers, NHTSA is
issuing this final rule to facilitate the
development and introduction of fuel
cell vehicles, a type of electric-powered
vehicle, and the next generation of
hybrid and battery electric powered
vehicles. It does so by revising the
agency’s standard regulating electrolyte
spillage and electrical shock protection
for electric-powered vehicles to align it
more closely with the April 2005
version of the Society of Automotive
Engineers (SAE) Recommended Practice
for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Battery Systems Crash Integrity Testing
(SAE J1766).
The standard currently requires
manufacturers to design their vehicles
so that, in the event of a crash, a
vehicle’s propulsion battery system will
be electrically isolated from the
vehicle’s electricity-conducting
structure. As amended, this rule
provides greater flexibility, requiring
manufacturers to design their
electrically powered vehicles so that, in
the event of a crash, the electrical
energy storage, conversion, and traction
systems are either electrically isolated
from the vehicle’s chassis or their
voltage is below specified levels
considered safe from electric shock
Since the physiological impacts of
direct current (DC) are less than those of
alternating current (AC), this rule
specifies lower electrical isolation
requirements for certain DC components
than for AC components. The current
standard does not recognize the
difference in safety risk between DC and
AC components, requiring both types of
components to meet the same
requirements. As requested by the
petitioners, this final rule specifies the
following electrical isolation
requirements: 500 ohms/volt for AC and
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DC high voltage sources and 100 ohms/
volt for DC high voltage sources with
continuous monitoring of electrical
DATES: Effective Date: This rule is
effective September 1, 2011, with
optional early compliance.
ADDRESSES: Petitions: Petitions for
reconsideration should refer to the
docket number above and be submitted
to: Administrator, National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC
technical issues, you may contact Mr.
Charles Hott, Office of Rulemaking, by
telephone at (202) 366–0247, or by fax
at (202) 493–2990. For legal issues, you
may contact Ms. Rebecca Yoon, Office
of Chief Counsel, by telephone at (202)
366–2992, or by fax at (202) 366–3820.
You may send mail to these officials at
the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.
I. Background
A. Standard No. 305 and the Alliance
Petition for Rulemaking To Upgrade It
C. Summary of Public Comments Received
D. How The Final Rule Differs From the
II. Public Comments on the NPRM and
Agency Responses
A. Multiple Options for Providing
Electrical Safety in Electric-Powered
1. Electrical Isolation
(a) Requirements for Electrical Isolation of
AC and DC Systems
(b) Continuous Monitoring Requirement for
Electrical Isolation
(c) Timing of Measurements for Electrical
2. Voltage Level
3. Energy Limit (0.2 Joules)
B. Other Issues Relating to the Electrical
Isolation Requirement
C. Comments Regarding Test Procedures
D. Regulatory Text Wording
E. Physical Barriers as an Additional
Option for Providing Electrical Safety
F. Effective Date
G. Hyundai Request for Interpretation on
S5.2 Battery Retention
H. Preemption
III. Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
IV. Regulatory Text
I. Background
A. Standard No. 305 and the Alliance
Petition for Rulemaking To Upgrade It
The purpose of Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 305,
Electric-Powered Vehicles: Electrolyte
Spillage and Electrical Shock
Protection, is to reduce deaths and
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 113 (Monday, June 14, 2010)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 33509-33515]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2010-14127]
34 CFR Part 5
RIN 1880-AA84
[Docket ID ED-2008-OM-0011]
Availability of Information to the Public
AGENCY: Office of Management, Department of Education.
ACTION: Final regulations.
SUMMARY: The Secretary amends the regulations governing the
Department's compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, as amended
(FOIA or the Act) to reflect the changes in the FOIA over recent years.
DATES: These regulations are effective July 14, 2010.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Angela Arrington, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20202-5920.
Telephone: (202) 401-8365.
If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), call the
Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll free, at 1-800-877-8339.
Individuals with disabilities can obtain this document in an
accessible format (e.g., braille, large print, audiotape, or computer
diskette) on request to the contact person listed in this section.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On November 26, 2008, the Secretary
published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to amend the
Department's FOIA regulations in 34 CFR part 5 in the Federal Register
(73 FR 71986). In the summary to the NPRM, on pages 71987 through
71993, the Secretary discussed how the proposed regulations would amend
and update the Department's FOIA regulations to implement changes made
to the FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552) in recent years and articulate more clearly,
to the public, how the Department processes FOIA requests for publicly
available records.
After the public comment period ended, there was further public
guidance regarding FOIA issued by the White House and the Department of
Justice \1\ that we took into account in preparing these final
regulations. Thus, there is one substantive difference between the
regulations proposed in the NPRM and these final regulations.
Specifically, proposed Sec. 5.2 (General policy), which stated the
Department's general policy regarding the availability of information
under FOIA, has been removed and proposed Sec. 5.3 (Definitions) has
been redesignated as Sec. 5.2 (Definitions). Upon further internal
review after the publication of the NPRM, and light of the public
guidance regarding FOIA, we determined that proposed Sec. 5.2 was
unnecessary and potentially confusing. Proposed Sec. 5.2 did not add
any requirements or clarification to the Department's FOIA process.
Rather, the remaining proposed regulations, adopted as final through
these regulations, comprehensively describe how the Department
processes FOIA requests.
\1\ The President's January 21, 2009 memorandum on FOIA may be
found at https://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Freedom_of_Information_Act/. FOIA guidance issued by the Department of Justice
may be found at https://www.justice.gov/oip/foiapost/mainpage.htm.
Analysis of Comments and Changes
In response to the Secretary's invitation in the NPRM, the
Department received no comments on the proposed regulations.
Executive Order 12866
Under Executive Order 12866, the Secretary must determine whether
the regulatory action is ``significant'' and therefore subject to the
requirements of the Executive order and subject to review by the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB). Section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866
defines a ``significant regulatory action'' as an action likely to
result in a rule that may (1) Have an annual effect on the economy of
$100 million or more, or adversely affect a sector of the economy,
productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public health or
safety, or State, local or tribal governments or communities in a
material way (also referred to as an ``economically significant''
rule); (2) create serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an
action taken or planned by another agency; (3) materially alter the
budgetary impacts of entitlement grants, user fees, or loan programs or
the rights and obligations of recipients thereof; or (4) raise novel
legal or policy issues arising out of legal mandates, the President's
priorities, or the principles set forth in the Executive order.
Pursuant to the terms of the Executive order, it has been determined
that this regulatory action is not a significant regulatory action
subject to OMB review under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866.
We have also determined that this regulatory action does not unduly
interfere with State, local, and tribal governments in the exercise of
their governmental functions.
We summarized the potential costs and benefits of these final
regulations in the NPRM at 73 FR 71993.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
These regulations do not contain any information collection
Electronic Access to This Document
You can view this document, as well as all other documents of this
Department published in the Federal Register, in text or Adobe Portable
Document Format (PDF) on the Internet at the following site: https://www.ed.gov/news/fedregister. To use PDF you must have Adobe Acrobat
Reader, which is available free at this site.
Note: The official version of this document is the document
published in the Federal Register. Free Internet access to the
official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal
Regulations is available on GPO Access at: https://www.gpoaccess.gov/nara/.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number does not apply.)
[[Page 33510]]
Dated: June 7, 2010.
Arne Duncan,
Secretary of Education.
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Secretary revises part 5
of title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
Subpart A--General Provisions
5.1 Purpose.
5.2 Definitions.
Subpart B--Records Available to the Public
5.10 Public reading room.
5.11 Business information.
5.12 Creation of records not required.
5.13 Preservation of records.
Subpart C--Procedures for Requesting Access to Records and Disclosure
of Records
5.20 Requirements for making FOIA requests.
5.21 Procedure for processing FOIA requests.
Subpart D--Fees
5.30 Fees generally.
5.31 Fee definitions.
5.32 Assessment of fees.
5.33 Requirements for waiver or reduction of fees.
Subpart E--Administrative Review
5.40 Appeals of adverse determinations.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552.
Subpart A--General Provisions
Sec. 5.1 Purpose.
This part contains the regulations that the United States
Department of Education follows in processing requests for records
under the Freedom of Information Act, as amended, 5 U.S.C. 552. These
regulations must be read in conjunction with the FOIA, including its
exemptions to disclosure, and, when appropriate, in conjunction with
the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, 5 U.S.C. 552a, and its
implementing regulations in 34 CFR part 5b.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Sec. 5.2 Definitions.
As used in this part:
(a) Act or FOIA means the Freedom of Information Act, as amended, 5
U.S.C. 552.
(b) Department means the United States Department of Education.
(c) Component means each separate bureau, office, board, division,
commission, service, administration, or other organizational entity of
the Department.
(d) FOIA request means a written request for agency records that
reasonably describes the agency records sought, made by any person,
including a member of the public (U.S. or foreign citizen/entity),
partnership, corporation, association, and foreign or domestic
governments (excluding Federal agencies).
(e)(1) Agency records are documentary materials regardless of
physical form or characteristics that--
(i) Are either created or obtained by the Department; and
(ii) Are under the Department's control at the time it receives a
FOIA request.
(2) Agency records include--
(i) Records created, stored, and retrievable in electronic format;
(ii) Records maintained for the Department by a private entity
under a records management contract with the Federal Government; and
(iii) Documentary materials preserved by the Department as evidence
of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures,
operations or other activities of the Department or because of the
informational value of data contained therein.
(3) Agency records do not include tangible, evidentiary objects or
equipment; library or museum materials made or acquired and preserved
solely for reference or exhibition purposes; extra copies of documents
preserved only for convenience of reference; stocks of publications;
and personal records created for the convenience of an individual and
not used to conduct Department business or incorporated into the
Department's record keeping system or files.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Subpart B--Agency Records Available to the Public
Sec. 5.10 Public reading room.
(a) General. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2), the Department
maintains a public reading room containing agency records that the FOIA
requires to be made regularly available for public inspection and
copying. Published records of the Department, whether or not available
for purchase, are made available for examination. The Department's
public reading room is located at the National Library of Education,
400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Plaza Level (Level B), Washington, DC 20202-
0008. The hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through
Friday (except Federal holidays).
(b) Reading room records. Agency records maintained in the public
reading room include final opinions and orders in adjudications,
statements of policy and interpretations adopted by the Department and
not published in the Federal Register, administrative staff manuals and
instructions affecting the public, and copies of all agency records
regardless of form or format released to the public pursuant to a FOIA
request that the Department determines are likely to be the subject of
future FOIA requests.
(c) Electronic access. The Department makes reading room records
created on or after November 1, 1996, available through its electronic
reading room, located on the Department's FOIA Web site at https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/leg/foia/readingroom.html.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Sec. 5.11 Business information.
(a) General. The Department discloses business information it
obtains from a submitter under the Act in accordance with this section.
(b) Definitions. For purposes of this section:
(1) Business information means commercial or financial information
obtained by the Department from a submitter that may be protected from
disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4) (Exemption 4 of the Act).
(2) Submitter means any person or entity (including corporations;
State, local, and tribal governments; and foreign governments) from
whom the Department obtains business information.
(c) Designation of business information.
(1) A submitter must use good faith efforts to designate, by
appropriate markings, either at the time of submission or at a
reasonable time thereafter, any portion of its submission that it
considers to be business information protected from disclosure under
Exemption 4 of the Act.
(2) A submitter's designations are not binding on the Department
and will expire 10 years after the date of the submission unless the
submitter requests, and provides justification for, a longer
designation period.
(3) A blanket designation on each page of a submission that all
information contained on the page is protected from disclosure under
Exemption 4 presumptively will not be considered a good faith effort.
(d) Notice to submitters. Except as provided in paragraph (g) of
this section, the Department promptly notifies a submitter whenever a
FOIA request or administrative appeal is made under the Act seeking
disclosure of the information the submitter has
[[Page 33511]]
designated in good faith as business information protected from
disclosure under paragraph (c) of this section, or the Department
otherwise has reason to believe that it may be required to disclose
information sought to be designated by the submitter as business
information protected from disclosure under Exemption 4 of the Act.
This notice includes either a description of the business information
requested or copies of the requested agency records or portions of
agency records containing the requested business information as well as
a time period, consistent with Sec. 5.21(c), within which the
submitter can object to the disclosure pursuant to paragraph (e) of
this section.
(e) Opportunity to object to disclosure.
(1) If a submitter objects to disclosure, it must submit to the
Department a detailed written statement specifying all grounds under
Exemption 4 of the Act for denying access to the information, or a
portion of the information sought.
(2) A submitter's failure to object to the disclosure by the
deadline established by the Department in the notice provided under
paragraph (d) of this section constitutes a waiver of the submitter's
right to object to disclosure under paragraph (e) of this section.
(3) A submitter's response to a notice from the Department under
paragraph (d) of this section may itself be subject to disclosure under
the Act.
(f) Notice of intent to disclose. The Department considers a
submitter's objections and submissions made in support thereof in
deciding whether to disclose business information sought to be
protected by the submitter. Whenever the Department decides to disclose
information over a submitter's objection, the Department gives the
submitter written notice, which includes:
(1) A statement of the reasons why the submitter's objections to
disclosure were not sustained.
(2) A description of the information to be disclosed.
(3) A specified disclosure date that is a reasonable time
subsequent to the notice.
(g) Exceptions to notice requirements. The notice requirements of
paragraph (d) of this section do not apply if--
(1) The Department does not disclose the business information of
the submitter;
(2) The Department has previously lawfully published the
(3) The information has been made available to the public by the
requester or by third parties;
(4) Disclosure of the information is required by statute (other
than the Act) or regulation issued in accordance with the requirements
of Executive Order 12600 (52 FR 23781, 3 CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 235); or
(5) The designation made by the submitter under paragraph (c) of
this section appears obviously frivolous, except that, in such case,
the Department must provide the submitter with written notice of any
final administrative disclosure determination in accordance with
paragraph (f) of this section.
(h) Notice of FOIA lawsuit. Whenever a requester files a lawsuit
seeking to compel the disclosure of a submitter's business information,
the Department promptly notifies the submitter.
(i) Corresponding notice to requester. The Department notifies the
requester whenever it notifies a submitter of its opportunity to object
to disclosure, of the Department's intent to disclose requested
information designated as business information by the submitter, or of
the filing of a lawsuit.
(j) Notice of reverse FOIA lawsuit. Whenever a submitter files a
lawsuit seeking to prevent the disclosure of the submitter's
information, the Department promptly notifies the requester, and
advises the requester that its request will be held in abeyance until
the lawsuit initiated by the submitter is resolved.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Sec. 5.12 Creation of agency records not required.
In response to a FOIA request, the Department produces only those
agency records that are not already publicly available and that are in
existence at the time it receives a request. The Department does not
create new agency records in response to a FOIA request by, for
example, extrapolating information from existing agency records,
reformatting available information, preparing new electronic programs
or databases, or creating data through calculations of ratios,
proportions, percentages, trends, frequency distributions,
correlations, or comparisons.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Sec. 5.13 Preservation of agency records.
The Department does not destroy agency records that are the subject
of a pending FOIA request, appeal, or lawsuit.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Subpart C--Procedures for Requesting Access to Agency Records and
Disclosure of Agency Records
Sec. 5.20 Requirements for making FOIA requests.
(a) Making a FOIA request. Any FOIA request for an agency record
must be in writing (via paper, facsimile, or electronic mail) and
transmitted to the Department as indicated on the Department's Web
site. See https://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/leg/foia/request_foia.html.
(b) Description of agency records sought. A FOIA request must
reasonably describe the agency record sought, to enable Department
personnel to locate the agency record or records with a reasonable
amount of effort. Whenever possible, a FOIA request should describe the
type of agency record requested, the subject matter of the agency
record, the date, if known, or general time period when it was created,
and the person or office that created it. Requesters who have detailed
information that would assist in identifying and locating the agency
records sought are urged to provide this information to the Department
to expedite the handling of a FOIA request.
(c) FOIA request deemed insufficient. If the Department determines
that a FOIA request does not reasonably describe the agency record or
records sought, the FOIA request will be deemed insufficient under the
Act. In that case, the Department informs the requester of the reason
the FOIA request is insufficient and, at the Department's option,
either administratively closes the FOIA request as insufficient without
determining whether to grant the FOIA request or provides the requester
an opportunity to modify the FOIA request to meet the requirements of
this section.
(d) Verification of identity. In compliance with the Privacy Act of
1974, as amended, 5 U.S.C. 552a, FOIA requests for agency records
pertaining to the requester, a minor, or an individual who is legally
incompetent must include verification of the requester's identity
pursuant to 34 CFR 5b.5.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Sec. 5.21 Procedures for processing FOIA requests.
(a) Acknowledgements of FOIA requests. The Department promptly
notifies the requester when it receives a FOIA request.
(b) Consultation and referrals. When the Department receives a FOIA
request for a record or records created by or otherwise received from
another agency of the Federal Government, it either responds to the
FOIA request after
[[Page 33512]]
consultation with the other agency, or refers the FOIA request to the
other agency for processing. When the Department refers a FOIA request
to another agency for processing, the Department will so notify the
(c) Decisions on FOIA requests. The Department determines whether
to comply with a FOIA request within 20 working days after the
appropriate component of the Department first receives the request.
This time period commences on the date that the request is received by
the appropriate component of the Department, but commences no later
than 10 calendar days after the request is received by the component of
the Department designated pursuant to Sec. 5.20(a) to receive FOIA
requests for agency records. The Department's failure to comply with
these time limits constitutes exhaustion of the requester's
administrative remedies for the purposes of judicial action to compel
(d) Requests for additional information. The Department may make
one request for additional information from the requester and toll the
20-day period while awaiting receipt of the additional information.
(e) Extension of time period for processing a FOIA request. The
Department may extend the time period for processing a FOIA request
only in unusual circumstances, as described in paragraphs (e)(1)
through (e)(3) of this section, in which case the Department notifies
the requester of the extension in writing. A notice of extension
affords the requester the opportunity either to modify its FOIA request
so that it may be processed within the 20-day time limit, or to arrange
with the Department an alternative time period within which the FOIA
request will be processed. For the purposes of this section, unusual
circumstances include:
(1) The need to search for and collect the requested agency records
from field facilities or other establishments that are separate from
the office processing the request.
(2) The need to search for, collect, and review and process
voluminous agency records responsive to the FOIA request.
(3) The need to consult with another agency or two or more agency
components having a substantial interest in the determination on the
FOIA request.
(f) FOIA Public Liaison and FOIA Requester Service Center. The
Department's FOIA Public Liaison assists in the resolution of disputes
between the requester and the Department. The Department provides
information about the status of a FOIA request to the requester through
the Department's FOIA Requester Service Center. Contact information for
the Department's FOIA Public Liaison and FOIA Requester Service Center
may be found at https://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/leg/foia/contacts.html.
(g) Notification of determination. Once the Department makes a
determination to grant a FOIA request in whole or in part, it notifies
the requester in writing of its decision.
(h) Denials of FOIA requests.
(1) Only Departmental officers or employees delegated the authority
to deny a FOIA request may deny a FOIA request on behalf of the
(2)(i) The Department notifies the requester in writing of any
decision to deny a FOIA request in whole or in part. Denials under this
paragraph can include the following: A determination to deny access in
whole or in part to any agency record responsive to a request; a
determination that a requested agency record does not exist or cannot
be located in the Department's records; a determination that a
requested agency record is not readily retrievable or reproducible in
the form or format sought by the requester; a determination that what
has been requested is not a record subject to the FOIA; a determination
on any disputed fee matter, including a denial of a request for a fee
waiver; and a denial of a request for expedited processing.
(ii) All determinations denying a FOIA request in whole or in part
are signed by an officer or employee designated under paragraph (h)(1)
of this section, and include:
(A) The name and title or position of the denying officer or
(B) A brief statement of the reason or reasons for the denial,
including any exemptions applicable under the Act.
(C) An estimate of the volume of agency records or information
denied, by number of pages or other reasonable estimate (except where
the volume of agency records or information denied is apparent from
deletions made on agency records disclosed in part, or providing an
estimate would harm an interest protected by an applicable exemption
under the Act).
(D) Where an agency record has been disclosed only in part, an
indication of the exemption under the Act justifying the redaction in
the agency record (unless providing this information would harm an
interest protected by an applicable exemption under the Act).
(E) A statement of appeal rights and a list of requirements for
filing an appeal under Sec. 5.40.
(i) Timing of responses to FOIA requests.
(1) Multitrack processing.
The Department may use two or more processing tracks to distinguish
between simple and more complex FOIA requests based on one or more of
the following: the time and work necessary to process the FOIA request,
the volume of agency records responsive to the FOIA request, and
whether the FOIA request qualifies for expedited processing as
described in paragraph (i)(2) of this section.
(2) Expedited processing.
(i) The Department gives expedited treatment to FOIA requests and
appeals whenever the Department determines that a FOIA request involves
one or more of the following:
(A) A circumstance in which the lack of expedited treatment could
reasonably be expected to pose an imminent threat to the life or
physical safety of an individual.
(B) The urgent need of a person primarily engaged in disseminating
information to inform the public about an actual or alleged Federal
Government activity; or
(C) Other circumstances that the Department determines demonstrate
a compelling need for expedited processing.
(ii) A requester may ask for expedited processing at the time of
the initial FOIA request or at any time thereafter.
(iii) A request for expedited processing must contain a detailed
explanation of the basis for the request, and must be accompanied by a
statement certifying the truth of the circumstances alleged or other
evidence of the requester's compelling need acceptable to the
(iv) The Department makes a determination whether to grant or deny
a request for expedited processing within 10 calendar days of its
receipt by the component of the Department designated pursuant to Sec.
5.20(a) to receive FOIA requests for agency records, and processes FOIA
requests accepted for expedited processing as soon as practicable and
on a priority basis.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Subpart D--Fees
Sec. 5.30 Fees generally.
The Department assesses fees for processing FOIA requests in
accordance with Sec. 5.32(a), except where fees are limited under
Sec. 5.32(b) or where a waiver or reduction of fees is granted under
Sec. 5.33. Requesters must pay fees by check or money order made
payable to the U.S. Department of Education, and must include the FOIA
request number on the check or money order.
[[Page 33513]]
The Department retains full discretion to limit or adjust fees.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(A), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Sec. 5.31 Fee definitions.
(a) Commercial use request means a request from or on behalf of a
FOIA requester seeking information for a use or purpose that furthers
the requester's commercial, trade, or profit interests, which can
include furthering those interests through litigation. For the purpose
of assessing fees under the Act, the Department determines, whenever
reasonably possible, the use to which a requester will put the
requested agency records.
(b) Direct costs mean those expenses that an agency actually incurs
in searching for and duplicating (and, in the case of commercial use
FOIA requests, reviewing) agency records to respond to a FOIA request.
Direct costs include, for example, the pro rata salary of the
employee(s) performing the work (i.e., basic rate of pay plus 16
percent) and the cost of operating duplication machinery. The
Department's other overhead expenses are not included in direct costs.
(c) Duplication means making a copy of the agency record, or of the
information in it, as necessary to respond to a FOIA request. Copies
can be made in several forms and formats, including paper and
electronic records. The Department honors a requester's specified
preference as to form or format of disclosure, provided that the agency
record is readily reproducible with reasonable effort in the requested
form or format.
(d) Educational institution means a preschool, a public or private
elementary or secondary school, an institution of undergraduate higher
education, an institution of graduate higher education, an institution
of professional education, or an institution of vocational education,
that operates a program of scholarly research. To qualify as an
educational institution under this part, a requester must demonstrate
that an educational institution authorized the request and that the
agency records are not sought for individual or commercial use, but are
instead sought to further scholarly research. A request for agency
records for the purpose of affecting a requester's application for, or
prospect of obtaining, new or additional grants, contracts, or similar
funding is presumptively a commercial use request.
(e) Noncommercial scientific institution means an institution that
is operated solely for the purpose of conducting scientific research,
the results of which are not intended to promote any particular product
or industry. A noncommercial scientific institution does not operate
for a ``commercial use'', as the term is defined in paragraph (a) of
this section. To qualify as a noncommercial scientific institution
under this part, a requester must demonstrate that a noncommercial
scientific institution authorized the request and that the agency
records are sought to further scientific research and not for a
commercial use. A request for agency records for the purpose of
affecting a requester's application for, or prospect of obtaining, new
or additional grants, contracts, or similar funding is presumptively a
commercial use request.
(f) Representative of the news media, or news media requester,
means any person or entity that gathers information of potential
interest to a segment of the public, uses its editorial skills to turn
the raw materials into a distinct work, and distributes that work to an
audience. For the purposes of this section, the term ``news'' means
information about current events or information that would be of
current interest to the public. Examples of news media entities include
television or radio stations broadcasting to the public at large and
publishers of periodicals that qualify as disseminators of news and
make their products available for purchase by, subscription by, or free
distribution to the general public. To be regarded as a representative
of the news media, a ``freelance'' journalist must demonstrate a solid
basis for expecting publication, such as a publication contract or a
past publication record. For inclusion in this category, a requester
must not be seeking the requested agency records for a commercial use.
(g) Review means the examination of an agency record located in
response to a FOIA request to determine whether any portion of the
record is exempt from disclosure under the Act. Reviewing the record
includes processing the agency record for disclosure and making
redactions and other preparations for disclosure. Review costs are
recoverable even if an agency record ultimately is not disclosed.
Review time includes time spent considering any formal objection to
disclosure but does not include time spent resolving general legal or
policy issues regarding the application of exemptions under the Act.
(h) Search means the process of looking for and retrieving agency
records or information responsive to a FOIA request. Searching includes
page-by-page or line-by-line identification of information within
agency records and reasonable efforts to locate and retrieve
information from agency records maintained in electronic form or
format, provided that such efforts do not significantly interfere with
the operation of the Department's automated information systems.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(A), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Sec. 5.32 Assessment of fees.
(a) Fees. In responding to FOIA requests, the Department charges
the following fees (in accordance with the Office of Management and
Budget's ``Uniform FOIA Fee Schedule and Guidelines,'' 52 FR 10012
(March 27, 1987)), unless it has granted a waiver or reduction of fees
under Sec. 5.33 and subject to the limitations set forth in paragraph
(b) of this section:
(1) Search. The Department charges search fees, subject to the
limitations of paragraph (b) of this section. Search time includes time
spent searching, regardless of whether the search results in the
location of responsive agency records and, if so, whether such agency
records are released to the requester under the Act. The requester will
be charged the direct costs, as defined in Sec. 5.31(b), of the
search. In the case of computer searches for agency records, the
Department charges the requester for the direct cost of conducting the
search, subject to the limitations set forth in paragraph (b) of this
(2) Review. (i) The Department charges fees for initial agency
record review at the same rate as for searches, subject to the
limitations set forth in paragraph (b) of this section.
(ii) No fees are charged for review at the administrative appeal
level except in connection with--
(A) The review of agency records other than agency records
identified as responsive to the FOIA request in the initial decision;
(B) The Department's decision regarding whether to assert that an
exemption exists under the Act that was not cited in the decision on
the initial FOIA request.
(iii) Review fees are not assessed for FOIA requests other than
those made for a ``commercial use,'' as the term is defined in Sec.
(3) Duplication. The Department charges duplication fees at the
rate of $0.20 per page for paper photocopies of agency records, $3.00
per CD for documents recorded on CD, and at the direct cost for
duplication for electronic copies and other forms of duplication,
subject to the limitations of paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) Limitations on fees.
[[Page 33514]]
(1) Fees are limited to charges for document duplication when
agency records are not sought for commercial use and the request is
made by--
(i) An educational or noncommercial scientific institution, whose
purpose is scholarly or scientific research; or
(ii) A representative of the news media.
(2) For FOIA requests other than commercial use FOIA requests, the
Department provides the first 100 pages of agency records released (or
the cost equivalent) and the first two hours of search (or the cost
equivalent) without charge, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(A)(iv)(II).
(3) Whenever the Department calculates that the fees assessable for
a FOIA request under paragraph (a) of this section total $25.00 or
less, the Department processes the FOIA request without charge to the
(c) Notice of anticipated fees in excess of $25. When the
Department estimates or determines that the fees for processing a FOIA
request will total more than $25 and the requester has not stated a
willingness to pay such fees, the Department notifies the requester of
the anticipated amount of fees before processing the FOIA request. If
the Department can readily anticipate fees for processing only a
portion of a request, the Department advises the requester that the
anticipated fee is for processing only a portion of the request. When
the Department has notified a requester of anticipated fees greater
than $25, the Department does not further process the request until the
requester agrees in writing to pay the anticipated total fee.
(d) Charges for other services. When the Department chooses as a
matter of administrative discretion to provide a special service, such
as certification of agency records, it charges the requester the direct
cost of providing the service.
(e) Charging interest. The Department charges interest on any
unpaid bill assessed at the rate provided in 31 U.S.C. 3717. In
charging interest, the Department follows the provisions of the Debt
Collection Act of 1982, as amended (Pub. L. 97-365), and its
administrative procedures, including the use of consumer reporting
agencies, collection agencies, and offset.
(f) Aggregating FOIA requests. When the Department reasonably
believes that a requester, or a group of requesters acting together, is
attempting to divide a FOIA request into a series of FOIA requests for
the purpose of avoiding or reducing otherwise applicable fees, the
Department may aggregate such FOIA requests for the purpose of
assessing fees. The Department does not aggregate multiple FOIA
requests involving unrelated matters.
(g) Advance payments.
(1) For FOIA requests other than those described in paragraphs
(g)(2) and (g)(3) of this section, the Department does not require the
requester to pay fees in advance.
(2) Where the Department estimates or determines that fees for
processing a FOIA request will total more than $250, it may require the
requester to pay the fees in advance, except where the Department
receives a satisfactory assurance of full payment from a requester with
a history of prompt payment of FOIA fees.
(3) The Department may require a requester who has previously
failed to pay a properly assessed FOIA fee within 30 calendar days of
the billing date to pay in advance the full amount of estimated or
actual fees before it further processes a new or pending FOIA request
from that requester.
(4) When the Department requires advance payment of estimated or
assessed fees, it does not consider the FOIA request received and does
not further process the FOIA request until payment is received.
(h) Tolling. When necessary for the Department to clarify issues
regarding fee assessment with the FOIA requester, the time limit for
responding to the FOIA request is tolled until the Department resolves
such issues with the requester.
(i) Other statutory requirements. The fee schedule of this section
does not apply to fees charged under any statute that specifically
requires an agency to set and collect fees for producing particular
types of agency records.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(A), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Sec. 5.33 Requirements for waiver or reduction of fees.
(a) The Department processes a FOIA request for agency records
without charge or at a charge less than that established under Sec.
5.32(a) when the Department determines that--
(1) Disclosure of the requested information is in the public
interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public
understanding of the operations or activities of the government; and
(2) Disclosure of the information is not primarily in the
commercial interest of the requester.
(b) To determine whether a FOIA request is eligible for waiver or
reduction of fees pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the
Department considers the following factors:
(1) Whether the subject of the request specifically concerns
identifiable operations or activities of the government.
(2) Whether the disclosable portions of the requested information
will be meaningfully informative in relation to the subject matter of
the request.
(3) The disclosure's contribution to public understanding of
government operations, i.e., the understanding of the public at large,
as opposed to an individual or a narrow segment of interested persons
(including whether the requester has expertise in the subject area of
the FOIA request as well as the intention and demonstrated ability to
disseminate the information to the public).
(4) The significance of the disclosure's contribution to public
understanding of government operations or activities, i.e., the
public's understanding of the subject matter existing prior to the
disclosure must be likely to be enhanced significantly by the
(c) To determine whether a FOIA request is eligible for waiver or
reduction of fees pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the
Department considers the following factors:
(1) The existence of the requester's commercial interest, i.e.,
whether the requester has a commercial interest that would be furthered
by the requested disclosure.
(2) If a commercial interest is identified, whether the commercial
interest of the requester is sufficiently large in comparison with the
public interest in disclosure, that disclosure is primarily in the
commercial interest of the requester.
(d) When the fee waiver requirements are met only with respect to a
portion of a FOIA request, the Department waives or reduces fees only
for that portion of the request.
(e) A requester seeking a waiver or reduction of fees must submit
evidence demonstrating that the FOIA request meets all the criteria
listed in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section.
(f) A requester must seek a fee waiver for each FOIA request for
which a waiver is sought. The Department does not grant standing fee
waivers but considers each fee waiver request independently on its
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(A), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
Subpart E--Administrative Review
Sec. 5.40 Appeals of adverse determinations.
(a) In general. A requester may seek an administrative review of an
[[Page 33515]]
determination on the FOIA request made by the requester by submitting
an appeal of the determination to the Department. Adverse
determinations include denials of access to agency records, in whole or
in part; ``no agency records'' responses; and adverse fee decisions,
including denials of requests for fee waivers, and all aspects of fee
(b) Appeal requirements. A requester must submit an appeal within
35 calendar days of the date on the adverse determination letter issued
by the Department or, where the requester has received no
determination, at any time after the due date for such determination.
An appeal must be in writing and must include a detailed statement of
all legal and factual bases for the appeal. The requester's failure to
comply with time limits set forth in this section constitutes
exhaustion of the requester's administrative remedies for the purposes
of initiating judicial action to compel disclosure.
(c) Determination on appeal. (1) The Department makes a written
determination on an administrative appeal within 20 working days after
receiving the appeal. The time limit may be extended in accordance with
Sec. 5.21(c) through (e). The Department's failure to comply with time
limits set forth in this section constitutes exhaustion of the
requester's administrative remedies for the purposes of initiating
judicial action to compel disclosure.
(2) The Department's determination on an appeal constitutes the
Department's final action on the FOIA request. Any Department
determination denying an appeal in whole or in part includes the
reasons for the denial, including any exemptions asserted under the
Act, and notice of the requester's right to seek judicial review of the
determination in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4). Where the
Department makes a determination to grant an appeal in whole or in
part, it processes the FOIA request subject to the appeal in accordance
with the determination on appeal.
(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6), 20 U.S.C. 3474)
[FR Doc. 2010-14127 Filed 6-11-10; 8:45 am]