Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, 14161-14163 [2010-6457]
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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 56 / Wednesday, March 24, 2010 / Notices
Street, Boise, ID 83705. Officers:
Bryan Treadwell, Manager,
(Qualifying Individual), Summer
Treadwell, Member.
Cayman Consolidators, Inc., 74 NW.
25th Avenue, Miami, FL 33125.
Officer: Alberto Diaz Rodriguez,
(Qualifying Individual).
Lozada Corporation dba Lozada
Transportation Services, 6526
Arlington Boulevard, Falls Church,
VA 22042. Officers: Cristian K.
Montecinos, Secretary, (Qualifying
Individual), Cesar Montecinos,
Trips Logistics Corp, 6 Morgan Drive,
Methuen, MA 01844. Officer:
Amale S. Najjar, President/
Treasurer/Secretary, (Qualifying
Global Container Line, Inc. dba Global
Container Line, 1930 6th Avenue
South, #401, Seattle, WA 98134.
Officers: Sarah Dorscht, Senior Vice
President, (Qualifying Individual),
Jason Totah, President/CEO.
Barthco International, Inc. dba OHLInternational, 5101 S. Broad Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19112. Officers:
Alberto B. Benki, Senior Vice
President, (Qualifying Individual),
Scott McWilliams, CEO.
Mallory Alexander International
Logistics, LLC, dba TradeSource, 1
Cordes Street Charleston, SC 29401.
Officers: W. Neely Mallory, III,
President, (Qualifying Individual),
W. Neely Mallory, Jr., CEO.
Ocean Freight Forwarder—Ocean
Transportation Intermediary:
Jeffery Raymond Sewell dba Cargo
Unlimited Worldwide, 74–854
Velie Way, #10, Palm Desert, CA
92260. Officer: Jeffery R. Sewell,
Sole Proprietor, (Qualifying
Razak Logistics, Inc., 28451 Ficus
Court, Murrieta, CA 92563. Officer:
Farhan Qureshi, President/
Secretary/Treasurer, (Qualifying
U.S. Africa Freight, Inc. dba U.S.
Africa Shipping, dba U.S. 2 Africa
Freight, 930 Hoffner Avenue,
Orlando, FL 32809. Officers: Esthela
Montgomery, Secretary/Operations
Manager, (Qualifying Individual),
Neil E. Barclay, Director/Treasurer.
Dated: March 19, 2010.
Rachel E. Dickon,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2010–6557 Filed 3–23–10; 8:45 am]
Ocean Transportation Intermediary
License Reissuance
Notice is hereby given that the
following Ocean Transportation
Intermediary license has been reissued
by the Federal Maritime Commission
pursuant to section 19 of the Shipping
Act of 1984 (46 U.S.C. Chapter 409) and
the regulations of the Commission
pertaining to the licensing of Ocean
Transportation Intermediaries, 46 CFR
Part 515.
License No.
Date reissued
012142NF ......................................
Seaborne International, Inc. dba Seaborne Express Line, 8901 South La Cienega
Blvd., Suite 101, Inglewood, CA 90301.
February 6, 2010.
Sandra L. Kusumoto,
Director, Bureau of Certification and
picture identification must be presented
to the GAO Security Desk on the day of
the meeting to obtain access to the GAO
building. For further information, please
contact Mrs. Allison. Please check the
Government Auditing Standards Web
page (
ybk01.htm) one week prior to the
meeting for a final agenda.
[FR Doc. 2010–6553 Filed 3–23–10; 8:45 am]
[Pub. L. 67–13, 42 Stat. 20 (June 10, 1921)]
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Advisory Council on Government
Auditing Standards; Notice of Meeting
The Advisory Council on Government
Auditing Standards will meet Thursday,
April 22, 2010, from 8:15 a.m. to 3:30
p.m., in the Staats Briefing Room (7C13)
of the Government Accountability
Office Building, 441 G Street, NW.,
Washington, DC.
The Advisory Council on Government
Auditing Standards will hold a meeting
to discuss updates and revisions of the
2007 Revision of Government Auditing
Standards. The meeting is open to the
public. Members of the public will be
provided an opportunity to address the
Council with a brief (five minute)
presentation in the afternoon on matters
directly related to the proposed update
and revision.
Any interested person who plans to
attend the meeting as an observer must
contact Jennifer Allison, Council
Administrator, 202–512–3423. A form of
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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Jkt 220001
Dated: March 19, 2010.
James R. Dalkin,
Director, Financial Management and
[FR Doc. 2010–6526 Filed 3–23–10; 8:45 am]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request
Periodically, the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA) will publish a summary of
information collection requests under
OMB review, in compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
PO 00000
Frm 00039
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Chapter 35). To request a copy of these
documents, call the SAMHSA Reports
Clearance Officer on (240) 276–1243.
Proposed Project: Transformation
Accountability (TRAC) Reporting
System —(OMB No. 0930–0285)—
SAMHSA’s CMHS is requesting
approval for a revision to the National
Outcome Measures (NOMs) for
Consumers Receiving Mental Health
Services. The name of this data
collection effort is revised to the
Transformation Accountability (TRAC)
Reporting System (hereafter referred to
as TRAC) to enable SAMHSA CMHS to
consolidate its performance reporting
activities within one package. This
request includes a revision of the
currently approved client-level data
collection effort for programs providing
direct services; additional questions will
enable CMHS to more fully explain
grantee performance in relation to
Agency and/or program objectives. This
request also includes the addition of
data collection from Project Directors of
grants engaged in infrastructure
development, prevention, and mental
health promotion activities. These new
instruments will enable SAMHSA
CMHS to capture a standardized set of
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 56 / Wednesday, March 24, 2010 / Notices
performance indicators using a uniform
reporting method.
These proposed data activities are
intended to promote the use of
consistent measures among CMHS
grantees and technical assistance
contractors. These common measures
recommended by CMHS are a result of
extensive examination and
recommendations, using consistent
criteria, by panels of staff, experts, and
grantees. Wherever feasible, the
proposed measures are consistent with
or build upon previous data
development efforts within CMHS.
These data collection activities will be
organized to reflect and support the
domains specified for SAMHSA’s NOMs
for programs providing direct services,
and the categories developed by CMHS
to specify infrastructure development,
prevention, and mental health
promotion activities.
Client-Level Data Collection
The currently approved data
collection effort for the SAMHSA CMHS
programs that provide direct services to
consumers includes separate data
collection forms that are parallel in
design for use in interviewing adults
and children (or their caregivers for
children under the age of 11 years old).
These SAMHSA TRAC data will be
collected at baseline, at six month
reassessments for as long as the
consumer receives services, and at
discharge. The proposed data collection
encompasses eight of the ten SAMHSA
NOMs domains.
Number of questions: adult
Number of questions: caregiver
and child/adolescent
Access/Capacity ..........................................................................................................................................
Functioning ..................................................................................................................................................
Stability in Housing ......................................................................................................................................
Education and Employment .........................................................................................................................
Crime and Criminal Justice .........................................................................................................................
Perception of Care .......................................................................................................................................
Social Connectedness .................................................................................................................................
Retention 1 ...................................................................................................................................................
Total Number ........................................................................................................................................
1 Retention
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
is defined as retention in the community. The indicator is based on use of psychiatric inpatient services, which is based on a measure from the Stability in Housing Domain.
Changes to the current instruments
include the following:
• The administrative section of all
instruments was changed to allow
grantees to capture and track when
consumers refuse interviews, consent
cannot be obtained from proxy, and
consumers are impaired or unable to
provide consent. The administrative
section of the children’s instruments
was additionally changed to capture
whether the respondent is the child or
his/her caregiver.
• Questions were added to all
instruments to capture general health,
psychological functioning, life in the
community, and substance use.
• CMHS reduced the data collection
requirement for 3-month programs to be
consistent with 6-month programs; all
grant programs will now be required to
collect the client-level interviews in 6month intervals, and CMHS will require
the completion of clinical discharge
In addition to questions asked of
consumers as listed above, programs
will be required to abstract information
from consumer records regarding the
services provided. The time to complete
the revised instruments is estimated as
shown below. These estimates are based
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Jkt 220001
on grantee reports of the amount of time
required to complete the currently
approved instruments accounting for
the additional time required to complete
the new questions, as based on an
informal pilot.
Infrastructure Development,
Prevention, and Mental Health
Promotion Performance Data Collection
CMHS has identified categories and
associated grant- or community-level
indicators to assess performance of grant
programs engaged in infrastructure
development, prevention, and mental
health promotion activities. Upon
approval of the indicators, a Web-based
data entry system will be developed to
capture this performance data for all
CMHS-funded grants engaged in
infrastructure development, prevention,
and mental health promotion activities.
Not all categories or indicators will
apply to every grant program; CMHS
Program Directors will be responsible
for determining whether a category (or
an indicator within a category) applies
to each grant program, establishing
targets at the grant level, and monitoring
data submission. The following table
summarizes the total number of
PO 00000
Frm 00040
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
indicators for each category that may or
may not apply to each grant program:
Number of
Policy Development ..................
Workforce Development ...........
Financing ..................................
Organizational Change .............
Partnerships/Collaborations ......
Accountability ............................
Types/Targets of Practices .......
Awareness ................................
Training .....................................
Knowledge/Attitudes/Beliefs .....
Screening ..................................
Outreach ...................................
Referral .....................................
Access ......................................
Total Number ........................
Grantee Project Directors will be
responsible for submitting data
pertaining to these indicators quarterly.
The use of standardized domains and
data collection approaches will enhance
aggregate data development and
Following is the estimated annual
response burden for this effort.
Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 56 / Wednesday, March 24, 2010 / Notices
Number of
Type of response
Hours per
Total hour
baseline interview .............................................
6-month reassessment interview ......................
discharge interview ...........................................
baseline chart abstraction .................................
reassessment chart abstraction ........................
Client-level Subtotal ......................................................
Infrastructure development, prevention, and mental health
promotion quarterly record abstraction ............................
Total ..............................................................................
Written comments and
recommendations concerning the
proposed information collection should
be sent by April 23, 2010 to: SAMHSA
Desk Officer, Human Resources and
Housing Branch, Office of Management
and Budget, New Executive Office
Building, Room 10235, Washington, DC
20503; due to potential delays in OMB’s
receipt and processing of mail sent
through the U.S. Postal Service,
respondents are encouraged to submit
comments by fax to: 202–395–6974.
Dated: March 17, 2010.
Elaine Parry,
Director, Office of Program Services.
[FR Doc. 2010–6457 Filed 3–23–10; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Agency Forms Undergoing Paperwork
Reduction Act Review
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) publishes a list of
information collection requests under
review by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) in compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 35). To request a copy of these
requests, call the CDC Reports Clearance
Officer at (404) 639–5960 or send an email to Send written
comments to CDC Desk Officer, Office of
Management and Budget, Washington,
DC or by fax to (202) 395–5806. Written
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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comments should be received within 30
days of this notice.
Proposed Project
School Dismissal Monitoring
System—Existing Data Collection
without an OMB Number—National
Center for Emerging and Zoonotic
Infectious Diseases (NCEZID)
(proposed), Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
During the spring 2009 H1N1
outbreak, the U.S. Department of
Education (ED) and the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
received numerous daily requests about
the overall number of school dismissals
nationwide including the number of
students and teachers impacted by the
outbreak. Illness among school-aged
students (K–12) in many States and
cities resulted in at least 1351 school
dismissals due to rapidly increasing
absenteeism among students or staff that
impacted at least 824,966 students and
53,217 teachers.
Although a system was put in place
to track school closures in conjunction
with the Department of Education (ED),
no formal monitoring system was
established, making it difficult to
monitor reports of school dismissal and
to gauge the impact of the outbreak.
CDC has recently issued guidance for
school closure for the 2009–2010 school
year. To address the need to monitor
reports of school closure, CDC and ED
have established a School Dismissal
Monitoring System to report on novel
influenza A (H1N1)-related school or
school district dismissals in the United
PO 00000
Frm 00041
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
States. Although the School Dismissal
Monitoring System is currently
approved to collect data under OMB
Control Number 0920–0008, Emergency
Epidemic Investigations, CDC would
like to continue the data collection long
term. Thus, CDC is requesting a separate
OMB Control Number for this data
The purpose of the School Dismissal
Monitoring System is to generate
accurate, real-time, national summary
data daily on the number of school
dismissals and the number of students
and teachers impacted by the school
dismissals. CDC will use the summary
data to fully understand how schools
are responding to CDC community
mitigation guidance among schools,
students, household contacts and for
overall awareness of the impact of
influenza outbreaks on school systems
and communities.
Respondents are schools, school
districts, and local public health
agencies. Respondents will use a
common reporting form to submit data
to CDC. The reporting form includes the
following data elements: Name of school
district; zip code of school district; date
the school or school district was
dismissed; and the date school or school
district is projected to reopen. Optional
data elements include: Name of person
submitting information; the
organization/agency; phone number of
the organization/agency; and e-mail
address. There is no cost to respondents
other than their time to complete the
data collection. The total annualized
burden for this information collection
request is 42 hours.
[Federal Register Volume 75, Number 56 (Wednesday, March 24, 2010)]
[Pages 14161-14163]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2010-6457]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request
Periodically, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA) will publish a summary of information
collection requests under OMB review, in compliance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). To request a copy of these
documents, call the SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer on (240) 276-1243.
Proposed Project: Transformation Accountability (TRAC) Reporting System
--(OMB No. 0930-0285)--Revision
SAMHSA's CMHS is requesting approval for a revision to the National
Outcome Measures (NOMs) for Consumers Receiving Mental Health Services.
The name of this data collection effort is revised to the
Transformation Accountability (TRAC) Reporting System (hereafter
referred to as TRAC) to enable SAMHSA CMHS to consolidate its
performance reporting activities within one package. This request
includes a revision of the currently approved client-level data
collection effort for programs providing direct services; additional
questions will enable CMHS to more fully explain grantee performance in
relation to Agency and/or program objectives. This request also
includes the addition of data collection from Project Directors of
grants engaged in infrastructure development, prevention, and mental
health promotion activities. These new instruments will enable SAMHSA
CMHS to capture a standardized set of
[[Page 14162]]
performance indicators using a uniform reporting method.
These proposed data activities are intended to promote the use of
consistent measures among CMHS grantees and technical assistance
contractors. These common measures recommended by CMHS are a result of
extensive examination and recommendations, using consistent criteria,
by panels of staff, experts, and grantees. Wherever feasible, the
proposed measures are consistent with or build upon previous data
development efforts within CMHS. These data collection activities will
be organized to reflect and support the domains specified for SAMHSA's
NOMs for programs providing direct services, and the categories
developed by CMHS to specify infrastructure development, prevention,
and mental health promotion activities.
Client-Level Data Collection
The currently approved data collection effort for the SAMHSA CMHS
programs that provide direct services to consumers includes separate
data collection forms that are parallel in design for use in
interviewing adults and children (or their caregivers for children
under the age of 11 years old). These SAMHSA TRAC data will be
collected at baseline, at six month reassessments for as long as the
consumer receives services, and at discharge. The proposed data
collection encompasses eight of the ten SAMHSA NOMs domains.
Number of
Number of questions:
Domain questions: adult caregiver and
Access/Capacity................... 4 4
Functioning....................... 28 26
Stability in Housing.............. 1 2
Education and Employment.......... 4 3
Crime and Criminal Justice........ 1 1
Perception of Care................ 15 14
Social Connectedness.............. 4 4
Retention \1\..................... 5 5
Total Number.................. 63 59
\1\ Retention is defined as retention in the community. The indicator is
based on use of psychiatric inpatient services, which is based on a
measure from the Stability in Housing Domain.
Changes to the current instruments include the following:
The administrative section of all instruments was changed
to allow grantees to capture and track when consumers refuse
interviews, consent cannot be obtained from proxy, and consumers are
impaired or unable to provide consent. The administrative section of
the children's instruments was additionally changed to capture whether
the respondent is the child or his/her caregiver.
Questions were added to all instruments to capture general
health, psychological functioning, life in the community, and substance
CMHS reduced the data collection requirement for 3-month
programs to be consistent with 6-month programs; all grant programs
will now be required to collect the client-level interviews in 6-month
intervals, and CMHS will require the completion of clinical discharge
In addition to questions asked of consumers as listed above,
programs will be required to abstract information from consumer records
regarding the services provided. The time to complete the revised
instruments is estimated as shown below. These estimates are based on
grantee reports of the amount of time required to complete the
currently approved instruments accounting for the additional time
required to complete the new questions, as based on an informal pilot.
Infrastructure Development, Prevention, and Mental Health Promotion
Performance Data Collection
CMHS has identified categories and associated grant- or community-
level indicators to assess performance of grant programs engaged in
infrastructure development, prevention, and mental health promotion
activities. Upon approval of the indicators, a Web-based data entry
system will be developed to capture this performance data for all CMHS-
funded grants engaged in infrastructure development, prevention, and
mental health promotion activities. Not all categories or indicators
will apply to every grant program; CMHS Program Directors will be
responsible for determining whether a category (or an indicator within
a category) applies to each grant program, establishing targets at the
grant level, and monitoring data submission. The following table
summarizes the total number of indicators for each category that may or
may not apply to each grant program:
Number of
Category indicators
Policy Development......................................... 2
Workforce Development...................................... 5
Financing.................................................. 3
Organizational Change...................................... 1
Partnerships/Collaborations................................ 2
Accountability............................................. 6
Types/Targets of Practices................................. 4
Awareness.................................................. 1
Training................................................... 1
Knowledge/Attitudes/Beliefs................................ 1
Screening.................................................. 1
Outreach................................................... 2
Referral................................................... 1
Access..................................................... 1
Total Number............................................. 31
Grantee Project Directors will be responsible for submitting data
pertaining to these indicators quarterly. The use of standardized
domains and data collection approaches will enhance aggregate data
development and reporting.
Following is the estimated annual response burden for this effort.
[[Page 14163]]
Estimate of Annual Response Burden
Number of Responses per Total Hours per Total hour
Type of response respondents respondent responses response burden
Client-level baseline interview. 15,681 1 15,681 0.333 5,222
Client-level 6-month 10,646 1 10,646 0.367 3,907
reassessment interview.........
Client-level discharge interview 4,508 1 4,508 0.367 1,655
Client-level baseline chart 2,352 1 2,352 0.1 235
Client-level reassessment chart 9,017 1 9,017 0.1 902
Client-level Subtotal....... 15,681 .............. 15,681 .............. 11,920
Infrastructure development, 942 4 3,768 4 15,072
prevention, and mental health
promotion quarterly record
Total....................... 16,623 .............. .............. .............. 26,992
Written comments and recommendations concerning the proposed
information collection should be sent by April 23, 2010 to: SAMHSA Desk
Officer, Human Resources and Housing Branch, Office of Management and
Budget, New Executive Office Building, Room 10235, Washington, DC
20503; due to potential delays in OMB's receipt and processing of mail
sent through the U.S. Postal Service, respondents are encouraged to
submit comments by fax to: 202-395-6974.
Dated: March 17, 2010.
Elaine Parry,
Director, Office of Program Services.
[FR Doc. 2010-6457 Filed 3-23-10; 8:45 am]