State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program, 58436-58525 [E9-27161]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
34 CFR Subtitle B, Chapter II
[Docket ID ED–2009–OESE–0007]
RIN 1810–AB04
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
(CFDA) Numbers: 84.394 (Education
Stabilization Fund) and 84.397
(Government Services Fund)
Department of Education.
Final requirements, definitions,
and approval criteria.
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SUMMARY: The Secretary of Education
(Secretary) establishes requirements,
definitions, and approval criteria for the
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund
(Stabilization or SFSF) program. The
Secretary may use one or more of these
requirements, definitions, and approval
criteria in awarding funds under this
program in fiscal year (FY) 2010. These
requirements, definitions, and approval
criteria are based on the assurances
regarding education reform that grantees
are required to provide in exchange for
receiving funds under the Stabilization
program. We take this action to specify
the data and information that grantees
must collect and publicly report with
respect to those assurances and to help
ensure grantees’ ability to collect and
publicly report the required data and
DATES: These requirements, definitions,
and approval criteria are effective
January 11, 2010.
James Butler, State Fiscal Stabilization
Fund Program, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW.,
Room 3E108, Washington, DC 20202.
Telephone: (202) 260–2274 or by e-mail:
If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD), call the
Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll free, at
Purpose of Program: The State Fiscal
Stabilization Fund program provides
approximately $48.6 billion in formula
grants to States to help stabilize State
and local budgets in order to minimize
and avoid reductions in education and
other essential services, in exchange for
a State’s commitment to advance
essential education reform in key areas.
Background: Section 14005(d) of
Division A of the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)
requires a State receiving funds under
the SFSF program to provide assurances
in four key areas of education reform: (a)
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Achieving equity in teacher
distribution, (b) improving collection
and use of data, (c) standards and
assessments, and (d) supporting
struggling schools. For each area of
reform, the ARRA prescribes specific
actions that the State must assure that
it will implement. In addition, section
14005(a) of the ARRA requires a State
that seeks funds under the Stabilization
program to submit an application to the
Department containing such
information as the Secretary may
reasonably require. In this notice, we
establish specific data and information
requirements (the assurance indicators
and descriptors) that a State receiving
funds under the SFSF program must
meet with respect to the statutory
assurances. We also establish specific
requirements for a plan that a State must
submit (the State plan), as part of its
application for the second phase 1 of
funding under the SFSF program,
describing its ability to collect and
publicly report the required data and
other information. Together, these two
sets of requirements will provide
transparency on the extent to which a
State is implementing the actions for
which it has provided assurances.
Increased access to and focus on this
information will better enable States
and other stakeholders to identify
strengths and weaknesses in education
systems and determine where
concentrated reform effort is warranted.
We also intend to use the data and
information that States collect and
publicly report in assessing whether a
State is qualified to participate in and
receive funds under other reformoriented programs administered by the
As discussed elsewhere in this notice,
an assurance indicator or descriptor
may relate to data or other information
that States currently collect and report
to the Department, or to data or other
information for which the Department is
itself the source. In those cases, we do
not establish any new data or
information collection requirements for
a State; rather, the Department will
provide the State with the relevant data
1 The Department is awarding SFSF program
funds in two phases. In the first phase, the
Department awarded 67 percent of a State’s
Education Stabilization Fund allocation, unless the
State demonstrated that additional funds were
required to restore FY 2009 State support for
education, in which case the Department awarded
the State up to 90 percent of that allocation. In
addition, the Department awarded 100 percent of
each State’s Government Services Fund allocation
in Phase I. The Department will award the
remainder of a State’s Education Stabilization Fund
allocation in the second phase. A table listing the
allocations to States under the SFSF program is
available at:
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or other information that the State will
confirm and publicly report.
The Department recognizes that
requests for data and information
should reflect an integrated and
coordinated approach among the
various programs supported with ARRA
funds, particularly the SFSF, Race to the
Top, School Improvement Grants (SIG),
and Statewide Longitudinal Data
Systems Grant programs. Accordingly,
the Department has evaluated the
requirements and definitions for this
program in context with those other
Section 14005(d)(2) of the ARRA
requires a State receiving funds under
the SFSF program to assure that it will
take actions to improve teacher
effectiveness and comply with section
1111(b)(8)(C) of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of 1965, as
amended (ESEA) (20 U.S.C.
6311(b)(8)(C)), in order to address
inequities in the distribution of highly
qualified teachers between high- and
low-poverty schools and to ensure that
low-income and minority children are
not taught at higher rates than other
children by inexperienced, unqualified,
or out-of-field teachers. The indicators
the Department has established will
measure the extent to which a State is
taking such actions and will provide
data and other information on: (1)
Student access to highly qualified
teachers in high- and low-poverty
schools, (2) current strategies and efforts
to address inequities in the distribution
of inexperienced, unqualified, or out-offield teachers, (3) how teacher and
principal performance is evaluated and
how the results of these evaluations are
used, and (4) the distribution of
performance evaluation ratings or levels
among teachers and principals.
Section 14005(d)(3) requires each
State to assure that it will establish a
longitudinal data system that includes
the 12 elements described in section
6401(e)(2)(D) of the America
COMPETES Act. The Department has
established an indicator that will
measure the extent to which States have
implemented statewide longitudinal
data systems that include all of the
required elements. These elements
constitute the minimum requirements of
a modern statewide longitudinal data
system. Such a system will enable
States, local educational agencies
(LEAs), and schools to, among other
things: Follow student academic
progress as a student moves from grade
to grade; identify persistently lowestachieving schools; and evaluate the
effectiveness of specific programs.
The Department has established
additional indicators identifying
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
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whether a State provides teachers in
grades and subjects in which it
administers assessments with student
growth data and with reports of
individual teacher impact on student
achievement. We believe that teachers’
receipt of these data and reports should
be a natural product of a statewide
longitudinal data system that includes
the required elements, particularly the
requirements that such a system
includes unique statewide student
identifiers and a teacher identifier
system with the ability to match
teachers to students. Moreover, we
believe that these are key examples of
how reliable, high-quality data from a
State’s system can drive education
reform in general and improvements in
instructional programs in particular.
The ARRA also requires a State
receiving funds under the SFSF program
to assure that it will: (A) Enhance the
quality of the academic assessments it
administers pursuant to section
1111(b)(3) of the ESEA (20 U.S.C.
6311(b)(3)) through activities such as
those described in section 6112(a) of the
ESEA (20 U.S.C. 7301a(a)); (B) comply
with the requirements of paragraphs
(3)(C)(ix) and (6) of section 1111(b) of
the ESEA (20 U.S.C. 6311(b)) and
section 612(a)(16) of the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act (20
U.S.C. 1412(a)(16)) related to the
inclusion of children with disabilities
and limited English proficient students 2
in State assessments, the development
of valid and reliable assessments for
those students, and the provision of
accommodations that enable their
participation in State assessments; and
(C) take steps to improve State academic
content standards and student academic
achievement standards for secondary
schools consistent with section
6401(e)(1)(A)(ii) of the America
9871(e)(1)(A)(ii)). To assess the extent to
which a State is taking these actions, we
are requiring that the State collect and
publicly report data and other
information regarding State assessment
systems, including on the assessment of
students with disabilities and limited
English proficient students; State
National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) data; and data on the
number of students who graduate from
2 The Department recognizes that stakeholders
often use terms such as ‘‘English language learners’’
rather than ‘‘limited English proficient students’’
when referring to students who are acquiring basic
English proficiency and developing academic
English skills. However, because the ESEA defines
the term ‘‘limited English proficient,’’ and both the
statute and the implementing regulations use this
term, as well as the phrase ‘‘students with limited
English proficiency,’’ we will continue to use the
latter terms in this notice.
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high school using a four-year adjusted
cohort graduation rate, enroll in an
institution of higher education (IHE)
within 16 months of receiving a regular
high school diploma, and complete at
least one year of college credit (towards
a degree) within two years of
As many States prepare to
significantly improve the rigor and
effectiveness of their standards and
assessment systems, we believe this
information will provide stakeholders
with vital transparency on the current
status of those systems and inform
efforts that are currently underway to
improve them. The Department
continues to encourage States to work
together to develop and implement
common internationally benchmarked
standards and assessments aligned to
those standards in order to ensure that
students are college- and career-ready.
However, until those standards and
assessments are complete, States need to
continue to ensure both the quality of
their current standards and assessments,
and that students are provided
accommodations as necessary.
Section 14005(d)(5) of the ARRA
requires a State receiving funds under
the SFSF program to provide an
assurance that it will comply with the
requirements of section 1116(b)(7)(C)(iv)
and section 1116(b)(8)(B) of the ESEA
(20 U.S.C. 6316(b)(7)(C)(iv) and
6316(b)(8)(B)) with respect to Title I
schools identified for corrective action
and restructuring. In order to provide
indicators of the extent to which a State
is implementing this statutory
assurance, we are requiring that the
State provide data on the extent to
which dramatic reforms to improve
student academic achievement are
implemented in Title I schools in
improvement under section
1116(b)(1)(A) of the ESEA,3 in corrective
action, or in restructuring and
secondary schools that are eligible for,
but not receiving, Title I funds.
Additionally, a State must provide data
on the operation and performance of its
charter schools. SFSF definitions and
requirements for these indicators and
descriptors will, where appropriate, be
3 Although the statutory assurance concerns only
Title I schools in corrective action and
restructuring, we are requiring that States include
Title I schools in improvement as well when
providing data on the extent to which dramatic
reforms to improve student academic achievement
are being implemented. Making this addition would
be consistent with the school reform strategies that
States are implementing using funds available
under section 1003(g) of the ESEA (20 U.S.C.
6303(g)) (School Improvement Grants), which are
intended to be applied to schools in improvement
as well as to schools in corrective action or
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consistent with those in the
Department’s Race to the Top Fund and
SIG notices to encourage and enable
States to plan effectively and use
diverse funding sources to accomplish
consistent goals.
In addition to the specific data and
information requirements relating to the
four ARRA education reform
assurances, we also establish
requirements for a plan that a State must
submit to the Department. In general,
the State plan must describe the State’s
current ability to collect the data or
other information needed for the
assurance indicators and descriptors as
well as the State’s current ability to
make the data or information easily
available to the public. If the State is
currently able to fully collect and
publicly report the required data or
other information at least annually, the
State must provide the most recent data
or information with its plan. If a State
is not currently able to collect or
publicly report the data or other
information at least annually, the plan
must describe the State’s process and
timeline for developing and
implementing the means to do so as
soon as possible but no later than
September 30, 2011, the date by which
States must obligate funds received
under the SFSF program consistent with
section 421 of the General Education
Provisions Act (GEPA) (20 U.S.C.
1225(b)). The State plan must describe
the State’s collection and public
reporting abilities with respect to each
individual indicator or descriptor.
As discussed previously, the data or
information needed for an assurance
indicator or descriptor is in some cases
already reported to the Department by
the State, or is provided by the
Department. In those cases, it is
understood that the State is currently
able to collect the data or information;
accordingly, the State’s plan need only
address the State’s ability to publicly
report the data or information, and the
State need not include the data or
information with its plan.
The State plan requirements apply
generally across the education reform
areas discussed above with the
exception of education reform area (b)
(improving collection and use of data)
and new Indicators (c)(10) and (c)(11)
(proposed Indicators (c)(11) and (c)(12)),
for which we establish slightly different
plan requirements. For example, for
Indicator (b)(1) we require that a State
describe in its plan whether the State’s
data system includes the required
elements of a statewide longitudinal
data system and, if the data system does
not, the State’s process and timeline for
developing and implementing a system
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
that meets all requirements as soon as
possible but no later than September 30,
2011. As this indicator relates to a
State’s ability to collect and publicly
report data, however, these
requirements do not in effect differ
substantially from the generally
applicable State plan requirements (i.e.,
the requirements that the State describe
its abilities to collect and publicly
report data or other information for a
given indicator or descriptor). Moreover,
the development and implementation of
such a statewide longitudinal data
system is intrinsic to a State’s ability to
collect and publicly report the data
required by certain other indicators
(e.g., the indicators on student
enrollment and credit completion in
IHEs after graduation from high school).
In the case of new Indicators (c)(11)
and (c)(12), regarding the data States
will collect from IHEs on student
enrollment and credit completion, the
State is required to, at a minimum,
possess the ability to collect and
publicly report the data by September
30, 2011. As a result, a State plan need
only address the development of
capacity, and not implementation and
public reporting for these indicators.
In addition to requirements relating to
a State’s ability to collect and publicly
report data or other information for the
respective assurance indicators and
descriptors, we establish other general
requirements for the State plan relating
to the State’s institutional infrastructure
and capacity, the nature of any technical
assistance or other support provided,
the budget for implementing the plan,
and the processes the State employs to
ensure data and information quality and
student privacy.
For the purposes of this program, the
data and information are largely
intended for public use, rather than for
Federal reporting. Individual States and
communities have the greatest power to
hold their LEAs and schools
accountable for the reforms that are in
the best interest of their students. Rather
than the Department collecting and
warehousing this information, it is our
intention that States and LEAs will
make the information available to the
public in a manner that is useful for
stakeholders in understanding key
information about education in each
State and community. The Department
believes that the most effective and
expeditious way for States to share
information with the public is via the
Internet. Accordingly, any State that
receives SFSF funding in Phase II must
maintain a public Web site that provides
the data and information that are
responsive to the indicator and
descriptor requirements. If a State does
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not currently provide the required data
and information, it must provide on this
Web site its plan with respect to the
indicator or descriptor and its reports on
its progress in implementing that plan.
In developing a plan as required in
this notice, the State is encouraged to
consult with key stakeholders, such as
superintendents, educators, content
experts, and parents as well as teachers’
union, business, community, and civil
rights leaders. Such consultation would
ensure that these stakeholders are aware
of the State’s current ability to meet the
requirements, can provide input on the
means the State will develop to comply
with the requirements, and can prepare
to assist the State in implementing those
Program Authority: American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Division A,
Title XIV—State Fiscal Stabilization Fund,
Public Law No. 111–5.
We published a notice of proposed
requirements, definitions, and approval
criteria (NPR) for this program in the
Federal Register on July 29, 2009 (74 FR
37837–37872). That notice contained
background information and our reasons
for proposing the particular
requirements, definitions, and approval
criteria. In addition to some minor
editorial changes, there are several
substantive differences between the
NPR and this notice of final
requirements, definitions, and approval
criteria (NFR). These changes are
summarized in the next section and
described in greater detail in the
Analysis of Comments and Changes
section elsewhere in this notice.
Major Changes in the Final
Requirements, Definitions, and
Approved Criteria
The following is a summary of the
major substantive changes in these final
requirements from the requirements
proposed in the NPR. (The rationale for
each of these changes is discussed in the
Analysis of Comments and Changes
section elsewhere in this preamble.)
• The NFR makes several changes to
the requirements for Achieving equity in
teacher distribution. The specific
changes are:
—The Department is adding a new
Indicator (a)(2) that requires each
State to confirm whether the State’s
Teacher Equity Plan (part of the
State’s Highly Qualified Teacher Plan)
fully reflects the steps the State is
currently taking to ensure that
students from low-income families
and minority students are not taught
at higher rates than other students by
inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-
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field teachers (as required in section
1111(b)(8)(C) of the ESEA).
—Descriptors (a)(1) and (a)(2) have been
revised to require States also to
describe the use of results from
teacher and principal evaluation
systems in decisions regarding teacher
and principal development,
compensation, promotion, retention,
and removal.
—New Indicator (a)(3) (proposed
Indicator (a)(2)) and new Indicator
(a)(5) (proposed Indicator (a)(4)) have
been revised to have States indicate
whether the systems used to evaluate
the performance of teachers include
student achievement outcomes or
student growth data as an evaluation
• The NFR makes the following
changes to the requirements for
Improving collection and use of data:
—New Indicator (b)(2) requires that
each State indicate whether it
provides student growth data on their
current students and the students they
taught in the previous year to, at a
minimum, teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in the
grades in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects, in a
manner that is timely and informs
instructional programs.
—New Indicator (b)(3) (proposed
Indicator (b)(2)) has been revised to
require each State to indicate whether
it provides teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in
grades in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects with
reports of individual teacher impact
on student achievement on those
assessments. Under proposed
Indicator (b)(2), a State would have
been required to indicate whether it
provides such teachers with data on
the performance of their students on
those assessments that include
estimates of individual teacher impact
on student achievement, in a manner
that is timely and informs instruction.
• The final requirements make
several changes to the indicators for
Standards and assessments. The
specific changes are:
—Proposed Indicator (c)(2), which
required each State to indicate
whether it was engaged in activities to
enhance the quality of its
assessments, and Proposed Descriptor
(c)(1), which required States to
describe those activities, have been
removed from the final requirements.
—New Indicator (c)(11) (proposed
Indicator (c)(12)) has been modified to
require a State to provide data on
student enrollment for students who
enroll in an IHE within 16 months of
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
receiving a regular high school
diploma. Proposed Indicator (c)(12)
did not include a timeframe for this
data element.
—New Indicator (c)(12) (proposed
Indicator (c)(13)) now requires that a
State collect data on progress toward
a postsecondary degree only for
students who attend a public IHE in
the State. Under proposed Indicator
(c)(13), a State would have provided
these data for students who attended
public IHEs both in State and out of
• The NFR makes several changes to
the requirements for Supporting
struggling schools. The specific changes
—Indicator (d)(1) and Indicator (d)(2)
now require that a State also publicly
report on average statewide school
gains in the ‘‘all students’’ category
and for each student subgroup (as
defined under section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v)
of the ESEA).
—New Descriptor (d)(1) requires each
State to provide its definition of
persistently lowest-achieving schools.
—Indicator (d)(3) now requires a State
to provide the number and identity of
Title I schools in improvement,
corrective action, or restructuring that
are persistently lowest-achieving
—Indicator (d)(4) now requires a State
to provide, of the persistently lowestachieving Title I schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring, the number and identity
of schools that have been turned
around, restarted, closed, or
transformed in the last year.
—Indicator (d)(5) now requires a State
to provide the number and identity of
secondary schools that are eligible for,
but do not receive, Title I funds that
are persistently lowest-achieving
—Indicator (d)(6) now requires a State
to provide, of the persistently lowestachieving secondary schools that are
eligible for, but do not receive, Title
I funds, the number and identity of
schools that have been turned around,
restarted, closed, or transformed in
the last year.
—New Indicator (d)(9) requires a State
to provide the number and percentage
of charter schools that have made
progress on State assessments in
reading/language arts in the last year.
—New Indicator (d)(10) requires a State
to provide the number and percentage
of charter schools that have made
progress on State assessments in
mathematics in the last year.
—New Indicators (d)(11) and (d)(12)
(proposed Indicators (d)(8) and (d)(9))
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require States to provide data and
information on charter schools that
have been closed within each of the
last five years instead of over the last
five years.
• The NFR makes several changes to
the requirements under State Plans. The
specific changes are:
—The NFR adds requirements regarding
new Indicator (b)(2). For new
Indicator (b)(2), the State must
provide student growth data on their
current students and students they
taught in the previous year to, at a
minimum, teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in
grades in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects, in a
manner that is timely and informs
instructional programs. A State must
indicate whether the State provides
teachers with such data; if the State
does not provide teachers with such
data, it must submit a plan for
developing and implementing, as
soon as possible but no later than
September 30, 2011, the means to
provide teachers with such data.
—The NFR revises the requirements for
new Indicator (b)(3) (proposed
Indicator (b)(2)). For new Indicator
(b)(3) (proposed Indicator (b)(2)), a
State must indicate whether it
provides teachers of reading/language
arts and mathematics in grades in
which the State administers
assessments in those subjects with
reports of individual teacher impact
on student achievement on those
assessments. If the State does not
provide those teachers with such
reports, it must submit a plan for how
it will develop and implement the
means to do so. Under the NPR, the
State would have been required to
provide those teachers with such
reports (consistent with the indicator);
if the State did not provide those
teachers with such reports, it would
have been required to submit a plan
for how it would develop and
implement the means to do so as soon
as possible but no later than
September 30, 2011.
—The NFR revises the requirements for
new Indicators (c)(11) and (c)(12). For
new Indicators (c)(11) and (c)(12)
(proposed Indicators (c)(12) and
(c)(13)), if a State will develop but not
implement the means to collect and
publicly report the data by September
30, 2011, it must submit a plan for
how it will develop the means to
collect and publicly report the data
and provide evidence, by September
30, 2011, to demonstrate that it has
developed the means to collect and
publicly report that data. If a State
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will develop and implement those
means (i.e., the State will collect and
publicly report those data) by
September 30, 2011, the State must
submit a plan for how it will collect
and publicly report the data by the
established deadline.
• The NFR includes definitions for
publicly report, student growth,
persistently lowest-achieving schools,
turnaround model, restart model, school
closure, transformation model, and
increased learning time.
Analysis of Comments and Changes
In response to the Secretary’s
invitation in the NPR, 60 parties
submitted comments on the proposed
requirements, definitions, and approval
criteria. An analysis of the comments
and changes to the requirements,
definitions, and approval criteria since
publication of the NPR follows.
We discuss substantive issues under
the sections of the requirements to
which they pertain. Generally, we do
not address technical or minor changes,
or suggested changes that we are not
authorized to make under applicable
Indicator and Descriptor Requirements
in General
Comment: A few commenters asserted
that the proposed data and information
requirements do not reflect
Congressional intent that the SFSF
program relieve the economic crisis in
schools and districts nationwide.
Commenters stated that SFSF funds are
intended to help maintain support for
education, not to support new programs
or initiatives. One commenter noted that
requirements for new programs or
initiatives may be appropriate for
competitive programs such as the Race
to the Top Fund, but not for the SFSF
program. In contrast, another
commenter asserted that States should
use SFSF funds for more than simply
maintaining support for current
education programs.
Discussion: The Department believes
that SFSF funds should be used both to
help restore support for education and
to advance education reform. When
States received funds under Phase I of
the SFSF program, they provided
assurances that they would take steps to
address the key reform areas required
under the ARRA. The data collected
will provide information on the status of
States’ efforts to comply with these
Changes: None.
Comment: A number of commenters
supported the Department’s emphasis
on the four reform areas and noted that
focus on those four areas will improve
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
educational outcomes for students.
Several commenters also expressed
support specifically for the focus on
data systems and improving teacher
quality. One commenter supported
linking student data to teachers. Some
commenters stated that the
requirements outlined in the notice
were well-aligned with the reform areas
of ARRA. Another commenter believed
that the Department should have
worked to ensure greater alignment
among the four reform areas. A few
commenters believed the proposed
requirements went beyond the intention
of the ARRA, and a few commenters
stated that they did not believe the
ARRA provided the Department with
the statutory authority to require States
to collect and publicly report the data
and information as proposed in the
NPR. One commenter stated that the
proposed requirements would be an
intrusion by the Federal Government
into State and local control of
Discussion: In its application for
initial funding under the SFSF program,
each State was required, consistent with
the statute, to provide an assurance that
it would take steps to advance reforms
in achieving equity in teacher
distribution, enhancing standards and
assessments, and supporting struggling
schools. Each State also provided an
assurance that it would establish a
statewide longitudinal data system. The
Department believes the requirements as
proposed in the NPR and established in
final in this notice are consistent with
the statutory intent and requirements of
the ARRA and will provide
comprehensive information on a State’s
progress in the four assurance areas. The
data and information that States will
publicly report under the indicators and
descriptors will inform State and local
reform efforts and enable the
Department to verify that a State is
fulfilling the commitments it made in
order to receive ARRA funds.
Changes: None.
Comment: Many commenters
supported the Department’s emphasis
on making the data and information
collected under the SFSF program
publicly available. Commenters also
noted that increased access to the data
and information would help inform
decision-making and increase
transparency around education reform.
Discussion: The Department
appreciates the commenters’ support
and agrees that the indicator and
descriptor requirements will provide the
public with valuable information on the
status of education reform in their State.
Changes: None.
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Comment: Several commenters
requested that the Department provide
States with a template for publicly
reporting the data and information
collected under the SFSF program. One
commenter asserted that the Department
must provide guidance to ensure that
States fully understand the public
reporting requirements. As an example,
the commenter questioned what
constitutes making the data ‘‘easily
accessible’’ for parents and the general
public. Another commenter questioned
whether the lack of specific guidance
from the Department on how to publicly
report the information collected meant
that we would allow States to use a
variety of methods to meet their
reporting obligation. The commenter
encouraged the Department to provide
States with flexibility in meeting these
requirements. One commenter noted
that the Department would need to
consider the unique demographics of
States when evaluating applications.
Discussion: The Department agrees
that it is important to have clear
guidance on the public reporting that is
required under this notice. Accordingly,
we have added a definition of publicly
report to provide additional specificity
and direction. We will also provide
guidance on how States may meet the
public reporting requirements for this
program, and will be available to
provide technical assistance to States
throughout the application and
reporting process.
Changes: The Department has added
a definition of publicly report, which
provides that the data or information
required for an indicator or descriptor
are made available to anyone with
access to an Internet connection without
having to submit a request to the entity
that maintains the data and information
in order to access that data and
information. Under this definition,
States are required to maintain a public
Web site that provides the data and
information that are responsive to the
indicator and descriptor requirements. If
a State does not currently provide the
required data or information, it must
provide on this Web site its plan with
respect to the indicator or descriptor
and its reports on its progress in
implementing that plan.
In light of our addition of the
definition of publicly report, we have
modified the indicators, descriptors,
plan requirements, definitions, and
approval criteria, as appropriate, to
substitute the term ‘‘publicly report’’ for
Comment: Some commenters
supported our intent to ensure
consistency in collection and reporting
requirements across the various
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programs funded under the ARRA. One
commenter requested that the
Department review the reporting
requirements across all ARRA programs
and use single data-element definitions
for all programs in order to reduce
redundant reporting and maintain
transparency. A few commenters
expressed concern that applications
submitted for programs under the ARRA
will be duplicative.
Discussion: The Department is
coordinating the implementation of the
programs under the ARRA in order to
support a comprehensive approach to
education reform and to minimize the
burden on States to the extent possible.
To that end, where appropriate, the
Department is developing consistent
requirements and definitions for SFSF,
the Race to the Top Fund, SIG, the
Investing in Innovation Fund, the
Teacher Incentive Fund, and other
ARRA programs; those changes are
discussed later in this notice. The
Department will evaluate applications
based on the specific approval criteria
we have announced for each program,
and recognizes that, in certain instances,
States will provide similar information
across applications.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter stated that
the Department did not propose
requirements that comprehensively
address the four education reform areas.
Specifically, the commenter believed
more indicators are needed in areas
addressing the closing of achievement
gaps, improving overall student
performance, and achieving equity
between high- and low-performing
Discussion: While we agree that
additional information in the four
reform areas could be valuable to the
public, educators, and policy-makers,
we believe that adding the suggested
indicators would be overly burdensome
to States and LEAs. We believe the
indicators and descriptors established in
this notice generally provide sufficient
data and information to measure State
progress in the four reform areas for the
purposes of the SFSF program.
Additionally, the Department believes
that meeting the requirement for each
State to include all 12 elements
described in the America COMPETES
Act in its statewide longitudinal data
system will provide a State with the
capability to collect, analyze, and report
meaningful information on the
effectiveness of its programs in closing
the achievement gap and improving
student outcomes.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter stated that
the Department is missing a major
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
opportunity to learn more about the role
of professional development in school
reform. The commenter encouraged the
Department to collect data on how
States are using and improving
professional development to increase
the performance levels of educators and
their students.
Discussion: The Department agrees
that professional development is an
important factor in developing and
supporting educators in improving their
practices and encourages States and
LEAs to collect and share data on
professional development, but we do
not believe that we should add an
indicator requiring a State to report on
professional development. However, we
note that we have added a new indicator
requiring States to make publicly
available their Teacher Equity Plans,
which include information on teacher
professional development, and indicate
if they have updated those plans. In
addition, we have revised Descriptors
(a)(1) and (a)(2) to require States to
describe the use of results from teacher
and principal evaluation systems in
decisions regarding, among other things,
professional development.
Changes: The Department has added
new Indicator (a)(2) and has also revised
Descriptors (a)(1) and (a)(2); these
changes are described in more detail in
the section of this notice entitled
Education Reform Area (a)—Achieving
Equity in Teacher Distribution.
Comment: One commenter stated that
the Department should require each
State to indicate whether the
information it publicly reports includes
information from charter schools and, if
such information is not currently
available, require the State to provide
information in its State plan on the
steps it will take to collect information
on charter schools.
Discussion: Under the requirements as
established in this notice, States will
publicly report information on charter
schools that are LEAs in the same
manner that they provide information
on any LEA. Further, information on
public charter schools that are not LEAs
will be provided in the same manner as
for other public elementary and
secondary schools.
Additionally, as proposed in the NPR
and as established in this notice, the
Department is requiring States to collect
and publicly report information on the
number of charter schools that are
permitted to operate and that are
actually operating in the State and each
LEA (new Indicators (d)(7) and (d)(8)
(proposed Indicators (d)(6) and (d)(7))).
Moreover, and as discussed in greater
detail later in this notice, the
Department agrees that it is important to
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collect information on the academic
achievement of students who attend
charter schools and has added new
Indicators (d)(9) and (d)(10), which
measure the performance of charter
school students on State assessments in
reading/language arts and mathematics.
Changes: The Department has added
new Indicators (d)(9) and (d)(10) to
education reform area (d). These
changes are described in greater detail
in the section of this notice entitled
Education Reform Area (d)—Supporting
Struggling Schools.
Comment: A few commenters
suggested that the Department create a
sequence of reform requirements instead
of asking States to implement
simultaneous reforms in all areas. They
specifically suggested the Department
include goals, targets, or benchmarks for
improving performance on the
indicators and descriptors in order to
move States closer to the goal of college
and career readiness for all students.
Discussion: Section 14005(d) of the
ARRA requires States to take action in
each of the education reform areas and
the Department envisions that in order
to achieve the reform goals States will
address each reform area
simultaneously. We do not believe it is
necessary to establish goals, targets, or
benchmarks for improving performance
because the purpose of the indicator and
descriptor requirements is to provide
transparency on the extent to which a
State is implementing the actions for
which it provided an assurance in its
application for initial SFSF funding.
Changes: None.
Burden and Costs
Comment: Many commenters
expressed concern that States and LEAs
do not have the financial resources
necessary to collect and publicly report
the data and information that the
Department proposed to require of
States. One commenter noted that in
order to comply with the collection and
public reporting requirements, LEAs
would need to take staff away from
other essential functions. Another
commenter stated that the requirements
should reflect the fact that the SFSF
program will not provide an ongoing
source of funding for States.
Discussion: The Department
acknowledges that there are costs
associated with the data collection and
public reporting requirements and
encourages States to consider available
sources of Federal funds to support this
reporting. For example, a State may use
SFSF Government Services funds to
meet the Phase II application
requirements. The Department has also
raised the statutory caps on State
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administration under Title I, part A of
the ESEA and part B, section 611 of the
Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA) with respect to funds
available for those programs under the
ARRA in order to make it easier for
States to meet ARRA reporting
Further, in response to comments, the
Department is reducing the burden on
States. For example, the Department is
not requiring States to provide estimates
of teacher impact on student
achievement (new Indicator (b)(3)
(proposed Indicator (b)(2)) but is now
requiring that States provide student
growth data to teachers (new Indicator
(b)(2)).4 In the NPR, the Department
estimated that the total cost to States,
LEAs, and IHEs of meeting the proposed
requirements was approximately $61.7
million. Of that amount, approximately
$30 million was associated with the
costs of providing estimates of teacher
impact on student achievement. The
Department believes that providing
teachers of reading/language arts and
mathematics in grades in which the
State administers assessments with
student growth data will be much less
Furthermore, the Department believes
that the potential benefits from
collecting and publicly reporting this
information (e.g., greater accountability,
implementation of a statewide
longitudinal data system to inform
instruction, and more effective teacher
and principal evaluation systems)
outweigh the costs associated with the
data requirements. The estimated costs
and benefits of these requirements are
described in greater detail in the
Summary of Costs and Benefits section
of this notice.
Changes: The Department has revised
the State Plan requirements for new
Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator
(b)(2)) to remove the requirement that
States provide estimates of teacher
impact on student achievement.
Comment: A few commenters claimed
that the reporting requirements may
lead to unnecessary costs for States and
LEAs that have already invested time
and effort in creating data systems or in
implementing school reform programs
that are not directly aligned with the
assurance areas.
Discussion: The Department does not
believe States will need to significantly
reconfigure current State data systems
in order to meet the ARRA requirement
to establish a statewide longitudinal
4 States are still required, however, to indicate
whether they provide reports of individual teacher
impact on student achievement through new
Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator (b)(2)) and, if
they do not, to provide a plan for doing so.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
data system that includes the 12
elements identified in the America
COMPETES Act (although a State may
need to expand its data system in order
to include all 12 data elements). The
America COMPETES Act predates
enactment of the ARRA, and States are
already designing data systems that
incorporate the America COMPETES
Act elements. We note that the elements
have also been incorporated into the
application requirements and guidance
for the Department’s Statewide
Longitudinal Data Systems Grant
As part of the SFSF program, the
Department is not requiring States to
implement new school reform programs,
but to publicly report on the current
status of their programs and if they have
implemented certain reform models in
their persistently lowest-achieving
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
supported our proposal to use data that
the Department currently collects from
States through EDFacts to meet the
public reporting requirements of the
program. Commenters noted that the use
of these data would minimize some of
the burden associated with the reporting
requirements for this program.
Discussion: The Department agrees
with the comments and has attempted
to reduce the reporting burden by using
data from EDFacts and other readily
available data whenever possible.
Changes: None.
State Plan Requirements
Comment: One commenter suggested
that the Department require States to
obtain the support of key stakeholders
for the plan the State will develop to
meet the SFSF requirements. Another
commenter suggested that the
Department require States to collaborate
with youth-serving organizations in
their planning efforts so as to ensure the
success of every young person; the
commenter recommended adding
workforce organizations, child welfare
and juvenile/criminal justice agencies,
and child and youth-serving
community-based organizations to the
list of stakeholders with whom a State
must consult when developing the State
Discussion: The Department
recognizes the importance of
collaboration and cooperation among
educational agencies, community
stakeholders, policy-makers, and youthserving organizations. While the
Department encourages States to consult
with key stakeholders when developing
the State plan, we do not believe it is
necessary to require States to consult
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with stakeholders generally or with any
specific group because there will be
great variation across States as to the
groups with whom it would be
appropriate to consult.
Changes: None.
Comment: Many commenters
indicated that it is unrealistic to require
States to implement their plans by
September 30, 2011. One commenter
characterized the deadline as arbitrary.
Another commenter noted that the
deadline will not allow States to collect
data reflecting the potentially positive
impact of SFSF funds on student
achievement. Commenters
recommended reconsideration of this
timeline. One commenter suggested that
the Department grant individual States
extensions of the deadline without
requiring States to justify such
Discussion: The Department believes
that the requirements of the State plan
provide critical information that is more
useful to stakeholders if it is presented
in a timely manner. Further, the
Department believes that two years is an
appropriate amount of time to
implement a plan to collect and
publicly report the required
information. However, in recognition of
existing State work in transitioning to
the adjusted four-year cohort graduation
rate, the Department has modified the
plan requirements applicable to new
Indicators (c)(11) and (c)(12) (proposed
Indicators (c)(12) and (c)(13)) so that a
State is required only to provide
evidence that it has developed the
means to collect and publicly report the
data by the deadline.
As discussed in more detail later in
this notice, we are also revising the
State plan requirements for new
Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator
(b)(2)). For new Indicator (b)(3)
(proposed Indicator (b)(2)), a State must
indicate whether it provides teachers of
reading/language arts and mathematics
in grades in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects with
reports of individual teacher impact on
student achievement on those
assessments. If the State does not
provide those teachers with such
reports, it must submit a plan for how
it will develop and implement the
means to do so. Under the NPR, the
State would have been required to
provide those teachers with such reports
(consistent with the indicator); if the
State did not provide those teachers
with such reports, it would have been
required to submit a plan for how it
would develop and implement the
means to do so as soon as possible but
no later than September 30, 2011.
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Changes: The Department has revised
the State plan requirements for new
Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator
(b)(2)), new Indicator (c)(11) (proposed
Indicator (c)(12)), and new Indicator
(c)(12) (proposed Indicator (c)(13)).
These revisions are discussed in greater
detail later in this notice.
Applications and Approval Criteria
Comment: Three commenters
expressed concern regarding the
timeline for submission of the SFSF
Phase II application, given the extensive
information the application requires.
One commenter elaborated that the
SFSF Phase II application timeline
could negatively affect a State’s ability
to meet the Race to the Top application
deadline because, in a July 29, 2009
Federal Register notice, the Department
proposed that States must have an
approved SFSF Phase II application to
be eligible for Race to the Top funds.
One of these commenters emphasized
that SFSF Phase II funds are critical to
preventing more serious school aid
reductions than those currently under
consideration in the State.
Discussion: The Department will
review Phase II applications submitted
by the deadline, which we will publish
in a separate notice in the Federal
Register, on a timely basis to ensure that
States will meet any Race to the Top
eligibility requirements related to SFSF
application approval and to provide
additional resources expeditiously to
support elementary, secondary, and
postsecondary education.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter proposed
that the Department include an
additional approval criterion requiring
States to demonstrate that they have
expended their SFSF funds consistent
with program requirements.
Discussion: We do not believe that the
suggested approval criterion is
necessary. States will provide
information on the uses of funds in the
quarterly reports that they submit
pursuant to section 1512 of the ARRA;
these reports will be publicly available
at In addition,
the Department will collect information
on uses of SFSF funds through the
annual performance reports States are
required to submit under section 14008
of the ARRA. The annual performance
reports will be made available to the
public on the Department’s Web site at Furthermore, during
its monitoring of State implementation
of the SFSF program, the Department
will review State and local uses of
program funds to ensure compliance
with applicable requirements.
Changes: None.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Indicator and Descriptor Requirements
Education Reform Area (a)—Achieving
Equity in Teacher Distribution
Teacher Qualifications: Indicator (a)(1)
Comment: Several commenters
expressed support for our proposal to
use existing data on teacher
qualifications from the Department’s
EDFacts system for proposed Indicator
(a)(1). These commenters believed that
leveraging existing data in EDFacts
would minimize collection and
reporting burden on States and LEAs
while still ensuring that high-quality
information is provided to the public.
However, one commenter requested
clarification as to the State’s
responsibilities for confirming the data
in EDFacts.
Discussion: In general, we have
sought to ensure that existing data from
the Department’s EDFacts system (or
other data for which the Department is
itself the source) are used to populate
the indicators for this program wherever
possible so as to minimize the burden
on States and LEAs. In this case, we
believe that existing data in EDFacts on
courses taught by highly qualified
teachers is appropriate as a measure of
States’ compliance with the statutory
As stated in the NPR, a State will not
be required to perform any additional
analysis or verification in confirming
indicator data that are in EDFacts. We
believe there are sufficient safeguards in
place to ensure the completeness and
accuracy of data submitted by States in
EDFacts and do not expect or require a
State to reexamine or refresh the data.
Rather, the confirmation a State will
provide is meant to be limited to an
acknowledgment that the data provided
by the Department are the same data
submitted by the State.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter requested
that the Department clarify how
stakeholders should use the data
reported for proposed Indicator (a)(1) to
identify inequities in the distribution of
highly qualified teachers across LEAs.
Specifically, the commenter requested
clarification on whether stakeholders
should identify inequities by comparing
the data generally for all LEAs across
the State, or for subsets of LEAs in the
State based on shared characteristics
such as size or location.
Discussion: The Department is
requiring States to make publicly
available data on the distribution of
highly qualified teachers across LEAs so
that educators, policymakers, and other
stakeholders may address inequities in
the distribution of teachers between
high- and low-poverty schools.
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Decisions on how best to use the
specific data should be made at the
State and local levels.
Changes: None.
Comment: A few commenters
recommended that the definitions of
highest-poverty school and lowestpoverty school applicable to proposed
Indicator (a)(1) be revised to require
States to identify these schools
specifically using data on student
eligibility for free- or reduced-price
lunches under the Richard B. Russell
National School Lunch Act (NSLA),
rather than using the poverty measure
chosen by the State. One of these
commenters asserted that these terms
should be given the same meaning
across States to prevent inconsistencies
in reporting and to ensure that the data
reported by States can be aggregated at
the national level.
Discussion: The Department permits
States to use a poverty measure of their
choice when reporting data on courses
taught by highly qualified teachers in
the highest- and lowest-poverty schools
in their Consolidated State Performance
Reports and in the annual State Report
Cards required under section 1111(h)(1)
of the ESEA. While States may and
frequently do use student eligibility for
free- or reduced-price lunches under the
NSLA as the poverty measure for
reporting these data, this is not always
the case. While the Department
appreciates the concern for
comparability of data for this indicator,
we believe that requiring the use of
student eligibility for free- or reducedprice lunches under the NSLA as the
poverty measure for this indicator
would introduce unnecessary confusion
for States that use other poverty
measures when reporting data on the
poverty level of students in their
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
include additional metrics relating to
the equitable distribution of teachers
that would require States to describe
their plans for ensuring, consistent with
the statutory assurance, that students
from low-income families and minority
students are not taught at higher rates
than other children by inexperienced,
unqualified, or out-of-field teachers, and
to describe the measures States would
use to evaluate and report on the
implementation of those plans.
Discussion: We agree with the
commenter on the importance of States’
developing plans to ensure equity in the
qualifications of teachers serving
disadvantaged students and their peers
and evaluating the impact of those
plans. We note, however, that, to assess
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States’ compliance with the
requirements of the ESEA referenced in
the statutory assurance in this reform
area (i.e., the requirements of section
1111(b)(8)(C)), the Department has
previously required States to develop
Highly Qualified Teachers State Plans.
Included in these plans is a component
(known as a ‘‘Teacher Equity Plan’’) in
which the State describes the steps
being taken to ensure that students from
low-income families and minority
students are not taught at higher rates
than other children by inexperienced,
unqualified, or out-of-field teachers.5
Rather than include indicators that
would collect information on this topic
that is additional to or duplicative of the
information already provided by States
in their Teacher Equity Plans, we have
added an indicator that requires States
to indicate whether they have updated
and publicly reported these plans.
Changes: We have revised the
indicators in this education reform area
to include a new Indicator (a)(2), which
requires a State to confirm whether the
State’s Teacher Equity Plan (as part of
the State’s Highly Qualified Teacher
Plan) fully reflects the steps the State is
currently taking to ensure that students
from low-income families and minority
students are not taught at higher rates
than other students by inexperienced,
unqualified, or out-of-field teachers (as
required in section 1111(b)(8)(C) of the
ESEA). With the addition of these
Indicators, we have renumbered the
remaining Indicators and Descriptors in
this Education Reform Area.
Comment: A number of commenters
expressed concern that, while proposed
Indicator (a)(1) would require States to
provide data on the distribution of
highly qualified teachers between
highest- and lowest-poverty schools, it
would not provide similar data with
respect to teachers of minority students.
These commenters typically
recommended that an indicator be
added in this education reform area
requiring States to provide data on the
distribution of highly qualified teachers
between highest- and lowest-minority
schools; one of these commenters
further recommended that the
Department include in the final
requirements definitions of ‘‘highestminority school’’ and ‘‘lowest-minority
Discussion: As discussed previously,
we have revised the indicators in this
education reform area to include an
indicator requiring a State to confirm
that its Teacher Equity Plan accurately
and fully reflects the steps the State is
5 These plans are available at
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
taking to ensure that students from lowincome families and minority students
are not taught at higher rates than other
students by inexperienced, unqualified,
or out-of-field teachers. These plans
include data related to whether minority
student populations are served by
highly qualified teachers (in addition to
data related to whether such teachers
serve students from low-income
families). We expect that, in confirming
or providing their current plans, States
will provide up-to-date data on this
indicator as well as on the distribution
of highly qualified teachers between
highest- and lowest-minority schools.
For this reason, we do not believe it is
necessary to include the additional
indicators recommended by the
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
asserted that proposed Indicator (a)(1)
would not furnish data on whether
students from low-income families or
minority students are taught at higher
rates than other students by out-of-field
or inexperienced teachers. These
commenters typically recommended
that indicators be added in this
education reform area to provide data
on the distribution of in-field and
experienced teachers between highestand lowest-poverty schools, as well as
between highest- and lowest-minority
Discussion: Inasmuch as we have
revised the requirements in this
education reform area, as discussed
previously, to include an indicator
regarding States’ Teacher Equity Plans
(in which States describe the steps being
taken to ensure that students from lowincome families and minority students
are not taught at higher rates than other
students by inexperienced, unqualified,
or out-of-field teachers), we do not
believe it is necessary to include
additional indicators that would
provide data specifically on the
distribution of in-field or experienced
teachers. (We note also that section
9101(23) of the ESEA requires that a
highly qualified teacher demonstrate
subject knowledge or competence in the
subjects the teacher teaches in addition
to possessing a State teaching
credential; consideration of whether a
teacher is teaching in or out of field is,
thus, incorporated in the definition of
‘‘highly qualified teacher’’ used in
Indicator (a)(1).)
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters made
general statements that the definition of
‘‘highly qualified teacher’’ is flawed or
does not identify high-quality teachers,
though some acknowledged the
‘‘interim utility’’ of the term as other,
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more accurate or more effective
measures of teacher quality are
Discussion: While the Department
believes that data on highly qualified
teachers do have value, we recognize
that these data are limited by their sole
focus on teacher qualifications. As
reflected in the other indicators in this
education reform area (discussed in
further detail later in this notice), the
Department believes that other
measures, such as measures of teacher
effectiveness, are needed if efforts to
identify high-quality teachers are to be
Changes: None.
Teacher and Principal Effectiveness:
Comment: Several commenters
expressed support for including in this
education reform area the proposed
metrics relating to teacher and principal
effectiveness, in particular the
indicators on performance ratings from
teacher and principal performance
evaluation systems (proposed Indicators
(a)(2) through (a)(6)). However, several
commenters questioned whether the
Department had sufficient justification
for including these metrics. One
commenter asserted that requiring
States to collect and publicly report data
and information for these metrics is not
statutorily relevant, and another
asserted that the metrics exceed the
requirements of the statute. Another
commenter believed that these
indicators, as they concern evaluation
systems that are typically developed
and implemented locally, represent an
unwarranted intrusion by the Federal
Government into local matters. Another
commenter asserted that the ARRA does
not provide the Department with the
authority to require States to collect and
publicly report data and information on
Discussion: We disagree with the
commenters that the Department has
insufficient justification for establishing
these requirements. Section 14005(a) of
the ARRA authorizes the Secretary to
require States to submit an application
for funds under this program containing
such information as the Secretary may
reasonably require. In addition to
requiring States to take actions to
address inequities in the distribution of
highly qualified teachers, the statutory
assurance in this education reform area
(section 14005(d)(2)) requires States to
‘‘take actions to improve teacher
effectiveness’’ and, thus, clearly
provides a basis on which to establish
requirements for the collection and
public reporting of data and information
related to teacher effectiveness. As
PO 00000
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stated in the NPR (74 FR 37838), we
believe that local evaluation systems
play a principal role in determining
teacher effectiveness. Accordingly, we
believe that requiring States to collect
and publicly report data and
information on teacher evaluation
systems is reasonable and justified.
With respect to principal evaluation
systems, as stated in the NPR (74 FR
37838), effective school administration
is a key factor in effective teaching and
learning. We likewise believe that local
evaluation systems play a primary role
in determining the effectiveness of
school principals. Accordingly, we
believe that requiring States to collect
and publicly report data and
information on principal evaluation
systems is also reasonable and justified.
Changes: None.
Comment: A few commenters stated
that, with the proposed metrics, the
Department incorrectly or improperly
equated the terms ‘‘highly qualified
teacher’’ and ‘‘effective teacher.’’
Discussion: As discussed earlier, the
statutory assurance in this reform area
provides a basis on which to collect data
and information related both to teacher
effectiveness and to teacher
qualifications. In collecting data and
information on both of these items, it is
not the intention of the Department to
conflate the two; on the contrary, the
intent is precisely to acknowledge a
difference in these concepts.
Historically, in assessing the quality of
our nation’s teachers, the Department
has focused, through ‘‘highly qualified
teacher’’ measures, on the qualifications
of teachers to the exclusion of other
factors. By including considerations of
teacher effectiveness in the statutory
assurance, we believe the Congress has
now signaled that this focus is
unnecessarily narrow and that
additional measures of teacher quality
are needed—and, in particular,
measures that are associated more
closely with the outcomes of teaching
and learning than with inputs such as
qualifications. The metrics related to
teacher effectiveness are accordingly
intended to provide new information on
teacher quality, separate and apart from
information currently available on
States’ compliance with the highly
qualified teacher requirements of the
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter objected to
the proposed metrics relating to teacher
and principal effectiveness on the
grounds that, in estimating the burden
associated with these requirements, the
Department stated that it does not
possess definitive information on the
extent to which teacher and principal
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
evaluations are officially implemented
in LEAs.
Discussion: We disagree with the
commenter’s assertion that a lack of
information on whether teacher and
principal evaluations are officially
implemented in LEAs casts doubt on the
justification for these metrics and
believe, moreover, that the metrics will
help to fill the information gaps that
caused the Department’s burden
estimates to be speculative.
Changes: None.
Comment: Numerous commenters
expressed concerns about the utility or
purpose of the proposed metrics relating
to teacher and principal effectiveness. A
few commenters asserted that the data
and information collected and publicly
reported for these metrics would not
enable stakeholders to identify effective
teachers or principals or to improve
student achievement; to this point,
many commenters asserted that, due to
variation in the design and
implementation of local evaluation
systems, the data and information
collected and publicly reported for these
metrics would not be comparable across
LEAs (or States), while another
commenter asserted that local
evaluation systems are generally of poor
quality. In light of concerns about
comparability, one commenter
suggested that the Department provide a
model for reporting the data and
information for these proposed metrics,
while another commenter recommended
that, in lieu of these metrics, the
Department instead direct States to
develop plans for working with their
LEAs to improve evaluation systems
and the distribution of effective teachers
and principals across LEAs and schools.
Discussion: While we appreciate the
questions raised by these commenters
regarding the purpose of the data and
information that States will collect and
publicly report under these metrics, we
believe that the metrics will serve a very
important purpose, namely, providing
new, crucially valuable information on
teacher and principal quality. As
discussed earlier, information available
on teacher and principal quality has
historically been limited, at both the
State and Federal levels, to information
on the qualifications or years of service
of teachers. By requiring States to
comply with these metrics, the
Department intends that new and more
comprehensive information will be
available for stakeholders and that this
availability will, in turn, shift the focus
of teacher quality debates toward the
effectiveness of educators.
Although variations in the design and
implementation of evaluation systems
may mean that the data on teacher and
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principal effectiveness ratings (as
required under proposed Indicators
(a)(2) through (a)(6)) are not comparable
across those systems (i.e., in States that
do not require the implementation of
uniform evaluation systems across
LEAs), such data will nonetheless
provide information on teacher and
principal effectiveness that is
informative for stakeholders, most
importantly parents. Although
variations in the quality of those
evaluation systems may also mean that
these ratings data are not reliable in all
cases, requiring the reporting of these
data for all LEAs will nonetheless shine
a light on the limitations of current
evaluation systems where they exist and
can drive efforts to improve those
systems where such improvements are
needed. Because the methods for
evaluating teachers vary greatly across
States and LEAs, the Department does
not believe that establishing a national
model for reporting these data is
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
cautioned that the proposed metrics
would force standardization upon local
evaluation systems (which in some
cases would be prohibited by State laws
providing for local control over
education) and would reduce
opportunities for local innovation;
related to this point, one commenter
requested clarification about whether
the proposed metrics would effectively
require that all LEAs in a State employ
a single, uniform system for evaluating
teachers and for evaluating principals
and that LEAs aggregate and report
results from that system.
Discussion: Although the Department
hopes that the metrics in this area will
help promote the effective design and
use of evaluation systems generally
across LEAs and States, we are not
requiring with these metrics that States
and LEAs implement uniform teacher
and principal evaluation practices.
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
asserted that the proposed metrics
relating to teacher and principal
effectiveness would be unduly
burdensome on States and LEAs,
particularly on small States and States
with many small LEAs. A few of these
commenters requested that the
Department provide States with the
flexibility in meeting these
requirements, such as by collecting the
data and information for a
representative sample rather than for all
of the LEAs in the State.
Discussion: We recognize that the
proposed requirements for this program
place some burden on States and LEAs
PO 00000
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and have sought to reduce that burden
significantly, as reflected in the changes
to the proposed requirements discussed
elsewhere in this notice. With respect to
these indicators, however, we continue
to believe that the benefits of collecting
and reporting the data and information
for all LEAs outweigh the costs of doing
Further, we do not believe that it
would be sufficient to report data for
only a sample of LEAs. The Department
believes that the State should make this
information publicly available for all
LEAs so that each LEA can make any
necessary reforms.
Changes: None.
Comment: A few commenters
recommended that the Department
review data collections currently in the
EDFacts system to ascertain whether
data for the proposed metrics on teacher
and principal effectiveness are already
available or potentially available
through modifications to other data.
Related to this point, one commenter
noted that new data collection
requirements may not be the most
immediately effective means for
measuring a State’s compliance with the
statutory assurance, given the amount of
time and effort initially needed to meet
the requirements.
Discussion: The Department
appreciates these comments and, as
noted, has sought to use data and
information from existing Department
collections in the metrics for this
program to the extent possible.
However, the Department does not
currently collect data related to teacher
and principal effectiveness from States
through the EDFacts system or other
systems so it is necessary for us to
establish a new requirement for the
collection of those data.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter requested
clarification as to whether the collection
and reporting of data and information
for the proposed metrics relating to
teacher and principal effectiveness must
occur regularly or one time only.
Discussion: Consistent with the final
State Plan requirements established in
this notice, a State must collect and
publicly report the data and information
required for these metrics at least
annually and must be able to complete
its first collection and reporting of the
data and information as soon as possible
but no later than September 30, 2011.
The Department will determine at a
later date whether the collection and
public reporting of these data and
information will continue after
September 30, 2011.
Changes: None.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Comment: A few commenters
recommended that the Department or
States take a more proactive approach
toward improving teacher and principal
evaluation systems and developing
effective school personnel than what is
reflected in the proposed metrics in this
area. These commenters’
recommendations include the following:
the Department should promote the
development of evaluation systems that
are specifically designed for that
purpose, incorporate student
achievement and evidence-based
instructional practices as evaluation
criteria, and use a range of ratings
beyond simple bimodal ratings (e.g.,
‘‘meets expectations’’ versus ‘‘does not
meet expectations’’); the Department
should define ‘‘teacher effectiveness’’
and provide guidance to States and
LEAs on how to align evaluation
systems with that definition; the
Department should provide guidance to
States and LEAs on standards for
principal evaluation; and States should
work toward developing systems for
licensing teachers based on
Discussion: We appreciate these
recommendations and agree in large
part that the Department should play a
role in supporting the development of
effective teachers and principals and the
systems used to evaluate their
performance. In fact, the Department
has sought and continues to seek to
promote the implementation by States
and LEAs of evaluation systems that
produce meaningful and actionable
information on teacher and principal
effectiveness through its competitive
grant programs, including the Teacher
Incentive Fund. While we will take
these recommendations into
consideration for those programs and in
future policymaking (including in the
reauthorization of the ESEA), we do not
believe it would be appropriate to
incorporate them formally into the
requirements for this program.
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
recommended that the Department
include additional metrics related to
effective teaching and learning,
including: Indicators about State efforts
to improve teacher preparation,
recruitment, and compensation;
indicators about factors likely to attract
high-quality teachers to struggling
schools, such as teaching and learning
conditions, leadership, safety,
autonomy, and flexibility; indicators
about other factors likely to affect
student achievement, such as class size,
attendance, and student migration;
indicators relating to specific
educational actions and practices in
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schools that lead to dramatic gains in
student achievement; indicators on the
teaching of Advanced Placement,
International Baccalaureate, and other
advanced courses in secondary schools;
and an indicator on teacher attendance,
particularly in high-poverty schools.
Discussion: Although the Department
believes that there is value in
establishing indicators such as those
mentioned by the commenters in the
requirements for this program, we are
mindful of ensuring that we minimize to
the extent possible the burden on States
and LEAs in meeting these requirements
and, in this instance, do not wish to
create additional burden in the form of
additional requirements.
Changes: None.
Teacher and Principal Effectiveness:
Descriptors (a)(1) and (a)(2)—
Evaluation System Descriptions
Comment: One commenter requested
clarification as to the purpose of the
proposed requirements to describe the
systems used to evaluate the
performance of teachers and principals
in LEAs (Descriptors (a)(1) and (a)(2)).
The commenter intimated that the
proposed descriptors were unnecessary
and that indicators alone should be
sufficient to provide information on
teacher and principal effectiveness.
Discussion: As reflected in the NPR
and discussed previously in this notice,
we believe that descriptions of teacher
and principal evaluation systems will
provide stakeholders with much-needed
(and, often, otherwise unavailable)
information on the design and usage of
these systems in LEAs and States.
Moreover, we believe that these
descriptions will provide necessary
context for the data and information
collected and reported for the indicators
on ratings received by teachers and
principals from these systems (new
Indicators (a)(3) through (a)(7)
(proposed Indicators (a)(2) through
(a)(6)); without information on the
design and usage of evaluation systems,
data on these ratings may be too open
to interpretation by stakeholders and
may ultimately not be useful.
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
requested that the Department provide
more information or greater prescription
on the proposed requirements to
describe the systems used to evaluate
the performance of teachers and
principals in LEAs. Several commenters
recommended that the Department
further specify the information that
should be included in providing these
descriptions, and a few commenters
inquired as to whether the Department
would provide a sample or rubric for the
PO 00000
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descriptions. A few other commenters
recommended or intimated that States
be required to describe specific
components or aspects of evaluation
systems used in LEAs, such as purpose,
methodology, participants, frequency of
implementation, feedback protocols,
and procedures for review and appeals.
In contrast, one commenter
recommended that States be provided
flexibility in the types of information or
level of detail to be included in these
Discussion: We agree that more
information on how States may meet the
requirements to describe teacher and
principal evaluations is necessary and
will address this issue in guidance for
this program. In recognition, however,
of the limited availability of information
on a ‘‘typical’’ evaluation system and
the potential for wide variation in these
systems across LEAs and States, and
also of the additional burden that may
be conferred upon States and LEAs in
responding to additional requirements,
we do not believe it would be
appropriate to include additional
requirements in this area.
Changes: None.
Teacher and Principal Effectiveness:
New Indicators (a)(3) and (a)(6)
(Proposed Indicators (a)(2) and (a)(5))—
Whether Systems Include Student
Achievement Outcomes as Evaluation
Comment: One commenter expressed
support for proposed Indicators (a)(2)
and (a)(5), which ask whether the
systems used by LEAs to evaluate the
performance of teachers and principals
include student achievement outcomes
as an evaluation criterion, and
encouraged the Department to promote
the use of such outcomes in
performance evaluations. A number of
other commenters expressed concern
about these proposed indicators. These
commenters asserted that fair and
effective teacher and principal
evaluation systems include multiple
evaluation criteria and/or employ
comprehensive evaluation frameworks
and that, through the proposed
indicators, the Department was placing
undue weight or focus on the inclusion
of student achievement outcomes to the
detriment of other factors important to
evaluation. One commenter asserted
that using student achievement
outcomes in evaluating teachers and
principals is inappropriate.
In light of concerns such as these, a
few commenters recommended that the
Department ask for data or information
on specific criteria used to evaluate
teacher and principal performance other
than student achievement outcomes,
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
such as preparation, planning, teaching
practices, leadership skills, cultural
competence, extracurricular roles and
assignments, working conditions, and
staff turnover rates.
Discussion: The Department agrees
that teacher and principal evaluation
systems generally should include, in
addition to criteria relating to student
achievement outcomes, other criteria
such as those noted by the commenters.
In providing the descriptions of teacher
and principal evaluation systems under
Descriptors (a)(1) and (a)(2), we
encourage States to include discussion
of those criteria. (As noted previously,
the Department plans to provide
guidance for this program that will
provide more information to States on
describing their teacher and principal
evaluation systems; among other topics,
this guidance will address the
information a State may want to include
in these descriptions with respect to
evaluation criteria.)
However, we also believe that student
achievement outcomes are a central
factor in evaluation systems that yield
fair and reliable assessments of
performance (as stated in the NPR (74
FR 37838)). Therefore, we believe that
requiring States to report on the
inclusion of student achievement
outcomes as a specific criterion in
evaluation systems is warranted.
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
recommended that we include
indicators to address whether teacher
and principal evaluation systems
incorporate opportunities for feedback
and professional development and the
nature or types of those opportunities.
Discussion: The Department agrees
that strong teacher and principal
evaluation systems will include
mechanisms for providing teachers and
principals with feedback about their
performance and for identifying
professional development and other
support needs and opportunities based
on those results. We encourage States to
discuss the inclusion of these elements
in their descriptions of teacher and
principal evaluation systems under
Descriptors (a)(1) and (a)(2), but are not
requiring States to collect and report
information separately and specifically
on these elements as part of the
requirements for this program.
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
objected to the Department’s proposal to
require the use of student achievement
outcomes in teacher and principal
evaluations on the grounds that to do so
exceeds the requirements of the statute
or is not supported by research.
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Discussion: These commenters appear
to misunderstand the requirements
proposed by the Department. Although
(as discussed previously) we believe
that student achievement outcomes are
a central factor in effective teacher and
principal evaluations, we are not
requiring, through new Indicators (a)(3)
and (a)(6) (proposed Indicators (a)(2)
and (a)(5)), the use of student
achievement outcomes as an evaluation
criterion; rather, we are requiring
merely that States indicate whether
such outcomes are used in local teacher
and principal evaluation systems.
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
asserted that student assessment results
should not be the sole or central student
achievement outcome used in teacher
and principal evaluations and that
multiple other outcomes should be
considered, such as grades; portfolios;
and results of written work, group work,
presentations, and ‘‘capstone’’ projects.
In contrast, one commenter
recommended that the definition of
student achievement outcomes include
only summative and interim
assessments, and another commenter
suggested that, in the evaluation of
principals, student growth should be the
only student achievement outcome
Discussion: We agree with the
commenters that student assessment
results should not be the sole
achievement outcome used in
evaluating teachers and principals. The
definition of student achievement
outcomes applicable to new Indicators
(a)(3) and (a)(6) (proposed Indicators
(a)(2) and (a)(5)) includes, in addition to
student assessment results, student
grades and rates at which students are
on track to graduate from high school
and does not prohibit the consideration
of additional outcomes in teacher and
principal evaluations, provided at least
one of these outcomes is used. Further,
we note that the purpose of the
definition of student achievement
outcomes is, again, not to require the
use of any specific student achievement
outcome in teacher and principal
evaluations, but rather to specify the
types of student achievement outcomes
that a State would include when
responding to the indicators. Although
(as reflected in the discussions earlier in
this notice) the Department believes that
such outcomes should be included in
local evaluation systems, a State and its
LEAs remain permitted to use these or
other achievement outcomes or no such
outcomes at all.
Changes: None.
Comment: A number of commenters
expressed concern about the specific
PO 00000
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use of results from academic
assessments administered by the State
for accountability purposes as a student
achievement outcome in teacher and
principal evaluations. One commenter
noted that using such results to evaluate
teachers and principals is prohibited by
law in the commenter’s State. Several
other commenters cautioned against
using State assessment results to
evaluate teacher and principal
performance as such assessments, they
believe, are not designed specifically for
this purpose. In contrast, one
commenter recommended that the
definition of ‘‘student achievement
outcomes’’ applicable to proposed
Indicators (a)(2) and (a)(5) include State
academic assessments only or primarily,
so as to prevent inconsistencies in
reporting and the uncoupling of
instruction from State standards.
Discussion: As discussed previously,
new Indicators (a)(3) and (a)(6)
(proposed Indicators (a)(2) and (a)(5)) do
not require the use of any specific
student achievement outcome
(including results from student
assessments such as the State’s
assessments) in teacher and principal
evaluations. If an LEA or State were to
use student assessment results as an
evaluation criterion, it would be free to
use results from assessments other than
the State assessments if it finds those
assessments to be appropriate or
effective (and permissible) in the
teacher or principal evaluation context.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter suggested
that using student assessment results
may be problematic in cases where
teachers and principals are not
evaluated on an annual basis.
Discussion: As stated previously, the
Department is not requiring the use of
student assessment results in teacher
and principal evaluations as part of the
requirements for this program. In
general, however, the Department does
not believe that considerations of the
frequency of teacher and principal
evaluations should negatively affect
decisions to include results from
student assessments in those
evaluations. In the Department’s view,
there is nothing to prevent LEAs from
using student assessment results over
multiple years in evaluations of teachers
and principals if such evaluations occur
less than annually.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter requested
clarification of the phrase ‘‘rates at
which students are on track to graduate
from high school,’’ which is included
among the outcomes identified in the
Department’s definition of student
achievement outcomes applicable to
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
proposed Indicators (a)(2) and (a)(5).
The commenter asserted that this phrase
is ambiguous as written.
Discussion: Although we are
uncertain of the ambiguity to which the
commenter is referring, we will further
clarify this phrase in guidance for this
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter requested
clarification as to the relationship
between proposed Indicators (a)(2) and
(a)(5) and the proposed selection
criterion for the Department’s Race to
the Top Fund regarding the extent to
which an applying State, in
collaboration with its LEAs, has a plan
to increase the use of student growth as
a significant factor in the evaluation of
teachers and principals.
Discussion: In the July 29, 2009 notice
of proposed priorities, requirements,
definitions, and selection criteria for the
Race to the Top Fund, the Department
proposed a definition of ‘‘student
growth,’’ which defined that term as the
change in achievement data for an
individual student between two points
in time. We agree that, to the extent
possible, there should be consistency in
definitions across programs.
Changes: The Department has revised
proposed Indicators (a)(2) and (a)(5) so
that States will now report on the extent
to which systems used to evaluate the
performance of teachers and principals
include student achievement outcomes
or student growth data as an evaluation
criterion. These Indicators have been
renumbered as Indicators (a)(3) and
(a)(6) respectively.
The Department has also added a new
definition of student growth, which is
defined as the change in achievement
for an individual student between two
or more points in time. The definition
further provides that for grades in which
the State administers summative
assessments in reading/language arts
and mathematics, student growth data
must be based on a student’s score on
the State’s assessment under section
1111(b)(3) of the ESEA. A State may also
include other measures that are rigorous
and comparable across classrooms.
Teacher and Principal Effectiveness:
New Indicators (a)(3) Through (a)(7)
(Proposed Indicators (a)(2) Through
Comment: A few commenters
expressed support for proposed
Indicators (a)(2) through (a)(6) pursuant
to which States would be required to
provide data and information on the
performance ratings of teachers and
principals. These commenters further
recommended that additional
information be collected and reported
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on the teachers and principals receiving
the lowest ratings from evaluations,
including whether those teachers and
principals continue teaching or remain
employed by the LEA.
Discussion: We appreciate the
commenters’ support for these
indicators and agree that information
such as that suggested by the
commenters would be valuable to
collect. We are mindful here, however,
of local restrictions on reporting data on
the outcomes of teacher and principal
evaluations in terms of retention or
removal, and thus believe it would be
more appropriate to collect information
on policies for the use of evaluation
results, rather than actual outcomes. In
addition, we believe that it is important
to collect information on the use of
evaluation results not just with respect
to teacher and principal retention and
removal, but for other employment
decisions as well, such as development,
compensation, and promotion.
Changes: We are revising Descriptors
(a)(1) and (a)(2) to require States also to
describe the use of results from teacher
and principal evaluation systems in
decisions regarding teacher and
principal development, compensation,
promotion, retention, and removal.
Comment: A few commenters
requested clarification as to how these
requirements could be met in the case
of an LEA whose evaluation system
does not provide ratings or levels. One
of these commenters questioned
whether reporting would be required for
an LEA that uses its evaluation system
to determine whether teachers or
principals meet or do not meet
expectations but does not otherwise
implement a rating scale.
Discussion: The Department will
provide guidance to States on how to
publicly report indicator data for LEAs
whose evaluations systems do not
produce ratings or levels for teacher or
principals. We note here, however, that
we would consider binary
classifications of effectiveness (e.g.,
‘‘meets expectations’’ versus ‘‘does not
meet expectations’’) as effectiveness
ratings and that States should include
LEAs using such classifications when
publicly reporting data on these
Changes: None.
Comment: A number of commenters
expressed concerns about ensuring that
teacher and principal privacy is
protected in publicly reporting data and
information for these proposed
indicators. In general, these commenters
asserted that information that is
personally identifiable must be
protected and not made publicly
available. In support of this assertion,
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one commenter stated that reporting
personally identifiable information may
violate employment laws, and another
stated that reporting such information is
prohibited by a court ruling in the
commenter’s State. Other commenters
asserted or suggested that reporting
personally identifiable information
unfairly affects teachers and principals
in small and rural LEAs.
Discussion: We agree that teacher and
principal privacy must be protected and
will provide guidance to States on
publicly reporting data and information
for these indicators in a manner that
achieves the twin goals of optimized
reporting and protection of personally
identifiable information.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter requested
clarification as to whether and how the
requirements of the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) apply
to the public reporting of data and
information for the proposed indicators.
Discussion: The requirements of
FERPA apply to the disclosure of
information from education records of
students. They do not address
disclosure of information in records
relating to the employment of teachers
and principals and, thus, do not apply
to the collection and public reporting of
data and information for new Indicators
(a)(3) through (a)(7) (proposed
Indicators (a)(2) through (a)(6)).
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter noted that
teacher evaluations are typically
performed by principals and claimed
that collecting and publicly reporting
the data and information for proposed
Indicators (a)(3) and (a)(4) would have
the unintended consequence of
principals providing all teachers with
the same rating out of fear of public
Discussion: We believe that concern
over this potential consequence is
outweighed by the value to stakeholders
and other interested parties of making
the data and information for these
indicators publicly available. In
addition, we question whether this
concern is warranted, as a public
observer would typically expect to see
variation in ratings according to
performance and, accordingly, would be
struck by a decision to provide all
teachers with a uniform rating.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter requested
clarification as to whether the collection
and public reporting of data for the
proposed indicators on the ratings of
teachers (proposed Indicators (a)(3) and
(a)(4)) would apply only with respect to
teachers who meet the definition of
‘‘highly qualified teacher.’’
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Discussion: The collection and public
reporting of data for these indicators
applies with respect to all teachers who
receive ratings from the evaluation
systems, not just to those who are highly
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter requested
clarification as to how full-time
equivalent teachers should be calculated
for purposes of reporting data on the
proposed indicators on the ratings of
Discussion: In reporting data for these
indicators, teacher ‘‘head counts’’
should be used rather than full-time
equivalent counts. In other words, data
should be reported for each teacher who
receives a rating from the evaluation
system regardless of the full-time or
part-time status of that teacher.
Changes: None.
Comment: Regarding the indicator on
whether the number and percentage of
teachers rated at each performance
rating or level are available for each
school in the LEA in a manner easily
accessible and a format easily
understandable by the public (proposed
Indicator (a)(4)), one commenter
requested clarification on the meaning
of ‘‘in a manner easily accessible and a
format easily understandable by the
public.’’ Specifically, the commenter
sought clarification as to whether this
phrase meant that, to respond
affirmatively to this indicator, the data
for an LEA must be made available in
multiple languages.
Discussion: The Department did not
intend by the referenced phrase to
require the reporting of data in multiple
languages. To clarify the Department’s
intent, we are revising new Indicator
(a)(5) (proposed Indicator (a)(4)) to
require States to indicate, for each LEA,
whether teacher performance data are
publicly reported for each school in the
LEA, consistent with the definition of
publicly report that we have established
in this notice. Accordingly, this
indicator concerns whether such data
are made available to anyone with
access to an Internet connection without
having to submit a request to the entity
that maintains the data and information
in order to access that data and
Changes: We are revising new
Indicator (a)(5) (proposed Indicator
(a)(4)) to require States to indicate, for
each LEA, whether teacher performance
data are publicly reported for each
school in the LEA, consistent with the
definition of publicly report that we
have established in this notice.
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Education Reform Area (b)—Improving
the Collection and Use of Data
Indicator (b)(1)
Comment: Numerous commenters
opposed the proposed requirement that
States have in place, as soon as possible
but no later than September 30, 2011, a
statewide longitudinal data system
(SLDS) that contains all of the elements
described in section 6401(e)(2)(D) of the
Act). They described the deadline as
arbitrary and unrealistic, and indicated
that it would not allow States sufficient
time to plan, develop, and implement a
system that includes valid and reliable
The commenters presented various
arguments why States would not be able
to meet this deadline. One commenter
indicated that States would need more
time to build teacher knowledge,
support, and trust around the
implementation of an SLDS. Another
commenter emphasized that the
Department should consider that it takes
time to collaborate and build trust
among the various stakeholders
involved with such systems. Another
argued that States would be unable to
meet the deadline because Federal law
does not currently authorize the sharing
of data between K–12 and
postsecondary systems. Finally, several
commenters indicated that States would
not have the financial resources
necessary to develop and implement an
SLDS by the September 30, 2011
Some commenters suggested
alternative deadlines for the
establishment of an SLDS. A few of
these commenters argued that the
Department should establish deadlines
on a State-by-State basis, taking into
consideration a State’s current progress
in developing such a system. Others
argued that States that have received an
award under the Department’s SLDS
grant program should be permitted to
abide by the implementation timeline
under that program. One commenter
recommended accelerating the deadline
to September 30, 2010 to ensure that
States comply with the requirement
before the September 30, 2011 deadline
for obligating SFSF funds. One
commenter argued that data collected as
early as 2011 will not reflect the
potentially positive impact of SFSF
funds on student achievement.
Discussion: The ARRA requires every
State receiving SFSF funds to
implement an SLDS that contains all of
the elements specified in section
6401(e)(2)(D) of the COMPETES Act.
While the ARRA does not establish a
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specific deadline for States to
implement such a system, the
Department believes that the ability of
States to collect and analyze data is vital
to advancing essential education
reforms. As a result, the Department is
encouraging States to implement an
SLDS as soon as possible and is
requiring that they do so no later than
September 30, 2011. The Department
believes that two years is sufficient time
for each State to implement fully an
SLDS, including to consult with key
stakeholders, regardless of how many of
the required elements it currently has in
place. We do not agree that the timeline
should be shortened, recognizing that
the full development and
implementation of these systems, in
many cases, could not be accomplished
in less than a year.
To meet the costs of developing and
implementing an SLDS, States have
available a number of resources. States
may use the Government Services funds
they have received under SFSF and
funds awarded under the Department’s
SLDS Grant program. States may also
use funds they receive under the Race
to the Top Fund to develop and
implement an SLDS.
Federal law does not prohibit the
sharing and use of data between K–12
and postsecondary systems, provided
that certain Federal requirements are
met, so there is no reason to extend the
deadline on that basis. Elsewhere in this
section, we provide a fuller discussion
of issues relating to data sharing and
student privacy.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter suggested
that the Department consider using the
Data Quality Campaign’s (DQC)
collection efforts on statewide
longitudinal data systems in order to
minimize the State reporting burden
and consider pre-populating the SFSF
reporting tool with the information
reported to DQC.
Discussion: The Department
appreciates DQC’s role in collecting and
analyzing information on States’ efforts
in developing statewide longitudinal
data systems. The information States
voluntarily collect and provide to the
DQC is valuable in measuring States’
progress on SLDS development and
should facilitate States’ ability to report
the requirements in the SFSF. The
Department, however, is not using the
data provided by States through the
annual DQC survey for several reasons.
First, DQC’s survey does not fully align
with the elements specified in the
COMPETES Act. Second, we do not
believe it is appropriate to rely on data
collected by a third party to confirm
States’ efforts with respect to the
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
development and implementation of an
SLDS that includes all of the elements
specified in the COMPETES Act.
Finally, we note that if States are
collecting and providing this
information to the DQC, it should not
pose much additional burden on States
to provide similar information to the
Changes: None.
Comment: Some commenters urged
the Department to focus on both
governance and implementation of an
SLDS to ensure meaningful data may be
accessed by teachers and administrators
to inform decisions and instruction. One
commenter noted that access and use by
teachers and administrators are key
elements in the development of an
SLDS. A few commenters requested that
the Department provide guidance on
how, in establishing an SLDS, a State
should address such issues as
governance, professional development,
security, identity management, process
controls, operations, and sustainability.
Discussion: When developing their
plan for developing and implementing
an SLDS, we encourage States to
consider not only the technical
requirements, but also governance
issues, administrative needs, and access
and use by practitioners. The
Department agrees that successful
management is important in
establishing an SLDS that will be used
effectively. The Department encourages
each State to describe in its plan how it
will address governance and
management issues in the development
and implementation of its SLDS.
To assist in system design and
development, the National Center for
Education Statistics (NCES) has posted
standards and guidelines at the
following Web site:
standardsguidelines.asp. The NCES
handbooks available at this Web site
include schemas of the Schools
Interoperability Framework Association
and the Postsecondary Electronic
Standards Council, the National
Education Data Model of the National
Forum on Education Statistics, the data
glossary of NCES’ Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System,
and others. Work is currently underway
to create comprehensive standards and
guidelines for use by States to promote
data quality and interoperability of data
systems both within States and across
States. The NCES site will be modified,
as appropriate, to include up-to-date
Changes: None.
Comment: A few commenters
expressed concern that the notice did
not address the role of professional
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development as a key component of
implementing an SLDS and
recommended that the Department
require States to address the provision
of professional development in their
plans. Commenters also noted that
addressing professional development
needs in order to ensure that an SLDS
is used effectively by teachers will
result in additional financial burden on
the States.
Discussion: The Department agrees
that professional development plays a
key role in ensuring that teachers and
administrators are prepared to use the
SLDS effectively to improve teaching
and learning. The Department
encourages a State to consider the
professional development needs of
educators when preparing its plan for
implementing its SLDS. We encourage
States and LEAs to use all appropriate
funding sources, including those
identified earlier, to support their
efforts, including efforts to provide
professional development.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter expressed
concern that there were not adequate
incentives for IHEs to provide the data
needed for inclusion in an SLDS. One
commenter stated that LEAs and States
should coordinate efforts in developing
an SLDS so that compatible systems are
established and so that LEAs do not
develop data systems that are
incompatible with the SLDS.
Discussion: A high-quality SLDS
containing data on students from pre-K
through postsecondary education
should benefit IHEs as well as LEAs and
elementary and secondary schools. In
developing its SLDS, a State should
consult with IHEs, LEAs, and other
appropriate stakeholders to ensure that
the SLDS meets the needs of these
various entities. Inasmuch as each
State’s governor assured in the State’s
SFSF Phase I application that the State
would develop an SLDS, the governor is
in a unique position to bring all of these
stakeholders together to collaborate on
SLDS development and
Changes: None.
Comment: Some commenters
suggested that the Department provide
guidance to States on how they might
work together on the development of an
SLDS, especially with regards to
reporting data on students who move
across State lines or students from the
State who attend an out-of-State IHE or
school. A few commenters also
requested that the Department identify
or develop grant opportunities that
encourage States to work together to
create compatible data systems. Another
commenter suggested that the
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Department establish a uniform
methodology and clearinghouse for
data-sharing among State agencies.
Discussion: The Department
encourages States to work together and
share best practices in creating and
implementing their SLDSs, in particular
with respect to the reporting of data for
students from the State who attend outof-State IHEs or schools or students who
have moved across State lines. We note
that the Department has proposed, for
the Race to the Top Fund, to establish
an invitational priority for States that
propose to work together to adapt one
State’s statewide longitudinal data
system so that it may be used, in whole
or in part, by other State(s), rather than
having each State build or continue
building its system independently. The
Department will consider issuing
guidance to States on ways they can
collaborate with each other in
developing these systems.
The Department does not plan to
establish a uniform methodology and
clearinghouse for data sharing among
the States because the Department’s goal
is to assist States in developing
individual data systems that can
provide important data at the State,
LEA, and school levels.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter claimed
that the Department’s proposal requires
States to align all courses with a
common core curriculum. This
commenter requested that in
establishing final requirements for the
SFSF program, the Department
reconsider the date by which States
must implement an SLDS and allow
States time to establish common
standards and update their SLDS with
those standards so as not to duplicate
Discussion: The Department is not
requiring that a State align all courses
with a common core curriculum or that
a State use a common set of standards
in its SLDS. Under the ARRA, States
receiving SFSF funds must establish
and implement an SLDS that includes
all 12 elements required under the
America COMPETES Act, but these
elements do not include alignment with
a common core curriculum. While the
Department encourages State
participation in the development of
common internationally benchmarked
standards and assessments, we believe
that the implementation of a highquality SLDS need not wait for those
activities to be completed.
Changes: None.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Compliance With the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Comment: Some commenters
questioned whether establishing and
implementing an SLDS in the manner
proposed in the NPR would violate
State and Federal law, including
FERPA. In this regard, a number of
commenters noted that some of the
Department’s past interpretations of
FERPA may pose a barrier to States’
ability to establish an SLDS that
contains all 12 COMPETES Act
elements and still comply with FERPA.
One commenter requested that any data
collection that violated FERPA or other
Federal law be deleted from the
indicators and descriptors.
Many commenters supported the
Department’s commitment in the NPR to
provide guidance regarding statewide
longitudinal data systems and FERPA.
The commenters suggested that the
Department provide guidance or clarity
on such issues as the ability to collect,
report, audit, and share information
between State agencies.
Discussion: The establishment of a
statewide longitudinal data system with
the necessary functionality to
incorporate all 12 of the COMPETES Act
elements, by itself, does not violate
FERPA. The actual implementation of
such a system (including the disclosure
and redisclosure of personally
identifiable information from education
records) also does not violate FERPA
provided that States follow FERPA’s
specific requirements. In the following
sections, in response to specific
questions from commenters, we provide
greater detail about how an SLDS may
be established and implemented in
compliance with FERPA. The
Department is not aware of any other
Federal laws that would prohibit or
pose barriers to a State establishing an
To the extent that State laws present
barriers to the development of an SLDS
in compliance with the ARRA, the State
will likely need to take specific actions
to address those barriers. As part of its
application, each State will identify any
obstacles, including legal barriers, that
may prevent it from implementing an
SLDS by the September 30, 2011
deadline. The Department will provide
further clarification in this area as
Changes: None.
Comment: Some commenters
expressed concerns that the requirement
to collect and report student data from
out-of-State IHEs would violate FERPA.
A few commenters asked the
Department to provide guidance on how
States can collect data on remedial
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coursework on students who attend outof-State or private IHEs.
Discussion: Proposed Indicator (c)(13)
would have requested that States collect
and report college course completion
data for students who enroll in a public
IHE, whether or not the IHE is in-State
or out-of-State. We recognize that
collection of data from out-of-State IHEs
in a FERPA-compliant manner could be
burdensome on States and, therefore,
are revising this Indicator to provide
that States need only collect and
publicly report these data from public
IHEs within the State. We also
encourage States to consult the NCES
Web site for further assistance in
developing statewide longitudinal data
systems. This Web site can be accessed
Changes: We have modified new
Indicator (c)(12) (proposed Indicator
(c)(13)) to require that States provide
college course credit data only for
students enrolled in public in-State
Comment: One commenter suggested
that, because States may collect data
only for those students who approve the
release of their student records, the data
would not be reliable.
Discussion: As discussed in more
detail later in this section, under various
exceptions in FERPA, a State may
collect and disclose student-level data
for the purpose of evaluating education
programs and improving instruction
without prior written student or parent
consent. Moreover, the Department is
not asking States to collect data only for
those students who approve the release
of information from their student
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
recommended that the Department
clarify whether States have the authority
under FERPA to share data between prekindergarten-through-grade-12 (pre-K–
12) and postsecondary data systems,
particularly with respect to the
requirements in new Indicators (c)(11)
and (c)(12) (proposed Indicators (c)(12)
and (c)(13)) that States collect and
report student-level college enrollment
and course completion information. One
commenter specifically asked whether a
State educational agency (SEA) may
access postsecondary education records
of former students without explicit
student permission.
Discussion: As stated earlier, the
establishment of a statewide
longitudinal data system with the
necessary functionality to incorporate
all 12 of the COMPETES Act elements,
including the sharing of data between
pre-K–12 and postsecondary data
systems, by itself, does not violate
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FERPA. States also may implement an
SLDS that includes the disclosure and
redisclosure of personally identifiable
information from education records in a
manner that complies with FERPA.
We first address the question of the
disclosure and redisclosure of
personally identifiable information in
the pre-K context. The disclosure of
personally identifiable information from
pre-K programs to LEAs is not affected
by FERPA with respect to pre-K
programs that do not receive funding
from the Department, as FERPA does
not apply to those programs. With
respect to pre-K programs that receive
funding from the Department, the nonconsensual disclosure of personally
identifiable information from the
students’ pre-K education records to
LEAs is permitted under the enrollment
exception in the FERPA regulations,
provided that certain notification and
access requirements are met (20 U.S.C.
1232g(b)(1)(B); 34 CFR 99.31(a)(2) and
The second issue raised by
commenters involves the sharing of
information between postsecondary
institutions and SEAs. Similar to the
pre-K context, the non-consensual
disclosure of personally identifiable
information from K–12 education
records to a postsecondary institution is
permitted under the enrollment
exception, provided the notification and
access conditions are met. A
postsecondary institution may disclose
personally identifiable information to an
SEA under the evaluation exception if
the SEA has the authority to conduct an
audit or evaluation of the postsecondary
institution’s education programs (20
U.S.C. 1232g(b)(1)(C), (b)(3), and (b)(5);
34 CFR 99.31(a)(3) and 99.35). States
that have not established the requisite
authority may do so in a number of
ways, such as (1) creating an entity in
the State to house the SLDS and
endowing that entity with the authority
to conduct evaluations of elementary,
secondary, and postsecondary education
programs, or (2) granting authority at the
SEA or IHE level to conduct evaluations
of elementary, secondary, and
postsecondary education programs.
States may grant authority through
various vehicles, including, for
example, executive orders, regulations,
and legislation. In some States, the
formation documents for SEAs, IHEs, or
other educational entities may already
grant the necessary authority.
The Department recognizes that there
is considerable variation among States’
governance structures and laws, and
that in some States using the evaluation
exception to obtain personally
identifiable information from
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
postsecondary institutions may be
difficult. The Department is currently
reviewing its regulations and policies in
this area and will be in close
communication with States over the
next several months regarding these
issues. Of course, the Department also is
available, upon request, to provide
States with technical assistance on how
to implement an SLDS that meets the
requirements of FERPA.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
encouraged the Department to revisit
FERPA interpretations related to SLDSs,
including on the issue of sharing data
between SEAs and State workforce
Discussion: Under current Department
regulations, FERPA prevents SEAs and
LEAs from non-consensually disclosing
personally identifiable information from
education records to State workforce
agencies. However, the sharing and
reporting of personally identifiable
information from education records in
de-identified form is permissible under
FERPA (see 34 CFR 99.31(b)).
Furthermore, the reporting of
individually identifiable data by a State
agency that does not maintain education
records is not covered by FERPA
inasmuch as FERPA applies only to the
disclosure of student-level data from
education records. In other words,
because the data maintained by a
workforce agency is not in an education
record, FERPA does not apply and,
accordingly, does not present a barrier
to the disclosure of such data by State
workforce agencies to educational
agencies, to IHEs, or to the State agency
that maintains the SLDS.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter requested
that the Department clarify its position
on the National Student Clearinghouse’s
ability to verify college enrollment and
course completion data.
Discussion: To the Department’s
knowledge, while the National Student
Clearinghouse does have the capacity to
verify student enrollment, persistence,
and graduation data for the vast majority
of IHEs, it does not collect course
completion data.
Changes: None.
America COMPETES Act Elements
Comment: One commenter
recommended that we define what it
means for students to transition
successfully from secondary school to
postsecondary education, which is one
of the elements for an SLDS described
in the America COMPETES Act.
Another commenter outlined challenges
in tracking students after they graduate
from high school, including difficulty in
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disaggregating data by subgroups in a
manner that is statistically accurate due
to the fact that most high school
graduating classes have 100 or fewer
Discussion: The Department does not
have a definition of ‘‘successful
transition’’ at this time. States and LEAs
may use many indicators to determine
successful transition, which may
include the ability to transition from
secondary school to postsecondary
school within four to six years, an
analysis of trends in student
demographics, program participation
rate, courses taken or passed as they
relate to participation in remediation
programs in postsecondary education
settings, time needed to graduate, and
differences in retention and persistence
in community colleges versus four-year
As discussed previously, to assist in
SLDS design and development, NCES
has posted standards and guidelines at
the following Web site: https://
standardsguidelines.asp. The NCES
handbooks available at this Web site
include schemas of the Schools
Interoperability Framework Association
and the Postsecondary Electronic
Standards Council, the National
Education Data Model of the National
Forum on Education Statistics, the data
glossary of NCES’ Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System,
and others. Work is currently underway
to create comprehensive standards and
guidelines for use by States in
promoting data quality and
interoperability of data systems both
within States and across States. The
NCES site will be modified, as
appropriate, to include up-to-date
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter requested
that the Department provide its longterm expectations regarding the higher
education data elements of an SLDS so
that States may set up their systems to
meet those goals and any future
requirements. One commenter
recommended that the Department
publish criteria to judge the efficacy of
Discussion: As noted previously, work
is underway to create comprehensive
standards and guidelines for use by
States to promote data quality and
interoperability of data systems that
span early childhood through
postsecondary education. The NCES site
referenced previously will be modified,
as appropriate, to include up-to-date
Changes: None.
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Comment: Two commenters
recommended that the Department
clarify whether the requirement in the
COMPETES Act that the SLDS have the
capacity to communicate with higher
education data systems means data
integration or two-way communications.
Another commenter asked whether
these data can be merged for program
evaluation and policy analysis
Discussion: The COMPETES Act
specifies that an SLDS have the capacity
to communicate with higher education
data systems. Therefore, statewide
longitudinal data systems should have
the ability to link an individual student
record from one system to another.
Additionally, these systems should meet
interoperability and portability
standards, which will ensure that the
systems provide timely and reliable
opportunities to share data across
different sectors within a State and
across States. Timely and reliable
information from across sectors will
facilitate the evaluation of which
program or combinations of programs is
improving outcomes for students.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter expressed
concern that the requirement that the
SLDS communicate with postsecondary
education data systems does not
account for students who choose a
postsecondary path other than higher
education (i.e., military or employment
credentials). Another commenter
recommended that the Department
collect data on students who enter the
workforce or apprenticeship programs,
or follow some form of career and
technical training path after high school.
Discussion: The Department
acknowledges the importance of
collecting data on students who enter
careers or technical training upon
graduating from high school. However,
for the purposes of the SFSF program,
the Department has chosen to focus its
data collection and public reporting
requirements on college enrollment and
course completion. The measures
included in this notice will allow
parents, educators, and other key
stakeholders to measure the efficacy of
secondary schools in preparing their
graduates for success in college. In
addition, collecting and publicly
reporting data on students entering
employment or technical training would
be extremely complex and burdensome
on States.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
require States to include in their SLDS
an additional data element on the rate
of out-of-school suspensions and
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
expulsions. The commenter also
suggested that the Department make the
existing data collected by the
Department’s Office for Civil Rights
(OCR) publicly available.
Discussion: We do not believe it is
necessary to require States to include in
their SLDS an additional element on
suspension and expulsion rates. The
ARRA requires only that States
implement an SLDS that contains the
elements described in the America
COMPETES Act. We believe that
requiring States to include this
additional element in their systems
would be unduly burdensome.
The Department’s Civil Rights Data
Collection is publicly available on the
Department’s Web site at https://
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter urged the
Department to clarify whether a student
identifier must include pre-K students if
a State is to meet the requirement that
an SLDS include a unique statewide
identifier that does not permit a student
to be individually identified by users of
the system. The commenter also
requested that the Department clarify
that use of such an identifier would
only be required where information is
being disclosed for research and
analytical purposes and would not
apply to providing student data to
teachers. One commenter requested
clarity on whether the definition of
‘‘preschool’’ included only publicly
operated preschools, or also publicly
funded preschools and non-publicly
funded private preschools.
Discussion: For purposes of
developing an SLDS that includes the
elements described in the America
COMPETES Act, a State will need to
provide students enrolled in Federally
and State-supported early learning
programs with a unique identifier that
will follow each student through the
pre-K–12 system. This requirement
applies only to Federally and Statesupported preschools, not private
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter suggested
that the requirement in the COMPETES
Act that an SLDS contain student-level
information about the points at which
students exit, transfer in, transfer out,
drop out, or complete pre-K–16
education programs should be expanded
to include information on re-enrolled
Discussion: The ARRA specifically
requires States receiving SFSF funds to
develop and implement statewide
longitudinal data systems that contain
the elements identified in the America
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COMPETES Act. Accordingly, the
language concerning this element that
we included in the NPR is taken directly
from the America COMPETES Act. The
Department does not wish to add SLDS
requirements that are not in the
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
eliminate the COMPETES Act
requirement that an SLDS include
student-level transcript information,
including information on courses
completed and grades earned. The
commenter said that the commenter’s
State does not have a standard grade
scale and, accordingly, the data would
be meaningless.
Discussion: The Department does not
have the authority to change the
elements for an SLDS identified in the
Changes: None.
New Indicator (b)(3) (Proposed
Indicator (b)(2))
Comment: A few commenters voiced
concerns about the effect that
implementation of the indicators in
education reform area (b) would have on
teacher privacy. One commenter
requested that the Department develop
guidance on teacher privacy and teacher
identifier systems, including guidance
on preventing unauthorized access to
teacher information. The commenter
recommended that teachers’ identities
be available only to their supervisors.
One commenter recommended that the
Department require States to describe
how they will protect teacher
Discussion: The Department agrees
that teacher and principal privacy must
be protected. However, teacher and
principal privacy is governed by State
law. States, LEAs, and schools should
consider their individual State statutes
and policies regarding teacher and
principal privacy when establishing an
SLDS. As discussed in the Education
Reform Area (a)—Achieving Equity in
Teacher Distribution section of this
notice, the Department will provide
guidance to States on how States should
address teacher and principal privacy
issues when publicly reporting
performance evaluation data in response
to the relevant indicators in education
reform area (a).
Changes: None.
Comment: Many commenters
requested that the Department clarify
the meaning of the term ‘‘individual
teacher impact’’ in new Indicator (b)(3)
(proposed Indicator (b)(2)). Of these,
several expressed concerns about the
difficulty in producing data that could
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reliably account for the complexity of
factors that affect teacher impact. One
commenter was specifically concerned
with the requirement that States provide
estimates of individual teacher impact
by the proposed deadline of September
30, 2011; this commenter suggested that
States instead be required to report
longitudinal statistics focusing on
teacher-student information and
develop a timeline and plan for
implementing a measure of teacher
impact on student learning. One
commenter did not support the use of
State assessments to determine teacher
impact and recommended that the data
be used to inform program evaluation
and professional development.
Another commenter expressed
concerns about using value-added
measures to compare schools across a
State because the overall teacher quality
in schools varies. In addition, one
commenter expressed concerns about
limitations in using value-added
measures in schools with a highly
mobile student population because class
size may be too small to make accurate
assessments of teacher impact. Another
commenter cited challenges that States
face in developing systems that provide
estimates of teacher impact because
there are only a few providers currently
available to assist States in the
development of these systems.
Many commenters requested that we
clarify the meaning of the term ‘‘student
achievement’’ in new Indicator (b)(3)
(proposed Indicator (b)(2)). One
commenter suggested that the
Department require States to indicate
whether they provide student
performance data to teachers for every
subject and grade level in which the
State administers assessments.
Discussion: The Department
acknowledges that few providers are
currently available to support States in
the development of systems that provide
estimates of teacher impact and that the
use of such systems is an evolving field.
For these and the following reasons, the
Department is adding new Indicator
(b)(2) and changing proposed Indicator
(b)(2) (new Indicator (b)(3)) to clarify the
requirement that a State provide
estimates of teacher impact.
The Department agrees with the
commenter who suggested that a State
report longitudinal statistics focusing on
teacher-student information. Therefore,
the Department is adding new Indicator
(b)(2) requiring a State to indicate
whether it provides student growth data
on their current students and the
students they taught in the previous
year to, at a minimum, teachers of
reading/language arts and mathematics
in the grades in which the State
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
administers assessments in those
subjects, in a manner that is timely and
informs instructional programs.
The Department also acknowledges
financial and institutional challenges
States face in establishing a system
through which teachers are provided
estimates of their individual impact on
student achievement in a manner that is
timely and informs instruction.
However, the Department believes
reports of individual teacher impact on
student achievement may be a valuable
tool to States, LEAs, and teachers.
Appreciating that this is a goal that
States should work towards in the
future, the Department is revising
proposed Indicator (b)(2) (new Indicator
(b)(3)) to require a State to indicate
whether it provides teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in grades
in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects with
reports of individual teacher impact on
student achievement. The Department is
also revising the State Plan
requirements with respect to proposed
Indicator (b)(2) (new Indicator (b)(3)) to
require that, if a State does not currently
provide reports of teacher impact, it is
required to submit a plan on how it will
do so in the future; we are not requiring,
however, that a State do so by any
specific date.
The Department is also revising new
Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator
(b)(2)) to clarify that, for the purpose of
providing reports of teacher impact on
student achievement, ‘‘student
achievement’’ is measured in terms of
student performance on assessments the
State administers pursuant to section
1111(b)(3) of the ESEA. Thus, we are
using this term in new Indicator (b)(3)
(proposed Indicator (b)(2)) differently
than our use of the term student
achievement outcomes, which is used in
the indicators relating to teacher and
principal performance evaluation
systems in education reform area (a).
The Department will provide
guidance on the use of term ‘‘teacher
Changes: New Indicator (b)(2)
requires that each State indicate
whether it provides student growth data
on their current students and the
students they taught in the previous
year to, at a minimum, teachers of
reading/language arts and mathematics
in the grades in which the State
administers assessments in those
subjects, in a manner that is timely and
informs instructional programs.
New Indicator (b)(3) (proposed
Indicator (b)(2)) has been revised to
require each State to indicate whether it
provides teachers of reading/language
arts and mathematics in grades in which
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the State administers assessments in
those subjects with reports of individual
teacher impact on student achievement
on those assessments. In addition, we
are revising the State Plan requirements
for new Indicator (b)(3) (proposed
Indicator (b)(2)). For new Indicator
(b)(3) (proposed Indicator (b)(2)), a State
must indicate whether it provides
teachers of reading/language arts and
mathematics in grades in which the
State administers assessments in those
subjects with reports of individual
teacher impact on student achievement
on those assessments. If the State does
not provide those teachers with such
reports, it must submit a plan for how
it will develop and implement the
means to do so.
Comment: One commenter noted that
only 21 States currently report the
ability to connect student and teacher
data. Several individual States
commented on their own limitations in
linking teachers to individual students.
One commenter noted that although the
State can provide data linking student
performance to teachers, LEAs would
have to grant teachers access to the data.
Discussion: The Department
acknowledges that some States have
several of the COMPETES elements in
place and other States have only a few.
However, in the SFSF Phase I
application, each State Governor
committed to establishing, consistent
with the requirements of the ARRA, an
SLDS with all 12 elements described in
the America COMPETES Act, including
a teacher identifier system that enables
the State to match teachers to students.
FERPA allows the nonconsensual
disclosure of personally identifiable
information (PII) from student records to
school officials with a legitimate
educational interest in the data. In
general, this means that individuals in
an LEA, including teachers, would need
access to PII from a student’s education
records in order to perform their
professional responsibilities. Schools
should have in place criteria for
appropriate ‘‘school officials’’ and
‘‘legitimate educational interest’’ and
should include this information in the
annual notification to parents of their
rights under FERPA. Criteria for
appropriate ‘‘school officials’’ and
‘‘legitimate educational interest’’ should
reflect the need for teachers and school
administrators to have access to PII from
the SLDS to facilitate the continuous
improvement of education outcomes for
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter expressed
the concern that States would not be
able to provide teachers with the results
of student assessments in time to inform
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instruction. Another commenter
expressed concerns about the ability of
teachers to use the data to inform
instruction if they have no prior
assessment results to serve as a basis of
Discussion: We agree that the student
growth data and teacher impact reports
provided under new Indicator (b)(2) and
new Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator
(b)(2)) are unlikely to lead to timely
changes in day-to-day instruction.
However, the Department believes that
even if student growth data or teacher
impact reports are not available to
teachers until the end of the school year
or the beginning of the following school
year, they can still be a valuable tool for
supporting instructional programs. For
example, a teacher receiving student
growth data at the end of the year may
adjust instructional strategies the
following year based on weak
assessment results by students in the
prior year. Concurrently, the teacher in
the subsequent grade could use the data
to identify areas of remediation to
address with incoming students.
As a result, the Department is adding
new Indicator (b)(2) to require a State to
indicate whether it provides student
growth data on their current students
and the students they taught in the
previous year to, at a minimum,
teachers of reading/language arts and
mathematics in the grades in which the
State administers assessments in those
subjects, in a manner that is timely and
informs instructional programs (rather
than instruction). We are also removing
the phrase ‘‘in a manner that is timely
and informs instruction’’ from new
Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator
Additionally, because States do not
administer summative assessments in
all grades or subjects, the requirements
apply, at a minimum, to teachers in
those tested grades and subjects.
Changes: New Indicator (b)(2)
requires that each State indicate
whether it provides student growth data
on their current students and the
students they taught in the previous
year to, at a minimum, teachers of
reading/language arts and mathematics
in the grades in which the State
administers assessments in those
subjects, in a manner that is timely and
informs instructional programs.
New Indicator (b)(3) (proposed
Indicator (b)(2)) has been revised to
require each State to indicate whether it
provides teachers of reading/language
arts and mathematics in grades in which
the State administers assessments in
those subjects with reports of individual
teacher impact on student achievement
on those assessments.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Comment: Several commenters
expressed support for proposed
Indicator (b)(2) (new Indicator (b)(3))
but recommended that the Department
add an indicator on principals’ and
district administrators’ ability to collect,
manage, and analyze data to improve
instruction and decision making.
Discussion: While the Department
encourages States to provide supports
and strategies to district administrators
and principals on collecting, managing,
and analyzing data to improve
instruction and decision making, the
Department believes that adding
additional indicators and requiring
additional information would add
unnecessary burden for States.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
encourage States to provide principals
with a data ‘‘dashboard’’ that includes
information on student achievement,
attendance, and credit completion, and
other student data that can be linked to
individual teachers. Several
commenters expressed concerns about
how States will measure or ensure
teachers’ use of student data, with some
commenters recommending that the
Department include an indicator
requiring a State to describe how it will
provide data to teachers and monitor
teachers’ use of the data.
Discussion: While the Department
encourages States to collect information
beyond that required through this
notice, we believe that the current data
requirements are sufficient for the
purposes of the SFSF program and that
additional requirements would be
unnecessarily burdensome on States.
Changes: None.
Education Reform Area (c)—Standards
and Assessments
Comment: One commenter indicated
that, in light of variances in State
accountability systems, it is difficult to
compare student achievement levels
across States. The commenter noted that
comparing assessment data across States
may give the false impression that
students in one State are
underperforming when the opposite
may be true.
Discussion: The Department agrees
with this comment and encourages
States to collaborate in developing
common, internationally benchmarked
standards and assessments. In the
meantime, collecting information on
student college enrollment and
persistence rates (new Indicators (c)(11)
and (c)(12)) (proposed indicators (c)(12)
and (c)(13)) will provide meaningful
data on how schools, districts, and
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States are preparing their students for
postsecondary success.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter requested
that the Department define what is
meant by the term ‘‘high-quality’’ as
applied to State assessments and
indicate whether any States meet that
standard. The commenter also requested
that the Department clarify the
relationship between individual State
assessments and internationally
benchmarked common assessments. The
commenter further requested that the
Department clarify how the requirement
to enhance current State assessments is
affected by efforts to develop common
State assessments.
Discussion: By ‘‘high-quality
assessments’’ the Department means
those assessments that have been peer
reviewed and approved by the
Department. While the Department is
encouraging the development of
common State assessments that are
aligned with common, internationally
benchmarked student achievement
standards, we believe that it is critical
for States to continue to ensure that
their current assessments are of high
quality and rigorous.
Changes: None.
Indicator (c)(1)—Confirmation of
Approval Status
Comment: A few commenters
recommended that the Department
clarify, with respect to Indicator (c)(1),
whether a State that does not have a
fully approved system of standards and
assessments and that has entered into a
compliance agreement with the
Department is eligible for SFSF Phase II
Discussion: Under the authority in
section 457 of GEPA (20 U.S.C. 1234f),
the Department has entered into
compliance agreements with certain
States with respect to their assessment
systems. These agreements enable States
to remain eligible to receive funding
under Part A of Title I of the ESEA
while coming into full compliance with
the Title I standards and assessment
requirements. A State that is operating
under such a compliance agreement will
not be denied SFSF Phase II funding
solely due to the existence of such a
compliance agreement. A State in this
situation must still meet the Phase II
SFSF application requirements to
receive funding. The approval status of
a State’s assessment system will not
affect its eligibility for SFSF funding.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the final notice
clarify how the commenter’s State could
confirm the approval status of its State
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assessment system, as determined by
the Department, given that it has
submitted data to the Department on its
science assessments and is awaiting a
decision on those assessments.
Discussion: Indicator (c)(1) requires
each State to confirm the approval
status, as determined by the
Department, of its assessment system
with respect to reading/language arts,
mathematics, and science assessments.
To comply with this indicator, a State
merely confirms the approval status of
its assessment system (i.e., ‘‘Full
Approval,’’ ‘‘Full Approval with
Recommendations,’’ ‘‘Approval
Expected,’’ ‘‘Approval Pending,’’ or
‘‘Approval Pending, Compliance
Agreement’’). The fact that a final
determination has not been made
concerning a State’s science assessments
would not preclude a State from
confirming its most current approval
Changes: None.
Proposed Indicator (c)(2) and Proposed
Descriptor (c)(1)—Enhancing
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
remove the indicators in education
reform area (c) related to current State
assessment systems in light of the efforts
that States are making toward creating
and implementing common,
internationally benchmarked standards
and assessments. Other commenters
supported proposed Indicator (c)(2) (and
proposed Descriptor (c)(1)), which
would require a State to indicate
whether it is engaged in activities to
enhance the quality of its academic
assessments. These commenters urged
the Department also to collect
additional data about the alignment
among standards, assessments,
professional development, instructional
materials, accommodations for students
with disabilities, and accommodations
for students with limited English
Discussion: As a condition of
receiving SFSF funds, a State assures,
among other things, that it will enhance
the quality of the academic assessments
it administers pursuant to section
1111(b)(3) of the ESEA. The indicators
in this education reform area require
States to be transparent on the current
status of their efforts to provide
rigorous, high-quality standards and
assessments. The Department
acknowledges that many States are
working in collaboration or in consortia
with other States or organizations to
improve the quality, validity, and
reliability of their standards and
assessments. In recognition of States’
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
efforts to develop common standards
and assessments, the Department does
not believe it is necessary to collect
additional information on the steps that
States may be taking to enhance their
current State assessments. The
Department believes that the peer
review of State assessments provides
sufficient information on State efforts to
enhance those assessments.
While the Department strongly
encourages States to take steps to align
and publicly report the alignment of
their standards, assessments,
professional development, instructional
materials, accommodations for students
with disabilities, and accommodations
for students with limited English
proficiency, the Department believes
that the current indicators are sufficient
for the purposes of this program.
Changes: The Department has
removed proposed Indicator (c)(2) and
Descriptor (c)(1). With the removal of
this indicator and descriptor, we have
renumbered the remaining indicators
and descriptors in this education reform
New Indicator (c)(3) (Proposed
Indicator (c)(4))—Alternate
Assessments for Students With
Comment: One commenter
recommended adding language on the
validity and reliability of assessments
for students with disabilities to
proposed Indicator (c)(4), which
requires States to confirm whether the
State’s alternate assessments for
students with disabilities, if approved
by the Department, are based on gradelevel, modified, or alternate academic
achievement standards.
Discussion: Section 1111(b)(3)(A) of
the ESEA requires each State to
implement a set of high-quality student
academic assessments. As further
required in section 1111(b)(3)(C)(iv),
such assessments must be of adequate
technical quality for each purpose
required under the ESEA. Each State has
submitted to the Department for peer
review and approval its regular and
alternate assessments. This peer review
includes a rigorous evaluation of the
validity and reliability of each
assessment, including all alternate
assessments. Thus, if a State’s alternate
assessments for students with
disabilities are determined to have met
the statutory and regulatory
requirements through the Department’s
peer review process, those assessments
would necessarily be valid and reliable
assessments. Accordingly, it is not
necessary to add language to new
Indicator (c)(3) (proposed Indicator
(c)(4)) on the validity and reliability of
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assessments for students with
Changes: None.
New Indicators (c)(4) and (c)(6)
(Proposed Indicators (c)(5) and (c)(7))—
Appropriateness and Effectiveness of
Comment: Several commenters
recommended that the Department
remove new Indicators (c)(4) and (c)(6)
(proposed Indicators (c)(5) and (c)(7)),
which ask each State to indicate
whether it has completed, within the
last two years, an analysis of the
appropriateness and effectiveness of the
accommodations it provides, for
assessment purposes, to students with
disabilities and students with limited
English proficiency, respectively. These
commenters noted that this analysis was
already performed as part of the peer
review process.
Discussion: The Department believes
that States should regularly analyze the
appropriateness and effectiveness of
their assessment accommodations to
ensure that the assessments fully
address the needs of students with
disabilities and limited English
proficient students. The Department
agrees that the peer review process
includes a rigorous analysis of the
appropriateness and effectiveness of
assessment accommodations. Thus, a
State that has submitted its assessment
system to the Department for peer
review within the last two years, or that
has engaged in an alternative rigorous
analysis of its assessment
accommodations during this timeframe,
should be able to respond to these
indicators affirmatively.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter expressed
concern that proposed Indicators (c)(5)
and (c)(7) will lead to an expectation
that each State complete an analysis of
the accommodations it provides to
students with disabilities and students
with limited English proficiency for
assessment purposes.
Discussion: Section 1111(b)(3)(A) of
the ESEA requires each State to
implement a set of high-quality student
academic assessments. This requirement
includes appropriate and effective
accommodations for students with
disabilities and students with limited
English proficiency. The Department,
therefore, encourages regular review of
accommodations that are part of State
assessment systems.
Changes: None.
Comment: A few commenters
requested that the Department clarify
whether the analysis of the
appropriateness and effectiveness of the
accommodations referenced in proposed
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Indicators (c)(5) and (c)(7) could be
done by other States or organizations.
Discussion: For purposes of these
indicators, the analysis could be done
by other States or organizations. It is not
necessary for each State to have
undergone a Departmental peer review
of its assessment system within the past
two years.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
publish criteria that States would use to
review the appropriateness and
effectiveness of accommodations for
students with disabilities.
Discussion: Section
1111(b)(3)(A)(ix)(II) and (III) of the
ESEA requires each State to ensure that
students with disabilities and students
with limited English proficiency,
respectively, have access to appropriate
accommodations necessary to measure
the academic achievement of those
students. Element 4.6 in the
Department’s peer review guidance
provides the criteria the Department
uses to determine whether States have
complied with these requirements.6
States may use these criteria to guide
any analysis of assessment
accommodations that are conducted
outside the Department’s peer review
Changes: None.
Comment: A few commenters
requested that the Department require
States to describe the accommodations
available to students with disabilities.
One of these commenters recommended
that the Department require States to
submit data on the number and
percentage of students afforded each
Discussion: In their assessment
manuals, States include information on
the accommodations available to
students with disabilities. States post
these manuals on their Web sites to
ensure transparency and accountability
for all students.
With regard to reporting the number
and percentage of students afforded
each accommodation, while each
student’s Individualized Education
Program lists the accommodations to be
provided to that student, States are not
required by law to aggregate and report
the number and percentage of students
afforded each accommodation. The
regulations in 34 CFR 300.160(f) require
that States report to the public, among
other things, the following: (1) The
number of students with disabilities
who participate in the general (regular)
assessments, (2) the number of students
6 This guidance is available at
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
with disabilities provided
accommodations (that did not result in
an invalid score) to participate in
general assessments, and (3) the number
of students with disabilities who
participate in alternate assessments
based on grade-level, alternate, or
modified academic achievement
standards. We do not believe that
further reporting with respect to each
type of accommodation provided is
warranted for the purposes of the SFSF
Changes: None.
Comment: A few commenters
requested that States be required to
describe the accommodations provided
to students with limited English
proficiency for assessment purposes.
One of these commenters also
recommended that States provide data
on the number and percentage of
students afforded each accommodation.
Discussion: Information on
accommodations offered to limited
English proficient students is already
available in State assessment manuals,
which States make publicly available.
Requiring States to report on the
number and percentage of students with
limited English proficiency who receive
each type of accommodation would
impose significant additional burden on
States and LEAs. The Department does
not believe that the additional data
sought by these commenters are
warranted for the purposes of the SFSF
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter inquired
whether the data required under
proposed Indicator (c)(7) are already
provided by States through the
Department’s Education Data Exchange
Network (EDEN). Another commenter
requested that we clarify whether the
analysis referenced in this indicator
should be done at the State level or at
the student level.
Discussion: The data that the
Department will be collecting under
new Indicator (c)(6) (proposed Indicator
(c)(7)) are not reported through EDEN.
Under this indicator, the Department is
asking each State whether, within the
last two years, it has performed a Statelevel analysis of its assessment
accommodations for limited English
proficient students. This analysis is not
required at the student level.
Changes: None.
New Indicator (c)(7) (Proposed
Indicator (c)(8))—Native Language
Comments: Several commenters
opposed this indicator, stating that the
Department does not have the authority
to require native language assessments
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or that it improperly implies that such
assessments are required or preferred.
Discussion: New Indicator (c)(7)
(proposed Indicator (c)(8)) merely
requires a State to confirm whether or
not it is administering native language
versions of State assessments, as
approved by the Department, for limited
English proficient students. The
indicator does not suggest that the use
of native language assessments is the
best or only way of meeting the needs
of limited English proficient students,
and it is not intended to require States
to use such assessments.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department add
an indicator or descriptor that would
require States to list languages spoken
by one percent or more of students in
the State for whom translations of State
assessments are provided or not
Discussion: Because native language
versions of State assessments are not
required under the ARRA or the ESEA,
the Department does not agree that this
additional information should be
collected as part of the SFSF Phase II
Changes: None.
Comments: Several commenters
suggested that the Department require
States to provide additional data
demonstrating that the needs of limited
English proficient students are being
met. For example, one commenter
recommended that proposed Indicator
(c)(8) be broadened to include other
ways of gauging a student’s mastery of
content and English. Another
commenter suggested that the indicator
be changed to require States to provide
data on the percentage of limited
English proficient students using native
language versions of State assessments
and, of this group, the percentage of
students who are also receiving content
instruction in their native language. A
third commenter recommended that
States be required to provide their
process for classifying students as
limited English proficient students. This
commenter requested that the
Department modify the SFSF Phase II
requirements to require States to
identify the types of valid and
appropriate assessments that are
available for these students. This
commenter also suggested that States be
required to describe the instructional
practices and programs that are
approved for teaching limited English
proficient students.
Discussion: The Department agrees
with these commenters about the
importance of providing limited English
proficient students with appropriate and
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effective instruction and assessment
accommodations and supports. While
the recommended modifications might
provide more detailed information on
the extent to which States are meeting
the needs of these students, for the
purposes of this program, the
Department believes that new Indicators
(c)(6), (c)(7), and (c)(8) (proposed
Indicators (c)(7), (c)(8), and (c)(9)) will
provide sufficient data in this area
without imposing undue burden.
Changes: None.
New Indicators (c)(10), (c)(11), and
(c)(12) (Proposed Indicators (c)(11),
(c)(12), and (c)(13))—High School
Graduation Rate Data and
Postsecondary Enrollment and
Comments: Numerous commenters
urged the Department to expand the
reporting requirements in proposed
Indicators (c)(11), (c)(12), and (c)(13)
pertaining to high school graduation,
college enrollment, and course
completion to account for high school
graduates who choose a path other than
higher education. Several commenters
argued that the scope of the proposed
data collection is too narrow and
suggested, for example, that the
Department foster the collection of data
on career readiness in addition to
college readiness.
Discussion: The Department
recognizes the value of alternative
career pathways separate from higher
education, and seeks in no way to
minimize the accomplishments of
individuals or States with regard to
students who pursue successful careers
immediately after high school through
military service, career and technical
education programs, or full-time
employment. However, as discussed
earlier, we have a particular interest in
collecting information on college
readiness (as an indicator of the strength
of States’ secondary education standards
and programs) and have chosen, for the
purposes of this program, to limit the
burden of our reporting requirements
Changes: None.
Comment: Many commenters stated
that collecting the proposed student
enrollment and course completion data
would be very burdensome, timeconsuming, and costly for States. Some
of these commenters suggested that the
indicators are unlikely to produce
meaningful data. Others noted that the
requirements would negatively affect
students by taking valuable resources
from the classroom.
Discussion: The Department
acknowledges the challenges that the
postsecondary data collection and
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
public reporting requirements present.
However, we believe that collecting and
publicly reporting these data will
provide States, LEAs, and schools with
information they need in order to
continuously improve elementary and
secondary education. The Department
recognizes that tracking credits earned
by students enrolled in private IHEs or
in out-of-State IHEs is particularly
challenging. Given that the majority of
high school graduates enroll in an inState IHE, and that the majority of
enrollment in degree-granting
institutions is in public institutions, the
Department believes that at this time
States should be required to collect
course completion data only for
students who enroll in an in-State
public IHE. These data should provide
an accurate reflection of the strength of
States’ secondary education standards
and programs.
Changes: The Department has revised
proposed Indicator (c)(13) (new
Indicator (c)(12)) to require a State to
provide, for the State, for each LEA in
the State, for each high school in the
State and, at each of these levels, by
student subgroup (consistent with
section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II) of the ESEA),
of the students who graduate from high
school consistent with 34 CFR
200.19(b)(1)(i) who enroll in a public
IHE (as defined in section 101(a) of the
HEA) in the State within 16 months of
receiving a regular high school diploma,
the number and percentage (including
numerator and denominator) who
complete at least one year’s worth of
college credit (applicable to a degree)
within two years of enrollment in the
Comment: In the background to the
section of the NPR discussing the
indicators and descriptors relating to
standards and assessment requirements,
the Department included references to
both college education and technical
training. The background discussion
indicated that a State would be required
to provide data on the extent to which
students graduate from high school in
four years with a regular high school
diploma and pursue a college education
or technical training. One commenter
noted that none of the proposed
indicators specifically referenced
‘‘technical training’’ and recommended
that the Department delete the phrase
unless the requirements of the program
also reflect career or technical training.
Discussion: The Department
recognizes the importance of technical
training and believes it is an important
option for many students. However, the
Department is not requiring States to
provide data on students who enroll in
training programs. The Department
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believes that this additional collection
requirement would impose an undue
burden on States due to the wide range
of technical training programs from
which data would be required.
Moreover, the Department believes that
the college readiness data required
under new Indicators (c)(11) and (c)(12)
(proposed Indicators (c)(12) and (c)(13))
are sufficient to provide a sound
measure of the strength of secondary
education standards and programs.
Changes: The Department has not
included references to ‘‘technical
training’’ in the final requirements.
Comments: One commenter asserted
that States will need vendor services in
order to track student enrollment,
persistence, and remedial course work
and suggested that States would have to
rely on too few vendors during a short
time period to provide the data under
proposed Indicators (c)(12) and (c)(13).
Discussion: The Department believes
that obtaining data on student
enrollment and course completion in
IHEs for these indicators will provide
stakeholders with critical information
on the effectiveness of secondary
education across States. The Department
believes that States will be able to
obtain the assistance they may need to
meet the requirements of new Indicators
(c)(11) and (c)(12) (proposed Indicators
(c)(12) and (c)(13)) through available
data sources such as the National
Student Clearinghouse.
Changes: None.
Comment: Some commenters
requested that the Department remove
inconsistencies between the student
subgroups identified for reporting in the
SFSF NPR and the student subgroups
identified for reporting in the notice of
proposed priorities, requirements,
definitions, and selection criteria for the
Race to the Top Fund.
Discussion: The proposed
requirements under the Race to the Top
Fund included a requirement to
disaggregate student data according to
the subgroups required under the
National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) for some items and the
subgroups required under section
1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II) of the ESEA for
others. For Phase II of SFSF, we
proposed that States be required to
disaggregate data by the subgroups in
section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II) of the ESEA.
The Department is making every effort
to unify requirements across programs,
particularly across ARRA programs,
whenever possible. NAEP presents data
by a number of ‘‘student groups,’’
including gender, race or ethnicity,
highest level of parental education, and
type of school (public or private).
Additional questionnaires also provide
PO 00000
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information on student course-taking,
home discussions of school work, and
television-viewing habits. By statute, the
Department requires States to
disaggregate State assessment data for
adequate yearly progress (AYP)
determinations by economically
disadvantaged status, race/ethnicity,
disability, and English language
proficiency (section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II)).
State report cards must report
assessment data disaggregated by
gender, race/ethnicity, English language
proficiency, migrant status, disability
status, and economic advantage status,
unless such disaggregation would reveal
personally identifiable student
information (section 1111(b)(3)(C)(xiii)).
Under 34 CFR 200.19(a)(4)(i), with
respect to high school graduation rates,
the Department requires that data be
disaggregated by the subgroups in
section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II) of the ESEA.
Because new Indicator (c)(10) (proposed
Indicator (c)(11)) addresses graduation
rates, the subgroups identified in
section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II) of the ESEA
are the most appropriate.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter stated that
the timeline for States to report
graduation rate data under proposed
Indicator (c)(11) using a four-year
adjusted cohort graduation rate appears
to be inconsistent with the timeline in
the Title I regulations.
Discussion: New Indicator (c)(10)
(proposed Indicator (c)(11)) requires
States to provide, for the State, for each
LEA in the State, and for each high
school in the State, data disaggregated
by student subgroup on the number and
percentage of students who graduate
from high school using the four-year
adjusted cohort graduation rate as
required by the Title I regulations in 34
CFR 200.19(b). Under the Title I
regulations, the four-year adjusted
cohort graduation rate must be reported
at the State, LEA, and high school
levels, as well as disaggregated by each
subgroup described in section
1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II) of the ESEA,
beginning with report cards providing
results of assessments administered in
the 2010–2011 school year. The
Department does not believe that the
timeline for reporting under new
Indicator (c)(10) (proposed Indicator
(c)(11)) is inconsistent with the Title I
regulations because those regulations do
not specify a date by which the fouryear adjusted cohort graduation rate for
school year 2010–2011 must be
reported. We believe that States should
have the capacity to publicly report
these data by September 30, 2011, as
required in this notice.
Changes: None.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Comment: Numerous commenters
questioned why the Department is
collecting data only on the basis of a
four-year adjusted cohort graduation
rate and requested that the Department
amend proposed Indicator (c)(11) to take
into consideration extended-year
adjusted cohort graduation rates.
Several of the commenters indicated
that use of the adjusted four-year cohort
graduation rate fails to take into account
legitimate reasons a student might take
more than four years to graduate. One
commenter suggested adding a new
indicator that collects at the State, LEA,
and high school levels, as well as
disaggregated by subgroups, data on the
number and percentage of students who
graduate from high school using an
extended-year adjusted cohort
graduation rate as approved by the
Discussion: The reporting of data
using a four-year adjusted cohort
graduation rate, which States must
uniformly implement as required in the
Title I regulations, helps ensure that
there is an accurate method of
comparing graduation rate data across
States. Without such comparability, it is
difficult to measure adequately how
well schools, LEAs, and States are doing
in addressing the educational needs of
high school students. Thus, for the
purposes of this program, the
Department is requiring the collection
and public reporting of graduation rate
data only using the four-year adjusted
cohort graduation rate.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter suggested
that, in directing States to submit
graduation rate data under proposed
Indicator (c)(11), the Department
establish an ‘‘n size’’ (minimum
subgroup size) for reporting so that
student data are not personally
Discussion: When presenting
disaggregated data, States, LEAs, and
schools are responsible for ensuring that
they do not reveal personally
identifiable information about
individual students. As part of its
approved Consolidated State
Application Accountability Workbook
(Accountability Workbook) under Title
I, each State has identified a minimum
number of students for reporting
purposes. These established minimum
subgroup sizes are to be used in
reporting the graduation rate data under
new Indicator (c)(10) (proposed
Indicator (c)(11)).
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
consider whether there are ways to
better align college admissions
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requirements with student performance
expectations. The commenter asserted
that such alignment could more
accurately assess the extent to which
postsecondary students require
remediation. The commenter argued
that the extent to which college students
require remediation is largely within the
control of IHEs because IHEs establish
admissions requirements. Further, this
commenter contended that those IHEs
with no or low admissions requirements
will likely have to provide more
Discussion: The Department
acknowledges that IHEs, in some
respects, may have control over the
extent to which their students require
remediation. The Department
encourages States to involve IHEs in the
process of aligning pre-K–12 standards,
curricula, and assessments so that
students are better prepared for college.
Changes: None.
Comment: A few commenters
encouraged the use of college entrance
exams (such as SATs and ACTs) or
NAEP data to demonstrate whether high
school standards and assessments are
appropriately aligned to facilitate
college and career readiness. One
commenter requested that the
Department gather information on
whether graduation requirements align
with evidence of college and work
readiness. This commenter requested
that the Department also require States
to report, and disaggregate by
subgroups, the number and percentage
of students who earn two-year and fouryear degrees at IHEs in three and six
years, respectively.
Discussion: While we recognize the
value of college entrance test data, the
Department believes that new Indicators
(c)(11) and (c)(12) (proposed Indicators
(c)(12) and (c)(13)) will provide data
that accurately and sufficiently reflect
the strength of secondary education
standards and programs. In addition,
not all IHEs require entrance exams as
a prerequisite for admission. With
respect to using NAEP data to validate
State assessments, the Department
affirms the utility of comparing NAEP
scores but notes that the NAEP is not
administered annually to high school
students. In addition, we recognize that
data on the number and percentage of
students who earn two-year and fouryear degrees within three and six years,
respectively, would be a reliable
measure of the strength of secondary
education. However, the Department
seeks to minimize the burden on States
and believes that the postsecondary
enrollment and course-completion
indicators in new Indicators (c)(11) and
(c)(12) (proposed Indicators (c)(12) and
PO 00000
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(c)(13)) will address the underlying
issue the commenters raised—namely,
how well high schools are preparing
students for college.
Changes: None.
Comments: Numerous commenters
opposed proposed Indicator (c)(12),
regarding the number of students who
graduate from high school and enroll in
an IHE, claiming that the data collection
would be too costly, unreliable, or
impractical to conduct at this time. One
commenter had specific concerns about
the costs of obtaining enrollment data
on students who attend private or outof-State IHEs.
Discussion: College enrollment data
will help measure the extent to which
secondary schools have prepared their
students for colleges and universities.
While difficult to quantify, the benefits
associated with collecting these data
should outweigh the costs.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter requested
that the Department clarify which entity
in the State (elementary or secondary
school or IHE) will be responsible for
reporting on proposed Indicators (c)(12)
and (c)(13).
Discussion: States are responsible for
collecting and publicly reporting these
data and should implement the
collection of these data in the manner
that is most effective for each State.
Changes: None.
Comment: None.
Discussion: In light of the number of
recent high school graduates who
engage in experiential learning or other
activities during the year immediately
following their high school graduation,
the Department believes it is important
to collect data on students who enroll in
an IHE even if they do not do so
immediately after receiving a regular
high school diploma. Collecting data on
students who enroll in an IHE within
sixteen months of obtaining a regular
high school diploma will more
accurately reflect the effectiveness of
secondary education.
Changes: The Department has revised
new Indicator (c)(11) (proposed
Indicator (c)(12)) to require a State to
provide, for the State, for each LEA in
the State, for each high school in the
State and, at each of these levels, by
student subgroup (consistent with
section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II) of the ESEA),
of the students who graduate from high
school consistent with 34 CFR
200.19(b)(1)(i), the number and
percentage who enroll in an IHE (as
defined in section 101(a) of the HEA)
within 16 months of receiving a regular
high school diploma.
Comment: One commenter requested
that, in order to measure students’
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
academic readiness for postsecondarylevel work, the Department require
States to collect both aggregated and
disaggregated information on students
who are placed in one or more remedial
courses during their first year of
enrollment in an IHE.
Discussion: The Department included
new Indicator (c)(12) (proposed
Indicator (c)(13)) in order to provide a
measure of students’ college readiness.
Remedial courses generally do not result
in credit toward a degree, the type of
credit measured by this indicator.
Changes: None.
Comment: A few commenters
requested that the Department define
the term ‘‘one-year’s worth of college
credit’’ in proposed Indicator (c)(13).
Discussion: There is considerable
variation among IHEs about what it
means to complete at least one year’s
worth of college credit. As a result, it
would not be feasible to establish a
uniform definition of this term at this
time. The Department believes that
permitting each public IHE to define
this term in a manner consistent with its
own academic requirements will not
only minimize the reporting burden on
the IHEs and States, but will result in
meaningful data on student progress
toward a college degree.
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
suggested that proposed Indicators
(c)(12) on college enrollment and (c)(13)
on course completion raise potential
FERPA issues and requested that the
Department provide guidance around
creating a FERPA-compliant pre-K–16
data system. The commenters sought
additional guidance regarding the
authority to share data between pre-K–
12 and postsecondary data systems,
especially where the systems are
administered by separate State agencies.
One commenter specifically suggested
that the Department provide States with
flexibility to set data aggregation and
masking standards to avoid reporting of
small data cells that could identify an
individual student. The commenter
suggested that the Department consider
collecting data aggregated at a higher
Discussion: As stated earlier in
response to the comments on
implementing an SLDS that is
compliant with FERPA, establishment
of a statewide longitudinal data system
with the necessary functionality to
incorporate all 12 of the COMPETES Act
elements, including the sharing of data
between pre-K–12 and postsecondary
data systems does not by itself violate
FERPA. States also may implement an
SLDS that includes the disclosure and
redisclosure of personally identifiable
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information from education records in a
manner that complies with FERPA. The
non-consensual disclosure of personally
identifiable information from K–12
education records to a postsecondary
institution is permitted under the
enrollment exception, provided the
notification and access conditions are
met. Postsecondary institutions may
disclose personally identifiable
information to an SEA under the
evaluation exception if the SEA has the
authority to conduct an audit or
evaluation of the postsecondary
institution’s education programs. (20
U.S.C. 1232g(b)(1)(C), (b)(3), and (b)(5);
34 CFR 99.31(a)(3) and 99.35).
The Department is not requiring
States to report student data that would
reveal personally identifiable
information. In reporting data under
new Indicators (c)(11) and (c)(12)
(proposed Indicators (c)(12) and (c)(13)),
States should use the minimum
subgroup sizes that are part of their
approved Accountability Workbooks
under Title I.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
strengthen the metrics regarding
standards and assessments by adding an
indicator on the number and percentage
of students in each grade who are
enrolled in and successfully complete a
college- or career-ready high school
curriculum (aligned with college- and
career-ready standards), disaggregated
by subgroup and reported at the State,
district, and school levels.
Discussion: The Department
recognizes the value of this information
but believes that the indicators on the
adjusted four-year cohort graduation
rate, college enrollment, and college
course completion are sufficient to
obtain data on elementary/secondary
education and on postsecondary
outcomes. Given these other indicators,
the Department does not believe that the
additional burden that would result
from the suggested indicator is
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
requested that the Department require
States to collect and report data on the
percentage of students who earn college
credit during their first year of college.
These commenters indicated that such
data more accurately predict degree
Discussion: The Department’s
requirement that States collect data on
the number and percentage of high
school graduates who complete at least
one year’s worth of college credit within
two years of enrollment in the IHE will
capture data on students who earn
PO 00000
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college credit during their first year of
college. The Department acknowledges
the value of data on college credit
earned during their first year of college
but recognizes that students may attend
college part-time and prefers to establish
a requirement that more flexibly
accounts for a broader spectrum of
Changes: None.
Comment: None.
Discussion: New Indicator (c)(11)
(proposed Indicator (c)(12)) requires
States to report, for the State, and for
each LEA and high school in the State,
disaggregated data on the number and
percentage of high school graduates who
enroll in an IHE within 16 months of
receiving a regular high school diploma.
New Indicator (c)(12) (proposed
Indicator (c)(13)) requires States to
report, for the State, and for each LEA
and high school in the State,
disaggregated data on the number and
percentage of those graduates who
complete at least one year’s worth of
college credit within two years of
enrollment at a public IHE in the State.
States are required to identify graduates
using a four-year adjusted cohort
graduation rate. The Department
recognizes that many States will be
unable to report on postsecondary
enrollment and attainment of high
school graduates consistent with the
four-year adjusted cohort rate by
September 30, 2011. Therefore, the
Department has modified the plan
requirements for new Indicators (c)(11)
and (c)(12).
Changes: The Department has
modified the plan requirements for new
Indicators (c)(11) and (c)(12). These
requirements now provide that the State
is required to, at a minimum, possess
the ability to collect and publicly report
the data. As a result, the requirements
of paragraph (a) of the Plan
Requirements section of this notice
apply to these indicators, at a minimum,
with respect to the State’s development
of the means to collect and to publicly
report the data. Accordingly—
(1) If, for either of these indicators, a
State will develop but not implement
the means to collect and publicly report
the data (i.e., the State will not collect
and publicly report the data) by
September 30, 2011, the State—
(i) May submit a plan with respect to
the indicator that addresses the
requirements of paragraph (a) only with
respect to the State’s development of the
means to collect and to publicly report
the data, and not the State’s
implementation of those means; and
(ii) If submitting a plan in this
manner, must include in its plan a
description of the evidence it will
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
provide to the Department of Education,
by September 30, 2011, to demonstrate
that it has developed the means to
collect and publicly report that data.
(2) If, however, for either of these
indicators, a State will develop and
implement those means (i.e., the State
will collect and publicly report the data)
by September 30, 2011, the State must
submit a plan with respect to the
indicator that fully addresses the
requirements of paragraph (a).
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Education Reform Area (d)—
Supporting Struggling Schools
A central purpose of ARRA funds is
to increase the academic achievement of
students in struggling schools. As a
result, the NPRs regarding the State
Fiscal Stabilization Fund, the Race to
the Top Fund, and the School
Improvement Grants each included
requirements related to struggling
schools. The most explicit requirements
were included in the SIG NPR that was
published in the Federal Register on
August 26, 2009 (74 FR 43101), in
which the Department proposed four
rigorous school intervention models—
turnaround, restart, school closure, and
transformation—that an LEA seeking
SIG funds would implement in the
lowest-achieving Title I schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring identified by each State
and could also implement in secondary
schools that are eligible for, but do not
receive, Title I funds. Commenters on
each notice recommended that the
Department make the identity of, and
requirements for, struggling schools
consistent among all three programs. We
agree with these comments and, in
response, have revised the four school
intervention models and are integrating
them into the criteria, definitions, and
requirements for all three programs. In
addition, we have developed a
definition of persistently lowestachieving schools to substitute for
‘‘schools in the lowest-achieving five
percent’’ (SFSF) and persistently lowestperforming schools (Race to the Top) for
use in all three programs.
Because both the SFSF and Race to
the Top notices of final requirements are
being published prior to the final SIG
notice, we are publishing, in final, the
requirements for the four models in
SFSF, will append them to Race to the
Top, and will incorporate them into the
final SIG notice when it is issued. In
order to clarify and fully explain the
definition of persistently lowestachieving schools and the changes that
we made to the four models, we are
including in this notice the comments
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and responses related to the definition
and those models from the SIG NPR. In
the following sections, we first discuss
the comments we received on struggling
schools in response to the SFSF NPR
and our responses. We then discuss the
comments we received related to the
definition and the four intervention
models as proposed in the SIG NPR and
our responses to those comments.
Persistently Lowest-Achieving Schools
Comment: Some commenters
expressed support for our proposal in
education reform area (d) that States
identify and support schools that are not
meeting student achievement goals, but
a number of commenters expressed
concern that the proposed indicators in
this reform area would not result in the
correct identification of those schools.
Many commenters were specifically
concerned that high schools might not
be identified among the lowestachieving schools. One commenter
argued that the strategies for turning
around struggling high schools may
differ from strategies for turning around
other schools and that the data for the
proposed indicators for education
reform area (d) should be disaggregated
by school type and grade span so that
high schools are reported separately.
Several commenters recommended
broadening the definition of lowestachieving five percent to include both
Title I and non-Title I secondary schools
with reasonably high scores on
assessments but low graduation rates in
an effort to better identify struggling
schools. One commenter recommended
that high schools with graduation rates
below 60 percent be added to proposed
indicators (d)(3) through (d)(5) to better
identify low-achieving high schools.
Discussion: The Department agrees
that it is important to identify the
lowest-achieving schools in each State
so that parents, policy-makers, and
other stakeholders can take appropriate
action and measure the progress made
in improving the achievement of
students who attend those schools. We
also agree that strategies and approaches
to reform schools may vary according to
school type and grade span. The
Department agrees that the proposed
definition of lowest-achieving five
percent of schools might fail to identify
some struggling secondary schools,
including those whose students are
performing adequately on State
assessments but are failing to graduate.
Changes: The Department has
removed the definition of lowestachieving five percent and added a new
definition for the term persistently
lowest-achieving schools. This term is
defined as follows:
PO 00000
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With respect to the requirements that
a State collect and publicly report data
and information on the persistently
lowest-achieving schools that are Title I
schools in improvement, corrective
action, or restructuring or secondary
schools that are eligible for, but do not
receive, Title I funds, persistently
lowest-achieving schools means, as
determined by the State—
(a)(1) Any Title I school in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring that—
(i) Is among the lowest-achieving five
percent of Title I schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring or the lowest-achieving
five Title I schools in improvement,
corrective action, or restructuring in the
State, whichever number of schools is
greater; or
(ii) Is a high school that has had a
graduation rate as defined in 34 CFR
200.19(b) that is less than 60 percent
over a number of years; and
(2) Any secondary school that is
eligible for, but does not receive, Title
I funds that—
(i) Is among the lowest-achieving five
percent of secondary schools or the
lowest-achieving five secondary schools
in the State that are eligible for, but do
not receive, Title I funds, whichever
number of schools is greater; or
(ii) Is a high school that has had a
graduation rate as defined in 34 CFR
200.19(b) that is less than 60 percent
over a number of years.
(b) To identify the lowest-achieving
schools, a State must take into account
(i) The academic achievement of the
‘‘all students’’ group in a school in
terms of proficiency on the State’s
approved assessments under section
1111(b)(3) of the ESEA in reading/
language arts and mathematics
combined; and
(ii) The school’s lack of progress on
those assessments over a number of
years in the ‘‘all students’’ group.
We have added a new Descriptor
(d)(1), which requires States to provide
their definition of persistently lowestachieving schools (consistent with the
requirements for defining this term set
forth in this notice) that the State uses
to identify such schools.
We also have made two additional
changes to education reform area (d)
that require States to report on reform
efforts in secondary schools. We have
revised Indicator (d)(5) to require States
to provide, for the State, the number and
identity of the schools that are
secondary schools that are eligible for,
but do not receive, Title I funds that are
identified as persistently lowestachieving schools. We have added new
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Indicator (d)(6), which requires States to
provide, for the State, of the persistently
lowest-achieving schools that are
secondary schools that are eligible for,
but do not receive, Title I funds, the
number and identity of those schools
that have been turned around, restarted,
closed, or transformed in the last year.
Comment: With respect to Indicator
(d)(3), one commenter questioned the
value of requiring States to collect data
on schools in improvement status in
addition to schools identified for
corrective action and restructuring. The
commenter further questioned whether
the additional collection of information
is necessary to focus on the lowestachieving five percent.
Discussion: In order to remain
consistent with school reform strategies
that States are implementing using
funds available under section 1003(g) of
the ESEA (School Improvement Grants),
the Department chose to collect data on
schools in improvement status. It is
important to capture information
regarding all schools that are
persistently lowest-achieving schools in
the State, including those in
Because the Department believes that
States should place a priority on
reforming the persistently lowestachieving schools, we are requiring
States to collect and publicly report
information only on the intervention
strategies in those schools and not on
every school in improvement, corrective
action, or restructuring.
Changes: Indicator (d)(3) has been
revised to require States to provide, for
the State, the number and identity of
Title I schools in improvement,
corrective action, or restructuring that
are identified as persistently lowestachieving schools. Indicator (d)(4) has
been revised to require the State to
provide, for the State, of the persistently
lowest-achieving Title I schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring, the number and identity
of those schools that have been turned
around, restarted, closed, or transformed
(as defined in this notice) in the last
Comment: One commenter questioned
the usefulness of the stratification in
proposed Indicators (d)(3), (d)(4), and
(d)(5) and recommended creating a new
indicator that provides the identity and
grade levels of the schools identified for
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring and the lowest-achieving
five percent of schools in the State.
Discussion: The Department agrees
that identifying schools and providing
greater disaggregation of data required
on the persistently lowest-achieving
schools provides greater transparency
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and more information that is useful to
parents, educators, and other
Changes: As noted in the previous
responses, a new definition of
persistently lowest-achieving schools
has been added and Indicators (d)(3),
(d)(4), and (d)(5) have been revised to
require States to provide the number
and identity of the schools being
reported under these indicators. We also
have removed the requirement that
States report the percentages for these
Comment: One commenter requested
that the Department provide States with
the flexibility to determine which
schools are struggling.
Discussion: We believe that the
definition of persistently lowestachieving schools that we have
established in this notice provides
States with flexibility in identifying
these schools while setting forth basic
parameters for States to follow in
developing their definitions. The SFSF
definition and requirements for
persistently lowest-achieving schools
and school intervention models will
now be consistent with those in the
Race to the Top notice and the
upcoming School Improvement Grants
notice; this consistency may encourage
and enable States to use diverse funding
sources to accomplish consistent goals.
We encourage States to think
comprehensively across these programs
in order to develop plans that best target
and meet the needs of their persistently
lowest-achieving schools.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter expressed
concern that State-by-State comparisons
will not identify the lowest-achieving
schools in the Nation.
Discussion: The purpose of the data
collection and public reporting
requirements in education reform area
(d) is not to provide a list of the lowestachieving schools in the Nation. Rather,
the Department intends that the
required data collection and public
reporting will provide transparency on
the persistently lowest-achieving
schools in each State. This will allow
parents, students, and educators in each
State to make informed decisions and
implement reform strategies that will
work best for their individual situations.
Changes: None.
The Four Intervention Models
Comment: Some commenters objected
to our proposed definitions of the
intervention models (turnaround, school
closure, consolidation) used in
Indicators (d)(3), (d)(4), and (d)(5).
These commenters argued that the
definitions are overly restrictive and
PO 00000
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lack a sufficient research base. Also,
several commenters expressed a belief
that the definition for a school that has
been turned around is too restrictive.
Many of these commenters
recommended that States be given a
broader range of options for choosing
intervention models and that the data
collection requirements be expanded to
require States to report on other models
that have been used to assist struggling
Discussion: The Department
recognizes that there are reform models
and other intervention efforts not
identified in the NPR that can be
successful in turning around struggling
schools. We also understand that no
single reform model will be effective in
every State or every LEA. However, the
intervention strategies proposed in the
NPR focus on dramatic change,
including significant changes in
leadership, staffing, and governance,
and as they are targeted to the Nation’s
persistently lowest-achieving schools,
which in most cases have not responded
to multiple earlier school improvement
and turnaround efforts. Research
indicates that fundamental,
comprehensive changes in leadership,
staffing, and governance hold the
greatest promise for bringing about the
improvements in school structure,
climate, and culture that are required to
break the cycle of chronic educational
failure. We believe that the reform
models proposed in the NPR hold great
promise in their ability to turn around
the Nation’s persistently lowestachieving schools and that they are
flexible enough to allow States and
LEAs to adapt them to meet their
specific needs. As noted earlier, to be
consistent with the definitions and
requirements in the School
Improvement Grants notice and to
encourage and enable States to plan
effectively across these programs, these
indicators, descriptors and definitions,
where appropriate, have been revised.
Specifically, we have added a fourth
model, the transformation model, and
revised and clarified requirements in
the turnaround, restart, and school
closure models.
At this time, the Department declines
to require States to collect data on other
reform models as we believe that these
hold the most potential for turning
around struggling schools.
Changes: We have revised the
definitions of the intervention models as
detailed in the Final Definitions section
of this notice.
We have revised Indicator (d)(4),
which requires States to provide, for the
State, of the persistently lowestachieving schools that are Title I schools
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
in improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring, the number and identify
of those schools that have been turned
around, restarted, closed, or transformed
in the last year.
We have added new Indicator (d)(6),
which requires States to provide, for the
State, of the persistently lowestachieving schools that are secondary
schools that are eligible for, but do not
receive, Title I funds, the number and
identity of those schools that have been
turned around, restarted, closed, or
transformed in the last year. With the
addition of new Indicator (d)(6) and the
addition of several new indicators
regarding charter schools, we have
renumbered the indicators in this
education reform area.
Comment: A few commenters stated
that the proposed models for
intervening in struggling schools are
process or structural reforms rather than
results-based approaches focusing on
gains in student achievement. They
believe that the collection of data will
provide information only on where
reform efforts have occurred, not on the
success of those efforts.
Discussion: The Department believes
that if the four reform models
established in this notice are
implemented effectively, they will lead
to gains in student achievement. In
addition, via EDFacts the Department
collects data on Title I schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring and on whether those
schools have improved student
achievement outcomes to a point that
they are no longer classified in those
categories. The Department does not,
therefore, believe it is necessary to
collect such data through these
Changes: None.
Comment: A few commenters
recommended that the Department add
an indicator that would require States to
report the number of Title I schools in
restructuring in the last five years for
each LEA and, for these schools, also
report the number that have been turned
around with new leadership and a
majority of new staff, the number that
have been turned around through
conversion to charter schools, and the
number that have been closed and the
students placed in higher-performing
Discussion: The Department currently
collects, through its EDFacts data
system, information on the number and
identity of Title I schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring in each State. Through the
SFSF Phase II application, States will
report publicly on the types of reforms
implemented in persistently lowest-
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achieving schools, which are the
schools most in need of the types of
interventions included in this notice
and the schools on which States and
LEAs should be focusing their reform
efforts. Accordingly, we do not think it
is necessary to establish the additional
reporting requirements suggested by the
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that States report the
name and number of all schools eligible
for and receiving Title I funds by grade
Discussion: The Department currently
makes public information regarding the
name and number of Title I-eligible
schools by grade span in the Common
Core of Data (CCD). We believe that the
data available in the CCD, combined
with the information that States will
report under this notice, is sufficient to
enable parents, educators, and other
stakeholders to judge State and local
reform efforts.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter argued
that closing schools in some rural areas
is not an option due to an already
difficult time that districts have in
recruiting and retaining highly qualified
Discussion: We agree that not all
reform models are appropriate in all
circumstances. As States and LEAs work
to implement reforms in the persistently
lowest-achieving schools, they should
exercise great care in determining
exactly which reforms actions to
implement in which schools. This
notice includes three intervention
models (turnaround, restart, and
transformation) that do not require the
closing of a school.
Changes: None.
Schools That Have Been Turned
Comment: Some commenters
expressed concern that the use of the
phrase schools that have been turned
around implies improvement in
academic results in a formerly lowperforming school. Commenters
recommend restricting the use of the
term ‘‘turned around’’ to circumstances
in which States can demonstrate
significant improvement in student
achievement. Further, the commenters
recommended defining this model as
‘‘major reform actions’’ or ‘‘school that
has undertaken a turn-around strategy.’’
Discussion: The Department
appreciates the commenters’ concern
that the term schools that have been
turned around implies an outcome
rather than an input. The term
‘‘turnaround’’ has several meanings, but
PO 00000
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we believe that this notice clearly uses
it to describe a process for improving
student achievement in a persistently
lowest-achieving school.
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
expressed concern regarding the
requirement that one element of the
turnaround model is the replacement of
at least 50 percent of the existing staff.
Several commenters indicated that the
50 percent figure is arbitrary. A few
commenters stated that there is a lack of
existing research that supports the
assertion that a certain percentage of
staff need to be replaced in order to
successfully turn around a school.
Several commenters recommended that
the definition not include a specific
percentage. One commenter
recommended that, under this model,
all teachers should be required to
reapply for a teaching position with the
new school leadership having the
authority to rehire teachers regardless of
seniority or tenure. Another commenter
expressed concern that replacing a
majority of staff may not be the most
effective approach for every school; the
new school leadership may determine,
after an evaluation of existing staff, that
less than a majority be replaced to
support the turn-around effort. One
commenter recommended that schools
operating under this model should be
required to retain at least 50 percent of
current qualified staff.
Discussion: The Department
recognizes that replacing leadership and
staff is one of the most difficult aspects
of the school turnaround option.
However, we also believe that in our
lowest-performing schools, many of
which have failed to improve despite
repeated turnaround efforts, dramatic
and wholesale changes in leadership
and staffing can be the key to creating
the new climate and culture needed to
break the cycle of educational failure.
Moreover, the required turnaround
option leaves room to accommodate
many of the flexibilities suggested by
these commenters. For example, a
principal has the option of retaining
roughly half of existing staff who are
deemed effective and who commit to
supporting other key elements of the
school’s turnaround plan. With regard
to the comment that new school
leadership have the authority to rehire
teachers regardless of seniority or
tenure, the Department believes such
issues are best resolved at the State and
local levels in the context of existing
collective bargaining agreements;
however, in schools implementing a
turnaround model, the principal must
be provided with sufficient operational
flexibility, including in making staffing
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
decisions, to implement fully a
comprehensive approach to
substantially improving student
achievement outcomes. Finally, the
Department would like to make clear
that the turnaround option is only one
of four reform models outlined in this
notice. If a school determines that the
requirements of a turnaround model are
too restrictive, the LEA may choose to
implement another reform model in the
Changes: The definition of a
turnaround model has been revised to
require that the principal be given
sufficient operational flexibility,
including in selecting staff, to
implement fully a comprehensive
approach to substantially improving
student achievement outcomes.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that States be encouraged
to develop or support programs for
rigorous preparation for principals who
are hired to turn around a school.
Discussion: We agree that principals
need rigorous preparation and support
in order to achieve results in
persistently lowest-achieving schools.
We encourage States and LEAs to work
with existing, or develop new, principal
and school leadership programs that
ensure adequate preparation and
ongoing support for principals working
in persistently lowest-achieving schools.
We decline in this notice to require such
actions of States because the purpose of
this notice is to have States collect and
publicly report data, not to establish
professional development policies.
Changes: None.
Schools That Have Made Progress
Comment: A few commenters
expressed concern that the proposed
definition of schools that have made
progress will not provide information
on whether schools are improving
student achievement. The commenters
stated that this definition assumes that,
on average, rates in reading and
mathematics are improving from year to
year. Commenters noted that, while this
is true in many States, proficiency rates
in some States have been nearly flat or
have declined from year to year. A few
commenters recommended that the
Department require States to report the
average statewide gains used to
determine whether schools meet the
definition of making progress in
reading/language arts and mathematics.
Commenters recommended that the
definition stipulate that gains in the ‘‘all
students’’ category be greater than zero
and, for schools identified in the ‘‘all
students’’ category, that the gains in the
‘‘all students’’ category be equal to or
greater than the average gains of schools
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in the State in the ‘‘all students
category.’’ Additionally, several
commenters expressed concern that
underperformance by subgroups could
go unchecked. Some commenters
recommended that the definition of a
school that has made progress require
gains for the subgroup or subgroups that
are equal to or greater than the average
gains of schools in the State in the ‘‘all
students’’ category, and that are greater
than zero. Another commenter
recommended changing the phrase ‘‘in
the ‘all students’ category (as under
section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(I) of ESEA’’ to
‘‘in the ‘all students’ and ‘subgroups’
categories (as under section
1111(b)(2)(C)(v) of ESEA.’’
Discussion: We agree that a school
that has made progress must
demonstrate positive gains. We also
agree that, in order to monitor progress
on closing the achievement gap the data
collection must include measures of
subgroup performance and average
statewide subgroup performance within
the State. The reporting of average
statewide gains will provide useful
information regarding progress in the
Changes: We have revised the
definition of school that has made
progress as follows:
With respect to the requirements that
a State collect and publicly report the
numbers and percentages of certain
groups of schools that have made
progress on State assessments in
reading/language arts and in
mathematics in the last year, school that
has made progress means a school
whose gains on the assessment, in the
‘‘all students’’ category and for each
student subgroup (as under section
1111(b)(2)(C)(v) of the ESEA), are equal
to or greater than the average statewide
school gain in the State on that
assessment, in the ‘‘all students’’
category and for each student subgroup,
except that if the average statewide
school gains in the State on that
assessment are equal to or less than
zero, the gains of the school must be
greater than zero.
We also have revised Indicators (d)(1)
and (d)(2). Indicator (d)(1) requires that
a State provide, for the State, the
average statewide school gain in the ‘‘all
students’’ category and the average
statewide school gain for each student
subgroup (as under section
1111(b)(2)(C)(v) of the ESEA) on the
State assessments in reading/language
arts and for the State and for each LEA
in the State, the number and percentage
(including numerator and denominator)
of Title I schools in improvement,
corrective action, or restructuring that
have made progress (as defined in this
PO 00000
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notice) on State assessments in reading/
language arts in the last year.
Indicator (d)(2) requires a State to
provide, for the State, the average
statewide school gain in the ‘‘all
students’’ category and the average
statewide school gain for each student
subgroup (as under section
1111(b)(2)(C)(v) of the ESEA) on State
assessments in mathematics and for the
State and for each LEA in the State, the
number and percentage (including
numerator and denominator) of Title I
schools in improvement, corrective
action, or restructuring that have made
progress on State assessments in
mathematics in the last year.
Comment: One commenter asserted
that student achievement must be used
in conjunction with graduation rates for
high schools to ensure that there is no
incentive for schools to have lowperforming students leave the school
prior to graduation. The commenter
recommended adding to the definition
of school that has made progress that a
high school must also have made gains
in graduating students at a rate that is
equal to or greater than the average
graduation rate gain of other schools in
the State and that the definition of
continuous and substantial
improvement as defined by the
Department in 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1) be
Discussion: The Department agrees
that all high schools should work to
ensure that all of their students are
graduating with a regular high school
diploma. As a result of our concern over
graduation rates, we have chosen, as
discussed previously, to require States
to collect and publicly report data and
information on their persistently lowestachieving schools . This requirement
will capture secondary schools with
graduation rates below 60 percent. The
Department believes that the changes it
has made to the definition of
persistently lowest-achieving schools
sufficiently address the commenters’
concern regarding high school
graduation rates.
Changes: None.
Comment: A few commenters
recommended that those schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring determined to be making
progress in reading/language arts and
mathematics, respectively, be identified
by name (in addition to providing the
number and percentage of such schools)
in the reports States provide under
education reform area (d).
Discussion: While we encourage
States to identify the schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring determined to be making
progress in reading/language arts and
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
mathematics, we do not believe it is
necessary to require States to provide
these identifications.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter expressed
concern that the number and percentage
of schools that have made progress in
reading/language arts and mathematics
do not align with current assessment
and reporting priorities since student
assessments are conducted and reported
by grade level. The commenter asked
that the Department provide guidance
on how States and LEAs should
calculate school-level, rather than gradelevel, improvement. Similarly, one
commenter stated that guidance is
needed on how States should calculate
the student gains used to determine
school progress; otherwise, the
commenter said, there will not be a way
to meaningfully compare data among
Discussion: The Department will
provide guidance to States on
calculating school-level progress in
reading/language arts and mathematics.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that States be required to
list the number of schools that have
emerged from improvement, corrective
action, or restructuring and to describe
what activities led to these results.
Discussion: The Department agrees
that it is important to make public the
identity of schools that have emerged
from improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring. The data that States will
make available under the requirements
of this notice will over time provide
parents, educators, and policymakers
with information on the extent to which
States and LEAs have had success in
reforming the persistently lowestachieving schools. Information on the
type of reforms implemented in those
schools will also be publicly available.
However, while we encourage studies
on the efficacy of particular reform
strategies, we believe that requiring
States to conduct such studies is beyond
the scope of the SFSF program.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department add
an indicator that would provide
additional information on the dollar
amount and percentage of SFSF funds
spent on secondary schools.
Discussion: States will provide
quarterly data on the uses of funds
appropriated under the ARRA as
required by section 1512 of the ARRA.
In addition, States will provide an
annual report on uses of SFSF funds.
These reports will provide a certain
amount of information on the uses of
ARRA funds. While we believe it would
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be useful also to require States to collect
and publicly report information on
expenditure of SFSF funds at the school
level, we are mindful here, as in other
areas, of the burden of such a
requirement on States and LEAs. We,
therefore, decline to require further
reporting in this area.
Changes: None.
Charter Schools
Comment: As described earlier in this
notice, one commenter stated that the
Department should require each State to
indicate whether the information it
reports includes information from
charter schools and, if such information
is not currently available, require the
State to provide information in its State
plan on the steps it will take to collect
information on charter schools.
Discussion: Under the requirements,
States will report information on charter
schools that are LEAs in the same
manner that they will provide
information on any LEA. Further,
information on public charter schools
that are not LEAs is provided in the
same manner as it is for other public
elementary and secondary schools.
Additionally, as proposed in the NPR
and established in this notice, the
Department is requiring States to collect
and publicly report information on the
number of charter schools that are
permitted to operate and that are
actually operating in the State (new
Indicators (d)(7) and (d)(8)). However,
and as discussed in greater detail later
in this section, the Department agrees
that it is important to collect
information on the academic
achievement of students who attend
charter schools as well and has added
new Indicators (d)(9) and (10) that
measure the performance of charter
school students on State assessments in
reading/language arts and mathematics.
Changes: As discussed in more detail
later, the Department has added new
Indicators (d)(9) and (d)(10) to
education reform area (d).
Comment: A few commenters
expressed support for proposed
indicators (d)(6) through (d)(9).
However, many commenters expressed
concern over the Department’s focus on
charter schools. Several commenters
objected to the emphasis on charter
schools, noting that research suggests
that many charter schools perform no
better than regular public schools in
raising student achievement. A number
of commenters believe that these
indicators will promote an
overemphasis on charter schools while
ignoring other alternatives. They urged
the Department to focus on other
models for turning around schools and
PO 00000
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to allow States flexibility in determining
the best strategies.
Discussion: The Department
appreciates the comments in support of
the goal of increasing the number of
high-performing charter schools as a
strategy for both turning around the
persistently lowest-performing schools
and for increasing the educational
options for students attending such
schools. The Department recognizes that
the available research on the
effectiveness of charter schools in
raising student achievement is mixed.
However, we believe strongly that highperforming charter schools can be
especially valuable in communities
where chronically low-performing
traditional public schools have failed to
improve after years of conventional
turnaround efforts. In such cases, highperforming charter schools, whether
created through the conversion of a
traditional public school enrolling the
same students or by establishing a new
school that provides an alternative to
traditional public schools, can offer
promising and proven options for
breaking the cycle of educational
failure. Finally, while we believe in the
ability of high-performing charter
schools to turn around struggling
schools, we do not believe that they are
the only reform option. States and LEAs
have developed alternative intervention
models that have demonstrated success
in raising student achievement in lowperforming schools. In addition to highquality charter schools, we encourage
the use of these alternatives that have
proven to be successful in transforming
struggling schools.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter questioned
why progress information is not
required for charter schools when the
Department has indicated that it wants
to hold charter schools accountable. The
commenter proposed a new indicator
requiring information on charter school
progress in reading and mathematics.
Discussion: We agree that information
should be collected on charter school
progress in improving student
achievement in reading/language arts
and mathematics. Charter schools can
serve as models for school reform, but
it is important that they be held
accountable for their performance.
Collecting data on charter school
progress in reading/language arts and
mathematics will provide valuable
information on charter school
Changes: Two new indicators have
been added to reform area (d) to address
charter school progress in reading/
language arts and mathematics. New
Indicator (d)(9) requires each State to
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
provide, for the State and for each LEA
in the State that operates charter
schools, information on the number and
percentage of charter schools that have
made progress on State assessments in
reading/language arts in the last year.
New Indicator (d)(10) establishes the
same requirement for State assessments
in mathematics.
Comment: A number of commenters
asserted that the proposed data
collection regarding charter schools
would provide only a superficial
overview of charter school
accountability and success and
proposed new indicators to collect
additional information. The proposals
included collecting information on the
charter school application process, the
number of charter school applications
received each year, and the number of
applications approved and denied. The
proposed indicators also included
collecting data on the extent to which
charter schools serve student
populations comparable to non-charter
public schools in the district, and if a
non-charter school was converted to a
charter school, the percentage of the
former student population the charter
school continues to serve. Commenters
also suggested collecting data on reform
strategies that have been applied to the
lowest-achieving charter schools and
requiring States that allow charter
schools to show evidence of charter
school success. Another commenter
suggested that all data related to charter
schools be disaggregated by
Discussion: By requiring States to
publicly report the number of charter
schools permitted to operate under State
law, the number that are currently
operating, the number of charter schools
that have closed and the reason for
closure, this final notice will ensure
parents, policy makers and other
stakeholders have access to valuable
information on States’ charter school
laws, operations, and accountability. To
ensure greater transparency, States must
report this information in each of the
last five years instead of, as called for in
the proposed requirements, over the last
five years.
While we encourage States to collect
and publicly report data on the
performance of charter schools beyond
what is called for in this notice, we
believe that the information we are
requiring is sufficient for the purposes
of this program.
Changes: New Indicators (d)(11) and
(d)(12) (proposed Indicators (d)(8) and
(d)(9)) require that the information be
publicly reported for ‘‘each of the last
five years’’ as opposed to ‘‘the last five
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Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
prohibit charter schools from refusing
students based on test scores, special
needs, or any other factor.
Discussion: The Department believes
that all students should have access to
an excellent education. However, State
and local governments possess the
authority to authorize charter schools
and as such, requirements for charter
school admissions are primarily State
and local matters. Nonetheless, Federal
civil rights laws prohibit charter schools
(as recipients of Federal funds or as
public entities) from discriminating in
admissions on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex, or disability.7 In
addition, we note that charter schools
receiving funds under the Department’s
Charter Schools Program (CSP) may set
minimum qualifications for admission
only to the extent that such
qualifications are: (a) Consistent with
the statutory purposes of the CSP; (b)
reasonably necessary to achieve the
educational mission of the charter
school; and (c) consistent with civil
rights laws and Part B of the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act.8
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter suggested
adding ‘‘mismanagement’’ to the list of
possible reasons a charter school may
have closed.
Discussion: While the reasons for
charter school closure included in the
notice are not meant to be exhaustive,
the Department believes that requiring
States to report information on the
closure of charter schools due to
academic, educational or financial
reasons captures the vast majority of
official ‘mismanagement’ circumstances
that would cause a charter school to
close or not be renewed. The
Department has provided an ‘‘other’’
category to allow for closures not
reflected in the choices provided. A
State could use that category for schools
closed because of other instances of
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter asked for
clarification of which entities would
constitute a valid source of information
on why a charter school closed.
Discussion: SEAs are ultimately
responsible for all schools in the State
and as such will be a valid source for
why a charter school has closed.
Changes: None.
7 Additional information on the application of
Federal civil rights laws to charter schools is
available at
8 Additional information on the CSP is available
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Comment: One commenter suggested
that the Department consider limiting
the charter school data collection to
such factors as size of enrollment and
length of operation. The commenter also
recommended that SEAs not be required
to collect data on reasons for charter
school closures in previous years
because some States do not have this
information and would be required to
collect it retroactively.
Discussion: The Department believes
that many States will already have this
information. States will need to collect
information on charter schools for the
purposes of State funding and reporting
for LEAs and schools and, in doing so,
will likely determine which charter
schools have closed. It is also likely that
States also collect information on the
reasons for closure. Though some States
may not currently collect and publicly
report this information, the Department
believes that it is important that they do
so. Understanding the reasons for
charter school closures can help States,
LEAs, and other stakeholders determine
which models of charter schools are
effective and eliminate those that are
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department issue
clear reporting guidelines and a
standard form for reporting the reasons
for charter school closures in order to
eliminate potential problems with
reporting such data.
Discussion: Policies regarding
authorization and closure of charter
schools vary greatly from State to State.
The Department cannot provide a
standard reporting form that would
address all of the different issues in
each State. We leave the establishment
of such guidelines and reporting forms
to each State.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter asked for
clarification regarding our intent when
we ask for information regarding ‘‘the
number of charter schools currently
permitted to operate.’’
Discussion: In this section, the
Department intends to require States to
collect and publicly report information
on the number of charter schools
currently permitted to operate under
State law.
Changes: We have revised new
Indicator (d)(7) so that the indicator
now reads: Provide for the State and, if
applicable, for each LEA in the State,
the number of charter schools that are
currently permitted to operate under
State law.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Comments and Responses on the SIG
As noted earlier, the following
discussion summarizes the comments
we received, and our responses, on the
‘‘Tier I’’ and ‘‘Tier II’’ schools proposed
in the SIG NPR that are now included
in the definition of persistently lowestachieving schools. The discussion also
summarizes the comments and our
responses on the four school
intervention models proposed in the
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Definition of Persistently LowestAchieving Schools
Comment: A number of commenters
recommended alternatives to the
process proposed in the SIG NPR for
determining the lowest-achieving five
percent of all Title I schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring in the State—that is, ‘‘Tier
I’’ schools. As proposed in the SIG NPR,
a Tier I school is a school in the lowestachieving five percent of all Title I
schools in improvement, corrective
action, or restructuring in the State, or
one of the five lowest-achieving Title I
schools in improvement, corrective
action, or restructuring in the State,
whichever number of schools is greater.
Under the SIG NPR, to determine this
‘‘bottom five percent,’’ a State would
have had to consider both the absolute
performance of a school on the State’s
assessments in reading/language arts
and mathematics and whether its gains
on those assessments for the ‘‘all
students’’ group over a number of years
were less than the average gains of
schools in the State for the ‘‘all
students’’ group.
Several commenters said this
proposed process was too prescriptive
and recommended that States have more
flexibility in determining the lowestachieving five percent. The commenters
specifically suggested permitting States
to restrict Tier I schools to schools in
restructuring if this group constitutes
more than five percent of a State’s
identified schools; to apply a State’s
growth model; or to consider such other
factors as measures of individual
student growth, writing samples, grades,
and portfolios. One commenter
suggested that the Department
determine the lowest-achieving five
percent of schools in the Nation rather
than have each State determine its own
lowest-achieving five percent. Other
commenters recommended changes that
include taking into account the length of
time a school has been designated for
restructuring, measuring gains related to
English language proficiency, and
including newly designated Title I
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schools (especially secondary schools)
that do not yet have an improvement
Several commenters also suggested
changing the method for determining
‘‘lack of progress,’’ including using
subgroups rather than the ‘‘all students’’
group, measuring progress in meeting
adequate yearly progress targets, and
narrowing achievement gaps. Another
commenter recommended clarifying
that, even if a school shows gains
greater than the State average, it should
not be considered to be making progress
if those gains are not greater than zero.
Finally, several commenters suggested
that graduation rates be taken into
account in determining the lowestachieving Title I high schools. One of
these commenters suggested including
in Tier I all Title I high schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring with a graduation rate
below 60 percent as well as their feeder
middle and junior high schools.
Discussion: In developing our
proposed definition of the lowestachieving five percent of schools for
each State as defined in the SIG NPR,
we considered several alternatives,
including the use of the existing ESEA
improvement categories and the
possibility of using a measure that
would identify the lowest-achieving five
percent of schools in the Nation rather
than on a State-by-State basis. The goal
was to identify a uniform measure that
could be applied easily by all States
using existing assessment data. We
started with Title I schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring as the initial universe from
which to select the lowest-achieving
schools because those are the schools
eligible to receive SIG funds. ESEA
improvement categories were deemed
too dependent on variations in
individual subgroup performance,
rather than the overall performance of
an entire school, to reliably identify our
worst schools. A nationwide measure,
although appealing from the perspective
of national education policy, would
likely have identified many schools in
a handful of States and few or none in
the majority of States, making it an
inappropriate guide for the most
effective use of State formula grant
In general, we believe that the
changes and alternatives suggested by
commenters would add complexity to
the method for determining the lowestachieving five percent of schools
without meaningfully improving the
outcome. With the changes noted
subsequently, we believe the definition
proposed in the SIG NPR is
straightforward, can be easily applied
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using data available in all States, and
can produce easily understood results in
the form of a list of State’s lowestachieving schools that have not
improved in a number of years.
Regarding the determination of
whether a school is making progress in
improving its scores on State
assessments, the commenters
highlighted the complexity and
potential unreliability of measuring
year-to-year gains on such assessments.
In response, we are simplifying this
aspect of the definition to give SEAs
greater flexibility in determining a
school’s lack of progress on State
assessments over a number of years.
We also agree that it is important to
include Title I high schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring that have low graduation
rates in the definition. The Secretary has
made addressing our Nation’s
unacceptably high drop-out rates—an
estimated 1 million students leave
school annually, many never to return—
a national priority. In recognition of this
priority, and in response to
recommendations from commenters, we
are including in the definition any Title
I high school in improvement,
corrective action, or restructuring that
has had a graduation rate that is less
than 60 percent over a number of years.
Accordingly, we have made these
changes and incorporated the process
for determining the lowest-achieving
five percent of Title I schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring—also known as Tier I
schools for purposes of SIG funds—into
a new definition of persistently lowestachieving schools in this notice.
Changes: The Department has added
a definition of persistently lowestachieving schools to this notice that
incorporates the process described in
the SIG NPR for determining the lowestachieving five percent of Title I schools
in improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring (or the lowest-achieving
five such schools, whichever number of
schools is greater) (‘‘Tier I’’ schools for
purposes of SIG). This new definition
also includes any Title I high school in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring that has had a graduation
rate of less than 60 percent over a
number of years (as will the ‘‘Tier I’’
definition for SIG purposes). We have
removed language in proposed section
I.A.1.a(ii) of the SIG NPR defining ‘‘a
school that has not made progress.’’
Comment: Numerous commenters
expressed support for including
chronically low-achieving secondary
schools that are eligible for, but not
receiving Title I funds as Tier II schools,
as proposed in section I.A.1.b in the SIG
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
NPR, including one commenter who
suggested that LEAs be required to fund
Tier II schools. Other commenters,
however, opposed the use of Title I
funds in non-Title I schools and
recommended that other funding be
identified to serve those schools or
stated that the inclusion of those
schools is more appropriately addressed
in the Title I reauthorization. One
commenter suggested that it would not
be appropriate to provide Title I funds
to such schools when the SIG NPR
would restrict the number of Title I
schools that can be served in Tier I.
Discussion: We believe that lowachieving secondary schools often
present unique resource, logistical, and
pedagogical challenges that require
rigorous interventions to address. Yet,
many such schools that are eligible to
receive Title I funds are not served
because of competing needs for Title I
funds within an LEA. The large amounts
of ARRA funds—available through
Stabilization, Race to the Top, and
SIG—present an opportunity to address
the needs of these low-achieving
secondary schools. Accordingly, we
have continued in this notice to include
secondary schools that are eligible for,
but do not receive, Title I funds in the
definition of the persistently lowestachieving schools in a State.
As proposed in the SIG NPR, such
secondary schools would have been
eligible if they were equally as lowachieving as a Tier I school. We realized
that this standard was too vague,
particularly in light of the rigorous
interventions that would be required if
an SEA identified, and an LEA decided
to serve, such a school. As a result, we
have changed the definition to include
secondary schools that are eligible for,
but do not receive, Title I funds and that
are among the lowest-achieving five
percent of such schools in a State (or the
lowest five such schools, whichever
number of schools is greater). An SEA
must identify these schools using the
same criteria as it uses to identify the
lowest-achieving Title I schools in
improvement, corrective action, and
For the reasons noted earlier in this
notice, we have also included in the
definition any high school that is
eligible for, but does not receive, Title
I funds and that has had a graduation
rate that is less than 60 percent over a
number of years.
Changes: The Department has added
a definition of persistently lowestachieving schools to this notice that
incorporates the lowest-achieving five
percent of secondary schools in a State
that are eligible for, but do not receive,
Title I funds (or the lowest-achieving
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five such schools, whichever number of
schools is greater) (‘‘Tier II’’ schools for
purposes of SIG). This new definition
also includes any high school that is
eligible for, but does not receive, Title
I funds that has had a graduation rate of
less than 60 percent over a number of
years (as will the ‘‘Tier II’’ definition for
SIG purposes). We have removed
language in proposed section I.A.1.b of
the SIG NPR that required a comparison
of the achievement of secondary schools
to Tier I schools.
General Comments on the Four
Intervention Models
Comment: One commenter supported
the Secretary’s intent in proposing the
four interventions in the SIG NPR. The
commenter noted that the majority of
SIG funds are intended to target the very
lowest-achieving schools in the
Nation—schools that have not just
missed their accountability targets by
narrow margins or in a single subgroup.
Rather, they are schools that have
‘‘profoundly fail[ed]’’ their students ‘‘for
some time.’’ Accordingly, the
commenter acknowledged that the four
interventions are appropriately designed
to engage these schools in bold,
dramatic changes or else to close their
Conversely, several commenters
suggested that the four interventions are
too prescriptive and do not leave room
for State innovation and discretion to
fashion similarly rigorous interventions
that may be more workable in a
particular State. The commenters noted
that for some school districts,
particularly the most rural districts,
none of the interventions may be
feasible solutions. In addition, several
commenters rejected the idea that there
should be any Federal requirements
governing struggling schools. The
commenters suggested that schools in
need of improvement be permitted to
engage in self-improvement strategies
tailored to each individual school’s
needs as determined at the local level
based on local data, rather than being
mandated to adopt specific models by
the Federal Government.
Discussion: We disagree that the four
models limit State innovation. Each
model provides flexibility and permits
LEAs to develop approaches that are
tailored to the needs of their schools
within the broad context created by
each model’s requirements. We do not
believe that any one model is
appropriate for all schools; rather, it is
the Department’s intention that LEAs
select the model that is appropriate for
each particular school.
Changes: None.
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Comment: Several commenters
suggested adding a fifth intervention
option. One commenter, for example,
suggested permitting States to propose
an alternative, but rigorous, intervention
model for approval through a peer
review process. The commenter noted
that whatever accountability measure is
adopted in the SIG notice of final
requirements should serve to ensure
that the model is held accountable for
results. Another commenter suggested a
‘‘scale up’’ model, in which an LEA
could use SIG funds to expand
interventions with documented success
in producing rapid improvement in
student achievement within that LEA or
in another LEA with similar
demographics and challenges. Yet
another commenter suggested adding a
‘‘supported transformation’’ model to
accommodate, in particular, the needs
of children in low-achieving schools in
small, rural communities that lack the
capacity to transform their schools. The
commenter identified the need for an
SEA to build the capacity of struggling
LEAs by working to develop models for
intervention, to identify specific
evidence-based intervention strategies,
and to provide ongoing, intensive
technical, pedagogical, and practical
assistance so as to increase LEAs’
capacity to assist their low-achieving
Discussion: We included the four
school intervention models in the SIG
NPR after an extensive examination of
available research and literature on
school turnaround strategies and after
outreach to practitioners. Our goal,
which we believe was achieved, was to
identify fundamental, disruptive
changes that LEAs could make in order
to finally break the long cycle of
educational failure—including the
failure of previous reforms—in the
Nation’s persistently lowest-achieving
schools. We also believe that these
models, despite their limited number,
potentially encompass a wide range of
specific reform approaches, thus
negating the need for a ‘‘fifth model.’’
We understand, for example, that school
closure may not work in some LEAs, but
that leaves the turnaround, restart, or
transformation models as possible
options for them. We also know that not
all States have a charter school law,
limiting the restart options available to
LEAs in such States. However, even
where charter schools are not an option,
an LEA could work with an Education
Management Organization (EMO) to
restart a failed school or could pursue
one of the other three intervention
models. And we understand that some
rural areas may face unique challenges
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
in turning around low-achieving
schools, but note that the significant
amount of funding available to
implement the four models will help to
overcome the many resource limitations
that previously have hindered
successful rural school reform in many
The four school intervention models
described in the SIG NPR also are
internally flexible, permitting LEAs to
develop their own approaches in the
broad context created by the models’
requirements. For example, the
turnaround and restart models focus on
governance and leadership changes,
leaving substantial flexibility and
autonomy for new leadership teams to
develop and implement their own
comprehensive improvement plans.
Even the transformation model includes
a wide variety of permissible activities
from which LEAs may choose to
supplement required elements, which
are primarily focused on creating the
conditions to support effective school
turnarounds rather than the specific
methods and activities targeting the
academic needs of the students in the
We also note that over the course of
the past eight years, States and LEAs
have had considerable time, and have
been able to tap new resources, to
identify and implement effective school
turnaround strategies. Yet they have
demonstrated little success in doing so,
particularly in the Nation’s persistently
lowest-achieving schools, including an
estimated 2,000 ‘‘dropout factories.’’
Under the ESEA, States have been
required to set up statewide systems of
support for LEA and school
improvement; to identify low-achieving
schools for a range of improvement,
corrective action, and restructuring
activities; and to use the school
improvement reservation under section
1003(a) of the ESEA to fund such
improvement activities. However, the
overall number of schools identified for
improvement, corrective action, and
restructuring continues to grow; in
particular, the number of chronically
low-achieving Title I schools identified
for restructuring has roughly tripled
over the past three years to more than
5,000 schools. SEAs have thus far
helped no more than a handful of these
schools to successfully restructure and
exit improvement status, in large part,
we believe, because of an unwillingness
to undertake the kind of radical,
fundamental reforms necessary to
improve the persistently lowestachieving schools.
Finally, although we believe this
recent history of failed school
improvement efforts justifies using
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ARRA SIG funds to leverage the
adoption of the more far-reaching
reforms required by the four school
intervention models, we note that Part
A of Title I of the ESEA continues to
make available nearly $15 billion
annually, as well as an additional $10
billion in fiscal year 2009 through the
ARRA, that SEAs and LEAs may use to
develop and implement virtually any
reform strategy that they believe will
significantly improve student
achievement and other important
educational outcomes in Title I schools.
In particular, we would applaud State
and local efforts to use existing Title I
funds to scale up successful
interventions or to build State and local
capacity to develop and implement
other promising school intervention
models. For all of these reasons, we
decline to add a fifth school
intervention model to this notice.
Changes: None.
Turnaround Model
Principal and Staff Replacement
Comment: Many commenters opposed
replacing principals and staff as part of
the turnaround model. Although several
commenters acknowledged that poor
leadership and ineffective staff
contribute to a school’s low
performance, a majority claimed that
staff replacement has not been
established as an effective reform
strategy, others stated that such a
strategy is not a realistic option in many
communities that already face teacher
and principal shortages, and one
commenter suggested that replacement
requirements associated with
turnaround plans would discourage
teachers and principals from working in
struggling schools.
In addition, many commenters
opposed sanctioning principals and
staff, partly because, as one commenter
claimed, the turnaround model assumes
that most problems in a school are
attributable to these individuals. One
stated that principals face ‘‘trying’’
circumstances and another stated that
the proposed requirements ignore the
‘‘vital role’’ that principals play in highneed schools. These commenters stated
that other factors—such as poverty, lack
of proper support, and tenure and
collective bargaining laws—should be
addressed before decisions are made to
replace principals and staff. One
commenter claimed that principals and
teachers in low-achieving schools could
perform their jobs if they are given
adequate training and support and
working conditions are improved.
Another opposed the replacement
requirement because the commenter
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believed a stable and consistent staff is
a key factor in school improvement.
Discussion: We understand that
replacing leadership and staff is one of
the most difficult aspects of the four
models; however, we also know that
many of our lowest-achieving schools
have failed to improve despite the
repeated use of many of the strategies
suggested by the commenters. The
emphasis of the ARRA on turning
around struggling schools also reflects,
in part, an acknowledgement by the
Congress that past efforts have had
limited or no success in breaking the
cycle of chronic educational failure in
the Nation’s persistently lowestachieving schools.
Accordingly, the Department believes
that dramatic and wholesale changes in
leadership, staffing, and governance—
such as those required by the
turnaround model—are an appropriate
intervention option for creating an
entirely new school culture that breaks
a system of institutionalized failure.
Although we acknowledge the
possibility that the turnaround model
could discourage some principals and
teachers from working in the lowestachieving schools, others will likely be
attracted by the opportunity to
participate in a school turnaround with
other committed staff. In addition, other
Federal programs, such as the Teacher
Incentive Fund and Race to the Top
programs, are helping to create
incentives and provide resources that
can be used to attract and reward
effective teachers and principals and
improve strategies for recruitment,
retention, and professional
Changes: None.
Comment: A number of commenters
recommended changes to the principal
and staff replacement requirements. One
commenter proposed a detailed ‘‘fifth
model’’ that focused upon providing
additional support to teachers by
improving working conditions, such as
reducing class size and providing
professional development opportunities.
Others recommended (1) providing a
principal with the autonomy to make
his or her own firing and hiring
decisions instead of requiring the
replacement of 50 percent of the staff;
(2) allowing staff to reapply for their
positions; (3) retaining principals who
were recently hired; (4) providing
principals with a ‘‘window’’ of
opportunity to improve their schools
before being replaced; (5) suggesting
that the replacement requirement
extend to superintendents and boards of
education; (6) retaining at least 50
percent of current staff who reapply and
meet all of the requirements of the
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
redesigned school; and (7) focusing on
staff qualifications and putting in place
effective staff rather than on a particular
target level of replacements.
Discussion: We agree with some of the
changes to the turnaround model
suggested by commenters. For example,
new language in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of
the turnaround model recognizes the
vital role played by the principal and
acknowledges that new principals need
authority to make key changes required
to turn around a failing school. Under
this new language, the new principal of
a turnaround school would have
‘‘sufficient operational flexibility
(including in staffing, calendars/time,
and budgeting) to implement fully a
comprehensive approach to
substantially improve student
achievement outcomes and increase
high school graduation rates.’’
We also recognize that the staff
selected for a turnaround school must
have the skill and expertise to be
effective in this context. We are adding
language clarifying that all personnel
must be screened and selected based on
locally adopted competencies to
measure their effectiveness in a
turnaround environment.
In addition, while the SIG NPR would
have required an LEA to replace at least
50 percent of the staff of a turnaround
school, new paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(A) of
the turnaround model requires an LEA,
after screening all staff using locally
adopted competencies, to rehire no
more than 50 percent of the school’s
staff. Further, some commenters appear
to have overlooked proposed section
I.B.1 in the SIG NPR, which would give
LEAs flexibility to continue
implementing interventions begun
within the last two years that meet, in
whole or in part, the requirements of the
turnaround, restart, or transformation
models and, thus, would in many cases
allow an LEA to retain a recently hired
principal in a turnaround school. We
are retaining this flexibility provision in
this notice.
Finally, the turnaround model
includes significant provisions aimed at
supporting teachers. For example, the
SIG NPR called for ‘‘ongoing, highquality, job-embedded professional
development to staff,’’ as well as
increased time for collaboration and
professional development for staff.
These supports for teachers and other
staff are retained in this final notice.
Changes: We have modified the
provisions in the turnaround model in
paragraph (a)(1)(i) to give the new
principal of a turnaround school
‘‘sufficient operational flexibility
(including in staffing, calendars/time,
and budgeting) to implement fully a
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comprehensive approach in order to
substantially improve student
achievement outcomes and increase
high school graduation rates.’’ As
described earlier, we have also revised
paragraph (a)(1)(ii) to require that an
LEA use locally adopted competencies
to measure the effectiveness of staff who
can work within the turnaround
environment to meet the needs of
students. In addition, instead of the
requirement that an LEA replace ‘‘at
least 50 percent of the staff’’ in a
turnaround school, paragraph
(a)(1)(ii)(A) of the definition requires an
LEA to screen and rehire ‘‘no more than
50 percent’’ of the existing staff.
Comment: Numerous commenters
expressed concerns that a national
shortage of principals and teachers
would prevent successful
implementation of the turnaround
model. Two commenters stated that, in
order to replace half of the staff as
required by the turnaround model, an
LEA would likely be forced to hire less
experienced teachers and rely on
emergency credentials or licensure to
fully staff a turnaround school. One
commenter claimed that research shows
that large pools of available applicants
are essential for successful replacement
of principals and teachers. Another
commenter stated that there is a
‘‘national shortage of transformational
leaders’’ who can lead turnaround
schools. Further, many commenters
claimed that replacing half of a school’s
staff would be difficult or even
impossible in rural schools and small
communities. One commenter asserted
that the shortage of teachers in rural
areas would disqualify these LEAs from
applying for school improvement funds.
Another stated that even with
recruitment incentives it would be
difficult to fill staff vacancies. One
commenter urged the Secretary to take
such shortages into account before
requiring ‘‘blanket firings’’ of teachers.
In addition, several commenters
observed that chronically lowperforming schools already suffer from
a number of vacancies due to high staff
turnover rates. In fact, one commenter
believed replacing 50 percent of the staff
was not a ‘‘tough’’ consequence because
these schools already experience high
These concerns led several
commenters to recommend flexibility
regarding the staff replacement
requirement of the turnaround model,
including the opportunity to request a
waiver if an LEA could demonstrate an
inability to fill vacancies, and a required
evaluation before principals and staff
can be replaced. Other commenters
opposed the replacement of principals
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without consideration of such factors as
years of experience and district-level
support, recommended a three-year
window in which to make replacement
decisions based upon multiple
measures, and suggested the provision
of high-quality professional
development before replacing any staff.
Discussion: We recognize that the
replacement requirement will present
challenges for LEAs, particularly in
rural areas, where highly effective
principals and teachers capable of
leading educational transformation may
be in short supply; however, the
difficulty of identifying new qualified
teachers and school leaders for a
turnaround school must be measured
against the enormous human and
economic cost of accepting the status
quo for the Nation’s persistently lowestachieving schools. We simply cannot
afford to continue graduating hundreds
of thousands of students annually who
are unprepared for either further
education or the workforce, or to permit
roughly one million students to drop
out of high school each year, many of
them never to return to school. Instead,
States and LEAs must work together to
recruit, place, and retain the effective
principals and staff needed to
implement the turnaround model. The
Department is supporting these efforts
through Federal grant programs that can
provide resources for improving
strategies used to recruit effective
principals and teachers, such as the
Teacher Incentive Fund program, which
helps increase the number of effective
teachers teaching poor, minority, and
disadvantaged students in hard-to-staff
subjects and schools.
Finally, we wish to clarify that the
requirements for the turnaround model
do not require ‘‘blanket firings’’ of staff.
The Department agrees that staff should
be carefully evaluated before any
replacement decisions are made and has
added new language requiring LEAs to
use ‘‘locally adopted competencies to
measure the effectiveness of staff who
can work within the turnaround
environment to meet the needs of
students.’’ If required by State laws or
union contracts, principals and staff
may have to be reassigned to other
schools as necessary.
Changes: As described earlier, we
have revised paragraph (a)(1)(ii) to
require that an LEA use locally adopted
competencies to measure the
effectiveness of staff who can work
within the turnaround environment to
meet the needs of students. The LEA
must then screen all existing staff before
rehiring no more than 50 percent of
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Comment: Numerous commenters
claimed that there is little research
supporting the replacement of
leadership and staff in school
turnaround efforts. One commenter
cited a 2008 Institute of Education
Sciences (IES) report, ‘‘Turning Around
Chronically Low-Performing Schools,’’
that, according to the commenter,
recommends that decisions to remove
staff should be made on an individual
basis. Several others also asserted that
the proposed requirement to replace at
least 50 percent of staff was arbitrary,
with two commenters recommending
instead that the Department ‘‘empower
the turnaround principal with the
autonomy to hire, based on merit, for
every position in the school.’’
Discussion: We are not claiming that
merely replacing a principal and 50
percent of a school’s staff is sufficient to
turn around a low-achieving school.
Although principal and staff
replacement are key features of the
turnaround model proposed in the SIG
NPR, they are not the only features. The
strength of the turnaround model lies in
its comprehensive combination of
significant staffing and governance
changes, an improved instructional
program, ongoing high-quality
professional development, the use of
data to drive continuous improvement,
increased time for learning and for staff
collaboration, and appropriate supports
for students. The staffing and
governance changes are intended
primarily to create the conditions
within a school, including school
climate and culture, that will permit
effective implementation of the other
elements of the turnaround model.
Dramatic changes in leadership, staff,
and governance structure help lay the
groundwork to create the conditions for
autonomy and flexibility that are
associated with successful turnaround
efforts. Accordingly, we decline to
remove the requirement for replacing
staff in a turnaround model.
Changes: None.
Comment: Many commenters claimed
that teacher tenure, State collective
bargaining laws, and union contracts
prevent school administrators from
replacing staff as required by the
turnaround model. Several commenters
stated that union contracts would force
school administrators to reassign
dismissed teaching staff to other
schools, and the turnaround model
would not solve the problem of
removing ineffective teachers from the
classroom. One commenter asked if an
LEA would have to negotiate staff
replacement with the union or if the
Federal grant requirements supersede
State due process laws. One commenter
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noted that the Department would have
to provide ‘‘involuntary transfer
authority’’ to LEAs in order for them to
implement the turnaround model in
collective bargaining States.
Several commenters called for the
Department to foster collaboration with
teacher unions as well as the larger
community. One of these commenters
claimed that collaboration ‘‘increases
leadership and builds professionalism’’
and recommended that evidence of
collaboration be documented. Another
asserted the involvement of schoolbased personnel in decision-making is
key to the successful implementation of
school interventions. Another
recommended that an LEA seek
‘‘feedback’’ from all stakeholders,
including students, parents, and unions,
as to whether an intervention is
‘‘feasible or warranted.’’
Discussion: We recognize that
collective bargaining agreements and
union contracts may present barriers to
implementation of the turnaround
model; however, we do not believe
these barriers are insurmountable. In
particular, drawing upon pockets of
success in cities and States across the
country, the Secretary believes LEAs
and unions can work together to bring
about dramatic, positive changes in our
persistently lowest-achieving schools.
Accordingly, the Department
encourages collaborations and
partnerships between LEAs and teacher
unions and teacher membership
associations to resolve issues created by
school intervention models in the
context of existing collective bargaining
agreements. We also encourage LEAs to
collaborate with stakeholders in schools
and in the larger community as they
implement school interventions.
Changes: None.
Comment: Many commenters stated
that the term ‘‘staff’’ was not clearly
defined. One commenter presumed it
excluded maintenance, food services,
and other support staff. Another stated
that the Department should allow LEAs
to develop their own definition of
‘‘staff,’’ and permit LEAs to determine
whether non-instructional staff should
be included in the replacement
calculus. Two commenters also
requested greater clarity regarding the
meaning of ‘‘new governance.’’
Discussion: We believe that, in highachieving schools facing the most
challenging of circumstances, every
adult in the school contributes to the
school’s success, including the
principal, teachers, non-certificated
staff, custodians, security guards, food
service staff, and others working in the
school. Conversely, in a persistently
lowest-achieving school, we believe that
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no single group of adults in the school
is responsible for a culture of persistent
failure. For this reason, our general
guidance is that an LEA should define
‘‘staff’’ broadly in developing and
implementing a turnaround model. The
Department declines to define the term
‘‘staff’’ in this notice, but plans to issue
guidance that will clarify this and other
issues related to the turnaround model.
As for the term ‘‘governance,’’ the
language in paragraph (a)(1)(v) suggests
a number of possible governance
alternatives that may be adopted in the
context of a turnaround model. The
Department declines to provide a more
specific definition in order to permit
LEAs the flexibility needed to adopt a
turnaround governance structure that
meets their local needs and
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters asked
that the Department consider the
possible negative consequences of
replacing staff on a school and
community, with one commenter
suggesting that replacing half of the staff
could result in more damage ‘‘to a
fragile school than no change at all.’’
Another commenter stated that
maintaining a consistent staff is a key to
school success.
Discussion: The Secretary disagrees
that implementing a turnaround model
would be worse than ‘‘no change at all.’’
The schools that would implement a
turnaround model have, by definition,
persistently failed our children for
years, and dramatic and fundamental
change is warranted. In addition, as
stated elsewhere in this notice, the
commenters overlook the fact that the
other options—the transformation,
school closure, and restart models—do
not require replacement of 50 percent of
a school’s staff. If an LEA believes that
it cannot successfully meet the
requirements of the turnaround model,
we recommend that it consider one of
the other three options.
Changes: None.
Comment: Numerous commenters
stated that decisions regarding school
restructuring are best decided on the
local, rather than the Federal, level. One
commenter opposed the requirements
for the turnaround model as being too
prescriptive, and another recommended
that the local school board be provided
with the discretion to determine how
best to implement the turnaround
model. One commenter agreed that
‘‘ineffective staff and leadership should
be replaced in order for school
improvement to work,’’ but stated that
the turnaround model’s ‘‘one-size-fitsall formula may not be the best
approach for all schools.’’ Two
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
commenters specifically stated that the
decision to remove a principal and staff
should be determined by a local school
board. Similarly, another commenter
noted that decisions to replace a
principal and staff should be based
upon ‘‘local data’’ rather than Federal
requirements that are not tailored to an
individual school’s needs. One of these
commenters stated that local decisionmaking is particularly important if a
school has been underperforming for a
period longer than the ‘‘principal’s
tenure or if the principal has begun a
transformative process that could be
harmed by a leadership change.’’
Discussion: An LEA is free to exercise
local control and use local data and
leadership to determine which of the
four school intervention models to
follow in turning around a persistently
lowest-achieving school. However, after
nearly a decade of broad State and local
discretion in implementing, with little
success, the school improvement
provisions of the ESEA, the Department
believes, for the purpose of this
program, it is appropriate and necessary
to limit that discretion and require the
use of a carefully developed set of
school intervention models in the
Nation’s lowest-achieving schools. In
particular, the turnaround and
transformation models include a
combination of staffing, governance, and
structural changes with specific
comprehensive instructional reforms
that the Department believes hold great
promise for effective investment of the
$3 billion provided for the SIG program
by the ARRA.
Changes: None.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Relationship Between Turnaround and
Transformation Models
Comment: Several commenters
believed the turnaround model lacked
sufficient detail and did not provide
adequate direction to LEAs attempting
to implement the model. In contrast,
several commenters appreciated the
level of detail contained in the
transformation model and suggested
that the turnaround model provide a
similar level of detail. Some of these
commenters recommended that the
turnaround model incorporate some of
the specific provisions contained in the
transformation model. For example, one
commenter suggested that the
turnaround model include the
transformation model’s provisions
regarding implementation of
instructional changes. Another
commenter specifically recommended
that the turnaround model incorporate
the transformation model’s criteria for
teacher effectiveness.
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Discussion: We agree that the
turnaround model in the SIG NPR
lacked clarity and potentially created
confusion about whether applicants
could draw upon permissible activities
described in the transformation model.
The Department did not intend to limit
LEA discretion in adapting elements of
the transformation model to the
turnaround model. Accordingly, we are
adding new language in paragraph
(a)(2)(i) to clarify that an LEA
implementing the turnaround model
may implement any of the required and
permissible activities under the
transformation model.
Changes: We have clarified in
paragraph (a)(2)(i) that an LEA
implementing a turnaround model may
also implement other strategies such as
‘‘[a]ny of the required and permissible
activities under the transformation
model.’’ In addition, we have made
changes in the turnaround model that
correspond to changes we made in
response to comments on the
transformation model. The specific
changes are noted subsequently in this
notice in our discussion of comments on
the transformation model.
Restart Model
Comment: Many commenters opposed
the restart model described in the SIG
NPR because, they claimed, charter
schools generally do not perform better
than regular public schools. In
particular, these commenters cited
recent research from the Center for
Research on Education Outcomes
(CREDO) at Stanford University
showing that fewer than one-fifth of
charter schools demonstrated gains in
student achievement that exceeded
those of traditional public schools. One
commenter also mentioned a RAND
study highlighting the low performance
of charter schools in Texas and a study
by researchers at Johns Hopkins
University showing that most EMOoperated schools were outperformed by
traditional public schools. Most of these
commenters proposed broadening or
strengthening the restart option, but one
commenter recommended removing it
from the list of permitted school
intervention models. One commenter
claimed that, where charter schools had
raised student achievement, in most
cases it was attributable to high student
attrition rates brought about by
demanding school schedules and
behavioral rules that did not work for all
students. A few commenters noted
either that some States do not allow
charter schools or that the restart model
would be unlikely to work in rural
areas. Several commenters also opposed
the restart model because it might
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displace students and disrupt existing
efforts to build community schools;
another commenter recommended that
any planning and reorganization for a
restart model take place during the
school year, while students remain in
the school, so that there would be no
disruption in services if the school were
closed and then reopened as a restart
Discussion: We acknowledge that the
available research on the effectiveness
of charter schools in raising student
achievement is mixed, that some State
laws significantly limit the creation or
expansion of charter schools, and that
smaller communities, particularly in
rural areas, may not have sufficient
access to providers or teachers to
support the creation of charter schools.
However, there are many examples of
high-quality charter schools, and the
Secretary believes very strongly that
high-achieving charter schools can be a
significant educational resource in
communities with chronically lowachieving regular public schools that
have failed to improve after years of
conventional turnaround efforts.
Although they are not a ‘‘silver bullet’’
for failing schools or communities, a
more balanced view of the results
produced by charter schools suggests
that they offer promising and proven
options for breaking the cycle of
educational failure and fully merit
inclusion in the restart model.
The Department also recognizes the
concerns expressed by commenters
about the potential disruption to
students, parents, and communities that
may be connected with a restart plan
that involves closing and then
reopening a school. To help address this
concern, we are adding language to this
notice allowing a school conversion—
and not just closing and reopening a
school—to qualify as an acceptable
restart model.
At the same time, the Department
emphasizes that just as the restart model
is one of four school intervention
models supported by this notice, charter
schools are just one option under the
restart model. Contracting with an EMO
is another restart option that may
provide sufficient flexibility in States
without charter school laws or in rural
areas where few charter schools operate.
An EMO also may be able to develop
and implement a plan that permits
students to stay in their school while
undergoing a restart. For example, some
EMOs hired to turn around a lowachieving school may begin planning for
the turnaround in late winter or early
spring, hire and train staff in late spring
and early summer, reconfigure and reequip the school—including the
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
acquisition of curricular materials and
technology—during the summer, and
then reopen promptly in the fall,
resulting in minimal, if any, disruption
to students and parents.
Changes: We have changed the
language in paragraph (b) to define a
restart model as one in which an LEA
converts a school or closes and reopens
a school under a charter school
operator, a charter management
organization (CMO), or an EMO that has
been selected through a rigorous review
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Defining Rigorous Review
Comment: Several commenters
supported the requirement in the SIG
NPR that LEAs select a charter school
operator, a CMO, or an EMO through a
‘‘rigorous review process.’’ In general,
these commenters viewed this
requirement as essential to ensuring the
quality of a restart model. Commenters
also asked for clarification of how such
a review would be conducted, including
guidance for SEAs and LEAs and
opportunities for parent and community
involvement in reviewing and selecting
a restart school operator. One
commenter raised a concern about how
it would be possible to review
rigorously a new charter school
operator, CMO, or EMO.
Discussion: We believe that SEAs and
LEAs should have flexibility to develop
their own review processes for charter
school operators, CMOs, and EMOs,
based both on local circumstances and
on their experiences in authorizing
charter schools. We will provide
guidance and technical assistance in
this area, but will leave final decisions
on review requirements to SEAs and
LEAs. We believe flexibility in defining
‘‘rigorous review’’ is warranted because
of the wide variation in local need and
community context as well as in the
size, structure, and experience of charter
school operators, CMOs, and EMOs.
Changes: None.
Clarifying Restart Operator Definitions
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
provide a definition of CMO and EMO,
while other commenters suggested
changes or requested clarification of the
definitions of CMO and EMO provided
in the SIG NPR. One commenter
recommended defining a CMO as an
organization that ‘‘operates or manages
a school or schools’’ rather than, as in
the SIG NPR, ‘‘operates charter
schools.’’ This commenter also urged
the Department to define ‘‘whole school
operations’’ as applied to the definition
of EMO. Another commenter
recommended that the Department
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include charter schools operated or
managed by an LEA in the definition of
CMO. One commenter also urged the
Department to establish reporting
requirements for CMOs and EMOs,
including data on student achievement,
the impact of reforms on student
achievement, information on how CMOs
and EMOs serve students with
disabilities, and other accountability
data. Finally, two commenters also
suggested that the Department award
funding directly to CMOs and EMOs to
pay for planning, outreach, and training
staff for a restart effort.
Discussion: We included definitions
of CMO and EMO in the preamble of the
SIG NPR and are adding these
definitions in the definition of restart
model for clarification purposes. We
agree that the definition of CMO should
include organizations that operate or
manage charter schools and have made
this change to the CMO definition in
this notice accordingly. Although a
charter school may exist as part of an
LEA, it is unlikely that the LEA would
be responsible for operating or
managing the charter school. Therefore,
we have not expressly included LEAs in
the definition of CMO. We are retaining
the EMO definition from the SIG NPR,
and believe the emphasis on ‘‘wholeschool operation’’ is sufficient to
distinguish EMOs from other providers
that may help with certain specific
aspects of school operation and
management, but that do not assume
full responsibility for the entire school,
as is required by the restart model.
The Department does not believe it is
necessary to add new or additional
reporting requirements for EMOs and
CMOs, as their performance will be
captured by the reporting metrics
established in the final SIG notice. More
specifically, SEAs and LEAs already
must report on the intervention model
used for each persistently lowestachieving school, as well as outcome
data for those schools, including
outcome data disaggregated by student
subgroups. As for providing SIG funding
directly to CMOs and EMOs, the SIG
program is a State formula grant
program, and the Department must
allocate funds to States in accordance
with the requirements of section 1003(g)
of the ESEA. Moreover, the only eligible
SIG subgrantees are LEAs.
Changes: We have included the
definitions of CMO and EMO in the
definition of restart model. We have
also modified the definition of CMO
slightly to reflect the fact that a CMO
may either operate or manage charter
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Flexibility Under the Restart Model
Comment: Several commenters
recommended greater flexibility for
LEAs implementing the restart model,
including options to create magnet
schools or ‘‘themed’’ schools. Another
commenter, claiming that few charter
school operators, CMOs, or EMOs have
experience in ‘‘whole school takeover,’’
recommended permitting a phase-in
approach to charter schools that would
allow a charter school operator to start
with two or three early grades and
gradually ‘‘take over’’ an entire school.
Discussion: We believe that
considerable flexibility regarding the
type of school program offered is
inherent in the restart model, which
focuses on management and not on
academic or curricular requirements.
For example, restart operators would be
free to create ‘‘themed’’ schools, so long
as those schools permit enrollment,
within the grades they serve, of any
former student who wishes to attend.
Additionally, LEAs have the flexibility
to work with providers to develop the
appropriate sequence and timetable for
a restart partnership. Whether through
‘‘phase-in’’ models or complete
conversions, the Department encourages
SEAs and LEAs to take into account
local context and need in making these
Changes: None.
Comment: Many commenters asked
for clarification regarding various
aspects of the restart model, including
whether it includes conversion of
existing schools, who would have
authority over the operator of restart
schools (e.g., LEA, SEA, independent
governing board, or a State or local
authorizer), and whether a group of
individuals (e.g., teachers) could
manage a restart school.
Discussion: We have changed the
definition of restart model to clarify that
it includes conversion of an existing
school and not just strategies involving
closing and reopening a school. In
particular, we believe that conversion
approaches may permit implementation
of a restart model with minimal
disruption for students, parents, and
communities. In general, an LEA would
be responsible for authorizing or
contracting with charter school
operators, CMOs, or EMOs for
implementation of a restart model. The
precise form of this contract or
agreement would be up to State or local
authorities and could include each of
the alternatives mentioned by the
commenters. However, regardless of the
lines of authority, autonomy and
freedom to operate independently from
the State or LEA are essential elements
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
of the restart model. A group of
individuals, including teachers, would
be eligible to manage a restart school so
long as they met the local requirements
of the rigorous review process included
in the restart model.
Changes: We have revised the first
sentence of the definition of restart
model to read as follows: ‘‘A restart
model is one in which an LEA converts
a school or closes and reopens a school
under a charter school operator, a
charter management organization
(CMO), or an education management
organization (EMO) that has been
selected through a rigorous review
Comment: Several commenters
recommended that the Department
include specific elements of the
turnaround and transformation models
in the restart model, including
improved curricula and instruction,
student supports, extended learning
time, community involvement, and
partnering with community-based
organizations. Similarly, one commenter
noted that a restart model might permit
a school to reopen as a charter school
while changing little inside the school
and urged the Department to require
restart schools to use a model of reform
that has been proven effective or that
includes evidence-based strategies.
Another commenter urged the
Department to encourage use of the
restart model to better serve high-risk
students and help dropouts reconnect to
Discussion: We note that restart
models could include nearly all of the
specific reform elements identified
under the turnaround and
transformation models, but decline to
require the use of any particular element
or strategy. The restart model is
specifically intended to give operators
flexibility and freedom to implement
their own reform plans and strategies.
The required rigorous review process
permits an LEA to examine those plans
and strategies—and helps prevent an
operator from assuming control of a
school without a meaningful plan for
turning it around—but should not
involve mandating or otherwise
requiring specific reform activities.
However, the review process may
require operators to demonstrate that
their strategies are informed by research
and other evidence of past success.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended requiring the review
process for CMOs and EMOs to include
curriculum and staffing plans for
meeting the needs of subgroups of
students, including students with
disabilities and limited English
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proficient students. Another commenter
suggested that the review process
include examining the extent to which
a restart operator sought to ensure that
restart schools would serve all former
students by requiring States to collect
data on the number of students from
low-income families, students with
disabilities, and limited English
proficient students served by a restart
school compared with the number of
those students served by the school it
Discussion: Restart operators, by
definition, have almost complete
freedom to develop and implement their
own curricula and staffing plans, and
the Department declines to place limits
in this area in recognition of the core
emphasis of the restart model on
outcomes rather than inputs. The
requirement to enroll any former
student who wishes to attend the school
will help to ensure that charter school
operators, CMOs, and EMOs include
serving all existing groups of students in
their restart plans. Moreover, the
effectiveness of these curricula and staff
changes in meeting the needs of
subgroups of students, including
students with disabilities and limited
English proficient students, will be
measured by the metrics in the final SIG
notice, which will include disaggregated
achievement data by student subgroup.
We encourage SEAs and LEAs to
analyze these data to ensure that
subgroups of students are properly
included in restart schools and that
their needs are addressed.
Changes: None.
Comment: A few commenters
expressed concern that charter schools
are not subject to the same oversight,
regulation, or accountability as are
regular public schools. Other
commenters emphasized the
importance, particularly in the case of
charter school conversions, of ensuring
autonomy, flexibility, and freedom from
district rules and collective bargaining
agreements, so that charter schools can
implement their own cultures and
Discussion: The restart model is
specifically intended to give providers
freedom from the rules and regulations
governing regular public schools, in
recognition of the fact that, while such
rules and regulations may be effective in
requiring certain kinds of inputs, such
as teacher qualification requirements or
a uniform length of the school day or
year, they have not been demonstrated
to have a significant impact on
educational outcomes. Moreover, many
successful charter schools have
achieved outstanding results by
changing these inputs, such as by hiring
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non-traditional but skilled teachers and
by extending the length of the school
day. The Department believes that the
outcome metrics established in the final
SIG notice will ensure accountability for
the performance of restart schools.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter expressed
concern that LEAs could use the restart
model to close an existing charter
school that, while successful in raising
student achievement, remained in
school improvement status under
section 1116 of the ESEA.
Discussion: An existing charter school
that is raising student achievement
would be unlikely, under the
requirements for identifying a State’s
persistently lowest-achieving schools, to
be identified for school intervention,
because those requirements include not
only low levels of achievement, but also
making little or no progress on
improving those low levels of
achievement in recent years. Moreover,
this notice, as did the SIG NPR,
provides flexibility for a school, such as
a recently converted charter school that
meets the requirements of the restart
model, to use SIG funds to continue or
complete reforms it began within the
prior two years. On the other hand, it is
possible, and in some cases appropriate,
for an LEA to close a charter school that
is not serving its students well and
implement a new intervention model in
the school.
Changes: None.
School Closure
Comment: A number of commenters
expressed their general views regarding
whether closing schools is an
appropriate intervention for raising
student achievement. Although no
commenter advocated extensive use of
this intervention, several acknowledged
that school closure is sometimes
necessary, particularly for schools with
a long history of very low achievement,
and noted that some States and LEAs
have used this strategy successfully.
Other commenters, however, expressed
a number of logistical concerns with
this intervention. Some noted that
closing schools is often not feasible in
rural areas in which the distance
between schools is too great to make
practical enrolling students from a
closed school in higher-achieving
schools. Others noted that many LEAs
do not have multiple schools at the
same grade level in which to enroll
students from a closed school. Still
others noted capacity issues that would
prevent schools from accommodating
additional students or the lack of highachieving schools in which to enroll
students from a closed school. One
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
commenter noted that this intervention
would not be feasible on a large scale in
large, urban LEAs with limited
resources and substantial numbers of
low-achieving students. Another
commenter recommended that this
intervention be limited to those LEAs
with the capacity to enroll affected
students in other, higher-achieving
Discussion: School closure is just one
of four school intervention models from
which an LEA may choose to turn
around or close its persistently lowestachieving schools, and the Department
recognizes that it may not be
appropriate or workable in all
circumstances. To clarify this, we have
revised the definition of school closure
in this notice to clarify that this option
is viable when there are re-enrollment
options in higher-achieving schools in
the LEA that are within reasonable
proximity to the closed school that can
accommodate the students from the
closed school. To make this option more
viable, we have changed ‘‘highachieving schools’’ to ‘‘higher-achieving
Changes: We have included the
following clarifying language in the
definition of school closure: ‘‘School
closure occurs when an LEA closes a
school and enrolls the students who
attended that school in other schools in
the LEA that are higher achieving. These
other schools should be within
reasonable proximity to the closed
school and may include, but are not
limited to, charter schools or new
schools for which achievement data are
not yet available.’’
Comment: A number of commenters
expressed the opinion that a school
should never be closed if that option
displaces students and disrupts
communities. The commenters noted
the importance of having a
neighborhood school that serves as the
cornerstone of a community. One
commenter noted that, when students
are moved to a school in a new
neighborhood, parents often find it more
difficult to feel a sense of belonging at
the school or ownership of their child’s
education. Another commenter noted
that school closings often anger parents,
exacerbate overcrowding, increase
safety and security concerns in
neighboring schools, and place students
who need specific supports in schools
that may not be able to provide those
supports. One commenter expressed
concern that closing a school may not
address the educational needs of
specific students, which may be masked
within a higher-achieving school.
Another commenter suggested the need
for an ‘‘educational impact statement’’
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before a school is closed, and one
suggested that an LEA have a detailed
plan demonstrating how support would
be provided to students and their
families transitioning to different
schools. Several commenters suggested
that the final requirements provide for
parent and community input before a
school is closed.
Discussion: The Department
recognizes and understands that school
closures, by definition, displace
students and disrupt communities and
are among the most difficult decisions
faced by local authorities. However,
each of the four school intervention
models is predicated on the potentially
positive impact of ‘‘disruptive change’’
on student educational opportunities,
achievement, and other related
outcomes. Schools targeted for closure
under this notice will likely have served
their communities poorly for many
years, if not decades, as measured by
such factors as student achievement,
graduation rates, and college enrollment
rates. Moreover, such schools also will
likely have proven impervious to
positive change despite years of
identification for improvement,
corrective action, or restructuring under
the ESEA as well as other previous
reform efforts. The Department believes
that, when such schools prove
unwilling or unable to change, closure
must be considered. Many communities
have experience in closing,
consolidating, or otherwise changing the
structure of their existing schools and
have their own processes and
procedures for obtaining public input
and approval for such changes,
including assessment of the impact on
students, families, neighborhoods, other
schools, and transportation
requirements, as well as for developing
plans to facilitate smooth transitions for
everyone involved. Although the
Department encourages LEAs and SEAs
to involve students, parents, educators,
the community, and other stakeholders
in the process, we decline to add any
additional requirements in this area of
appropriate local discretion.
To address the disruptiveness school
closure may cause to a community, we
have modified the definition of school
closure, as noted in response to the prior
comment, to clarify that closure should
entail re-enrolling students from the
closed school in other schools in the
LEA that are within reasonable
proximity to the closed school. Finally,
we note that school closure is just one
of the four school intervention models
available under the terms of this notice.
LEAs and communities that wish to
preserve a neighborhood school may do
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so by implementing a turnaround,
restart, or transformation model.
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
recommended that a school not be
closed unless an LEA opens a new
school in its place. One commenter
specifically suggested closing a school
in phases and reopening it as a new
school. Under this concept, an LEA
would permit both students and staff
who choose to do so to remain in the
school but the school would enroll no
new students. At the same time,
according to the commenter, other
schools would be better prepared to
absorb students who wish to transfer,
logistical and facility issues would be
minimized, and the new school would
have adequate time to recruit and train
high-quality staff and develop its
instructional program.
Discussion: The Department has
revised the language in the definition of
school closure to recognize the need to
have available options for
accommodating the educational needs
of the students in a closed school, but
does not believe it is necessary to
require an LEA to open a new school in
place of the closed school. Many LEAs
participating in the SIG program have
under-utilized or under-enrolled
schools that may readily accommodate
students from a closed school; requiring
such LEAs to open new schools simply
does not make sense. However, an LEA
that chooses to reopen a new school
would be free to do so, either on its own
or as part of a turnaround or restart
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter suggested
that the Department provide incentives
for the development of successful
charter schools in the areas in which
schools are closed. Specifically, the
commenter recommended that the
Department require that an LEA that
partners with a CMO in order to serve
the area in which the LEA is closing
schools receive a priority for SIG funds.
Discussion: SIG funds are intended to
provide support to LEAs for school
improvement efforts targeted primarily
at the persistently lowest-achieving
schools in a State, and not at providing
incentives for the creation of new
schools, charter or otherwise, that serve
the same general attendance area.
However, the restart model (as defined
in this notice) may be used by LEAs in
situations where the goal is to replace a
persistently lowest-achieving school
with a charter school.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter suggested
that, in highlighting which schools may
be available to enroll students from a
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
closed school, the Department
specifically mention magnet schools
along with charter schools.
Discussion: Decisions about the
schools to which students from closed
schools may transfer are best left to the
LEAs selecting the school closure
option. The language in the definition of
school closure, as in the SIG NPR,
specifically mentions charter schools
only because not all available charter
schools might be operated by the LEA
that is closing a neighborhood public
school and, thus, might not be initially
included in an LEA’s plan for
transferring students from the closed
school. This is not a concern for magnet
schools and, thus, the Department
declines to make the requested change.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
require that, before an LEA may enroll
students from a closed school in another
school, the LEA require a prospective
receiving school, including a charter
school, to demonstrate a record of
effectiveness in educating its existing
students and the capacity to integrate
and educate new students from closed
schools. The commenter emphasized
the importance of this latter point,
noting that merely because a school is
high-achieving does not mean that it is
equipped to help additional students
from the lowest-achieving schools
succeed while maintaining the quality
of its current educational program.
Discussion: The Department believes
that the requirement to enroll students
from a closed school in a higherachieving school responds to the
concerns of this commenter. The
Department believes that such higherachieving schools are likely in nearly all
circumstances, to provide a better
education for any new students than
was available in the closed school.
Changes: We have added language to
the definition of school closure
clarifying that school closure entails reenrolling students from the closed
school in other schools in the LEA that
are higher achieving. We have also
added clarifying language that such
schools may be new schools for which
achievement data are not available.
Comment: Several commenters
questioned how SIG funds may be used
in closing a school. One commenter
noted the importance of gaining
community input and that the costs for
closing a school may include costs
associated with conducting parent and
community meetings. Another
commenter recommended that
allowable costs include academic
supports for struggling students who are
enrolled in new schools.
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Discussion: LEAs may use SIG funds
to pay reasonable and necessary costs
related to closing a persistently lowestachieving school, including the costs
associated with parent and community
outreach. However, SIG funds may not
be used to serve students, struggling or
otherwise, in the schools to which they
transfer, unless those schools are Title I
schools. The Department will include
additional examples of permissible uses
of SIG funds in closing a school in
guidance accompanying the application
package for SIG funds.
Changes: None.
Transformation Model
General Comments
Comment: Many commenters
expressed strong support for the
transformation model. One commenter,
for example, described it as ‘‘a balanced,
comprehensive approach,’’ and another
described it as ‘‘a supportive and
constructive approach.’’ Still another
commenter stated that it ‘‘provides the
greatest hope for promoting genuine
school improvement.’’ Several
commenters noted that the
transformation model would be, in
reality, the only choice among the four
proposed interventions, especially for
many rural school districts.
A few commenters responded that the
transformation model would still not
enable some communities, particularly
those with difficult demographics, to
make adequate yearly progress. Other
commenters worried that, if not
monitored carefully, the transformation
model would become like the ‘‘other’’
restructuring option under section
1116(b)(8)(B)(v) of the ESEA, perceived
as the easiest (but least meaningful) way
to intervene in a struggling school. One
of these commenters recommended
adding strong language to make clear
that the transformation model is not an
incremental approach and that, except
in the area of changing staff, the model
is as rigorous as the turnaround model.
Discussion: We appreciate the
commenters’ support. We believe the
transformation model holds tremendous
promise for reforming persistently
lowest-achieving schools by developing
and increasing teacher and school
leader effectiveness, implementing
comprehensive instructional reform
strategies, increasing learning time and
creating community-oriented schools,
and providing operating flexibility and
sustained support. Assuming the
activities that support these components
are implemented with fidelity, the
transformation model represents a
rigorous and wholesale approach to
reforming a struggling school, unlike the
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manner in which the ‘‘other’’
restructuring option in section 1116 of
the ESEA has often been implemented.
Changes: To strengthen the
transformation model, we have made a
number of changes that we discuss in
the following paragraphs in our
responses to specific comments.
Comment: One commenter
recommended affording greater
flexibility to LEAs in implementing the
transformation model by allowing them
to choose which activities are
‘‘required’’ and which are ‘‘permissible’’
within the four components. The
commenter noted that LEAs with
persistently lowest-achieving schools
may not have the teacher or leader
capacity or system to support, monitor,
and sustain reforms across all of their
schools. The commenter advocated for
creating systems at the district level that
enable LEAs to provide support at each
Discussion: We decline to make the
requested changes. We have carefully
reviewed the required activities within
the four components of the
transformation model and have
concluded that each is necessary to
ensure the rigor and effectiveness of the
model; therefore, we continue to require
each one. An LEA, of course, may
implement any or all of the permissible
activities as well as other activities not
described in this notice.
In anticipation of receiving
unprecedented amounts of SIG funds,
SEAs and LEAs should begin now to
plan for how they can use those funds
most effectively by putting in place the
systems and conditions necessary to
support reform in their persistently
lowest-achieving schools. Despite the
best preparation, however, we know
that not every LEA with persistently
lowest-achieving schools has the
capacity to implement one of the four
interventions in this notice in each such
school. As indicated in the SIG NPR,
therefore, an LEA that lacks the capacity
to implement an intervention in each
persistently lowest-achieving school
may apply to the SEA to implement an
intervention in just some of those
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended adding ‘‘graduation
rates,’’ rated equally with test scores, to
assess student achievement in
evaluating staff, ensuring that a school’s
curriculum is implemented with
fidelity, and providing operating
flexibility. The commenter also
recommended making increasing
graduation rates a required activity.
Discussion: We agree with the
commenter that increasing high-school
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
graduation rates is vital to improving
student achievement, particularly in our
Nation’s ‘‘dropout factories.’’ We are,
accordingly, adding increasing high
school graduation rates in three
provisions of the transformation model
to make clear that it is also a goal of the
interventions in this notice. We are also
making a corresponding change in the
turnaround model. In addition, we are
defining ‘‘persistently lowest-achieving
schools’’ to include high schools that
have had a graduation rate below 60
percent over a number of years. Through
these changes, we hope to identify high
schools with low graduation rates that
would implement one of the
interventions in this notice.
Changes: We have added increasing
high school graduation rates in three
provisions of the transformation model:
paragraphs (d)(1)(i)(B)(1); (d)(1)(i)(C);
and (d)(4)(i)(A). We also made a
corresponding change to the turnaround
model in paragraph (a)(1)(i). In addition,
we have included high schools that
have had a graduation rate below 60
percent over a number of years in the
definition of persistently lowestachieving schools.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
require an LEA to set up an
organizational entity within the LEA to
be responsible and held accountable for
rapid improvement in student
achievement in schools implementing
the transformation model in order to
‘‘expedite the clearing of bureaucratic
underbrush’’ that can impede the
model’s effectiveness.
Discussion: Although nothing in this
notice would preclude an LEA from
establishing an organizational entity
responsible for ensuring rapid
improvement in student achievement in
schools implementing the
transformation model, we decline to
require the establishment of such an
entity. Evidence of an LEA’s
commitment to support its schools in
carrying out the required elements of
the transformation model is a factor that
an SEA must consider in evaluating the
LEA’s application for SIG funds.
Changes: None.
Developing and Increasing Teacher and
School Leader Effectiveness
Comment: A number of commenters
supported the emphasis in the
transformation model on strong
principals and teachers, noting that they
are critical to transforming a lowachieving school. Commenters cited
specific provisions that they supported,
such as ongoing, high-quality jobembedded professional development;
strategies to recruit, place, and retain
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effective staff; increasing rigor through,
for example, early-college high schools;
extending learning time; emphasizing
community-oriented schools; increased
operating flexibility; and sustained
support from the LEA and SEA.
Discussion: The Secretary appreciates
the commenters’ support.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter suggested
adding the word ‘‘ensuring’’ in the
heading of the component of the
transformation model that requires
developing teacher and school leader
effectiveness. Another suggested
changing the heading to ‘‘providing
teachers and school leaders with the
resources and tools needed to be
Discussion: We decline to make these
changes. First, we do not believe that a
school can ensure teacher and school
leader effectiveness. We do believe,
however, that a school can take steps to
improve teacher and leader
effectiveness. Second, we note that
eligible schools in LEAs that receive SIG
funds—all of which are among the
lowest-achieving schools in a State—
will have very large amounts of
resources to implement the
transformation model or one of the other
school intervention models.
Accordingly, we do not believe lack of
resources will be a barrier for reforming
the persistently lowest-achieving
schools in a State. Moreover, there is a
significant requirement that an LEA
provide ongoing, high-quality, jobembedded professional development for
all staff in a school implementing the
transformation model. Principals,
teachers, and school leaders, therefore,
should have sufficient support to do
their jobs.
Changes: We have revised the heading
in paragraph (d)(1) to read: ‘‘Developing
and improving teacher and school
leader effectiveness.’’
Comment: Many commenters, many
of whom were principals or represented
principals, opposed the requirement to
replace the principal. A number of
commenters commented that such a
decision should be made locally, based
on local data and circumstances in
individual schools, rather than being
mandated by the Federal Government.
One commenter, although
acknowledging the importance of
effective school leadership, asserted that
a school’s underperformance should not
necessarily be blamed on the principal.
The commenter cited other salient
factors, such as whether the principal
has the authority needed to turn a
school around or whether the principal
is laying a foundation for improvements
not yet reflected in test scores. One
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commenter suggested that a principal
not be removed until the principal’s
performance has been reviewed. Others
suggested that, rather than replacing the
principal immediately, the requirements
permit an LEA to offer comprehensive
support and leadership training for
school leaders and other staff to assist
them in making the significant changes
needed to transform a school. Several
commenters suggested removing the
principal unless the person commits to
and is held accountable for a
turnaround plan that requires, for
example, working with a partner
management organization or other entity
skilled in turning around struggling
schools. Another commenter suggested
permitting flexibility with respect to
removing the principal in cases
warranted by, for example, the size and
geography of a school or LEA, the cause
of the academic failure, the specific
solutions being sought, or other barriers
to removal.
Discussion: We refer readers to the
earlier section of these comments and
responses titled ‘‘Principal and Staff
Replacement’’ in which we respond to
similar public comments about the
principal replacement requirement
under the turnaround model.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended a three-pronged approach
to defining principal effectiveness:
evidence of improved student
achievement; changes in the number
and percentage of teachers rated as
effective and highly effective; and
assessment of a principal’s highest
priority actions and practices.
Discussion: Generally, the Department
agrees that multiple measures, including
the use of student achievement data,
should be used to evaluate principal
effectiveness. Accordingly, we have
revised proposed section I.A.2.d.i.A.1 in
the SIG NPR (new paragraph
(d)(1)(i)(B)(1) to allow an LEA to use, in
additional to data on student growth,
observation-based assessments and
ongoing collections of professional
practice that reflect student
achievement and increased high-school
graduation rates to evaluate principal
Changes: We have modified
paragraph (d)(1)(i)(B)(1) regarding
evaluation systems for teachers and
principals to require that those systems
take into account student growth data as
a significant factor as well as other
factors ‘‘such as multiple observationbased assessments of performance and
ongoing collections of professional
practice reflective of student
achievement and increased high-school
graduation rates.’’
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Comment: Several commenters cited
the shortage of principals, particularly
in rural areas, as a reason to eliminate
the requirement to remove the principal
in a school using the transformation
model. One commenter suggested hiring
a ‘‘turnaround leader’’ or contracting
with an external lead partner instead of
replacing the principal.
Discussion: We refer readers to the
earlier section of these comments and
responses titled ‘‘Principal and Staff
Replacement’’ where we respond to
public comments about the principal
replacement requirement under the
turnaround model.
Changes: None.
Comment: A number of commenters
suggested that a principal who has been
recently hired to turn around a school
should not be removed.
Discussion: The commenters might
have overlooked the fact that proposed
section I.B.1 in the SIG NPR allowed
schools that have ‘‘implemented, in
whole or in part within the last two
years, an intervention that meets the
requirements of the turnaround, restart,
or transformation models’’ to ‘‘continue
or complete the intervention being
implemented.’’ Thus, a recently hired
principal who was hired to implement
a school intervention model that meets
some or all of the elements of one of the
interventions in this notice would not
have to be replaced for purposes of a
transformation model. We have retained
this flexibility in this notice.
Changes: None.
Comment: Many commenters reacted
to the requirement in the SIG NPR to
use evaluations that are based in
significant measure on student growth
to improve teachers’ and school leaders’
performance. A few commenters
supported the requirement; most
opposed it for a number of reasons.
Many commenters objected specifically
to assessing teacher effectiveness using
testing instruments not designed for that
purpose. One commenter noted that
standardized assessments are designed
to measure students’ ready retrieval of
knowledge and do not accurately
attribute student learning to particular
lessons, pedagogical strategies, or
individual teachers. In addition, the
commenter noted that such assessments
do not measure qualities like student
motivation, intellectual readiness,
persistence, creativity, or the ability to
apply knowledge and work productively
with others. One commenter asserted
that State assessments are generally of
low quality and measure a narrow range
of student learning. The commenter also
noted that assessments do not
acknowledge the contributions (or lack
thereof) of others, such as prior teachers,
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towards student achievement. Two
commenters argued that State
assessments do not provide information
about the conditions in which learning
occurs and over which a teacher has no
control, such as class size, student
demographics, or instructional
resources. One commenter asserted that
State assessments fail to capture
academic growth with respect to
students with disabilities. A number of
commenters proposed other academic
and nonacademic measures for
evaluating teachers and school leaders,
such as standards-based evaluations of
practice that include such criteria as
observations of lesson preparation,
content, and delivery; innovation in
teaching practices; analyses of student
work and other measures of student
learning, such as writing samples,
grades, goals in individualized
education programs for students with
disabilities, and ‘‘capstone’’ projects
such as end-of-course research papers;
assessment of commitment and ability
to use feedback and data to learn and
improve practices; one-on-one teaching;
staff leadership and mentoring skills;
conflict resolution skills; crisis
management experience; extracurricular roles and contributions to a
school; and relationships with parents
and the community.
Discussion: We respect and agree with
the commenters’ concerns that student
achievement data alone should not be
used as the sole means to evaluate
teachers and principals. We must
develop and support better measures
that take into account student
achievement and more accurately
measure teacher and principal
performance. Accordingly, we have
revised the transformation model’s
evaluation systems provision to require
that these systems take into account
student growth data as a significant
factor, but also include other factors
‘‘such as multiple observation-based
assessments of performance and
ongoing collections of professional
practice reflective of student
achievement and increased high-school
graduation rates.’’ We have also clarified
that those systems must be rigorous,
transparent, and equitable and that they
must be designed and developed with
teacher and principal involvement.
Nonetheless, it is important to note
that the Secretary believes that student
achievement data must be included as a
significant factor in evaluations of
teacher and principal effectiveness. We
are confident that the legitimate
concerns of the commenters regarding
use of student data can be addressed.
Changes: We have modified
paragraph (d)(1)(i)(B) regarding
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evaluation systems for teachers and
principals in several respects. First, we
modified paragraph (d)(1)(i)(B) to
require that evaluation systems be
rigorous, transparent, and equitable.
Second, we modified paragraph
(d)(1)(i)(B)(1) to require that those
systems take into account student
growth data as a significant factor but
also include other factors ‘‘such as
multiple observation-based assessments
of performance and ongoing collections
of professional practice reflective of
student achievement and increased high
school graduation rates.’’ Third, we
added paragraph (d)(1)(i)(B)(2) to
require that evaluation systems be
designed and developed with teacher
and principal involvement.
Comment: A number of commenters
raised issues related to collective
bargaining and the transformation
model. Several commenters objected to
the perceived requirement to establish a
performance pay plan based on student
outcomes, noting that collective
bargaining agreements and, in some
cases, State laws often prohibit such a
plan. Two others noted that, because
union contracts limit a principal’s
control over staffing, principals should
not be held accountable for school
performance results. At least one
commenter expressed concern that these
collective bargaining barriers could
preclude implementation of the
transformation model.
Discussion: In general, we refer
readers to the earlier section of these
comments and responses titled
‘‘Principal and Staff Replacement’’
where we respond to similar public
comments regarding collective
bargaining as it relates to the turnaround
model. In addition, we note that the
transformation model does not require
that an LEA establish a performance pay
plan for teachers or principals. Rather,
an LEA must identify and reward school
leaders, teachers, and other staff who, in
implementing the transformation model,
have increased student achievement and
graduation rates. One way of meeting
this requirement would be through
performance pay. An LEA has the
flexibility to devise other means that
meet this requirement.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter,
responding to the proposed requirement
to remove staff who fail to contribute to
raising student achievement,
recommended that this provision be
deleted. The commenter noted that this
provision would make it very difficult
to attract the most highly qualified
teachers and principals to the
persistently lowest-achieving schools.
The commenter suggested that extensive
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
professional development, rather than
removal, be required for staff in schools
in which achievement does not
Discussion: In general, we refer
readers to the section of these comments
and responses titled ‘‘Principal and Staff
Replacement’’ where we respond to
similar comments regarding removal of
the staff replacement requirement under
the turnaround model.
Changes: We have modified
paragraph (d)(1)(i)(C) regarding
removing staff who, in implementing a
transformation model, have not
contributed to increased student
achievement and high school graduation
rates to make clear that removal should
only occur after an individual has had
multiple opportunities to improve his or
her professional practice and has still
not contributed to increased student
achievement and increased high school
graduation rates.
Comment: Several commenters
objected to the Secretary’s proposal to
require an LEA to make ‘‘high-stakes’’
tenure and compensation decisions
through which the LEA would ‘‘identify
and reward school leaders, teachers, and
other staff who improve student
achievement outcomes and identify and
remove those who do not.’’ The
commenters thought this standard was
too imprecise. They noted that teacher
compensation, tenure, and dismissal
are, for the most part, governed by State
laws and/or collective bargaining
agreements that cannot be simply
overturned by a Federal grant program.
One of the commenters suggested that
this provision be modified by adding, at
the end, the phrase ‘‘in full accordance
with local and State laws, including
collective bargaining agreements.’’
Discussion: In general, we refer
readers to the section of these comments
and responses titled ‘‘Principal and Staff
Replacement’’ where we respond to
similar comments regarding collective
bargaining issues as they relate to the
turnaround model. In addition, we note
that no LEA is required to apply for a
School Improvement Grant. Those that
do will receive significant resources to
support their efforts to reform their most
struggling schools, but they also must
have the ability to implement the
required components of whichever
intervention they choose. Accordingly,
we decline to make the recommended
Changes: None.
Comment: A number of commenters
provided additional examples of what
professional development of staff under
the transformation model should entail,
such as: addressing the needs of
students with disabilities and limited
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English proficient students; creating
professional learning communities
within a school; providing mentoring;
involving parents in their child’s
education, especially parents of limited
English proficient students and
immigrant children; understanding and
using data and assessments to improve
and personalize classroom practice; and
implementing adolescent literacy and
mathematics initiatives.
Discussion: We appreciate the many
excellent suggestions for additional
areas on which professional
development should focus. With one
exception, we decline to add examples.
We could never list all relevant topics
for strong professional development,
which must be tailored to the needs of
staff in particular schools, and we
would not want to suggest that topics
not listed were, thus, less worthy of
Changes: We have added a
permissible activity in paragraph
(d)(2)(ii)(C) under ‘‘comprehensive
instructional reform strategies’’ to
highlight the need for additional
supports and professional development
for teachers and principals in
implementing effective strategies to
educate students with disabilities in the
least restrictive environment and to
ensure that limited English proficient
students acquire language skills
necessary to master academic content.
Comment: One commenter noted that
the requirement to provide staff with
ongoing, high-quality, job-embedded
professional development was silent
with respect to the impact of
professional development on
instruction. The commenter pointed to
an apparent inconsistency with the
emphasis in the permissible activity that
suggested that LEAs be required to
institute a system for measuring changes
in instructional practices resulting from
professional development. Because the
commenter values professional
development designed to improve
instruction, the commenter
recommended that the Secretary require
a school to have a system for measuring
changes in instructional practices
resulting from professional development
in order to evaluate its efficacy.
Discussion: We believe that the
requirement to provide ongoing, highquality, job-embedded professional
development to staff in a school is
clearly tied to improving instruction in
multiple ways. First, the requirement
that professional development be ‘‘jobembedded’’ connotes a direct
connection between a teacher’s work in
the classroom and the professional
development the teacher receives.
Second, the examples of topics for
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professional development, such as
subject-specific pedagogy and
differentiated instruction, are directly
related to improving the instruction a
teacher provides. Third, professional
development must be aligned with the
school’s comprehensive instructional
program. Finally, the articulated
purpose of professional development in
paragraph (d)(1)(i)(D) of the
transformation model is to ensure that a
teacher is ‘‘equipped to facilitate
effective teaching and learning’’ and has
the ‘‘capacity to successfully implement
school reform strategies.’’ Although we
believe that instituting a system for
measuring changes in instructional
practices resulting from professional
development can be valuable, we
decline to require it as part of this
program. We believe that the specificity
in the nature of the professional
development required for a
transformation model is sufficient to
ensure that it, in fact, results in
improved instruction.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department add
a requirement that professional
development be designed to ensure that
staff of a school using the
transformation model can work
effectively with families and community
partners. The commenter reasoned that,
given the emphasis on working with
families and community partners to
improve the academic achievement of
students in a school, staff must know
how to work with them.
Discussion: We decline to make the
suggested change. We agree with the
commenter that family and community
involvement in a school is critical to the
school’s ultimate success and have
included, as both required and
permissible activities, a variety of
provisions to address this important
need. We would expect professional
development to include appropriate
training to ensure, as the commenter
suggests, that staff are well equipped to
facilitate family and community
involvement. We do not believe,
however, that we should try to expressly
highlight each and every appropriate
topic of high-quality professional
development in this notice.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter suggested
that financial incentives are not
necessarily the most motivating factor in
retaining high-quality staff. Rather, the
commenter stated that the culture of a
school—i.e., quality relationships with
other teachers, the school climate, the
leadership of the principal, and the
potential for professional growth—is
often a greater motivator.
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Discussion: We agree that financial
incentives are not the only motivating
factor in attracting staff to a school or
retaining them in the school. We hope
that changes in the culture of a school
that result from implementing the
interventions established in this notice
play a large role in attracting, placing,
and retaining high-quality staff. As a
result, in both the transformation and
turnaround models, we have provided
examples of several strategies to recruit,
place, and retain high-quality staff.
Changes: We have added examples of
strategies designed to recruit, place, and
retain staff, including ‘‘financial
incentives, increased opportunities for
promotion and career growth, and more
flexible work conditions’’ in paragraphs
(d)(1)(i)(E), with respect to the
transformation model, and (a)(1)(iii),
with respect to the turnaround model.
We have also made clear that those
strategies must be designed to recruit,
place, and retain staff who have the
skills necessary to meet the needs of the
students in the schools implementing a
transformation or turnaround model,
Comment: Several commenters
supported the concept of ‘‘mutual
consent’’—that is, ensuring that a school
is not required to accept a teacher
without the mutual consent of the
teacher and the principal, regardless of
the teacher’s seniority. One commenter
recommended making ‘‘mutual
consent’’ a required component of both
the turnaround model and the
transformation model. Other
commenters, however, opposed any
mention of ‘‘mutual consent,’’ even as a
permissible activity. One asserted that
the concept conflicts with the provision
in section 1116(d) of the ESEA that
precludes interventions in Title I
schools from affecting the rights,
remedies, and procedures afforded
school employees under Federal, State,
or local laws or under the terms of
collective bargaining agreements,
memoranda of understanding, or other
agreements between employees and
their employers.
Discussion: Like several commenters,
the Secretary supports and encourages
the use of mutual consent. The
Secretary considers mutual consent to
be a positive example of LEAs’
partnering with unions to bring change
to the Nation’s persistently lowestachieving schools. That said, we decline
to require mutual consent as a part of
the transformation model because
mutual consent policies and other
similar agreements are best resolved at
the State and local levels in the context
of existing collective bargaining
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Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Secretary add a
requirement that, in the event budget
cuts occur, a principal be allowed to lay
off teachers on the basis of performance
rather than seniority. The commenter
noted that this provision could be an
important lever for obtaining positive
changes to collective bargaining
agreements that would help lowachieving schools attract and retain
effective staff.
Discussion: We decline to make the
suggested change. Although we support
the need to modify collective bargaining
agreements if they impede efforts to
attract and retain qualified staff in the
persistently lowest-achieving schools,
we do not believe we can or should
prescribe the specific terms of those
Changes: None.
Comprehensive Instructional Reform
Comment: Several commenters
suggested that the Department revise the
comprehensive instructional reform
component of the transformation model
by modifying or expanding the
provision requiring the use of
individualized student data to inform
and differentiate instruction. One
commenter suggested clarifying that
individualized student data are to be
used to meet students’ academic needs
while another commenter suggested
clarifying that the data should be used
to address the needs of ‘‘individual’’
students. Other commenters suggested
expanding this provision to include
non-academic data such as chronic
absenteeism, truancy, health (vision,
hearing, dental, and access to primary
care), safety, family engagement and
well-being, and housing. The
commenter suggested that these data be
used, in partnership with parents and
other community partners, to address
other student needs.
Discussion: The purpose of this
section of the transformation model is to
improve instruction, and we agree that
adding the word ‘‘academic’’ is a
helpful clarification. Although we also
agree that non-academic data can play
an important role in identifying other
student needs that can affect learning,
local school administrators, working
with parents and community partners,
are in the best position to determine
how to address those needs. Therefore,
we decline to add a requirement that a
school examine non-academic data.
Changes: We have added the word
‘‘academic’’ in paragraph (d)(2)(i)(B) to
clarify that the continuous use of
student data to inform and differentiate
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instruction must be promoted to meet
the academic needs of individual
students. We made a corresponding
change in paragraph (a)(1)(vii) regarding
the turnaround model.
Comment: One commenter noted that
requiring instructional programs to be
‘‘evidence-based’’ instead of ‘‘researchbased’’ would enable the use of
programs for which there is
accumulated evidence that does not
meet the current ESEA definition of
‘‘scientifically based research.’’
Discussion: We agree with the
commenter that an LEA should only
implement instructional programs for
which there is a sufficient body of
evidence supporting improved student
achievement. We do not believe a
change is necessary, however, because
we do not use the term ‘‘scientifically
based research’’ and, therefore, do not
invoke the stringent requirements in
section 9101(37) of the ESEA.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department add
a provision that would require a school
to identify ‘‘off-track and out-of-school
youth, through analysis and
segmentation of student data,’’ and
develop and implement education
options to put them back on track to
graduate. The commenter stated that,
once students are off track to graduating
on time, their likelihood of graduating is
often as low as 20 percent. Moreover, in
the 2,000 high schools in the Nation
with four-year graduation rates of 60
percent or less, up to 80 percent of ninth
graders are significantly behind in skills
or credits. Several other commenters
suggested including stronger support for
re-enrolling youth who have left high
school as a critical part of increasing
graduation rates.
Discussion: We agree that programs
and strategies designed to re-engage
youth who have dropped out of high
school without receiving a diploma are
necessary in increasing graduation rates.
Accordingly, we are modifying the
notice to address this need. We also
hope that an LEA’s extension or
restructuring of the school day to add
time for strategies such as advisory
periods to build relationships between
students, faculty, and other staff will
help to identify students who are
struggling and to secure for them the
necessary supports sufficiently early to
prevent their dropping out of school.
Finally, as noted earlier, we have added
references to increased high school
graduation rates in four provisions to
make clear that implementation of the
models in high schools must focus on
increasing graduation rates as well as
improved student achievement.
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Changes: We have modified
paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(E)(3) to add reengagement strategies as an example of
a way to increase high school
graduation rates. We have also added
paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(E)(4) suggesting that
permissible comprehensive
instructional reform strategies may
include establishing early-warning
systems to identify students who may be
at risk of failing to achieve to high
standards or graduate.
Comment: A number of commenters
suggested that the Department include
additional required or permissible
activities for carrying out
comprehensive instructional reform
strategies. Specifically, two commenters
recommended that the Department
require schools to conduct periodic
reviews so as to ensure that the
curriculum is being implemented with
fidelity (rather than merely permitting
this activity) and improve school library
programs. Other commenters suggested
expanding the permissible activities in
secondary schools to include learning
opportunities that reflect the context of
the community in which the school is
located, such as service learning, placebased education, and civic and
environmental education. The
commenters also recommended
clarifying that improving students’
transition from middle to high schools
should include family outreach and
parent education. Another commenter
suggested that the Department expand
the list of permissible activities in
elementary schools to include providing
opportunities for students to attend
foreign language immersion programs.
Discussion: The Secretary agrees that
there are any number of important
activities that would be appropriate to
address in a transformation model. As
described in this notice, the
transformation model, by necessity,
focuses on several broad strategies.
However, nothing precludes local
school leaders from expanding the
model as necessary to address other
factors needed to respond to the specific
needs of students in the school.
Changes: We have included in this
notice a definition of increased learning
time that would permit many, if not all,
of the commenters’ suggestions. For
example, that definition makes clear
that a school may increase time to teach
core academic subjects, including, for
example, civics and foreign languages,
and to provide enrichment activities
such as service learning and
experiential and work-based learning
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department add
the implementation of technology-based
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solutions to the list of permissible
activities, while another commenter
recommended that the Department add
online instructional services offered by
a for-profit or non-profit entity as an
example of a comprehensive, researchbased instructional program.
Discussion: The Secretary agrees that
technology can be an important tool for
supporting instruction, and we are
adding as a permissible activity the
suggestion to use and integrate
technology-based supports and
interventions as part of a school’s
instructional program. Although online
instructional programs might be part of
a school’s system of technology-based
supports, we decline to mention it
specifically. Online instructional
programs, if research-based, are one of
many ways to meet the needs of
students in struggling schools,
particularly to provide courses or
programs that schools in rural or remote
areas cannot otherwise provide. We
cannot mention in this notice, however,
each and every type of instructional
Changes: We have added as a
permissible activity in paragraph
(d)(2)(ii)(D) using and integrating
technology-based supports and
interventions as part of a school’s
instructional program.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department add
to the transformation model the strategy
to reorganize the school with a new
purpose and structure it as a magnet
school, a thematic school, or a schoolcommunity partnership.
Discussion: We decline to include this
change in the transformation model, a
model that uses the existing staff in a
school and who would likely not have
the expertise to implement an
instructional program with a whole new
Changes: None. However, we have
clarified in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) that a
turnaround model may include a new
school model (e.g., themed, dual
language academy).
Increasing Learning Time and Creating
Community-Oriented Schools
Comment: Several commenters
expressed support overall and for
various activities of the ‘‘Increasing
learning time and creating communityoriented schools’’ component of the
transformation model, including the
references to school climate,
internships, and community service.
Discussion: We appreciate the
commenters’ support. We are including
some of these activities in the definition
of increased learning time that also
applies to the Stabilization Phase II and
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Race to the Top programs, rather than
listing them as specific elements of the
‘‘increasing learning time and creating
community-oriented schools’’
component. They have no less
importance, however.
Changes: We have included in the
notice a definition of increased learning
time that includes opportunities for
enrichment activities for students, such
as service learning and community
Comment: Several commenters
suggested that the Department highlight
the importance of certain activities by
revising the heading of this component.
For example, one commenter suggested
revising the heading to emphasize
family involvement while another
commenter suggested revising it to
specifically reference students’ social
and emotional needs. A third
commenter suggested expanding the
title to include ‘‘using research-based
methods to deliver comprehensive
services to students.’’
Discussion: We decline to make these
changes. Although we embrace the need
to address not just the academic needs
of students but also how their social and
emotional needs affect their learning
and to emphasize the importance of
family involvement, we believe it is
preferable to keep the heading for this
component more general. The headings
for each of the components in the
transformation model are deliberately
broad so as to cover a number of
important activities, and the fact that a
specific activity is not in a heading is
not a reflection of that activity’s
importance. We believe the list of
permissible activities illustrates various
ways in which a school can address
students’ social and emotional needs
and involve families in their child’s
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters
suggested that the Department highlight
the importance of certain activities by
making them required. For example,
some commenters recommended
expanding the required activities to
include a comprehensive guidance
curriculum delivered by a school
counselor who is certified by the State
department of education; partnering
with parents, faith-based and
community-based organizations, and
others to provide comprehensive
student services; more time for social
and emotional learning; and improving
school climate. Another commenter
recommended requiring that the
transformation model include the
components of the Comprehensive
School Reform Demonstration program.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Other commenters suggested adding
references to high school study-abroad
programs as an example of a student
enrichment activity and activities
designed to reduce out-of-school
suspensions and expulsions as a
strategy for addressing school climate.
Discussion: As we noted earlier, we
agree that there are any number of
important activities that would be
appropriate to address in a
transformation model. As described in
this notice, the transformation model,
by necessity, focuses on several broad
strategies. However, there is nothing to
prevent local school leaders from
expanding the model as necessary to
address other factors needed to respond
to the specific needs of students in the
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter suggested
that the Department define
‘‘community-oriented schools’’ as
schools that partner with communitybased organizations to provide
necessary services to students and
families using research-based methods,
which might include: a school-based,
on-site coordinator; comprehensive
school- and student-level needs
assessments; community-assets
assessments and identification of
potential partners; annual plans for
school-level prevention and individual
intervention strategies; delivery of an
appropriate mix of prevention and
intervention services; data collection
and evaluation over time, with on-going
modifications of services; and/or other
research-based components. Another
commenter suggested removing the
word ‘‘oriented’’ and using the term
‘‘community-schools,’’ which the
commenter indicated is more commonly
Discussion: Although we appreciate
the commenters’ interest in ensuring
greater clarity on the concept of
‘‘community-oriented schools,’’ we
decline to make the suggested changes.
The components of ‘‘communityoriented schools’’ will vary school by
school depending on student and
community needs and resources. There
is nothing in the notice that would
prevent local school leaders from
undertaking any of the strategies in the
definition the commenters proposed if
necessary to respond to the specific
needs of students in the school.
Changes: None.
Comment: Some commenters
suggested that the Department add
‘‘community-based organization’’ and
‘‘workforce systems, specifically
nonprofit and community-based
organizations providing employment,
training, and education services to
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youth’’ to the list of entities with which
an LEA or school may choose to partner
in providing enrichment activities
during extended learning time.
Discussion: In the SIG NPR, we listed
universities, businesses, and museums
as examples of entities with which a
school could partner in providing
enrichment activities during extended
learning time. In this final notice, we are
instead including a definition of
increased learning time that applies to
the Stabilization Phase II, Race to the
Top, and SIG programs. That definition
no longer includes examples of
appropriate partnership entities,
because there may be any number of
organizations or entities in a particular
community that might be appropriate
Changes: In the definition of
increased learning time, we have
included the following: ‘‘(b) instruction
in other subjects and enrichment
activities that contribute to a wellrounded education, including, for
example, physical education, service
learning, and experiential and workbased learning opportunities that are
provided by partnering, as appropriate,
with other organizations;’’.
Comment: One commenter suggested
that the reference to ‘‘parents,’’ in the
list of entities with which schools might
partner to create safe school
environments that meet students’ social,
emotional, and health needs, should
include ‘‘parent organizations.’’
Discussion: We agree with this
suggestion and are adding a reference to
parent organizations.
Changes: We have revised the
permissible activity in paragraph
(d)(3)(ii)(A) regarding creating safe
school environments to include a
reference to partnering with parents and
‘‘parent organizations,’’ along with faithand community-based organizations,
health clinics, other State and local
agencies, and others.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
define ‘‘family engagement’’ and
requiring the use of certain familyengagement mechanisms, including
family-engagement coordinators at
school sites, home visitation programs,
family literacy programs, and parent
leadership programs. Another
commenter recommended defining
‘‘community engagement’’ as systemic
efforts to involve parents, community
residents, members of school
communities, community partners, and
other stakeholders in exploring student
and school needs and, working together,
developing a plan to address those
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Discussion: We agree that there are
any number of important activities that
could support increased family and
community engagement. The reference
to family and community engagement in
this notice is deliberately broad so as to
provide maximum flexibility in
determining how best to address local
needs. However, there is nothing to
prevent local school leaders from
incorporating any of the strategies
mentioned or other strategies that will
lead to effective family and community
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the Department
include language to make clear that
extending learning time can be
accomplished by adding a preschool
program prior to school entry.
Discussion: The Secretary agrees that
preschool education is very important
in ensuring that children enter
kindergarten with the skills necessary to
succeed in school. He also agrees that
preschool education is an effective way
to increase learning time.
Changes: We have added, as a
permissible activity in paragraph
(d)(3)(ii)(D), expanding the school
program to offer full-day kindergarten or
Comment: Several commenters
suggested that the Department clarify
that increased learning time includes
summer school, after-school programs,
and other instruction during non-school
hours. Several other commenters
suggested increasing instructional time
during the school day and the need to
make existing time more effective,
including through the use of technology.
Another commenter suggested clarifying
that extended learning time should be
beyond the current State-mandated
instructional time.
Discussion: We have added in this
notice a definition of increased learning
time that applies to the Stabilization
Phase II, Race to the Top, and SIG
programs. Under that definition,
increased learning time means using a
longer school day, week, or year
schedule to significantly increase the
total number of school hours to include
additional time for instruction in core
academic subjects; time for instruction
in other subjects and enrichment
activities that contribute to a wellrounded education; and time for
teachers to collaborate, plan, and engage
in professional development within and
across grades and subjects.
Changes: We have revised the notice
to define increased learning time. The
full definition is as follows:
Increased learning time means using
a longer school day, week, or year
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
schedule to significantly increase the
total number of school hours to include
additional time for (a) instruction in
core academic subjects including
English; reading or language arts;
mathematics; science; foreign languages;
civics and government; economics; arts;
history; and geography; (b) instruction
in other subjects and enrichment
activities that contribute to a wellrounded education, including, for
example, physical education, service
learning, and experiential and workbased learning opportunities that are
provided by partnering, as appropriate,
with other organizations; and (c)
teachers to collaborate, plan, and engage
in professional development within and
across grades and subjects.9
Providing Operating Flexibility and
Sustained Support
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Comment: One commenter suggested
that the Department add a requirement
that a school implementing the
transformation model be required to
present a plan for how the various
elements of the model are aligned and
coordinated to improve student
achievement and other indicators of
student growth (such as health and civic
Discussion: We decline to make the
suggested change. We are confident that
a school implementing the
transformation model would have a
plan without the need for the
Department to require it.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the list of potential
technical assistance providers in
proposed section I.A.d.iv.A.2 of the SIG
NPR be expanded to include
‘‘professional organizations that have a
track record of turning around lowperforming schools.’’
Discussion: This provision is intended
to ensure that schools implementing the
9 Research supports the effectiveness of welldesigned programs that expand learning time by a
minimum of 300 hours per school year. (See
Frazier, Julie A.; Morrison, Frederick J. ‘‘The
Influence of Extended-year Schooling on Growth of
Achievement and Perceived Competence in Early
Elementary School.’’ Child Development. Vol. 69
(2), April 1998, pp. 495–497 and research done by
Mass2020.) Extending learning into before- and
after-school hours can be difficult to implement
effectively, but is permissible under this definition
with encouragement to closely integrate and
coordinate academic work between in-school and
out-of school. (See James-Burdumy, Susanne;
Dynarski, Mark; Deke, John. ‘‘When Elementary
Schools Stay Open Late: Results from The National
Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning
Centers Program.’’ https://
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Vol. 29
(4), December 2007, Document No. PP07–121.)
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transformation model receive
coordinated ongoing technical
assistance and reflects the belief that an
SEA, LEA, or external lead partner
organization would be in the best
position to integrate services at the
school level. This notice does not
preclude the involvement of entities
other than those mentioned so long as
they fulfill the role of a lead partner in
integrating services and supports for the
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter cautioned
about the use of ‘‘weighted per-pupil
school-based budgeting,’’ noting that
early research indicates this practice
undermines cross-school cooperation by
promoting competition among schools
for students and the resources or
liabilities they may represent.
Discussion: We note that
implementing a per-pupil school-based
budget formula that is weighted based
on student needs is listed as a
permissible, not required, activity to
give schools operational flexibility. We
believe allocating funds based on
student characteristics and then giving
schools broad flexibility to use those
funds to meet their respective needs is
one way to provide incentives for
schools to use their cumulative
resources in innovative ways to meet
the needs of their student population. If
an LEA determines such budgeting is
not appropriate in the context of its
schools, it need not implement this
Changes: None.
Final Requirements
The Secretary establishes the
following requirements for the
Stabilization program. We may apply
these requirements in any year in which
this program is in effect.
I. Assurance Indicators and
Descriptors: In general, a State must
collect and publicly report (as defined
in this notice) data and other
information for the following indicators
and descriptors regarding the assurances
that the State has provided in order to
receive funds under the Stabilization
(a) Achieving equity in teacher
distribution. A State must collect and
publicly report data and other
information on the extent to which
students in high- and low-poverty
schools in the State have access to
highly qualified teachers; steps the State
is currently taking to ensure that
students from low-income families and
minority students are not taught at
higher rates than other students by
inexperienced, unqualified, or out-offield teachers; on how teacher and
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principal performance is evaluated; and
the distribution of performance
evaluation ratings or levels among
teachers and principals. Specifically, a
State must—
Indicator (a)(1). Confirm, for the State,
the number and percentage (including
numerator and denominator) of core
academic courses taught, in the highestpoverty and lowest-poverty schools, by
teachers who are highly qualified
consistent with section 9101(23) of the
Elementary and Secondary Education
Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA);
Indicator (a)(2). Confirm whether the
State’s Teacher Equity Plan (as part of
the State’s Highly Qualified Teacher
Plan) fully reflects the steps the State is
currently taking to ensure that students
from low-income families and minority
students are not taught at higher rates
than other students by inexperienced,
unqualified, or out-of-field teachers (as
required in section 1111(b)(8)(C) of the
Descriptor (a)(1). Describe, for each
local educational agency (LEA) in the
State, the systems used to evaluate the
performance of teachers and the use of
results from those systems in decisions
regarding teacher development,
compensation, promotion, retention,
and removal;
Indicator (a)(3). Indicate, for each
LEA in the State, whether the systems
used to evaluate the performance of
teachers include student achievement
outcomes or student growth data as an
evaluation criterion;
Indicator (a)(4). Provide, for each LEA
in the State whose teachers receive
performance ratings or levels through an
evaluation system, the number and
percentage (including numerator and
denominator) of teachers rated at each
performance rating or level;
Indicator (a)(5). Indicate, for each
LEA in the State whose teachers receive
performance ratings or levels through an
evaluation system, whether the number
and percentage (including numerator
and denominator) of teachers rated at
each performance rating or level are
publicly reported for each school in the
Descriptor (a)(2). Describe, for each
LEA in the State, the systems used to
evaluate the performance of principals
and the use of results from those
systems in decisions regarding principal
development, compensation, promotion,
retention, and removal;
Indicator (a)(6). Indicate, for each
LEA in the State, whether the systems
used to evaluate the performance of
principals include student achievement
outcomes or student growth data as an
evaluation criterion; and
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Indicator (a)(7). Provide, for each LEA
in the State whose principals receive
performance ratings or levels through an
evaluation system, the number and
percentage (including numerator and
denominator) of principals rated at each
performance rating or level;
(b) Improving collection and use of
data. A State must collect and publicly
report information on the elements of its
statewide longitudinal data system, on
whether teachers receive data on
student growth in a manner that is
timely and informs instructional
programs, and on whether teachers
receive reports of individual teacher
impact on student achievement.
Specifically, a State must—
Indicator (b)(1). Indicate which of the
12 elements described in section
6401(e)(2)(D) of the America
COMPETES Act are included in the
State’s statewide longitudinal data
Indicator (b)(2). Indicate whether the
State provides student growth data on
their current students and the students
they taught in the previous year to, at
a minimum, teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in grades
in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects in a
manner that is timely and informs
instructional programs; and
Indicator (b)(3). Indicate whether the
State provides teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in grades
in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects with
reports of individual teacher impact on
student achievement on those
(c) Standards and assessments. A
State must collect and publicly report
data and other information on whether
students are provided high-quality State
assessments; whether students with
disabilities and limited English
proficient students are included in State
assessment systems; whether the State
makes information available regarding
student academic performance in the
State compared to the academic
performance of students in other States;
and the extent to which students
graduate from high school in four years
with a regular high school diploma and
continue on to pursue a college
education. Specifically, a State must—
Indicator (c)(1). Confirm the approval
status, as determined by the
Department, of the State’s assessment
system under section 1111(b)(3) of the
ESEA with respect to reading/language
arts, mathematics, and science
Indicator (c)(2). Confirm whether the
State has developed and implemented
valid and reliable alternate assessments
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for students with disabilities that are
approved by the Department;
Indicator (c)(3). Confirm whether the
State’s alternate assessments for
students with disabilities, if approved
by the Department, are based on gradelevel, modified, or alternate academic
achievement standards;
Indicator (c)(4). Indicate whether the
State has completed, within the last two
years, an analysis of the appropriateness
and effectiveness of the
accommodations it provides students
with disabilities to ensure their
meaningful participation in State
Indicator (c)(5). Confirm the number
and percentage (including numerator
and denominator) of students with
disabilities who are included in State
reading/language arts and mathematics
Indicator (c)(6). Indicate whether the
State has completed, within the last two
years, an analysis of the appropriateness
and effectiveness of the
accommodations it provides limited
English proficient students to ensure
their meaningful participation in State
Indicator (c)(7). Confirm whether the
State provides native language versions
of State assessments for limited English
proficient students that are approved by
the Department;
Indicator (c)(8). Confirm the number
and percentage (including numerator
and denominator) of limited English
proficient students who are included in
State reading/language arts and
mathematics assessments;
Indicator (c)(9). Confirm that the
State’s annual State Report Card (under
section 1111(h)(1) of the ESEA) contains
the most recent available State reading
and mathematics National Assessment
of Educational Progress (NAEP) results
as required by 34 CFR 200.11(c);
Indicator (c)(10). Provide, for the
State, for each LEA in the State, for each
high school in the State and, at each of
these levels, by student subgroup
(consistent with section
1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II) of the ESEA), the
number and percentage (including
numerator and denominator) of students
who graduate from high school using a
four-year adjusted cohort graduation
rate as required by 34 CFR
Indicator (c)(11). Provide, for the
State, for each LEA in the State, for each
high school in the State and, at each of
these levels, by student subgroup
(consistent with section
1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II) of the ESEA), of the
students who graduate from high school
consistent with 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1)(i),
the number and percentage (including
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numerator and denominator) who enroll
in an institution of higher education
(IHE) (as defined in section 101(a) of the
Higher Education Act of 1965, as
amended (HEA)) within 16 months of
receiving a regular high school diploma;
Indicator (c)(12). Provide, for the
State, for each LEA in the State, for each
high school in the State and, at each of
these levels, by student subgroup
(consistent with section
1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II) of the ESEA), of the
students who graduate from high school
consistent with 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1)(i)
who enroll in a public IHE (as defined
in section 101(a) of the HEA) in the
State within 16 months of receiving a
regular high school diploma, the
number and percentage (including
numerator and denominator) who
complete at least one year’s worth of
college credit (applicable to a degree)
within two years of enrollment in the
(d) Supporting struggling schools. A
State must collect and publicly report
data and other information on the
progress of certain groups of schools in
the State on State assessments in
reading/language arts and mathematics;
on the extent to which reforms to
improve student academic achievement
are implemented in the persistently
lowest-achieving schools in the State;
and on the extent to which charter
schools are operating in the State.
Specifically, a State must—
Indicator (d)(1). Provide, for the State,
the average statewide school gain in the
‘‘all students’’ category and the average
statewide school gain for each student
subgroup (as under section
1111(b)(2)(C)(v) of the ESEA) on the
State assessments in reading/language
arts and for the State and for each LEA
in the State, the number and percentage
(including numerator and denominator)
of Title I schools in improvement,
corrective action, or restructuring that
have made progress (as defined in this
notice) on State assessments in reading/
language arts in the last year;
Indicator (d)(2). Provide, for the State,
the average statewide school gain in the
‘‘all students’’ category and the average
statewide school gain for each student
subgroup (as under section
1111(b)(2)(C)(v) of the ESEA) on State
assessments in mathematics and for the
State and for each LEA in the State, the
number and percentage (including
numerator and denominator) of Title I
schools in improvement, corrective
action, or restructuring that have made
progress on State assessments in
mathematics in the last year;
Descriptor (d)(1). Provide the
definition of ‘‘persistently lowest-
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
achieving schools’’ (consistent with the
requirements for defining this term set
forth in this notice) that the State uses
to identify such schools;
Indicator (d)(3). Provide, for the State,
the number and identity of the schools
that are Title I schools in improvement,
corrective action, or restructuring, that
are identified as persistently lowestachieving schools;
Indicator (d)(4). Provide, for the State,
of the persistently lowest-achieving
schools that are Title I schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring, the number and identity
of those schools that have been turned
around, restarted, closed, or transformed
(as defined in this notice) in the last
Indicator (d)(5). Provide, for the State,
the number and identity of the schools
that are secondary schools that are
eligible for, but do not receive, Title I
funds, that are identified as persistently
lowest-achieving schools;
Indicator (d)(6). Provide, for the State,
of the persistently lowest-achieving
schools that are secondary schools that
are eligible for, but do not receive, Title
I funds, the number and identity of
those schools that have been turned
around, restarted, closed, or transformed
in the last year;
Indicator (d)(7). Provide, for the State
and, if applicable, for each LEA in the
State, the number of charter schools that
are currently permitted to operate under
State law;
Indicator (d)(8). Confirm, for the State
and for each LEA in the State that
operates charter schools, the number of
charter schools currently operating;
Indicator (d)(9). Provide, for the State
and for each LEA in the State that
operates charter schools, the number
and percentage of charter schools that
have made progress on State
assessments in reading/language arts in
the last year;
Indicator (d)(10). Provide, for the
State and for each LEA in the State that
operates charter schools, the number
and percentage of charter schools that
have made progress on State
assessments in mathematics in the last
Indicator (d)(11). Provide, for the
State and for each LEA in the State that
operates charter schools, the number
and identity of charter schools that have
closed (including schools that were not
reauthorized to operate) within each of
the last five years; and
Indicator (d)(12). Indicate, for each
charter school that has closed (including
a school that was not reauthorized to
operate) within each of the last five
years, whether the closure of the school
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was for financial, enrollment, academic,
or other reasons.
II. State Plans: A State receiving funds
under the Stabilization program must
develop and submit to the Department
a comprehensive plan that includes the
following information.
(a) Indicator and descriptor
requirements. Except as discussed in
paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section,
the State must collect and publicly
report the data or other information
required by an assurance indicator or
descriptor. To this end, the State must
describe, for each assurance indicator or
(1) The State’s current ability to fully
collect the required data or other
information at least annually;
(2) The State’s ability to fully publicly
report the required data or other
information, at least annually through
September 30, 2011;
(3) If the State is not currently able to
fully collect, at least annually, the data
or other information required by the
indicator or descriptor—
(i) The State’s process and timeline
for developing and implementing, as
soon as possible but no later than
September 30, 2011, the means to fully
collect the data or information,
(A) The milestones that the State
establishes toward developing and
implementing those means;
(B) The date by which the State
expects to reach each milestone; and
(C) Any obstacles that may prevent
the State from developing and
implementing those means by
September 30, 2011, including but not
limited to requirements and
prohibitions of State law and policy;
(ii) The nature and frequency of
reports that the State will provide to the
public regarding its progress in
developing and implementing those
means; and
(iii) The amount of funds the State is
using or will use to develop and
implement those means, and whether
the funds are or will be Federal, State,
or local funds; and
(4) If the State is not able to fully
publicly report, at least annually
through September 30, 2011, the data or
other information required by the
indicator or descriptor—
(i) The State’s process and timeline
for developing and implementing, as
soon as possible but no later than
September 30, 2011, the means to fully
publicly report the data or information,
(A) The milestones that the State
establishes toward developing and
implementing those means;
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(B) The date by which the State
expects to reach each milestone; and
(C) Any obstacles that may prevent
the State from developing and
implementing those means by
September 30, 2011, including but not
limited to requirements and
prohibitions of State law and policy;
(ii) The nature and frequency of
reports that the State will provide to the
public regarding its progress in
developing and implementing those
means; and
(iii) The amount of funds the State is
using or will use to develop and
implement those means, and whether
the funds are or will be Federal, State,
or local funds.
(b) Data or other information. If the
State is currently able to fully collect
and publicly report the data or other
information required by the indicator or
descriptor, the State must provide the
most recent data or information with its
plan and publicly report that plan.
(c) Requirements for indicators in
reform area (b) (improving collection
and use of data).
(1) With respect to Indicator (b)(1), the
State must develop and implement a
statewide longitudinal data system that
includes each of the 12 elements
described in section 6401(e)(2)(D) of the
America COMPETES Act. To this end,
the State must, in its plan—
(i) Indicate which of the 12 elements
are currently included in the State’s
statewide longitudinal data system; and
(ii) If the State’s statewide
longitudinal data system does not
currently include all 12 elements,
(A) The State’s process and timeline
for developing and implementing, as
soon as possible but no later than
September 30, 2011, a statewide
longitudinal data system that fully
includes all 12 elements, including the
milestones that the State establishes
toward developing and implementing
such a system, the date by which the
State expects to reach each milestone,
and any obstacles that may prevent the
State from developing and
implementing such a system by
September 30, 2011 (including but not
limited to requirements and
prohibitions of State law and policy);
(B) The nature and frequency of
reports that the State will provide to the
public regarding its progress in
developing and implementing such a
system; and
(C) The amount of funds the State is
using or will use to develop and
implement such a system, and whether
the funds are or will be Federal, State,
or local funds.
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
(2) With respect to Indicator (b)(2), the
State must provide student growth data
on their students to, at a minimum,
teachers of reading/language arts and
mathematics in grades in which the
State administers assessments in those
subjects, in a manner that is timely and
informs instructional programs. To this
end, the State must—
(i) Indicate whether the State provides
teachers with such data; and
(ii) If the State does not provide
teachers with such data, describe—
(A) The State’s process and timeline
for developing and implementing, as
soon as possible but no later than
September 30, 2011, the means to
provide teachers with such data,
including the milestones that the State
establishes toward developing and
implementing those means, the date by
which the State expects to reach each
milestone, and any obstacles that may
prevent the State from developing and
implementing those means by
September 30, 2011 (including but not
limited to requirements and
prohibitions of State law and policy);
(B) The nature and frequency of
reports that the State will provide to the
public regarding its progress in
developing and implementing those
means; and
(C) The amount of funds the State is
using or will use to develop and
implement those means, and whether
the funds are or will be Federal, State,
or local funds.
(3) With respect to Indicator (b)(3), the
State must—
(i) Indicate whether it provides
teachers of reading/language arts and
mathematics in grades in which the
State administers assessments in those
subjects with reports of individual
teacher impact on student achievement
on those assessments; and
(ii) If the State does not provide those
teachers with such reports, describe—
(A) The State’s process and timeline
for developing and implementing the
means to provide those teachers with
such reports, including the milestones
that the State establishes toward
developing and implementing those
means, the date by which the State
expects to reach each milestone, and
any obstacles that may prevent the State
from developing and implementing
those means (including but not limited
to requirements and prohibitions of
State law and policy);
(B) The nature and frequency of
reports that the State will provide to the
public regarding its progress in
developing and implementing those
means; and
(C) The amount of funds the State is
using or will use to develop and
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implement those means, and whether
the funds are or will be Federal, State,
or local funds.
(d) Requirements for Indicators (c)(11)
and (c)(12). With respect to Indicators
(c)(11) and (c)(12), the State is required
to, at a minimum, possess the ability to
collect and publicly report the data. As
a result, the requirements of paragraph
(a) of this section apply to these
indicators, at a minimum, with respect
to the State’s development of the means
to collect and to publicly report the
data. Accordingly—
(1) If, for either of these indicators, a
State will develop but not implement
the means to collect and publicly report
the data (i.e., the State will not collect
and publicly report the data) by
September 30, 2011, the State—
(i) Must submit a plan with respect to
the indicator that addresses the
requirements of paragraph (a) only with
respect to the State’s development of the
means to collect and to publicly report
the data, and not the State’s
implementation of those means; and
(ii) If submitting a plan in this
manner, must include in its plan a
description of the evidence it will
provide to the Department of Education,
by September 30, 2011, to demonstrate
that it has developed the means to
collect and publicly report that data.
(2) If, however, for either of these
indicators, a State will develop and
implement those means (i.e., the State
will collect and publicly report the data)
by September 30, 2011, the State must
submit a plan with respect to the
indicator that fully addresses the
requirements of paragraph (a).
(e) General requirements. The State
must describe—
(1) The agency or agencies in the State
responsible for the development,
execution, and oversight of the plan,
including the institutional infrastructure
and capacity of the agency or agencies
as they relate to each of those tasks;
(2) The agency or agencies,
institutions, or organizations, if any,
providing technical assistance or other
support in the development, execution,
and oversight of the plan, and the nature
of such technical assistance or other
(3) The overall budget for the
development, execution, and oversight
of the plan;
(4) The processes the State employs to
review and verify the required data and
other information; and
(5) The processes the State employs to
ensure that, consistent with 34 CFR
99.31(b), the required data and other
information are not made publicly
available in a manner that personally
identifies students, where applicable.
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Final Definitions
The Secretary establishes the
following definitions for Stabilization
program terms not defined in the ARRA
(or, by reference, in the ESEA or the
HEA). We may apply these definitions
in any year in which this program is in
For the purposes of this program,
publicly report means that the data or
information required for an indicator or
descriptor are made available to anyone
with access to an Internet connection
without having to submit a request to
the entity that maintains the data and
information in order to access that data
and information. Therefore, States are
required to maintain a public Web site
that provides the data and information
that are responsive to the indicator and
descriptor requirements. If a State does
not currently provide the required data
or information, it must provide on this
Web site its plan with respect to the
indicator or descriptor and its reports on
its progress in implementing that plan.
With respect to the requirement that
a State collect and publicly report on
the extent to which students in highand low-poverty schools in the State
have access to highly qualified teachers,
highest-poverty school means,
consistent with section
1111(h)(1)(C)(viii) of the ESEA, a school
in the highest quartile of schools (at the
State and LEA levels, respectively)
using a measure of poverty determined
by the State. Similarly, lowest-poverty
school means, consistent with section
1111(h)(1)(C)(viii) of the ESEA, a school
in the lowest quartile of schools (at the
State and LEA levels, respectively)
using a measure of poverty determined
by the State.
With respect to the requirements that
a State indicate whether the systems
used to evaluate the performance of
teachers and principals include student
achievement outcomes as an evaluation
criterion, student achievement
outcomes means outcomes including, at
a minimum, one of the following:
student performance on summative
assessments, or on assessments
predictive of student performance on
summative assessments, in terms of
absolute performance, gains, or growth;
student grades; and rates at which
students are on track to graduate from
high school with a regular high school
With respect to the requirements that
a State indicate whether teacher and
principal evaluation systems include
student growth data as an evaluation
criterion and whether the State provides
such data to, at a minimum, teachers of
reading/language arts and mathematics
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
in grades in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects, student
growth means the change in
achievement for an individual student
between two or more points in time. For
grades in which the State administers
summative assessments in reading/
language arts and mathematics, student
growth data must be based on a
student’s score on the State’s assessment
under section 1111(b)(3) of the ESEA. A
State may also include other measures
that are rigorous and comparable across
With respect to the requirement that
a State collect and publicly report the
number of high-school graduates who
enrolled in a public IHE in the State
who complete at least one year’s worth
of college credit (applicable to a degree)
within two years of enrollment, college
credit (applicable to a degree) is used as
that term is defined by the IHE granting
such credit.
With respect to the requirements that
a State collect and publicly report the
numbers and percentages of certain
groups of schools that have made
progress on State assessments in
reading/language arts and in
mathematics in the last year, school that
has made progress means a school
whose gains on the assessment, in the
‘‘all students’’ category and for each
student subgroup (as under section
1111(b)(2)(C)(v) of the ESEA), are equal
to or greater than the average statewide
school gains in the State on that
assessment, in the ‘‘all students’’
category and for each student subgroup,
except that if the average statewide
school gains in the State on that
assessment are equal to or less than
zero, the gains of the school must be
greater than zero.
With respect to the requirements that
a State collect and publicly report data
and information on the persistently
lowest-achieving schools that are Title I
schools in improvement, corrective
action, or restructuring or secondary
schools that are eligible for, but do not
receive, Title I funds, persistently
lowest-achieving schools means, as
determined by the State—
(a)(1) Any Title I school in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring that—
(i) Is among the lowest-achieving five
percent of Title I schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring or the lowest-achieving
five Title I schools in improvement,
corrective action, or restructuring in the
State, whichever number of schools is
greater; or
(ii) Is a high school that has had a
graduation rate as defined in 34 CFR
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200.19(b) that is less than 60 percent
over a number of years; and
(2) Any secondary school that is
eligible for, but does not receive, Title
I funds that—
(i) Is among the lowest-achieving five
percent of secondary schools or the
lowest-achieving five secondary schools
in the State that are eligible for, but do
not receive, Title I funds, whichever
number of schools is greater; or
(ii) Is a high school that has had a
graduation rate as defined in 34 CFR
200.19(b) that is less than 60 percent
over a number of years.
(b) To identify the lowest-achieving
schools, a State must take into account
(1) The academic achievement of the
‘‘all students’’ group in a school in
terms of proficiency on the State’s
assessments under section 1111(b)(3) of
the ESEA in reading/language arts and
mathematics combined; and
(2) The school’s lack of progress on
those assessments over a number of
years in the ‘‘all students’’ group.
With respect to the requirements that
a State collect and publicly report, of
the persistently lowest-achieving
schools, the number and identity of
schools that have been turned around,
restarted, closed, or transformed
through one of the following in the last
(a) Turnaround model. (1) A
turnaround model is one in which an
LEA must—
(i) Replace the principal and grant the
principal sufficient operational
flexibility (including in staffing,
calendars/time, and budgeting) to
implement fully a comprehensive
approach in order to substantially
improve student achievement outcomes
and increase high school graduation
(ii) Using locally adopted
competencies to measure the
effectiveness of staff who can work
within the turnaround environment to
meet the needs of students,
(A) Screen all existing staff and rehire
no more than 50 percent; and
(B) Select new staff;
(iii) Implement such strategies as
financial incentives, increased
opportunities for promotion and career
growth, and more flexible work
conditions that are designed to recruit,
place, and retain staff with the skills
necessary to meet the needs of the
students in the turnaround school;
(iv) Provide staff with ongoing, highquality, job-embedded professional
development that is aligned with the
school’s comprehensive instructional
program and designed with school staff
to ensure that they are equipped to
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facilitate effective teaching and learning
and have the capacity to successfully
implement school reform strategies;
(v) Adopt a new governance structure,
which may include, but is not limited
to, requiring the school to report to a
new ‘‘turnaround office’’ in the LEA or
SEA, hire a ‘‘turnaround leader’’ who
reports directly to the Superintendent or
Chief Academic Officer, or enter into a
multi-year contract with the LEA or SEA
to obtain added flexibility in exchange
for greater accountability;
(vi) Use data to identify and
implement an instructional program
that is research-based and ‘‘vertically
aligned’’ from one grade to the next as
well as aligned with State academic
(vii) Promote the continuous use of
student data (such as from formative,
interim, and summative assessments) to
inform and differentiate instruction in
order to meet the academic needs of
individual students;
(viii) Establish schedules and
implement strategies that provide
increased learning time (as defined in
this notice); and
(ix) Provide appropriate socialemotional and community-oriented
services and supports for students.
(2) A turnaround model may also
implement other strategies such as—
(i) Any of the required and
permissible activities under the
transformation model; or
(ii) A new school model (e.g., themed,
dual language academy).
(b) Restart model. A restart model is
one in which an LEA converts a school
or closes and reopens a school under a
charter school operator, a charter
management organization (CMO), or an
education management organization
(EMO) that has been selected through a
rigorous review process. (A CMO is a
non-profit organization that operates or
manages charter schools by centralizing
or sharing certain functions and
resources among schools. An EMO is a
for-profit or non-profit organization that
provides ‘‘whole-school operation’’
services to an LEA.) A restart model
must enroll, within the grades it serves,
any former student who wishes to
attend the school.
(c) School closure. School closure
occurs when an LEA closes a school and
enrolls the students who attended that
school in other schools in the LEA that
are higher achieving. These other
schools should be within reasonable
proximity to the closed school and may
include, but are not limited to, charter
schools or new schools for which
achievement data are not yet available.
(d) Transformation model. A
transformation model is one in which
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
an LEA implements each of the
following strategies:
(1) Developing and increasing teacher
and school leader effectiveness.
(i) Required activities. The LEA
(A) Replace the principal who led the
school prior to commencement of the
transformation model;
(B) Use rigorous, transparent, and
equitable evaluation systems for
teachers and principals that—
(1) Take into account data on student
growth (as defined in this notice) as a
significant factor as well as other factors
such as multiple observation-based
assessments of performance and
ongoing collections of professional
practice reflective of student
achievement and increased high-school
graduation rates; and
(2) Are designed and developed with
teacher and principal involvement;
(C) Identify and reward school
leaders, teachers, and other staff who, in
implementing this model, have
increased student achievement and
high-school graduation rates and
identify and remove those who, after
ample opportunities have been provided
for them to improve their professional
practice, have not done so;
(D) Provide staff with ongoing, highquality, job-embedded professional
development (e.g., regarding subjectspecific pedagogy, instruction that
reflects a deeper understanding of the
community served by the school, or
differentiated instruction) that is aligned
with the school’s comprehensive
instructional program and designed
with school staff to ensure they are
equipped to facilitate effective teaching
and learning and have the capacity to
successfully implement school reform
strategies; and
(E) Implement such strategies as
financial incentives, increased
opportunities for promotion and career
growth, and more flexible work
conditions that are designed to recruit,
place, and retain staff with the skills
necessary to meet the needs of the
students in a transformation school.
(ii) Permissible activities. An LEA
may also implement other strategies to
develop teachers’ and school leaders’
effectiveness, such as—
(A) Providing additional
compensation to attract and retain staff
with the skills necessary to meet the
needs of the students in a
transformation school;
(B) Instituting a system for measuring
changes in instructional practices
resulting from professional
development; or
(C) Ensuring that the school is not
required to accept a teacher without the
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mutual consent of the teacher and
principal, regardless of the teacher’s
(2) Comprehensive instructional
reform strategies.
(i) Required activities. The LEA
(A) Use data to identify and
implement an instructional program
that is research-based and ‘‘vertically
aligned’’ from one grade to the next as
well as aligned with State academic
standards; and
(B) Promote the continuous use of
student data (such as from formative,
interim, and summative assessments) to
inform and differentiate instruction in
order to meet the academic needs of
individual students.
(ii) Permissible activities. An LEA
may also implement comprehensive
instructional reform strategies, such
(A) Conducting periodic reviews to
ensure that the curriculum is being
implemented with fidelity, is having the
intended impact on student
achievement, and is modified if
(B) Implementing a schoolwide
‘‘response-to-intervention’’ model;
(C) Providing additional supports and
professional development to teachers
and principals in order to implement
effective strategies to support students
with disabilities in the least restrictive
environment and to ensure that limited
English proficient students acquire
language skills to master academic
(D) Using and integrating technologybased supports and interventions as part
of the instructional program; and
(E) In secondary schools—
(1) Increasing rigor by offering
opportunities for students to enroll in
advanced coursework (such as
Advanced Placement or International
Baccalaureate; or science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics courses,
especially those that incorporate
rigorous and relevant project-,
inquiry-, or design-based contextual
learning opportunities), early-college
high schools, dual enrollment programs,
or thematic learning academies that
prepare students for college and careers,
including by providing appropriate
supports designed to ensure that lowachieving students can take advantage
of these programs and coursework;
(2) Improving student transition from
middle to high school through summer
transition programs or freshman
(3) Increasing graduation rates
through, for example, credit-recovery
programs, re-engagement strategies,
smaller learning communities,
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competency-based instruction and
performance-based assessments, and
acceleration of basic reading and
mathematics skills; or
(4) Establishing early-warning systems
to identify students who may be at risk
of failing to achieve to high standards or
(3) Increasing learning time and
creating community-oriented schools.
(i) Required activities. The LEA
(A) Establish schedules and
implement strategies that provide
increased learning time (as defined in
this notice); and
(B) Provide ongoing mechanisms for
family and community engagement.
(ii) Permissible activities. An LEA
may also implement other strategies that
extend learning time and create
community-oriented schools, such as—
(A) Partnering with parents and
parent organizations, faith- and
community-based organizations, health
clinics, other State or local agencies,
and others to create safe school
environments that meet students’ social,
emotional, and health needs;
(B) Extending or restructuring the
school day so as to add time for such
strategies as advisory periods that build
relationships between students, faculty,
and other school staff;
(C) Implementing approaches to
improve school climate and discipline,
such as implementing a system of
positive behavioral supports or taking
steps to eliminate bullying and student
harassment; or
(D) Expanding the school program to
offer full-day kindergarten or prekindergarten.
(4) Providing operational flexibility
and sustained support.
(i) Required activities. The LEA
(A) Give the school sufficient
operational flexibility (such as staffing,
calendars/time, and budgeting) to
implement fully a comprehensive
approach to substantially improve
student achievement outcomes and
increase high school graduation rates;
(B) Ensure that the school receives
ongoing, intensive technical assistance
and related support from the LEA, the
SEA, or a designated external lead
partner organization (such as a school
turnaround organization or an EMO).
(ii) Permissible activities. The LEA
may also implement other strategies for
providing operational flexibility and
intensive support, such as—
(A) Allowing the school to be run
under a new governance arrangement,
such as a turnaround division within
the LEA or SEA; or
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
(B) Implementing a per-pupil schoolbased budget formula that is weighted
based on student needs.
If a school identified as a persistently
lowest-achieving school has
implemented, in whole or in part within
the last two years, an intervention that
meets the requirements of the
turnaround, restart, or transformation
models, the school may continue or
complete the intervention being
With respect to the requirement that
schools using a turnaround model or a
transformation model have increased
learning time, increased learning time
means using a longer school day, week,
or year schedule to significantly
increase the total number of school
hours to include additional time for (a)
instruction in core academic subjects,
including English, reading or language
arts; mathematics; science; foreign
languages; civics and government;
economics; arts; history; and geography;
(b) instruction in other subjects and
enrichment activities that contribute to
a well-rounded education, including, for
example, physical education, service
learning, and experiential and workbased learning opportunities that are
provided by partnering, as appropriate,
with other organizations; and (c)
teachers to collaborate, plan, and engage
in professional development within and
across grades and subjects.10
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Final Approval Criteria
The Secretary establishes the
following criteria for approving the plan
of a State receiving funds under the
Stabilization program. We may apply
one or more of these criteria in any year
in which this program is in effect.
(a) Quality of the State plan. Except
as described in paragraph (b), in
determining the quality of the plan
submitted by a State, we consider the
10 Research supports the effectiveness of welldesigned programs that expand learning time by a
minimum of 300 hours per school year. (See
Frazier, Julie A.; Morrison, Frederick J. ‘‘The
Influence of Extended-year Schooling on Growth of
Achievement and Perceived Competence in Early
Elementary School.’’ Child Development. Vol. 69
(2), April 1998, pp. 495–497 and research done by
Mass2020.) Extending learning into before- and
after-school hours can be difficult to implement
effectively, but is permissible under this definition
with encouragement to closely integrate and
coordinate academic work between in school and
out of school. (See James-Burdumy, Susanne;
Dynarski, Mark; Deke, John. ‘‘When Elementary
Schools Stay Open Late: Results from The National
Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning
Centers Program.’’
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Vol. 29
(4), December 2007, Document No. PP07–121.)
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(1) Whether the plan clearly and
accurately describes the State’s abilities
to collect and to publicly report the data
or other information required by an
assurance indicator and descriptor; and
(2) If the State is not currently able to
fully collect and publicly report the data
or information required by an indicator
or descriptor—
(i) Whether the timeline and process
for developing and implementing the
means to fully collect and publicly
report the data or information are
reasonable and sufficient to comply
with the requirement;
(ii) Whether any obstacles identified
by the State as preventing it from
developing and implementing the
means to fully collect and publicly
report the data or information by
September 30, 2011 are sufficient to
justify a delay in complying with the
requirement; and
(iii) Whether the reports that the State
will provide to the public will be
appropriately accessible and will
sufficiently indicate the State’s progress
in developing and implementing the
means to comply with the requirement.
(b) Quality of the State plan with
respect to indicators in reform area (b)
(improving collection and use of data).
In determining the quality of the plan
submitted by a State as it relates to the
indicators in reform area (b), we
consider the following:
(1) Whether the plan clearly and
accurately describes the State’s ability to
meet the plan requirement for the
indicator (i.e., in the case of Indicator
(b)(1), the requirement to develop and
implement a statewide longitudinal data
system that includes each of the 12
elements described in section
6401(e)(2)(D) of the America
COMPETES Act; and in the case of
Indicator (b)(2), the requirement to
provide student growth data on their
students to, at a minimum, teachers of
reading/language arts and mathematics
in grades in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects, in a
manner that is timely and informs
instructional programs); and
(2) If the State does not currently meet
the plan requirement for the indicator—
(i) Whether the timeline and process
for developing and implementing the
means to meet the requirement are
reasonable and sufficient to comply
with the requirement;
(ii) Excluding Indicator (b)(3),
whether any obstacles identified by the
State as preventing it from developing
and implementing the means to meet
the requirement by September 30, 2011
are sufficient to justify a delay in
complying with the requirement; and
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(iii) Whether the reports that the State
will provide to the public will be
appropriately accessible and will
sufficiently indicate the State’s progress
in developing and implementing the
means to comply with the requirement.
(c) Adequacy of the State plan. In
determining the adequacy of the plan
submitted by a State, we consider the
(1) Whether the institutional
infrastructure and capacity of the
agency or agencies responsible for the
development, implementation, and
oversight of the plan, together with any
technical assistance or other support
provided by other agencies, institutions,
or organizations, are adequate to comply
with the indicator and descriptor
requirements individually and as a
(2) Whether the funds the State is
using or will use are adequate to comply
with the indicator and descriptor
requirements both individually and as a
(3) Whether the processes the State
employs to review and verify the
required data and information are
adequate to ensure that the data and
information are accurate and of high
quality; and
(4) Whether the processes the State
employs are adequate to ensure that,
where applicable, the required data and
other information are not made publicly
available in a manner that personally
identifies students.
Executive Order 12866:
Under Executive Order 12866, the
Secretary must determine whether this
regulatory action is ‘‘significant’’ and
therefore subject to the requirements of
the Executive Order and subject to
review by OMB. Section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866 defines a
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ as an
action likely to result in a rule that may
(1) have an annual effect on the
economy of $100 million or more, or
adversely affect a sector of the economy,
productivity, competition, jobs, the
environment, public health or safety, or
State, local or tribal governments, or
communities in a material way (also
referred to as an ‘‘economically
significant’’ rule); (2) create serious
inconsistency or otherwise interfere
with an action taken or planned by
another agency; (3) materially alter the
budgetary impacts of entitlement grants,
user fees, or loan programs or the rights
and obligations of recipients thereof; or
(4) raise novel legal or policy issues
arising out of legal mandates, the
President’s priorities, or the principles
set forth in the Executive Order.
Pursuant to the Executive Order, it has
been determined that this regulatory
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
action will have an annual effect on the
economy of more than $100 million
because the amount of government
transfers provided through SFSF will
exceed that amount. Therefore, this
action is ‘‘economically significant’’ and
subject to OMB review under section
3(f)(1) of the Executive Order.
The costs of this regulatory action
have been reviewed in accordance with
Executive Order 12866. Under the terms
of the Order, the Department has
assessed the costs and benefits of this
regulatory action.
In assessing the potential costs and
benefits—both quantitative and
qualitative—of these requirements, the
Department has determined that the
benefits of the requirements exceed the
costs. The Department also has
determined that this regulatory action
does not unduly interfere with State,
local, and tribal governments in the
exercise of their governmental
Need for Federal Regulatory Action
These requirements, definitions, and
approval criteria are needed to
implement the State Fiscal Stabilization
Fund program in a manner that the
Secretary believes will best enable the
program to achieve its objectives of
supporting meaningful education
reforms in the States while helping to
stabilize State and local budgets and
minimize reductions in education and
other essential services. In particular,
the requirements, definitions, and
approval criteria included in this notice
are necessary to advance the four key
educational reforms listed in the ARRA,
particularly by ensuring better reporting
and more public availability of
information on the progress of
implementation in each of the four
reform areas. The requirement for each
State to establish a longitudinal data
system that includes the elements
specified in the America COMPETES
Act will have an especially significant
impact on the availability of data that
can be used in developing and
improving programs; targeting services;
developing better linkages between
preschool, elementary and secondary
schools, and postsecondary systems,
agencies, and institutions; and holding
schools, LEAs, and institutions
accountable for their performance.
Establishment of such a system by each
participating State is also required
under the ARRA.
Further, the requirement for each
State to provide student growth data on
their current students and the students
they taught in the previous year to, at
a minimum, teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in grades
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in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects, in a
manner that is timely and informs
instructional programs, reflects a need
to ensure that teachers have better data
on how well they are educating their
students, and that school and LEA
leaders have valuable information that
they can use in developing and
providing professional development
opportunities, assigning teachers, and
implementing compensation and other
human capital policies.
The definitions included in this
notice are necessary to give clearer
meaning to some of the terms used in
the descriptions of the requirements and
approval criteria. The approval criteria
themselves are needed in order to
provide for a clear and objective set of
standards that the Secretary will use in
ensuring that each State, before
receiving the remainder of its
Stabilization program allocation, has in
place a plan for collecting and publicly
reporting the required data and meeting
the other requirements in this notice.
Regulatory Alternatives Considered
A likely alternative to promulgation of
the types of requirements, definitions,
and approval criteria in this notice
would be for the Secretary to release the
remaining Stabilization program funds
without establishing specific reporting
or other requirements. Under such a
scenario, participating States would still
be required to meet the statutory
requirements (that is, to take actions to
improve teacher effectiveness and the
equitable distribution of highly
qualified teachers, establish statewide
longitudinal data systems that include
the elements specified in the America
COMPETES Act, enhance the quality of
their standards and assessments, ensure
the inclusion of students with
disabilities and limited English
proficient students in their assessments,
and take steps to improve consistently
low-performing schools), but there
would be no assurance of consistent and
complete reporting of States’ progress
and no uniform mechanism for
measuring and comparing States’
performance. Additionally, the need for
teachers to obtain better information on
their students’ educational progress
would likely be unfulfilled.
Summary of Costs and Benefits
The Department has analyzed the
costs of complying with these final
requirements. Some of the costs will be
minimal and others more significant. As
an example of a requirement that will
result in minimal burden and cost,
States are currently required to report
annually, through EDFacts (the
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Department’s centralized data collection
and warehousing system), for the State
as a whole and for each LEA, the
number and percentage of core
academic courses taught, in the highestpoverty and lowest-poverty schools, by
teachers who are highly qualified.
Indicator (a)(1) requires that they
confirm the data they have reported,
which should not be a time-consuming
responsibility. As a second example, the
requirement to confirm the approval
status of the State’s assessment system
under section 1111(b)(3) of the ESEA, as
determined by the Department, should
also require minimal effort.
General Discussion of Comments
Other requirements will impose
significant new costs. Many commenters
asserted that the volume of the proposed
data collection requirements would
constitute an unreasonable, unrealistic
task for States and LEAs, particularly in
light of strained budgets and reductions
in personnel. Two commenters
acknowledged that some data
requirements would be appropriate in
light of such an investment as the SFSF;
they contended, however, that the
proposed requirements would go
beyond what they considered
appropriate. Commenters variously
recommended generally reducing the
data requirements, allowing sampling,
increasing reporting time, and adding
support for school and LEA capacitybuilding specifically to meet data
collection and reporting requirements.
One commenter argued that, while the
commenter’s State could complete the
plan as required, the State could not
actually carry out all data collection
activities in the plan.
While we understand the fiscal
challenges that face numerous States
and LEAs, we strongly believe that the
benefits to the public of these
requirements outweigh the State and
local implementation costs. Specifically,
the major benefit of these requirements,
taken in their totality, is better and more
publicly available information on the
status of activities related to the reform
areas identified in the authorizing
statute for the Stabilization program. As
described in detail later in this section,
research indicates or suggests that
progress on each of the reforms will
contribute to improved student
outcomes. The provision of better
information (on teacher qualifications,
teacher and principal evaluation
systems, State student longitudinal data
systems, State standards and assessment
systems, student success in high-school
and postsecondary education, efforts to
turn around persistently lowestachieving schools, and charter school
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
reforms) to policymakers, educators,
parents, and other stakeholders will
assist in their efforts to further the
reforms. In addition, State reporting of
these data will help the Department
determine the impact of the
unprecedented level of funding made
available by the ARRA. Further, the data
and plans that States submit will inform
Federal education policy, including the
upcoming reauthorization of the ESEA.
While several commenters expressed
concern regarding the lack of funds
available to States to comply with the
data requirements, emphasizing that
States have recently had to make severe
budget cuts, States will be able to draw
on Federal resources in meeting some of
the requirements. For example, the
requirements that would result in the
most significant costs are related to the
implementation of a State data system
that can track individual student
transitions from high school to college.
As one commenter noted, Federal funds
that States receive from the Statewide
Longitudinal Data Systems Grant
program, through which the Department
has made over $187 million available
since fiscal year 2005, may be used to
meet this requirement. The ARRA
provided an additional $250 million for
that program, and the Administration’s
budget request for fiscal year 2010
includes an additional $65 million. In
addition, it is important to note that
States may use funds available through
the Stabilization program’s Government
Services Fund (over $8.8 billion) to
develop and implement the systems
necessary to report on these
performance indicators.
Some commenters argued that the
Stabilization Government Services Fund
will not be sufficient to cover the
expenses of complying with these
requirements. Three commenters added
that the Department should not add data
requirements unknown at the time
States obligated the Stabilization funds.
A few commenters contended that, in
accordance with congressional intent,
States have used or will use SFSF funds
to help avoid severe reductions in State
services and layoffs of State-funded
employees, including in the educational
system. One of these commenters
further explained that, even with
Stabilization funds, the LEAs in the
commenter’s State must still implement
severe budget cuts. Another explained
that other Federal programs requiring
States to collect data provide
administrative funds for this purpose.
Numerous commenters asserted that
much time has already been spent
collecting and reporting data related to
SFSF Phase I. Two commenters
expressed appreciation for the relief
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SFSF funds have provided to LEAs, but
noted that States received no portion of
the Education Fund resources. The
Department appreciates the perspective
captured in these comments but
continues to believe that Stabilization
funds should be used to save and create
jobs as well as to advance education
reform, and has clearly stated those
objectives since the passage of the
ARRA. As stated earlier, the Department
is requiring States to report on the
particular indicators and descriptors
presented in this notice in the interest
of advancing reform in a transparent
The Department recognizes, however,
that the proposed requirements would
have required more effort than may be
reasonable for States at this time.
Therefore, the Department has made a
key change from the proposed
requirements to reduce the estimated
cost of the final requirements. In the
NPR, the Department proposed to
require each State to provide teachers of
reading/language arts and mathematics
with data on the performance of their
students that includes estimates of
individual teacher impact on student
achievement and, if the State does not
do so, to describe a process and timeline
for doing so by September 30, 2011. The
final requirements provide, instead, for
States to provide student growth data to,
at a minimum, teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in grades
in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects, in a
manner that is timely and informs
instructional programs.11 The
Department expects that this
requirement will be significantly less
costly to implement.
One commenter warned that, without
ongoing funds to maintain, for example,
the longitudinal data system, the
modifications to student assessments, or
the Federal reporting requirements,
these requirements will create a
‘‘funding cliff’’ in fiscal year 2011. The
Department encourages States to
consider ways that these funds may be
invested so as to minimize the impact
of the end of the period of availability
of the Stabilization funds, and disagrees
with another commenter who argued
that these requirements constitute an
unfunded mandate. States and LEAs
may use a share of these or other
resources to respond to these
requirements, and the Department
expects that Government Services funds
as well as State administrative funds
11 The final requirements, however, still require
States to indicate whether they provide reports of
individual teacher impact on student achievement
and, if they do not, to provide a plan for doing so.
PO 00000
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from other programs, including Title II,
Part A, can be used as appropriate to
meet these requirements. Two
additional commenters urged the
Department to allow States to report that
they will use funds from Race to the
Top to comply with the requirements
established in this notice; the
Department encourages States that
apply for Race to the Top grants to
consider how those funds may be used
to meet these requirements while also
meeting the criteria for Race to the Top.
The following is a detailed analysis of
the estimated costs of implementing the
specific final requirements, followed by
a discussion of the anticipated benefits.
The costs of implementing specific
paperwork-related requirements are also
shown in the tables in the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 section of this
Distribution of Highly Qualified
Section 14005(d)(2) of the ARRA
requires a State receiving funds under
the Stabilization program to assure, in
the Stabilization program application,
that it will address inequities in the
distribution of highly qualified teachers.
In response to this requirement, the
Department is requiring States to
confirm, for the State and for each LEA
in the State, the number and percentage
of core academic courses taught, in the
highest-poverty and lowest-poverty
schools, by teachers who are highly
qualified. Because States will have
previously submitted this information to
the Department through the EDFacts
system, we anticipate that the costs of
complying with this requirement would
be minimal. A State likely would need
only to ensure that it had correctly
aggregated and reported data received
from its LEAs. The Department expects
that each State would require one hour
of staff time to complete this effort, at
a cost of $30 per hour.12 For the 50
States, the District of Columbia, and
Puerto Rico, the total estimated level of
effort would be 52 hours at a cost of
$1,560. In addition, the final
requirements provide for States to
indicate whether the State’s Teacher
Equity Plan (a part of the State’s Highly
Qualified Teacher Plan) has been
updated to fully reflect the steps the
State is currently taking to ensure that
12 Some commenters argued that we should use
a higher estimate than $30 per hour of State effort
but did not provide specific alternate estimates. We
believe that $30 is a reasonable estimate of the
national average cost of staff time in State
educational agencies; it is also the estimate the
Department has used in other regulatory cost
estimates. We recognize, however, that actual costs
will vary across States.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
students from low-income families and
minority students are not taught at
higher rates than other students by
inexperienced, unqualified, or out-offield teachers. The Department expects
that this will require an hour of effort,
for a total estimated burden of 52 hours
at a cost of $1,560.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Teacher and Principal Evaluation
Section 14005(d)(2) also requires
States to take actions to improve teacher
effectiveness. To accomplish that goal,
States must first have a means of
assessing teacher success. A limited
number of States have implemented
statewide teacher and principal
evaluation systems, while in the other
States the responsibility for evaluating
teachers and principals rests with the
LEAs or schools. Little is known about
the design of these systems across the
Nation, but the collection and reporting
of additional information would create
a resource that additional States and
LEAs can draw on in building their own
systems. The Department, therefore,
proposes to require States to collect and
publicly report information about these
evaluation systems.
Specifically, the Department is
requiring that States describe, for each
LEA in the State, the systems used to
evaluate the performance of teachers
and principals. Further, the Department
proposes to require States to indicate,
for each LEA in the State, whether the
systems used to evaluate the
performance of teachers and principals
include student achievement outcomes
or student growth data as an evaluation
The level of effort required to respond
to these requirements would likely vary
depending on the types of teacher and
principal evaluation systems in place in
a given State or LEA. The Department
believes that, if a system is in place at
the State level, the response burden
would be low, because the State will
have the required information readily
available. According to the National
Council on Teacher Quality, 12 States
require LEAs to use a State-developed
instrument to evaluate teachers or to
develop an equivalent instrument that
must be approved by the State.13 For
these 12 States, the Department
estimates that a total of 72 hours (6
hours per State) would be required to
respond to these requirements, for a
total cost, at $30 per hour, of $2,160.
The 2,632 LEAs located in these States
13 State Teacher Policy Yearbook: 2008, page 68.
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would not be involved in the response
to these requirements.
In the 40 States that do not have
statewide teacher and principal
evaluation systems in place, the level of
effort required would likely be
significantly higher. For each of these
States, the Department estimates that
360 hours would be required at the State
level to develop and administer a survey
of LEAs (including designing the survey
instrument, disseminating it, providing
training or other technical assistance to
LEAs on completing the survey,
collecting the data and other
information, checking accuracy, and
public reporting), which would amount
to a total of 14,400 hours and a total
estimated State cost of $432,000
(assuming, again, a cost per hour of
$30). While one commenter asserted
that a survey will not suffice to collect
these data annually, the Department
expects that a survey is all that would
be necessary for a State to collect this
information. The 12,368 LEAs located in
these States would bear the cost of
collecting and reporting the data to their
For the purpose of the burden
estimates in this section, the
Department estimates that 75 percent of
these LEAs (9,276) have centralized
teacher and principal evaluation
systems in place. For those LEAs, we
estimate that 3 hours would be required
to respond to these requirements. For
the estimated 3,092 LEAs that do not
have a centralized evaluation system in
place, we estimate that 2 hours would
be required because we expect that
these systems are less complex than
centralized systems. The Department,
thus, estimates that LEAs would need to
spend a total of 34,012 hours to respond
to these proposed requirements at a total
cost of $850,300. In the NPR, we invited
commenters to provide information on
the prevalence of these systems in LEAs
(so that we could further refine our
estimates) and on the potential costs of
meeting the requirements for LEAs that
have or do not have such a system, but
we did not receive any comments on
these issues. As a result, we are
retaining the estimates that we included
in the NPR for these metrics.
The Department is also requiring
States to provide, for each LEA in the
State whose teachers and principals
receive performance ratings or levels
through an evaluation system, the
number and percentage of teachers and
principals rated at each performance
rating or level, as well as a description
of how each LEA uses results from those
systems in decisions regarding teacher
and principal development,
compensation, promotion, retention,
PO 00000
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and removal. Finally, the Department is
requiring States to indicate, for each
LEA in the State whose teachers receive
performance ratings or levels through an
evaluation system, whether the number
and percentage of teachers rated at each
performance rating or level are publicly
reported for each school in the LEA.
One commenter expressed the belief
that LEAs will have to develop Web
sites to post information on their
evaluation systems. The Department
expects that many LEAs that make this
information publicly available will
choose to do so on their pre-existing
Web site; if any LEAs currently do not
have Web sites, they may create a Web
site or may publicly report this
information in another easily accessible
We were unable to find nationally
representative information on whether
LEAs will have information on their
teacher and principal evaluation
systems readily available in a
centralized database and, therefore,
invited comment on this issue. Though
at least one commenter asserted that the
request was reasonable, many
commenters argued that the cost and
time to comply with these data
requirements would far exceed the
estimates in the NPR. One commenter
directed us to a study by the New
Teacher Project (NTP),14 which
analyzed the teacher evaluation systems
of a sample of 12 LEAs. Of those 12
LEAs, only 4 tracked teacher evaluation
results electronically. Although the NTP
report examined only a small number of
LEAs, which were not nationally
representative, we base our cost
estimates on this finding, as it is the
only source of information available.
Thus, we assume that 33 percent of
LEAs will have information on the
teacher and principal evaluation results
in a central database.15 Applying this
percentage to the estimated 11,908 LEAs
that have in place a centralized system
to evaluate teacher and principal
performance (which includes the 2,632
LEAs in States with statewide systems,
as well as the estimated 9,276 LEAs in
other States that have their own local
systems), the Department estimates that
3,930 LEAs would need to spend 3
hours each to respond to these
requirements for a total burden of
14 See
15 It is important to note that this study includes
in its sample only medium-size and large LEAs and,
therefore, that the actual percentage of LEAs with
teacher and principal evaluation results in a central
database may be lower than 33 percent. We also
believe, however, that small LEAs with fewer
teachers and principals would require less effort
than a medium-size or large LEA to comply with
these requirements.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
11,790 hours and $294,750. One
commenter suggested that the
Department include in this estimate the
cost of LEAs participating in training
from the State on how to respond to
these requirements; this estimate of 3
hours includes 1 hour per LEA for such
training. The Department downwardly
revised the LEA-level estimate of
burden for these LEAs from 5 hours per
LEA in the NPR to 3 hours per LEA
because we are now assuming that these
LEAs not only have this information
available in the central office but also
that the information is available
electronically, which would further
simplify the process.
We estimate that each of the other
7,978 LEAs will require significantly
more time to respond. One commenter
suggested that we estimate LEA burden
for the requirements regarding the
number and percentage of teachers and
principals rated at each performance
rating or level by considering the
number of teachers, assuming that all
evaluation results would need to be
entered and aggregated at the LEA level,
which would require ten minutes per
individual. This commenter also
recommended that we use the estimate
of 3.6 million public school teachers
nationwide to determine the level of
LEA effort required. We agree with this
commenter’s point that the estimate of
LEA burden for these requirements
should consider the number of teachers
in the LEA; however, according to the
Digest of Education Statistics, there are
approximately 3.2 million teachers and
87,620 principals in public elementary
and secondary schools.16 17 Based on
this figure, we estimate that an average
LEA employs 213 teachers and 6
principals. Applying this number of
teachers and principals to the estimated
7,978 LEAs nationwide that do not have
this information electronically in a
central system, we estimate that these
LEAs will need to enter data for
1,699,314 teachers and 47,868
principals into their existing personnel
systems. Using the commenter’s
estimate that LEAs could enter
information for 6 individuals per hour,
we estimate that these LEAs would have
a combined burden of 291,197 hours at
a cost of $7,279,925.
We further estimate that all 15,000
LEAs would each require 1 hour to
describe how they use results from
teacher and principal evaluation
systems in decisions regarding teacher
16 See
tables/dt08_004.asp?referrer=list. The most recent
data available is from 2006.
17 See
tables/dt08_086.asp. The most recent data available
is for the 2003–04 school year.
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and principal development,
compensation, promotion, retention,
and removal.
The Department, therefore, estimates
the total LEA burden for these
requirements to be 317,987 hours across
the Nation at an estimated total cost of
$7,949,675 (assuming a cost per hour of
States would then need to collect
these data, most likely by including
these items in the survey instrument
that they will develop to respond to the
other requirements in this section, and
will then need to aggregate and publicly
report the data on their Web site. We
estimate that these activities will require
8 hours of effort per State, for a total
burden of 416 hours at a cost of $12,480.
We further estimate that it will cost each
State $10,000 to establish and maintain
a Web site to which it will post all of
the data required by this notice,
including the requirements in this
section. While one commenter
expressed concern for States with large
numbers of LEAs, the 8-hour estimate
reflects average burden across all States,
including those with high and low
numbers of LEAs.
Many commenters reported that
complying with the teacher and
principal evaluation data requirements
will significantly burden States and
LEAs. One commenter emphasized that
the commenter’s State does not
currently collect any of the information
included in these requirements. Some
commenters elaborated that collecting
these data will require extensive
communication and follow-up between
States and LEAs. One commenter
recommended that States be permitted
to sample their LEAs, and another
commenter suggested that, while the
estimates may be fairly accurate, these
data requirements will negatively affect
a State’s ability to complete the
application within the required
The Department agrees that States and
LEAs will be required to make an effort
to meet these requirements, and that the
level of effort will vary across the States
and their LEAs. We believe that the
availability of these data will benefit
parents and their children and that the
benefits of collecting and reporting this
information outweigh the costs. Further,
we believe that parents with children in
every LEA across the Nation deserve to
have access to this information and,
therefore, decline to allow States or
LEAs to sample their teachers and
principals in responding to these
Another commenter recommended
that the Department identify the most
effective teacher and principal
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evaluation systems and provide States
with a tool for collecting the teacher and
principal data. The Department may, in
the future, assess teacher and principal
evaluation systems, but does not believe
State collection and reporting of data on
their systems should await completion
of such an effort.
Two commenters expressed particular
concern for the effort required of small,
rural LEAs, but we expect that
collecting this information will be a
simple process for small LEAs (which
typically operate few schools and
employ few teachers and principals), so
we do not provide separate estimates for
them here. Lastly, two commenters
contended that the estimates do not
account for the data systems that LEAs
will have to develop to collect this
information. We assume that LEAs will
add a data element to an existing data
system and, therefore, do not believe
that it is appropriate to assume the need
for development of data systems for the
purpose of these estimates.
For more detailed estimates of costs
for these requirements, please see the
tables in the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995 section of this notice.
State Data Systems
Section 14005(d)(3) requires States to
assure that they will establish a
longitudinal data system that includes
the elements described in section
6401(e)(2)(D) of the America
COMPETES Act. To track State progress
in this reform area, the Department
requires each State to indicate which of
the 12 elements are included in the
State’s statewide longitudinal data
system. The costs of reporting this
information should be minimal.
Moreover, most States are already
reporting information on ten of the 12
elements to the Data Quality Campaign,
a national effort to encourage State
policymakers to use high-quality
education data to improve student
achievement. The Department expects
that States will be able to readily
provide information on whether the two
remaining elements are included in
their data systems and that it should
take little time for the States that have
not been reporting to the Data Quality
Campaign to provide information on
their data systems. We, therefore,
estimate that States would need only 2
hours to respond to this requirement, for
a total level of effort of 104 hours at an
estimated cost of $3,120.
The Department is also requiring that
States report whether the State provides
student growth data on their current
students and the students they taught in
the previous year to, at a minimum,
teachers of reading/language arts and
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
mathematics in grades in which the
State administers assessments in those
subjects in a manner that is timely and
informs instructional programs. The
Department believes that making such
information available would help
improve the quality of instruction and
the quality of teacher evaluation and
compensation systems. Under the State
Plan section, we discuss the costs of
developing systems for the provision of
student growth data in all States. We are
also requiring States to indicate whether
the State provides teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in grades
in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects with
reports of individual teacher impact on
student achievement on those
assessments. The costs of merely
publicly reporting on whether a State
currently provides this information to
teachers should be minimal. We
estimate that each State would spend
one hour to publicly report this
information, for a total level of effort of
52 hours at a cost of $1,560.
State Assessments
In response to the requirement in
section 14005(d)(4)(A) of the ARRA that
States enhance the quality of their
student assessments, the Department
requires that the States confirm certain
existing data and other information and
submit some new information about
their assessment systems. Specifically,
the Department requires each State to
confirm the approval status, as
determined by the Department, of the
State’s assessment system (with respect
to reading/language arts, mathematics,
and science assessments). In addition,
States will confirm that their annual
State Report Card (issued pursuant to
the requirements of section 1111(h) of
the ESEA) contains the most recent
available State reading and mathematics
NAEP results. The Department estimates
that each State would require two hours
to respond to these requirements, for a
total cost of $3,120.
Section 14005(d)(4)(B) requires States
to assure that they will administer valid
and reliable assessments for children
with disabilities and limited English
proficient students. To measure State
progress on this assurance, the
Department requires States to: confirm
whether the State has developed and
implemented valid and reliable
alternate assessments for students with
disabilities that have been approved by
the Department; confirm whether the
State’s alternative assessments for
students with disabilities, if approved
by the Department, are based on gradelevel, modified, or alternate academic
achievement standards; indicate
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whether the State has completed, within
the last two years, an analysis of the
appropriateness and effectiveness of the
accommodations it provides students
with disabilities to ensure their
meaningful participation in State
assessments; indicate whether the State
has completed, within the last two
years, an analysis of the appropriateness
and effectiveness of the
accommodations it provides limited
English proficient students to ensure
their meaningful participation in State
assessments; and confirm whether the
State provides native language versions
of State assessments for limited English
proficient students. To respond to these
five indicators, the Department
estimates that the 50 States, the District
of Columbia, and Puerto Rico would
each require five hours, for a total cost
of $7,800.
In addition, the Department requires
that States confirm the number and
percentage of students with disabilities
and limited English proficient students
who are included in State reading/
language arts and mathematics
assessments. The Department expects
that each State would, on average,
require one hour of staff time to
complete this effort, at a cost of $30 per
hour. The burden estimated for this
requirement is minimal because the
States will have already submitted this
information to the Department through
the EDFacts system. For the 50 States,
the District of Columbia, and Puerto
Rico, the total estimated level of effort
would be 52 hours at cost of $1,560.
High School and Postsecondary Success
Section 14005(d)(4)(C) of the ARRA
requires States to assure, in their
Stabilization Fund applications, that
they take steps to improve their State
academic content standards and student
academic achievement standards
consistent with section 6401(e)(1)(A)(ii)
of the COMPETES Act, which calls for
States to identify and make any
necessary changes to their secondary
school graduation requirements,
academic content standards, academic
achievement standards, and the
assessments students take preceding
graduation from secondary school in
order to align those requirements,
standards, and assessments with the
knowledge and skills necessary for
success in academic credit-bearing
coursework in postsecondary education,
in the 21st century workforce, and in
the Armed Forces without the need for
remediation. Several of the indicators
and descriptors in this notice are
aligned with this provision of the
America COMPETES Act.
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First, the Department requires each
State to publicly report, for the State
and each LEA and high school in the
State and, at each of these levels, by
student subgroup,18 the number and
percentage of students who graduate
from high school as determined using
the four-year adjusted cohort graduation
rate. The Department believes that State
efforts to comply with the Department’s
October 29, 2008 regulation requiring
the use of a four-year adjusted cohort
graduation rate in the determination of
adequate yearly progress under Title I of
the ESEA are now underway (see 34
CFR 200.19(b)(1)(i)). Some additional
effort would be required to collect and
report these data for all schools as the
current regulations apply only to Title I
Based on the Data Quality Campaign’s
2008 survey of the 50 States and the
District of Columbia, which found that
42 States have the capacity to calculate
the National Governors Association
longitudinal graduation rate,19 the
Department believes that most States are
well-situated to collect and publicly
report these data, or have the processes
underway to make such reporting
possible by September 30, 2011. In
fulfillment of the requirement, the
Department estimates that States would
need to distribute to non-Title I LEAs
the survey instrument they are using to
collect this information from Title I
LEAs and to input the data from these
surveys, which would require an
estimated 8 hours per State. The new
LEA burden to respond to this indicator
would be limited to the approximately
976 LEAs that do not receive Title I
funds.20 The Department estimates that
these LEAs would spend an average of
40 hours to respond to this indicator for
a total LEA effort of 39,040 hours. The
total estimated cost is, therefore,
In addition, the Department is
requiring States to publicly report, for
the State, for each LEA in the State, for
each high school in the State and, at
each of these levels, by student
subgroup, the number and percentage of
students who graduate from high school
consistent with 34 CFR 200.19(b)(1)(i)
who enroll in an IHE within 16 months
of receiving a regular high school
diploma and, of those students who
18 As noted earlier in this notice, the student
subgroups include: economically disadvantaged
students, students from major racial and ethnic
groups, students with limited English proficiency,
and students with disabilities.
20 According to data States submitted to the
Department through the Consolidated State
Performance Report 2007–08, there are a total of
15,016 LEAs across the Nation, 14,040 of which
receive Title I, Part A funds.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
enroll in a public IHE within the State,
the number and percentage who
complete at least one year’s worth of
college credit (applicable to a degree)
within two years of enrollment in the
IHE. The requirements would entail
considerable coordination among high
schools, LEAs, SEAs, and IHEs. The
Department expects that SEAs would
have to develop a system to make this
data collection and sharing possible,
which they could at least partially
achieve by establishing a longitudinal
data system that includes the elements
described in section 6401(e)(2)(D) of the
COMPETES Act. As discussed earlier,
section 14005(d)(3) of the ARRA
requires States to assure, in their
Stabilization Fund application, that they
will establish such a data system.
One commenter expressed concern
that, according to the 2008 Data Quality
Campaign survey, only 28 States
reported the ability to share data with
postsecondary institutions. While that
may be true, several of the data elements
described in section 6401(e)(2)(D) of the
COMPETES Act require data systems to
include linkages to postsecondary
institutions, and States assured that they
would implement a data system with
these elements in place when they
applied for Phase I Stabilization funds.
Several commenters contended that
many LEAs currently lack the
infrastructure and data collection
systems necessary to comply with the
requirements proposed in the NPR. One
commenter explained that many of the
requirements presume that States
already have P–20 data systems in
place. These commenters correctly state
that we do not include the costs of
establishing such a system in the costs
of these requirements. This exclusion is
warranted because the requirement to
establish such a system flows from the
ARRA, not from these requirements.21
In addition, States will be able to use
Government Services funds that they
receive as part of their Stabilization
allocation to support these efforts, and
may compete for funds from the
Department’s Statewide Longitudinal
Data Systems Grant program. Further,
the efforts of the National Student
Clearinghouse (NSC), a non-profit
organization that provides student
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
21 We
do acknowledge, however, that although
the statute does not set a deadline for State
establishment of the required data systems,
paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(A) under the section of this
notice entitled ‘‘State Plans’’ would require States
to have in place statewide longitudinal data systems
that fully include all 12 elements described in the
COMPETES Act by September 30, 2011. Putting a
full system in place by that date might increase
costs to States or, alternatively, might reduce costs
(if the more rapid establishment of a system results
in efficiencies).
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enrollment and degree verification
services, demonstrate that there is
significant interest in information
sharing between IHEs and LEAs; more
than 3,300 colleges (which enroll over
92 percent of college students) and
hundreds of LEAs participate in the
NSC’s efforts. The Department expects
that LEAs and IHEs that currently
provide data to this system may require
less effort to respond to this
Two commenters requested that
States be allowed to use the NSC to
reduce burden; however, one
commenter reported that use of the NSC
would increase the cost of meeting these
requirements. One commenter noted
that the NSC collects only enrollment
data. It is important to note that the
Department mentions the NSC as a
potential resource, but that States and
IHEs are not encouraged or required to
use it to meet these requirements.
With respect to the requirement on
publicly reporting postsecondary
enrollment, the Department expects that
LEAs will need to enter, into their
State’s statewide longitudinal data
system, data on each high-school
graduate’s plans after high school,
including the IHE where the student
intends to enroll, if applicable.
According to the Digest of Education
Statistics, approximately 2,492,000
students who graduated from public
high schools enrolled in IHEs as firsttime freshmen in fall 2007.22 Holding
that number constant, the Department
estimates that LEAs will be able to enter
data for these students at a pace of 20
students per hour which will result in
a total level of LEA effort of 124,600
hours at a cost of $3,115,000. One
commenter correctly pointed out that
the tables in the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 section in the NPR did not
include this $3,115,000 in LEA burden;
the Department has added this item to
the table in this notice.
The State will then likely need to
request that each IHE in the State
confirm a student’s enrollment, using
the statewide longitudinal data system
to obtain data on students who intended
to enroll within the State. Based on data
from the 2006 Integrated Postsecondary
22 According to the Digest of Education Statistics,
2008, almost 2.8 million first-time freshmen
enrolled in IHEs in fall 2007. See https://
dt08_198.asp. Also according to the Digest, in fall
2005, 6,073,240 students were enrolled in private
elementary and secondary schools. At that time,
enrollment in public elementary and secondary
schools was 49,113,298. Extrapolating from those
data, the Department estimates that 11 percent of
all first-time postsecondary students graduated from
private schools. See
PO 00000
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Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring
2007,23 the Department estimates that
2,018,520 first-time freshmen (81
percent of all first-time freshmen who
graduated from public high schools)
enroll in IHEs in their home State. The
Department estimates that IHEs will be
able to confirm enrollment for 20
students per hour, for a total of 100,926
hours of IHE effort at a total cost of
$2,523,150 (assuming a cost of $25 per
States will also likely need to request
that IHEs outside the State confirm the
enrollment of students who indicated
that they would enroll in those
institutions. Again, based on data from
the 2006 IPEDS, Spring 2007, the
Department estimates that 473,480
students who graduate from public high
schools each year enroll in IHEs in
States outside their home State. The
Department estimates that it will take
States 30 minutes per student to
complete this process, including
contacting out-of-State IHEs, obtaining
the necessary information from them,
and including data on those students in
their public reports. One commenter
argued that the estimate provided in the
NPR accounts only for the data to be
entered, whereas the burden relates
more to obtaining the information rather
than entering the data. However, our
estimates include the effort involved in
obtaining the data as well as entering it
into the system. This element of the
requirement, therefore, will result in a
national total of 236,740 hours of State
effort at a total cost of $7,102,200. As
with students who enroll in IHEs in
their home State, the Department
estimates that IHEs will be able to
confirm enrollment for 20 students per
hour, for a total of 23,674 hours of IHE
effort at a total cost of $591,850.
Finally, to meet the requirement that
they publicly report the number of
students who enroll in IHEs, States will
need to aggregate the data received from
all IHEs and will then need to run
analyses and publicly report the data for
the State, for each LEA, for each high
school and, at each of these levels, by
student subgroup. The Department
estimates that each State will need 40
hours to conduct these analyses and
publicly report these data, for a total
State burden of 2,080 hours at a cost of
The requirement that States publicly
report the number of students enrolling
24 Note that a table in the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 section of this notice provides the
burden estimates by IHE, but that this narrative
provides national estimates using the total number
of students included in the data requirement.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
in a public, in-State IHE who complete
at least one year’s worth of college
credit applicable toward a degree within
two years of enrollment at the IHE will
also entail a collaborative process
between SEAs and IHEs. Again, based
on data from the Digest of Education
Statistics, the Department estimates that
2,018,520 first-time freshmen enroll in
IHEs in their home State. Based on
additional data from the Digest of
Education Statistics, we further estimate
that 74 percent of students enrolled in
degree-granting IHEs are enrolled in
public IHEs.25 We therefore estimate
that 1,493,705 first-time freshmen enroll
in public IHEs in their home State.
Further, the Department estimates that,
once a State has established a system for
the collection and reporting of these
data, IHEs will be able to enter data for
20 students an hour; thus, the total
estimated level of effort to respond to
this requirement will be approximately
74,685 hours of IHE effort at an
estimated cost of $1,867,131, assuming
a cost of $25 per hour.
Finally, as with the previous
indicator, States will need to aggregate
the data received from all IHEs and will
then need to run analyses and publicly
report the data for the State, LEA, and
school levels and at each of these levels,
by student subgroup. The Department
estimates that each State will need 40
hours to conduct these analyses and
publicly report these data, for a total
State burden of 2,080 hours at a cost of
Many commenters opposed the
proposed requirements to collect
information on high-school student
college enrollment and course
completion, particularly for those
students enrolling in and completing
courses at out-of-State IHEs. The
Department strongly believes that the
indicators in this section provide the
best gauge for the extent to which
students graduate from high school in
four years with a regular high school
diploma and continue on to pursue a
college education. This information
should be a central factor in evaluating
the effectiveness of high schools in
preparing young people for successful
futures. However, to reduce the overall
burden of complying with these
requirements, the Department has
removed the requirement that course
completion data for students enrolling
out-of-State be collected and reported.
Several commenters asserted that the
cost and time to comply with the college
enrollment and course completion data
requirements would far exceed the
25 See
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estimates in the notice, but they did not
provide alternate estimates. Further, one
commenter questioned whether or not,
after requiring States to invest
significant cost and time building the
capacity to collect these data, the
Department would require States to
submit them beyond 2011; the
Department is not requiring States to
submit data beyond 2011 at this time.
One commenter detailed the necessary
one-time development and planning,
and annual, activities that collection of
these data would require and contended
that were not accounted for in the
Department’s cost estimate. The
Department considers these costs to be
requirements of maintaining a highquality longitudinal data system and,
therefore, does not include the effort
involved in these steps in the burden
estimates for these requirements.
Supporting Struggling Schools
A key goal of the ARRA is to ensure
that States and LEAs provide targeted,
intensive support and effective
interventions to turn around the
persistently lowest-achieving schools in
the State. Section 14005(d)(5) requires
States to ensure compliance with the
Title I requirements in this area. To
track State progress, the Department is
requiring States to provide, for each
LEA in the State and aggregated at the
State level, the number and percentage
of schools in improvement, corrective
action, or restructuring that have made
progress on State assessments in
reading/language arts and mathematics
in the last year, and, for the State, in the
‘‘all students’’ category and for each
student subgroup (as under section
1111(b)(2)(C)(v) of the ESEA), and, of
the Title I schools in improvement,
corrective action, or restructuring, the
number and identity of the persistently
lowest-achieving schools as defined by
the State. The State is also required to
provide the definition that it uses to
identify its ‘‘persistently lowestachieving schools.’’ States are also
required to publicly report the number
and identity of their Title I schools in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring that are identified as
persistently lowest-achieving and, of
those schools, the number and identity
of schools that have been turned
around, restarted, closed, or transformed
in the last year.
The Department believes that States
will already have available the data
needed to report on the indicators
related to the total number and
percentage of schools in improvement,
corrective action, or restructuring that
have made progress on State
assessments, although they might need
PO 00000
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to run new analyses of the data.
However, the Department expects that
States will have to collect new data on
the schools in improvement, corrective
action, or restructuring (in general and
in the persistently lowest-achieving
schools) that have been turned around,
restarted, closed, or transformed. (In
addition, the State will need to define
the term ‘‘persistently lowest-achieving
schools.’’) We estimate that this data
collection will entail two hours of effort
in each of the 1,173 LEAs (the number
of LEAs that, according to data reported
to EDFacts, had at least one school in
improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring in the 2007–08 school
year). As a result, the Department
estimates that the total LEA burden for
this requirement will be 2,346 hours at
a cost of $58,650. States will then need
to aggregate these data, in addition to
the effort they will spend responding to
the other indicators that relate to
struggling schools. The Department
estimates that each State will require 25
hours of effort to respond to these
requirements, for a total cost of $39,000.
In addition, the Department is
requiring States to provide, for the State,
the number and identity of the
secondary schools that are eligible for,
but do not receive, Title I funds, that are
identified as persistently lowestachieving schools, and, of these schools,
the number and identity of schools that
have been turned around, restarted,
closed, or transformed in the last year.
The Department expects that some, but
not all, States have the data required to
determine the identity of secondary
schools that are eligible for, but do not
receive, Title I funds, but that they may
have to run new analyses of the data to
determine which of these schools have
been turned around, restarted, closed, or
transformed in the last year. Other
States may have to include an item in
the LEA survey that they will be
distributing to respond to several of
these requirements. The Department
estimates that each State will require an
average of 16 hours of effort to respond
to these two requirements, for a total
cost of $24,960. We further estimate that
the 1,173 affected LEAs will need a total
of 4 hours to respond to these two
survey items.
Two commenters asserted that the
cost and time to comply with the
supporting struggling schools data
requirements would exceed the
estimates in the NPR. The Department
declines to adjust these burden
estimates as these commenters did not
provide specific recommended
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Charter Schools
The Department believes that the
creation and maintenance of highquality charter schools is a key strategy
for promoting successful models of
school reform. To determine the level of
State effort in this area, the Department
proposes to require States to provide, at
the State level and, if applicable, for
each LEA in the State, the number of
charter schools that are currently
permitted to operate under State law
and the number that are currently
operating. We expect that this
information will be readily available
and that States will need only a total of
one hour to respond to these two
In addition, the Department will
require States to provide, for the State
and for each LEA in the State that
operates charter schools, the number
and percentage (including numerator
and denominator) of charter schools that
have made progress on State
assessments in reading/language arts
and mathematics in the last year.
Finally, the Department is requiring
States to provide, for the State and for
each LEA in the State that operates
charter schools, the number and identity
of charter schools that have closed
(including schools that were not
reauthorized to operate) within each of
the last five years and to indicate, for
each such school, whether the closure
was for financial, enrollment, academic,
or other reasons. The Department
believes that SEAs will likely also have
this information readily available
(although some may need to obtain
additional information from their LEAs)
and will need eight hours to publicly
report it. The Department assumes that
the effort to respond to these
requirements will be limited to the 42
States (including the District of
Columbia and Puerto Rico) that allow
charter schools. The Department thus
estimates that the State effort required to
respond to these indicators will total
336 hours at a cost of $10,080.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
State Plans
These requirements require States, as
a condition of receiving their remaining
funding for the Stabilization program, to
submit a plan to the Department that
describes the State’s current ability to
fully collect and publicly report data for
the indicators and descriptors at least
annually. If the State is currently able to
fully collect and publicly report the data
or other information required by the
indicator or descriptor, the State must
provide the most recent data or
information with its plan. If a State is
not currently able to fully collect and
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publicly report the required data or
other information, the plan must
describe the process that the State will
undertake in order to have the means to
fully collect and publicly report such
data or information as soon as possible
but no later than September 30, 2011.
As a part of this plan, the State will
need to establish milestones and a date
by which the State expects to reach each
milestone, describe the nature and
frequency of publicly available reports
that the State will publish on its
progress, and identify the amount and
source (i.e., whether Federal, State or
local) of funds that will support the
efforts necessary to collect and publicly
report the data or information. The level
of effort involved in preparing these
elements of the plan will vary from
State to State based on individual State
progress in each reform area. For
example, according to the Data Quality
Campaign’s 2008 survey of the 50 States
and the District of Columbia, 48 States
have ‘‘a unique statewide student
identifier that connects student data
across key databases across years,’’ 28
States have the ‘‘[a]bility to match
student-level pre-K–12 and higher
education data,’’ and 21 States have a
‘‘statewide teacher identifier with a
teacher-student match.’’ States that have
taken these steps have built a
foundation for the efforts that will be
necessary to meet some of the
requirements and will likely need to
spend less time completing these
elements of their plans. The Department
estimates that, in total, each of the 15
States that currently provides student
growth information to teachers will
need an average of 439 hours to prepare
these sections of the plan, and that the
other 37 States will require 547 hours;
thus, the total hours that will be
necessary to meet this requirement for
the 50 States, the District of Columbia,
and Puerto Rico would be 26,824 hours,
for a total cost of $804,720. For more
detailed estimates of costs for each
specific requirement, please see the
tables in the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995 section of this notice.
The final requirements provide for
States to include in their plan under this
program the State’s Teacher Equity Plan
if it was updated to fully reflect the
steps the State is currently taking to
ensure that students from low-income
families and minority students are not
taught at higher rates than other
students by inexperienced, unqualified,
or out-of-field teachers. If the State has
not updated the State’s Teacher Equity
Plan to fully reflect the steps the State
is currently taking to ensure that
students from low-income families and
minority students are not taught at
PO 00000
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higher rates than other students by
inexperienced, unqualified, or out-offield teachers, the State must do so as
soon as possible but no later than
September 30, 2011. Accordingly, the
State must provide the date by which it
will make its updated Teacher Equity
Plan available to the public. The
Department assumes that all States will
need to revise their plan to reflect efforts
they have made in this area as a result
of the funds available to them through
this program and estimates that the
revisions will take 80 hours per State.
The total State effort involved in
meeting this requirement is, therefore,
4,160 hours at a total cost of $124,800
(assuming $30 per hour of State effort).
In addition, as part of the planning
requirements, the Department is
requiring each State to indicate whether
it provides student growth data to, at a
minimum, teachers of reading/language
arts and mathematics in grades in which
the State administers assessments in
those subjects, in a manner that is
timely and informs instructional
programs and, if the State does not
currently do so, to describe a process
and timeline for doing so by September
30, 2011. The Department understands
that at least 15 States currently provide
this type of information to their
teachers; the 15 States have been
approved to use ‘‘growth models’’ to
inform determinations of adequate
yearly progress under the ESEA.
However, additional States are
implementing growth models for Statelevel accountability purposes, and most
other States that are developing State
longitudinal data systems have included
teacher identifiers in those systems and,
thus, have part of the infrastructure to
produce and report these data.
The Department contacted several
experts in an effort to accurately
estimate the State cost of calculating
student growth data. According to these
experts, the State cost is not a function
of the student enrollment in a State; the
two drivers of cost are an alignment
analysis of the proficiency levels of the
State assessments and the new
programming required in the State
assessment results database to enable
the State to generate growth estimates
for individual students. These experts
estimated that the cost per State would
range from $100,000 to $500,000. Using
these figures, the Department estimates
that the total cost across the 37 States
that the Department has not approved to
implement growth models would range
from $3,700,000 to $18,500,000.
In the NPR, the Department estimated
that the State cost of estimating
individual teacher impact on student
achievement, including the cost of
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
analyzing the data, verifying with
teachers that the correct teacher-subjectstudent connection is made in the
system, and publishing the information
online in a user-friendly format would
be 2 dollars per student. Two
commenters suggested that the cost of
providing reading/language arts and
mathematics teachers with student
performance data is closer to $4 per
student rather than the $2 per student
estimated in the NPR, but these
commenters included the cost of the
data system in the $4 per student figure.
As noted earlier, these estimates do not
include the cost of the data system as
that requirement flows from the ARRA,
not these requirements. As a result, the
Department considers that the estimate
of $2 per affected student is a fair
estimate of the cost of implementing the
proposed requirement.
In addition, the Department estimated
that 30 percent of all K–12 public school
teachers are teaching reading/language
arts or mathematics in the grades in
which the State administers assessments
and used this assumption to estimate
that the State assessment results for
approximately 14,790,000 students (30
percent of all students enrolled in
public elementary and secondary
schools) would be included in the
calculations necessary for States to meet
this requirement.26 Based on data on
public elementary and secondary
student enrollment by grade, however,
the Department now estimates that
approximately 25,836,000 students are
in tested grades.27 Applying the revised
number of students in tested grades to
this estimate, the total State cost of this
requirement would have been
In the interest of reducing the overall
costs of these requirements, the
Department has decided to require
States to provide (in a manner that is
timely and informs instructional
programs) student growth data, rather
than estimates of individual teacher
impact on student achievement to, at a
minimum, teachers of reading/language
arts and mathematics in grades in which
the State administers assessments in
those subjects. The Department
estimates that this change from the
proposed to the final requirement in this
section reduces the State burden by at
26 According to the Digest of Education Statistics,
49,298,945 students were enrolled in public
elementary and secondary schools in fall 2006. See
27 See
tables/dt08_034.asp. To determine the number of
students in tested grades, we used the total number
of public school students enrolled in grades 3
through 8, as well as grade 10, in fall of 2006.
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least $34,000,000 and up to almost
$49,000,000 (from $52,672,000 if we
had required States to provide teachers
with estimates of their impact, to
between $3,700,000 and $18,500,000
now that we have changed the
requirement to have States provide
teachers with student growth data).
The Department is, however,
requiring States to indicate whether
they provide teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in grades
in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects with
reports of individual teacher impact on
student achievement on those
assessments, and, if the State does not
provide those teachers with such
reports, describe the State’s process and
timeline for developing and
implementing the means to provide
those teachers with such reports,
including the milestones that the State
establishes toward developing and
implementing those means, the date by
which the State expects to reach each
milestone, and any obstacles that may
prevent the State from developing and
implementing those means. In addition,
we are requiring States to describe the
nature and frequency of reports that the
State will provide to the public
regarding its progress in developing and
implementing those means and the
amount of funds the State is using or
will use to develop and implement
those means, and whether the funds are
or will be Federal, State, or local funds.
We estimate that these sections of the
State plan will require an average of 129
hours for States to complete at a cost per
State of $3,870. These amounts are
included in the total estimated State
burden of completing the plan.
The Department understands that an
important element of State efforts to
inform teachers of the estimated impact
of their teaching on student
achievement is providing professional
development for principals and teachers
on the interpretation and use of those
data in raising student achievement.
However, since the planning
requirements would not require States
to provide this professional
development, we have not included its
cost in the estimated costs of these
In addition, the Department is
requiring States to describe in their
plans the following: The entities
responsible for the development,
execution, and oversight of the plan; the
agencies or organizations that will
provide any technical assistance or
other support that is necessary; the
overall budget for the development,
execution, and oversight of the plan; the
processes that the State employs to
PO 00000
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review and verify the required data and
other information; and the processes the
State employs to ensure that, consistent
with 34 CFR 99.31(b), the required data
and other information are not made
publicly available in a manner that
personally identifies students, where
applicable. The Department estimates
that this management and oversight
section of the plan will require 80 hours
per State, for a total national estimate of
4,160 hours at a cost of $124,800. The
total estimated cost to States of
preparing the plans is, thus, $742,560.
Total Estimated Costs
The Department estimates that the
total burden of responding to these
requirements will be 294,076 hours and
between $13,042,280 and $27,842,280
for SEAs, 522,677 hours and
$13,066,925 for LEAs, and 199,285
hours and $4,982,131 for IHEs, for a
total burden of 1,016,038 hours at a cost
of between $31,091,336 and
$45,891,336. Several commenters
argued that the cost and time to comply
with the data requirements would far
exceed the estimates in the notice.
Another commenter asserted that the
Department underestimated the burden
for the writing of a State plan, and
another that the Department
underestimated the burden for
preparing the application. As noted
elsewhere in this section of the notice,
we revised our estimates of the burden
involved in responding to Indicators
(a)(4) and (a)(7). As these particular
commenters did not provide alternate
estimates of the effort involved with
drafting a State plan or completing the
application, we decline to revise our
estimates of those requirements. Many
commenters expressed concern that the
estimates did not account for the
development of or enhancements to
current State and LEA data systems and
software necessary to collect and report
the data. We believe, however, that our
estimates include the effort involved
with collecting and reporting the data,
and have added the estimate that States
would need to spend an average of
$10,000 to develop and maintain a Web
site on which to post this information.
The principal benefits of the
requirements are those resulting from
the reporting and public availability of
information on each State’s progress in
the four reform areas described in the
ARRA. The Department believes that the
information gathered and reported as a
result of these requirements will
improve public accountability for
performance, help States, LEAs, and
schools learn from one another and
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
make improvements in what they are
doing, and inform the ESEA
reauthorization process.
A second major benefit is that better
public information on State and local
progress in the four reform areas will
likely spur more rapid progress on those
reforms, because States and LEAs that
appear to be lagging in one or more
areas may see a need to redouble their
efforts. The Department believes that
more rapid progress on the essential
educational reforms will have major
benefits nationally, and that these
reforms have the potential to drive
dramatic improvements in student
For example, statewide longitudinal
data systems are essential tools in
advancing education reform. With these
systems in place, States can use this
data to evaluate the effectiveness of
specific interventions, schools,
principals, and teachers by tracking
individual student achievement, highschool graduation, and postsecondary
enrollment and credit. They can, for
example, track the academic
achievement of individual students over
time, even if those students change
schools within the State during the
course of their education. By analyzing
this information, decision-makers can
determine if a student’s ‘‘achievement
trajectory’’ will result in his or her being
college- or career-ready and can better
target services based on the student’s
academic needs.28
The Department also believes that
States’ implementation of these
requirements will lead to more
widespread development and
implementation of better teacher and
principal evaluation systems. In
particular, the availability of accurate,
complete, and valid achievement data is
essential to implementing better systems
of teacher and principal evaluation.
Value-added models, for example, can
provide an objective estimate of the
impact of teachers on student learning
and achievement.29 Further, they can be
used by schools, LEAs, or States to
reward excellence in teaching or school
leadership, as a component of
performance-based compensation
systems, or to identify schools in need
of improvement or teachers who may
require additional training or
professional development.30
A few commenters questioned the
utility of the data to be collected.
Specifically, one commenter noted that
lack of context on teacher/principal
evaluation systems will render that data
minimally meaningful to the end user.
Another commenter cautioned that
inconsistencies between States limit the
comparability of the data and effectively
reduce the value of data collection
efforts. A third commenter argued more
generally that, while data-driven
decision making constitutes a priority
for the commenter’s State, much of the
data required would not contribute to
improved educational outcomes for
students and, in fact, would divert
attention from developing the
infrastructure and relationships
necessary to improve education. The
Department continues to believe,
however, that the requirements will
have additional benefits to the extent
that they provide States with incentives
to address inequities in the distribution
of effective teachers, improve the
quality of State assessments, and
undergo intensive efforts to improve
struggling schools. Numerous studies
document the substantial impact of
improved teaching on educational
outcomes and the need to take action to
turn around the lowest-performing
schools, including high schools (and
their feeder middle schools) that enroll
a disproportionate number of the
students who fail to complete a highschool education and receive a regular
high-school diploma. The Department
believes that more widespread adoption
of these reforms would have a
significant, positive impact on student
Although these benefits are not easily
quantified, the Department believes they
will exceed the projected costs.
28 For example, see https:// and https://
29 See: Braun, Henry I. Using Student Progress To
Evaluate Teachers: A Primer on Value-Added
Models. Educational Testing Service, Policy
Information Center, 2005; Marsh, Julie A.; Pane,
John F.; Hamilton, Laura S. Making Sense of DataDriven Decision Making in Education: Evidence
from Recent RAND Research. Santa Monica, CA:
RAND Corporation, 2006; and Sanders, William L.
‘‘Value-Added Assessment from Student
Achievement Data: Opportunities and Hurdles.’’
Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, Vol.
14, No. 4, p. 329–339, 2000.
As required by OMB Circular A–4
(available at https://
a004/a-4.pdf), in the following table, we
have prepared an accounting statement
showing the classification of the
expenditures associated with the
provisions of this regulatory action. This
table provides our best estimate of the
Federal payments to be made to States
under this program as a result of this
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Accounting Statement
30 Center for Educator Compensation Reform:
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regulatory action. Expenditures are
classified as transfers to States.
Annual Monetized
From Whom to Whom
Federal Government
to States.
The Stabilization program provides
approximately $48.6 billion in formula
grants to States.31 As previously noted,
the Department is awarding
Stabilization program funds in two
phases. In the first phase, the
Department awarded 67 percent of a
State’s Education Stabilization Fund
allocation, unless the State
demonstrated that additional funds
were required to restore fiscal year 2009
State support for education, in which
case the Department awarded the State
up to 90 percent of that allocation. In
addition, the Department awarded 100
percent of each State’s Government
Services Fund allocation in Phase I. The
Department will award the remainder of
a State’s Education Stabilization Fund
allocation in the second phase.
Approximately $11.5 billion will be
available in Phase II.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
This notice contains information
collection requirements that are subject
to review by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
3520). The Department has received
emergency approval for the information
collections described below under
Information Collection Reference
Number 200910–1810–003.
A description of the specific
information collection requirements is
provided in the following tables along
with estimates of the annual
recordkeeping burden for these
requirements. Included in an estimate is
the time for collecting and tracking data,
maintaining records, calculations, and
reporting. The first table presents the
estimated indicators burden for SEAs,
the second table presents the estimated
indicators burden for LEAs, the third
table presents the estimated indicators
burden for IHEs, and the fourth table
presents the estimated State plan
burden for SEAs.
31 A table listing the allocations to States under
the Stabilization program is available at: https://
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
The Secretary certifies that this
regulatory action will not have a
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significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
The small entities that this regulatory
action will affect are small LEAs
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receiving funds under this program and
small IHEs.
This regulatory action will not have a
significant economic impact on small
LEAs because they will be able to meet
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jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
the costs of compliance with this
regulatory action using the funds
provided under this program.
With respect to small IHEs, the U.S.
Small Business Administration Size
Standards define these institutions as
‘‘small entities’’ if they are for-profit or
nonprofit institutions with total annual
revenue below $5,000,000 or if they are
institutions controlled by small
governmental jurisdictions, which are
comprised of cities, counties, towns,
townships, villages, school districts, or
special districts, with a population of
less than 50,000. Based on data from the
Department’s Integrated Postsecondary
Education Data System (IPEDS), up to
532 small IHEs with revenues of less
than $5 million may be affected by this
requirement; only 100 of these IHEs are
public. These small IHEs represent only
15 percent of degree-granting IHEs. In
addition, only 161,155 students (0.7
percent) enrolled in degree-granting
IHEs in fall 2007 attended these small
institutions; just 60,391 of these
students are enrolled in small, degreegranting public IHEs. As the burden for
indicators (c)(11) and (c)(12) is driven
by the number of students for whom
IHEs would be required to submit data,
small IHEs will require significantly less
effort to adhere to these requirements
than will be the case for larger IHEs.
Based on IPEDS data, the Department
estimates that 24,517 of these students
are first-time freshmen. As stated earlier
in the Summary of Costs and Benefits
section of this notice, the Department
estimates that, as required by indicator
(c)(11), IHEs will be able to confirm the
enrollment of 20 first-time freshmen per
hour. Applying this estimate to the
estimated number of first-time freshmen
at small IHEs, the Department estimates
that these IHEs will need to spend 1,226
hours to respond to this requirement at
a total cost of $30,650 (assuming a cost
of $25 per hour).
The effort involved in reporting the
number of students enrolling in a public
IHE in their home State who complete
at least one year’s worth of college
credit applicable toward a degree within
two years as required by indicator
(c)(12) will also apply to small IHEs, but
will be limited to students who enroll
in public IHEs in their home State. As
discussed earlier in the Summary of
Costs and Benefits section of this notice,
the Department estimates that 81
percent of first-time freshmen who
graduate from public high schools enroll
in IHEs in their home State. Applying
this percentage to the estimated number
of first-time freshmen enrolled in small
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public IHEs (9,187), the Department
estimates that small IHEs will be
required to report credit completion
data for a total of 7,442 students. For
this requirement, the Department also
estimates that IHEs will be able to report
the credit completion status of 20 firsttime freshmen per hour. Again,
applying this data entry rate to the
estimated number of first-time freshmen
at small public IHEs in their home State,
the Department estimates that these
IHEs will need to spend 372 hours to
respond to this requirement at a total
cost of $9,300. The total cost of these
requirements for small IHEs is,
therefore, $39,950; $19,310 of this cost
will be borne by small private IHEs, and
$20,640 of the cost will be borne by
small public IHEs. Based on the total
number of small IHEs across the Nation,
the estimated cost per small private IHE
is $45, and the estimated cost per small
public IHE is $206. The Department has,
therefore, determined that the
requirements will not represent a
significant burden on small not-forprofit IHEs. It is also important to note
that States may use their Government
Services Fund allocations to help small
IHEs meet the costs of complying with
the requirements that affect them, and
public IHEs may use Education
Stabilization Fund dollars they receive
for that purpose.
In addition, the Department believes
the benefits provided under this
regulatory action will outweigh the
burdens on these institutions of
complying with the requirements. One
of these benefits will be the provision of
better information on student success in
postsecondary education to
policymakers, educators, parents, and
other stakeholders. The Department
believes that the information gathered
and reported as a result of these
requirements will improve public
accountability for performance; help
States, LEAs, and schools learn from
one another and improve their decisionmaking; and inform Federal
A second major benefit is that better
public information on State and local
progress in the four reform areas will
likely spur more rapid progress on those
reforms, because States and LEAs that
appear to be lagging in one area or
another may see a need to redouble their
efforts. The Department believes that
more rapid progress on the essential
educational reforms will have major
benefits nationally, and that these
reforms have the potential to drive
dramatic improvements in student
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outcomes. The requirements that apply
to IHEs should, in particular, spur more
rapid implementation of pre-K–16 State
longitudinal data systems.
Assessment of Educational Impact
In the NPR and in accordance with
section 411 of the General Education
Provisions Act, 20 U.S.C. 1221e–4, we
requested comment on whether these
requirements do not require
transmission of information that any
other agency or authority of the United
States gathers or makes available.
Based on the response to the NPR and
on our review, we have determined that
these final requirements do not require
transmission of information that any
other agency or authority of the United
States gathers or makes available.
Intergovernmental Review
This program is subject to Executive
Order 12372 and the regulations in 34
CFR part 79. One of the objectives of the
Executive Order is to foster an
intergovernmental partnership and a
strengthened federalism. The Executive
Order relies on processes developed by
State and local governments for
coordination and review of proposed
Federal financial assistance.
This document provides early
notification of our specific plans and
actions for this program.
Accessible Format: Individuals with
disabilities can obtain this document in
an accessible format (e.g., braille, large
print, audiotape, or computer diskette)
on request to the program contact
person listed under FOR FURTHER
Electronic Access to This Document:
You can view this document, as well as
all other documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Adobe Portable Document
Format (PDF) on the Internet at the
following site:
fedregister. To use PDF you must have
Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at this site.
Note: The official version of this document
is the document published in the Federal
Register. Free Internet access to the official
edition of the Federal Register and the Code
of Federal Regulations is available on GPO
Access at:
Dated: November 6, 2009.
Arne Duncan,
Secretary of Education.
[FR Doc. E9–27161 Filed 11–9–09; 11:15 am]
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 217 (Thursday, November 12, 2009)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 58436-58525]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-27161]
[[Page 58435]]
Part III
Department of Education
34 CFR Chapter II
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program; Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 217 / Thursday, November 12, 2009 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 58436]]
34 CFR Subtitle B, Chapter II
[Docket ID ED-2009-OESE-0007]
RIN 1810-AB04
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Numbers: 84.394
(Education Stabilization Fund) and 84.397 (Government Services Fund)
AGENCY: Department of Education.
ACTION: Final requirements, definitions, and approval criteria.
SUMMARY: The Secretary of Education (Secretary) establishes
requirements, definitions, and approval criteria for the State Fiscal
Stabilization Fund (Stabilization or SFSF) program. The Secretary may
use one or more of these requirements, definitions, and approval
criteria in awarding funds under this program in fiscal year (FY) 2010.
These requirements, definitions, and approval criteria are based on the
assurances regarding education reform that grantees are required to
provide in exchange for receiving funds under the Stabilization
program. We take this action to specify the data and information that
grantees must collect and publicly report with respect to those
assurances and to help ensure grantees' ability to collect and publicly
report the required data and information.
DATES: These requirements, definitions, and approval criteria are
effective January 11, 2010.
Stabilization Fund Program, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland
Ave., SW., Room 3E108, Washington, DC 20202. Telephone: (202) 260-2274
or by e-mail:
If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), call the
Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll free, at 1-800-877-8339.
Purpose of Program: The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund program
provides approximately $48.6 billion in formula grants to States to
help stabilize State and local budgets in order to minimize and avoid
reductions in education and other essential services, in exchange for a
State's commitment to advance essential education reform in key areas.
Background: Section 14005(d) of Division A of the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) requires a State receiving funds
under the SFSF program to provide assurances in four key areas of
education reform: (a) Achieving equity in teacher distribution, (b)
improving collection and use of data, (c) standards and assessments,
and (d) supporting struggling schools. For each area of reform, the
ARRA prescribes specific actions that the State must assure that it
will implement. In addition, section 14005(a) of the ARRA requires a
State that seeks funds under the Stabilization program to submit an
application to the Department containing such information as the
Secretary may reasonably require. In this notice, we establish specific
data and information requirements (the assurance indicators and
descriptors) that a State receiving funds under the SFSF program must
meet with respect to the statutory assurances. We also establish
specific requirements for a plan that a State must submit (the State
plan), as part of its application for the second phase \1\ of funding
under the SFSF program, describing its ability to collect and publicly
report the required data and other information. Together, these two
sets of requirements will provide transparency on the extent to which a
State is implementing the actions for which it has provided assurances.
Increased access to and focus on this information will better enable
States and other stakeholders to identify strengths and weaknesses in
education systems and determine where concentrated reform effort is
warranted. We also intend to use the data and information that States
collect and publicly report in assessing whether a State is qualified
to participate in and receive funds under other reform-oriented
programs administered by the Department.
\1\ The Department is awarding SFSF program funds in two phases.
In the first phase, the Department awarded 67 percent of a State's
Education Stabilization Fund allocation, unless the State
demonstrated that additional funds were required to restore FY 2009
State support for education, in which case the Department awarded
the State up to 90 percent of that allocation. In addition, the
Department awarded 100 percent of each State's Government Services
Fund allocation in Phase I. The Department will award the remainder
of a State's Education Stabilization Fund allocation in the second
phase. A table listing the allocations to States under the SFSF
program is available at:
As discussed elsewhere in this notice, an assurance indicator or
descriptor may relate to data or other information that States
currently collect and report to the Department, or to data or other
information for which the Department is itself the source. In those
cases, we do not establish any new data or information collection
requirements for a State; rather, the Department will provide the State
with the relevant data or other information that the State will confirm
and publicly report.
The Department recognizes that requests for data and information
should reflect an integrated and coordinated approach among the various
programs supported with ARRA funds, particularly the SFSF, Race to the
Top, School Improvement Grants (SIG), and Statewide Longitudinal Data
Systems Grant programs. Accordingly, the Department has evaluated the
requirements and definitions for this program in context with those
other programs.
Section 14005(d)(2) of the ARRA requires a State receiving funds
under the SFSF program to assure that it will take actions to improve
teacher effectiveness and comply with section 1111(b)(8)(C) of the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA) (20
U.S.C. 6311(b)(8)(C)), in order to address inequities in the
distribution of highly qualified teachers between high- and low-poverty
schools and to ensure that low-income and minority children are not
taught at higher rates than other children by inexperienced,
unqualified, or out-of-field teachers. The indicators the Department
has established will measure the extent to which a State is taking such
actions and will provide data and other information on: (1) Student
access to highly qualified teachers in high- and low-poverty schools,
(2) current strategies and efforts to address inequities in the
distribution of inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers,
(3) how teacher and principal performance is evaluated and how the
results of these evaluations are used, and (4) the distribution of
performance evaluation ratings or levels among teachers and principals.
Section 14005(d)(3) requires each State to assure that it will
establish a longitudinal data system that includes the 12 elements
described in section 6401(e)(2)(D) of the America COMPETES Act. The
Department has established an indicator that will measure the extent to
which States have implemented statewide longitudinal data systems that
include all of the required elements. These elements constitute the
minimum requirements of a modern statewide longitudinal data system.
Such a system will enable States, local educational agencies (LEAs),
and schools to, among other things: Follow student academic progress as
a student moves from grade to grade; identify persistently lowest-
achieving schools; and evaluate the effectiveness of specific programs.
The Department has established additional indicators identifying
[[Page 58437]]
whether a State provides teachers in grades and subjects in which it
administers assessments with student growth data and with reports of
individual teacher impact on student achievement. We believe that
teachers' receipt of these data and reports should be a natural product
of a statewide longitudinal data system that includes the required
elements, particularly the requirements that such a system includes
unique statewide student identifiers and a teacher identifier system
with the ability to match teachers to students. Moreover, we believe
that these are key examples of how reliable, high-quality data from a
State's system can drive education reform in general and improvements
in instructional programs in particular.
The ARRA also requires a State receiving funds under the SFSF
program to assure that it will: (A) Enhance the quality of the academic
assessments it administers pursuant to section 1111(b)(3) of the ESEA
(20 U.S.C. 6311(b)(3)) through activities such as those described in
section 6112(a) of the ESEA (20 U.S.C. 7301a(a)); (B) comply with the
requirements of paragraphs (3)(C)(ix) and (6) of section 1111(b) of the
ESEA (20 U.S.C. 6311(b)) and section 612(a)(16) of the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1412(a)(16)) related to the
inclusion of children with disabilities and limited English proficient
students \2\ in State assessments, the development of valid and
reliable assessments for those students, and the provision of
accommodations that enable their participation in State assessments;
and (C) take steps to improve State academic content standards and
student academic achievement standards for secondary schools consistent
with section 6401(e)(1)(A)(ii) of the America COMPETES Act (20 U.S.C.
9871(e)(1)(A)(ii)). To assess the extent to which a State is taking
these actions, we are requiring that the State collect and publicly
report data and other information regarding State assessment systems,
including on the assessment of students with disabilities and limited
English proficient students; State National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) data; and data on the number of students who graduate
from high school using a four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate,
enroll in an institution of higher education (IHE) within 16 months of
receiving a regular high school diploma, and complete at least one year
of college credit (towards a degree) within two years of enrollment.
\2\ The Department recognizes that stakeholders often use terms
such as ``English language learners'' rather than ``limited English
proficient students'' when referring to students who are acquiring
basic English proficiency and developing academic English skills.
However, because the ESEA defines the term ``limited English
proficient,'' and both the statute and the implementing regulations
use this term, as well as the phrase ``students with limited English
proficiency,'' we will continue to use the latter terms in this
As many States prepare to significantly improve the rigor and
effectiveness of their standards and assessment systems, we believe
this information will provide stakeholders with vital transparency on
the current status of those systems and inform efforts that are
currently underway to improve them. The Department continues to
encourage States to work together to develop and implement common
internationally benchmarked standards and assessments aligned to those
standards in order to ensure that students are college- and career-
ready. However, until those standards and assessments are complete,
States need to continue to ensure both the quality of their current
standards and assessments, and that students are provided
accommodations as necessary.
Section 14005(d)(5) of the ARRA requires a State receiving funds
under the SFSF program to provide an assurance that it will comply with
the requirements of section 1116(b)(7)(C)(iv) and section 1116(b)(8)(B)
of the ESEA (20 U.S.C. 6316(b)(7)(C)(iv) and 6316(b)(8)(B)) with
respect to Title I schools identified for corrective action and
restructuring. In order to provide indicators of the extent to which a
State is implementing this statutory assurance, we are requiring that
the State provide data on the extent to which dramatic reforms to
improve student academic achievement are implemented in Title I schools
in improvement under section 1116(b)(1)(A) of the ESEA,\3\ in
corrective action, or in restructuring and secondary schools that are
eligible for, but not receiving, Title I funds. Additionally, a State
must provide data on the operation and performance of its charter
schools. SFSF definitions and requirements for these indicators and
descriptors will, where appropriate, be consistent with those in the
Department's Race to the Top Fund and SIG notices to encourage and
enable States to plan effectively and use diverse funding sources to
accomplish consistent goals.
\3\ Although the statutory assurance concerns only Title I
schools in corrective action and restructuring, we are requiring
that States include Title I schools in improvement as well when
providing data on the extent to which dramatic reforms to improve
student academic achievement are being implemented. Making this
addition would be consistent with the school reform strategies that
States are implementing using funds available under section 1003(g)
of the ESEA (20 U.S.C. 6303(g)) (School Improvement Grants), which
are intended to be applied to schools in improvement as well as to
schools in corrective action or restructuring.
In addition to the specific data and information requirements
relating to the four ARRA education reform assurances, we also
establish requirements for a plan that a State must submit to the
Department. In general, the State plan must describe the State's
current ability to collect the data or other information needed for the
assurance indicators and descriptors as well as the State's current
ability to make the data or information easily available to the public.
If the State is currently able to fully collect and publicly report the
required data or other information at least annually, the State must
provide the most recent data or information with its plan. If a State
is not currently able to collect or publicly report the data or other
information at least annually, the plan must describe the State's
process and timeline for developing and implementing the means to do so
as soon as possible but no later than September 30, 2011, the date by
which States must obligate funds received under the SFSF program
consistent with section 421 of the General Education Provisions Act
(GEPA) (20 U.S.C. 1225(b)). The State plan must describe the State's
collection and public reporting abilities with respect to each
individual indicator or descriptor.
As discussed previously, the data or information needed for an
assurance indicator or descriptor is in some cases already reported to
the Department by the State, or is provided by the Department. In those
cases, it is understood that the State is currently able to collect the
data or information; accordingly, the State's plan need only address
the State's ability to publicly report the data or information, and the
State need not include the data or information with its plan.
The State plan requirements apply generally across the education
reform areas discussed above with the exception of education reform
area (b) (improving collection and use of data) and new Indicators
(c)(10) and (c)(11) (proposed Indicators (c)(11) and (c)(12)), for
which we establish slightly different plan requirements. For example,
for Indicator (b)(1) we require that a State describe in its plan
whether the State's data system includes the required elements of a
statewide longitudinal data system and, if the data system does not,
the State's process and timeline for developing and implementing a
[[Page 58438]]
that meets all requirements as soon as possible but no later than
September 30, 2011. As this indicator relates to a State's ability to
collect and publicly report data, however, these requirements do not in
effect differ substantially from the generally applicable State plan
requirements (i.e., the requirements that the State describe its
abilities to collect and publicly report data or other information for
a given indicator or descriptor). Moreover, the development and
implementation of such a statewide longitudinal data system is
intrinsic to a State's ability to collect and publicly report the data
required by certain other indicators (e.g., the indicators on student
enrollment and credit completion in IHEs after graduation from high
In the case of new Indicators (c)(11) and (c)(12), regarding the
data States will collect from IHEs on student enrollment and credit
completion, the State is required to, at a minimum, possess the ability
to collect and publicly report the data by September 30, 2011. As a
result, a State plan need only address the development of capacity, and
not implementation and public reporting for these indicators.
In addition to requirements relating to a State's ability to
collect and publicly report data or other information for the
respective assurance indicators and descriptors, we establish other
general requirements for the State plan relating to the State's
institutional infrastructure and capacity, the nature of any technical
assistance or other support provided, the budget for implementing the
plan, and the processes the State employs to ensure data and
information quality and student privacy.
For the purposes of this program, the data and information are
largely intended for public use, rather than for Federal reporting.
Individual States and communities have the greatest power to hold their
LEAs and schools accountable for the reforms that are in the best
interest of their students. Rather than the Department collecting and
warehousing this information, it is our intention that States and LEAs
will make the information available to the public in a manner that is
useful for stakeholders in understanding key information about
education in each State and community. The Department believes that the
most effective and expeditious way for States to share information with
the public is via the Internet. Accordingly, any State that receives
SFSF funding in Phase II must maintain a public Web site that provides
the data and information that are responsive to the indicator and
descriptor requirements. If a State does not currently provide the
required data and information, it must provide on this Web site its
plan with respect to the indicator or descriptor and its reports on its
progress in implementing that plan.
In developing a plan as required in this notice, the State is
encouraged to consult with key stakeholders, such as superintendents,
educators, content experts, and parents as well as teachers' union,
business, community, and civil rights leaders. Such consultation would
ensure that these stakeholders are aware of the State's current ability
to meet the requirements, can provide input on the means the State will
develop to comply with the requirements, and can prepare to assist the
State in implementing those means.
Program Authority: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
2009, Division A, Title XIV--State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, Public
Law No. 111-5.
We published a notice of proposed requirements, definitions, and
approval criteria (NPR) for this program in the Federal Register on
July 29, 2009 (74 FR 37837-37872). That notice contained background
information and our reasons for proposing the particular requirements,
definitions, and approval criteria. In addition to some minor editorial
changes, there are several substantive differences between the NPR and
this notice of final requirements, definitions, and approval criteria
(NFR). These changes are summarized in the next section and described
in greater detail in the Analysis of Comments and Changes section
elsewhere in this notice.
Major Changes in the Final Requirements, Definitions, and Approved
The following is a summary of the major substantive changes in
these final requirements from the requirements proposed in the NPR.
(The rationale for each of these changes is discussed in the Analysis
of Comments and Changes section elsewhere in this preamble.)
The NFR makes several changes to the requirements for
Achieving equity in teacher distribution. The specific changes are:
--The Department is adding a new Indicator (a)(2) that requires each
State to confirm whether the State's Teacher Equity Plan (part of the
State's Highly Qualified Teacher Plan) fully reflects the steps the
State is currently taking to ensure that students from low-income
families and minority students are not taught at higher rates than
other students by inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers
(as required in section 1111(b)(8)(C) of the ESEA).
--Descriptors (a)(1) and (a)(2) have been revised to require States
also to describe the use of results from teacher and principal
evaluation systems in decisions regarding teacher and principal
development, compensation, promotion, retention, and removal.
--New Indicator (a)(3) (proposed Indicator (a)(2)) and new Indicator
(a)(5) (proposed Indicator (a)(4)) have been revised to have States
indicate whether the systems used to evaluate the performance of
teachers include student achievement outcomes or student growth data as
an evaluation criterion.
The NFR makes the following changes to the requirements
for Improving collection and use of data:
--New Indicator (b)(2) requires that each State indicate whether it
provides student growth data on their current students and the students
they taught in the previous year to, at a minimum, teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in the grades in which the State
administers assessments in those subjects, in a manner that is timely
and informs instructional programs.
--New Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator (b)(2)) has been revised to
require each State to indicate whether it provides teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in grades in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects with reports of individual teacher impact
on student achievement on those assessments. Under proposed Indicator
(b)(2), a State would have been required to indicate whether it
provides such teachers with data on the performance of their students
on those assessments that include estimates of individual teacher
impact on student achievement, in a manner that is timely and informs
The final requirements make several changes to the
indicators for Standards and assessments. The specific changes are:
--Proposed Indicator (c)(2), which required each State to indicate
whether it was engaged in activities to enhance the quality of its
assessments, and Proposed Descriptor (c)(1), which required States to
describe those activities, have been removed from the final
--New Indicator (c)(11) (proposed Indicator (c)(12)) has been modified
to require a State to provide data on student enrollment for students
who enroll in an IHE within 16 months of
[[Page 58439]]
receiving a regular high school diploma. Proposed Indicator (c)(12) did
not include a timeframe for this data element.
--New Indicator (c)(12) (proposed Indicator (c)(13)) now requires that
a State collect data on progress toward a postsecondary degree only for
students who attend a public IHE in the State. Under proposed Indicator
(c)(13), a State would have provided these data for students who
attended public IHEs both in State and out of State.
The NFR makes several changes to the requirements for
Supporting struggling schools. The specific changes are:
--Indicator (d)(1) and Indicator (d)(2) now require that a State also
publicly report on average statewide school gains in the ``all
students'' category and for each student subgroup (as defined under
section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v) of the ESEA).
--New Descriptor (d)(1) requires each State to provide its definition
of persistently lowest-achieving schools.
--Indicator (d)(3) now requires a State to provide the number and
identity of Title I schools in improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring that are persistently lowest-achieving schools.
--Indicator (d)(4) now requires a State to provide, of the persistently
lowest-achieving Title I schools in improvement, corrective action, or
restructuring, the number and identity of schools that have been turned
around, restarted, closed, or transformed in the last year.
--Indicator (d)(5) now requires a State to provide the number and
identity of secondary schools that are eligible for, but do not
receive, Title I funds that are persistently lowest-achieving schools.
--Indicator (d)(6) now requires a State to provide, of the persistently
lowest-achieving secondary schools that are eligible for, but do not
receive, Title I funds, the number and identity of schools that have
been turned around, restarted, closed, or transformed in the last year.
--New Indicator (d)(9) requires a State to provide the number and
percentage of charter schools that have made progress on State
assessments in reading/language arts in the last year.
--New Indicator (d)(10) requires a State to provide the number and
percentage of charter schools that have made progress on State
assessments in mathematics in the last year.
--New Indicators (d)(11) and (d)(12) (proposed Indicators (d)(8) and
(d)(9)) require States to provide data and information on charter
schools that have been closed within each of the last five years
instead of over the last five years.
The NFR makes several changes to the requirements under
State Plans. The specific changes are:
--The NFR adds requirements regarding new Indicator (b)(2). For new
Indicator (b)(2), the State must provide student growth data on their
current students and students they taught in the previous year to, at a
minimum, teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics in grades in
which the State administers assessments in those subjects, in a manner
that is timely and informs instructional programs. A State must
indicate whether the State provides teachers with such data; if the
State does not provide teachers with such data, it must submit a plan
for developing and implementing, as soon as possible but no later than
September 30, 2011, the means to provide teachers with such data.
--The NFR revises the requirements for new Indicator (b)(3) (proposed
Indicator (b)(2)). For new Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator
(b)(2)), a State must indicate whether it provides teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in grades in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects with reports of individual teacher impact
on student achievement on those assessments. If the State does not
provide those teachers with such reports, it must submit a plan for how
it will develop and implement the means to do so. Under the NPR, the
State would have been required to provide those teachers with such
reports (consistent with the indicator); if the State did not provide
those teachers with such reports, it would have been required to submit
a plan for how it would develop and implement the means to do so as
soon as possible but no later than September 30, 2011.
--The NFR revises the requirements for new Indicators (c)(11) and
(c)(12). For new Indicators (c)(11) and (c)(12) (proposed Indicators
(c)(12) and (c)(13)), if a State will develop but not implement the
means to collect and publicly report the data by September 30, 2011, it
must submit a plan for how it will develop the means to collect and
publicly report the data and provide evidence, by September 30, 2011,
to demonstrate that it has developed the means to collect and publicly
report that data. If a State will develop and implement those means
(i.e., the State will collect and publicly report those data) by
September 30, 2011, the State must submit a plan for how it will
collect and publicly report the data by the established deadline.
The NFR includes definitions for publicly report, student
growth, persistently lowest-achieving schools, turnaround model,
restart model, school closure, transformation model, and increased
learning time.
Analysis of Comments and Changes
In response to the Secretary's invitation in the NPR, 60 parties
submitted comments on the proposed requirements, definitions, and
approval criteria. An analysis of the comments and changes to the
requirements, definitions, and approval criteria since publication of
the NPR follows.
We discuss substantive issues under the sections of the
requirements to which they pertain. Generally, we do not address
technical or minor changes, or suggested changes that we are not
authorized to make under applicable law.
Indicator and Descriptor Requirements in General
Comment: A few commenters asserted that the proposed data and
information requirements do not reflect Congressional intent that the
SFSF program relieve the economic crisis in schools and districts
nationwide. Commenters stated that SFSF funds are intended to help
maintain support for education, not to support new programs or
initiatives. One commenter noted that requirements for new programs or
initiatives may be appropriate for competitive programs such as the
Race to the Top Fund, but not for the SFSF program. In contrast,
another commenter asserted that States should use SFSF funds for more
than simply maintaining support for current education programs.
Discussion: The Department believes that SFSF funds should be used
both to help restore support for education and to advance education
reform. When States received funds under Phase I of the SFSF program,
they provided assurances that they would take steps to address the key
reform areas required under the ARRA. The data collected will provide
information on the status of States' efforts to comply with these
Changes: None.
Comment: A number of commenters supported the Department's emphasis
on the four reform areas and noted that focus on those four areas will
[[Page 58440]]
educational outcomes for students. Several commenters also expressed
support specifically for the focus on data systems and improving
teacher quality. One commenter supported linking student data to
teachers. Some commenters stated that the requirements outlined in the
notice were well-aligned with the reform areas of ARRA. Another
commenter believed that the Department should have worked to ensure
greater alignment among the four reform areas. A few commenters
believed the proposed requirements went beyond the intention of the
ARRA, and a few commenters stated that they did not believe the ARRA
provided the Department with the statutory authority to require States
to collect and publicly report the data and information as proposed in
the NPR. One commenter stated that the proposed requirements would be
an intrusion by the Federal Government into State and local control of
Discussion: In its application for initial funding under the SFSF
program, each State was required, consistent with the statute, to
provide an assurance that it would take steps to advance reforms in
achieving equity in teacher distribution, enhancing standards and
assessments, and supporting struggling schools. Each State also
provided an assurance that it would establish a statewide longitudinal
data system. The Department believes the requirements as proposed in
the NPR and established in final in this notice are consistent with the
statutory intent and requirements of the ARRA and will provide
comprehensive information on a State's progress in the four assurance
areas. The data and information that States will publicly report under
the indicators and descriptors will inform State and local reform
efforts and enable the Department to verify that a State is fulfilling
the commitments it made in order to receive ARRA funds.
Changes: None.
Comment: Many commenters supported the Department's emphasis on
making the data and information collected under the SFSF program
publicly available. Commenters also noted that increased access to the
data and information would help inform decision-making and increase
transparency around education reform.
Discussion: The Department appreciates the commenters' support and
agrees that the indicator and descriptor requirements will provide the
public with valuable information on the status of education reform in
their State.
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters requested that the Department provide
States with a template for publicly reporting the data and information
collected under the SFSF program. One commenter asserted that the
Department must provide guidance to ensure that States fully understand
the public reporting requirements. As an example, the commenter
questioned what constitutes making the data ``easily accessible'' for
parents and the general public. Another commenter questioned whether
the lack of specific guidance from the Department on how to publicly
report the information collected meant that we would allow States to
use a variety of methods to meet their reporting obligation. The
commenter encouraged the Department to provide States with flexibility
in meeting these requirements. One commenter noted that the Department
would need to consider the unique demographics of States when
evaluating applications.
Discussion: The Department agrees that it is important to have
clear guidance on the public reporting that is required under this
notice. Accordingly, we have added a definition of publicly report to
provide additional specificity and direction. We will also provide
guidance on how States may meet the public reporting requirements for
this program, and will be available to provide technical assistance to
States throughout the application and reporting process.
Changes: The Department has added a definition of publicly report,
which provides that the data or information required for an indicator
or descriptor are made available to anyone with access to an Internet
connection without having to submit a request to the entity that
maintains the data and information in order to access that data and
information. Under this definition, States are required to maintain a
public Web site that provides the data and information that are
responsive to the indicator and descriptor requirements. If a State
does not currently provide the required data or information, it must
provide on this Web site its plan with respect to the indicator or
descriptor and its reports on its progress in implementing that plan.
In light of our addition of the definition of publicly report, we
have modified the indicators, descriptors, plan requirements,
definitions, and approval criteria, as appropriate, to substitute the
term ``publicly report'' for ``report.''
Comment: Some commenters supported our intent to ensure consistency
in collection and reporting requirements across the various programs
funded under the ARRA. One commenter requested that the Department
review the reporting requirements across all ARRA programs and use
single data-element definitions for all programs in order to reduce
redundant reporting and maintain transparency. A few commenters
expressed concern that applications submitted for programs under the
ARRA will be duplicative.
Discussion: The Department is coordinating the implementation of
the programs under the ARRA in order to support a comprehensive
approach to education reform and to minimize the burden on States to
the extent possible. To that end, where appropriate, the Department is
developing consistent requirements and definitions for SFSF, the Race
to the Top Fund, SIG, the Investing in Innovation Fund, the Teacher
Incentive Fund, and other ARRA programs; those changes are discussed
later in this notice. The Department will evaluate applications based
on the specific approval criteria we have announced for each program,
and recognizes that, in certain instances, States will provide similar
information across applications.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter stated that the Department did not propose
requirements that comprehensively address the four education reform
areas. Specifically, the commenter believed more indicators are needed
in areas addressing the closing of achievement gaps, improving overall
student performance, and achieving equity between high- and low-
performing schools.
Discussion: While we agree that additional information in the four
reform areas could be valuable to the public, educators, and policy-
makers, we believe that adding the suggested indicators would be overly
burdensome to States and LEAs. We believe the indicators and
descriptors established in this notice generally provide sufficient
data and information to measure State progress in the four reform areas
for the purposes of the SFSF program. Additionally, the Department
believes that meeting the requirement for each State to include all 12
elements described in the America COMPETES Act in its statewide
longitudinal data system will provide a State with the capability to
collect, analyze, and report meaningful information on the
effectiveness of its programs in closing the achievement gap and
improving student outcomes.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter stated that the Department is missing a
[[Page 58441]]
opportunity to learn more about the role of professional development in
school reform. The commenter encouraged the Department to collect data
on how States are using and improving professional development to
increase the performance levels of educators and their students.
Discussion: The Department agrees that professional development is
an important factor in developing and supporting educators in improving
their practices and encourages States and LEAs to collect and share
data on professional development, but we do not believe that we should
add an indicator requiring a State to report on professional
development. However, we note that we have added a new indicator
requiring States to make publicly available their Teacher Equity Plans,
which include information on teacher professional development, and
indicate if they have updated those plans. In addition, we have revised
Descriptors (a)(1) and (a)(2) to require States to describe the use of
results from teacher and principal evaluation systems in decisions
regarding, among other things, professional development.
Changes: The Department has added new Indicator (a)(2) and has also
revised Descriptors (a)(1) and (a)(2); these changes are described in
more detail in the section of this notice entitled Education Reform
Area (a)--Achieving Equity in Teacher Distribution.
Comment: One commenter stated that the Department should require
each State to indicate whether the information it publicly reports
includes information from charter schools and, if such information is
not currently available, require the State to provide information in
its State plan on the steps it will take to collect information on
charter schools.
Discussion: Under the requirements as established in this notice,
States will publicly report information on charter schools that are
LEAs in the same manner that they provide information on any LEA.
Further, information on public charter schools that are not LEAs will
be provided in the same manner as for other public elementary and
secondary schools.
Additionally, as proposed in the NPR and as established in this
notice, the Department is requiring States to collect and publicly
report information on the number of charter schools that are permitted
to operate and that are actually operating in the State and each LEA
(new Indicators (d)(7) and (d)(8) (proposed Indicators (d)(6) and
(d)(7))). Moreover, and as discussed in greater detail later in this
notice, the Department agrees that it is important to collect
information on the academic achievement of students who attend charter
schools and has added new Indicators (d)(9) and (d)(10), which measure
the performance of charter school students on State assessments in
reading/language arts and mathematics.
Changes: The Department has added new Indicators (d)(9) and (d)(10)
to education reform area (d). These changes are described in greater
detail in the section of this notice entitled Education Reform Area
(d)--Supporting Struggling Schools.
Comment: A few commenters suggested that the Department create a
sequence of reform requirements instead of asking States to implement
simultaneous reforms in all areas. They specifically suggested the
Department include goals, targets, or benchmarks for improving
performance on the indicators and descriptors in order to move States
closer to the goal of college and career readiness for all students.
Discussion: Section 14005(d) of the ARRA requires States to take
action in each of the education reform areas and the Department
envisions that in order to achieve the reform goals States will address
each reform area simultaneously. We do not believe it is necessary to
establish goals, targets, or benchmarks for improving performance
because the purpose of the indicator and descriptor requirements is to
provide transparency on the extent to which a State is implementing the
actions for which it provided an assurance in its application for
initial SFSF funding.
Changes: None.
Burden and Costs
Comment: Many commenters expressed concern that States and LEAs do
not have the financial resources necessary to collect and publicly
report the data and information that the Department proposed to require
of States. One commenter noted that in order to comply with the
collection and public reporting requirements, LEAs would need to take
staff away from other essential functions. Another commenter stated
that the requirements should reflect the fact that the SFSF program
will not provide an ongoing source of funding for States.
Discussion: The Department acknowledges that there are costs
associated with the data collection and public reporting requirements
and encourages States to consider available sources of Federal funds to
support this reporting. For example, a State may use SFSF Government
Services funds to meet the Phase II application requirements. The
Department has also raised the statutory caps on State administration
under Title I, part A of the ESEA and part B, section 611 of the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) with respect to
funds available for those programs under the ARRA in order to make it
easier for States to meet ARRA reporting requirements.
Further, in response to comments, the Department is reducing the
burden on States. For example, the Department is not requiring States
to provide estimates of teacher impact on student achievement (new
Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator (b)(2)) but is now requiring that
States provide student growth data to teachers (new Indicator
(b)(2)).\4\ In the NPR, the Department estimated that the total cost to
States, LEAs, and IHEs of meeting the proposed requirements was
approximately $61.7 million. Of that amount, approximately $30 million
was associated with the costs of providing estimates of teacher impact
on student achievement. The Department believes that providing teachers
of reading/language arts and mathematics in grades in which the State
administers assessments with student growth data will be much less
\4\ States are still required, however, to indicate whether they
provide reports of individual teacher impact on student achievement
through new Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator (b)(2)) and, if
they do not, to provide a plan for doing so.
Furthermore, the Department believes that the potential benefits
from collecting and publicly reporting this information (e.g., greater
accountability, implementation of a statewide longitudinal data system
to inform instruction, and more effective teacher and principal
evaluation systems) outweigh the costs associated with the data
requirements. The estimated costs and benefits of these requirements
are described in greater detail in the Summary of Costs and Benefits
section of this notice.
Changes: The Department has revised the State Plan requirements for
new Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator (b)(2)) to remove the
requirement that States provide estimates of teacher impact on student
Comment: A few commenters claimed that the reporting requirements
may lead to unnecessary costs for States and LEAs that have already
invested time and effort in creating data systems or in implementing
school reform programs that are not directly aligned with the assurance
Discussion: The Department does not believe States will need to
significantly reconfigure current State data systems in order to meet
the ARRA requirement to establish a statewide longitudinal
[[Page 58442]]
data system that includes the 12 elements identified in the America
COMPETES Act (although a State may need to expand its data system in
order to include all 12 data elements). The America COMPETES Act
predates enactment of the ARRA, and States are already designing data
systems that incorporate the America COMPETES Act elements. We note
that the elements have also been incorporated into the application
requirements and guidance for the Department's Statewide Longitudinal
Data Systems Grant program.
As part of the SFSF program, the Department is not requiring States
to implement new school reform programs, but to publicly report on the
current status of their programs and if they have implemented certain
reform models in their persistently lowest-achieving schools.
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters supported our proposal to use data that
the Department currently collects from States through EDFacts to meet
the public reporting requirements of the program. Commenters noted that
the use of these data would minimize some of the burden associated with
the reporting requirements for this program.
Discussion: The Department agrees with the comments and has
attempted to reduce the reporting burden by using data from EDFacts and
other readily available data whenever possible.
Changes: None.
State Plan Requirements
Comment: One commenter suggested that the Department require States
to obtain the support of key stakeholders for the plan the State will
develop to meet the SFSF requirements. Another commenter suggested that
the Department require States to collaborate with youth-serving
organizations in their planning efforts so as to ensure the success of
every young person; the commenter recommended adding workforce
organizations, child welfare and juvenile/criminal justice agencies,
and child and youth-serving community-based organizations to the list
of stakeholders with whom a State must consult when developing the
State plan.
Discussion: The Department recognizes the importance of
collaboration and cooperation among educational agencies, community
stakeholders, policy-makers, and youth-serving organizations. While the
Department encourages States to consult with key stakeholders when
developing the State plan, we do not believe it is necessary to require
States to consult with stakeholders generally or with any specific
group because there will be great variation across States as to the
groups with whom it would be appropriate to consult.
Changes: None.
Comment: Many commenters indicated that it is unrealistic to
require States to implement their plans by September 30, 2011. One
commenter characterized the deadline as arbitrary. Another commenter
noted that the deadline will not allow States to collect data
reflecting the potentially positive impact of SFSF funds on student
achievement. Commenters recommended reconsideration of this timeline.
One commenter suggested that the Department grant individual States
extensions of the deadline without requiring States to justify such
Discussion: The Department believes that the requirements of the
State plan provide critical information that is more useful to
stakeholders if it is presented in a timely manner. Further, the
Department believes that two years is an appropriate amount of time to
implement a plan to collect and publicly report the required
information. However, in recognition of existing State work in
transitioning to the adjusted four-year cohort graduation rate, the
Department has modified the plan requirements applicable to new
Indicators (c)(11) and (c)(12) (proposed Indicators (c)(12) and
(c)(13)) so that a State is required only to provide evidence that it
has developed the means to collect and publicly report the data by the
As discussed in more detail later in this notice, we are also
revising the State plan requirements for new Indicator (b)(3) (proposed
Indicator (b)(2)). For new Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator
(b)(2)), a State must indicate whether it provides teachers of reading/
language arts and mathematics in grades in which the State administers
assessments in those subjects with reports of individual teacher impact
on student achievement on those assessments. If the State does not
provide those teachers with such reports, it must submit a plan for how
it will develop and implement the means to do so. Under the NPR, the
State would have been required to provide those teachers with such
reports (consistent with the indicator); if the State did not provide
those teachers with such reports, it would have been required to submit
a plan for how it would develop and implement the means to do so as
soon as possible but no later than September 30, 2011.
Changes: The Department has revised the State plan requirements for
new Indicator (b)(3) (proposed Indicator (b)(2)), new Indicator (c)(11)
(proposed Indicator (c)(12)), and new Indicator (c)(12) (proposed
Indicator (c)(13)). These revisions are discussed in greater detail
later in this notice.
Applications and Approval Criteria
Comment: Three commenters expressed concern regarding the timeline
for submission of the SFSF Phase II application, given the extensive
information the application requires. One commenter elaborated that the
SFSF Phase II application timeline could negatively affect a State's
ability to meet the Race to the Top application deadline because, in a
July 29, 2009 Federal Register notice, the Department proposed that
States must have an approved SFSF Phase II application to be eligible
for Race to the Top funds. One of these commenters emphasized that SFSF
Phase II funds are critical to preventing more serious school aid
reductions than those currently under consideration in the State.
Discussion: The Department will review Phase II applications
submitted by the deadline, which we will publish in a separate notice
in the Federal Register, on a timely basis to ensure that States will
meet any Race to the Top eligibility requirements related to SFSF
application approval and to provide additional resources expeditiously
to support elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter proposed that the Department include an
additional approval criterion requiring States to demonstrate that they
have expended their SFSF funds consistent with program requirements.
Discussion: We do not believe that the suggested approval criterion
is necessary. States will provide information on the uses of funds in
the quarterly reports that they submit pursuant to section 1512 of the
ARRA; these reports will be publicly available at In addition, the Department will collect information
on uses of SFSF funds through the annual performance reports States are
required to submit under section 14008 of the ARRA. The annual
performance reports will be made available to the public on the
Department's Web site at Furthermore, during its
monitoring of State implementation of the SFSF program, the Department
will review State and local uses of program funds to ensure compliance
with applicable requirements.
Changes: None.
[[Page 58443]]
Indicator and Descriptor Requirements Education Reform Area (a)--
Achieving Equity in Teacher Distribution
Teacher Qualifications: Indicator (a)(1)
Comment: Several commenters expressed support for our proposal to
use existing data on teacher qualifications from the Department's
EDFacts system for proposed Indicator (a)(1). These commenters believed
that leveraging existing data in EDFacts would minimize collection and
reporting burden on States and LEAs while still ensuring that high-
quality information is provided to the public. However, one commenter
requested clarification as to the State's responsibilities for
confirming the data in EDFacts.
Discussion: In general, we have sought to ensure that existing data
from the Department's EDFacts system (or other data for which the
Department is itself the source) are used to populate the indicators
for this program wherever possible so as to minimize the burden on
States and LEAs. In this case, we believe that existing data in EDFacts
on courses taught by highly qualified teachers is appropriate as a
measure of States' compliance with the statutory assurance.
As stated in the NPR, a State will not be required to perform any
additional analysis or verification in confirming indicator data that
are in EDFacts. We believe there are sufficient safeguards in place to
ensure the completeness and accuracy of data submitted by States in
EDFacts and do not expect or require a State to reexamine or refresh
the data. Rather, the confirmation a State will provide is meant to be
limited to an acknowledgment that the data provided by the Department
are the same data submitted by the State.
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter requested that the Department clarify how
stakeholders should use the data reported for proposed Indicator (a)(1)
to identify inequities in the distribution of highly qualified teachers
across LEAs. Specifically, the commenter requested clarification on
whether stakeholders should identify inequities by comparing the data
generally for all LEAs across the State, or for subsets of LEAs in the
State based on shared characteristics such as size or location.
Discussion: The Department is requiring States to make publicly
available data on the distribution of highly qualified teachers across
LEAs so that educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders may
address inequities in the distribution of teachers between high- and
low-poverty schools. Decisions on how best to use the specific data
should be made at the State and local levels.
Changes: None.
Comment: A few commenters recommended that the definitions of
highest-poverty school and lowest-poverty school applicable to proposed
Indicator (a)(1) be revised to require States to identify these schools
specifically using data on student eligibility for free- or reduced-
price lunches under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act
(NSLA), rather than using the poverty measure chosen by the State. One
of these commenters asserted that these terms should be given the same
meaning across States to prevent inconsistencies in reporting and to
ensure that the data reported by States can be aggregated at the
national level.
Discussion: The Department permits States to use a poverty measure
of their choice when reporting data on courses taught by highly
qualified teachers in the highest- and lowest-poverty schools in their
Consolidated State Performance Reports and in the annual State Report
Cards required under section 1111(h)(1) of the ESEA. While States may
and frequently do use student eligibility for free- or reduced-price
lunches under the NSLA as the poverty measure for reporting these data,
this is not always the case. While the Department appreciates the
concern for comparability of data for this indicator, we believe that
requiring the use of student eligibility for free- or reduced-price
lunches under the NSLA as the poverty measure for this indicator would
introduce unnecessary confusion for States that use other poverty
measures when reporting data on the poverty level of students in their
Changes: None.
Comment: One commenter recommended that the Department include
additional metrics relating to the equitable distribution of teachers
that would require States to describe their plans for ensuring,
consistent with the statutory assurance, that students from low-income
families and minority students are not taught at higher rates than
other children by inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers,
and to describe the measures States would use to evaluate and report on
the implementation of those plans.
Discussion: We agree with the commenter on the importance of
States' developing plans to ensure equity in the qualifications of
teachers serving disadvantaged students and their peers and evaluating
the impact of those plans. We note, however, that, to assess States'
compliance with the requirements of the ESEA referenced in the
statutory assurance in this reform area (i.e., the requirements of
section 1111(b)(8)(C)), the Department has previously required States
to develop Highly Qualified Teachers State Plans. Included in these
plans is a component (known as a ``Teacher Equity Plan'') in which the
State describes the steps being taken to ensure that students from low-
income families and minority students are not taught at higher rates
than other children by inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field
teachers.\5\ Rather than include indicators that would collect
information on this topic that is additional to or duplicative of the
information already provided by States in their Teacher Equity Plans,
we have added an indicator that requires States to indicate whether
they have updated and publicly reported these plans.
\5\ These plans are available at
Changes: We have revised the indicators in this education reform
area to include a new Indicator (a)(2), which requires a State to
confirm whether the State's Teacher Equity Plan (as part of the State's
Highly Qualified Teacher Plan) fully reflects the steps the State is
currently taking to ensure that students from low-income families and
minority students are not taught at higher rates than other students by
inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers (as required in
section 1111(b)(8)(C) of the ESEA). With the addition of these
Indicators, we have renumbered the remaining Indicators and Descriptors
in this Education Reform Area.
Comment: A number of commenters expressed concern that, while
proposed Indicator (a)(1) would require States to provide data on the
distribution of highly qualified teachers between highest- and lowest-
poverty schools, it would not provide similar data with respect to
teachers of minority students. These commenters typically recommended
that an indicator be added in this education reform area requiring
States to provide data on the distribution of highly qualified teachers
between highest- and lowest-minority schools; one of these commenters
further recommended that the Department include in the final
requirements definitions of ``highest-minority school'' and ``lowest-
minority school.''
Discussion: As discussed previously, we have revised the indicators
in this education reform area to include an indicator requiring a State
to confirm that its Teacher Equity Plan accurately and fully reflects
the steps the State is
[[Page 58444]]
taking to ensure that students from low-income families and minority
students are not taught at higher rates than other students by
inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers. These plans
include data related to whether minority student populations are served
by highly qualified teachers (in addition to data related to whether
such teachers serve students from low-income families). We expect that,
in confirming or providing their current plans, States will provide up-
to-date data on this indicator as well as on the distribution of highly
qualified teachers between highest- and lowest-minority schools. For
this reason, we do not believe it is necessary to include the
additional indicators recommended by the commenters.
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters asserted that proposed Indicator (a)(1)
would not furnish data on whether students from low-income families or
minority students are taught at higher rates than other students by
out-of-field or inexperienced teachers. These commenters typically
recommended that indicators be added in this education reform area to
provide data on the distribution of in-field and experienced teachers
between highest- and lowest-poverty schools, as well as between
highest- and lowest-minority schools.
Discussion: Inasmuch as we have revised the requirements in this
education reform area, as discussed previously, to include an indicator
regarding States' Teacher Equity Plans (in which States describe the
steps being taken to ensure that students from low-income families and
minority students are not taught at higher rates than other students by
inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers), we do not
believe it is necessary to include additional indicators that would
provide data specifically on the distribution of in-field or
experienced teachers. (We note also that section 9101(23) of the ESEA
requires that a highly qualified teacher demonstrate subject knowledge
or competence in the subjects the teacher teaches in addition to
possessing a State teaching credential; consideration of whether a
teacher is teaching in or out of field is, thus, incorporated in the
definition of ``highly qualified teacher'' used in Indicator (a)(1).)
Changes: None.
Comment: Several commenters made general statements that the
definition of ``highly qualified teacher'' is flawed or does not
identify high-quality teachers, though some acknowledged the ``interim
utility'' of the term as other, more accurate or more effective
measures of teacher quality are considered.
Discussion: While the Department believes that data on highly
qualified teachers do have value, we recognize that these data are
limited by their sole focus on teacher qualifications. As reflected in
the other indicators in this education reform area (discussed in
further detail later in this notice), the Department believes that
other measures, such as measures of teacher effectiveness, are needed
if efforts to identify high-quality teachers are to be successful.
Changes: None.
Teacher and Principal Effectiveness: General
Comment: Several commenters expressed support for including in this
education reform area the proposed metr