Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement (VISA), 53000-53002 [E9-24788]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 198 / Thursday, October 15, 2009 / Notices
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All comments will become part of this
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E.T., Monday through Friday, except
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Joann Spittle, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Maritime
Administration, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Room W21–203,
Washington, DC 20590. Telephone 202–
described by the applicant the intended
service of the vessel WYSPA is:
Intended Commercial Use of Vessel:
‘‘Charter: Bareboat Charter, Charter with
Geographic Region: ‘‘CA, OR, WA’’.
October 1, 2009, as published in the
Federal Register on November 7, 2007
(72 FR 62898). The Maritime
Administration has requested approval
from the Department of Justice (DOJ) for
an extension of VISA for another two
years. DOJ is currently reviewing the
extension request, and we expect that
approval will be forthcoming.
As implemented, the VISA program is
open to U.S.-flag vessel operators of
oceangoing militarily useful vessels, to
include tugs and barges. An operator is
defined as an owner or bareboat
charterer of a vessel. Tug enrollment
alone does not satisfy VISA eligibility.
Operators include vessel owners and
bareboat charter operators if satisfactory
signed agreements are in place
committing the assets of the owner to
the bareboat charterer for purposes of
VISA. Voyage and space charterers are
not considered U.S.-flag vessel operators
for purposes of VISA eligibility.
Privacy Act
Anyone is able to search the
electronic form of all comments
received into any of our dockets by the
name of the individual submitting the
comment (or signing the comment, if
submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You may
review DOT’s complete Privacy Act
Statement in the Federal Register
published on April 11, 2000 (Volume
65, Number 70; Pages 19477–78).
The mission of VISA is to provide
commercial sealift and intermodal
shipping services and systems,
including vessels, vessel space,
intermodal systems and equipment,
terminal facilities, and related
management services, to the Department
of Defense (DOD), as necessary, to meet
national defense contingency
requirements or national emergencies.
VISA provides for the staged, timephased availability of participants’
shipping services/systems to meet
contingency requirements through
prenegotiated contracts between the
Government and participants. Such
arrangements are jointly planned with
the Maritime Administration, U.S.
Transportation Command
(USTRANSCOM), and participants in
peacetime to allow effective and best
valued use of commercial sealift
capacity, to provide DOD assured
contingency access, and to minimize
commercial disruption, whenever
There are three time-phased stages in
the event of VISA activation. VISA
Stages I and II provide for prenegotiated
contracts between DOD and participants
to provide sealift capacity to meet all
projected DOD contingency
requirements. These contracts are
executed in accordance with approved
DOD contracting methodologies. VISA
Stage III will provide for additional
capacity to DOD when Stages I and II
commitments or volunteered capacity
are insufficient to meet contingency
requirements, and adequate shipping
services from non-participants are not
available through established DOD
Dated: October 6, 2009.
By Order of the Maritime Administrator.
Christine Gurland,
Secretary, Maritime Administration.
[FR Doc. E9–24786 Filed 10–14–09; 8:45 am]
Maritime Administration
Voluntary Intermodal Sealift
Agreement (VISA)
Maritime Administration, DOT.
Notice of open season for
enrollment in the VISA program.
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
The VISA program was established
pursuant to section 708 of the Defense
Production Act of 1950, as amended
(DPA), which provides for voluntary
agreements for emergency preparedness
programs. VISA was approved for a two
year term on January 30, 1997, and
published in the Federal Register on
February 13, 1997 (62 FR 6837).
Approval is currently extended until
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VISA Concept
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contracting practices or U.S.
Government treaty agreements.
VISA Annual Enrollment Open Season
The purpose of this notice is to invite
interested, qualified U.S.-flag vessel
operators that are not currently enrolled
in the VISA program to participate. The
annual enrollment is intended to link
the VISA enrollment cycle with DOD’s
peacetime cargo contracting to ensure
eligible participants priority
consideration for DOD awards of cargo.
Alignment of VISA enrollment and
eligibility for VISA priority will solidify
the linkage between commitment of
contingency assets by VISA participants
and receiving VISA priority
consideration for the award of DOD
peacetime cargo. This is the only
planned enrollment period for carriers
to join the VISA program and derive
benefits for DOD peacetime contracts
during the time frame of October 1, 2009
through September 30, 2010. The only
exception to this open season period for
VISA enrollment will be for a non-VISA
carrier that reflags a vessel into U.S.
registry. That carrier may submit an
application to participate in the VISA
program at any time upon completion of
Advantages of Peacetime Participation
Because enrollment of carriers in the
VISA program provides DOD with
assured access to sealift services during
contingencies based on a level of
commitment, as well as a mechanism
for joint planning, DOD awards
peacetime cargo contracts to VISA
participants on a priority basis. This
applies to liner trades and charter
contracts alike. Award of DOD cargoes
to meet DOD peacetime and
contingency requirements is made on
the basis of the following priorities:
• U.S.-flag vessel capacity operated
by VISA participants and U.S.-flag
Vessel Sharing Agreement (VSA)
capacity held by VISA participants.
• U.S.-flag vessel capacity operated
by non-participants.
• Combination U.S.-flag/foreign-flag
vessel capacity operated by VISA
participants, and combination U.S.-flag/
foreign-flag VSA capacity held by VISA
• Combination U.S.-flag/foreign-flag
vessel capacity operated by nonparticipants.
• U.S.-owned or operated foreign-flag
vessel capacity and VSA capacity held
by VISA participants.
• U.S.-owned or operated foreign-flag
vessel capacity and VSA capacity held
by non-participants.
• Foreign-owned or operated foreignflag vessel capacity of non-participants.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 198 / Thursday, October 15, 2009 / Notices
Any U.S.-flag vessel operator
organized under the laws of a state of
the United States, or the District of
Columbia, who is able and willing to
commit militarily useful sealift assets
and assume the related consequential
risks of commercial disruption, may be
eligible to participate in the VISA
program. The term ‘‘operator’’ is defined
in the VISA document as ‘‘an ocean
common carrier or contract carrier that
owns, controls or manages vessels by
which ocean transportation is
provided’’. Applicants wishing to
become participants must provide
satisfactory evidence that the vessels
being committed to the VISA program
are operational and that vessels are
intended to be operated by the applicant
in the carriage of commercial or
government preference cargoes. While
vessel brokers, freight forwarders and
agents play an important role as a
conduit to locate and secure appropriate
vessels for the carriage of DOD cargo,
they may not become participants in the
VISA program due to lack of requisite
vessel ownership or operation.
However, brokers, freight forwarders
and agents should encourage the
carriers they represent to join the
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Any U.S.-flag vessel operator desiring
to receive priority consideration in the
award of DOD peacetime contracts must
commit no less than 50 percent of its
total U.S.-flag militarily useful capacity
in Stage III of the VISA program.
Participants operating vessels in
international trade may receive top tier
consideration in the award of DOD
peacetime contracts by committing the
minimum percentages of capacity to all
three stages of VISA or bottom tier
consideration by committing the
minimum percentage of capacity to only
the Maritime Administration will
coordinate to ensure that the amount of
sealift assets committed to Stages I and
II will not have an adverse national
economic impact. To minimize
domestic commercial disruption,
participants operating vessels
exclusively in the domestic Jones Act
trades are not required to commit the
capacity of those U.S. domestic trading
vessels to VISA Stages I and II. Overall
VISA commitment requirements are
based on annual enrollment.
In order to protect a U.S.-flag vessel
operator’s market share during
contingency activation, VISA allows
participants to join with other vessel
operators in Carrier Coordination
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Agreements (CCAs) to satisfy
commercial or DOD requirements. VISA
provides a defense against antitrust laws
in accordance with the DPA. CCAs must
be submitted to the Maritime
Administration for coordination with
the Department of Justice for approval,
before they can be utilized.
Vessel Position Reporting
If VISA applicants have the capability
to track their vessels, they must state
which system is used in their VISA
application and will be required to
provide the Maritime Administration
with access to their vessel tracking
systems upon approval of their VISA
application. If VISA applicants do not
have a tracking system, they must
indicate this in their VISA application.
The VISA program requires enrolled
ships to comply with 46 CFR Part 307,
Establishment of Mandatory Position
Reporting System for Vessels.
In addition to receiving priority in the
award of DOD peacetime cargo, a
participant will receive compensation
during contingency activation for that
capacity activated under Stage I, II and
III. The amount of compensation will
depend on the Stage at which capacity
is activated. During enrollment, each
participant must select one of several
compensation methodologies. The
compensation methodology selection
will be completed with the appropriate
DOD agency, resulting in prices in
contingency contracts between DOD and
the participant.
Application for VISA Participation
New applicants may apply to
participate by obtaining a VISA
application package (Form MA–1020
(OMB Approval No. 2133–0532)) from
the Director, Office of Sealift Support, at
the address indicated below. Form MA–
1020 includes instructions for
completing and submitting the
application, blank VISA Application
forms and a request for information
regarding the operations and U.S.
citizenship of the applicant company. A
copy of the VISA document as
published in the Federal Register on
November 7, 2007, will also be provided
with the package. This information is
needed in order to assist the Maritime
Administration in making a
determination of the applicant’s
eligibility. An applicant company must
provide an affidavit that demonstrates
that the company is qualified to
document a vessel under 46 U.S.C.,
section 12103, and that it owns, or
bareboat charters and controls,
oceangoing, militarily useful vessel(s)
PO 00000
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for purposes of committing assets to the
VISA program.
New VISA applicants are required to
submit their applications for the VISA
program as described in this Notice no
later than 60 days after the date of
publication of this Federal Register
notice. Applicants must provide the
• U.S. citizenship documentation;
• Copy of their Articles of
Incorporation and/or By Laws;
• Copies of loadline documents from
a recognized classification society to
validate oceangoing vessel capability;
• U.S. Coast Guard Certificates of
Documentation for all vessels in their
• Copy of Bareboat Charters, if
applicable, valid through the period of
enrollment, which state that the owner
will not interfere with the charterer’s
obligation to commit chartered vessel(s)
to the VISA program for the duration of
the charter.
• Copy of Time Charters, valid
through the period of enrollment, for tug
services to barge operators, if sufficient
tug service is not owned or bareboat
chartered by the VISA applicant. Barge
operators must provide evidence to
MARAD that tug service of sufficient
horsepower will be available for all
barges enrolled in the VISA program.
Approved VISA participants will be
responsible for ensuring that
information submitted with their
application remains up to date beyond
the approval process. Any changes to
VISA commitments must be reported to
the Maritime Administration and
USTRANSCOM not later than seven
days after the change. If charter
agreements are due to expire,
participants must provide the Maritime
Administration with charters that
extend the charter duration for another
12 months or longer.
Once the Maritime Administration
has reviewed the application and
determined VISA eligibility, the
Maritime Administration will sign the
VISA application document which
completes the eligibility phase of the
VISA enrollment process.
After VISA eligibility is approved by
the Maritime Administration, approved
applicants are required to execute a
joint VISA Enrollment Contract (VEC)
with DOD [USTRANSCOM and the
Military Sealift Command (MSC)] which
will specify the participant’s Stage III
commitment, and appropriate Stage I
and/or II commitments for the period
October 1, 2009 through September 30,
2010. Once the VEC is completed, the
applicant completes the DOD
contracting process by executing a
Drytime Contingency Contract (DCC)
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 198 / Thursday, October 15, 2009 / Notices
with MSC and, if applicable, a VISA
Contingency Contract (VCC) with
USTRANSCOM (for Liner Operators).
The Maritime Administration reserves
the right to revalidate all eligibility
requirements without notice.
For Additional Information and
Applications Contact: Jerome D. Davis,
Director, Office of Sealift Support, U.S.
Maritime Administration, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC
20590. Telephone (202) 366–0688; Fax
(202) 366–5904. Other information
about the VISA can be found on the
Maritime Administration’s Internet Web
Page at https://www.marad.dot.gov.
(Authority: 49 CFR 1.66)
Dated: October 8, 2009.
By Order of the Maritime Administrator.
Murray Bloom,
Acting Secretary, Maritime Administration.
[FR Doc. E9–24788 Filed 10–14–09; 8:45 am]
Disciplinary Appeals Board Panel
mstockstill on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with NOTICES
Department of Veterans Affairs.
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ACTION: Notice with request for
SUMMARY: Section 203 of the Department
of Veterans Affairs Health Care
Personnel Act of 1991 (Pub. L. 102–40),
dated May 7, 1991, revised the
disciplinary grievance and appeal
procedures for employees appointed
under 38 U.S.C. 7401(1). It also required
the periodic designation of employees of
the Department who are qualified to
serve on Disciplinary Appeals Boards.
These employees constitute the
Disciplinary Appeals Board panel from
which Board members in a case are
appointed. This notice announces that
the roster of employees on the panel is
available for review and comment.
Employees, employee organizations,
and other interested parties shall be
provided, without charge, a list of the
names of employees on the panel upon
request and may submit comments
concerning the suitability for service on
the panel of any employee whose name
is on the list.
DATES: Names that appear on the panel
may be selected to serve on a Board or
as a grievance examiner after November
16, 2009.
PO 00000
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ADDRESSES: Requests for the list of
names of employees on the panel and
written comments may be directed to:
Secretary of Veterans Affairs (051),
Department of Veterans Affairs, 810
Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, DC
20420. Requests and comments may
also be faxed to (202) 273–9776.
Latoya Smith, Employee Relations
Specialist (051), Office of Human
Resources Management, Department of
Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20420. Ms. Smith
may be reached at (202) 461–7975.
Law 102–40 requires that the
availability of the roster be posted in the
Federal Register periodically, and not
less than annually.
Dated: October 7, 2009.
John R. Gingrich,
Chief of Staff, Department of Veterans Affairs.
[FR Doc. E9–24733 Filed 10–14–09; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 198 (Thursday, October 15, 2009)]
[Pages 53000-53002]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-24788]
Maritime Administration
Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement (VISA)
AGENCY: Maritime Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Notice of open season for enrollment in the VISA program.
The VISA program was established pursuant to section 708 of the
Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (DPA), which provides for
voluntary agreements for emergency preparedness programs. VISA was
approved for a two year term on January 30, 1997, and published in the
Federal Register on February 13, 1997 (62 FR 6837). Approval is
currently extended until October 1, 2009, as published in the Federal
Register on November 7, 2007 (72 FR 62898). The Maritime Administration
has requested approval from the Department of Justice (DOJ) for an
extension of VISA for another two years. DOJ is currently reviewing the
extension request, and we expect that approval will be forthcoming.
As implemented, the VISA program is open to U.S.-flag vessel
operators of oceangoing militarily useful vessels, to include tugs and
barges. An operator is defined as an owner or bareboat charterer of a
vessel. Tug enrollment alone does not satisfy VISA eligibility.
Operators include vessel owners and bareboat charter operators if
satisfactory signed agreements are in place committing the assets of
the owner to the bareboat charterer for purposes of VISA. Voyage and
space charterers are not considered U.S.-flag vessel operators for
purposes of VISA eligibility.
VISA Concept
The mission of VISA is to provide commercial sealift and intermodal
shipping services and systems, including vessels, vessel space,
intermodal systems and equipment, terminal facilities, and related
management services, to the Department of Defense (DOD), as necessary,
to meet national defense contingency requirements or national
VISA provides for the staged, time-phased availability of
participants' shipping services/systems to meet contingency
requirements through prenegotiated contracts between the Government and
participants. Such arrangements are jointly planned with the Maritime
Administration, U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), and
participants in peacetime to allow effective and best valued use of
commercial sealift capacity, to provide DOD assured contingency access,
and to minimize commercial disruption, whenever possible.
There are three time-phased stages in the event of VISA activation.
VISA Stages I and II provide for prenegotiated contracts between DOD
and participants to provide sealift capacity to meet all projected DOD
contingency requirements. These contracts are executed in accordance
with approved DOD contracting methodologies. VISA Stage III will
provide for additional capacity to DOD when Stages I and II commitments
or volunteered capacity are insufficient to meet contingency
requirements, and adequate shipping services from non-participants are
not available through established DOD contracting practices or U.S.
Government treaty agreements.
VISA Annual Enrollment Open Season
The purpose of this notice is to invite interested, qualified U.S.-
flag vessel operators that are not currently enrolled in the VISA
program to participate. The annual enrollment is intended to link the
VISA enrollment cycle with DOD's peacetime cargo contracting to ensure
eligible participants priority consideration for DOD awards of cargo.
Alignment of VISA enrollment and eligibility for VISA priority will
solidify the linkage between commitment of contingency assets by VISA
participants and receiving VISA priority consideration for the award of
DOD peacetime cargo. This is the only planned enrollment period for
carriers to join the VISA program and derive benefits for DOD peacetime
contracts during the time frame of October 1, 2009 through September
30, 2010. The only exception to this open season period for VISA
enrollment will be for a non-VISA carrier that reflags a vessel into
U.S. registry. That carrier may submit an application to participate in
the VISA program at any time upon completion of reflagging.
Advantages of Peacetime Participation
Because enrollment of carriers in the VISA program provides DOD
with assured access to sealift services during contingencies based on a
level of commitment, as well as a mechanism for joint planning, DOD
awards peacetime cargo contracts to VISA participants on a priority
basis. This applies to liner trades and charter contracts alike. Award
of DOD cargoes to meet DOD peacetime and contingency requirements is
made on the basis of the following priorities:
U.S.-flag vessel capacity operated by VISA participants
and U.S.-flag Vessel Sharing Agreement (VSA) capacity held by VISA
U.S.-flag vessel capacity operated by non-participants.
Combination U.S.-flag/foreign-flag vessel capacity
operated by VISA participants, and combination U.S.-flag/foreign-flag
VSA capacity held by VISA participants.
Combination U.S.-flag/foreign-flag vessel capacity
operated by non-participants.
U.S.-owned or operated foreign-flag vessel capacity and
VSA capacity held by VISA participants.
U.S.-owned or operated foreign-flag vessel capacity and
VSA capacity held by non-participants.
Foreign-owned or operated foreign-flag vessel capacity of
[[Page 53001]]
Any U.S.-flag vessel operator organized under the laws of a state
of the United States, or the District of Columbia, who is able and
willing to commit militarily useful sealift assets and assume the
related consequential risks of commercial disruption, may be eligible
to participate in the VISA program. The term ``operator'' is defined in
the VISA document as ``an ocean common carrier or contract carrier that
owns, controls or manages vessels by which ocean transportation is
provided''. Applicants wishing to become participants must provide
satisfactory evidence that the vessels being committed to the VISA
program are operational and that vessels are intended to be operated by
the applicant in the carriage of commercial or government preference
cargoes. While vessel brokers, freight forwarders and agents play an
important role as a conduit to locate and secure appropriate vessels
for the carriage of DOD cargo, they may not become participants in the
VISA program due to lack of requisite vessel ownership or operation.
However, brokers, freight forwarders and agents should encourage the
carriers they represent to join the program.
Any U.S.-flag vessel operator desiring to receive priority
consideration in the award of DOD peacetime contracts must commit no
less than 50 percent of its total U.S.-flag militarily useful capacity
in Stage III of the VISA program. Participants operating vessels in
international trade may receive top tier consideration in the award of
DOD peacetime contracts by committing the minimum percentages of
capacity to all three stages of VISA or bottom tier consideration by
committing the minimum percentage of capacity to only Stage III of
VISA. USTRANSCOM and the Maritime Administration will coordinate to
ensure that the amount of sealift assets committed to Stages I and II
will not have an adverse national economic impact. To minimize domestic
commercial disruption, participants operating vessels exclusively in
the domestic Jones Act trades are not required to commit the capacity
of those U.S. domestic trading vessels to VISA Stages I and II. Overall
VISA commitment requirements are based on annual enrollment.
In order to protect a U.S.-flag vessel operator's market share
during contingency activation, VISA allows participants to join with
other vessel operators in Carrier Coordination Agreements (CCAs) to
satisfy commercial or DOD requirements. VISA provides a defense against
antitrust laws in accordance with the DPA. CCAs must be submitted to
the Maritime Administration for coordination with the Department of
Justice for approval, before they can be utilized.
Vessel Position Reporting
If VISA applicants have the capability to track their vessels, they
must state which system is used in their VISA application and will be
required to provide the Maritime Administration with access to their
vessel tracking systems upon approval of their VISA application. If
VISA applicants do not have a tracking system, they must indicate this
in their VISA application. The VISA program requires enrolled ships to
comply with 46 CFR Part 307, Establishment of Mandatory Position
Reporting System for Vessels.
In addition to receiving priority in the award of DOD peacetime
cargo, a participant will receive compensation during contingency
activation for that capacity activated under Stage I, II and III. The
amount of compensation will depend on the Stage at which capacity is
activated. During enrollment, each participant must select one of
several compensation methodologies. The compensation methodology
selection will be completed with the appropriate DOD agency, resulting
in prices in contingency contracts between DOD and the participant.
Application for VISA Participation
New applicants may apply to participate by obtaining a VISA
application package (Form MA-1020 (OMB Approval No. 2133-0532)) from
the Director, Office of Sealift Support, at the address indicated
below. Form MA-1020 includes instructions for completing and submitting
the application, blank VISA Application forms and a request for
information regarding the operations and U.S. citizenship of the
applicant company. A copy of the VISA document as published in the
Federal Register on November 7, 2007, will also be provided with the
package. This information is needed in order to assist the Maritime
Administration in making a determination of the applicant's
eligibility. An applicant company must provide an affidavit that
demonstrates that the company is qualified to document a vessel under
46 U.S.C., section 12103, and that it owns, or bareboat charters and
controls, oceangoing, militarily useful vessel(s) for purposes of
committing assets to the VISA program.
New VISA applicants are required to submit their applications for
the VISA program as described in this Notice no later than 60 days
after the date of publication of this Federal Register notice.
Applicants must provide the following:
U.S. citizenship documentation;
Copy of their Articles of Incorporation and/or By Laws;
Copies of loadline documents from a recognized
classification society to validate oceangoing vessel capability;
U.S. Coast Guard Certificates of Documentation for all
vessels in their fleet.
Copy of Bareboat Charters, if applicable, valid through
the period of enrollment, which state that the owner will not interfere
with the charterer's obligation to commit chartered vessel(s) to the
VISA program for the duration of the charter.
Copy of Time Charters, valid through the period of
enrollment, for tug services to barge operators, if sufficient tug
service is not owned or bareboat chartered by the VISA applicant. Barge
operators must provide evidence to MARAD that tug service of sufficient
horsepower will be available for all barges enrolled in the VISA
Approved VISA participants will be responsible for ensuring that
information submitted with their application remains up to date beyond
the approval process. Any changes to VISA commitments must be reported
to the Maritime Administration and USTRANSCOM not later than seven days
after the change. If charter agreements are due to expire, participants
must provide the Maritime Administration with charters that extend the
charter duration for another 12 months or longer.
Once the Maritime Administration has reviewed the application and
determined VISA eligibility, the Maritime Administration will sign the
VISA application document which completes the eligibility phase of the
VISA enrollment process.
After VISA eligibility is approved by the Maritime Administration,
approved applicants are required to execute a joint VISA Enrollment
Contract (VEC) with DOD [USTRANSCOM and the Military Sealift Command
(MSC)] which will specify the participant's Stage III commitment, and
appropriate Stage I and/or II commitments for the period October 1,
2009 through September 30, 2010. Once the VEC is completed, the
applicant completes the DOD contracting process by executing a Drytime
Contingency Contract (DCC)
[[Page 53002]]
with MSC and, if applicable, a VISA Contingency Contract (VCC) with
USTRANSCOM (for Liner Operators). The Maritime Administration reserves
the right to revalidate all eligibility requirements without notice.
For Additional Information and Applications Contact: Jerome D.
Davis, Director, Office of Sealift Support, U.S. Maritime
Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.
Telephone (202) 366-0688; Fax (202) 366-5904. Other information about
the VISA can be found on the Maritime Administration's Internet Web
Page at https://www.marad.dot.gov.
(Authority: 49 CFR 1.66)
Dated: October 8, 2009.
By Order of the Maritime Administrator.
Murray Bloom,
Acting Secretary, Maritime Administration.
[FR Doc. E9-24788 Filed 10-14-09; 8:45 am]