Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education-European Union-United States Atlantis Program; Program for North American Mobility in Higher Education Program; United States-Brazil Higher Education Consortia Program; United States-Russia Program: Improving Research and Educational Activities in Higher Education, 46117-46119 [E9-21608]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 8, 2009 / Notices
693–4019 or e-mail at
The FY08
NDAA section 807 amends section
2330a of Title 10 United States Code to
require annual inventories and reviews
of activities performed on services
contracts. The Deputy Under Secretary
of Defense (Acquisition and
Technology) (DUSD(AT)) transmitted
the Department of Navy inventory to
Congress on August 4, 2009.
The Office of the DASN (A&LM)
submitted the Department of Navy
Fiscal Year 2008 Services Contract
Inventory to the Office of the DPAPSS
on June 30, 2009. Included with this
inventory was a narrative that described
the data collection process, the
inventory data, and the on-going
inventory review process. The inventory
included such information as:
calculated contractor full time
equivalents; and, contract costs by
organization, location, function,
contract type, and funding source. The
full report is located at the following
Web site:
NDAAsection807. The inventory did not
include specific contract numbers,
contractor identification or proprietary
or sensitive information.
Authority: 10 U.S.C. 2330a, part 137.
Dated: August 31, 2009.
T. M. Cruz,
Lieutenant Commander, Judge Advocate
General’s Corps, U.S. Navy, Alternate Federal
Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. E9–21474 Filed 9–4–09; 8:45 am]
Department of the Air Force
US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board
Notice of Meeting
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
AGENCY: Department of the Air Force,
US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board.
ACTION: Meeting notice.
SUMMARY: Under the provisions of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act of
1972 (5 U.S.C., Appendix, as amended),
the Government in the Sunshine Act of
1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as amended), and
41 CFR 102–3.150, the Department of
Defense announces that the United
States Air Force Scientific Advisory
Board (SAB) meeting will take place on
Wednesday and Thursday, October 7th–
October 8th, 2009 at the SAF/AQ
Conference and Innovation Center, 1560
Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209. The
meeting on Wednesday, October 7th,
will be from 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m., and the
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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meeting on Thursday, October 8th, will
be from 7:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
The purpose of this Air Force
Scientific Advisory Board quarterly
meeting is to introduce the FY10 SAB
study topics tasked by the Secretary of
the Air Force and receive presentations
that address relevant subjects to the
SAB mission. The briefings and
discussion will include presentations
from senior Air Force and other DoD
leadership. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552b, as
amended, and 41 CFR 102–3.155, the
Administrative Assistant of the Air
Force, in consultation with the Office of
the Air Force General Counsel, has
determined in writing that the public
interest requires that some sessions of
the United States Air Force Scientific
Advisory Board meeting be closed to the
public because they will be concerned
with classified information and matters
covered by sections 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(1)
and (4). The two sessions on 7 Oct 09,
from 0800–0945, will be open to the
general public. The remaining sessions
on 7 Oct 09 and 8 Oct 09 will be closed
to the general public.
Because the meeting will take place in
a controlled facility and seating is
limited, any member of the general
public wishing to attend the 7 Oct 09,
0800–0945, sessions need to call 301–
981–7147 and provide their name not
later than Monday, 5 Oct 09. You will
need to arrive at the meeting facility
between 7:30 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. that
morning and have valid government
identification in your possession.
Any member of the public wishing to
provide input to the United States Air
Force Scientific Advisory Board can
also submit a written statement in
accordance with 41 CFR 102–3.140(c)
and section 10(a)(3) of the Federal
Advisory Committee Act and the
procedures described in this paragraph.
Written statements can be submitted to
the Designated Federal Officer at the
address detailed below at any time.
Statements being submitted in response
to the agenda mentioned in this notice
must be received by the Designated
Federal Officer at the address listed
below at least five calendar days prior
to the meeting which is the subject of
this notice. Written statements received
after this date may not be provided to
or considered by the United States Air
Force Scientific Advisory Board until its
next meeting. The Designated Federal
Officer will review all timely
submissions with the United States Air
Force Scientific Advisory Board
Chairperson and ensure they are
provided to members of the United
States Air Force Scientific Advisory
Board before the meeting that is the
subject of this notice.
PO 00000
Frm 00038
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United States Air Force Scientific
Advisory Board Executive Director and
Designated Federal Officer, Lt Col
Anthony M. Mitchell, 301–981–7135,
United States Air Force Scientific
Advisory Board, 1602 California
Avenue, Suite #251, Andrews AFB, MD
20762, AnthonyM.mitchell@
Bao-Anh Trinh,
Air Force Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. E9–21512 Filed 9–4–09; 8:45 am]
Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education—European
Union-United States Atlantis Program;
Program for North American Mobility
in Higher Education Program; United
States-Brazil Higher Education
Consortia Program; United StatesRussia Program: Improving Research
and Educational Activities in Higher
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance Numbers: 84.116J (European
Union (EU)-United States (U.S.) Atlantis
Program), 84.116N (Program for North
American Mobility in Higher
Education), 84.116M (U.S.-Brazil Higher
Education Consortia Program), 84.116S
(U.S.-Russia Program: Improving
Research and Educational Activities in
Higher Education).
AGENCY: Office of Postsecondary
Education, Department of Education.
ACTION: Notice of proposed priorities.
SUMMARY: The Assistant Secretary for
Postsecondary Education proposes one
absolute priority for each of the four
special focus competitions conducted
by the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE): the
EU-U.S. Atlantis Program, the Program
for North American Mobility in Higher
Education, the U.S.-Brazil Higher
Education Consortia Program, and the
U.S.-Russia Program: Improving
Research and Educational Activities in
Higher Education.
The Assistant Secretary may use these
priorities for competitions in fiscal year
(FY) 2010 and in later years. We take
this action to focus Federal financial
assistance on an identified need in the
area of postsecondary education. We
intend these absolute priorities to
improve postsecondary education
opportunities by supporting the
formation of international educational
consortia and encouraging cooperation
in the coordination of curricula, the
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 8, 2009 / Notices
exchange of students, and the opening
of educational opportunities between
the U.S. and the countries involved in
these programs.
DATES: We must receive your comments
on or before October 8, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Address all comments about
this notice to Sarah Beaton, U.S.
Department of Education, 1990 K Street,
NW., room 6154, Washington, DC
If you prefer to send your comments
by e-mail, use the following address: You must include
the following information in the subject
line of your electronic message:
‘‘Absolute Priorities for Special Focus
International Competitions, FIPSE.’’
Sarah Beaton. Telephone: (202) 502–
7621 or by e-mail:
If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD), call the
Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll free, at
Invitation to Comment: We invite you
to submit comments regarding this
notice. To ensure that your comments
have maximum effect in developing the
notice of final priorities, we urge you to
identify clearly the specific proposed
priority that each comment addresses.
We invite you to assist us in
complying with the specific
requirements of Executive Order 12866
and its overall requirement of reducing
regulatory burden that might result from
these proposed priorities. Please let us
know of any further ways we could
reduce potential costs or increase
potential benefits while preserving the
effective and efficient administration of
the programs.
During and after the comment period,
you may inspect all public comments
about this notice in room 6154, 1990 K
Street, NW., Washington, DC, between
the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.,
Washington, DC time, Monday through
Friday of each week except Federal
Assistance to Individuals with
Disabilities in Reviewing the
Rulemaking Record: On request we will
provide an appropriate accommodation
or auxiliary aid to an individual with a
disability who needs assistance to
review the comments or other
documents in the public rulemaking
record for this notice. If you want to
schedule an appointment for this type of
accommodation or auxiliary aid, please
contact the person listed under FOR
Purpose of Program: The purpose of
the Fund for the Improvement of
VerDate Nov<24>2008
17:32 Sep 04, 2009
Jkt 217001
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE)
program is to support reforms,
innovations, and significant
improvements of postsecondary
education that respond to problems of
national significance and serve as
national models. Under the FIPSE
program, the Secretary makes grants for
special projects concerning areas of
national need.
Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1138–
Proposed Priorities
Background: FIPSE is authorized
under title VII, part B, sections 741
through 745 of the Higher Education Act
of 1965, as amended (HEA), 20 U.S.C.
1138–1138d. Specifically, section 744 of
the HEA authorizes the Secretary to
make grants to institutions of higher
education or consortia of such
institutions with other public agencies
and nonprofit organizations for
innovative projects concerning areas of
national need identified by the
Secretary. Currently, these special
projects include four international
consortia programs: the EU-U.S. Atlantis
Program (CFDA 84.116J), the Program
for North American Mobility in Higher
Education (CFDA 84.116N), the U.S.Brazil Higher Education Consortia
Program (CFDA 84.116M), and the U.S.Russia Program: Improving Research
and Educational Activities in Higher
Education (CFDA 84.116S). Each of
these programs, which are co-funded by
the Department, through FIPSE, and its
respective international government
partners, supports multilateral, multiinstitutional collaboration. In each
program, the Department works solely
with an agency from the other involved
nation or international group to
administer the program and choose
grantees. The EU-U.S. Atlantis Program
operates cooperatively with the
European Commission, the Program for
North American Mobility in Higher
Education operates cooperatively with
Human Resources and Social
Development Canada and the Secretariat
of Public Education in Mexico; the U.S.Brazil Higher Education Consortia
Program operates cooperatively with the
Coordination of Improvement of
Personnel of Superior Level (CAPES),
Brazilian Ministry of Education; and the
U.S.-Russia Program: Improving
Research and Educational Activities in
Higher Education operates cooperatively
with the Russian Ministry of Education
and Science.
Currently, the Secretary implements
the EU-U.S. Atlantis Program, the
Program for North American Mobility in
Higher Education Program, the U.S.Brazil Higher Education Consortia
PO 00000
Frm 00039
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Program, and the U.S.-Russia Program:
Improving Research and Educational
Activities in Higher Education through
the use of invitational priorities
announced in notices inviting
applications that are published in the
Federal Register. We do not give an
application that meets an invitational
priority a competitive or absolute
preference over other applications. The
Department seeks to establish absolute
priorities for these programs because, in
accordance with the international
agreements establishing these programs,
we intend to use the priorities to limit
eligibility for funding under these
programs to only those U.S. colleges and
universities that partner with foreign
colleges and universities in the
countries involved in the four programs.
As absolute priorities, the criteria
contained in them would function as
eligibility requirements. Only those
entities meeting the eligibility
requirements in the priority would be
eligible for funding under these
The following proposed absolute
priorities support the formation of
international educational consortia and
encourage cooperation in the
coordination of curricula; the exchange
of students, if pertinent to grant
activities; and the opening of
educational opportunities between the
U.S. and the respective countries
involved in each of the programs.
Therefore, only applications proposing
projects addressing the absolute priority
will be reviewed and considered for
award; applications that do not address
the absolute priority will be
Proposed Absolute Priority 1—EU-U.S.
Atlantis Program (84.116J)
This priority supports the formation
of educational consortia between the EU
and U.S. institutions. To meet this
priority, the applicant must propose a
project that encourages cooperation in
the coordination of curricula; the
exchange of students, if pertinent to
grant activities; and the opening of
educational opportunities between the
U.S. and countries in the EU. In order
to be eligible for an award under this
priority, the applicant in the U.S. must
be a U.S. institution and the applicant
in the EU must be an EU institution.
EU institutions participating in any
consortium proposal under this priority
may apply to the Directorate-General for
Education and Culture (DG EAC),
European Commission for funding
under a separate but parallel EU
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 172 / Tuesday, September 8, 2009 / Notices
Proposed Absolute Priority 2—Program
for North American Mobility in Higher
Education (84.116N)
This priority supports the formation
of educational consortia of U.S.,
Canadian, and Mexican institutions. To
meet this priority, the applicant must
propose a project that supports
cooperation in the coordination of
curricula; the exchange of students, if
pertinent to grant activities; and the
opening of educational opportunities
among the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. In
order to be eligible for an award under
this priority, the applicant in the U.S.
must be a U.S. institution, the applicant
in Mexico must be a Mexican
institution, and the applicant in Canada
must be a Canadian institution.
Canadian and Mexican institutions
participating in any consortium
proposal under this priority may apply,
respectively, to Human Resources and
Social Development Canada (HRSDC) or
the Mexican Secretariat for Public
Education (SEP), for funding under
separate but parallel Canadian and
Mexican competitions.
Proposed Absolute Priority 3—U.S.Brazil Higher Education Consortia
Program (84.116M)
This priority supports the formation
of educational consortia of U.S. and
Brazilian institutions. To meet this
priority, the applicant must propose a
project that supports cooperation in the
coordination of curricula; the exchange
of students, if pertinent to grant
activities; and the opening of
educational opportunities between the
U.S. and Brazil. In order to be eligible
for an award under this priority, the
applicant in the U.S. must be a U.S.
institution and the applicant in Brazil
must be a Brazilian institution. Brazilian
institutions participating in any
consortium proposal under this priority
may apply to the Coordination of
Improvement of Personnel of Superior
Level (CAPES), Brazilian Ministry of
Education, for funding under a separate
but parallel Brazilian competition.
jlentini on DSKJ8SOYB1PROD with NOTICES
Proposed Absolute Priority 4—U.S.Russian Program: Improving Research
and Educational Activities in Higher
Education (84.116S)
This priority supports the formation
of educational consortia of U.S. and
Russian institutions to encourage
mutual socio-cultural-linguistic
cooperation; the coordination of joint
development of curricular, educational
materials; and the exchange of students.
In order to be eligible for an award
under this priority, the applicant in the
U.S. must be a U.S. institution and the
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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applicant in Russia must be a Russian
institution. Russian institutions
participating in any consortium
proposal under this priority may apply
to the Russian Ministry of Education
and Science for funding under a
separate but parallel Russian
Types of Priorities:
When inviting applications for a
competition using one or more
priorities, we designate the type of each
priority as absolute, competitive
preference, or invitational through a
notice in the Federal Register. The
effect of each type of priority follows:
Absolute priority: Under an absolute
priority, we consider only applications
that meet the priority (34 CFR
Competitive preference priority:
Under a competitive preference priority,
we give competitive preference to an
application by (1) awarding additional
points, depending on the extent to
which the application meets the priority
(34 CFR 75.105(c)(2)(i)); or (2) selecting
an application that meets the priority
over an application of comparable merit
that does not meet the priority (34 CFR
Invitational priority: Under an
invitational priority, we are particularly
interested in applications that meet the
priority. However, we do not give an
application that meets the priority a
preference over other applications (34
CFR 75.105(c)(1)).
Final Priorities
We will announce the final priorities
in a notice in the Federal Register. We
will determine the final priorities after
considering responses to this notice and
other information available to the
Department. This notice does not
preclude us from proposing additional
priorities, requirements, definitions, or
selection criteria, subject to meeting
applicable rulemaking requirements.
Note: This notice does not solicit
applications. In any year in which we choose
to use one or more of these priorities, we
invite applications through a notice in the
Federal Register.
Executive Order 12866: This notice
has been reviewed in accordance with
Executive Order 12866. Under the terms
of the order, we have assessed the
potential costs and benefits of this
proposed regulatory action.
The potential costs associated with
this proposed regulatory action are
those resulting from statutory
requirements and those we have
determined as necessary for
administering these programs effectively
and efficiently.
PO 00000
Frm 00040
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
In assessing the potential costs and
benefits—both quantitative and
qualitative—of this proposed regulatory
action, we have determined that the
benefits of the proposed priorities
justify the costs.
We have determined, also, that this
proposed regulatory action does not
unduly interfere with State, local, and
tribal governments in the exercise of
their governmental functions.
Intergovernmental Review: These
programs are subject to Executive Order
12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR
part 79. One of the objectives of the
Executive order is to foster an
intergovernmental partnership and a
strengthened federalism. The Executive
order relies on processes developed by
State and local governments for
coordination and review of proposed
Federal financial assistance.
This document provides early
notification of our specific plans and
actions for these programs.
Accessible Format: Individuals with
disabilities can obtain this document in
an accessible format (e.g., braille, large
print, audiotape, or computer diskette)
on request to the program contact
person listed under FOR FURTHER
Electronic Access to This Document:
You can view this document, as well as
all other documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Adobe Portable Document
Format (PDF) on the Internet at the
following site:
To use PDF you must have Adobe
Acrobat Reader, which is available free
at this site. If you have questions about
using PDF, call the U.S. Government
Printing Office (GPO), toll free, at 1–
888–293–6498; or in the Washington,
DC, area at (202) 512–1530.
Note: The official version of this
document is the document published in
the Federal Register. Free Internet
access to the official edition of the
Federal Register and the Code of
Federal Regulations is available on GPO
Access at:
Delegation of Authority: The Secretary
of Education has delegated authority to
Daniel T. Madzelan, Director,
Forecasting and Policy Analysis for the
Office of Postsecondary Education, to
perform the functions and duties of the
Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary
Dated: September 2, 2009.
Daniel T. Madzelan,
Director, Forecasting and Policy Analysis.
[FR Doc. E9–21608 Filed 9–4–09; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 172 (Tuesday, September 8, 2009)]
[Pages 46117-46119]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-21608]
Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education--European
Union-United States Atlantis Program; Program for North American
Mobility in Higher Education Program; United States-Brazil Higher
Education Consortia Program; United States-Russia Program: Improving
Research and Educational Activities in Higher Education
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers: 84.116J (European
Union (EU)-United States (U.S.) Atlantis Program), 84.116N (Program for
North American Mobility in Higher Education), 84.116M (U.S.-Brazil
Higher Education Consortia Program), 84.116S (U.S.-Russia Program:
Improving Research and Educational Activities in Higher Education).
AGENCY: Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of Education.
ACTION: Notice of proposed priorities.
SUMMARY: The Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education proposes
one absolute priority for each of the four special focus competitions
conducted by the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education
(FIPSE): the EU-U.S. Atlantis Program, the Program for North American
Mobility in Higher Education, the U.S.-Brazil Higher Education
Consortia Program, and the U.S.-Russia Program: Improving Research and
Educational Activities in Higher Education.
The Assistant Secretary may use these priorities for competitions
in fiscal year (FY) 2010 and in later years. We take this action to
focus Federal financial assistance on an identified need in the area of
postsecondary education. We intend these absolute priorities to improve
postsecondary education opportunities by supporting the formation of
international educational consortia and encouraging cooperation in the
coordination of curricula, the
[[Page 46118]]
exchange of students, and the opening of educational opportunities
between the U.S. and the countries involved in these programs.
DATES: We must receive your comments on or before October 8, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Address all comments about this notice to Sarah Beaton, U.S.
Department of Education, 1990 K Street, NW., room 6154, Washington, DC
If you prefer to send your comments by e-mail, use the following
address: You must include the following information in
the subject line of your electronic message: ``Absolute Priorities for
Special Focus International Competitions, FIPSE.''
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sarah Beaton. Telephone: (202) 502-
7621 or by e-mail:
If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), call the
Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll free, at 1-800-877-8339.
Invitation to Comment: We invite you to submit comments regarding
this notice. To ensure that your comments have maximum effect in
developing the notice of final priorities, we urge you to identify
clearly the specific proposed priority that each comment addresses.
We invite you to assist us in complying with the specific
requirements of Executive Order 12866 and its overall requirement of
reducing regulatory burden that might result from these proposed
priorities. Please let us know of any further ways we could reduce
potential costs or increase potential benefits while preserving the
effective and efficient administration of the programs.
During and after the comment period, you may inspect all public
comments about this notice in room 6154, 1990 K Street, NW.,
Washington, DC, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., Washington,
DC time, Monday through Friday of each week except Federal holidays.
Assistance to Individuals with Disabilities in Reviewing the
Rulemaking Record: On request we will provide an appropriate
accommodation or auxiliary aid to an individual with a disability who
needs assistance to review the comments or other documents in the
public rulemaking record for this notice. If you want to schedule an
appointment for this type of accommodation or auxiliary aid, please
contact the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
Purpose of Program: The purpose of the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) program is to support reforms,
innovations, and significant improvements of postsecondary education
that respond to problems of national significance and serve as national
models. Under the FIPSE program, the Secretary makes grants for special
projects concerning areas of national need.
Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1138-1138d.
Proposed Priorities
Background: FIPSE is authorized under title VII, part B, sections
741 through 745 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA),
20 U.S.C. 1138-1138d. Specifically, section 744 of the HEA authorizes
the Secretary to make grants to institutions of higher education or
consortia of such institutions with other public agencies and nonprofit
organizations for innovative projects concerning areas of national need
identified by the Secretary. Currently, these special projects include
four international consortia programs: the EU-U.S. Atlantis Program
(CFDA 84.116J), the Program for North American Mobility in Higher
Education (CFDA 84.116N), the U.S.-Brazil Higher Education Consortia
Program (CFDA 84.116M), and the U.S.-Russia Program: Improving Research
and Educational Activities in Higher Education (CFDA 84.116S). Each of
these programs, which are co-funded by the Department, through FIPSE,
and its respective international government partners, supports
multilateral, multi-institutional collaboration. In each program, the
Department works solely with an agency from the other involved nation
or international group to administer the program and choose grantees.
The EU-U.S. Atlantis Program operates cooperatively with the European
Commission, the Program for North American Mobility in Higher Education
operates cooperatively with Human Resources and Social Development
Canada and the Secretariat of Public Education in Mexico; the U.S.-
Brazil Higher Education Consortia Program operates cooperatively with
the Coordination of Improvement of Personnel of Superior Level (CAPES),
Brazilian Ministry of Education; and the U.S.-Russia Program: Improving
Research and Educational Activities in Higher Education operates
cooperatively with the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
Currently, the Secretary implements the EU-U.S. Atlantis Program,
the Program for North American Mobility in Higher Education Program,
the U.S.-Brazil Higher Education Consortia Program, and the U.S.-Russia
Program: Improving Research and Educational Activities in Higher
Education through the use of invitational priorities announced in
notices inviting applications that are published in the Federal
Register. We do not give an application that meets an invitational
priority a competitive or absolute preference over other applications.
The Department seeks to establish absolute priorities for these
programs because, in accordance with the international agreements
establishing these programs, we intend to use the priorities to limit
eligibility for funding under these programs to only those U.S.
colleges and universities that partner with foreign colleges and
universities in the countries involved in the four programs. As
absolute priorities, the criteria contained in them would function as
eligibility requirements. Only those entities meeting the eligibility
requirements in the priority would be eligible for funding under these
The following proposed absolute priorities support the formation of
international educational consortia and encourage cooperation in the
coordination of curricula; the exchange of students, if pertinent to
grant activities; and the opening of educational opportunities between
the U.S. and the respective countries involved in each of the programs.
Therefore, only applications proposing projects addressing the absolute
priority will be reviewed and considered for award; applications that
do not address the absolute priority will be disqualified.
Proposed Absolute Priority 1--EU-U.S. Atlantis Program (84.116J)
This priority supports the formation of educational consortia
between the EU and U.S. institutions. To meet this priority, the
applicant must propose a project that encourages cooperation in the
coordination of curricula; the exchange of students, if pertinent to
grant activities; and the opening of educational opportunities between
the U.S. and countries in the EU. In order to be eligible for an award
under this priority, the applicant in the U.S. must be a U.S.
institution and the applicant in the EU must be an EU institution.
EU institutions participating in any consortium proposal under this
priority may apply to the Directorate-General for Education and Culture
(DG EAC), European Commission for funding under a separate but parallel
EU competition.
[[Page 46119]]
Proposed Absolute Priority 2--Program for North American Mobility in
Higher Education (84.116N)
This priority supports the formation of educational consortia of
U.S., Canadian, and Mexican institutions. To meet this priority, the
applicant must propose a project that supports cooperation in the
coordination of curricula; the exchange of students, if pertinent to
grant activities; and the opening of educational opportunities among
the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. In order to be eligible for an award
under this priority, the applicant in the U.S. must be a U.S.
institution, the applicant in Mexico must be a Mexican institution, and
the applicant in Canada must be a Canadian institution. Canadian and
Mexican institutions participating in any consortium proposal under
this priority may apply, respectively, to Human Resources and Social
Development Canada (HRSDC) or the Mexican Secretariat for Public
Education (SEP), for funding under separate but parallel Canadian and
Mexican competitions.
Proposed Absolute Priority 3--U.S.-Brazil Higher Education Consortia
Program (84.116M)
This priority supports the formation of educational consortia of
U.S. and Brazilian institutions. To meet this priority, the applicant
must propose a project that supports cooperation in the coordination of
curricula; the exchange of students, if pertinent to grant activities;
and the opening of educational opportunities between the U.S. and
Brazil. In order to be eligible for an award under this priority, the
applicant in the U.S. must be a U.S. institution and the applicant in
Brazil must be a Brazilian institution. Brazilian institutions
participating in any consortium proposal under this priority may apply
to the Coordination of Improvement of Personnel of Superior Level
(CAPES), Brazilian Ministry of Education, for funding under a separate
but parallel Brazilian competition.
Proposed Absolute Priority 4--U.S.-Russian Program: Improving Research
and Educational Activities in Higher Education (84.116S)
This priority supports the formation of educational consortia of
U.S. and Russian institutions to encourage mutual socio-cultural-
linguistic cooperation; the coordination of joint development of
curricular, educational materials; and the exchange of students. In
order to be eligible for an award under this priority, the applicant in
the U.S. must be a U.S. institution and the applicant in Russia must be
a Russian institution. Russian institutions participating in any
consortium proposal under this priority may apply to the Russian
Ministry of Education and Science for funding under a separate but
parallel Russian competition.
Types of Priorities:
When inviting applications for a competition using one or more
priorities, we designate the type of each priority as absolute,
competitive preference, or invitational through a notice in the Federal
Register. The effect of each type of priority follows:
Absolute priority: Under an absolute priority, we consider only
applications that meet the priority (34 CFR 75.105(c)(3)).
Competitive preference priority: Under a competitive preference
priority, we give competitive preference to an application by (1)
awarding additional points, depending on the extent to which the
application meets the priority (34 CFR 75.105(c)(2)(i)); or (2)
selecting an application that meets the priority over an application of
comparable merit that does not meet the priority (34 CFR
Invitational priority: Under an invitational priority, we are
particularly interested in applications that meet the priority.
However, we do not give an application that meets the priority a
preference over other applications (34 CFR 75.105(c)(1)).
Final Priorities
We will announce the final priorities in a notice in the Federal
Register. We will determine the final priorities after considering
responses to this notice and other information available to the
Department. This notice does not preclude us from proposing additional
priorities, requirements, definitions, or selection criteria, subject
to meeting applicable rulemaking requirements.
Note: This notice does not solicit applications. In any year in
which we choose to use one or more of these priorities, we invite
applications through a notice in the Federal Register.
Executive Order 12866: This notice has been reviewed in accordance
with Executive Order 12866. Under the terms of the order, we have
assessed the potential costs and benefits of this proposed regulatory
The potential costs associated with this proposed regulatory action
are those resulting from statutory requirements and those we have
determined as necessary for administering these programs effectively
and efficiently.
In assessing the potential costs and benefits--both quantitative
and qualitative--of this proposed regulatory action, we have determined
that the benefits of the proposed priorities justify the costs.
We have determined, also, that this proposed regulatory action does
not unduly interfere with State, local, and tribal governments in the
exercise of their governmental functions.
Intergovernmental Review: These programs are subject to Executive
Order 12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR part 79. One of the
objectives of the Executive order is to foster an intergovernmental
partnership and a strengthened federalism. The Executive order relies
on processes developed by State and local governments for coordination
and review of proposed Federal financial assistance.
This document provides early notification of our specific plans and
actions for these programs.
Accessible Format: Individuals with disabilities can obtain this
document in an accessible format (e.g., braille, large print,
audiotape, or computer diskette) on request to the program contact
Electronic Access to This Document: You can view this document, as
well as all other documents of this Department published in the Federal
Register, in text or Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) on the
Internet at the following site:
To use PDF you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available
free at this site. If you have questions about using PDF, call the U.S.
Government Printing Office (GPO), toll free, at 1-888-293-6498; or in
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Note: The official version of this document is the document
published in the Federal Register. Free Internet access to the official
edition of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations is
available on GPO Access at:
Delegation of Authority: The Secretary of Education has delegated
authority to Daniel T. Madzelan, Director, Forecasting and Policy
Analysis for the Office of Postsecondary Education, to perform the
functions and duties of the Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary
Dated: September 2, 2009.
Daniel T. Madzelan,
Director, Forecasting and Policy Analysis.
[FR Doc. E9-21608 Filed 9-4-09; 8:45 am]