Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services; Overview Information; Personnel Development To Improve Services and Results for Children With Disabilities-Paraprofessional Preservice Program Improvement Grants; Notice Inviting Applications for New Awards for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010, 45837-45843 [E9-21436]
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srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 171 / Friday, September 4, 2009 / Notices
available. The Web site display and
navigation will be much more dynamic
and personalized.
For the one percent of FAFSA
applicants who complete the paper
FAFSA, the Department has simplified
the application process by grouping like
questions together; incorporating
previously supplemental worksheets
into the application; improving the
layout of the form; and clearly
delineating between student and
parental questions. For those students
who prefer to submit a paper FAFSA
but do not have access to a pre-printed
FAFSA form, the Department has
created a FASFA PDF that can be
downloaded from the Internet and
completed, either on a PC or by hand,
and mailed to the Department.
In addition, the Department has
created numerous on-line and paper
resources to assist students with the
FAFSA process. The Web site Student
Aid on the Web (https:// provides a vast
array of student-centric information on
researching colleges, finding
scholarships, preparing academically,
and applying for federal student
assistance. The FAFSA4caster Web site
( enables
students to obtain an early estimate of
their eligibility for federal student aid
while increasing their knowledge of the
financial aid process. FAFSA4caster
users who opt to provide demographic
information about themselves can later
‘pre-populate’ a FAFSA, thereby
shortening the application completion
time. Working with customers,
stakeholders, partners and Congress, the
Department will continue its
commitment to further streamline the
experience for FAFSA applicants in the
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before
November 3, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted electronically through e-mail
to Requests
for copies of the proposed information
collection request may be accessed from by selecting the
‘‘Browse Pending Collections’’ link and
by clicking on link number 4120. When
you access the information collection
request, click on ‘‘Download
Attachments’’ to view. Written requests
for information should be addressed to
U.S. Department of Education, 400
Maryland Avenue, SW., LBJ,
Washington, DC 20202–4537. In
addition, interested persons can access
this information clearance request on
the Internet:
(1) Go to IFAP at
VerDate Nov<24>2008
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(2) Click on ‘‘Processing Resources’’
(3) Click on ‘‘FAFSA and SAR
(4) Click on ‘‘2010–2011’’
(5) Click on ‘‘Draft FAFSA Form/
Please note that the free Adobe
Acrobat Reader software, version 4.0 or
greater, is necessary to view this file.
This software can be downloaded for
free from Adobe’s Web site: https://
Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern time,
Monday through Friday.
Secretary is publishing this request for
comment under the Provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq. Under that Act, ED
must obtain the review and approval of
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) before it may use a form to
collect information. However, under
procedure for obtaining approval from
OMB, ED must first obtain public
comment of the proposed form, and to
obtain that comment, ED must publish
this notice in the Federal Register. In
addition to comments requested above,
to accommodate the requirements of the
Paperwork Reduction Act, the Secretary
is interested in receiving comments
with regard to the following matters: (1)
Is this collection necessary to the proper
functions of the Department, (2) will
this information be processed and used
in a timely manner, (3) is the estimate
of burden accurate, (4) how might the
Department enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected, and (5) how might the
Department minimize the burden of this
collection on the respondents, including
through the use of information
Dated: August 31, 2009.
Angela C. Arrington,
IC Clearance Official, Regulatory Information
Management Services, Office of Management.
Federal Student Aid
Type of Review: Revision.
Title: Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA).
Frequency: Annually.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Households; Business or other for-profit;
Annual Reporting and Recordkeeping
Hour Burden:
Responses: 21,696,675.
Burden Hours: 10,131,696.
PO 00000
Frm 00036
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Abstract: Section 483 of the Higher
Education Act of 1965, as amended
(HEA), requires the Secretary, in
cooperation with agencies and
organizations involved in providing
student financial assistance, to produce,
distribute and process free of charge a
common financial reporting form to be
used to determine the need and
eligibility of a student for financial
assistance under the Title IV, HEA
Programs. This form is the FAFSA and
applicants can apply either
electronically or by paper. In addition,
Section 483 authorizes the Secretary to
include on the FAFSA non-financial
data items that assist States in awarding
State student financial assistance.
Requests for copies of the proposed
FAFSA information collection request
may be accessed from https://, by selecting the
‘‘Browse Pending Collections’’ link and
by clicking on link number 4120.
Written requests for information on the
proposed FAFSA should be addressed
to U.S. Department of Education, 400
Maryland Avenue, SW., LBJ,
Washington, DC 20202–4537. Requests
may also be electronically mailed to or faxed to (202)
401–0920. Please specify the complete
title of the information collection when
making your request. Comments
regarding burden and/or the collection
activity requirements should be directed
to the e-mail address Individuals who
use a telecommunications device for the
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
800–877–8339 between 8 a.m. and 8
p.m., Eastern time, Monday through
[FR Doc. E9–21483 Filed 9–3–09; 8:45 am]
Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services; Overview
Information; Personnel Development
To Improve Services and Results for
Children With Disabilities—
Paraprofessional Preservice Program
Improvement Grants; Notice Inviting
Applications for New Awards for Fiscal
Year (FY) 2010
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance (CFDA) Number: 84.325N.
Applications Available: September 4,
Deadline for Transmittal of
Applications: November 3, 2009.
Deadline for Intergovernmental
Review: January 4, 2010.
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 171 / Friday, September 4, 2009 / Notices
Full Text of Announcement
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Purpose of Program: The purposes of
this program are to (1) Help address
State-identified needs for highly
qualified personnel—in special
education, related services, early
intervention, and regular education—to
work with infants, toddlers, and
children with disabilities; and (2)
ensure that those personnel have the
necessary skills and knowledge, derived
from practices that have been
determined through scientifically based
research and experience, to be
successful in serving those children.
Priority: In accordance with 34 CFR
75.105(b)(2)(v), this priority is from
allowable activities specified in the
statute (see sections 662 and 681(d) of
the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. 1400 et
Absolute Priority: For FY 2010 and
any subsequent year in which we make
awards from the list of unfunded
applicants from this competition, this
priority is an absolute priority. Under 34
CFR 75.105(c)(3), we consider only
applications that meet this priority.
This priority is:
Personnel Development To Improve
Services and Results for Children With
Preservice Program Improvement Grants
Background: Paraprofessionals
provide important services to children
with disabilities ages birth through 21
and their families. In early intervention
(EI) programs, preschools, and
elementary, middle, and high schools,
paraprofessionals provide instructional
support, modify instructional materials,
implement behavioral management
plans, assist in the implementation of
postsecondary education transition
plans, and collect data to monitor
children’s development and learning
(Kellegrew, Pacifico-Banta, & Stewart,
2008; Mikulecky & Baber, 2005;
Shkodriani, 2003). Kellegrew, PacificoBanta, and Stewart (2008) and
Shkodriani (2003) note that
paraprofessionals have become
increasingly responsible for other
activities involving children with
disabilities, such as participating in the
development of their Individualized
Family Service Plans and
Individualized Education Programs;
providing direct services to children
and their families, including small
group instruction and one-on-one
tutoring; and assisting with classroom
management. Despite the critical roles
that paraprofessionals play in the lives
of children with disabilities, scant
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attention has been paid to ensure that
early childhood or K through 12
paraprofessional preservice programs
adequately prepare paraprofessionals to
serve this population.
In a survey of coordinators for the Part
C infants and toddlers program under
IDEA, half of the respondents indicated
that their State had added or created
new professional categories, particularly
at the paraprofessional level (Center to
Inform Personnel Preparation Policy
and Practice in Early Intervention and
Preschool Education, 2004a). Many
States are trying to identify training
opportunities for paraprofessionals in EI
or work on strategies to increase the
quality of preservice programs
(Kellegrew et al., 2008). Coordinators for
the Part B section 619 preschool
program under IDEA also expressed
concern about the adequacy of training
of paraprofessionals, particularly to
work with young children with
disabilities and their families (Center to
Inform Personnel Preparation Policy
and Practice in Early Intervention and
Preschool Education, 2004b). Although
national professional organizations (e.g.,
The Division for Early Childhood of the
Council for Exceptional Children and
the National Association for the
Education of Young Children) have
personnel standards that could be used
to guide the training of
paraprofessionals working with young
children with disabilities and their
families, many of the certificate or
associate degree programs that train
paraprofessionals have yet to reach
these standards or offer practicum
experience in working with children
with disabilities and their families
(Chang, Early, & Winton, 2005).
Section 635(a)(9) of Part C of IDEA
and section 612(a)(14)(B) of Part B of
IDEA and 34 CFR 300.156(b)(1) of the
IDEA Part B regulations require States to
provide assurances that they have
established paraprofessional
qualifications that are consistent with
State-approved or State-recognized
certification, licensing, registration, or
other comparable requirements that
apply to the professional discipline in
which those personnel are providing
early intervention, special education, or
related services. Westat (2002) reported
that the average paraprofessional works
in five different classes per week and
serves 21 students, 15 of whom have
disabilities; consequently, it is
important that paraprofessionals are
trained to meet standards that will
prepare them to provide effective
services to all students. According to
Giangreco (2003), paraprofessionals in
elementary and secondary special
education settings are under-trained or
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untrained to work with students with
disabilities. Improving paraprofessional
preservice programs will help ensure
that paraprofessionals are adequately
trained to meet the requirements under
IDEA and thus, better prepared to meet
the needs of children with disabilities.
The Office of Special Education
Programs (OSEP) is establishing this
priority to improve preservice programs
for paraprofessionals who serve
children ages birth through five and in
grades K through 12 by enhancing or
redesigning curricula to adequately train
these paraprofessionals to address the
needs of children with disabilities.
Priority: The purpose of this priority
is to provide Federal support to improve
the quality of existing paraprofessional
certificate or associate degree programs.
Institutions receiving support under this
priority must enhance or redesign the
program curricula so that
paraprofessionals are well-prepared to
work with children with disabilities and
their families. There are two focus areas
under this priority. Under focus area A,
the Secretary intends to support
improvement grants for EI, early
childhood special education (ECSE),
and early childhood education (ECE)
paraprofessional preservice programs.
Under focus area B, the Secretary
intends to support improvement grants
for K through 12 paraprofessional
preservice programs.
Note: Applicants must identify the specific
focus area, A or B, under which they are
applying as part of the competition title on
the application cover sheet (SF form 424, line
4). Applicants may not submit the same
proposal under more than one focus area.
Focus Area A: EI, ECSE, and ECE
Paraprofessional Preservice Programs
The programs under focus area A
include certificate or associate degree
programs at institutions of higher
education (IHEs), including community
colleges, that train EI, ECSE, or ECE
paraprofessionals to serve children ages
birth through five. These programs
under this focus area must enhance or
redesign their curricula by: (1)
Incorporating evidence-based and
competency-based practices and content
in special education into each course;
and (2) providing at least one practicum
experience in a program that serves
children with disabilities ages birth
through five and their families.
Paraprofessional students must obtain
the knowledge, training, and skills
necessary to work effectively with
licensed or certified practitioners to
provide appropriate services to children
with disabilities and their families. In
addition, the programs under this focus
area must ensure that program graduates
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 171 / Friday, September 4, 2009 / Notices
meet the qualifications for
paraprofessionals that are consistent
with the State standards in accordance
with section 635(a)(9) of IDEA or section
612(a)(14)(B) of IDEA and 34 CFR
300.156(b) of the IDEA Part B
regulations, as appropriate, or in States
that do not have State standards, meet
appropriate national professional
organization standards for
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Focus Area B: K Through 12
Paraprofessional Preservice Programs
The programs under focus area B
include certificate or associate degree
programs at IHEs, including community
colleges, that train paraprofessionals to
serve students in grades K through 12.
The programs under this focus area
must enhance or redesign the curricula
by: (1) Incorporating evidence-based
and competency-based practices and
content in special education into each
course; and (2) providing at least one
practicum experience in a setting that
serves children with disabilities in
grades K through 12 and their families.
Paraprofessional students must obtain
the knowledge, training, and skills
necessary to work effectively with
licensed or certified K through 12
practitioners to provide appropriate
services to children with disabilities
and their families. In addition, the
programs under this focus area must
ensure that program graduates meet the
qualifications for paraprofessionals that
are consistent with the State standards
in accordance with section 612(a)(14)(B)
of IDEA and 34 CFR 300.156(b) of the
IDEA Part B regulations or in States that
do not have State standards, meet the
paraprofessional standards in
accordance with section 1119 of the
Elementary and Secondary Education
Act of 1965, as amended.
To be considered for funding under
the Paraprofessional Preservice Program
Improvement Grants absolute priority,
focus area A or B, applicants must meet
the application requirements contained
in this priority. All projects funded
under this absolute priority also must
meet the programmatic and
administrative requirements specified in
the priority.
Note: The two focus areas under this
priority only support the improvement of
existing EI, ECSE, and ECE or K through 12
paraprofessional preservice programs. This
priority does not support the development of
new paraprofessional preservice programs,
nor does it provide for financial support of
paraprofessional students during any year of
the project. Projects training
paraprofessionals in other related services,
speech/language or adapted physical
education are not eligible under these focus
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Application Requirements for Focus
Areas A and B
An applicant must include in its
(a) A plan to implement the activities
described in the Project Activities
section of this priority. In this plan,
applicants must describe first-year
activities, include a three-year timeline
and implementation plan, and indicate
the projected number of graduates;
(b) A budget that includes attendance
at a three-day Project Directors’
Conference in Washington, DC, during
each year of the project period; and
(c) An appendix that includes all
course syllabi for the existing
paraprofessional preservice program.
Project Activities for Focus Areas A and
To meet the requirements of this
priority, the project, at a minimum,
must conduct the following activities:
(a) Based on the plan described under
paragraph (a) of the Application
Requirements, enhance or redesign the
paraprofessional preservice program’s
curricula by incorporating evidencebased and competency-based practices
and content in special education into
each course and by providing at least
one practicum experience in a setting
that serves children with disabilities
and their families. This work must be
done in the first year of the project;
must describe the proposed project
activities associated with
implementation of the curricula; and
may be implemented with the approval
of the OSEP Project Officer. The
improved paraprofessional preservice
program must—
(1) Be aligned to State standards for
paraprofessionals, or in States that do
not have State standards, meet
appropriate national professional
organization standards for
paraprofessionals; and
(2) Be designed to ensure that
paraprofessional students receive
training, and develop knowledge and
skills, in the following areas:
(i) Collaborating and working
effectively with licensed and certified
professional practitioners, as
(ii) Implementing social-emotional
and behavioral interventions and
classroom management practices.
(iii) Implementing instructional
strategies to support early development
and learning or academic achievement.
(iv) Using technology to enhance
children’s development and access to
natural learning opportunities or
participation in the general education
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(v) Observing and collecting data for
progress monitoring.
(vi) Communicating effectively with
children and families.
(vii) Assisting in the implementation
of transition plans and services across
settings from EI to preschool, preschool
to elementary school, elementary school
to secondary school, and secondary
school to postsecondary education (post
school) or the workforce, as appropriate.
(viii) Working with children and
families from diverse cultural and
linguistic backgrounds, including
limited English proficient children with
Note: In alignment with the principle
outlined in the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 to make
improvements in teacher effectiveness and in
the equitable distribution of qualified
personnel for all children, particularly
children who are most in need, OSEP
encourages programs to provide practicum
experiences in high-poverty and rural
(b) Develop and implement a plan to
ensure that program faculty have the
necessary support, knowledge, and
skills to implement the new content and
to train paraprofessional students to
work with children with disabilities.
(c) Develop and implement a
management plan for instituting the
improved paraprofessional preservice
program developed in the first year.
(d) Demonstrate how the improved
program will work with other projects
funded by OSEP and the Department of
Education to incorporate existing
training resources on evidence-based
practices (e.g., the IRIS Center for
Faculty Enhancements: https:// and
CONNECT: The Center to Mobilize
Early Childhood Knowledge: https://
(e) Submit the revised curriculum and
syllabi for courses that are included in
the improved program to the OSEP
Project Officer at the end of the first year
of the project period and make any
necessary revisions required by the
OSEP Project Officer.
(f) Communicate and collaborate with
the OSEP Project Officer to determine
how the project will evaluate the
project’s goals and objectives, including
the implementation of revised
coursework, and how the project will
report the impact to OSEP in annual
performance reports and final
performance reports.
(g) Implement a plan to maintain the
improved program once Federal funding
(h) If the project maintains a Web site,
include relevant information about the
revised program and documents in a
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 171 / Friday, September 4, 2009 / Notices
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
form that meets government or industryrecognized standards for accessibility.
(i) Maintain ongoing communication
with the OSEP Project Officer through
monthly phone conversations or e-mail
communication and participate in
monthly grantee community of practice
teleconferences, as directed by OSEP.
Center to Inform Personnel Preparation
Policy and Practice in Early Intervention
and Preschool Education. (2004a). Study
I data report: The national landscape of
early intervention in personnel
preparation standards under Part C of
the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act. Farmington, CT:
University of Connecticut Health Center.
Available at: https://
Center to Inform Personnel Preparation
Policy and Practice in Early Intervention
and Preschool Education. (2004b). Study
I data report: The national landscape of
early childhood special education in
personnel preparation standards under
619 of the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act. Farmington, CT:
University of Connecticut Health Center.
Available at: https://
Chang, F., Early., D., & Winton, P. (2005).
Early childhood teacher preparation in
special education at 2- and 4- year
institutions of higher education. Journal
of Early Intervention, 27(2), 110–124.
Giangreco, M. (2003). Working with
paraprofessionals. Educational
Leadership, 61(2), 50–53. Retrieved April
9, 2008 from https://
Kellegrew, D.H., Pacifico-Banta, J., & Stewart,
K. (2008). Training early intervention
assistants in California’s community
colleges. (Issues & Answers Report, REL
2008–No. 060). Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Education, Institute of
Educational Sciences, National Center
for Education Evaluation and Regional
Assistance, Regional Educational
Laboratory West. Available at: https://
Mikulecky, M.T. & Baber, A. (2005). ECS
policy brief: from highly qualified to
highly competent paraprofessionals:
How NCLB requirements can catalyze
effective program and policy
development guidelines from the ECS
paraprofessional expert. Retrieved
January 22, 2008, from https://
Shkodriani, G. (2003). Training for
paraprofessionals: The community
college role. Retrieved January 22, 2008,
Westat. (2002) Study of personnel needs in
special education. Retrieved January 23,
2008 from
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Jkt 217001
Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking:
Under the Administrative Procedure Act
(APA) (5 U.S.C. 553), the Department
generally offers interested parties the
opportunity to comment on proposed
priorities and requirements. Section
681(d) of IDEA, however, makes the
public comment requirements of the
APA inapplicable to the priority in this
Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1462 and
Applicable Regulations: The
Education Department General
Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in
34 CFR parts 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82,
84, 85, 86, 97, 98, and 99.
Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 79
apply to all applicants except Federally
recognized Indian Tribes.
Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 86
apply to IHEs only.
II. Award Information
Type of Award: Cooperative
Estimated Available Funds: The
Administration has requested
$88,152,592 for the Personnel
Development to Improve Services and
Results for Children with Disabilities
program for FY 2010, of which we
intend to use an estimated $1,500,000
for the competition announced in this
notice. The actual level of funding, if
any, depends on final congressional
action. However, we are inviting
applications to allow enough time to
complete the grant process if Congress
appropriates funds for this program.
Contingent upon the availability of
funds and the quality of applications,
we may make additional awards in FY
2011 from this competition.
Estimated Range of Awards:
Estimated Average Size of Awards:
Maximum Award: We will reject any
application that proposes a budget
exceeding $150,000 for a single budget
period of 12 months. The Assistant
Secretary for Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services may change the
maximum amount through a notice
published in the Federal Register.
Estimated Number of Awards: 10.
Note: The Department is not bound by any
estimates in this notice.
Project Period: Up to 48 months.
III. Eligibility Information
1. Eligible Applicants: IHEs (as
defined in section 101 of the Higher
Education Act of 1965).
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2. Cost Sharing or Matching: This
competition does not require cost
sharing or matching.
3. Other: General Requirements—(a)
The projects funded under this
competition must make positive efforts
to employ and advance in employment
qualified individuals with disabilities
(see section 606 of IDEA).
(b) Applicants and grant recipients
funded under this competition must
involve individuals with disabilities or
parents of individuals with disabilities
ages birth through 26 in planning,
implementing, and evaluating the
projects (see section 682(a)(1)(A) of
IV. Application and Submission
1. Address To Request Application
Package: Education Publications Center
(ED Pubs), P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD
20794–1398. Telephone, toll free: 1–
877–433–7827. Fax: (301) 470–1244. If
you use a telecommunications device
for the deaf (TDD), call, toll free: 1–877–
You can contact ED Pubs at its Web
site, also:
edpubs.html or at its e-mail address:
If you request an application package
from ED Pubs, be sure to identify this
competition as follows: CFDA number
Individuals with disabilities can
obtain a copy of the application package
in an accessible format (e.g., braille,
large print, audiotape, or computer
diskette) by contacting the person or
team listed under Accessible Format in
section VIII of this notice.
2. Content and Form of Application
Submission: Requirements concerning
the content of an application, together
with the forms you must submit, are in
the application package for this
Page Limit: The application narrative
(Part III of the application) is where you,
the applicant, address the selection
criteria that reviewers use to evaluate
your application. You must limit the
application narrative to the equivalent
of no more than 50 pages, using the
following standards:
• A ‘‘page’’ is 8.5″ x 11″, on one side
only, with 1″ margins at the top, bottom,
and both sides.
• Double space (no more than three
lines per vertical inch) all text in the
application narrative, including titles,
headings, footnotes, quotations,
references, and captions, as well as all
text in charts, tables, figures, and
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 171 / Friday, September 4, 2009 / Notices
• Use a font that is either 12 point or
larger or no smaller than 10 pitch
(characters per inch).
The page limit does not apply to Part
I, the cover sheet; Part II, the budget
section, including the narrative budget
justification; Part IV, the assurances and
certifications; or the one-page abstract,
the resumes, the bibliography, the
references, or the letters of support.
However, the page limit does apply to
all of the application narrative section
(Part III).
We will reject your application if you
exceed the page limit or if you apply
other standards and exceed the
equivalent of the page limit.
3. Submission Dates and Times:
Applications Available: September 4,
Deadline for Transmittal of
Applications: November 3, 2009.
Applications for grants under this
competition may be submitted
electronically using the Electronic Grant
Application System (e-Application)
accessible through the Department’s eGrants site, or in paper format by mail
or hand delivery. For information
(including dates and times) about how
to submit your application
electronically, or in paper format by
mail or hand delivery, please refer to
section IV. 6. Other Submission
Requirements of this notice.
We do not consider an application
that does not comply with the deadline
Individuals with disabilities who
need an accommodation or auxiliary aid
in connection with the application
process should contact the person listed
CONTACT in section VII of this notice. If
the Department provides an
accommodation or auxiliary aid to an
individual with a disability in
connection with the application
process, the individual’s application
remains subject to all other
requirements and limitations in this
Deadline for Intergovernmental
Review: January 4, 2010.
4. Intergovernmental Review: This
competition is subject to Executive
Order 12372 and the regulations in 34
CFR part 79. Information about
Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs under Executive Order 12372
is in the application package for this
5. Funding Restrictions: We reference
regulations outlining funding
restrictions in the Applicable
Regulations section of this notice.
6. Other Submission Requirements:
Applications for grants under this
competition may be submitted
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electronically or in paper format by mail
or hand delivery.
a. Electronic Submission of
If you choose to submit your
application to us electronically, you
must use e-Application, accessible
through the Department’s e-Grants Web
site at:
While completing your electronic
application, you will be entering data
online that will be saved into a
database. You may not e-mail an
electronic copy of a grant application to
Please note the following:
• Your participation in e-Application
is voluntary.
• You must complete the electronic
submission of your grant application by
4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC time, on
the application deadline date. E–
Application will not accept an
application for this competition after
4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC time, on
the application deadline date.
Therefore, we strongly recommend that
you do not wait until the application
deadline date to begin the application
• The hours of operation of the eGrants Web site are 6:00 a.m. Monday
until 7:00 p.m. Wednesday; and 6:00
a.m. Thursday until 8:00 p.m. Sunday,
Washington, DC time. Please note that,
because of maintenance, the system is
unavailable between 8:00 p.m. on
Sundays and 6:00 a.m. on Mondays, and
between 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays and
6:00 a.m. on Thursdays, Washington,
DC time. Any modifications to these
hours are posted on the e-Grants Web
• You will not receive additional
point value because you submit your
application in electronic format, nor
will we penalize you if you submit your
application in paper format.
• You must submit all documents
electronically, including all information
you typically provide on the following
forms: the Application for Federal
Assistance (SF 424), the Department of
Education Supplemental Information for
SF 424, Budget Information—NonConstruction Programs (ED 524), and all
necessary assurances and certifications.
You must attach any narrative sections
of your application as files in a .DOC
(document), .RTF (rich text), or .PDF
(Portable Document) format. If you
upload a file type other than the three
file types specified in this paragraph or
submit a password protected file, we
will not review that material.
• Your electronic application must
comply with any page limit
requirements described in this notice.
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• Prior to submitting your electronic
application, you may wish to print a
copy of it for your records.
• After you electronically submit
your application, you will receive an
automatic acknowledgment that will
include a PR/Award number (an
identifying number unique to your
• Within three working days after
submitting your electronic application,
fax a signed copy of the SF 424 to the
Application Control Center after
following these steps:
(1) Print SF 424 from e-Application.
(2) The applicant’s Authorizing
Representative must sign this form.
(3) Place the PR/Award number in the
upper right hand corner of the hardcopy signature page of the SF 424.
(4) Fax the signed SF 424 to the
Application Control Center at (202)
• We may request that you provide us
original signatures on other forms at a
later date.
Application Deadline Date Extension
in Case of System Unavailability: If you
are prevented from electronically
submitting your application on the
application deadline date because eApplication is unavailable, we will
grant you an extension of one business
day to enable you to transmit your
application electronically, by mail, or by
hand delivery. We will grant this
extension if—
(1) You are a registered user of eApplication and you have initiated an
electronic application for this
competition; and
(2) (a) E-Application is unavailable for
60 minutes or more between the hours
of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Washington,
DC time, on the application deadline
date; or
(b) E-Application is unavailable for
any period of time between 3:30 p.m.
and 4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC time,
on the application deadline date.
We must acknowledge and confirm
these periods of unavailability before
granting you an extension. To request
this extension or to confirm our
acknowledgment of any system
unavailability, you may contact either
(1) the person listed elsewhere in this
CONTACT (see VII. Agency Contact) or (2)
the e-Grants help desk at 1–888–336–
8930. If e-Application is unavailable
due to technical problems with the
system and, therefore, the application
deadline is extended, an e-mail will be
sent to all registered users who have
initiated an e-Application.
Extensions referred to in this section
apply only to the unavailability of eApplication. If e-Application is
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 171 / Friday, September 4, 2009 / Notices
available, and, for any reason, you are
unable to submit your application
electronically or you do not receive an
automatic acknowledgment of your
submission, you may submit your
application in paper format by mail or
hand delivery in accordance with the
instructions in this notice.
b. Submission of Paper Applications by
If you submit your application in
paper format by mail (through the U.S.
Postal Service or a commercial carrier),
you must mail the original and two
copies of your application, on or before
the application deadline date, to the
Department at the following address:
U.S. Department of Education,
Application Control Center, Attention:
(CFDA Number 84.325N), LBJ Basement
Level 1, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20202–4260.
You must show proof of mailing
consisting of one of the following:
(1) A legibly dated U.S. Postal Service
(2) A legible mail receipt with the
date of mailing stamped by the U.S.
Postal Service.
(3) A dated shipping label, invoice, or
receipt from a commercial carrier.
(4) Any other proof of mailing
acceptable to the Secretary of the U.S.
Department of Education.
If you mail your application through
the U.S. Postal Service, we do not
accept either of the following as proof
of mailing:
(1) A private metered postmark.
(2) A mail receipt that is not dated by
the U.S. Postal Service.
If your application is postmarked after
the application deadline date, we will
not consider your application.
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Note: The U.S. Postal Service does not
uniformly provide a dated postmark. Before
relying on this method, you should check
with your local post office.
c. Submission of Paper Applications by
Hand Delivery
If you submit your application in
paper format by hand delivery, you (or
a courier service) must deliver the
original and two copies of your
application by hand, on or before the
application deadline date, to the
Department at the following address:
U.S. Department of Education,
Application Control Center, Attention:
(CFDA Number 84.325N), 550 12th
Street, SW., Room 7041, Potomac Center
Plaza, Washington, DC 20202–4260.
The Application Control Center
accepts hand deliveries daily between
8:00 a.m. and 4:30:00 p.m., Washington,
DC time, except Saturdays, Sundays,
and Federal holidays.
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Note for Mail or Hand Delivery of Paper
Applications: If you mail or hand deliver
your application to the Department—
(1) You must indicate on the envelope
and—if not provided by the Department—in
Item 11 of the SF 424 the CFDA number,
including suffix letter, if any, of the
competition under which you are submitting
your application; and
(2) The Application Control Center will
mail to you a notification of receipt of your
grant application. If you do not receive this
grant notification within 15 business days
from the application deadline date, you
should call the U.S. Department of Education
Application Control Center at (202) 245–
V. Application Review Information
1. Selection Criteria: The selection
criteria for this competition are from 34
CFR 75.210 and are listed in the
application package.
2. Review and Selection Process: In
the past, the Department has had
difficulty finding peer reviewers for
certain competitions because so many
individuals who are eligible to serve as
peer reviewers have conflicts of interest.
The Standing Panel requirements under
IDEA also have placed additional
constraints on the availability of
reviewers. Therefore, the Department
has determined that, for some
discretionary grant competitions,
applications may be separated into two
or more groups and ranked and selected
for funding within the specific groups.
This procedure will make it easier for
the Department to find peer reviewers
by ensuring that greater numbers of
individuals who are eligible to serve as
reviewers for any particular group of
applicants will not have conflicts of
interest. It also will increase the quality,
independence, and fairness of the
review process while permitting panel
members to review applications under
discretionary grant competitions for
which they also have submitted
applications. However, if the
Department decides to select an equal
number of applications in each group
for funding, this may result in different
cut-off points for fundable applications
in each group.
VI. Award Administration Information
1. Award Notices: If your application
is successful, we notify your U.S.
Representative and U.S. Senators and
send you a Grant Award Notification
(GAN). We may notify you informally,
If your application is not evaluated or
not selected for funding, we notify you.
2. Administrative and National Policy
Requirements: We identify
administrative and national policy
requirements in the application package
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and reference these and other
requirements in the Applicable
Regulations section of this notice.
We reference the regulations outlining
the terms and conditions of an award in
the Applicable Regulations section of
this notice and include these and other
specific conditions in the GAN. The
GAN also incorporates your approved
application as part of your binding
commitments under the grant.
3. Reporting: At the end of your
project period, you must submit a final
performance report, including financial
information, as directed by the
Secretary. If you receive a multi-year
award, you must submit an annual
performance report that provides the
most current performance and financial
expenditure information as directed by
the Secretary under 34 CFR 75.118. The
Secretary may also require more
frequent performance reports under 34
CFR 75.720(c). For specific
requirements on reporting, please go to
4. Performance Measures: Under the
Government Performance and Results
Act of 1993 (GPRA), the Department has
established a set of performance
measures, including long-term
measures, that are designed to yield
information on various aspects of the
effectiveness and quality of the
Personnel Development to Improve
Services and Results for Children with
Disabilities program. These measures
include: (1) The percentage of projects
that incorporate scientifically based or
evidence-based practices; (2) the
percentage of scholars who exit training
programs prior to completion due to
poor academic performance; (3) the
percentage of degree or certification
recipients who are working in the
area(s) for which they were trained
upon program completion; (4) the
percentage of degree or certification
recipients who are working in the
area(s) for which they were trained
upon program completion and are fully
qualified under IDEA; (5) the percentage
of scholars completing IDEA-funded
training programs who are
knowledgeable and skilled in
scientifically based or evidence-based
practices for children with disabilities;
and (6) the percentage of program
graduates who maintain employment for
three or more years in the area(s) for
which they were trained.
Grantees may be asked to participate
in assessing and providing information
on these aspects of program quality.
VII. Agency Contact
Shedeh Hajghassemali, U.S. Department
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 171 / Friday, September 4, 2009 / Notices
of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue,
SW., room 4091, Potomac Center Plaza
(PCP), Washington, DC 20202–2550.
Telephone: (202) 245–7506.
If you use a TDD, call the Federal
Relay Service (FRS), toll free, at 1–800–
VIII. Other Information
Accessible Format: Individuals with
disabilities can obtain this document
and a copy of the application package in
an accessible format (e.g., Braille, large
print, audiotape, or computer diskette)
by contacting the Grants and Contracts
Services Team, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
room 5075, PCP, Washington, DC
20202–2550. Telephone: (202) 245–
7363. If you use a TDD, call the FRS, toll
free, at 1–800–877–8339.
Electronic Access to this Document:
You can view this document, as well as
all other documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Adobe Portable Document
Format (PDF) on the Internet at the
following site:
To use PDF you must have Adobe
Acrobat Reader, which is available free
at this site. If you have questions about
using PDF, call the U.S. Government
Printing Office (GPO), toll free, at 1–
888–293–6498; or in the Washington,
DC, area at (202) 512–1530.
Note: The official version of this document
is the document published in the Federal
Register. Free Internet access to the official
edition of the Federal Register and the Code
of Federal Regulations is available on GPO
Access at:
Delegation of Authority: The Secretary
of Education has delegated authority to
Andrew J. Pepin, Executive
Administrator for the Office of Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services to
perform the functions of the Assistant
Secretary for Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services.
Dated: August 31, 2009.
Andrew J. Pepin,
Executive Administrator for Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services.
[FR Doc. E9–21436 Filed 9–3–09; 8:45 am]
srobinson on DSKHWCL6B1PROD with NOTICES
Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services; List of
Department of Education.
VerDate Nov<24>2008
17:16 Sep 03, 2009
SUMMARY: The Secretary is publishing
the following list pursuant to section
607(f) of the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Under section 607(f) of the IDEA, the
Secretary is required, on a quarterly
basis, to publish in the Federal Register
a list of correspondence from the U.S.
Department of Education (Department)
received by individuals during the
previous quarter that describes the
interpretations of the Department of the
IDEA or the regulations that implement
the IDEA.
Laura Duos or Mary Louise Dirrigl.
Telephone: (202) 245–7468.
If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD), you can call
the Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll
free, at 1–800–877–8339.
Individuals with disabilities can
obtain a copy of this notice in an
accessible format (e.g., braille, large
print, audiotape, or computer diskette)
on request to the contact persons listed
The following list identifies
correspondence from the Department
issued from October 1, 2008 through
December 31, 2008. Included on the list
are those letters that contain
interpretations of the requirements of
the IDEA and its implementing
regulations, as well as letters and other
documents that the Department believes
will assist the public in understanding
the requirements of the law and its
regulations. The date of and topic
addressed by each letter are identified,
and summary information is also
provided, as appropriate. To protect the
privacy interests of the individual or
individuals involved, personally
identifiable information has been
redacted, as appropriate.
Part A—General Provisions
Part B—Assistance for Education of All
Children With Disabilities
Section 611—Authorization; Allotment;
State-Level Activities; Authorization of
Topic Addressed: State-Level Activities
Æ Letter dated December 11, 2008 to
Louisiana State Department of
Education Acting Director of Division of
Educational Improvement and
Assistance Susan W. Batson, concerning
the use of funds reserved for State-level
activities for professional development
to implement Louisiana’s Positive
Behavior Supports Initiative.
Section 613—Local Educational Agency
Topic Addressed: Use of Funds
Æ Letter dated October 31, 2008 to
Fiscal and Policy Advisor for Rural and
Sparsely Populated Consortium of
California James Kennedy, concerning
the excess cost and supplement-notsupplant requirements in Part B of the
IDEA that apply to local educational
agencies (LEAs).
Topic Addressed: Early Intervening
Æ Office of Special Education
Programs (OSEP) Memorandum 08–09,
dated July 28, 2008 to Chief State
School Officers, entitled Coordinated
Early Intervening Services Under Part B
of the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act.
Section 614—Evaluations, Eligibility
Determinations, Individualized
Education Programs, and Educational
Topic Addressed: Parental Consent
Æ Letter dated November 17, 2008 to
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania attorney
Jeffrey F. Champagne, clarifying the
parental consent requirements in Part B
of the IDEA that apply when children
with disabilities receive special
education and related services in
preschool from an intermediate
educational unit and subsequently
receive special education and related
services in kindergarten from a school
Jkt 217001
Section 602—Definitions
Section 615—Procedural Safeguards
Topic Addressed: Highly Qualified
ACTION: List of Correspondence from
October 1, 2008 through December 31,
Topic Addressed: Due Process
Æ Letter dated October 30, 2008 to
Maryland Assistant State
Superintendent for the Division of
Special Education/Early Intervention
Services Carol Ann Baglin, clarifying
that an LEA may not require a
confidentiality agreement as a
Æ Letter dated December 15, 2008 to
National Association of Private Special
Education Centers Executive Director
and CEO Sherry Kolbe, concerning
requirements for highly qualified
special education teachers and
assessments of children with
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[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 171 (Friday, September 4, 2009)]
[Pages 45837-45843]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E9-21436]
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services; Overview
Information; Personnel Development To Improve Services and Results for
Children With Disabilities--Paraprofessional Preservice Program
Improvement Grants; Notice Inviting Applications for New Awards for
Fiscal Year (FY) 2010
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 84.325N.
Applications Available: September 4, 2009.
Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: November 3, 2009.
Deadline for Intergovernmental Review: January 4, 2010.
[[Page 45838]]
Full Text of Announcement
I. Funding Opportunity Description
Purpose of Program: The purposes of this program are to (1) Help
address State-identified needs for highly qualified personnel--in
special education, related services, early intervention, and regular
education--to work with infants, toddlers, and children with
disabilities; and (2) ensure that those personnel have the necessary
skills and knowledge, derived from practices that have been determined
through scientifically based research and experience, to be successful
in serving those children.
Priority: In accordance with 34 CFR 75.105(b)(2)(v), this priority
is from allowable activities specified in the statute (see sections 662
and 681(d) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),
20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.).
Absolute Priority: For FY 2010 and any subsequent year in which we
make awards from the list of unfunded applicants from this competition,
this priority is an absolute priority. Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(3), we
consider only applications that meet this priority.
This priority is:
Personnel Development To Improve Services and Results for Children With
Disabilities--Paraprofessional Preservice Program Improvement Grants
Background: Paraprofessionals provide important services to
children with disabilities ages birth through 21 and their families. In
early intervention (EI) programs, preschools, and elementary, middle,
and high schools, paraprofessionals provide instructional support,
modify instructional materials, implement behavioral management plans,
assist in the implementation of postsecondary education transition
plans, and collect data to monitor children's development and learning
(Kellegrew, Pacifico-Banta, & Stewart, 2008; Mikulecky & Baber, 2005;
Shkodriani, 2003). Kellegrew, Pacifico-Banta, and Stewart (2008) and
Shkodriani (2003) note that paraprofessionals have become increasingly
responsible for other activities involving children with disabilities,
such as participating in the development of their Individualized Family
Service Plans and Individualized Education Programs; providing direct
services to children and their families, including small group
instruction and one-on-one tutoring; and assisting with classroom
management. Despite the critical roles that paraprofessionals play in
the lives of children with disabilities, scant attention has been paid
to ensure that early childhood or K through 12 paraprofessional
preservice programs adequately prepare paraprofessionals to serve this
In a survey of coordinators for the Part C infants and toddlers
program under IDEA, half of the respondents indicated that their State
had added or created new professional categories, particularly at the
paraprofessional level (Center to Inform Personnel Preparation Policy
and Practice in Early Intervention and Preschool Education, 2004a).
Many States are trying to identify training opportunities for
paraprofessionals in EI or work on strategies to increase the quality
of preservice programs (Kellegrew et al., 2008). Coordinators for the
Part B section 619 preschool program under IDEA also expressed concern
about the adequacy of training of paraprofessionals, particularly to
work with young children with disabilities and their families (Center
to Inform Personnel Preparation Policy and Practice in Early
Intervention and Preschool Education, 2004b). Although national
professional organizations (e.g., The Division for Early Childhood of
the Council for Exceptional Children and the National Association for
the Education of Young Children) have personnel standards that could be
used to guide the training of paraprofessionals working with young
children with disabilities and their families, many of the certificate
or associate degree programs that train paraprofessionals have yet to
reach these standards or offer practicum experience in working with
children with disabilities and their families (Chang, Early, & Winton,
Section 635(a)(9) of Part C of IDEA and section 612(a)(14)(B) of
Part B of IDEA and 34 CFR 300.156(b)(1) of the IDEA Part B regulations
require States to provide assurances that they have established
paraprofessional qualifications that are consistent with State-approved
or State-recognized certification, licensing, registration, or other
comparable requirements that apply to the professional discipline in
which those personnel are providing early intervention, special
education, or related services. Westat (2002) reported that the average
paraprofessional works in five different classes per week and serves 21
students, 15 of whom have disabilities; consequently, it is important
that paraprofessionals are trained to meet standards that will prepare
them to provide effective services to all students. According to
Giangreco (2003), paraprofessionals in elementary and secondary special
education settings are under-trained or untrained to work with students
with disabilities. Improving paraprofessional preservice programs will
help ensure that paraprofessionals are adequately trained to meet the
requirements under IDEA and thus, better prepared to meet the needs of
children with disabilities.
The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is establishing
this priority to improve preservice programs for paraprofessionals who
serve children ages birth through five and in grades K through 12 by
enhancing or redesigning curricula to adequately train these
paraprofessionals to address the needs of children with disabilities.
Priority: The purpose of this priority is to provide Federal
support to improve the quality of existing paraprofessional certificate
or associate degree programs. Institutions receiving support under this
priority must enhance or redesign the program curricula so that
paraprofessionals are well-prepared to work with children with
disabilities and their families. There are two focus areas under this
priority. Under focus area A, the Secretary intends to support
improvement grants for EI, early childhood special education (ECSE),
and early childhood education (ECE) paraprofessional preservice
programs. Under focus area B, the Secretary intends to support
improvement grants for K through 12 paraprofessional preservice
Note: Applicants must identify the specific focus area, A or B,
under which they are applying as part of the competition title on
the application cover sheet (SF form 424, line 4). Applicants may
not submit the same proposal under more than one focus area.
Focus Area A: EI, ECSE, and ECE Paraprofessional Preservice Programs
The programs under focus area A include certificate or associate
degree programs at institutions of higher education (IHEs), including
community colleges, that train EI, ECSE, or ECE paraprofessionals to
serve children ages birth through five. These programs under this focus
area must enhance or redesign their curricula by: (1) Incorporating
evidence-based and competency-based practices and content in special
education into each course; and (2) providing at least one practicum
experience in a program that serves children with disabilities ages
birth through five and their families. Paraprofessional students must
obtain the knowledge, training, and skills necessary to work
effectively with licensed or certified practitioners to provide
appropriate services to children with disabilities and their families.
In addition, the programs under this focus area must ensure that
program graduates
[[Page 45839]]
meet the qualifications for paraprofessionals that are consistent with
the State standards in accordance with section 635(a)(9) of IDEA or
section 612(a)(14)(B) of IDEA and 34 CFR 300.156(b) of the IDEA Part B
regulations, as appropriate, or in States that do not have State
standards, meet appropriate national professional organization
standards for paraprofessionals.
Focus Area B: K Through 12 Paraprofessional Preservice Programs
The programs under focus area B include certificate or associate
degree programs at IHEs, including community colleges, that train
paraprofessionals to serve students in grades K through 12. The
programs under this focus area must enhance or redesign the curricula
by: (1) Incorporating evidence-based and competency-based practices and
content in special education into each course; and (2) providing at
least one practicum experience in a setting that serves children with
disabilities in grades K through 12 and their families.
Paraprofessional students must obtain the knowledge, training, and
skills necessary to work effectively with licensed or certified K
through 12 practitioners to provide appropriate services to children
with disabilities and their families. In addition, the programs under
this focus area must ensure that program graduates meet the
qualifications for paraprofessionals that are consistent with the State
standards in accordance with section 612(a)(14)(B) of IDEA and 34 CFR
300.156(b) of the IDEA Part B regulations or in States that do not have
State standards, meet the paraprofessional standards in accordance with
section 1119 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as
To be considered for funding under the Paraprofessional Preservice
Program Improvement Grants absolute priority, focus area A or B,
applicants must meet the application requirements contained in this
priority. All projects funded under this absolute priority also must
meet the programmatic and administrative requirements specified in the
Note: The two focus areas under this priority only support the
improvement of existing EI, ECSE, and ECE or K through 12
paraprofessional preservice programs. This priority does not support
the development of new paraprofessional preservice programs, nor
does it provide for financial support of paraprofessional students
during any year of the project. Projects training paraprofessionals
in other related services, speech/language or adapted physical
education are not eligible under these focus areas.
Application Requirements for Focus Areas A and B
An applicant must include in its application--
(a) A plan to implement the activities described in the Project
Activities section of this priority. In this plan, applicants must
describe first-year activities, include a three-year timeline and
implementation plan, and indicate the projected number of graduates;
(b) A budget that includes attendance at a three-day Project
Directors' Conference in Washington, DC, during each year of the
project period; and
(c) An appendix that includes all course syllabi for the existing
paraprofessional preservice program.
Project Activities for Focus Areas A and B
To meet the requirements of this priority, the project, at a
minimum, must conduct the following activities:
(a) Based on the plan described under paragraph (a) of the
Application Requirements, enhance or redesign the paraprofessional
preservice program's curricula by incorporating evidence-based and
competency-based practices and content in special education into each
course and by providing at least one practicum experience in a setting
that serves children with disabilities and their families. This work
must be done in the first year of the project; must describe the
proposed project activities associated with implementation of the
curricula; and may be implemented with the approval of the OSEP Project
Officer. The improved paraprofessional preservice program must--
(1) Be aligned to State standards for paraprofessionals, or in
States that do not have State standards, meet appropriate national
professional organization standards for paraprofessionals; and
(2) Be designed to ensure that paraprofessional students receive
training, and develop knowledge and skills, in the following areas:
(i) Collaborating and working effectively with licensed and
certified professional practitioners, as appropriate.
(ii) Implementing social-emotional and behavioral interventions and
classroom management practices.
(iii) Implementing instructional strategies to support early
development and learning or academic achievement.
(iv) Using technology to enhance children's development and access
to natural learning opportunities or participation in the general
education curriculum.
(v) Observing and collecting data for progress monitoring.
(vi) Communicating effectively with children and families.
(vii) Assisting in the implementation of transition plans and
services across settings from EI to preschool, preschool to elementary
school, elementary school to secondary school, and secondary school to
postsecondary education (post school) or the workforce, as appropriate.
(viii) Working with children and families from diverse cultural and
linguistic backgrounds, including limited English proficient children
with disabilities.
Note: In alignment with the principle outlined in the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to make improvements in
teacher effectiveness and in the equitable distribution of qualified
personnel for all children, particularly children who are most in
need, OSEP encourages programs to provide practicum experiences in
high-poverty and rural settings.
(b) Develop and implement a plan to ensure that program faculty
have the necessary support, knowledge, and skills to implement the new
content and to train paraprofessional students to work with children
with disabilities.
(c) Develop and implement a management plan for instituting the
improved paraprofessional preservice program developed in the first
(d) Demonstrate how the improved program will work with other
projects funded by OSEP and the Department of Education to incorporate
existing training resources on evidence-based practices (e.g., the IRIS
Center for Faculty Enhancements: and
CONNECT: The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge:
(e) Submit the revised curriculum and syllabi for courses that are
included in the improved program to the OSEP Project Officer at the end
of the first year of the project period and make any necessary
revisions required by the OSEP Project Officer.
(f) Communicate and collaborate with the OSEP Project Officer to
determine how the project will evaluate the project's goals and
objectives, including the implementation of revised coursework, and how
the project will report the impact to OSEP in annual performance
reports and final performance reports.
(g) Implement a plan to maintain the improved program once Federal
funding ends.
(h) If the project maintains a Web site, include relevant
information about the revised program and documents in a
[[Page 45840]]
form that meets government or industry-recognized standards for
(i) Maintain ongoing communication with the OSEP Project Officer
through monthly phone conversations or e-mail communication and
participate in monthly grantee community of practice teleconferences,
as directed by OSEP.
Center to Inform Personnel Preparation Policy and Practice in Early
Intervention and Preschool Education. (2004a). Study I data report:
The national landscape of early intervention in personnel
preparation standards under Part C of the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act. Farmington, CT: University of
Connecticut Health Center. Available at:
Center to Inform Personnel Preparation Policy and Practice in Early
Intervention and Preschool Education. (2004b). Study I data report:
The national landscape of early childhood special education in
personnel preparation standards under 619 of the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act. Farmington, CT: University of
Connecticut Health Center. Available at:
Chang, F., Early., D., & Winton, P. (2005). Early childhood teacher
preparation in special education at 2- and 4- year institutions of
higher education. Journal of Early Intervention, 27(2), 110-124.
Giangreco, M. (2003). Working with paraprofessionals. Educational
Leadership, 61(2), 50-53. Retrieved April 9, 2008 from
Kellegrew, D.H., Pacifico-Banta, J., & Stewart, K. (2008). Training
early intervention assistants in California's community colleges.
(Issues & Answers Report, REL 2008-No. 060). Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Education, Institute of Educational Sciences, National
Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional
Educational Laboratory West. Available at:
Mikulecky, M.T. & Baber, A. (2005). ECS policy brief: from highly
qualified to highly competent paraprofessionals: How NCLB
requirements can catalyze effective program and policy development
guidelines from the ECS paraprofessional expert. Retrieved January
22, 2008, from
Shkodriani, G. (2003). Training for paraprofessionals: The community
college role. Retrieved January 22, 2008, from
Westat. (2002) Study of personnel needs in special education.
Retrieved January 23, 2008 from
Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking: Under the Administrative Procedure
Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 553), the Department generally offers interested
parties the opportunity to comment on proposed priorities and
requirements. Section 681(d) of IDEA, however, makes the public comment
requirements of the APA inapplicable to the priority in this notice.
Program Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1462 and 1481.
Applicable Regulations: The Education Department General
Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in 34 CFR parts 74, 75, 77, 79, 80,
81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 97, 98, and 99.
Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 79 apply to all applicants
except Federally recognized Indian Tribes.
Note: The regulations in 34 CFR part 86 apply to IHEs only.
II. Award Information
Type of Award: Cooperative Agreement.
Estimated Available Funds: The Administration has requested
$88,152,592 for the Personnel Development to Improve Services and
Results for Children with Disabilities program for FY 2010, of which we
intend to use an estimated $1,500,000 for the competition announced in
this notice. The actual level of funding, if any, depends on final
congressional action. However, we are inviting applications to allow
enough time to complete the grant process if Congress appropriates
funds for this program.
Contingent upon the availability of funds and the quality of
applications, we may make additional awards in FY 2011 from this
Estimated Range of Awards: $145,000-150,000.
Estimated Average Size of Awards: $150,000.
Maximum Award: We will reject any application that proposes a
budget exceeding $150,000 for a single budget period of 12 months. The
Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
may change the maximum amount through a notice published in the Federal
Estimated Number of Awards: 10.
Note: The Department is not bound by any estimates in this
Project Period: Up to 48 months.
III. Eligibility Information
1. Eligible Applicants: IHEs (as defined in section 101 of the
Higher Education Act of 1965).
2. Cost Sharing or Matching: This competition does not require cost
sharing or matching.
3. Other: General Requirements--(a) The projects funded under this
competition must make positive efforts to employ and advance in
employment qualified individuals with disabilities (see section 606 of
(b) Applicants and grant recipients funded under this competition
must involve individuals with disabilities or parents of individuals
with disabilities ages birth through 26 in planning, implementing, and
evaluating the projects (see section 682(a)(1)(A) of IDEA).
IV. Application and Submission Information
1. Address To Request Application Package: Education Publications
Center (ED Pubs), P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398. Telephone, toll
free: 1-877-433-7827. Fax: (301) 470-1244. If you use a
telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), call, toll free: 1-877-
You can contact ED Pubs at its Web site, also: or at its e-mail address:
If you request an application package from ED Pubs, be sure to
identify this competition as follows: CFDA number 84.325N.
Individuals with disabilities can obtain a copy of the application
package in an accessible format (e.g., braille, large print, audiotape,
or computer diskette) by contacting the person or team listed under
Accessible Format in section VIII of this notice.
2. Content and Form of Application Submission: Requirements
concerning the content of an application, together with the forms you
must submit, are in the application package for this competition.
Page Limit: The application narrative (Part III of the application)
is where you, the applicant, address the selection criteria that
reviewers use to evaluate your application. You must limit the
application narrative to the equivalent of no more than 50 pages, using
the following standards:
A ``page'' is 8.5'' x 11'', on one side only, with 1''
margins at the top, bottom, and both sides.
Double space (no more than three lines per vertical inch)
all text in the application narrative, including titles, headings,
footnotes, quotations, references, and captions, as well as all text in
charts, tables, figures, and graphs.
[[Page 45841]]
Use a font that is either 12 point or larger or no smaller
than 10 pitch (characters per inch).
The page limit does not apply to Part I, the cover sheet; Part II,
the budget section, including the narrative budget justification; Part
IV, the assurances and certifications; or the one-page abstract, the
resumes, the bibliography, the references, or the letters of support.
However, the page limit does apply to all of the application narrative
section (Part III).
We will reject your application if you exceed the page limit or if
you apply other standards and exceed the equivalent of the page limit.
3. Submission Dates and Times:
Applications Available: September 4, 2009.
Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: November 3, 2009.
Applications for grants under this competition may be submitted
electronically using the Electronic Grant Application System (e-
Application) accessible through the Department's e-Grants site, or in
paper format by mail or hand delivery. For information (including dates
and times) about how to submit your application electronically, or in
paper format by mail or hand delivery, please refer to section IV. 6.
Other Submission Requirements of this notice.
We do not consider an application that does not comply with the
deadline requirements.
Individuals with disabilities who need an accommodation or
auxiliary aid in connection with the application process should contact
the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT in section VII
of this notice. If the Department provides an accommodation or
auxiliary aid to an individual with a disability in connection with the
application process, the individual's application remains subject to
all other requirements and limitations in this notice.
Deadline for Intergovernmental Review: January 4, 2010.
4. Intergovernmental Review: This competition is subject to
Executive Order 12372 and the regulations in 34 CFR part 79.
Information about Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs under
Executive Order 12372 is in the application package for this
5. Funding Restrictions: We reference regulations outlining funding
restrictions in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice.
6. Other Submission Requirements: Applications for grants under
this competition may be submitted electronically or in paper format by
mail or hand delivery.
a. Electronic Submission of Applications
If you choose to submit your application to us electronically, you
must use e-Application, accessible through the Department's e-Grants
Web site at:
While completing your electronic application, you will be entering
data online that will be saved into a database. You may not e-mail an
electronic copy of a grant application to us.
Please note the following:
Your participation in e-Application is voluntary.
You must complete the electronic submission of your grant
application by 4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC time, on the application
deadline date. E-Application will not accept an application for this
competition after 4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC time, on the application
deadline date. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not wait
until the application deadline date to begin the application process.
The hours of operation of the e-Grants Web site are 6:00
a.m. Monday until 7:00 p.m. Wednesday; and 6:00 a.m. Thursday until
8:00 p.m. Sunday, Washington, DC time. Please note that, because of
maintenance, the system is unavailable between 8:00 p.m. on Sundays and
6:00 a.m. on Mondays, and between 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays and 6:00 a.m.
on Thursdays, Washington, DC time. Any modifications to these hours are
posted on the e-Grants Web site.
You will not receive additional point value because you
submit your application in electronic format, nor will we penalize you
if you submit your application in paper format.
You must submit all documents electronically, including
all information you typically provide on the following forms: the
Application for Federal Assistance (SF 424), the Department of
Education Supplemental Information for SF 424, Budget Information--Non-
Construction Programs (ED 524), and all necessary assurances and
certifications. You must attach any narrative sections of your
application as files in a .DOC (document), .RTF (rich text), or .PDF
(Portable Document) format. If you upload a file type other than the
three file types specified in this paragraph or submit a password
protected file, we will not review that material.
Your electronic application must comply with any page
limit requirements described in this notice.
Prior to submitting your electronic application, you may
wish to print a copy of it for your records.
After you electronically submit your application, you will
receive an automatic acknowledgment that will include a PR/Award number
(an identifying number unique to your application).
Within three working days after submitting your electronic
application, fax a signed copy of the SF 424 to the Application Control
Center after following these steps:
(1) Print SF 424 from e-Application.
(2) The applicant's Authorizing Representative must sign this form.
(3) Place the PR/Award number in the upper right hand corner of the
hard-copy signature page of the SF 424.
(4) Fax the signed SF 424 to the Application Control Center at
(202) 245-6272.
We may request that you provide us original signatures on
other forms at a later date.
Application Deadline Date Extension in Case of System
Unavailability: If you are prevented from electronically submitting
your application on the application deadline date because e-Application
is unavailable, we will grant you an extension of one business day to
enable you to transmit your application electronically, by mail, or by
hand delivery. We will grant this extension if--
(1) You are a registered user of e-Application and you have
initiated an electronic application for this competition; and
(2) (a) E-Application is unavailable for 60 minutes or more between
the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Washington, DC time, on the
application deadline date; or
(b) E-Application is unavailable for any period of time between
3:30 p.m. and 4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC time, on the application
deadline date.
We must acknowledge and confirm these periods of unavailability
before granting you an extension. To request this extension or to
confirm our acknowledgment of any system unavailability, you may
contact either (1) the person listed elsewhere in this notice under FOR
FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT (see VII. Agency Contact) or (2) the e-
Grants help desk at 1-888-336-8930. If e-Application is unavailable due
to technical problems with the system and, therefore, the application
deadline is extended, an e-mail will be sent to all registered users
who have initiated an e-Application.
Extensions referred to in this section apply only to the
unavailability of e-Application. If e-Application is
[[Page 45842]]
available, and, for any reason, you are unable to submit your
application electronically or you do not receive an automatic
acknowledgment of your submission, you may submit your application in
paper format by mail or hand delivery in accordance with the
instructions in this notice.
b. Submission of Paper Applications by Mail
If you submit your application in paper format by mail (through the
U.S. Postal Service or a commercial carrier), you must mail the
original and two copies of your application, on or before the
application deadline date, to the Department at the following address:
U.S. Department of Education, Application Control Center, Attention:
(CFDA Number 84.325N), LBJ Basement Level 1, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
Washington, DC 20202-4260.
You must show proof of mailing consisting of one of the following:
(1) A legibly dated U.S. Postal Service postmark.
(2) A legible mail receipt with the date of mailing stamped by the
U.S. Postal Service.
(3) A dated shipping label, invoice, or receipt from a commercial
(4) Any other proof of mailing acceptable to the Secretary of the
U.S. Department of Education.
If you mail your application through the U.S. Postal Service, we do
not accept either of the following as proof of mailing:
(1) A private metered postmark.
(2) A mail receipt that is not dated by the U.S. Postal Service.
If your application is postmarked after the application deadline
date, we will not consider your application.
Note: The U.S. Postal Service does not uniformly provide a dated
postmark. Before relying on this method, you should check with your
local post office.
c. Submission of Paper Applications by Hand Delivery
If you submit your application in paper format by hand delivery,
you (or a courier service) must deliver the original and two copies of
your application by hand, on or before the application deadline date,
to the Department at the following address: U.S. Department of
Education, Application Control Center, Attention: (CFDA Number
84.325N), 550 12th Street, SW., Room 7041, Potomac Center Plaza,
Washington, DC 20202-4260.
The Application Control Center accepts hand deliveries daily
between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30:00 p.m., Washington, DC time, except
Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays.
Note for Mail or Hand Delivery of Paper Applications: If you
mail or hand deliver your application to the Department--
(1) You must indicate on the envelope and--if not provided by
the Department--in Item 11 of the SF 424 the CFDA number, including
suffix letter, if any, of the competition under which you are
submitting your application; and
(2) The Application Control Center will mail to you a
notification of receipt of your grant application. If you do not
receive this grant notification within 15 business days from the
application deadline date, you should call the U.S. Department of
Education Application Control Center at (202) 245-6288.
V. Application Review Information
1. Selection Criteria: The selection criteria for this competition
are from 34 CFR 75.210 and are listed in the application package.
2. Review and Selection Process: In the past, the Department has
had difficulty finding peer reviewers for certain competitions because
so many individuals who are eligible to serve as peer reviewers have
conflicts of interest. The Standing Panel requirements under IDEA also
have placed additional constraints on the availability of reviewers.
Therefore, the Department has determined that, for some discretionary
grant competitions, applications may be separated into two or more
groups and ranked and selected for funding within the specific groups.
This procedure will make it easier for the Department to find peer
reviewers by ensuring that greater numbers of individuals who are
eligible to serve as reviewers for any particular group of applicants
will not have conflicts of interest. It also will increase the quality,
independence, and fairness of the review process while permitting panel
members to review applications under discretionary grant competitions
for which they also have submitted applications. However, if the
Department decides to select an equal number of applications in each
group for funding, this may result in different cut-off points for
fundable applications in each group.
VI. Award Administration Information
1. Award Notices: If your application is successful, we notify your
U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators and send you a Grant Award
Notification (GAN). We may notify you informally, also.
If your application is not evaluated or not selected for funding,
we notify you.
2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements: We identify
administrative and national policy requirements in the application
package and reference these and other requirements in the Applicable
Regulations section of this notice.
We reference the regulations outlining the terms and conditions of
an award in the Applicable Regulations section of this notice and
include these and other specific conditions in the GAN. The GAN also
incorporates your approved application as part of your binding
commitments under the grant.
3. Reporting: At the end of your project period, you must submit a
final performance report, including financial information, as directed
by the Secretary. If you receive a multi-year award, you must submit an
annual performance report that provides the most current performance
and financial expenditure information as directed by the Secretary
under 34 CFR 75.118. The Secretary may also require more frequent
performance reports under 34 CFR 75.720(c). For specific requirements
on reporting, please go to
4. Performance Measures: Under the Government Performance and
Results Act of 1993 (GPRA), the Department has established a set of
performance measures, including long-term measures, that are designed
to yield information on various aspects of the effectiveness and
quality of the Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results
for Children with Disabilities program. These measures include: (1) The
percentage of projects that incorporate scientifically based or
evidence-based practices; (2) the percentage of scholars who exit
training programs prior to completion due to poor academic performance;
(3) the percentage of degree or certification recipients who are
working in the area(s) for which they were trained upon program
completion; (4) the percentage of degree or certification recipients
who are working in the area(s) for which they were trained upon program
completion and are fully qualified under IDEA; (5) the percentage of
scholars completing IDEA-funded training programs who are knowledgeable
and skilled in scientifically based or evidence-based practices for
children with disabilities; and (6) the percentage of program graduates
who maintain employment for three or more years in the area(s) for
which they were trained.
Grantees may be asked to participate in assessing and providing
information on these aspects of program quality.
VII. Agency Contact
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Shedeh Hajghassemali, U.S. Department
[[Page 45843]]
of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., room 4091, Potomac Center Plaza
(PCP), Washington, DC 20202-2550. Telephone: (202) 245-7506.
If you use a TDD, call the Federal Relay Service (FRS), toll free,
at 1-800-877-8339.
VIII. Other Information
Accessible Format: Individuals with disabilities can obtain this
document and a copy of the application package in an accessible format
(e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer diskette) by
contacting the Grants and Contracts Services Team, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., room 5075, PCP, Washington, DC
20202-2550. Telephone: (202) 245-7363. If you use a TDD, call the FRS,
toll free, at 1-800-877-8339.
Electronic Access to this Document: You can view this document, as
well as all other documents of this Department published in the Federal
Register, in text or Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) on the
Internet at the following site:
To use PDF you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available
free at this site. If you have questions about using PDF, call the U.S.
Government Printing Office (GPO), toll free, at 1-888-293-6498; or in
the Washington, DC, area at (202) 512-1530.
Note: The official version of this document is the document
published in the Federal Register. Free Internet access to the
official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal
Regulations is available on GPO Access at:
Delegation of Authority: The Secretary of Education has delegated
authority to Andrew J. Pepin, Executive Administrator for the Office of
Special Education and Rehabilitative Services to perform the functions
of the Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative
Dated: August 31, 2009.
Andrew J. Pepin,
Executive Administrator for Special Education and Rehabilitative
[FR Doc. E9-21436 Filed 9-3-09; 8:45 am]