Obligation of Federal Contractors and Subcontractors; Notice of Employee Rights Concerning Payment of Union Dues or Fees, 14045-14046 [E9-6926]
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Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 59 / Monday, March 30, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
The Regulatory Amendment
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, we amend 27 CFR, chapter 1,
part 9, as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 9
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 27 U.S.C. 205.
Subpart C—Approved American
Viticultural Areas
2. Amend subpart C by adding § 9.214
to read as follows:
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with RULES
§ 9.214
Haw River Valley.
(a) Name. The name of the viticultural
area described in this section is ‘‘Haw
River Valley’’. For purposes of part 4 of
this chapter, ‘‘Haw River Valley’’ and
‘‘Haw River’’ are terms of viticultural
(b) Approved maps. The two United
States Geological Survey 1:100,000-scale
metric topographic maps used to
determine the boundary of the Haw
River Valley viticultural area are titled:
(1) Greensboro, North Carolina, 1984;
(2) Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1984.
(c) Boundary. The Haw River Valley
viticultural area is located in all of
Alamance County and portions of
Caswell, Chatham, Guilford, Orange,
and Rockingham Counties. The
boundary of the Haw River Valley
viticultural area is as described below:
(1) Begin at a point on the Greensboro
map at the intersection of the Caswell
and Orange Counties boundary line
with Lynch Creek, southeast of Corbett
and the Corbett Ridge, and then proceed
in a straight line southeast 2 miles to the
intersection of North Carolina State
Highway 49 and an unnamed, light-duty
road, known locally as McCulloch Road,
located approximately 1 mile northeast
of Carr, in west Orange County; then
(2) Proceed in a straight line southsouthwest 11.9 miles, crossing over U.S.
Interstate 85, to Buckhorn at Turkey Hill
Creek in west Orange County; then
(3) Proceed in a straight line southeast
5.2 miles, crossing onto the Chapel Hill
map, to its intersection with Dodsons
Crossroad and an unnamed, light-duty
road that runs generally north-northeastsouth-southwest in west Orange County;
(4) Proceed south-southwest on the
unnamed, light-duty road 3.4 miles to
its intersection with North Carolina
State Highway 54, also known as Star
Route 54, east of White Cross in west
Orange County; then
(5) Proceed southeast in a straight line
14.1 miles, crossing over Terrells
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Mountain, Wilkinson Creek and several
of its eastern tributaries, and U.S. Route
15–501, until the line intersects with an
unnamed road, known locally as Gilead
Church Road, and U.S. Route 64 at
Griffins Crossroads in Chatham County;
(6) Proceed generally west along U.S.
Route 64 approximately 20.7 miles to its
intersection with U.S. Route 421 in Siler
City, Chatham County; then
(7) Proceed generally northwest on
U.S. Route 421 approximately 5.6 miles
to its intersection with the Randolph
County line, southeast of Staley; then
(8) Proceed straight north along the
Randolph County line 7.4 miles to its
intersection with the Guilford County
line; then
(9) Proceed straight west along the
Randolph County line 5.8 miles to its
intersection with U.S. Route 421; then
(10) Proceed in a straight line northnorthwest 20.5 miles, crossing onto the
Greensboro map, to its intersection with
U.S. Route 29 and North Carolina State
Highway 150, between Browns Summit
and Monticello in Guilford County; then
(11) Proceed generally east and north
on North Carolina State Highway 150
approximately 4.3 miles to its
intersection with North Carolina State
Highway 87, east-northeast of
Williamsburg in southeast Rockingham
County; then
(12) Proceed in a straight line eastnortheast 8.3 miles, crossing over the
Caswell County line to a point at the
intersection of the 236-meter elevation
line, as marked on the map, and an
unnamed road, known locally as Cherry
Grove Road; then
(13) Proceed east and southeast along
the unnamed road, known locally as
Cherry Grove Road, 5 miles to its
intersection with North Carolina State
Highway 62 at Jericho in Caswell
County; then
(14) Proceed generally southeast on
North Carolina State Highway 62
approximately 1.8 miles to its
intersection with an unnamed road,
known locally as Bayne’s Road at
Anderson in Caswell County; then
(15) Proceed generally east on the
unnamed road known locally as Baynes
Road 2 miles to its intersection with
North Carolina State Highway 119 at
Baynes in Caswell County; then
(16) Proceed generally southsoutheast along North Carolina State
Highway 119 approximately 1.7 miles to
its intersection with the Caswell County
line; then
(17) Proceed straight east along the
Caswell County line 4.3 miles to the
beginning point.
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Signed: January 23, 2009.
John J. Manfreda,
Approved: February 17, 2009.
Timothy E. Skud,
Deputy Assistant Secretary, (Tax, Trade, and
Tariff Policy).
[FR Doc. E9–7035 Filed 3–27–09; 8:45 am]
Office of Labor-Management
29 CFR Part 470
RIN 1215–AB71
Obligation of Federal Contractors and
Subcontractors; Notice of Employee
Rights Concerning Payment of Union
Dues or Fees
AGENCY: Office of Labor-Management
Standards, Employment Standards
Administration, Labor.
ACTION: Final rule; rescission of
SUMMARY: This final rule rescinds the
regulations found at 29 CFR part 470,
which implemented Executive Order
13201. Executive Order 13496, signed
by President Obama on January 30, 2009
and published in the Federal Register
on February 4, 2009, revoked Executive
Order 13201, thus removing the
authority under which such regulations
were promulgated. Accordingly, the
Secretary of Labor (the ‘‘Secretary’’) is
issuing this final rule to rescind the
regulations that implement and enforce
the now-revoked Executive Order
Effective Date: March 30, 2009.
Denise M. Boucher, Director, Office of
Policy Reports and Disclosure, Office of
Labor-Management Standards,
Employment Standards Administration,
U.S. Department of Labor, 200
Constitution Avenue, NW., Suite N–
5609, Washington, DC 20210, (202) 693–
1185. This number is not toll-free.
January 30, 2009, President Obama
signed Executive Order 13496, which
revokes Executive Order 13201 and
instructs executive departments and
agencies to revoke any orders, rules,
regulations, or policies implementing or
enforcing Executive Order 13201.
Executive Order 13496, Section 13, 74
FR 6107 (February 4, 2009). Pursuant to
the now-revoked Executive Order
13201, the Secretary promulgated
Federal Register / Vol. 74, No. 59 / Monday, March 30, 2009 / Rules and Regulations
regulations implementing and enforcing
its terms, 29 CFR Part 470, which
required government contractors and
subcontractors to post notices informing
their employees of certain rights under
federal law. These regulations also
required federal contracting agencies
and covered government contractors
and subcontractors to include certain
provisions of the Order in their
contracts, subcontracts, and purchase
Because Executive Order 13496
expressly revokes Executive Order
13201, the authority for the Secretary’s
implementing regulations at 29 CFR Part
470 no longer exists. As a result, the
implementing regulations are now
without force and effect, and the
Secretary no longer enforces them.
Consequently, this final rule rescinds
these regulations.
The Secretary has determined that it
need not publish the rescission of these
regulations as a proposed rule, as
generally required by the
Administrative Procedure Act (‘‘APA’’),
5 U.S.C. 553(b). Notice to the public and
provision of a public comment period
for this rule are unnecessary because
Executive Order 13201, which
authorized 29 CFR Part 470, has been
revoked, and, therefore, no legal basis
exists for these regulations.
Furthermore, Section 13 of Executive
Order 13496 provides that regulations
implementing Executive Order 13201
shall be promptly revoked. Therefore,
good cause exists for dispensing with
the notice and comment requirements of
the APA. 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B). For the
same reasons, good cause exists to make
this rule effective immediately upon
publication of this rule. 5 U.S.C.
Regulatory Procedures
Executive Order 12866
sroberts on PROD1PC70 with RULES
This final rule has been drafted and
reviewed in accordance with Executive
Order 12866, section 1(b), Principles of
Regulation. The Department has
determined that this rule is not a
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under
Executive Order 12866, section 3(f),
Regulatory Planning and Review. The
Department has also determined that
this rule is not ‘‘economically
significant’’ as defined in section 3(f)(1)
of Executive Order 12866. Therefore, the
information enumerated in section
6(a)(3)(C) of the order is not required.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
This rescission is not a rule as defined
in the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
U.S.C. 601(2) and 604(a)) because a
general notice of proposed rulemaking
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was not published nor an opportunity
for notice and public comment provided
in connection therewith. Therefore, a
regulatory flexibility analysis under the
Regulatory Flexibility Act is not
required. The Secretary has certified
this conclusion to the Chief Counsel for
Advocacy of the Small Business
Unfunded Mandates Reform
Security Zone; Port of Mayaguez,
Puerto Rico
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of
1995—This rule will not include any
Federal mandate that may result in
increased expenditures by State, local,
and tribal governments, in the aggregate,
of $100 million or more, or in increased
expenditures by the private sector of
$100 million or more.
Paperwork Reduction Act
This rule contains no new
information collection requirements for
purposes of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996
This rule is not a major rule as
defined by section 804 of the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996. This rule will not
result in an annual effect on the
economy of $100,000,000 or more; a
major increase in costs or prices; or
significant adverse effects on
competition, employment, investment,
productivity, innovation, or on the
ability of the United States-based
companies to compete with foreignbased companies in domestic and
export markets.
List of Subjects in 29 CFR Part 470
Administrative practice and
procedure, Government contracts,
Union dues, Labor unions.
Accordingly, pursuant to Executive
Order 13496 and for the reasons stated
herein, the Secretary hereby amends
Title 29 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, Subchapter C, by removing
Part 470 and reserving it for future use.
Authority: Executive Order 13496.
Signed in Washington, DC, this 24th day of
March, 2009.
Shelby Hallmark,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Employment
Andrew D. Auerbach,
Deputy Director, Office of Labor-Management
[FR Doc. E9–6926 Filed 3–27–09; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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Coast Guard
33 CFR Part 165
[Docket No. USCG–2008–0070]
RIN 1625–AA87
Coast Guard, DHS.
Interim rule with request
SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is
establishing 50 yard moving and fixed
security zones around cruise ships
entering, departing, mooring or
anchoring at the Port of Mayaguez,
Puerto Rico. This proposed regulation is
necessary to protect cruise ships
operating in this port. This interim rule
excludes entry into the security zones
by all vessels, with the exception of
servicing pilot boats and assisting tug
boats, without the express permission of
the Captain of the Port San Juan or a
designated representative.
DATES: This interim rule is effective
April 29, 2009. Comments and related
material must reach the Docket
Management Facility on or before April
29, 2009.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by docket number USCG–
2008–0070 using any one of the
following methods:
(1) Federal eRulemaking Portal:
(2) Fax: 202–493–2251.
(3) Mail: Docket Management Facility
(M–30), U.S. Department of
Transportation, West Building Ground
Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590–
(4) Hand delivery: Same as mail
address above, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays. The telephone number
is 202–366–9329.
To avoid duplication, please use only
one of these methods. For instructions
on submitting comments, see the
‘‘Public Participation and Request for
Comments’’ portion of the
you have questions on this interim rule,
call Lieutenant Junior Grade Rachael
Love of Sector San Juan, Prevention
Operations Department at (787)–289–
2071. If you have questions on viewing
or submitting material to the docket, call
[Federal Register Volume 74, Number 59 (Monday, March 30, 2009)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 14045-14046]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E9-6926]
Office of Labor-Management Standards
29 CFR Part 470
RIN 1215-AB71
Obligation of Federal Contractors and Subcontractors; Notice of
Employee Rights Concerning Payment of Union Dues or Fees
AGENCY: Office of Labor-Management Standards, Employment Standards
Administration, Labor.
ACTION: Final rule; rescission of regulations.
SUMMARY: This final rule rescinds the regulations found at 29 CFR part
470, which implemented Executive Order 13201. Executive Order 13496,
signed by President Obama on January 30, 2009 and published in the
Federal Register on February 4, 2009, revoked Executive Order 13201,
thus removing the authority under which such regulations were
promulgated. Accordingly, the Secretary of Labor (the ``Secretary'') is
issuing this final rule to rescind the regulations that implement and
enforce the now-revoked Executive Order 13201.
DATES: Effective Date: March 30, 2009.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Denise M. Boucher, Director, Office of
Policy Reports and Disclosure, Office of Labor-Management Standards,
Employment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200
Constitution Avenue, NW., Suite N-5609, Washington, DC 20210, (202)
693-1185. This number is not toll-free.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On January 30, 2009, President Obama signed
Executive Order 13496, which revokes Executive Order 13201 and
instructs executive departments and agencies to revoke any orders,
rules, regulations, or policies implementing or enforcing Executive
Order 13201. Executive Order 13496, Section 13, 74 FR 6107 (February 4,
2009). Pursuant to the now-revoked Executive Order 13201, the Secretary
[[Page 14046]]
regulations implementing and enforcing its terms, 29 CFR Part 470,
which required government contractors and subcontractors to post
notices informing their employees of certain rights under federal law.
These regulations also required federal contracting agencies and
covered government contractors and subcontractors to include certain
provisions of the Order in their contracts, subcontracts, and purchase
Because Executive Order 13496 expressly revokes Executive Order
13201, the authority for the Secretary's implementing regulations at 29
CFR Part 470 no longer exists. As a result, the implementing
regulations are now without force and effect, and the Secretary no
longer enforces them. Consequently, this final rule rescinds these
The Secretary has determined that it need not publish the
rescission of these regulations as a proposed rule, as generally
required by the Administrative Procedure Act (``APA''), 5 U.S.C.
553(b). Notice to the public and provision of a public comment period
for this rule are unnecessary because Executive Order 13201, which
authorized 29 CFR Part 470, has been revoked, and, therefore, no legal
basis exists for these regulations. Furthermore, Section 13 of
Executive Order 13496 provides that regulations implementing Executive
Order 13201 shall be promptly revoked. Therefore, good cause exists for
dispensing with the notice and comment requirements of the APA. 5
U.S.C. 553(b)(B). For the same reasons, good cause exists to make this
rule effective immediately upon publication of this rule. 5 U.S.C.
Regulatory Procedures
Executive Order 12866
This final rule has been drafted and reviewed in accordance with
Executive Order 12866, section 1(b), Principles of Regulation. The
Department has determined that this rule is not a ``significant
regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866, section 3(f),
Regulatory Planning and Review. The Department has also determined that
this rule is not ``economically significant'' as defined in section
3(f)(1) of Executive Order 12866. Therefore, the information enumerated
in section 6(a)(3)(C) of the order is not required.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
This rescission is not a rule as defined in the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601(2) and 604(a)) because a general notice
of proposed rulemaking was not published nor an opportunity for notice
and public comment provided in connection therewith. Therefore, a
regulatory flexibility analysis under the Regulatory Flexibility Act is
not required. The Secretary has certified this conclusion to the Chief
Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration.
Unfunded Mandates Reform
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995--This rule will not include
any Federal mandate that may result in increased expenditures by State,
local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, of $100 million or
more, or in increased expenditures by the private sector of $100
million or more.
Paperwork Reduction Act
This rule contains no new information collection requirements for
purposes of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996
This rule is not a major rule as defined by section 804 of the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996. This rule
will not result in an annual effect on the economy of $100,000,000 or
more; a major increase in costs or prices; or significant adverse
effects on competition, employment, investment, productivity,
innovation, or on the ability of the United States-based companies to
compete with foreign-based companies in domestic and export markets.
List of Subjects in 29 CFR Part 470
Administrative practice and procedure, Government contracts, Union
dues, Labor unions.
Accordingly, pursuant to Executive Order 13496 and for the reasons
stated herein, the Secretary hereby amends Title 29 of the Code of
Federal Regulations, Subchapter C, by removing Part 470 and reserving
it for future use.
Authority: Executive Order 13496.
Signed in Washington, DC, this 24th day of March, 2009.
Shelby Hallmark,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Employment Standards.
Andrew D. Auerbach,
Deputy Director, Office of Labor-Management Standards.
[FR Doc. E9-6926 Filed 3-27-09; 8:45 am]