President's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, 77633-77634 [E8-30254]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 245 / Friday, December 19, 2008 / Notices
Dated: December 15, 2008.
Angela C. Arrington,
Leader, Information Collections Clearance
Division, Regulatory Information
Management Services, Office of Management.
Institute of Education Sciences
AGENCY: U.S. Department of Education,
President’s Board of Advisors on
Historically Black Colleges and
ACTION: Notice of an open meeting.
Type of Review: New Collection.
Title: Evaluation of Secondary Math
Teachers from Two Highly Selective
Routes to Alternative Certification.
Frequency: One time.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour
Responses: 1,254.
Burden Hours: 1,350.
Abstract: The Evaluation of
Secondary Math Teachers from Two
Highly Selective Routes to Alternative
Certification will examine the relative
effectiveness of secondary math
achievement who obtain certification
through the two largest highly selective
routes to alternative. The submission is
for the recruitment of schools and
districts, a teacher background form, the
pilot of a teach math content
knowledge. This submission includes
the justification and plan for the data
collection of information and statistical
methods for the evaluation. The package
also provides an overview of the study,
including its design and data collection
Requests for copies of the proposed
information collection request may be
accessed from,
by selecting the ‘‘Browse Pending
Collections’’ link and by clicking on
link number 3921. When you access the
information collection, click on
‘‘Download Attachments’’ to view.
Written requests for information should
be addressed to U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
LBJ, Washington, DC 20202–4537.
Requests may also be electronically
mailed to or faxed
to 202–401–0920. Please specify the
complete title of the information
collection when making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or
the collection activity requirements
should be electronically mailed to Individuals who
use a telecommunications device for the
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
[FR Doc. E8–30211 Filed 12–18–08; 8:45 am]
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President’s Board of Advisors on
Historically Black Colleges and
SUMMARY: The notice sets forth the
schedule and agenda of the meeting of
the President’s Board of Advisors on
Historically Black Colleges and
Universities. The notice also describes
the functions of the Board. Notice of the
meeting is required by Section 10 (a) (2)
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act
and intended to notify the public of its
opportunity to attend. Due to
scheduling difficulties, this notice is
appearing in the Federal Register less
than 15 days prior to the meeting date.
DATES: Tuesday, January 13, 2009.
Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The Board will meet on the
campus of Fisk University, Jubilee Hall,
Appleton Room, 1000 17th Avenue,
North, Nashville, TN 37208, Phone:
615–329–8500; Fax: 615–329–8576.
Leonard L. Haynes III, Ph.D., Executive
Director, White House Initiative on
Historically Black Colleges and
Universities, 1990 K Street, NW.,
Washington, DC 20006; telephone: (202)
502–7549; fax: 202–502–7852.
President’s Board of Advisors on
Historically Black Colleges and
Universities is established under
Executive Order 13256, dated February
12, 2002 and Executive Order 13316
dated September 17, 2003. The Board is
established (a) to report to the President
annually on the results of the
participation of historically black
colleges and universities (HBCUs) in
federal programs, including
recommendations on how to increase
the private sector role in strengthening
these institutions, with particular
emphasis given to enhancing
institutional planning and development;
strengthening fiscal stability and
financial management; and improving
institutional infrastructure, including
the use of technology, to ensure the
long-term viability and enhancement of
these institutions; (b) to advise the
President and the Secretary of
Education (Secretary) on the needs of
HBCUs in the areas of infrastructure,
academic programs, and faculty and
institutional development; (c) to advise
the Secretary in the preparation of an
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annual Federal plan for assistance to
HBCUs in increasing their capacity to
participate in Federal programs; (d) to
provide the President with an annual
progress report on enhancing the
capacity of HBCUs to serve their
students; and (e) to develop, in
consultation with the Department of
Education and other Federal agencies, a
private sector strategy to assist HBCUs.
The meeting will provide the Board a
forum to receive presentations regarding
the status of the 2006 and 2007 annual
reports and to discuss other related
pertinent issues involving
implementation of Presidential
Executive Order 13256. The meeting
will be open to the public.
Additional Information:
Individuals who will need
accommodations for a disability in order
to attend the meeting (e.g., interpreting
services, assistive listening devices, or
material in alternative format) should
notify ReShone Moore at (202) 502–
7893, no later than Wednesday, January
7, 2009. We will attempt to meet
requests for accommodations after this
date, but cannot guarantee their
availability. The meeting site is
accessible to individuals with
An opportunity for public comment is
available on Tuesday, January 13, 2009
between 3:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
Individuals who wish to provide
comments will be allowed three to five
minutes to speak. Those members of the
public interested in submitting written
comments may do so by submitting it to
the attention of Leonard L. Haynes, 1990
K Street NW., Washington, DC, by
Wednesday, January 7, 2009.
Records are kept of all Board
proceedings and are available for public
inspection at the office of the White
House Initiative on Historically Black
Colleges and Universities, U.S.
Department of Education, 1990 K Street,
NW. Washington, DC 20006, Monday—
Friday during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m.
Electronic Access to this Document:
You may view this document, as well as
all other documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Adobe Portable Document
Format (PDF), on the internet at the
following site:
To use PDF, you must have Adobe
Acrobat Reader, which is available free
at this site. If you have questions about
using PDF, call the U.S. Government
Printing Office (GPO), toll free at 1–888–
293–6498; or in the Washington, DC
area at 202–512–1530.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 245 / Friday, December 19, 2008 / Notices
Note: The official version of this document
is the document published in the Federal
Register. Free Internet access to the official
edition of the Federal Register and the Code
of Federal Regulations is available on GPO
Access at
Cheryl L. Oldham,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary
[FR Doc. E8–30254 Filed 12–18–08; 8:45 am]
Notice of Request for Public Comment
on Proposed Strategic Plan
AGENCY: United States Election
Assistance Commission.
ACTION: Notice: Request for Public
SUMMARY: The EAC seeks public
comment on a ‘‘U.S. Election Assistance
Commission Draft Strategic Plan Fiscal
Years: 2009 Through 2014.’’ The EAC
developed a strategic plan that lays out
an approach to create a receptive and
productive agency fully capable of the
unique leadership role it has been given
as a national clearinghouse, a manager
of Federal financial assistance, a
certifier of voting systems, and a
resource for election officials
throughout the country regarding the
administration of Federal elections. EAC
issues this notice according to a policy
adopted on September 18, 2008 that
requires EAC to provide notice and an
opportunity for public comment on,
among other things, advisories being
considered for adoption by the U.S.
Election Assistance Commission.
DATES: Comments must be received by
5 p.m. EST on January 20, 2009.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted: Via e-mail at, via mail addressed to
the U.S. Election Assistance
Commission, 1225 New York Ave, NW.,
Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005, or
by fax at 202/566–3127. Commenters are
encouraged to submit comments
electronically and include ‘‘Strategic
Plan’’ in the subject line, to ensure
timely receipt and consideration.
Person To Contact for Information:
Bryan Whitener, Telephone: (202) 566–
following is the complete text of the
proposed Strategic Plan the EAC is
seeking public comment on. The
proposed strategic plan may also be
viewed on the EAC Web site at https://
[Fiscal Years: 2009 Through 2014]
Table of contents
Page No.
Background ................................................................................................................................................................................................
Funding State Improvements to Elections .........................................................................................................................................
Standards for Voting Systems ............................................................................................................................................................
Election Assistance Commission .......................................................................................................................................................
Guiding Principles ...............................................................................................................................................................................
The Planning Process ........................................................................................................................................................................
VISION AND MISSION ..............................................................................................................................................................................
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................................................................................
GOAL 1—Communicate ............................................................................................................................................................................
GOAL 2—Fund and Oversee ....................................................................................................................................................................
GOAL 3—Study, Guide, and Assist ..........................................................................................................................................................
GOAL 4—Test and Certify ........................................................................................................................................................................
GOAL 5—Manage .....................................................................................................................................................................................
EXTERNAL FACTORS THAT IMPACT ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ....................................................
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................................................................................
1. Organization Chart .........................................................................................................................................................................
2. Stakeholders ...................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Summary of Goals, Objectives, & Measures .................................................................................................................................
In October 2002, Congress, with the
leadership and overwhelming bipartisan
support of the members of the U.S.
House Committee on House
Administration, passed the Help
America Vote Act (HAVA). HAVA
represents an unprecedented effort by
Congress to enhance the administration
of Federal elections through funding,
guidance and policies.
HAVA was not contemplated as a
short-term or partial solution to the
issues and problems with the
administration of Federal elections that
came to the forefront during the 2000
elections. The law recognized the need
to invest in our election infrastructure
and set out a comprehensive program of
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funding, guidance, and ongoing research
that spans the course of many years.
Funding State Improvements to
The Congress initially appropriated
approximately $3 billion for payments
to states during fiscal years 2003 and
2004. These funds were authorized
under three separate sections of HAVA.
Section 101 funds may be used to
improve the administration of elections
for Federal office. Section 102 funds
may be used to replace punch-card and
lever-action voting systems. Section 251
funds may be used to (1) improve voting
systems, (2) establish and implement
statewide voter registration databases,
(3) implement provisional voting, (4)
provide information to the voting public
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in the polling place, and (5) otherwise
improve the administration of elections
for Federal office. Congress
appropriated an additional $115 million
of Section 251 funds in fiscal year 2008.
Generally, the funds are available to
states until expended.
Standards for Voting Systems
A major provision of HAVA
established minimum requirements for
voting systems used in Federal
elections. Each voting system must:
• Permit the voter to verify the
selections made prior to casting the
• Permit the voter to change a
selection prior to casting the ballot;
• Notify the voter when an overvote
(making more than the permissible
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 245 (Friday, December 19, 2008)]
[Pages 77633-77634]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-30254]
President's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and
AGENCY: U.S. Department of Education, President's Board of Advisors on
Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
ACTION: Notice of an open meeting.
SUMMARY: The notice sets forth the schedule and agenda of the meeting
of the President's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and
Universities. The notice also describes the functions of the Board.
Notice of the meeting is required by Section 10 (a) (2) of the Federal
Advisory Committee Act and intended to notify the public of its
opportunity to attend. Due to scheduling difficulties, this notice is
appearing in the Federal Register less than 15 days prior to the
meeting date.
DATES: Tuesday, January 13, 2009.
Time: 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The Board will meet on the campus of Fisk University,
Jubilee Hall, Appleton Room, 1000 17th Avenue, North, Nashville, TN
37208, Phone: 615-329-8500; Fax: 615-329-8576.
Executive Director, White House Initiative on Historically Black
Colleges and Universities, 1990 K Street, NW., Washington, DC 20006;
telephone: (202) 502-7549; fax: 202-502-7852.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The President's Board of Advisors on
Historically Black Colleges and Universities is established under
Executive Order 13256, dated February 12, 2002 and Executive Order
13316 dated September 17, 2003. The Board is established (a) to report
to the President annually on the results of the participation of
historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in federal
programs, including recommendations on how to increase the private
sector role in strengthening these institutions, with particular
emphasis given to enhancing institutional planning and development;
strengthening fiscal stability and financial management; and improving
institutional infrastructure, including the use of technology, to
ensure the long-term viability and enhancement of these institutions;
(b) to advise the President and the Secretary of Education (Secretary)
on the needs of HBCUs in the areas of infrastructure, academic
programs, and faculty and institutional development; (c) to advise the
Secretary in the preparation of an annual Federal plan for assistance
to HBCUs in increasing their capacity to participate in Federal
programs; (d) to provide the President with an annual progress report
on enhancing the capacity of HBCUs to serve their students; and (e) to
develop, in consultation with the Department of Education and other
Federal agencies, a private sector strategy to assist HBCUs.
The meeting will provide the Board a forum to receive presentations
regarding the status of the 2006 and 2007 annual reports and to discuss
other related pertinent issues involving implementation of Presidential
Executive Order 13256. The meeting will be open to the public.
Additional Information:
Individuals who will need accommodations for a disability in order
to attend the meeting (e.g., interpreting services, assistive listening
devices, or material in alternative format) should notify ReShone Moore
at (202) 502-7893, no later than Wednesday, January 7, 2009. We will
attempt to meet requests for accommodations after this date, but cannot
guarantee their availability. The meeting site is accessible to
individuals with disabilities.
An opportunity for public comment is available on Tuesday, January
13, 2009 between 3:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Individuals who wish to provide
comments will be allowed three to five minutes to speak. Those members
of the public interested in submitting written comments may do so by
submitting it to the attention of Leonard L. Haynes, 1990 K Street NW.,
Washington, DC, by Wednesday, January 7, 2009.
Records are kept of all Board proceedings and are available for
public inspection at the office of the White House Initiative on
Historically Black Colleges and Universities, U.S. Department of
Education, 1990 K Street, NW. Washington, DC 20006, Monday--Friday
during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Electronic Access to this Document: You may view this document, as
well as all other documents of this Department published in the Federal
Register, in text or Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), on the
internet at the following site:
To use PDF, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available
free at this site. If you have questions about using PDF, call the U.S.
Government Printing Office (GPO), toll free at 1-888-293-6498; or in
the Washington, DC area at 202-512-1530.
[[Page 77634]]
Note: The official version of this document is the document
published in the Federal Register. Free Internet access to the
official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal
Regulations is available on GPO Access at
Cheryl L. Oldham,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education.
[FR Doc. E8-30254 Filed 12-18-08; 8:45 am]