Mission Statement: Building for the Future: U.S. Building Products Trade Mission to Asia, April 20-28, 2009, 70619-70621 [E8-27761]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 226 / Friday, November 21, 2008 / Notices and Border Protection to revise the cash deposit rates covering the subject merchandise and to assess antidumping duties on entries of the subject merchandise during the POR based on the revised assessment rates calculated by the Department. This notice is issued and published in accordance with section 516A(c)(1) of the Act. Dated: November 18, 2008. Stephen J. Claeys, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations. [FR Doc. E8–27874 Filed 11–20–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration A–570–601 Tapered Roller Bearings and Parts Thereof, Finished and Unfinished, from the People’s Republic of China; Extension of Time Limit for Final Results of the 2006–2007 Administrative Review Import Administration, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. EFFECTIVE DATE: November 21, 2008. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Paul Stolz, AD/CVD Operations, Office 9, Import Administration, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–4474. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with NOTICES AGENCY: Background On July 26, 2007, the Department of Commerce (‘‘the Department’’) published in the Federal Register a notice of the initiation of the antidumping duty administrative review of tapered roller bearings and parts thereof, finished and unfinished (‘‘TRBs’’) from the People’s Republic of China (‘‘PRC’’). See Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews and Request for Revocation in Part, 72 FR 41057 (July 26, 2007). On July 17, 2008, the Department published its preliminary results on TRBs from the PRC. See Tapered Roller Bearings and Parts Thereof, Finished and Unfinished, from the People’s Republic of China: Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 73 FR 41033 (July 17, 2008). The final results of this administrative review are currently due no later than November 14, 2008. VerDate Aug<31>2005 14:24 Nov 20, 2008 Jkt 217001 Extension of Time Limit for Final Results Section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (‘‘the Act’’), requires the Department to issue the final results in an administrative review within 120 days after the date on which the preliminary results are published. However, if it is not practicable to complete the review within this time period, section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act allows the Department to extend the time period to a maximum of 180 days. The Department has determined that completion of the final results within the 120-day period is not practicable because the Department requires additional time to analyze case and rebuttal briefs, and to hold a hearing. Because it is not practicable to complete this review within the current time limit, the Department is extending the time period for issuing the final results of review by 60 days, until January 13, 2009, in accordance with section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.213(h)(2). This notice is published pursuant to sections 751(a) and 777(i) of the Act. Dated: November 13, 2008. Stephen J. Claeys, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Import Administration. [FR Doc. E8–27760 Filed 11–20–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–DS–S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Mission Statement: Building for the Future: U.S. Building Products Trade Mission to Asia, April 20–28, 2009 Department of Commerce. Notice. AGENCY: ACTION: 70619 one-on-one business matchmaking appointments with prospective agents, distributors, and end-users; updates on major projects; Embassy briefings on doing business in each country market; and networking receptions. Commercial Setting Hong Kong In Hong Kong’s estimated $24 billion annual construction and building sector, usage of eco-friendly and energy-saving products has increased in recent years as developers are becoming more concerned about their environmental image and seek to attract multinational corporate tenants who prefer features that will save energy, reduce waste, and increase productivity in their commercial projects. Government regulations and incentives play a pivotal role in shaping the design of residential buildings in Hong Kong. Government incentives to encourage green building and waste reduction include exempting green features from the calculation of the gross floor area of a property, which grants developers extra floor space to boost the market value of their properties. In the last five years, growth in demand has been significant for environmentally-friendly products such as T5 lamps, variable-speed pumps, heat recovery systems in HVAC, service-ondemand features, advanced window glazings, and motion sensors. Metal formworks have extensively replaced timber. More pre-fabricated elements are used to allow cleaner construction sites. Use of photovoltaic panels has also increased, particularly in public buildings, although not on a large scale. The market for green building products in Hong Kong is far from maturity and holds genuine potential. Singapore Mission Description The United States Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service is organizing a Trade Mission to Hong Kong, Singapore, and Bangkok, Thailand, April 20–28, 2009, to promote U.S. firms offering environmentally friendly design and engineering services, energy efficient building systems, efficient lighting and heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and eco-friendly building products. Growing interest in energy efficiency, environmental protection, and ‘‘green’’ building are generating significant opportunities in these markets for U.S. firms offering innovative products and technologies. The mission will include PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Singapore’s $17 billion construction market is estimated to reach $20 billion annually over the next five years. Government spending will be the main factor sustaining construction demand, with emphasis on infrastructure projects. Singapore’s interest in green building promises to be substantial. The Government has set aside about $13 million over the next three years for the Green Mark Incentive Program, administered by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), offering cash incentives to private developers and building owners for efforts to achieve a BCA Green Mark Gold rating for new or retrofitted buildings with a gross floor area exceeding 5,000 square meters. Furthermore, under BCA’s Green Mark program, the Marina Bay E:\FR\FM\21NON1.SGM 21NON1 70620 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 226 / Friday, November 21, 2008 / Notices dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with NOTICES area is to serve as a model eco-city, with a new reservoir and gardens, and most buildings in the vicinity Green Mark certified. (For details on BCA’s Green Mark program, see https:// www.bca.gov.sg/GreenMark/ green_mark_buildings.html.) Singapore’s Housing and Development Board is developing an eco-precinct in an effort to ensure the sustainability of public housing developments. The BCA is also establishing the One North area as a model of green facilities for the industrial sector. BCA’s Green Mark building program is strongly supported by Singapore’s National Environment Agency, pointing to excellent opportunities for U.S. suppliers of green materials and technology. The BCA specifically recommends the use of recyclable materials, as well as products and systems designed to harness renewable energy (e.g., solar, wind, biomass), increase energy efficiency, improve indoor air quality, and reduce noise and air pollution. Another $34 million has been setaside to be used within the next five years for a new Research Fund for the Built Environment. This Fund aims to intensify research and development efforts in green building technologies and energy efficiency. Separately, the Singapore Economic Development Board is committing $234 million for the green energy push, which includes an initiative to make Singapore a testing ground for new technologies, such as the latest solar panels or fuel cell engines. In all, the market potential in Singapore for technologies, systems and equipment used in the construction of environmentally sustainable (‘‘green’’) buildings is growing. This covers all types of systems and products to improve energy and water efficiency of a building, technologies and equipment that improve indoor air quality, construction systems that reduce noise and air pollution, and recyclable building materials. Thailand The United States and Thailand have enjoyed a special commercial relationship for 175 years under the Treaty of Amity and Commerce, which in most sectors affords U.S. companies operating in Thailand national treatment, putting them on an ‘‘equal playing field’’ with Thai companies, a privilege offered to no other trading partner’s companies. The Thai market offers opportunities for U.S. companies in a number of infrastructure sectors, including building and renewable energy. VerDate Aug<31>2005 14:24 Nov 20, 2008 Jkt 217001 The growing necessity for energy conservation in commercial and residential buildings is opening doors for ‘‘green’’ building products in Thailand. As the third largest energy consuming sector, after transport and industry, commercial and residential buildings are the Thai Government’s target sector for implementation of energy conservation policies. Last year, the Ministry of Energy, through the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, introduced a program to promote energy efficient buildings. The program provides technical assistance in building design and selection of building products such as exteriors, insulation, lighting, and HVAC. Qualified participants will be publicly endorsed as ‘‘energy efficient.’’ Such incentives, along with tighter building regulations and greater awareness of energy conservation among Thais, will continue to drive demand for green products and technologies in the coming years. The Thai government’s $8.6 billion investment plan for infrastructure development over the next five years also offers potential for U.S. suppliers of building products and services, particularly those offering eco-friendly materials and technologies for the construction of rail-based mass transit systems. American building products, commanding a reputation for quality and technology, stand much to gain from these growing demand trends in Thailand. Mission Goals The Building for the Future Trade Mission will help U.S. firms to explore supplier opportunities under various infrastructure programs and initiate or expand their exports to the three markets through business-to-business introductions, market briefings, and networking activities. Mission Scenario The mission will stop in Hong Kong, Singapore and Bangkok, Thailand. In each city, participants will meet with government officials, potential buyers, agents/distributors, and other business partners. They will also attend market briefings by U.S. Embassy officials, as well as networking events offering further opportunities to speak with local business and industry decision-makers. Proposed Mission Timetable April 20, 2009 ......... PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4703 Mission begins in Hong Kong. Market briefing. Business matchmaking. Networking reception. Sfmt 4703 April 20–21, 2009 ... April 22, 2009 ......... April 23–24, 2009 ... April 25 or 26, 2009 April 27–28, 2009 ... Business matchmaking. Travel to Bangkok, Thailand. Networking reception. Market Briefing. Business matchmaking. Travel to Singapore on weekend. Briefing. Business matchmaking. Networking reception. Mission concludes. Participation Requirements All parties interested in participating in the Building for the Future Trade Mission must complete and submit an application package for consideration by the Department of Commerce. All applicants will be evaluated on their ability to meet certain conditions and best satisfy the selection criteria as outlined below. A minimum of 7 and maximum of 15 companies will be selected to participate in the mission from the applicant pool. U.S. companies already doing business in the target markets as well as U.S. companies seeking to enter the target markets for the first time may apply. Fees and Expenses After a company has been selected to participate in the mission, a payment to the Department of Commerce in the form of a participation fee is required. The participation fee will be $5,785 for a large firm and $3,975 for a small- or medium-sized enterprise (SME).* The fee for each additional firm representative (large firm or SME) is $450. Expenses for travel, lodging, most meals, and incidentals will be the responsibility of each mission participant. The option to participate in the mission is also being offered to U.S.based firms with an established presence in the target markets or neighboring countries; the same fee structure applies. Conditions for Participation • An applicant must submit a completed and signed mission application and supplemental application materials, including adequate information on the company’s * An SME is defined as a firm with 500 or fewer employees or that otherwise qualifies as a small business under SBA regulations (see https:// www.sba.gov/services/contracting_ opportunities/ sizestandardstopics/). Parent companies, affiliates, and subsidiaries will be considered when determining business size. The dual pricing reflects the Commercial Service’s user fee schedule that became effective May 1, 2008 (see https:// www.export.gov/newsletter/march2008/ initiatives.html for additional information). E:\FR\FM\21NON1.SGM 21NON1 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 226 / Friday, November 21, 2008 / Notices products and/or services, primary market objectives, and goals for participation. If the Department of Commerce receives an incomplete application, the Department may reject the application, request additional information, or take the lack of information into account when evaluating the applications. • Each applicant must also certify that the products and services it seeks to export through the mission are either produced in the United States, or, if not, marketed under the name of a U.S. firm and have at least 51 percent U.S. content of the value of the finished product or service. Selection Criteria: Selection will be based on the following criteria: • Suitability of the company’s products or services in the target markets and sectors. • Applicant’s potential for business in the target markets, including likelihood of exports resulting from the mission. • Consistency of the applicant’s goals and objectives with the stated scope of the trade mission. Referrals from political organizations and any documents containing references to partisan political activities (including political contributions) will be removed from an applicant’s submission and not considered during the selection process. dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with NOTICES Timeframe for Recruitment and Applications Mission recruitment will be conducted in an open and public manner. Outreach will include publication in the Federal Register, posting on the Commerce Department trade mission calendar (https:// www.ita.doc.gov/doctm/tmcal.html) and other Internet Web sites, press releases to general and trade media, direct mail, broadcast fax, notices by industry trade associations and other multiplier groups, and publicity at industry meetings, symposia, conferences, and trade shows. The International Trade Administration will explore and welcome outreach assistance from other interested organizations, including other U.S. Government agencies. Recruitment for the mission will begin immediately and close February 20, 2009. Applications are available online on the mission Web site at https:// www.buyusa.gov/globaldesignbuild/ futurebuildmission.html. They can also be obtained by contacting the Mission Project Officer listed below. Applications received after February 20, 2009 will be considered only if space and scheduling constraints permit. VerDate Aug<31>2005 14:24 Nov 20, 2008 Jkt 217001 70621 Contacts Partial Rescission Sean Timmins, Global Trade Programs, Commercial Service Trade Missions Program, Tel: 202–482–1841, E-mail: FutureBuildMission@mail.doc.gov. Terri Batch, International Trade Specialist, Global Design Build Team Leader, Tel: 310–882–1750, E-mail: FutureBuildMission@mail.doc.gov. Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.213(d)(1), the Secretary will rescind an administrative review, in whole or in part, if a party that requested the review withdraws the request within 90 days of the date of publication of notice of initiation of the requested review. Further pursuant to 19 CFR 351.213(d)(1), the Department is permitted to extend this time limit if reasonable to do so. On March 27, 2008, the Department extended the deadline for the withdrawal of review requests to 30 days after the Department’s receipt of the last response to the Department’s initial questionnaire filed by any selected respondent in this review. On June 20, 2008, the Department further extended the deadline for the withdrawal of review requests to July 7, 2008. Therefore, because Petitioners’ withdrawal of requests for review was timely and no other party requested a review of the aforementioned companies, in accordance with 19 CFR 351.213(d)(1), we are rescinding this review with respect to the twenty–eight companies named in Attachment 1. In addition, the Initiation Notice inadvertently included two companies that were not included in Petitioners’ original request for review, i.e., Anqui Friend Food Co., Ltd. (‘‘Anqui Friend’’) and Anqui Haoshun Trade Co., Ltd. (‘‘Anqui Haoshun’’). No other party requested a review of these two companies. Therefore, we are also rescinding the review of Anqui Friend and Anqui Haoshun. Thus, in sum, we are rescinding the review with respect to thirty companies. Sean Timmins, Global Trade Programs, Commercial Service Trade Missions Program. [FR Doc. E8–27761 Filed 11–20–08; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A–570–831] Fresh Garlic from the People’s Republic of China: Partial Rescission of the 13th Antidumping Duty Administrative Review Import Administration, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. EFFECTIVE DATE: November 21, 2008. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Scott Lindsay or Summer Avery, AD/ CVD Operations, Office 6, Import Administration, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–0780 or (202) 482– 4052, respectively. AGENCY: Background On December 27, 2007, the Department published a notice of initiation of an administrative review of fresh garlic from the People’s Republic of China (‘‘PRC’’), covering the period November 1, 2006, through October 31, 2007. See Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews, 72 FR 73315 (December 27, 2007) (Initiation Notice). On June 24, 2008, the Fresh Garlic Producers Association (‘‘FGPA’’) and its individual members1 (collectively, ‘‘Petitioners’’) partially withdrew their request for review of certain companies in this administrative review. On June 26, 2008, Petitioners submitted an amended partial withdrawal of request for review. In total, Petitioners withdrew their request for an administrative review for twenty–eight companies (see Attachment 1). 1 The individual members of the FGPA are Christopher Ranch L.L.C., The Garlic Company, Valley Garlic, and Vessey and Company, Inc. PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Assessment Rates The Department will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (‘‘CBP’’) to assess antidumping duties on all appropriate entries. For those companies for which this review has been rescinded and which have a separate rate, antidumping duties shall be assessed at rates equal to the cash deposit of estimated antidumping duties required at the time of entry, or withdrawal from warehouse, for consumption, in accordance with 19 CFR 351.212(c)(2). The Department intends to issue appropriate assessment instructions directly to CBP 15 days after publication of this notice. For those companies for which this review has been rescinded but do not have a separate rate at this time (and thus remain part of the PRC–wide entity), the Department will issue assessment instructions upon the completion of this administrative review. E:\FR\FM\21NON1.SGM 21NON1


[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 226 (Friday, November 21, 2008)]
[Pages 70619-70621]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-27761]



International Trade Administration

Mission Statement: Building for the Future: U.S. Building 
Products Trade Mission to Asia, April 20-28, 2009

AGENCY: Department of Commerce.

ACTION: Notice.


Mission Description

    The United States Department of Commerce, International Trade 
Administration, U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service is organizing a 
Trade Mission to Hong Kong, Singapore, and Bangkok, Thailand, April 20-
28, 2009, to promote U.S. firms offering environmentally friendly 
design and engineering services, energy efficient building systems, 
efficient lighting and heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) 
systems, and eco-friendly building products.
    Growing interest in energy efficiency, environmental protection, 
and ``green'' building are generating significant opportunities in 
these markets for U.S. firms offering innovative products and 
technologies. The mission will include one-on-one business matchmaking 
appointments with prospective agents, distributors, and end-users; 
updates on major projects; Embassy briefings on doing business in each 
country market; and networking receptions.

Commercial Setting

Hong Kong

    In Hong Kong's estimated $24 billion annual construction and 
building sector, usage of eco-friendly and energy-saving products has 
increased in recent years as developers are becoming more concerned 
about their environmental image and seek to attract multinational 
corporate tenants who prefer features that will save energy, reduce 
waste, and increase productivity in their commercial projects.
    Government regulations and incentives play a pivotal role in 
shaping the design of residential buildings in Hong Kong. Government 
incentives to encourage green building and waste reduction include 
exempting green features from the calculation of the gross floor area 
of a property, which grants developers extra floor space to boost the 
market value of their properties.
    In the last five years, growth in demand has been significant for 
environmentally-friendly products such as T5 lamps, variable-speed 
pumps, heat recovery systems in HVAC, service-on-demand features, 
advanced window glazings, and motion sensors. Metal formworks have 
extensively replaced timber. More pre-fabricated elements are used to 
allow cleaner construction sites. Use of photovoltaic panels has also 
increased, particularly in public buildings, although not on a large 
scale. The market for green building products in Hong Kong is far from 
maturity and holds genuine potential.


    Singapore's $17 billion construction market is estimated to reach 
$20 billion annually over the next five years. Government spending will 
be the main factor sustaining construction demand, with emphasis on 
infrastructure projects. Singapore's interest in green building 
promises to be substantial. The Government has set aside about $13 
million over the next three years for the Green Mark Incentive Program, 
administered by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), offering 
cash incentives to private developers and building owners for efforts 
to achieve a BCA Green Mark Gold rating for new or retrofitted 
buildings with a gross floor area exceeding 5,000 square meters. 
Furthermore, under BCA's Green Mark program, the Marina Bay

[[Page 70620]]

area is to serve as a model eco-city, with a new reservoir and gardens, 
and most buildings in the vicinity Green Mark certified. (For details 
on BCA's Green Mark program, see https://www.bca.gov.sg/GreenMark/
    Singapore's Housing and Development Board is developing an eco-
precinct in an effort to ensure the sustainability of public housing 
developments. The BCA is also establishing the One North area as a 
model of green facilities for the industrial sector. BCA's Green Mark 
building program is strongly supported by Singapore's National 
Environment Agency, pointing to excellent opportunities for U.S. 
suppliers of green materials and technology. The BCA specifically 
recommends the use of recyclable materials, as well as products and 
systems designed to harness renewable energy (e.g., solar, wind, 
biomass), increase energy efficiency, improve indoor air quality, and 
reduce noise and air pollution.
    Another $34 million has been set-aside to be used within the next 
five years for a new Research Fund for the Built Environment. This Fund 
aims to intensify research and development efforts in green building 
technologies and energy efficiency. Separately, the Singapore Economic 
Development Board is committing $234 million for the green energy push, 
which includes an initiative to make Singapore a testing ground for new 
technologies, such as the latest solar panels or fuel cell engines.
    In all, the market potential in Singapore for technologies, systems 
and equipment used in the construction of environmentally sustainable 
(``green'') buildings is growing. This covers all types of systems and 
products to improve energy and water efficiency of a building, 
technologies and equipment that improve indoor air quality, 
construction systems that reduce noise and air pollution, and 
recyclable building materials.


    The United States and Thailand have enjoyed a special commercial 
relationship for 175 years under the Treaty of Amity and Commerce, 
which in most sectors affords U.S. companies operating in Thailand 
national treatment, putting them on an ``equal playing field'' with 
Thai companies, a privilege offered to no other trading partner's 
companies. The Thai market offers opportunities for U.S. companies in a 
number of infrastructure sectors, including building and renewable 
    The growing necessity for energy conservation in commercial and 
residential buildings is opening doors for ``green'' building products 
in Thailand. As the third largest energy consuming sector, after 
transport and industry, commercial and residential buildings are the 
Thai Government's target sector for implementation of energy 
conservation policies. Last year, the Ministry of Energy, through the 
Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, introduced 
a program to promote energy efficient buildings. The program provides 
technical assistance in building design and selection of building 
products such as exteriors, insulation, lighting, and HVAC. Qualified 
participants will be publicly endorsed as ``energy efficient.'' Such 
incentives, along with tighter building regulations and greater 
awareness of energy conservation among Thais, will continue to drive 
demand for green products and technologies in the coming years.
    The Thai government's $8.6 billion investment plan for 
infrastructure development over the next five years also offers 
potential for U.S. suppliers of building products and services, 
particularly those offering eco-friendly materials and technologies for 
the construction of rail-based mass transit systems. American building 
products, commanding a reputation for quality and technology, stand 
much to gain from these growing demand trends in Thailand.

Mission Goals

    The Building for the Future Trade Mission will help U.S. firms to 
explore supplier opportunities under various infrastructure programs 
and initiate or expand their exports to the three markets through 
business-to-business introductions, market briefings, and networking 

Mission Scenario

    The mission will stop in Hong Kong, Singapore and Bangkok, 
Thailand. In each city, participants will meet with government 
officials, potential buyers, agents/distributors, and other business 
partners. They will also attend market briefings by U.S. Embassy 
officials, as well as networking events offering further opportunities 
to speak with local business and industry decision-makers.

Proposed Mission Timetable

April 20, 2009.....................  Mission begins in Hong Kong.
                                     Market briefing.
                                     Business matchmaking.
                                     Networking reception.
April 20-21, 2009..................  Business matchmaking.
April 22, 2009.....................  Travel to Bangkok, Thailand.
                                     Networking reception.
April 23-24, 2009..................  Market Briefing.
                                     Business matchmaking.
April 25 or 26, 2009...............  Travel to Singapore on weekend.
April 27-28, 2009..................  Briefing.
                                     Business matchmaking.
                                     Networking reception.
                                     Mission concludes.

Participation Requirements

    All parties interested in participating in the Building for the 
Future Trade Mission must complete and submit an application package 
for consideration by the Department of Commerce. All applicants will be 
evaluated on their ability to meet certain conditions and best satisfy 
the selection criteria as outlined below. A minimum of 7 and maximum of 
15 companies will be selected to participate in the mission from the 
applicant pool. U.S. companies already doing business in the target 
markets as well as U.S. companies seeking to enter the target markets 
for the first time may apply.

Fees and Expenses

    After a company has been selected to participate in the mission, a 
payment to the Department of Commerce in the form of a participation 
fee is required. The participation fee will be $5,785 for a large firm 
and $3,975 for a small- or medium-sized enterprise (SME).* The fee for 
each additional firm representative (large firm or SME) is $450. 
Expenses for travel, lodging, most meals, and incidentals will be the 
responsibility of each mission participant. The option to participate 
in the mission is also being offered to U.S.-based firms with an 
established presence in the target markets or neighboring countries; 
the same fee structure applies.

    * An SME is defined as a firm with 500 or fewer employees or 
that otherwise qualifies as a small business under SBA regulations 
(see https://www.sba.gov/services/contracting_ opportunities/
sizestandardstopics/). Parent companies, affiliates, and 
subsidiaries will be considered when determining business size. The 
dual pricing reflects the Commercial Service's user fee schedule 
that became effective May 1, 2008 (see https://www.export.gov/
newsletter/march2008/initiatives.html for additional information).

Conditions for Participation

     An applicant must submit a completed and signed mission 
application and supplemental application materials, including adequate 
information on the company's

[[Page 70621]]

products and/or services, primary market objectives, and goals for 
participation. If the Department of Commerce receives an incomplete 
application, the Department may reject the application, request 
additional information, or take the lack of information into account 
when evaluating the applications.
     Each applicant must also certify that the products and 
services it seeks to export through the mission are either produced in 
the United States, or, if not, marketed under the name of a U.S. firm 
and have at least 51 percent U.S. content of the value of the finished 
product or service.
    Selection Criteria: Selection will be based on the following 
     Suitability of the company's products or services in the 
target markets and sectors.
     Applicant's potential for business in the target markets, 
including likelihood of exports resulting from the mission.
     Consistency of the applicant's goals and objectives with 
the stated scope of the trade mission.
    Referrals from political organizations and any documents containing 
references to partisan political activities (including political 
contributions) will be removed from an applicant's submission and not 
considered during the selection process.

Timeframe for Recruitment and Applications

    Mission recruitment will be conducted in an open and public manner. 
Outreach will include publication in the Federal Register, posting on 
the Commerce Department trade mission calendar (https://www.ita.doc.gov/
doctm/tmcal.html) and other Internet Web sites, press releases to 
general and trade media, direct mail, broadcast fax, notices by 
industry trade associations and other multiplier groups, and publicity 
at industry meetings, symposia, conferences, and trade shows. The 
International Trade Administration will explore and welcome outreach 
assistance from other interested organizations, including other U.S. 
Government agencies.
    Recruitment for the mission will begin immediately and close 
February 20, 2009. Applications are available on-line on the mission 
Web site at https://www.buyusa.gov/globaldesignbuild/
futurebuildmission.html. They can also be obtained by contacting the 
Mission Project Officer listed below. Applications received after 
February 20, 2009 will be considered only if space and scheduling 
constraints permit.


Sean Timmins, Global Trade Programs, Commercial Service Trade Missions 
Program, Tel: 202-482-1841, E-mail: FutureBuildMission@mail.doc.gov.
Terri Batch, International Trade Specialist, Global Design Build Team 
Leader, Tel: 310-882-1750, E-mail: FutureBuildMission@mail.doc.gov.

Sean Timmins,
Global Trade Programs, Commercial Service Trade Missions Program.
 [FR Doc. E8-27761 Filed 11-20-08; 8:45 am]
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