Notice of Inventions Available for Licensing, 52826-52828 [E8-21155]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 177 / Thursday, September 11, 2008 / Notices
with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely
notification of the return or destruction
of APO materials or conversion to
judicial protective order is hereby
requested. Failure to comply with the
regulations and the terms of an APO is
a sanctionable violation.
We are issuing and publishing these
results in accordance with sections
751(a)(1) and 777(i) of the Act.
Notification to Importers
This notice serves as a final reminder
to importers of their responsibility
under 19 CFR 351.402(f) to file a
certificate regarding the reimbursement
of antidumping duties prior to
liquidation of the relevant entries
during this review period. Failure to
comply with this requirement could
result in the Department’s presumption
that reimbursement of antidumping
duties occurred and the subsequent
assessment of doubled antidumping
rmajette on PRODPC74 with NOTICES
for consumption on or after the date of
publication, consistent with section
751(a)(1) of the Act: (1) The cashdeposit rates for the reviewed
companies will be the rates shown
above except that, for firms whose
weighted-average margins are less than
0.5 percent and therefore de minimis,
the Department shall not require a
deposit of estimated antidumping
duties; (2) for previously reviewed or
investigated companies not listed above,
the cash-deposit rate will continue to be
the company-specific rate published for
the most recent period; (3) if the
exporter is not a firm covered in this
review, a prior review, or the original
less-than-fair-value (LTFV) investigation
but the manufacturer is, the cashdeposit rate will be the rate established
for the most recent period for the
manufacturer of the merchandise; (4)
the cash-deposit rate for all other
manufacturers or exporters will
continue to be the all-others rate for the
relevant order made effective by the
final results of review published on July
26, 1993. See Antifriction Bearings
(Other Than Tapered Roller Bearings)
and Parts Thereof From France, et al.
Final Results of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Reviews and Revocation
in Part of an Antidumping Duty Order,
58 FR 39729 (July 26, 1993). For ball
bearings from Italy, see Antifriction
Bearings (Other Than Tapered Roller
Bearings) and Parts Thereof From
France, et al. Final Results of
Antidumping Duty Administrative
Reviews and Partial Termination of
Administrative Reviews, 61 FR 66471,
66521 (December 17, 1996). These rates
are the all-others rates from the relevant
LTFV investigation.
These deposit requirements shall
remain in effect until further notice.
SUMMARY: The Manufacturing Council
will hold a meeting to deliberate for
approval a draft letter of
recommendation on Sustainable
Manufacturing metrics.
Notification Regarding APOs
This notice also serves as a reminder
to parties subject to administrative
protective order (APO) of their
responsibility concerning the
disposition of proprietary information
disclosed under APO in accordance
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Dated: September 4, 2008.
David M. Spooner
Assistant Secretary for Import
[FR Doc. E8–21137 Filed 9–10–08; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
The Manufacturing Council: Meeting
International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Notice of a meeting.
September 23, 2008.
Location: Rochester, NY.
Additional Information: A
supplemental notice will be issued in
the near future with the exact address
and time of the meeting. The date and
address will also be posted on the
Council’s Web site at https:// as
soon as they are available.
Manufacturing Council Executive
Secretariat, Room 4043, Washington, DC
20230 (Phone: 202–482–1369), or visit
the Council’s Web site at https://
Frm 00018
National Institute of Standards and
National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of Inventions Available
for Licensing.
1. Zeroing of Negative Margins
2. Model-Matching Methodology
3. Collapsing and Successor in Interest
4. Inventory Carrying Costs
5. Calculation of Cost of Production/
Constructed Value and Use of AFA
6. Rate for Respondent Not Selected
7. Miscellaneous Issues
A. 15–Day Issuance of Liquidation
B. CEP Profit
C. Decision Not to Verify JTEKT’s and
NTN’s Cost Data
D. BPI Treatment for Dumping Duties and
Net Value of Sales
8. Clerical Errors
PO 00000
Notice of Inventions Available for
Dated: September 5, 2008.
Kate Sigler,
Executive Secretary, The Manufacturing
[FR Doc. E8–21073 Filed 9–10–08; 8:45 am]
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SUMMARY: The inventions listed below
are owned in whole or part by the U.S.
Government, as represented by the
Secretary of Commerce. The U.S.
Government’s interest in these
inventions is available for licensing in
accordance with 35 U.S.C. 207 and 37
CFR Part 404 to achieve expeditious
commercialization of results of federally
funded research and development.
Technical and licensing information on
these inventions may be obtained by
writing to: National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Office of
Technology Partnerships, Attn: Mary
Clague, Building 222, Room A240,
Gaithersburg, MD 20899. Information is
also available via telephone: 301–975–
4188, fax 301–975–3482, or e-mail: Any request for
information should include the NIST
Docket number and title for the
invention as indicated below.
enter into a Cooperative Research and
Development Agreement (‘‘CRADA’’)
with the licensee to perform further
research on the inventions for purposes
of commercialization. The inventions
available for licensing are:
[NIST Docket Number: 00–013US]
Title: Mode-Locked Pulsed Laser
System and Method.
Abstract: The invention is a system
and method for stabilizing the carrierenvelope phase of the pulses emitted by
a femtosecond mode-locked laser by
using the powerful tools of frequencydomain laser stabilization. Control of
the pulse-to-pulse carrier-envelope
phases was confirmed using temporal
cross correlation. This phase
stabilization locks the absolute
frequencies emitted by the laser, which
is used to perform absolute optical
frequency measurements that were
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 177 / Thursday, September 11, 2008 / Notices
directly referenced to a stable
microwave clock.
[NIST Docket Number: 01–010US]
Title: Multistage Synchronization of
Pulsed Radiation Sources.
Abstract: The invention is jointly
owned by the Department of Commerce
and University of Colorado. The ability
to synchronize a passively-mode locked
laser to an external reference, or to a
second laser, has many applications.
Previous work synchronizing two modelocked ti:sapphire lasers has
demonstrated timing jitters of at best a
few hundred femtoseconds. Since it is
now routinely possible to generate
pulses with duration < 20 fs, improved
techniques would make it possible to
take full advantages of the available
time resolution. This invention would
allow to rigorously and robustly
synchronize transform-limited pulse
trains from separate mode-locked lasers
with a timing jitter of < 15 fs.
[NIST Docket Number: 01–030US]
Title: Minimizing Spatial-DispersionInduced Birefringence.
Abstract: The invention concerns a
method to eliminate or reduce the
intrinsic birefringence in cubic crystals
made from Group II fluorides.
[NIST Docket Number: 03–003US]
Title: High Spectral Purity Microwave
Oscillator Design Using Air-Dielectric
Abstract: The invention is jointly
owned by the Department of Commerce
and Total Frequency Inc. A high
spectral purity microwave oscillator is
provided. The oscillator uses an airdielectric cavity and employs the
known carrier-suppression technique. In
one embodiment, the oscillator employs
a high-Q cavity to self-sustain an
oscillating sign formed by feeding back
into its input a power-amplified output
signal of the cavity in which residual
phase noise in the amplifier stages is
suppressed. A bandpass filter selects the
cavity mode. Another embodiment
suppresses the noise of a voltagecontrolled oscillator whose frequency
and power-amplified output interrogates
the cavity mode.
rmajette on PRODPC74 with NOTICES
[NIST Docket Number: 04–009US]
Title: Zig-Zag Shape Biased
Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive Sensor.
Abstract: A magnetoresistive sensing
apparatus is disclosed, comprising a
magnetic film having a zig-zag shaped
structure, a central axis, and a
magnetization associated with the
magnetic film, wherein the zig-zag
shaped structure biases the
magnetization direction alternately at
positive and negative angles thereof,
thereby permitting the magnetoresistive
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sensing apparatus to be sensitive to a
magnetic field parallel to the axis of the
magnetoresistive sensing apparatus and
insensitive to magnetic fields
perpendicular to the axis.
[NIST Docket Number: 04–017US]
Title: Doped Gd5Ge2Si2 Compounds
and Methods for Reducing Hysteresis
Losses in Gd5Ge2Si2 Compound.
Abstract: The invention provides an
effective method for greatly reducing the
large hysteresis losses that have been
observed in the Gd5Ge2Si2 magnetic
refrigerant compound in the 270–320 K
temperature range. The method consists
of alloying the compound with a very
small amount of either iron or other
silicide-forming metal additive, such as
manganese, cobalt, copper, or gallium.
This small metal addition has the effect
of reducing the large hysteretic losses by
more than 90 percent and in some cases
to nearly 100 percent.
[NIST Docket Number: 05–014US]
Title: System and Method for
Holographic Optic Trap Bonding.
Abstract: The invention is jointly
owned by the Department of Commerce
and New York University. The
invention is a method for bonding two
or more objects using nanometer-scale
to micrometer-scale adhesive particles
manipulated and cured by optical
tweezers, including holographic optical
[NIST Docket Number: 05–015US]
Title: The Use of Adenine as a Method
for Controlled Immobilization of
Nucleic Acids and Their Analogs on
Gold Surfaces.
Abstract: The invention is jointly
owned by the Department of Commerce,
Naval Research Laboratory, and
University of Maryland. The invention
provides for attaching nucleic acids to a
surface at a controlled grafting density
in a controlled conformation by
contacting an immobilization solution
of nucleic acids containing at least one
block of adenine nucleotides to a
surface for a sufficient period of time to
allow attachment to the surface.
[NIST Docket Number: 05–018US]
Title: Mounting System for Optical
Frequency Reference Cavities.
Abstract: The invention is jointly
owned by the Department of Commerce
and University of Colorado. A technique
for reducing the vibration sensitivity of
laser-stabilizing optical reference
cavities is based upon an improved
design and mounting method for the 5
cavity, wherein the cavity is mounted
vertically. It is suspended at one plane,
around the spacer cylinder, equidistant
from the mirror ends of the cavity. The
suspension element is a collar of an
PO 00000
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extremely low thermal expansion
coefficient material, which surrounds
the spacer cylinder and contacts it
uniformly. Once the collar has been
properly located, it is cemented in place
so that the spacer cylinder 10 is
uniformly supported and does not have
to be squeezed at all. The collar also
includes a number of cavities partially
bored into its lower flat surface, around
the axial bore. These cavities are
support points, into which mounting
base pins will be inserted. Hence the
collar is supported at a minimum of
three points.
[NIST Docket Number: 05–019US]
Title: Real Time, Active PicometerScale Alignment, Stabilization, and
Registration in One or More
Abstract: The invention is jointly
owned by the Department of Commerce
and University of Colorado. The
invention presents a widely applicable
technique which enables two (or more)
mechanically independent structures
whose respective positions in three
dimensional space can be maintained
with sub-nanometer precision for long
(>100 s) periods of time. The method is
based on the scattering of laser light by
one (or more) fiducial marks. One mark
is coupled to each structure to be
positioned, except in the case where a
lens is one of the structures to be
stabilized. The scattered light is
collected in a photo-sensitive device
which enables real-time high-bandwidth
position-sensing of each structure. The
method requires one of the structures to
be mounted onto a precision (e.g.,
piezoelectrc) 2D or 3D translational
stage. Signals generated by the scattered
light field are used in a feedback loop
to modulate the stage position.
[NIST Docket Number: 07–009]
Title: A New Approach to Contacting
Nanowire Arrays Using Nanoparticles.
Abstract: The invention is jointly
owned by the Department of Commerce
and University of Maryland. A new
approach towards electrically contacting
the top of an aligned nanowire or
nanotube array using a conductive
nanoparticle film has been developed.
Conducting nanoparticles are generated,
charged and deposited onto the sample
containing the nanowire or nanotube
array within an electrostatic
precipitator. The electric field
enhancement from the tips of the
nanowires (or nanotubes) is utilized to
attract charged nanoparticles
exclusively onto the top of the array.
This approach is a non-destructive,
generic scheme that may be extended to
any aligned nanowire or nanotube array.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 177 / Thursday, September 11, 2008 / Notices
[NIST Docket Number: 07–011]
Title: Thermometer Based On
Dielectric Electromagnetic Resonators.
Abstract: The invention provides a
new and innovative sapphire
whispering gallery thermometer (SWGT)
that is very robust and resistant to
mechanical shock. The intrinsic
frequency temperature dependence of
the synthetic sapphire permittivity,
coupled with the ease of locating the
resonant frequency of a high-Q
resonator, allows for the use of a
whispering gallery mode resonator as a
thermometer rather than as a frequency
source. The temporal stability of
sapphire as the thermometry material
provides excellent long-term
thermometric reproducibility.
Temperature sensitivity and stability of
response, as exhibited by measurement
uncertainty determination, of less than
10 mK have been demonstrated.
[NIST Docket Number: 07–012US]
Title: Length Separation of Carbon
Nanotubes by Centrifugation in a Dense
Abstract: The invention provides a
method for separating carbon nanotubes
by length. The processes involve
forming highly dispersed systems of the
nanotubes followed by creating an array
of layers in a centrifugation vessel.
[NIST Docket Number: 07–013US]
Title: Microfluidic Passive Sorting
and Storage of Liquid Plugs Using
Capillary Force.
Abstract: A three-dimensional
microfluidic device for passive sorting
and storing of liquid plugs is provided
with homogeneous surfaces from the
exposure of a photopolymer through
binary masking motifs, i.e., arrays of
opaque pixels on a transparency mask.
The device includes sub-millimeter
three-dimensional relief microstructures
to aid in the channeling of fluids. The
microstructures have topographically
modulated features smaller than 100
[NIST Docket Number: 07–014US]
rmajette on PRODPC74 with NOTICES
Title: Fabrication Method of
Topographically Modulated
Microstructures Using Pattern
Homogenization With UV Light.
Abstract: The invention consists of a
photolithographic technique for the
fabrication of microstructures with
arbitrary topography, which utilizes UV
light and a binary transparency mask
designed to trigger a homogenization
effect on a photopolymer.
National Institute of Standards and
National Institute of Standards and
Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Advisory Board
[Docket No: 080626784–81166–02]
National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Department of
Notice of public meeting.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Federal
Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. app.
2, notice is hereby given that the
Manufacturing Extension Partnership
(MEP) Advisory Board, National
Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) will meet Wednesday, October
22, 2008, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The
MEP Advisory Board is composed of 10
members appointed by the Director of
NIST who were selected for their
expertise in the area of industrial
extension and their work on behalf of
smaller manufacturers. The Board was
established to fill a need for outside
input on MEP. MEP is a unique program
consisting of centers across the United
States and Puerto Rico, with
partnerships at the state, federal, and
local levels. The Board works closely
with MEP to provide input and advice
on MEP’s programs, plans, and policies.
For this meeting, discussions will focus
on updates of MEP current key
initiatives, MEP’s next generation
strategic plan and opportunities for MEP
in emerging industries. The agenda may
change to accommodate Board business.
The meeting will convene
October 22, 2008 at 11 a.m. and will
adjourn at 5 p.m. on October 22, 2008.
The meeting will be held at
The Inn & Conference Center, University
of Maryland University College, 3501
University Blvd E, Adelphi, Maryland
20783. Anyone wishing to attend this
meeting should submit name, e-mail
address and phone number to Susan
Hayduk ( or 301–
975–5615) no later than October 17,
Karen Lellock, Manufacturing Extension
Partnership, National Institute of
Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899–4800,
telephone number (301) 975–4269.
Dated: September 4, 2008.
Richard F. Kayser,
Chief Scientist.
[FR Doc. E8–21155 Filed 9–10–08; 8:45 am]
Dated: September 2, 2008.
James M. Turner,
Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. E8–21148 Filed 9–10–08; 8:45 am]
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Technology Innovation Program
Extension of Due Date for Proposals
National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), United States
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: Due to technical difficulties,
NIST is extending the deadline for
proposal submission for its Technology
Innovation Program competition to 3
p.m. Eastern Time, Monday, September
15, 2008. NIST will accept only paper
submissions during the extended time
DATES: Paper submissions must be
received no later than 3 p.m. Eastern
Time, Monday, September 15, 2008.
Review, selection, and grant award
processing is expected to be completed
by early December 2008.
ADDRESSES: Paper submissions must be
sent to the National Institute of
Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau
Drive, Stop 4701, Gaithersburg, MD
Barbara Lambis via e-mail at or telephone
(301) 975–4447.
15, 2008, the National Institute of
Standards and Technology’s (NIST)
Technology Innovation Program (TIP)
announced that it was soliciting highrisk, high reward research and
development proposals for financial
assistance (73 FR 40507). The due date
for submission of all proposals was 3
p.m. Eastern Time, Thursday,
September 4, 2008. Due to technical
difficulties some proposers were unable
to submit their proposals electronically
on Thursday, September 4, 2008. In
order to provide all interested parties
the opportunity to submit a proposal for
TIP, NIST is extending the solicitation
period until 3 p.m. Eastern Time,
Monday, September 15, 2008. Electronic
proposals received between 3 p.m. and
11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday,
September 4, 2008 will be deemed
timely and given full consideration.
Paper proposals received between 3
p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday,
September 4, 2008 and September 11,
2008 will be deemed timely and given
full consideration. During the extended
solicitation period, NIST will accept
only paper submissions. Proposers who
attempted to submit electronic
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 177 (Thursday, September 11, 2008)]
[Pages 52826-52828]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-21155]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Notice of Inventions Available for Licensing
AGENCY: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of Inventions Available for Licensing.
SUMMARY: The inventions listed below are owned in whole or part by the
U.S. Government, as represented by the Secretary of Commerce. The U.S.
Government's interest in these inventions is available for licensing in
accordance with 35 U.S.C. 207 and 37 CFR Part 404 to achieve
expeditious commercialization of results of federally funded research
and development.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Technical and licensing information on
these inventions may be obtained by writing to: National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Office of Technology Partnerships, Attn: Mary
Clague, Building 222, Room A240, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. Information is
also available via telephone: 301-975-4188, fax 301-975-3482, or e-
mail: Any request for information should include
the NIST Docket number and title for the invention as indicated below.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NIST may enter into a Cooperative Research
and Development Agreement (``CRADA'') with the licensee to perform
further research on the inventions for purposes of commercialization.
The inventions available for licensing are:
[NIST Docket Number: 00-013US]
Title: Mode-Locked Pulsed Laser System and Method.
Abstract: The invention is a system and method for stabilizing the
carrier-envelope phase of the pulses emitted by a femtosecond mode-
locked laser by using the powerful tools of frequency-domain laser
stabilization. Control of the pulse-to-pulse carrier-envelope phases
was confirmed using temporal cross correlation. This phase
stabilization locks the absolute frequencies emitted by the laser,
which is used to perform absolute optical frequency measurements that
[[Page 52827]]
directly referenced to a stable microwave clock.
[NIST Docket Number: 01-010US]
Title: Multistage Synchronization of Pulsed Radiation Sources.
Abstract: The invention is jointly owned by the Department of
Commerce and University of Colorado. The ability to synchronize a
passively-mode locked laser to an external reference, or to a second
laser, has many applications. Previous work synchronizing two mode-
locked ti:sapphire lasers has demonstrated timing jitters of at best a
few hundred femtoseconds. Since it is now routinely possible to
generate pulses with duration < 20 fs, improved techniques would make
it possible to take full advantages of the available time resolution.
This invention would allow to rigorously and robustly synchronize
transform-limited pulse trains from separate mode-locked lasers with a
timing jitter of < 15 fs.
[NIST Docket Number: 01-030US]
Title: Minimizing Spatial-Dispersion-Induced Birefringence.
Abstract: The invention concerns a method to eliminate or reduce
the intrinsic birefringence in cubic crystals made from Group II
[NIST Docket Number: 03-003US]
Title: High Spectral Purity Microwave Oscillator Design Using Air-
Dielectric Cavity.
Abstract: The invention is jointly owned by the Department of
Commerce and Total Frequency Inc. A high spectral purity microwave
oscillator is provided. The oscillator uses an air-dielectric cavity
and employs the known carrier-suppression technique. In one embodiment,
the oscillator employs a high-Q cavity to self-sustain an oscillating
sign formed by feeding back into its input a power-amplified output
signal of the cavity in which residual phase noise in the amplifier
stages is suppressed. A bandpass filter selects the cavity mode.
Another embodiment suppresses the noise of a voltage-controlled
oscillator whose frequency and power-amplified output interrogates the
cavity mode.
[NIST Docket Number: 04-009US]
Title: Zig-Zag Shape Biased Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive Sensor.
Abstract: A magnetoresistive sensing apparatus is disclosed,
comprising a magnetic film having a zig-zag shaped structure, a central
axis, and a magnetization associated with the magnetic film, wherein
the zig-zag shaped structure biases the magnetization direction
alternately at positive and negative angles thereof, thereby permitting
the magnetoresistive sensing apparatus to be sensitive to a magnetic
field parallel to the axis of the magnetoresistive sensing apparatus
and insensitive to magnetic fields perpendicular to the axis.
[NIST Docket Number: 04-017US]
Title: Doped Gd5Ge2Si2 Compounds
and Methods for Reducing Hysteresis Losses in
Gd5Ge2Si2 Compound.
Abstract: The invention provides an effective method for greatly
reducing the large hysteresis losses that have been observed in the
Gd5Ge2Si2 magnetic refrigerant
compound in the 270-320 K temperature range. The method consists of
alloying the compound with a very small amount of either iron or other
silicide-forming metal additive, such as manganese, cobalt, copper, or
gallium. This small metal addition has the effect of reducing the large
hysteretic losses by more than 90 percent and in some cases to nearly
100 percent.
[NIST Docket Number: 05-014US]
Title: System and Method for Holographic Optic Trap Bonding.
Abstract: The invention is jointly owned by the Department of
Commerce and New York University. The invention is a method for bonding
two or more objects using nanometer-scale to micrometer-scale adhesive
particles manipulated and cured by optical tweezers, including
holographic optical tweezers.
[NIST Docket Number: 05-015US]
Title: The Use of Adenine as a Method for Controlled Immobilization
of Nucleic Acids and Their Analogs on Gold Surfaces.
Abstract: The invention is jointly owned by the Department of
Commerce, Naval Research Laboratory, and University of Maryland. The
invention provides for attaching nucleic acids to a surface at a
controlled grafting density in a controlled conformation by contacting
an immobilization solution of nucleic acids containing at least one
block of adenine nucleotides to a surface for a sufficient period of
time to allow attachment to the surface.
[NIST Docket Number: 05-018US]
Title: Mounting System for Optical Frequency Reference Cavities.
Abstract: The invention is jointly owned by the Department of
Commerce and University of Colorado. A technique for reducing the
vibration sensitivity of laser-stabilizing optical reference cavities
is based upon an improved design and mounting method for the 5 cavity,
wherein the cavity is mounted vertically. It is suspended at one plane,
around the spacer cylinder, equidistant from the mirror ends of the
cavity. The suspension element is a collar of an extremely low thermal
expansion coefficient material, which surrounds the spacer cylinder and
contacts it uniformly. Once the collar has been properly located, it is
cemented in place so that the spacer cylinder 10 is uniformly supported
and does not have to be squeezed at all. The collar also includes a
number of cavities partially bored into its lower flat surface, around
the axial bore. These cavities are support points, into which mounting
base pins will be inserted. Hence the collar is supported at a minimum
of three points.
[NIST Docket Number: 05-019US]
Title: Real Time, Active Picometer-Scale Alignment, Stabilization,
and Registration in One or More Dimensions.
Abstract: The invention is jointly owned by the Department of
Commerce and University of Colorado. The invention presents a widely
applicable technique which enables two (or more) mechanically
independent structures whose respective positions in three dimensional
space can be maintained with sub-nanometer precision for long (>100 s)
periods of time. The method is based on the scattering of laser light
by one (or more) fiducial marks. One mark is coupled to each structure
to be positioned, except in the case where a lens is one of the
structures to be stabilized. The scattered light is collected in a
photo-sensitive device which enables real-time high-bandwidth position-
sensing of each structure. The method requires one of the structures to
be mounted onto a precision (e.g., piezoelectrc) 2D or 3D translational
stage. Signals generated by the scattered light field are used in a
feedback loop to modulate the stage position.
[NIST Docket Number: 07-009]
Title: A New Approach to Contacting Nanowire Arrays Using
Abstract: The invention is jointly owned by the Department of
Commerce and University of Maryland. A new approach towards
electrically contacting the top of an aligned nanowire or nanotube
array using a conductive nanoparticle film has been developed.
Conducting nanoparticles are generated, charged and deposited onto the
sample containing the nanowire or nanotube array within an
electrostatic precipitator. The electric field enhancement from the
tips of the nanowires (or nanotubes) is utilized to attract charged
nanoparticles exclusively onto the top of the array. This approach is a
non-destructive, generic scheme that may be extended to any aligned
nanowire or nanotube array.
[[Page 52828]]
[NIST Docket Number: 07-011]
Title: Thermometer Based On Dielectric Electromagnetic Resonators.
Abstract: The invention provides a new and innovative sapphire
whispering gallery thermometer (SWGT) that is very robust and resistant
to mechanical shock. The intrinsic frequency temperature dependence of
the synthetic sapphire permittivity, coupled with the ease of locating
the resonant frequency of a high-Q resonator, allows for the use of a
whispering gallery mode resonator as a thermometer rather than as a
frequency source. The temporal stability of sapphire as the thermometry
material provides excellent long-term thermometric reproducibility.
Temperature sensitivity and stability of response, as exhibited by
measurement uncertainty determination, of less than 10 mK have been
[NIST Docket Number: 07-012US]
Title: Length Separation of Carbon Nanotubes by Centrifugation in a
Dense Liquid.
Abstract: The invention provides a method for separating carbon
nanotubes by length. The processes involve forming highly dispersed
systems of the nanotubes followed by creating an array of layers in a
centrifugation vessel.
[NIST Docket Number: 07-013US]
Title: Microfluidic Passive Sorting and Storage of Liquid Plugs
Using Capillary Force.
Abstract: A three-dimensional microfluidic device for passive
sorting and storing of liquid plugs is provided with homogeneous
surfaces from the exposure of a photopolymer through binary masking
motifs, i.e., arrays of opaque pixels on a transparency mask. The
device includes sub-millimeter three-dimensional relief microstructures
to aid in the channeling of fluids. The microstructures have
topographically modulated features smaller than 100 micrometers.
[NIST Docket Number: 07-014US]
Title: Fabrication Method of Topographically Modulated
Microstructures Using Pattern Homogenization With UV Light.
Abstract: The invention consists of a photolithographic technique
for the fabrication of microstructures with arbitrary topography, which
utilizes UV light and a binary transparency mask designed to trigger a
homogenization effect on a photopolymer.
Dated: September 4, 2008.
Richard F. Kayser,
Chief Scientist.
[FR Doc. E8-21155 Filed 9-10-08; 8:45 am]