Passenger Weight and Inspected Vessel Stability Requirements, 49244-49275 [E8-18791]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Coast Guard
46 CFR Parts 71, 114, 115, 122, 170,
171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 178, 179, and
[Docket No. USCG–2007–0030]
RIN 1625–AB20
Passenger Weight and Inspected
Vessel Stability Requirements
Coast Guard, DHS.
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
SUMMARY: The Coast Guard proposes to
amend its regulations governing the
stability of passenger vessels and the
maximum number of passengers that
may safely be permitted on board a
vessel. The average American weighs
significantly more than the assumed
average weight per person utilized in
current regulations, and the maximum
number of persons permitted on a vessel
is determined by several factors,
including an assumed average weight
for each passenger. Updating regulations
to more accurately reflect today’s
average weight per person will maintain
intended safety levels by taking this
weight increase into account. The Coast
Guard is also taking this opportunity to
clarify and update intact stability and
subdivision and damage stability
DATES: Comments and related material
must reach the Docket Management
Facility on or before November 18,
2008. Comments sent to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) on
collection of information must reach
OMB before November 18, 2008.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by Coast Guard docket
number USCG–2007–0030 to the Docket
Management Facility at the U.S.
Department of Transportation. To avoid
duplication, please use only one of the
following methods:
(1) Online: https://
(2) Mail: Docket Management Facility
(M–30), U.S. Department of
Transportation, West Building Ground
Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590–
(3) Hand delivery: Room W12–140 on
the Ground Floor of the West Building,
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays. The telephone
number is 202–366–9329.
(4) Fax: 202–493–2251.
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You must also send comments on
collection of information to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget. To
ensure that the comments are received
on time, the preferred method is by email at
or fax at 202–395–6566. The subject line
should include the docket number
(USCG–2007–0030) and say ATTN:
Desk Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, DHS. An
alternate, though slower, method is by
U.S. mail to the Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, 725 17th
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20503,
Attn: Desk Officer, U.S. Coast Guard.
You may inspect the material
proposed for incorporation by reference
at room 1308, U.S. Coast Guard
Headquarters, 2100 Second Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20593–0001 between 9
a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays. The
telephone number is 202–372–1372.
Copies of the material are available as
indicated in the ‘‘Incorporation by
Reference’’ section of this preamble.
you have questions on this proposed
rule, call Mr. William Peters, U.S. Coast
Guard, Office of Design Engineering
Standards, Naval Architecture Division
(CG–5212), telephone 202–372–1371. If
you have questions on viewing or
submitting material to the docket, call
Ms. Renee V. Wright, Program Manager,
Docket Operations, telephone 202–366–
Table of Contents for the Preamble
I. Public Participation and Request for
A. Submitting Comments
B. Viewing Comments and Documents
C. Privacy Act
D. Public Meeting
E. Technical Review by Society of Naval
Architects and Marine Engineers
II. List of Acronyms
III. List of Terms
IV. Background and Purpose
V. Discussion of Proposed Rule
A. Vessel Stability
Part One—Explanation
Part Two—Analysis
Part Three—Assessment Methodology
B. Weight of Passengers and Crew
C. Notes on Pontoon Vessels
D. SOLAS and Resolution A.265
E. Corrections, Clarifications, and Updates
F. American Bureau of Shipping
G. Discussion of Proposed Amendments by
VI. Incorporation by Reference
VII. Regulatory Analyses
A. Regulatory Planning and Review
B. Small Entities
Number of Small Entities Affected
Types of Entities Affected
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Other Federal Rules
Regulatory Alternatives
C. Assistance for Small Entities
D. Collection of Information
E. Federalism
F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
G. Taking of Private Property
H. Civil Justice Reform
I. Protection of Children
J. Indian Tribal Governments
K. Energy Effects
L. Technical Standards
M. Environment
I. Public Participation and Request for
We encourage you to participate in
this rulemaking by submitting
comments and related materials. All
comments received will be posted,
without change, to https:// and will include
any personal information you have
provided. We have an agreement with
the Department of Transportation (DOT)
to use the Docket Management Facility.
Please see DOT’s ‘‘Privacy Act’’
paragraph below.
A. Submitting Comments
If you submit a comment, please
include the docket number for this
rulemaking (USCG–2007–0030),
indicate the specific section of this
document to which each comment
applies, and give the reason for each
comment. We recommend that you
include your name and a mailing
address, an e-mail address, or a phone
number in the body of your document
so that we can contact you if we have
questions regarding your submission.
You may submit your comments and
material by electronic means, mail, fax,
or delivery to the Docket Management
Facility at the address under ADDRESSES;
but please submit your comments and
material by only one means. If you
submit them by mail or delivery, submit
them in an unbound format, no larger
than 81⁄2 by 11 inches, suitable for
copying and electronic filing. If you
submit them by mail and would like to
know that they reached the Facility,
please enclose a stamped, self-addressed
postcard or envelope. We will consider
all comments and material received
during the comment period. We may
change this proposed rule in view of
B. Viewing Comments and Documents
To view comments, as well as
documents mentioned in this preamble
as being available in the docket, go to at any time.
Enter the docket number for this
rulemaking (USCG–2007–0030) in the
Search box and click ‘‘Go >>.’’ You may
also visit the Docket Management
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Facility in Room W12–140 on the
ground floor of the DOT West Building,
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays.
C. Privacy Act
Anyone can search the electronic
form of all comments received into any
of our dockets by the name of the
individual submitting the comment (or
signing the comment, if submitted on
behalf of an association, business, labor
union, etc.). You may review the
Department of Transportation’s Privacy
Act Statement in the Federal Register
published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR
19477), or you may visit https://
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
D. Public Meeting
We do not now plan to hold a public
meeting. But you may submit a request
for one to the Docket Management
Facility at the address under ADDRESSES
explaining why one would be
beneficial. If we determine that one
would aid this rulemaking, we will hold
one at a time and place announced by
a later notice in the Federal Register.
E. Technical Review by Society of Naval
Architects and Marine Engineers
An ad hoc panel of the Society of
Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
(SNAME) has reviewed reports
delivered to the Coast Guard by BMT
Designers and Planners and CSC
Advanced Marine Center and provided
technical advice concerning vessel
stability and increased passenger
weight. SNAME is a nonprofit,
professional society, and the panel’s 28
experienced naval architects are able to
provide technical peer review from a
broad cross-section of the designers,
builders and operators of passenger
vessels. The Charter for Ad Hoc Panel
15 on Loading Criteria for People
Aboard Passenger Vessels and a
memorandum from the panel’s
chairman to the Coast Guard concerning
the Phase 1 Impact Analysis Report
from BMT Designers and Planners are
available in the docket at https:// A list of the
panel’s members and information about
their meetings is available at https://
O44/passenger/activity-15.html. The
Coast Guard will make any additional
reports from the ad hoc panel available
to the public by posting them to the
II. List of Acronyms
2008 IS Code International Code on Intact
Stability, 2008
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ABS American Bureau of Shipping
CDC Centers for Disease Control and
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
COI Certificate of Inspection
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DOT Department of Transportation
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
EO Executive Order
FR Federal Register
GM Metacentric height
LBP Length Between Perpendiculars
LCG Longitudinal Center of Gravity
MARPOL International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships
MSC Marine Safety Center
NHANES National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey
MISLE Marine Information for Safety and
Law Enforcement
NAICS North American Industry
Classification System
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
of 1969
NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
OCMI Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PSSC Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
PSST Pontoon Simplified Stability Proof
SBA United States Small Business
SNAME Society of Naval Architects and
Marine Engineers
SOLAS International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea
SST Simplified Stability Proof Test
U.S.C. United States Code
VCG Vertical Center of Gravity
III. List of Terms
Angle of heel means the angle of the
vessel’s centerline to the upright when
the vessel is inclined.
Deadweight survey: See lightweight
Draft means the vertical distance from
the bottom of the hull (i.e., the keel) or
another point that protrudes below the
hull to the waterline.
Exposed waters generally means more
than 20 nautical miles from a harbor of
safe refuge.
Flush deck means any continuous,
unbroken deck from stem to stern.
Freeboard means the vertical distance
from the deck edge to the waterline. A
decrease in freeboard (i.e. reduced
freeboard) corresponds to an increase in
Heel is the degree to which a ship
leans transversely as a result of variable
and dynamic external forces.
Heeling moment is generally a force
acting through a distance that causes a
vessel to roll or heel to one side. A
heeling moment that is larger than the
vessel’s righting ability can cause the
vessel to overturn or capsize. Coast
Guard requirements limit the amount of
heel a vessel can have when wind or
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passenger movement causes the heeling
Inclining or stability test is a
methodical process that involves
moving a series of known weights on a
vessel and measuring the resulting
change in the equilibrium heel angle to
determine the vessel’s stability
Intact stability generally means the
stability properties of a vessel without
any damage to its watertight buoyancy
Length between perpendiculars (LBP)
means the length of the summer load
waterline from the vessel’s stern post to
the point where it crosses the vessel’s
Lightship displacement or lightweight
means the weight of a vessel that is
complete in all respects, but without
consumables, stores, cargo, passengers,
crew, and their effects, and without any
liquids on board except fixed ballast
and machinery and piping fluids, such
as lubricants and hydraulics, which are
at operating levels.
Lightweight survey is a part of the
stability test that determines any
changes in lightship displacement and
longitudinal center of gravity (LCG). It
involves taking an audit of all items that
should be added, deducted, or relocated
on a vessel so that the observed
condition of the vessel can be adjusted
to the lightship condition. Often
referred to as a deadweight survey.
Longitudinal center of gravity (LCG)
means the location along the vessel’s
length at which the total weight of the
vessel may be assumed to act.
Master means a person holding a
valid license that authorizes that person
to serve as a master of a passenger
Open boat means a vessel not
protected from entry of water by means
of a complete weathertight deck.
Operator means the person or entity
who provides operational instructions
to and receives reports from the master
of the vessel and is responsible for the
vessel’s maintenance and repair,
schedule of operations, crewing, etc.
Owner means the person or entity
holding title to the vessel.
Partially protected waters generally
means not more than 20 nautical miles
from a harbor of safe refuge.
Passenger heel refers to the heeling
moment that occurs when passengers
move to one side of the vessel’s
centerline, causing the vessel to roll, or
Pontoon vessel generally means any
vessel having two or more sealed hulls,
which are structurally independent and
detachable from the vessel’s deck or
cross structure.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
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Protected waters generally means
sheltered waters that present no special
Sailing vessel means a vessel that is
propelled by wind, using sails.
Subdivision and damage stability
refers to the stability characteristics of a
vessel when damaged, generally
focusing on flooding of watertight
Vertical center of gravity (VCG) means
the height above the keel at which the
total weight of the vessel may be
assumed to act.
Vessel stability refers to the tendency
of a ship to remain upright or return to
upright when inclined by forces that are
caused by the action of waves, wind,
passenger movement, etc.
Waterplane means the horizontal area
obtained from the intersection of the
ship’s hull with the water’s surface at a
particular draft. The waterplane area is
used to calculate how much immersion
will be caused by additional weight.
Wind heel refers to the heeling
moment caused when the wind acts on
the lateral area of the vessel above the
waterline and causes the vessel to roll,
or heel.
IV. Background and Purpose
The total number of persons
permitted on a passenger vessel,
inspected and certificated under 46 CFR
Subchapters H, K or T, is limited by a
number of different design factors, one
of which is stability. Stability
requirements include intact stability for
almost all vessels, as well as subdivision
and damage stability generally for any
vessel carrying more than 49 passengers
and all vessels over 65 feet in length.
This NPRM is intended to clarify and
update both intact stability and
subdivision and damage stability
regulations, primarily related to the
carriage of passengers for hire, and to
update the weight per person used for
all vessels. The intent of this rulemaking
is to ensure that each vessel operates
without being overloaded.
The overall good safety record of the
passenger vessel industry reflects safety
factors inherent in the stability
requirements applied to passenger
vessels. Increasing the passenger weight
to reflect current data will help ensure
that the safety margins included in our
regulations remain valid.
These safety margins operate in two
ways. The first is through intact
stability, which generally relates to the
stability of a vessel in normal operation.
The second is through subdivision and
damage stability, which generally
relates to the stability of a vessel in an
emergency involving a flooded
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A vessel’s stability information,
including any restrictions on route and
the number of passengers permitted, is
provided to the vessel operator most
often in the form of a stability letter
issued by the Coast Guard’s Marine
Safety Center (MSC), and/or a Coast
Guard Certificate of Inspection (COI)
issued by the Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection (OCMI). When both are
provided, restrictions on the COI
govern. The COI is issued after the
vessel’s stability has been evaluated in
one of two ways:
For vessels greater than 65 feet in
length, stability is evaluated through
detailed design calculations—submitted
to the MSC—that produce the vessel’s
stability requirements. This process,
which takes into account the assumed
total weight of persons on board, is
described in 46 CFR, subchapter S, parts
170 and 171.
Vessels not greater than 65 feet in
length normally undergo a performance
test conducted in the presence of the
OCMI, instead of submitting design
stability calculations to the MSC (46
CFR part 178). This performance test,
which also takes into account the
assumed total weight of persons on
board, is either a simplified stability
proof test (SST) or, if the vessel is a
pontoon vessel, a pontoon simplified
stability proof test (PSST). The SST is
intended to evaluate monohull vessels,
and the PSST is intended to evaluate
pontoon vessels operating on protected
waters. For ease of discussion, we will
use the term SST in this preamble to
describe any simplified stability proof
Vessels to which these tests do not
apply may need to be evaluated through
design calculations to show that they
meet intact stability requirements.
Alternately, a vessel might satisfy
stability requirements by complying
with a standard acceptable to the
Commanding Officer, Marine Safety
Center. Finally, simplified subdivision
calculations may be necessary for some
vessels not greater than 65 feet in
To arrive at a total assumed weight of
persons on board for calculating
stability, an assumed average weight per
person is used. Section 178.330 of Title
46 of the CFR specifies that the assumed
average weight per person is 160
pounds, except that vessels operating
exclusively on protected waters and
carrying a mix of men, women, and
children may use an average weight of
140 pounds per person. These weights
were established in the 1960s.
In a report issued in October 2004, the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) concluded that the
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average weight of an individual in the
United States has increased
dramatically in the last 40 years, with
the greatest increase seen in adults. (The
report, Advance Data From Vital Health
Statistics Mean Body Weight, Height,
and Body Mass Index, United States
1960–2002, No. 347, October 27, 2004,
is available in the docket.) This increase
in passenger and crew weight can have
an adverse effect on the stability of
passenger vessels due to several factors,
including increased vertical center of
gravity, reduced freeboard, and
increased passenger heeling moment.
On December 20, 2004, the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
issued Safety Recommendation M–04–
04 (available in the docket), which
included findings that the current 140
pound per person weight allowance for
operations on protected waters does not
reflect actual loading conditions. The
NTSB recommended that the Coast
Guard revise its guidance to OCMIs for
determining the maximum passenger
capacity of small passenger pontoon
vessels either by: (1) Dividing the
vessel’s SST weight by 174 pounds per
person; or (2) restricting the actual
cumulative weight of passengers and
crew to the vessel’s SST weight. In
correspondence to the NTSB dated
April 7, 2005 (available in the docket),
the Coast Guard concurred that the
average weight per person used in SSTs
needed to be updated, and noted that an
internal Coast Guard study identified
the same issue. That study, which is
entitled Study of Effects on Commercial
Passenger Vessels Due to Weight
Standards, is available in the docket.
This notice of proposed rulemaking
(NPRM) follows notices to the public,
published in the Federal Register on
April 26, 2006 (71 FR 24732) and
November 2, 2006 (71 FR 64546),
recommending voluntary interim
measures for passenger vessels to follow
while the Coast Guard studied the issue
of increased passenger weight. In
summary, those voluntary measures
advised pontoon vessels and other small
passenger vessels to (1) more stringently
monitor wind and wave conditions
prior to departure and (2) begin using
185 pounds as the new assumed average
weight per person when calculating
passenger capacity. A discussion of how
185 pounds was chosen is contained in
the April 26, 2006 notice and in the
discussion of § 170.090 in this
At last count, the Docket Management
Facility received 108 comments from
the public in response to those notices.
They are posted for public view at under
docket number USCG–2007–0030, and
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
can be viewed by following the
directions in the ‘‘Viewing comments
and documents’’ section of this
preamble. We will respond to those
comments, together with comments
received in response to this NPRM,
when we publish an effective rule.
Finally, this proposed rule is an
opportunity to identify where
corrections, clarifications, and updates
need to be made to existing regulations.
These proposed changes, which would
include changes in international
requirements, will be discussed in
greater detail later in this preamble,
under ‘‘Corrections, Clarifications, and
V. Discussion of Proposed Rule
For easier reference, we have divided
this discussion into the following
topics: A. Vessel Stability; B. Weight of
Passengers and Crew; C. Notes on
Pontoon Vessels; D. SOLAS and
Resolution A.265; E. Corrections,
Clarifications, and Updates; F.
American Bureau of Shipping; and
G. Discussion of Proposed Amendments
by Section.
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
A. Vessel Stability
An increase in passenger and crew
weight will typically have an adverse
effect on vessel stability. Whether or not
such additional weight would result in
non-compliance of a vessel with
applicable stability criteria depends
upon the amount and location of the
additional weight, the degree by which
the vessel demonstrated compliance
with the stability criteria previously,
and which of the criteria was limiting,
if any.
Historically, a margin of safety has
been built into the requirements for both
intact stability and subdivision and
damage stability. The standards for
intact stability criteria are generally
designed to provide vessels with
adequate ability to resist overturning
heeling moments, such as those caused
by wind or passenger weight shifting to
one side. Standards for subdivision and
damage stability are designed to address
the worst case loading conditions and
certain flooding scenarios that could
occur as a result of accidental damage.
Although intact stability and
subdivision and damage stability
standards address different stability
risks, we believe that these two stability
standards together are responsible in
part for the good safety record of the
passenger vessel industry. Therefore, we
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are proposing that intact stability and
subdivision and damage stability
requirements utilize an updated
assumed average weight per person.
We also propose adding more specific
requirements for a vessel owner or
operator to show that the vessel meets
intact stability and subdivision and
damage stability standards, including
provisions accounting for possible
changes in vessel and weight per
person. These requirements will
improve a master’s ability to meet
stability criteria for the intended service
and also avoid overloading the vessel.
Additionally, to help ensure that
vessels maintain the intended safety
levels after initial certification, we
would clarify the requirement that
stability information be checked at each
annual inspection or COI renewal to
confirm that it is still valid for the
loading and service intended.
Finally, we propose requiring stability
verification—including calculations—at
least every ten years.
We propose detailing these
requirements in new sections that
would be added to each of the three
subchapters that address the inspection
of passenger vessels. The new sections,
entitled ‘‘Stability Verification,’’ would
be added at § 71.25–50 in subchapter H,
§ 115.505 in subchapter K, and
§ 176.505 in subchapter T (all of which
are contained in chapter I, Title 46 of
the CFR). Each new section would be
comprised of paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and
So that owners, operators, and OCMIs
may clearly understand these
requirements, how we intend to
implement them, and the analyses upon
which they are based, a discussion in
three parts is given below:
‘‘Part One—Explanation’’ describes
the purpose and intent behind each of
the paragraphs—(a), (b), (c), and (d)—in
the proposed new ‘‘Stability
Verification’’ sections.
‘‘Part Two—Analysis’’ describes the
process whereby the Coast Guard
developed an assessment methodology
for prioritizing the vessels that would
require stability verification.
‘‘Part Three—Assessment
Methodology’’ describes the
methodology to be used by owners,
operators, and OCMIs to, first,
determine whether a change in the
permitted number or distribution of
passengers might be necessary and,
second, to assess whether a vessel
would be likely to require new stability
testing or evaluation.
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Part One—Explanation
Paragraph (a) of §§ 71.25–50, 115.505,
and 176.505
Paragraph (a) would add, as the owner
or operator’s responsibility, two checks
regarding the vessel’s stability
information. First, at each annual
inspection and Certificate of Inspection
(COI) renewal, the owner or operator
would demonstrate that the stability
information is still appropriate for the
vessel’s intended loading and service.
This requirement would augment the
confirmation by a Coast Guard marine
inspector that a valid stability letter is
properly posted aboard a vessel.
Second, the owner or operator would
need to confirm that the total weight of
gear and variable loads is still valid for
the intended service. (The total weight
of gear and variable loads, including the
total weight of persons carried, is the
basis for the stability letter and/or the
COI.) The owner or operator would need
to ensure that the master knows both the
maximum total weight of persons and
the average weight per person on which
the total weight is based.
Currently, all passenger vessels are
required to comply with a section in the
‘‘Operations’’ part of each inspection
subchapter (§§ 78.17–22, 122.315, and
185.315 of this title) that requires a
master to verify, prior to departure on
every voyage, that the loaded vessel
complies with all stability information,
and that the stability information is
being used properly to ensure that the
vessel is not overloaded. Paragraph (a)
would add a requirement that the owner
or operator demonstrate the methods the
master uses to do this. Such methods
could include the competent reading of
loading or draft marks, and must
include the proper use of that
information for complying with the
draft and/or freeboard restrictions
normally contained in the stability
letters for these types of vessels.
If the stability information is no
longer valid, a new stability letter would
be needed. The new stability letter
would contain revised operating
restrictions that the master should
follow to avoid overloading the vessel
and to maintain compliance with
stability requirements.
The following flowchart illustrates the
stability confirmation process discussed
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Paragraph (b) of §§ 71.25–50, 115.505,
and 176.505.
This paragraph would require a
vessel’s stability to be verified at 10 year
intervals or when modifications are
made to the vessel that could affect the
vessel’s ability to meet stability
requirements. The 10 year ‘‘clock’’
would start whenever the last stability
verification was conducted or stability
letter was issued, or when a
determination of sister vessel status was
made (as permitted in part 170 of
Subchapter S). The ‘‘clock’’ would be
reset after each stability verification. For
a vessel that would be issued a SOLAS
Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
(PSSC), the SOLAS requirement for a
lightweight survey to be conducted at
least once every 5 years would
constitute a verification of the vessel’s
stability for the purposes of this
In other words, paragraph (a) requires
the owner or operator to make sure that
the vessel master knows what the
vessels’ stability limits are, based on the
most recent stability calculations.
Paragraph (b) requires new calculations
of the per-person weight, and then
requires the use of that weight to
verify—usually with calculations—that
the vessel still meets applicable stability
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Paragraph (c) of §§ 71.25–50, 115.505,
and 176.505.
This paragraph would provide the
minimum requirements for what the
stability verification required by
paragraph (b) would include. The
requirements would vary depending on
whether the vessel’s stability
compliance was governed by subchapter
S or subchapter T of title 46 CFR.
Subchapter S requires that detailed
design calculations be submitted to the
Marine Safety Center (MSC), as
described in parts 170 and 171. This
requirement also applies to all
subchapter H and K vessels and some
subchapter T vessels. However, a
simplified test, either an SST or PSST,
is performed for most subchapter T
vessels, as described in part 178. In
cases where a simplified test is neither
feasible nor appropriate, a stability
standard would be determined by the
Unless the OCMI permits the use of
another value, the assumed average
weight per person would be determined
according to proposed paragraph
170.090(d) or 178.330(a)(4)(ii),
whichever is applicable. The OCMI may
permit another value when the owner or
operator can show that another value
more accurately represents the average
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weight of persons carried in service; for
example when the vessel carries
primarily children.
Using a total weight of persons based
on this latest average weight per person
(i.e., the new total test weight), the
owner or operator would need to verify
that the vessel meets applicable stability
criteria. For subchapter S compliance,
this would mean that calculations
would need to be performed if the total
weight of persons carried is greater than
the total weight used in the previous
stability verification. For vessels
undergoing a simplified proof test, the
owner or operator would need to either
perform a new test using the new total
test weight, or prove that the vessel
could meet current applicable
requirements using data from the most
recently performed simplified test, if
those data are valid.
For vessels meeting subchapter S
requirements, the verification would
also include conducting a deadweight
survey to verify that the vessel’s
stability characteristics have not
changed significantly, and that it
remains in compliance with applicable
stability criteria. (Coast Guard policy for
what constitutes a significant change is
contained in Marine Safety Center
Technical Note (MTN) 04–95, Lightship
Change Determination; Weight-Moment
Calculation vs. Deadweight Survey vs.
Full Stability Test, available in the
docket.) If sufficient accuracy can be
obtained for the stability verification
prior to the deadweight survey, some
relaxation in the deadweight survey
requirements could be accepted by the
MSC. For example, a greater number of
tanks containing operating liquids could
be kept at normal levels.
If the lightship characteristics have
changed so that stability compliance is
not assured under the existing stability
information, a new stability analysis—
together with associated loading
calculations—would be needed, and a
new stability letter would be issued.
When the passenger capacity of a
vessel is limited by subdivision and/or
damage stability considerations, the
proposed increase in assumed average
passenger weight may require a
corresponding reduction in passenger
capacity. For example, in a passenger
vessel to which 46 CFR 179.220 is
applicable, an increase in the assumed
average weight per person could cause
either a change in freeboard, resulting in
a reduction in the permissible distance
between watertight bulkheads (see 46
CFR 179.220(a)(2)), or a reduction in the
permitted number of passengers in order
to remain in compliance with existing
subdivision and damage stability
requirements. In a vessel to which
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subchapter S subdivision and damage
stability requirements are applicable,
increased passenger weight could cause
the margin line to become submerged in
the flooded condition, which
regulations prohibit.
Owners of such vessels as those
discussed above may seek to modify
their vessels to maintain their current
passenger count. When significant, such
modifications may be determined by the
Coast Guard to be ‘‘major conversions.’’
When a modification constitutes a major
conversion, it is appropriate to bring the
vessel into compliance with the latest
safety standards where it is both
reasonable and practicable to do so. The
cognizant OCMI makes a determination
on which areas of a vessel undergoing
major conversion must be brought into
In all cases, for a passenger vessel that
undergoes a major conversion or incurs
changes that affect its stability, the
required verification of both intact
stability and subdivision and damage
stability compliance would use the
latest assumed average weight per
Paragraph (d) of §§ 71.25–50, 115.505,
and 176.505.
This paragraph would permit the
Coast Guard authority responsible for
issuing the stability information to defer
or dispense with stability verification
based on the vessel’s characteristics or
the degree to which the vessel could be
affected by increased weight per person
or vessel weight. For vessels that are
subject to subchapter S requirements,
this authority is normally the
Commanding Officer, Marine Safety
Center; for vessels whose stability is
based on a simplified stability test, this
authority is normally the OCMI.
Analyses described under the ensuing
‘‘Part Two—Verification Process’’ of this
preamble showed that some vessel types
experience a negligible effect from
increased passenger weight. These
vessel types include sailing vessels,
vessels that carry substantial cargo
amounts compared to the passenger
weight, vessels that have an established
process to avoid overloading, and/or
vessels that follow the voluntary
measures for prudent operation
contained in the Federal Register notice
published on April 26, 2006 (71 FR
24732). A more detailed description of
those vessels relatively unaffected by an
increase in weight per person can be
found in ‘‘Part Three—Assessment
Part Two—Analysis
The Coast Guard sponsored an
analysis of the impact of increased
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
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weight per person on the U.S. inspected
passenger vessel fleet. From the Marine
Information for Safety and Law
Enforcement (MISLE) database, we
found that nearly 75 percent of the
inspected U.S. flag passenger vessels are
65 feet in length or less. The stability of
most of these vessels was based on the
performance of a simplified stability test
(SST), either for a monohull or a
pontoon passenger vessel.
The analysis showed that the effect of
increased passenger weight on vessels
depended on factors not included in the
MISLE database, such as the amount of
freeboard and draft and whether the
vessel is a flush deck or open boat type.
To supplement that study, additional
stability analyses were performed on a
number of monohull vessels that had
undergone SSTs. By analyzing the SST
results, conservative estimates of key
parameters—such as the moment to heel
1 degree—can be made, that, in turn,
can be used in an assessment
methodology for intact stability
These analyses were peer-reviewed by
the Society of Naval Architects and
Marine Engineers (SNAME) Ad Hoc
Panel No. 15, which provided both a
technical appraisal of the analyses and
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recommendations on how they could be
used. Two of the panel’s
recommendations are associated with
the proposed prioritizing process:
(1) The panel recommended the Coast
Guard adopt a risk-based process that
looks at relative changes to a vessel’s
stability characteristics and compares
these relative changes to acceptable
limits determined by the Coast Guard;
(2) The panel recommended the Coast
Guard adopt a technical process in
reviewing stability. That process would
use the stability requirements the vessel
is designed to meet to determine if the
vessel has been adversely affected by an
increase in passenger weight such that
a new stability evaluation should be
We agree with these
recommendations. In addition, based on
the analyses of the impact of increased
passenger weight on the passenger
vessel fleet, we developed an
assessment methodology, detailed in
‘‘Part Three—Assessment Methodology’’
below, that reflects these
As stated above, this proposed rule
would require that a stability
verification be performed within ten
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years of the date the last stability letter
was issued or a previous stability
verification was performed. Regardless
of when the stability information was
issued, however, all vessels must meet
stability requirements using the latest
assumed average weight per person
immediately upon the effective date of
this rule. Additionally, in all cases,
when a vessel or its loading is modified
in any way that alters its stability, a
stability verification is required as soon
as is practicable, using the latest
assumed average weight per person.
Since a very large portion of inspected
passenger vessels currently have
stability letters that are more than 10
years old, we developed a process that
allows owners, operators, and OCMIs to
determine whether the stability
verification should be conducted as
soon as is practicable, deferred to a later
date—most likely the next regular
inspection—or perhaps dispensed with.
This process would more evenly
distribute demand for the Coast Guard
resources that will be necessary to guide
implementation of this proposed rule.
The following flowchart illustrates the
prioritizing process, discussed in detail
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Part Three—Assessment Methodology
The process by which an owner,
operator, or OCMI would determine
whether a vessel would need to reduce
or redistribute passengers and whether
it would need a new stability
verification—and how soon—is laid out
in detail below: First for vessels subject
to the requirements of subchapter S, and
second for vessels that undergo a
simplified proof test.
However, there are several vessel
categories for which no further
assessment of passenger weight needs to
be considered, with the exception that
a new stability letter might be required.
No immediate stability verification or
change to passenger capacity is
necessary if the vessel:
1. Is a sailing vessel;
2. Has a Certificate of Inspection (COI)
that permits 86 percent (approximately
equal to 160 pounds divided by 185
pounds) or fewer of the passengers
permitted by the stability letter, and the
assumed weight per person was 160 or
165 pounds;
3. Has a COI that permits 75 percent
(approximately equal to 140 pounds
divided by 185 pounds) or fewer of the
passengers permitted by the stability
letter, if operating on protected waters
with a mix of men, women, and
children, and the assumed weight per
person was 140 pounds;
4. Is permitted to carry an amount of
cargo, not including passengers, that
exceeds the total weight of passengers
carried; or
5. Ensures that the total weight of
persons aboard the vessel does not
exceed the assumed total weight of
persons used to develop the stability
information, which is equal to the total
test weight.
Assessment of vessels subject to the
requirements of subchapter S.
The SNAME Ad Hoc panel also
proposed, and the Coast Guard, in turn,
proposes a process for evaluating
stability change in these vessels using
the latest assumed average weight per
person. By following the process below,
the owner, operator, or OCMI could
determine the urgency of each vessel’s
need for a re-evaluation of intact
stability and prioritize the vessel
accordingly. The data necessary for
making the percent change and detailed
loading calculations described below
should be readily available, as § 78.17–
22(b) requires that vessel masters have
the capability to determine the vessel’s
draft, trim, and stability as necessary.
Evaluation process for a vessel subject
to the requirements of subchapter S.
The following three assumptions were
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1. Wind heel requirements are more
severe than passenger heel, and this
doesn’t change with an increase in
weight per person. Experience has
shown that passenger heel requirements
in subchapter S rarely exceed wind heel
2. Each vessel meets stability
requirements in its current condition,
prior to assessing the effect of a perperson weight increase. Our assessment
cannot take into account unauthorized
changes to the vessel or its service.
3. A small amount of increase in
weight or vertical center of gravity
(VCG) will not adversely affect the
stability of the vessel significantly.
This approach is taken from MTN 4–
95 (available in the docket), which uses
weight-moment calculations to assess
the absolute and relative changes in
displacement and centers of gravity
(LCG and VCG). Those changes, in turn,
can be compared to previously
determined limits to evaluate the
relative risk of adverse changes to the
vessel’s stability. To do this, a
calculation is needed that relates the
change in vertical weight moment
caused by an increase in assumed
weight per person (VMOMchng) to the
lightship vertical weight moment
Percent Change = VMOMchng/
VMOMlightship × 100
VMOMchng = (Wpaxnew ¥ Wpaxold) × (VCGpax)
VMOMlightship = lightship weight × lightship
VCG = vertical center of gravity above
Wpaxnew = the number of passengers
multiplied by the latest assumed average
weight per person
Wpaxold = the number of passengers
multiplied by the old assumed average
weight per person (generally, either 160
or 165 pounds)
VCGpax = the overall VCG of the passengers
carried above the baseline
In making the calculations, consistent
units must be used. In other words, if
the lightship weight is given in long
tons, Wpaxnew and Wpaxold must be
computed in long tons; if the lightship
VCG is in feet, VCGpax must be in feet;
if in meters, use meters.
MTN 4–95 allows up to a 2 percent
change in lightship weight without
verifying weight-moment calculations.
Additionally, an OCMI may consider
the difference in VCG of the vessel and
the passengers. It should be noted that
a percent change of the vertical moment
of less than 3 provides a value of safety
corresponding to the 2 percent
displacement allowed in MTN 4–95. For
these reasons, if the percent change in
vertical moment computed by the
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methodology given above is less than 3,
an OCMI could defer the stability
verification to a later date, most likely
the next regularly scheduled inspection.
If the percent change is 3 or greater, and
the vessel’s most recent stability letter is
more than 10 years old, detailed
stability calculations should be
performed to determine the degree to
which, if any, an increase in total
assumed passenger weight would affect
the vessel’s compliance with the
applicable stability criteria.
Evaluation process for a vessel
undergoing a monohull simplified
stability proof test.
This process uses data obtained from
the SST data form and the standards
given in 46 CFR 178.330. If the data for
the SST is not available, vessel
measurements will be necessary to
obtain the SST data or the moment to
heel 1 degree (MH1SST) must be
estimated as described in the steps
1. Using the following equation,
calculate the additional sinkage in
inches (centimeters) due to the
increased passenger weight:
Sinkage = (Wpaxnew ¥ Wpaxold)/Wimmersion
Wimmersion = (Waterplane Area × Water
Density/K) in pounds per inch
(kilograms per centimeter) (this is the
weight per unit immersion); K = 12
inches per foot (100 centimeters per
Wpaxnew = the number of passengers
multiplied by the latest assumed average
weight per person in pounds (kilograms)
Wpaxold = the number of passengers
multiplied by the old assumed average
weight per person used in the SST
(generally, either 140 or 160 pounds) in
pounds (kilograms)
Waterplane Area = Length × Beam ×
Waterplane Coefficient in square feet
(square meters)
Waterplane Coefficient = 0.7 for monohulls
or 0.4 for multihulls, unless a more
accurate value is known
Water Density = 64 pounds per cubic foot
(1,025 kilograms per cubic meter) for salt
water; 62.4 pounds per cubic foot (1,000
kilograms per cubic meter) for fresh
2. Calculate the location of the new
maximum allowable immersion mark
(iupright-new) above the upright load
waterline by subtracting the sinkage
calculated in step 1 above from the SST
measured freeboard and applying the
appropriate formula from 46 CFR
178.330(d). If the data for an SST is not
available, the freeboard should be
measured with the vessel in the
condition specified in 46 CFR
178.330(a). (In summary, this is with the
vessel complete in all respects, in a fully
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
loaded condition, and with all
anticipated loads properly distributed.)
3. Calculate the existing SST moment
to heel 1 degree (MH1SST) as follows:
divided by MH1new to determine the
heel angle produced by the new heeling
moment (Thetanew):
Thetanew = (Max (MPnew or MWnew))/
ThetaSST = angle between upright SST
waterline and actual SST immersion
point (after weight movement), in
degrees = inverse tangent (2 × (iheeled ¥
iupright/beam at the reference station))
(This is the actual heel angle caused by
the heel moment applied in the SST.)
HMSST = heeling moment applied during the
SST in foot-pounds (meter-kilograms)
iupright = maximum allowable immersion
determined from the upright freeboard
before weight movement
iheeled = actual remaining distance measured
after the weight movement from the
water surface to the position of iupright on
the vessel
6. Using the heel angle (Thetanew)
calculated in step 5, the height of the
heeled waterline above the upright
waterline (iheeled-new) with the new
heeling moment is determined:
iheeled-new = tangent (Thetanew) × 2 × beam
at the reference station
If iheeled-new is less than or equal to the
height of the new maximum allowable
immersion mark calculated in step 2
(iupright-new), the vessel would not be
affected by an increase in assumed
weight per person. If the value exceeds
(iupright-new), the number of passengers
should be reduced, or the passengers
redistributed if the vessel has an upper
deck, and steps 1 through 6 repeated
until the immersion mark height
(iheeled-new) is equal to or below the
maximum allowable (iupright-new).
If the data for an SST is not available,
the MH1SST can be estimated using the
following equations:
For a vessel operating on exposed
MH1SST = 3 × ((L × B3)2)/108 + (L × B3)/
60 + 50
For a vessel operating on partially
protected waters:
MH1SST = 4 × ((L × B3)2)/108 + (L × B3)/
125 + 200
For a vessel operating on protected
MH1SST = 4.5 × ((L × B3)2)/108 + (L ×
B3)/250 + 250
L = Length in feet, and
B = Beam, in feet
4. Determine the new moment to heel
1 degree (MH1new) in foot-pounds
(meter-kilograms) with the increased
passenger weight as follows:
MH1new = MH1SST × (TSST/Tnew) ¥
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
TSST = Estimated draft during SST in feet
(meters), which may be calculated as the
difference between the depth to the keel
and the freeboard used in step 2
Tnew = TSST + sinkage (calculated in step 1
above, and converted to feet (meters))
VMnew = (Wpaxnew ¥ Wpaxold) × VCGpax in footpounds (meter-kilograms)
VCGpax = Overall vertical center of gravity
(VCG) of the passengers carried
5. Calculate new passenger heeling
moment (MPnew) in accordance with 46
CFR 178.330 using the latest assumed
average weight per person. If the
existing wind heeling moment (MW)
exceeds MPnew, the new draft (Tnew)
should be used to calculate the new
wind heeling moment (MWnew) in
accordance with 46 CFR 178.330. The
greatest of the new passenger or wind
heeling moments (MPnew or MWnew) is
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B. Weight of Passengers and Crew
New provisions on the assumed
average weight per person would be
added at §§ 170.090 and 178.330 and are
discussed in detail at those sections of
this preamble.
A new section, 171.045, would
require each passenger vessel to which
subchapter S intact stability
requirements now apply to use the latest
assumed average weight per person
appropriate for the intended service.
This requirement would apply
immediately on the effective date of this
rule, although stability verification
would not be required until ten years
after the most recent stability
information was issued, as discussed
under ‘‘Vessel Stability’’ above.
A new section, 178.215, would be
added for vessels whose stability letter
is based on the results of an SST or
PSST. This section would require the
owner or operator to provide the master
with the total test weight, the latest
assumed average weight per person, and
the maximum number of persons
permitted on board based on that
C. Notes on Pontoon Vessels
The passenger capacity of pontoon
vessels may not be affected if a process
is followed on every voyage to ensure
that the total weight of persons carried
does not exceed the total test weight
that was used to determine stability
compliance. One example of such a
process would be to weigh all the
passengers as they board the vessel. The
passenger capacity will be affected if
such a process is not followed and the
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passenger weight used on the vessel’s
SST was based on either 140 or 160
pounds per person. If an SST was
performed on the vessel using the
procedures contained in the Small
Passenger Vessels Simplified Stability
Test Procedure for Pontoon Vessels on
Protected Waters, the results of that test,
if valid, may be used to determine the
new capacity based on an assumed
average weight that is appropriate for
the intended service. In many cases,
however, a new SST will need to be
performed on pontoon passenger
vessels. We propose adding the
requirement in § 178.210(d) that a vessel
that undergoes a PSST in accordance
with § 178.340 must have a stability
letter issued by the Marine Safety
D. SOLAS and Resolution A.265
Sections 170.248 and 171.001 would
be revised by adding requirements
concerning new vessels, which will
become effective when certain
amendments to the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
(SOLAS) come into effect on January 1,
2009. Each new vessel issued a SOLAS
Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (PSSC)
or a SOLAS Cargo Ship Safety
Construction Certificate would have to
meet the requirements of SOLAS
chapter II–1, in addition to meeting the
requirements concerning watertight
bulkhead doors in subpart H of part 170,
and subdivision and damage stability
requirements. For more information on
these revisions, see the discussion of
§ 170.015 in this preamble.
The amendments to SOLAS chapter
II–1 primarily involve the
harmonization of subdivision and
damage stability requirements for
passenger and cargo vessels. IMO
Resolution A.265(VIII) (hereafter A.265)
was promulgated in 1973, and contains
a probabilistic damage stability method
that is an alternative set of requirements
for passenger vessels instead of the
traditional requirements contained in
existing SOLAS regulations. This
optional use of A.265 has been
incorporated into U.S. regulations as
‘‘Type III subdivision’’, as an alternative
to Type I subdivision. However, we are
not aware of any U.S. flag vessel that
has used Type III subdivision (A.265).
Since the SOLAS chapter II–1
amendments are effectively an update of
A.265, there is no need to keep A.265
as an option. Accordingly, we propose
removing §§ 170.135, 171.075, and
171.082, which address A.265 and Type
III subdivision. While not replacing
A.265, the SOLAS chapter II–1
amendments would be accepted as an
equivalent to Type I subdivision.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Operating information associated with
SOLAS chapter II–1 would be added in
new § 170.140.
E. Corrections, Clarifications, and
In the course of this rulemaking, we
identified several regulations that need
to be updated or corrected, and others
that could benefit from clarification.
While each of these proposed rule
changes will be addressed more fully in
the ensuing section-by-section
discussion, a summary list of the
affected sections—other than those
discussed in ‘‘SOLAS and Resolution
A.265’’ above, and ‘‘American Bureau of
Shipping’’ below—is as follows: Subpart
71.75 (heading); 71.75–1; 71.75–5;
115.900; 115.910; 115.920; 115.930;
170.001; 170.015; 170.070; 170.100;
170.105; 170.135; 170.160; 170.165; Part
170, subpart E (heading); 170.170;
170.248; 170.270; 171.001; Part 171,
subpart B (heading); 171.050; Part 171,
subpart C (heading); 171.060; 171.065;
171.070; 172.020; 172.070; 174.007;
174.100; 174.360; 176.900; 176.910;
176.920; 176.930; 178.115; 178.230;
178.310; 178.320; 178.325; 179.212 and
F. American Bureau of Shipping
As one of the updates of regulations
cited above, we propose removing
references to the American Bureau of
Shipping (ABS) from §§ 170.075,
170.080, 170.085, 170.093, 170.100,
170.110, 170.120, 170.170, 170.173,
170.175, 170.180, 170.185, 170.190, and
170.235. Procedures that the ABS uses
to perform reviews of certain documents
on behalf of the Coast Guard are
contained in Navigation and Vessel
Inspection Circulars 10–82 and 3–97.
Title 46 U.S.C. 3316 authorizes the
Coast Guard to accept plan review,
inspections, and examinations
performed by ABS for compliance with
Coast Guard rules and regulations.
Delegation to a recognized classification
society, including ABS, of authority to
perform certain functions on behalf of
Coast Guard is addressed in part 8 of 46
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
G. Discussion of Proposed Amendments
by Section
§ 71.25–50. Existing § 71.25–50 would
be redesignated as § 71.25–95, and a
new section on stability verification
would be added as discussed in detail
earlier in this preamble under ‘‘Stability
§ 71.50–1. The definition of ‘‘drydock
examination’’ would be clarified to
include the verification of the draft
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Subpart 71.75 (Heading) and §§ 71.75–1
and 71.75–5
The heading of this subpart and two
of its sections would be revised to
reflect that the SOLAS Passenger Ship
Safety Certificate (PSSC) is issued under
SOLAS 1974 provisions, that a vessel
receiving a PSSC must comply with
applicable SOLAS requirements, and
that a vessel does not need to actually
be engaged in international service but
be certificated for international service
to receive a PSSC.
§ 114.400. A definition of ‘‘variable
load’’ would be added to this section.
The term is used in § 115.112 for
consideration of the number of persons
and weight permitted on a vessel
regulated by subchapter K.
The third subparagraph of the
definition of ‘‘length’’ would be deleted
because it refers only to use with the
requirements of part 179, which are not
applicable to vessels inspected under
subchapter K.
§ 115.110. Existing provisions of
paragraph (d) of this section list the
factors OCMIs may consider when
designating a permitted route. This list
would be modified by removing a part
of subparagraph (d)(3) and adding it as
new subparagraph (d)(4) to explicitly
call attention to the OCMI’s prerogative
to consider a vessel’s use in weather
conditions. This approach would
emphasize the OCMI’s authority to
include operational limits on a COI.
It is not possible to accurately
enumerate all combinations of safe
environmental conditions on a given
passenger vessel’s COI. Instead, the
Coast Guard has traditionally restricted
small passenger vessels to operation in
‘‘reasonable operating conditions.’’
Defining reasonable operating
conditions involves the judgment of a
professional mariner having a certain
degree of experience in the operation of
a given size and type of vessel, and
direct knowledge of the conditions to
which the vessel is subject at any
particular moment.
Limiting winds, speeds, and wave
heights alone, however, cannot
adequately define a safe operating
envelope for any vessel. Many other
conditions involving the vessel, its
changing environment, and its response
to that environment, must be constantly
observed, monitored, interpreted, and
responded to by the master in order to
evaluate the advisability of embarking
on a voyage, or continuing on a voyage
when conditions progressively
deteriorate. The master has the
responsibility to make this
determination and is bound to do so
using his or her best skill and judgment.
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This section, then, would emphasize
the need for due diligence on the part
of the master with respect to the
weather, along with the other factors
stipulated in this section, and would
avoid unnecessary limits on the
discretion of masters.
§ 115.112. This section would be
revised to explicitly list the total weight
of passengers, crew, and variable loads
as factors an OCMI may consider when
determining the total number of persons
and total weight a vessel would be
permitted to carry.
§ 115.505. This new section on
stability verification would be added as
discussed in detail earlier in this
preamble, under ‘‘Stability
§ 115.610. Two sentences would be
added to paragraph (a) that would add
the verification of draft marks to the
actions performed at a drydock
examination, as well as to ensure that
the stability information provided
corresponds to the draft marks. A
stability letter often includes an
operating restriction that limits the
maximum draft amidships. The vessel’s
draft marks (required by § 122.602),
however, might refer to a point on the
vessel that differs from that used in the
stability letter (for example, the bottom
of the rudder or propeller). So that the
master can effectively verify that the
loaded vessel complies with the
stability letter’s maximum draft
restriction, draft or loading marks must
be provided that allow the master to
compare the actual vessel draft with the
maximum draft restriction. If the
maximum draft restriction in the
stability letter does not correspond to
the information obtained from draft
mark readings, a new stability letter
with a revised restriction and/or draft
marks would be needed.
§§ 115.900, 115.910, 115.920, and
115.930. These sections would be
revised to reflect current practice and
policy: (1) a passenger vessel need not
actually be on an international voyage to
be issued a SOLAS Passenger Ship
Safety Certificate (PSSC) but simply be
certificated for international service; (2)
the Commandant no longer issues the
PSSC or a SOLAS Exemption Certificate
but authorizes the local OCMI to do so.
§ 122.304. Forecasted visibility and
weather conditions would be added as
factors to which vessel masters should
give special attention.
§ 122.315. This section would be
augmented to emphasize the master’s
duty to avoid overloading the vessel by
taking into account the weight of
passengers, crew, and variable loads.
If appropriate for the vessel’s
operation, draft-sensing devices, loading
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
marks, or draft marks would satisfy this
requirement. Other means might
include: (1) Weighing passengers and
crew individually, in groups, or in total;
or (2) estimating the total weight of each
passenger and including an appropriate
Of course, if the number of passengers
permitted by the COI is significantly
less than the number permitted by the
stability letter, a simple passenger count
would be satisfactory.
§ 122.602. This section would be
revised to require each vessel that
complies with subchapter S
requirements to have loading marks or
draft marks. A stability letter or the
stability information on a COI or load
line certificate normally includes
freeboard and draft restrictions on
operation. While most vessels are
already required to have markings of
some kind, this section would be
revised to require each vessel that
complies with the requirements of
subchapter S to have loading marks or
draft marks to permit the master to
verify compliance with the freeboard
and draft restrictions.
Part 170, Subpart E. As one of the
corrections cited above, this subpart
heading would be revised from
‘‘Subpart E—Weather Criteria’’ to
‘‘Subpart E—Intact Stability Criteria’’ to
more accurately describe the contents of
the subpart.
§ 170.001. Paragraph (a) would be
revised to clarify that the exception
provision is intended to apply only to
a vessel’s contracted date. This
exception was and is intended to allow
retroactive application of new damage
stability standards in § 171.080 and is
not intended to be applied to vessels
other than those that are ‘‘inspected’’ or
that are required to meet a standard
contained in subchapter S. A new
subparagraph would also be added to
paragraph (a) to clarify that certain
uninspected vessels may need to
comply with stability standards
contained in subchapter S because they
are issued a load line certificate or are
required to meet a stability standard
under subpart E of part 28 of this title.
§ 170.015. In December 2006, the
International Maritime Organization
(IMO) adopted Resolution MSC.216(82),
which is contained in SOLAS chapter
II–1, to harmonize subdivision and
damage stability regulations for
passenger and cargo ships. Accordingly,
SOLAS chapter II–1 would be added to
this central incorporation by reference
section and referenced in §§ 170.140,
and 170.248. The International Code on
Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code),
which would be referenced in § 170.165,
would also be added to § 170.015.
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§ 170.055. A definition of
‘‘constructed’’ similar to that used in
SOLAS for ‘‘ships constructed’’ would
be added to this section for clarification.
A definition of ‘‘passenger fraction’’
would also be added to this section.
Passenger fraction is the ratio of total
passenger weight to total displacement.
This term would be used in revised
§ 171.050, which addresses intact
stability requirements for a
mechanically propelled or a nonselfpropelled vessel. It would also be used
in proposed § 171.052 concerning
stability criteria for vessels of unusual
proportion and form, specifically with
regard to passenger distribution criteria.
For some small passenger vessels
built of light materials, the passenger
fraction can be as high as 50 percent.
Such high passenger fractions were not
envisioned when existing intact stability
criteria were developed. Therefore, new
requirements associated with passenger
fractions greater than 15 percent would
be included in proposed § 171.052.
§ 170.070. Paragraph (b) would be
modified to clarify that subpart C of part
170 applies to a vessel when the
subchapter under which it is inspected
so directs.
§ 170.090. An erroneous reference to
§ 170.098 would be removed.
Additionally, new provisions would be
added governing the calculation of an
assumed average weight per person and
allowances for loads. These provisions
replace the outdated assumed average
weights currently contained in
§ 178.330.
The Coast Guard concurred with the
NTSB’s March 7, 2006 recommendation
(Recommendation M–06–05, available
in the docket) to require that passenger
capacity of domestic passenger vessels
be calculated based on a statistically
representative average passenger weight
standard that is periodically updated.
This section of the proposed rule sets
forth the formula used to calculate the
average weight per person published in
the Federal Register on April 26, 2006,
which resulted in a figure of 185
pounds. The formula relies on the most
recent mean body weight data available
from the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES), which
is expected to be released periodically
by the National Center of Health
Statistics (NCHS), Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). As the
U.S. population weight data is updated
periodically by the CDC, the formula
proposed in this rule would compute
the latest, statistically representative,
assumed average weight per person
which will be used to evaluate the
stability of passenger vessels.
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This notice and comment rulemaking
provides the public the opportunity to
comment on the formula and
calculation methodology the Coast
Guard proposes to use to determine the
assumed average weight per person, as
well as subsequent adjustments to the
average weight per person using the
same formula.
When the CDC/NHANES releases an
update regarding the average weight of
adults in the United States, the Coast
Guard, without further rulemaking,
would publish a notice in the Federal
Register of the availability of that data
and the associated calculation of the
average weight per person, according to
the proposed formula. Vessel owner/
operators and masters of passenger
vessels would be expected to take this
new weight into consideration 60 days
after the notice would be published, and
load their vessels accordingly.
The CDC NHANES program is a
widely accepted and authoritative
source for weight data on the U.S.
population. The 2004 CDC NHANES
report on surveys conducted in the
United States between 1960 and 2002
stated that ‘‘on average, both men and
women gained more than 24 pounds
between the 1960s and 2002.’’
According to this report, the mean
weight of children of all ages also
increased substantially between 1963
and 2002. Teenage boys and girls aged
12–17 increased 15 and 12 pounds,
respectively, to mean weights of 141
and 130 pounds, respectively, between
the 1960s and 2002. (See CDC Advance
Data, Number 347, dated October 27,
2004, available at:
For a 50/50 male/female mix and for
adults between 20 and 74 years old, an
average weight of 177.7 pounds without
clothing was calculated from the data
released in the NHANES report. An
average weight of approximately 185
pounds is obtained when the most
current CDC average weight of 177.7
pounds is added to the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) average clothing
weight of 7.5 pounds. (See FAA
Advisory Circular (AC) 120–27E,
Aircraft Weight and Balance Control,
dated June 10, 2005, paragraph 201
(superseding FAA AC 120–27D),
available in the docket). Approximately
the same weight is obtained when the
CDC average adult weight gain of 24
pounds is added to the 160-pound
average established in the 1960s.
The accuracy of this result is further
confirmed by the weights recommended
by government authorities in Canada
and New Zealand. A 2003 New Zealand
Civil Aviation Authority survey of
passenger weights reported an average
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
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weight without carry-on bags or
personal effects of 176.8 pounds.
Transport Canada, Canada’s Federal
transportation agency, recommends
assuming an average weight of 182.5
pounds per person in summer and 188.5
pounds in winter for small aircraft.
Transport Canada’s weights included an
allowance for clothing, but not luggage.
(These documents are available in the
The Coast Guard also considered a
report by the Coast Guard Passenger
Weight Working Group. The report,
dated May 19, 2005, available in the
docket (and mentioned earlier in this
preamble under ‘‘Background and
Purpose’’), used an average passenger
weight of 190 pounds to assess the
potential impacts of regulatory changes.
This average passenger weight was
based on the FAA’s use in their
Advisory Circular AC 120–27D of an
average winter passenger weight of 189
pounds, not including carry-on bags. It
was noted in the report to be
conservative. The current FAA Advisory
Circular, AC 120–27E, also uses an
average winter passenger weight of 189
pounds without carry-on bags, and
includes allowances of 10 pounds each
for clothing and personal items. (See AC
120–27E, paragraphs 201 and 205, and
Tables 2–1 and 2–2.)
The FAA arrived at the standard
average passenger weights used in AC
120–27E after performing certain
mathematical calculations using the
CDC’s NHANES data, rather than
relying on the average weights
published by the CDC in Advance Data
Number 347. (See AC 120–27E,
Appendix 2). However, to achieve safe
vessel stability standards without
restricting passenger vessel operators
unnecessarily, the most accurate weight
data available must be subjected to
sound naval architecture analysis, rather
than simply mimicking the product of
calculations unrelated to vessel
stability. Reliance on CDC data to
update pertinent vessel stability
regulations now and in the future
satisfies the need for accurate weight
Additional Considerations of the
Assumed Average Weight per Person for
Vessels on Protected Waters
The current Coast Guard regulation
associated with the performance of a
simplified stability test (SST) permits
the weight of one person to be
considered as 63.5 kilograms (140
pounds) if the vessel operates
exclusively on protected waters and the
passenger load consists of men, women,
and children (46 CFR 178.330(a)(4)(ii)).
Experience has shown that many vessels
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whose stability is based on this
passenger weight standard do operate
with such a mix of passengers. Many of
these vessels, however, occasionally
carry a passenger load consisting
predominantly of adults, and some
vessels do so most of the time.
We propose removing the weight
standard currently used in § 178.330
and, instead, adding provisions to
§ 170.090 that would utilize data from
the most recent NHANES survey to
arrive at a more accurate average weight
per person. However, the proposed rule
would be unnecessarily inflexible if it
did not consider vessels that normally
operate with a mix of men, women, and
children on protected waters. To
address cases where the owners of such
vessels can effectively manage vessel
stability to ensure that their vessels are
not overloaded, the proposed rule
permits the OCMI to agree, in writing,
to the use of other values. For example,
excursion vessels whose businesses
cater to families or child-oriented
themes may be able to show that they
will carry a high percentage of children,
who weigh far less than the assumed
average weight per person of adults.
As discussed above, fundamental
differences between the marine and
aviation fleets make a broad and
uncritical adoption of FAA passenger
weight analysis unrealistic. With the
OCMI’s written agreement, however, if
feasible and appropriate for their
service, some vessels may be able to
utilize FAA methods to determine the
weight of passengers and bags. Those
methods are described in FAA AC 120–
Another possible solution would
allow the vessel operator to manage
stability by weighing each passenger or
all passengers together prior to
embarkation; or asking each passenger
his or her weight, adding an appropriate
margin for clothing or understated
weight, and verifying that the passenger
weight tally does not exceed the total
permitted passenger weight.
§ 170.105. This section would be
revised to reflect the correct application
of subchapter T vessels.
§ 170.135. We propose removing this
section concerning Type III subdivision
in its entirety. See the discussion earlier
in this preamble under ‘‘SOLAS and
Resolution A.265.’’
§ 170.140. See the discussion of
§ 170.015 in this preamble.
§ 170.160. To correct the erroneous
reference to § 178.330, paragraph (c)(3)
would be revised to indicate that
performance of any of the simplified
stability tests described in part 178
would be an acceptable alternative to
the demonstration of compliance with
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the standards of subpart E. Paragraph (d)
would be added so that vessels
complying with applicable provisions of
the International Code on Intact
Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code),
enunciated in new § 170.165, would be
considered equivalent to complying
with the requirements of §§ 170.170 and
§ 170.165. This section would be
added to implement the Introduction
and Part A of the 2008 IS Code for
vessels certificated for international
service. Paragraph (a) of this section
would codify the requirements that are
expected to be adopted as amendments
to both the 1988 Load Line Protocol and
SOLAS for vessels to which either of
these IMO agreements apply.
Paragraph (b) would make compliance
with the 2008 IS Code an alternative for
vessels to which paragraph (a) does not
§ 170.170. This section would be
revised to correct a deficiency in the
current regulations. Section 170.170
contains what are commonly referred to
as ‘‘wind heel’’ requirements for intact
stability. The formulation for a
minimum required metacentric height
(GM) currently contained in this section
facilitated easy evaluation and
verification that the vessel does not
exceed the limiting angle of 14 degrees,
or one-half the freeboard to the deck
edge, without the more involved process
of calculating righting and heeling arm
curves to determine the heel angle.
While this formulation reflects a
common simplification that was and is
appropriate for conventional ships—and
is simple to compute—there exist some
unusual combinations of beam,
freeboard, wind profile area, and
metacentric height for which the
existing equation is not appropriate.
For example, calculations submitted
to the Marine Safety Center (MSC) for a
vessel with low freeboard and a high
wind profile area a few years ago
showed compliance with the minimum
metacentric height requirement, but the
MSC’s verifying calculations showed
the vessel would capsize when the
required wind heeling moment was
applied. The reason for this discrepancy
was that the angle of deck edge
submergence was less than 5 degrees,
which caused the maximum righting
arm to occur at such a low angle that the
required righting moment to maintain
equilibrium could not be obtained.
The proposed change would correct
this deficiency by requiring the
calculation of righting arm curves. This
change would implement the intent of
this regulation, which is to restrict the
angle of heel caused by wind pressure
that varies according to stability route.
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
§ 170.248. Paragraph (a) of this section
would be revised and a new paragraph
would be added to invoke SOLAS
watertight bulkhead door requirements
on vessels issued a SOLAS safety
certificate in addition to the specific
requirements already contained in part
§ 170.270. This section would be
revised to update the ASTM standards
incorporated by reference.
Part 171 (subpart headings). Subparts
B and C would be re-titled ‘‘Intact
stability’’ and ‘‘Subdivision and damage
stability’’, respectively, to more
accurately describe the contents of those
§ 171.001. This section would be
modified to require a passenger vessel
certificated for international service and
constructed on or after January 1, 2009,
to comply with the newly revised
regulations of SOLAS chapter II–1. For
the purposes of this section, those
SOLAS requirements are equivalent to
the requirements of part 171 when
applied to such vessels. This section
would also be modified to reflect the
current application of part 171 to certain
vessels inspected under subchapter T.
§ 171.012. This new section would be
added to incorporate by reference into
part 171 SOLAS chapter II–1 and the
2008 IS Code. SOLAS chapter II–1
would be referenced in § 171.001 and
the 2008 IS Code in § 171.050.
§ 171.045. See the discussion of this
section under ‘‘Weight of Passengers
and Crew’’ earlier in this preamble.
§ 171.050. The heading of this section
would be revised to more accurately
describe the contents of the section as
relating specifically to passenger heel.
The revised section would also establish
the minimum standard for intact
stability of a mechanically propelled or
nonself-propelled vessel as an angle of
heel not greater than 14 degrees, or the
angle of heel at which the deck edge is
first submerged, whichever is less.
Angle of heel is more accurate than the
current standard, which relies upon a
simplified calculation of metacentric
height. Moreover, the current standard
was intended to approximate angle of
heel, and was adopted because angle of
heel calculations were considered in the
past to be too onerous for purposes of
this regulation. With current computing
capabilities, however, use of the more
accurate standard would be appropriate.
Additionally, paragraph (c) would be
added so that compliance with the
requirements in the 2008 IS Code for
passenger ships would be considered
equivalent to complying with the
provisions of paragraph (a) governing
passenger heeling.
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§ 171.052. Technological
improvements in vessel design and
construction have resulted in some
vessels that weigh significantly less than
their more conventional predecessors.
Intact stability criteria for passenger
vessels did not consider vessels of light
construction, for which the total weight
of passengers and their effects could
constitute 50 percent or more of the
total displacement weight. Studies of
passenger distribution have been
performed that show that the standard
currently contained in § 170.173 does
not provide a margin of safety for
vessels of light construction to the same
degree as for those vessels for which the
standard was developed.
Accordingly, this new section would
be added to specify stability
requirements for vessels of unusual
proportion and form in order to
withstand certain operating conditions,
and also to take into account variations
in passenger loading. The addition of
passenger distribution criteria will bring
the stability analysis of domestic vessels
in line with the methodology employed
by the 2008 IS Code, and account for a
wide variety of hull forms not
envisioned by the current regulations.
See the discussion of ‘‘passenger
fraction’’ at § 170.055.
§ 171.060. We propose removing the
text concerning Type III subdivision.
See the discussion earlier in this
preamble under ‘‘SOLAS and
Resolution A.265.’’
§ 171.065. The second equation in this
section is erroneous, and would be
corrected. When subchapter S
regulations were originally published in
1983, the equation was correct;
however, a printing error—changing the
term P1 to P—was introduced in
subsequent editions of the CFR. We
propose taking this opportunity to
correct the error.
§ 171.070. The current regulation is
silent concerning the minimum spacing
of watertight bulkheads for vessels less
than 143 feet in length that make
international voyages. These vessels are
normally required to meet SOLAS
requirements for such spacing, which
are the same as for vessels that are 143
feet or more in length. We propose
taking this opportunity to correct this
§ 171.075. We propose removing this
section concerning Type III subdivision
in its entirety. See the discussion earlier
in this preamble under ‘‘SOLAS and
Resolution A.265.’’
§ 171.080. This section, which
specifies damage stability standards for
vessels with Type I or Type II
subdivision, would be revised by
removing ‘‘75 kilograms’’ as an assumed
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average passenger weight, and referring
to § 170.090 instead, which uses the
most current NHANES data.
§ 171.082. We propose removing this
section—regarding Type III
subdivision—in its entirety. See the
discussion earlier in this preamble
under ‘‘SOLAS and Resolution A.265.’’
§ 172.020. This section would be
revised to include MARPOL 73/78 as a
standard to be incorporated by
§ 172.070. This section would be
revised to clarify the date after which
vessels must comply with the intact
stability requirements of the
International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships,
1973, (as amended by the Protocol of
1978 (MARPOL 73/78) Annex I). The
revised section would also reflect the
renumbering of regulations that
occurred in MARPOL 73/78.
§ 174.007. This new section would be
added to incorporate by reference
SOLAS chapter II–1. SOLAS chapter II–
1 would be referenced in § 174.360 for
the reasons discussed below.
§ 174.100. This section would be
revised to update the ASTM standards
incorporated by reference.
§ 174.360. We are taking the
opportunity to update this section, as
cited above. The amendments to SOLAS
chapter II–1 discussed earlier in this
preamble under ‘‘SOLAS and
Resolution A.265’’ also apply to dry
cargo ships constructed on or after
January 1, 2009. Since § 174.360 applies
to dry cargo ships built before this date
as well, we propose updating this
section to properly address the
requirements that are applicable to dry
cargo ships constructed both before and
after January 1, 2009. See the discussion
at § 170.015 earlier in this preamble.
§ 175.400. Definitions of ‘‘variable
load’’ and ‘‘total test weight’’ would be
added to this section. Both terms are
used in § 176.112 for consideration of
the number of persons and weight
permitted on a vessel inspected under
subchapter T, and in the simplified
stability proof test set out in § 178.330.
§ 176.110. As discussed in § 115.110
of this preamble, this section lists the
factors OCMIs may consider when
designating a permitted route.
§ 176.112. This section would be
revised to explicitly list the total weight
of passengers, crew, and variable loads
as factors an OCMI may consider when
determining the total number of persons
and total weight a vessel would be
permitted to carry.
§ 176.505. This new section on
stability verification would be added as
discussed in detail earlier in this
preamble under ‘‘Stability Verification.’’
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§ 176.610. Two sentences would be
added to paragraph (a) that would add
the verification of draft marks to the
actions performed at a drydock
examination, as well as make sure that
the stability information provided
corresponds to the draft marks
provided. See the discussion of
§ 115.610 earlier in this preamble.
§ 176.900, 176.910, 176.920, and
176.930. See the discussion of
§§ 115.900, 115.910, 115.920, and
115.930 in this preamble, where we
discuss proposed revisions to reflect
current practice and policy regarding
SOLAS certificates.
§ 178.115. This section would be
modified to allow application of subpart
B to existing vessels.
§ 178.210. Paragraphs (a), (b) and (c)
of this section would be revised to
clarify what stability information is
necessary for a vessel to meet intact
stability standards, and a new paragraph
(d) would add the requirement for an
MSC-issued stability letter, as discussed
in ‘‘Notes on Pontoon Vessels’’ above.
§ 178.215. See the discussion earlier
in this preamble under ‘‘Weight of
Passengers and Crew.’’
§ 178.230. Paragraph (b) of this
section would be revised, and a new
paragraph (c) added, to expand the
information required of vessels showing
compliance with subchapter S,
including information required in part
170 of that subchapter.
§ 178.310. This section would be
revised to clarify the intact stability
requirements for vessels subject to
subchapter S, as well as those that can
use subchapter T requirements. In
addition, we would add the option of
another requirement as stipulated by the
Commanding Officer, Marine Safety
Center. Finally, the existing option to
use an SST for vessels carrying not more
than 150 passengers would be removed,
as the general applicability of
subchapter T (see 46 CFR 175.100)
already excludes vessels carrying more
than 150 passengers. A figure would be
added to assist users in understanding
these requirements.
§ 178.320. We propose clarifying in
this section that subchapter S stability
requirements, or requirements
determined by the Commanding Officer,
Marine Safety Center, apply to all
inspected passenger vessels that are not
explicitly described and excepted in
§ 178.320. For vessels that are described
in this section, the performance of a
simplified stability test is an option.
However, for vessels carrying 49
passengers or fewer, the cognizant
OCMI has the authority to require
compliance with subchapter S
standards, or to apply another standard
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in lieu of the simplified stability test.
Specifically, we propose revising
redesignated paragraph (b) to clarify that
a vessel whose stability cannot be
adequately assessed by other means
must be shown by design calculations to
meet the applicable intact stability
requirements of subchapter S.
For readability, we propose moving
the explanation of the simplified
stability test to the beginning of the
section rather than the end. For
consistency, we propose moving from
§ 178.325 the list of restrictions for a
monohull sailing vessel undergoing a
simplified stability test to this section.
Further, we propose adding the option
of an SST for certain flush-deck nonsailing catamarans.
We also propose adding to § 178.320
restrictions on the application of a
pontoon simplified stability proof test
(PSST). These proposed restrictions on
the application of the PSST are based in
part on a study of twin hull pontoon
passenger vessels, entitled Study on the
U.S. Domestic Intact Stability and
Subdivision Requirements for Twin Hull
Pontoon Passenger Boats Less Than 65
Feet in Length, which is available in the
docket as indicated in the ADDRESSES
section. A table would be added to
clarify applicability requirements.
§ 178.325. For consistency, we
propose revising this section to move
the list of restrictions for a monohull
sailing vessel undergoing an SST to
§ 178.320. In addition, we would clarify
that the performance of a simplified
stability proof test is optional, as
provided in § 178.320.
§ 178.330. New provisions would be
added governing the assumed average
weight per person to be used as well as
allowances for loads on small passenger
vessels. The latest assumed average
weight per person would replace the
outdated assumed average weights
previously contained in § 178.330, and
would refer to § 170.090, which would
be based on the latest weight data
available from the National Center for
Health Statistics’ National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES). For further information on
the basis for these revisions, see the
discussion of § 170.090 in this
§ 178.340. This section would be
revised to codify existing policy on
pontoon vessel intact stability, clarify
those requirements, and improve
consistency of application. These
revisions include a requirement that
when a PSST is performed, each fuel,
water, and sewage tank be full, and that
the simulated load of passengers, crew,
and other loads be distributed to
provide normal operating trim.
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Additionally, procedural changes to
improve the accuracy of the test would
be made based on recent detailed
analyses of multihull stability
characteristics that were not previously
available. The organization of the
revised section would align with that of
§ 178.330, which concerns the SST
generally for monohull vessels.
§ 179.15. This new section would be
added to incorporate by reference
SOLAS chapter II–1. SOLAS chapter II–
1 would be referenced in § 179.212 for
the reasons discussed below.
§ 179.212. This section has been
revised to clarify that the ‘‘simplified’’
subdivision requirements of part 179
can only be used in conjunction with
the ‘‘simplified’’ intact stability
requirements of part 178, and vice versa.
A new paragraph would also be added
to this section to require a passenger
vessel constructed on or after January 1,
2009, intended to make international
voyages, and issued a SOLAS PSSC, to
meet applicable requirements of SOLAS
chapter II–1 instead of the subdivision
and damage stability requirements of
this section. For the purposes of this
section, those SOLAS requirements are
equivalent to the requirements of this
part when applied to such vessels. For
additional information, please see the
discussion in § 171.001 of this
§ 179.220. To enhance reliability and
consistency, we propose adding a
paragraph requiring that the
calculations specified by this section be
submitted to the Marine Safety Center
for review and approval. In addition, we
are taking this opportunity to correct the
use of confusing, repeated symbols in
paragraph (a).
§ 185.304. Forecasted visibility and
weather conditions would be added as
factors to which vessel masters should
give special attention. A new paragraph
would also be added requiring masters
of vessels not greater than 65 feet in
length to have means available to
monitor marine broadcasts.
§ 185.315. A new paragraph would be
added to this section to emphasize the
master’s duty to avoid overloading the
vessel by taking into account the weight
of passengers, crew, and variable loads.
Please see the detailed discussion in
§ 122.315 of this preamble regarding
satisfactory means by which the master
may accomplish this.
§ 185.602. This section would be
revised to require each vessel that
complies with subchapter S
requirements to have loading marks or
draft marks. A stability letter or stability
information placed on a COI or load line
certificate normally includes freeboard
and draft restrictions on operation.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
While a very high proportion of vessels
already have marks, every vessel whose
stability approval was issued in
accordance with subchapter S should
have loading or draft marks to permit
the master to verify compliance with the
freeboard and draft restrictions. See the
discussion of § 115.602 earlier in this
VI. Incorporation by Reference
Material proposed for incorporation
by reference appears in §§ 170.015,
171.012, 172.020, 174.007 and 179.15.
You may inspect this material at U.S.
Coast Guard Headquarters where
indicated under ADDRESSES. Copies of
the material are available from the
sources listed in §§ 170.015, 171.012,
172.020, 174.007 and 179.15.
Before publishing a binding rule, we
will submit this material to the Director
of the Federal Register for approval of
the incorporations by reference.
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
VII. Regulatory Analyses
We developed this proposed rule after
considering numerous statutes and
executive orders related to rulemaking.
Below we have summarized our
analysis based on 13 of these statutes or
executive orders.
A. Regulatory Planning and Review
This proposed rule is not a significant
regulatory action under section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory
Planning and Review, and does not
require an assessment of potential costs
and benefits under section 6(a)(3) of that
Order. The Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) has not reviewed it under
that Order. Nevertheless, we have
prepared a Preliminary Regulatory
Analysis of potential costs and benefits
which is available in the docket where
indicated under the ADDRESSES section
of this preamble. A summary of the
analysis follows:
The Coast Guard proposes to amend
its regulations governing stability
requirements and the maximum number
of passengers that may safely be
permitted on board a vessel inspected
and certificated under 46 CFR
subchapters H, K or T. To calculate
vessel stability and the maximum
number of persons allowed on board,
Coast Guard regulations currently use
an average weight per person of either
160 or 140 pounds, depending on vessel
route and mix of passengers. These
figures were set in the 1960s. In 2004,
however, the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) released findings
that the average mean body weight for
men and women had increased by 24
pounds since the 1960s. Therefore, this
notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM)
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is intended to update the average weight
per person used in both intact stability
and subdivision and damage stability
compliance for vessels, and also in
calculating the maximum number of
passengers permitted on board.
Based on Coast Guard data, we
estimate this proposed rule would affect
6,073 inspected passenger vessels.
These vessels would all be required to
have updated stability letters. Of these
vessels, 1,140 would require both a new
stability test and a reduction in
maximum passenger load to obtain an
updated stability letter. Additionally,
3,542 vessels would require either a
new stability test or a stability
recertification, but would not need to
reduce maximum passenger load.
Finally, 1,391 vessels would require no
additional stability test or recertification
and no reduction in passenger load in
order to receive an updated stability
We estimate the non-discounted firstyear and recurring costs to be about $10
million and $2.5 million, respectively.
We estimate the discounted ten-year
cost of this rulemaking to be $24.6
million at a seven percent discount rate
and $28.7 million at a three percent
discount rate. The annualized costs over
the ten-year period are $3.5 million at
a seven percent discount rate and $3.36
million at a three percent discount rate.
B. Small Entities
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(5 U.S.C. 601–612), we have considered
whether this proposed rule would have
a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
The term ‘‘small entities’’ comprises
small businesses, not-for-profit
organizations that are independently
owned and operated and are not
dominant in their fields, and
governmental jurisdictions with
populations of less than 50,000.
An Initial Regulatory Flexibility
Analysis (IRFA) that examines the
impacts of the rule on small entities is
discussed below. Under section 603 of
the Regulatory Flexibility Act, an IRFA
must describe the impact of the
proposed rule on small entities and
contain the following:
1. A description of the reasons why
action by the agency is being
2. A succinct statement of the
objectives of, and legal basis for, the
proposed rule;
3. A description of and, where
feasible, an estimate of the number of
small entities to which the proposed
rule will apply;
4. A description of the projected
reporting, recordkeeping and other
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compliance requirements of the
proposed rule, including an estimate of
the classes of small entities which will
be subject to the requirement and the
type of professional skills necessary for
preparation of the report or record;
5. An identification, to the extent
practicable, of all relevant Federal rules
which may duplicate, overlap or
conflict with the proposed rule; and,
6. A description of any significant
alternatives to the proposed rule which
accomplish the stated objectives of
applicable statutes and which minimize
any significant economic impact of the
proposed rule on small entities.
We have discussed many of these
issues at length in other sections of the
NPRM. We refer the reader to the
applicable sections of the NPRM for
more detail. We have prepared an IRFA
of the potential impacts of the proposed
rule on small entities which is available
in the docket where indicated under the
ADDRESSES section of this preamble. A
summary of the IRFA follows:
Number of Small Entities Affected
Entities that would be affected by the
proposed rule are owners and operators
of U.S.-inspected, U.S. flag passenger
vessels. To determine which of the
affected entities are small, we used
public and proprietary databases to
determine employee size and annual
revenues of the entities and the North
American Industry Classification
System (NAICS) codes to classify the
entities. We then applied the United
States Small Business Administration
(SBA) criteria for classifying small
businesses to the associated NAICS code
for a particular entity, and were able to
determine whether the entity would be
classified as small.
Of the affected population of
approximately 6,073 vessels (owned by
5,760 U.S. entities) that would comply
with this proposed rule, we took a
sample of 156 small companies from the
total population of companies that
potentially own or operate these vessels.
We researched approximately 900
companies in order to obtain the 156
small businesses that were required to
meet our confidence level. We excluded
companies that did not have the
requisite data to allow us to make a
determination on whether a company
was small.
Types of Entities Affected
We classified small businesses by the
NAICS code for those businesses that
had known company information, and
determined whether a business was
small by using the SBA size standards
matched to the NAICS codes. We
analyzed businesses with 26 different
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
NAICS codes and found that about 75
percent of passenger vessels were
owned by companies who operate
recreational and sightseeing businesses.
Of the small businesses that we
analyzed, 38 percent are classified as
‘‘scenic and sightseeing transportation’’
companies. ‘‘Recreation and
amusement’’ companies represent about
11 percent of the companies. ‘‘Travel
agencies’’ and ‘‘tour operators’’
represent 11 percent. The remaining 25
percent of the small businesses that we
analyzed are comprised of 21 different
NAICS codes. The largest percent of the
remaining 25 percent were ‘‘inland
water transportation’’ and ‘‘boat
To estimate the impact on small
businesses, we identified the vessels
operated by each company. These
vessels were assessed by naval
architects as to the likely impact of an
updated average weight per person on
their stability calculations. We then
categorized the vessels into cost
categories similar to those in Table 1
which are further detailed in the
Preliminary Regulatory Analysis and the
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
(available in the docket).
No. of
Description of impact
1 ..........................................
Vessels that would incur a reduction in passenger capacity, based on new stability
tests or calculations, or based on existing stability test data, and would incur recertification costs for intact and subdivision and damage stability.
Vessels that would not incur a reduction in passenger capacity, but would have restrictions on the number of passengers on higher decks based on new or existing
stability test data or calculations, and would incur recertification costs, and vessels
that would not incur a reduction in passenger capacity, but would require new stability information to be issued based on new or existing stability tests or calculations, and would incur recertification costs.
Vessels that would not incur a reduction in passenger capacity, based on metrics
that show that the effect of increased assumed passenger weight would be sufficiently small that no recertification action would be necessary.
2 & 3 ...................................
4 ..........................................
Totals ...........................
We estimated the cost impact on
annual revenue for each entity by
category of vessel cost. The analysis
shows that 81 percent of affected small
entities would have an impact of less
than one percent of estimated revenue
and 19 percent of affected small entities
would have an impact of one to two
percent of revenue.
At this time, the Coast Guard is
seeking comments on whether this
proposed rule would have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. If you think
that your business, organization, or
governmental jurisdiction qualifies as a
small entity and that this rule would
have a significant economic impact on
it, please submit a comment to the
Docket Management Facility at the
address under ADDRESSES. In your
comment, explain why you think it
qualifies and how and to what degree
this rule would economically affect it.
Other Federal Rules
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
The requirements in this proposed
rule do not overlap with provisions of
any other agency.
Regulatory Alternatives
The goal of this NPRM is to establish
the appropriate measures when
conducting stability tests. The no-action
alternative is to ignore the increase in
weight of the average American and to
calculate stability with inaccurate data.
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A possible alternative is to allow the
OCMI to deal with each individual
vessel on a case-by-case basis without
any national standard. The likely result
would be a non-uniform weight
standard, with vessels that change
location failing to meet local
We address the projected reporting
and recordkeeping requirements as well
as the type and professional skills
necessary for the preparation of reports
and records in the cost analysis and
Paperwork Reduction Act sections of
this report.
C. Assistance for Small Entities
Under section 213(a) of the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104–121),
we want to assist small entities in
understanding this proposed rule so that
they can better evaluate its effects on
them and participate in the rulemaking.
If the rule would affect your small
business, organization, or governmental
jurisdiction and you have questions
concerning its provisions or options for
compliance, please consult Mr. William
Peters, U.S. Coast Guard, Office of
Design Engineering Standards, Naval
Architecture Division (CG–5212),
telephone 202–372–1371. The Coast
Guard will not retaliate against small
entities that question or complain about
this rule or any policy or action of the
Coast Guard.
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Small businesses may send comments
on the actions of Federal employees
who enforce, or otherwise determine
compliance with, Federal regulations to
the Small Business and Agriculture
Regulatory Enforcement Ombudsman
and the Regional Small Business
Regulatory Fairness Boards. The
Ombudsman evaluates these actions
annually and rates each agency’s
responsiveness to small business. If you
wish to comment on actions by
employees of the Coast Guard, call 1–
888-REG–FAIR (1–888–734–3247).
D. Collection of Information
This proposed rule would call for a
collection of information under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501–3520). As defined in 5 CFR
1320.3(c), a ‘‘collection of information’’
comprises reporting, recordkeeping,
monitoring, posting, labeling, and other,
similar actions. The title and
description of the information
collections, a description of those who
must collect the information, and an
estimate of the total annual burden
follow. The estimate covers the time for
reviewing instructions, searching
existing sources of data, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the
This proposed rule would call for
revisions of two collections of
information under the Paperwork
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
3520). 46 CFR 78.121, 115.306, 170.120,
and 176.306 require the collection of
information. The updated average
weight per person would require
revisions of the existing OMB-approved
collections of information.
OMB Control Number: 1625–0064.
Title: Plan Approval and Records for
Subdivision and Stability Regulations—
Title 46 CFR Subchapter S.
Summary of the Collection of
Information: This collection of
information requires owners, operators,
or masters of certain inspected vessels
to obtain and/or post various documents
as part of the Coast Guard commercial
vessel safety program. The collection
also requires the reporting of certain
Need for Information: The Coast
Guard needs this information to
determine whether an entity meets the
statutory requirements.
Proposed Use of Information: The
Coast Guard would use this information
to determine whether an entity meets
the statutory requirements.
Description of the Respondents:
Owners, operators, and/or masters of
passenger vessels.
Burden of Response: The burden of
this proposed rule for this collection of
information is the provision of
documentation of stability analysis and
posting of a stability letter. This
collection of information applies to all
vessels that comply with subchapter S.
This includes vessels inspected under
46 CFR subchapter H or K and some
vessels inspected under subchapter T.
We estimate 1,874 vessels comply with
subchapter S. During this period, we
estimate the total number of
respondents is 1,388.
Estimate of Total Annual Burden: The
existing OMB-approved total annual
burden is 4,539 hours. The revision
includes a one-time annual burden that
would be approximately 5,791 hours.
The total annual burden is estimated to
be 10,330.
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
OMB Control Number: 1625–0057.
Title: Small Passenger Vessels—Title
46 Subchapters K and T.
Summary of the Collection of
Information: This collection of
information requires information
necessary for the proper administration
and enforcement of the program on
safety of commercial vessels as it affects
small passenger vessels.
Need for Information: The Coast
Guard needs this information to
determine whether an entity meets the
statutory requirements.
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Proposed Use of Information: The
Coast Guard would use this information
to determine whether an entity meets
the statutory requirements.
Description of Respondents: Owners,
operators, and/or masters of small
passenger vessels.
Burden of Response: The burden of
this proposed rule for this collection of
information is the posting of a stability
letter, as required by 46 CFR 115.306
(subchapter K) or 46 CFR 176.306
(subchapter T). Of the 5,487
respondents, there are 3,669 vessels
inspected under 46 CFR subchapters K
or T that would need to post a new
stability letter.
Estimate of Total Annual Burden: The
existing OMB-approved annual burden,
related to the posting of a stability letter,
is 11 hours. The revision includes a onetime increase in the annual burden of
approximately 305 hours to post the
new stability letter.
As required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3507(d)), we will submit a copy of this
proposed rule to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for its
review of the collection of information.
We ask for public comment on the
proposed collection of information to
help us determine how useful the
information is; whether it can help us
perform our functions better; whether it
is readily available elsewhere; how
accurate our estimate of the burden of
collection is; how valid our methods for
determining burden are; how we can
improve the quality, usefulness, and
clarity of the information; and how we
can minimize the burden of collection.
If you submit comments on the
collection of information, submit them
both to OMB and to the Docket
Management Facility where indicated
under ADDRESSES, by the date under
You need not respond to a collection
of information unless it displays a
currently valid control number from
OMB. Before the requirements for this
collection of information become
effective, we will publish notice in the
Federal Register of OMB’s decision to
approve, modify, or disapprove the
E. Federalism
A rule has implications for federalism
under Executive Order 13132,
Federalism, if it has a substantial direct
effect on State or local governments and
would either preempt State law or
impose a substantial direct cost of
compliance on them.
The proposed rule would be issued
under authority conferred on the Coast
Guard by Chapter 33 of Title 46 United
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States Code (U.S.C.). Chapter 33 of Title
46, U.S.C. describes the regimen of
regulation for vessels ‘‘subject to
inspection’’ by the U.S. Coast Guard.
Vessels ‘‘subject to inspection’’ is a term
of art developed by Congress. It refers to
various types of vessels listed in 46
U.S.C. 3301 subject to a comprehensive,
permissive regimen of Federal
regulation. By contrast, ‘‘uninspected
vessels,’’ such as most commercial
fishing vessels and recreational vessels,
are still subject to Coast Guard
regulation, but under a much less
comprehensive and prescriptive scheme
of Federal regulation. The U.S. Supreme
Court has long recognized the
preemptive impact of Federal
regulations in the field of inspected
vessels. See, for example, Kelly v.
Washington ex rel Foss, 302 U.S. 1
(1937) and Locke, 529 U.S. 113–116.
Therefore, Coast Guard regulations
issued under the authority of 46 U.S.C.
3306 in the areas of design,
construction, alteration, repair,
operation, superstructures, hulls,
fittings, equipment, appliances,
propulsion machinery, auxiliary
machinery, boilers, unfired pressure
vessels, piping, electric installations,
accommodations for passengers and
crew, sailing school instructors, sailing
school students, lifesaving equipment
and its use, firefighting equipment, its
use and precautionary measures to
guard against fire, inspections and tests
related to these areas and the use of
vessel stores and other supplies of a
dangerous nature have preemptive effect
over state regulation in these fields.
Title 33 U.S.C. 3301 subjects
passenger vessels to Coast Guard
inspection, and 33 U.S.C. 3306 provides
the Coast Guard with clear authority to
establish safety regulations for such
vessels. Our proposed rule would revise
and update stability standards for
passenger vessels subject to Coast Guard
regulations covered by 46 CFR
subchapters H, K or T. These factors
support the Coast Guard’s determination
herein that States may not regulate
within the categories covered by this
proposed rule, and the Coast Guard
hereby determines that if States were to
regulate on these subjects it would
frustrate the purpose of these rules,
which is to establish a uniform national
scheme as directed by Congress.
Therefore, under E.O. 13132, this
proposed rule would not have an
implication under federalism.
F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531–1538) requires
Federal agencies to assess the effects of
their discretionary regulatory actions. In
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
particular, the Act addresses actions
that may result in the expenditure by a
State, local, or tribal government, in the
aggregate, or by the private sector of
$100,000,000 or more in any one year.
Though this proposed rule would not
result in such an expenditure, we do
discuss the effects of this rule elsewhere
in this preamble.
G. Taking of Private Property
This proposed rule would not effect a
taking of private property or otherwise
have taking implications under
Executive Order 12630, Governmental
Actions and Interference with
Constitutionally Protected Property
H. Civil Justice Reform
This proposed rule meets applicable
standards in sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of
Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice
Reform, to minimize litigation,
eliminate ambiguity, and reduce
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
I. Protection of Children
We have analyzed this proposed rule
under Executive Order 13045,
Protection of Children from
Environmental Health Risks and Safety
Risks. This rule is not an economically
significant rule and would not create an
environmental risk to health or risk to
safety that might disproportionately
affect children.
J. Indian Tribal Governments
To determine whether the proposed
rule would have an impact on any
Indian tribal governments, we queried
MISLE to obtain a list of inspected
vessels potentially owned or operated
by Indian tribes. The list was augmented
by a thorough Internet search. The
electronic file for each vessel was then
examined for any relationship to a tribal
organization. Additionally, we
questioned Coast Guard field units to
determine whether the cognizant OCMIs
were aware of any tribally owned
Although we found one vessel that
was confirmed to be owned by an
Indian tribe, there would be no impact
to that vessel from this proposed rule.
Consequently, we determined that this
proposed rule does not have tribal
implications under Executive Order
13175, Consultation and Coordination
with Indian Tribal Governments,
because it would not have a substantial
direct effect on one or more Indian
tribes, on the relationship between the
Federal Government and Indian tribes,
or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities between the Federal
Government and Indian tribes.
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K. Energy Effects
We have analyzed this proposed rule
under Executive Order 13211, Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use. We have
determined that it is not a ‘‘significant
energy action’’ under that order and it
is not likely to have a significant
adverse effect on the supply,
distribution, or use of energy. The
Administrator of the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs has
not designated it as a significant energy
action. Therefore, it does not require a
Statement of Energy Effects under
Executive Order 13211.
L. Technical Standards
The National Technology Transfer
and Advancement Act (15 U.S.C. 272
note) directs agencies to use voluntary
consensus standards in their regulatory
activities unless the agency provides
Congress, through the OMB, with an
explanation of why using these
standards would be inconsistent with
applicable law or otherwise impractical.
Voluntary consensus standards are
technical standards (e.g., specifications
of materials, performance, design, or
operation; test methods; sampling
procedures; and related management
systems practices) that are developed or
adopted by voluntary consensus
standards bodies.
This proposed rule uses the following
voluntary consensus standards:
American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) and Military
Specification, Naval Publications and
Forms Center, Code 1052. The proposed
sections that reference these standards
and the locations where these standards
are available are listed in §§ 170.015,
170.270, 174.007 and 174.100.
If you disagree with our analysis of
the voluntary consensus standards
listed above or are aware of voluntary
consensus standards that might apply
but are not listed, please identify them
in a comment to the Docket
Management Facility at the address
under ADDRESSES and explain why they
should be used.
M. Environment
We have analyzed this proposed rule
under Commandant Instruction
M16475.lD and Department of
Homeland Security Management
Directive 5100.1, which guide the Coast
Guard in complying with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA)(42 U.S.C. 4321–4370f), and
have made a preliminary determination
under the Commandant Instruction that
this action is not likely to have a
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significant effect on the human
environment. A preliminary
‘‘Environmental Analysis Check List’’
supporting this preliminary
determination is available in the docket
where indicated under the ‘‘Public
Participation and Request for
Comments’’ section of this preamble.
We seek any comments or information
that may lead to the discovery of a
significant environmental impact from
this proposed rule.
List of Subjects
46 CFR Part 71
Marine safety, Passenger vessels,
Reporting and recordkeeping
46 CFR Part 114
Marine safety, Passenger vessels,
Reporting and recordkeeping
46 CFR Part 115
Fire prevention, Marine safety,
Passenger vessels, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
46 CFR Part 122
Marine safety, Passenger vessels,
Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping
46 CFR Part 170
Marine safety, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Vessels,
Incorporation by reference.
46 CFR Part 171
Marine safety, Passenger vessels,
Incorporation by reference.
46 CFR Part 172
Cargo vessels, Hazardous materials
transportation Marine safety,
Incorporation by reference.
46 CFR Part 174
Marine safety, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Vessels,
Incorporation by reference.
46 CFR Part 175
Marine safety, Passenger vessels,
Reporting and recordkeeping
46 CFR Part 176
Fire prevention, Marine safety,
Passenger vessels, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
46 CFR Part 178
Marine safety, Passenger vessels.
46 CFR Part 179
Marine safety, Passenger vessels,
Incorporation by reference.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
46 CFR Part 185
Marine safety, Passenger vessels,
Reporting and recordkeeping
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Coast Guard proposes to
amend 46 CFR parts 71, 114, 115, 122,
170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 178, 179,
and 185 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 71
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(j); 46 U.S.C.
2113, 3205, 3306, 3307; E.O. 122234, 45 FR
58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 351;
Department of Homeland Security Delegation
No. 0170.1.
2. Redesignate § 71.25–50 as § 71.25–
95, and add new § 71.25–50 to read as
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
§ 71.25–50
Stability verification.
(a) At each annual inspection, the
owner or operator of each vessel must
(1) That the stability information
required under subpart D of part 170 of
this title has been re-examined and
confirmed to be appropriate for the
loading and service intended; and,
(2) The means by which the master
complies with the requirements of
§§ 78.17–20 and 78.17–22 of this title.
(b) The owner or operator must verify,
using current vessel measurements, that
the vessel complies with the stability
requirements of subchapter S of this
(1) Not more than ten years after the
most recent verification required by this
paragraph or issuance of stability
information required by § 170.120 of
this title; and,
(2) Following any modification or
alteration that may affect the validity of
the stability information required by
§ 170.120 of this title.
(c) For the purposes of paragraph (b)
of this section—
(1) Calculations necessary for the
verification must satisfy the
requirements of § 170.090 of this title
regardless of the contract date of the
(2) The vessel measurements must
include a deadweight survey to verify
the lightweight displacement and
longitudinal center of gravity used to
show compliance with the requirements
of Subchapter S of this chapter; and,
(3) If the results of a deadweight
survey show a deviation from the
lightweight displacement exceeding 2
percent, or a deviation from the
longitudinal center of gravity exceeding
1 percent of the length between
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perpendiculars (LBP) as defined in
§ 170.055 of this title, then—
(i) A stability test must be conducted
in compliance with the requirements of
subpart F of part 170 of this title, except
that the test may not be dispensed with
on the basis of approved results of a
sister vessel; and
(ii) The verification required by
paragraph (b) of this section must use
the newly determined lightweight
displacement and centers of gravity.
(d) The Commanding Officer, Marine
Safety Center or the cognizant OCMI,
whichever issued the vessel’s stability
information, may dispense with or
authorize a change or deferral of the
requirements of paragraph (b) of this
section when the vessel’s stability can
be adequately assessed by alternate
§ 71.50–1
which explicit account is not made in
approved stability calculations,
including but not limited to, personal
effects, carry-on items, luggage,
wheelchairs, and sporting equipment.
9. Revise the authority citation for
part 115 to read as follows:
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(j); 46 U.S.C.
2103, 3205, 3306, 3307; 49 U.S.C. App. 1804;
E.O. 11735, 38 FR 21243, 3 CFR, 1971–1975
Comp., p. 277; Department of Homeland
Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
10. In § 115.110, revise paragraphs
(d)(2) and (d)(3), and add new paragraph
(d)(4) to read as follows:
§ 115.110
Routes permitted.
5. In § 71.75–1(a), insert the words ‘‘or
certificated for’’, after the word ‘‘on’’.
(d) * * *
(2) The performance capabilities of
the vessel based on design, scantlings,
stability, subdivision, propulsion,
speed, operating modes,
maneuverability, and other
(3) The suitability of the vessel for
night-time operations; and,
(4) The suitability of the vessel for all
environmental conditions.
11. Revise § 115.112 to read as
§ 71.75–5
§ 115.112
3. In § 71.50–1, add at the end of the
definition of ‘‘Drydock examination’’
the words ‘‘, including verification of
the accuracy of draft marks’’.
4. Revise the heading to subpart 71.75
to read as follows:
Subpart 71.75—Certificates Under the
International Convention for Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974
§ 71.75–1
6. In § 71.75–5—
a. In paragraph (a), add the words ‘‘or
certificated for’’, after the word ‘‘on’’
and, immediately before the word
‘‘Passenger’’, add the word ‘‘SOLAS’’.
b. In paragraph (b), add the words ‘‘or
certificated for’’, after the word ‘‘on’’
and, at the end of the paragraph, add ‘‘in
addition to the applicable requirements
of SOLAS.’’
7. Revise the authority citation for
part 114 to read as follows:
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3306, 3703;
Pub. L. 103–206, 107 Stat. 2439; 49 U.S.C.
App. 1804; Department of Homeland
Security Delegation No. 0170.1; § 114.900
also issued under 44 U.S.C. 3507.
8. Amend § 114.400(b) by—
a. Removing paragraph (3) from the
definition of ‘‘Length’’; and,
b. Adding a new definition for
‘‘Variable load’’ in alphabetical order to
read as follows:
§ 114.400 Definition of terms used in this
Variable load means the weight of all
items brought on board a vessel for
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Total persons permitted.
The cognizant OCMI determines the
total number of persons permitted to be
carried on a vessel. In determining the
total number of persons, the OCMI may
consider: the total weight of passengers,
crew, and variable loads; stability
restrictions and subdivision
requirements of the vessel; the vessel’s
route, general arrangement, means of
escape, and lifesaving equipment;
minimum manning requirements; and
the maximum number of passengers
permitted in accordance with § 115.113.
12. Add § 115.505 to subpart E to read
as follows:
§ 115.505
Stability verification.
(a) At each annual inspection or
subsequent inspection for certification,
the owner or operator of each new and
existing vessel must demonstrate—
(1) That the stability information
required under subpart D of part 170 of
this title has been re-examined and
confirmed to be appropriate for the
loading and service intended; and
(2) The means by which the master
complies with the requirements of
§ 122.315 of this title.
(b) The owner or operator of each new
and existing vessel must verify, using
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
current vessel measurements and to the
satisfaction of the OCMI, that the vessel
complies with the stability requirements
of subchapter S—
(1) Not more than ten years after the
most recent verification required by this
paragraph or issuance of stability
information required by § 170.120 of
this title; and,
(2) Following any modification or
alteration that may affect the validity of
the stability information required by
§ 170.120 of this title.
(c) For the purposes of paragraph (b)
of this section—
(1) Calculations necessary for the
verification must satisfy the
requirements of § 170.090 of this title
regardless of the contract date of the
(2) The vessel measurements must
include a deadweight survey to verify
the lightweight displacement and
longitudinal center of gravity used to
show compliance with the requirements
of Subchapter S of this chapter; and
(3) If the results of a deadweight
survey show a deviation from the
lightweight displacement exceeding 2
percent, or a deviation from the
longitudinal center of gravity exceeding
1 percent of LBP as defined in § 170.055
of this title, then—
(i) A stability test must be conducted
in compliance with the requirements of
subpart F of part 170 of this title, except
that the test may not be dispensed with
on the basis of approved results of a
sister vessel; and
(ii) The verification required by
paragraph (b) of this section must use
the newly determined lightweight
displacement and centers of gravity.
(d) The Commanding Officer, Marine
Safety Center or the cognizant OCMI,
whichever issued the vessel’s stability
information, may dispense with or
authorize a change or deferral of the
requirements of paragraph (b) of this
section when the vessel’s stability can
be adequately assessed by alternate
13. In § 115.610, add two sentences to
the end of paragraph (a) to read as
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
§ 115.610 Scope of drydock and internal
structural examinations.
(a) * * * The accuracy of draft or
loading marks, if required by § 122.602,
must be verified. If the vessel’s stability
information includes any operating
restrictions that refer to draft or loading
marks, the draft or loading marks must
be confirmed to correspond to that
§ 115.900
14. Amend § 115.900(a) as follows:
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a. Add the words ‘‘is certificated for
or’’ after the word ‘‘which’’; b. Remove
the word ‘‘an’’ and, c. Remove the word
‘‘voyage’’ and add, in its place, the word
§ 115.910
Authority: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 2103,
3306, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR,
1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
15. Amend § 115.910(a) as follows: a.
Remove the word ‘‘issues’’ in the second
sentence and, add, in its place, the
words ‘‘authorizes the cognizant OCMI
to issue’’; and b. In the last sentence,
after the word ‘‘will’’, add the words
‘‘authorize the cognizant OCMI to’’.
§ 115.920
16. In § 115.920(d), after the word
‘‘will’’ in the first sentence, and after the
word ‘‘Commandant’’ in the second
sentence, add the words ‘‘will authorize
the cognizant OCMI to’’.
§ 115.930
17. In § 115.930, in the last sentence,
remove the words ‘‘Commandant will
indicate the’’ and, after the word
‘‘equivalent’’ add the words ‘‘must be
18. The authority citation for part 122
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3306, 6101; E.O.
12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p.
277; Department of Homeland Security
Delegation No. 0170.1.
19. In § 122.304, revise paragraph
(a)(3) to read as follows:
§ 122.304
Navigation underway.
(a) * * *
(3) Prevailing and forecasted visibility
and environmental conditions,
including wind and waves;
20. In § 122.315, designate the
existing paragraph as paragraph (a), and
add paragraph (b) to read as follows:
§ 122.315 Verification of vessel
compliance with applicable stability
(a) * * *
(b) In order to fulfill the requirements
of paragraph (a) of this section and
avoid overloading the vessel, the master
must take into account the total weight
of passengers, crew, and variable loads.
§ 122.602
21. Amend § 122.602 as follows:
a. In paragraph (c), remove the words
‘‘that complies with the stability
requirements of §§ 170.170, 170.173,
171.050, 171.055, and 171.057 of this
chapter or with § 178.310 of this
chapter’’; b. Remove paragraph (b); and,
c. Redesignate paragraphs (c) through (g)
as paragraphs (b) through (f).
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22. The authority citation for part 170
continues to read as follows:
23. In § 170.001, revise paragraph(a)
to read as follows:
§ 170.001
(a) This subchapter applies to each
vessel that is—
(1) Contracted for on or after March
11, 1996, except where specifically
stated otherwise; and,
(2) Is inspected under another
subchapter of this chapter, or is a
foreign vessel that must comply with
the requirements in subchapter O of this
chapter, or is required by either
subchapter C or subchapter E of this
chapter to meet applicable requirements
contained in this subchapter.
24. Revise § 170.015 to read as
§ 170.015
Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated by
reference into this part with the
approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section,
the Coast Guard must publish a notice
of change in the Federal Register and
the material must be available to the
public. All approved material is
available for inspection at the National
Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). For information on the
availability of this material at NARA,
call 202–741–6030 or go to https://
ibr_locations.htm1. It is also available
for inspection at the Coast Guard, Office
of Design Engineering Standards, Naval
Architecture Division (CG–5212), 2100
Second Street SW., Washington, DC
20593–0001, and is available from the
sources listed below.
(b) American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) 100 Barr Harbor
Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428–
(1) ASTM F 1196–00, Standard
Specification for Sliding Watertight
Door Assemblies, incorporation by
reference approved for § 170.270.
(2) ASTM F 1197–00, Standard
Specification for Sliding Watertight
Door Control Systems, incorporation by
reference approved for § 170.270.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
(c) Military Specification, Naval
Publications and Forms Center, Code
1052, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia,
PA 19120.
(1) MIL–P–21929B, Plastic Material,
Cellular Polyurethane, Foam in Place,
Rigid, 1970, incorporation by reference
approved for § 170.245.
(2) [Reserved]
(d) International Maritime
Organization (IMO), International
Maritime Organization, Publications
Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London
SE1 7SR, United Kingdom.
(1) International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, and
its Protocol of 1988: articles, annexes
and certificates, as amended, chapter II–
1 (SOLAS chapter II–1), incorporation
by reference approved for §§ 170.140,
(2) International Code on Intact
Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code),
incorporation by reference approved for
§ 170.165.
25. Amend § 170.055, by
redesignating paragraphs (m) through
(w) as paragraphs (o) through (y),
redesignating paragraphs (e) through (l)
as paragraphs (f) through (m), and
adding new paragraphs (e) and (n) to
read as follows:
§ 170.055
Definitions concerning a vessel.
(e) Constructed means the date—
(1) The vessel’s keel was laid; or
(2) Construction identifiable with the
vessel began and assembly of that vessel
commenced comprising of 50 metric
tons or at least one percent of the
estimated mass of all structural material,
whichever is less.
(n) Passenger fraction (W/D) is the
ratio of the weight of the maximum
number of permitted passengers and
their personal effects to the overall
displacement of the vessel in a given
loading condition.
§ 170.070
26. In § 170.070(b) introductory text,
add after the word ‘‘OCMI’’ the words
‘‘, or regulations by which the vessel is
inspected require their application.’’
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
§ 170.075
27. In § 170.075(a), remove the words
‘‘or four copies for plan review being
conducted by the American Bureau of
Shipping (ABS)’’.
§ 170.080
§ 170.085
§ 170.100
29. In § 170.085, remove the words
‘‘or the ABS’’
30. Revise § 170.090 by revising
paragraph (a), and adding paragraphs
(c), (d), (e) and (f) to read as follows:
§ 170.105
§ 170.090
(a) All calculations required by this
subchapter must be submitted with the
plans required by § 170.075.
(c) The assumed average weight per
person for calculations showing
compliance with the regulations of this
subchapter must be representative of the
passengers and crew aboard the vessel
while engaged in the service intended.
Unless the OCMI permits or requires the
use of other values in writing, the
average weight per person of passengers
and crew should not be less than that
computed by paragraph (e) of this
(d) The formula in paragraph (e) of
this section will be used to determine
the assumed average weight per person.
It requires the use of the most recent
mean weights of males and of females
aged 20 years, as determined by Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC). CDC releases this data
periodically through the National Center
for Health Statistics (NCHS) in a report
that lists the most recent mean body
weight data for the population of the
United States. This report can be found
on CDC’s Web site. The Coast Guard
will publish the availability of this
report each time it is updated by the
CDC, and the assumed average weight
per person, as determined by the
formula in paragraph(e) of this section,
in a Federal Register Notice, without
further rulemaking procedures. The
assumed average weight per person will
become effective 60 days from
publication of the notice.
(e) The assumed average weight per
person will be determined as follows:
Add the mean weight of males aged 20
years and over to the mean weight of
females aged 20 years and over, and
divide the sum by 2. To this average
mean weight, add 7.5 pounds of
assumed clothing weight. The resulting
sum, rounded to the nearest whole
number in pounds, is the assumed
average weight per person.
(f) Calculations must account for the
weight of all loads carried aboard the
28. In § 170.080, remove the words
‘‘or four copies for plan review being
conducted by the ABS’’.
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32. Amend § 170.100 by removing
paragraphs (c) and (d).
33. Add § 170.105(b)(5) to read as
§ 170.093
31. In § 170.093, remove the last
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(b) * * *
(5) A small passenger vessel inspected
under subchapter T of this chapter if
§ 178.210(c) of this title is applicable.
§ 170.110
34. In § 170.110(b), remove the words
‘‘or the ABS’’.
§ 170.120
35. In § 170.120(a), remove the words
‘‘or the ABS’’.
§ 170.135
36. Remove § 170.135.
37. Add § 170.140 to subpart D to read
as follows:
§ 170.140 Operating information for a
vessel constructed on or after 1 January
2009 and issued a SOLAS safety certificate.
(a) This section applies to each vessel
that is—
(1) Constructed on or after January 1,
2009; and,
(2) Issued either a SOLAS Passenger
Ship Safety Certificate or a SOLAS
Cargo Ship Safety Construction
(b) In addition to the information
required in § 170.110 of this part, the
stability booklet of each vessel to which
this section applies must contain the
information required by applicable
regulations of SOLAS chapter II–1
(incorporated by reference, see
§ 170.015).
(c) As used in SOLAS chapter II–1,
Administration means the
Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard.
38. Revise the heading of Subpart E to
read as follows:
Subpart E—Intact Stability Criteria
39. In § 170.160 revise paragraphs (a)
and (c)(3) and add paragraph (d) to read
as follows:
§ 170.160
Specific applicability.
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs
(b) through (d) of this section, this
subpart applies to each vessel.
(c) * * *
(3) A vessel that performs one of the
simplified stability proof tests described
in subpart C of part 178 of this title.
(d) A vessel that complies with
§ 170.165 of this title need not comply
with §§ 170.170 and 170.173 of this
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
40. Add § 170.165 to read as follows:
§ 170.165
International Code on Intact
(a) Each vessel issued one or more of
the certificates listed in paragraphs
(a)(1) through (4) of this section, must
comply with the Introduction and Part
A of the International Code on Intact
Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code):
(1) International Load Line Certificate.
(2) SOLAS Passenger Ship Safety
(3) SOLAS Cargo Ship Safety
Construction Certificate.
(4) High-Speed Craft Safety
(b) A vessel not subject to the
requirements of paragraph (a) of this
section is permitted to comply with the
applicable criteria contained in the 2008
IS Code as an alternative to the
requirements of §§ 170.170 and 170.173
of this title.
41. In § 170.170, revise the section
heading and paragraphs (a) and (b), and
the second sentence of paragraph (d),
and add paragraph (e) to read as follows:
§ 170.170
Weather criteria.
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
(a)(1) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, each vessel must be
shown by design calculations in each
condition of loading and operation to
have a calculated angle of heel not
greater than:
(i) For a sailing vessel, 14 degrees or
the angle of heel at which the deck edge
is immersed, whichever is less; or,
(ii) For a non-sailing vessel, 14
degrees or the angle of heel at which
one-half the freeboard to the deck edge
is immersed, whichever is less.
(2) The calculated angle of heel is
defined as the angle at which the
righting arm curve intersects the wind
heeling arm curve given by the
following equation:
Heeling arm = P × A × H × cos(T)/D
P = 0.005 + (L/14,200) 2 tons/f 2 * * * for
ocean service, Great Lakes winter
service, or service on exposed waters.
P = 0.055 + (L/1309) 2 metric tons/m 2 * * *
for ocean service, Great Lakes winter
service, or service on exposed waters.
P = 0.0033 + (L/14,200) 2 tons/ft 2 * * * for
Great Lakes summer service or service on
partially protected waters.
P = 0.036 + (L/1309) 2 metric tons/m 2 * * *
for Great Lakes summer service or
service on partially protected waters.
P = 0.0025 + (L/14,200) 2 tons/ft 2 * * * for
service on protected waters.
P = 0.028 + (L/1309) 2 metric tons/m 2 * * *
for service on protected waters.
L = LBP in feet (meters).
A = Area in square feet (square meters) of the
projected lateral surface of the portion of
the vessel above the waterline (including
the hull, superstructure, cargo, masts,
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area bounded by railings, canopies, or
similar obstructions but not protruding
objects such as antennas or running
H = the vertical distance in feet (meters) from
the center of A to the center of the
underwater lateral area or approximately
to the one-half draft point.
T = angle of heel.
D = Displacement in long tons (metric tons).
(b) If approved by the Coast Guard
Marine Safety Center, a larger value of
T may be used for a vessel with a
discontinuous weather deck or
abnormal sheer.
(d) * * * On other types of vessels,
the Coast Guard Marine Safety Center
requires calculations in addition to
those in paragraph (a) of this section.
* * *
(e) For the purposes of this subpart, a
vessel’s righting arm must be calculated
considering the vessel is permitted to
trim free until the trimming moment is
§ 170.173
42. In § 170.173(a) introductory text,
remove the words ‘‘or the ABS’’.
§ 170.175
43. Amend § 170.175 as follows:
a. In paragraph (b) remove the words
‘‘or ABS’’; and,
b. In paragraphs (c) and (d) remove
the words ‘‘or the ABS’’.
§ 170.180
44. In § 170.180 introductory text,
remove the words ‘‘or ABS’’ in both
places where it appears.
§ 170.185
45. In § 170.185(b), remove the words
‘‘or the ABS’’.
§ 170.190
46. In § 170.190, remove the words
‘‘or ABS’’.
§ 170.235
47. In § 170.235(b), remove the words
‘‘or the ABS’’.
48. In § 170.248, revise paragraph (a)
and add paragraph (d) to read as
§ 170.248
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs
(b) through (d) of this section, this
subpart applies to vessels with
watertight doors in bulkheads that have
been made watertight to comply with
the flooding or damage stability
regulations in this subchapter.
(d) Each vessel issued a SOLAS
Passenger Ship Safety Certificate or a
SOLAS Cargo Ship Safety Construction
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Certificate must comply with the
applicable regulations of SOLAS
chapter II–1 in addition to the
requirements of this subpart (SOLAS
chapter II–1, incorporated by reference,
see § 170.015).
§ 170.270
49. In § 170.270—
a. Remove the term ‘‘ASTM F 1196’’
wherever it appears and, in its place,
add the term ‘‘ASTM F 1196–00’’, and
remove the term ‘‘ASTM F 1197’’
wherever it appears and, in its place,
add the term ‘‘ASTM F 1197–00’’; and
b. In paragraph (a)(3), remove the
words ‘‘(incorporated by reference, see
§ 170.015)’’ wherever they appear.
50. The authority citation for part 171
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3306; E.O.
12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p.
277; Department of Homeland Security
Delegation No. 0170.1.
51. In § 171.001, revise paragraph (a),
and add paragraphs (c) and (d) to read
as follows:
§ 171.001
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(d) of this section, this part applies to
passenger vessels inspected under
subchapter K or H of this chapter, or a
passenger vessel the stability of which
is questioned by the OCMI.
(c) Specific sections of this part may
also apply to a small passenger vessel
inspected under subchapter T of this
chapter. The specific sections are listed
in subparts B and C of part 178 of this
title and in subpart B of part 179 of this
(d) A passenger vessel constructed on
or after 1 January 2009 and issued a
SOLAS Passenger Ship Safety
Certificate must meet the applicable
requirements of SOLAS chapter II–1
(incorporated by reference, see
§ 171.012), instead of the requirements
of this part. For the purposes of this
section, the applicable requirements of
SOLAS chapter II–1, are equivalent to
the requirements of this part when
applied to such vessels.
52. Add new § 171.012 to read as
§ 171.012
Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated by
reference into this part with the
approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
other than that specified in this section,
the Coast Guard must publish a notice
of change in the Federal Register and
the material must be available to the
public. All approved material is
available for inspection at the National
Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). For information on the
availability of this material at NARA,
call 202–741–6030 or go to https://
ibr_locations.htm1. It is also available
for inspection at the Coast Guard, Office
of Design Engineering Standards, Naval
Architecture Division (CG–5212), 2100
Second Street SW., Washington, DC
20593–0001, and is available from the
sources listed below.
(b) International Maritime
Organization (IMO) International
Maritime Organization, Publications
Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London
SE1 7SR, United Kingdom.
(1) International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and its
Protocol of 1988: articles, annexes and
certificates, as amended, chapter II–1
(SOLAS chapter II–1), incorporation by
reference approved for §§ 171.001,
(2) International Code on Intact
Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code),
incorporation by reference approved for
§ 171.050.
53. Add the heading of subpart B to
read as follows:
Subpart B—Intact Stability
Subpart C—Heading [Removed]
54. Remove the heading for subpart C
and transfer §§ 171.045, 171.050,
171.055, and 171.057 to subpart B.
55. Revise § 171.045 to read as
§ 171.045
Weight of passengers and crew.
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
(a) This section applies to each vessel,
regardless of when constructed.
(b) Compliance with the intact
stability requirements applicable to each
vessel, using a total weight of
passengers and crew carried, is based
upon an assumed average weight per
person determined in accordance with
paragraph (c) of § 170.090 of this title.
56. Revise § 171.050 to read as
§ 171.050 Passenger heel requirements for
a mechanically propelled or a nonselfpropelled vessel.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(c) of this section, each vessel must be
shown by design calculations in each
condition of loading and operation to
have a calculated angle of heel not
greater than 14 degrees or the angle of
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heel at which the deck edge is first
submerged, whichever is less. In any
condition of loading, the calculated
angle of heel is defined as the angle at
which the righting arm curve intersects
the heeling arm curve given by the
following equation:
Heeling arm = (W/D)(2/3)(b)(cos(T))
W/D = passenger fraction
W = total weight in long (metric) tons of
persons other than required crew,
including personal effects expected to be
carried on the vessel
D = displacement of the vessel in long
(metric) tons
b = distance in feet (meters) from the
centerline of the vessel to the geometric
center of the passenger deck to one side
of the centerline
T = angle of heel
(b) For the purpose of this section, a
vessel’s righting arm must be calculated
considering the vessel is permitted to
trim free until the trimming moment is
(c) A vessel that complies with the
requirements for passenger ships
contained in the International Code on
Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code)
(incorporated by reference; see
§ 171.012) need not comply with
paragraph (a) of this section. Vessels
complying with the 2008 IS Code must
use the assumed average weight per
person given according to § 170.090 to
be exempt from paragraph (a) of this
57. Add new § 171.052 to read as
§ 171.052 Passenger distribution
requirements for vessels of unusual
proportion and form.
(a) Vessels to which § 170.173 of this
title applies must also comply with the
requirements of paragraph (b) of this
(b) For a vessel with a passenger
fraction greater than 15 percent, and
with passengers distributed in the
accommodation area to produce the
most unfavorable combination of
passenger heeling moment and/or initial
metacentric height, the area under each
righting arm curve from the angle of
equilibrium to an angle of 40 degrees,
the downflooding angle, or the angle of
the maximum righting arm, whichever
is less, must not be less than:
(1) For exposed and partially
protected routes—
(i) 10 foot-degrees with 5 square feet
per person (2.15 persons per square
meter) assumed in the areas accessible
to passengers; and
(ii) 7 foot-degrees with 2 square feet
per person (5.38 persons per square
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meter) assumed in the areas accessible
to passengers; and
(2) For protected routes—
(i) 5 foot-degrees with 5 square feet
per person (2.15 persons per square
meter) assumed in the areas accessible
to passengers; and
(ii) 2 foot-degrees with 2 square feet
per person (5.38 persons per square
meter) assumed in the areas accessible
to passengers.
58. Add a heading for subpart C,
above § 171.060, to read as follows:
Subpart C—Subdivision and Damage
§ 171.060
59. In § 171.060(a), remove the words
‘‘or § 171.075 for Type III subdivision’’.
§ 171.065
60. In § 171.065(b)(2), remove the
second equation, ‘‘Y = (M + 2P) / (V +
P1¥P)’’ and add, in its place, the
equation ‘‘Y = (M + 2P1) / (V + P1¥P)’’.
§ 171.070
61. In § 171.070(e)(1) introductory
text, add the words ‘‘or the vessel makes
international voyages,’’ after the words
‘‘If the LBP of the vessel is 143 feet (43.5
meters) or more,’’.
§ 171.075
62. Remove § 171.075.
§ 171.080
63. Amend § 171.080 as follows:
a. In § 171.080 (f)(4)(i), remove ‘‘w =
passenger weight = 75 kilograms,’’ and
add, in its place, ‘‘w = passenger weight
used for calculations complying with
§ 170.090 of this title’’;
b. In § 171.080(f)(4)(ii)(A), remove the
words ‘‘Each passenger weighs 75
kilograms’’ and add, in their place, the
words ‘‘The weight of each passenger is
taken at the weight used for calculations
complying with § 170.090 of this title’’;
c. In the heading to paragraph (g),
after the word ‘‘vessels’’ add the words
‘‘constructed before January 1 2009’’,
and, in paragraph (g) text, after the
words ‘‘regulation 8’’ add the words ‘‘in
force on December 31, 2008
(incorporated by reference; see
§ 171.012)’’.
§ 171.082
64. Remove § 171.082.
65. The authority citation for part 172
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703, 5115; E.O.
12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
277; Department of Homeland Security
Delegation No. 0170.1.
69. Revise § 174.007 to read as
66. Revise § 172.020 to read as
§ 174.007
§ 172.020
Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated by
reference into this part with the
approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section,
the Coast Guard must publish a notice
of change in the Federal Register and
the material must be available to the
public. All approved material is
available for inspection at the National
Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). For information on the
availability of this material at NARA,
call 202–741–6030 or go to https://
ibr_locations.htm1. It is also available
for inspection at the Coast Guard, Office
of Design Engineering Standards, Naval
Architecture Division (CG–5212), 2100
Second Street, SW., Washington, DC
20593–0001, and is available from the
sources listed below.
(b) International Maritime
Organization (IMO), International
Maritime Organization, Publications
Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London
SE1 7SR, United Kingdom.
(1) Amendment to Chapter VI of the
International Convention for the Safety
of Life at Sea, 1960, Resolution
A.264(VIII), incorporation by reference
approved for § 172.015.
(2) Publication No. 240–E,
International Code for the Safe Carriage
of Grain in Bulk, incorporation by
reference approved for § 172.015.
(3) Regulation 27, annex I of MARPOL
73/78, incorporation by reference
approved for § 172.070.
67. Revise § 172.070 to read as
§ 172.070
Intact Stability.
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
All tank vessels of 5,000 DWT and
above, contracted after December 3,
2001, must comply with the intact
stability requirements of Regulation 27,
annex I of MARPOL 73/78 (incorporated
by reference; see § 172.020).
68. The authority citation for part 174
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 9118, 9119, 9153; 43
U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; E.O.
12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p.
277; Department of Homeland Security
Delegation No. 0170.1.
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Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated by
reference into this part with the
approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section,
the Coast Guard must publish a notice
of change in the Federal Register and
the material must be available to the
public. All approved material is
available for inspection at the National
Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). For information on the
availability of this material at NARA,
call 202–741–6030 or go to https://
ibr_locations.htm1. It is also available
for inspection at the Coast Guard, Office
of Design Engineering Standards, Naval
Architecture Division (CG–5212), 2100
Second Street SW., Washington, DC
20593–0001, and is available from the
sources listed below.
(b) American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) 100 Barr Harbor
Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428–
(1) ASTM F 1196–00, Standard
Specification for Sliding Watertight
Door Assemblies, incorporation by
reference approved for § 174.100.
(2) ASTM F 1197–00, Standard
Specification for Sliding Watertight
Door Control Systems, incorporation by
reference approved for § 174.100.
(c) International Maritime
Organization (IMO), International
Maritime Organization, Publications
Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London
SE1 7SR, United Kingdom.
(1) International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, and
its Protocol of 1988: articles, annexes
and certificates, as amended, chapter II–
1 (SOLAS chapter II–1), incorporation
by reference approved for § 174.360.
(2) [Reserved]
§ 174.100
70. In § 174.100—
a. Remove the term ‘‘ASTM F 1196’’
wherever it appears and, in its place,
add the term ‘‘ASTM F 1196–00’’, and
remove the term ‘‘ASTM F 1197’’
wherever it appears and, in its place,
add the term ‘‘ASTM F 1197–00’’; and
b. In paragraph (e)(3), remove the
words ‘‘(incorporated by reference, see
§ 174.007)’’ wherever they appear.
71. Revise § 174.360 to read as
§ 174.360
Each ship to which this subpart
applies must comply with the minimum
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standard of subdivision and damage
stability applicable to that ship under
SOLAS chapter II–1, (incorporated by
reference; see § 174.007) part B–1.
Compliance with the applicable
requirements must be demonstrated by
calculations and reflected in
information on loading restrictions,
such as a maximum height of the center
of gravity (KG) or minimum metacentric
height (GM) curve, that is part of the
stability information required by
§ 170.110 of this chapter.
72. Revise the authority citation for
part 175 to read as follows:
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3205, 3306,
3703; Pub. L. 103–206, 107 Stat. 2439; 49
U.S.C. App. 1804; Department of Homeland
Security Delegation No. 0170.1; § 175.900
also issued under 44 U.S.C. 3507.
73. In § 175.400, add new definitions
for ‘‘Total test weight’’ and ‘‘Variable
load’’ in alphabetical order to read as
§ 175.400 Definition of terms used in this
Total test weight means the weight
used to simulate heeling and trimming
moments when a simplified stability
test is performed in accordance with
§ 178.330 or § 178.340 of this title.
Variable load means the weight of all
items brought on board a vessel for
which explicit account is not made in
approved stability calculations,
including but not limited to, personal
effects, carry-on items, luggage,
wheelchairs, and sporting equipment.
74. Revise the authority citation for
part 176 to read as follows:
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(j); 46 U.S.C.
2103, 3205, 3306, 3307; 49 U.S.C. App. 1804;
E.O. 11735, 38 FR 21243, 3 CFR, 1971–1975
Comp., p. 743; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3
CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
75. In § 176.110, revise paragraphs
(d)(2) and (d)(3), and add paragraph
(d)(4) to read as follows:
§ 176.110
Routes permitted.
(d) * * *
(2) The performance capabilities of
the vessel based on design, scantlings,
stability, subdivision, propulsion,
speed, operating modes,
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
maneuverability, and other
(3) The suitability of the vessel for
nighttime operations; and
(4) The suitability of the vessel for all
environmental conditions.
76. Revise § 176.112 to read as
§ 176.112
Total persons permitted.
The cognizant OCMI determines the
total number of persons permitted to be
carried on a vessel. In determining the
total number of persons, the OCMI may
consider: The total weight of passengers,
crew, and variable loads; stability
restrictions and subdivision
requirements of the vessel; the vessel’s
route, general arrangement, means of
escape, and lifesaving equipment;
minimum manning requirements; and
the maximum number of passengers
permitted in accordance with § 176.113
of this title.
77. Add § 176.505 to subpart E to read
as follows:
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
§ 176.505
Stability verification.
(a) At each annual inspection and
subsequent inspection for certification,
the owner or operator of each new and
existing vessel must demonstrate—
(1) That the stability information
required under subpart B of part 178 of
this title has been re-examined and
confirmed to be appropriate for the
loading and service intended; and
(2) The means by which the master
complies with the requirements of
§ 185.315 of this title must be
(b) The owner or operator of each new
or existing vessel must verify, using
current vessel measurements, and to the
satisfaction of the OCMI, that the vessel
complies with the stability requirements
of this subchapter—
(1) Not more than ten years after the
date of the most recent verification
required by this paragraph or issuance
of stability information required by
§ 178.210 of this title; and,
(2) Following any modification or
alteration that may affect the validity of
the stability information required by
§ 178.210.
(c) For the purposes of paragraph (b)
of this section—
(1) If § 178.320 (e), (f), (g), or (h) of
this title is applicable, the verification
must include—
(i) Measurements with the vessel in a
condition that is the same as that used
in or documented when the most recent
simplified stability proof test specified
in paragraph (a) of either §§ 178.330 or
178.340 was performed;
(A) If § 178.330 of this title is
applicable, freeboard measurements; or
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(B) If § 178.340 of this title is
applicable, measurements of crosssectional area;
(ii) An assessment of the total test
weight regardless of the contract date of
the vessel according to § 178.330(a)(4) of
this title; and
(iii) A validation that the vessel
arrangement is substantially unchanged
from the date when the most recent
stability verification or simplified
stability proof test was performed;
(2) If § 178.310(a) or § 178.320(c) of
this title is applicable—
(i) Calculations necessary for the
verification must satisfy the
requirements of § 170.090 of this title
regardless of the contract date of the
(ii) The vessel measurements must
include a deadweight survey to verify
the lightweight displacement and
longitudinal center of gravity used to
show compliance with the requirements
of Subchapter S of this chapter; and,
(iii) If the results of a deadweight
survey show a deviation from the
lightweight displacement exceeding 2
percent, or a deviation of the
longitudinal center of gravity exceeding
1 percent of LBP as defined in § 170.055
of this title, then—
(A) A stability test must be conducted
in compliance with the requirements of
subpart F of part 170 of this title, except
that the test may not be dispensed with
on the basis of approved results of a
sister vessel; and
(B) The verification required by
paragraph (b) of this section must use
the newly determined lightweight
displacement and centers of gravity.
(3) If § 178.310 (c) or § 178.320 (d) of
this title applies, the scope of the
verification will be determined by the
Commanding Officer, Marine Safety
(d) The Commanding Officer, Marine
Safety Center or the cognizant OCMI,
whichever issued the vessel’s stability
information, may dispense with or
authorize a change or deferral of the
requirements of paragraph (b) of this
section when the vessel’s stability can
be adequately assessed by alternate
§ 176.610
78. In § 176.610, add two sentences to
the end of paragraph (a) to read as
§ 176.610 Scope of drydock and internal
structural examinations.
(a) * * * The accuracy of draft or
loading marks, if required by § 122.602,
must be verified. If stability information
includes any operating restrictions that
refer to draft or loading marks, the draft
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or loading marks must be confirmed to
correspond to that information.
§ 176.900
79. Amend § 176.900(a) as follows:
a. Add the words ‘‘is certificated for
or’’ after the word ‘‘which’’;
b. Remove the word ‘‘an,’’ and,
c. Remove the word ‘‘voyage’’ and
add, in its place, the word ‘‘voyages’’.
§ 176.910
80. Amend § 176.910(a) as follows:
a. Remove the word ‘‘issues’’ in the
second sentence and, add, in its place,
the words ‘‘authorizes the cognizant
OCMI to issue’’; and
b. In the last sentence, after the word
‘‘will’’, add the words ‘‘authorize the
cognizant OCMI to’’.
§ 176.920
81. In § 176.920(d), after the word
‘‘will’’ in the first sentence, and after the
word ‘‘Commandant’’ in the second
sentence, add the words ‘‘will authorize
the cognizant OCMI to’’.
§ 176.930
82. In § 176.930, in the last sentence
remove the words ‘‘Commandant will
indicate the’’ and, after the word
‘‘equivalent’’, add the words ‘‘must be
83. The authority citation for part 178
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 2103,
3306, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR,
1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
§ 178.115
84. In § 178.115, at the beginning of
the paragraph add the words ‘‘Except
where specifically stated otherwise,’’.
85. In § 178.210, revise the first
sentence of paragraphs (a) and (b),
revise paragraph (c), and add paragraph
(d) to read as follows:
§ 178.210
Stability information.
(a) Stability information (stability
details indicated on the Certificate of
Inspection, a stability letter, or a
stability booklet) is required on certain
vessels by paragraphs (b), (c), or (d) of
this section. * * *
(b) A vessel which, under § 178.310 of
this title, complies with requirements in
subchapter S of this chapter, must have
stability details on the vessel’s
Certificate of Inspection, a stability
letter issued by the cognizant Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI) or
the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Center, or an approved stability booklet.
* * *
(c) When necessary for safe operation,
the cognizant OCMI may place specific
stability restrictions in a stability letter
or on the Certificate of Inspection of a
vessel not more than 65 feet (19.8
meters) in length, which, under
§ 178.310 of this title, complies with the
requirements of § 178.320 of this title.
(d) A vessel that complies with
§ 178.320(b), and undergoes a stability
test in accordance with § 178.340, must
have a stability letter issued by the
Commanding Officer, Marine Safety
86. Add new § 178.215 to read as
§ 178.215
Weight of passengers and crew.
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
(a) This section applies to each vessel,
regardless of when constructed, for
which stability information is based on
the results of a simplified stability proof
(b) Except as provided in paragraph
(c) of this section, and if not provided
in the stability information required, the
owner of each vessel must provide the
master with the total test weight used in
the simplified stability proof test and
the number of passengers and crew
included in the total test weight.
Owners and masters must use a total
weight of passengers and crew carried
that is based upon an assumed average
weight per person determined in
accordance with paragraph (c) of
§ 178.330(a)(4) of this title.
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(c) The information specified in
paragraph (b) of this section need not be
provided if the owner attests that the
vessel complies with applicable intact
stability requirements when carrying the
number of passengers and crew
permitted by the Certificate of
Inspection with an assumed average
weight per person in accordance with
§ 178.330(a)(4) of this title.
87. In § 178.230, revise paragraphs (b)
introductory text and (b)(1), and add
paragraph (c) to read as follows:
§ 178.230 Stability letter or Certificate of
Inspection stability details.
(b) If § 178.210(c) applies, the
following information, and the
necessary calculations used to
determine that information, must be
submitted in accordance with paragraph
(a) of this section:
(1) Allowable weight and number of
passengers and crew on each deck;
(c) If § 178.210(b) applies, the
applicable information described in
subpart C of part 170 of this title, and
the calculations used to determine that
information, must be submitted in
addition to the applicable information
listed in paragraph (b) of this section.
88. Revise § 178.310 to read as
§ 178.310 Applicability based on vessel
characteristics and passenger capacity.
(a) Each vessel that is greater than 65
feet (19.8 meters) in length, carries more
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than 12 passengers on an international
voyage, or has more than one deck
above the bulkhead deck excluding the
pilot house must meet applicable intact
stability requirements in each condition
of loading and operation. These
requirements are contained in:
(1) Part 170 of this chapter, except
subparts G and H; and,
(2) Part 171 of this chapter, subparts
A and B.
(b) Each vessel must meet the
requirements of § 178.320 of this title if
the vessel:
(1) Is 65 feet (19.8 meters) in length
or less;
(2) Carries not more than 12
passengers on an international voyage;
(3) Does not have more than one deck
above the bulkhead deck or, for a vessel
without a bulkhead deck, does not have
more than one deck above the deck from
which freeboard is measured excluding
a pilot house.
(c) In lieu of the requirements in
paragraph (a) of this section, a vessel
may meet another stability standard
approved by the Commanding Officer,
Marine Safety Center.
(d) The requirements of this section
and §§ 178.320 and 178.325 are
graphically represented in Figure
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
89. Revise § 178.320 to read as
§ 178.320
Intact stability requirements.
(a) A simplified stability proof test in
accordance with § 178.330 or § 178.340,
as appropriate, is conducted to
determine if a vessel, as built and
operated, has a minimum level of initial
stability. Failing the simplified test does
not necessarily mean that the vessel
lacks stability for the intended route,
service, and operating condition, but
that calculations or other methods must
be used to evaluate the stability of the
(b) Except as provided by paragraph
(i) of this section, each vessel must
comply with paragraph (c), (d), (e), (f),
(g), or (h) of this section. The cognizant
OCMI may require the vessel to meet the
requirements of paragraph (c) of this
(c) A vessel, in each condition of
loading and operation, may meet the
applicable intact stability requirements
(1) Part 170 of this chapter, except
subparts G and H; and,
(2) Part 171 of this chapter, subparts
A and B.
(d) In lieu of the requirements in
paragraph (a) of this section, a vessel
may meet another stability standard
approved by the Commanding Officer,
Marine Safety Center.
(e) A non-sailing monohull vessel
may undergo a simplified stability proof
test in accordance with § 178.330 of this
title in the presence of a Coast Guard
marine inspector if the vessel does not
have tumblehome at the deck, measured
amidships, that exceeds two percent of
the beam.
(f) A non-sailing, flush deck
catamaran carrying not more than 49
passengers may undergo a simplified
stability proof test in the presence of a
Coast Guard marine inspector, in
accordance with § 178.330 of this title,
if the vessel does not have tumblehome
at the deck, measured amidships, that
exceeds two percent of the beam, and
the vessel is not a pontoon vessel.
(g) A self-propelled multihull vessel
may undergo a pontoon simplified
stability proof test in the presence of a
Coast Guard marine inspector, in
accordance with § 178.340 of this title,
if the vessel satisfies the requirements
listed in paragraphs (g)(1) through (9) of
this section:
(1) The vessel carries not more than
49 passengers and does not make
international voyages;
(2) The vessel is constructed with
only one deck;
(3) The buoyant hull volume consists
of two symmetric, fully enclosed hulls;
(4) The cross section of each hull is
circular or of wall-sided construction
without tumblehome, and constant for
at least 90 percent of the length of the
(5) The hulls contain no machinery or
(6) The portion of the deck accessible
to passengers does not extend beyond—
(i) The outboard edge of the hulls,
(ii) The forward or the aft end of the
(7) There is no deck more than 6
inches (0.15 meters) above any point on
any of the buoyant hulls;
(8) The distance between the
centerlines of the hulls is not less than
6 feet (1.83 meters); and,
(9) Each hull has a beam or diameter,
as applicable, of not less than 2 feet
(0.61 meters).
(h) A monohull sailing vessel may
meet the requirements of § 178.325 of
this title if it satisfies the following
seven requirements:
(1) The vessel does not operate on
exposed waters;
(2) The vessel only operates during
the daylight hours;
(3) The vessel is of the usual type, rig,
and hull form, excluding vessels
without a weathertight deck, such as
open boats;
(4) The vessel carries not more than
49 passengers and does not make
international voyages;
(5) The vessel is not a sailing school
vessel that carries a combined total of
six or more sailing school students or
(6) The minimum downflooding angle
is greater than 60 degrees; and,
(7) The vessel does not have a cockpit
greater than 20 percent of the Length
Over Deck.
(i) For a vessel that carries not more
than 49 passengers and carries no deck
cargo, the cognizant OCMI may:
(1) Dispense with the requirements of
the simplified stability proof test in
§ 178.330, when the vessel’s stability
can be adequately assessed by alternate
means, which include, but are not
limited to, the form, arrangement,
construction, number of decks, route,
and operating restrictions of the vessel;
(2) Authorize a change in the
requirements of the simplified stability
proof test in § 178.330, when necessary
to adequately assess the vessel’s
stability; or
(3) In lieu of conducting a simplified
stability proof test, perform operational
tests to determine whether the vessel
has adequate stability and satisfactory
handling characteristics for protected
waters and/or partially protected waters.
(j) The requirements of this section
and §§ 178.310 and 178.325 are
graphically represented in Table
This table summarizes the criteria applicable to a vessel described in § 178.310 (b). These criteria are:
1. Vessel length less than or equal to 65 feet;
2. Not more than 12 passengers carried on an international voyage;
3. Not more than 150 passengers carried on a domestic voyage; and
4. Vessel does not have more than one deck above the bulkhead deck, excluding a pilot house.
A vessel for which a simplified stability proof test is not appropriate must meet criteria contained in 46 CFR Subchapter S or a standard approved by the MSC, unless § 178.320 (i) is applicable.
Propulsion type ........................................................................................
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
Number of hulls ........................................................................................
Number of Passengers ............................................................................
Applicable Proof Test:
§ 178.330 ..........................................................................................
§ 178.340 (PSST) .............................................................................
MSC approved standard:
§ 178.310 (c) .....................................................................................
OCMI determined standard or dispenses with proof test ........................
46 CFR Subchapter S criteria:
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Note 1
Note 1
Note 2
Note 2
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Part 170, subpart C ‘‘Plan Approval’’ ...............................................
Part 170, subpart E ‘‘Intact Stability’’:
§ 170.170 ‘‘Weather criteria’’ ............................................................
§ 170.173 ‘‘Criterion for vessels of unusual proportion and form’’ ...
Part 170, subpart F ‘‘Determination of Lightweight Displacement
and Centers of Gravity’’ ................................................................
Part 171, subpart B ‘‘Intact Stability:
§ 171.050 (passenger heel) ..............................................................
§ 171.052 (passenger distribution) ...................................................
§ 171.055 (monohull sailing) .............................................................
§ 171.057 (sailing catamaran) ..........................................................
Note 1: See § 178.320 (f) and § 178.320 (g).
Note 2: See § 178.320 (i).
90. Revise § 178.325 to read as
§ 178.325 Intact stability requirements for
a monohull sailing vessel.
(a) A monohull sailing vessel may
undergo a simplified stability proof test
in accordance with § 178.330 of this title
in the presence of a Coast Guard marine
(b) A sailing vessel that operates on
partially protected waters must be
equipped with a self-bailing cockpit.
(c) The Commanding Officer, Marine
Safety Center may prescribe additional
or different stability requirements for a
broad, shallow draft vessel with little or
no ballast outside the hull.
91. In § 178.330, revise paragraphs (a),
(b), and (d)(6), and add paragraph (d)(7),
to read as follows:
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
§ 178.330
Simplified stability proof test
(a) A vessel must be in the condition
specified in this paragraph when a
simplified stability proof test is
(1) The construction of the vessel is
complete in all respects.
(2) Ballast, if necessary, is in
compliance with § 178.510 and is on
board and in place.
(3) Each fuel and water tank is
approximately three-quarters full.
(4) A weight equal to the total weight
of all passengers, crew, and variable
loads permitted on the vessel is on
board and distributed so as to provide
normal operating trim and to simulate
the vertical center of gravity, causing the
least stable condition that is likely to
occur in service. The assumed average
weight per person of passengers and
crew must be representative of the
passengers and crew on board the vessel
while engaged in the service intended.
Unless the cognizant OCMI permits or
requires the use of other values in
writing, weight and vertical center of
gravity are to be assumed as follows:
(i) The weight of primary lifesaving
equipment should be simulated at its
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normal location, if not on board at the
time of the test.
(ii) The assumed average weight per
person is determined as provided by
§ 170.090 of this title.
(iii) The weight and associated
vertical center of gravity of variable
loads must be included as appropriate
for the service intended and
documented in the stability information
required by subpart B of this part.
(iv) The vertical center for the total
test weight must be at least 30 inches
(760 millimeters) above the deck for
seated passengers, and at least 39 inches
(1.0 meter) above the deck for standing
(v) If the vessel carries passengers on
diving excursions, the total weight of
diving gear must be included in the
loaded condition and placed in its
stowed position. Not less than 80
pounds (36.3 kilograms) should be
assumed for each person for which
diving gear is provided.
(vi) On vessels having one upper deck
above the main deck available to
passengers, the weight distribution must
not be less severe than the following:
Total Test Weight (W) = ll
Passenger Capacity of Upper Deck: ll
Weight on Upper Deck = (Number of
Passengers on Upper Deck) × (Wt per
Passenger) × 1.33
Weight on Main Deck = Total Test
Weight ¥ Weight on Upper Deck
(5) All non-return closures on cockpit
scuppers or on weather deck drains
must be kept open during the test.
(b) A vessel must not exceed the
limitations in paragraph (d) of this
section, when subjected to the greater of
the following heeling moments:
Mp = (W) (Bp)/6; or,
Mw = (P) (A) (H)
Mp = passenger heeling moment in footpounds (kilogram-meters);
W = the total weight of persons other than
required crew, plus the personal effects
of those persons expected to be carried
while aboard the vessel (total test
weight) in pounds (meters);
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4702
Bp = the maximum transverse distance in feet
(meters) of a deck that is accessible to
A = Area, in square feet (square meters), of
the projected lateral surface of the vessel
above the waterline (including the hull,
superstructure, cargo, masts, area
bounded by railings and canopies, but
not protruding fixed objects such as
antennas or running rigging).
(d) * * *
(6) On a non-sailing flush deck
catamaran that is propelled by
mechanical means, not more than onethird of the freeboard or one-third of the
draft, whichever is less, may be
(7) In no case may the angle of heel
exceed 14 degrees.
92. Revise § 178.340 to read as
§ 178.340 Pontoon Simplified Stability
Proof Test (PSST).
(a) A multihull pontoon vessel
meeting the applicability requirements
of § 178.330(b) and (e) must be in the
condition described in § 178.330(a) of
this part when the simplified stability
test is performed, except that fuel and
water tanks should be filled to 100%
capacity. Any sewage tanks should be
empty or full. If sewage tanks are empty,
the weight of full sewage tanks should
be simulated by use of additional
stationary weight.
(b) A multihull pontoon vessel must
not exceed the limitations in paragraph
(c) of this section when subjected to the
greater of the following heeling
Mpc = (W) (Bp¥K)/2; or,
Mw = (P) (A) (H)
Mpc = passenger and crew heeling moment in
foot-pounds (kilogram-meters);
W = the total weight of persons aboard (total
test weight) in pounds (kilograms);
Bp = the maximum transverse distance of the
deck accessible to passengers in feet
K = 2.0 feet (0.61 meters);
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
buoyant hull must not be submerged at
any location, as indicated in Figure
178.340(d)(2), with the total test weight
(W) located on the centerline and
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not protruding fixed objects such as
antennas or running rigging); and
H = Height, in feet (meters), of the center of
area (A) above the waterline, measured
up from the waterline.
PO 00000
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without consideration of the crossstructure area on that side, must be
equal or greater than—
(1) The cross sectional area
submerged due to the load shift (for an
example, see Figure 178.340(d)(1)); and,
(2) One-quarter of the cross-sectional
area on one hull.
positioned as far forward or aft on the
deck as practicable, whichever position
results in the least freeboard.
(c) With the appropriate heeling
moment applied to the most adversely
affected side of the vessel, the remaining
exposed cross sectional area of the hull,
(d) A multihull vessel must also be
tested to determine whether trimming
moments will submerge the bow or
stern of the buoyant hull. The top of any
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
Mw = Wind heeling moment in foot-pounds
P = Wind pressure of 7.5 pounds/square foot
(36.6 kilograms/square meter);
A = Area, in square feet (square meters), of
the projected lateral surface of the vessel
above the waterline (including the hull,
superstructure, cargo, masts, area
bounded by railings and canopies, but
93. The authority citation for part 179
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 2103,
3306, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR,
1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
94. Add new § 179.15 to subpart A to
read as follows:
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
§ 179.15
Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated by
reference into this part with the
approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section,
the Coast Guard must publish a notice
of change in the Federal Register and
the material must be available to the
public. All approved material is
available for inspection at the National
Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). For information on the
availability of this material at NARA,
call 202–741–6030 or go to https://
ibr_locations.htm1. It is also available
for inspection at the Coast Guard, Office
of Design Engineering Standards, Naval
Architecture Division (CG–5212), 2100
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Second Street, SW., Washington, DC
20593–0001, and is available from the
sources listed in paragraph (b) of this
(b) International Maritime
Organization (IMO), International
Maritime Organization, Publications
Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London
SE1 7SR, United Kingdom.
(1) International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, and
its Protocol of 1988: articles, annexes
and certificates, as amended, chapter II–
1 (SOLAS chapter II–1), incorporation
by reference approved for § 179.212.
(2) [Reserved]
95. Revise § 179.212 to read as
§ 179.212 Watertight bulkheads for
(a) Each passenger vessel of not
greater than 65 feet (19.8 meters) in
length must comply with paragraph (b)
of this section if it:
(1) Carries more than 49 passengers;
(2) Is constructed of wood on or after
March 11, 2001, and operates in cold
(b) Except as provided in paragraph
(d) of this section, each passenger vessel
to which paragraph (a) of this section
applies must comply with:
(1) The Type II subdivision
requirements of §§ 171.070 through
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4702
171.073 in subchapter S of this chapter,
if the vessel complies with either of the
(i) Applicable intact stability
requirements contained in subchapter S
of this title; or,
(ii) Another stability standard
determined by the Commanding Officer,
Marine Safety Center; or,
(2) Section 179.220 of this part, if the
vessel undergoes a simplified stability
proof test in accordance with § 178.330
of this title.
(c) Except as provided in paragraph
(d) of this section, each passenger vessel
of greater than 65 feet (19.8 meters) in
length, or a vessel constructed before 1
January 2009 that is certificated to carry
more than 12 passengers on an
international voyage, must comply with
the Type II subdivision requirements of
§§ 171.070 through 171.073 in
subchapter S of this chapter.
(d) Each passenger vessel constructed
on or after January 1, 2009, and issued
a SOLAS Passenger Ship Safety
Certificate, must meet the applicable
requirements of SOLAS chapter II–1
(incorporated by reference; see § 179.15)
instead of the requirements of paragraph
(b) or (c) of this section. For the
purposes of this section, the applicable
requirements of SOLAS chapter II–1 are
equivalent to the requirements of
paragraph (b) or (c) of this section.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Proposed Rules
96. In § 179.220—
a. In table 179.220(a) and in note 1 to
table 179.220(a), remove the term ‘‘d’’
wherever it occurs and, in its place, add
the term ‘‘x’’; and,
b. Add paragraph (c) to read as
§ 179.220 Location of watertight bulkheads
for subdivision.
(c) Calculations needed to
demonstrate compliance with
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section
must be submitted to, and approved by,
the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety
97. The authority citation for part 185
continues to read as follows:
dwashington3 on PRODPC61 with PROPOSALS2
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3306, 6101; E.O.
12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p.
277; Department of Homeland Security
Delegation No. 0170.1.
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98. In § 185.304, revise paragraph
(a)(3) and add paragraph (b) to read as
avoid overloading the vessel, the master
must take into account the total weight
of passengers, crew, and variable loads.
§ 185.304
§ 185.602
Navigation underway.
(a) * * *
(3) Prevailing and forecasted visibility
and environmental conditions,
including wind and waves;
(b) Masters of vessels not greater than
65 feet (19.8 meters) in length must have
means available, satisfactory to the
OCMI, to obtain or monitor the latest
marine broadcast in order to comply
with the requirements of paragraph (a)
of this section.
99. In § 185.315, designate the
existing paragraph as paragraph (a) and
add paragraph (b) to read as follows:
§ 185.315 Verification of vessel
compliance with applicable stability
(a) * * *
(b) In order to fulfill the requirements
of paragraph (a) of this section and
PO 00000
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100. Amend § 185.602 as follows:
a. In paragraph (b) introductory text,
remove the words ‘‘that fits into any one
of the following categories:’’ and add, in
their place, the words ‘‘to which
§ 178.310(a)(2) of this title applies.’’;
b. Remove paragraphs (b)(1) through
(b)(3); and
c. In paragraph (c), remove the words
‘‘that complies with the stability
requirements of §§ 170.170, 170.173,
171.050, 171.055, and 171.057 of this
chapter or in accordance with § 178.310
of this chapter,’’.
Dated: August 4, 2008.
Brian M. Salerno,
Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard Assistant
Comandant for Marine Safety, Security and
[FR Doc. E8–18791 Filed 8–19–08; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 162 (Wednesday, August 20, 2008)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 49244-49275]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-18791]
[[Page 49243]]
Part II
Department of Homeland Security
Coast Guard
46 CFR Parts 71, 114, 115 et al.
Passenger Weight and Inspected Vessel Stability Requirements; Proposed
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 162 / Wednesday, August 20, 2008 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 49244]]
Coast Guard
46 CFR Parts 71, 114, 115, 122, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 178,
179, and 185
[Docket No. USCG-2007-0030]
RIN 1625-AB20
Passenger Weight and Inspected Vessel Stability Requirements
AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Coast Guard proposes to amend its regulations governing
the stability of passenger vessels and the maximum number of passengers
that may safely be permitted on board a vessel. The average American
weighs significantly more than the assumed average weight per person
utilized in current regulations, and the maximum number of persons
permitted on a vessel is determined by several factors, including an
assumed average weight for each passenger. Updating regulations to more
accurately reflect today's average weight per person will maintain
intended safety levels by taking this weight increase into account. The
Coast Guard is also taking this opportunity to clarify and update
intact stability and subdivision and damage stability regulations.
DATES: Comments and related material must reach the Docket Management
Facility on or before November 18, 2008. Comments sent to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) on collection of information must reach OMB
before November 18, 2008.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments identified by Coast Guard docket
number USCG-2007-0030 to the Docket Management Facility at the U.S.
Department of Transportation. To avoid duplication, please use only one
of the following methods:
(1) Online:
(2) Mail: Docket Management Facility (M-30), U.S. Department of
Transportation, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001.
(3) Hand delivery: Room W12-140 on the Ground Floor of the West
Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590, between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The
telephone number is 202-366-9329.
(4) Fax: 202-493-2251.
You must also send comments on collection of information to the
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget. To ensure that the comments are received on time, the preferred
method is by e-mail at or fax at 202-395-
6566. The subject line should include the docket number (USCG-2007-
0030) and say ATTN: Desk Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, DHS. An alternate,
though slower, method is by U.S. mail to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, 725 17th Street,
NW., Washington, DC 20503, Attn: Desk Officer, U.S. Coast Guard.
You may inspect the material proposed for incorporation by
reference at room 1308, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, 2100 Second
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20593-0001 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The telephone number is
202-372-1372. Copies of the material are available as indicated in the
``Incorporation by Reference'' section of this preamble.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions on this proposed
rule, call Mr. William Peters, U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Design
Engineering Standards, Naval Architecture Division (CG-5212), telephone
202-372-1371. If you have questions on viewing or submitting material
to the docket, call Ms. Renee V. Wright, Program Manager, Docket
Operations, telephone 202-366-9826.
Table of Contents for the Preamble
I. Public Participation and Request for Comments
A. Submitting Comments
B. Viewing Comments and Documents
C. Privacy Act
D. Public Meeting
E. Technical Review by Society of Naval Architects and Marine
II. List of Acronyms
III. List of Terms
IV. Background and Purpose
V. Discussion of Proposed Rule
A. Vessel Stability
Part One--Explanation
Part Two--Analysis
Part Three--Assessment Methodology
B. Weight of Passengers and Crew
C. Notes on Pontoon Vessels
D. SOLAS and Resolution A.265
E. Corrections, Clarifications, and Updates
F. American Bureau of Shipping
G. Discussion of Proposed Amendments by Section
VI. Incorporation by Reference
VII. Regulatory Analyses
A. Regulatory Planning and Review
B. Small Entities
Number of Small Entities Affected
Types of Entities Affected
Other Federal Rules
Regulatory Alternatives
C. Assistance for Small Entities
D. Collection of Information
E. Federalism
F. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
G. Taking of Private Property
H. Civil Justice Reform
I. Protection of Children
J. Indian Tribal Governments
K. Energy Effects
L. Technical Standards
M. Environment
I. Public Participation and Request for Comments
We encourage you to participate in this rulemaking by submitting
comments and related materials. All comments received will be posted,
without change, to and will include any
personal information you have provided. We have an agreement with the
Department of Transportation (DOT) to use the Docket Management
Facility. Please see DOT's ``Privacy Act'' paragraph below.
A. Submitting Comments
If you submit a comment, please include the docket number for this
rulemaking (USCG-2007-0030), indicate the specific section of this
document to which each comment applies, and give the reason for each
comment. We recommend that you include your name and a mailing address,
an e-mail address, or a phone number in the body of your document so
that we can contact you if we have questions regarding your submission.
You may submit your comments and material by electronic means, mail,
fax, or delivery to the Docket Management Facility at the address under
ADDRESSES; but please submit your comments and material by only one
means. If you submit them by mail or delivery, submit them in an
unbound format, no larger than 8\1/2\ by 11 inches, suitable for
copying and electronic filing. If you submit them by mail and would
like to know that they reached the Facility, please enclose a stamped,
self-addressed postcard or envelope. We will consider all comments and
material received during the comment period. We may change this
proposed rule in view of them.
B. Viewing Comments and Documents
To view comments, as well as documents mentioned in this preamble
as being available in the docket, go to at
any time. Enter the docket number for this rulemaking (USCG-2007-0030)
in the Search box and click ``Go >>.'' You may also visit the Docket
[[Page 49245]]
Facility in Room W12-140 on the ground floor of the DOT West Building,
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
C. Privacy Act
Anyone can search the electronic form of all comments received into
any of our dockets by the name of the individual submitting the comment
(or signing the comment, if submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You may review the Department of
Transportation's Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register
published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477), or you may visit https://
D. Public Meeting
We do not now plan to hold a public meeting. But you may submit a
request for one to the Docket Management Facility at the address under
ADDRESSES explaining why one would be beneficial. If we determine that
one would aid this rulemaking, we will hold one at a time and place
announced by a later notice in the Federal Register.
E. Technical Review by Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
An ad hoc panel of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine
Engineers (SNAME) has reviewed reports delivered to the Coast Guard by
BMT Designers and Planners and CSC Advanced Marine Center and provided
technical advice concerning vessel stability and increased passenger
weight. SNAME is a nonprofit, professional society, and the panel's 28
experienced naval architects are able to provide technical peer review
from a broad cross-section of the designers, builders and operators of
passenger vessels. The Charter for Ad Hoc Panel 15 on Loading Criteria
for People Aboard Passenger Vessels and a memorandum from the panel's
chairman to the Coast Guard concerning the Phase 1 Impact Analysis
Report from BMT Designers and Planners are available in the docket at A list of the panel's members and
information about their meetings is available at
committees/tech_ops/O44/passenger/activity-15.html. The Coast Guard
will make any additional reports from the ad hoc panel available to the
public by posting them to the docket.
II. List of Acronyms
2008 IS Code International Code on Intact Stability, 2008
ABS American Bureau of Shipping
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
COI Certificate of Inspection
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DOT Department of Transportation
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
EO Executive Order
FR Federal Register
GM Metacentric height
LBP Length Between Perpendiculars
LCG Longitudinal Center of Gravity
MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
MSC Marine Safety Center
NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
MISLE Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement
NAICS North American Industry Classification System
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
OCMI Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PSSC Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
PSST Pontoon Simplified Stability Proof Test
SBA United States Small Business Administration
SNAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
SST Simplified Stability Proof Test
U.S.C. United States Code
VCG Vertical Center of Gravity
III. List of Terms
Angle of heel means the angle of the vessel's centerline to the
upright when the vessel is inclined.
Deadweight survey: See lightweight survey.
Draft means the vertical distance from the bottom of the hull
(i.e., the keel) or another point that protrudes below the hull to the
Exposed waters generally means more than 20 nautical miles from a
harbor of safe refuge.
Flush deck means any continuous, unbroken deck from stem to stern.
Freeboard means the vertical distance from the deck edge to the
waterline. A decrease in freeboard (i.e. reduced freeboard) corresponds
to an increase in draft.
Heel is the degree to which a ship leans transversely as a result
of variable and dynamic external forces.
Heeling moment is generally a force acting through a distance that
causes a vessel to roll or heel to one side. A heeling moment that is
larger than the vessel's righting ability can cause the vessel to
overturn or capsize. Coast Guard requirements limit the amount of heel
a vessel can have when wind or passenger movement causes the heeling
Inclining or stability test is a methodical process that involves
moving a series of known weights on a vessel and measuring the
resulting change in the equilibrium heel angle to determine the
vessel's stability characteristics.
Intact stability generally means the stability properties of a
vessel without any damage to its watertight buoyancy volume.
Length between perpendiculars (LBP) means the length of the summer
load waterline from the vessel's stern post to the point where it
crosses the vessel's stem.
Lightship displacement or lightweight means the weight of a vessel
that is complete in all respects, but without consumables, stores,
cargo, passengers, crew, and their effects, and without any liquids on
board except fixed ballast and machinery and piping fluids, such as
lubricants and hydraulics, which are at operating levels.
Lightweight survey is a part of the stability test that determines
any changes in lightship displacement and longitudinal center of
gravity (LCG). It involves taking an audit of all items that should be
added, deducted, or relocated on a vessel so that the observed
condition of the vessel can be adjusted to the lightship condition.
Often referred to as a deadweight survey.
Longitudinal center of gravity (LCG) means the location along the
vessel's length at which the total weight of the vessel may be assumed
to act.
Master means a person holding a valid license that authorizes that
person to serve as a master of a passenger vessel.
Open boat means a vessel not protected from entry of water by means
of a complete weathertight deck.
Operator means the person or entity who provides operational
instructions to and receives reports from the master of the vessel and
is responsible for the vessel's maintenance and repair, schedule of
operations, crewing, etc.
Owner means the person or entity holding title to the vessel.
Partially protected waters generally means not more than 20
nautical miles from a harbor of safe refuge.
Passenger heel refers to the heeling moment that occurs when
passengers move to one side of the vessel's centerline, causing the
vessel to roll, or heel.
Pontoon vessel generally means any vessel having two or more sealed
hulls, which are structurally independent and detachable from the
vessel's deck or cross structure.
[[Page 49246]]
Protected waters generally means sheltered waters that present no
special hazards.
Sailing vessel means a vessel that is propelled by wind, using
Subdivision and damage stability refers to the stability
characteristics of a vessel when damaged, generally focusing on
flooding of watertight compartments.
Vertical center of gravity (VCG) means the height above the keel at
which the total weight of the vessel may be assumed to act.
Vessel stability refers to the tendency of a ship to remain upright
or return to upright when inclined by forces that are caused by the
action of waves, wind, passenger movement, etc.
Waterplane means the horizontal area obtained from the intersection
of the ship's hull with the water's surface at a particular draft. The
waterplane area is used to calculate how much immersion will be caused
by additional weight.
Wind heel refers to the heeling moment caused when the wind acts on
the lateral area of the vessel above the waterline and causes the
vessel to roll, or heel.
IV. Background and Purpose
The total number of persons permitted on a passenger vessel,
inspected and certificated under 46 CFR Subchapters H, K or T, is
limited by a number of different design factors, one of which is
stability. Stability requirements include intact stability for almost
all vessels, as well as subdivision and damage stability generally for
any vessel carrying more than 49 passengers and all vessels over 65
feet in length. This NPRM is intended to clarify and update both intact
stability and subdivision and damage stability regulations, primarily
related to the carriage of passengers for hire, and to update the
weight per person used for all vessels. The intent of this rulemaking
is to ensure that each vessel operates without being overloaded.
The overall good safety record of the passenger vessel industry
reflects safety factors inherent in the stability requirements applied
to passenger vessels. Increasing the passenger weight to reflect
current data will help ensure that the safety margins included in our
regulations remain valid.
These safety margins operate in two ways. The first is through
intact stability, which generally relates to the stability of a vessel
in normal operation. The second is through subdivision and damage
stability, which generally relates to the stability of a vessel in an
emergency involving a flooded condition.
A vessel's stability information, including any restrictions on
route and the number of passengers permitted, is provided to the vessel
operator most often in the form of a stability letter issued by the
Coast Guard's Marine Safety Center (MSC), and/or a Coast Guard
Certificate of Inspection (COI) issued by the Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection (OCMI). When both are provided, restrictions on the COI
govern. The COI is issued after the vessel's stability has been
evaluated in one of two ways:
For vessels greater than 65 feet in length, stability is evaluated
through detailed design calculations--submitted to the MSC--that
produce the vessel's stability requirements. This process, which takes
into account the assumed total weight of persons on board, is described
in 46 CFR, subchapter S, parts 170 and 171.
Vessels not greater than 65 feet in length normally undergo a
performance test conducted in the presence of the OCMI, instead of
submitting design stability calculations to the MSC (46 CFR part 178).
This performance test, which also takes into account the assumed total
weight of persons on board, is either a simplified stability proof test
(SST) or, if the vessel is a pontoon vessel, a pontoon simplified
stability proof test (PSST). The SST is intended to evaluate monohull
vessels, and the PSST is intended to evaluate pontoon vessels operating
on protected waters. For ease of discussion, we will use the term SST
in this preamble to describe any simplified stability proof test.
Vessels to which these tests do not apply may need to be evaluated
through design calculations to show that they meet intact stability
requirements. Alternately, a vessel might satisfy stability
requirements by complying with a standard acceptable to the Commanding
Officer, Marine Safety Center. Finally, simplified subdivision
calculations may be necessary for some vessels not greater than 65 feet
in length.
To arrive at a total assumed weight of persons on board for
calculating stability, an assumed average weight per person is used.
Section 178.330 of Title 46 of the CFR specifies that the assumed
average weight per person is 160 pounds, except that vessels operating
exclusively on protected waters and carrying a mix of men, women, and
children may use an average weight of 140 pounds per person. These
weights were established in the 1960s.
In a report issued in October 2004, the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) concluded that the average weight of an individual
in the United States has increased dramatically in the last 40 years,
with the greatest increase seen in adults. (The report, Advance Data
From Vital Health Statistics Mean Body Weight, Height, and Body Mass
Index, United States 1960-2002, No. 347, October 27, 2004, is available
in the docket.) This increase in passenger and crew weight can have an
adverse effect on the stability of passenger vessels due to several
factors, including increased vertical center of gravity, reduced
freeboard, and increased passenger heeling moment.
On December 20, 2004, the National Transportation Safety Board
(NTSB) issued Safety Recommendation M-04-04 (available in the docket),
which included findings that the current 140 pound per person weight
allowance for operations on protected waters does not reflect actual
loading conditions. The NTSB recommended that the Coast Guard revise
its guidance to OCMIs for determining the maximum passenger capacity of
small passenger pontoon vessels either by: (1) Dividing the vessel's
SST weight by 174 pounds per person; or (2) restricting the actual
cumulative weight of passengers and crew to the vessel's SST weight. In
correspondence to the NTSB dated April 7, 2005 (available in the
docket), the Coast Guard concurred that the average weight per person
used in SSTs needed to be updated, and noted that an internal Coast
Guard study identified the same issue. That study, which is entitled
Study of Effects on Commercial Passenger Vessels Due to Weight
Standards, is available in the docket.
This notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) follows notices to the
public, published in the Federal Register on April 26, 2006 (71 FR
24732) and November 2, 2006 (71 FR 64546), recommending voluntary
interim measures for passenger vessels to follow while the Coast Guard
studied the issue of increased passenger weight. In summary, those
voluntary measures advised pontoon vessels and other small passenger
vessels to (1) more stringently monitor wind and wave conditions prior
to departure and (2) begin using 185 pounds as the new assumed average
weight per person when calculating passenger capacity. A discussion of
how 185 pounds was chosen is contained in the April 26, 2006 notice and
in the discussion of Sec. 170.090 in this preamble.
At last count, the Docket Management Facility received 108 comments
from the public in response to those notices. They are posted for
public view at under docket number USCG-
2007-0030, and
[[Page 49247]]
can be viewed by following the directions in the ``Viewing comments and
documents'' section of this preamble. We will respond to those
comments, together with comments received in response to this NPRM,
when we publish an effective rule.
Finally, this proposed rule is an opportunity to identify where
corrections, clarifications, and updates need to be made to existing
regulations. These proposed changes, which would include changes in
international requirements, will be discussed in greater detail later
in this preamble, under ``Corrections, Clarifications, and Updates.''
V. Discussion of Proposed Rule
For easier reference, we have divided this discussion into the
following topics: A. Vessel Stability; B. Weight of Passengers and
Crew; C. Notes on Pontoon Vessels; D. SOLAS and Resolution A.265; E.
Corrections, Clarifications, and Updates; F. American Bureau of
Shipping; and G. Discussion of Proposed Amendments by Section.
A. Vessel Stability
An increase in passenger and crew weight will typically have an
adverse effect on vessel stability. Whether or not such additional
weight would result in non-compliance of a vessel with applicable
stability criteria depends upon the amount and location of the
additional weight, the degree by which the vessel demonstrated
compliance with the stability criteria previously, and which of the
criteria was limiting, if any.
Historically, a margin of safety has been built into the
requirements for both intact stability and subdivision and damage
stability. The standards for intact stability criteria are generally
designed to provide vessels with adequate ability to resist overturning
heeling moments, such as those caused by wind or passenger weight
shifting to one side. Standards for subdivision and damage stability
are designed to address the worst case loading conditions and certain
flooding scenarios that could occur as a result of accidental damage.
Although intact stability and subdivision and damage stability
standards address different stability risks, we believe that these two
stability standards together are responsible in part for the good
safety record of the passenger vessel industry. Therefore, we are
proposing that intact stability and subdivision and damage stability
requirements utilize an updated assumed average weight per person.
We also propose adding more specific requirements for a vessel
owner or operator to show that the vessel meets intact stability and
subdivision and damage stability standards, including provisions
accounting for possible changes in vessel and weight per person. These
requirements will improve a master's ability to meet stability criteria
for the intended service and also avoid overloading the vessel.
Additionally, to help ensure that vessels maintain the intended
safety levels after initial certification, we would clarify the
requirement that stability information be checked at each annual
inspection or COI renewal to confirm that it is still valid for the
loading and service intended.
Finally, we propose requiring stability verification--including
calculations--at least every ten years.
We propose detailing these requirements in new sections that would
be added to each of the three subchapters that address the inspection
of passenger vessels. The new sections, entitled ``Stability
Verification,'' would be added at Sec. 71.25-50 in subchapter H, Sec.
115.505 in subchapter K, and Sec. 176.505 in subchapter T (all of
which are contained in chapter I, Title 46 of the CFR). Each new
section would be comprised of paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d).
So that owners, operators, and OCMIs may clearly understand these
requirements, how we intend to implement them, and the analyses upon
which they are based, a discussion in three parts is given below:
``Part One--Explanation'' describes the purpose and intent behind
each of the paragraphs--(a), (b), (c), and (d)--in the proposed new
``Stability Verification'' sections.
``Part Two--Analysis'' describes the process whereby the Coast
Guard developed an assessment methodology for prioritizing the vessels
that would require stability verification.
``Part Three--Assessment Methodology'' describes the methodology to
be used by owners, operators, and OCMIs to, first, determine whether a
change in the permitted number or distribution of passengers might be
necessary and, second, to assess whether a vessel would be likely to
require new stability testing or evaluation.
Part One--Explanation
Paragraph (a) of Sec. Sec. 71.25-50, 115.505, and 176.505
Paragraph (a) would add, as the owner or operator's responsibility,
two checks regarding the vessel's stability information. First, at each
annual inspection and Certificate of Inspection (COI) renewal, the
owner or operator would demonstrate that the stability information is
still appropriate for the vessel's intended loading and service. This
requirement would augment the confirmation by a Coast Guard marine
inspector that a valid stability letter is properly posted aboard a
Second, the owner or operator would need to confirm that the total
weight of gear and variable loads is still valid for the intended
service. (The total weight of gear and variable loads, including the
total weight of persons carried, is the basis for the stability letter
and/or the COI.) The owner or operator would need to ensure that the
master knows both the maximum total weight of persons and the average
weight per person on which the total weight is based.
Currently, all passenger vessels are required to comply with a
section in the ``Operations'' part of each inspection subchapter
(Sec. Sec. 78.17-22, 122.315, and 185.315 of this title) that requires
a master to verify, prior to departure on every voyage, that the loaded
vessel complies with all stability information, and that the stability
information is being used properly to ensure that the vessel is not
overloaded. Paragraph (a) would add a requirement that the owner or
operator demonstrate the methods the master uses to do this. Such
methods could include the competent reading of loading or draft marks,
and must include the proper use of that information for complying with
the draft and/or freeboard restrictions normally contained in the
stability letters for these types of vessels.
If the stability information is no longer valid, a new stability
letter would be needed. The new stability letter would contain revised
operating restrictions that the master should follow to avoid
overloading the vessel and to maintain compliance with stability
The following flowchart illustrates the stability confirmation
process discussed above:
[[Page 49248]]
[[Page 49249]]
Paragraph (b) of Sec. Sec. 71.25-50, 115.505, and 176.505.
This paragraph would require a vessel's stability to be verified at
10 year intervals or when modifications are made to the vessel that
could affect the vessel's ability to meet stability requirements. The
10 year ``clock'' would start whenever the last stability verification
was conducted or stability letter was issued, or when a determination
of sister vessel status was made (as permitted in part 170 of
Subchapter S). The ``clock'' would be reset after each stability
verification. For a vessel that would be issued a SOLAS Passenger Ship
Safety Certificate (PSSC), the SOLAS requirement for a lightweight
survey to be conducted at least once every 5 years would constitute a
verification of the vessel's stability for the purposes of this
In other words, paragraph (a) requires the owner or operator to
make sure that the vessel master knows what the vessels' stability
limits are, based on the most recent stability calculations. Paragraph
(b) requires new calculations of the per-person weight, and then
requires the use of that weight to verify--usually with calculations--
that the vessel still meets applicable stability requirements.
Paragraph (c) of Sec. Sec. 71.25-50, 115.505, and 176.505.
This paragraph would provide the minimum requirements for what the
stability verification required by paragraph (b) would include. The
requirements would vary depending on whether the vessel's stability
compliance was governed by subchapter S or subchapter T of title 46
CFR. Subchapter S requires that detailed design calculations be
submitted to the Marine Safety Center (MSC), as described in parts 170
and 171. This requirement also applies to all subchapter H and K
vessels and some subchapter T vessels. However, a simplified test,
either an SST or PSST, is performed for most subchapter T vessels, as
described in part 178. In cases where a simplified test is neither
feasible nor appropriate, a stability standard would be determined by
the MSC.
Unless the OCMI permits the use of another value, the assumed
average weight per person would be determined according to proposed
paragraph 170.090(d) or 178.330(a)(4)(ii), whichever is applicable. The
OCMI may permit another value when the owner or operator can show that
another value more accurately represents the average weight of persons
carried in service; for example when the vessel carries primarily
Using a total weight of persons based on this latest average weight
per person (i.e., the new total test weight), the owner or operator
would need to verify that the vessel meets applicable stability
criteria. For subchapter S compliance, this would mean that
calculations would need to be performed if the total weight of persons
carried is greater than the total weight used in the previous stability
verification. For vessels undergoing a simplified proof test, the owner
or operator would need to either perform a new test using the new total
test weight, or prove that the vessel could meet current applicable
requirements using data from the most recently performed simplified
test, if those data are valid.
For vessels meeting subchapter S requirements, the verification
would also include conducting a deadweight survey to verify that the
vessel's stability characteristics have not changed significantly, and
that it remains in compliance with applicable stability criteria.
(Coast Guard policy for what constitutes a significant change is
contained in Marine Safety Center Technical Note (MTN) 04-95, Lightship
Change Determination; Weight-Moment Calculation vs. Deadweight Survey
vs. Full Stability Test, available in the docket.) If sufficient
accuracy can be obtained for the stability verification prior to the
deadweight survey, some relaxation in the deadweight survey
requirements could be accepted by the MSC. For example, a greater
number of tanks containing operating liquids could be kept at normal
If the lightship characteristics have changed so that stability
compliance is not assured under the existing stability information, a
new stability analysis--together with associated loading calculations--
would be needed, and a new stability letter would be issued.
When the passenger capacity of a vessel is limited by subdivision
and/or damage stability considerations, the proposed increase in
assumed average passenger weight may require a corresponding reduction
in passenger capacity. For example, in a passenger vessel to which 46
CFR 179.220 is applicable, an increase in the assumed average weight
per person could cause either a change in freeboard, resulting in a
reduction in the permissible distance between watertight bulkheads (see
46 CFR 179.220(a)(2)), or a reduction in the permitted number of
passengers in order to remain in compliance with existing subdivision
and damage stability requirements. In a vessel to which subchapter S
subdivision and damage stability requirements are applicable, increased
passenger weight could cause the margin line to become submerged in the
flooded condition, which regulations prohibit.
Owners of such vessels as those discussed above may seek to modify
their vessels to maintain their current passenger count. When
significant, such modifications may be determined by the Coast Guard to
be ``major conversions.'' When a modification constitutes a major
conversion, it is appropriate to bring the vessel into compliance with
the latest safety standards where it is both reasonable and practicable
to do so. The cognizant OCMI makes a determination on which areas of a
vessel undergoing major conversion must be brought into compliance.
In all cases, for a passenger vessel that undergoes a major
conversion or incurs changes that affect its stability, the required
verification of both intact stability and subdivision and damage
stability compliance would use the latest assumed average weight per
Paragraph (d) of Sec. Sec. 71.25-50, 115.505, and 176.505.
This paragraph would permit the Coast Guard authority responsible
for issuing the stability information to defer or dispense with
stability verification based on the vessel's characteristics or the
degree to which the vessel could be affected by increased weight per
person or vessel weight. For vessels that are subject to subchapter S
requirements, this authority is normally the Commanding Officer, Marine
Safety Center; for vessels whose stability is based on a simplified
stability test, this authority is normally the OCMI.
Analyses described under the ensuing ``Part Two--Verification
Process'' of this preamble showed that some vessel types experience a
negligible effect from increased passenger weight. These vessel types
include sailing vessels, vessels that carry substantial cargo amounts
compared to the passenger weight, vessels that have an established
process to avoid overloading, and/or vessels that follow the voluntary
measures for prudent operation contained in the Federal Register notice
published on April 26, 2006 (71 FR 24732). A more detailed description
of those vessels relatively unaffected by an increase in weight per
person can be found in ``Part Three--Assessment Methodology.''
Part Two--Analysis
The Coast Guard sponsored an analysis of the impact of increased
[[Page 49250]]
weight per person on the U.S. inspected passenger vessel fleet. From
the Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement (MISLE) database,
we found that nearly 75 percent of the inspected U.S. flag passenger
vessels are 65 feet in length or less. The stability of most of these
vessels was based on the performance of a simplified stability test
(SST), either for a monohull or a pontoon passenger vessel.
The analysis showed that the effect of increased passenger weight
on vessels depended on factors not included in the MISLE database, such
as the amount of freeboard and draft and whether the vessel is a flush
deck or open boat type.
To supplement that study, additional stability analyses were
performed on a number of monohull vessels that had undergone SSTs. By
analyzing the SST results, conservative estimates of key parameters--
such as the moment to heel 1 degree--can be made, that, in turn, can be
used in an assessment methodology for intact stability verification.
These analyses were peer-reviewed by the Society of Naval
Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) Ad Hoc Panel No. 15, which
provided both a technical appraisal of the analyses and recommendations
on how they could be used. Two of the panel's recommendations are
associated with the proposed prioritizing process:
(1) The panel recommended the Coast Guard adopt a risk-based
process that looks at relative changes to a vessel's stability
characteristics and compares these relative changes to acceptable
limits determined by the Coast Guard; and
(2) The panel recommended the Coast Guard adopt a technical process
in reviewing stability. That process would use the stability
requirements the vessel is designed to meet to determine if the vessel
has been adversely affected by an increase in passenger weight such
that a new stability evaluation should be performed.
We agree with these recommendations. In addition, based on the
analyses of the impact of increased passenger weight on the passenger
vessel fleet, we developed an assessment methodology, detailed in
``Part Three--Assessment Methodology'' below, that reflects these
As stated above, this proposed rule would require that a stability
verification be performed within ten years of the date the last
stability letter was issued or a previous stability verification was
performed. Regardless of when the stability information was issued,
however, all vessels must meet stability requirements using the latest
assumed average weight per person immediately upon the effective date
of this rule. Additionally, in all cases, when a vessel or its loading
is modified in any way that alters its stability, a stability
verification is required as soon as is practicable, using the latest
assumed average weight per person.
Since a very large portion of inspected passenger vessels currently
have stability letters that are more than 10 years old, we developed a
process that allows owners, operators, and OCMIs to determine whether
the stability verification should be conducted as soon as is
practicable, deferred to a later date--most likely the next regular
inspection--or perhaps dispensed with. This process would more evenly
distribute demand for the Coast Guard resources that will be necessary
to guide implementation of this proposed rule.
The following flowchart illustrates the prioritizing process,
discussed in detail below:
[[Page 49251]]
Part Three--Assessment Methodology
The process by which an owner, operator, or OCMI would determine
whether a vessel would need to reduce or redistribute passengers and
whether it would need a new stability verification--and how soon--is
laid out in detail below: First for vessels subject to the requirements
of subchapter S, and second for vessels that undergo a simplified proof
However, there are several vessel categories for which no further
assessment of passenger weight needs to be considered, with the
exception that a new stability letter might be required. No immediate
stability verification or change to passenger capacity is necessary if
the vessel:
1. Is a sailing vessel;
2. Has a Certificate of Inspection (COI) that permits 86 percent
(approximately equal to 160 pounds divided by 185 pounds) or fewer of
the passengers permitted by the stability letter, and the assumed
weight per person was 160 or 165 pounds;
3. Has a COI that permits 75 percent (approximately equal to 140
pounds divided by 185 pounds) or fewer of the passengers permitted by
the stability letter, if operating on protected waters with a mix of
men, women, and children, and the assumed weight per person was 140
4. Is permitted to carry an amount of cargo, not including
passengers, that exceeds the total weight of passengers carried; or
5. Ensures that the total weight of persons aboard the vessel does
not exceed the assumed total weight of persons used to develop the
stability information, which is equal to the total test weight.
Assessment of vessels subject to the requirements of subchapter S.
The SNAME Ad Hoc panel also proposed, and the Coast Guard, in turn,
proposes a process for evaluating stability change in these vessels
using the latest assumed average weight per person. By following the
process below, the owner, operator, or OCMI could determine the urgency
of each vessel's need for a re-evaluation of intact stability and
prioritize the vessel accordingly. The data necessary for making the
percent change and detailed loading calculations described below should
be readily available, as Sec. 78.17-22(b) requires that vessel masters
have the capability to determine the vessel's draft, trim, and
stability as necessary.
Evaluation process for a vessel subject to the requirements of
subchapter S.
The following three assumptions were applied:
1. Wind heel requirements are more severe than passenger heel, and
this doesn't change with an increase in weight per person. Experience
has shown that passenger heel requirements in subchapter S rarely
exceed wind heel requirements.
2. Each vessel meets stability requirements in its current
condition, prior to assessing the effect of a per-person weight
increase. Our assessment cannot take into account unauthorized changes
to the vessel or its service.
3. A small amount of increase in weight or vertical center of
gravity (VCG) will not adversely affect the stability of the vessel
This approach is taken from MTN 4-95 (available in the docket),
which uses weight-moment calculations to assess the absolute and
relative changes in displacement and centers of gravity (LCG and VCG).
Those changes, in turn, can be compared to previously determined limits
to evaluate the relative risk of adverse changes to the vessel's
stability. To do this, a calculation is needed that relates the change
in vertical weight moment caused by an increase in assumed weight per
person (VMOMchng) to the lightship vertical weight moment
Percent Change = VMOMchng/VMOMlightship x 100
VMOMchng = (Wpaxnew - Wpaxold) x (VCGpax)
VMOMlightship = lightship weight x lightship VCG
VCG = vertical center of gravity above baseline
Wpaxnew = the number of passengers multiplied by the latest assumed
average weight per person
Wpaxold = the number of passengers multiplied by the old assumed
average weight per person (generally, either 160 or 165 pounds)
VCGpax = the overall VCG of the passengers carried above the
In making the calculations, consistent units must be used. In other
words, if the lightship weight is given in long tons, Wpaxnew and
Wpaxold must be computed in long tons; if the lightship VCG is in feet,
VCGpax must be in feet; if in meters, use meters.
MTN 4-95 allows up to a 2 percent change in lightship weight
without verifying weight-moment calculations. Additionally, an OCMI may
consider the difference in VCG of the vessel and the passengers. It
should be noted that a percent change of the vertical moment of less
than 3 provides a value of safety corresponding to the 2 percent
displacement allowed in MTN 4-95. For these reasons, if the percent
change in vertical moment computed by the methodology given above is
less than 3, an OCMI could defer the stability verification to a later
date, most likely the next regularly scheduled inspection. If the
percent change is 3 or greater, and the vessel's most recent stability
letter is more than 10 years old, detailed stability calculations
should be performed to determine the degree to which, if any, an
increase in total assumed passenger weight would affect the vessel's
compliance with the applicable stability criteria.
Evaluation process for a vessel undergoing a monohull simplified
stability proof test.
This process uses data obtained from the SST data form and the
standards given in 46 CFR 178.330. If the data for the SST is not
available, vessel measurements will be necessary to obtain the SST data
or the moment to heel 1 degree (MH1SST) must be estimated as described
in the steps below:
1. Using the following equation, calculate the additional sinkage
in inches (centimeters) due to the increased passenger weight:
Sinkage = (Wpaxnew - Wpaxold)/Wimmersion
Wimmersion = (Waterplane Area x Water Density/K) in pounds per inch
(kilograms per centimeter) (this is the weight per unit immersion);
K = 12 inches per foot (100 centimeters per meter)
Wpaxnew = the number of passengers multiplied by the latest assumed
average weight per person in pounds (kilograms)
Wpaxold = the number of passengers multiplied by the old assumed
average weight per person used in the SST (generally, either 140 or
160 pounds) in pounds (kilograms)
Waterplane Area = Length x Beam x Waterplane Coefficient in square
feet (square meters)
Waterplane Coefficient = 0.7 for monohulls or 0.4 for multihulls,
unless a more accurate value is known
Water Density = 64 pounds per cubic foot (1,025 kilograms per cubic
meter) for salt water; 62.4 pounds per cubic foot (1,000 kilograms
per cubic meter) for fresh water
2. Calculate the location of the new maximum allowable immersion
mark (iupright-new) above the upright load waterline by subtracting the
sinkage calculated in step 1 above from the SST measured freeboard and
applying the appropriate formula from 46 CFR 178.330(d). If the data
for an SST is not available, the freeboard should be measured with the
vessel in the condition specified in 46 CFR 178.330(a). (In summary,
this is with the vessel complete in all respects, in a fully
[[Page 49252]]
loaded condition, and with all anticipated loads properly distributed.)
3. Calculate the existing SST moment to heel 1 degree (MH1SST) as
ThetaSST = angle between upright SST waterline and actual SST
immersion point (after weight movement), in degrees = inverse
tangent (2 x (iheeled - iupright/beam at the reference station))
(This is the actual heel angle caused by the heel moment applied in
the SST.)
HMSST = heeling moment applied during the SST in foot-pounds (meter-
iupright = maximum allowable immersion determined from the upright
freeboard before weight movement
iheeled = actual remaining distance measured after the weight
movement from the water surface to the position of iupright on the
If the data for an SST is not available, the MH1SST can be
estimated using the following equations:
For a vessel operating on exposed waters:
MH1SST = 3 x ((L x B\3\)\2\)/10\8\ + (L x B\3\)/60 + 50
For a vessel operating on partially protected waters:
MH1SST = 4 x ((L x B\3\)\2\)/10\8\ + (L x B\3\)/125 + 200
For a vessel operating on protected waters:
MH1SST = 4.5 x ((L x B\3\)\2\)/10\8\ + (L x B\3\)/250 + 250
L = Length in feet, and
B = Beam, in feet
4. Determine the new moment to heel 1 degree (MH1new) in foot-
pounds (meter-kilograms) with the increased passenger weight as
MH1new = MH1SST x (TSST/Tnew) - VMnew/57.3
TSST = Estimated draft during SST in feet (meters), which may be
calculated as the difference between the depth to the keel and the
freeboard used in step 2
Tnew = TSST + sinkage (calculated in step 1 above, and converted to
feet (meters))
VMnew = (Wpaxnew - Wpaxold) x VCGpax in foot-pounds (meter-
VCGpax = Overall vertical center of gravity (VCG) of the passengers
5. Calculate new passenger heeling moment (MPnew) in accordance
with 46 CFR 178.330 using the latest assumed average weight per person.
If the existing wind heeling moment (MW) exceeds MPnew, the new draft
(Tnew) should be used to calculate the new wind heeling moment (MWnew)
in accordance with 46 CFR 178.330. The greatest of the new passenger or
wind heeling moments (MPnew or MWnew) is divided by MH1new to determine
the heel angle produced by the new heeling moment (Thetanew):
Thetanew = (Max (MPnew or MWnew))/MH1new
6. Using the heel angle (Thetanew) calculated in step 5, the height
of the heeled waterline above the upright waterline (iheeled-new) with
the new heeling moment is determined:
iheeled-new = tangent (Thetanew) x 2 x beam at the reference station
If iheeled-new is less than or equal to the height of the new
maximum allowable immersion mark calculated in step 2 (iupright-new),
the vessel would not be affected by an increase in assumed weight per
person. If the value exceeds (iupright-new), the number of passengers
should be reduced, or the passengers redistributed if the vessel has an
upper deck, and steps 1 through 6 repeated until the immersion mark
height (iheeled-new) is equal to or below the maximum allowable
B. Weight of Passengers and Crew
New provisions on the assumed average weight per person would be
added at Sec. Sec. 170.090 and 178.330 and are discussed in detail at
those sections of this preamble.
A new section, 171.045, would require each passenger vessel to
which subchapter S intact stability requirements now apply to use the
latest assumed average weight per person appropriate for the intended
service. This requirement would apply immediately on the effective date
of this rule, although stability verification would not be required
until ten years after the most recent stability information was issued,
as discussed under ``Vessel Stability'' above.
A new section, 178.215, would be added for vessels whose stability
letter is based on the results of an SST or PSST. This section would
require the owner or operator to provide the master with the total test
weight, the latest assumed average weight per person, and the maximum
number of persons permitted on board based on that weight.
C. Notes on Pontoon Vessels
The passenger capacity of pontoon vessels may not be affected if a
process is followed on every voyage to ensure that the total weight of
persons carried does not exceed the total test weight that was used to
determine stability compliance. One example of such a process would be
to weigh all the passengers as they board the vessel. The passenger
capacity will be affected if such a process is not followed and the
passenger weight used on the vessel's SST was based on either 140 or
160 pounds per person. If an SST was performed on the vessel using the
procedures contained in the Small Passenger Vessels Simplified
Stability Test Procedure for Pontoon Vessels on Protected Waters, the
results of that test, if valid, may be used to determine the new
capacity based on an assumed average weight that is appropriate for the
intended service. In many cases, however, a new SST will need to be
performed on pontoon passenger vessels. We propose adding the
requirement in Sec. 178.210(d) that a vessel that undergoes a PSST in
accordance with Sec. 178.340 must have a stability letter issued by
the Marine Safety Center.
D. SOLAS and Resolution A.265
Sections 170.248 and 171.001 would be revised by adding
requirements concerning new vessels, which will become effective when
certain amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea (SOLAS) come into effect on January 1, 2009. Each new
vessel issued a SOLAS Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (PSSC) or a
SOLAS Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate would have to meet the
requirements of SOLAS chapter II-1, in addition to meeting the
requirements concerning watertight bulkhead doors in subpart H of part
170, and subdivision and damage stability requirements. For more
information on these revisions, see the discussion of Sec. 170.015 in
this preamble.
The amendments to SOLAS chapter II-1 primarily involve the
harmonization of subdivision and damage stability requirements for
passenger and cargo vessels. IMO Resolution A.265(VIII) (hereafter
A.265) was promulgated in 1973, and contains a probabilistic damage
stability method that is an alternative set of requirements for
passenger vessels instead of the traditional requirements contained in
existing SOLAS regulations. This optional use of A.265 has been
incorporated into U.S. regulations as ``Type III subdivision'', as an
alternative to Type I subdivision. However, we are not aware of any
U.S. flag vessel that has used Type III subdivision (A.265).
Since the SOLAS chapter II-1 amendments are effectively an update
of A.265, there is no need to keep A.265 as an option. Accordingly, we
propose removing Sec. Sec. 170.135, 171.075, and 171.082, which
address A.265 and Type III subdivision. While not replacing A.265, the
SOLAS chapter II-1 amendments would be accepted as an equivalent to
Type I subdivision.
[[Page 49253]]
Operating information associated with SOLAS chapter II-1 would be added
in new Sec. 170.140.
E. Corrections, Clarifications, and Updates
In the course of this rulemaking, we identified several regulations
that need to be updated or corrected, and others that could benefit
from clarification. While each of these proposed rule changes will be
addressed more fully in the ensuing section-by-section discussion, a
summary list of the affected sections--other than those discussed in
``SOLAS and Resolution A.265'' above, and ``American Bureau of
Shipping'' below--is as follows: Subpart 71.75 (heading); 71.75-1;
71.75-5; 115.900; 115.910; 115.920; 115.930; 170.001; 170.015; 170.070;
170.100; 170.105; 170.135; 170.160; 170.165; Part 170, subpart E
(heading); 170.170; 170.248; 170.270; 171.001; Part 171, subpart B
(heading); 171.050; Part 171, subpart C (heading); 171.060; 171.065;
171.070; 172.020; 172.070; 174.007; 174.100; 174.360; 176.900; 176.910;
176.920; 176.930; 178.115; 178.230; 178.310; 178.320; 178.325; 179.212
and 179.220.
F. American Bureau of Shipping
As one of the updates of regulations cited above, we propose
removing references to the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) from
Sec. Sec. 170.075, 170.080, 170.085, 170.093, 170.100, 170.110,
170.120, 170.170, 170.173, 170.175, 170.180, 170.185, 170.190, and
170.235. Procedures that the ABS uses to perform reviews of certain
documents on behalf of the Coast Guard are contained in Navigation and
Vessel Inspection Circulars 10-82 and 3-97. Title 46 U.S.C. 3316
authorizes the Coast Guard to accept plan review, inspections, and
examinations performed by ABS for compliance with Coast Guard rules and
regulations. Delegation to a recognized classification society,
including ABS, of authority to perform certain functions on behalf of
Coast Guard is addressed in part 8 of 46 CFR.
G. Discussion of Proposed Amendments by Section
Sec. 71.25-50. Existing Sec. 71.25-50 would be redesignated as
Sec. 71.25-95, and a new section on stability verification would be
added as discussed in detail earlier in this preamble under ``Stability
Sec. 71.50-1. The definition of ``drydock examination'' would be
clarified to include the verification of the draft marks.
Subpart 71.75 (Heading) and Sec. Sec. 71.75-1 and 71.75-5
The heading of this subpart and two of its sections would be
revised to reflect that the SOLAS Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
(PSSC) is issued under SOLAS 1974 provisions, that a vessel receiving a
PSSC must comply with applicable SOLAS requirements, and that a vessel
does not need to actually be engaged in international service but be
certificated for international service to receive a PSSC.
Sec. 114.400. A definition of ``variable load'' would be added to
this section. The term is used in Sec. 115.112 for consideration of
the number of persons and weight permitted on a vessel regulated by
subchapter K.
The third subparagraph of the definition of ``length'' would be
deleted because it refers only to use with the requirements of part
179, which are not applicable to vessels inspected under subchapter K.
Sec. 115.110. Existing provisions of paragraph (d) of this section
list the factors OCMIs may consider when designating a permitted route.
This list would be modified by removing a part of subparagraph (d)(3)
and adding it as new subparagraph (d)(4) to explicitly call attention
to the OCMI's prerogative to consider a vessel's use in weather
conditions. This approach would emphasize the OCMI's authority to
include operational limits on a COI.
It is not possible to accurately enumerate all combinations of safe
environmental conditions on a given passenger vessel's COI. Instead,
the Coast Guard has traditionally restricted small passenger vessels to
operation in ``reasonable operating conditions.'' Defining reasonable
operating conditions involves the judgment of a professional mariner
having a certain degree of experience in the operation of a given size
and type of vessel, and direct knowledge of the conditions to which the
vessel is subject at any particular moment.
Limiting winds, speeds, and wave heights alone, however, cannot
adequately define a safe operating envelope for any vessel. Many other
conditions involving the vessel, its changing environment, and its
response to that environment, must be constantly observed, monitored,
interpreted, and responded to by the master in order to evaluate the
advisability of embarking on a voyage, or continuing on a voyage when
conditions progressively deteriorate. The master has the responsibility
to make this determination and is bound to do so using his or her best
skill and judgment.
This section, then, would emphasize the need for due diligence on
the part of the master with respect to the weather, along with the
other factors stipulated in this section, and would avoid unnecessary
limits on the discretion of masters.
Sec. 115.112. This section would be revised to explicitly list the
total weight of passengers, crew, and variable loads as factors an OCMI
may consider when determining the total number of persons and total
weight a vessel would be permitted to carry.
Sec. 115.505. This new section on stability verification would be
added as discussed in detail earlier in this preamble, under
``Stability Verification.''
Sec. 115.610. Two sentences would be added to paragraph (a) that
would add the verification of draft marks to the actions performed at a
drydock examination, as well as to ensure that the stability
information provided corresponds to the draft marks. A stability letter
often includes an operating restriction that limits the maximum draft
amidships. The vessel's draft marks (required by Sec. 122.602),
however, might refer to a point on the vessel that differs from that
used in the stability letter (for example, the bottom of the rudder or
propeller). So that the master can effectively verify that the loaded
vessel complies with the stability letter's maximum draft restriction,
draft or loading marks must be provided that allow the master to
compare the actual vessel draft with the maximum draft restriction. If
the maximum draft restriction in the stability letter does not
correspond to the information obtained from draft mark readings, a new
stability letter with a revised restriction and/or draft marks would be
Sec. Sec. 115.900, 115.910, 115.920, and 115.930. These sections
would be revised to reflect current practice and policy: (1) a
passenger vessel need not actually be on an international voyage to be
issued a SOLAS Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (PSSC) but simply be
certificated for international service; (2) the Commandant no longer
issues the PSSC or a SOLAS Exemption Certificate but authorizes the
local OCMI to do so.
Sec. 122.304. Forecasted visibility and weather conditions would
be added as factors to which vessel masters should give special
Sec. 122.315. This section would be augmented to emphasize the
master's duty to avoid overloading the vessel by taking into account
the weight of passengers, crew, and variable loads.
If appropriate for the vessel's operation, draft-sensing devices,
[[Page 49254]]
marks, or draft marks would satisfy this requirement. Other means might
include: (1) Weighing passengers and crew individually, in groups, or
in total; or (2) estimating the total weight of each passenger and
including an appropriate margin.
Of course, if the number of passengers permitted by the COI is
significantly less than the number permitted by the stability letter, a
simple passenger count would be satisfactory.
Sec. 122.602. This section would be revised to require each vessel
that complies with subchapter S requirements to have loading marks or
draft marks. A stability letter or the stability information on a COI
or load line certificate normally includes freeboard and draft
restrictions on operation. While most vessels are already required to
have markings of some kind, this section would be revised to require
each vessel that complies with the requirements of subchapter S to have
loading marks or draft marks to permit the master to verify compliance
with the freeboard and draft restrictions.
Part 170, Subpart E. As one of the corrections cited above, this
subpart heading would be revised from ``Subpart E--Weather Criteria''
to ``Subpart E--Intact Stability Criteria'' to more accurately describe
the contents of the subpart.
Sec. 170.001. Paragraph (a) would be revised to clarify that the
exception provision is intended to apply only to a vessel's contracted
date. This exception was and is intended to allow retroactive
application of new damage stability standards in Sec. 171.080 and is
not intended to be applied to vessels other than those that are
``inspected'' or that are required to meet a standard contained in
subchapter S. A new subparagraph would also be added to paragraph (a)
to clarify that certain uninspected vessels may need to comply with
stability standards contained in subchapter S because they are issued a
load line certificate or are required to meet a stability standard
under subpart E of part 28 of this title.
Sec. 170.015. In December 2006, the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) adopted Resolution MSC.216(82), which is contained
in SOLAS chapter II-1, to harmonize subdivision and damage stability
regulations for passenger and cargo ships. Accordingly, SOLAS chapter
II-1 would be added to this central incorporation by reference section
and referenced in Sec. Sec. 170.140, and 170.248. The International
Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code), which would be
referenced in Sec. 170.165, would also be added to Sec. 170.015.
Sec. 170.055. A definition of ``constructed'' similar to that used
in SOLAS for ``ships constructed'' would be added to this section for
A definition of ``passenger fraction'' would also be added to this
section. Passenger fraction is the ratio of total passenger weight to
total displacement. This term would be used in revised Sec. 171.050,
which addresses intact stability requirements for a mechanically
propelled or a nonself-propelled vessel. It would also be used in
proposed Sec. 171.052 concerning stability criteria for vessels of
unusual proportion and form, specifically with regard to passenger
distribution c