Notice of Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review: Certain Individually Quick Frozen Red Raspberries from Chile, 45212-45215 [E8-17810]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 150 / Monday, August 4, 2008 / Notices
month of the date of publication of the
order. The Act further provides,
however, that the Department may
extend that 245-day period to 365 days
if it is not practicable to complete the
review within the foregoing time period.
The Department finds that it is not
practicable to complete the preliminary
results by the current deadline of
August 1, 2008. The Department has
gathered and must analyze a significant
amount of information pertaining to
each company’s corporate structure and
ownership, sales practices, and
manufacturing methods. Furthermore,
this review involves the extraordinarily
complicated intermediate input
methodology issue. Therefore, the
Department requires additional time to
analyze the questionnaire responses and
to issue supplemental questionnaires.
Therefore, in accordance with section
751(a)(3)(A) of the Act, the Department
is extending the time limit for the
preliminary results by 120 days until no
later than December 1, 2008,1 which is
367 days after the last day of the
anniversary month of the date of
publication of the order. Unless
extended, the final results continue to
be due 120 days after the publication of
the preliminary results, pursuant to
section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act and
section 351.213(h)(1) of the
Department’s regulations.
This notice is issued and published in
accordance to sections 751(a)(1) and
777(i)(1) of the Act.
Dated: July 21, 2008.
Stephen J. Claeys,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Import
[FR Doc. E8–17831 Filed 8–1–08; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Notice of Preliminary Results of
Antidumping Duty Administrative
Review: Certain Individually Quick
Frozen Red Raspberries from Chile
Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
is conducting an administrative review
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES
1 120 days from August 1, 2008, is November 29,
2008. However, Department practice dictates that
where a deadline falls on a weekend, the
appropriate deadline is the next business day. See
Notice of Clarification: Application of ‘‘Next
Business Day’’ Rule for Administrative
Determination Deadlines Pursuant to the Act, 70 FR
24533 (May 10, 2005).
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of the antidumping duty order on
certain individually quick frozen (IQF)
red raspberries from Chile. The period
of review (POR) is July 1, 2006, through
June 30, 2007. This review covers sales
of IQF red raspberries by producer/
exporter Sociedad Agroindustrial Valle
Frio Ltda. We preliminarily find that,
during the POR, sales of IQF red
raspberries were not made below
normal value. Interested parties are
invited to comment on these
preliminary results. We will issue the
final results not later than 120 days from
the date of publication of this notice.
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 4, 2008.
Alexander Montoro or Nancy Decker,
AD/CVD Operations, Office 1, Import
Administration, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution
Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20230;
telephone (202) 482–0238 and (202)
482–0196, respectively.
On July 9, 2002, the Department of
Commerce (Department) published an
antidumping duty order on certain IQF
red raspberries from Chile. See Notice of
Antidumping Duty Order: IQF Red
Raspberries From Chile, 67 FR 45460
(July 9, 2002). On July 3, 2006, the
Department published a notice of
opportunity to request administrative
review of this order. See Antidumping
or Countervailing Duty Order, Finding,
or Suspended Investigation;
Opportunity to Request Administrative
Review, 72 FR 36420 (July 3, 2007). On
July 31, 2007, we received a request for
review from Sociedad Agroindustrial
Valle Frio Ltda. (Valle Frio).1 On August
30, 2006, we initiated the fourth
administrative review for Valle Frio. See
Initiation of Antidumping and
Countervailing Duty Administrative
Reviews and Request for Revocation in
Part, 72 FR 48613 (Aug. 24, 2007). On
September 17, 2007, the Department
issued an antidumping questionnaire to
Valle Frio. Valle Frio submitted its
initial responses to the antidumping
1 In the third administrative review, the
Department collapsed Valle Frio with its affiliated
producer, Agricola Framparque (Framparque). See
Memorandum to Susan Kuhbach, Director,
‘‘Collapsing of Sociedad Agroindustrial Valle Frio
Ltda.,’’ dated July 31, 2006. See Notice of
Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review, Notice of Intent to Revoke
in Part: Certain Individually Quick Frozen Red
Raspberries from Chile (unchanged in final) (Third
Administrative Review of Raspberries from Chile),
71 FR 45000, 45001 (Aug. 8, 2006). There has been
no change in the facts since then, so for the instant
administrative review, we are treating Valle Frio
and Framparque as a single entity.
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questionnaire from October 2007
through November 2007.
On March 7, 2008, we requested that
Valle Frio respond to the Constructed
Value (CV) portion of the Department’s
questionnaire. For further discussion,
see ‘‘Calculation of Normal Value Based
on Constructed Value’’ section of this
On March 21, 2008, the Department
published in the Federal Register an
extension of the time limit for the
completion of the preliminary results of
this review until no later than July 30,
2008, in accordance with section
751(a)(3)(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended (the Act), and 19 CFR
351.213(h)(2). See Certain Individually
Quick Frozen Red Raspberries from
Chile: Notice of Extension of Time Limit
for Preliminary Results of Antidumping
Duty Administrative Review, 73 FR
15134 (Mar. 21, 2008).
On March 13, 2008, the Department
issued a supplemental questionnaire to
Valle Frio, and Valle Frio submitted its
response on April 7, 2008. On April 1,
2008, Valle Frio submitted a response to
Department’s request for CV
information. After analyzing these
responses, we issued a second
supplemental questionnaire to Valle
Frio on June 13, 2008. We received a
timely filed response on July 07, 2008.
Scope of the Order
The products covered by this order
are imports of IQF whole or broken red
raspberries from Chile, with or without
the addition of sugar or syrup,
regardless of variety, grade, size or
horticulture method (e.g., organic or
not), the size of the container in which
packed, or the method of packing. The
scope of the order excludes fresh red
raspberries and block frozen red
raspberries (i.e., puree, straight pack,
juice stock, and juice concentrate).
The merchandise subject to this order
is currently classifiable under
subheading 0811.20.2020 of the
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States (HTSUS). Although the
HTSUS subheading is provided for
convenience and customs purposes, the
written description of the merchandise
under the order is dispositive.
Fair Value Comparisons
To determine whether sales of IQF red
raspberries from Chile to the United
States were made at less than normal
value (NV), we compared export price
(EP) to NV, as described in the ‘‘Export
Price’’ and ‘‘Normal Value’’ sections of
this notice. We note that we continue to
have outstanding sales reconciliation
issues with Valle Frio’s responses. For
purposes of calculating these
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 150 / Monday, August 4, 2008 / Notices
preliminary results, we are accepting
the data provided by Valle Frio.
However, we intend to ask for further
information following publication of
these preliminary results to determine
whether the aforementioned responses
accurately reflect Valle Frio’s sales.
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Product Comparison
In accordance with section 771(16) of
the Act, we considered all products sold
by the respondent in the comparison
market covered by the description in the
‘‘Scope of the Order’’ section, above, to
be foreign–like products for purposes of
determining appropriate product
comparisons to U.S. sales. In accordance
with section 773(a)(1)(C)(ii) of the Act,
in order to determine whether there was
a sufficient volume of sales in the home
market to serve as a viable basis for
calculating NV, we compared the
respondent’s volume of home market
sales of the foreign–like product to the
volume of its U.S. sales of the subject
merchandise. See the ‘‘Normal Value’’
section, below, for further details.
Normally, we compare U.S. sales to
monthly weighted average prices of
contemporaneous sales made in the
comparison market. The Department
determined that for merchandise sold in
the United States, Valle Frio did not
have valid comparison market sales
matches because the calculated
difference–in-merchandise (DIFMER)
was greater than twenty percent for all
matches for reported U.S. sales control
numbers (CONNUMs). See
Memorandum to the File, ‘‘Difference–
in-merchandise Calculation for
Sociedad Agroindustrial Valle Frio
Ltda.’’ dated March 7, 2008; and
Memorandum from Yasmin Nair,
International Trade Compliance
Analyst, to Susan Kuhbach, Director,
Office 1, ‘‘Request for Constructed
Value’’ dated March 7, 2008. Since there
were no sales of identical or similar
merchandise made in the ordinary
course of trade in the comparison
market, we compared U.S. sales to
constructed value (CV). In making
product comparisons, consistent with
our determination in the original
investigation, we matched foreign like
products based on the physical
characteristics reported by the
respondent in the following order:
grade, variety, form, cultivation method,
and additives. See Notice of Preliminary
Determination of Sales at Less than Fair
Value and Postponement of Final
Determination: IQF Red Raspberries
from Chile, 66 FR 67510, 67511 (Dec.
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31, 2001) unchanged in Final
Normally, the Department employs
invoice date as the date of sale. See 19
CFR 351.401(i). However, if the
Department determines that another
date reflects the date on which the
exporter or producer establishes the
material terms of sale, the Department
may use this date. See id. Valle Frio
ships the subject merchandise on or
before the date of invoice. We are using
the date of shipment (i.e., guia de
despacho/dispatch note date) as the
date of sale, because this is the date on
which the material terms of sale were
established. See, e.g., Certain Cold–
Rolled and Corrosion–Resistant Carbon
Steel Flat Products From Korea: Final
Results of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Reviews, 63 FR 13170,
13172–73 (March 18, 1998).
Export Price
For sales to the United States, we
calculated Export Price (EP), in
accordance with section 772 of the Act.
Section 772(a) of the Act defines EP as
the price at which the subject
merchandise is first sold before the date
of importation by the exporter or
producer outside the United States to an
unaffiliated purchaser in the United
States, or to an unaffiliated purchaser
for exportation to the United States.
We calculated EP because the
merchandise was sold by the exporter or
producer outside the United States to an
unaffiliated purchaser in the United
States prior to importation and because
constructed export price methodology
was not otherwise warranted. We based
EP on the packed, FOB price to
unaffiliated purchasers in the United
States. We made deductions from the
starting price for movement expenses in
accordance with section 772(c)(2)(A) of
the Act. These included, where
appropriate, inland freight incurred in
transporting merchandise to the Chilean
port and domestic brokerage and
handling expenses.
Normal Value
Home Market Viability
Section 773(a)(1) of the Act directs
that NV be based on the price at which
the foreign–like product is sold in the
home market, provided that the
merchandise is sold in sufficient
quantities (or value, if quantity is
inappropriate) and that there is no
particular market situation that prevents
a proper comparison with the EP.
2 See Notice of Final Determination of Sales at
Less Than Fair Value: IQF Red Raspberries from
Chile, 67 FR 35790 (May 21, 2002) (‘‘Final
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Quantities (or value) will normally be
considered insufficient if they are less
than five percent of the aggregate
quantity (or value) of sales of the subject
merchandise to the United States. See
19 CFR 351.404(b)(2).
Valle Frio reported that its home
market sales of IQF red raspberries
during the POR were less than five
percent of its sales of IQF red
raspberries to the United States.
Therefore, Valle Frio did not have a
viable home market for purposes of
calculating NV. Valle Frio reported sales
to France, which was its largest third
country market. Valle Frio reported that
no other third country markets were
viable and sales to France exceeded five
percent of its sales to the United States.
Accordingly, for purposes of calculating
NV, Valle Frio reported its sales to
To derive NV, we made the
adjustments detailed in the ‘‘Calculation
of Normal Value Based on Comparison
Market Prices’’ and ‘‘Calculation of
Normal Value Based on Constructed
Value’’ sections, below.
A. Calculation of Normal Value Based
on Comparison Market Prices
Even though, as explained above,
Valle Frio did not have valid
comparison market sales matches, we
calculated NV for purposes of
determining selling expenses and profit
to be included in CV. To calculate the
CV profit percentage, we based
comparison market prices on the packed
prices to unaffiliated purchasers in
France. We adjusted the starting price
by deducting movement expenses,
including, where appropriate, inland
freight from the plant to the port,
international freight, and container
handling/brokerage charges. We also
deducted direct and indirect selling
expenses incurred for comparison
market sales (e.g., commissions,
microbiological/pesticide testing, label
expenses), and comparison market
packing expenses. We then deducted
total comparison market cost of
production from the net comparison
market price, and divided by total
comparison market cost of production to
arrive at the CV profit percentage. See
Memorandum to the File, ‘‘Preliminary
Results Calculation Memorandum for
Sociedad Agroindustrial Valle Frio
Ltda.,’’ dated July 28, 2008 (Valle Frio
Preliminary Calculation Memorandum),
which is on file in the Department’s
Central Records Unit, Room 1117 of
the–main Department building.
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 150 / Monday, August 4, 2008 / Notices
B. Calculation of Normal Value Based
on Constructed Value
Section 773(a)(4) of the Act provides
that where NV cannot be based on
comparison–market sales, NV may be
based on CV. As noted above, the
Department determined that for
merchandise sold in the United States,
Valle Frio did not have valid
comparison market sales matches
because the calculated DIFMER was
greater than the twenty percent for all
matches for reported U.S. sales
CONNUMs. See Memorandum to the
File, ‘‘Difference–in-merchandise
Calculation for Sociedad Agroindustrial
Valle Frio Ltda.’’ dated March 7, 2008;
and Memorandum from Yasmin Nair,
International Trade Compliance
Analyst, to Susan Kuhbach, Director,
Office 1, ‘‘Request for Constructed
Value’’ dated March 7, 2008.
Accordingly, we based NV on the CV.
Section 773(e) of the Act provides that
the CV shall be based on the sum of the
cost of materials and fabrication for the
imported merchandise, plus amounts
for selling, general and administrative
(SG&A) expenses, profit, and U.S.
packing costs. We based SG&A expenses
and profit on the actual amounts
incurred and realized by the respondent
in connection with the production and
sale of the foreign–like product in the
ordinary course of trade for
consumption in the comparison market,
in accordance with section 773(e)(2)(A)
of the Act. We used U.S. packing costs
as described in the ‘‘Export Price’’
section, above.
We relied on the CV data submitted
by Valle Frio. We note that we continue
to have outstanding cost reconciliation
and valuation issues with Valle Frio’s
responses. For purposes of calculating
these preliminary results, we are
accepting the data provided by Valle
Frio. However, we intend to ask for
further information following
publication of these preliminary results
to determine whether the
aforementioned responses accurately
reflect Valle Frio’s constructed value.
We made adjustments to CV for
differences in Circumstances of Sale
(COS) in accordance with section
773(a)(8) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.410.
For comparisons to EP, we made COS
adjustments by deducting direct selling
expenses incurred on comparison
market sales from, and adding U.S.
direct selling expenses to, CV. We also
made adjustments, in accordance with
19 CFR 351.410(e), for indirect selling
expenses incurred on comparison
market or U.S. sales where commissions
were granted on sales in one market but
not in the other (the commission offset).
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Specifically, where commissions were
granted in the U.S. market but not in the
comparison market, we made a
downward adjustment to NV for the
lesser of: (1) the amount of the
commission paid in the U.S. market; or
(2) the amount of indirect selling
expenses incurred in the comparison
market. If commissions were granted in
the comparison market but not in the
U.S. market, we made an upward
adjustment to NV (based on CV)
following the same methodology.
Assessment Rates
Upon completion of the
administrative review, the Department
shall determine, and Customs and
Border Protection (CBP) shall assess,
antidumping duties on all appropriate
entries. Pursuant to 19 CFR
351.212(b)(1), for all sales made by Valle
Frio for which it has reported the
importer of record and the entered value
of the U.S. sales, we have calculated
importer–specific assessment rates
based on the ratio of the total amount of
antidumping duties calculated for the
Currency Conversion
examined sales to the total entered
We made currency conversions in
value of those sales. Where the
accordance with section 773A(a) of the
respondent did not report the entered
Act based on the exchange rates in effect
value for U.S. sales, we have calculated
on the date of the U.S. sale as reported
importer–specific assessment rates for
by the Federal Reserve Bank.
the merchandise in question by
Preliminary Results of Review
aggregating the dumping margins
calculated for all U.S. sales to each
We preliminarily find the following
importer and dividing this amount by
weighted–average dumping margin:
the total quantity of those sales. To
Weighted–average determine whether the duty assessment
margin percentage rates were de minimis, in accordance
with the requirement set forth in 19 CFR
Sociedad Agroindustrial
351.106(c)(2), we calculated importer–
Valle Frio Ltda./
specific ad valorem rates based on the
Agricola Framparque
0.28 (de minimis)
estimated entered value. Where the
assessment rate is above de minimis, we
Public Comment and Disclosure
will instruct CBP to assess duties on all
Within ten days of publicly
entries of subject merchandise by that
announcing the preliminary results of
importer. Pursuant to 19 CFR
this review, we will disclose to
351.106(c)(2), we will instruct CBP to
interested parties any calculations
liquidate without regard to antidumping
performed in connection with the
duties any entries for which the
preliminary results. See 19 CFR
assessment rate is de minimis (i.e., less
351.224(b). Any interested party may
than 0.50 percent). The Department will
request a hearing within 30 days of
issue assessment instructions directly to
publication of this notice. Any hearing,
CBP within 15 days of publication of the
if requested, will be held 37 days after
final results of this review.
the publication of this notice, or the first
The Department clarified its
business day thereafter. Issues raised in
‘‘automatic assessment’’ regulation on
the hearing will be limited to those
May 6, 2003. See Antidumping and
raised in the case and rebuttal briefs.
Countervailing Duty Proceedings:
Interested parties may submit case briefs Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 68
within 30 days of the date of publication FR 23954 (May 6, 2003). This
of this notice. See 19 CFR 351.309(c).
clarification will apply to entries of
Rebuttal briefs, which must be limited
subject merchandise during the POR
to issues raised in the case briefs, may
produced by the respondent for which
be filed not later than five days after the it did not know its merchandise was
date for filing case briefs. See 19 CFR
destined for the United States. In such
351.309(d). Parties who submit case
instances, we will instruct CBP to
briefs or rebuttal briefs in this
liquidate unreviewed entries at the all–
proceeding are requested to submit with others rate if there is no rate for the
each argument: (1) a statement of the
intermediate company(ies) involved in
issue; (2) a brief summary of the
the transaction. For a full discussion of
argument with an electronic version
this clarification, see Antidumping and
included; and (3) a table of statutes,
Countervailing Duty Proceedings:
regulations, and cases cited. See 19 CFR Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 68
FR 23954 (May 6, 2003).
The Department will issue the final
Cash Deposit Requirements
results of this administrative review,
including the results of its analysis of
On July 20, 2007, the Department
issues raised in any such written briefs
published a Federal Register notice
or hearing, within 120 days of
that, inter alia, revoked this order,
publication of these preliminary results. effective July 9, 2007. See IQF Red
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 150 / Monday, August 4, 2008 / Notices
Raspberries from Chile: Final Results of
Sunset Review and Revocation of Order,
72 FR 39793 (July 20, 2007). Therefore,
there will be no need to issue new cash
deposit instructions pursuant to the
final results of this administrative
Notification to Importers
This notice also serves as a
preliminary reminder to importers of
their responsibility under 19 CFR
351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate
regarding the reimbursement of
antidumping duties prior to liquidation
of the relevant entries during this
review period. Failure to comply with
this requirement could result in the
Secretary’s presumption that
reimbursement of antidumping duties
occurred and the subsequent assessment
of double antidumping duties.
We are issuing and publishing these
results in accordance with sections
751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.
Dated: July 28, 2008.
David M. Spooner,
Assistant Secretary for Import
[FR Doc. E8–17810 Filed 8–1–08; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Chlorinated Isocyanurates from Spain:
Notice of Rescission of Antidumping
Duty New Shipper Review
Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: In response to a request from
Inquide Flix S.A. (Inquide), on February
13, 2008, the Department of Commerce
(the Department) published in the
Federal Register a notice announcing
the initiation of a new shipper review of
the antidumping duty order on
chlorinated isocyanurates from Spain,
covering the period June 1, 2007,
through November 30, 2007. On July 22,
2008, Inquide withdrew its request for
a new shipper review and, therefore, we
are rescinding this review.
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 4, 2008.
Scott Lindsay, AD/CVD Operations,
Office 6, Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th
Street and Constitution Avenue, NW,
Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202)
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES
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The Department received a timely
request from Inquide, in accordance
with section 751(a)(2)(B)(i) of the Tariff
Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), and
19 CFR 351.214(c), for a new shipper
review of the antidumping duty order
on chlorinated isocyanurates from
Spain. On February 13, 2008, the
Department found that the request for
review with respect to Inquide met all
of the regulatory requirements set forth
in 19 CFR 351.214(b) and initiated an
antidumping duty new shipper review.
See Chlorinated Isocyanurates from
Spain: Initiation of Antidumping Duty
New Shipper Review, 73 FR 8290
(February 13, 2008) (Initiation Notice).
However, the Department noted in the
initiation notice that it had concerns
with Inquide’s eligibility for a new
shipper review, specifically regarding
Inquide’s certification that it had never
been affiliated with any producers or
exporters of subject merchandise. See
Initiation Notice.
On February 14, 2008, the Department
issued a questionnaire requesting that
Inquide clarify whether it has ever been
affiliated with any exporter or producer
who exported subject merchandise to
the United States during the original
period of investigation. Included in this
questionnaire was documentation from
the first administrative review of
chlorinated isocyanurates from Spain,
which called into question Inquide’s
certification regarding its affiliations.
See the Department’s February 14, 2008
questionnaire. Inquide responded to our
questionnaire on February 26, 2008.
On July 22, 2008, Inquide withdrew
its request for a new shipper review.
Rescission of New Shipper Review
Section 351.214(f)(1) of the
Department’s regulations provides that
the Department may rescind a new
shipper review if the party that
requested the review withdraws its
request for review within 60 days of the
date of publication of the notice of
initiation of the requested review.
Although Inquide withdrew its request
after the 60–day deadline, we find it
reasonable to extend the deadline
because we have not yet committed
significant resources to the Inquide new
shipper review. Specifically, we have
not issued the initial questionnaire.
Further, Inquide was the only party to
request this review. Finally, we have not
received any submissions opposing the
withdrawal of the request for the
review. For these reasons, we are
rescinding the new shipper review of
the antidumping duty order on
chlorinated isocyanurates from Spain
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with respect to Inquide in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.214(f)(1).
As the Department is rescinding this
antidumping duty new shipper review,
normally, the all–others rate in effect at
the time of entry, 24.83 percent ad
valorem, would apply to all exports of
chlorinated isocyanurates from Spain by
Inquide entered, or withdrawn, from
warehouse for consumption during the
period of review (June 1, 2007, through
November 30, 2007). However, a request
for a review of Inquide’s shipments has
also been made for the administrative
review of chlorinated isocyanurates
from Spain, covering the period June 1,
2007 through May 31, 2008. Because the
sale(s) from this new shipper review
also fall within the period of review of
the administrative review, the
Department will not issue assessment
instructions to U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) at this time. Upon the
completion of the June 1, 2007 through
May 31, 2008 administrative review, the
Department will issue assessment
instructions to CBP as appropriate.
This notice also serves as the only
reminder to parties subject to
administrative protective orders
(‘‘APO’’) of their responsibility
concerning the disposition of
proprietary information disclosed under
APO in accordance with 19 CFR
351.305(a)(3). Timely written
notification of the return/destruction of
APO material or conversion to judicial
protective order is hereby requested.
Failure to comply with the regulations
and terms of an APO is a violation
which is subject to sanctions.
This new shipper rescission and
notice are published in accordance with
sections 751(a)(2)(B) and 777(i)(1) of the
Dated: July 25, 2008.
Stephen J. Claeys,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Import
[FR Doc. E8–17816 Filed 8–1–08; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
RIN 0648–XJ41
Endangered Species; File No. 1549
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 150 (Monday, August 4, 2008)]
[Pages 45212-45215]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-17810]
International Trade Administration
Notice of Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative
Review: Certain Individually Quick Frozen Red Raspberries from Chile
AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce is conducting an administrative
review of the antidumping duty order on certain individually quick
frozen (IQF) red raspberries from Chile. The period of review (POR) is
July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2007. This review covers sales of IQF
red raspberries by producer/exporter Sociedad Agroindustrial Valle Frio
Ltda. We preliminarily find that, during the POR, sales of IQF red
raspberries were not made below normal value. Interested parties are
invited to comment on these preliminary results. We will issue the
final results not later than 120 days from the date of publication of
this notice.
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 4, 2008.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alexander Montoro or Nancy Decker, AD/
CVD Operations, Office 1, Import Administration, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and
Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20230; telephone (202) 482-0238
and (202) 482-0196, respectively.
On July 9, 2002, the Department of Commerce (Department) published
an antidumping duty order on certain IQF red raspberries from Chile.
See Notice of Antidumping Duty Order: IQF Red Raspberries From Chile,
67 FR 45460 (July 9, 2002). On July 3, 2006, the Department published a
notice of opportunity to request administrative review of this order.
See Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Order, Finding, or Suspended
Investigation; Opportunity to Request Administrative Review, 72 FR
36420 (July 3, 2007). On July 31, 2007, we received a request for
review from Sociedad Agroindustrial Valle Frio Ltda. (Valle Frio).\1\
On August 30, 2006, we initiated the fourth administrative review for
Valle Frio. See Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
Administrative Reviews and Request for Revocation in Part, 72 FR 48613
(Aug. 24, 2007). On September 17, 2007, the Department issued an
antidumping questionnaire to Valle Frio. Valle Frio submitted its
initial responses to the antidumping questionnaire from October 2007
through November 2007.
\1\ In the third administrative review, the Department collapsed
Valle Frio with its affiliated producer, Agricola Framparque
(Framparque). See Memorandum to Susan Kuhbach, Director,
``Collapsing of Sociedad Agroindustrial Valle Frio Ltda.,'' dated
July 31, 2006. See Notice of Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review, Notice of Intent to Revoke in Part: Certain
Individually Quick Frozen Red Raspberries from Chile (unchanged in
final) (Third Administrative Review of Raspberries from Chile), 71
FR 45000, 45001 (Aug. 8, 2006). There has been no change in the
facts since then, so for the instant administrative review, we are
treating Valle Frio and Framparque as a single entity.
On March 7, 2008, we requested that Valle Frio respond to the
Constructed Value (CV) portion of the Department's questionnaire. For
further discussion, see ``Calculation of Normal Value Based on
Constructed Value'' section of this notice.
On March 21, 2008, the Department published in the Federal Register
an extension of the time limit for the completion of the preliminary
results of this review until no later than July 30, 2008, in accordance
with section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the
Act), and 19 CFR 351.213(h)(2). See Certain Individually Quick Frozen
Red Raspberries from Chile: Notice of Extension of Time Limit for
Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 73 FR
15134 (Mar. 21, 2008).
On March 13, 2008, the Department issued a supplemental
questionnaire to Valle Frio, and Valle Frio submitted its response on
April 7, 2008. On April 1, 2008, Valle Frio submitted a response to
Department's request for CV information. After analyzing these
responses, we issued a second supplemental questionnaire to Valle Frio
on June 13, 2008. We received a timely filed response on July 07, 2008.
Scope of the Order
The products covered by this order are imports of IQF whole or
broken red raspberries from Chile, with or without the addition of
sugar or syrup, regardless of variety, grade, size or horticulture
method (e.g., organic or not), the size of the container in which
packed, or the method of packing. The scope of the order excludes fresh
red raspberries and block frozen red raspberries (i.e., puree, straight
pack, juice stock, and juice concentrate).
The merchandise subject to this order is currently classifiable
under subheading 0811.20.2020 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States (HTSUS). Although the HTSUS subheading is provided for
convenience and customs purposes, the written description of the
merchandise under the order is dispositive.
Fair Value Comparisons
To determine whether sales of IQF red raspberries from Chile to the
United States were made at less than normal value (NV), we compared
export price (EP) to NV, as described in the ``Export Price'' and
``Normal Value'' sections of this notice. We note that we continue to
have outstanding sales reconciliation issues with Valle Frio's
responses. For purposes of calculating these
[[Page 45213]]
preliminary results, we are accepting the data provided by Valle Frio.
However, we intend to ask for further information following publication
of these preliminary results to determine whether the aforementioned
responses accurately reflect Valle Frio's sales.
Product Comparison
In accordance with section 771(16) of the Act, we considered all
products sold by the respondent in the comparison market covered by the
description in the ``Scope of the Order'' section, above, to be
foreign-like products for purposes of determining appropriate product
comparisons to U.S. sales. In accordance with section 773(a)(1)(C)(ii)
of the Act, in order to determine whether there was a sufficient volume
of sales in the home market to serve as a viable basis for calculating
NV, we compared the respondent's volume of home market sales of the
foreign-like product to the volume of its U.S. sales of the subject
merchandise. See the ``Normal Value'' section, below, for further
Normally, we compare U.S. sales to monthly weighted average prices
of contemporaneous sales made in the comparison market. The Department
determined that for merchandise sold in the United States, Valle Frio
did not have valid comparison market sales matches because the
calculated difference-in-merchandise (DIFMER) was greater than twenty
percent for all matches for reported U.S. sales control numbers
(CONNUMs). See Memorandum to the File, ``Difference-in-merchandise
Calculation for Sociedad Agroindustrial Valle Frio Ltda.'' dated March
7, 2008; and Memorandum from Yasmin Nair, International Trade
Compliance Analyst, to Susan Kuhbach, Director, Office 1, ``Request for
Constructed Value'' dated March 7, 2008. Since there were no sales of
identical or similar merchandise made in the ordinary course of trade
in the comparison market, we compared U.S. sales to constructed value
(CV). In making product comparisons, consistent with our determination
in the original investigation, we matched foreign like products based
on the physical characteristics reported by the respondent in the
following order: grade, variety, form, cultivation method, and
additives. See Notice of Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less
than Fair Value and Postponement of Final Determination: IQF Red
Raspberries from Chile, 66 FR 67510, 67511 (Dec. 31, 2001) unchanged in
Final Determination.\2\
\2\ See Notice of Final Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair
Value: IQF Red Raspberries from Chile, 67 FR 35790 (May 21, 2002)
(``Final Determination'').
Normally, the Department employs invoice date as the date of sale.
See 19 CFR 351.401(i). However, if the Department determines that
another date reflects the date on which the exporter or producer
establishes the material terms of sale, the Department may use this
date. See id. Valle Frio ships the subject merchandise on or before the
date of invoice. We are using the date of shipment (i.e., guia de
despacho/dispatch note date) as the date of sale, because this is the
date on which the material terms of sale were established. See, e.g.,
Certain Cold-Rolled and Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products
From Korea: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Reviews,
63 FR 13170, 13172-73 (March 18, 1998).
Export Price
For sales to the United States, we calculated Export Price (EP), in
accordance with section 772 of the Act. Section 772(a) of the Act
defines EP as the price at which the subject merchandise is first sold
before the date of importation by the exporter or producer outside the
United States to an unaffiliated purchaser in the United States, or to
an unaffiliated purchaser for exportation to the United States.
We calculated EP because the merchandise was sold by the exporter
or producer outside the United States to an unaffiliated purchaser in
the United States prior to importation and because constructed export
price methodology was not otherwise warranted. We based EP on the
packed, FOB price to unaffiliated purchasers in the United States. We
made deductions from the starting price for movement expenses in
accordance with section 772(c)(2)(A) of the Act. These included, where
appropriate, inland freight incurred in transporting merchandise to the
Chilean port and domestic brokerage and handling expenses.
Normal Value
Home Market Viability
Section 773(a)(1) of the Act directs that NV be based on the price
at which the foreign-like product is sold in the home market, provided
that the merchandise is sold in sufficient quantities (or value, if
quantity is inappropriate) and that there is no particular market
situation that prevents a proper comparison with the EP. Quantities (or
value) will normally be considered insufficient if they are less than
five percent of the aggregate quantity (or value) of sales of the
subject merchandise to the United States. See 19 CFR 351.404(b)(2).
Valle Frio reported that its home market sales of IQF red
raspberries during the POR were less than five percent of its sales of
IQF red raspberries to the United States. Therefore, Valle Frio did not
have a viable home market for purposes of calculating NV. Valle Frio
reported sales to France, which was its largest third country market.
Valle Frio reported that no other third country markets were viable and
sales to France exceeded five percent of its sales to the United
States. Accordingly, for purposes of calculating NV, Valle Frio
reported its sales to France.
To derive NV, we made the adjustments detailed in the ``Calculation
of Normal Value Based on Comparison Market Prices'' and ``Calculation
of Normal Value Based on Constructed Value'' sections, below.
A. Calculation of Normal Value Based on Comparison Market Prices
Even though, as explained above, Valle Frio did not have valid
comparison market sales matches, we calculated NV for purposes of
determining selling expenses and profit to be included in CV. To
calculate the CV profit percentage, we based comparison market prices
on the packed prices to unaffiliated purchasers in France. We adjusted
the starting price by deducting movement expenses, including, where
appropriate, inland freight from the plant to the port, international
freight, and container handling/brokerage charges. We also deducted
direct and indirect selling expenses incurred for comparison market
sales (e.g., commissions, microbiological/pesticide testing, label
expenses), and comparison market packing expenses. We then deducted
total comparison market cost of production from the net comparison
market price, and divided by total comparison market cost of production
to arrive at the CV profit percentage. See Memorandum to the File,
``Preliminary Results Calculation Memorandum for Sociedad
Agroindustrial Valle Frio Ltda.,'' dated July 28, 2008 (Valle Frio
Preliminary Calculation Memorandum), which is on file in the
Department's Central Records Unit, Room 1117 of the-main Department
[[Page 45214]]
B. Calculation of Normal Value Based on Constructed Value
Section 773(a)(4) of the Act provides that where NV cannot be based
on comparison-market sales, NV may be based on CV. As noted above, the
Department determined that for merchandise sold in the United States,
Valle Frio did not have valid comparison market sales matches because
the calculated DIFMER was greater than the twenty percent for all
matches for reported U.S. sales CONNUMs. See Memorandum to the File,
``Difference-in-merchandise Calculation for Sociedad Agroindustrial
Valle Frio Ltda.'' dated March 7, 2008; and Memorandum from Yasmin
Nair, International Trade Compliance Analyst, to Susan Kuhbach,
Director, Office 1, ``Request for Constructed Value'' dated March 7,
2008. Accordingly, we based NV on the CV. Section 773(e) of the Act
provides that the CV shall be based on the sum of the cost of materials
and fabrication for the imported merchandise, plus amounts for selling,
general and administrative (SG&A) expenses, profit, and U.S. packing
costs. We based SG&A expenses and profit on the actual amounts incurred
and realized by the respondent in connection with the production and
sale of the foreign-like product in the ordinary course of trade for
consumption in the comparison market, in accordance with section
773(e)(2)(A) of the Act. We used U.S. packing costs as described in the
``Export Price'' section, above.
We relied on the CV data submitted by Valle Frio. We note that we
continue to have outstanding cost reconciliation and valuation issues
with Valle Frio's responses. For purposes of calculating these
preliminary results, we are accepting the data provided by Valle Frio.
However, we intend to ask for further information following publication
of these preliminary results to determine whether the aforementioned
responses accurately reflect Valle Frio's constructed value.
We made adjustments to CV for differences in Circumstances of Sale
(COS) in accordance with section 773(a)(8) of the Act and 19 CFR
351.410. For comparisons to EP, we made COS adjustments by deducting
direct selling expenses incurred on comparison market sales from, and
adding U.S. direct selling expenses to, CV. We also made adjustments,
in accordance with 19 CFR 351.410(e), for indirect selling expenses
incurred on comparison market or U.S. sales where commissions were
granted on sales in one market but not in the other (the commission
offset). Specifically, where commissions were granted in the U.S.
market but not in the comparison market, we made a downward adjustment
to NV for the lesser of: (1) the amount of the commission paid in the
U.S. market; or (2) the amount of indirect selling expenses incurred in
the comparison market. If commissions were granted in the comparison
market but not in the U.S. market, we made an upward adjustment to NV
(based on CV) following the same methodology.
Currency Conversion
We made currency conversions in accordance with section 773A(a) of
the Act based on the exchange rates in effect on the date of the U.S.
sale as reported by the Federal Reserve Bank.
Preliminary Results of Review
We preliminarily find the following weighted-average dumping
Exporter/manufacturer margin percentage
Sociedad Agroindustrial Valle Frio Ltda./Agricola 0.28 (de minimis)
Public Comment and Disclosure
Within ten days of publicly announcing the preliminary results of
this review, we will disclose to interested parties any calculations
performed in connection with the preliminary results. See 19 CFR
351.224(b). Any interested party may request a hearing within 30 days
of publication of this notice. Any hearing, if requested, will be held
37 days after the publication of this notice, or the first business day
thereafter. Issues raised in the hearing will be limited to those
raised in the case and rebuttal briefs. Interested parties may submit
case briefs within 30 days of the date of publication of this notice.
See 19 CFR 351.309(c). Rebuttal briefs, which must be limited to issues
raised in the case briefs, may be filed not later than five days after
the date for filing case briefs. See 19 CFR 351.309(d). Parties who
submit case briefs or rebuttal briefs in this proceeding are requested
to submit with each argument: (1) a statement of the issue; (2) a brief
summary of the argument with an electronic version included; and (3) a
table of statutes, regulations, and cases cited. See 19 CFR
The Department will issue the final results of this administrative
review, including the results of its analysis of issues raised in any
such written briefs or hearing, within 120 days of publication of these
preliminary results.
Assessment Rates
Upon completion of the administrative review, the Department shall
determine, and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) shall assess,
antidumping duties on all appropriate entries. Pursuant to 19 CFR
351.212(b)(1), for all sales made by Valle Frio for which it has
reported the importer of record and the entered value of the U.S.
sales, we have calculated importer-specific assessment rates based on
the ratio of the total amount of antidumping duties calculated for the
examined sales to the total entered value of those sales. Where the
respondent did not report the entered value for U.S. sales, we have
calculated importer-specific assessment rates for the merchandise in
question by aggregating the dumping margins calculated for all U.S.
sales to each importer and dividing this amount by the total quantity
of those sales. To determine whether the duty assessment rates were de
minimis, in accordance with the requirement set forth in 19 CFR
351.106(c)(2), we calculated importer-specific ad valorem rates based
on the estimated entered value. Where the assessment rate is above de
minimis, we will instruct CBP to assess duties on all entries of
subject merchandise by that importer. Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.106(c)(2),
we will instruct CBP to liquidate without regard to antidumping duties
any entries for which the assessment rate is de minimis (i.e., less
than 0.50 percent). The Department will issue assessment instructions
directly to CBP within 15 days of publication of the final results of
this review.
The Department clarified its ``automatic assessment'' regulation on
May 6, 2003. See Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Proceedings:
Assessment of Antidumping Duties, 68 FR 23954 (May 6, 2003). This
clarification will apply to entries of subject merchandise during the
POR produced by the respondent for which it did not know its
merchandise was destined for the United States. In such instances, we
will instruct CBP to liquidate unreviewed entries at the all-others
rate if there is no rate for the intermediate company(ies) involved in
the transaction. For a full discussion of this clarification, see
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Proceedings: Assessment of
Antidumping Duties, 68 FR 23954 (May 6, 2003).
Cash Deposit Requirements
On July 20, 2007, the Department published a Federal Register
notice that, inter alia, revoked this order, effective July 9, 2007.
See IQF Red
[[Page 45215]]
Raspberries from Chile: Final Results of Sunset Review and Revocation
of Order, 72 FR 39793 (July 20, 2007). Therefore, there will be no need
to issue new cash deposit instructions pursuant to the final results of
this administrative review.
Notification to Importers
This notice also serves as a preliminary reminder to importers of
their responsibility under 19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a certificate
regarding the reimbursement of antidumping duties prior to liquidation
of the relevant entries during this review period. Failure to comply
with this requirement could result in the Secretary's presumption that
reimbursement of antidumping duties occurred and the subsequent
assessment of double antidumping duties.
We are issuing and publishing these results in accordance with
sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.
Dated: July 28, 2008.
David M. Spooner,
Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
[FR Doc. E8-17810 Filed 8-1-08; 8:45 am]