Use of Meeting Rooms and Public Space, 36793-36796 [E8-14706]
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Leveraging Education Assistance
Partnerships; 84.268 William D. Ford Federal
Direct Loan Program; 84.379 TEACH Grant
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is the document published in the Federal
Register. Free Internet access to the official
edition of the Federal Register and the Code
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RIN 3095–AB33
In rule FR Doc. E8–13587 published
June 23, 2008 (73 FR 35472), make the
following technical corrections:
I 1. On page 35494, column three, in
amendatory instruction 26(A), remove
the paragraph reference ‘‘(b)(2)(ii)’’ and,
in its place, add the paragraph reference
I 2. On page 35495, column one, correct
amendment 33 to read as follows:
I 33. Section 682.204 is amended by:
I A. Adding paragraph (m).
I B. Adding an authority citation to read
as follows:
[Docket NARA–08–0002]
§ 682.204
Maximum loan amounts.
(m) Any TEACH Grants that have
been converted to Direct Unsubsidized
Loans are not counted against annual or
any aggregate loan limits under
paragraphs (c), (d), (e), and (f) of this
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1070g, 1078, 1078–2,
1078–3, 1078–8)
3. On page 35495, column two, in
amendatory instruction 35(A), remove
the paragraph reference ‘‘(c)(1)(ii)(B)’’
and, in its place, add the paragraph
reference ‘‘(c)(4)(i)(B)’’.
I 4. On page 35495, column two, in
amendatory instruction 39(A), remove
the paragraph reference ‘‘(c)(2)’’ and, in
its place, add the paragraph reference
I 5. On page 35495, column three, after
amendatory instruction 41, add the
heading for Part 686 to read as follows:
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
Dated: June 26, 2008.
Sara Martinez Tucker,
Under Secretary for Education.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Numbers: 84.007 Federal Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grant Program;
84.032 Federal Family Education Loan
Program; 84.033 Federal Work Study; 84.038
Federal Perkins Loan Program; 84.063
Federal Pell Grant Program; 84.069
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:56 Jun 27, 2008
Jkt 214001
[FR Doc. E8–14850 Filed 6–27–08; 8:45 am]
36 CFR Part 1280
entities because it affects individuals.
This regulation does not have any
federalism implications. This rule is not
a major rule as defined in 5 U.S.C.
Chapter 8, Congressional Review of
Agency Rulemaking.
List of Subjects in 36 CFR Part 1280
Archives and records, Federal
buildings and facilities.
I For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, NARA amends part 1280 of
title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, as
Use of Meeting Rooms and Public
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA).
ACTION: Final rule.
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2102 notes, 2104(a),
2112, 2903
NARA is amending its
regulations on public use of the
National Archives Building in
Washington, DC, for meetings or special
events. This rule incorporates changes
in available space as a result of the
renovation of the National Archives
Building by identifying the kinds of
space available and procedures for
requesting use. NARA also will charge
fees for the use of public areas in the
National Archives Building in
accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2903(b). This
rule affects the public.
DATES: Effective Date: July 30, 2008.
Jennifer Davis Heaps at 301–837–1850,
or fax at 301–837–0319.
4, 2008, NARA published a proposed
rule (73 FR 18462) for a 60-day public
comment period updating text in the
regulations relating to the availability of
public spaces in the National Archives
Building and the National Archives at
College Park, Maryland, for private,
non-official use, including meetings and
special events.
We notified several listservs and
researcher organizations about the
proposed rule and its availability on We also posted a notice
about the rule on our Web site, https:// We received no
comments. We are adopting the
proposed rule as a final rule without
This rule is not a significant
regulatory action for the purposes of
Executive Order 12866 and has not been
reviewed by the Office of Management
and Budget. As required by the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, I certify that
this rule will not have a significant
impact on a substantial number of small
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1. The authority citation for part 1280
is revised to read as follows:
2. Amend § 1280.1 by revising
paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 1280.1
What is the purpose of this part?
(a) This part tells you what rules you
must follow when you use property
under the control of the Archivist of the
United States (see § 1280.2 of this part).
§ 1280.34
3. Amend § 1280.34 as follows:
a. Remove ‘‘Assistant Archivist for
Administrative Services’’ in paragraphs
(b) and (c) and add in place ‘‘Assistant
Archivist for Administration.’’
I b. Remove ‘‘36 CFR 1254.20’’ in the
third sentence of paragraph (b) and add
in place ‘‘36 CFR 1254.48.’’
I 4. Amend § 1280.46 by revising
paragraph (b)(3) to read as follows:
§ 1280.46 What are the rules for filming,
photographing, or videotaping on NARA
property for personal use?
(b) * * *
(3) You may not film, photograph, or
videotape while on the interior steps or
ramp leading to the Declaration of
Independence, the Constitution, and the
Bill of Rights in the Rotunda of the
National Archives Building.
I 5. Amend § 1280.48 by revising
paragraph (a) and amending paragraph
(f) by revising the first sentence to read
as follows:
§ 1280.48 How do I apply to film,
photograph, or videotape on NARA
property for news purposes?
(a) If you wish to film, photograph, or
videotape for news purposes at the
National Archives Building (as
delineated in § 1280.2(a)), the National
Archives at College Park, or the
Washington National Records Center,
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 126 / Monday, June 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
you must request permission from the
NARA Public Affairs Officer, 700
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20408–0001. See also
§ 1280.42(b) for additional permissions
relating to the Washington National
Records Center.
(f) This section does not apply to you
if you have permission to use your own
microfilming equipment to film archival
records and donated historical materials
under the provisions of 36 CFR 1254.90
through 1254.110. * * *
I 6. Amend § 1280.52 by revising the
third sentence of paragraph (a) as
§ 1280.52 What are the rules for filming,
photographing, or videotaping on NARA
property for news purposes?
(a) * * * If the Public Affairs Officer
approves your use of artificial lighting
in the Rotunda, NARA will use
facsimiles in place of the Declaration of
Independence, the Constitution, and the
Bill of Rights. * * *
I 7. Revise § 1280.68 to read as follows:
May I use the cafeterias?
Yes, the Charters Cafe in the National
Archives Building is normally open to
the public Monday through Friday, 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. and the cafeteria at the
National Archives at College Park is
open to the public from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
I 8. Revise subpart D to read as follows:
Subpart D—What Rules Apply to Use NARA
Public Areas in the Washington, DC, Area?
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
1280.70 When does NARA allow nonNARA groups to use the public areas of
NARA property?
1280.71 What are the general rules for using
NARA property in the Washington, DC,
1280.72 What additional rules apply for a
NARA approved event?
National Archives Building, Washington, DC
1280.74 What spaces in the National
Archives Building are available for use
by non-NARA groups and organizations?
1280.76 When are the public areas available
for private events in the National
Archives Building?
1280.78 Does NARA charge fees for the use
of public areas in the National Archives
1280.80 How do I request to use NARA
public areas in the National Archives
1280.82 How will NARA handle my request
to use public areas in the National
Archives Building?
1280.84 May I ask to use the Rotunda?
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Jkt 214001
Subpart D—What Rules Apply to Use
NARA Public Areas in the Washington,
DC, Area?
§ 1280.68
National Archives at College Park, MD
1280.85 What space in the National
Archives at College Park is available for
use by non-NARA groups and
1280.86 When are the public areas available
for events in the National Archives at
College Park?
1280.87 Does NARA charge fees for the use
of public areas in the National Archives
at College Park?
1280.88 How do I request to use NARA
public areas in the National Archives at
College Park?
1280.89 How will NARA handle my request
to use public areas in the National
Archives at College Park?
§ 1280.70 When does NARA allow nonNARA groups to use the public areas of
NARA property?
(a) The primary use of NARA property
in the Washington, DC, area (the
National Archives Building and the
National Archives at College Park),
including those areas open to the
public, is the conduct of official NARA
business, including public programs
and other activities conducted in
conjunction with government and nongovernment organizations and the
Foundation for the National Archives
(‘‘Foundation’’). In conducting official
business, NARA and its partners use all
of the public areas of the Washington,
DC, area facilities. There are no public
areas in the Washington National
Records Center in Suitland, MD.
(b) NARA may permit, under the
conditions described in this subpart, the
occasional use of certain public areas by
other Federal agencies, quasi-Federal
agencies, and state, local, and tribal
government organizations for official
activities. NARA also permits the
occasional, non-official use of its public
areas by organizations when the activity
relates to or furthers NARA’s archival,
records, or other programs.
§ 1280.71 What are the general rules for
using NARA property in the Washington,
DC, area?
In addition to the rules listed in
Subparts A, B, and C of this part, you
must adhere to the following rules when
using NARA public spaces:
(a) All use must relate to or further the
archival, records, or other activities of
NARA. Examples of use that meet this
standard include programs that promote
research in or the dissemination and use
of NARA holdings, including
educational programs and materials, the
preservation of NARA holdings or the
PO 00000
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historical records and documentary
materials of other institutions, and the
use and enjoyment of NARA exhibits.
(b) All use must be consistent with
the public perception of NARA as an
archival and research institution.
(c) When NARA cohosts an activity
with the Foundation or other
organizations, NARA must be identified
as the cohost in all materials and
publicity relating to the activity.
(d) When NARA has authorized your
organization to use NARA property, you
may not characterize your use of NARA
property as an endorsement by NARA of
your organization or its activities, or
otherwise suggest an official
relationship between NARA and your
(e) You are not allowed to charge an
admission fee or make any indirect
assessment for admission, and you may
not otherwise collect money at the
(f) You may not use NARA property
or permission to use that property to
advertise, promote, or sell commercial
enterprises, products, or services, or for
partisan political, sectarian, or similar
(g) You may not use NARA property
if you or your organization or group
engages in discriminatory practices
proscribed by the Civil Rights Act of
1964, as amended.
(h) You must not misrepresent your
identity to the public nor conduct any
activities in a misleading or fraudulent
(i) You must ensure that no
Government property is destroyed,
displaced, or damaged during your use
of NARA public areas. You must take
prompt action to replace, return, restore,
repair or repay NARA for any damage
caused to Government property during
the use of NARA facilities.
§ 1280.72 What additional rules apply for a
NARA approved event?
(a) Approved applicants must provide
support people as needed to register
guests, distribute approved literature,
name tags, and other material.
(b) We must approve in advance any
item that you plan to distribute or
display during your use of NARA
property, or any notice or advertisement
that refers, directly or indirectly, to
NARA, the Foundation for the National
Archives, or the National Archives Trust
Fund, or incorporates any of the seals
described in 36 CFR 1200.2.
(c) We must approve in advance any
vendor or caterer who will work in
NARA facilities. You must comply with
all NARA requirements for the use of
food and drink at your event.
(d) No food or drink may be present
or consumed in areas where original
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 126 / Monday, June 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
records or historical materials are
National Archives Building,
Washington, DC
§ 1280.80 How do I request to use NARA
public areas in the National Archives
(a) Direct your request to use space to:
Special Events Division Director (AI);
National Archives and Records
Administration, 700 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW., Room G–9, Washington,
DC 20408. Request by telephone at 202–
357–5164 or by fax at 202–357–5926.
(b) You must submit requests, signed
by an authorized official of your
organization, to use NARA public areas
at least 30 calendar days before the
proposed event is to occur.
(c) OMB control number 3095–0043
has been assigned to the information
collection contained in this section.
§ 1280.74 What spaces in the National
Archives Building are available for use by
non-NARA groups and organizations?
You may ask to use the following
areas in the National Archives Building,
Washington, DC:
Rotunda Galleries .....
William G. McGowan
Archivist’s Reception
Presidential Conference Rooms.
250 persons.
290 persons.
125 persons.
§ 1280.82 How will NARA handle my
request to use public areas in the National
Archives Building?
20 to 70 persons.
§ 1280.76 When are the public areas
available for private events in the National
Archives Building?
Most public areas are available for setup and use on weekdays from 6 p.m.
until 10:30 p.m. during the fall and
winter seasons (day after Labor Day
through March 14). The areas are
available for set-up and use from 7:30
p.m. until 10:30 p.m. in the spring
season (March 15 through Labor Day).
The areas are not available during
weekends or on Federal holidays. A
NARA staff member must be present at
all times when non-NARA groups use
NARA spaces.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
§ 1280.78 Does NARA charge fees for the
use of public areas in the National Archives
(a) NARA is authorized to charge fees
for the occasional, non-official use of its
public areas, as well as for services
related to such use, including additional
cleaning, security, and other staff
services. NARA will either exercise this
authority directly, or, for activities cosponsored with the Foundation for the
National Archives, as part of your
group’s arrangements with the
(b) We will inform organizations
interested in using public spaces in the
National Archives Building in advance
and in writing of the total estimated cost
associated with using the public area of
interest. Fees NARA charges are paid to
the National Archives Trust Fund.
(c) Federal and quasi-Federal
agencies, State, local, and tribal
governmental institutions using public
space for official government functions
pay fees to the National Archives Trust
Fund only for the costs for additional
cleaning, security, and other staff
services NARA provides.
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(a) When you ask to use property in
the National Archives Building, we
review your request to:
(1) Ensure that it meets all of the
provisions in this subpart;
(2) Determine if the public area you
have requested is available on the date
and time you have requested;
(3) Evaluate whether your proposed
use is appropriate for the requested
space; and
(4) Determine the costs of the event.
(b) When we have completed this
review, we will notify you of the
decision. We may ask for additional
information before deciding whether or
not to approve your event.
(c) NARA reserves the right to review,
reject, or require changes in any
material, activity, or caterer you intend
to use for the event.
§ 1280.84
May I ask to use the Rotunda?
The Rotunda is primarily used for the
public exhibition of the Charters of
Freedom and other documents from
NARA’s holdings. NARA also uses the
Rotunda for activities that further its
Strategic Plan. Therefore, the use of the
Rotunda for private events is not
permitted. NARA may, upon
application, permit other Federal
agencies, quasi-Federal agencies, and
State, local, and tribal governments to
use the Rotunda for official functions,
with NARA as a co-sponsor.
Governmental groups that use the
Rotunda for official functions must
reimburse NARA for the cost of
additional cleaning, security, and other
staff services.
National Archives at College Park, MD
§ 1280.85 What space in the National
Archives at College Park is available for use
by non-NARA groups and organizations?
You may ask to use the following
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Auditorium .................
Lecture Rooms ..........
30 to 70 persons (or
up to 300 with all
dividers removed).
§ 1280.86 When are the public areas
available for events in the National Archives
at College Park?
Most areas are available for set-up and
use from 8 a.m. until 9:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, and from 9 a.m. until
4:30 p.m. on Saturday. A NARA staff
member must be present at all times
when the public area is in use. If the
space and staff are available, we may
approve requests for events held before
or after these hours and on Sunday.
§ 1280.87 Does NARA charge fees for the
use of public areas in the National Archives
at College Park?
NARA may charge a fee under 44
U.S.C. 2903(b) for the use of public
areas at the National Archives at College
Park. We inform organizations in
advance and in writing of the total
estimated cost of using the public area.
Federal and quasi-Federal agencies,
State, local, and tribal governmental
institutions using public space for
official government functions pay fees
to the National Archives Trust Fund
only for the costs for additional
cleaning, security, and other staff
services NARA provides.
§ 1280.88 How do I request to use NARA
public areas in the National Archives at
College Park?
(a) Direct your request to use space to:
Special Events Coordinator (AII);
Facilities and Personal Property
Management Division; National
Archives and Records Administration;
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD
20740–6001. Request by telephone at
301–837–1900, or by fax at 301–837–
(b) You must submit requests for use
of NARA public areas at least 30
calendar days before the proposed event
is to occur.
(c) OMB control number 3095–0043
has been assigned to the information
collection contained in this section.
§ 1280.89 How will NARA handle my
request to use public areas in the National
Archives at College Park?
(a) When you ask to use public areas
at the National Archives at College Park,
we will review your request to:
(1) Ensure that it meets all of the
provisions in this subpart;
(2) Determine if the room you have
requested is available on the date and
time you have requested; and
(3) Determine the cost of the event.
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 126 / Monday, June 30, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
(b) When we have completed this
review, we will notify you of the
decision. We may ask for additional
information before deciding whether or
not to approve your event.
(c) NARA reserves the right to review,
reject, or require changes in any
material, activity, or caterer you intend
to use for the event.
Dated: June 23, 2008.
Allen Weinstein,
Archivist of the United States.
[FR Doc. E8–14706 Filed 6–27–08; 8:45 am]
38 CFR Parts 17 and 70
RIN 2900–AM02
Beneficiary Travel Under 38 U.S.C. 111
Within the United States
Department of Veterans Affairs.
Final rule.
mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with RULES
SUMMARY: This document amends the
beneficiary travel regulations of the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
that provide a mechanism for payment
of travel expenses within the United
States under 38 U.S.C. 111 to help
veterans and other persons obtain care
and services from VA’s Veterans Health
Administration (VHA). The amended
regulations more fully implement the
statutory provisions governing such
DATES: Effective Date: This final rule is
effective July 30, 2008.
Tony Guagliardo, Chief Business Office
(16), Veterans Health Administration,
Department of Veterans Affairs, 810
Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, DC
20420; (202) 254–0406. (This is not a
toll-free number.)
document revises the beneficiary travel
regulations that were previously
captioned ‘‘Transportation of Claimants
and Beneficiaries.’’ The revised
regulations, set forth at 38 CFR part 70,
provide a mechanism for payment of
travel expenses within the United States
under 38 U.S.C. 111 to help veterans
and other persons obtain care and
services from VHA, a subunit within
This final rule adopts, with changes
discussed below, the provisions of the
corresponding proposed rule published
in the Federal Register on July 23, 2007
(72 FR 40096), based on the rationale set
forth in the proposed rule and this
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The proposed rule provided for a 60day comment period which ended
September 21, 2007. We received
comments from one commenter. We
discuss below issues raised by the
The commenter asserted that the
revised regulations should cover those
aspects of beneficiary travel
administered by the Veterans Benefit
Administration (VBA), one of the
Administrations within VA, and that we
should add a definition of VBA. We
made no changes based on these
comments. These regulations properly
concern, insofar as they apply to the
VBA programs discussed in this
comment, the beneficiary travel program
administered by VHA under 38 U.S.C.
111 for eligible beneficiaries traveling to
and from a Department facility in
connection with vocational
rehabilitation or incident to a scheduled
Compensation and Pension
examination. Additional transportation
benefits available to vocational
rehabilitation participants are, however,
administered by VBA in accordance
with chapter 31 of title 38, United States
Code. As such, they are beyond the
travel benefits authorized by section 111
and are properly administered pursuant
to separate regulations (see, e.g., 38 CFR
The commenter asserted that we
should add a definition of ‘‘beneficiary’’
to read: ‘‘Beneficiary means a person
determined eligible for VHA benefits
and who, subject to these regulations, is
engaged in official business for the
Government and authorized to travel at
Government expense.’’ We made no
changes based on this comment. Such a
definition would not be correct. A
covered beneficiary’s travel must be for
the limited purpose of obtaining a
specific VA benefit or another purpose
that qualifies under this rule. Such
travel is not undertaken in connection
with the conduct of official business on
behalf of the Government.
The commenter asserted that we
should amend the regulations to provide
that any recipient of benefits under 38
U.S.C. chapter 18 who travels to or from
a VA facility or VA-authorized health
care facility for care or services is
eligible to receive beneficiary travel
benefits under section 111. We made no
changes based on this comment. For
purposes of chapter 18, the definition of
‘‘health care’’ includes, among other
things, direct transportation costs to and
from approved sources of health care.
The authority for travel benefits under
chapter 18 is 38 U.S.C. 1803(c) and
1813(c), not section 111. These travel
benefits are administered separately by
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VA’s Health Administration Center,
pursuant to 38 CFR 17.900 et seq.
The proposed rule explained that
beneficiaries of the Civilian Health and
Medical Program of the Department of
Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) had
previously been included in error
among the groups eligible for
beneficiary travel benefits under section
111. The commenter responded that this
change should enable VA to have more
funds available for those who are in fact
eligible for beneficiary travel benefits,
permitting VA to increase its
reimbursement rates. However, funds
allocated for the payment of beneficiary
travel benefits under 38 U.S.C. 111 have
not been used to pay for CHAMPVA
beneficiaries’ travel claims. Instead,
those claims have been paid with funds
allocated to the Health Administration
Center, which administers the
CHAMPVA program. Consequently, the
amendment does not adjust the funding
amounts available for the beneficiary
travel program and is for clarification
Under the provisions of § 70.30(a)(1)
as proposed, the Secretary would be
authorized to establish a per mile rate
for travel by a privately owned vehicle.
Further, proposed § 70.30(a)(1)(iv)
explained how VA would comply with
the statutory provisions of 38 U.S.C.
111(g)(1), which require the Secretary,
in consultation with the Administrator
of General Services, the Secretary of
Transportation, the Comptroller General
of the United States, and representatives
of veterans’ service organizations, to
conduct periodic investigations and
other investigations required by that
section on the actual cost of travel
incurred by VA beneficiaries traveling
to and from a Department facility for a
covered purpose. Those provisions
further explained how VA would
provide notification of current mileage
reimbursement rates. The commenter
responded that the Secretary should be
bound by the costs identified during
such investigations, when determining
VA’s reimbursement rates. The
commenter further stated that any rate
that is less than that prescribed for
Federal employee travel should be
required to be fully justified in the
Federal Register. We made no changes
based on these comments.
Although the Secretary, when
conducting investigations and
determining rates under section 111, is
required to take into consideration the
actual cost of travel, along with other
factors specified in the law, it is vital
that the Secretary also be able to take
into consideration the ramifications of
diverting funds from direct medical care
for the purpose of increasing mileage
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 126 (Monday, June 30, 2008)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 36793-36796]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-14706]
36 CFR Part 1280
RIN 3095-AB33
[Docket NARA-08-0002]
Use of Meeting Rooms and Public Space
AGENCY: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: NARA is amending its regulations on public use of the National
Archives Building in Washington, DC, for meetings or special events.
This rule incorporates changes in available space as a result of the
renovation of the National Archives Building by identifying the kinds
of space available and procedures for requesting use. NARA also will
charge fees for the use of public areas in the National Archives
Building in accordance with 44 U.S.C. 2903(b). This rule affects the
DATES: Effective Date: July 30, 2008.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jennifer Davis Heaps at 301-837-1850,
or fax at 301-837-0319.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On April 4, 2008, NARA published a proposed
rule (73 FR 18462) for a 60-day public comment period updating text in
the regulations relating to the availability of public spaces in the
National Archives Building and the National Archives at College Park,
Maryland, for private, non-official use, including meetings and special
We notified several listservs and researcher organizations about
the proposed rule and its availability on We also
posted a notice about the rule on our Web site, https:// We received no comments. We are adopting the proposed
rule as a final rule without change.
This rule is not a significant regulatory action for the purposes
of Executive Order 12866 and has not been reviewed by the Office of
Management and Budget. As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act, I
certify that this rule will not have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small entities because it affects individuals.
This regulation does not have any federalism implications. This rule is
not a major rule as defined in 5 U.S.C. Chapter 8, Congressional Review
of Agency Rulemaking.
List of Subjects in 36 CFR Part 1280
Archives and records, Federal buildings and facilities.
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, NARA amends part 1280 of
title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1280 is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 2102 notes, 2104(a), 2112, 2903
2. Amend Sec. 1280.1 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
Sec. 1280.1 What is the purpose of this part?
(a) This part tells you what rules you must follow when you use
property under the control of the Archivist of the United States (see
Sec. 1280.2 of this part).
* * * * *
Sec. 1280.34 [Amended]
3. Amend Sec. 1280.34 as follows:
a. Remove ``Assistant Archivist for Administrative Services'' in
paragraphs (b) and (c) and add in place ``Assistant Archivist for
b. Remove ``36 CFR 1254.20'' in the third sentence of paragraph (b) and
add in place ``36 CFR 1254.48.''
4. Amend Sec. 1280.46 by revising paragraph (b)(3) to read as follows:
Sec. 1280.46 What are the rules for filming, photographing, or
videotaping on NARA property for personal use?
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(3) You may not film, photograph, or videotape while on the
interior steps or ramp leading to the Declaration of Independence, the
Constitution, and the Bill of Rights in the Rotunda of the National
Archives Building.
5. Amend Sec. 1280.48 by revising paragraph (a) and amending paragraph
(f) by revising the first sentence to read as follows:
Sec. 1280.48 How do I apply to film, photograph, or videotape on NARA
property for news purposes?
(a) If you wish to film, photograph, or videotape for news purposes
at the National Archives Building (as delineated in Sec. 1280.2(a)),
the National Archives at College Park, or the Washington National
Records Center,
[[Page 36794]]
you must request permission from the NARA Public Affairs Officer, 700
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20408-0001. See also Sec.
1280.42(b) for additional permissions relating to the Washington
National Records Center.
* * * * *
(f) This section does not apply to you if you have permission to
use your own microfilming equipment to film archival records and
donated historical materials under the provisions of 36 CFR 1254.90
through 1254.110. * * *
6. Amend Sec. 1280.52 by revising the third sentence of paragraph (a)
as follows:
Sec. 1280.52 What are the rules for filming, photographing, or
videotaping on NARA property for news purposes?
* * * * *
(a) * * * If the Public Affairs Officer approves your use of
artificial lighting in the Rotunda, NARA will use facsimiles in place
of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of
Rights. * * *
* * * * *
7. Revise Sec. 1280.68 to read as follows:
Sec. 1280.68 May I use the cafeterias?
Yes, the Charters Caf[eacute] in the National Archives Building is
normally open to the public Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
and the cafeteria at the National Archives at College Park is open to
the public from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
8. Revise subpart D to read as follows:
Subpart D--What Rules Apply to Use NARA Public Areas in the Washington,
DC, Area?
1280.70 When does NARA allow non-NARA groups to use the public areas
of NARA property?
1280.71 What are the general rules for using NARA property in the
Washington, DC, area?
1280.72 What additional rules apply for a NARA approved event?
National Archives Building, Washington, DC
1280.74 What spaces in the National Archives Building are available
for use by non-NARA groups and organizations?
1280.76 When are the public areas available for private events in
the National Archives Building?
1280.78 Does NARA charge fees for the use of public areas in the
National Archives Building?
1280.80 How do I request to use NARA public areas in the National
Archives Building?
1280.82 How will NARA handle my request to use public areas in the
National Archives Building?
1280.84 May I ask to use the Rotunda?
National Archives at College Park, MD
1280.85 What space in the National Archives at College Park is
available for use by non-NARA groups and organizations?
1280.86 When are the public areas available for events in the
National Archives at College Park?
1280.87 Does NARA charge fees for the use of public areas in the
National Archives at College Park?
1280.88 How do I request to use NARA public areas in the National
Archives at College Park?
1280.89 How will NARA handle my request to use public areas in the
National Archives at College Park?
Subpart D--What Rules Apply to Use NARA Public Areas in the
Washington, DC, Area?
Sec. 1280.70 When does NARA allow non-NARA groups to use the public
areas of NARA property?
(a) The primary use of NARA property in the Washington, DC, area
(the National Archives Building and the National Archives at College
Park), including those areas open to the public, is the conduct of
official NARA business, including public programs and other activities
conducted in conjunction with government and non-government
organizations and the Foundation for the National Archives
(``Foundation''). In conducting official business, NARA and its
partners use all of the public areas of the Washington, DC, area
facilities. There are no public areas in the Washington National
Records Center in Suitland, MD.
(b) NARA may permit, under the conditions described in this
subpart, the occasional use of certain public areas by other Federal
agencies, quasi-Federal agencies, and state, local, and tribal
government organizations for official activities. NARA also permits the
occasional, non-official use of its public areas by organizations when
the activity relates to or furthers NARA's archival, records, or other
Sec. 1280.71 What are the general rules for using NARA property in
the Washington, DC, area?
In addition to the rules listed in Subparts A, B, and C of this
part, you must adhere to the following rules when using NARA public
(a) All use must relate to or further the archival, records, or
other activities of NARA. Examples of use that meet this standard
include programs that promote research in or the dissemination and use
of NARA holdings, including educational programs and materials, the
preservation of NARA holdings or the historical records and documentary
materials of other institutions, and the use and enjoyment of NARA
(b) All use must be consistent with the public perception of NARA
as an archival and research institution.
(c) When NARA cohosts an activity with the Foundation or other
organizations, NARA must be identified as the cohost in all materials
and publicity relating to the activity.
(d) When NARA has authorized your organization to use NARA
property, you may not characterize your use of NARA property as an
endorsement by NARA of your organization or its activities, or
otherwise suggest an official relationship between NARA and your
(e) You are not allowed to charge an admission fee or make any
indirect assessment for admission, and you may not otherwise collect
money at the event.
(f) You may not use NARA property or permission to use that
property to advertise, promote, or sell commercial enterprises,
products, or services, or for partisan political, sectarian, or similar
(g) You may not use NARA property if you or your organization or
group engages in discriminatory practices proscribed by the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, as amended.
(h) You must not misrepresent your identity to the public nor
conduct any activities in a misleading or fraudulent manner.
(i) You must ensure that no Government property is destroyed,
displaced, or damaged during your use of NARA public areas. You must
take prompt action to replace, return, restore, repair or repay NARA
for any damage caused to Government property during the use of NARA
Sec. 1280.72 What additional rules apply for a NARA approved event?
(a) Approved applicants must provide support people as needed to
register guests, distribute approved literature, name tags, and other
(b) We must approve in advance any item that you plan to distribute
or display during your use of NARA property, or any notice or
advertisement that refers, directly or indirectly, to NARA, the
Foundation for the National Archives, or the National Archives Trust
Fund, or incorporates any of the seals described in 36 CFR 1200.2.
(c) We must approve in advance any vendor or caterer who will work
in NARA facilities. You must comply with all NARA requirements for the
use of food and drink at your event.
(d) No food or drink may be present or consumed in areas where
[[Page 36795]]
records or historical materials are displayed.
National Archives Building, Washington, DC
Sec. 1280.74 What spaces in the National Archives Building are
available for use by non-NARA groups and organizations?
You may ask to use the following areas in the National Archives
Building, Washington, DC:
Area Capacity
Rotunda Galleries......................... 250 persons.
William G. McGowan Theater................ 290 persons.
Archivist's Reception Room................ 125 persons.
Presidential Conference Rooms............. 20 to 70 persons.
Sec. 1280.76 When are the public areas available for private events
in the National Archives Building?
Most public areas are available for set-up and use on weekdays from
6 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. during the fall and winter seasons (day after
Labor Day through March 14). The areas are available for set-up and use
from 7:30 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. in the spring season (March 15 through
Labor Day). The areas are not available during weekends or on Federal
holidays. A NARA staff member must be present at all times when non-
NARA groups use NARA spaces.
Sec. 1280.78 Does NARA charge fees for the use of public areas in the
National Archives Building?
(a) NARA is authorized to charge fees for the occasional, non-
official use of its public areas, as well as for services related to
such use, including additional cleaning, security, and other staff
services. NARA will either exercise this authority directly, or, for
activities co-sponsored with the Foundation for the National Archives,
as part of your group's arrangements with the Foundation.
(b) We will inform organizations interested in using public spaces
in the National Archives Building in advance and in writing of the
total estimated cost associated with using the public area of interest.
Fees NARA charges are paid to the National Archives Trust Fund.
(c) Federal and quasi-Federal agencies, State, local, and tribal
governmental institutions using public space for official government
functions pay fees to the National Archives Trust Fund only for the
costs for additional cleaning, security, and other staff services NARA
Sec. 1280.80 How do I request to use NARA public areas in the
National Archives Building?
(a) Direct your request to use space to: Special Events Division
Director (AI); National Archives and Records Administration, 700
Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Room G-9, Washington, DC 20408. Request by
telephone at 202-357-5164 or by fax at 202-357-5926.
(b) You must submit requests, signed by an authorized official of
your organization, to use NARA public areas at least 30 calendar days
before the proposed event is to occur.
(c) OMB control number 3095-0043 has been assigned to the
information collection contained in this section.
Sec. 1280.82 How will NARA handle my request to use public areas in
the National Archives Building?
(a) When you ask to use property in the National Archives Building,
we review your request to:
(1) Ensure that it meets all of the provisions in this subpart;
(2) Determine if the public area you have requested is available on
the date and time you have requested;
(3) Evaluate whether your proposed use is appropriate for the
requested space; and
(4) Determine the costs of the event.
(b) When we have completed this review, we will notify you of the
decision. We may ask for additional information before deciding whether
or not to approve your event.
(c) NARA reserves the right to review, reject, or require changes
in any material, activity, or caterer you intend to use for the event.
Sec. 1280.84 May I ask to use the Rotunda?
The Rotunda is primarily used for the public exhibition of the
Charters of Freedom and other documents from NARA's holdings. NARA also
uses the Rotunda for activities that further its Strategic Plan.
Therefore, the use of the Rotunda for private events is not permitted.
NARA may, upon application, permit other Federal agencies, quasi-
Federal agencies, and State, local, and tribal governments to use the
Rotunda for official functions, with NARA as a co-sponsor. Governmental
groups that use the Rotunda for official functions must reimburse NARA
for the cost of additional cleaning, security, and other staff
National Archives at College Park, MD
Sec. 1280.85 What space in the National Archives at College Park is
available for use by non-NARA groups and organizations?
You may ask to use the following areas:
Area Capacity
Auditorium................................ 300.
Lecture Rooms............................. 30 to 70 persons (or up to
300 with all dividers
Sec. 1280.86 When are the public areas available for events in the
National Archives at College Park?
Most areas are available for set-up and use from 8 a.m. until 9:30
p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on
Saturday. A NARA staff member must be present at all times when the
public area is in use. If the space and staff are available, we may
approve requests for events held before or after these hours and on
Sec. 1280.87 Does NARA charge fees for the use of public areas in the
National Archives at College Park?
NARA may charge a fee under 44 U.S.C. 2903(b) for the use of public
areas at the National Archives at College Park. We inform organizations
in advance and in writing of the total estimated cost of using the
public area. Federal and quasi-Federal agencies, State, local, and
tribal governmental institutions using public space for official
government functions pay fees to the National Archives Trust Fund only
for the costs for additional cleaning, security, and other staff
services NARA provides.
Sec. 1280.88 How do I request to use NARA public areas in the
National Archives at College Park?
(a) Direct your request to use space to: Special Events Coordinator
(AII); Facilities and Personal Property Management Division; National
Archives and Records Administration; 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park,
MD 20740-6001. Request by telephone at 301-837-1900, or by fax at 301-
(b) You must submit requests for use of NARA public areas at least
30 calendar days before the proposed event is to occur.
(c) OMB control number 3095-0043 has been assigned to the
information collection contained in this section.
Sec. 1280.89 How will NARA handle my request to use public areas in
the National Archives at College Park?
(a) When you ask to use public areas at the National Archives at
College Park, we will review your request to:
(1) Ensure that it meets all of the provisions in this subpart;
(2) Determine if the room you have requested is available on the
date and time you have requested; and
(3) Determine the cost of the event.
[[Page 36796]]
(b) When we have completed this review, we will notify you of the
decision. We may ask for additional information before deciding whether
or not to approve your event.
(c) NARA reserves the right to review, reject, or require changes
in any material, activity, or caterer you intend to use for the event.
Dated: June 23, 2008.
Allen Weinstein,
Archivist of the United States.
[FR Doc. E8-14706 Filed 6-27-08; 8:45 am]