Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Diabetes, 31734-31735 [E8-12387]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 107 / Tuesday, June 3, 2008 / Notices
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES
and approach roadway connecting U.S.
158 on the mainland to NC 12 on the
Outer Banks, crossing Currituck Sound.
On July 6, 1995, FHWA issued a notice
of intent to prepare an environmental
impact statement (EIS) for a MidCurrituck Sound Bridge project in
Currituck and Dare Counties, North
Carolina. The FHWA, in cooperation
with the NCDOT, issued a Draft
Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
on the project in January 1998. FHWA
and NCDOT held a public hearing and
provided a comment period on the
Since the 1998 DEIS, there have been
several changes in the project including
the expansion of the project study area,
modification of the purpose and need
statement, and analysis of additional
alternatives. During this time period,
state legislation and plans, including the
North Carolina Intrastate System and
the North Carolina Strategic Highway
Corridor System, have also been
developed or amended to incorporate
the proposed project. In 2006, the
project was adopted by the North
Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA) for
consideration as a candidate toll project,
and the environmental studies for the
project are now being completed by
NCTA, in coordination with FHWA and
In light of these changes the FHWA is
now rescinding the notice of intent and
1998 DEIS. The FHWA, NCDOT, and
NCTA plan to prepare a new Draft EIS
for the proposed project. A notice of
intent to prepare the EIS will be issued
subsequent to this rescinding notice.
The new Draft EIS will include a toll
alternative among the full range of
alternatives that will be analyzed.
Comments or questions concerning the
decision to not prepare Final EIS should
be directed to FHWA at the address
provided above. To ensure that the full
range of issues related to this proposed
action are addressed and all significant
issues identified, comments and
suggestions are invited from all
interested parties. Comments or
questions concerning this proposed
action and the EIS should be directed to
the FHWA at the address provided
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program Number 20.205, Highway Planning
and Construction. The regulations
implementing Executive Order 12372
regarding intergovernmental consultation of
Federal programs and activities apply to this
VerDate Aug<31>2005
14:18 Jun 02, 2008
Jkt 214001
Dated: May 28, 2008.
George Hoops,
Major Projects Engineer, Raleigh, North
[FR Doc. E8–12304 Filed 6–2–08; 8:45 am]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
[FMCSA Docket No. FMCSA–2008–0071]
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption
Applications; Diabetes
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of final disposition.
SUMMARY: FMCSA announces its
decision to exempt twenty-nine
individuals from its rule prohibiting
persons with insulin-treated diabetes
mellitus (ITDM) from operating
commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in
interstate commerce. The exemptions
will enable these individuals to operate
CMVs in interstate commerce.
DATES: The exemptions are effective
June 3, 2008. The exemptions expire on
June 3, 2010.
Mary D. Gunnels, Director, Medical
Programs, (202) 366–4001,
fmcsamedical@dot.gov, FMCSA, Room
W64–224, Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590–
0001. Office hours are from 8:30 a.m. to
5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays.
Electronic Access
You may see all the comments online
through the Federal Document
Management System (FDMS) at: https://
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments, go to https://
www.regulations.gov and/or Room
W12–140 on the ground level of the
West Building, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue, SE., Washington, DC, between
9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays.
Privacy Act: Anyone may search the
electronic form of all comments
received into any of DOT’s dockets by
the name of the individual submitting
the comment (or of the person signing
the comment, if submitted on behalf of
an association, business, labor union, or
other entity). You may review DOT’s
complete Privacy Act Statement in the
PO 00000
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Federal Register (65 FR 19476, Apr. 11,
2000). This statement is also available at
On March 31, 2008, FMCSA
published a notice of receipt of Federal
diabetes exemption applications from
twenty-nine individuals, and requested
comments from the public (73 FR
16946). The public comment period
closed on April 30, 2008 and one
comment was received.
FMCSA has evaluated the eligibility
of the twenty-nine applicants and
determined that granting the
exemptions to these individuals would
achieve a level of safety equivalent to,
or greater than, the level that would be
achieved by complying with the current
regulation 49 CFR 391.41(b)(3).
Diabetes Mellitus and Driving
Experience of the Applicants
The Agency established the current
standard for diabetes in 1970 because
several risk studies indicated that
diabetic drivers had a higher rate of
crash involvement than the general
population. The diabetes rule provides
that ‘‘A person is physically qualified to
drive a commercial motor vehicle if that
person has no established medical
history or clinical diagnosis of diabetes
mellitus currently requiring insulin for
control’’ (49 CFR 391.41(b)(3)).
FMCSA established its diabetes
exemption program, based on the
Agency’s July 2000 study entitled ‘‘A
Report to Congress on the Feasibility of
a Program to Qualify Individuals with
Insulin-Treated Diabetes Mellitus to
Operate in Interstate Commerce as
Directed by the Transportation Act for
the 21st Century.’’ The report concluded
that a safe and practicable protocol to
allow some drivers with ITDM to
operate CMVs is feasible. The 2003
Notice (68 FR 52442) in conjunction
with the November 8, 2005 (70 FR
67777) Federal Register Notice provides
the current protocol for allowing such
drivers to operate CMVs in interstate
These twenty-nine applicants have
had ITDM over a range of 1 to 35 years.
These applicants report no
hypoglycemic reaction that resulted in
loss of consciousness or seizure, that
required the assistance of another
person, or resulted in impaired
cognitive function without warning
symptoms in the past 5 years (with one
year of stability following any such
episode). In each case, an
endocrinologist has verified that the
driver has demonstrated willingness to
properly monitor and manage their
diabetes, received education related to
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 107 / Tuesday, June 3, 2008 / Notices
diabetes management, and is on a stable
insulin regimen. These drivers report no
other disqualifying conditions,
including diabetes-related
complications. Each meets the vision
standard at 49 CFR 391.41(b)(10).
The qualifications and medical
condition of each applicant were stated
and discussed in detail in the March 31,
2008, Federal Register Notice (73 FR
16946). Therefore, they will not be
repeated in this notice.
ebenthall on PRODPC60 with NOTICES
Basis for Exemption Determination
Under 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) and 31315,
FMCSA may grant an exemption from
the diabetes standard in 49 CFR
391.41(b)(3) if the exemption is likely to
achieve an equivalent or greater level of
safety than would be achieved without
the exemption. The exemption allows
the applicants to operate CMVs in
interstate commerce.
To evaluate the effect of these
exemptions on safety, FMCSA
considered medical reports about the
applicants’ ITDM and vision, and
reviewed the treating endocrinologist’s
medical opinion related to the ability of
the driver to safely operate a CMV while
using insulin.
Consequently, FMCSA finds that
exempting these applicants from the
diabetes standard in 49 CFR 391.41(b)(3)
is likely to achieve a level of safety
equal to that existing without the
Conditions and Requirements
The terms and conditions of the
exemption will be provided to the
applicants in the exemption document
and they include the following: (1) That
each individual submits to FMCSA a
quarterly monitoring checklist
completed by the treating
endocrinologist as well as an annual
checklist with a comprehensive medical
evaluation; (2) that each individual
reports to FMCSA within 2 business
days of occurrence, all episodes of
severe hypoglycemia, significant
complications, or inability to manage
diabetes; also, any involvement in an
accident or any other adverse event in
a CMV or personal vehicle, whether or
not they are related to an episode of
hypoglycemia; (3) that each individual
provide a copy of the ophthalmologist’s
or optometrist’s report to the medical
examiner at the time of the annual
medical examination; and (4) that each
individual provide a copy of the annual
medical certification to the employer for
retention in the driver’s qualification
file, or keep a copy in his/her driver’s
qualification file if he/she is selfemployed. The driver must also have a
copy of the certification when driving,
VerDate Aug<31>2005
14:18 Jun 02, 2008
Jkt 214001
for presentation to a duly authorized
Federal, State, or local enforcement
Discussion of Comments
Notice of Clarification of Solicitation of
Applications and Notice of Funding
Availability for the Capital Assistance
to States—Intercity Passenger Rail
Service Program
FMCSA received one comment in this
proceeding. A letter of recommendation
was written in favor of granting the
Federal Diabetes Exemption to Mr. Jason
Daily. It was written by Mr. Ernest A.
White, who states that Mr. Daily has not
had diabetic difficulties that would
preclude him from operating a motor
vehicle safely.
After considering the comments to the
docket, and based upon its evaluation of
the twenty-nine exemption applications,
FMCSA exempts, Gary D. Coonfield,
Edward F. Connole, Jason C. Daily,
Mark B. Demmer, Francis W. Devine,
Paul W. Dietze, Harold W. Goodwill,
Shannon D. Hanson, Craig A.
Hendrickson, Michael T. Johnson,
Michael K. Limberg, Maurice R. McGill,
Jr., Aundra Menefield, Charles E.
Murphy, Eric B. Pies, Douglas G.
Puckett, Eric A. Quisling, James T.
Rothwell, Bob L. Rumble, Larry D.
Schweisberger, Randy A. Shannon,
Dalton T. Smith, Jr., Kim M.
Stickelmeyer, Marvin D. Webster,
Harold A. Wendt, Donald D. Willard,
Anthony O. Wilson, Travis S. Wolfe,
and Jason J. Wolff, from the ITDM
standard in 49 CFR 391.41(b)(3), subject
to the conditions listed under
‘‘Conditions and Requirements’’ above.
In accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e)
and 31315, each exemption will be valid
for two years unless revoked earlier by
FMCSA. The exemption will be revoked
if: (1) The person fails to comply with
the terms and conditions of the
exemption; (2) the exemption has
resulted in a lower level of safety than
was maintained before it was granted; or
(3) continuation of the exemption would
not be consistent with the goals and
objectives of 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) and
31315. If the exemption is still effective
at the end of the 2-year period, the
person may apply to FMCSA for a
renewal under procedures in effect at
that time.
Issued on: May 28, 2008.
Larry W. Minor,
Associate Administrator for Policy and
Program Development.
[FR Doc. E8–12387 Filed 6–2–08; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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Federal Railroad Administration
Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Clarification regarding
solicitation of applications and notice of
funding availability.
SUMMARY: On February 19, 2008, FRA
issued a Notice of Funding Availability
and Solicitation of Applications for the
Capital Assistance to States—Intercity
Passenger Rail Service Program. On
April 18, 2008, in response to questions
posed by prospective applicants, FRA
issued Notice of Clarification addressing
three issues related to applicant and
project eligibility. FRA is now issuing
further clarification, as described below.
Peter Schwartz, Office of Railroad
Development (RDV–11), Federal
Railroad Administration, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC
20590. Phone: (202) 493–6360; Fax:
(202) 493–6330.
sections of the February 19, 2008 notice
labeled DATES and ‘‘Schedule for Capital
Grant Program’’ are amended to read as
DATES: FRA will begin accepting grant
applications on March 18, 2008.
Applications may be submitted until the
earlier of September 30, 2009, or the
date on which all available funds will
have been committed under this
program. The last-mentioned date will
be announced in the Federal Register.
Applications submitted by June 30,
2008 will be considered in the first
round of awards on the basis of
application materials that FRA has
received as of that date. Any subsequent
rounds of awards will depend on the
availability of funds after the first round
of awards.
Schedule for Capital Grant Program:
FRA will begin accepting grant
applications on March 18, 2008.
Applications for the first round of
awards must be submitted by June 30,
2008. For subsequent rounds of awards,
if any, deadlines will be announced in
the Federal Register. Due to the limited
funding available under this program:
(1) Applicants are encouraged to submit
their applications at the earliest date
practicable in order to maximize the
consideration of their applications in
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 107 (Tuesday, June 3, 2008)]
[Pages 31734-31735]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E8-12387]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
[FMCSA Docket No. FMCSA-2008-0071]
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Diabetes
AGENCY: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of final disposition.
SUMMARY: FMCSA announces its decision to exempt twenty-nine individuals
from its rule prohibiting persons with insulin-treated diabetes
mellitus (ITDM) from operating commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in
interstate commerce. The exemptions will enable these individuals to
operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
DATES: The exemptions are effective June 3, 2008. The exemptions expire
on June 3, 2010.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Mary D. Gunnels, Director, Medical
Programs, (202) 366-4001, fmcsamedical@dot.gov, FMCSA, Room W64-224,
Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington,
DC 20590-0001. Office hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Electronic Access
You may see all the comments online through the Federal Document
Management System (FDMS) at: https://www.regulations.gov.
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments, go to https://www.regulations.gov and/or Room W12-140 on the
ground level of the West Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.,
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays.
Privacy Act: Anyone may search the electronic form of all comments
received into any of DOT's dockets by the name of the individual
submitting the comment (or of the person signing the comment, if
submitted on behalf of an association, business, labor union, or other
entity). You may review DOT's complete Privacy Act Statement in the
Federal Register (65 FR 19476, Apr. 11, 2000). This statement is also
available at https://Docketinfo.dot.gov.
On March 31, 2008, FMCSA published a notice of receipt of Federal
diabetes exemption applications from twenty-nine individuals, and
requested comments from the public (73 FR 16946). The public comment
period closed on April 30, 2008 and one comment was received.
FMCSA has evaluated the eligibility of the twenty-nine applicants
and determined that granting the exemptions to these individuals would
achieve a level of safety equivalent to, or greater than, the level
that would be achieved by complying with the current regulation 49 CFR
Diabetes Mellitus and Driving Experience of the Applicants
The Agency established the current standard for diabetes in 1970
because several risk studies indicated that diabetic drivers had a
higher rate of crash involvement than the general population. The
diabetes rule provides that ``A person is physically qualified to drive
a commercial motor vehicle if that person has no established medical
history or clinical diagnosis of diabetes mellitus currently requiring
insulin for control'' (49 CFR 391.41(b)(3)).
FMCSA established its diabetes exemption program, based on the
Agency's July 2000 study entitled ``A Report to Congress on the
Feasibility of a Program to Qualify Individuals with Insulin-Treated
Diabetes Mellitus to Operate in Interstate Commerce as Directed by the
Transportation Act for the 21st Century.'' The report concluded that a
safe and practicable protocol to allow some drivers with ITDM to
operate CMVs is feasible. The 2003 Notice (68 FR 52442) in conjunction
with the November 8, 2005 (70 FR 67777) Federal Register Notice
provides the current protocol for allowing such drivers to operate CMVs
in interstate commerce.
These twenty-nine applicants have had ITDM over a range of 1 to 35
years. These applicants report no hypoglycemic reaction that resulted
in loss of consciousness or seizure, that required the assistance of
another person, or resulted in impaired cognitive function without
warning symptoms in the past 5 years (with one year of stability
following any such episode). In each case, an endocrinologist has
verified that the driver has demonstrated willingness to properly
monitor and manage their diabetes, received education related to
[[Page 31735]]
diabetes management, and is on a stable insulin regimen. These drivers
report no other disqualifying conditions, including diabetes-related
complications. Each meets the vision standard at 49 CFR 391.41(b)(10).
The qualifications and medical condition of each applicant were
stated and discussed in detail in the March 31, 2008, Federal Register
Notice (73 FR 16946). Therefore, they will not be repeated in this
Basis for Exemption Determination
Under 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) and 31315, FMCSA may grant an exemption
from the diabetes standard in 49 CFR 391.41(b)(3) if the exemption is
likely to achieve an equivalent or greater level of safety than would
be achieved without the exemption. The exemption allows the applicants
to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
To evaluate the effect of these exemptions on safety, FMCSA
considered medical reports about the applicants' ITDM and vision, and
reviewed the treating endocrinologist's medical opinion related to the
ability of the driver to safely operate a CMV while using insulin.
Consequently, FMCSA finds that exempting these applicants from the
diabetes standard in 49 CFR 391.41(b)(3) is likely to achieve a level
of safety equal to that existing without the exemption.
Conditions and Requirements
The terms and conditions of the exemption will be provided to the
applicants in the exemption document and they include the following:
(1) That each individual submits to FMCSA a quarterly monitoring
checklist completed by the treating endocrinologist as well as an
annual checklist with a comprehensive medical evaluation; (2) that each
individual reports to FMCSA within 2 business days of occurrence, all
episodes of severe hypoglycemia, significant complications, or
inability to manage diabetes; also, any involvement in an accident or
any other adverse event in a CMV or personal vehicle, whether or not
they are related to an episode of hypoglycemia; (3) that each
individual provide a copy of the ophthalmologist's or optometrist's
report to the medical examiner at the time of the annual medical
examination; and (4) that each individual provide a copy of the annual
medical certification to the employer for retention in the driver's
qualification file, or keep a copy in his/her driver's qualification
file if he/she is self-employed. The driver must also have a copy of
the certification when driving, for presentation to a duly authorized
Federal, State, or local enforcement official.
Discussion of Comments
FMCSA received one comment in this proceeding. A letter of
recommendation was written in favor of granting the Federal Diabetes
Exemption to Mr. Jason Daily. It was written by Mr. Ernest A. White,
who states that Mr. Daily has not had diabetic difficulties that would
preclude him from operating a motor vehicle safely.
After considering the comments to the docket, and based upon its
evaluation of the twenty-nine exemption applications, FMCSA exempts,
Gary D. Coonfield, Edward F. Connole, Jason C. Daily, Mark B. Demmer,
Francis W. Devine, Paul W. Dietze, Harold W. Goodwill, Shannon D.
Hanson, Craig A. Hendrickson, Michael T. Johnson, Michael K. Limberg,
Maurice R. McGill, Jr., Aundra Menefield, Charles E. Murphy, Eric B.
Pies, Douglas G. Puckett, Eric A. Quisling, James T. Rothwell, Bob L.
Rumble, Larry D. Schweisberger, Randy A. Shannon, Dalton T. Smith, Jr.,
Kim M. Stickelmeyer, Marvin D. Webster, Harold A. Wendt, Donald D.
Willard, Anthony O. Wilson, Travis S. Wolfe, and Jason J. Wolff, from
the ITDM standard in 49 CFR 391.41(b)(3), subject to the conditions
listed under ``Conditions and Requirements'' above.
In accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) and 31315, each exemption
will be valid for two years unless revoked earlier by FMCSA. The
exemption will be revoked if: (1) The person fails to comply with the
terms and conditions of the exemption; (2) the exemption has resulted
in a lower level of safety than was maintained before it was granted;
or (3) continuation of the exemption would not be consistent with the
goals and objectives of 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) and 31315. If the exemption
is still effective at the end of the 2-year period, the person may
apply to FMCSA for a renewal under procedures in effect at that time.
Issued on: May 28, 2008.
Larry W. Minor,
Associate Administrator for Policy and Program Development.
[FR Doc. E8-12387 Filed 6-2-08; 8:45 am]