Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology, 66135-66136 [E7-23032]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 227 / Tuesday, November 27, 2007 / Notices
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions should be
directed to Larry Hall, BIS ICB Liaison,
I. Abstract
This collection is necessary for
administration and enforcement of
delegated authority under the Defense
Production Act of 1950, as amended (50
U.S.C. App. 2061, et seq.) and the
selective Service Act of 1948 (50 U.S.C.
App. 468). Any person (supplier) who
receives a priority rated order under
Defense Priorities and Allocations
System (DPAS) regulation (15 CFR 700)
must notify the customer of acceptance
or rejection of that order within a
specified period of time. Also, if
shipment against a priority rated order
will be delayed, the supplier must
immediately notify the customer. The
purpose of this authority is to ensure the
timely delivery of goods and services to
meet current national defense and civil
emergency preparedness program
II. Method of Collection
Paper form or electronically.
III. Data
OMB Control Number: 0694–0092.
Form Number(s): None.
Type of Review: Business or other forprofit organizations.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time Per Response: 1 to 15
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 21,963.
Estimated Total Annual Cost to
Public: $0.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES
IV. Request for Comments
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden
(including hours and cost) of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
included in the request for OMB
approval of this information collection;
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they also will become a matter of public
Dated: November 20, 2007.
Gwellnar Banks,
Management Analyst, Office of the Chief
Information Officer.
[FR Doc. E7–22993 Filed 11–26–07; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Industry and Security
Proposed Information Collection;
Comment Request; Export and
Reexport Controls for Iraq
Bureau of Industry and
Security, DOC.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Department of
Commerce, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to
take this opportunity to comment on
proposed and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted on or before January 28, 2008.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to Diana Hynek, Departmental
Paperwork Clearance Officer,
Department of Commerce, Room 6625,
14th and Constitution Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20230 (or via the
Internet at
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions should be
directed to Larry Hall, BIS ICB Liaison,
I. Abstract
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II. Method of Collection
Information will be supplied
electronically via the BIS SNAP–R
system or in paper form.
III. Data
OMB Control Number: 0694–0129.
Form Number(s): None.
Type of Review: Business or other forprofit organizations.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time Per Response: 3 to 3.5
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 93.
Estimated Total Annual Cost to
Public: $0.
IV. Request for Comments
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden
(including hours and cost) of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
included in the request for OMB
approval of this information collection;
they also will become a matter of public
Dated: November 20, 2007.
Gwellnar Banks,
Management Analyst, Office of the Chief
Information Officer.
[FR Doc. E7–22998 Filed 11–26–07; 8:45 am]
The primary purpose of this
collection of information is to maintain
an expedited export license type
developed specifically for exports and
reexports of controlled items destined to
civil infrastructure rebuilding projects
in Iraq. The name given this license type
is the Special Iraq Reconstruction
License or SIRL. The information
covered under this collection is
furnished by U.S. exporters when
applying for an export license. The
export license is authorized under OMB
0694–0088 ‘‘Multipurpose
Application.’’ This collection involves
additional information and
documentation about the project in Iraq
which are necessary to properly
evaluate the request.
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National Institute of Standards and
Visiting Committee on Advanced
National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Department of
ACTION: Notice of partially closed
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Federal
Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. app.
2, notice is hereby given that the
Visiting Committee on Advanced
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 227 / Tuesday, November 27, 2007 / Notices
Technology (VCAT), National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST),
will meet Tuesday, December 11, 2007,
from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and
Wednesday, December 12, 2007, from
8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. The Visiting
Committee on Advanced Technology is
composed of fifteen members appointed
by the Director of NIST who are eminent
in such fields as business, research, new
product development, engineering,
labor, education, management
consulting, environment, and
international relations. The purpose of
this meeting is to review and make
recommendations regarding general
policy for the Institute, its organization,
its budget, and its programs within the
framework of applicable national
policies as set forth by the President and
the Congress. The agenda will include
an update on NIST and its R&D
priorities, NIST’s vision for 2017, and
strategic plan; an overview presentation
on the U.S. standards and conformity
assessment system; break-out sessions of
the Information Technology and
Nanotechnology subcommittees to
discuss NIST’s programs and plans and
how they fit into the national agenda
with input back to the full committee.
Discussions on NIST budget and
planning information scheduled to
begin at 8 a.m. and to end at 8:30 a.m.
on December 11 will be closed. The
agenda may change to accommodate
Committee business. The final agenda
will be posted on the NIST Web site at
Anyone wishing to attend this
meeting should submit name, e-mail
address and phone number to Denise
Herbert ( or 301–
975–5607) no later than December 7,
The meeting will convene on
December 11, 2007 at 8:30 a.m. and will
adjourn on December 12, 2007 at 12
The meeting will be held at
the Doubletree Guest Suites, Historic
Charleston, 181 Church Street,
Charleston, South Carolina, 29401.
Denise Herbert, Visiting Committee on
Advanced Technology, National
Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899–1000,
telephone number (301) 975–5607.
Assistant Secretary for Administration,
with the concurrence of the General
Counsel, formally determined on
November 19, 2007, that portions of the
meeting of the Visiting Committee on
Advanced Technology which deal with
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discussion of sensitive budget and
planning information that would cause
harm to third parties if publicly shared
be closed in accordance with section 10
(d) of the Federal Advisory Committee
Act, 5 U.S. C. app. 2.
Dated: November 20, 2007.
Richard F. Kayser,
Acting Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. E7–23032 Filed 11–26–07; 8:45 am]
National Institute of Standards and
Announcing a Meeting of the
Information Security and Privacy
Advisory Board
National Institute of Standards
and Technology, DOC.
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Federal
Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App.,
notice is hereby given that the
Information Security and Privacy
Advisory Board (ISPAB) will meet
Thursday, December 6, 2007, from 8:30
a.m. until 5 p.m., and Friday, December
7, 2007, from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. All
sessions will be open to the public. The
Advisory Board was established by the
Computer Security Act of 1987 (Pub. L.
100–235) and amended by the Federal
Information Security Management Act
of 2002 (Pub. L. 107–347) to advise the
Secretary of Commerce and the Director
of NIST on security and privacy issues
pertaining to federal computer systems.
Details regarding the Board’s activities
are available at
DATES: The meeting will be held on
December 6, 2007 from 8:30 a.m. until
5 p.m. and December 7, 2007, from 8
a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will take place
at the George Washington University
Cafritz Conference Center, 800 21st
Street, NW., Room 405, Washington,
—Welcome and Overview.
—NIST Computer Security Division
(CSD) Update.
—DHS National Communication
Systems Update.
—Identify Management Briefing.
—System Assurance Activities Update.
—Privacy Technology White Paper
—ISPAB Work Plan Discussion and
Panel on Einstein Program.
—Federal IT Security Products.
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—ISPAB Work Plan Discussion on SISA
—Social Networking and Security
Note that agenda items may change
without notice because of possible
unexpected schedule conflicts of
Public Participation: The Board
agenda will include a period of time,
not to exceed thirty minutes, for oral
comments and questions from the
public. Each speaker will be limited to
five minutes. Members of the public
who are interested in speaking are asked
to contact the Board Secretariat at the
telephone number indicated below. In
addition, written statements are invited
and may be submitted to the Board at
any time. Written statements should be
directed to the ISPAB Secretariat,
Information Technology Laboratory, 100
Bureau Drive, Stop 8930, National
Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD 20899–8930. It would
be appreciated if 25 copies of written
material were submitted for distribution
to the Board and attendees no later than
November 20, 2007. Approximately 15
seats will be available for the public and
Pauline Bowen, Board Secretariat,
Information Technology Laboratory,
National Institute of Standards and
Technology, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop
8930, Gaithersburg, MD 20899–8930,
telephone: (301) 975–2938.
Dated: November 20, 2007.
Richard F. Kayser,
Acting Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. E7–23023 Filed 11–26–07; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Proposed Information Collection;
Comment Request; Cooperative
Charting Programs
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Department of
Commerce, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to
take this opportunity to comment on
proposed and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 227 (Tuesday, November 27, 2007)]
[Pages 66135-66136]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-23032]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology
AGENCY: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of
ACTION: Notice of partially closed meeting.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. app.
2, notice is hereby given that the Visiting Committee on Advanced
[[Page 66136]]
Technology (VCAT), National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), will meet Tuesday, December 11, 2007, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30
p.m. and Wednesday, December 12, 2007, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. The
Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology is composed of fifteen
members appointed by the Director of NIST who are eminent in such
fields as business, research, new product development, engineering,
labor, education, management consulting, environment, and international
relations. The purpose of this meeting is to review and make
recommendations regarding general policy for the Institute, its
organization, its budget, and its programs within the framework of
applicable national policies as set forth by the President and the
Congress. The agenda will include an update on NIST and its R&D
priorities, NIST's vision for 2017, and strategic plan; an overview
presentation on the U.S. standards and conformity assessment system;
break-out sessions of the Information Technology and Nanotechnology
subcommittees to discuss NIST's programs and plans and how they fit
into the national agenda with input back to the full committee.
Discussions on NIST budget and planning information scheduled to begin
at 8 a.m. and to end at 8:30 a.m. on December 11 will be closed. The
agenda may change to accommodate Committee business. The final agenda
will be posted on the NIST Web site at
Anyone wishing to attend this meeting should submit name, e-mail
address and phone number to Denise Herbert ( or
301-975-5607) no later than December 7, 2007.
DATES: The meeting will convene on December 11, 2007 at 8:30 a.m. and
will adjourn on December 12, 2007 at 12 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at the Doubletree Guest Suites,
Historic Charleston, 181 Church Street, Charleston, South Carolina,
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Denise Herbert, Visiting Committee on
Advanced Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-1000, telephone number (301) 975-5607.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Assistant Secretary for Administration,
with the concurrence of the General Counsel, formally determined on
November 19, 2007, that portions of the meeting of the Visiting
Committee on Advanced Technology which deal with discussion of
sensitive budget and planning information that would cause harm to
third parties if publicly shared be closed in accordance with section
10 (d) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S. C. app. 2.
Dated: November 20, 2007.
Richard F. Kayser,
Acting Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. E7-23032 Filed 11-26-07; 8:45 am]