November 16, 2007 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 181
Notice of Extension of Public Comment Period for the External Review Draft of a “Framework for Determining a Mutagenic Mode of Action for Carcinogenicity: Using EPA's 2005 Cancer Guidelines and Supplemental Guidance for Assessing Susceptibility From Early-Life Exposure to Carcinogens”
On September 27, 2007, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released for public comment the External Review Draft of the ``Framework for Determining a Mutagenic Mode of Action for Carcinogenicity: Using EPA's 2005 Cancer Guidelines and Supplemental Guidance for Assessing Susceptibility from Early-Life Exposure to Carcinogens'' (or Framework). At that time, a 60-day public comment period was announced. This notice announces a 30-day extension of the public comment period; the public comment period will end 90 days from September 27, 2007, the date of the original Federal Register Notice (72 FR 54910). Visit September/Day-27/g19119.pdf) for further information. Members of the public may obtain the draft interim guidance from https://; or; or consult the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to OMB for Review and Approval; Comment Request; NESHAP for Beryllium (Renewal); EPA ICR Number 0193.09, OMB Control Number 2060-0092
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this document announces that an Information Collection Request (ICR) has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. This is a request to renew an existing approved collection. The ICR, which is abstracted below, describes the nature of the collection and the estimated burden and cost.
Notice of Availability (NOA) of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Bald Mountain Ski Resort Master Development Plan EIS
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et. seq., as amended, and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. 4321 et. seq., as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Shoshone Field Office, announces the availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Bald Mountain Ski Resort Master Development Plan EIS. The FEIS analyzes and discloses the effects of the updated Bald Mountain Ski Area Master Development Plan and 40-year term ski permit application for the Bald Mountain Ski Area near Ketchum, Idaho.
Purified Carboxymethylcellulose from the Netherlands: Partial Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
In response to requests from respondent Akzo Nobel Functional Chemicals B.V. (``Akzo Nobel''), and Aqualon Company (``petitioner''), the Department of Commerce (``the Department'') initiated an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on purified carboxymethylcellulose (``CMC'') from the Netherlands. See Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews and Request for Revocation in Part, 72 FR 48613 (August 24, 2007). This administrative review covers the period July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2007. Due to the withdrawal of the requests for the administrative review by both parties, we are now rescinding this review with respect to Akzo Nobel.
Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of EPA Comments
EPA expressed environmental concerns about water quality and air quality impacts. EPA recommends additional best management practices and construction mitigation measures. Rating EC2.
Testimony by NARA Employees Relating to Agency Information and Production of Records in Legal Proceedings
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is proposing to revise its regulations relating to demands for records or testimony in legal proceedings. The rule is intended to facilitate access to records in NARA's custody, centralize agency decisionmaking in response to demands for records or testimony, minimize the disruption of official duties in complying with demands, maintain agency control over the release of agency information, and protect the interests of the United States. The proposed rule affects parties to lawsuits and their counsel.
Retention Incentives
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing final regulations to implement a provision of the Federal Workforce Flexibility Act of 2004 granting agencies additional flexibility to pay retention incentives. The final regulations permit an agency to pay a retention incentive to an employee who would be likely to leave for a different position in the Federal service before the closure or relocation of the employee's office, facility, activity, or organization. The final regulations provide agencies with additional flexibility to help retain employees critical to important agency missions and better meet strategic human capital needs.
Notice of Availability and Public Open House Announcement for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Construction, Maintenance, and Operation of Tactical Infrastructure, U.S. Border Patrol, Rio Grande Valley Sector, Texas
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announces that a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is available for public review and comment. Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq. (NEPA), CBP has prepared a Draft EIS to identify and assess the potential impacts associated with the proposed construction, maintenance, and operation of tactical infrastructure, to include pedestrian fence, access roads, and patrol roads along approximately 70 miles of the U.S./Mexico international border within the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) Rio Grande Valley Sector, Texas (the Proposed Action).
Polyethylene Retail Carrier Bags from Thailand: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and Partial Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
On July 11, 2007, the Department of Commerce published the preliminary results of the 2005/2006 administrative review of the antidumping duty order on polyethylene retail carrier bags from Thailand. We gave interested parties an opportunity to comment on the preliminary results. Based on our analysis of the comments received and an examination of our calculations, we have made certain changes for the final results. The final weighted-average dumping margins for the respondents are listed below in the ``Final Results of the Review'' section of this notice.
Notice of Amended Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Reviews: Ball Bearings and Parts Thereof from Japan and the United Kingdom
On October 12, 2007, the Department of Commerce published in the Federal Register the final results of the administrative reviews of the antidumping duty orders on ball bearings and parts thereof from France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, and the United Kingdom. The period of review is May 1, 2005, through April 30, 2006. Based on the correction of certain ministerial errors, we have changed the margins for Mori Seiki Co., Ltd., and the Barden Corporation/Schaeffler UK for the administrative reviews of ball bearings and parts thereof from Japan and the United Kingdom, respectively.
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