Compliance Agreement, 60186-60199 [E7-20842]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / Notices
Compliance Agreement
Department of Education.
Notice of written findings,
compliance agreement with the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the
Puerto Rico Department of Education,
and subsequent actions.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES3
SUMMARY: This notice is being published
in the Federal Register consistent with
sections 457(b)(2) and (d) of the General
Education Provisions Act (GEPA).
Section 457 of GEPA authorizes the U.S.
Department of Education (the
Department) to enter into a compliance
agreement with a recipient that is failing
to comply substantially with Federal
program requirements and for whom the
Department determines that full
compliance is not feasible until a future
date. Section 457(b)(2) requires the
Department to publish written findings
leading to a compliance agreement, with
a copy of the compliance agreement, in
the Federal Register. If a recipient fails
to comply with the terms and
conditions of a compliance agreement,
the Secretary may take any action
authorized by law with respect to the
On October 25, 2004, the Department
entered into a compliance agreement
(Agreement) with the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) and the Puerto
Rico Department of Education (PRDE)
because PRDE was failing to comply
substantially with numerous Federal
requirements, and it was clear to the
Department from all available
information that PRDE would not be
able to come into full compliance with
applicable Federal requirements for the
administration of Department programs
until a future date. The Agreement
applied to all grant funds awarded to
Puerto Rico and PRDE by the
Department’s Offices of Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services;
Elementary and Secondary Education;
English Language Acquisition, Language
Enhancement and Academic
Achievement for Limited English
Proficient Students; Vocational and
Adult Education; Innovation and
Improvement; and Postsecondary
Education. Prior to, and during the term
of, the Agreement, the Department and
PRDE have been working collaboratively
to resolve a backlog of PRDE audits
dating back to 1994 and, through jointly
developed corrective action plans, to
address a range of longstanding
problems in PRDE’s administration of
Federal grants in the areas of grants
management, payroll, financial
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management, property management,
and procurement.
Phil Maestri, U.S. Department of
Education, Office of the Secretary, 400
Maryland Avenue, SW., Room 7E206,
Washington, DC 20202–6132.
Telephone: (202) 205–3511.
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State educational agency (SEA) that
receives grant funds under a number of
programs administered by the
Department, including programs
authorized under the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of 1965, as
amended; the Carl D. Perkins Career and
Technical Education Act of 2006
(formerly the Carl D. Perkins Vocational
and Technical Education Act); the Adult
Education and Family Literacy Act; and
the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act. Because of longstanding
and recurring audit findings of fiscal
and programmatic accountability
deficiencies in the administration of
Department programs by PRDE and
several other agencies in Puerto Rico
with management responsibility for
Department funds, in 2002 the
Department designated PRDE a ‘‘highrisk’’ grantee under the authority of 34
CFR 80.12. At that time, the Department
imposed special conditions on all
Department grants awarded to PRDE
because of its history of unsatisfactory
performance, as uncovered by audits
dating back to 1994. Audit findings
were recurrent over several years and
involved such issues as missing or
inadequate documentation to support
procurements, lack of proper accounting
procedures, mismanagement of
property, and improper payroll costs.
In September 2003, the Department
and PRDE began a collaborative effort,
under the Department’s Cooperative
Audit Resolution and Oversight
Initiative (CAROI) to resolve jointly the
backlog of unresolved PRDE audits,
which contained over six hundred audit
findings dating back to 1994. Through
this effort, PRDE made some progress in
establishing controls to improve its
payroll and procurement processes and
its grants management system, to enable
it to address a number of the recurring
audit issues and make systemic changes.
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However, it appeared that it would take
additional time to address completely
the underlying issues and longstanding
systemic problems that led to the large
number of audit findings that PRDE was
attempting to resolve.
Therefore, the Department proposed
the possibility of Puerto Rico, PRDE,
and the Department entering into a
compliance agreement, pursuant to
section 454 of GEPA, that would apply
to all Department grants awarded to,
and administered by, PRDE. The
purpose of the compliance agreement
would be to bring PRDE ‘‘into full
compliance with the applicable
requirements of the law as soon as
feasible and not to excuse or remedy
past violations of such requirements.’’ 1
20 U.S.C. 1234f(a). Under a compliance
agreement, PRDE would have up to
three years to continue its efforts to
address the audit findings and
underlying problems by implementing
significant changes and improvements
in grant administration, payroll,
financial and property management, and
procurement in order to come into full
compliance with Federal requirements
related to the programs under which the
Department awards grants to PRDE. In
order to enter into a compliance
agreement with Puerto Rico and PRDE,
the Department had to determine, in
written findings, that PRDE would not
be able to comply until a future date
with the applicable program
requirements and that a compliance
agreement would be a viable means for
bringing about such compliance.
In accordance with the requirements
of section 457(b) of GEPA, 20 U.S.C
1234f(b), Department officials
conducted a public hearing in Puerto
Rico in October 2004. Witnesses
representing PRDE and other concerned
individuals testified at this hearing on
whether a compliance agreement with
Puerto Rico and PRDE would be
appropriate. The Department reviewed
this testimony and all other relevant
materials and concluded that, while the
Department had been working closely
with Puerto Rico, PRDE, and other
Puerto Rico agencies to address the
major issues that PRDE had been facing
in administering Department grant
1 Section 454 of GEPA, 20 U.S.C. 1234c, sets out
the remedies available to the Department when it
determines that a recipient ‘‘is failing to comply
substantially with any requirement of law
applicable’’ to the Federal program funds
administered by this agency. Specifically, the
Department is authorized to—
(1) Withhold funds;
(2) Obtain compliance through a cease and desist
(3) Enter into a compliance agreement with the
recipient; or
(4) Take any other action authorized by law.
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / Notices
programs, it was clear that the problems
could not be corrected by PRDE
immediately and that PRDE would need
more than one year to correct them.
Therefore, the Department, Puerto Rico,
and PRDE entered into the Agreement,
a comprehensive compliance agreement
with a three-year term. The Agreement,
which incorporated the Department’s
written findings, gave PRDE time to
develop integrated and systemic
solutions to problems in managing its
Department funds and programs. Under
the terms of the Agreement, by the end
of the three-year term, PRDE is
supposed to be in full compliance with
the requirements of all programs funded
by the Department. The Agreement
became effective on October 25, 2004
and is set to expire on October 25, 2007.
Upon entering into the Agreement,
the Department removed PRDE’s ‘‘highrisk’’ designation related to the audit
findings and underlying problems,
based upon PRDE’s demonstration of
initiative and commitment to resolving
the problems that had led to the ‘‘highrisk’’ designation, and upon PRDE’s
willing and effective collaboration with
the Department. Also upon entering into
the Agreement, the Department and
PRDE worked together to develop
corrective action plans covering grants
management, payroll, property
management, and procurement. These
plans contained goals, action steps, and
objectives to guide PRDE into full
compliance with Federal requirements
applicable to the grants that it receives
from the Department. The Department
has been closely monitoring PRDE’s
progress in implementing these
corrective action plans through site
visits, conference calls, meetings, and
reviews of PRDE’s periodic written
reports. In addition, in July 2006, the
Department and PRDE collaboratively
resolved the backlog of audit findings
from audit reports issued for fiscal years
1994 through 2003; in May 2007, they
resolved the fiscal year 2004 single
audit of PRDE; and in September 2007,
they resolved, in large part, the fiscal
year 2005 single audit of PRDE. The
Department is currently working with
PRDE to determine the full extent of
PRDE’s progress under the compliance
agreement and corrective action plans,
and the effect of such progress. Based on
this assessment, the Department is also
determining next steps for PRDE
following the expiration of the
As required by section 457(b)(2) of
GEPA, 20 U.S.C. 1234f(b)(2), the
Agreement (which incorporates the
Department’s written findings in the
sections entitled ‘‘Overview of Issues
Addressed by this Compliance
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Agreement’’ and ‘‘Removal of ‘HighRisk’ Designation’’) is included as
appendix A of this notice.
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(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1234c, 1234f).
Dated: October 18, 2007.
Hudson La Force III,
Senior Counselor to the Secretary of
Appendix A—Compliance Agreement
Among The Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, The Puerto Rico Department of
Education, and The United States
Department of Education
October 25, 2004
I. Overview of Issues Addressed by This
Compliance Agreement
The Puerto Rico Department of
Education (PRDE) has been undertaking
a large-scale endeavor to address longstanding, systemic issues faced by
PRDE, including the resolution of audit
findings issued by auditors dating back
to 1994. PRDE has been putting forth
great effort to rebuild, to make
important changes, to improve
education services to students, and to
restore the trust and credibility
previously lost by PRDE. A number of
these activities have been undertaken in
accordance with special conditions
imposed on PRDE’s grants, with
technical assistance by the U.S.
Department of Education (the
Department), and as part of an initiative
undertaken between PRDE and the
Department, under the Department’s
Cooperative Audit Resolution and
Oversight Initiative (CAROI). Although
the Department has been working
closely and productively with PRDE in
recent months to address these major
issues, it appears that it will take more
than one year to completely address
some of the long-standing, systemic
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problems that PRDE is working so hard
to correct, and it will also take the
continued cooperation of other parts of
the Puerto Rico government. Therefore,
the Department is entering into this
comprehensive, three-year Compliance
Agreement (Agreement) with the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Puerto
Rico) and PRDE.
Through this Agreement, Puerto Rico
and PRDE, with assistance from the
Department, agree to develop or
complete integrated and systemic
solutions to problems they have had in
the management of Federal education
funds and programs. The issues are
being carefully examined and addressed
from the perspective of PRDE and other
Puerto Rico agencies with management
responsibility for resources or programs
that have an impact on education in
Puerto Rico. Solutions involve reengineering systems and processes and
the increased use of technology. In
addition, solutions must address
communication and cooperation among
Puerto Rico agencies, including PRDE
(including its Office of Federal Affairs
(OFA)), Departmento de Hacienda,
Oficina de Gerencia y Presupuesto
(OGP), and Banco Gubernamental de
Fomento. Whatever the solutions Puerto
Rico and PRDE choose to implement,
they should seek to ensure the best
educational systems possible for the
students of Puerto Rico. It is also
understood that by the end of the term
of this Agreement, Puerto Rico, and
PRDE in particular, must be in full
compliance with the requirements of all
programs funded by the Department.
This Compliance Agreement is also
intended to ensure an effective planning
and evaluation process throughout
PRDE’s programs and initiatives.
Planning and evaluation processes are
the basis for determining program goals,
current status, improvement needs,
budgets, resources, effectiveness of
results, and other important aspects of
effective program management. Through
this Agreement, Puerto Rico and PRDE
will improve program planning and
evaluation for education programs and
use the plans and evaluation results to
drive management and resource
This Compliance Agreement
addresses the following issue areas:
Grants Management generally, Grants
Management for several specific
program areas, Payroll, and
Procurement and Property Management.
This Agreement lists specific tasks,
goals, and measurable objectives for
each issue area. Action steps and
substeps with corresponding timelines,
the persons and offices responsible for
carrying out specific tasks, and
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underlying problems resolved by Puerto
Rico’s compliance with each task, goal,
and action step, will be contained more
fully in the Puerto Rico Action Plans
that will be completed within the next
thirty days and will be incorporated into
the Agreement by reference.
The General Grants Management Task
contained in this Agreement (Task 1.0)
applies to the administration of all
Federal education programs
administered by PRDE. In addition to
the general section on Grants
Management, Tasks 2.0 through 5.0
below contain additional, programspecific tasks, goals, and steps, which
will apply to the administration of
specific areas or programs, as noted,
including the Community Schools, the
Vocational Education Program,
authorized under the Carl D. Perkins
Vocational and Technical Education Act
of 1998 (20 U.S.C. 2301, et seq.), the
Adult Education Program, authorized
under the Adult Education and Family
Literacy Act (20 U.S.C 9201 et seq.), and
the Special Education Program,
authorized under Part B of the
Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (20 U.S.C. 1401, et seq.).
The Department will review Puerto
Rico’s and PRDE’s progress in meeting
the terms of this Agreement by assessing
the systemic approaches and degree of
integration that Puerto Rico and PRDE
bring in designing and implementing
solutions to the complex problems in
each of the crosscutting areas, by the
demonstrated communication,
cooperation, and organizational culture
change toward ‘‘getting the work done
right,’’ and by assessing Puerto Rico’s
and PRDE’s completion of corrective
action steps. The approaches adopted by
Puerto Rico and PRDE should include
effective planning and evaluation of
resource and management decisions that
are designed to produce better
educational results.
In making the critical systemic and
organizational changes required to meet
the terms of this Compliance
Agreement, it is important to
understand that the Agreement is not
only designed to bring about
compliance with Federal requirements
but toward improving education for the
students of Puerto Rico. In the end, the
Department and Puerto Rico will judge
success by compliance with all
requirements and by determining how
well Puerto Rico has improved
educational programs by meeting
applicable requirements and the terms
of this Compliance Agreement.
II. Removal of ‘‘High-Risk’’ Designation
In 2002, the Department designated
PRDE a ‘‘high-risk’’ grantee, under
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authority of § 80.12 of the Education
Department General Administrative
Regulations (EDGAR) (34 C.F.R. 80.12).
At that time, special conditions were
placed on all Department grants
awarded to PRDE because of its history
of unsatisfactory performance, as
uncovered by audits dating back to
1994. The Department’s special
conditions were intended to bring about
necessary changes to Federal program
administration in Puerto Rico that
would ultimately bring it into
compliance with all Federal program
requirements. The special conditions
were intended to result in important
improvements to Federal grants
administration in Puerto Rico so that the
systemic problems uncovered by the
auditors would be corrected and would
not reoccur. In addressing the special
conditions, and in conjunction with
CAROI, as outlined below, PRDE has
taken numerous steps to address
underlying problems.
Since September 2003, the
Department and PRDE have been
working together in a collaborative
effort under the CAROI process, to
jointly resolve the backlog of unresolved
PRDE audits, which contain over six
hundred audit findings dating back to
1994. As a result of this effort, PRDE has
already taken steps and established
controls to improve its payroll and
procurement processes and its
management of grants to address
numerous recurring audit issues and
make systemic changes. It has assigned
knowledgeable staff to this task and has
employed expert contractors to assist in
this effort. PRDE has sought to come
into compliance with Federal
requirements with the ultimate goal of
improving educational services to all
students in Puerto Rico.
One of the most significant steps
Puerto Rico and PRDE have taken is the
creation of both an Internal Audit Office
and an Audit Oversight Committee that
will provide independent review and
oversight of Puerto Rico and PRDE
activities and will assure Puerto Rico
and PRDE’s commitment to maintaining
a strong control environment, quality
financial reporting, and compliance
with program objectives and
regulations. The signing of the
legislation for the Audit Oversight
Committee, on August 5, 2004, was a
very positive step that demonstrated the
commitment and strides Puerto Rico
and PRDE are taking to protect the
Federal funds they receive and to help
ensure they meet the fiscal and
programmatic responsibilities under all
Federal programs. PRDE has worked
very effectively with the Department
and has generally committed itself to
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improving its Federal program
administration by placing a high
priority on addressing and ultimately
eliminating what had been found to be
serious problems.
Since PRDE has demonstrated great
initiative and commitment to resolving
the problems that led to the 2002 ‘‘highrisk’’ designation, in recognition of the
progress shown by PRDE, upon
execution of this Agreement, the
Department will remove PRDE’s ‘‘highrisk’’ designation. However, all special
conditions currently applicable to
Federal education grants awarded to
PRDE remain in effect. The Department
will work with PRDE within thirty days
to eliminate possible duplication of
effort in the special conditions and in
this Agreement including with respect
to reporting requirements. In lieu of the
‘‘high-risk’’ designation, during the first
six months following execution of this
Agreement, i.e., the early
implementation phase of this
Agreement, PRDE will be on
‘‘probationary status.’’ During this
period, the Department and PRDE will
continue the close, cooperative
relationship that has characterized their
work under the CAROI initiative, but
the Department will scrutinize very
carefully the progress that PRDE is
making under the Agreement. The
Department will remain available to
provide PRDE with technical assistance
that is needed, and it will also oversee
the progress made by PRDE on its
Federal program administration,
consistent with the terms of this
Agreement. PRDE will remain
committed to continued and timely
movement toward full compliance with
Federal requirements.
III. Consequences for Not Meeting the
Terms and Conditions of This
A. Mutual Agreements and
Understandings Regarding the Terms,
Conditions and Enforcement of This
Compliance Agreement
The parties agree that this Compliance
Agreement includes terms and
conditions that apply to the various
Federal programs included in the
Agreement (hereafter ‘‘covered Federal
programs’’) and also terms and
conditions that are program specific. To
that end, the parties agree that each
such term and condition for each
covered Federal program may constitute
a separate agreement among Puerto
Rico, PRDE and the Department. For
purposes of 20 U.S.C. § 1234f, each such
term or condition as to each covered
Federal program shall be severable from
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / Notices
each other term or condition for each of
the covered Federal programs. Unless
set out otherwise, a determination by
the Department under 20 U.S.C. § 1234f
(d) that Puerto Rico or PRDE is not
meeting terms and conditions may be
specific to such term, condition, or
program without impacting Puerto
Rico’s or PRDE’s continuing obligations
under the Agreement. That is, all other
terms and conditions for all covered
Federal programs or the specific term or
condition for other covered Federal
programs would remain in place for the
duration of the Agreement or until such
time as the Department were to
determine that Puerto Rico or PRDE had
substantially failed to meet those terms
and conditions.
Alternatively, the parties understand
and agree that a determination by the
Department under 20 U.S.C. § 1234f(d)
that Puerto Rico or PRDE has
substantially failed to meet any of the
terms and conditions shall, at the
Department’s discretion, be grounds for
finding the Agreement, as to such terms
and conditions, no longer in effect and
that the Department may take any and
all additional actions authorized by law.
At the same time, if Puerto Rico or
PRDE substantially fails to meet the
terms and conditions of the Agreement,
the Department may terminate the entire
Agreement, and the Department may
take any and all actions authorized by
law. Some examples of such actions are
set out below.
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Judicial Enforcement
1. Cease and Desist Order Under 20
U.S.C. §§ 1234c(a)(2) and 1234e
The Department may seek injunctive
relief to compel specific actions or to
stop specific actions. Under this
process, the Department issues a
complaint to Puerto Rico or PRDE,
describing the factual and legal basis for
the Department’s belief that Puerto Rico
or PRDE is failing to comply
substantially with a requirement of law
including this Agreement, and
containing a notice of hearing. A
hearing before an Administrative Law
Judge (ALJ) could then occur. The ALJ’s
report and order, requiring Puerto Rico
or PRDE to stop specific actions or
compelling specific actions, becomes
the final agency decision. The
Department may enforce the final order
by withholding any portion of Puerto
Rico’s or PRDE’s grant award or
certifying the facts to the Attorney
General who may bring an appropriate
action for enforcement of the order.
2. Referral to Department of Justice
For Appropriate Enforcement—20
U.S.C. § 1416
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If the Department finds, after
reasonable notice and opportunity for
hearing to Puerto Rico or PRDE, that
there has been a failure by Puerto Rico
or PRDE to comply substantially with
any provision of applicable Federal laws
(with regard to the programs to which
20 U.S.C. § 1416 applies) (including
terms of Compliance Agreement within
timelines in the Agreement), the
Department may, after notifying Puerto
Rico or PRDE, refer the matter for an
appropriate enforcement action, which
may include referral to the Department
of Justice.
Withholding of Grant Funds—20 U.S.C.
§§ 1234c(a)(1), 1234d and 1416
If the Department finds, after
reasonable notice and opportunity for
hearing to Puerto Rico or PRDE, that
there has been a failure to comply
substantially with a requirement of law,
including with this Agreement, the
Department may, after notifying Puerto
Rico or PRDE or both, withhold, in
whole or in part, future payments. The
Department may limit withholding to a
particular Federal grant or part of the
Escrow Account To Fund Third-Party
If Puerto Rico or PRDE fails
substantially to meet a significant term
in this Compliance Agreement, the
Department may place an appropriate
amount of Puerto Rico’s or PRDE’s
grants into an interest bearing escrow
account to fund the duties of a thirdparty fiduciary agent. Puerto Rico or
PRDE may request a reconsideration of
this action.
Recovery of Funds—20 U.S.C. § 1234a
Any funds improperly expended or
not properly accounted for are subject to
recovery by the Department according to
20 U.S.C. § 1234a.
B. Criteria for Determining
Puerto Rico or PRDE will provide the
Department with progress reports—as
required in Section IV below—for the
action steps and measurable objectives
set forth in the Agreement. Puerto Rico
or PRDE, and the Department agree that
substantial failure to: (1) provide all
required reports in a timely manner, (2)
show substantial progress in completing
action steps as required, (3) complete
significant action steps within the
timeframes designated in the
Agreement, or (4) achieve critical
measurable objectives as specified in
this Agreement, will be considered a
failure to meet the terms and conditions
of this Agreement.
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Reinstatement of ‘‘High-Risk’’ Status
Under 34 CFR § 80.12
In the event that PRDE and Puerto
Rico fail to continue their efforts toward
correcting the systemic problems
uncovered by the auditors between 1994
and 2003, and are not making sufficient
progress to meet the terms of this
Agreement, the Department retains the
authority to reinstate the ‘‘high-risk’’
designation being removed under the
terms of this Agreement. If the
Department determines that such
reinstatement becomes necessary,
additional special conditions or
restrictions may include, but will not
necessarily be limited to: (1) payment of
Federal funds on a reimbursement basis;
(2) withholding authority to proceed to
next phase until receipt of evidence of
acceptable performance within a given
funding period; (3) requiring additional,
more detailed financial reports; (4)
requiring additional project monitoring;
(5) requiring PRDE to obtain technical or
management assistance, including the
designation of a third-party fiduciary to
administer all or part of PRDE’s grants
from the Department; or (6) establishing
additional prior approvals. The use of a
condition for one covered Federal
program does not require or preclude its
use for a different covered Federal
In the event that the Department
decides to reinstate ‘‘high-risk’’ status, it
would notify PRDE as early as possible,
in writing, of the: (1) Nature of
additional special conditions and
restrictions; (2) reason(s) for imposing
them; (3) corrective actions which must
be taken before they will be removed
and time allowed for completing any
additional corrective actions; and (4)
method of requesting reconsideration of
conditions and restrictions imposed.
IV. Reporting Requirements
This Compliance Agreement requires
regular progress reporting for all issues.
Generally, Puerto Rico and PRDE must
provide the Department with progress
reports on a quarterly basis.
The submission of each written report
will be preceded by a meeting or
conference call among representatives of
Puerto Rico (which may include
representatives of the various Puerto
Rico agencies mentioned in Section I
above), PRDE, and the Department,
within five business days (according to
PRDE’s business calendar) of the end of
the quarter, to discuss Puerto Rico and
PRDE’s progress and what level of detail
the Department wants Puerto Rico and
PRDE to cover in its written quarterly
report that will be submitted within
fifteen business days (according to
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PRDE’s business calendar) of the call or
meeting. The parties may modify the
schedule by mutual agreement.
Subject to the meeting or call above,
in general, each quarterly report will
include information such as: (1) a
description of activities and progress for
each task and its related sub-tasks
during the reporting period, (2) the
status of each critical action step
required to be taken during the
reporting period, (3) documentation of
critical action step completion for those
steps required to be completed during
the reporting period (including
explanations of delays for all steps not
completed that were scheduled to be
completed during the period, and
expected completion dates for all
unimplemented steps), (4)
documentation of measures of
performance and results, and (5) other
data or documentation as specified
within the action steps for each task or
related sub-task in this Agreement, and/
or discussed in the pre-report meeting
among the Department, Puerto Rico, and
Puerto Rico and PRDE will consider,
if feasible and cost-effective,
transmitting reporting information to
the Department via an Internet web site.
If transmittal of the reporting
information is not possible via a
website, Puerto Rico and PRDE will
continue to be responsible for tracking,
monitoring and reporting progress on all
requirements and milestones in this
Agreement in a manner that is fully
accessible to the Department and the
public. Reporting information will be
updated continuously, but in any event,
on a quarterly basis, no later than within
fifteen business days (according to
PRDE’s business calendar) from the day
of the call or meeting among the
Department, Puerto Rico, and PRDE,
specifying the specific reporting
required for that quarterly period. These
reports also will fulfill the reporting
requirements required under PRDE’s
special conditions that are currently in
effect or as modified in accordance with
the process to eliminate duplication in
Section II above. The first quarterly
period will encompass the time from
which all parties sign this Agreement
through December 31, 2004. Within the
first thirty days of this Agreement, the
Department will work with PRDE to
agree on a more rigorous reporting
schedule for reporting progress during
the first six months following execution
of this Agreement, (the early
implementation phase of this
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V. Updated Action Plans, Action Steps,
and Timelines
Action steps and timelines that PRDE
has developed are included in the task
descriptions throughout this Agreement
as well as in PRDE’s Action Plans that
will be completed and incorporated into
this Agreement within thirty days of the
execution of this Agreement. PRDE,
Puerto Rico, and the Department will
continuously reassess the action steps
and timelines to determine if: (1) the
action steps fully meet the requirements
of this Agreement, (2) the action steps
will move Puerto Rico and PRDE toward
achieving required measurable
objectives, and ultimately, full
compliance within three years, and (3)
the timelines need to be modified
within the time boundaries set forth in
this Agreement. In addition to the areas
currently covered in this Agreement, the
Action Plans will also include a section
covering continuing progress to be made
in implementing the oversight systems
for the Internal Audit and Audit
Oversight Committee, and the internal
audit function within PRDE.
Updating the action steps and interim
timelines into Action Plans for which
Puerto Rico and PRDE will be
accountable is a critical step for each
task and sub-task. Once Puerto Rico and
PRDE complete the development of
Action Plans that address each task or
sub-task, as specified in this Agreement,
and the Department agrees to the
revised Action Plans, the action steps
and timelines in the Action Plans will
become additional requirements of this
Agreement and be subject to the
reporting requirements and
consequences for not meeting terms and
conditions as set forth in this
Agreement. The Department will assist
by consulting with Puerto Rico and
PRDE to develop reports or reporting
formats that shall satisfy the reporting
requirements as set forth in this
Agreement. The Department will also
assist Puerto Rico and PRDE, to the
extent that resources are available, with
the orientation and training of personnel
and the provision of meaningful
technical assistance.
VI. Resolution of Outstanding Audit
As noted above, the Department
designated PRDE a ‘‘high-risk grantee’’
under 34 CFR § 80.12 due to numerous
serious recurring audit findings which
uncovered deficiencies in PRDE’s
administration of Federally funded
programs. This Compliance Agreement
does not absolve PRDE’s liability under
any of these audit findings. The
Department has been working closely
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with PRDE to address all of the issues
uncovered in single audits and audits by
the Department’s Office of the Inspector
General (ED OIG) conducted over the
years 1994 through 2003. While steady
progress is being made, resolution of all
findings has not been completed. Thus,
in addition to undertaking corrective
action in response to these many
monetary and non-monetary audit
findings, under this Agreement, PRDE
also agrees to continue working with the
Department toward resolution of all
audit findings issued under the single
and ED OIG audits covering 1994
through 2003, under the Department’s
CAROI process. The Department and
PRDE anticipate continuing to work
cooperatively through a CAROI process
so that these audit findings can be
resolved no later than six months from
the date of the execution of this
Agreement. PRDE’s continued work
with the Department on resolving
remaining audit issues is a critical
element of compliance with this
Agreement. However, in the event that
the CAROI process does not appear to
be progressing, in addition to other
remedies the Department has including
those under this Agreement, the
Department retains the discretion to
issue one or more program
determination letters (PDLs) to resolve
one or more of these audit findings at
any time. In the event that one or more
PDLs are issued, PRDE may exercise its
appeal rights, and such exercise would
not be considered a breach of this
agreement, and would not be
inconsistent with the resolution of other
findings through CAROI.
VII. General Additional Measurable
Puerto Rico, PRDE, and the
Department agree that the following
measurable objectives apply for each
task and sub-task contained in this
Agreement and in the Action Plans that
are to be incorporated into this
Agreement within thirty days, in
addition to other measurable objectives
specified throughout this Agreement.
1. Plans, other documents, and reports
are timely, complete, accurate, and
address the requirements set forth in
this Agreement.
2. Action steps are implemented
within the timeframes set forth in this
3. Implementation of sub-tasks and
action steps demonstrates progress
towards achieving the outcomes or
measurable objectives set forth in this
The remainder of this document
provides task descriptions, action steps,
and measurable objectives for: (1)
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / Notices
General Grants Management, (2)
Specific Program Management, (3)
Payroll, and (4) Procurement and
Property Management. By signing this
Agreement and by the end of the threeyear period covered by this Agreement,
Puerto Rico and PRDE commit to taking
the necessary actions to be in full
compliance with the program
requirements applicable to all
Department grants for which Puerto
Rico and PRDE expend funds and any
other requirements set forth in this
Agreement. Puerto Rico and PRDE
commit to full implementation of
improved grants management, payroll,
and procurement and equipment
inventory processes laid out in this
Agreement and in greater detail in the
PRDE Action Plans that will be
incorporated by reference into this
VIII. Tasks
This section on Tasks represents what
the parties have generally agreed to at
the time of execution of this Agreement.
Some of the subtasks and steps set forth
below may be modified as the parties
agree to the Action Plans in their final
form within thirty days. Appropriate
modifications to this section will be
made by mutual consent of the parties
once the Action Plans are finally agreed
Task 1.0: Improving PRDE General
Grants Management
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES3
Overall Task Description
Because the stated purpose of this
Agreement is to improve education for
the students of Puerto Rico, it is critical
to successfully meeting the terms of this
Agreement that Puerto Rico and PRDE
use the first year of the next three-year
period to develop and refine long-term
goals, assess the current status of each
program receiving Federal assistance,
and design coherent plans to bridge the
gap between the current status of
education in Puerto Rico and its goals
of improving education and fully
complying with all Federal program
requirements. As set forth in Section I
above, this General Grants Management
Task applies to the administration of all
Federal education programs
administered by PRDE.
Effective grants management includes
the development of effective: (1) Preaward planning processes, (2) grant
application, evaluation, and approval
processes, (3) baseline assessments of
current PRDE practices as compared
with applicable Federal requirements,
(4) plans for interagency coordination
among relevant Puerto Rico agencies,
such as PRDE, Hacienda, the Office of
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Federal Affairs (OFA), and the Puerto
Rico Department of Health (PRDH), (5)
restructured budget processes ensuring
that all agencies and programs receiving
Federal awards will meet stated goals,
(6) measurable objectives to determine if
the planned grants management
improvements are having the intended
effect, and (7) options for further
modification if implementing the plan is
not having the intended effect. The new
grants management process
implemented by Puerto Rico and PRDE
will take into account and adhere to
Federal requirements for each program,
as well as other applicable accounting
and professional standards. In addition,
the planning process should include
citizen and/or customer input and
feedback; input is a vital part of the
process to set goals, and feedback is
equally significant in assessing results.
A critically important aspect of the
planning and design process is that it is
fully integrated as the foundation for
other program-related decisions about
budgets, financial management,
personnel requirements, and other
resource needs.
The Department will continue to
provide technical assistance, as
appropriate, including referrals to
successful jurisdictions for guidance.
Puerto Rico and PRDE will seek the
assistance of expert consultants and
other grantees to provide hands-on
guidance in improving its grants
management process. Reasonable and
necessary expenses for this assistance
will be considered allowable costs
chargeable to a Department grant
provided an approvable application is
received in a timely manner.
Sub-Task 1.1: Pre-Award Planning
Goal: To ensure that PRDE
application, evaluation and approval
processes allow for the timely approval
of work plans so that implementation of
Federally funded programs can
commence upon receipt of grant award
notifications, i.e., in July or August of
each year.
The following step will help achieve
the goal:
Create process to ensure that budget
planning for all appropriate Federal
programs is nearly complete by receipt
of grant award notification by
September 30, 2005.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task
Short term: 80% of all applications for
Federal funds in the OFA pilot program
will have completed the planning
process timely so that the approval
process is completed by the time grant
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award notification is received (October
31, 2005).
Mid term: 50% of all applications will
have completed the planning process
timely so that the approval process is
completed by the time the grant award
notification is received (October 31,
Long term: 100% of all applications
for Federal funds will have completed
the planning process timely so that the
approval process is completed by the
time grant award notification is received
(October 1, 2007). In addition, all
applications for Federal funds will
comply with all applicable requirements
(October 25, 2007).
Sub-Task 1.2: Application, Evaluation,
and Approval Process
External Application Goals: To submit
applications to the Department for
formula and discretionary grant funds in
a timely manner in substantially
approvable form.
Internal Application Goals: To have
an internal application process that is
streamlined, is oriented to the needs of
PRDE’s internal applicants for funds,
and provides useful information about
the allowable uses of Federal funds.
Evaluation and Approval Process
Goals: To have an evaluation and
approval process that is streamlined and
rapid, and provides useful and timely
feedback to PRDE internal applicants.
The following steps will help achieve
the goals:
A. Review all applicable Federal
B. Streamline and strengthen external
application process,
C. Streamline and strengthen internal
application process for formula grant
D. Streamline and strengthen
application process for discretionary
grant programs (that require subgrants to
be allocated by competition),
E. Streamline and strengthen
competitive proposal process for
external contractors (refer to
procurement plan),
F. Ensure staff has necessary
knowledge and expertise to implement
revised application process,
G. Create process to ensure proper
documentation is maintained
throughout the application process,
H. Create streamlined evaluation and
approval processes that support the
proper use of Federal funds, and
I. Ensure staff has necessary
knowledge and expertise to implement
revised evaluation and approval
processes that are consistent with
Federal requirements.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / Notices
External Application Process: By July
2006, improve and strengthen all
applications that are submitted to the
Department, utilizing a revised
procedure consistent with the
milestones contained in the grants
management action plan.
Internal Application, Evaluation, and
Approval Processes: By January 2007,
all applications for Federal funds are
going through the new application,
evaluation, and approval process,
consistent with the planning process.
Sub-Task 1.3: Interagency Process
Goal: Ensure productive coordination
between PRDE and other Puerto Rico
agencies, such as Hacienda, OGP,
PRDH, and OFA, to ensure that budget
processes operate efficiently, in
accordance with PRDE procedures, and
in accordance with all applicable
Federal requirements.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
In accordance with current PRDE
Special Conditions, to prepare an
Action Plan to address this initiative
and will submit it to the Department by
February 15, 2005.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES3
Sub-Task 1.4: Budget Process
Goal: Restructure the PRDE budget
process so that all programs that receive
Federal funds will have prepared a
preliminary budget and received
preliminary approval from PRDE’s
budget office prior to their receipt of a
grant award notification.
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Review all applicable Federal
B. Create detailed map of the current
budget process, including all forms and
approvals necessary for Federal funds to
be awarded and flow from PRDE to
C. Streamline PRDE budget process,
consistent with applicable Federal
D. After budget process has been
streamlined, prepare a written
document describing uniform
procedures that PRDE and subrecipients
must follow in submission of budgets
for approval by PRDE, and
E. Ensure the obligation of Federal
funds in a timely manner.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
By July 2006, 100% of all programs
that have received Federal funds will
have prepared a preliminary budget
according to all program requirements
for 2005–2006 and received preliminary
approval from the budget office prior to
the receipt of a grant award notification.
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Sub-Task 1.5: Program Implementation
Goal: To ensure that all PRDE staff
responsible for program implementation
and administration have the necessary
knowledge, tools, and resources
necessary for implementing and
administering Federal programs
consistent with all applicable Federal
programmatic and fiscal requirements.
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Identify specific technical
assistance available from OFA to
academic staff and other recipients of
Federal funds, to ensure that Federal
programs are implemented and Federal
program funds are expended in a
manner consistent with Federal
B. Ensure that all staff responsible for
the implementation of Federal programs
at all levels is aware of and familiar
with all applicable Federal
programmatic requirements,
C. Ensure that all staff responsible for
the implementation of Federal programs
at all levels is aware of and familiar
with all applicable Federal requirements
related to procurement with Federal
funds, such as RFP requirements for
contracts, competitive bidding
requirements (which is discussed in
greater detail below under Task 7.0,
D. Create uniform documentation
requirement/template for all staff
responsible for implementing Federal
programs, and
E. Ensure that all staff responsible for
implementing Federal programs fully
understands Federal requirements on
retention of documentation
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task
• By July 2005, there has been
formalized and regularly scheduled staff
training for non-OFA, PRDE staff for
relevant central level employees who
administer Federal funds, and
• By July 2006, program specific and
Federal grants management training will
have been completed for 100% of
Central Office PRDE staff responsible for
implementing Federal programs.
• Each year, there is a significant
reduction in the number of sustainable
audit findings contained in single audit
Sub-Task 1.6: Monitoring and Technical
Assistance Process
Goal: To ensure that weaknesses in
Federal program administration are
identified and remedied in a timely
manner to significantly reduce audit
Goal: To ensure that all PRDE
personnel who administer Federal funds
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have access to high-quality technical
assistance and training that responds to
the needs of PRDE.
The following steps will help achieve
the goals:
A. Establish a formal, unified
monitoring process for all Federal
programs administered by OFA,
B. Create consistent monitoring tools
that identify specific programmatic
requirements and align programmatic
and fiscal monitoring, and
C. Analyze and identify audit findings
that are repetitive across programs and
ensure that additional monitoring is
performed for these programs.
1. Based on recent findings, conduct
additional monitoring and intensive
technical assistance for Migrant
Education Program (MEP):
—Formalize process for maintaining
required documentation to support
the eligibility of students participating
in the program. Ensure that
formalized process includes all
documents required under the statute,
—Train program directors, regional
directors, and other appropriate
migrant staff on revised
documentation maintenance
—Conduct additional staff training for
all relevant MEP personnel on
specific eligibility requirements of
migrant program, such as the
definition of a qualifying move,
agricultural or fishing activity,
Principal Means of Livelihood
(PMOL), etc. to ensure the accuracy of
the Certificates of Eligibility (COE),
—Conduct additional staff training on
specific provision of services
requirements, including, but not
limited to:
• Priority for services,
• How MEP students should be
served in schoolwide programs,
• Service to private school students,
• Fiscal requirements.
—Consistent with monitoring plan,
monitor revised documentation
process and other migrant program
requirements, deliver immediate
technical assistance if needed, and
—Review manual clarifying eligibility
requirements of the migrant program.
If necessary, revise manual.
2. Based on recent findings, conduct
additional monitoring and intensive
technical assistance for the Even Start
—Formalize process for maintaining
required documentation to support
the eligibility of families participating
in the program. Ensure that the
formalized process includes all
documents required under the statute,
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES3
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / Notices
—Train program directors, Even Start
partners and other appropriate staff
on revised documentation
maintenance requirements,
—Develop formal procedure to ensure
matching requirements are met or
appropriately waived by PRDE
consistent with the statutory
requirements, and
—Develop formal monitoring process,
consistent with statutory
requirements, to measure whether
there is sufficient progress and
indicators of program quality by Even
Start subrecipients.
D. Schedule integrated monitoring
visits according to identified needs,
E. Train employees who will be
conducting monitoring visits,
F. Improve access to information
about monitoring process for PRDE
programs/offices that will be monitored,
G. Develop a Master Technical
Assistance Plan for PRDE programs in
accordance with results from
monitoring process,
H. Create links between the
Department’s website, other educational
websites and PRDE’s website,
I. Develop a plan to properly
document PRDE technical assistance,
J. Train employees who will be giving
technical assistance, and
K. Ensure that any weaknesses or
instances of non-compliance are
identified and corrected in a timely
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task
• By April 2005—A master
monitoring plan will be created, based
on past findings, targeting high need
programs first, including MEP and Even
• By August 2005—Uniform
monitoring instruments will be created
for each Federal program and program/
fiscal monitors will use these
instruments for their monitoring
• By July 2006—Regular monitoring
by appropriate staff will be fully
• By July 2006—Regular, high-quality
technical assistance will be provided by
PRDE to PRDE staff regarding Federal
requirements. Technical assistance will
be provided prior to the delivery of
Federal program services by PRDE
personnel and will promptly respond to
any weaknesses discovered in the
monitoring process, and
Each year, there is a significant
reduction in the number of sustainable
audit findings contained in single audit
reports, particularly in the number of
recurring audit findings.
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Sub-Task 1.7: Reporting
Goal: By July 2005, PRDE will ensure
that all reports submitted to the
Department are timely and accurate.
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Compose Master List of all
performance and financial reports due
to the Department under applicable
requirements, and
B. Identify PRDE staff responsible for
completing and filing all required
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
By July 2005, PRDE will ensure that
all reports submitted to the Department
are timely and accurate.
Sub-Task 1.8: Private Schools and
Equitable Services
Goal: PRDE is in compliance with all
Federal requirements applicable to
private schools, including the
requirements for providing equitable
services to private school students.
The following step will help achieve
the goal:
Compose a Master List of all Federal
programs that contain requirements
regarding participation by private
school students, including equitable
services requirements, and provide
appropriate training on these
requirements to appropriate PRDE
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task
• By July 2005, PRDE has trained all
relevant employees on the equitable
services requirements in the Federal
programs administered or monitored by
those employees, and
• By July 2006, uniform processes
regarding equitable services
requirements will be fully implemented.
Sub-Task 1.9: Schoolwide Programs
Goal: PRDE complies with all
Schoolwide program requirements
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Create a work group to review the
schoolwide program process and make
recommendations for, and implement,
improvements in the process.
B. Improvements will include
identifying Master List of all schools
eligible for schoolwide program status
and ensuring that all schools deemed
eligible and included in the Master List
have the required elements in their
schoolwide plan, and ensuring that
fiscal and programmatic requirements of
schoolwide schools are understood by
relevant staff.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task
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• By July 2005, PRDE has trained all
relevant employees on requirements
pertaining to schoolwide programs, and
• By December 2006, uniform
processes regarding schoolwide
programs will be fully implemented.
Sub-Task 1.10: Implementation of
Reorganization Plan
Goal: PRDE’s OFA will implement
new processes and a new organizational
structure to ensure the efficient and
effective administration of all the
Federal funds it administers and to
ensure the administration of those funds
in compliance with all applicable
Federal requirements.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task
• By December 2004, a new human
resource plan will be implemented, and
• By July 2006, most new processes
contained in this grants management
plan will be operational, leading to a
substantial reduction in audit findings.
Sub-Task 1.11: Implementation of
Puerto Rico’s Integrated Financial
Administration System (PRIFAS) Grants
Management and Project Modules
Goal: PRDE’s OFA will implement the
PRIFAS grants management and project
module to improve PRDE’s control over
the timely obligation of Federal funds
and bring PRDE into compliance with
Federal requirements applicable to the
period of availability of funds, cash
management, and proper liquidation of
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
By January 2005, the new PRIFAS
grants management and project module
will be operational.
Sub-Task 1.12: Puerto Rico as an SEA/
Goal: PRDE will work with the
Department to identify PRDE’s needs for
technical assistance on the issue of best
practices in grants administration by a
single SEA and LEA by February 15,
Task 2.0: Improving PRDE Grants
Management—Community Schools
Sub-Task 2.1: Improving Accounting
Records at the Community Schools
Goal: Develop comprehensive plan to
resolve accounting issues described in
Single Audit findings.
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Map out community school
administration responsibilities, and
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / Notices
B. Streamline the application/
approval/distribution process to
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
By February 15, 2005, in accordance
with the special conditions, PRDE will
complete a comprehensive plan to
strengthen the accounting records of the
Community Schools Administration and
submit it to the Department.
Sub-Task 2.2: Improving Cash
Management at the Community Schools
Goal: Develop a comprehensive plan
to resolve cash management issues at
the public school level identified and
described in Single Audit findings.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
By February 15, 2005, in accordance
with the special conditions, PRDE will
complete a comprehensive plan to
strengthen cash management at the
public school level and submit it to the
Sub-Task 2.3: Implementation of
PRIFAS Grants Management and Project
Goal: PRDE’s Community Schools
Administration will implement the
PRIFAS grants management module and
project module to improve control over
the timely obligation of funds, comply
with period of availability requirements,
cash management, and proper
liquidation of obligations.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
By July 2005, the new PRIFAS grants
management and project modules will
be in operation.
Task 3.0: Improving PRDE Grants
Management—Vocational Education
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES3
Sub-Task 3.1: Improving the
Application Process
Goal: Compliance with the Federal
vocational education requirement for a
State Board to serve as the eligible
agency, and related conditions in
PRDE’s Perkins III grant.
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Establish the new State Board for
Vocational and Technical Education
within PRDE (completed—EO 2004–29),
B. Nominate members of the new
State Board (completed),
C. Create a draft of the new State
Board Rule,
D. Create a chart of the new
governance structure of the State Board,
E. Adopt the State Plan for Vocational
Education submitted by PRDE,
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including the request to extend and
revise the plan, the budget for year six,
and the agreed-upon adjusted
performance levels for year six,
F. Ratify past actions of the Puerto
Rico Secretary of Education and the
G. Adopt any necessary revision to
ensure conformity with the State Plan,
H. Submit certifications required to be
included in the State Plan,
I. Complete the document that
delegates to PRDE the authority to
receive, hold, and disburse funds
awarded under the State Plan, and
J. Create a detailed map of the current
application process both for PRDE
applications to the Department and
PRDE application requirements for
Department funds within PRDE.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
Short Term—30% of all internal
applications work plans for Federal
funds will be almost operational by the
time Grant Award Notification is
received in July 2005.
Task 4.0: Improving PRDE Grants
Management—Adult Education
Sub-Task 4.1: Monitoring and Technical
Assistance Process
Goal: Monitor and administer the
Adult Education program effectively
and in compliance with all applicable
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Create detailed map of current
monitoring process,
B. Identify criteria to be used in
identifying monitoring needs,
C. Align programmatic monitoring
activities with fiscal monitoring
D. Rank program projects by
monitoring needs,
E. Develop a master monitoring
schedule that coordinates the
monitoring of adult education projects,
F. Train employees who will be
conducting monitoring visits,
G. Improve communication between
adult education and all programs,
H. Create a detailed map of the
current technical assistance process,
I. Identify technical assistance
resources for developing and
completing applications available from
the Department, and
J. Develop a master technical
assistance plan for the Adult Education
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Task 5.0: PRDE Grants Management—
Special Education Program
Sub-Task 5.1: Monitoring and Corrective
Action Process
Goal: Ensure non-compliance
identified through monitoring is
corrected within one year of its
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Ensure personnel responsible for
the implementation of IDEA
requirements fully understand those
requirements and, where noncompliance is identified, understand
and implement the corrective actions
needed to ensure correction of all noncompliance within a reasonable period
of time not to exceed one year from
B. Provide training and technical
assistance in a comprehensive and
systematic manner to staff in districts or
sites where non-compliance is
identified to ensure the correction of all
non-compliance within a reasonable
period of time not to exceed one year
from identification,
C. Provide technical assistance on the
development and implementation of
corrective action plans to ensure that
they are developed and implemented in
a manner that addresses all areas of
identified non-compliance,
D. Provide technical assistance and
feedback to district and other personnel
to ensure that the corrective action
plans submitted to PRDE are designed to
correct all areas of non-compliance
within a reasonable amount of time, not
to exceed one year from the
identification of the non-compliance,
E. Request and review progress
reports from regions, districts and other
sites that are implementing corrective
action plans,
F. Ensure follow-up activities in
regions, districts and other sites that
have corrective action plans to ensure
that the identified non-compliance has
been addressed and is not recurring,
G. All monitoring findings will be
corrected within one year of
H. List any sanctions imposed on a
district or school for failure to come into
compliance with the IDEA requirements
as agreed upon in the corrective action
plan, and
I. If PRDE, or any district or school
failed to achieve compliance and no
additional actions, including sanctions
were identified, required, or imposed,
PRDE must explain the basis for not
taking additional actions.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / Notices
• All monitoring findings are
corrected under the new monitoring
system within a reasonable period of
time, not to exceed one year from
identification of the monitoring finding,
• Correction of findings from 2002–
2003 and 2003–2004 school years is
reported to the Department’s Office of
Special Education (OSEP) no later than
July 1, 2005. Thereafter, each quarterly
report, as part of this Compliance
Agreement, includes documentation of
correction of monitoring findings within
a reasonable period of time, not to
exceed one year from identification,
• Develop and implement an effective
set of procedures for sanctioning
persistent long-standing noncompliance,
• Analyze existing procedures,
• Amend existing procedures, as
necessary, and
• Apply new sanction procedures
where required to ensure correction, by
January 1, 2006.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES3
Sub-Task 5.2: Ensuring Accurate Child
Count Reports
Goal: Ensure Child Count Reports
submitted to the Department are
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Ensure that the staff responsible for
the child count reports understand the
requirements, processes and timelines
to collect the information and report the
B. Provide training and technical
assistance regarding the collection of the
Child Count data,
C. Provide training and technical
assistance regarding Child Count data
D. Ensure that the Child Count data
collected and reported is valid, accurate
and timely,
E. Develop validation process though
sample comparison and analysis at
school, school district and regional level
that ensures that all students receiving
special education and related services
are identified and included in the child
count data reports,
F. PRDE will continue to run side-byside comparisons of the paper and
electronic process to determine and
verify the accuracy of the data, and
G. By December 1, 2005, PRDE will
ensure that the child count report
reflects a complete and accurate count
of all children served.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
By 2005, PRDE will ensure that the
Child Count report reflects an accurate
count of all children served.
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Sub-Task 5.3: Implementation of
PRIFAS Grants Management and Project
Goal: PRDE’s Office of Special
Education will implement the PRIFAS
grants management and project module
to improve control over the timely
obligation of funds, and comply with
requirements concerning period of
availability, cash management, and
proper liquidation of obligations.
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Define new processes and
procedures for use of PRIFAS module
by program managers,
B. Train users on use of PRIFAS,
C. Train users on proper fiscal grants
management issues (liquidations of
obligations, timely obligation, etc.) to
ensure effective use of PRIFAS, and
D. Implement use of PRIFAS grants
management and project modules.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
By January 2005, the new PRIFAS
grants management and project modules
will be operational as to PRDE’s Office
of Special Education.
Task 6.0: Improving Payroll System
Overall Task Description
It is critical to successfully meeting
the terms of this Agreement that Puerto
Rico and PRDE use the next three years
to develop adequate controls over a
payroll system capable of ensuring that
all employees on the payroll system are
authorized and that all payroll charges
made to a Federal account are allocable
to that Federal account. The system
developed under this Agreement must
include a formal process for certifying
all employees’ work and must reflect
actual time and effort by each employee
whose salary is charged directly to a
Federal account. The payroll system
must be updated in a timely fashion so
as to reflect any changes in funding
source and must provide for the
maintenance of appropriate accounting
records that can be made available in
the event of an audit. PRDE must be able
to account for salary payments to
employees who split their time between
Federal and other programs, or among
more than one Federal program. Any
indirect payroll charges to Federal
accounts must be allocable to that
program and must otherwise be
appropriate and consistent with Federal
requirements. Additionally, the salaries
of employees who work under more
than one Federal program must be
properly allocated among those
programs, in accordance with accurate
time distribution records and in
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compliance with Federal time
distribution requirements.
The Department will assess progress
in meeting the terms of this Agreement
under the ‘‘Payroll’’ task by the systemic
approaches and degree of integration
that Puerto Rico and PRDE bring to
designing and implementing solutions
to longstanding problems in the payroll
Sub-Task 6.1: Improving Employee
Hiring and Transfer Processes
Goal: To ensure that employees newly
hired and employees transferred (i.e.,
due to demotion, assignment changes,
etc.) are properly captured in the
PRIFAS system.
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Electronic register for special
recruitment—To accelerate document
flow and to avoid loss of documents by
eliminating or reducing physical
document flow from users (regions and
central office) to Payroll Office
(changing from a paper to an electronic
process will increase efficiency and
eliminate loss or misplaced records),
B. Letters and reports for transitory
and probation position expiration—To
improve reporting to employees the
expiration of transitory and probation
periods so as to avoid having to keep
them as regular employees.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
By January 2005, all human resources
‘‘events,’’ such as new employees hired,
transferred, etc., will be accurately
reflected in the STAFF system (the
payroll system used by PRDE).
Sub-Task 6.2: Time Distribution
Goal: Ensure proper allocation of
Federal funds by PRDE, based on
employees’ time and effort, consistent
with applicable Federal requirements.
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Data entry without GL–200—To
allow Time Distribution office to enter
effort reported through time sheets
without having received the
corresponding payroll data from
Hacienda, so as to accelerate the entry
of effort allocation data,
B. Data entry productivity report (by
user)—To report on the amount of data
entry performed by users so as to allow
Time Distribution management to
review the productivity of each
employee regarding data entry tasks,
C. Time sheet/STAFF discrepancy
report—To report on data changes made
by Time Distribution office based on
Time sheets, so that these corrections
can be submitted to Human Resources
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / Notices
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES3
for entry into the Human Resources
D. Missing localization code report—
To modify several reports to include the
description of the location of the
E. Effort allocation report—To provide
an analysis report that shows the
employee efforts that were applied to
federally funded projects by those
employees that were paid from state
funds, and vice versa, and
F. Massive allocation of effort data
(school-wide)—To facilitate the data
entry of employee effort by allowing this
effort to be entered at different levels,
i.e., for a specific employee, for all
employees in a school, for all employees
in a group of schools, etc.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
By December 2005, PRDE will
properly record time distribution on a
quarterly basis for all employees that
distribute their time among Federal
programs or among State and Federal
Sub-Task 6.3: Semimonthly Payroll
Goal: Ensure that PRDE pays
employees from the appropriate Federal
account(s) each time salary payments
are made.
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Electronic DE–15/409 (pipeline)—
To accelerate document flow and to
avoid loss of documents by eliminating
or reducing physical document flow
from users (regions and central office) to
Payroll Office.
B. Position management—To allow
users to make changes to positions with
minimal human intervention and
following a controlled process. For
example, to activate, deactivate, and
change locations for a given group of
C. Additional pay management—To
improve controls on additional pay by
ensuring that additional pay to
positions, instead of employees. When
an employee record is entered, its
corresponding additional pay (if any)
will be taken from its position record.
When an employee moves into a
different position, its additional pay
will not move with the employee. A
history will be maintained of all
changes to the differential amount
associated with each position.
D. Automatic generation of retroactive
payments (pipeline)—To reduce human
intervention by automatically
calculating the corresponding
retroactive payment when an employee
already hired is entered into Payroll.
Usually the employee is entered into the
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Payroll system sometime after he/she
has started to work, therefore a
retroactive payment has to be made.
E. New module for massive payments/
deductions—To facilitate generating
payroll transactions by creating a
module to allow users to manage all of
the steps involved in handling special
generic payroll transactions. An
example of where this module might be
used would be in the creation of fixed
amount or fixed percentage salary
increases for certain types of personnel.
F. Code table maintenance—To
facilitate table maintenance in the
Human Resources system through a
more friendly interface.
G. Account number/position number
validation—To make sure only federal
account numbers are assigned to
federally funded positions and local
account numbers are assigned to locally
funded positions.
H. History of account number
changes—To keep track of changes
made by Time Distribution Office to
correct account numbers in Time
Distribution data. A report will be
produced to inform Positions
Department of these changes, so that
they can make them in STAFF.
I. Report on payroll payments with
accounts that have expired, or are about
to expire (0/30/60/90 aging report)—To
provide the Positions Department with
information on accounts already, or
soon to be, expired, so that actions are
taken about the employees being paid
by these accounts.
J. Global payment financial impact
report (all global payments [for example,
vacation excess] with an effective date
older than the last account number
change are to be reported so as to allow
the finance department to make any
necessary adjustments)—To report on
all global payments [for example,
vacation excess] with an effective date
older than the last account number
changes, so as to allow the Finance
Department to make any necessary
K. Position authorization code
control—To establish a standard set of
rules so that when certain Human
Resources actions occur (terminations,
suspensions, reassignments to another
position, etc.) the system can evaluate
that position and determine its proper
authorization code authorized for
hiring, frozen, etc.
L. Automatic generation of
transactions by STAFF (pipeline)—To
avoid manual entry of Payroll
transactions, by generating them
automatically when the Human
Resources transactions are entered.
M. Automatic generation of entries to
payment card —To avoid manual entry
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of these transactions into the Payroll
payment card, by generating them
automatically when Payroll transactions
are generated.
N. Automatic production of RHUM
transaction files (partially belonging to
pipeline)—To integrate all Payroll
transactions into a single file and to
produce it through a completely
automated process.
O. Error correction—To provide users
with a report on rejected transactions,
together with the reason for the
rejection, so that these transactions can
be corrected. Most errors should be
corrected in the same payroll run.
P. Transaction resubmission—To give
users the opportunity to resubmit for
processing in the same payroll the
rejected transactions, after they have
been corrected. Most corrections should
be submitted by the same payroll run.
Q. Inclusion of rejections in item
balancing and reconciliation—To
provide users with control totals
regarding the rejected transactions so
that they can account for all transactions
submitted to payroll. Transactions
accepted plus transactions rejected must
equal total transactions.
R. Consolidation of error files—To
facilitate the correction of rejected
transactions by consolidating all error
messages in the same transaction file
sent to Hacienda.
S. Readable error messages—To
facilitate the correction of rejected
transactions by rephrasing all error
messages to make them more
understandable to users.
T. RHUM/STAFF discrepancy reports
(account numbers, gross salary,
employee location)—To identify data
discrepancies between Hacienda Payroll
system and PRDE Human Resources
system. For example, discrepancies in
account number, employee location,
employee salary, etc.
U. Discrepancy management
module—To support users in the
process of correcting discrepancies. For
example, to keep track of all
discrepancies pending correction, all
discrepancies already corrected, etc.
Discrepancies must be corrected on a
periodic basis, as supported by the
resources available.
V. Missing employee reports (STAFF
not RHUM, RHUM not STAFF)—To
identify employees in Hacienda’s
Payroll system that are not in PRDE’s
Human Resources system, and viceversa.
W. Item reconciliation (Payroll/
RHUM)—To make sure all transactions
are properly accounted for by
calculating and balancing control totals.
For example, transactions sent to
Hacienda must be equal to transactions
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / Notices
accepted plus transactions rejected. This
balancing must be done for each payroll
X. Limit test for salary (by category)—
To reduce data entry errors by
establishing a limit test for salaries, both
when entering salaries for positions and
for employees.
Y. Limit test for global payments—To
reduce data entry errors by establishing
a limit test for global payments made to
employees, and
Z. Pay period control.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
By June 2005, to reduce the number
of payroll errors, assure prompt
correction of any payroll errors, and
bring the payroll system into full
compliance with Federal payroll
accountability requirements.
Sub-Task 6.4: Interagency Process
Goal: Ensure productive coordination
with other PR agencies, such as
Hacienda, to ensure PRDE procurement
process runs smoothly and according to
established PRDE procedures that
conform to applicable Federal
procurement law and standards.
PRDE will prepare an Action Plan
addressing this initiative and will
submit it to the Department by February
15, 2005, in accordance with PRDE
Special Conditions currently in effect.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
PRDE will develop an Action Plan to
address issues of improved interagency
coordination in Puerto Rico, and will
submit it to the Department by February
15, 2005, the due date established in the
PRDE Special Conditions currently in
Sub-Task 6.5: Draw Downs of Federal
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES3
Goal: Ensure Federal funds are
properly drawn down by PRDE from the
appropriate Federal account and ensure
that Federal funds are properly
obligated and liquidated in accordance
with Federal cash management
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
In accordance with PRDE Special
Conditions currently in effect, PRDE
will prepare an Action Plan addressing
this sub-task and submit it to the
Department by February 15, 2005.
Task 7.0: Procurement and Equipment
Overall Task Description
It is critical to successfully meeting
the terms of this Agreement that Puerto
Rico and PRDE use the next three years
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to develop adequate controls over its
procurement and equipment inventory
systems. PRDE must finalize its revised
contracting and procurement
procedures ensuring compliance with
all applicable Federal requirements.
Once PRDE has developed contracting
and procurement procedures that
comply with all applicable Federal
requirements, PRDE must adopt and
begin implementing those procedures so
that all contracts are awarded, and all
equipment and supplies are procured,
through PRDE’s revised procedures,
with the exception of those cases that
meet specific limited exceptions. To
fully comply with this Agreement,
PRDE must also ensure that any noncompetitive procurement transactions it
undertakes comply with all applicable
Federal requirements and cost
principles, that any sole source
contracts awarded by PRDE are only
awarded in accordance with Federal
requirements pertaining to sole source
contracts, that procurement is
undertaken and contracts awarded
without conflict of interest, and that all
required documentation as to every
transaction and contract is properly
maintained by PRDE.
Through this Compliance Agreement,
Puerto Rico and PRDE’s manner of
managing equipment inventory will be
such that items purchased with Federal
program funds can be tracked,
distributed in a timely manner,
allocable to the Federal program to
which they were charged, and used for
the benefit of Puerto Rico’s students.
The equipment inventory system will
comply with Federal regulations, to
include tagging and tracking of
inventory and prompt delivery of
property purchased with Federal funds
to the appropriate location, so that items
may be used for the purposes of the
program under which they were
purchased. Puerto Rico and PRDE’s
inventory policy will include an
established procedure for replacement
or payback of any items in the inventory
that cannot be located, consistent with
Federal regulations. Ultimately, PRDE’s
inventory management system will
reflect when items are ordered, when
ordered items arrive, when items are
logged into the system, and when they
are delivered to the intended location.
In addition, Puerto Rico and PRDE will
ensure that inappropriate use of
equipment (for example, vehicles or
computers) is penalized and that the
Department programs are reimbursed,
when appropriate.
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Sub-Task 7.1: Vendor and Selection
Goal: Ensure contracts supported with
Federal funds are awarded
competitively in a manner consistent
with applicable Federal requirements
and Puerto Rico law.
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Contracts for Goods and
Nonprofessional Services:
1. Complete revision of Puerto Rico
and PRDE’s procedures for procurement
of goods and nonprofessional services,
ensuring that such procedures are
consistent with Federal law and
procurement standards including 34
CFR 80.36, and with Puerto Rico law,
2. Provide the Department with an
English version of PRDE’s final
procurement procedures (English
translation of draft procedures has
already been provided),
3. Complete training of appropriate
staff on revised approved procedures,
applicable Federal requirements, and
internal controls,
4. Monitor procurement process, to
ensure that all contracts are awarded in
accordance with PRDE’s approved
revised procedures, and
5. Ensure staffing is at appropriate
levels to manage the procurement
process, in accordance with revised
approved procedures.
B. Contracts for Professional Services:
1. Complete new guidance for the
procurement of professional services
with Federal program funds, based on
models such as ‘‘best practices’’ from
other States, the Federal Acquisition
Regulations (FAR),
2. Ensure compliance with applicable
Federal law, including the standards
contained in 34 CFR 80.36, and Puerto
Rico law,
3. Ensure that its procurement
procedures conform to the new
guidance, as required by Federal
regulations and Puerto Rico law,
4. Complete training of appropriate
staff on new guidance, Federal
requirements and internal controls,
5. Monitor procurement process to
ensure all Federally-funded contracts
are awarded in a manner consistent
with PRDE’s new final procedures, and
6. Ensure staffing is at appropriate
levels to manage the procurement
C. Implement plan for increasing the
number of vendors available to do
business with PRDE:
1. Develop a ‘‘How To Do Business
with PRDE’’ section of the PRDE Web
site. The instructions will be posted in
English and Spanish and will explain
how vendors can register with Puerto
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / Notices
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES3
Rico or PRDE, what documents they
need to provide, and how the
procurement process works, and
2. Complete revision of the existing
PRDE vendor registry to determine areas
where too few vendors are registered.
Complete development of an outreach to
vendors to encourage vendors in those
areas to register.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task
• By February 2005, PRDE will have
final revised procurement procedures
that are in compliance with applicable
Federal law and standards, including
those in 34 CFR 80.36, and with Puerto
Rico law,
• By February 2005, PRDE will
provide the Department with an official
English translation of its final revised
procurement procedures, and
• By February 2006, 100% of all
contracts supported with Federal funds
will be awarded in accordance with
final revised procedures developed by
PRDE to ensure compliance with
Federal procurement law and standards.
Sub-Task 7.2: The Contracting Process
Goal: Ensure the process of selecting
a vendor, entering into a contract and
issuing a purchase order permits: (1) the
timely obligation of Federal funds, (2)
the timely delivery of goods and
services purchased with Federal funds,
and (3) the timely payment of a vendor
with Federal funds.
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Short-Term Improvements:
1. Streamline the current contracting
2. Ensure that staff has the necessary
expertise to process requisitions,
confirm budget resources, select a
vendor and issue a purchase order, and
3. Develop a process to ensure
retention and safeguarding of all
documentation supporting each
transaction with Federal funds in a
specific location, and ensure that such
documentation can be made available
for review.
B. Long-Term Improvements:
1. Ensure that staff has the necessary
capacity to process requisitions, confirm
budget resources, select a vendor and
issue a purchase order, and
2. Further streamline the contracting
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task
• Short-term—By July 2005, 50% of
all contracts are processed through the
streamlined process whereby goods and
services are timely delivered once a
need is identified, and
• Long-term—By January 2006, 100%
of all contracts are processed through
the streamlined process.
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Sub-Task 7.3: Contract Execution and
Management Process
Goal: To ensure the timely and
appropriate delivery of goods and
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Short-Term Improvements:
1. Streamline the current contracting
2. Ensure that staff has the necessary
expertise to track payments, determine
if goods and services have been
delivered, and follow up with vendors,
3. Develop a process to ensure
retention and safeguarding of all
documentation relating to each contract
supported with Federal funds in a
central location, and ensure that such
documentation can be made available
for review.
B. Mid-Term Improvements:
1. Ensure staff has all necessary
capacity to track payments, determine if
goods or services have been delivered
and follow-up with vendors, and
2. Further streamline the contracting
C. Long-Term Improvements:
Implement technological
improvements and capabilities to
automate the contract management
process (which relates to the inventory
management initiative below).
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task
• For offices using PRIFAS:
Short-Term—Identify 50% of goods
and services not delivered and take
appropriate action within 10 days of the
agreed-upon delivery date, and
Long-Term—Identify 100% of failed
delivery and take appropriate action
within 10 days of agreed-upon delivery
• For office not using PRIFAS:
Short-Term—Identify 30% of goods
and services not delivered and take
appropriate action within 10 days of the
agreed-upon delivery date, and
Long-Term—Identify 100% of failed
delivery and take appropriate action
within a reasonable period of agreedupon delivery date.
Sub-Task 7.4: Inventory Management
Goal: Ensure that all property
acquired with Federal funds is tracked,
accounted for, and maintained in
accordance with Federal and Puerto
Rico law.
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Develop a system for tracking
property that records the following with
regard to the property purchased: a
description; a serial or identification
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number; the source; the holder of title;
the acquisition date; the cost; the
percentage of Federal participation in
the cost; the current location; the use
and condition; and any information
regarding its disposal, including the
disposal date or date of sale,
B. Develop a plan for incorporating
historical assets into the asset
management system, and
C. Develop an interim plan for
accounting for assets.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task
• Short-Term—Record 60% of newly
acquired property using manual logs
and 40% with asset management
• Long-Term—Record 100% of newly
acquired property using an asset
management system.
Sub-Task 7.5: Payment Process—
Verifying invoices by matching
purchase orders, liquidating obligations,
and recording payments
Goal: Ensure the process of paying a
vendor permits: (1) the timely
liquidation of obligations; and (2) the
timely delivery of goods and services.
In accordance with PRDE Special
Conditions currently in effect, PRDE
may expand this initiative to address
additional areas of concern and
resubmit to the Department by February
15, 2005.
The following steps will help achieve
the goal:
A. Short-Term Improvements to
Payment Process:
1. Streamline the current process,
2. Ensure staff has the necessary
expertise to process invoices and issue
checks, and
3. Develop a process to retain and
safeguard all necessary documentation
in a specific location and make
documentation accessible for review.
B. Mid-Term Improvements:
1. Ensure staff has necessary capacity
to process invoices and issue checks,
2. Further streamline the payment
C. Long-Term Improvements:
1. Implement technological
improvements to automate the payment
process, and
2. Redesign the payment process by
creating a cohesive ‘‘work unit’’ to make
more efficient use of PRDE resources.
D. Payment of currently due invoices:
1. Identify any invoices currently due,
2. Complete processing of payments
using pilot streamlined procedures.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / Notices
• Short-Term—By January 2005, 50%
of all invoices are paid through the
streamlined process, and
• Long-Term—By December 2006,
100% of all contracts are paid through
the streamlined process.
Sub-Task 7.6: Interagency Process
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES3
Goal: Ensure productive coordination
with other Puerto Rico agencies, such as
Hacienda, to make certain procurement
process runs appropriately and
according to established PRDE
The following step will help achieve
the goal:
In accordance with the PRDE Special
Conditions currently in effect, PRDE
will prepare an Action Plan addressing
this initiative and will submit that
Action Plan to the Department by
February 15, 2005.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task
Development and submission to the
Department of comprehensive plan to
address the interagency process by
February 15, 2005.
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Sub-Task 7.7: Proper Draw Downs of
Federal Funds
Goal: Ensure that Federal funds are
properly drawn down from the
appropriate account to make certain that
expenditures are properly obligated,
liquidated, and charged in accordance
with applicable Federal cash
management statutes and regulations.
In accordance with the PRDE Special
Conditions currently in effect, PRDE
will prepare an Action Plan addressing
this initiative and will submit that
action plan to the Department by
February 15, 2005.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task
Development and submission to the
Department of an Action Plan to address
the interagency process by February 15,
The parties to this Compliance
Agreement, the U.S. Department of
Education, the Puerto Rico Department
of Education, and the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico, agree to faithfully carry out
the terms of this Agreement, as set forth
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Effective Date and Modification of
This Compliance Agreement will take
effect upon execution by all the parties
and may be modified or amended only
by mutual written agreement of all the
parties hereto.
For the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico:
Dated: October 25, 2004.
Sila Marıa Calderon
For the Puerto Rico Department of
Dated: October 25, 2004.
Cesar Rey Hernandez
Puerto Rico Secretary of Education
For the U.S. Department of Education:
Dated: October 25, 2004.
Rod Paige
U.S. Secretary of Education
[FR Doc. E7–20842 Filed 10–22–07; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 204 (Tuesday, October 23, 2007)]
[Pages 60186-60199]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-20842]
[[Page 60185]]
Part V
Department of Education
Compliance Agreement; Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 204 / Tuesday, October 23, 2007 /
[[Page 60186]]
Compliance Agreement
AGENCY: Department of Education.
ACTION: Notice of written findings, compliance agreement with the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Department of
Education, and subsequent actions.
SUMMARY: This notice is being published in the Federal Register
consistent with sections 457(b)(2) and (d) of the General Education
Provisions Act (GEPA). Section 457 of GEPA authorizes the U.S.
Department of Education (the Department) to enter into a compliance
agreement with a recipient that is failing to comply substantially with
Federal program requirements and for whom the Department determines
that full compliance is not feasible until a future date. Section
457(b)(2) requires the Department to publish written findings leading
to a compliance agreement, with a copy of the compliance agreement, in
the Federal Register. If a recipient fails to comply with the terms and
conditions of a compliance agreement, the Secretary may take any action
authorized by law with respect to the recipient.
On October 25, 2004, the Department entered into a compliance
agreement (Agreement) with the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Puerto
Rico) and the Puerto Rico Department of Education (PRDE) because PRDE
was failing to comply substantially with numerous Federal requirements,
and it was clear to the Department from all available information that
PRDE would not be able to come into full compliance with applicable
Federal requirements for the administration of Department programs
until a future date. The Agreement applied to all grant funds awarded
to Puerto Rico and PRDE by the Department's Offices of Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services; Elementary and Secondary
Education; English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement and
Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students;
Vocational and Adult Education; Innovation and Improvement; and
Postsecondary Education. Prior to, and during the term of, the
Agreement, the Department and PRDE have been working collaboratively to
resolve a backlog of PRDE audits dating back to 1994 and, through
jointly developed corrective action plans, to address a range of
longstanding problems in PRDE's administration of Federal grants in the
areas of grants management, payroll, financial management, property
management, and procurement.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Phil Maestri, U.S. Department of
Education, Office of the Secretary, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Room
7E206, Washington, DC 20202-6132. Telephone: (202) 205-3511.
If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), you may
call the Federal Relay Service (FRS) at 1-800-877-8339.
Individuals with disabilities may obtain this document in an
alternative format (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer
diskette) on request to the contact person listed under FOR FURTHER
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: PRDE is a State educational agency (SEA)
that receives grant funds under a number of programs administered by
the Department, including programs authorized under the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended; the Carl D. Perkins Career
and Technical Education Act of 2006 (formerly the Carl D. Perkins
Vocational and Technical Education Act); the Adult Education and Family
Literacy Act; and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Because of longstanding and recurring audit findings of fiscal and
programmatic accountability deficiencies in the administration of
Department programs by PRDE and several other agencies in Puerto Rico
with management responsibility for Department funds, in 2002 the
Department designated PRDE a ``high-risk'' grantee under the authority
of 34 CFR 80.12. At that time, the Department imposed special
conditions on all Department grants awarded to PRDE because of its
history of unsatisfactory performance, as uncovered by audits dating
back to 1994. Audit findings were recurrent over several years and
involved such issues as missing or inadequate documentation to support
procurements, lack of proper accounting procedures, mismanagement of
property, and improper payroll costs.
In September 2003, the Department and PRDE began a collaborative
effort, under the Department's Cooperative Audit Resolution and
Oversight Initiative (CAROI) to resolve jointly the backlog of
unresolved PRDE audits, which contained over six hundred audit findings
dating back to 1994. Through this effort, PRDE made some progress in
establishing controls to improve its payroll and procurement processes
and its grants management system, to enable it to address a number of
the recurring audit issues and make systemic changes. However, it
appeared that it would take additional time to address completely the
underlying issues and longstanding systemic problems that led to the
large number of audit findings that PRDE was attempting to resolve.
Therefore, the Department proposed the possibility of Puerto Rico,
PRDE, and the Department entering into a compliance agreement, pursuant
to section 454 of GEPA, that would apply to all Department grants
awarded to, and administered by, PRDE. The purpose of the compliance
agreement would be to bring PRDE ``into full compliance with the
applicable requirements of the law as soon as feasible and not to
excuse or remedy past violations of such requirements.'' \1\ 20 U.S.C.
1234f(a). Under a compliance agreement, PRDE would have up to three
years to continue its efforts to address the audit findings and
underlying problems by implementing significant changes and
improvements in grant administration, payroll, financial and property
management, and procurement in order to come into full compliance with
Federal requirements related to the programs under which the Department
awards grants to PRDE. In order to enter into a compliance agreement
with Puerto Rico and PRDE, the Department had to determine, in written
findings, that PRDE would not be able to comply until a future date
with the applicable program requirements and that a compliance
agreement would be a viable means for bringing about such compliance.
\1\ Section 454 of GEPA, 20 U.S.C. 1234c, sets out the remedies
available to the Department when it determines that a recipient ``is
failing to comply substantially with any requirement of law
applicable'' to the Federal program funds administered by this
agency. Specifically, the Department is authorized to--
(1) Withhold funds;
(2) Obtain compliance through a cease and desist order;
(3) Enter into a compliance agreement with the recipient; or
(4) Take any other action authorized by law.
In accordance with the requirements of section 457(b) of GEPA, 20
U.S.C 1234f(b), Department officials conducted a public hearing in
Puerto Rico in October 2004. Witnesses representing PRDE and other
concerned individuals testified at this hearing on whether a compliance
agreement with Puerto Rico and PRDE would be appropriate. The
Department reviewed this testimony and all other relevant materials and
concluded that, while the Department had been working closely with
Puerto Rico, PRDE, and other Puerto Rico agencies to address the major
issues that PRDE had been facing in administering Department grant
[[Page 60187]]
programs, it was clear that the problems could not be corrected by PRDE
immediately and that PRDE would need more than one year to correct
them. Therefore, the Department, Puerto Rico, and PRDE entered into the
Agreement, a comprehensive compliance agreement with a three-year term.
The Agreement, which incorporated the Department's written findings,
gave PRDE time to develop integrated and systemic solutions to problems
in managing its Department funds and programs. Under the terms of the
Agreement, by the end of the three-year term, PRDE is supposed to be in
full compliance with the requirements of all programs funded by the
Department. The Agreement became effective on October 25, 2004 and is
set to expire on October 25, 2007.
Upon entering into the Agreement, the Department removed PRDE's
``high-risk'' designation related to the audit findings and underlying
problems, based upon PRDE's demonstration of initiative and commitment
to resolving the problems that had led to the ``high-risk''
designation, and upon PRDE's willing and effective collaboration with
the Department. Also upon entering into the Agreement, the Department
and PRDE worked together to develop corrective action plans covering
grants management, payroll, property management, and procurement. These
plans contained goals, action steps, and objectives to guide PRDE into
full compliance with Federal requirements applicable to the grants that
it receives from the Department. The Department has been closely
monitoring PRDE's progress in implementing these corrective action
plans through site visits, conference calls, meetings, and reviews of
PRDE's periodic written reports. In addition, in July 2006, the
Department and PRDE collaboratively resolved the backlog of audit
findings from audit reports issued for fiscal years 1994 through 2003;
in May 2007, they resolved the fiscal year 2004 single audit of PRDE;
and in September 2007, they resolved, in large part, the fiscal year
2005 single audit of PRDE. The Department is currently working with
PRDE to determine the full extent of PRDE's progress under the
compliance agreement and corrective action plans, and the effect of
such progress. Based on this assessment, the Department is also
determining next steps for PRDE following the expiration of the
As required by section 457(b)(2) of GEPA, 20 U.S.C. 1234f(b)(2),
the Agreement (which incorporates the Department's written findings in
the sections entitled ``Overview of Issues Addressed by this Compliance
Agreement'' and ``Removal of `High-Risk' Designation'') is included as
appendix A of this notice.
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(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1234c, 1234f).
Dated: October 18, 2007.
Hudson La Force III,
Senior Counselor to the Secretary of Education.
Appendix A--Compliance Agreement Among The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,
The Puerto Rico Department of Education, and The United States
Department of Education
October 25, 2004
I. Overview of Issues Addressed by This Compliance Agreement
The Puerto Rico Department of Education (PRDE) has been undertaking
a large-scale endeavor to address long-standing, systemic issues faced
by PRDE, including the resolution of audit findings issued by auditors
dating back to 1994. PRDE has been putting forth great effort to
rebuild, to make important changes, to improve education services to
students, and to restore the trust and credibility previously lost by
PRDE. A number of these activities have been undertaken in accordance
with special conditions imposed on PRDE's grants, with technical
assistance by the U.S. Department of Education (the Department), and as
part of an initiative undertaken between PRDE and the Department, under
the Department's Cooperative Audit Resolution and Oversight Initiative
(CAROI). Although the Department has been working closely and
productively with PRDE in recent months to address these major issues,
it appears that it will take more than one year to completely address
some of the long-standing, systemic problems that PRDE is working so
hard to correct, and it will also take the continued cooperation of
other parts of the Puerto Rico government. Therefore, the Department is
entering into this comprehensive, three-year Compliance Agreement
(Agreement) with the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) and
Through this Agreement, Puerto Rico and PRDE, with assistance from
the Department, agree to develop or complete integrated and systemic
solutions to problems they have had in the management of Federal
education funds and programs. The issues are being carefully examined
and addressed from the perspective of PRDE and other Puerto Rico
agencies with management responsibility for resources or programs that
have an impact on education in Puerto Rico. Solutions involve re-
engineering systems and processes and the increased use of technology.
In addition, solutions must address communication and cooperation among
Puerto Rico agencies, including PRDE (including its Office of Federal
Affairs (OFA)), Departmento de Hacienda, Oficina de Gerencia y
Presupuesto (OGP), and Banco Gubernamental de Fomento. Whatever the
solutions Puerto Rico and PRDE choose to implement, they should seek to
ensure the best educational systems possible for the students of Puerto
Rico. It is also understood that by the end of the term of this
Agreement, Puerto Rico, and PRDE in particular, must be in full
compliance with the requirements of all programs funded by the
This Compliance Agreement is also intended to ensure an effective
planning and evaluation process throughout PRDE's programs and
initiatives. Planning and evaluation processes are the basis for
determining program goals, current status, improvement needs, budgets,
resources, effectiveness of results, and other important aspects of
effective program management. Through this Agreement, Puerto Rico and
PRDE will improve program planning and evaluation for education
programs and use the plans and evaluation results to drive management
and resource decisions.
This Compliance Agreement addresses the following issue areas:
Grants Management generally, Grants Management for several specific
program areas, Payroll, and Procurement and Property Management. This
Agreement lists specific tasks, goals, and measurable objectives for
each issue area. Action steps and substeps with corresponding
timelines, the persons and offices responsible for carrying out
specific tasks, and
[[Page 60188]]
underlying problems resolved by Puerto Rico's compliance with each
task, goal, and action step, will be contained more fully in the Puerto
Rico Action Plans that will be completed within the next thirty days
and will be incorporated into the Agreement by reference.
The General Grants Management Task contained in this Agreement
(Task 1.0) applies to the administration of all Federal education
programs administered by PRDE. In addition to the general section on
Grants Management, Tasks 2.0 through 5.0 below contain additional,
program-specific tasks, goals, and steps, which will apply to the
administration of specific areas or programs, as noted, including the
Community Schools, the Vocational Education Program, authorized under
the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998 (20
U.S.C. 2301, et seq.), the Adult Education Program, authorized under
the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (20 U.S.C 9201 et seq.),
and the Special Education Program, authorized under Part B of the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1401, et seq.).
The Department will review Puerto Rico's and PRDE's progress in
meeting the terms of this Agreement by assessing the systemic
approaches and degree of integration that Puerto Rico and PRDE bring in
designing and implementing solutions to the complex problems in each of
the crosscutting areas, by the demonstrated communication, cooperation,
and organizational culture change toward ``getting the work done
right,'' and by assessing Puerto Rico's and PRDE's completion of
corrective action steps. The approaches adopted by Puerto Rico and PRDE
should include effective planning and evaluation of resource and
management decisions that are designed to produce better educational
In making the critical systemic and organizational changes required
to meet the terms of this Compliance Agreement, it is important to
understand that the Agreement is not only designed to bring about
compliance with Federal requirements but toward improving education for
the students of Puerto Rico. In the end, the Department and Puerto Rico
will judge success by compliance with all requirements and by
determining how well Puerto Rico has improved educational programs by
meeting applicable requirements and the terms of this Compliance
II. Removal of ``High-Risk'' Designation
In 2002, the Department designated PRDE a ``high-risk'' grantee,
under authority of Sec. 80.12 of the Education Department General
Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) (34 C.F.R. 80.12). At that time,
special conditions were placed on all Department grants awarded to PRDE
because of its history of unsatisfactory performance, as uncovered by
audits dating back to 1994. The Department's special conditions were
intended to bring about necessary changes to Federal program
administration in Puerto Rico that would ultimately bring it into
compliance with all Federal program requirements. The special
conditions were intended to result in important improvements to Federal
grants administration in Puerto Rico so that the systemic problems
uncovered by the auditors would be corrected and would not reoccur. In
addressing the special conditions, and in conjunction with CAROI, as
outlined below, PRDE has taken numerous steps to address underlying
Since September 2003, the Department and PRDE have been working
together in a collaborative effort under the CAROI process, to jointly
resolve the backlog of unresolved PRDE audits, which contain over six
hundred audit findings dating back to 1994. As a result of this effort,
PRDE has already taken steps and established controls to improve its
payroll and procurement processes and its management of grants to
address numerous recurring audit issues and make systemic changes. It
has assigned knowledgeable staff to this task and has employed expert
contractors to assist in this effort. PRDE has sought to come into
compliance with Federal requirements with the ultimate goal of
improving educational services to all students in Puerto Rico.
One of the most significant steps Puerto Rico and PRDE have taken
is the creation of both an Internal Audit Office and an Audit Oversight
Committee that will provide independent review and oversight of Puerto
Rico and PRDE activities and will assure Puerto Rico and PRDE's
commitment to maintaining a strong control environment, quality
financial reporting, and compliance with program objectives and
regulations. The signing of the legislation for the Audit Oversight
Committee, on August 5, 2004, was a very positive step that
demonstrated the commitment and strides Puerto Rico and PRDE are taking
to protect the Federal funds they receive and to help ensure they meet
the fiscal and programmatic responsibilities under all Federal
programs. PRDE has worked very effectively with the Department and has
generally committed itself to improving its Federal program
administration by placing a high priority on addressing and ultimately
eliminating what had been found to be serious problems.
Since PRDE has demonstrated great initiative and commitment to
resolving the problems that led to the 2002 ``high-risk'' designation,
in recognition of the progress shown by PRDE, upon execution of this
Agreement, the Department will remove PRDE's ``high-risk'' designation.
However, all special conditions currently applicable to Federal
education grants awarded to PRDE remain in effect. The Department will
work with PRDE within thirty days to eliminate possible duplication of
effort in the special conditions and in this Agreement including with
respect to reporting requirements. In lieu of the ``high-risk''
designation, during the first six months following execution of this
Agreement, i.e., the early implementation phase of this Agreement, PRDE
will be on ``probationary status.'' During this period, the Department
and PRDE will continue the close, cooperative relationship that has
characterized their work under the CAROI initiative, but the Department
will scrutinize very carefully the progress that PRDE is making under
the Agreement. The Department will remain available to provide PRDE
with technical assistance that is needed, and it will also oversee the
progress made by PRDE on its Federal program administration, consistent
with the terms of this Agreement. PRDE will remain committed to
continued and timely movement toward full compliance with Federal
III. Consequences for Not Meeting the Terms and Conditions of This
A. Mutual Agreements and Understandings Regarding the Terms, Conditions
and Enforcement of This Compliance Agreement
The parties agree that this Compliance Agreement includes terms and
conditions that apply to the various Federal programs included in the
Agreement (hereafter ``covered Federal programs'') and also terms and
conditions that are program specific. To that end, the parties agree
that each such term and condition for each covered Federal program may
constitute a separate agreement among Puerto Rico, PRDE and the
Department. For purposes of 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1234f, each such term or
condition as to each covered Federal program shall be severable from
[[Page 60189]]
each other term or condition for each of the covered Federal programs.
Unless set out otherwise, a determination by the Department under 20
U.S.C. Sec. 1234f (d) that Puerto Rico or PRDE is not meeting terms
and conditions may be specific to such term, condition, or program
without impacting Puerto Rico's or PRDE's continuing obligations under
the Agreement. That is, all other terms and conditions for all covered
Federal programs or the specific term or condition for other covered
Federal programs would remain in place for the duration of the
Agreement or until such time as the Department were to determine that
Puerto Rico or PRDE had substantially failed to meet those terms and
Alternatively, the parties understand and agree that a
determination by the Department under 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1234f(d) that
Puerto Rico or PRDE has substantially failed to meet any of the terms
and conditions shall, at the Department's discretion, be grounds for
finding the Agreement, as to such terms and conditions, no longer in
effect and that the Department may take any and all additional actions
authorized by law. At the same time, if Puerto Rico or PRDE
substantially fails to meet the terms and conditions of the Agreement,
the Department may terminate the entire Agreement, and the Department
may take any and all actions authorized by law. Some examples of such
actions are set out below.
Judicial Enforcement
1. Cease and Desist Order Under 20 U.S.C. Sec. Sec. 1234c(a)(2)
and 1234e
The Department may seek injunctive relief to compel specific
actions or to stop specific actions. Under this process, the Department
issues a complaint to Puerto Rico or PRDE, describing the factual and
legal basis for the Department's belief that Puerto Rico or PRDE is
failing to comply substantially with a requirement of law including
this Agreement, and containing a notice of hearing. A hearing before an
Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) could then occur. The ALJ's report and
order, requiring Puerto Rico or PRDE to stop specific actions or
compelling specific actions, becomes the final agency decision. The
Department may enforce the final order by withholding any portion of
Puerto Rico's or PRDE's grant award or certifying the facts to the
Attorney General who may bring an appropriate action for enforcement of
the order.
2. Referral to Department of Justice For Appropriate Enforcement--
20 U.S.C. Sec. 1416
If the Department finds, after reasonable notice and opportunity
for hearing to Puerto Rico or PRDE, that there has been a failure by
Puerto Rico or PRDE to comply substantially with any provision of
applicable Federal laws (with regard to the programs to which 20 U.S.C.
Sec. 1416 applies) (including terms of Compliance Agreement within
timelines in the Agreement), the Department may, after notifying Puerto
Rico or PRDE, refer the matter for an appropriate enforcement action,
which may include referral to the Department of Justice.
Withholding of Grant Funds--20 U.S.C. Sec. Sec. 1234c(a)(1), 1234d and
If the Department finds, after reasonable notice and opportunity
for hearing to Puerto Rico or PRDE, that there has been a failure to
comply substantially with a requirement of law, including with this
Agreement, the Department may, after notifying Puerto Rico or PRDE or
both, withhold, in whole or in part, future payments. The Department
may limit withholding to a particular Federal grant or part of the
Escrow Account To Fund Third-Party
If Puerto Rico or PRDE fails substantially to meet a significant
term in this Compliance Agreement, the Department may place an
appropriate amount of Puerto Rico's or PRDE's grants into an interest
bearing escrow account to fund the duties of a third-party fiduciary
agent. Puerto Rico or PRDE may request a reconsideration of this
Recovery of Funds--20 U.S.C. Sec. 1234a
Any funds improperly expended or not properly accounted for are
subject to recovery by the Department according to 20 U.S.C. Sec.
B. Criteria for Determining Consequences
Puerto Rico or PRDE will provide the Department with progress
reports--as required in Section IV below--for the action steps and
measurable objectives set forth in the Agreement. Puerto Rico or PRDE,
and the Department agree that substantial failure to: (1) provide all
required reports in a timely manner, (2) show substantial progress in
completing action steps as required, (3) complete significant action
steps within the timeframes designated in the Agreement, or (4) achieve
critical measurable objectives as specified in this Agreement, will be
considered a failure to meet the terms and conditions of this
Reinstatement of ``High-Risk'' Status Under 34 CFR Sec. 80.12
In the event that PRDE and Puerto Rico fail to continue their
efforts toward correcting the systemic problems uncovered by the
auditors between 1994 and 2003, and are not making sufficient progress
to meet the terms of this Agreement, the Department retains the
authority to reinstate the ``high-risk'' designation being removed
under the terms of this Agreement. If the Department determines that
such reinstatement becomes necessary, additional special conditions or
restrictions may include, but will not necessarily be limited to: (1)
payment of Federal funds on a reimbursement basis; (2) withholding
authority to proceed to next phase until receipt of evidence of
acceptable performance within a given funding period; (3) requiring
additional, more detailed financial reports; (4) requiring additional
project monitoring; (5) requiring PRDE to obtain technical or
management assistance, including the designation of a third-party
fiduciary to administer all or part of PRDE's grants from the
Department; or (6) establishing additional prior approvals. The use of
a condition for one covered Federal program does not require or
preclude its use for a different covered Federal program.
In the event that the Department decides to reinstate ``high-risk''
status, it would notify PRDE as early as possible, in writing, of the:
(1) Nature of additional special conditions and restrictions; (2)
reason(s) for imposing them; (3) corrective actions which must be taken
before they will be removed and time allowed for completing any
additional corrective actions; and (4) method of requesting
reconsideration of conditions and restrictions imposed.
IV. Reporting Requirements
This Compliance Agreement requires regular progress reporting for
all issues. Generally, Puerto Rico and PRDE must provide the Department
with progress reports on a quarterly basis.
The submission of each written report will be preceded by a meeting
or conference call among representatives of Puerto Rico (which may
include representatives of the various Puerto Rico agencies mentioned
in Section I above), PRDE, and the Department, within five business
days (according to PRDE's business calendar) of the end of the quarter,
to discuss Puerto Rico and PRDE's progress and what level of detail the
Department wants Puerto Rico and PRDE to cover in its written quarterly
report that will be submitted within fifteen business days (according
[[Page 60190]]
PRDE's business calendar) of the call or meeting. The parties may
modify the schedule by mutual agreement.
Subject to the meeting or call above, in general, each quarterly
report will include information such as: (1) a description of
activities and progress for each task and its related sub-tasks during
the reporting period, (2) the status of each critical action step
required to be taken during the reporting period, (3) documentation of
critical action step completion for those steps required to be
completed during the reporting period (including explanations of delays
for all steps not completed that were scheduled to be completed during
the period, and expected completion dates for all unimplemented steps),
(4) documentation of measures of performance and results, and (5) other
data or documentation as specified within the action steps for each
task or related sub-task in this Agreement, and/or discussed in the
pre-report meeting among the Department, Puerto Rico, and PRDE.
Puerto Rico and PRDE will consider, if feasible and cost-effective,
transmitting reporting information to the Department via an Internet
web site. If transmittal of the reporting information is not possible
via a website, Puerto Rico and PRDE will continue to be responsible for
tracking, monitoring and reporting progress on all requirements and
milestones in this Agreement in a manner that is fully accessible to
the Department and the public. Reporting information will be updated
continuously, but in any event, on a quarterly basis, no later than
within fifteen business days (according to PRDE's business calendar)
from the day of the call or meeting among the Department, Puerto Rico,
and PRDE, specifying the specific reporting required for that quarterly
period. These reports also will fulfill the reporting requirements
required under PRDE's special conditions that are currently in effect
or as modified in accordance with the process to eliminate duplication
in Section II above. The first quarterly period will encompass the time
from which all parties sign this Agreement through December 31, 2004.
Within the first thirty days of this Agreement, the Department will
work with PRDE to agree on a more rigorous reporting schedule for
reporting progress during the first six months following execution of
this Agreement, (the early implementation phase of this Agreement).
V. Updated Action Plans, Action Steps, and Timelines
Action steps and timelines that PRDE has developed are included in
the task descriptions throughout this Agreement as well as in PRDE's
Action Plans that will be completed and incorporated into this
Agreement within thirty days of the execution of this Agreement. PRDE,
Puerto Rico, and the Department will continuously reassess the action
steps and timelines to determine if: (1) the action steps fully meet
the requirements of this Agreement, (2) the action steps will move
Puerto Rico and PRDE toward achieving required measurable objectives,
and ultimately, full compliance within three years, and (3) the
timelines need to be modified within the time boundaries set forth in
this Agreement. In addition to the areas currently covered in this
Agreement, the Action Plans will also include a section covering
continuing progress to be made in implementing the oversight systems
for the Internal Audit and Audit Oversight Committee, and the internal
audit function within PRDE.
Updating the action steps and interim timelines into Action Plans
for which Puerto Rico and PRDE will be accountable is a critical step
for each task and sub-task. Once Puerto Rico and PRDE complete the
development of Action Plans that address each task or sub-task, as
specified in this Agreement, and the Department agrees to the revised
Action Plans, the action steps and timelines in the Action Plans will
become additional requirements of this Agreement and be subject to the
reporting requirements and consequences for not meeting terms and
conditions as set forth in this Agreement. The Department will assist
by consulting with Puerto Rico and PRDE to develop reports or reporting
formats that shall satisfy the reporting requirements as set forth in
this Agreement. The Department will also assist Puerto Rico and PRDE,
to the extent that resources are available, with the orientation and
training of personnel and the provision of meaningful technical
VI. Resolution of Outstanding Audit Findings
As noted above, the Department designated PRDE a ``high-risk
grantee'' under 34 CFR Sec. 80.12 due to numerous serious recurring
audit findings which uncovered deficiencies in PRDE's administration of
Federally funded programs. This Compliance Agreement does not absolve
PRDE's liability under any of these audit findings. The Department has
been working closely with PRDE to address all of the issues uncovered
in single audits and audits by the Department's Office of the Inspector
General (ED OIG) conducted over the years 1994 through 2003. While
steady progress is being made, resolution of all findings has not been
completed. Thus, in addition to undertaking corrective action in
response to these many monetary and non-monetary audit findings, under
this Agreement, PRDE also agrees to continue working with the
Department toward resolution of all audit findings issued under the
single and ED OIG audits covering 1994 through 2003, under the
Department's CAROI process. The Department and PRDE anticipate
continuing to work cooperatively through a CAROI process so that these
audit findings can be resolved no later than six months from the date
of the execution of this Agreement. PRDE's continued work with the
Department on resolving remaining audit issues is a critical element of
compliance with this Agreement. However, in the event that the CAROI
process does not appear to be progressing, in addition to other
remedies the Department has including those under this Agreement, the
Department retains the discretion to issue one or more program
determination letters (PDLs) to resolve one or more of these audit
findings at any time. In the event that one or more PDLs are issued,
PRDE may exercise its appeal rights, and such exercise would not be
considered a breach of this agreement, and would not be inconsistent
with the resolution of other findings through CAROI.
VII. General Additional Measurable Objectives
Puerto Rico, PRDE, and the Department agree that the following
measurable objectives apply for each task and sub-task contained in
this Agreement and in the Action Plans that are to be incorporated into
this Agreement within thirty days, in addition to other measurable
objectives specified throughout this Agreement.
1. Plans, other documents, and reports are timely, complete,
accurate, and address the requirements set forth in this Agreement.
2. Action steps are implemented within the timeframes set forth in
this Agreement.
3. Implementation of sub-tasks and action steps demonstrates
progress towards achieving the outcomes or measurable objectives set
forth in this Agreement.
The remainder of this document provides task descriptions, action
steps, and measurable objectives for: (1)
[[Page 60191]]
General Grants Management, (2) Specific Program Management, (3)
Payroll, and (4) Procurement and Property Management. By signing this
Agreement and by the end of the three-year period covered by this
Agreement, Puerto Rico and PRDE commit to taking the necessary actions
to be in full compliance with the program requirements applicable to
all Department grants for which Puerto Rico and PRDE expend funds and
any other requirements set forth in this Agreement. Puerto Rico and
PRDE commit to full implementation of improved grants management,
payroll, and procurement and equipment inventory processes laid out in
this Agreement and in greater detail in the PRDE Action Plans that will
be incorporated by reference into this Agreement.
VIII. Tasks
This section on Tasks represents what the parties have generally
agreed to at the time of execution of this Agreement. Some of the
subtasks and steps set forth below may be modified as the parties agree
to the Action Plans in their final form within thirty days. Appropriate
modifications to this section will be made by mutual consent of the
parties once the Action Plans are finally agreed to.
Task 1.0: Improving PRDE General Grants Management
Overall Task Description
Because the stated purpose of this Agreement is to improve
education for the students of Puerto Rico, it is critical to
successfully meeting the terms of this Agreement that Puerto Rico and
PRDE use the first year of the next three-year period to develop and
refine long-term goals, assess the current status of each program
receiving Federal assistance, and design coherent plans to bridge the
gap between the current status of education in Puerto Rico and its
goals of improving education and fully complying with all Federal
program requirements. As set forth in Section I above, this General
Grants Management Task applies to the administration of all Federal
education programs administered by PRDE.
Effective grants management includes the development of effective:
(1) Pre-award planning processes, (2) grant application, evaluation,
and approval processes, (3) baseline assessments of current PRDE
practices as compared with applicable Federal requirements, (4) plans
for interagency coordination among relevant Puerto Rico agencies, such
as PRDE, Hacienda, the Office of Federal Affairs (OFA), and the Puerto
Rico Department of Health (PRDH), (5) restructured budget processes
ensuring that all agencies and programs receiving Federal awards will
meet stated goals, (6) measurable objectives to determine if the
planned grants management improvements are having the intended effect,
and (7) options for further modification if implementing the plan is
not having the intended effect. The new grants management process
implemented by Puerto Rico and PRDE will take into account and adhere
to Federal requirements for each program, as well as other applicable
accounting and professional standards. In addition, the planning
process should include citizen and/or customer input and feedback;
input is a vital part of the process to set goals, and feedback is
equally significant in assessing results. A critically important aspect
of the planning and design process is that it is fully integrated as
the foundation for other program-related decisions about budgets,
financial management, personnel requirements, and other resource needs.
The Department will continue to provide technical assistance, as
appropriate, including referrals to successful jurisdictions for
guidance. Puerto Rico and PRDE will seek the assistance of expert
consultants and other grantees to provide hands-on guidance in
improving its grants management process. Reasonable and necessary
expenses for this assistance will be considered allowable costs
chargeable to a Department grant provided an approvable application is
received in a timely manner.
Sub-Task 1.1: Pre-Award Planning Process
Goal: To ensure that PRDE application, evaluation and approval
processes allow for the timely approval of work plans so that
implementation of Federally funded programs can commence upon receipt
of grant award notifications, i.e., in July or August of each year.
The following step will help achieve the goal:
Create process to ensure that budget planning for all appropriate
Federal programs is nearly complete by receipt of grant award
notification by September 30, 2005.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task 1.1:
Short term: 80% of all applications for Federal funds in the OFA
pilot program will have completed the planning process timely so that
the approval process is completed by the time grant award notification
is received (October 31, 2005).
Mid term: 50% of all applications will have completed the planning
process timely so that the approval process is completed by the time
the grant award notification is received (October 31, 2006).
Long term: 100% of all applications for Federal funds will have
completed the planning process timely so that the approval process is
completed by the time grant award notification is received (October 1,
2007). In addition, all applications for Federal funds will comply with
all applicable requirements (October 25, 2007).
Sub-Task 1.2: Application, Evaluation, and Approval Process
External Application Goals: To submit applications to the
Department for formula and discretionary grant funds in a timely manner
in substantially approvable form.
Internal Application Goals: To have an internal application process
that is streamlined, is oriented to the needs of PRDE's internal
applicants for funds, and provides useful information about the
allowable uses of Federal funds.
Evaluation and Approval Process Goals: To have an evaluation and
approval process that is streamlined and rapid, and provides useful and
timely feedback to PRDE internal applicants.
The following steps will help achieve the goals:
A. Review all applicable Federal requirements,
B. Streamline and strengthen external application process,
C. Streamline and strengthen internal application process for
formula grant funds,
D. Streamline and strengthen application process for discretionary
grant programs (that require subgrants to be allocated by competition),
E. Streamline and strengthen competitive proposal process for
external contractors (refer to procurement plan),
F. Ensure staff has necessary knowledge and expertise to implement
revised application process,
G. Create process to ensure proper documentation is maintained
throughout the application process,
H. Create streamlined evaluation and approval processes that
support the proper use of Federal funds, and
I. Ensure staff has necessary knowledge and expertise to implement
revised evaluation and approval processes that are consistent with
Federal requirements.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task 1.2:
[[Page 60192]]
External Application Process: By July 2006, improve and strengthen
all applications that are submitted to the Department, utilizing a
revised procedure consistent with the milestones contained in the
grants management action plan.
Internal Application, Evaluation, and Approval Processes: By
January 2007, all applications for Federal funds are going through the
new application, evaluation, and approval process, consistent with the
planning process.
Sub-Task 1.3: Interagency Process
Goal: Ensure productive coordination between PRDE and other Puerto
Rico agencies, such as Hacienda, OGP, PRDH, and OFA, to ensure that
budget processes operate efficiently, in accordance with PRDE
procedures, and in accordance with all applicable Federal requirements.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task 1.3:
In accordance with current PRDE Special Conditions, to prepare an
Action Plan to address this initiative and will submit it to the
Department by February 15, 2005.
Sub-Task 1.4: Budget Process
Goal: Restructure the PRDE budget process so that all programs that
receive Federal funds will have prepared a preliminary budget and
received preliminary approval from PRDE's budget office prior to their
receipt of a grant award notification.
The following steps will help achieve the goal:
A. Review all applicable Federal requirements,
B. Create detailed map of the current budget process, including all
forms and approvals necessary for Federal funds to be awarded and flow
from PRDE to programs/entities,
C. Streamline PRDE budget process, consistent with applicable
Federal requirements,
D. After budget process has been streamlined, prepare a written
document describing uniform procedures that PRDE and subrecipients must
follow in submission of budgets for approval by PRDE, and
E. Ensure the obligation of Federal funds in a timely manner.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task 1.4:
By July 2006, 100% of all programs that have received Federal funds
will have prepared a preliminary budget according to all program
requirements for 2005-2006 and received preliminary approval from the
budget office prior to the receipt of a grant award notification.
Sub-Task 1.5: Program Implementation Process
Goal: To ensure that all PRDE staff responsible for program
implementation and administration have the necessary knowledge, tools,
and resources necessary for implementing and administering Federal
programs consistent with all applicable Federal programmatic and fiscal
The following steps will help achieve the goal:
A. Identify specific technical assistance available from OFA to
academic staff and other recipients of Federal funds, to ensure that
Federal programs are implemented and Federal program funds are expended
in a manner consistent with Federal requirements,
B. Ensure that all staff responsible for the implementation of
Federal programs at all levels is aware of and familiar with all
applicable Federal programmatic requirements,
C. Ensure that all staff responsible for the implementation of
Federal programs at all levels is aware of and familiar with all
applicable Federal requirements related to procurement with Federal
funds, such as RFP requirements for contracts, competitive bidding
requirements (which is discussed in greater detail below under Task
D. Create uniform documentation requirement/template for all staff
responsible for implementing Federal programs, and
E. Ensure that all staff responsible for implementing Federal
programs fully understands Federal requirements on retention of
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task 1.5:
By July 2005, there has been formalized and regularly
scheduled staff training for non-OFA, PRDE staff for relevant central
level employees who administer Federal funds, and
By July 2006, program specific and Federal grants
management training will have been completed for 100% of Central Office
PRDE staff responsible for implementing Federal programs.
Each year, there is a significant reduction in the number
of sustainable audit findings contained in single audit reports.
Sub-Task 1.6: Monitoring and Technical Assistance Process
Goal: To ensure that weaknesses in Federal program administration
are identified and remedied in a timely manner to significantly reduce
audit findings.
Goal: To ensure that all PRDE personnel who administer Federal
funds have access to high-quality technical assistance and training
that responds to the needs of PRDE.
The following steps will help achieve the goals:
A. Establish a formal, unified monitoring process for all Federal
programs administered by OFA,
B. Create consistent monitoring tools that identify specific
programmatic requirements and align programmatic and fiscal monitoring,
C. Analyze and identify audit findings that are repetitive across
programs and ensure that additional monitoring is performed for these
1. Based on recent findings, conduct additional monitoring and
intensive technical assistance for Migrant Education Program (MEP):
--Formalize process for maintaining required documentation to support
the eligibility of students participating in the program. Ensure that
formalized process includes all documents required under the statute,
--Train program directors, regional directors, and other appropriate
migrant staff on revised documentation maintenance requirements,
--Conduct additional staff training for all relevant MEP personnel on
specific eligibility requirements of migrant program, such as the
definition of a qualifying move, agricultural or fishing activity,
Principal Means of Livelihood (PMOL), etc. to ensure the accuracy of
the Certificates of Eligibility (COE), and
--Conduct additional staff training on specific provision of services
requirements, including, but not limited to:
Priority for services,
How MEP students should be served in schoolwide programs,
Service to private school students, and
Fiscal requirements.
--Consistent with monitoring plan, monitor revised documentation
process and other migrant program requirements, deliver immediate
technical assistance if needed, and
--Review manual clarifying eligibility requirements of the migrant
program. If necessary, revise manual.
2. Based on recent findings, conduct additional monitoring and
intensive technical assistance for the Even Start Program:
--Formalize process for maintaining required documentation to support
the eligibility of families participating in the program. Ensure that
the formalized process includes all documents required under the
[[Page 60193]]
--Train program directors, Even Start partners and other appropriate
staff on revised documentation maintenance requirements,
--Develop formal procedure to ensure matching requirements are met or
appropriately waived by PRDE consistent with the statutory
requirements, and
--Develop formal monitoring process, consistent with statutory
requirements, to measure whether there is sufficient progress and
indicators of program quality by Even Start subrecipients.
D. Schedule integrated monitoring visits according to identified
E. Train employees who will be conducting monitoring visits,
F. Improve access to information about monitoring process for PRDE
programs/offices that will be monitored,
G. Develop a Master Technical Assistance Plan for PRDE programs in
accordance with results from monitoring process,
H. Create links between the Department's website, other educational
websites and PRDE's website,
I. Develop a plan to properly document PRDE technical assistance,
J. Train employees who will be giving technical assistance, and
K. Ensure that any weaknesses or instances of non-compliance are
identified and corrected in a timely manner.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task 1.6:
By April 2005--A master monitoring plan will be created,
based on past findings, targeting high need programs first, including
MEP and Even Start,
By August 2005--Uniform monitoring instruments will be
created for each Federal program and program/fiscal monitors will use
these instruments for their monitoring activities,
By July 2006--Regular monitoring by appropriate staff will
be fully implemented,
By July 2006--Regular, high-quality technical assistance
will be provided by PRDE to PRDE staff regarding Federal requirements.
Technical assistance will be provided prior to the delivery of Federal
program services by PRDE personnel and will promptly respond to any
weaknesses discovered in the monitoring process, and
Each year, there is a significant reduction in the number of
sustainable audit findings contained in single audit reports,
particularly in the number of recurring audit findings.
Sub-Task 1.7: Reporting
Goal: By July 2005, PRDE will ensure that all reports submitted to
the Department are timely and accurate.
The following steps will help achieve the goal:
A. Compose Master List of all performance and financial reports due
to the Department under applicable requirements, and
B. Identify PRDE staff responsible for completing and filing all
required reports.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task 1.7:
By July 2005, PRDE will ensure that all reports submitted to the
Department are timely and accurate.
Sub-Task 1.8: Private Schools and Equitable Services
Goal: PRDE is in compliance with all Federal requirements
applicable to private schools, including the requirements for providing
equitable services to private school students.
The following step will help achieve the goal:
Compose a Master List of all Federal programs that contain
requirements regarding participation by private school students,
including equitable services requirements, and provide appropriate
training on these requirements to appropriate PRDE personnel.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task 1.8:
By July 2005, PRDE has trained all relevant employees on
the equitable services requirements in the Federal programs
administered or monitored by those employees, and
By July 2006, uniform processes regarding equitable
services requirements will be fully implemented.
Sub-Task 1.9: Schoolwide Programs
Goal: PRDE complies with all Schoolwide program requirements
The following steps will help achieve the goal:
A. Create a work group to review the schoolwide program process and
make recommendations for, and implement, improvements in the process.
B. Improvements will include identifying Master List of all schools
eligible for schoolwide program status and ensuring that all schools
deemed eligible and included in the Master List have the required
elements in their schoolwide plan, and ensuring that fiscal and
programmatic requirements of schoolwide schools are understood by
relevant staff.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task 1.9:
By July 2005, PRDE has trained all relevant employees on
requirements pertaining to schoolwide programs, and
By December 2006, uniform processes regarding schoolwide
programs will be fully implemented.
Sub-Task 1.10: Implementation of Reorganization Plan
Goal: PRDE's OFA will implement new processes and a new
organizational structure to ensure the efficient and effective
administration of all the Federal funds it administers and to ensure
the administration of those funds in compliance with all applicable
Federal requirements.
Measurable Objectives for Sub-Task 1.10:
By December 2004, a new human resource plan will be
implemented, and
By July 2006, most new processes contained in this grants
management plan will be operational, leading to a substantial reduction
in audit findings.
Sub-Task 1.11: Implementation of Puerto Rico's Integrated Financial
Administration System (PRIFAS) Grants Management and Project Modules
Goal: PRDE's OFA will implement the PRIFAS grants management and
project module to improve PRDE's control over the timely obligation of
Federal funds and bring PRDE into compliance with Federal requirements
applicable to the period of availability of funds, cash management, and
proper liquidation of obligations.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task 1.11:
By January 2005, the new PRIFAS grants management and project
module will be operational.
Sub-Task 1.12: Puerto Rico as an SEA/LEA
Goal: PRDE will work with the Department to identify PRDE's needs
for technical assistance on the issue of best practices in grants
administration by a single SEA and LEA by February 15, 2005.
Task 2.0: Improving PRDE Grants Management--Community Schools
Sub-Task 2.1: Improving Accounting Records at the Community Schools
Goal: Develop comprehensive plan to resolve accounting issues
described in Single Audit findings.
The following steps will help achieve the goal:
A. Map out community school administration responsibilities, and
[[Page 60194]]
B. Streamline the application/approval/distribution process to
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task 2.1:
By February 15, 2005, in accordance with the special conditions,
PRDE will complete a comprehensive plan to strengthen the accounting
records of the Community Schools Administration and submit it to the
Sub-Task 2.2: Improving Cash Management at the Community Schools
Goal: Develop a comprehensive plan to resolve cash management
issues at the public school level identified and described in Single
Audit findings.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task 2.2:
By February 15, 2005, in accordance with the special conditions,
PRDE will complete a comprehensive plan to strengthen cash management
at the public school level and submit it to the Department.
Sub-Task 2.3: Implementation of PRIFAS Grants Management and Project
Goal: PRDE's Community Schools Administration will implement the
PRIFAS grants management module and project module to improve control
over the timely obligation of funds, comply with period of availability
requirements, cash management, and proper liquidation of obligations.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task 2.3:
By July 2005, the new PRIFAS grants management and project modules
will be in operation.
Task 3.0: Improving PRDE Grants Management--Vocational Education
Sub-Task 3.1: Improving the Application Process
Goal: Compliance with the Federal vocational education requirement
for a State Board to serve as the eligible agency, and related
conditions in PRDE's Perkins III grant.
The following steps will help achieve the goal:
A. Establish the new State Board for Vocational and Technical
Education within PRDE (completed--EO 2004-29),
B. Nominate members of the new State Board (completed),
C. Create a draft of the new State Board Rule,
D. Create a chart of the new governance structure of the State
E. Adopt the State Plan for Vocational Education submitted by PRDE,
including the request to extend and revise the plan, the budget for
year six, and the agreed-upon adjusted performance levels for year six,
F. Ratify past actions of the Puerto Rico Secretary of Education
and the PRDE,
G. Adopt any necessary revision to ensure conformity with the State
H. Submit certifications required to be included in the State Plan,
I. Complete the document that delegates to PRDE the authority to
receive, hold, and disburse funds awarded under the State Plan, and
J. Create a detailed map of the current application process both
for PRDE applications to the Department and PRDE application
requirements for Department funds within PRDE.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task 3.1:
Short Term--30% of all internal applications work plans for Federal
funds will be almost operational by the time Grant Award Notification
is received in July 2005.
Task 4.0: Improving PRDE Grants Management--Adult Education Program
Sub-Task 4.1: Monitoring and Technical Assistance Process
Goal: Monitor and administer the Adult Education program
effectively and in compliance with all applicable requirements.
The following steps will help achieve the goal:
A. Create detailed map of current monitoring process,
B. Identify criteria to be used in identifying monitoring needs,
C. Align programmatic monitoring activities with fiscal monitoring
D. Rank program projects by monitoring needs,
E. Develop a master monitoring schedule that coordinates the
monitoring of adult education projects,
F. Train employees who will be conducting monitoring visits,
G. Improve communication between adult education and all programs,
H. Create a detailed map of the current technical assistance
I. Identify technical assistance resources for developing and
completing applications available from the Department, and
J. Develop a master technical assistance plan for the Adult
Education Program.
Task 5.0: PRDE Grants Management--Special Education Program
Sub-Task 5.1: Monitoring and Corrective Action Process
Goal: Ensure non-compliance identified through monitoring is
corrected within one year of its identification.
The following steps will help achieve the goal:
A. Ensure personnel responsible for the implementation of IDEA
requirements fully understand those requirements and, where non-
compliance is identified, understand and implement the corrective
actions needed to ensure correction of all non-compliance within a
reasonable period of time not to exceed one year from identification,
B. Provide training and technical assistance in a comprehensive and
systematic manner to staff in districts or sites where non-compliance
is identified to ensure the correction of all non-compliance within a
reasonable period of time not to exceed one year from identification,
C. Provide technical assistance on the development and
implementation of corrective action plans to ensure that they are
developed and implemented in a manner that addresses all areas of
identified non-compliance,
D. Provide technical assistance and feedback to district and other
personnel to ensure that the corrective action plans submitted to PRDE
are designed to correct all areas of non-compliance within a reasonable
amount of time, not to exceed one year from the identification of the
E. Request and review progress reports from regions, districts and
other sites that are implementing corrective action plans,
F. Ensure follow-up activities in regions, districts and other
sites that have corrective action plans to ensure that the identified
non-compliance has been addressed and is not recurring,
G. All monitoring findings will be corrected within one year of
H. List any sanctions imposed on a district or school for failure
to come into compliance with the IDEA requirements as agreed upon in
the corrective action plan, and
I. If PRDE, or any district or school failed to achieve compliance
and no additional actions, including sanctions were identified,
required, or imposed, PRDE must explain the basis for not taking
additional actions.
Measurable Objective for Sub-Task 5.1:
[[Page 60195]]
All monitoring findings are corrected under the new
monitoring system within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed one
year from identification of the monitoring finding,
Correction of findings from 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 school
years is reported to the Department's Office of Special Education
(OSEP) no later than July 1, 2005. Thereafter, each quarterly report,
as part of this Compliance Agreement, includes documentation of
correction of monitoring findings within a reasonable period of time,
not to exceed one year from identification,
Develop and implement an effective set of procedures for
sanctioning persistent long-standing non-compliance,
Analyze existing procedures,
Amend existing procedures, as necessary, and
Apply new sanction procedures where required to ensure
correction, by January 1, 2006.
Sub-Task 5.2: Ensuring Accurate Child Count Reports
Goal: Ensure Child Count Reports submitted to the Depa