Family and Medical Leave Act Regulations: A Report on the Department of Labor's Request for Information, 35550-35638 [07-3102]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Employment Standards Administration
Wage and Hour Division
29 CFR Part 825
RIN 1215–AB35
Family and Medical Leave Act
Regulations: A Report on the
Department of Labor’s Request for
Employment Standards
Administration, Wage and Hour
Division, Department of Labor.
ACTION: Report on comments from the
SUMMARY: The Department of Labor’s
Employment Standards Administration/
Wage and Hour Division undertook a
review of the Family and Medical Leave
Act (‘‘FMLA’’ or the ‘‘Act’’) and its
regulations, and published a Request for
Information (‘‘RFI’’) in the Federal
Register on December 1, 2006 (71 FR
69504). The RFI asked the public to
assist the Department by furnishing
information about their experiences
with the Act and comments on the
effectiveness of the FMLA regulations.
More than 15,000 comments were
submitted in response to the RFI. The
following report summarizes comments
the Department received from its RFI.
ADDRESSES: A complete copy of this
report is also available at https://
fmla2007report.htm. It may also be
obtained by writing to Richard M.
Brennan, Senior Regulatory Officer,
Wage and Hour Division, Employment
Standards Administration, U.S.
Department of Labor, Room S–3502, 200
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington,
DC 20210.
Richard M. Brennan, Senior Regulatory
Officer, Wage and Hour Division,
Employment Standards Administration,
U.S. Department of Labor, Room S–
3502, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20210; telephone: (202)
693–0066 (this is not a toll free number).
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
No employment law matters more to
America’s caregiving workforce than the
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
of 1993. Since its enactment, millions of
American workers and their families
have benefited from enhanced
opportunities for job-protected leave
upon the birth or adoption of a child, to
deal with their own serious illness, and
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when needed to care for family
After nearly fourteen years
administering the law, two Department
of Labor studies (1996, 2001) and
several U.S. Supreme Court and lower
court rulings, the Employment
Standards Administration’s Wage and
Hour Division issued a Request for
Information (RFI) on December 1, 2006.
The RFI asked the public to comment
on their experiences with, and
observations of, the Department’s
administration of the law and the
effectiveness of the regulations. More
than 15,000 comments were received in
the next few months from workers,
family members, employers, academics,
and other interested parties. This input
ranged from personal accounts, legal
reviews, industry and academic studies,
surveys, and recommendations for
regulatory and statutory changes to
address particular areas of concern.
There is broad consensus that family
and medical leave is good for workers
and their families, is in the public
interest, and is good workplace policy.
There are differing views on whether
every provision of the law is being
administered in accordance with the
statute and with congressional intent. It
is also evident from the comments that
the FMLA has produced some
unanticipated consequences in the
workplace for both employees and
A report of this kind is a unique step.
Normally, the organization of comments
received in response to a Departmental
Request for Information would first be
seen accompanying proposed changes to
the rules. There are no proposals for
regulatory changes being put forward by
the Department with this Report. Rather,
what we hope this Report does is
provide information for a fuller
discussion among all interested parties
and policymakers about how some of
the key FMLA regulatory provisions and
their interpretations have played out in
the workplace.
Finally, our thanks to the thousands
of employees, employers, and other
members of the public who participated
in this information gathering by sharing
their views, their research, and, in some
cases, very personal comments. We
greatly value those insights.
Victoria A. Lipnic,
Assistant Secretary of Labor,
Employment Standards Administration.
June 2007.
Executive Summary
The Family and Medical Leave Act of
1993 (FMLA) opened a new era for
American workers, providing employees
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with better opportunities to balance
work and family needs. This landmark
legislation provided workers with basic
rights to job protection for absences due
to the birth or adoption of a child or for
a serious health condition of the worker
or a family member.
For women dealing with difficult
pregnancies or deliveries, or parents
celebrating the arrival of a newborn or
adopted child, the FMLA provides the
opportunity to participate fully in these
significant life events. For other
workers—especially those who struggle
with health problems or who are
primary caregivers to ill family
members—the FMLA has made it
possible to deal with these serious
challenges while holding on to jobs,
health insurance, and some measure of
economic security.
Background: What the Law Covers
The Family and Medical Leave Act of
1993, Public Law 103–3, 107 Stat. 6 (29
U.S.C. 2601 et seq.) (the ‘‘FMLA’’ or the
‘‘Act’’) was enacted on February 5, 1993
and became effective on August 5, 1993
for most covered employers. The FMLA
entitles eligible employees of covered
employers to take up to a total of twelve
weeks of unpaid leave during a twelve
month period for the birth of a child; for
the placement of a child for adoption or
foster care; to care for a newborn or
newly-placed child; to care for a spouse,
parent, son or daughter with a serious
health condition; or when the employee
is unable to work due to the employee’s
own serious health condition. See 29
U.S.C. 2612. The twelve weeks of leave
may be taken in a block, or, under
certain circumstances, intermittently or
on a reduced leave schedule. Id. When
taken intermittently, the Department’s
regulations provide that leave may be
taken in the shortest increment of time
the employer’s payroll system uses to
account for absences or use of leave,
provided it is one hour or less. 29 CFR
Employers covered by the law must
maintain for the employee any
preexisting group health coverage
during the leave period and, once the
leave period has concluded, reinstate
the employee to the same or an
equivalent job with equivalent
employment benefits, pay, and other
terms and conditions of employment.
See 29 U.S.C. 2614. If an employee
believes that his or her FMLA rights
have been violated, the employee may
file a complaint with the Department of
Labor (‘‘Department’’) or file a private
lawsuit in federal or state court. If the
employer has violated an employee’s
FMLA rights, the employee is entitled to
reimbursement for any monetary loss
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
incurred, equitable relief as appropriate,
interest, attorneys’ fees, expert witness
fees, and court costs. Liquidated
damages also may be awarded. See 29
U.S.C. 2617.
Who the Law Covers
The law generally covers employers
with 50 or more employees, and
employees must have worked for the
employer for 12 months and have 1,250
hours of service during the previous
year to be eligible for leave. Based on
2005 data, the latest year for which data
was available the time the Request for
Information was published, the
Department estimates that:
• There were an estimated 94.4
million workers in establishments
covered by the FMLA regulations,
• There were about 76.1 million
workers in covered establishments who
met the FMLA’s requirements for
eligibility,1 and
• Between 8.0 percent and 17.1
percent of covered and eligible workers
(or between 6.1 million and 13.0 million
workers) took FMLA leave in 2005.2
• Nearly one-quarter of all employees
who took FMLA leave took at least some
of it intermittently.
Recent information submitted to the
Department also suggests that FMLA
awareness was higher in 2005 than in
prior years. This information supports
the Department’s estimate of increased
FMLA usage since prior studies of
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Request for Information and Prior
FMLA Reports
After nearly fourteen years of
experience implementing and
administering the new law, the
Department’s Employment Standards
Administration/Wage and Hour
Division undertook a review of the
FMLA regulations, culminating in the
publication of a Request for Information
(‘‘RFI’’) on December 1, 2006.3 The RFI
asked the public to assist the
Department by furnishing information
about their experiences with FMLA and
comments on the effectiveness of the
current FMLA regulations. The RFI
generated a very heavy public response:
More than 15,000 comments were
submitted, many of which were brief
emails with very personal and, in some
cases, very moving accounts from
employees who had used family or
medical leave; others were highly1 Recent
data submitted to the Department on the
size and scope of the FMLA’s reach support these
estimates. See Chapter XI of this Report.
2 Recent data submitted to the Department
support this estimate as well. See Chapter XI of this
3 71 FR 69504.
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detailed and substantive legal or
economic analyses responding to the
specific questions in the RFI and raising
other complex issues.4
Twice before, the Department has
published reports about the FMLA and
its use. The statute established a
bipartisan Commission on Family and
Medical Leave to study family and
medical leave policies. The Commission
surveyed workers and employers in
1995 and issued a report published by
the Department in 1996, ‘‘A Workable
Balance: Report to Congress on Family
and Medical Leave Policies.’’ In 1999,
the Department contracted with Westat,
Inc. to update the employee and
establishment surveys conducted in
1995. The Department published that
report, ‘‘Balancing the Needs of Families
and Employers: Family and Medical
Leave Surveys, 2000 Update’’ in January
Never before has the Department
looked in such granular detail at the
legal developments surrounding the
FMLA and its implementing
regulations, as well as the practical
consequences of such in the workplace.
The RFI’s questions and subject areas
were derived from a series of
stakeholder meetings the Department
conducted in 2002–2003, a number of
rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court and
other federal courts, the Department’s
own experience administering the law,
information from Congressional
hearings, and public comments filed
with the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) as described by OMB in
their three annual reports to Congress
on the FMLA’s costs and benefits.6
Unlike the 2000 Westat Report, the
Department’s Report on the RFI
Comments is not an analysis or
comparison of one set of survey data
with another some years later. The RFI
was not meant to be a substitute for
survey research about the leave needs of
the workforce and leave policies offered
by employers. The record presented
4 All comments are available for viewing via the
public docket of the Wage and Hour Division of the
Employment Standards Administration, U.S.
Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20210. Many comments are
also available on The names
of individual employees have been redacted from
the Report where any personal medical information
was shared.
5 See ‘‘Balancing the Needs of Families and
Employers, Family and Medical Leave Surveys,
2000 Update,’’ Westat Inc., January 2001. See also
the description of the 2000 Westat Report in
Chapter XI of this Report. See also 71 FR 69510.
6 The 2001 report may be found at:
costbenefitreport.pdf, the 2002 report at:
2002_report_to_congress.pdf, and the 2004 report
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here is different than the previous two
Departmental reports because the RFI
was a very different kind of informationgathering tool than the two previous
surveys. Given the differences in datagathering approaches, the depth with
which the RFI looked at the regulations,
and, of course, the self-selection bias by
those who took the time to submit
comments to the RFI, differences in the
outcomes should be expected. Care
must be taken to avoid improper
comparisons of information collected in
the RFI with data from the two surveys.
General Overview of the Report
Commenters consistently stated that
the FMLA is generally working well—at
least with respect to leave related to the
birth or adoption of a child or for
indisputably ‘‘serious’’ health
conditions. Responses to the RFI
substantiate that many employees and
employers are not having noteworthy
FMLA-related problems. However,
employees often expressed a desire for
a greater leave entitlement, while
employers voiced concern about their
ability to manage business operations
and attendance control issues,
particularly when unscheduled,
intermittent leave is needed for chronic
health conditions. Indeed, the
overwhelming majority of comments
submitted in response to the RFI
addressed three primary topics: (1)
Gratitude from employees who have
used family and medical leave and
descriptions of how it allowed them to
balance their work and family care
responsibilities, particularly when they
had their own serious health condition
or were needed to care for a family
member; 7 (2) a desire for expanded
benefits—e.g., to provide more time off,
to provide paid benefits, and to cover
additional family members; 8 and (3)
frustration by employers about
difficulties in maintaining necessary
staffing levels and controlling
attendance problems in their
workplaces as a result of one particular
issue—unscheduled intermittent leave
used by employees who have chronic
health conditions.
Many employees offered powerful
testimonials about the important role
the FMLA has played in allowing them
to continue working while addressing
their own medical needs or family
caregiving responsibilities. Chapter I,
7 Many of these employee comments stated that
there were no problems with FMLA and there
should be no changes to the program.
8 Because comments on the need for expanded
benefits concern matters outside the scope of the
Department’s authority and the purposes of the RFI,
these comments are not covered in any significant
detail in this Report.
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Employee Perspectives: Experiences in
the Value of FMLA, is an important
representative example of how
meaningful the ability to use the Family
and Medical Leave Act has been for
employees. The Department could have
written an entire report based simply on
those comments.
But, no regulatory scheme,
particularly at the outset, is perfect. In
1993, the FMLA was a brand-new
employment standard and many of the
concepts, particularly those that took
effect in the final regulations, were
borrowed from other areas of law or
were completely new. Thus, it should
come as no surprise that RFI
commenters continued to debate some
of the choices made by the Department
as it sought to implement the statute in
a manner consistent with Congressional
As is evident from both the RFI record
and from many of the legal challenges
to regulatory provisions over the years,
the debate continues on whether the
Department successfully implemented
the statutory requirements and
Congressional intent, or struck the right
balance in all places. That debate is
reflected in Chapters II–XI. In many
instances, commenters expressed the
view that a certain regulation was
‘‘exactly what Congress intended,’’
while others said of the same regulation
that ‘‘it could not possibly be what
Congress intended.’’ Because of that, in
order to provide context to the
comments received, in many chapters
legal background is provided and/or the
evolution of a particular regulatory
section is retraced through the
rulemaking process. Indeed, many
commenters did the same thing. While
this is in some cases done in great
detail, without that history it may be
impossible to understand not just what
suggestions are being offered, but why
they are being offered. These historical
summaries are not intended to endorse
the legitimacy of any particular
comment or suggestion.
As explained in the RFI, some of the
issues brought to the attention of the
Department in various forums over the
years are beyond the statutory authority
of the Department to address.9
Nonetheless, many commenters
provided suggestions for statutory
changes to expand the FMLA. Among
others, and in no particular order, were
comments on: providing paid maternity
leave, covering the care of additional
family members (e.g., siblings),
changing the 75-mile eligibility test,
reducing the coverage threshold below
50 employees, and providing coverage
9 See
71 FR 69504.
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for part-time workers. Because these
comments are beyond the Department’s
authority to address, we do not detail
them in the chapters that follow.
Finally, this Report is not a catalogue
of every comment received or every
suggestion made about every part of the
regulations. Nor is it a catalogue of
every organization or group that
submitted comments. We do believe
that the comments selected for
discussion are representative and the
chapters that follow accurately reflect
the record according to the most
important subject matters presented—
many of which, but not all, follow and
detail the subjects and questions asked
in the RFI. The chapters are designed to
explain the questions asked in the RFI,
provide background on the law where
needed, and detail the feedback about
the FMLA and the Department’s
implementation of it as raised in
comments from employees and
Given the detailed presentations in
many of the responses to the RFI, and
when the comments are read and
studied in the aggregate, certain
observations about the record stand out.
Those observations follow in this
Executive Summary or are found in
Chapter XI: ‘‘Data: FMLA Coverage,
Usage, and Economic Impact’’. We
believe the observations included in this
Report are evident from a plain reading
of the thousands of comments received
from both employers and employees.
The Department’s Observations
Regarding the Comments
The Department is pleased to observe
that, in the vast majority of cases, the
FMLA is working as intended. For
example, the FMLA has succeeded in
allowing working parents to take leave
for the birth or adoption of a child, and
in allowing employees to care for family
members with serious health
conditions. The FMLA also appears to
work well when employees require
block or foreseeable intermittent leave
because of their own truly serious
health condition. Absent the protections
of the FMLA, many of these workers
might not otherwise be permitted to be
absent from their jobs when they need
to be.
At the same time, a central defining
theme in the comments involves an area
that may not have been fully
anticipated: The prevalence with which
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave
would be taken in certain workplaces or
work settings by individuals who have
chronic health conditions. This is the
single most serious area of friction
between employers and employees
seeking to use FMLA leave. The
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Department is cognizant that certain of
its regulatory decisions and
interpretations may have contributed to
this situation.
Certain types of industries and
worksites and their workers appear to be
more impacted by unscheduled
intermittent FMLA leave-taking than
others and there is considerable tension
between employers and employees over
the use of this leave. The Department
heard, in particular, from employers,
and from the representatives of
employees who work with them, whose
business operations have a highly timesensitive component, e.g., delivery,
transportation, transit,
telecommunications, health care,
assembly-line manufacturing, and
public safety sectors.
While many employer comments used
the words ‘‘abuse’’ and ‘‘misuse’’ to
describe employee use of unscheduled
intermittent leave, the Department
cannot assess from the record how
much leave taking is actual ‘‘abuse’’ and
how much is legitimate. In some cases,
the use of unscheduled intermittent
leave appears to be causing a backlash
by employers who are looking for every
means possible (e.g., repeatedly asking
for more information in the medical
certifications, especially in cases of
chronic conditions) to reduce
Another area that generated
significant comments is the current
medical certification process. The
Department recognizes that
communication about medical
conditions is essential to the smooth
functioning of the FMLA in workplaces.
However, none of the parties involved
with the medical certification process—
employers, employees, and health care
providers—are happy with the current
system. Employees are concerned about
the time and cost of visits to health care
providers to obtain medical
certifications and the potential for
invasion of their privacy. Employers,
especially when it comes to intermittent
leave use, seek predictability in
attendance and are frustrated with
medical certifications that do not
provide meaningful guidance. Health
care providers complain they cannot
predict how many times a flare-up of a
particular condition will occur.
Despite much work by the
Department, it also appears that many
employees still do not fully understand
their rights under the law, or the
procedures they must follow when
seeking FMLA leave. For example,
many employees are misinformed about
the fact that paid leave can be
substituted for, and run concurrently
with, an employee’s FMLA leave. Even
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
among employees who possess a general
awareness of the law, many do not
know how the FMLA applies to their
individual circumstances. In turn, this
failure in understanding may be
contributing to some of the problems
identified with the medical certification
process, and with employers’ ability to
properly designate and administer
FMLA leave. It is clear the Department
has more work to do to further educate
employees and employers regarding
their rights and responsibilities under
the law.
Summary of Chapters I–XI
Employee Perspective: Experiences in
the Value of the FMLA (Chapter I)
Chapter I provides a representative
sampling of comments received by the
Department regarding the ‘‘value’’
FMLA provides to employees. In
general, employees commented they
were very happy to have the protections
afforded by the FMLA. Many
commented that the Act prevented job
loss, allowed them to spend time with
sick or injured family members, and,
upon returning to work, encouraged a
greater sense of loyalty to their
employer. Some pointed out that their
employers went above and beyond what
is required by the law. Many employers
also submitted comments that outlined
advantages to complying with the
FMLA and offering benefits beyond
what the law requires.
The value of the FMLA was
particularly noted by employees caring
for both children and parents with
serious health conditions; this
observation was supported by employer
comments, many of whom noted that
they increasingly receive FMLA leave
requests from employees with elder care
responsibilities. Many employees
commented that the FMLA would be
more useful if it provided paid leave, if
more time off was available, and if the
program covered more types of family
members, such as siblings,
grandparents, etc.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Ragsdale Decision/Penalties (Chapter II)
This chapter discusses the impact of
the Supreme Court’s decision in
Ragsdale v. Wolverine World Wide, Inc.
on the FMLA implementing regulations.
Ragsdale invalidated the ‘‘categorical
penalty’’ in section 825.700(a) of the
regulations, which provides that if an
employer does not designate an
employee’s leave as FMLA leave, it may
not count that leave against an
employee’s leave entitlement. Other
courts have struck down similar
‘‘categorical penalty’’ rules in sections
825.110(d) (relating to deeming an
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employee eligible for leave) and
825.208(c) (relating to designation of
paid leave). Since Ragsdale, many
courts have applied equitable
estoppel 10 principles when employers
either fail to communicate required
information or communicate incorrect
Employers commented that all
categorical penalties should be removed
from the regulations and that employers
should be permitted to designate leave
as FMLA leave retroactively. Some
employers suggested that any penalty
should be tailored to the specific harm
suffered by the employee or suggested
situations in which no penalty would be
appropriate. Employees supported the
current notice and designation
requirements in the Department’s
regulations, with many noting that they
suffer hardships when they do not know
promptly whether the employer believes
they are entitled to FMLA-protected
leave. Some employee commenters
suggested that employers be required to
provide annual notices to employees
regarding their FMLA eligibility status
and periodic reports regarding any
FMLA leave used. Employers expressed
concerns that without some clarification
they are unsure of their liabilities for
failure to follow the notification
requirements. Both groups expressed a
need for the Department to clarify the
impact of Ragsdale on the notification
requirements in the current regulations.
Serious Health Condition (Chapter III)
The Department received many
comments on the regulatory definition
of serious health condition relating to a
period of incapacity of more than three
consecutive calendar days and
treatment two or more times by a health
care provider (sometimes called the
‘‘objective test’’) contained at 29 CFR
825.114(a)(2)(i) and its interaction with
29 CFR 825.114(c) (which provides
examples of conditions that ordinarily
are not covered). Chapter III summarizes
these comments. Many of these
comments echoed (or had their origins
in) earlier comments to the record the
Department received in 1993 when
promulgating its current regulations.
The Department received many
comments from employees and
employee groups who believe that the
objective test is a good, clear test that is
serving its intended purpose, consistent
with the legislative history, while a
common theme from many employers
10 ‘‘Equitable estoppel’’ is a legal bar that prevents
one person from taking advantage of a second
person where the second party is injured by
reasonably relying on the misrepresentations (or
silence when there is a duty to speak) of the first
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was that the regulatory definition of
serious health condition is vague and/or
confusing. Moreover, comments from
employer groups complained that there
is no real requirement that a health
condition be ‘‘serious’’ in the regulatory
definition of serious health condition.
Many employee representatives felt
section 825.114(c) imposes no
independent limitation on the definition
of serious health condition and
therefore need not be changed. Other
commenters took the very opposite
tack—that the objective test
extinguished Congress’ intent to exclude
minor illnesses and that the Department
should breathe life into subsection (c)
by making it more of a per se rule, as
it was initially interpreted by Wage and
Hour Opinion Letter FMLA–57 (Apr. 7,
Some employers offered to give
meaning to subsection (c) by changing
the period of incapacity in the objective
test from ‘‘calendar’’ days to ‘‘business’’
days. Still other commenters suggested
that the Department maintain the
substantive language of both regulatory
sections but explicitly adopt a recent
court interpretation of the regulations
that the ‘‘treatment two or more times
by a health care provider’’ in section
825.114(a)(2)(i)(A) must occur during
the period of ‘‘more than three days’’
incapacity. Some commenters suggested
reconciling the two regulatory
provisions by simply tightening the
requirements for qualifying for a serious
health condition under the objective test
(e.g., increasing the number of days of
incapacity required).
Unscheduled Intermittent Leave
(Chapter IV)
Chapter IV of the Report discusses the
use of unscheduled intermittent leave
under FMLA. Based on the comments
received, unscheduled intermittent
FMLA leave is crucial to employees
with chronic serious health conditions
resulting in sudden, unpredictable flareups. Conversely, it is precisely the use
of unscheduled (or unforeseeable)
intermittent leave for chronic conditions
that presents the most serious
difficulties for many employers in terms
of scheduling, attendance, productivity,
morale, and other concerns. With
respect to employer comments, no other
FMLA issue even comes close.
The Act itself does not provide a
definition of ‘‘chronic’’ serious health
conditions. During the 1993–1995
notice-and-comment rulemaking phase,
the Department filled in this gap, as the
regulatory definition of ‘‘serious health
condition’’ evolved in response to
public comments urging that this
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
definition specifically cover chronic
Regarding intermittent leave, the Act
provides for the taking of leave in small
blocks, or intermittently, but does not
specify the minimum increment. 29
U.S.C. 2612(b)(1). In its regulations, the
Department rejected any minimum
limitations on intermittent leave, citing
the statute, and stating a concern that
such limits would cause employees to
take leave in greater amounts than
necessary, and thus erode a worker’s 12week leave entitlement. 60 FR 2236. The
Department also predicted initially that
incidents of unscheduled intermittent
leave would be unusual. 58 FR 31801.
The Act sets out a clear, 30-day notice
requirement for leave that is foreseeable,
but for leave foreseeable less than 30
days in advance, the Act has a less clear,
‘‘as soon as practicable’’ notice
requirement. 29 U.S.C. 2612(e)(2)(B).
The Department, through its interpretive
actions, has defined ‘‘as soon as
practicable’’ to mean two working days
after the need for leave becomes
Fourteen years later, the comments
indicate that unscheduled intermittent
FMLA leave for chronic conditions has
become commonplace and it is difficult
for employers to determine or monitor
employees’ incapacity when the chronic
condition does not involve any active,
direct treatment or care by a health care
provider (i.e., self-treatment by
employees with chronic conditions such
as asthma, diabetes, migraine
headaches, and chronic back pain).
Employers expressed frustration about
what they perceive to be employees’
ability to avoid promptly alerting their
employers of their need to take
unscheduled leave in situations when it
is clearly practicable for them to do so.
A common example cited by employers
involves ignoring mandatory shift callin procedures even when the employee
is fully able to comply, and then later
reporting the absence as FMLAqualifying after-the-fact. Thus, some
employers allege, employees may use
FMLA: (1) As a pretext for tardiness or
to leave work early for reasons unrelated
to a serious health condition, (2) to
obtain a preferred shift instead of the
one assigned by the employer, or (3) to
convert a full-time position to a
permanent part-time one. These
employers believe the Department’s
regulatory interpretations have
exacerbated this situation.
Other commenters said that when an
employer is unable to verify that an
employee’s unscheduled absence is in
fact caused by a chronic serious health
11 See Wage and Hour Opinion Letter FMLA–101
(Jan. 15, 1999).
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condition, and the employer cannot
seek additional medical verification of
the need for the absence, the employer
cannot distinguish between employees
who legitimately need FMLA leave and
employees who misuse the protections
of FMLA to excuse an otherwise
unexcused absence from work.
Notice: Employee Rights and
Responsibilities (Chapter V)
Chapter V of the Report summarizes
comments received regarding the FMLA
rights and responsibilities of employees.
The comments to the RFI indicate that
many employees are not knowledgeable
about their rights and responsibilities
under the FMLA. Even among
employees who possess a general
awareness of the law, many do not
know how the FMLA applies to their
individual circumstances. This reported
lack of employee awareness may
contribute to frustrations voiced by the
employer community concerning
employee notice of the need for FMLA
leave. Employers and their
representatives commented on
employees not providing notice of the
need for leave in a timely fashion and
receiving notice without sufficient
information to make a determination as
to whether or not the leave is FMLAqualifying.
The Medical Certification and
Verification Process (Chapter VI)
The Department received significant
comments regarding the FMLA medical
certification process. These comments
are discussed in Chapter VI. Generally
speaking, all parties involved in the
certification process—employees,
employers and health care providers—
believed the current process needs to be
Many employers commented that they
are frustrated with certifications that do
not provide meaningful guidance
regarding the employee’s expected use
of intermittent leave. They also noted
that the current regulatory framework
provides them with limited options for
verifying that employees are using
FMLA leave for legitimate reasons.
Employers also stated they want to be
able to talk directly with the employee’s
health care provider (without using a
health care provider of their own) and
feel that greater communication would
allow decisions regarding FMLA
coverage to be made more quickly.
Employees commented that
employers are not using the existing
FMLA procedures appropriately to
challenge medical certifications and are
instead simply refusing to accept
certifications without seeking
clarification or a second opinion. Some
employees also claimed that their use of
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unscheduled intermittent leave for
chronic conditions seems to be causing
a backlash among some employers who
refuse FMLA coverage for any absences
that exceed what is on the medical
certification. Employees also expressed
concern that increased communication
between the employer and their health
care providers could lead to an erosion
of their right to medical confidentiality.
Finally, although the certification
requirement calls for an estimate of the
expected use of intermittent leave,
health care providers commented that
often there is no way they can furnish
a reliable estimate of the frequency or
severity of the flare ups and thus are
unable to provide all the information
required in the certification. Based on
the comments received, employers,
employees and health care providers
almost universally believe the
Department’s model certification form
WH–380 could be improved.
Interplay Between the FMLA and the
Americans with Disabilities Act
(Chapter VII)
A number of commenters discussed
the relationship between the FMLA and
the Americans with Disabilities Act
(‘‘ADA’’).12 Although the ADA also may
provide employees with job-protected
medical leave, the legislative history of
the FMLA indicates that Congress
intended for ‘‘the leave provisions of the
[FMLA to be] * ** wholly distinct from
the reasonable accommodation
obligations of employers covered under
the [ADA].’’ 13 Nonetheless, the
Department borrowed several important
concepts from the ADA when finalizing
the FMLA regulations. The practical
realities of the workplace also mean that
employee requests for medical leave
often are covered by both statutes, thus
requiring employers to consider
carefully the rights and responsibilities
imposed by each statute. Chapter VII
summarizes the comments received by
the Department regarding the interplay
between FMLA and ADA.
Almost uniformly, employers and
their representatives urged the
Department to consider implementing
more consistent procedures for handling
and approving medical leave requests
under the FMLA and ADA. These
commenters argued that, in many
instances—but particularly with respect
to obtaining medical information—the
ADA and its implementing regulations
provided a ‘‘much better model’’ and
struck a more appropriate balance
between an employee’s right to take
12 42
13 S.
U.S.C. 12101–12117, 12201–12213.
Rep. No. 3, 103d Cong., 1st Sess. 38 (1993).
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reasonable leave for medical reasons
and the legitimate interests of
employers. Many of these commenters
cited their own experience in
administering the ADA as support for
the idea that additional limits imposed
by the FMLA were unnecessary,
particularly because both statutes
require employers to review similar
types of medical information and make
determinations about an employee’s
ability to work based on that
information. These commenters also
noted that, in many instances, the same
human resources person reviews an
employee’s absences under both
statutes, thus further blurring the line
between what an employer could
permissibly do under each statute.
Other commenters, including unions
and other employee groups, argued that
the differences between the two
statutory schemes were a direct result of
the distinctively different purposes of
each law. These commenters noted that
the ADA is intended to ensure that
qualified individuals with disabilities
are provided with equal opportunity to
work, while the FMLA’s purpose is to
provide reasonable leave from work for
eligible employees. These commenters
generally opposed implementing
procedures they viewed as placing
additional limits on the availability of
FMLA leave, or increasing requirements
under the FMLA medical certification
Transfer to an Alternative Position
(Chapter VIII)
The RFI did not specifically ask any
questions about an employer’s ability to
transfer an employee to an ‘‘alternative
position’’ but the Department received
many comments on this topic. These
comments are discussed in Chapter VIII
of the Report. Under the FMLA, an
employer may transfer an employee to
an ‘‘alternative position’’ with
equivalent pay and benefits when the
employee needs to take intermittent or
reduced schedule leave ‘‘that is
foreseeable based on planned medical
treatment[.]’’ 29 U.S.C. 2612(b)(2).
Section 825.204 of the regulations
explains more fully when an employer
may transfer an employee to an
alternative position in order to
accommodate foreseeable intermittent
leave or a reduced leave schedule.
A significant number of employer
commenters questioned why the
regulations only permit an employer to
transfer an employee when the
employee’s need for leave is foreseeable
based on planned medical treatment as
opposed to a chronic need for
unforeseeable (unscheduled) leave.
Many commenters saw no practical
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basis for differentiating between
foreseeable and unforeseeable need for
leave in this context. In fact, many
employers reported that the underlying
rationale for the transfer provision—to
provide ‘‘greater staffing flexibility’’
while maintaining the employee’s same
pay and benefits—is best served where
the employee’s need for leave is
Substitution of Paid Leave (Chapter IX)
Chapter IX of the Report summarizes
comments regarding the substitution of
paid leave for unpaid FMLA leave.
Under the statute, employees may
substitute accrued paid leave for FMLA
leave under certain circumstances. If
employees forego the option to
substitute paid leave, employers may
then require such substitution.14 The
legislative history indicates that
Congress had two purposes in providing
for the substitution of accrued paid
leave for unpaid FMLA leave. First,
Congress sought to clarify that where
employers provided paid leave for
FMLA-covered reasons, they were only
required to provide a total of 12 weeks
of FMLA-protected leave including the
period of paid leave (i.e., employees
could not stack 12 weeks of unpaid
FMLA leave on top of any accrued paid
leave provided by the employer). The
second purpose of substitution of paid
leave was to mitigate the financial
impact of income loss to the employee
due to family or medical leave.
A major concern of the employer
commenters was that when employees
substitute paid vacation or personal
leave for unpaid FMLA leave, they are
able to circumvent certain aspects of
employers’ existing paid leave policies,
such as notification requirements,
minimum increments of leave, seniority,
or time of year restrictions. These
commenters stated that employees
substituting such paid leave for unpaid
FMLA leave are, therefore, treated more
favorably than those employees who use
their accrued leave for other reasons.
Employee commenters noted that the
ability to substitute paid leave is a
critical factor in their ability to utilize
their FMLA entitlements, because many
employees simply cannot afford to take
unpaid leave.
The comments also identified a
number of other issues affected by
substitution of paid leave. For example,
employers questioned the wisdom of the
regulation forbidding substitution if
employees are receiving payments from
a benefit plan such as workers’
compensation or short-term disability
plans. On the other hand, employees
14 29
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commented that they are improperly
required by employers to substitute paid
leave, despite contrary language in
existing collective bargaining
agreements providing employees with
the right to decide when to use their
Joint Employment (Chapter X)
Chapter X of the Report discusses
comments regarding employer coverage
under FMLA in cases in which a
company utilizes the services of a
Professional Employer Organization
(PEO). Unlike a staffing or placement
agency, PEOs generally are service
providers that handle payroll and other
human resource work for the employer
and which, under the current
regulations, may qualify in some
circumstances as a primary employer in
a joint employment arrangement.
The comments indicated that PEOs
generally are not responsible for
employment decisions like hiring,
firing, supervision, etc. All of the
comments in this area supported the
view that the primary ‘‘employer’’ in
these cases should be the client
company that actually hires and uses
the employees who are provided benefit
services by the PEO. Thus, according to
these comments, the client company,
and not the PEO, should be responsible
for the placement of employees
returning from FMLA leave.
Data: FMLA Coverage, Usage, and
Economic Impact (Chapter XI)
The Department received a significant
number of comments on the usage and
impact of the FMLA, including a variety
of national surveys and numerous data
on FMLA leave from individual
companies or government and quasigovernment agencies. This information,
when supplemented by the data from
the 2000 Westat Report (and despite its
limitations), provides considerable
insight and a far more detailed picture
of the workings of the FMLA, and the
impact of intermittent leave, in
particular. Chapter XI of this Report
provides a full discussion of the data
Several themes arose out of the data
comments submitted in response to the
• The benefits of FMLA leave include
retaining valuable human capital;
having more productive employees at
work; lower long-run health care costs;
lower turnover costs; lower
presenteeism costs; and lower public
assistance costs.
• There are unquantifiable impacts on
both sides. On the benefit side, the
value of FMLA leave is often
immeasurable. On the cost side, there
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can be a negative impact on customers
and the public when workers do not
show up for their shifts on time.
• A significant number of workers,
especially for some facilities or
workgroups, have medical certifications
on file for chronic health conditions,
and the number is increasing.
• Unscheduled intermittent FMLA
leave causes staffing problems for
employers requiring them to overstaff
some positions and use mandatory
overtime to cover other positions. Both
of these increase costs and prices.
• The lack of employee notification
can cause some positions to go
temporarily understaffed resulting in
service or production delays. This not
only increases costs in the short run but
also may potentially impact future
• Unscheduled intermittent FMLA
leave can adversely impact the
workplace in a variety of ways,
including missed holidays and time-off
for other employees, lower morale, and
added stress that can result in health
Further, it appears that the
Department’s intermittent FMLA leave
estimates presented in the RFI—that
about 1.5 million workers took
intermittent FMLA leave in 2005, and
that about 700,000 of these workers took
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave—
may be too low.
While the percentage of FMLA
covered and eligible workers who take
FMLA leave may appear to be low
relative to the total workforce and the
percentage who take unscheduled
intermittent leave may appear to be
even smaller, the record shows that
these workers can have a significant
impact on the operations of their
employers and their workplaces for a
variety of reasons. First, as a number of
commenters pointed out, these workers
can repeatedly take unscheduled
intermittent leave, over nine hours per
week, and still not exhaust their
allocation of FMLA leave for the year
(generally, 12 weeks × 40 hours/week =
480 hours). Second, the record reveals
that workplaces with time-sensitive
operations, such as assembly-line
manufacturing, transportation, transit,
and public health and safety
occupations can be disproportionably
impacted by just a few employees who
repeatedly take unscheduled
intermittent leave. Third, the comments
indicate that if the morale or health of
workers covering for the absent
employees on FMLA leave begins to
suffer, either because they believe the
absent workers are misusing
unscheduled intermittent leave or from
the stress caused by an increased
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workload, these workers may in turn
seek and need their own FMLA
certifications causing a ripple effect in
attendance and productivity.
Finally, the data indicate that if
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave is
taken, most employers will be able to
resolve these infrequent low cost events
on a case-by-case basis by using the
existing workforce (or possibly bringing
in temporary help) to cover for the
absent worker, and likely will view
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave
as an expected cost of business. On the
other hand, for those establishments and
workgroups with a high probability
(rate) of unscheduled intermittent leave
and where the cost of such leave is high,
the comments suggest that none of the
measures that are typically used to
reduce the risk and costs associated
with unscheduled intermittent FMLA
leave appear to work very well. These
establishments, whose risk management
systems (e.g., absence control policies,
overstaffing, mandatory overtime)
appear to be overwhelmed, are likely
the employers reporting that
intermittent FMLA leave has a moderate
to large negative impact on their
productivity and profits (1.8 to 12.7
percent of establishments according to
the 2000 Westat Report). In addition,
many of the traditional methods used to
encourage good attendance or control
absenteeism (e.g., perfect attendance
awards or no fault attendance polices)
may not be used if they interfere with
FMLA protected leave. These employers
may try to make it more difficult for
their workers to take unscheduled
intermittent FMLA leave by repeatedly
questioning the medical certifications or
asking for recertifications—creating
tension in the workplace.
In those sections of the FMLA dealing
with leave for the birth of a child, for
the adoption of a child, and associated
with health conditions that require
blocks of leave and are undeniably
‘‘serious’’ (e.g., cancer, Alzheimer’s,
heart attack), the law appears to be
working as anticipated and intended,
and working very successfully. When
addressing these areas, there is near
unanimity in the comments—FMLA
leave is a valuable benefit to the
employee, improves employee morale,
improves the lives of America’s
families, and, as a result, benefits
employers. These aspects of the FMLA
are fully supported by workers and their
But to the extent that the use of FMLA
leave has continued to increase in
unanticipated ways, primarily in the
area of intermittent leave taken as self-
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treatment for chronic serious health
conditions, the Department has heard
significant concerns. These
unanticipated facets of the FMLA are
the source of considerable friction in the
following areas:
• How serious is ‘‘serious’’?
• What does ‘‘intermittent’’ leave
mean and how long should it go on?
• What are the rules surrounding
unforeseeable leave?
• How much information can an
employer require before approving
• What are an employee’s
responsibilities under the Act?
• What workplace rules may an
employer actually enforce?
• How has other legislation,
including the ADA and HIPAA, affected
the FMLA?
Absent the protections of the FMLA,
many workers with chronic conditions
might not otherwise be permitted to be
absent from their jobs. This is
unquestionably a valuable right. But it
is precisely the use of FMLA leave by
a subset of these workers—those seeking
unscheduled intermittent leave for a
chronic condition—that appears to
present the most serious difficulties for
many employers in terms of scheduling,
attendance, productivity, morale, and
other concerns. As was clear from the
record, these comments are not
inconsistent with each other. These
things are true at the same time.
The success of the FMLA depends on
smooth communication among all
parties. To the extent that employees
and employers become more adversarial
in their dealings with each other over
the use of FMLA leave, it may become
harder for workers to take leave when
they need it most.
The Department hopes that this
Report will further the discussion of
these important issues and is grateful to
all who participated in this informationgathering process.
I. Employee Perspective: Experiences in
the Value of the FMLA
The chapters that follow in this
Report deal in large part with the
substantive comments from individual
employers and employees, law firms,
and groups representing employers and
employees, assessing what works or
does not work particularly well with
specific regulatory sections of the
FMLA. Because of that, it is easy to lose
perspective about the overall value of
the workplace protections provided by
the Act. That value is best shown in the
comments submitted by individual
employees and, in some instances their
employers or representatives. While it
would be impossible for the Department
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to catalog every comment it received in
response to the Request for Information
(‘‘RFI’’) about the value of the FMLA,
this chapter provides a representative
collection of comments recounting those
personal experiences.1 These comments
also include some examples of best
practices of employers in carrying out
the FMLA—practices that often create or
strengthen good relationships between
employers and employees. These
comments reflect the belief stated in the
regulations that a ‘‘direct correlation
exists between stability in the family
and productivity in the workplace’’ and
demonstrate that the underlying intent
of the Act ‘‘to allow employees to
balance their work and family life by
taking reasonable unpaid leave’’ for
certain qualifying family and medical
reasons is being fulfilled. 29 CFR
Many employees were grateful that
the Act existed and that they were able
to utilize the leave entitlement in a time
of need. Some employees specifically
commented that the Act helped them
during difficult periods of caring for
loved ones who were ill. For example,
one employee wrote that she used
FMLA leave twice, once to care for a
seriously ill child and again ‘‘when my
husband was injured in Afghanistan and
needed assistance in his recovery[.]’’ An
Employee Comment, Doc. 2666, at 1.2
She noted that ‘‘without this [FMLA]
protection, I probably would have lost
my job and all its benefits[.]’’ Id.
Another employee said he could not
have cared for his ill wife without
FMLA. An Employee Comment, Doc.
FL18, at 1. ‘‘My wife * * * has a
medical condition that is covered by the
FMLA. I have used intermittent FMLA
leave to take her to the doctor whose
office is located approximately 4 hours
away by car from where we live. I have
been doing this on average once a
month for approximately 3 years. I
would not be able to do this without the
FMLA.’’ Id.
One employee, whose comment
echoed the sentiment that the FMLA
allows employees to balance their work
obligations with the need to care for
their loved ones, appreciated how his
family benefited from FMLA leave.
‘‘Presently, my sister is having to care
for our ailing mother while holding
down a job. The Family and Medical
Leave Act is very important to her as
well as her family in her continued
effort to care for our mother in her final
1 The Request for Information can be found at 71
FR 69,508 (December 1, 2006).
2 The names of individual employees have been
redacted from the Report where any personal or
medical information was provided.
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days.’’ An Employee Comment, Doc.
FL9, at 1. Another employee said, ‘‘I
* * * recently returned from taking a
two week FML[A leave] to care for my
elderly stepfather after open heart
surgery. My family and I were
appreciative that because of the FML[A]
I was able to request time to assist with
his care and recuperation at home. We
all have no doubt that my time was
invaluable with his improvement once
home.’’ An Employee Comment, Doc.
139, at 1.
Other commenters also noted the
value of FMLA when they needed leave
because of their own serious health
conditions. For example, one employee
said, ‘‘As a cancer survivor myself, I
cannot imagine how much more
difficult those days of treatments and
frequent doctor appointments would’ve
been without FMLA. I did my best to be
at work as much as possible, but
chemotherapy and radiation not only
sap the body of energy, but also take
hours every day and every week in
treatment rooms.’’ An Employee
Comment, Doc. 5798, at 1. Another
employee, who used FMLA leave on
several occasions for her own serious
health condition, stated that she was
‘‘very thankful for the existence of the
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
As a two-time survivor of breast cancer,
I have taken FMLA leave both on a
continuous and an intermittent basis—
continuous leave to recover from my
surgeries (therapeutic and
reconstructive) and intermittent for
doctors appointments, radiation
therapy, and chemotherapy treatments.’’
An Employee Comment, Doc. 234, at 1.
Other employees specifically pointed
out the value of the FMLA in allowing
them to focus completely on recovery.
For example, a correctional officer
commented, ‘‘I was out of work for a
short period of time due to a serious
medical condition that was treatable.
FMLA gives the employee the ability to
tend to these concerns with their full
attention, to recuperate without
sacrificing their career [or] their
livelihood.’’ An Employee Comment,
Doc. FL87, at 1.
Several employees commented
specifically about the value of
intermittent leave under the FMLA. A
railroad employee of thirty-six years
said he uses intermittent leave to care
for his wife, who suffers from Multiple
Sclerosis (‘‘MS’’). An Employee
Comment, Doc. FL115, at 1.
Acknowledging the sporadic need for
leave, the commenter said, ‘‘Since MS is
an incurable disease without a schedule
or any way of knowing when an episode
is going to [occur], I cannot always
foresee when I am needed at home. The
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only time I know I am needed is when
[my wife] has an appointment with her
doctor. This is subject to change if she
is unable to go to the doctor due to
weakness.’’ Id. Similarly, an AT&T
employee commented that intermittent
leave under the Act makes it possible
for her to care for her mother, who has
Alzheimer’s disease. ‘‘I only take an
hour here and there as needed. I try to
work doctor appointments and other
things around my work schedule.
However, it is impossible to always do
that. FMLA has been a life saver for me.
Had I not had FMLA for this reason I
don’t know what I would do.’’ An
Employee Comment, Doc. 10046A, at 1.
Many employees commented that the
Act helped save their jobs. For example,
one employee, who commented that her
child’s health condition sometimes
keeps her out of work for several days
at a time, said, ‘‘FMLA has
tremendously helped my family. I have
a child born w/[asthma], allergies &
other medical issues. And, there are
times I’m out of work for days[. I]f I
didn’t have FMLA I would have been
fired [a long] time ago. I’ve been able to
maintain my employment and keep my
household from having to need
assistance from the commonwealth.’’ An
Employee Comment, Doc. 229, at 1.
Another employee said, ‘‘I returned
home after three months [of FMLA
leave] to be told I no longer had a job.
I was told it would be unfair of me to
expect my coworkers to cover for me so
they were forced to hire a new employee
* * * When I asked the manager about
the previous assurances that my job
would be held until I returned I wasn’t
given a direct answer. I invoked the
FMLA and was able to keep my job.’’ An
Employee Comment, Doc. 61, at 1. A
teacher stated, ‘‘Without [the FMLA], I
couldn’t have cared for both of my
parents at different times in their lives
and kept my job * * * Because of the
act I was able to keep my parents out of
nursing homes and still keep my job to
support them later. This is the best thing
you can do for working families around
our country.’’ An Employee Comment,
Doc. 1181, at 1.
Similarly, an employee with a chronic
serious health condition commented, ‘‘I
can get sick at any time and need brain
surgery. This can put me out of
commission for a month or two. FMLA
gives me the peace of mind that I cannot
be fired after I have been in a job for a
year. I cannot stress how monumental
that assurance is.’’ An Employee
Comment, Doc. 159, at 1. Another
employee said, ‘‘Without the availability
of FMLA I’m not certain of what would
have happened to my family when my
husband was diagnosed with ALS 5
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years ago. Thankfully it was there, so I
could be with him as he was dying.’’ An
Employee Comment, Doc. 4332, at 1. A
union steward, using FMLA leave for
his own serious health condition,
commented that ‘‘FMLA not only allows
me to take time off for * * * therapy/
medical appointments but also allows
[me] to take time off as needed when I
have sporadic episodes in which the
medicine does not work, needs to be
fine tuned or changed which is essential
to my well-being.’’ An Employee
Comment, Doc. 4619, at 1. He further
commented, ‘‘Without FMLA I would
have been fired long ago[.] * * * FMLA
saved my job and I also believe saved
my life, and to this day gives me a sense
of security against any discipline or
termination based on my legitimate
medical needs.’’ Id.
The FMLA appears to be particularly
valued by employees caring for both
children and parents with serious health
conditions. A telephone company
employee providing care for her
asthmatic son and for her 84-year-old
mother commented: ‘‘I am part of what
is known as the ‘‘Sandwich
Generation’’[.] * * * I have had several
occasions to use FMLA[.] * * *
Without FMLA protection I would have
lost my job.’’ An Employee Comment,
Doc. R133, at 1. Another employee
described taking leave for a three-month
period for the birth of her child, then
needing leave intermittently to care for
her father ‘‘for a few days after each
hospitalization’’ for his chronic heart
disease. An Employee Comment, Doc.
6311, at 1. According to this commenter,
‘‘Knowing that I was protected meant I
didn’t have to choose between my
Father’s health and my job.’’ Id. at 1.
In a similar vein, one commenter who
administers FMLA leave for her
employer noted, ‘‘What I am seeing with
increasing regularity are FMLA requests
for employees to care for an elderly
parent who is ill and not able to afford
a caregiver to attend to his/her needs.
These are usually for intermittent leaves
that will allow the employee to chauffer
their parent to the doctor [or] attend to
their parent post surgery. As our
working population ages, [the need for
leave related to] caring for elderly
parent(s) will increase.’’ Doreen
Stratton, Doc. 696 at 1. An employee
agreed: ‘‘There are multiple factors
putting stress on the American family,
making the FMLA a good thing for
families with children. Also, millions of
baby-boomers are getting old, many of
them without adequate retirement
funds—so we will be seeing more family
caregivers, not fewer.’’ An Employee
Comment, Doc. 5473, at 1. As these
comments show, the importance of the
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FMLA is growing for this key group of
employees and their employers. As one
commenter put it, ‘‘In most families,
since both parents have to work to
support themselves and their children
and perhaps their older parents, the
more a company provides pay and good
will towards a family[’s] caretaking
abilities, the more that employee will be
loyal to the company.’’ An Employee
Comment, Doc. 5521, at 1.
In addition to these individual
employee and employer comments, the
American Federation of Labor and
Congress of Industrial Organizations
(‘‘AFL–CIO’’) conducted an ‘‘online
survey among members of Working
America, the Federation’s communitybased affiliate in response to the RFI.
Within a period of two weeks, over
1,660 members responded.’’ Doc.
R329A, at 6. As a result of their survey,
several hundred personal experiences
were included in an Appendix to the
AFL–CIO’s comment—a sampling of
which is provided here:
• ‘‘My daughter was mauled by a dog.
I had to take 2 months of leave
(permitted under FMLA). Had FMLA
not been in place, I would have lost my
job for sure.’’
• ‘‘FMLA has made a big difference to
me. I have a chronic health condition
along with being a single mother and
have my aging mother living with me.
I can’t imagine not being able to use this
so that I know that my job will still be
there whether I have a [reoccurrence] of
my health condition or like when my 4
year old broke his leg.’’
• ‘‘My step mother had a debilitating
stroke. Since I work in social services,
I was [the] best person in the family to
assist her with setting up her benefits.
My direct supervisor did not like it, but
my request could not be denied. Human
Resources was more than helpful in
telling me how much vacation and sick
time I had accrued. It was required that
I use that up while I was on FMLA. I
was paid for all but a week and a half
of my leave. Without FMLA, I could not
have taken the 5 weeks off work.’’
• When my mother was diagnosed
with lung cancer, my brother and I
decided I would be the one to take her
to all her appointments and therapy. I
would have lost my job or had to leave
it without FMLA. It was difficult for the
people I worked with because it put a
strain on the office, however, they were,
for the most part, emotionally
supportive as well.’’
• ‘‘My mother was diagnosed with
cancer and she had a stroke that left her
paralyzed and wheelchair bound. With
the help of the FMLA, I was able to take
her to her appointments and tell the
doctors what was going on with her
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since I was her primary caregiver. I was
able to be with her when she took her
last breath and was grateful for the time
I was able to [spend] with her until her
Id. at 46–59.
Similarly, the Communications
Workers of America submitted several
hundred examples of their members’
personal experiences with FMLA ‘‘to
illustrate the continued importance of
the FMLA[.]’’ Doc. R346A, at 16. A
representative sample of those
experiences follows:
• ‘‘A Cingular employee with a good
work record has Lupus which causes
periodic flare-ups that prevent her from
working and require weekly therapy and
regular doctor visits. FMLA has allowed
her to remain stress-free * * * because
she does not need to worry about losing
her job.’’
• ‘‘A Pacific Bell Telephone
employee with chronic lower back pain
that prevents sitting or walking when it
flairs up has been able to take FMLA
leave when these symptoms occur
without facing discipline for absence
issues. As a result, this employee
remains a productive and committed
• ‘‘A [Communications Workers of
America] member reports that in 1995
his late wife was diagnosed with colon
cancer. After she was operated on, she
needed extensive chemotherapy. His
employer allowed him to substitute paid
leave for unpaid FMLA leave whenever
he needed to go with his wife to
chemotherapy treatments since she was
unable to drive herself to or from these
appointments. This made a big
difference especially because some of
the medical care was not covered by the
employee’s insurance.’’
• ‘‘An employee of AT&T has used
FMLA leave to care for her husband, her
son, her elderly mother and for her own
serious health condition. She reports
that she learned about the availability of
FMLA leave from her union and the
union representatives were very helpful
to her in trying to understand
complicated FMLA application forms
and other related documents sent to her
in connection with these leaves.’’
• ‘‘An employee of AT&T used FMLA
leave five years ago when her father
developed a brain tumor that ultimately
took his life. She states that ‘it was
devastating to our family, but I am so
grateful that, with the FMLA I was able
to help care for him in our home and
was by his side when he passed. This
is how life and death should be. Losing
the protections of FMLA would force us
to have strangers care for our [loved]
ones in their time of need.’ ’’
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Id. at 16–42.
Numerous employees commented that
requesting and using FMLA leave was a
positive experience because their
employers were helpful and
straightforward in providing such leave.
Several of these employees commented
that their employers initially suggested
they request FMLA leave and helped
them through the process. See, e.g.,
Employee Comments, Doc. 4734, at 1
(‘‘My employer did not give me any
difficulty in using my sick/personal
time[.] * * * I spoke to my Human
Resources person and she suggested I
apply [for FMLA leave].’’); Doc. 874, at
1 (an employee who needed leave to
care for her mother in a different state
‘‘first heard of FMLA when I contacted
my HR office about my dilemma, and I
was so amazed and relieved that such a
worker-centric law actually existed!
With the help of FMLA, I was able to
spend a month in Michigan helping my
Mom—away from my job—without
having to worry that I would be fired.’’).
Other employees observed that their
employers put them at ease when they
requested FMLA leave. Specifically, an
employee recalled when her child
became ill with a brain tumor that her
‘‘company was very understanding
about granting me [FMLA] leave. I felt
very safe and secure knowing that I
could take leave and still have my job
when I returned.’’ An Employee
Comment, Doc. 95, at 1. Similarly, an
employee said she was ‘‘[s]o thankful
when my employer informed me of this
law because it gave my mom peace of
mind knowing that I would be available
for her when she needed me.’’ An
Employee Comment, Doc. 4773, at 1.
Often employees were thankful
because their employers were
sympathetic to their family needs while
on FMLA leave. The National
Association of Working Women
provided the example of ‘‘a 41-year-old
single mother in Aurora, Colorado. The
FMLA allows her to take off whenever
her 11-year-old son * * * has an attack
caused by his chronic asthma. ‘When he
does get sick, I have to be up practically
24 hours,’ [the mother] says, praising
her employer, Kaiser Permanente, and
her supervisor for understanding her
situation.’’ Doc. 10210A, at 1. One
employee said her employer’s sympathy
during FMLA leave prevented her from
looking for new work: ‘‘Thanks to the
FMLA, I was able to take three months
off work with full salary in order to take
care of [my husband] when he was
reduced to a state of complete
dependency. * * * I was secure in the
knowledge that I could come right back
to my job, and I developed a keen sense
of loyalty to my employer which has
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more than once prevented me from
looking for work elsewhere.’’ An
Employee Comment, Doc. R62, at 1.
Finally, one employee stated she did not
find requesting FMLA leave to be
‘‘cumbersome or unreasonable’’ because
her Human Resources department was
‘‘very helpful with the entire process.’’
An Employee Comment, Doc. 4720, at 1.
Further, she noted that ‘‘the process and
leave itself [was a Godsend] as caring for
our Mother was very, very stressful[.]’’
Many comments recounted employer
policies that go above and beyond what
is required under the Act. See, e.g., An
Employee Comment, Doc. 5069, at 1
(employer ‘‘gives paid medical leave
based on how much time is medically
necessary.’’); Jill Ratner, President, The
Rose Foundation for Communities and
the Environment, Doc. 4877, at 1 (A
non-profit foundation that provides
‘‘one week of paid family leave (in
addition to two weeks of paid sick
leave) to all employees’’ commented
that ‘‘providing family leave is critical
to recruiting and retaining qualified
staff, and to maintaining staff morale
and effectiveness.’’); An Employee
Comment, Doc. 1106, at 1 (‘‘Altogether,
I was away from work for about two
months or so. My employer, Monsanto,
was very generous with me. In addition
to granting the time off and guaranteeing
I would still have my job when I
returned, they paid sick leave during
this period.’’); An Employee Comment,
Doc. 70, at 1 (The employer of an
employee who had been employed for
less than one full year when she needed
FMLA leave to care for her sick mother
‘‘essentially applied the FMLA rules
anyway; they let me use all my vacation
time and then gave me unpaid leave. I
cannot tell you what a difference that
made.’’); National Employment Lawyers
Association, Doc. 10265A, at 3 (An
attorney association commented that
one of her clients suffered from chronic
fatigue syndrome, which shortened her
work day by 1 to 2 hours, but ‘‘her
employer was very cooperative with her
efforts to continue working by allowing
her to use her FMLA [leave] in these
short blocks of time and wasn’t even
really counting whether she was using
up her FMLA leave.’’).
A professor commented that her
college provided leave periods in
addition to FMLA leave, lasting the
length of a full school term. An
Employee Comment, Doc. R79A, at 1. ‘‘I
also underwent surgery, several cycles
of adjuvant chemotherapy, and a series
of medical tests for the management of
my cancer and am currently considered
to be cancer-free and doing well. These
treatments were possible, not only
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because of my excellent medical
coverage as a full-time university
employee, but because I could take a
one-term medical leave in the fall and
still receive paychecks[.]’’ Id.
Some employers also noted that
making it easier on employees to use
FMLA leave was a positive experience
from their perspective. One employer
If I have an employee with a child or
family member with a serious illness, and
this employee is unable to be with that
family member when needed, they are
distracted at work and their productivity
suffers. In contrast, if they are allowed time
to take care of that family member, their
productivity increases. They know what they
have to accomplish and—sometimes by
working at home, or working extra hours, or
skipping lunch, or working exceptionally
hard—they get it done. And in the end I have
an extremely loyal employee.
Marie Alexander, President & CEO,
Quova, Inc., Doc. 5291, at 1. A public
sector employer commented that
administering FMLA leave was ‘‘no
more difficult to navigate than any other
labor oriented legislation. In fact, I find
it very straightforward, and it has been
a literal lifesaver for some of our
people.’’ Kevin Lowry, Nassau County
Probation, Doc. 86, at 1. The commenter
went on to say, ‘‘In the long run, most
people will appreciate the extra
protection offered by the employer
during a difficult time and will return
as more motivated employees once the
crisis has passed.’’ Id. The benefit to
employers of providing FMLA leave to
employees was also the topic of another
employer’s comment: ‘‘As a supervisor,
FMLA allowed me to keep a good
employee while she cared for her
terminally ill husband. After he passed
away, she came back to work and has
continued to contribute to [the
company] in an extremely valuable
way.’’ Chris Yoder, Doc. 922, at 1.
Some employees also noted that,
upon returning from FMLA leave, they
felt more productive at work and more
loyal to their employer. One employee
said, ‘‘My mentor allowed me to use my
own sick leave and vacation and then to
hold my position without pay until after
my mother passed and I was able to
return to work. The course of my
mother’s illness was quick, and I was
gone about six weeks total. When I
returned to work, I was able to re-engage
in it and be productive.’’ An Employee
Comment, Doc. 885, at 1. Another
employee commented, ‘‘I used FMLA
three times in the last 9 years (with and
without pay); each time I was very
grateful to know that my job status was
protected when I was out on leave. All
three times I returned to work and
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rededicated myself to my job. FMLA
helped me, my family, and my loyalty
and productivity in the workplace.’’ An
Employee Comment, Doc. R2, at 1.
A telecommunications employee also
commented that taking FMLA leave
allows her to be more productive: ‘‘The
FMLA has changed my life. It has saved
my job. Without the intermittent leave,
and my taking only 1.5 days maximum
per month, I would be on a disability.
When I do miss work, I work twice as
hard to make up for the time I am gone.
I actually produce more than those who
don’t take the FMLA time.’’ An
Employee Comment, Doc. 233, at 1.
Another employee noted that FMLA
leave is not ‘‘charity’’ but ‘‘instead it
safeguard[s] loyal employees who,
because of unforeseen circumstances
need a temporary helping hand.’’ An
Employee Comment, Doc. 4732, at 1.
Further, the commenter noted, ‘‘I have
known a family which has benefited
tremendously by the FMLA. After
assistance, they have emerged once
again into a productive, tax paying,
exciting family that is contributing to
our community.’’ Id.
While other chapters of this Report
detail areas where commenters indicate
the FMLA may not work as well as it
could, the comments in this chapter
show the continued value to employees
and employers of the FMLA leave
entitlements. While employees were
relieved at having available jobprotected leave, they also often noted
their increased loyalty to their
employers after using periods of FMLA
leave, especially where they felt their
employers were sympathetic concerning
the leave circumstances and helpful
with the procedures for taking leave.
Employers, as well as employees often
noted increased productivity among
employees returning from FMLA leave
and, in some instances, provided greater
benefits than those required by the Act.
The value of FMLA leave was pointed
out for all types of qualifying leave
scenarios, but was particularly
referenced in regard to employees of the
‘‘sandwich generation’’ who frequently
find themselves caring for their own
health needs, those of their children,
and of their aging parents.
II. Ragsdale/Penalties
In Ragsdale v. Wolverine World Wide,
Inc., 535 U.S. 81 (2002), the Supreme
Court held that the penalty provision in
the Department’s regulation at section
825.700(a) is invalid. That regulation
states that ‘‘[i]f an employee takes paid
or unpaid leave and the employer does
not designate the leave as FMLA leave,
the leave taken does not count against
an employee’s FMLA entitlement.’’ 29
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CFR 825.700(a). The Court held the
provision is invalid because, in some
circumstances, it requires employers to
provide leave in excess of an employee’s
12-week statutory entitlement. Although
the Court did not invalidate the
underlying notice and designation
provisions in the regulations, it made
clear that any ‘‘categorical penalty’’ for
a violation of such requirements would
exceed the Department’s statutory
The Request for Information noted
that a number of courts have invalidated
a similar penalty provision found in
section 825.110(d), which requires an
employer to notify an employee prior to
the employee commencing leave as to
whether the employee is eligible for
FMLA leave. If the employer fails to
provide the employee with such
information, or if the information is not
accurate, the regulation bars the
employer from challenging the
employee’s eligibility at a later date,
even if the employee is not eligible for
FMLA leave pursuant to the statutory
Therefore, the Department asked
commenters what ‘‘changes could be
made to the regulations in order to
comply with Ragsdale and yet assure
that employers maintain proper records
and promptly and appropriately
designate leave as FMLA leave?’’ The
Department received a significant
number of comments regarding this
issue and related notice issues.
A. Background
The FMLA entitles eligible employees
of covered employers to 12 weeks of
leave per year for certain family and
medical reasons. 29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1). In
order to allow employees to know when
they are using their FMLA-protected
leave, the regulations state that ‘‘it is the
employer’s responsibility to designate
leave, paid or unpaid, as FMLAqualifying, and to give notice of the
designation to the employee.’’ 29 CFR
825.208(a). More specifically, ‘‘[o]nce
the employer has acquired knowledge
that the leave is being taken for an
FMLA required reason, the employer
must promptly (within two business
days absent extenuating circumstances)
notify the employee that the paid leave
is designated and will be counted as
FMLA leave.’’ 29 CFR 825.208(b)(1). See
also 29 CFR 825.301(b)(1)(i) and (c). The
employer’s designation may be oral or
in writing, but if it is oral, it must be
confirmed in writing, generally no later
than the following payday, such as by
a notation on the employee’s pay stub.
29 CFR 825.208(b)(2).
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The categorical penalty provision of
the regulations with regard to paid leave
provides as follows:
If the employer has the requisite
knowledge to make a determination that the
paid leave is for an FMLA reason at the time
the employee either gives notice of the need
for leave or commences leave and fails to
designate the leave as FMLA leave (and so
notify the employee in accordance with
paragraph (b)), the employer may not
designate leave as FMLA leave retroactively,
and may designate only prospectively as of
the date of notification to the employee of the
designation. In such circumstances, the
employee is subject to the full protections of
the Act, but none of the absence preceding
the notice to the employee of the designation
may be counted against the employee’s 12week FMLA leave entitlement.
29 CFR 825.208(c). See also 29 CFR
825.700(a) (‘‘If an employee takes paid
or unpaid leave and the employer does
not designate the leave as FMLA leave,
the leave taken does not count against
an employee’s FMLA entitlement.’’).
In Ragsdale, 535 U.S. 81, the Supreme
Court considered a case in which the
plaintiff had received 30 weeks of leave
from her employer. At that point, her
employer denied her request for
additional leave and terminated her
employment. She alleged that her
employer violated section 825.208(a),
which requires an employer to designate
prospectively that leave is FMLAcovered and to notify the employee of
the designation. Because her employer
did not do so, she alleged that she was
entitled under section 825.700(a) to an
additional 12 weeks of FMLA-protected
The Court found that this ‘‘categorical
penalty’’ is ‘‘incompatible with the
FMLA’s comprehensive remedial
mechanism,’’ which puts the burden on
the employee to show that the employer
interfered with, restrained, or denied
the employee’s exercise of FMLA rights,
and that the employee suffered actual
prejudice as a result of the violation.
Ragsdale, 535 U.S. at 89. The Court
observed that, according to the
regulation, the ‘‘fact that the employee
would have acted in the same manner
if notice had been given is, in the
Secretary’s view, irrelevant.’’ Id. at 88.
The Court also found that the regulation
‘‘subverts the careful balance’’ that
Congress developed with regard to ‘‘the
FMLA’s most fundamental substantive
guarantee’’ of an entitlement to a total
of 12 weeks of leave, which was a
compromise between employers who
wanted fewer weeks and employees
who wanted more. Id. at 93–94. Thus,
the Court held that the penalty
provision of section 825.700(a) is
‘‘contrary to the Act and beyond the
Secretary of Labor’s authority.’’ Id. at 84.
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The Supreme Court did not invalidate
the notice and designation provisions in
the regulations. Indeed, the Court
recognized that there may be situations
where an employee is able to show that
the employer’s failure to provide the
required notice of FMLA rights
prejudiced the employee in a specific
way (such as depriving the employee of
an opportunity to take intermittent leave
or to return to work sooner). The Court
stated, however, that the Act’s remedial
structure requires a ‘‘retrospective, caseby-case examination’’ to determine
‘‘whether damages and equitable relief
are appropriate under the FMLA,’’ based
upon the steps the employee would
have taken had the employer given the
required notice, rather than a categorical
penalty. Id. at 91. See Sorrell v. Rinker
Materials Corp., 395 F.3d 332, 336 (6th
Cir. 2005) (remanding the case for a
determination of whether the doctrine
of estoppel bars the company from
challenging the employee’s entitlement
to FMLA leave because the employer
had unconditionally approved the leave
request); Duty v. Norton-Alcoa
Proppants, 293 F.3d 481, 493–94 (8th
Cir. 2002) (holding that the employer
was equitably estopped from asserting
that the plaintiff had exhausted his 12
weeks of FMLA leave, based on a letter
expressly informing him after 22 weeks
of disability leave that he still had 12
weeks of FMLA leave left); Wilkerson v.
Autozone, Inc., 152 Fed. Appx. 444 (6th
Cir. 2005) (based on the employer’s
statement that the employee had six
weeks of post-partum FMLA leave,
equitable estoppel applied because the
employee reasonably relied on it and
showed the requisite prejudice).
The Ragsdale decision addressed only
the penalty provision in section
825.700(a), which is applicable to both
unpaid leave and paid leave (Ragsdale
involved unpaid leave). The penalty
provision in section 825.208(c)
(applicable only to paid leave) is
virtually identical. A number of courts
have held that the rationale of the
Ragsdale decision applies equally to
section 825.208(c), and that an
employee must show prejudice from the
lack of notice to establish a violation of
the Act. See, e.g., Miller v. PersonalTouch of Va., Inc., 342 F. Supp. 2d 499,
513–14 (E.D. Va. 2004); Donahoo v.
Master Data Ctr., 282 F. Supp. 2d 540,
554–55 (E.D. Mich. 2003); and Phillips
v. Leroy-Somer N. Am., No. 01–1046–T,
2003 WL 1790941, *5–7 (W.D. Tenn.
Mar. 28, 2003).
As discussed above, a number of
courts also have found that the
‘‘deeming’’ provision in section
825.110(d) of the regulations is invalid
and contrary to the statute. The FMLA
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establishes that employees are eligible
for FMLA leave only if they have been
employed by the employer ‘‘for at least
12 months’’ and have ‘‘at least 1,250
hours of service with such employer
during the previous 12-month period.’’
29 U.S.C. 2611(2)(A). The regulations
generally require an employer to notify
an employee whether the employee is
eligible for FMLA leave prior to the
employee commencing leave. If the
employer confirms the employee’s
eligibility, ‘‘the employer may not
subsequently challenge the employee’s
eligibility.’’ 29 CFR 825.110(d).
Furthermore, ‘‘[i]f the employer fails to
advise the employee whether the
employee is eligible prior to the date the
requested leave is to commence, the
employee will be deemed eligible. The
employer may not, then, deny the leave.
Where the employee does not give
notice of the need for leave more than
two business days prior to commencing
leave, the employee will be deemed to
be eligible if the employer fails to advise
the employee that the employee is not
eligible within two business days of
receiving the employee’s notice.’’ Id.
Thus, even if an employee fails to
satisfy the statutory eligibility
requirements, the regulation ‘‘deems’’
the employee to be eligible for FMLAprotected leave. The courts have held
that this regulation is invalid. See, e.g.,
Woodford v. Comty. Action of Greene
County, Inc., 268 F.3d 51, 57 (2d Cir.
2001) (‘‘The regulation exceeds agency
rulemaking powers by making eligible
under the FMLA employees who do not
meet the statute’s clear eligibility
requirements.’’); Brungart v. BellSouth
Telecomm., Inc., 231 F.3d 791, 796–97
(11th Cir. 2000), cert. denied, 532 U.S.
1037 (2001) (‘‘There is no ambiguity in
the statute concerning eligibility for
family medical leave, no gap to be
filled.’’); Dormeyer v. Comerica BankIll., 223 F.3d 579, 582 (7th Cir. 2000)
(‘‘The statutory text is perfectly clear
and covers the issue. The right of family
leave is conferred only on employees
who have worked at least 1,250 hours in
the previous 12 months.’’ Therefore, the
Department ‘‘has no authority to change
the Act,’’ as the regulation attempts to
do, by making ineligible employees
eligible for family leave).
The courts have concluded that an
employee may pursue a case, based on
the principle of equitable estoppel,
where the employer’s failure to advise
the employee properly of his/her FMLA
eligibility/ineligibility is determined to
have interfered with the employee’s
rights, and the employee could have
taken other action had s/he been
properly notified. See, e.g., Dormeyer,
223 F.3d at 582 (‘‘an employer who by
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his silence misled an employee
concerning the employee’s entitlement
to family leave might, if the employee
reasonably relied and was harmed as a
result, be estopped to plead the defense
of ineligibility to the employee’s claim
of entitlement to family leave.’’);
Kosakow v. New Rochelle Radiology
Assocs., P.C., 274 F.3d 706, 722–27 (2d
Cir. 2001). See also Wage and Hour
Opinion Letter FMLA2002–1 (Aug. 6,
B. Comments on Ragsdale: Notice and
Designation Issues
A number of commenters addressed
the Ragsdale categorical penalty issue
and responded to the Request for
Information’s question regarding what
‘‘changes could be made to the
regulations in order to comply with
Ragsdale and yet assure that employers
maintain proper records and promptly
and appropriately designate leave as
FMLA leave?’’
The National Coalition to Protect
Family Leave stated that section
825.700(a) and the similar penalty
provision in section 825.208 should be
removed from the regulations, and that
‘‘any ‘penalty’ that DOL wants to
impose on employers for failure to
follow certain notice obligations
dictated by the regulations must be
tailored to the specific harm suffered by
the employee for failure to receive
notice.’’ National Coalition to Protect
Family Leave, Doc. 10172A, at 43, The
Coalition asserted that retroactive
designation should be permitted, so that
employees ‘‘could receive the FMLA
protections despite their failure to
adequately communicate that the FMLA
is at issue, and employers who
inadvertently fail to timely designate
leave can have the opportunity to count
the absence toward the employee’s
FMLA leave bank. Retroactive
designation should be permitted in all
cases where the employee is eligible, the
condition qualifies, and the employee
has adhered to his/her FMLA notice
obligations that FMLA leave is at issue.’’
Id. at 44. See also Proskauer Rose LLP,
Doc. 10182A, at 9 (the regulations
should allow an employer ‘‘who
initially fails to designate a leave as
FMLA leave, but nevertheless grants the
employee the leave, to retroactively
designate the leave as FMLA leave’’);
Coolidge Wall Co. LPA, Doc. 5168, at 1
(the regulations should state that an
employer that has an FMLA policy in its
handbook, for which an employee has
acknowledged receipt, can send out the
FMLA notice ‘‘mid-leave and can
retroactively count the employee’s
time’’); Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
Doc. FL95, at 2–3 (retroactive
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
designation should be allowed ‘‘when
an employee’s FMLA rights were
provided during the period of absence,’’
because the two-day verbal notification
requirement is difficult to achieve,
although the written notification/
designation requirements ‘‘usually can
occur * * * within the timeframes
prescribed by the Regulations’’).
The Air Transport Association of
American, Inc., and the Airline
Industrial Relations Conference
suggested that the regulations be revised
in light of Ragsdale, because employers
do not know which regulations they
must follow and which are no longer
valid, and employees who read them
also are confused about which
regulations their employers must follow.
Doc. FL29, at 15. See also Association
of Corporate Counsel, Doc. FL31, at 10
(section 825.700 should be deleted to
clarify that an employer’s failure to
timely designate leave does not increase
the statutory leave period).
United Parcel Service, Doc. 10276A,
at 2, suggested that the Department
should clarify in section 825.208 the
effect of an employer’s mistaken
designation of FMLA leave, because
some courts have held that the doctrine
of equitable estoppel prevents an
employer from denying protected leave
based on a subsequent determination
that the employee was not eligible. The
United States Postal Service similarly
suggested that both sections 825.700(a)
and 825.208(c) should be revised to
clarify that ‘‘a technical violation of the
notice provisions does not result in a
windfall of surplus FMLA protection for
an employee who suffered no harm as
a result.’’ Doc. 10184A, at 4. A large
provider of human resources
outsourcing services commented that
‘‘by deleting the ‘penalty’ provision and
simply reinforcing employer
notification obligations,’’ the
Department would appropriately
respond to Ragsdale. Hewitt Associates,
Doc. 10135A, at 8. Hewitt stated that
employers benefit by providing more
notice because they: Educate employees
about their rights, responsibilities, and
benefits; maximize the likelihood that
employees will return to work
promptly; maintain or enhance their
engagement; minimize the impact on
other HR administrative processes;
minimize the impact on business
operations; and reduce available time
off balances accurately. Id. at 7–8.
Finally, as discussed in detail in
Chapter V, a number of commenters
stated that the two-day time frame for
designating leave is inadequate, or that
the designation requirement should
apply only when employees expressly
request FMLA leave. The National
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Association of Convenience Stores
suggested that, in light of Ragsdale,
‘‘DOL should consider eradicating all
formal employer designation
requirements.’’ Doc. 10256A, at 7.
Other stakeholders, however,
presented views in support of the
current notice and designation
requirements and had suggestions for
changes that would provide improved
and prompt information to employees.
One commenter stated that the data
show that two days is sufficient to allow
employers to review and respond to
employees’ leave requests. ‘‘Most
organizations spend only between thirty
and 120 minutes of administrative time
per FMLA leave episode to provide
notice, determine eligibility, request and
review documentation, and request a
second opinion. Therefore, no change to
the current two-day response
requirement is warranted.’’ National
Partnership for Women & Families, Doc.
10204A, at 21 (citation omitted). That
commenter also noted that while the
Supreme Court struck down the
‘‘categorical penalty’’ in the current
regulations, it left intact the requirement
that employers designate leave, and it
‘‘did not prohibit DOL from imposing
any penalties on employers for failing to
properly designate and notify employee
about leave.’’ Id. at 18. Therefore, in
light of the overall purposes of the
notice and designation requirements,
this commenter suggested that any
changes to the regulations should:
• ‘‘Emphasize that the Court did not
alter the obligation of employers to both
designate leave promptly and notify
employees of how that leave has been
designated. Thus, employers must
continue to adhere to these designation
and notice requirements or risk
• ‘‘Reaffirm and modify current
recordkeeping requirements that require
employers to keep accurate and
complete records of how leave has been
designated, and when the employee was
notified of the designation.’’
• ‘‘Prohibit employers from making
any retroactive changes to how leave
has been designated without
notification and consultation with the
employee, and require maintenance of
records documenting such notification
and consultation.’’
• ‘‘Establish new penalties for
employer non-compliance that are not
automatic, but can be imposed
following a complaint by the affected
employee and an independent
determination of the harm caused by the
employer’s violation.’’
Id. at 18–19. See also Letter from 53
Democratic Members of Congress, Doc.
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FL184, at 2 (noting that Ragsdale
invalidated only the penalty provision
of the regulations and that any changes
in the regulations should be limited to
remedying that problem and should go
no further).
Another commenter suggested that
‘‘fines should be imposed’’ on
employers that do not maintain accurate
records, and they ‘‘should not be able to
retroactively change how leave was
originally designated without notice and
consultation with the employee.’’ OWL,
The Voice of Midlife and Older Women,
Doc. FL180, at 2.
A number of commenters emphasized
the hardships employees suffer when
they do not know promptly whether the
employer believes they are entitled to
protected leave. Employees then either
feel compelled not to take the time off
that they need, or else they take off but
are afraid because they do not know
whether they will be subject to
discipline for being off work. See, e.g.,
Frasier, Frasier & Hickman, LLP, Doc.
FL60, at 1–3. As discussed in detail in
Chapter V, a number of commenters
therefore suggested that employers be
required to inform employees promptly
when they are using FMLA leave.
Another commenter noted that his
employer ‘‘is able to delay, and many
times deny, for many weeks and months
the benefits and protections which the
Act affords,’’ because it repeatedly asks
for more information on the certification
form. An Employee Comment, Doc.
10094A, at 2. During this ‘‘very lengthy
approval process, the employee is
subjected to attendance-related
discipline when the absence should
have been approved or at the very least
be treated as ‘pending.’ ’’ Id. See also An
Employee Comment, Doc. 5335, at 1
(noting that she had gone out on shortterm disability leave for surgery but,
despite her regular contact with the
benefits specialist, she was not notified
that the company had placed her on
FMLA leave). This issue is addressed in
more detail in Chapter VI relating to
medical certifications.
C. Deeming Eligible Issues
A number of commenters also
addressed issues related to the provision
in 29 CFR 825.110(d) deeming
employees eligible for FMLA leave if an
employer either fails to advise them of
their eligibility status within the allotted
time period, or incorrectly advises them
that they are eligible when they have
not satisfied the statutory requirements
of 12 months of employment and 1,250
hours of service in the preceding 12
One commenter stated that ‘‘[t]he
Supreme Court’s decision in the
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Ragsdale case casts grave doubt on the
validity of other categorical penalties in
the Regulations.’’ National Coalition to
Protect Family Leave, Doc. 10172A, at
13. It noted that a number of courts have
struck down both the provision in
section 825.110(d) stating that an
employer may not later challenge an
employee’s eligibility if it mistakenly
confirms that an employee is entitled to
leave, and the provision deeming an
employee eligible if the employer fails
to notify the employee that the
employee is not eligible prior to the start
of leave (if the employer had advance
notice) or within two business days of
receiving notice. This commenter stated
that it ‘‘urges DOL to delete the language
in section 825.110(d) that [the] federal
courts have invalidated.’’ Id. at 14.
Another commenter stated that, in
light of the Ragsdale decision, the
penalty provision for an employer’s
failure to timely notify employees that
they are eligible for FMLA leave should
be deleted; however, the regulation
should continue to require that the
employer notify employees whether
they are/are not eligible, but either
delete the consequences from the
regulation or incorporate the
interference/estoppel theory approved
by the Supreme Court in Ragsdale.
‘‘That is, if the employee can
demonstrate that the failure to provide
notice caused actual harm to the
employee’s FMLA rights the employer’s
notice failure is actionable
interference.’’ Carl C. Bosland, Esq.,
Preemptive Workforce Solutions, Inc.,
Doc. 5160, at 2–3.
Another commenter suggested that, if
an employer has a handbook, bulletin
board, orientation materials, etc., that
show employees were provided
information about the FMLA, which
leaves are protected, and how to apply
for protected leave, ‘‘the employer
should be exempted from consequences
under this part of the act.’’ Ken
Lawrence, Doc. 5228, at 1.
Hewitt Associates noted that while
equitable estoppel provides some
guidance, it does not provide a rule. ‘‘In
fact, an employer that wishes to
‘undeem’ a leave is now required to
make a subjective review of the
employee’s circumstances (if the
employer knows them) and analyze
whether it would be fair to revoke the
designation. * * * [R]evoking
§ 825.110(d) allows employers to correct
their errors by undesignating these
leaves but, considering the analysis
required, at an overly burdensome
administrative price. The Department
should craft a bright-line rule that
balances the right of employers to
revoke an ‘inappropriate’ FMLA
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designation, with fairness to employees
who have relied upon that designation.’’
Hewitt Associates, Doc. 10135A, at 10.
This commenter suggested a rule that
both allows employers to count the time
that an ineligible employee is permitted
to remain on leave against that
employee’s eventual 12-week
entitlement, and gives employees a
‘‘grace period’’ to return to work (the
length of which would turn on
circumstances such as the length of time
left in the leave, the reason for the leave,
travel, etc.). The commenter also would
require the employer to provide an
‘‘immediate and thorough notification to
the employee’’ explaining that the
employee was not eligible for leave,
how the absences would be treated, the
length of the grace period, etc. Id. at 11.
As discussed in detail in Chapter V,
a substantial number of employers
emphasized the difficult and timeconsuming nature of making eligibility
determinations, with regard to
calculating both the number of hours
worked in the past 12 months and the
amount of FMLA leave used. They
objected to any revision to the
regulations that would require
employers to provide periodic reports to
employees about the amount of FMLA
leave they have remaining. See, e.g.,
United Parcel Service, Doc. 10276A, at
7–8. On the other hand, a few employers
noted that they use payroll tracking
systems that tell them whether
employees are eligible for FMLA leave.
Other commenters emphasized the
importance to employees of knowing
promptly whether they are eligible for
leave, and they suggested that the FMLA
regulations should encourage employers
to provide accurate, thorough and
timely information about FMLA
eligibility and procedures. As discussed
in Chapter V, these commenters
emphasized that many employees still
do not know whether they are protected
by the FMLA; they do not have
information about their leave options;
and they do not know whether their
leave is being designated as FMLA
leave. Therefore, a number of
commenters suggested that the
Department should consider regulations
that require employers to provide notice
to employees, when they have worked
for one year and on an annual basis,
explaining their eligibility status, their
leave entitlement, and the procedures
for applying for FMLA leave. See, e.g.,
American Federation of Labor and
Congress of Industrial Organizations,
Doc. R329A, at 40.
III. Serious Health Condition
The Department asked two questions
in its Request for Information about the
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definitions of serious health condition
contained at 29 CFR 825.114: (1)
‘‘Section 825.114(c) states ‘[o]rdinarily,
unless complications arise, the common
cold, the flu, earaches, upset stomach,
minor ulcers, headaches other than
migraine, routine dental or orthodontia
problems, periodontal disease, etc., are
examples of conditions that do not meet
the definition of a serious health
condition and do not qualify for FMLA
leave.’ Have [the] limitations in section
825.114(c) been rendered inoperative by
the regulatory tests set forth in section
825.114(a)?’’; and (2) ‘‘Is there a way to
maintain the substantive standards of
section 825.114(a) while still giving
meaning to section 825.114(c) and
congressional intent that minor illnesses
like colds, earaches, etc., not be covered
by the FMLA?’’
The regulatory definition of serious
health condition is central to the FMLA
because the primary reason that people
take FMLA leave is to attend to their
own or a family member’s health needs.
See Westat, ‘‘Balancing the Needs of
Families and Employers, Family and
Medical Leave Surveys, 2000 Update,’’
January 2001, at 2–5 (hereinafter ‘‘2000
Westat Report’’) (83.3% of employees
report ‘‘own health’’ or health of parent,
child, or spouse as reason for taking
leave); see also National Coalition to
Protect Family Leave, Doc. 10172A,
Darby Associates, Attachment at 10
(‘‘The [employee’s] own health * * *
was the predominant reason for
leave[.]’’).3 The Department received an
overwhelming response to these
questions. In order to fully understand
these comments, though, and to give
them some context it is necessary to
explain the regulatory history of the
definition of serious health condition.
A. History and Background
1. The Family and Medical Leave Act of
Under the Act, an employee may be
entitled to FMLA leave for any one of
the four following reasons:
(A) Because of the birth of a son or
daughter of the employee and in order
to care for such son or daughter.
(B) Because of the placement of a son
or daughter with the employee for
adoption or foster care.
(C) In order to care for the spouse, or
a son, daughter, or parent, of the
3 Westat is a statistical survey research
organization serving agencies of the U.S.
Government, as well as businesses, foundations,
and state and local governments. These surveys
were commissioned by the Department of labor in
2000 as an update to similar 1995 surveys ordered
by the Commission on Family and Medical Leave,
which was established by the FMLA.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
employee, if such spouse, son, daughter,
or parent has a serious health condition.
(D) Because of a serious health
condition that makes the employee
unable to perform the functions of the
position of such employee.
29 U.S.C. § 2612(a)(1). The Act defines
a serious health condition as ‘‘an illness,
injury, impairment, or physical or
mental condition that involves—(A)
inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or
residential medical care facility; or (B)
continuing treatment by a health care
provider.’’ 29 U.S.C. 2611(11). The term
‘‘continuing treatment’’ is not defined
by the statute. The FMLA expressly
grants to the Secretary of Labor the
authority to ‘‘prescribe such regulations
as are necessary to carry out [the Act].’’
29 U.S.C. 2654.
The legislative history of the Act
states that ‘‘[w]ith respect to an
employee, the term ‘serious health
condition’ is intended to cover
conditions or illnesses that affect an
employee’s health to the extent that he
or she must be absent from work on a
recurring basis or for more than a few
days for treatment or recovery.’’ H. Rep.
No. 103–8, at 40 (1991); S. Rep. No.
103–3, at 28 (1993). The scope of
coverage intended by ‘‘serious health
condition’’ is not unlimited, however:
meet the general test that either the
underlying health condition or the
treatment for it requires that the
employee be absent from work on a
recurring basis or for more than a few
days for treatment or recovery.’’ Id. The
reports further explained that these
covered conditions either involve
inpatient care or significant continuing
treatment. See id. (‘‘For example,
someone who suffers a heart attack
generally requires both inpatient care at
a hospital and ongoing medical
supervision after being released from
the hospital. * * * Someone who has
suffered a serious industrial accident
may require lengthy treatment in a
hospital and periodic physical therapy
under medical supervision thereafter.’’).
Significantly, the committee reports
characterize covered FMLA conditions
as ones that are not only serious but also
cause the employee to be absent from
work: ‘‘With respect to an employee, the
term ‘serious health condition’ is
intended to cover conditions or illnesses
that affect an employee’s health to the
extent that he or she must be absent
from work[.]’’ H. Rep. No. 103–8, at 40;
S. Rep. No. 103–3, at 28. ‘‘All of these
health conditions require absences from
work[.]’’ H. Rep. No. 103–8, at 41; S.
Rep. No. 103–3, at 29.
The term ‘serious health condition’ is not
intended to cover short-term conditions for
which treatment and recovery are very brief.
It is expected that such conditions will fall
within even the most modest sick leave
policies. Conditions or medical procedures
that would not normally be covered by the
legislation include minor illnesses which last
only a few days and surgical procedures
which typically do not involve
hospitalization and require only a brief
recovery period. * * * It is intended that in
any case where there is doubt whether
coverage is provided by this act, the general
tests set forth in this paragraph shall be
2. Department of Labor Regulations
The Act, including the definition of
serious health condition described
above, was enacted on February 5, 1993.
Congress gave the Department 120 days
to promulgate regulations under the
new statute. See 29 U.S.C. 2654.
Pursuant to the Act, the Department
promulgated interim regulations on June
4, 1993, which became effective August
5, 1993 (the effective date of the Act).
The Department then received public
comments on the regulations and used
the comments to further refine the
regulations. Final regulations were
issued on January 6, 1995. These final
regulations, adopted pursuant to this
notice-and-comment rulemaking,
established the comprehensive
framework that exists today for
determining a serious health condition.
The final rulemaking yielded six
separate definitions of serious health
condition that exist today. A statutory
definition of serious health condition
that involved only two parts (inpatient
care or continuing treatment) has thus
been expanded to six separate and
distinct regulatory tests for determining
a serious health condition. Giving
meaning to the broad and undefined
statutory term ‘‘continuing treatment’’
presented a daunting task for the
Department. Moreover, the Department
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Id. The House and Senate Committee
Reports also list the types of illnesses
and conditions that would likely qualify
as serious health conditions:
Examples * * * include but are not
limited to heart attacks, heart conditions
requiring heart bypass or valve operations,
most cancers, back conditions requiring
extensive therapy or surgical procedures,
strokes, severe respiratory conditions, spinal
injuries, appendicitis, pneumonia,
emphysema, severe arthritis, severe nervous
disorders, injuries caused by serious
accidents on or off the job, ongoing
pregnancy, miscarriages, complications or
illnesses related to pregnancy, such as severe
morning sickness, the need for prenatal care,
childbirth and recovery from childbirth.
H. Rep. No. 103–8, at 40 (1991); S. Rep.
No. 103–3, at 29 (1993). The committee
reports state, ‘‘All of these conditions
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had to be careful to ensure the
definition covered every type of serious
health condition that Congress intended
to cover while not extending the Act’s
protections to those conditions Congress
intended to exclude.
The first regulatory definition in the
regulations is a stand-alone definition
from the statute—‘‘inpatient care (i.e.,
an overnight stay) in a hospital.’’ This
is followed by five separate definitions
for ‘‘continuing treatment,’’ all of which
also qualify as serious health
conditions. See 29 CFR § 825.114(a)(1)–
(2). One of these five definitions is
‘‘incapacity due to pregnancy,’’ which is
a discrete definition clearly articulated
in the legislative history (‘‘ongoing
pregnancy, miscarriages, complications
or illnesses related to pregnancy, * * *
the need for prenatal care, childbirth,
and recovery from childbirth.’’).
Of the four remaining definitions of
serious health condition, stakeholders
have focused significantly on one
(i) A period of incapacity of more than
three consecutive calendar days * * *
that also involves:
(A) Treatment two or more times by
a health care provider * * * or
(B) Treatment by a health care
provider on at least one occasion which
results in a regimen of continuing
treatment under the supervision of the
health care provider.
29 CFR 825.114(a)(2)(i)(A)–(B). This is
an objective definition of continuing
treatment the Department established
based in part on state workers’
compensation laws and the Federal
Employees’ Compensation Act
(‘‘FECA’’), which apply a three-day
waiting period before compensation is
paid to an employee for a temporary
disability. See 60 FR 2180, 2192 (Jan. 6,
1995). ‘‘A similar provision [to FECA]
was included in the FMLA rules; a
period of incapacity of ‘more than three
days’ was used as a ‘bright line’ test
based on references in the legislative
history to serious health conditions
lasting ‘more than a few days.’ ’’ 60 FR
at 2192.
This objective test changed little
during the rulemaking process despite
the numerous proposed revisions
submitted to the Department. These
comments received in response to the
interim regulations represented a
multitude of permissible alternative
directions the Department might have
gone with this test, but were rejected as
the Department adhered to its original
4 Stakeholders did also comment significantly on
the definition of a ‘‘chronic’’ serious health
condition contained at 29 CFR 825.114(a)(2)(iii),
which is discussed in Chapter IV.
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
standard, which is reflected in the
current regulations stated above. It is
worth examining what some of those
comments were to the original
rulemaking record to better inform the
comments received to the current RFI.
First, several parties contended that
the period of incapacity—whatever the
exact length of days—should be judged
by ‘‘absence from work’’ as opposed to
calendar days. 60 FR at 2192. Some
stakeholders to the rulemaking noted
that the Department’s proposed
‘‘calendar day’’ rule contradicted the
legislative intent (reflected in the
committee reports) that ‘‘the employee
must be absent from work for the
required number of days[.]’’ Id. at 2192.
Another commenter noted that under
the three-calendar-day rule, employers
would have no way of verifying
incapacity because a single absence on
a Friday followed by a weekend of
incapacity could qualify as a serious
health condition. See id. Other
commenters similarly favored the
workday schedule because it was more
compatible with other sick leave and
short-term disability programs and
‘‘removes any doubt as to whether an
employee was otherwise incapacitated
and unable to work during days the
employee was not scheduled to work.’’
Id. The Department originally chose
‘‘calendar days’’ in the interim
regulations. After receiving comments,
the Department chose, for two policy
reasons, to retain calendar days as
opposed to work days: ‘‘The Department
has * * * concluded that it is not
appropriate to change the standard to
working days rather than calendar days
because the severity of the illness is
better captured by its duration rather
than the length of time necessary to be
absent from work.’’ Id. at 2195. The
Department further explained: ‘‘[A]
working days standard would be
difficult to apply to serious health
conditions of family members or to parttime workers [who might be
incapacitated but not necessarily absent
from work].’’ Id.
Second, there was also a broad range
of suggestions as to what length or type
of incapacity was appropriate for
defining a serious health condition.
Some comments rejected any fixed day
limitation at all, stating that a minimum
durational limit had been specifically
rejected during a committee markup of
the bill. See id. at 2192. Still others
suggested that three days was
‘‘unreasonably low and trivialized the
concept of seriousness[.]’’ Id. ‘‘Fifteen
commenters suggested extending the
three-day absence period to 5, 6, 7, or
10 days[,] * * * two weeks[,] * * * or
31 days[.]’’ Id. Other commenters
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suggested eschewing a strict day
standard in favor of adopting each
individual state’s waiting period for
workers compensation benefits or,
alternatively, the EEOC’s definition of
disability. See id. at 2193. The
Department rejected these various
proposals in favor of its original
standard: ‘‘Upon review, the
Department has concluded that the
‘more than three days’ test continues to
be appropriate. The legislative history
specifically provides that conditions
lasting only a few days were not
intended to be included as serious
health conditions, because such
conditions are normally covered by
employers’ sick leave plans.’’ Id. at
The Department did make one change
of note in the definition of serious
health condition, however. After the
1993 interim regulations were
promulgated, several commenters urged
‘‘clarifications [that would] exclude
from the definition [of serious health
condition] minor, short-term, remedial
or self-limiting conditions, and normal
childhood or adult diseases (e.g., colds
flu, ear infections, strep throat,
bronchitis, upper respiratory infections,
sinusitis, rhinitis, allergies, muscle
strains, measles, even broken bones).’’
60 FR at 2193. Still others suggested that
the Department expressly list every
ailment that would qualify as a serious
health condition. See id. While the
Department declined to provide a
‘‘laundry list of serious health
conditions,’’ 60 FR at 2195, we did
enumerate in the final regulations
examples of ailments that customarily
would not be covered by the Act:
‘‘Ordinarily, unless complications arise,
the common cold, the flu, ear aches,
upset stomach, minor ulcers, headaches
other than migraine, routine dental or
orthodontia problems, periodontal
disease, etc., are examples of conditions
that do not meet the definition of a
serious health condition and do not
qualify for FMLA leave.’’ 29 CFR
§ 825.114(c). This language would
become the subject of much reported
confusion in the regulated community
(reflected in, among other things, the
many comments on this subject
submitted in response to the RFI).
3. Wage and Hour Opinion Letters
In 1995, shortly after the regulations
became final, the Department provided
its initial interpretation of the serious
health condition objective test when
responding to an employer’s objections
that the definition in sections
825.114(a)(2)(i)(A)–(B) did not reflect
the intent of the Act’s authors. The
Department’s response reflects an
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ongoing struggle to reconcile this
objective test in the regulatory
definition (more than three calendar
days of incapacity plus treatment) with
the legislative intent also reflected in
the regulations that common conditions
like colds and flus not be covered by the
The Department’s opinion letter
response in 1995 stated that a minor
illness such as the common cold could
not be a serious health condition
because colds were on the regulatory list
of non-covered ailments. ‘‘The fact that
an employee is incapacitated for more
than three days, has been treated by a
health care provider on at least one
occasion which has resulted in a
regimen of continuing treatment
prescribed by the health care provider
does not convert minor illnesses such as
the common cold into serious health
conditions in the ordinary case (absent
complications).’’ Wage and Hour
Opinion Letter FMLA–57 (Apr. 7, 1995).
More than a year and a half later,
however, the Department reversed
course, stating that Wage and Hour
Opinion Letter FMLA–57 ‘‘expresses an
incorrect view, being inconsistent with
the Department’s established
interpretation of qualifying ‘‘serious
health conditions’’ under the FMLA
regulations[.]’’ Wage and Hour Opinion
Letter FMLA–86 (Dec. 12, 1996). In the
second letter, the Department stated that
such minor illnesses ordinarily would
not be expected to last more than three
days, but if they did meet the regulatory
criteria for a serious health condition
under section 825.114(a), they would
qualify for FMLA leave. Complications,
per se, need not be present to qualify as
a serious health condition if the
objective regulatory tests of a period of
incapacity of ‘‘more than three
consecutive calendar days’’ and a
‘‘regimen of continuing treatment by a
health care provider’’ are otherwise met.
See id. In reversing its position in this
second opinion letter, the Department
explained that the regulations reflect the
view that, ordinarily, conditions like the
common cold and flu would not
routinely be expected to meet the
regulatory tests. But such conditions
could qualify under FMLA where the
objective tests are, in fact, met in
particular cases. See id. ‘‘For example,
if an individual with the flu is
incapacitated for more than three
consecutive calendar days and receives
continuing treatment, e.g., a visit to a
health care provider followed by a
regimen of care such as prescription
drugs like antibiotics, the individual has
a qualifying ‘serious health condition’
for purposes of FMLA.’’ Id.
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4. United States Court of Appeals
Employers challenged the
Department’s objective regulatory
definition of serious health condition in
two U.S. Courts of Appeals. In both
cases, the regulatory test was upheld as
a permissible legislative rule pursuant
to a congressional delegation of
authority under the Act. See Thorson v.
Gemini, Inc., 205 F.3d 370 (8th Cir.
2000); Miller v. AT&T Corp., 250 F.3d
820 (4th Cir. 2001). The Eighth Circuit
in Thorson found the statutory term
‘‘serious health condition’’ was not
precisely defined in the statute and
legislative history: ‘‘[W]e do not see
th[e] legislative history as Congress
speaking ‘directly’ to the question of
what constitutes a ‘serious health
condition.’ ’’ Id. at 381. Thus, the court
deferred to the Department’s reasonable
legislative rule implementing the
statute: ‘‘DOL’s objective test for ‘serious
health condition,’ which avoids the
need for employers—and ultimately
courts—to make subjective decisions
about statutory ‘serious health
conditions,’ is a permissible
construction of the statute.’’ Id. The
Court acknowledged that this test might
result in findings of serious health
conditions for ‘‘minor illnesses’’ that
Congress did not intend to cover, but
that ‘‘the DOL reasonably decided that
such would be a legitimate trade-off for
having a definition of ‘serious health
condition’ that sets out an objective test
that all employers can apply
uniformly.’’ Id.
The Fourth Circuit even more
squarely and directly upheld the
objective test in the regulations because
the plaintiff in that case was suffering
from the flu—an illness listed in the
regulations at 825.114(c) (reflecting
legislative history) as an example of an
illness that is generally not a serious
health condition. The Fourth Circuit
directly confronted the tension between
the objective test and the list of
There is unquestionably some tension
between subsection (a), setting forth objective
criteria for determining whether a serious
health condition exists, and subsection (c),
which states that certain enumerated
conditions ‘‘ordinarily’’ are not serious
health conditions. Indeed, that tension is
evidenced by Miller’s illness. Miller was
incapacitated for more than three consecutive
calendar days and received treatment two or
more times; thus, she satisfied the regulatory
definition of a serious health condition under
subsection (a). But, the condition from which
Miller suffered—the flu—is one of those
listed as being ‘‘ordinarily’’ not subject to
coverage under the FMLA.
Id. at 831. The Court concluded—even
without deferring to the second Wage
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and Hour opinion letter—that
‘‘§ 825.114(c) is properly interpreted as
indicating merely that common ailments
such as the flu will not qualify for
FMLA leave because they generally will
not satisfy the regulatory criteria for a
serious health condition.’’ Id. at 832.
However, ‘‘[s]ection 825.114(c) simply
does not automatically exclude the flu
from coverage under the FMLA. Rather,
the provision is best read as clarifying
that some common illnesses will not
ordinarily meet the regulatory criteria
and thus will not be covered under the
FMLA.’’ Id.
Having concluded the objective test
was the dispositive one, the Miller
court, like the Thorson court, upheld
the regulatory definition as consistent
with legislative intent. The court noted
that these regulations were promulgated
pursuant to an express delegation from
Congress and should be given
controlling effect ‘‘unless arbitrary,
capricious, or manifestly contrary to
statute.’’ Id. at 833 (quotations omitted).
The court stated that ‘‘when a regulatory
choice represents a reasonable
accommodation of conflicting policies
that were committed to the agency’s
care by the statute, we should not
disturb it unless it appears from the
statute or the legislative history that the
accommodation is not one that Congress
would have sanctioned.’’ Id. (quotations
omitted). The court held that the
Department clearly was within its
statutory purview in this case, stating:
‘‘Consistent with the statutory language,
the regulations promulgated by the
Secretary of Labor establish a definition
of ‘‘serious health condition’’ that
focuses on the effect of an illness on the
employee and the extent of necessary
treatment rather than on the particular
diagnosis. This policy decision is
neither unreasonable nor manifestly
inconsistent with Congress’ intent to
cover illnesses that ‘require[ ] that the
employee be absent from work on a
recurring basis or for more than a few
days for treatment or recovery’ and
involve ‘continuing treatment or
supervision by a health care provider.’ ’’
250 F.3d at 835 (citations omitted).
Finally, like the Eighth circuit, the
Fourth Circuit noted:
It is possible that the definition adopted by
the Secretary will, in some cases—and
perhaps even in this one—provide FMLA
coverage to illnesses Congress never
envisioned would be protected. We cannot
say, however, that the regulations adopted by
the Secretary are so manifestly contrary to
congressional intent as to be considered
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B. Request for Information Comments
and Recommendations
The responses to the RFI demonstrate
that the definition of serious health
condition continues to be a source of
concern in the regulated community in
terms of its scope and its meaning.
While the Department asked only two
narrow questions about the objective
test and the list of ailments, commenters
to the Request for Information voiced a
wide array of opinions about the
regulatory test in general.
A common theme the Department
heard from various parties was that the
regulatory definition of serious health
condition is vague and/or confusing.
The American Academy of Family
Physicians stated: ‘‘The definition of a
serious health condition within the Act
creates confusion not only for the
administrators of the program and
employers but also for physicians.
Requiring a physician to certify that a
gastrointestinal virus or upper
respiratory infection is a serious health
condition in an otherwise healthy
individual is incongruous with medical
training and experience. * * *
[Moreover, t]he categories of ‘Serious
Health Conditions’ are overly
complicated and * * * contradictory.’’
Doc. FL25, at 1. The American College
of Occupational and Environmental
Medicine agreed: ‘‘The term ‘serious
health condition’ is unnecessarily
vague. Employees, employers and
medical providers would be well served
if the FMLA were to more clearly define
the criteria for considering a health
condition serious.’’ Doc. 10109A, at 2.
Other commenters echoed this same
concern: ‘‘Uniformly, employers have
found the definition of ‘serious health
condition’ and the criteria for
determining whether or not an
employee has a ‘serious health
condition’ to be extremely broad and
very confusing.’’ ORC Worldwide, Doc.
10138A, at 2. ‘‘This [serious health
condition] definition is widely
considered to be vague and overly
broad, and has caused unnecessary
confusion.’’ Florida Power & Light
Company, Doc. 10275A, at 2. ‘‘What
constitutes a serious health condition?
The definition is not clear.’’ City of
Philadelphia, Doc. 10058A, at 1. ‘‘The
current definition is so vague that it is
nearly impossible to define a condition
that does not qualify as a serious
medical condition.’’ Northern Kentucky
Chamber of Commerce, Doc. 10048A, at
Commenters often pointed to the
language in section 825.114(c) regarding
minor ailments as the primary source of
definitional confusion. Whereas the first
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part of the regulatory definition of
serious health condition in
subparagraph (a)(2) provides objective
standards for leave (irrespective of the
person’s medical diagnosis) in terms of
‘‘days’’ and ‘‘incapacity’’ and ‘‘health
care provider’’ visits, this language in
subparagraph (c) suggests the opposite:
excluding common illnesses by
diagnosis/name without regard to
seriousness. The American Bakers
Association stated: ‘‘[The definition of
serious health condition] has also
caused unnecessary confusion for
employers who rely on regulatory
language that states, ‘Ordinarily, unless
complications arise, the common cold,
the flu, ear aches, upset stomach, minor
ulcers, headaches other than migraine,
routine dental or orthodontia problems,
periodontal disease etc. are examples of
conditions that do not meet the
definition of a serious health condition
and do not qualify for FMLA leave.’ 29
CFR 825.114(c).’’ American Bakers
Association, Doc. R354A, at 4. The
Association of Corporate Counsel made
a similar point: ‘‘[T]he Department
should clarify its guidance in section
[825.114](c) on when conditions such as
the common cold, the flu, earaches,
upset stomach, minor ulcers, headaches,
and routine dental or orthodontia
problems could be considered as serious
health conditions. The current
regulation indicates that such
conditions should not normally be
considered serious health conditions.’’
Doc. FL31, at 14.
Overall, it is probably fair to
characterize the comments from
employer groups about the regulatory
definition of ‘‘serious health condition’’
as having written ‘‘serious’’ out of
serious health condition. For example,
the University of Minnesota stated:
The current definition of ‘‘serious health
condition’’ is broad enough to cover minor
illnesses that were not intended to be
covered by the Act. * * * The University’s
experience indicates that the regulatory tests
set forth in section 825.114(a) of the FMLA
regulations renders the limitations in section
825.114(c) inoperative. Specifically, the test
set forth in section 825.114(a)(2)(i) (period of
incapacity lasting more than three days) is
broad enough to cover minor illnesses, like
the ones referenced in section 825.114(c).
Such minor illnesses are regularly the subject
of FMLA leave requests. Because physician
certifications seldom use terms like
‘‘common cold’’, ‘‘upset stomach’’, ‘‘ear
ache’’, etc., the University does not feel it can
deny the requests, even when the University
is convinced the illness is minor. As
indicated in section 825.114(c), such minor
illnesses were not intended to be covered by
the Act.
University of Minnesota, Doc. 4777A, at
1–4. ‘‘Please redefine serious medical
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condition to cover truly serious needs,
not the common flu.’’ Debbie Robbins,
Human Resources, City of Gillette, Doc.
5214, at 1. ‘‘[T]he intent of the
regulations was not to find conditions
such as the flu, earaches, headaches,
and upset stomach qualifying; however,
as a result of DOL opinion letters it is
practice for FMLA to be granted for
these conditions when the regulatory
criteria defining a serious health
condition [are] met.’’ Carle Clinic
Association, Doc. 5449A, at 1. ‘‘The
DOL needs to limit the definition of
serious health condition to what it was
originally intended by Congress. For
example, while a common cold or flu
were never intended to be serious health
conditions, in case law courts have
essentially done away with all the
exclusions from the original definition
by stating that ‘complications’ (without
defining this) could cause virtually
anything (a cold, an earache, a cut on
finger) to become a serious health
condition.’’ Coolidge Wall Co. LPA,
Doc. 5168, at 1. ‘‘As [the definition of
a ‘serious health condition’] has been
interpreted, a common cold or flu bug
lasting three days creates a FMLA
qualifying event. * * * As it is, a ‘runny
nose’ for three days would qualify as
long as you saw the doctor for it. To call
a ‘common cold’ a serious health
condition significantly devalues the
FML Act.’’ Mark Costa, Human
Resources Director, Team 1 Michigan,
Doc. 5172, at 1. ‘‘[T]he current
Regulations seemingly extend coverage
to considerably more than just serious
health conditions and, in practice, the
general definition often swallows up the
so-called ‘minor ailment exception.’ ’’
Proskauer Rose LLP, Doc. 10182, at 5.
‘‘Contrary to what Congress intended,
the DOL regulation bypasses ‘serious’ in
‘serious health condition’ by assuming a
condition is serious if an employee can
get a physician to certify [that] he/she
cannot work for three or more days and
that he/she has seen a health care
provider at least once and was
prescribed continuing treatment by that
health care provider, or that the
employee has seen a health care
provider twice regardless of whether
any continuing treatment was
prescribed.’’ Southwest Airlines Co.,
Doc. 10183A, at 9.
The Department also received many
comments from employees and
employee groups, however, who felt
that the objective test is a good, clear
test that is serving its intended purpose.
‘‘[T]he current regulations are crafted
appropriately to provide guidance on
what constitutes a serious health
condition without imposing overly rigid
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criteria that could hinder the ability of
workers to take leave when necessary.’’
National Partnership for Women &
Families, Doc. 10204A, at 7. ‘‘[N]o
definition, if it is to be effective, can
impose precise categories for every
health condition. The practical reality is
that serious health conditions will differ
from person to person. Thus, the
regulations must necessarily have the
flexibility to be applied to different
individual circumstances.’’ Faculty &
Staff Federation of Community College
of Philadelphia, Local 2026 of the
American Federation of Teachers, Doc.
10242A, at 4. A letter from 53
Democratic Members of Congress also
lauded the current definition of serious
health condition as both expansive and
flexible. The letter cited congressional
intent of a ‘‘general test’’ that defines
serious health condition: ‘‘We urge the
Department to adhere to that test.
Ultimately, Congress and the
Department are not physicians, and we
cannot evaluate every medical condition
or necessary course of treatment. The
presence of a serious health condition is
something that is readily determined by
medical professionals[.]’’ Letter from 53
Democratic Members of Congress, Doc.
FL184, at 2. ‘‘To protect employers from
employee abuse of this provision, the
regulations establish an objective
criteria to be used to determine whether
conditions presented qualify for leave.
This criteria creates a standard that can
be applied in individual cases with
sufficient flexibility to adjust for
differences in how individuals are
affected by illness. It also specifies that
routine health matters cannot be
considered serious health conditions,
unless complications arise.’’ Families
USA, Doc. 10327A, at 3.
The AFL–CIO emphasized that the
current objective test in the regulations
best reflects congressional intent to
cover health conditions that have a
‘‘serious’’ effect on the individual
regardless of the label of the impairment
or illness. See Doc. R329A, at 21–24.
‘‘The regulations correctly do not define
serious health condition by relying on
nonexhuastive [e]xamples of serious
health conditions that Congress
provided in the legislative history to the
Act * * * [but rather by defining] a
serious health condition as an illness,
injury or impairment, or physical
condition that requires either inpatient
care * * * or continuing treatment by a
health care provider. * * * [W]e believe
that the brightline tests set forth in
Section 825.114(a) continue to provide
the best means of determining what
qualifies as a serious health condition.’’
Id. at 22, 24 (quotation marks and
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
citations omitted). The Coalition of
Labor Union Women concurred: ‘‘Not
only does this definition establish an
objective basis for determining when an
individual employee will and will not
qualify for leave, but it also recognizes
that every individual is different and
thus likely to experience a particular
medical condition differently from
others. Our members have described
various medical problems that affected
them or their family members and
reported how many supervisors or
managers express a biased attitude
toward these medical conditions based
on a stereotypical view of the
condition.’’ Doc. R352A, at 3. Moreover,
the Communication Workers of America
provided a relevant example of a worker
being uniquely affected by a common
illness: ‘‘An employee of Verizon
experienced an extreme allergic reaction
to poison oak which made it impossible
for her to sit or perform regular job
functions for a week. The FMLA
protected her during this period.’’ Doc.
R346A, at 12–13.
Finally, the Legal Aid Society pointed
out that after Wage and Hour Opinion
Letter FMLA–86 (Dec. 12, 1996), the
meaning of ‘‘serious health condition’’
should be perfectly clear to the
regulated community. It simply may not
be as ‘‘serious’’ as some would like:
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
With all due respect, there should not be
any significant confusion over this definition.
It is clearly defined in the regulations.
Perhaps the term ‘‘serious health condition’’
is somewhat of a misnomer because it may
cause the uneducated employer to assume
that the medical condition must be
sufficiently grave to warrant leave. However,
the educated and compliant employer will be
familiar with this key regulation. Indeed, the
regulations make this definition quite clear,
and should be used as a road map for
ascertaining whether a medical condition
constitutes a ‘‘serious health condition’’
within the meaning of FMLA. Moreover, the
regulations make it perfectly clear that an
employer is required to ‘‘inquire further’’
should it need more information to make this
The Legal Aid Society-Employment Law
Center, Doc. 10199A, at 2.
There was also no shortage of answers
to the two questions we asked in the
RFI: whether the limitations in section
825.114(c) have been rendered
inoperative by the regulatory tests set
forth in section 825.114(a), and whether
there is a way to maintain the
substantive standards of section
825.114(a) while still giving meaning to
section 825.114(c) and congressional
intent that minor illnesses like colds,
earaches, etc., not be covered by the
FMLA. Below are some of the most
common answers and suggestions we
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1. Section 825.114(c) Imposes no
Independent Limitation on Serious
Health Condition and Therefore Need
Not Be Changed
One common suggestion proffered for
reconciling sections 825.114(a)(2) and
(c) is to construe the list of ailments in
subsection (c) as imposing no
limitations on the definition of serious
health condition. ‘‘We do not agree
* * * that Section 825.114(c) places
‘limitations’ on Section 825.114(a)’s
regulatory tests.’’ American Federation
of Labor and Congress of Industrial
Organizations, Doc. R329A, at 21. The
AFL–CIO noted that Congress did not
express a specific intention to exclude
‘‘minor illnesses like colds, earaches,
etc.,’’ but rather to exclude from serious
health condition only ‘‘short-term
conditions [whatever named] for which
treatment and recovery are very brief[.]’’
American Federation of Labor and
Congress of Industrial Organizations,
Doc. R329A, at 21 n.34 (quoting S. Rep.
No. 103–3, at 28). Thus, ‘‘subsection (c)
[only] clarifies that certain conditions
are not serious health conditions for
FMLA purposes unless they meet all of
the regulatory measures of subsection
(a). * * * [T]hese examples do not
modify or limit the objective tests set
forth in subsection (a)[.]’’ Id. at 23.
These commenters believe section
825.114(c) is merely an illustrative list
of conditions that usually would not
qualify as serious health conditions, but
that the objective test is what matters
and what is applied: ‘‘Section
825.114(c) of the regulations includes a
list of conditions that ordinarily would
not be considered serious health
conditions, such as the common cold,
the flu, earaches, or an upset stomach.
But the regulation on its face also makes
clear that complications can arise to
make what is usually a routine health
matter much more serious.’’ National
Partnership for Women & Families, Doc.
10204A, at 8. ‘‘The list of conditions set
out in 825.114(c) is useful in setting out
what ‘ordinarily’ would not be a
qualifying serious health condition[.]
* * * But the operative word in
825.114(c) is ‘ordinary.’ While these
conditions would not ‘ordinarily’
constitute a serious health condition,
there are extraordinary situations where
these conditions do just that. In
determining what those situations are,
all employers have to do * * * is apply
‘the general tests’ * * * that were
incorporated into the Department’s
regulations at 825.114(a).’’ Association
of Professional Flight Attendants, Doc.
10056A, at 2 (citations omitted). ‘‘The
existing regulations properly define
‘serious health condition’ by applying
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objective criteria, including the duration
of an illness and the number of
treatments, to a worker’s individual
case, rather than categorically excluding
any set of health conditions from FMLA
coverage.’’ Faculty & Staff Federation of
Community College of Philadelphia,
Local 2026 of the American Federation
of Teachers, Doc. 10242A, at 3. ‘‘As long
as a diagnosis meets the ‘objective
criteria’ of subsection (a), then
subsection (c) makes it clear that the
employee has a ‘serious health’
condition that qualifies for FMLA
leave.’’ American Federation of Labor
and Congress of Industrial
Organizations, Doc. R329A, at 23.
This view, commenters maintained, is
the correct interpretation of the Act:
‘‘The statute itself recognizes the need
for such flexibility. Congress expressly
chose to forego excluding any
conditions from the definition of a
serious health condition and instead
defined a serious health condition
according to objective criteria.’’
Women’s Employment Rights Clinic,
Golden Gate University School of Law,
Doc. 10197A, at 5.
Commenters favoring a flexible
definition of ‘‘serious health condition’’
generally believed no changes to the
regulatory definition are necessary. ‘‘In
light of [our] experience, we do not
believe that there is any need to retreat
from the existing regulatory definition
of a ‘serious health condition.’ ’’
Communication Workers of America,
Doc. R346A, at 7. ‘‘We urge DOL to
retain the regulatory language in 29 CFR
825.114(a) and not to alter those
provisions so that conditions like
earaches, flus, and similar illnesses can
never constitute a serious health
condition.’’ Women’s Employment
Rights Clinic, Golden Gate University
School of Law, Doc. 10197A, at 5. ‘‘We
strongly oppose any efforts to restrict or
narrow the definition of a serious health
condition. The FMLA enables eligible
workers to take family or medical leave
for serious health conditions, and its
regulations establish objective criteria to
be used to determine whether
conditions qualify for leave. While the
regulations set parameters to help define
serious health conditions, they do not
include an exhaustive list of conditions
deemed ‘serious’ or ‘not serious.’ ’’
National Partnership for Women &
Families, Doc. 10204A, at 7. ‘‘Imposing
additional requirements on the nature or
length of treatment, or the duration of
incapacity, will inevitably exclude, with
no basis whatsoever, serious medical
conditions from the ambit of the FMLA.
The Department should resist making
any changes in the definition of serious
health condition.’’ American Federation
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
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of Labor and Congress of Industrial
Organizations, Doc. R329A, at 24. ‘‘I
strongly oppose any changes to
eligibility standards that would impose
additional barriers for workers seeking
FMLA leave, [and] regulatory revisions
that would scale back the definition of
‘serious health conditions’ covered
under the act[.]’’ Judith Stadman
Tucker, The Mothers Movement Online,
Doc. 4766, at 1. ‘‘It is especially
important to me that the definition of
‘serious health condition’ is not
narrowed and that leave remains
flexible.’’ An Employee Comment, Doc.
4790, at 1. ‘‘Altering the definition [of
serious health condition to ten days or
more] will leave out numerous serious
conditions from pneumonia to
appendicitis where a person could be
treated and be back on the job under 10
days. We are concerned that altering the
definition of a serious health condition
will remove much needed job protection
for millions of Americans when they
need it most.’’ Women’s City Club of
New York, Doc. 10003A, at 1. ‘‘We are
strongly opposed to any revisions to the
regulation that would narrow the
current definition. As the regulation is
currently written, it adequately
addresses the fact that some conditions
(e.g., a head cold) can grow into a
serious health condition needing
repeated treatment and an absence from
work of more than three days.’’
University of Michigan’s Center for the
Education of Women, Doc. 10194A, at 1.
‘‘Imposing categorical changes to the
definition of serious health condition,
such as increasing the required number
of days of incapacity, could have a
devastating impact on employees.’’
Service Employees International Union
District 1199P, Doc. FL104, at 2.
2. Section 825.114(c) Should be
Converted into a Per Se Rule.
Other commenters took essentially the
opposite tack: that the congressional
intent to exclude minor illnesses
(reflected in section 825.114(c)) has
been rendered inoperative by the
objective test and that the Department
should breathe life into subsection (c)
by making it more of a per se rule as it
was interpreted by Wage and Hour
Opinion Letter FMLA–57 (Apr. 7, 1995).
Employers were largely in agreement
that the regulatory list of ailments has
been rendered inoperative: ‘‘[T]he
limitations in Section 825.114 (c) have
been rendered inoperative by the
regulatory test in Section 825.114(a)
largely by the interpretation of the
Department in holding that even minor
illnesses can meet the definition of
‘serious health condition.’ ’’ ORC
Worldwide, Doc. 10138A, at 2. ‘‘Section
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825.114(c) * * * has been rendered
effectively inoperative by the regulatory
tests set forth in Section 825.114(a).
* * * Wage and Hour letter of
interpretation of December 1996
expanding ‘serious health condition’ to
include colds and flu further erodes
Section 825.114(c)’s potency as a
brightline standard for what does not
constitute a ‘serious health condition.’ ’’
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Doc. 10142,
at 9. Some commenters pointed to
legislative history from 1990–1991 that
shows Congress expressly considered
ailments like colds and flus and
intended them not to be covered:
The bill we are talking about requires
medical certifications of serious illnesses. We
are not talking about a child with a cold. We
are not talking about a parent with the flu.
We are talking about a child with cancer who
must have radiation treatments. We are
talking about an elderly parent recovering
from a stroke who needs home care.
Pilchak Cohen & Tice, P.C., Doc.
10155A, at 8 (quoting Senate hearing).
These commenters also cited to similar
words spoken by a co-sponsor of the
FMLA: ‘‘We’re talking about a seriously
ill child, not someone who has a cold
here.’’ Id. at 8 (quoting statement of
Senator Dodd at Senate hearing).
This group of stakeholders suggested
that unless verifiable medical
complications arise, the health
conditions in the section 825.114(c)
list—such as colds and flus—should
never qualify as serious health
conditions. ‘‘[T]he easiest solution to
this dilemma is to rescind opinion letter
FMLA–86 and carve minor illnesses out
of section 825.114(c). This carve-out
should include a list of example
ailments that do not qualify as serious
health conditions absent serious
complications—in much the same way
opinion letter FMLA–57 attempted to
do. This list should, at a minimum,
include the common cold, the flu,
earaches, an upset stomach, minor
ulcers, headaches, routine dental or
orthodontia problems, and periodontal
disease.’’ Porter, Wright, Morris &
Arthur LLP, Doc. 10124B, at 2. ‘‘[Fairfax
County Public Schools] urges the
department to return to its earlier
interpretations, which emphasize that
minor ailments do not qualify as
‘serious.’ Section 825.114(a) should be
modified so that it no longer contradicts
section 825.114(c). * * * Additional
examples of minor, nonqualifying
illnesses would be a useful addition to
this subsection.’’ Fairfax County Public
Schools, Doc. 10134, at 1. ‘‘[Section]
825.114(c) should be clarified in that
even where the common cold results in
more than three consecutive days of
missed work or school, it is not
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considered incapacitating or otherwise
within FMLA’s protections.’’ Pilchak
Cohen & Tice, P.C., Doc. 10155A, at 9.
The Pilchak law firm further reasoned
that if a cold or flu became truly
incapacitating, ‘‘the illness would
typically elevate to an ailment that is
indeed within the FMLA’s
contemplation. For example, a common
cold should never be an FMLA
qualifying condition. However, if it
progressed to pneumonia, then this is
the type of incapacitating condition
within the FMLA’s contemplation.’’ Id.
at 9. ‘‘The substantive standards of
section 825.114(a) cannot be maintained
while giving meaning to section
825.114(c), and the legislative intent
that not all conditions are covered
cannot be secured unless and until
section 825.114(c) is revised to state
that, ‘Unless complications arise, the
common cold, the flu, ear aches, upset
stomach, periodontal disease, and
similar conditions are not serious health
conditions and do not qualify for FMLA
leave.’ Absent such a revision, the DOL
must further define other terms in
Section 825.114(c), such as ‘treatment.’ ’’
Fisher & Phillips LLP, Doc. 10262A, at
5. ‘‘[W]hen Congress passed FMLA, its
intent was not to cover short-term
illnesses where treatment and recovery
are brief. By listing examples of
conditions that would generally qualify
and conditions that would generally be
excluded, employers could reduce the
use of FMLA leave for minor conditions
in which treatment and recovery are
brief. The Department should generally
exclude from the list of conditions
minor conditions such as colds, minor
headaches, and flu and provide an
improved definition of ‘chronic
conditions.’ ’’ National Business Group
on Health, Doc. 10268A, at 2. See also
Small Business Administration Office of
Advocacy, Doc. 10332A, at 4–5
(collecting various proposals to exclude
minor illnesses by name).
3. ‘‘More Than Three Days’’ Of
Incapacity Should be Changed From
Calendar Days to Work Days.
Another suggestion offered to give
meaning to subsection (c) was to change
the period of incapacity in the objective
test from ‘‘calendar’’ days to ‘‘business’’
days. ‘‘The current regulations of the
Department of Labor allow for protected
leave when there is a ‘more than threeday incapacity,’ this should be defined
as a ‘more than three-day absence from
work.’ ’’ Ken Lawrence, Doc. 5228, at 1.
‘‘My suggestion is that FMLA leave
should have a waiting period, just like
a disability plan. * * * Most truly
serious health conditions, as defined by
the act, last longer than 5 consecutive
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business days and would warrant the
need for the employee to be absent from
work.’’ Cheryl Rothenberg, Human
Resources Specialist, Doc. 4756, at 1.
‘‘[W]e suggest * * * [u]sing work days,
rather than calendar days allows the
employer to have actual knowledge of
the employee’s incapacity * * * [I]t is
difficult for the employer to verify
employee incapacity over the weekend
or to have knowledge sufficient to know
that the employee might be in need of
FMLA leave.’’ Foley & Lardner LLP,
Doc. 10129A, at 2. ‘‘The current * * *
‘more than three-day incapacity’ * * *
should be defined as a ‘more than threeday absence from work.’ ’’ Bob Kiefer,
Baldor Electric, Doc. 5141, at 1.
‘‘Redefine a period of incapacity to
mean a period of more than five work
days or seven consecutive calendar
days, instead of the current just more
than 3 days of ‘incapacity, before an
employee is qualified for FMLA leave.’’
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Doc.
10142A, at 9. ‘‘We recommend that the
definition be changed to ‘three work
days.’ Health conditions that occur ‘over
the weekend’ or other time off should
* * * not be considered.’’ Lorin
Simpson, Manager of Operational
Systems & Labor Relations, Utah Transit
Authority, Doc. 10249A, at 1. ‘‘[W]e
request that the Department amend this
provision to require an absence for a
specified length of ‘consecutive
scheduled work days’ rather than
‘consecutive calendar days.’ Employers
are most likely to be unaware of
employees’ sicknesses over a weekend
so when employees take FMLA leave at
the beginning of a workweek, this places
a hardship on employers. With this
clarification, employers will have
advance notice of an employee taking
FMLA leave.’’ National Business Group
on Health, Doc. 10268A, at 7. ‘‘[I]f the
three-day standard is maintained, this
should be defined as three scheduled
work days[.]’’ The Miami Valley Human
Resource Association, Doc. 10156A, at
3. ‘‘I think it would help if the criteria
for incapacity were 5 work days as
opposed to three calendar days. * * *
[Five] days would be consistent with
most short term disability waiting
period requirements and with many
waiting period time frames for
indemnity payments for workers
compensation. (Kentucky has a 7 day
waiting period prior to the start of
workers comp indemnity payments.)’’
Sharon Pepper, Doc. 5325, at 1.
4. The ‘‘Treatment Two Or More Times
by a Health Care Provider’’ Must Occur
During the Period of Incapacity.
Many commenters suggested the
Department maintain the substantive
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language of both regulatory sections but
explicitly adopt a recent United States
Court of Appeals interpretation of the
regulations that the ‘‘treatment two or
more times by a health care provider’’
in subsection 825.114(a)(2)(i)(A) must
occur during the period of ‘‘more than
three days’’ incapacity. See Jones v.
Denver Pub. Sch., 427 F.3d 1315, 1323
(10th Cir. 2006) (‘‘[U]nder the
regulations defining ‘continuing
treatment by a health care provider,’ the
‘[t]reatment two or more times’
described in 825.114(a)(2)(i)(A) must
take place during the ‘period of
incapacity’ required by
825.114(a)(2)(i).’’). ‘‘The Regulations
need to be clarified to state that each
examination must occur during the
period of incapacity that has resulted in
an employee’s absence from work.’’
South Central Human Resource
Management Association, Doc. 10136, at
4. ‘‘WMATA proposes that an
individual’s illness or incapacity require
the treatments by a health care provider
to occur during the period of incapacity
(rather than, for example, weeks later) in
order to qualify as a serious health
condition.’’ Washington Metropolitan
Area Transit Authority, Doc. 10147A, at
2. ‘‘We urge the Department to * * *
require the employee or covered family
member to be treated on two or more
occasions during the period of
incapacity and delete the reference to
treatment on one occasion plus a
regiment of continuing treatment.’’ The
Miami Valley Human Resource
Association, Doc. 10156A, at 3.
5. The Period of Incapacity Should Be
Increased From ‘‘More Than Three
Days’’ to a Greater Number of Days
A number of stakeholders suggested
reconciling the two regulatory
provisions by simply tightening the
requirements for qualifying for a serious
health condition under the objective
test. The primary suggestion (though by
no means the only one) was to increase
the minimum number of days an
employee needs to be incapacitated to
qualify for a serious health condition.
Stakeholders suggested changing the
current regulatory threshold of ‘‘more
than 3 days’’ to as many as ‘‘10 days or
more.’’ Miles & Stockbridge, P.C., Doc.
FL79, at 2. ‘‘I would like to see the
definition changed to require someone
to miss work for at least a full week
before it would qualify as FMLA,
requiring 4 full days is at least a start.’’
Ed Carpenter, Human Resources
Manager, Tecumseh Power Company,
Doc. R123, at 1. ‘‘[We] would
recommend that the Department expand
the more than three-day period in
825.114(a)(2)(i) to more than seven days.
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This would eliminate most minor
illnesses and would also mirror more
closely what employers have in their
short-term and sick leave plans.’’ ORC
Worldwide, Doc. 10138, at 2.
‘‘Increasing the time to at least five work
days would help in eliminating some
* * * minor illnesses from coverage.
Thus, the burden on physicians and
employers would be reduced without
significant impact upon employees with
a serious medical situation.’’ American
Academy of Family Physicians, Doc.
FL25, at 1.
Oxbow Mining suggested that
‘‘ ‘serious health condition’ should be a
period of incapacity of no fewer than
ten (10) consecutive work days as
defined by an individual’s work
schedule.’’ Doc. 10104, at 1. The Society
for Human Resource Management and
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce both
proposed that the required incapacity
continue for a minimum of five business
days or seven consecutive calendar
days. See Society for Human Resource
Management, Doc. 10154A, at 4; U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, Doc. 10142A, at
9. ‘‘MedStar Health requests that this
regulatory test be modified to utilize a
more than five calendar days of
incapacity requirement.’’ MedStar
Health Inc., Doc. 10144, at 8.
‘‘Incorporate a longer period for the time
of incapacitation to five (5) days.’’ Kim
Newsom, Personnel Director, Randolph
County, North Carolina, Doc. 4764, at 1.
See also Edison Electric Institute, Doc.
10128A, at 3 (‘‘In order to limit FMLA
leave to those conditions that are truly
serious in nature, we believe the
regulations should require a period of
incapacity of more than five calendar
days, the length of a typical workweek,
before the condition may constitute a
serious health condition.’’).
Other stakeholders suggested ranges
in their comments. Foley & Lardner
stated the Department should ‘‘extend
the number of days of incapacity
required to qualify as a ‘serious health
condition[ ]’ * * * from the current
‘more than three day’ period to five,
seven or ten consecutive work days[,
which] would exclude most common,
non-serious conditions, such as flu,
bronchitis, sinus infections and similar
common illnesses.’’ Doc. 10129A, at 1.
The Proskauer Rose law firm advocated
‘‘the extension of the three-day period of
incapacity requirement to a five or ten
day period of incapacity requirement.’’
Doc. 10182, at 6. ‘‘The definition should
be revised so that the period of
incapacity is at least five consecutive
days or the average waiting period
provided by employer short-term
disability periods.’’ Detroit Medical
Center, Doc. 10152A, at 2.
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
IV. Unscheduled Intermittent Leave
The Department asked several
questions in the Request for Information
about the use of the FMLA for
unscheduled intermittent leave.5 This
type of leave has long been a matter of
particular concern for employers and
employees alike, as shown by previous
stakeholder input and public
commentary presented during
congressional hearings, as well as
comments filed with OMB concerning
the costs and benefits of regulations.
The RFI sought comments on the
following issues, among others:
• How the FMLA affects the ability of
employers to enforce attendance
• Whether unscheduled intermittent
FMLA leave presents costs or benefits
different from those associated with
regularly scheduled leave;
• Whether the duration of FMLA
leave affects the manner in which
employers cover the work of employees
taking leave;
• Whether and to what extent
employees misuse unscheduled
intermittent leave;
• How best to accommodate
employers’ operational concerns and
employees’ interests in legitimate
unscheduled intermittent leave;
• Whether and to what extent
concerns arise regarding employees not
providing prompt notice when taking
unscheduled intermittent leave;
• Whether and to what extent the use
of unscheduled intermittent leave
affects employee morale and
productivity; and
• Whether the availability of
intermittent leave reduces employee
Based on the number and tone of the
comments the Department received,
these questions, along with several
related issues involving unscheduled
intermittent leave, remain at the
forefront of the debate regarding the
FMLA and its regulations. The
responses to the RFI generally fall into
two categories: comments highlighting
the disruption that unscheduled
intermittent leave causes in the
workplace, particularly when that leave
is taken in a manner perceived by
employers as ‘‘abusive’’; and comments
emphasizing the importance of this kind
of leave for workers with certain types
of chronic ailments. For example,
according to one law firm, ‘‘[B]y far, the
most problematic type of FMLA leave is
unscheduled, intermittent leave due to
5 Commenters tended to use the terms
‘‘unscheduled’’ and ‘‘unforeseeable’’ to mean
essentially the same thing: arising suddenly and
with little or no opportunity for advanced notice.
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chronic serious health conditions.’’
Foley & Lardner LLP, Doc. 10129A, at
3.6 Many employers echoed this view,
indicating that unscheduled
intermittent leave due to chronic
conditions results in decreased
productivity, is difficult to manage, and
is ripe for ‘‘misuse.’’ Yellow Book USA
assessed the effects of unscheduled
intermittent leave as follows:
The use of unscheduled, intermittent
FMLA leave has a drastic negative impact on
productivity and profits for employers.
Larger employers, specifically, have a greater
financial burden. Employers need to add
additional staff in the Human Resources
department to track the intermittent absence
time used. Additionally, employers need to
hire additional management staff to manage
the employees on intermittent leave. Larger
employers are forced to provide training to
managers on a constant basis. Due to the
unscheduled nature of intermittent FMLA
leave, productivity is greatly impacted. The
costs are many. Employers incur unexpected
overtime costs, lost sales, missed deadlines,
additional administrative costs and negative
employee morale. From my experience, I can
estimate that 30 intermittent FMLA leaves
cost the company $40,000 annually.
unending burdens with no prospect of
a remedy.’’).
Offering a very different perspective,
many employees and/or their
representatives commented that
intermittent leave is expressly permitted
by the FMLA and that employees who
experience unscheduled absences due
to chronic conditions are precisely those
most in need of the FMLA’s protections.
The AFL-CIO stated:
Congress explicitly provided that
employees have the right to take leave
‘‘intermittently or on a reduced leave
schedule when medically necessary.’’ * * *
The availability of intermittent leave is
crucial for families who struggle to balance
work and family demands and is necessary
for employees who suffer from chronic health
conditions or who must provide care for
family members with chronic illnesses.
Congress’s concern in 1995 for the difficult
choices employees must make when faced
with a healthcare crisis is even more relevant
today: A growing number of employees find
themselves in the ‘‘sandwich generation,’’
faced with the dual responsibilities of caring
for children and for elderly parents.
Doc. 10021A, at 4; see also National
Association of Manufacturers, Doc.
10229A, at 9–10 (‘‘Intermittent leave is
the point in the FMLA where all the
unintended harmful consequences of
the law come together to cause an
economic nightmare for manufacturers:
unchallengeable ailments, unassailable
and unannounced absences, and
6 Many of the same commenters who expressed
concerns with unscheduled intermittent leave
report little or no concerns with scheduled leave,
even when taken intermittently. Sun Microsystems
When an employee notifies his/her manager that
he/she is going out on a planned, intermittent leave
there is usually an opportunity to: review the
employee’s revised work schedule needs during
this leave; identify the work load requirements
during the leave; and determine the most effective
way to get the work completed given the available
resources. This is the optimal scenario whereby the
employee and his/her manager have the
opportunity to create a plan that meets both of their
needs, the needs of other employees and provides
a smoother transition for the employee. On the
other hand, unplanned intermittent leave, which
may be unavoidable with some medical conditions
is a significantly greater burden on the employer
and co-workers.
Doc. 10070A, at 2. See also City of Portland, Doc.
10161A, at 2 (‘‘An employee who is absent for
frequent short periods of intermittent leave presents
far greater challenges, including last minute staffing
adjustments, abuse of leave issues and negative
impacts on employee morale.’’). These differences
are reflected in certain survey results from the
Society for Human Resource Management, which
found that ‘‘71 percent of respondents stated that
they have not experienced challenges in
administering FMLA leave for the birth or adoption
of a child [but] 60 percent of SHRM members
reported that they experienced challenges in
granting leave for an employee’s chronic
condition.’’ Society for Human Resource
Management, Doc. 10154A, at 2.
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Doc. R329A, at 30. The Legal Aid
Society’s Employment Law Center
shared similar concerns, asking the
Department to ‘‘please be mindful of the
employee who, in an ideal world, would
not suffer from such devastating
illnesses that wreck havoc on their own
lives. Employees, too, struggle with
chronic and episodic illnesses. The
FMLA was specifically designed to
provide leave in these instances.’’ Doc.
10199A, at 5.
The Association of Professional Flight
Attendants described chronic health
conditions typically causing episodic
periods of incapacity as perhaps the
most important FMLA issue for its
members, making the following
Under [the employer’s] no-fault
absenteeism policy, these shorter, but
perhaps more frequent and unscheduled
absences are just as likely (and indeed more
likely) to result in the kind of threat to an
employee’s job security that the FMLA was
designed to protect against * * * But the
availability of FMLA leave for chronic
conditions resulting in episodic periods of
incapacitation is of critical importance to
flight attendants, in large part because of the
environment in which they work.
* * *
Many workers suffer from a variety of
incapacitating health conditions—e.g.,
irritable bowel syndrome—that have required
treatment over a long period of time, for ten
or more years, and which result in periodic
incapacitating episodes, but who are
otherwise fully capable of performing even
the most rigorous kind of work. It does no
good to advise these employees, as [the
employer] does, to apply for block leave
under 825.114(a). While the employee can be
expected to experience a number of
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
incapacitating episodes over the course of the
year (as in the case of migraines), it is
unlikely that any one episode would last for
more than three days. But employees who
suffer from these recurring bouts of the same
incapacitating health condition (whatever its
cause) are not like employees who suffer the
occasional cold or flu. The few absences
experienced as a result of such common
illnesses (once every two or three years) are
unlikely to jeopardize an employee’s job. But
for the employee who suffers from a chronic
recurring condition, they could experience
three or four or even five unplanned absences
a year, and their jobs could be jeopardized—
but for the enactment of the FMLA.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Association of Professional Flight
Attendants, Doc. 10056A, at 7, 9.
As already mentioned in Chapter I,
the Department received many
comments to the RFI from employees
discussing how they were able to take
FMLA leave at crucial times in their
work lives and how critically important
they viewed the FMLA in providing
them job security when they needed it
most. At the same time, the Department
received many other comments from
employers discussing their perceptions
that the FMLA at times creates
situations where some employees can
misuse the rights or privileges
established under the FMLA. In this
chapter, we address the various issues
raised in the comments related to
unscheduled intermittent leave in three
parts. We begin by providing the
statutory and regulatory background,
addressing the concepts of chronic
serious health conditions, intermittent
leave, and leave that is not foreseeable.
Next, we discuss comments concerning
the workplace consequences of
unscheduled intermittent leave,
including scheduling problems where
employees taking intermittent leave
provide little or no notice, loss of
management control resulting from
perceived employee ‘‘abuse,’’ and the
impact on employee morale and
productivity. Finally, we examine
comments addressing the benefits to
employees of the availability of
unscheduled intermittent leave.
A. Background
Employers and employees made
frequent reference in their comments to
coverage of chronic conditions under
the definition of serious health
condition. Both groups recognize that
chronic conditions are a primary reason
for unscheduled intermittent absence
under the FMLA. Three legal concepts
underpin the debate regarding
unscheduled intermittent leave: Chronic
serious health conditions, intermittent
leave, and leave that is not foreseeable.
Together, the interaction of these facets
of the FMLA and its regulations give
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rise to the issues addressed in this
1. Chronic Serious Health Conditions
There is no definition or specific
mention of a ‘‘chronic’’ serious health
condition in the Act. The House and
Senate Committee Reports do, however,
refer to conditions where ‘‘the
underlying health condition or
treatment for it requires that the
employee be absent from work on a
recurring basis * * * [A] patient with
severe arthritis may require periodic
treatment such as physical therapy.’’ H.
Rep. No. 103–8, at 40 (1991); S. Rep. No.
103–3, at 29 (1993). Because of this and
other legislative history, the Department
created a separate serious health
condition definition (one of the six
different definitions mentioned in
Chapter III, which addresses serious
health conditions) for ‘‘chronic’’
conditions. The interim 1993
regulations defined a serious health
condition, in part, as a condition
involving ‘‘[c]ontinuing treatment by (or
under the supervision of) a health care
provider for a chronic or long-term
condition that is incurable or so serious
that, if not treated, would likely result
in a period of incapacity of more than
three calendar days.’’ 29 CFR
825.114(a)(3) (1993). ‘‘Continuing
treatment’’ was further defined as:
(1) The employee or family member in
question is treated two or more times for the
injury or illness by a health care provider.
Normally this would require visits to the
health care provider or to a nurse or
physician’s assistant under direct
supervision of the health care provider.
(2) The employee or family member is
treated for the injury or illness two or more
times by a provider of health care services
(e.g., physical therapist) under orders of, or
on referral by, a health care provider, or is
treated for the injury or illness by a health
care provider on at least one occasion which
results in a regimen of continuing treatment
under the supervision of the health care
provider—for example, a course of
medication or therapy—to resolve the health
(3) The employee or family member is
under the continuing supervision of, but not
necessarily being actively treated by, a health
care provider due to a serious long-term or
chronic condition or disability which cannot
be cured. Examples include persons with
Alzheimer’s, persons who have suffered a
severe stroke, or persons in the terminal
stages of a disease who may not be receiving
active medical treatment.
Id. § 825.114(b)(1)–(3).
The preamble to the interim
regulations explained the creation of a
separate ‘‘chronic’’ serious health
condition that does not involve
incapacity per se:
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Because the statute permits intermittent
leave or leave on a ‘‘reduced leave schedule’’
in cases of medical necessity, it is also clear
that the Act contemplates that employees
would be entitled to FMLA leave in some
cases because of doctor’s visits or therapy—
i.e., that the absence requiring leave need not
be due to a condition that is incapacitating
at that point in time. Thus, the legislative
history explains that absences to receive
treatment for early stage cancer, to receive
physical therapy after a hospital stay or
because of severe arthritis, or for prenatal
care are covered by the Act. Therefore, the
regulations provide that a serious health
condition includes treatment for a serious,
chronic health condition which, if left
untreated, would likely result in an absence
from work of more than three days, and for
prenatal care.
58 FR 31794, 31799 (June 4, 1993). The
preamble also explained that for certain
chronic conditions, continuing
treatment can include continuing
supervision, but not necessarily active
care, by a health care provider:
For any condition other than one that
requires inpatient care, the employee or
family member must be receiving continuing
treatment by a health care provider. * * * In
addition, there was concern about persons
who have serious, chronic conditions such as
Alzheimer’s or late-stage cancer, or who have
suffered a severe stroke, who obviously are
severely ill but may not be receiving
continuing active care from a doctor.
Therefore, the rule encompasses such serious
conditions which are under continuing
supervision by a health care provider.
Some may argue that this approach may
encompass health conditions that are not
really serious, while others may view the
approach as excluding certain situations that
were intended to require the granting of
FMLA leave. However, the Department
believes the regulation’s definition is most
consistent with the statute and legislative
Under the final 1995 regulations, a
chronic serious health condition was
defined as any period of incapacity or
treatment for such incapacity that: (1)
‘‘[r]equires periodic visits for treatment
by a health care provider, or by a nurse
or physician’s assistant under direct
supervision of a health care provider’’;
(2) ‘‘[c]ontinues over an extended period
of time (including recurring episodes of
a single underlying condition)’’ and (3)
‘‘[m]ay cause episodic rather than a
continuing period of incapacity (e.g.,
asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.).’’ 29
CFR 825.114(a)(2)(iii)(A)–(C). As
restructured, the final regulation did not
retain from the interim regulation the
requirement that, but for treatment,
more than three days of incapacity
would result. Nor did it retain the
requirement of ‘‘continuing
supervision’’ by a health care provider,
instead requiring only ‘‘periodic visits’’
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
to the health care provider. The final
regulations also created separate
categories of serious health conditions
for conditions that are long-term and for
which treatment is not effective, and for
conditions that would likely result in a
period of incapacity in excess of three
days without treatment. See id.
§ 825.114(a)(2)(iv)–(v).
The Department described its
treatment of chronic conditions as a
reasonable approach to the unusual
circumstances that surround chronic
serious illnesses that often cause only
episodic periods of incapacity:
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
The Department concurs with the
comments that suggested that special
recognition should be given to chronic
conditions. The Department recognizes that
certain conditions, such as asthma and
diabetes, continue over an extended period of
time * * *, often without affecting day-today ability to work or perform other activities
but may cause episodic periods of incapacity
of less than three days. Although persons
with such underlying conditions generally
visit a health care provider periodically,
when subject to a flare-up or other
incapacitating episode, staying home and
self-treatment are often more effective than
visiting the health care provider (e.g., the
asthma sufferer who is advised to stay home
and inside due to the pollen count being too
high). The definition has, therefore, been
revised to include such conditions as serious
health conditions, even if the individual
episodes of incapacity are not of more than
three days duration.
60 FR 2180, 2195 (Jan. 6, 1995).
The Department explained in the
preamble to the final rule the nature of
the comments received on the interim
rule that had prompted restructuring the
portion of the definition addressing
chronic conditions. Some had
contended that the duration of the
absence was not always a valid
indicator of serious health conditions
that are very brief (e.g., a severe asthma
attack that is disabling but requires
fewer than three days for treatment and
recovery to permit the employee’s
return to work), or that the duration is
simply irrelevant if a condition is
sufficiently severe or threatening.
Additional comments contended that
seriousness and duration do not
necessarily correlate, particularly for
people with disabilities; that a fixed
time limit fails to recognize that some
illnesses and conditions are episodic or
acute emergencies that may require only
brief but essential health care to prevent
aggravation into a longer term illness or
injury, and thus do not easily fit into a
specified linear time requirement; and
that establishing arbitrary time lines in
the definition only creates ambiguity
and discriminates against those
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conditions that do not fit the average.
See id. at 2192.
A number of other comments stated
that the interim rule definition was too
restrictive and recommended that it be
expanded to specifically include
chronic illnesses and long-term
conditions that may not require
inpatient care or treatment by a health
care provider. Other commenters took
issue with the definition’s
characterization of ‘‘continuing
treatment’’ for a chronic or long-term
condition that is ‘‘incurable,’’
contending that curability is not a
proper test for either a serious health
condition or continuing treatment, that
curability is ambiguous and subject to
change over time, and that many
incurable disabilities require continuing
treatment that has nothing to do with
curing the condition (e.g., epilepsy,
traumatic brain injury, and cerebral
palsy, conditions for which training and
therapy help restore, develop, or
maintain function or prevent
deterioration). See id. at 2193.
In response to the comments received,
the Department also modified and
separated the portion of the interim
rule’s definition pertaining to long-term
conditions by deleting the reference to
the condition being incurable. Instead,
the Department required that the
condition involve a period of incapacity
that is permanent or long-term and for
which treatment may not be effective,
but for which the patient is under the
supervision of a health care provider
rather than receiving active treatment.
‘‘Examples include Alzheimer’s, a
severe stroke, or the terminal stages of
a disease.’’ 29 CFR 825.114(a)(2)(iv).
The Department also created a separate
definition to address serious health
conditions that are not ordinarily
incapacitating (at least at the current
state of the patient’s condition), but for
which multiple treatments are being
given because the condition would
likely result in a period of incapacity of
more than three consecutive calendar
days in the absence of medical
intervention or treatment, and listed as
example conditions ‘‘such as cancer
(chemotherapy, radiation, etc.), severe
arthritis (physical therapy), [and] kidney
disease (dialysis).’’ Id. § 825.114(a)(2)(v).
Multiple treatments for restorative
surgery after an accident or other injury
were also specifically cited. The
previous requirement that the condition
be chronic or long-term was deleted
from this section because cancer
treatments, for example, might not meet
that test if immediate intervention
Comments received from employers
in response to the RFI emphasize how
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commonplace chronic conditions have
become under the FMLA and how
difficult it is for employers to determine
or to monitor ‘‘incapacity’’ when selftreatment is involved. See United States
Postal Service, Doc. 10184A, at 4, 8–9
(Out of ‘‘1,077,571 instances where
FMLA leave was requested and
approved’’ resulting in over 2 million
hours of protected FMLA leave taken,
‘‘leave taken intermittently for chronic
conditions accounts for the largest
category of FMLA conditions and
constitutes almost 38% of all FMLA
cases for 2006.’’); Spencer Fane Britt &
Browne LLP, Doc. 10133C, at 15 (‘‘Of
the six situations that fall within the
current definition of ‘serious health
condition,’ the ‘chronic’ conditions
create the most problems for
employers[.] The Act was never
intended to cover sporadic absences
from work on a permanent basis for the
entire work life of an employee.’’); Brian
T. Farrington, Esq., Doc. 5196, at 1
(‘‘The most troublesome part of the
current regulations is the definition of a
‘chronic’ health condition. Under the
current regulation, the only right the
employer has to challenge or question
an employee claiming a chronic health
condition under 29 CFR
825.114(a)(2)(iii) is to go through the
process described in 825.307(a). Once
the existence of the condition has been
established, the employee can then take
off any time, with little or no notice,
claiming a manifestation of the chronic
condition, and the employer is
powerless either to verify or control that
2. Intermittent Leave
The second legal concept central to
understanding the present debate
regarding unscheduled intermittent
leave is the increment in which
employees may use leave. The Act
provides for the taking of leave in small
7 Other comments to the RFI suggest that the
Department arguably has rendered the ‘‘multiple
treatments’’ component of the definition of serious
health condition—29 CFR 825.114(a)(2)(v)—
unnecessary. See, e.g., Association of Corporation
Counsel, Doc. FL31, at 14 (‘‘[T]he inclusion in 29
CFR 825.114(a)[2](v) of conditions that, if left
untreated, could become serious is unnecessary and
should be eliminated. Any period of absence
needed to receive multiple treatments for a
condition that could result in a period of incapacity
for more than three days would likely fall under the
definition of chronic health condition in section
(iii). Indeed, the illnesses listed in the regulation
(cancer, arthritis, and kidney disease) would be
chronic health conditions.’’); American Academy of
Family Physicians, Doc. FL25, at 1 (‘‘The categories
of ‘Serious Health Condition’ are overly
complicated and, in some cases, contradictory. For
instance, category 6—‘Multiple Treatments (NonChronic Conditions)’ goes on to list as examples
chronic conditions like cancer and kidney
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
blocks, or intermittently, in certain
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
IN GENERAL.—Leave under subparagraph
(A) or (B) of subsection (a)(1) shall not be
taken by an employee intermittently or on a
reduced leave schedule unless the employee
and the employer of the employee agree
otherwise. Subject to paragraph (2),
subsection (e)(2), and section 103(b)(5), leave
under subparagraph (C) or (D) of subsection
(a)(1) may be taken intermittently or on a
reduced leave schedule when medically
necessary. The taking of leave intermittently
or on a reduced leave schedule pursuant to
this paragraph shall not result in a reduction
in the total amount of leave to which the
employee is entitled under subsection (a)
beyond the amount of leave actually taken.
29 U.S.C. 2612(b)(1). Although the Act
specifies that an employee’s FMLA
leave entitlement shall not be reduced
‘‘beyond the amount of leave actually
taken,’’ it does not specify what
increment can be used to measure that
amount. As set forth in the final
regulations: ‘‘There is no limit on the
size of an increment of leave when an
employee takes intermittent leave or
leave on a reduced leave schedule.
However, an employer may limit leave
increments to the shortest period of time
that the employer’s payroll system uses
to account for absences or use of leave,
provided it is one hour or less.’’ 29 CFR
Comments submitted before the final
regulations proposed a variety of
changes to the rule, but none was
accepted. Many comments from
employers ‘‘urged that the taking of
intermittent leave in increments of one
hour or less was too burdensome’’ and
attempted to limit the blocks of leave
available to minimum amounts such as
‘‘half-days (four hours) or full days[.]’’
60 FR at 2201. Still other commenters
suggested ‘‘that the amount of
intermittent leave available be limited to
four weeks of the 12 week total available
in any 12 months.’’ Id. at 2202. The
Department rejected any minimum
limitations on intermittent leave beyond
the units of time captured by an
employer’s payroll system because ‘‘it
seemed appropriate to relate the
increments of leave to the employer’s
own recordkeeping system in
accounting for other forms of leave or
absences.’’ Id. The Department
explained this position on the basis that
the statute makes no provision for
limiting the increment of leave and that
‘‘otherwise employees could be required
to take leave in amounts greater than
necessary, thereby eroding the 12-week
leave entitlement unnecessarily.’’ Id.
[p]ermitting an employer to impose a fourhour minimum absence requirement would
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unnecessarily and impermissibly erode an
employee’s FMLA leave entitlement for
reasons not contemplated under FMLA
. . . . An employee may only take FMLA
leave for reasons that qualify under the Act,
and may not be charged more leave than is
necessary to address the need for FMLA
leave. Time that an employee is directed by
the employer to be absent (and not requested
or required by the employee) in excess of
what the employee requires for an FMLA
purpose would not qualify as FMLA leave
and, therefore, may not be charged against
the employee’s FMLA leave entitlement.
Id. at 2236.
In rejecting a four-hour minimum for
intermittent leave in the preamble to the
interim regulations, the Department
suggested that such a limitation was
unnecessary. The Department stated:
‘‘There are other protections for
employers in the statute; for example, if
leave is foreseeable, an employee is
required to try to schedule the leave so
as not to unduly disrupt the employer’s
operation[.]’’ 58 FR at 31801. The
Department further predicted that
incidents of unscheduled intermittent
leave would be unusual: ‘‘[I]t is
considered unlikely that an employee
would have several short instances of
intermittent leave on an emergency
basis which qualify as serious health
conditions.’’ Id.. Thus, the Department
did not envision how commonplace
unscheduled intermittent leave would
become, at least as is now reflected in
many of the comments submitted in
response to the RFI. For example, the
United States Postal Service reported to
the Department that, out of 179,370
FMLA certifications and 2 million days
of FMLA protected leave in 2006,
almost 38% of all leaves were chronic
and intermittent, and ‘‘76.8% of all
FMLA leave hours associated with a
chronic condition were unscheduled.’’
Doc. 10184A, at 9.
3. Leave That Is Not ‘‘Foreseeable’’
The third facet of the FMLA that
contributes to the issues concerning
unscheduled intermittent leave is the
concept of leave that is not
‘‘foreseeable.’’ The Act expressly
provides than an employee must give 30
days notice if the need for FMLA leave
is foreseeable. If 30 days’ notice is not
possible, the employee must give ‘‘such
notice as is practicable.’’ 29 U.S.C.
The Department’s regulations on
foreseeable leave mirror this language:
An employee must provide the employer at
least 30 days advance notice before FMLA
leave is to begin if the need for the leave is
foreseeable based on an expected birth,
placement for adoption or foster care, or
planned medical treatment for a serious
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health condition of the employee or of a
family member. If 30 days notice is not
practicable, such as because of a lack of
knowledge of approximately when leave will
be required to begin, a change in
circumstances, or a medical emergency,
notice must be given as soon as practicable.
29 CFR 825.302(a). The regulations then
define ‘‘as soon as practicable’’ to mean
‘‘as soon as both possible and practical,
taking into account all of the facts and
circumstances in the individual case.’’
Id. § 825.302(b). In the case of
‘‘foreseeable leave where it is not
possible to give as much as 30 days
notice, ‘‘as soon as practicable’’
ordinarily would mean at least verbal
notification to the employer within one
or two business days of when the need
for leave becomes known to the
employee.’’ Id. The regulations on
unscheduled leave similarly require that
‘‘an employee should give notice to the
employer of the need for FMLA leave as
soon as practicable under the facts and
circumstances of the particular case.’’
Id. § 825.303(a). As with foreseeable
leave where 30 days notice is not
possible, ‘‘it is expected that an
employee will give notice to the
employer within no more than one or
two working days of learning of the
need for leave, except in extraordinary
circumstances where such notice is not
feasible.’’ Id.
Some courts have found the
Department’s regulations difficult to
Except for the 30-day notice provision, [the
regulations] do not clearly explain when
leave is viewed as ‘‘foreseeable’’ or
‘‘unforeseeable.’’ For example, if an
employee learns of the need for leave only a
day before the workday begins is the need for
leave viewed as ‘‘foreseeable’’ or
‘‘unforeseeable’? What about a half-day? Or
just two hours?
Spraggins v. Knauf Fiber Glass, 401 F.
Supp. 2d 1235, 1239 (M.D. Ala. 2005);
see also Cavin v. Honda of Am. Mfg.,
Inc., 346 F.3d 713, 719 (6th Cir. 2003)
(‘‘The regulations do not so explicitly
discuss employer notice procedures in
the context of an employee’s
unforeseeable need for leave, noting
only that when an employee requires
emergency medical leave, an employer
cannot require advance written notice
pursuant to its internal rules and
In a January 15, 1999 opinion letter
deriving from the regulatory language
discussed above, the Department
rejected an employer’s attendance
policy that ‘‘assess[ed] points against an
employee who fails to report within one
hour after the start of the employee’s
shift that the employee is taking FMLA
intermittent leave, unless the employee
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
is unable to report the absence due to
circumstances beyond the employee’s
control.’’ Wage and Hour Opinion Letter
FMLA–101 (Jan. 15, 1999). The
Department deemed this policy noncompliant, stating:
The company’s attendance policy imposes
more stringent notification requirements than
those of FMLA and assigns points to an
employee who fails to provide such ‘‘timely’’
notice of the need for FMLA intermittent
leave. Clearly, this policy is contrary to
FMLA’s notification procedures which
provide that an employer may not impose
stricter notification requirements than those
required under the Act (§ 825.302(g)) and that
FMLA leave cannot be denied or delayed if
the employee provides timely notice (under
FMLA), but did not follow the company’s
internal procedures for requesting leave.
Id. The letter went on to provide
guidance regarding how the notice
provision works:
For example, an employee receives notice
on Monday that his/her therapy session for
a seriously injured back, which normally is
scheduled for Fridays, must be rescheduled
for Thursday. If the employee failed to
provide the employer notice of this
scheduling change by close of business
Wednesday (as would be required under the
FMLA’s two-day notification rule), the
employer could take an adverse action
against the employee for failure to provide
timely notice under the company’s
attendance control policy.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
As a result of this letter, an employee
must now be allowed two full days to
report an unscheduled absence
regardless of the facts and
circumstances of the employee’s
individual case.8 What began as an
illustrative outer limit of one or two
working days notice by the employee to
the employer of the need for leave has
in effect evolved into the rule that an
employee with a chronic condition can
miss work without notifying the
employer in advance of the need for
leave and, in fact, notify the employer
of this event two days later. ‘‘[The
regulatory notice provisions have] been
applied by the Department * * * to
protect employees who provide notice
within two days, even if notice could
have been provided sooner under the
8 As one commenter stated, ‘‘Not only are
employers’’ routine call-in procedures subordinated
to the FMLA rule allowing notice ‘within one or
two working days of learning of the need for leave’
(29 CFR 825.303(a)), another provision of the FMLA
regulations, 29 CFR 825.208(e)(1), expands the time
period to allow an employee to notify the employer
that his or her absence was FMLA-protected up to
two days after returning to work, even if the
employee could have followed normal call-in
procedures or provided notice earlier. This is
another procedure that makes no sense in the
context of intermittent leave for a chronic
condition.’’ National Association of Manufacturers,
Doc. 10229A, at 12.
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particular facts and circumstances.’’
National Coalition to Protect Family
Leave, Doc. 10172A, at 27.
B. Workplace Consequences of
Unscheduled Intermittent Leave
The comments received in response to
the RFI reflect the tension and
complexity surrounding the workplace
issues related to unscheduled
intermittent leave: tension because these
issues ultimately require striking the
appropriate balance between an
employee’s ability to take job-protected
leave due to unforeseen circumstances
and an employer’s ability to schedule its
work; complexity because reaching that
balance also involves considering, at a
minimum, the FMLA’s notice
provisions, the definition of ‘‘chronic’’
serious health condition, the minimum
permissible leave increments, and the
interaction between the FMLA and an
employer’s own attendance-related
The Society for Human Resource
Management commented on the effect of
unscheduled intermittent leave on
Intermittent leave initially was intended to
permit scheduled leave for planned medical
treatments or physical therapy. Since the
FMLA’s enactment, however, regulatory
interpretations of a ‘‘serious health
condition’’ have brought many chronic
conditions under that umbrella, thus
enabling some employees to expand FMLA
protections to the point of abuse * * * For
instance, if an employee is approved for
intermittent FMLA leave related to a chronic
episodic condition for which there is no date
certain when leave will be needed (arthritis
and allergies), the employee may take
unscheduled leave whenever s/he likes
without further medical substantiation that
the condition actually incapacitated the
employee on each leave date. Under this
frequent scenario, the employer has no
ability to require confirmation that the
employee was actually ill each time leave is
taken. Conversely, if an employee attempts to
take sick leave for a non-FMLA qualifying
condition, the employer can require medical
substantiation for each absence and can
discipline the employee if medical or other
substantiation for each absence is not
provided, specifically based on employer
Doc. 10154A, at 8.
In contrast, the comments submitted
to the RFI on behalf of employee
representatives suggested a markedly
different view. For example, the AFL–
CIO stated:
[T]he regulations currently permit
employers to discipline employees, even
when they are eligible for leave, if they fail
to follow the rules. Employees are required
to make reasonable efforts to schedule
intermittent leave so as not to ‘‘disrupt
unduly the operations of the employer.’’ 29
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U.S.C. 2612(e)(2)(a); 29 CFR 825.117.
Employees must also give advance notice of
thirty days before taking leave, or at least give
notice as soon as practicable. 29 U.S.C.
2612(e)(2)(b) (2002); 29 CFR 825.302 (a)–(b).
If an employee could have given proper
notice but did not, the employer may delay
the commencement of leave for thirty days
until after notice. See Gilliam v. United
Parcel Serv., Inc., 233 F.3d 969, 971 (7th Cir.
2000) (employer entitled to delay leave 30
days where employee did not give notice of
intent to take paternity leave until day after
child’s birth). See also Kaylor v. Fannin Reg’l
Hosp., Inc., 946 F. Supp. 988, 998 (1996) (‘‘It
is plaintiff’s failure to adhere to the FMLA
procedures for informing his employer of
intermittent leave that is ultimately fatal to
his claim.’’). An employer may deduct points
under an attendance control policy from an
employee who could have given advance
notice and failed to comply with FMLA
regulations. Dep’t of Labor Op. Ltr. FMLA–
101 (Jan. 15, 1999).
* * *
There is no empirical evidence of
widespread abuse of intermittent leave, and
the current regulations provide employers
with procedures to ensure that only eligible
employees take intermittent leave, that the
leave taken is medically necessary, and that
leave is scheduled at convenient times and
as far in advance as possible.
Doc. R329A, at 33.
The comments in response to the RFI
focused on the following workplace
consequences of unscheduled
intermittent leave: (1) Scheduling
problems caused by employee absences
with little or no notice, (2) loss of
management control, and (3) impact on
employee morale and productivity. We
address these issues in turn.
1. Scheduling Problems Where
Employees Taking Intermittent Leave
Provide Little or No Notice
A number of comments identify the
root of the problems with unscheduled
intermittent leave as the Department’s
interpretation of the notice requirement,
particularly the amount of notice an
employee must give to his or her
employer when the employee seeks
FMLA protection for unscheduled leave.
See, e.g., Southwest Airlines Co., Doc.
10183A, at 6–7; College and University
Professional Association for Human
Resources, Doc. 10238A, at 7–8.
As mentioned above, Wage and Hour
Opinion Letter FMLA–101 interpreting
the regulations at 29 CFR 825.302 and
825.303 has given rise to an
understanding in the regulated
community that employers (1) are
prevented from disciplining any
employee for failing to comply with a
policy that requires advance notice of
the need for leave and (2) are required
to treat leave as FMLA-protected as long
as the employee provides the employer
with ‘‘notice’’ within two days after the
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
absence. As explained by the National
Coalition to Protect Family Leave:
The phrase ‘‘as much notice as is
practicable’’ is not well-defined. The current
phrase puts employers in the difficult
position of having to approve leaves where
questionable notice has been given. The
current regulatory definition—within one or
two business days—has been applied by the
Department to both foreseeable and
unforeseeable leaves, and to protect
employees who provide notice within two
days, even if notice could have been
provided sooner under the particular facts
and circumstances. See Opinion Letter No.
101 (FMLA) (1/15/99) (proposed attendance
policy, which would require employees
taking intermittent FMLA leave to report
absence within one hour after start of
employee’s shift unless employee was unable
to do so because of circumstances beyond
employee’s control, violated FMLA because
employees have two days to notify employer
that absence is for FMLA-covered reason).
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
National Coalition to Protect Family
Leave, Doc. 10172A, at 27. See also
Temple University, Doc. 10084A, at 6.
Employer commenters to the RFI were
nearly unanimous in their
understanding that the FMLA permits
an employee to wait until two days after
an absence to advise his or her employer
of the need for FMLA leave. This
understanding, according to the
commenters, combines with other
issues—e.g., the definition of serious
health condition, the minimum period
for intermittent leave, and the inability
to request additional medical
information—to create a situation where
employers lose much of their ability to
manage their business:
The DOL regulations at 29 CFR 825.203
require employers to permit employees to
take leave in the ‘‘shortest period of time the
employer’s payroll system uses to account for
absences of leave, provided it is one hour or
less.’’ Many employers have payroll systems
capable of accounting in increments as small
as six minutes. Tracking FMLA leave in such
small increments is extremely burdensome—
particularly with respect to exempt
employees, whose time is not normally
tracked. In addition, CUPA–HR members
have had difficulties scheduling around
intermittent leave because it is hard to find
a replacement worker for small increments of
time and the regulations do not require
employees to provide any advance notice of
the need for leave. The DOL Opinion Letter
FMLA–101 (January 15, 1999) exacerbates
this problem by stating that an employer
must accept notice of need for leave up to
two days following the absence. These
problems are evidenced by the overwhelming
majority of respondents to our membership
survey that reported problems with FMLA
administration. More than 80 percent of
respondents reported problems with tracking
intermittent leave and close to 75 percent
reported problems with notice of leave and
unscheduled absences.
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College and University Professional
Association for Human Resources, Doc.
10238A, at 7–8.
Throughout the comments, employers
explained why they believe the ‘‘two
day rule’’ is impractical and tantamount
to eliminating the ability of employers
to adequately staff their shifts and/or
discipline employees for violating
standard workplace rules. The ‘‘two day
rule’’ is thus described as unworkable:
[T]he DOL’s informal practice of allowing
employees to give their employers notice of
FMLA leave up to two business days after the
fact facilitates abuse * * * [T]his ‘‘two-day’’
practice of the DOL is also an arbitrary,
unreasonable standard[.] * * * The DOL’s
two-day notice practice is not a promulgated
regulation or rule, and indeed the DOL’s
practice conflicts with the FMLA and DOL’s
own regulations[.] * * * The DOL’s informal
two-day notice practice improperly allows an
employee to remain silent and provide no
notice to his/her employer for up to two full
business days, even when the employee has
the knowledge and means to give timely
notice to their employer. As such, the DOL’s
informal two-day notice practice is an
arbitrary standard that fails to recognize an
employer’s legitimate operational need for
timely notice and that contradicts with an
employee’s statutory duty to provide such
notice as is practicable.
Southwest Airlines Co., Doc. 10183A, at
Employers also identified as an area
of concern the closely related issue of
their inability to enforce routine call-in
procedures. Section 825.302(d) of the
regulations, which addresses the issue
of advanced notice in the context of
foreseeable leave, provides:
An employer may also require an employee
to comply with the employer’s usual and
customary notice and procedural
requirements for requesting leave. For
example, an employer may require that
written notice set forth the reasons for the
requested leave, the anticipated duration of
the leave, and the anticipated start of the
leave. However, failure to follow such
internal employer procedures will not permit
an employer to disallow or delay an
employee’s taking FMLA leave if the
employee gives timely verbal or other notice.
29 CFR 825.302(d).
A comment from Wolf, Block, Schorr
and Solis-Cohen identified what it
believes to be the problems associated
with section 825.302(d):
Another area of FMLA abuse involves the
DOL regulations’ limits on an employer’s
ability to require employees to comply with
their customary call-out procedures. This is
of particular concern for employees taking
intermittent leave.
* * *
[Section 825.302(d)] has been interpreted
by the DOL to limit an employer’s ability to
impose a call-in procedure (e.g. requiring
employees to call in and report their absence
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within 1 hour of their start time) on
employees who are absent from work for an
FMLA related reason where the call-in
procedure is more onerous [than] the verbal
and written notice procedures set forth in 29
CFR §825.303. The inability of an employer
to insist that employees on FMLA leave
comply with a call-in procedure, such as in
the previous example, invites abuse from
employees who are medically approved for
intermittent FMLA leave and, subsequently,
give their employer little or no notice leading
up to their sporadic absences.
Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen,
Doc. 10093A, at 2.
Employers asserted that the call-in
procedures, which are enforced
routinely outside the FMLA context, are
often critical to an employer’s ability to
ensure appropriate staffing levels. The
Ohio Department of Administrative
Services commented that:
Many state agencies have a call-in procedure
that requires employees to personally call
within a certain period of time prior to the
shift if they will be unexpectedly absent that
day. For agencies that employ this procedure,
the advanced ‘‘call-in’’ serves as a crucial
element of their attendance program, and
enables the agency to adjust schedules and
personnel to cover the absent worker’s duties
and responsibilities. This procedure is
especially critical in institutional agencies
that provide direct care and supervision of
inmates or patients.
Doc. 10205A, at 3.
Employer commenters, however, were
clear in their belief that the
Department’s interpretations have
severely limited those employers who
need to know in advance of any absence
and have opened the door for misuse of
FMLA leave:
[T]he current FMLA regulations reduce the
effectiveness of [call-in procedures], as
agencies are prohibited under the regulations
from requiring advance notice of the
employee’s need for FMLA leave. Once an
employee receives a certification for an
ongoing chronic condition, leave can be
taken on numerous occasions intermittently
for the same condition and without advance
notice. * * * This restriction leads to a
greater potential for abuse, as employees may
be tempted to use their certifications to
justify tardiness. Current FMLA regulations
require an employee to give notice of the
need for FMLA leave ‘‘as soon as is
practicable,’’ which usually means within a
day or two of learning of the need for leave.
Id. See also National Association of
Manufacturers, Doc. 10229A, at 4, 12
(‘‘65 percent of the requests received for
intermittent leave were made either on
the day of the leave, after the leave was
taken, or without any notice. * * *
[E]mployees with unscheduled
intermittent leave routinely ignore
mandatory shift call-in procedures (even
if they are fully able to comply), wait
two working days, as permitted by 29
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
CFR 825.303(a), and then report their
absence as FMLA-qualifying’’).
Wage and Hour Opinion Letter
FMLA–101, discussed above, allows
employers to discipline employees for
failure to follow employer notice
policies only where those policies are
less stringent than the FMLA’s notice
The employer, however, could impose a
penalty, i.e., assign points under its
customary attendance control policy, in a
situation where the employee was in the
position of providing advance notice, absent
extenuating circumstances, of the need for
FMLA leave and failed to provide the notice
in accordance with FMLA’s requirements
and the company’s notification policy, if less
stringent than FMLA’s. Under this
circumstance, the provisions of § 825.302(d)
would not apply because of the employee’s
failure to provide timely notice based upon
FMLA’s requirements (§§ 825.302(a) and (b)).
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Wage and Hour Opinion Letter FMLA–
101 (Jan. 15, 1999).
This issue of an employer’s ability to
enforce its own notice policies for
employees taking leave has been
litigated in the federal courts with
varying results.9 Two appellate courts
have addressed whether the application
of employer policies requiring
employees to notify a specific
individual or office when requesting a
leave of absence violates the FMLA and
have reached differing results. In Cavin
v. Honda of America Manufacturing,
Inc., 346 F.3d 713 (6th Cir. 2003), the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth
Circuit addressed an employer policy
requiring an employee to formally
9 Cases addressing employer policies have
involved three types of employer policies. The first
group involves employer policies requiring the
employee to report an absence within a specific
time frame (frequently one hour prior to the start
of the employee’s shift). These types of employer
policies present the clearest potential for conflict
with the FMLA notice regulations. Compare
Spraggins v. Knauf Fiber Glass GmbH, Inc., 401
F.Supp. 2d 1235 (M.D. Ala. 2005) (holding that
employer could enforce rule requiring employees to
call in one hour prior to their shift unless it was
impracticable for them to do so), with Mora v.
Chem-Tronics, Inc., 16 F.Supp. 2d 1192 (S.D. Cal.
1998) (holding that employer’s policy requiring
employees to call 30 minutes prior to the start of
their shift, regardless of circumstances, conflicts
with FMLA notice provision). The second group
involves employer policies requiring employees to
call a specific office or individual to report an
absence. See infra (discussion of Cavin v. Honda of
Am. Mfg., Inc., 346 F.3d 713 (6th Cir. 2004), and
Bones v. Honeywell Int’l, Inc., 366 F.3d 869 (10th
Cir. 2004)). The final group of cases involves
employer policies applied during the course of an
employee’s FMLA leave. See, e.g., Callison v. City
of Philadelphia, 430 F.3d 117 (3d Cir. 2005)
(upholding application of employer policy
requiring employees on paid sick leave to call in
when leaving home); Lewis v. Holsum of Fort
Wayne, Inc., 278 F.3d 706 (7th Cir. 202) (upholding
application of three-day no-call/no-show rule);
Gilliam v. UPS, 233 F.3d 969 (7th Cir. 2000)
(upholding application of three-day no-call rule).
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request a leave of absence from a
specified department within three
workdays of the first day missed. The
employee called daily to report his
absences to the employer’s security
office, but failed to comply with the
requirement to notify the correct
department of his need for a leave of
absence in a timely manner. The Sixth
Circuit concluded that the employer’s
policy did not comply with the FMLA,
holding that ‘‘employers cannot deny
FMLA relief for failure to comply with
their internal notice requirements’ as
long as the employee gives timely notice
pursuant to the FMLA. Id. at 723. In
denying the employer’s ability to
enforce its workplace rule, the court
determined that ‘‘[i]n permitting
employers to develop notice procedures,
the Department of Labor did not intend
to allow employers in effect to
undermine the minimum labor standard
for leave.’’ Id. at 722.
In Bones v. Honeywell Int’l., Inc., 366
F.3d 869 (10th Cir. 2004), the Tenth
Circuit took a different approach,
allowing an employer to enforce its own
internal requirements governing whom
an employee must contact regarding her
absence. In Bones, the employee was
terminated because she failed to report
to work or to call her supervisor for
three days. On the second day of her
absence, she requested a leave of
absence from the employer’s medical
department; the employer’s policy,
however, expressly stated that
employees were required to follow the
call-in procedure and that contacting
the medical department was not
sufficient. Id. at 875. The court did not
directly address whether the employee
had provided sufficient notice under the
FMLA, finding that the issue had been
waived. Id. at 877. The court went on
to note, however, that ‘‘Bones was
terminated because she did not comply
with Honeywell’s absence policy; she
would have been terminated for doing
so irrespective of whether or not these
absences were related to a requested
medical leave.’’ Id. at 878.
2. Loss of Management Control
Employers commented frequently
regarding what they see as the difficulty
in maintaining control over the
workplace when, in the employers’ view
at least, employees ‘‘abuse’’
unscheduled intermittent leave in order
to achieve some privilege or advantage
to which they are not entitled. See, e.g.,
National Association of Manufacturers,
Doc. 10229A, at 4 (‘‘As currently
interpreted by DOL, the FMLA has
become the single largest source of
uncontrolled absences and, thus, the
single largest source of all the costs
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those absences create: missed deadlines,
late shipments, lost business, temporary
help, and over-worked staff.’’). The
commenters assert that because
employers’ ability to use call-in
procedures and other attendance control
mechanisms is severely limited where
the FMLA is involved, and because the
FMLA allows few options for
determining whether a specific instance
of leave use is appropriate, situations
arise where certain employees do as
they wish, ignoring the employers’
rules, schedules, and staffing decisions.
As described by one attorney:
In my practice, by far the biggest problem
we face with the FMLA is intermittent leave
* * * These employees typically use their
intermittent leave in small increments dayto-day. Especially when based on the need to
care for others or highly subjective factors,
this leave is neither scheduled in advance
nor susceptible of being scheduled. The end
result is employees who, under the auspices
of FMLA, we must * * * allow to come and
go as they please without any regard for our
business needs. From both a legal and
practical point of view, the employer is at the
mercy of the employee. As a practical matter,
there is no effective or legally ‘‘safe’’ way for
an employer to regulate or verify the
legitimacy [of] an employee’s use of
intermittent leave.
Peter Wright, Esq., Doc. 4760, at 1.
One employer made the following
The most difficult and burdensome part of
the FMLA is the intermittent FMLA. Many
employees will request FMLA as soon as they
are placed in the discipline system for
attendance. Health care providers will
complete the forms for some for any reason
the employee requests. The provider does
this in such a vague manner i.e. ‘‘chronic
condition, unknown or lifetime length,
unknown frequency that may prevent them
from coming to work, may cause them to be
late leave early or not be able to attend
without notice.’’ This gives the employee the
right to come and go as they please without
giving the company the right to question or
FNG Human Resources, Doc. FL13, at 2.
Although not strictly limited to
unscheduled intermittent leave use, a
number of comments noted that
employers cannot enforce their
attendance policies—particularly ‘‘no
fault’’ attendance policies—against
employees on FMLA leave, which
results in inconsistent treatment of
those absent for non-FMLA-qualifying
reasons. The Society for Human
Resource Management summarized the
Moreover, some employers’ sick or
personal leave policies penalize repeated
absences, even illness-related absences,
which do not qualify for FMLA protection.
(These are commonly called ‘‘no-fault’’
policies.) For a non-FMLA qualifying
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
condition, the employer can discipline and
even terminate an employee who is
repeatedly absent. This follows from the
principle that regular attendance is generally
required of every job and is essential to
productive and smooth operations. With an
FMLA-qualifying condition, however, the
employer may not discipline the employee
for any absences, no matter how frequent,
unless and until the employee’s leave
entitlement is exhausted.
Society for Human Resource
Management, Doc. 10154A, at 8.
The Edison Electric Institute was able
to quantify the effect this position (and
other FMLA-related positions) has had
on its attendance:
In the year 1987 our sick leave usage
averaged 89.2 hours per employee. In 1990
we implemented a No-Fault Modified
Attendance Policy (point system) to control
employee attendance. After the policy was in
place for three years the sick leave usage
dropped 70% (from 89.2 hours to 27.2
hours). However, since FMLA went into
effect in 1993, sick leave usage has steadily
increased each year. At the end of 2006 the
average hours used per employee escalated to
78.2. This is a 188% increase over a thirteen
year period. * * * We attribute most of this
increase to the FMLA. Under the existing
regulations 29 CFR 825.220(c) employers
cannot use the taking of FMLA leave as a
factor in employment actions, i.e., No-Fault
Attendance policies.
Edison Electric Institute, Doc. 10010A,
at 1.
The types of scenarios identified by
employers as subject to ‘‘abuse’’ through
the improper use of unscheduled
intermittent leave include, among other
things: (1) Employees using leave to
cover for simple tardiness or a desire to
leave work early, and (2) employees
seeking to alter their work schedule
through securing a different shift.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
a. Arriving Late/Departing Early
Many employer commenters
suggested that employees use
unscheduled intermittent leave as a
pretext to cover for their tardiness or to
leave work early for reasons unrelated to
a serious health condition. See
Southwest Airlines Co., Doc. 10183A, at
4; Air Conference, Doc. 10160A, at 11
(‘‘Under the current regulations, an
employee could be tardy by nearly two
hours every scheduled workday for an
entire year and never exceed his
allotment * * * [S]ome employees use
this loophole to leave work early every
day to be at home when their healthy
children arrive home from school.’’;
‘‘[M]any employees use intermittent
leave to cover for tardiness, creating a
scheduling and attendance reliability
issue for airlines.’’); Cummins Inc., Doc.
10340A, at 2 (‘‘Our payroll system
allows for increments as few as three
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minutes, and one facility had over 200
incidents of three minute FMLA uses in
2005. We strongly suspect that our
incidents of three minute FMLA leave
are used to excuse tardiness rather than
true FMLA leave.’’); DST Systems, Doc.
10222A, at 1 (‘‘Increasing increment
allowed may reduce inappropriate use
of the FMLA which can be misused for
late arrivals/tardiness instead of a
legitimate FMLA reasons.’’); Methodist
Hospital, Thomas Jefferson University
Hospital, Doc. FL76, at 1 (‘‘Having a
major medical problem like surgery and
receiving block time off without
repercussion is not the issue.
Intermittent leave on the other hand has
created a hiding place for Employees
who have absence issues. * * *
Facilities are not looking to punish
cancer patients who need chemotherapy
on a weekly basis; we do need to
question Employees that have
intermittent problems on snow days
when they call in for ‘‘intermittent
leave’’ and hospitals have to struggle in
providing last minute staffing.’’).
b. Obtaining a Preferred Shift
A number of commenters stated that
some employees misuse the FMLA rules
to secure for themselves a preferred
schedule in the form of a shift different
from the one legitimately assigned by
the employer. See, e.g., Southwest
Airlines Co., Doc. 10183A, at 2, 4 (‘‘Far
too many employees misuse
unscheduled, intermittent FMLA leaves
to set their preferred rather than
assigned work schedules; to work shifts
paying overtime but no show regular
pay shifts; to get excused absences that
would otherwise violate attendance
rules; * * * FMLA usage plummets on
December 25 Christmas Day each year
when triple overtime is paid[.] * * *
FMLA usage is near its peak the day
before Christmas and jumps the day
after, but somehow nearly all those
employees who have been out on FMLA
feel better on Christmas day and are able
to come to work.’’); Roger Bong, Doc.
6A, at 4 (‘‘We even had one individual
during our busy period of time (where
overtime was abundant) come in four
hours before the start of their shift (2
hours at double time and 2 hours at time
and one half) and then at the start of
their regular shift go home on FMLA. In
that way she would earn seven (7) hours
of pay and leave while not working the
shift (2nd shift) that she hated.’’); Air
Conference, Doc. 10160A, at 4. (‘‘[E]very
airline has numerous examples of
workers who bid a full-time, 40-hour
week schedule, entitling them to
maintain all corresponding full-time
benefits, but who then cut short most
work days with intermittent leave. In
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other instances, reservation agents have
been known to miss their regular shift
—forcing the carrier to call-in another
worker with overtime pay— and then
report into work later that day for an
overtime shift that pays a higher
A number of commenters expressed
concern that compliance with the
FMLA’s intermittent leave provisions—
particularly when taken for a chronic
condition—often converted a full-time
position into a permanent, part-time
DOL takes the view that an employee is
entitled to an FMLA reduced schedule due
to a serious health condition regardless of the
fact that the condition is permanent and it is
unlikely that the employee will return to fulltime employment. (DOL Opinion Letter-97,
July 10, 1998) If an employee has a reduced
schedule with one full day off per week due
to FMLA, this arrangement can go on
indefinitely. This results, in effect, in the
creation of a new part-time position * * *.
[An employee can refuse] reasonable
accommodation under the American[s] with
Disabilities Act (ADA) but instead chose to
continue with * * * reduced schedule under
FMLA * * *. The regulations should not
permit this.
Seyfarth Shaw LLP (on behalf of a
not-for-profit health care organization),
Doc. 10132A at 3. See also Sally L.
Burnell, Program Director, Indiana State
Personnel Department, Doc. 10244C, at
4 (‘‘The issue here is that some
intermittent FMLA leaves almost default
into light duty assignments because
supervisors must reassign work that the
frequently-absent employee is
responsible for to ensure that deadlines
are met and services are provided to
customers.’’); Madison Gas and Electric
Company, Doc. 10288A at 2 (‘‘Offering
an employee the possibility of 12 weeks
of intermittent, unscheduled absences
makes the employer vulnerable to the
discretion of the employee. An
employee taking advantage of this
provision can essentially work parttime, but reap the benefits of a full-time
employee.’’); Air Conference, Doc.
10160A at 11 (‘‘Some employees use
this regulation to effectively convert a
fulltime position to part-time when parttime work is not otherwise available or
to receive a shift which they do not have
the seniority to hold under a
collectively-bargained seniority
10 Several comments, in making this point, noted
that it is possible for a ‘‘full-time’’ employee to use
FMLA leave intermittently under these
circumstances and not exhaust his or her yearly
leave entitlement. For example, 12 weeks times 40
hours per week = 480 hours of intermittent FMLA
leave entitlement per year, divided by 52 weeks =
9.2 hours of intermittent FMLA leave per week,
divided by 5 days per week = 1.8 hours per day.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Comments from the University of
Minnesota noted similar problems:
Dealing with such situations is extremely
difficult. Supervisors do not know if the
employee will come in to work on any given
day. They do not know if the employee will
work an entire shift. Employees will simply
notify their supervisors, in many cases after
the fact, that they have experienced
symptoms and cannot come in to work, or
must leave work early. A comment by a
supervisor regarding a performance issue
may result in the employee excusing himself/
herself for the rest of the day. Without proper
notice, a supervisor cannot make plans for a
replacement * * *. Nonetheless, the current
statutory and regulatory provisions provide
employers with few options.
University of Minnesota, Doc. 4777A, at
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
3. Impact on Employee Morale and
A very large number of comments
addressed the effect that the FMLA (and
unforeseeable intermittent leave in
particular) has had on employee morale.
The Department received comments
emphasizing the positive aspects of the
FMLA on employee morale and
retention, as well as the negative impact
on employee morale and productivity.
a. Viewpoint: the FMLA Improves
Employee Morale and Retention
Most of the comments addressing the
FMLA’s positive impact on employee
morale focus on the FMLA generally.
Several of the commenters who
described the FMLA’s positive impact
on morale relied on the 2000 Westat
Report. See, e.g., Faculty & Staff
Federation of Community College of
Philadelphia, Local 2026 of the
American Federation of Teachers, Doc.
10242A at 8 (‘‘The 2000 Westat Study
found that 89% of employers reported
that the FMLA has had either a positive
or neutral effect on employee morale.
The survey also reported that, of those
who have taken on added duties when
a co-worker has taken FMLA leave, over
four in five (85%) say the impact on
them was neutral or positive.’’); The
Human Rights Campaign, Doc. 10179A,
at 2 (same); 9to5, National Association
of Working Women, Doc. 10210A, at 2
(‘‘And more than 4 in 5 employees who
have taken on added duties when a coworker has taken FMLA leave say that
the impact on them was neutral or
According to the Women’s
Employment Rights Clinic:
Studies clearly suggest that workplace
flexibility, such as leaves for family
obligations, increases employee retention
* * *. [O]ther findings ‘‘strongly suggest that
employers who provide greater opportunities
for flexible work arrangements, have
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supervisors who are more responsive to the
personal and family needs of employees, and
create a workplace culture that is more
supportive of the worklife needs of
employees have employees who are more
satisfied with their jobs, more committed to
their employers, and more likely to plan to
stay with their current employers.
Interestingly, none of these work-life
supports necessarily impose direct costs
upon employers, in contrast with
conventional benefits.’’
available. Most employees will need to take
FMLA leave at some point during their
career, and good management practices
dictate that employers recognize this
eventuality and plan for it.
Doc. 10197A, at 7–8 (citation omitted).
See also Faculty & Staff Federation of
Community College of Philadelphia,
Local 2026 of the American Federation
of Teachers, Doc. 10242A, at 8 (‘‘The
law promotes workforce stability by
helping employees retain their jobs
when an emergency strikes. We believe
the FMLA is essential to greater
employee retention and to reducing
employee turnover, and it is crucial to
preserve FMLA’s protections in their
A number of commenters focused on
the benefits directly enjoyed by the
In contrast to the comments
emphasizing the morale-related benefits
of the FMLA generally, several
employers commented that when coworkers perceive employees to be
‘‘abusing’’ the FMLA, morale and
productivity suffer. As described by the
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission:
Based on recent research, it is clear that the
FMLA contributes to a more stable economy
and workforce by helping employers retain
their employees and reduce turnover. In the
2000 Westat study, 98 percent of employees
taking FMLA leave returned to work after
taking that leave. And of the employers who
experienced cost savings due to the FMLA,
more than three-quarters attributed their
savings to decreased turnover. The
Employment Policy Foundation reports that
the average cost of employee turnover is 25
percent of an employee’s total compensation.
Not only does the FMLA support families, it
also supports businesses. The FMLA has
reduced these costs by creating an effective
mechanism for employees to retain their jobs.
Families USA, Doc. 10327A, at 6
(footnotes omitted). See also The
Human Rights Campaign, Doc. 10179A,
at 2 (‘‘Many companies and states know
from experience that providing a safety
net for all families is a good business
decision.’’); 9to5, National Association
of Working Women, Doc. 10210A, at 2
(‘‘The Family Medical Leave Act is a
win-win for employees and
Several comments from employees
opined that the causes of decreased
employee morale are not so much the
result of the FMLA, but rather the
employer’s failure to manage effectively:
The primary method for covering for
employees on FMLA leave is to assign their
work to co-workers. Reportedly, this method
of getting the work done has a negative affect
on the morale of the employees who pick up
the slack for their absent co-workers.
Employers should not rely on co-workers to
cover for absent employees as a matter of
course. Rather, co-workers should be used to
pick up the slack when no other option is
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Center for WorkLife Law, Doc 10121A,
at 7.
b. Viewpoint: Unforeseeable
Intermittent Leave Negatively Affects
Employee Morale and Productivity
FMLA leave when abused/misused affects
morale negatively. We have received phone
calls from both employees and managers who
are frustrated that an employee(s) at their
work location call off for FMLA so they can
be off for holidays and weekends. These calloffs may interfere with another employee’s
vacation request, requiring them to come to
work while another employee uses their
FMLA. We have heard these type of holiday/
vacation FMLA requests called ‘‘get-out-ofjail-free’’ cards because there is no recourse
that we have as an employer to enforce these
types of abuses/misuses of leave. Employees
will request a vacation day, and if that
request is denied, they often call in sick for
FMLA that day. Some employees have even
bragged to others how easy it is to get the
extra time off and how they use this time for
vacation or other non-FMLA reasons.
Doc. 10092A, at 8. See also Dover
Downs Hotel & Casino, Doc. 10278A, at
2 (‘‘Here is an example of what occurs
on a REGULAR basis. An employee
requests a vacation at the last minute as
she received an unexpected invitation
for a week at the beach. The manager
denies the request, citing the numerous
others who were granted vacation for
the week in question. The manager
simply cannot afford to allow one more
person to take that week off as it would
incur overtime for others to cover for
this one. This employee chooses to head
to the beach anyway and calls the
manager, citing only those magic words
‘FMLA’. In this true scenario, we were
inconvenienced—as were the employees
who had to work overtime to pick up
extra hours to cover for this
This sentiment is echoed in the
comments of the National Coalition to
Protect Family Leave:
The Coalition believes that the availability
of FMLA leave can increase morale in the
workplace, if the leave is used in accordance
with the spirit and intent of the Act.
Employees who take FMLA leave are
generally satisfied, for not only are the
employees able to retain their benefits, but
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
they also have job security. However, FMLA
can also lead to low morale and decreased
productivity in the workplace. When
employees take unscheduled intermittent
leave and even scheduled leave in large
blocks of time, the morale and productivity
may decline for the remaining employees.
The employees who report to work must
cover for their colleagues who take FMLA
leave, often resulting in overtime. Both
employers and employees have expressed
concerns regarding the abuse of FMLA leave
and, thus, the employees who report to work
are the ones who suffer.
Doc. 10172A, at 51. See also Bendix
Commercial Vehicle Systems, Doc.
10079A, at 4, 11 (‘‘[FMLA leave] has a
positive impact when it is believed to be
used appropriately; however, when it is
believed to be being abused, it has a
very negative [effect]. It can build
animosity towards coworkers for not
pulling their weight, towards the
employer because we are allowing the
employee to abuse the FMLA and won’t
do anything about it.’’; ‘‘This means that
coworkers have to be asked to do more
to cover for the person who took the
intermittent FMLA. This can create
morale issues—employee not pulling
their own weight.’’).
Some employers report that
employees themselves also identify
morale issues associated with their coworkers’ use of FMLA:
There is a menacing, intangible cost to
abuse of intermittent FMLA: it wears out
fellow employees who must cover shifts and
trips for those abusing FMLA. It dampens
workplace morale and teamwork * * *. In
2006, Southwest employees * * * were
asked what one thing they would change
* * *. In response, employees provided
hundreds of unsolicited comments about
FMLA abuse and its negative [effect] on
Southwest Airlines Co., Doc. 10183A, at
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Morale—Employees that are not utilizing
the unforeseen, intermittent leave report
feeling cheated. They come to work on time
and work 40 hours each week. When they
need time off, they utilize their vacation
time. They also report that employees on
unforeseen, intermittent leave indicate that
they can and will abuse the system when
they want to. As a result, more and more
employees are applying for unforeseen,
intermittent leave so they can take time off
of work whenever they choose.
Yellow Book USA, Doc 10021A, at 1.
See also An Employee Comment, Doc.
136, at 1 (‘‘We have a serious problem
with this where I work. There are
several people who do take advantage of
the system to the point where it is a
problem for the other workers. There is
no way for them to stop or control this
either as they call in for 2 days, then are
back before required to bring in a
doctor’s excuse.’’).
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Other commenters addressed the
perception of ‘‘abuse’’ of the FMLA by
leave-takers or the overall ‘‘costs’’ of the
FMLA. A postal employee commented
‘‘it seems to me many employees abuse
the system * * *. I don’t think the
employees lie about illnesses, but they
milk the system to stay home as much
as possible.’’ An Employee Comment,
Doc. 188, at 1. An employee at a
unionized factory commented that he
had witnessed ‘‘a lot of abuse’’ of FMLA
which created morale issues as well as
additional costs to the company. An
Employee Comment, Doc. 195, at 1.
However, an employee in the
transportation industry noted, ‘‘I do see
people occasionally abuse sick leave but
those people would abuse it regardless
of FMLA.’’ An Employee Comment,
Doc. 4684, at 1.
Several commenters contended that
misuse of intermittent leave has a
negative effect on employee retention
and turnover. For example:
[I]t is common that morale problems begin
to appear among the employees (collectively
and individually) who are left to deal with
an ‘‘intermittent’’ abuser in their production
area and have to continually pick up the
slack; however, while this last group may
perhaps receive some benefit via overtime as
a result, the more common result is
diminishing morale which often results in
increased turnover.
Krukowski & Costello, S.C. (on behalf of
Legislative Committee of the Human
Resource Management Association of
Southeastern Wisconsin), Doc. 10185A,
at 8.
Additional comments in response to
the RFI described the impact of
unforeseeable intermittent leave on
employee morale:
[T]he availability of FMLA improves the
morale of the employees that use it, while
negatively affecting the employees who do
not. Everyone knows the day may come
when we all may need to use it; however, the
fact that every individual has the ability to
be certified and then be able to miss up to
twelve weeks in a twelve-month period is
very disheartening. There are individuals
who will exhaust the twelve weeks and then
miraculously can come to work everyday
thereafter and once eligible, complete a new
certification and start the [vicious] cycle all
over again. We have no evidence that it
improves employee retention, however,
employees that already have attendance
problems find themselves with a serious
health condition and are then able to
continue to miss work but are able to be
excused instead.
AM General LLC, Doc. 10073A, at 2–3.
See also Spencer Fane Britt & Browne
LLP, Doc. 10133C, at 19–20.
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C. The Importance of Unscheduled
Intermittent Leave to Employees
Many commenters addressed the need
for unscheduled intermittent leave. For
example, one commenter described her
personal experiences with her
daughter’s chronic, serious health
My daughter had a major asthma attack
which caused a bronchial infection, swelling
and bacteria in her throat * * *. [N]one of
my daughter’s doctors have told her how
many times she needed to see them. I’m quite
sure if they knew the answer, it would have
been written * * *. No one is capable of
predicting an asthma attack or the severity of
the attack; I just would like the assurance of
knowing that if or when the situation should
arise, I have the time off required to handle
her needs without the threat of being * * *
An Employee Comment, Doc. 4395, at 1.
Another commenter described her
In 2003, my mother was diagnosed with
end stage renal failure and had to
immediately begin receiving dialysis
treatments three times a week. Since then, I
have been working a reduced work schedule
which allows me to be able to help my mom
with transportation to/from her treatments,
doctor appointments, errands, etc. * * *. I
was so thankful when my employer informed
me of this law because it gave my mom peace
of mind knowing that I would be available
for her when she needed me. By me working
only 32 hrs a week, instead of the normal 40
hr workweek, I have been able to act [as] an
advocate/liaison for my mom with all of her
doctors, specialists and treatments that she’s
had to endure. Most importantly, it has
allowed for my mom to feel independent
with my help. I know that if the FMLA act
[wasn’t] around, I would be losing a lot of
time and money with my employer and my
mom would probably be a burden to the
society and maybe even be living in a rest
home somewhere * * *. My mom will need
dialysis treatments indefinitely but I end up
taking leave without pay for most of the
An Employee Comment, Doc. 4773, at 1.
The AFL–CIO comments also
included statements from individual
employees detailing the importance of
intermittent FMLA leave to affected
Many of the responses to Working
America’s 2007 online survey on FMLA
stressed the importance of intermittent leave.
A Human Services Supervisor in Easton,
Pennsylvania, relied on intermittent leave to
care for his terminally ill father:
By using the intermittent leave provisions
of FMLA, I was able to help care for my Dad
in the final stages of his terminal cancer, in
his own home. I was grateful that he was able
to spend his last days in the comfort of his
house, as he desired, while I was able to
maintain my employment status, which I
desperately needed for my own family.
Weakening this law, will only lead to the
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
further breakdown of already stressed family
support systems.
A payroll and benefits administrator
in Euclid, Ohio also cares for a sick
My mother suffered a severe stroke 4 years
ago. I use FMLA time to care for her at home
and keep her out of a nursing home. I have
two siblings who help with her care, so I only
have to take intermittent leave. It’s hard
enough to care for a disabled parent without
having to worry about losing your job * * *.
It would break my heart and my mother’s if
I had to put her in a nursing home. The
government should be finding ways to make
it easier to take this leave, not make it harder.
American Federation of Labor and
Congress of Industrial Organizations,
Doc. R329A, at 30–31 (citation omitted).
The Center for WorkLife Law
expressed its belief in the importance of
unforeseeable intermittent leave for
chronic conditions to working
Recent studies show that 65 percent of
families with children are headed by two
working parents or a single parent. One in
four employed men and women has elder
care responsibilities and one in 10 employees
is a member of the ‘‘sandwich generation’’
with both child care and elder care
responsibilities. For those working caregivers
with a seriously ill child or family member,
medical emergencies are a way of life.
Intermittent FMLA leave allows these
employees to be available to their families
when they are needed most without the
stress of losing their jobs. We cannot
emphasize strongly enough that the
availability of intermittent FMLA leave is
critical for eligible employees caring for an ill
child, spouse or parent with a serious
chronic illness.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Doc. 10121A, at 5 (emphasis in original)
(footnotes omitted).
V. Notice: Employee Rights and
The Department noted in its Request
for Information that one consistent
concern expressed by the employee
representatives during stakeholder
meetings was that employees need to be
better aware of their rights under the
FMLA. Awareness of FMLA rights and
responsibilities is critical to fulfilling
the goals of the statute, yet it has been
a challenge since the inception of the
FMLA. Employees learn of their rights
and responsibilities through the notice
provisions of the FMLA and its
implementing regulations. The
Department sought information in
response to several questions
concerning the notice provisions and
how those provisions relate to employee
awareness of their rights and
• Whether employees continue to be
unaware of their rights under the Act
and, if so, what steps could be taken to
improve this situation.
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• The Department noted that
employers have reported that some
employees do not promptly notify their
employers when they take unforeseeable
FMLA leave and requested information
on the prevalence and causes of
employees failing to notify their
employers promptly that they are taking
FMLA leave and suggestions as to how
to improve this situation.
• What methods are used to notify
employees that their leave has been
designated as FMLA leave? What
improvements can be made so that
employees have more accurate
information on their FMLA balances?
• Does the two-day timeframe for
providing notification to employees that
their FMLA leave request has been
approved or denied provide adequate
time for employers to review
sufficiently and make a determination?
employee’s FMLA rights and
responsibilities and the employer’s
policies regarding the FMLA in the
pertinent employee handbook or
through other means if the employer
does not have such formal written
policies. 29 CFR 825.301(a)(1)–(2).
The notice requirements set forth in
section 825.301 derive from notice
provisions found throughout the
regulations. Within a reasonable time
after the employee has provided notice
of the need for leave, the employer shall
provide the employee with written
notice detailing the specific
expectations and obligations of the
employee and explaining the
consequences of a failure to meet these
obligations. The written notice must be
provided in a language in which the
employee is literate and must include,
as appropriate:
A. Background
The Act places notice obligations on
both employers and employees. The
notice provisions are scattered
throughout the regulations, which
further define the statutory
requirements and also include
additional notice obligations.
(i) that the leave will be counted against
the employee’s annual FMLA leave
entitlement (see § 825.208);
(ii) any requirements for the employee to
furnish medical certification of a serious
health condition and the consequences of
failing to do so (see § 825.305);
(iii) the employee’s right to substitute paid
leave and whether the employer will require
the substitution of paid leave, and the
conditions related to any substitution;
(iv) any requirement for the employee to
make any premium payments to maintain
health benefits and the arrangements for
making such payments (see § 825.210), and
the possible consequences of failure to make
such payments on a timely basis (i.e., the
circumstances under which coverage may
(v) any requirement for the employee to
present a fitness-for-duty certificate to be
restored to employment (see § 825.310);
(vi) the employee’s status as a ‘‘key
employee’’ and the potential consequence
that restoration may be denied following
FMLA leave, explaining the conditions
required for such denial (see Sec. 825.218);
(vii) the employee’s right to restoration to
the same or an equivalent job upon return
from leave (see § 825.214 and 825.604); and
(viii) the employee’s potential liability for
payment of health insurance premiums paid
by the employer during the employee’s
unpaid FMLA leave if the employee fails to
return to work after taking FMLA leave (see
§ 825.213).
1. Employer Notice Requirements
The FMLA mandates that covered
employers affirmatively notify their
employees of their rights under the Act:
Each employer shall post and keep posted,
in conspicuous places on the premises of the
employer where notices to employees and
applicants for employment are customarily
posted, a notice, to be prepared or approved
by the Secretary, setting forth excerpts from,
or summaries of, the pertinent provisions of
this title and information pertaining to the
filing of a charge.
29 U.S.C. 2619(a). ‘‘Any employer that
willfully violates this section may be
assessed a civil money penalty not to
exceed $100 for each separate offense.’’
29 U.S.C. 2619(b).
In addition to the statutory posting
requirement, the Department of Labor
regulations flesh out employers’
obligations to inform employees of their
FMLA rights and responsibilities. See
generally 29 CFR 825.300–825.301. In
addition to repeating the statutory
requirements, section 825.300 of the
regulations requires some degree of
bilingual or multilingual notice: ‘‘Where
an employer’s workforce is comprised of
a significant portion of workers who are
not literate in English, the employer
shall be responsible for providing the
notice in a language in which the
employees are literate.’’ 29 CFR
Section 825.301 sets forth additional
employer notice requirements, requiring
the inclusion of information on the
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29 CFR 825.301(b)(1). ‘‘The specific
notice may include other information—
e.g., whether the employer will require
periodic reports of the employee’s status
and intent to return to work, but is not
required to do so.’’ 29 CFR
825.301(b)(2). ‘‘The notice shall be given
within a reasonable time after notice of
the need for leave is given by the
employee—within one or two business
days if feasible.’’ 29 CFR 825.301(c). The
written notification to the employee that
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the leave has been designated as FMLA
leave ‘‘may be in any form, including a
notation on the employee’s pay stub.’’
29 CFR 825.208(b)(2).
2. Employee Notice Requirements
The FMLA also imposes a
requirement on employees to notify
their employers of the need for FMLA
leave. The statute requires that in the
case of foreseeable leave due to the birth
of a son or daughter or the placement of
a son or daughter with the employee for
adoption or foster care, ‘‘the employee
shall provide the employer with not less
than 30 days notice before the date the
leave is to begin * * * except that if the
date of birth or placement requires leave
to begin in less than 30 days, the
employee shall provide such notice as is
practicable.’’ 29 U.S.C. 2612(e)(1). The
same standard applies to foreseeable
leave based on planned medical
treatment for a serious health condition
of the employee or the employee’s
spouse, son, daughter, or parent. 29
U.S.C. 2612(e)(2).
‘‘When the approximate timing of the
need for leave is not foreseeable, an
employee should give notice to the
employer of the need for FMLA leave as
soon as practicable under the facts and
circumstances of the particular case. It
is expected that an employee will give
notice to the employer within no more
than one or two working days of
learning of the need for leave, except in
extraordinary circumstances.’’ 29 CFR
825.303(a). ‘‘An employer may also
require an employee to comply with the
employer’s usual and customary notice
and procedural requirements for
requesting leave. * * * However,
failure to follow such internal employer
procedures will not permit an employer
to disallow or delay an employee’s
taking FMLA leave if the employee
gives timely verbal or other notice.’’ 29
CFR 825.302(d).
While the statute and its
implementing regulations require the
employee to provide notice of the need
for leave, employees are not required to
specifically request FMLA leave. The
‘‘employee need not expressly assert
rights under the FMLA or even mention
the FMLA, but may only state that leave
is needed[.]’’ 29 CFR 825.302(c),
825.303(b). However, the regulations
also state that ‘‘[a]n employee giving
notice of the need for unpaid FMLA
leave must explain the reasons for the
needed leave so as to allow the
employer to determine the leave
qualifies under the Act. * * * In many
cases, in explaining the reasons for a
request to use paid leave, especially
when the need for the leave was
unexpected or unforeseen, an employee
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will provide sufficient information for
the employer to designate the paid leave
a FMLA leave.’’ 29 CFR 825.208(a)(1).
B. Awareness of Rights
The 1995 Commission on Leave
Report found that 41.9% of employees
at covered establishments had not heard
of the FMLA. The 2000 Westat Report
found that 40.7% of covered employees
had not heard of the FMLA and nearly
half the employees did not know
whether the law applied to them. See
2000 Westat Report, at 3–8 and 3–9. One
commenter cited these percentages and
expressed a continuing concern that
employees are not aware of their rights.
National Partnership for Women &
Families, Doc. 10204A, at 17.
Increasing employee and employer
awareness of FMLA rights and
responsibilities continues to be a
challenge. See Madison Gas and Electric
Company, Doc. 10288, at 3 (‘‘Employees
tend to be uninformed about many legal
rights or employer benefit provisions.
Employees seek ‘just in time’
information when they really need it.’’).
See also An Employee Comment, Doc.
10336A, at 12 (‘‘People generally do not
understand the law. If you address an
employer’s human resources
department, you can leave even more
confused * * *. Overall, employee
rights are not disclosed clearly to
employees.’’); Zimbrick Inc., Doc.
FL125, at 9 (‘‘Some employees are aware
and others are not. However, this is no
different than any other areas.’’); An
Employee Comment, Doc. 4646, at 1
(‘‘[I]f my coworker did not inform me of
FMLA I know I would have lost my
job.’’). One employer suggested that
employees may be unaware of their
FMLA rights due to the timing of when
they receive information about FMLA.
‘‘If employees continue to be unaware of
their FMLA rights, it may be because
most employers will cover this at
orientation. On the first day of the job,
new employees are nervous and are
overwhelmed with paperwork and work
rules. Since FMLA won’t affect them
until they have in the requisite 12
months with the company, they may
shove that information to the back
burner.’’ Elaine G. Howell, H.R.
Specialist, International Auto
Processing, Inc., Doc. 4752, at 1.
It appears that employees are not the
only ones who could benefit from
increased awareness of FMLA. An
employee who took FMLA leave for the
adoption of a daughter and later sued
his employer for interfering with his
FMLA rights and terminating his
employment in violation of the FMLA
stated that ‘‘Not only was I unaware of
my [FMLA] protected status, but neither
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was my management as they testified in
court. [Company Name] did not meet
their obligation to thoroughly explain
FMLA leave to management and
therefore they failed to provide adequate
protection to their employees.’’ An
Employee Comment, Doc. 167A, at 2.
The Legal Aid Society-Employer Law
Center commented:
Awareness of one’s FMLA’s rights in the
workplace is woefully absent. In my
experience, most litigation has been the
result of supervisors who are simply ignorant
about FMLA, its intended purpose and basic
protections, and then, with no training or
information, improperly deny FMLA leave to
eligible employees with a legitimate serious
health condition. Invariably, in every case
that I have litigated, the key supervisor did
not know that: (1) FMLA provides 12 weeks
of leave for an eligible employee; (2) the
leave can be taken on an intermittent basis;
(3) existing health care coverage continues
while an employee is on leave; (4) an
employee has the right to be reinstated to her
same or comparable job upon expiration of
the leave; and (5) an employee who exercises
their right to take FMLA leave may not [be]
subject to retaliation.
Doc. 10199A, at 3–4. See also Center for
WorkLife Law, Doc. FL64, at 6 (‘‘Some
employers fail to inform eligible
employees about their right to take
FMLA leave because of the employers’
or their managers’ own lack of
knowledge or understanding of the
Other comments from employees and
employee groups reported that many
employees have some general awareness
of the FMLA but do not know what the
law is (e.g., whether it extends beyond
leave for birth of a child) or whether it
applies to them. A survey conducted by
AARP of workers age 50 and over
11 Private sector supervisors are subject to
individual liability under the FMLA and therefore
may be held liable if they violate an employee’s
FMLA rights. See 29 U.S.C. 2611(4)(A)(ii)(I); 29 CFR
825.104(d). The Department is aware, however, that
there is a conflict in the circuits and in the lower
courts regarding whether public agency supervisors
can also be held individually liable under the
FMLA. Compare Modica v. Taylor, 465 F.3d 174,
186 (5th Cir. 2006) (‘‘The most straightforward
reading of the text compels the conclusion that a
public employee may be held individually liable
under the FMLA.’’) and Darby v. Bratch, 287 F.3d
673, 681 (8th Cir. 2002) (‘‘It seems to us that the
plain language of the statute decides this question
* * * This language plainly includes persons other
than the employer itself. We see no reason to
distinguish employers in the public sector from
those in the private sector.’’) with Mitchell v.
Chapman, 343 F.3d 881, (6th Cir. 2003) (‘‘Our
independent examination of the FMLA’s text and
structure reveals that the statute does not impose
individual liability on public agency employers.’’),
cert. denied, 124 S. Ct. 2908 (2004) and Wascura
v. Carver 169 F.3d 683, 686 (11th Cir. 1999)
(holding based on the similarity of the definition of
‘‘employer’’ under the FMLA and the FLSA, and
circuit precedent interpreting the term under the
FLSA, that public officials are not individually
liable under the FMLA).
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
revealed that, although 91 percent were
generally aware of the FMLA, only 50
percent of those workers reported that
they first learned of the FMLA through
their employer, suggesting that ‘‘more
can be done to improve employeremployee communication[.]’’ AARP,
Doc. 10228A, at 3. A survey of Working
America members by the AFL–CIO
similarly showed that 53.9 percent of
respondents were informed about their
FMLA rights by their employers. See
Doc. R329A, at 7. The survey also
showed that 68 percent of the
respondents had taken unpaid leave to
care for themselves or a spouse, child,
or parent during an illness, but did not
know whether it was considered FMLA
leave. Id. at 40.
Still other stakeholders report that
employees’ awareness of their FMLA
rights is not lacking. For example, the
National Coalition to Protect Family
Leave stated that ‘‘Coalition members
believe that, in many cases, employees
are well aware of their FMLA leave
rights. Among unionized employers,
coalition members report that unions
routinely inform their members of their
FMLA rights.’’ Doc. 10172A, at 39. One
law firm representing employers agreed.
Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur LLP,
Doc. 10124B, at 5 (‘‘Today, 13 years
after the Act’s passage, employees are
very savvy about their FMLA rights—it’s
the rare employee who does not know
of the FMLA.’’). Other stakeholders
echoed the sentiment: ‘‘As indicated by
the high usage of FMLA by employees
at most of our member airlines,
employees are fully aware of the rights
available to them under this popular
Act.’’ See Air Transport Association of
America, Inc., and Airline Industrial
Relations Conference, Doc. FL29, at 9.
See also MedStar Health Inc., Doc.
10144, at 15 (asserting that ‘‘employees
are not only aware of but, also, well
educated on their FMLA rights’’);
National Association of Convenience
Stores, Doc. 10256A, at 8 (‘‘today’s
employees are aware of their rights and
obligations under FMLA long before
they are hired’’).
Suggestions we received for increased
awareness include outreach efforts,
public campaigns, increased
dissemination of materials in both
English and Spanish, on-line tools, and
development of user-friendly FMLA
materials that could be widely
disseminated. See National Partnership
for Women & Families, Doc. 10204A, at
17; Families USA, Doc. 10327A, at. 4.
One union stated that the ‘‘posting
requirements for employers under
FMLA do not go far enough in that they
do not actively educate employees on
their rights under FMLA. In addition to
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posting FMLA basic facts as required by
the regulation, employers should be
required to give the information to
employees, in writing, once they
become eligible under the regulations
with that employer. Contact phone
numbers for the employer as well as
detailed appeals process afforded to the
employee should be provided, as well as
recourse information for possible
retaliatory practices by the employer.’’
United Transportation Union, Doc.
10022A, at 2.
Another union recommended that
‘‘employees should be expressly
notified of their right to take
intermittent leave.’’ International
Association of Machinists and
Aerospace Workers, Doc. 10269A, at. 2.
‘‘This has proven a real problem for
some of our members * * * An
employee who suffers from a condition
that is still being diagnosed, but doctors
believe it is either lupus, a connective
tissue disorder or rheumatoid arthritis,
arrived late to work due to her condition
on a number of occasions. This
employee was completely unaware that
she could take FMLA on an intermittent
basis. She thought if she took any FMLA
leave, she would have to stop working
altogether, something her illness did not
necessitate and something she could not
afford to do.’’ Id. at 2–3. The Legal Aid
Society-Employment Law Center also
stated that few employers effectively
advise employees about their rights and
options under the FMLA. See Doc.
10199A, at 4. Therefore, when ‘‘a
supervisor denies a legitimate leave,
uninformed employees must make the
difficult decision to take the leave in
spite of the supervisor’s denial and risk
losing their jobs.’’ Id. This commenter
suggested that employers provide
employee training so that the workers
understand their rights.
The AFL–CIO suggested that the
Department should consider regulations
that require ‘‘employers to provide an
individualized notice provision to
employees on an annual basis,’’ and
referred to another commentator who
suggested requiring notice to employees
at the point of hiring and annually
thereafter. Doc. R329A, at 40. The
Communication Workers of America
reiterated that employees should receive
documents that ‘‘explain their annual
leave entitlement and the process for
making application for FMLA leave.’’
Doc. R346A, at 9. It suggested that
employers could improve employees’
awareness of their rights, as well as
inform them of their individual
eligibility status, by taking steps such as
producing an annual FMLA document
for them. One employee recommended
that a ‘‘manager and/or HR should
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formally contact the employee and
notify them of the options available
under FMLA. This should include a
description of the protection and a
review of what the employee needs to
do to qualify for this protection (if
anything). Employees should be clearly
made aware of their obligations to the
employer. Employees should be
instructed when protection begins,
when paid leave begins and ends (ie.
paid vacation until it is used up), and
protection should be defined.’’ An
Employee Comment, Doc. 167A, at 2–3.
The National Employment Lawyers
Association similarly asserted that the
regulations should require employers to
take steps to provide workers with
adequate information regarding their
rights and responsibilities. See Doc.
10265A, at 4. One of its members
suggested requiring employers to have
such information in their handbooks
and/or requiring employers ‘‘to produce
a written statement of rights and
responsibilities to an employee upon
that employee’s first anniversary (if no
handbook is issued).’’ Id. See also
Coalition of Labor Union Women, Doc.
R352A, at 2–3 (noting that many
employees are not aware of their FMLA
rights, and that employers do not
provide them with the required
C. Employee Notice
As previously explained, employees
have the responsibility to notify their
employers of the need for FMLA leave;
however employees are not required to
expressly request FMLA leave or invoke
their FMLA rights. A great deal of
anecdotal information was provided
concerning notices provided by
employees as well as several suggestions
on this subject.
1. Notice of the Need for Leave: Timing
and Information Provided
Stakeholders offered several possible
explanations for employees failing to
provide notice of their need for leave,
ranging from the employee’s
relationship with his/her supervisor to
not wanting the absence to count as
It appears that reasons for employees
failing to notify their employer in advance of
FMLA leave-qualifying events vary
depending upon the medical situation and
the employee’s personality and relationship
with his/her supervisor. For example, some
employees discuss the possibility of surgery
or childbirth informally with co-workers and
then neglect to submit formal documentation
in a timely manner perhaps assuming that
the informal break room discussions are
sufficient; other employees do not want
supervisors or management to be aware of
medical issues until the very last minute and
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then provide only a bare minimum of
Another reason for delays is that
employees seem to think that they can
retroactively document most absences,
whether foreseeable or not, and frequently
submit the documentation after their return
to work. Since in many cases these
employees used accrued leave to cover their
absences, it is often in the employer’s interest
to also designate the absence as FMLA leave
whenever the employee provides the
documentation of qualification.
It also appears that employees who have
the option of using other accrued paid leave
often do not mention the reason for that leave
in order to avoid the absence being charged
concurrently to FMLA leave. Employees
without other leave options are very quick to
request FMLA leave even for doubtful
Sally L. Burnell, Program Director,
Indiana State Personnel Department,
Doc. 10244C, at 5. See also Elaine G.
Howell, H.R. Specialist, International
Auto Processing, Inc., Doc. 4752, at 1
(‘‘As an H.R. Specialist that handles
FMLA, I can tell you that we have had
employees with a foreseeable leave that
did not notify us of their need for leave.
Some employees have scheduled
surgery and used vacation time. We are
unaware of it unless there are
complications. * * * Many of our
employees are very private of their
medical needs, as they should be.’’);
Zimbrick Inc., Doc. FL125, at 10 (‘‘We
see several causes [for employee’s
failing to notify employer]: (1)
Employees’ lack of knowledge about
FMLA; (2) employees don’t anticipate
the need (for example[:] employee takes
off on Friday to have surgery but due to
medical complications can’t return to
work on Monday); [and] (3) employees
who know FMLA is 12 weeks and they
try to scam the system by using vacation
and sick time up first and then want 12
more weeks off.’’). One stakeholder
cited the need to provide medical
certification of the serious health
condition as a reason employees do not
request FMLA leave. See FNG Human
Resources, Doc. FL13, at 3 (‘‘Employees
refuse to request FMLA because some
medical providers either refuse to
complete the paperwork, complete it
incorrectly or incompletely, or charge
the patient up to $50 to complete the
required certification. Employees would
rather do without the hassle, request
sick pay for the days they are out,
regardless of severity of their
Some commenters do not see
problems with employee notification as
mentioned in the RFI and suggested
maintaining the status quo. ‘‘Clearly,
employees should notify their
employers about their need for leave as
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quickly as is reasonably possible, but it
also is important to ensure that
employees are not penalized unfairly
when confronted with unexpected
emergencies. We believe the regulations
strike an appropriate balance to allow
employees to take leave in emergency
situations, and also to provide
employers with information about the
need for leave in a prompt manner.’’
National Partnership for Women and
Families, Doc. 10204A, at 19. See also
OWL, The Voice of Midlife and Older
Women, Doc. FL180, at 2 (‘‘OWL
believes that the current notice from
employee to employer in unforeseeable
leave situations is adequate.’’).
The majority of stakeholders offering
information on this topic, though,
highlighted the problems they see with
the sufficiency of information provided
by employees in notifying employers of
the need for FMLA leave. ‘‘[E]mployees
who call in because of their own or a
family member’s medical condition do
not necessarily provide sufficient
information for an employer to make
such a determination. Since what
constitutes ‘‘sufficient’’ information is
not clearly defined anywhere in the
regulations, both employees and
employers face difficulties in meeting
their rights and responsibilities under
the FMLA.’’ National Coalition to
Protect Family Leave, Doc. 10172A, at
39–40. See also National Retail
Federation, Doc. 10186A, at 16 (‘‘Certain
retailers report that paperwork is often
not provided in a timely manner
because the employee has failed to
adequately communicate the reason
prompting the leave request or has not
shared the information with an
appropriate manager.’’); Jackson Lewis
LLP, Doc. FL71, at 9 (‘‘Much of the
frustration employers experience in
administering FMLA leaves stems from
the difficulty employers have in
‘‘spotting’’ FMLA qualifying absences.
Employers are not ‘‘mind readers’’ and
they often refrain from asking
employees why they are absent for fear
that they may invade an employee’s
medical privacy. It also is naive to think
that employers can effectively train
front line supervisors on the myriad of
health conditions and personal family
emergencies that might qualify for
FMLA protection.’’); Porter, Wright,
Morris & Arthur LLP, Doc. 10124B, at 4
(‘‘The first concern in this area relates
to the type of notice an employee must
provide to obtain FMLA leave. * * *
Instead, they simply need to request
time off and provide a reason for their
request.’’); National Association of
Convenience Stores, Doc. 10256A, at 5
(‘‘Employee notice is often vague or
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non-existent, forcing employer
representatives to make a discretionary
‘‘judgment call’’ in questionable
situations time and time again.’’).
The timing of employee notification
of the need for leave was also
mentioned by employers and employer
representatives as a problem in their
administration of the FMLA,
particularly—as discussed in greater
detail in Chapter IV—employee notice
with respect to intermittent leave. ‘‘The
last issue has to do with the fact that we
are often not notified that an employee
is out for a serious health condition
until after they return to work and then
we are unable to ask for medical
documentation.’’ Jan M. Gray, Benefits
Coordinator, Spokane County, Doc.
5441A, at 1. See also Suzanne Kilts,
Doc. 5204, at 1 (‘‘On our intermittent
FMLA employees, we have had several
occasions where the employee does not
call in for his FMLA absence until
minutes before their shift start. * * *
Just last week I had an FMLA call off at
9:05 a.m. in the morning. That’s 2 hours
and five minutes after their shift is to
start.’’); The Pennsylvania Turnpike
Commission, Doc. 10092, at 6 (‘‘The
issue of [employees] failing to notify
their supervisors promptly that they are
taking FMLA leave is very prevalent in
our company. Some employees that are
approved for intermittent FMLA simply
don’t show up for work, and then email
or call their supervisor when the work
day is almost over to inform them that
they are taking FMLA. This is extremely
frustrating as an employer, and there
does not ever seem to be a valid reason
that the employee could not notify the
supervisor earlier.’’).
2. Commenter Recommendations
The Department also asked for
suggestions on how to improve the
reported situation of employees not
promptly providing notice to their
employers of their need for
unforeseeable FMLA leave. One
commenter suggested ‘‘shifting the
burden to the employee to request the
leave be designated as FMLA leave in
writing.’’ See Miles & Stockbridge, P.C.,
Doc. FL79, at 5. Other commenters
suggested not only written leave
requests but also that leave requests
specifically mention FMLA. ‘‘It would
eliminate many disputes if an employee
were required to request leave in writing
or to follow up an oral request with a
written request within a reasonable time
(such as within two work days after
returning to work in the case of
intermittent leave, or five work days
after requesting leave in the event of
unforeseen continuous leave). * * * It
would help both parties immensely if
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the employee were required to mention
the FMLA when making such a
request.’’ South Central Human
Resource Management Association, Doc.
10136A, at 14; see also Spencer Fane
Britt & Browne LLP, Doc. 10133C, at 39
(same). ‘‘Especially for intermittent use,
require that employee provide specific
FMLA notice when absences are
necessary, relieving employer from
identifying possible need of FMLA with
timely designation based on limited
information provided by employee[.]’’
DST Systems, Inc., Doc. 10222A, at 4.
Other stakeholders expressed a desire
for more information from employees,
but stopped short of suggesting a
requirement that the employee must
specifically ask for FMLA leave.
‘‘Employees should be required to
specify the purpose of any instance of
FMLA leave, such as a doctor’s
appointment, physical treatment, etc. so
employers can assess veracity when
employees appear to be abusing the
leave policy.’’ U.S. Chamber of
Commerce, Doc. 10142A, at 11. See also
Williams Mullen, Doc. FL124, at 2
(‘‘DOL should implement detailed
regulations which provide necessary
language or actions that must be taken
by employees to put their employers on
notice of their intent to take FMLA
leave.’’); Association of Corporate
Counsel, Doc. FL31, at 8 (‘‘The DOL
should revise its regulations * * * by
making clear that an employee’s notice
to the employer must go beyond merely
requesting leave and must provide a
basis for the employer to conclude that
the requested leave is covered by the
FMLA.’’). However, some employers
advocated for a requirement that
employees specifically request FMLA
leave, suggesting that the regulations
should apply ‘‘to only those employees
who request FML coverage.’’ Edison
Electric Institute, Doc. 10010A, at 3. See
also Spencer Fane Britt & Browne LLP,
Doc. 10133C, at 42 (employers who have
a written FMLA policy should receive
‘‘safe harbor’’ protection and be
permitted to enforce procedural
requirements such as that FMLA leave
requests be in writing, that the FMLA be
specifically mentioned, and that the
requests go to a particular centralized
Several stakeholders recommended
allowing employers to enforce employee
compliance with established attendance
and leave notification procedures,
particularly with respect to intermittent
unscheduled FMLA leave. ‘‘The
regulations should expressly provide
that the employer may enforce any
generally applicable leave notification
or call-off requirements, even if the
FMLA is also involved.’’ Ohio Public
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Employer Labor Relations Association,
Doc. FL93, at 4. See also Association of
Corporate Counsel, Doc. FL31, at 10
(‘‘DOL should * * * make clear that an
employee may be subject to an
employer’s disciplinary process for
failure to provide timely notice or to
comply with the employer’s written
notification policy.’’); Miles &
Stockbridge, P.C., Doc. FL79, at 4 (‘‘A
possible remedy * * * would be to
require an employee taking intermittent
leave to provide notice of the need to
take intermittent leave consistent with
the employer’s call out procedures and/
or sick leave/absentee policy.
Additionally, at the time of the
employee’s call, the employee should be
required to indicate that the reason for
the absence is because of the FMLA
qualifying chronic condition.’’);
National Association of Convenience
Stores, Doc. 10256A, at 5 (‘‘Employers
should also have the flexibility to
impose more stringent internal notice
requirements upon employees, and to
impose leave forfeiture provisions for
their non-compliance.’’); University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Doc. 10098A, at
4 (‘‘Requiring employees to comply with
regular attendance policies unless there
is a ‘medical’ emergency would be one
way to rectify the problem of employees
failing to notify the employer of the
need for unforeseeable leave.
Intermittent, unscheduled FMLA does
not necessarily imply a ‘medical
emergency’ which makes regular
notification impossible.’’); American
Electric Power, Doc. FL28, at 2–3 (‘‘The
regulations should be reformed to allow
employers to enforce attendance
policies that require employees to
observe reasonable reporting-off
protocols, including policies that
require employees to report off to their
direct supervisors or to a designated
person in human resources.’’).
D. Employer Notification That Leave Is
In order to allow employees to know
when they are using their FMLAprotected leave, the regulations state
that ‘‘it is the employer’s responsibility
to designate leave, paid or unpaid, as
FMLA-qualifying, and to give notice of
the designation to the employee.’’ 29
CFR 825.208(a). It is the Department’s
intent that such designation occur ‘‘up
front’’ whenever possible, to eliminate
protracted ‘‘after the fact’’ disputes. See
60 FR 2180, 2207–08 (January 6,
1995).12 Notification that the leave is
12 In general, employers are required to designate
leave as FMLA within two days of learning that the
leave is being taken for an FMLA-covered purpose.
See 29 CFR 825.208(b)(1). The regulations prohibit
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FMLA-qualifying and the specific notice
required to be provided by employers
are essential means by which employees
learn of their FMLA rights and
obligations. Several employers provided
information on this topic.
With regard to the notice procedures
employers actually use, one commenter
stated that its notification procedures
are ‘‘working quite well,’’ because it
includes FMLA information during new
employee orientation and has trained its
supervisory workforce to recognize
potential covered absences. FNG Human
Resources, Doc. FL13, at 4. It stated that
supervisors notify the personnel office,
which mails out contingent FMLA
notices and certification paperwork
with instructions on how to have it
completed, and the notice includes a
statement of all employee rights and
responsibilities. This employer allows
employees 20 days to return the
certification forms (more than the
required 15 days), in order to cover
mailing time and because some medical
providers have a slow completion rate.
Once the paperwork is received, ‘‘we
keep both the employee and supervisory
personnel abreast of updates and
approvals.’’ Id.
The Pennsylvania Turnpike
Commission stated that its ‘‘process
works great for our company and
everyone is kept abreast of their FMLA
status.’’ The Pennsylvania Turnpike
Commission, Doc. 10092A, at 5–6. It
described that when it receives a
certification form, employees are sent a
letter stating whether the leave is
approved or denied, with a starting date
and expiration date if approved. It
reminds the employee’s supervisor a
week prior to the expiration date, who
employers from retroactively designating leave as
FMLA if they could have properly determined the
status of the leave at the time the employee either
requested or commenced the leave. See 29 CFR
825.208(c); but see supra Chapter II (discussing
status of penalty provision of section 825.208(c) in
light of the Supreme Court’s decision in Ragsdale).
The regulations do allow for retroactive
designation, however, if the employer learns after
an employee’s leave has begun that the leave is for
an FMLA-covered purpose. See 29 CFR 825.208(d).
Similarly, if an employer knows the reason for the
leave but is unsure whether it qualifies for FMLA
protection, or if the employer has requested but not
yet received certification of the need for leave, the
employer may preliminarily designate the leave as
FMLA-covered. See 29 CFR 825.208(e)(2). If upon
receipt of the requested information the employer
determines that the leave is FMLA protected, the
preliminary designation becomes final. Id. If the
additional information does not confirm that the
absence was for an FMLA-covered reason, the
employer must withdraw the preliminary
designation and notify the employee. Id. Finally, if
the employer does not learn that leave was taken
for an FMLA-covered purpose until the employee
returns from leave, the employer may, within two
business days of the employee’s return, designate
the leave retroactively as covered by the FMLA. See
29 CFR 825.208(e)(1).
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reminds the employee that the leave is
expiring. If the employee needs
additional leave, the employee
The Ohio Department of
Administrative Services similarly noted
that it understands that an employee’s
awareness of FMLA rights and
responsibilities ‘‘is critical to fulfilling
the goals of the statute,’’ and therefore
employees are given notice of the State’s
FMLA policy upon their hire and
notices also are posted. Doc. 10205A, at
4. The State also notifies employees of
their rights verbally within two days of
designating leave as FMLA leave, and
confirms the designation in writing by
the following payday. Employees
receive notice the first time they are
granted FMLA leave in each six-month
period. The State noted that sending a
letter to employees with chronic
conditions every time they request
FMLA leave for such a condition could
‘‘serve as an additional opportunity for
communication,’’ but it believes that
such notice would be very burdensome.
Id. at 5. The State also supported
eliminating the requirement to notify
employees that their leave will be
counted as FMLA leave when an
employee has requested FMLA leave in
writing or a verbal request has been
appropriately documented. See id.
One commenter stated that it also
advises employees verbally that their
leave is FMLA-qualifying and then
follows up with a letter. ‘‘If they have
already used some FMLA in the last 12
months, I will include in the letter the
amount of leave still available to them.
In the case of intermittent leave I will
carefully explain our rolling 12 month
period and give them a copy of the
attendance controller on which I
recorded their leave and, again,
carefully explain that on the anniversary
date of time used, that amount will
become available for them to use.’’
Elaine G. Howell, H.R. Specialist,
International Auto Processing, Inc., Doc.
4752, at 1.
Another commenter stated that it
notifies employees that their leave has
been designated as FMLA leave by
sending the employees a letter
confirming that their rights under the
FMLA have been reviewed and the
leave conditionally designated, pending
proper doctor certification. Franklin
County Human Resources Department,
Doc. FL59, at 7. The University of
Washington noted that it mails a written
notification to eligible employees after a
health-related three-day absence. See
University of Washington, Doc. FL17, at
The National Coalition to Protect
Family Leave stated that many of its
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members follow the regulations for
designating leave at sections 825.301(b)
(specific notice of rights and
responsibilities) and 825.208(b)(2)
(payroll stub or other written
designation). However, it stated that
some employers are not aware of both
provisions, and that the designation
process is confusing when an employer
provisionally designates leave when the
employer does not have sufficient
information to make a final
determination within two days. The
Coalition suggested that the regulations
should allow the ‘‘official ‘designation’
notice to be sent to employees after
sufficient information is received from
the employee to make a determination
whether the leave qualifies for FMLA
protections as part of the section
825.301 notice obligations (rights and
responsibilities requirement). No further
designation should be required.
Employers should simply have the
obligation to provide the employees
with FMLA usage information on
request[.]’’ National Coalition to Protect
Family Leave, Doc. 10172A, at 42.
One commenter suggested, as a
possible improvement that would allow
employees to receive more accurate
information on their FMLA leave
balances, that employees should keep
their own records and also ask ‘‘the
employer for a copy of their FMLA
records and report any discrepancies
within a specified amount of time to be
resolved.’’ Bendix Commercial Vehicle
Systems LLC, Doc. 10079A, at 9.
Another commenter similarly suggested
that employers should be required ‘‘to
make a good faith effort to provide
employees with information about their
eligibility status and FMLA leave
balances within a reasonable amount of
time, upon request by an employee[,]’’
but employees also should be required
to track their own hours and notify the
employer if they dispute the employer’s
data. Spencer Fane Britt & Brown LLP,
Doc. 10133C, at 43. This commenter
contended that an employee’s FMLA
rights should be ‘‘no greater than they
would otherwise be if the employer
either fails to provide the information or
inadvertently provides inaccurate
information.’’ Id.
E. Timing Issues
The Request for Information sought
comments on whether the two day time
frame for employers to notify employees
that their request for FMLA leave has
been approved or denied was adequate.
The majority of comments on this
topic indicated that the current two-day
time frame was too restrictive. See, e.g.,
United Parcel Service, Doc. 10276A, at
10 (‘‘In most cases, the initial
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notification of an absence or need for
leave is received by front-line
management, who conveys the
information up the chain of command
and to the local HR representative, who
notifies the FMLA administrator, who is
ultimately responsible for making a
determination. It is not unusual for it to
take one to two business days just for
the right personnel to receive the
information, much less make a
determination and communicate it back
to the employee.’’); Courier Corporation,
Doc. 10018A, at 4 (‘‘The two-day
timeframe is way too short for notifying
employees about their leave request,
since as employers we are often chasing
information from the employee or
physician.’’); Spencer Fane Britt &
Browne LLP, Doc. 10133C, at 42 (‘‘For
most employers, this is virtually
impossible. Although most employers
designate leave within a reasonable time
frame, it is usually well outside the twoday time frame, thus creating a risk that
the designation will be ineffective.’’).
Employers suggested varying
timeframes to replace the two-day limit.
See, e.g., Fisher & Phillips LLP, Doc.
10262A, at 15 (fifteen days from receipt
of a certification form); National
Coalition to Protect Family Leave, Doc.
10172A, at 48 (ten business days);
Association of Corporate Counsel, Doc.
FL31, at 11 (five working days); Courier
Corporation, Doc. 10018A, at 4 (five
days); United States Postal Service, Doc.
10184A, at 5 (same); Northrop
Grumman Newport News Shipbuilding
and Dry Dock Company, Doc. FL92, at
3 (same); Spencer Fane Britt & Browne
LLP, Doc. 10133, at 42 (suggesting a
reasonableness standard).
One employer stated that while some
decisions can be made in two days, even
a week might not be sufficient in other
cases, depending upon the amount of
information supplied by an employee
and whether clarification is needed
from the health care provider. See
Elaine G. Howell, H.R. Specialist,
International Auto Processing, Inc., Doc.
4752, at 1. Other commenters similarly
stated that the two-day time frame for
providing notification to employees that
FMLA leave has been approved or
denied is inadequate, ‘‘as there are
many factors which result in delays in
both obtaining information and
processing requests.’’ Hinshaw &
Culbertson LLP, Doc. 10075A, at 5.
With regard to possible alternative
requirements, Jackson Lewis suggested
employers should not be required to
designate absences as FMLA-qualifying
within two days, ‘‘as long as the
employee is receiving the protections of
the FMLA[,]’’ and that a regulation
could allow employers to preliminarily
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designate absences as FMLA-qualifying,
subject to the ‘‘employees ‘‘opting out’’
of FMLA leave’’ or the employer
establishing that the condition does not
qualify. Doc. FL71, at 8. The commenter
stated this ‘‘would bring greater
certainty and closure to absence
management for absences by imposing a
periodic ‘‘employee-employer’’
reconciliation of FMLA leave.’’ Id. at 9.
Alternatively, Jackson Lewis suggested
that a regulation could ‘‘require that
employers advise employees in general
notices that they must specifically
request FMLA leave for all absences of
less than one week in duration,’’ and
that employers should be allowed ‘‘to
designate retroactively absences that
initially were not classified by either the
employer or employee as FMLA but
would, in retrospect, qualify as
intermittent leave under the FMLA.’’ Id.
See also Fairfax County Public Schools,
Doc. 10134A, at 3–4 (in order to focus
on the outcome [12 weeks of leave]
rather than the application process,
employers could be required to notify
employees annually that, if they have
one year of service and 1,250 hours,
they are entitled to FMLA leave and
then the burden should be on
employees to contact the designated
official to apply).
Another commenter suggested that,
because employers experience problems
with giving proper notice when
employees do not provide prompt and
proper notice of their need for leave,
‘‘DOL should implement detailed
regulations which provide necessary
language or actions that must be taken
by employees to put their employers on
notice of their intent to take FMLA
leave. As a result, employers will be
significantly better equipped to execute
their responsibilities under the Act,
including, but not limited to notifying
employees that the leave in question
will count as FMLA leave.’’ Williams
Mullen, Doc. FL124, at 2. See also Miles
& Stockbridge, P.C., Doc. FL79, at 5
(designation difficulties could be
eliminated by requiring employees ‘‘to
request the leave be designated as
FMLA leave in writing’’ either prior to
or within three days of the absence);
Betsy Sawyers, Director, Human
Resources Department, Pierce County,
Washington, Doc. FL97, at 4
(responsibility for requesting FMLA
leave should be shifted to employee so
employer does not have to ‘‘second
guess or request additional explanation
from the employee’’ or, alternatively,
broaden an employer’s ability to
retroactively designate FMLA leave to
include entire period of leave). Another
commenter noted that it would like the
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regulations to provide further guidance
on making retroactive FMLA
designations when an employee has
initial absences that do not qualify for
FMLA leave, but the health condition
develops over a period of time. City of
Eugene Human Resource & Risk
Services, Doc. 10069A, at 1.
Another commenter emphasized the
hardships employees suffer when they
do not know promptly whether the
employer believes they are entitled to
protected leave. The commenter stated
that companies do not respond within
the required two business days, so
employees either do not take the time
off that they (or their family members)
need, or else they take off but are afraid
because they do not know whether they
will be subject to discipline for being off
work. Frasier, Frasier & Hickman, LLP,
Doc. FL60, at 1–3. The commenter gave
an example of an employee who was not
advised of his FMLA leave status until
approximately 60 days after he
submitted a certification form. This
commenter suggested finding some
means of making employers respond
timely to requests for leave. Similarly,
the International Association of
Machinists and Aerospace Workers
suggested that employers should be
‘‘required to promptly inform workers
when they are using their FMLA leave,
and to provide copies of FMLA leave
balances,’’ rather than putting this
burden on employees, because
employees can be confused as to which
days their employer has counted as
FMLA leave and which it has not. Doc.
10269A, at 3. See also 9to5, National
Association of Working Women, Doc.
10210A, at 3 (same).
One commenter noted that
‘‘[m]istakes about an employee’s
eligibility under the FMLA can be costly
for both employers and employees.
Certainty in this area is critical.’’
National Multi Housing Council and
National Apartment Association, Doc.
10219A, at 2. However, other comments
indicate that certainty may be difficult
to achieve promptly. For example, the
Ohio Department of Administrative
Services noted that, because the 1,250
hours of work test involves
distinguishing between active work and
paid time off, such as vacation time,
sick leave, bereavement leave, holidays,
personal leave, etc., ‘‘eligibility
determinations continue to bring
confusion to employers and their
managers. In light of the difficult fact
patterns that oftentimes accompany
eligibility determinations, the State of
Ohio recommends that the Department
implement a ‘‘safe harbor’’ provision to
exempt employers from penalties when
employers follow the regulatory
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requirements and make a good faith
eligibility determination that is later
overturned by a court or other
authoritative body.’’ Ohio Department of
Administrative Services, Doc. 10205A,
at 1. (Penalties arising from an
employer’s failure to follow the
regulatory requirements concerning
notice are addressed in Chapter II of the
AVAYA Communication similarly
noted that calculating the 1,250 hours of
work is a time consuming process for
employers, and that ‘‘it is difficult to
obtain an accurate number of hours
worked in time for the notification letter
to go out promptly.’’ Doc. FL33, at 1.
Therefore, the commenter
recommended allowing employers a
grace period within which to determine
whether employees are eligible for
leave. Another commenter believed that
employers should simply have to advise
an employee who does not have the
requisite 1,250 hours of service of that
conclusion, and the employer should
not be required to advise the employee
when s/he will be eligible for FMLA
leave because that timing is difficult to
predict. Pilchak Cohen & Tice, P.C.,
Doc. 10155A, at 5. See also United
Parcel Service, Doc. 10276A, at 7–8
(objecting to any revision to the
regulations that would require
‘‘employers to provide periodic or ondemand updates about the amount of
FMLA leave remaining to employees’’).
On the other hand, another
commenter noted that it uses a tracking
program related to its payroll system
that tells it whether ‘‘the employee has
been employed one year, worked 1250
hours in the prior twelve months, and
the number of weeks they are eligible
[based on] any previous leaves
associated with FMLA. A notice is sent
to the employee within 48 hours of their
request.’’ AM General LLC, Doc.
10073A, at 2. Another employer
similarly stated that it determines
whether employees are eligible by
running a report through the payroll
system to track the number of hours
worked in the past 12 months, but then
spends ‘‘an unusual amount of time’’
determining how much FMLA leave the
employee already has used. Elaine G.
Howell, H.R. Specialist, International
Auto Processing, Inc., Doc. 4752, at 1.
One law firm suggested that the
Department’s regulations may be the
cause of employer confusion over their
notice responsibilities. ‘‘The
Regulations include several notice
obligations, which we believe are not all
necessary and have simply created more
FMLA paperwork than is really
necessary.’’ Spencer Fane Britt &
Browne LLP, Doc. 10133C at 41. ‘‘The
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
omitted). Notably, Unum Group, a
provider of Federal and state FMLA
administration services, stated that
‘‘[t]he two-day timeframe for providing
notice to an employee of his/her
eligibility for FMLA leave is sufficient.’’
See Doc. 10008A, at 3. At the end of
2006, Unum Group reported having 95
customers located throughout all 50
states and administering leaves for a
total employee population of 585,157.
Id. at 1.
The Department mentions a few of the
notice issues that have arisen under the
FMLA. While it is true that the statute is not
perfectly clear in elaborating the notice
obligations of employees and employers
under the FMLA, it is not clear that the
Department can fully resolve the issues
through revisions in regulation alone. It
would be helpful for the Department to ask
Congress to clarify how the notice motions of
the Act apply. The law or the regulations
should put forth a clear and commonsense
regime by which employers would notify
workers of their rights and responsibilities
under the Act, workers would be required to
notify their employers of their need to take
FMLA leave, and employers would be
required to notify workers of their approval
or denial of FMLA leave as well as the term
of any approval or reasons for any denial and
appeal rights. Clearer notice requirements
would also resolve any issues related to the
‘‘duration’’ of leave.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Regulations do not include in one
provision all of the applicable time
frames and when they apply. Employers
struggle over provisions requiring
preliminary designations, final
designations, when designations can be
made retroactively, whether to designate
leave as FMLA leave when an
incomplete certification is returned, and
when the ‘‘two-day’’ designation rule
applies.’’ Id. at 41–42.
Finally, 53 Democratic Members of
Congress recognized the potential for
confusion concerning employer notice
The Department asked several
questions in the Request for Information
regarding the medical certification and
verification process. This chapter
addresses the Department’s request for
comments on the following issues:
whether the regulatory restriction in
section 825.307(a) that permits an
employer to contact the employee’s
health care provider for purposes of
clarification and authentication only
through the employer’s health care
provider results in unnecessary expense
or delay and what are the benefits of the
restriction; whether the optional model
certification form (WH–380) seeks the
appropriate information and how it
could be improved; whether the general
30-day period for recertification set
forth in section 825.308 is an
appropriate time frame; whether second
opinions should be allowed on
recertifications; and whether employers
should be allowed to request a fitness
for duty certification for an employee
returning from intermittent leave. This
chapter also addresses other comments
received regarding the medical
certification process including
comments related to the Health
Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (‘‘HIPAA’’),
Pub. L. 104–191, a law that was
discussed in Request for Information but
was not directly referenced in any
specific questions.
Letter from 53 Democratic Members of
Congress, Doc. FL184 at 3.
On the other hand, a few commenters
indicated that the two-day time frame is
adequate. One commenter stated that
the ‘‘two-day rule is not an issue when
you are aware of a possible FMLA event
on the first day of eligibility[,]’’ because
the contingent notice can be mailed or
handed to the employee immediately,
but problems arise when the possible
FMLA coverage is not known until later,
such as when the employee returns to
work. FNG Human Resources, Doc.
FL13, at 5. However, this employer
allows the employee to apply at that
time and gives them the paperwork
immediately. The National Partnership
for Women & Families noted the current
data does not support an increase in the
time period beyond the two days
provided. See National Partnership for
Women & Families, Doc. 10204A, at 21
(‘‘Most organizations spend only
between thirty and 120 minutes of
administrative time per FMLA leave
episode to provide notice, determine
eligibility, request and review
documentation, and request a second
opinion. Therefore, no change to the
current two-day rule response
requirement is warranted.’’) (footnote
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VI. The Medical Certification and
Verification Process
A. Statutory and Regulatory Provisions
Regarding Medical Certification and
The medical certification process
implicates several statutory and
regulatory provisions under the FMLA.
While the Act does not require
employers to obtain medical
certification in support of an employee’s
request for leave, if an employer chooses
to do so, it is limited in what medical
information it may seek as well as the
process it must go through to obtain that
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1. Statutory Provisions Regarding the
Medical Certification and Verification
Employers have the option of
requiring employees who request leave
due to their own serious health
condition or to care for a covered family
member with a serious health condition
to support their need for leave with a
certification issued by their (or their
family member’s) health care provider.
See 29 U.S.C. 2613(a).13 The
information necessary for a sufficient
certification is set forth in section 103
of the Act. See 29 U.S.C. 2613(b). The
statute states that a medical certification
‘‘shall be sufficient’’ if it states the
following: the date the condition
commenced; the probable duration of
the condition; ‘‘appropriate medical
facts’’ regarding the condition; a
statement that the employee is needed
to care for a covered family member or
a statement that the employee is unable
to perform the functions of his/her
position (as applicable); dates and
duration of any planned treatment; and
a statement of the medical necessity for
intermittent leave and expected
duration of such leave. Id.
In cases in which the employer has
reason to doubt the validity of the
certification provided by the employee,
the statute allows the employer to
require the employee to obtain a second
opinion from a health care provider of
the employer’s choice and at the
employer’s expense. See 29 U.S.C.
2613(c). Where the first and second
opinions differ, the employer may
require the employee to obtain a binding
third opinion from a health care
provider selected jointly by the
employer and employee (and paid for by
the employer). See 29 U.S.C. 2613(d).
Finally, the statute allows the employer
to require the employee to provide
subsequent recertifications from the
employee’s health care provider on a
reasonable basis. See 29 U.S.C. 2613(e).
In addition to the certification of the
need for leave due to the employee’s or
a covered family member’s serious
health condition, the statute also allows
employers to require certification of the
employee’s ability to return to work
following leave for his or her own
serious health condition as a
precondition to job restoration under
certain circumstances. See 29 U.S.C.
2614(a)(4). An employer’s request for a
return-to-work certification must be
pursuant to a uniformly applied practice
or policy. Id. Where an employee’s
13 The certification provision does not apply to
requests for leave to care for a healthy newborn or
newly placed child under 29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(A)
and (B).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
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return to work is governed by the terms
of a collective bargaining agreement or
State or local law, however, the FMLA
does not supersede those procedures. Id.
2. Regulatory Provisions Regarding the
Medical Certification and Verification
The regulations flesh out the
procedures employers must follow
when utilizing the tools provided them
in the Act for verifying an employee’s
need for FMLA leave. In general,
sections 825.305 and 825.306 address
the initial medical certification, section
825.307 sets forth the employer’s
options for verifying the information in
the initial certification, section 825.308
details the employer’s right to seek
subsequent recertification, and sections
825.309 and 825.310 address the
employer’s ability to require
certification of the employee’s ability to
return to work following FMLA leave
due to their own serious health
Section 825.305 requires an employer
to notify the employee in writing if the
employer is going to require medical
certification for the leave (subsequent
requests for recertification may be oral).
See 29 CFR 825.305(a). Section 825.305
also sets forth the general rule that
employers must allow employees at
least 15 calendar days to provide the
certification and that, where time
allows, employees should provide the
certification prior to the commencement
of foreseeable leave. See 29 CFR
825.305(b). While employers are
generally expected to inform employees
that certification will be required at the
time the leave is requested or, if the
leave is unforeseen, within two business
days of the leave commencing,
employers may request certification at a
later time if they have reason to
question the appropriateness or
duration of the leave. See 29 CFR
825.305(c). Employers are required to
inform employees of the consequences
of not providing the requested
certification and to advise the employee
if the certification is incomplete and
allow an opportunity for the employee
to cure any deficiency. See 29 CFR
825.305(d). If the employer’s sick leave
plan’s certification requirements are less
stringent and the employee or the
employer exercises the option to
substitute paid sick leave for unpaid
FMLA leave, the employer may only
require compliance with the less
stringent certification requirements of
the paid leave plan. See 29 CFR
Section 825.306 of the regulations sets
forth the information required for a
complete certification, which may be
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provided on the Department’s optional
WH–380 form or any other form
containing the same information. See 29
CFR 825.306. Section 307 governs the
employer’s ability to seek clarification
and authentication of, and a second
and/or third opinion on, the employee’s
medical certification. See 29 CFR
825.307. This section makes clear that
an employer may not require
information beyond that set forth in
section 306, but that the employer’s
health care provider may seek
clarification or authentication of the
information in the certification from the
employee’s health care provider with
the employee’s permission. See 29 CFR
825.307(a). Section 307 also makes clear
that where an employee’s FMLA leave
is also covered by workers’
compensation, the employer may follow
the workers’ compensation procedures
if they allow for direct contact with the
employee’s health care provider. See 29
CFR 825.307(a)(1). If the employer has
reason to question the validity of the
certification, the employer may require
the employee to obtain a second opinion
at the employer’s expense and with a
health care provider selected by the
employer. See 29 CFR 825.307(a)(2). If
the second opinion conflicts with the
employee’s original certification, the
employer may require the employee to
obtain a binding third opinion at the
employer’s expense from a health care
provider selected jointly by the
employer and the employee. See 29 CFR
825.307(c). If it is ultimately determined
as a result of the second and/or third
opinion process that the employee is not
entitled to FMLA-protected leave, the
leave shall not be designated as FMLAcovered and the employer may treat the
leave under its established policies. See
29 CFR 825.307(a)(2).
Section 308 of the regulations sets
forth the conditions under which an
employer may request recertification of
the employee’s (or covered family
member’s) serious health condition. See
29 CFR 825.308. Generally, employers
may not request recertification more
often than once every 30 days and only
in connection with an absence. Where
the initial certification indicates a
minimum period of incapacity in excess
of 30 days, recertification may not be
requested until the initial period of
incapacity indicated has passed. See 29
CFR 825.308(b)(1). In all instances,
employers are allowed to request
recertification if there is a significant
change in circumstances regarding the
leave or if the employer receives
information that casts doubt on the
employee’s stated reason for the
absence. See 29 CFR 825.308(a)–(c).
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Employers must allow employees at
least 15 days to provide recertification.
See 29 CFR 825.308(d). Recertifications
are at the employee’s expense and
completed by the employee’s health
care practitioner. Employers are not
permitted to request second opinions on
recertifications. See 29 CFR 825.308(e).
Finally, sections 825.309 and 825.310
of the regulations govern requirements
for the employee’s return to work.
Employers may require employees to
report periodically on their intention to
return to work. See 29 CFR 825.309(a).
If an employee states an unequivocal
intention not to return to work the
employer’s obligations under the FMLA
cease. See 29 CFR 825.309(b). Where an
employee needs more or less leave than
originally requested, the employer may
require the employee to provide notice
of the changed circumstances within
two business days where foreseeable.
See 29 CFR 825.309(c). Employers may
have a uniformly applied policy of
requiring similarly situated employees
who take leave for their own serious
health condition to submit certification
of their ability to return to work. See 29
CFR 825.310(a). Such certification need
only be a simple statement of the
employee’s ability to work. See 29 CFR
825.310(c). The employer’s health care
provider may contact the employee’s
health care provider, with the
employee’s permission, to clarify the
return-to-work certification but may not
request additional information and may
not delay the employee’s return to work.
Id. The employee bears the cost of
providing the return to work
certification. See 29 CFR 825.310(d).
Where state or local law or the terms of
a collective bargaining agreement
govern an employee’s return to work,
those provisions shall apply. See 29
CFR 825.310(b). Employers are required
to provide employees with advance
notice of the requirement to provide a
return-to-work certification. See 29 CFR
825.310(e). Where an employee has
been given appropriate notice of the
requirement to provide a return-to-work
certification, the employee’s return from
leave may be delayed until the
certification is provided. See 29 CFR
825.310(f). Return-to-work certifications
may not be required for employees
taking intermittent leave. See 29 CFR
825.310(g). Employers may not require a
second opinion on return-to-work
certifications. See 29 CFR 825.310(e).
B. Comments Regarding the Medical
Certification and Verification Process
1. Medical Certification Process
Both employers and employees
expressed frustration with the medical
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
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certification process. As discussed
below, employers generally expressed
frustration with their ability to obtain
complete and clear certifications.
Employees expressed frustration with
employers determining that a
certification is incomplete but not
informing the employee what additional
information is necessary to satisfy the
employer’s concerns. Some commenters
noted that these repeated requests for
additional information are causing
tension in the doctor/patient
relationship. Overall, the comments
make clear that the certification process
is a significant source of friction
between employees and employers: The
two groups, however, attribute the
source of the friction to very different
a. Complete Certifications
Multiple employers commented that a
complete certification should require
not just that the certification form is
filled-out, but that meaningful responses
are given to the questions. See, e.g.,
Jackson Lewis LLP, Doc. FL71, at 5
(‘‘The rule prohibiting employers from
asking any additional information once
an employee submits a completed
medical certification ignores the reality
that a technically ‘completed’
certification may offer little insight into
the need for FMLA leave, much less the
medical necessity for leave on an
intermittent basis.’’); National Coalition
to Protect Family Leave, Doc. 10172A, at
47 (‘‘If health care providers * * * do
not provide direct responses to the
questions, the regulations should be
modified to specify that the certification
is not considered ‘complete’ for
purposes of the employee’s certification
obligations, thereby not qualifying the
employee for FMLA leave.’’); South
Central Human Resource Management
Association, Doc. 10136, at 11 (‘‘We
recommend the Regulations make clear
that a ‘complete’ certification is
required, that meaningful answers have
to be furnished for all questions, and
that a certification is ‘incomplete’ if a
doctor provides ‘unknown’ or ‘as
needed’ to any question.’’). A
commenter who had represented several
employees in FMLA suits disagreed,
however, stating that ‘‘in order to avoid
protracted litigation over these issues,
once completed and signed by a
physician, the model certification form
should be considered final and
binding.’’ Kennedy Reeve & Knoll, Doc.
4763A, at 14.
Commenters’ frustration with vague
and nonspecific responses on
certifications was greatest in regard to
certifications for intermittent leave due
to chronic conditions. See, e.g., Federal
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Reserve Bank of Chicago, Doc. FL56, at
2 (‘‘We often see health care providers
list the duration of an employee’s
chronic condition as ‘indefinite’ or
‘lifetime’ and indicate that the
frequency of the episodes of incapacity
as ‘unknown.’ This makes it very
difficult to manage employee
attendance.’’); City of Portland, Doc.
10161A, at 2 (‘‘The certifications,
particularly for chronic conditions, are
often so vague as to be useless.’’); South
Central Human Resource Management
Association, Doc. 10136, at 11 (‘‘If a
doctor cannot venture an estimate as to
how often an employee will have a true
medical need to be absent, we question
whether the doctor is competent to
evaluate the condition.’’); Society for
Human Resource Management, Doc.
10154A, at 8 (‘‘Notations such as
‘lifetime,’ ‘as needed,’ or other similarly
vague statements ought not suffice.
Health care providers in particular
should be required to provide as much
detail as possible on the total amount of
intermittent leave that is needed or
allow employers to deny the leave.’’).
The American Academy of Family
Physicians, however, noted that such
responses are appropriate in some
Intermittent leave is problematic for the
certifying physician and employer.
Employers have noted that with respect to
the frequency of the episode of incapacity,
the physician might write ‘‘unknown.’’
Employers argue that this leaves them in the
difficult position of guessing about the
employee’s regular attendance. However, the
frequency of incapacity in chronic conditions
such as migraine headaches is not
predictable, making ‘‘unknown’’ the
appropriate answer to the question. * * * It
is worth noting that despite medical
advances, absolute cures do not exist for all
conditions making the duration of these
conditions ‘‘indefinite’’ or ‘‘lifetime’’ from
the current medical perspective.
American Academy of Family
Physicians, Doc. FL25, at 2–3. Other
commenters echoed the point that
specific estimates of the frequency and
duration of intermittent leave due to the
flare-up of a chronic condition cannot
always be made. See, e.g., An Employee
Comment, Doc. 4668, at 1 (‘‘The Doctor
should simply state that the person has
a covered condition and how long the
person will need to take time off and
when, if known. If unknown the Doctor
should be able to say just that.’’);
Association of Professional Flight
Attendants, Doc. 10056A, at 10
(recounting employee’s sending over 25
pages of medical documentation in an
effort to satisfy employer’s questions
regarding frequency and duration of
need for leave due to chronic
conditions); Mark Blick DO, Rene
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Darveaux MD, Eric Reiner MD, Susan R.
Manuel PA–C, Doc. FL292, at 1 (‘‘The
form also asks us to estimate how often
a patient may need to miss work and
then wants patient to fill a new form if
they miss more than we estimate.
Unfortunately, we in health care do not
have a crystal ball to know the precise
number of days patients may miss.’’). As
the Communication Workers of America
noted, when it comes to the frequency
and duration of leave due to a chronic
condition employers are searching for
certainty in response to a question
which asks the health care provider for
an estimate. Doc. R346A, at 10 (‘‘The
current certification form recommended
by DOL makes it clear that the doctor is
being asked to estimate the likely
frequency and duration of any absences
(‘probable duration’ ‘likely duration and
frequency’), yet many employers seem
to expect a definitive prediction and
deny leaves that exceed the estimates
provided on the original certification
b. Incomplete Certifications
Multiple commenters also expressed
frustration with what they perceived to
be the open-ended nature of the
certification process and sought
clarification of how many opportunities
an employee must be provided to cure
a defective certification. See, e.g., Waste
Management, Inc., Doc. 10240A, at 2
(‘‘The current regulation is open to
interpretation regarding when
information is due and how much
additional time should be afforded to
employees who do not share the FMLA
certification forms timely.’’); Ken
Lawrence, Doc. 5228, at 1 (‘‘At the
present time the employee is really not
limited to any particular time (could be
months) if they are making ‘good faith’
efforts to obtain the certification.’’);
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Doc.
FL56, at 2 (‘‘There should be an absolute
cut off when an employer can require
the employee to submit a completed
certification form and the consequence
of not meeting that deadline is that the
absence(s) is not covered by the
FMLA.’’); Society for Human Resource
Management, Doc. 10154A, at 18 (‘‘HR
professionals often have difficulty in
determining how many times an
employer must give an employee an
opportunity to ‘cure’ a deficiency, and
how long to allow them to provide such
a complete certification.’’). Commenters
also sought clarification regarding the
consequences to the employee if leave is
taken during the certification process
but a complete and sufficient
certification is not ultimately provided.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Delaying a leave for the tardy return of a
completed certification is meaningless
because by the time the delayed certification
has been returned, the employee has likely
already taken leave (perhaps for weeks) and
the employer can only revoke the FMLA
designation for time already taken. The
situation is exacerbated because the
employer cannot reduce any of the
employee’s FMLA balance despite the fact
the employee was absent. As a result, the
employee is rewarded by having the
opportunity to take more than 12 weeks of
leave in that given year. While the employer
technically could terminate or discipline the
employee for this non-FMLA time already
taken, in all likelihood employers would be
concerned that such an action would run
afoul of the law’s sweeping prohibitions from
interfering with, restraining or denying an
employee’s leave.
Hewitt Associates, Doc. 10135A, at 19;
see also United Parcel Service, Doc.
10276A, at 11 (‘‘The remedy specified in
the regulations for an employee’s failure
to provide adequate notice is to deny or
delay the employee’s leave, but in these
cases, leave has already been taken.’’);
Foley & Lardner LLP, Doc. 10129A, at 4
(‘‘The provision does not explain how
long the delay may last or what the
consequences of a ‘delay’ can be.’’);
Sherman & Howard L.L.C., Doc.
10252A, at 1 (‘‘The regulations should
make clear that if an employee does not
ultimately qualify for FMLA leave, or
fails to provide medical certification to
support the requested leave, the
employee’s absence will be unprotected.
This means that the employer may
appropriately enforce its attendance
policy which may result in disciplinary
action being taken against the
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
c. Employer Requests for Additional
Employee commenters expressed
related frustrations with the certification
process. In particular, several
commenters stated that employers
repeatedly reject certifications as
incomplete without specifying what
additional information is necessary,
leading to a prolonged and frustrating
back-and-forth process. See, e.g.,
International Association of Machinists
and Aerospace Workers, Doc. 10269A,
at 4 (‘‘We have many members who
have their doctors fill out the paper
work only to be told it is not properly
filled out. The employee fixes that
problem and the Company tells them
there is another problem with the paper
work. This occurs over and over until
finally the doctor or the employee, or
both give up.’’); Association of
Professional Flight Attendants, Doc.
10056A, at 18 (‘‘[I]t is simply unfair to
send FMLA leave requests back to the
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employees and their treating health care
providers for more medical facts,
without ever indicating what kinds of
additional medical facts are required
before the employer will make a
determination of medical eligibility or
medical ineligibility.’’). The
commenters noted that these repeated
requests for additional information force
the employee to make additional visits
to his or her health care provider
(resulting in additional missed work
and expense) and discourage the
employee from pursuing FMLA
protection. See, e.g., Association of
Professional Flight Attendants, Doc.
10056A, at 12 (‘‘[T]he Company’s
decision to challenge somewhat
routinely the health care provider’s
estimate of frequency and duration
imposes substantial burdens on the
employee—both in terms of the cost of
a second or third visit to the doctor’s
office, and in terms of the time required
to complete what is becoming a
paperwork nightmare.’’); An Employee
Comment, Doc. 4395, at 1 (recounting
her personal experience with repeated
employer requests for additional
information regarding her daughter’s
medical condition); An Employee
Comment, Doc. 4668, at 1 (‘‘It should
not be up to the employer to nitpick a
request for FMLA coverage.’’).14
Commenters noted that repeated
requests for additional information were
creating tension between employees and
their health care providers. See
International Association of Machinists
and Aerospace Workers, Doc. 10269A,
at 4 (‘‘Some doctors refuse to fill out the
exact same paperwork every 30 days,
particularly for life-long chronic
conditions like colitis or migraines.’’);
Kennedy Reeve & Knoll, Doc. 4763A, at
15 (‘‘I have been hearing more and more
stories of doctors refusing to fill out the
forms, thereby leaving the employee
without recourse.’’); Lucy Walsh,
Director, Human Resources, Providence
Health Ministry, Doc. 10064A, at 1–2
(‘‘Some physicians have absolutely
refused to deal with the forms at all
which leaves both the employee and
employer in a dilemma.’’); Coalition of
Labor Union Women, R352A, at 5
(‘‘Many doctors are refusing to complete
duplicative paperwork, resulting in
leave denials that must be either
14 Several commenters also expressed concern
that health care providers are charging employees
to complete the certification form (and, in some
cases, to respond to employer requests for
clarification). See, e.g., Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
Doc. 10070A, at 2 (reporting that their employees
have been charged between $25 and $200 to fill out
a medical certification); FNG Human Resources,
Doc. FL13, at 3–4 (employees charged up to $50 for
certification); Shelly Johnson, Oklahoma State
University, Doc. 5185, at 1 (same).
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appealed or pursued through the
contract’s grievance procedures.’’).
Some commenters viewed repeated
employer requests for additional
medical information as an inappropriate
attempt by the employer to substitute its
determination of the seriousness of the
employee’s health condition for the
employee’s health care provider’s
judgment. See Coalition of Labor Union
Women, Doc. R352A, at 4 (‘‘We have
heard disturbing reports from our
members that many employers are often
‘second-guessing’ the diagnoses of
workers’ doctors and other health care
providers by insisting on additional
certifications or challenging intermittent
leave requests if the doctor’s estimate of
the likely time needed is exceeded even
by one or two days or in some minor
respect. We believe that DOL should
issue a strong reminder that employers
are obligated to utilize the second
opinion process established in the
regulations.’’); Communications
Workers of America, Doc. R346A, at 7
(‘‘In CWA’s experience, many
employers evidence their distaste for
FMLA leaves by needlessly quarreling
with the information provided by health
care providers in support of the
employee’s request for leave or ‘secondguessing’ the doctor under the guise of
‘clarifying’ the information provided on
the form.’’); Association of Professional
Flight Attendants, Doc. 10056A, at 15
(identifying ‘‘employer’s rejection of
[FMLA] applications based on its
medical staff’s disagreement with the
health care provider’s estimate of
duration and frequency, or treatment
plan, without invoking the second
doctor review’’ as one of three primary
concerns with medical certification
Not all commenters, however, felt the
current certification process needed to
be revised. One commenter noted that
the current certification process works
well in its workplace.
We have trained our supervisory workforce
to recognize even the slightest possibility of
a covered absence. The supervisory
personnel notify H.R. to mail out contingent
FMLA notice and we include Certification
paperwork with instructions on how to have
it completed. We immediately place the
employee on possible FMLA pending the
receipt of certification paperwork. The notice
covers all provisions of FMLA and necessary
steps to rights and responsibilities. We
actually give the employees 20 days to return
the certification to cover the mailing time
and some providers’ slow completion rate.
Once all certification paperwork is received
we keep both the employee and supervisory
personnel abreast of updates and approvals.
FNG Human Resources, Doc. FL13, at
4; see also Legal Aid Society—
Employment Law Center, Doc. 10199A,
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
at 3 (‘‘It is the [certification procedure]
that establishes the objective basis for
leave based upon the informed opinion
of the health care provider of the
employee or family member. Despite
this useful, practical, and commonsense
system that was designed to evaluate
whether any condition constitutes a
‘serious health condition,’ many
employers refuse to use it or use it
improperly.’’). Several commenters
suggested that there was no need to
change the current certification
procedure. See, e.g., National
Partnership for Women & Families, Doc.
10204A, at 19 (‘‘The existing regulations
appropriately balance a worker’s
interest in a manageable certification
process that does not impose
unreasonable burdens, with the
employer’s interest in the accurate
certification of medical conditions.’’);
Faculty & Staff Federation of
Community College of Philadelphia,
Local 2026 of the American Federation
of Teachers, Doc. 10242A, at 6 (same);
Center for Law and Social Policy, Doc.
10053A, at 4 (same); OWL, The Voice of
Midlife and Older Women, Doc. FL180,
at 2 (opposing any change in
certification rules).
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
2. Employer Contact With Employee’s
Health Care Provider—Process and
Privacy Concerns
Both employers and employees
commented extensively on the subject
of employer contact with the employee’s
health care provider. Section 825.307(a)
of the regulations requires that
employers may contact the employee’s
health care practitioner for clarification
of the medical certification only with
the employee’s consent and the contact
must be made through a health care
practitioner. The employer may not use
the clarification process to request
additional information beyond the
information required in the initial
certification. See 29 CFR 825.307(a). In
general, employers were frustrated with
the regulatory restrictions on contact
with the employee’s health care
provider and employees were concerned
that any changes to the current process
would impinge on their medical
a. Requirement That Employer
Communicate Through a Health Care
Many employers commented that the
requirement that they communicate
only through a health care practitioner
resulted in significant cost and delay.
See, e.g., Milwaukee Transport Services,
Inc., Doc. FL80, at 3 (‘‘In 2006 alone,
MTS spent $23,000.00 for the services of
a designated health care provider
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because it was not itself permitted
under the FMLA regulations to ask
questions which that provider was then
forced to ask on its behalf.’’); City of
Portland, Doc. 10161A, at 2 (‘‘The Act
requires employers to use the employee
as an intermediary to communicate with
doctors or incur substantial costs hiring
additional doctors to consult with
employee physicians or, in narrow
circumstances, to give second and third
opinions. Greater flexibility in obtaining
information for medical certification
would streamline FMLA approvals.’’);
Hewitt Associates, Doc. 10135A, at 15
(‘‘The employer’s engagement of its own
health care provider is expensive, takes
additional time and ultimately delays
the decision to approve or deny a leave
request. Moreover, in cases when the
employer simply wants clarification on
the amount of time off required, it
provides no true benefit to either the
employer or the employee.’’). The AFL–
CIO, however, commented that ‘‘[a]ny
expense caused by the requirement that
employers use their own health care
professional to contact the employee’s
treatment provider, rather than making
contact directly, is necessary to the
preserve employee privacy.’’ Doc.
R329A, at 42.
Some commenters suggested that
employers’ expenses could be reduced
by permitting registered nurses to
contact the employee’s health care
provider. See, e.g., United Parcel
Service, Doc. 10276A, at 8–9 (noting
that even employers that have nurses on
their staff are required to hire a health
care provider to comply with section
825.307(a) of the regulations); MedStar
Health, Inc., Doc. 10144A, at 16–17
(same); Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI,
Doc. 10063A, at 7 (suggesting inclusion
of RNs, LPNs, and physician’s assistants
under the term ‘‘health care provider’’);
see also American Academy of
Physician Assistants, Doc. 10004A, at 1
(suggesting that definition of health care
provider in regulations should be
broadened to include physician
assistants). The Coalition of Labor
Union Women, however, objected to
broadening the definition of health care
providers allowed to contact the
employee’s treating physician, noting
that its members ‘‘complain that
employers use nurses or physician’s
assistants who are not adequately
trained and who repeatedly challenge
their doctor’s diagnoses and predictions
of leave duration and frequency, leading
to the need for additional certifications
and forcing the employee to take
personal leave time to obtain new
paperwork.’’ Coalition of Labor Union
Women, Doc. R352A, at 6. Other
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commenters suggested that their human
resources professionals could more
efficiently clarify the certification with
the employee’s health care provider
because they were both better versed in
the FMLA and more familiar with the
employee’s job duties and the work
environment than the employer’s health
care provider. See, e.g., Association of
Corporate Counsel, Doc. FL31, at 10
(‘‘[T]he employer’s staff members—often
its Human Resources employees—are
usually more knowledgeable about the
specific job requirements and other
information that may be relevant or
helpful to the employee’s health care
provider in making his/her
assessment.’’); Milwaukee Transport
Services, Inc., Doc. FL80 at 3–4 (same).
One commenter, however, suggested
that it was appropriate that medical
inquiries be handled by medical
professionals. See Unum Group, Doc.
10008A, at 3 (‘‘The regulatory
requirement that the employee’s health
care provider be contacted only through
the employer’s health care
representative is beneficial in that it not
only protects the privacy of employees
but also ensures that medical
information discussed and terminology
used while clarifying and authenticating
complete medical certifications are
understood and correctly interpreted.’’).
Employers also expressed frustration
with the scope of information they
could request when clarifying a medical
certification. See Sally L. Burnell,
Program Director, Indiana State
Personnel Department, Doc. 10244C, at
6 (‘‘The requirement to have another
health care provider contact the
submitting health care provider, and
then only for clarification of the form,
not for additional information,
unnecessarily complicates and
lengthens the approval process, often
beyond the length of the absence
itself.’’); Jackson Lewis LLP, Doc. FL71,
at 5 (‘‘The rule prohibiting employers
from asking for any additional
information once an employee submits
a completed medical certification
ignores the reality that a technically
‘completed’ certification may offer little
insight into the need for FMLA leave,
much less the medical necessity for
leave on an intermittent basis.’’). Several
employee commenters, however,
asserted that employers are already
using the clarification process
improperly to seek additional
information beyond that included in the
certification form or even to challenge
the employee’s health care provider’s
medical judgment. See United Steel,
Paper and Forestry, Rubber,
Manufacturing, Energy, Allied
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Industrial and Service Workers
International Union, Doc. 10237A, at 4
(‘‘It has been our experience that some
employers contact the health care
provider and attempt to reschedule
appointments, ask questions that go
beyond the certification of serious
health condition at issue, or even try to
get the health care provider to change
the medical certification, all without
employee consent.’’); Communications
Workers of America, Doc. R346A, at 10
(‘‘In CWA’s experience, there is
currently widespread non-compliance
with the intent of the current regulation
[29 CFR 825.307] limiting employer
contact with employee health care
providers to those circumstances where
‘clarification’ or ‘authentication’ are
b. Requirement of Employee Consent for
Several commenters asserted that the
requirement that an employer obtain
employee consent prior to contacting
the employee’s health care provider
makes it extremely difficult for
employers to investigate suspected
fraud related to medical certifications.
See, e.g., Robert Haynes, HRCompliance Supervisor, Pemco
Aeroplex, Inc, Doc. 10100, at 1 (noting
difficulty in investigating fraud when
employee’s consent is necessary for the
employer to authenticate form with
employee’s health care provider); Ohio
Public Employer Labor Relations
Association, Doc. FL93, at 5–6 (same);
United States Postal Service, Doc.
10184A, at 15 (suggesting that a ‘‘simple
and fair way to remedy this problem is
to allow an employer to make contact
with the provider for the purpose of
confirming authenticity’’); Taft,
Stettinius & Hollister LLP, Doc. FL107,
at 6 (‘‘Where authenticity is suspect, the
employer’s inquiry is not medically
related but rather, is intended to
determine whether the employee’s
health care provider issued the
certificate and that it has not been
altered. In such circumstances, the
restrictions contained in Section
825.307(a) serve no useful purpose,
impose unnecessary expense on
employers, and are not justified by any
language in the Act.’’). Honda suggested
that the regulations should distinguish
between contacts by the employer to
confirm administrative details and
contacts related to substantive medical
discussions: ‘‘[T]he FMLA Regulations
should be amended to permit the
employer to contact the employee’s
health care provider’s office to confirm
date, time and place of appointments,
but not permit the employer to discuss
the medical facts, the need for leave and
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the frequency and duration of leave
with the employee’s health care
provider.’’ Honda, Doc. 10255A, at 11–
12. Other commenters suggested that the
process for seeking medical information
under the FMLA should be consistent
with the procedure set forth under the
Americans with Disabilities Act. See
infra Chapter VII.
c. Employee Privacy Concerns
Finally, many commenters expressed
concern that any changes to the
regulations governing contact between
their employers and their health care
providers would compromise their right
to medical privacy. See, e.g., An
Employee Comment, Doc. 4019, at 1 (‘‘I
also oppose any regulatory changes that
would allow employers to directly
contact a worker’s health care provider,
which unnecessarily violates the
worker’s right to keep medical
information confidential.’’); 9to5,
National Association of Working
Women, Doc. 10210A, at 4 (‘‘We also
oppose any regulatory changes that
would allow employers to directly
contact a worker’s health care provider,
which unnecessarily violates the
worker’s right to keep medical
information confidential.’’); Faculty &
Staff Federation of Community College
of Philadelphia, Local 2026 of the
American Federation of Teachers, Doc.
10242A, at 6 (same); United Steel, Paper
and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing,
Energy, Allied Industrial and Service
Workers International Union, Doc.
10237A, at 4 (same). Another
commenter stated, ‘‘[w]orkers have the
right to keep their medical information
confidential and not have irrelevant
health status information affect their
employers’ decisions.’’ Families USA,
Doc. 10327A, at 5. Moreover, the
National Partnership for Women and
Families noted that the Department
already considered issues relating to the
employer’s need for medical
information and the employee’s right to
medical privacy and struck the
appropriate balance back in 1995 with
the final regulations: ‘‘DOL has already
considered comments regarding
concerns about an employer’s ability to
obtain medical information from a
health care provider. The interim [1993]
FMLA regulations entirely prohibited an
employer from contacting the health
care provider of the employee or the
employee’s family member. In response
to a number of comments, * * * DOL
amended the regulations to allow an
employer’s health care provider to
contact an employee’s or a family
member’s health care provider to clarify
or authenticate the information in this
medical certification. In arriving at this
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compromise, DOL limited this contact
to an employer’s health care provider to
protect the privacy interests of
employees and their families and ensure
that their medical information was only
being shared between medical
professionals.’’ Doc. 10204A, at 20
(footnotes omitted); see also Service
Employees International Union District
1199P, Doc. FL104, at 5 (same);
American Federation of Labor and
Congress of Industrial Organizations,
Doc. R329A, at 42–43 (same).
3. Interaction of Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act and
Medical Certification Process
As noted in the Request for
Information, the most significant law
passed since the FMLA with regard to
employee medical information is the
Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (‘‘HIPAA’’). HIPAA
addresses in part the privacy of
individually identifiable health
information. The Department of Health
and Human Services (‘‘HHS’’) issued
regulations found at 45 CFR Parts 160
and 164 that provide standards for the
privacy of individually identifiable
health information. The HIPAA
regulations do not impede the
disclosure of protected health
information for FMLA reasons if the
employee has the health care provider
complete the medical certification form
or a document containing the equivalent
information and requests a copy of that
form to personally take or send to the
employer. HIPAA regulations, however,
clearly do come into play if the
employee asks the health care provider
to send the completed certification form
or other medical information directly to
the employer. In such situations, HIPAA
will generally require the health care
provider to first receive a valid
authorization from the employee before
sending the information to the
There is no requirement under the
FMLA that employees sign a release
allowing employers to access their
medical information. In the preamble to
the final regulations, the Department
specifically rejected the idea of
requiring employees to execute a
medical release as part of the
certification process as unnecessary. See
60 FR 2180, 2222 (Jan. 6, 1995) (‘‘The
Department has not adopted the
suggestion that a waiver by the
employee is necessary for FMLA
purposes. The process provides for the
health care provider to release the
information to the patient (employee or
family member). The employee then
releases the information (form) to the
employer. There should be no concern
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
regarding ethical or confidential
considerations, as the health care
provider’s release is to the patient.’’).
Employers, however, always have the
statutory right under the Act to obtain
sufficient medical information to
determine whether an employee’s leave
qualifies for FMLA protection, and it is
the employee’s responsibility to ensure
that such information is provided to the
employer. If an employee does not
fulfill his or her obligation to provide
such information upon the employer’s
request, the employee will not be
entitled to FMLA leave. See 29 CFR
825.307–825.308; Wage and Hour
Opinion Letter FMLA–2004–2–A (May
25, 2004). Some commenters believe
that the HIPAA regulations restricting
the flow of medical information from
health care providers to third parties
have created tension with the
employer’s right to medical information
under the FMLA and have caused
difficulties for employees seeking to
exercise their FMLA rights. See, e.g.,
Krukowski & Costello, S.C. (on behalf of
Legislative Committee of the Human
Resource Management Association of
Southeastern Wisconsin), Doc. 10185A,
at 3 (‘‘[W]hen an employer may attempt
to ascertain the true nature of any given
absence, the employee then uses HIPAA
as a shield designed to prevent the
employer from obtaining any further
information in order to clear up any
ambiguities (or discover potential
abuses).’’); Methodist Hospital, Thomas
Jefferson University Hospital, Doc.
FL76, at 2 (‘‘With HIPAA regulations
physicians are reluctant to share
information with Employers who are
trying to accommodate Employee
medical conditions to minimize
absence.’’); American Academy of
Family Physicians, Doc. FL25, at 3 (‘‘We
agree with comments that the Health
Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) has created
confusion about the disclosure of
information on the FMLA form. As
employers are not covered entities,
disclosure directly to the employer is
prohibited without an authorization by
the patient.’’)
Several commenters reported that
they have experienced increased
difficulties with obtaining medical
certifications from health care providers
as a result of HIPAA. See, e.g., AIG
Employee Benefit Solutions’ Disability
Claims Center, Doc. 10085A, at 2–3
(‘‘More than one Provider has written
‘HIPAA’ across the Form and returned
it.’’); Briggs & Stratton Corporation, Doc.
FL37, at 4 (‘‘[M]any physicians still
insist that they are prohibited by HIPAA
from responding to questions on the
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Certification.’’). As a result of these
difficulties, several commenters—
including some medical providers—
suggested that employees be required to
sign a release as part of the certification
requirement allowing the employer to
communicate directly with the
employee’s health care provider. See,
e.g., American Academy of Family
Physicians, Doc. FL25, at 3 (‘‘The
specific information required by the
FMLA certification form and lack of an
authorization on the form releasing the
information may lead to inadvertent
HIPAA violations. We would
recommend the addition of an
authorization to release medical
information to the certification form
which would allow the patient to
indicate their authorization to release
information to a family member or
directly to the employer.’’); Ed
Carpenter, Human Resource Manager,
Tecumseh Power Company, Doc. R123,
at 1 (certification process would be
made easier if employee signed a release
allowing the employer to contact
employee’s health care provider);
Williams Mullen, Doc. FL124, at 3
(‘‘DOL should coordinate HIPAA and
FMLA issues, including medical
certifications with HIPAA waivers, to
make the process of medical
information consistent.’’). Other
commenters, however, objected to
requiring employees to provide medical
releases in exchange for requesting
FMLA leave. See United Steel, Paper
and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing,
Energy, Allied Industrial and Service
Workers International Union, at 4 (‘‘The
USW asks the DOL to clarify that
employees are not required to provide a
release of medical information to the
employer as a condition of applying for
or receiving FMLA leave.’’).
Finally, some commenters suggested
that the protections afforded to
employee medical information by
HIPAA have obviated the need for
employers to get employee consent for
clarification of FMLA certifications. See
Ohio Public Employer Labor Relations
Association, Doc. FL93, at 6 (‘‘With
HIPAA laws protecting confidential
medical information, the excessive
restrictions found in 29 CFR 825.307 are
unnecessary and should be removed.’’);
Taft, Stettinius & Hollister LLP, Doc.
FL107, at 5 (‘‘HIPAA and similar laws
provide ample protection for personal
health data and the employee’s health
care provider can always refuse to
disclose information if he or she
considers a request for clarification to
implicate privacy issues.’’); Hewitt
Associates, Doc. 10135A, at 15 (‘‘[G]iven
HIPAA concerns, it’s likely that the
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employee will still have a check over
the process as the health care provider
would require the employee’s
permission before he or she would
speak with the employer.’’); see also
National Retail Federation, Doc.
10186A, at 17 (‘‘The professional
standards binding health care providers
serve as a sufficient ‘‘check’’ on the
scope of the inquiry.’’).
4. Recertification and Second and Third
The medical verification process does
not end with the initial medical
certification. Employers who question
the validity of an employee’s medical
certification have the right to require a
second opinion from a health care
provider of their choosing. See 29 CFR
825.307. Where the second opinion
conflicts with the initial certification,
the regulations allow the employer to
obtain a final and binding third opinion
from a jointly-designated health care
provider. See id. Additionally,
employers have the right to require
employees to provide subsequent
recertification for conditions that persist
over time. See 29 CFR 825.308. The
Request for Information sought
comments regarding several aspects of
the recertification and second opinion
processes. Comments were sought
regarding the time frame for
recertification and the requirement that
requests for recertification be made only
in connection with an absence.
Comments were also sought on whether
the second and third opinion process
should be extended to apply to
recertifications in addition to the initial
a. Timing of Recertifications
Several commenters recommended
that employers should be allowed to
seek recertification every thirty days
regardless of the minimum duration of
the need for leave set forth in the
certification. See, e.g., United Parcel
Service, Doc. 10276A, at 11 (‘‘As
currently drafted, [the] language permits
employees to evade the 30-day
recertification requirement by having
their health care provider specify a
longer period of time.’’); University of
Minnesota, Doc. 4777A, at 1 (‘‘In all
cases, employers should have the right
to request recertification from an
employee on FMLA leave every thirty
days.’’); Carolyn Cooper, FMLA
Coordinator, City of Los Angeles, Doc.
4709, at 1 (‘‘A remedy to this
manipulation or gaming of the medical
certification restriction pertaining to
intermittent/reduced work schedule
leaves is to allow employers to request
recertification every 30 days, regardless
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
if the duration indicated in the initial
medical certification is greater than 30
days.’’). The National Coalition to
Protect Leave made a related point that
recertifications should be permitted
every thirty days irrespective of whether
there was an absence during that period.
See National Coalition to Protect Family
Leave, Doc. 10172A, at 49 (‘‘Employers
should always be allowed to obtain
recertification every 30 days as long as
the initial certification indicates the
leave needed is ongoing; the right of an
employer to request recertification in
such circumstances should not be
limited to whether an employee had an
‘absence.’); see also Hewitt Associates,
Doc. 10135A, at 17 (‘‘Simplify § 825.308
by deleting the requirement that
employers can only request
recertification ‘in connection with an
absence’ allowing employers to ask for
a recertification every 30 days.’’).
Many of the commenters seeking
more frequent recertifications cited the
desire to control unforeseen,
intermittent absences due to chronic
conditions. See Pierce Atwood, LLP (on
behalf of Maine Pulp & Paper
Association), Doc. 10191A, at 2–3
(‘‘Given the fact that intermittent leave
is widely abused, employers need more
flexibility to request recertification for
intermittent leave than for serious
health conditions that render the
employee unable to work for the full 12
weeks.’’); Nancy Dering Martin, Deputy
Secretary for Human Resources and
Management, Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, Doc. FL95, at 4 (‘‘Also,
because of the potential for abuse, we
recommend Section 825.308 be further
revised to allow employers to require a
medical excuse indicating the time of
the appointment or treatment when
leave is used intermittently, the absence
is unexpected, or the employer suspects
abuse.’’); Milwaukee Transport Services,
Doc. FL80, at 2 (‘‘One regulatory change
that would assist employers such as
MTS in curbing intermittent leave abuse
would involve revising the current
recertification regulation, 29 CFR [§ ]
825.308, by allowing an employer to
require medical documentation of the
need for intermittent FMLA leave on
any occasion on which such leave is
taken.’’). Several of these commenters
suggested that employers should be
allowed to obtain medical verification of
each intermittent absence even if that
verification were more summary than a
recertification. See Northrup Grumman
Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry
Dock Company, Doc. FL92, at 2 (‘‘A rule
could be added to require employees to
provide documentation from the
healthcare provider each time they
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exercise intermittent leave,
documenting specifically that the
intermittent condition prevented
attendance at work.’’); Spencer Fane
Britt & Browne LLP, Doc. 10133C, at 32
(‘‘The employee should not be
permitted to be the only party who
determines the medical necessity of an
absence on any particular day. * * * If
an employee is ill enough to miss work,
the employee should be required to visit
or at least consult by phone with his/her
doctor.’’); Seyfarth Shaw LLP (on behalf
of a not-for-profit health care
organization), Doc. 10132A, at 4 (‘‘We
suggest as an alternative an amendment
to the regulations so that an employer
can request documentation from the
employee’s health care provider
pursuant to a uniformly applied policy
for similarly-situated employees for any
unforeseen, intermittent absence of less
than a work day due to a chronic serious
health condition.’’).
Employee commenters objected to
more frequent recertifications, however,
because of the additional burden placed
on employees. See, e.g., International
Association of Machinists and
Aerospace Workers, Doc. 10269A, at 4
(‘‘[O]ur members find that the
requirement to recertify every thirty
days is incredibly burdensome. * * *
[I]t is very expensive for employees to
get re-certifications. Some employees,
particularly in rural areas, have to travel
long distances to even see their doctors.
It is ironic that often these employees
actually have to miss more work time
just to get the recertification.’’); An
Employee Comment, Doc. 4738, at 1
(‘‘For an employer to repeatedly request
for recertifications every 30 days, for an
chronic Asthmatic who has an
unforeseeable mild flare-up that can be
taken care of with prescription
medication, seems unreasonable and
repetitious.’’); Kennedy Reeve & Knoll,
Doc. 4763A, at 17 (‘‘The frequency with
which some employers are requiring
notes and recertification is both
logistically (due to the availability of
doctor’s appointment times) and
financially burdensome on the
employee and physician.’’); An
Employee Comment, Doc. 4582, at 1
(‘‘[E]ven though my mother’s illness is
terminal and my father’s condition is
considered lifetime, I still am required
to fill out forms and have a doctor sign
them every 3 months. The physician’s
office now charges me $20 for each form
I have to have them sign. As you can
imagine, this takes a lot of time and
Physicians also objected to allowing
recertifications every 30 days for
conditions that are medically stable:
‘‘This is a burden to physicians who
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spend time completing the form to
indicate that a chronic condition is still
being managed. It would lessen this
burden to allow recertification only for
those conditions which are not
categorized as chronic care or
permanent disability.’’ American
Academy of Family Physicians, Doc.
FL25 at 3; see also Mark Blick DO, Rene
Darveaux MD, Eric Reiner MD, Susan R.
Manuel PA–C, Doc. FL292, at 1 (‘‘One
employer requires us to complete the
form every 60 days (ATT/SBC), one
employer every 90 days and another
every year. Chronic conditions
extending a patient’s lifetime such as
diabetes and hypertension are not going
to change and there is no reason the
form has to be updated multiple times
throughout the year.’’). Another
commenter suggested that employers are
abusing the recertification process and
using repeated requests for
recertification to discourage employees
from taking FMLA leave:
[E]mployees bear the expense and burden
of having to secure re-certifications and run
the risk of denials if health care providers do
not cooperate (or fail to do so in the relatively
short time required by the employer), even
though the serious and chronic nature of
their medical condition is well documented.
In fact, we believe that, in some work
locations, these re-certification requests are
thinly veiled efforts to discourage employees
from taking intermittent FMLA leave and/or
to retaliate against them for needing to do so.
Communications Workers of America,
Doc. R346A, at 12.
b. Second and Third Opinion Process
Several employers commented on the
expense involved in the second and
third opinion process. See, e.g., Honda,
Doc. 10255A, at 11 (‘‘Based upon
Honda’s experience, second and third
opinions average over $700 per second
or third opinion, and cost the employees
their time.’’); Spencer Fane Britt &
Browne LLP, Doc. 10133C, at 25
(‘‘Second and third opinions have
proven expensive and difficult to
obtain.’’); Yellow Book USA, Doc.
10021A, at 2 (asserting that second
opinions are so expensive they are not
used); Zimbrick, Inc., Doc. FL125, at 12
(‘‘We have not requested a second
opinion. The cost, time and negative
impact on employee morale is
prohibitive.’’). Other commenters noted
practical concerns regarding finding
physicians to perform second opinions.
See, e.g., United States Postal Service,
Doc. 10184A, at 19 (‘‘We are
experiencing increasing difficulty
finding physicians who will perform a
second opinion medical exam. Although
we do not keep numbers on refusal
rates, our national FMLA coordinators
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
regularly voice concerns about this
problem.’’); Foley & Lardner LLP, Doc.
10129A, at 5 (‘‘Our experience shows
that second opinions are rarely used due
to delay inherent in locating a health
care provider and scheduling an
examination and due to the expense
associated with obtaining these
opinions.’’); Coolidge Wall Co., Doc.
5168, at 1 (‘‘Even in larger cities it can
be difficult to find doctors in a specialty
who are willing to do FMLA second
opinion examinations.’’); FNG Human
Resources, Doc. FL13, at 5 (‘‘Requesting
a second opinion is neither
economically feasible nor beneficial in
our area. We do not find healthcare
providers willing to state that another
provider is incorrect in his/her
Some commenters suggested that
employers should be allowed to use
doctors with whom they have
relationships for second opinions
because these health care providers are
more familiar with the work
environment and job requirements. See,
e.g., Air Conference, Doc. 10160A, at 13
(‘‘[O]ur member carriers have developed
relationships with health care providers
who understand our industry and
operating environment and who are
very familiar with the essential
functions of airline jobs.’’).
Two commenters expressed
frustration that even where the second
and third opinion process resulted in a
determination that the employee was
not entitled to FMLA leave, employees
have attempted to subvert the process
by submitting a new certification for the
same condition thus initiating the
review process anew. See United States
Postal Service, Doc. 10184A, at 19 (‘‘[A]
number of employees * * *
subsequently submit a new medical
certification from their original health
care provider which counters the
information in that second/third
opinion. The employees then argue that
the employer must go through the
second opinion process again.’’);
Exelon, Doc. 10146, at 6 (‘‘Even if both
the second and third opinion providers
disagree with the employee’s own
provider, after the process has been
concluded, the regulations do not
preclude the employee from submitting
a new certification to support a new
absence, and subsequent absences, from
work for the same medical condition for
which a second and third opinion were
c. Expanding Second Opinions to
Despite employer frustrations with
the costs and utility of the second and
third opinion process, however, some
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employers sought to expand the use of
the process to recertifications. See, e.g.,
National Coalition to Protect Family
Leave, Doc. 10172A, at 49 (‘‘Permitting
second and third opinions [on
recertifications] will provide substantial
benefits to both employers and
employees. Employers will not have to
incur the unnecessary expense of
obtaining second and third opinions
based on a doubtful initial certification
unless a pattern of abuse in fact
develops without losing the opportunity
to challenge the certification at a later
date. Employees will also benefit, since
they will not have to go for second and
third opinions if they do not abuse
FMLA leave even if their original
medical certification creates doubt as to
the validity of the need for leave.’’);
United States Postal Service, Doc.
10184A, at 17 (‘‘[A] second opinion
should be allowed during the lifetime of
an employee’s condition, so long as
there is reason to doubt the validity of
the information in the certification.’’);
Air Conference, Doc. 10160A, at 13
(‘‘Second and third opinions should
also be available to employers on a
medical recertification.’’).
Commenters noted that the statute is
silent as to the availability of second
opinions on recertification and argued
that the Department should not prohibit
their use by regulation. See City of New
York, Doc. 10103A, at 9 (‘‘Under 29 CFR
825.308(e), employers are specifically
barred from seeking a second or third
opinion on a recertification. The FMLA,
however, does not bar an employer from
seeking additional opinions for a
subsequent recertification.’’); National
Coalition to Protect Family Leave, Doc.
10172A, at 49 (‘‘Subsection 29 CFR
825.308(e) prohibits employers from
obtaining second and third opinions in
connection with recertifications despite
the fact that no statutory prohibition
exists with regard to such requests.’’);
Association of American Railroads, Doc.
10193A, at 4 (noting that the prohibition
on second and third opinions on
recertification is not based on the Act).
Other commenters, however, viewed the
statutory silence differently, arguing
that the statute only provides for second
opinions on the initial certification and
therefore they should not be permitted
on recertification. See American
Federation of Labor and Congress of
Industrial Organizations, Doc. R329A, at
44; National Partnership for Women &
Families, Doc. 10204A, at 22–23 (‘‘The
regulations do not allow employers to
request second opinions for medical
recertifications because the statute itself
only provides for second opinions in the
context of initial certifications.’’). Honda
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urged that the Department’s 2005
opinion letter concerning reinitiating
the medical certification process on an
annual basis, and with it the availability
of the second opinion process, be
incorporated into the regulations. See
Honda, Doc. 10255A, at 15; see also
American Federation of Labor and
Congress of Industrial Organizations,
Doc. R329A, at 44 (‘‘[T]he regulations
currently permit employers to reinitiate
the medical certification process twelve
months after leave commences,
including requests for second and third
opinions, regardless of past certification
for the same health condition.’’); Wage
and Hour Opinion Letter FMLA–2005–
2–A (Sept. 14, 2005).
The United States Postal Service
argued that allowing second opinions
on recertifications would ultimately
inure to the benefit of employees. See
Doc. 10184A, at 19 (‘‘When an employer
knows that it has the option of a second
opinion if later needed, it is more likely
to allow the protection at the outset
even in instances where it may have
some concern about the certification.
The employee will be more content, as
the leave request is quickly approved
and he/she is spared a second medical
exam.’’). The National Partnership for
Women & Families disagreed, however,
stating that the extension of the second
and third opinion process to
recertifications would burden
employees. See Doc. 10204A, at 22–23
(‘‘[A]llowing employers to request
second opinions on recertifications
would unfairly burden employees for
taking leave to which they are
d. Adequacy and Use of Current
Medical Verification Process
Finally, some commenters suggested
that, if properly used, the recertification
and second and third opinion processes
set forth in the current regulations
provided employers with ample tools to
control FMLA leave usage.
At present, we believe that the regulations
provide a manageable balancing of the
employer’s need for accurate information
demonstrating that the leave is covered by
the Act and the employee’s important
privacy interest. The regulations also
establish a clear framework within which to
evaluate leave requests when good faith
questions arise—the second and third
opinion process. Because of the concerns that
this existing process is not being followed by
many employers, we urge DOL to take steps
to evaluate whether that process is being
utilized appropriately.
Coalition of Labor Union Women,
Doc. R352A, at 6; see also 9to5, National
Association of Working Women, Doc.
10210A, at 4 (‘‘Robust employer
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
safeguards already exist in the current
regulations. Employers are allowed to
ask for second and third opinions from
alternate doctors for an FMLA request.
Employers have always had the ability
to handle suspicious patterns of time
off, just like any other personnel
problem.’’); Kennedy Reeve & Knoll,
Doc. 4763A, at 14–15 (‘‘Instead of
utilizing the certification process and
the second and third opinion process
within the regulations, many employers
are now choosing to forgo some or all
of those processes, and instead litigating
these issues at a high price to everyone,
including the courts. In order to avoid
costly litigation and in order to provide
more stability in the administration of
leaves of absences, the regulations
should require the use of a consistent
form and also require the utilization of
the regulatory enforcement
5. Medical Certification of the
Employee’s Ability To Return To Work
(‘‘Fitness for Duty Certifications’’)
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Section 825.310 of the regulations
allows employers to require medical
certification of the employee’s fitness to
return to work under certain
circumstances. Section 825.310(g),
however, bars employers from seeking a
fitness for duty certification from
employees returning to work after taking
intermittent leave. See 29 CFR
825.310(g). The Request for Information
sought comments on the benefits and
burdens of removing this restriction and
allowing fitness for duty certifications
for employees returning from
intermittent leave.
Many commenters questioned the
rationale for the different treatment the
regulations accorded to different types
of leave and argued that safety concerns
support requiring fitness for duty
certifications for intermittent leave.
Exempting chronic conditions from return
to work clearance seems to make little sense
because those conditions are just as likely as
any other to compromise the health or safety
of the workforce. Indeed, some chronic
conditions are even more likely to give rise
to a justifiable need for return to work
clearance than the other serious health
conditions under the FMLA. For example, an
employer may have little concern about the
clerical assistant returning to work after
giving birth, but far more (and legitimate)
concern about allowing a utility worker to
return after a series of epileptic seizures on
the job.
United States Postal Service, Doc.
10184A, at 20; see also Honda, Doc.
10255A, at 14 (‘‘Not permitting fitnessfor-duty medical forms for FMLA
Intermittent Leaves puts employers and
employees at risk. Such a prohibition
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creates an exception to most employers’
policies or practices when an employee
has been incapacitated for any medical
reason for more than a brief period.’’);
MGM Mirage, Doc. 10130A, at 10
(‘‘Quite simply, an employee places his/
her physical condition at issue by
requesting FMLA leave. This is true
regardless of whether the employee was
absent as result of continuous or
intermittent leave.’’).
Some employers noted that the
particular safety concerns inherent in
their workplaces necessitated that they
obtain clear information regarding an
employee’s ability to safely return from
leave. See Union Pacific Railroad, Doc.
10148A, at 6 (noting that clear
information regarding their employees
ability to work is critical as ‘‘those very
employees are entrusted with jobs that
affect the safety and security of the
general public’’); Honda, Doc. 10255A,
at 14 (‘‘In manufacturing, many of the
jobs include safety-sensitive duties.
Therefore, the current regulation
prohibiting a fitness-for-duty form for
intermittent leaves puts the employee
and his/her co-workers at risk and
requires the employer to assume a legal
risk for liability, if there is an accident
caused by the reinstated employee.’’);
City of New York, Doc. 10103A, at 7
(‘‘Fitness for Duty Certifications for
employees in safety-sensitive positions
who are intermittently absent should be
an option for employers. For example, if
a sanitation worker responsible for
driving a two-ton truck on public
roadways takes intermittent leave to
treat high blood pressure, a fitness for
duty certification should be required
before the employee is restored to the
position which carries an extreme
responsibility to the public.’’). These
employers suggested that the FMLA
return to work process undercuts
legitimate employer safety programs.
For example, the Maine Pulp & Paper
Association submitted the following
Employees in the paper industry routinely
work with hazardous materials in close
proximity to heavy machinery. Forcing
employers to accept the employee’s medical
provider’s simple statement that the
employee ‘‘is able to resume work,’’ or worse,
in the case of an intermittent leave-taker,
accept the employee’s word alone with no
medical verification whatsoever jeopardizes
the safety of co-workers and increases
exposure to expensive workers’
compensation claims. MPPA’s members have
strong safety programs which should not be
undercut by administrative requirements of
the FMLA.
Pierce Atwood, LLP (on behalf of Maine
Pulp & Paper Association), Doc.
10191A, at 4.
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Several employers suggested the
Department should delete or revise this
section of the regulations so that
employers would have the same right to
seek fitness for duty certifications from
employees returning to work from
intermittent leave. See, e.g., Willcox &
Savage, Doc. 10088A, at 6; Foley &
Lardner LLP, Doc. 10129A, at 5;
National Coalition to Protect Family
Leave, Doc. 10172A, at 50. The National
Partnership for Women & Families,
however, argued that requiring
employees returning from intermittent
leave to provide fitness for duty
certifications—which are to the
employee’s expense—would
significantly undermine the statutory
purpose behind allowing employees to
take intermittent leave. See Doc.
10204A, at 23 (‘‘Any benefit to the
employer of obtaining fitness for duty
statements from intermittent leavetakers is far outstripped by the
unwarranted burden that such a change
in the regulations would impose on
employees. * * * The intermittent
leave option helps to take some of the
financial strain off employees by
enabling them to continue to earn a
paycheck while addressing serious
health or family needs, and allows
employees to preserve as much of the
twelve weeks of leave as possible.’’)
(footnotes omitted). The AFL–CIO also
noted that ‘‘[r]equiring employees who
take intermittent leave to present fitness
for duty certifications for potentially
every absence is burdensome and
unnecessary.’’ Doc. R329A, at 44. See
also National Business Group on Health,
Doc. 10268A, at 4 (‘‘It would be an
administrative headache to require a
fitness for duty statement from an
employee who is absent intermittently.
The added paperwork to cover this
would be overly burdensome.’’);
Kennedy Reeve & Knoll, Doc. 4763A, at
18 (‘‘[T]he logistical impossibility and
financial burdens of allowing employers
to require fitness-for-duty statements for
each and every day of absence make
such a policy not feasible.’’). In an
attempt to address the costs concern,
one commenter suggested that
employers bear the cost for fitness for
duty certifications when the employee
is returning from intermittent leave. See
United Parcel Service, Doc. 10276A, at
Finally, some commenters
commented that the return to work
process under the FMLA conflicted with
the return to work process under the
ADA, with the latter providing a better
model because it allows both more
substantive information and physical
examinations. See infra Chapter VII.
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
6. WH–380 Form
The Department provides an optional
model certification form titled ‘‘WH–
380’’ to assist employers who require
employees to provide medical
certification of their need for FMLA
leave. The form can be used for initial
certification or recertification, as well as
for second and third opinions. While
employers may use a form other than
the WH–380, they may not require
information beyond what is required by
the sample form. 29 CFR § 825.306(b).
The Request for Information sought
comments on how this form is working
and what improvements could be made
to it to facilitate the certification
Several commenters expressed
frustration with the current form,
finding it overly long and complicated.
See, e.g., American Academy of Family
Physicians, Doc. FL25, at 2 (‘‘The form
WH–380 is overly complicated and
confusing in its format.’’); Spencer Fane
Britt & Browne LLP, Doc. 10133C, at 27
( ‘‘DOL’s prototype medical certification
form * * * is confusing to employers,
employees, and health care providers.’’);
United Parcel Service, 10276A, at 10
(‘‘The current WH–380 form is poorly
drafted and confusing.’’); Courier
Corporation, Doc. 10018A, at 3 (‘‘We
feel the Certification of Health Care
Provider (Optional Form WH–380) is far
too vague.’’); Association of Corporate
Counsel, Doc. FL31, at 10 (‘‘The current
form is confusing and often results in
incomplete or vague responses by health
care providers that are insufficient to
assess the employee’s eligibility for
leave or the timing of the leave.’’).
Several commenters suggested that
the form could be simplified if it was
broken into multiple forms, with
separate forms either for intermittent
and block leave, or for leave for the
employee and leave for the employee’s
family member. See, e.g., Yellow Book
USA, Doc. 10021A, at 3 (suggesting
separate forms for block and
intermittent leave); National Counsel of
Chain Restaurants, Doc. 10157A, at 16
(suggesting separate forms for employee
and family members); Indiana
University, School of Medicine,
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Doc.
FL70, at 1 (same); Ohio Department of
Administrative Services, Doc. 10205A,
at 6 (same). Spencer Fane recommended
that the Department actually develop
four different versions of the form for:
‘‘(a) Continuous leave for employee’s
own serious health condition; (b)
continuous leave for serious health
condition of a family member; (c)
reduced schedule/intermittent leave for
employee’s own serious health
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condition; and (d) reduced schedule/
intermittent leave for serious health
condition of a family member.’’ Doc.
10133C, at 32.
Commenters also suggested ways to
make the current form more useful to
employers and easier for health care
providers to understand and to
complete. See, e.g., Courier Corp., Doc.
10018A, at 4 (Suggesting that the ‘‘form
could be modified to be in more of a
checkbox format, that might facilitate
the physician’s office in actually
completing it more fully and providing
better information for the employer to
evaluate the need for leave.’’); United
States Postal Service, Doc. 10184A, at 12
(advocating elimination of serious
health condition checklist in favor of
description of medical facts); National
Coalition to Protect Family Leave, Doc.
10172A, at 47 (‘‘DOL can make the form
more user-friendly by streamlining the
information requested instead of asking
the health care providers to respond to
a page and a half of specific questions.’’)
(footnote omitted). A physicians group
suggested that use of a standard form, as
opposed to individual employer
variations, would reduce the burden on
health care providers. See American
Academy of Family Physicians, Doc.
FL25, at 2; see also Kennedy Reeve &
Knoll, Doc. 4763A, at 14 (‘‘The model
certification form must be simplified,
and then it must be the required form
for employers to use.’’).
Several commenters suggested that
the Department ‘‘allow an employer the
option of identifying key job skills and
tasks, similar to the [ADA], to allow the
doctor to make a more informed
decision about the necessity of leave
with respect to the specified essential
job functions[.]’’ U.S. Chamber of
Commerce, Doc. 10142A, at 8; see also
United States Postal Service, Doc.
10184A, at 14 (form should include ‘‘a
statement that the provider has been
informed of the employee’s essential job
functions’’). Another commenter,
however, noted that the FMLA
regulations already permit employers to
‘‘include a job description with the
medical certification form given to the
treating physician’’ but that few
employers utilize this process. Kennedy
Reeve & Knoll, Doc. 4763A, at 5.
Commenters also suggested that the
WH–380 should include a diagnosis,
something that was included in the form
published with the interim FMLA
regulations but was removed from the
form when the regulations were
finalized. See Preamble to Final FMLA
Regulations, 60 FR 2180, 2222 (Jan. 6,
1995) (‘‘The regulation and form no
longer provide for diagnosis.’’); see also
South Central Human Resource
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Management Association, Doc. 10136A,
at 11 (‘‘an employer should be permitted
to obtain diagnosis and prognosis’’);
Detroit Medical Center, Doc. 10152A, at
2 (‘‘It is critical that the regulations and
WH–380 form be changed to require
actual diagnoses to determine whether
an employee’s absences correlate with
the medical certification.’’). One such
commenter stated that ‘‘the FMLA’s
current restriction on obtaining a
diagnosis creates an unnecessary and
awkward limitation on the employee’s
health care provider in completing the
medical certification form and the
employer’s health care provider in
seeking clarification of information
contained in that form. Generally,
meaningful communications between
the health care providers cannot take
place without some discussion about
the actual diagnosis, particularly if
second and third opinions are
involved.’’ MedStar Health, Inc., Doc.
10144A, at 17.
Finally, some commenters noted that
the WH–380 does not include all of the
information that an employer is entitled
to under the Act. Importantly, multiple
commenters noted that the current form
does not require the health care
provider to certify the medical necessity
for intermittent leave, which is a
statutory requirement for the taking of
such leave. See 29 U.S.C. § 2612 (b); see
also National Coalition to Protect
Family Leave, Doc. 10172A, at 47 (‘‘In
the case of intermittent leave, the
medical necessity for the intermittent or
reduced schedule also should be
specified in accordance with 29 CFR
§ 825.117 (not currently asked on the
model form).’’); Society for Human
Resource Management, Doc. 10154A, at
18 (same); American Electric Power,
Doc. Fl28, at 5 (‘‘Unfortunately, the
statutory requirement that ‘medical
necessity’ be demonstrated by
employees seeking intermittent leave
has been effectively eliminated by the
Department’s regulations.’’). Another
commenter noted that the current form
also does not solicit the information
necessary to allow employers to
determine whether an employee is
entitled to FMLA leave to care for a
child who is 18 years old or older.
Honda, Doc. 10255A, at 13 (suggesting
that in order for employers to determine
whether an adult child is covered under
the FMLA the form should be amended
to include: ‘‘[1] Whether the adult child
has a physical or mental disability; [2]
Whether the physical or mental
disability has caused the child to be
incapable of self-care; and [3] A
checklist of ‘activities of daily living’
and ‘instrumental activities of daily
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
living’ that the adult child cannot
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VII. Interplay Between the Family
Medical Leave Act and the Americans
With Disabilities Act
The Department’s Request for
Information noted that several
organizations had reported the FMLA’s
‘‘interaction with other laws,’’ including
Title I of the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C.
12101–12117, 12201–12213 (1994)
(‘‘ADA’’), was a ‘‘potential source of
confusion.’’15 In seeking comments on
section 825.307 of the FMLA
implementing regulations, which
permits an employer to contact the
employee’s health care provider for
purposes of clarification and
authentication only through the
employer’s health care provider and
only with the employee’s permission,
the Department specifically asked how
this provision ‘‘[should] be reconciled
with the [ADA], which governs
employee medical inquiries and
contains no such limitation on employer
contact?’’ Although not directly
mentioning the ADA, the Department
also asked for information relating to the
‘‘implications of permitting an employer
to modify an employee’s existing job
duties to meet any limitations caused by
the employee’s serious health condition
as specified by a health care provider,
while maintaining the employee’s same
job, pay, and benefits.’’
The ADA, which is enforced by the
United States Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (‘‘EEOC’’), the
Department’s Office of Federal Contract
Compliance Programs, and the
Department of Justice, prohibits private
employers, state and local governments,
employment agencies, and labor unions
from discriminating in employment
against qualified individuals with
disabilities. See 42 U.S.C. 12101–12117,
12201–12213. The statute includes an
affirmative obligation to provide
reasonable accommodation to the
known disability of a qualified
applicant or employee, unless doing so
would pose an ‘‘undue hardship.’’ See
42 U.S.C. 12112 (b)(5)(A). Under the
ADA, an employee who needs medical
leave related to his or her disability is
15 Several commentators have called the
intersection of the ADA, the FMLA, and workers’
compensation laws the ‘‘Bermuda triangle of
employment laws’’ because, while all three address
employers’ obligations towards employees with
certain medical conditions, the responsibilities
imposed by each are overlapping but distinctively
different. Lawrence P. Postol, ‘‘Sailing the
Employment Law Bermuda Triangle,’’ The Labor
Lawyer, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Fall 2002); Peter A. Susser,
Family and Medical Leave Handbook, Vol. 6, No.
4, p. 7 (July 1998).
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entitled to such leave if there is no other
effective accommodation and the leave
will not cause an ‘‘undue hardship’’ on
the employer’s business operations. See
EEOC, Enforcement Guidance:
Reasonable Accommodation and Undue
Hardship under the Americans with
Disabilities Act (hereafter, ‘‘EEOC
Reasonable Accommodation
Guidance’’), at Question 21. The FMLA,
enforced by the Department’s Wage and
Hour Division, entitles ‘‘eligible’’
employees of covered employers up to
12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave
each year–with continuation of group
health insurance coverage under the
same conditions as prior to leave–for
specified family and medical reasons,
including the employee’s own serious
health condition. See 29 U.S.C. 2612,
2614(c). The FMLA does not include a
provision for ‘‘reasonable
accommodation,’’ nor does it limit the
availability of leave to situations where
the employee’s absence would not cause
an ‘‘undue hardship’’ for the employer.
Nonetheless, one of the stated purposes
of the FMLA is to allow an employee to
take reasonable leave for medical
reasons ‘‘in a manner that
accommodates the legitimate interests of
employers.’’ 29 U.S.C. 2601(b).
While both statutes provide
employees with job-protected medical
leave, as the FMLA’s legislative history
makes clear, ‘‘the leave provisions of the
[FMLA] are wholly distinct from the
reasonable accommodation obligations
of employers covered under the [ADA].’’
S. Rep. No. 3, 103d Cong., 1st Sess. 38
(1993). Indeed, the two Acts have
distinctively different purposes: the
ADA is intended to ensure that qualified
individuals with disabilities are
provided with equal opportunity to
work, while the FMLA’s purpose is to
provide reasonable leave from work for
eligible employees. Compare 42 U.S.C.
12101 and 29 CFR 1630.1 (Title I of the
ADA requires equal employment
opportunity for qualified individuals
with disabilities) with 29 U.S.C. 2601(b)
(one of the purposes of the FMLA is ‘‘to
entitle employees to take reasonable
leave for medical reasons, for the birth
or adoption of a child, and for the care
of a child, spouse, or parent who has a
serious health condition’’). Recognizing
this fact, section 825.702(a) of the FMLA
implementing regulations provides that
‘‘[a]n employer must therefore provide
leave under whichever statutory
provision provides the greater rights to
employees.’’ See also EEOC, Fact Sheet:
The Family and Medical Leave Act, the
Americans with Disabilities Act, and
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
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(hereafter, ‘‘EEOC FMLA and ADA Fact
Sheet’’), at Question 17.
Moreover, an FMLA ‘‘serious health
condition’’ is not necessarily an ADA
‘‘disability.’’ An ADA disability is an
impairment that substantially limits one
or more major life activities, a record of
such an impairment, or being regarded
as having such an impairment. See 42
U.S.C. 12102(2). While some conditions
that qualify as serious health conditions
under the FMLA may be ADA
disabilities (e.g., most cancers and
serious strokes), other qualifying serious
health conditions under the FMLA may
not be ADA disabilities. For example,
periods of incapacity due to a routine
broken leg or hernia could qualify as an
FMLA serious health condition, but not
be a qualifying disability under the ADA
because the impairment is not
substantially limiting. Similarly,
incapacity due to pregnancy (e.g., severe
morning sickness) qualifies as a serious
health condition under the FMLA, but
may not be a disability under the ADA
because the condition is not long-term
or permanent. See EEOC FMLA and
ADA Fact Sheet, at Question 9.
Despite the different purposes and
scope of the two statutes, the FMLA and
its implementing regulations borrow
several important concepts from the
ADA. For example, the Department
relied on ADA concepts when defining
one of the qualifying reasons for
medical leave under the FMLA—
because of an employee’s own serious
health condition. The statutory
provision governing this issue provides
that leave is available ‘‘because of a
serious health condition that makes the
employee unable to perform the
functions of the position of such
employee.’’ 29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(D). The
implementing regulations provide that
leave entitlement accrues under this
provision ‘‘where a health care provider
finds that the employee is unable to
work at all or is unable to perform any
one of the essential functions of the
employee’s position,’’ as provided for
under the ADA and the EEOC’s
regulations. 29 CFR 825.115. Under the
ADA, a qualified individual with a
disability is defined as an individual
who, with or without reasonable
accommodation, can perform all of the
‘‘essential functions’’ of the position in
question. See 42 U.S.C. 12111(8). The
ADA implementing regulations define
essential functions as the ‘‘fundamental
job duties’’ of the employment position.
29 CFR 1630.2(n).
The intersection of the ADA and the
FMLA, and its implications for
employees and employers, was the
subject of much discussion by
respondents to the Department’s RFI.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
42 U.S.C. 12112(d)(4)(A); see also 29
CFR 1630.14(c).16 The ADA also
prohibits discrimination in employment
against individuals who are ‘‘regarded
as’’ having an impairment by their
employer. 42 U.S.C. 12102(2)(c) and
The Department received comments
from employers and their
representatives suggesting that
employees need to be further educated
about their obligations under the FMLA
to provide appropriate information
about why leave is needed so that
employers can fulfill their obligations
under the Act if the leave is potentially
FMLA-covered without violating the
ADA’s restrictions on medical inquiries
or running the risk that they will be
deemed to have ‘‘regarded’’ someone as
disabled. More than one commenter
noted that an employee’s failure to
provide adequate FMLA notice can
place employers in an unreasonable
situation. For example, the National
Coalition to Protect Family Leave stated
that employers often have been required
to ‘‘‘read between the lines’ by grasping
unspoken behavioral clues that an
employee may need [FMLA] leave,’’
which places ‘‘employers—and their
front-line managers—in the impossible
position of having to navigate between
compliance with the FMLA * * * and
compliance with the [ADA] which
restricts medical inquiries of employees
and prohibits employers from
‘regarding’ individuals as disabled.’’
Doc. 10172A, at 31–32. A law firm
representing employers echoed similar
concerns. Schwartz Hannum PC, Doc.
10243A, at 7 (cases reasoning that
‘‘unusual behavior’’ may itself
constitute notice to employer of need for
FMLA leave ‘‘impose an unreasonable
expectation upon managers and human
resources personnel * * * such
employer representatives must be able
to intuit when an employee’s body
language or behavior suggests that an
FMLA leave may be appropriate.’’).
Still another commenter noted that
‘‘[e]mployers are wary of asking too
many questions for fear of violating
complicated limitations of the ADA.’’
Employers Association of New Jersey,
Doc. 10119A, at 7. This commenter
stated that ‘‘employers err on the side of
caution and grant many questionable
FMLA requests to ensure the employee’s
rights are not violated.’’ Id. at 8; see also
National Public Employer Labor
Relations Association, Doc. R358A, at
10 (suggestion in section 825.302 that
employers may ‘‘inquire further’’ about
an employee’s medical condition when
insufficient information is provided
‘‘flies in the face of what human
resources managers have trained
supervisors not to do under other
federal laws,’’ such as the ADA).
16 EEOC Enforcement Guidance expressly
provides that the ADA’s restrictions on inquiries
and examinations apply to all employees, not just
those with disabilities, such that ‘‘[a]ny employee
* * * has a right to challenge a disability-related
inquiry or medical examination that is not jobrelated and consistent with business necessity.’’
EEOC, Enforcement Guidance: Disability-Related
Inquiries and Medical Examinations of Employees
under the Americans with Disabilities Act, at
General Principles Section.
B. Obtaining Medical Information Under
the FMLA and the ADA
While an employer’s obligation to
provide medical leave under both the
FMLA and the ADA are triggered by
similar employee notice provisions, the
approach an employer must follow to
obtain appropriate medical information
to support the need for leave varies
The comments focused on five broad
areas of interplay between the two
statutes, discussed in greater detail
below: (1) The interaction between the
FMLA employee notice provisions and
the ADA prohibitions on medical
inquiries; (2) obtaining medical
information under the FMLA and the
ADA; (3) confirming that an employee is
fit to return to work after medical leave
under the FMLA and the ADA; (4)
offering light duty, modified work or
transfers/reassignments under the
FMLA and the ADA; and (5) permitting
‘‘reasonable leave for medical reasons’’
under the FMLA and the ADA.
A. The Interaction of the FMLA
Employee Notice Provisions and the
ADA Medical Inquiry Prohibitions
Under section 825.302 of the FMLA
implementing regulations, an employee
must provide notice ‘‘sufficient to make
the employer aware that the employee
needs FMLA-qualifying leave, and the
anticipated timing and duration of the
leave.’’ The request may be verbal and
the employee need not specifically
mention the FMLA. See 29 CFR
825.302(c). The regulations permit an
employer to ‘‘inquire further’’ about an
employee’s medical condition where
insufficient information is initially
provided. Id. The ADA, however,
strictly proscribes the circumstances
under which employers may make
medical inquiries of employees,
including those without ADA
disabilities, providing that:
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
A covered entity shall not require a
medical examination and shall not make
inquiries of an employee as to whether such
employee is an individual with a disability
or as to the nature and severity of the
disability, unless such examination or
inquiry is shown to be job-related and
consistent with business necessity.
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depending on whether the employee’s
request is covered by the FMLA or the
ADA. The statutory provisions of the
ADA outline the factors to be
considered when determining whether a
reasonable accommodation must be
granted (42 U.S.C. 12111(10)) and the
types of medical inquiries and
examinations that may be made (42
U.S.C. 12112(d)), but do not specify a
particular process for considering an
employee’s request for reasonable
accommodation. The EEOC’s
implementing regulations and
interpretative guidance suggest that an
employee and employer engage in an
‘‘interactive process’’ designed to
confirm that the employee has an ADAcovered disability and to identify an
effective accommodation for the
employee’s specific limitations. See
generally 29 CFR Part 1630 and
Appendix to Part 1630—Interpretive
Guidance on Title I of the Americans
with Disabilities Act (‘‘This process of
identifying whether, and to what extent,
a reasonable accommodation is required
should be flexible and involve both the
employer and the individual with a
disability.’’). As part of this process, the
employer may request reasonable
documentation about the nature,
severity, and duration of the employee’s
impairment, and the extent to which the
impairment limits the employee’s
ability to perform daily activities when
the disability or the need for
accommodation is not known or
obvious. See EEOC Reasonable
Accommodation Guidance, at Question
6; EEOC, Enforcement Guidance:
Disability-Related Inquiries and Medical
Examinations of Employees under the
Americans with Disabilities Act
(hereafter, ‘‘EEOC Disability-Related
Inquiries Guidance’’), at Question 7. If
the initial information provided is
insufficient, the EEOC encourages the
employer to ‘‘consider consulting with
the employee’s doctor (with the
employee’s consent).’’ EEOC DisabilityRelated Inquiries Guidance, at Question
The FMLA, after appropriate
notifications, allows the employer to
require that the employee submit a
certification from his/her heaLth care
provider to support the need for FMLA
leave. If the employer questions the
validity of the employee’s certification,
the employer may require second and/
or third medical opinions to resolve the
situation. See 29 U.S.C. 2613. The
FMLA medical certification process
prohibits an employer from contacting
an employee’s health care provider
directly and restricts the scope and
timing of information requests. See 29
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
CFR 825.303–825.311; (See also Chapter
V for a discussion of employee
notification rights and responsibilities
and Chapter VI for a full discussion of
the FMLA medical certification and
verification process.).
Commenters routinely noted these
differences between the ADA and the
FMLA, and the difficulties caused when
leave requests triggered obligations
under both statutes. See International
Foodservice Distributors Association,
Doc. 10180A, at 2 (‘‘The severe
limitations on inquiries of healthcare
providers certifying the presence of
serious health conditions—more
extreme than under the ADA or state
workers’ compensation laws—should be
revisited.’’). Several of these
commenters stated that the ‘‘FMLA
restrictions particularly are problematic
when employers face a request from an
employee that triggers obligations under
both the FMLA and ADA, given that the
latter requires the employer to engage in
interactive processes to accommodate
the employee.’’ Temple University, Doc.
10084A, at 10; United States Postal
Service, Doc. 10276A, at 9–10 (‘‘When
an FMLA-qualifying ‘serious health
condition’ is also a potential ‘disability’
under the ADA, [section 825.306’s]
restriction on medical information is in
conflict with the ADA interactive
process, which allows—and arguably
requires—an employer to gather far
more medical information regarding an
employee so that it can make an
informed decision regarding possible
accommodations.’’). Another
commenter argued that the FMLA
process ‘‘places artificial restrictions on
access to necessary information
regarding an employee’s serious health
condition. The limitations imposed by
the FMLA regulations go far beyond
those imposed in such acts as the [ADA]
and clearly fail to balance both
employer and employee rights under the
FMLA.’’ MGM Mirage, Doc. 10130A, at
7; see also U.S. Chamber of Commerce,
Doc. 10142A, at 7 (‘‘Employers found
that the burdens to obtaining medical
information under the FMLA are
significantly greater’’ than inquiries
under the ADA).
Several commenters contrasted
employees’ obligations under the FMLA
medical certification process with
employees’ obligations under the ADA
interactive process. See, e.g., Pilchak
Cohen & Tice, P.C., Doc. 10155A, at 23
(‘‘employees should have a duty to
cooperate with the employer, as they do
under the ADA’’). A law firm reported
that its employer clients feel that their
hands are tied when employees fail to
complete and return FMLA medical
certification forms. Proskauer Rose, Doc.
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10182A, at 2. This commenter stated
that, ‘‘[w]ith the frequent overlap
between FMLA and employer-provided
leave, and the interplay with disability
discrimination and workers
compensation laws, many employers are
reluctant to risk disciplining an
employee for the administrative failure
to timely comply with the provision of
information needed to make an FMLA
eligibility determination.’’ Id.
Commenters also noted that the two
statutes allow employers to obtain
different information regarding an
employee’s medical condition, with the
ADA generally permitting a broader
exchange of information. See, e.g.,
South Central Human Resource
Management Association, Doc. 10136A,
at 11 (‘‘The ADA allows an employer to
obtain all relevant medical information
in determining whether a ‘disability’
exists. The same approach should be
used under the FMLA.’’); see also
MedStar Health, Inc., Doc. 10144A, at
17 (allow ‘‘employers’ health care
providers to obtain information
regarding the actual diagnosis of an
employee’s serious health condition,’’ as
is currently permitted under the ADA).
Still other commenters suggested that
the Department ‘‘allow an employer the
option of identifying key job skills and
tasks, similar to the [ADA], to allow the
doctor to make a more informed
decision about the necessity of leave
with respect to the specified essential
job functions.’’ U.S. Chamber of
Commerce, Doc. 10142A, at 8; see also
United States Postal Service, Doc.
10184A, at 14 (form should ‘‘include a
statement that the provider has been
informed of the employee’s essential job
Information received in response to
the Department’s RFI suggests that one
particularly problematic area for many
employers is that the FMLA prohibits
direct employer contact with the
employee’s health care provider, while
the ADA does not. Compare 29 U.S.C.
2613 with EEOC Disability-Related
Inquiries Guidance, at Question 11.
Several commenters noted that the
FMLA ‘‘limitations associated with the
clarification process were created solely
by the regulations. Such limitations
contradict what was expressly
addressed and permitted by Congress
when enacting the ADA just three years
before the FMLA.’’ The National
Coalition to Protect Family Leave, Doc.
10172A, at 46; see also Temple
University, Doc. 10084A, at 10 (The
FMLA restrictions on direct doctor
contact are ‘‘purely a product of the
regulation.’’). One commenter summed
up the difficult position it believes this
places employers in:
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If an employee requests reasonable
accommodation under the ADA in
connection with or before an FMLA request,
therefore, the Company lawfully may have
direct contact with the employee’s health
care provider. In those cases, the rule that an
employer may contact * * * the provider
directly for one purpose but not for the other
confuses employees and their providers. As
well, whenever the Company contacts a
provider for ADA purposes during the
certification process, there is an inherent risk
that the contact could be challenged as
unlawful under the FMLA.
Progressive, Doc. FL2, at 4.
A number of retailers reported that
this limitation ‘‘poses one of the biggest
obstacles to preventing FMLA misuse
and abuse. It also creates a conundrum
for compliance-minded employers who
are concerned about violating the FMLA
when fulfilling their obligations under
the ADA.’’ National Retail Federation,
Doc. 10186A, at 17. Furthermore, some
commenters felt that the prohibition
against contact with the health care
provider is unnecessary. One public
employer asserted:
Comparison with the [ADA] demonstrates
that these additional barriers are not
necessary. The ADA, like the FMLA, requires
employers to review an employee’s medical
information and make determinations about
the employee’s ability to work based on that
medical information. The type of medical
information reviewed under both statutory
schemes is similar. Additionally, the
employer’s staff members reviewing FMLA
requests may also be responsible for making
determinations regarding employee ADA
accommodation requests.
City of New York, Doc. 10103A, at 8; see
also Edison Electric Institute, Doc.
10128A, at 9 (‘‘Our experience has
shown no negative consequences of
direct contact between employers and
their employees’ health care providers
in the ADA context.’’); Clark Hill PLC,
Doc. 10151A, at 3–4 (Because the ADA
‘‘clearly allows employers to make such
job related inquiries to a health care
provider on their own* * *. [t]he added
burden of hiring a health care provider
is not necessary’’). Comments from the
National Retail Federation also reflect
this view:
Employers know based on the
conversations they have with health care
providers during the ADA process that the
clarification and additional information they
need usually does NOT require the
involvement of another health care
professional. The need to follow-up with the
health care provider presents an exception
and is borne out of legitimate needs, such as
to gain a better understanding of an
employee’s condition, to determine if the
employee qualifies, and if so, what should
the employer reasonably expect with respect
to intermittent absences and to curb abuse.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
National Retail Federation, Doc.
10186A, at 17.
These commenters, and numerous
others, suggested that the Department
‘‘allow employers to contact the health
care provider to confirm that
appointments or treatments are being
scheduled when least disruptive to
operations * * * and for the purposes
of clarification and to verify authenticity
of the certification.’’ Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, Doc. 10042A, at 4; see
also City of Philadelphia Personnel
Department, Doc. 10058A, at 2 (arguing
that Department should permit Human
Resource department to contact
employee’s doctor ‘‘when medical
certification is vague and needs
clarification’’ in same way practice is
‘‘currently permitted under the ADA’’);
Frost, Brown, Todd, LLC, Doc. 10137A,
at 2 (eliminate barrier on direct doctor
contact as ‘‘unnecessary and
unjustified’’ given that such contact is
permitted under ADA and most state
workers’ compensation laws);
International Public Management
Association for Human Resources and
International Municipal Lawyers
Association, Doc. R350A, at 4 (allow
employers to communicate directly with
health care providers, as is permitted
under ADA).
Other commenters suggested that
employers be permitted to require that
an employee provide a limited release
allowing the disclosure of sufficient
medical information to confirm the need
for leave, as is permitted by the ADA.
Seyfarth Shaw LLP (on behalf of a notfor-profit health care organization), Doc.
10132A, at 4 (suggesting that employers
be allowed to require that employees
seeking FMLA leave sign release
authorizing employer to submit list of
questions to employee’s health care
provider as is permitted by ADA); see
also United States Postal Service, Doc.
10184A, at 16–17 (noting that such an
approach would be consistent with the
ADA where it is ‘‘well settled law that
an employee who refuses to provide an
employer with sufficient medical
information under the ADA can be
denied the accommodation the
employee seeks’’). For a fuller
discussion of comments relating to
medical releases and medical
certification forms generally, see
Chapter VI.
More generally, many of the
commenters stated that the FMLA
certification process could be improved
if a more interactive process, similar to
that provided for under the ADA, was
adopted. See, e.g., Fairfax County Public
Schools, Doc. 10134A, at 4–5 (ADA
interactive process is ‘‘much better
model’’ and FMLA ‘‘regulations should
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encourage free communication in order
for the parties to have a common
understanding of medical limits and
leave requirements’’); Manufacturer’s
Alliance/MAPI, Doc. 10063A, at 7
(suggesting that ‘‘the ADA informal
interactive process used to gather
information on an employee’s medical
condition should be adopted under the
FMLA’’); Society for Human Resource
Management, Doc. 10154A, at 17 (‘‘By
reconciling the processes permitted by
the ADA with the FMLA, needless time
and expense associated with the FMLA
approval process will be eliminated.’’);
National Association of Manufacturers,
Doc. 10229A, at 9 (‘‘The ADA model
should be adopted for the FMLA[.]’’). A
human resource management
association stated that an interactive
process would work better than the
‘‘exchange of paper’’ process currently
in place under the FMLA:
While we understand the goals reflected by
the FMLA, perhaps it would be less
burdensome if employers were allowed to be
involved in the back-and-forth discussion
between the employee and physician as
opposed to stressing the exchange of paper
similar to the ‘‘interactive process’’ line of
cases that has developed under the ADA
* * *. When family and medical leave is
properly certified, it is our experience that
the leave is typically granted; however, when
the circumstances surrounding the leave are
less than clear or the doctor’s certification is
less than straightforward, the employer is in
a no-win situation.
Krukowski & Costello, S.C. (on behalf of
Legislative Committee of the Human
Resource Management Association of
Southeastern Wisconsin), Doc. 10185A,
at 4.
Commenters suggested a number of
potential benefits that might flow from
implementing similar processes for
obtaining medical information under
the ADA and FMLA. The City of New
York stated that more consistent
procedures would allow employers ‘‘to
make informed decisions in a timely
manner’’ and reduce administrative
compliance burdens by allowing ‘‘staff
members who review both FMLA- and
ADA-related requests * * * to apply a
similar inquiry procedure to both types
of situations.’’ Doc. 10103A, at 9.
Another commenter stated that adopting
similar processes would eliminate
confusion between the FMLA and ADA
guidelines for medical inquiries and
interactive discussion. Northern
Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, Doc.
10048A, at 7. The Ohio Department of
Administrative Services believed such a
change would ‘‘diminish the
requirement that the doctor correct
vague or incomplete paperwork.’’ Doc.
10205A, at 4–5. Another commenter
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suggested that the need for a second
opinion examination would be reduced
by incorporating ADA concepts into the
FMLA certification process. See Pilchak
Cohen & Tice, P.C., Doc. 10155A, at 22.
A health care provider argued that
coordinated procedures for obtaining
medical information under the FMLA
and the ADA would reduce employer
costs of providing FMLA leave. MedStar
Health, Inc., Doc. 10144A, at 17 (current
rule creates an ‘‘unnecessary cost for
employers, even for those with in-house
employee health offices that are staffed
by nurses but do not have a nurse
practitioner or other FMLA health care
The AFL–CIO, however, argued that
the clear distinctions between the
‘‘reasonable accommodation’’
provisions of the ADA and the ‘‘leave
provisions’’ of the FMLA made the
different procedures under each statute
for obtaining medical information
Since only ‘‘known physical or mental
limitations’’ trigger an employer’s obligation
to make reasonable accommodation under
the ADA (§ 12112(b)(5)(A)), it is reasonable
for employers to have direct contact with
employees’ health care providers in certain
limited situations. An ADA employer may
require detailed medical knowledge of an
employee’s disability in order to
accommodate that disability in the
workplace. Furthermore, it is advantageous
for employees with disabilities if their
employers understand their limitations.
The same concerns are not present with
respect to FMLA medical determinations—
employers are not required by the FMLA to
make changes in the workplace to
accommodate the serious health conditions
of employees, and they therefore need less
information than employers under the ADA
in order to fulfill their statutory obligations.
In the FMLA context, an employer does not
need access to information beyond a doctor’s
certification of the factors establishing the
presence of a serious health condition under
the statute and a doctor’s estimate of likely
absences or duration of treatment.
American Federation of Labor and
Congress of Industrial Organizations,
Doc. R329A, at 42–43. The National
Partnership for Women & Families also
opined that the FMLA and the ADA
raise different privacy concerns and
thus that a different approach to
protecting medical privacy is
appropriate under the FMLA. See Doc.
10204A, at 21 (‘‘The privacy concerns
regarding employers’ access to medical
information are heightened in the
context of the FMLA because the FMLA
governs the employer’s access not only
to the medical information of
employees, but also to the medical
information of employees’ family
members. This provides justification for
additional caution in insuring the
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
privacy of medical information under
the FMLA.’’).
C. Confirming That an Employee Is Fit
To Return To Work After Medical Leave
Under the FMLA and the ADA
Under the ADA, an employer may
require an employee returning from
medical leave to provide a doctor’s note,
as long as it has a policy or practice of
requiring all employees to do so, and
may require an employee to submit to
a fitness for duty examination when the
‘‘employer has a reasonable belief that
an employee’s present ability to perform
essential job functions will be impaired
by a medical condition or that s/he will
pose a direct threat.’’ EEOC DisabilityRelated Inquiries Guidance, at
Questions 15 and 17. The FMLA
regulations, on the other hand, prohibit
an employer from obtaining (except
when governed by a collective
bargaining agreement or State or local
law) a fitness for duty examination
when an employee returns from an
intermittent leave absence, even if the
request would be permitted under the
ADA. See 29 CFR 825.310(g). The same
section allows employers to require a
fitness for duty certification pursuant to
a uniformly applied policy, but limits
that certification to a ‘‘simple
statement’’ of an employee’s ability to
return to work and places limitations on
an employer’s communications with the
employee’s health care provider
regarding the employee’s ability to
return to work that are not present
under the ADA. 29 CFR 825.310(c).
As noted in Chapter VI, numerous
commenters questioned the FMLA
restrictions on fitness for duty
certifications, with many arguing that
the current process compromises
legitimate safety concerns. Several of
these commenters stated that the FMLA
fitness for duty provision ‘‘conflicts
with that permitted under the ADA,’’
with the latter allowing both more
substantive information and physical
examinations. National Coalition to
Protect Family Leave, Doc. 10172A, at
50; see also Fisher & Phillips LLP, Doc.
10262A, at 17–18 (‘‘Employers must be
permitted to verify FMLA leave and
fitness for duty in the same way they
currently verify other absences due to
illness.’’). An employer’s association
that commented on the different
standards under the ADA and the FMLA
stated that, ‘‘an employer is more aware
of the inherent duties of a job than the
employee’s health care provider. Yet
[under the FMLA], the employer may
not delay the employee’s return to work
while contact with the health care
provider is being made.’’ Employers
Association of New Jersey, Doc. 10119A,
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at 8–9. This commenter suggested that
the Department adopt the reasonable
belief standard used under the ADA so
that employers could seek fitness for
duty certifications for FMLA leave in all
instances, and using the same processes,
permitted by the ADA. Id.
Several commenters representing
employees cautioned that altering the
fitness for duty certification procedures
under the FMLA would place an
‘‘unwarranted burden’’ on employees.
See, e.g., National Partnership for
Women & Families, Doc. 10204A, at 23.
For a fuller discussion of employee
comments relating to this issue, see
Chapter VI.
D. Offering Light Duty, Modified Work,
or Transfers/Reassignments Under the
FMLA and the ADA
One of the qualifying reasons for
medical leave under the FMLA is for an
employee’s own serious health
condition. The FMLA implementing
regulations provide that an employee is
entitled to leave under this provision
‘‘where a health care provider finds that
the employee is unable to work at all or
is unable to perform any one of the
essential functions of the employee’s
position within the meaning of’’ the
ADA and the EEOC’s regulations. 29
CFR 825.115.17 The regulations prohibit
employers from modifying an
employee’s job functions to preclude the
taking of FMLA leave. 29 CFR
825.220(b)(2), see also 825.702(d)(1).
The FMLA permits the temporary
reassignment of employees needing
intermittent or reduced schedule leave
‘‘that is foreseeable based on planned
medical treatment’’ under certain
circumstances. See 29 U.S.C. 2612(b)(2).
Under the ADA, an employer must
provide reasonable accommodation,
including job restructuring, to qualified
individuals with disabilities. See 42
U.S.C. 12111(9); 29 CFR 1630.2(o).
Under EEOC Enforcement Guidance, an
employer is not required to eliminate an
‘‘essential function’’ of a position, but
may do so if it wishes. ‘‘This is because
an individual who is unable to perform
the essential functions, with or without
reasonable accommodation, is not a
‘‘qualified’’ individual with a disability
within the meaning of the ADA.’’ See
EEOC Reasonable Accommodation
17 As discussed later in this chapter, the
Department received comments suggesting that the
Department’s regulation is inconsistent with the
ADA. Under the ADA, an employee is entitled to
reasonable accommodation only if he or she has a
covered disability and is qualified to perform (with
or without an accommodation) all of the essential
functions of his or her position. Only those physical
or mental impairments that ‘‘substantially limit’’
one or more major life activities are covered
disabilities under the ADA.
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Guidance, General Principles Section.
Moreover, the employer has the
‘‘ultimate discretion’’ to choose among
reasonable accommodations as long as
the chosen accommodation is effective.
EEOC Reasonable Accommodation
Guidance, at Question 9. In certain
situations, employers must offer light
duty or reassignment to qualified
individuals with disabilities as a
reasonable accommodation. See, e.g.,
EEOC, Enforcement Guidance: Workers’
Compensation and the ADA (hereafter,
‘‘EEOC Workers’ Compensation
Guidance’’), at Questions 27 and 28
(discussing employer’s obligation to
provide light duty work); EEOC FMLA
and ADA Fact Sheet, at Question 13
(discussing employer’s obligation to
reassign employee to vacant position).
A number of commenters discussed
the different treatment afforded
modified work, light duty, and
transfers/reassignments under the
FMLA and the ADA. While commenters
sometimes used these terms
interchangeably, this Chapter treats each
issue separately. This is because each
may impose different obligations and
restrictions on employers under the
ADA and the FMLA. Thus, for the
Department’s purposes, the discussion
of modified job duties generally refers to
situations where an employer wishes to
modify an employee’s job duties in his
or her existing job, and particularly to
the suggestion by commenters that
employers should be permitted to
remove one or more essential job
functions in lieu of providing FMLA
leave. The discussion of the treatment
afforded ‘‘light duty’’ under the FMLA
and ADA refers to particular positions
created specifically for the purpose of
providing work for employees who are
unable to perform some or all of their
normal duties. It is important to note,
however, that the term ‘‘light duty’’ also
is used by some employers to refer to
situations whereby employees are
excused from performing certain job
functions of their normal job or are
assigned to any less demanding
position. The discussion below
concerning transfers or reassignments is
intended to cover those situations
whereby an employer reassigns an
employee to an alternative position,
which need not be, and often is not, part
of the employer’s ‘‘light duty’’ program.
1. Modifying Job Duties
The FMLA regulations prohibit
employers from ‘‘changing the essential
functions of [the employee’s] job in
order to preclude the taking of leave.’’
29 CFR 825.220(b)(2). Many employers
expressed support for changing the
regulations to allow ‘‘an employer to
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
modify an employee’s job duties in his/
her existing job—including removal of
essential job functions—in lieu of FMLA
leave.’’ National Coalition to Protect
Family Leave, Doc. 10172A, at 36
(emphasis in original); see also College
and University Professional Association
for Human Resources, Doc. 10238A, at
9 (allowing modification of job duties in
employee’s existing job allows for
‘‘greater flexibility to meet staffing
needs’’); National Retail Federation,
Doc. 10186A, at 14–15 (‘‘return[ing] an
associate with a non-occupation illness
or injury to work in a manner that is
consistent with restrictions is not
unfriendly to the employee and is
consistent with the statutory intent of
FMLA’’); DST Systems Inc. Doc.
10222A, at 3 (‘‘Modifications enable an
employee to continue work and avoid
the need for FMLA leave, thus
eliminating the burden on fellow
employees and the employer, and loss
of active employment for the
employee’’). These commenters
suggested that ‘‘an employee who can
perform an essential function with an
accommodation, or by virtue of the
elimination of that task for the period he
or she is unable to perform it, should
not be permitted to reject the
accommodation and pursue FMLA
leave. This result is contrary to the
legislative intent of FMLA, which was
passed to protect employees who had to
miss work rather than employees who
merely chose to miss work because they
prefer to avoid it.’’ National Association
of Convenience Stores, Doc. 10256A, at
2–3; see also Fisher & Phillips LLP, Doc.
10262A, at 6 (same).
Commenters supporting this view
argued that ‘‘[a]llowing this would
benefit both employers and employees.
The more options employees have to
remain at work, the less likely they are
to exhaust their leave rights and, more
importantly, their rights to
reinstatement.’’ National Coalition to
Protect Family Leave, Doc. 10172A, at
36–37. A number of employers felt that
requiring modified work would be
particularly helpful in situations where
the ‘‘employee has requested
intermittent leave to be taken on an
unplanned, unscheduled basis.’’
Bendix, Doc. 10079A, at 8; see also The
Retail Industry Leaders Association,
Doc. 10259A, at 3–4 (same); Detroit
Medical Center, Doc. 10152A, at 3
(same). A university employer stated
that allowing an employer to modify
essential functions of an employee’s job
may be a better alternative than placing
the employee on leave, as it allows the
employer ‘‘greater flexibility to meet
staffing needs, while also providing the
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employee with protections. It also
would better rationalize the FMLA with
accommodation provisions of the [ADA]
and the light duty provisions of
workers’ compensation laws.’’ Temple
University, Doc. 10084A, at 8–9; College
and University Professional Association
for Human Resources, Doc. 10238A, at
9 (same). As one law firm noted, ‘‘[a]n
employee at work performing his or her
job is certainly preferable to their not
being at work at all. This option would
also benefit employees to the extent that
they would now have the opportunity to
continue receiving pay.’’ Fisher &
Phillips LLP, Doc. 10262A, at 11.
A group representing 5,000
physicians and other health care
professionals specializing in the field of
occupational and environmental
medicine stated that employers should
be ‘‘encouraged in the FMLA to assist
the employee to consider alternatives
for a better health solution than taking
time off from work.’’ The American
College of Occupational and
Environmental Medicine, Doc. 10109A,
at 2. Another commenter noted it could
not see any ‘‘negative effect’’ to allowing
an employer to alter the essential
functions of an employee’s job but
thought it was unlikely that ‘‘most
employers would ever take this
opportunity, as most are loathe to
concede that essential functions may
not really be essential.’’ Kennedy Reeve
& Knoll, Doc. 4763A, at 12.
A number of employee organizations
expressed concern about any change to
the FMLA scheme that would require
employees to accept an employer’s offer
of modified work in lieu of leave. As the
National Partnership for Women and
Families stated:
One bedrock principle of the FMLA is the
right of an eligible employee to take a
specified amount of leave for family or
medical reasons and then return to the same
or equivalent job. To the extent the RFI is
considering a change in the regulations to
require an employee to accept an employer’s
offer to make modifications to the employee’s
existing job to accommodate a serious health
condition, we believe such a change would
be inconsistent with the express language
and intent of the FMLA. We also would
oppose any effort to penalize an employee
who declined to accept such a position,
except as currently permitted by law. The
law entitles eligible employees to take up to
twelve weeks of family or medical leave, and
nothing in the statute, regulations, or
legislative history suggests that an employee
should lose the right to determine whether or
not to take leave if an employer modifies the
employee’s job duties.
National Partnership for Women &
Families, Doc. 10204A, at 16; Families
USA, Doc. 10327A, at 5; see also
American Federation of Labor and
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Congress of Industrial Organizations,
Doc. R329A, at 35 (‘‘[N]either the statute
nor the regulations provides a basis for
treating a modified position as the
equivalent of FMLA leave. An employee
who accepts a modified job does not
forfeit his or her entitlement to a full 12
weeks of leave if the employee remains
unable to perform the essential
functions of the unmodified job.’’).
Some employers also expressed
concern about the implications of
eliminating essential job functions. A
state employer, who opposed any
requirement that employers modify
essential job functions under the FMLA,
expressed concern that such a proposal
would not be cost effective, require
significantly more documentation, and
cause ‘‘further confusion’’ between the
FMLA and the ADA. The
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Doc.
10042A, at 2; see also The Pennsylvania
Turnpike Commission, Doc. 10092A, at
5 (permitting employers to modify
existing job duties would ‘‘add to the
existing confusion of FMLA and [ADA]
regulations’’). Another state employer
thought that it would be ‘‘unduly
burdensome to require employers to
also modify job duties for employees
with serious health conditions’’ because
employers already were legally
obligated to provide modified work
under workers’ compensation laws and
the ADA. City of Portland, Office of
Management and Finance, Doc. 10161A,
at 5. A business organization in
Northern Kentucky did not believe that
permitting an employer to change the
essential functions of a job would be of
‘‘significant value.’’ Northern Kentucky
Chamber of Commerce, Doc. 10048A, at
4–5. This organization felt that
permitting such a practice would likely
add increased administrative burdens,
cause further conflict between the ADA
and the FMLA, and require increased
communications with supervisors to
ensure that all assigned work met the
employee’s restrictions, among other
issues. See id. at 4–5; see also National
Business Group on Health, Doc.
10268A, at 5 (‘‘implications of
modifying an employee’s job duties
include higher budgeted costs, peer
dissatisfaction, and the administrative
difficulty of moving an employee to a
temporary position’’); Elaine G. Howell,
H.R. Specialist, International Auto
Processing, Inc., Doc. 4752, at 3
(modifying an employee’s existing job
duties would allow employees to collect
the same pay and benefits while no
longer doing an equivalent job and
cause employees to provide their
physicians ‘‘with reasons why they
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
could not do the most disliked portion
of their jobs’’).
A health system consisting of
multiple hospitals in the Washington,
D.C., metropolitan area expressed
concern that modifying one or more
essential job functions in lieu of
providing leave under FMLA might
mean that an employer would be
required to modify those same functions
as a reasonable accommodation under
the ADA, when it otherwise would not
be required to do so.
In keeping with the approach under the
[ADA] that essential job functions need not
be modified in order to accommodate an
employee’s disability, such modifications
should not occur to accommodate an
employee’s serious health condition under
the FMLA. Both laws serve an important
purpose in accommodating employees for the
ultimate objective of having them perform
the essential job functions. Thus, nothing
should detract from determinations made
regarding the essential job functions as
necessary and central to a job position.
Additionally, it is important to note that if
employers modify essential job functions for
FMLA purposes, they have potentially
obligated themselves to doing so under the
MedStar Health, Inc., Doc. 10144A, at
14–15. As another employer noted,
removing essential job functions for
FMLA purposes ‘‘could lead to an
argument that these functions are not
that essential, and that the employer
should be required to remove them from
the position’s job duties altogether as an
accommodation’’ under the ADA.
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Authority, Doc. 10147A, at 4; see also
Madison Gas and Electric Company,
Doc. 10288A, at 3 (‘‘An employer may
be hesitant to modify an employee’s
existing job duties due to the
implications of the [ADA].’’). The health
care employer felt that ‘‘[t]his would be
an undesirable result for employers
seeking to reasonably facilitate and
manage ADA-related job
accommodations.’’ MedStar Health, Inc.,
Doc. 10144A, at 14–15. Another
company, Zimbrick, Inc. stated the
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Because FMLA and ADA overlap,
modifying existing job duties essentially
creates a temporary accommodation which
could become permanent. From a business
perspective, why would we want to pay an
employee performing only part of the
essential functions the same as someone who
performs all of them?
Doc. FL125, at 1.
The EEOC also stated that ‘‘such an
alteration to the FMLA rule could raise
new ADA issues related to essential
functions and reasonable
accommodation.’’ United States Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission,
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Doc. 10234A, at 3. In its comments, the
EEOC acknowledged that the ADA
permits, but does not require, an
employer to modify or remove essential
job functions. The Commission noted,
however, that it has not yet provided
guidance on ‘‘whether an employer’s
reasonable accommodation duty [under
the ADA] could be satisfied by
reallocating essential functions with the
express purpose of precluding leave as
a reasonable accommodation.’’ Id.
2. Offering Light Duty Work
A number of organizations also
commented on the differences between
the FMLA’s and ADA’s treatment of
light duty work. Section 825.220(d) of
the FMLA regulations provides that an
employee may voluntarily accept a
‘‘light duty’’ assignment while
recovering from a serious health
condition, but cannot be coerced to do
so. When an employee accepts a light
duty assignment, the time spent
working in the light duty position does
not count against his or her FMLA leave
entitlement. Under the FMLA, the
employee’s right to be restored to the
same (or equivalent) position held prior
to the start of the leave, however,
expires after a cumulative period of 12
weeks of leave and light duty work. 29
CFR 825.220(d); see also Wage and Hour
Opinion Letter FMLA–55 (March 10,
1995). By contrast, under the ADA, an
employer does not have to create a light
duty position for an individual with a
disability but, if a vacant, light duty
position already exists, the employer
must reassign the individual with a
disability to the position if there is no
other effective accommodation available
and the reassignment would not pose an
undue hardship. See EEOC, Workers’
Compensation Guidance, at Questions
27 and 28. In addition, if the only
effective accommodation available is
similar or equivalent to a light duty
position, an employer must provide that
accommodation, absent undue
hardship. See EEOC, Workers’
Compensation Guidance, at Question
Nearly all respondents to a survey
conducted by a human resource
association in Ohio ‘‘believed
employees requesting leave for their
own serious health conditions should be
required to accept light duty work
consistent with their medical
restrictions, if offered.’’ Miami Valley
Human Resource Association, Doc.
10156A, at 6–7. The National
Association of Convenience Stores, the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Society
for Human Resource Management, the
College and University Professional
Association for Human Resources, and
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others agreed. See National Association
of Convenience Stores, Doc. 10256A, at
2–3; U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Doc.
10142A, at 11; Society for Human
Resource Management, Doc. 10154A, at
9; College and University Professional
Association for Human Resources, Doc.
10238A, at 9; American Bakers
Association, Doc. R354A, at 4; American
Hotel & Lodging Association, Doc.
R366A, at 3; National Public Employer
Labor Relations Association, Doc.
R358A, at 8. Employers who supported
this proposal believed that ‘‘[i]n many
cases, light duty may be a better
alternative than placing the employee
on leave, as it allows the employer
greater flexibility in meeting its staffing
needs. Such a change also would better
rationalize the FMLA with the
accommodation provisions of the [ADA]
and the light duty provisions of many
workers’ compensation laws.’’ College
and University Professional Association
for Human Resources, Doc. 10238A, at
9. Other commenters stated that it ‘‘is
unnecessary, and often ill-advised, to
allow an employee to refuse light duty
* * * Experience has shown that
employees with minor injuries generally
recover more quickly if they are
working, gradually returning to their
former capabilities.’’ Society for Human
Resource Management, Doc. 10154A, at
9; see also The Retail Industry Leaders
Association, Doc. 10259A, at 3–4
Several employers supporting
mandatory light duty work thought that
such work should count against an
employee’s 12-week FMLA entitlement.
See National Association of
Convenience Stores, Doc. 10256A, at 2–
3; Fisher & Phillips LLP, Doc. 10262A,
at 6; American Bakers Association, Doc.
R354A, at 4 (Department should clarify
that ‘‘time spent in light duty work
away from the employee’s usual job
counts against the 12 weeks of FMLA
entitlement for all purposes’’). As one
employer noted, ‘‘light duty should
count against an employee’s FMLA
leave entitlement and reinstatement
rights. Otherwise, the employer ends up
essentially making reasonable
accommodations for FMLA even if the
condition is not an ADA-qualifying
disability.’’ Sally L. Burnell, Program
Director, Indiana State Personnel
Department, Doc. 10244C, at 4.
On the other hand, some employers
thought light duty should not count
against the employee’s FMLA leave
entitlement. A survey conducted by a
national law firm revealed that 66% of
the almost 150 individuals who
responded on behalf of their companies
did not believe that light duty work
should be counted against an
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
employee’s FMLA leave entitlement.
‘‘The vast majority of respondents felt
that light duty is generally the result of
a work injury or occupational injury and
is better dealt with through the ADA or
workers’ compensation. Most
respondents stated that with light duty,
an employee is usually working and
therefore not on leave.’’ Hinshaw &
Culbertson LLP, Doc. 10075A, at 4; see
also MedStar Health, Inc., Doc. 10144A,
at 14 (‘‘When an employee works, even
in an alternate light duty capacity, he/
she is not absent under the meaning of
the FMLA.’’).
A number of organizations
representing employees also opposed
permitting an employer to modify an
employee’s existing job in lieu of
providing leave. See, e.g., American
Federation of Labor and Congress of
Industrial Organizations, Doc. R329A, at
34 (‘‘treating light duty work as the
equivalent of FMLA leave falls
squarely’’ within statutory prohibition
making it unlawful to interfere with,
restrain, or deny exercise of right to take
FMLA leave and conflicts with
regulatory provision concerning waiver
of FMLA rights). Several of these
commenters thought that counting light
duty as FMLA leave would be unfair to
employees because ‘‘[i]f an individual is
at work, even if the duties have been
modified to address the employee’s
illness or care giving responsibilities, he
or she is still engaging in productive
activity for the employer.’’ University of
Michigan Center for the Education of
Women, Doc. 10194A, at 2; see also
Families USA, Doc. 10327A, at 4–5
(‘‘opposes any reduction in FMLA leave
for time spent working in a ‘‘light duty’’
position.’’); Coalition of Labor Union
Women, Doc. R352A, at 4–5 (‘‘counting
‘‘light duty’’ work as FMLA leave is not
appropriate and runs counter to the
intent of the statute’’).
3. Standards for Transferring/
Reassigning Employees
The Department also received
comments regarding the differing
standards under the FMLA and the ADA
for transferring or reassigning
employees to alternative positions. The
FMLA provisions regarding transfers to
an alternative position, discussed more
fully in Chapter VIII, generally permit
the employer to temporarily transfer an
employee who needs foreseeable
intermittent or reduced schedule leave
for planned medical treatment to an
alternative position with equivalent pay
and benefits. The position must be one
for which the employee is qualified and
which better accommodates recurring
periods of leave. See 29 U.S.C.
2612(b)(2). (See also Chapter IV
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discussing unscheduled intermittent
leave.). Under the ADA, part-time work
or occasional time-off may be a
reasonable accommodation. As a general
matter, transfer is the accommodation of
last resort under the ADA. However, if,
or when, an employee’s need for parttime work or reduced hours in his or her
current position creates an undue
hardship for an employer, the employer
must transfer the employee to a vacant,
equivalent position for which the
employee is qualified, unless doing so
would present an undue hardship for
the employer. If an equivalent position
is not available, the employer must look
for an equivalent position at a lower
level. Further accommodation is not
required if a lower level position is also
unavailable. See EEOC FMLA and ADA
Fact Sheet, at Question 13. Employers
who place employees in lower level
positions are not required to maintain
the employee’s salary at the level of the
higher grade, unless the employer does
so for other employees. See EEOC
Technical Assistance Manual § 3.10.5.
As discussed more fully in Chapter
VIII, a number of commenters suggested
that the FMLA regulations should be
amended so that employers may transfer
employees who request unscheduled or
unforeseeable intermittent leave. Some
commenters supporting reassignment
argued that employers should be
permitted to temporarily transfer an
employee to an alternative position in
‘‘all cases involving intermittent leave
or reduced leave schedules.’’ United
Parcel Service, Doc. 10276A, at 5. Still
other commenters suggested that
employers should be allowed, in certain
circumstances, to permanently reassign
employees needing unforeseeable
intermittent leave due to a chronic
condition. See Betsy Sawyers, Director,
Human Resources Department, Pierce
County, Washington, Doc. FL97, at 4.
Many employers that supported
reassignment urged that a process
similar to that provided under the ADA
be adopted, whereby reassignment
‘‘could be conditioned on the
employer’s determination that
unscheduled leave could not be
continued without jeopardizing the
essential functions of the job. After
making such a determination, the
employer could reassign the employee
to a position that better accommodated
intermittent attendance.’’ Fairfax
County Public Schools, Doc. 10134A, at
3; see also National Council of Chain
Restaurants, Doc. 10157A, at 10–11
(FMLA should ‘‘accommodate
employers in a manner similar to the
ADA,’’ by permitting the employer to
transfer a manager needing unscheduled
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intermittent FMLA leave ‘‘to a lesser
management or a non-management
position that better accommodates the
employer’s needs’’). As one employer
stated, this approach ‘‘would provide
employers with more flexibility in
accommodating the employee’s need for
leave while enabling the employer to
better manage the workforce.’’ Exelon,
Doc. 10146A, at 8.
A law firm suggested that employers
also be permitted to reduce the
employee’s pay and benefits upon
transfer, as is permitted for
reassignments under the ADA. See
Pilchak Cohen & Tice, P.C., Doc.
10155A, at 12.18 Another commenter
also recommended that the employer
‘‘be allowed to adjust the employee’s
compensation and benefits so that they
are commensurate with the position into
which the employee is being moved.’’
National Council of Chain Restaurants,
Doc. 10157A, at 10–11. The law firm
supporting this approach explained
that, otherwise, the provisions for
transferring employees under the FMLA
are ‘‘inherently unrealistic’’ because the
‘‘employee would always prefer to be
transferred to a position with less
responsibilities and less duties, but with
equal pay and benefits.’’ Pilchak Cohen
& Tice, P.C., Doc. 10155A, at 12.
E. Permitting ‘‘Reasonable Leave for
Medical Reasons’’ Under the FMLA and
the ADA
An employee is entitled to reasonable
accommodation, including medical
leave, under the ADA only if he or she
has a covered disability and is qualified
to perform (with or without an
accommodation) the essential functions
of the position. 42 U.S.C.
12112(b)(5)(A); see generally EEOC
Reasonable Accommodation Guidance.
Only those physical or mental
impairments that ‘‘substantially limit’’
one or more major life activities are
covered disabilities under the ADA. See
42 U.S.C. 12102(2)(A). Moreover, an
employer is not required to provide any
accommodation that would pose an
‘‘undue hardship’’ on the operation of
the employer’s business. See 42 U.S.C.
12112(b)(5)(A); 29 CFR 1630.9. ‘‘Undue
hardship’’ means significant difficulty
or expense and refers not only to
financial difficulty, but also to requested
accommodations that are unduly
extensive, substantial, or disruptive, or
those that would fundamentally alter
18 While the FMLA permits the temporary
reassignment of employees needing intermittent or
reduced schedule leave ‘‘that is foreseeable based
on planned medical treatment’’ under certain
circumstances, the statute expressly requires that
the alternative position have equivalent pay and
benefits. 29 U.S.C. 2612(b)(2).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
the nature or operation of the business.
See 42 U.S.C. 12111(10); 29 CFR
1630.2(p). An employer also is not
required to eliminate an essential
function of an employee’s position
when providing accommodation under
the ADA. See generally EEOC
Reasonable Accommodation
One of the stated purposes of the
FMLA is to permit employees to take
reasonable leave for medical reasons ‘‘in
a manner that accommodates the
legitimate interests of employers.’’ 29
U.S.C. 2601(b). The statute entitles
employees to FMLA leave for (among
other qualifying reasons) a serious
health condition that makes them
unable to perform the functions of their
position. See 29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(D).
The FMLA implementing regulations
adopt the ADA ‘‘essential function’’
concept in explaining when an eligible
employee is entitled to leave for his or
her own serious health condition. Under
section 825.115, leave may accrue to an
eligible employee ‘‘where a health care
provider finds that the employee is
unable to work at all or is unable to
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
19 The
EEOC has stated that ‘‘in some instances,
an employer’s refusal to modify a workplace policy,
such as a leave or attendance policy, could
constitute disparate treatment as well as a failure to
provide a reasonable accommodation.’’ EEOC
Reasonable Accommodation Guidance, at Question
24. Numerous court decisions have held that the
ADA does not protect individuals who have
‘‘erratic, unplanned absences.’’ EEOC v. Yellow
Freight Sys., Inc., 253 F.3d 943, 948 (7th Cir. 2001)
(‘‘our court, and every circuit that has addressed
this issue has held that ‘‘in most instances the ADA
does not protect persons who have erratic,
unexplained absences, even when those absences
are a result of a disability. The fact is that in most
cases, attendance at the job site is a basic
requirement of most jobs.’’); accord Brenneman v.
MedCentral Health System, 366 F.3d 412 (6th Cir.
2004); Mason v. Avaya Communications, Inc., 357
F.3d 1114 (10th Cir. 2004); Nesser v. Trans World
Airlines, Inc., 160 F.3d 442, 445 (8th Cir.1998);
Hypes v. First Commerce Corp., 134 F.3d 721 (5th
Cir.1998); Lyons v. Legal Aid Soc’y, 68 F.3d 1512,
1516 (2d Cir.1995); Tyndall v. Nat’l Educ. Ctrs., 31
F.3d 209, 213 (4th Cir.1994); Carr v. Reno, 23 F.3d
525, 530 (D.C. Cir.1994); cf. Nesser v. Trans World
Airlines, Inc., 160 F.3d 442, 445 (8th Cir.1998);
Hypes v. First Commerce Corp., 134 F.3d 721 (5th
Cir.1998); Lyons v. Legal Aid Soc’y, 68 F.3d 1512,
1516 (2d Cir.1995); Tyndall v. Nat’l Educ. Ctrs., 31
F.3d 209, 213 (4th Cir.1994); Carr v. Reno, 23 F.3d
525, 530 (D.C. Cir.1994); cf. Humphrey v. Memorial
Hospitals Ass’n, 239 F.3d 1128 (9th Cir. 2001)
(noting ‘‘that although excessive or unscheduled
absences may prevent an employee from performing
the essential functions of his job and thereby render
him not otherwise qualified for purposes of the
ADA, regular and predictable attendance is not per
se an essential function of all jobs’’); Ward v. Mass.
Health Research Inst., 290 F.3d 29 (1st Cir. 2000)
(while ‘‘regular and reliable schedule may be an
essential element of most jobs, resolution of the
issue in each case requires a fact-intensive inquiry
into the pattern of the attendance problem and the
characteristics of the job in question’’); see also
David v. Florida Power & Light Co., 205 F.3d 1301
(11th Cir. 2000) (holding that overtime, like job
presence, can be an essential function of a job).
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perform any one of the essential
functions of the employee’s position.’’
29 CFR 825.115. Other provisions of the
FMLA allow an employee to take leave
intermittently or on a reduced schedule.
See 29 U.S.C. 2612(b); 29 CFR 825.203–
825.205. Unlike the ADA, however,
neither the FMLA regulations nor the
statute limits the availability of such
leave to situations where the employee’s
absence does not impose an ‘‘undue
hardship’’ on the employer.
A number of commenters believed
that the FMLA regulations should be
revised to incorporate the ADA concept
of ‘‘substantially limited’’ in working.
As a group of human resource
professionals stated:
The Act seems to suggest that an employee
is only entitled to FMLA leave for a serious
health condition when the condition makes
the employee totally unable to work. The
Regulations have gone one step further and
state that an employee is entitled to FMLA
leave if he/she is unable to perform just one
essential job function. * * * Employees
should only be able to take FMLA leave if
they are substantially limited in their ability
to perform essential job functions.
South Central Human Resource
Management Association, Doc. 10136A,
at 18; see also Baldor Electric Company,
Doc. 10320A, at 2 (leave should only be
allowed when a person cannot perform
the majority of the essential functions).
According to another employer, ‘‘the
current regulatory framework allows for
leave when an employee is unable to
perform only one essential function of
his or her job, even if there are ten other
essential functions of the job that the
employee is able to perform. This
conflicts with the provisions of the
[ADA].’’ Verizon, Doc. 10181A, at 7.20
Commenters also routinely contrasted
an employer’s ability to manage
absenteeism under the FMLA and the
ADA, particularly in situations where
an individual takes unscheduled
intermittent leave. A law firm
representing employers summarized the
inconsistencies between the two
The [FMLA] Regulations clearly state that
the ADA definition of ‘‘essential job
functions’’ is to be used under the FMLA. 29
20 In the process of finalizing the FMLA
implementing regulations, the Department received
comments questioning whether section 825.115 was
intended to mean that an eligible ‘‘employee must
be found unable to perform each and every essential
function (i.e. all), or only any single one, or some
of several of the essential functions’ in order to take
FMLA leave due to his or her own serious health
condition. The Department made clear in the
preamble to its Final Rule that ‘‘[t]his section was
intended to reflect that an employee would be
considered ‘‘unable to perform the functions of the
position’’ * * * if the employee could not perform
any one (or more) of the essential functions.’’ 60 FR
2179, 2196 (Jan. 6, 1995).
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CFR 825.115. Although attendance is an
essential job function under well-established
ADA case law, the Regulations ignore the
case law and permit employees to maintain
unacceptable attendance records on a
permanent basis. In fact, the FMLA
Regulations permit employees with
permanent chronic conditions to be absent
with impunity for approximately 25% of a
work year. * * * The ADA, on the other
hand, does not protect an employee with a
disability who cannot maintain an acceptable
attendance record.
The courts have consistently and
uniformly held that attendance is an essential
job function and that a continuous or
reduced schedule leave of a reasonable
duration are reasonable accommodations
under the ADA. * * *. [T]he FMLA was
intended to cover a temporary emergency or
critical need for medical leave, not a
permanent non-emergency or non-critical
need for medical leave.
Spencer Fane Britt & Browne LLP,
Doc. 10133C, at 9; see also South
Central Human Resource Management
Association, Doc. 10136A, at 13 (noting
inconsistency between ADA and FMLA
treatment of attendance and stating that
FMLA regulations ‘‘permit chronic
absenteeism problems whereas the ADA
does not’’); United States Postal Service,
Doc. 10184A, at 24 (‘‘Pursuant to the
ADA, an employer is not required to
accommodate chronic absenteeism or
allow employees to work on a part-time
schedule while encumbering a full-time
position. Yet the FMLA requires an
employer to do just that.’’); Association
of Corporate Counsel, Doc. FL31, at 2–
3 (suggesting, when discussing
employer’s ability to control
absenteeism under FMLA, that ‘‘current
regulations protect employee behavior
that the Federal Courts and the EEOC
have concluded is not only
unreasonable but also inconsistent with
the essential needs and expectations of
employers’’). For a full discussion of
comments regarding the impact of
unscheduled intermittent leave on
attendance, see Chapter IV.
To address these concerns, a
significant number of employers and
organizations representing employers
suggested that intermittent or reduced
schedule medical leave should not be
required under the FMLA when it
presents an ‘‘undue hardship’’ or means
that the employee cannot perform the
essential functions of the position, as
would be the case under the ADA.
[P]rovisions could be added to the FMLA
and its regulations to take into account the
impact of intermittent leave on the employer.
The ADA utilizes reasonableness and undue
hardship standards when assessing employee
requests for accommodations. Under the
ADA, an employer is not required to
fundamentally alter the nature of a position
in order to accommodate an employee’s
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
disability. The FMLA and its regulations
should include similar considerations. An
employer should not be required to grant a
request for intermittent leave if the request
fundamentally alters the nature of the
employee’s position (i.e., effectively changes
the start or end time for the position, allows
the employee to excuse himself/herself from
work without notice, excuses the employee
from performing essential duties, excuses the
employee from the requirement to work
overtime, etc.). An employer should not be
required to grant a request for intermittent
leave if there is no reasonable way to cover
the employee’s work duties (e.g., because of
the nature of the position; because the
employee cannot provide reasonable advance
notice of the leaves; because the leaves are
University of Minnesota, Doc. 4777A,
at 3; see also National Retail Federation,
Doc. 10186A, at 11 (‘‘One suggestion is
that intermittent leave should not be
required where the unpredictable or
short-term nature of the absences
impose undue hardship or mean that
the employee cannot perform the
essential functions of the job.’’);
National Council of Chain Restaurants,
Doc. 10157A, at 10 (‘‘same defenses
available under the ADA [e.g., undue
hardship] should be available’’ when
employee is unable to perform essential
functions); Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department, Doc. 10253A, at 1 (allow
employers to consider business
necessity when intermittent leave
extends beyond one year or 480 hours
of leave); International Public
Management Association for Human
Resources and International Municipal
Lawyers Association, Doc. R350A, at 3
(summarizing survey of local, state, and
federal government employers,
including respondent’s suggestion that
‘‘an ADA-type exception be made if the
need for intermittent leave will pose an
undue hardship on the employer’’). One
commenter suggested that amending the
FMLA to include ‘‘undue hardship’’ and
‘‘direct threat’’ defenses would import
the ‘‘important balance between
employee and employer rights found in
the ADA’’ to the FMLA and make the
two laws better integrated. Pilchak
Cohen & Tice, P.C., Doc. 10155A, at 18.
While not specifically addressing the
inclusion of an ‘‘undue hardship’’
defense under FMLA, several
commenters representing employees
indicated that they ‘‘strongly oppose
any reconsideration of the FMLA that
would serve to limit FMLA’s scope or
coverage.’’ American Federation of
State, County and Municipal
Employees, Doc. 10220A, at 1. A
membership organization affiliated with
the AFL-CIO expressed concern about
the impact ‘‘scaling back’’ FMLA
protections would have. They noted
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that, at each FMLA workshop they
conducted, ‘‘attendees repeatedly told
us that, without the protections offered
by the FMLA, many would have been
out of work and without crucial
healthcare benefits, due to their
employers’ very strict absence policies.’’
Coalition of Labor Union Women, Doc.
R352A, at 2. The National Partnership
for Women & Families, while
acknowledging that ‘‘situations
involving unscheduled leave may
present unique challenges for both
employees and employers,’’ argued that
limiting the availability of unscheduled
leave ‘‘would be inconsistent with the
very purpose of the FMLA’’ which
provides for unscheduled leave because
‘‘it is impossible to plan or script every
situation where family or medical leave
is needed.’’ Doc. 10204A, at 12.
VIII. Transfer to an Alternative Position
The RFI did not specifically ask
questions about an employer’s ability to
transfer an employee to an ‘‘alternative
position’’ but the Department received
many unsolicited comments on this
topic. Under the Act, an employer may
transfer an employee to an ‘‘alternative
position’’ with equivalent pay and
benefits when the employee needs to
take intermittent or reduced schedule
leave ‘‘that is foreseeable based on
planned medical treatment[.]’’ 29 U.S.C.
2612(b)(2). This statutory provision was
intended ‘‘to give greater staffing
flexibility to employers by enabling
them temporarily to transfer employees
who need intermittent leave or leave on
a reduced leave schedule to positions
more suitable for recurring periods of
leave. At the same time, it ensures that
employees will not be penalized for
their need for leave by requiring that
they receive equivalent pay and benefits
during the temporary transfer.’’ 60 FR
2180, 2202 (Jan. 6, 1995).
Section 825.204 of the regulations
explains more fully when an employer
may transfer an employee to an
alternative position in order to
accommodate intermittent leave or a
reduced leave schedule. Section
825.204(a) sets the general parameters
for the transfer: ‘‘If an employee needs
intermittent leave or leave on a reduced
leave schedule that is foreseeable based
on planned medical treatment for the
employee or a family member, * * *
the employer may require the employee
to transfer temporarily, during the
period the intermittent or reduced leave
schedule is required, to an available
alternative position for which the
employee is qualified and which better
accommodates recurring periods of
leave than does the employee’s regular
position.’’ 29 CFR 825.204(a).
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Section 825.204(d) prohibits an
employer from ‘‘transfer[ing] the
employee to an alternative position in
order to discourage the employee from
taking leave or otherwise work a
hardship on the employee.’’ Section
825.204(e) limits the length and
circumstances of the transfer: ‘‘When an
employee who is taking leave
intermittently or on a reduced leave
schedule and has been transferred to an
alternative position, no longer needs to
continue on leave and is able to return
to full-time work, the employee must be
placed in the same or equivalent job as
the job he/she left when the leave
commenced. An employee may not be
required to take more leave than
necessary to address the circumstance
that precipitated the need for leave.’’ 29
CFR 825.204(e). Unlike a ‘‘light duty’’
assignment under section 825.220 of the
regulations, a transfer to an alternative
position does not require the employee’s
consent. Cf. 29 CFR 825.220(d) (light
duty) (‘‘[Regulations do] not prevent an
employee’s voluntary and uncoerced
acceptance (not as a condition of
employment) of a ‘‘light duty’’
assignment while recovering from a
serious health condition[.]’’).
A. Department’s Regulations Only
Permit Transfer Where Employee Needs
Intermittent Leave or Leave on a
Reduced Leave Schedule That Is
Foreseeable Based on Planned Medical
A significant number of commenters
questioned why the regulations permit
an employer to transfer an employee
only when the employee’s need for
leave is foreseeable based on planned
medical treatment as opposed to a
chronic need for unforeseeable leave.
These stakeholders noted as an initial
matter that the statute is silent on the
issue. ‘‘We recognize that while the
statute allows an employer to transfer an
employee taking intermittent or reduced
schedule leave for planned medical
treatment, * * * it is silent on taking
unforeseeable intermittent leave or
foreseeable leave unrelated to
treatment.’’ Seyfarth Shaw LLP (on
behalf of a not-for-profit health care
organization), Doc. 10132A, at 3. It is
the regulations, commenters contended,
that prohibit a transfer in the
unforeseeable intermittent context. ‘‘As
presently drafted, § 825.204 only
permits employers to transfer an
employee to an alternative equivalent
position where the employee’s need for
intermittent leave is ‘foreseeable based
on planned medical treatment.’’’ United
Parcel Service, Doc. 10276A, at 5.
‘‘Section 825.204 allows an employer to
transfer an employee to an alternative
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
position where the leave is foreseeable
based on planned medical treatment for
the employee or a family member.’’
Seyfarth Shaw LLP (on behalf of a notfor-profit health care organization), Doc.
10132A, at 3. Moreover, Ford & Harrison
noted a recent Sixth Circuit case, which
stated that the Department’s regulations
allow ‘‘an employer [to] * * * transfer
an employee only when the need for the
intermittent leave is foreseeable.’’ Doc.
10226A, at 6. See Hoffman v.
Professional Med Team, 394 F.3d 414,
421, n.11 (6th Cir. 2005) (transfer of
employee with chronic condition
requiring unforeseeable leave likely
prohibited by sections 825.204(a), (c),
and (d)).
Many commenters saw no practical
basis for differentiating between
foreseeable and unforeseeable need for
leave in this context. ‘‘We do not see
any basis for distinguishing between
foreseeable vs. unforeseeable leaves for
purposes of such temporary transfers.’’
United Parcel Service, Doc.10276A at 5.
Similarly, another commenter stated:
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
[Section 825.204 provides n]o similar
option * * * for employers to transfer or
otherwise alter the duties of an employee
who needs unscheduled or unforeseeable
intermittent leave. Even if the employee’s
unscheduled intermittent absences may
result in substantial safety risks to the public
or co-employees, or could cause serious
disruption to the operations of the employer,
such employee’s duties or position cannot be
altered as a result of the unscheduled
intermittent leave.
The Southern Company, Doc. 10293A,
at 3. Another company echoed the same
concern that under the current
regulatory scheme ‘‘[e]mployers do not
have [the option] to transfer or
otherwise alter the duties of an
employee who needs unscheduled or
unforeseeable intermittent leave.’’
Edison Electric Institute, Doc. 10128A,
at 6.
In fact, many employers reported that
the underlying rationale for the transfer
provision—to provide ‘‘greater staffing
flexibility’’ while maintaining the
employee’s same pay and benefits—is
best served where the employee’s need
for leave is unforeseeable. ‘‘[I]f there is
to be such a distinction, then a strong
argument can be made that the DOL and
Congress got it exactly backwards.
Indeed, it is much easier for employers
to arrange temporary coverage of an
employee’s normal job duties where the
intermittent leaves occurs on a regular
and foreseeable schedule, than it is to
accommodate an employee with a
chronic condition with unforeseeable
flare-ups[.]’’ United Parcel Service, Doc.
10276A, at 5. Other commenters agreed:
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Employers report that it is most often the
employees whose intermittent or reduced
leave schedule is unforeseeable who cause
the most disruption in the workplace. For
example, an employee works on an assembly
line in a factory that runs on a 24-hour basis
in three shifts. The employee has been
approved to take intermittent leave to
accommodate migraines and has been calling
in sick on a relatively frequent, but
unforeseeable basis (e.g., approximately three
times a month), giving only about an hour
notice before the start of his shift. Good
attendance is essential to this position
because an absence can hold up the entire
production line.
Ford & Harrison LLP, Doc. 10226A, at 6.
‘‘The most complicated part of
intermittent leave * * * occurs with
unplanned intermittent leave * * *
[A]ccommodating late arrivals or even
early departures to satisfy the
requirements of an intermittent leave
can create problems in the workplace,
including overburdening other workers
and creating a sense of inequity and
frustration.’’ Leonard, Street and
Deinard, Doc. 10330A, at 2.
Other commenters criticized the
entire idea of ‘‘alternative positions’’ as
unrealistic and/or problematic. For
example, one law firm stated that
‘‘alternative positions’’ are a fiction:
Alternative positions do not exist in the
real world. [The regulations] provide that in
a reduced schedule situation, ‘‘an [employer]
may assign an employee to an alternate
position with equivalent pay and benefits
that better accommodate the employee’s
intermittent or reduced leave schedule.’’
* * * When this provision is pointed out,
the overwhelming majority of employers I
work with just laugh. Employers simply do
not have ‘‘alternative positions’’ hanging
around which they can simply slot someone
into. Most FMLA-covered companies are
small and medium sized. They do not have
hundreds of positions. This was a regulatory
provision written without understanding of
the real world. Real companies are trying to
run lean. They do not [have], and cannot
afford to create, an extra position which is
not needed. So, the ‘‘alternative position’’
provision is generally useless.
Boardman Law Firm, Doc. FL4, at 2.
Even where an alternative position
exists to which an employee on
intermittent leave may be assigned,
problems can arise. ‘‘Employees on
unpredictable intermittent leave who
have been placed in lower-level
positions on a temporary basis can
degrade morale of other employees in
the same positions. The other
employees in the same positions may
earn lower wages than the employees on
FMLA leave, but those other employees
are held to higher attendance standards,
absent their own need for FMLA leave.’’
North Dakota Society for Human
Resource Management State Council,
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Doc. FL90 at 3. ‘‘[T]he regulation that
permits an employer to transfer an
employee to another position which
better accommodates the intermittent
leave is inherently unrealistic. Is there
any doubt that an employee would
always prefer to be transferred to a
position with less responsibility and
less duties, but with equal pay and
benefits? And, would an employee
placed into such a position of equal pay
and benefits, but with less
responsibilities and duties, have any
motivation to get better?’’ Pilchak Cohen
& Tice, P.C., Doc. 10155A, at 12.
B. Recommendations From the
Regulated Community
Most stakeholders who submitted
comments on this subject agreed that
the regulations should be revised to
permit employee transfers in the case of
either foreseeable or unforeseeable
leave: ‘‘This section should be amended
to permit the transfer to an alternative
position for unforeseen intermittent
absences or foreseen intermittent
absences unrelated to medical
treatment. * * * In the absence of such
an amendment, prohibiting such
transfers often creates undue hardship
to our organization’s ability to provide
patient care or other services and does
not further the purposes of the FMLA.’’
Seyfarth Shaw LLP (on behalf of a notfor-profit health care organization), Doc.
10132A, at 3. ‘‘The FMLA regulations
should be clarified to ensure that the
employer may transfer the employee to
a position that better accommodates an
unforeseeable intermittent leave
schedule.’’ Ford & Harrison LLP, Doc.
10226A, at 6. ‘‘DOL should revise
§ 825.204 to permit temporary transfer
in all cases involving intermittent leave
or reduced leave schedules.’’ United
Parcel Service, Doc. 10276A, at 5.
‘‘Section 825.204 should be modified to
allow an employer to transfer an
employee who requires unscheduled
intermittent leave to an alternative
position with equivalent pay and
benefits or to otherwise alter such
employee’s job duties (e.g., assign to
another shift) in order to better
accommodate the periods of
intermittent leave. Such a modification
would allow an employer to determine
how to best accommodate the
employee’s periodic and unforeseen
absences to minimize the disruption in
the workplace and perhaps avoid a
safety risk to others, while at the same
time allow the employee to perform the
essential functions of the position to the
best of his or her ability.’’ The Southern
Company, Doc. 10293A, at 3.
‘‘Employers should be provided with
greater flexibility to temporarily transfer
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
employees to positions that better
accommodate intermittent and reduced
schedule absences.’’ Taft, Stettinius &
Hollister LLP, Doc. FL107, at 3. ‘‘The
employer should be permitted to move
an employee on intermittent leave
* * * to another position with the same
salary and benefits, if in such a position
the leave would be less disruptive.
* * * [P]ermitting the employer
flexibility to relocate an employee at the
same salary and benefits * * * would
help to address the difficulties
employers have in addressing demands
for intermittent leave for chronic
illnesses.’’ Leonard, Street and Deinard,
Doc. 10330A, at 2. ‘‘[T]he employer
should be able to place employees
whose restrictions only require some
additional rest periods, or less strenuous
work, into other slots, without requiring
time off.’’ Indiana Chamber of
Commerce, Doc. 10170A, at 3.
‘‘Employers should be able to reassign
an employee on intermittent leave,
without loss to the hourly pay rate or
degradation in assignment, to a position
schedule that would be more conducive
to an intermittent schedule without fear
of retaliation claims. Employees would
still be returned to the same or similar
job assignment at the end of the FMLA
leave.’’ County of Placer, Doc. 10067A,
at 3.
Some employers felt the move should
be potentially permanent where the
employee’s schedule cannot meet the
employer’s need:
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Where regular and predictable attendance
is an essential function of a position, and the
employee occupying that position has a
chronic medical condition that the physician
has determined will never allow regular and
predictable attendance, the Employer should
be allowed to accommodate that employee by
permanently transferring him/her to an
alternative position or, if no alternative is
available, to separate the employee from the
position that requires regular and predictable
attendance, even if the employee has not
exhausted the 12 weeks of FMLA leave.
Betsy Sawyers, Director, Human
Resources Department, Pierce County,
Washington, Doc. FL97, at 4. The
Fairfax County Public Schools echoed
this theme: ‘‘[I]t would be helpful if the
regulations would allow the employer to
reassign the employee after a specified
period of unscheduled intermittent
leave, such as two or three months.
Reassignment could be conditioned on
the employer’s determination that
unscheduled leave could not be
continued without jeopardizing the
essential functions of the job. After
making such a determination, the
employer could reassign the employee
to a position that better accommodated
intermittent attendance.’’ Doc. 10134A,
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at 3. In a different but related context,
Ford & Harrison made the same
suggestion: ‘‘[An] employee works in [a]
position at the * * * factory. The
employee sees a posting for an opening
for the assembly line position for which
good attendance is essential and
requests a promotion or transfer to that
position. If the employee is otherwise
qualified for the position, but for the
employee’s attendance issues due to the
intermittent FMLA leave, the
regulations should be clarified to ensure
that the employer be allowed to deny
the promotion/transfer without risking a
claim of FMLA retaliation or
interference with the employee’s FMLA
rights on the grounds that the
employee’s current position better
accommodates an unforeseeable
intermittent leave schedule.’’ Ford &
Harrison LLP, Doc. 10226A, at 6.
The Southern Company noted that
permitting transfers of employees who
need unforeseeable leave would be
consistent with the spirit of the FMLA,
given the pay and benefits safeguards
built into the transfer provision. ‘‘All
the safeguards that currently exist in
Section 825.204 (i.e., equivalent pay and
benefits, transfer may not work a
hardship on employee, and restoration
rights at the end of the necessity of the
leave) would be applicable to ensure
that the employee’s rights to take FMLA
leave will not be deterred in any way.
Accordingly, modifying Section 825.204
to encompass intermittent unscheduled
leave would be consistent with the
FMLA’s stated purpose ‘‘to entitle
employees to take reasonable leaves for
medical reasons * * * in a manner
that accommodates the legitimate
interests of employers.’’ The Southern
Company, Doc. 10293A, at 3. Edison
Electric agreed that this was a
reasonable solution under the Act:
‘‘Such a modification [to the regulations
for unscheduled intermittent leave]
would allow an employer to determine
how to best accommodate the
employee’s periodic and unforeseen
absences to minimize the disruption in
the workplace and perhaps avoid a
safety risk to others, while at the same
time allowing the employee to perform
the essential functions of the position to
the best of his or her ability.’’ Doc.
10128A, at 7. But see Brian T.
Farrington, Esq., Doc. 5196, at 1 (‘‘Th[e]
[intermittent absence] problem is
particularly acute when the employee
performs an important or unique
function, and repeated absences can put
the employer in a very difficult
situation. In such a case, transferring the
employee to another position * * *
doesn’t solve the problem. The
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employee is needed in his/her principal
position, not some alternative job.’’).
On the other hand, some commenters
pointed out the potential downside of
permitting employers to unilaterally
modify jobs. ‘‘Allowing employers to
modify employee’s job duties to
temporarily meet limitations may be
acceptable until the employee recovers
fully. However, the potential for
employer’s modification being sub-par,
demoralizing and unfair is very, very
high.’’ An Employee Comment, Doc.
10336A at 26. The AFL–CIO, moreover,
encouraged employers to use the tools
they currently have to reach a mutually
agreeable solution: ‘‘We encourage
employers to consider whether job
modifications will permit employees to
remain at the workplace under mutually
agreeable arrangements.’’ Doc. R329A, at
IX. Substitution of Paid Leave
The Department requested input on
three issues related to the substitution of
paid leave provisions: (1) The impact of
the prohibition under section 825.207
on ‘‘applying [employers’] normal leave
policies to employees substituting paid
vacation and personal leave for unpaid
FMLA leave[;]’’ (2) how the ‘‘existence
of paid leave policies affect[s] the nature
and type of FMLA leave used[;]’’ and (3)
whether ‘‘employers allow employees to
use paid leave such as sick leave to
cover short absences from work (such as
late arrivals and early departures) for
FMLA covered conditions[.]’’
Section 102(c) of the Act provides that
FMLA leave is, as a general rule, unpaid
leave. Section 102(d) addresses
circumstances in which an employee
may substitute (i.e., use concurrently)
accrued paid leave for the unpaid FMLA
leave period. See 29 U.S.C. 2612(d); 29
CFR 825.207(a). Under this section of
the FMLA, an ‘‘employee may elect, or
an employer may require, the employee
to substitute’’ accrued paid leave for the
employee’s FMLA leave. See 29 U.S.C.
2612(d)(2); 29 CFR 825.207(a). That is,
the law provides employees the option
to take their accrued paid leave
concurrently with their FMLA leave in
order to mitigate their wage loss. If an
employee elects not to substitute
accrued paid leave, however, the
employer has the right to require such
substitution. Where either the employee
or the employer elects to substitute
accrued paid leave, the employee will
be entitled to FMLA protection during
the period in which paid leave is
The underlying reason for an FMLA
request determines the types of
available accrued paid leave that may be
substituted. If the requested FMLA leave
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is for the birth of a child, placement of
a child for adoption or foster care, or to
care for a spouse, child or parent who
has a serious health condition,
employees may choose to—or be
required by their employers to—
substitute any accrued vacation,
personal (including leave available
leave under a ‘‘paid time off’’ plan) or
family leave (subject to limitations). See
29 U.S.C. 2612(d)(2)(A)-(B); 29 CFR
825.207(b), (e).
When employees seek FMLA leave to
care for their own or a qualifying family
member’s ‘‘serious health condition,’’
accrued paid medical, sick, vacation or
personal leave may be substituted. See
29 U.S.C. 2612(d)(2)(B); 29 CFR
825.207(c). The substitution of accrued
medical/sick leave for FMLA leave is
limited to circumstances that meet the
requirements of the employers’ existing
medical/sick leave policies. See 29
U.S.C. 2612(d)(2)(B); 29 CFR 825.207(c).
Employers are not required to ‘‘provide
paid sick leave or paid medical leave in
any situation in which such employer
would not normally provide any such
paid leave.’’ 29 U.S.C. 2612(d)(2)(B).
Essentially, employers may maintain
medical/sick leave policies distinct and
separate from FMLA leave, and will not
be required to provide paid leave where
the reason for the leave is not covered
by their policy (e.g., if the employer’s
plan allows the use of sick leave only
for the employee’s own condition, the
employer is not required to allow an
employee taking FMLA leave to care for
a child to use sick leave). As the
regulations state, ‘‘an employee does not
have a right to substitute paid medical/
sick leave for a serious health condition
which is not covered by the employer’s
leave plan.’’ See 29 CFR 825.207(c).
The regulations specifically prohibit
employers from placing any restrictions
or limitations on employees’ accrued
vacation or personal leave, however, or
any leave earned or accrued under
‘‘paid time off’’ plans. See 29 CFR
825.207(e). Additionally, the regulations
provide that, if neither the employee nor
the employer chooses to substitute paid
leave, the employee ‘‘will remain
entitled to all paid leave’’ previously
accrued or earned. See 29 CFR
The regulations also address how
FMLA entitlements are applied when
employees qualify for both FMLA leave
and payments under a non-accrued paid
benefit plan, such as leave provided
under a temporary disability or workers’
compensation plan. See 29 CFR
825.207(d). Specifically, the regulations
provide that when employees are on
leave under a short-term disability or
workers’ compensation plan, the choice
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to substitute paid leave for unpaid
FMLA leave is inapplicable, because
such benefit plans already provide
compensation and the leave therefore
‘‘is not unpaid.’’ See 29 CFR
825.207(d)(1)–(2). To the degree that the
underlying condition for which the
employee is receiving workers’
compensation or short-term disability
pay also qualifies as a serious health
condition under the FMLA, an employer
may designate FMLA leave to run
concurrently with the employee’s
workers’ compensation or disability
leave. See id.; see also Repa v. Roadway
Express, Inc., 477 F.3d 938, 941 (7th Cir.
2007) (‘‘Because the leave pursuant to a
temporary disability benefit plan is not
unpaid, the provision for substitution of
paid leave is inapplicable. However, the
employer may designate the leave as
FMLA leave and count the leave as
running concurrently for purposes of
both the benefit plan and the FMLA
leave entitlement.’’). If the requirements
to qualify for disability plan payments
are more stringent than those of the
FMLA, the employee may either satisfy
the more stringent plan standards or
instead choose not to receive disability
plan payments and use unpaid FMLA
leave or substitute available accrued
paid leave. See 29 CFR 825.207(d)(1).
Under section 825.207(h), if the
employer’s notice or certification
procedural standards for taking paid
leave are less stringent than the general
FMLA requirements and such paid
leave is substituted for the FMLA leave,
the employee may be required to meet
only the less stringent requirements.
However, if ‘‘accrued paid vacation or
personal leave is substituted for unpaid
FMLA leave for a serious health
condition, an employee may be required
to comply with any less stringent
medical certification requirements of
the employer’s sick leave program.’’ 29
CFR 825.207(h). Further, where
employees comply with the applicable
less stringent requirements, employers
may not deny or limit FMLA leave. Id.
Nevertheless, as the preamble to the
1995 Final Rule noted, employers may
revise any such less stringent notice or
certification requirements so that their
paid leave programs correspond to the
FMLA requirements, or may treat paid
and unpaid leave differently. See 60 FR
2180, 2206, Jan. 6, 1995. Comments
regarding the effects of these regulatory
provisions on employers’ paid leave
policies are also discussed in Chapter
Lastly, the regulations provide that
compensatory time off, available to state
and local government employees under
section 7(o) of the Fair Labor Standards
Act (‘‘FLSA’’), is not considered a ‘‘form
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of accrued paid leave.’’ See 29 CFR
825.207(i). Employees may request to
take accrued compensatory time in lieu
of FMLA leave, but employers may not
require its substitution.21 If
compensatory time is used in lieu of
FMLA leave, employers may not count
it against employees’ FMLA entitlement.
In response to the RFI, the
Department received many comments
related to the general impact of the
substitution of paid leave provisions.
The RFI also generated comments on
how these provisions interact with
employer policies regarding paid leave
and other workplace benefits, such as
temporary or short-term disability leave,
leave under workers’ compensation
plans, and collectively bargained leave
benefits. Some commenters also
addressed the impact of the substitution
of leave provisions on the requirements
of certain other state and federal laws.
A. General Impact of the Substitution of
Paid Leave Provisions
Several employee advocacy groups
noted that the ability to substitute paid
leave for an otherwise unpaid FMLA
leave period is a critical factor in
employees being able to utilize FMLA
leave. According to these commenters,
the substitution of paid leave provisions
are ‘‘essential to workers’ ability to
exercise their rights under the law. Few
workers can afford to take extended
periods of leave without pay.’’ See
Faculty & Staff Federation of
Community College of Philadelphia,
Local 2026 of the American Federation
of Teachers, Doc. 10242A, at 4. See also
Center for Law and Social Policy, Doc.
10053A, at 3 (same); Service Employees
International Union, Local 668
Pennsylvania Social Services Union,
Doc. FL105, at 3 (‘‘Permitting workers to
use their accrued paid leave as wage
replacement * * * makes it possible for
them to take time off to address critical
family and medical issues.’’).
The AFL–CIO also noted that the lack
of paid leave ‘‘presents a significant
obstacle for those who cannot afford to
take FMLA leave,’’ as shown by the
2000 Westat Report, which found that
21 ‘‘Compensatory time off’’ is paid time off
accrued by public sector employees in lieu of
‘‘immediate cash payment’’ for working in excess of
the applicable maximum hours standard of the
FLSA. 29 CFR 553.22(a). Compensatory time must
be earned at a rate of not less than ‘‘one and onehalf hours for each hour of employment for which
overtime compensation is required by section 7 of
the FLSA.’’ 29 CFR 553.22(b). Police, firefighters,
emergency response personnel, and employees
engaged in seasonal activities may accrue up to 480
hours of compensatory time, while other public
sector employees may accrue up to 240 hours. See
29 CFR 553.24.
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the most commonly noted reason for not
taking leave was inability to afford it.
Doc. R329A, at 28–29. The Coalition of
Labor Union Women similarly noted
that ‘‘a disturbing number of workers
are unable to take advantage of FMLA
leave because it is not paid and they
cannot afford to lose time away from
paying jobs.’’ Doc. R352A, at 4.
Allowing the substitution of paid leave
has ‘‘helped many employees cope with
personal and family health
emergencies,’’ without which they
‘‘would have faced a terrible choice
between their health needs and their job
security,’’ while allowing such
flexibility ‘‘promotes worker morale and
productivity.’’ Id. See also International
Association of Machinists and
Aerospace Workers, Doc. 10269A, at 2;
9to5, National Association of Working
Women, Doc. 10210A at 3; National
Partnership for Women & Families, Doc.
10204A, at 9–10; Families USA, Doc.
10327A, at 3–4. Moreover, the Coalition
of Labor Union Women made the point
that, because paid leave is available
only when already provided by
employers, the employers have already
determined that such paid leave ‘‘will
not have an adverse impact on their
business * * * and does not create
undue hardships for the employer.’’ See
Doc. R352A, at 4.
The National Business Group on
Health similarly stated that allowing
paid leave and FMLA leave to run
simultaneously both ‘‘protects
employees’ incomes during periods of
serious illness and maximizes the
flexibility in the design of employer
leave policies.’’ Doc. 10268A, at 7. The
Maine Department of Labor asserted that
allowing substitution helps everyone:
employees living paycheck-to-paycheck,
who ‘‘cannot afford to take unpaid leave
without risking the loss of housing,
heat, food[;]’’ employers, who would
suffer lost productivity if employees
continued to work while ill; the public
sector, because employees otherwise
would have ‘‘to rely more and more on
public resources to cope[;]’’ and the
health care system, because employees
otherwise would work until their
condition became worse and more
expensive to treat. Doc. 10215A, at 3.
Not all commenters uniformly
supported the substitution of paid leave,
however. Some employers commented
that the substitution of leave provisions
contribute to increased FMLA leave at
otherwise popular vacation or personal
leave times. Another commenter noted
that it is not just holidays or high
demand periods but that the ‘‘employee
is more likely to use FMLA leave for the
employee’s own serious health
condition when the employee is
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receiving a paid sick or disability
benefit * * * without a financial
impact, some employees have little to
no incentive to work and actually have
an incentive not to work, since the
employer cannot discipline them for
using job protected FMLA leave[.]’’
Exelon, Doc. 10146A, at 6. The
substitution provisions can thus leave
an employer in a quandary: ‘‘While
some may think the solution is to
reduce or eliminate paid sick or
disability benefits or to make the
standards for receiving such benefits
more stringent to avoid FMLA leave
abuse, doing so penalizes the vast
majority of employees who use sick
days or disability benefits only when
they are truly unable to work due to
illness or injury.’’ Id.
As noted in other chapters of this
Report, many commenters discussed the
idea that the different treatment
experienced by employees based on the
type of leave requested may have a
substantial effect on employee morale
and productivity. A comment from the
Indiana State Personnel Department
noted that problems arise when
employers require substitution of paid
leave for FMLA leave. See Doc. 10244C,
at 2 (employees who saved and
maintained leave balances become
angry when forced to use accrued leave
as employees ‘‘feel they are being
penalized for working overtime without
taking leave’’). While not directly
addressing morale concerns, the Ohio
Department of Administrative Services
noted in a similar vein that some state
agencies reported that employees take
advantage of FMLA leave only when
they had exhausted all of their accrued
paid leave and were in jeopardy of
disciplinary action. See Doc. 10205A, at
3. Thus, according to the comment,
FMLA was used as a last resort when
employees no longer had paid time off.
In response to the problem, the Ohio
Department of Administrative Services
adjusted its leave policies to allow
individual state agencies to require
substitution of paid leave. Id.
B. Effect on Workplace Benefits and
Responses to the RFI indicated a
variety of workplace benefits are
affected by substitution of paid leave.
Employers’ policies pertaining to
employer-provided paid leave plans are
impacted, as are benefit plans such as
workers’ compensation and short term
disability, as well as existing collective
bargaining agreements. Some
government employers also commented
on the impact of the inability to
substitute compensatory time off for
FMLA leave.
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1. Effect on Employer Policies
Many employers commented that the
regulations force employers to treat
employees seeking to use accrued paid
leave concurrently with FMLA leave
more favorably than those who use their
accrued paid leave for other reasons.
The Madison Gas and Electric
Company, for example, stated that
‘‘during ‘peak’ or ‘high demand’
vacation periods, employees may
request FMLA leave causing the
employer to deny other employees their
scheduled leaves due to staffing level
concerns based on business needs.’’
Madison Gas and Electric Company,
Doc. 10288A, at 1. The United Parcel
Service concurred: ‘‘The applicable DOL
regulation * * * states that no
limitation may be placed by the
employer on substitution of paid
vacation or personal leave for FMLA
leave * * *. Indeed, as written, this
regulation would even trump vacation
picks conducted according to
collectively bargained seniority
provisions; an employee with little
seniority could, if on FMLA leave
during a ‘plum’ vacation week,
substitute otherwise unavailable paid
vacation time for his or her unpaid
FMLA leave.’’ Doc. 10276A, at 3–4
(citation and quotation marks omitted).
Some employers provided specific
examples of this phenomenon:
Deer hunting, if you happen to work for
someone, usually calls for the individual to
request and receive approval to use vacation
and or personal leaves of absences during the
Deer Hunting season. These requests escalate
geometrically during the deer hunting
season. Usually approvals for these days off
are made using some kind of seniority
provisions. Employees who can not get
approval can circumvent the ‘‘written in
cement’’ policies by securing a Family doctor
to provide FMLA documentation for [a
serious health condition].
Roger Bong, Doc. 6A, at 3. Another
employer stated, ‘‘We have had an
employee request a week of vacation
during the holidays and the request was
denied because we had so many other
employees off. Then the employee just
called off for the entire week using
FMLA, and then went on her vacation
to Florida.’’ Vicki Spaulding, Akers
Packaging Service, Inc., Doc. 5121, at 1.
See also National Coalition to Protect
Family Leave, Doc. 10172A, at 5 (‘‘The
Department has * * * established
preferential rights to employees taking
FMLA leave by effectively mandating
that employers waive normal vacation
and personal leave policies. In fact,
nothing in the Act requires preferential
treatment for FMLA leave users.’’);
Temple University, Doc. 10084A, at 5.
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As previously noted, section
825.207(e) provides that accrued paid
vacation or personal leave may be
substituted for any FMLA leave, and an
employer may not place any limitations
on this substitution right. The preamble
to the 1995 Final Rule stated, for
example, that an employer could not
limit the timing during the year in
which paid vacation leave could be
substituted, or require an employee to
use such leave in full day increments or
a week at a time, even if it normally
restricted paid vacation in such ways.
See 60 FR 2180, 2205, Jan. 6, 1995.
Opinion letters relating to the
substitution of paid vacation or personal
leave have clarified that such leave is
‘‘accrued’’ and thus available for
substitution only when the employee
has earned it and is fully vested in the
right to use it during the leave period.
See Wage and Hour Opinion Letters
FMLA–81 (June 18, 1996); FMLA–75
(Nov. 14, 1995); and FMLA–61 (May 12,
1995). In contrast to vacation leave, the
regulations clarify that substitution of
paid sick or medical leave is authorized
only ‘‘to the extent the circumstances
meet the usual requirements for the use
of sick/medical leave.’’ 29 CFR
The College and University
Professional Association of Human
Resources suggested employers should
be allowed to apply their normal leave
policies to all types of paid leave,
including vacation and personal leave,
in order to ease administrative and
paperwork burdens and to eliminate the
preferential treatment it believes is
afforded to employees seeking FMLA
leave over employees requesting
vacation or personal leave. Doc.
10238A, at 6. See also Ohio Public
Employer Labor Relations Association,
Doc. FL93, at 5; Temple University, Doc.
10084A, at 5.
The National Retail Federation
suggested clarifying the meaning of
‘‘personal leave’’ under section 825.207.
Doc. 10186A, at 8. The Miami Valley
Human Resource Association requested
clearer guidelines that instruct
employers as to when they are allowed
to deny employees’ substitution of paid
leave, if they fail to follow employers’
leave notification policies. Doc. 10156A,
at 4.
The National Coalition to Protect
Family Leave commented that many
employers are providing general paid
time off (‘‘PTO’’) benefits to
employees—which are provided in a
single amount of paid leave to be used
for any reason—instead of the more
traditional paid leave policies for
vacation and medical/sick leave. See
Doc. 10172A, at 23. The comment noted
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that the regulations still speak in terms
of paid personal or vacation leave, thus
prohibiting employers from applying
‘‘their normal leave rules to the
substitution of such leave for unpaid
FMLA leave, even when using PTO in
connection with an illness.’’ Id. PTO
plans generally allow for employees to
take paid leave for any reason, as long
as company procedures are satisfied.
A law firm commented that
‘‘substitution of paid leave should not
nullify an employer’s right to require
medical certification’’ where the
employer maintains a PTO plan. Fisher
& Phillips LLP, Doc. 10262A, at 6.
Section 825.207(h) states that if
‘‘accrued paid vacation or personal
leave is substituted for unpaid FMLA
leave for a serious health condition, an
employee may be required to comply
with any less stringent medical
certification requirements of the
employer’s sick leave program.’’ 29 CFR
825.207(h). PTO plans, however, do not
distinguish between sick pay and
vacation pay and generally have no
‘‘sick leave’’ medical documentation
requirement. Thus, according to Fisher
& Phillips, an employer should not be
prohibited from requiring a medical
certification form to determine whether
the leave qualifies as FMLA leave
‘‘simply because its paid time off
program does not require it.’’ Id. The
firm further stated:
Essentially, employers with more generous
leave programs are often disadvantaged by
that generosity, as their employees are more
likely to use leave if it is paid. Again, that
generosity should not impose an obstacle to
employer efforts to determine whether the
absence qualifies for FMLA to begin with, or
to enforce its paid time off programs
Id. at 7. The National Coalition to
Protect Family Leave agreed that
employers with generous PTO plans are
restricted by the regulations and
suggested such treatment could result in
employers reducing paid leave. See Doc.
10172A, at 23.
A comment from a law firm stated
that, in terms of tracking FMLA leave,
a double standard exists under the
regulations. Spencer Fane Britt &
Browne LLP, Doc. 10133C, at 50. Many
employers allow employees to take nonFMLA leave only in increments that are
longer than the time periods used for
pay purposes. Id. The firm expressed a
concern, however, that such a policy
may constitute ‘‘retaliation’’ under the
FMLA regulations, even though it is
allowable for non-FMLA leave. For
example, an employer may normally
only allow employees to use paid leave
in four-hour increments, but if the
employee is only away from work for
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1.5 hours for an FMLA reason, there is
a question as to how much time the
employer may charge against the
employee’s paid leave balance. Id. The
comment concludes, ‘‘[i]t is inherently
unfair to provide employees with FMLA
absences with greater benefits than they
would otherwise have.’’ Id.
On the other hand, the AFL–CIO
commented that Congress placed no
limitations on an employee’s right to
substitute paid vacation or personal
leave, noting that ‘‘the Department
specifically rejected proposals to limit
employees’ substitution rights’’ when
promulgating the FMLA final rules,
based on the statutory language. See
American Federation of Labor and
Congress of Industrial Organizations,
Doc. R329A, at 27–28. The AFL–CIO
also noted that the prohibition on
employer limitations applies only to
vacation and personal leave, and that
employers remain free to apply their
normal rules to the substitution of paid
sick leave.
2. Benefit Plans: Short-Term Disability
and Workers’ Compensation
As indicated above, the choice to
substitute accrued paid leave is
inapplicable when employees receive
payments from a benefit plan that
replaces all or part of employees’
income. See 29 CFR 825.207(d). As the
preamble to the 1995 Final Rule
explained, if an employee suffers a
work-related injury or illness, the
employee may receive workers’
compensation benefits or paid leave
from the employer, but not both. 60 FR
2180, 2205, Jan. 6, 1995. Thus, when
such an injury or illness also qualifies
under the FMLA and the employee is
receiving workers’ compensation
benefits, the employer may not require
the employee to substitute paid vacation
or sick leave, nor may the employee
elect to receive both payments. See id.
However, the time the employee is
absent from work counts against the
employee’s FMLA entitlement. See 60
FR at 2205–06. See also Wage and Hour
Opinion Letter FMLA2002–3 (July 19,
2002) (allowing FMLA leave to run
concurrently with workers’
compensation is expressly allowed
under the regulations, but receipt of
workers’ compensation payments
prohibits the substitution of other
accrued paid leave).
One Employee Relations Manager
noted a similar rule applicable under
some employers’ disability leave
policies, pursuant to which ‘‘the
employees’ use of vacation and other
earned time with pay to cover a
personal illness may exclude them from
qualifying for paid short-term disability
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benefits offered by the employer.’’
Cindy S. Jackson, Employee Relations/
Labor Relations Manager, Cingular, Doc.
5480, at 1. A case manager from St.
Elizabeth Medical Center, in Edgewood,
Kentucky, indicated employees who
take FMLA leave for their own serious
health condition often qualify for short
term disability payments after using a
required amount of paid time off. See
Doc. 10071A, at 3–4. Another employer
from Huntington, Indiana said many of
its employees on FMLA leave
eventually qualify for short term
disability, resulting in payments during
leave. Bendix Commercial Vehicle
Systems LLC, Doc. 10079A, at 3.
According to this commenter, ‘‘if FMLA
were required to be paid by the
employer, you would see a lot more use
of the intermittent, specifically abuse of
FMLA.’’ Id. An HR manager agreed,
commenting that an employee who took
FMLA leave concurrently with shortterm disability leave ‘‘allegedly for a
painful and permanent spinal condition,
is now heading up the company
baseball team.’’ See Debra Hughes, HR
Manager, Doc. 2627A, at 2; see also
Roger Bong, Doc. 6A, at 3.
Another commenter felt that the
regulations ‘‘created a substantial,
unintended burden by prohibiting the
substitution of accrued, paid leave’’
during an FMLA leave period that ran
concurrently with paid leave taken
under a workers’ compensation or a
state-mandated disability plan. See
Employers Association of New Jersey,
Doc. 10119A, at 3. This commenter also
suggested that employers requiring
substitution of paid leave could run
afoul of the regulations when employees
qualify under a state’s mandatory, nonoccupational, temporary disability plan;
it also pointed out that many employees
actively seek the substitution of their
accrued paid leave because temporary
disability plans only pay a portion of
their salary. Id at 4.
The United Steelworkers also
commented on the relationship between
short-term or other disability leave and
leave under the FMLA, stating that some
employers may incorrectly ‘‘tell their
employees they cannot receive income
replacement under the [short term
disability] plan and be on FMLAprotected leave at the same time’’ and
thus incorrectly advise employees that
they waive their FMLA protections by
going on paid disability leave. See Doc.
10237A, at 3. To avoid this confusion,
the United Steel Workers recommended
that the Department ‘‘use the
rulemaking process to clarify that
employers must treat family/medical
leave and short-term disability as
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separate and independent sources of
protection.’’ Id.
Some comments also found
difficulties in the way substitution of
paid leave provisions are carried out by
employers or objected to substitution
more generally. The United
Transportation Union, Florida State
Legislative Board commented that the
problem with the substitution of paid
leave is that employers can force
employees to use their hard-earned
vacation and personal leave. See Doc.
10022A, at 2. The commenter labeled it
an ‘‘unfair and burdensome practice.’’
3. Collective Bargaining Agreements
The substitution of paid leave
provisions also interact with existing
collective bargaining agreements
(‘‘CBAs’’). One union commented that
employers attempt to circumvent
collective bargaining agreements by
relying on their statutory right to
substitute paid leave, while ignoring
their contractual obligations. See United
Transportation Union, Florida State
Legislative Board, Doc. 10022A, at 2. A
law firm representing several train and
rail unions also noted such a trend:
‘‘Notwithstanding the CBAs’
unequivocal mandate that employees
are entitled to use their paid leave at the
time they choose and not at a time
chosen by the carriers, the carriers in
2004 began to, and now routinely,
require employees to use their paid
leave whenever they exercise their
statutory right to FMLA leave—thus
usurping the employees’ collectivelybargained right to choose when and for
what purpose to use paid leave.’’
Zwerdling, Paul, Kahn & Wolly, P.C.,
Doc. 10163A, at 2. The comment
concluded that ‘‘the statute may not be
used as a tool to avoid compliance’’
with the parties’ prior agreements. Id.
Another commenter raised the same
issue, noting that this dispute has arisen
in the railroad context where several
railroad employers have claimed that
FMLA gives them the authority to
diminish the rights afforded to
employees under their existing contracts
to decide when and in what manner to
use their paid leave. See Guerrieri,
Edmond, Clayman & Bartos, P.C. (on
behalf of several labor unions in the
railroad, airline, bus, and other
industries), Doc. 10235A, at 2.22 This
22 See also Jeanne M. Vonhof & Martin H. Malin,
What a Mess! The FMLA, Collective Bargaining and
Attendance Control Plans, 21 Ill. Pub. Employee
Relations Rep. 1 (Fall 2004) (discussing FMLA and
collective bargaining agreements from perspective
of labor arbitrators, noting that regulations allow
parties to bargain for specific rights, especially
option to manage when substitution of paid leave
is permitted).
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commenter also noted that the
Department considered and addressed
the issue of collective bargaining
agreements in the preamble to the 1995
regulations: ‘‘At the same time, in the
absence of other limiting factors (such
as a State law or applicable collective
bargaining agreement), where an
employee does not elect substitution of
appropriate paid leave, the employee
must nevertheless accept the employer’s
decision to require it.’’ Id. at 3 (citation
This law firm also noted that a 1994
Wage and Hour opinion letter further
clarifies ‘‘that a collective bargaining
agreement [can] limit an employer’s
ability to require use of paid leave in
conjunction with FMLA leave.’’ Id. at 3.
See Wage and Hour Opinion Letter
FMLA–33 (March 29, 1994) (‘‘With
reference to your constituent’s concerns
pertaining to paid vacation and sick
leave, an employer may require an
eligible employee to use all accrued
paid vacation or sick leave for the
family and medical leave purposes
indicated above before making unpaid
leave available. However, section 402 of
FMLA does not preclude the union’s
right to collectively bargain greater
benefits than those provided under the
Act. In this instant case, the subject
union could negotiate that substitution
of accrued paid leave is an election of
the employee only.’’).
Further, the commenter referred to the
ongoing litigation on this issue and
urged that any regulatory action taken
by the Department be consistent with
this position. Guerrieri, Edmond,
Clayman & Bartos, P.C. (on behalf of
several labor unions in the railroad,
airline, bus, and other industries), Doc.
10235A, at 3–4. See Bhd of Maintenance
of Way Employees v. CSX Transp., Inc.,
478 F.3d 814 (7th Cir. 2007). In CSX, a
group of rail carriers required
employees to substitute accrued paid
leave for family or medical leave
covered by the FMLA, relying upon
their FMLA right to do so. The carriers
required substitution for intermittent
leave for the employee’s own condition,
but they did not require substitution
when an employee used a block of
FMLA leave for his or her own serious
health condition. The plaintiffs, a
collection of rail unions, challenged the
action on the grounds that an existing
CBA precluded involuntary substitution
of paid leave. They claimed that when
a CBA gives employees greater rights
than the FMLA, the Act does not
supersede such contractual rights. The
court held that while employers
generally are permitted to require
substitution of paid leave, the FMLA
does not authorize rail carriers that are
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
subject to the Railway Labor Act (RLA)
to do so when that would violate a CBA
and the RLA’s prohibition against
making unilateral changes in working
The AFL–CIO—in addition to
adopting the comments of other unions
on this issue—asserted that employers
cannot require employees to substitute
paid leave for FMLA leave in a manner
that contravenes existing CBAs, whether
those agreements are subject to the RLA
or the National Labor Relations Act. See
Doc. R329A, at 29. The AFL–CIO stated
that ‘‘the Department should make no
changes in its regulations governing
substitution of paid leave for FMLA
leave in the collective-bargaining
context.’’ Id.
On the other hand, the Union Pacific
Railroad Company noted that its Train
and Engine Service employees have an
FMLA leave rate that is five times
higher than its other employees. See
Doc. 10148A, at 2–3. The employer
stated that there is no obvious reason for
this disparity, such as a higher injury
rate. ‘‘The only significant differences
between the Train and Engine Service
employee populations and all others
are: 1) The schedules or lack thereof
(most T&E employees have no set
schedule but rather work on call * * *);
and 2) Union Pacific does not require
T&E employees to substitute paid leave
for FMLA absences of less than 12 hours
because paid leave cannot be granted to
these employees in smaller increments
under their collective bargaining
agreements.’’ Id. at 2. Union Pacific
explained, for example, that when a
T&E employee who is called to duty
states that s/he has a migraine and
cannot report for two hours, no paid
leave is substituted. Employees working
under other collective bargaining
agreements where Union Pacific can
require substitution for less than full
day increments are more reluctant to
use FMLA leave unless absolutely
necessary, because they do not want to
decrease their accrued paid leave. See
id. Three years of employer-collected
data show that a ‘‘disproportionately
high number of FMLA absences among
Train and Engine Service employees are
in increments of less than 12 hours.’’ Id.
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4. Compensatory Time Off
As noted above, subject to the
provisions of section 7(o) of the FLSA,
state and local government employers
may provide employees with
compensatory time off at time and one
half for each hour worked in lieu of
paying cash for overtime. The FMLA
regulations at 29 CFR 825.207(i)
specifically prohibit employers from
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counting compensatory time off against
an employee’s FMLA entitlement.
One commenter noted the
inconsistency in the regulations
regarding the use of compensatory time
off, stating ‘‘[w]hile an employer cannot
compel the use of compensatory time, if
an employee asks to use it to cover a
FMLA absence, the time off should
count against the FMLA entitlement. If
compensatory time is allowed to be
taken in lieu of FMLA leave, the
regulations should require employees to
take the compensatory time at either the
beginning or end of the leave.’’ City of
Portland, Doc. 10161A, at 4. See also
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Authority, Doc. 10147A, at 3 (regulation
‘‘discourages employers from working
with employees to minimize the
negative financial impact of unpaid
leave at times when employees are most
in need’’).
X. Joint Employment
A. Statutory Background
The FMLA covers an employer in the
private sector engaged in commerce or
in an industry or activity affecting
commerce if it employs 50 or more
employees for each working day in 20
or more calendar workweeks in the
current or preceding calendar year. See
29 U.S.C. 2611(4). An employee of an
FMLA-covered employer is ‘‘eligible’’
for the benefits of the FMLA if the
employee has worked for the employer
for at least 12 months, for at least 1,250
hours of service during the preceding
12-month period, and is employed at a
worksite where 50 or more employees
are employed by the employer within 75
miles of that worksite. 29 U.S.C.
Despite the plain wording of these
definitions a number of questions have
arisen as to their meaning, such as how
to treat employees with no fixed
worksite, employees who are jointly
employed by two or more employers,
employees of temporary help
companies, and others. The Department
included the topics of employer
coverage and employee eligibility in its
RFI. In particular, the RFI noted that the
Court of Appeals in Harbert v.
Healthcare Services Group, Inc., 391
F.3d 1140 (10th Cir. 2004), partially
invalidated 29 CFR 825.111(a)(3), which
states that when an employee is jointly
employed by two or more employers,
the employee’s worksite is the primary
employer’s office from which the
employee has been assigned or to which
the employee reports.
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B. Department of Labor Regulations
Section 825.104(c) of the regulations
addresses who is the employer where
more than one entity is involved, such
as in an ‘‘integrated employer’’
situation. It provides that the
‘‘determination of whether or not
separate entities are an integrated
employer is not determined by the
application of any single criterion, but
rather the entire relationship is to be
reviewed in its totality.’’ 29 CFR
825.104(c)(2). Factors considered in
determining whether two or more
entities are an integrated employer
include the degree of common
management, interrelation between
operations, centralized control of labor
relations, and common ownership/
financial control.
The Department stated in the
preamble to the final rule that the
‘‘integrated employer’’ test is not a new
concept, but rather it is based on
established case law arising under Title
VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and
the Labor Management Relations Act.
Section 825.106 of the regulations
implements how the Department views
employer coverage and employee
eligibility in the case of joint
employment. It provides that where two
or more businesses exercise some
control over the work or working
conditions of the employee, the
businesses may be joint employers
under FMLA. For example, where the
employee performs work which
simultaneously benefits two or more
employers, and there is an arrangement
between employers to share an
employee’s services or to interchange
employees, a joint employment
relationship generally will be
considered to exist. Id. § 825.106(a). The
regulations further provide:
(b) A determination of whether or not a
joint employment relationship exists is not
determined by the application of any single
criterion, but rather the entire relationship is
to be viewed in its totality. For example, joint
employment will ordinarily be found to exist
when a temporary or leasing agency supplies
employees to a secondary employer.
(c) In joint employment relationships, only
the primary employer is responsible for
giving required notices to its employees,
providing FMLA leave, and maintenance of
health benefits. Factors considered in
determining which is the ‘‘primary’’
employer include authority/ responsibility to
hire and fire, assign/place the employee,
make payroll, and provide employment
benefits. For employees of temporary help or
leasing agencies, for example, the placement
agency most commonly would be the
primary employer.
Id. § 825.106(b)–(c). Under section
825.106(d), employees jointly employed
by two employers must be counted by
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both employers in determining
employer coverage and employee
eligibility. Thus, for example, an
employer who jointly employs 15
workers from a leasing or temporary
help agency and 40 permanent workers
is covered by FMLA. Although job
restoration is the primary responsibility
of the primary employer, the secondary
employer is responsible for accepting
the employee returning from FMLA
leave in place of the replacement
employee if the secondary employer
continues to utilize an employee from
the temporary or leasing agency, and the
agency chooses to place the employee
with the secondary employer. A
secondary employer is also responsible
for compliance with the prohibited acts
provisions with respect to its
temporary/leased employees, and thus
may not interfere with an employee’s
attempt to exercise rights under the Act,
or discharge or discriminate against an
employee for opposing a practice that is
unlawful under FMLA. See 29 CFR
With regard to the term ‘‘worksite,’’
the legislative history states that it is to
be construed in the same manner as the
term ‘‘single site of employment’’ under
the Worker Adjustment and Retraining
Notification (‘‘WARN’’) Act, 29 U.S.C.
2101(a)(3)(B), and the regulations under
that Act (20 CFR Part 639). See S. Rep.
No. 103–3, at 23 (1993), H.R. Rep. No.
103–8(I), at 35 (1993). Accordingly, the
FMLA regulations define the term
‘‘worksite’’ in those cases in which the
employee does not have a fixed place of
employment by using language that is
very similar to the WARN Act definition
in 20 CFR 639.3(i)(6). Section 825.111
provides as follows:
(2) For employees with no fixed worksite,
e.g., construction workers, transportation
workers (e.g., truck drivers, seamen, pilots),
salespersons, etc., the ‘‘worksite’’ is the site
to which they are assigned as their home
base, from which their work is assigned, or
to which they report. For example, if a
construction company headquartered in New
Jersey opened a construction site in Ohio,
and set up a mobile trailer on the
construction site as the company’s on-site
office, the construction site in Ohio would be
the worksite for any employees hired locally
who report to the mobile trailer/company
office daily for work assignments, etc. If that
construction company also sent personnel
such as job superintendents, foremen,
engineers, an office manager, etc., from New
Jersey to the job site in Ohio, those workers
sent from New Jersey continue to have the
headquarters in New Jersey as their
29 CFR 825.111(a)(2).
When applying the employee
eligibility test (i.e., the 50 employees/75
miles test) to employees of temporary
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help offices and others who are jointly
employed by two or more employers,
however, the regulation provides that
‘‘the employee’s worksite is the primary
employer’s office from which the
employee is assigned or reports.’’ 29
CFR 825.111(a)(3).
C. Wage and Hour Opinion Letter
In Wage and Hour Opinion Letter
FMLA–111 (Sept. 11, 2000), the
Department considered the application
of the FMLA regulations’ ‘‘integrated
employer’’ test and ‘‘joint employment’’
tests in sections 825.104 and 825.106 to
a ‘‘Professional Employer Organization’’
(PEO). The PEO in question had
established a contractual relationship
with its clients under which it
established and maintained an employer
relationship with the workers assigned
to the clients (who were leased worksite
employees provided via the contract
with the client) and assumed substantial
employer rights, responsibilities and
risks. Specifically, the PEO assumed
responsibility for personnel
management, health benefits, workers’
compensation claims, payroll, payroll
tax compliance, and unemployment
insurance claims. Moreover, the PEO
had the right to hire, fire, assign, and
direct and control the employees.
Based on the facts described in the
incoming letter, the Opinion Letter
found that ‘‘it appears’’ the PEO is in a
joint employment relationship with its
clients for these reasons:
1. The PEO is a separately owned and a
distinct entity from the client as it is under
contract with the client to lease employees
for the purpose of handling ‘‘critical human
resource responsibilities and employer risks
for the client.’’
2. The PEO is acting directly in the interest
of the client in assuming human resource
3. The PEO appears to also share control
of the ‘‘leased’’ employee consistent with the
client’s responsibility for its product or
Based on the specified
responsibilities, the Opinion Letter
stated that ‘‘it would appear that’’ the
PEO is the ‘‘primary’’ employer for
those employees ‘‘leased’’ under
contract with the client. Thus, the PEO
would be responsible for giving required
notices to its employees, providing
FMLA leave, maintaining group health
insurance benefits during the leave, and
restoring the employee to the same or
equivalent job upon return from leave.
The ‘‘secondary employer’’ (i.e., the
client) would be responsible for
accepting the employee returning from
FMLA leave in place of a replacement
employee if the PEO chooses to place
the employee with the client. The
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Opinion Letter concluded that the
client, as the ‘‘secondary’’ employer,
whether a covered employer or not
under the FMLA, is prohibited from
interfering with a ‘‘leased’’ employee’s
attempt to exercise rights under the Act,
or discharging or discriminating against
an employee for opposing a practice that
is unlawful under the Act.
D. Harbert v. Healthcare Services Group,
Section 825.111(a)(3) of the
regulations provides that for an
employee jointly employed by two or
more employers, the ‘‘worksite’’ is the
location of the primary employer’s
office from which the employee is
assigned or reports. In Harbert v.
Healthcare Services Group, Inc., 391
F.3d 1140, the Court of Appeals held
that section 825.111(a)(3), as applied to
the situation of an employee with a
long-term fixed worksite at a facility of
the secondary employer, was arbitrary
and capricious because it: (1)
Contravened the plain meaning of the
term ‘‘worksite’’ as the place where an
employee actually works (as opposed to
the location of the long-term care
placement agency from which Harbert
was assigned); (2) contradicted
Congressional intent that if any
employer, large or small, has no
significant pool of employees nearby
(within 75 miles) to cover for an absent
employee, that employer should not be
required to provide FMLA leave to that
employee; and (3) created an arbitrary
distinction between sole and joint
With respect to the term ‘‘worksite,’’
the court stated that Congress did not
define the term in the FMLA, and it
concluded that the common
understanding of the term ‘‘worksite’’ is
the site where the employee works.
With respect to the employee eligibility
requirement of 50 employees within 75
miles, the court noted that Congress
recognized that even potentially large
employers may have difficulty finding
temporary replacements for employees
who work at geographically scattered
locations. Congress thus determined
that if any employer (large or small) has
no significant pool of employees in
close geographic proximity to cover for
an absent employee, that employer
should not be required to provide FMLA
leave to that employee. Therefore, the
court concluded that:
An employer’s ability to replace a
particular employee during his or her period
of leave will depend on where that employee
must perform his or her work. In general,
therefore, the congressional purpose
underlying the 50/75 provision is not
effected if the ‘‘worksite’’ of an employee
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
who has a regular place of work is defined
as any site other than that place.
391 F.3d at 1150.
In comparing how the regulations
apply the term ‘‘worksite’’ to joint
employers and sole employers, the court
The challenged regulation also creates an
arbitrary distinction between sole employers
and joint employers. For example, if the
employer is a company that operates a chain
of convenience stores, the ‘‘worksite’’ of an
employee hired to work at one of those
convenience stores is that particular
convenience store. See 58 FR 31794, 31798
(1993). If, on the other hand, the employer is
a placement company that hires certain
specialized employees to work at
convenience stores owned by another entity
(and therefore is considered a joint
employer), the ‘‘worksite’’ of that same
employee hired to work at that same
convenience store is the office of the
placement company.
391 F.3d at 1150.
Importantly, the court did not
invalidate the regulation with respect to
employees who work out of their
homes: ‘‘We do not intend this
statement to cast doubt on the portion
of the agency’s regulation defining the
‘worksite’ of employees whose regular
workplace is his or her home. See 29
CFR 825.111(a)(2).’’ 391 F.3d at 1150,
n.1. Nor did the court invalidate the
regulatory definition in section
825.111(a)(3) with respect to employees
of temporary help companies: ‘‘An
employee of a temporary help agency
does not have a permanent, fixed
worksite. It is therefore appropriate that
the joint employment provision defines
the ‘‘worksite’’ of a temporary employee
as the temporary help office, rather than
the various changing locations at which
the temporary employee performs his or
her work.’’ 391 F.3d at 1153.
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E. RFI Comments and
The RFI requested specific
information, in light of the court’s
decision in Harbert, on the definition in
section 825.111 for determining
employer coverage under the statutory
requirement that FMLA-covered
employers must employ 50 employees
within 75 miles. The Department also
sought comment on any issues that may
arise when an employee is jointly
employed by two or more employers or
when the employee works from home.
Below are some of these comments.
1. ‘‘Worksite’’ for Employees Jointly
Employed by Two or More Employers
The AFL–CIO in its comments urged
the Department not to revise 29 CFR
§ 825.111 (a)(3) to reflect the court’s
decision in Harbert that held this
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section to be invalid when applied to a
jointly-employed employee with a longterm fixed worksite at a facility of the
secondary employer. See Doc. R329A, at
18, 21. The AFL–CIO pointed to the
legislative history that the term
‘‘worksite’’ is to be construed in the
same manner as the term ‘‘single site of
employment’’ under the WARN Act and
the regulations under that Act.
Specifically, the AFL–CIO agreed
with the dissent in Harbert that the
Secretary’s interpretation of ‘‘single site
of employment’’ under the WARN Act
regulations as applying equally to
employees with and without a fixed
worksite is a ‘‘permissible and
reasonable interpretation’’:
[Interpreting the WARN Act regulation so
that it] only applies to employees without a
regularly fixed site of employment would
seem to contravene the express language of
the provision which mentions other
categories, including employees who ‘‘travel
from point to point, who are outstationed, or
whose primary duties involve work outside
any of the employer’s regular employment
Doc. R329A, at 20 (citations omitted).
Finally, the AFL–CIO agreed with the
dissent that the application of the rule
does not result in arbitrary differences
between sole and joint employers under
the FMLA. See id. at 20. Instead, it
results in a rational distinction, rooted
in the very purpose of the 50 employees
within 75 miles rule, where the
placement agency locates and hires the
worker for the client agency:
Basing FMLA eligibility on primary
employers prevents confusion and provides
certainty, because a temporary placement
employee’s coverage could vary daily were
he placed in different [locations of the client
employer] on a rotating basis. Further,
contrary to the court’s assertion, the ability
of a * * * [client employer] and a placement
agency to find abundant nearby replacements
probably is not identical, after all, the
placement agency specializes in hiring and
placing employees within the area.
Doc. R329A, at 20–21 (citation omitted).
The National Partnership for Women
& Families similarly commented that it
believes the current regulations are
sound and do not require change.
Specifically, the National Partnership
stated that the preamble to the FMLA
regulations makes clear that the
Department gave much consideration to
the question of how best to determine
an employee’s worksite. It noted that the
Department’s definition of the
employee’s ‘‘worksite’’ is in accord with
the FMLA’s legislative history, namely,
that the term was to be construed the
same as the term ‘‘single site of
employment’’ under the WARN Act
regulations. The National Partnership
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commented that the purpose of
designating the primary office as the
worksite is to ensure that the employer
with the primary responsibility for the
employee’s assignment is the one held
accountable for compliance with these
regulations. See Doc. 10204A, at 6. The
National Partnership stated that the
same principles articulated in the
regulations with regard to ‘‘no fixed
worksite’’ situations also should apply
to this factual scenario. ‘‘In cases where
employees have long-term assignments,
we believe the purposes of the FMLA
are best served by using the primary
employer from which the employee is
assigned as the worksite for determining
FMLA coverage.’’ Id.
Similarly, the Public Service
Company of New Mexico commented
that it has employees who perform work
in a remote area or at home, and that it
always interprets the most favorable
option for the employee for FMLA
eligibility. ‘‘There is no known benefit
to our company if we deny FMLA to
certain workers simply due to their
remote location.’’ Doc. 10074A, at 3.
On the other hand, the National
Council of Chain Restaurants
commented that 29 CFR 825.104 and
825.106 are overly vague and expansive
in their definitions of joint and
integrated employment. Doc. 10157A, at
3. The National Council stated that
these regulations were creating a
potential liability for many restaurant
franchisees and other small business
owners who should not be considered
employers under the Act. Id.
Oftentimes, individuals will have an
ownership interest in one or more restaurants
or stores. The FMLA regulations create a
potential risk that a joint employment
situation or a single integrated enterprise will
be found even when the franchisee has few,
if any, individuals who work at or for more
than one of the restaurants or stores.
Id. at 4.
The law firm of Pilchak Cohen & Tice
commented that, under the current
regulations, employees at the same size
establishment are treated differently
because one works for a traditional sole
employer and the other works for a
staffing firm:
For example, where a small retail store
chain may have many employees nationwide,
each store could employ fewer than 50
employees. Those employees clearly would
not be eligible for FMLA in the traditional
employment context. Yet, under the current
regulation, if that same retail chain utilized
contract employees from an entity which
employed more than 50 employees from its
home office and that is where the contract
employees received their assignments from
or reported to, those contract employees
could have FMLA rights at the retail chain.
This creates an arbitrary distinction between
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
sole and joint employers * * * Under 29
CFR 825.106(e), an employer could contract
for an engineer, Employee A, for a six-month
project, and then find out after the employee
has only been there for two weeks, that
Employee A will need 12 weeks off due to
the upcoming birth of his child. Upon
Employee A’s departure, the employer would
then have to spend the time and expense
training Employee B only to [be] forced to
return Employee A to the position, even
though it had already spent time training two
individuals. The employer would then have
to spend additional time and expense
bringing Employee A ‘‘up to speed’’ on the
project and complete the training initially
Doc. 10155A, at 7.
Pilchak Cohen & Tice stated that the
regulation would be more palatable if, to
qualify for FMLA job restoration with
the client company, the contract
employee had to have at least 12 months
of service at that location. Id.
As discussed below, the law firm of
Fisher & Phillips commented that an
Outsourcing Vender (elsewhere called a
Professional Employer Organization, or
PEO) should not be treated as a joint
employer. In contrast with an employer
who uses a PEO, however, Fisher &
Phillips stated that a small employer
who uses employees from a temporary
agency may still have to comply with
the FMLA:
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In this context, aggregation of the number
of employees of both the temporary agency
and the worksite employer may make sense
in some cases because the temporary agency
can help the smaller employer adapt to an
employee’s leave of absence by reassigning
another temporary worker. Moreover, this
regulation is consistent with Congress’ intent
that the application of the FMLA not unduly
burden smaller employers who are unable to
reassign employees to cover for absent
Doc. FL57, at 6.
The law firm of Smith & Downey
commented that placement agencies (as
opposed to PEOs, as discussed below)
face a different problem than other
employers, in that they may not succeed
in obtaining the client company’s
agreement to reinstate an employee who
is returning from FMLA leave. Smith &
Downey stated that in many cases
although the placement agency dutifully
fulfills its FMLA obligations, the entity
with whom the employee was placed
refuses to reinstate the employee
returning from FMLA leave. Doc. FL106,
at 1. ‘‘This scenario typically places the
placement agency in an impossible
position, particularly in those cases
where the only placements provided by
the placement agency are with the
single entity in question.’’ Id. at 2.
Smith & Downey commented that the
client company may not be able to keep
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a position available for the temporary
employee who is on FMLA leave
because the position is mission-critical
to the company’s success, and it
proposed that the Department issue
regulations that provide for an
exception to the usual joint employment
rules in those cases in which the
employee is placed in a position that is
mission-critical to the client employer.
The National Coalition to Protect
Family Leave commented that the court
in Harbert was correct in distinguishing
between a jointly employed employee
who is assigned to a fixed worksite and
a jointly employed employee who has
no fixed worksite and changes worksites
regularly. ‘‘As for the former, the
worksite for purposes of determining
whether they are eligible employees
* * * would be the fixed worksite of
the secondary employer. As for the
latter, the worksite would continue as
stated in the regulation[.]’’ Doc. 10172A,
at 13.
Finally, Access Data Consulting
Corporation stated that the best way to
resolve identifying the employer is for
the Department to clarify that ‘‘the
person’s employer is the entity from
which their paycheck is written.’’ Doc.
10029A, at 2. This commenter stated
that in the case of an employee who is
employed by a long-term care placement
agency and is assigned to work at the
home of a client, the employer of record
is the placement agency, not the client,
because the paycheck is derived, or
written from, the placement agency.
‘‘This is not a situation where the
employee has two employers; the
employee has one—the placement
agency, and that company’s
demographics should be used to
determine FMLA eligibility.’’ Id.
2. Professional Employer Organizations
A number of commenters, including
the AFL–CIO, Jackson Lewis, Wilson
Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, Fulbright &
Jaworski, Littler Mendelson, Fisher &
Phillips, and TriNet, commented that
the regulations incorrectly consider
Professional Employer Organizations or
PEOs (sometimes called HR Outsourcing
Venders) to be joint employers with
their client companies.
The comments submitted by the law
firm of Jackson Lewis explained the
typical differences between a temporary
staffing agency and a PEO: A temporary
staffing agency is a labor supplier that
supplies employees to a client
employer. A PEO is a service provider
that provides services to existing
employees of a company. Doc. R362A,
at 3. Jackson Lewis commented that the
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determination of whether an employee
is a ‘‘key’’ employee for purposes of
considering entitlement to leave, for
example, is made by the client employer
and not by the PEO. It further stated
that, unlike a temporary staffing agency,
a PEO does not have the ability to place
an employee returning from FMLA
leave with a different client employer.
Id. at 4.
Jackson Lewis commented that, like
the employees of temporary staffing
agencies, the client employer should
include the employees serviced by a
PEO for purposes of the 50 employee
threshold, but should not include the
corporate employees of the PEO or the
employees of other clients of the PEO.
See Doc. R362A, at 3, 5. ‘‘In the PEO
context, the ‘‘worksite’’ is the client’s
workplace. Just as in Harbert,
aggregating unrelated companies that
utilize the services of the same PEO is
contrary to the purpose and intent of the
statute and improperly creates coverage
of employees that were not intended to
be covered by the FMLA.’’ Id. at 5.
The AFL–CIO commented that PEOs
engage in a practice known as
‘‘payrolling,’’ in which the client
employers transfer the payroll and
related responsibilities for some or all of
their employees to the PEO, and that
typically, the PEO also makes payments
on behalf of the client employer into
state workers’ compensation and
unemployment insurance funds, but the
PEO does not provide placement
services. In contrast with a temporary
staffing agency, this commenter stated,
PEOs do not match people to jobs. See
Doc. R329A, at 16.
Thus, PEOs do not fit the model of the
primary employer who should bear the
FMLA’s job restoration responsibilities in a
joint employment situation, because there is
no evidence to suggest that hiring and related
functions fall to them, as opposed to the
client employer. * * * Client employers
should not be able to shed FMLA
responsibilities when they have contractual
relationships with entities such as PEOs that
are not able to fulfill the FMLA’s job
restoration responsibilities, despite how
attractive it may be for the client to shift, and
the PEO to ‘‘accept,’’ those responsibilities.
For all of these reasons, we urge the
Department to reconsider its joint
employment rules as they apply to PEOs and
similar organizations.
Id. at 17–18.
The law firm of Wilson Sonsini
Goodrich & Rosati commented that 29
CFR 825.106(d) has led to a broader
coverage of the Act than was intended
by Congress. See Doc. R122A, at 4.
Many small or start-up companies use
PEOs to administer their payroll and
benefits or provide other human
resources assistance and this may
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
constitute a ‘‘joint employer’’
relationship. ‘‘As a result, an employer
that has only 15 employees (which is
the cause of the need to outsource
human resources functions) and would
not otherwise be covered by the FMLA
must count the employees of the PEO in
addition to their own employees, which
results in FMLA coverage for the
employer.’’ Id.
The law firm of Littler Mendelson
stated that a ‘‘PEO arrangement’’ refers
to a circumstance in which a customer
contracts with another company to
administer payroll and benefits, and
perform other similar functions. Doc.
10271A, at 2. ‘‘Employee leasing
arrangements’’—like those involving
temporary services firms and other
staffing companies—refer to
arrangements in which the staffing firm
places its own employees at a
customer’s place of business to perform
services for the recipient’s enterprise.
The PEO assumes certain administrative
functions such as payroll and benefits
coverage and administration (including
workers’ compensation insurance and
health insurance). The PEO typically
has no direct responsibility for ‘‘hiring,
training, supervision, evaluation,
discipline or discharge, among other
critical employer functions.’’ Id. Littler
Mendelson argued that an employer—
employee relationship between the PEO
and these employees does not exist,
based on the economic realities of the
relationship and the fact that the
employee is not dependent on the
putative employer for his economic
livelihood. ‘‘Because a PEO does not
control its client’s employees, does not
hire, fire or supervise them, determine
their rates of pay or benefit from the
work that the employees perform, the
PEO cannot be considered an employer
under the FLSA or the FMLA.’’ Id. at 3.
Littler Mendelson commented that
PEOs typically provide their services to
small businesses and add value by
administering their payroll process and
providing access and administration of
employee benefits that would be cost
prohibitive if the small businesses tried
to contract for these benefits on their
own. ‘‘It makes no sense to make an
otherwise non-covered employer subject
to the FMLA, in contravention of
Congress’ intent [in creating a small
business threshold], simply because it
contracts with a PEO for payroll services
and other administrative benefits.’’ Id. at
The law firm of Fisher & Phillips
commented on the same kinds of
differences discussed above between a
PEO and a temporary employment
agency, staffing agency or traditional
leasing company.
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Specifically, if an employer contracts with
an HR Outsourcing Vendor, should the
number of individuals employed by the HR
Outsourcing Vendor [PEO] be aggregated
with the number of individuals employed by
the employer in question? In addition,
should the number of Individuals employed
by the HR Outsourcing Vendor’s other clients
(within a 75-mile radius) be aggregated with
the number of individuals employed by the
employer in question. The answer to both of
these questions is ‘‘no.’’ Unfortunately, under
the current regulations, this answer is not
clear. Consequently, the ambiguity from the
two controlling regulations on the issue
(Sections 825.111 and 835.106(d) has forced
some employers to turn to the Judicial system
for relief. Thus, in the interest of Judicial
economy, ensuring compliance with the
FMLA where warranted, and effectuating
Congress’ intent to protect small employers
from the burdens of the FMLA, we
respectfully request the DOL to revise and
clarify not only Section 825.111, but also
Section 826.106(b)–(e) concerning joint
employment, as these sections relate to * * *
[PEOs]. In addition, or alternatively, we urge
the DOL to implement new regulations that
expressly detail the requirements for an
entity to be subject to the requirements of the
FMLA. * * * Extending Section 835.106(d)
to encompass relationships between * * *
[PEOs] and their clients produces absurd
results that were not intended by Congress
and do not adhere to the intent of the FMLA.
Doc. FL57, at 2–3.
TriNet commented that in the case of
a PEO, the employee is hired first by the
client company and the PEO enters the
picture when the client company signs
up with the PEO and the existing
workforce begins to receive PEO
services. ‘‘The timing is exactly opposite
with a temporary staffing agency that
first has an employee in its pool of
talent and then second assigns that
employee to a particular company to
work.’’ Doc. FL109, at 3.
The law firm of Fulbright & Jaworski
commented that PEO responsibilities
vary by organization and contract, but
that most are not involved in the dayto-day operations of their client’s
business and do not exercise the right to
hire, fire, supervise or manage daily
activities of employees. In some cases,
the PEO and the client are not in the
same city. Doc. FL62, at 1. The firm
commented on the need for the
Department to clarify that opinion letter
FMLA—111 (Sept. 11, 2000) is about an
atypical PEO who actually exercised
control over client’s employees. ‘‘This
comment letter requests a Department
regulation [as follows] clarifying that the
most common type of PEOs—PEOs that
do not exercise control of employees ’’
are not covered employers under the
FMLA.’’ Id. at 2.
Professional Employer Organizations that
contract to perform administrative functions,
including payroll, benefits, regulatory
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paperwork, and updating employment
policies, are not joint or integrated employers
with their clients under the provisions of 29
CFR 825.104 and 825.106, provided they do
not exercise control over the day-to-day
activities of the client’s employees or engage
in the hiring or firing of the client’s
Id. at 6.
3. Employees Who Work at Home
The RFI also sought comment on what
constitutes the worksite for an employee
who works from home. As discussed
above, the Access Data Consulting
Corporation commented that the
employer should be determined ‘‘by the
entity from which their paycheck is
written.’’ Doc. 10029A, at 2. This
commenter stated that the same
principle should apply to workers who
work from home. Id.
The National Coalition to Protect
Family Leave commented that 29 CFR
825.111(a)(2) already addresses the
issue of identifying the worksite for
employees who work at home by
expressly stating that an employee’s
home is not an appropriate worksite. In
such cases, the location the employee
reports to or that furnishes the employee
with assignments is the worksite for
FMLA purposes. ‘‘The Coalition concurs
with this analysis * * * [and] asks DOL
to clarify the situation where an
employee is jointly employed and works
out of his home instead of changing
locations regularly or at a secondary
employer’s premises. In such
circumstances, the Coalition
recommends that the employee’s
worksite be the primary employer’s
office from which the employee is
assigned or reports.’’ Doc. 10172A, at
XI. Data: FMLA Coverage, Usage, and
Economic Impact
To assist in analyzing the impacts of
the FMLA, the Department presented
estimates of the coverage and usage of
FMLA leave in 2005 in the ‘‘FMLA
Coverage and Usage Estimates’’ section
of the Request for Information (‘‘RFI’’).23
The Department requested comment on
these estimates and any data that would
allow the Department to better estimate
the costs and benefits of the FMLA, as
well as particular issues for which the
Department was seeking additional
The Department’s estimates were
based, in large part, on a report it
published in January 2001, Balancing
the Needs of Families and Employers:
Family and Medical Leave Surveys,
23 2005 data was used because the 2006 annual
employment figures were not available in December
of 2006 when the RFI was published.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
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2000 Update and its underlying
employer and employee surveys. As the
Department explained in the RFI, this
report is commonly referred to as ‘‘the
2000 Westat Report’’—available online
The 2000 Westat Report was a
compilation, analysis, and comparison
of one set of survey research with
another set that was conducted in 1995.
Title III of the Family and Medical
Leave Act established a bipartisan
Commission on Family and Medical
Leave to study family and medical leave
policies. The Commission surveyed
workers and employers in 1995 and
issued a report published by the
Department in 1996, ‘‘A Workable
Balance: Report to Congress on Family
and Medical Leave Policies’’ ‘‘—
available online at
The RFI was not meant to be a
substitute for survey research about the
leave needs of the work force and/or
leave policies being offered by
employers. Nonetheless, the Department
identified a number of issues in the RFI
on which it sought quantitative data that
would supplement and update the data
that was collected by the Westat
surveys. The Department specifically
asked for information and data on:
• The approach the Department used
to estimate the number of eligible FMLA
workers at covered establishments in
• The approach the Department used
to estimate the number of FMLA leavetakers given the data limitations and
methodological issues in the 2000
Westat Report, and other available data
that could be used to refine its estimate;
• The approach the Department used
to estimate the number of covered and
eligible workers taking intermittent
FMLA leave, and other available data
that could be used to refine its estimate;
• The approach the Department used
to estimate the number of covered and
eligible workers taking unforeseen
intermittent FMLA leave, other
available data that could be used to
refine this estimate, and information on
the prevalence, durations, and causes of
intermittent leave; and,
• The economic impact of
intermittent FMLA leave and
unforeseen intermittent leave, including
any differences between large and small
employers, the impact that unscheduled
intermittent leave has on productivity
and profits, information on the
concentration of workers taking
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave
in specific industries and employers,
and information on the factors
contributing to large portions of the
work force in some facilities taking
unscheduled, intermittent FMLA leave.
The Department also asked for
information related to the different
treatment of FLSA exempt and
nonexempt employees taking
unscheduled, intermittent FMLA leave,
and the different impact the leave taken
by FLSA exempt and nonexempt
employees may have on the workers
who are taking leave and their
employers. More generally, the
Department also asked for information
that can be used to improve the
estimates of the impact that FMLA leave
has on employers and employees, and
for any data that would allow the
Department to better estimate the costs
and benefits of the FMLA.
In response to this request, the
Department received a significant
amount of quantitative and qualitative
data from a wide variety of sources that
updates and builds upon the data
collected in the Westat surveys. This
includes a wide variety of national
survey data from employers and
employees; detailed information from
specific employers, both large and
small, in a wide variety of industries;
and economic studies, or references to
economic studies, on the costs and
benefits of the FMLA.25
24 Westat is a statistical survey research
organization serving agencies of the U.S.
Government, as well as businesses, foundations,
and state and local governments. These surveys
were commissioned by the Department of Labor in
2000 as an update to similar 1995 surveys ordered
by the Commission on Family and Medical Leave,
which was established by Title III of the FMLA.
Many of the comments to the RFI cited the Westat
Report and surveys but referred to it by a number
of names including the West Report, Westat’s
FMLA Report, the FMLA Report, the Department’s
FMLA Report, and the 2000 FMLA Report. In order
to minimize any confusion in this chapter, the
report will be referred to as the ‘‘2000 Westat
Report,’’ the employer survey will be referred to as
‘‘Westat’s employer survey,’’ the employee survey
will be referred to as ‘‘Westat’s employee survey,’’
and when discussing both the employer and
employee surveys they will be referred as the
‘‘Westat surveys.’’
25 Some of the data submitted were national
surveys (e.g., AARP, International Foundation of
Employee Benefit Plans, Society for Human
Resource Management, National Association of
Manufacturers, U.S. Chamber of Commerce,
WorldAtWork, and the College and University
Professional Association for Human Resources).
Others submitted surveys or collections of reports
from their clients, customers, or members (e.g.,
Willock Savage, Kalamazoo Human Resources
Management Association, Manufacturers Alliance,
Air Conference, Association of American Rail
Roads, Retail Industry Leaders Association,
National Federation of Independent Business, HR
Policy Association, International Public
Management Association for Human Resources, and
American Bakers Association). Numerous other
comments provided data from individual
companies (e.g., United Parcel Service, U.S. Postal
Service, Honda, Southwest Airlines, YellowBook,
Madison Gas and Electric Company, Edison
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The Department also received
comments on the estimates it presented
in the RFI, many of which were
consistent with the Department’s
estimates. Many comments stated that
the Department’s estimates of FMLA
usage, especially of intermittent FMLA
leave, appear to be low given their
experience. In this chapter, the
Department presents both the estimates
developed for the RFI and the comments
received about those estimates.
Although the Department evaluates the
RFI estimates based upon the comments
received, no revisions to the RFI
estimates have been developed at this
time. Finally, this chapter offers some
observations about the impacts of
certain aspects of FMLA leave on
certain sectors of the economy.
Care should be taken to avoid drawing
improper comparisons of data submitted
in response to the RFI with the data
from the Westat surveys. The record
presented here is different than the
previous two Departmental reports
because the RFI is a different
information-gathering tool than the
previous surveys. Given the differences
in the data gathering approaches, the
depth with which the RFI looked at
specific regulatory issues, and, of
course, the differences in the selfselection of those who took the time to
submit comments to the RFI compared
to voluntarily responding to previous
survey questionnaires, variations in the
data should be expected.
A. Comments on the 2000 Westat Report
and Further Data Collection
The Department used the 2000 Westat
Report as the basis for the coverage and
usage estimates presented in the RFI.
Although the Department did not
specifically ask for comments on
estimates in the 2000 Westat Report, it
did note that it was ‘‘interested in
refining the coverage and eligibility
estimates in the 2000 Westat Report,’’
and highlighted a number of important
results and caveats from the 2000
Westat Report.
Electric, Verizon, Delphi, MGM Mirage, Union
Pacific, and Palmetto Health) or government and
quasi-government agencies (e.g., New York City,
Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Fairfax County, VA, the
Port Authority of Allegheny County, PA, and the
City of Portland, OR). Other comments provided
references to previously published studies (e.g.,
Darby Associates, the Center for WorkLife Law,
Women Employment Rights, and the Family Care
Alliance). Many comments were also received from
labor organizations and family advocates (e.g.,
AFL–CIO, Communications Workers of America,
National Partnership for Women and Families,
Families USA, 9to5, National Association of
Working Women). Finally, the Department received
many comments from workers who took FMLA
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
The Department received a few
comments alleging the RFI was critical
of the 2000 Westat Report. For example,
the National Partnership for Women &
Families stated that ‘‘[t]he RFI takes
great pains to criticize the 2000 study of
FMLA[.]’’ Doc. 10204A, at 2. However,
as the Department explained in the RFI,
there were several methodological
issues that Westat itself noted
(particularly in Appendix C) 26 that may
have resulted in, among other issues,
the overestimation of FMLA-covered
and eligible workers and an
underestimation of workers not
covered.27 Identifying some of Westat’s
own caveats and limitations was not a
criticism of the 2000 Westat Report.
Rather, the methodological issues of the
2000 Westat Report referred to in the
RFI, some of which had to do with
statistics regarding intermittent leave,
were meant to fully inform the public
about the limitations of the 2000 Westat
Report particularly in light of how the
data was being used and because the
Department was interested in refining
some of the estimates. It should further
be noted that the Department based its
best estimates on the 2000 Westat
Report and believes that, despite the
caveats noted, the 2000 Westat Report
still provides a great deal of useful
information and data on FMLA leavetakers. A number of commenters
concurred, stating: ‘‘the 2000 Westat
Study, even with its limitations, has
been invaluable and represents the best
available source for information on
FMLA usage and coverage.’’ Faculty &
Staff Federation of Community College
of Philadelphia, Local 2026 of the
American Federation of Teachers, Doc.
10242A, at 2.
Other commenters, however, were
more critical of the 2000 Westat Report.
For example, the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce noted that the questionnaire
used to survey establishments ‘‘provides
little insight * * * on the nuanced
complexity of the law, the vagueness
that has resulted in abuse of FMLA
leave, the cost associated with
compliance and, more significantly, the
cost associated with providing leave to
employees who likely were not
intended to be covered by the statute.’’
Doc. 10142A, at 11. Another comment
noted ‘‘[t]he Department does not have
an accurate measure of intermittent
leave because this was not covered
adequately by the Westat surveys’’ and
that ‘‘there are a few questions in [the
employer] survey that address
intermittent leave, but not necessarily
the FMLA definition of intermittent
26 See
2000 Westat Report, at C–1.
27 See 2000 Westat Report, at 3–4.
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leave.’’ Randy Albelda, Heather
Boushey, and Vicky Lovell, Doc.
10223A, at 2. An economic analysis of
the FMLA by Criterion Economics
concluded that the results of the Westat
surveys ‘‘are subjective, qualitative,
incomplete, and biased in the direction
of understating the costs of FMLA[.]’’
National Coalition to Protect Family
Leave, Doc. 10172A, Attachment at 23.
A number of groups favored
additional data collection, beyond the
RFI, but were split as to whether such
additional data collection was needed to
form the basis for rulemaking or would
even contribute significantly beyond
what is already known and available.
The National Partnership for Women &
Families noted that ‘‘the lack of
available data on many of the issues
raised in the RFI is an unfortunate
reminder of DOL’s failure to conduct
objective studies on the FMLA and its
implementation in recent years. * * *
DOL has neglected to undertake
significant efforts to update this
research, thus leaving an information
void. While the RFI solicits data from
commenters on a long list of questions,
in many cases it is DOL that has been—
and is—best positioned to gather the
relevant data to provide answers.’’ Doc.
10204A, at 2. ‘‘DOL has a particularly
important role in conducting and
commissioning objective, scientifically
sound research that can be used to
inform and assess implementation of the
FMLA,’’ and that pursuing changes to
the FMLA regulations without such data
is unwarranted and inappropriate. Id.
The AFL-CIO stated ‘‘The Department
should not yield to anecdotal evidence
with respect to the purported burden of
leave on employers as a basis for
tightening the eligibility rules for FMLA
leave. Anecdotes can never substitute
for hard data[.]’’ Doc. R329A at 9.
Randy Albelda, Heather Boushey, and
Vicky Lovell mirrored the comments of
others that recommended that
‘‘[a]dditional data collection, using
nationally representative surveys, could
illuminate the issues raised in the RFI’’
while noting that the Westat surveys
‘‘provide us with valuable information
about family and medical leavetaking[.]’’ Doc. 10223A, at 1, 2. Criterion
Economics concluded that ‘‘[t]he
Department has taken the first step
towards a more complete and accurate
assessment by soliciting additional
information through the RFI[.]’’ National
Coalition to Protect Family Leave, Doc.
10172A, Attachment at 23. The U.S.
Chamber of Commerce also
recommended that a ‘‘follow-up study
with employers should be conducted,’’
but did not believe such further study
should delay regulatory action ‘‘strongly
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recommend[ing]’’ that the Department
initiate a rulemaking. Doc. 10142A, at
12. Another economic analysis by Darby
Associates noted that although ‘‘the data
are scattered, spotty, frequently
inconsistent, and largely anecdotal and
episodic,’’ ‘‘[t]here is in the record a
substantial amount of data, analysis and
conjecture on which to base a
description of various attributes of
benefits and costs arising from over a
decade of experience under the FMLA.’’
National Coalition to Protect Family
Leave, Doc. 10172A, Attachment at 7.
The Department does not dispute that
the RFI was not a nationally
representative FMLA survey as were the
Westat surveys and the Department
makes no attempt to directly compare
data from such different types of
information collection. The Department,
nevertheless, believes that the RFI was
a useful information collection method
that yielded a wide variety of objective
survey data and research, as well as a
considerable amount of companyspecific data and information that
supplements and updates our
knowledge of the impacts of FMLA
leave. In fact, several organizations
conducted national surveys in response
to the RFI.28
Finally, the Department asked a
number of questions in the RFI on
intermittent leave because one of the
findings of the 2000 Westat Report was
that ‘‘most employers report no adverse
effects [from FMLA], including from
intermittent leave,’’ 29 while more recent
information on intermittent leave from
private sector surveys and reports,
recommendations to the Office of
Management and Budget, and
stakeholder meetings suggested that
intermittent leave is a difficult issue for
many employers, particularly in some
industries. Moreover, there was not a lot
of information on the issue in the 2000
Westat Report. As the remainder of this
chapter demonstrates, the data and
information obtained in response to the
RFI provides considerable insight and a
far more detailed picture of the
workings of the FMLA, and the impact
of intermittent leave, than the Westat
B. Number of Covered and Eligible
The Department presented its best
coverage estimates in the RFI. These
estimates were based upon updating the
estimates in the 2000 Westat Report to
account for differences in employment
between 2000 and 2005 and
28 See
29 See
also footnote 25.
2000 Westat Report, Foreword by DOL at
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
certifications from 28 percent in 2005 to
42 percent in 2006. Doc. 10181A, at 4.
• The Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania stated that it has two 24/
7 healthcare facilities where 6 percent
and 10 percent of the workers have
medical certifications that excuse them
EMPLOYEES UNDER THE FAMILY AND from working mandatory overtime. Doc.
10042A, at 3.
• The City of New York noted that 32
In millions
percent of all police communication
technicians (911 call-takers) have
Total U.S. Employment ........
141.7 medical certifications. Doc. 10103A, at
Employees at FMLA-Cov3.
ered Worksites ..................
The data received in response to the
Eligible Employees at FMLACovered Worksites ............
76.1 RFI suggest that a significant number of
workers in certain facilities and
Note: Employment for 2006 was not avail- workplaces have medical certifications
able at the time the RFI was published in Deon file for chronic health conditions,
cember 2006.
which due to certain regulatory
The Department did not receive any
provisions and interpretations can allow
substantive comments on its coverage or these workers to take unscheduled
eligibility estimates or the methodology intermittent leave with little or no
it used to produce those estimates and
notice, or to be excused from certain
concludes that these estimates are
shifts or mandatory overtime.
currently the best available.
D. Number of FMLA Leave-Takers
C. Number of Workers With Medical
The Department presented three
Certifications for Chronic Conditions
estimates of the number of covered and
Although the Department did not
eligible workers who took FMLA leave
specifically ask in the RFI for comments
in 2005 and asked for information and
on the number of covered and eligible
data on the approach it used to make
workers who have medical certifications
these estimates, and for other available
for FMLA leave, nor did it ask for this
data that could be used to develop its
information in either the 1995 FMLA
estimates given the data limitations and
surveys or Westat surveys, it received a
methodological issues in the 2000
wide variety of information and data on
Westat Report. A full discussion of the
this issue. Nationwide survey data and
Department’s approach was presented
company-specific reports indicate that a
in the RFI and resulted in the following
significant number of workers have
medical certifications on file with their
employers for chronic health
Percent of
Number of
conditions, especially for some facilities
covered &
or workgroups, and that the number is
workers tak- leave-takers
increasing. For example:
(in millions)
ing leave
• Respondents to the National
Association of Manufacturers’ survey
reported ‘‘that 25 percent of those
Estimate* .......
eligible for FMLA leave had medical
Employer Surcertifications on file for a ‘chronic’
vey Based
illness that permitted unannounced,
Estimate** .....
unscheduled intermittent leave.’’ Doc.
Estimate* .......
10229A, at 10.
• Another comment noted that
*From the Westat employee survey.
‘‘[s]everal other [air] carriers report that
**The Department used a rate of 6.5 per50% or more of all flight attendants and cent of covered workers in the RFI. The rate
presented here is the percentage of covered
agents are certified for FMLA leave.’’
and eligible workers calculated by dividing 6.1
Air Conference, Doc. 10160A, at 4.
million by 76.1 million.
• A survey by the U.S. Chamber of
In response to this request the
Commerce found ‘‘[l]arge companies
Department received a significant
reported having generally 15 percent of
amount of data on FMLA leave usage
the workforce with active medical
from a wide variety of sources,
certifications for FMLA at any time.’’
including nationally representative
Doc. 10142A, at 2.
• Verizon noted that 44 percent of the survey data and detailed information
employees in its Florida Network
from specific employers, both large and
Centers division had medical
small, in a wide variety of industries.
certifications and their Business
The Department also received a few
Solutions Group saw a jump in medical comments on the data limitations with
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
‘‘correcting’’ some of the methodological
issues in the 2000 Westat Report. A full
description of the Department’s
approach was presented in the RFI and
resulted in the following estimates:
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its approach and methodology for
estimating FMLA leave usage.
1. Comments on the Department’s
Approach and Data on the Number of
The Department received very few
comments on its approach. Most of the
comments concerning the Department’s
leave estimates presented FMLA usage
figures at or above the Department’s
estimates, although many of these were
for individual employers or certain
facilities of individual employers. For
• The U.S. Postal Service reported
that 18.4 percent of its 620,688
employees took FMLA leave in 2006.30
Doc. 10184A, at 3.
• Madison Gas and Electric Company
stated, ‘‘[o]ur data shows 30% of eligible
workers requested FMLA leave. Of the
30%, only 69% of the requested leaves
qualified as FMLA leave. This resulted
in 20% of eligible workers taking a
qualified FMLA leave.’’ Doc. 10288A, at
• Delphi reported that at one of its
large manufacturing facilities in the
Midwest ‘‘nearly one of every five’’
workers took FMLA leave in 2005. Doc.
10225A, at 1.
• UnumProvident reported that 17
percent of the employees in the FMLA
program that it administers for 95
clients nationwide took FMLA in 2006.
Doc. 10008A, at 1–2.
• First Premier Bank stated that ‘‘[o]n
average, over 25% of our staff has been
on FMLA at one point or another during
the course of a year. There is almost
10% of our staff on FMLA at any given
time.’’ Doc. 10101A, at 1.
• The University of Washington
noted that ‘‘[i]n our organization of 950
employees * * * we consistently have
20% of the workforce absent from work
under FMLA[.]’’ Doc. FL17, at 2.
The Department notes that although
some employers experienced higher
rates of FMLA usage than the rates
published in the RFI, this does not
indicate that these estimates were
wrong. The Department presented three
alternative estimates of average FMLA
use across all employers in all
industries of the economy in the RFI.
Clearly some employers in some
industries will experience higher rates
of usage just as other employers in other
industries may experience lower rates.
For example, the International
Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
conducted a nationwide survey of 241
corporate benefit managers, public
30 The U.S. Postal Service only reported data for
those employees who are in its eRMS system.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
other employees (5 x more). This
disproportionate rate of use is magnified
when coupled with the fact that Train
Percent of workers using
Percent of
and Engine Services employees make up
FMLA leave
roughly 46% of all employees company
wide (25,000 of 54,000 total).’’ Doc.
Less than 1% ..........................
1% to 3% ................................
17 10148A, at page 2.
• The Manufacturers Alliance
4% to 6% ................................
reported that one ‘‘member company
7% to 10% ..............................
11% to 15% ............................
11 that is highly diversified, with eight
16% to 20% ............................
6 business groups, states that the
More than 20% .......................
4 percentage of FMLA leave taken
Don’t Know .............................
13 intermittently within those groups has
ranged from a low of 10 percent to a
Doc. 10017A, at 17.
high of 75 percent. Across all units, the
Although it is not possible to
company estimates that the percentage
calculate the mean of this survey, the
of intermittent leave as a percentage of
median of those reporting a percentage
all FMLA leave is in the range of 40 to
is between 7 percent and 10 percent.
50 percent.’’ Doc. 10063A, at 3.
This would appear to be consistent with
2. Trend in the Number of Workers
the national average findings presented
Taking FMLA Leave
in the 2000 Westat Report that 6.5
A number of comments indirectly
percent of workers employed at
echoed Randy Albelda, Heather
facilities covered by the FMLA took
FMLA leave, and reflects the comments Boushey, and Vicky Lovell, who
specifically noted that ‘‘using the 2000
that suggest ‘‘[w]ith the exception of
share of those taking leave with 2005
Westat’s employer survey, in which
double counting may have occurred, the employment data may also
underestimate the true take-up of the
data tends to show that FMLA usage
remains low.’’ AFL–CIO, Doc. R329A, at FMLA.’’ Doc. 10223A, at 1. The Albelda
letter speculated that more people may
5 (footnote omitted).
Additional comments reported FMLA know their FMLA rights in 2005
usage that is consistent with the range
compared to 2000, just as the 1995
the Department estimated in the RFI.
FMLA surveys and Westat surveys
For example:
showed an increase in the percentage of
• A nationwide survey of 1,356
covered workers taking FMLA leave
covered and eligible workers age 50+ by from 1995 to 2000. Madison Gas and
AARP found that 9 percent took leave
Electric attributed its higher rate to
under the FMLA. Doc. 10228B, at 5.
employers’ ‘‘increased awareness and
• The NJ Transit reported that 9
recordkeeping related to FMLA leave’’
percent of its employees are covered
and ‘‘[e]mployees have also become
and eligible leave-takers. Doc. FL85, at
more aware of their rights under FMLA,
which has changed the scope of leaves
• FNG Human Resources stated that
requested and taken.’’ Doc. 10288A, at
‘‘an average of 8% of employees [are] on 4.
some manner of Family Medical Leave
A number of other commenters
at all times.’’ Doc. FL13, at 2.
explicitly reported that the use of FMLA
• Progressive Inc. also reported that
leave has increased since 2000. For
approximately 10 percent of its
workforce is on FMLA leave at any
• The Air Conference stated that
given time. Doc. FL2, at 1–2.
‘‘[t]he percentage of employees using
• The AFL–CIO stated that ‘‘our
FMLA is steadily increasing’’ in the
survey shows that almost 16 percent
airline industry. Doc. 10160A, at 4.
(15.99%) of respondents have taken
• The Port Authority of Pittsburgh
FMLA leave. These results are well
stated that ‘‘the number of employees on
within the general range of the Westat
an approved leave at any one time has
employee-based survey[.]’’ Doc. R329A, increased by five percent. In 2002
at 7.
approximately 6% of the workforce was
Further, comments clearly show that
on leave at any one time. Over the years,
FMLA leave usage varies with
this number has steadily increased to
workgroups of some employers and that the current level of 11%.’’ Doc. FL135,
using averages for FMLA usage may
at 2.
• ‘‘The Dallas Area Rapid Transit
hide the impact it has on some
(DART) has experienced a significant
employers and some facilities/
increase in FMLA utilization over the
workgroups within employers. For
past four years. Employee FMLA
• Union Pacific reported that ‘‘17% of absences increased from 1,965 workdays
Train and Engine Service employees use in FY 2003, to over 6,100 workdays in
FMLA leave versus 3.5% use among all
2006.’’ Doc. FL41, at 2.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
employers, and professional service
providers and found:
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• The National Association of
Manufacturers commented that ‘‘for one
major auto parts manufacturer,
applications for FMLA leave increased
150-fold in ten years,’’ Doc. 10229A, at
• The City of New York reported that
‘‘[t]he use of FMLA leave * * * has
increased substantially in the last five
years, from 10.8% of all medical leave
in 2001 * * * to the 2006 level of
27.0% of all medical leave.’’ Doc.
10103A, at 2.
• Aztec Manufacturing reported that
‘‘FMLA absences have grown 200%
from 2002 to 2006.’’ Doc. 10081A, at 2.
Others suggested that FMLA usage
remains low. The Department notes,
however, that firms with higher than
average FMLA usages rates probably
have a greater incentive to report their
higher rates than those with rates lower
than the average.
Although the weight of the comments
strongly suggests that the percentage of
employees using FMLA leave has
increased, particularly in some
industries, the range of workers who
took FMLA leave in 2005 (between 3.2
percent and 17.1 percent) is consistent
with the data submitted in response to
the RFI. Nevertheless, the Department
recognizes it is possible that the number
of workers who took FMLA leave in
2005 is more likely to be between 6.1
million and 13.0 million than between
2.4 million and 6.1 million. As the next
section indicates, awareness of the
FMLA appears to be higher in 2005 than
in 1999 when Westat conducted its
surveys. So just as FMLA usage
increased between the times the two
surveys sponsored by the Department
were conducted in the 1990s, given the
comments received it is likely that
FMLA usage increased between 1999
and 2005.
3. Awareness of FMLA Leave Usage
In the RFI, the Department also raised
the issue about the difference between
its lower-bound estimate based upon
Westat’s employee survey and its best
estimate based upon Westat’s employer
survey. The Department noted: ‘‘2.4
million may be a lower-bound estimate
in that it may under-estimate the
number of covered and eligible workers
who actually took FMLA leave, because
evidence exists that many workers are
unaware that their leave qualified and
that their employers may have
designated their leave as FMLA leave.’’
71 FR 69511.
The Department received many
comments on this issue. For example,
one commenter stated that ‘‘[t]he
obvious reason for this [discrepancy
between employer and employee survey
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
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figures] is that a significant number of
employers are not properly informing
employees that they are utilizing FMLA
leave time when that is actually
occurring.’’ Kennedy Reeve & Knoll,
Doc. 4763A, at 13.
Others believe that there may be some
confusion over FMLA leave when other
types of leave are taken concurrently.
The National Council of Chain
Restaurants, for example, stated that the
Department asked ‘‘why employee
estimates regarding the use of FMLA are
so much lower than employer estimates.
We believe employees are much more
likely to focus on whether leave is paid
or unpaid, and only to count unpaid
leave as FMLA leave when they answer
such questions.’’ Doc. 10157A, at 7. The
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
reported that 6 percent of its employees
‘‘use some type of FMLA qualifying
leave without pay each year.’’ Doc.
10042A, at 2. However, this did ‘‘not
include employees who use paid leave
in lieu of unpaid FMLA leave.’’ Id.
Data from the Westat surveys and
other surveys suggest that when many
employees think of FMLA leave, they
only think of unpaid leave and do not
realize that FMLA leave often runs
concurrently with paid leave. They do
not associate taking paid sick leave and
other forms of paid leave (e.g., vacation,
personal) as taking FMLA leave ‘‘ when
at times it may be designated as such by
their employer as permitted by the
statute. For example, AARP’s national
sample of workers 50 or more years old
reported that ‘‘[d]espite high overall
awareness of FMLA and the fact that the
majority (58%) of survey respondents
have taken at least some time off for
family- or medical-related reasons
within the past five years, only nine
percent of respondents (or 15% of leavetakers) reported that any of the time
taken was FMLA leave.’’ Doc. 10228B,
at 4.
4. Continuing Concern With Estimates
of Leave Usage Over Time
After reviewing the comments the
Department continues to believe that the
available data do not enable an accurate
estimation of the total number of
workers who took FMLA leave since
1993, and remains concerned about the
possible misinterpretation of its
estimates and misapplication of its
methodology for estimating the number
of workers who took FMLA leave in a
given year. In fact, the Department
received a few comments with different
estimates of the number of workers who
have taken FMLA leave since 1993. For
example, the National Women’s Law
Center noted, without citation, that
‘‘[c]lose to 80 million workers have
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taken FMLA leave in the last 14
years[,]’’ and 9to5 stated, again without
citation, that ‘‘FMLA has allowed more
than 50 million Americans to take jobprotected leave[.]’’ Doc. 10272A, at 1;
and Doc. 10210A, at 1, respectively.
As noted in the RFI, the Department
has determined that the available data
do not enable the accurate estimation of
the total number of workers who have
taken FMLA leave from 1993 to 2005
because ‘‘establishments may double
count persons that took more than one
FMLA leave’’ during the 18–20 month
survey period that began in January
1999. Moreover, this double counting is
even more likely to occur over the
longer period that began in 1993 due to
workers who have chronic conditions,
more than one family member with a
serious health condition, or multiple
pregnancies or adoptions.
5. Differences Between FLSA Exempt
and Nonexempt Workers
In the RFI the Department solicited
the following information with respect
to workers who are salaried and exempt
from the Fair Labor Standards Act
(‘‘FLSA’’) under 29 CFR Part 541:
• The Department requests that
commenters submit information related
to the different treatment of FLSA
exempt and nonexempt employees
taking unscheduled, intermittent FMLA
• The Department also requests
information on the different impact the
leave taking by FLSA exempt and
nonexempt employees may have on the
workers who have taken leave and their
The Department received a few
comments in response to this request
but they were generally vague and
inconclusive. Some comments indicated
that nonexempt employees tend to take
more FMLA leave than exempt
employees. For example, ‘‘[t]he majority
of our FMLA requests are from hourly
Fair Labor Standards Act-nonexempt
employees.’’ University of WisconsinMilwaukee, Doc. FL120, at 1. Others
indicated that FMLA usage by
nonexempt workers presents more of an
issue than FMLA usage by exempt
workers because nonexempt workers
tend to take more unscheduled
intermittent leave. For example:
As a general rule, non-exempt employees
are more likely to use unscheduled
intermittent leave than exempt employees. In
the case of exempt employees, many tend to
work more than 40 hours each week anyhow,
or make up the time later, or work from home
even when on a leave of absence. Exempt
employees tend to use FMLA leave primarily
for birth of a child, acute illnesses or surgery,
or planned medical treatment (e.g.,
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chemotherapy), all of which normally result
in scheduled time off and predictable time
off. In most cases, these leaves are
continuous leaves or intermittent leaves over
a period of less than six (6) months.
Spencer Fane Britt & Browne LLP, Doc.
10133C, at 22.
However, several comments,
particularly from the Society for Human
Resource Management chapters, suggest
that the difference between exempt and
nonexempt employees is not their
pattern of FMLA leave use but rather the
way their employers track the use of
FMLA leave. One commenter stated that
‘‘many employers do not keep track of
partial day absences of exempt
employees because it is virtually
impossible to know if and when the
time has been made up. Many exempt
employees make up the time of their
own volition.’’ Arkansas Society for
Human Resource Management State
Council, Doc. 5161, at 1. Another
commenter noted that ‘‘[t]racking FMLA
leave in such small increments is
extremely burdensome—particularly
with respect to exempt employees,
whose time is not normally tracked.’’
Northern Arizona University, Doc.
10014A, at 5. One worker also agreed
that employers treat exempt and
nonexempt workers differently when it
comes to tracking FMLA leave:
I know there is inconsistency throughout
the company on the application of how
FMLA is measured. For example, exempt
employees are allowed to take time off and
it is generally considered that if you have
[worked] a minimum of 5 hours, you have
[worked] a full day. If I call in late due to
being ill, the time I work is measured and if
I do not make the 8 hours, I’m expected to
log the difference. If another exempt calls in
late because their child is sick, nothing is
done. If they come in late or leave early, it
is never a problem. My time is always
scrutinized and questioned.
An Employee Comment, Doc. 10336A,
at 9.
Although there was no consensus in
the comments on whether one group is
taking more FMLA leave than the other
group, one commenter noted an
apparent difference in the manner in
which exempt and nonexempt
employees are paid while on FMLA
leave. For example, Madison Gas and
Electric stated ‘‘[a] variance also exists
between time taken by FLSA exempt
and non-exempt employees. Exempt
employees are typically paid for time
away while non-exempt employees do
not receive pay, unless they are able to
substitute from a paid leave balance.
This pay for leave time differences
generally increases the amount of time
taken by FLSA exempt employees.’’
Doc. 10288A, at 5.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
E. Number of Workers Taking
Intermittent FMLA Leave
intermittently.’’ Doc. 10223A, at 2.
Specifically, the Albelda letter stated:
The Department presented its
estimate of the number of covered and
eligible workers who took intermittent
FMLA leave in 2005 and asked for
information and data on the approach it
used to make the estimate, and for other
available data that could be used to
refine its estimate. As noted in the RFI,
the Department used data from Westat’s
employee survey to develop an estimate
of the number of workers that used
intermittent FMLA leave in 2005.
Specifically, Westat’s employee survey
found that almost one-quarter (23.9
percent) of covered and eligible workers
who took FMLA leave reported taking
their leave intermittently. That is, they
repeatedly took leave for a few hours or
days at a time because of ongoing family
or medical reasons. Therefore, based on
the Westat survey data, about 1.5
million FMLA leave-takers (i.e., 23.9
percent of 6.1 million FMLA leavetakers) or about 2 percent of the workers
employed in the establishments covered
by the FMLA (i.e., 1.5 million of 94.4
million) used intermittent leave in 2005.
In response to this request, the
Department received a significant
amount of data on intermittent FMLA
leave usage from a wide variety of
sources, including nationally
representative survey data and detailed
information from specific employers,
both large and small, in a wide variety
of industries. In fact, the Department
received more data on this issue (and
the unscheduled component of
intermittent leave discussed in the
following section) than almost any other
issue in the coverage and usage section
of the RFI. The Department also
received a few comments on the data
limitations with its approach and
methodology for estimating intermittent
FMLA leave usage.
[The Department’s] approach may
substantially understate the use of
intermittent leave. The Department uses data
from the employee survey, which does not
ask about the number of intermittent leaves,
asking instead whether those who took a
leave for purposes covered under FMLA
leave took their leave intermittently. Some,
none, or all of that leave may have been
under FMLA, but there is no way to know
from the survey questions. Further, the
Department applies this ‘‘guesstimate’’ to the
total number of leave-takers, which may not
be correct. As the Department points out, this
assumes that all groups of workers are
equally likely to take intermittent leave,
which may not be true.
The Department does not have an accurate
measure of intermittent leave because this
was not covered adequately by the Westat
surveys’’. The Westat employee survey asks
how many leaves employees took over the
previous 16–18 month period and probes
further about two of their longest leaves, but
does not specifically ask about FMLAdefined intermittent leave[.]
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
1. Comments on the Department’s
Approach To Estimating Intermittent
FMLA Leave Use
As was noted in the RFI, the Westat
surveys ‘‘tended to focus on the longest
leaves taken for family and medical
reasons rather than the leaves taken
intermittently.’’ However, the Westat
surveys also asked some questions
related to intermittent leave.
Randy Albelda, Heather Boushey, and
Vicky Lovell submitted one of the most
critical comments on the Department’s
approach that touched on some data
limitations of Westat’s employee survey
while noting that ‘‘data that are
available from the survey seem to
suggest a wide range of possible leavetakers who might use the leave
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Doc. 10223A, at 2.
This criticism notwithstanding, the
Albelda letter went on to identify a
number of questions in the Westat
employee survey that might be used to
refine the Department’s approach and
reached nearly the same estimate as that
presented by the Department in the RFI,
that intermittent FMLA leave appears to
be important for more than a quarter of
leave-takers. Specifically, the Albelda
letter noted:
The data that are available from the survey
seem to suggest a wide range of possible
leave-takers who might use the leave
intermittently. For example, 27.7 percent
said they alternated between leave and work
(question A5BB), with more than half (53.3
percent) of that group indicating they did
that for less than half of their leave (question
A5C). So, a relatively large number indicate
not taking a leave all at once, but over half
did so for less than half of their leave. In
another part of the survey, 7.2 percent of
leave-takers said that they were not off work
the entire time during their longest leave over
the past 16–18 months (question A3E). Of
those who took multiple leaves, 20 percent
indicated they alternated between leave and
work (question A8); of those, 13 percent
indicated they do so regularly (question
A8A). Thus, the ability to use FMLA leave
intermittently appears to be an important
feature of the policy for more than a quarter
of leave-takers.
Doc. 10223A, at 2–3 (footnote omitted).
Madison Gas and Electric Company
stated that ‘‘the approach used by the
Department [to estimate the usage of
intermittent leave] seems sound but will
vary between employers. The estimated
use of intermittent leave is lower than
the experience of our company.’’ Doc.
10288A, at 4.
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A number of commenters who were
critical of the Department’s approach
recommended that the Department
collect additional information about
intermittent FMLA leave, which was
one of the objectives of the RFI. See
Chapter XI, section A.
2. Data on the Number of Intermittent
The Department received a significant
amount of data on the number and
percentage of workers who have taken
intermittent FMLA leave that
supplements and updates the results of
the 2000 Westat Report. For example, a
nation-wide survey of 241 corporate
benefit managers, public employers, and
professional service providers by the
International Foundation of Employee
Benefit Plans found:
Percent of FMLA leave that
is taken intermittently
Less than 5 ...............................
5 to 15 ......................................
16 to 25 ....................................
26 to 55 ....................................
More than 55 ............................
Don’t Know ...............................
Percent of
Doc. 10017A, at 20.
Although it is not possible to
calculate the mean of this survey, the
median of those reporting a percentage
is between 5 percent and 15 percent,
which is below Westat’s estimate that
23.9 percent of FMLA leave-takers took
some of their leave intermittently. Other
comments also reported percentages of
intermittent FMLA leave lower than
either Westat’s estimate or the
Department’s estimate that about 2
percent of all workers employed in the
establishments covered by the FMLA
took intermittent FMLA leave. For
• According to the WorldatWork
survey, 18.1 percent of FMLA leaves in
2005 were due to chronic conditions.
Doc. 10201A, at 11.
• The AFL–CIO stated ‘‘in our survey
just 12 percent of all respondents
reported having taken intermittent
leave. This finding supports that
available evidence, which shows that
‘intermittent leave is used
infrequently[.]’ ’’ Doc. R329A, at 7.
• One member company of the
Manufacturers Alliance stated that
intermittent leave ‘‘is rare and generally
involves ongoing medical treatment[.]’’
This company ‘‘does not see a lot of
intermittent leave—probably less than
10 percent of all leave taken.’’ Doc.
10063A, at 2.
Many comments, however, reported
intermittent FMLA usage above either
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
the Westat or the Department’s
estimates. For example:
• The University of Washington
reported ‘‘5% of employees are
currently approved for intermittent
FMLA leave.’’ Doc. FL17, at 2.
• Honda reported that 2,249
employees out of an employee
population of 20,757 (about 11 percent)
took a total of 22,250 days of
intermittent FMLA leave in 2006. Doc.
10255A, at 6.
• NJ Transit reported that ‘‘fully 95
percent of [FMLA] requests were for
intermittent leave.’’ Doc. FL85, at 5.
• Progressive Inc. reported that 75
percent of its employees’ FMLA leaves
are intermittent. Doc. FL2, at 2.
• The Madison Gas and Electric
Company reported that ‘‘[o]ver one-third
of employees within our company
request intermittent leave which is
higher than the estimate determined by
the Department.’’ Doc. 10288A, at 4.
See also Delphi Inc, Doc. 10225A, at 2;
Kalamazoo Human Resource
Management Association, Doc. 10035A,
at 2; HR Policy Association, Doc.
R367A, at 3; Southwest Airlines Co.,
Doc. 10183A, at 3.
Other comments show that
intermittent FMLA leave usage varies by
workgroup within some employers, and
that using averages for intermittent
FMLA usage across industries and
operations within industries may hide
the impact that FMLA usage has on
some employers and some facilities/
workgroups within employers. For
• Based on client comments, Spencer
Fane Britt & Browne stated ‘‘[t]here are
employers who report that they have as
many as 40–50% or more of all their
employees, and as much as 75–100% of
employees within a particular work
group or department, who have
submitted medical certifications for and
use intermittent leave for chronic
conditions.’’ Doc. 10133C, at 19.
• Southwest Airlines reported that
‘‘[i]n the workgroup with the highest
percentage of FMLA use in relation to
[the] number of employees,
Reservations, intermittent FMLA
represents 75% of the FMLA leaves over
the last two years[.]’’ Doc. 10183A, at 3.
• The Manufacturers Alliance
reported that one highly diversified
member with eight business groups
stated ‘‘that the percentage of FMLA
leave taken intermittently within those
groups has ranged from a low of 10
percent to a high of 75 percent’’ with a
company wide average of ‘‘40 percent to
50 percent.’’ Doc. 10063A, at 3.
See also MGM Mirage, Doc. 10130A,
at 4; Briggs and Stratton, Doc. FL37, at
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1–2; and Association of American
Railroads, Doc. 10193A, at 1.
A number of other comments reported
that intermittent leave usage is
increasing. In some cases the reported
increases are very large. For example:
• DST Systems, Inc. stated that ‘‘[t]he
burden of intermittent leave is steadily
growing. The number of intermittent
leaves at our company has grown almost
300% in one year, from 71 in 2005 to
221 in 2006.’’ Doc. 10222A, at 2.
• Verizon provided the example of its
Customer Financial Services Mass
Market group where ‘‘the use of
intermittent leave has increased from
22% of eligible employees in 2004 to
30% in 2005 and 37% in 2006.’’ Doc.
10181A, at 4.
• National Association of
Manufacturers reported that ‘‘[f]or one
major auto parts manufacturer * * * the
use of intermittent leave increased five
times more quickly than that for regular
FMLA leave. Our data indicate that the
experience of this company is typical of
manufacturers.’’ Doc. 10229A, at 4.
The fact that some employers have
higher rates of intermittent FMLA leave
use than the averages estimated by the
Department is not surprising, especially
in view of the self-selection of those
who took the time to submit comments
to the RFI. Moreover, it is noteworthy
that the preponderance of companies
responding to the survey conducted by
the International Foundation of
Employee Benefit Plans reported that
less than 25 percent of FMLA leaves
were taken intermittently.
On the whole, the data presented
above appear to be consistent with the
ratios used by the Department to
develop the estimates presented in the
RFI, i.e., that about one quarter of FMLA
leaves are taken intermittently.
However, the Department believes that
its estimate that about 1.5 million
workers took intermittent FMLA leave
in 2005 may be too low because the
estimate of 1.5 million workers taking
intermittent FMLA leave was based
upon the estimate of 6.1 million workers
taking FMLA leave and for the reasons
discussed above (e.g., increased
employee awareness), the 6.1 million
estimate may be low. Moreover, the
comments also suggest that more
workers appear to be taking intermittent
FMLA for chronic serious health
F. Number of Workers Taking
Unforeseen or Unscheduled Intermittent
FMLA Leave
The Department presented its
estimate of the number of covered and
eligible workers who took unscheduled
intermittent FMLA leave in 2005 and
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asked for information and data on the
approach it used to make the estimate,
and for other available data that could
be used to refine its estimate.31 The
Department also requested comment on
the prevalence, durations, and causes of
intermittent leave.
As noted in the RFI, the Department
used the responses to Question A8a in
Westat’s employee survey as a rough
‘‘proxy’’ for the percentage of the
employees who took unscheduled
intermittent FMLA by assuming that the
portion of the intermittent FMLA leavetakers who took unscheduled leave were
the 45.4 percent that answered ‘‘As
Needed’’ to Question A8a. Thus the
Department estimated that about
700,000 workers (i.e., 45.4 percent of 1.5
million) took unscheduled intermittent
FMLA leave in 2005.
In response to this request, the
Department received a significant
amount of data on the use of
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave
from a wide variety of sources,
including nationally representative
survey data and detailed information
from specific employers, both large and
small, in a wide variety of industries.
The Department also received a few
comments on the data limitations with
its approach and methodology for
estimating intermittent FMLA leave
Although the Department did not
receive significant comments on its
method for estimating the number of
workers who took unscheduled
intermittent FMLA leave in 2005 (about
12 percent of workers taking FMLA
leave), the Department acknowledges
that the uncertainty regarding this
estimate is larger than that of the
estimate of intermittent FMLA leave
because data on taking leave as needed
was used as a proxy for unscheduled
intermittent leave. Moreover, it is
important to note that many of the
estimated 700,000 workers may take a
number of unscheduled intermittent
leaves depending on their chronic
health condition.32
The Department did receive a
significant amount of data on the
number and percentage of workers who
31 Commenters used the terms ‘‘unscheduled’’
and ‘‘unforeseen’’ interchangeably.
32 For example, Randy Albelda, Heather Boushey,
and Vicky Lovell noted that data from the Westat
employee survey found that for the 27.7 percent
who said they alternated between leave and work
(question A5BB), more than half (53.3 percent) of
that group indicated they did that for less than half
of their leave (question A5C). Doc. 10223A, at 2–
3. This implies that nearly one-half (46.7 percent)
used more than half of their leave intermittently.
Given the comments that were received, certainly
a significant amount of this intermittent leave was
unscheduled. Id.
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
have taken unscheduled intermittent
FMLA leave. Many commenters also
used terms such as ‘‘certified for
intermittent leave’’ or ‘‘leave taken
intermittently for chronic conditions’’ to
describe their data. For example:
• The National Association of
Manufacturers said that ‘‘respondents to
the NAM’s survey’’ reported that 25
percent of those eligible for FMLA leave
had medical certifications on file for a
‘‘chronic’’ illness that permitted
unannounced, unscheduled intermittent
leave. If only those workers used
intermittent leave, manufacturers are
experiencing a use of intermittent leave
at nearly 8 times the national average!’’
Doc. 10229A, at 10.
• Southwest Airlines noted that
‘‘[m]ost of the intermittent leave at
Southwest is also taken on an
unscheduled basis, without advance
notice by employees, particularly during
the last five years.’’ Doc. 10183A, at 1.
• New York City said that ‘‘[t]he use
of FMLA leave, particularly
unscheduled intermittent leave, by
PCTs [police communication
technicians] has increased substantially
in the last five years, from 10.8% of all
medical leave in 2001, to a high of
39.6% of all medical leave in 2003, to
the 2006 level of 27.0% of all medical
leave.’’ Doc. 10103A, at 2.
Other comments show that
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave
usage varies with workgroups of some
employers; these comments suggest that
using averages for FMLA usage may
hide the impact it has on some
employers and some facilities/
workgroups within employers. For
• The National Association of
Manufacturers said that ‘‘[f]or one major
manufacturer, a staggering 60 percent of
all FMLA leave taken in the last nine
months was for a period of one day or
less. Nearly all of this leave was
unscheduled, nearly all of it
unannounced.’’ Doc. 10229A, at 10.
• The University of WisconsinMilwaukee stated ‘‘[i]n one department
alone, of 135 hourly blue-collar
employees, 37 took FMLA during 2006,
or roughly 27.4 percent. Of the 37 who
used FMLA during 2006, 24 were on
intermittent, unscheduled FMLA, or
roughly 65 percent of those who used
FMLA were on intermittent
unscheduled FMLA.’’ Doc. 10098B, at 3.
• The U.S. Chamber of Commerce
provided several examples of
workplaces where the large numbers of
active FMLA certifications permit a
significant portion of the workforce to
take unscheduled FMLA leave. ‘‘Large
companies reported having generally 15
percent of the workforce with active
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medical certifications for FMLA at any
time. Some employers reported
extraordinary levels of active FMLA
cases. * * * One employer reported
certain facilities with 30 percent of the
workforce classified as FMLA active.
Another employer reported a call center
where 50 percent of the workforce was
classified as FMLA active.’’ Doc.
10142A, at 2, n. 2.
After reviewing the comments, it
appears that the Department’s
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave
estimates presented in the RFI—that
about 700,000 workers took
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave—
may be too low for at least a couple of
reasons. First, as noted in the previous
section, the Department’s estimate of the
number of workers who took
intermittent leave in 2005 appears to be
low. Second, the comments also suggest
that a significant percentage of FMLA
covered and eligible workers have
medical certifications on file for chronic
conditions that enable them to take
unscheduled intermittent leave with
little or no notice.33 Thus, it is likely
that a significant portion of the
estimated 6.1 million workers who took
FMLA leave in 2005 (perhaps several
million) took some form of intermittent
leave and that many of the workers who
took intermittent leave took at least
some of it without prior notification.
Finally, it is clear from the record and
the comments received that if another
nationwide survey of both employers
and employees on the use and impact of
FMLA is conducted in the future, it
should do more than simply update the
Westat surveys. The Westat surveys
were not designed to inquire
specifically about many of the issues
currently being raised (e.g., the use of
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave);
the definition of ‘‘intermittent leave’’
used by Westat did not match the
statutory definition; and the Westat
surveys did not collect data on medical
certifications for chronic health
G. The Economic Impact of FMLA Leave
Previous congressional testimony, the
2000 Westat Report, other surveys, and
stakeholder meetings suggest that the
FMLA has significant benefits and costs.
Further, most surveys of workers and
employers show that, while the FMLA
has been generally effective in carrying
out the congressional intent of the Act,
some aspects of the statute and
regulations have created challenges for
both workers and employers. As was
stated in the RFI:
33 See
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[T]he Department has not received
complaints about the use of family leave—
i.e., leave for the birth or adoption of a child.
Nor do employers for the most part report
problems with the use of scheduled
intermittent leave as contemplated by the
statute, such as when an employee requests
leave for medical appointments or medical
treatment like chemotherapy. Rather,
employers report job disruptions and adverse
effects on the workforce when employees
take frequent, unscheduled, intermittent
leave from work with little or no advance
notice to the employer.
The Department received additional
support for this understanding in
response to the RFI from both worker
and employer groups. For example, the
AFL–CIO noted that ‘‘[c]oupled with
smaller, more recent studies, the 2000
Westat Report shows that the FMLA, as
implemented by the regulations, has
worked as Congress intended.’’ Doc.
R329A, at 1. Further, the National
Association of Manufacturers stated that
‘‘the FMLA has achieved its principle
goal: leave to care for oneself or one’s
family during health problems. * * *
Yet there are a number of areas that
continue to plague employers who are
trying to provide the leave made
available by law in a manner that is
reasonable and cost-effective.’’ Doc.
10229, at 3.
Given this assessment, the
Department presented Westat’s
estimates of the impact that the FMLA
had on productivity and profitability
(see 71 FR 69513, Table 4), and asked
a variety of questions intended to
update and supplement data in the 2000
Westat Report on the economic impact
of the FMLA. Specifically, the
Department asked for:
• Data that would allow the
Department to better estimate the costs
and benefits of the FMLA.
• How does the availability of FMLA
leave affect employee morale and
• Is there any evidence that FMLA
leave increases employee retention,
thereby, reducing employee turnover
and the associated costs?
• Alternative information related to
the different economic impacts that
intermittent leave has on large
employers compared to smaller
• Alternative information regarding
any economic impact that recurring
unforeseen, unscheduled, intermittent
FMLA leave may have on covered
employers, and on productivity and
• Information on the concentration of
workers taking unscheduled,
intermittent FMLA leave in specific
industries and employers.
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• Information on the factors
contributing to large portions of the
work force in some facilities taking
unscheduled, intermittent FMLA leave.
• Does scheduled FMLA leave
present different problems or benefits
from unscheduled FMLA leave? Does
intermittent leave present different
problems or benefits from leave taken
for one continuous block of time? Does
the length of leave taken present
different problems or benefits?
• How do employers cover the work
of employees taking FMLA leave? Does
the length of leave impact this coverage?
Does the fact that the leave is scheduled
or unscheduled impact this coverage?
Does the amount of notice given by the
leave-taking employee impact this
coverage? Does the fact that the leave is
intermittent impact this coverage?
• Is there any evidence of employers
closing or relocating facilities as a result
of employee leave patterns (either
scheduled or unscheduled)?
The Department received many
comments on some of these questions
(e.g., the impact of the FMLA on
employees’ morale, productivity and
profits) and very few, if any, comments
on others (e.g., the closing of plants due
to the FMLA). Since the responses to
many of the questions overlap, the
Department decided to organize the
findings presented below by topic rather
than according to each question asked.
1. Comments on the Department’s
Approach on the Economic Impacts of
the FMLA
It was not the Department’s intention
in the RFI to focus on just the impact
that the FMLA regulations have on
productivity and profitability. Rather,
the intention was to supplement
existing data and information on the
wide variety of economic impacts that
the FMLA is likely to have on both
workers and employers, including
productivity and profitability. Despite
this, the Department received some
criticism that it did not discuss nor
solicit sufficient information to assess
the overall financial impact of the
FMLA on the economy. For example,
some Members of Congress noted that
there may be ‘‘unintended consequences
that not only have an adverse effect on
employers, they are equally harmful to
employees[.]’’ Letter from 2 Republican
Members of Congress, Doc. FL112, at 1.
A more specific critique was submitted
by Criterion Economics, which stated:
[N]either the Westat survey nor the RFI itself
provide an appropriate economic framework
for assessing the costs of the FMLA. Both the
Survey and the RFI focus on the effects of
FMLA on the ‘‘profitability’’ and
‘‘productivity’’ of firms. * * * [T]he costs of
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FMLA are likely borne to a significant extent
by workers, in the form of reduced wages,
higher unemployment, or both; and by
consumers, in the form of higher prices.
National Coalition to Protect Family
Leave, Doc. 10172A, Attachment at 2.
Darby Associates took another
approach and used a standard economic
welfare framework to assess the size,
nature, and distribution of the Act’s
benefits and costs and among
individuals, and concluded their
analysis with a deadweight economic
loss estimate. They also noted that many
FMLA benefits and costs are difficult to
measure. See National Coalition to
Protect Family Leave, Doc. 10172A,
Finally, the Office of Advocacy at the
Small Business Administration (SBA)
also noted that in 1995 the Department
published a final rule that ‘‘improperly
compared the number of covered small
entities to the total number of small
businesses, rather than calculating the
number of small businesses that are
covered by a rule that will suffer a
significant economic impact.’’ 34 Doc.
10332A, at 4. The SBA Office of
Advocacy recommended a Section 610
review that includes an evaluation of
the ‘‘degree to which the technology,
economic conditions, or other factors
have changed * * * the area affected by
the rule.’’ Doc. 10332A, at 3.
2. Overall Impacts of the FMLA
Although the intent of the RFI was not
to provide a basis for estimating the
entire impact of the FMLA on the
economy, the Department did receive
some comments about the overall
impacts of the FMLA. These comments
were generally divided into the costs
and benefits resulting from the current
implementation of the statute. The
Department did not receive a single
submission that attempted a
comprehensive and detailed cost-benefit
3. Overall Benefits of the FMLA
The Department received many
comments discussing the benefits to
workers and employers of the FMLA in
general as well as specific benefits that
result from decreased costs to employers
and the economy. These benefits
34 It should also be noted that the Regulatory
Impact Analysis that accompanied the Department’s
1995 final FMLA rule was based on 1987 and 1993
General Accountability Office (GAO) reports that
did not include the net cost associated with
replacing workers or maintaining output while
workers are on unpaid leave. Nor did it include the
costs associated with intermittent or unforeseen
intermittent leave for the GAO reports focused on
‘‘extended’’ leave for birth or adoption of a child,
a seriously ill child, a seriously ill parent, a
seriously ill spouse, and temporary medical leave.
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include: The retention of valuable
human capital, having more productive
employees at work, lower long-run
health care costs, lower turnover costs,
lower presenteeism costs,35 and lower
public assistance costs.
Often these benefits are immeasurable
and priceless. See also Chapter I. One
worker perhaps said it best: ‘‘Last year,
my husband was diagnosed with
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. * * * It was
during this time that my husband
needed me most. Had I not had the
opportunity afforded to me by the
FMLA, I don’t know what we would
have done. I needed to be there to help
him eat, take care of him when he was
sick, consult with doctors and nurses,
but most of all for mental and emotional
support. He still says how important it
was that I was with him at all times
during this terrible experience. * * *
FMLA allowed me to help my husband
and not have to worry about job
security.’’ An Employee Comment, Doc.
4755, at 1. Clearly, ‘‘there is no denying
the importance of fundamental benefits
conferred by the Act on individuals.’’
National Coalition to Protect Family
Leave, Doc. 10172A, Darby Associates,
Attachment at 2.
Although none of the commenters
developed an overall estimate of the
benefits of the FMLA, the comments
generally characterized the major
benefits to employers as reducing the
cost of presenteeism and employee
turnover. Additionally, there was a
significant amount of anecdotal
evidence presented on the benefits to
the employees taking FMLA leave and
their families.
For example, one commenter noted
that ‘‘[t]he Department should
remember that there would be many
hidden costs associated [with]
weakening this law. Sick employees
will report to work thereby infecting coworkers and further damaging
productivity. People will not be able to
provide adequate care for sick children
and elderly parents. Nobody knows
what such neglect might cost our
economy.’’ An Employee Comment,
Doc. 5438, at 1.
4. Reduced Presenteeism Costs
According to the Center for Worklife
Law, ‘‘The cost of lost productivity due
to presenteeism is significantly greater
than the cost of lost productivity due to
absenteeism. The total annual cost of
lost productivity is $250 billion.
Presenteeism accounts for $180 billion
or 72% of that total. The availability of
35 Presenteeism is where employees report to
work when they are ill and perform below the
employer’s expectations because they are not well.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
intermittent FMLA leave incentivizes
employees to stay home when they are
seriously ill and reduces lost
productivity expenses incurred by
employers.’’ 36 Doc. 10121A, at 5. ‘‘Sick
men and women do not add in a
positive way to their working
environment. What does happen is the
population of the surrounding offices
are exposed to increased risk of illnesses
causing flu, colds and other seasonal
illnesses to move more quickly and with
a greater toll on our population in
general.’’ An Employee Comment, Doc.
4710, at 1.
The estimates submitted for the
record, such as the one cited above,
already include a reduction in
presenteeism due to the use of the
FMLA as the studies were conducted
well after the FMLA was enacted in
1993. Although many commenters cited
the overall costs of presenteeism and
asserted that FMLA has some positive
impact on limiting those costs, no one
attempted to quantify the marginal
effect or economic impact that
enactment of the FMLA had on the
issue. However, the lack of a
quantitative estimate does not mean that
the FMLA does not have an impact on
presenteeism. Clearly, the FMLA has
allowed workers to take leave and not
work when they are suffering from a
serious health condition that is
contagious. On the other hand, it is also
evident that workers with contagious
illnesses still come to work for a variety
of reasons.
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5. Increased Employee Retention and
Lower Turnover Costs
The Department received many
comments emphasizing the positive
impact the FMLA has on employee
morale and how it increases worker
retention and lowers turnover costs. By
reducing employee turnover, some
commenters argued that the FMLA
reduces employer costs.
For example, the Human Rights
Campaign noted that ‘‘[t]he 2000 Westat
Study found that 89% of employers
reported that the FMLA has had either
a positive or neutral effect on employee
morale. The survey also reported that, of
those who have taken on added duties
when a co-worker has taken FMLA
leave, over four in five (85%) say the
impact on them was neutral or
positive.’’ Doc. 10179A, at 2. The Center
36 The Center for WorkLife Law’s reference for
these estimates was Jodi Levin-Epstein,
Presenteeism and Paid Sick Days, Center for Law
and Social Policy (February 28, 2005), citing W.
Stewart, D. Matousek, & C. Verdon, The American
Productivity Audit and the Campaign for Work and
Health, The Center for Work and Health, Advance
PCS (2003).
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for Law and Social Policy cited ‘‘[t]he
1995 Commission on Leave report [that]
found that 10.9 percent of leave-takers
who are not covered by FMLA fail to
return to the same employer after taking
leave, compared to only 1.9 percent of
workers who are covered.’’ Doc.
10053A, at 2. Finally, Local 2026 of the
American Federation of Teachers
concluded, ‘‘[t]he law promotes
workforce stability by helping
employees retain their jobs when an
emergency strikes. We believe the
FMLA is essential to greater employee
retention and to reducing employee
turnover, and it is crucial to preserve
FMLA’s protections in their entirety.’’
Doc. 10242A, at 8.
A survey of AARP members suggests
that the FMLA also increases the supply
of labor. When FMLA leave-takers in its
survey ‘‘were asked to speculate about
the steps that they would have taken if
they had not received FMLA leave,
approximately one in ten (11%)
indicated that they would have had to
quit their job or would have lost their
job[.]’’ Doc. 10228B, at 4.
Notably, the Center for WorkLife Law
tried to quantify some parameters of the
impact the FMLA has on worker
retention. ‘‘Employers also profit from
the availability of intermittent leave.
* * * [T]he total estimated annual
replacement cost to employers
associated with caregiver attrition is
$6,585,310,888. Without FMLA leave,
attrition among employed caregivers
would increase even more sharply.’’ 37
Doc. 10121A, at 5.
However, other commenters noted
that while some uses of FMLA leave
(e.g., for a medical emergency, the birth
of a child, to receive medial treatment
or therapy) are good for employee
morale, the repeated use of unscheduled
FMLA leave by some employees can
actually have the opposite effect. See
Chapter IV, for a more complete
6. Other Benefits
A number of workers also submitted
comments that either explicitly or
implicitly identified other important
benefits of the FMLA, such as having
more productive employees at work,
lower long-run health care costs,
retaining valuable human capital, and
lower public assistance costs. For
• ‘‘Because of the Act our team is still
complete and productive * * * the
Family and Medical Leave Act not only
37 The Center for WorkLife Law reference for this
estimate was ‘‘The MetLife Caregiving Cost Study:
Productivity Losses to U.S. Business,’’ MetLife
Mature Market Institute and National Alliance for
Caregiving, at 12 (July 2006).
PO 00000
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keeps productive teams together in the
long run, but it fosters loyalty to the
corporation not only for those who take
part in family leave, but for those who
respect the support of their colleagues.
It is a small investment by the
corporation for a long term benefit.’’ An
Employee Comment, Doc. 4858, at 1–2.
• ‘‘Having a parent available to care
for a sick child has proven benefits in
shortened recovery times and better
health and school outcomes.’’ 9 to 5,
National Association of Working
Women, Doc. 10210A, at 1.
• ‘‘Because of being able to take time
off for treatment and retain my job, my
company was able to retain valuable
expertise.’’ An Employee Comment,
Doc. 234, at 1.
• ‘‘If it were not for FMLA, my family
and I would be living in a box under a
bridge somewhere * * * if it were not
for my employer being understanding
and supporting FMLA, [I would] be
another statistic of the unemployed in
the United States.’’ An Employee
Comment, Doc. 5006, at 1.
Clearly the FMLA has resulted in
significant benefits for employers, their
employees and the public. Employers
benefit from reduced turnover and
decreased presenteeism. Workers
benefit from being able to take leave to
care for themselves and family members
with serious health conditions without
fear of losing their jobs. Society benefits
from the increased supply of trained
workers and the reduced need for public
assistance. The fact that these benefits
have not been quantified or expressed in
monetary terms by any of the
commenters should not be taken as an
indication that these benefits are not
7. Overall FMLA Compliance Costs
Some commenters cited a 1995
Department of Labor cost estimate 38 and
a 2004 study by the Employment Policy
Foundation that estimated the cost of
the FMLA. For example, the SBA Office
of Advocacy stated: ‘‘In 1995, DOL
estimated that the cost to all business
from the FMLA [was] $675 million
annually, but only computed the costs
of maintaining group health insurance
during periods of permitted absences. In
contrast, a study by the Employment
Policy Foundation (EPF) estimates that
the direct costs [of] FMLA leave to
employers was $21 billion in 2004 in
terms of lost productivity from
absenteeism, continued health benefits,
and net labor replacement costs.’’ 39
Doc. 10332A, at 3–4. The EPF estimates
were based upon the direct compliance
38 60
FR 2180.
also footnote 34.
39 See
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pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
costs of the firms responding to a
membership survey.
The Department received one
economic study from Darby Associates
that assessed the impact of the FMLA on
the economy ‘‘based on a review of data
and analysis available after a decade of
experience under the Act.’’ National
Coalition to Protect Family Leave, Doc.
10172A, Attachment at 1. ‘‘The paper
concludes that much of the cost of
implementation of the Act is effectively
a ‘‘dead weight’’ economic loss that
reflects economic waste and confers
very limited benefit on all but a few
stakeholders. These deadweight losses
are estimated to be in excess of $30
billion annually[.]’’ Id. Darby Associates
developed their estimate by adding $11
billion in indirect costs from a 2001
National Association of Manufacturers
survey to the $21 billion direct costs
estimate by EPF.
Darby Associates also identified a
number of FMLA-related costs that they
did not attempt to separately estimate:
these include the loss of productivity,
increased administrative and personnel
costs, overtime pay, decreases in quality
and safety, and costs imposed on
customers and other employees.
National Coalition to Protect Family
Leave, Doc. 10172A, Attachment at 15.
Darby Associates went on to note that
‘‘[m]any of the costs of leave, especially
intermittent leave, are experienced in
ways that defy measurement ‘‘ lost
opportunities by employers as well as
impacts on other employees in the
workplace, including stress,
inconvenience, loss of morale and
workplace effectiveness.’’ Id., Doc.
10172A, Attachment at 13–14.
A primary finding of Criterion
Economics’ analysis is that ‘‘the costs of
FMLA are likely borne to a significant
extent by workers, in the form of
reduced wages, higher unemployment,
or both; and by consumers, in the form
of higher prices.’’ National Coalition to
Protect Family Leave, Doc. 10172A,
Attachment at 2. See also id., Doc.
10172A, Darby Associates, Attachment.
8. Summary of the Overall Benefits and
Costs of the FMLA
The available evidence appears to
support the conclusion that both the
costs and benefits of the FMLA are large
and difficult to quantify.
The overall weight of the comments is
that the FMLA has had immeasurable
benefits for millions of workers and has
imposed significant costs on the
economy. The records shows it has
likely increased the supply of labor and
reduced employer costs by enabling
employees to remain in the work force
in the face of serious health conditions,
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but its costs are borne by individuals as
consumers, workers, and economic
As explained in earlier chapters,
numerous comments that the
Department received in response to the
RFI confirm that the greatest challenge
for employers associated with the
FMLA, and its most significant
economic impacts, stem primarily from
the unscheduled intermittent leave
portion of the FMLA.40
Finally, the Department believes that
it would be difficult, with any precision,
to differentiate the impact that the
FMLA has had on the supply of labor,
wages and prices from other changes
that have occurred over the last 14
years. Similarly, it is not possible, with
any precision, to estimate what the labor
turnover rates or the cost of
presenteeism would be without the
H. Comments on the 2000 Westat
Report’s Findings on the Impact
Intermittent FMLA Leave Has on
Productivity and Profitability
The Department received many
comments quoting sections of the 2000
Westat Report that suggest intermittent
FMLA leave generally is not a problem
for employers. For example, Local 2026
of the American Federation of Teachers
stated, ‘‘[t]he 2000 Westat Study found
that 81% of covered establishments
reported that intermittent leave had no
impact on business productivity, and
94% reported that intermittent leave
had no impact on business
profitability.’’ Doc. 10242A, at 6.
Similarly, the Women’s City Club of
New York stated, ‘‘[r]esearch shows that
the FMLA has been beneficial to
business. A United States Department of
Labor employer [survey], released in
2000, found that 9 in 10 covered
employers report that the FMLA has a
positive or neutral effect on productivity
and growth.’’ Doc. 10003A, at 2.
Similarly, a 2007 Society for Human
Resource Management survey found
that 71 percent of respondents reported
no noticeable effect on productivity. See
Doc. 10154A, Attachment at 4.
However, in the Department’s view, the
fact that many employers responding to
a survey did not experience problems
does not mean that the FMLA does not
have a significant impact on the
productivity and profits of a number of
other employers in certain industries
and sectors of the economy. As was
noted by Criterion Economics, ‘‘[c]ritical
aggregate statistics in the Westat Survey
are constructed by averaging across all
industries. Reliance on simple averages
40 See
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disguises the fact that certain sectors
incur disproportionately high costs as a
result of FMLA compliance, and hence
leads to estimates that are biased
downward.’’ National Coalition to
Protect Family Leave, Doc. 10172A,
Attachment at 19.
In other words, just as certain
employers reported higher FMLA leave
use in response to the RFI than the
average estimated by the Department,
some employers are likely to incur
higher costs than the ‘‘average’’ firm
responding to Westat’s employer survey.
If these high costs are clustered in
specific industries or types of work,
then the FMLA could impose significant
costs for those clusters of employers
while the average number of employers
may have reported relatively lower
Other comments cited the 2004 study
by the Employment Policy Foundation
(EPF) 42 referenced in the RFI as
evidence that there are significant costs
incurred by some firms in some
industries. For example, The Equal
Employment Advisory Council stated:
While the 2000 Westat Report * * *
suggests little, if any, burden associated with
administering FMLA leave, we believe the
Report does not accurately reflect the level of
difficulty some employers have experienced
in attempting to comply with the current
FMLA regulations. Many EEAC members
participated in a separate survey of 431 large
corporations conducted by the Employment
Policy Foundation in 2002. Of the 94
companies that responded, the vast majority
reported that intermittent leave has been a
problem to administer (87.2%). * * * Most
of the respondents who were able to quantify
the cost of complying with the regulatory
FMLA recordkeeping and notification
requirements reported a moderate to
significant cost burden, with annual
estimated costs per employer ranging from
$213,188 to $1.3 million, excluding employer
costs for complying with other existing
federal recordkeeping and reporting
Doc. 10107A, at 2–3.
Moreover, as was noted in the RFI,
Westat found that establishments with
more than 250 employees experienced
greater negative impacts on productivity
41 Similarly, epidemiologists might find a
problem due to the cluster of an illness in a specific
locality or demographic group, even if the average
incidence in the general population is low.
Therefore, it is not sufficient to only examine the
average impact on employers. It is also necessary
to examine the impact on employers experiencing
problems to determine if there is some pattern
42 Janemarie Mulvey, The Cost and
Characteristics of Family and Medical Leave,
Employment Policy Foundation Issue Backgrounder
(Apr. 19, 2005). But see Institute for Women’s
Policy Research, Assessing the Family and Medical
Leave Act: An Analysis of an Employment Policy
Foundation Paper on Costs (June 29, 2005).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
and profits than smaller establishments
covered by the Act. Criterion Economics
presented an analysis stating that ‘‘[i]n
reporting its results, the Westat survey
weights the results by the number of
establishments, a weighting scheme that
biases the overall results in favor of
responses provided by small
establishments, as there are far more
small firms than large firms in the
United States. *** weighting the Westat
survey results by employment has a
large effect on the reported impact.’’
National Coalition to Protect Family
Leave, Doc. 10172A, Attachment at 14–
I. Impact of Unscheduled Intermittent
FMLA Leave
working while undergoing medical
treatments that require only partial absence
from work. This not only gives the employee
the opportunity to continue earning wages,
but also to continue as an active participant
in the workforce * * * For those who need
only partial leave for care of a family
member, such flexible leave arrangements
give the worker the opportunity to maintain
much needed earning capacity during
periods of increased medical and caretaking
Doc. 10197A, at 6.
Keeping workers with chronic
conditions employed not only benefits
the workers themselves but also benefits
society in the form of reduced public
assistance payments. For example, one
worker stated:
Without [the FMLA], I would have surely
missed mortgage payments, car payments
and my paycheck would definitely not have
been enough to provide groceries for the
family. The end result would be a damaged
credit history in which my family and I
would suffer paying higher costs of insurance
and other means of credit, suffering for years
and years, causing unresolved debt hanging
over our heads. Not to say the least, without
this protection, I probably would have lost
my job and all its benefits due to the missed
time at work.
Unscheduled leave presents different
problems than scheduled FMLA leave
because of the lack of advance notification
and unpredictability of the employee’s time
away from work. Furthermore, it creates
significant problems if the employer cannot
obtain adequate staffing. Additionally, the
need for overtime or temporary personnel
increases operating costs. With unscheduled
leave, employers cannot give advance notice
of the need for overtime to those employees
who must fill in for the employees on FMLA
leave, negatively affecting employee morale.
Scheduled FMLA leave, on the other hand,
gives the employer a better opportunity to
plan, though it still raises operating costs. It
allows an employer time to obtain coverage
during an employee’s absence from the
employer’s own staff pool and to administer
the FMLA leave in a timely manner. Also, the
other employees who fill in for colleagues on
FMLA can better plan their overtime.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
As discussed in Chapter IV, the
Department received a variety of
comments regarding the impact of
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave.
At the same time, notice issues
notwithstanding, comments from
employees demonstrate that it is the
unpredictable nature of certain serious
health conditions that makes the use of
intermittent leave invaluable.
Representative of many employer
comments, the National Business Group
on Health described the impact of
unscheduled FMLA leave this way:
My experience with the Act has been
extensive as I used both intermittent and
continuous leaves to care for my elderly
mother * * * . Without this important
benefit * * * [o]ur only alternative was to
deplete Mother’s assets and apply for
Medicaid which would put the financial
responsibility of her care on the Federal
Government. With this Act we feel we were
able to accomplish our goals and avoid
shifting the burden of care to the government.
Doc. 10268A, at 2. See also South
Central Human Resource Management
Association, Doc. 10136A, at 7.
However, the Women’s Employment
Rights Clinic at Golden Gate University
School of Law provided this view of the
benefits to workers of intermittent
FMLA leave:
Intermittent and reduced schedule leaves
are central to employees’ ability to balance
work and family. * * * the opportunity to
take leave in limited increments is extremely
important to workers. In the case of one’s
own medical needs, intermittent and reduced
schedule leave allow employees to continue
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An Employee Comment, Doc. 2666, at 1.
Another worker stated:
An Employee Comment, Doc. 4720, at 1.
On the other hand, as explained in
Chapter IV, many comments indicate
that unscheduled intermittent FMLA
leave is difficult for employers because
employee absences can be unpredictable
and occur with little or no notice.
However, it is precisely the
unpredictable nature of many serious
health conditions that makes the ability
to take unscheduled intermittent FMLA
leave so important for employees.43
J. Impact of Unscheduled Intermittent
FMLA Leave on Productivity and
Although employer comments suggest
that unscheduled intermittent leave is a
problem, others pointed to data from the
national surveys that suggest
intermittent FMLA leave is not a
43 See Joan C. Williams, One Sick Child Away
From Being Fired: When ‘‘Opting Out’’ Is Not an
Option, University of California, Hastings College of
the Law, 2006, at 31.
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significant problem. Two types of data
were submitted as evidence that
employers are overstating the impact of
intermittent FMLA leave: data on
productivity and profits, and data on the
use of intermittent FMLA leave.
For example, the AFL–CIO stated:
[A]lthough intermittent leave has now
become a focal point of employer complaints
about the FMLA, in our survey just 12
percent of all respondents reported having
taken intermittent leave. This finding
supports that available evidence, which
shows that ‘‘intermittent leave is used
infrequently and has imposed minimal
burdens on employers.’’ Anne Wells, Note,
Paid Family Leave: Striking a Balance
Between the Need of Employees and
Employers, 77 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1067, 1081 &
nn.94–98 (2004). In fact, Westat found that
‘‘[a]bout a fourth of leave-takers (27.8%) had
at least one intermittent leave during the
[2000] survey reference period.’’ 2000 Westat
Report at 2–18.
Doc. R329A, at 7–8.
As was noted previously, the use of
averages tends to minimize the impact
on some employers. The fact that
relatively small averages of workers in
the Westat employer survey and the
AFL-CIO survey used intermittent
FMLA leave may obscure the fact that
some employers in some industries or
workgroups are experiencing disruptive
rates of unscheduled intermittent leave
Moreover, some commenters
indicated that the use of unscheduled
intermittent FMLA leave by a few
workers can significantly disrupt the
operations of their employers depending
on their positions, duties, and the type
of work being performed. As one HR
manager stated, the regulatory
‘‘definition of ‘key employee’ * * * has
to do with income level. The reality is
our transit drivers are key employees
because without them, the bus does not
run. So I think I would change the
definition of what is ‘key’. A policeman
is key. A fireman is key. A transit driver
is key.’’ Doc. 2627A, at 3. ‘‘[M]any
positions only have one person or one
person per shift in a job class. When this
person is absent for any reason, specific
duties do not get carried out for the
company.’’ Infinity Molding &
Assembly, Doc. 5192A, at 1.
Some commenters asserted that the
problems being cited by the employers
result more from management practices
than the FMLA. For example:
• Cummins Inc. noted, ‘‘[i]t has been
our experience that facilities that
maintain stringent attendance
management policies often experience
the highest number of FMLA
intermittent leave requests.’’ Doc.
10340A, at 2.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
• Madison Gas and Electric Company
stated ‘‘[t]he belief that unscheduled,
intermittent FMLA is increased due to
poor management and labor-relations
issues is valid. Employees may
concentrate on chronic health issues
more heavily if their work situation is
not fulfilling or becomes difficult. It is
very interesting when reviewing FMLA
leave data to see an employee with a
certain condition taking large amounts
of intermittent, unscheduled FMLA
leave and another with the same
condition taking very little time.’’ Doc.
10288A, at 5.
As mentioned in Chapter IV, other
comments indicate that certain
provisions in collective bargaining
agreements (CBAs), in conjunction with
the FMLA, may provide an opportunity
for employees to work particular times
or shifts, and avoid others. These
include: (1) provisions that provide that
bargaining unit workers can receive
premium pay (e.g., for working a
holiday or a particular shift) without
having to complete a 40 hour work
week; and, (2) provisions that workers
have to be paid a full day of pay
regardless of the actual amount of time
they are at work. For example:
• ‘‘Common practice is to take FMLA
through the week but work on the
weekends at 1.5 to 2.0 [times] the
salary.’’ A Human Resource Manager
Comment, Doc. 4917, at 1.
• ‘‘We even had one individual
during our busy period of time (where
overtime was abundant) come in four
hours before the start of their shift (2
hours at double time and 2 hours at time
and one half) and then at the start of
their regular shift go home [on] FMLA.
In that way she would earn seven (7)
hours of pay and leave while not
working the shift (2nd shift) that she
hated.’’ An Employee Comment, Doc.
6A, at 4.
• ‘‘Take, for example, a Yardmaster
who frequently calls in at the start of his
or her shift stating [that] he or she will
be using * * * intermittent FMLA
leave. * * * Under the Yardmaster
collective bargaining agreement,
Yardmasters cannot work part of a shift
and if a replacement is called, the
replacement must be paid for the entire
shift regardless of how long he or she is
needed. Thus, the absent employee may
say he or she only needs two hours of
FMLA leave and is charged accordingly
but ends up with eight hours off from
work because the replacement works the
entire shift. * * * Another similar
scenario is presented when an
employee’s health care provider
indicates he or she cannot work more
than four hours per day, for example,
due to exhaustion * * * Again, a
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replacement must be called and paid for
the entire shift under the labor
contract.’’ Union Pacific Railroad, Doc.
10148A, at 8.
• ‘‘Due to the ‘no penalty’ clause in
FMLA, absent employees acquire ‘super
seniority’ in many cases. For example:
Our labor agreement allows us to deny
holiday pay under certain conditions.
Although the entire workforce is
covered under the labor agreement,
FMLA privileges afford special
treatment to employees absent for
FMLA reasons.’’ Interbake Foods, Doc.
10012A, at 2.
• ‘‘In the railroad industry, workers
from the railroad’s pool or extra board
are called in roughly two or three hours
before they are needed (as prescribed in
the pertinent labor agreement).
Unfortunately, a railroad worker so
inclined can use the existing regulatory
scheme to repeatedly use very small
increments of FMLA leave to avoid
unwanted assignments—disrupting
railroad operations and unfairly
impacting his or her co-workers. For
example, a worker could call in to the
railroad at 1 a.m. and take FMLA leave
(e.g., for a chronic migraine), thereby
preventing the railroad from assigning
him or her to a 3 a.m. train run (or
whatever assignment that worker may
find unpleasant). That same worker can
then call back a short period later (as
soon as the worker feels that he or she
has safely avoided that assignment),
knowing that he or she would be
assigned a later train run—thus
obtaining a more favored assignment[.]’’
Association of American Railroads, Doc.
10193A, at 6.
K. Specific Industries Report
Difficulties With Unscheduled FMLA
Some industries, and operations
within industries, may have more
problems with employees’ use of
unscheduled FMLA leave than others.
‘‘[E]conomic theory and empirical
research indicate that the costs of
absenteeism vary depend[ing] on the
characteristics of firm production
functions.’’ National Coalition to Protect
Family Leave, Doc. 10172A, Criterion
Economics, Attachment at 18. ‘‘A
regulation that reduces labor
productivity, for example, will have a
larger impact on economic welfare in
industries where production requires
‘fixed proportions’ of capital and labor
(e.g., air transport, which requires at
least one pilot and one co-pilot per
airplane) than in industries where
capital can easily be substituted for
labor.’’ Id., at 6. Further, ‘‘[i]n some
industries, employee absenteeism will
have a relatively small effect on firms’
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overall ability to operate, and therefore
entail a relatively modest financial
impact. In other sectors, absenteeism
hinders production substantially by, for
example, diminishing the productivity
of other workers and equipment.’’ Id., at
The RFI record suggests that
intermittent FMLA leave can have
significant impacts on time-sensitive
business models. For example, the
United States Postal Service reported
‘‘[i]n a time-sensitive environment
* * * unscheduled leave presents
significant operational challenges.’’ Doc.
10184A, at 9. The United Parcel Service
stated ‘‘employers typically can arrange
coverage for an employee who might
require intermittent leave to take his
mother to regularly scheduled * * *
treatments. However, it is a huge burden
for management to cover for an
employee who is certified for
intermittent leave for chronic * * *
[conditions] and who calls in with no
advance notice * * * especially in
time-sensitive / service-related
industries.’’ Doc. 10276A, at 5.
In many situations, the absence of just
a few employees can have a significant
impact. For example, ‘‘[w]ith respect to
unscheduled intermittent leaves, some
employers find they have to over staff
on a continuing basis just to make sure
they have sufficient coverage on any
particular day (such as hourly positions
in manufacturing, public transportation,
customer service, health care, call
centers, and other establishments that
operate on a 24/7 basis). Some
employers are required to work
employees overtime to cover the absent
employee’s work. Both of these options
result in additional costs[.]’’ Spencer
Fane Britt & Browne LLP, Doc. 10133C,
at 19.
The Department also received many
comments discussing the benefits that
FMLA leave has for workers in these
industries, and some of the issues
employees face trying to take FMLA
leave in these industries. See Chapter
XI.H.3; see also Chapter I. As noted
earlier, often these benefits are
immeasurable and priceless. Although
they will not be repeated here, they
should be taken into account.
Comments received in response to the
RFI suggest at least four types of
business operations appear to have
particular difficulty with unscheduled
intermittent FMLA leave: (1) Assembly
line manufacturing; (2) operations with
peak demand; (3) transportation
operations; (4) and operations involving
public health and safety.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
1. Assembly Line Manufacturing
One commenter explained, if a single
worker is missing or has to leave, the
line may have to be shut down until a
replacement arrives.
My company is a manufacturing facility
* * * Unfortunately, the production process
is often slowed down or brought to a halt
when an employee is out on FMLA. Not all
of our product lines have employees crosstrained to work there. Intermittent FMLA
affects the employee’s productivity if they are
not able to work a full day to produce the
product needed to meet the customer
demands. Employees often do ‘‘double duty’’
to cover a team member who is out on FMLA,
which in turn causes stress and feelings of
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Cooper Bussmann, Doc. 247, at 1.
The National Association of
Manufacturers summarized the problem
for U.S. manufacturers in this way. ‘In
the ‘24/7’ environment of modern
manufacturing, a night shift only makes
sense when the day shift is fully staffed
to take up and continue their efforts.
Manufacturing and shipping schedules
can be met only when staffing
requirements can be predictably and
reliably filled. But making sense of
personnel requirements and scheduling
needs has been made significantly more
difficult by the current interpretations of
the FMLA by the DOL[.]’’ Doc. 10229A,
at 3.
Some comments said that problems
such as those reported above are merely
scheduling issues and are not really
problems with the FMLA, and that
employers should expect some workers
to be absent each day and should hire,
staff, and schedule accordingly. For
example, the Center for WorkLife Law
stated that ‘‘[e]mployers should not rely
on co-workers to cover for absent
employees as a matter of course. Rather,
co-workers should be used to pick up
the slack when no other option is
available. Most employees will need to
take FMLA leave at some point during
their career, and good management
practices dictate that employers
recognize this eventuality and plan for
it.’’ Doc. 10121A, at 7.
Employer commenters had a different
Given the need for U.S. manufacturers to
control costs and compete in a global market,
we do not have the luxury of having a ‘pool’
of surplus employees to cover for unplanned
absences. Six to seven years ago we were able
to have a few employees in a floater pool for
flexibility, but [with] the utilization of lean
manufacturing techniques [that enables] us to
compete with foreign competition, we no
longer have those ‘extra’ employees. I know
most, if not all, of the manufacturing people
that I interact with in our State no longer
have this luxury.
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Ed Carpenter, Human Resources
Manager, Tecumseh Power Company,
Doc. R123, at 1.
Companies with production lines have no
useful work for an employee who reports to
work a few hours late. For example, a
manufacturing facility begins its production
line at the start of the shift. Within the first
hour or two of the shift, the company needs
to fill all job positions so that the production
line can begin operations. An employee with
a chronic condition * * * has an episode
that causes him to take 2–4 hours of
unscheduled FMLA leave * * * By the time
the employee reports to work * * * all jobs
on the production line have already been
filled and there is no work for the employee.
If the employee is permitted to ‘bump’ the
person assigned to do his tasks, then the
employer is still left with another employee
with nothing to do.
Clark Hill Inc, Doc. 10151A, at 2.
Honda’s comments indicate that
employers could incur substantial costs
even when there are floaters available to
keep the line moving.
[B]ecause all work stations must be
covered in assembly-line manufacturing,
employers must have extra workers to cover
possible unscheduled, intermittent leave
* * * Such absences increase the costs of
manufacturing by increasing the number of
extra employees who have no regular work
but are ‘‘floaters’’ to cover for unscheduled
absences * * * Furthermore, because those
‘‘floaters’’ or ‘‘fill-in’’ workers are not as
experienced or knowledgeable, they may not
be able to keep up with the normal pace
* * * Because they move from department to
department depending upon the need, they
cannot be expected to have proficiency of an
associate regularly assigned to that process.
Therefore, production units may be lost, and,
to make up for the lost units, the whole
department or shift may have to work
overtime. The employees in attendance are
inconvenienced, and the employer has
incurred increased costs for the same number
of units.
Doc. 10255A, at 4–5.
2. Operations With Peak Demand
Commenters noted that in contrast to
assembly line manufacturing, some
operations primarily experience
problems with unscheduled intermittent
FMLA leave during their periods of
peak demand. At other times, such leave
can be more easily accommodated. Two
examples are electric utilities during
power outages, and call centers.
Although power interruptions are, in many
cases, unavoidable, Exelon’s customers
expect the restoration of power as quickly
and safely as possible. Indeed, in some cases,
a customer’s safety and wellbeing are
dependent upon the prompt restoration of
service. * * * The nature of Exelon’s
business requires employees to work
overtime, particularly employees who are
responsible for restoring electrical service to
customers or who are responsible for
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responding to customer inquiries regarding
electrical service. When employees with
these duties are unable to work overtime
[because of FMLA medical certifications],
their co-workers have to pick up the burden
* * * Simply put, when a customer is
without power in the middle of the night,
Exelon does not have the option of deciding
to restore the customer’s power the next
morning, when the employee needing FMLA
leave from overtime is able to come to work.
Exelon, Doc. 10146A, at 1 and 3.
Our company has several divisions, with
the one being impacted the most by FMLA
our call center. The call center is staffed by
call volume and based on the expected
minutes of an employee’s time on the phone
during a shift. Intermittent FMLA in this
division causes problems with phone
coverage. This frequently means that we
* * * have to offer overtime to employees
who will cover someone’s shift (whenever
enough notice is given), resulting in
increased wage expenses. Another scenario is
that our service level agreements with our
customers suffer the consequences of our
center being understaffed. This has a more
long-term effect that may result in our
customers not renewing contracts with our
call center.
Leslile Masaitis, Doc. 224, at 1.
Moreover, it is impossible to calculate or
repair the loss of goodwill that results from
frustrated customers who are kept waiting for
[call center] service and from disappointed
customers whose needs remain unmet
because of the absences. In one office, in one
month alone in 2006, intermittent FMLA
absence resulted in over 8,900 unanswered
Verizon, Doc. 10181A, at 4.
3. Transportation Operations
The Department received a number of
comments indicating there are unique
FMLA issues for the transportation
industry. Typically, the plane, bus, or
train cannot leave until the crew is
present. Many commenters pointed out
that any delay in staff can result in a
delay that inconveniences many
passengers and customers. Moreover, if
the individual taking FMLA leave
arrives after the departure, there may be
no work for that individual for several
Our customers depend on us to get them
to work, school or medical appointments on
time. When drivers are late to work * * *
their route must quickly be given to another
driver, and the bus must get out on the road.
This can mean that a busload of people is
late. * * * Employers in time-sensitive
industries such as public transportation
whose existence depends on being able to
make pull-out (getting the buses out on the
road, particularly at peak ridership times);
arriving at destinations on time; meeting up
with other buses on schedule, etc., are really
in a bind when an employee can circumvent
rules by calling in to the dispatcher and
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
simply saying ‘‘I’m running late because of
The Transit Authority, Huntington, WV,
FL 3, at 1.
Metro Regional Transit Authority,
Akron, Ohio, Doc. 10118A, at 1.
4. Operations Involving Public Health
and Safety
The RFI record indicates that
unscheduled intermittent leave can
have an adverse impact on operations
involving public safety. There are
numerous examples in the record
describing the impact of such leave on
police, fire, correctional and health
Unforeseen, intermittent FMLA leave is not
only having a negative impact upon our
operations, but also upon our customers, the
general public. When bus operators report off
work, in many instances, at the last possible
moment, a bus may be late or not show at
all. Additionally, extra operators must be
scheduled to work in anticipation of
coworkers calling off work. These costs are
critical to nonprofit organizations that rely, to
some degree, upon government funding. The
current provisions for intermittent leave
present a significant burden to scheduledriven operations.
The Port Authority of Allegheny
County, PA, FL135, at 2.
Three workgroups represent 82% of all
FMLA leave at Southwest and each of them
has operational job responsibilities: Ramp,
Operations and Provisioning Agents;
Reservations Sales Agents; and Flight
Attendants * * * When these employees
take FMLA, it directly impacts Southwest’s
ability to operate our published flight
schedule, much less on time and with
efficiency. When these employees are absent,
flights do not take off without another
employee taking their place * * * the
replacement staffing costs alone represent
approximately $20 million annually * * *
Southwest estimates that it must employ and
pay as many as 200 additional Reserve Flight
Attendants each month to cover intermittent
Southwest Airlines Co., Doc. 10183A, at
3, 5.
An office worker who shows up one hour
late for work may find some extra paperwork
on his desk which he can handle during the
day without affecting others. A flight
attendant who reports at 10 a.m. for a 9 a.m.
departure has almost certainly created
significant operational problems. He has
either (a) forced 100–400 passengers to wait
and miss later connections, or (b) caused the
airline to reposition another flight attendant
onto the aircraft because, by federal
regulation, an aircraft cannot board
passengers or take off without a minimum
number of flight attendants. The ripple
effects of such delays also can affect an
infinite number of passengers, as well as
numerous coworkers * * * in cases where
airline employees work on planes that have
left the airport, it is physically impossible for
an employee to report to work on a plane that
has taken off.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Air Conference, Doc. 10160A, at 4, 11.
There are 55 employees in our workforce.
* * * Three are [on] FMLA [leave]. * * *
Buses don’t leave the garage without drivers.
Buses are not properly maintained without
enough mechanics. Therefore we have to hire
more people to get the job done while we
wait to see if the four that are off will ever
come back. If they do, we have to lay off the
people that we hired and trained to do the
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a. Hospitals, Clinics and Long-Term
Care Facilities
Unscheduled leaves of absence, whether
covered by the FMLA or not, naturally
present staffing and operational difficulties,
particularly for hospitals and other health
care facilities that must provide treatment
and services for patients’ medical needs
* * * for many years, the health care
industry has been confronted with a serious
nursing shortage. Therefore, hospitals and
other health care facilities must supplement
their regular nursing staffs through the use of
nurse agencies in order to satisfy
patient:nurse ratios in order to provide
optimal patient care and treatment. It can be
very difficult, however, to have an agency
nurse assigned to a facility in a timely
manner when a nurse experiences an
unforeseeable absence, particularly in
situations requiring nurses with specific
expertise in a clinical area. In addition, when
non-licensed (i.e., non-nursing) clinical staff
experience unforeseeable absences, nurses
and other staff members are often required to
cover their duties, as it can be equally
difficult to schedule a replacement employee
in a timely manner to meet patient needs.
Clearly, these situations impose significant
stress on a workforce responsible for
delivering optimal patient care.
Medstar Health, Doc. 10144A, at 11–12.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
expressed concern about the use of
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave
making it difficult for hospitals to
maintain necessary staffing levels.
‘‘Some of our 24/7 direct care operations
also experience difficulty in meeting
federally mandated staffing standards of
the Commission of Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations because of the
intermittent use of FMLA.’’ Doc.
10042A, at 3. Allina Hospitals and
Clinics expressed concern about the
impact of unscheduled FMLA leave on
patient care. ‘‘The great majority of
Allina’s employees work at hospitals
and clinics and are involved in direct
patient care * * * These provisions
make it very difficult to ensure that
hospitals and clinics will be adequately
staffed. * * * Yet, Allina has had to
allow emergency room staff, surgical
support staff, nurses, physicians and
ambulance drivers to take this
extensive, unplanned leave * * *
PO 00000
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regardless of the impact on patient
care.’’ Doc. 641, at 1.
• The concern about patient care was
also mentioned in the comments by
Hinshaw and Culbertson. ‘‘[W]e have
conducted a formal survey of our clients
with respect to the questions raised in
the Federal Register * * * The general
concern with unscheduled leave * * *
and intermittent leave * * * [is] patient
safety (at healthcare entities) can
become a problem when staffing is low
or when temporary employees are
used[.]’’ Doc. 10075A, at 1 and 3.
• Long term care (LTC) ‘‘employers
distribute work among its staff or hire
agency staff to care for patients. Full
time employees may be offered
incentives beyond overtime pay, or staff
may be brought in from affiliated
employment sites, which means that
travel costs must be covered. LTC
employees provide direct care to frail,
elderly and disabled individuals who
are in need of clinically complex,
special care. Therefore, when employees
take FMLA leave, adequate numbers of
trained replacement staff are especially
important. Notably, some states have
specific minimum requirements for
nurse to patient staff ratios in LTC
facilities in order for Medicare/
Medicaid beneficiaries to reside in these
facilities. On the federal level, facilities
must have ‘sufficient staff’ to provide
nursing care to residents. Therefore,
having adequate staff on hand not only
is necessary to promote good patient
care, but it is a state and federal
mandate.’’ American Health Care
Association, Doc. 10321.
b. Other 24/7 Operations
Franklin County Human Resources
cited correctional institutions and
nursing homes. ‘‘Unscheduled leave is
where the hardship lies in continuing
normal operations. This is critical for a
24-hour operation. This is more difficult
in our more service-based departments
that include a Jail and Nursing Home. In
these operations, we must have a proper
number of nurses and corrections
officers * * * [and] unscheduled
absences * * * places demands on
other employees they were not prepared
for.’’ Doc. FL59, at 5.
• The Indiana State Personnel
Department cited correctional
institutions and mental health facilities.
‘‘Operations of 24/7 facilities housing
correctional offenders or persons with
mental illnesses are adversely impacted
by unscheduled intermittent FMLA
leave due to legal requirements for
specific staff/resident ratios and related
safety issues.’’ Doc. 10244A, at 3.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
c. Emergency 911 Operations and Public
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
The situation is particularly ominous when
the employee works in a safety-sensitive
position, such as 911 operators, or other
employees requiring face-to-face relief,
because if the person’s shift is not able to be
covered by a colleague who in some
instances is required to work overtime, then
the public may receive a slow response to an
emergency call. Moreover, on certain
holidays, during public events or declared
emergencies * * * the NYPD must be able to
double the size of its staff. Yet, the inordinate
number of employees who call in sick for
allegedly FMLA qualifying reasons on
holidays * * * and during public
emergencies * * * places the NYPD in a
precarious situation of trying to balance
between an individual employee’s rights and
public safety concerns. Moreover, when more
than 20% of the employees on a shift call in
claiming the need for an FMLA-related
reason on the same day—which happens
frequently on holidays such as New Year’s
Eve—the employer, in this case, the NYPD,
may be left short-staffed and unable to
provide the necessary safety-sensitive
services to the public.
New York City, Doc. 10103A, at 5.
• New York City provided many
other examples of ‘‘public safety
sensitive positions’’ including police
officers, firefighters, sheriffs and
sanitation workers. Id., at 2, n.1.
• A manager of a 911 center also
expressed similar concerns. ‘‘The work
in the 9–1–1 Center is very specialized
and requires hundreds of hours of
training. I cannot hire ‘temps’ from an
office service to replace absent
employees. The majority of absences
require that I hire overtime, and often,
that overtime is forced on employees.
Currently, five of the seven employees
assigned to day shift are on FMLA.
Three other employees in the division
(of 27 employees) are also on FMLA and
another three have recently submitted
FMLA paperwork for approval. With
one exception, these medical conditions
have not required hospitalization.
Instead, these employees are given free
license to call in sick on a day-to-day
basis. And they do. Frequently. The
remaining employees are working an
enormous amount of short notice
overtime and are denied their own
personal and family time in order to
cover these absences. The number of
overtime hours being worked leads to
overtired people making critical life and
death decisions in an emergency driven
environment.’’ Doc. 5193, at 1.
• The Fairfax County Public Schools
provided the example of school bus
drivers. ‘‘[T]he essence of a school bus
driver’s job is to deliver children to
school on time and safely. A few bus
drivers have used chronic conditions
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such as CFS, depression, or sleep
problems as an excuse not to report on
time and not to call in when they will
be late. They claim that their
‘‘condition’’ precludes them from
providing notice or from being on time.
These behaviors mean that children are
often left waiting on street corners in all
weather for some other bus driver.’’ Doc.
10134A, at 2.
L. The Impact of FMLA Leave Use in the
The 2000 Westat Report found that
during a worker’s FMLA leave,
employers most frequently assign their
work temporarily to other employees.
Temporarily Assign Work to
Other Employees ..................
Hire Outside Temporary Replacement Workers ...............
Put Work on Hold Until Employee Returns ......................
Some Other Method .................
Source: 2000 Westat Report, Table A2–6.5.
These results are consistent with the
Society for Human Resource
Management’s more recent findings:
Employer approaches to covering work
when an employee is on unscheduled
intermittent leave vary based upon such
factors as the nature and size of the
employer’s business, the employee’s
position, the number of individuals available
to provide coverage in the employee’s
department, and business needs in that
department. Employers may cover the leavetaker’s work with: (i) Hiring a temporary
worker; (ii) asking current employees to work
overtime; (iii) spreading the work among
current employees; or (iv) rearranging other
employees’ schedules to provide coverage.
Sometimes, however, employers are unable
to cover the work, particularly in situations
involving unscheduled intermittent leaves.
These situations can and do result in missed
deadlines, lost production, and other
business losses.
Doc. 10154A, at 7.
The 2003 Society for Human Resource
Management survey found that
assigning some work temporarily to
other employees and hiring temporary
outside replacements were the two most
common methods used to cover the
work of an employee absent on FMLA
leave, with average ratings of 4.42 and
2.86 out of a possible 5, respectively.
Id., at 13.
Westat’s employee survey also found
that 32.1 percent of employees worked
more hours than usual, and 22.9 percent
PO 00000
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worked a shift not normally worked
when co-workers took leave.44
Moreover, 36.1 percent of workers felt
that providing 12 weeks of unpaid leave
for family and medical reasons was an
unfair burden to employees’ co-workers,
and 15.1 percent of employees felt that
their co-workers taking leave had a
negative impact on them.45
The comments submitted for the RFI
supplement this record by providing
greater details and insights on this issue.
For example, Darby Associates
commented that ‘‘[a]n important cost
dimension is reflected in the burdens
imposed upon fellow employees. These
are not trivial * * * The record
indicates that fellow employees who
‘fill in’ for unscheduled leave-takers are
often obliged to miss professional
appointments and family engagements.
Employees also cite added workplace
stress, resentment and uncertainty.
There are considerable costs to
employees that must work overtime or
more intensely to cover for another
employee ‘out’ on FMLA leave. This is
especially true for unscheduled
intermittent leave * * * employees are
very unhappy when they believe that a
fellow employee is gaming the system
and forcing them to work extra when
the person is abusing FMLA laws.’’ Doc.
10172A, Attachment at 26.
The record indicates if the morale of
workers covering for the absent workers
on FMLA leave begins to suffer, these
workers may in turn seek and need their
own FMLA certifications, causing an
even larger impact on productivity and
attendance. For example:
• Workers ‘‘also report that
employees on unforeseen, intermittent
leave indicate that they can and will
misuse the system when they want to.
As a result, more and more employees
are applying for unforeseen, intermittent
leave so they can take time off of work
whenever they choose.’’ YellowBook,
Doc. 10021A, at 1.
• ‘‘Productivity and services
inevitably declined and morale suffered.
Some of the over worked employees
developed their own serious health
conditions.’’ City of Portland, Doc.
10161A, at 2.
• ‘‘In larger companies, once
employees understand that FMLA will
allow the use of time off of work,
without penalty and providing job
protected leave, they have become savvy
44 See
2000 Westat Report, Table 4.22 at 4–19.
id. at Table 4.20 at 4–18, and Table 4.23
at 4–20. It should be noted that 17.4 percent of
workers felt co-workers taking leave had a positive
impact and 67.4 percent felt it had no impact on
them. Moreover, 63.9 percent did not feel that
providing 12 weeks of unpaid leave was an unfair
burden to co-workers.
45 See
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
with the use of FMLA to their benefit
and they do not hesitate to let their coworkers know how it works.’’ First
Premier Bank, Doc. 10101A, at 4.
• ‘‘We have had an employee request
a week of vacation during the holidays
and the request was denied because we
had so many other employees off. Then
the employee just called off for the
entire week using FMLA, and then went
on her vacation to Florida * * * Once
one employee ‘gets away with it’, all
employees are lined up at their doctors
office to acquire intermittent FMLA
leave.’’ Akers Packaging Service, Doc.
5121, at 1.
The issue of leave ‘‘contagion’’ as a
behavior pattern is discussed in
research cited in the RFI by Harold
Gardner, et al., titled Workers’
Compensation and Family and Medical
Leave Act Claim Contagion. It notes:
Economists and psychologists have been
interested in why groups tend to engage in
repeated behavioral patterns * * * The
social barrier theory suggests that future
claims will increase as prior claims break
social barriers to claim filing. An example of
a social barrier effect is a driver who wants
to speed but does not because he fears the
consequences of being caught or the
increased probability of an accident. These
concerns create a psychological barrier that
he may not be able to cross even though there
may be no police presence. If several
speeding motorists pass the driver, he now
finds it more psychologically acceptable to
speed. ‘‘Contagion’’ occurs when an
individual observes others taking an action
that has not been possible for him to take
because of a psychological barrier, and seeing
others break the barrier itself increases his
own ability to break it as well * * * an
alternative economic view is claimant
learning by proxy * * * A workers’
compensation claim by one member of a
workgroup makes others more aware of its
provisions for medical payments, disability
pay, and rehabilitation services. A worker
gains claimant capital through another
workers’ claims, by proxy. In other words,
workers learn about the benefits of workers’
compensation claims when their co-workers
make workers’ compensation claims, and this
information lowers future barriers of filing
of unscheduled absenteeism climbed to
its highest level since 1999, costing
some large employers an estimated
$850,000 per year in direct payroll
costs, and even more when lost
productivity, morale and temporary
labor costs are considered.’’ CCH
estimates that 18 percent of
unscheduled absences are due to
personal needs, 12 percent due to stress,
and 11 percent due to an entitlement
As discussed in Chapter IV, several
commenters noted the misuse of
intermittent FMLA leave for the purpose
of avoiding mandatory overtime, and
argued that this can have an adverse
impact on their co-workers who are
forced to cover for absent workers.
However, some academic research
postulates the negative attendance
effects on those who are working to
cover the absence of a person on FMLA
leave may be related to new serious
health conditions that arise—not
additional misuse:
The loss of firm-specific human capital of
the initial claimant places an increased
burden on the workers in the group who
remain because they must ‘‘pick up the
slack.’’ The remaining workers may also be
diverted from their assigned work if they
have to train the replacement worker in those
skills he needs to function as part of the
group * * * The increased burden creates a
higher stress environment. The stress felt by
these workers may spread to other workers
* * * Job-related stress has been found to be
positively correlated with increased levels of
coronary disease and mental illnesses * * *
Stress can exacerbate preexisting conditions
or cause new medical condition because of
greater physiological pressure on the body
created by psychological factors. Workers
must exert more physical and mental effort
to pick up the slack with the departure of the
original claimant’s firm-specific human
capital. The higher stress environment will
lead to more illnesses and therefore more
claims being filed under * * * FMLA * * *
Stressed workers are more likely to be absent,
as they leave the work environment
temporarily to cope with the stress.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
71 FR 69514.
According to CCH’s 2006
Unscheduled Absence Survey, ‘‘the rate
Harold Gardner, et al., Workers’
Compensation and Family and Medical
Leave Act Claim Contagion, Journal of
46 CCH, 2006 CCH Unscheduled Absence Survey,
available online at:
47 See also National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health, STRESS* * *At Work, NIOSH
Publication No. 99–101, available online at:
48 See the concept of reasonableness discussed in
United States v. Carroll Towing Co., 159 F.2d 169,
173 (2d Cir. 1947).
49 For more information on risk management
matrices see, for example, Corinne Alexander and
Maria I. Marshall, The Risk Matrix: Illustrating the
Importance of Risk Management Strategies, Journal
of Extension, April 2006, Volume 44 Number 2,
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Risk and Uncertainty, Volume 20, Jan.
Thus, based on the record, although
some amount of contagion (i.e., the use
of FMLA leave increases as more and
more workers in a facility begin to take
it) appears to be taking place, the causes
of the increase are not certain. In
addition to alleged misuse, the increase
in the use of unscheduled intermittent
FMLA leave seen in the data submitted
by some employers could be due to
other factors, such as workers suffering
from the adverse health effects
associated with the stress of staffing
shorthanded operations.
M. Risk Management Analysis of
Unscheduled Intermittent Leave
The techniques of risk management
analysis and the concept of
reasonableness can be used to explain
how unscheduled intermittent FMLA
leave can have different impacts on
different employers, and account for
such divergent comments about the
economic impact and cost and benefits
of the FMLA that the Department
received in response to the RFI.48
Figure 1, below, presents a standard
risk management analysis matrix to
illustrate how risk management
principles apply to the issue of
unscheduled intermittent FMLA
leave.49 It consists of four combinations
of the probability (or rate) that
unscheduled intermittent leave will
occur, and consequences (is the cost
high or low) associated with such leave
for employers. In Block I, the probability
that, or rate at which, unscheduled
intermittent leave occurs is low, and the
cost of such leave for employers is low.
In Block II, the probability that, or rate
at which, unscheduled intermittent
leave occurs is higher, but the cost of
such leave for employers remains low.
In Block III, the probability that, or rate
at which, unscheduled intermittent
leave occurs is relatively low, but the
cost of such leave for employers is high.
Finally, in Block IV the probability that,
or rate at which, unscheduled
intermittent leave occurs is high, and
the cost of such leave for employers is
Article Number 2TOT1, available online at:
Based upon the available evidence,
the Department believes that most
FMLA covered establishments are in
Block I with respect to the use of
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave.
The data indicate that only a small
portion of the workforce covered by the
FMLA takes any form of FMLA leave,
and even a smaller portion takes
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave.
If an absence occurs, the reasonable
employer will resolve these infrequent
low cost events on a case-by-case basis
by using the existing workforce (or
possibly bringing in temporary help) to
cover for the absent worker, and likely
will view unscheduled intermittent
FMLA leave as an expected cost of
business. These establishments probably
constitute most of the 81 to 94 percent
of covered establishments that report
that intermittent FMLA leave did not
adversely impact either their
productivity or profits, or may have had
some positive effect.50
For the establishments in Block II
where the probability (or rate) of
unscheduled intermittent leave is
relatively high, but the overall cost to
these establishments remains low
because of the low cost associated with
each absence, the reasonable employer
may take steps to manage the leave (e.g.,
talk to the workers, get the workers to
call in before taking leave), but will
most likely continue to resolve these
low cost events on a case-by-case basis.
It is likely that these establishments also
report that intermittent FMLA leave
does not adversely impact either
productivity or profits.
50 See
2000 Westat Report, at 6–12.
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On the other hand, most of the
establishments in the time-sensitive
industries discussed above (see Chapter
XI, section K) are probably in Block III.
Although only a small portion of their
workforce may take unscheduled
intermittent FMLA leave, or is certified
for a chronic condition, the cost of an
absence by a worker is relatively high
(e.g., the assembly line can not run as
fast or it may take longer for the power
to be restored). For the establishments
in Block III, the overall cost is low if
unscheduled intermittent leave does not
occur, but high if it does. Here the
reasonable employer is likely to take
steps to reduce both the probability and
the consequences associated with an
absence. This may include more
rigorous absence control systems and
policies to discourage absences,
overstaffing (e.g., the use of floaters or
on-call workers), and the use of
mandatory overtime to ensure that the
time-sensitive operations are adequately
staffed when some workers are
unexpectedly absent. These
establishments clearly incur some
additional costs to mitigate the impact
that unscheduled intermittent FMLA
leave has on their operations, and likely
report a small negative impact (4.2 to
5.4 percent of establishments) on either
productivity or profits if an absence
To the extent the Department received
comments about how family-friendly
policies and flexible schedules are good
51 See 2000 Westat Report, Table A2–6.13, at A–
2–59. Some of these establishments may also report
that intermittent FMLA leave has no impact on
either productivity or profits if such leave does not
occur very frequently.
PO 00000
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for business (e.g., improve morale,
employee retention, productivity, etc.),
these comments are most likely from
employers in Blocks I and II (pertaining
to the majority of employees covered by
the FMLA). However, reasonable
employers in Block IV, who face the
high probability of high cost absences
associated with FMLA leave (e.g., a few
workers taking leave that results in an
assembly line being shut down for a
shift), are not likely to be persuaded by
comments that reflect a lower risk
For those establishments and
workgroups in Block IV with a high
probability (rate) of unscheduled
intermittent leave and where the cost of
such leave is high, the comments
suggest that none of the measures
previously employed to reduce the risk
and costs associated with unscheduled
intermittent FMLA leave appears to
work very well. Traditionally,
employers have provided monetary
incentives for workers to report (such as
perfect attendance awards) and
disincentives for workers not to report
(such as an attendance point system).52
52 The Department received many comments
about the use of, or inability to use, perfect
attendance awards due to certain regulatory
provisions and interpretations. The Department
interpreted the regulatory provisions on perfect
attendance bonuses (section 825.220(c)) in Wage
and Hour Opinion Letter FMLA–2 (Aug. 16, 1993):
With regard to attendance incentive plans
rewarding perfect attendance, an employee may not
be disqualified nor may any award be reduced for
having taken unpaid FMLA leave. In a case where
the bonus is expressed as an amount per hour
worked, the employee on unpaid FMLA leave
would receive a lesser amount than an employee
who had not been on FMLA leave, as the employee
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 / Proposed Rules
These establishments, whose risk
management systems (e.g., absence
control policies, overstaffing, mandatory
overtime) appear to be overwhelmed
(e.g., Southwest Research Institute, Doc.
10077A), are likely the employers
reporting that intermittent FMLA leave
has a moderate to large negative impact
on their productivity and profits (1.8 to
12.7 percent of establishments).53 In
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with PROPOSALS2
on FMLA Leave is not entitled to accrue benefits
during FMLA leave. See § 825.220(c).
The Department has restated its position in
several opinion letters since then. See, e.g., Wage
and Hour Opinion Letter FMLA–31 (March 21,
1994), and Wage Hour Opinion Letter FMLA–110
(Sept. 11, 2000).
Several commenters suggested that no ‘‘problem’’
exists with respect to perfect attendance bonuses,
and that employers ought simply to provide
bonuses other than ‘‘perfect attendance’’ bonuses.
See Elaine G. Howell, H.R. Specialist, International
Auto Processing, Inc., Doc. 4752, at 2; International
Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers,
Doc. 10269A, at 3; SEIU Local 668, Pennsylvania
Social Services Union, Doc. FL105, at 3; Faculty &
Staff Federation of Community College of
Philadelphia, Local 2026 of the American
Federation of Teachers, Doc. 10242A, at 4;
American Association of University Professors, Doc.
R31A, at 3; and National Partnership for Women &
Families, Doc. 10204A, at 10–11.
Several commenters, on the other hand, objected
to prohibiting FMLA-protected leave from counting
against an employee for the purposes of a perfect
attendance bonus. See The Southern Company,
Doc. 10293A, at 12; Taft, Stettinius & Hollister LLP,
Doc. FL107, at 5; National Public Employer Labor
Relations Association, Doc. R358A, at 3–4; Porter,
Wright, Morris & Arthur LLP, Doc. 10124B, at 3–
4; G.S.W. Manufacturing, Inc., Doc FL288, at 2;
Fisher & Phillips LLP, Doc. 10262A, at 7–8; Edison
Electric Institute, Doc. 10128A, at 4; and Carol
Hauser, Senior Director of Human Resources,
Miami University, Doc. 10032A, at 9.
53 See 2000 Westat Report, Table A2–6.13, at A–
VerDate Aug<31>2005
16:17 Jun 27, 2007
Jkt 211001
addition, many of their traditional
methods to encourage or control
absenteeism (e.g., perfect attendance
awards or no fault attendance polices)
are not permitted for FMLA-protected
leave. A reasonable employer in this
situation may seek changes to the
regulations or the statute,54 may try to
make it difficult for their workers to take
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave
by repeatedly questioning the medical
certifications or asking for
recertifications (see Chapter VI.B.1.c,
and comments from: the Association of
Professional Flight Attendants, Doc.
10056A; the International Association of
Machinists and Aerospace Workers,
Doc. 10269A; and the Communication
Workers of America, Doc. R346A), and
whenever possible, may require
employees to use paid leave to cover
their absences (see the joint comment on
behalf of the International Association
of Machinists and Aerospace Workers,
the Transportation Communications
International Union, the Transport
Workers Union, and the United
Transportation Union, Doc. 10235A;
and the joint comment from the
54 A similar analysis can be used to show why
workers wanted Congress to pass the FMLA. Before
the FMLA, a serious health condition could have
been a catastrophic high cost event due to the
potential loss of employment and health insurance.
When women entered the workforce in greater
numbers in the 1970’s and 1980’s, fewer families
had an adult available to care for family members
with serious health conditions, and the probability
of families experiencing such a catastrophic event
rose. Workers reacted reasonably by trying to limit
this risk through the passage of legislation such as
the FMLA.
PO 00000
Frm 00090
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
American Train Dispatchers
Association, the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen,
the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen,
the International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers, the National
Conference of Fireman and Oilers, and
the Sheet Metal Workers International
Association, Doc. 10163A.).
As the risk analysis indicates, FMLArelated tension between employers and
employees is at its highest for those
entities in Block IV. More specifically,
the comments confirm this tension
arises, for the most part, due to
unscheduled intermittent leave.
The tension can be traced to two
competing needs that are true at the
same time: (1) Employers’ need for
predictable attendance, particularly in
certain industries; and (2) employees’
need for unscheduled intermittent leave
for their own or a family member’s
serious, chronic health conditions that
flare up unpredictably and require
absence from work. In some cases it
appears these competing needs have
resulted in employers and employees
adopting a more adversarial approach in
their FMLA interactions.
Signed at Washington, DC this 20th day of
June, 2007.
Victoria A. Lipnic,
Assistant Secretary, Employment Standards
Paul DeCamp,
Administrator, Wage and Hour Division.
[FR Doc. 07–3102 Filed 6–27–07; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 124 (Thursday, June 28, 2007)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 35550-35638]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 07-3102]
[[Page 35549]]
Part II
Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
Wage and Hour Division
29 CFR Part 825
Family and Medical Leave Act Regulations: A Report on the Department of
Labor's Request for Information; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 124 / Thursday, June 28, 2007 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 35550]]
Employment Standards Administration
Wage and Hour Division
29 CFR Part 825
RIN 1215-AB35
Family and Medical Leave Act Regulations: A Report on the
Department of Labor's Request for Information
AGENCY: Employment Standards Administration, Wage and Hour Division,
Department of Labor.
ACTION: Report on comments from the public.
SUMMARY: The Department of Labor's Employment Standards Administration/
Wage and Hour Division undertook a review of the Family and Medical
Leave Act (``FMLA'' or the ``Act'') and its regulations, and published
a Request for Information (``RFI'') in the Federal Register on December
1, 2006 (71 FR 69504). The RFI asked the public to assist the
Department by furnishing information about their experiences with the
Act and comments on the effectiveness of the FMLA regulations. More
than 15,000 comments were submitted in response to the RFI. The
following report summarizes comments the Department received from its
ADDRESSES: A complete copy of this report is also available at https:// It may also be obtained by
writing to Richard M. Brennan, Senior Regulatory Officer, Wage and Hour
Division, Employment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of
Labor, Room S-3502, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard M. Brennan, Senior Regulatory
Officer, Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration,
U.S. Department of Labor, Room S-3502, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20210; telephone: (202) 693-0066 (this is not a toll
free number).
No employment law matters more to America's caregiving workforce
than the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993. Since its
enactment, millions of American workers and their families have
benefited from enhanced opportunities for job-protected leave upon the
birth or adoption of a child, to deal with their own serious illness,
and when needed to care for family members.
After nearly fourteen years administering the law, two Department
of Labor studies (1996, 2001) and several U.S. Supreme Court and lower
court rulings, the Employment Standards Administration's Wage and Hour
Division issued a Request for Information (RFI) on December 1, 2006.
The RFI asked the public to comment on their experiences with, and
observations of, the Department's administration of the law and the
effectiveness of the regulations. More than 15,000 comments were
received in the next few months from workers, family members,
employers, academics, and other interested parties. This input ranged
from personal accounts, legal reviews, industry and academic studies,
surveys, and recommendations for regulatory and statutory changes to
address particular areas of concern.
There is broad consensus that family and medical leave is good for
workers and their families, is in the public interest, and is good
workplace policy. There are differing views on whether every provision
of the law is being administered in accordance with the statute and
with congressional intent. It is also evident from the comments that
the FMLA has produced some unanticipated consequences in the workplace
for both employees and employers.
A report of this kind is a unique step. Normally, the organization
of comments received in response to a Departmental Request for
Information would first be seen accompanying proposed changes to the
rules. There are no proposals for regulatory changes being put forward
by the Department with this Report. Rather, what we hope this Report
does is provide information for a fuller discussion among all
interested parties and policymakers about how some of the key FMLA
regulatory provisions and their interpretations have played out in the
Finally, our thanks to the thousands of employees, employers, and
other members of the public who participated in this information
gathering by sharing their views, their research, and, in some cases,
very personal comments. We greatly value those insights.
Victoria A. Lipnic,
Assistant Secretary of Labor, Employment Standards Administration.
June 2007.
Executive Summary
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) opened a new era
for American workers, providing employees with better opportunities to
balance work and family needs. This landmark legislation provided
workers with basic rights to job protection for absences due to the
birth or adoption of a child or for a serious health condition of the
worker or a family member.
For women dealing with difficult pregnancies or deliveries, or
parents celebrating the arrival of a newborn or adopted child, the FMLA
provides the opportunity to participate fully in these significant life
events. For other workers--especially those who struggle with health
problems or who are primary caregivers to ill family members--the FMLA
has made it possible to deal with these serious challenges while
holding on to jobs, health insurance, and some measure of economic
Background: What the Law Covers
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, Public Law 103-3, 107
Stat. 6 (29 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.) (the ``FMLA'' or the ``Act'') was
enacted on February 5, 1993 and became effective on August 5, 1993 for
most covered employers. The FMLA entitles eligible employees of covered
employers to take up to a total of twelve weeks of unpaid leave during
a twelve month period for the birth of a child; for the placement of a
child for adoption or foster care; to care for a newborn or newly-
placed child; to care for a spouse, parent, son or daughter with a
serious health condition; or when the employee is unable to work due to
the employee's own serious health condition. See 29 U.S.C. 2612. The
twelve weeks of leave may be taken in a block, or, under certain
circumstances, intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule. Id. When
taken intermittently, the Department's regulations provide that leave
may be taken in the shortest increment of time the employer's payroll
system uses to account for absences or use of leave, provided it is one
hour or less. 29 CFR 825.203(d).
Employers covered by the law must maintain for the employee any
preexisting group health coverage during the leave period and, once the
leave period has concluded, reinstate the employee to the same or an
equivalent job with equivalent employment benefits, pay, and other
terms and conditions of employment. See 29 U.S.C. 2614. If an employee
believes that his or her FMLA rights have been violated, the employee
may file a complaint with the Department of Labor (``Department'') or
file a private lawsuit in federal or state court. If the employer has
violated an employee's FMLA rights, the employee is entitled to
reimbursement for any monetary loss
[[Page 35551]]
incurred, equitable relief as appropriate, interest, attorneys' fees,
expert witness fees, and court costs. Liquidated damages also may be
awarded. See 29 U.S.C. 2617.
Who the Law Covers
The law generally covers employers with 50 or more employees, and
employees must have worked for the employer for 12 months and have
1,250 hours of service during the previous year to be eligible for
leave. Based on 2005 data, the latest year for which data was available
the time the Request for Information was published, the Department
estimates that:
There were an estimated 94.4 million workers in
establishments covered by the FMLA regulations,
There were about 76.1 million workers in covered
establishments who met the FMLA's requirements for eligibility,\1\ and
\1\ Recent data submitted to the Department on the size and
scope of the FMLA's reach support these estimates. See Chapter XI of
this Report.
Between 8.0 percent and 17.1 percent of covered and
eligible workers (or between 6.1 million and 13.0 million workers) took
FMLA leave in 2005.\2\
\2\ Recent data submitted to the Department support this
estimate as well. See Chapter XI of this Report.
Nearly one-quarter of all employees who took FMLA leave
took at least some of it intermittently.
Recent information submitted to the Department also suggests that
FMLA awareness was higher in 2005 than in prior years. This information
supports the Department's estimate of increased FMLA usage since prior
studies of FMLA.
Request for Information and Prior FMLA Reports
After nearly fourteen years of experience implementing and
administering the new law, the Department's Employment Standards
Administration/Wage and Hour Division undertook a review of the FMLA
regulations, culminating in the publication of a Request for
Information (``RFI'') on December 1, 2006.\3\ The RFI asked the public
to assist the Department by furnishing information about their
experiences with FMLA and comments on the effectiveness of the current
FMLA regulations. The RFI generated a very heavy public response: More
than 15,000 comments were submitted, many of which were brief emails
with very personal and, in some cases, very moving accounts from
employees who had used family or medical leave; others were highly-
detailed and substantive legal or economic analyses responding to the
specific questions in the RFI and raising other complex issues.\4\
\3\ 71 FR 69504.
\4\ All comments are available for viewing via the public docket
of the Wage and Hour Division of the Employment Standards
Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue,
NW., Washington, DC 20210. Many comments are also available on The names of individual employees have been
redacted from the Report where any personal medical information was
Twice before, the Department has published reports about the FMLA
and its use. The statute established a bipartisan Commission on Family
and Medical Leave to study family and medical leave policies. The
Commission surveyed workers and employers in 1995 and issued a report
published by the Department in 1996, ``A Workable Balance: Report to
Congress on Family and Medical Leave Policies.'' In 1999, the
Department contracted with Westat, Inc. to update the employee and
establishment surveys conducted in 1995. The Department published that
report, ``Balancing the Needs of Families and Employers: Family and
Medical Leave Surveys, 2000 Update'' in January 2001.\5\
\5\ See ``Balancing the Needs of Families and Employers, Family
and Medical Leave Surveys, 2000 Update,'' Westat Inc., January 2001.
See also the description of the 2000 Westat Report in Chapter XI of
this Report. See also 71 FR 69510.
Never before has the Department looked in such granular detail at
the legal developments surrounding the FMLA and its implementing
regulations, as well as the practical consequences of such in the
workplace. The RFI's questions and subject areas were derived from a
series of stakeholder meetings the Department conducted in 2002-2003, a
number of rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court and other federal courts,
the Department's own experience administering the law, information from
Congressional hearings, and public comments filed with the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) as described by OMB in their three annual
reports to Congress on the FMLA's costs and benefits.\6\
\6\ The 2001 report may be found at:
inforeg/costbenefitreport.pdf, the 2002 report at:, and
the 2004 report at:
Unlike the 2000 Westat Report, the Department's Report on the RFI
Comments is not an analysis or comparison of one set of survey data
with another some years later. The RFI was not meant to be a substitute
for survey research about the leave needs of the workforce and leave
policies offered by employers. The record presented here is different
than the previous two Departmental reports because the RFI was a very
different kind of information-gathering tool than the two previous
surveys. Given the differences in data-gathering approaches, the depth
with which the RFI looked at the regulations, and, of course, the self-
selection bias by those who took the time to submit comments to the
RFI, differences in the outcomes should be expected. Care must be taken
to avoid improper comparisons of information collected in the RFI with
data from the two surveys.
General Overview of the Report
Commenters consistently stated that the FMLA is generally working
well--at least with respect to leave related to the birth or adoption
of a child or for indisputably ``serious'' health conditions. Responses
to the RFI substantiate that many employees and employers are not
having noteworthy FMLA-related problems. However, employees often
expressed a desire for a greater leave entitlement, while employers
voiced concern about their ability to manage business operations and
attendance control issues, particularly when unscheduled, intermittent
leave is needed for chronic health conditions. Indeed, the overwhelming
majority of comments submitted in response to the RFI addressed three
primary topics: (1) Gratitude from employees who have used family and
medical leave and descriptions of how it allowed them to balance their
work and family care responsibilities, particularly when they had their
own serious health condition or were needed to care for a family
member; \7\ (2) a desire for expanded benefits--e.g., to provide more
time off, to provide paid benefits, and to cover additional family
members; \8\ and (3) frustration by employers about difficulties in
maintaining necessary staffing levels and controlling attendance
problems in their workplaces as a result of one particular issue--
unscheduled intermittent leave used by employees who have chronic
health conditions.
\7\ Many of these employee comments stated that there were no
problems with FMLA and there should be no changes to the program.
\8\ Because comments on the need for expanded benefits concern
matters outside the scope of the Department's authority and the
purposes of the RFI, these comments are not covered in any
significant detail in this Report.
Many employees offered powerful testimonials about the important
role the FMLA has played in allowing them to continue working while
addressing their own medical needs or family caregiving
responsibilities. Chapter I,
[[Page 35552]]
Employee Perspectives: Experiences in the Value of FMLA, is an
important representative example of how meaningful the ability to use
the Family and Medical Leave Act has been for employees. The Department
could have written an entire report based simply on those comments.
But, no regulatory scheme, particularly at the outset, is perfect.
In 1993, the FMLA was a brand-new employment standard and many of the
concepts, particularly those that took effect in the final regulations,
were borrowed from other areas of law or were completely new. Thus, it
should come as no surprise that RFI commenters continued to debate some
of the choices made by the Department as it sought to implement the
statute in a manner consistent with Congressional intent.
As is evident from both the RFI record and from many of the legal
challenges to regulatory provisions over the years, the debate
continues on whether the Department successfully implemented the
statutory requirements and Congressional intent, or struck the right
balance in all places. That debate is reflected in Chapters II-XI. In
many instances, commenters expressed the view that a certain regulation
was ``exactly what Congress intended,'' while others said of the same
regulation that ``it could not possibly be what Congress intended.''
Because of that, in order to provide context to the comments received,
in many chapters legal background is provided and/or the evolution of a
particular regulatory section is retraced through the rulemaking
process. Indeed, many commenters did the same thing. While this is in
some cases done in great detail, without that history it may be
impossible to understand not just what suggestions are being offered,
but why they are being offered. These historical summaries are not
intended to endorse the legitimacy of any particular comment or
As explained in the RFI, some of the issues brought to the
attention of the Department in various forums over the years are beyond
the statutory authority of the Department to address.\9\ Nonetheless,
many commenters provided suggestions for statutory changes to expand
the FMLA. Among others, and in no particular order, were comments on:
providing paid maternity leave, covering the care of additional family
members (e.g., siblings), changing the 75-mile eligibility test,
reducing the coverage threshold below 50 employees, and providing
coverage for part-time workers. Because these comments are beyond the
Department's authority to address, we do not detail them in the
chapters that follow.
\9\ See 71 FR 69504.
Finally, this Report is not a catalogue of every comment received
or every suggestion made about every part of the regulations. Nor is it
a catalogue of every organization or group that submitted comments. We
do believe that the comments selected for discussion are representative
and the chapters that follow accurately reflect the record according to
the most important subject matters presented--many of which, but not
all, follow and detail the subjects and questions asked in the RFI. The
chapters are designed to explain the questions asked in the RFI,
provide background on the law where needed, and detail the feedback
about the FMLA and the Department's implementation of it as raised in
comments from employees and employers.
Given the detailed presentations in many of the responses to the
RFI, and when the comments are read and studied in the aggregate,
certain observations about the record stand out. Those observations
follow in this Executive Summary or are found in Chapter XI: ``Data:
FMLA Coverage, Usage, and Economic Impact''. We believe the
observations included in this Report are evident from a plain reading
of the thousands of comments received from both employers and
The Department's Observations Regarding the Comments
The Department is pleased to observe that, in the vast majority of
cases, the FMLA is working as intended. For example, the FMLA has
succeeded in allowing working parents to take leave for the birth or
adoption of a child, and in allowing employees to care for family
members with serious health conditions. The FMLA also appears to work
well when employees require block or foreseeable intermittent leave
because of their own truly serious health condition. Absent the
protections of the FMLA, many of these workers might not otherwise be
permitted to be absent from their jobs when they need to be.
At the same time, a central defining theme in the comments involves
an area that may not have been fully anticipated: The prevalence with
which unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave would be taken in certain
workplaces or work settings by individuals who have chronic health
conditions. This is the single most serious area of friction between
employers and employees seeking to use FMLA leave. The Department is
cognizant that certain of its regulatory decisions and interpretations
may have contributed to this situation.
Certain types of industries and worksites and their workers appear
to be more impacted by unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave-taking than
others and there is considerable tension between employers and
employees over the use of this leave. The Department heard, in
particular, from employers, and from the representatives of employees
who work with them, whose business operations have a highly time-
sensitive component, e.g., delivery, transportation, transit,
telecommunications, health care, assembly-line manufacturing, and
public safety sectors.
While many employer comments used the words ``abuse'' and
``misuse'' to describe employee use of unscheduled intermittent leave,
the Department cannot assess from the record how much leave taking is
actual ``abuse'' and how much is legitimate. In some cases, the use of
unscheduled intermittent leave appears to be causing a backlash by
employers who are looking for every means possible (e.g., repeatedly
asking for more information in the medical certifications, especially
in cases of chronic conditions) to reduce absenteeism.
Another area that generated significant comments is the current
medical certification process. The Department recognizes that
communication about medical conditions is essential to the smooth
functioning of the FMLA in workplaces. However, none of the parties
involved with the medical certification process--employers, employees,
and health care providers--are happy with the current system. Employees
are concerned about the time and cost of visits to health care
providers to obtain medical certifications and the potential for
invasion of their privacy. Employers, especially when it comes to
intermittent leave use, seek predictability in attendance and are
frustrated with medical certifications that do not provide meaningful
guidance. Health care providers complain they cannot predict how many
times a flare-up of a particular condition will occur.
Despite much work by the Department, it also appears that many
employees still do not fully understand their rights under the law, or
the procedures they must follow when seeking FMLA leave. For example,
many employees are misinformed about the fact that paid leave can be
substituted for, and run concurrently with, an employee's FMLA leave.
[[Page 35553]]
among employees who possess a general awareness of the law, many do not
know how the FMLA applies to their individual circumstances. In turn,
this failure in understanding may be contributing to some of the
problems identified with the medical certification process, and with
employers' ability to properly designate and administer FMLA leave. It
is clear the Department has more work to do to further educate
employees and employers regarding their rights and responsibilities
under the law.
Summary of Chapters I-XI
Employee Perspective: Experiences in the Value of the FMLA (Chapter I)
Chapter I provides a representative sampling of comments received
by the Department regarding the ``value'' FMLA provides to employees.
In general, employees commented they were very happy to have the
protections afforded by the FMLA. Many commented that the Act prevented
job loss, allowed them to spend time with sick or injured family
members, and, upon returning to work, encouraged a greater sense of
loyalty to their employer. Some pointed out that their employers went
above and beyond what is required by the law. Many employers also
submitted comments that outlined advantages to complying with the FMLA
and offering benefits beyond what the law requires.
The value of the FMLA was particularly noted by employees caring
for both children and parents with serious health conditions; this
observation was supported by employer comments, many of whom noted that
they increasingly receive FMLA leave requests from employees with elder
care responsibilities. Many employees commented that the FMLA would be
more useful if it provided paid leave, if more time off was available,
and if the program covered more types of family members, such as
siblings, grandparents, etc.
Ragsdale Decision/Penalties (Chapter II)
This chapter discusses the impact of the Supreme Court's decision
in Ragsdale v. Wolverine World Wide, Inc. on the FMLA implementing
regulations. Ragsdale invalidated the ``categorical penalty'' in
section 825.700(a) of the regulations, which provides that if an
employer does not designate an employee's leave as FMLA leave, it may
not count that leave against an employee's leave entitlement. Other
courts have struck down similar ``categorical penalty'' rules in
sections 825.110(d) (relating to deeming an employee eligible for
leave) and 825.208(c) (relating to designation of paid leave). Since
Ragsdale, many courts have applied equitable estoppel \10\ principles
when employers either fail to communicate required information or
communicate incorrect information.
\10\ ``Equitable estoppel'' is a legal bar that prevents one
person from taking advantage of a second person where the second
party is injured by reasonably relying on the misrepresentations (or
silence when there is a duty to speak) of the first person.
Employers commented that all categorical penalties should be
removed from the regulations and that employers should be permitted to
designate leave as FMLA leave retroactively. Some employers suggested
that any penalty should be tailored to the specific harm suffered by
the employee or suggested situations in which no penalty would be
appropriate. Employees supported the current notice and designation
requirements in the Department's regulations, with many noting that
they suffer hardships when they do not know promptly whether the
employer believes they are entitled to FMLA-protected leave. Some
employee commenters suggested that employers be required to provide
annual notices to employees regarding their FMLA eligibility status and
periodic reports regarding any FMLA leave used. Employers expressed
concerns that without some clarification they are unsure of their
liabilities for failure to follow the notification requirements. Both
groups expressed a need for the Department to clarify the impact of
Ragsdale on the notification requirements in the current regulations.
Serious Health Condition (Chapter III)
The Department received many comments on the regulatory definition
of serious health condition relating to a period of incapacity of more
than three consecutive calendar days and treatment two or more times by
a health care provider (sometimes called the ``objective test'')
contained at 29 CFR 825.114(a)(2)(i) and its interaction with 29 CFR
825.114(c) (which provides examples of conditions that ordinarily are
not covered). Chapter III summarizes these comments. Many of these
comments echoed (or had their origins in) earlier comments to the
record the Department received in 1993 when promulgating its current
The Department received many comments from employees and employee
groups who believe that the objective test is a good, clear test that
is serving its intended purpose, consistent with the legislative
history, while a common theme from many employers was that the
regulatory definition of serious health condition is vague and/or
confusing. Moreover, comments from employer groups complained that
there is no real requirement that a health condition be ``serious'' in
the regulatory definition of serious health condition.
Many employee representatives felt section 825.114(c) imposes no
independent limitation on the definition of serious health condition
and therefore need not be changed. Other commenters took the very
opposite tack--that the objective test extinguished Congress' intent to
exclude minor illnesses and that the Department should breathe life
into subsection (c) by making it more of a per se rule, as it was
initially interpreted by Wage and Hour Opinion Letter FMLA-57 (Apr. 7,
Some employers offered to give meaning to subsection (c) by
changing the period of incapacity in the objective test from
``calendar'' days to ``business'' days. Still other commenters
suggested that the Department maintain the substantive language of both
regulatory sections but explicitly adopt a recent court interpretation
of the regulations that the ``treatment two or more times by a health
care provider'' in section 825.114(a)(2)(i)(A) must occur during the
period of ``more than three days'' incapacity. Some commenters
suggested reconciling the two regulatory provisions by simply
tightening the requirements for qualifying for a serious health
condition under the objective test (e.g., increasing the number of days
of incapacity required).
Unscheduled Intermittent Leave (Chapter IV)
Chapter IV of the Report discusses the use of unscheduled
intermittent leave under FMLA. Based on the comments received,
unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave is crucial to employees with
chronic serious health conditions resulting in sudden, unpredictable
flare-ups. Conversely, it is precisely the use of unscheduled (or
unforeseeable) intermittent leave for chronic conditions that presents
the most serious difficulties for many employers in terms of
scheduling, attendance, productivity, morale, and other concerns. With
respect to employer comments, no other FMLA issue even comes close.
The Act itself does not provide a definition of ``chronic'' serious
health conditions. During the 1993-1995 notice-and-comment rulemaking
phase, the Department filled in this gap, as the regulatory definition
of ``serious health condition'' evolved in response to public comments
urging that this
[[Page 35554]]
definition specifically cover chronic conditions.
Regarding intermittent leave, the Act provides for the taking of
leave in small blocks, or intermittently, but does not specify the
minimum increment. 29 U.S.C. 2612(b)(1). In its regulations, the
Department rejected any minimum limitations on intermittent leave,
citing the statute, and stating a concern that such limits would cause
employees to take leave in greater amounts than necessary, and thus
erode a worker's 12-week leave entitlement. 60 FR 2236. The Department
also predicted initially that incidents of unscheduled intermittent
leave would be unusual. 58 FR 31801.
The Act sets out a clear, 30-day notice requirement for leave that
is foreseeable, but for leave foreseeable less than 30 days in advance,
the Act has a less clear, ``as soon as practicable'' notice
requirement. 29 U.S.C. 2612(e)(2)(B). The Department, through its
interpretive actions, has defined ``as soon as practicable'' to mean
two working days after the need for leave becomes known.\11\
\11\ See Wage and Hour Opinion Letter FMLA-101 (Jan. 15, 1999).
Fourteen years later, the comments indicate that unscheduled
intermittent FMLA leave for chronic conditions has become commonplace
and it is difficult for employers to determine or monitor employees'
incapacity when the chronic condition does not involve any active,
direct treatment or care by a health care provider (i.e., self-
treatment by employees with chronic conditions such as asthma,
diabetes, migraine headaches, and chronic back pain).
Employers expressed frustration about what they perceive to be
employees' ability to avoid promptly alerting their employers of their
need to take unscheduled leave in situations when it is clearly
practicable for them to do so. A common example cited by employers
involves ignoring mandatory shift call-in procedures even when the
employee is fully able to comply, and then later reporting the absence
as FMLA-qualifying after-the-fact. Thus, some employers allege,
employees may use FMLA: (1) As a pretext for tardiness or to leave work
early for reasons unrelated to a serious health condition, (2) to
obtain a preferred shift instead of the one assigned by the employer,
or (3) to convert a full-time position to a permanent part-time one.
These employers believe the Department's regulatory interpretations
have exacerbated this situation.
Other commenters said that when an employer is unable to verify
that an employee's unscheduled absence is in fact caused by a chronic
serious health condition, and the employer cannot seek additional
medical verification of the need for the absence, the employer cannot
distinguish between employees who legitimately need FMLA leave and
employees who misuse the protections of FMLA to excuse an otherwise
unexcused absence from work.
Notice: Employee Rights and Responsibilities (Chapter V)
Chapter V of the Report summarizes comments received regarding the
FMLA rights and responsibilities of employees. The comments to the RFI
indicate that many employees are not knowledgeable about their rights
and responsibilities under the FMLA. Even among employees who possess a
general awareness of the law, many do not know how the FMLA applies to
their individual circumstances. This reported lack of employee
awareness may contribute to frustrations voiced by the employer
community concerning employee notice of the need for FMLA leave.
Employers and their representatives commented on employees not
providing notice of the need for leave in a timely fashion and
receiving notice without sufficient information to make a determination
as to whether or not the leave is FMLA-qualifying.
The Medical Certification and Verification Process (Chapter VI)
The Department received significant comments regarding the FMLA
medical certification process. These comments are discussed in Chapter
VI. Generally speaking, all parties involved in the certification
process--employees, employers and health care providers--believed the
current process needs to be improved.
Many employers commented that they are frustrated with
certifications that do not provide meaningful guidance regarding the
employee's expected use of intermittent leave. They also noted that the
current regulatory framework provides them with limited options for
verifying that employees are using FMLA leave for legitimate reasons.
Employers also stated they want to be able to talk directly with the
employee's health care provider (without using a health care provider
of their own) and feel that greater communication would allow decisions
regarding FMLA coverage to be made more quickly.
Employees commented that employers are not using the existing FMLA
procedures appropriately to challenge medical certifications and are
instead simply refusing to accept certifications without seeking
clarification or a second opinion. Some employees also claimed that
their use of unscheduled intermittent leave for chronic conditions
seems to be causing a backlash among some employers who refuse FMLA
coverage for any absences that exceed what is on the medical
certification. Employees also expressed concern that increased
communication between the employer and their health care providers
could lead to an erosion of their right to medical confidentiality.
Finally, although the certification requirement calls for an
estimate of the expected use of intermittent leave, health care
providers commented that often there is no way they can furnish a
reliable estimate of the frequency or severity of the flare ups and
thus are unable to provide all the information required in the
certification. Based on the comments received, employers, employees and
health care providers almost universally believe the Department's model
certification form WH-380 could be improved.
Interplay Between the FMLA and the Americans with Disabilities Act
(Chapter VII)
A number of commenters discussed the relationship between the FMLA
and the Americans with Disabilities Act (``ADA'').\12\ Although the ADA
also may provide employees with job-protected medical leave, the
legislative history of the FMLA indicates that Congress intended for
``the leave provisions of the [FMLA to be] * ** wholly distinct from
the reasonable accommodation obligations of employers covered under the
[ADA].'' \13\ Nonetheless, the Department borrowed several important
concepts from the ADA when finalizing the FMLA regulations. The
practical realities of the workplace also mean that employee requests
for medical leave often are covered by both statutes, thus requiring
employers to consider carefully the rights and responsibilities imposed
by each statute. Chapter VII summarizes the comments received by the
Department regarding the interplay between FMLA and ADA.
\12\ 42 U.S.C. 12101-12117, 12201-12213.
\13\ S. Rep. No. 3, 103d Cong., 1st Sess. 38 (1993).
Almost uniformly, employers and their representatives urged the
Department to consider implementing more consistent procedures for
handling and approving medical leave requests under the FMLA and ADA.
These commenters argued that, in many instances--but particularly with
respect to obtaining medical information--the ADA and its implementing
regulations provided a ``much better model'' and struck a more
appropriate balance between an employee's right to take
[[Page 35555]]
reasonable leave for medical reasons and the legitimate interests of
employers. Many of these commenters cited their own experience in
administering the ADA as support for the idea that additional limits
imposed by the FMLA were unnecessary, particularly because both
statutes require employers to review similar types of medical
information and make determinations about an employee's ability to work
based on that information. These commenters also noted that, in many
instances, the same human resources person reviews an employee's
absences under both statutes, thus further blurring the line between
what an employer could permissibly do under each statute.
Other commenters, including unions and other employee groups,
argued that the differences between the two statutory schemes were a
direct result of the distinctively different purposes of each law.
These commenters noted that the ADA is intended to ensure that
qualified individuals with disabilities are provided with equal
opportunity to work, while the FMLA's purpose is to provide reasonable
leave from work for eligible employees. These commenters generally
opposed implementing procedures they viewed as placing additional
limits on the availability of FMLA leave, or increasing requirements
under the FMLA medical certification process.
Transfer to an Alternative Position (Chapter VIII)
The RFI did not specifically ask any questions about an employer's
ability to transfer an employee to an ``alternative position'' but the
Department received many comments on this topic. These comments are
discussed in Chapter VIII of the Report. Under the FMLA, an employer
may transfer an employee to an ``alternative position'' with equivalent
pay and benefits when the employee needs to take intermittent or
reduced schedule leave ``that is foreseeable based on planned medical
treatment[.]'' 29 U.S.C. 2612(b)(2). Section 825.204 of the regulations
explains more fully when an employer may transfer an employee to an
alternative position in order to accommodate foreseeable intermittent
leave or a reduced leave schedule.
A significant number of employer commenters questioned why the
regulations only permit an employer to transfer an employee when the
employee's need for leave is foreseeable based on planned medical
treatment as opposed to a chronic need for unforeseeable (unscheduled)
leave. Many commenters saw no practical basis for differentiating
between foreseeable and unforeseeable need for leave in this context.
In fact, many employers reported that the underlying rationale for the
transfer provision--to provide ``greater staffing flexibility'' while
maintaining the employee's same pay and benefits--is best served where
the employee's need for leave is unforeseeable.
Substitution of Paid Leave (Chapter IX)
Chapter IX of the Report summarizes comments regarding the
substitution of paid leave for unpaid FMLA leave. Under the statute,
employees may substitute accrued paid leave for FMLA leave under
certain circumstances. If employees forego the option to substitute
paid leave, employers may then require such substitution.\14\ The
legislative history indicates that Congress had two purposes in
providing for the substitution of accrued paid leave for unpaid FMLA
leave. First, Congress sought to clarify that where employers provided
paid leave for FMLA-covered reasons, they were only required to provide
a total of 12 weeks of FMLA-protected leave including the period of
paid leave (i.e., employees could not stack 12 weeks of unpaid FMLA
leave on top of any accrued paid leave provided by the employer). The
second purpose of substitution of paid leave was to mitigate the
financial impact of income loss to the employee due to family or
medical leave.
\14\ 29 U.S.C. 2612(d).
A major concern of the employer commenters was that when employees
substitute paid vacation or personal leave for unpaid FMLA leave, they
are able to circumvent certain aspects of employers' existing paid
leave policies, such as notification requirements, minimum increments
of leave, seniority, or time of year restrictions. These commenters
stated that employees substituting such paid leave for unpaid FMLA
leave are, therefore, treated more favorably than those employees who
use their accrued leave for other reasons. Employee commenters noted
that the ability to substitute paid leave is a critical factor in their
ability to utilize their FMLA entitlements, because many employees
simply cannot afford to take unpaid leave.
The comments also identified a number of other issues affected by
substitution of paid leave. For example, employers questioned the
wisdom of the regulation forbidding substitution if employees are
receiving payments from a benefit plan such as workers' compensation or
short-term disability plans. On the other hand, employees commented
that they are improperly required by employers to substitute paid
leave, despite contrary language in existing collective bargaining
agreements providing employees with the right to decide when to use
their leave.
Joint Employment (Chapter X)
Chapter X of the Report discusses comments regarding employer
coverage under FMLA in cases in which a company utilizes the services
of a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). Unlike a staffing or
placement agency, PEOs generally are service providers that handle
payroll and other human resource work for the employer and which, under
the current regulations, may qualify in some circumstances as a primary
employer in a joint employment arrangement.
The comments indicated that PEOs generally are not responsible for
employment decisions like hiring, firing, supervision, etc. All of the
comments in this area supported the view that the primary ``employer''
in these cases should be the client company that actually hires and
uses the employees who are provided benefit services by the PEO. Thus,
according to these comments, the client company, and not the PEO,
should be responsible for the placement of employees returning from
FMLA leave.
Data: FMLA Coverage, Usage, and Economic Impact (Chapter XI)
The Department received a significant number of comments on the
usage and impact of the FMLA, including a variety of national surveys
and numerous data on FMLA leave from individual companies or government
and quasi-government agencies. This information, when supplemented by
the data from the 2000 Westat Report (and despite its limitations),
provides considerable insight and a far more detailed picture of the
workings of the FMLA, and the impact of intermittent leave, in
particular. Chapter XI of this Report provides a full discussion of the
data received.
Several themes arose out of the data comments submitted in response
to the RFI:
The benefits of FMLA leave include retaining valuable
human capital; having more productive employees at work; lower long-run
health care costs; lower turnover costs; lower presenteeism costs; and
lower public assistance costs.
There are unquantifiable impacts on both sides. On the
benefit side, the value of FMLA leave is often immeasurable. On the
cost side, there
[[Page 35556]]
can be a negative impact on customers and the public when workers do
not show up for their shifts on time.
A significant number of workers, especially for some
facilities or workgroups, have medical certifications on file for
chronic health conditions, and the number is increasing.
Unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave causes staffing
problems for employers requiring them to overstaff some positions and
use mandatory overtime to cover other positions. Both of these increase
costs and prices.
The lack of employee notification can cause some positions
to go temporarily understaffed resulting in service or production
delays. This not only increases costs in the short run but also may
potentially impact future business.
Unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave can adversely impact
the workplace in a variety of ways, including missed holidays and time-
off for other employees, lower morale, and added stress that can result
in health problems.
Further, it appears that the Department's intermittent FMLA leave
estimates presented in the RFI--that about 1.5 million workers took
intermittent FMLA leave in 2005, and that about 700,000 of these
workers took unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave--may be too low.
While the percentage of FMLA covered and eligible workers who take
FMLA leave may appear to be low relative to the total workforce and the
percentage who take unscheduled intermittent leave may appear to be
even smaller, the record shows that these workers can have a
significant impact on the operations of their employers and their
workplaces for a variety of reasons. First, as a number of commenters
pointed out, these workers can repeatedly take unscheduled intermittent
leave, over nine hours per week, and still not exhaust their allocation
of FMLA leave for the year (generally, 12 weeks x 40 hours/week = 480
hours). Second, the record reveals that workplaces with time-sensitive
operations, such as assembly-line manufacturing, transportation,
transit, and public health and safety occupations can be
disproportionably impacted by just a few employees who repeatedly take
unscheduled intermittent leave. Third, the comments indicate that if
the morale or health of workers covering for the absent employees on
FMLA leave begins to suffer, either because they believe the absent
workers are misusing unscheduled intermittent leave or from the stress
caused by an increased workload, these workers may in turn seek and
need their own FMLA certifications causing a ripple effect in
attendance and productivity.
Finally, the data indicate that if unscheduled intermittent FMLA
leave is taken, most employers will be able to resolve these infrequent
low cost events on a case-by-case basis by using the existing workforce
(or possibly bringing in temporary help) to cover for the absent
worker, and likely will view unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave as an
expected cost of business. On the other hand, for those establishments
and workgroups with a high probability (rate) of unscheduled
intermittent leave and where the cost of such leave is high, the
comments suggest that none of the measures that are typically used to
reduce the risk and costs associated with unscheduled intermittent FMLA
leave appear to work very well. These establishments, whose risk
management systems (e.g., absence control policies, overstaffing,
mandatory overtime) appear to be overwhelmed, are likely the employers
reporting that intermittent FMLA leave has a moderate to large negative
impact on their productivity and profits (1.8 to 12.7 percent of
establishments according to the 2000 Westat Report). In addition, many
of the traditional methods used to encourage good attendance or control
absenteeism (e.g., perfect attendance awards or no fault attendance
polices) may not be used if they interfere with FMLA protected leave.
These employers may try to make it more difficult for their workers to
take unscheduled intermittent FMLA leave by repeatedly questioning the
medical certifications or asking for recertifications--creating tension
in the workplace.
In those sections of the FMLA dealing with leave for the birth of a
child, for the adoption of a child, and associated with health
conditions that require blocks of leave and are undeniably ``serious''
(e.g., cancer, Alzheimer's, heart attack), the law appears to be
working as anticipated and intended, and working very successfully.
When addressing these areas, there is near unanimity in the comments--
FMLA leave is a valuable benefit to the employee, improves employee
morale, improves the lives of America's families, and, as a result,
benefits employers. These aspects of the FMLA are fully supported by
workers and their employers.
But to the extent that the use of FMLA leave has continued to
increase in unanticipated ways, primarily in the area of intermittent
leave taken as self-treatment for chronic serious health conditions,
the Department has heard significant concerns. These unanticipated
facets of the FMLA are the source of considerable friction in the
following areas:
How serious is ``serious''?
What does ``intermittent'' leave mean and how long should
it go on?
What are the rules surrounding unforeseeable leave?
How much information can an employer require before
approving leave?
What are an employee's responsibilities under the Act?
What workplace rules may an employer actually enforce?
How has other legislation, including the ADA and HIPAA,
affected the FMLA?
Absent the protections of the FMLA, many workers with chronic
conditions might not otherwise be permitted to be absent from their
jobs. This is unquestionably a valuable right. But it is precisely the
use of FMLA leave by a subset of these workers--those seeking
unscheduled intermittent leave for a chronic condition--that appears to
present the most serious difficulties for many employers in terms of
scheduling, attendance, productivity, morale, and other concerns. As
was clear from the record, these comments are not inconsistent with
each other. These things are true at the same time.
The success of the FMLA depends on smooth communication among all
parties. To the extent that employees and employers become more
adversarial in their dealings with each other over the use of FMLA
leave, it may become harder for workers to take leave when they need it
The Department hopes that this Report will further the discussion
of these important issues and is grateful to all who participated in
this information-gathering process.
I. Employee Perspective: Experiences in the Value of the FMLA
The chapters that follow in this Report deal in large part with the
substantive comments from individual employers and employees, law
firms, and groups representing employers and employees, assessing what
works or does not work particularly well with specific regulatory
sections of the FMLA. Because of that, it is easy to lose perspective
about the overall value of the workplace protections provided by the
Act. That value is best shown in the comments submitted by individual
employees and, in some instances their employers or representatives.
While it would be impossible for the Department
[[Page 35557]]
to catalog every comment it received in response to the Request for
Information (``RFI'') about the value of the FMLA, this chapter
provides a representative collection of comments recounting those
personal experiences.\1\ These comments also include some examples of
best practices of employers in carrying out the FMLA--practices that
often create or strengthen good relationships between employers and
employees. These comments reflect the belief stated in the regulations
that a ``direct correlation exists between stability in the family and
productivity in the workplace'' and demonstrate that the underlying
intent of the Act ``to allow employees to balance their work and family
life by taking reasonable unpaid leave'' for certain qualifying family
and medical reasons is being fulfilled. 29 CFR 825.101.
\1\ The Request for Information can be found at 71 FR 69,508
(December 1, 2006).
Many employees were grateful that the Act existed and that they
were able to utilize the leave entitlement in a time of need. Some
employees specifically commented that the Act helped them during
difficult periods of caring for loved ones who were ill. For example,
one employee wrote that she used FMLA leave twice, once to care for a
seriously ill child and again ``when my husband was injured in
Afghanistan and needed assistance in his recovery[.]'' An Employee
Comment, Doc. 2666, at 1.\2\ She noted that ``without this [FMLA]
protection, I probably would have lost my job and all its benefits[.]''
Id. Another employee said he could not have cared for his ill wife
without FMLA. An Employee Comment, Doc. FL18, at 1. ``My wife * * * has
a medical condition that is covered by the FMLA. I have used
intermittent FMLA leave to take her to the doctor whose office is
located approximately 4 hours away by car from where we live. I have
been doing this on average once a month for approximately 3 years. I
would not be able to do this without the FMLA.'' Id.
\2\ The names of individual employees have been redacted from
the Report where any personal or medical information was provided.
One employee, whose comment echoed the sentiment that the FMLA
allows employees to balance their work obligations with the need to
care for their loved ones, appreciated how his family benefited from
FMLA leave. ``Presently, my sister is having to care for our ailing
mother while holding down a job. The Family and Medical Leave Act is
very important to her as well as her family in her continued effort to
care for our mother in her final days.'' An Employee Comment, Doc. FL9,
at 1. Another employee said, ``I * * * recently returned from taking a
two week FML[A leave] to care for my elderly stepfather after open
heart surgery. My family and I were appreciative that because of the
FML[A] I was able to request time to assist with his care and
recuperation at home. We all have no doubt that my time was invaluable
with his improvement once home.'' An Employee Comment, Doc. 139, at 1.
Other commenters also noted the value of FMLA when they needed
leave because of their own serious health conditions. For example, one
employee said, ``As a cancer survivor myself, I cannot imagine how much
more difficult those days of treatments and frequent doctor
appointments would've been without FMLA. I did my best to be at work as
much as possible, but chemotherapy and radiation not only sap the body
of energy, but also take hours every day and every week in treatment
rooms.'' An Employee Comment, Doc. 5798, at 1. Another employee, who
used FMLA leave on several occasions for her own serious health
condition, stated that she was ``very thankful for the existence of the
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). As a two-time survivor of breast
cancer, I have taken FMLA leave both on a continuous and an
intermittent basis--continuous leave to recover from my surgeries
(therapeutic and reconstructive) and intermittent for doctors
appointments, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy treatments.'' An
Employee Comment, Doc. 234, at 1. Other employees specifically pointed
out the value of the FMLA in allowing them to focus completely on
recovery. For example, a correctional officer commented, ``I was out of
work for a short period of time due to a serious medical condition that
was treatable. FMLA gives the employee the ability to tend to these
concerns with their full attention, to recuperate without sacrificing
their career [or] their livelihood.'' An Employee Comment, Doc. FL87,
at 1.
Several employees commented specifically about the value of
intermittent leave under the FMLA. A railroad employee of thirty-six
years said he uses intermittent leave to care for his wife, who suffers
from Multiple Sclerosis (``MS''). An Employee Comment, Doc. FL115, at
1. Acknowledging the sporadic need for leave, the commenter said,
``Since MS is an incurable disease without a schedule or any way of
knowing when an episode is going to [occur], I cannot always foresee
when I am needed at home. The only time I know I am needed is when [my
wife] has an appointment with her doctor. This is subject to change if
she is unable to go to the doctor due to weakness.'' Id. Similarly, an
AT&T employee commented that intermittent leave under the Act makes it
possible for her to care for her mother, who has Alzheimer's disease.
``I only take an hour here and there as needed. I try to work doctor
appointments and other things around my work schedule. However, it is
impossible to always do that. FMLA has been a life saver for me. Had I
not had FMLA for this reason I don't know what I would do.'' An
Employee Comment, Doc. 10046A, at 1.
Many employees commented that the Act helped save their jobs. For
example, one employee, who commented that her child's health condition
sometimes keeps her out of work for several days at a time, said,
``FMLA has tremendously helped my family. I have a child born w/
[asthma], allergies & other medical issues. And, there are times I'm
out of work for days[. I]f I didn't have FMLA I would have been fired
[a long] time ago. I've been able to maintain my employment and keep my
household from having to need assistance from the commonwealth.'' An
Employee Comment, Doc. 229, at 1. Another employee said, ``I returned
home after three months [of FMLA leave] to be told I no longer had a
job. I was told it would be unfair of me to expect my coworkers to
cover for me so they were forced to hire a new employee * * * When I
asked the manager about the previous assurances that my job would be
held until I returned I wasn't given a direct answer. I invoked the
FMLA and was able to keep my job.'' An Employee Comment, Doc. 61, at 1.
A teacher stated, ``Without [the FMLA], I couldn't have cared for both
of my parents at different times in their lives and kept my job * * *
Because of the act I was able to keep my parents out of nursing homes
and still keep my job to support them later. This is the best thing you
can do for working families around our country.'' An Employee Comment,
Doc. 1181, at 1.
Similarly, an employee with a chronic serious health condition
commented, ``I can get sick at any time and need brain surgery. This
can put me out of commission for a month or two. FMLA gives me the
peace of mind that I cannot be fired after I have been in a job for a
year. I cannot stress how monumental that assurance is.'' An Employee
Comment, Doc. 159, at 1. Another employee said, ``Without the
availability of FMLA I'm not certain of what would have happened to my
family when my husband was diagnosed with ALS 5
[[Page 35558]]
years ago. Thankfully it was there, so I could be with him as he was
dying.'' An Employee Comment, Doc. 4332, at 1. A union steward, using
FMLA leave for his own serious health condition, commented that ``FMLA
not only allows me to take time off for * * * therapy/medical
appointments but also allows [me] to take time off as needed when I
have sporadic episodes in which the medicine does not work, needs to be
fine tuned or changed which is essential to my well-being.'' An
Employee Comment, Doc. 4619, at 1. He further commented, ``Without FMLA
I would have been fired long ago[.] * * * FMLA saved my job and I also
believe saved my life, and to this day gives me a sense of security
against any discipline or termination based on my legitimate medical
needs.'' Id.
The FMLA appears to be particularly valued by employees caring for
both children and parents with serious health conditions. A telephone
company employee providing care for her asthmatic son and for her 84-
year-old mother commented: ``I am part of what is known as the
``Sandwich Generation''[.] * * * I have had several occasions to use
FMLA[.] * * * Without FMLA protection I would have lost my job.'' An
Employee Comment, Doc. R133, at 1. Another employee described taking
leave for a three-month period for the birth of her child, then needing
leave intermittently to care for her father ``for a few days after each
hospitalization'' for his chronic heart disease. An Employee Comment,
Doc. 6311, at 1. According to this commenter, ``Knowing that I was
protected meant I didn't have to choose between my Father's health and
my job.'' Id. at 1.
In a similar vein, one commenter who administers FMLA leave for her
employer noted, ``What I am seeing with increasing regularity are FMLA
requests for employees to care for an elderly parent who is ill and not
able to afford a caregiver to attend to his/her needs. These are
usually for intermittent leaves that will allow the employee to
chauffer their parent to the doctor [or] attend to their parent post
surgery. As our working population ages, [the need for leave related
to] caring for elderly parent(s) will increase.'' Doreen Stratton, Doc.
696 at 1. An employee agreed: ``There are multiple factors putting
stress on the American family, making the FMLA a good thing for
families with children. Also, millions of baby-boomers are getting old,
many of them without adequate retirement funds--so we will be seeing
more family caregivers, not fewer.'' An Employee Comment, Doc. 5473, at
1. As these comments show, the import