Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers With Disabilities, 26456-26531 [07-2140]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
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34 CFR Part 303
[Docket ID ED–2007–OSERS–131]
RIN 1820–AB59
Early Intervention Program for Infants
and Toddlers With Disabilities
Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services, Department of
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
The Secretary proposes to
amend the regulations governing the
Early Intervention Program for Infants
and Toddlers with Disabilities. The
proposed regulations would implement
changes made to the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act by the
Individuals with Disabilities Education
Improvement Act of 2004.
DATES: We must receive your comments
on or before July 23, 2007.
We will hold public meetings about
this NPRM. The dates, times, and places
of the meetings will be published in a
separate notice in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments
through the Federal eRulemaking Portal
or via postal mail, commercial delivery,
or hand delivery. We will not accept
comments by fax or by e-mail. Please
submit your comments only one time, in
order to ensure that we do not receive
duplicate copies. In addition, please
include the Docket ID at the top of your
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
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‘‘Submit.’’ In the Docket ID column,
select ED–2007–OSERS–131 to add or
view public comments and to view
supporting and related materials
available electronically. Information on
using Regulations.gov, including
instructions for submitting comments,
accessing documents, and viewing the
docket after the close of the comment
period, is available through the site’s
‘‘User Tips’’ link.
• Postal Mail, Commercial Delivery,
or Hand Delivery. If you mail or deliver
your comments about these proposed
regulations, address them to Alexa
Posny, U.S. Department of Education,
400 Maryland Avenue, SW., room 4109,
Potomac Center Plaza, Washington, DC
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
Privacy Note: The Department’s policy for
comments received from members of the
public (including those comments submitted
by mail, commercial delivery, or hand
delivery) is to make these submissions
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Alexa Posny, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
room 4109, Potomac Center Plaza,
Washington, DC 20202–2600.
Telephone: (202) 245–7459, extension 3.
If you use a telecommunications
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Individuals with disabilities may
obtain this document in an alternative
format (e.g., Braille, large print,
audiotape, or computer diskette) upon
request to the contact person listed
Invitation to Comment
We invite you to submit comments
regarding these proposed regulations.
To ensure that your comments have
maximum effect in developing the final
regulations, we urge you to identify
clearly the specific section or sections of
the proposed regulations that each of
your comments addresses and to arrange
your comments in the same order as the
proposed regulations.
We invite you to assist us in
complying with the specific
requirements of Executive Order 12866
and its overall requirement of reducing
regulatory burden that might result from
these proposed regulations. Please let us
know of any further opportunities we
should provide to reduce the potential
costs or increase potential benefits
while preserving the effective and
efficient administration of the program.
During and after the comment period,
you may inspect all public comments
about these proposed regulations by
accessing Regulations.gov. You may also
inspect the comments, in person, in
room 4165, Potomac Center Plaza, 550
12th Street, SW., Washington, DC,
between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4
p.m., Eastern time, Monday through
Friday of each week except Federal
Assistance to Individuals With
Disabilities in Reviewing the
Rulemaking Record
On request, we will supply an
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print magnifier, to an individual with a
disability who needs assistance to
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documents in the public rulemaking
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record for these proposed regulations. If
you want to schedule an appointment
for this type of aid, please contact the
person listed under FOR FURTHER
Public Meetings
We will hold public meetings about
this NPRM. Each meeting will take
place from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We will
be providing more specific information
on meeting dates and locations in a
separate notice published in the Federal
Assistance to Individuals With
Disabilities at the Public Meetings
The meeting sites will be accessible to
individuals with disabilities and sign
language interpreters will be available.
If you need an auxiliary aid or service
other than a sign language interpreter to
participate in the meeting (e.g.,
interpreting service such as oral, cued
speech, or tactile interpreter; assisted
listening device; or materials in
alternate format), notify the contact
person listed under FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT at least two weeks
before the scheduled meeting date.
Although we will attempt to meet a
request we receive after this date, we
may not be able to make available the
requested auxiliary aid or service
because of insufficient time to arrange
On December 3, 2004, the Individuals
with Disabilities Education
Improvement Act of 2004 was enacted
into law as Public Law 108–446. This
statute, as passed by Congress and
signed by the President, reauthorizes
and makes significant changes to the
Individuals with Disabilities Education
Part C of the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act, as amended
by the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Improvement Act of 2004
(Act or IDEA), provides Federal funds to
States to make available early
intervention services for infants and
toddlers with disabilities (from birth to
age three) and their families. In 2004,
the Act was revised to—(1) Emphasize
child find for underserved populations
of infants and toddlers; (2) increase
accountability for the success of early
intervention services; (3) ensure a
seamless transition for children and
families when they exit from the Part C
program to other appropriate programs;
(4) provide States with flexibility to
provide early intervention services to
children with disabilities who are age
three and older; (5) provide States with
alternatives to dispute resolution under
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
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Part C’s procedural safeguards; (6)
clarify certain definitions including
specific early intervention services,
qualified personnel, and natural
environments; and (7) streamline Part C
grant application requirements.
Changes to the current Part C
regulations (34 CFR part 303) are
necessary in order for the Department to
appropriately and effectively address
the provisions of the law and to assist
State lead agencies and early
intervention service programs and
providers in implementing their
responsibilities under the law.
On December 29, 2004, the Secretary
published a notice in the Federal
Register requesting advice and
recommendations from the public on
regulatory issues under the Act, and
announcing a series of seven public
meetings during January and February
of 2005 to seek further input and
suggestions for developing regulations
based on the new statute.
Over 6000 public comments were
received in response to the Federal
Register notice and the seven public
meetings, including letters from parents,
public agency personnel, early
intervention personnel, and parentadvocate and professional organizations.
The comments addressed the major
provisions of the law. These comments
were reviewed and considered in
developing this NPRM. The Secretary
appreciates the interest and thoughtful
attention of the commenters responding
to the December 29, 2004 notice and
participating in the seven public
General Proposed Regulatory Plan and
In developing this NPRM, we have
elected to prepare one comprehensive
document that incorporates the majority
of the requirements from the law along
with the applicable regulations, rather
than publishing a regulation that does
not include statutory provisions. The
rationale for doing this is to create a
single reference document for parents,
State lead agencies, early intervention
service programs and providers, State
Interagency Coordinating Councils, and
others to use, so there is no need to shift
between one document for regulations
and a separate document for the statute.
Although this approach will result in
longer regulations, it is our impression
that there is support for this practice.
We have reorganized the regulations
by following the general order,
substance, and structure of provisions in
the statute, rather than using the
arrangement of the current regulations.
We believe this change will be helpful
to parents, State lead agencies, early
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intervention service providers and the
public both in reading the regulations,
and in finding the direct link between
a given statutory requirement and the
regulation related to that requirement.
The proposed regulations contain Part
C statutory provisions (even where
those provisions are not in the current
regulations but were in the statute prior
to 2004). For example, proposed
§ 303.104 (Acquisition of equipment
and construction or alteration of
facilities) contains new regulatory
language that incorporates the
longstanding statutory language in
section 605 of the Act, which was
unchanged by the 2004 amendments to
the Act. Because these changes in the
proposed regulations do not involve
new substantive requirements, but
rather incorporate longstanding
statutory requirements, they are not
identified in this preamble as
substantive changes. The changes in
these proposed regulations are
identified in the appropriate locations
in the preamble.
In general, the requirements related to
a given statutory section will be
included in one location and in the
same general order as in the statute,
rather than being spread throughout
several subparts, as the statutory
sections are in the current regulations.
One exception to this approach is that
the regulations implementing section
638 of the Act (Uses of funds), are
combined with the regulations
implementing section 632 (System of
payments) and section 640 of the Act
(Payor of last resort) in proposed
subpart F, because both relate to
financial and interagency matters.
As restructured in this NPRM, these
proposed regulations are divided into
eight major subparts, each of which is
directly linked to, and comports with,
the general order of provisions in a
specific section of the Act. For example,
we have revised subpart H in the
proposed regulations to include all
provisions regarding the allocation of
Part C funds (from section 643 of the
Act), rather than having those
provisions dispersed among several
different subparts, as in the current Part
C regulations.
In addition, these proposed
regulations do not contain notes
following the regulatory text as in the
current regulations. Where necessary
and relevant, language from the notes in
the current regulations has been
incorporated into the proposed
Finally, these proposed regulations
incorporate, where practicable,
applicable Part B regulations in order to
align the two systems, minimize
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administrative costs (particularly for
lead agencies that are also State
educational agencies (SEAs) responsible
for administering both Parts B and C of
the Act in a State), and promote a
seamless system of services for infants,
toddlers, children, and youth with
disabilities birth through 21 years of
Significant Proposed Regulations
We discuss substantive issues under
the sections of the proposed regulations
to which they pertain. Generally, we do
not address proposed regulatory
provisions that are technical or
otherwise minor in effect.
Subpart A—General
Proposed subpart A would
incorporate the provisions in sections
601, 602, 631, and 632 of the Act
regarding the purpose of and definitions
under Part C of the Act.
Purpose and Applicable Regulations
Proposed § 303.1(a) through (d)
(Purpose) would be substantively
unchanged and would incorporate
sections 601(d)(2) and 631(a)(5) and
(b)(1) through (3) of the Act regarding
the purposes of Part C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.1(e), regarding
expanding opportunities for children
under three who would be at risk of
developmental delay, would be added
to incorporate the language from section
631(b)(4) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.2, regarding eligible
recipients under Part C of the Act would
remain substantively unchanged from
current § 303.2, and would be consistent
with the definition of State in section
602(31) of the Act and in proposed
§ 303.34.
Current § 303.3, regarding use of
funds for activities supported under Part
C of the Act, would be incorporated into
proposed § 303.501 regarding
permissive use of funds by the lead
agency in subpart F of these proposed
regulations. Current § 303.4 regarding
the limitation on eligible children
would be removed because the
definitions of child and infant or toddler
with a disability in proposed §§ 303.6
and 303.21, respectively, make clear
that part 303 applies to infants and
toddlers with disabilities who are under
the age of three and therefore does not
apply to children with disabilities ages
three and older who may be entitled to
receive a free appropriate public
education under Part B of the Act.
Proposed § 303.3, regarding
applicable regulations, would
incorporate the provisions from current
§ 303.5. Proposed § 303.3(a)(1) would
incorporate the language from current
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
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§ 303.5(a)(2). Proposed § 303.3(a)(2)
would include the references from the
Education Department General
Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in
current § 303.5(a)(1). The references to
the Part B regulations in current
§ 303.3(a)(3) would be removed because
all applicable provisions from the Part
B regulations would be included in
these proposed regulations. For
example, the provisions in the Part B
regulations regarding confidentiality
and the procedures for the Secretary’s
determination of State eligibility to
receive a grant, which are crossreferenced in current § 303.5(a)(3),
would appear, respectively, in proposed
§§ 303.402 through 303.417 and
proposed §§ 303.231 through 303.236.
Proposed § 303.3(b) would
incorporate the language from current
§ 303.5(b)(1), regarding the meaning of
State educational agency, to indicate
that any reference to the term State
educational agency means the lead
agency under this part.
Current § 303.5(b)(2) through (b)(5)
regarding the meaning of terms and
cross-references from the Part B
regulations as applied to the Part C
regulations would be removed as
unnecessary because we would
incorporate applicable definitions and
provisions from the Part B regulations in
these proposed regulations.
Definitions Used in This Part
Proposed § 303.4 (Act) would
incorporate the statutory definition of
Act from section 601(a) of the Act and
current § 303.6, and would further
clarify that the Act has been amended.
Proposed § 303.5 (At-risk infant or
toddler) would incorporate the statutory
definition from section 632(1) of the
Act. This section would also include the
examples of biological and
environmental at-risk factors listed in
Note 2 following current § 303.16 as
follows: Low birth weight, respiratory
distress as a newborn, lack of oxygen,
brain hemorrhage, infection, nutritional
deprivation, and history of abuse or
neglect. With this change, Note 2
following current § 303.16 would be
removed from the regulations. Proposed
§ 303.5 would also include as an
example of at-risk infants and toddlers
whom the State may elect to serve those
infants and toddlers directly affected by
illegal substance abuse or withdrawal
symptoms resulting from prenatal drug
exposure to reflect the new provisions
described in section 637(a)(6)(B) of the
Proposed § 303.6 (Child) would
modify the definition of child in current
§ 303.7 to mean an individual under age
six and would be consistent with the
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State option outlined in proposed
§ 303.211 to serve children ages three
and older.
Proposed § 303.7 (Consent) would
incorporate the provisions of current
§ 303.401(a), except that proposed
§ 303.7(c)(2) would add that if the
parent revokes consent, that revocation
is not retroactive (i.e., it does not apply
to an action that has occurred before the
consent was revoked), consistent with
the Part B regulations in 34 CFR 300.9
(71 FR 46757).
Proposed § 303.8 (Council) would
remain substantively unchanged from
current § 303.8 and would reflect the
statutory definition in section 632(2) of
the Act.
Proposed § 303.9 (Day) would remain
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.9.
Proposed § 303.10 (Developmental
delay) would remain substantively
unchanged from current § 303.10 and
would cross-reference proposed
§ 303.111 regarding the State definition
of developmental delay and proposed
§ 303.203(c) regarding the requirement
that the State must include its rigorous
definition of developmental delay in its
application to the Department.
Proposed § 303.11 (Early intervention
service program or EIS program) would
replace current § 303.11 and would
clarify that the EIS program is an entity
designated by the lead agency for
reporting under sections 616(b)(2)(C)
and 642 of the Act and proposed
§§ 303.700 through 303.702.
Proposed § 303.12(a) (Early
intervention service provider or EIS
provider) would clarify that an EIS
provider can be an entity (whether
public, private, or nonprofit) or an
individual that provides early
intervention services under Part C of the
Act in the State whether or not the
entity or individual receives Federal
funds under Part C of the Act and may
include the lead agency and a public
agency under Part C of the Act, where
appropriate. For example, an EIS
provider may include the lead agency,
a public agency, or individuals if these
entities or individuals are responsible
for conducting evaluations and
assessments, providing service
coordination, or other Part C services.
Proposed § 303.12(b) would be similar
to current § 303.12(c) in that it would
continue to clarify that the EIS provider
is responsible for: participating in the
multidisciplinary team’s assessment of
an infant or toddler to develop
integrated goals and outcomes for the
individualized family service plan
(IFSP); and providing early intervention
services in accordance with the infant’s
or toddler’s IFSP because States must
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ensure EIS providers are providing
direct services to eligible children in
addition to their other roles. However,
proposed § 303.12(b) would further
identify that the EIS provider would be
responsible for consulting with and
training parents and others regarding
the provision of the early intervention
services described in the infant’s or
toddler’s IFSP.
Proposed § 303.13, regarding the
definition of early intervention services,
would replace current § 303.12(a) and
(b) and would incorporate the
provisions of the definition of this term
in section 632(4) of the Act. In addition,
proposed § 303.13(a)(2) would retain the
language in current § 303.12(a)(2) to
clarify that the early intervention
services are selected in collaboration
with parents. Proposed § 303.13(a)(4)
would clarify that early intervention
services are designed to meet the
developmental needs of an infant or
toddler with a disability, and as
requested by the family, the needs of the
family to assist appropriately in the
infant’s or toddler’s development, as
identified by the IFSP team. Proposed
§ 303.13(a)(8) would clarify that early
intervention services, to the maximum
extent appropriate, are provided in
natural environments, as defined in
proposed § 303.26 and consistent with
proposed § 303.126.
Proposed § 303.13(b) regarding types
of early intervention services would
substantively incorporate the provisions
of current § 303.12(d) but would not
include the references from current
§ 303.12(d)(6) and (d)(7) to nursing
services and nutrition services, which
are not specifically listed in section
632(4)(E) of the Act. Only those types of
services identified in section 602(4)(E)
of the Act would be retained. The list of
services identified in this proposed
section is not intended to comprise an
exhaustive list of the types of services
that may be provided to an infant or
toddler with a disability as an early
intervention service. Nursing services or
nutrition services could be deemed
early intervention services if they are
provided by qualified personnel and
otherwise meet the definition of early
intervention services.
Proposed § 303.13(b)(1)(i) (Assistive
technology device) and (b)(1)(ii)
(Assistive technology service) would
reflect the statutory definition of these
terms in section 602(1) and 602(2) of the
Act. The definition of assistive
technology device as well as the
definition of health services in proposed
§ 303.16(c)(1)(iii) (Health services)
would exclude, as a covered service
under Part C of the Act, a medical
device that is surgically implanted,
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
including cochlear implants, or the
optimization or maintenance or
replacement of such a device, consistent
with section 602(1)(B) of the Act and 34
CFR 300.34(b) of the Part B regulations
(71 FR 46760).
Optimization or ‘‘mapping’’ of a
cochlear implant means the adjustment
or fine tuning of the electrical
stimulation levels provided by the
cochlear implant. These adjustments are
required as an infant or toddler learns
to discriminate signals to a finer degree.
Optimization services are generally
provided at specialized clinics by
specially trained professionals. These
mapping or remapping services are not
the responsibility of the lead agency
under Part C of the Act.
Although mapping is not an early
intervention service, the need for it and
the use of a cochlear implant by an
infant or toddler with a disability may
indicate a need for services, some of
which would be considered early
intervention services such as speech
therapy, assistive listening devices and
auditory training. In addition, for a
child who has been receiving Part C
services, the implantation of a device
may require a reevaluation of the child’s
level of functioning and review and, if
appropriate, revision of the child’s IFSP.
Nothing in proposed § 303.13(b)(1)(i)
(Assistive technology device), proposed
§ 303.13(b)(1)(ii) (Assistive technology
service), and proposed § 303.16(c)(1)(iii)
(Health services) would limit the right of
an infant or toddler with a disability
with a surgically implanted device
(such as a cochlear implant) and the
child’s family to receive the early
intervention services that are
determined by the IFSP team to be
necessary to meet the unique
developmental needs of the infant or
toddler. Thus, although a cochlear
implant is expressly excluded from
being an assistive technology device
under Part C of the Act, funds under
Part C of the Act may under certain
circumstances be used to pay for a
hearing aid. A hearing aid in general is
not covered because it is considered a
personal device used for daily purposes.
However, if the hearing aid is identified
as a needed assistive technology device
by the infant’s or toddler’s IFSP team in
order to meet the specific
developmental outcomes of the infant or
toddler with a disability, funds under
Part C of the Act may be used to provide
this early intervention service.
Proposed § 303.13(b)(2) (Audiology
services) would be substantively
unchanged from current § 303.12(d)(2),
except that the term in current
§ 303.12(d)(2) would be changed from
audiology to audiology services because
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the section outlines specific audiology
services provided.
Proposed § 303.13(b)(3) (Family
training, counseling, and home visits)
would be substantively unchanged from
current § 303.12(d)(3).
Proposed § 303.13(b)(4) (Health
services) would reference the definition
of health services in proposed § 303.16,
consistent with the reference to the
definition of health services in current
§ 303.12(d)(4).
Proposed § 303.13(b)(5) (Medical
services) would be substantively
unchanged from current § 303.12(d)(5)
(Medical services only for diagnostic or
evaluation). Proposed § 303.13(b)(5)
would clarify that the term medical
services means services provided by a
licensed physician for diagnostic or
evaluation purposes to determine a
child’s developmental status and need
for early intervention services.
Proposed § 303.13(b)(6) (Occupational
therapy) would be substantively
unchanged from current § 303.12(d)(8).
Proposed § 303.13(b)(7) (Physical
therapy) would be substantively
unchanged from current § 303.12(d)(9).
Proposed § 303.13(b)(8)
(Psychological services) would be
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.12(d)(10).
Proposed § 303.13(b)(9) (Service
coordination services) would crossreference the definition of service
coordination services in proposed
§ 303.33, which substantively includes
the language in current § 303.12(d)(11)
regarding the meaning of service
coordination services.
Proposed § 303.13(b)(10) (Social work
services) would be substantively
unchanged from current § 303.12(d)(12).
Proposed § 303.13(b)(11) (Special
instruction) would be substantively
unchanged from current § 303.12(d)(13).
Proposed § 303.13(b)(12) (Speechlanguage pathology services) would
reflect the definition of speech-language
pathology in current § 303.12(d)(14) and
the language from section 632(4)(E)(iii)
of the Act, which includes sign language
and cued language services, such as
speech-language pathology services, as
early intervention services. The
definition also would clarify that
interpreting or transliteration services
include oral transliteration (such as
amplification) services. The definition
would also add that auditory/oral
language services would be used with
respect to infants and toddlers with
disabilities who are hearing impaired,
which would include services to the
infant or toddler with a disability and
the family to teach auditory/oral
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Proposed § 303.13(b)(13)
(Transportation and related costs)
would be substantively unchanged from
current § 303.12(d)(15) except that we
would remove taxi from among the
examples because transportation via taxi
is less common than transportation via
the other examples such as common
carriers. Proposed § 303.13(b)(14)
(Vision services) would be substantively
unchanged from current § 303.12(d)(16).
Proposed § 303.13(c) (Qualified
personnel) would be similar to current
§ 303.12(e) except for the following
changes. As previously described in the
discussion related to proposed
§ 303.13(b) regarding the types of early
intervention services, registered
dieticians would be included in the list
of types of qualified personnel to reflect
the provisions of section 632(4)(F)(viii)
of the Act. The reference to nutritionists
in current § 303.12(e)(4) would not be
included in proposed § 303.13(c)
consistent with section 632(4) of the
Proposed § 303.13(c)(11) also would
provide that teachers of infants or
toddlers with hearing impairments
(including deafness) and teachers of the
visually impaired (including blindness)
are special educators. As stated in note
284 of the U.S. House of Representatives
Conference Report No. 108–779 (Conf.
Rpt.), the ‘‘Conferees commend the
Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services for developing
updated early intervention materials
that set out the full range of options for
families with deaf and hard of hearing
children who now have the potential to
develop age appropriate language in
whatever modality their parents
choose.’’ Note 285 in the Conf. Rpt.
further states that ‘‘[t]he conferees
intend that the term ‘special educators’
include ‘teachers of the deaf’.’’ We
propose to use the term ‘‘teachers of the
hearing impaired’’ rather than the term
‘‘teachers of the deaf’’ because the
former includes teachers of the deaf,
and provides States with broader
flexibility to provide teachers to meet
the language and communication needs
of infants or toddlers who are hearing
impaired, including infants and toddlers
who are deaf. It is the intent of the
Department and these proposed
regulations to continue to ensure that
such qualified personnel are available
for infants and toddlers with hearing
impairments including deafness.
The Department requests comment on
whether it is necessary to classify
teachers of the visually impaired as
special educators as we have proposed
in proposed § 303.13(c)(11). We believe
that such classification in the
regulations is necessary to ensure that
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
qualified personnel are available for
infants and toddlers with visual
impairments, including blindness.
Additionally, to conform to section
632(4)(F) of the Act, proposed
§ 303.13(c)(13) would include vision
specialists, ophthalmologists, and
optometrists to meet the service and
sensory needs of infants and toddlers
who are visually impaired, including
infants and toddlers who are blind.
The note following current § 303.12
would be removed because the
substance of the note would be reflected
in proposed § 303.13(d). Proposed
§ 303.13(d) would clarify that the lists of
early intervention services and
personnel in proposed § 303.13(b) and
(c) are not exhaustive. The list does not
preclude the provision of other early
intervention services for an infant or
toddler with a disability and the child’s
family to enhance the developmental
needs of the child. Such Part C services
can include, for example, respite care if
the IFSP team identifies it as a service
necessary to enable the parent of an
infant or toddler with a disability to
participate in or receive other early
intervention services in order to meet
the developmental outcomes identified
on the child’s IFSP. In addition, persons
other than those identified in proposed
§ 303.13(c) could provide early
intervention services provided that the
services otherwise met the requirements
of this part.
Proposed § 303.14 (Elementary
school) would incorporate the definition
of this term from section 602(6) of the
Act. We propose to add this definition
here because Part C of the Act now
includes references to elementary
schools in the discussion of a State’s
option to make early intervention
services under Part C of the Act
available to children ages three and
older under sections 632 and 635(c) of
the Act.
Proposed § 303.15 (Free appropriate
public education or (FAPE)) would be
added to incorporate the definition of
FAPE from section 602(9) of the Act,
given the State’s option to make early
intervention services available to
children in lieu of receiving FAPE
under sections 632(5)(B)(ii) and 635(c)
of the Act.
Proposed § 303.16 (Health services)
would be substantively unchanged from
current § 303.13 except that, consistent
with the language in section 602(1) of
the Act, the term would not include
optimization (e.g., mapping),
maintenance or replacement of
surgically implanted medical devices,
including cochlear implants. We have
provided further clarification on the
issue of cochlear implants elsewhere in
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this preamble in the discussion of the
definition of assistive technology device.
Additionally, proposed
§ 303.16(c)(1)(iii) would clarify that an
infant or toddler with a surgically
implanted device, such as a cochlear
implant, is entitled to receive early
intervention services that are identified
on the child’s IFSP as being needed to
meet the child’s developmental needs,
and that nothing under Part C of the Act
prevents the EIS provider from routinely
checking either a hearing aid or external
components of a surgically implanted
device of an infant or toddler with a
disability to determine whether they are
functioning properly. This clarification
in proposed § 303.16(c)(1)(iii) would be
similar to the provision in 34 CFR
300.34(b)(2) of the Part B regulations (71
FR 46760).
Proposed § 303.16(c)(2), regarding
devices necessary to control or treat a
medical condition would be clarified by
adding the following examples of
devices that are necessary to control or
treat a medical condition: heart
monitors, respirators and oxygen, and
gastrointestinal feeding tubes and
The note following current § 303.13
would be removed as unnecessary. The
statement in the note regarding the
distinction between health services
required under Part C of the Act and
services that are not required under Part
C of the Act would be reflected in
proposed § 303.16. The discussion
regarding medical and other services the
child needs or is receiving through other
sources that are neither required nor
funded under Part C of the Act would
be included in the child’s IFSP and
addressed in proposed § 303.344(e).
Proposed § 303.17 (Homeless
children) would incorporate the
definition of homeless children from
section 602(11) of the Act and would
clarify that, for purposes of Part C of the
Act, references to homeless children
include only homeless children under
the age of three.
Proposed § 303.18 (Include;
including) would remain substantively
unchanged from current § 303.15.
Proposed § 303.19(a) and (b), which
provides the definitions of Indian and
Indian tribe, respectively, would
incorporate the definitions of these
terms in section 602(12) and 602(13) of
the Act. In addition, proposed
§ 303.19(c) would clarify that the
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in the
U.S. Department of the Interior, which
is only authorized to provide funding to
Federally Recognized tribes, is not
required to provide funding to a State
Indian tribe for which the BIA is not
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Section 602(13) of the Act defines
Indian tribe to include ‘‘any Federal or
State Indian tribe’’ and does not exclude
State Indian tribes that are not Federally
Recognized tribes. The list of Indian
entities recognized as eligible to receive
services from the United States is
published in the Federal Register,
pursuant to section 104 of the Federally
Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of
1994, 25 U.S.C. 479a–1. The Federal
government does not maintain a list of
other State Indian tribes. Under section
634(1) of the Act, the lead agency in the
State is responsible for ensuring that
early intervention services are available
to all infants and toddlers with
disabilities in the State and their
families, including Indian infants and
toddlers with disabilities and their
families residing on a reservation
geographically located in the State.
Proposed § 303.20 (Individualized
family service plan or IFSP) would
incorporate the language from current
§ 303.340(b) and would clarify,
consistent with the Act, that the IFSP
must be implemented as soon as
possible once parental consent to the
early intervention services on the IFSP
is obtained consistent with proposed
§ 303.420. The definition of IFSP also
would provide that an IFSP is based on
the evaluation and assessment described
in proposed § 303.320, that it would
include the content in proposed
§ 303.344, and that it would be
developed under the IFSP procedures in
proposed §§ 303.342, 303.343, and
Proposed § 303.21(a) and (b) (Infant or
toddler with a disability) would remain
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.16 and would reflect the statutory
definition of the term in section 632(5)
of the Act. In addition, the following
examples of diagnosed conditions,
listed in Note 1 following current
§ 303.16, would be included in
proposed § 303.21(a)(2)(ii) as follows:
chromosomal abnormalities, genetic or
congenital disorders, severe sensory
impairments, inborn errors of
metabolism, disorders reflecting
disturbance of the development of the
nervous system, and disorders
secondary to exposure to toxic
substances, including fetal alcohol
syndrome. With this change, Note 1
following current § 303.16 would be
removed from the regulations. Note 2
following current § 303.16 would also
be removed as the examples of at-risk
infants or toddlers with disabilities
would be incorporated into proposed
§ 303.5, the definition of at-risk infant or
Proposed § 303.21(b) would be
substantively the same as current
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
§ 303.16(b), and would cross-reference
the definition of an at-risk infant or
toddler in proposed § 303.5.
Proposed § 303.21(c) would
incorporate the language from section
632(5)(B) of the Act that an infant or
toddler with a disability may include, at
the State’s discretion, children with
disabilities who are ages three and older
who are eligible for services under
section 619 of the Act and who
previously received Part C services.
Proposed § 303.22 (Lead agency)
would be added to make clear that the
lead agency is the State agency
designated by the Governor to
administer Part C of the Act in the State
and would incorporate language from
section 635(a)(10) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.23 (Local educational
agency or LEA) would be added to
incorporate the definitions of LEA and
educational service agency under
sections 602(19) and 602(5) of the Act,
respectively. We would include these
definitions because these terms are
relevant to the State option to make
early intervention services available to
children ages three and older under
sections 632 and 635(c) of the Act. In
addition we would incorporate the
applicable 1997 definition of the
intermediate educational unit (IEU) in
order to create a freestanding document
and assist those lead agencies that are
not SEAs.
Proposed § 303.24 (Multidisciplinary)
would modify the definition in current
§ 303.17 to clarify that the term
multidisciplinary is used with respect to
an evaluation and assessment of a child,
an IFSP team, or IFSP development, and
means the involvement of two or more
individuals from separate disciplines or
professions, or one individual who is
qualified in more than one discipline or
Proposed § 303.25(a)(1) (Native
language) would incorporate the
definition of native language from
section 602(20) of the Act and current
§ 303.401(b). Proposed § 303.25(a)(2)
would provide that in all direct contact
with the child, the native language is
that normally used by the child in the
home or the learning environment. This
addition would be consistent with the
definition of this term in 34 CFR 300.29
of the Part B regulations (71 FR 46759–
46760) and is appropriate here because
it would clarify the language an EIS
provider must use when providing
services to the child. Proposed
§ 303.25(b) would reflect the
requirements in current § 303.403(c)(3)
and would clarify that, when used in
connection with an individual with
deafness or blindness or with no written
language, ‘‘native language’’ refers to the
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mode of communication that is
normally used by that individual, such
as sign language, Braille, or oral
Proposed § 303.26 (Natural
environments) would remain
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.18, and would add that the natural
environment may include the home,
and must be consistent with proposed
§ 303.126.
Proposed § 303.27 (Parent) would
modify the regulatory definition of that
term in current § 303.19 to reflect the
revised statutory definition of parent in
section 602(23) of the Act, and to be
consistent with the definition of parent
in 34 CFR 300.30 of the Part B
regulations (71 FR 46760). Proposed
§ 303.27(a)(2) would recognize that State
law may prohibit a foster parent from
being considered a parent, but also
would recognize that similar restrictions
may exist in State regulations or in
contractual agreements between a State
or local entity and the foster parent, and
should be accorded similar deference.
Proposed § 303.27(b)(1) would
provide that the biological or adoptive
parent would be presumed to be the
parent for purposes of the regulations. If
the biological or adoptive parent were
attempting to act as the parent under
proposed § 303.27 and more than one
person is qualified to act as a parent
under Part C of the Act, the biological
or adoptive parent would be presumed
to be the parent unless that person does
not have legal authority to make
decisions for the infant or toddler
regarding early intervention services, or
there is a judicial order or decree
specifying some other person to act as
the parent under Part C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.27(b)(2) would provide
that if a judicial order or decree
specifies a person or persons to act as
the parent, that person would be the
parent under Part C of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.27(b)(2), however, would exclude
an agency involved in providing early
intervention services or care of the
infant or toddler from serving as a
parent, consistent with the statutory
prohibition that applies to surrogate
parents in section 639(a)(5) of the Act.
The provisions in proposed § 303.27(b)
are intended to assist EIS providers and
public agencies in identifying the
appropriate person to serve as the
parent under Part C of the Act,
especially in those difficult situations in
which more than one caretaker is
available to provide consent for
evaluation or the provision of early
intervention services and to make other
decisions under Part C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.28 (Parent training
and information center) would provide
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that a parent training and information
center means a center assisted under
section 671 or 672 of the Act, in
accordance with the statutory definition
in section 602(25) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.29 (Personally
identifiable) would remain
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.401(c).
Proposed § 303.30 (Public agency)
would remain substantively unchanged
from current § 303.21.
Proposed § 303.31 (Qualified
personnel) would remain substantively
unchanged from the definition of
qualified in current § 303.22. In
addition, the note following current
§ 303.22 would be removed because the
content of that note would be addressed
in proposed § 303.13(c) regarding the
types of qualified personnel who
provide early intervention services and
proposed § 303.119 regarding the
requirement that statewide systems have
policies and procedures in place
relating to personnel standards.
Proposed § 303.32 (Secretary) would
incorporate the definition of Secretary
from section 602(28) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.33 (Service
coordination services (case
management)) would replace current
§ 303.23. Proposed § 303.33(a) would
provide a definition of service
coordination services and explain that
these services include, consistent with
current § 303.23(a), coordinating all
services required under Part C of the Act
across agency lines (i.e., coordinating
Part C services provided by agencies
other than the lead agency). Proposed
§ 303.33(a)(2) would clarify that: service
coordinators must assist parents of
infants and toddlers with disabilities in
gaining access to and coordinating the
provision of early intervention services
and coordinating other services not
provided under Part C of the Act that
are needed by the infant or toddler with
a disability and that child’s family and
that are identified on the IFSP in
accordance with proposed § 303.344(e).
Proposed § 303.33 would not require
service coordinators to be responsible
for identifying funding sources for those
services not covered under Part C of the
Act and identified as ‘‘other services’’
on the IFSP under proposed
§ 303.344(e).
Proposed § 303.33(a)(3) and (b) would
continue to reflect that service
coordinators are responsible for serving
as the single point of contact for
carrying out the responsibilities under
proposed § 303.33(b). Proposed
§ 303.33(b) would require service
coordinators to be responsible for
coordinating the performance of
evaluations and assessments, facilitating
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
and participating in the development of
IFSPs, assisting families in identifying
available Part C services, coordinating
and monitoring the delivery of early
intervention services required under
Part C of the Act, informing families of
their rights and procedural safeguards
and related resources, coordinating the
funding sources for early intervention
services, and facilitating the
development of a transition plan from
the Part C program to other services.
Proposed § 303.33(c) would incorporate
the language from Note 2 following
current § 303.23 to clarify that the lead
agency’s or an EIS provider’s use of the
term service coordination or service
coordination services does not preclude
characterization of the services as case
management or any other service that is
covered by another payor (including
Medicaid), for purposes of claims in
compliance with the requirements of
proposed § 303.510 regarding the payor
of last resort. With this clarification,
Note 2 following current § 303.23 would
be removed.
Current § 303.23(c) (Employment and
assignment of service coordinators) and
(d) (Qualification of service
coordinators) would not be included in
proposed § 303.33 because, under
proposed § 303.13(a)(7), service
coordination services must be provided
by qualified personnel as that term is
defined in proposed § 303.31. Under the
definition of qualified personnel,
personnel are qualified if they have met
State approved or recognized
certification, licensing, registration, or
other comparable requirements that
apply to the area in which the
individuals are providing early
intervention services. Some States, for
example, have developed qualified
personnel criteria under Part C of the
Act for an ‘‘early interventionist’’ who is
able to provide service coordination
services and other Part C services.
Consistent with the content of Note 1
following current § 303.23, and as
addressed elsewhere in this preamble in
the discussion related to proposed
§ 303.119, the requirements for a service
coordination system that includes the
qualifications, employment, and
assignment of service coordinators is
best left to the States to decide. With
this clarification Note 1 would be
Proposed § 303.34 (State) would
remain substantively unchanged from
current § 303.24, and would reflect the
definition of this term in section 602(32)
of the Act.
Proposed § 303.35 (State educational
agency or SEA) would be defined to
distinguish it clearly as the State agency
that receives funds under Part B of the
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Act and that is responsible for
administering Part B of the Act (in
contrast to the lead agency which may
or may not be the SEA and which is
responsible for implementing Part C of
the Act in the State).
Proposed § 303.36 (Ward of the State)
would be added to these regulations to
reflect the definition in section 602(36)
of the Act. Proposed § 303.36(b),
regarding an exception to the ward of
the State, would be added to clarify that
a ward of the State does not include a
foster child who has a foster parent who
meets the definition of a parent in
proposed § 303.27.
Current § 303.20, which provides the
definition of policies, would be removed
because the requirements for State
policies are contained in the State
application requirements for a grant
under Part C of the Act and proposed
§§ 303.201 through 303.212.
Subpart B—State Eligibility for a Grant
and Requirements for a Statewide
Proposed subpart B would
incorporate the Secretary’s general
authority to make grants to States under
section 633 of the Act, the State
eligibility provisions under section 634
of the Act, and the requirements for a
statewide system under section 635 of
the Act. Section 633 of the Act gives the
Secretary the authority to make grants to
States. In order to be eligible for a grant
under this subpart, section 634(1) of the
Act requires a State to provide
assurances that it has adopted a policy
that appropriate early intervention
services are available to all infants and
toddlers with disabilities in the State
and their families. Section 634 of the
Act requires a State to provide
assurances that its statewide system
includes the components listed in
section 635 of the Act; section 634 of the
Act no longer requires States to submit
to the Department policies and
procedures that demonstrate each of the
components. Other specific State
application requirements (policies,
procedures, certifications, descriptions,
and assurances) in section 637 of the
Act would be incorporated into subpart
C of these regulations.
General Authority and Eligibility
Proposed § 303.100 would incorporate
the language of section 633 of the Act,
providing for the Secretary’s authority
to make grants to States to maintain and
implement a statewide system to
provide early intervention services for
infants and toddlers with disabilities
and their families.
Proposed § 303.101 would identify
the conditions that States must meet to
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be eligible for a grant under Part C of the
Act and would replace current
§§ 303.100 and 303.140. Proposed
§ 303.101(a)(1) would incorporate the
language from section 634 of the Act,
which requires each State receiving
funds under Part C of the Act to assure
that the State has adopted a policy that
early intervention services are available
to all infants and toddlers with
disabilities in the State and their
families, including Indian infants and
toddlers on reservations in the State,
and infants and toddlers who are
homeless and their families, and infant
and toddlers who are wards of the State.
Proposed § 303.101(a)(2) would modify
current § 303.100(a)(2) and require each
State to assure that the State has in
effect a statewide system of early
intervention services that meets the
requirements of section 635 of the Act,
including, at a minimum, the
components required in proposed
§§ 303.111 through 303.126.
The requirement in current
§ 303.100(b) that States have policies or
procedures on file with the Secretary
would be removed consistent with
section 634 of the Act, which requires
that States submit assurances regarding
the statewide system requirements
under section 635 of the Act. Consistent
with this approach, all other provisions
in current subpart B that require the
policies and procedures to be on file
with the Secretary would be removed.
Proposed § 303.101(b) would identify
other information and assurances that
States would be required to provide to
the Secretary, consistent with section
637 of the Act, to demonstrate that the
State meets the State application
requirements in proposed §§ 303.200
through 303.212.
Current § 303.101, regarding how the
Secretary disapproves a State’s
application, would be substantively
included in proposed § 303.230.
Current §§ 303.110 and 303.111,
regarding requirements and timelines
for public participation and notice of
public hearings and opportunity to
comment, respectively, would be
substantively included in proposed
§ 303.208.
Current § 303.112, regarding public
hearings, would be substantively
included in proposed § 303.208(a)(1).
Current § 303.113, regarding the
review of public comments by the lead
agency prior to adopting the State’s
application, would be removed because
it is not specifically addressed in
section 637 of the Act.
Current § 303.120(b) and (c) would be
removed because the application
requirements under Part C of the Act,
including the assurances that meet the
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Minimum Components of a Statewide
requirements in section 637(b) of the
Act, are referenced in proposed
§ 303.101(b). The assurance
requirements in section 637(b) of the
Act would be reflected in proposed
§§ 303.221 through 303.227.
State Conformity With Part C of the Act
and Abrogation of State Sovereign
Proposed § 303.102, consistent with
section 608(a)(1) of the Act, would
require each State that receives funds
under Part C of the Act to ensure that
any State rules, regulations, and policies
relating to this part conform to the
purposes and requirements of the part.
Proposed § 303.103 would incorporate
the provisions of section 604 of the Act
regarding abrogation of State immunity.
Proposed § 303.103(a) would provide
that a State is not immune under the
11th amendment of the Constitution of
the United States from suit in Federal
court for a violation of Part C of the Act.
This is the longstanding position of the
Department and is consistent with
section 604 of the Act and Federal
Circuit Courts’ decisions interpreting
this language. See, e.g., Pace v. Bogalusa
City Sch. Bd., 403 F.3d 272 (5th Cir.,
2005), cert. denied, 126 S.Ct. 416 (2005);
M.A. ex rel E.S. v State-Operated Sch.
Dist., 344 F.3d 335 (3rd Cir. 2003); Little
Rock Sch. Dist. v. Mauney, 183 F.3d 816
(8th Cir. 1999); Marie O. v. Edgar, 131
F.3d 610 (7th Cir. 1997).
Proposed § 303.103(b) would
incorporate the requirements of section
604(b) of the Act regarding remedies in
a suit against a State for a violation.
Proposed § 303.103(c), which
incorporates section 604(c) of the Act,
would provide that proposed
§ 303.103(a) and (b) applies to violations
that occur in whole or in part after
October 1990.
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
Equipment and Construction
Proposed § 303.104 would incorporate
language from section 605 of the Act,
relating to the acquisition of equipment,
construction or alteration of facilities.
This section would provide guidance to
lead agencies regarding the use of funds
for facility construction impacted by
Part C of the Act.
Positive Efforts To Employ and Advance
Qualified Individuals With Disabilities
We are proposing to add new section
§ 303.105 to reflect the provisions in
section 606 of the Act, which require
the Secretary to ensure that each grant
recipient under IDEA make positive
efforts to employ and advance in
employment, qualified individuals with
disabilities in programs assisted under
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Proposed § 303.110 would be
substantively the same as current
§ 303.160, which refers to the minimum
components of a statewide system, and
would specifically reference the
requirements in proposed §§ 303.111
through 303.126, which align with
section 635(a)(1) through (16) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.111 would align with
section 635(a)(1) of the Act and would
replace current §§ 303.161 and 303.300.
Proposed § 303.111 would require the
statewide system to include a rigorous
definition of developmental delay in
order to appropriately identify infants
and toddlers with disabilities who need
early intervention services, consistent
with section 635(a)(1) of the Act and
proposed §§ 303.10 and 303.203(c).
Proposed § 303.111(a) would
generally retain current § 303.300(a)(1)
and would require the State to include
in its definition of developmental delay
the evaluation and assessment
procedures that would be used to
measure an infant’s or toddler’s
development. References to informed
clinical opinion as one of the
procedures used to measure an infant’s
or toddler’s development in current
§ 303.300(a)(1) would be moved to
proposed § 303.320(b)(2).
Proposed § 303.111(b) would
generally retain the requirements of
current § 303.300(a)(2) and would
require the State to describe the level of
developmental delay in functioning or
other comparable criteria that could
constitute a developmental delay.
Current § 303.300(c) requires States
that serve at-risk infants and toddlers to
describe the criteria and procedures
used to identify those infants and
toddlers. Current § 303.300(c) would be
removed because proposed
§ 303.320(b)(2) would clarify that
qualified personnel must use their
informed clinical opinion to evaluate a
child’s present level of functioning in
each of the developmental areas
identified in proposed § 303.21(a)(1)
and that informed clinical opinion may
be used by qualified personnel to
establish a child’s eligibility for services
under Part C of the Act even when other
instruments do not establish eligibility.
The note following current
§ 303.300(c), regarding the required use
of informed clinical opinion to
determine an infant’s or toddler’s
eligibility for services, would be moved
to proposed § 303.320 regarding
evaluation requirements and is
addressed in the discussion of subpart
D of these regulations.
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Proposed § 303.112 would be added
to incorporate the language from section
635(a)(2) of the Act and would require
each statewide system to have a State
policy in effect that ensures that early
intervention services are based on
scientifically based research, to the
extent practicable, and are available to
all infants and toddlers with disabilities
and their families, including Indian
infants and toddlers with disabilities
and their families residing on a
reservation geographically located in the
State, and infants and toddlers with
disabilities and their families who are
Proposed § 303.113, which would
align with section 635(a)(3) of the Act,
would replace current § 303.166, and
would require each statewide system to
ensure a timely, comprehensive,
multidisciplinary evaluation of each
infant or toddler with a disability in the
State, and a family-directed
identification of the needs of each
infant’s or toddler’s family to assist
appropriately in the development of the
infant or toddler. Proposed § 303.113(b)
would cross-reference the provisions in
proposed § 303.320. These crossreferences are necessary because the
specific requirements for evaluations
would be included in proposed
§ 303.320.
Proposed § 303.114 would generally
retain the provisions in current
§ 303.167(a) and (b) and would require
each statewide system to develop an
IFSP for each infant or toddler with a
disability in the State, consistent with
section 635(a)(4) of the Act. Current
§ 303.167(c) would be removed because
the requirements regarding IFSPs and
natural environments would be
included in proposed §§ 303.13(a)(8),
303.26, and 303.344(d)(1)(ii).
Proposed § 303.115, regarding a
comprehensive child find system,
would align with section 635(a)(5) of the
Act and would replace current
§ 303.165. The provisions in current
§ 303.321 regarding a comprehensive
child find system would be
incorporated in proposed §§ 303.301
through 303.303, which would be crossreferenced in proposed § 303.115.
Proposed § 303.115 would require each
statewide system to have a
comprehensive child find system that
meets the requirements in proposed
§§ 303.301 through 303.303; these
requirements include that a State’s
comprehensive child find system be
consistent with Part B of the Act and
that it ensures rigorous standards to
identify infants and toddlers with
disabilities for services under Part C of
the Act that will reduce the need for
future services.
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Proposed § 303.116, regarding public
awareness, would align with section
635(a)(6) of the Act and would replace
current § 303.164. Proposed § 303.116,
consistent with section 635(a)(6) of the
Act, would set forth the requirements
for the statewide system’s public
awareness program, which would focus
on early identification of infants and
toddlers with disabilities and provide
information to parents of infants and
toddlers through primary referral
Proposed § 303.117, regarding the
requirements for a central directory,
would align with section 635(a)(7) of the
Act and would combine the
requirements of current §§ 303.162 and
303.301(a). The provisions in current
§ 303.301(c) requiring the central
directory to be up-to-date and accessible
to the general public generally would be
included in the introductory text of
proposed § 303.117. Proposed § 303.117,
however, would also clarify that the
lead agency must ensure that the central
directory is accessible through the lead
agency’s Web site and other appropriate
means as the requirement in current
§ 303.301(d) that the lead agency
arrange for copies of the directory to be
available in each geographic region of
the State is no longer necessary, as the
vast majority of States maintain the
directory on their Web sites. Current
§ 303.301(b), which includes the details
of the content of the central directory
and current § 303.301(d), which
includes the locations and manners of
accessibility, would be removed. Most
States now maintain this information on
their Web site and can easily update it
more quickly than is required under
current § 303.301.
The note following current § 303.301,
which gives examples of appropriate
groups that provide assistance to infants
and toddlers with disabilities and
families, would be removed as
unnecessary. Proposed § 303.117 would
include language regarding appropriate
groups that would provide assistance to
infants and toddlers with disabilities
and their families, including public and
private early intervention services,
resources and experts available in the
State, and parent support and training
and information centers such as those
funded under the Act.
Proposed § 303.118, regarding the
comprehensive system of personnel
development (CSPD), would replace
current §§ 303.168 and 303.360 to
parallel the requirements and order of
section 635(a)(8) of the Act. The
introductory paragraph of proposed
§ 303.118 would combine the provisions
in current § 303.360(b)(3) and (4), and
would require each statewide system to
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include a CSPD that addresses the
training of paraprofessionals and
primary referral sources with respect to
the basic components of early
intervention services in the State.
Proposed § 303.118(a) would replace
current § 303.360(c)(1), (2), and (4), and
would, consistent with section
635(a)(8)(A) of the Act, list the training
that now must be included in the CSPD.
Proposed § 303.118(a)(1) would retain
the language in current § 303.360(c)(1)
regarding training on innovative
strategies to recruit and retain EIS
providers. Proposed § 303.118(a)(2)
would retain the language in current
§ 303.360(c)(2) regarding promoting the
preparation of EIS providers who are
fully and appropriately qualified. Under
current § 303.360(c)(1) and (2),
including this training in the CSPD was
permissive. Consistent with section
635(a)(8)(A) of the Act, however, the
training in proposed § 303.118(a)(1) and
(2) would be required to be included in
the CSPD.
Proposed § 303.118(a)(3), regarding
training personnel to coordinate
transition services, would generally
retain the language in current
§ 303.360(c)(4) and would reference a
preschool program under Part B of the
Act, Head Start, Early Head Start, and
an elementary school under Part B of
the Act as programs to which children
receiving services under Part C of the
Act may transition to, consistent with
sections 635(a)(8)(A)(iii) and 637(a)(10)
of the Act. Consistent with sections
635(a)(8)(A) and (c) and 637(a)(10) of
the Act, including this training in the
CSPD would now be mandatory.
Proposed § 303.118(b)(1) would retain
current § 303.360(c)(3) and would allow
(but not specifically require, consistent
with section 635(a)(8)(B)(i) of the Act)
training for personnel to work in rural
and inner-city areas. Proposed
§ 303.118(b)(2) would replace current
§ 303.360(b)(4)(ii) and would allow
training of personnel in the emotional
and social development of infants and
toddlers, consistent with section
635(a)(8)(B)(ii) of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.118(b)(3) would replace current
§ 303.360(b)(4)(iii) and would clarify
that States may train personnel to
support families to participate fully in
the development and implementation of
their child’s IFSP.
References in current § 303.360(b)(3)
and (c)(2) to training a variety of
personnel needed to meet the
requirements of the regulations,
including the training of service
coordinators, would be removed as
redundant. Proposed § 303.119(a)
requires States to have policies and
procedures to ensure that personnel
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necessary to carry out the purposes of
this part are appropriately and
adequately prepared and trained.
Current § 303.360(b)(1), regarding
consistency with the CSPD under Part B
of the Act, would be removed because
Part B of the Act was revised to
eliminate references to a CSPD. Current
§ 303.360(b)(2), requiring that preservice
and inservice training be conducted on
an interdisciplinary basis, to the extent
appropriate, would be removed because
whether to conduct preservice and
inservice training that includes an
interdisciplinary methodology or other
methodology, is a decision best left to
the States because each State determines
the qualifications needed for personnel
providing services under Part C of the
Proposed § 303.119, regarding
personnel standards, would combine
current § 303.169 and relevant
provisions in current § 303.361 to
parallel the requirements of section
635(a)(9) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.119(a) would
substantively retain language from
current § 303.361(b)(1) to clarify that
each system must include policies and
procedures relating to the establishment
and maintenance of qualification
standards to ensure that personnel are
appropriately and adequately trained.
Consistent with section 635(a) of the
Act and current § 303.361(b)(2),
proposed § 303.119(b) would require the
establishment and maintenance of
qualification standards, to be consistent
with any State-approved or Staterecognized certification, licensing,
registration, or other comparable
requirements, and to apply to the
profession, discipline, or area in which
personnel are providing early
intervention services.
Current § 303.361(a), (c), (d), and (e)
would be removed, consistent with
statutory changes that removed the
requirement that State’s policies and
procedures include the steps for
retraining or hiring personnel when the
State’s personnel standards are not
based on the State’s requirements for
these personnel.
Proposed § 303.119(c), allowing the
use of appropriately trained and
supervised paraprofessionals and
assistants to assist in the provision of
early intervention services, would
replace and substantively be the same as
current § 303.361(f).
Proposed § 303.119(d), which allows a
State to adopt a policy to hire the most
qualified individuals available who are
making satisfactory progress toward
completing applicable coursework
necessary to meet the State’s personnel
standards, would be the same as current
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
§ 303.361(g), except that the
requirement that those persons work to
complete the necessary course work in
three years would be removed because
of the removal of this three-year
requirement from section 635(a)(9) of
the Act.
The note following current § 303.361
would be removed because the first
paragraph in the note addresses the
requirement that personnel standards be
based on the State’s highest standard,
which was removed from the Act. The
second paragraph in the note following
current § 303.361, regarding a State’s
ability to establish standards, would be
removed as unnecessary because the
licensure and other standards for
occupational categories have always
been subject to State, not Federal,
standards, and States have always had
the flexibility to establish standards
higher than Federal standards in this
Proposed § 303.120, regarding
supervision, monitoring, funding,
interagency coordination, and other lead
agency responsibilities would combine
current §§ 303.171, 303.500, and
303.501 to parallel the organization and
content of section 635(a)(10) of the Act.
The introductory paragraph in
proposed § 303.120 would incorporate
the requirement in section 635(a)(10) of
the Act and current § 303.500 that each
statewide system include a single line of
responsibility in a lead agency
designated or established by the
Proposed § 303.120(a)(1) through
(a)(2)(iv) would remain substantively
unchanged from current § 303.501(a)
and (b)(1) through (b)(4), except that
proposed § 303.120(a)(2)(iv), regarding
the correction of noncompliance
identified through monitoring, would
add that the correction must be made as
soon as possible and in no case later
than one year after the lead agency’s
identification of the noncompliance. We
are proposing that the correction be
made as soon as possible and in no case
later than one year after the lead
agency’s identification of the
noncompliance because, based on our
monitoring activities, we have
determined that correction of
noncompliance does not always occur
in a timely manner. Proposed
§ 303.120(a)(2)(iv) would align with
proposed § 303.700(e) to clarify
expectations regarding the timely
correction of noncompliance. It is
important to correct noncompliance in a
timely manner to ensure that infants
and toddlers with disabilities and their
families receive appropriate early
intervention services. Correction of
noncompliance means that the State
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required the EIS program or EIS
provider to revise any noncompliant
policies, procedures and/or practices
and the State has verified through
follow-up review of data, other
documentation and/or interviews that
the noncompliant policies, procedures
and/or practices have been revised and
the noncompliance has been corrected.
We believe that one year is a reasonable
amount of time for the State to verify the
correction of policies, procedures and/
or practices.
Proposed § 303.120(a)(2)(v), regarding
the activities related to monitoring
agencies, would reference the
monitoring and enforcement
requirements in proposed §§ 303.700
through 303.707 that the lead agency
must meet in implementing the
requirements of proposed
§ 303.120(a)(2)(i) through (iv).
Proposed §§ 303.700 through 303.706
would align with 34 CFR 300.600
through 300.606 of the Part B
regulations (71 FR 46800–46802).
Proposed § 303.707 would reference the
authority under GEPA for monitoring
and enforcement, including the
imposition of special conditions in 34
CFR § 80.12. Proposed § 303.708 would
clarify continued State flexibility to use
other available authorities to monitor
and enforce the requirements of Part C
of the Act.
Proposed § 303.120(b), which would
require the lead agency to identify and
coordinate all available resources for
early intervention services in the State,
would incorporate the language in
section 635(a)(10)(B) of the Act and
would be the same as current
§ 303.522(a)(1). Proposed § 303.120(c)
through (f) would reference
requirements in proposed subpart F
regarding use of funds and would be
added to conform to section
635(a)(10)(C) through (F) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.120(f) would indicate
that in addition to formal interagency
agreements, there may be other written
methods of establishing financial
responsibility consistent with proposed
§ 303.511 because proposed
§ 303.511(a)(3) would clarify that
appropriate written methods may be
used for establishing financial
responsibility, as determined by the
Governor of the State, or the Governor’s
designee, and approved by the Secretary
through the review and approval of the
State’s application.
Proposed § 303.121, regarding
contracting or otherwise arranging for
services, would replace the
requirements in current §§ 303.175 and
303.526, consistent with section
635(a)(11) of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.121 would require each statewide
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system to include a policy for
contracting or making other
arrangements with public or private
providers for services. Proposed
§ 303.121(a) would incorporate the
provision in current § 303.526(a)
regarding the State policy including a
requirement that all early intervention
services meet State standards and be
consistent with Part C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.121(b) would add a
reference to the requirements found in
part 80 of the Education Department
General Administrative Regulations
(EDGAR). This is not a new requirement
because current § 303.5 already provides
that EDGAR requirements, including
part 80, apply to grant recipients under
Part C of the Act. Current § 303.526(b)
and (c) would be removed as redundant
because these requirements are found in
EDGAR provisions in 34 CFR part 80,
and compliance with 34 CFR part 80
would be required by proposed
§ 303.121.
The note following current § 303.526,
regarding the option to continue using
public and private personnel who meet
the requirements of Part C of the Act as
service providers, would be removed
because proposed § 303.12 (the
definition of EIS provider) would clarify
that States may use public or private
entities or individuals to provide early
intervention services. The content of the
note following current § 303.526 would
not provide additional information or
clarity to proposed § 303.12.
Proposed § 303.122, regarding
reimbursement procedures, would
incorporate language from section
635(a)(12) of the Act and would remain
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.528, with cross-references
Proposed § 303.123, which would
incorporate language from section
635(a)(13) of the Act, would replace
current § 303.170 and would require
each statewide system to meet the
procedural safeguard requirements in
subpart E of these proposed regulations.
Proposed § 303.124, regarding data
collection procedures, would
incorporate the requirements of section
635(a)(14) of the Act and would adopt
by reference the Part C data
requirements in sections 616 and 618 of
the Act that are reflected in proposed
§§ 303.700 through 303.702 and
proposed §§ 303.720 through 303.724.
Proposed § 303.124 would require States
to adopt data systems for reporting the
data to the Secretary and would
generally include the language in
current §§ 303.176 and 303.540.
Consistent with the reporting
requirements in sections 616 and 618 of
the Act, proposed § 303.124(a) would
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include language indicating that the
statewide system must compile and
report data that are timely and accurate
to align with the reporting requirements
in §§ 303.700 through 303.702 and
303.720 through 303.724. The references
to timely and accurate reporting on
State data in proposed § 303.124(a) are
necessary for the Department to
implement section 616 of the Act. The
requirements regarding
disproportionality in section 618(d) of
the Act do not apply to Part C of the Act
because the findings in section
601(c)(12) of the Act make clear that
these provisions were enacted to reflect
concerns under Part B of the Act, not
Part C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.124(b) would require
the data collection process to include a
description of the sampling methods, if
used by the State to collect data in
accordance with proposed
§§ 303.701(c)(2) and 303.722(b).
Proposed § 303.125, regarding the
Council, would incorporate the
language in section 635(a)(15) of the Act
and current § 303.141 and would
require the statewide system to include
a Council. This section also would
cross-reference subpart G of these
proposed regulations, which would
contain the specific requirements for the
Proposed § 303.126, regarding the
provision of early intervention services
in natural environments to the
maximum extent appropriate, would
align with section 635(a)(16) of the Act
and would generally remain
substantively unchanged from current
§§ 303.12(b) and 303.344(d)(1)(ii).
Proposed § 303.126(b) would add
language from section 635(a)(16) of the
Act requiring that, when early
intervention cannot be achieved
satisfactorily in a natural environment,
it must be provided in a setting that is
most appropriate, as determined by the
parent and the IFSP team. Proposed
§ 303.126 would not change the
longstanding requirements regarding the
provision of early intervention services
in an infant’s or toddler’s natural
environment and would be read in
conjunction with proposed
§ 303.344(d)(1)(ii)(B), which would
clarify that any justification for
providing an early intervention service
in a setting other than the infant’s or
toddler’s natural environment must be
based on the child’s outcomes identified
by the IFSP team in the infant’s or
toddler’s IFSP.
Subpart C—State Application and
Proposed subpart C would contain the
specific State application content
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requirements that are reflected in
section 637 of the Act.
Proposed § 303.200(a) would require
each application to contain the specific
requirements in proposed §§ 303.201
through 303.212, which would
incorporate, respectively, the
requirements in section 637(a)(1)
through (11) of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.200(b) would require each
application to contain assurances that
the State has met the requirements
under proposed §§ 303.220 through
303.227, which would incorporate,
respectively, the assurance requirements
in section 637(b)(1) through (7) of the
Application Requirements
Proposed § 303.201 would require
each application to include a
designation of the lead agency in the
State responsible for the administration
of funds. The proposed regulation
would be the same as current § 303.142,
consistent with section 637(a)(1) of the
Proposed § 303.202 would require
each application to include a
certification that the arrangements to
establish financial responsibility for the
provision of services under Part C of the
Act among appropriate public agencies
under proposed § 303.511 and the lead
agency’s contracts with EIS providers
regarding financial responsibility for the
provision of Part C services meet the
requirements in proposed §§ 303.500
through 303.521 and are current as of
the date of submission of the
certification. Proposed § 303.202 would
replace current § 303.143, consistent
with section 637(a)(2) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.202 cross-references
proposed §§ 303.500 through 303.521
and requires the arrangements to
establish financial responsibility for the
provision of Part C services to be current
as of the date of the certification,
consistent with a change to section
637(a)(2) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.203 would require
each application to include: (a) A
description of the services to be
provided; (b) the State’s policies on
funding sources (including any system
of payments); and (c) the State’s
rigorous definition of developmental
delay, as required under proposed
§§ 303.10 and 303.111 and section
637(a)(3)(A) of the Act. These three
elements are key variables in State Part
C systems and the Department needs
this information in the application to
understand each State’s Part C system
and interpret data from each State under
sections 616, 618, and 642 of the Act.
Proposed § 303.204, which aligns
with section 637(a)(4) of the Act, would
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require each State that provides services
to at-risk infants and toddlers with
disabilities to include the State’s
definition of at-risk infants and toddlers
with disabilities in its State application.
This information is necessary to
appropriately interpret child find and
other data required to be reported by
States under sections 616, 618, and 642
of the Act. Proposed § 303.204(b) would
require each application to include,
consistent with section 637(a)(4) of the
Act, a description of the early
intervention services to be provided to
at-risk infants and toddlers with
disabilities if the State elects to serve
such children.
Proposed § 303.205(a) would be
substantively the same as current
§ 303.145(a) and would continue to
require each application to include a
description of the use of funds,
presented separately for the lead agency
and the Council.
Proposed § 303.205(b) would require
lead agencies, other than SEAs, to
identify the total amount the lead
agency will retain for State
administration. Additionally, proposed
§ 303.205(b) would require those lead
agencies, other than SEAs, to include
the total number of full time equivalent
administrative positions and the total
salaries, including benefits, for these
positions, rather than position-specific
descriptions and detailed itemized
salary information as in current
§ 303.145(b). SEAs are excluded from
this requirement because the
Department is the cognizant Federal
agency for SEAs for purposes of
determining the State’s restricted
indirect cost rate under Parts B and C of
IDEA. However for lead agencies that
are not SEAs, the Department often does
not obtain any other information about
the lead agency’s administrative
expenses. This proposed change to
report on aggregated administrative
expenses would reduce the burden on
States when reporting costs, positions,
and salaries for State administration.
Proposed § 303.205(c) would
generally be the same as current
§ 303.145(c) and would require each
application to include a description of
each major activity and the funds to be
spent on each activity, consistent with
proposed § 303.501. Proposed
§ 303.205(d) would generally be the
same as current § 303.145(d)(1) and
(2)(ii), with updated cross-references,
and would require each State
application to include a description of
any direct services the State expects to
provide using Federal Part C funds and
the approximate amount of funds to be
used for the provision of each direct
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Proposed § 303.205(e) would be the
same as current § 303.145(f) and would
require the application to include
information on other agencies expected
to receive funds under this part. This
information is required in the
application because of interagency
funding provisions and the interagency
coordination provisions in sections
635(a)(10)(B) and (F), and 637(a)(3) and
(5) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.206 would be added
to align with section 637(a)(6) of the
Act. Proposed § 303.206 would require
each application to include the State’s
policies and procedures that require the
referral for early intervention services of
a child under the age of three who is
involved in a substantiated case of child
abuse or neglect or is identified as
affected by illegal substance abuse, or
withdrawal symptoms resulting from
prenatal drug exposure, consistent with
proposed § 303.302. This requirement
has applied to State agencies receiving
funds under the Child Abuse Prevention
and Treatment Act (CAPTA) in 42
U.S.C. 5106a since June 2003. A
comparable requirement was added to
section 637(a)(6) of the Act for Part C
lead agencies, effective July 1, 2005.
Proposed § 303.207, which would
align with section 637(a)(7) of the Act,
would require that each application
include a description of the procedure
used to ensure that resources are
available for all geographic areas within
the State and would be substantively the
same as current § 303.147.
Proposed § 303.208 would incorporate
language from section 637(a)(8) of the
Act and would combine requirements in
current §§ 303.110, 303.112, 303.113(b),
and 303.146. Proposed § 303.208(a)(1)
would generally be the same as current
§ 303.110 and would require public
hearings, adequate notice of hearings,
and an opportunity for comment to the
general public, including individuals
with disabilities and parents of infants
and toddlers with disabilities, prior to
the State’s adoption of any new or
revised policy or procedure under Part
C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.208(b) would clarify
that policies, procedures, and methods
that are subject to the public
participation requirements in proposed
§ 303.208 and are required to be
submitted to the Secretary under
subparts B and C of these proposed
regulations must be approved by the
Secretary prior to implementation.
The remaining specific requirements
in current §§ 303.111 through 303.113
would be eliminated because States are
required to comply with the public
participation requirements of proposed
§ 303.208(a) and GEPA and obtain
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approval by the Secretary for specific
application requirements that are
subject to the public participation
requirements in proposed § 303.208.
These requirements provide sufficient
opportunities for public comment.
Proposed § 303.209, regarding the
transition of children from services
under Part C of the Act to preschool and
other programs, would incorporate
language from section 637(a)(9) of the
Act, and would be similar to current
§ 303.148. The note following current
§ 303.148, regarding matters that should
be considered in developing policies
and procedures to ensure a smooth
transition of children from one program
to the other, would be removed because
it is covered by proposed § 303.209 and
section 637(a)(9) of the Act, which
identify the specific early childhood
transition requirements.
Proposed § 303.209(a)(1) would
require each State application to include
a description of the policies and
procedures the State will use to ensure
a smooth transition for toddlers with
disabilities leaving the early
intervention program to attend
preschool, school, or other appropriate
services, or exit the program, and their
families. Proposed § 303.209(a)(1)
would add language to ensure a smooth
transition from the early intervention
program to preschool, school, or other
appropriate services for toddlers
receiving services as a result of the
State’s election to make available early
intervention services to children with
disabilities ages three and older in
accordance with proposed § 303.211.
Proposed § 303.209(a)(2) would add
language requiring States to describe
how they would meet each of the
requirements related to toddlers
transitioning from services under Part C
of the Act to preschool and other
programs in proposed § 303.209(b)
through (d).
Proposed § 303.209(a)(3)(i) would
revise the language in current
§ 303.148(c) to require all States (not
just those in which the SEA is not the
lead agency) to establish an interagency
or intra-agency agreement between the
programs under Part C and Part B of the
Proposed § 303.209(a)(3)(ii) would
clarify that the agreement must contain
provisions for how the lead agency and
the SEA will meet the requirements of
Part C of the Act in proposed
§ 303.209(b) through (d), regarding LEA
notification and transition conferences
and plans. In addition, the agreement
must contain provisions for how the
lead agency and the SEA will meet the
requirements in proposed § 303.344(h),
regarding IFSP content and transition
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steps and services, and the following
Part B regulations: 34 CFR 300.124
(Transition of children from the Part C
program to preschool programs) (71 FR
46766), 34 CFR 300.321(f) (Initial IEP
Team meeting for child under Part C)
(71 FR 46788), and 34 CFR 300.323(b)
(IEP or IFSP for children aged three
through five) (71 FR 46789).
Proposed § 303.209(a)(3)(ii) would
also require a State to have an
interagency agreement to ensure a
seamless transition between services
under Part C of the Act to services under
Part B of the Act.
Proposed § 303.209(a)(4) would
require that the State application must
include any policy adopted by the State
under proposed § 303.401(e).
Proposed § 303.209(b)(1) would
include the requirement in current
§ 303.148(a) that each application
include a description of how families
will be included in the transition plan.
Proposed § 303.209(b)(2) would be
similar to current § 303.148(b)(1) but
would clarify, consistent with section
637(a)(9)(A)(ii)(II) of the Act, the
timeline applicable to transition
requirements. Proposed
§ 303.209(b)(2)(i) would require that
each State include in its application a
description of how the lead agency will
notify, at least nine months before the
toddler’s third birthday, the LEA for the
area in which the toddler resides—or, if
appropriate, the SEA—that the toddler
on his or her third birthday will reach
the age of eligibility for preschool or
school services under Part B of the Act.
Proposed § 303.209(b)(2)(ii) would
also clarify that, if a toddler is referred
for early intervention services under
Part C of the Act within the nine-month
period before the toddler’s third
birthday, the lead agency, as soon as
possible after determining the child’s
eligibility, will notify the LEA for the
area in which the toddler resides—or, if
appropriate, the SEA—that the toddler
on his or her third birthday will reach
the age of eligibility for preschool or
school services under Part B of the Act.
Proposed § 303.209(b)(3) would clarify
that if a State adopts a policy under
proposed § 303.401(e), the lead agency’s
notification obligations under proposed
§ 303.209(b)(2)(i) and (ii) must be
consistent with the policy. Proposed
§ 303.401(e) are discussed in subpart E
of this preamble.
Proposed § 303.209(c) would retain
the requirement in current
§ 303.148(b)(2)(i) that the State lead
agency convene, with the approval of
the family, a conference among the lead
agency, the family, and the LEA to
discuss any services under Part B of the
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Act that the toddler with a disability
may receive.
Proposed § 303.209(c)(1), similar to
current § 303.148(b)(2)(i) would require
that, for a toddler with a disability who
is potentially eligible under Part B of the
Act, the transition conference is to be
convened not fewer than 90 days before
the toddler’s third birthday. Current
§ 303.148(b)(2)(i) allows the conference,
at the discretion of the parties, to be
held up to six months before the child
is eligible for preschool services.
Proposed § 303.209(c)(1) would change
this time period to not more than nine
months before the toddler’s third
birthday, consistent with changes in
section 637(a)(9) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.209(c)(2) would
substantively be the same as current
§ 303.148(b)(2)(ii) and would require the
lead agency, for the toddler with a
disability who may not be eligible for
services under Part B of the Act, to make
reasonable efforts to convene a
conference with the lead agency, the
family, and providers of other
appropriate services to discuss services
the toddler may receive.
Proposed § 303.209(d)(1) would
substantively include the provisions in
current § 303.148(b)(3) and would
require a review of the toddler with a
disability’s program options for the
period from the toddler’s third birthday
through the remainder of the school
Proposed § 303.209(d)(2) would
require the lead agency to establish a
transition plan, as in current
§ 303.148(b)(4). Proposed
§ 303.209(d)(2) would also clarify that
the transition plan be established in the
IFSP not fewer than 90 days (and at the
discretion of all parties, not more than
nine months) before the toddler’s third
birthday to align with the LEA
notification and transition conference
Proposed § 303.209(d)(3) would add a
requirement that the transition plan
include steps for the toddler with a
disability and his or her family to exit
from the program, consistent with
section 637(a)(9) of the Act, and also
specify that the transition plan must
include any transition services needed,
consistent with section 636(a)(3) of the
Proposed § 303.210 would be added
to require each application to describe
State efforts to promote collaboration
among Early Head Start programs, early
education and child care programs, and
early intervention services, consistent
with section 637(a)(10) of the Act and
would also reference Head Start in the
list of early education programs.
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Proposed § 303.211 would incorporate
the language in section 635(c) of the Act
providing States the option to make
early intervention services available to
children beginning at three years of age
until the children enter, or are eligible
under State law to enter, kindergarten or
elementary school. Proposed
§ 303.211(a)(1) would allow a State to
elect to include in its Part C application,
a State policy developed jointly by the
lead agency and the SEA, to make early
intervention services available to certain
children with disabilities. If a State
elects to include such a policy, children
who are eligible for services under
section 619 of the Act, and who were
previously receiving early intervention
services under Part C of the Act, would
continue to receive early intervention
services, if their parents choose to
continue those services.
Proposed § 303.211(a)(2) would
clarify that States may choose to serve
a subset of children between age three
and the age at which the children enter,
or are eligible to enter, kindergarten or
elementary school. This provision
would take into consideration States
that have preschool programs for many
or all children starting at age four, and
would give those States the flexibility to
provide early intervention services until
the beginning of the school year
following the child’s third, fourth or
fifth birthday. Although proposed
§ 303.211(a)(2) would allow States to
serve a subset of children between age
three and the age at which children
enter, or are eligible to enter,
kindergarten or elementary school, the
option would not extend to serving only
a specific disability group.
Proposed § 303.211(b)(1) would
require States that choose to provide
early intervention services to children
under this proposed section to ensure,
consistent with section 635(c)(2)(A)(i)
and (ii) of the Act, that the parents of
children with disabilities served under
this option would be provided with an
annual notice that includes: a
description of the rights of the parents
to elect to receive early intervention
services under Part C of the Act or
preschool services under Part B of the
Act; an explanation of the differences
between early intervention services
provided under Part C of the Act and
preschool services provided under Part
B of the Act, including the types of
services and the locations at which the
services are provided; the procedural
safeguards that apply; and possible
costs, if any, to parents of infants or
toddlers with disabilities receiving early
intervention services. Proposed
§ 303.211(b)(2) would incorporate the
requirement in section 635(c)(2)(B) of
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the Act that early intervention services
provided to children with disabilities
under this proposed section include an
educational component that promotes
school readiness and incorporates
preliteracy, language, and numeracy
Proposed § 303.211(b)(3) would
incorporate section 635(c)(2)(C) of the
Act and would require the statewide
system to ensure that the State policy
would not affect the right of any child
to receive FAPE under Part B of the Act
instead of early intervention services
under Part C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.211(b)(4) would
require, consistent with section
635(c)(2)(D) of the Act, that all early
intervention services outlined in the
child’s IFSP be continued while any
eligibility determination is being made
for services under proposed § 303.211,
and clarify that this provision is subject
to the pendency provision in proposed
§ 303.430(e).
Proposed § 303.211(b)(5) would
incorporate the requirement in section
635(c)(2)(E) of the Act that the State
obtain informed consent from the
parents of any child to receive early
intervention services, where practicable,
before the child reaches three years of
Proposed § 303.211(b)(6) would
provide, consistent with section
635(c)(2)(F) of the Act, that the
transition timeline requirements in
proposed § 303.209(c)(1) and (d)(2)
regarding the transition conference and
plan do not apply with respect to a
child who is receiving early
intervention services under proposed
§ 303.211 until not fewer than 90 days—
and, at the discretion of the parties to
the conference, not more than nine
months—before the time the child is
expected to no longer receive early
intervention services. The transition
conference and plan would occur
between the time that the child is three
years old and the time the child enters,
or is eligible to enter, kindergarten,
depending on how long the State made
those services available under proposed
§ 303.211.
Proposed § 303.211(b)(7) would
require a referral for evaluation for early
intervention services of a child under
the age of three who experiences a
substantiated case of trauma due to
exposure to family violence, as defined
in section 320 of the Family Violence
Prevention and Services Act, consistent
with section 635(c)(2)(G) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.211(b)(7) would clarify
that such referral is dependent upon
parental consent. Parental consent
would be required to balance the need
to protect the safety needs of the parent
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seeking shelter because of family
violence, as defined in section 320 of
the Family Violence Prevention and
Services Act, 42 U.S.C. 10401 et seq.,
with the child find mandate under Part
C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.211(c) would
incorporate language from section
635(c)(3) of the Act and would require
each State that provides early
intervention services to children ages
three and older to report to the Secretary
the number and percentage of children
who are eligible for services under
section 619 of the Act, but whose
parents choose to continue early
intervention services for their child.
Consistent with section 635(c)(4) of the
Act, proposed § 303.211(d) would
require States that choose to provide
early intervention services to children
ages three and older to describe the
funds that will be used to ensure that
this option is available to eligible
children and families who provide
consent. The description must include
the Federal, State, or local funds that
will be used and the fees, if any, to be
charged to families with public or
private insurance under a State’s system
of payments adopted under section
632(4)(B) of the Act and proposed
§§ 303.520 and 303.521.
Proposed § 303.211(e)(1) would
incorporate the language in section
635(c)(5)(A) of the Act that provides that
when a statewide system includes a
policy to provide early intervention
services to a child with a disability who
is eligible for services under section 619
of the Act, it is not required to provide
the child FAPE under Part B of the Act
for the period of time during which the
child is receiving early intervention
Proposed § 303.211(e)(2) would
incorporate the language in section
635(c)(5)(B) of the Act that clarifies that
a provider of early intervention services
is not required to provide a child
receiving early intervention services
with FAPE.
Proposed § 303.212, which requires
each application to include any other
information and assurances that the
Secretary may reasonably require,
would be added to incorporate the
provisions in section 637(a)(11) of the
Act. This regulation would provide for
the Secretary to require the States to
submit other reasonable information
and assurances in the State’s application
for funds under Part C of the Act, and
would be enforced as any other
requirement in this part in order for a
State to receive a grant under section
633 of the Act.
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The assurances in proposed
§§ 303.221 through 303.227 would
follow the order of the assurance
requirements in section 637(b) of the
Proposed § 303.220 would specify
that each State application must include
the assurances required in proposed
§§ 303.221 through 303.227, which
would reflect the requirements in
section 637(b)(1) through (7) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.221, regarding the
expenditure of funds, would reflect
section 637(b)(1) of the Act and would
retain the substance of current
§ 303.127, with cross-references
Proposed § 303.222, requiring the
State to comply with the payor of last
resort requirements in subpart F of these
proposed regulations, would replace
current § 303.126. Current § 303.126(a)
and (b), which reference the
requirements on non-substitution of
funds and non-reduction of other
benefits, would now be incorporated
into proposed § 303.510.
Proposed § 303.223, regarding control
of funds and property, is generally the
same as and would replace current
§ 303.122 and incorporate the statutory
provision in section 637(b)(3) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.224, regarding reports
and records, would substantively
include the language in current
§ 303.121.
Proposed § 303.225, regarding the
prohibition against commingling and
supplanting, would combine current
§§ 303.123 and 303.124 and the
requirements in section 637(b)(5) of the
Act. Proposed § 303.225(a) would
replace current § 303.123 to require that
a State ensure that funds under Part C
of the Act are not commingled with
State funds, and would add the
definition of commingle from the note
following current § 303.123. The
remainder of the current note, regarding
a clear audit trail for each source, would
be removed because it is redundant of
requirements under the Single Audit
Act (31 U.S.C. 7501 et seq.), which
applies to Part C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.225(b)(1) would
substantively include the language in
current § 303.124(a) and (b). Proposed
§ 303.225(b)(1)(i) would require that
Federal funds be used to supplement,
and, in no case, supplant State and local
funds. Proposed § 303.225(b)(1)(ii)
would require that the total amount of
State and local funds budgeted for
expenditures in the current fiscal year
for early intervention services for
infants and toddlers with disabilities
and their families must be at least equal
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to the total amount of State and local
funds actually expended in the most
recent preceding fiscal year for those
Proposed § 303.225(b)(2)(i) through
(iv) would incorporate the language in
34 CFR 300.204(a) through (d) of the
Part B regulations (71 FR 46780),
regarding exceptions to maintenance of
effort; and would allow a Part C lead
agency’s maintenance of effort to be
temporarily reduced in an individual
year due to: a decrease in the number
of infants and toddlers who are eligible
to receive early intervention services;
the termination of costly expenditures
for long-term purchases, such as the
acquisition of equipment and cost of
construction of facilities; the departure
of personnel either voluntarily or for
just cause; and the termination of the
obligation to make early intervention
services available to an exceptionally
costly IFSP program for a particular
infant or toddler with a disability.
Proposed § 303.225(c) would
incorporate the indirect cost
requirements under Part C of the Act
and under 34 CFR part 76.
Proposed § 303.226, which requires
certain fiscal control and fund
accounting procedures, would replace
and substantively include the language
in current § 303.125. Proposed
§ 303.227, which requires policies and
practices to ensure that traditionally
underserved groups are meaningfully
involved in the planning and
implementation of the requirements
under Part C of the Act, would include
the language in current § 303.128,
except that children with disabilities
who are wards of the State would be
added to the list of traditionally
underserved groups, consistent with
section 637(b)(7) of the Act.
Subsequent Applications and
Modifications, Eligibility
Determinations, and Standard of
Proposed § 303.228 would incorporate
the language in section 637(d), (e), and
(f) of the Act and is substantively the
same as current § 303.100(b), (c), and
(d). Proposed § 303.229 would add a
provision that the Secretary notify the
State if the Secretary determines a State
is eligible to receive a grant under
section 637 of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.230 regarding the standard for
disapproval of an application, would
replace current § 303.101, and would
provide, consistent with section 637(c)
of the Act, that the Secretary does not
disapprove an application under this
part unless the Secretary determines,
through the notice and opportunity for
hearing procedures in proposed
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
§§ 303.231 through 303.236, that an
application fails to comply with the
requirements of this part.
Department Procedures
Proposed §§ 303.231 through 303.236
would set forth the specific notice and
hearing procedures that would apply
before the Secretary determines a State
is not eligible to receive a grant under
this part. These proposed regulations
would incorporate the language in 34
CFR 300.179 through 300.184 of the Part
B regulations (71 FR 46776–46778). We
propose to adopt these regulations in
order to encourage greater consistency
between Part B and Part C program
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Subpart D—Child Find, Evaluations and
Assessments, and Individualized Family
Service Plans
Proposed subpart D would
incorporate the requirements from
section 636 of the Act regarding
evaluations and assessments and IFSPs.
Proposed subpart D of these proposed
regulations would also incorporate the
comprehensive child find system
requirements because they overlap with
evaluation requirements and because
the new statutory child find
requirements are contained in sections
612, 631, 632, 634, 635, 637 and 641 of
the Act, which do not readily relate to
a corresponding subpart in these
proposed regulations.
Public awareness, child find, referral
and screening procedures would be in
proposed §§ 303.300 through 303.303.
Evaluation and assessment requirements
would be combined in proposed
§ 303.320 to incorporate the relevant
provisions in section 636(a)(1) and (2) of
the Act.
IFSP provisions would be primarily
unchanged in proposed §§ 303.340
through 303.345. Section 636(e) of the
Act, regarding parental consent for
IFSPs, would not be addressed in
subpart D of these proposed regulations.
It would instead be included with other
parental consent provisions in proposed
§ 303.420, to align with section 639 of
the Act regarding procedural safeguards.
Identification—Public Awareness, Child
Find, and Referral
Proposed § 303.300(a) and (b),
regarding a public awareness program,
would incorporate language from
current § 303.320 that requires a public
awareness program that provides for
information to be prepared and
disseminated to primary referral sources
to inform parents of infants and toddlers
about the child find system, central
directory, and the availability of
preschool services under section 619 of
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the Act. Proposed § 303.300(a) would
also cross-reference proposed § 303.116,
which would require a statewide system
to have a public awareness program
consistent with the provisions in
proposed § 303.300. Consistent with
section 635(a)(6) of the Act, proposed
§ 303.300(a)(1)(ii) would add a specific
reference to parents of premature
infants, or infants with other physical
risk factors associated with learning or
developmental complications.
Proposed § 303.300(a)(2) would add a
requirement that the statewide system
have procedures for assisting primary
referral sources to disseminate
information to parents of infants and
toddlers with disabilities, consistent
with section 635(a)(6) of the Act. This
proposed provision would replace
current § 303.321(d)(2)(iii), which was
removed, consistent with section
635(a)(6) of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.300(a)(2) would cross-reference
proposed § 303.302(c) which defines the
term primary referral sources for the
purposes of subpart C. Notes 1 and 2
following current § 303.320, which
include the components for an effective
public awareness program, would be
removed, as they do not reflect
regulatory requirements and are
therefore not necessary.
Proposed § 303.301, regarding a
comprehensive child find system,
would incorporate the requirements
from current § 303.321 and would also
emphasize the applicability of the child
find system for the specific
subpopulations referred to in many
sections of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.301(a)(1) and (2) would
incorporate language from section
635(a)(5) of the Act, which requires a
system for making referrals to service
providers that includes timelines and
provides for participation by primary
referral sources. Proposed
§ 303.301(a)(3) would incorporate
statutory language from section
635(a)(5) of the Act that requires
rigorous standards for appropriately
identifying infants and toddlers with
disabilities for early intervention
services under Part C of the Act that
would reduce the need for future
services. Proposed § 303.301(a)(4)
would require the comprehensive child
find system to meet the requirements in
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section
and proposed § 303.302, regarding
referral procedures, and proposed
§ 303.303, regarding screening
Proposed § 303.301(b) would address
the scope of child find by identifying
specific subpopulations of children that
were added in the 2004 amendments to
Part C of the Act. Current § 303.321(a)(2)
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would be removed as redundant with
proposed § 303.301(b) and (c), regarding
the lead agency’s responsibilities for
administering the child find system
under Part C of the Act, and proposed
§ 303.604(a)(3), regarding the Council’s
advisory role.
Proposed § 303.301(b) would
incorporate current § 303.321(a)(2),
which identifies the lead agency as the
agency responsible for implementing a
comprehensive child find system.
Proposed § 303.301(b)(1)(i) and (ii)
would add references to children who
are residing on a reservation located in
a State, homeless, in foster care, and
wards of the State to incorporate
sections 612(a)(3)(A), 634(1) and
635(a)(2) of the Act and to align with the
child find provisions in 34 CFR 300.111
of the Part B regulations (71 FR 46764).
Proposed § 303.301(b)(1) would crossreference the provisions in proposed
§ 303.731(e)(1)) to ensure coordination
by lead agencies with tribes, tribal
organization, and consortia located in
the State to ensure the timely
identification of Indian infants and
toddlers with disabilities.
Proposed § 303.301(b)(2) would
replace current § 303.321(b)(2) and
would clarify that child find includes
methods for determining which
children are in need of early
intervention services and which
children are not in need of those
Proposed § 303.301(c) would
incorporate the requirements of current
§ 303.321(c) and would add language
requiring child find coordination with
the following programs and agencies, to
align with sections 634(1), 635(c)(2)(G),
and 637(a)(6) and (10) of the Act: early
education programs in the State,
including Head Start and Early Head
Start programs under section 645A of
the Head Start Act; child protection
programs including the foster care
program and the State agency
responsible for administering the Child
Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
(CAPTA); child care programs in the
State; and the programs that provide
services under the Family Violence
Prevention and Services Act for States
electing to make available early
intervention services to children with
disabilities, in accordance with section
635(c) of the Act and proposed
§ 303.211.
Proposed § 303.302, regarding referral
procedures, would require that the
referral of a child under proposed
§ 303.302(a)(2)(i) be as soon as possible
after the child has been identified. This
is a change from the requirement in
current § 303.321(d)(2)(ii), which
requires the referral to occur within two
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working days. The 2004 Amendments
require lead agencies to conduct child
find for additional subpopulations,
which has substantially increased the
number of referrals, making the two-day
period impractical. A change in referral
timeline is needed because we have
found that the two-day referral is often
not practical when some primary
referral sources of these additional
subpopulations are working with the
lead agency and reviewing all
information available about the child in
order to determine whether the child
may be suspected of having a disability
and may need referral for evaluation
under Part C of the Act. In addition, the
Department has limited ability to
enforce such a timeline given that
primary referral sources include private
physicians and other individuals and
entities that are not EIS providers.
Recognizing the importance of referring
and identifying children potentially
eligible for early intervention services as
soon as possible, we are seeking
comment on the proposed change in
proposed § 303.302(a)(2)(i), specifically,
regarding whether a different timeframe
or approach is more appropriate.
Proposed § 303.302(b), regarding
referral of specific at-risk children,
would incorporate language from
section 637(a)(6) of the Act, which
requires States to have policies and
procedures for the referral of early
intervention services under Part C of the
Act for an infant or toddler under the
age of three who is involved in a
substantiated case of child abuse or
neglect; or is identified as affected by
illegal substance abuse, or withdrawal
symptoms resulting from prenatal drug
Proposed § 303.302(b)(1) would
require the referral of a child under the
age of three who is involved in a
substantiated case of child abuse or
neglect. This provision is consistent
with CAPTA, which was amended in
June 2003 to require States receiving
CAPTA funds to have policies regarding
the referral to the Part C program of
children under the age of three who
were involved in a substantiated case of
abuse or neglect. In coordinating with
the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, which administers
CAPTA, the Department has confirmed
that neither Part C of the Act nor
CAPTA requires the referral of a child
other than the child who is the subject
of a proceeding resulting in
substantiation. Therefore, proposed
§ 303.302(b)(1) would not require a
sibling to be referred or screened unless
that sibling is a child under the age of
three who has been the subject of a
substantiation proceeding.
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Proposed § 303.302(c) would
incorporate the definition of ‘‘primary
referral sources’’ in current
§ 303.321(d)(3), but would add to the
definition: schools, clinics, public
agencies and staff in the child welfare
system including child protective
service and foster care, homeless family
shelters, and domestic violence shelters
and agencies for States electing to make
services under Part C of the Act
available to children after the age of
three in accordance with section
635(c)(2)(G) of the Act and proposed
§ 303.211. This would implement the
intent of Congress, as expressed in note
290 of the Conf. Rpt., to ensure that the
comprehensive child find system
‘‘includes a broad range of referral
sources such as homeless family
shelters, clinics and other health service
related offices, public schools and
officials and staff in the child welfare
system.’’ The timelines for public
agencies to act on referrals in current
§ 303.321(e) would be replaced by those
in proposed § 303.320(e). The Note
following current § 303.321 would be
removed as it does not reflect a
regulatory requirement and is therefore
not necessary.
Proposed § 303.303 would clarify the
responsibilities of the lead agency
regarding when screening may be used
once a child is referred for early
intervention services under Part C of the
Act. These screening provisions would
be added because we have determined
them to be necessary. Although section
639(a)(4) of the Act has always
referenced ‘‘screening,’’ the new child
find provisions in the Act require lead
agencies and primary referral sources to
determine how best to efficiently
identify, from the increased number of
potential referrals, those children
experiencing developmental delays or
potentially eligible for early
intervention services under Part C of the
Act. Many States have already adopted
screening procedures to accomplish
Proposed § 303.303(a)(1) would
expressly permit States to have
procedures for the screening of a child,
when appropriate, to determine if the
child is suspected of having a disability,
and would clarify that if the State lead
agency elects to adopt screening
procedures to determine if a child is
suspected of having a disability, those
screening procedures must meet the
requirements of proposed § 303.303.
States would not be required to adopt
screening procedures, but if States adopt
such procedures, those procedures
would have to meet the requirements in
proposed § 303.303.
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Proposed § 303.303(a)(2) would
clarify that, if the screening indicates
that the child is suspected of having a
disability, the lead agency must conduct
an evaluation under proposed § 303.320
to determine the eligibility of the child.
This provision would be added because,
if the lead agency were to conduct a
screening that indicated the child is
suspected of having a disability, such
screening results would provide the
lead agency with information that the
infant or toddler may be experiencing
developmental delays. If the lead agency
believes, based on the screening and
other available information, that a child
is not suspected of having a disability,
then proposed § 303.303(a)(3),
consistent with current § 303.403,
would require the lead agency to
provide the parent with notice under
proposed § 303.421 that it is declining
to conduct an evaluation. The notice
requirement in proposed § 303.303(a)(3)
would be added because it is the
Department’s experience that many
States were not aware of the need to
provide notice under these
Proposed § 303.303(a)(4) would
require the lead agency to conduct an
evaluation if a parent requests an
evaluation after the lead agency
determines a child is not suspected of
having a disability after completing a
screening. These proposed regulations
provide this clarification because most
States that have adopted screening
procedures after the June 2003 CAPTA
amendments and the IDEA 2004
amendments have found that permitting
the parent to request an evaluation is
necessary to ensure appropriate
identification of eligible children. In
addition, the Department’s experience
indicates that parents often can identify
or suspect developmental delays in their
children that may not be identified
through a screening. Further, research in
the early childhood community
demonstrates that parents are often in
the best position to observe and know
their infant’s or toddler’s developmental
Proposed § 303.303(b)(1) would
define screening procedures as activities
that are carried out by a public agency,
EIS provider, or designated primary
referral source (except for parents) to
identify infants and toddlers suspected
of having a disability and in need of
early intervention services at the earliest
possible age. Proposed § 303.303(b)(2)
would clarify that the screening
procedures include the administration
of appropriate instruments by qualified
personnel that can assist in making the
identification described in proposed
§ 303.303(a)(1).
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Proposed § 303.303(c) would clarify
that for every child who is referred to
the Part C program or receives a
screening, the lead agency is not
required to provide an evaluation and
assessment of a child, unless the child
is suspected of having a disability or the
parent requests an evaluation under
proposed § 303.303(a)(4). This
clarification is consistent with note 303
of the Conf. Rpt., which provides that
every child who is referred for early
intervention services under Part C of the
Act, or who is screened is not required
to receive an evaluation unless the child
is suspected of having a disability and
is not required to receive early
intervention services under Part C of the
Act unless that child is eligible.
The Department notes that screening
has long been part of States’ child find
and public awareness systems under
Part C of the Act. The proposed
regulations on screening would not
apply to screenings conducted: (1) prior
to a child’s referral for services under
Part C of the Act; (2) when a child’s
eligibility has already been determined;
or (3) to siblings of children in
substantiated cases of abuse or neglect.
As part of the child find and public
awareness systems, primary referral
sources and other community agencies
often conduct routine agency screenings
of infants and toddlers and other
children. The proposed Part C
regulations would not apply to
screenings that are routinely conducted
by primary referral sources and are not
used by the lead agency to determine
whether a child is suspected of having
a disability.
In addition, children already
determined to be eligible (such as a
child with a diagnosed condition who
has medical records that the lead agency
can use to establish eligibility) would
not need to be screened, because the
purpose of screening is to determine
whether a child is suspected of having
a disability.
Finally, neither Part C of the Act nor
CAPTA requires the referral or
screening of siblings of a child, other
than the child who is the subject of the
proceeding resulting in substantiated
abuse or neglect or who is identified as
affected by illegal substance abuse or
withdrawal symptoms resulting from
prenatal drug exposure, unless that
sibling is under the age of three and has
also been the subject of a substantiation
proceeding. However, under Part C of
the Act, States may establish broader
policies to permit or require the referral
or screening of these siblings.
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Evaluation and Assessment of the Child
and Family and Assessment of Service
Proposed § 303.320 would combine
the requirements from current
§§ 303.300(b), 303.322, and 303.323 and
section 636(a)(1) and (2) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.320(a)(1) would require
the lead agency to ensure that a timely,
comprehensive, and multidisciplinary
evaluation and an assessment are
performed for each child under three
who is referred for an evaluation and is
suspected of having a disability.
Proposed § 303.320(a)(2)(i) would
clarify that an evaluation is the method
used to review the assessments of the
child and the family to determine a
child’s initial and continuing eligibility
consistent with the definition of infant
or toddler with a disability in proposed
§ 303.21. Proposed § 303.320(a)(2)(ii)
would clarify that in conducting an
evaluation, no single procedure may be
used as the sole criterion for
determining the child’s eligibility for
Part C services. Proposed
§ 303.320(a)(2)(iii) would clarify that the
use of a child’s medical and other
records may be used to establish
eligibility (without conducting an
assessment of the child and the family)
if those records contain information,
required under proposed § 303.320,
regarding the child’s level of
functioning in the developmental areas
identified in proposed § 303.21(a)(1).
The nondiscriminatory procedures in
current § 303.323 would be incorporated
into proposed § 303.320(a)(3).
Proposed § 303.320(b)(1) would
incorporate the procedures for the
assessment of a child found in current
§§ 303.322(b)(2), 303.322(c)(2), and
303.323(c). Proposed § 303.320(b)(1)
would clarify that an assessment of a
child means reviewing the child’s
pertinent records that relate to the
child’s current health status and
medical history and conducting
personal observation and assessment of
the child to identify the child’s unique
strengths and needs and present level of
developmental functioning. This
clarification is necessary because States
have not consistently required that the
assessment of a child’s need for early
intervention services be based on
personal observation and assessment of
the child by qualified personnel.
Proposed § 303.320(b)(1) and (2) would
clarify that the assessment of the child’s
unique strengths and needs includes an
identification of the child’s level of
functioning in each of the following
developmental areas: Cognitive
development; physical development,
including vision and hearing;
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communication development; social or
emotional development; and adaptive
development based on objective criteria,
which include informed clinical
Proposed § 303.320(b)(2) would
expressly require that the lead agency
allow qualified personnel to use their
informed clinical opinion to assess a
child’s present level of functioning in
each of the developmental areas
identified in proposed § 303.21(a)(1)
and to establish a child’s eligibility,
even when other instruments fail to
establish eligibility. This is consistent
with the Department’s monitoring
experience, which has indicated
confusion in States that do not expressly
allow the use of informed clinical
opinion as a separate basis to establish
eligibility. This is necessary because
instruments may not adequately capture
the extent of the developmental delay.
Thus, informed clinical opinion may be
used to establish a child’s eligibility
under this part even when other
instruments do not establish eligibility.
However, under proposed
§ 303.320(b)(2), informed clinical
opinion cannot be used to negate
eligibility established through the use of
other appropriate assessment
As provided in the note following
current § 303.300, the use of informed
clinical opinion in establishing
eligibility for early intervention services
under Part C of the Act is especially
important when standardized
instruments are unavailable, unreliable
or inappropriate for use in measuring
developmental delay (as they often are
for children under the age of three) or
for evaluating a diagnosed condition
such as autism spectrum disorder or
pervasive developmental delay.
Although the language of the note
would be removed by these proposed
regulations, the use of informed clinical
opinion in establishing eligibility
continues to be necessary and would
therefore be included in proposed
§ 303.320(b)(2) as previously discussed.
With respect to the procedures for the
assessment of a family, proposed
§ 303.320(c) would combine the
requirements of section 636(a)(2) of the
Act and current §§ 303.322(b)(2)(ii) and
303.322(d), and would require that
family information be assessed not just
through the use of an assessment tool,
but through a voluntary personal
interview with the family. In addition to
the parent, the family assessment can
include other family members for the
purposes of identifying the child’s
needs. This proposed language would
permit States to avoid unnecessary,
time-consuming, and costly evaluations,
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
if existing records contain reliable
information, and establish eligibility for
services under Part C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.320(d) would clarify,
consistent with section 636(a)(1) of the
Act and current § 303.322(c)(3)(iii), that
the assessment of service needs must
identify the early intervention services
needed to meet the unique strengths and
needs of each infant or toddler with a
disability. The service needs of the
family under current § 303.322(d) and
sections 635(a)(3) and 636(a)(2) and
(d)(2) of the Act have been longstanding
requirements, which have clarified that
family assessments must be family
directed and designed to determine the
resources, priorities and concerns of the
family and the identification of supports
and services to meet the developmental
needs of the child. Under proposed
§ 303.320(d), the assessment of the
service needs of each infant or toddler
with a disability and that child’s family
must include a review of the evaluation
(including the assessment of the child
and family) and available pertinent
records and conducting personal
observation and assessment of the infant
or toddler with a disability in order to
identify the early intervention services
appropriate to meet the child’s unique
needs in each of the five developmental
areas identified in proposed
§ 303.320(b)(1).
Current §§ 303.321(a) and
303.321(e)(1) and (2), require that a
child’s evaluation, assessment, and
initial IFSP meeting occur within 45
days from the date the public agency
receives the referral. The Department
believes this imposes an unnecessary
burden on Part C agencies. Because the
public agency cannot initiate these
actions without parental consent, a
refusal or late consent may drastically
reduce the time available for the agency
to perform evaluations and prepare for
the IFSP meeting. Proposed
§ 303.320(e)(1) would retain the 45-day
timeline requirement, but the timeline
would start with the date the public
agency obtained parental consent for the
evaluation, not the date the public
agency receives the referral.
This change in how the 45-day
timeline is calculated may result in
some delays in the evaluation process,
since the public agency may be less
motivated to obtain timely consent.
However, there are situations in which
the lead agency is unable to obtain the
requisite consent in a timely manner
because the parents do not respond. In
those cases, the delays in obtaining
parental consent affect the State’s ability
to conduct evaluations, assessments,
and the initial IFSP meetings within the
45-day period; potentially increase costs
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due to the need to pay overtime to staff;
and make the State vulnerable to due
process complaints based on its not
complying with the 45-day timeline
The Department believes the change
in starting date for the 45 days to when
parental consent is obtained would
provide a more realistic start time for
conducting evaluations, assessments
and the initial IFSP meeting and
improve the ability of States to manage
the development of IFSPs. This
proposed change also would eliminate
the possibility that States will be
penalized for a lack of timeliness in due
process complaints in which parents
were responsible for delays because
they did not provide timely consent or
did not respond. The timeline change
reflected in proposed § 303.320(e) is
consistent with section 636(c) of the
Act, which requires that the IFSP be
developed within a reasonable time
after the assessment is completed.
The Department is seeking comment
on whether the proposed change to the
starting date for evaluation, assessment,
and initial IFSP in proposed
§ 303.320(e) is reasonable and
necessary. Another option to consider is
for the starting date to remain the same
with an increase in the length of time to
complete evaluations, assessments, and
holding the initial IFSP meeting.
Individualized Family Service Plans
The definition of IFSP in current
§ 303.340 would be incorporated into
the definition of IFSP in proposed
§ 303.20. Proposed § 303.340 would
cross-reference the definition in
proposed § 303.20 and would require
that the IFSP for an infant or toddler
with a disability meet the requirements
in proposed §§ 303.342 through
Proposed § 303.342(a) through (d),
regarding procedures for IFSP
development, review, and evaluation
would be substantively unchanged from
current § 303.342(a) through (d), with
the cross-references updated. Proposed
§ 303.342(e) would be substantively
unchanged from current § 303.342(e),
except that the substantive requirements
regarding a parent’s ability to consent or
decline consent at any time would be
addressed in proposed § 303.420. The
note following current § 303.342 would
be removed as it does not reflect a
regulatory requirement and is therefore
not necessary.
Proposed § 303.343, regarding IFSP
team meetings and periodic reviews,
would be substantively unchanged from
current § 303.343 except that the title of
the section would be changed. IFSP
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participants would be referred to as the
‘‘IFSP team’’ to align with the reference
to a ‘‘multidisciplinary team’’ in section
636(a)(3) of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.343(a)(1)(iv) would remove, as
unnecessary, language defining which
service coordinators must participate in
the initial and annual IFSP meetings.
The change would be made to alleviate
burden on the State to have additional
people at the IFSP meeting. In most
States, the service coordinator at the
time of the IFSP meeting is the service
coordinator who is most knowledgeable
about the child and family and this
service coordinator generally attends the
IFSP meeting.
Proposed § 303.344(a), regarding
content of an IFSP, would be
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.344(a), except that proposed
§ 303.344(a) would clarify that the IFSP
content regarding present levels of
functioning in each developmental area
must be based on the child’s evaluation
and assessment under proposed
§ 303.320, to align with section
636(d)(1) of the Act, which requires that
the child’s present levels of
development be based on objective
criteria. Accordingly, current
§ 303.344(a)(2), which refers to
professionally acceptable objective
criteria, would be removed. Proposed
§ 303.320 would require that objective
criteria be used to determine the infant
or toddler’s present levels of functioning
in the developmental areas identified.
Proposed § 303.344(b) would be
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.344(b). Proposed § 303.344(c)
would incorporate language from
section 636(d)(3) of the Act, which
requires the IFSP to contain a statement
of the ‘‘measurable results or outcomes
expected to be achieved for the infant or
toddler and the family, including preliteracy and language skills, as
developmentally appropriate for the
child.’’ Because the term ‘‘measurable’’
modifies both ‘‘results’’ and
‘‘outcomes,’’ proposed § 303.344(c)
would clarify that the IFSP must contain
measurable results or measurable
outcomes. In addition to being required
by the statute, including pre-literacy
and language skills as examples of
measurable results or measurable
outcomes is consistent with the current
practices of most States for including on
the IFSP, communication or social and
emotional developmental goals. These
goals would meet the requisite preliteracy and language skills that are
developmentally appropriate for infants
and toddlers with disabilities.
Proposed § 303.344(d)(1) would
incorporate language from section
636(d)(4) of the Act, which requires that
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
specific early intervention services
contained in the IFSP be based on peerreviewed research, to the extent
practicable. This requirement is not
intended to impose any additional
recordkeeping or IFSP content burden
but rather to ensure that each early
intervention service is based on the
child’s developmental needs and
reflects current standards of researchbased practices.
Proposed § 303.344(d)(1)(i) would be
consistent with section 636(d)(4) and (6)
of the Act, and would require the IFSP
to contain a statement of the frequency,
intensity, length, duration, and method
of delivery of services.
Proposed § 303.344(d)(1)(ii)(A),
concerning natural environments,
would be amended to align with
sections 635(a)(16)(A) and 636(d)(5) of
the Act. Proposed § 303.344(d)(1)(ii)(B),
regarding the determination of the
appropriate setting for providing early
intervention services, would align with
section 635(a)(16)(B) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.344(d)(1)(ii)(B) would
specify that if a particular early
intervention service cannot be provided
satisfactorily in a natural environment,
a justification that describes the setting
in which the service will be provided
and an explanation that supports the
decision as to how the setting will assist
the infant or toddler achieve the IFSP
outcomes is required on the IFSP. This
incorporates a longstanding Department
policy that a justification for not
providing early intervention services in
a natural environment should be based
on the child’s IFSP outcomes. Note 295a
of the Conf. Rpt. states ‘‘that there may
be instances when a child’s
Individualized Family Service Plan
cannot be implemented satisfactorily in
the natural environment. The Conferees
intend that in these instances, the
child’s parents and other members of
the individualized family service plan
team will together make this
determination and then identify the
most appropriate setting in which early
intervention services can be provided.’’
In addition, proposed § 303.344(d)(2)
would define the terms frequency and
intensity, method, length, and duration
for purposes of proposed
§ 303.344(d)(1)(i). Proposed
§ 303.303(d)(2)(i) regarding the
definition of frequency and intensity
would be substantively the same as
current § 303.344(d)(2)(i) except that
proposed § 303.344(d)(2)(iii) would
include a definition of length, consistent
with section 636(d)(6) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.303(d)(2)(ii), regarding
the definition of method, would
incorporate current § 303.344(d)(2)(ii).
Proposed § 303.344(d)(2)(iv), regarding
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the definition of duration, would clarify
that duration means projecting when a
given service will no longer be provided
(such as when the child is expected to
achieve the results or outcomes in his or
her IFSP).
Proposed § 303.344(d)(3), regarding
the definition of location, would
incorporate the language in current
§ 303.344(d)(3).
Proposed § 303.344(d)(4) would add a
new requirement that IFSPs include, for
children who are at least three years of
age, an educational component that
promotes school readiness and
incorporates pre-literacy, language, and
numeracy skills to align with sections
632(5)(B)(ii) and 635(c) of the Act, and
34 CFR 300.323(b) of the Part B
regulations (71 FR 46789), regarding the
allowable use of IFSPs under section
619 of the Act.
Proposed § 303.344(e) would remove
the requirement in current
§ 303.344(e)(1)(ii) that the IFSP identify
funding sources for the medical and
other services not required by Part C of
the Act. Current § 303.344(e)(1)(ii)
would be removed, as it is overly
burdensome to require IFSP teams,
including service coordinators, to
identify funding for services not
required under Part C of the Act,
because service coordinators may have
limited knowledge about funding for
services that are provided by other
programs. In addition, proposed
§ 303.344(e) would incorporate current
§ 303.344(e)(i) regarding the
requirement that other services needed
or received by the child or family also
be identified on the IFSP. Identifying
these other services ensures that the
IFSP identifies all of the services
available to the child and family, and
would avoid duplicative services and
enhance coordination among the
various agencies and organizations that
are providing or may provide such
services, and would ensure that Part C
funds are not being used to pay for
duplicate services. As indicated in Note
3 following current § 303.344, while
listing the non-required services in the
IFSP does not mean that those services
must be provided, their identification is
helpful to the child’s family, the service
coordinator, and EIS providers because
the IFSP provides a comprehensive
picture of the child’s total service needs
(including medical and health services),
as well as early intervention services
(including transition services).
Current § 303.344(e)(2) would be
removed as unnecessary. The substance
of current § 303.344(e)(2) would be
included in proposed § 303.16(c)(3), in
the definition of health services.
Proposed § 303.344(f) would be
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substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.344(f) and would require the IFSP
team to include on the IFSP, the
projected date for initiation of each
service, which date must be as soon as
possible after the IFSP meeting, and the
anticipated duration of each service.
Current § 303.344(g)(1) and (3) would
be retained in proposed § 303.344(g).
Proposed § 303.344(g)(1) is intended to
provide guidance to the State in the
identification of the service coordinator
on the IFSP. Current § 303.344(g)(2)
would be removed, to align proposed
§ 303.344(g) with section 636(d)(7) of
the Act, and to reduce the burden on
States. Although the service coordinator
must serve as the single point of contact
under current § 303.23 and proposed
§ 303.33(a)(3), there is not a requirement
that the service coordinator be the same
individual throughout the child’s
participation in the Part C system.
Current § 303.344(g)(3) would be
renumbered as proposed § 303.344(g)(2).
Proposed § 303.344(h)(1), regarding
the IFSP identifying the programs to
which children may transition from
services under Part C of the Act, would
be substantively unchanged, except that
subsections (ii) and (iii) would be added
to expressly identify the following
additional programs: (1) elementary
school or preschool services (for
children participating under proposed
§ 303.211); and (2) early education,
Head Start and Early Head Start or child
care programs to incorporate the
coordination provisions in section
637(a)(10) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.344(h)(2)(iv) would
incorporate the provisions in section
636(a)(3) of the Act to add a reference
to transition services and would remain
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.344(h). The remainder of current
§ 303.344(h) would be amended and
renumbered consistent with section 636
of the Act. The notes following current
§ 303.344 would be removed, as they do
not reflect regulatory requirements, but
are explanatory or provide examples,
and are therefore not necessary, except
for Note 3, which would be
incorporated into proposed § 303.344(e).
Proposed § 303.345 would be
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.345, with cross-references
updated. The first part of the note after
current § 303.345 regarding the purpose
of interim IFSPs would be removed as
unnecessary because it provides only
one example of when interim IFSPs may
be used, namely when a child’s
eligibility under Part C of the Act is
clear (i.e. due to a diagnosed condition
such as cerebral palsy). However,
interim IFSPs are available whenever an
immediate need for an early
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
intervention service is identified for an
infant or toddler with a disability and
the other conditions of proposed
§ 303.345 are met, regardless of how a
child is eligible under Part C of the Act.
In addition, the second part of this note,
regarding the applicability of the 45-day
timeline, would be removed, because
proposed § 303.345(c) would continue
to apply the 45-day timeline for the
timely completion of evaluations and
assessments, even when an interim IFSP
is used.
Proposed § 303.346 would retain
current § 303.346, regarding the
responsibility and accountability of
agencies and persons who have a direct
role in the provision of early
intervention services. Personnel training
and standards in current §§ 303.360 and
303.361 would be moved to subpart B
of the proposed regulations in
§§ 303.118 and 303.119 to align with
section 635 of the Act. The note
following current § 303.361, regarding
State flexibility to identify specific
occupation categories, would be
removed as unnecessary, because
proposed §§ 303.118 and 303.119 would
adequately clarify that State personnel
standards would continue to be
determined by States.
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
Subpart E—Procedural Safeguards
Proposed subpart E would incorporate
the procedural safeguard provisions
from sections 615 and 639 of the Act.
Proposed § 303.400(a) would
substantially retain the language in
current § 303.400(a), but would identify
the major components of procedural
safeguard requirements in proposed
subpart E, including: confidentiality;
parental consent and notice; surrogate
parents; mediation; dispute resolution
options; and due process hearing
procedures under sections 639 and 615
of the Act. Proposed § 303.400(b) would
be substantially the same as current
§ 303.400(b), and would indicate that
the lead agency is responsible for
ensuring the effective implementation of
the safeguards by each EIS provider in
the State that is involved in the
provision of early intervention services.
The confidentiality provisions in
proposed §§ 303.401 through 303.417,
would implement sections 617(c) and
639(a)(2) and (4) of the Act and would
primarily incorporate the language of
the confidentiality protections under 34
CFR 300.610 through 300.627 of the Part
B regulations (71 FR 46802–46804), and
the Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA) in 20 U.S.C. 1232g
and its implementing regulations in 34
CFR part 99.
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The parental consent, notice, and
surrogate parent provisions in proposed
§§ 303.420 through 303.422, would
implement section 639(a)(3), (5), (6),
and (7) of the Act, regarding parental
consent, parental notice, and surrogate
parent provisions and would replace
current §§ 303.403 through 303.406.
The dispute resolution options in
proposed §§ 303.430 through 303.439,
would implement section 639(a)(1) and
(8), and 639(b) of the Act. To make these
regulations a freestanding document,
the due process hearing procedures for
resolving individual child complaints in
proposed §§ 303.440 through 303.449
would include language from section
615(b)(6) and (7), (c)(2), (e)(2)(F), (f), (h),
(i), (l), and (o) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.401 would combine
current §§ 303.402 and 303.460 to
clarify when the confidentiality
provisions in Part C of the Act apply, to
mandate very limited disclosure
between specific agencies for purposes
of child find activities, to make other
changes to conform to the Act, and to
allow a lead agency to establish
procedures that would inform parents of
a potential referral and provide an
opportunity to object prior to the
disclosure. The note following current
§ 303.460 regarding the confidentiality
requirements and the provisions of
FERPA, would be removed because the
substance of the applicable language is
included in proposed §§ 303.401 and
Proposed § 303.401(b) would remain
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.402, except that, instead of
referencing the confidentiality
provisions from Part B of the Act,
proposed § 303.401(b) references
proposed §§ 303.402 through 303.417,
which would include the language of
these requirements as modified to apply
to lead agencies and EIS providers
under Part C of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.401(b)(1) would clarify that the
Part C confidentiality provisions are
consistent with, but broader than, the
provisions under FERPA.
Proposed § 303.401(c) would clarify
that the Part C confidentiality
provisions apply, when the child is
referred for early intervention services
under Part C of the Act and continue to
apply until the time when the lead
agency, public agency or EIS provider is
no longer required to maintain or
maintains such information under
applicable Federal and State laws. The
proposed provisions would clarify that
as long as the lead agency, public
agency or EIS provider is required to
maintain, or maintains such records
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under Part C of the Act, the
confidentiality provisions would apply
to ensure appropriate privacy of Part C
early intervention records.
Proposed § 303.401(d) would be
added to incorporate the child find
requirements from sections 612(a),
635(a)(6), and 637(a)(9) of the Act and
require the very limited disclosure of
personally-identifiable information
during child find activities. This
provision incorporates existing
Department policy.
Proposed § 303.401(e) would permit
States to adopt a policy to require any
public agency or EIS provider, prior to
the limited disclosure, to inform the
parent of the intended disclosure
required under proposed §§ 303.401(d)
and 303.209(b)(2), and would allow the
parent an opportunity to object to the
disclosure in writing. Permitting States
to adopt this policy would balance the
privacy interests of parents of children
receiving services under Part C of the
Act, with the lead agency’s and SEA’s
responsibilities to identify children
potentially eligible for services under
IDEA. Consistent with proposed
§ 303.209, if the State adopted such an
‘‘opt-out’’ policy, that policy must be on
file with the Secretary as part of the
State’s application under Part C of the
Additional Confidentiality
Proposed §§ 303.402 through 303.417
would be added in order to create
freestanding regulations that can be
easily used by parents, lead and public
agencies, and EIS providers and that
would include the confidentiality
requirements from 34 CFR 300.610
through 300.627 of the Part B
regulations (71 FR 46802–46804) that
apply to Part C of the Act under current
§§ 303.402 and 303.460. These
confidentiality requirements would be
amended, where appropriate, to apply
to Part C lead agencies and EIS
providers to ensure confidentiality of
Part C records but would not be
substantively changed from the
corresponding provisions in the Part B
regulations. For example, proposed
§ 303.405(a), regarding access rights,
requires the agency to comply with a
request no more than 20 days after a
request has been made, whereas the
corresponding requirement in 34 CFR
300.613(a) of the Part B regulations (71
FR 46803) requires a response no more
than 45 days after the request. The
variance in the timelines is to
accommodate the 30-day timeline for
due process hearings under Part C of the
Act, as opposed to the 45-day timeline
in Part B of the Act.
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
In addition, proposed § 303.414(d)
would codify an express exception to
the general parental consent
requirement for release of personally
identifiable information in early
intervention records to reflect the role of
Protection and Advocacy (P&A) systems
under the Developmental Disabilities
Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of
2000 (DD Act). Under the DD Act,
which is administered by the
Department of Health and Human
Services, a P&A system may need access
to early intervention records in specific
Proposed § 303.414(d)(1) would crossreference the requirement in section
143(a)(2)(I)(iii)(III) of the DD Act, that
authorizes P&A systems under the DD
Act to obtain access to contact
information (including the name,
address and telephone number) of the
parent or legal guardian or
representative of an infant or toddler
with a disability in cases where they
have probable cause to believe that such
a child is an individual with a
developmental disability who has been
subject to abuse or neglect. 42 U.S.C.
15043(a)(2)(I)(iii). Proposed
§ 303.414(d)(1) would enable the lead
agency or participating agency to
disclose to the P&A system this contact
information that would otherwise be
considered personally identifiable
information under Part C of the Act
when the P&A system expressly
requests this information under section
143(a)(2)(I)(iii) of the DD Act.
Proposed § 303.414(d)(2) would
expressly also permit the lead agency or
participating agency to disclose
personally identifiable information in
early intervention records in order to
provide the P&A system access to the
early intervention record of an infant or
toddler with a disability when the P&A
system requests access under either
section 143(a)(2)(I)(iii) or section
143(a)(2)(J) of the DD Act. Under section
143(a)(2)(I)(iii) of the DD Act, the P&A
system is authorized to have access
where the P&A system has probable
cause to believe that an individual with
a developmental disability has been
subject to abuse or neglect, it has
contacted the parents to offer assistance,
and the parents have refused to act.
Under Section 143(a)(2)(J)(ii) of the DD
Act, the P&A system is authorized to
have immediate access to the early
intervention records of an infant or
toddler with a disability who is an
individual with a developmental
disability without that child’s parental
consent in a case where a P&A system
has probable cause to believe that the
health and safety of that individual are
in serious and immediate jeopardy.
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Parental Consent and Notice
Proposed § 303.420(a) and (b),
regarding parental consent and notice,
would be substantively unchanged from
current § 303.404 and would add ‘‘and
ability to decline service’’ in the
heading to better align the regulation
with section 639(a)(3) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.420(a) would
specifically indicate that the lead
agency must ensure that parental
consent is obtained before an evaluation
and assessment of a child would be
conducted under proposed § 303.320,
before the provision of early
intervention services, prior to the use of
the parent’s public or private insurance
under proposed § 303.520, and prior to
the exchange of personally identifiable
information consistent with proposed
§ 303.401.
The term ‘‘initial’’ in current
§ 303.404(a)(1) would not be included in
proposed § 303.420(a)(1) in order to
clarify, consistent with Part B in section
614(c)(3) of the Act and the practice in
the vast majority of Part C State early
intervention programs, that parental
consent is required not only for the
initial evaluation but also for
reevaluation of a child under Part C of
the Act. Because the Part C parental
consent provisions in section 639(a)(3)
of the Act are broader (and more
appropriate for the parents of infants
and toddlers with disabilities) than the
consent provisions under Part B in
section 614(c) of the Act, the exceptions
to requiring the public agency to obtain
parental consent in section 614(c)(3) of
the Act and 34 CFR 300.300(c) of the
Part B regulations (71 FR 46784) do not
apply to Part C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.420(b) would be
unchanged from current § 303.404(b)
regarding the lead agency’s
responsibilities if the parent does not
provide consent.
Proposed § 303.420(c) would be
added to include the language of Note
2 following current § 303.404 to clarify
that a lead agency may, but is not
required to, use the due process hearing
procedures to challenge the parent’s
refusal to consent to an evaluation and
assessment of the child. The term
‘‘initial’’ in Note 2 would not be
incorporated into proposed § 303.420(c)
because the lead agency may, but is not
required to, use due process hearing
procedures to override parental refusal
to provide consent for any evaluation,
not just the initial evaluation. The
substance of Note 1, regarding parental
consent, following current § 303.404
would be included where applicable in
proposed § 303.420; and the substance
of Note 1, regarding personably
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identifiable information, would be
included in proposed § 303.401(c).
Proposed § 303.420(d) would
incorporate the requirements in section
639(a)(3) of the Act and current
§ 303.405, and clarify the parent’s right
to accept or decline any early
intervention service at any time.
Proposed § 303.421, regarding prior
written notice, would be substantively
unchanged from current § 303.403 and
would incorporate section 639(a)(6) and
(7) of the Act. Proposed § 303.421(c)
would be substantively unchanged from
current § 303.403(c) except that the
provisions in current § 303.403(c)(3)
would be moved to the definition of
native language in proposed § 303.25.
Surrogate Parents
Proposed § 303.422, regarding
surrogate parents, would be
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.406, except proposed
§§ 303.422(b)(2), 303.422(c)(2)(i) and
303.422(e), would contain new
language. Additionally, we used the
statutory word ‘‘locate’’ in proposed
§ 303.422(a)(2), rather than the term
‘‘discover the whereabouts’’ used in
current § 303.406(a)(2). ‘‘Locate’’ as used
in proposed § 303.422(a)(2), regarding a
lead agency’s efforts to locate the child’s
parent, means that a lead agency makes
reasonable efforts to discover the
whereabouts of a parent, as defined in
proposed § 303.27, before assigning a
surrogate parent.
Proposed § 303.422(b)(2) would
clarify that in implementing the
provisions for determining when a
surrogate parent is needed and assigning
one for an infant or toddler who is a
ward of the State or placed in foster
care, the lead agency must consult with
the public agency to which care of the
infant or toddler has been assigned. This
provision would be added due to the
potential increase in the number of
infant or toddler referrals under CAPTA
and from child protective service
agencies, recognizing that lead agencies
may not have current updated data on
families. However, this consulting
requirement is not intended to be a
burden, and consultation can occur by
telephone, e-mail, or other means
established by the lead agency and
consistent with the interagency
confidentiality requirements.
Proposed § 303.422(c)(2)(i) would
incorporate the language from section
639(a)(5) of the Act, and would prohibit
the assignment of a surrogate parent
who is an employee of the lead agency
or any other public agency or EIS
provider that provides early
intervention or other services to the
child or any family member of the child.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
Current § 303.406(d)(1) would be
removed because it would be redundant
with proposed § 303.422(c)(2)(i).
Proposed § 303.422(e) would be
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.406(e), and would clarify that the
surrogate parent has the same rights as
a parent for all purposes under this part.
Dispute Resolution Options
Proposed § 303.430(a) would require
each State system to make available
dispute resolution options under Part C
of the Act that would include
mediation, due process hearing
procedures, and State complaint
procedures in current §§ 303.419,
303.420 through 303.425, and 303.510
through 512, respectively.
Proposed § 303.430(b) would clarify
that each lead agency must make
mediation available as required in
proposed § 303.431, and would
incorporate language from sections
615(e) and 639(a)(8) of the Act and
current § 303.419.
Proposed § 303.430(c) would be
aligned with the Part B administrative
complaint procedures in 34 CFR
300.151 through 300.153 of the Part B
regulations (71 FR 46770–46771) and
would continue to require, as set forth
in current § 303.510, that each lead
agency adopt written State complaint
procedures that meet the requirements
in proposed §§ 303.432 through 303.434
to resolve any complaints filed by any
party regarding any violation of this
Proposed § 303.430(d) would
continue to allow lead agencies the
option of using the Part C due process
hearing procedures under proposed
§§ 303.435 through 303.439, or the Part
B due process hearing procedures under
proposed §§ 303.440 through 303.449
(with the option of adopting either a 30day or 45-day timeline).
Proposed § 303.430(e)(1) and (2)
would incorporate the pendency
language in section 639(b) of the Act
and current § 303.425 regarding the
services that must be provided during
the pendency of a due process
complaint. Proposed § 303.430(e)(1)
would further clarify that the child must
continue to receive those early
intervention services that are identified
on the IFSP to which the parent has
provided consent and in the settings
identified on the IFSP, unless the lead
agency and parent otherwise agree.
Proposed § 303.430(e)(3)(i) would
clarify that if a child turns three and the
child’s eligibility under Part B of the Act
has not yet been determined in a State
that has adopted the option to provide
Part C services beyond age three, then
the lead agency must continue to
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provide Part C services to that child
under proposed § 303.211(b)(4).
Proposed § 303.430(e)(3)(ii) would
clarify that once a child turns three and
has been determined ineligible for
services under Part B of the Act and
proposed § 303.211, Part C pendency
does not apply and the lead agency is
not required to provide Part C services
to that child during the pendency of any
due process hearing procedure
challenging the determination of
Proposed § 303.431, regarding
mediation, would remain substantively
unchanged from the current § 303.419
but would include several mediation
provisions based on revisions in section
615(e) of the Act, which applies to Part
C through section 639(a)(8) of the Act.
Each lead agency must ensure that
procedures are established and
implemented to allow parties to
disputes involving any matter under
this part, including matters arising prior
to the filing of a due process complaint,
to resolve disputes through a mediation
process, as indicated in proposed
§ 303.431(a). Proposed § 303.431(b)
would include the requirements in
current § 303.419(b).
Additionally, proposed
§ 303.431(b)(5) and (b)(6) would
incorporate the requirements in sections
615(e) and 639(a)(8) of the Act and
require that if mediation results in
resolution of a complaint, the parties
must execute a legally binding
agreement that describes the resolution
of the matter and states that discussions
that occurred during mediation shall be
confidential and not used as evidence in
any subsequent due process hearing or
civil proceeding. The proposed
regulation would require that the
agreement be signed by the parent and
a lead agency representative who has
authority to bind the agency, and state
that the agreement would be enforceable
in any State court of competent
jurisdiction or in a district court of the
United States.
Proposed § 303.431(c) would provide
requirements for the impartiality of the
mediator consistent with sections
615(e)(2) and 639(a)(8) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.431(d), regarding a
meeting to encourage mediation, would
incorporate the language in current
§ 303.419(c). Current § 303.419(b)(6),
regarding the requirement that parties
sign a confidentiality pledge, would be
removed to align with section 615(e) of
the Act.
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State Complaint Procedures
Proposed § 303.432, regarding the
requirement for the lead agency to adopt
written State complaint procedures,
would be substantively unchanged from
current § 303.510 except that the
provision in current § 303.510(a)(1)(ii),
regarding the option for a local public
agency to resolve a complaint, would be
removed. This provision would be
removed because, under Part C of the
Act, (unlike Part B of the Act) virtually
all States utilize only the lead agency for
the resolution of complaints. In
addition, because relatively few State
complaints are filed under Part C of the
Act eliminating this option would not
create any additional burden for States.
During Federal fiscal year 2004 the
average number of State complaints
filed under Part C of the Act was less
than 2.0 per State.
Proposed § 303.433, regarding the
requirements for minimum State
complaint procedures, would remain
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.512.
Proposed § 303.433(a)(3) would
clarify that a lead agency’s State
complaint procedures must provide the
lead agency, public agency, or EIS
provider with an opportunity to respond
to a complaint filed under proposed
§ 303.430(c), including, at a minimum,
an opportunity for a parent who has
filed a complaint and the lead agency,
public agency, or EIS provider to
voluntarily engage in mediation,
consistent with proposed § 303.430(b).
Proposed § 303.433(b)(1)(ii) regarding
time extensions for filing a State
complaint, would clarify that it would
be permissible to extend the 60-day
timeline if the parent (or individual or
organization, if mediation is available to
the individual or organization under
State procedures) and the lead agency,
public agency or EIS provider agree to
engage in mediation, consistent with
proposed § 303.433(a)(3)(ii). Proposed
§ 303.433(c)(3) would incorporate the
provisions in current § 303.512(c)(3).
Proposed § 303.434, regarding filing a
complaint, would remain substantively
unchanged from current § 303.511
except proposed § 303.434(b)(3) and (4)
would require a parent filing a State
complaint to provide the lead agency,
public agency, or EIS provider with
information about the child who is the
subject of the complaint, which may
allow the lead agency, public agency, or
EIS provider to attempt to resolve the
complaint at the earliest opportunity. In
addition, proposed § 303.434(c) would
amend the language in current
§ 303.511(b) to require that the
complaint must allege that a violation
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
occurred not more than one year prior
to the date the complaint is received,
and would remove references to longer
periods for continuing violations to
ensure expedited resolution for public
agencies and children.
Proposed § 303.434(d) would require
that the party filing a complaint forward
a copy of the complaint to the public
agency or EIS provider serving the child
at the same time the party files the
complaint with the lead agency. This
provision would ensure that the public
agency or EIS provider involved has
knowledge of the issues, and an
opportunity to resolve them directly
with the complaining party.
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
States That Choose To Adopt the Part C
Due Process Hearing Procedures Under
Section 639 of the Act
Proposed §§ 303.435 through 303.439,
regarding due process hearing
procedures under Part C of the Act,
would remain substantively unchanged
from current §§ 303.420 through
303.425, except that the references to
‘‘impartial procedures’’ would be
replaced with ‘‘due process hearing’’ to
distinguish these procedures from the
State administrative complaint
procedures in proposed §§ 303.432
through 303.434 and in proposed
§ 303.430(c). Note 1 following current
§ 303.420, regarding the adoption of Part
C impartial procedures for resolving
individual child complaints, would be
removed because it is substantively
incorporated into proposed §§ 303.435
through 303.439. Also, the complaint
procedures in Note 1 following current
§ 303.420 would be substantively
incorporated into proposed §§ 303.432
through 303.434. Note 2 following
current § 303.420, indicating that the
administrative procedures developed by
a State should be designed to result in
speedy resolution of complaints,
because an infant’s or toddler’s
development is so rapid that undue
delay could be potentially harmful,
would not be included in these
proposed regulations because the
process for the resolution of due process
hearing procedures, including timelines,
is addressed in proposed §§ 303.435
through 303.449.
Proposed § 303.435, regarding
appointment of an impartial due process
hearing officer, would remain
substantively unchanged from the
current § 303.421.
Proposed § 303.436, regarding
parental rights in due process hearing
procedures, would remain substantively
unchanged from the current § 303.422.
Proposed § 303.437, regarding
convenience of hearings and timelines,
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would remain substantively unchanged
from the current § 303.423.
Proposed § 303.438, regarding civil
actions, would remain substantively
unchanged from current § 303.424.
States That Choose To Adopt the Part B
Due Process Hearing Procedures Under
Section 615 of the Act
Proposed §§ 303.440 through 303.448
would incorporate the due process
hearing procedures for resolving
individual child complaints under
section 615 of the Act and 34 CFR
300.507, 300.508, and 300.510 through
300.516 of the Part B regulations (71 FR
46793–46796), and proposed § 303.449
would align with section 615(e)(2)(F) of
the Act. These regulations are included
to make these proposed Part C
regulations a freestanding document to
assist families, EIS providers, and lead
agencies in accessing the provisions of
the Part B due process hearing
procedures under section 615 of the Act,
which a Part C lead agency may choose
to adopt under proposed § 303.430(d).
The note following current § 303.423
would not be included in the proposed
regulations because the procedures for
resolving Part B due process complaints
under section 615 of the Act would be
substantively included in proposed
§§ 303.440 through 303.449, except that
the portion of the note regarding the
State being encouraged (but not
required) to accelerate the timeline for
the due process hearing because the
needs of children in the birth-throughtwo age range change rapidly, would be
removed because the process for the
resolution of impartial individual child
complaints, including timelines, is
addressed in proposed §§ 303.440
through 303.449.
Proposed § 303.440(a) would reflect
the change in 34 CFR 300.507(a) of the
Part B regulations (71 FR 46793),
regarding initiating a due process
hearing on matters regarding the
identification, evaluation, or placement
of a child, or the provision of
appropriate early intervention services,
to specify that a party could ‘‘file a due
process complaint,’’ as opposed to
‘‘initiate,’’ a hearing on these matters.
Proposed § 303.440(a)(2) would reflect
the requirement in section 615(b)(6)(B)
of the Act concerning the time period
for filing a request for a due process
hearing after the alleged violation has
occurred. Proposed § 303.440(b),
consistent with the revision to 34 CFR
300.507(b) of the Part B regulations (71
FR 46793), would include information
regarding the responsibility of the lead
agency, under certain circumstances, to
provide information about available free
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or low-cost legal or other relevant
services to parents.
Proposed § 303.440(c) would clarify
that the lead agency may adopt a 30- or
a 45-day timeline, subject to proposed
§ 303.447(a), for the resolution of due
process complaints and must specify in
its written policies and procedures
under proposed § 303.123 and in its
prior written notice under proposed
§ 303.421, the specific timeline that it
has adopted.
Proposed § 303.441 would
substantively include language from 34
CFR 300.508 of the Part B regulations
(71 FR 46793–46794) regarding due
process complaints. Additionally,
proposed § 303.441(a), (b), and (c)
would incorporate new language from
section 615(b)(7) of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.441 would include language
concerning the obligation to provide a
due process complaint to the other
party, the required content of the
complaint notice, and the requirement
that a due process hearing may not be
held until the party, or the attorney
representing the party, files the due
process complaint. These changes
should help clarify that the complaint
and complaint notice would be the same
document, which should aid in smooth
implementation of these new
Proposed § 303.441(a)(2) would
require the party requesting the hearing
to forward a copy of the due process
complaint to the lead agency to align
with section 615(b)(7)(A)(i) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.441(b) would address
the contents of the due process
complaint and would align with section
615(b)(7)(A)(ii) of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.441(c), regarding the notice
required before a hearing on a due
process complaint, would include
language from section 615(b)(7)(B) of the
Act. Proposed § 303.441(d) and (e)
would incorporate the new language
from section 615(c)(2) of the Act
concerning due process complaint
sufficiency and response to a due
process complaint. Proposed
§ 303.441(e) would address the lead
agency’s or EIS provider’s responsibility
to send a parent a response to the due
process complaint if the lead agency
had not sent a prior written notice to the
parent regarding the subject matter
contained in the parent’s due process
complaint. Proposed § 303.441(e)(1)
would outline what information must be
contained in the response.
Proposed § 303.442 would
substantively include language from 34
CFR 300.510 of the Part B regulations
(71 FR 46794) regarding the resolution
process. Additionally, proposed
§ 303.442(a)(4) would be added to
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
include the substance of note 212 of the
Conf. Rpt. that the parent and the lead
agency must determine the relevant
members of the IFSP team to attend the
resolution meeting. Proposed
§ 303.442(b)(2) would clarify that the
regulatory timeline for issuing a final
due process hearing decision begins at
the end of the 30-day resolution period
that starts when the due process
complaint is received. This provision is
based on the language in section
615(f)(1)(B)(ii) of the Act stating that the
applicable timelines for a due process
hearing commence at the end of this 30day period. Proposed § 303.442(b)(3)
would provide, however, that the
resolution process and due process
hearing would be delayed until the
resolution meeting is held if a parent
filing a due process complaint fails to
participate in the resolution meeting.
Proposed § 303.442(b)(3) is based on H.
Rep. No. 108–77, p. 114 that provides:
‘‘[If] the parent and the State or lead
agency mutually agree that the meeting
does not need to occur, the resolution
session meeting does not need to take
place. However, unless such an
agreement is reached, the failure of the
party bringing the complaint to
participate in the meeting will delay the
timeline for convening a due process
hearing until the meeting is held.’’
Proposed § 303.442(c) would
incorporate the requirement from
section 615(f)(1)(B) of the Act, regarding
the conducting of resolution meetings,
unless waived by joint agreement of the
parties prior to the opportunity for an
impartial due process hearing. Proposed
§ 303.442(d) includes language from
section 615(f)(1)(B)(iii) of the Act
regarding the contents of a legally
binding written settlement agreement.
Proposed § 303.442(e) includes language
from section 615(f)(1)(B)(iv) of the Act
regarding the ability of a party who
executed a settlement agreement to void
the agreement within three business
Proposed § 303.443 would
substantively include language from 34
CFR 300.511 of the Part B regulations
(71 FR 46794–46795) regarding
impartial due process hearings.
Additionally, proposed § 303.443(a) and
(b) would incorporate the language from
section 615(f)(1)(A) of the Act regarding
impartial due process hearings.
Proposed § 303.443(b) would include
the language from section 615(f)(1)(A) of
the Act, and would indicate that the
lead agency directly responsible for the
early intervention services of the infant
or toddler, as determined under State
statute, be responsible for conducting
the due process hearing. Proposed
§ 303.443(c)(1) would include the
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language regarding qualifications of
hearing officers from section
615(f)(3)(A) of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.443(c) would incorporate the
regulatory language in 34 CFR
300.511(c) of the Part B regulations (71
FR 46795) regarding the non-employee
status of the hearing officer and the
requirement for the public agency to
keep a list of hearing officers and their
qualifications. Proposed § 303.443(d),
(e), and (f) would include the
requirements in section 615(f)(3)(B), (C),
and (D) of the Act concerning the
subject matter of the due process
hearings, timelines for requesting
hearings and exceptions to the
timelines, respectively.
Proposed § 303.444(a), (b), and (c)
would incorporate the due process
hearing rights addressed in section
615(f)(2) and (h) of the Act and in 34
CFR 300.512 of the Part B regulations
(71 FR 46795). In addition, proposed
§ 303.444(a)(4) and (5) would include
the language from section 615(h)(3) and
(4) of the Act indicating that parents
would have a right to obtain copies of
a written, or, at the option of the
parents, electronic, verbatim record of
the hearing and copies of findings of
fact and decisions, and public agencies
would remain responsible for ensuring
that these rights are effectively
implemented. The language in 34 CFR
300.512(c)(3) of the Part B regulations
(71 FR 46795) concerning providing the
record of the hearing and decision at no
cost to the parents is included in
proposed § 303.444(c)(3).
Proposed § 303.445 would
substantively include language from 34
CFR 300.513 of the Part B regulations
(71 FR 46795) regarding hearing
decisions. Proposed § 303.445(a) would
include the language in section
615(f)(3)(E) of the Act concerning the
nature of hearing officer decisions,
including the requirement that
decisions be made on substantive
grounds, and the standards for when
procedural violations can be found to
deny appropriate identification,
evaluation, placement, or provision of
early intervention services, and would
clarify that a hearing officer can order
an EIS provider to comply with
procedural requirements.
Proposed § 303.445(b) would
incorporate the construction clause from
section 615(f)(3)(F) of the Act. In
addition, proposed § 303.445(b) would
clarify language in note 225 of the Conf.
Rpt., which indicates that the statutory
reference to a complaint was intended
to address a State-level administrative
appeal process, if available in that State.
Proposed § 303.445(c) would
incorporate the requirement from
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section 615(o) of the Act that nothing
prevents a parent from filing a separate
due process complaint on an issue
separate from the due process complaint
that has already been filed. However,
note 220 of the Conf. Rpt. states that:
‘‘the Conferees intend to encourage the
consolidation of multiple issues into a
single complaint where such issues are
known at the time of the filing of the
initial complaint.’’
Proposed § 303.445(d) would include
the language from section 615(h)(4)(A)
of the Act concerning the availability of
hearing decisions to the public. This is
also consistent with the requirements of
section 617(b) of the Act relating to the
confidentiality of data.
Proposed § 303.446, on finality of
decision, appeal, and impartial review,
and proposed § 303.447, regarding
timelines and convenience of hearings
and reviews, would substantively
include 34 CFR 300.514 and 300.515,
respectively, of the Part B regulations
(71 FR 46795–46796), with crossreferences updated to include the
proposed regulations under Part C of the
Proposed § 303.447(a) also would be
revised to start the 45-day timeline from
the expiration of the 30-day period for
resolution under proposed § 303.442,
rather than from the date when the
agency receives a due process
complaint. This change is based on
revised language in section
615(f)(1)(B)(ii) of the Act providing that
the timelines for a due process hearing
commence at the expiration of the
resolution period.
Proposed § 303.448(a) through (e),
regarding civil actions, incorporates the
language from section 615(i)(2),
(i)(3)(A), and (l) of the Act and would
substantively include language in 34
CFR 300.516 of the Part B regulations
(71 FR 46796). Additionally, the
requirement in section 615(i)(2)(B) of
the Act is included in proposed
§ 303.448(b), which provides for a time
limit of 90 days from the date of the
final State administrative decision to
file a civil action, or if the State has an
explicit time limitation for bringing a
civil action under Part C of the Act, in
the time allowed by that State law.
Proposed § 303.449 would include
language from section 615(e)(2)(F) and
(f)(1)(B) of the Act regarding the State’s
use of other mechanisms to enforce
Subpart F—Use of Funds and Payor of
Last Resort
Proposed subpart F would incorporate
provisions in sections 632, 635, 638,
and 640 of the Act regarding use of Part
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
C funds, payor of last resort provisions,
and system of payments requirements.
Proposed § 303.500 would require
each statewide system to have written
policies and procedures that meet the
fiscal and interagency requirements set
forth in the system of payments,
interagency, use of funds,
confidentiality, and payor of last resort
provisions in sections 632(4)(B),
635(a)(10), 635(a)(12), 638, 639(a)(2),
and 640 of the Act. Proposed § 303.500
would clarify that a State’s written
policies and procedures must include
the identification and coordination of
funding resources for, and the provision
of, early intervention services under
Part C of the Act within the State and
would incorporate the requirements in
current §§ 303.173 and 303.174 and in
sections 634, 635 and 640 of the Act.
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Use of Funds
Proposed § 303.501, regarding
permissive use of funds by the lead
agency would incorporate the
provisions in section 638 of the Act and
the provisions in current §§ 303.3 and
303.560, modified to reflect statutory
changes. The major substantive change
from the current regulations is in
proposed § 303.501(d). Proposed
§ 303.501(d) would incorporate the
language from section 638(4) of the Act
regarding the permissive use of Part C
funds to make early intervention
services available to children ages three
and older consistent with proposed
§ 303.211.
Payor of Last Resort
Proposed § 303.510, regarding payor
of last resort requirements, reflects the
provisions in section 640(a) and (c) of
the Act, and would remain substantially
unchanged from the provisions in
current § 303.527. Proposed
§ 303.510(b), regarding interim
payments when reimbursement is
delayed, would be substantively the
same as the language in current
§ 303.527(b)(2)(i) through (iii) and (b)(3).
Proposed § 303.511, regarding
establishing financial responsibility for
and methods of ensuring services,
would combine many of the provisions
in current §§ 303.520 through 303.528
with modifications to reflect the
statutory provisions in section 640(b) of
the Act. Section 640(b) of the Act
provides that a State may meet certain
fiscal and interagency coordination
requirements regarding provision of
services under Part C of the Act by using
one of three methods: (1) State law or
regulations, (2) interagency or intraagency agreements that identify the
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responsibilities of each agency, or (3)
other appropriate written methods (once
approved by the Secretary). Proposed
§ 303.511(a)(1) through (3) would
identify these three options.
Proposed § 303.511(b) would require,
consistent with section 640(b)(1)(A) of
the Act and current § 303.523, that each
method define the financial
responsibility of each agency for paying
for early intervention services or other
functions authorized under Part C of the
Act, including child find and
evaluations and assessments, consistent
with State law and the requirements of
Part C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.511(c)(1) would
require, consistent with section
640(b)(1)(A)(ii) of the Act and current
§§ 303.523(c) and 303.528, that each
method must include procedures for
achieving a timely resolution of intraagency and interagency disputes about
payments for a given service, or
disputes about other matters related to
the State’s early intervention service
program. Those proposed procedures
would require a mechanism for
resolution of intra-agency disputes
within agencies and for the Governor,
Governor’s designee, or the lead agency
to make a final determination for
interagency disputes, which
determination must be binding upon the
agencies involved.
Proposed § 303.511(c)(2) would
clarify that the method must permit the
agency to resolve its own internal
disputes (based on the agency’s
procedures that are included in the
agreement), so long as the agency acts in
a timely manner; and include the
process that the lead agency will follow
in achieving resolution of intra-agency
disputes, if a given agency is unable to
resolve its own internal disputes in a
timely manner.
Proposed § 303.511(c)(3) would
incorporate the Note following current
§ 303.523 regarding interagency dispute
resolution to require that if, during the
lead agency’s resolution of the dispute,
the Governor, Governor’s designee, or
lead agency determines that the
assignment of financial responsibility
under proposed § 303.511 was
inappropriately made, the Governor,
Governor’s designee or lead agency
must reassign the responsibility to the
appropriate agency; and the lead agency
must make arrangements for
reimbursement of any expenditures
incurred by the agency originally
assigned responsibility.
Proposed § 303.511(d), regarding the
delivery of services in a timely manner,
would incorporate these requirements
from current § 303.525 and require that
the methods adopted by the State under
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proposed § 303.511 must include a
mechanism to ensure that no services
that a child is entitled to receive under
Part C of the Act are delayed or denied
because of disputes between agencies
regarding financial or other
responsibilities; and must be consistent
with the written funding policies
adopted by the State under proposed
§ 303.511.
Proposed § 303.511(e) would require
that each method must include any
additional components necessary to
ensure effective cooperation and
coordination among, and the lead
agency’s general supervision (including
monitoring) of, all public agencies and
early intervention service providers
involved in the State’s early
intervention service programs.
Use of Insurance, Benefits, Systems of
Payment, and Fees
Proposed § 303.520, regarding policies
related to use of insurance for payment
for services, and proposed § 303.521,
regarding a system of payments and
fees, would incorporate certain
requirements in current §§ 303.520 and
Public Insurance and Benefits and
Private Insurance
Proposed § 303.520(a) and (b),
regarding policies related to use of
public insurance or benefits and private
insurance for payment for services,
would clarify when public insurance or
benefits and private insurance may be
used to pay for services pursuant to
sections 632(4)(B), 635(a)(10), and 640
of the Act.
Proposed § 303.520(a)(1)(i), consistent
with sections 632(4)(B) and 639(a)(2) of
the Act, would allow a State to access
a parent’s public insurance or benefits
when the parent is already enrolled if
the parent provides consent to disclose
personally identifiable information in
accordance with proposed § 303.414.
Proposed § 303.520(a)(1)(ii) would
clarify that a lead agency may use
public insurance or benefits, without
first obtaining parental consent under
proposed §§ 303.7, 303.414, and
303.420(a)(3), for children in foster care
when these children are eligible under
the State’s Medicaid plan. This
provision was added because the Act
places significant emphasis on finding
children in foster care, and it is
important to clarify for lead agencies the
circumstances under which they may
access public insurance or benefits for
these children. Moreover, the provisions
in existing laws deem virtually all
children receiving foster care assistance
under section 472 of the Social Security
Act to be automatically eligible for
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Medicaid under Title XIX of the Social
Security Act.
Proposed § 303.520(a)(1)(iii) would
clarify that a State may access a parent’s
public insurance or benefits program
when the parent is not already enrolled
in a public insurance or benefits
program if the parent provides consent
under proposed §§ 303.7, 303.414, and
303.420(a)(3), to enroll in such a
program. This provision would be
added to clarify existing confidentiality
requirements. This provision also is
necessary to ensure parents are aware of
the opportunity to enroll, and provide
informed consent prior to enrollment, in
a public insurance or benefits program
because enrollment in a public
insurance or benefits program can
potentially have significant negative
impact on an individual’s insurability,
credit rating, immigration status, and
status under other Federal assistance
Proposed § 303.520(a)(2) would
clarify that, if a State requires parents to
pay the costs incurred as a result of
participating in a public insurance or
benefits program (such as co-payments,
premiums or deductibles or the required
use of private insurance as the primary
insurance), these costs must be
identified in the State’s policies
regarding its system of payments under
proposed § 303.521.
Proposed § 303.520(a)(3) would
clarify that when obtaining parental
consent under proposed § 303.520(a),
the lead agency must provide parents
with a copy of the State’s system of
payments policies that identify potential
costs that the parent may incur while
enrolled in a public insurance or
benefits program and to ensure that the
consent is informed. Proposed
§ 303.520(a)(3) is being added to ensure
that parents would be informed of those
costs as part of consenting to the use of
public insurance or benefits to pay for
early intervention services.
Proposed § 303.520(b)(1)(i) would
permit States to use private insurance to
pay for early intervention services if the
State obtains parental consent as
defined in proposed § 303.7 and in
accordance with proposed §§ 303.414
and 303.420(a)(3) prior to accessing the
parent’s private insurance.
Proposed § 303.520(b)(1)(ii) would
require that any types of costs
(including co-payments, premiums or
deductibles) that may be charged to the
parent as a result of using the parent’s
private insurance be identified in the
State’s system of payments policies
under proposed § 303.521. Proposed
§ 303.520(b)(1)(iii) would require that a
copy of this policy be provided to
parents when obtaining consent.
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Proposed § 303.520(b)(1)(iv) would
incorporate requirements in current
§ 303.520(b)(3) that, if a parent or family
is determined unable to pay under the
State’s definition of inability to pay that
is required in proposed § 303.521(a)(3)
and does not provide consent under
proposed § 303.520(b)(1)(i), the lack of
consent may not be used to delay or
deny any Part C services to the child or
Proposed § 303.520(b)(2) would
provide a specific exception to the
parental consent requirements in
proposed § 303.520(b)(1) for those States
that have adopted specific statutes
requiring private insurance companies
and other entities to provide coverage
for Part C early intervention services.
This exception would only apply if the
State statute ensures that—(1) lifetime
coverage caps for the infant or toddler
with a disability and parents are not
triggered by the use of health insurance
benefits to pay for Part C early
intervention services; (2) the health
insurance coverage of the infant or
toddler with a disability and his or her
family may not be discontinued due to
the use of the health insurance to pay
for Part C services; and (3) health
insurance premiums and costs for the
infant or toddler with a disability or his
or her family may not be increased
solely due to use of the health insurance
to pay for Part C services.
Proposed § 303.520(b)(3) would
clarify that if a State has enacted a State
statute regarding private health
insurance coverage that meets the
requirements in proposed
§ 303.520(b)(2) for early intervention
services under Part C of the Act that
ensures that the use of private health
insurance to pay for Part C services, the
State may reestablish, for
nonsupplanting purposes, in the next
Federal fiscal year following the
effective date of the statute, a new
baseline of State and local expenditures
under proposed § 303.225(b). This
provision would be added to ensure that
States that enacted protective statutes as
part of the State’s system of payments to
ensure funding for Part C services
would be able to factor in the change in
funding sources for nonsupplanting
purposes under Part C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.520(c)(1) and (2),
regarding the treatment of public and
private insurance proceeds and
reimbursements from public benefits
under 34 CFR 80.25, would remain
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.520(d). However, given the
Federal interest in ensuring the use of
overall Federal funds (including Part C
and Medicaid funds) to increase the
availability of services to children with
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disabilities, the Department seeks
comment on whether funds from public
benefits (such as Medicaid
reimbursements) should continue to be
excluded from treatment as program
income under 34 CFR 80.25.
Specifically, the Department invites
comment on the potential estimated cost
to States in characterizing these funds as
program income (and the concomitant
requirement that such funds be used for
Part C purposes) as well as the potential
estimated benefits to the Federal
program and children served under Part
Proposed § 303.520(c)(3) would add
that if the State spends funds from a
State public insurance or benefits
program or the State portion of a Federal
public benefits program (such as the
State portion of Medicaid costs) for
services under this part, those funds
may, but are not required to, be
considered State or local funds under
proposed § 303.225(b). This proposed
provision would also add however that,
if a State has elected to include such
funds for purposes of nonsupplanting
provisions in proposed § 303.225(b), it
must continue to aggregate such
amounts for all future years. Proposed
§ 303.520(c)(4) would add that if the
State spends funds from private
insurance for services under this part,
those funds are considered neither State
nor local funds for nonsupplanting
purposes under proposed § 303.225.
Proposed § 303.520(d)(1) and (2)
would clarify that funds received from
a parent or family under a State’s system
of payments are ‘‘program income’’
under 34 CFR 80.25, would not need to
be deducted from the total allowable
costs charged under Part C of the Act,
and must be used for the State’s Part C
early intervention services program,
consistent with 34 CFR 80.25(g)(1) and
(2). Proposed § 303.520(d)(3) would
clarify that these funds would not be
considered either State or local funds
for non-supplanting purposes under
proposed § 303.225(b).
System of Payments and Fees
Proposed § 303.521(a), regarding a
State’s system of payments and fees,
would incorporate language from
current § 303.521(a) regarding a
schedule of sliding fees and would
further require States to identify in their
system of payments policies: (1) Any
cost participation fees (such as co-pays
or deductible amounts) required to be
paid under Federal, State, local or
private insurance or benefits programs
for which the infant or toddler with a
disability or family is enrolled, that
meet the requirements of proposed
§§ 303.520 and 303.521; and (2) which
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
functions or services will be subject to
the system of payments, including any
fees charged to the family as a result of
using the family’s public or private
Proposed § 303.521(a)(3) would
require a State to include in its system
of payments policies the State’s
definition of inability to pay (including
its definition of income and family
expenses). Proposed § 303.521(a)(4)
would be substantively unchanged from
current § 303.520(b)(3) except that
proposed § 303.521(a)(4)(iii) would
require States to assure that families
will not be charged more than the actual
cost of the services and families with
public insurance or benefits or private
insurance will not be charged
disproportionately more than families
who do not have public insurance or
benefits or private insurance.
Thus, when read together, under
proposed §§ 303.520(b) and 303.521, a
Part C lead agency would continue to be
able to require parents either to pay the
costs of providing early intervention
services or to provide their consent for
use of their public insurance or benefits
or private insurance. Parents would
have the option under proposed
§ 303.520(a) and (b) to allow the State to
use their public insurance or benefits or
private insurance or to pay the fees
established by the State according to
any system of payments established by
the State under proposed §§ 303.520
and 303.521.
Proposed § 303.521(a)(5) would
specify that a State’s system of
payments policies must include
provisions that failure to provide the
requisite income information and
documentation may result in a charge of
a fee and specify the fee that may be
charged to the parent. Proposed
§ 303.521(a)(6) would clarify that the
system of payments policies must
include provisions that a lead agency
may, but is not required to, use Part C
funds or other funds to pay for costs or
fees to be paid by a parent under
proposed §§ 303.521(a)(1) and
303.520(a)(2) (use of public insurance or
benefits) or (b)(1)(ii) (use of private
insurance). However, for a parent
determined unable to pay under
proposed § 303.521(a)(4)(ii), proposed
§ 303.521(a)(6) would clarify that,
consistent with current requirements,
the lead agency must use Part C funds
or other funds to cover the costs for the
Part C services provided to the child of
the parent.
Proposed § 303.521(b), regarding
functions not subject to fees, would
remain unchanged from current
§ 303.521(b). Proposed § 303.521(c)
regarding States with FAPE mandates,
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or that use Part B funds to serve infants
or toddlers with disabilities under age
three, would incorporate the
longstanding requirements in current
§ 303.521(c) that if a State is required by
law to provide FAPE to infants or
toddlers with a disability under the age
of three, those services that constitute
FAPE must be provided at no cost and
must comport with the requirements of
Parts B and C of the Act.
Specific sections of the Act permit
States to use Part B funds for infants or
toddlers with a disability under Part C
of the Act and do not require the
provision of FAPE. These are:
—Section 611(e)(2)(C)(i), which allows
States to use Part B funds for direct
and support services (which can
include child find for children with
disabilities under Part B of the Act);
—Section 611(e)(1)(D), which allows
States to use State administrative setaside funds under section 611 of the
Act for Part C administration if the
SEA is the lead agency;
—Section 619(f)(1), which allows States
to use Part B section 619 funds for
support services (including
mediation) for children under three
and above five if the services
primarily benefit three through five
year olds;
—Section 619(f)(6), which allows Part B
section 619 funds to be used to
provide service coordination or case
management for families receiving
services under Part C of the Act; and
—Sections 611(e)(7) (regarding the
ability to use funds available under
Part B of the Act in sections
611(e)(1)(A), 619(f)(5), and 643(e)
(regarding funds under Part C of the
Act), which provisions allow the use
of specific Part B and Part C funds for
providing Part C services to children
in States that elect to serve children
under section 635(c) of the Act and
proposed § 303.211.
In addition, section 619(a)(2) of the
Act provides that Part B section 619
funds can be used to pay for the
provision of special education and
related services for two year olds who
will turn three during the school year.
However, these special education and
related services (that constitute FAPE
for the two-year old) would be required
to be provided at no cost to the family,
consistent with the requirements of Part
B of the Act.
Proposed § 303.521(d)(1) would
clarify that family fees collected under
a State’s system of payments are
considered program income under
EDGAR, 34 CFR 80.25. Under this
provision, a State would be permitted to
add these fees to its Part C grant funds
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rather than deducting the program
income from the State’s Part C grant
(which the Department has the
discretion to authorize under 34 CFR
80.25). Under this provision, any family
fees collected must be used by the State
for the purposes of the Part C grant.
Proposed § 303.521(d)(2) would clarify
that, under EDGAR, family fees
collected under a State’s system of
payments would be considered neither
State nor local funds under proposed
§ 303.225(b).
Subpart G—State Interagency
Coordinating Council
Proposed subpart G would
incorporate the provisions of section
641 of the Act, regarding the State
Interagency Coordinating Council
(Council), which are in current subpart
Proposed § 303.600 would retain the
provisions in current § 303.600
regarding the establishment of the
Proposed § 303.601(a)(1)(i) and (ii)
would retain the requirements in
current § 303.601(a)(1)(i) and (ii)
regarding parent membership on the
Council. Proposed § 303.601(a)(1)(iii)
would incorporate the first paragraph in
the note following current § 303.600 to
require that, to avoid a potential conflict
of interest, a parent member may not be
an employee of a public or private
agency involved in providing early
intervention services. The second
paragraph in the note following current
§ 303.600, suggesting that consideration
be given to maintaining an appropriate
balance between the urban and rural
communities of the State, would be
removed as duplicative of proposed
§ 303.600(b).
Proposed § 303.601(a)(2) through (6)
regarding the composition of the
Council would reflect the statutory
provisions in section 641(b)(1)(A)
through (F) of the Act and would remain
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.601(a)(2) through (6). Proposed
§ 303.601(a)(7) and (11) through (13)
would reflect the provisions in section
641(b)(1)(G) and (K) through (M) of the
Act, which provide for additional
members to be included on the Council.
Proposed § 303.601(a)(7) would provide
for at least one member to be from the
agency responsible for the State
Medicaid program in accordance with
section 641(b)(1)(G) of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.601(a)(8) and (9), regarding
members from Head Start or Early Head
Start and the State agency responsible
for child care, would reflect the
statutory provisions in section
641(b)(1)(H) and (I) of the Act and
would be substantively unchanged from
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current § 303.601(a)(8) and (9). Proposed
§ 303.601(a)(10), regarding the member
from the agency responsible for the
State regulation of health insurance,
would remain essentially the same as
current § 303.601(a)(7) except that
‘‘State governance’’ would be replaced
with ‘‘State regulation’’ to incorporate
the language in section 641(b)(1)(J) of
the Act. Proposed § 303.601(a)(11)
would provide for at least one member
to be from the Office of the Coordination
of Education of Homeless Children and
Youth, consistent with section
641(b)(1)(K) of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.601(a)(12) would provide for the
Council to include a member from the
State child welfare agency responsible
for foster care, consistent with section
641(b)(1)(L) of the Act and proposed
§ 303.601(a)(13) would provide that at
least one member be from the agency
responsible for children’s mental health,
consistent with section 641(b)(1)(M) of
the Act.
Proposed § 303.601(b) would be
added to clarify that the Governor may
appoint one member to represent more
than one agency listed under proposed
§ 303.601(a)(7) through (a)(13). Proposed
§§ 303.601(c) and (d) would retain the
provisions in current §§ 303.601(b) and
303.604, respectively, and reflect the
requirements of section 641(b)(2) and (f)
of the Act, respectively. Proposed
§ 303.601(d) would also incorporate the
language in section 641(f) of the Act that
no member may cast a vote on any
matter that would provide direct
financial benefit to the member or
otherwise give the appearance of a
conflict of interest under State law.
Proposed § 303.602, regarding Council
meetings, would revise current
§ 303.603 to incorporate minor wording
changes in section 641(c) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.602(a) would revise
current § 303.603(a) to be consistent
with the language in section 641(c) of
the Act, including clarifying that the
Council must meet, at a minimum, on
a quarterly basis. Proposed
§ 303.602(b)(3) would remain
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.603(c) requiring meetings to have
interpreters, as needed, and permitting
the use of Part C funds for interpreter
services at those meetings.
Proposed § 303.602(b)(1), requiring
that Council meetings be announced in
advance, would substantively be the
same as current § 303.603(b)(1).
Additionally, proposed § 303.602(b)(2)
is substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.603(b)(2), requiring that, to the
extent appropriate, meetings be open
and accessible to the general public.
Proposed § 303.603, regarding how
the Council may use Part C funds,
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would incorporate the provisions of
current § 303.602 and the provisions in
section 641(d) of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.603(a) and (b) would retain the
provisions in current § 303.602(a)(1)
through (5) regarding the use of funds
and in current § 303.602(b) regarding
the requirement that Council members
must serve without compensation from
funds available under Part C of the Act,
except as provided in proposed
§ 303.603(a).
Proposed § 303.604 regarding the
functions of the Council, would
combine and revise current §§ 303.650
through 303.653, consistent with the
requirements in section 641(e) of the
Act. Proposed § 303.604(a) would retain
the provisions in current §§ 303.651 and
303.652 except that proposed
§ 303.604(a)(3) would remove references
to interagency agreements and refer
instead to ‘‘methods’’ (which can
include interagency agreements) as
specified in section 640(b)(3) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.604(a)(3) also
specifically references the proposed
regulatory sections that require
interagency coordination and
collaboration regarding child find,
monitoring, transition, financial
responsibility, and provision of early
intervention services. Proposed
§ 303.604(a)(4) would retain the
provisions of current § 303.652
regarding the Council’s function to
assist the lead agency in the preparation
of applications and amendments to
those applications.
Proposed § 303.604(b) would include
the language from current § 303.653 that
the Council must also advise and assist
the lead agency regarding transition of
toddlers with disabilities to preschool
and other appropriate services.
Proposed § 303.604(c)(1), in
accordance with section 641(e)(1)(D) of
the Act, would retain the provisions in
current § 303.654(a) regarding the
Council’s responsibility to annually
report to the Governor and to the
Secretary on the status of early
intervention programs operated within
the State. Proposed § 303.604(c)(2)
would also retain the provision in
current § 303.654(b), that each annual
report must contain the information
required by the Secretary for the year for
which the report is made.
Proposed § 303.605(a) would reflect
the provisions in current §§ 303.650(b)
permitting the Council to advise and
assist the lead agency and SEA in the
provision of appropriate services for
children with disabilities from birth
through age five including the transition
from services under Part C of the Act to
other appropriate services.
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Proposed § 303.605(b) would
incorporate current language from
current § 303.650(c) permitting the
Council to advise appropriate agencies
in the State with respect to the
integration of services for infants and
toddlers with disabilities and at-risk
infants and toddlers and their families,
regardless of whether at-risk infants and
toddlers are eligible for early
intervention services in the State.
Subpart H—Federal Administration and
Allocation of Funds
Proposed subpart H would
incorporate provisions from sections
642 and 643 of the Act. Section 642 of
the Act provides that the requirements
in section 616 of the Act regarding
monitoring and enforcement and the
requirements in section 618 of the Act
regarding data collection are applicable
to Part C of the Act.
The requirements in section 616 of
the Act would be reflected in proposed
§§ 303.700 through 303.708 and the
requirements in section 618 of the Act
would be reflected in proposed
§§ 303.720 through 303.724. The
provisions in section 643 of the Act
regarding procedures for allocating grant
funds to States would be reflected in
proposed §§ 303.730 through 303.734.
Monitoring, Technical Assistance, and
Proposed §§ 303.700 through 303.708
regarding monitoring and enforcement
would incorporate the statutory
requirements under section 616 of the
Act, which apply to Part C of the Act
under section 642 of the Act. The
proposed regulatory requirements adopt
the statutory language with appropriate
modifications to include the provisions
of Part C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.700(a) would include
the new provisions in section
616(a)(1)(C) of the Act, which sets forth
the responsibility of States to monitor,
enforce, and annually report on the
implementation of the Part C program
by EIS programs, as defined in proposed
§ 303.11. In addition, proposed
§ 303.700(a) would require the lead
agency to make determinations annually
about the performance of each EIS
program using the categories identified
in proposed § 303.703. Also, proposed
§ 303.700(a) would require the State to
report annually on the performance of
the State under the State’s performance
plan as provided in proposed § 303.702.
Proposed § 303.700(b) would reflect
the new statutory requirement in section
616(a)(2) of the Act that the primary
focus of monitoring is on improving
early intervention results and functional
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
outcomes for infants and toddlers with
Proposed § 303.700(c) would reflect
new requirements in section 616(a)(3) of
the Act that States measure performance
in monitoring priority areas using
quantifiable indicators and such
qualitative indicators as are needed to
adequately measure performance.
Proposed § 303.700(c) would clarify that
these indicators are established by the
Secretary in the context of informing
States of the requirements under the
State’s performance plan.
Proposed § 303.700(d) lists the
priority areas States must monitor under
Part C of the Act. These areas are early
intervention services in natural
environments and State exercise of
general supervision.
Proposed § 303.700(e) would clarify
that the State, in exercising its
monitoring responsibilities under
proposed § 303.700(d), must ensure that
when it identifies noncompliance with
the requirements of Part C of the Act by
EIS programs and EIS providers, the
noncompliance is corrected as soon as
possible and in no case later than one
year after the State’s identification. The
language in this section would align
with the addition of the language in
proposed § 303.120(a)(2)(iv).
We propose to add § 303.700(e)
because, based on our monitoring
activities, we have determined that
correction of noncompliance does not
always occur in a timely manner.
Proposed § 303.700(e) would clarify
expectations regarding the timely
correction of noncompliance. It is
important to correct noncompliance in a
timely manner to ensure that infants
and toddlers with disabilities and their
families receive appropriate early
intervention services. Correction of
noncompliance means that the State
required the EIS program or EIS
provider to revise any noncompliant
policies, procedures and/or practices
and the State has verified through
follow-up review of data, other
documentation and/or interviews that
the noncompliant policies, procedures
and/or practices have been revised and
the noncompliance has been corrected.
We believe that one year is a reasonable
amount of time for the LEA to correct
noncompliant policies, procedures and/
or practices and for the State to verify
the correction.
Proposed § 303.701 would reflect new
statutory language in section 616(b) of
the Act requiring States to have a
performance plan that evaluates their
efforts to implement the requirements
and purposes of Part C of the Act and
describes how the State will improve
implementation. Under proposed
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§ 303.701(a) the plan must establish
measurable and rigorous targets for the
indicators established by the Secretary
under the priority areas described in
proposed § 303.700(d). Consistent with
the new statutory language, proposed
§ 303.701(b) would require States to
review their performance plans at least
once every six years and submit any
amendments to the Secretary.
Proposed § 303.701(c)(1) would
require, consistent with section 616(b)
of the Act, that each State collect valid
and reliable information on all the
indicators in the performance plan to
include in the State’s annual report to
the Secretary. Proposed § 303.701(c)(2)
would clarify that States may use, if the
Secretary permits it for a particular
indicator, the option to collect data
through State monitoring or sampling.
Proposed § 303.701(c)(2) would further
clarify that, if the State collects data for
a particular indicator through State
monitoring or sampling, the State must
collect and report data on those
indicators for each EIS program at least
once during the six-year period of the
State performance plan. The use of
monitoring or sampling data, if valid
and reliable, can be an effective means
of data collection, reducing burden on
State lead agencies, while providing
meaningful information on the
performance of EIS programs. Proposed
§ 303.702(b)(1)(ii) also would align with
34 CFR 300.602(b)(1)(ii) of the Part B
regulations (71 FR 46801).
Proposed § 303.701(c)(3) would also
incorporate the statutory requirements
from section 616(b)(2)(B)(ii) of the Act
regarding data collection and specify
that nothing in the Act or the
regulations authorizes the development
of a nationwide database of personally
identifiable information on individuals
involved in studies or other data
Proposed § 303.702(a) would reflect
the statutory language in section
616(b)(2)(C) of the Act requiring States
to use the targets established in their
performance plans and the priority areas
in proposed § 303.700(d) to analyze the
performance of each EIS program in the
State. Under proposed § 303.702(b),
which would largely incorporate the
language in section 616(b)(2)(C) of the
Act, States would be required to report
annually to the public on the
performance of each EIS program in the
State on the targets in the State
performance plan and make the State
performance plan available to the
public. Notes 253 through 258 of the
Conf. Rpt. explain that the expectation
is that the State performance plans,
indicators and targets are to be
developed with broad stakeholder input
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and public dissemination. To ensure
that EIS program performance reports
are disseminated in a timely manner,
proposed § 303.702(b)(1)(i)(A) would
require that EIS program performance be
reported to the public no later than 60
days following the State’s submission of
its annual performance report to the
Secretary and would prescribe the
minimal methods for that public
Proposed § 303.702(b)(1)(i)(B) would
include the statutory requirements from
section 616(b)(2)(C) of the Act that a
State make its performance plan
publicly available. In addition, to ensure
that the State’s annual performance
reports and the reports on the
performance of each EIS program in the
State are widely disseminated, proposed
§ 303.702(b)(1)(i)(B) would require that
States make these reports available
through public means, including
posting the reports on the Web site of
the lead agency and distributing them to
the media and to EIS programs.
Proposed § 303.702(b)(1)(ii) would
add that, if the State, in meeting the
requirements of proposed
§ 303.702(b)(1)(i), collects performance
data through State monitoring or
sampling, the State must include the
most recently available performance
data on each EIS program and the date
the data were obtained in its report on
the performance of EIS programs.
Proposed § 303.702(b)(2) would
reflect the language in section
616(b)(2)(C) of the Act requiring each
State to report annually to the Secretary
on the performance of the State under
its performance plan. Under proposed
§ 303.702(b)(3), however, the State
would not be required to report to the
public or the Secretary any information
on performance that would disclose
personally identifiable information
about individual children or any data if
the available data are insufficient to
yield statistically reliable information.
Proposed § 303.703(a) and (b)(1)
would reflect new language in section
616(d) of the Act requiring the Secretary
to review annually the State’s annual
performance report and, based on
information in the annual performance
report, or information obtained through
monitoring visits or other public
information, determine if the State: (1)
meets the requirements and purposes of
Part C of the Act, (2) needs assistance in
implementing the requirements of Part
C of the Act, (3) needs intervention in
implementing the requirements of Part
C of the Act, or (4) needs substantial
intervention in implementing the
requirements of Part C of the Act.
Proposed § 303.703(b)(2) would
reflect the language from section
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
616(d)(2)(B) of the Act that provides
States with notice and an opportunity
for a hearing for determinations under
proposed § 303.703(b)(1)(iii) and
(b)(1)(iv). Proposed § 303.703(b)(2)(ii)
would clarify that the hearing would
consist of an opportunity to meet with
the Assistant Secretary for the Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services to
demonstrate why the Department
should not make the determination. We
propose this provision to meet the
hearing requirement because the
Department has determined that this
type of hearing would provide the
appropriate amount of process due a
State prior to one of these
determinations. Should specific
enforcement action subsequently be
contemplated, as provided for in section
616(e) of the Act, other hearing
procedures may be applicable, as
provided for in proposed §§ 303.705,
303.231 through 303.236, and in the
General Education Provisions Act as
amended, 20 U.S.C. 1221 et seq. (GEPA).
Proposed § 303.704, regarding
enforcement, would reflect new
requirements in section 616(e) of the
Act that set forth the various actions the
Secretary may take with respect to each
State’s level of compliance as
determined by the Secretary’s review of
the State’s annual performance report
under proposed § 303.703. Thus,
proposed § 303.704 would identify,
consistent with section 616(e) of the
Act, the specific enforcement actions
that the Secretary may take if the
Secretary determines that a State needs
assistance, needs intervention, or needs
substantial intervention.
For example, if it is determined that
a State needs substantial intervention,
the Secretary would take one or more of
the actions described in proposed
§ 303.704(c), including recovering funds
under section 452 of GEPA, withholding
in whole or in part any further
payments to the State under Part C of
the Act, referring the case to the Office
of Inspector General at the Department,
or referring the matter for appropriate
enforcement action, which may include
referral to the Department of Justice.
Under proposed § 303.704(d), the
Secretary would be required to report to
appropriate congressional committees
within 30 days of taking an enforcement
action against a State under proposed
§ 303.704, including in the report a
description of the specific action that
was taken, and the reasons why it was
Proposed § 303.705(a) would reflect
the language in section 616(e)(4)(A) of
the Act regarding reasonable notice and
the opportunity for a hearing prior to
withholding of any Part C funds.
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Proposed § 303.705(b) would reflect
new language from section 616(e)(4)(B)
of the Act that, pending the outcome of
any hearing to withhold payments, the
Secretary may do one or both of the
following: Suspend payments to a
recipient or suspend the recipient’s
authority to obligate funds under Part C
of the Act provided that the recipient
has been given reasonable notice and an
opportunity to show cause why future
payments or the authority to obligate
Part C funds should not be suspended.
Proposed § 303.705(c) regarding the
nature of withholding actions would
reflect the language in section 616(e)(6)
of the Act.
Proposed § 303.706 reflects the
language in section 616(e)(7) of the Act.
Whenever a State receives notice that
the Secretary is proposing to take or is
taking an enforcement action pursuant
to proposed § 303.704, the State must,
by means of a public notice, take such
measures as may be necessary to bring
the pendency of an action pursuant to
section 616(e) of the Act and proposed
§ 303.704 to the attention of the public
within the State, including posting such
notice on the Web site of the lead
agency and distributing the notice to the
media and to the EIS programs.
Consistent with the statutory
provisions in section 616(g) of the Act,
proposed § 303.707 would provide that
nothing in subpart H restricts the
Secretary from utilizing any authority
under GEPA and EDGAR to monitor and
enforce the requirements under Part C of
the Act. Proposed § 303.708 would be
added to clarify that States have the
flexibility to use other mechanisms to
bring about compliance, just as section
616(g) of the Act and proposed
§ 303.707 recognize that the Department
needs the flexibility to use the authority
in GEPA and EDGAR to monitor and
enforce the Act in addition to the
enforcement program described in
section 616(e) of the Act.
Reports—Program Information
Proposed §§ 303.720 through 303.724
regarding data collection by States
would incorporate the applicable
statutory requirements under section
618 of the Act, which apply to Part C
through section 642 of the Act. These
statutory requirements were
substantively unchanged by the 2004
amendments to the Act except for the
requirement that data reported under
Part C of the Act be disaggregated by
gender and the requirement that States
electing under proposed § 303.211 to
make early intervention services
available to children ages three and
older, report data on those children.
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Proposed § 303.720(a) would reflect
the statutory provisions in section
618(a) of the Act that require each State
to report data each year to the Secretary
and to the public. Proposed § 303.720(b)
would state that the data be submitted
in the manner prescribed by the
Proposed § 303.721(a) would specify
that lead agencies must count the
number of infants and toddlers with
disabilities receiving early intervention
services on any date between October 1
and December 1 of each year and
include in this count any children
reported to them by tribes, tribal
organization, and consortia under
proposed § 303.731(e)(1)). Current
practices require the infant and toddler
count to occur on December 1. The
proposed provision would broaden the
window for States and would be
consistent with the Part B regulations in
34 CFR 300.641(a) (71 FR 46804).
Proposed § 303.721(a)(1), (2), and (3)
would reflect data collection and
reporting requirements described in
section 618(a) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.721(b) would reflect
the statutory provisions in section
635(c)(3) of the Act. These provisions
require that if a State adopts the option
under section 635(c) of the Act and
proposed § 303.211 to make early
intervention services available to
children ages three through five, the
State must report data on the number
and percentage of children with
disabilities who are eligible to receive
services under section 619 of the Act
but whose parents choose to continue to
receive early intervention services.
Proposed § 303.721(c) would reflect
the statutory provisions in section
618(a)(1)(F) and (H) of the Act. This
provision would require the State to
report the number of due process
complaints filed under section 615 of
the Act, the number of hearings
conducted and the number of
mediations held and the number of
settlement agreements reached through
such mediations.
Proposed § 303.722(a) would reflect
the new provisions in section 618(b)(1)
of the Act requiring each State to report
data in a manner that does not result in
disclosure of personally identifiable
Proposed § 303.722(b) regarding
sampling, reflects the language in
section 618(b)(2) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.723 regarding
certification of the annual report of
infants and toddlers served, would
require that an authorized official of the
lead agency certify the accuracy of the
data being submitted. This requirement
is to ensure that data submitted to the
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
Secretary are an accurate representation
of the infants and toddlers with
disabilities in the State.
Proposed § 303.724, regarding other
responsibilities of the lead agency
related to the annual report of infants
and toddlers served, would provide
more detail to the provision in current
§ 303.540(a)(1)(i) that requires the lead
agency to include a process for
collecting data from various agencies
and service providers. To ensure the
collection of accurate data in a timely
manner, proposed § 303.724 would
provide specific steps and procedures
for lead agencies to follow in collecting
the data to be reported to the Secretary.
Allocation of Funds
Proposed §§ 303.730 through 303.734
would incorporate the provisions in
section 643 of the Act regarding
allocation of funds under Part C of the
Act to States, outlying areas and the
Secretary of the Interior. Proposed
§ 303.730 regarding reservation of funds
for the outlying areas would remain
substantively unchanged from current
§ 303.204 except for minor changes to
the language in order to conform to
section 643(a) of the Act.
Proposed § 303.731 would implement
section 643(b)(1) of the Act regarding
allocation of funds under Part C of the
Act to the Secretary of the Interior.
Proposed § 303.731(a) would retain the
provisions regarding payment and
distribution of funds to tribes and tribal
organizations in current §§ 303.180(a),
303.180(b) and 303.203.
Proposed § 303.731(b) would be
added to incorporate the provision in
section 643(b)(2) of the Act requiring the
Secretary of the Interior to distribute
amounts to each tribe, tribal
organization, or consortium based on
the number of infants and toddlers
residing on the reservation divided by
the total of those children served by all
tribes, tribal organizations, or consortia.
Proposed § 303.731(c) would be
added to incorporate the provision in
section 643(b)(3) of the Act, which
clarifies that, in order to receive
payment under this section, the tribe,
tribal organization, or consortium must
submit to the Secretary of the Interior
information to determine the amounts to
be distributed.
Proposed § 303.731(d) would be
added to incorporate section 643(b)(4) of
the Act and would state the required
and permissible uses of funds under this
Proposed § 303.731(e)(1) and (2)
would be added to incorporate the
provision in section 643(b)(5) of the Act
regarding the requirement to submit a
biennial report to the Secretary of the
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Interior in order to be eligible to receive
funds. Proposed § 303.731(e)(1) would
require that to be eligible to receive a
payment under proposed § 303.731(b), a
tribe, tribal organization, or consortium
must make a biennial report to the
Secretary of the Interior of activities
undertaken under proposed § 303.731,
including the number of contracts and
cooperative agreements entered into, the
number of infants and toddlers
contacted and receiving services for
each year, and the estimated number of
infants and toddlers needing services
during the two years following the year
in which the report is made. This report
would require tribes, tribal organization
and consortia to include an assurance
that the tribe, tribal organization, or
consortium has provided the lead
agency in the State child find
information (including the names and
dates of birth and parent contact
information) for infants or toddlers with
disabilities who are included in the
report in order to meet the child find
coordination and child count
requirements in sections 618 and 643 of
the Act.
Proposed § 303.731(e)(2) would
require the Secretary of the Interior to
provide the Secretary with a summary
of that information on a biennial basis,
including confirmation that each tribe,
tribal organization, or consortium has
provided to it the assurance required
under proposed § 303.731(e)(1), along
with such other information required of
the Secretary of the Interior under Part
B or C of the Act. In addition proposed
§ 303.731(e)(2) would clarify, consistent
with section 643(b)(5) of the Act, that
the Secretary may require any
additional information from the
Secretary of the Interior.
Proposed § 303.731(e)(3), regarding
reports to the Secretary on payments
disbursed under this section, would
retain the language in current
§ 303.180(c).
Proposed § 303.731(f) would mirror
section 643(b)(6) of the Act, and would
clarify that Part C funds may not be
used by the Secretary of the Interior for
administrative purposes or the
provision of technical assistance.
Proposed § 303.732, regarding the
allotment and distribution of funds to
the States under this part, generally
would retain the language in current
§§ 303.200 and 303.202 but would also
incorporate additional provisions from
section 643(c) of the Act, and track the
organization of the Act. Proposed
§ 303.732(a) would be the same as
current § 303.200(a). Proposed
§ 303.732(b) also would retain the
minimum allocation provision in
current § 303.202, but would revise
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current language to clarify that no State
may receive less than 0.5 percent of the
aggregate amount available under this
section or $500,000, whichever is
Proposed § 303.732(c) would
incorporate provisions in section
643(c)(3)(A) and (B) of the Act regarding
the ratable reduction of allotments to
States. Proposed § 303.732(d) would
retain the definitions of aggregate
amount, infants and toddlers, and State
in current § 303.200(b).
Proposed § 303.733, regarding
reallotment of funds if a State elects not
to receive its allotment reflects the
provisions in section 643(d) of the Act
and would retain the provisions in
current § 303.201.
Proposed § 303.734 would reflect new
statutory provisions from section 643(e)
of the Act regarding the allocation of
Part C funds for incentive grants for
States electing to implement the
provisions of section 635(c) of the Act
and proposed § 303.211 to make Part C
services available to children ages three
through five. This clarifies that when
the appropriations under Part C of the
Act exceed $460,000,000, fifteen percent
of the amount that exceeds
$460,000,000 must be available for
allocation under section 643(e) of the
Act and proposed § 303.734 for States
that elect to serve children under
section 635(c) of the Act and proposed
§ 303.211.
Executive Order 12866
1. Potential Costs and Benefits
Under Executive Order 12866, we
have assessed the potential costs and
benefits of this regulatory action. The
potential costs associated with the
proposed regulations are those resulting
from statutory requirements and those
we have determined as necessary for
administering this program effectively
and efficiently. In assessing the
potential costs and benefits—both
quantitative and qualitative—of this
regulatory action, we have determined
that the benefits would justify the costs.
We have also determined that this
regulatory action would not unduly
interfere with State, local, private, and
tribal governments in the exercise of
their governmental functions.
Following is an analysis of the costs
and benefits of the most significant
changes in the regulations
implementing Part C of the Act
governing the Early Intervention
Program for Infants and Toddlers with
Disabilities. In conducting this analysis,
the Department examined the extent to
which changes made by these proposed
regulations add to, or reduce the costs
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
for, State lead agencies and others as
compared to the costs of implementing
the Part C program under the current
regulations. Variation in practice from
State to State makes it difficult to
predict the effect of these changes.
However, based on the following
analysis, the Secretary has concluded
that the changes reflected in the
proposed regulations will not impose
significant net costs on the States.
Section 303.211—State Option To Make
Part C Services Available to Children
Ages Three and Older
Proposed § 303.211, which would
incorporate the provisions of section
635(c) of the Act, would allow States to
continue to serve children with
disabilities ages 3 through 5 under Part
C of the Act if those children previously
received services under Part C of the Act
and would otherwise be eligible for
services under section 619 of the Act.
Making these services available under
Part C of the Act would be a State
option, and if the State chooses not to
serve children with disabilities ages 3
through 5 under Part C of the Act or to
discontinue offering this option, it
would still be required to make services
to these children available through
existing Part B programs.
If a State elects to exercise the option
to serve 3 through 5 year olds under Part
C of the Act, the lead agency would be
responsible for the costs of providing
the direct Part C services to children
whose families elect to continue
services under Part C. In addition, we
believe that the State’s Part C lead
agency could incur some transition
costs in implementing this option. For
example, if the Part C lead agency is not
the SEA, it would need to develop the
capacity to serve older children. The
intensity and type of services and
settings needed for 3 through 5 year olds
may be different from children ages
birth through 2 and would need to
include an educational component. The
Part C lead agency may also have to
establish relationships with different
providers or, at the very least, amend
agreements or contracts with existing
Educational agencies responsible for
providing services under Part B of the
Act would serve fewer children ages 3
through 5 if the State elects to provide
services under Part C to children ages 3
through 5, and families elect to continue
services under Part C of the Act. A
reduction in the number of children to
be served under Part B of the Act would
result in both administrative and direct
service cost savings for the educational
agencies responsible for serving these
children. However, the State would still
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be required to maintain its Section 619
preschool system to serve children with
disabilities who are 3 through 5 years
old. The Part C extension only applies
to children who are already receiving
services under Part C of the Act and
wish to continue, not to children newly
entering the system. In addition, parents
can choose between Part C or B services.
We have very little information on the
number of States that may choose to
exercise the voluntary Part C option and
the additional costs of implementing
this option for States that elect to do so.
We are requesting comments from the
public on these costs and will address
this issue in the final regulations.
Specifically, we are interested in
information related to the following:
Initial costs related to establishing or
enhancing the infrastructure in the Part
C lead agencies necessary to serve
children ages 3 through 5; differences in
the costs of providing the services
required by IDEA to children with
disabilities ages 3 through 5 under Part
C of the Act versus Part B of the Act;
the benefits to parents and children of
receiving continued services under Part
C of the Act rather than under Part B of
the Act; the extent to which States
expect families to choose continuation
of Part C services beyond age 2; the
extent to which States may choose to
exercise the option of serving children
with disabilities ages 3 through 5 under
Part C of the Act; and possible sources
of funding for providing Part C services
to these children.
Sections 303.300 Through 303.303—
Public Awareness, Comprehensive Child
Find System, Referrals, and Screening
Proposed §§ 303.300 through 303.303
would combine the child find and
public awareness requirements from
section 635(a)(5) and (a)(6) of the Act
and incorporate the Act’s increased
emphasis on specific subpopulations of
infants and toddlers with disabilities
who may potentially be eligible for and
need early intervention services under
Part C of the Act. Proposed § 303.301
would require States, consistent with
the Act, to identify, locate, and evaluate
all eligible infants and toddlers with
disabilities, including children who are
covered by CAPTA, homeless, in foster
care, or wards of the State. The
proposed regulations would require the
State to have referral procedures to be
used by specified primary referral
sources and would require such
procedures to provide for the referral of
certain children covered by CAPTA.
This change is consistent with the
CAPTA provision that became effective
in June 2003, which requires that States
receiving CAPTA funds adopt policies
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providing for the referral to the Part C
program of children under the age of 3
who are involved in a substantiated case
of child abuse or neglect.
The proposed regulations would also
add a requirement for a public
awareness program about the
availability of early intervention
services and specifically require the
dissemination of such information to
parents with premature infants or
infants with other physical risk factors
associated with learning or
developmental complications.
Since States have been required under
the Act to conduct child find activities
to identify all infants and toddlers with
disabilities since the program began in
1989, and the CAPTA requirements
have been in place since June 2003, we
are not estimating any increase in costs
as a result of these changes. Part C lead
agencies should already have the
infrastructure needed to meet all of the
IDEA child find requirements, including
those added relating to children covered
by CAPTA and those who are homeless,
in foster care, or wards of the State.
In addition, proposed § 303.303
would allow the lead agency to use
screening to determine whether a child
is suspected of having a disability. The
use of screening as a vehicle to identify
children potentially eligible for Part C
services may reduce the number of
evaluations and assessments that would
otherwise need to be conducted and,
thus, reduce potential evaluation and
assessment costs for the State. Proposed
§ 303.303 also would allow State lead
agencies to determine how primary
referral sources would work with the
lead agencies to administer screenings.
Sections 303.320(e)(1) and 303.342(a)—
Current §§ 303.321(e)(2),
303.322(e)(1), and 303.342(a) require
that a child’s evaluation, assessment,
and initial IFSP meeting occur within
45 days from the date the public agency
receives the referral. Proposed
§ 303.320(e)(1) would retain the 45-day
timeline requirement, but the timeline
would not begin until the public agency
has obtained parental consent for the
evaluation, thereby increasing the
amount of time available to the agency
for completing these actions.
Allowing the agency additional time
to complete a child’s evaluation,
assessment, and initial IFSP meeting
could reduce costs associated with
trying to meet the 45-day deadline, such
as paying overtime to staff, while
improving the ability of States to
manage the workflow of their service
coordinators. In addition, lack of
compliance with the 45-day timeline in
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
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current §§ 303.321(e)(2), 303.322(e)(1),
and 303.342(a) resulted in nine States
having either special conditions or
compliance agreements attached to their
Part C grants during fiscal year 2006. To
the extent that any of the findings of
noncompliance with the 45-day
timeline requirement involved cases
where the parents did not provide
consent or provide consent in a timely
manner, the change would assist States
to avoid future findings of
noncompliance with the IDEA. This
change could also reduce the number of
complaints related to missed deadlines;
however, any savings associated with
the resolution of due process complaints
are likely to be negligible since there are
few requests for due process hearings
filed under Part C—only 22 in fiscal
year 2003 and 186 in fiscal year
2004’and a missed deadline is not likely
to be the sole or primary basis for a
Since the 45-day deadline would no
longer encompass the period between
the referral and obtaining parental
consent for the initial evaluation, the
agencies could take more time in
contacting parents for their consent to
evaluate the child, particularly in cases
where the parents are not aware of the
initial referral, and, thereby, delay the
evaluation process. While undue delays
could be harmful to the child, we have
no basis for assuming that agencies will
take more time than is needed to contact
the parents for consent, based on our
experience under the Part B regulations.
In most cases, parents will be aware of
the referral and will readily provide
their consent if they want the child to
be evaluated.
Section 303.344(e)—Content of the IFSP
The current regulations in
§ 303.344(e) require service coordinators
to identify on the IFSP those medical
and other services that the child needs,
but are not required by Part C of the Act,
and the funding sources to be used in
paying for those services, or the steps
that will be taken to secure those
services through public or private
sources. Proposed § 303.344(e)(2) would
retain the requirements for service
coordinators to identify on the IFSP
medical and other services that the
child needs, but are not required by Part
C of the Act, and the steps that will be
taken to secure those services through
public or private sources. However,
service coordinators would no longer be
required to identify and coordinate
funding sources for these services.
Eliminating the requirement that
IFSPs identify the funding sources for
services not required by Part C of the
Act will reduce the burden on service
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coordinators and will save IFSP teams,
including the service coordinator, time
during meetings and time preparing the
IFSP. The requirement to identify
funding for other services is overly
burdensome, given that there may be
many other services that infants and
toddlers with disabilities and their
families receive (e.g., foster care,
services through individualized safe
plans of care, and medical and other
services), and service coordinators have
limited knowledge about, and ability to
coordinate funding for, these services.
While we do not have any data on the
number of hours service coordinators
spend on this activity, we do know that
many children served under Part C of
the Act have significant health care
needs and that it could take several
hours or more to identify and coordinate
funding for medical services needed by
these children. For purposes of this
analysis, we assume that service
coordinators spend, on average, a
minimum of two hours per year per
child identifying and coordinating
funding for services not required by
IDEA and describing it in the IFSP.
Based on an analysis of salaries for early
intervention service coordinators
employed by public and private
agencies and organizations for 7 States 1
and Bureau of Labor Statistics data for
fringe benefits costs for health care and
social assistance personnel,2 we
estimate average compensation for
service coordinators to be
approximately $22 per hour. Pursuant to
section 637(b)(4) of the Act, each State
submits an annual count to the
Department of the number of children
with disabilities ages birth through 2
served in the State. An analysis of
trends in the annual count and in
census data for this age range indicates
that the States will serve approximately
313,100 children under Part C of the Act
in fiscal year 2007. Based on these
estimates, we expect savings of
approximately $14 million from this
1 Estimate based on an analysis of average salaries
for early intervention service coordinators using
information from State job postings and an analysis
of average early intervention specialist salaries
conducted by the PayScale Corporation that looked
at median salaries for early interventionists
employed by non-profit organizations, school
districts, private companies, State and local
governments, and colleges and universities.
2 Table 4, State and local government, by
occupational and industry group, last modified
March 29, 2007, https://www.bls.gov/news.release/
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Section 303.520(a)—Policies Related to
Use of Public Insurance and Benefits for
Payment for Services
This proposed section would clarify
when a State may access funds from a
parent’s public insurance or public
benefits program. Under proposed
§ 303.520(a), States would be able to
access public insurance or benefits to
pay for Part C services—(1) If the parent
or child is already enrolled in a public
insurance or benefits program and the
parent provides consent as defined
under proposed § 303.7 and provided
for under proposed § 303.414; (2) if the
child is in foster care and automatically
eligible under the State’s Medicaid plan;
or (3) if the parent agrees to enroll in a
public insurance or benefits program
and consents to allow the State to use
the public insurance or benefit.
Proposed § 303.414 would require
consent prior to disclosure of personally
identifiable information, which consent
requirement is reflected in current
§§ 303.402 and 303.460.
The National Early Intervention
Longitudinal Study (NEILS) indicates
that approximately 44 percent of the
families participating in the Part C
program participate in a governmentassisted health insurance or public
benefits program such as Medicaid or
the State Children’s Health Insurance
Program (SCHIP) (https://www.sri.com/
neils). In addition, the FY 2002 Part C
IDEA Annual Performance Reports
(APRs) required to be submitted by
States to the Department on March 31,
2004 indicated that Federal Medicaid
funds represent an average of 23.7
percent of the State’s overall Part C early
intervention program budget for the 27
States for which Medicaid dollars were
reported on a disaggregated basis. Given
this information, we believe that it is
important for the regulations to be clear
about when and how States may access
a parent’s public insurance or benefits.
The current regulations do not specify
the circumstances under which a State
may access a parent’s public insurance
or benefits to obtain reimbursement for
Part C services. Some States
automatically access reimbursements
from public insurance or benefit
programs if the parents are enrolled in
these programs. Proposed
§ 303.520(a)(1)(i) would clarify that
States may use a parent’s public
insurance or benefits, if the parent is
already enrolled, but only when the
parent provides consent. The
Department believes that most parents
will provide the requisite consent if
requested. There may be some costs to
obtaining consent; however, they are
likely to be minimal because the
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
requests are likely to be made during the
already existing intake process, at which
time the parents could be asked to sign
any consent forms needed by the State.
There would also be some loss of
revenue to States if parents enrolled in
public insurance or benefit programs
refuse to provide consent. In this regard,
the Department believes that any
increased cost to States that may result
from this requirement is outweighed by
the benefits of protecting the privacy
and autonomy of the family and
minimizing the potential negative
impact on a family’s credit rating,
immigration status, insurability, and
status under other programs.
Proposed § 303.520(a)(1)(ii) would
provide that a State may use the public
benefits available to a child served
under Part C if the child is in foster care
and eligible to participate in the public
insurance or benefits program. Children
in foster care may be automatically
eligible for Medicaid under the State’s
Medicaid plan and section 472 of the
Social Security Act. This proposed
provision, which would clarify that
States would not need to obtain parental
consent prior to accessing the public
insurance or benefits available to these
children, would facilitate State access to
public insurance or benefits for these
children and would eliminate some
costs associated with obtaining consent
for the release of personally identifiable
Proposed § 303.520(a)(1)(iii) covers
circumstances where the parent is not
currently enrolled in a public insurance
or benefits program. The proposed
provision would provide that the State
would be required to obtain parent
consent to enroll, and, therefore, would
not be able to require a parent to enroll
in a public insurance or benefits
program as a requirement of receiving
services. We expect this clarification to
have a very limited effect because very
few States require eligible families to
apply for public insurance or benefits in
order to receive Part C services. Data
from a survey of the States conducted by
the IDEA Infants and Toddlers
Coordinators Association (ITCA)
indicate that only two of the 21 States
that responded reported that they
require families to apply for existing
third party resources such as Medicaid,
SCHIP, and the Children’s Special
Health Care Needs program. (https://
www.ideainfanttoddler.org). A review of
applications submitted by States
indicates that fewer than 5 States
currently have systems of payments on
file with the Department that have
express policies requiring parents to
enroll in public insurance or benefits as
a condition of receiving services under
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Part C of the Act and/or permit the Part
C lead agency to expressly access a
parent’s public insurance or benefits
without parental consent.
Moreover, we believe that most
parents will agree to enroll voluntarily
since it is generally to the family’s
advantage to obtain health insurance for
all family members.
To the extent that there may be an
increased cost to States that currently
require parents to enroll in public
insurance or benefits programs due to a
potential loss of revenue, this potential
cost is outweighed by the benefits of
protecting the privacy and autonomy of
the family (including minimizing any
potential negative impact that use of
public insurance or benefits may have
on the family). Enrollment in public
insurance or benefits programs may
negatively affect a parent’s immigration
status and ability to borrow, or have
other legal and financial repercussions.
A parent’s decision to enroll in public
insurance or benefit programs also may
be affected by religious concerns, the
perceived stigma of public insurance or
benefits, and considerations related to
family finances.
Since we do not have data on the
number or percentage of eligible
families participating in the Part C
program that refuse to enroll in public
insurance or benefits programs or the
participation rates in States that require
eligible families to enroll in public
insurance or benefits programs, we
invite commenters to provide this
information. We request that
commenters identify any relevant
research or evidence, if available.
Section 303.520(b)—Policies Related to
Use of Private Insurance for Payment for
Under proposed § 303.520(b), the
State would not be able to access a
parent’s private insurance to pay for
Part C services unless the parent
provides informed consent to do so.
Proposed § 303.520(b)(2) would provide
that the parental consent requirement
does not apply if the State has enacted
a statute regarding private health
insurance coverage for early
intervention services under Part C of the
Act that provides specific protections.
These protections must include
ensuring that the use of health
insurance to pay for Part C services
cannot: (1) Count towards the lifetime
coverage caps for the child or family, (2)
negatively impact the availability of
health insurance for the child and
family, (3) result in the discontinuation
of health insurance coverage, or (4) be
the basis for increasing the child’s or
family’s premiums. We are aware of a
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few States that have enacted such
statutes. These few States are the only
States that use private insurance such
that it accounts for ten percent or more
of their State’s Part C budgets. By
adopting specific State statutes that
provide parental protections to the
parent, these States would be exempt
from the proposed parent consent
Under current regulations, Part C
services must be provided free of charge
unless the State has established a
system of payments. In addition, under
current §§ 303.402 and 303.460, the lead
agency must obtain consent prior to
disclosing personally identifiable
information. Because the proposed
regulations would not represent a
significant change from current
requirements relating to consent, the
proposed changes should not result in
increased costs for a State. In addition,
we expect the proposed provision in
§ 303.520(b)(2) to have a limited effect
because private insurance funds
represent a very limited proportion of
States’ Part C budgets. Twenty-six States
reported in either their fiscal year 2001
or 2002 Part C APRs that they receive
funding from private insurance or
family fees. For 21 of the 26
jurisdictions reporting income from
private insurance or family fees, which
could be paid, with parental consent, by
private insurance, the average
percentage of the State’s overall Part C
budget that represented funds from
private insurance or family fees was 4.9
Any loss of revenue to States from not
being able to access private insurance
without the consent of the parents
would be offset by the major
consequences that use of private
insurance might have for families,
including jeopardizing eligibility for
private insurance policies and lifetime
caps on benefits or causing increases in
premiums or discontinuation of
insurance. In addition, the proposed
regulations provide flexibility to both
States and parents. States have the
flexibility either to establish a system of
payments under proposed § 303.521 to
recoup the costs of providing early
intervention services or to obtain
parental consent for use of private
insurance. Parents have the option to
allow the State to use their private
insurance or to pay the fees established
by the State according to a system of
payments established under § 303.521.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Section 303.521(c)—States With FAPE
Mandates or That Use Part B Funds To
Provide Services to Infants and Toddlers
With Disabilities
This proposed provision would
incorporate longstanding policy and
requirements under Part B of the Act
that, if a State is required under State
law to provide FAPE for, or uses Part B
funds under section 611 of the Act to
pay for, services for infants and toddlers
with disabilities or a subset of children
with disabilities under the age of three,
the State must ensure that those services
that constitute FAPE are provided at no
cost. For example, if a State has
established a system of payments, but
has a law extending FAPE down to birth
for a particular disability group such as
individuals who are blind, the State
cannot charge for any services that are
part of FAPE for that child or family.
Because the proposed change clarifies
existing requirements and practice, this
change is not expected to result in any
change in costs for State agencies or
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2. Clarity of the Regulations
Executive Order 12866 and the
Presidential Memorandum on ‘‘Plain
Language in Government Writing’’
require each agency to write regulations
that are easy to understand.
The Secretary invites comments on
how to make these proposed regulations
easier to understand, including answers
to questions such as the following:
• Are the requirements in the
proposed regulations clearly stated?
• Do the proposed regulations contain
technical terms or other wording that
interferes with their clarity?
• Does the format of the proposed
regulations (use of headings,
paragraphing, etc.) aid or reduce their
• Would the proposed regulations be
easier to understand if we divided them
into more (but shorter) sections? (A
‘‘section’’ is preceded by the symbol ‘‘§’’
and a number heading; for example,
§ 303.209 Transition.)
• Could the description of the
proposed regulations in the
this preamble be more helpful in
making the proposed regulations easier
to understand? If so, how?
• What else could we do to make the
proposed regulations easier to
Send any comments that concern how
the Department could make these
proposed regulations easier to
understand to the person listed in the
ADDRESSES section of the preamble.
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Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
The Secretary certifies that these
proposed regulations would not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
These proposed regulations would
govern only States in their
implementation of the Part C early
intervention program and States are not
considered small entities under the
Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as
amended. In addition, because Part C
does not authorize subgrants no small
entities would be directly affected by
these proposed regulations. The small
entities that would be indirectly affected
are local entities that enter into
contracts with the State to provide Part
C early intervention services. However,
the proposed regulations would not
have a significant economic impact on
these small entities because the
proposed regulations would not impose
excessive regulatory burdens or require
unnecessary Federal supervision. The
proposed regulations would impose
minimal requirements, concerning the
potential referral of additional children
to the Part C program as well as the
issue of use of insurance and systems of
payments to ensure the proper
expenditure of program funds.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
These proposed regulations contain
information collection provisions that
are subject to review by OMB under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501–3520). A description of
these five information collections is
given below with an estimate of the
annual recordkeeping burden. Included
in the estimate is the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the
data needed, and completing and
reviewing each collection of
The proposed regulations include five
information collection requirements
associated with the following
provisions: Proposed §§ 303.21(c)(2),
303.100 through 303.126, 303.200
through 303.227, 303.300, 303.320(e)(2),
303.342(e), 303.431 through 303.449,
303.520(a)(3) and 303.520(b)(1)(iii),
303.701 and 303.702 and 303.720
through 303.724. Under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3507(d)), the Department has submitted
a copy of these sections to OMB for its
review. The Department recognizes that
information collection requests
requiring aggregate data on race and
ethnicity do not reflect the 1997 OMB
Standards for Data on Race and
Ethnicity. The Department anticipates
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providing guidance to implement those
standards in forthcoming collections.
Interested persons are requested to
send comments regarding the
information collections to the
Department of Education within 60 days
after publication of these proposed
regulations. This comment period does
not affect the deadline for public
comments associated with these
proposed regulations.
Collection of Information: IDEA Part C
State Performance Plan (SPP) and
Annual Performance Report (APR),
(Information Collection 1820–0578) for
proposed §§ 303.124 and 303.701 and
Each statewide system must include a
system for compiling and timely
reporting accurate data. Each State must
have in place, a performance plan that
evaluates the State’s efforts to
implement the requirements and
purposes of Part C of the Act and
describes how the State will improve
implementation. Each State also must
report annually to the public on the
performance of each EIS provider in the
State on the targets in the State’s
performance plan, and the State must
report annually to the Secretary on the
performance of the State under the
State’s performance plan.
Under 44 CFR 1320.11, we requested
that OMB review information collection
1820–0578. The 60-day Federal Register
notice was published on August 10,
2006, the 30-day Federal Register notice
was published on October 18, 2006, and
the information collection was approved
by OMB on December 12, 2006, with the
understanding that the Department
would submit this collection for OMB
review in conjunction with this NPRM.
Annual reporting and recordkeeping
burden for this collection of information
is estimated to be 150 hours annually
for each of 56 respondents. The total
annual burden to States for this
information collection is estimated to be
8,400 hours. Of the total 150 hours, it
is estimated that 80 hours will be spent
planning the report, 40 hours will be
spent writing the report, and 30 hours
will be spent typing and compiling the
report. The Council reviews, provides
comments on, and certifies the lead
agency’s report, and either agrees or
disagrees with the report. The estimated
annual burden for the Council is 2 hours
to review, certify, and add comments to
each report, as needed.
Collection of information: Annual
State Application under Part C of the
Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act, as amended. (Information
Collection 1820–0550) §§ 303.100
through 303.126 and §§ 303.200 through
303.227. Under proposed § 303.101
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
States would be required to submit a
statement that they have submitted the
new and/or revised State policies,
procedures, methods, and descriptions
that meet all requirements found under
Part C of the Act. Information Collection
1820–0550 has been revised to reflect
these proposed regulations.
Under 44 CFR 1320.11, we requested
that OMB review Information Collection
1820–0550. The 60-day Federal Register
notice was published on August 10,
2006, the 30-day Federal Register notice
was published on October 18, 2006, and
the information collection was approved
by OMB on December 12, 2006, with the
understanding that the Department
would submit this collection for OMB
review in conjunction with this NPRM.
There are 56 respondents who are
required to submit the Part C Annual
State Application if they seek to receive
Federal Part C funds. The annual data
burden for this collection is estimated to
average 10 hours per respondent for 56
respondents. Thus, the annual total
burden estimate for this information
collection is 560 hours.
Collection of Information: Report of
Infants and Toddlers Receiving Early
Intervention Services in Accordance
with Part C; Report of Program Settings
Where Early Intervention Services are
Provided to Infants and Toddlers with
Disabilities and Their Families in
Accordance with Part C of the Act:
Report on Infants and Toddlers Exiting
Part C (Information Collection 1820–
0557) was approved by OMB on
November 21, 2006 for proposed
§§ 303.124 and 303.720 through
303.724. Each lead agency that receives
assistance under Part C of the Act must
provide data each year to the Secretary
and the public on infants and toddlers
with disabilities. There are 56
respondents who are required to
provide Part C data on infants and
toddlers with disabilities. There are
three Tables found in this collection.
The estimated burden for this collection
is 101 hours per State agency or 5,656
hours total.
Collection of Information:
(Information Collection 1820–0678)
Report of Dispute Resolution Under Part
C of the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act Complaints, Mediations,
and Due Process Hearings was approved
by OMB on November 22, 2006 for
proposed §§ 303.431 through 303.449.
Under the Act the Secretary obtains data
on the dispute resolution processes
described in section 615 of the Act.
Each State must report the number of
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due process complaints, number of
hearings conducted and the number of
mediations held and the number of
settlement agreements reached through
such mediations. This collection will
replace Attachment 1 of the Part C
Annual Performance Report (OMB
number 1820–0578) beginning with the
data collection for the FFY 2005 (2005–
2006) period. The data collection form
provides instructions and information
for States for submitting their dispute
resolution data.
There are 56 respondents who are
required to submit data regarding the
Part C dispute resolution process. The
total burden for all States was calculated
by multiplying the average number of
hours by 56. For lead agencies, the
estimated average burden is 60 hours
per lead agency, representing a total
burden estimate of 3,360 hours. The
required number of hours needed to
produce these data is expected to
decline as systems are expanded to
collect all required data elements,
personnel are trained on reporting these
data, and edits are implemented to
automate data cleaning.
Collection of Information:
(Information Collection 1820–NEW)
State and EIS Recordkeeping, Reporting,
and Third Party Disclosure
Requirements under Part C. Proposed
§§ 303.21(c)(2), 303.211(b)(1),
303.224(b), 303.300, 303.320(e)(2),
303.430, 303.431(b)(2)(i), 303.432
through 303.434, 303.440(b), 303.342(e),
303.443(c)(3), 303.520(a)(3) and
(b)(1)(iii), and 303.724(c) and (e). The
Act requires State lead agencies and EIS
providers to gather, maintain, report,
and disclose various information and
data, but the Act does not require this
information and data to be submitted to
the Department. For the purpose of
clarity and efficiency, we have
combined these separate collections of
information into one collection that
reflects all the recordkeeping, reporting,
and disclosure activities that must be
completed by the State or EIS provider,
which do not require reporting to the
Each State lead agency must develop
a public awareness program. State lead
agencies are also required to keep
records to verify the proper
disbursement of funds. States must
develop procedures to document
circumstances when it is impossible to
complete the evaluation and assessment
of an infant or toddler with a disability
within the 45-day timeline.
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State lead agencies must also
maintain documentation to verify the
accuracy of their child count data. The
proposed regulations also require the
State lead agency to obtain certification
from each EIS provider regarding the
accuracy of the EIS provider’s child
Each State lead agency must have on
file a list of mediators and the State
complaint procedures. If the State lead
agency adopts Part B due process
hearing procedures, then the public
agencies must have on file a list of
hearing officers and low-cost legal
services information.
Annual reporting and recordkeeping
burden for this collection of information
is estimated to be approximately 112
hours for 56 respondents (State lead
agencies) for a total of 6,272 hours.
With respect to EIS providers, the
proposed regulations require that EIS
providers make the following
disclosures to parents:
1. Written notification of their rights
and responsibilities in determining
whether their child will continue to
receive services under Part C of the Act
or participate in preschool programs
under section 619 of the Act.
2. If a State decides to make EI
services available to children ages three
and older, annual notice that contains a
description of the rights of parents to
elect to receive services under § 303.211
or services under Part B of the Act and
an explanation of the differences
between these services.
3. A copy of the system of payments
policies that identify potential costs that
parents may incur while enrolled in a
public insurance program or private
insurance program.
The proposed regulations also require
that EIS providers obtain informed
consent from parents prior to the
provision of EI services.
Annual reporting and recordkeeping
burden for this collection of information
is estimated to be approximately 17,392
hours. This burden was calculated by
multiplying the number of children
(298,150) served by the estimated
amount of time to carry out these
activities (3 to 4 minutes).
Consistent with the discussion above,
the following chart describes the
sections of the proposed regulations
involving information collections, the
information being collected, and the
collections the Department will submit
to the Office of Management and Budget
for approval and public comment under
the Paperwork Reduction Act.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Regulatory section
Collection information
Third Party Disclosure
§ 303.21(c)(2) ............................................
§ 303.211(b)(1) ..........................................
§ 303.300 ...................................................
§ 303.520(a)(3) and § 303.520(b)(1)(iii) .....
Requires that parents receive a written notification of their rights and responsibilities in determining whether their child will continue to receive services under Part C or participate in
preschool programs under section 619 of the
Requires that if a State adopts this policy, parents are provided an annual notice that contains a description of the rights of parents to
elect toreceive services pursuant to § 303.211
or under Part B and an explanation of the differences between services provided under
§ 303.211 and under Part B.
Requires the lead agency to develop a public
awareness program.
Requires the State to provide parents with a
copy of the State’s system of payments policies that identify potential costs that the parent
may incur while enrolled in a public insurance
program or private insurance program.
Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Recordkeeping Requirements
§ 303.224(b) ...............................................
§ 303.320(e)(2) ..........................................
§ 303.724(e) ...............................................
Requires the State to keep records and afford
access as the Secretary may find necessary to
verification of reports, and proper disbursement of funds.
Requires the State to develop procedures to
document circumstances when it is impossible
to complete the evaluation and assessment
within the 45-day timeline.
Requires the lead agency to maintain documentation to enable the State and the Secretary to audit the accuracy of the child count
Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Other Information Collection Requirements
§ 303.342(e) ...............................................
§ 303.724(c) ...............................................
§ 303.430 ...................................................
§ 303.431(b)(2)(i) .......................................
§§ 303.432 through 303.434 .....................
§ 303.440(b) ...............................................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
§ 303.443(c)(3) ..........................................
§ 303.124 ...................................................
§§ 303.720 through 303.724 .....................
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Requires that informed consent be obtained from
the parents prior to the provision of EI services, as described in the IFSP.
Requires the lead agency to obtain certification
from each EIS provider that is unduplicated
and accurate regarding their count of children
Requires the State to develop written procedures
for the timely administrative resolution of complaints.
Requires the State to maintain a list of qualified
Requires the State to develop procedures for resolving complaints, including the minimum
State complaint procedures and the procedures for filing a complaint.
Requires the lead agency to inform parents of
any free or low-cost legal and other relevant
services available.
Requires the State to maintain a list of hearing
Requires the State to develop a statewide system for compiling and reporting timely and accurate data.
Requires the State to annually report to the Secretary and the public on the information required by section 618 of the Act. Requires the
annual reporting of children served, protection
of identifiable data and certification of the report.
PO 00000
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Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Information collection 1820–NEW ‘‘State and EIS
Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Third Party
Disclosure Requirements.’’
Information collection 1820–0557 ‘‘Report on Infants and Toddlers Exiting Part C.’’
Information collection 1820–0557 ‘‘Report on Infants and Toddlers Exiting Part C.’’
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Regulatory section
Collection information
§§ 303.100 through 303.126 .....................
Eligibility requirements for a grant and requirements for a statewide system for implementing
Part C.
Requirements for each State application and required assurances.
Requirements for a statewide system that includes a system for compiling and reporting
timely and accurate data.
Requirements for data collection to report annually to the Secretary on the indicators established by the Secretary for the State Performance Plan.
Requirements to report annually to the public on
the performance of each EIS program in the
State on the targets in the State’s performance
plan; and the requirements to make the
State’s performance plan, annual performance
report and reports on the performance of each
EIS program available through public means.
Requires the State to annually report to the Secretary and the public on information required
by section 618 of the Act. Requires the annual
reporting of the number of due process complaints, the number of hearings conducted,
and the number of mediations held, and the
number of settlement agreements reached
through such mediations.
Information collection 1820–0550 ‘‘Annual State
Application under Part C of the IDEA.’’
§ 303.200 through 303.227 .......................
§ 303.124 ...................................................
§ 303.701 ...................................................
§ 303.702 ...................................................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
§§ 303.431 through 303.449 .....................
If you want to comment on the
proposed information collection
requirements, please send your
comments to the Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Attention:
Desk Officer for U.S. Department of
Education. Send these comments by email to OIRA_DOCKET@omb.eop.gov or
by fax to (202) 395–6974. Commenters
need only submit comments via one
submission medium. You may also send
a copy of these comments to the
Department contact named in the
ADDRESSES section of this preamble.
We consider your comments on these
proposed collections of information in—
• Deciding whether the proposed
collections are necessary for the proper
performance of our functions, including
whether the information will have
practical use;
• Evaluating the accuracy of our
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collections, including the validity of our
methodology and assumptions;
• Enhancing the quality, usefulness,
and clarity of the information we
collect; and
• Minimizing the burden on those
who must respond. This includes
exploring the use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology; e.g., permitting electronic
submission of responses.
OMB is required to make a decision
concerning the collections of
information contained in these
proposed regulations between 30 and 60
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Information collection 1820–0550 ‘‘Annual State
Application under Part C of the IDEA.’’
Information collection 1820–0578 ‘‘IDEA Part C
State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual
Performance Report (APR).’’
Information collection 1820–0578 ‘‘IDEA Part C
State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual
Performance Report (APR).’’
Information collection 1820–0578 ‘‘IDEA Part C
State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual
Performance Report (APR).’’
Information collection 1820–0678 ‘‘Report of Dispute Resolution under Part C of the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act.’’
days after publication of this document
in the Federal Register. Therefore, to
ensure that OMB gives your comments
full consideration, it is important that
OMB receives the comments within 30
days of publication. This does not affect
the deadline for your comments to us on
the proposed regulations.
Requests for copies of the submission
for OMB review may be accessed from
http//edicsweb.ed.gov by selecting the
‘‘Browse Pending Collections’’ link.
When you access the information
collection, click on ‘‘Download
Attachments’’ to view. Written requests
for information should be addressed to
U.S. Department of Education, 400
Maryland Avenue, SW., Potomac
Center, 9th Floor, Washington, DC
20202–4700. Request may also be
electronically mailed to the Internet
address OCIO-RIMG@ed.gov or faxed to
(202) 245–6621.
If you want to comment on the
information collection requirements,
please send your comments to Alexa
Posny, U.S. Department of Education,
400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Potomac
Center Plaza, room 4109, Washington,
DC 20202–2641.
governments for coordination and
review of proposed Federal financial
This document provides early
notification of the Department’s specific
plans and actions for this program.
Intergovernmental Review
This program is subject to the
requirements of Executive Order 12372
and the regulations in 34 CFR part 79.
One of the objectives of the Executive
order is to foster an intergovernmental
partnership and a strengthened
federalism by relying on processes
developed by State and local
Note: The official version of this document
is the document published in the Federal
Register. Free internet access to the official
edition of the Federal Register and the Code
of Federal Regulations is available on GPO
Access at: https://www.gpoaccess.gov/nara/
PO 00000
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Assessment of Educational Impact
The Secretary particularly requests
comments on whether the proposed
regulations would require transmission
of information that any other agency or
authority of the United States gathers or
makes available.
Electronic Access to this Document
You may view this document, as well
as all other Department of Education
documents published in the Federal
Register, in text or Adobe Portable
Document Format (PDF) at the following
site: https://www.ed.gov/news/
To use PDF you must have Adobe
Acrobat Reader, which is available free
at this site. If you have questions about
using PDF, call the U.S. Government
Printing Office (GPO) toll free at 1–800–
293–4922; or in the Washington, DC
area at (202) 512–1530.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Number 84.181)
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
B. Corresponding
section in NPRM
A. Current regulatory section number
Subpart A—General
303.1 Purpose of the early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities .....................
303.2 Eligible recipients of an award .......................................................................................................
303.3 Activities that may be supported under this part ...........................................................................
303.4 Limitation on eligible children .........................................................................................................
303.5 Applicable regulations ....................................................................................................................
Note .............................................................................................................................................................
303.6 Act ..................................................................................................................................................
303.7 Children ..........................................................................................................................................
303.8 Council ............................................................................................................................................
303.9 Days ...............................................................................................................................................
303.10 Developmental delay ....................................................................................................................
303.11 Early intervention program ...........................................................................................................
303.12 Early intervention services ...........................................................................................................
Note to 303.12 ............................................................................................................................................
303.13 Health services .............................................................................................................................
Note to 303.13 ............................................................................................................................................
303.14 IFSP ..............................................................................................................................................
303.15 Include; including ..........................................................................................................................
303.16 Infants and toddlers with disabilities ............................................................................................
Note 1 to 303.16 .........................................................................................................................................
Note 2 to 303.16 .........................................................................................................................................
303.17 Multidisciplinary ............................................................................................................................
303.18 Natural environments ...................................................................................................................
303.19 Parent ...........................................................................................................................................
303.20 Policies .........................................................................................................................................
303.21 Public agency ...............................................................................................................................
303.22 Qualified .......................................................................................................................................
303.23 Service coordination (case management) ...................................................................................
Note 1 to 303.23 .........................................................................................................................................
Note 2 to 303.23 .........................................................................................................................................
303.24 State .............................................................................................................................................
303.25 EDGAR definitions that apply ......................................................................................................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
Subpart B—Eligibility and Requirements for a Statewide System
General Requirements:
303.100 Conditions of assistance ............................................................................................................
303.101 How the Secretary disapproves a State’s application or statement of assurances ..................
Public Participation:
303.110 General requirements and timelines for public participation .....................................................
303.111 Notice of public hearings and opportunity to comment .............................................................
303.112 Public hearings ...........................................................................................................................
303.113 Reviewing public comments received ........................................................................................
Statement of Assurances:
303.120 General .......................................................................................................................................
303.121 Reports and records ...................................................................................................................
303.122 Control of funds and property ....................................................................................................
303.123 Prohibition against commingling ................................................................................................
303.124 Prohibition against supplanting ..................................................................................................
303.125 Fiscal control ..............................................................................................................................
303.126 Payor of last resort .....................................................................................................................
303.127 Assurance regarding expenditure of funds ................................................................................
303.128 Traditionally underserved groups ...............................................................................................
General Requirements for a State Application:
303.140 General .......................................................................................................................................
303.141 Information about the Council ....................................................................................................
303.142 Designation of lead agency ........................................................................................................
303.143 Designation regarding financial responsibility ............................................................................
303.144 Assurance regarding use of funds .............................................................................................
303.145 Description of use of funds ........................................................................................................
303.146 Information about public participation ........................................................................................
303.147 Services to all geographic areas ................................................................................................
303.148 Transition to preschool programs ..............................................................................................
Note 1 to 303.148 .......................................................................................................................................
Components of a Statewide System—Application Requirements:
303.160 Minimum components of a statewide system ............................................................................
303.161 State definition of developmental delay .....................................................................................
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303.100, 303.101, 303.228.
303.101 and 303.203(a).
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
B. Corresponding
section in NPRM
A. Current regulatory section number
303.162 Central directory .........................................................................................................................
303.164 Public awareness program .........................................................................................................
303.165 Comprehensive child find system ..............................................................................................
303.166 Evaluation, assessment, and nondiscriminatory procedures .....................................................
303.167 Individualized family service plans .............................................................................................
303.168 Comprehensive system of personnel development (CSPD) .....................................................
303.169 Personnel standards ..................................................................................................................
303.170 Procedural safeguards ...............................................................................................................
303.171 Supervision and monitoring of programs ...................................................................................
303.172 Lead agency procedures for resolving complaints ....................................................................
303.173 Policies and procedures related to financial matters .................................................................
303.174 Interagency agreements; resolution of individual and disputes .................................................
303.175 Policy for contracting or otherwise arranging for services .........................................................
303.176 Data collection ............................................................................................................................
Participation by the Secretary of the Interior:
303.180 Payments to the Secretary of the Interior for Indian tribes and tribal organizations .................
303.120(e) and (f) 303.511.
Subpart C—Procedures for Making Grants to States
Program and
Formula for State allocations .....................................................................................................
Distribution of allotments from non-participating States ............................................................
Minimum grant that a State may receive ...................................................................................
Payments to the Secretary of the Interior ..................................................................................
Payments to the jurisdictions .....................................................................................................
Service Components of a Statewide System of Early Intervention Services:
State eligibility criteria and procedures ......................................................................................
Note to 303.300 ..........................................................................................................................................
303.301(a), (c) and Note to 303.301 ..........................................................................................................
303.301(b), (d) Central Directory ................................................................................................................
Identification and Evaluation:
303.320 Public awareness program .........................................................................................................
303.321 Comprehensive child find system ..............................................................................................
303.322 Evaluation and assessment .......................................................................................................
303.323 Nondiscriminatory procedures ....................................................................................................
Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs):
303.340 General .......................................................................................................................................
303.342 Procedures for IFSP development, review, and evaluation ......................................................
303.343 Participants in IFSP meetings and periodic reviews .................................................................
303.344 Content of IFSP ..........................................................................................................................
303.345 Provision of services before evaluation and assessment are completed .................................
303.346 Responsibility and accountability ...............................................................................................
Personnel Training and Standards:
303.360 Comprehensive system of personnel development ...................................................................
303.361 Personnel standards ..................................................................................................................
303.205(c), and 303.320(b)(1).
303.116, 303.300.
303.301, 303.302.
Subpart E—Procedural Safeguards
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
General responsibility of lead agency for procedural safeguards .............................................
Definitions of consent, native language, and personally identifiable information ......................
303.402 Opportunity to examine records .................................................................................................
303.403 Prior notice; native language .....................................................................................................
303.404 Parent consent ...........................................................................................................................
Note 1 to 303.404 .......................................................................................................................................
Note 2 to 303.404 .......................................................................................................................................
303.405 Parent right to decline service ...................................................................................................
303.406 Surrogate parents .......................................................................................................................
Mediation and Due Process Hearing Procedures for Parents and Children:
303.419 Mediation ....................................................................................................................................
303.420 Due process hearing procedures ...............................................................................................
Note 1 to 303.420 .......................................................................................................................................
Note 2 to 303.420 .......................................................................................................................................
303.421 Appointment of an impartial person ...........................................................................................
303.422 Parent rights in administrative proceedings ...............................................................................
303.423 Convenience of proceedings; timelines .....................................................................................
303.424 Civil action ..................................................................................................................................
303.425 Status of a child during proceedings .........................................................................................
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303.24, 303.25, 303.29, 303.401,
303.420, and 303.421.
303.430(b); 303.431.
303.430(d) and 303.435–303.449.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
B. Corresponding
section in NPRM
A. Current regulatory section number
Confidentiality of information ......................................................................................................
Subpart F—State Administration
303.500 Lead agency establishment or designation ...............................................................................
303.501 Supervision and monitoring of programs ...................................................................................
Lead Agency Procedures for Resolving Complaints:
303.510 Adopting complaint procedures ..................................................................................................
303.511 An organization or individual may file a complaint ....................................................................
303.512 Minimum State complaint procedures ........................................................................................
Policies and Procedures Related to Financial Matters:
303.520 Policies related to payment for services ....................................................................................
303.521 Fees ............................................................................................................................................
303.522 Identification and coordination of resources ..............................................................................
303.523 Interagency agreements .............................................................................................................
303.524 Resolution of disputes ................................................................................................................
303.525 Delivery of services in a timely manner .....................................................................................
303.526 Policy for contracting or otherwise arranging for services .........................................................
303.527 Payor of last resort .....................................................................................................................
303.528 Reimbursement procedures .......................................................................................................
Reporting Requirements:
303.540 Data collection ............................................................................................................................
Use of funds for State Administration:
303.560 Use of funds by the Lead Agency .............................................................................................
303.120(f) and 303.511.
303.120(e) and 303.511.
303.122, 303.510(b).
Subpart G—State Interagency Coordination Council
303.600 Establishment of Council ............................................................................................................
Note to 303.600 (Paragraph 1) ...................................................................................................................
Note to 303.600 (Paragraph 2) ...................................................................................................................
303.601 Composition ................................................................................................................................
303.602 Use of funds by the Council .......................................................................................................
303.603 Meetings .....................................................................................................................................
303.604 Conflict of interest ......................................................................................................................
Functions of the Council:
303.650 General .......................................................................................................................................
303.651 Advising and assisting the lead agency in its administrative duties ..........................................
303.652 Applications ................................................................................................................................
303.653 Transitional services ...................................................................................................................
303.654 Annual report to the Secretary ...................................................................................................
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
3 See
explanation at the end of this table.
Explanation of Table: The purpose of
this table is to help readers find where
a given section number in the current
regulations (column A of Table) is
located in this NPRM, as shown under
column B. In general, the table does not
include any new requirements added by
Pub. L. 108–446, or any proposed new
regulations that would be added. In the
Table, if a specific section of the current
regulations would be removed by the
NPRM (e.g., ‘‘Early intervention
program’’ under current § 303.11), it
would be shown as ‘‘Removed’’ under
column B.
List of Subjects in 34 CFR Part 303
Education of individuals with
disabilities, Grant programs—
education, Infants and toddlers,
Reporting and recordkeeping
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Dated: April 27, 2007.
Margaret Spellings,
Secretary of Education.
For the reasons discussed in this
preamble, the Secretary proposes to
amend Title 34 of the Code of Federal
Regulations by revising part 303 as
Subpart A—General
Purpose and Applicable Regulations
303.1 Purpose of the early intervention
program for infants and toddlers with
303.2 Eligible recipients of an award.
303.3 Applicable regulations.
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Definitions Used in This Part
303.4 Act.
303.5 At-risk infant or toddler.
303.6 Child.
303.7 Consent.
303.8 Council.
303.9 Day.
303.10 Developmental delay.
303.11 Early intervention service program.
303.12 Early intervention service provider.
303.13 Early intervention services.
303.14 Elementary school.
303.15 Free appropriate public education.
303.16 Health services.
303.17 Homeless children.
303.18 Include; including.
303.19 Indian; Indian tribe.
303.20 Individualized family service plan.
303.21 Infant or toddler with a disability.
303.22 Lead agency.
303.23 Local educational agency.
303.24 Multidisciplinary.
303.25 Native language.
303.26 Natural environments.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
303.27 Parent.
303.28 Parent training and information
303.29 Personally identifiable.
303.30 Public agency.
303.31 Qualified personnel.
303.32 Secretary.
303.33 Service coordination services (case
303.34 State.
303.35 State educational agency.
303.36 Ward of the State.
Subpart B—State Eligibility for a Grant and
Requirements for a Statewide System
General Authority and Eligibility
303.100 General authority.
303.101 State eligibility—requirements for a
grant under this part.
State Conformity with Part C of the Act and
Abrogation of State Sovereign Immunity
303.102 State conformity with Part C of the
303.103 Abrogation of State sovereign
Equipment and Construction
303.104 Acquisition of equipment and
construction or alteration of facilities.
Positive Efforts To Employ and Advance
Qualified Individuals with Disabilities
303.105 Positive efforts to employ and
advance qualified individuals with
Minimum Components of a Statewide
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
303.110 Minimum components of a
statewide system.
303.111 State definition of developmental
303.112 Availability of early intervention
303.113 Evaluation, assessment, and
nondiscriminatory procedures.
303.114 Individualized family service plans
303.115 Comprehensive child find system.
303.116 Public awareness program.
303.117 Central directory.
303.118 Comprehensive system of
personnel development (CSPD).
303.119 Personnel standards.
303.120 Lead agency role in supervision,
monitoring, funding, interagency
coordination, and other responsibilities.
303.121 Policy for contracting or otherwise
arranging for services.
303.122 Reimbursement procedures.
303.123 Procedural safeguards.
303.124 Data collection.
303.125 State interagency coordinating
303.126 Early intervention services in
natural environments.
Subpart C—State Application and
303.200 State application and assurances.
Application Requirements
303.201 Designation of lead agency.
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303.202 Certification regarding financial
303.203 Statewide system and description
of services.
303.204 Application’s definition of at-risk
infants and toddlers and description of
303.205 Description of use of funds.
303.206 Referral policies for specific
303.207 Availability of resources.
303.208 Public participation policies and
303.209 Transition to preschool and other
303.210 Coordination with Head Start and
Early Head Start, early education, and
child care programs.
303.211 State option to make services under
this part available to children ages three
and older.
303.212 Additional information and
303.220 Assurances satisfactory to the
303.221 Expenditure of funds.
303.222 Payor of last resort.
303.223 Control of funds and property.
303.224 Reports and records.
303.225 Prohibition against commingling
and supplanting; indirect costs.
303.226 Fiscal control.
303.227 Traditionally underserved groups.
Subsequent Applications and Modifications,
Eligibility Determinations, and Standard of
303.228 Subsequent State application and
modifications of application.
303.229 Determination by the Secretary that
a State is eligible.
303.230 Standard for disapproval of an
Department Procedures
303.231 Notice and hearing before
determining that a State is not eligible.
303.232 Hearing Official or Panel.
303.233 Hearing procedures.
303.234 Initial decision; final decision.
303.235 Filing requirements.
303.236 Judicial review.
Subpart D—Child Find, Evaluations and
Assessments, and Individualized Family
Service Plans
Identification—Public Awareness, Child
Find, and Referral
303.300 Public awareness program—
information for parents.
303.301 Comprehensive child find system.
303.302 Referral procedures.
303.303 Screening procedures.
Evaluation and Assessment of the Child and
Family and Assessment of Service Needs
303.320 Evaluation and assessment of the
child and family and assessment of
service needs.
Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs)
303.340 Individualized family service
303.341 [Reserved]
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303.342 Procedures for IFSP development,
review, and evaluation.
303.343 IFSP team meetings and periodic
303.344 Content of an IFSP.
303.345 Provision of services before
evaluations and assessments are
303.346 Responsibility and accountability.
Subpart E—Procedural Safeguards General
303.400 General responsibility of lead
agency for procedural safeguards.
303.401 Confidentiality and opportunity to
examine records.
Additional Confidentiality Requirements
303.402 Confidentiality.
303.403 Definitions.
303.404 Notice to parents.
303.405 Access rights.
303.406 Record of access.
303.407 Records on more than one child.
303.408 List of types and locations of
303.409 Fees.
303.410 Amendment of records at parent’s
303.411 Opportunity for a hearing.
303.412 Result of hearing.
303.413 Hearing procedures.
303.414 Consent prior to disclosure or use.
303.415 Safeguards.
303.416 Destruction of information.
303.417 Enforcement.
Parental Consent and Notice
303.420 Parental consent and ability to
decline service.
303.421 Prior written notice and procedural
safeguards notice.
Surrogate Parents
303.422 Surrogate parents.
Dispute Resolution Options
303.430 State dispute resolution options.
303.431 Mediation.
State Complaint Procedures
303.432 Adoption of State complaint
303.433 Minimum State complaint
303.434 Filing a complaint.
States That Choose To Adopt the Part C Due
Process Hearing Procedures Under Section
639 of the Act
303.435 Appointment of an impartial due
process hearing officer.
303.436 Parental rights in due process
hearing proceedings.
303.437 Convenience of hearings and
303.438 Civil action.
States That Choose To Adopt the Part B Due
Process Hearing Procedures Under Section
615 of the Act
303.440 Filing a due process complaint.
303.441 Due process complaint.
303.442 Resolution process.
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
303.443 Impartial due process hearing.
303.444 Hearing rights.
303.445 Hearing decisions.
303.446 Finality of decision; appeal;
impartial review.
303.447 Timelines and convenience of
hearings and reviews.
303.448 Civil action.
303.449 State enforcement mechanisms.
Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1431 through 1445,
unless otherwise noted.
reference to State educational agency
means the lead agency under this part.
Subpart A—General
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e–3)
Purpose and Applicable Regulations
Definitions Used in This Part
§ 303.4
Subpart F—Use of Funds and Payor of Last
§ 303.1 Purpose of the early intervention
program for infants and toddlers with
The purpose of this part is to provide
financial assistance to States to—
(a) Develop and implement a
statewide, comprehensive, coordinated,
multidisciplinary, interagency system
that provides early intervention services
for infants and toddlers with disabilities
and their families;
(b) Facilitate the coordination of
payment for early intervention services
from Federal, State, local, and private
sources (including public and private
insurance coverage);
(c) Enhance State capacity to provide
quality early intervention services and
expand and improve existing early
intervention services being provided to
infants and toddlers with disabilities
and their families;
(d) Enhance the capacity of State and
local agencies and service providers to
identify, evaluate, and meet the needs of
all children, including historically
underrepresented populations,
particularly minority, low-income,
inner-city, and rural children, and
infants and toddlers in foster care; and
(e) Encourage States to expand
opportunities for children under three
years of age who would be at risk of
having substantial developmental delay
if they did not receive early intervention
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1400(a))
303.500 Use of funds and payor of last
Use of Funds
303.501 Permissive use of funds by the lead
Payor of Last Resort
303.510 Payor of last resort.
303.511 Establishing financial
responsibility for, and methods of,
ensuring services.
Use of Insurance, Benefits, Systems of
Payments, and Fees
303.520 Policies related to use of public
insurance or benefits and private
insurance for payment for services.
303.521 System of payments and fees.
Subpart G—State Interagency Coordinating
303.600 Establishment of Council.
303.601 Composition.
303.602 Meetings.
303.603 Use of funds by the Council.
303.604 Functions of the Council—required
303.605 Authorized activities by the
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
Subpart H—Federal Administration and
Allocation of Funds Monitoring, Technical
Assistance, and Enforcement
303.700 State monitoring and enforcement.
303.701 State performance plans and data
303.702 State use of targets and reporting.
303.703 Secretary’s review and
determination regarding State
303.704 Enforcement.
303.705 Withholding funds.
303.706 Public attention.
303.707 Rule of construction.
303.708 State enforcement.
Reports—Program Information
303.720 Data requirements—general.
303.721 Annual report of children served—
report requirement.
303.722 Data reporting.
303.723 Annual report of children served—
303.724 Annual report of children served—
other responsibilities of the lead agency.
Allocation of Funds
303.730 Formula for State allocations.
303.731 Payments to Indians.
303.732 State allotments.
303.733 Reallotment of funds.
303.734 Reservation for State incentive
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(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1400(d)(2), 1431(a)(5),
§ 303.2
Eligible recipients of an award.
Eligible recipients include the 50
States, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, the District of Columbia, the
Secretary of the Interior, and the
following jurisdictions: Guam,
American Samoa, the United States
Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth
of the Northern Mariana Islands.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(31), 1434)
§ 303.3
Applicable regulations.
(a) The following regulations apply to
this part:
(1) The regulations in this part 303;
(2) The Education Department
General Administrative Regulations
(EDGAR), including 34 CFR parts 76
(except for § 76.103), 77, 79, 80, 81, 82,
84, 85, and 86.
(b) In applying the regulations cited in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section, any
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Act means the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act, as amended.
§ 303.5
At-risk infant or toddler.
At-risk infant or toddler means an
individual under three years of age who
would be at risk of experiencing a
substantial developmental delay if early
intervention services were not provided
to the individual. At the State’s
discretion, at-risk infant or toddler may
include an infant or toddler who is at
risk of experiencing developmental
delays because of biological and
environmental factors that can be
identified such as low birth weight,
respiratory distress as a newborn, lack
of oxygen, brain hemorrhage, infection,
nutritional deprivation, and a history of
abuse or neglect, being directly affected
by illegal substance abuse or withdrawal
symptoms resulting from prenatal drug
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1432(1) and 1437(a)(6))
§ 303.6
Child means an individual under the
age of six and may include an infant or
toddler with a disability, as that term is
defined in § 303.21.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1432(5))
§ 303.7
Consent means that—
(a) The parent has been fully informed
of all information relevant to the activity
for which consent is sought, in the
parent’s native language, or other mode
of communication;
(b) The parent understands and agrees
in writing to the carrying out of the
activity for which the parent’s consent
is sought, and the consent describes that
activity and lists the records (if any) that
will be released and to whom; and
(c)(1) The parent understands that the
granting of consent is voluntary on the
part of the parent and may be revoked
at anytime.
(2) If a parent revokes consent, that
revocation is not retroactive (i.e., it does
not apply to an action that has occurred
before the consent was revoked).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1439)
§ 303.8
Council means the State Interagency
Coordinating Council that meets the
requirements of subpart G of this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1432(2))
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
§ 303.9
Day means calendar day, unless
otherwise indicated.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e–3)
§ 303.10
Developmental delay.
Developmental delay, when used with
respect to a child residing in a State, has
the meaning given that term by the State
under § 303.111.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1432(3))
§ 303.11 Early intervention service
Early intervention service program or
EIS program means an entity designated
by the lead agency for reporting under
§§ 303.700 through 303.702.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1416, 1431–1444)
§ 303.12 Early intervention service
(a) Early intervention service provider
or EIS provider means an entity
(whether public, private, or nonprofit)
or an individual that provides early
intervention services under Part C of the
Act, whether or not the entity or
individual receives Federal funds under
Part C of the Act, and may include,
where appropriate, the lead agency and
a public agency responsible for
providing early intervention services to
infants and toddlers with disabilities in
the State under Part C of the Act.
(b) An EIS provider is responsible
(1) Participating in the
multidisciplinary team’s assessment of
an infant or toddler with a disability
and a family-directed assessment of the
resources, priorities, and concerns of the
infant’s or toddler’s family, as related to
the needs of the infant or toddler, in the
development of integrated goals and
outcomes for the individualized family
service plan (IFSP);
(2) Providing early intervention
services in accordance with the IFSP of
the infant or toddler with a disability;
(3) Consulting with and training
parents and others regarding the
provision of the early intervention
services described in the IFSP of the
infant or toddler with a disability.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1431–1444)
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§ 303.13
Early intervention services.
(a) General. Early intervention
services means developmental services
(1) Are provided under public
(2) Are selected in collaboration with
the parents;
(3) Are provided at no cost, except,
subject to §§ 303.520 and 303.521,
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where Federal or State law provides for
a system of payments by families,
including a schedule of sliding fees;
(4) Are designed to meet the
developmental needs of an infant or
toddler with a disability and as
requested by the family, the needs of the
family to assist appropriately in the
infant’s or toddler’s development, as
identified by the individualized family
service plan team, in any one or more
of the following areas, including—
(i) Physical development;
(ii) Cognitive development;
(iii) Communication development;
(iv) Social or emotional development;
(v) Adaptive development;
(5) Meet the standards of the State in
which the services are provided,
including the requirements of Part C of
the Act;
(6) Include services identified under
paragraph (b) of this section;
(7) Are provided by qualified
personnel (as that term is defined in
§ 303.31), including the types of
personnel listed in paragraph (c) of this
(8) To the maximum extent
appropriate, are provided in natural
environments, as defined in § 303.26
and consistent with § 303.126; and
(9) Are provided in conformity with
an individualized family service plan
adopted in accordance with section 636
of the Act and § 303.20.
(b) Types of early intervention
services. Subject to paragraph (d) of this
section, early intervention services
include the following services defined
in this paragraph:
(1) Assistive technology devices and
services are defined as follows:
(i) Assistive technology device means
any item, piece of equipment, or
product system, whether acquired
commercially off the shelf, modified, or
customized, that is used to increase,
maintain, or improve the functional
capabilities of an infant or toddler with
a disability. The term does not include
a medical device that is surgically
implanted, including cochlear implants,
or the optimization (e.g., mapping) or
the maintenance or replacement of that
(ii) Assistive technology service means
any service that directly assists an infant
or toddler with a disability in the
selection, acquisition, or use of an
assistive technology device. The term
(A) The evaluation of the needs of an
infant or toddler with a disability,
including a functional evaluation of the
infant or toddler with a disability in the
child’s customary environment;
(B) Purchasing, leasing, or otherwise
providing for the acquisition of assistive
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technology devices by infants or
toddlers with disabilities;
(C) Selecting, designing, fitting,
customizing, adapting, applying,
maintaining, repairing, or replacing
assistive technology devices;
(D) Coordinating and using other
therapies, interventions, or services
with assistive technology devices, such
as those associated with existing
education and rehabilitation plans and
(E) Training or technical assistance for
an infant or toddler with a disability or,
if appropriate, that child’s family; and
(F) Training or technical assistance for
professionals (including individuals
providing education or rehabilitation
services) or other individuals who
provide services to, or are otherwise
substantially involved in the major life
functions of, infants and toddlers with
(2) Audiology services includes—
(i) Identification of children with
auditory impairment, using at risk
criteria and appropriate audiologic
screening techniques;
(ii) Determination of the range, nature,
and degree of hearing loss and
communication functions, by use of
audiological evaluation procedures;
(iii) Referral for medical and other
services necessary for the habilitation or
rehabilitation of an infant or toddler
with a disability who has an auditory
(iv) Provision of auditory training,
aural rehabilitation, speech reading and
listening devices, orientation and
training, and other services;
(v) Provision of services for
prevention of hearing loss; and
(vi) Determination of the child’s need
for individual amplification, including
selecting, fitting, and dispensing
appropriate listening and vibrotactile
devices, and evaluating the effectiveness
of those devices.
(3) Family training, counseling, and
home visits means services provided, as
appropriate, by social workers,
psychologists, and other qualified
personnel to assist the family of an
infant or toddler with a disability in
understanding the special needs of the
child and enhancing the child’s
(4) Health services has the meaning
given the term in § 303.16.
(5) Medical services means services
provided by a licensed physician for
diagnostic or evaluation purposes to
determine a child’s developmental
status and need for early intervention
(6) Occupational therapy includes
services to address the functional needs
of an infant or toddler with a disability
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
related to adaptive development,
adaptive behavior and play, and
sensory, motor, and postural
development. These services are
designed to improve the child’s
functional ability to perform tasks in
home, school, and community settings,
and include—
(i) Identification, assessment, and
(ii) Adaptation of the environment,
and selection, design, and fabrication of
assistive and orthotic devices to
facilitate development and promote the
acquisition of functional skills; and
(iii) Prevention or minimization of the
impact of initial or future impairment,
delay in development, or loss of
functional ability.
(7) Physical therapy includes services
to address the promotion of
sensorimotor function through
enhancement of musculoskeletal status,
neurobehavioral organization,
perceptual and motor development,
cardiopulmonary status, and effective
environmental adaptation. These
services include—
(i) Screening, evaluation, and
assessment of children to identify
movement dysfunction;
(ii) Obtaining, interpreting, and
integrating information appropriate to
program planning to prevent, alleviate,
or compensate for movement
dysfunction and related functional
problems; and
(iii) Providing individual and group
services or treatment to prevent,
alleviate, or compensate for, movement
dysfunction and related functional
(8) Psychological services includes—
(i) Administering psychological and
developmental tests and other
assessment procedures;
(ii) Interpreting assessment results;
(iii) Obtaining, integrating, and
interpreting information about child
behavior and child and family
conditions related to learning, mental
health, and development; and
(iv) Planning and managing a program
of psychological services, including
psychological counseling for children
and parents, family counseling,
consultation on child development,
parent training, and education
(9) Service coordination services has
the meaning given the term in § 303.33.
(10) Social work services includes—
(i) Making home visits to evaluate a
child’s living conditions and patterns of
parent-child interaction;
(ii) Preparing a social or emotional
developmental assessment of the infant
or toddler within the family context;
(iii) Providing individual and familygroup counseling with parents and other
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family members, and appropriate social
skill-building activities with the infant
or toddler and parents;
(iv) Working with those problems in
the living situation (home, community,
and any center where early intervention
services are provided) of an infant or
toddler with a disability and the family
of that child that affect the child’s
maximum utilization of early
intervention services; and
(v) Identifying, mobilizing, and
coordinating community resources and
services to enable the infant or toddler
with a disability and the family to
receive maximum benefit from early
intervention services.
(11) Special instruction includes—
(i) The design of learning
environments and activities that
promote the infant’s or toddler’s
acquisition of skills in a variety of
developmental areas, including
cognitive processes and social
(ii) Curriculum planning, including
the planned interaction of personnel,
materials, and time and space, that leads
to achieving the outcomes in the
individualized family service plan for
the infant or toddler with a disability;
(iii) Providing families with
information, skills, and support related
to enhancing the skill development of
the child; and
(iv) Working with the infant or
toddler with a disability to enhance the
child’s development.
(12) Speech-language pathology
services includes—
(i) Identification of children with
communication or language disorders
and delays in development of
communication skills, including the
diagnosis and appraisal of specific
disorders and delays in those skills;
(ii) Referral for medical or other
professional services necessary for the
habilitation or rehabilitation of children
with communicative or language
disorders and delays in development of
communication skills;
(iii) Provision of services for the
habilitation, rehabilitation, or
prevention of communicative or
language disorders and delays in
development of communication skills;
(iv) Provision of sign language, cued
language, and auditory/oral language
services, which, as used with respect to
infants and toddlers with disabilities
who are hearing impaired, includes
services to the infant or toddler with a
disability and the family to teach sign
language, cued language, and auditory/
oral language, as well as to provide oral
transliteration services, sign language,
and cued language interpreting services.
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(13) Transportation and related costs
includes the cost of travel (e.g., mileage,
or travel by common carrier or other
means) and other costs (e.g., tolls and
parking expenses) that are necessary to
enable an infant or toddler with a
disability and the child’s family to
receive early intervention services.
(14) Vision services means—
(i) Evaluation and assessment of
visual functioning, including the
diagnosis and appraisal of specific
visual disorders, delays, and abilities;
(ii) Referral for medical or other
professional services necessary for the
habilitation or rehabilitation of visual
functioning disorders, or both; and
(iii) Communication skills training,
orientation and mobility training for all
environments, visual training,
independent living skills training, and
additional training necessary to activate
visual motor abilities.
(c) Qualified personnel. The following
are the types of qualified personnel who
provide early intervention services
under this part:
(1) Audiologists.
(2) Family therapists.
(3) Nurses.
(4) Occupational therapists.
(5) Orientation and mobility
(6) Pediatricians and other physicians
for diagnostic and evaluation purposes.
(7) Physical therapists.
(8) Psychologists.
(9) Registered dieticians.
(10) Social workers.
(11) Special educators, including
teachers of children with hearing
impairments (including deafness) and
teachers of children with visual
impairments (including blindness).
(12) Speech and language
(13) Vision specialists, including
ophthalmologists and optometrists.
(d) Other services. The services and
personnel identified and defined in
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section do
not comprise exhaustive lists of the
types of services that may constitute
early intervention services or the types
of qualified personnel that may provide
early intervention services. Nothing in
this section prohibits the identification
on the IFSP of another type of service
as an early intervention service
provided that the service meets the
criteria identified in paragraph (a) of
this section or of another type of
personnel that may provide early
intervention services in accordance with
this part, provided such personnel meet
the requirements in § 303.31.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1432(4))
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
§ 303.14
Elementary school.
Elementary school means a nonprofit
institutional day or residential school,
including a public elementary charter
school that provides elementary
education, as determined under State
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(6))
§ 303.15 Free appropriate public
Free appropriate public education or
FAPE means special education and
related services that—
(a) Are provided at public expense,
under public supervision and direction,
and without charge;
(b) Meet the standards of the State
educational agency (SEA), including the
requirements of Part B of the Act;
(c) Include an appropriate preschool,
elementary school, or secondary school
education in the State involved; and
(d) Are provided in conformity with
an individualized education program
(IEP) that meets the requirements of 34
CFR 300.320 through 300.324.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(9))
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§ 303.16
Health services.
(a) Health services means services
necessary to enable a child to benefit
from the other early intervention
services under this part during the time
that the child is eligible to receive other
early intervention services.
(b) The term includes—
(1) Such services as clean intermittent
catheterization, tracheostomy care, tube
feeding, the changing of dressings or
colostomy collection bags, and other
health services; and
(2) Consultation by physicians with
other service providers concerning the
special health care needs of infants and
toddlers with disabilities that will need
to be addressed in the course of
providing other early intervention
(c) The term does not include—
(1) Services that are—
(i) Surgical in nature (such as cleft
palate surgery, surgery for club foot, or
the shunting of hydrocephalus);
(ii) Purely medical in nature (such as
hospitalization for management of
congenital heart ailments, or the
prescribing of medicine or drugs for any
purpose); or
(iii) Related to the implementation,
optimization (e.g., mapping),
maintenance, or replacement of a
medical device that is surgically
implanted, including cochlear implants.
(A) Nothing in this part limits the
right of an infant or toddler with a
disability with a surgically implanted
device (e.g. cochlear implant) to receive
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the early intervention services that are
identified on the child’s IFSP as being
needed to meet the child’s
developmental outcomes.
(B) Nothing in this part prevents the
EIS provider from routinely checking
that either the hearing aid or the
external components of a surgically
implanted device (e.g., cochlear
implant) of an infant or toddler with a
disability are functioning properly.
(2) Devices (such as heart monitors,
respirators and oxygen, and
gastrointestinal feeding tubes and
pumps) necessary to control or treat a
medical condition.
(3) Medical-health services (such as
immunizations and regular ‘‘well-baby’’
care) that are routinely recommended
for all children.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1432(4))
§ 303.17
Homeless children.
Homeless children means children
under the age of three years who meet
the definition given the term homeless
children and youths in section 725 (42
U.S.C. 11434a) of the McKinney-Vento
Homeless Assistance Act, as amended,
42 U.S.C. 11431 et seq.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(11))
§ 303.18
Include; including.
Include; including means that the
items named are not all of the possible
items that are covered, whether like or
unlike the ones named.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e–3)
§ 303.19
Indian; Indian tribe.
(a) Indian means an individual who is
a member of an Indian tribe.
(b) Indian tribe means any Federal or
State Indian tribe, band, rancheria,
pueblo, colony, or community,
including any Alaska Native village or
regional village corporation (as defined
in or established under the Alaska
Native Claims Settlement Act, 43 U.S.C.
1601 et seq.).
(c) Nothing in this definition is
intended to indicate that the Secretary
of the Interior is required to provide
services or funding to a State Indian
Tribe that is not listed in the Federal
Register list of Indian entities
recognized as eligible to receive services
from the United States, published
pursuant to section 104 of the Federally
Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of
1994, 25 U.S.C. 479a–1.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(12)–(13))
§ 303.20
Individualized family service plan.
Individualized family service plan or
IFSP means a written plan for providing
early intervention services to an infant
or toddler with a disability under this
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part and the infant’s or toddler’s family
(a) Is based on the evaluation and
assessment described in § 303.320;
(b) Includes the content specified in
§ 303.344;
(c) Is implemented as soon as possible
once parental consent to early
intervention services on the IFSP is
obtained (consistent with § 303.420);
(d) Is developed in accordance with
the IFSP procedures in §§ 303.342,
303.343, and 303.345.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(15), 1435(a)(4),
§ 303.21
Infant or toddler with a disability.
(a) Infant or toddler with a disability
means an individual under three years
of age who needs early intervention
services because the individual—
(1) Is experiencing a developmental
delay, as measured by appropriate
diagnostic instruments and procedures,
in one or more of the following areas:
(i) Cognitive development.
(ii) Physical development, including
vision and hearing.
(iii) Communication development.
(iv) Social or emotional development.
(v) Adaptive development; or
(2) Has a diagnosed physical or
mental condition that—
(i) Has a high probability of resulting
in developmental delay; and
(ii) Includes conditions such as
chromosomal abnormalities; genetic or
congenital disorders; severe sensory
impairments; inborn errors of
metabolism; disorders reflecting
disturbance of the development of the
nervous system; congenital infections;
and disorders secondary to exposure to
toxic substances, including fetal alcohol
(b) Infant or toddler with a disability
also may include, at a State’s discretion,
an at-risk infant or toddler (as defined
in § 303.5).
(c) Infant or toddler with a disability
also may include, at a State’s discretion,
a child with a disability who is eligible
for services under section 619 of the Act
and who previously received services
under this part until the child enters, or
is eligible under State law to enter,
kindergarten or elementary school, as
appropriate, provided that any programs
under this part serving the child must
(1) An educational component that
promotes school readiness and
incorporates pre-literacy, language, and
numeracy skills; and
(2) A written notification to parents of
their rights and responsibilities in
determining whether their child will
continue to receive services under this
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part or participate in preschool
programs under section 619 of the Act.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(16), 1432(5))
§ 303.22
Lead agency.
Lead agency means the agency
designated by the State’s Governor
under section 635(a)(10) of the Act and
§ 303.120 that receives funds under
section 643 of the Act to administer the
State’s responsibilities under Part C of
the Act.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(10))
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§ 303.23
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(5), 1401(19))
Local educational agency.
(a) General. Local educational agency
or LEA means a public board of
education or other public authority
legally constituted within a State for
either administrative control or
direction of, or to perform a service
function for, public elementary schools
or secondary schools in a city, county,
township, school district, or other
political subdivision of a State, or for a
combination of school districts or
counties as are recognized in a State as
an administrative agency for its public
elementary schools or secondary
(b) Educational service agencies and
other public institutions or agencies.
The term includes the following:
(1) Educational service agency,
defined as a regional public
multiservice agency—
(i) Authorized by State law to
develop, manage, and provide services
or programs to LEAs; and
(ii) Recognized as an administrative
agency for purposes of the provision of
special education and related services
provided within public elementary
schools and secondary schools of the
(2) Any other public institution or
agency having administrative control
and direction of a public elementary
school or secondary school, including a
public charter school that is established
as an LEA under State law.
(3) Entities that meet the definition of
intermediate educational unit or IEU in
section 602(23) of the Act, as in effect
prior to June 4, 1997. Under that
definition an intermediate educational
unit or IEU means any public authority
other than an LEA that—
(i) Is under the general supervision of
a State educational agency;
(ii) Is established by State law for the
purpose of providing free appropriate
public education on a regional basis;
(iii) Provides special education and
related services to children with
disabilities within the State.
(c) BIA funded schools. The term
includes an elementary school or
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secondary school funded by the Bureau
of Indian Affairs, and not subject to the
jurisdiction of any SEA other than the
Bureau of Indian Affairs, but only to the
extent that the inclusion makes the
school eligible for programs for which
specific eligibility is not provided to the
school in another provision of law and
the school does not have a student
population that is smaller than the
student population of the LEA receiving
assistance under the Act with the
smallest student population.
§ 303.24
Multidisciplinary, with respect to
evaluation and assessment of a child, an
IFSP team, or IFSP development under
subpart D of this part, means the
involvement of two or more individuals
from separate disciplines or professions
or one individual who is qualified in
more than one discipline or profession.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e–3, 1435(a)(3),
1436(a)(1), 1436(a)(3))
§ 303.25
Native language.
(a) Native language, when used with
respect to an individual who is limited
English proficient, means the following:
(1) The language or mode of
communication normally used by that
individual, or, in the case of a child, the
language or mode of communication
normally used by the parents of the
child, except as provided in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section.
(2) In all direct contact with a child
(including evaluation of the child), the
language or mode of communication
normally used by the child in the home
or learning environment.
(b) For an individual with deafness or
blindness, or for an individual with no
written language, the term native
language means the mode of
communication that is normally used by
the individual (such as sign language,
Braille, or oral communication).
Natural environments.
Natural environments means settings
that are natural or normal for an infant
or toddler without a disability, may
include the home, and must be
consistent with the provisions of
§ 303.126.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435, 1436)
§ 303.27
(a) Parent means—
(1) A biological or adoptive parent of
a child;
(2) A foster parent, unless State law,
regulations, or contractual obligations
with a State or local entity prohibit a
foster parent from acting as a parent;
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(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(23), 1439(a)(5))
§ 303.28
Parent training and information
Parent training and information
center means a center assisted under
section 671 or 672 of the Act.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(25))
§ 303.29
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(20))
§ 303.26
(3) A guardian generally authorized to
act as the child’s parent, or authorized
to make early intervention, educational,
health or developmental decisions for
the child (but not the State if the child
is a ward of the State);
(4) An individual acting in the place
of a biological or adoptive parent
(including a grandparent, stepparent, or
other relative) with whom the child
lives, or an individual who is legally
responsible for the child’s welfare; or
(5) A surrogate parent who has been
appointed in accordance with § 303.422
or section 639(a)(5) of the Act.
(b)(1) Except as provided in paragraph
(b)(2) of this section, the biological or
adoptive parent, when attempting to act
as the parent under this part and when
more than one party is qualified under
paragraph (a) of this section to act as a
parent, must be presumed to be the
parent for purposes of this section
unless the biological or adoptive parent
does not have legal authority to make
health, educational or early intervention
services decisions for the child.
(2) If a judicial decree or order
identifies a specific person or persons
under paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(4) of
this section to act as the ‘‘parent’’ of a
child or to make health, educational, or
early intervention service decisions on
behalf of a child, then the person or
persons must be determined to be the
‘‘parent’’ for purposes of Part C of the
Act, except that an EIS provider or
public agency that provides early
intervention or other services to a child
or any family member of that child may
not act as the parent.
Personally identifiable.
Personally identifiable means
information that contains—
(a) The name of the child, the child’s
parent, or other family member;
(b) The address of the child or child’s
(c) A personal identifier, such as the
child’s or parent’s social security
number or student number; or
(d) A list of personal characteristics or
other information that would make the
child’s or parent’s identity easily
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1415, 1439)
§ 303.30
Public agency.
Public agency includes the lead
agency and any other agency or political
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
subdivision of the State that is
responsible for providing early
intervention services to infants and
toddlers with disabilities under this part
and their families.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(10))
§ 303.31
Qualified personnel.
Qualified personnel means personnel
who have met State approved or
recognized certification, licensing,
registration, or other comparable
requirements that apply to the area in
which the individuals are providing
early intervention services.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1432(4))
§ 303.32
Secretary means the Secretary of
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(28))
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§ 303.33 Service coordination services
(case management).
(a) Service coordination services
means services provided by a service
coordinator to assist and enable an
infant or toddler with a disability and
the child’s family to receive the rights,
procedural safeguards, and services that
are authorized to be provided under Part
C of the Act, including—
(1) Coordinating all services required
under this part across agency lines;
(2) Assisting parents of infants and
toddlers with disabilities in gaining
access to and coordinating the provision
of the early intervention services and
coordinating other services identified in
the IFSP under § 303.344(e) that are
needed or are being provided to the
infant or toddler with a disability and
that child’s family; and
(3) Serving as the single point of
contact for carrying out the activities
described in paragraph (b) of this
(b) The term includes—
(1) Coordinating the performance of
evaluations and assessments;
(2) Facilitating and participating in
the development, review, and
evaluation of IFSPs;
(3) Assisting families in identifying
available EIS providers;
(4) Coordinating and monitoring the
delivery of services required under this
(5) Informing families of their rights
and procedural safeguards, as set forth
in subpart E of this part and related
(6) Coordinating the funding sources
for services required under this part;
(7) Facilitating the development of a
transition plan to preschool, school, or
other services, if appropriate.
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(c) The lead agency’s or an EIS
provider’s use of the term service
coordination or service coordination
services does not preclude
characterization of the services as case
management or any other service that is
covered by another payor of last resort
(including Medicaid), for purposes of
claims in compliance with the
requirements of proposed § 303.501
(Payor of last resort).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1432(4), 1435(a)(4),
§ 303.34
Except as provided in § 303.732(d)(3)
(regarding State allotments under this
part), State means each of the 50 States,
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
District of Columbia, and the
jurisdictions of Guam, American Samoa,
the United States Virgin Islands, and the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(31))
§ 303.35
State educational agency.
(a) State educational agency or SEA
means the State board of education or
other agency or officer primarily
responsible for the State supervision of
public elementary schools and
secondary schools, or, if there is no such
officer or agency, an officer or agency
designated by the Governor or by State
(b) The term includes the agency that
receives funds under sections 611 and
619 of the Act to administer the State’s
responsibilities under Part B of the Act.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(32))
§ 303.36
Ward of the State.
(a) General. Subject to paragraph (b)
of this section, ward of the State means
a child who, as determined by the State
where the child resides, is—
(1) A foster child;
(2) A ward of the State; or
(3) In the custody of a public child
welfare agency.
(b) Exception. Ward of the State does
not include a foster child who has a
foster parent who meets the definition
of a parent in § 303.27.
comprehensive, coordinated,
multidisciplinary, interagency system to
provide early intervention services for
infants and toddlers with disabilities
and their families.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1433)
§ 303.101 State eligibility—requirements
for a grant under this part.
In order to be eligible for a grant
under Part C of the Act for any fiscal
year, a State must meet the following
(a) Assurances regarding early
intervention services and a statewide
system. The State must provide
assurances to the Secretary that—
(1) The State has adopted a policy that
appropriate early intervention services
are available to all infants and toddlers
with disabilities in the State and their
families, including—
(i) Indian infants and toddlers with
disabilities and their families residing
on a reservation geographically located
in the State;
(ii) Infants and toddlers with
disabilities who are homeless children
and their families; and
(iii) Infants and toddlers with
disabilities who are wards of the State;
(2) The State has in effect a statewide
system of early intervention services
that meets the requirements of section
635 of the Act, including, at a
minimum, the components required in
§§ 303.111 through 303.126.
(b) State application and assurances.
The State must provide information and
assurances to the Secretary, in
accordance with subpart C of this part,
(1) Information that shows that the
State meets the State application
requirements in §§ 303.200 through
303.212; and
(2) Assurances that the State also
meets the requirements in §§ 303.221
through 303.227.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1434, 1435, 1437)
State Conformity With Part C of the Act
and Abrogation of State Sovereign
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(36))
Subpart B—State Eligibility for a Grant
and Requirements for a Statewide
§ 303.102
the Act.
Each State that receives funds under
Part C of the Act must ensure that any
State rules, regulations, and policies
relating to this part conform to the
purposes and requirements of this part.
General Authority and Eligibility
§ 303.100
General authority.
The Secretary, in accordance with
Part C of the Act, makes grants to States
(from their allotments under section 643
of the Act) to assist each State to
maintain and implement a statewide,
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State conformity with Part C of
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1407(a)(1))
§ 303.103 Abrogation of State sovereign
(a) General. A State is not immune
under the 11th amendment of the
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Constitution of the United States from
suit in Federal court for a violation of
Part C of the Act.
(b) Remedies. In a suit against a State
for a violation of Part C of the Act,
remedies (including remedies both at
law and in equity) are available for such
a violation to the same extent as those
remedies are available for such a
violation in the suit against any public
entity other than a State.
(c) Effective date. Paragraphs (a) and
(b) of this section apply with respect to
violations that occur in whole or part
after October 30, 1990, the date of
enactment of the Education of the
Handicapped Act Amendments of 1990.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1403)
Equipment and Construction
§ 303.104 Acquisition of equipment and
construction or alteration of facilities.
(a) General. If the Secretary
determines that a program authorized
under Part C of the Act will be
improved by permitting program funds
to be used to acquire appropriate
equipment, or to construct new facilities
or alter existing facilities, the Secretary
may allow the use of those funds for
those purposes.
(b) Compliance with certain
regulations. Any construction of new
facilities or alteration of existing
facilities under paragraph (a) of this
section must comply with the
requirements of—
(1) Appendix A of part 36 of title 28,
Code of Federal Regulations (commonly
known as the ‘‘Americans with
Disabilities Accessibility Guidelines for
Buildings and Facilities’’); or
(2) Appendix A of subpart 101–19.6 of
title 41, Code of Federal Regulations
(commonly known as the ‘‘Uniform
Federal Accessibility Standards’’).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1404)
Positive Efforts to Employ and Advance
Qualified Individuals with Disabilities
§ 303.105 Positive efforts to employ and
advance qualified individuals with
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Each recipient of assistance under
Part C of the Act must make positive
efforts to employ and advance in
employment, qualified individuals with
disabilities in programs assisted under
Part C of the Act.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1405)
Minimum Components of a Statewide
§ 303.110 Minimum components of a
statewide system.
Each statewide system (system) must
include, at a minimum, the components
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described in §§ 303.111 through
§ 303.114 Individualized family service
plans (IFSPs).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a))
Each system must include, for each
infant or toddler with a disability in the
State, an IFSP that meets the
requirements of §§ 303.340 through
303.345, including service coordination
services in accordance with the IFSP.
§ 303.111 State definition of
developmental delay.
Each system must include the State’s
rigorous definition of developmental
delay, consistent with §§ 303.10 and
303.203(c), that will be used by the State
in carrying out programs under Part C
of the Act in order to appropriately
identify infants and toddlers with
disabilities who are in need of services
under Part C of the Act. The definition
(a) Describe, for each of the areas
listed in § 303.18(a)(1), the evaluation
and assessment procedures, consistent
with § 303.320, that will be used to
measure a child’s development; and
(b) Specify the level of developmental
delay in functioning or other
comparable criteria that constitute a
developmental delay in one or more of
the developmental areas identified in
§ 303.21(a)(1).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(4))
§ 303.115
Comprehensive child find
Each system must include a
comprehensive child find system that
meets the requirements in §§ 303.301
through 303.303.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(5))
§ 303.116
Public awareness program.
Each system must include a public
awareness program that—
(a) Focuses on early identification of
infants and toddlers with disabilities;
(b) Provides information to parents of
infants and toddlers through primary
referral sources in accordance with
§ 303.300.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(1))
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(6))
§ 303.112
§ 303.117
Availability of early intervention
Each system must include a State
policy that is in effect and that ensures
that appropriate early intervention
services are based on scientifically
based research, to the extent practicable,
and are available to all infants and
toddlers with disabilities and their
families, including—
(a) Indian infants and toddlers with
disabilities and their families residing
on a reservation geographically located
in the State; and
(b) Infants and toddlers with
disabilities who are homeless children
and their families.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(2))
§ 303.113 Evaluation, assessment, and
nondiscriminatory procedures.
(a) Subject to paragraph (b) of this
section, each system must ensure the
performance of—
(1) A timely, comprehensive,
multidisciplinary evaluation of the
functioning of each infant or toddler
with a disability in the State; and
(2) A family-directed identification of
the needs of the family of the infant or
toddler, to assist appropriately in the
development of the infant or toddler.
(b) The evaluation and familydirected identification required in
paragraph (a) of this section must meet
the requirements of § 303.320.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(3))
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Central directory.
Each system must include a central
directory that is accessible to the general
public (i.e., through the lead agency’s
Web site and other appropriate means)
and includes accurate, up-to-date
information about—
(a) Public and private early
intervention services, resources, and
experts available in the State;
(b) Professional and other groups
(including parent support and training
and information centers, such as those
funded under the Act) that provide
assistance to infants and toddlers with
disabilities eligible under Part C of the
Act and their families; and
(c) Research and demonstration
projects being conducted in the State
relating to infants and toddlers with
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(7))
§ 303.118 Comprehensive system of
personnel development (CSPD).
Each system must include a
comprehensive system of personnel
development, including the training of
paraprofessionals and the training of
primary referral sources with respect to
the basic components of early
intervention services available in the
State, that—
(a) Must include—
(1) Implementing innovative strategies
and activities for the recruitment and
retention of EIS providers;
(2) Promoting the preparation of EIS
providers who are fully and
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
appropriately qualified to provide early
intervention services under this part;
(3) Training personnel to coordinate
transition services for infants and
toddlers with disabilities who are
transitioning from an early intervention
services program under Part C of the Act
to a preschool program under section
619 of the Act, Head Start, Early Head
Start, an elementary school program
under Part B of the Act or another
appropriate program; and
(b) May include—
(1) Training personnel to work in
rural and inner-city areas;
(2) Training personnel in the
emotional and social development of
young children; and
(3) Training personnel to support
families in participating fully in the
development and implementation of the
child’s IFSP.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(8))
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§ 303.119
Personnel standards.
(a) General. Each system must include
policies and procedures relating to the
establishment and maintenance of
qualification standards to ensure that
personnel necessary to carry out the
purposes of this part are appropriately
and adequately prepared and trained.
(b) Qualification standards. The
policies and procedures required in
paragraph (a) of this section must
provide for the establishment and
maintenance of qualification standards
that are consistent with any Stateapproved or State-recognized
certification, licensing, registration, or
other comparable requirements that
apply to the profession, discipline, or
area in which personnel are providing
early intervention services.
(c) Use of paraprofessionals and
assistants. Nothing in Part C of the Act
may be construed to prohibit the use of
paraprofessionals and assistants who are
appropriately trained and supervised in
accordance with State law, regulation,
or written policy, to assist in the
provision of early intervention services
under Part C of the Act to infants and
toddlers with disabilities.
(d) Policy to address shortage of
personnel. A State may adopt a policy
that includes making ongoing good-faith
efforts to recruit and hire appropriately
and adequately trained personnel to
provide early intervention services to
infants and toddlers with disabilities,
including, in a geographic area of the
State where there is a shortage of such
personnel, the most qualified
individuals available who are making
satisfactory progress toward completing
applicable course work necessary to
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meet the standards described in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(9), 1435(b))
§ 303.120 Lead agency role in supervision,
monitoring, funding, interagency
coordination, and other responsibilities.
Each system must include a single
line of responsibility in a lead agency
designated or established by the
Governor that is responsible for the
(a)(1) The general administration and
supervision of programs and activities
receiving assistance under Part C of the
Act; and
(2) The monitoring of programs and
activities used by the State to carry out
Part C of the Act (whether or not the
programs or activities are receiving
assistance under Part C of the Act), to
ensure that the State complies with Part
C of the Act, including—
(i) Monitoring agencies, institutions,
and organizations used by the State to
carry out Part C of the Act;
(ii) Enforcing any obligations imposed
on those agencies under Part C of the
Act and these regulations;
(iii) Providing technical assistance, if
necessary, to those agencies,
institutions, and organizations;
(iv) Correcting any noncompliance
identified through monitoring as soon as
possible and in no case later than one
year after the lead agency’s
identification of the noncompliance;
(v) Conducting the activities in
paragraphs (a)(2)(i) through (a)(2)(iv) of
this section, consistent with §§ 303.700
through 303.707, and any other
activities required by the State under
those sections.
(b) The identification and
coordination of all available resources
for early intervention services within
the State, including those from Federal,
State, local, and private sources,
consistent with subpart F of this part.
(c) The assignment of financial
responsibility in accordance with
subpart F of this part.
(d) The development of procedures in
accordance with subpart F of these
regulations to ensure that early
intervention services are provided to
infants and toddlers with disabilities
and their families under Part C of the
Act in a timely manner, pending the
resolution of any disputes among public
agencies or service providers.
(e) The resolution of intra- and
interagency disputes in accordance with
subpart F of this part.
(f) The entry into formal interagency
agreements or other written methods of
establishing financial responsibility,
consistent with § 303.511, that define
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the financial responsibility of each
agency for paying for early intervention
services (consistent with State law) and
procedures for resolving disputes and
that include all additional components
necessary to ensure meaningful
cooperation and coordination as set
forth in subpart F of this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1416, 1435(a)(10), 1442)
§ 303.121 Policy for contracting or
otherwise arranging for services.
Each system must include a policy
pertaining to the contracting or making
of other arrangements with public or
private individual or agency service
providers to provide early intervention
services in the State, consistent with the
provisions of Part C of the Act,
including the contents of the
application, and the conditions of the
contract or other arrangements. The
policy must—
(a) Include a requirement that all early
intervention services must meet State
standards and be consistent with the
provisions of this part; and
(b) Be consistent with The Education
Department General Administrative
Regulations in 34 CFR part 80.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(11))
§ 303.122
Reimbursement procedures.
Each system must include procedures
for securing the timely reimbursement
of funds used under Part C of the Act,
in accordance with subpart F of this
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(12), 1440(a))
§ 303.123
Procedural safeguards.
Each system must include procedural
safeguards that meet the requirements of
subpart E of this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(13), 1439)
§ 303.124
Data collection.
(a) Each statewide system must
include a system for compiling and
reporting timely and accurate data that
meets the requirements of paragraph (b)
of this section and §§ 303.700 through
303.702 and 303.720 through 303.724.
(b) The data system required in
paragraph (a) of this section must
include a description of the process that
the State uses, or will use, to compile
data on infants or toddlers with
disabilities receiving early intervention
services under this part, including a
description of the State’s sampling
methods, if sampling is used, for
reporting the data required by the
Secretary under sections 616 and 618 of
the Act and §§ 303.700 through 303.707
and 303.720 through 303.724.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1416, 1418(a)–(c),
1435(a)(14), 1442)
§ 303.125
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
State interagency coordinating
are current as of the date of submission
of the certification.
Each system must include a State
Interagency Coordinating Council
(Council) that meets the requirements of
subpart G of this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(a)(2))
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(15))
Each application must include—
(a) A description of services to be
provided under this part to infants and
toddlers with disabilities and their
families through the State’s system;
(b) The State’s policies and
procedures regarding the identification
and coordination of all available
resources within the State from Federal,
State, local, and private sources
(including any system of payments
regarding the use of public insurance or
benefits, private insurance, or family
costs or fees) as required under subpart
F of this part; and
(c) The State’s rigorous definition of
developmental delay as required under
§§ 303.10 and 303.111.
§ 303.126 Early intervention services in
natural environments.
Each system must include policies
and procedures to ensure, consistent
with §§ 303.13(a)(8) (early intervention
services), 303.26 (natural
environments), and 303.344(d)(1)(ii)
(content of an IFSP), that early
intervention services for infants and
toddlers with disabilities are provided—
(a) To the maximum extent
appropriate, in natural environments;
(b) In settings other than the natural
environment that are most appropriate,
as determined by the parent and the
IFSP team, only when early intervention
services cannot be provided
satisfactorily in a natural environment.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(16))
§ 303.200 State application and
Each application must contain—
(a) The specific State application
requirements (including certifications,
descriptions, methods, and policies and
procedures) required in §§ 303.201
through 303.212; and
(b) The assurances required in
§§ 303.220 through 303.227.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437)
Application Requirements
§ 303.205
Each application must include a
designation of the lead agency in the
State that will be responsible for the
administration of funds provided under
this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(a)(1))
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§ 303.202 Certification regarding financial
Each application must include a
certification to the Secretary that the
arrangements to establish financial
responsibility for the provision of Part C
services among appropriate public
agencies under § 303.511 and the lead
agency’s contracts with EIS providers
regarding financial responsibility for the
provision of Part C services both meet
the requirements in subpart F of this
part (§§ 303.500 through 303.521) and
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If the State provides services under
this part to at-risk infants and toddlers
through the statewide system, the
application must include—
(a) The State’s definition of at-risk
infants and toddlers with disabilities
who are eligible in the State for services
under Part C of the Act (consistent with
§§ 303.5 and 303.21(b)); and
(b) A description of the early
intervention services provided under
this part to at-risk infants and toddlers
with disabilities who meet the State’s
definition described in paragraph (a) of
this section.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(a)(4))
Designation of lead agency.
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(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1432(3), 1432(4)(B),
1432(4)(C), 1435(a)(1), 1435(a)(10)(B),
1437(a)(3)(A) and (B), 1440)
§ 303.204 Application’s definition of at-risk
infants and toddlers and description of
Subpart C—State Application and
§ 303.201
§ 303.203 Statewide system and
description of services.
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Description of use of funds.
(a) General. Each State application
must include a description of the uses
for funds under this part for the fiscal
year or years covered by the application.
The description must be presented
separately for the lead agency and the
Council, and include the information
required in paragraphs (b) through (e) of
this section.
(b) State administration funds
including administrative positions. For
lead agencies other than State
educational agencies (SEAs), each
application must include the total—
(1) Amount of funds retained by the
lead agency for administration
purposes, including the amount in
paragraph (b)(2) of this section; and
(2) Number of full-time equivalent
administrative positions to be used to
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implement Part C of the Act, and the
total amount of salaries (including
benefits) for those positions.
(c) Maintenance and implementation
activities. Each application must
include a description of the nature and
scope of each major activity to be
carried out under this part, consistent
with § 303.501, and the approximate
amount of funds to be spent for each
(d) Direct services. Each application
must include a description of any direct
services that the State expects to
provide to infants and toddlers with
disabilities and their families with
funds under this part, consistent with
§ 303.501, and the approximate amount
of funds under this part to be used for
the provision of each direct service.
(e) Activities by other agencies. If
other agencies are to receive funds
under this part, the application must
(1) The name of each agency expected
to receive funds;
(2) The approximate amount of funds
each agency will receive; and
(3) A summary of the purposes for
which the funds will be used.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(10)(B),
1435(a)(10)(F), 1437(a)(3), 1437(a)(5))
§ 303.206
Referral policies for specific
Each application must include the
State’s policies and procedures that
require the referral for early intervention
services under this part of specific
children under the age of three, as
described in § 303.302(b).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(a)(6))
§ 303.207
Availability of resources.
Each application must include a
description of the procedure used by the
State to ensure that resources are made
available under this part for all
geographic areas within the State.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(a)(7))
§ 303.208 Public participation policies and
(a) Each application must include a
description of the State’s policies and
procedures that ensure that—
(1) Before adopting any new or
revised policies and procedures needed
to comply with Part C of the Act
(including any amendments to those
policies and procedures), the lead
agency holds public hearings, gives
adequate notice of the hearings, and
provides an opportunity for comment by
the general public, including
individuals with disabilities and parents
of infants and toddlers with disabilities;
(2) Before submitting a State
application under this part (including
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
any policies, procedures, descriptions,
methods, certifications and assurances
required in subparts B and C of this
part), the State—
(i) Complies with the public
participation requirements in paragraph
(a) of this section; and
(ii) Publishes each proposed
application, policy or procedure to—
(A) Ensure circulation throughout the
State, at least 60 days before the date on
which the application, policy or
procedure is submitted to the Secretary;
(B) Provide an opportunity for public
comment for at least 30 days during that
60-day period.
(b) Before implementing any policies,
procedures, and methods that are
subject to the public participation
requirements in this section and
required to be submitted to the
Secretary under subparts B and C of this
part, the State must have approval by
the Secretary.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(a)(8))
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§ 303.209 Transition to preschool and
other programs.
(a) Application requirements. Each
State must include the following in its
(1) A description of the policies and
procedures it will use to ensure a
smooth transition for toddlers with
disabilities and their families—
(i) From receiving early intervention
services under this part (including
toddlers receiving services under
§ 303.211) to preschool, school, or other
appropriate services; or
(ii) To exit the program.
(2) A description of how the State will
meet each of the requirements in
paragraphs (b) through (d) of this
(3)(i)(A) If the lead agency is not the
SEA, an interagency agreement between
the lead agency and the SEA; or
(B) If the lead agency is the SEA, an
intra-agency agreement between the
program within that agency that
administers Part C of the Act and the
program within the agency that
administers section 619 of the Act.
(ii) To ensure a seamless transition
between services under this part and
under Part B of the Act, an interagency
agreement under paragraph (a)(3)(i)(A)
of this section or an intra-agency
agreement under paragraph (a)(3)(i)(B)
of this section must include provisions
for how the lead agency and the SEA
will meet the requirements of
§ 303.209(b) through (d) and
§ 303.344(h), and 34 CFR 300.124,
300.321(f) and 300.323(b).
(4) Any policy the lead agency has
adopted under § 303.401(e).
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(b) Family involvement and
notification of the LEA. The State lead
agency must ensure that—
(1) Each family of a toddler with a
disability who is served under this part
will be included in the transition plan
required under this section and
§ 303.344(h);
(2)(i) Except as provided in paragraph
(b)(3) of this section, at least nine
months before the third birthday of the
toddler with a disability, the lead
agency will notify the LEA for the area
in which the toddler resides—or, if
appropriate, the SEA—that the toddler
on his or her third birthday will reach
the age of eligibility for preschool or
school services under Part B of the Act,
as determined in accordance with State
law; or
(ii) Except as provided in paragraph
(b)(3) of this section, if the lead agency
determines within the nine-month
period before the third birthday of a
toddler with a disability the initial
eligibility of the toddler for early
intervention services under Part C of the
Act, the lead agency, as soon as possible
after determining the child’s eligibility,
will notify the LEA for the area in which
the toddler with a disability resides—or,
if appropriate, the SEA—that the toddler
on his or her third birthday will reach
the age of eligibility for preschool or
school services under Part B of the Act,
as determined in accordance with State
law; and
(3) If the State has adopted, under
§ 303.401(e), a policy permitting a
parent to object to disclosure of
personally identifiable information, the
notification requirement in paragraphs
(b)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section must be
consistent with this policy.
(c) Conference to discuss services. The
State lead agency must ensure the
(1) If a toddler with a disability may
be eligible for preschool services or
other services under Part B of the Act,
the lead agency, with the approval of
the family of the toddler, will convene
a conference among the lead agency, the
family, and the LEA not fewer than 90
days—and, at the discretion of all of the
parties, not more than nine
months—before the toddler’s third
birthday to discuss any services the
toddler may receive under Part B of the
(2) If a toddler with a disability may
not be eligible for preschool or other
services under Part B of the Act, the
lead agency, with the approval of the
family of the toddler, will make
reasonable efforts to convene a
conference among the lead agency, the
family, and providers of other
appropriate services for this toddler to
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discuss appropriate services that the
toddler may receive.
(d) Program options and transition
plan. The State lead agency must ensure
(1) It will review the program options
for the toddler with a disability for the
period from the toddler’s third birthday
through the remainder of the school
(2) It will establish a transition plan
not fewer than 90 days—and, at the
discretion of all of the parties, not more
than nine months—before the toddler’s
third birthday; and
(3) The plan will include, consistent
with § 303.344(h), as appropriate—
(i) Steps for the toddler with a
disability and his or her family to exit
from the program; and
(ii) Any transition services needed by
that toddler and his or her family.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(a)(9))
§ 303.210 Coordination with Head Start
and Early Head Start, early education, and
child care programs.
Each application must contain a
description of State efforts to promote
collaboration among Head Start and
Early Head Start programs under the
Head Start Act (42 U.S.C. 9801 et seq.),
early education and child care
programs, and services under this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(a)(10))
§ 303.211 State option to make services
under this part available to children ages
three and older.
(a) General. (1) Subject to paragraphs
(a)(2) and (b) of this section, a State may
elect to include in its application for a
grant under this part a State policy,
developed and implemented jointly by
the lead agency and the SEA, under
which parents of children with
disabilities who are eligible for services
under section 619 of the Act and who
previously received early intervention
services under this part, may choose the
continuation of early intervention
services under this part for their
children ages three and older until the
children enter, or are eligible under
State law to enter, kindergarten or
elementary school.
(2) A State that adopts the policy
described in paragraph (a)(1) of this
section may determine whether it
applies to children with disabilities ages
three through five inclusive, or to one of
the following three subsets of that age
(i) From age three until the beginning
of the school year following the child’s
third birthday.
(ii) From age three until the beginning
of the school year following the child’s
fourth birthday.
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(iii) From age three until the
beginning of the school year following
the child’s fifth birthday.
(b) Requirements. If a State’s
application for a grant under this part
includes the State policy described in
paragraph (a) of this section, the system
must ensure the following:
(1) Parents of children with
disabilities served pursuant to this
section are provided annual notice that
(i) A description of the rights of the
parents to elect to receive services
pursuant to this section or under Part B
of the Act; and
(ii) An explanation of the differences
between services provided pursuant to
this section and services provided under
Part B of the Act, including—
(A) The types of services and the
locations at which the services are
(B) The procedural safeguards that
apply; and
(C) Possible costs (including the costs
or fees to be charged to families as
described in §§ 303.520 and 303.521), if
any, to parents of children eligible
under this part.
(2) Consistent with § 303.344(d),
services provided pursuant to this
section will include an educational
component that promotes school
readiness and incorporates preliteracy,
language, and numeracy skills.
(3) The State policy will not affect the
right of any child served pursuant to
this section to receive FAPE (as that
term is defined at § 303.15) under Part
B of the Act instead of early
intervention services under Part C of the
(4) Subject to § 303.430(e), all early
intervention services outlined in the
child’s IFSP under § 303.344 will be
continued while any eligibility
determination is being made for services
under this section.
(5) Informed consent must be
obtained from the parents of any child
to be served under this section, where
practicable, before the child reaches
three years of age, as to whether the
parents intend to choose the
continuation of early intervention
services pursuant to this section for
their child.
(6) The transition timeline
requirements under § 303.209(c)(1) and
(d)(2) do not apply with respect to a
child who is receiving services under
this section until not fewer than 90
days—and, at the discretion of all of the
parties, not more than nine months—
before the time the child is expected to
no longer receive services under this
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(7) In States that adopt the option to
make services under this part available
to children ages three and older, there
will be a referral to the Part C system,
dependent upon parental consent, of a
child under the age of three who
directly experiences a substantiated case
of trauma due to exposure to family
violence (as defined in section 320 of
the Family Violence Prevention and
Services Act, 42 U.S.C. 10401 et seq.).
(c) Reporting requirement. If a State
includes in its application a State policy
described in paragraph (a) of this
section, the State must submit to the
Secretary, in the State’s report under
§ 303.124, the number and percentage of
children with disabilities who are
eligible for services under section 619 of
the Act but whose parents choose for
their children to continue to receive
early intervention services under this
(d) Available funds. The State policy
described in paragraph (a) of this
section must describe the funds
(including an identification as Federal,
State, or local funds) that will be used
to ensure that the option described in
paragraph (a) of this section is available
to eligible children and families who
provide the consent described in
paragraph (b)(5) of this section,
including fees (if any) to be charged to
families as described in §§ 303.520 and
(e) Rules of construction. (1) If a
statewide system includes a State policy
described in paragraph (a) of this
section, a State that provides services in
accordance with this section to a child
with a disability who is eligible for
services under section 619 of the Act
will not be required to provide the child
FAPE under Part B of the Act for the
period of time in which the child is
receiving services under this part.
(2) Nothing in this section may be
construed to require a provider of
services under this part to provide a
child served under this part with FAPE.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(c), 1437(a)(11))
§ 303.212 Additional information and
Each application must contain other
information and assurances as the
Secretary may reasonably require.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(a)(11))
§ 303.220 Assurances satisfactory to the
Each application must contain
assurances satisfactory to the Secretary
that the State has met the requirements
of §§ 303.221 through 303.227.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(b))
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§ 303.221
Expenditure of funds.
The State must ensure that Federal
funds made available to the State under
section 643 of the Act will be expended
in accordance with the provisions of
this part, including § 303.501.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(b)(1))
§ 303.222
Payor of last resort.
The State must ensure that it will
comply with the requirements in
§§ 303.501 through 303.521 in subpart F
of this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(b)(2))
§ 303.223
Control of funds and property.
The State must ensure that—
(a) The control of funds provided
under this part, and title to property
acquired with those funds, will be in a
public agency for the uses and purposes
provided in this part; and
(b) A public agency will administer
the funds and property.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(b)(3))
§ 303.224
Reports and records.
The State must ensure that it will—
(a) Make reports in the form and
containing the information that the
Secretary may require; and
(b) Keep records and afford access to
those records as the Secretary may find
necessary to ensure compliance with the
requirements of this part, the
correctness and verification of reports,
and the proper disbursement of funds
provided under this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(b)(4))
§ 303.225 Prohibition against commingling
and supplanting; indirect costs.
(a) Prohibition against commingling.
(1) The State must ensure that funds
made available under this part will not
be commingled with State funds.
(2) Commingle means depositing or
recording funds in a general account
without the ability to identify each
specific source of funds for any
(b) Requirement to supplement and
not supplant State funds. (1)(i) The
State must ensure that Federal funds
made available under this part will be
used to supplement and increase the
level of State and local funds expended
for infants and toddlers with disabilities
and their families and in no case to
supplant those State and local funds.
(ii) To meet the requirement in
paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, the
total amount of State and local funds
budgeted for expenditures in the current
fiscal year for early intervention services
for infants and toddlers with disabilities
and their families must be at least equal
to the total amount of State and local
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funds actually expended for early
intervention services for these infants
and toddlers and their families in the
most recent preceding fiscal year for
which the information is available.
(2) The State may reduce the level of
expenditures under Part C of the Act
below the level of those expenditures
for the preceding fiscal year if the
reduction is attributable to any of the
(i) A decrease in the number of infants
and toddlers who are eligible to receive
early intervention services under this
(ii) The termination of costly
expenditures for long-term purchases,
such as the acquisition of equipment
and the construction of facilities.
(iii) The voluntary departure, by
retirement or otherwise, or departure for
just cause, of personnel under Part C of
the Act.
(iv) The termination of the obligation
of the lead agency, consistent with this
part, to make available early
intervention services to a particular
infant or toddler with a disability that
are exceptionally costly, as determined
by the lead agency, because the infant
or toddler—
(A) Has left the State;
(B) Has reached the age at which the
obligation of the lead agency to make
available early intervention services has
terminated; or
(C) No longer needs early intervention
(c) Requirement regarding indirect
costs. (1) Except as provided in
paragraph (c)(2) of this section, a lead
agency under this part may not charge
indirect costs to its Part C grant.
(2) If approved by the lead agency’s
cognizant Federal agency or by the
Secretary, the lead agency must charge
indirect costs through either—
(i) A restricted indirect cost rate that
meets the requirements in 34 CFR
76.560 through 76.569; or
(ii) A cost allocation plan that meets
the non-supplanting requirements in
paragraph (b) of this section and 34 CFR
part 76 of EDGAR.
(3) In charging indirect costs under
paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (ii) of this
section, the lead agency may not charge
rent, occupancy, or space maintenance
costs directly to the Part C grant, unless
those costs are specifically approved in
advance by the Secretary.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(b)(5))
§ 303.226
Fiscal control.
The State must ensure that fiscal
control and fund accounting procedures
will be adopted as may be necessary to
ensure proper disbursement of, and
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accounting for, Federal funds paid
under this part.
§ 303.229 Determination by the Secretary
that a State is eligible.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(b)(6))
If the Secretary determines that a
State is eligible to receive a grant under
Part C of the Act, the Secretary notifies
the State of that determination.
§ 303.227
Traditionally underserved
The State must ensure that policies
and practices have been adopted to
(a) That traditionally underserved
groups, including minority, low-income,
homeless, and rural families and
children with disabilities who are wards
of the State, are meaningfully involved
in the planning and implementation of
all the requirements of this part; and
(b) That these families have access to
culturally competent services within
their local geographical areas.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437)
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(b)(7))
Department Procedures
Subsequent Applications and
Modifications, Eligibility
Determinations, and Standard of
§ 303.231 Notice and hearing before
determining that a State is not eligible.
§ 303.228 Subsequent State application
and modifications of application.
(a) Subsequent State application. If a
State has on file with the Secretary a
policy, procedure, method, or assurance
that demonstrates that the State meets
an application requirement in this part,
including any policy, procedure, or
method filed under this part (as in effect
before the date of enactment of the Act,
December 3, 2004), the Secretary
considers the State to have met that
requirement for purposes of receiving a
grant under this part.
(b) Modification of application. An
application submitted by a State that
meets the requirements of this part
remains in effect until the State submits
to the Secretary such modifications as
the State determines necessary. The
provisions of this section apply to a
modification of an application to the
same extent and in the same manner as
this paragraph applies to the original
(c) Modifications required by the
Secretary. The Secretary may require a
State to modify its application under
this part to the extent necessary to
ensure the State’s compliance with this
part if—
(1) An amendment is made to the Act,
or to a Federal regulation issued under
the Act;
(2) A new interpretation of the Act is
made by a Federal court or the State’s
highest court; or
(3) An official finding of
noncompliance with Federal law or
regulations is made with respect to the
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(d)–(f))
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§ 303.230 Standard for disapproval of an
The Secretary does not disapprove an
application under this part unless the
Secretary determines, after notice and
opportunity for a hearing in accordance
with the procedures in §§ 303.231
through 303.236, that the application
fails to comply with the requirements of
this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(c))
(a) General. (1) The Secretary does not
make a final determination that a State
is not eligible to receive a grant under
Part C of the Act until providing the
(i) With reasonable notice; and
(ii) With an opportunity for a hearing.
(2) In implementing paragraph
(a)(1)(i) of this section, the Secretary
sends a written notice to the lead agency
by certified mail with a return receipt
(b) Content of notice. In the written
notice described in paragraph (a)(2) of
this section, the Secretary—
(1) States the basis on which the
Secretary proposes to make a final
determination that the State is not
(2) May describe possible options for
resolving the issues;
(3) Advises the lead agency that it
may request a hearing and that the
request for a hearing must be made not
later than 30 days after it receives the
notice of the proposed final
determination that the State is not
eligible; and
(4) Provides the lead agency with
information about the hearing
procedures that will be followed.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(c))
§ 303.232
Hearing Official or Panel.
(a) If the lead agency requests a
hearing, the Secretary designates one or
more individuals, either from the
Department or elsewhere, not
responsible for or connected with the
administration of this program, to
conduct a hearing.
(b) If more than one individual is
designated, the Secretary designates one
of those individuals as the Chief
Hearing Official of the Hearing Panel. If
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one individual is designated, that
individual is the Hearing Official.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(c))
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
§ 303.233
Hearing procedures.
(a) As used in §§ 303.231 through
303.236 the term party or parties means
any of the following:
(1) A lead agency that requests a
hearing regarding the proposed
disapproval of the State’s eligibility
under this part.
(2) The Department official who
administers the program of financial
assistance under this part.
(3) A person, group, or agency with an
interest in and having relevant
information about the case that has
applied for and been granted leave to
intervene by the Hearing Official or
Hearing Panel.
(b) Within 15 days after receiving a
request for a hearing, the Secretary
designates a Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel and notifies the parties.
(c) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel may regulate the course of
proceedings and the conduct of the
parties during the proceedings. The
Hearing Official or Panel takes all steps
necessary to conduct a fair and
impartial proceeding, to avoid delay,
and to maintain order, including the
(1) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel may hold conferences or other
types of appropriate proceedings to
clarify, simplify, or define the issues or
to consider other matters that may aid
in the disposition of the case.
(2) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel may schedule a prehearing
conference with the Hearing Official or
Hearing Panel and the parties.
(3) Any party may request the Hearing
Official or Hearing Panel to schedule a
prehearing or other conference. The
Hearing Official or Hearing Panel
decides whether a conference is
necessary and notifies all parties.
(4) At a prehearing or other
conference, the Hearing Official or
Hearing Panel and the parties may
consider subjects such as—
(i) Narrowing and clarifying issues;
(ii) Assisting the parties in reaching
agreements and stipulations;
(iii) Clarifying the positions of the
(iv) Determining whether an
evidentiary hearing or oral argument
should be held; and
(v) Setting dates for—
(A) The exchange of written
(B) The receipt of comments from the
parties on the need for oral argument or
an evidentiary hearing;
(C) Further proceedings before the
Hearing Official or Hearing Panel
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(including an evidentiary hearing or oral
argument, if either is scheduled);
(D) Requesting the names of witnesses
each party wishes to present at an
evidentiary hearing and estimation of
time for each presentation; and
(E) Completion of the review and the
initial decision of the Hearing Official or
Hearing Panel.
(5) A prehearing or other conference
held under paragraph (c)(4) of this
section may be conducted by telephone
conference call.
(6) At a prehearing or other
conference, the parties must be prepared
to discuss the subjects listed in
paragraph (c)(4) of this section.
(7) Following a prehearing or other
conference the Hearing Official or
Hearing Panel may issue a written
statement describing the issues raised,
the action taken, and the stipulations
and agreements reached by the parties.
(d) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel may require parties to state their
positions and to provide all or part of
their evidence in writing.
(e) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel may require parties to present
testimony through affidavits and to
conduct cross-examination through
(f) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel may direct the parties to exchange
relevant documents or information and
lists of witnesses, and to send copies to
the Hearing Official or Hearing Panel.
(g) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel may receive, rule on, exclude, or
limit evidence at any stage of the
(h) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel may rule on motions and other
issues at any stage of the proceedings.
(i) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel may examine witnesses.
(j) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel may set reasonable time limits for
submission of written documents.
(k) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel may refuse to consider documents
or other submissions if they are not
submitted in a timely manner unless
good cause is shown.
(l) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel may interpret applicable statutes
and regulations but may not waive them
or rule on their validity.
(m)(1) The parties must present their
positions through briefs and the
submission of other documents and may
request an oral argument or evidentiary
hearing. The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel must determine whether an oral
argument or an evidentiary hearing is
needed to clarify the positions of the
(2) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel gives each party an opportunity to
be represented by counsel.
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(n) If the Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel determines that an evidentiary
hearing would materially assist the
resolution of the matter, the Hearing
Official or Hearing Panel gives each
party, in addition to the opportunity to
be represented by counsel—
(1) An opportunity to present
witnesses on the party’s behalf; and
(2) An opportunity to cross-examine
witnesses either orally or with written
(o) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel accepts any evidence that it finds
is relevant and material to the
proceedings and is not unduly
(p)(1) The Hearing Official or Hearing
(i) Arranges for the preparation of a
transcript of each hearing;
(ii) Retains the original transcript as
part of the record of the hearing; and
(iii) Provides one copy of the
transcript to each party.
(2) Additional copies of the transcript
are available on request and with
payment of the reproduction fee.
(q) Each party must file with the
Hearing Official or Hearing Panel all
written motions, briefs, and other
documents and must at the same time
provide a copy to the other parties to the
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(c))
§ 303.234
Initial decision; final decision.
(a) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel prepares an initial written
decision that addresses each of the
points in the notice sent by the
Secretary to the lead agency under
§ 303.231, including any amendments to
or further clarification of the issues
under § 303.233(c).
(b) The initial decision of a Hearing
Panel is made by a majority of Hearing
Panel members.
(c) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel mails, by certified mail with
return receipt requested, a copy of the
initial decision to each party (or to the
party’s counsel) and to the Secretary,
with a notice stating that each party has
an opportunity to submit written
comments regarding the decision to the
(d) Each party may file comments and
recommendations on the initial decision
with the Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel within 15 days of the date the
party receives the Panel’s decision.
(e) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel sends a copy of a party’s initial
comments and recommendations to the
other parties by certified mail with
return receipt requested. Each party may
file responsive comments and
recommendations with the Hearing
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Official or Hearing Panel within seven
days of the date the party receives the
initial comments and recommendations.
(f) The Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel forwards the parties’ initial and
responsive comments on the initial
decision to the Secretary who reviews
the initial decision and issues a final
(g) The initial decision of the Hearing
Official or Hearing Panel becomes the
final decision of the Secretary unless,
within 25 days after the end of the time
for receipt of written comments, the
Secretary informs the Hearing Official or
Hearing Panel and the parties to a
hearing in writing that the decision is
being further reviewed for possible
(h) The Secretary rejects or modifies
the initial decision of the Hearing
Official or Hearing Panel if the Secretary
finds that it is clearly erroneous.
(i) The Secretary conducts the review
based on the initial decision, the written
record, the transcript of the Hearing
Official’s or Hearing Panel’s
proceedings, and written comments.
(j) The Secretary may remand the
matter to the Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel for further proceedings.
(k) Unless the Secretary remands the
matter as provided in paragraph (j) of
this section, the Secretary issues the
final decision, with any necessary
modifications, within 30 days after
notifying the Hearing Official or Hearing
Panel that the initial decision is being
further reviewed.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(c))
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
§ 303.235
Filing requirements.
(a) Any written submission by a party
under §§ 303.230 through 303.236 must
be filed with the Secretary by handdelivery, by mail, or by facsimile
transmission. The Secretary discourages
the use of facsimile transmission for
documents longer than five pages.
(b) The filing date under paragraph (a)
of this section is the date the document
(1) Hand-delivered;
(2) Mailed; or
(3) Sent by facsimile transmission.
(c) A party filing by facsimile
transmission is responsible for
confirming that a complete and legible
copy of the document was received by
the Department.
(d) If a document is filed by facsimile
transmission, the Secretary, the Hearing
Official, or the Panel, as applicable, may
require the filing of a follow-up hard
copy by hand-delivery or by mail within
a reasonable period of time.
(e) If agreed upon by the parties,
service of a document may be made
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upon the other party by facsimile
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(c))
§ 303.236
Judicial review.
If a State is dissatisfied with the
Secretary’s final decision with respect to
the eligibility of the State under Part C
of the Act, the State may, not later than
60 days after notice of that decision, file
with the United States Court of Appeals
for the circuit in which that State is
located a petition for review of that
decision. A copy of the petition must be
transmitted by the clerk of the court to
the Secretary. The Secretary then files in
the court the record of the proceedings
upon which the Secretary’s action was
based, as provided in 28 U.S.C. 2112.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1437(c))
Subpart D—Child Find, Evaluations
and Assessments, and Individualized
Family Service Plans
Identification—Public Awareness,
Child Find, and Referral
§ 303.300 Public awareness program—
information for parents.
(a) Preparation and dissemination. In
accordance with § 303.116, each system
must include a public awareness
program that provides for—
(1)(i) The lead agency’s preparation of
information on the availability of early
intervention services under this part,
and other services, as described in
paragraph (b) of this section; and
(ii) Dissemination to all primary
referral sources (especially hospitals
and physicians) of the information to be
given to parents of infants and toddlers,
including especially parents with
premature infants, or infants with other
physical risk factors associated with
learning or developmental
complications; and
(2) Procedures for assisting the
primary referral sources described in
§ 303.302(c) in disseminating the
information to parents of infants and
toddlers with disabilities.
(b) Information to be provided. The
information required in paragraph (a) of
this section must include—
(1) A description of the availability of
early intervention services under this
(2) A description of the child find
system and how to refer a child for an
evaluation or early intervention
(3) The central directory; and
(4) For parents with toddlers with
disabilities who are nearing transition
age (e.g. starting at least nine months
prior to the child’s third birthday), a
description of the availability of services
under section 619 of the Act.
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(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(6), 1437(a)(9))
§ 303.301
Comprehensive child find
(a) General. Each system must include
a comprehensive child find system
(1) Is consistent with Part B of the Act
(see 34 CFR § 300.115);
(2) Includes a system for making
referrals to public agencies under this
part that—
(i) Includes timelines; and
(ii) Provides for participation by the
primary referral sources described in
§ 303.302(c);
(3) Ensures rigorous standards for
appropriately identifying infants and
toddlers with disabilities for services
under this part that will reduce the need
for future services; and
(4) Meets the requirements in
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section
and §§ 303.302 and 303.303.
(b) Scope of child find. The lead
agency, as part of the child find system,
must ensure that—
(1) All infants and toddlers with
disabilities in the State who are eligible
for services under this part are
identified, located, and evaluated,
(i) Indian infants and toddlers with
disabilities residing on a reservation
geographically located in the State
(including coordination, as necessary,
with tribes, tribal organization, and
consortia to identify the information
provided by them to the lead agency
under § 303.731(e)(1)); and
(ii) Infants and toddlers with
disabilities who are homeless, in foster
care, and wards of the State; and
(2) An effective method is developed
and implemented to determine which
children are in need of early
intervention services, and which
children are not in need of those
(c) Coordination. (1) The lead agency,
with the assistance of the Council, as
defined in § 303.8, must ensure that the
child find system under this part—
(i) Is coordinated with all other major
efforts to locate and identify children
conducted by other State agencies
responsible for administering the
various education, health, and social
service programs relevant to this part,
including Indian tribes that receive
payments under this part, and other
Indian tribes, as appropriate; and
(ii) Is coordinated with the efforts of
the—(A) Program authorized under Part
B of the Act;
(B) Maternal and Child Health
program under Title V of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 701(a));
(C) Early Periodic Screening,
Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) under
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
Title XIX of the Social Security Act (42
U.S.C. 1396(a)(43) and 1396(a)(4)(B));
(D) Programs under the
Developmental Disabilities Assistance
and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C.
15001 et seq.);
(E) Head Start Act (including Early
Head Start programs under section 645A
of the Head Start Act) (42 U.S.C. 9801
et seq.);
(F) Supplemental Security Income
program under Title XVI of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1381);
(G) Child protection programs,
including programs administered by,
and services provided through, the
foster care agency and the State agency
responsible for administering the Child
Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
(CAPTA) (42 U.S.C. 5106(a));
(H) Child care programs in the State;
(I) The programs that provide services
under the Family Violence Prevention
and Services Act (42 U.S.C. 10401 et
seq.) (for States electing to make
available services under this part to
children with disabilities after the age of
three in accordance with section
635(c)(2)(G) of the Act and § 303.211.
(2) The lead agency, with the advice
and assistance of the Council, must take
steps to ensure that—
(i) There will not be unnecessary
duplication of effort by the various
agencies involved in the State’s child
find system under this part; and
(ii) The State will make use of the
resources available through each early
intervention service provider in the
State to implement the child find
system in an effective manner.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1412(a)(3)(A), 1431,
1434(1), 1435(a)(2), 1435(a)(5), 1435(c)(2)(G),
1437(a)(6), 1437(a)(10) and 1441)
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
§ 303.302
Referral procedures.
(a) General. (1) The child find system
described in § 303.301 must include
procedures for use by primary referral
sources for referring a child to the Part
C system for—
(i) Evaluation and assessment, in
accordance with § 303.320; and
(ii) As appropriate, the provision of
early intervention services, in
accordance with §§ 303.342 through
(2) The procedures required in
paragraph (a)(1) of this section must—
(i) Provide for referring a child as
soon as possible after the child has been
identified; and
(ii) Include procedures that meet the
requirements in paragraphs (b) and (c)
of this section.
(b) Referral of specific at-risk
children. The procedures required in
paragraph (a) of this section must
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provide for requiring the referral of a
child under the age of three who—
(1) Is involved in a substantiated case
of abuse or neglect; or
(2) Is identified as affected by illegal
substance abuse, or withdrawal
symptoms resulting from prenatal drug
(c) Primary referral sources. As used
in this subpart, primary referral sources
(1) Hospitals, including prenatal and
postnatal care facilities;
(2) Physicians;
(3) Parents, including parents of
infants and toddlers;
(4) Day care programs;
(5) LEAs and schools;
(6) Public health facilities;
(7) Other social service agencies;
(8) Other clinics and health care
(9) Public agencies and staff in the
child welfare system including child
protective service and foster care;
(10) Homeless family shelters; and
(11) Domestic violence shelters and
agencies (for States electing to make
services available under this part to
children after the age of three in
accordance with section 635(c)(2)(G) of
the Act and § 303.211).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1412(a)(3)(A), 1431,
1434(1), 1435(a)(2), 1435(a)(5), 1435(a)(6),
1435(c)(2)(G), 1437(a)(6), 1437(a)(10), 1441)
§ 303.303
Screening procedures.
(a) General. (1) The child find system
described in § 303.301 may include
procedures for the screening of children
who have been referred to Part C, when
appropriate, to determine whether they
are suspected of having a disability
under this part. If the State lead agency
elects to adopt screening procedures to
determine if a child is suspected of
having a disability, those procedures
must meet the requirements of this
(2) If the screening carried out under
paragraph (a) of this section or other
available information indicates that the
child is suspected of having a disability,
the child must be evaluated under
§ 303.320.
(3) If the lead agency believes, based
on screening and other available
information, that the child is not
suspected of having a disability, the
lead agency must ensure that notice is
provided to the parent under § 303.421.
(4) If, under paragraph (a)(3) of this
section, the lead agency determines that
the child is not suspected of having a
disability, but the parent of the child
requests an evaluation, the child must
be evaluated under § 303.320.
(b) Definition of screening procedures.
Screening procedures—
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(1) Means activities under paragraph
(a)(1) of this section that are carried out
by a public agency, early intervention
service provider, or designated primary
referral source (except for parents) to
identify infants and toddlers suspected
of having a disability and in need of
early intervention services at the earliest
possible age; and
(2) Includes the administration of
appropriate instruments by qualified
personnel that can assist in making the
identification described in paragraph
(a)(1) of this section.
(c) Condition for evaluation or
services. For every child who is referred
to the Part C program or screened in
accordance with paragraph (a) of this
section, the lead agency is not required
(1) Provide an evaluation and
assessment of the child under § 303.320
unless the child is suspected of having
a disability or the parent requests an
evaluation under paragraph (a)(4) of this
section; or
(2) Provide early intervention services
under this part unless a determination
is made, after the evaluation and
assessment conducted under § 303.320,
that the child meets the definition of
infant or toddler with a disability under
§ 303.21.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1434(1), 1435(a)(2),
1435(a)(5) and (a)(6), 1435(c)(2)(G),
1437(a)(6), 1439(a)(6))
Evaluation and Assessment of the Child
and Family and Assessment of Service
§ 303.320 Evaluation and assessment of
the child and family and assessment of
service needs.
(a) General. (1) Each lead agency must
ensure, for each child under the age of
three who is referred for evaluation or
services under this part and suspected
of having a disability, the performance
(i) A timely, comprehensive,
multidisciplinary evaluation of the
(ii) An assessment of the child;
(iii) An assessment of the family as
described in paragraph (c) of this
section, if the parent and family concur;
(iv) An assessment of service needs,
as described in paragraph (d) of this
section, if the child is determined to
meet the definition of an infant or
toddler with a disability in § 303.21.
(2)(i) An evaluation is the method
used to review the assessments of the
child and the family to determine a
child’s initial and continuing eligibility
under this part, consistent with the
definition of infant or toddler with a
disability in § 303.21.
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
(ii) In conducting an evaluation, no
single procedure may be used as the
sole criterion for determining a child’s
eligibility under this part.
(iii) A child’s medical and other
records may be used to establish
eligibility (without conducting an
assessment of the child and the family)
if those records contain information
required under this section regarding
the child’s level of functioning in the
developmental areas identified in
§ 303.21(a)(1).
(3) All evaluations and assessments of
the child and family must be conducted
by qualified personnel, in a
nondiscriminatory manner, in the
child’s or family’s native language (as
appropriate), and selected and
administered so as not to be racially or
culturally discriminatory.
(b) Procedures for assessment of the
child—(1) Assessment of the child
means reviewing available pertinent
records that relate to the child’s current
health status and medical history and
conducting personal observation and
assessment of the child in order to
identify the child’s unique strengths and
needs, including an identification of the
child’s level of functioning in each of
the following developmental areas:
cognitive development; physical
development, including vision and
hearing; communication development;
social or emotional development; and
adaptive development based on
objective criteria, which must include
informed clinical opinion.
(2) Qualified personnel must use their
informed clinical opinion to assess a
child’s present level of functioning in
each of the developmental areas
identified in § 303.21(a)(1) and the lead
agency must ensure that informed
clinical opinion may be used by
qualified personnel to establish a child’s
eligibility under this part even when
other instruments do not establish
eligibility, but informed clinical opinion
may not negate the results of assessment
instruments used under paragraph (b)(1)
of this section to establish eligibility.
(c) Procedures for assessment of the
family. Assessment of the family means
identification of the family’s resources,
priorities, and concerns, and the
supports and services necessary to
enhance the family’s capacity to meet
the developmental needs of the family’s
infant or toddler with a disability, as
determined not just through the use of
an assessment tool, but through a
voluntary personal interview with the
(d) Assessment of service needs. If the
child meets the definition of infant or
toddler with a disability in § 303.21, an
assessment of the service needs of the
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infant or toddler with a disability and
the child’s family must include a review
of the evaluation (including the
assessment of the child and family) and
available pertinent records and
conducting personal observation and
assessment of the infant or toddler with
a disability in order to identify the early
intervention services appropriate to
meet the child’s unique needs in each
of the developmental areas identified in
paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
(e) Timelines. (1)(i) Except as
provided in paragraph (e)(2) of this
section, the evaluation of the child
(including any assessments of the child
and family) and assessment of service
needs, as well as the initial IFSP
meeting, must be completed within 45
days from the date the lead agency
obtains parental consent to conduct an
evaluation of the child.
(ii) Lead agencies must ensure that
parental consent to conduct an
evaluation under § 303.420(a) is
obtained as soon as possible once a
child is referred for evaluation under
this part.
(2) The lead agency must develop
procedures to ensure that in the event
of exceptional circumstances that make
it impossible to complete the evaluation
(including any assessments of the child
and family) and assessment of service
needs within 45 days (e.g., if a child is
ill) from receiving parental consent,
public agencies will—
(i) Document those circumstances;
(ii) Develop and implement an
interim IFSP, to the extent appropriate
and consistent with § 303.345.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(3), 1435(a)(5),
1436(a)(1)–(2), 1436(c), 1436(d)(1)–(2))
Individualized Family Service Plans
§ 303.340 Individualized family service
Each lead agency must ensure, for
each infant or toddler with a disability,
the development, review, and
implementation of an individualized
family service plan or IFSP that—
(a) Is consistent with the definition of
that term in § 303.20; and
(b) Meets the requirements in
§§ 303.342 through 303.345 of this
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(4), 1436)
§ 303.341
§ 303.342 Procedures for IFSP
development, review, and evaluation.
(a) Meeting to develop initial IFSPtimelines. For a child who has been
evaluated for the first time and
determined to be eligible under this
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part, a meeting to develop the initial
IFSP must be conducted within the 45day time period in § 303.320(e).
(b) Periodic review. (1) A review of the
IFSP for a child and the child’s family
must be conducted every six months, or
more frequently if conditions warrant,
or if the family requests such a review.
The purpose of the periodic review is to
(i) The degree to which progress
toward achieving the outcomes is being
made; and
(ii) Whether modification or revision
of the outcomes or services is necessary.
(2) The review may be carried out by
a meeting or by another means that is
acceptable to the parents and other
(c) Annual meeting to evaluate the
IFSP. A meeting must be conducted on
at least an annual basis to evaluate the
IFSP for a child and the child’s family,
and, as appropriate, to revise its
provisions. The results of any current
evaluations conducted under § 303.320,
and other information available from the
assessment of service needs must be
used in determining what services are
needed and will be provided.
(d) Accessibility and convenience of
meetings. (1) IFSP meetings must be
(i) In settings and at times that are
convenient to families; and
(ii) In the native language of the
family or other mode of communication
used by the family, unless it is clearly
not feasible to do so.
(2) Meeting arrangements must be
made with, and written notice provided
to, the family and other participants
early enough before the meeting date to
ensure that they will be able to attend.
(e) Parental consent. The contents of
the IFSP must be fully explained to the
parents and informed consent must be
obtained prior to the provision of early
intervention services described in the
IFSP. The early intervention services for
which parental consent is obtained must
be provided.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1436)
§ 303.343 IFSP team meetings and
periodic reviews.
(a) Initial and annual IFSP team
meetings. (1) Each initial meeting and
each annual IFSP team meeting to
evaluate the IFSP must include the
following participants:
(i) The parent or parents of the child.
(ii) Other family members, as
requested by the parent, if feasible to do
(iii) An advocate or person outside of
the family, if the parent requests that the
person participate.
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(iv) The service coordinator
designated by the public agency to be
responsible for implementation of the
(v) A person or persons directly
involved in conducting the evaluations
and assessments in § 303.320.
(vi) As appropriate, persons who will
be providing services under this part to
the child or family.
(2) If a person listed in paragraph
(a)(1)(v) of this section is unable to
attend a meeting, arrangements must be
made for the person’s involvement
through other means, including one of
the following:
(i) Participating in a telephone
conference call.
(ii) Having a knowledgeable
authorized representative attend the
(iii) Making pertinent records
available at the meeting.
(b) Periodic review. Each periodic
review must provide for the
participation of persons in paragraphs
(a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(iv) of this section.
If conditions warrant, provisions must
be made for the participation of other
representatives identified in paragraph
(a) of this section.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1436(b))
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§ 303.344
Content of an IFSP.
(a) Information about the child’s
status. The IFSP must include a
statement of the child’s present levels of
physical development (including vision,
hearing, and health status), cognitive
development, communication
development, social or emotional
development, and adaptive
development based on the information
from the child’s evaluation and
assessments conducted under § 303.320.
(b) Family information. With the
concurrence of the family, the IFSP
must include a statement of the family’s
resources, priorities, and concerns
related to enhancing the development of
the child as identified through the
assessment of the family under
§ 303.320(c).
(c) Results or outcomes. The IFSP
must include a statement of the
measurable results or measurable
outcomes expected to be achieved for
the child (including pre-literacy and
language skills, as developmentally
appropriate for the child) and family,
and the criteria, procedures, and
timeliness used to determine—
(1) The degree to which progress
toward achieving the results or
outcomes is being made; and
(2) Whether modifications or
revisions of the results, outcomes or
services are necessary.
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(d) Early intervention services. (1) The
IFSP must include a statement of the
specific early intervention services,
based on peer-reviewed research (to the
extent practicable), that are necessary to
meet the unique needs of the child and
the family to achieve the results or
outcomes identified in paragraph (c) of
this section, including—
(i) The length, duration, frequency,
intensity, and method of delivering the
(ii)(A) The natural environment
setting in which early intervention
services will be provided (subject to
paragraph (d)(1)(ii)(B) of this section),
including, if applicable, a justification
of the extent, if any, to which an early
intervention service will not be
provided in a natural environment.
(B) The determination of the
appropriate setting for providing early
intervention services to an infant or
toddler with a disability, including any
justification for not providing a
particular early intervention service in
the natural environment for that child
and service, must be—
(1) Made by the IFSP team (which
includes the parent and other team
(2) Consistent with the provisions in
§§ 303.13(a)(8), 303.25, and 303.126;
(3) Based on the child’s outcomes that
are identified by the IFSP team in
paragraph (c)).
(iii) The location of the services; and
(iv) The payment arrangements, if
(2) As used in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of
this section—
(i) Frequency and intensity mean the
number of days or sessions that a
service will be provided, and whether
the service is provided on an individual
or group basis;
(ii) Method means how a service is
(iii) Length means the length of time
the service is provided during each
session of that service (such as an hour
or other specified time period); and
(iv) Duration means projecting when
a given service will no longer be
provided (such as when the child is
expected to achieve the results or
outcomes in his or her IFSP).
(3) As used in paragraph (d)(1)(iii) of
this section, location means the actual
place or places where a service will be
(4) For children who are at least three
years of age, the IFSP must include an
educational component that promotes
school readiness and incorporates preliteracy, language, and numeracy skills.
(e) Other services. To the extent
appropriate, the IFSP also must—
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(1) Identify medical and other services
that the child or family needs or is
receiving through other sources, but that
are neither required nor funded under
this part; and
(2) If those services are not currently
being provided, include a description of
the steps the service coordinator or
family may take to assist the child and
family in securing those other services.
(f) Dates and duration of services. The
IFSP must include—
(1) The projected date for the
initiation of each service in paragraph
(d)(1) of this section, which date must
be as soon as possible after the IFSP
meetings described in § 303.342; and
(2) The anticipated duration of each
(g) Service coordinator. (1) The IFSP
must include the name of the service
coordinator from the profession most
immediately relevant to the child’s or
family’s needs (or who is otherwise
qualified to carry out all applicable
responsibilities under this part), who
will be responsible for the
implementation of the early
intervention services identified in a
child’s IFSP, including transition
services, and coordination with other
agencies and persons.
(2) In meeting the requirements in
paragraph (g)(1) of this section, the term
‘‘profession’’ includes ‘‘service
(h) Transition from Part C services. (1)
The IFSP must include the steps to be
taken to support the transition of the
child, in accordance with § 303.209,
(i) Preschool services under Part B of
the Act, to the extent that those services
are appropriate;
(ii) Elementary school or preschool
services (for children participating
under § 303.211);
(iii) Early education, Head Start and
Early Head Start or child care programs;
(iv) Other appropriate services.
(2) The steps required in paragraph
(h)(1) of this section must include—
(i) Discussions with, and training of,
parents, as appropriate, regarding future
placements and other matters related to
the child’s transition;
(ii) Procedures to prepare the child for
changes in service delivery, including
steps to help the child adjust to, and
function in, a new setting;
(iii) The transmission of child find
information about the child to the LEA
or other relevant agency, in accordance
with § 303.209(b) and, with parental
consent, transmission of additional
information to the LEA to ensure
continuity of services, including
evaluation and assessment information
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
involved in the provision of early
intervention services under this part.
required in § 303.320 and copies of
IFSPs that have been developed and
implemented in accordance with
§§ 303.340 through 303.345; and
(iv) Identification of transition
services and other activities that the
IFSP team determines are necessary to
support the transition of the child.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1439(a))
§ 303.401 Confidentiality and opportunity
to examine records.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(10)(B),
1435(a)(16), 1436(d), 1437(a)(9)–(10), 1440)
§ 303.345 Provision of services before
evaluations and assessments are
Early intervention services for an
eligible child and the child’s family may
commence before the completion of the
evaluation (including the assessment of
the child and family) and assessment of
service needs in § 303.320, if the
following conditions are met:
(a) Parental consent is obtained.
(b) An interim IFSP is developed that
(1) The name of the service
coordinator who will be responsible,
consistent with § 303.344(g), for
implementation of the interim IFSP and
coordination with other agencies and
persons; and
(2) The early intervention services
that have been determined to be needed
immediately by the child and the child’s
(c) Evaluations and assessments are
completed within the 45-day timeline in
§ 303.320(e).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1436(c))
§ 303.346 Responsibility and
Each agency or person who has a
direct role in the provision of early
intervention services is responsible for
making a good faith effort to assist each
eligible child in achieving the outcomes
in the child’s IFSP. However, Part C of
the Act does not require that any agency
or person be held accountable if an
eligible child does not achieve the
growth projected in the child’s IFSP.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1436)
Subpart E—Procedural Safeguards
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
§ 303.400 General responsibility of lead
agency for procedural safeguards.
Each lead agency must—
(a) Establish or adopt the procedural
safeguards that meet the requirements of
this subpart, including the provisions
on confidentiality, parental consent and
notice, surrogate parents, and dispute
resolution; and
(b) Ensure the effective
implementation of the safeguards by
each EIS provider in the State that is
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(a) General. Each State must ensure
that the parent of a child referred under
this part is afforded the right to
confidentiality of personally identifiable
information, including the right to
written notice of, and written consent
to, the exchange of that information
among agencies, consistent with Federal
and State laws.
(b) Confidentiality procedures. Each
State must have procedures in effect to
ensure that—
(1) EIS providers comply with the Part
C confidentiality procedures in
§§ 303.402 through 303.417 (which
contain confidentiality provisions that
are consistent with, but broader than
those under, the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) in 20
U.S.C. 1232g and its regulations in 34
CFR part 99, and include additional Part
C requirements); and
(2) The parents of infants or toddlers
who are referred to, or receive services
under, this part are afforded the
opportunity to inspect and review all
Part C records about the child and the
child’s family that are collected,
maintained, or used under this part,
including records related to evaluations
and assessments, screening, eligibility
determinations, development and
implementation of IFSPs, provision of
early intervention services, individual
complaints involving the child, or any
part of the child’s early intervention
record under this part.
(c) Applicability and timeframe of
procedures. The confidentiality
procedures described in paragraph (b) of
this section apply to the personally
identifiable information of a child and
the child’s family that—
(1) Is contained in early intervention
records collected, used, or maintained
under this part by the lead agency or an
EIS provider; and
(2) Applies from the point in time
when the child is referred for early
intervention services under this part
until the later of when the lead agency
or EIS provider is no longer required to
maintain or maintains that information
under applicable Federal and State
(d) Disclosure of information. (1)
Subject to paragraph (e) of this section
and § 303.209(b)(3), the lead agency
must disclose to the LEA where the
child resides or to the SEA, in
accordance with § 303.209(b)(2), the
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following limited information that
would otherwise be determined to be
personally identifiable information
under the Act:
(i) A child’s name.
(ii) A child’s date of birth.
(iii) Parent contact information
(including parents’ names, addresses,
and telephone numbers).
(2) The information described in
paragraph (d)(1) of this section is
needed to enable the lead agency, as
well as LEAs and SEAs under Part B of
the Act, to identify all children
potentially eligible for services under
this part and Part B of the Act.
(e) Option to inform a parent about
intended disclosure. (1) A State lead
agency, through its policies and
procedures, may require public agencies
and EIS providers, prior to making the
limited disclosure described in
paragraph (d)(1) of this section, to
inform the parent of the intended
disclosure and allow the parent a
specified time period to object to the
disclosure in writing.
(2) If a parent (in a State that has
adopted the policy described in
paragraph (e)(1) of this section) objects
during the time period provided by the
State, the lead agency is not permitted
to make such a disclosure under
paragraph (d) of this section and
§ 303.209(b)(2).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1412(a)(9), 1417(c),
1435(a)(5), 1439(a)(6), 1437(a)(9), 1439(a)(2),
1439(a)(4), 1442)
Additional Confidentiality
§ 303.402
The Secretary takes appropriate
action, in accordance with section 444
of GEPA, to ensure the protection of the
confidentiality of any personally
identifiable data, information, and
records collected, maintained or used by
the Secretary and by lead agencies and
EIS providers pursuant to Part C of the
Act, and consistent with §§ 303.403
through 303.417.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1435(a)(5),
1439(a)(2), 1442)
§ 303.403
The following definitions apply to
§§ 303.402 through 303.417:
(a) Destruction means physical
destruction of the record or ensuring
that personal identifiers are removed
from a record so that the record is no
longer personally identifiable under
§ 303.29.
(b) Education records includes all
early intervention records required to be
collected, maintained, or used under
Part C of the Act and the regulations in
this part.
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(c) Participating agency means any
individual, agency, or institution that
collects, maintains, or uses personally
identifiable information and includes
the lead agency and EIS providers.
provided documentation that the parent
does not have the authority under
applicable State laws governing such
matters as custody, foster care,
guardianship, separation, and divorce.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e–3, 1417(c),
1435(a)(5), 1439(a)(2), 1442)
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1439(a)(2),
1439(a)(4), 1442)
§ 303.404
§ 303.406
Notice to parents.
The lead agency must give notice that
is adequate to fully inform parents about
the requirements of § 303.402,
(a) A description of the children on
whom personally identifiable
information is maintained, the types of
information sought, the methods the
State intends to use in gathering the
information (including the sources from
whom information is gathered), and the
uses to be made of the information;
(b) A summary of the policies and
procedures that participating agencies
must follow regarding storage,
disclosure to third parties, retention,
and destruction of personally
identifiable information; and
(c) A description of all of the rights of
parents and children regarding this
information, including the rights under
the Part C confidentiality provisions in
§§ 303.401 through 303.417.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1435(a)(5),
1439(a)(2), 1442)
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§ 303.405
Access rights.
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(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1439(a)(2),
1439(a)(4), 1442)
§ 303.411
Opportunity for a hearing.
The participating agency must, on
request, provide a parent with an
opportunity for a hearing under
§ 303.430(d) to challenge information in
education records to ensure that it is not
inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in
violation of the privacy or other rights
of the child.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1435(a)(5),
1439(a)(2), 1439(a)(4), 1442)
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1439(a)(2),
1439(a)(4), 1442)
§ 303.407
§ 303.412
Records on more than one child.
If any education record includes
information on more than one child, the
parents of those children have the right
to inspect and review only the
information relating to their child or to
be informed of that specific information.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1439(a)(2),
1439(a)(4), 1442)
§ 303.408 List of types and locations of
(a) Each participating agency must
permit parents to inspect and review
any education records relating to their
children that are collected, maintained,
or used by the agency under this part.
The agency must comply with a request
without unnecessary delay and before
any meeting regarding an IFSP, or any
hearing pursuant to §§ 303.430(d) and
303.435 through 303.439, and in no case
more than 20 days after the request has
been made.
(b) The right to inspect and review
education records under this section
(1) The right to a response from the
participating agency to reasonable
requests for explanations and
interpretations of the records;
(2) The right to request that the
participating agency provide copies of
the records containing the information if
failure to provide those copies would
effectively prevent the parent from
exercising the right to inspect and
review the records; and
(3) The right to have a representative
of the parent inspect and review the
(c) An agency shall presume that the
parent has authority to inspect and
review records relating to his or her
child unless the agency has been
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Record of access.
Each participating agency must keep
a record of parties obtaining access to
education records collected,
maintained, or used under Part C of the
Act (except access by parents and
authorized representatives and
employees of the participating agency),
including the name of the party, the
date access was given, and the purpose
for which the party is authorized to use
the records.
request within a reasonable period of
time of receipt of the request.
(c) If the participating agency decides
to refuse to amend the information in
accordance with the request, it must
inform the parent of the refusal and
advise the parent of the right to a
hearing under § 303.411.
Each participating agency must
provide parents on request a list of the
types and locations of education records
collected, maintained, or used by the
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1439(a)(2),
1439(a)(4), 1442)
§ 303.409
(a) Each participating agency may
charge a fee for copies of records that
are made for parents under this part if
the fee does not effectively prevent the
parents from exercising their right to
inspect and review those records.
(b) A participating agency may not
charge a fee to search for or to retrieve
information under this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1439(a)(2),
1439(a)(4), 1442)
§ 303.410 Amendment of records at
parent’s request.
(a) A parent who believes that
information in the education records
collected, maintained, or used under
this part is inaccurate, misleading, or
violates the privacy or other rights of the
child may request that the participating
agency that maintains the information
amend the information.
(b) The participating agency must
decide whether to amend the
information in accordance with the
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Result of hearing.
(a) If, as a result of the hearing, the
participating agency decides that the
information is inaccurate, misleading or
in violation of the privacy or other
rights of the child, it must amend the
information accordingly and so inform
the parent in writing.
(b) If, as a result of the hearing, the
agency decides that the information is
not inaccurate, misleading, or in
violation of the privacy or other rights
of the child, it must inform the parent
of the right to place in the records it
maintains on the child a statement
commenting on the information or
setting forth any reasons for disagreeing
with the decision of the agency.
(c) Any explanation placed in the
records of the child under this section
(1) Be maintained by the agency as
part of the records of the child as long
as the record or contested portion is
maintained by the agency; and
(2) If the records of the child or the
contested portion is disclosed by the
agency to any party, the explanation
must also be disclosed to the party.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1439(a)(2),
1439(a)(4), 1442)
§ 303.413
Hearing procedures.
A hearing held under § 303.411 must
be conducted according to the
procedures under 34 CFR 99.22.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1439(a)(2),
1439(a)(4), 1442)
§ 303.414
Consent prior to disclosure or
(a) Prior parental consent must be
obtained before personally identifiable
information is—
(1) Disclosed to anyone other than
authorized representatives, officials, or
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
employees of participating agencies
collecting, maintaining, or using the
information under this part, subject to
paragraph (b) of this section; or
(2) Used for any purpose other than
meeting a requirement of this part.
(b) A lead agency or participating
agency may not disclose personally
identifiable information, as defined in
§ 303.29, to any party except the lead
agency and EIS providers that are part
of the State’s Part C system without
parental consent unless authorized to do
so under paragraphs (c) and (d) of this
section, § 303.401, or the exceptions
enumerated in 34 CFR part 99, which
are adopted to apply to Part C through
this reference.
(c) The lead agency must provide
policies and procedures to be used
when a parent refuses to provide
consent under this section (such as a
meeting to explain to parents how their
failure to consent affects the ability of
their child to receive services under this
part), provided that those procedures do
not override a parent’s right to refuse
consent under § 303.420.
(d) The lead agency or participating
agency may disclose to a protection and
advocacy (P&A) system authorized
under section 143 of the Developmental
Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights
Act of 2000 (DD Act)—
(1) Contact information (including
name, address, and telephone number)
for the parent or legal guardian or
representative of an infant or toddler
with a disability when the P&A system
requests this information under section
143(a)(2)(I)(iii)(III) of the DD Act when
requested by the P&A system; or
(2) Personally identifiable information
in the early intervention records of an
infant or toddler with a disability in
order to provide the P&A system access
to the early intervention records when
the P&A system requests access under
either section 143(a)(2)(I)(iii) or section
143(a)(2)(J) of the DD Act.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1439(a)(2),
1439(a)(4), 1442 and 42 U.S.C. 15043(a)(2)(I),
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
§ 303.415
(a) Each participating agency must
protect the confidentiality of personally
identifiable information at collection,
maintenance, use, storage, disclosure,
and destruction stages.
(b) One official at each participating
agency must assume responsibility for
ensuring the confidentiality of any
personally identifiable information.
(c) All persons collecting or using
personally identifiable information must
receive training or instruction regarding
the State’s policies and procedures
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under §§ 303.401 through 303.417 and
34 CFR part 99.
(d) Each participating agency must
maintain, for public inspection, a
current listing of the names and
positions of those employees within the
agency who may have access to
personally identifiable information.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1435(a)(5),
1439(a)(2), 1439(a)(4), 1442)
§ 303.416
Destruction of information.
(a) The public agency must inform
parents when personally identifiable
information collected, maintained, or
used under this part is no longer needed
to provide services to the child under
Part C, GEPA, 20 U.S.C. 1230 through
1234i, and EDGAR, 34 CFR parts 76 and
(b) Subject to paragraph (a) of this
section, the information must be
destroyed at the request of the parents.
However, a permanent record of a
child’s name, date of birth, parent
contact information (including address,
and phone number), names of service
coordinator(s) and EIS provider(s), and
exit data (including year and age upon
exit, and any programs entered into
upon exiting) may be maintained
without time limitation.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1435(a)(5),
1439(a)(2), 1439(a)(4), 1442)
§ 303.417
The lead agency must have in effect
policies and procedures that the State
uses to ensure that its policies and
procedures are followed and that the
requirements of the Act and the
regulations in this part are met
including the sanctions and right to file
a State complaint under §§ 303.432
through 303.434 for failure to comply
with §§ 303.401 through 303.417.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1417(c), 1435(a)(5),
1439(a)(2), 1439(a)(4), 1442)
Parental Consent and Notice
§ 303.420 Parental consent and ability to
decline service.
(a) The lead agency must ensure
parental consent is obtained before—
(1) Administering screening
procedures that are used either to
(i) Whether a child is suspected of
having a disability; or
(ii) A child’s eligibility under this
(2) An evaluation and assessment of a
child is conducted under § 303.320;
(3) Early intervention services are
provided to the child under this part;
(4) Public or private insurance is used
consistent with § 303.520; and
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(5) Exchange of personally
identifiable information among agencies
consistent with § 303.401.
(b) If the parent does not give consent,
the lead agency must make reasonable
efforts to ensure that the parent—
(1) Is fully aware of the nature of the
evaluation and assessment or the
services that would be available; and
(2) Understands that the child will not
be able to receive the evaluation and
assessment or services unless consent is
(c)(1) Subject to paragraph (c)(2) of
this section, the lead agency may, but is
not required to, use the due process
hearing procedures under this part to
challenge the parent’s refusal to consent
to an evaluation and assessment of the
child for early intervention services.
(2) The lead agency may not use the
procedures described in paragraph (c)(1)
of this section to challenge the parent’s
refusal to consent to the provision of an
early intervention service or the use of
(d) The parents of an infant or toddler
with a disability—
(1) Determine whether they, their
infant or toddler with a disability, or
other family members will accept or
decline any early intervention service
under this part at any time, in
accordance with State law; and
(2) May decline a service after first
accepting it, without jeopardizing other
early intervention services under this
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1436(e), 1439(a)(3))
§ 303.421 Prior written notice and
procedural safeguards notice.
(a) General. Prior written notice must
be given to the parents of a child a
reasonable time before the lead agency
or an EIS provider proposes, or refuses,
to initiate or change the identification,
evaluation, or placement of the child, or
the provision of early intervention
services to the infant or toddler with a
disability and that infant’s or toddler’s
(b) Content of notice. The notice must
be in sufficient detail to inform the
parents about—
(1) The action that is being proposed
or refused;
(2) The reasons for taking the action;
(3) All procedural safeguards that are
available under this subpart, including
a description of mediation in § 303.431,
how to file a State complaint in
§§ 303.432 through 303.434 and a due
process complaint in the provisions
adopted under § 303.430(d), and any
timelines under those procedures.
(c) Native language. (1) The notice
must be—
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(i) Written in language
understandable to the general public;
(ii) Provided in the native language, as
defined in § 303.25, of the parent or
other mode of communication used by
the parent, unless it is clearly not
feasible to do so.
(2) If the native language or other
mode of communication of the parent is
not a written language, the public
agency or designated EIS provider shall
take steps to ensure that—
(i) The notice is translated orally or by
other means to the parent in the parent’s
native language or other mode of
(ii) The parent understands the notice;
(iii) There is written evidence that the
requirements of this paragraph have
been met.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1439(a)(6)–(7))
Surrogate Parents
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
§ 303.422
Surrogate parents.
(a) General. Each lead agency or other
public agency must ensure that the
rights of a child are protected when—
(1) No parent (as defined in § 303.27)
can be identified;
(2) The lead agency, or other public
agency, after reasonable efforts, cannot
locate a parent; or
(3) The child is a ward of the State
under the laws of that State.
(b) Duty of lead agency and other
public agencies.
(1) The duty of the lead agency, or
other public agency under paragraph (a)
of this section, includes the assignment
of an individual to act as a surrogate for
the parents. This assignment process
must include a method for—
(i) Determining whether a child needs
a surrogate parent; and
(ii) Assigning a surrogate parent to the
(2) In implementing the provisions
under this section for children who are
wards of the State or placed in foster
care, the lead agency must consult with
the public agency with whom care of
the child has been assigned.
(c) Criteria for selection of surrogate
parents. (1) The lead agency or other
public agency may select a surrogate
parent in any way permitted under State
(2) Public agencies must ensure that a
person selected as a surrogate parent—
(i) Is not an employee of the lead
agency or any other public agency or
EIS provider that provides early
intervention services or other services to
the child or any family member of the
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(ii) Has no personal or professional
interest that conflicts with the interest
of the child he or she represents; and
(iii) Has knowledge and skills that
ensure adequate representation of the
(d) Non-employee requirement;
compensation. A person who is
otherwise qualified to be a surrogate
parent under paragraph (c) of this
section is not an employee of the agency
solely because he or she is paid by the
agency to serve as a surrogate parent.
(e) Surrogate parent responsibilities.
The surrogate parent has the same rights
as a parent for all purposes under this
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1439(a)(5))
Dispute Resolution Options
§ 303.430
State dispute resolution options.
(a) General. Each statewide system
must include written procedures for the
timely administrative resolution of
complaints through mediation, State
complaint procedures, and due process
hearing procedures, described in
paragraphs (b) through (e) of this
(b) Mediation. Each lead agency must
make available to parties to disputes
involving any matter under this part the
opportunity for mediation that meets
the requirements of § 303.431.
(c) State complaint procedures. Each
lead agency must adopt written State
complaint procedures to resolve any
State complaints filed by any party
regarding any violation of this part that
meet the requirements in §§ 303.432
through 303.434.
(d) Due process hearing procedures.
In addition to adopting the procedures
in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section,
the lead agency must adopt written due
process hearing procedures to resolve
complaints with respect to a particular
child regarding any matter identified in
§ 303.421(a), by either adopting—
(1) The Part C due process hearing
procedures under section 639 of the Act
(i) Meet the requirements in
§§ 303.435 through 303.438; and
(ii) Provide a means of filing a due
process complaint regarding any matter
listed in § 303.421(a); or
(2) The Part B due process hearing
procedures under section 615 of the Act
and §§ 303.440 through 303.449 (with
either a 30-day or 45-day timeline for
resolving due process complaints, as
provided in § 303.440(c)).
(e) Status of a child during the
pendency of a due process complaint.
(1) During the pendency of any
proceeding involving a due process
complaint under paragraph (d) of this
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section, unless the lead agency and
parents of an infant or toddler with a
disability otherwise agree, the child
must continue to receive the appropriate
early intervention services in the setting
identified in the IFSP that is consented
to by the parents.
(2) If the due process complaint under
paragraph (d) of this section involves an
application for initial services under
Part C of the Act, the child must receive
those services that are not in dispute.
(3)(i) Except as provided in paragraph
(e)(3)(ii) of this section, if a child turns
three and the child’s eligibility under
§ 303.211 has not yet been determined,
then the child must continue to receive
Part C services under § 303.211(b)(4).
(ii) Once a child turns three and has
been determined ineligible for services
under Part B and § 303.211, the
provisions of paragraph (e)(1) of this
section do not apply and the lead
agency is not required to provide Part C
services to that child during the
pendency of any due process complaint
proceeding challenging the
determination of ineligibility.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1415(e), 1415(f)(1)(A),
1415(f)(3)(A)–(D), 1439(a)(8), 1439(b))
§ 303.431
(a) General. Each lead agency must
ensure that procedures are established
and implemented to allow parties to
disputes involving any matter under
this part, including matters arising prior
to the filing of a due process complaint,
to resolve disputes through a mediation
(b) Requirements. The procedures
must meet the following requirements:
(1) The procedures must ensure that
the mediation process—
(i) Is voluntary on the part of the
(ii) Is not used to deny or delay a
parent’s right to a hearing on the
parent’s due process complaint, or to
deny any other rights afforded under
Part C of the Act; and
(iii) Is conducted by a qualified and
impartial mediator who is trained in
effective mediation techniques.
(2)(i) The State must maintain a list of
individuals who are qualified mediators
and knowledgeable in laws and
regulations relating to the provision of
early intervention services.
(ii) The lead agency must select
mediators on a random, rotational, or
other impartial basis.
(3) The State must bear the cost of the
mediation process, including the costs
of meetings described in paragraph (d)
of this section.
(4) Each session in the mediation
process must be scheduled in a timely
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manner and must be held in a location
that is convenient to the parties to the
(5) If the parties resolve a dispute
through the mediation process, the
parties must execute a legally binding
agreement that sets forth that resolution
and that—
(i) States that all discussions that
occurred during the mediation process
will remain confidential and may not be
used as evidence in any subsequent due
process hearing or civil proceeding; and
(ii) Is signed by both the parent and
a representative of the agency who has
the authority to bind such agency.
(6) A written, signed mediation
agreement under this paragraph is
enforceable in any State court of
competent jurisdiction or in a district
court of the United States.
(7) Discussions that occur during the
mediation process must be confidential
and may not be used as evidence in any
subsequent due process hearing or civil
proceeding of any Federal court or State
court of a State receiving assistance
under this part.
(c) Impartiality of mediator. (1) An
individual who serves as a mediator
under this part—
(i) May not be an employee of the lead
agency or an EIS provider that is
involved in the provision of early
intervention or other services to the
child; and
(ii) Must not have a personal or
professional interest that conflicts with
the person’s objectivity.
(2) A person who otherwise qualifies
as a mediator is not an employee of a
lead agency or an early intervention
provider solely because he or she is paid
by the agency or provider to serve as a
(d) Meeting to encourage mediation. A
lead agency may establish procedures to
offer to parents and EIS providers that
choose not to use the mediation process,
an opportunity to meet, at a time and
location convenient to the parents, with
a disinterested party—
(1) Who is under contract with an
appropriate alternative dispute
resolution entity, or a parent training
and information center or community
parent resource center in the State
established under section 671 or 672 of
the Act; and
(2) Who would explain the benefits of,
and encourage the use of, the mediation
process to the parents.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1415(e), 1439(a)(8))
State Complaint Procedures
§ 303.432 Adoption of State complaint
(a) General. Each lead agency must
adopt written procedures for—
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(1) Resolving any complaint,
including a complaint filed by an
organization or individual from another
State, that meets the requirements of
§ 303.434 by providing for the filing of
a complaint with the lead agency; and
(2) Widely disseminating to parents
and other interested individuals,
including parent training and
information centers, protection and
advocacy agencies and other
appropriate entities, the State
procedures under §§ 303.432 through
(b) Remedies for denial of appropriate
services. In resolving a complaint in
which the lead agency has found a
failure to provide appropriate services,
a lead agency pursuant to its general
supervisory authority under Part C of
the Act, must address—
(1) The failure to provide appropriate
services, including corrective action
appropriate to address the needs of the
infant or toddler with a disability and
the infant’s or toddler’s family who is
the subject of the complaint; and
(2) Appropriate future provision of
services for all infants and toddlers with
disabilities and their families.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1439(a)(1))
§ 303.433 Minimum State complaint
(a) Time limit; minimum procedures.
Each lead agency must include in its
complaint procedures a time limit of 60
days after a complaint is filed under
§ 303.434 to—
(1) Carry out an independent on-site
investigation, if the lead agency
determines that an investigation is
(2) Give the complainant the
opportunity to submit additional
information, either orally or in writing,
about the allegations in the complaint;
(3) Provide the lead agency, public
agency, or EIS provider with the
opportunity to respond to the
complaint, including, at a minimum—
(i) At the discretion of the lead
agency, a proposal to resolve the
complaint; and
(ii) An opportunity for a parent who
has filed a complaint and the lead
agency, public agency, or EIS provider
to voluntarily engage in mediation,
consistent with §§ 303.430(b) and
(4) Review all relevant information
and make an independent
determination as to whether the lead
agency, public agency, or EIS provider
is violating a requirement of Part C of
the Act or of this part; and
(5) Issue a written decision to the
complainant that addresses each
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allegation in the complaint and
(i) Findings of fact and conclusions;
(ii) The reasons for the lead agency’s
final decision.
(b) Time extension; final decision;
implementation. The lead agency’s
procedures described in paragraph (a) of
this section also must—
(1) Permit an extension of the time
limit under paragraph (a) of this section
only if—
(i) Exceptional circumstances exist
with respect to a particular complaint;
(ii) The parent (or individual or
organization, if mediation is available to
the individual or organization under
State procedures) and the lead agency or
EIS provider involved agree to extend
the time to engage in mediation
pursuant to paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this
section; and
(2) Include procedures for effective
implementation of the lead agency’s
final decision, if needed, including—
(i) Technical assistance activities;
(ii) Negotiations; and
(iii) Corrective actions to achieve
(c) Complaints filed under this section
and due process hearings under
§ 303.430(d). (1) If a written complaint
is received that is also the subject of a
due process hearing under § 303.430(d),
or contains multiple issues of which one
or more are part of that hearing, the
State must set aside any part of the
complaint that is being addressed in the
due process hearing until the
conclusion of the hearing. However, any
issue in the complaint that is not a part
of the due process hearing must be
resolved using the time limit and
procedures described in paragraphs (a)
and (b) of this section.
(2) If an issue raised in a complaint
filed under this section has previously
been decided in a due process hearing
involving the same parties—
(i) The due process hearing decision
is binding on that issue; and
(ii) The lead agency must inform the
complainant to that effect.
(3) A complaint alleging a lead agency
or EIS provider’s failure to implement a
due process hearing decision must be
resolved by the lead agency.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1439(a)(1))
§ 303.434
Filing a complaint.
(a) An organization or individual may
file a signed written complaint under
the procedures described in §§ 303.432
and 303.433.
(b) The complaint must include—
(1) A statement that the lead agency,
public agency, or EIS provider has
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violated a requirement of Part C of the
Act or of this part;
(2) The facts on which the statement
is based;
(3) The signature and contact
information for the complainant; and
(4) If alleging violations with respect
to a specific child—
(i) The name and address of the
residence of the child;
(ii) The name of the EIS provider
serving the child;
(iii) A description of the nature of the
problem of the child, including facts
relating to the problem; and
(iv) A proposed resolution of the
problem to the extent known and
available to the party at the time the
complaint is filed.
(c) The complaint must allege a
violation that occurred not more than
one year prior to the date that the
complaint is received in accordance
with § 303.432.
(d) The party filing the complaint
must forward a copy of the complaint to
the public agency or EIS provider
serving the child at the same time the
party files the complaint with the lead
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1439(a)(1))
States That Choose To Adopt the Part
C Due Process Procedures Under
Section 639 of the Act
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§ 303.435 Appointment of an impartial due
process hearing officer.
(a) Qualifications and duties.
Whenever a due process complaint is
received under § 303.430(d), a due
process hearing officer must be
appointed to implement the complaint
resolution process in this subpart. The
person must—
(1) Have knowledge about the
provisions of this part and the needs of,
and early intervention services available
for, infants and toddlers with
disabilities and their families; and
(2) Perform the following duties:
(i)(A) Listen to the presentation of
relevant viewpoints about the due
process complaint.
(B) Examine all information relevant
to the issues.
(C) Seek to reach a timely resolution
of the due process complaint.
(ii) Provide a record of the
proceedings, including a written
(b) Definition of impartial. (1)
Impartial means that the due process
hearing officer appointed to implement
the due process hearing under this
(i) Is not an employee of the lead
agency or an EIS provider involved in
the provision of early intervention
services or care of the child; and
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(ii) Does not have a personal or
professional interest that would conflict
with his or her objectivity in
implementing the process.
(2) A person who otherwise qualifies
under paragraph (b)(1) of this section is
not an employee of an agency solely
because the person is paid by the agency
to implement the due process hearing
procedures or mediation procedures
under this part.
States That Choose To Adopt the Part
B Due Process Procedures Under
Section 615 of the Act
§ 303.440
Filing a due process complaint.
(a) General. Each lead agency must
ensure that the parents of a child
referred to Part C are afforded the rights
in paragraph (b) of this section in the
due process hearing carried out under
§ 303.430(d).
(b) Rights. Any parent involved in a
due process hearing has the right to—
(1) Be accompanied and advised by
counsel and by individuals with special
knowledge or training with respect to
early intervention services for infants
and toddlers with disabilities;
(2) Present evidence and confront,
cross-examine, and compel the
attendance of witnesses;
(3) Prohibit the introduction of any
evidence at the hearing that has not
been disclosed to the parent at least five
days before the hearing;
(4) Obtain a written or electronic
verbatim transcription of the hearing;
(5) Obtain written findings of fact and
(a) General. (1) A parent, EIS provider,
or a lead agency may file a due process
complaint on any of the matters
described in § 303.421(a) (relating to the
identification, evaluation or placement
of a child under Part C of the Act, or the
provision of early intervention services
to the infant or toddler with a disability
and his or her family).
(2) The due process complaint must
allege a violation that occurred not more
than two years before the date the
parent or public agency knew or should
have known about the alleged action
that forms the basis of the due process
complaint, or, if the State has an explicit
time limitation for filing a due process
complaint under this part, in the time
allowed by that State law, except that
the exceptions to the timeline described
in § 303.443(f) apply to the timeline in
this section.
(b) Information for parents. The lead
agency must inform the parent of any
free or low-cost legal and other relevant
services available in the area if—
(1) The parent requests the
information; or
(2) The parent or EIS provider files a
due process complaint under this
(c) Timeline for Resolution. The lead
agency may adopt a 30- or 45-day
timeline, subject to § 303.447(a), for the
resolution of due process complaints
and must specify in its written policies
and procedures under § 303.123 and in
its prior written notice under § 303.421,
the specific timeline it has adopted.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1439(a))
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1415(b)(6), 1439)
§ 303.437 Convenience of hearings and
§ 303.441
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1439(a)(1))
§ 303.436 Parental rights in due process
hearing proceedings.
(a) Any due process hearing
conducted under this subpart must be
carried out at a time and place that is
reasonably convenient to the parents.
(b) Each lead agency must ensure that,
not later than 30 days after the receipt
of a parent’s due process complaint, the
due process hearing required under this
subpart is completed and a written
decision mailed to each of the parties.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1439(a)(1))
§ 303.438
Civil action.
Any party aggrieved by the findings
and decision issued pursuant to a due
process complaint has the right to bring
a civil action in State or Federal court
under section 639(a)(1) of the Act.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1439(a)(1))
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Due process complaint.
(a) General. (1) The lead agency must
have procedures that require either
party, or the attorney representing a
party, to provide to the other party a due
process complaint (which must remain
(2) The party filing a due process
complaint must forward a copy of the
due process complaint to the lead
(b) Content of complaint. The due
process complaint required in paragraph
(a)(1) of this section must include—
(1) The name of the child;
(2) The address of the residence of the
(3) The name of the EIS provider
serving the child;
(4) In the case of a homeless child
(within the meaning of section 725(2) of
the McKinney-Vento Homeless
Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11434a(2)),
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available contact information for the
child, and the name of the EIS provider
serving the child;
(5) A description of the nature of the
problem of the child relating to the
proposed or refused initiation or
change, including facts relating to the
problem; and
(6) A proposed resolution of the
problem to the extent known and
available to the party at the time.
(c) Notice required before a hearing
on a due process complaint. A party
may not have a hearing on a due process
complaint until the party, or the
attorney representing the party, files a
due process complaint that meets the
requirements of paragraph (b) of this
(d) Sufficiency of complaint. (1) The
due process complaint required by this
section must be deemed sufficient
unless the party receiving the due
process complaint notifies the hearing
officer and the other party in writing,
within 15 days of receipt of the due
process complaint, that the receiving
party believes the due process
complaint does not meet the
requirements in paragraph (b) of this
(2) Within five days of receipt of
notification under paragraph (d)(1) of
this section, the hearing officer must
make a determination on the face of the
due process complaint of whether the
due process complaint meets the
requirements of paragraph (b) of this
section, and must immediately notify
the parties in writing of that
(3) A party may amend its due process
complaint only if—
(i) The other party consents in writing
to the amendment and is given the
opportunity to resolve the due process
complaint through a meeting held
pursuant to § 303.442; or
(ii) The hearing officer grants
permission, except that the hearing
officer may only grant permission to
amend at any time not later than five
days before the due process hearing
(4) If a party files an amended due
process complaint, the timelines for the
resolution meeting in § 303.442(a) and
the time period to resolve in
§ 303.442(b) begin again with the filing
of the amended due process complaint.
(e) Lead agency response to a due
process complaint. (1) If the lead agency
has not sent a prior written notice under
§ 303.421 to the parent regarding the
subject matter contained in the parent’s
due process complaint, the lead agency
or EIS provider must, within 10 days of
receiving the due process complaint,
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send to the parent a response that
(i) An explanation of why the lead
agency proposed or refused to take the
action raised in the due process
(ii) A description of other options that
the IFSP team considered and the
reasons why those options were
(iii) A description of each evaluation
procedure, assessment, record, or report
the lead agency used as the basis for the
proposed or refused action; and
(iv) A description of the other factors
that are relevant to the agency’s
proposed or refused action.
(2) A response by the lead agency
under paragraph (e)(1) of this section
shall not be construed to preclude the
lead agency from asserting that the
parent’s due process complaint was
insufficient, where appropriate.
(f) Other party response to a due
process complaint. Except as provided
in paragraph (e) of this section, the party
receiving a due process complaint must,
within 10 days of receiving the due
process complaint, send to the other
party a response that specifically
addresses the issues raised in the due
process complaint.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1415(b)(7), 1415(c)(2),
§ 303.442
Resolution process.
(a) Resolution meeting. (1) Within 15
days of receiving notice of the parent’s
due process complaint, and prior to the
initiation of a due process hearing under
§ 303.443, the lead agency must convene
a meeting with the parent and the
relevant member or members of the
IFSP team who have specific knowledge
of the facts identified in the due process
complaint that—
(i) Includes a representative of the
lead agency who has decision-making
authority on behalf of that agency; and
(ii) May not include an attorney of the
lead agency unless the parent is
accompanied by an attorney.
(2) The purpose of the meeting is for
the parent of the child to discuss the
due process complaint, and the facts
that form the basis of the due process
complaint, so that the lead agency has
the opportunity to resolve the dispute
that is the basis for the due process
(3) The meeting described in
paragraph (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section
need not be held if—
(i) The parent and lead agency agree
in writing to waive the meeting; or
(ii) The parent and lead agency agree
to use the mediation process described
in § 303.431.
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(4) The parent and the lead agency
must determine the relevant members of
the IFSP team to attend the meeting.
(b) Resolution period. (1) If the lead
agency has not resolved the due process
complaint to the satisfaction of the
parties within 30 days of the receipt of
the due process complaint, the due
process hearing may occur.
(2) Except as provided in paragraph
(c) of this section, the timeline for
issuing a final decision under § 303.447
begins at the expiration of the 30-day
period in paragraph (b)(1) of this
(3) Except where the parties have
jointly agreed to waive the resolution
process or to use mediation,
notwithstanding paragraphs (b)(1) and
(2) of this section, the failure of the
parent filing a due process complaint to
participate in the resolution meeting
will delay the timelines for the
resolution process and due process
hearing until the meeting is held.
(4) If the lead agency is unable to
obtain the participation of the parent in
the resolution meeting after reasonable
efforts have been made, including
documenting its efforts, the lead agency,
may at the conclusion of the 30-day
period, request that a hearing officer
dismiss the parent’s due process
(5) If the lead agency fails to hold the
resolution meeting specified in
paragraph (a) of this section within 15
days of receiving notice of a parent’s
due process complaint or fails to
participate in the resolution meeting,
the parent may seek the intervention of
a hearing officer to begin the due
process hearing timeline.
(c) Adjustments to 30-day resolution
period. The 30- or 45-day timeline
adopted by the lead agency under
§ 303.440(c) for the due process hearing
described in § 303.447(a) starts the day
after one of the following events:
(1) Both parties agree in writing to
waive the resolution meeting.
(2) After either the mediation or
resolution meeting starts but before the
end of the 30-day period, the parties
agree in writing that no agreement is
(3) If both parties agree in writing to
continue the mediation at the end of the
30-day resolution period, but later, the
parent or lead agency withdraws from
the mediation process.
(d) Written settlement agreement. If a
resolution to the dispute is reached at
the meeting described in paragraph
(a)(1) and (2) of this section, the parties
must execute a legally binding
agreement that is—
(1) Signed by both the parent and a
representative of the lead agency who
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has the authority to bind the agency;
(2) Enforceable in any State court of
competent jurisdiction or in a district
court of the United States, or, by the
lead agency, if the State has other
mechanisms or procedures that permit
parties to seek enforcement of resolution
agreements pursuant to this section.
(e) Agreement review period. If the
parties execute an agreement pursuant
to paragraph (d) of this section, a party
may void the agreement within three
business days of the agreement’s
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1415(f)(1)(B), 1439)
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§ 303.443
Impartial due process hearing.
(a) General. Whenever a due process
complaint is received consistent with
§ 303.440, the parents or the EIS
provider involved in the dispute must
have an opportunity for an impartial
due process hearing, consistent with the
procedures in §§ 303.440 through
(b) Agency responsible for conducting
the due process hearing. The hearing
described in paragraph (a) of this
section must be conducted by the lead
agency directly responsible for the early
intervention services of the infant or
toddler, as determined under State
statute, State regulation, or a written
policy of the lead agency.
(c) Impartial hearing officer. (1) At a
minimum, a hearing officer—
(i) Must not be—
(A) An employee of the State, lead
agency, or the EIS provider that is
involved in the early intervention
services or care of the infant or toddler;
(B) A person having a personal or
professional interest that conflicts with
the person’s objectivity in the hearing;
(ii) Must possess knowledge of, and
the ability to understand, the provisions
of the Act, Federal and State regulations
pertaining to the Act, and legal
interpretations of the Act by Federal and
State courts;
(iii) Must possess the knowledge and
ability to conduct hearings in
accordance with appropriate, standard
legal practice; and
(iv) Must possess the knowledge and
ability to render and write decisions in
accordance with appropriate, standard
legal practice.
(2) A person who otherwise qualifies
to conduct a hearing under paragraph
(c)(1) of this section is not an employee
of the agency solely because he or she
is paid by the agency to serve as a
hearing officer.
(3) Each public agency must keep a
list of the persons who serve as hearing
officers. The list must include a
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statement of the qualifications of each of
those persons.
(d) Subject matter of due process
hearings. The party requesting the due
process hearing may not raise issues at
the due process hearing that were not
raised in the due process complaint
filed under § 303.441(b), unless the
other party agrees otherwise.
(e) Timeline for requesting a hearing.
A parent, lead agency, or EIS provider
must request an impartial hearing on
their due process complaint within two
years of the date the parent, lead agency,
or EIS provider knew or should have
known about the alleged action that
forms the basis of the due process
complaint, or if the State has an explicit
time limitation for requesting such a
due process hearing under this part, in
the time allowed by that State law.
(f) Exceptions to the timeline. The
timeline described in paragraph (e) of
this section does not apply to a parent
if the parent was prevented from filing
a due process complaint due to—
(1) Specific misrepresentations by the
lead agency or EIS provider that it had
resolved the problem forming the basis
of the due process complaint; or
(2) The lead agency’s or EIS provider’s
failure to provide the parent information
that was required under this part to be
provided to the parent.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1415(f)(1)(A),
1415(f)(3)(A)–(D), 1439)
§ 303.444
Hearing rights.
(a) General. Any party to a hearing
conducted pursuant to §§ 303.440
through 303.445, or an appeal
conducted pursuant to § 303.446, has
the right to—
(1) Be accompanied and advised by
counsel and by individuals with special
knowledge or training with respect to
the problems of infants or toddlers with
(2) Present evidence and confront,
cross-examine, and compel the
attendance of witnesses;
(3) Prohibit the introduction of any
evidence at the hearing that has not
been disclosed to that party at least five
business days before the hearing;
(4) Obtain a written, or, at the option
of the parents, electronic, verbatim
record of the hearing; and
(5) Obtain written, or, at the option of
the parents, electronic findings of fact
and decisions.
(b) Additional disclosure of
information. (1) At least five business
days prior to a hearing conducted
pursuant to § 303.443(a), each party
must disclose to all other parties all
evaluations completed by that date and
recommendations based on the offering
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party’s evaluations that the party
intends to use at the hearing.
(2) A hearing officer may bar any
party that fails to comply with
paragraph (b)(1) of this section from
introducing the relevant evaluation or
recommendation at the hearing without
the consent of the other party.
(c) Parental rights at hearings. Parents
involved in hearings must be given the
right to—
(1) Have the child who is the subject
of the hearing present;
(2) Open the hearing to the public;
(3) Have the record of the hearing and
the findings of fact and decisions
described in paragraphs (a)(4) and (a)(5)
of this section provided at no cost to
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1415(f)(2), 1415(h),
§ 303.445
Hearing decisions.
(a) Decision of hearing officer. (1)
Subject to paragraph (a)(2) of this
section, a hearing officer must make a
determination, based on substantive
grounds, of whether the child was
appropriately identified, placed, or
evaluated, or whether the infant or
toddler with a disability and his or her
family were appropriately provided
early intervention services under Part C
of the Act.
(2) In matters alleging a procedural
violation, a hearing officer may find that
a child did not receive appropriate
identification, evaluation, placement, or
provision of early intervention services
for the child and that child’s family
under Part C of the Act only if the
procedural inadequacies—
(i) Impeded the child’s right to
identification, evaluation, and
placement or provision of early
intervention services for the child and
that child’s family under Part C of the
(ii) Significantly impeded the parents’
opportunity to participate in the
decision-making process regarding
identification, evaluation, placement or
provision of early intervention services
for the child and that child’s family
under Part C of the Act; or
(iii) Caused a deprivation of
educational or developmental benefit.
(3) Nothing in paragraph (a) of this
section shall be construed to preclude a
hearing officer from ordering the lead
agency or EIS provider to comply with
procedural requirements under
§§ 303.400 through 303.449.
(b) Construction clause. Nothing in
§§ 303.440 through 303.445 shall be
construed to affect the right of a parent
to file an appeal of the due process
hearing decision with the lead agency
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under § 303.446(b), if a lead agency
level appeal is available.
(c) Separate due process complaint.
Nothing in §§ 303.440 through 303.449
shall be construed to preclude a parent
from filing a separate due process
complaint on an issue separate from a
due process complaint already filed.
(d) Findings and decisions to general
public. The lead agency, after deleting
any personally identifiable information,
must make the findings and decisions
available to the public.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1415(f)(3)(E)–(F),
1415(h)(4), 1415(o), 1439)
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§ 303.446 Finality of decision; appeal;
impartial review.
(a) Finality of hearing decision. A
decision made in a hearing conducted
pursuant to §§ 303.440 through 303.445
is final, except that any party involved
in the hearing may appeal the decision
under the provisions of paragraph (b) of
this section and § 303.448.
(b) Appeal of decisions; impartial
review. (1) If the hearing required by
§ 303.443 is conducted by a public
agency other than the lead agency, any
party aggrieved by the findings and
decision in the hearing may appeal to
the lead agency.
(2) If there is an appeal, the lead
agency must conduct an impartial
review of the findings and decision
appealed. The official conducting the
review must—
(i) Examine the entire hearing record;
(ii) Ensure that the procedures at the
hearing were consistent with the
requirements of due process;
(iii) Seek additional evidence if
necessary. If a hearing is held to receive
additional evidence, the rights in
§ 303.444 apply;
(iv) Afford the parties an opportunity
for oral or written argument, or both, at
the discretion of the reviewing official;
(v) Make an independent decision on
completion of the review; and
(vi) Give a copy of the written, or, at
the option of the parents, electronic
findings of fact and decisions to the
(c) Findings of fact and decision to the
general public. The lead agency, after
deleting any personally identifiable
information, must make the findings of
fact and decisions described in
paragraph (b)(2)(vi) of this section
available to the general public.
(d) Finality of review decision. The
decision made by the reviewing official
is final unless a party brings a civil
action under § 303.448.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1415(g), 1415(h)(4),
1415(i)(1)(A), 1415(i)(2), 1439)
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§ 303.447 Timelines and convenience of
hearings and reviews.
(a) The lead agency must ensure that
not later than either 30 days or 45 days
(consistent with the lead agency’s
written policies and procedures adopted
under § 303.440(c)) after the expiration
of the 30-day period in § 303.442(b), or
the adjusted 30-day time periods
described in § 303.442(c)—
(1) A final decision is reached in the
hearing; and
(2) A copy of the decision is mailed
to each of the parties.
(b) The lead agency must ensure that
not later than 30 days after the receipt
of a request for a review—
(1) A final decision is reached in the
review; and
(2) A copy of the decision is mailed
to each of the parties.
(c) A hearing or reviewing officer may
grant specific extensions of time beyond
the periods set out in paragraphs (a) and
(b) of this section at the request of either
(d) Each hearing and each review
involving oral arguments must be
conducted at a time and place that is
reasonably convenient to the parents
and child involved.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1415(f)(1)(B)(ii),
1415(g), 1415(i)(1), 1439)
§ 303.448
Civil action.
(a) General. Any party aggrieved by
the findings and decision made under
§§ 303.440 through 303.445 who does
not have the right to an appeal under
§ 303.446(b), and any party aggrieved by
the findings and decision under
§ 303.446(b), has the right to bring a
civil action with respect to the due
process complaint under § 303.440. The
action may be brought in any State court
of competent jurisdiction or in a district
court of the United States without
regard to the amount in controversy.
(b) Time limitation. The party
bringing the action shall have 90 days
from the date of the decision of the
hearing officer or, if applicable, the
decision of the State review official, to
file a civil action, or, if the State has an
explicit time limitation for bringing civil
actions under Part C of the Act, in the
time allowed by that State law.
(c) Additional requirements. In any
action brought under paragraph (a) of
this section, the court—
(1) Receives the records of the
administrative proceedings;
(2) Hears additional evidence at the
request of a party; and
(3) Basing its decision on the
preponderance of the evidence, grants
the relief that the court determines to be
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(d) Jurisdiction of district courts. The
district courts of the United States have
jurisdiction of actions brought under
section 615 of the Act without regard to
the amount in controversy.
(e) Rule of construction. Nothing in
this part restricts or limits the rights,
procedures, and remedies available
under the Constitution, the Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990, title V of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or other
Federal laws protecting the rights of
children with disabilities, except that
before the filing of a civil action under
these laws seeking relief that is also
available under section 615 of the Act,
the procedures under §§ 303.440 and
303.446 must be exhausted to the same
extent as would be required had the
action been brought under section 615
of the Act.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1415(i)(2),
1415(i)(3)(A), 1415(l), 1439)
§ 303.449
State enforcement mechanisms.
Notwithstanding §§ 303.431(b)(6) and
303.442(d)(2), which provide for
judicial enforcement of a written
agreement reached as a result of a
mediation or a resolution meeting, there
is nothing in this part that would
prevent the State from using other
mechanisms to seek enforcement of that
agreement, provided that use of those
mechanisms is not mandatory and does
not delay or deny a party the right to
seek enforcement of the written
agreement in a State court or competent
jurisdiction or in a district court of the
United States.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1415(e)(2)(F),
1415(f)(1)(B), 1439)
Subpart F—Use of Funds and Payor of
Last Resort
§ 303.500
Use of funds and payor of last
Each Statewide system must include
written policies and procedures that
meet the requirements of the—
(a) Use of funds provisions in
§ 303.501; and
(b) Payor of last resort provisions in
§§ 303.510 through 303.521 (regarding
the identification and coordination of
funding resources for, and the provision
of, early intervention services under
Part C of the Act within the State).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1432(4)(B), 1435(a)(10),
1435(a)(12), 1438, 1439(a)(2), 1440)
Use of Funds
§ 303.501 Permissive use of funds by the
lead agency.
A lead agency may use funds under
this part for activities or expenses that
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are reasonable and necessary for
implementing the State’s early
intervention program for infants and
toddlers with disabilities including
(a) For direct early intervention
services for infants and toddlers with
disabilities and their families under this
part that are not otherwise funded
through other public or private sources
(subject to §§ 303.510 through 303.521);
(b) To expand and improve on
services for infants and toddlers with
disabilities and their families under this
part that are otherwise available;
(c)(1) To provide FAPE as that term is
defined in § 303.15, in accordance with
Part B of the Act, to children with
disabilities from their third birthday to
the beginning of the following school
(2) The provision of FAPE under
paragraph (c)(1) of this section does not
apply to children who continue to
receive early intervention services
under this part in accordance with
paragraph (d) of this section and
§ 303.211;
(d) With the written consent of the
parents, to continue to provide early
intervention services under this part, in
lieu of FAPE provided in accordance
with Part B of the Act, to children with
disabilities from their third birthday
(pursuant to § 303.211) until those
children enter, or are eligible under
State law to enter, kindergarten; and
(e) In any State that does not provide
services under § 303.204 for at-risk
infants and toddlers as defined in
§ 303.5, to strengthen the statewide
system by initiating, expanding, or
improving collaborative efforts related
to at-risk infants and toddlers, including
establishing linkages with appropriate
public and private community-based
organizations, services, and personnel
for the purposes of—
(1) Identifying and evaluating at-risk
infants and toddlers;
(2) Making referrals for the infants
and toddlers identified and evaluated
under paragraph (e)(1) of this section;
(3) Conducting periodic follow-up on
each referral, to determine if the status
of the infant or toddler involved has
changed with respect to the eligibility of
the infant or toddler for services under
this part.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(10), 1438)
Payor of Last Resort
§ 303.510
Payor of last resort.
(a) Nonsubstitution of funds. Except
as provided in paragraph (b) of this
section, funds under this part may not
be used to satisfy a financial
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commitment for services that would
otherwise have been paid for from
another public or private source,
including any medical program
administered by the Department of
Defense, but for the enactment of Part C
of the Act. Therefore, funds under this
part may be used only for early
intervention services that an infant or
toddler with a disability needs but is not
currently entitled to receive or have
payment made from any other Federal,
State, local, or private source (subject to
§§ 303.520 and 303.521).
(b) Interim payments—
reimbursement. If necessary to prevent
a delay in the timely provision of
appropriate early intervention services
to a child or the child’s family, funds
under this part may be used to pay the
provider of services (for services and
functions authorized under this part,
including health services as defined in
§ 303.16 (but not medical services),
child find functions described in
§§ 303.115 through 303.117 and
§§ 303.300 through 303.303, and
evaluations and assessments in
§ 303.320), pending reimbursement from
the agency or entity that has ultimate
responsibility for the payment.
(c) Non-reduction of benefits. Nothing
in this part may be construed to permit
a State to reduce medical or other
assistance available or to alter eligibility
under Title V of the Social Security Act,
42 U.S.C. 701 et seq., (SSA) (relating to
maternal and child health) or Title XIX
of the SSA, 42 U.S.C. 1396 (relating to
Medicaid), within the State.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1440(a), 1440(c))
§ 303.511 Establishing financial
responsibility for, and methods of, ensuring
(a) General. Each State must ensure
that it has in place methods for
establishing financial responsibility
(consistent with the methods adopted
under Part B of the Act, where
appropriate) and providing early
intervention services under this part.
The methods must meet the
requirements of this subpart, and be set
forth in—
(1) State law or regulation;
(2) Signed interagency and intraagency agreements between respective
agency officials that clearly identify the
financial and service provision
responsibilities of each agency (or entity
within the agency); or
(3) Other appropriate written methods
determined by the Governor of the State,
or the Governor’s designee, and
approved by the Secretary through the
review and approval of the State’s
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(b) Financial responsibility. Each
method must define the financial
responsibility of each agency for paying
for early intervention services or other
functions authorized under this part
including child find and evaluations
and assessments (consistent with State
law and the requirements of this part).
(c) Procedures for resolving disputes.
(1) Each method must include
procedures for achieving a timely
resolution of intra-agency and
interagency disputes about payments for
a given service, or disputes about other
matters related to the State’s early
intervention service program. Those
procedures must include a mechanism
for resolution of intra-agency disputes
within agencies and for the Governor,
Governor’s designee, or the lead agency
to make a final determination for
interagency disputes, which
determination must be binding upon the
agencies involved.
(2) The method must—
(i) Permit the agency to resolve its
own internal disputes (based on the
agency’s procedures that are included in
the agreement), so long as the agency
acts in a timely manner; and
(ii) Include the process that the lead
agency will follow in achieving
resolution of intra-agency disputes, if a
given agency is unable to resolve its
own internal disputes in a timely
(3) If, during the lead agency’s
resolution of the dispute, the Governor,
Governor’s designee, or lead agency
determines that the assignment of
financial responsibility under this
section was inappropriately made—
(i) The Governor, Governor’s designee
or lead agency must reassign the
responsibility to the appropriate agency;
(ii) The lead agency must make
arrangements for reimbursement of any
expenditures incurred by the agency
originally assigned responsibility.
(d) Delivery of services in a timely
manner. The methods adopted by the
State under this section must—
(1) Include a mechanism to ensure
that no services that a child is entitled
to receive under this part are delayed or
denied because of disputes between
agencies regarding financial or other
responsibilities; and
(2) Be consistent with the written
funding policies adopted by the State
under this subpart.
(e) Additional components. Each
method must include any additional
components necessary to ensure
effective cooperation and coordination
among, and the lead agency’s general
supervision (including monitoring) of,
all public agencies and early
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intervention service providers involved
in the State’s early intervention service
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1435(a)(10), 1440(b))
Use of Insurance, Benefits, Systems of
Payments, and Fees
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
§ 303.520 Policies related to use of
insurance or public benefits for payment for
(a) Public insurance and benefits. (1)
The State may use the public insurance
or benefits program of a parent or infant
or toddler with a disability under this
part (consistent with the program
requirements of the public insurance or
benefits program), if—
(i) The parent or the infant or toddler
with a disability is already enrolled or
participating in a public insurance or
benefits program, provided that the
parent provides consent as defined in
§ 303.7 to disclose personally
identifiable information if required
under § 303.414;
(ii) The parent has not provided
consent under §§ 303.7, 303.414, or
303.420(a)(3), but the infant or toddler
with a disability is in foster care and
eligible to participate in the public
insurance or benefits program; or
(iii) The parent is not enrolled in a
public insurance or benefits program
but agrees to enroll and provides
consent to enroll in a public insurance
or benefits program in accordance with
§§ 303.7, 303.414, and 303.420(a)(3).
(2) If the State requires a parent to pay
any types of costs that the parent may
incur as a result of participating in a
public insurance or benefits program
(such as co-payments, premiums or
deductibles or the required use of
private insurance as the primary
insurance), those types of costs must be
identified in the State’s policies
regarding its system of payments under
§ 303.521; otherwise, the State will not
be allowed to charge those costs to the
(3) In obtaining parental consent
required under this section, the lead
agency must provide a copy of the
State’s system of payments policies that
identify potential costs that the parent
may incur while enrolled in a public
insurance or benefits program (such as
co-payments, premiums or deductibles
or the required use of private insurance
as the primary insurance by the public
insurance or public benefits program).
(b) Private insurance. (1)(i) Except as
provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this
section, the State may use the private
insurance of a parent to pay for services
under this part only if the parent
provides consent to do so in accordance
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with §§ 303.7, 303.414, and
(ii) If the State requires a parent to pay
any types of costs that the parent may
incur as a result of the State’s use of
private insurance to pay for early
intervention services, those types of
costs (such as deductibles or copayments) must be identified in the
State’s system of payments policies
under § 303.521; otherwise, the State
will not be allowed to charge those costs
to the parent.
(iii) In obtaining parental consent
required under this section, the lead
agency must provide a copy of the
State’s system of payments policies that
identify the potential types of costs that
the parent may incur while enrolled in
a private insurance program (such as copayments, premiums or deductibles).
(iv) If a parent or family is determined
unable to pay under the State’s
definition of inability to pay under
§ 303.521(a)(3) and does not provide
consent under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this
section, the lack of consent may not be
used to delay or deny any services
under this part to a child or the family.
(2) The parental consent requirements
in paragraph (b)(1) of this section do not
apply if the State has enacted a State
statute regarding private health
insurance coverage for early
intervention services under Part C of the
Act that ensures that the use of private
health insurance to pay for Part C
services cannot—
(i) Count towards the lifetime
coverage caps for the infant or toddler
with a disability and parents under their
health insurance;
(ii) Negatively affect the availability of
health insurance to the infant or toddler
with a disability and family, and health
insurance coverage may not be
discontinued due to the use of the
health insurance to pay for services
under Part C of the Act; or
(iii) Be the basis for increasing the
health insurance premiums of the infant
or toddler with a disability or the child’s
(3) If a State has enacted a State
statute that meets the requirements in
paragraph (b)(2) of this section regarding
private health insurance coverage to pay
for early intervention services under
Part C of the Act, the State may
reestablish in the next Federal fiscal
year following the effective date of the
statute, a new baseline of State and local
expenditures under § 303.225(b).
(c) Proceeds or funds from public
insurance or benefits or from private
insurance. (1) Proceeds or funds from
public insurance or public benefits or
from private insurance are not treated as
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program income for purposes of 34 CFR
(2) If the State receives
reimbursements from Federal funds
(e.g., Medicaid reimbursements
attributable directly to Federal funds)
for services under Part C of the Act,
those funds are considered neither State
nor local funds under § 303.225(b).
(3) If the State spends funds from a
State public insurance or benefits
program or the State portion of a Federal
public benefits program (such as the
State portion of Medicaid costs) for
services under this part, those funds
may be considered State or local funds
under § 303.225(b); however, if a State
elects to include such funds for
purposes of nonsupplanting provisions
in § 303.225(b), it must continue to
aggregate such amounts for all future
(4) If the State spends funds from
private insurance for services under this
part, those funds are considered neither
State nor local funds under § 303.225.
(d) Funds received under a State’s
system of payments. Funds received by
the State from a parent or family under
the State’s system of payments
established under § 303.521 are
considered program income under 34
CFR 80.25. These funds—
(1) Do not need to be deducted from
the total allowable costs charged under
Part C of the Act (as set forth in 34 CFR
(2) Must be used for the State’s Part
C early intervention services program,
consistent with 34 CFR 80.25(g)(2); and
(3) Are considered neither State nor
local funds under § 303.225(b).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1432(4)(B), 1435(a)(10),
§ 303.521
System of payments and fees.
(a) General. A State may establish,
consistent with §§ 303.13(a)(3) and
303.203(b), a system of payments for
early intervention services under Part C
of the Act, including a schedule of
sliding fees or cost participation fees
(such as co-pays or deductible amounts)
required to be paid under Federal, State,
local, or private programs of insurance
or benefits for which the infant or
toddler with a disability or family is
enrolled, that meets the requirements of
§§ 303.520 and 303.521. The State’s
system of payments policies must be in
writing and specify which functions or
services, if any, will be subject to a
system of payments (including any fees
charged to the family as a result of using
the family’s public or private
insurance), and include—
(1) The payment system and schedule
of sliding or cost participation fees that
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may be charged to the parent for early
intervention services under this part;
(2) The basis and amount of payments
or fees;
(3) The State’s definition of inability
to pay (including its definition of
income and family expenses); and
(4) An assurance that—
(i) Fees will not be charged to parents
for the services that a child is otherwise
entitled to receive at no cost (including
those services identified under
paragraphs (a)(4)(ii), (b), and (c) of this
(ii) The inability of the parents of an
infant or toddler with a disability to pay
for services will not result in a delay or
denial of services under this part to the
child or the child’s family such that, if
the parent or family meets the State’s
definition of inability to pay, the infant
or toddler with a disability must be
provided all Part C services at no cost
including any costs to the family under
this section and § 303.520(a)(2) and
(b)(1)(ii); and
(iii) Families will not be charged any
more than the actual cost of the Part C
service, and families with public
insurance or benefits or private
insurance will not be charged
disproportionately more than families
who do not have public insurance or
benefits or private insurance;
(5) Provisions stating that the failure
to provide the requisite income
information and documentation may
result in a charge of a fee on the fee
schedule and specify the fee to be
charged; and
(6) Provisions that allow but do not
require the lead agency to use Part C or
other funds to pay for any costs or fees
to be paid by a parent under paragraph
(a)(1) of this section, or § 303.520(a)(2)
or (b)(1)(ii). However, for a parent
determined unable to pay under
§ 303.521(a)(4)(ii), the lead agency must
use Part C or other funds to cover the
costs for the parent.
(b) Functions not subject to fees. The
following are required functions that
must be carried out at public expense by
a State, and for which no fees may be
charged to parents:
(1) Implementing the child find
requirements in §§ 303.301 through
(2) Evaluation and assessment, in
accordance with § 303.320, and
including the functions related to
evaluation and assessment in
§ 303.13(b).
(3) Service coordination services, as
defined in §§ 303.13(b)(9) and 303.33.
(4) Administrative and coordinative
activities related to—
(i) The development, review, and
evaluation of IFSPs and interim IFSPs in
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accordance with §§ 303.342 through
303.345; and
(ii) Implementation of the procedural
safeguards in subpart E of this part and
the other components of the statewide
system of early intervention services in
subpart D and this subpart.
(c) States with FAPE mandates, or
that use funds under Part B of the Act
to serve children under age three. If a
State has in effect a State law requiring
the provision of FAPE for, or uses Part
B funds to serve, an infant or toddler
with a disability under the age of three
(or any subset of infants and toddlers
with disabilities under the age of three),
the State may not charge the parents of
the infant or toddler with a disability for
any services (e.g., physical or
occupational therapy) under this part
that are part of FAPE for that infant or
toddler and family, and those FAPE
services must meet the requirements of
both Parts B and C of the Act.
(d) Family fees. (1) Fees or costs
collected from a parent or the child’s
family to pay for early intervention
services under a State’s system of
payments are program income under 34
CFR 80.25. A State may add this
program income to its Part C grant
funds, rather than deducting the
program income from the amount of the
State’s Part C grant. Any fees collected
must be used for the purposes of the
grant under Part C of the Act.
(2) Fees collected under a system of
payments are considered neither State
nor local funds under § 303.225(b).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1432(4)(B), 1440)
Subpart G—State Interagency
Coordinating Council
§ 303.600
Establishment of Council.
(a) A State that desires to receive
financial assistance under Part C of the
Act must establish a State Interagency
Coordinating Council (Council) as
defined in § 303.8.
(b) The Council must be appointed by
the Governor. The Governor must
ensure that the membership of the
Council reasonably represents the
population of the State.
(c) The Governor must designate a
member of the Council to serve as the
chairperson of the Council or require
the Council to do so. Any member of the
Council who is a representative of the
lead agency designated under § 303.201
may not serve as the chairperson of the
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1441(a))
§ 303.601
(a) The Council must be composed as
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(1)(i) At least 20 percent of the
members must be parents, including
minority parents, of infants or toddlers
with disabilities or children with
disabilities aged 12 years or younger,
with knowledge of, or experience with,
programs for infants and toddlers with
(ii) At least one parent member must
be a parent of an infant or toddler with
a disability or a child with a disability
aged six years or younger.
(iii) A parent member may not be an
employee of a public or private agency
involved in providing early intervention
(2) At least 20 percent of the members
must be public or private providers of
early intervention services.
(3) At least one member must be from
the State legislature.
(4) At least one member must be
involved in personnel preparation.
(5) At least one member must—
(i) Be from each of the State agencies
involved in the provision of, or payment
for, early intervention services to infants
and toddlers with disabilities and their
families; and
(ii) Have sufficient authority to engage
in policy planning and implementation
on behalf of these agencies.
(6) At least one member must—
(i) Be from the SEA responsible for
preschool services to children with
disabilities; and
(ii) Have sufficient authority to engage
in policy planning and implementation
on behalf of the SEA.
(7) At least one member must be from
the agency responsible for the State
Medicaid program.
(8) At least one member must be from
a Head Start or Early Head Start agency
or program in the State.
(9) At least one member must be from
a State agency responsible for child
(10) At least one member must be
from the agency responsible for the
State regulation of health insurance.
(11) At least one member must be a
representative designated by the Office
of the Coordination of Education of
Homeless Children and Youth.
(12) At least one member must be a
representative from the State child
welfare agency responsible for foster
(13) At least one member must be
from the State agency responsible for
children’s mental health.
(b) The Governor may appoint one
member to represent more than one
program or agency listed in paragraphs
(a)(7) through (a)(13) of this section.
(c) The Council may include other
members selected by the Governor,
including a representative from the
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Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) or, where
there is no school operated or funded by
the BIA, from the Indian Health Service
or the tribe or tribal council.
(d) No member of the Council may
cast a vote on any matter that would
provide direct financial benefit to that
member or otherwise give the
appearance of a conflict of interest
under State law.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1441(b), 1441(f))
§ 303.602
(a) The Council must meet, at a
minimum, on a quarterly basis, and in
such places as it determines necessary.
(b) The meetings must—
(1) Be publicly announced,
sufficiently in advance of the dates they
are to be held to ensure that all
interested parties have an opportunity
to attend;
(2) To the extent appropriate, be open
and accessible to the general public; and
(3) As needed, provide for interpreters
for persons who are deaf and other
necessary services for Council members
and participants. The Council may use
funds under this part to pay for those
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1441(c))
§ 303.603
Use of funds by the Council.
(a) Subject to the approval by the
Governor, the Council may use funds
under this part—
(1) To conduct hearings and forums;
(2) To reimburse members of the
Council for reasonable and necessary
expenses for attending Council meetings
and performing Council duties
(including child care for parent
(3) To pay compensation to a member
of the Council if the member is not
employed or must forfeit wages from
other employment when performing
official Council business;
(4) To hire staff; and
(5) To obtain the services of
professional, technical, and clerical
personnel, as may be necessary to carry
out the performance of its functions
under Part C of the Act.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph
(a) of this section, Council members
must serve without compensation from
funds available under Part C of the Act.
(1) Identification of sources of fiscal
and other support for services for early
intervention service programs under
Part C of the Act;
(2) Assignment of financial
responsibility to the appropriate agency;
(3) Promotion of methods (including
use of intra-agency and interagency
agreements) for intra-agency and
interagency collaboration regarding
child find under §§ 303.115 and
303.301, monitoring under § 303.120
and §§ 303.700 through 303.708,
financial responsibility and provision of
early intervention services under
§§ 303.202 and 303.511, and transition
under § 303.209; and
(4) Preparation of applications under
this part and amendments to those
(b) Advising and assisting on
transition. The Council must advise and
assist the SEA and the lead agency
regarding the transition of toddlers with
disabilities to preschool and other
appropriate services.
(c) Annual report to the Governor and
to the Secretary. (1) The Council must—
(i) Prepare and submit an annual
report to the Governor and to the
Secretary on the status of early
intervention service programs for
infants and toddlers with disabilities
and their families under Part C of the
Act operated within the State; and
(ii) Submit the report to the Secretary
by a date that the Secretary establishes.
(2) Each annual report must contain
the information required by the
Secretary for the year for which the
report is made.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1441(e)(1))
§ 303.605
Authorized activities by the
The Council may carry out the
following activities:
(a) Advise and assist the lead agency
and the SEA regarding the provision of
appropriate services for children with
disabilities from birth through age five.
(b) Advise appropriate agencies in the
State with respect to the integration of
services for infants and toddlers with
disabilities and at-risk infants and
toddlers and their families, regardless of
whether at-risk infants and toddlers are
eligible for early intervention services in
the State.
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1441(d))
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1441(e)(2))
§ 303.604 Functions of the Council—
required duties.
Subpart H—Federal Administration
and Allocation of Funds Monitoring,
Technical Assistance, and
(a) Advising and assisting the lead
agency. The Council must advise and
assist the lead agency in the
performance of its responsibilities in
section 635(a)(10) of the Act,
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§ 303.700 State monitoring and
(a) The lead agency must—
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(1) Monitor the implementation of
this part;
(2) Make determinations annually
about the performance of each EIS
program using the categories identified
in §§ 303.703(b);
(3) Enforce this part consistent with
§ 303.704, using appropriate
enforcement mechanisms, which must
include, if applicable, the enforcement
mechanisms identified in
§ 303.704(a)(1) (technical assistance)
and (a)(2) (conditions on the lead
agency’s funding of EIS programs),
(b)(2)(i) (corrective action or
improvement plan) and (b)(2)(iv)
(withholding of funds, in whole or in
part by the lead agency), and (c)(2)
(withholding of funds, in whole or in
part by the lead agency); and
(4) Report annually on the
performance of the State and of each EIS
program under this part as provided in
§ 303.702.
(b) The primary focus of the State’s
monitoring activities must be on—
(1) Improving early intervention
results and functional outcomes for all
infants and toddlers with disabilities;
(2) Ensuring that EIS programs meet
the program requirements under Part C
of the Act, with a particular emphasis
on those requirements that are most
closely related to improving early
intervention results for infants and
toddlers with disabilities.
(c) As a part of its responsibilities
under paragraph (a) of this section, the
State must use quantifiable indicators
and such qualitative indicators as are
needed to adequately measure
performance in the priority areas
identified in paragraph (d) of this
section, and the indicators established
by the Secretary for the State
performance plans.
(d) The lead agency must monitor
each EIS program located in the State,
using quantifiable indicators in each of
the following priority areas, and using
such qualitative indicators as are
needed to adequately measure
performance in those areas:
(1) Early intervention services in
natural environments.
(2) State exercise of general
supervision, including child find,
effective monitoring, the use of
resolution sessions (if the State adopts
Part B due process hearing procedures
under § 303.430(d)(2)), mediation, and a
system of transition services as defined
in section 637(a)(9) of the Act.
(e) In exercising its monitoring
responsibilities under paragraph (d) of
this section, the State must ensure that
when it identifies noncompliance with
the requirements of this part by EIS
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programs and providers, the
noncompliance is corrected as soon as
possible and in no case later than one
year after the State’s identification.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1416(a), 1442)
§ 303.701 State performance plans and
data collection.
(a) General. Each State must have in
place the performance plan that meets
the requirements described in section
616 of the Act, is approved by the
Secretary, includes an evaluation of the
State’s efforts to implement the
requirements and purposes of Part C of
the Act and a description of how the
State will improve implementation, and
includes measurable and rigorous
targets for the indicators established by
the Secretary under the priority areas
described in § 303.700(d).
(b) Each State must review its State
performance plan at least once every six
years and submit any amendments to
the Secretary.
(c) Data collection. (1) Each State
must collect valid and reliable
information as needed to report
annually to the Secretary under
§ 303.702(b)(2) on the indicators
established by the Secretary for the State
performance plans.
(2) If the Secretary permits States to
collect data on specific indicators
through State monitoring or sampling,
and the State collects data for a
particular indicator through State
monitoring or sampling, the State must
collect and report data on those
indicators for each EIS program at least
once during the six-year period of the
State performance plan.
(3) Nothing in Part C of the Act or
these regulations may be construed to
authorize the development of a
nationwide database of personally
identifiable information on individuals
involved in studies or other collections
of data under Part C of the Act.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1416(b), 1442)
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
§ 303.702 State use of targets and
(a) General. Each State must use the
targets established in the State’s
performance plan under § 303.701 and
the priority areas described in
§ 303.700(d) to analyze the performance
of each EIS program in implementing
Part C of the Act.
(b) Public reporting and privacy —(1)
Public report. (i) Subject to paragraph
(b)(1)(ii) of this section, the State must—
(A) Report annually to the public on
the performance of each EIS program
located in the State on the targets in the
State’s performance plan no later than
60 days following the State’s submission
of its annual performance report to the
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Secretary under paragraph (b)(2) of this
section; and
(B) Make the State’s performance plan
under § 303.701(a), annual performance
reports under paragraph (b)(2) of this
section, and the State’s annual reports
on the performance of each EIS program
under paragraph (b)(1)(i)(A) of this
section available through public means,
including by posting on the Web site of
the lead agency, distribution to the
media, and distribution to EIS programs.
(ii) If the State, in meeting the
requirements of paragraph (b)(1)(i)(A) of
this section, collects data through State
monitoring or sampling, the State must
include in its public report on EIS
programs under paragraph (b)(1)(i)(A) of
this section the most recently available
performance data on each EIS program
and the date the data were collected.
(2) State performance report. The
State must report annually to the
Secretary on the performance of the
State under the State’s performance
(3) Privacy. The State must not report
to the public or the Secretary any
information on performance that would
result in the disclosure of personally
identifiable information about
individual children, or where the
available data are insufficient to yield
statistically reliable information.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1416(b)(2)(B)–(C), 1442)
§ 303.703 Secretary’s review and
determination regarding State performance.
(a) Review. The Secretary annually
reviews the State’s performance report
submitted pursuant to § 303.702(b)(2).
(b) Determination—(1) General. Based
on the information provided by the
State in the State’s annual performance
report, information obtained through
monitoring visits, and any other public
information made available, the
Secretary determines if the State—
(i) Meets the requirements and
purposes of Part C of the Act;
(ii) Needs assistance in implementing
the requirements of Part C of the Act;
(iii) Needs intervention in
implementing the requirements of Part
C of the Act; or
(iv) Needs substantial intervention in
implementing the requirements of Part
C of the Act.
(2) Notice and opportunity for a
hearing. (i) For determinations made
under paragraphs (b)(1)(iii) and
(b)(1)(iv) of this section, the Secretary
provides reasonable notice and an
opportunity for a hearing on those
(ii) The hearing described in
paragraph (b)(2) of this section consists
of an opportunity to meet with the
Assistant Secretary for Special
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Education and Rehabilitative Services to
demonstrate why the Secretary should
not make the determination described in
paragraph (b)(1)(iii) or (iv) of this
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1416(d), 1442)
§ 303.704
(a) Needs assistance. If the Secretary
determines, for two consecutive years,
that a State needs assistance under
§ 303.703(b)(1)(ii) in implementing the
requirements of Part C of the Act, the
Secretary takes one or more of the
following actions:
(1) Advises the State of available
sources of technical assistance that may
help the State address the areas in
which the State needs assistance, which
may include assistance from the Office
of Special Education Programs, other
offices of the Department of Education,
other Federal agencies, technical
assistance providers approved by the
Secretary, and other federally funded
nonprofit agencies, and require the State
to work with appropriate entities. This
technical assistance may include—
(i) The provision of advice by experts
to address the areas in which the State
needs assistance, including explicit
plans for addressing the areas of
concern within a specified period of
(ii) Assistance in identifying and
implementing professional
development, instructional strategies,
and methods of instruction that are
based on scientifically based research;
(iii) Designating and using
administrators, service coordinators,
service providers, and other personnel
from the EIS program to provide advice,
technical assistance, and support; and
(iv) Devising additional approaches to
providing technical assistance, such as
collaborating with institutions of higher
education, educational service agencies,
national centers of technical assistance
supported under Part D of the Act, and
private providers of scientifically based
technical assistance.
(2) Identifies the State as a high-risk
grantee and imposes special conditions
on the State’s grant under Part C of the
(b) Needs intervention. If the
Secretary determines, for three or more
consecutive years, that a State needs
intervention under § 303.703(b)(1)(iii) in
implementing the requirements of Part
C of the Act, the following apply:
(1) The Secretary may take any of the
actions described in paragraph (a) of
this section.
(2) The Secretary takes one or more of
the following actions:
(i) Requires the State to prepare a
corrective action plan or improvement
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plan if the Secretary determines that the
State should be able to correct the
problem within one year.
(ii) Requires the State to enter into a
compliance agreement under section
457 of the General Education Provisions
Act, as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1234f
(GEPA), if the Secretary has reason to
believe that the State cannot correct the
problem within one year.
(iii) Seeks to recover funds under
section 452 of GEPA, 20 U.S.C. 1234a.
(iv) Withholds, in whole or in part,
any further payments to the State under
Part C of the Act.
(v) Refers the matter for appropriate
enforcement action, which may include
referral to the Department of Justice.
(c) Needs substantial intervention.
Notwithstanding paragraph (a) or (b) of
this section, at any time that the
Secretary determines that a State needs
substantial intervention in
implementing the requirements of Part
C of the Act or that there is a substantial
failure to comply with any requirement
under Part C of the Act by the lead
agency or an EIS program in the State,
the Secretary takes one or more of the
following actions:
(1) Recovers funds under section 452
of GEPA, 20 U.S.C. 1234a.
(2) Withholds, in whole or in part,
any further payments to the State under
Part C of the Act.
(3) Refers the case to the Office of
Inspector General at the Department of
(4) Refers the matter for appropriate
enforcement action, which may include
referral to the Department of Justice.
(d) Report to Congress. The Secretary
reports to the Committee on Education
and Labor of the House of
Representatives and the Committee on
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
of the Senate within 30 days of taking
enforcement action pursuant to
paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section,
on the specific action taken and the
reasons why enforcement action was
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1416(e)(1)–(3),
1416(e)(5), 1442)
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
§ 303.705
Withholding funds.
(a) Opportunity for hearing. Prior to
withholding any funds under Part C of
the Act, the Secretary provides
reasonable notice and an opportunity
for a hearing to the lead agency
involved, pursuant to the procedures in
§§ 303.231 through 303.236.
(b) Suspension. Pending the outcome
of any hearing to withhold payments
under paragraph (a) of this section, the
Secretary may suspend payments to a
recipient, suspend the authority of the
recipient to obligate funds under Part C
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of the Act, or both, after the recipient
has been given reasonable notice and an
opportunity to show cause why future
payments or authority to obligate funds
under Part C of the Act should not be
(c) Nature of withholding—(1)
Limitation. If the Secretary determines
that it is appropriate to withhold further
payments under section 616(e)(2) or
(e)(3) of the Act, the Secretary may
(i) That such withholding will be
limited to programs or projects, or
portions of programs or projects, that
affected the Secretary’s determination
under § 303.703(b)(1); or
(ii) That the lead agency must not
make further payments under Part C of
the Act to specified State agencies or
EIS providers that caused or were
involved in the Secretary’s
determination under § 303.703(b)(1).
(2) Withholding until rectified. Until
the Secretary is satisfied that the
condition that caused the initial
withholding has been substantially
(i) Payments to the State under Part C
of the Act must be withheld in whole or
in part; and
(ii) Payments by the lead agency
under Part C of the Act must be limited
to State agencies and EIS providers
whose actions did not cause or were not
involved in the Secretary’s
determination under § 303.703(b)(1).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1416(e)(4), 1416(e)(6),
§ 303.706
Public attention.
Whenever a State receives notice that
the Secretary is proposing to take or is
taking an enforcement action pursuant
to § 303.704 the State must, by means of
a public notice, take such measures as
may be necessary to bring the pendency
of an action pursuant to section 616(e)
and § 303.704 of the Act to the attention
of the public within the State, including
by posting the notice on the Web site of
the lead agency and distributing the
notice to the media and to EIS programs.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1416(e)(7), 1442)
§ 303.707
Rule of construction.
Nothing in this subpart may be
construed to restrict the Secretary from
utilizing any authority under GEPA, 20
U.S.C. 1221 et seq., and its regulations
in 34 CFR parts 76, 77, 80 and 81,
including the imposition of special
conditions under 34 CFR 80.12, to
monitor and enforce the requirements of
the Act.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1416(g), 1442)
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§ 303.708
State enforcement.
Nothing in this subpart may be
construed to restrict a State from
utilizing any other authority available to
it to monitor and enforce the
requirements of the Act.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(1)(C), 1442)
Reports—Program Information
§ 303.720
Data requirements—general.
(a) The lead agency must annually
report to the Secretary and to the public
on the information required by section
618 of the Act at the times specified by
the Secretary.
(b) The lead agency must submit the
report to the Secretary in the manner
prescribed by the Secretary.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1418, 1435(a)(14), 1442)
§ 303.721 Annual report of children
served—report requirement.
(a) For the purposes of the annual
report required by section 618 of the Act
and § 303.720, the lead agency must
count and report the number of infants
and toddlers receiving early
intervention services on any date
between October 1 and December 1 of
each year. The report must include—
(1) The number and percentage of
infants and toddlers with disabilities in
the State, by race, gender, and ethnicity,
who are receiving early intervention
services (and include in this number
any children reported to it by tribes,
tribal organization, and consortia under
§ 303.731(e)(1));
(2) The number and percentage of
infants and toddlers with disabilities, by
race, gender, and ethnicity, who, from
birth through age 2, stopped receiving
early intervention services because of
program completion or for other
reasons; and
(3) The number and percentage of atrisk infants and toddlers (as defined in
section 632(1) of the Act) by race and
ethnicity and who are receiving early
intervention services under Part C of the
(b) If a State adopts the option under
section 635(c) of the Act and § 303.211
to make services under this part
available to children ages three and
older, the State must submit to the
Secretary a report on the number and
percentage of children with disabilities
who are eligible for services under
section 619 of the Act but whose parents
choose for those children to continue to
receive early intervention services.
(c) The number of due process
complaints filed under section 615 of
the Act, the number of hearings
conducted and the number of
mediations held, and the number of
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
settlement agreements reached through
such mediations.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1418(a)(1)(F) and (H),
1435(a)(14), 1435(c)(3), 1442)
§ 303.722
Data reporting.
(a) Protection of identifiable data. The
data described in section 618(a) of the
Act and in § 303.721 must be publicly
reported by each State in a manner that
does not result in disclosure of data
identifiable to individual children.
(b) Sampling. The Secretary may
permit States and outlying areas to
obtain data in section 618(a) of the Act
through sampling.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1418(b), 1435(a)(14),
§ 303.723 Annual report of children
The lead agency must include in its
report a certification signed by an
authorized official of the agency that the
information provided under § 303.721 is
an accurate and unduplicated count of
infants and toddlers with disabilities
receiving early intervention services.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1418(a)(3), 1435(a)(14),
§ 303.724 Annual report of children
served—other responsibilities of the lead
In addition to meeting the
requirements of §§ 303.721 through
303.723, the lead agency must—
(a) Establish procedures to be used by
EIS providers in counting the number of
children with disabilities receiving early
intervention services;
(b) Establish dates by which those EIS
providers must report to the lead agency
to ensure that the State complies with
§ 303.721(a);
(c) Obtain certification from each EIS
provider that an unduplicated and
accurate count has been made;
(d) Aggregate the data from the count
obtained from each EIS provider, and
prepare the reports required under
§§ 303.721 through 303.723; and
(e) Ensure that documentation is
maintained to enable the State and the
Secretary to audit the accuracy of the
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1418(a), 1435(a)(14),
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
Allocation of Funds
§ 303.730
Formula for State allocations.
(a) Reservation of funds for outlying
areas. From the sums appropriated to
carry out Part C of the Act for any fiscal
year, the Secretary may reserve not more
than one percent for payments to
American Samoa, the Commonwealth of
the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam,
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and the United States Virgin Islands in
accordance with their respective needs
for assistance under Part C of the Act.
(b) Consolidation of funds. The
provisions of the Omnibus Territories
Act of 1977, Pub. L. 95–134, permitting
the consolidation of grants to the
outlying areas, do not apply to the funds
provided under Part C of the Act.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1443(a))
§ 303.731
Payments to Indians.
(a) General. (1) The Secretary makes
payments to the Secretary of the Interior
under Part C of the Act, which the
Secretary of the Interior must distribute
to tribes or tribal organizations (as
defined under section 4 of the Indian
Self-Determination and Education
Assistance Act, as amended, 25 U.S.C.
450b), or consortia of those entities, for
the coordination of assistance in the
provision of early intervention services
by States to infants and toddlers with
disabilities and their families on
reservations served by elementary and
secondary schools for Indian children
operated or funded by the Secretary of
the Interior.
(2) A tribe, tribal organization or
consortium of those entities is eligible to
receive a payment under this section if
the tribe, tribal organization or
consortium of those entities is on a
reservation that is served by an
elementary or secondary school
operated or funded by the Secretary of
the Interior.
(3) The amount of the payment to the
Secretary of the Interior under this
section for any fiscal year is 1.25
percent of the aggregate amount
available to all States under Part C of the
Act after the Secretary determines the
amount of payments to be made to the
jurisdictions under § 303.730(a).
(b) Allocation. For each fiscal year,
the Secretary of the Interior must
distribute the entire payment received
under paragraph (a)(1) of this section by
providing to each tribe, tribal
organization, or consortium an amount
based on the number of infants and
toddlers residing on the reservation, as
determined annually, divided by the
total of those children served by all
tribes, tribal organizations, or consortia.
(c) Information. To receive a payment
under this section, the tribe, tribal
organization, or consortium must
submit the appropriate information to
the Secretary of the Interior to
determine the amounts to be distributed
under paragraph (b) of this section.
(d) Use of funds. (1) The funds
received by a tribe, tribal organization,
or consortium must be used to assist
States in child find, screening, and other
procedures for the early identification of
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Indian children under three years of age
and for parent training. The funds also
may be used to provide early
intervention services in accordance with
Part C of the Act. These activities may
be carried out directly or through
contracts or cooperative agreements
with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, local
educational agencies, and other public
or private nonprofit organizations. The
tribe, tribal organization, or consortium
is encouraged to involve Indian parents
in the development and implementation
of these activities.
(2) The tribe, tribal organization, or
consortium must, as appropriate, make
referrals to local, State, or Federal
entities for the provision of services or
further diagnosis.
(e) Reports. (1) To be eligible to
receive a payment under paragraph (b)
of this section, a tribe, tribal
organization, or consortium must make
a biennial report to the Secretary of the
Interior of activities undertaken under
this section, including the number of
contracts and cooperative agreements
entered into, the number of infants and
toddlers contacted and receiving
services for each year, and the estimated
number of infants and toddlers needing
services during the two years following
the year in which the report is made.
This report must include an assurance
that the tribe, tribal organization, or
consortium has provided the lead
agency in the State child find
information (including the names and
dates of birth and parent contact
information) for infants or toddlers with
disabilities who are included in the
report in order to meet the child find
coordination and child count
requirements in sections 618 and 643 of
the Act.
(2) The Secretary of the Interior must
include a summary of this information
(including confirmation that each tribe,
tribal organization, or consortium has
provided to the Secretary of the Interior
the assurance required under paragraph
(e)(1) of this section) on a biennial basis
to the Secretary along with such other
information as required of the Secretary
of the Interior under Part C of the Act.
The Secretary may require any
additional information from the
Secretary of the Interior.
(3) Within 90 days after the end of
each fiscal year the Secretary of the
Interior must provide the Secretary with
a report on the payments distributed
under this section. The report must
(i) The name of each tribe, tribal
organization, or combination of those
entities that received a payment for the
fiscal year;
(ii) The amount of each payment; and
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 / Proposed Rules
(iii) The date of each payment.
(f) Prohibited uses of funds. None of
the funds under this section may be
used by the Secretary of the Interior for
administrative purposes, including
child count and the provision of
technical assistance.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1443(b))
§ 303.732
State allotments.
hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with PROPOSALS2
(a) General. Except as provided in
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, for
each fiscal year, from the aggregate
amount of funds available under Part C
of the Act for distribution to the States,
the Secretary allots to each State an
amount that bears the same ratio to the
aggregate amount as the number of
infants and toddlers in the State bears
to the number of infants and toddlers in
all States.
(b) Minimum allocations. Except as
provided in paragraph (c) of this
section, no State may receive less than
0.5 percent of the aggregate amount
available under this section or $500,000,
whichever is greater.
(c) Ratable reduction—(1) General. If
the sums made available under Part C of
the Act for any fiscal year are
insufficient to pay the full amount that
all States are eligible to receive under
this section for that year, the Secretary
ratably reduces the allotments to those
States for such year.
(2) Additional funds. If additional
funds become available for making
payments under this section, allotments
that were reduced under paragraph
(c)(1) of this section will be increased on
the same basis the allotments were
(d) Definitions. For the purpose of
allotting funds to the States under this
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(1) Aggregate amount means the
amount available for distribution to the
States after the Secretary determines the
amount of payments to be made to the
Secretary of the Interior under § 303.731
and to the outlying areas under
§ 303.730;
(2) Infants and toddlers means
children from birth through age two in
the general population, based on the
most recent satisfactory data as
determined by the Secretary; and
(3) State means each of the 50 States,
the District of Columbia, and the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1443(c))
§ 303.733
Reallotment of funds.
If a State (as defined in § 303.33)
elects not to receive its allotment, the
Secretary reallots those funds among the
remaining States (as defined in
§ 303.732(d)(3)), in accordance with
§ 303.732(c)(2).
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1443(d))
§ 303.734
Reservation for State incentive
(a) General. For any fiscal year for
which the amount appropriated
pursuant to the authorization of
appropriations under section 644 of the
Act exceeds $460,000,000, the Secretary
reserves 15 percent of the appropriated
amount exceeding $460,000,000 to
provide grants to States that are carrying
out the policy described in section
635(c) of the Act and in § 303.211, in
order to facilitate the implementation of
that policy.
(b) Amount of grant—(1) General.
Notwithstanding section 643(c)(2) and
(c)(3) of the Act, the Secretary provides
a grant to each State under this section
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in an amount that bears the same ratio
to the amount reserved under paragraph
(a) of this section as the number of
infants and toddlers in the State bears
to the number of infants and toddlers in
all States receiving grants under
paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) Maximum amount. No State may
receive a grant under paragraph (a) for
any fiscal year in an amount that is
greater than 20 percent of the amount
reserved under that paragraph for the
fiscal year.
(c) Carryover of amounts pursuant to
section 643(e)(3) of the Act—(1) First
succeeding fiscal year. Pursuant to
section 421(b) of GEPA, 20 U.S.C. 1221
et seq., amounts under a grant provided
under paragraph (a) of this section that
are not obligated and expended prior to
the beginning of the first fiscal year
succeeding the fiscal year for which
those amounts were appropriated must
remain available for obligation and
expenditure during the first succeeding
fiscal year.
(2) Second succeeding fiscal year.
Amounts under a grant provided under
paragraph (a) of this section that are not
obligated and expended prior to the
beginning of the second fiscal year
succeeding the fiscal year for which
those amounts were appropriated must
be returned to the Secretary and used to
make grants to States under section 633
of the Act (from their allotments
identified in §§ 303.731 through
303.733) during the second succeeding
fiscal year.
(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1443)
[FR Doc. 07–2140 Filed 5–4–07; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 89 (Wednesday, May 9, 2007)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 26456-26531]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 07-2140]
[[Page 26455]]
Part II
Department of Education
34 CFR Part 303
Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers With Disabilities;
Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 89 / Wednesday, May 9, 2007 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 26456]]
34 CFR Part 303
[Docket ID ED-2007-OSERS-131]
RIN 1820-AB59
Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers With
AGENCY: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services,
Department of Education.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
SUMMARY: The Secretary proposes to amend the regulations governing the
Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities.
The proposed regulations would implement changes made to the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act by the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004.
DATES: We must receive your comments on or before July 23, 2007.
We will hold public meetings about this NPRM. The dates, times, and
places of the meetings will be published in a separate notice in the
Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments through the Federal eRulemaking Portal
or via postal mail, commercial delivery, or hand delivery. We will not
accept comments by fax or by e-mail. Please submit your comments only
one time, in order to ensure that we do not receive duplicate copies.
In addition, please include the Docket ID at the top of your comments.
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to https://
www.regulations.gov, select ``Department of Education'' from the agency
drop-down menu, then click ``Submit.'' In the Docket ID column, select
ED-2007-OSERS-131 to add or view public comments and to view supporting
and related materials available electronically. Information on using
Regulations.gov, including instructions for submitting comments,
accessing documents, and viewing the docket after the close of the
comment period, is available through the site's ``User Tips'' link.
Postal Mail, Commercial Delivery, or Hand Delivery. If you
mail or deliver your comments about these proposed regulations, address
them to Alexa Posny, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue,
SW., room 4109, Potomac Center Plaza, Washington, DC 20202-2600.
Privacy Note: The Department's policy for comments received from
members of the public (including those comments submitted by mail,
commercial delivery, or hand delivery) is to make these submissions
available for public viewing on the Federal eRulemaking Portal at
https://www.regulations.gov. All submissions will be posted to the
Federal eRulemaking Portal without change, including personal
identifiers and contact information.
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., room 4109, Potomac Center Plaza,
Washington, DC 20202-2600. Telephone: (202) 245-7459, extension 3.
If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), you may
call the Federal Relay Service (FRS) at 1-800-877-8339.
Individuals with disabilities may obtain this document in an
alternative format (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer
diskette) upon request to the contact person listed under FOR FURTHER
Invitation to Comment
We invite you to submit comments regarding these proposed
regulations. To ensure that your comments have maximum effect in
developing the final regulations, we urge you to identify clearly the
specific section or sections of the proposed regulations that each of
your comments addresses and to arrange your comments in the same order
as the proposed regulations.
We invite you to assist us in complying with the specific
requirements of Executive Order 12866 and its overall requirement of
reducing regulatory burden that might result from these proposed
regulations. Please let us know of any further opportunities we should
provide to reduce the potential costs or increase potential benefits
while preserving the effective and efficient administration of the
During and after the comment period, you may inspect all public
comments about these proposed regulations by accessing Regulations.gov.
You may also inspect the comments, in person, in room 4165, Potomac
Center Plaza, 550 12th Street, SW., Washington, DC, between the hours
of 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., Eastern time, Monday through Friday of each
week except Federal holidays.
Assistance to Individuals With Disabilities in Reviewing the Rulemaking
On request, we will supply an appropriate aid, such as a reader or
print magnifier, to an individual with a disability who needs
assistance to review the comments or other documents in the public
rulemaking record for these proposed regulations. If you want to
schedule an appointment for this type of aid, please contact the person
Public Meetings
We will hold public meetings about this NPRM. Each meeting will
take place from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We will be providing more specific
information on meeting dates and locations in a separate notice
published in the Federal Register.
Assistance to Individuals With Disabilities at the Public Meetings
The meeting sites will be accessible to individuals with
disabilities and sign language interpreters will be available. If you
need an auxiliary aid or service other than a sign language interpreter
to participate in the meeting (e.g., interpreting service such as oral,
cued speech, or tactile interpreter; assisted listening device; or
materials in alternate format), notify the contact person listed under
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT at least two weeks before the scheduled
meeting date. Although we will attempt to meet a request we receive
after this date, we may not be able to make available the requested
auxiliary aid or service because of insufficient time to arrange it.
On December 3, 2004, the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Improvement Act of 2004 was enacted into law as Public Law 108-446.
This statute, as passed by Congress and signed by the President,
reauthorizes and makes significant changes to the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act.
Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, as
amended by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
of 2004 (Act or IDEA), provides Federal funds to States to make
available early intervention services for infants and toddlers with
disabilities (from birth to age three) and their families. In 2004, the
Act was revised to--(1) Emphasize child find for underserved
populations of infants and toddlers; (2) increase accountability for
the success of early intervention services; (3) ensure a seamless
transition for children and families when they exit from the Part C
program to other appropriate programs; (4) provide States with
flexibility to provide early intervention services to children with
disabilities who are age three and older; (5) provide States with
alternatives to dispute resolution under
[[Page 26457]]
Part C's procedural safeguards; (6) clarify certain definitions
including specific early intervention services, qualified personnel,
and natural environments; and (7) streamline Part C grant application
Changes to the current Part C regulations (34 CFR part 303) are
necessary in order for the Department to appropriately and effectively
address the provisions of the law and to assist State lead agencies and
early intervention service programs and providers in implementing their
responsibilities under the law.
On December 29, 2004, the Secretary published a notice in the
Federal Register requesting advice and recommendations from the public
on regulatory issues under the Act, and announcing a series of seven
public meetings during January and February of 2005 to seek further
input and suggestions for developing regulations based on the new
Over 6000 public comments were received in response to the Federal
Register notice and the seven public meetings, including letters from
parents, public agency personnel, early intervention personnel, and
parent-advocate and professional organizations. The comments addressed
the major provisions of the law. These comments were reviewed and
considered in developing this NPRM. The Secretary appreciates the
interest and thoughtful attention of the commenters responding to the
December 29, 2004 notice and participating in the seven public
General Proposed Regulatory Plan and Structure
In developing this NPRM, we have elected to prepare one
comprehensive document that incorporates the majority of the
requirements from the law along with the applicable regulations, rather
than publishing a regulation that does not include statutory
provisions. The rationale for doing this is to create a single
reference document for parents, State lead agencies, early intervention
service programs and providers, State Interagency Coordinating
Councils, and others to use, so there is no need to shift between one
document for regulations and a separate document for the statute.
Although this approach will result in longer regulations, it is our
impression that there is support for this practice.
We have reorganized the regulations by following the general order,
substance, and structure of provisions in the statute, rather than
using the arrangement of the current regulations. We believe this
change will be helpful to parents, State lead agencies, early
intervention service providers and the public both in reading the
regulations, and in finding the direct link between a given statutory
requirement and the regulation related to that requirement.
The proposed regulations contain Part C statutory provisions (even
where those provisions are not in the current regulations but were in
the statute prior to 2004). For example, proposed Sec. 303.104
(Acquisition of equipment and construction or alteration of facilities)
contains new regulatory language that incorporates the longstanding
statutory language in section 605 of the Act, which was unchanged by
the 2004 amendments to the Act. Because these changes in the proposed
regulations do not involve new substantive requirements, but rather
incorporate longstanding statutory requirements, they are not
identified in this preamble as substantive changes. The changes in
these proposed regulations are identified in the appropriate locations
in the preamble.
In general, the requirements related to a given statutory section
will be included in one location and in the same general order as in
the statute, rather than being spread throughout several subparts, as
the statutory sections are in the current regulations. One exception to
this approach is that the regulations implementing section 638 of the
Act (Uses of funds), are combined with the regulations implementing
section 632 (System of payments) and section 640 of the Act (Payor of
last resort) in proposed subpart F, because both relate to financial
and interagency matters.
As restructured in this NPRM, these proposed regulations are
divided into eight major subparts, each of which is directly linked to,
and comports with, the general order of provisions in a specific
section of the Act. For example, we have revised subpart H in the
proposed regulations to include all provisions regarding the allocation
of Part C funds (from section 643 of the Act), rather than having those
provisions dispersed among several different subparts, as in the
current Part C regulations.
In addition, these proposed regulations do not contain notes
following the regulatory text as in the current regulations. Where
necessary and relevant, language from the notes in the current
regulations has been incorporated into the proposed regulations.
Finally, these proposed regulations incorporate, where practicable,
applicable Part B regulations in order to align the two systems,
minimize administrative costs (particularly for lead agencies that are
also State educational agencies (SEAs) responsible for administering
both Parts B and C of the Act in a State), and promote a seamless
system of services for infants, toddlers, children, and youth with
disabilities birth through 21 years of age.
Significant Proposed Regulations
We discuss substantive issues under the sections of the proposed
regulations to which they pertain. Generally, we do not address
proposed regulatory provisions that are technical or otherwise minor in
Subpart A--General
Proposed subpart A would incorporate the provisions in sections
601, 602, 631, and 632 of the Act regarding the purpose of and
definitions under Part C of the Act.
Purpose and Applicable Regulations
Proposed Sec. 303.1(a) through (d) (Purpose) would be
substantively unchanged and would incorporate sections 601(d)(2) and
631(a)(5) and (b)(1) through (3) of the Act regarding the purposes of
Part C of the Act. Proposed Sec. 303.1(e), regarding expanding
opportunities for children under three who would be at risk of
developmental delay, would be added to incorporate the language from
section 631(b)(4) of the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.2, regarding eligible recipients under Part C of
the Act would remain substantively unchanged from current Sec. 303.2,
and would be consistent with the definition of State in section 602(31)
of the Act and in proposed Sec. 303.34.
Current Sec. 303.3, regarding use of funds for activities
supported under Part C of the Act, would be incorporated into proposed
Sec. 303.501 regarding permissive use of funds by the lead agency in
subpart F of these proposed regulations. Current Sec. 303.4 regarding
the limitation on eligible children would be removed because the
definitions of child and infant or toddler with a disability in
proposed Sec. Sec. 303.6 and 303.21, respectively, make clear that
part 303 applies to infants and toddlers with disabilities who are
under the age of three and therefore does not apply to children with
disabilities ages three and older who may be entitled to receive a free
appropriate public education under Part B of the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.3, regarding applicable regulations, would
incorporate the provisions from current Sec. 303.5. Proposed Sec.
303.3(a)(1) would incorporate the language from current
[[Page 26458]]
Sec. 303.5(a)(2). Proposed Sec. 303.3(a)(2) would include the
references from the Education Department General Administrative
Regulations (EDGAR) in current Sec. 303.5(a)(1). The references to the
Part B regulations in current Sec. 303.3(a)(3) would be removed
because all applicable provisions from the Part B regulations would be
included in these proposed regulations. For example, the provisions in
the Part B regulations regarding confidentiality and the procedures for
the Secretary's determination of State eligibility to receive a grant,
which are cross-referenced in current Sec. 303.5(a)(3), would appear,
respectively, in proposed Sec. Sec. 303.402 through 303.417 and
proposed Sec. Sec. 303.231 through 303.236.
Proposed Sec. 303.3(b) would incorporate the language from current
Sec. 303.5(b)(1), regarding the meaning of State educational agency,
to indicate that any reference to the term State educational agency
means the lead agency under this part.
Current Sec. 303.5(b)(2) through (b)(5) regarding the meaning of
terms and cross-references from the Part B regulations as applied to
the Part C regulations would be removed as unnecessary because we would
incorporate applicable definitions and provisions from the Part B
regulations in these proposed regulations.
Definitions Used in This Part
Proposed Sec. 303.4 (Act) would incorporate the statutory
definition of Act from section 601(a) of the Act and current Sec.
303.6, and would further clarify that the Act has been amended.
Proposed Sec. 303.5 (At-risk infant or toddler) would incorporate
the statutory definition from section 632(1) of the Act. This section
would also include the examples of biological and environmental at-risk
factors listed in Note 2 following current Sec. 303.16 as follows: Low
birth weight, respiratory distress as a newborn, lack of oxygen, brain
hemorrhage, infection, nutritional deprivation, and history of abuse or
neglect. With this change, Note 2 following current Sec. 303.16 would
be removed from the regulations. Proposed Sec. 303.5 would also
include as an example of at-risk infants and toddlers whom the State
may elect to serve those infants and toddlers directly affected by
illegal substance abuse or withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal
drug exposure to reflect the new provisions described in section
637(a)(6)(B) of the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.6 (Child) would modify the definition of child
in current Sec. 303.7 to mean an individual under age six and would be
consistent with the State option outlined in proposed Sec. 303.211 to
serve children ages three and older.
Proposed Sec. 303.7 (Consent) would incorporate the provisions of
current Sec. 303.401(a), except that proposed Sec. 303.7(c)(2) would
add that if the parent revokes consent, that revocation is not
retroactive (i.e., it does not apply to an action that has occurred
before the consent was revoked), consistent with the Part B regulations
in 34 CFR 300.9 (71 FR 46757).
Proposed Sec. 303.8 (Council) would remain substantively unchanged
from current Sec. 303.8 and would reflect the statutory definition in
section 632(2) of the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.9 (Day) would remain substantively unchanged
from current Sec. 303.9.
Proposed Sec. 303.10 (Developmental delay) would remain
substantively unchanged from current Sec. 303.10 and would cross-
reference proposed Sec. 303.111 regarding the State definition of
developmental delay and proposed Sec. 303.203(c) regarding the
requirement that the State must include its rigorous definition of
developmental delay in its application to the Department.
Proposed Sec. 303.11 (Early intervention service program or EIS
program) would replace current Sec. 303.11 and would clarify that the
EIS program is an entity designated by the lead agency for reporting
under sections 616(b)(2)(C) and 642 of the Act and proposed Sec. Sec.
303.700 through 303.702.
Proposed Sec. 303.12(a) (Early intervention service provider or
EIS provider) would clarify that an EIS provider can be an entity
(whether public, private, or nonprofit) or an individual that provides
early intervention services under Part C of the Act in the State
whether or not the entity or individual receives Federal funds under
Part C of the Act and may include the lead agency and a public agency
under Part C of the Act, where appropriate. For example, an EIS
provider may include the lead agency, a public agency, or individuals
if these entities or individuals are responsible for conducting
evaluations and assessments, providing service coordination, or other
Part C services.
Proposed Sec. 303.12(b) would be similar to current Sec.
303.12(c) in that it would continue to clarify that the EIS provider is
responsible for: participating in the multidisciplinary team's
assessment of an infant or toddler to develop integrated goals and
outcomes for the individualized family service plan (IFSP); and
providing early intervention services in accordance with the infant's
or toddler's IFSP because States must ensure EIS providers are
providing direct services to eligible children in addition to their
other roles. However, proposed Sec. 303.12(b) would further identify
that the EIS provider would be responsible for consulting with and
training parents and others regarding the provision of the early
intervention services described in the infant's or toddler's IFSP.
Proposed Sec. 303.13, regarding the definition of early
intervention services, would replace current Sec. 303.12(a) and (b)
and would incorporate the provisions of the definition of this term in
section 632(4) of the Act. In addition, proposed Sec. 303.13(a)(2)
would retain the language in current Sec. 303.12(a)(2) to clarify that
the early intervention services are selected in collaboration with
parents. Proposed Sec. 303.13(a)(4) would clarify that early
intervention services are designed to meet the developmental needs of
an infant or toddler with a disability, and as requested by the family,
the needs of the family to assist appropriately in the infant's or
toddler's development, as identified by the IFSP team. Proposed Sec.
303.13(a)(8) would clarify that early intervention services, to the
maximum extent appropriate, are provided in natural environments, as
defined in proposed Sec. 303.26 and consistent with proposed Sec.
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b) regarding types of early intervention
services would substantively incorporate the provisions of current
Sec. 303.12(d) but would not include the references from current Sec.
303.12(d)(6) and (d)(7) to nursing services and nutrition services,
which are not specifically listed in section 632(4)(E) of the Act. Only
those types of services identified in section 602(4)(E) of the Act
would be retained. The list of services identified in this proposed
section is not intended to comprise an exhaustive list of the types of
services that may be provided to an infant or toddler with a disability
as an early intervention service. Nursing services or nutrition
services could be deemed early intervention services if they are
provided by qualified personnel and otherwise meet the definition of
early intervention services.
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(1)(i) (Assistive technology device) and
(b)(1)(ii) (Assistive technology service) would reflect the statutory
definition of these terms in section 602(1) and 602(2) of the Act. The
definition of assistive technology device as well as the definition of
health services in proposed Sec. 303.16(c)(1)(iii) (Health services)
would exclude, as a covered service under Part C of the Act, a medical
device that is surgically implanted,
[[Page 26459]]
including cochlear implants, or the optimization or maintenance or
replacement of such a device, consistent with section 602(1)(B) of the
Act and 34 CFR 300.34(b) of the Part B regulations (71 FR 46760).
Optimization or ``mapping'' of a cochlear implant means the
adjustment or fine tuning of the electrical stimulation levels provided
by the cochlear implant. These adjustments are required as an infant or
toddler learns to discriminate signals to a finer degree. Optimization
services are generally provided at specialized clinics by specially
trained professionals. These mapping or remapping services are not the
responsibility of the lead agency under Part C of the Act.
Although mapping is not an early intervention service, the need for
it and the use of a cochlear implant by an infant or toddler with a
disability may indicate a need for services, some of which would be
considered early intervention services such as speech therapy,
assistive listening devices and auditory training. In addition, for a
child who has been receiving Part C services, the implantation of a
device may require a reevaluation of the child's level of functioning
and review and, if appropriate, revision of the child's IFSP.
Nothing in proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(1)(i) (Assistive technology
device), proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(1)(ii) (Assistive technology
service), and proposed Sec. 303.16(c)(1)(iii) (Health services) would
limit the right of an infant or toddler with a disability with a
surgically implanted device (such as a cochlear implant) and the
child's family to receive the early intervention services that are
determined by the IFSP team to be necessary to meet the unique
developmental needs of the infant or toddler. Thus, although a cochlear
implant is expressly excluded from being an assistive technology device
under Part C of the Act, funds under Part C of the Act may under
certain circumstances be used to pay for a hearing aid. A hearing aid
in general is not covered because it is considered a personal device
used for daily purposes. However, if the hearing aid is identified as a
needed assistive technology device by the infant's or toddler's IFSP
team in order to meet the specific developmental outcomes of the infant
or toddler with a disability, funds under Part C of the Act may be used
to provide this early intervention service.
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(2) (Audiology services) would be
substantively unchanged from current Sec. 303.12(d)(2), except that
the term in current Sec. 303.12(d)(2) would be changed from audiology
to audiology services because the section outlines specific audiology
services provided.
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(3) (Family training, counseling, and home
visits) would be substantively unchanged from current Sec.
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(4) (Health services) would reference the
definition of health services in proposed Sec. 303.16, consistent with
the reference to the definition of health services in current Sec.
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(5) (Medical services) would be
substantively unchanged from current Sec. 303.12(d)(5) (Medical
services only for diagnostic or evaluation). Proposed Sec.
303.13(b)(5) would clarify that the term medical services means
services provided by a licensed physician for diagnostic or evaluation
purposes to determine a child's developmental status and need for early
intervention services.
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(6) (Occupational therapy) would be
substantively unchanged from current Sec. 303.12(d)(8).
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(7) (Physical therapy) would be
substantively unchanged from current Sec. 303.12(d)(9).
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(8) (Psychological services) would be
substantively unchanged from current Sec. 303.12(d)(10).
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(9) (Service coordination services) would
cross-reference the definition of service coordination services in
proposed Sec. 303.33, which substantively includes the language in
current Sec. 303.12(d)(11) regarding the meaning of service
coordination services.
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(10) (Social work services) would be
substantively unchanged from current Sec. 303.12(d)(12).
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(11) (Special instruction) would be
substantively unchanged from current Sec. 303.12(d)(13).
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(12) (Speech-language pathology services)
would reflect the definition of speech-language pathology in current
Sec. 303.12(d)(14) and the language from section 632(4)(E)(iii) of the
Act, which includes sign language and cued language services, such as
speech-language pathology services, as early intervention services. The
definition also would clarify that interpreting or transliteration
services include oral transliteration (such as amplification) services.
The definition would also add that auditory/oral language services
would be used with respect to infants and toddlers with disabilities
who are hearing impaired, which would include services to the infant or
toddler with a disability and the family to teach auditory/oral
Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(13) (Transportation and related costs)
would be substantively unchanged from current Sec. 303.12(d)(15)
except that we would remove taxi from among the examples because
transportation via taxi is less common than transportation via the
other examples such as common carriers. Proposed Sec. 303.13(b)(14)
(Vision services) would be substantively unchanged from current Sec.
Proposed Sec. 303.13(c) (Qualified personnel) would be similar to
current Sec. 303.12(e) except for the following changes. As previously
described in the discussion related to proposed Sec. 303.13(b)
regarding the types of early intervention services, registered
dieticians would be included in the list of types of qualified
personnel to reflect the provisions of section 632(4)(F)(viii) of the
Act. The reference to nutritionists in current Sec. 303.12(e)(4) would
not be included in proposed Sec. 303.13(c) consistent with section
632(4) of the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.13(c)(11) also would provide that teachers of
infants or toddlers with hearing impairments (including deafness) and
teachers of the visually impaired (including blindness) are special
educators. As stated in note 284 of the U.S. House of Representatives
Conference Report No. 108-779 (Conf. Rpt.), the ``Conferees commend the
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services for developing
updated early intervention materials that set out the full range of
options for families with deaf and hard of hearing children who now
have the potential to develop age appropriate language in whatever
modality their parents choose.'' Note 285 in the Conf. Rpt. further
states that ``[t]he conferees intend that the term `special educators'
include `teachers of the deaf'.'' We propose to use the term ``teachers
of the hearing impaired'' rather than the term ``teachers of the deaf''
because the former includes teachers of the deaf, and provides States
with broader flexibility to provide teachers to meet the language and
communication needs of infants or toddlers who are hearing impaired,
including infants and toddlers who are deaf. It is the intent of the
Department and these proposed regulations to continue to ensure that
such qualified personnel are available for infants and toddlers with
hearing impairments including deafness.
The Department requests comment on whether it is necessary to
classify teachers of the visually impaired as special educators as we
have proposed in proposed Sec. 303.13(c)(11). We believe that such
classification in the regulations is necessary to ensure that
[[Page 26460]]
qualified personnel are available for infants and toddlers with visual
impairments, including blindness. Additionally, to conform to section
632(4)(F) of the Act, proposed Sec. 303.13(c)(13) would include vision
specialists, ophthalmologists, and optometrists to meet the service and
sensory needs of infants and toddlers who are visually impaired,
including infants and toddlers who are blind.
The note following current Sec. 303.12 would be removed because
the substance of the note would be reflected in proposed Sec.
303.13(d). Proposed Sec. 303.13(d) would clarify that the lists of
early intervention services and personnel in proposed Sec. 303.13(b)
and (c) are not exhaustive. The list does not preclude the provision of
other early intervention services for an infant or toddler with a
disability and the child's family to enhance the developmental needs of
the child. Such Part C services can include, for example, respite care
if the IFSP team identifies it as a service necessary to enable the
parent of an infant or toddler with a disability to participate in or
receive other early intervention services in order to meet the
developmental outcomes identified on the child's IFSP. In addition,
persons other than those identified in proposed Sec. 303.13(c) could
provide early intervention services provided that the services
otherwise met the requirements of this part.
Proposed Sec. 303.14 (Elementary school) would incorporate the
definition of this term from section 602(6) of the Act. We propose to
add this definition here because Part C of the Act now includes
references to elementary schools in the discussion of a State's option
to make early intervention services under Part C of the Act available
to children ages three and older under sections 632 and 635(c) of the
Proposed Sec. 303.15 (Free appropriate public education or (FAPE))
would be added to incorporate the definition of FAPE from section
602(9) of the Act, given the State's option to make early intervention
services available to children in lieu of receiving FAPE under sections
632(5)(B)(ii) and 635(c) of the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.16 (Health services) would be substantively
unchanged from current Sec. 303.13 except that, consistent with the
language in section 602(1) of the Act, the term would not include
optimization (e.g., mapping), maintenance or replacement of surgically
implanted medical devices, including cochlear implants. We have
provided further clarification on the issue of cochlear implants
elsewhere in this preamble in the discussion of the definition of
assistive technology device.
Additionally, proposed Sec. 303.16(c)(1)(iii) would clarify that
an infant or toddler with a surgically implanted device, such as a
cochlear implant, is entitled to receive early intervention services
that are identified on the child's IFSP as being needed to meet the
child's developmental needs, and that nothing under Part C of the Act
prevents the EIS provider from routinely checking either a hearing aid
or external components of a surgically implanted device of an infant or
toddler with a disability to determine whether they are functioning
properly. This clarification in proposed Sec. 303.16(c)(1)(iii) would
be similar to the provision in 34 CFR 300.34(b)(2) of the Part B
regulations (71 FR 46760).
Proposed Sec. 303.16(c)(2), regarding devices necessary to control
or treat a medical condition would be clarified by adding the following
examples of devices that are necessary to control or treat a medical
condition: heart monitors, respirators and oxygen, and gastrointestinal
feeding tubes and pumps.
The note following current Sec. 303.13 would be removed as
unnecessary. The statement in the note regarding the distinction
between health services required under Part C of the Act and services
that are not required under Part C of the Act would be reflected in
proposed Sec. 303.16. The discussion regarding medical and other
services the child needs or is receiving through other sources that are
neither required nor funded under Part C of the Act would be included
in the child's IFSP and addressed in proposed Sec. 303.344(e).
Proposed Sec. 303.17 (Homeless children) would incorporate the
definition of homeless children from section 602(11) of the Act and
would clarify that, for purposes of Part C of the Act, references to
homeless children include only homeless children under the age of
Proposed Sec. 303.18 (Include; including) would remain
substantively unchanged from current Sec. 303.15.
Proposed Sec. 303.19(a) and (b), which provides the definitions of
Indian and Indian tribe, respectively, would incorporate the
definitions of these terms in section 602(12) and 602(13) of the Act.
In addition, proposed Sec. 303.19(c) would clarify that the Bureau of
Indian Affairs (BIA) in the U.S. Department of the Interior, which is
only authorized to provide funding to Federally Recognized tribes, is
not required to provide funding to a State Indian tribe for which the
BIA is not responsible.
Section 602(13) of the Act defines Indian tribe to include ``any
Federal or State Indian tribe'' and does not exclude State Indian
tribes that are not Federally Recognized tribes. The list of Indian
entities recognized as eligible to receive services from the United
States is published in the Federal Register, pursuant to section 104 of
the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994, 25 U.S.C. 479a-
1. The Federal government does not maintain a list of other State
Indian tribes. Under section 634(1) of the Act, the lead agency in the
State is responsible for ensuring that early intervention services are
available to all infants and toddlers with disabilities in the State
and their families, including Indian infants and toddlers with
disabilities and their families residing on a reservation
geographically located in the State.
Proposed Sec. 303.20 (Individualized family service plan or IFSP)
would incorporate the language from current Sec. 303.340(b) and would
clarify, consistent with the Act, that the IFSP must be implemented as
soon as possible once parental consent to the early intervention
services on the IFSP is obtained consistent with proposed Sec.
303.420. The definition of IFSP also would provide that an IFSP is
based on the evaluation and assessment described in proposed Sec.
303.320, that it would include the content in proposed Sec. 303.344,
and that it would be developed under the IFSP procedures in proposed
Sec. Sec. 303.342, 303.343, and 303.345.
Proposed Sec. 303.21(a) and (b) (Infant or toddler with a
disability) would remain substantively unchanged from current Sec.
303.16 and would reflect the statutory definition of the term in
section 632(5) of the Act. In addition, the following examples of
diagnosed conditions, listed in Note 1 following current Sec. 303.16,
would be included in proposed Sec. 303.21(a)(2)(ii) as follows:
chromosomal abnormalities, genetic or congenital disorders, severe
sensory impairments, inborn errors of metabolism, disorders reflecting
disturbance of the development of the nervous system, and disorders
secondary to exposure to toxic substances, including fetal alcohol
syndrome. With this change, Note 1 following current Sec. 303.16 would
be removed from the regulations. Note 2 following current Sec. 303.16
would also be removed as the examples of at-risk infants or toddlers
with disabilities would be incorporated into proposed Sec. 303.5, the
definition of at-risk infant or toddler.
Proposed Sec. 303.21(b) would be substantively the same as current
[[Page 26461]]
Sec. 303.16(b), and would cross-reference the definition of an at-risk
infant or toddler in proposed Sec. 303.5.
Proposed Sec. 303.21(c) would incorporate the language from
section 632(5)(B) of the Act that an infant or toddler with a
disability may include, at the State's discretion, children with
disabilities who are ages three and older who are eligible for services
under section 619 of the Act and who previously received Part C
Proposed Sec. 303.22 (Lead agency) would be added to make clear
that the lead agency is the State agency designated by the Governor to
administer Part C of the Act in the State and would incorporate
language from section 635(a)(10) of the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.23 (Local educational agency or LEA) would be
added to incorporate the definitions of LEA and educational service
agency under sections 602(19) and 602(5) of the Act, respectively. We
would include these definitions because these terms are relevant to the
State option to make early intervention services available to children
ages three and older under sections 632 and 635(c) of the Act. In
addition we would incorporate the applicable 1997 definition of the
intermediate educational unit (IEU) in order to create a freestanding
document and assist those lead agencies that are not SEAs.
Proposed Sec. 303.24 (Multidisciplinary) would modify the
definition in current Sec. 303.17 to clarify that the term
multidisciplinary is used with respect to an evaluation and assessment
of a child, an IFSP team, or IFSP development, and means the
involvement of two or more individuals from separate disciplines or
professions, or one individual who is qualified in more than one
discipline or profession.
Proposed Sec. 303.25(a)(1) (Native language) would incorporate the
definition of native language from section 602(20) of the Act and
current Sec. 303.401(b). Proposed Sec. 303.25(a)(2) would provide
that in all direct contact with the child, the native language is that
normally used by the child in the home or the learning environment.
This addition would be consistent with the definition of this term in
34 CFR 300.29 of the Part B regulations (71 FR 46759-46760) and is
appropriate here because it would clarify the language an EIS provider
must use when providing services to the child. Proposed Sec. 303.25(b)
would reflect the requirements in current Sec. 303.403(c)(3) and would
clarify that, when used in connection with an individual with deafness
or blindness or with no written language, ``native language'' refers to
the mode of communication that is normally used by that individual,
such as sign language, Braille, or oral communication.
Proposed Sec. 303.26 (Natural environments) would remain
substantively unchanged from current Sec. 303.18, and would add that
the natural environment may include the home, and must be consistent
with proposed Sec. 303.126.
Proposed Sec. 303.27 (Parent) would modify the regulatory
definition of that term in current Sec. 303.19 to reflect the revised
statutory definition of parent in section 602(23) of the Act, and to be
consistent with the definition of parent in 34 CFR 300.30 of the Part B
regulations (71 FR 46760). Proposed Sec. 303.27(a)(2) would recognize
that State law may prohibit a foster parent from being considered a
parent, but also would recognize that similar restrictions may exist in
State regulations or in contractual agreements between a State or local
entity and the foster parent, and should be accorded similar deference.
Proposed Sec. 303.27(b)(1) would provide that the biological or
adoptive parent would be presumed to be the parent for purposes of the
regulations. If the biological or adoptive parent were attempting to
act as the parent under proposed Sec. 303.27 and more than one person
is qualified to act as a parent under Part C of the Act, the biological
or adoptive parent would be presumed to be the parent unless that
person does not have legal authority to make decisions for the infant
or toddler regarding early intervention services, or there is a
judicial order or decree specifying some other person to act as the
parent under Part C of the Act. Proposed Sec. 303.27(b)(2) would
provide that if a judicial order or decree specifies a person or
persons to act as the parent, that person would be the parent under
Part C of the Act. Proposed Sec. 303.27(b)(2), however, would exclude
an agency involved in providing early intervention services or care of
the infant or toddler from serving as a parent, consistent with the
statutory prohibition that applies to surrogate parents in section
639(a)(5) of the Act. The provisions in proposed Sec. 303.27(b) are
intended to assist EIS providers and public agencies in identifying the
appropriate person to serve as the parent under Part C of the Act,
especially in those difficult situations in which more than one
caretaker is available to provide consent for evaluation or the
provision of early intervention services and to make other decisions
under Part C of the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.28 (Parent training and information center)
would provide that a parent training and information center means a
center assisted under section 671 or 672 of the Act, in accordance with
the statutory definition in section 602(25) of the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.29 (Personally identifiable) would remain
substantively unchanged from current Sec. 303.401(c).
Proposed Sec. 303.30 (Public agency) would remain substantively
unchanged from current Sec. 303.21.
Proposed Sec. 303.31 (Qualified personnel) would remain
substantively unchanged from the definition of qualified in current
Sec. 303.22. In addition, the note following current Sec. 303.22
would be removed because the content of that note would be addressed in
proposed Sec. 303.13(c) regarding the types of qualified personnel who
provide early intervention services and proposed Sec. 303.119
regarding the requirement that statewide systems have policies and
procedures in place relating to personnel standards.
Proposed Sec. 303.32 (Secretary) would incorporate the definition
of Secretary from section 602(28) of the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.33 (Service coordination services (case
management)) would replace current Sec. 303.23. Proposed Sec.
303.33(a) would provide a definition of service coordination services
and explain that these services include, consistent with current Sec.
303.23(a), coordinating all services required under Part C of the Act
across agency lines (i.e., coordinating Part C services provided by
agencies other than the lead agency). Proposed Sec. 303.33(a)(2) would
clarify that: service coordinators must assist parents of infants and
toddlers with disabilities in gaining access to and coordinating the
provision of early intervention services and coordinating other
services not provided under Part C of the Act that are needed by the
infant or toddler with a disability and that child's family and that
are identified on the IFSP in accordance with proposed Sec.
303.344(e). Proposed Sec. 303.33 would not require service
coordinators to be responsible for identifying funding sources for
those services not covered under Part C of the Act and identified as
``other services'' on the IFSP under proposed Sec. 303.344(e).
Proposed Sec. 303.33(a)(3) and (b) would continue to reflect that
service coordinators are responsible for serving as the single point of
contact for carrying out the responsibilities under proposed Sec.
303.33(b). Proposed Sec. 303.33(b) would require service coordinators
to be responsible for coordinating the performance of evaluations and
assessments, facilitating
[[Page 26462]]
and participating in the development of IFSPs, assisting families in
identifying available Part C services, coordinating and monitoring the
delivery of early intervention services required under Part C of the
Act, informing families of their rights and procedural safeguards and
related resources, coordinating the funding sources for early
intervention services, and facilitating the development of a transition
plan from the Part C program to other services. Proposed Sec.
303.33(c) would incorporate the language from Note 2 following current
Sec. 303.23 to clarify that the lead agency's or an EIS provider's use
of the term service coordination or service coordination services does
not preclude characterization of the services as case management or any
other service that is covered by another payor (including Medicaid),
for purposes of claims in compliance with the requirements of proposed
Sec. 303.510 regarding the payor of last resort. With this
clarification, Note 2 following current Sec. 303.23 would be removed.
Current Sec. 303.23(c) (Employment and assignment of service
coordinators) and (d) (Qualification of service coordinators) would not
be included in proposed Sec. 303.33 because, under proposed Sec.
303.13(a)(7), service coordination services must be provided by
qualified personnel as that term is defined in proposed Sec. 303.31.
Under the definition of qualified personnel, personnel are qualified if
they have met State approved or recognized certification, licensing,
registration, or other comparable requirements that apply to the area
in which the individuals are providing early intervention services.
Some States, for example, have developed qualified personnel criteria
under Part C of the Act for an ``early interventionist'' who is able to
provide service coordination services and other Part C services.
Consistent with the content of Note 1 following current Sec. 303.23,
and as addressed elsewhere in this preamble in the discussion related
to proposed Sec. 303.119, the requirements for a service coordination
system that includes the qualifications, employment, and assignment of
service coordinators is best left to the States to decide. With this
clarification Note 1 would be removed.
Proposed Sec. 303.34 (State) would remain substantively unchanged
from current Sec. 303.24, and would reflect the definition of this
term in section 602(32) of the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.35 (State educational agency or SEA) would be
defined to distinguish it clearly as the State agency that receives
funds under Part B of the Act and that is responsible for administering
Part B of the Act (in contrast to the lead agency which may or may not
be the SEA and which is responsible for implementing Part C of the Act
in the State).
Proposed Sec. 303.36 (Ward of the State) would be added to these
regulations to reflect the definition in section 602(36) of the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.36(b), regarding an exception to the ward of the
State, would be added to clarify that a ward of the State does not
include a foster child who has a foster parent who meets the definition
of a parent in proposed Sec. 303.27.
Current Sec. 303.20, which provides the definition of policies,
would be removed because the requirements for State policies are
contained in the State application requirements for a grant under Part
C of the Act and proposed Sec. Sec. 303.201 through 303.212.
Subpart B--State Eligibility for a Grant and Requirements for a
Statewide System
Proposed subpart B would incorporate the Secretary's general
authority to make grants to States under section 633 of the Act, the
State eligibility provisions under section 634 of the Act, and the
requirements for a statewide system under section 635 of the Act.
Section 633 of the Act gives the Secretary the authority to make grants
to States. In order to be eligible for a grant under this subpart,
section 634(1) of the Act requires a State to provide assurances that
it has adopted a policy that appropriate early intervention services
are available to all infants and toddlers with disabilities in the
State and their families. Section 634 of the Act requires a State to
provide assurances that its statewide system includes the components
listed in section 635 of the Act; section 634 of the Act no longer
requires States to submit to the Department policies and procedures
that demonstrate each of the components. Other specific State
application requirements (policies, procedures, certifications,
descriptions, and assurances) in section 637 of the Act would be
incorporated into subpart C of these regulations.
General Authority and Eligibility
Proposed Sec. 303.100 would incorporate the language of section
633 of the Act, providing for the Secretary's authority to make grants
to States to maintain and implement a statewide system to provide early
intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and
their families.
Proposed Sec. 303.101 would identify the conditions that States
must meet to be eligible for a grant under Part C of the Act and would
replace current Sec. Sec. 303.100 and 303.140. Proposed Sec.
303.101(a)(1) would incorporate the language from section 634 of the
Act, which requires each State receiving funds under Part C of the Act
to assure that the State has adopted a policy that early intervention
services are available to all infants and toddlers with disabilities in
the State and their families, including Indian infants and toddlers on
reservations in the State, and infants and toddlers who are homeless
and their families, and infant and toddlers who are wards of the State.
Proposed Sec. 303.101(a)(2) would modify current Sec. 303.100(a)(2)
and require each State to assure that the State has in effect a
statewide system of early intervention services that meets the
requirements of section 635 of the Act, including, at a minimum, the
components required in proposed Sec. Sec. 303.111 through 303.126.
The requirement in current Sec. 303.100(b) that States have
policies or procedures on file with the Secretary would be removed
consistent with section 634 of the Act, which requires that States
submit assurances regarding the statewide system requirements under
section 635 of the Act. Consistent with this approach, all other
provisions in current subpart B that require the policies and
procedures to be on file with the Secretary would be removed.
Proposed Sec. 303.101(b) would identify other information and
assurances that States would be required to provide to the Secretary,
consistent with section 637 of the Act, to demonstrate that the State
meets the State application requirements in proposed Sec. Sec. 303.200
through 303.212.
Current Sec. 303.101, regarding how the Secretary disapproves a
State's application, would be substantively included in proposed Sec.
Current Sec. Sec. 303.110 and 303.111, regarding requirements and
timelines for public participation and notice of public hearings and
opportunity to comment, respectively, would be substantively included
in proposed Sec. 303.208.
Current Sec. 303.112, regarding public hearings, would be
substantively included in proposed Sec. 303.208(a)(1).
Current Sec. 303.113, regarding the review of public comments by
the lead agency prior to adopting the State's application, would be
removed because it is not specifically addressed in section 637 of the
Current Sec. 303.120(b) and (c) would be removed because the
application requirements under Part C of the Act, including the
assurances that meet the
[[Page 26463]]
requirements in section 637(b) of the Act, are referenced in proposed
Sec. 303.101(b). The assurance requirements in section 637(b) of the
Act would be reflected in proposed Sec. Sec. 303.221 through 303.227.
State Conformity With Part C of the Act and Abrogation of State
Sovereign Immunity
Proposed Sec. 303.102, consistent with section 608(a)(1) of the
Act, would require each State that receives funds under Part C of the
Act to ensure that any State rules, regulations, and policies relating
to this part conform to the purposes and requirements of the part.
Proposed Sec. 303.103 would incorporate the provisions of section
604 of the Act regarding abrogation of State immunity. Proposed Sec.
303.103(a) would provide that a State is not immune under the 11th
amendment of the Constitution of the United States from suit in Federal
court for a violation of Part C of the Act. This is the longstanding
position of the Department and is consistent with section 604 of the
Act and Federal Circuit Courts' decisions interpreting this language.
See, e.g., Pace v. Bogalusa City Sch. Bd., 403 F.3d 272 (5th Cir.,
2005), cert. denied, 126 S.Ct. 416 (2005); M.A. ex rel E.S. v State-
Operated Sch. Dist., 344 F.3d 335 (3rd Cir. 2003); Little Rock Sch.
Dist. v. Mauney, 183 F.3d 816 (8th Cir. 1999); Marie O. v. Edgar, 131
F.3d 610 (7th Cir. 1997).
Proposed Sec. 303.103(b) would incorporate the requirements of
section 604(b) of the Act regarding remedies in a suit against a State
for a violation.
Proposed Sec. 303.103(c), which incorporates section 604(c) of the
Act, would provide that proposed Sec. 303.103(a) and (b) applies to
violations that occur in whole or in part after October 1990.
Equipment and Construction
Proposed Sec. 303.104 would incorporate language from section 605
of the Act, relating to the acquisition of equipment, construction or
alteration of facilities. This section would provide guidance to lead
agencies regarding the use of funds for facility construction impacted
by Part C of the Act.
Positive Efforts To Employ and Advance Qualified Individuals With
We are proposing to add new section Sec. 303.105 to reflect the
provisions in section 606 of the Act, which require the Secretary to
ensure that each grant recipient under IDEA make positive efforts to
employ and advance in employment, qualified individuals with
disabilities in programs assisted under IDEA.
Minimum Components of a Statewide System
Proposed Sec. 303.110 would be substantively the same as current
Sec. 303.160, which refers to the minimum components of a statewide
system, and would specifically reference the requirements in proposed
Sec. Sec. 303.111 through 303.126, which align with section 635(a)(1)
through (16) of the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.111 would align with section 635(a)(1) of the
Act and would replace current Sec. Sec. 303.161 and 303.300. Proposed
Sec. 303.111 would require the statewide system to include a rigorous
definition of developmental delay in order to appropriately identify
infants and toddlers with disabilities who need early intervention
services, consistent with section 635(a)(1) of the Act and proposed
Sec. Sec. 303.10 and 303.203(c).
Proposed Sec. 303.111(a) would generally retain current Sec.
303.300(a)(1) and would require the State to include in its definition
of developmental delay the evaluation and assessment procedures that
would be used to measure an infant's or toddler's development.
References to informed clinical opinion as one of the procedures used
to measure an infant's or toddler's development in current Sec.
303.300(a)(1) would be moved to proposed Sec. 303.320(b)(2).
Proposed Sec. 303.111(b) would generally retain the requirements
of current Sec. 303.300(a)(2) and would require the State to describe
the level of developmental delay in functioning or other comparable
criteria that could constitute a developmental delay.
Current Sec. 303.300(c) requires States that serve at-risk infants
and toddlers to describe the criteria and procedures used to identify
those infants and toddlers. Current Sec. 303.300(c) would be removed
because proposed Sec. 303.320(b)(2) would clarify that qualified
personnel must use their informed clinical opinion to evaluate a
child's present level of functioning in each of the developmental areas
identified in proposed Sec. 303.21(a)(1) and that informed clinical
opinion may be used by qualified personnel to establish a child's
eligibility for services under Part C of the Act even when other
instruments do not establish eligibility.
The note following current Sec. 303.300(c), regarding the required
use of informed clinical opinion to determine an infant's or toddler's
eligibility for services, would be moved to proposed Sec. 303.320
regarding evaluation requirements and is addressed in the discussion of
subpart D of these regulations.
Proposed Sec. 303.112 would be added to incorporate the language
from section 635(a)(2) of the Act and would require each statewide
system to have a State policy in effect that ensures that early
intervention services are based on scientifically based research, to
the extent practicable, and are available to all infants and toddlers
with disabilities and their families, including Indian infants and
toddlers with disabilities and their families residing on a reservation
geographically located in the State, and infants and toddlers with
disabilities and their families who are homeless.
Proposed Sec. 303.113, which would align with section 635(a)(3) of
the Act, would replace current Sec. 303.166, and would require each
statewide system to ensure a timely, comprehensive, multidisciplinary
evaluation of each infant or toddler with a disability in the State,
and a family-directed identification of the needs of each infant's or
toddler's family to assist appropriately in the development of the
infant or toddler. Proposed Sec. 303.113(b) would cross-reference the
provisions in proposed Sec. 303.320. These cross-references are
necessary because the specific requirements for evaluations would be
included in proposed Sec. 303.320.
Proposed Sec. 303.114 would generally retain the provisions in
current Sec. 303.167(a) and (b) and would require each statewide
system to develop an IFSP for each infant or toddler with a disability
in the State, consistent with section 635(a)(4) of the Act. Current
Sec. 303.167(c) would be removed because the requirements regarding
IFSPs and natural environments would be included in proposed Sec. Sec.
303.13(a)(8), 303.26, and 303.344(d)(1)(ii).
Proposed Sec. 303.115, regarding a comprehensive child find
system, would align with section 635(a)(5) of the Act and would replace
current Sec. 303.165. The provisions in current Sec. 303.321
regarding a comprehensive child find system would be incorporated in
proposed Sec. Sec. 303.301 through 303.303, which would be cross-
referenced in proposed Sec. 303.115. Proposed Sec. 303.115 would
require each statewide system to have a comprehensive child find system
that meets the requirements in proposed Sec. Sec. 303.301 through
303.303; these requirements include that a State's comprehensive child
find system be consistent with Part B of the Act and that it ensures
rigorous standards to identify infants and toddlers with disabilities
for services under Part C of the Act that will reduce the need for
future services.
[[Page 26464]]
Proposed Sec. 303.116, regarding public awareness, would align
with section 635(a)(6) of the Act and would replace current Sec.
303.164. Proposed Sec. 303.116, consistent with section 635(a)(6) of
the Act, would set forth the requirements for the statewide system's
public awareness program, which would focus on early identification of
infants and toddlers with disabilities and provide information to
parents of infants and toddlers through primary referral sources.
Proposed Sec. 303.117, regarding the requirements for a central
directory, would align with section 635(a)(7) of the Act and would
combine the requirements of current Sec. Sec. 303.162 and 303.301(a).
The provisions in current Sec. 303.301(c) requiring the central
directory to be up-to-date and accessible to the general public
generally would be included in the introductory text of proposed Sec.
303.117. Proposed Sec. 303.117, however, would also clarify that the
lead agency must ensure that the central directory is accessible
through the lead agency's Web site and other appropriate means as the
requirement in current Sec. 303.301(d) that the lead agency arrange
for copies of the directory to be available in each geographic region
of the State is no longer necessary, as the vast majority of States
maintain the directory on their Web sites. Current Sec. 303.301(b),
which includes the details of the content of the central directory and
current Sec. 303.301(d), which includes the locations and manners of
accessibility, would be removed. Most States now maintain this
information on their Web site and can easily update it more quickly
than is required under current Sec. 303.301.
The note following current Sec. 303.301, which gives examples of
appropriate groups that provide assistance to infants and toddlers with
disabilities and families, would be removed as unnecessary. Proposed
Sec. 303.117 would include language regarding appropriate groups that
would provide assistance to infants and toddlers with disabilities and
their families, including public and private early intervention
services, resources and experts available in the State, and parent
support and training and information centers such as those funded under
the Act.
Proposed Sec. 303.118, regarding the comprehensive system of
personnel development (CSPD), would replace current Sec. Sec. 303.168
and 303.360 to parallel the requirements and order of section 635(a)(8)
of the Act. The introductory paragraph of proposed Sec. 303.118 would
combine the provisions in current Sec. 303.360(b)(3) and (4), and
would require each statewide system to include a CSPD that addresses
the training of paraprofessionals and primary referral sources with
respect to the basic components of early intervention services in the
Proposed Sec. 303.118(a) would replace current Sec.
303.360(c)(1), (2), and (4), and would, consistent with section
635(a)(8)(A) of the Act, list the training that now must be included in
the CSPD. Proposed Sec. 303.118(a)(1) would retain the language in
current Sec. 303.360(c)(1) regarding training on innovative strategies
to recruit and retain EIS providers. Proposed Sec. 303.118(a)(2) would
retain the language in current Sec. 303.360(c)(2) regarding promoting
the preparation of EIS providers who are fully and appropriately
qualified. Under current Sec. 303.360(c)(1) and (2), including this
training in the CSPD was permissive.