Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request, 8189-8190 [E7-3107]
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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 36 / Friday, February 23, 2007 / Notices
Petition No.
Clobetasol Propionate 0.05%,
RLD = Temovate E
Richard Hamer Associates, Inc.
Ifosfamide 50 mg/mL, 20 mL, and 60 mL
Mitchall G. Clark
Captopril 25 mg/5 mL
Miran Consulting, Inc.
Econazole Nitrate 1%
This action is being taken without
prejudice. Any of these petitions may be
resubmitted for action by the agency in
accordance with current law.
Dated: February 13, 2007.
Jeffrey Shuren,
Assistant Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. E7–3043 Filed 2–22–07; 8:45 am]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
In compliance with Section
3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 concerning
opportunity for public comment on
proposed collections of information, the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration will publish
periodic summaries of proposed
projects. To request more information
on the proposed projects or to obtain a
copy of the information collection
plans, call the SAMHSA Reports
Clearance Officer on (240) 276–1243.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed collections of information
are necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection
of information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
Proposed Project: Protection and
Advocacy for Individuals with Mental
Illness (PAIMI) Annual Program
Performance Report (OMB No. 0930–
The Protection and Advocacy for
Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI)
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:07 Feb 22, 2007
Jkt 211001
Act, [42 U.S.C. 10801 et seq.] authorized
funds to support protection and
advocacy services on behalf of
individuals with severe mental illness
and severe emotional impairment who
are at risk for abuse (including incidents
of seclusion, restraint, and serious
injuries or fatalities related to such
incidents, neglect, residing in a public
or private care or treatment facility. The
PAIMI Program is managed by the
Center for Mental Health Services
(CMHS) within the Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA).
Under the PAIMI Act, formula grant
awards are made to governor-designated
protection and advocacy (P&A) systems
in each of the 50 states, the District of
Columbia (Mayor), the American Indian
Consortium [the Dine (Navajo) and Hopi
Peoples in Northern Arizona and New
Mexico), and five (5) territories—
American Samoa, Guam, the Northern
Mariana Islands, the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The awards are used to provide legalbased advocacy services which ensure
protection against violation of the
constitutional and federal rights of
individuals with significant (severe)
mental illness (adults) and significant
(severe) emotional impairment.
In 2000, the PAIMI Act amendments,
created a 57th P&A system—the
American Indian Consortium and
authorized P&A systems to serve PAIMIeligible individuals, as defined under
the Act [42 U.S.C. at 10802 (4)], who
reside in the community including their
own homes. However, P&A services to
PAIMI-eligible clients residing in the
community is permissible only when
the annual PAIMI appropriation met or
exceeded $30 million, and that residents
in public and private residential care or
treatment facilities had service priority
over community residents. The
Children’s Health Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C.
290aa et seq.), also referenced State P&A
authority to obtain information on
incidents of seclusion, restraint, and
related deaths in certain facilities.
The PAIMI Act requires each of the 57
P & A systems to file an annual report,
no later than January 1st, of its activities
and accomplishments and to provide
PO 00000
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information on such topics as, the
numbers of individuals served, types of
complaints addressed, and the number
of intervention strategies used to resolve
the presenting issues. Under the Act, the
PAIMI Advisory Council (PAC) of each
P&A system is also required to submit
its independent assessment of the
effectiveness of the services provided to,
and the activities conducted by, the
P&A systems on behalf of PAIMI-eligible
individuals and their family members,
in a separate section of the PPR.
The Developmental Disabilities
Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of
1975, referred to as the DD Act [42
U.S.C. 6042 et seq.], created the State
P&A systems. The Administration on
Developmental Disabilities, within the
Administration for Children and
Families, has administrative oversight of
the Protection and Advocacy for
Developmental Disabilities (PADD)
Program. Since 1986, the Department
has provided formula grant funds to the
same governor-designated P&A systems
to protect and advocate for individuals
with significant mental illness.
SAMHSA is currently waiting for the
ADD to issue a Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (NPR) for the DD Act of
2000 amendments. These amendments
will also govern activities fulfilled by
the State P&A systems under the PAIMI
Act. Therefore, to ensure to the greatest
extent possible that all facets of the P&A
system administered by the Department
are subject to the same requirements,
SAMHSA will wait until the DD Act
NPR is published before revising the
PAIMI Rules. [The Final PAIMI Rules
were issued in 1997 and were extended
in 2000 and 2004. An FRN was
published May 2006 to extend the
current PAIMI Rules, which will expire
in 2007, until 2010].
The Substance Abuse Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA) is
revising the PAIMI Annual Program
Performance Report for the following
reasons: (1) To make it consistent with
the requirements of the annual reporting
requirements under the PAIMI Act and
the PAIMI Rules (42 CFR Part 51), as 2),
and the CHA of 2000 Parts H and I; (2)
to conform with the Office of
Management and Budget ’s (OMB)
Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 36 / Friday, February 23, 2007 / Notices
findings and recommendations from the
FY 2005 PART of the PAIMI Program;
(3) to broaden the category of deaths
investigated by the State P&A systems;
(4) to reduce the reporting burdens for
the State P&A systems and the PAIMI
Advisory Council (PAC) in certain areas;
and, (5) to enhance the PAC section by
providing better information on its role,
responsibility, and authority on P&A
system PAIMI activities and services.
Planned revisions to the PAIMI
Annual Program Performance Report
(PPR) and the PAC include the
following items:
(1) Changing the fonts to improve
(2) Adding Tables of Contents and
Glossaries to the PPR and ACR sections;
(3) Reducing the reporting burden in
Section 2. PAIMI Program Priorities and
Objectives by requesting only one case
example per priority (goal) rather than
per objective;
(4) Revising Sections: 2. PAIMI
Program Priorities (Goals) and
Objectives: 4. Case Complaints/
Problems of Individuals; and, 5.
Intervention Strategies on Behalf of
Groups of PAIMI-eligible Individuals,
for consistency with the findings and
recommendations from the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), 2005
PART evaluation/assessment of the
PAIMI Program and to clarify and/or
enhance the instructional guidance for
determining activity/intervention
outcomes and estimating the number of
individuals or groups impacted by P&A
system activities/interventions in
sections 4 and 5;
(5) Expanding Section 4. E. 2. by
adding an item c. for the number of
death investigation activities not related
in incidents of seclusion and restraint;
(6) Providing the applicable PAIMI
citations to the guidance in Section 8.
Other Services & Activities.
(7) Modifying the Advisory Council
Report (ACR), Sections B. PAIMI
Advisory Council (PAC) Membership
and C. PAC Ethnicity/Racial Diversity
for consistency with the format used in
the PAIMI Application for FY 2007–
(8) Enhancing Section F. PAC
Activities to include the applicable
citations that will provide each PAC
with better information on its authority,
role, and responsibilities as the P&A
governing authority.
(9) Revising Section G. PAIMI
Assessment of PAIMI Program
Operations, by eliminating the previous
requirement that the PAC comment on
each P&A system annual and objective.
The PAC will only submit a summary of
its assessment of the P&A system’s
annual PAIMI Program priorities,
objectives, activities and program
(10) Adding an additional item to
Section G. to identify the training and
technical assistance needs of each PAC;
(11) Adding the applicable citations to
Section H. Grievance Procedures to
include the applicable citations that will
provide the PAC with better information
on its authority, role, and
The revised report formats will be
effective for the report due on January
1, 2008.
The annual burden estimate is as
Number of
Number of
responses per
Annual Program Performance Report .........................................................
Activities & Accomplishments ......................................................................
Performance outcomes ................................................................................
Expenses .....................................................................................................
Budget ..........................................................................................................
Priority statements & objectives ..................................................................
Advisory Council Report ..............................................................................
Total ......................................................................................................
Send comments to Summer King,
SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer,
Room 7–1045, 1 Choke Cherry Road,
Rockville, MD 20857. Written comments
should be received within 60 days of
this notice.
Dated: February 11, 2007.
Elaine Parry,
Acting Director, Office of Program Services,
[FR Doc. E7–3107 Filed 2–22–07; 8:45 am]
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration
Notice of a Meeting
Pursuant to Public Law 92–463,
notice is hereby given of a meeting of
the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
VerDate Aug<31>2005
18:00 Feb 22, 2007
Jkt 211001
Services Administration (SAMHSA)
National Advisory Council on March 7–
8, 2007.
The meeting is open to the public and
will include a report from the newly
appointed SAMHSA Administrator, Dr.
Terry L. Cline; a presentation on the
National Registry of Evidence-Based
Programs and Practices; an update on
recent epidemiological data on
methamphetamine use; and a
presentation on SAMHSA’s Workforce
Development activities.
Attendance by the public will be
limited to the space available. Public
comments are welcome. Please
communicate with the Council’s
Executive Secretary, Ms. Toian Vaughn
(see contact information below), to make
arrangements to comment or to request
special accommodations for persons
with disabilities.
Substantive program information, a
summary of the meeting, and a roster of
Council members may be obtained
PO 00000
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Hours per
Total hour
either by accessing the SAMHSA
Committee’s Web site at https:// as soon
as possible after the meeting, or by
contacting Ms. Vaughn. The transcript
for the meeting will also be available on
the SAMHSA Committee’s Web site
within three weeks after the meeting.
Committee Name: SAMHSA National
Advisory Council.
Date/Time/Type: Wednesday, March 7,
2007, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Open. Thursday,
March 8, 2007, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.: Open.
Place: 1 Choke Cherry Road, Sugarloaf and
Seneca Conference Rooms, Rockville,
Maryland 20857.
Contact: Toian Vaughn, Executive
Secretary, SAMHSA National Advisory
Council and SAMHSA Committee
Management Officer, 1 Choke Cherry Road,
Room 8–1089, Rockville, Maryland 20857,
Telephone: (240) 276–2307; FAX: (240) 276–
2220 and E-mail:
[Federal Register Volume 72, Number 36 (Friday, February 23, 2007)]
[Pages 8189-8190]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E7-3107]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
In compliance with Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 concerning opportunity for public comment on proposed
collections of information, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration will publish periodic summaries of proposed
projects. To request more information on the proposed projects or to
obtain a copy of the information collection plans, call the SAMHSA
Reports Clearance Officer on (240) 276-1243.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collections of
information are necessary for the proper performance of the functions
of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways
to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents,
including through the use of automated collection techniques or other
forms of information technology.
Proposed Project: Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental
Illness (PAIMI) Annual Program Performance Report (OMB No. 0930-0169)--
The Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness
(PAIMI) Act, [42 U.S.C. 10801 et seq.] authorized funds to support
protection and advocacy services on behalf of individuals with severe
mental illness and severe emotional impairment who are at risk for
abuse (including incidents of seclusion, restraint, and serious
injuries or fatalities related to such incidents, neglect, residing in
a public or private care or treatment facility. The PAIMI Program is
managed by the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) within the
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Under the PAIMI Act, formula grant awards are made to governor-
designated protection and advocacy (P&A) systems in each of the 50
states, the District of Columbia (Mayor), the American Indian
Consortium [the Dine (Navajo) and Hopi Peoples in Northern Arizona and
New Mexico), and five (5) territories--American Samoa, Guam, the
Northern Mariana Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S.
Virgin Islands. The awards are used to provide legal-based advocacy
services which ensure protection against violation of the
constitutional and federal rights of individuals with significant
(severe) mental illness (adults) and significant (severe) emotional
In 2000, the PAIMI Act amendments, created a 57th P&A system--the
American Indian Consortium and authorized P&A systems to serve PAIMI-
eligible individuals, as defined under the Act [42 U.S.C. at 10802
(4)], who reside in the community including their own homes. However,
P&A services to PAIMI-eligible clients residing in the community is
permissible only when the annual PAIMI appropriation met or exceeded
$30 million, and that residents in public and private residential care
or treatment facilities had service priority over community residents.
The Children's Health Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. 290aa et seq.), also
referenced State P&A authority to obtain information on incidents of
seclusion, restraint, and related deaths in certain facilities.
The PAIMI Act requires each of the 57 P & A systems to file an
annual report, no later than January 1st, of its activities and
accomplishments and to provide information on such topics as, the
numbers of individuals served, types of complaints addressed, and the
number of intervention strategies used to resolve the presenting
issues. Under the Act, the PAIMI Advisory Council (PAC) of each P&A
system is also required to submit its independent assessment of the
effectiveness of the services provided to, and the activities conducted
by, the P&A systems on behalf of PAIMI-eligible individuals and their
family members, in a separate section of the PPR.
The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of
1975, referred to as the DD Act [42 U.S.C. 6042 et seq.], created the
State P&A systems. The Administration on Developmental Disabilities,
within the Administration for Children and Families, has administrative
oversight of the Protection and Advocacy for Developmental Disabilities
(PADD) Program. Since 1986, the Department has provided formula grant
funds to the same governor-designated P&A systems to protect and
advocate for individuals with significant mental illness. SAMHSA is
currently waiting for the ADD to issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(NPR) for the DD Act of 2000 amendments. These amendments will also
govern activities fulfilled by the State P&A systems under the PAIMI
Act. Therefore, to ensure to the greatest extent possible that all
facets of the P&A system administered by the Department are subject to
the same requirements, SAMHSA will wait until the DD Act NPR is
published before revising the PAIMI Rules. [The Final PAIMI Rules were
issued in 1997 and were extended in 2000 and 2004. An FRN was published
May 2006 to extend the current PAIMI Rules, which will expire in 2007,
until 2010].
The Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
is revising the PAIMI Annual Program Performance Report for the
following reasons: (1) To make it consistent with the requirements of
the annual reporting requirements under the PAIMI Act and the PAIMI
Rules (42 CFR Part 51), as 2), and the CHA of 2000 Parts H and I; (2)
to conform with the Office of Management and Budget 's (OMB)
[[Page 8190]]
findings and recommendations from the FY 2005 PART of the PAIMI
Program; (3) to broaden the category of deaths investigated by the
State P&A systems; (4) to reduce the reporting burdens for the State
P&A systems and the PAIMI Advisory Council (PAC) in certain areas; and,
(5) to enhance the PAC section by providing better information on its
role, responsibility, and authority on P&A system PAIMI activities and
Planned revisions to the PAIMI Annual Program Performance Report
(PPR) and the PAC include the following items:
(1) Changing the fonts to improve readability;
(2) Adding Tables of Contents and Glossaries to the PPR and ACR
(3) Reducing the reporting burden in Section 2. PAIMI Program
Priorities and Objectives by requesting only one case example per
priority (goal) rather than per objective;
(4) Revising Sections: 2. PAIMI Program Priorities (Goals) and
Objectives: 4. Case Complaints/Problems of Individuals; and, 5.
Intervention Strategies on Behalf of Groups of PAIMI-eligible
Individuals, for consistency with the findings and recommendations from
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 2005 PART evaluation/
assessment of the PAIMI Program and to clarify and/or enhance the
instructional guidance for determining activity/intervention outcomes
and estimating the number of individuals or groups impacted by P&A
system activities/interventions in sections 4 and 5;
(5) Expanding Section 4. E. 2. by adding an item c. for the number
of death investigation activities not related in incidents of seclusion
and restraint;
(6) Providing the applicable PAIMI citations to the guidance in
Section 8. Other Services & Activities.
(7) Modifying the Advisory Council Report (ACR), Sections B. PAIMI
Advisory Council (PAC) Membership and C. PAC Ethnicity/Racial Diversity
for consistency with the format used in the PAIMI Application for FY
(8) Enhancing Section F. PAC Activities to include the applicable
citations that will provide each PAC with better information on its
authority, role, and responsibilities as the P&A governing authority.
(9) Revising Section G. PAIMI Assessment of PAIMI Program
Operations, by eliminating the previous requirement that the PAC
comment on each P&A system annual and objective. The PAC will only
submit a summary of its assessment of the P&A system's annual PAIMI
Program priorities, objectives, activities and program operations;
(10) Adding an additional item to Section G. to identify the
training and technical assistance needs of each PAC; and,
(11) Adding the applicable citations to Section H. Grievance
Procedures to include the applicable citations that will provide the
PAC with better information on its authority, role, and
The revised report formats will be effective for the report due on
January 1, 2008.
The annual burden estimate is as follows:
Number of
Number of responses per Hours per Total hour
respondents respondent response burden
Annual Program Performance Report............. 57 1 26 1,482
Activities & Accomplishments.................. .............. .............. (20) (1,140)
Performance outcomes.......................... .............. .............. (3) (171)
Expenses...................................... .............. .............. (1) (57)
Budget........................................ .............. .............. (1) (57)
Priority statements & objectives.............. .............. .............. (1) (57)
Advisory Council Report....................... 57 1 10 570
Total..................................... 114 .............. ............... 2,052
Send comments to Summer King, SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer,
Room 7-1045, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Rockville, MD 20857. Written comments
should be received within 60 days of this notice.
Dated: February 11, 2007.
Elaine Parry,
Acting Director, Office of Program Services, SAMHSA.
[FR Doc. E7-3107 Filed 2-22-07; 8:45 am]