Application and Opportunity for Hearing: Software Brokers of America, Inc., 69603-69604 [E6-20310]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 231 / Friday, December 1, 2006 / Notices
Issued in Washington, DC, on this 17th day
of November 2006.
Vincent K. Snowbarger,
Interim Director, Pension Benefit Guaranty
[FR Doc. E6–20386 Filed 11–30–06; 8:45 am]
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with NOTICES1
Proposed Collection; Comment
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
requirement of Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
which provides opportunity for public
comment on new or revised data
collections, the Railroad Retirement
Board (RRB) will publish periodic
summaries of proposed data collections.
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the proposed information collection is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the agency, including
whether the information has practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of the RRB’s
estimate of the burden of the collection
of the information; (c) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d)
ways to minimize the burden related to
the collection of information on
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Title and purpose of information
collection: Appeal Under the Railroad
Retirement and Railroad Unemployment
Insurance Act; OMB 3220–0007 Under
Section 7(b)(3) of the Railroad
Retirement Act (RRA), and section 5(c)
of the Railroad Unemployment
Insurance Act (RUIA) any person
aggrieved by a decision on his or her
application for an annuity or benefit
under that Act has the right to appeal to
the RRB. This right is prescribed in 20
CFR 260 and 20 CFR 320. The
notification letter sent to the individual
at the time of the original action on the
application informs the applicant of
such right. When an individual protests
a decision, the concerned bureau
reviews the entire file and any
additional evidence submitted and
sends the applicant a letter explaining
the basis of the determination. The
applicant is then notified that if he or
she wishes to protest further, they can
appeal to the RRB’s Bureau of Hearings
and Appeals. The procedure pertaining
to the filing of such an appeal is
prescribed in 20 CFR 260.5 and 260.9
and 20 CFR 320.12 and 320.38.
The form prescribed by the RRB for
filing an appeal under the RRA or RUIA
is form HA–1, Appeal Under the
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Railroad Retirement Act or Railroad
Unemployment Insurance Act. The form
asks the applicant to furnish the basis
for the appeal and what additional
evidence, if any, is to be submitted.
Completion is voluntary, however if the
information is not provided the RRB
cannot process the appeal.
The RRB proposes no changes to
Form HA–1. The completion time for
the HA–1 is estimated at 20 minutes per
response. The RRB estimates that
approximately 650 Form HA–1’s are
completed annually.
Additional Information or Comments:
To request more information or to
obtain a copy of the information
collection justification, forms, and/or
supporting material, please call the RRB
Clearance Officer at (312) 751–3363 or
send an e-mail request to
Charles.Mierzwa@RRB.GOV. Comments
regarding the information collection
should be addressed to Ronald J.
Hodapp, Railroad Retirement Board, 844
North Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois
60611–2092 or send an e-mail to
Ronald.Hodapp@RRB.GOV. Written
comments should be received within 60
days of this notice.
Charles Mierzwa,
Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. E6–20345 Filed 11–30–06; 8:45 am]
[File No. 22–28824]
Application and Opportunity for
Hearing: Software Brokers of America,
November 27, 2006.
The Securities and Exchange
Commission gives notice that Software
Brokers of America, Inc. has filed an
application under Section 304(d) of the
Trust Indenture Act of 1939. Software
Brokers of America asks the
Commission to exempt from the
certificate or opinion delivery
requirements of Section 314(d) of the
1939 Act certain provisions of an
indenture dated August 25, 2005, as
supplemented by an indenture dated
October 31, 2006, between Intcomex,
Inc., Software Brokers of America,
Intcomex Holdings, LLC, Intcomex
Holdings SPC–I, LLC, and The Bank of
New York, as trustee. The indenture
relates to 113⁄4% Second Priority Senior
Secured Notes due 2011.
Section 304(d) of the 1939 Act, in
part, authorizes the Commission to
exempt conditionally or
unconditionally any indenture from one
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or more provisions of the 1939 Act. The
Commission may provide an exemption
under Section 304(d) if it finds that the
exemption is necessary or appropriate
in the public interest and consistent
with the protection of investors and the
purposes fairly intended by the 1939
Section 314(d) requires the obligor to
furnish to the indenture trustee
certificates or opinions of fair value
from an engineer, appraiser or other
expert upon any release of collateral
from the lien of the indenture. The
engineer, appraiser or other expert must
opine that the proposed release will not
impair the security under the indenture
in contravention of the provisions of the
indenture. The application requests an
exemption from Section 314(d) for
specified dispositions of collateral that
are made in Software Brokers of
America’s ordinary course of business.
In its application, Software Brokers of
America alleges that:
1. The indenture permits Software
Brokers of America to dispose of
collateral in the ordinary course of its
2. Intcomex will deliver to the trustee
annual consolidated financial
statements audited by certified
independent accountants; and
3. Software Brokers of America will
deliver to the trustee a semi-annual
certificate stating that all dispositions of
collateral during the relevant six-month
period occurred in Software Brokers of
America’s ordinary course of business
and that all of the proceeds were used
as permitted by the indenture.
Any interested persons should look to
the application for a more detailed
statement of the asserted matters of fact
and law. The application is on file in
the Commission’s Public Reference
Section, File Number 22–28824, 100 F
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20549.
The Commission also gives notice that
any interested persons may request, in
writing, that a hearing be held on this
matter. Interested persons must submit
those requests to the Commission no
later than December 27, 2006. Interested
persons must include the following in
their request for a hearing on this
—The nature of that person’s interest;
—the reasons for the request; and
—the issues of law or fact raised by the
application that the interested person
desires to refute or request a hearing
The interested person should address
this request for a hearing to: Nancy M.
Morris, Secretary, Securities and
Exchange Commission, 100 F Street,
NE., Washington, DC 20549–1090. At
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 231 / Friday, December 1, 2006 / Notices
any time after December 27, 2006, the
Commission may issue an order
granting the application, unless the
Commission orders a hearing.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Corporation Finance, pursuant to delegated
Nancy M. Morris,
[FR Doc. E6–20310 Filed 11–30–06; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–54816; File No. SR–NSCC–
Self-Regulatory Organizations;
National Securities Clearing
Corporation; Order Approving
Proposed Rule Change To Allow Cash,
Next Day, and Seller’s Option Equity
Trades To Be Processed in the
Continuous Net Settlement System
and To Modify the Clearing Fund
Formula To Mitigate the Risk
Associated With the Shorter
Settlement Cycle of Cash and Next Day
Settling Trades
November 27, 2006.
I. Introduction
On July 24, 2006, the National
Securities Clearing Corporation
(‘‘NSCC’’) filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’)
proposed rule change SR–NSCC–2006–
09 pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’).1 Notice of the proposal was
published in the Federal Register on
September 29, 2006.2 The Commission
received no comment letters. For the
reasons discussed below, the
Commission is approving the proposed
rule change.
II. Description
NSCC seeks to modify its procedures
for equity trade processing to enable
cash,3 next day,4 and seller’s option 5
equity trades received on a locked-in
basis from self-regulatory organizations
(‘‘SROs’’) and Qualified Special
Representatives (‘‘QSRs’’) to be
processed in NSCC’s Continuous Net
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with NOTICES1
1 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
2 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 54482
(September 22, 2006), 71 FR 57588.
3 A ‘‘cash trade’’ is a trade that settles on the same
day as the trade.
4 A ‘‘next day trade’’ is a trade that settles on the
day after the trade (‘‘T+1’’).
5 A ‘‘seller’s option trade’’ is a trade that gives the
seller the right to deliver the securities on a
specified date ranging from not less than two but
not more than 180 days after the trade.
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Settlement (‘‘CNS’’) system.6 NSCC is
also proposing to add a new element to
its clearing fund formula to cover trades,
such as cash and next day settling CNS
trades, that settle in less than three
A. Cash, Next Day, and Seller’s Option
Equity Trades Processed in CNS
Currently, cash, next day, and seller’s
option equity trades are recorded or
compared, as applicable, and are
reported by NSCC to its members but
are not settled through NSCC’s facilities.
Instead these trades currently settle on
a trade-for-trade basis directly between
When NSCC updated and revised
CNS in 2004 (referred to as the ‘‘CNS
Rewrite’’), a major aspect included a
new platform for the system that
accommodates real-time updates,
including the capacity to add trades to
the settlement process on a real-time
basis for late input into CNS until noon
of settlement day.8 At that time, rule
changes were made to permit as-of
regular way equity trades, i.e., trades
settling on a T+3 basis that are either
recorded or compared after trade date,
to be submitted to NSCC up to the cutoff time designated by NSCC on T+3 for
processing in CNS for settlement on
their originally designated settlement
dates. Given the system’s real-time
capabilities, members would now also
like to have cash, next day, and seller’s
option equity trades in CNS-eligible
CUSIPS made eligible for processing in
CNS. This would provide members with
the benefits of netting, automated trade
processing, and NSCC’s trade guaranty.
Accordingly, NSCC proposes to amend
its Procedure II (Trade Comparison and
Recording Service) to permit cash, next
day, and seller’s option equity
transactions submitted by SROs and
QSRs on behalf of members to be
processed for settlement through the
facilities of NSCC.
Cash trades submitted after the cut-off
time designated by NSCC, which is
currently 11:30 a.m., would only be
recorded and reported by NSCC and
would, as is the current situation, have
to be settled directly between the parties
6 Cash and next day trades in debt securities are
compared but are not settled through NSCC. NSCC
is not at this time seeking to make such trades
eligible for CNS.
7 NSCC plans to implement the proposed rule
change in the first quarter of 2007. NSCC will notify
the Commission and issue an Important Notice
when it is prepared to implement the proposed rule
8 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 50026 (July
15, 2004), 69 FR 43650 [File No. SR–NSCC–2004–
PO 00000
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outside of NSCC.9 Next day as-of trades
if received prior to the applicable cutoff time, would be processed for
settlement on their originally designated
settlement date.10 If such trades were
received after the applicable cut-off
time, the trade would be assigned the
next settlement day for settlement.
Seller’s option equity trades would be
accepted for processing so long as the
parties’ designated settlement date is
not more than 180 days beyond the
trade date. Finally, trades that are (i)
designated ‘‘special trades,’’ 11 (ii) in
non-CNS eligible securities, (iii) in
securities undergoing corporate actions,
or (iv) scheduled to settle between the
ex-dividend date and the record date
would continue to be processed on a
trade-for-trade basis outside NSCC’s
Conforming changes as needed are
also being made to Procedure IV
(Special Representative Service),
Procedure V (Balance Order Accounting
Operation), and Procedure VII (CNS
Accounting Operation).
B. Shortened Process Trade Component
in the Clearing Fund Formula
NSCC is also proposing to modify its
clearing fund formula (Procedure XV)
by including an additional component
that is intended to mitigate the risk
associated with trades that are
processed on a settlement cycle shorter
than three days such as cash and next
day settling CNS trades. Because
NSCC’s trade guaranty would attach to
these trades prior to the scheduled
collection of clearing fund monies, the
proposed new additional component is
intended to mitigate risk by calculating
an average clearing fund requirement for
this type of activity (referred to in the
proposed rules and this release as
‘‘Specified Activity’’) based upon
historical activity.12
Specified Activity positions would be
isolated and a charge would be applied
using not less than two standard
deviations. The new component would
equal the average of a member’s charges
for Specified Activity on the three
highest days with the Special Activity
charges calculated over the most recent
9 NSCC announced the 11:30 a.m. cut-off time in
its Important Notice A#6220, P&S#5790 (March 23,
2006), which is the same as the current cut-off time
for receipt of next day as-of trade input. Any
changes to the cut-off times would be announced
by NSCC through an Important Notice.
10 Id.
11 A ‘‘special trade’’ is defined in NSCC’s rules to
mean a transaction reported to NSCC involving a
security either which the parties thereto agree to
settle on a member-to-member basis or which NSCC
designates as settling on a member-to-member basis.
12 This component is also being added to
Appendix 1.
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 231 (Friday, December 1, 2006)]
[Pages 69603-69604]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-20310]
[File No. 22-28824]
Application and Opportunity for Hearing: Software Brokers of
America, Inc.
November 27, 2006.
The Securities and Exchange Commission gives notice that Software
Brokers of America, Inc. has filed an application under Section 304(d)
of the Trust Indenture Act of 1939. Software Brokers of America asks
the Commission to exempt from the certificate or opinion delivery
requirements of Section 314(d) of the 1939 Act certain provisions of an
indenture dated August 25, 2005, as supplemented by an indenture dated
October 31, 2006, between Intcomex, Inc., Software Brokers of America,
Intcomex Holdings, LLC, Intcomex Holdings SPC-I, LLC, and The Bank of
New York, as trustee. The indenture relates to 11\3/4\% Second Priority
Senior Secured Notes due 2011.
Section 304(d) of the 1939 Act, in part, authorizes the Commission
to exempt conditionally or unconditionally any indenture from one or
more provisions of the 1939 Act. The Commission may provide an
exemption under Section 304(d) if it finds that the exemption is
necessary or appropriate in the public interest and consistent with the
protection of investors and the purposes fairly intended by the 1939
Section 314(d) requires the obligor to furnish to the indenture
trustee certificates or opinions of fair value from an engineer,
appraiser or other expert upon any release of collateral from the lien
of the indenture. The engineer, appraiser or other expert must opine
that the proposed release will not impair the security under the
indenture in contravention of the provisions of the indenture. The
application requests an exemption from Section 314(d) for specified
dispositions of collateral that are made in Software Brokers of
America's ordinary course of business.
In its application, Software Brokers of America alleges that:
1. The indenture permits Software Brokers of America to dispose of
collateral in the ordinary course of its business;
2. Intcomex will deliver to the trustee annual consolidated
financial statements audited by certified independent accountants; and
3. Software Brokers of America will deliver to the trustee a semi-
annual certificate stating that all dispositions of collateral during
the relevant six-month period occurred in Software Brokers of America's
ordinary course of business and that all of the proceeds were used as
permitted by the indenture.
Any interested persons should look to the application for a more
detailed statement of the asserted matters of fact and law. The
application is on file in the Commission's Public Reference Section,
File Number 22-28824, 100 F Street, NE., Washington, DC 20549.
The Commission also gives notice that any interested persons may
request, in writing, that a hearing be held on this matter. Interested
persons must submit those requests to the Commission no later than
December 27, 2006. Interested persons must include the following in
their request for a hearing on this matter:
--The nature of that person's interest;
--the reasons for the request; and
--the issues of law or fact raised by the application that the
interested person desires to refute or request a hearing on.
The interested person should address this request for a hearing to:
Nancy M. Morris, Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F
Street, NE., Washington, DC 20549-1090. At
[[Page 69604]]
any time after December 27, 2006, the Commission may issue an order
granting the application, unless the Commission orders a hearing.
For the Commission, by the Division of Corporation Finance,
pursuant to delegated authority.
Nancy M. Morris,
[FR Doc. E6-20310 Filed 11-30-06; 8:45 am]